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seek out solutions, be proactive and advocate for themselves. They are familiar with the research process, can test out ideas, keep copious notes and seek out resources. These students will solve a community problem by using robotics. They will brainstorm and pick the problem and work together to find a solution. They will present their findings to the community. It is possible for students to first take Robotics A and continue on with Robotics B.



Life Skills Upper Prep (Quarter)

In Upper Prep, students are enrolled in Life Skills UP. This class is designed to introduce students to issues that are relevant to their developmental phase as young adolescents. Students learn about friendship, preventing and avoiding bullying, conflict resolution, technology safety, learning styles and study skills, emotional regulation and self awareness, self-advocacy, and citizenship. Students explore these topics through team-building exercises, roleplaying, collaborative projects, journaling, mindfulness exercises and community involvement.

Life Skills Form I (Quarter)

In Form 1, students are enrolled in Life Skills I. This class is designed to introduce students to issues that are relevant to their developmental phase as young adolescents. It builds on the principles and foundational skills introduced in Life Skills UP. Students learn about physical and emotional wellness, civil discourse, self-esteem, managing stress, managing peer pressure, drugs and alcohol, and puberty. Students explore these topics through team-building exercises, role-playing, collaborative projects, journaling, mindfulness exercises and community involvement.

Life Skills Form II (Quarter)

In Form 2, students are enrolled in Life Skills II, a course designed to introduce them to topics relevant to their developmental phase as young adolescents. It builds on the principles and foundational skills introduced in Life Skills UP and Life Skills I. The curriculum covers leadership, language and communication, healthy relationships, emotional awareness and regulation, technology safety, drugs and alcohol, and sexual health, among others. Students explore these topics through team-building exercises, collaborative projects, journaling, mindfulness exercises and community involvement.

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VQV (Fall or Spring)

Vincit qui se vincit. "One conquers by conquering oneself." During one semester, Form 3 students take a weekly seminar, Vincit qui se vincit (VQV). Named for the School's motto, VQV classes are designed to help students "conquer themselves" as they transition into high school. Classes are taught by the school counselor and include the following topics: friendship, relationships, motivation, sex education and media literacy.


An Independent Study is contracted between a student and teacher and may be offered only if the area of study is not represented in a regular class at KO. The student and teacher will develop this study contract in advance of the semester and will include a course description consisting of texts, days of meetings, work expectations, and required assessments.


KO students began taking rigorous, innovative online classes in September 2013 through a partnership with the Global Online Academy (GOA), a consortium of leading independent schools from around the world. GOA courses allow students the flexibility to learn at their own pace, at any time of day and from anywhere. They also provide students the opportunity to study something they are passionate about, test their organization and time management skills, come in contact with alternative viewpoints and perspectives and build relationships with teachers and students in from 70+ schools and 15 different countries. In addition, GOA students acquire a host of valuable information and communication technology (ICT) skills by setting up video conferences across time zones, working collaboratively on assignments synchronously and asynchronously using Google Apps for Education, and navigating and publishing work on a learning management system. GOA courses are open to students in Forms 4 - 6. For a list of GOA courses for 2021-2022 visit https://globalonlineacademy.org/student-program/student-courses

Kingswood Oxford’s Course of Study 2021-2022

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