Employee Handbook 2016

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Cardigan Mountain School Employee Handbook Academic Year 2016-2017

2016-2017 Cardigan Mountain School

Employee Handbook July 2016 Table of Contents




About This Handbook . ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Mission Statement and Core Values ………………………………………………...……….……………….3 Safety Statement…………………………………………………………………………...………………… 4 Sexual Harassment Policy…………………………………………………………………………………….4 Standard Employment Practices ……………………………………………………..………………………. 6 Evaluation Procedure……………………………………………………...………………………………… 7 Disciplinary Policies……………………………………………………….…………………………………. 8 Separation Policies…………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 General Policies and Guidelines ……………………………………...……………………………………… 9 Job Classifications………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 Leave Policies………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Employee Benefits………………………………………………..………………………………………… 11 Specific Policies and Procedures………………………………………..……………………………………14 Guide to making outside purchases at CMS…………………………….………………………………….19 Driving Policies and Use of School Vehicles………………………………………………………………..20 Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy…………………………………………………………………… 21 Employee Safety Policy …………………………………………………..…………………………………22 Employee Accident, Incident Reporting and Investigation……………….………………………………….23 Return to Work Policy………………………………………………………………………………………..23 Acceptable Use and Computer Compatibility Policy……………………….……………………………...….24 Guidelines for Social Media Participation……………………………………………………………….……26 Emergency Management Plan………………………………………………………………………………. 27 Fire Alarm Procedures…………………………………………………….………………………………….29

APPENDIX Exhibit A: Employee Code of Conduct…………………………………………………………………….31 Exhibit B: Employee Skills Inventory………………………………………………………………………34 Exhibit C: Employee Handbook Acknowledgment……………………………………………………..….35


ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK The Cardigan Mountain School Employee Handbook contains information regarding many of the policies and procedures for the employees of Cardigan Mountain School (hereafter referred to as “CMS”). This handbook replaces all previous versions of the Cardigan Mountain School Employee Handbook. This is not an employment contract and is not intended to create contractual obligations of any kind. When the word “employee” is used it means both faculty and staff. The CMS Employee Handbook explains the duties, responsibilities, and benefits of teachers and coaches (faculty) and hourly and administrative personnel (staff). Please refer to it for policy, procedures and advice. Not every question you have will be answered here, and your own good judgment is the most effective alternative. All employees are also required to know and sign the Cardigan Mountain School Employee Code of Conduct (at the end of the handbook; see Exhibit A of the Appendix) and to aspire to the principles stated in those documents. The policies and procedures outlined in this handbook will be applied at the discretion of CMS and CMS reserves the right to deviate from the policies and procedures of this handbook, or to withdraw or change them, at any time at the sole discretion of the head of school and the Board of Trustees. We will notify you when an official change in policy or procedure has been made and material changes will be presented to employees with a new signature page validating that employees have received notice of the change. CMS values the many talents and abilities of its employees and seeks to foster an open, cooperative and dynamic environment in which employees and the School alike can thrive. If you would like further information or have questions about any of the policies and procedures outlined in this handbook, please feel free to bring them to your supervisor.

THE ROLE OF THE CMS FACULTY AND STAFF The goal for CMS’s staff and faculty is to provide the most supportive atmosphere possible to insure an optimum learning and working environment for all employees and students. The responsibilities are farreaching, as they include everything from providing nutritious meals; to guaranteeing that the public areas and restrooms are clean, maintained, and safe; and to ensuring that the School has the money, facilities, and students to carry out the School’s mission. Every staff and faculty member must recognize that he/she is a role model for every student enrolled, as well as for prospective students who are contemplating attending CMS.

Mission Statement and Core Values The mission of Cardigan Mountain School is to offer a close-knit community that prepares middle school boys―in mind, body, and spirit―for responsible and meaningful lives in a global society. To achieve our mission, we recognize effort and accomplishment, helping each boy realize his academic, physical, and personal potential through the integration of the following Core Values in all aspects of daily life. Compassion – Be kind. Seek to understand others and go out of your way to help. Integrity – Be honest. Remain true to yourself and your word. Respect – Be considerate. Care for yourself, others and Cardigan Mountain School. Courage – Be brave. Persist through hardship.


Policies and Procedures Employees are responsible for being familiar with and complying with all CMS policies and procedures described in the handbook. A complete version of CMS policies adopted by the School is available in the Business Office.

Consistency in Word and Deed

Our primary role at CMS is as models of adult behavior for all the boys. They will all be looking to us for cues, so we must work hard to present exemplary habits and instill the Core Values in the boys. This is most effectively done by living the Core Values ourselves, and thus being consistent in word and deed.

Making a Difference

Everyone at CMS has chosen to make a difference in shaping the lives of young men. If you are serious about this, you will do all that is expected of you and look for other ways to help. Please use the information in this handbook as a set of guidelines for how to do this important work. Ask others for help and directions, do your best, and enjoy the experience of being part of a great team working toward an important goal—helping boys become men.


The personal safety of each employee of Cardigan Mountain School is and always will be of primary importance to our school. Safety is an overriding responsibility that demands attention from everyone. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. It is the responsibility of all of us to create a safe working environment and ensure safe performance in that environment. There is no job or objective so important that we will risk the safety and health of any employee. Supervisors will support this policy and will be responsible for the safety of employees in their departments, ensuring that established safety procedures are observed. All individuals employed by CMS are responsible to protect their own safety and to NOT undertake an activity or use equipment that they believe to be unsafe. All employees, as a condition of employment, will support this policy by working safely and abiding by the safety rules that have been established.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Cardigan Mountain School is a community in which all members have rights to feel both safe and respected, to live, work, and learn in an environment that is free from sexual harassment. Inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature can undermine these rights. It is the policy of Cardigan Mountain School that no member of the School may sexually harass another. For the purposes of this policy, student-to-student, adult-to-adult, adult-to-student and student-to-adult “sexual harassment” is defined as any sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or verbal, visual, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, whether it is welcomed or unwelcomed by the recipient. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following actions: verbal harassment or abuse; pressure for sexual activity; repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications; unwelcomed touching; display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning one’s employment, grades, programs, or activities available at or through the School. Violations of this policy, whether intended or not, will not be tolerated. Violations of this policy may result in discipline up to and including dismissal in the case of an employee and expulsion in the case of a student. Violations of this policy should be reported immediately to an administrative member of the School. Any person receiving a report of or having knowledge of a violation of this policy shall immediately file a 4

written report with the Head of School’s Office. Any form of threat or retaliation against anyone who in good faith makes a complaint of sexual harassment is itself a violation of this policy and a cause for discipline. Allegations of sexual harassment will be investigated promptly, and corrective actions will be taken immediately to stop any harassment. Any questions about this policy or need for clarification of any of the above language can be directed to either of the two assistant heads of school.

Drugs and Alcohol

CMS will not tolerate the use or possession of illegal drugs on the job or on school property. Employees using or possessing illegal drugs on school property or while at work or who report to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Everyone must realize that the use of illegal drugs by employees would call into question the integrity of the School. The use of illegal drugs is unacceptable in this institution, even during employees’ personal time, and may be cause for termination. The use of alcohol is a part of our culture, and its misuse is very much an issue in both adult and adolescent life. By state law, persons under the age of 21 may not use alcoholic beverages. It is important that employees exercise good judgment and discretion in their own use of alcohol at all times. Under no circumstances should alcohol be consumed while on duty.

Smoking/Smokeless Tobacco: The use of any tobacco product or electronic smoking device on campus is prohibited, whether in public, in a residence, or in a vehicle. Further, the use of any tobacco products or electronic smoking devices, while off campus representing the School or operating a school vehicle is prohibited.

Violence and Weapons

CMS takes threats of violence extremely seriously. Any act or threat of violence by or against any student, parent, employee, supplier, partner, or visitor is strictly prohibited. This policy applies to all CMS employees, whether on or off CMS property. Any use or possession of weapons, except for academic purposes, whether illegal or not, is prohibited on school property, or while on school business. This includes knives, guns, martial arts weapons, or any other object that is used as a weapon. Any employee caught possessing a weapon will be disciplined, up to and including termination.


STANDARD EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES At-Will Employment: CMS does not offer guaranteed employment. Unless CMS has otherwise expressly agreed in writing, you acknowledge and agree that you are an “employee at will” and that your employment may be terminated by you or CMS at any time and for any reason, with or without cause. Equal Employment Opportunity: CMS is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. CMS will not tolerate discrimination against any employee because of race, color, national origin or ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, age, religious convictions, veteran’s status, or disability. For further information about the applicability of Federal Equal Opportunity Laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act please see the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website at www.eeoc.gov. CMS does not discriminate on the basis of gender in compensation or benefits for women and men who work in the same establishment and perform jobs that require equal skill, effort, and responsibility and that are performed under similar conditions. CMS will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. An employee with a disability for which reasonable accommodation is needed should contact the Business Office to discuss possible solutions. Employees with questions or concerns about any type of discrimination in the workplace are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of a supervisor or the head of school. Employees can raise legitimate concerns and make good faith reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Immigration Law Compliance: CMS only hires a person who is a citizen of the United States, or a noncitizen who is authorized to work in the U.S under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. As a condition of employment, all new and past employees must show valid proof that they are eligible to work in the United States. Criminal Convictions: CMS reserves the right not to hire or retain anyone who has been convicted of a criminal offense. Conviction of a crime that involves dishonesty may result in an immediate termination of employment. Before any decision is made, the nature of the crime and circumstances surrounding the conviction will be considered. If your job at CMS requires that you drive, a valid driver license is required. It is also required that you are insurable by the school’s insurance. Employee Ethics/Conduct: All CMS employees are expected to maintain high standards in their conduct both on and off duty. Employees are responsible for providing leadership in the School and community. Pre-employment Physicals/Staff Health: New employees may be required to have a physical examination prior to employment. The purpose is to make sure that you are physically capable of performing the duties included in your job description. Your immediate supervisor can schedule this examination at no charge to you or you may have it done by your personal physician at your own expense. Work-Related Injury or Illness: If you are injured on the job or have a work-related illness, you must report this immediately to your supervisor and complete the Employer’s First Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form. Return the form to the Business office within 48 hours of the incident. This is important, even if you don’t think your injury or illness is serious. Failure to file could result in fines to the 6

School and/or interfere with workers’ compensation benefits if your injury or illness causes future lost time or medical expense. Payroll Schedule - Employees are paid every two weeks. All hourly employees fill out an electronic time sheet every two weeks. Extra time worked beyond your contracted hours must be submitted on a Time Sheet. The Time Sheet must be submitted to your supervisor by 9:00 am Monday following the end of a pay period. Absences must be requested in a timely manner. Paychecks will be held by the Business Office until payday. Paychecks will be distributed by the Business Office on payday. Paychecks for employees with mail boxes in the administrative area will be put into their employee mailboxes. Paychecks for all other employees will be distributed by their department head. Direct deposit is encouraged. Available paid leave is printed on hourly employee paycheck stubs. The Business Office must be informed of any changes in status—address, phone number, dependents, etc.—that would affect pay or other benefits. Any errors or questions about paychecks should be reported to the comptroller in the Business Office.

EVALUATION PROCEDURE CMS staff evaluation is based on the philosophy that the most effective professional development and evaluation is achieved by individual goal setting, a cooperative exchange of ideas, and open communication. In the case of poor job performance or a serious breach of professional conduct, the following measures will be taken: • The staff member will meet with the appropriate supervisor and a warning will be issued in writing. An action plan will be created in writing if deemed necessary. • Any further incidents will be dealt with by the appropriate supervisor who will discuss probation or termination. • Any situation considered injurious to the School or to a member of the CMS community may result in immediate dismissal by the head of school before any of the above steps have taken place. Standards of Conduct: CMS expects that all employees conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner. An employee should not conduct business that is unethical in any way, nor should an employee influence other employees to act unethically. Furthermore, an employee should report any dishonest activities or damaging conduct to an appropriate supervisor. In the event that you become aware of another employee’s behavior or actions, which you believe are inappropriate, illegal, problematic, or in any way inhibit or affect your job performance or CMS’s work environment, you should discuss such behavior or actions with the head of school. All reasonable concerns will be promptly, thoroughly and confidentially investigated by CMS and, where necessary, appropriate corrective action will be taken. You should not discuss such actions or behavior with other CMS employees or community members. Your discussing such matters with other employees or community members may, in and of itself, create an unacceptable work environment for which you will be held responsible and for which you may be disciplined in accordance with CMS’s disciplinary policy. Personnel File: CMS keeps official personnel files on each of its employees. These files are confidential in nature and are managed by the Business Office. They will not be copied or be removed from the premises unless there is a legitimate business reason to do so. An employee may view his or her personnel file by contacting the Business Office during normal business hours. The employee may also request a copy of his or her personnel file. No employee may alter or remove any document from his or her personnel file. 7

DISCIPLINARY POLICIES Problem Resolution: CMS seeks to deal openly and directly with its employees and believes that communication between employees and management is critical to solving problems. Co-workers who may have a problem with one another should attempt to resolve the problem themselves. If a resolution cannot be agreed upon, both employees should approach their supervisor(s), who will work with the employees to determine a resolution. In these instances, the decision of the supervisor is final. Employees who have a problem with a supervisor should first go to that supervisor and state the problem. If a resolution cannot be agreed upon, the employee should present his or her problem, in writing, to one of the assistant heads of school. The director of business operations fills function as the director of human resources in any employee issues. The decision of the assistant head of school will be final. Special Consideration: If the problem involves any form of unlawful discrimination or harassment, the employee can dispense with the normal problem-resolution procedure and request an immediate meeting with the head of school. Discipline: CMS's policy is to attempt to deal constructively with employee performance problems and employee errors. The disciplinary process will be determined by CMS in light of the facts and circumstances of each case. Depending upon the facts and circumstances, the discipline applied may include, among other things, oral or written warnings, probation, suspension without pay, or immediate discharge. Each situation will be considered in light of a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the seriousness of the situation, the employee's past conduct and length of service, and the nature of the employee's previous performance or incidents involving the employee. Details of this process are outlined further in the Corrective Action section below. Corrective Action: Corrective action is taken against an employee in response to a rule infraction or a violation of school policies. Corrective action will continue until the violation or infraction is corrected. Corrective action usually begins with a verbal warning, followed by a written warning that is placed in the employee’s personnel folder. If more serious corrective action is required, the employee may be put on probation, or have his or her employment terminated. CMS considers some violations as grounds for immediate dismissal, including, but not limited to: insubordinate behavior, theft, destruction of school property, breach of confidentiality agreement, untruthfulness about personal background, drug or alcohol abuse, threats of violence or any action or actions considered injurious to a member of the CMS community or the School.

SEPARATION POLICIES Job Abandonment: Employees of CMS that are absent for more than two consecutive days without notifying a direct supervisor are considered to have voluntarily abandoned their employment with the School. The effective date of termination will be the last day the employee reported for work. If an employee abandons a job, he or she will be entitled to all accrued paid leave days. Termination: CMS does not have tenure or guaranteed employment. You or CMS may terminate your employment at any time for any reason. Employees who intend to terminate employment with the School are encouraged to provide CMS with written notice of their intended termination date at least two weeks prior to the actual termination date. Employee benefits normally end with the termination of employment. Therefore, terminating employees should, if possible, consult with the Business Office at least two weeks 8

prior to termination in regard to conversion or extension of privileges connected with the medical insurance program. Termination may result from any of the following: (i) Corrective action measures, which include infractions for violation of school policies, (ii) layoffs, which include the elimination of an employee’s job function or head count reduction due to redundancy or cost reduction, and (iii) involuntary dismissal, which may include poor performance reviews or failure to demonstrate an acceptable attitude in the workplace. Termination Process: CMS requires that employees return all documents, files, computer equipment, uniforms, school tools, business credit cards, keys, and other school-owned property on or before the last day of work. Reconciliation of money owed the School must be completed with the Business Office before the termination date. All employees leaving CMS will complete an Exit Checklist (available from the Business Office) and submit the completed form to the director of business operations.

GENERAL POLICIES AND GUIDELINES • You are responsible for your own safety as well as the safety and well-being of any students under your care. Be sure the activities you undertake and the surroundings in which they take place are safe. Know your job and carry out your responsibilities fully. • Be professional in all that you do. Hold yourself and CMS to high standards in all aspects of work and social development. Never discuss students or other faculty or staff members negatively with students or parents. A positive attitude is a requisite for employment at CMS. • Be proactive, not reactive. Anticipate situations. • Have fun! Convey a genuine enthusiasm for what you are doing and school life in general; if the adults in the CMS community are having fun, students will also. • Treat one another and school property with respect, and insist that all students do the same. • Unauthorized, personal, non-job-related use of school resources such as food, vehicles, gas cards, telephones, etc. is stealing and will be dealt with accordingly. • The head of school reserves the right to terminate the employment of any CMS employee during the duration of his/her contract for any violation of school policy, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, physical violence, sexual harassment, or other act deemed inappropriate within a school environment. • In accordance with federal law, both new employees and re-hires will be required to provide documentation of identity and eligibility to work in the United States. The I-9 form will be used for this purpose. • All employees and employee candidates will receive a copy of the Employee Handbook and will be given the time to read it and ask any clarifying questions of their supervisor. The signed copy of the “Employee Handbook Acknowledgement” will be placed in the employee's personnel file (see Exhibit C in Appendix). • You are responsible for promptly notifying the Business Office of any change in your name, address, telephone number, marital status, citizenship, tax withholding allowances, emergency contact information, insurance beneficiary, or dependent insurance coverage. Accurate and correct information is vital for benefits and insurance records and other school files. • Each employee is required to notify his/her supervisor, in advance, of the dates of all approved paid leave or leave time to be taken. Additionally, employees are to inform their supervisor of any missed days and excessive lateness in arriving at work. 9

JOB CLASSIFICATIONS In accordance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, employees are classified by two major categories: “Exempt” and “Non-exempt.” Persons covered by this set of policies fall within several different employment classifications. Depending on which classification you are in, your benefits, holidays, paid leaves etc. may be different. This policy applies to the following categories of employment: (1) Full-time Exempt: Full-time employees are eligible for standard school benefits and are paid on a salaried basis, not an hourly basis. These are exempt positions. Exempt employees are generally salaried and fall into one or more of the following four classifications: executive, professional, administrative, or sales. These employees are exempt from the applicable provisions of state and federal wage and hour laws (FLSA). (2) Part-time Exempt: These are employees who work in jobs requiring regularly scheduled work of less than 30 hours per week or less than 1,000 hours in a fiscal year. Part-time exempt employees are not eligible for standard school benefits. See the Business Office regarding, coverage, eligibility, waiting periods and cost. These are exempt positions. These exempt employees are generally salaried and fall into one or more of the following two classifications: teachers or coaches. These employees are exempt from the applicable provisions of state and federal wage and hour laws (FLSA). (3) Full-time Non-exempt: These are full-time employees who work in jobs requiring regularly scheduled work of 30 hours a week or more and at least 1,000 hours in a fiscal year. Full-time employees are eligible for standard school benefits and are paid on an hourly basis. These are non-exempt positions. Non-exempt employees are eligible to receive overtime pay in accordance with state and federal wage and hour laws (FLSA). These employees are required to submit an electronic time record for each pay period, approved by the appropriate supervisor, for the purpose of tracking hours worked and calculating compensation. (4) Part-time Non-exempt: These are employees who work in jobs requiring regularly scheduled work of less than 30 hours per week and less than 1,000 hours in a fiscal year. Part-time employees are not eligible for standard school benefits and are paid on an hourly basis. These are non-exempt positions. Nonexempt employees are eligible to receive overtime pay in accordance with state and federal wage and hour laws (FLSA). These employees are required to submit an electronic time record for each pay period, approved by the appropriate supervisor, for the purpose of tracking hours worked and calculating compensation. (5) Temporary: These are employees engaged in any temporary work that has a predetermined start and end date of employment. They may be exempt or non-exempt employees depending upon the position. Temporary employees are not eligible for standard school benefits. Pay Periods: All employees are paid every two weeks.

LEAVE POLICIES To apply for leave, or to inquire into what leave may be available, an employee should contact his/her supervisor and the Business Office. The Business Office will inform the employee of the type and duration of leave available, and will tell the employee which requirements, such as certification of a health condition, the employee must fulfill. The employee’s supervisor will approve any leave granted. All leaves are granted for a specific period of time. An employee who foresees being unable or unwilling to return to work at the end of the leave period may apply for any other leave for which the employee is eligible, including an extension of the current leave. CMS reserves the right to terminate the employment of an employee who does not return to work at the end of the approved leave period. Long-Term Disability: CMS provides long term disability insurance for all full-time employees. See the Business Office for policy terms. 10

Short Term Disability: CMS self-insures short-term disability. Documentation from an approved medical provider must be submitted to the Business Office to qualify for short-term disability. Family and Medical Leave: Employees may take unpaid leave per the terms of the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Please see the Business Office for details. Personal Leave of Absence: Requests for personal leave without pay may be considered on an individual basis and are at the discretion of the head of school. A request for personal leave of absence may be granted only if the employee is not eligible for any other type of leave. Jury Duty: Employees summoned for jury duty will be allowed the necessary time off from work to perform this civic responsibility. Employees must give CMS 15 days’ advance notice. Employees will be expected to report to work during all regular hours if their presence is not required in a jury room or court. CMS may require the employee to supply documentation from the court affirming the employee’s jury duty service. Military Duty: Employees who are absent from work in order to attend an annual encampment in a recognized reserve branch of the Armed Forces of the United States will receive a paid leave of absence of up to a maximum of two weeks per year. Leaves for military service and reinstatement after performing military service will be provided in accordance with the requirements of law. Bereavement: When a death occurs in an employee’s immediate family, an employee may take up to three days bereavement leave with pay, at the discretion of his/her supervisor, in order to attend the funeral or to make funeral arrangements. In unusual circumstances, additional time off may be granted, with or without pay, at the discretion of one of the assistant heads of school or the head of school. Forced Closings and Severe Weather: Unless notified by your supervisor, you are to report to work on all regularly scheduled days, regardless of weather conditions. If you are unable to report to work due to weather conditions, you must notify your supervisor as soon as possible. In the event that CMS closes due to severe weather conditions or any other reason, you will not be required to report to work. You will be paid for that day and it will not be counted as a paid leave day.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The following is a list of benefits that CMS makes available to all eligible employees. The descriptions in this handbook are a summary only. Separate plan documents explain each benefit in more detail. Benefits may be modified, added, or terminated at any time by the insurance pool or benefit provider, per the terms of the plan, or by CMS, at its discretion. Full-time employees as previously defined are eligible for the benefits outlined below. Medical Insurance: Medical insurance is available for eligible employees and their qualified dependents. Refer to the plan summary for details regarding coverage, eligibility, waiting periods and cost. Dental Insurance: Dental insurance is available for eligible employees and their qualified dependents. Refer to the plan summary for details regarding coverage, eligibility, waiting periods and cost. Life Insurance: CMS pays for life insurance for employees. The benefit is the equivalent of two times an employee’s salary, but not less than $50,000 nor more than $400,000. 403 (b) Retirement: As a condition of employment, all full-time employees will participate in the CMS sponsored 403(b) retirement program. Employees will contribute at least 5 percent of their earning and CMS will contribute 8 percent of the employees earned income. 11

Maternity Leave: Cardigan Mountain School will extend 100 percent of regular per diem pay for eligible employees for four weeks’ time from the day following the birth of a child. If, upon the written diagnosis of the employee’s attending physician, advisability of disability leave is determined, disability pay will be rendered following the four weeks of normal leave. Combined maternity leave and short-term disability cannot exceed a total of 90 calendar days. If a child is born on a date that results in the first four weeks of life being included in a school paid leave period, this is considered part of the maternity leave. In the case of adoption, the employee will be granted a leave of four weeks from the date of adoption. An eligible employee is defined as one who has completed one full contract year at Cardigan Mountain School prior to the date of the leave request and has a full-time contract for the year during which the leave is requested. Paternity Leave: Cardigan Mountain School will extend 100 percent of regular per diem pay for eligible employees for two weeks’ time from the day following the birth or adoption of a child. In the case of adoption, the employee will be granted a leave of two weeks from the date of adoption. An eligible employee is defined as one who has completed one full contract year at Cardigan Mountain School prior to the date of the leave request and has a full-time contract for the year during which the leave is requested. Professional Development Reimbursement Plan: CMS encourages its employees to further their professional development. The school’s tuition reimbursement plan is set up to cover all or part of the costs of education that furthers the employee’s education in a field related to his or her job, subject to annual budgetary funding limits. All courses must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and offered by an accredited training facility or institution. To get tuition reimbursement, an employee must complete the following steps: (i) gain permission from an appropriate supervisor for a specific course or field of study, (ii) successfully complete the course, with a grade not less than a “B,” and (iii) submit an expense report with the cost of the class and any applicable materials. The amount of tuition reimbursement will vary by course and may require an agreement regarding future employment at CMS. Workers’ Compensation: CMS requires that all employees report job-related accidents or injuries to the Business Office immediately, whether the accident occurred on or off school premises. Failure to report an injury, regardless of how minor, could result in difficulty with the employee’s claim and fines to CMS of $100 per day for each day the claim is not filed. All workers’ compensation claims will be paid directly to employees, and employees are expected to return to work immediately upon release by their doctor. COBRA: The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives employees and their qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue health coverage under the School’s health insurance plan should the employee leave employment with CMS or reduce their work hours below a regular schedule of 30 hours per week. Under COBRA, the employee pays the full cost of coverage at the School’s group rate. Details of COBRA coverage and how to apply for it are available in the Business Office. Meals: - All employees and their immediate families may eat meals at no cost in the dining hall when CMS is in session and they are scheduled to be on campus. Legal protection - Any employee who is sued during the performance of his or her duties as an employee of CMS may be provided with legal assistance concerning such suit, at the discretion of the School. Employee Tuition Abatement Policy: CMS full-time employees are eligible to have their sons attend CMS during the academic year with the benefit of reduced tuition. All applicable fees remain the obligation of the employee. Once a student has been enrolled at CMS, that student can expect to receive this benefit until graduation unless his record warrants dismissal or if the parent leaves the employ of CMS. If the employee leaves CMS employment at any time during his or her son’s enrollment, this benefit may become null and void immediately and the employee may be expected to assume tuition costs on a pro-rated basis. 12

The following criteria must be met: • The son must apply to CMS and be fully acceptable as a student and as a community member. Policies: • There is no cap on total number of employee sons in a given year who may enroll. • There is no cap on number of sons an employee can enroll in a given year. Tuition: Tuition shall be reduced for all eligible employees’ sons in sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades for the term in which the son is enrolled. Ninth-grade boarding arrangements may be available and are at the discretion of the assistant head of school. Employee Tuition Abatement–Summer Session Policy: CMS full-time employees and all Summer Session faculty are eligible to have their children attend CMS Summer Session with the benefit of reduced tuition. All applicable fees remain the obligation of the employee. If the employee leaves CMS employment at any time during his or her child’s enrollment, this benefit may become null and void immediately and the employee may be expected to assume tuition costs on a pro-rated basis. The following criteria must be met: • The child must apply to CMS Summer Session annually and be fully acceptable as a student and as a community member. Policies: • There is no cap on total number of employee children in a given year who may enroll. • There is no cap on number of children a family can enroll in a given year. Student Account Fees: Employee children who are CMS students will follow the same rules and pay the same amounts that apply to all students. Typical Additional Student Expenses: Employee children who are CMS students will pay these expenses, as outlined in the parent handbook and paid by all other students. Other Considerations: The head of school reserves the right to terminate the attendance of any employee’s child in the same manner as all other students enrolled at CMS. This policy will be reviewed periodically by the Board of Trustees and may change at any time. Life-Threatening Illness: CMS will assume that employees afflicted with life-threatening illnesses including cancer, heart disease, and HIV do not present a health risk to others at the School under normal working conditions, unless medical evidence indicates otherwise. Such employees will be treated in the same manner and will be subject to the same working conditions and performance requirements as any other employee, including eligibility for benefits. If the employee’s medical condition affects his/her ability to perform assigned duties, the employee will be treated the same as an employee whose disability prevents acceptable job performance. CMS will make such adjustments as are reasonable for such employees, consistent with operational needs and current practices affecting all employees.

CMS will consult with the NH Department of Health prior to removing an employee for health reasons. An employee’s medical condition is confidential and all reasonable precautions will be taken to protect information regarding an employee’s health and medical condition. The unlawful release of such information may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension without pay or discharge. Employees with terminal or life-threatening illnesses are entitled to coverage under disability benefits, the 13

Federal Family Medical Leave Act, health insurance, COBRA, and equal employment opportunity practices and policies.

Miscellaneous Conditions: This handbook contains descriptions of various fringe benefit and leave plans provided by CMS. Employees are reminded that, in some cases, these descriptions are summaries of technical language contained in insurance contracts or similar documents. Where employee benefits are governed by such formal contracts or documents, the exact terms of the official documents shall prevail. As changes are made in benefit or leave plans or policies, the personnel policy pages will be promptly updated, usually before the new policy goes into effect. However, the effective date of any new or revised policy or procedure will be the date determined by the head of school, whether or not changes have been issued. Employees are advised that enrollment in benefit plans is not automatic. Although the Business Office will endeavor to notify you of eligibility, you are responsible for ensuring that you are enrolled on a timely basis. If you have questions regarding your date of eligibility or the status of your enrollment in a particular benefit plan, you should contact the Business Office. While CMS intends to continue the benefit plans described in this handbook, the head of school reserves the right to modify or terminate any benefits or leave plan.

SPECIFIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Hours of Work: Schedules may vary based on the department’s needs. Employees may not deviate from the scheduled hours of work, unless a manager or supervisor specifically approves a request. Breaks for Non-exempt employees: CMS will determine appropriate timing of lunch and dinner breaks per their needs during the eight-hour work day. Employees will have a 30-minute unpaid lunch break and one paid 15-minute break during each eight-hour shift. Breaks are scheduled throughout the workday so as not to disrupt the business processes of CMS. Time Keeping: Non-exempt employees are required to complete their electronic time sheet every day and submit it every two weeks for approval. Overtime: Non-exempt employees are to be paid time and one-half (1.5) for work time that exceeds 40 hours during a scheduled workweek. Overtime must be pre-approved by their supervisor. Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay. The calculation of overtime hours will not include paid leave days during a given scheduled workweek. For overtime calculations paid holidays count as days worked. Payroll: Both exempt and non-exempt employees will have required federal and state (if applicable) taxes withheld from their wages. Payroll checks will not be released prior to the set pay schedule. Holidays: The following are paid holidays for non-faculty full-time employees. Full- and Part-Time Exempt receive the same holidays as part of their salary. Labor Day Thanksgiving (the day before, Thanksgiving Day, and the Friday following) Christmas Day (Christmas Day and two days before or after, determined annually) New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day 14

If your job requires you to work on one of these holidays, you will receive one floating holiday for each holiday worked. Holiday time must be taken within 30 days of the actual date of the holiday. Paid leaves: Full-time, full-year employees: Paid leaves are determined by the school calendar, the requirements of the job, and your supervisor. Paid leaves are prorated during the first year of hire. Paid leaves are earned from the start of the calendar year and are taken in the same calendar year in which they are earned. Paid leave time must be scheduled and approved in advance by your supervisor. An authorized school holiday that falls on a normal business day during your paid leave is not counted as a paid leave day. Paid leave time is earned as follows: Years 1 & 2 = 12 days paid leave earned at 8 hours per month Years 3-5 = 18 days paid leave earned at 12 hours per month Years 6-9 = 24 days paid leave earned at 16 hours per month Years 10+ = 30 days paid leave earned at 20 hours per month If an employee changes positions within CMS, they carry their years of service with them. CMS will not carryover any unused paid leave time from one year to the next. Hourly employees may buy out unused paid leave as follows: The school will pay directly to the employee, at the end of the calendar year, unused paid leave days in accordance with the following schedule: 1. 2. 3. 4.

“Less than two years” employees: up to 16 hours. “Three to five years” employees: up to 32 hours. “Six to nine years” employees: up to 48 hours. “Ten or more years” employees: up to 60 hours.

Pay out of unused leave shall be at the employee’s hourly rate at the time the payout is made. Unused paid leave hours in excess of the above schedule shall be forfeited. Part-time and temporary employees, faculty, coaches, and hourly staff working less than 11 months are not eligible for paid leave. Attendance & Punctuality: Punctuality and regular attendance are important to the smooth operation of CMS. If you are consistently late or excessively absent, CMS’s ability to perform work is affected and an unfair burden is placed on your co-workers. Therefore, unless your absence is permitted or excused under CMS’s holiday, paid leave, sick, or other policies, you are responsible for being at work and arriving on time. If you are going to be absent or late, it is your responsibility to call your supervisor as soon as possible, preferably in advance of lateness and no later than one hour after the start of the workday. If you are absent for several days, you must notify your supervisor each day. An employee who is absent for reasons other than those permitted or excused by CMS’s holiday, paid leave, or leave policies, or who repeatedly fails to provide notice as required, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Availability for Work: Employees must be available for work during normal business hours. If, for any reason, there is a change in your work availability status, you must notify your supervisor prior to the change.


Tobacco, Smokeless Tobacco, and Electronic Smoking Device Use: The CMS campus and all CMS functions are tobacco and electronic smoking device free. The use of any tobacco product or electronic smoking device on campus is prohibited, whether in public, in a residence, or in a vehicle. Further, the use of any tobacco products or electronic smoking devices while off campus representing the School or while operating a school vehicle is prohibited. Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Patrons/Clients/Contractors will be made aware of the policy on tobacco and tobacco products. TobaccoFree Campus signs will be posted. Pets: Faculty and staff are expected to maintain a clean residence that is free of pet odor. A pet is to remain outside all school buildings with the exception of its (faculty) residence. Dogs and other domestic animals are not allowed in the school beach area at any time. NH Administrative Rule Env-Wq 905.08 prohibits domestic animals from beach and swimming areas used for youth camps or swimming. Dogs may swim at the faculty beach next to the Ramos tennis courts. Dogs must be under your direct supervision or leashed when they are outdoors. Dogs are not allowed at outdoor buffets. Dog owners must provide a copy of each pet’s rabies vaccination record and dog license to the Main Office. Pet owners are required to clean up after their animals on any groomed portion of the campus, specifically all lawns, fields, parking lots, trails, roads, or walks. This does not apply to the wooded areas bordering the campus. Nutrition: CMS will provide healthy choices for all meals and other gatherings where food and beverage are available. • Fruit and/or vegetables will be available as a choice when food is offered. • Water, non-fat or 1% milk will be available as a choice when beverages are offered. • Foods containing no trans fats and that are low in total and saturated fats will be available as choices. • Foods low in sodium will be available as choices. Recycling & Energy Conservation: CMS supports environmental awareness in the workplace. Employees should dispose of bottles, cans, and paper in the appropriate recycling bins. Employees are also encouraged to conserve energy and natural resources by shutting down their computers, monitors, and printers at night; by turning off the lights when not needed; and by conserving water. Workplace Attire: CMS employees are expected to use good judgment and taste and to show courtesy to their co-workers and associates by dressing in a fashion that is presentable and appropriate. Uniforms may at times be provided, and employees will be expected to wear them. Employees are to dress in appropriate business attire for meetings with clients or vendors at CMS's offices or other locations. Faculty should adhere to the various dress codes listed on the “Plan of the Week” when students are on campus and school is in session. Telephone Use: Telephones are provided to enable employees to carry out work assignments in an efficient manner. Personal telephone calls should be kept to a minimum, and personal toll calls should not be made at CMS’s expense. For non-school-related telephone calls, such as those made to friends and family, you must either call collect or use a personal cell phone. Voice Mail and Electronic Mail: All electronic and telephone communication systems and all communications and information transmitted by, received from, or stored in these systems are the 16

property of CMS and, as such, are intended for job-related purposes. Personal use should be kept to a minimum. Electronic or telephone communication systems may not be used to transmit messages that may be considered inappropriate under CMS’s policies, including those policies prohibiting harassment. CMS reserves the right to monitor any electronic, telephone, or other communications made using CMS systems or property. Use of School Property: All school workspaces, including file cabinets and lockers, are the property of CMS and must be available to management at all times. Photocopiers or printers should not be used for personal business. Personal use of school vehicles is by special permission only. Postage, Shipping, and Office Supplies: Postage, shipping, and office supplies paid for by CMS are for school business purposes and are not to be used for an employee’s personal purposes. Personal Property: CMS does not assume responsibility for any personal property located on its premises. Employees are to use their own discretion when choosing to bring personal property into the office or classroom, and they do so at their own risk. Additionally, people who live in dorms or other CMS provided housing are required to have renter’s insurance, listing CMS as an additional insured, to protect their personal property. A copy of the insurance policy must be forwarded to the Business Office annually. Monitoring & Searches: All school property is subject to monitoring and review at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, on-campus apartments, desks, lockers, school vehicles, computers, and email files. Reasons for searches and reviews include, but are not limited to, personal abuse of school property, theft investigation, and improper disclosure of confidential information. CMS retains the right to conduct searches at any time. This includes the right to search individual computers or files, even if protected by a password. Universal Precautions for Handling Bodily Fluids: CMS has a plan to prevent your exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. All body fluids and wastes should be treated as if they are infectious. The most important step in preventing exposure to and transmission of any infection is anticipating potential contact with infectious materials. Thorough hand-washing, using soap and running water, should be done often and is essential after physical contact with a person, equipment, or substances that may carry infection. Disposable gloves should be worn to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Waste products and needles should be bagged separately and disposed of properly. (Please contact the School’s Health Center for proper disposal instructions.) Spill areas should be properly decontaminated by a member of the Housekeeping team. Employees with “occupational exposure” are those who have a high likelihood of coming in contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Employees with “occupational exposure” should be vaccinated for hepatitis B. Your supervisor will discuss the possibility of “occupational exposure” with you and arrange vaccinations within 10 days of employment if you are at risk. You have the right to refuse vaccination by signing a waiver. If by accident blood or other potentially infectious material does have contact with your broken skin or mucous membrane, you should immediately wash the area thoroughly, report to the School’s Health Center, complete an Incident Exposure Form, and seek medical advice. Work-Related Injury or Illness: If you are injured on the job or have a work-related illness, you must report this immediately to your supervisor and complete the Employer’s First Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form (NH form # 8WC.) The First Report of Occupational Injury or Disease form must be submitted to the Business Office within 48 hours of the incident. This is important, even if you do not 17

think your injury or illness is serious. Failure to file could result in fines to the School and/or interfere with your workers’ compensation benefits. Confidentiality: Student records, including student health records, will be kept confidential and only disclosed in accordance with applicable FERPA, HIPPA, and other related laws and regulations. All members of this community have the right to privacy in their counseling relationships. Once a conversation is acknowledged to be confidential, personal information may not be shared by anyone involved in that conversation without permission of the other party. Consulting with a professional for the benefit of the student is not a breach of confidentiality. Confidentiality must be broken when there is a question of danger either to an individual or the community, as in situations of suicidal threats or when required by federal or state law. Confidential medical information about a student should generally not be shared outside of student’s family, medical professionals, those CMS employees who need to know, and those authorized by the family or student to know. When in doubt about who should learn of confidential medical information, please consult with the director of health services. You, as an employee of CMS, may have responsibilities of confidentiality arising under the law. FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g. 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that provides parents with the right to inspect and review their children’s education records, the right to seek to amend information in the records they believe to be inaccurate, misleading, or an invasion of privacy, and the right to consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from their children’s education records. Privacy Issues: Employees in a boarding school have the opportunity to share in the educational process in unique ways with students. Along with this opportunity comes responsibility. It is important that employees recognize their function as role models for the students. This understanding is vital because of the loss of privacy within the residential community. All CMS employees must be aware of how their behavior is seen and interpreted by students, parents, and the public. Just as employees must exercise emotional detachment in order to maintain professional standards in their dealings with students, they must also be sensitive to the impact their personal relationships have on the students around them. Because of their proximity to the students, dorm parents need to be especially sensitive to the impact that their personal relationships may have on the students. Conflicts of Interest: CMS requires that employees not compromise the School, its partners, CMS parents, or suppliers for personal gain. Using CMS’s list of constituents to promote your personal business is not allowed. Employees are required to disclose all conflicts of interest to a supervisor. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employment of Relatives: Employment of relatives is allowed by CMS, provided that the following conditions are met: 1. The applicant is qualified for the position. 2. The employee and relative will not be in a direct reporting relationship with one another. 3. The personal relationship will not adversely affect the workflow, lines of communication, relationships with supervisors, or processes of the School. Exceptions are only allowed with the approval of the head of school. 18

Requests from Media: Periodically, CMS employees receive request from the media for information concerning CMS, our graduates, or members of the school community or the academic or athletic programs we work in. All such requests should be referred to the director of advancement communications; in his/her absence, to the head of school; in the head’s absence, to the assistant head of school for external relations. CMS Logo Use Guidelines: All use and reproduction of CMS logo and word marks (documents, Internet, clothing, etc.) for both internal and external distribution must be approved by the director of advancement communications. CMS reserves the right to approve or disapprove of the use of the CMS logo/word marks at any time. CMS reserves the right, at any time and without cause, to modify or suspend this policy and to take action against any misuse or unfair, misleading, diluting, or infringing use of the CMS word marks or logo. The CMS logo may not be altered in proportion, color, element or type or be animated or otherwise distorted in appearance. The CMS logo may not be used in connection with any disparaging statements about CMS.

GUIDE TO MAKING OUTSIDE PURCHASES AT CMS The following procedure must be followed for all purchases made by CMS personnel for which CMS is responsible for payment. Department heads/leaders are responsible for their budgets. All purchases must be approved by an appropriate department head/leader prior to being placed. This allows them to plan for future purchases, ensure that appropriate accounts are charged and ensure that there are budgeted funds available to make the purchase. When making a purchase from an outside vendor purchase orders must be used in accordance with the CMS Purchasing/Expenditures Procedures policy. Please note: CMS is tax exempt. Our tax-exempt number and copies of our tax exempt form may be obtained at the Business Office. What to Do When the Order Has Been Received: Please forward all packing slips and invoices to the Business Office. The packing slips and invoices must be matched up with the proper purchase order, in accordance with the CMS Purchasing/Expenditures Procedures policy, with the appropriate account number clearly marked on it, and it must be signed by the appropriate authorized manager. If for any reason there is a problem with the order, make sure that the Business Office is informed so that payments can be adjusted accordingly. Expense Reimbursement CMS will reimburse employees for reasonable pre-approved expenses. Reasonable expenses while traveling on school business include travel fares, accommodations, meals, tips, telephone and Internet charges, entertainment of clients, and purchases on behalf of the School. All expenses must be submitted via the required expense form, mileage reimbursement form, and/or athletic trip reconciliation form and approved by the employee’s supervisor prior to submission for reimbursement. Whenever possible, and in situations where CMS may question the reasonableness of an expense, the employee should secure approval in advance of incurring the expense. All expenses submitted for reimbursement must be accompanied by a proper expense receipt. Mileage reimbursement sheets may be required to include a copy of a route map supporting mileage traveled. Reimbursements will not be paid without a receipt. All receipts must show what has been purchased or explain the service performed and originate from the vendor. Unreasonable or excessive expenses will not be reimbursed. Any questions should be directed to the employee’s supervisor.


DRIVING POLICIES AND USE OF SCHOOL VEHICLES All school vehicles are to be used for school business purposes only. Employees borrowing school vehicles on a temporary basis will do so through the Facilities Dept. Office and follow their procedures. • All drivers of CMS vehicles MUST possess a valid U.S. driver’s license. •

Only authorized school employees may drive CMS vehicles. Spouses, children, friends, and others are not authorized to drive CMS vehicles.

It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that all passengers wear seat belts at all times.

Always drive with headlights on.

It is the driver’s responsibility to make sure the vehicle is clean upon return.

When operating a school vehicle, employees should drive cautiously and conservatively at all times.

Never drive over the speed limit.

The employee is responsible for any traffic violations incurred and any damage to the vehicle due to negligence. Traffic violations of a significant nature may be grounds for immediate dismissal.

Overloading vans, buses, pickup trucks or trailers is driver negligence and must not occur.

Employees using school vehicles must have a clean driving record and have received clearance from CMS before driving a school vehicle. Pertinent information must be provided to the Business Office to obtain this clearance. A copy of your current U.S. driver’s license must be on file in the Business Office.

Employees using a CMS vehicle for personal use must have a copy of your personal current U.S. automobile insurance policy on file in the Business Office prior to using the vehicle. Minimum liability limits must be at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per incident. Employees are responsible for the cost to repair damage to CMS vehicles while being used for personal use.

Reserve vehicles in advance through the Facilities or Athletics Departments using current procedures.

Log books in the activity vehicles and buses are to record a variety of important information. It is critical for budgetary reasons that the log is completely filled out at the start and finish of each trip.

If there is a problem with a vehicle that needs immediate attention because it poses a safety concern while driving it, call the administrator on duty (AOD) or the athletics director to discuss whether the vehicle should be taken to a garage for immediate repairs.

Email the athletics director and the assistant director of facilities for any non-critical maintenance issues that come to light during the trip.

Park the vehicles in the designated parking area for the vehicle being used.

Return the vehicle log book and keys to the appropriate location and sign the vehicle in.

In case of emergency medical treatment to a student, medical release forms on each student are kept in the health center. Please contact the Health Center staff for help in obtaining the release.

If you have an accident, please tell the assistant director of facilities so that any damage can be fixed quickly.

If an employee is in an accident with a CMS vehicle, the directions on the card that is kept in each vehicle should be followed: o Contact police/ambulance if necessary. o Contact the athletic director or administrator of duty (AOD). o Fill out a CMS Accident/Incident Report, which is available in the Business Office. o Call tow truck if necessary. 20

Other Vehicle Use: Employees should neither rent a vehicle, nor use their own car when a school vehicle is readily available. Employees renting a vehicle or using their own vehicle on CMS business must receive authorization from a supervisor to do so. Mileage on personal vehicles and/or rental fees will not be reimbursed without prior authorization. A copy of their “proof of insurance� card must be submitted to the Business Office by all employees who submit for reimbursement of personal vehicle expenses and/or who transport students in their personal vehicle.

CELL PHONE & ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY Vehicle crashes attributed to driver distraction are quickly on the rise, in large part because of widespread use of cell phone and other portable electronic devices behind the wheel. As of July 1, 2015, the State of New Hampshire has banned cell phone use while driving. To protect employees driving on school business as well as others on the road, CMS has developed this Cell Phone/Electronic Device Use Policy which applies to all employees of CMS who fit any or all of the following criteria: * Driving on CMS business in any vehicle, personal or otherwise. * Driving a CMS vehicle, whether on school business or not. * Driving a CMS rented vehicle, whether on school business or not. General Procedures: The use of a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving is strictly prohibited; this includes all functions of the cell phone, including, but not limited to, phone calls, text messaging, e-mail, Internet use and camera use. The use of a cell phone, via a hands-free device is also strictly prohibited at any time while driving any vehicle or bus with students on board. Definitions: Cell phone (also known as a mobile phone, smart phone, handheld cell, or handset): A mobile electronic device that engages in telecommunications including voice calls, text messaging, and email. Cell phones also may include features like complete Internet access, games, multimedia messaging service (MMS), instant messaging (IM) service, digital audio (MP3) players, cameras, radios, and global positioning systems (GPS). Any device that engages in these functions is included in this policy. Portable electronic device: In this policy, electronic device means any portable apparatus that involves user interaction. This includes, but is not limited to, laptops, GPS systems, MP3 players, cameras, pagers, and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Headset (also known as a hands-free device): An extension of the cell phone, either connected to the handset via cord or wirelessly through Bluetooth technology that allows the user to engage in voice communication without holding the cell phone itself. Emergency calls: The only exception to the cell phone use policy is calls placed to 911. If placing or accepting an emergency call, keep it short and use a hands-free option if available. When receiving an emergency call, ask the caller to hold briefly until you can safely pull your vehicle off the road. GPS systems: CMS understands that sometimes, especially when traveling in unfamiliar areas, drivers require assistance with directions. GPS systems are extremely helpful devices, but they can also be distracting if used improperly. Employees must adhere to the following: 21

• • • •

Mounted GPS systems may not block or obstruct the driver’s view in any way. GPS systems must be voice narrated and must not require that the driver look away from the road to follow instructions. Employees may not program the system while in motion. Programming or otherwise engaging with the GPS screen may only occur while stopped and pulled off the road.

MP3 and Other Audio Devices: In some cases, worrying about music selection or touching dials and buttons on the radio, MP3 player or other audio device may be just as dangerous as cell phone use. It takes eyes and concentration off the road, which is not permissible under CMS policy. CMS does allow employee use of personal, portable audio devices. However, while the School does not want to eliminate the employee’s ability to enjoy music while behind the wheel, he/she must follow these guidelines: • Employees may not take eyes off the road to adjust music settings. • Programming music settings while stopped and pulled off the road or before departing is permissible behavior. • Employees may not, under any circumstances, listen to music through headphones while driving. Not only is it illegal in most states, it also impedes the driver’s ability to properly hear warning signs, signals, or sirens.

EMPLOYEE SAFETY POLICY Cardigan Mountain School strives to provide all employees with a safe and healthy workplace. An effective health and safety program is an integral part of our school, and everyone must share in this responsibility. CMS strives to provide safe and healthful conditions for each of its employees. In return, the School expects and insists that all employees recognize their obligations to conduct themselves with due regard, not only for their own safety, but for the safety of everyone within the CMS community. To ensure that a safe working environment is maintained, all employees shall actively promote safety and accident prevention as an integral part of their normal job functions. Each employee is responsible for implementing this policy by continually observing all safety practices, rules, and standards throughout the workday. When specified safety policies are not abided by, disciplinary action, including termination of employment, may follow. There are loss of earnings and physical injuries suffered by employees as the result of accidents. This alone justifies a constant and intensive accident prevention program. Full cooperation of all employees is essential to successfully achieve this safety policy. Failure to follow safety guidelines with regard to moving vehicle violations, alcohol use, and violations of safety policies is unacceptable and may lead to disciplinary actions. Staff who create unsafe workplaces or supervisors who allow unsafe workplaces to exist may also face disciplinary action. Depending upon the severity of the incident and past record, immediate termination may occur at any time.


EMPLOYEE ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION The following guidelines apply when an accident occurs: • All accidents must and will be reported immediately and accurately in writing to a supervisor and the Business Office as soon as possible after the incident. All accidents must be reported, no matter how minor they may seem. • The supervisor will make arrangements for the injured party to go to the hospital or doctor as necessary. • The employee involved, or in his/her absence the supervisor, will fill out the accident report completely and accurately as soon as possible after the accident. • If appropriate, an accident investigation may be conducted, not for the purpose of finding fault, but to seek to prevent the accident from occurring again. • A manager or supervisor conducts accident investigations, requesting the assistance of the director of business operations if necessary. • The director of business operations will bring all accident information to the Joint Loss Management Committee (JLMC). The JLMC will suggest possible corrective actions that will reduce the number of overall accidents. • The director of business operations will follow up on major lost time issues to determine whether the appropriate corrective actions have been put in place. RETURN-TO-WORK POLICY Should an accident occur, our goal, and those of the N.H. Department of Labor administrative rules, is to return an employee to work as soon as possible without risk to the employee’s health. We will make any necessary and reasonable accommodation under the temporary alternative duty (TAD) regulations to allow the employee’s return to work. In order of preference, our approach will be as follows: • •

Return the employee to the same position, if medically advisable. Return the employee to a familiar, but modified, job in the same department or area. Job or worksite modifications may include a temporarily reduced work schedule, light duty work, changed duties, trading elements of the job with co-workers, altering the way duties are performed, physical changes in the work station, and specialized tools or adaptive devices. If necessary, return the employee to work in a different position under the TAD rules and regulations. We will determine the options for alternative positions at the appropriate time.

Joint Loss Management Committee: CMS has a committee of administrators, faculty, office workers, and other staff established in compliance with NH Dept. of Labor Rule 600. The purpose of this committee is to carry out the requirements of RSA 281-A: 64 by bringing workers and management together in a non-adversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health in each workplace. A Joint Loss Management Committee assists the employer and makes recommendations for change. Their responsibilities include the review of workplace accident and injury data to help establish the committee’s goals and objectives in creating specific safety programs that will identify hazards, with recommended control measures, to the person(s) most able to implement controls, and assist with safety and health training for employees. Emergency Planning: Pursuant to RSA 189:64 (Emergency Plans for School), each staff member will be required to fill out an Employee Skills Inventory (see Exhibit B in Appendix). This information will be utilized by the CMS Safety Committee.


Presence of Asbestos Notice: In accordance with EPA regulation, each school building has been inspected for asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM). ACBM may cause health problems. ACBM may be present in any facility at Cardigan Mountain School. A record of the inspection, a diagram of the location(s) of ACBMs, and a copy of relevant EPA regulations are available in the Facilities Office. For additional information, contact the assistant director of facilities at 523-3612. Hazard Communication: Employees are considered to be the primary hazard identifiers in their respective areas. You are required to take necessary action to prevent initial or further injuries whenever you identify a hazard. If correction is not immediately possible, you should prepare an electronic “maintenance work order”; in the purpose box, select “SAFETY.” These work orders are given priority to make sure that any unsafe condition is addressed as soon as possible. Well-being Team: Cardigan Mountain School strives to create a culture of well-being for its employees and students. CMS has a Well-being Team of representatives that is working to promote and support employee physical and mental health, nutrition, and financial well-being through education, fitness activities, and programs that increase awareness of the benefits of a healthful lifestyle. Well-being activities include a flu shot clinic, exercise and yoga classes, a nutrition program, financial well-being workshops, and the dissemination of materials. The team meets regularly, and membership is open to any interested employee.

ACCEPTABLE USE & COMPUTER COMPATIBILITY POLICY The following policies ensure the ethical use of the CMS computer network, and apply to all users with network access. The term “CMS computers” in this document refers to any computer or device attached or able to attach to the CMS network, whether privately owned or owned by CMS. •

Any device that connects to the network is considered a computer. This includes tablets, cell phones, or any other device connected directly to the CMS computer network.

An employee may not use the Internet or any CMS computer to obtain, possess, display, distribute, or create any material that is contrary to the good order of discipline and includes, but is not limited to, pornography, hate mail, threats, flaming, etc.

All files created on, transmitted through, stored on, or accessed by CMS computers are subject to monitoring and search. Use of CMS computers and network resources implies consent to search.

All school-related files should be copied to the applicable network folder where they will be backed up.

No personal files should be kept on CMS-owned machines.

Employees are expected to adhere to the same high standards and code of conduct that applies to all aspects of life here at Cardigan Mountain School.

Employees are expected to use the Internet and resources of CMS for personal communication, research, school-related functions, and legitimate and sanctioned information gathering activities only.

On-line gambling is not permitted.

An employee may not use CMS resources to harm, threaten, defame, slander, or cause damage to any staff member, faculty member, administrator, student, parent, or other third party.

An employee may not use any CMS resource to acquire or distribute any software or information improperly, including, but not limited to, copyright violations, software piracy, or plagiarism. 24

When logging on to CMS resources, an employee must log on with his/her own user name only.

An employee shall not attempt unauthorized access to any resource.

Peripherals and consumables are CMS property. Users will be held accountable for loss or damage to any CMS property caused by abuse or misuse. This includes, but is not limited to, mouse pads, mice, keyboards, printers, scanners, digital/video cameras.

An employee may only attach a computer, printer, or device to the CMS network only with prior approval of the Technology Department.

An employee may not install any software on any CMS computer without prior permission from the Technology Department.

An employee may not disassemble, open, destroy, modify, or damage any CMS computer.

Any computer attached to the CMS network must have an anti-virus software installed and be approved by the Technology Department. Virus definitions must be current, applied within a month of the current date on inspection.

An employee shall not install any virus, Trojan, or any other software designed to gain unauthorized access to or destroy any functionality of any CMS computer.

An employee may not install or use any packet capture program, sniffer, traffic monitoring or hashing program on any computer attached to the CMS network.

An employee may not install or run any remote desktop or remote control software on any computer attached to the CMS network without prior permission from the Technology Department.

An employee should be able to, upon request, demonstrate legal ownership of all copyrighted materials on the school computer assigned to him/her.

Using the CMS network for commercial purposes or in support of illegal activities is prohibited. CMS maintains the network in support of education and research consistent with the School’s educational objectives.

CMS will not be responsible for any damages suffered, including loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, error deliveries, or service interruptions involving the CMS network, either caused by its failures or user errors or omissions.

An employee shall not attempt to disable, bypass or modify any software or hardware installed for the purpose of protecting our network. This includes anti-virus software, the filtering system or firewalls.

No network-capable console gaming systems will be attached to the CMS network without prior permission from the Technology Department.

An employee shall not attempt to modify the assigned IP address of any CMS or privately owned computer attached to the CMS network.

An employee shall not purposely or maliciously disrupt any network or telecommunications operations or attempt to modify, disconnect, bypass, damage, or turn off any network or telecommunications equipment.


GUIDELINES FOR SOCIAL MEDIA PARTICIPATION These guidelines apply to Cardigan Mountain School employees or representatives who create or contribute to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of social media. Whether you log into Twitter, Yelp, Wikipedia, Myspace, or Facebook pages, or comment on online media stories these guidelines are for you. There will only be one official Cardigan Mountain School account on any social media platform. This master site will be managed by the Communications Office. Departments may have sub-pages on the CMS site for their interests and activities. All sub-sites will be initially approved and created by the Communications Office before being handed to specific CMS staff or alumni for their management. While all Cardigan Mountain School employees are welcome to participate in social media, we expect everyone who participates in online commentary to understand and to follow these simple but important guidelines. These rules are designed to allow members of our community to participate online in a respectful, relevant way that protects the reputation of CMS and follows the letter and spirit of the law. 1. Be transparent and state that you work at Cardigan Mountain School. Your honesty will be noted in the social media environment. If you are writing about Cardigan Mountain School or a competitor, use your real name, identify that you work for Cardigan Mountain School, and be clear about your role. If you have a vested interest in what you are discussing, be the first to say so. 2. Never represent yourself or Cardigan Mountain School in a false or misleading way. All statements must be true and not misleading; all claims must be substantiated. 3. Post meaningful, respectful comments - in other words, please, no spam and no remarks that are off-topic or offensive. 4. Use common sense and common courtesy: For example, it’s best to ask permission to publish or report on conversations that are meant to be private or internal to Cardigan Mountain School. Make sure your efforts to be transparent don’t violate Cardigan Mountain School’s privacy, confidentiality, and legal guidelines for external commercial speech. 5. Stick to your area of expertise and do feel free to provide unique, individual perspectives on nonconfidential activities at Cardigan Mountain School. 6. When disagreeing with others’ opinions, keep it appropriate and polite. If you find yourself in a situation online that looks as if it’s becoming antagonistic, do not get overly defensive and do not disengage from the conversation abruptly; feel free to ask the Communications Department for advice and/or to disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner that reflects well on Cardigan Mountain School. 7. If you want to write about our counterparts (e.g., other schools), make sure you behave diplomatically, have the facts straight, and that you have the appropriate permissions. 8. Please never comment on anything related to legal matters, litigation, or any parties Cardigan Mountain School may be in litigation with. 9. Never participate in social media when the topic being discussed may be considered a crisis situation. Even anonymous comments may be traced back to your, (or Cardigan Mountain School’s) IP address. Refer all social media activity around crisis topics to school administrators. 10. Be smart about protecting yourself, your privacy, and Cardigan Mountain School’s confidential information. What you publish is widely accessible and will be around for a long time, so consider the content carefully. 11. Before posting or sending your message, consider whether the message as you wrote it could be interpreted by others as embarrassing or damaging to you or to CMS. Once you post or send, your message may find its way to people and places you do not expect. 26

Social Media Policy: All Cardigan Mountain School employees should adhere to the following with respect to: 1. Students: All Cardigan Mountain School employees should not “friend” current students and /or accept requests from current students to post anything on a social site of a current student. Each school employee needs to respect the special aspect of the teacher/coach-student relationship and hold such in high regard. 2. Parents: Use caution when “friending” current parents. The School expects each faculty member to maintain a professional relationship with parents. By avoiding social networking and similar sites, this helps to control access to personal information, avoid questions about the nature of the relationships and maintain the professionalism of faculty with each parent. 3. Alumni: It is allowable for Cardigan Mountain School employees to accept social network friend requests from alumni. However, it is best not to initiate friend contacts with underage alumni. Understand that the uneven power dynamics of the School, in which adults have authority over former students, might continue to shape those relationships. Consider that recent alumni are in some ways similar to current students because of proximity and age and because they likely perceive faculty and staff as authority figures. 4. Other Friends: Monitor all postings to your network. Be judicious in your postings to all friends’ sites and act immediately to remove any material that may be inappropriate from your site, whether posted by you or someone else. 5. Professional Relationships: Social network sites should never be used for communication with students and parents regarding confidential, school-related, or professional information. 6. Privacy: Recognize that there is no such thing as complete privacy on a social networking site. Take care in anything you post online. Keep privacy settings at appropriate levels to protect yourself. 7. Application of School Policy: All policies of Cardigan Mountain School, including those referenced in this handbook, shall apply to employee's conduct on social networking sites. 8. Employees’ Children: Each Cardigan Mountain School employee who has a child who is a student at CMS will be responsible for that student’s social media content as it applies to Cardigan Mountain School. Cardigan Mountain School employees’ children should not be allowed to post information that refers to Cardigan Mountain School in a negative light.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN A critical incident is an event that is extraordinary and therefore cannot be predicted. Awareness of how people may react in a critical situation make it possible to implement a plan that defuses those reactions and prevents them from precipitating a secondary crisis. In the event of a critical incident, direct all inquiries about the incident to the Communications Office. The staff should refrain from discussing the situation amongst themselves or with others. Examples of critical incidents include, but are not limited to, the following: Death of faculty, support staff, student, parent, or other extended “CMS family” members. Car accident. Fire in the building. Parents divorcing. Suicide. Lost students on a trail. 27

The stages of a critical incident generally include the following: Pre-incident phase. Impact. Incident phase. Confusion and disorientation. Trial-and-error reorganization. Resolution. Post-incident phase. Some needs the school fulfills during a critical incident include the following: Serving the wider community. Substituting for the extended family. Providing services to children. Maintaining a cohesive school community. Fulfilling a legal responsibility. Reducing the effects of traumatic stress. Signs that there may be a critical incident in the making include the following: Students are overly emotional, anxious, or otherwise agitated. The police, fire department, or ambulance services are involved with an event. Rumors that have potentially damaging implications for CMS, CMS students, or personnel are circulating in the School or greater community. CMS has a plan in place that will address any critical incident that should arise. We are prepared to set up prevention, intervention, and post-intervention programs as needed.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE Procedure: The following steps should be taken in a critical incident or emergency situation: 1. When an event is recognized as a possible incident or emergency, the staff member reports the incident to the administrator-on-duty (AOD). 2. The AOD brings the situation to the attention of the Emergency Management Team (EMT). 3. The EMT convenes to determine whether the event should be classified as a critical incident or a crisis and whether parents should be notified. 4. If the event is determined to be a critical incident, EMT determines and facilitates the necessary course(s) of action. 5. If the event is determined to be a crisis, the EMT immediately implements the Emergency Management Plan. 6. The EMT will formulate, record, and implement the Emergency Management Plan. 7. The EMT updates the Emergency Management Plan daily. 8. The EMT contacts the Community Support Team as detailed in the Emergency Management Plan as necessary. 9. The EMT follows the Emergency Management Plan as directed by incident commander. (A copy of the Emergency Management Plan is located in the Business Office, the Facilities Office, and the Health Center.) 10. The EMT will conduct a debriefing session at the conclusion of the incident.


FIRE ALARM PROCEDURES The following steps should be followed in the event of a fire alarm: • Alarm sounds • All students and adults exit the building using the NEAREST exit, go immediately to the site designated for gathering that building, and gather by class/floor as instructed. • Faculty will take attendance and report immediately to the incident commander if someone is missing. The incident commander will hold everyone at their designated gathering site until the “ALL CLEAR” signal is given. All employees will be given training in emergency response procedures. All employees should become familiar with the Cardigan Mountain School Emergency Management Plan (EMP). The EMP is a guide for all employees in the procedures to follow if an emergency occurs in their area.

MAINTENANCE Maintenance needs by staff and faculty, including any damage to CMS property or vehicles, should be brought to the immediate attention of the assistant director of facilities. Cardigan Mountain School uses an online maintenance work order system for reporting all facilities, maintenance, housekeeping and other nonemergency repair needs. Day-to-day maintenance needs and repairs are to be submitted online through the work order system. The online work order system can be accessed by clicking on the “Facilities” tab on the Cardigan Mountain School intranet website. Maintenance issues involving safety will be given top priority. Maintenance needs resulting from student damage to school property should be brought to the immediate attention of the director of student life. For urgent repair needs and all emergencies, contact the administrator on duty (AOD) immediately. The AOD will assess the emergency and contact the appropriate member of the Facilities team. The assistant director of facilities oversees the distribution of all keys. All requests for keys must be processed through the department heads. Lost or stolen keys present serious security problems for the School. Please see CMS Key Control Policy for procedures for issuing a key or other access device and the cost of issuing replacement keys/access devices.




EXHIBIT A – Employee Code of Conduct

Cardigan Mountain School

Employee Code of Conduct Adopted June 30, 2015

As a Cardigan Mountain School employee, I, ____________________________ (Print Name) agree to the following: I. Overview - Cardigan Mountain School Code of Conduct reflects the commitment of Cardigan Mountain School, its trustees, and its employees to conduct business in accordance with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. This Code of Conduct sets forth policies and guidelines by which Cardigan Mountain School employees should abide in all activities. This document does not purport to catalog or examine every law or rule that applies to employees’ affairs. Rather, this Code represents an outline of Cardigan Mountain School’s policies and principles. Employees should refer to this document for guidance in business operations and should understand that they must comply with both the letter and the spirit of this document in all of their activities. Cardigan Mountain School employees are expected to aspire to the highest standards of integrity, ethics and professionalism because such conduct will produce an atmosphere in which productivity, creativity, teamwork and respect are fostered. Acceptance and understanding of the Code of Conduct will ensure that Cardigan Mountain School remains successful. Promoting and maintaining the principles expressed in the Code of Conduct will help to ensure that Cardigan Mountain School continues to be viewed with respect and remains a potent institution. II. Upholding an Appropriate Workplace Environment A. Equal Opportunity: Cardigan Mountain School values its employees and is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace where fairness, equity, responsibility, and trust are valued. Cardigan Mountain School strives to create and preserve diversity in its workplace and does not make employment decisions based upon race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or veteran’s status. In all other matters relating to ways in which Cardigan Mountain School and its employees interact, CMS is committed to compliance with the applicable laws governing the workplace. B. Unlawful Harassment: Cardigan Mountain School strives to maintain a workplace in which harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or veteran’s status is not tolerated. Grievances regarding harassment ought to be expressed according to the procedures outlined in the Cardigan Mountain School Employee Handbook.


C. Environment, Health and Safety: Cardigan Mountain School strives to maintain a work atmosphere in which all employees remain safe, healthy, and productive, and it is committed to compliance with all applicable environmental and workplace health and safety regulations. If it appears that Cardigan Mountain School is not in observance of such rules, it is expected that a staff member will notify a supervisor immediately. III. Protecting School Records, Information and Assets A. Financial Records: Cardigan Mountain School’s financial records serve as the basis for managing its activities and are important to fulfilling its responsibilities as an organization working toward the public good. Such records are also necessary for compliance with tax requirements, for public disclosure when required, and for preparation of financial statements, tax filings, and other documents. As such, CMS and its trustees and employees are committed to maintaining accurate and complete financial records and to full, fair, accurate, timely, and clear disclosure of such records. B. False Statements: Making false statements to the government is illegal, is prohibited, and is punishable by severe consequences. Similarly, making false or misleading statements to CMS is prohibited. Anyone found to have made such statements will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. C. Dishonesty and Fraud: Cardigan Mountain School has been held in high regard since its inception. Like all organizations, however, its reputation faces risks from dishonesty and fraud. To prevent against harm to its reputation, Cardigan Mountain School remains committed to the deterrence, detection, and correction of such misconduct and to creating and maintaining a culture in which such actions are not tolerated or encouraged. Broadly, dishonesty and fraud can involve many forms, such as the following: a. Theft or other misappropriation of assets, including assets of CMS. b. Questionable payments to agents, consultants, or professionals who haven’t been properly retained by CMS or have over-billed or under-performed services. c. Forgery or other alteration of documents. d. Billings made higher or lower than fair value, at a customer’s request. e. Payments made for any purpose other than that described in supporting documents. f. Bid rigging. g. Embezzlement. h. Fraud and other unlawful acts. i. Bribery and kickbacks. D. E-communications: This section addresses employee use of Cardigan Mountain School’s electronic information facilities, which includes CMS’s computers, cell-phones and other CMS-owned electronic devices, as well as its electronic services such as the following platforms: e-mail (which is meant to include instant messaging), message boards, intranet, electronic calendars, social networking, class-room and library programs, chat rooms, voice mail, voice-over-Internet, Internet access and word processing. CMS employees must not expect privacy in their use of electronic information facilities. Because email, voice mail and other electronic information resources are to be used for school activities and are the property of CMS, users must understand that electronically stored information may be monitored to ensure compliance with CMS policies and legal requirements. When transmitting extremely sensitive information, there may be risks with the use of e-mail. Caution should be exercised when cellular telephones and other portable devices using radio 32

technology are used for transmitting confidential information. Unless the connection is encrypted, information may not remain confidential. CMS relies upon the function of its electronic information facilities and, as such, depends upon its employees to protect the integrity of these systems. To ensure these systems remain intact, CMS employees are expected to take steps to protect systems from viruses, to comply with CMS’s efforts to control and protect access to information using user IDs and passwords, and to refrain from testing security devices (i.e., through hacking, password cracking, file decryption, or copying software) unless given proper authorization. E. Assets: Cardigan Mountain School property should be used only for CMS-related business and should, under no circumstance, be used for personal gain. Employees are responsible for maintaining CMS property and should take all reasonable steps to protect that property from theft, misuse, loss, damage, or sabotage. IV. Reporting ethics and/or conduct concerns One of the most important responsibilities Cardigan Mountain School employees have is the obligation to raise a concern about a possible violation of Cardigan Mountain School policy or the law. Remaining silent regarding a concern about ethics or conduct could potentially harm other employees and CMS. For this reason, Cardigan Mountain School employees are required to express ethics and conduct concerns to a supervisor. If an employee suspects a direct supervisor of violating ethical or conduct guidelines, he or she must approach the next-higher individual in CMS’s chain of command. CMS will strive to ensure that no employee who in good faith reports a suspected ethics or conduct violation will be subject to retaliation for having made the report. V. Summary CMS personnel are expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity, ethics and professionalism. Employees’ understanding of and commitment to Cardigan Mountain School’s Code of Conduct will help to ensure that CMS remains ethical, potent and relevant to the State of New Hampshire and its citizens. As such, the Trustees of Cardigan Mountain School expect all staff to be aware of and remain faithful to the principles expressed in the aforementioned documents. If any questions regarding these documents arise, employees are expected to contact a supervisor for guidance. ____________________________________________ Signature

_____________________________ Date


EXHIBIT B – Employee Skills Inventory

Cardigan Mountain School

Employee Skills Inventory (for Emergency Management Planning) Staff/Faculty: As part of the development of our School-Centered Emergency Management Plan, and in accordance with CMS policy, please complete the following survey and return to the Business Office. The information provided will be used to help design and update our Emergency Management Plan in order to be fully prepared for an emergency situation should one arise.

NAME:_________________________________________ DEPARTMENT I. Emergency response: Please check any of the following areas in which you have training or expertise: First aid Search & rescue Counseling/mental health CPR Emergency medical

Hazardous materials Media relations

Firefighting Incident debriefing

Explain or clarify items checked, if needed:

II. Special Considerations: Please check and list special skills or resources you feel would be an asset in an emergency situation. Explain items checked: Multilingual, list language(s) Experience with disabilities Ham radio or CB radio experience Knowledge of community resources Other knowledge or skills Other knowledge or skills Check if you do not have a cell phone that could be used in an emergency Check if you have a TWO-way radio that could be used in an emergency III. Emergency Team Membership Each department is to form an Emergency Management Team to provide leadership and direction in response-and-recovery activities related to emergency management. Please check here if you are interested in becoming a member of your department’s Emergency Management Team.


EXHIBIT C – Employee Handbook Acknowledgement

Cardigan Mountain School Employee Handbook Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of and have read the Cardigan Mountain School Employee Handbook. I understand that I am responsible for being familiar with and complying with all school policies and procedures described in this handbook. I understand that complete versions of School policies adopted by the School are available in the Business Office. I further understand that updated handbooks are distributed at the start of each school year. I acknowledge that I am responsible for reviewing the updated handbook each year so that I am familiar with the most current policies and procedures.

Signature of Employee/Intern: ____________________________________________ Print Name: _____________________________________ Date: ________________


Supervisor’s Signature: ___________________________________________________

Print Name: ______________________________________Date: _________________ To be filed in employee’s personnel record.


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