Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Commencement, 1989)

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today tomorrow


Seniors lined up befo re Commencement

COMMENCEMENT 1989 It couldn't have been a more pa-feet day for Commencement. After a week :in which a few sunny hours werB :int;ersperced among many hours of overDa.St and Ehowery skie3, Saturoay, June 3ni d3.wned clear, blight an::1 dry. Mount Cardigan was silhouetted aga:imt a light blue morning 3<'f and formed a sp3etacu1ar background for the campus which was, of course, groomed to perfection fer the occasion. Parents starte:1 arriving early to sea how much more of their son's year-longaccurnulationofp:;s:B33ion5 could be crarnrned :into statim wagons and car trunks. Often they len this task to take advant,age of a photoperfect day to capture buildings, backgrounds and people on film and video-tape. As the morning warmed, seniors were more and more :in evidence Eharing last minute re~ences an::1 exchanging home addt'Bs3es. One could serre :in the atmosphere a feeling of uncertainty as they realized that wtth graduation would come an ending and that they would be leaving here fer the last time.

The Cha~ fllled with &lllShine, was lovely. Si.tting there before the S::r'Vice, µ3reI1ts and gµests were 1reated to a view through the pi.cture w:indow :in the dlancel of puffy, white clouds moving am::m a clear blue background; it was like a theatrical backdrop being pulled am::m the set behind the act.ors. A 1reat this year was guest musi.cian. Dr. Walt:er- Chestnut from the University of Mas:,achll9etts, Amherst, who opened the rervice wtth an Or.iginal Fanfare m the Pert Hom. The Seniors procffi:Bd to "Trumpet 'Tune" by Jeremiah Clark p1ayed on baroque trumpet with organ accompaniment by Harold Finkbeiner'. What a rousing beginning! Mr. Wakely recognized as honored guests Mr. John B. Kenermn, the only original member of the Corporation of Cardigan Mountain School, and alro Headrnast:er-El.ect Dr. Camet'Cl1 K. Dewar and his family.

The Commencement ~ e r. Dr. Sharon L. Hostler', pediatrician and parent of Dylan Dimock, Class of 185, reminded parents :in the audience how

far their s::>ns rad aJready come through t he perilous process of adolescence. This was small comfort, however, as she enurna-ated the stages still ahead :in the process of growing :into . adulthood. While parents may have been dismayed at this mESSage, grandparents chuckled and m dded :in agreement having experienced the process of adolescence at least oo.ce. Trustees President Savage C. Flieze, Jr. suggested to the graduating clas3 that they keep :in mind the example of high p:inciples and standaros set by Mr. and Mrs. Wakely, "principles of honesty and good ci.tizemlip; standaros of diligence and persist:ence; and the example of not stoi:Ping a j)b until tt :is cbne to perfection." He then awarded the diplomas. When the last me had been handed out and the clas3 had been µupedy app1auded, Mr. Wakely silenced the congregation fer a final announcement. The 'I'ruste2s, .he said, See COMMENCEMENT page 3

Mr. Wakely and Dr. Sharon L. Hostler, Commencement Speaker

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