2020-2021 CMSWR Vocations Directory

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Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious 2020 - 2021

Vocation Director Sacred Heart Novitiate 10480 Winnetka Avenue Chatsworth, California 91311 Tel: 818-518-4250 Fax: 818-831-0790 vocations@sacredheartsisters.com


Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious

2020 - 2021


hat would happen if there were no sisters? Sisters in the hospitals, sisters in the missions, sisters in the schools. One can’t imagine it! They are the leaven that carry the people of God forward! The Church and the world have need of this testimony of the love and mercy of God. ~Pope Francis on theYear of Consecrated Life

TABLE OF CONTENTS All Saints Sisters of the Poor.............................................1 Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus............................2 Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm.....................3 Carmelite Sisters of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus.........................................................................4 Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus................................................................................5 Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles........................................................6 Children of Mary..................................................................7 Community of Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal........................................................................8 Congregation of Mary, Queen of the World.......................................................................9 Congregation of the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi..........................................................10 Congregation of the Divine Spirit.................................11 Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation Vocation Director of the Blessed Virgin......................................................26 the Solitude DominicanMary Sisters ofFont Divine Providence......................27 Antire Road Dominican6150 Sisters of Mary Immaculate High Ridge, Missouri 63049-2135 Province............................................................................28 636-575-8333 DominicanTel: Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist...............................................................29 Tel: 417-242-8330 Dominicansmpsistersvoc@gmail.com Sisters of St. Cecilia......................................30 Dominicanwww.marythefont.org Sisters, Immaculate Conception Province........................................................31 Franciscan Daughters of Mary.......................................32 Franciscan Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary........................................................33 Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows......................................................34 Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus.......................................................................35 Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Mercy of the

Sacred Heart.......................................................................36

Diocese of Lincoln..........................................................12

Franciscan Sisters of Christ the Divine

Congregation of the Norbertine Sisters......................13 Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady Lady of Mercy..................................................................14 Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Christ.................................15 Daughters of Divine Charity...........................................16 Daughters of Divine Love...............................................17 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

Teacher............................................................................37 Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.........................38 Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen........................................39 Franciscan Sisters of John the Baptist..........................40 Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist................................41 Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary..................................................................42 Franciscan Sisters TOR of Penance of the

(Salesian Sisters)..............................................................18

Sorrowful Mother...........................................................43

Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy...........................19

Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus..................................44

Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden........................20

Leaven of the Immaculate Heart

Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary................21

of Mary................................................................................45

Daughters of St. Mary of Providence...........................22

Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate

Daughters of St. Paul.......................................................23


Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ..................................24

Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary......................................47

Dominican Sisters Congregation of

Little Sisters of the Holy Family......................................48

St. Rose of Lima..............................................................25

Little Sisters of the Poor...................................................49

Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts

Sisters of Our Lady of Guadalupe and

of Jesus and Mary..........................................................50

St. Joseph..........................................................................82

Lovers of the Holy Cross of Los Angeles....................51

Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows......................................83

Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa..........................................52

Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace........................84

Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln.....................53

Sisters of St. Ann...............................................................85

Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament..........54

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration..............86

Missionaries of Charity.....................................................55

Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist..................87

Missionaries of Charity of Mary Immaculate..............56

Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George...........88

Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver...........................57

Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker....................................89

Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family...........................58

Sisters of St. Rita................................................................90

Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales............................59

Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary....................91

Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus...............60

Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of

Oblates to the Blessed Trinity........................................61 Olivetan Benedictine Sisters...........................................62

Wichita...............................................................................92 Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed

Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate..............................63

Virgin Mary.......................................................................93

Pax Christi Institute...........................................................64

Sisters of the Resurrection..............................................94

Poor Clare Missionary Sisters of the

Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis.......................95

Blessed Sacrament.........................................................65

Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart..........................96

Poor Sisters of St. Joseph................................................66

Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.............97

Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma...............................67

Society/Daughters of Our Mother of Peace..............98

Religious Teachers Filippini.............................................68 School Sisters of Christ the King....................................69 School Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis.........70 Servants of God’s Love....................................................71 Servants of Mary Ministers to the Sick.........................72 Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matarå..........73 Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary...................................................................................74 Sister Servants of the Eternal Word..............................75 Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus...................................................................................76 Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church...............................................................................77 Sisters of Christian Charity..............................................78 Sisters of Jesus Our Hope...............................................79 Sisters of Life......................................................................80 Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church........................81

Vocation Director Sacred Heart Novitiate 10480 Winnetka Avenue Chatsworth, California 91311 Tel: 818-518-4250 Fax: 818-831-0790 vocations@sacredheartsisters.com

Vocation Director 1501 Hilton Avenue P.O. Box 3127 Catonsville, Maryland 21228 Tel: 410-747-4104 Fax: 410-747-3321 sremilyann@allsaintssisters.org allsaintssisters.org


Sister Teresa Grace, C.R. 35 Boltwood Avenue Castleton, New York 12033 Tel: 518-732-2226 vocation@resurrectionsisters.org www.resurrectionsisters.org Sister Kathleen Ann, Skrocki C.R. Angela Gertsema, A.S.C.J. 7268 W. Peterson 295 Benham StreetAvenue A207 Chicago, 60631 06514 Hamden, Illinois Connecticut Tel: 773-620-6348 203-248-4225 callres1946@gmail.com vocations@ascjus.org www.crsisterschicago.org ascjus.org

Sister Mary O’ Donovan, O. Carm. 600 Woods Road Sister Rose Therese Mann, O.S.F. Germantown, New 12526-5617 740 NE York Glen Oak Avenue Tel: 845-768-2303 Peoria, Illinois 61603 Fax: 518-537-5226 Tel: 309-655-2645 srmaryod@stmhcs.org vocation.info@osfhealthcare.org www.carmelitesisters.com franciscansisterspeoria.org

Sister Marie Therese, I.H.M. Vocation 3550 N. 167th Director Street West 7501 West Britton Road, #140 Colwich, Kansas 67030 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132 Tel: 316-722-9316 srbj@stjohn-catholic.org vocations@sistersihmofwichita.org oksister.com www.sistersihmofwichita.org

North Province: 1230 Kavanaugh Place Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 46312 Tel: 414-453-4040 www.carmelitedcjnorth.org

Sister Mary Christopher, P.B.V.M. Central Province:

11 Haswell Road

10314 Manchester Road

Watervliet, New York 12189 Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 Tel: Tel:518-273-4911 314-965-7616 Fax: 518-273-3312 www.carmelitedcj.org callie870@gmail.com vocations@carmelitedcj.org

Vocation Director Sister Maria O.C.D. Sisters of St. Goretti, Rita 920 East Alhambra 4014 N. Green Bay Road Alhambra, California 91801 Racine, Wisconsin 53404 626-557-5816 Tel: 262-639-1766 joyofcarmel@outlook.com sr.angelica@sbcglobal.net www.carmelitesistersocd.com www.sistersofstrita.org

Sister Philomena Maria, C.M. 8353 Pleasant Chapel Road Vocation Director Newark, Ohio 43056 Tel:E.740-323-1977 410 Magee Road childrenofmarysisters@gmail.com Tucson, Arizona 85704 www.childrenofmary.net Tel: 520-419-3605

Vocation Director Sister Agnes Holtz, 1 Franciscan Way C.F.R. St.P.O. Michael Convent Box 9020 10Alton, N. Mississippi Avenue Illinois 62002 Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401 Tel: 618-463-2757 Tel: Fax:718-828-4104 618-465-5064 No email; Please call! vocations@altonfranciscans.org www.franciscansisterscfr.org www.altonfranciscans.org

Sister Patricia Cushing, S.J.W. SisterJean Janine Tran, C.M.R. 1723 St. Joseph Lane Sunset Drive Walton, Kentucky Irving, Texas 41094 75061 Tel: Tel: 859-912-4405 469-417-0123 sjwvocations@gmail.com cmrvocation@yahoo.com www.ssjw.org www.trinhvuong.org

St. Francis Convent 1515 W. Dragoon Trail SisterBox M. 766 Michael Fox, D.S.F. P.O. 507 North Prairie Street Mishawaka, Indiana 46546 Lacon, Illinois 61540 Tel: 574-259-5427

Tel: 309-246-2175 ssfpavocations@gmail.com smmichel11@gmail.com www.ssfpa.org www.laconfranciscans.org Facebook: SSFPAvocations

Sister Colette Marie, O.S.F. Vocation Directress

N. Noland 2812 2100 Harvard Avenue,Road NW Independence, Missouri Canton, Ohio 64050 44709 816-252-1673 Tel: 330-453-8137 sr.colette.marie@gmail.com Fax: 330-453-8140 www.osfholyeucharist.org adsum409@neohio.twcbc.com

Director Vocation Directress 9141 W. S. 78th 7066 MainStreet Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 Port Sanilac, Michigan 48469 cmrmvocations@yahoo.com Tel: 810-622-9904, Ext. 3 www.queenmercysisters.org sistermary@sistersmdg.org facebook.com/queenmercysisters sistersmdg.org

Sisters of Saint Ann P.O.S.Box 328 Sister Benedikta Hornikova, Praem. 1120 Center Street 943 N. Lagoon Avenue Ebensburg, Pennsylvania 15931 Wilmington, California 90744 Tel: 310-952-0144 814-472-9354 Tel: vocationssa@gmail.com benedikta.hornikova@gmail.com www.suoredisantanna.org www.congregationofnorbertinesisters.org

Vocation Directress 241 Neponset Mother MagdaAvenue Leticia Garcia, H.N.S.G. Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122 711 S. Puerco Drive Tel: 617-288-1202 Gallup, New Mexico 87301 Fax: 505-722-5511 617-288-1177 Tel: vocation@sisterfaustina.org Fax: 505-863-0075 www.sisterfaustina.org garciamagda1219@gmail.com

Sister Laurenti Okeke, I.H.M. SisterWalnut Fatima,Avenue O.L.S. 1209 South Our Lady of Wisdom Freeport, Illinois 61032 231 GeneralTel: Gardner Avenue 815-297-8287 Lafayette, LA 70501 Fax: 815-297-1786 Tel: 337-322-9983 Mobile: 202-422-4405 vocations@ols.org www.ihmmcsisters.org www.ihmguadaluperegion.org www.ols.org

Sister Bethany Madonna, S.V. Vocation 38 Montebello Director Road 850 Hylan Boulevard Suffern, New York 10901 Staten Island, New York 10305 Tel: 845-357-0258 almaisa.ny@gmail.com vocations@sistersoflife.org www.daughtersofdivinecharity.org www.sistersoflife.org

Vocation Director Sister Mary133 Eucharista, N. PraterS.M.M.C. Avenue 4624 E Jamieson Road Northlake, Illinois 60164 Spokane, Washington 99223 Tel: 708-223-4260 Tel: 708-223-0262 509-448-9890 Fax: vocations@sistersofmarymc.org ddloveus@aol.com www.sistersofmarymc.org ddlcongregation.com

Eastern Province Sister Theresa Lee, F.M.A. 659 Belmont Avenue North Haledon, New Jersey 07508 happynun@yahoo.com www.salesiansisters.org

Sister Bernadette McCauley, S.C.C. Western Province 350 Bernardsville


Sister Jeanette Palasota, F.M.A.

Mendham New Jersey 07945 6019 Buena Vista Street

Tel: 973-543-6528, Ext. 274 San Antonio, Texas 78237

sbernadette@scceast.org vocationsfma@gmail.com www.scceast.org www.salesiansisterswest.org

Vocation Directress 376 Bellis Road Bloomsburg, New Jersey 08804 Tel: 908-995-7261 Fax: Vocation 908-995-7262 Director Tel: 713-894-8728 sisterchristine@sistersofjesusourhope.org dmmmusacanada2019@yahoo.com www.sistersofjesusourhope.org

Sister Ines Aparicio, FMH 124 Rivington Avenue Vocation Director Staten Island, Street New York 10314 866 Cambria Tel: 718-448-3408 Cresson, Pennsylvania 16630 vocationfmh@gmail.com Tel: 814-886-4223 www.sistersfmh.org www.sacredheartsisters.org

Vocation Director Holy Family Motherhouse Vocation Director 54 1492 West Moss Main Street Connecticut New Baltic, Orleans, Louisiana 06330 70119 Tel: 860-822-8241 504-486-0039 motherhouse@sistersofcharity.com vocationfmsr@yahoo.com sistersofcharity.com www.dongmancoi.org

Sister Brenda McHugh, D.S.M.P. St. Mary Providence CenterS.C.T.J.M. Sister AnaofMargarita Lanzas, 227 Isabella Road 3098 SW 14 Street Elverson, Pennsylvania Miami, Florida 33145 19520 Tel: 773-545-8300 Tel: 305-444-7437 Fax: 305-447-0341 773-205-1316 Fax: DSMP.Vocations@gmail.com fiat@piercedhearts.org dsmpchi@sbcglobal.net fiat@corazones.org (Spanish) www.dsmpic.org www.piercedhearts.org www.dsmpvocations.com www.corazones.org (Spanish)

Sister Emily Beata March, F.S.P. 1025 KingS.s.E.W. Street Sister Mary Faustina, Alexandria, 3721 Virginia Belmont22314 Road Tel:Alabama 703-549-3806 Birmingham, 35210 Fax: 703-683-2568 Tel: 205-317-8787 vocations@paulinemedia.com vocationdirector@sisterservants.org www.daughtersofstpaul.com www.sisterservants.org

Vocations Directress Sister Cecilia Lopez, S.de M. P. O.North Box 64 800 18th Street Prayer Texas 79010-0064 Kansas Town, City, Kansas 66102-4291 806-534-2312 Tel:Tel: 913-371-3423 Cell: 806-567-3048 Fax: 913-342-0744 dljcvocations@gmail.com searchmyvocation@gmail.com www.dljc.org www.sisterservantsofmary.org

Vocation Director 1714 Crain Highway UpperSister Marlboro, Maryland 20774 Catherine Marie, O.P. Tel: 600240-678-4114 Linda Avenue ssvmvocations@servidoras.org Hawthorne, New York 10532 www.ssvmusa.org Tel: 845-745-1319 (Provincial Website: English) vocationdirector@hawthornedominicans.org www.servidorasdelsenor.org www.hawthorne-dominicans.org (International Website)


Sr. Marta Ines Toro, Huseman, O.P. Sister Mary Michael O.S.F. 3012 Elm Street Sancta Maria Convent Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 P.O. Box 906 Tel: 508-669-5425 Panhandle, Texas 79068-0906 Fax: 806-537-3182 508-669-6521 Tel: mitorop@gmail.com schsrs@gmail.com www.presentation-op-usa.org www.panhandlefranciscans.org

Sister Mary Catherine Baidy, O.P. Sister Ann Foggin, S.G.L. 25Mary Harmony School Road 4399 Ford08822 Road Flemington, New Jersey Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-9730 Tel: 908-782-1504 Tel: 734-663-6128 srmcath25@gmail.com sglvocations@gmail.com www.dominicansistersofdivineprovidence. org www.servantsofgodslove.net

Sister Anna Pauline Pham, O.P. Sister Barbara O’Kane, M.P.F. St. Catherine Convent 455 Western Provincial House Avenue Morristown, New Jersey 07960 5250 Gasmer Drive Tel: 973-538-2886, Houston, Texas 77035 Ext. 146 vocations@filippiniusa.org Tel: 832-277-4707 filippiniusa.org vocation@dsmip.org FB=FilippiniVocations www.houstondominicans.org

Sister Joseph Andrew Vocation Bogdanowicz, Directress O.P. 4597 Motherhouse Warren Road Villa Regina Ann Arbor, 4100Michigan SW 56th 48105 Street Tel: 734-994-7437 Lincoln, Nebraska 68522-9261 Fax: 734-994-7438 Tel: 402-477-5232 sjab@sistersofmary.org ck-vocations@cdolinc.net www.sistersofmary.org www.cksisters.org

Vocation Director Saint Cecilia Motherhouse 801 Dominican Mother MarĂ­a D.Drive GonzĂĄlez, P.S.S.J. Nashville, 37228 4319 SanoTennessee Street Tel: 615-256-0147 Alexandria, Virginia 22312 vocation@op-tn.org Tel: 703-354-0395 www.nashvilledominican.org pssjalexandria@gmail.com Facebook: /dominicansistersofsaintcecilia www.camilarolon.com.ar

Vocation Directress 9000Vocation West 81st Street Director Justice, IllinoisAvenue 60458 1965 Michigan Tel:Michigan 708-458-3040 Alma, 48801 Fax: Tel: 708-458-7230 989-285-0835 vocations@sistersop.com vocation@rsmofalma.org www.sistersop.com www.rsmofalma.org

Vocation Director 4601 Calallen Vocation Director Drive Corpus Christi, Texas 78410 P. O. Box 122070 Tel: 361-241-2833 Covington, Kentucky 41012 Tel: Fax: 859-512-5575 361-241-2140 fdmsisters@gmail.com paxchristisisters@gmail.com www.fdofmary.org www.paxchristisisterscc.org

Sister Rosemary Uzor, F.H.M. (English) Tel: 646-641-0871 Clara Garcia, M.C. Sister PreciliaSister Takuh, F.H.M. (French/ Spanish) 1019 N. Newhope Street Tel: 347-996-0827 Santa Ana, California 92703 15 Tel: West 124th Street 714-554-8850 New York, New York 10027 Cell: 714-430-7780 pfsocialjustice@yahoo.com claragarciamc@gmail.com www.franciscanhandmaids.com www.misionerasclarisas.org

Vocation Director 3600 SW 170th Sister Mary ClareAvenue Bezner, O.S.B. Beaverton, Oregon 97003-5008 1699 CR 766 Tel: 503-649-7127 Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 Fax: 870-273-6872 503-259-9507 Tel: fmsols.form@gmail.com hacvocations@yahoo.com www.olpretreat.or www.olivben.org

Sister Dolores Marie, P.V.M.I. Vocation Directress P.O. BoxRoad 658 1215 Kresson Monroe, YorkJersey 10949-0658 Cherry New Hill, New 08003 845-783-2251 Tel: 856-428-7930 pvmi@frontiernet.net fmijcomeandsee@yahoo.com parishvisitorsisters.org www.fmijusa.org

Vocation Sister Joyce Directress Candidi, O.S.H.J. 250Warner South Street 50 Road Peekskill, New 10566 Hubbard, OhioYork 44425 914-737-3373 Tel: 330-759-9329 914-736-9614 Fax: 330-759-7290 sajfmsc@mail.com jcoblate@aol.com www.fmscusa.org www.oblatesistersofshj.com

Mother Susan Vocation Rueve, Director O.S.F. P.O.Avenue Box 98 2605 Boies Hopewell Junction, New Iowa York 12533 Davenport, 52802 Tel: 563-323-1502 845-226-5671 info@divineteacher.org Mobile: 646-460-9168 www.divineteacher.org jstab35097@aol.com

Sister Julie Ann Sheahan, O.S.F. 2409 South Alverno Road Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Cell: 920-323-9632 sjulieann@fscc-calledtobe.org www.fscc-calledtobe.org Sister Magdalena Grymuza, M.S.F. Facebook: FranciscanSistersofChristianCharity 3144 Hunter Trail Twitter: Calledtobefscc Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 YouTube: CalledtobeFranciscan Tel: 414-813-0701 Instagram: franciscansisters srMagdalenamsf@gmail.com

Sister Frances Carol, O.S.F.S. Sister M. Jean-Louise 399 Schafer, Childs O.S.F. Road Vocation Directress Childs, Maryland 21916 Mobile: Tel: 701-208-1245 410-398-3699 ndfranciscan@yahoo.com OblateSisters@gmail.com www.DillingenFranciscansUSA.org www.oblatesisters.org

Sister Salezia Vocation Director Rudy, F.S.J.B. 1209 E. 5690 W Lake 51st Avenue Peoria Heights, Illinois 61616 Denver, Colorado 80212 309-688-3500 Tel: 720-253-7842 Fax: 309-688-3503 303-421-6050 fsjbpeoria@yahoo.com luzriveramcmi@live.com www.sistersofjohnthebaptist.org www.inmculadamcmi.com

Vocation Director Sister Mary Elizabeth Endee, F.S.E. 265 Century South 405Avenue Allen Avenue Saint Paul,Connecticut Minnesota 55125 Meriden, 06451 Tel: 203-237-8084 651-738 9704 Tel: fsevocations@fsecommunity.org sspcdelegateoffice@usfamily.net fsecommunity.org www.clavermissionarysisters.org

Sister Jeanette Marie Estrada, H.M.S.S. Sister W. 1355 Christabel 70th Street Mary, F.I.H. 345 S. Meridian Cleveland, Ohio Street 44102 Greenwood, Indiana 46143 Tel: 216-526-6435 Tel: 317-865-6013 sisterjeanette@hotmail.com srchristabelmary@gmail.com mercedariansisters.org

Missionaries of Charity 2325 W. 24th Place Chicago, Vocation IllinoisDirector 60608 306 Little Church Road Tel: 773-847-7688 Toronto, Ohio 43964 Tel: Contemplative 740-544-6204 Missionaries of Charity vocations@torsisters.org 1070 Union Avenue www.franciscansisterstor.org Bronx, New York 10459 Facebook: /FranciscanSistersTOR Tel: 718-842-1978

The Handmaids Sister Mary Vianney, of the M.S.S.R. Heart of Jesus 2257 HoenState Avenue 515 North Street Santa Rosa,Minnesota California56073 95405 New Ulm, Tel: 507-766-4570 vocations@mariansisters.com handmaidvocation@gmail.com www.mariansisters.com www.handmaidsoftheheartofjesus.com Facebook: Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa

Sister Serena, M.S. 6765Rose North 112thL.I.H.M. Street Mother Mary Dorol, Waverly, Nebraska 1414 68462-9762 3rd Avenue Tel: 402-786-2750 South Sioux City, Nebraska 68776 Fax: 256-887-8036 402-786-7256 Tel: 302-265-6555; marian-vocations@cdolinc.net lihmsisters@gmail.com www.mariansisters.org www.lihmsisters.org

Vocation Director Mother Our Lady Dorota of Grace Baranowska, Convent L.S.I.C. 635 Road 1000Glenbrook Cropwell Road Stamford, Cherry Hill,Connecticut New Jersey 06906-1409 08003 856-424-1962 Tel: 203-348-5531 s.dorotab@gmail.com poscvocations@gmail.com www.lsic.us www.littleworkersofthesacredhearts.org

Sister Christen Vocation Nguyen, Directress L.H.C. 1401 S. Sycamore P. O. Box 1755 Santa Ana, California Salisbury, Maryland 92707 21802 Tel: 410-543-1645 714-548-6205 lsjm@comcast.net srchristen08@gmail.com www.thejosephhouse.org www.lhcla.org

Vocation Directress 13529 Magruder Farm Court Potomac, Maryland 20854 Tel: 301-947-1955 vocation@holyfamilysrs.org www.holyfamilysrs.org

Sister Mary Richard, l.s.p. 110-39 Springfield Boulevard P. O. Box 280356 Queens Village, New York 11428 Tel: 718-464-4920 vocationsbrooklyn@littlesistersofthepoor.org www.littlesistersofthepoor.org

Vocation Director Our Lady of Grace Convent L.S.I.C. Mother Dorota Baranowska, 635 Road 1000Glenbrook Cropwell Road Stamford, Cherry Hill,Connecticut New Jersey 06906-1409 08003 Tel: 203-348-5531 856-424-1962 poscvocations@gmail.com s.dorotab@gmail.com www.littleworkersofthesacredhearts.org www.lsic.us

Sister Christen Vocation Nguyen, Directress L.H.C. P. O. Box 1755 1401 S. Sycamore Salisbury, Maryland 92707 21802 Santa Ana, California 714-548-6205 Tel: 410-543-1645 srchristen08@gmail.com lsjm@comcast.net www.lhcla.org www.thejosephhouse.org

The Handmaids Sister Mary Vianney, of the M.S.S.R. Heart of Jesus 515 North Street 2257 HoenState Avenue New Ulm, Santa Rosa,Minnesota California56073 95405 vocations@mariansisters.com Tel: 507-766-4570 www.mariansisters.com handmaidvocation@gmail.com Facebook: Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa www.handmaidsoftheheartofjesus.com

Sister Serena, M.S. 6765Rose North 112thL.I.H.M. Street Mother Mary Dorol, Waverly, Nebraska 1414 68462-9762 3rd Avenue Tel: 402-786-2750 South Sioux City, Nebraska 68776 Fax: 256-887-8036 402-786-7256 Tel: 302-265-6555; marian-vocations@cdolinc.net lihmsisters@gmail.com www.mariansisters.org www.lihmsisters.org

Sister Jeanette Marie Estrada, H.M.S.S. Sister W. Christabel Mary, F.I.H. 1355 70th Street 345 S. Meridian Cleveland, Ohio Street 44102 Tel: 216-526-6435 Greenwood, Indiana 46143 sisterjeanette@hotmail.com Tel: 317-865-6013 mercedariansisters.org srchristabelmary@gmail.com

Missionaries of Charity 2325 W. 24th Place Chicago, IllinoisDirector 60608 Vocation Tel: 773-847-7688 306 Little Church Road Toronto, Ohio 43964 Missionaries of Charity Tel: Contemplative 740-544-6204 1070 Union Avenue vocations@torsisters.org Bronx, New York 10459 www.franciscansisterstor.org Tel: 718-842-1978 Facebook: /FranciscanSistersTOR

Sister Salezia Vocation Director Rudy, F.S.J.B. 5690 W Lake 51st Avenue 1209 E. Denver, Colorado 80212 Peoria Heights, Illinois 61616 Tel: 720-253-7842 309-688-3500 303-421-6050 Fax: 309-688-3503 luzriveramcmi@live.com fsjbpeoria@yahoo.com www.inmculadamcmi.com www.sistersofjohnthebaptist.org

Vocation Director Sister Mary Elizabeth Endee, F.S.E. 265 Century South 405Avenue Allen Avenue Saint Paul,Connecticut Minnesota 55125 Meriden, 06451 Tel: 203-237-8084 651-738 9704 Tel: sspcdelegateoffice@usfamily.net fsevocations@fsecommunity.org www.clavermissionarysisters.org fsecommunity.org

Sister Julie Ann Sheahan, O.S.F. 2409 South Alverno Road Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Cell: 920-323-9632 sjulieann@fscc-calledtobe.org www.fscc-calledtobe.org Sister Magdalena Grymuza, M.S.F. Facebook: FranciscanSistersofChris3144 Hunter Trail tianCharity Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 Twitter: Calledtobefscc Tel: 414-813-0701 YouTube: CalledtobeFranciscan srMagdalenamsf@gmail.com Instagram: franciscansisters

Sister Frances Carol, O.S.F.S. Sister M. Jean-Louise Schafer, 399 Childs O.S.F. Road Vocation Directress Childs, Maryland 21916 Tel: 701-208-1245 410-398-3699 Mobile: OblateSisters@gmail.com ndfranciscan@yahoo.com www.oblatesisters.org www.DillingenFranciscansUSA.org

Vocation Sister Joyce Directress Candidi, O.S.H.J. 50 Road 250Warner South Street Hubbard, OhioYork 44425 Peekskill, New 10566 Tel: 330-759-9329 914-737-3373 Fax: 330-759-7290 914-736-9614 jcoblate@aol.com sajfmsc@mail.com www.oblatesistersofshj.com www.fmscusa.org

Mother Susan Vocation Rueve, Director O.S.F. 2605 Boies P.O.Avenue Box 98 Davenport, 52802 Hopewell Junction, New Iowa York 12533 Tel: 845-226-5671 563-323-1502 Mobile: 646-460-9168 info@divineteacher.org jstab35097@aol.com www.divineteacher.org

Vocation Director 3600 SW Sister Mary 170th ClareAvenue Bezner, O.S.B. Beaverton, Oregon 97003-5008 1699 CR 766 Tel: 503-649-7127 Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 Tel: Fax: 870-273-6872 503-259-9507 hacvocations@yahoo.com fmsols.form@gmail.com www.olivben.org www.olpretreat.or

Sister Dolores Marie, P.V.M.I. Vocation Directress P.O. BoxRoad 658 1215 Kresson Monroe, YorkJersey 10949-0658 Cherry New Hill, New 08003 845-783-2251 Tel: 856-428-7930 pvmi@frontiernet.net fmijcomeandsee@yahoo.com parishvisitorsisters.org www.fmijusa.org

Vocation Director 4601 Calallen Drive Vocation Director Corpus Christi, Texas 78410 P. O. Box 122070 Tel: 361-241-2833 Covington, Kentucky 41012 Fax: 361-241-2140 Tel: 859-512-5575 paxchristisisters@gmail.com fdmsisters@gmail.com www.paxchristisisterscc.org www.fdofmary.org

Sister Rosemary Uzor, F.H.M. (English) Tel: 646-641-0871 Clara Garcia, M.C. Sister PreciliaSister Takuh, F.H.M. (French/ 1019 N. Newhope Street Spanish) Santa Ana, California 92703 Tel: 347-996-0827 714-554-8850 15 Tel: West 124th Street Cell: 714-430-7780 New York, New York 10027 claragarciamc@gmail.com pfsocialjustice@yahoo.com www.misionerasclarisas.org www.franciscanhandmaids.com

Vocation Director Saint Cecilia Motherhouse 801 Dominican Mother MarĂ­a D.Drive GonzĂĄlez, P.S.S.J. Nashville, 37228 4319 SanoTennessee Street Tel: 615-256-0147 Alexandria, Virginia 22312 Tel: 703-354-0395 vocation@op-tn.org pssjalexandria@gmail.com www.nashvilledominican.org www.camilarolon.com.ar Facebook: /dominicansistersofsaintcecilia

Vocation Directress 9000Vocation West 81st Street Director Justice, IllinoisAvenue 60458 1965 Michigan Tel:Michigan 708-458-3040 Alma, 48801 Fax: Tel: 708-458-7230 989-285-0835 vocations@sistersop.com vocation@rsmofalma.org www.rsmofalma.org www.sistersop.com

Sister Anna Pauline Pham, O.P. Sister Barbara O’Kane, M.P.F. St. Catherine Convent 455 Western Provincial House Avenue Morristown, New Jersey 07960 5250 Gasmer Drive Tel: 973-538-2886, Houston, Texas 77035 Ext. 146 vocations@filippiniusa.org Tel: 832-277-4707 filippiniusa.org vocation@dsmip.org FB=FilippiniVocations www.houstondominicans.org

Sister Joseph Andrew Vocation Bogdanowicz, Directress O.P. Villa Regina 4597 Motherhouse Warren Road 4100Michigan SW 56th 48105 Street Ann Arbor, Lincoln, Nebraska 68522-9261 Tel: 734-994-7437 Tel: 402-477-5232 Fax: 734-994-7438 ck-vocations@cdolinc.net sjab@sistersofmary.org www.cksisters.org www.sistersofmary.org

Sr. Marta Ines Toro, Huseman, O.P. Sister Mary Michael O.S.F. 3012 Elm Street Sancta Maria Convent Dighton, Massachusetts 02715 P.O. Box 906 Tel: 508-669-5425 Panhandle, Texas 79068-0906 Tel: Fax: 806-537-3182 508-669-6521 schsrs@gmail.com mitorop@gmail.com www.panhandlefranciscans.org www.presentation-op-usa.org

Sister Mary Catherine Baidy, O.P. Sister Ann Foggin, S.G.L. 25Mary Harmony School Road 4399 Ford08822 Road Flemington, New Jersey Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-9730 Tel: 908-782-1504 Tel: 734-663-6128 srmcath25@gmail.com sglvocations@gmail.com www.dominicansistersofdivineprovidence. org www.servantsofgodslove.net

Vocations Directress Sister Cecilia Lopez, S.de M. P. O.North Box 64 800 18th Street Prayer Texas 79010-0064 Kansas Town, City, Kansas 66102-4291 806-534-2312 Tel:Tel: 913-371-3423 Cell: 806-567-3048 Fax: 913-342-0744 dljcvocations@gmail.com searchmyvocation@gmail.com www.dljc.org www.sisterservantsofmary.org

Vocation Director 1714 Crain Highway UpperSister Marlboro, Maryland 20774 Catherine Marie, O.P. Tel: 600240-678-4114 Linda Avenue ssvmvocations@servidoras.org Hawthorne, New York 10532 www.ssvmusa.org Tel: 845-745-1319 (Provincial Website: English) vocationdirector@hawthornewww.servidorasdelsenor.org dominicans.org (International Website) www.hawthorne-dominicans.org


Sister Brenda McHugh, D.S.M.P. St. Mary Providence CenterS.C.T.J.M. Sister AnaofMargarita Lanzas, 227 Isabella Road 3098 SW 14 Street Elverson, Pennsylvania Miami, Florida 33145 19520 Tel: 773-545-8300 Tel: 305-444-7437 Fax: 305-447-0341 773-205-1316 Fax: DSMP.Vocations@gmail.com fiat@piercedhearts.org dsmpchi@sbcglobal.net fiat@corazones.org (Spanish) www.dsmpic.org www.piercedhearts.org www.dsmpvocations.com www.corazones.org (Spanish)

Sister Emily Beata March, F.S.P. Sister Mary Faustina, 1025 KingS.s.E.W. Street Alexandria, 3721 Virginia Belmont22314 Road Tel:Alabama 703-549-3806 Birmingham, 35210 Tel: 205-317-8787 Fax: 703-683-2568 vocationdirector@sisterservants.org vocations@paulinemedia.com www.sisterservants.org www.daughtersofstpaul.com

Sister Ines Aparicio, FMH 124 Rivington Avenue Vocation Director Staten Island, Street New York 10314 866 Cambria Tel: 718-448-3408 Cresson, Pennsylvania 16630 vocationfmh@gmail.com Tel: 814-886-4223 www.sistersfmh.org www.sacredheartsisters.org

Vocation Director Holy Family Motherhouse Vocation Director 54 1492 West Moss Main Street Connecticut New Baltic, Orleans, Louisiana 06330 70119 Tel: 860-822-8241 504-486-0039 motherhouse@sistersofcharity.com vocationfmsr@yahoo.com sistersofcharity.com www.dongmancoi.org

Eastern Province Sister Theresa Lee, F.M.A. 659 Belmont Avenue North Haledon, New Jersey 07508 happynun@yahoo.com www.salesiansisters.org

Sister Bernadette McCauley, S.C.C. Western Province 350 Bernardsville


Sister Jeanette Palasota, F.M.A.

Mendham New Jersey 07945 6019 Buena Vista Street

Tel: 973-543-6528, Ext. 274 San Antonio, Texas 78237

sbernadette@scceast.org vocationsfma@gmail.com www.scceast.org www.salesiansisterswest.org

Vocation Directress 376 Bellis Road Bloomsburg, New Jersey 08804 Tel: 908-995-7261 Fax: 908-995-7262 Vocation Director sisterchristine@sistersofjesusourhope.org Tel: 713-894-8728 www.sistersofjesusourhope.org dmmmusacanada2019@yahoo.com

Sister Bethany Madonna, S.V. Vocation Director 38 Montebello Road 850 Hylan Boulevard Suffern, New York 10901 Tel: 845-357-0258 Staten Island, New York 10305 vocations@sistersoflife.org almaisa.ny@gmail.com www.sistersoflife.org www.daughtersofdivinecharity.org

Vocation Director Sister Mary133 Eucharista, N. PraterS.M.M.C. Avenue 4624 E Jamieson Road Northlake, Illinois 60164 Spokane, Washington 99223 Tel: 708-223-4260 Tel: 708-223-0262 509-448-9890 Fax: vocations@sistersofmarymc.org ddloveus@aol.com www.sistersofmarymc.org ddlcongregation.com

Vocation Directress 241 Neponset Mother MagdaAvenue Leticia Garcia, H.N.S.G. Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122 711 S. Puerco Drive Tel: 617-288-1202 Gallup, New Mexico 87301 Tel: Fax: 505-722-5511 617-288-1177 Fax: 505-863-0075 vocation@sisterfaustina.org garciamagda1219@gmail.com www.sisterfaustina.org

Sister Laurenti Okeke, I.H.M. SisterWalnut Fatima,Avenue O.L.S. 1209 South Our Lady of Wisdom Freeport, Illinois 61032 231 GeneralTel: Gardner Avenue 815-297-8287 Lafayette, LA 70501 Fax: 815-297-1786 Tel: 337-322-9983 Mobile: 202-422-4405 vocations@ols.org www.ihmmcsisters.org www.ihmguadaluperegion.org www.ols.org

Director Vocation Directress 9141 W. S. 78th 7066 MainStreet Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 Port Sanilac, Michigan 48469 cmrmvocations@yahoo.com Tel: 810-622-9904, Ext. 3 www.queenmercysisters.org sistermary@sistersmdg.org facebook.com/queenmercysisters sistersmdg.org

Sisters of Saint Ann P.O.S.Box 328 Sister Benedikta Hornikova, Praem. 1120 Center Street 943 N. Lagoon Avenue Ebensburg, Pennsylvania 15931 Wilmington, California 90744 Tel: 310-952-0144 814-472-9354 Tel: vocationssa@gmail.com benedikta.hornikova@gmail.com www.suoredisantanna.org www.congregationofnorbertinesisters.org

St. Francis Convent 1515 W. Dragoon Trail SisterBox M. 766 Michael Fox, D.S.F. P.O. 507 North Prairie Street Mishawaka, Indiana 46546 Lacon, Illinois 61540 Tel: 574-259-5427

Tel: 309-246-2175 ssfpavocations@gmail.com smmichel11@gmail.com www.ssfpa.org www.laconfranciscans.org Facebook: SSFPAvocations

Sister Colette Marie, O.S.F. Vocation Directress

N. Noland 2812 2100 Harvard Avenue,Road NW Independence, Missouri Canton, Ohio 64050 44709 Tel: 816-252-1673 330-453-8137 sr.colette.marie@gmail.com Fax: 330-453-8140 www.osfholyeucharist.org adsum409@neohio.twcbc.com

Vocation Director Sister Agnes Holtz, 1 Franciscan Way C.F.R. St.P.O. Michael Convent Box 9020 10Alton, N. Mississippi Avenue Illinois 62002 Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401 Tel: 618-463-2757 Tel: Fax:718-828-4104 618-465-5064 No email; Please call! vocations@altonfranciscans.org www.franciscansisterscfr.org www.altonfranciscans.org

Sister Patricia Cushing, S.J.W. SisterJean Janine Tran, C.M.R. 1723 St. Joseph Lane Sunset Drive Walton, Kentucky Irving, Texas 41094 75061 Tel: Tel: 859-912-4405 469-417-0123 sjwvocations@gmail.com cmrvocation@yahoo.com www.ssjw.org www.trinhvuong.org

Vocation Director Sisters of St. Rita Sister Maria Goretti, O.C.D. 4014 N. Green Bay Road 920 East Alhambra Road Racine, Wisconsin 53404 Alhambra, California 91801 Tel: 262-639-1766 Tel: 626-557-5816 sr.angelica@sbcglobal.net joyofcarmel@outlook.com www.sistersofstrita.org www.carmelitesistersocd.com

Sister Philomena Maria, C.M. 8353 Pleasant Chapel Road Newark, Ohio 43056 Vocation Director Tel: 740-323-1977 410 E. Magee Road childrenofmarysisters@gmail.com Tucson, Arizona 85704 www.childrenofmary.net Tel: 520-419-3605

Sister Marie Therese, I.H.M. Vocation Director 3550 N. 167th Street West 7501 West Britton Road, #140 Colwich, Kansas 67030 Tel: 316-722-9316 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132 vocations@sistersihmofwichita.org srbj@stjohn-catholic.org www.sistersihmofwichita.org oksister.com

North Province: 1230 Kavanaugh Place Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 46312 Tel: 414-453-4040 www.carmelitedcjnorth.org

Sister Mary Christopher, P.B.V.M. Central Province:

11 Haswell Road

10314 Manchester Road

Watervliet, New York 12189 Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 Tel: Tel:518-273-4911 314-965-7616 Fax: 518-273-3312 www.carmelitedcj.org callie870@gmail.com vocations@carmelitedcj.org

Sister Teresa Grace, C.R. 35 Boltwood Avenue Castleton, New York 12033 Tel: 518-732-2226 vocation@resurrectionsisters.org www.resurrectionsisters.org Ann, Skrocki C.R. Sister Kathleen Angela Gertsema, A.S.C.J. 7268Benham W. Peterson 295 StreetAvenue A207 Chicago, Illinois 60631 06514 Hamden, Connecticut

Tel: 773-620-6348 203-248-4225 callres1946@gmail.com vocations@ascjus.org www.crsisterschicago.org ascjus.org

Sister Mary O’ Donovan, O. Carm. Sister Rose Therese 600 Woods Mann, O.S.F. Road Germantown, New 12526-5617 740 NE York Glen Oak Avenue Tel: 845-768-2303 Peoria, Illinois 61603 Tel: 309-655-2645 Fax: 518-537-5226 vocation.info@osfhealthcare.org srmaryod@stmhcs.org franciscansisterspeoria.org www.carmelitesisters.com

Vocation Director Sacred Heart Novitiate 10480 Winnetka Avenue Chatsworth, California 91311 Tel: 818-518-4250 Fax: 818-831-0790 vocations@sacredheartsisters.com

Sister Mary Elizabeth Albers, Director S.O.L.T. Vocation Our Lady of Hilton CorpusAvenue Christi 1501 1200 Lantana P.O. BoxStreet 3127 Corpus Christi, Texas 78407 Catonsville, Maryland 21228 Tel: 701-389-1563 410-747-4104 Fax: 361-289-0087 410-747-3321 soltsistersvocations@gmail.com sremilyann@allsaintssisters.org www.solt.net allsaintssisters.org

TABLE OF CONTENTS All Saints Sisters of the Poor.............................................1 Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus............................2 Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm.....................3 Carmelite Sisters of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus.........................................................................4 Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus................................................................................5 Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles........................................................6 Children of Mary..................................................................7 Community of Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal........................................................................8 Congregation of Mary, Queen of the World.......................................................................9 Congregation of the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi..........................................................10 Congregation of the Divine Spirit.................................11 Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the

Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation Vocation Director of the Blessed Virgin......................................................26 the Solitude DominicanMary Sisters ofFont Divine Providence......................27 Antire Road Dominican6150 Sisters of Mary Immaculate High Ridge, Missouri 63049-2135 Province............................................................................28 636-575-8333 DominicanTel: Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist...............................................................29 Tel: 417-242-8330 Dominicansmpsistersvoc@gmail.com Sisters of St. Cecilia......................................30 Dominicanwww.marythefont.org Sisters, Immaculate Conception Province........................................................31 Franciscan Daughters of Mary.......................................32 Franciscan Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary........................................................33 Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows......................................................34 Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus.......................................................................35 Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Mercy of the

Sacred Heart.......................................................................36

Diocese of Lincoln..........................................................12

Franciscan Sisters of Christ the Divine

Congregation of the Norbertine Sisters......................13 Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady Lady of Mercy..................................................................14 Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Christ.................................15 Daughters of Divine Charity...........................................16 Daughters of Divine Love...............................................17 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

Teacher............................................................................37 Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.........................38 Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen........................................39 Franciscan Sisters of John the Baptist..........................40 Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist................................41 Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary..................................................................42 Franciscan Sisters TOR of Penance of the

(Salesian Sisters)..............................................................18

Sorrowful Mother...........................................................43

Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy...........................19

Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus..................................44

Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden........................20

Leaven of the Immaculate Heart

Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary................21

of Mary................................................................................45

Daughters of St. Mary of Providence...........................22

Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate

Daughters of St. Paul.......................................................23


Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ..................................24

Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary......................................47

Dominican Sisters Congregation of

Little Sisters of the Holy Family......................................48

St. Rose of Lima..............................................................25

Little Sisters of the Poor...................................................49

Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts

Sisters of Our Lady of Guadalupe and

of Jesus and Mary..........................................................50

St. Joseph..........................................................................82

Lovers of the Holy Cross of Los Angeles....................51

Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows......................................83

Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa..........................................52

Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace........................84

Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln.....................53

Sisters of St. Ann...............................................................85

Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament..........54

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration..............86

Missionaries of Charity.....................................................55

Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist..................87

Missionaries of Charity of Mary Immaculate..............56

Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George...........88

Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver...........................57

Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker....................................89

Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family...........................58

Sisters of St. Rita................................................................90

Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales............................59

Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary....................91

Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus...............60

Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of

Oblates to the Blessed Trinity........................................61 Olivetan Benedictine Sisters...........................................62

Wichita...............................................................................92 Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed

Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate..............................63

Virgin Mary.......................................................................93

Pax Christi Institute...........................................................64

Sisters of the Resurrection..............................................94

Poor Clare Missionary Sisters of the

Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis.......................95

Blessed Sacrament.........................................................65

Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart..........................96

Poor Sisters of St. Joseph................................................66

Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity.............97

Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma...............................67

Society/Daughters of Our Mother of Peace..............98

Religious Teachers Filippini.............................................68 School Sisters of Christ the King....................................69 School Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis.........70 Servants of God’s Love....................................................71 Servants of Mary Ministers to the Sick.........................72 Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matarå..........73 Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary...................................................................................74 Sister Servants of the Eternal Word..............................75 Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus...................................................................................76 Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church...............................................................................77 Sisters of Christian Charity..............................................78 Sisters of Jesus Our Hope...............................................79 Sisters of Life......................................................................80 Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church........................81


hat would happen if there were no sisters? Sisters in the hospitals, sisters in the missions, sisters in the schools. One can’t imagine it! They are the leaven that carry the people of God forward! The Church and the world have need of this testimony of the love and mercy of God. ~Pope Francis on theYear of Consecrated Life

Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious 415 Michigan Ave., NE • P.O. Box 4677 • Washington, DC 20017-0467 Tel: 202-832-2575 • Fax: 202-832-6325 • www.cmswr.org

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