William Knapp Morrison (1966-1980)
Willie Morrison, son of Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Morrison of Essex Junction, VT, died after a short illness on Saturday morning, June 7th. He had completed the 7th Grade in May. ~illie entered the 6th Grade at Cardigan in September 1978 and distinguished himself in reserve football, showed promise of being an outstanding basketball player and was the spark plug of the 3rd baseball team. Born on February 23, 1966, Willie was of a sunny disposition, a faithful member of the Glee Club, well liked by his peers and faculty. He will be greatly missed. He had a brother, Charles, CMS graduate in 1976, now attending Northeastern University, Boston, and a sister, Victoria, aged 12. His father, Dr. Morrison, CMS '50, has been a member of CMS Board of Trustees since 1969.
CANAAN, N.H. 03741
JUNE 1980
Views from the Plateau "The Golden Door" omeone once tried to number those in all history who S were truly great and came up with a miserly five hundted. The criteria must have been strict. Yet, as Plutarch observed, "The best things are most difficult." The figure may be quite .reasonable when you consider that most people . seem content to exert themselves only until they gain some kind of tenure. They survive in a comforting conformity that doesn't rock the boat, bedded down in a relaxing mediocrity. Twenty years ago, long before the need for excellence, in high places especially, became a national emergency, John W. Gardner found that all too many miss excellence because they lack the "quality of mind or spirit to achieve it, if they could conceive it. But many more can achieve it than now. And the society is bettered not only by those who achieve it but by those who are trying."
"A man becomes Man only when in pursuit of what is most exalted in him." -Andr~Malrau>';
ut for some,excellence is a form of loneliness, a guar~ntee I B of isolation, of being singled out as a paragon. A student of mine years ago felt this way as she asked to be transferred
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from my advance placement senior English class because I had praised her. She cherished her popularity over her excellence, and so did her parents in a tearful interview with the principal. I'd like to think her case was unique, but I sensed then and do now, that even those who win honors sometimes are fearful of losing friends in their peer group. A friend of mine put away his Phi Beta Kappa key in a drawer. Behind such timidity or misguided modesty lies something more profound, a simmering anti-intellectualism which pervades our society at many levels in and out of schools and colleges, as historian Richard Hofstadter has fully documented. It is urgent that educators be first to urge the life of the mind and inspire students to be proud to explore and develop their best, even should their peers mock th"em. Students should be armed with as much exposure to the . good as possible, not only to be aware that it is there, but if possible to enable them to resist prejudging, to examine and test popular taste against the best, to keep their values in perspective. It's much like the advice Winston Churchill gave about splitting an infinitive: "It's all right as long as you know you're doing it." Each new class graduating .has an opportunity to mount the ramparts and defend individual judgment, defend things that are good and enriching against the hasty, quickly gathered assortment of books and movies and plays and fashions and ideas that flash at them across every page and screen of their days. The fine mesh of the developed mind must clearly filter the real from the