today tomorrow Commencement Issue 1986 CARD~GAN MOUNTAIN SCHOOL I CANAAN, NEW HAMPS-~-~ 03741 / (603) 5234321
Annual Fund Is Largest In School's History Breaking records in both participation and total money received, this past year's books were closed at $129,361. 597 people contributed. Credit goes to our 48 hard working volunteers and to others with no official titles who worked to make education at Cardigan excellent. Many thanks are deserved by all our supporters, and the Cardigan community is grateful. Two capital projects are now underway: the Cardigan Utilities Project which is raising funds to improve the water , sewer, and fire protection systems, and the Dramatic Arts Endowment Fund which is offering named chairs in the theater. Please contact the Development Office (603) 523-4321 for more information.
Seniors Raise $4,225 For Gift To School
Cardigan Graduates Move On
Throughout the year, the Class of '86 raised enough money to give the School a water cannon, installed and ready to irrigate parts of the athletic fields which up to now were bare dirt. This is a remarkable achievement, and the Cardigan community is grateful .
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Placement Director Jeffrey D. Hicks announced that offers of admission have been received from 38 secondary schools. Among the schools accepting Cardigan graduates are Avon Old Farms, Berkshire, Holderness , Lawrence, Choate , Peddie, Taft, St. Paul ' s , Brooks , Aiglon (Switzerland) , Brewster , Loomis Chaffee, Groton, Hotchkiss , Kimball Union, St. Mark's , South Kent, and Tilton .
Faculty Prize winners are (L. to R.) Ian Toney, Jim Terkelsen, and Dwight Kee. See p . 2 f or story.
Particularly proud at commencement are: L. to R. · Board President Savage C. Frieze, Jr., Commencement Speaker Dr. Walter E . Massey, and Headmaster Norman C. Wake!,, .
Elected by his f ellow students is School L eader for next years, Peter Whitehead '87, son of William.L. Whitehead '59.