today tomorrow . '.
School Starts On A New High
Getting acquainted with the Kirk Library - Parents' Weekend 1986
Hundreds Attend Parents' Weekend While the hills of New Hampshire still retained their Autumn splendor, over 300 parents were on Campus to enjoy the weather, the scenery , and a visit with their sons on Parents ' Weekend, O ctober 11-12 . The Summer Session ran to capacity This was the largest number ever to attend with 160 boys and girls who came for extra the annual Fall weekend. Registration help in basic skills, for review, advanceopened at 7: 45 am so that parents could ment and enrichment academic work, and visit classes starting at 8 o'clock. After classes, a welcome from the Headmaster to enjoy the pleasures of the campus in summer. Computer courses and typing and a buffet lunch, parents and students were popular choices and Latin was added had a choice of five soccer games and one football game to fill up the afternoon. In '{o_ the usual offerings of French and between they warmed up and visited in the ~anish language studies. Mornings six days a week were devoted to academics and Kenerson Social Center. When the games were over, most parents and their sons afternoon and weekend activities included a wide variety of sports, skills, crafts and went off campus for a "real" meal and a hobbies. To take advantage of the school's long evening. Parents were guests at Chapel Sunday morning, and the rest of New Hampshire location, 3 day hiking and conoe trips were scheduled throughout the the day was free for more visiting. If you summer session . weren't here, we'll do it again on January 30th. Put the date on your calendar now so Plans are already underway for the sumyou won't miss our Winter Wonderland! mer of 198 7 and since these sessions fill
Summer Session 1986
All day Saturday new students and their parents arrived, registered, unloaded cars and station wagons, carried luggage into the dormitories, met floor leaders and dorm masters, said good-byes, and the boys started settling into their new environment. Everyone gathered for dinner in the dining room and the Headmaster did his best to make the new boys feel that this would be their happy home for the months to come. Then he announced: Tomorrow everyone gets up at 5 am and we're going to climb Mt. Cardigan together. Busses left the campus in the dark, boys struggled to find the rocky mountain path in the light of their flashlights and shivered in the early morning cold . Finally they were at the summit, and _in time for the real surprise -as beautifully spectacular a sunrise as New Hampshire could ever produce, viewed from their 360° outlook. Despite the hour and the darkness and the strangeness - it was an experience never to be. forgotten . So started the 41 st year at Cardigan Mountain School. · The opening enrollment of 180 boys is a near record . If geographical diversity is any m ark of greatness, the school has it. The 1986-87 stud.e nts represent 28 states from Maine to Florida and from New York to California. Adding an internatio_nal flavor are 13 students from outside the USA : from Mexico, Bahamas, Bermuda and Canada on this side of the Atlantic and also from Finland and Spain . Since 19 % of this . year's students are receiving ·some financial aid, up to and including full scholarships, the Cardigan experience exposes boys to a wide variety of differences in social, economic and cultural backgrounds.
quickly, those interested should request information from the Admissions Office without delay .