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January Highlight The Mirinda Concert Prescription for banishing the mid-winter blues: bring a lovely, young girl to cam pus for a rock concert. On January 18th Mirinda and the American Country Show produced more excitement at Cardigan than winning 5 games simultaneously against Eagle brook! She was beautiful enough to have done this without any music, but she is a talented singer, plays six different musical ins truments and is skilled in jazz, tap and ballet dancing. Last summer Mirinda performed at the Canaan Fair and Assistant Treasurer Mrs. Jacqueline Lary was so impressed with the program of country and western music that she arranged for a conc ert at the school. Mirinda at age 16 has a good sense for the musical preference of young boys, and tailoring her concert to this audience, performed mostly rock music and loud enough to be heard almost to the outskirts of Hanover. .It was more than an outstanding success - the boys were literally "off the walls." Mirinda is a Nash ville recording artist with two albums to her credit and several singles. She heads a twelve member show which includes a five piece band, two singers and a four member dance company.
Finnish Hockey Players To Visit Cardigan MIRINDA
2nd Annual Alumni Hockey Reunion The Alumni Hockey Reunion held last year for the first time was such a success that it was repeated this year. On February 11th and 1 2th alumni hockey players returned to campus. Varsity and JV home games were scheduled in the afternoon and after dinner the alumni took to the ice to test their skills and endurance. Alumni were here from classes from 1 962 through 1 988 united by a common love of hockey. Many alumni stayed overnight in the area and there was another alumni game early Sunday afternoon. It was suggested that alumni LACROSSE players might be interested in organizing a similar event in the Spring. If anyone is interested, please contact the Alumni Office. 1
A group of 19 boys with the same number of parents and teacners will be visiting Cardigan in February reciprocating visits to Finland by CMS hockey players which began in 1 975 and have continued every other year since. During these trips, the Cardigan students stayed in the homes of Finnish hockey team members, they · played against a number of other schools and also had some time for sightseeing. As a result of the Cardigan visits to Finland, the School arranged to have an exchange student from that country at Cardigan stq1rting in 1979 and that program has continued every year. Now Cardigan has the opportunity to return the . hospitality they enjoyed in Finland over the years. For most of these families, this is a oncein-a-lifetime chance to visit the United States, and the School is planning to make their trip interesting and worthwhile. See FINLAND page 2