Our case for
. . . supporting excellence . . . in the education of middle school boys. At Cardigan, we firmly believe that day by day, experience by experience, with every personal interaction and every high expectation, we are preparing boys for future lives of meaning and purpose, and it is our goal to be the preeminent leader in middle school education for boys. Cardigan Mountain School will celebrate its 75 th anniversary in 2020, and there will be no better gift to celebrate “our favored school”* than the continued achievement of our mission “to prepare middle school boys — in mind, body, and spirit—for responsible and meaningful lives
in a global society.” We have the vision and will
Cardigan 2020
to succeed, and now invite you to partner with
Campaign for
us in this important and rewarding work.
* From the lyrics to “The Cardigan Hymn,” written by Robert M. Hopkins.
Learn more . . .
Campaign for
Cardigan 2020 Program Innovation Outcome: Distinctive and Dynamic Program To prepare middle school boys for the future, Cardigan is committed to offering a mission-driven program that is innovative, relevant, and responsive. Guided by The Strategic Plan for Cardigan 2020, we will continue our ongoing work to strengthen and enhance the learning experiences we provide for our boys each day, in and out of the classroom. With the support of The Annual Fund for Cardigan and targeted endowment initiatives for program excellence, our focus will always be on preparing boys for success in a world with an ever-increasing demand for global citizens—those equipped with courage and the skills necessary to collaborate and innovate, as well as to adapt to new technologies and twenty-first century challenges.
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Residential Life Enhancements Outcome: Facilities That Advance the Program Identified in The Strategic Plan for Cardigan 2020 are the campus facilities that demand priority attention, as well as the need to establish and implement guidelines—according to the recommendations within our campus master plan— for the eventual enhancement of all of our student and faculty residences, classrooms, and campus grounds. Our capital fundraising efforts will allow us to provide functional, environmentally responsible facilities that are appropriate to the delivery of our program and that support the people who live and work in them every day.
Financial Aid Outcome: A Diverse Community That Promotes Strong Character and Service Building our financial aid endowment will enable us to design and implement admissions strategies that will ensure the enrollment of a diverse student body—one that is representative of our collective commitment to mission and core values.
Faculty Excellence Outcome: Professional Excellence Enhancing the endowment for support of faculty and staff will allow us to attract and retain an exceptional and collaborative faculty, through competitive compensation and benefits, professional development opportunities, and a healthy, stimulating, and supportive culture for Cardigan’s faculty and staff.
Recent Capital Improvements C.O.R.E. Base Camp Renovation of a lakeside facility to become the base (2010) camp for our new Cardigan Outdoor Recreation Expeditions (C.O.R.E.) summer program. Charles C. Gates A new campus facility, the Charles C. Gates Innovation I.D.E.A. Shop in Design, Engineering, and the Arts (I.D.E.A.) Shop (2011) also houses the Williams Wood Shop. For more information please contact:
David J. McCusker, Jr. ’80, P’09,’10 Head of School 603.523.3512 dmccusker@cardigan.org David G. Perfield Director of Development 603.523.3522 dperfield@cardigan.org
Pearson House Conversion of former Williams Wood Shop into two (2012) faculty residences. Cardigan Commons Campus center, with new kitchen and dining facilities, (2013) student center, school store, mail and package center, meeting spaces, and multimedia/instructional space. Kenerson & Wakely Centers Renovation (Summer 2013)
Campaign for
Cardigan 2020 Operating Needs
Capital Improvements
Endowment Requirements Cardigan Mountain School 62 Alumni Drive Canaan, NH 03741 www.cardigan.org
Enhancement of locker room space in the Kenerson Athletic Center, and construction/renovation to Wakely Center providing for new wrestling and fitness facilities, womens’ locker room facilities, enhanced athletic training room, and office/meeting space.
. . . culminating with the 75th anniversary of the . . .1945 founding of Cardigan Mountain School.
Identified Priorities
Campaign Objectives
Annual Fund Support: 2009-2020
$ 13.35 M
Cardigan Commons Wakely Center Renovation Kenerson Center Renovation Hayward Hall Renovation Student and Faculty Residences Clark-Morgan Hall
$ 10.40 M 2.00 M 1.00 M 4.00 M 4.40 M 4.00 M
Endowment for Faculty Excellence Endowment for Program Excellence Endowment for Financial Aid Endowment for Facilities
$ 1.25 M 1.25 M 1.25 M 7.10 M
Total Required $50.00 M