Cardigan Chronicle, Fall 2021, Volume 72, Issue 1

Page 54

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Draft 6 (30JAN22)

founders path

A Letter from Board Chair David Gregory In July, David Gregory P’18 took over the leadership of Cardigan’s Board of Trustees, accepting the reins from the capable hands of Jeremy Crigler ’79, who had been the chair since 2019. Mr. Gregory shares below his reflections as he continues his years of service to Cardigan. Greetings Cardigan community! It felt so good to be on campus this

David Gregory this fall preparing for the role he played in Cardigan’s Annual Fall Auction

moving during the afternoon, and the

past fall for our trustee meeting, and see

wrap-around support. I’ll never forget what

students and parents on campus as well.

Admissions Director Chip Audett P’18 told

While we are still vigilant in our fight

me while we toured the Wakely Center:

against the virus, Cardigan feels back to

“No one falls through the cracks here.”

near normal! What a relief. I became the chair of Cardigan’s Board

The adults at Cardigan knew Max. They made the investment of time, effort, and

of Trustees this past summer, and I am

care to really see him and meet him where

eagerly supporting our Head of School

he was. He thrived as an athlete who loved

Chris Day P’12,’13 as he and his amazing

basketball, and he grew to be a better,

team navigate Cardigan through the pan-

more organized and confident student. It

demic and to new heights.

wasn’t a straight line up, yet the adults in

As you may know, my son Max ’18, now preparing for college next fall, was a

his life then remain in his life today. What’s more is that the brotherhood is

Cardigan student. Prior to coming to The

real. Put boys together in the natural

Point, Max attended a well-known private

beauty and isolation of Cardigan and they

day school in Washington, D.C. It was clear

forge a deep bond that becomes even

by the end of sixth grade that it wasn’t the

more important as they mature and

right fit for him. He required more learning

appreciate what they experience here.

support than the school provided and

They learn a lot together. And they look

craved a change from the environment he

after each other, like when Max’s dorm

had known since kindergarten. In short, he

mate chastised him for being under-

needed a boost of confidence. We never

dressed for the auction during Fall Family

imagined boarding school in rural New

Weekend. “Dude, you have to wear a tie!”

Hampshire, but once we visited, we got it.

he told Max.

We were drawn to the School’s atmosphere, including the focus on athletics, the


emphasis on getting the boys outside and

Board service was unexpected, but I welcomed the challenge. With my son still

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Cardigan Mountain School Winter 2022 Cardigan Chronicle magazine.

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