Cardigan Commentary (December, 1979)

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December 1979 CARDIGAN MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Canaan, New Hamps hire 03741


Ca rven Da lgli s h, Edit or Caro l Shelton, Associate Editor

Vol. 1, No. 1

Canaan, NH 03 741

December 1979

Published at regular interval s throughout th e school yea r

Views from the Plateau

In the Classes

"The Muscle of Conscience"

Sum.mer School: An extension of the Summer School program at Cardigan is in Teaching English as a Foreign Language ITEFLI, a program now under way for selected winter school students. Mr. and Mrs. Carey, of the faculty, having had 14 years experience at Cardigan and at Robert College, Istanbul, while with the Peace Corps, are coordinating efforts to fit tutorial classes into the schedules of those of our foreign students who need this extra help. Planning has already begun for the 1980 Summer School, with applications already arriving, in the hopes of another full enrollment, 145, as with last summer. Core subject enrichment is planned -English, Math, and Reading, and electives in typing and French, class sizes at a maximum of 7 to permit more individualized attention. Afternoon activit ies include sailing, swimming, trapshooting and gymnastics or other areas in response to student interes t. Faculty ha s been 43, all dedicated teachers, men and women, for enrollment on a co-educational principle.

many people are really honest? With others1 With H OW themselves? In their beliefs In choosing jobs, friends , or in 1

how they vote or support, or fail to support, a cause? How many sustain a real integrity in the face of challenges that may undermine their security, threaten their social position or cause them the loss of a friend? How many are ready ever to stand fast on a principle once they have seen its truth? How many wheedle, or compromise, settle for half-truths, endorse for a gain, the cheap and tawdry? .Or how many excuse all our foibles on the fashionable premise that everyone must "do his own thing"? How many students would report a wrong even if it involved a peer'>r a close

New Foreign Language Opportunities: A fully-phased two-level, two-track program in Spanish and French ha s been established at Cardigan. Now an Eighth Grade student may opt for one of two tracks: Level I, fas ti 1 year; or moderate Level I spread out over Grades 8 and 9, thus a lowing 9th Graders on fast track to complete Level II of a language. The program includes continued use of current language laboratory individualized audio-active cassette faciliti es.

CARDIG AN COMMENTARY is a new publicatio n fo r ideas and news about the School. It will appea r at regu lar intervals in th e yea r, probably a total of eight issues. It will be distributed to fac ulty, staff, alumni, tru stees and friends. We intend that it will in spire yo u to se nd in news, ideas. and you r academic, athletic and extra cu rricular items of interest. Well into an exciting sc hool yea r now, we welcome this publication as a forum to stimulate and exchange creative and constructive ideas for ge neral professional enrichment.

Norman C. Wakely,

Headmaste r



12 13 Jan. 2

SSATs, Grade 9; Christmas Dance Christmas Pageant, the Chapel, 7 p.m. Students leave for Christmas recess 6:30 a_m, Christmas recess ends 9 p,m_

Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, N .H . 03741 Address correct ion reque sted

Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Canaan, N.H.


friend or even a roommate, if to do so risked the stigma of"ratting", that ultimate black spot in the immutable code of our young1 Copying a paper, taking notes to a test, peering at another's answers, whispering behind the teacher's back to pass along a solution I If history is the lengthened shadow of a man, how tall will your children stand unless they are fearlessly honest in these formative years in the crucible of learning? In a world where terrible - and many wonderful - things are happening, will they cherish truth, beauty and all that is good 1Or seek the shortcut, the easy way1 Here at Cardigan where often enough the sun sets in beauty along the mountains and the lake glitters in a silver dance we try these days on our plateau in New Hampshire to relate our world here to that world you know outside. In the play, A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More, 16th Cent,,ry Lord Chancell or of England; contested with his king, Henry VIII, until finall y he was beheaded for standing fast on his principles in a corrupt court. He said, this magnificently brave scholar, lawyer, statesman and man of strong faith, speaking to his wife and daughter and future son-in-law, who · would all have him sign a paper to please his king and thus save his neck: "God made the angels to show him splendor - as he made the animals for innocence and plants for their simplicity. But Man he made to serve him wittily, in the tangle of his mind 1 If he suffers

Merry Christmas Happy New Yea:r:

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