Math Team Scores Third Place The CMS Math Team consisting of eighth graders Alfred Schiavetti, Joshua Perelman, Jonathan Norton, Kevin Dickey and· Logan Clarke, all of class of '86, participated at the regional level of the annual MA THCOUNTS contest. The nationwide contest is a cooperative project of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, NASA, the CNA Insurance Companies and the Department of Education. The contest is broken down into individual and team categories. The special topic this year is "Probability." Eight teams were represented at the regional level competition, which was held in New London, NH. By finishing third as a team, the CMS Math team earned the privilege to represent the region and Cardigan at the state level competition in April. Alfred Schiavetti and Logan Clarke finished fourth and fifth respectively in the individual category.
Wakely Family Welcomes First Two Grandchildren In a flurry of polaroid cameras and embroidery hoops, Headmaster and Mrs. Wakely became grandparents this winter. Born on January 12th was Alison Kimberly Laturnau, daughter of Herman and Mary Wakely ('73) Laturnau. Charles Bradford Wakely, Jr., arrived February 6, the son of Charles '70 and Betsey Wakely .
Good News for 1985 Donors In 1981, Congress enacted legislation which each year allows those who don't itemize to deduct a larger portion of their gifts. In 1985, these donors may deduct afull one-half of their charitable gifts up to half of their adjusted gross income.
Robert W. Stoddard 1906 - 1984
Cardigan Benefactor Robert W. Stoddard Remembered As Conservative Leader Member of Cardigan's Board of lncorporators since 1953, Chairman of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette Inc., and former chairman of ~/yman-Gordon Go., Robert W. Stoddard died in his Worcester home on December 15. He was 78. Born in Trenton, NJ, he graduated from Worcester Academy in 1924, from Yale University in 1928, and from Harvard Business School in 1929. His business and philanthropic activities were widespread: he served as a Trustee of Worcester Polytechnics Institute, the American Antiquarian socie.ty, the Worcester Art Museum, the Area Council of the Boy Scouts, and was past· president of the Worcester YMCA.
FORWARD PETER WHITEHEAD '87 (#4) leads a youthfu l varsity hockey attack in a 10-2 victory over Hanover. Varsity, whith included six eighth graders and four seventh graders amongst its eighteen players, skated to an impressive 14-1 record. Also pictured (L to R): Matt Buffone '87, Mark Bothwell (#12),John Barto '86 (goalie), andjason Hammond '86. MVP Tommijokinen '85 paced the scoring, whi le senior George Husson anchored the defense on Coachjosh Bressler's welldisciplined squad. (See Athlet ics p. 5.)
Stoddard Learning Center Opens in 1983 In spite of his many civic and business obligations, Mr. Stoddard kept Cardigan one of his major and continuing interests. continued on p. 2