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Sustainability Consulting

As a leading Sustainability Consultant, CMTA brings the design team and owners together to establish standards and goals for sustainability and energy reduction. Our sustainability experts have led hundreds of sustainability charettes for various project types, collaborating with project stakeholders to set sustainability goals for the organization, including energy reduction, occupant health and wellness, and building certifications such as LEED, WELL, or Energy Star.

Our team works to challenge planners, designers, and owners to achieve exceptional results within established budgets and timelines. We are experts at identifying cost-effective opportunities to promote sustainability and energy savings, as well as maximize initial investment and long-term savings.

Achieving Certifications

Although third-party building certifications are not a goal for every project or owner, our success in guiding projects through the process of achieving certifications is another way we can quantify our effectiveness as a leader in sustainability.

193 LEED Projects

21 Platinum; 85 Gold; 63 Silver; 24 Certified

9 WELL Projects

5 Gold; 4 Certified 1,500+ ENERGY STAR projects certified

Energy Solutions Corporate Office Louisville, Kentucky

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