Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Christmas, 1987)

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IGAN ··today





by William Hart

Enjoying brisk fall weather, hundreds of parents were on campus October 10 and 11 attending classes , crowding into the dining room for a buffet lunch, watching numerous football and soccer games and - rrost important - visiting their sons. It looked like more parents were here than ever before . Classroans were filled to capacity and parents were standing in the corridor outside the doors. When not in class, parents gathered in the Alumni and Development Office and in the Library to relax with a cup of coffee and chat with other parents. Extra tables had been set up in the dining room, but there still wasn't enough space for everyone to be seated at once. Despite (or perhaps because of) the crowding, everyone seemed to be enjoying the weekend. Savage Frieze, President of the Board of Trustees, extended official greetings from the Board and made the official announcement of Headmaster Wakely' s decision to retire at the end of the 1988-89 school year. Mr. Frieze told parents that the Board was fortunate to have this much notice and they are planning a smooth and orderly transition to the new headmaster. Independent Educational Services of Princeton, N.J. have been engaged to help with the search by identifying a range of eligible candidates and · narrowing these down to half a dozen finalists from which the Board will make their selection.

In addition to reading an assigned novel , each returning student is required to . complete a project during the summer vacation. A project proposal is filled out in the spring and signed by each boy ' s advisor. Those projects can be practically anything the student has an interest in - from getting a driver's license to building a car; from reading novels to writing them; from creating computer programs to building desks for the computers to sit on. During Parents' Weekend in the fall, boys who wish to display their projects may set them up in the Kirk Library. This year over continued on back page


BRETT DENNIS, 8th grade, on his ¼ pipe skateboard ramp. Note Cardigan Blazer and summer reading book.

In his remarks to the parents , Mr. Wakely said he had three goals he wants to see fulfilled in the next 20 months: installation of artificial ice for skating, completion of fund raising for a new science building, and raising the total endowment of the school to at least $5 million. The next Parents' Weekend will be January 29-31 at which time there will be ski meets, basketball, wrestling, hockey and spectacular winter scenery.



On October 12th Cardigan lost a Trustee and gooo friend. Jerry Newton was elected to the Board in 1951 and gave unstintingly of his time, effort and wise counsel from that time f,orward. His financial guidance was invaluable to the school in its early year.s when meeting the payroll was difficult and aspiring to build a new campus on the hill seemed an impossible dream. His prudent financial management and steadfast belief in the principles on which ·cardigan was founded helped make the dream come true. He served Cardigan long and very well, and we shall miss him. Memorial contributions may be made to the West Lebanon Congregational Church Memorial Fund, West Lebanon, NH 03784.

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