Middle School Viewbook 2024-25

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What a difference A DAY MAKES


What makes a middle school THE RIGHT SCHOOL?

HAVING FUN AND ENGAGING IN SERIOUS ACADEMIC PURSUITS GO HAND-IN-HAND IN THE KO MIDDLE SCHOOL. When kids love to learn, they learn more. When they have agency over their own progress, they are motivated to do their best. And when they care for one another, they feel better about themselves, and our community is a better place. These are the hallmarks of a day at KO.

KO teachers are experts in the developmental patterns of 10 to 14-year-olds. They know students as individual learners, and our culture fosters a sense of curiosity; KO Middle School students get to be kids. Students’ growing self-awareness develops selfdetermination and advocacy with both the physical and emotional space to explore new territory. KO Middle School students thrive in thoughtfully created classrooms with a curriculum that fires up the imagination and allows students to put learning in action with a daily schedule that honors how and when students perform best.

NINA 7th grade

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I always try to challenge myself in class, whether it is raising my hand when I’m unsure, or just digging a little bit deeper. I think it’s important because if you don’t try and challenge yourself, you will never get to that next level.

Small classes foster an intimacy and depth of experience that builds confidence, encourages healthy risk-taking, and strengthens friendships.

Teachers make every day a new day, with fresh perspectives and surprising ways to learn.

Faculty advisors provide support and guidance in all areas of school life— ensuring intellectual, physical, creative, and social growth.

With approximately 150 students in grades 6 to 8, KO’s Middle School is small enough for students and teachers to know each other well and big enough to always have something new to try and new friends to make.

An intentional daily schedule makes sure students are always primed for learning. With athletics, arts, study hall, and planned free time, students can reset, have a change of scenery and pace, and get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

A cozy physical space allows kids to be comfortable while focusing deeply in and out of the classroom.

Families are partners in each child’s education, helping teachers know their students better and aligning goals.

The variety of lunch options is a daily KO highlight. Students love the independence to choose each day.

Every student is empowered to make ‘a difference a day,’ putting the needs of someone else first and demonstrating understanding and growth. Small gestures and accomplishments can be big milestones.


What makes a great middle school T EACHER?

KO MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS ARE IMMERSED IN A VIBRANT COMMUNITY OF MOTIVATED PEERS AND TEACHERS, who honor the diversity of thought and celebrate achievement of all kinds. When teachers understand their students’ developmental readiness, they can seamlessly respond to individual interest and classroom dynamics. They are partners in learning—guiding inquiry and experimentation to help students discover meaning through a rich and varied curriculum. As students gain confidence—a result of mutual trust and continual progress—they become increasingly independent. They demonstrate initiative, embrace challenges, and build a solid knowledge base that fuels academic and personal growth.

A rotating block schedule with five core academic subjects plus one arts-block elective course gives students an essential academic foundation, plenty of creative exploration, the opportunity to strengthen their organizational skills all while still allowing space for leadership and social skills-building.

Classes with 10–15 students foster a learning environment in which everyone is known and appreciated.

With many ways to approach and absorb new content, it’s cool to be smart, and there are always new things to try without fear of failure.

Teachers wear many hats—inspirational academic leader, coach, advisor, role model, cheerleader, and advocate, so they know students in all capacities.

- REID, 8th grade “ ”
My teachers have helped me think outside the box and pushed me to do better.

What makes a GREAT WRITER?

WE ARE A COMMUNITY OF WRITERS, SPEAKERS, AND LISTENERS. Beginning on the first day of our Middle School, KO students learn to develop a point of view along with the skills they need to articulate what they know and how they feel. An ever-expanding toolbox for self-expression helps students practice active listening and respectful dialogue, so there is always a safe space to have an opinion. Every day, every class requires a demonstration of understanding that relies on the mastery of grammatical, analytical, and critical thinking skills, as well as having the freedom to express one’s own voice.

Learning to write well comes from learning to think well—finding joy in good books, discovering meaning in nuanced texts, and recognizing the beauty in a respectfully stated opinion. KO students approach writing assignments with enthusiasm and confidence and come to appreciate the enormous potential writing has in their own lives.

A sequential curriculum ensures that students master essential skills and are always ready to explore increasingly complex form, analysis, research, and self-expression.

KO has developed my skills as a writer. In every class here we write very often. I’ve found the more I write, the better I’m becoming.

- XANDER 7th grade

Writing development is paired with oral presentation so students become effective and fearless communicators.

A culminating research paper in Grade 8 allows students to explore a topic of their choosing in depth and demonstrate accumulated research and writing skills.

Every eighth grade student prepares and delivers a speech during a weekly assembly to the KO Middle School on a topic of their interest.

Student-led “spider web” discussions provide time and latitude to unpack important subject matter together. These inclusive conversations, informed by student interest, naturally lead to deeper levels of inquiry.

What makes a middle school student THRIVE?

MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS NEED A PLACE TO BELONG, TO BE COMFORTABLE IN THEIR OWN SKIN, AND TO KNOW THAT THEY MATTER. KO’s daily learning environment is grounded in strong, trusting relationships, with positive role models who offer them the surroundings and latitude to ensure this is achieved. Every day that KO Middle School students show up, the adults in their world show up, too. Teachers, advisors, coaches, and families all work together to create a space where kids are happy, safe, engaged, and challenged. When kids know they can boldly try something new and don’t have to get it right the first time, they proudly surpass their own expectations.

Learning what it means to be a citizen of the world is infused throughout the curriculum at KO. Our core value of ‘care beyond self’ guides what we do, what we say, and how we see the world. A developmentally relevant social-emotional curriculum and a commitment to service are permanent fixtures in KO’s Middle School experience—allowing students to explore the responsibility they have for themselves and for others.

“I have grown so much in independence and time management. The responsibility to get to classes on time, eat a healthy lunch, and do homework has helped me grow into more of a self-sufficient student.

- CHARLOTTE, 7th grade

8th grade

At KO everyone believes in helping out other people and being inclusive. I feel like you can express yourself because there are different kinds of people at school. And I think that’s a good thing.

Small classes allow teachers to know their students well, differentiate instruction, and always monitor individual progress.

A comprehensive advisory program includes frequent small peer group meetings, in which students explore current topics of interest, healthy life choices, and good study habits.

Every student has an advisor who communicates regularly with teachers, coaches, and KO adults— providing valuable perspective and context for each other and for advisee families.

Developmentally appropriate goals in five categories help students grow both academic and social skills:

- Self-awareness

- Making connections

- Self-advocacy

- Time management

- Organizational skills

As students become increasingly independent, they are empowered to be reflective self-advocates.


KO’S GROUNDBREAKING IMPACT PROGRAM FOCUSES ON SHAPING THE NEXT GENERATION OF THINKERS AND INNOVATORS. In our Middle School Skills Incubator courses, students immerse themselves in future-focused skills such as collaboration, communication, and creative problem-solving. Through team-taught classes and community outreach, they tackle authentic questions and share their growth during captivating Presentations of Learning.

Twice a year, students lead conferences with their advisors and parents/guardians—keeping goals current and ensuring continual growth.

- Students build upon the strong academic skills learned in their core and elective courses while placing an increasing emphasis on personal responsibility, a growth mindset, and reflection.

- Future-focused and student-centered skills mesh with KO values through exposure to new ideas and service learning.

Example of some topics, infused with hands-on, authentic experiences:

The Hunger Gap: The Gaps in Food and Housing Insecurity

Sola: Creating Peace through the Education of Afghan Girls

The Influence of Hip-Hop on the English Language

Entrepreneurship with NexGen Innovators

How are Science and Art Connected

How does Geography Impact Culture and Dance

Make it Work: Simple Machines

MySpace to ChatGPT: How to Live in this Evolving World of Social Media

Social Causes and Protest through Music

The Happiness Lab: Strategies and Behaviors that Make You Happy

You Are What You Eat: The Relationship Between Food and Overall Well-Being


CONNECTIONS CREATE COMMUNITY. Our community is about the relationships that grow from common goals and shared values, the expectation that everyone will participate and make meaningful contributions, and the respect for every voice while working together. These connections are the foundation of KO’s Middle School and characterize a learning environment that is kind and inclusive. With its own building on the expansive KO campus, our Middle School is a distinct entity, while also being part of KO’s larger community. The best of both worlds.

KO Middle School students connect to those beyond their immediate surroundings—reaching out with compassion and enthusiasm to help those in need. Service learning gives our hard work purpose and demonstrates what it means to ‘care beyond self.’

While students are the core of daily life here at KO, families are essential to our identity, too. We welcome parents and guardians as partners in learning, knowing that when we are all connected, we grow stronger as individuals and also as a community.

Co-curricular activities mean there is always something new to try and a way to explore an interest in depth outside the classroom. These provide opportunities to practice emerging leadership and negotiation skills.

- GABE, 8th grade “ ”
KO lets you express yourself, and when you do that, you find new things you are passionate about.

Class trips offer new contexts for learning as an extension of the classroom, strengthen problem solving skills, and cultivate social interactions among peers.

In an inclusive and collaborative environment, kids know their contributions are valued, so they naturally seek new ways to make a difference.

Community partnerships extend learning and service beyond the campus.

What makes a KO ARTIST a great problem solver?

THE VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS ARE ESSENTIAL PARTS OF EVERY KO DAY. They inform how we express ourselves, how we appreciate each other, how we stretch and develop confidence, and how we solve problems. Here, individual creativity is fostered as students develop keen observational and listening skills and expand their ability to see things differently.

KO Middle School students are introduced to a wide range of visual media and performing arts opportunities designed to open the doors to self-expression. The best artists have the courage to try something new. Whether through the visual, digital, or performing arts, a KO student’s ability to express themself is as wide as their imagination.

KO Middle School students explore different forms of artistry in Grades 6 through 8.

6th Grade: Life Skills, Art, Technology, Drama

7th Grade: Life Skills, Art, Coding, Public Speaking

8th Grade: Students prioritze their own paths in arts block electives.

- Life Skills (required)

- Other choices include: Robotics, Digital Art, Advanced Public Speaking, Journalism, Painting, Ceramics, Printmaking, Acting, 8th Grade Play, and more.

Taking classes such as drama and public speaking have helped me in all my classes more than I realized. Whether giving a presentation or debating a topic, I feel more confident in myself.

- COLE, 8th grade

What makes a KO ATHLETE someone you want on your team?


TOGETHER AT KO. Sports and fitness activities are part of the experience—accentuating the importance of athletic participation. Built into the daily schedule, activities are inclusive, and students gain the confidence that comes from knowing they are contributing to a team effort. Whether a student is trying a new sport or strengthening their skills for the next level, our athletic teams offer the right amount of challenge and fun. When KO Middle School students play sports, the benefits extend far beyond the fields and last much longer than the school day. We also have various extracurricular offerings for our Middle School students during the sports block including Choreographer Showcase, Studio Art, Esports, and more.

Through their participation, students learn:

The value of hard work and teamwork

The importance of fitness for the whole self

The success that comes from shared commitment

The joy of being on a team and the friendships that bond students in and out of the classroom

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Sports at KO are competitive yet inclusive. Coaches make it a positive experience for everyone. I can be challenged with a sport I am passionate about and also have the chance to try some new ones, too.

- EMMA, 7th grade

KO’s Middle School co-curricular options span across three seasons and include 23 interscholastic and intramural teams.

The satisfaction of honing skills and acquiring new ones

The grace of good sportsmanship

The character that marks strong leadership

The value of setting goals and working hard to achieve them

What makes a KO MIDDLE SCHOOLER successful?

OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADUATES ARE INTELLECTUALLY, SOCIALLY, AND EMOTIONALLY PREPARED. They have mastered skills that will make them successful and help them achieve their goals at KO, in preparation for college, and all that is ahead of them. Deep academic inquiry under the guidance of inspiring teachers has sparked their curiosity about what shapes the world and how they might have an impact.

KO Middle School students are used to being involved and expect to make a difference. They are ready to make their mark. KO students are distinguished by an evolving sense of self that stems from having tried new things, pushed perceived limits, and increased their understanding of and appreciation for others. They have observed and practiced what it means to be a compassionate and effective leader so they are ready to be one. Students are ready to embrace the myriad of new opportunities at KO’s Upper School, and they are equipped with the skill set to effectively navigate and thrive in this next exciting phase of their journey.

What makes a GREAT DAY?

KO’S MIDDLE SCHOOL DAY is designed specifically for 10 to 14-year-olds, ensuring students are always making the best use of their time. Our musical and athletic programs allow bodies and minds to reset, while builtin flexibility, extended classroom blocks, and regular breaks, mean there is time to do more without feeling rushed. Each day provides time between each class block so students constantly pave the way to be their best selves.


- Students to explore topics in depth

- Increased collaboration between peers and with teachers

- Informal social interactions

- Students and teachers to meet for extra help on “off” days

- Consistently scheduled advising time

- Full integration of visual and performing arts

- Comprehensive advisory and social-emotional programs

- Athletic programs intentionally incorporated into daily schedule


7:50 Arrive to Middle School, hang out with friends in Oxford Hall, quick stop in advisory room before first class

8:00 Math Class—learning about polynomials and group work

9:15 Advisee Group—snack with friends and discuss the differences of debates, discussions, and dialogues

9:35 English Class – “Spider-Web” discussion about The Book Thief

10:50 Lunch (lots of great healthy options!)

11:20 Turf Time: Outside time to connect with friends and enjoy the outdoors

11:45 Chorus

1:00 Public Speaking class— Shark Tank preparation

2:15 Basketball practice

3:45 Dismissal

8:00 Put final touches on history presentation, study for Spanish quiz, re-read article for science lab, email math teacher about a time to meet

170 Kingswood Road

West Hartford, CT 06119-1430




Kingswood Oxford inspires students to excel and to lead lives of integrity and involvement by nourishing their talents in a community of teachers, friends, and families.


Demonstrate honesty, integrity, and respect

Learn with passion and perseverance

Embrace intellectual curiosity

Care beyond self

Take personal responsibility

Work hard, take risks, become involved

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