today tomorrow
COMMENCEMENT ISSUE 1987 Graduate Relations This year ' s Senior Class included ten boys who have Cardigan relatives : HuiNeng Amos - brother of Bodhi ' 85 Anthony Emerson - nephew of R. Alden Burt (ex-faculty ) Sean Finnerty - brother of James '84 Michael Golden - brother of John ' 85 Christian Hartmann - cousin of Anton '83 Jeffrey Littlepage - cousin of George (Chip) Graham ' 86 Sean Powers - brqther of Kevin ' 82 and Scott ' 75 Davicfschmidt - brother of Bruce ' 82 Jon Taufman - brother of Joshua '86 Peter Whitehead - son of William ' 59
Seniors in the receiving line after Commencement.
61 Seniors Graduate Sixty-one members of the Class of 1987 were presented their diplanas by Savage C. Frieze, Jr., President of the Board of Trustees , qn Saturday , May 30th . The graduates came from 18 states fran Maine to Florida and fran New York to California, and also included boys from Bermuda , Finland and Mexico . The 41st Commencement Exercises took place on as glorious an early summer day as New Hampshire ever produced . It was warm enough to make the white jackets of the graduating class the perfectly proper at tire , and the clear , blue sky and bright sunshine provided excellent conditions for photography . The Commencement address was given by Dr . Wade Davis , ethnobiologist, teacher, lecturer , explorer and author of the book : The Serpent and the Rainbow. Dr . Davis spent Friday afternoon and evening at the school getting acquainted with students and their parents , and his advice about caning of age and becaning your own man were pertinent and suitable for the graduating seniors .
Board Presidmt Savage Frieze with Dr. Wade Davis, Commencement speak.er.