Cardigan Chronicle, Fall 2021, Volume 72, Issue 1

Page 52

30JAN22_CC_Departments_Draft_06_CMS_Features_2018 1/30/2022 12:47 PM Page 50

Draft 6 (30JAN22)

history’s mysteries

Hap Hinman in 1964

A Grandson’s Recollections of His Grandfather BY JUDith SoLBeRG We received many wonderful responses

tial candidate Nelson Rockefeller visited

to the 75th Anniversary issue of the

the Cardigan campus: the image shows

Chronicle, including one from Bob

Mr. Hinman walking away from the cam-

Foley ’66. Reading our short profile of

era in his favorite winter coat, cane in

Cardigan founder Harold P. “Hap”

hand, and seems to capture something of

Hinman, Bob expressed pleasure that his

his essence. Hinman would pass away

grandfather “is still being recognized for

only a few months later. Of his grandfa-

his tireless contributions to the creation

ther, Bob writes: “I was very fortunate to

of Cardigan.” Bob sent a photograph

have him in my life.” r

taken in February, 1964, when presiden-


hiStoRY’S mYSteRieS

Cardigan Mountain School Winter 2022 Cardigan Chronicle magazine.

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