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history’s mysteries: A visit
history’s mysteries
Hap Hinman in 1964
A Grandson’s Recollections of His Grandfather
We received many wonderful responses to the 75th Anniversary issue of the Chronicle, including one from Bob Foley’66. Reading our short profile of Cardigan founder Harold P. “Hap” Hinman, Bob expressed pleasure that his grandfather “is still being recognized for his tireless contributions to the creation of Cardigan.” Bob sent a photograph taken in February, 1964, when presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller visited the Cardigan campus: the image shows Mr. Hinman walking away from the camera in his favorite winter coat, cane in hand, and seems to capture something of his essence. Hinman would pass away only a few months later. Of his grandfather, Bob writes: “I was very fortunate to have him in my life.” r







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puzzles from the arChives
Cardigan Mountain School’s archives collection brings together familiar and not-so-familiar items to give us a better understanding of the School’s past. In this recurring Chronicle feature, the Cardigan community helps to shed light on both discoveries and puzzles from the archives.
Your help, shared via the website and by email, has already helped us to identify students from every era. We hope you’ll build on those efforts by reviewing this third set of images. And whether you have a solution to share or just want to learn who is our most successful sleuth, you can check in regularly at cardigan.org/historysmysteries to watch our progress. r
These online galleries, established in 2020–21 in honor of Cardigan’s 75th Anniversary, are part of the Cardigan Archives’ growing collection of digital resources.