Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Spring, 1988)

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SEARCH FOR NEW HEADMASTER NEARS CONCLUSION In December 1986 Norman Wakely told the Trustees that he wished to retire as Headmaster at the end of the 1988-89 academic year. After 24 years without change in the leadership of the School, the Trustees were faced with the problem of selecting someone to carry forward the purposes for which the School was founded. The Board appointed the following members to a Search Committee: Savage h Frieze, Jr. President of the Board of Trustees, President of Frieze Enterprises, a past parent and member of the Board since 1971. Robert ~ Gillette, Chairman of the Board of Corporators, former Chairman of National Life Insurance Company and a member of the Board since 1 959. Crawford .!!.:. Hinman, M.D., Secretary of the Board of Trustees, nephew of Harold Hinman, one of the School's founders, and a member of the Board since 1955. Richard D. Morrison, M. D., '50, Cardigan alumnus, past parent and member of the Board since 1969. The Committee started work immediately and engaged Independent Educational Services of Princeton, New Jersey and their consultant Nathaniel Saltonstall to identify a field of qualified applicants and to help the Committee evaluate and narrow the field. The first task of the Committee was to draft a list of qualifications and write the job description. Mr. Saltonstall discussed this individually with Trustees and members of the

School's administration and faculty. From these interviews a list of qualifications emerged. Central among these was: "the ability and willingness to lead the school in its non-denominational tradition · in the Christian faith and to maintain its high moral standards." The job description and qualifications were widely circulated to uncover a pool of candidates. 0 ver 50 applications were received, and after the screening process 14 were presented to the Committee for their initial selection. After many hours of consideration and deliberation, the field was narrowed to seven candidates all of whom appeared to fulfill the requirements. After another thorough review, this was reduced to four finalists. Each of these candidates in turn · spent two days on the campus meeting students, faculty and administrators and absorbing the flavor and tone of the School. Subsequently each candidate had to undergo an intensive four-hour interview with ti,'le Search Committee. Then the members of the Committee returned to campus and met individually· with faculty and administrators to discuss their impressions of the candidates. Candidates will make another visit to the campus early in April, and the Trustees hope to announce their decision by the end of May. Chairman Frieze said his Committee . is satisfied that each of the four finalists is qualified, capable, interested and excited about the prospect-of coming to Cardigan.

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