Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Fall, 1988)

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Guests at Trustees Meeting 0 n the final day of the Executive Committee's summer meeting in Vermont, the Trustees and their wives were joined for luncheon by four special guests warm friends of Cardigan. They were Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk, Sr., of Malden, MA (grandparents of James, Cardigan '79, and John, Cardigan '81) and Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Brooker of Middlebury, VT. Mr. Brooker is a consultant to The Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation. During the early eighties, at the beginning of our Cardigan Today/Tomorrow capital campaign, it was Mr. Kirk who first brought Cardigan to the attention of Mrs. Wilmot H. Kidd, President of The Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation. It was through Mr. Kirk that Mrs. Kidd got her feeling for Cardigan Mountain School and its objectives and thus extended herself and the Johnson Foundation with one of the largest grants the Foundation ever made . In each of the five years of the Today/Tomorrow campaign that the School was able to raise $400,000, the Foundation matched this with a grant of $200,000. More than anything else the success of this campaign in exceeding its goal of $5,000,000 was due to this challenge grant and the response to it by (Continued on page 2)

Trustees Announce Four Million Capital Campaign Members of the Executive Committee of the Cardigan Board of Trustees completed a series of detailed planning reviews for the coming year during an unusual three-day summer meeting held in Vermont. The reviews dealt with planning for the transition to the new headmaster, a detailed report and evaluation of current and planned capital construction programs and a discussion of an accelerated fund raising activity to be conducted during the coming year. In opening the meetings, Savage Frieze, President of the Trustees, com merited, "In many ways this year will be the most important year in the history of the School. This is the year Norman Wakely retires after 26 years of superb service as Headmaster. During_his years of service the School has had remarkable growth in terms of the quality of its programs and prestige. But in many ways I feel Norm's major contribution was his tireless work in finding the financial support that has led to a wonderful campus-culminating in the Stoddard Center with the Kirk Library and the Humann Theatre . Completion of this center and the growth of the Endowment from $17,745 in 1 963 to its present level of $3,565,000 has made Cardigan what it is today.

Mr. Savage C. Fn'e ze, Jr., President of Cardigan 's Board of Trustees. 11 We will miss Norman and Beverly when they leave. But in June we will welcome Chip and Janet Dewar as they assume their new roles. In the intervening months we must be sure that an orderly, planned period of transition provides Chip, the School, current parents and the Cardigan community with an opportunity to get acquainted and to learn to work with each other." At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Frieze said: "The Trustees are unanimously enthusiastic in announcing a $4,000,000 capital campaign to complete funding for three major projects on Norman Wakely's agenda and to start two new endowment funds in honor of both the Wakelys. Over $2,000,000 has alre ady been raised _ toward these capital projects. W.e felt it is now appropriate to open the campaign so that the entire Cardigan family can participate in meeting these goals to carry the School into the start of the 21st century. (Continued on page 3)

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