Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Commencement, 1988)

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today tomorrow COMMENCEMENT ISSUE 1988 Cardigan's 42nd Commencement

Marshals Terence Brooks and]. Richard Hughes ready to lead the Senior Class into Chapel for Commencement.

Sixty-seven Seniors processed into the Chapel on Saturday, May 28th, to receive their diplomas at Cardigan's 42nd Commencement exercises. Allan Shedlin, Jr., Executive Director of the Elementary School Center in New York City told the graduating class he couldn't remember a single speaker at any of his own graduation exercises starting with the 6th grade - nor could he recall a single word any of them said. To be sure this year's class would remember at least one word of his address, Mr. Shedlin asked the Marshals to unroll the banner he had prepared

on which was printed in foot-high letters a single word: NE o T.E N Y. This, he explained, is the retention by an adult of childlike characteristics, and he enumerated several youthful qualities he would recommend that this class retain. Like a true educator, Mr. Shedlin paused several times during his remarks to ask the Seniors to repeat this word and at the conclusion of his address handed out badges with "neoteny" on them. The graduating class certainly carried away with them at least one word of this Commencement speech.

Dr. Cameron Dewar Selected As Next Headmaster

Headmaster Wakely and Commencement speaker Allan Shed/in, Jr.

At their May meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the recommendation of the search Committee to appoint Dr. Cameron K. "Chip" Dewar to succeed Norman w akely as Headmaster, effective July 1, 1989. He was also the first choice of the faculty, students and administration. Chip is a graduate of Bowdoin College and received Masters and Doctors degrees in education from Boston University. Since 1970 he has taught English, Latin, Greek, history and language arts in public and private schools in Massachusetts. In 1979 he was appointed Director of Athletics at Belmont Hill School in Belmont, Mass. He also directs the Belmont Hill School Football Camp and is Program Director of Tabor Academy's summer Program. He lives in Belmont with his wife,

Dr. Cameron K . Dewar - Headmaster Elect

Janet, and their two children. During Parents' weekend, February 3-5, 1989, Chip and Janet will be on campus to meet Cardigan families.

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