Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Commencement, 1985)

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Capital Campaign Reaches Goal · by John L . Tower, General Chairman Cardigan Today/Tomorrow

The news from Cardigan is good. Late in June, just a few days before the official close of our Today/Tomorrow Campaign to raise $5,000,000, we went over the top. When the books closed on June 30th, Cardigan had received a . grand total of $5,016,946. This is a remarkable achievement. It has meant the completion of our beautiful new Stoddard Learning Center, an endowment for all purposes that now totals $2,000,000 and a relaxed Cardigan staff and Board of Trustees , grateful and slightly astonished at the generosity of the Cardigan family that has made this achievement possible. Perhaps a brief review of the figures would be of interest. We spent $2,242,000 to build and equip our new library, auditorium and the building's reading and language classrooms. The building is completely paid for; the additional gifts outstanding, in the form of pledges, will constitute an endowment of the building for its future use. It had been our hope during this campaign that" we would succeed in increasing our total Endowment from about $650,000 five years ago to a solid figure of $3,000,000. Unfortunately, achieving this goal still lies ahead of us. However gifts to endowment have brought our total endowment to $2 ,000,000-still a substantial accomplishment and a great addition to the strength and future stability of Cardigan. Our endowment by various categories breaks down as follows: various scholarship funds established over the years now total $847 ,371 ; restricted funds for a range of special purposes now total $233,291; unrestricted funds, providing income to be continued on p. 2

Winners of the Faculty Prizes are (L to R) Rene Keilhauer, Bodhi Amos, Neil Scheufler, Charlie Whitlock, John -Gordon Swogger, and Carter Nield.

Cardigan Graduates Move On

Seven Honored by Faculty

Placement Director Jeffrey D. Hicks reports that offers of admission from 46 secondary schools have been made to members of the Class of 1985. Among the schools accepting Cardigan students are Groton, Trinity-Pauling, Brooks, Deerfield, Blair, Peddie, Avon Old Farms, Taft, Salisbury, Cushing, Tilton, Lawrence, Gunnery, Loomis Chaffee, Williston Northampton, Suffield, Hotchkiss, Holderness, Northfield Mount Herman, Proctor, Kent, St. Paul's, Choate Rosemary Hall, Kimball Union, and St. Mark's .

Bodhi Amos '85, The Senior Prize: To the member of the senior class with the ' highest academic standing. Christopher Small '85, The Hinman Prize: A prize given annually in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Hinman to the member of the school who, in the opinion of the faculty, by industrious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and integrity, most nearly approaches the ideals of manhood as conceived in the minds of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School . continued on p. 2

Commencement is a happy time for all, especially for (L to R) Headmaster Norman C. Wakery, the Very Reverend Richard W. Rowland, Dean of the Cathedral of New Orleans, and Savage C. Frieze,.Jr., Chairman of Cardigan's Board of Trustees.


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