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APARTMENTS 1 BD Apt, Hardy/ Univ. Remodeled. Cute, $525. 2 weeks free! Jen 602-526-1945, Prime Time 480-833-7228 2 BR from $595/ mo. Walk/ bike to ASU & Mill Av. Cov prkng. On-site lndry. Very clean! Must see! 480-804-0537 APARTMENTS FOR rent at w w w. L i v e B y C a m p u s . c o m Search through complete listings of apts. Find your new place on our site & we pay you $100!!!
HOMES FOR rent at www.Live ByCampus.com. Search through complete listings of rental homes. Find your new place on our site & we pay you $50.00!!!
!MO to mo lease! 1br, util incl. HSI/ cbl/ big screen tv. New paint, very clean! Only $400/ mo! Ryan 623-204-0085
STAY COOL in your own pool. Brand new 4br/2ba house 1.5 mi from campus near College & Sthrn. This 1650 sf hm has new a/c, all new appls, w/d/f, pool & patio. Avail now. $1550/ mo incl pool & yard maint. Please call 602-469-1285. VERY NICE! 4br/2ba in good neighborhd, Bdway/Mill. $1495. Avail now! 602-418-2332
TOWNHOMES/ CONDOS FOR RENT 2 MASTER br located on Lemon St at The Commons. $900/ mo, Min 6 mo lease. Nice condo, completely tiled. Pets OK. 480797-6011 850 S. RIVER Questa Vida 2 master suites, walk in closets, 3 patios, ground level. REMODELED new black appls lights, fans, stone flr, countertps, FP, 2 pools. $950/mo. Rosemary 480-860-0460
NEAR ASU! 2 wks Rent FREE! 2bd/1ba, $725-$795 GRANITE w/ util. Contact 480-720-0068. www.apartments-tempe.com
HOMES FOR RENT 3BR/ 2BA, 1 mi to ASU. W/d/f, d/w, lawn srvc. Avail 4/1. $1200/mo. Call 602-758-1883. 3BR/ 2BA, fridge, w/d, backs to park. Close to ASU. $1000/ mo. Call Kim Ayers, Century 21 Metro Alliance, 480-244-6156 3BR/2BA. 1/2 mile from ASU. New carpet. $1125/ mo. Call 480-921-3669 4BR/ 2BA w/ pool, w/d, 2 cg, Remdld. Avail 6/1. Near ASU. $1450. Alex 480-570-6569
BRAND NEW 2bd/2ba, 1cg, NE corner Rural/ Chandler. Avail 4/1. $1350/mo. 480-415-6363. BTFL 2BR/2BA lux condo near ASU. Regata Pt. Water views. $1395 obo. 602-418-2332 NEW!! 2 bedrooms/1.5 baths with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, new front load washer and dryer in unit. Located within minutes of ASU. Gated community with bbq area and pool. Everything is brand new and never been used. Available immediately. Call Tylore at 602-540-8680.
4BR/2BA, POOL. Avail 5/1, $1550, all appls & pool serv incl. estatepropertiesonline.com, 480-203-6279
5BR/ 2BA, rmdld. Refrig, w/d. 1320 W 7th St. Immed occupancy. Jim 480-244-7007 O/A
2BR. PRVT bath. Furn. 15 mi from ASU. $350-$400. Queen Creek. 480-677-8560
Your ad should be here!
Call 965-6735
QUIET! RM in home near ASU. W/D. No smkg, no pets.$425/mo mstr w/ bth. 602-703-5400. RMMT TO share TH. Prvt rm/ ba. Furn. Move in 5-1. $400/ mo incl utils. 10 min from campus. Cov prkng, pool. 602-275-8846 ROOM AVAIL in 6br house. You would have to share house with 6 other boarders. Privileges incl kitchen, living rm, lndry rm w/d, internet/ cable, HBO. All utils incl. Exactly 2 miles from ASU. Ask for Elizabeth 480816-9021 or cel 602-615-6130
HOMES FOR SALE 3BR/ 2BA Scottsdale home! Only $44k. Must see! For listings call 800-749-8106 ext D307
TOWNHOMES/ CONDOS FOR SALE 2BR/ 2BA condo, walk to ASU. Great investor, student or first time buyer opportunity! Call 602568-7409 for appt. $192,900.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 55 INCH Samsung HD/TV wide screen. $900 obo. 480-456-3634
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DEADLINE: 2 business days before 2:00pm.
Early deadlines may apply for some issues.
AUTOMOBILES NEED CAR? Police impounds Hondas, Chevies from $500! For Listings 800-749-8104 ext 4740
HELP WANTEDPERSONAL AIDE GREAT SCHOOL job! Caregiver for active quad, wknd mornings & evngs 3 nights a week. Seeking healthy-minded person w/ positive attitude. Good pay, will train. Call Tom at 480-949-7241, leave message. PERSONAL CARE assistants needed am & pm hours w/ quadraplegic. $8/ hr. No taxes withheld. 480-966-2059.
HELP WANTEDGENERAL !BARTENDING! $300 a day potential. No exp nec. Training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 165. AA TECH for a nutritional supplement manufacturer, PerkinElmer Flame AA exp a plus. Pay doe. Day & night shift avail. Will work around school schedules. Please send resume to: jbreen@aznutritional.com ACCOUNTING MAJOR wanted for local Tempe co. Assist wi AR, AP, & other clerical duties. P/T approx 15-20hrs/wk. Reply to Brad at brads@dashdesigns. com or 480-967-2678 ext. 1107. ACCOUNTING/ ADMIN Asst, part-time, basic acctng knowledge skills & QuickBooks. Fax resume to 480-839-5161 or email to bill@masterabs.com.
NOW HIRING! Medical Internet Sales • Full time/ Part time • Days or Evenings • Weekends Optional
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ANIMAL HOSPITAL needs a highly motivated individual for vet receptionist or vet assistant. Please apply Arizona Avenue Animal Clinic, 7 W Knox Rd, Chandler or call 480-963-2513.
ASST SWIM coach wanted! Moon Valley Country Club. Country Club - USA Swim. Swim exper pref. FT with benefits. Contact mvaccoach@cox.net
ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR, P/T. Pinnacle Education on-line high school now hiring evening Supervisor of Engagement Counselors to engage/ support our virtual students. $15/ hr. E-mail res to tsullivan@pin-ed. com or fax to Tomi Sullivan at 480-755-8111
ANIMAL HOSPITAL needs a highly motivated individual for kennel attendant/ maintenance. Please apply Arizona Avenue Animal Clinic, 7 W Knox Rd, Chandler or call 480-963-2513. ARE YOU looking for summer employment working with kids? Camp Wamatochick is looking for you! This co-ed resident camp in Prescott is now hiring Cabin Counselors, Program Specialists & Support Staff. Salary + room/ board provided. For more info contact Joe 602-954-7544 or jseelbaugh@campfireaz.org
CAREBEAR PRESCHOOL is hiring teachers for summer program & fall. Must have teaching experience. Call 480-219-9049. COSMIC PIZZA hiring cooks, shift leaders, delivery drivers. 480-966-5555, 1523 E Apache Bl, Tempe. DRY CLEANER needs part time counter people for afternoons & evenings. Personality a +. Up to $9/ hr after training. 20 min from ASU. 480-449-8524 State Press Classifieds Office
ENGAGEMENT COUNSELOR P/T. Pinnacle Education, on-line high school now hiring evenings. Engage/ support our virtual students. $10/ hr. E-mail resume to tsullivan@pin-ed.com or fax to Tomi Sullivan 480-755-8111
FAST GROWING tax company seeking self motivated, hardworking satff. Available positions in customer service, appt setting, coaching & sales. P/t & f/t. Flexible hours, near campus, great pay! Contact: Fax resumes 480-557-9768 attn: Kendra or email tempefd@thetaxclub.com
GREAT EXPERIENCE working with kids! We have many jobs Education Aide & Gamesroom. Please call 480-948-8020 for more info. Great for Ed & Rec majors. Call now!
GET PAID to eat! Learn to earn 6 figures while still in school. Ground floor opportunity. 480-703-6400 or 480-330-0789.
GO CONCESSIONS Immed openings starting at $8.50 +/ hr, DOE. Very flexible, for help during busy spring season at the Phx Zoo for cashiers, operations, runners & warehouse support. This is a very fun job that will work around your school schedule. Apply online at www.goconcessions.com or call Scott 480-213-9947 GRAPHIC DESIGNER needed for awards store. Graphic design engraving & production mgt using Adobe software & Corel Draw. Call Todd 480-606-2007
GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR, p/t. Enthusiastic, works well w/ kids. Gymnastics bckgrnd pref. Will train. 480-940-4041. HOT GUYS & gals for print work. $750/ day. (Buy out if chosen). 602-248-3681 HPLC TECH for a nutritional supplement manufacturer, Waters HPLC exp a plus. Pay doe. Day & night shift avail. Send resume: jbreen@aznutritional.com Will work with school schedules. IMMED POSITIONS available! Front desk & Child Care at a Chandler fitness club. Flex hrs for your schedule. 480-812-0200 LEGAL COURIER wanted, Mon-Fri, 8a-1p &/or 1-6pm, need car. Call 602-297-0676
MARRIOTT Phoenix Airport has the following positions available Front Desk Agent, F/T or P/T Nite Audit, F/T or P/T Restaurant Supervisor, F/T Please apply in person at 1101 N. 44th St or e-mail resume to GM171@columbiasussex.com MESSENGER WANTED, P/T or F/T, $8.50/hr + .25/ mi. DL Investigating & Attorney Support. Attn: Darren Becker 602-2859901. Responsibilities: Deliveries valley-wide, court filings. OUTSIDE SALES, business to business. Immed openings! Previous sales exper a plus! FT/PT. Unltd residual income. Our products are a must for every business. Fax resume to 623-4666327 or e-mail abooher@cox.net P/T & F/T positions available. $9-13/hr DOE. Must have clean driving record, current AZ license & excellent knowledge of valley. Must pass drug screeing. Fax work history & copy of driving record to: 480-323-2986.
PARTY PALS is seeking people to be characters at children’s birthday parties. Males pref. $30/ hr. Call 480-827-7837.
P/T NIGHT delivery helpers. 4pm to mid or 2am. $10/ hr. Nights needed Mon-Thurs, flexible. Bdway/ Hardy, Tempe location. Hensley Budweiser. Call Michelle 623-245-8043
PHYSICAL THERAPY Tech Athletic Training Certificate pref. Spooner Physical Therapy on ASU Campus Fun, flexible environment! Excellent benefits Fax resume 480-860-0356!
SUNDEVILSNEEDJOBS.COM We need paid survey takers in Tempe. 100% free to join. Click on surveys.
TELEMARKETERS NEEDED. Debt settlement. $8/ hr vs comm, $600-1500 avg weekly. Daily & weekly cash spiffs. Fun, casual atmosphere. Training provided. Bdway/ Mill. 480-946-0186
SWIM INSTRUCTORS needed year round program in N Scottsdale. FT/PT avail. WSI req. Call 602-787-5977.
TEMPE SCREENPRINTER needs general helper. Screenprinting exper a +. Close to ASU. Call 480-894-2290
PERFECT FOR students. Write your own schedule. Get paid what you’re worth. Paid training, great benefits, weekly paychecks, much more! Contact us for interview. Higginbotham Assoc, 1005 E Broadway, 1 block from ASU. 480-774-0771 www. higginbotham-research.com
SPRING BROKE? Double last summer earnings & get school credit. Call 480-650-9855
PHOTO/ PRODUCTION Asst. Flex, p/t prod asst & wknd wedding asst wanted. Requires basic Photoshop knowledge. $12/hr. Call Harold 480-785-7304.
SUMMER MOBILE Swim Instructors. Evening 2pm-7pm, MTh. $12-$16/hr. May 30-July20. info@swimsummersplash.com 480-786-0703.
PHOTOGRAPHERS NEEDED No experience necessary! Entry level photographers needed for events in May & June. Professional attitude & appearance required. 1-800-747-7915
SUMMER SWIM Instructors. Gilbert area. $10-$15/hr. On site & mobile positions avail. Start May 1 or May 31, train prior. No weekend hours. 480-786-0703. info@swimsummersplash.com
SWIMSUIT MODELS needed. Start today! No exper. needed. Call 24 hrs. 480-703-3876, ext. 1
POOL MAINT co, p/t summer candidates need own truck; be athletic; mechanical bkgrnd helpful. $10-18/ hr. 480-945-2486
SOCCER INSTRUCTORS, p/t on Sat’s. Fun job. Youth classes. Soccer knowledge & experience req’d. 480-603-3780 ext 199
SWIM INSTRUCTORS needed. Kicks Kids is a dynamic co that provides sporting opportunities for children. Seasonal: May thru Aug. We are currently searching for enthusiastic swim instructors! Must be CPR cert, WSI cert. Trans needed, good communication skills & enjoy working with children! Location throughout No Sctsdle/ Phx. Xlnt pay! Staff training incl. 480-585-7684 Kickskids.com
UMPIRES NEEDED Tempe Rio Salado Little League, ages 8-12. Contact Steve at 480-205-9977. VALETS DRIVERS NEEDED! Drive cool cars. Exciting establishments! $8 - $10 per hour. (Cash tips!) Apply on-line: www.americanvalet.com Or call 602-861-9182 ext 3
FT/PT CUSTOMER Serv persons. Low key, fun, professional environment. Must be proficient in working with a desktop computer. Flex sched. Will provide comprehensive training. $11-13/ hr DOE. For info 480-446-7301
GREAT OPPORTUNITY! P/T job in Phx teams sport store at US Airways Arena. Also at baseball field. $7.50/ hr + bonus. 602-462-6734 or e-mail resume to pkennedy@xpevents.com
Apply in person M-F 2-4
3063 W. Agua Fria Fwy Deer Valley 7000 E. Shea Blvd Scottsdale 1530 W. Baseline Rd. Tempe C L A I M J U M P E R R E S TA U R A N T S
Now accepting applications for servers and kitchen staff Monday - Thursday, 2-4 pm at 5th St. & Mill or apply at other valley locations
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. Make sure no digit is repeated in any row, column or box.
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6 7 4 2 7 9 5
8 3 4 6
6 4 8
4 9 1 1 2 9 6 7 9 3
# 12
Solutions, tips, and computer program at www.sudoku.com
B2B SALES Consultant. F/T sales position, perfect for recent grad. Rstrnt/ hospitality exp a major +. Previous sales exper a must. Great pay, incentives. Fax resume to: 480-323- 2986.
PETS LANDING, f/t & p/t. Sell puppies. Hrly + comm. Hayden/ Sctsdle. 480-945-9559 or send fax to 480-945-5056
HELP WANTEDFOOD SERVICE SCTSDL RESTAURANT/ bar now hiring bartenders, cocktail waitresses, cooks. 480-970-1900. Classifieds 480-965-6735
HELP WANTEDFOOD SERVICE CORK&CLEAVER Accepting apps for lunch host (ess), lunch food server, pm food server & dinner cocktail. Will train, p/t. Concern w/ appearance, reliability & personality is important. Apply in person M-F, 2-5pm or by appt. 5101 N 44th St. (602-952-0585)
FUN COMPANION/ sitter for active 10yr old girl in Scottsdale. Some wknights/ wknd nights. Travel wknds & summer vacations. All exp paid. Must be honest, reliable w/ own transportion. $10/hr, $150/day overnight + food & ent $. 480-991-3637
GET PAID to drive your car. Make $1000 for putting an ad on your car. Call 1-866-245-3237, ext 207. chrissy@freecarmedia. com
SUB FACTORY looking for FT/PT sandwich crew & store mgr. Apply at 930 W Broadway M-F between 3-5pm
NANNY P/T, M-F, 1/2 days & spring/ summer breaks. 2 kids. Cactus/ Sctsdle Rd. Pls leave msg, Barbara, 480-607-4420
P/T HELP for 1 & 3 yr old. 2 days/ week, 4+ hrs a day. Flex. Ahwatukee area. 480-706-4213
SERVICES CELEBRITY PARTY rentals. “Leave it to the people who know how to throw a party!” Student discount. Graduation, wedding, any occasion. 480-330-0789 EGG DONORS needed! Healthy females ages 18-30. Donate to infertile couples some of the many eggs your body disposes monthly. Compensation $5,000 starting. Call Reproductive Solutions now 818-832-1494.
P/T DOCK Staff & Boat Captains needed immediately! Boat experience pref. Wknds & holidays req’d. 602-448-2109
SERVICES Next time you sit down for a latte, take the Classifieds along with you. Every day is new! Maybe you’ll find the bargain you’ve been looking for...
New in Town? Try the Classifieds for:
PAID SALES internship in commercial finance w/ flexible hrs. Learn finance, credit & client origination. Part time with possible employment to follow. Call 480-948-5524
A BOXES 4sale $2.42 Adex. Shipping & pack servs. @ Mill Av, 75 E Broadway. 446-0312.
ARE YOU overwhelmed by your term papers? Do you have great ideas but aren’t sure how to organize them? Do you need some editorial help to get your words in order? If so, I can help. Organization & Editing The Writing Hand, LLC. www.thewritinghand.net
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All State Press classified line ads paid for to be in print also include a posting on our internet site for the same publication days
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EGG DONORS NEEDED $7,500 (PLUS ALL EXPENSES) We are seeking women who are attractive, under the age of 29, high SAT, physically fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you have a desire to help an infertile family and would like more information please contact us.
Call for information on Classified Display advertising - 965-6555
Email: darlene@aperfectmatch.com www.aperfectmatch.com 1.800.264.8828 SP0000
The Auburn Plainsman
Thursday, February 2, 2006
Employment TIGERSNEEDJOBS.COM We need paid survey takers in Auburn. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. Help wanted. Telemarketing sales. Sell community newspapers over the phone. Earn $7.00 to $10.00 per hour. 2:15 pm 5:15 pm, 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, . 5 days a week, no Saturdays. Circulation Solution, call 334-826-6898. Local Probation Company Seeking Part-time Administrative Assistant. $10/hour. Flexible Schedule. Please fax resume to 334-741-8878. Nix Dance Studios needs assistant dance teachers with dance experience. Call 887-7250. !BARTENDING! High Income Potential, No experience necessary. Training provided. (800)965-6520 ext. 186 Taking applications at Check It Out, 239 North Gay Street for sales clerks and must be able to deliver balloons and flowers. Part-time clerical help needed for insurance office. Flexible hours. Fax resume to 887-3169. MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY will be accepting applications from 4-6 pm, Thurs - Sat at our new Tiger Town location across from Kirklands in front of Target. Fun in the Sun! Lifeguards wanted in North Myrtle Beach, “Will train”, no experience. Apply www.nsbslifeguards.com Zaxby’s now hiring cooks and cashiers. Apply inside at 1659 S. College St. or at 2075 E. University Dr. across from the mall. LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 3 hours/ week @ $12/hour. Call 444-9471, Auburn.
Miscellaneous #1 Spring Break Website! Low prices guaranteed. Book 11 people, get 12th trip free! Group discounts for 6+.
or www.LeisureTours.com or 800-838-8202.
Miscellaneous Spring Break Bahamas from $199.00 per person. 5 day/ 4 night package includes: Round trip cruise, food aboard ship and Resort accommodations on Grand Bahama Island CANCUN packages from $499.00. Toll Free: 1-888-85-BEACH (888-852-3224) www.GoBahama.com SPRING BREAK 2006 PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL 5, 6, 7 night packages. www.springbreakPCB.com BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISE! 5 Days from $299! Includes Meals, Taxes, Entry to Exclusive MTVu Events, Beach Parties With Celebrities! CANCUN, ACAPULCO, JAMAICA from $499! On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed! PromoCode: 35. www.SpringBreakTravel.com 1-800-678-6386.
All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." "We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
For Sale (Real Estate)
ATTENTION INVESTORS! - Auburn 3 BR/ 2 BA Duplex For Sale. $159,000 (Reduced!) Newly Tiled and Painted. One sided leased. Brick - All appl. incl. Dishwasher. Student area. Conv. to campus and Walmart. Good condition. Built in 2001. Great Return On Investment. Call Kim: 334-319-1208. By owner $169,000, 1086 Birch Circle, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1467 square feet, vaulted and tray ceilings, fireplace, garage, walk in closet, garden tub, fenced yard, close to campus, lots of natural light, quiet neighborhood, call Jacqueline. 859-509-0608.
For Sale (Real Estate)
Location! Location! Location! College Square Town Houses, 141 Cox Street, Unit 42. 404-502-5469. $139,900
For Rent For rent 3 bd, 3 full bath house in Harmon Estates. Washer/dryer included $900.00 per month. Pool & Yard Maintained. (404)375-0503 2 Bedroom furnished/ unfurnished apartment. Total electric. C/HA, W/D, on Transit Route. $470/mo. 887-3544, 524-7656. Quiet 2 BR T/house, 2 BR duplex, 3 BR/ 2 BA, house on 5 acre lake w/fishing privileges in Loachapoka 1 to 2 adults preferred. 887-9573. Condo furnished first floor, 3 bedroom/ 3 bath. August 2006. Tiger Transit, walk. $915. Parking. 334-826-1951. FOR RENT - AUBURN Lovely 3 BR/ 2 BA DUPLEX FOR RENT private patio. Newly tiled and painted. Conv. to campus & shopping. Bus service to campus. All appliances. Good condition. Harmon. Call Kim: 334-319-1208. Male roommate needed. Spacious house, pool, DSL, dog welcome. $250/month. brown262@bellsouth.net (205)620-2661 Wanted: Student share 3 br/2ba townhouse with 1 male near Krogers. $375 mo. 951-775-5656 Northpointe Subdivision 3 bed/ 2 bath duplex. $720. Washer/ dryer. Available August 11, 2006. (334)332-1513. 3 BR/ 2 BA, 2- Story duplex for rent, built in 2001 ($750/ month - 3 people, $700 for 2 people), free security system, many features, won’t last long! Call Stephen at 678-571-1287. Available now. 2 B/ 1 B newly remodeled home at 352 Bowden near campus in Auburn for rent. CH/A, W/D connections, hardwood, large yard. $675 per month. 821-9981.
For Rent Auburn Trail Apartment for sublet. Available immediately. Call for details. (334)493-4487 or (334)504-2470. HUGE/ NICE DUPLEXES (3 BR/ 2 1/2 BA, $950), (4 BR/ 2 full & 2 1/2 BA, $1200), 1 mi. campus, transit, appliancs, new carpet, garage, basement, large living/ dining, 745-2151.
For Rent
(mobile homes) Mahone Creek Mobile Home Park - Lots for Rent!!!!! Only 8 miles from Vet School. All students get first 4 months FREE. $100.00 Monthly includes lawn maintenance. For more information call 740-8390. FOR RENT: 2 BR - 2 BA OR 3 BR - 3 BA mobile homes. Great condition. Excellent location. Tiger transit. Off-road paved parking. Front porches. Free tanning. Large pool. Exercise room. Central HVAC. Washer - Dryers (in most). Rent begins at $320 mo. Call 821-5891 for apptmt... OR WILL SELL AND FINANCE THESE UNITS... THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS!
All Appl., Security System, Network Wired, Courtyard, Swimming Pool
Hot Tub, All Appliances, Swimming Pool
Unfurnished $360 Each/3
Furnished $335 Each/4 Furnished $280 Each/5
Deck, All Appliances, Swimming Pool Unfurnished $280 Each/3 Unfurnished $375 Each/2
Lost & Found Missing your pet? Check Lee County Humane Society on Shug Jordan PKWY in Auburn.
N.C. MOUNTAIN DUDE RANCH JOBS: Full-Time/Summer 2006 Need Wranglers, Food Service, Housekeeping.
Call Rex or Mike at: 1-800-651-4510.
Website: www.clearcreekranch.com
Furnished Available On Tiger Transit Bus Route
Unfurnish $375-$405 Ea/3
93 Mercury Tracer SW, AC, Auto. $2,800. 334-821-0157.
All Appl., Security System, Network Wired, Private Patio
On Tiger Transit Bus Route
Brand new cherry finish bedroom group. $499. Must sell quick. 334-356-8518.
3Unique BEDROOM • 3 BATH Rental Community,
On Tiger Transit Bus Route
Ashley wood heater wth blower. Call Sharon, 749-1467.
16x80 Fleetwood Mobile Home 1997 model, covered deck, perfect condtion. $18,900. One owner, 334-444-1831.
Double new pillowtop queen mattress set. Must sell. $160.00. 334-356-8518.
1997 Fleetwood, 3 bed, 2 bath, new storage shed, gravel parking, very clean, in Campus Court. 334-502-3607.
Brand new brand name full size mattress set, $99.00. New in plastic. 334-799-4110.
1998, 16’x80’, 2 BR/ 2 BA, shed, porch, large lot, vinyl siding, immaculately clean. $21,000 @ 170 Swann’s. 334-524-1222.
Four piece carved cherry bedroom set. New in boxes. $299.00. 334-799-4110.
‘98, 14x70, 2 bd, 2 bt, w/d, fenced yard, new paint & carpet, $15,000 o.b.o. 706-566-7526.
For Sale
14x60 Brookwood 2 B/ 1 B, CH/A, Huge kitchen near airport. Some furniture included. Low lot rent $8,000. 332-3101.
On Tiger Transit Bus Route
E-mail: ccrdude@prodigy.net
Colts ready for next season Teammates stand up for Manning, take blame for playoff loss John Nade ■ Associated Press
KAPOLEI, Hawaii — Peyton Manning is still answering questions about his perceived inability to win the big one. Edgerrin James is talking about the possibility of playing elsewhere. Several of their teammates in Hawaii for Sunday’s Pro Bowl say they can’t wait until next year, an oftenused refrain with this bunch. The Colts were the NFL’s glamour team for most of the 2005 season. Until their first playoff game, that is — a 21-18 loss to the eventual Super Bowl champion Steelers. “I am over it, but it still bothers me,” Colts center Jeff Saturday admitted Wednesday. “You’ve got to let it go, give Pittsburgh a lot of credit for what they did. We hope to do it next year.” Speaking of next year, the Colts have been installed as 4-1 favorites to win the Super Bowl by one oddsmaker. “Really, no thoughts,” offensive tackle Tarik Glenn said after an audible groan. “I’m here to enjoy this game. Thank God I was able to play in the Pro Bowl and let
Help Wanted
that’s what happened. I would’ve some of that anger out.” The Colts won their first 13 said the same thing.” Saying he addressed the topic games of the season to send shivers through the 1972 Miami Dol- last week in Detroit, Manning phins — the only unbeaten team called it a non-issue, saying politely: “It’s over with. I’ve closed the in NFL history. Then came a 26-17 loss to San chapter on that.” Diego on Dec. 18, ending the Colts’ Manning also reacted calmly quest for a perfect season but al- when asked how he felt about lowing them to begin postseason those who’ve said he hasn’t shown preparations four weeks before he can win the big one. “I’ve been around the block long their first playoff game since they enough. I don’t try to already had homedefend myself and field advantage. Island Fever explain,” he said. “I Next came tragedy. just go play. I want Four days after the People named for the to win a Super Bowl loss to San Diego, 2006 Pro Bowl. deeply. I believe we Colts coach Tony Dungy’s 18-year- ■ Marvin Harrison (WR) will.” Ben Roethlisold son, James, was ■ Tarik Glenn (T) berger, terrific in found dead of an ap■ Jeff Saturday (C) parent suicide. playoff victories at and “There’s nothing to ■ Peyton Manning (QB) Indianapolis Denver, completed prepare you for what ■ Edgerrin James (RB) only 9-of-21 passes he and his family went ■ Dwight Freeney (DE) for 123 yards and through,” Manning ■ Cato June (OLB) no touchdowns with said. “That’s where ■ Bob Sanders (FS) two interceptions in you separate football the Super Bowl. and life.” But he was the winning quarA lot of attention was focused on one comment Manning made after terback. the playoff loss — that there were “Oh, man, I can guarantee you protection problems on the line. every team in the NFL would love He was sacked five times by the to have Peyton,” Glenn said. Steelers. “Peyton, he can’t win it himself,” “He said it out of frustration,” safety Bob Sanders said. “I think Saturday said. “I understand Peyton’s done a great job with us that. I didn’t take it personally. and he’ll continue to get better.” We didn’t do a good job that day. James said he wants to return to ”Said Glenn: “Peyton has a right the Colts ‘‘under the right circumto make that comment because stances.’’
Apts. for Rent
Apts. for Rent
!BARTENDING! UP to 250 a day No experience necessary training provided.1-800-965-6520 x 154.
******* 1 bdrm. May or Aug 06. Utils. pd. Near BSU, prv. prkg. 215-7498 or 744-8234
2 and 3 bdrm apartment. Walk to campus. August lease. Call 877-8675118.
$$$ Do what comes naturally! Donate some swimmers and earn cash hand over fist! Qualified sperm donors needed! 317-972-1214 for info. All calls are confidential $$$
****Very Nice 1 bdrm apt. 1 blk from the village. off st parking avail. Aug 1. no pets. call 286-2808
2 bdrm 3 blk f/ campus. only $200/ea. May or Aug lse. Laundry. 288-7869
***1 Bdrm. Nice Clean $350 + electric. Aug. Lse. Damage Deposit Required. 826 W. Ashland. 286-0797
2 bdrm apt. Hardwood floors. Aug lease. Ashland Ave. Some utils pd. Walk to BSU. (317) 727-5847
***1-2-3 Bdrms., A/C, D/W, laundry room, patio, balconies, no pets, call 730-0530.
2 bdrm apts. Very clean, close to BSU, heat pd. $288/$325 each. 286-8658 or 730-4708
*2,3,4 bdrm apts and houses near village nice and clean. 748-7278. www.rmrealestategroup.com
2 bdrm duplex. May lse. Range, fridge, micro, W/D, grg w/opener. Quiet area in Dice Acres. $575/mo. 288-1347
10 fourty hrs a week route delivery drivers. $8-11/hr. Full time, pt time, and weekends avail. 1-800-733-0423 or homecityice.com. openings in Muncie, Anderson, Indy, Ft. Wayne, and surrounding areas Above average income. Flexible part-time hours. Senior Benefits. 2810 W. Ethel. #1. 284-4403. Busy insurance broker needs telemarketer to set appts. Flexible hrs, work from home. Pay based on appts. set. For details call 748-6202 Help wanted w/ paperwork and organizing. 10 am-12 pm or 12 pm-2 pm. Call 730-2708 or 282-4642. In need of 6 sales reps. Experienced or Non, will train for satellite sales. pay is excellent. if interested call James 317-513-7756 Red Sun Buffet Chinese Restaurant. 1505 N. Wheeling Ave. 2892828 Looking for PT waitress/busgirl
Roommates Wanted
2 roommates wanted for 3 bdrm apt. 2 ba. walk to bsu. range, frigde, micro, W/D $310 ea All utils paid. 748-6820 Wanted Male Rmmt. to share living expenses. Off campus apt. Close to BSU. Must be serious about studying. 765-702-4232.
1 bdrm apt in Village. AC & off-st prkg. Subleaser for Summer 06. Rent negotiable. 574-386-4132 2 Subleasers needed for Windermere Apts. $390/ea. May 06-May 07 Contact asap. Great price. 630-9351991-call Kim. keliopoulos@bsu.edu
Rooms for Rent 1 or 2 rooms for rent in 3 bdrm. renovated house by BSU. Nice yard, hot tub, cheap rent, no pets. May or Aug. 06. 765-532-8958 or 765-713-5130. 2 F to share 4 br, 2 ba house. Sch yr 06-07. 1/2 blk BSU. Appl incl Cheap util. 1313 W Rex. 419-678-8919
Apts. for Rent $225/ea rents small 2 bdrm duplex. walking dist to campus or $410/mo for one person + gas + elec. off st prkg. Aug lse. UALA. 288-1347
1 bdrm in village 1 block from BSU Very nice, All utilities included for May or August 288-7869. 1 & 2 bdrm Clean well maintained apts. May & Aug lses Some D/W most A/C. $475-680/mo Util includ 805 & 813 W. University 744-7086 1 bdrm 201 N. McKenzie. $390/mo no pets. quiet complex. Laund, off st prkg, may, june, july, aug lses. 2860371 or 748-6018 1 bdrm 3 blk f/ campus. only $325/mo. May or Aug lease. Also Studio only $225/mo. 288-7869 1 bdrm apt, washer and dryer, off st prkg. $375 plus deposit & utils. Available Now. 1 bdrm apt, washer and dryer, off st prkg, $350 plus deposit & utils. Available Now. 2 bdrm apt, washer and dryer, off st prkg, $455 plus deposit, elec & water For Lease in August. Call 284-9248 1 bdrm apt. 201McKenzie. $350/mo. no pets. Quiet complex. off st prkg. avail now. 286-0371 or 748-6018 1 bdrm apts 413 N. Wheeling. Aug. $375 / 320 W. Gilbert Aug 1, $375. No pets, clean, 286-0371 1 bdrm, large apt. W/D, newly remodeled. Walk to BSU. $350/mo. + utils. 228-5866 Ask for Jack 1 bdrm. Brand New, Huge. C/A, W/D, D/W. Low utils. No pets. $450. 288-6060. 1 bdrm. Village area. W/D. Great cond. May consider pets. $430/mo. Heat pd. 808-0033. 1-5 bdrm, 1 blk South of BSU village. $225-$345/mo. off st prkg. no pets. Aug-Aug lease. 288-3100 1000 N. New York. (across from Stu East) 2 bdrms w/ loft, 2 students $750, 3 students $900 all utils incl. Cathedral ceiling, A/C Off st. prkg. May or Aug. lse. Call 765-287-1737 lve. message 1215 Wayne St. 1 & 2 bdrm apts. All utils + cable free. 2 bdrm. May lse only. 1 bdrms May or Aug lse. Visit www.emgbsu.com.Doug at 744-6364 312 N. Calvert St. 1 bdrm apt. Avail. immed. 760-2140 or 289-6862
2 bdrm in the village 1 block from campus. Very Nice. Utilities included May or August Lease 760-4434 2 bedroom apartment. 1713 University Ave. May lease. $600 + utils. 282-1811 2 bedroom apt. 1711 University Ave, May or August. $550 plus utilities. 282-1811 2 blks f/ BSU. 1 bdrm apts. May & Aug lses. Renov. Sum 2005. $425475/mo Tenant pays elec. 744-7086 2 blks f/ BSU. Lg 2 bdrm. May lse. Fully renov. Sum 2005. D/W A/C $700/mo Tenant pays elec 744-7086 2,3,4, bdrm apts. 315 S McKinley, 1806 W. Adams. CA, WD, DW. off st prkg. utils pd. 744-4649 358-4924 2000 1/2 W. Jackson Aug.- Aug. lse. 3 lg. bdrm.1 ba. W/D, parking in back. close to campus. $250/ea.. Utils. incl. Call 284-3646 or 7445008 312 N. Calvert. 1 bdrm apt. $350/ mo. Avail. Aug. 760-2140 or 2896862 4 bdrm, 2 baths, all utils pd. Clean, spacious, off st park, deck, w/d, short walk to campus. No pets.289-9999 BSU apartments close to campus. Nice, large, 1, 2, 3 bdrms. Off-st prkg. Utils pd. 749-4688 or 747-5664 Heating costs eating away your budget? At University Apartments, the heat is on at no extra charge! *Utilities included *Reasonable rates from $413 *Free parking and campus shuttle *Semester only and year round leases Limited number of apartments available- Call today Ball State University Apartments 765-285-5095 www.bsu.edu/housing/ua May lease. 3 bdrm. Range, fridge, W/D, micro, off-st prkg. 2107 W. Jackson. Near Tally. $300/ea + elec. Heat, water, sew pd. Very nice. UALA. 288-1347.
Hockey star under investigation in connection with illegal gambling Rick Tocchet faces conspiracy, money laundering charges In the early 1990s, New Jersey officials say a bartender at a Holiday Inn in Philadelphia struck up a friendship with one of his big-name clients, Flyers star forward Rick Tocchet. The friendship lasted as Tocchet played with five other NHL teams, retired and became an assistant coach. Meanwhile, the bartender, James Harney, joined the New Jersey State Police. In October, Harney’s employer became interested in the friendship after a tipster told state police that he was involved in a gambling ring, according to authorities. This week, after an investigation that authorities dubbed “Operation Slapshot,” the two men, along with another New Jersey man, were accused of running a nationwide sports betting operation over the last five years. Police said that Harney, 40, and James Ulmer, 41, took wagers and cuts of the bets. And
Tocchet, now a top assistant coach of the Phoenix Coyotes, was the money man, overseeing the operation, collecting the ring’s winnings and covering its losses. Law enforcement officials say they’re still connecting the dots in a complicated case that involved professional hockey players, the wife of hockey great Wayne Gretzky and perhaps some Philadelphia-area mob figures. Only Tocchet, Harney and Ulmer have been charged. All face charges of promoting gambling, money laundering and conspiracy. New Jersey state police Lt. Gerald Lewis said between six and 12 hockey players were believed to have placed bets. Authorities say investigators were monitoring the ring by late December, watching closely as $1.7 million changed hands in thousands of wagers over 40 days. Court documents show that the monitoring lasted from Dec. 29 through Feb. 5 — the day of the Super Bowl. Craig Mitnick, a lawyer for Harney, said he believed New Jersey officials waited until after that huge gambling event to make the size of the alleged ring look bigger.
“The state believes this is a very large, nationwide racketeering enterprise that was being run by Trooper Harney and by Rick Tocchet and that is absolutely not the case,” Mitnick said. “It’s a far stretch, it’s an over-exaggeration.” Lewis said it was unclear whether the money gambled during the 40-day stretch, which included the major college football bowl games and the NFL playoffs, was a typical amount. Tocchet was scheduled to meet with NHL officials, and on Tuesday he acknowledged that a New Jersey state trooper arrested in connection with the gambling ring case is his friend. Tocchet said he would cooperate with the investigation “It’s not a hockey-related issue, it’s a football thing. And at this time I can’t comment any further,” Tocchet said after the Coyotes practiced Tuesday. John Hagerty, a spokesman for the state Division of Criminal Justice, said Tocchet would not have to appear in a court in New Jersey until an arraignment, probably a week or two away. The other two men are free on bail.
Apts. for Rent
Apts. for Rent
Houses for Rent
Geoff Mulvihill ■ Associated Press
Homestead/Oakwood Manor Aparments.
1 and 2 bdrm apts, heat furnished, heated garage, elevator, pool. walk to BSU
call 286-0692 Huge well maintained 3 bdrm. 2 full ba. Must see to appreciate. Central AC. D/W $1185/mo includ utils. 805 W University. 744-7086 Landlord pays utilities for these unique 1 & 2 bdrm apt. Private laundry. Avail May and Aug. 744-0185 Lg. & small efficiencies for lse. Located at 1413 W. University Call for Appt 282-7840 or 1-765-536-2009 May-May lse. 2 bdrm apt. Located at 415 N. Dicks St. Call for Appt. 2827840 or 1-765-536-2009 Nice 1 bdrm apts in quiet complex near BSU. Laundry fac, high speed internet. cedarsatbsu.com 286-2806 Nice 1 bdrm. Near Village. August lease. Stove, microwave, fridge. Call 789-4578. Nice lrg 1 bdrm. Avail now until Aug. Other 1 bdrm for Aug. Lse 1 yr. No pets. 759-7357 or 748-6189 Nice lrg 2 bdrms. Lses 6/1 & 7/1. 1 yr lse. No pets. 1 mile BSU. 7597357 and 748-6189.
Very Unique 1 bdrm. Village area. Off st. paved prkg. No pets. 2883388.
WALK TO CAMPUS Nice 1-2-3 BR Apts. A/C, PKING, Aug Lease No Pets 759-9339
Houses for Rent
$225/ea rents. Nice 2 bdrm duplex. Appl, WD, off-st prkg. 611 1/2 W Adams. Water & sew pd. Aug. 2881347 $300/ea. + utils. 6 br house. $250/ea. + utils. 3 br. house. $300/ea. + elect. 2 br. apt. $450. I pay utils. 1 br. apt. 744-3150. Some now, some Aug. * * Superb 1 Br. Grand home on River Blvd near Cardinal Greenway. $500 + elec. Jan - July lease. 744-3150 * * Superb 6 br. live in half a mansion. Nothing compares. $350 + elect. 744-3150 ******* 1 bdrm. May or Aug 06. Utils. pd. Near BSU, prv. prkg. 215-7498 or 744-8234
Nice, clean 2-4 bdrm. 2 ba. Close to BSU. C/A. Aug. We pay utils. Must see. Call 407-616-5342 for info..
**************************************** House For Rent 3 bdrm - 3 blks from campus AVAILABLE NOW! All Utilities included, very nice W/D, D/W 765-760-4529
****************************************** Houses For Rent 3bdrm- 2blks from campus. Also 6 bdrm- On McKinley All Utils. incl., Aug Lease. Very Nice/ Newly Remodeled A/C, W/D, DW 765-760-4529
now leasing for Aug 06. 1600 + 1903 W. Jackson. 2 or 3 bdrm apts. off st prkg, WD, Air, Nicely Maintained. 288-4460 744-3129 Now leasing for Aug 2006. 1-2-3-4 bdrm. 1-10 blks f/ BSU No Pets 2893971 On campus apts. 2 & 3 bdrm. avail. in Village area. $650 & up + utils. Contact Vickie 808-1593 Orchard Apts. 1, 2, or 3 bdrms. Pets allowed. Heat paid. Walk to campus. Starting at $405. 282-6663. put your mind to rest, come sleep with us! Now leasing for 2006. Mill Pond Apts. call today 281-0506 Sharp, vintage 1 bd-800 W Charles, Apt. 2. Avail 2-1. $430/mo. Heat & water pd. Laundry, deck. 284-0280 Starting @ $280. May leases avail. No Pets. 289-0550. Very nice 3 bdrm. Dill St. W/D, AC, vanities in bdrm. No pets. Off-st prkg. 730-4957 or 289-6732
****************2, 3, & 4 bdrm houses. Many remodeled. Aug & May lses. 765-730-2473. www.signaturet.com. ******1412 Beachwood 4 bdrm 1 1/2 ba UALA member may lse. discount on deposit if signed before spring break Leave message at 289-3116 & call will be returned same day. ******3/4/5 BEDROOM HOUSES**** 1-2 BLKS FROM BSU W/PARKING NICE/REMODELED! C/A, W/D, A-A CaringLandlds Steve&Terri760-9783 ***5 bdrm 3 yrs old $1200 May or Aug. pool W/D, AC, D/W. walk in mb closet paid gas? 749-3872 ***Student rentals. 5 bdrm, 2 bath, W/D, DW, disposal, fridge, stove, micro, 2 car grg. May lse. 1425 W Washington. 765-730-4265. 6 bdrm. 2.5 bath. W/D, stove, fridge, sunroom, 1.5 car grg. May lse. 1409 W Main. 765-730-4265. **NEWER 3&4 bdrm houses for lease for 06-07 sch yr. Grt location & condition. Many extras, off st prkg. David-317-640-1627. FREE RENT!
*1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 bdrms. AC, D/W, W/D. Close to BSU. No pets. Avail May or Aug. 730-0530.
*5 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, 2 kitchens, W/D, off-st prkg, spacious. No pets. Aug lease. 730-0530.
06-07 school yr. 4 bdrm 2 ba. Near BSU. W/D, D/W, No pets 730-4350
1 1/2 bdrm & 3 bdrm on S. Hutchinson. Many extras. Call today 7471170. 1 bdrm & 2 bdrm avail. utils included. W/D. 759-9736
1 bdrm. 1 blk to BSU. 1200 Neely. $400/mo + gas & elec. June or Aug. 749-7854 anytime.
1,2,3,4, or 5 bdrms. avail. Close to campus. June or Aug. See pictures @ www.bsucampusproperties.com. 749-7854 anytime.
1218 Locust St. 1 room open concept. Cottage home. Ready Aug. 1. $315/mo. + utils. 765-378-0933.
1407 W. Main. Nice 4 bdrm. 1 1/2 ba. C/A, W/D, D/W. Off st. prkg. No pets. Aug lse. $1100/mo. +elec., gas, water. Call 288-1593.
1800 W Bethel. Nice lg 4 bdrm, 1 ba, bsmt. Close to BSU. Off-st prkg No pets. Appl incl. May lse 744-7862
1904 N Maplewood (just off Bethel) 3 bd, 1 ba, bsmt, grg, app incl. May lse. No pets. $300/ea +util. 7447862 1912 Maplewood 2 bdrm very clean. walk to class. $540/mo + utils. Aug lse. 358-3336 1913 Glennellen 3 bdrm very nice A/C, W/D Now or May. lse. Must See $785/mo. + utils No Pets 284-1840
2 bdrm 3 blks to BSU. CA, Gar, WD, appli. $500 + util. off st prkg. May lease. Lawn care. 284-1299 2 bdrm house by Studebaker. AC, off-st prkg. Avail 8/1. No pets. 2824715 after 3:30 pm
2 bdrm house for 2 students or a couple. W/D, stove, fridge. Avail Aug 1. No absentee landlord. 468-6152. 2 bdrm house. W/D, newly remodeled. Parking avail. $560/mo + utils. 228-5866 2 bedroom 1021 Rex. May-May lse. No pets. $600 + utils. clean and nice. 765-369-2986
2 Bedroom House 318 Calvert St. Aug-Aug lse. $500/mo + utils. Visit www.bsrentals.com, call 744-3593 (cell), e-mail at doug@bsrentals.com
2 or 3 bdrm home. Ball Ave. May or Aug. Many extras. 747-1170.
2 or 3 bdrm. 1 1/2 ba. W/D. May 18. 3 person @ $200, 2 person @ $250. 210 S. Nichols. 286-0433.
2204 N Maplewood Ave. extra nice. 4 bed, 2 full ba. WD. ref, stove, off st prkg. no pets. no smoking. $250/ea. plus utils. UALA member. 288-2663 or 730-2237
10 Questions with BSU swimmer ...
Ritchie Caudill Mark Amones ■ Chief Reporter
the last 26.)
Q: How did you get started swimming?
A: If we get scholarships back, yeah, we could be back at that level. We were actually in the process of building a team that could be at that level. But as far as recruiting athletes, by not having scholarships you have to sell the campus, and the fact that there’s Indiana, Purdue, Notre Dame, Indiana State, all of these bigger colleges within the Indiana realm, selling Ball State is really difficult.
A; Obviously, my mother. She was the Ball State swimming coach when I was born so I was immediately thrown into it just because of the history of swimming within my family. So you can actually say I started swimming at the age of one, but competitively at five. And from then on up, I start- RITCHIE CAUDILL ed getting into Named to the club swimming. I Academic All-MAC technically did team last year as a high school swim- junior. ming but I didn’t officially have a team because I was the only guy on my team. The only time I counted as being a team for Muncie Burris was at sectionals and state championships where I actually beat [Muncie] Southside by myself.
Q: Outside of swimming, what is your best college memory? A: My best college memory would have to be all of the people that I’ve met and all of the great friendships that I’ve established with people that I know I’m going to talk to for years to come. I know that’s not one single memory, that’s four years all together, but I think that’s one of the most important things that I’m going to take away from Ball State. Q: What are some of your favorite sports teams, in any sport?
Q: Do you think that Ball State University will ever be at the same level as Eastern Michigan? (The Eagles have won the past six Mid-American Conference championships and 24 of
A: My favorite sports teams would probably have to be anything having to do with Michigan State athletics. I absolutely hate [the University of]
Houses for Rent
Houses for Rent
2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Houses & Apartments Pets welcome with added deposit W/D, C/A, D/W Newly Renovated 765-729-9618 www.bsurentals.com
3 bdrm. 901 W Ashland Ave. Neat home. Stove, fridge, WD, micro, CA, storage bldg, off-st prkg, lawncare No pets. May-May $900+util 765584-5025 3 bdrm. Avail. Now. No pets. 7418776.
Michigan and everything they are about. [I like] Michigan State just because my grandpa is the person that introduced me to life outside of swimming. And he is, by far, the most avid sports fan of Michigan State that I have ever known and ever will know. He even wrote a 1,200-page encyclopedia of Michigan State athletics. I even had decided to go to Michigan State before I changed my mind. Q: How about professional sports? A: I did like the Indianapolis Colts. Naw, I still like the Indianapolis Colts just because they are the hometown team. They’re a bunch of blue collar guys. Of course they have Peyton Manning whose making all kinds of money but as far as like, just the team itself, they don’t have any of the guys that just ruin the sport. The Detroit Tigers, they’ve always been a team, also, introduced through my grandpa. Basketball, I like the Pacers. But as far as fan loyalty, I’m not really a huge fan of the National Basketball Association.
Houses for Rent
Houses for Rent
Houses for Rent
4 bdrm. 2 ba house on S. College Ave. $300/mo. Bsmt, full garage. Contact Ed at 317-697-2611.
820 W. North. 3-4 bdrm. $600/mo crpt. off st. prkg. Avail. May 1 2826629.
4 bdrm. 2 ba. August lse, W/D, C/A, Lrg. kitch. Driveway. Very nice. No pets. $275/ea + utils. 1609 Sterling. 765-744-4823.
828 W. Beechwood 4 lg bdrms, 2 full ba. W/D, D/W, fenced in back yrd Off st prkg. Behind SAE. 730-5974
Ideal for students, fam, or faculty. Avail immed. Newly decorated. 3 bdrm. Close to BSU. Lg yard. Gar, lg country kitch, appli, A/C. $595. 1706 N. Maddox May be seen Call 2891532 after 5 pm.
3 bdrm. May lse. Near campus, clean. Lg. deck. Plenty of prkg. $825/mo. + util. Lg. fenced in yard. 604 W. Centennial. 288-4268.
2105 Rosewood, 2 bdrm house. DW and all apliances, WD. $550/mo + utils. May lease. Phone: 286-8609
3 bdrm. Off st. prkg. W/D hookup. Aug. lse. $825/mo. + util. 608 or 612 W. Riverside. 765-396-1000.
2301 N. Hollywood 3 bdrm, bonus rm, 2 ba, laundry rm with W/D. D/W, gbge. disp, C/A, no pets. 288-7251.
3 bdrm. Util. room with W/D. Very nice. Avail. May 15. 2701 Rosewood $250/person 468-7481.
2605 Janney. 3 or 4 bdrm. $250/person + utils. C/A, new furnace, W/D, new windows & carpet. 744-6315.
3 or 4 bdrm house. $225/per. W/D, AC. Aug. lease. 604 W. Queen St. No pets. Call 317-716-7174
4 bdrms, 2 bath. 515 N. Pauline St. Everything you need! Newly renovated, stove, fridge, DW, W/D, disposal, mic, CA, bsmt, storage bldg, nice closets, patio, lawn care. No pets. May-May. $1300 + util 765-584-5025
3 & 4 bdrm homes. Walk to Campus! W/D, off st. prkg, Aug-Aug lse. 877-867-5118
3, 4, 5, or 6 bdrm. houses. 2 ba. Heat & water incl. Walking distance. Paved off st prkg. No pets. 288-3388
4 Bdrms, 2bath, clean, spacious, W/D, near arena. 12 mo. lease, all utils. paid., no pets. 289-8113
3 bd. 1320 W Washington St. Stove, fridge, disposal, W/D, micro, CA, bsmt, off-st prkg, lawncare. No pets May-May. $885 + util. 765-584-5025
3-4-5 Bedrooms, A/C, W/D, no pets, Call 749-1300.
3 bdrm 2 ba, 3 blks to BSU. CA, WD, Appli, Grg, $600 + utils. May lease. Lawn care. 284-1299
Available May & August Call Asset Management
3 bdrm houses. (1604 Ball Ave) (604 Riverside) $250/person WD, air, DW, gas ht, off st prkg, . 2860371 or 748-6018 3 bdrm new. Tiled & carpeted. AC, W/D, deck, prkg. No pets. Near BSU. $290. 717-9332. 3 bdrm student rentals available. 1400 Beechwood, 1409 Linden. close to campus. WD, CA, May-May lse. call for more info 289-2283 3 bdrm SUPER NICE, lrg rms grt. loc. tot. remod. CA, WD, DW. Aug 3 @ $280 765-717-9331. 3 bdrm, 1 ba. Gas furnice, CA, nice inside. $675/mo. 2505 N. Maplewood. Avail May 06. 765-524-2494. 3 bdrm, W/D, nice kitch/bath, big closets. 1111 N. Wheeling. $250/ea. Pet friendly. 749-3940. 3 bdrm. 1 blk to BSU. Carpet, WD. June or Aug. $275/ea + utils. 7497854 anytime. 3 bdrm. 1408 W Gilbert St. Well maintained. stove, frig, micro, WD, CA, bsmt, grg, off-st prkg, lawncare. No pets. May-May. $900 + util. 765584-5025 3 bdrm. Avail Aug-Aug Washer/Dryer, D/W, lawn care. 1117 Rex. 1624 N Janney. 281-0709 & 730-0993
4 + 5 bdrm homes. No pets. mrphouses2see.com. 765-358-8309 4 and 5 bdrm. May-May. Stove, Fridge, DW, WD, CA, utils pd. off st prkg. 1420 Gilbert. $325. 515 Riverside $300. 319 Meeks $275. 317650-0135 4 bd, 2 ba. Aug. Marsh St. Good home 4 good students. $260/ea. UALA 317-414-3829 765-7024914 4 bdrm 1512 Kimberley. Avail to show 2/3/06. 2 blks West of Lafallete call 547-286-2452 4 bdrm house 1 blk east of village. 1116 University. off st prkg. 2 ba. Aug 1 06 lse. 284-8367 4 bdrm house. 601 Queen - WD, air, DW, gas ht, off st prkg, $250/person. 286-0371 or 748-6018 4 bdrm, 1.5 ba. W/D, 1704 N. Glenwood. $720/mth. Aug.-Aug. 2153327. 4 bdrm, 2 full bath. UALA home. 305 S McKinley. $300 + util. W/D, DW, new furnace & carpet. Aug-May lse. 260-414-7973. 4 bdrm. 1 1/2 bath 1408 W. Jackson St. Stove, frig, micro, W/D, disposal, CA, bsmt, grge, lawncare. No pets. Aug-Aug. $1100 + util. 765-584-5025
Q: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Q: Name a celebrity that you would like to play you if your life was made into a movie, and why?
2006 School Year For rent 2,3,4,5,6 bdrm houses. Call 284-9119, Call 284-9119, Call 284-9119, Call 2849119.
A: Plans after college are to get a job in the sports field. Eventually, I would like to end up with USA Swimming. Not that I think they do a bad job, but I feel that swimming can be marketed a lot better than what it is currently, and I can help in that aiding. My major is sports administration and sports have been a part of my life forever, and working in them is just something that I’ve always been interested in doing.
A: I could say Macaulay Culkin, but he went crazy. I’ve been told I look like Chris Simms and the oldest son from ‘Home Improvement’, but I wouldn’t want them to play my life. Let’s just go with Brad Pitt, for some rhyme or reason. He’s very versatile in all of the roles that he plays. He’s rugged, he’s very attractive to the ladies, and he’s probably, in my mind, the coolest actor out there.
A: Obviously, being on a Division I swim team like Ball State University,
Q: What are some of your greatest college accomplishments?
2000 W. Jackson 6 lrg bdrm., 2 full ba. Aug.-Aug., W/D off st parking $325/ea. utils. incld. close to BSU 284-3646 or 744-5008
3 bdrm 512 S. Talley. $780/mo + utils. Avail Aug. WD, AC, basment w/ Rec Rm. No pets. 765-378-6219
Q: What are your plans for after college?
RITCHIE CAUDILL comes up for air during his second place finish in the men’s 200-yard breaststroke against Miami University Nov. 12, 2005.
A: The person I’d like to meet would probably have to be Johnny Weissmuller. He was a swimmer, a sprinter back in the early 1900s. He’s probably the first big time name in the sport. And he also played Tarzan, I believe, in the movie. And I would
3 bdrm. May lse. Family room. 1.5 bath. CA, range, fridge, DW, W/D, micro, lg yard, attached grg w/ opener. Quiet area. 4012 W. Riverside. $300/ea + utils UALA 288-1347
4 & 5 Bedroom Houses
[which has] always had a good history with being a good school in the state of Indiana along with the MidAmerican Conference. Placing fifth in the MAC championships [200breaststroke] is my highest placing thus far. Hopefully, that will be improved upon at the conclusion of next month. I’ve been top eight every year, but my highest placing is fifth my freshman year. I’ve been top eight in however many events every year. I was on the Academic All-MAC team last year, and that was probably my greatest accomplishment.
4 bdrm. 2 blks. to BSU, 2 fridges, w/d, lg. bsmt. 920 Marsh. June or Aug. $250 ea., +util. 749-7854. 4 bdrm. house for rent. 2601 N. Rosewood Ave. $300/ea/mo. + utils. 287-1977. 4 bdrm. NEW. C/A, W/D, D/W, deck. Prkg. near BSU. No pets. Energy efficient, low utils. $250-300. 717-9332 4 bdrm. W/D, AC, spacious, deck. $285/ea. 1113 N. Wheeling. Pet friendly. 749-3940.
4 Bedroom 2 Bath
W/D, Off Streeet Parking May lease. Cheap rent.
Call 730-3850
Please leave message. 4, 5, or 6 bdrm. Lrg. rooms, 2 lrg. full baths, W/D, off st prkg, 501 N. Alameda. (765) 744-8269. 5 bdrm 3 ba newly remod. new appli. close to campus. May or Aug Lease 808-0033 5 bdrm, 2 ba, $250/mo. Water/sewage incl. W/D, D/W, deck,1 car gar, 801 W Beechwood. 317-345-8968. 5 bdrm. 1312 Abbott. 2 full ba. MayMay. $290/ea. + utils. W/D, D/W. Call 751-7110. 5 bdrm. 2 ba. Util. room with W/D, C/A. Garage. Very Nice. Avail. Corner of Rosewood + Stirling Aug. 1. $250/person. 468-7481.
5 Bedroom House For Rent Utilities Included, $350/each 1312 W. Abbott
5,6,7 bdrm house, CA, DW, WD, off st prkg 744-4649 358-4924
901 Neely 4 bdrm house. W/D, Bsmt, off-st pkg. $275/per bdrm per mo + Util. Aug.-Aug. 228-7568 901 W. North St. 4 bdrm 2 ba. Close to BSU Avail now. $980/mo. + utils. Off st. prkg. 289-3611 or 748-1931 916 W. Marsh. 6 bdrm. Avail. May or Aug. 3 ba, A/C, W/D, lots off st. prkg, lg. deck. 765-287-1737 lve. msg. Affordable, 4 bdrm, lrg living room, off-st prkg, appl incl. May or Aug lse. 289-8101 or 730-6193. all new 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 ba 2 blks f/ campus. avail now. 4 students. high speed internet. discount 2nd sem. 765-808-0033 all upscale style in class 4 + 5 bdrm homes. lovely, clean, well kept. May leases. 284-1587 Aug lease. 1,2,& 3 bdrm houses close to campus off st. prkg. No pets. call 286-2060 Avail Jan. 1 bdrm house in village. No pets. call 286-2060 for more info Brand new 2 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath. Fully equip kitch. W/D, AC. May or Aug lease. 808-0033.
Brand new 3 & 4 bdrm condo All the extras. 06-07 sch yr. Aug lse. Off-st prkg. David-317-640-1627 Free Rent BSU 5 bdrm 301 Meeks. 2 ba, WD, ample parking. $900/mo + utils. all new windows. 729-0403 BSU rental. 2 months free rent. 765729-0403.
just like to see his perspective of the sport back then and how it affected people back then. How it affected his life and everything that he’s went about, and then compare that to what I’ve done. Q: What has swimming done for you?
A: I will never give back to swimming as much as it’s given to me. I can’t even put into words exactly how much it has affected my life. It’s been a part of everything I’ve done my entire life. It’s the very first sport that I was introduced to. It’s something that my mom has been a part of my entire life being that she’s a coach. Once I started swimming competitively at five, I have not gone a year without swimming. It’s just given me so many qualities as a person, and helped me grow into an adult.
Houses for Rent
Large home setup for group. first time avail. in 5 yrs. 8-10 bdrms all utils includ. $250/per w/ 8 renters. 2101 W. Jackson Call Kasey @ 2823191 from 9-4 Lg 2 bd stone cottage, 410 Reserve St.(across from White Spot) $350/ea, all util pd. 282-4642 or 730-2708
LOOK NOW!!! CLOSE TO CAMPUS Nice 6 BR, 2-1/2 Bath A/C, D/W, W/D, PKING Aug Lease, No Pets $275/Per + Util
Nice 2 bdrm house close to campus. off st prkg. Avail Aug 2006. 765749-4688 or 747-5664.
Nice 3 bdrm house near village CA, Grg, Good Cond, $795/mo
Util. paid. Bonus Lease for-Now thru 7-31, 4@ $299/ea or 5@ $275/ea., Gorgeous riverview, Newly remod. 4 bdrm. 2 ba. C/A. Hardwood floors. All appl. Attached garage & off st. prkg. Screened porch. 5 min. drive. 4@ $350/ea. or 5 @ $325/ea.Avail May, or Aug 744-1079
Call 228-7822 Nice 3&4 Bedroom house. Walk to campus. W/D D/W 2bathrooms Parking. 284-9958
Nice 5 bedroom house off st prkg, CA, Good Cond, $1100/mo + utils
Call 228-7822 Nice, large 5 bdrm, close to BSU. C/A, W/D, off st. prkg. Newly remod. 2006. 765-749-4688 or 747-5664. 2 bdrm also available.
Very Nice!
4 bdrm home
2 kitchens & 2 baths Lots of room. $1300/mo landlord pays utilities
West Main. Backyard on the river. 2 or 3 bdrm, 2 bath, WD, DW, deck. Avail Aug. Local UALA landlords. 744-0185 or 747-1170.
Nicest houses on campus. Many extras. Even a 6 bdrm. Also student parking available. Call 286-5216.
close to bsu, nice 3 bedroom house. Aug lease. for appointment call 282-8606
Rent reduced. 6 bdrm. w/internet in ea. bdrm. 2 full ba. W/D. 6 car prkg Avail May. Close to BSU. 100% remodeled. 212-0265
4-5 bdrm house. New roof. Interior painted, lrg bsmt. 289-0550
Economical 5 student home w/ priv. rooms 2 ba. lrg $330/mo ea. incl utils. Aug lease. 282-2563.
Rental property close to campus. 1017 W. Neely. 4 bdrm. 2 ba. W/D. $1000/mo. 284-9698 or 744-5261.
Cute 3 bdrm. 3007 W. Amherst. Near BSU/BMH. Avail Jan 1. $69,900/Rent $750. 744-3150
Now leasing for Aug 2006. 1-2-3-45 bdrm 1-10 blk f/ BSU. No Pets. 289-3971
5-6 bdrm, 3 ba. 210 S. Nichols. Offst prkg. W/D. CA. 5 @ $250, 6 @ $225. + util. May lease. Very nice. UALA Member. 286-0433.
Extra nice 2 bdrm 3 car grg, carport, Rosewood Sharp 3 bdrm. A/C off st deck. off st prkg. No Pets. $700/mo + parking. no pets. aug lse. W/D hookdep + utils. 284-7856 or 284-2014 up 289-6732 or 730-4957
820 University. 3 or 4 bdrm, WD, appliances, off st prkg, Aug lse. $900-1075/mo + utils. call 765-3961000
Great 4-5 bdrm. 2 ba. Dill St. New furnace. C/A, W/D, good prkg. 4 @ $215/mo. or 5 @ $190/mo. + utils. Now, May, or Aug. lease. 396-9308.
Utils pd. Spacious 3 bd. 2 ba. C/A all appl, micro, grg, off-st. prkg. 5 min drive. Convenient to everything. 3 @$350-4 @$325/ea. Aug. 744-1079
***Every Thursday*** $1.00 Draft domestic pints, 35 cent wings (Dine in only). Damonʼs Grill 3451 N. Nebo Road 287-8742
House for Sale
Spring Break Mississippi Hurricane Katrina Relief Trip Call the Baptist House @ 284-5735 for more information
Classified ads may be placed four ways: on our website at www.arbiteronline.com, email: classifieds@arbiteronline. com, phone: 345-8204 ext. 100, or stop by the office at 1605 University Drive. (across from the SUB).
BED-QUEEN PILLOW TOP mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, warranty. Retail $599. Must sell $119. Can deliver. 921-6643.
BRONCOSNEEDJOBS. COM We need paid survey
QUEEN TEMPURPEDIC style visco memory foam mattress set. Brand new in plastic. Retail $1599. Must sell $399. 855-9688
takers in Boise. 100% FREE to join click on surveys.
Mattress, king pillow-top mattress & box. Never used. Still in factory wrapper. Cost $550, sacrifice $295. (208) 9193080. Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress box. New in plastic. Cost $400, sacrifice $195. (208) 919-3080.
BENCH HOME 4+ Bdrms, 2 Baths, 2 Car Garage, Fenced Bkyd, Patio & Deck. Sewer/ Grbg Incl. All Appliances & W/ D Hkps. $1000. Pets Neg w/ Dep. Work In Exchange for Dep. 340-8430
Pool table, 8 ft. table, 1” slate, leather pockets, Aramith balls, acc. pkg. included. New in box. Cost $4,500, sell $1,450. (208) 362-7150. Dining set, cherrywood, 63” hutch & Buffet, 78” table w/2 leaves, 6 curved back chairs. Dovetail drawers. Side server also available. Cost $9,000, sell $2,800 firm. (208) 3627150.
FEMALE ROOMATE NEEDED for furnished townhouse No pets/ smoking. $450/ month & utilities. 283-7919
Bedroom set, cherrywood, solid wood construction. Sleigh bed, 2 nightstands, dresser w/ mirror, tall chest, TV armoire, dovetail drawers. Will sell all or part. Cost $10,000, sell $2,900. (208) 362-7150.
ROOMMATE Room for rent. 3 miles from BSU. $350/month + deposit. All utilities included. (208) 830-1807
AGENCY NEEDS TALENT! models, actors, extras, promotional work available now! Earn $72-770 daily. Not a school. No experience. Call 208-433-9511
WORK ONLINE AT HOME 23 people needed immediately. Earn a part or full time income. Apply FREE online and get started! 800-807-5176 www.wahusa.com Enter Ad Code403
FULL TIME SALES ASSOCIATE Local Adult Boutique currently seeking applicants for Full-Time and Part-Time Sales Associate Positions. EOE. Professional atmosphere, Friendly environment. Please E-Mail Resume to Jobs5022@aol.com.
DISH NETWORK SYSTEMS very easy. You get $50 for each system that gets installed. Work from your computer or at home. NO experience needed. e-mail for more info. dishlife@myway.com
LEATHER SOFA PLUS LOVESEAT. Brand new in crate with lifetime warranty. List $2000. Sacrifice $699.† 888-1464.
BRAND NEW MICROFIBER COUCH Stain Resistant.† Lifetime warranty.† Still in boxes.† Retail $1395. Must sell! $499.† 888-1464.
Idaho’s largest independent PC Store, huge local stock of hard-to-find parts and supplies, expert computer repairs, Internet service, 4524 Overland Road in Boise. (208) 4722800. FREE Wireless Router with any new Clearwire Wireless Internet account. FREE technical support, call 4722800 Option 2 to speak to a PC Technician.
PLAYSTATION 3 NEW Unopened 60 Gig Extra controller Madden 2007 Talladega Nights $2500.00 / O. B. O Cash or Money Order Only Questions/ offers contact ericeclark@hotmail.com
BENEFITS INCLUDE: •Medical/dental/vision •Vacation and sick pay •401(k)
KING SIZE PILLOWTOP MATTRESS set brand new in bag, list $750. Must sell, $199. Can Deliver. 921-6643.
Winter Rec Guide
7-PIECE CHERRY Bedroom set. Brand-new in box. Retail $2250, sacrifice $450. Call 888-1464 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid wood. New-in-box. Value $799, sacrifice $195. Call 8881464.
The Arbiter’s guide to fun in the snow.
SATCHEL’S GRILL Flexible hours for Spring semester. Barista and cook positions. Great co-workers. $7/hr + tips. (208) 344-3752
in package, warranty Sacrifice $99. Call 921-6643.
COMICS Skiing Ice Skating Snowmobiling Snowboarding and maybe even Snowman building.
Coming December 4th
HOROSCOPES Today’s Birthday (11-30-06). This year you’re lucky in love, and just about everything else. Remember, you will be judged on how you manage the power. You’ll be the judge, of course. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 10 - Being patient and planning carefully pays off, as you’ll soon discover. You can move even more quickly now. Put on a great performance. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 6 - Pay back favors and debts you owe, and get rid of stuff you’ve outgrown. You’re getting into shape, in more ways than one, and it looks good on you. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is an 8 - In a situation like this, you need a leader who has the strength and courage to be bold, and the support structure to be right. Help provide the facts needed.
BY L INDA C . B L AC K Tribune Media Services
Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 6 - It’s a tough job but that’s why it pays so well. Don’t take any chances. Before you say you’ll do it, get a very comfortable contract.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 9 - You’re lucky now, and you’ll soon discover a new truth about yourself. With that in mind, what are you willing to risk?
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 10 - You’re lucky now in love and games, and whatever else you try. Don’t be an idiot about it. Try stuff that pays off well if you win.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 6 - You’re a very busy person, so you don’t have time to fuss over others very much. If you’re feeling low, it’s a good tonic. Get somebody a funny card.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 6 - If you already have a home, fix it up. If you don’t, start seriously saving. Real estate can help finance the lifestyle you’re going to acquire. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is an 8 - You’re very enthusiastic but don’t be impetuous. Your odds of success are good now, if you don’t trip over your own feet. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 6 - There’s plenty of work, and the more you can do of it, the more money you’ll rake in. Move quickly, and prosper.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is an 8 - Cut through the fluff and get to the substantial part of the information. This isn’t easy but it’s important. You don’t want all that trash in your head. Edit out the spin. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 5 - Use money to make money. You can figure out how. Sure, work is required, but you’re in the mood for that. Knock `em dead. Break a leg. ___ (c) 2006, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
Distributed by McClatchyTribune Information Services.
The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Wednesday, May 3, 2006
To place an ad:
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Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday Deadline to submit ads: 4 p.m. day prior to publication All classified ads also appear online at www.collegian.com
100’s of apts, condos, houses for rent with photos.
2 standard twin bed sets, foundations and mattresses. Brand new, only $169 each set. 223-8972.
4 DUNLOP RV RADIAL ROVER TIRES 31x 10.5, already mounted for jeep, with rim, almost new, $85 each.
DRUMSET 6 Piece Drumset, nice cymbals, PORKPIE snare, $600 OBO. Riley 970-231-3420.
AUTOS 1981 DIESEL RABBIT Diesel Rabbit ready for 100% biofuel retrofit. $1500. Performance tune 1007 Centre Ave. 482-3971.
1981 TOYOTA CORROLA Wagon. Two owner. 180K miles. A “town car.” Old but starts and runs. $700. Performance tune 1007 Centre Ave. 482-3971.
1981 VW VANAGON Manual 4- speed. Rebuilt engine. Stove, bed, AM/FM, CD stereo. $3,300 OBO. 970402-8162. 1986 Jeep Cherokee. New rear brakes, spark plugs, and oil. $700. Zu 970-980-9050.
Quiet 2 bdrm, 2 bath 1st floor. W/D + all appliances. Backs Fossil Creek Park. Pool, spa, and workout onsite. Perfect for CSU parents with student or investors. 686-7317. Looking for an affordable newer Condo close to campus- Here IT IS! 2 bdrm, 2 bath, all appliances incl, low monthly HOA fee and financing avail. Priced at $134,900. Call Wendy French with Prudential Rocky Mountain, REALTORS at 970-692-2000.
MUST SELL! 5 BDRM RANCH! Huge treed backyard. Total Makeover in 2004. 1109 Fairview- $212,000. Jeff Williams 481-5329. RE/MAX A l l i a n c e . www.JeffSoldIt.com. Town home for sale, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, Kiddy Condo Loan, $149,900. Call Diane at 303916-4669.
TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE! 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, backyard, garage, stylish, lots of upgrades, near Hughes Stadium. Great for students, first time buyers, investors. 2925 W. Stuart #3, $169,900. 970-227-5983.
WHY PAY RENT? 1994 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 5spd, 197K, Drk Green, CD, $4300 OBO, 215-3759. 1995 Toyota Avalon XLS. Black, V6 motor, good condition, new motor, new tires. 192 horsepower. $4,900. 970-310-3942.
2001 CADILLAC CATERA SPORT Excellent Condition. Loaded w/ leather, CD, sunroof, heated seats. $9900. Bryan at 720-838-8354.
DEAD CAR Cash for your unwanted car or truck with mechanical or body damage, free towing. 391-2002.
Honda CB750C 1980 motorcycle, 43k, great shape, extras. 40- 60 mpg. $1175/ OBO. David 443-4053. Honda Civic DX. Blue, 1991, two- door, 35 miles/ gal, standard. $2100. Call Grace at 970-371-0005.
POWER AND MILEAGE 2002 Saab 9-3, red, tan leather, loaded, great shape, 58k, $13,000. 970-493-1521.
CYCLES 05 HONDA TRX450R SPORT QUAD Barely used, lots of aftermarket parts. $5600, obo. 303-547-2545.
REAL ESTATE 2 BEAUTIFUL CONDOS FOR SALE! #1- 3 year old, gorgeous 2 bdrm, 1 bath end unit. Quiet location with awesome foothills views, many exciting upgrades with all appliances incl. Approx 900 sq ft. Asking $129,500! #2- Completely remodeled 2 bdrm, 1 bath, F/P, quiet location, mature landscaping, all appliances incl, short distance to CSU, many upgrades, almost 900 sq ft. Only $104,950! Why rent when it makes more sense to buy, Have your parents help and the investment is great for all of you. Great financing available! Call Doris for info & showing @ 493-8233Coldwell Banker.
2 bdrm condo, pets allowed. Pool, tennis, free heat. $109,900. Steph, RE/MAX Alliance, 218-8888, 6221814.
FOR RENT AVAILABLE AUGUST 1ST (OR JUNE 1ST) Light, cheery, 3 bdrm, F/P, 1100 sqft, fully carpeted, for non-smokers with no pets. Near Campus, $900/mo +util. Call 484-4518.
!!!!LUX 4 BDRM, 2 BATH, HOUSE FOR AUGUST 3 block to campus and city park. 7 blocks to Old Town. Granite, new appliances, maple floors, clean, nice yard. $1550/mo, 219-5446.
!!IMMACULATE 3 BDRM 2 BATH HOUSE With lease to own option. Avail summer or fall. New lighting and paint, pets OK, close to CSU. $1175/mo 970-217-6443.
!BEST HOUSE IN FORT FUN! 5 bdrm, 2 bath, garage, pool table, sun room, W/D, D/W, $1500/mo. 970-690-0252.
!EVERYTHING INCL! Near CSU. W/D, D/W, cable, internet, pool table, all utils incl! Fenced yard, pets nego. 1 bdrm avail now, 3 avail Aug. $425/ room. 970-2279895.
!FREE MONTH! 4 bdrm, 2 bath. 2 car garage, A/C, deck, off Drake and College. Call Nick 303-3580349.
$560 FOR A 2 BDRM Avail Aug- super sunny. Nice +affordable. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Heat, water/ sewer +trash paid with rent. thebrandtco.com 224-0852. ***5 bdrm, 2 bath, great location, great place, close to campus, W/D, N/S, pets nego, yard. $1500/mo, avail June 1. 970-222-1026. 3 & 4 bdrm houses avail Aug also!
**2-3 BDRM DUPLEXES** Avail May/ August. W/D, A/C, near campus/ park, quiet, newer. $275. 970-690-5700.
2 student houses adjacent, near campus, $361,700. Current rent $2120. arie@mhtc.net.
4 bdrm house. W/D, A/C, 2+ blks campus, no pets. $275. 970-690-5700.
**3+2 = 5 BDRM**
1 bdrm, 1.5 bath, loft, fireplace, pool, SE location, wood/ tile floors, updated, quiet. Great for Grad student! $89k. 970-226-2001.
2- unit. (City legal). W/D, near campus, no pets. $275. 970690-5700.
Condo for sale! 2 bdrm, 2.5 bath, garage, pool, F/P, $139,500. 2828 Silverplume #21. 970-482-3339.
CONDOS FOR SALE NEAR CSU 1 bdrm, 1 bath, security building, pool, low HOA, $80,500. 2 bdrms, 2 bath, bike trail, laundry room, garage. $134,900. Call John 215-2341.
CSUREALTY.COM Houses, town homes, condos for sale. Invest in your education today.
FIRST TIME BUYERS Why rent when you can own? Have your friends pay you rent. Free computerized list of homes available with no money down*, under $1300/mo. Free recorded message. 1-888-882-4731 ID# 2000 www.NoMoDoHomes.com *some restrictions apply
Condo, W/D, water +trash paid, $750/mo. 970-2172758.
2713 Dunbar, large, family room, bi-level. Spacious, clean, fenced yard, F/P, D/W, W/D. $1250/mo. Avail June 1. Peak 377-2717.
2 BDRM 2 BATH @ SADDLERIDGE Avail now, gas F/P, garage, great colors!!! $795. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052.
4 bdrm, 2 bath, near CSU. No pets- smoking. 1-car. Pasture avail for horses. Avail 8/1. $1250/mo. 970-4937262.
4 BDRM, 2.5 BATH
Fantastic 2 bdrm with nice fenced yard. Excellent condition. $675. Pet ok. 224-0852.
Close to foothills, small fenced yard, W/D, avail June $925. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052.
2 bdrm dueplex, block from capmus, F/P, D/W, W/D, fenced yard, pets ok, 2290299.
2 BDRM Fenced yard, garage, close to CSU $595. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052. 2 bdrm, 1 bath +den, W/D. 4 blocks to campus. All utils incl. 419 Elizabeth. $800. 214-1047. 2 bdrm, 1 bath house. 6 blks to campus. Pets ok. $750/mo. Avail June 1st. 720-252-4148.
2 BDRM, 1.5 BATH, MAY OR AUG Peaceful 2 bdrm, backs to open space. All new wood floors, modern floor plan, great kitchen. Beautiful yard with deck. 1 car garage, W/D. $825. thebrandtcompany.com. 224-0852. 2 blocks from campus, 1- 4 bdrms, lease starting 8/1. 566-3000.
2, 3 BDRM 2 STORY TOWN HOMES Awesome value on 2 extra spacious town homes. 1.5 baths, W/D hookups, yard for pet. $760. thebrandtcompany.com 224-0852.
2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6 BDRM HOUSES. Aug leasing, 1 year, dogs OK, cool landlord, 221-4009. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. 1 block to campus, fenced yard, $1075/mo, 970-402-0382. 3 bdrm house for rent. 1 bath. Close to City Park. Very nice, huge back yard. W/D, D/W. $950-1000/mo. 970481-8712. 3 bdrm house in Old Town, pets weclome, huge yard, avail Aug 1st, $1100, 4166457. 3 bdrm w/ den, large yard, covered patio, & more. Excellent cond. Near CSU, 1129 S Bryan Ave, N/P, N/S. $850, Avail Now. 303-5439916. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1 block to CSU, $500 SIGNING BONUS. Avail Aug 1, call 419-8384.
1 bdrm. Flexible availability/ lease. D/W, W/D, N/P, N/S, $300/mo +1/4 utils. 2223217.
4 bdrm, 2 bath, close to CSU. 1500 square feet. Pets nego. W/D, 2 car, backs to park, extra fridge. $1190. Avail 6/1, 303-641-7782. 5 bdrm +office. 1 block to campus. 2 car garage, fenced yard, avail 8/1, $1850/mo. 970-402-0382.
5 BDRM, 2 BATH Across the street from CSU. Wood floors, 2 stall garage, Sand volleyball pit, huge lot, W/D, D/W. $1700. 481-8712.
Hardwood floors, screened in porch. Avail May and Aug. $1850. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052. 5 bdrm, 2 bath- $1490/mo. 4 bdrm, 2 bath- $1390/mo. Across from CSU vet school. Central A/C, avail 8/1. 970980-6078.
6 BDRM, 2.5 BATH Legal!! With 2 separate entrances, kitchens, etc... Avail Aug. 1, $1875. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052.
A1 CONDITION ON NEW 2 BDRM Was the builder model. Slate entry, gas fireplace, 2 full bath- A/C. Luxury condo. 1car garage. $825. Brandt Company. 224-0852.
www.AggieProperties.com Pre-Leasing Prime Rentals Near CSU Now! All Price Ranges & Sizes. 212-RENT.
AUGUST 1ST 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 living, 2car, near CSU, big fenced yard, W/D, A/C, cable TV, internet. N/S, pets nego. $1360/mo. http://home.comcast.net/~mattoberle/rental 970-581-5676.
3 bdrm, 2 bath walk to CSU, avail 8/1. D/W, W/D, $1250/mo, backyard, 1 car. 1240 S. Bryan Ave. 2317340.
Available Aug 1. Over/ under duplex 1 block from CSU. 3 bdrm, 1 bath up, $1050/mo, 3 bdrm, 1 bath down, $900/mo, or rent whole house for $1850. W/D, wood floors, 2 kitchens. 5 bdrm house, $1200, W/D, fenced yard, 2- car garage. Mary Lou 970-412-2390.
3- 4 bdrm houses avail June 1 & Aug 1. Call Alison 970443-3234
2 living rooms, close to CSU, private fenced yard, new appliances, hardwood floors. $1000- $1300. 970-4818712. 3/4 bdrm, 1 bath. City Park area, large fenced back yard, hard wood floors, W/D, full kitchen. $1050/mo. 2186810.
3/5 BDRM W/ FREE HI-SPEED INTERNET Large fenced yard shaded, garage, W/D, hardwood floors, nice house, Alpert Ave, $1295/mo. Call Tom 556-3722.
Only 3 adults/ unit. Don’t lease 4+! Info contact ASCSU 491-5931.
Near CSU, laundry, kennel, fireplace, wind electric, garage, $880, arie@mhtc.net.
HOT TUB!!! We have one of the best rentals close to CSU, it’s phenomenal! Pre-leasing for Aug 1st. Nice yards, lawnmower provided, W/D, A/C, plenty of storage, 2600 sqr ft. 5 bdrm, 2.5 bath and 5 bdrm, 3.5 bath, new hot tub. Pets okay. $1300/mo, Automatic sprinklers. Beautiful yard. Marc 970-282-9099.
3 bdrm, 3.5 bath, A/C, W/D, D/W, garage, on bus route, water & cable included, $1375/mo, 970-310-0555.
For Rent, Anthony 308-4871
1129 Skyline Dr, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 car garage, $1380. 3745 Celtic Ln, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, $1175. 1405 Stover, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 car garage, $1200. 1733 Somerville, 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 car garage, $1530. 2851 H Kansas Dr, 3 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 car garage, $1300. 3130 Welsh, Laporte, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, $1000. 616 Eric St, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1 car garage $900. 1100 Emigh, 2 bdrm, 1 bath apts, $600. 2306 Ryeland Ct, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car garage, $1400. 2907 Indigo Circle N, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, $1400. 1938 Fossil Creek Pkwy, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car garage $1300. 1736 Valley Forge, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, $1490.
GREAT HOUSE 4 bdrm, 2 bath, new appliances, W/D, D/W, pool table, large yard, 2 car garage, $1,200/mo nego. Ryan @ 720-338-1650.
4 bdrm, 4 bath, A/C, F/P, close to campus. Avail June or July. $1280. 970-2153881.
HOMES FOR RENT 2 BDRMS 101 E. Vine- Avail Aug 1$750 +utils. 617 E. Laurel- Avail June 1 or Aug 1- $750 +gas/trash 741 N. Taft- Avail June 1 or Aug 1- $700 +utils 1100 S. Bryan- Avail Aug 1$800 +utils 1531 W. Elizabeth- Avail Aug 1-$700 +utils 1678 Riverside #11- Avail Now- $560 +elec 6826 Antigua #2- Avail Aug 1- $825 +utils.
Luxurious, 4 bdrm, 4 bath, all appliances, 1.5 miles to CSU, $1295/mo. 970-635-9885.
325 Sherwood. Terrific Old Town quality home. Only $710. thebrandtco. 2240852.
ON SPRING CREEK BIKE PATH Newer town homes. 3-4 bdrm, 2 bath. $1,200. Preleasing for August. 970-2262046.
PRE LEASING QUALITY HOMES FOR NEXT SUMMER & FALL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 bdrm homes avail. All properties include free high speed internet, lawn care & all appliances. Beat the rush & reserve your next home now. Visit us online www.szqualityhomes.com, or call Nate 402-2588. Leasing for 6/1 and 8/1. 3, 4, 5 bdrm houses for rent. Close to campus. Great condition. Call Aaron 970-3107457. Pre-leasing almost new 3 bdrm town home. 3 levels, 2.5 bath, W/D, A/C, new kitchen, fully carpeted, near trails, CSU stadium, bus, club house privileges. Water, trash, 2 parking spots incl. $990/mo + utils. Avail Aug 1. Josh, 303-817-1936.
!PRICE REDUCED LANDLORD PAYS ALL UTILITIES! Free cable and high speed Internet. 3, 4 bdrm houses. Near CSU, W/D. www.colostaterentals.com. 581-3288.
PRE-LEASING FOR FALL & SUMMER 3 bdrm, 2 bath town home style units. Walk-in closets, BBQ deck, W/D, D/W, and much more. Clean, well maintained college rentals. Very close to campus! WWW.GLENMOORDRIVE.C OM. $1025/mo for 1-year lease or $1100/mo for 10month lease. 970-482-5129, 970-420-9126.
Beautiful updated super spacious 2 bdrm with W/D, F/P, deck, A/C, all appliances incl. $650. thebrandtcompany.com. 224-0852.
All locations, all sizes, all price ranges. 970-402-0382.
725 Tyler- Avail Aug 1- $1200 +utils 1829 Busch Court- Avail Aug 1-$1315 3443 Sam Houston- Avail Aug 1- $1275 3618 Platte Drive- Avail Aug 1- $1120. For detailed information and showings call 970-388-0999 ABC Realty and Property Management
HOUSE FOR RENT! 5 bdrm, 2 bath, close to campus, W/D, garage, yard, pets ok. www.rentfoco.com. 5968600.
LEGAL FOR 4 RENTERS! Great brick house, 2 blks from CSU. 4 large bdrms, 2 baths, bonus room, F/P, all appliances, fenced yard, super condition. See at www.rentalsnearcsu.com. 215 E. Prospect, $1495/mo. 577-1915, 219-7876. Livermore, large bdrm, bath & stable space incl. 35- 40 min distance. Call DeDe, 970-493-4734.
LUXURIOUS 2 BDRM, 2 BATH. AUG Spoil yourself with this spotless 2 bdrm. Gas F/P, W/D. Spacious and new. $800. thebrandtcomapny.com 224-0852.
PRIVATE LANDLORD, EASY TO WORK WITH. Huge 4- 5 bdrm, 2 bath, all appliances. Pets ok, close to campus, garage. $1400/mo, ask how to get your first month free! 303-525-9223, 970-310-5312.
REMODELED 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, all appliances, fenced yard, 2 car, F/P, 1/2 mile from CSU, Pets OK, Avail 6/1 or 8/1. $1195/mo. Nadene. 970-9882123.
NEAR EDORA PARK Pre-lease for August. Town home. 4 bdrm, 2 bath. $850. 970-226-2046.
SUPER HOUSE HALF OFF First month w/ signed lease 3 bdrms w/ 2 car garage/ opener, A/C, fireplace/ insert, BIG covered deck, great yard 2 1/2 mi. to campus on west side. $1050/mo. Pets nego. Pre-lease for August 1, Kathy 303-973-1430, or Matt 970495-0092. Town home with game room/ pool table, 3 bdrms, 2.5 bath, W/D, D/W, no pets, garage, $1000/mo +deposit, Call 303-489-6330.
VANTAGE PROPERTIES 1-6 bdrm houses, condos & town homes. 1-2 blocks to CSU. All price ranges!!! Avail Aug 1. 419-8384.
SPARKLING 2 BDRM, AUG It’s beautiful! 2 bdrm, all new interior, hardwood in bdrms, great yard- pet ok. $675. 224-0852.
SPECTACULAR 3 BDRM, AUG Beautiful 2 story, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with W/D, F/P +pool. Only $900. thebrandtco. 224-0852.
CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Elizabeth & Taft area. 1406 Wildwood Rd. 2 car garage, large living/ dining room, fenced yard, sprinklers, A/C, all appliances. June 1. $1170/mo (water incl). 303-378-2075.
CLOSE TO CAMPUS 4 or 5 bdrm, 2 bath. W/D, on bus route. 720-938-5984.
CSU GUYS 3 rooms avail in newer house, 1.5 miles to campus. Large yard, finished basement, close to CSU football field. A/C, W/D, some utils. $395/mo individual contracts. 303-776-2829.
HUMONGOUS HOUSE, AUG Extra spacious 3 bdrm, 2 full bath- 2 living areas- great yard. Close to CSU. $1140. thebrandtcompany.com. 224-0852.
JUNE 1 Legal 5 bdrm, 2 bath. Close to campus, hardwood floors, W/D, fenced yard, parking, $1350/mo, reduced rate for summer. 214-3043.
***Mature CSU students wanted for great house, Taft Hill/ Prospect area. W/D, A/C, N/S, N/P. Each has own contract. $395/mo. 303-7762829.
4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 living rooms. W/D, D/W, F/P, swamp cooler. Non-smokers. $1150. 226-4244.
*LARGE SPACIOUS, & CLEAN!! *2 bdrm, 1.5 bath, garage, W/D, large backyard, 1.5 mi to campus, $795/mo. Avail 6/1- 8/1. 970-532-4528. 1206 Elm. 5 bdrm, 2 bath, fenced yard. 1.2 miles from campus. Pets nego. $1200/mo. Avail Aug 1st. 229-0732
!!CLOSE TO FOOTHILLS AND TRAILS. NEWLY REMODELED!! 3 bdrm, 2 bath garage, D/W, W/D, big fenced yard, lots of trees, pets nego, $1095. Avail Aug 1st, 988-4516. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Large fenced yard, Old Town, pets ok. Avail 8/1, $1200/mo. 321 N. Loomis. 970-481-5914.
3 BDRMS- OLD TOWN 316 E. Elizabeth- 3 blocks to CSU, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms. $1200. 312 Cherry- 3 blocks downtown, fenced yard, $975.
5 BDRMS- ACROSS STREET FROM CSU! 1201 S. Shields: $1600. All houses: Pets OK, W/D incl. Good landlord: 472-1270.
ONLY $975/MO Close to campus, 3 bdrm house, A/C, sprinkler system, all appliances, pets OK! Garage. 214-5565.
Pets ok. 3 bdrm. W/D, D/W, close to CSU. $900/mo +util, 1701 Broadview Place. 970-308-5049. Terrific 3/4 bdrm, 2 bath. W/D, garage, fenced yard, remodeled bath and kitchen, 1 mile from campus. 970435-9153. $1095/mo, avail 7/06. Updated, bright, clean, 3-4 bdrm, 2 bath, close to CSU, new carpet, 2 car garage, W/D. Avail July 1st. $1200. Call 970-223-0672.
APARTMENTS 1 bdrm +den, 1/2 block to CSU, $450 + $75 flat rate utils. Summer only avail June 1st. Call 419-8394. 1 bdrm. 512 1/2 S. Loomis $440/mo. 2 bdrm. 812 1/2 W. Myrtle $590/mo 1 block to CSU Avail 6/1. No dogs/ smoking. 482-7991. 2 bdrm apartments starting at $569/mo! Avail now and ready for fall pre-leasing. Drawing for 1 month free rent! 970-484-7754.
2 BDRM APT 3606 CARIBOU $1095 3+ bdrm home, 2 living rooms, 2 baths, central A/C, F/P, sprinkler system. Fenced for dogs. thebrandtcompany.com. 224-0852. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1200 Ash. W/D, lawn care provided, No smoking/ pets, $1250/mo +deposit. 215-0411 or 2219268. 4 bdrm, 2 bath. 1209 Village Ln. W/D, lawn care provided, No smoking/ pets, $1250/mo +deposit. 215-041, 2219268. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1213 Village Lane. W/D, lawn care provied No smoking/ pets $1250/mo. +deposit. 215-0411or 2219268.
4 BDRM, 3 BATH $1200 Super sun room, huge family room w/ F/P. Huge fenced yard, pet nego. Stuart & Taft. August 1. 970-493-0687. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, deck & large yard. Pets ok, W/D, 2-car, new paint & carpet. $1150/mo. Avail now. Call 377-2220.
4 BDRM, $960/MO
Premiere housing & great customer service! We are leasing for Summer & Fall now! Contact me to set your showing. Start early and reserve you prime property for next year. Visit us at our website: www.myfortcollinshome.com Call me: :)689-8803.
4 bdrm, 2 bath, close to CSU. W/D, $1350/mo +utils, avail Aug 1. 970-420-9767.
Across from CSU. 3 full baths, huge yard. Truly one of the nicest houses on campus. 970-593-1411.
Best for 3, W/D, D/W, fenced yard, across from campus. 690-0252.
Share large farm house just 6 miles from Old Town. W/D, D/W, cable, DSL, pets welcome, free horse board, $385/mo utils incl. 970-3104280. Modern 3 bdrm, town home, + studio, 3.5 bath, garage, W/D, partially furnished, deck/ grill, near College and Prospect, 1 mile from CSU. $1125/mo incl utils + $400/mo for studio, + deposit, nego. Avail Aug 1st, 1 year lease. 970-689-9000 or 303-663-9680.
Summer Rental May- July. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, basement duplex. Walk to CSU. W/D. Utils paid. $850/mo. 2272292.
112 Garfeld- Avail Aug 1$1050 +utils 214 E. Pitkin- Avail Aug 1$1050 +utils 422 Whedbee- Avail Aug 1$1005 +utils 427 Smith St.- Avail 1- $1050 +utils 801 E. Laurel- Avail Aug 1 $990 +utils 846 Juniper Lane- Avail June 1- $990 +utils 860 Wagonwheel- Avail Aug 1- $1100 +utils.
Awesome 4 bdrm, 3 bath, blocks from campus, 2500 + sqft. Partial wood floors, sun room, hot tub, Call 692-2060.
Myrtle Court Town Homes. 607 Cowan St ... 7 blocks east of College between Mulberry and Laurel. 2 master suites each with own bath, 2 computer areas, unfurnished basement, 1 car attached garage, covered front patio. Priced from $215. A/C included if contract by 6/1/06 ...Hurry, only 3 avail now!! ... Call Valerie Schlageter 970-217-3464 or Jennifer Carpenter 970-2311401.
3 & 4 bdrm, near CSU. Immediate Vacancy, Summer & Fall Pre-leasing. www.rentals4you.com 303-667-4023.
Avail now. 5 bdrm, 2 bath, 2000+ sqft +garage, W/D, D/W, fenced yard. $1375/mo, Taft Hill/ Prospect area. 720-320-8447, 970-3106198.
Awesome 1, 2 & 3 bdrms available! Close to campus! Kris 970-689-8803.
‚30¢ perword,perday, C LASSIF IE D LIN E AD S 15 word m inim u m RE QU IRE PRE -PAYM E N T ‚3 pu blicationsorm ore,25¢ Th e C ollegian accepts: perword perday (Best Bu y) ‚C ash ‚M oney O rders ‚Bold Type -20¢ perword ‚IM O ‚PersonalC h ecks (increase you rvisibility!) ‚Visa,M astercard ‚Graph ic † $1.20/D ay and D iscover
Great rental properties and roommates near CSU! Immediate, summer, and fall preleasing availability. www.housinghelpers.com. 970-484-RENT(7368).
3 bdrm, 3.5 bath town home. Pool, A/C, $1,100/mo. Contact Paul 215-6066.
NEWER home avail soon $1350. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052.
Paym ent O ptions:
4 bdrm, 2 bath. Enclosed patio, pets ok, avail May, $1250/mo. 227-2292.
3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, NEAR OLD TOWN AND CSU. A/C, W/D, D/W, awesome sunroom. N/P, N/S. $895/mo, incl yard work and trash. 970-4842792.
4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, 3 living rooms, F/P, sprinkler system, avail 8/1, 1.4 miles south of campus. N/S only, pets nego. 2706 Worthington, $1280/mo, 6903339.
W/D, F/P. Avail Aug, pets nego. $600. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052.
For rent. Avail Aug 1st, some earlier. Competitive prices. Great Management. 970219-9905.
3.5 bath, garage, W/D, GREAT UNIT, close to CSU $1450. www.drakemanor.com 970-493-4052.
1 bdrm apt, 1 block to campus, pets nego, W/D, $550/mo +deposit. Avail 6/1 or 8/1. 970-402-0382.
4 bdrm, 2 bath. 3 car garage, 3/4 acre, W/D, fenced yard, avail 8/1, $1300/mo. 970402-0382.
3- 4 bdrm, 2 bath, F/P, custom cabinets in kitchen and bath. 2-car garage, large fenced yard with covered multi level deck, hardwood floors, W/D, $1200/mo. Call Anita 567-4264. Avail 6/15/06.
3 bdrm, romantic, near CSU, F/P, wood floors, large kitchen and fenced yard, W/D, $1,000/mo. 691-5954.
All new custom finishes. Stainless appliances. Granite. Wood floors. Top floor w/ balcony. W/D. $900/mo. 4818712.
*JUST REMODELED *3 bdrm, 1 bath, Upstairs unit $383/bdrm, Downstairs unit $325/bdrm. City legal, one or two units. Hardwood floors, F/P, W/D, garage. Across from the Oval! Avail 8/1. 970532-4528.
‚Ph one:(970)491-1686 ‚Fax:(970)491-1690 ‚O ffice:Lory Stu dent C enter LowerLevel,Sou th E nd ‚M ail:Lory Stu dent C enter,Box 13 Fort C ollins,C O 80523 ‚E -M ail: classads@ lam ar.colostate.edu
4- 5 bdrm, pet friendly, nice home, less than 1 mile to CSU, summer discounts, avail 6/1, $1395/mo, Nadene 988-2123. 407 Tedmon. 4 bdrm, 1.5 bath, fenced yard, 1 mile from campus, pets nego. $900/mo. Avail Aug 1st. 2290732. 5 bdrm, 2 bath house, good location, new kitchen, price nego. Call 303-210-0378.
5 BDRM, MOVE IN LATE MAY 2.5 bath. Close to CSU. Large living and rec room, all appliances incl, W/D, large covered patio, fenced yard, quiet neighborhood, 1 car garage. 420-7896. 5- 6 bdrm, 2 full baths. Fenced yard, all appliances, 2 car garage, pet friendly, summer discounts, 1/2 mile to CSU, $1495/mo, Nadene 970-988-2123.
Avail May 13th, $439, cat ok. 970-221-9332. 2 bdrm with W/D, F/P, wtr/ trash/ cable/ incl- you pay elctric heat. Avail 5/1. 710 City Park Ave. $695/mo. 2153391. 1 bdrm $595/mo, 2 bdrm $800/mo, and 3 bdrm $995/mo, 518 Remington, W/D, utils incl, 217-7666, 227-7632.
938 LAPORTE 2 bdrm, 1 bath, hardwood floors, new bath, fenced yard, D/W, W/D, $675. Avail June 1, pets ok. Peak 3772717.
APARTMENT AVAIL AUG 1ST 2 bdrm, 1 bath apartment, $600/mo +utils. No pets. 1 block from CSU, call 4826947.
APARTMENT FOR 1/2 OFF 2 bdrm, 2 bath with W/D, F/P, pantry, walk in closets, nice patio, located bottom level. Hot tub, pool, and 24 hour fitness center. $799. Rent right now and we will give you half rent! $0 deposit (OAC) (970)581-3323. Apt on 35 acres, W/D, cable, DSL, pets welcome, free horse board. $450/mo +utils. 970-416-1744. Basement apt w/ separate entrance, 1 bdrm w/ office, near campus, optionally furnished, $495/mo. 2070886. 2 bdrm, 1/2 block to CSU, 2 bdrm, new club house, summer only avail June. Starting at $495. Call 419-8394.
OLD TOWN 3/ 4 bdrm. 2nd floor loft. Balcony, 10 ft ceilings, coin op, unique building, $1100/mo Avail 8/1, 2143043.
ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE 2 BDRM 2 BATH Close to CSU, clean, spacious, newer condo, furnished, W/D, cable, pool. Gas & power included. Honest, clean roommate. Student at CSU. $375/mo, 801-451-2180.
12 Wednesday, May 3, 2006 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
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Sigma Alpha Lambda, naional honors organization is seeking motivated students to serve as founding chapter officers/members to begin a campus chapter. Contact: RMINER@salhonors.org
P/T to F/T Good office and typing skills. Will work around school scheduled if applicable. Paralegal Student preferred. Please fax or e-mail resume. Fax: 626-929-6906. Email: employeeapps@yahoo.com.
Earn $2500+ a month and more to type simple ads online. www.dataentrytypers.com.
3300 Pets
Registered/registerable (AKC, NKC, etc.), Current vaccinations, veterinarian examination, health certificate, health guarantee, pedigree, and travel crate. EMAIL chrisscott_ 1970@yahoo.com.
3800 Miscellaneous DRIVING LESSONS Offering behind-the-wheel training for a class C driver’s license. Ask for student discount. Lic. #I4027008. Ask for Glen (714) 595-1541.
3900 Vehicles for Sale 2001 Chevrolet S-10. 69,000 miles, excellent condiditon, fully loaded, 4x4, pewter. $10,500 OBO. Call (714) 537-7032. 1978 Ford Ranchero with camper shell. 250k miles. Some rust in bed. Great commuter for school. Call Earl 714-278-5485
6100 Career Opportunities DOCTOR’S ASSISTANT needed. Friendly, enthusiastic, reliable, good work ethic for professional office. No experience necessary. Will train. Call 524-6688.
Learn from & be mentored by local millionaire real estate investors. Learn how you can start and run your own business in real estate investing. Visit http://www. CreatingInvestors.com for more information to apply.
6200 Career Opportunities P/T TUTORS WANTED Top Educated firm in Orange County seeks part time SAT tutors immediately. Great teachers wanted for part time work, tutoring students in their homes throughout the OC. $21$30 per hour. Interested? Go to www.tutorjobs.com and call: 1 866-IVY-HELP.
Job Announcement Tutor middle or high school students in English, Math, and/ or Science. Competetive pay $9.50 to $12.00 (DOE) Contact Jeff Hernandez at (626) 9346837 or jmhernandez2@csupomona.edu.
Growing real estate and pre school operation company has opening for part time admin. assistant. Knowlege of Word and Excel needed. 10 hours a week. Starting $12/ hr. Business classes or ECE classes a plus. Flexible hours. Fax resume to 714-9920560 or call 714-323-9632. INTERNET WORK! $8.75-$38.50/hr. PT/FT/ Summer. $25 Bonus. Studentsurveysite.com/titan2
Babysitters needed for local families. www.sittercafe.com. Or email resumes to sitters@ sittercafe.com. RECEPTIONIST Cheerful Orthodontic office receptionistwanted. Will train. 253-5333. Professional Corona Mortgage Company seeks Career minded individuals that would be willing to start at an entry level. We need Bilingual (Spanish/ English) Loan Originators for 25 hours a week. $9.00 per hour plus bonuses. Ask for Lorita (951) 739-7333. Auto Insurance -- career opportunities. Busy auto insurance office looking for bright, energetic, computer literate people to join our successful team. Apply in person: 1211 N. Euclid.
$600 Group Fundraiser Bonus
4 Hours of your group’s time PLUS our free (yes,free) funraising programs EUALS $1,000-$3,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for up to $600 in bonuses when you schedule your fundraiser with CampusFundraiser. Contact CampusFundraiser, www.campusfundraiser.com
JOIN US NOW FOR FREE! Save money on GAS, help the ENVIRONMENT, and make a FORTUNE doing it! New exciting opportunity! Join us now for FREE! www.teamfreedomgas.com Work on Campus! Be a Conversation Partner for international students in ALP classes. Dependability and fluency in English a must. Classes are M-Th 2:30 - 3:45 and T/ Th 1 - 2:15. Pick up application in CP-100 or call x2909. AVON-SALES & RECRUITING earn bonuses. Flexible hours. Online support. Health benefits and savings plans available. 1888-801-AVON.
Market Research Telephone Interview
Telephone consumers to participate in surveys no sales. Flexible afternoon/evening hours. Excellent job for students. Call the Question Shop. (714) 974-8020
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Earn $1000 - $9000 Per Sale! Part Time or Full Time! Be Your Own Boss! NO MARKETING REQUIRED! www.enveetravel. com. Call: 1-800-827-5194. PAID OPPORTUNITY Microsoft Brand Reps Needed. Creative mktg or comm. major for exciting on-campus guerilla mktg, PR & events! Great for resume, $1000 STIPEND or new Tablet PC, plus performance incentives! send a resume to campusreps@hotmail.com.
Earn up to $150 per day. Experience not required. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Excellent way to make money as a student! Call 800-722-4791.
6400 Childcare Offered/Wanted CSUF instructor needs childcare for 2 and 5 year old. 812 hours/week. $10/hr. Contact Jenny 714-585-7826 Sitters Wanted. Average $10 per hour. Register free for jobs near campus or home. w w w. s t u d e n t - s i t t e r s . c o m
6500 Help Wanted EGG DONORS NEEDED California Egg Donors Needed Age 19-29. We offer Excellent Compensation and the highest level of personal attention. Visit us at www.givinghopellc.com Giving Hope, LLC (888) 884-0455
7300 Apartments to Share GREAT LOCATION!! Female looking for a responsible gal to share 2bed/2bath townhouse/ apartment @ The Wilshire downtown Fullerton. 950+utilities. Call Ashton (949) 4132679.
7400 Houses for Rent/Sale
Fully Furnished Condo
Why rent when you can own your own place just 10 minutes from campus! This furnished 1 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo with a big screen TV is ready for you to move into immediately. All apliances. Laundry room with washer and dryer, fireplace in livingroom and 1 car garage. Did we mention the pool? Call Tom for price and further info (818) 450-2048.
7700 Roommates-Private Room
Private bedroom and private bathroom in townhouse. Stunningly gorgeous. Entirely remodeled by interior design firm. $650/month plus 1/2 utilities. $500 security deposit. Robert (714) 577-0322
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Telephone 215-514-7844. 2 bedrooms, bathrooms, A/C, W/D. Off street par king. $1550/ month. 4918 WARRINGTON. TWO 2BR apartments. Newly renovated. 267-257-7902.
Line ads: Display ads:
ON PENN CAMPUS, various size apartments, newly decorated, convenient public transportation. Weisenthal Properties: 215-386-2380. 4029 Spruce St. Monday- Saturday, 9a.m.- 4p.m.
ROOMMATES 529 SOUTH 49TH Street. 3 rooms available. $650, includes utilities. Alex: 610-202-2911
APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & ROOMS LIST & BROWSE free; all cities & areas; short/ long term.
REAL ESTATE CONDO WITH GARAGE. Art Museum. 1BR moder n kitchen. Great buy! $5000. Seller assist $249900. Vince 610-325-3078. Prudential Fox & Roach. 610-353-6200.
SERVICES NEED PHILLY PARKING PERMIT? Instant PA Registration and Low-cost Insurance. ABATS AUTO TAGS, 5117 Chestnut St. 215-476-4943.
TRAVEL CALL STS FOR the best deals to this year’s top 10 Spring Break destinations! 1-800-648-4849 www.ststravel.com. Ask about group discounts!
LOST & FOUND $300 REWARD OLYMPUS digital camera in black case lost on August 21 in and around University City. 917-685-7466
41XX BALTIMORE AVENUE spacious duplex. Good condition $375,000, 215-387-2854, e-mail: chengli130@WMconnect.com
COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICES! Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Shipping and taxes automatically calculated. http://www.bookhq.com
HEALTH & FITNESS COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION eyeglasses for $7.99, with fasionable quality frame, Rxlens & case. At: GlobalEyeglasses.com. Eye doctor certified, online optical shop. GlobalEyeglasses.com!! Money back guarantee!
EGG DONOR NEEDED! LOVING COUPLE IN search of Egg Donor! Looking for healthy, non-smoking women between the ages of 20 and 32, with proven academic achievement. Prefer (not required) college athlete/athletic, tall (5’7’’+) with SATs of 1400+. VERY GENEROUS compensation will be offered/ all compensation requests will be seriously considered. To apply contact Lisa at Tiny Treasures, LLC: info@tinytreasuresagency.com or 781-279-1325 and refer to ad#ES721. To lear n more about becoming an Egg Donor, see: www.tinytreasuresagency.com
TUTOR NEEDED FOR foreign student preparing for SAT. 8 hrs./week. $10/ hr. 805-504-4607
2005 HYUNDAI SONATA GL. Silver, 15K miles, 2.4L engine. Bought new and still looks it. Warranty. $12,000. Call 267-974-0860.
BODY PIERCING JEWELRY for every piercing. Visit SteelNavel.com and enter discount code upenn at checkout for 15% discount.
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1ST FLOOR UNIVERSITY City Triplex. Friendly 4800 Block Warrington. New paint, refinished oak floors. Bedroom w/bay window, walk-in closet. DR/study or 2nd bedroom. Sunny kitchen. Shared laundry, backyard. Heat, gas included. $975/mo. 215-205-7506.
(215) 898-1111
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12 noon, 1 business day before publication. 3 p.m., 2 business days before publication.
HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED JOIN THE DAILY Pennsylvanian! Come to an introductory Meeting on Wednesday, September 13. The DP seeks people interested in reporting, writing, photography, sales, marketing, accounting, and print & web design. See our display ads in today’s paper for more details. Come for information about Business departments at 4:30, Editorial departments at 6:00 or come for both! 4015 Walnut Street, 2nd floor.
!BARTENDING! UP TO $300/ day. No experience necessar y. Training provided. 800-965-6520x126.
ADVERTISING SALES SELL ADVERTISING FOR The Daily Pennsylvanian. Ear n guaranteed money and get real world experience selling ads for the DP. If interested, call Ben Swomley at 215-898-6581 x124.
EARN $2500+ MONTHLY and more to type simple ads online. www.dataentrytypers.com EXAM PROCTORS NEEDED for the Engineering Examinations in Philadelphia on Friday and Saturday October 27-28 from 6:00a.m. to 6:30p.m. Seeking RETIREES, TEACHERS, FACULTY, OFFICE PERSONNEL, HOMEMAKERS. Required paid training on 10/26. $9.45/ hr. Also hiring the Chief Examiner- this position pays more, based on experience. Engineering students, faculty, staff and their families are not eligible to apply. You must be eligible to work in the US. Contact Anne Russell toll-free @ 877-364-3926, press my ext. 4203 when the recording starts. E-mail: arussell@pcshq.com If you e-mail, please give a brief description of your education and work experience, including any testing experience. Include a daytime and evening telephone number where you may be reached for a phone interview.
CARE-GIVER WANTED FOR two bright, happy professor’s children, 9 & 12, MW 3-6pm, $10/ hour. Respond fierroal@design.upenn.edu.
*NEED MONEY?* WORK FOR THE DAILY PENNSYLVANIAN’S FRONT OFFICE STAFF! Gain valuable office experience while providing excellent customer service & carrying out office procedures in a fast paced & dynamic work environment. Three Penn undergraduates are needed to answer telephones, help customers place ads & meet daily advertising deadlines. The ideal students are: detail-oriented; motivated self-starters; friendly; comfortable answering the telephone & wor king with the public. Work study & non-work study students welcome. Must work at least 10 hours each week. E-mail Erika Dawson for more info at dawson@dailypennsylvanian.com. Include your resumÊ & class schedule. These positions fill quickly so don’t wait!
EXCEPTIONAL EGG DONORS Needed. $8,000- $15,000 for qualified, committed applicants. All ethnic backgrounds welcome. Special need for Jewish, Asian, & East Indian donors. Close personal suppor t by experienced donor. Ask for Dawn. 951-696-7466. Complete info can be found @ www.fertilityalternatives.com
P/T BABYSITTER FOR 2 year old. Must be patient, outgoing, responsible and high energy. Experience a plus, not required. 215-665-1074 vkhanna99@hotmail.com
ENTHUSIASTIC RN NEEDED for NIH-funded research grant studying feeding habits of infants with heart disease. Avg 12-14 hrs/ week. Needed: acute care and 2yrs+ inpatient experience and Pennsylvania RN licence or eligibility. Please call 215-898-3216 to learn more! NOW HIRING! UP to $9.25/ hr! Build your resume, network, put cash in your pocket while helping fund your own education through The Penn Fund! Check us out at upenn.thecallingcenter.com or call 215-573-5231.
Interested in genetics, pediatrics, and cardiology? Our genetic research group is investigating the causes of congenital heart defects and is looking for a responsible and committed work study student starting in the Fall of 2006 with the potential to continue throughout the academic year. Most of the responsibilities will be clerical in nature; including assisting in data management and reviewing and obtaining cardiac records. Experience with Excel is extremely helpful. Please email resume and contact information to wieloch@email.chop.edu or call 215 590 5644 if interested.
Great opportunity for prospective graduate and medical school applicants Some background knowledge and previous involvement endocrine or basic science based sample collections and assay analysis. Ability to interact professionally with patients, researchers, and clinicians. Numerous opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in clerical and non-technical positions. Required proďŹ ciency in computer program application and troubleshooting. Ability to coordinate administrative tasks concurrently with other work efďŹ ciently A MUST. Wage varies with prior experience and ability to learn new tasks rapidly. Minimum of 20 hours/week and will allow exibility in days worked to adapt work schedule to class schedules. Weekends and evenings may be required depending on research position. Ability to work independently and learn new skills rapidly is very important.
Submit curriculum vitae or resume with application to Wayne J. van Deusen: vandeusen@email.chop.edu
Why work for a newspaper if you’re not interested in journalism?
RODNEY L. WHITE CENTER FOR FINANCIAL RESEARCH An opportunity to learn and participate in the daily operations of a prominent research center. Work is varied and administrative in nature. Competitive wage rate. Flexible hours. Send your rĂŠsumĂŠ to: emthomas@wharton.upenn.edu. Or for more information, contact Elaine Thomas, Associate Director.
Finance Advertising Marketing Credit Design Promotion Accounting Market Research Business Management Customer Relations
Develop peacemaking program for elementary students (Fall 06) and oversee implementation at local site (Spring 07). 10 hours a week @$12/hour.
CURRICULM SUPPORT Help answer how the arts can teach children peacemaking and conict mediation skills. A small stipend is available for four students.
CENTER CITY LAW office needs part time person to prepare documents and perform various errands. Forward resumĂŠ to zacherlaw@aol.com
POSITION OPEN: YOUTH minister to lead singing for teens’ service, preferably with guitar accompaniment, Sundays 5:00-6:00pm. For more info please call Peter Sipple, 610-525-2486, ext.17.
www.upennca.org; email revbev@pobox.upenn.edu or call 215-7466350 to apply THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION: advocating for peace & justice. Make our world better!
OR APPLY ONLINE: www.123donate.com/dpc
Support operations including administrative, hospitality, and communications tasks. 10 to 15 hours per week – $7.50 per hour – First-Year Students Welcome!
by Jeraldine Saunders
Support executive director with campus ministry. 10 to 15 hours per week – $8.50 per hour
Here’s a chance to gain marketable experience with a position at The Daily Pennsylvanian.
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast BIRTHDAY GUY: Houston Rockets center Yao Ming, at a towering 7-foot-6 the tallest player in the NBA, was born in Shanghai on this date in 1980. He is a four-time All-Star and his great height makes him one of the most dominating centers in the game. Before he came to the NBA, Ming was named Most Valuable Player of the Chinese Basketball League in 2001 and in 2002 he led the Shanghai Sharks to a CBA championship title. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Beat your own drum. Champion your favorite causes with impunity and show off your myriad skills. If leadership were lemonade, you’d be the one holding the keys to all the lemons. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Speak softly and carry a big stick. Like a famous Rough Rider, you can make your wants and needs known in a congenial way. Smooth the rough edges of a deal by being pleasant. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A little warmth goes a long way. People are so glad to see your smiling face they won’t notice you have your foot in the door. If you have to sell anything, including yourself, the stars will help. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Those born in the sign of Cancer might know just as much as “The Shadow� for a few hours, when perceptions are sharper than usual. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Get things out in the open. It is hard to ignore the elephant in the middle of the room. Discussion is more valuable than criticism. Keep thing aboveboard and open, rather than letting worries fester VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You’ve got a head for business. But patience isn’t necessarily your most noticeable virtue under these stars. Plot and plan, scheme and analyze, then wait to launch important new ventures. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): That famous actress who said, “I want to be alone,� wasn’t a Libra. While Mars travels through your sign,
you might be reminded that you prefer to have company when you work or go shopping. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Good friends don’t come a dime a dozen. Share your wants and needs with a buddy to help put things in perspective. If you start comparing notes on who has what, a competition may begin. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Get the lead out. It may be the right time to deal with small details that could trip you up like roller skates and banana peels on the stairs. There is no time like the present to fix things. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sing your theme song. Lead a few cheers for your side and don’t be bashful or shy when confronted by criticisms. This is the right time to find common ground between opposing factions. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Not talking about problems doesn’t make them go away. This might be a good day to discuss concerns and ideals amicably. A few phone calls can prevent minor headaches later. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Nervous Nelly can’t make a good impression. Pleasant surroundings will raise your spirits and soothe the soul. Aromatherapy products or some time at the spa might be a good idea. IF SEPTEMBER 12 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Make important decisions turn into permanent fixtures in your life by starting in a new direction sometime between January through May. Although you might have the urge to start a new health regimen or yearn for romance while gentle Neptune blesses you with a feeling of well being, the period between late November and the end of the year can be trying. Don’t burden yourself with extra obligations or debts during that time period or make important decisions. On the other hand, the people you meet or the changes and decisions you make in April and May might enrich your life for a long time to come. Š 2006 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
www.upennca.org; email primuska@pobox.upenn.edu or call 215-746-6350 to apply THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION: working for peace & justice. Make your world better!
Introductory Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 4:30 p.m. 4015 Walnut Street, 2nd floor Job Openings The Daily Pennsylvanian’s Front Office has three positions available for the fall semester for motivated and dependable Penn undergrads. Open to work study & non work study students. Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a fastpaced and dynamic environment required. Work 10-12 hours per week. Sorry, there’s no writing for the paper involved. E-mail Erika Dawson at dawson@dailypennsylvanian.com and reference “Front Office Assistant.â€? Include your resumĂŠ and class schedule when inquiring.
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Zealanders, informally 35 Himalayan kingdom 36 Granola grain 37 “Dies ___� 38 Bengals’ home, familiarly 39 When doubled, a Pacific island 40 U.K. record label 41 Farfalle or fusilli 42 Pushover 43 PC’s for peanuts? 46 Takes home 47 Unoccupied 51 Bearded leader 54 Pitchforkshaped letters 56 Grazing ground 57 Off-the-wall response? 58 Blankets for the taking?
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DOWN Cruise in style Detest Superman player Narc’s org. Turkish title Be too sweet Hanoi holiday Song from “Mameâ€? starting “Light the candles ‌â€? “I’ve got it!â€? Shortly, to a bard Vitamin bottle figs. Pay, with “upâ€? “Since you ___ ‌â€? Gdansk denizens S.A.S.E., e.g.: Abbr. Spreadable cheese Jazz lover, in old slang Sperry/ Burroughs merger company
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25 27
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Coyote’s supplier 53 Tibia’s place 54 Tennis ace Sampras 55 Mended 59 Squealer 60 Some colas
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ANNOUNCEMENTS EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION STUDIES Applications available. Learn about this fascinating interdisciplinary program and its internship at local child care agencies. Open to all undergraduates. Come by 02 Allen or call 6842075.
DO YOU HAVE TOENAIL FUNGUS? Participate in a research study to test a new topical antifungal drug! Individuals between the ages of 18-50 are needed. You must have one large toenail that is affected. Study involves eight visits to Duke in 12 months. Each visit includes examination, evaluation and photographs. All participants will receive active study drug for infected nails. For more information, please call (919) 684-4470. IRB # 7865
HELP WANTED PARTY TIME DJ’s 4 HIRE 5,000 Watts Light & Sound System UNIVERSAL SOUNDS PROD. 919.596.0151
FALL 2006 HOUSE COURSE REGISTRATION CHECK OUT THE EXCITING TOPICS OFFERED FALL SEMESTER!! Online Registration Deadline: Sept 8, 2006. House Course descriptions and syllabi available at www.aas.duke.edu/ trinity/ housecrs/. House Course website also located thru synopsis link on ACES.
ATTENTION SENIORS!! Information meeting for Seniors interested in applying to Business School. Wednesday, September 21 in 139 Social Sciences at 5:30pm. Please attend! THE BEST E*CREDIT CARDS American Express, Discover, Chase or Citibank. Get one today! www. EvergreenFinancialCenter.com
RESEARCH STUDIES PAID DUKE RESEARCH STUDIES Join the Duke Psychology Department’s online student database and receive notifications of paid research opportunities (around $12 cash per hour). Visit www.experimetrix.com/diisp to sign up. Students and staff 18 years and older are welcome.
RAINBOW SOCCER FIELD ASSISTANT WANTED for Chapel Hill recreational league. Approx. 25 hours, weekday afternoons and Saturdays. Must be dependable, good with kids, organizational skills, dynamic attitude, and reliable transportation. Call 919-967-8797, 2608797.
The Kenan Institute for Ethics needs dependable, motivated undergraduate office assistants for courier service, mailings, research, database entry, etc. Flexible day-time hours. $8.25/ hr. Work-study preferred but not required. Send resume to kie@duke.edu. 919.660.3033 WORK STUDY STUDENTS 3-4 work study students needed for 712 hours each weekly in Research area of Development for filing, light clerical work, assisting the Research Secretary, and other projects as needed. Flexible hours. Contact Lyman at 681-0426 or lyman.daugherty@dev.duke.edu
Now Hiring Wait staff, bartenders, hostesses, PT/FT, flexible hours. Apply in person Monday through Friday. In front of Super Target, Southsquare. 919489-2848. LIFEGUARDS NEEDED for up to 10-15 hours per week at the Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital therapeutic pool to guard for children and adults with special needs. Person must be 16 years old and hold current lifeguard certification. Hours available immediately. Pay rate is $9.81 per hour. If interested, contact Jean Bridges at 684-4543.
RAINBOW SOCCER COACHES WANTED! Volunteer coaches needed for youth teams in Chapel Hill, ages 313. Practices M&W or T&Th, 4:155:15pm. All big, small, happy, tall, large-hearted, willing, fun-loving, people qualify. Call 919-967-8797, 260-8797. Register online www.rainbowsoccer.org. WORK STUDY: Neurobiology lab looking for work study student to work approximately 8-10 hr/week. If interested please contact ellison@neuro.duke.edu
The Chronicle classified advertising
www.dukechronicle.com/classifieds rates All advertising - $6.00 for first 15 words 10¢ (per day) additional per word 3 or 4 consecutive insertions - 10 % off 5 or more consecutive insertions - 20 % off special features
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online: www.chronicle.duke.edu/classifieds email: classifieds@chronicle.duke.edu fax to: 919-684-8295 phone orders: (919)-684-3811 No refunds or cancellations after first insertion deadline.
BARTENDERS NEEDED!!! Earn $20 - $35 per hour. Job placement assistance is our top priority. RALEIGH’S BARTENDING SCHOOL. Have Fun! Make Money! Meet People! Call now for info about our BACK TO SCHOOL TUITION SPECIAL! (919)676-0774 www.cocktailmixer.com Tutor needed for high school student. $15/ hr start. 919-933-4223. RESEARCH ASSISTANTS The Brain Imaging and Analysis Center is looking for motivated and reliable students to fill 3 different part time positions: Research assistant, programming assistant, and clerical assistant. Students with some of the following skills are especially encouraged to apply: research experience, MATLAB, Web design (HTML, JAVA), Access Database Programming, or clerical experience. Send CV/ resume to info@biac.duke.edu. PART TIME NANNY needed for preschooler on Mon, Wed and possibly Fri from 1-5:30 in Durham. Must have car, good driving record and love kids. Please call. 919.309.2828
Studio Full Service Salon 15%Discount Duke 682-0207 1209A W. Main St. • Durham 5 minute walk from East Campus, In the Domino’s Pizza Building
WORK-STUDY POSITION The Fuqua School of Business Executive MBA Operations department is seeking a student to work as a general office assistant. Responsibilities would include data entry, filing, assistance with mass mailings, and other projects as assigned. Flexible work schedule available totaling ten hours per week. Team oriented person, strong work ethic, and willingness to have fun at work required. Students with work study funding are encouraged to apply. Email resume to khoch@duke.edu.
Fluent French student to teach 10 year old daughter basic french for 1/2 hour once a week, $20 per 1/2 hour. If interested plase call Diane at 286-6071 or email diane.smith@duke.edu
Models needed for evening fall sessions for figurative sculpture studio in Durham. Andrew Bryan 919-9299913.
WORK-STUDY STUDENT needed at the Duke Center for Living to work 10-12 hrs/ week with a cardiology/exercise physiology research team. Hours flexible. Duties include data entry, general office support. Call or email Lucy if interested: lucy.piner@duke.edu 919.660.6781
NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Biology or chemistry major to prepare biochemical solutions, microbiological media, and do lab tasks for a nucleic acids lab. 10-20 flexible hours/ week during the school year. Email steege@biochem.duke.edu 919.681.8837 PART-TIME STUDENT POSITION IDEAL FOR SCIENCES OR BUSINESS/MKTG. Available at Duke (Medical) Library, sponsored by Elsevier (scientific publisher). We are looking for an enthusiastic and innovative student with strong communication skills to promote selected library resources on campus. Work 5 hours/ week at 14$/ hour + bonus based on objectives. Please request more info and/ or send cover letter resume to s.power@elsevier.com. WEBSITE DESIGN HELP Need creative, knowledgeable student to design an interactive website. Please call or email for more information. Excellent long term opportunity and monetary compensation. 919.293.0285 RESEARCH ASSISTANT Department of Psychiatry and Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Duke University. One position available to study NEUROIMAGING OF SOCIAL COGNITION in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Duke University. Opportunity for a dynamic research experience combining fMRI, eye-tracking, neuropsychological, and psychophysiological approaches. We are looking for a project manager to organize and manage an NIH project that aims to characterize social cognitive processes in adults with anorexia nervosa relative to individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Job will entail subject recruitment, database management, and data analysis. Prior experience with brain imaging methods is preferred but not required. Please e-mail cover letter and C. V. to Dr. Nancy Zucker at zucke001@mc.duke.edu. You will be working conjointly with Dr. Zucker and Dr. Kevin Pelphrey. Visit www.biac.duke.edu for more information about the lab and see http:// eatingdisorders.mc.duke.edu for information about the clinical population.
METRO 8 STEAKHOUSE is now hiring servers, bartenders and hostesses. Full time and part time evening shifts. Apply in person at 746 9th Street between 2 and 4 pm.
PORT CITY JAVA HIRING BARISTAS Hiring friendly, energetic coffee lovers. Two positions available. Cafe Hours: M-F 6a-6p. 919.286.6050
COMPUTER SKILLS NEEDED for work-study opportunity typing LaTeX course notes for ECE Professor. Great working environment and flexible hours! Earn $10/hr. Email willett@duke.edu or call 660-5544 for details.
CHILD CARE OCCASIONAL BABYSITTING 10 min from Duke. 3 girls (4-7 yo). Some Mon and Fri days, occasional afternoons. Email denabelvin@yahoo.com CHILDCARE needed in our home near campus for fun, easygoing twin toddlers on Tu and Th, 9:00 4:30 (hrs flexible, about 15 hrs/ wk). Experience w/ toddlers and ref’s req’d. 919.260.9942 AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE Duke family with 6, 10 and 12 y.o. children. 2-3 days/week 3:00-6:30 pm. Nonsmoker. Excellent refs and driving record. $11.00/hr 401-8585 NANNY/DRIVER WANTED Family in Efland seeks responsible undergrad or graduate student with a car to care for two kids (9&14) starting immediately. Duties include pick-up after school in Durham/ Hillsborough, taking them to activities, meal prep and light errands. Good hourly rate plus gas mileage compensation provided. Please call Helen during day at 732 5993 or 732 1605 or email at hpakharvey@nc.rr.com for details. 919.732.1605 AFTER-SCHOOL NANNY NEEDED Seeking a mature, dependable college or graduate student, preferably studying elementary education, childhood development, or special education to provide homework assistance and possibly some transportation to my 13 YO son and 12 YO daughter in my Northern Durham home, M-Th; 3 – 5:30p. Salary negotiable. Additional evening and weekend hours possible but not required. Own transportation with clear driving record and references required. Please call 219-6092 or e-mail resume to crobertson10@nc.rr.com
Close to Duke West Campus. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, all appliances, large yard. $1200/ month. 919-9334223.
TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE $174,900 Beautiful 2003 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath townhouse with an office/study and detached 1 car garage in Thaxton Place in HVF. Great Location, convenient to Duke and Southpoint Mall. Many upgrades. Call for a showing. 919.765.9706
ROOM FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL HOME: I am looking to rent a room in my home to a Duke/UNC Medical Resident or Faculty preferably from the UK or Ireland. Furnished bedroom, private bathroom, shared kitchen/laundry facility and large living spaces, large deck with grill, internet access, quiet neighborhood. Close to Duke, UNC, shopping, 15-501/I40, must like dogs (I have one), non-smoker. $550/ mo plus 1/3 utilities. $550 deposit. Contact me at: boarderreivers@yahoo.com
FOR SALE IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH NOW! Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Increase energy!! Get fit inside and out! Something for everyone! SAFE, NATURAL & GUARANTEED!! www.jmhtrimmall.com or 888-834-3704
GREAT LOFT BEDS FOR SALE 2 metal loft beds with builtin desks for sale. really classy! great for dorms. perfect condition, all parts, instructions. Bought for $500+, selling for $300 OBO. (919)699-7787 or thj2@duke.edu
PETS YORKSHIRE TERRIER yorkshire terrier she is so cute and lovely, very friendly and cherishable. akc registered, home raised and trained. ready for a caring home..email..pastor_king2@yahoo .com
SERVICES OFFERED PILATES Reformer classes and private sessions. $25-$60. 1010 Lamond Avenue, Durham. MetaformMovement.com 919.682.7252
EXPERIENCED WAITSTAFF NEEDED for lunch and dinner at Papas Grill. Apply in person, 3838502.
Q: What do you see?
GIVE WINGS TO YOUR DREAMS Intro Flights $49 4 Aircrafts to Choose from Experienced, Committed Full Time Instructors Private Pilot • Instrument Rating • Photo Gift Certificates • Rental • Scenic Rides • Ground School Specializing in Private & Instrument Training Flight Training for 13 years Empire Aviation • Lakeridge Airport Falls of the Neuse Lake • off I-85, exit 183 Durham, NC • 15 min from Duke • 680-8118 www.empire-aviation.com
BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR RENT This 3 bedroom 1 bath house at 2015 Carolina Ave. is in an excellent neighborhood just a short distance from Duke. Yard maintenance is included as part of the rent. The house includes all brand new appliances, new carpet, central air and a lovely gas log fireplace. The home sits on a 1/2 acre fenced yard. Owner is seeking a responsible person/ s to rent and take care of this property. Monthly rent is $900. Contact Wayne (919) 6 3 8 - 6 1 4 1 e m a i l : wsmith1547@aol.com
A: The perfect spot to place your advertisement.
for more information.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 07, 2006 THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY Now you can place your classified ads online... For Commercial Ads, Visit…
…and create, place, proof and pay for your ad online. Just $7 for 200 characters. In partnership with Universal Advertising.
100 110 120 130 140
Announcements Auditions Freebies Lost & Found Other Announcements
200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290
Buy or Sell Autos for Sale Auto Parts for Sale Bicycles for Sale Books for Sale Computers & Software Miscellanneous for Sale Motorcycles for Sale Trade & Barter Wanted
Free ads for students, faculty & staff (non-commercial): visit us online at…
www.gadaily.com/class_ad_sub.php You must include your names, address and phone number for freebies. No phone calls please, at this price we don’t take dictation.
Now auditioning singers for 311 cover band. Contact Weston at (678)643-2331.
140 Other Announcements NOTICE -- While the newspaper makes every effort to screen bogus offers and ads, please remember if an offer seems to be too good to be true, it probably is. Reach Georgia Southern students with a publication they really read... Over 100,000 copies of the G-A Daily circulate each month. For more info: ads@georgiasouthern.edu
Buy or Sell 200 - 299
New Voices. New Services, New Attitude.
350 Jobs/Full Time BARTENDING! Up to $250 a Day. No Experience Necessary. Training Available. Age 18+ OK 1-800-965-6520 XT 296
360 Jobs/Part Time EARN MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS . . . ONLY A FEW WEEKS LEFT . . . ALL SHIFTS AVAILABLE . . . This pay-for-performance program lets you earn more money by paying you for your good work ethics. You could average $10$13/hr. The more you do, the more you get paid ! Must be able to lift 50-80 lbs. frequently, pass a mandatory drug screen and criminal history. Paid weekly. Apply in person Tue. or Thurs. 1:30-3 pm or call 764-8800. SNELLING, 410 S. Zetterower Ave., Statesboro, GA
380 University Work Sales Representatives Needed!
210 Autos for Sale 2002 Honda CBR600F4i, Viper Bright Silver, 5200 miles, Yoshimura exhaust. Nice Motorcycle. Must sell. It’s yours today for $5500 404-276-2568
www.gadaily.com There is No Option!
1989 Cadallic DeVille; 91,000 miles, Black, leather interior, power locks/windows/seating controls.. Smooth ride, great condition. Contact Nicole at 912-282-9364.
250 Computers & Software Laptop for sale! Windows XP OS, Adobe, PhotoShop, Microsoft Office plus more! Need PuzzleJunction.com to sale!! $600! Call 912-3270014
Daily Trivia Puzzle 36
Missing Titles
The George-Anne Daily is now accepting resumes for sales representatives in the advertising department. We are looking for outgoing, highly motivated people. No experience is required. Job Requirements include:(but are not limited to) - Daily office hours - Monthly meeting attendance - Email and phone correspondence - Knowledge of local area businesses - Means of transportation Please email resume with references to Ads Manager at ads1@ georgiasouthern.edu
©2006 PuzzleJunction.com
260 Miscellaneous for Sale
Questions? Call 912-6815418.
Listed below are a dozen movie titles, each with one word missing. We've given you the year of release and the star's name. Can you fill in the blanks? Good luck.
For Sale Crossbow Home Gym. Great shape. barely used. $450. email s_t_long@hotmail.com for pics or more information.
Housing & Real Estate 400 - 499
1. “A Dream of __________”
Anthony Quinn, 1969
2. “The __________ Takes a Wife”
Betty Grable, 1953
3. “The __________ Brute”
Victor McLaglen, 1936
4. “A Fine __________”
Sean Connery, 1966
5. “Rachel and the __________”
Loretta Young, 1948
6. “Take a Letter, __________”
Rosalind Russell, 1942
7. “__________ Jack Flash”
Whoopi Goldberg, 1986
8. “Each __________ I Die”
James Cagney, 1939
9. “Cain and __________”
Clark Gable, 1936
10. “__________ In My Pocket”
Andy Griffith, 1969
11. “__________ Misbehaves”
Greer Garson, 1948
12. “__________ Of the Islands”
Betty Grable, 1942
Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Need Sublease for Spring 2007 semester. Brand new townhome apartment. Private bedroom and bath with three great roommates! Please call Kristine at 706-325-6648 SUBLEASE Transfer student looking for subleaser...MALE SUBLEASE, CAMPUS CLUB, SPRING 07 (free december rent) $389 all inclusive and close to bus stop CALL:706-830-6450
Beginner guitar lessons at $10 an hour! Must have own instrument. Call Jonathan (912)245-0802 Want a house, fence or outdoor funiture painted or pressure washed? Call 912-2580562 or 912-223-5212. Ask for Alston or Robbie.
This beautiful young shepherd mix little girl is looking for someone to love! She is very smart and loves to play! She is up to date with shots and has been altered. Humane Society of Statesboro & Bulloch Co. Animal Rescue Division Statesboro, GA • 912-681-9393 bullochanimalrescue@yahoo.com ing. Very friendly and playful. Call 681-0672 or 6828205 to claim.
910 Pets & Pet Supplies
710 Spring Break Travel
Female Guinea Pig, 8 weeks old. ADORABLE. 25 dollars. Call (912)688-7334!
Tortoise-shell kitten with purple collar found in the College of Education build-
Spring Break Bahamas 5 Days/4 Nights from $199
� � � � � � � � � � �
Find a New Friend
Miscellaneous 900 - 999
Travel 700 - 799
610 Education & Tutoring I will tutor you in spanish! Only $10/hour FUN & STUFF Visit our Web site for list of things to do that are educational and fun. http://www.stp.georgiasouthern.edu/funstuff/
ALTERATIONS Quality Alteration Shop Quick Turn Around
Ann Hill, Seamstress
7 South Main St. • Downtown M-F 9-6 • Over Cobbler’s Bench • 489-1825
Solution Trivia Puzzle 36 Solution Trivia Puzzle 36
You must include your name, address and phone number and “dot.edu” address for freebies. Go online and prepare your non-commercial message. No phone calls please, at this price we don’t take dictation.
Free classified ads for students, faculty & staff (non-commercial Only): visit us online at…
©2006 PuzzleJunction.com
“George-Anne Daily”.
The Sudoku Source of
7. Jumpin’ 7. Dawn Jumpin’ 8. 8. Mabel Dawn 9. 10. 9. Angel Mabel 11. 10. Julia Angel 12. 11. Song Julia 12. Song
win prizes at:
1. Kings Kings 2. Farmer Farmer 3. Magnificent 4. Madness Magnificent 5. Stranger Madness 6. Darling Stranger Darling
Play more Sudoku and
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Create and solve your 3 2 1 6 Sudoku puzzles for FREE. 459 prizesudoku.co m 78
Cheats Corner
BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISE from $339! Includes Meals, Taxes, Exclusive Parties w/MTV Celebrities. Cancun, Acapulco, Nassau, Jamaica From $599! Panama City & Daytona from $169! Organize a group and travel FREE! Call StudentCity. com/SpringBreakTravel. com at 1.888. SPRINGBREAK or visit www. StudentCity.com
Beginner guitar lessons at $10 an hour. Must have own instrument. Can teach anyone.
ShuttleGus is a nonjudgmental service that provides free rides home from bars and parties. Don’t Drink then Drive, call ShuttleGus at 912-681-3709!
per person Includes Cruise Transport & Resort in The Bahamas - Other Packages also Available Book Early for FREE VIP Party Package! Toll-Free 1-888-85BEACH (1-888-852-3224) www.GoBahama.com
Looking for someone to take over lease! Campus Club, 4 bedroom apt, two male roomates, $419 a month! Can move in whenever you want to! GREAT PLACE TO LIVE!!!
650 Services/ Miscellaneous
Male/Female roommate needed to take over sublease for 3bd/ 2bth townhouse at Park Place. Rent is 225/mth w/o util. available 12/16/06, Great for Spring Semester...
SPRING 07 SUBLEASE! Private bed and bath in Campus Club. $419/month ALL INCLUSIVE, FULLY FURNISHED, RIGHT BY BUS STOP! Interested? Call (770) 757-3567
� � � � � � � � �
Please contact Meri at (478) 951-4633.
$425 a month, Free Security Deposit. Must past credit check. Lease from now to august.
� � � � � � � � �
Stadium Walk Apts
� � � � � � � � �
Apartment for Sub-Lease!
� � � � � � � � �
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sublease CAMBRIDGE single sublease or whole apt. available two bath two bed w/d brand new utilities included, balcony, gym, pool, storage $509
Eagle’s Landing Sublease. $320/mo. All inclusive, fully furnished except for bedroom. Walking distance to GSU. Can move in December. Contact Walter or Christina @ 229424-3967
New Voices. New Services. New Attitude
� � � � � � � � �
Need female subleaser for 3 bedroom, 3 bath apartment in University Pines!!!! Rent=$425 utilities included. Fully furnished & all inclusive with pool, hot tub, tanning bed,work-out
PLANTER’S ROW sublease available asap!!! $325/mo. Contact Michelle Long at 770.630.0934 for further information!
� � � � � � � � �
Statesboro Place - 4br/4ba; fully furnished; all utilities included; $375/mo; next to pool/clubhouse; start in January. Call (770)329-1389
� � � � � � � � �
270 Motorcycles for Sale
480 Sub Leases 1bed./1bath spacious mother-inlaw house. Located in a quiet neighborhood behind Statesboro High. Washer/dryer included. $400/month...sublease until July. Can move in ASAP. Call Bess at 229-848-1001.
900 Miscellaneous 910 Pets & Pet Supplies
Covering the Web Like a Swarm of Electrons…
Roommate need to subleasespacious bedroom, private bath, 2 Wonderful Roommates, huge living area/kitchen, lots of space... 225/mth w/o util. Great price!!! call whitney @ 912-536-4125
Services 600 - 699
800 Transportation/Rides 800 Transportation/Rides
� � � � � � � � �
Don’t throw away that junk... turn your trash into cash. Trying selling it online and in print with a G-A Daily action classified ad. It’s free for students. Visit www.gadaily.com to find out more!
Looking for a roommate? Trying to sublease your place? Put the G-A Daily to work for you. Free classified for students in print and online. Visit www. gadaily.com for information
Housing & Real Estate Apartments Lofts & Rooms Mobile Homes Real Esate for Sale Roommates Wanted Storage & Moving Services 470 Student Housing
Services Education & Tutoring Financial Aid/Loans Legal Services Resumes/Typing/DTP Services/Miscellaneous
� � � � � � � � �
FOR SALE: PlayStation 2 plus internet adaptor, 2 dual shock controllers, 8MB memory card, 1 game. Good Condition. $79.00 Call Chad: 912-713-7631
450 Roommates
700 Travel 710 Spring Break Travel
600 610 620 630 640 650
� � � � � � � � �
Kings On the Bridge 7. Jumpin’ Farmer 8. Dawn Magnificent 9. Mabel B R A I S 10.E Angel B K Madness Stranger 11. Julia M L E B W C H O Darling 12. Song R E B B U R O P
7’ Lighted Air Hockey Table. In great condition and awesome to play!$375 obo. Call Dan @ 912-282-0642
410 Apartments QUIET, REASONABLY PRICED ( $285-$450) one & two bedroom apartments. NO PETS. Deposit, application required. Flexible leases. Parker Realty (764-5623)
400 410 420 430 440 450 460
500 Personals 500 Personals
� � � � � � � � �
1. 2. 3. W M 4. 5. T E 6. D N
Couch and loveseat for sale. Beige and comfortable. $50 for couch, $25 for loveseat, OBO. Call 912-327-0014
Pampered Chef Kitchen Tools, Kitchen Shows, Bridal Showers Registry, free, half-price and discounts. Call 681-7453 after 5:30 p.m.
All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast
Lunch - Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Solution Trivia Puzzle 36 e-Anne Daily Word Search 36 Dinner - Mon.-Fri. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
room and computer lab. Will pay application fee at sublease signing! Contact Brittany @ 478-461-5326.
480 Sub Leases 490 Vacation Rentals
110 Auditions Now auditioning singers for 311 cover band. Contact Weston at (678)643-2331.
Employment & Job Services 300 - 399
Announcements 100 - 199
300 Employment & Job Services 310 Career & Job Services 320 Child Care Needed 330 Child Care Provider 340 Internships/Volunteer 350 Jobs/Full Time 360 Jobs/Part Time 370 Opportunities/Business 380 University Work 390 Wanted Jobs
18 Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Help Wanted Food & Drink COCONUT LOUIE’S - 2303 E. Washington. Needs bartenders, servers and door. Apply 11-5. MUGSY’S PUB - 1310 N. Main. Needs servers, cooks and delivery. Apply after 2 PM.
Office & Clerical PART-TIME TELLER. Must be avail. Tues. & Thurs. Experience preferred. $8/hr. Please mail resume to: Bloomington Municipal Credit Union Attn: Kathy Woosley 602 S. Gridley St. Bloomington, IL 61701 or email: kathy@bmcu.org Sales Rep Needed TruGreen-ChemLawn, the nation’s leader in lawn care is looking for highly motivated, self-starting individuals. No experience required. Full, paid training provided. We Offer: • Base income plus bonus • Medical/Dental/Vision • Paid Vacation • Rapid Advancement Call Phil or Megan 10am- 7pm Mon-Fri 309-663-6622 EOE/AA/M/F/D/V Part-time bookkeeper needed for a small home based business. Must have knowledge of business accounting and payroll deductions. Willing to work around your schedule. 309-838-2587.
Outdoor & Athletic CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED to assist SPECIAL NEEDS children in integrated and non-integrated settings in Northbrook and Skokie. Some overnight positions also available. Call Keshet at 847-412-5773 or email heather@keshet.org CAMP COUNSELORS Co-ed YMCA summer camp 90 minutes north of Chicago is hiring college students to work with youth in beautiful camp setting. Salary, room, board provided. Counselors needed. June 11-August 19. Great chance to gain experience working with kids. Contact: Jeff, YMCA Camp MacLean, Burlington, WI 262-763-7742 or jeff_tremmel@ymcachgo.org.
Childcare 4 to 5 days a week in my home. Transporation and references required. 2 1/2 and 15 mo. old. Dependable active and happy personality is a must. Looking for a long-term sitter. Must be at least 18 yrs. old. Please leave a detailed message at 309-661-4303. Only the most qualified individuals will be contacted. Summer Companion needed for 10 year old girl. Must have own transportation and references. Please call 827-8441. Part-time Sitter needed for 15 mo. old girl. Mon.-Thurs., beginning Feb. 20 thru mid May. Call w/ refrences. 661-1365.
Business Opps. LEASING AGENT Qualified applicant must be upbeat and personable, have knowledge of ISU campus/Normal and Bloomington Streets. Responsibilities include showing units, advertising and producing weekly reports. Must work well with others and be people and goal orients. Ability to attend classes to become state licensed. 40+hours per week, Apply in person at 603 S. Main St. Normal
General Receptionist needed for grooming salon. Good communication skills, must like animals. Tues, Wed, and Thurs from 7:15am12:30pm and 1-5p.m. Call 530-3555 Part-time help. Must be available Friday and every other weekend, throughout the year. Apply Mon-Thurs at Twin City Self Storage 2019 Eagle Rd. Normal.
Read. Enjoy. Recycle
Daily Vidette
General YouthBuild McLean County is seeking a highly qualified secondary school English/Language Arts/Social Studies teacher. Ideal candidates will be innovative, excited, self-starters with at least 3 years of urban teaching experience. Please submit a cover letter, resume, three references, and a copy of certificates and transcripts to: youthbuild@youthbuildmcleanccounty.org, Competitive Benefits. Bartenders Wanted: up to $250/day, training provided. No Experience Necessary. Call 800-965-6520, Ext.104. WORK FOR STUDENTS.com $13.00 base-appt. Local company has many FT/PT positions to fill ASAP in entry-level cust. sales/service. Flexible hours, fun atmosphere, great experience, scholarship oppty. Conditions apply. Visit our web site or call 309-661-0888 M-F 8-8. Sales Part-time. Evenings MondayThursday. Will train. (309) 454-7692.
Health & Beauty Great Valentine’s Day gifts, Chinese themed jewelry. www.home.earthlink.net/~ellies_place.
For Sale Southwest Campus Parking 533-1248.
Automotive Cars From $500! Police Impounds! Honda, Chevys, Toyota, etc. Four listings. Telephone 800-749-4260 ext. 4563.
Roommates Wanted 2 F Roomates wanted, 7 bdrm house, 412 Normal. 1 blck from library, W/D, parking. $295/mo Call Brittney 630-712-0673 $300 furn. room in modern 1 family house. Incl. util., month-to-month, or lease. 630-388-8998. 1106 S. University. 1 Roomate Wanted June 1st, Own Room in 3 BR, Woodridge Townhouse. Furnished, W/D, C/A, wifi, parking, $325/mo. Call Tiffany 242-2242, or 454-1382
For Rent Spring ‘06 215 Lindell. 1 BR furnished. Off-street parking, gas, heat, water included. Within walking distance of ISU. $470/mo. 963-6314. Available Jan. ‘06 - Dec. ‘06. Seeking female student to help start alternative to abortion ministry. /Room for rent w/ kitchen privileges. Large house near campus./For more information call my work number 454-5586, ask for Carmen. 417 Greenbriar Dr. #11, Normal. 2 BR, 2-story townhouse. Gas, heat, water, pd. $625/mo. Pool, pets allowed, 24-hr maintenance. (309) 726-1938. SAMI has subleases available for Spring ‘06 and for ‘06/’07 school year. Contact us at 888-4600 or www.sami.com .
Summer ‘06
Su/Fa/Sp ‘06-07 Two guys, looking for a roommate. Free cable, internet, water & heat. Dishwasher, W/D included. Call Chris @ 847-997-4750. 707 Osage 4 BR, for 3 or 4. 2 bath, laundry, fully furnished, and 4 off street parking spots. $300 for 4, $360 for 3, 310-1106 103 E. Irving. Large 1 BR. Quiet, clean, safe, next to police station, H paid, off street parking. $425. 287-7228. Quiet House. 4 bdrm for students. W/D. Off St. Parking. Close to Campus. Call 825-5435 204 N. Oak. 1 and 2 bedroom, heat & water paid, 1 bedroom $400, 2 bedrooms $500, deposit $100 each. AB Rentals 827-7747 or 262-8855. 107 East Division. 3 Bed, 2 bath. Furnished, C/A, W/D. $320/person. By Tobins. Phone 309-275-8454 903 Hovey-House. 2 bed, 2 bath, C/A, W/D, yard, furnished. $395/person. Nice. Call 275-8454 WALNUT: Quiet 2 BR 1 bath units. Balcony. Covered parking. On site laundry. W paid. Class Act Realty. Only $280-$290. 454-2960 1 Bedroom Apt - Unfurnished, H/W, parking included. In quiet neighborhood. One pet allowed. 309-452-7348. 100 West Willow. Newly refurnished house for 4. Own bedrooms! Convenient. $350/person/month. Call 1-877-202-1879. 103 S. Clinton Large 4-5 bdrm home. Completely remodeled. Fenced yard. 3 car garage. Near downtown Bloomington. Unfurnished. $400/mo/per. No pd utilities. Contact 309 242-1533. Realtor Interest. Crossing Dr.- 3 BR town homes, W/D, 2-3 bath. $895-940/mo. Avail. June, July, Aug. 830-5073/www.RLapartments.com 102 E. Cypress. 2 bedroom, $250 per bedroom, tenant pays electric, security deposit $100 each. AB Rentals 827-7747 or 262-8855. 702 W. Virginia, 2 BR, 1.5 Bath. Townhome Style apartment, fully furnished, w/ off street parking. $350/mo. Call 310-1106 717 Hale-House/Duplex. Parking, porch, laundry. 2 bdrm, $295/mo./person. 12 payments + utilities. Call 862-2052. 610 Osage-House. 3 bed, 1 bath, Central Air, and W/D. $365/ person. Call 275-8454 Kennsington Suites. 4BR, 4 Bath, furnished, W/D, Big Screen TV, Secured Entrance, Balcony. Next to ISU. $435/person. Call 217-254-0385. One Bedroom. All utilities and parking incl. Pool and Fitness Center avail. 325 Vernon. $595/mo. Call 630-464-5198. 1500 Hancock. 2 bed, 1 bath, furnished, deck, no smoking. $290/person. NICE. Call 275-8454 210 East Vernon. Furnished 1 bedroom. Avail. Starting in the summer. G/W paid off street parking. $450/mo.Call 663-5530. 7 & 9 Flora Way: Duplex 4 BR, offstreet parking, new kitchen and bathroom. $225/BR/month. 828-5700 or 824-4314 CUSTOM 4 BEDROOM above Quiznos, skylights, private entrance, 4 cars, W/D, Queen sized beds. $400/mo. 533-1248. FELL: Spacious 2 BR. Furnished. 1 block from campus. Laundry. G and W paid. Class Act Realty. $325-$340. 454-2960
F w/Blm home has BR/bath Avail. for F. Own entrance, share kitch/laundry $300/mo ALL util. PD. 662-0953 evenings
404 1/2 N. School. 2 bedroom, $250 per bedroom, tenant pays electric, security deposit $100 each. AB Rentals 827-7747 or 262-8855.
Large One Bdrm Apt. Great Location. Half block from campus. H/G/W paid. Owner managed. $515. 309-275-6250.
7 & 9 Flora Way: Duplex 4 BR, offstreet parking, new kitchen and bathroom. $225/BR/month. 828-5700 or 824-4314
Su/Fa/Sp ‘06-07 House. 3 bdrms furnished, dbl kitch, living room, laundry, spacious lighted parking lot, close to ISU, Pd. util., DSL, $325/mo., Indiv. contracts, female applicants. 309-451-8255 or 309-530-3350.
700 N. Adelaide. 2, 3 and 4 bdrm, free summer, W/D and WiFi. Early move in avail. Starting at $250. 242-0336 1,2 Bdrm. Furnished, 2 blks. from Library $340/student. Internet, parking inc. Call 309-319-3240 or 309-824-3152.
3 br. townhouse. Furnished. C/A. W/D. Patio Wifi. Reserve parking. $100 SD. $250/person. RRM 454-1382 or 242-2242.
Two & three bedroom - Woodridge. Spacious, furnished, reduced rent. Three bedroom total rent $700, two bedroom total rent $600. AB Rentals 827-7747 or 262-8855.
Houses for rent. 2 houses left, laundry, parking, pets OK, central air, and dishwashers. Reasonable. Call 309-664-2917.
Remodeled 1 bdrm. 1004 Samantha. Heat, water, cable incl. Close to ISU. Furn: $495 Unfurn: $475. 261-1302.
Su/Fa/Sp ‘06-07
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Townhomes 2, 3, or 4 BR. W/D, C/A, parking. Patio and/or balcony. Private entrance. Class Act Realty. Start at $240. 454-2960
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Now renting 2006-07 school year beautiful 3 bedroom town homes 222/236/238 Crossing Drive, Normal. Minutes from ISU/Heartland. Includes 3 bath, W/D, and all appliances. $920/mo. Call Ed 309-826-2012. 203 Lindell. 1 bedroom. $400, deposit $200, tenant pays electric. AB Rentals 827-7747 or 262-8855.
Fall/Spring ‘06-07 Quiet House. 4 bdrm for students. W/D. Off St. Parking. Close to Campus. Call 825-5435
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3 bdrm apt. for rent. Washer/dryer. H/W included. Close to ISU. Parking. Call 309-452-7348.
Entertainment: $1,008,350
Clothing: $383,500
3 or 4 bedroom house, North Linden, offstreet parking. Great location. Call days 309-275-1281 or nights 309-365-8604.
Groceries: $935,250
Cell Phones: $350,200
118 West Locust. 4 BR. H and W paid. $1350/semester/student. Deposit required. Call 275-5177 or 663-7807.
Alcohol: $920,000
Tanning: $199,950
Fast Food: $531,050
Hairstyling: $158,000
Furnished 4 Bedroom Townhouse. 1-1/2 baths, air, parking, no pets. $280/mo. 309-275-0658.
Spring ‘07 2 bdrm. duplex. Close to downtown Bloomington. $525/mo. Non-smokers, quiet neighborhood. Call 309-287-9157.
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****FALL SPECIAL**** Cedarwood Apts. 1314 N. Dunn. 1 BR, $400. Small pets ok. water sewer inclu., newly remodeled. Call today for more info. 334-2269.
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5 BR, 2 BA w/ sauna. Cute, dntwn. cottage. New furn. & A/C, deck, new appliances, hdwd. floors, soaking tub and rainmaker shower. No pets. No smoking. No idiots. $2800/mo. 336-6898 for appt. 8 BR, 3 BA, 3 kitchens. 8th and Lincoln. Off street parking and W/D. Call after 8p.m. 812-824-9165
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BR condos. IU Campus-Bus A, X. 812-334-0333
Aug. 2007. Close to campus. 1-10 BR houses. 369-1661.
DIVERSITY: GLBT Aug. 2007! 3 BR, 2 BA, A/C, W/D, D/W. $930/mo. 801 W. 4th St. Great value, clean. No pets. 325-6950.
benefits often offered
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 the option to enjoy the benefits of marriage. “Until we really have true equality, let’s keep fighting for samesex couples,” she said. “Then let’s worry about straight couples who choose not to get married.” However, in the corporate world, offering the benefit to every unmarried couple makes more business sense and avoids some controversy, said Mark Brostoff, associate director of Undergraduate Career Services at the Kelley School of Business, who has won awards for his presentation for GLBT students preparing to enter the workforce. “(Domestic partner benefits) moved from being a gay issue to just good business practice,” he said. “It softens it.” But even if the companies offer domestic partner benefits purely because of the bottom line, Brostoff said the outcome of increasing diversity in the workplace is what really matters.
Aug. Campus houses. Great locations. 3, 4, 5, or 7 BRs. Charming & in excellent condition. Frplcs. W/D, A/C, , D/W, prkg., front porches, nice yards. 320-4123 August 2007!!!!!!! Next to campus. 1, 2, 3, & 4 BR houses & apts. Visit us and check out our GREAT LOCATIONS! hpiu.com 333-4748 Avail Fall of 2007: Close to campus. 4, 5 &10 BR homes. $100 signing bonus. Call today! 322-2180, www.indiana investmentrealestate .com.
Avail. now. 5 BR, 3 BA, all applns. No pets. $950/mo. Close to campus: 307 1/2 E. 16th St. 824-2727.
Now leasing Aug. 07, 1-5 BR., 339-2859, elkinsapartments.com On campus for Fall, 2007. 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 BR, no pets, 336-4553. www.iubloomington rentals.com Over 30 great locations all around campus. 3 to 8 BR houses, from hot tubs to pool tables. Priced right! We have it all. Call 812-330-1501. RENT NOW FOR FALL ‘07. 713 N. Grant. Clean brick ranch. 5 BR, 2 BA. New hdwd. floors, new carpet, new gas furnace and windows. Wireless enternet and ethernet. 332-4338 after 6 p.m.
Available August. 3 BR, W/D hookups, A/C, lg. front porch, near campus, $975/mo. Sign before Thanksgiving to receive $50 discount! 825-5579 deckardhomes.com
MUSIC: Program helps musicians practice CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 the orchestra will follow,” she said. “This program seems to give performers more flexibility and accuracy.” She said she would definitely recommend the program to other musicians because it allows a thorough understanding of the music they’re studying. “In the past, musicians have
Cedarview 3-10 BR Houses. 339-8777 Downtown & Campus www.cedarviewapts.com Decks, W/D, parking! 330 Roosevelt 403 E. Smith Street 408 E. 12th Street 422 & 428 N. Clark 1120 N. Lincoln 905-907 E. 13th Street 1415 Hunter 2222 E. 5th Street 2304 E. 8th Street 2543 Eastgate Lane 2600 Dekist Close to Campus 3, 4, & 5 BR houses. Call 812-327-7859. Houses for Aug. 07. 3 BR @ 404 E. 10th St., $1050/mo. 5 BR @ 310 Smith Ave., $2000/mo. 4 BR @ 212 E. Cottage Grove, $1580/mo. Call 327-3238. NICE 4 BR homes. Avail Aug ‘07. 336-1961, www.rentdowntown.biz.
1 BR in 4 BR apt. avail. 2nd semester. 2 BA, living rm., kit. Smallwood Plaza. If interested in seeking more info., please call Samantha @ 516-410-9324. Private Bedroom @ 418 S. Woodlawn. $275/mo. Call 327-3238. Rent your room 855-0763 idsnews.com/classifieds/
Spring and/or Summer Session: 1 roommate needed. NEW, 3 BR townhouse. $525/mo. most utils. included. 248-672-5682 SUBLET 2 BR in 4 BR House. Avail. Jan-Aug 2007. Great Location! Contact 516-724-0935, jglevin@indiana.edu. NEED AN APARTMENT? Try the IDS Classifieds... THEY WORK 855-0763 idsnews.com/classifieds/
1 BR in a 3 BR apt. w/ private bath. Copper Beech Apts. $300/ mo + utilities. IMMEDIATE occupancy. Call: (419) 356-9900.
WARTS: Steps can be taken to prevent virus CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11
1 BR sublease. $350/mo. 6 blks. from stadium. 812-332-6281. www.facilitech.net, click on Kirkwood. Avail. 1 BR apt. Sublease: $500/mo., incls. gas, water, D/W, & ceiling fan. 812-360-1770
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1 rm. for rent. Great private location w/ spacious yard. GREAT PLACE!!! $400/ mo., neg. 574-453-1844 2 BR twnhs., 1 rmmte. needed, $330/mo., Knightridge Apt., 574-993-9266
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How can you avoid getting warts? First, don’t kiss any toads. Just kidding. To decrease the risk of contracting HPV, wear flip-flops in the shower or at public pools. Keeping your feet clean and dry also helps because the virus lives in moist environments. Ragged cuticles from dry skin, nail-biting or small cuts might also provide a means for the virus to enter the body. How long does it take before you get warts if you have been exposed to the virus? Depending on the health of your immune system (the body’s internal mechanism for fighting disease), you might or might not develop warts after exposure to HPV. If you are susceptible, warts grow slowly, often taking weeks or months to grow to a noticeable size. Most of us have been exposed to a variety of HPV viruses in childhood. Sometimes the stress of college life might suppress the immune system’s ability to keep the virus under control. If the immune system is compromised, it might allow a wart to develop many years after initial exposure. So now you know this strange, rough bump that appeared is a wart and not a cancerous or life-threatening growth. Even then, it is still irritating and not cosmetically
“Companies see they can make more money, more profit and at the same time hire more gay and lesbian employees. I’ll take both,” he said. Brostoff said diversity in U.S. business has undergone a major change in the last five years. But he still stressed the importance of gay students researching not only whether a company offers domestic partnership benefits, but also whether other indicators of acceptance such as GLBT employee groups and nondiscrimination policies are present. Even though more and more students chose to “out” themselves on their resume by identifying activities and internships related to the GLBT community, Brostoff said it is still a personal choice each student must make based on his or her comfort level. Some students choose not to specifically out themselves in their resumes, though they can still highlight the skills they gained during their experiences through a “functional” resume that is not activity-specific. “No one should have to make the decision to work in a hostile environment,” he said, “whether they are gay or not.” struggled learning their concerti because the piano part can’t fully describe the orchestral sound as the composer intended,” she said. “However, they had no choice unless you’re fortunate enough to get to play with an orchestra.” Raphael welcomes interested musicians to contact him about using his accompaniment system. For comprehensive information, visit his Web site, http:// xavier.informatics.indiana.edu/ ~craphael/. appealing. About 25 percent of warts will go away on their own in 12 to 24 months, most in two to three years. If you are impatient or uncomfortable, there are number of ways to treat warts. Over-the-counter treatments with salicylic acid (Compound W, etc.), when used properly, can be effective. Soaking the wart in warm water for 10 minutes before and using a pumice or nail file to remove the excess rough skin will allow topical medication to soak into the wart. A small amount of duct tape applied directly over and around the wart is effective for some individuals, according to a report from the Journal of American Medical Association. Cryotherapy (freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen) is a common treatment. It generally takes two to four treatments every one to three weeks. Treatments might cause some discomfort but are not usually painful. Some dermatologists use laser therapy. In other instances, the wart might be cut out. This is a more drastic treatment and can leave a scar. Some warts are resistant to treatment. At this time, there is no treatment that kills the virus that causes plantar warts. For further questions on wart treatment, please make an appointment with an IU Health Center provider. For questions about genital warts and HPV as it relates to sexually transmitted infections, see our Web site, www.indiana.edu~health.
� Page 12 Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Iowa State Daily
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� Page 13 Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Iowa State Daily
Where will you be next Fall?� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ���������������
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Help Wanted
Rent-Duplexes AVAILABLE NOW. 1019 Houston. Three-bedroom, one bath. Kitchen appliances, screened back porch. Close to city park, Aggieville, and downtown. $895. (417)849-2428.
Bulletin Board
Announcements LEARN TO FLY! K-State Flying Club has five airplanes and lowest rates. Call 785-776-1744, www.ksu.edu/ksfc TRAVEL WITH STS to this year’s top ten Spring Break destinations! Best deals guaranteed! Highest Rep Commissions. Visit www.ststravel.com or call 1-800-648-4849. Great group discounts.
Lost and Found Lost and found ads can be placed free for three days. FOUND: SET of keys with white ribbon in Union parking lot Monday morning. To claim come into 103 Kedzie or call 785-532-6555 to identify.
Halloween Personals ADAM- you are the greatest friend I could ever ask for. DANIEL, I love you Punkin! You are my prince charming! Love you forever and always, Kathryn EMILY IS beautiful, even if she leaves her shoes in the living room or doesn’t put her clothes away. FROU, FROU I Love You! Hope you have a fantastic day and we’re going to have so much fun tonight. KIM AND Cara- you’re too cute, too sweet, too amazing. TFJ and love always, Mary MY BOO- I’m the only one that should be scaring you, but, watch out because I’m sure others are after you. The Big Boo POOKY, JUST wanted to let you know how much I care about you! Just keep trying hard and know I’m always there for you. Love, Abs SPUB TECHS- Thanks for keeping the cobwebs out of the computers. This would be a scary place without you! Wanda
SIMPLY WIRELESS, your T-Mobile Exclusive Dealer is coming soon and has immediate openings for bright, energetic persons to join our sales team in Manhattan. We have openings for part-time retail sales representatives. Simply Wireless is a special place to work---a full dynamic environment where every person makes a difference. We are open for new and creative ideas to improve our company’s market position. Our growth has been phenomenal and we’re adding to our ranks. Your potential is only limited by Call for Collegian Classifieds your imagination as we grow; we’ve made a commitment to not lose sight of the reason for our success, our customers and Roommate Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted the people who work here. Send resume to FEMALE ROOMATES ACCOUNT SERVICE MYSTERY SHOPPERS. ecarlson@swphones.biz. wanted. Close to KSU, REPS needed to start full- Earn up to $150. Experifenced yard, swimming time, on choice of either ence not required. Under- STUDENT HELP Wanted. pool, washer/ dryer. $400 mid-Nov. date or late Dec. cover shoppers needed to We need outgoing, enera month. Utilities paid. date, at Security Benefit, judge retail and dining es- getic students to sell ad309-303-6021. Topeka, KS. All degree tablishments. Call vertising for the K-State Phone Book and the programs welcome for 800-722-4791. FEMALE ROOMMATE Kansas State Collegian this entry-level career opwanted to share two-bedNEW ANIMAL Hospital during the spring portunity. After compreroom apartment. Near opening soon. Now hiring semester. Advertising hensive training, ASR’s Westloop. $300 per for positions: Reception- Sales reps are trained month plus one-half of util- provide information and ist, Vet Assistant/Tech, and given a proven sales service (no selling or soliciities. Call 316-200-8735. Groomer, experience pretation) relating to financial ferred. Fill out application territory. No experience necessary. Must be availROOMATE NEEDED for products. Competitive on www.greystoneah.- able to work when not in four-bedroom house. salary and benefits packclass, Monday - Friday, 8:$350/ month plus electric- age for this opportunity in com. ity, gas, SBC. Quiet neigh- our dynamic, technology- PART-TIME clerical work. 30am - 5:00pm. No borhood, nice house, ma- based business, se2. Ap- Some experience in evenings or weekends. jor appliances included. ply via our online applica- Quickbooks and Excel pre- Applications for advertis( 7 8 5 - 5 8 7 - 9 2 0 7 ) tion at www.securitybene- ferred, but not required. ing sales positions avail(785-230-3008). fit.com or phone (785)- Good communication and able in Student Publicaor email jhar438-3732. Equal Opportu- organization skills. Flexi- tions Kedzie ble work schedule. Hours: mon@ksu.edu, nity Employer. Monday - Friday 9am - 103. Completed applicaAPPOINTMENT SETTER 5pm. 785-587-0400. tions and a cover letter Sublease CivicPlus is the nations must be in Kedzie 103 by PLAY DIRECTOR: Eisenleading provider of City, 4:00pm, Friday, Novemhower Middle School. APARTMENT AVAIL- County and School webber 17th. Salary $2,440.00. ResponABLE for sublease as sites. We have full and STUDENT PUBLICAsibilities: Script selection, soon as possible. Two- part-time positions in Manbedroom, full kitchen. Call hattan with significant in- auditions, rehearsals, set TIONS Inc. at Kansas 502-472-9033 or e-mail fo- come potential for the design, and cast manag- State University is seekcused_ksn@yahoo.com. right individual. This posi- ment. Manage play bud- ing a full-time bookkeeper get and works with par- and accountant. Job reFEMALE SUBLEASER tion involves calling poten- ents and school faculty sponsibilities include finantial clients to setup webineeded in January. No and staff to secure props cial record keeping, worksmoking. $275 per month nar appointments. Pay is and other essential items ing with the director to de$10/ hour plus $40 for plus one-half of cable/ infor successful presenta- velop the annual $1.3 milternet and utilities. Call each webinar appoint- tion of the production. lion budget, inventory of ment you setup. Full Crystal 785-550-9797. and some time benefits include Play performances will be equipment FEMALE SUBLEASER health, dental, paid holi- mid-to late spring. Send event planning. The posineeded for January or be- days, paid vacation and resume and letter of quali- tion is a 12 month assignfore through May. Four- 401(k) matching. Email fications to Manhattan-Og- ment and includes salary bedroom house close to resume in Microsoft Word den USD 383, 2031 and benefits commensucampus, small pets ok. or text format to jobs@- Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, rate with experience and $300 plus 1/4 utilities. civicplus.com. KS 66502. 785-587-2000. education. Minimum one785-313-3702. Equal Opportunity Em- year experience in profesAROY THAI CUISINE losional accounting work. JANUARY SUBLEASER cated at 3003 Anderson ployer. Bachelor’s required. To wanted for one bedroom Avenue in Plaza West by PROGRAMMER CIVICapply send cover letter, reapartment. Close to cam- Alco, looking for part-time PLUS is the nations leadsume and recommendapus. $450 a month all utili- or full-time workers in the ing provider of city, county tions to Linda S. Puntney, ties paid except electricity. positions of cooks and/or and school websites. Full director of Student Publi785-331-8842. time position in Manhatdishwashers. Apply in percations Inc., 103 Kedzie, tan, Microsoft ASP or ONE OR two subleases son at the resturant or call Manhattan, KS 66506 by SQL experience required. nedded Spring 2007. Four- Joe at 785-313-0922. November 1, 2006. Stu$14.50/ hour plus health, bedroom house, three BARTENDING! $300 a dent Publications Inc is an dental, paid holidays, paid blocks west of campus day potential. No experiequal opportunity emvacation and 401(k) $290 plus utilities. ence necessary. Training ployer and actively seeks matching. Email resume 785-341-4869. provided. Call in Microsoft Word or text diversity among its employees. Student PublicaSUBLEASER NEEDED 1-800-965-6520 ext. 144. format to jobs@civicplus.tions Inc. is a local agency next semester! Three-bed- EARN $2500+ monthly com. of Kansas State Univerroom apartment, one and and more to type simple one-half bath, $750/ ads online. www.dataen- RAMADA PLAZA, soon to sity responsible for pubbe Holiday Inn at the Cam- lishing the 11,500 circulamonth plus electricity. trytypers.com pus is now hiring: Night tion daily Collegian, the One-half block from campus. Contact: riley2@ksu.- EARN $800 - $3200 a Bellman, Banquet Staff, 492-page Royal Purple Restaurant yearbook and the campus month to drive brand new Morning edu. cars with ads placed on Server and Morning Cook phonebook. them. www.AdDriveTeam.- for weekends, Night Auditor, Maintenance and com. EARN EXTRA cash for Sales Coordinator. Apply next semester!!! We are in person at 1641 Anderlooking for people to man- son Ave. 785-539-7531.
Employment/Careers age firework locations in SALES CIVICPLUS is the
Help Wanted
THERE ARE boo-tiful people working in the business office, if you come out, don’t come scary. The Party Crew and Pat.
THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/Career classification. Readers TO ALL my boo-tiful ad de- are advised to approach signers- you keep me any such business opporjumping and I’m not tunity with reascared of anything! Wanda sonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607-1190. (785)232- 0454.
Housing/Real Estate
Rent-Apt. Furnished Manhattan CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, (785)587-2440.
Rent-Apt. Unfurnished MANHATTAN CITY Ordinance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on account of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, age, color, national origin or ancestry. Violations should be reported to the Director of Human Resources at City Hall, (785)587-2440. TWO-BEDROOM/ ONE bath townhouse $850.00, new construction. Also two-bedroom/ two bath apartment near the mall, call Wildcat Property at 785-537-2332.
Advertise Here
Louisiana December 20 January 2. Travel expenses and lodging provided. Call for details 1-800-546-2825. FULL OR Part-time, flexible schedule, must be here for the holidays. Apply at Mrs. Powell’s Bakery, Manhattan Town Center.
GRAPHIC DESIGNER CivicPlus is the nations leading provider of city, county and school websites. Both full-time and work-at-home (contract) positions are available. Full-time benefits include health, dental, paid holidays, paid vacation and 401(k) matching. Email resume and design samples to jobs@civicplus.com
nations leading provider of city, county and school websites. This full-time position in Manhattan has significant income potential for the right individual. $24,000 base plus aggressive commission schedule. Benefits include health, dental, paid holidays, paid vacation and 401(k) matching. Email resume in Microsoft Word or text format to jobs@civicplus.com. SEASONAL WORKERS needed for bell ringing from November 10 - December 23 in Manhattan and Junction City. Starting pay $6.50. Come to 310 Point in Manhattan or 117 West 7th in Junction City to fill out an application.
MILL CREEK Valley USD #329 is looking for a Freshmen Girls’ Basketball Coach for Wabaunsee High School in Alma. Please contact Don Ginavan at 785-765-3315. MCV is an equal opportunity employer.
785 532 Help Wanted 6555 Section A e ti i g Design
Advertise in the Classifieds
Help Wanted STUDENT SECRETARY/ R E C E P T I O N I S T WANTED. The Office of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement is seeking a student with excellent command of Microsoft Word and Excel as well as exceptional skills in telephone answering etiquette, grammar, filing, use of dictaphone, scheduling appointments and a variety of other office duties. Must be a quick learner, self-motivated and very detailed oriented. Must be willing to work school breaks and summer. Preference given to a person with past office experience. The position will be available immediately continuing through fall, some of Christmas break, spring and summer. Workweek fall and spring semesters is a minimum of 25 hours and a maximum of 30 hours. Summer will require 30- 40 hours weekly. For an application, contact Dorothy Smith in the Office of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, 122 Anderson Hall. Starting salary commensurate with experience. Deadline for submission of application is Thursday, November 2, 4:00 p.m. to: Dorothy Smith Office of the Vice President, 122 Anderson Hall 785-532-5942. TRAINER CIVICPLUS is the nations leading provider of city, county and school websites. This full-time position involves training end-users at both our Manhattan office as well as at our client sites across the US. Position requires the ability to speak in front of small groups and a good understanding of MS Word. Benefits include health, dental, paid holidays, paid vacation and 401(k) matching. Email resume in Microsoft Word or text format to jobs@civicplus.com
Open Market
Items for Sale 1. ANTHOLOGY of Chinese Poetry (translated to English.) http://li_chungwang0.tripod.com 2. The Philosophy of Mechanics. http://lcwangmech.tripod.com. T-MOBILE SIDEKICK. Camera/ Internet/ email. Drop sim card in and ready to go. $175 or best offer. 785-317-8263 or 785-537-9212.
Tickets to Buy/Sell BE PROUD in purple in Boulder, Colorado November 4. Game tickets for sale, $50 each. Call Kathy at GTM Sportswear 785-537-8822 extension 1120.
looking for a job?
Tour Packages
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Need Some Help? Advertise it in the Collegian.
KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN 103 Kedzie 785-532-6555
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To Place An Ad Go to Kedzie 103 (across from the K-State Student Union.) Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Headlines For an extra charge, we’ll put a headline above your ad to catch the reader’s attention.
Bulletin Board
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Housing/Real Estate
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MC 385
Earn class credit working with the ad design/production staff on the Kansas State Collegian during spring semester 2007. Limited enrollment. The instructor’s permission is required. No prerequisites are necessary. Stop by 113 Kedzie from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. for an application. Application deadline is 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 17.
400 Open Market
graphic design internship
Solution and tips at www.sudoku.com
Advertising Design Kansas State Collegian
Stop by 113 Kedzie from 8a.m. - 2p.m. for more information.
Classified ads must be placed by noon the day before you want your ad to run. Classified display ads must be placed by 4 p.m. two working days prior to the date you want your ad to run.
1 DAY 20 words or less $10.50 each word over 20 20¢ per word
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Application deadline is 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 17
Classified Rates
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Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006
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Classified CLASSIFIED INFO Phone: (303) 556-2507 Fax: (303) 556-3421 In person: Tivoli #313 Advertising via Internet: www.themetadvertising.com Classified ads are 15¢ per word for students currently enrolled at Metropolitan State College of Denver. For all others – 30¢ per word. Maximum length for classified word ads is 50 words. Pre-payment required. Cash, check, money order, VISA, and MasterCard are accepted. The deadline for classified ad placement is 5pm on Thursday prior to the week of publication. Classified ads may be placed via fax, in person or online at www.themetadvertising.com. The deadline for placing classified ads via online ordering is 3pm Friday for the following week. For information on classified display advertising, which are ads that contain more than 40 words or contain larger type, borders, or artwork, call (303) 556-2507.
HELP WANTED CHILDCARE NEEDED FOR FUN 11 year old boy. Close to Metro, $12 hr. Reliable car, good driving record, references needed. Tel. Jen (303) 913-6731. 9/28
the alley between Inca and Galapago. Call STOP THE SPECIAL PRIVILEGES (303) 956-9406 for more info. Jeff/ MB For Christians. www.atheists.org 9/28 Realtor 9/28
TOWNHOME FOR RENT Lakewood (Hampden & Wadsworth). 2 bdr 1 bath newly remodeled. 1 car garage, A/C, all appliances, pets ok. Close to greenbelt, shopping, schools. $1,000/mo. (720) 226-6898. 9/28
VOLUNTEERS www.campusprogress.org
$1 Drafts! $1 Games! $1 Shoes!
GREAT CARRIAGE HOUSE FOR Student, Artist or Musician. 2 loft bedrooms, 1 bathroom, washer, dryer, evap cooler, forced air. For sale only at $128,423. Convenient location at 616 Inca Street in ELITCH LANES
Wednesdays at 8pm 3825 Tennyson • (303) 447-1633
Learn More About
Peace Corps Information Meeting Wednesday, October 11 7 - 8:30 pm Peace Corps Office 1999 Broadway
G raphi Art ists
Campaign Jobs • $60-100/ Day Had enough of Bush and his Republican Congress? Work with Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. on behalf of the National Democratic Party to help win back Congress in ‘06 and the White House in ‘08. Full and part time positions available. Call Alex at 303-893-1268
NEEDED! 10/5
ROOMMATE WANTED - LARGE Room, private bath, pool, and private parking. Next to Southmoore Park, Park SERVICES and Ride, easy access to stores, no pets or smokers. $400.00. Call Mark at (303) EDITING FOR STUDENT PAPERS. 691-3480 or sandstrm@mscd.edu. Experience and expertise. English major 9/28 with Ph. D. Hardcopy or via e-mail. Call (303) 777-1266. 9/28 ANNOUNCEMENTS
!BARTENDING! UP TO $250 A Day. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. Age 18+ OK. 1(800) 965-6520 xt 215. 11/30
THE AVID COLLEGE PREPARATORY Program in the Cherry Creek School District is seeking tutors to facilitate middle and high school learning groups. Must become a district employee. Pays $10.00 per hour. Various schedules available. For information, call Kathy Vining at (720) 554-4527. 3/29
The MSCD Ofce of Student Media has graphic artist positions available. You will be designing with PowerMac G4 & G5 workstations and work in our production room. If you are a currently enrolled Metro State student and available 15–25 hours each week, we’d like to meet with you. Must know InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat. Call (303) 556-2507 for more information. We will pay you $8.00 an hour to help us out, we need it. Work study preferred.
CHILDCARE ASSISTANT. M-F. 8:30 am - 1 pm. Motivated w/ upbeat personality. Call Mary at 882-6760. CHILDCARE NEEDED for mornings & afternoons. M-F. 3 ref., req., Must have transp. 336-7977.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
COMPUTER-ATTENTION EDUCATION, English, Math, Computer & other majors: p/t jobs w/educational software company. Strong computer & communication skills required. E-mail resume to slgjobs@mac.com COURT ONE is hiring a.m. nursery staff. Apply: 2291 Research Circle, Okemos. 349-1199.
NOW HIRING referees, soccer instructors, concessions and retail staff. Looking for enthusiastic individuals who have previous experience working with kids. Soccer experience is a bonus. Referees must have previous referee experience. Call 517-394-5425 to set up an interview. PART-TIME LIFEGUARDS and swim instructors needed for various days/hrs. Call Debbie at 694-3411. PERSON TO assist young woman with development disabilities, p/t, flex hrs, $9/hr. Must be confident, motivated, w/reliable car. Serious apps. Call 484-3068. SALES P/T, must be energetic, positive, outgoing, and team oriented. Apply in person at 2041 W Grand River Ave. Okemos SERVERS WANTEDLeo’s Lodge. Days & nights. f/t & p/t. 2 yrs. exp. in fast-paced environment. 2525 E. Jolly.
CHILDCARE POSITIONS avail. at Okemos Kids Club, p/t hours, exp. req, must be 18. Interested applicants should complete an app at Okemos Community Education 4000 N. Okemos Rd. btwn 7:30 am-4:30 pm. 349-2209.
THE FIRM Food and Spirits, a new restaurant & lounge located in downtown Lansing is now hiring for all position Apply in person at 227 S. Washington Square or call 517-862-4096 for details. VET. ASST. apply within 5134 S. ML King Blvd. Lansing.
24 7 365 COUNTRY CLUB of Lansing is now hiring experienced servers, banquet servers, bartenders, bussers and receptionists. Apply in person Tues-Friday, 1-5 pm at 2200 Moores River Dr.
AFTER HOURS live in attendant/intern. Duties shared with other interns includes patient care, phone, and light housekeeping in exchange for rent, own room, shared remainder of spacious apt. No pets, training provided, great opportunity to learn quality vet. med. Day: 669-2641, after hrs: 669-2651. www.pethealth.net CHILDCARE. ELEMENTARY edu. or child development majors. References req. Flexible hours, 1-2 afternoons. 927-9766. CLARA’S RESTAURANT now hiring servers with some lunch availability MF. Apply in person at 637 E. Michigan Ave. (Close to MSU).
GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS needed. Boys and girls classes. 322-0360. HOME HEALTH aide for handicapped adult, p/t, a.m. including Saturday. 15-20 hrs/wk. Haslett. 290-8344. LAWN CARE maintenance/snow removal seeking responsible people, exp. desired. f/t and p/t needed. 339-8840. LEASING AGENT. Part time position available in East Lansing. Good computer and people skills. Send resume or apply in person at: 731 Burcham Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823. 517-351-7212. PART TIME/ flexible. sales & service. Great experience & pay. Advancement opportunity. www.halecorpjobs.com
www .statenews .com
TWO MEN And A Truck, a drug free work place, combines an exciting environment with career opportunities, steady pay increases and direct deposit. Get paid to work out. We are currently hiring for p/t help. Pay starts at $9-$10/hr. plus tips. Chauffeur’s license a plus. Apply in person at 5910 Enterprise Dr, Lansing, MI 48911. WEB DESIGNER, print advertising graphics. The State News is looking for MSU students to fill a variety of staff positions starting now. If you’ve got at least another year of school and would like to be considered for a job with one of the world’s largest collegiate dailies, go to www.statenews.com/work and follow the instructions under the “Open Positions� header. A NEW Semester Means A New Job! We are looking for the right candidate with great communications skills & compassion for the environment. 3:30-10:30 f/t & p/t, paid/unpaid internships. Call for details & an interview. 517-203-0754.
BEST APARTMENTS, best amenities, best deal! $199 moves you in today! Enjoy pool and spa all winter long! Plus one year free Internet, cable, tanning and CATA service from our community right to campus. Roommate matching service avail. at no charge. Rates start at $395 per person. Call now 517-507-4591.
BRAND NEW. 2 bdrms avail. Aug. from only $695, $0 deposit. Close to Meridian Mall. Pet friendly. Country Way. (517) 507-3486. BROOKPORT APTS. Spacious 1 bdrm, lic. 2. Free heat & water. 974-5427. BURCHAM WOODS, avail now! $612/ mo. Call 248-890-1315.
COUNTRY SETTING. 1 & 2 bdrms from $495. Pet friendly. Avail. now with no rent until Sept. $0 deposit. Mason Hills (517) 268-8467. www.dtnmgt.com
FREE UTILITIES for 3 months, plus $100 security deposit! Keep saving all through the year with free cable, free Internet, free tanning, and a free CATA pass. Awesome pool, basketball pavilion, and social lounge. Free roommate matching service. Apartments starting at $385 per person. Call today, 517-507-4622.
LAKESHORE APTS. 2 bdrm, $575-$650 incl. a/c, w/d, d/w, fireplace, lake view. 10 min. to MSU. Call 517-664-4110. OAKHILL/HILLSIDE. 2 bdrm apartment. Lic 2. $800. Heat/water incl. Avail now. 367-6000. OKEMOS VILLAGE, 2 bdrms from $635. Heat incl. Near Meridian Mall. Cats welcome. Avail. now and Aug. Call (517) 507-3487. www.dtnmgt.com OKEMOS: 2 & 3 Bdrms. from only $280 per person. $0 Deposit. $99 moves you in. Knob Hill, 349-3800. SOUTH PENN. 1 mi. S. of Mt. Hope. 1 bdrm, clean, quiet, heat & water incl. $440/mo. 337-0840. 2 BDRMS, $575. Win a vacation package. Call this number, 351-7166.
GRAD APTS, near MSU. 2 bdrms. Quiet, heat pd, hardwood, n/s, furn/unfurn. $600. Year lease. 332-2467.
1 & 2 bedrooms. diate availability. starting at only per month. Call 866-675-7560.
ENJOY THE best, as low as $385 per person. Half off security deposit. Great pool and clubhouse for residents. Computer lab, private baths, your own w/d and more! You’ll want to move today. 517-507-4602.
ImmeRates $499 today
1 BDRM, $499. Win a vacation package. Call this number, 351-8631.
A WAY to get involved! Political organizers needed for critical energy campaign. Boost resume, make a difference, get paid. M-F, 2-10:30pm. Student hours avail. 324-9930.
ARBOR DRIVE,1199. 1 bdrm, lic. 2, off Trowbridge. Call 337-7577.
Back to School Special
MOVE TODAY! $100.00 Deposit $385.00 per person 3 Months FREE Utilities! One Year FREE Internet - Cable - Tanning - CATA The Village (517) 507-4622
Wow! 1/2 OFF Deposit! Rates Starting at just $385.00 per person Plus FREE Cable FREE Internet
FREE Tanning FREE CATA FREE Roommate Matching Service!
The LANDINGS (517) 507-4589 www.chandlercrossings.com *Restrictions apply. Please check with a Landings leasing consultant for details.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 The State News, www.statenews.com
MS&U EDITOR Kristin Longley, msandu@statenews.com PHONE (517) 432-3070 FAX (517) 432-3015
Pointless to wait around for men Small-claims court maze of regulations By Pamela Yip
There are a lot of things I don’t need in my life. I don’t need a teacher who thinks I’m only taking one class. I don’t need a boss who thinks I’m not taking any classes. I don’t need another chair in my living room. And unfortunately, I don’t need real Chanel sunglasses. But one thing I really don’t need is a guy who makes me wait around. I never thought I’d be like a roommate I once had, who would pretty herself up every night so she could sit at her computer and wait for a guy to call and pick her up. My friends and I used to laugh about how silly she was, always waiting for some stupid guy and never having fun with the girls. I thought I was better than that. Recently, I met someone I thought I was interested in, which doesn’t happen often. We hung out a couple of times, and it was exciting and all that stuff it is when you think you’ve met someone great. The next thing I know, I’m sitting
in my apartment on a Thursday night, all showered and ready, waiting for Mr. Someone to arrive. I’m pretty sure we made plans for 9 p.m. I’m also pretty sure that at 11 p.m., he was nowhere to be found. My friends were out being social. I went down the hall for a little while, clutching my phone so I’d know if it rang. And of course I kept looking at it, just in case. After a few drinks, I was talking about this guy I was waiting for. At 11:30 p.m., after a few phone calls I had to make and an “If you’re not here in 25 minutes, I’m leaving with my friends,� he showed up. He hung out with my friends and I for a while, and before he left, he asked me if I wanted to go to the football game with him on Saturday. Of course I did. I liked him. We decided to tailgate together before the game. When I met up with him on Saturday, he wasn’t ready. The next thing I know, it’s an hour before the game is set to start and time to get a spot in the student section. He finally called and said he was just leaving. I got my seats anyway. Later, he was at the game standing
two sections away from me. We talked on the phone, but I couldn’t hear the last few things he said. All I know is he invited me to the game with him, we were both at the game, it was about to start and he wasn’t trying to find me. He didn’t try at halftime, either. And he didn’t try after the game. I was the stereotypical girl at a football game. Instead of applauding another seven points, I was checking my phone for text messages. And I love football. When the game was over, I assumed I would have a missed call and an apology. No such luck. And of course a couple hours later, I checked my phone again. Nothing. Why make plans with someone if you can’t keep them? This weekend, I was “that� girl. I was waiting around for a guy and not letting myself have any fun. But when an hour after ruined plans turned into a whole night, I realized how silly I was acting. I should be making plans with friends who keep our plans. I should be going to that party instead of waiting for Mr. Someone to come over a couple hours late. I should be tailgating and watching football instead of staring at my phone. Today I realized I am no better than my old roommate. This weekend, the only thing I had was a guy who made me wait around. And I don’t need that.
The Dallas Morning News
Dallas (MCT) — “Give me my money back or I’ll sue!� Nearly everyone, at some time, has at least thought about trotting out that trump card in a dispute with a merchant, neighbor or former friend. And it’s good to know that small-claims courts are there to handle such disputes, even if most people never follow through with the threat. But how do small-claims courts work? Do you need a lawyer? What are the strategies for success, and what are the pitfalls? The process is designed for regular folk to get disputes resolved without having to hire a lawyer. “Small claims are effective because people get to tell their side unencumbered by technical rules that might defeat their cause,� said Justice of the Peace Al Cercone of Texas. But consumers can’t expect justice to be served unless they can present a strong case backed up by evidence and witness testimony. “They want you to see this picture, but they can’t paint it for you,� he said. “They didn’t bring the paint, the canvas, the brush.� You don’t need a lawyer, and few lawyers take small claims because there’s not much money involved. But if you’re considering filing
Before suing in small-claims court: ■Try to resolve through negotiation. ■If that doesn’t work, talk to a friend
about your potential for success. Suing costs money and time. â– Observe a small-claims court in ac-
tion. What makes the judge happy? â– Gather evidence and practice paint-
ing a picture that proves your case. â– Dress and speak respectfully. â– Make sure you and your witnesses
can commit to the court dates. Source: McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
a claim, it helps to be able to think like a lawyer. The first thing to do is to try to remove your emotions from the case. You need some clear thinking. Simply filing a lawsuit can give you a sense of victory over your opponent, but it can also wind up hurting you more. “You have to think about, ‘What’s worth my time and my effort and going through the paperwork and the filing fees in case I lose,’� said Emily Doskow, an attorney and editor at Nolo in Berkeley, Calif., which publishes legal guides. “How much money’s involved is going to be a big factor.� If you can’t resolve the dispute without suing, and you think you have enough solid evidence and
time to devote to it, then start building the case in your mind. Gather all records, canceled checks, contracts and other pertinent documents to present. “Think about how to put them in order so that when you’re telling your story, you can hand them to the judge one at a time,� said Mary Spector, an associate professor of law at Southern Methodist University. “Putting it in chronological order of what happened may help the person appear more organized and more comfortable speaking to the judge.� Practice what you’re going to say. One of the biggest mistakes that participants make is hurling allegations they can’t support with evidence. “Don’t tell me they’re a liar. Prove they’re a liar,� Cercone said. While the proceedings are designed to be informal, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat the court with respect. “When you go to court, part of the strategy is how do you look, how do you present yourself, does the judge like you,� said Steve Bruneman, a family law attorney who’s handled small-claims cases. “The key to any of those courts is getting the judge to like you and to like your case. You’re going to do better if you look good, sound good and you’re respectful.� Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
L M Q N Q [ [
I T + VILLE MONTEE Apts. Unique living in E. Lansing. Peaceful, park-like, Perfect for serious students & long term living. Extra large apts. 301 Rampart Way. Call 517-351-9451 or go to www.realstar.ca
1 BDRM, lake access. $99 moves you in. Close to MSU. Pine Lake Apartments. 339-1636.
630 ABBOTT. style room. Lic. 1. term lease $300-350 incl. water, electricity, Call 664-4110.
Dorm Short avail. heat, a/c.
The Club (517) 507-4591 www.chandlercrossings.com *Restrictions apply. Please check with a Village leasing consultant for details.
NICE 3 bdrm duplex. Rentals near U-Club/ MSU. Avail. now. $850 a mo. 248-980-4810.
ALL 1/2 mi. W. Breslin or closer. 134 Mifflin, 2 bed, $600. 405 Fairview, 4 bed, $700. 305 Magnolia, 3 bed, $725. 337-0575. AVAIL NOW! East side Lansing 3 bdrm, w/d, $750/mo. 303-1676. AVAILABLE, 2 4 bdrms, $600+. 3 5 1 - 0 7 6 5 . www.hrirentals.com BARGAIN HOUSE grads pref. 2 bdrm, w/d, pets ok. $875. 505-2000. BEAUTIFUL 3/4 bdrm, 3 bath. Fireplace, a/c, jacuzzi, deck, pond. $1500/mo. 204-1604. PEACEFUL, 116 Hayford. Upper 2 bed, free heat, $480. 337-0575.
CENTRAL AIR. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, w/d, garage, close to campus. $675 + util. 517-281-8171. EASTSIDE, 1245 Weber, brick, 3 bdrm, fireplace, $1050 util. paid; 124 S. Hayford, 4-5 bdrm, 2 bath, fireplace, wood floor, $900 + util. 372-8753. NEWLY REMODELED downtown Lansing victorian house. 2 bdrm, $699/mo. incl. util. Call 517-230-7257. 136 LESLIE. 3 bdrm. w/d, fireplace. $675/ mo. 712-4759. 3 BEDROOM House. Hardwood floors and central-air. $720/mo., good credit discount on deposit. Call 517-853-1280. 4 BDRM, 2 baths. 5 minutes to MSU, Cooley & LCC! $895. Call Jenny at Re/Max, 321-8255 ext. 144. 600 SPARTAN. Lic. for two or family. $950/mo. 405 N. Francis. 2-3 bdrm. $800/mo. Call 371-3100 for appt. Ask for Linda.
MSU E.L. share lg. 4 bdrm house, 2 bath, lic. 4, a/c, w/d, parking, bsmt, on bus line. $350/mo. incl. all util. + cable. 339-0218. ROOM FOR rent in large, mellow house on Lansing’s Eastside. $235/mo. + 1/4 util. Call George after 2 p.m. 372-8303. SHARED HOUSING. Furnished w/ util. incl. Open-minded person + non-smoker. 10 min. from campus. $ 4 0 0 / m o . 577-490-7031.
ROOMMATE NEEDED to fill apt. Great community on CATA route. Your own bdrm and bath, cable and internet incl, CATA pass incl. Move in for $100.00. Call (517) 507-4594.
‘00 Saturn LS2, 99K/mi. $4500 obo. 517-749-3179. ‘95 OLDS Royale. 4 doors, 133k mi., auto, V6, power doors, air. Good condition. $2,450. 381-8358. ‘95 TOYOTA Camry, auto, fully serviced, great student car, $5500. 896-4657.
NEEDED, ROOMMATE to fill our apt. Two males looking for male. Private bdrm in great community. Bdrm has internet and cable. Call (517) 507-4602.
‘99 ALERO GX, clean and well maintained, black 4 door, air, power locks, stereo, tilt, 83K, 30+ mpg city, new struts, $5,500. 517-349-7575.
ROOM FOR one more. Two females looking for female roommate to fill our apt for the year. You will have your own bdrm and bath, plus cable and internet hook up. Give us a call (517) 507-4622.
L-SHAPE DESK. 2 sections, 5 drawers. $150 o.b.o. 349-6708. TELESCOPE LUMINOVA 40114675. Mag 675x w/ tripod. $125. 589-8198.
LOOKING FOR a camera? Film or digital? New or used? Some student specials. Call Castle Photo 517-333-7001 MATTRESS SALE. Student specials. Bed frames $25 & up, loft beds. Delivery avail. Tom’s Furniture, 319 E. Grand River. 517-485-8335. PAY A ton for those books? Put them online now and sell for top $$ next term!!! Go visit Buymytextbooks.biz !!!
PHONE BANK Systems would like to congratulate August phoner of the month: Nik Parkinson.
SILVER FOX Equestrian. Boarding, lessons, training, indoor arena, heated observation room, and lesson horses. Call 655-6184. SPRING BREAK 2007 Celebration 20th Anniversary w/Sun Splash Tours! Free trip on every 12 before Nov. 1! Free meals & parties, hottest deals ever! Group discounts on 6+ hottest spring break dest i n a t i o n s ! 1-800-426-7710, www.sunsplashtours.com.
ATHLETIC & outgoing. Self motivated people person. Will train. Contact Scott at 316-9004. BARTEND $300/DAY potential. No exp. nec. 800-965-6520 x110. SPARTANSNEEDJOBS.COM. PAID survey takers needed in E.L.100% free. Click surveys.
CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEERS. Stuttman for Congress, 8th District. “Green Party.� Call 517-282-1986. TWO MEN and a Truck International, Inc. is seeking a hardworking college student with strong communication skills to fullfill an intern position for its diversity program. The candidate is expected to have: strong computer skills, work well on a team, be able to think creatively, be a strong researcher and have excellent writing and editing skills. For more info., contact Cesar Saldivia at 517-394-7210 or email at cesars@twomen.com.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
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HelpWanted Help Wanted
Internet Internet
ufind. upost. uswap. usell. Sick of eBay & SBS? Look no further! Buy, Sell, Trade, List: **BOOKS** **DVDs** **ELECTRONICS** **ACCESSORIES & MORE**
Full Time Aquatics Specialists: Uptown YWCA of Minneapolis looking for TWO energetic individuals who enjoy the aquatic education environment. Responsibilities will include teaching swimming lessons & water fitness classes, coaching youth & adult teams, lifeguarding, & administrative tasks. Earn $9 to $22 per hour. ARC Lifeguard Training, CPR for the Professional Rescuer and Water Safety Instructor certifications required. Flexible hours with a free YWCA membership. See posting at http://www.ywcampls.org/jobs Contact Sharon Carlson 612-215-4373 or scarlson@ywcampls.org.
ALL LOCAL. ALL U. www.utank.com ousama@utank.com
Adoption Adoption
Unplanned Pregnancy? Don’t despair. Ivy League educated couple looking to adopt a child into our home full of love & laughter. We are college sweethearts married for over 10 yrs looking to start a family & share our love for music, athletics & each other. We look forward to hearing from you. Please call 1-800-606-4411. A1023
Help Wanted: Data Entry & General Office, Microsoft Office skills helpful. Work PT or FT; located near downtown Mpls on bus route; flexible hours 7am-4pm weekedays. Minneapolis Builders Exchange. $12/ hr start. Email resume to davidf@mbex.org Industrial Mechanic: Turbines, Recips, Hi-Speed Rotating, F/T, Permanent in Alaska, 907-283-7556, fax 907-283-7555, bill@glmcotp.com, www.glmcorp.com Journey Machinist F/T, Permanent in Alaska, CNC or Manual, call 907-283-7556 fax 907-283-7555, bill@glmcorp.com, www.glmcorp.com
Kinesiology/Exercise Science Students FT & PT Personal Trainers Wanted Call: 952-476-2177
URGENT! Interest rate set to rise July 1st. Time is running out. Call now to learn about our FREE student loan consolidation services & how you will save thousands of dollars. Toll free: 866-652-2121
Natural health researcher, editor, writer, & good organizer needed for website content assistant. Send Resume to sledgehammerhealth@comcast.net or fax to 651-331-2634
Financial Financial Services Services
Performing Performing Arts
FILM ACTING WORKSHOP offered by The Fresh Face Showcase. Admission by interview only. Meets Sunday’s. 8 wk prgm. Cost $300. For more info call: 612-388-1111 www.freshfaceshowcase.com
Tutors Available/Needed
German Language tutor available, any level. Call Bev 612.724.9478
Pets Pets
Affectionate, loyal, protective terrior poodle mix w/ delicate personality needs quiet home w/ no small children by July 13th. Best offer, best home. 651-329-8403 Wire Box Terrier Puppies. Loveable & loyal. vet work done. 10wks old. registered $300. non registered $200. 641-722-3316
Furnishings Furnishings
Flawless, white, Pali changing table avail. for $125. Used for only two years. Call Keri at (952) 933-6093
HelpWanted Help Wanted
-Administrative Receptionist GraduatesHave you just completed your 4 year degree? Are you looking for the perfect opportunity to join the business world? We are an Independent Insurance Agency looking for a FT Administrative Receptionist to start Aug 15th in our DT Mpls office. No telephone answering & a chance to learn & grow with the insurance industry. Please email resumes to lorrainej@rrinsurance.com
Athletic & Outgoing Earn an extra $800 to $1000/ mo. international health and wellness comp. expanding locally. Flex. schedule start immed. Will train.contact Troy 651-633-6746 Bartending - Be A Bartender Our 38th year! Earn $20.00-$30.00 per hour Legal to bartend at age 18 Lifetime Job Placement Tuition 50% Off!! Call: 612-333-6692 www.mnschoolofbartending.com Minnesota School of Bartending Inc. Bartending! Up to $300/day, no exp nec, training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext 114 Between jobs? Earn $500 at MN STATE FAIR selling SNO CONES. Fun. $7.50/hr. 763-537-2413 Driver Tow-Truck PT or FT: Exp pref’d. Will train person w/ aptitude & good driving record. Gopher Towing aka THE GOOD GUYS, 612-363-7917 EXTRA CASH $950/wk, customer service need help now. Flex hrs 651.282.7676 FRIENDLY HOUSEKEEPER WANTED... Lively couple who travel often seeking housekeeper for Mill City Museum loft. Flex hrs avging 15/wk, $13/hr. Walking distance from West Bank. Please call Marissa at 952-457-6065 w/any questions.
Help Wanted Child Care
Nanny/Mother’s Helper for Family of 3 in Plymouth. 3-4 days/wk. $12+/hr. Exp, car, & refs req’d. Heidi 763-551-8903 Part-time nanny needed in Edina to start this fall for 2 school age children. References, car required. Competitive pay. Contact Nellie (952)920-0835. PT Child Care Provider Needed Exp & Ref’s Req’d. Gas Comp & Competitive Wage Offered. 612-345-4255
OFFICE MANAGER Elmwood Properties “The nicest place to live at the U of M” Seeking responsible, mature person to run the place FT. Call to know more! Enjoyable workplace located on Van Cleve Park. Tel: 612-623-4488 www.ElmwoodProperties.com PCA needed for 11-yr old boy w/ autism. Implement program to improve language, leisure skills, activities of daily living. Interest in special ed., psychology, OT, SLP preferred. PT after school hours in fall, day time hours in summer. In Andover. Brenda 763-242-9990
PHARMACY TECHNICIAN PT & FT Merwin LTC Pharmacy, MN’s fastest growing LTC pharmacy a 1/2 mile away from West Bank, has an opening for PT & FT pharmacy tecnhician. An ability to work quickly, efficiently, and error-free is req’d . Applicants must be detail oriented, friendly, reliable and have a good employment backgrounnd. We offer training, career advancement, and exc. compensation. Please visit us at 1509 10th Ave S, Mpls, MN, 55404 to fill out an application. Ask for Jill. For more info call 612-333-7191. EOE
Scheels is opening a new footwear & apparel store in the Eden Prairie Mall. We are hiring permanent PT footwear & apparel sales people. We are also hiring outgoing people as permanent PT cashiers. Applicants must have a great attitude, passion for the product, & be willing to provide outstanding customer service. We offer a flexible schedule, competitive wages, the ability to grow in our company, & great employee discounts. Strong communication skills, & light to moderate lifting, min 2 nights & wknds req’d (15-30hr/wk). Send resume to careerinfoEP@scheelssports.com or contact Nichole or Aaron at 952-826-0067, Mon-Fri 7-5.
Small, growing food distribution company looking for reliable PT warehouse person. Located in S Mpls. Ideal for college student. Afternoons & wkend. Call Whitney at Instantwhip Foods 612-721-6905
Help Wanted Child Care
*** NORTH OAKS NANNY *** Two lovely daughters ages 14 & 17 with single father need help & guidance of sincere, honest, educated, mature woman. Flex hrs 2-8pm 3-5 days/wk. Lake home to enjoy. 612-978-4444
Child Care Positions start Sept 5. Fall staff needed to work w/ youth ages 5-12 in school-age child care program w/ Roseville Area Schools. $10.00/hr. Must be able to work the same hours everyday, MF. Mornings (7:00 ñ 9/9:30 AM) or afternoons (1:30 ñ 5:30; 2:45 ñ 5:30 or 3:15 ñ 5:30 PM). Exp.w/ school age children necessary. Great opportunity for people who enjoy working w/ kids from all academic areas. Perfect for college students & only minutes from either campus. Call Stacey at 651-604-3504.
Creative & energetic care giver for 7yr old boy w/ cerebral pulsy. PT, 15-20hrs, flex YEAR ROUND AVAIL IMPORTANT Strong Educational interest valued. Bkgrnd in teaching/ptot/mt prefrd but not reqd. $16/hr. Highland Park. trnsprtn reqd, David or Theresa 651-698-4631 Eden Prairie family seeks energetic, reliable individual to provide PCA services for adorable 4 YR old girl w/ high functioning autism. 2-3 afternoons/evenings per week, some weekends. NS, own car, $11.75/hour. E-mail Dawn at djwestrum@mn.rr.com. Looking for experienced baby sitter for Friday & Saturday nights to watch our great 4yr old. Plymouth home. Car required & must be non-smoker. Please call 917-696-8193 Minnetonka family seeks Tues/Thurs. sitter. Car, ref, exp req’d. Call Helene at 732-682-6068
Research Participants
Research Participants needed for U of M psychology study. View/respond to stimuli during physiological recordings. 4-5hr/$32-40. 612-626-1546
University Positions
Get paid to watch Football! The U of M FB team is looking for students to film practices starting Aug 4th. No exp. Nec, contact Mike at schaa009@umn.edu
PT experienced nanny needed for 2 1/2 & 5mo old. start Sept. competitive pay. Call Becky @ 612-388-0766 PT NANNY! After school care needed for our 5 & 7 yr olds. Start Sept. 5, M-Th, 3:30-5:30 pm, Highland Park, St. Paul. Child education/exp pref’d. Enthusiasm & playful spirit required! Contact Anna at a.giacomini@larsen.com or 651-696-2944 Wanted PT nanny, for early AM hrs. MWF during Fall semester. Other hrs avail too! Competitive pay. Fun kids. Car needed. Call Mary Ann @ 952-285-4308 or email me at mbhminn@aol.com
We are looking for a live-out, FT nanny to assist in the responsibilities of our 5 children. The role includes a partnership w/stay-at-home mother. Need to be flex, reliable, organized, outgoing, & have the ability to multi-task. Day, even, & wkend hrs. We are excited to find someone to join us in caring & teaching our children. If you are passionate about children & have experience, we would love to hear from you. Call Erica’s cell 651-260-0998 or email me at erquist2000@yahoo.com
Help Wanted Restaurants
**** ENTERTAINERS WANTED **** FT or PT positions avail, will work around schedule. Independent contractor status. Deja Vu, 315 Washington Ave N 612-333-6333
be made by 2:00 p.m., otherwise the ad will appear in the following day’s paper and be charged accordingly. Prepaid ads will be refunded by mail or in person if cancelled before the end date. Please check the ad carefully after its first run, linage will not be responsible for any errors after that. The Minnesota Daily discourages sending credit card information through e-mail.
Servers wanted for pvt club on UMN campus. PT Days & Nights. Wait exp pref., but willing to train right person. E-mail jorge235@umn.edu or call Nicolas at 612-626-7788
Help Wanted Professional
Industrial Mechanic: Turbines, Recips, Hi-Speed Rotating, F/T, Permanent in Alaska, 907-283-7556, fax 907-283-7555, bill@glmcotp.com, www.glmcorp.com
Industrial Mechanic Turbines, pumps, compressors... Week on/ Week off. Contact bill@glmcorp.com, 907-283-7556, fax 907-283-7555. Relocate to Alaska.
Journey Machinist F/T, Permanent in Alaska, CNC or Manual, call 907-283-7556 fax 907-283-7555, bill@glmcorp.com, www.glmcorp.com
Working Machinist Foreman Supervise 10+. Manual & CNC oversight. Contact bill@glmcorp.com,907-283-7556, fax 907-283-7555 for details. Relocate to Alaska.
Help Wanted Social Services
PCA - Autism Qualified staff needed to work w/ children or adults w/ special needs in their home setting or the community. Locations avail throughout metro area, part-time hours, daytime, evening & weekends. Exp. with children with special needs preferred. Clean driving record & access to vehicle is required. EOE/ AA Please send resume to Fraser, 2400 W 64th St, Mpls, MN 55423, via fax 612-861-6050, or e-mail fraserhr@fraser.org, or apply online at www.fraser.org
PCA Coordinator - LICSW/LMFT or RN Fraser is seeking a PT Family Services Coordinator to help coordinate services for children & adults w/ special needs. Duties include case mgmt, supervision of in-home staff, parent education and program development. Flexible 15-20 hrs/week. LICSW or Licensed RN req’d. Must have exp. w/ special needs, a valid driverís license w/ clean record. Please send resume to Fraser, 2400 W 64th St, Minneapolis, MN 55423, via fax 612-861-6050, email fraserhr@fraser.org, or apply online at www.fraser.org AA/EOE
Help Wanted Temp/Seasonal
Century Gardens - FT/PT Install & Maintenance positions. Will Train! 8hr shifts. Call: 612-721-8653 Earn $500 - sell SNO CONES at MN STATE FAIR. Fun. $7.50/hr 763-537-2413 MN STATE FAIR CONCESSIONS 8/24- 9/4. Need: ***ice cream/sno cone commision sales. indpndnt, self starter, wrk entire fair. Training 8/23. ***Mr. Potato stand, counter & food prep. 8hr shifts. Training 8/21. please lv msg 612-871-5610 Wanted: Technology Consultant for home computer & techie gadgets. Professional stock trader (U of M grad) & wife need help w/ home gadgets/software/ hardware on an as needed basis $25/hr as needed. Please Lv message at 952-974-1316.
Help Wanted Educators
9th Grade Volleyball Coach. Starts 8/1. Must have a VB background. Contact Info to: Ryan Lamberty 612-668-3035 or rlambert@mpls.k12.mn.us
Announcements Services Merchandise Help Wanted - General Help Wanted - Health Care Help Wanted - Child Care Help Wanted - Restaurants Help Wanted - Sales Help Wanted - Professional Help Wanted - Social Services Help Wanted - Sales Help Wanted - Educators Research Participants Volunteers University Positions
Dinkytown Dinkytown
2BR/1BA. 418 7th St SE. $820 . ldry, off st prkg. Avl 9/1. Call 612-590-2114 330 8th St. SE, Apt studio near U, $500/mo, lndry, pkg. 612-331-2344 3BR Apt Avl 6/1, $999/mo for June, July & Aug. $1300 for rest of lease. Please Call: 612-623-1988 evngs/wknds 3BR, LARGE, avl 9/1, $1350. 2BR, avl 8/1 & 9/1, $790. all w/ hrdwd flrs, ht incld, ldry on site. 606 7th st SE, Marcy Homes. call 612-825-4183 lv msg. 4 & 5 Br Rental Units in Dinkytown, www.GHoweAndSonsRentals.com 5 BR Apts Avl 9/1. $2000/mo Call: 612-623-1988 evngs & wkends.
Unfurnished Apartments Gen.
1st month FREE. Nice 2BR. eat in kit. carpt, A/C, new paint, prkg, sec entrance, cat OK. avl now, July, Aug, Sept. $400 dept. $725/mo. ht free. Short drive to U but save a lot. 612-860-2550, Robert 2BR apts, off st prkg, ht, water, garb pd. Great Location! 7 blocks to either campus 1031 Cromwell Ave. $720, 651-659-9172 427 4th St SE. Studio $500, 1BR $600, 3BR $1250. Pkg & ht incl’d. Call: 952-829-0844 or 952-261-4549 or Caretaker 612-253-9025 Affordable rentals & limited lease options! New 26 unit condo building on Greenway Trail & busline. 3 blk to train depot. Incl all appl. + w/d. underground ht prkg, 2850 Cedar Ave So. Mpls. Open Sat/Sun 12-5. www.thegreenwayterrace.com 612-242-1653 DOWNTOWN LORING PARK. 315 W 15 St. HARD WOOD FLOORS, NATURAL WOOD WORK. 3BR $1295. 2BR $950. 1BR $750. 612-870-1412 Only 1.5 miles from U! 1BR’s: $695, 2 BR’s: $795. All electric kits, carpt, Avail NOW! 612-341-3310, 651-649-5863 OPENINGS AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 1 and 2 BR’s, some with balconies. Mins to either campus. One blk to #3 bus. Heat, water & trash pd. High spd internet ready. 2 min to SuperTarget & 5 to Rosedale. Come join your friends, It’s quiet! Rose Hill Apartments M-F 12-7 Sat 12-4 651-644-4823 Shopping for a place to live? Shop no more. Lauderdale Hollows is the perfect location. Enjoy our walking paths to the U of M, St. Paul campus. Large floor plans & controlled access. Plenty of parking, On bus route $600-790. Call for current specials. 651-645-3713 or visit our website www.lauderdaleapts.com. Rental assistance accepted.
SUPERB UNIVERSITY LOCATIONS! ï327 University Ave SE ï326 6th Ave SE ï410 6th Street SE 1-2 BRís from $625 612.623.7601 ï624 Huron Blvd SE 1 & 2 BRís from $699 612.627.9206 ï600 10th Avenue SE 2 BRís from $899 612.331.7274 ïBreton Apartments 1, 2 & 3 BR Brownstones from $725 612.378.1464 Off Street Parking, A/C, On-site Laundry facilities, Heat & Water Included, Flexible Lease Terms. Steven Scott Managment. www.aaapartments.com
Dinkytown Dinkytown
*** ALL 1 BEDROOMS! *** 624 4th Ave; nice, clean 1BRs. Ht, wtr, pkg incld. Rent for Fall. 612-871-1986 *** HUGE 3BR *** Save w/up to 5 ppl. 1312 5th St SE Noisey Location. Avl 9/1 612-308-1353 or 651-260-3881 ***Sweet 4BR upr dplx*** Lg 4BR - Avl 9/1. Above Duffy’s Dinkytown Pizza. 1308 5th St SE. 612-308-1353 or 651-260-3881 *A+ Remodeled* Stu $550, 1BR $625-675 Avl 7/1, 8/1, & 9/1. 6 blks to U, Free pkg. 4th St./7th Ave. New flring, paint, ceramic, carpet, dishwash, ldry. 612-378-0501 or www.remingtonapts.info 1108 4th St SE, Lg 4BR, $1800, all utils pd. Avl 9/1. 651-635-9336
503 6th St SE, 3BR, all utils pd, Avail NOW! $1525. 612-802-7973 600 Univ. Ave SE: 1 & 2BR; Avl 9/1! $600-850, ht pd. 612-802-7973 616 12th Ave SE. 2 & 3BR. ht pd. $1000- 1350/mo. avail 8/1 & 9/1. 612-802-7973 701 6th St SE: Duplex, $850/mo. Ht Pd. Available 9/1! 612-802-7973 8th St. SE Lg studio/1BR FREE ldry/pkg, SEC, AC 651-226-1094, 651-636-1094 Dinkytown - Prime Location! Fall’06. Beautifully remod 5 BR/2BA high speed internet incl’d. Starting @ $425/person,reserve now 3 left. Email: qlara@netscape.com Call 612-636-1026
DINKYTOWN 817 - 12th Ave SE (952-210-6186) 514 - 14th Ave SE (612-940-6137) Eff, 1 & 2 Bdrms. Unfurn apts in clean building, off-st prkg, walking dist to campus. Heat & Water Paid! For further info call weekdays: 763-544-1551
Economical 2BR avl 7/1, 8/1, 9/1; remod. w/ new kit, dshwshr, flrs, French Drs, lg BR’s, lr. closets, dining area, no living rm. Ldry, free prkg, save $$ over standard 2BR w/o sacrificing a lot of space. $725. 612-378-0501 or remingtonapts.info Efficiancy 1 & 2BR Cpt, A/C, pkg, lndry, 612-237-6941 www.UofMHousing.com FREE HIGH-SPEED INTERNET CONVENIENT Affordable Eff. On 15th & 8th. 5 Blks from U of M. Charming apt. in peaceful bldg. Avail 7/1, 8/1, 9/1. Starting at $425. 612-331-4488, or call Brad at 612-220-1061 HISTORIC BROWNSTONE NEAR WBNK/DKTN. Effy/1BR ($365+), 2BR ($645), 3BR ($1200), & 4BR ($1200). Hdwd flrs, natural wdwk, on bus, utils pd. 612-341-2399 Lg 2BR’s 15th & Como. Sec, lndry, off-st pkg, $880-$950/mo. Avl 9/1.612-788-5687 Lrg 3BR aprt, walk to U. cpt. A/C, New kit, pkg, ldry. $1350, ht pd, 612-237-6941
Leasing NOW for this summer and fall 2006 *Great Value *Newer Building (3 years old) *4 Blocks to Campus *Secure Entry *Free Satellite TV *Huge Closets Call 612-868-0343 or 612-623-1100 www.marcy-park.com 1015 8th St. SE Need a place for September 1st? We have the following still available: -955 Weeks Ave/3 BR House/$1000 -728 8th Ave/3+ BR House/$1500 -1110 13th Ave/3BR Dplx/$1100 -709 15th Ave/3BR Trplx/$1300 -1097 22nd Ave/2BR Dplx/$900 -1057 25th Ave/2BR Dplx/$800 -1014 16th Ave/1BR Dplx/$575 -327 9th St/3BR Dplx/$1200 Call today! 612-379-6082. Sept. 1, top-notch newly dec. apts. 1 BR’s Going fast! Get yours now! 6 blks to U. Call 612-378-0501
1108 4th St SE, small 1BR, $575, avl 8/1. utilities paid. 651-635-9336
Studio, 622 4th St SE, $495+elec, avl 9/1, quiet building no pets, 651-635-9336
1121 4th St. SE, 4-5BR, $2000/mo, ht paid, Avail 8/1. 612-802-7973.
Studio. nice, clean, sec. ldry, off st prkg, A/C. $495/mo. avl 8/1. 612-788-5687
1127 4th St SE, 2BR, avl 9/1, ht pd, $800, 612-802-7973
Studios avl 8/1, 9/1, 330 8th st SE, 814 8th st SE, 720 6th av, 606 8th St SE, free prkg, $475-525+ elec, 612-282-8749
1127 4th St SE. 4BR, $1800, avl8/1 & 9/1, ht pd, 612-802-7973 1206 4th St SE. Lg 2BR. $850/mo utils pd. Avl 6/15 or 7/15. Call: 651-592-3532 1206 7th St SE, 2 & 3BR, ht pd, AVAIL NOW! $1000-$1350/mo, 612-802-7973 1BR’s avl 9/1, 800-801 Uni SE, 810 8th st SE, 515 15th av SE, free prkg, nr U, $600-650+ elec, 612-282-8749
Studios. Sec, lndry, off-st pkg, A/C. Very nice. $535/mo, Avl 9/1 612-788-5687 Summer & Fall RENTALS: 1,2,3,4+ BR. Excellent properties. Prime locations. info@umnhotrentals.com
Stadium Stadium Village Village
WestBank West Bank
400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 525 550 575 580
Furnished Apts - General Unfurnished Apts Duplexes & Houses Rooms Roommates Wanted Sublets Dorm Contracts Miscellaneous For Rent Real Estate Housing Wanted Autos For Sale Autos Wanted Motorcycles For Sales Bicycles For Sales Auto Services
**10 mins to U, 1- 2BR, ldry, u/g prkg, ht pd, bus, security, elevator, $800+, ***651-636-9807***
1BR aprt, Franklin & 27th, avl 8/1. NS, no pets. $500 inclds utils. Tara 612-376-7779
3BR $950+. 410 5th St NE. 2bks to St. Anthony Main. 15 bks to UM. No Better Deal for 3BR + Free pkg in DKTN w/lease. Hdwd flrs, Lg BA, gar avl. Avl 8/1 & 9/1. 612-282-8749
Move-in specials! New Kitchens, Lg Apts. 1BR’s $650, 2BR’s from $825, close to W Bank bus & lrt. Call Franklin Co-op 612-338-4574 Newly renovated 1BR and Studio Apts. avl. Walking distance to U of M. Location 7 Corners/West Bank U of M Call 612-338-0038 Studios 1 & 2 BR’s. Very LG! Avl 8/1 & 9/1. $525-$650-$850. No app fee. On site Mgr. New Kitch, Sec Bldg, On site pool, & Pet Friendly. 612-332-9619 Studios 1 blk to campus. Free pkg. pool, balcony, exerc room. Grant 612-221-1322
Uptown Uptown
1 Room Efficiency w/kitchen in house, shr BA. Lndry, A/C, no pets, NS, $390 + utils. 2514 Girard Ave S. 612-871-7700 3207 Lyndale Ave S. 3BR’s avl 8/1 & 9/1. $990 + elec & gas. A/C, hdwd flrs, w/gar. For more info call: 612-282-8749 601 RIDGEWOOD 1 BR $645, Studio $500. hdwd flrs, SECURE BLDG, LDRY. 612-325-6711 WWW.MHPROPERTIESLLC.COM Art Institute Area, 201 E Franklin. 1BR, fire place, off-st pkg, buslines, No Smoking, $580/mo incl. utils. Avl Now! 1 Mo free rent. Carla 612-872-7771
Minneapolis Minneapolis
1BR Double. Nr U of M & Brackett Park. New flrs thru-out, quiet area, off-st pkg. $695/mo +utils, Avl Now! 763-428-2055 2BR + Lv Rm, Din Rm, balcony, 1 pkg space. 310 8th St SE. Less than 10 mins to Mpls Campus by Bus #2. $850/mo, Avl 9/1. 612-991-5037 2BR, $820/mo, close to U & DT. hrdwd flrs, off st prkg, avl 8/1. 612-379-1385
St.Paul St. Paul
1022 Manvel, 2BR, $700+elec, quiet bldg, avl 9/1, 651-635-9336 1121 4th st SE. 1BR, ht pd, $600/mo. aval 9/1. 612-802-7973 1846 Walnut. 1BR, $550. 4 blks to U of M golf course, all ceramic flrs, AC, ldry, pkg. 6 unit bld. Free pkg provided in DKTN. Avl 8/1 & 9/1. 612-282-8749 Como & Raymond. 2BR, $750; Eff, $495. 651-645-5450. Apartments-KLI.com CUTE, little bsmnt aprt. near E River Rd. $450. garage available. 952-935-7810 Near StP campus. updtd studio 1 & 2 BR. Starting @ $535. Ht, wtr, trash incl, A/C. Cats accept w/ dep. For info call 651-644-5568 or 651-698-0715 Nr Snelling & University. 2BR, hdwd flrs, nr bus. $660, ht, wifi pd. 651-645-1322.
SANDY HILL APARTMENTS Lg 1 & 2 BR apts, newly remodeled. Approx 3 mi to St. Paul Campus. Ht, Wt, off-st. prkg & garage incl. Lease term neg. Call 651-488-7455 or www.sandyhillapartments.com
Duplex & House General
2BR carriage house, avl now, w/ air, ldry, furnished, short walk to U, off st prk. 651-308-7489 2BR: $975 & 3BR: $1350! + utils. Nr U & bus routes, off st pkg, free ldry, dshwshr. Avl 9/1. MUST SEE! Dave, 651-485-9629 3 & 4 BR house, dplx, 4-plex for rent. Walk to StP Campus. Call 651-644-7745 or check out website at www.victorrealestate.com 3 & 4BR in Como. Free lndry & off-st pkg. Free rec. msg 800-693-5190 ext 405 for info or UofMRentals@comcast.net 301 5th Ave SE, 6 BR dplx. $2000 + utils. Walk to U, Avl 9/1. 1yr lease. 952-829-0844 or 952-261-4549 3bed 1b all new. 2 blks from Ausburg. 2 car gar. $1250. Big bedrooms, great for students. (763) 789-9215 3BR/1BA EastWest Bank. 1 car gar & 1 off-st pkg. $1250. (763)-78 9-9215 5 BR with 2 living rooms, 2BA, & lrg sunroom. Classic duplex with 9ft. ceilings and hrdwd floors. Close to U. $1800mo. Avail. 9/1. Call 612-554-3199 5BR, 2 Kitchen huge 3-story home. Avl for U of M students. Room for 5-8 students. $2450+utils. Located on bus/LRT line. 1 mi. south of U of M. Call David 612-849-2555 Hurry this one will go fast! Fantastic 4BR House with Hot Tub, Fenced Backyard, 2 Car Gar, Hdwd’s, DW, Free Lndry, & Sun Porch. 1063 12th Ave SE. 1.5 miles to campus. $2200/mo. Call 612-823-4825 Great 2BR lwr lvl dplx avl 8/1. 1 yr lease, $995/mo, ldry, cable, hrd flrs, close to U, lrg kit, porch & yard. 612-721-2644 Large 4BR house, avl 9/1, ldry, A/C, water is furnished, short walk to U, off st prkg, 651-308-7489 Newer 3 BR duplex near van cleave park $1300 + utils 651-436-7246 Nice 5BR/ 3BA house. off 280 & Como. 3 kits, A/C, dshwsr, wsr/dryr. gar +off st prkg. No pets, no parties. avl 9/1. $2500 +utils. 612-251-1036 Roseville 2-story, 3BR/1BA House A/C, off-st prkg, lndry, water & sewer incl. Avl NOW!. $1175/mo. 651-636-5986
Duplex & House Dinkytown
$$1300, 3BR/2BA, 9/1,10xx 23rd av SE. W/D, Bus/Wk to U, Josh 651-442-4350 (2) elegant, spacious, 3BR’s, new BA, new kit. hrdwd flrs, prvt deck, +prkg, 5min walk to U, close to quarry & DT & bus. $1110, $1155 +utils. 612-623-4205 *** In Dinkytown*** Huge 3BR, Avl 9/1. Lg 4BR, DW, Pkg. 612-308-1353 or 651-260-3881 ***HUGE HISTORICAL HOUSE*** In prestigious Marcy Holmes neighborhood. Owner’s & Renters’ pride & joy being residents! 2+ story w/ dbl gar, lg LR w/ deco frplc., formal DR w/ hutches, 5BR, modernized big kitchen, remodeled 1+bath, FREE lndry, open PORCH & MORE+++ MUST SEE! EXCELLENT PROPERTY!! CALL NOW!!! 612-437-1217 / 651-983-1217 *GOOD REF. DISCOUNT AVAILABLE
St. Paul Better Apartments. Better Service. Better Life! 1 - BR’s from $665 2 - BR’s from $759 Blocks from U of M & Hamline * Walk to Como Park * Underground Heated Parking * Outdoor Pool * Laundry Facilities CALL TODAY! Call 651-646-8883 PARK POINTE 1362 Wynne Ave. N. Steven Scott Managment www.aaapartments.com (some restrictions may apply)
1 Br $525. utls pd. 1700 Como new crpt, well kept on busline Avl 9/1. 612-423-3481
Studio aprt. in rear of house near St Paul campus. quiet, safe. ht pd. $495. avl 9/1. ldry, off st prkg. storage. 651-493-7165
1066 11th av SE, 2BR upr, hrdwd flrs, lvg rm, dng rm, off st prkg, fncd bckyrd w/ patio, ht & wtr pd, $820/mo, avl 9/1. 612-331-2497
Walk to St Paul Campus 2BR, crpt, A/C, $650 651-645-5450. Apartments-KLI.com
1094 25th ave SE, Lrg 3BR upr dplx, wshr/dryr, Lrg yard, off st prkg, near bus & U, avl 9/1, 763-571-6676
Walk to St. Paul Campus Eff $445, 1BR $545, 651-645-5450. Apartments-KLI.com
1104 24th Ave SE. Lg 3BR, 2 car gar, fin bsmnt, off-st pkg. Avl 9/1. 763-571-6676
Prospect Prospect Park Park
1BR, 707 Univ Av SE, $575, avl 9/1. 2BR, $800+e, avl 8/1 & 9/1 651-635-9336
414 Eerie St, 1 & 2 BR’s, $710-955 612-751-6774
2BR’s $850/mo + utils. Avl 8/1 & 9/1 Call: 612-378-9368
653 Erie St SE, 2BR, HW floor, new kitchen and bath, off st pkg, Avl 9/1, $950, (612) 374-5856, 802-6117
On-campus living! 3BR/2BA 4th Flr end unit at new UNIV FLATS CONDOS. Undergroud pkg, hdwd flrs, AC, SS appl & much more! Call Jim 612-251-7201
2BR, 702 4th St SE, $825 + elec, avl 9/1. 651-635-9336
FILMORE NE, 25xx PERFECT FOR GRAD STUDENTS ANY AGE. near U. OLD WORLD CHARM. 2BR+ study, (sunrm). quiet building, beautiful oak trim, formal DR & buffet. (it’s a 10!). $795 +utils, TIP-TOP CONDITION. ref’s reqd. Jerry 218-692-1155
WALK TO SAINT PAUL CAMPUS! $495 Available Now! 612-624-2578
1BR, 702 4th St SE, $450. Studio $425. Share BA. Avl 9/1. 651-635-9336
2BR, 311 7th Ave SE. $875 all utils pd. Avl 8/1. 651-635-9336
1 & 2BR NEAR SEWARDCAFE/ WBNK. A/C, Wd Flrs, & Pkg. Walk to U. $595 & $745. 651-770-5128
1015 Essex St. SE: Studio: From $560, 1BR: From $580, Lrg 1BR $650, 2BR: From $760. Walk to U, carpt’d, security system. Office hrs: 10AM-5PM, Mon-Fri, 10am-3pm Sat. 612-331-5333
1BR, 315 11th Ave SE, $595 + elec. Avl 9/1. 651-635-9336
N.E.Minneapolis N.E. Minneapolis
1319 Franklin Ave SE: Classic 2BR & 3BR. $900-1350, ht pd. Avl 8/1, 612-802-7973
***IDEAL RESIDENCE*** For next school YR.! Only 3 blks to U & 3 hses down to Biermen Fields. GREAT HOUSE, in Dinkytown!! PLUS GAR & OFF-ST PKNG!!! Nely remodeled, very spacious, 2+story, lg LR w/ foyer, formal DR, 4+BR, 1+bath, FULL bsmt, FREE lndry, DECK & MORE+++ MUST SEE! HOT Property! CALL NOW!! Details 612-437-2824/651-983-1217 *GOOD REF. DISCOUNT AVAILABLE
1109 17th Ave SE: Upper 2-story 3BR dplx, Avail 9/1, $1650/mo, ht pd, 612-802-7973 1137 14th Ave SE. Lg 4BR, hrdwd flrs, Free Ldry, New chimney, paint, gar, fncd yrd. Walk to U or bus stop @ corner $1700/all or $425/bdr. Call (612)216-1577 12xx 7 St SE. Lrg 2BR+ Den in quiet dplx. Perfect for grads/postdoc/fac. Twostory unit, beautifully maintained. $1090 for 2 persons; $1290 for 3. Inc ht/water/ pkg.NS/pets. Exc refs req. 612-331-5536
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Duplex & House Dinkytown
13th Ave. 4BR/1BA House. Close to Campus. Newly remodled kit. New Deck w/Lg Yard. $1400/mo + utils. Doug: 612-597-7275 1525 Talmage Ave SE. 2BR, $850 + elec. Avl 9/1. 651-635-9336 1525 Talmage Ave SE. 2BR, $850 + elec. Avl 9/1. 651-635-9336 17th ave SE & Como, Lrg 2BR, wd wrk, lndry, big kit. $795 +elec, 651-225-0919 19th & Como; 5 BR/2BA House w/gar, screen porch, deck, lndry, off-st prkg, AC, Hdwd flrs. $2250 +utils. Call Julie at 612-625-2453 or 651-777-2940. Avl 7/1 2BR, upr, ht pd, prkg. 1225 8th st SE, $750/mo, avl NOW, 612-331-2624 301 5th Ave SE, 6 BR duplex $2500/mo + utils. Mature, no parties. Walk to U. Avail 9/1. 1 yr lease. Call: 952-829-0844 or 952-261-4549 3BR unit in Dplx, new construction, A/C, gar, ldry, stainless appl, responsible landlord, aval 9/1, $1650/mo, 612-327-1558 3BRs, 2717 Delaware & 1095 15th ave, 2BA. $1150 & $1175, hdwd, deck Avl 9/1, 612-282-8749 4BR, 1700 Como clean, hdwd flrs, on bus line, Avl 9/1. $1500, utils pd.612-423-3481 4BR/2BA, on Como Av, ldry, gar, $1780/mo, avl 9/1. call 612-590-2114 526 8th Ave SE. 3BR+ den, 2-Story Dplx + bsmnt w/ldry. Avl 9/1. Year Lease. $1500 + utils 612-331-9124 email: patobowman@mn.rr.com 5BR,2BA, nice brand new construction lndry in unit, prkg, avl 9/1, $2300/mo. negotiable, 8th st. SE, call 763.229.0986 6xx 4th st SE, 4BR dplx, $1500+utils, no pets, avil 9/1, 651-635-9336 714 4th St SE. 3BR, $1200 + elec. Avl 9/1 651-635-9336 714 4th St SE. 3BR, $1200 + elec. Avl 9/1 651-635-9336 985 18th ave SE, 3BR lwr, hrdwd flrs, lawn care provided, newer windows, avl 9/1. $1200/mo + ht & elec. 612-331-2497 Best Deals on 4 & 5BRs, $1500, $1650 & $1800. 3 season prch. A/C, 2 BA. Avl 8/1 & 9/1. 1410 8th St. & 925 22nd Ave. Call: 612-366-5348 Close to U, 3 to 5+Br, 2BA, 2 study rm, deck, gar, AC, lndry. 651-226-1094 Dinkytown - Prime Location! Fall ‘06. Beautifully remod 5 BR/2BA high speed internet incl’d. Starting @ $425/person,reserve now 3 left. Email: qlara@netscape.com Call 612-636-1026 Dinkytown-Prime location! Rooms avl in a lrg 12 BR house starting at $425 & utils included, off st prkg avail. More details: Email qlara@netscape.com, Call 612-636-1026 Dinkytwn Houses 8/1: 6BR $1750, Huge 6BR/2.5 BA, 2 LRs, 2 Kitchens, 2 gar., $1850. Duplexes 8/1: 3BR $800, huge 3BR $950, Remod 4BR $1100. Houses 9/1: 6BR $1900, 6+ $1950. 4BR $1200. All w/ free ldry, prkg, AC 651-649-4499 Fall ‘06 rentals, all sizes! Clean houses & apts. E-mail jimmars28@yahoo.com GREAT LOCATION! 3BR dplx, hrdwd flrs, wshr/dryr. $1450 + utils, avl 9/1 612-871-1986. Large 5 Br 2 Ba House. Walk-to-U $2200 mo. 651-458-4806 Lg 5 BR, 1 1/2 BA. off-st pkg $2000/mo Avail 8/1 Flexible move-in date 10XX 15th Ave SE 612-331-2635 LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! 1415 8th St SE, nr Bierman gym. Lg 1BRs from $695, 2BRs from $1100. Ht, wtr, pkg incld. Avl 9/1, 612-871-1986.
Looking For Fall Rentals?
2BR, 4BR, or 6BR. Newly Remodeled! Free lndry, off-st pkg, wireless modem. Great Locations. www.gopherrents.com Now Renting for Fall. Gorgeous 4 & 5 BR dplx, 318 8th St. hrdwd flrs, new kit, ceiling fan, ldry, off st prkg. $1250 upr. $1950 lwr. ht pd. 612-718-0476 Spacious 3BR/1.5BA: A/C, carpeted, 10mins to U, nr bus, $1000/mo +utls. No pets. Avl 9/1. 612-789-9557 Van Cleve Park, 2BR $700+, & 3BR $1175+, A/C, avl 9/1, 612-366-5348 Very Lg 1BR, $550 +utils. 2BR, $625+ utils. Pkg & lndry. Avl Sept. 612-781-9883 Very nice and spacious 5BR+office house. University & 12th. Ldry, prkg, Avl 9/1. 612-708-0529
Duplex & House Stadium Vill.422 27th & Delaware, 5BR/2BA, new remodel, new appl. Lndry & pkg, walk to U. Avail 9/1, no pets. 612-378-1912 3BR Apt. Lwr Dplx, lndry, off-st prkg, $1200/mo. Call Mark: 612-379-7164 3BR, 6bks to U, 2717 Delaware, 2BA, hdwd & ceramic, $1150+, avl 9/1, 612-282-8749 Rooms. $250 & up. inclu utils, BA, Kit, good study environ, nr U, 612-618-0416
Duplex & House West Bank
***AUG/SEPT SUPER DEALS*** Walk/bike to W.B./Augsburg College. Newly remodeled, very spacious, well maintained. HSES & DPLXES. 1. Old world Charm w/ beautiful natural wdwrk/ hrdwd flrs. -- 2BR or 3BR; 2. Enjoyable Downtown skyline view/ sunset splendor on huge front deck. porch or sunroom. -- 5BR or 6 BR. ALL w/ lg LR & foyer, formal DR & buffet, FREE ldry & MUCH MORE +++++ other 4BR, 8BR & 10BR avail. MUST SEE! DETAILS 612-437-2824 / 651-983-1217
Legal 7 Bedroom, Lg Victorian House, 809 6th St SE. , 3+ bath, 4 finished lvls. lvng rm,dng rm, lndry. all utils pd. Avl 9/1. Year Lease, $3600. 612-331-9124 email: patobowman@mn.rr.com
Duplex & House Uptown
3129 Garfield. 3BR/1BA close to busline, hrdwd flrs, ldry, storage, nice backyard, $1080, ht. pd. Call 612-616-2645
Duplex & House Uptown
House for rent, Lrg-5BR’s. full bsmnt, 3 seasoned front prch. 3 seasoned 2nd flr rear prch. lrg kit w/ dinnet. DR, frplc...more! 1 st from Lk Calhoun @ W Lake St. for more info call 612-799-6139 Lg 4BR/2BA Lwr on Bus. Avl 9/1. Hdwd flrs, new kit, lndry, gar. 612-237-6941
Duplex & House Minneapolis
Duplex & House N.E. Mpls
Close to U at 35w & Hennepin Av. 5+BR, 3 studies, 2BA, Kit, wet bar, a/c, ldry, gar, off st prk, 651-226-1094, 651-636-1094 Dplx 4xx University. 3BR Victorian, new BA, vaulted ceiling, hdwd flrs, new kitch, W/D avail, A/C, d/w, Mpls skyline. $1300/mo + dep. Avail 9/1. Call for app. Gary 612.750.8304
Rooms Rooms General General
$$$560! 1BR Apt 10XX 25th Av SE, Lg LR/Kit, wk 2 U. Avl 9/1, Josh 651-442-4350
Great rooms for rent, utils incld, st prkg, quiet, avl 7/15, $350-500. 612-821-0326
$$$960! 3BR/1BA. 10XX 22nd Ave SE W/D, on bus. Avl 9/1, Josh 651-442-4350.
House w/ 6 rms for Rent, 631 Erie St SE, aval 9/01/06, call Rowan 612-788-6380
$600mo. 1BR dplx on bus, near shop/dwntn, & U of M, HW flrs, new remod. NS, No pets, Avl 8/15. 14th & Central Ave. 612-741-0949 15th Ave S 3528. Upr 3BR. Hdwd flrs, DR w/buffet, fans,new Kit, screen porch, lndry, & pkg. Now or 9/1. $975. 612-990-7333 3+BDRM, Hardwd Flrs, Avail Aug, ALL UTILS PAID, $1350, 612-232-0615 3311 36th Av S. spacious 1BR. prime location near bus, parks, UofM. Gar incld. wshr/dryr. avl 9/1. $675/mo. 612-490-1647 37th Av S, 33xx. Nice dplx, 2BR+ Lv rm, Din Rm, Lg kit. Gar, No S/Pets, $900/mo. quiet area. Call 612-729-3948 4 1/2 BR house for rent. Ideal for students. U of M Students Rent since 1988. Spacious House w/deck inclds full Kit w/DW, W & D, 2BA, Central air, etc. Easy access to both U of M Campuses by car. 651-690-1889 or 651-636-4300 4829 Chicago Tudor duplx - $1100/mo + 1/2 utils, 2 BR duplx, hdwd flrs, formal dining rm, FP, flagstone patio, free lndry, garage & off-st pkg, 651-306-4944, Avl 8/1 4BR/2BA, Avl 9/1. $1400+ gas & elec. Walk to Lake Nokomis & light rail. 1700+sf, wd flrs, lndry, pkg. 612-554-5901 Large 3BR/1BA. Off-st pkg, bus line, free lndry, 3511 Columbus Ave S. $1050/mo + utils. Call 612.229.9290 Minnehaha Ave S 4521. 3BR/2BA, all remodeled in 2005. Central A/C, DW, & off-st pkg, lndry. 10 min drive to U. Avl Now or 9/1. $1080/mo. 612-990-7333 Spacious 2+BR, all wd flrs, deck+ 3 season porch w/French drs, busline & bike trails. $1000/mo + utils. Avl 9/1. $30 app fee. NS, no pets. Call 612-600-2675
Duplex & House St. Paul
1 & 2BRs from $500 & $690. Short lease. 10 mins to U, on bus line. 651-489-5854 1534 Como, St. Paul Campus. 2BR, $675/mo incld’s utils. Call: 651-646-6135 3BR, Avl 8/1. $1300+ utils. By University & Snelling Aves. Wd flrs, fncd yard, lndry, porch, pets okay. 612-554-5901 5-6BR 2BA for 9/1 Midway area by Hamline U, ac, deck, fence yd, $1600 612-964-1952 Dplx for rent close to St.Paul campus. Hrdwd flrs & ceramic tile throughout. Prvt bckyrd w/ nice shade tree. Full bsmnt under w/ wshr/dryr provided at no cost. Water, sewer & garbage paid by owner. Beautiful & quiet neighborhood. Avail 6/1/06. A dog possible. $900/mo. Call 651-647-4451. Huge 4BR/2BA house, porch, ldry, off st prkg, avail 9/1, $1600. 612-327-1558 Nice 5BR/ 3BA house. off 280 & Como. 3 kits, A/C, dshwsr, wsr/dryr. gar +off st prkg. No pets, no parties. avl 9/1. $2500 +utils. 612-251-1036 Studio aprt. in rear of house near St Paul campus. quiet, safe. ht pd. $495. avl 9/1. ldry, off st prkg. storage. 651-493-7165 Townhome style new const. 3 or 4BR. everything new. close to both campus’, shopping & bus line. all util’s paid. Call John 612-296-9776.
Duplex & House Prospect Park 427 1311-1313 Franklin Ave SE: 1BR upper dplx & 2BR lower dplx, ht pd, $600-850/mo. Avail NOW! 612-802-7973 Btfl 2bdrm Apt. Hdwd flrs, lndry, off-st pkg, quite resd nghbd, 1.5 mi from campus. $811/mo +utils. Avl Immed! Call Lynn (after 6pm) at 651-644-3184 Condos - Emerald Gardens/Metro Lofts, Just built 2BR, 1-2BA, Lrg windows, beautiful millwork, avl now, just off 280/University, $1295-$1500, No smokers/no pets, Ref req’d and checked. John 952-887-1290
Duplex & House N.E. Mpls
1411 Grand - Grt 1BR - W/D, Grg. $575 (Elec pd). Call: 612-782-2901 www.tc4rent.com 1716 California St NE, end of cul-de-sac. 2BR/Full BA, Central Air, Close to U, Dwntn, Quarry, busline. No pets. $750/mo +utils. Call Dean 763-229-4450
Rooms for Rent: 1505 Rolins Av SE, avl 9/01/06, call Rowan 612-788-6380
Rooms Rooms Dinkytown Dinkytown
915 6th St SE, Avl 9/1, $350-$400/mo + all utils pd. Share kit & BA. 612-616-3016 Awesome Locations! Lg rooms $420-460/mo Incl all utils. Grps welcome! info@umnhotrentals.com Dinkytown-Prime location! Rooms avl in a lrg 12 BR house starting at $425 & utils included, off st prkg avail. Open House: Wed July 26th 12pm-2pm & Sat July 29th 1pm 2pm. More details: Call 612-636-1026 or Email qlara@netscape.com Nice Furnished room, 2blks to U, $330, 651-207-5248 or 612-379-4295 Students Only Apply. $350-$475/mo incld’s all utils except cable tv, but incld’s highspeed internet. Avl 9/1. Call Tim: 612-799-5255. 10 min walk to campus. University & 12th Ave. Few large rooms available in a nice rooming house, pkg, ldry, $400, avail 9/1, 612-708-0529
Rooms Rooms Minneapolis Minneapolis
College housing. 1 bdrm left! avail Aug.1! Immed. Occup! 2-car grg, full yard, deck, wshr & dryr, dwshr, cntral air, great cond., vry close to campus $480 + Util Contact: 605-639-3164
Rooms Prospect Park
1BR/BA Avl in 4BR on Campus rental in new Condo on Univ Av (U Flats). Furnished. 1-2 Males, $400-685/mo. Call: 612-396-5400
Roommate Roommate Wanted Wanted
$375/mo M roommate to share 4BDRM 2BATH Duplex. Lrg private room. Off-st prgk. Lndry. High-speed int. Como-E.Bank. 320-679-3852 612-810-1638. $450, avail 8/1. 1BR in Duplex, 32XX 21st Ave S. 2 blks from light rail, Midtown YWCA, 10 mins from campus. Share w/easy going F student, free lndry. Call Sarah 612-724-3735 2 F roommates needed for 2-lvl home. Furnished, hdwd flrs, ldry, gar, A/C, DW, security sys, quiet nghbrhd. No Smoking & No pets. $400+ utils. Near 494 & 52. Call: 612-865-2974 516 Ontario St. SE, 2 roommates wanted to live with two guys in 4BR house. $350-$400 includes water, trash, FREE laundry, and OFF-ST PARKING. No smokers. Call Matt 651-235-1931 Female Renter Wanted Share Lovely Furnished Roseville Home. No Smoking, Pet, or Child. Your own Furnished or Unfurnished Bedroom, Den, & Bath $450 651-484-9428 Housemate Wanted F. Age 21-25. Non-smoker. $400 + utils. Near U of M campus. guett006@umn.edu Prvt BR on Como, w/ CBS/ Carslon stds, new crpt/interior, wireless intrnt, $310 +utils, move in 9/1. Chad 952-451-7517 West Bank, S of Franklin, 1-2 Roommates needed in 3BR Dplx. No Smoking. $332/person/mo. Avl Now! Call Jack 612-379-1988
MiscForFor Misc RentRent
Office for rent, 2nd floor, 800 wash av se, $250/mo, Bill 952-546-5062
RealEstate Real Estate
Start Building Equity Now! Updated 1 BR/2 BA town home for sale in Bloomington near Light Rail. Many upgrades including newer carpet, maple cabinets, & stainless steele appliances plus one car garage! $117,900. Call Tim Carstens for a private showing: 952-400-6707 - Lakes Area Realty TOWN HOUSE-224 8th St SE 3BR-2BA End Unit-Deck-Patio-Frpl-Fam Room-Gar-C/A-1986’-$269,900 DON WILSON-Coldwell Banker Burnet 651-628-5549
2 & 3BRs NE Mpls, close to Quarry & bus lines, all updated, off st prkg, ldry, avl 8/1, Must See! Very Clean & Nice! 612-760-7243 2754 Randolth NE. Lg 3BR/2BA, central air, gar, W/D. No smoking/no pets. $1275/mo. Avl 9/1. 952-443-2333 3+ Beds $300/person. Upper/Lower duplex 3+ bed house avl 9/1. Remodeled, clean, quiet, 6 mins from campus. No Smoking, No Pets! 612-377-5191 3BR $850+. 615 Pierce St. Main lvl of Duplx. 5bks to 35W/E Henn. Free DKTN pkg w/lease. 1BA, hdwd flrs, pet friendly, ldry. Avl 9/1. 612-282-8749 3BR newly remdld, lrg BR’s, 1600sq ft, great, safe nghbrhd, central A/C, free ldry, gar, nr bus’ & shops, avl 8/1. For more info call: 1-800-789-7573 ext 34 3BR Upr Dplx NE Mpls, close to Quarry & bus. 2 flrs, off-st prkg, lndry, jacz tub. Avl 9/1. Call: 612-669-0873 3BR/1BA, hdwd flrs, very clean, lndry aval, garage aval, off-st pking. Open Aug 1st, $1125/mo + utils. Call: 763-458-1508 Avail NOW! 3 BR/2 BA apt in dplx. Newly refinished, 5xx 37th Ave NE Mpls. Incl. garage, ldry, yard, off-st pkg. 15 min from UM. NS/no pets. Noel 612-387-6258 or Chris 651-329-2784 (PM only). Mention ad & get $500 off in Dec, if move in by 8/1 on 1yr lease!
AutosFor For Autos Sale Sale
150cc Longbo Scooter. Mint, 4stroke 80mgp/60mph, Automatic, Front Disc,600 miles. $1995 - Used/$2195 - New Dan 612-791-2658 Ford 1974 custom long box, very googcondition Ala.$ 3,500, deliverd, waymonb1951@yahoo.com
A DVERTISING Ad Office 915-5503 Fax 915-5703 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F
REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE BRAND NEW 1 BR/ 1.5 BA. 840 square feet. $570 /mo. On the corner of Anderson and Anchorange. Call (662)607-2400
CONDO FOR SALE CONDO FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH, AVAILABLE DEC 1ST. EMAIL donna2howard@yahoo.com or call (662)801-0066
RENTALS APARTMENT FOR RENT CLEARBROOK APTS 1/ BD 1/ BA 3 MI FROM CAMPUS NICE APT READY IN DEC. 495/ MO (601)934-6102 AVAILABLE DEC 3 bed, 3 bath. Near airport. 662-627-1524
HOUSE FOR RENT 3BDR 3BA HOUSE. Gas Fire place. Walkin Closets, Available Now. Creekside Drive. Off Anderson. $800/ monthly. CALL 513-0011. 1BDR/1BA, 2BDR/2BA, 3BDR/3BA houses with full size appliances. Includes water/sewer, garbage and security. Lease now for 1/1/07. (662)236-7736 4BR-2BA HOUSE , f&b yards, deck. $1200 month, $500 deposit. Pets welcome. Utilities separate. Call 662-234-4028.
ROOM FOR RENT Lexington Pointe 2 BR/2BA $370/mo+ split utilities. Call (601)316-6202.
CONDO FOR RENT HIGH POINTE 3 bed 3 bath for rent spring semester (901)734-5883 CONDO FOR RENT LONG OR SHORT TERM, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. EMAIL donna2howard@yahoo.com or call (662)801-0066 1st. floor Brand new 3/2 condominium in Grandview-Grand Oaks Communities, Oxford. Beautiful Golf Course views. ANNUAL LEASE $1800.00 PER MONTH. (Professionals or Grad Students only) References required. Please call 662-2328663 for more information.
WEEKEND RENTAL MISSISSIPPI STATE GAME Great 2 BR/2BA, Anderson Road close to campus. Sleeps 6. (662)801-6692 GREAT WEEKEND SPOT Available
CLASSIFIEDS In print and online at www.thedmonline/classifieds.com
MS St weekend. Sleeps 6. 1.6mi from stadium. Newly renovated/ furnished. Credit Cards accepted. WeekendOxford@yahoo.com $650 Mississippi State Game. Nice 2BR/2BA. Sleeps 6. Wednesday through Sunday. $650.00. 662-701-9320. (662)281-8620
NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET ? Call us first before you pay!! 1-866-429 -2163 Or check us out online www.4driving.com. Mississippi Court approved..... classroom or internet Driver Improvement Course
SERVICES CHILDCARE/DAYCARE NEED A NANNY? Great experience, great references, CPR certified. Available full time or part time. Call me (662)401-9559
Holiday Season is here...Let us do all of your pre and after holiday cleaning for you. We also offer carpet and floor cleaning services. We have rates to fit your needs. Weekly and monthly service available. Commercial and residential services offered. 662-832-5971 or 662-832-5680
GRAPHIC DESIGNER- National magazine publisher seeks talented, detail-oriented designer. Position located in Oxford, MS. Proficiency in QuarkXpress, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator required. E-mail resume and samples to tad@oxpub.com.
PART-TIME GET PAID TO GO TO A PARTY! Do you enjoy photography? Are you outgoing and energetic? Then we have a job for you. No experience necessary. Equipment provided. Please call Party Pics! 662236-4401 ext.102. (901)767-6555 INSTRUCTORS WANTED To teach Real Estate Licensing Courses. Must have experience in Real Estate Law or Real Estate Related courses. Attorneys, Real Estate Brokers, or Professors preferred. Contact Dave Davis at 601-7204010 or dave@realeducate.com
BASE SALARY OF $2000....
for approximately 2 weeks of work in the Jackson, MS area during the Christmas Holiday! We are looking for college students to manage fireworks stand while living onsite. American Fireworks has been in business for over 30 years. It is important that applicants have strong math skills, be a people person, a problem solver, able to lift at least 75lbs and enjoy the outdoors and camping. There is quite a bit of manual labor involved in the beginning and end of the season. Bonus opportunities are available. Send email requesting application and/ or questions to american_companies @yahoo.com.
COMPUTER TROUBLE?? Just Off Square • Free Diagnosis Fast & Friendly • All Work Guaranteed Cash, Check or Card Express Computer Service • 236-5670 *COMPUTER REPAIR* Best Service in Town! We can fix all computer related problems. *NETVOICE ANYWHERE* Call 533-3333 Today!
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AUTOMOBILES 2003 TOYOTA CAMRY Mileage 28K, automatic, 4-door, great condition, Ask for 12K obo. Call Day 915-5355, Night 232-1953
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Channel 99
themaneater.com/classifieds Don’t have time to pick up a paper? Check out The Maneater’s classifieds online.
Tuesday, February. 14, 2006Classifieds may be placed at The Maneater office, 214 Brady Commons, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All classifieds must be pre-paid to July 31, 2006. Close to campus. No Pets.
!Bartending! Make up to $250/Day. No experience Necessary. Training Provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext211 Collection Firm has part time positions available. Hours ranging from day, evening and possible weekends. Pay based on regularity of hours, starting at $6.00 to $7.00 @ hour. Check out; jobs, schedules and apply on line at Affiliatedcollections.com or fax our resume to “JOBS” 573-234-2705. Pianist at Harrisburg Christian church, 2 services, salary negotiable 443-5034 Spend a summer at Lake of the Ozarks! Enjoy the Sun! Fun Summer Job For Lakeside Help! FT and PT positions available for convenience store/fuel dock help, plusbartender/cook/waitresspositionsatbar & grill located in Rocky Mount on the Gravois Arm. Position runs weekends only during school, then shift work including weekends and holidays during summer, from April through September. Must be quick learner, highlymotivated,reliable,andpersonablewith good customer skills. Great sense of humor. Must be at least 18. Competitive pay plus tips! Incredible access to swimming, boating, jetskiing,fishing,tubing,relaxing! References required. Email your letter of interest & resume to info@tinasmarina.com. Want evening and weekends off! Summer daycamp located in St. Louis (Creve Coeur) seeks counselors for the following activities: sports, outdoor recreation, arts & crafts, cheerleading, performing arts, first grade, Kindergarten. Call (314) 878-1883 for more information.
Attention Students. Great Homework Aid. At last, A Writers Speakers Sentence Thesaurus available on CD, DVD, eBook, and paperback. www.sentence-thesaurus.com Bahamas Spring Break Cruise! 5 Days From $299! Includes Meals, MTV Celebrity Parties! Cancun, Acapulco, Jamaica From $499! Campus Reps Needed! PromoCode: 31. www.springbreaktravel.com. 1-800678-6386 DENICE.COM offers premium fall rentals 1,2,3 & 4 bedroom apartments and houseson and off campus. Fair prices, professionally managed, meticulously maintained. Call Denice at 573-445-1892 pick up brochure at 1410 E. Ross Street or visit www.denice.com DENICE.COM offers premium fall rentals on and off campus. It’s not too early if you want a really nice place next fall. Pick up a brochure at 1410 E. Ross Street or visit www.denice.com. DENICE.COM offers premium fall rentals. Fair prices, professionally managed, meticulously maintained,. Call Denice 573445-1892 ot visit www.denice.com Seeing is believing. When you rent from Denice, you won’t see a model apartment, you’ll see the real thing. Call Denice 573445-1892 or visit www.denice.com Spring Break 2006—Panama City Beach 2BR/2BA Gulf-front Condo. Sleeps 8. Walk to Le Vela and Spinnaker’s. www.whisperingsprings.com TRAVEL. Spring break and beyond. COMPARE our prices. Online travel agents also needed. www.ybtnet.combjf. Why blow your money on gas? Lease one of Denice’s great East Campus places, just a few minutes walk to campus. E-mail info@denice.com, phone 573-445-1892, or see details at www.denice.com
$199 per month SUMMER LEASES. ALL Utilities & Central A/C INCLUDED. **Limited Availability- First Come First Serve** University Place Apartments www.uplace.com 443-3798 2bedroom1bathapartmentoncampus,onsite parking $550/month. Now leasing for Fall‘06. Call 573-268-4952 2-bedroom, 1-bath apartment 1 block from campusonPaquinSt.forimmediatesublease till August ‘06. $580/month, heat&water included. Private Parking. Call Ryan 816-2233442 2-bedroom,townhousesandapartmentsavailablenow. Off-streetparking$425/moandup. 445-7749 2BR/1BA apartment for sublease mid-May
3 bedroom 1.5 bath. Hardwood and tile,W/D hook-ups. Available now. $650/mth. Lease incidentives 474-8355. 3 bedroom, 21/2 bath W/D, new paint and carpet. Close to campus. 1st month free. $800/mth 447-3331 3-4bedroom, convenient, upgraded houses, 7-20 minute walk, 3-4 minute bike to Quadrangle. 443-7716 4 bedroom 3 bath or 3 bedroom 2 bath apartments on campus, onsite parking, all modern amenities, $300 to $350/person. Now leasing for Fall ‘06. Call 573-268-4952 4 BR, 3 Bath, For Fall, $820, w/d, garage, C/A, 3404 Squirrel, Call Kirby Smith at Smith & Associates, 441-8122
The Maneater 37
NOW LEASING FOR FALL. Bass Avenue, 1 bed apt $255-$300. East Stewart, 1 bed apt $350-$400. East Walnut, 1 & 2 bed apt $375-$500. N. College Avenue, 2 bed house $475. Mimosa Ct, 2 bed apt $550. Juniper Place, 2 bed duplex $600. West Blvd, 4 bed duplex $700. Foxfire Condos, 3 & 4 bed $900-$1100. E. Rollins, 11 bed house $3400. HAWTHORNE MANAGEMENT COMPANY 573-442-3831 e-mail:hmcmanage@aol.com Plan to live in Columbia for a while? Lease with option to purchase 4 bedroom per side duplex. $700 per month credit towards down payment. Call for further information. Midwest Property Management 4242384.
5 BR, 2 bath, For Fall, $860, w/d, c/a, garage, mature trees, 5304 Godas Cl., Call Kirby @ Smith & Associates, 441-8122 Avail Aug 1, duplexes for rent off Southhampton. 3 bdrm 1 1/2-2 bath, W/D, garage, yrd maint, $630-$675/mo. 573673-2803, leave message
21 SWF seeks 21-27 SWM for dating and more. Must be easy going and funny. Facial
Brand New 3 bed/3bath, south Columbia, only 8 units available, pool, sand volleyball, gym membership, 2 car garage, full time maintenance, all appliances, large living areas and bedrooms. Don’ wait. Call 573673-1385 or visit www.loghillrun.com
22 SWF seeks 21-28 SWM for fun and dating. Sociable with sense of humor.
Brand New 4 bed/ 3 bath, model open now on South Providence. Large living quarters, big bedrooms w/ ceiling fans, jack and jill bathrooms w/ dual vanities/mirrors, 2 car garage, POOL, sand volleyball, gym memberships, all appliances, must see as units are filling quickly. Call 573-673-1385 or visit www.loghillrun.com CAMPUS APARTMENT- AVAILABLE NOW, SUMMER, OR FALL, 3-4 BEDROOMS. VERY NICE, CENTRAL AIR, MICROWAVE OVEN, LAUNDRY. FROM $195 PER PERSON. WWW.ZRENTALS.COM OR 443-4162 CAMPUS ROOMS SHARE KITCHEN/BATH, AVAILABLE NOW. LARGE BEDROOMS, CENTRAL AIR, LAUNDRY, FROM $250. www.z-rentals.com or 9993141 Cut your commuting costs to zero. Lease one of Denice’s great East Campus places within walking distance to campus. Email info@denice.com , phone 573-4451892, or see details at www.denice.com DENICE.COM offers for August 1: Off Campus: Quiet, spacious, private 1-bedroom apartments, low utilities, close to campus. Free commuter parking 2 blocks from campus. No pets. $400-$410. Denice 445-1892 or www.denice.com DENICE.COM offers for August 4bedroom, 2 bath luxury apartments 1 block from campus. Off street parking washer/dryer, C/A, energy efficient. Ross Street Apartments. No pets. $350/person. Call Denice 573-445-1892 or visit www.denice.com
hair a plus. Facebook Lindsey H. at Stephens.
Tall and athletic a plus. Facebook: Claire R. at Stephens. 22 SWM seeks 18-30 SWF for many upcoming date parties. Must love comic books, musical productions, computers, and dogs. MUST BE HOT. E-mail dgo4fd@mizzou.edu. Please include resume and references in PDF form. 20 SWM, just got out of a relationship. Seeking 18-40 SWF. Must love crocheting, Monster Truck Rallys, and Pro Wrestling/bare knuckle boxing. Green Party member a plus, but not required. Must be available after midnight during the week. Please send photo in PDF form to kmp4y8@mizzou.edu
Today In History •Pat O'Brien was born today in 1948 • Bobby Allison at 50 becomes oldest driver to win Daytona 500 in 1988 •It's Valentines Day! Give someone a hug! Or tell that special someone you have a crush on them!
or call 314-753-0163
Are you a sell your soul to the devil, money motivated, organized, freshman/sophomore who needs a job? The Maneater is looking for new Ad Reps! Get paid and gain sales experience! Pick up an application in 214 Brady!
SWM interested in woman. Looking for ca-
NEWS MEETING TODAY 222 North Tower of Memorial Union 4 PM
DENICE.COM offers for June, July, & August. Graduate students walk and hike to campus. 1 & 2-bedroom luxur condos, washer/dryer hookups, dishwasher, disposal, free carport, free cable TV. Quiet, comfortable, convenient, close to vet and med schools. $490 & $535. Denice 4451892 or www.denice.com DENICE.COM offers premium fall rentals 1,2,3 & 4 bedroom apartments and houseson and off campus. Fair prices, professionally managed, meticulously maintained. Call Denice at 573-445-1892 pick up brochure at 1410 E. Ross Street or visit www.denice.com DENICE.COM offers premium fall rentals on and off campus. It’s not too early if you want a really nice place to live next fall. Pick up a brochure at 1410 E. Ross Street or visit www.denice.com FALL LEASING- STUDIOS TO LARGE HOUSES AND APARTMENTS- CLEAN! WALK TO CAMPUS- NO PETS. 449-6933 Female roommate wanted to share spacious 2 bd 2 ba apartment,walk to campus,$340 negotiable,call (847)432-8694 For lease 3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex with single car garage, fenced back yard, prefer no pets. $700/mo. Available 080106 ask for Dave. I bedroom and studios- oak floors, energy efficient, close to campus, clean. No Pets. 449-6933 LARGE One Bedroom Apartment, Heat and Hot & Cold Water Paid. Very Quiet Area, Good For Grad Student, Washer/Dryer Hookups. 450.00 First Month Free. 874-0500 sual dating. Interested in walks in the park
November 27, 2006
Page 12
Chatting with Cory Brandan on the Radio Rebellion Tour BY SARAH O’BRIEN Staff Writer
With a title such as the ‘Radio Rebellion Tour,’ one expects a concert that is a little more than just sounds strangely similar not only to the music that is played on the radio but to the other bands playing the concert. However, the Radio Rebellion Tour concert at Mississippi Nights on Friday, Nov. 18 was much less than a rebellion against the radio. In fact, due to the crashing instrumentals and stony-voiced lead singers, I would say that the music is a rebellion against easy-listening radio, and not much else. Headlining Radio Rebellion is Norma Jean, a band (mostly) from the gorgeous state of Georgia, except the lead singer, whom I had the, well, let’s say “pleasure” of interviewing before the concert: The Current: So you’re the bassist, right? Cory Brandan: No…I’m the lead singer, Jake plays the bass. Photo Courtesy www.rock-sound.net
Cory Brandan is lead singer of Norma Jean, the headline band for the Radio Rebellion Tour held Nov. 18 at Mississippi Nights.
OFF SEASON, from page 8 The framing device is that four boys at a boarding school end their day of regimented classes by exploring a trunk of props. They come across the text of Romeo and Juliet, launching them on first reading and then acting out the play. The approach brings out layers of adolescence, sexual awakening and forbidden worlds in the play and the framing world of the boys. It was the freshest, most compelling version of Romeo and Juliet the area has seen in years. The three play series ends with “Urinetown,” the surprising and unlikely Broadway hit, a delightful
dark-comic parody of musicals with a serious side that says hard-hitting things about social inequity that will be reviewed separately next week. With this award winner, The Rep wraps up a wonderful second season for the Off-Ramp Series. The Grandel Theater venue is fine but these three excellent productions deserved the Mainstage at the Rep’s home at the Loreto Hilton Theater in Webster Groves. Rather than run all these different programs, the Rep should rethink that strategy and consider bringing these fresh, new shows onto its big stage.
Current: Oh. They told me I was going to be meeting the bassist, I guess I got lucky. Is there any ‘lead
singer,’ main-man tension between you and the rest of the band? CB: Well, anything can happen when there are five guys stuck on a bus together for weeks on end. Current: I can imagine. Is there a close bond between you? Many bands consider themselves families. Do you? CB: Totally. We have to at least try to get along. Current: I know most of you are married. How does living the life of a musician affect your family life? CB: Our families come first. It’s always nice to be able to spend some time in between recording and touring at home. Current: Now, Norma Jean is very out front with your religious views; you’re all Christians. How does that affect your music? CB: It doesn’t affect how we sound. You know there are some parents or other people who label our sound as evil or satanic but a sound can’t be good or evil, Christian or not. We’re not different in that way than any band in the world. Current: But there is that whole Christian band genre. Do you ever
bring your religion into your music? CB: Very often. Naturally we want to sing about our faith. Current: Wasn’t there a Christian rock band tour called like Cornerstone or something? CB: It’s just one show. Current: I see. Wasn’t MxPx there? (Insert offended look here) CB: No, we would never play with them. (Shocked look) Current: Why not? CB: Because, our fans would hate them, and their fans would probably hate us. Current: So because of sub-genre differences, that makes sense. There’s a lot of tension between sub-genres of rock music, like the punk kids hate the emo kids, the emo kids hate everything… CB: Yea, that tension is sucky but it’s caused by the fans just as much as the bands Current: Speaking of genre, how would you classify Norma Jean? CB: To classify us would mean that we were constantly sounding the
same. Each of our albums are totally different. Current: You guys just recently released a new album, “Redeemer.” Are you pleased with it? CB: Always. It’s different than the other one, more spontaneous and natural. With our writing, we never want to do the same thing twice. This seems like a trend for bands—not wanting to sound the same but failing…miserably. After ending the interview I walked through the bus and noticed the rest of the band sitting around watching a DVD, “The Motorcycle Diaries.” They must have been so involved in the film that they could not participate in an interview. The show started late—no surprise to concert-goers. Honestly, when was the last time you went to a performance that started on time. Anyway, opening was a band named Bless the Fall. They might have been the most original band on the tour because when they walked out, I swear to you, I thought they were all girls and was jealous of the lead singer’s haircut.
See BRANDAN, page 14
URINETOWN, from page 8 Bobby Strong (Ben Nordstrom) is the handsome hero who works at a public “facility” in the poorest part of town, under the watchful, pennypinching eye of Penelope Pennywise (Zoe Vonder Haar). Of course, there is Caldwell B. Cladwell (Joneal Joplin), the billionaire tycoon whose company, Urine Goodhands Corporation, owns all the public toilets. Cladwell keeps a grip on his empire with the help of corrupt politician Senator Fipp (Bill Lynch). Our working class hero Bobby chances to meet Cladwell’s beautiful, innocent daughter Hope (Jayne Patterson) as she returns home from college to take up a new job, copy-
ing and faxing for Daddy’s company. The play has everything, from singing policemen, charming waifs, evil villains, conniving politicians, and angry mobs. Scene after scene offers hilarious singing and dancing spoofs of familiar musical bits and biting sarcastic dialog. The scene where audience favorite Joneal Joplin dances around his desk in a fit of greedy glee is worth the price of admission alone. Unexpectedly, the music and dancing are actually quite good and very entertaining in their own right. Unlike some musical parodies, this play pulls no punches as it wrings comic gold from its topic.
Unlike most musicals, the play has unpredictable twists and even delivers a compelling story with sharp observations about modern economics. Every actor in the play is a gem, so much so that it is hard to pick a stand out performance. The Joneal Joplin song and dance is a comic delight, but so are duets between Isom’s Officer Lockstock and Rosa’s Little Sally. Ben Nordstrom and Jayne Patterson, who recently played the role of Sally Bowles in the local production of “Cabaret,” were excellent as the romantic leads, loopy and funny while being outstanding singers. Zoe Vonder Haar gets to camp
and vamp it up a bit, in grand style, and the ensemble cast delivers the comic goods as well. The audience laughed non-stop in the first half of the play but was left with real substance to sink their intellectual teeth into by the play’s end. It is the rarest of the rare, the comedy with meaning that is not sunk by the weight. Despite the title, “Urinetown” is the one must-see play of the season. “Urinetown,” which runs through Dec. 10, is the third and last of this season’s Repertory Theater of St. Louis’s Off-Ramp Series of plays at the Grandel Theater. Information about tickets and the series are available at their Web site, www.offramptheater.com.
CLASSIFIED ADS Classifieds ads are free for students, faculty and staff. To place an ad, please send your ad (40 words or less), your name, and student or employee number to thecurrent@umsl.edu or call 516-5316.
HELP WANTED Attention College Students Part-time work. $12 base/appt. Flex. Schedules. Customer sales/service. Scholarship opportunities. No experience necessary. Call: 314-997-7873 LIFEGUARDS CERTIFIED LIFEGUARDS needed for UMSL Indoor Pool: Mon-Thurs 6:30-9:00PM; Sat & Sun 12:00-5:00PM. $6.50/hour. Apply in the Campus Rec Office, 203 Mark Twain, 516-5326 Papa John’s Pizza Now Hiring Delivery Drivers. $12-15 an hour. Flexible schedule. Full and part time. Valid insurance, driver’s license and good driving record required. Apply in person. 9817 W. Florissant. (314) 524-3033 SPORT OFFICIALS / REFEREES CAMPUS REC OFFICIALS needed this fall for intramural flag football, soccer, ultimate frisbee & volleyball. Afternoon and evening games. $10/game. Knowledge & interest in the sport is required. Apply in the Rec. Office, 203 MT, 516-5326. Mystery Shopper Earn up to $150.00 per day Experience not required. Undercover shoppers needed. To judge retail and dining establishments. Call 1-800-722-4791 The University Child Development Center is seeking individuals who are interested in working in our infant/toddler room on a temporary basis. The position is for 3040 hours per week. If you are interested please call Amy Tenney at 314-516-5658 or via e-mail at tenneya@msx.umsl.edu Graders/Tutors Wanted A west county Mathematics and Reading Learning Center is hiring part time graders/tutors helping children ages 3-15. We offer flexible schedule, fun and rewarding working environment. Interested candidates please call 636-5375522 e-mail : jwchan@earthlink.net
SALES REPS 5 Sales Reps to sell TV services door to door. * $300/wk guaranteed! * Most people earn $1,000-$2,000 per week! * Gas Paid!! * Hours 4p-9p For a personal interview call 800-3083851 EGG DONORS NEEDED! Ages 21-30. PAYS $5,000.00. (877) EGG DONOR / (877) 344-3666. www.spct.org Part Time Valets Needed Midwest Valet is looking for responsible, motivated, physically fit individuals. Must be at least 18 years of age with a valid drivers license and a good driving record. Experience with a manual transmission. Apply now at www.midwestvalet.com or call 314-361-6764. Part-time and Full-time available Want to make excellent money with flexible shifts? Part time and full time positions available for servers and line cooks at an upscale-casual restaurant in Maryland Heights. Shift availabilities include lunch, dinner, and banquets. Contact Tara at (314) 344-3000.
HOUSING Rental to share my home. Female. Pretty house in quiet neighborhood. Split Foyer. Large private living room, bedroom and full bathroom. $450 & 1/3 utilities. Laura 314 680-2695
Apartment Available Clean, quiet, spacious, 1bedroom apt, 3 miles from campus, near the U-City loop and Clayton. Central air, hardwood floors, dishwasher, washer and dryer, garage available, smoke-free, no pets. Only $585! Contact 369-1016. APARTMENT FOR RENT IN UNIVERSITY MEADOWS! Furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths w/ amenities! Free of application fee! On campus! Great place to live! Guarantee a spot for spring semester! Call Jessica at 314-9604875. Would you love to live in a beautiful Hansel & Gretel home? 45 BELLERIVE ACRES is not only pretty, it is updated and located on a large, lovely lot. Call Sue McLaughlin at Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-504- 4214. House for Sale Beautiful 3 bedroom, 1 and 1/2 bath home in Bel-Nor. Refinished hardwood floors and freshly painted interior. 8405 Glen Echo. Motivated seller, make offer. Please call Alexandria Dilworth, Regal Realty, Inc. 314921-4800 or 314-265-6844 Apartment for rent in University Meadows. One room in four bedrooms & two bathrooms’ floor, female only. Free of application fee &deposit, only $350! Great savings! Call 314-600-1215.
Roommate wanted. Location: St. Louis City. Ten minutes from UMSL. Seeking single female, tidy, excellent references, honest, and over 21. Room comes with own bathroom & washer/dryer available. Excellent for serious student seeking quiet study space. Contact Tanika -541-1222
SERVICES Math Tutor Available Retired teacher available to tutor: College Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Differential Equations. Also tutors Computer Science (HTML, JAVASCRIPT and C+) and Electrical Engineering (electric circuits). Contact 314-355-3200
FOR SALE For sale: I have various unopened playstation2 games for sale. $9 a piece. I also have four bar stools and I will sell all four of them for $30. Please contact Chasity at (314) 646-0025.
FOR SALE -- FIREWOOD – Aged and split to fireplace size. Cash and Carry. Reasonable. Local (Ferguson). Call Dennis at 314.524.4337.
For Rent to OWN House for rent in Normandy. 3810 Waco Drive. Two story, 3 bedroom with basement and nice yard. $675/month. Call 618-476-7503. FOR RENT Seeking female to rent a furnished room in my U City home, starting January 1. Central location, near parks, shopping, loop, biking, and MetroLink. Ideal for a grad student or young professional. Includes electricity, gas, water, phone, cable, hi-speed internet access, use of washer/dryer, kitchen. 314-862-7699
Need a practicum? The Current is looking for students to fill practicum positions for the winter semester. Call 516-5174 for info.
:C;03@8/19 1:/AA74732A It’s Always Worth A Look! Nov. 16-21, 2006
! BARTENDING! Up to $250/day no experience nec. Training provided (800) 9656520 ext 246 age 19+ ok.
ing ďŹ t dancers. Call after 3p.m. (928) 7740444 or apply within at 110 S. San Francisco St.
able transportation. Competitive pay and beneďŹ ts. Call (928) 220-1256 to schedule an appointment.
ENERGETIC STUDENTS needed to distribute yers on 10/16 and 10/17. Flexible hours. $10 per hour. Fun and easy. Call (800) 927-9194.
are looking for an experienced hip-hop and/or jazz instructor to teach dance classes this semester at ALL THAT DANCE. Please call for more information and to set up an interview (928) 7149300.
for those seeking a career working with developmental disabilities Adults. “Targeting the Heartâ€? is not just our motto it is our mission. We offer both FT/PT positions AM, PM & WE available. Advancement opportunities & beneďŹ ts. Apply at 5460 E. Commerce Flag or call (928) 527-8898 a new opportunity awaits you.
vided. Call (928) 4451385.
In good condition, CD player, AC and heater, new tires. 4x4 great in snow!! Call (928) 6400641.
ACTRESS/HOSTESS needed for golf sports network reaching over 2 million readers a month. Film, acting exp. a plus, but not necessary. Exc pay, travel. Contact, golfpublisher.com/ jobs, (928) 380-4288 AEC Reprographics currently seeks an enthuiastic individual to ďŹ ll a part-time position in the retail copy center. Convenient to NAU, with exible hours, AEC Repro offers the perfect place for the working student. $9.00/Hour starting. Must be able to answer phone, greet customers, run register, general copy work and occasional delivery. (company car) Previous retail and/or restaurant experience preferred. Please fax resume with cover letter to: (928) 779-1041 or mail to: AEC Reprographics 1501 South Yale Street, Ste. 101 Flagstaff, AZ 86001. BRANDY’S RESTAURANT is now hiring linecooks, prep-cooks, waitstaff, baristas, and dishwashers. Apply in person at Brandy’s 1500 E. Cedar. EARN $700 to $2,500 per week. Hir-
BEAVER STREET BREWERY accepting applications for all positions. Apply in person. 11 S. Beaver Street. No experience necessary. BE A DIRECT SERVICE PROVIDER for individuals with developmental disabilities. Flexible shifts to work around your school schedule. As many or as little hours as you want. Paid training available. $8.50 to $9.00 to start. Apply in person: ABRiO Family Services @ 5200 E. Cortland Blvd., Suite A-15, Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928) 779-9449 Ext. 19. HELP WANTED Brookside Chocolate Company Customer Service Rep. Must be available to work Fri., Sat., & Sun. Apply in person 120 N Leroux Suite 103. DAY HELP wanted apply in person Quiznos 2080 S Milton. MERCHANDISERS Both part-time and full-time positions available. Weekend and weekday schedules. Motivated person wanted to set up product displays at retail accounts in Flagstaff. Must be 21 years or older, have an eye for detail and reli-
HOME MANAGERS (full time and part time positions) needed to supervise the activities of adolescent males in group home setting. Must be able to work with male youth, show good judgement and maintain a stable environment. Background check required. Must have valid Arizona Driver License. Salary $9.00/hr. Fax resume to ATTN: Program Coordinator at (928) 226-8603 or mail to 43 S. San Francisco, Flagstaff, AZ Attn Aspen House. An equal opportunity employer. We value diversity. ENERGETIC experienced cashiers and stockers wanted. Apply at Farmers Market 1901 N 4th St. E N T H U S I AS T I C teachers needed to tech college students speed reading and comprehension classes. Part-time, evenings and/or weekends. We train, great for grad students, college degree required (800) 927-9194. HELP WANTED! Experienced screen printer. part time, apply in person at 30m S. San Francisco St. 10a. m.-5:30p.m.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Camp counselors wanted. Friendly Pines Camp, in the mountains of Prescott, AZ, is hiring for ‘07 season, May 26Aug. 2. Program has waterski, climbing, ďŹ shing, photograhy, target sports, martial arts, and more. Competitive salary. For app/info call (928) 4452128 or email info@ friendlypines.com NANNY NEEDED in private home for 2 1/2 year old, varying days, 3-4 days /week, exp/ref required. Call Ray (480) 231-3336 or (928) 774-7200. NEED A JOB that ďŹ ts your schedule? Be an AVON/mark. rep! $10 to start, call Luann at (928) 773-8916 x3 PAY FOR YOUR OWN EDUCATION pay off loans - work from home. A simple way to make money must be 18. (800) 4947984. Looking for reliable house cleaning help. Twice a week, exible hours. Walking distance from NAU. Starting pay $6/hr. Email cmosckc#yahoo.com or call 928-255-5756. SO YOU THINK you can dance? We
SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE! Camp Wayne for Girls - Children sleep-away camp, Northeast Pennsylvania (6/16/8/12/07). If you love children and want a caring, fun environment we need Counselors and Program Directors for: Tennis, Swimming (W.S.I. preferred), Golf, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Drama, High & Low Ropes, Camping/Nature, Team Sports, Waterskiing, Sailing, Painting/Drawing, Ceramics, Silkscreen, Printmaking, Batik, Jewelry, Calligraphy, Photography, Sculpture, Guitar, Aerobics, Self-Defense, Video, Piano, Other staff: Administrative, CDL Driver (21+), Nurses (RN’s and Nursing Students), Bookkeeper, Mother’s Helper. On campus interviews February 20th. Select The Camp That Selects The Best Staff! Call (215) 944-3069 or apply on-line at www. campwaynegirls.com
PART TIME furniture delivery position. Applicant must be able to work Saturdays, have clean driving record and lift 75lb unassisted. Starting pay $9/hr. Please call 526-9496 Mon-Sat. YMCA Camps seek Program Leaders. Part time, $8-$9 per hr. Mon-Fri + weekends, possible travel allowance. Training pro-
WANT a job where you can make a difference? LOU Corporation - Learning Opportunities Unlimited now offering a new higher starting wage
H OUS E S I T T I N G WANTED Dec. 30 through Jan. 20 in townhouse w/dogs and cats. Will pay. References needed. Call (928) 607-3110. HORSEBOARDING East side 185 dollars per month (928) 699-1020. NAU SURPLUS The ďŹ rst bikes of the season are here! More arriving daily. Lots of other stuff as well at cheap prices. Somedorm fridges and lots of chairs left. Come seeus!! 1415 S. San Francisco Bldg 47A behind ROTC. Open Mon thru Fri 9a.m. to 3p.m. cash or check only. 91 JEEP Cherokee 4x4! Only 136k miles.
EXPERIENCED KAYAK needs new owner. Dagger Response XL. Great for day or multi-day trips. KAYAK knows all SW rivers. Inc. spray skirt. $300. lv msg: (928) 527-9228.
FURNISHED MANUFACTURED HOME, 1 lrg bdrm avail. W/D, hot-tub, fncd yrd, 15 min to NAU, monthly lease, male roommate, $450/mo + 1/2 utils (928) 607-3365.
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April 14, 2006
Page 18
Don’t just sit there!
Earn $5000+ in summer sales and Management training program. Open to all majors. Opportunity for travel and 6 credit hours. No sales experience required. For info contact Jackie with the Southwestern Company at 563-5646275.
Subleaser wanted May-July. Hillcrest Apts. Free Cable/Internet W/D. Microwave. Dishwasher. Only $300/ mo. Contact Renae at 712-579-9352 or rassmann@uni.edu
Read the NI Tuesdays and Fridays! SUMMER NANNY WANTED. Attention education majors. Gain experience by planning activities as a summer nanny for 2 girls ages 8 and 4. Day hours M-F. Vehicle and references required. 2916256 or 231-3010. ALASKA SUMMER JOBS- Fishing Industry. Great pay! Free Room & Board and Travel! Male/Female. No experience necessary. www.AlaskaJobFinder.com Modern farrow to finish hog operation close to campus flexible hours. Will work with summer school schedule. 319988-3609 leave message. $800 weekly guaranteed stuffing envelopes. Send SASE to Scarab MKT. 28 E Jackson 10th Floor Sut. 938 Chicago IL 60604
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Need a resume? Let a professional write it for you. Reasonable pricing available contact VerbatimEditing@gmail.com or call 319-939-3571. The Brown Bottle CF is now taking applications for kitchen help. Apply in person. 1111 Center St. Student interested in helping with Saturday gardening. $8/hr. 273-2949 or actuary1@uni.edu AUDIO VISUAL TECH: Park Place Event Centre seeks a part-time, technology-savvy individual with a basic understanding of audio-visual equipment, Powerpoint, sound and lighting equipment, and computers. Here’s your chance to shine while working with some of the newest, highest-tech equipment available today. Apply in person at 1521 Technology Parkway, CF, 277-1255, or online at www.barmuda.com. Summer work $8.00 hr. starting, parttime. Good driving record needed. Painting, landscaping, some drywall. Always something new everyday. Call 266.2301 or go to www.pointewestcf.com to apply on-line.
TOP BOYS SPORTS CAMP IN MAINE! PLAY & COACH SPORTS * HAVE FUN* MAKE $$$ All team & individual sports, All watersports, Hiking/ Climbing, A&C TOP SALARIES, Free Room/Board/Travel, Apply online: www. campcobbossee.com Call: 800-473-6104
1-5 bedrooms Waterloo locations. Will beat any price. Call Nick 433-4009. May 5th nice 2 bedroom apartment cable, parking. $460/mo 266-7783.
Food & Beverage. Experienced parttime wait staff for formal dining- Evenings Wednesday thru Saturday. No phone calls. Please apply in person at The Elks Lodge, 407 E Park Ave. Downtown W’loo. EOE. CEDAR FALLS LUTHERAN HOME PART-TIME LAUNDRY ASSOCIATE. Premier Senior-living campus, within walking distance from UNI campus, is seeking a dedicated, reliable, and self-directed employee to become a vital team member of the Cedar Falls Lutheran Home. This part-time position has student-friendly hours of 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Starting wage is $9.90 per hour for weekdays, and $10.15/hr. for weekends. Apply in person at: CFLH, 7511 University Ave., Cedar Falls, IA 50613. EOE. FOR RENT/ROOMMATE Located on 1704 College. 3 bedrooms w/ walk in closets. TV/internet access. W/D + dishwasher Spacious lots of parking close to campus. Available June 1st. 319-268-1156. For Rent 1 bedroom duplex. Cable provided off-street parking. $450 + deposit available January 1st. 4381 W 4th W’loo 50701. 319-415-3180. 3 + 4 bedrooms 1 block from UNI. Free W/D + cable. Remodeled. $900/mo 2319700. 3 bedroom apartment near campus all utilities paid. 319-266-2301. 4 Bedroom, central air, washer/dryer garage, 1 1/2 bath 1503 Starbeck. $1,100 plus deposit. Call 277-3001. M-F 8 to 5 For Rent 2 bedroom apartments All close to campus w/ off-street parking 239-7288 Roommate needed for very large 2 bedroom duplex. Very spacious. Few minutes from campus. Very scenic. 319464-5309
Summer Leases Available. Pointe West Apartments has short term leases from May to August. Call 266-2301. Houses, Duplexes, Apartments, facing UNI. Have everything. Also: 1-4 BR Apartments across from UNI. 266-5544; 273-6264; 610-2768 2503 Olive St. 1 block off campus. Multiplex one 4 BR, one 2 BR + one 1 BR. Remodeled. Many updates. 290-7186. 1 block from UNI. Large 2 BR newly remodeled 319-240-8161 or 319-2772553 Available June 1st, ‘06. 4 bedroom apartment unit within a spacious 3-plex just 3 blocks from campus. Ample offstreet parking, large bedrooms, air-conditioning, and coin-free laundry. $1200/unit + utilities. One month deposit required. For a showing call Joel at (515) 991-3639 or e-mail joelwoehler@msn.com HOUSE, DUPLEXES near UNI. Available June or August. Have everything including internet. 266-5544,2736264,610-2882 1620 Linda Drive - 3/4 bedroom, all appliances, washer/dryer, free cable, very spacious. Only $100.00 deposit. Call John 266-5315. For Rent-Large 3 bedroom apts. clean, spacious, close to campus, utilities and cable paid, off-street parking, and laundry. Available May 16th 266-1245.
North College Apartments 2 bedroom units • Free cable • Low utilities • Large kitchens
• Laundry • Central Air • Off street parking
Openings for May, June, July, and August 415-3172 and 415-3176
April 14, 2006
Page 19
Roommate needed female 1100 sq. Ft. apartment New in 1999. All utilities included cable TV, air, off-street parking, W/D, 1 block north of campus. $300/ month. 563-920-0841.
3 bedroom apt. on the hill above Jimmy John’s. $900/mo. 319-470-4092.
DUPLEX FOR RENT: 924 W. 1st St., Cedar Falls. Refrigerator, Stove, Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal, Washer/ Dryer, Central Air, 2 Bathrooms, Patio, Garage. No Pets. $650/Month. Lease: 6/1/06 to 5/31/07. Phone: 319-624-3744 or 319-330-9749.
809 W. 14th St. 4 BR Nice living room, dining room, kitchen, W/D, new furnace + Air, nice lot. 290-0476
CF efficiency apartment 2308 Center Street $400/mo. Off-street parking appliances included. Call Turn-Key Property Services 235-1195.
Large 1,2,3 BR no pets. Balcony, laundry on site + free cable TV 319-240-8161 or 319-277-2553.
FOR RENT 1/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS (810 W. 25th) Large 3 bedroom apartment. $275.00/person. Deposit, lease, no pets. Appliances, water, heat, parking provided. Call Mark @ 240-4945.
ONE MONTH’S FREE RENT! Free cable/Internet two 4 bedroom apartments $846 or $998/mo. Call Jeanette 2666801. Cedar Falls apartments for rent. Large two bedroom, and efficiency. Available June 1st for a one year lease. No smoking. No pets. 277-8646.
824 W. 7th St. - 4 bedroom, all appliances, washer/dryer, free cable. Only $100.00 deposit. Call John 266-5315.
1+2 bedroom 1 block off campus. Electric, heat, off-street parking. Some utilities paid. Pets possible 319-504-1074.
Spacious 2 bedroom apartment for sublease May until June. Large swimming pool, central air. Free cable. Garages available. 515-205-2224.
Fully remodeled 4 BR, 2.5 bath, 2 story Townhouse near UNI. Large kitchen & living room, plus rec. room. Central air, Washer/dryer & appliances. Private offstreet parking. Available June 1st, 1 yr. lease at $1200/mo. + utilities. Call 2665789 to view this great property. You won’t be disappointed!
1-5 bedrooms CF locations. Will beat any price. Call Nick 433-4009
1 BR apartment for rent. Close to Campus. 319-346-2201. 3 Bedroom 1 block to UNI. $395/person. ALL utilities included. Extremely clean and well kept apartments. 2155200. 2 bedroom 2 bath Point West apartments available June/August 06 Schedule a showing at www.pointewestcf.com 319-266-2301. Nice 4 bedroom houses. Parking cable, W/D $235-245/person 266-7783 4 bedroom 1 block to UNI. $275/person - $300/ person with 3 people. Cable and internet included. 215-5200
1514 Tremont St. 4 BR 2 bathrooms 2 living rooms W/D, off street parking. Nice house. 290-0476
*For Rent: 1321 Tremont, 3-4 bedroom house, CAC, W/D included, *deck, fenced back yard, off-street parking. See picture and details at websit, reifenrath. com. $875/mo. For showing call Marc at 961-1209
FOR RENT 3 blocks to UNI. Studio. Air $325/ mo. Parking. 266-5480
4/5 Bedroom house 319-415-4370. Close to UNI. 620 W. Seerly 3 bedroom walkout washer/dryer on site Off-street parking. $700/mo 277-8719.
515 W. 18th St. Cedar Falls. 4 BR 2 bath $1000/mo. 319-231-2242 DUPLEX FOR RENT For 4 students, 4 bedroom, 2 bath duplex available June 2006. 406 Heritage Rd. Cedar Falls. Near UNI. 4 students share rent at $250/ Mo. each. Quiet neighborhood, garage, central air, Washer, dryer, dishwasher & all appliances. Lease, deposit, call 9611769.
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4 large-size bedroom house + no mowing. 1024 W 18th st. CF. Call 277-4670. Available in May. 1 Bedroom 1 Block to UNI. $475 Cable, internet, water and sewer included. 2155200. Summer: female for nice 3 bedroom house. $199/mo. 266-7783. For Rent-1 Bedroom apts. Clean, spacious, close to campus, utilities and cable paid, off-street parking, and laundry. Available May 16 266-1245
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Starting at $ 275 • 1 Block Off Campus Leasing Now For May 06 - 07
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��� � ��� � ���� Hidden Valley Apartments ������������������
1,2,3 & 4 Bedrooms • Free High Speed Internet, Cable, TV Jack/Bedroom
April 14, 2006
Page 20
Subleaser wanted May-July College Park Apartments. Fully furnished apt. Rent/Utilities negotiable. 712-898-7769.
June-Three/four bedroom duplex Large rooms. Off-street parking. Washer & Dryer. A/C. Free Cable TV $980.00+dep. 239-1236.
June- Spacious six bedroom duplex. A/C, Washer&Dryer. Off-street parking. New flooring. Low utilities Free Cable TV $1350.00+deposit 239-1236.
4 bedroom house for rent W/D, offstreet parking. $1100/mo. 319-9397707.
2021 Olive, Older Apt. but inexpensive rent $660 3 BR All utilities paid. Call Cory at 266-2852.
Aug- Large three bedroom duplex with wrap around deck. New appliances & carpet. Free Cable TV $930.00+deposit. 239-1236.
3 BR, 1 1/2 bath, & a 4 BR 2 bath apartment. Available May 15. 9319 University Ave. $945 & $1260 All Utilities included. 319-266-3323 319-290-5020
4 bedroom Duplex Apt. $860/month. Available June 1st updated bathroom, newer stove and refrigerator, washer and dryer provided. Call 319-290-5114 or 319-236-8930.
Nice 3 BR Duplex $205/person Cable+Parking. W/D. 266-7783
Three bedroom apts. 1804 College and 1804 1/2 College over 1,200 SF, wireless Internet included. $750-$795 + utilities. www.collegestreet.info or 433-0210.
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Subleaser needed Fall semester ‘06. Jeremy 515-313-3933. Available June 1st. Efficiency apartment at 3418 Terrace Dr., Cedar Falls in nice location for quiet &responsible tenant. Private Parking. Utilities paid. No pets or smoking. Exceptionally clean&well-maintained. $300. 2307105 Large house, 3 brm, 2 bath in W.W’loo, ideal for 2-3 students. Appl. & A/C, garage. $765/mo. + util. & 1 month dep. Call: 319-404-1725. July- 2 bedroom efficiency-off street parking. Washer&Dryer A/C. Free Cable TV $430.00+deposit 239-1236. 4 BR 1 bathroom $1100 Call Nick 712898-9874. Female roommate wanted to share a house with 3 other females. New available or possible summer sublet. 2 blocks to campus 1229 W. 19th st Includes garage, washer + dryer. Free cable + internet. $245 319-521-5219 or 319-5304342.
16 FRIDAY, Jan. 13, 2006
A WOMAN’S CONCERN: Pregnancy Resource Clinic provides free and confidential services; pregnancy tests, education about abortion procedures, risks and options, limited medical services, post- abortion recovery counseling, referrals, sexual integrity education, pregnancy support group. 423 S. Pugh Street or call 234-7340 anytime. www.awomansconcern.com FUN IN THE Sun! Lifeguards wanted in North Myrtle Beach, “will train,” no experience. Apply www.nsbslifeguards.com INTERESTED IN A clear path to financial freedom? Join Warm Spirit! Set your own hours. Visit www.warmspirit.org/dee INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES!!!Come to the Days Inn on Pugh Street on Friday, January 13th for information about new paid internship opportunities available throughout PA, NJ, MD, and DE. Information sessions will run in the Holmes Foster Meeting Room every half hour from 10 am to 4 pm. All majors welcome to attend! SPRING BREAK! FREE info now! At www.seeyathere.com TALKLOOP.COM - CHEAP International & US phone calling service. Free credits.
FOR RENT 1 BEDRM 1 1/2 BLOCK from campus. $325. No pets. 267-252-2861. 1 BDRM APARTMENTS right next to campus available August 2006. Affordable rent includes all utilities except telephone. Typically accommodates 2- 3 people. Spacious, dishwasher/ microwave in every apartment, comfortable select furnishings, downtown. Availability is limited, call now 238-1878. gnrealty.com EFFICIENCY RESIDENTIAL AREA walking distance, private home, separate entrance, single occupancy for serious student. References. $450 includes utilities, parking, cable. 234-2506. FALL 2006 PRIVATE owner seeks responsible students for a one bedroom apt. across from PSU. 9 month/ 1 year leases. Available reasonable rent. Call 814-238-7927. FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM available immediately on South Allen Street. $685 to $705 per month. Semester lease available. Call Associated Realty. 231-3333. HAVE TO MOVE ASAP. Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment. One room available. $400/ month. Fireplace, balcony, w/d. Everything included. Originally $477/month. Very convenient location. Immediate move in 2/1. Contact 610-262-0461.
ONE BEDROOM QUIET area, walking distance, separate entrance in private house for serious student. References. $540 includes utilities, parking, cable. 234-2506. PARKWAY PLAZA APARTMENT. 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Reduced rent. Fully furnished, all utilities. Price negotiable. Contact Louis at llashinsky@Mindspring.com 786-255-1590 or Debbie at 305-235-2910.
DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS- JUST a few left! Come visit out apartments at The Graduate, Town Square and EastSide. Great apartments, great rates, all downtown locations. 238-1878. gnrealty.com
PUGH STREET 2, 1, efficiency apartments available. Fall 2006. 238-1088.
EFFICIENCY FOR RENT, now 8/15/06. $430/ month. Includes heat and water. Furniture available. (724) 664-2928.
VARIETY OF APARTMENTS, sublets and parking available for rent in downtown State College. Call 814-272-7772 or e-mail erin@1kbb.com
EFFICIENCY IN HOME, Lemont. $340/ month. No pets. 237-2213. FALL 2006: 3 bedroom townhouses. 1.5 bath with washer/ dryer. Cherry Lane. $925 and $955. 238-1088.
DOWNTOWN TWO BEDROOM for four at only $381.20/mo! Very few apartments left. Rent includes all utilities except phone, individual leases, select furnishings, meticulously maintained building, great location, excellent apartment. Call now 238-1878 gnrealty.com
FALL RENTALS- EFFICENCIES one and two bedroom apartments 5 blocks from campus. Clean, quiet, and secure. Laundry facilities. Parking available. No pets. 814-696-4349 or 814-937-9502 after 5 pm. dratch7018@aol.com, www.randcassociates.com
UNIVERSITY GATEWAY LARGE 2bedroom 2-bathroom furnished apartment across campus. $260/4 people. 8/2006 - 8/2007. (814)235-0728 (814)482-0078.
FOR SALE/ RENT: unfurnished efficiency, remodeled, quiet, 3 blocks to PSU. 234-9065.
FURNISHED EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for rent at 522 East College Avenue. Rent $490. Utility included. Immediate occupancy. No pets. Call 717-994-2729.
3 BEDROOM DUPLEX. Walking distance to campus. Free parking, microwave, W/D. $1240/ month. 717-751-0888. stan@weballies.com
HETZEL PLAZA. NICE 1 bedroom apartment. Sleeps 2, great location, only $700 furnished. Call 215-850-2544 or email jkj115@psu.edu
3 BR TOWNHOME available August. Walk to campus. www.cherrylanetownhomes.com Unfurnished, no pets. $930. 814-574-6144.
ONE BEDROOM WITH study- pets okay. Utilities except electric/ phone. Parking included. $595/ month. 814-777-8095.
FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE with 1.5 bathrooms, washer and dryer in Georgetown Community. Close to shopping and schools! Call 237-3172. Ask for Jack or Ann.
PENN TOWER APARTMENTSAvailable for Fall- Efficiency and 2 bedroom apartments (small and large). All utilities except phone. Fully furnished, modern kitchen, 1 block from campus. Deal directly with owner. Early rentalbetter price. Call Ann 1-888-414-0418.
ROOMS, APTS, HOMES. Be ready for fall! www.specialdwellings.com or 234-4462 or myersds@verizon.net
WOW!! FANTASTIC LOCATION. College Avenue!! Huge 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartments! Fitness center and study lounge! Covered parking available, laundry on-site! Located 1/2 block from campus. Call today and ask about our specials! 231-9000. YOUR OWN ROOM is now available in this deluxe 4 bedroom townhome only minutes from campus. $375 per room includes heat, water, sewer. 2 parking spaces on site. Call Associated Realty today. 231-3333
FOR SALE 1998 DODGE CARAVAN 86k miles, excellent condition. University vehicles with records. $2800. Call Chuck at 234-1946. Can be seen at 333 South Allen Street. PHOTO STUDIO CLEAN out sale. Jan 13 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM or by appointment. 105 N. Potter Street, Bellefonte, Pa. 355-5068. Darkroom equipment, light boxes, jobo processing tanks and reels, 4x5 film holders, slide mounters, light stands, dry mounting press and lots more. Cheap prices. Free outdated film that’s been kept in freezer. PRIVATE ROOM AND family home 2 blocks from west campus. No lease (814) 237-4508. $375 includes parking and utilities.
SELLING THE FOLLOWING textbooks: BA 301 BA 304 Econ 304- Brand new, still wrapped with the required CD! SC&IS 406W SC&IS 421 SC&IS 405 SC&IS 404 (Workbook w/ Swan Pete) You name your price and we can negotiate! I am pretty flexible.Contact Hiro at hxt148@psu.edu or 770-329-8484.
FOUND BLACK SONY DIGITAL camera found in parking lot of BJC. Contact Forestry Ext. office at 863-0401.
HELP WANTED !BARTENDERS WANTED! $250/ day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. Age 18+ ok. 800-965-6520 x284. #1 JOB FOR Penn State students! Do you want to balance your class schedule with a job that helps makes you a better person and Penn State a better place? Try Lion Line! We work hard by reaching out to Penn State alumni and friends on the phone to raise support for academics. We only require 3 shifts per week, keeping your days free for schoolwork. It’s a fun and professional atmosphere that will build up both your resume and self-confidence. So many people love working here, come find out why. Stop by our 112 South Burrowes Street office and apply M- F 8 am to 9:30 pm or check out www.lionline.psu.edu today!
3- 5 ACTRESSES needed for senior film will pay $200 to $400 per person for one weekend filming. Call 717-579-9769. 500 SUMMER JOBS, 50 camps, you choose! Free professional service! Northeast, USA. Athletic/ Creative counselors/ coaches needed; sports, water, art; apply on-line www.summercampemployment.com; Carolyn@summercampemployment.com ; 800 443-6428. BABYSITTER NEEDED, PINE Grove Mills area, for 7- year- old child. Monday and Wednesday, 3- to- 6 pm. Some weekend work also possible. Must have car and refs. $8 an hour. Call 237-7344 or 571-0383. BABYSITTER: MUST BE available Tuesdays and Thursdays for 4- 5 hours in the afternoon; must have car to drive to outer state college location; and must be interested in playing and doing crafts with 4- year old girl, and sometimes friends. Pay from $6- $12 per hour, depending on how many kids. Call Lisa at 861-3973. BABYSITTING: LOCALLY- RUN web site connects PSU student babysitters with area families. Student sitters register for free. Parents may search for free. Visit www.CollegeSitter.com for more information. BOALSBURG BUSINESS HIRING for office work and customer service. Must be very reliable and hard working. Flexible schedule. E-mail cover letter, references, and resume to supergold@kenchertow.com
Don’t Miss Our Great Prices!
Efficiencies, 1 Bdrm, 2 Bdrm, Free Pkg., Spacious Rms, Huge Closets, Quiet Atmos.
9 BEDROOM, 4000 sq. ft. house for rent 2006- 2007 downtown. 814-272-7772. APARTMENTS, HOUSES, ROOMS close to campus. E-mail us for a complete list. Halfmoonrealty@aol.com ASSOCIATED REALTY INVITES you to take our virtual tour at www.arpm.com
424 Waupelani Drive Open Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Sat. 10-3 lionsgateapts@lionsgateapts.com • www.lionsgateapts.com
AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: EFFICIENCY on South Burrowes. Lease ends mid- Aug. $420/ month. Great location! Please call 610-395-5180, 610-428-2845. BAKER REALTY 2 Bedroom efficency, close to PSU. Heat, water, parking included. No pets. 1-814-238-0883. DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE in all sizes for fall of ‘06. A wide variety of prices. Stop by Associated Realty. 456 E. Beaver Avenue. 231-3333. www.arpm.com
GREAT PRICES!!! 1 bedroom $555-$575
2 bedroom $655
3 bedroom $855 •Heat and Cable Included •Wood Flooring in 2 BDRMS •Balconies/Patios Available •Close to Downtown •On the CATA Bus Route Executive House Apartments
411 Waupelani Dr., State College 814•238•7211 Office Hours Mon.-Fri. 9-5
By Jacqueline Bigar ©2006 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday, Jan. 13, 2006: You have creativity, luck and vitality on your team this year. Your only difficulty could be a tendency to run into misunderstandings. Learning to divert problems before they happen could be challenging, but a strong source of satisfaction. Meeting and enjoying others happens naturally and points to success. Your friends and associates often help you choose the best path. If you are single, you’ll meet many people from all walks of life. Who you want around you might be the question. Get to know a potential significant other well before you plunge into a relationship. If you are attached, you’ll find that fun seems to happen naturally, especially when you are out and about. CANCER has an unusual way of expressing his or her affection. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ★★★★ Settle in and remain centered. Confusion could surround communication. Do your best to verify meetings and plans. Your understanding draws closeness and inspires others to reveal more. Seize the moment to sleuth out a complicated situation. Tonight: Act like it’s Friday night. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ★★★★★ Others could be more scattered than you realize. Your ability to initiate strong decisions comes back in multiples. Others seek you out. Your popularity explodes. You might have to do some juggling of people and events. Plans change. Tonight: Hang out. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ★★★ Expenses could cause you to cut back or at least shake your head. Reveal more of yourself. Your ability to dive into a project and get others to chip in helps you get through many pending projects. Do schedule time for socializing too. Tonight: Do your Friday-night thing. CANCER (June 21-July 22) ★★★★★ Others might be very confusing, saying one thing but doing another. Try to sort through the multitude of messages, or simply decide to do your own thing. Your magnetism radiates. Don’t depend on anyone but yourself. Tonight: Whatever makes you happy. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ★★★★ You might not appreciate the immediate confusion, but you can get past it. Don’t take others’ comments personally. If you can, you might want to stay home. You are happiest staying close to home. Tonight: Vanish.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ★★★★ When dealing with others, you need to confirm plans and messages. An element of confusion could run through the day. A child or loved one might say one thing but mean another. Emphasize what is important and don’t focus on petty things. Tonight: Where the crowds are. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ★★★ Pressure builds, and you could feel stretched to the limit. You need to understand that others often think you can handle much more than you want to. On the other hand, you might want to put in some overtime or add to your lucre. Tonight: In the limelight. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ★★★★★ Your ability to sift through what is real and what is imaginary helps. Unexpected developments could have you smiling and able to see what up till now you couldn’t. Notice what isn’t being said. Tonight: See your life differently. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ★★★★★ Work with others as if they are part of your team. Allow those around you to see more of the real you. Others get behind you and work harder as a result. Sometimes understanding your motivation is important. Tonight: Quality time with someone important. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ★★★★★ Get ready for an onslaught of people and questions. Your popularity is high, and you head in new directions. Friendship plays a large role in wish fulfillment. Honor your feelings. Tonight: Happy with your friends. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ★★★★ Push to get as much done before the weekend as possible. You will feel much better wherever you are. Though you didn’t instigate a project or venture, you accept responsibility. Others applaud. They are relieved. Tonight: What pleases you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ★★★★★ Your imagination comes up with solutions when others cannot. Used creatively, this talent could make your work, personal life and other matters easy and more fun. Let it all hang out. Tonight: Romp to music. Enjoy. BORN TODAY Actor Robert Stack (1919), actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus (1961), actor Richard Moll (1943)
Pantone 285 Blue
FRIDAY, Jan. 13, 2006 17
HELP WANTED BUILD YOUR RESUME and earn $$$. School Age Childcare, HS diploma & experience OR 30 credits in ECE, Elem ,Ed ,HDFS or Human Services. PartTime flexible hours. State work- study participating. State College/ Penns Valley School Districts. 2:30- 6:00 PM. E-mail resume to scpvsacc@cdfc.org or call Jody @ 814-238-5480 EOE. CAREGIVERS NEEDED FOR our two preschool children 11:45- 4:00 M, T, W, F. To apply go to www.zoubek.com CENTRE REGION PARKS & Recreation is looking to fill the following positions: multi- Sport Official; Youth Tumbling/ Gymnastics Instructors; Program Leaders/ Assistants at Millbrook Marsh Nature Center. JanMay depending on the program. Pay rate: $7- $9 depending on position & qualifications. For more information and applications call CRPR: 231-3071, or visit www.crpr.org
GUMBY’S PIZZA (234-4862) Now hiring delivery drivers, experienced kitchen staff & managers. Drivers must have car, insurance, registration and license. Apply now at 300 South Pugh Street! Extra pay available for experienced drivers familiar with area and demonstrate abilities. No drug testing required.
LOCAL RETIRED DOCTOR needs student to help run errands and do odd jobs around house. Must have a car. 231-2012. MUSIC STUDENT TO teach piano weekly to 6 year old in my State College home. Experience with children required. 238-5240. NEED A BABYSITTER weekdays Monday - Friday, 7:00 - 11:00 am starting March. Contact (814) 574-6475, (814) 861-3113 or pud11@psu.edu.
HELP DELIVER THE Daily Collegian to campus locations. Monday- Friday, approximately 5:30 am- 8:30 am. Must have valid driver’s license with good driving record. $9 per hour to start. Apply at Collegian office, 123 S. Burrowes St., State College. Call 8632069 for information.
PART TIME BABY sitter- Mon/ Wed 36 pm. Spring Semester. Care for one child. Car required. Non- smoker. Excellent driving record. Responsible, reliable, and good with children. Competitive pay. Call 231-4845.
INSTRUCTORS NEEDED: NITTANY Gymnastics Academy is looking for experienced, highly motivated coaches for our growing program. Applicants should have proven knowledge of skill progressions, desire to work in a professional atmosphere, be a team player and be willing to contribute significantly to our recreational program. Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to Nittany Gymnastics Academy, Inc. 2300 Commercial Blvd. State College, PA 16801. Attn: Vicky Barto or Vicky@nittanygym.com
DP DOUGH NOW hiring drivers and insiders call 237-4747 or stop by the store. 1460 Martin St. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION STUDENT to babysit weekends and evenings on regular basis. Must have experience with children! Serious inquiries only. 238-5240. GROWING HIGH- TECH company with excellent benefits is seeking a Marketing Communications/ DTP Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Pagemaker or equivalent skills reqiured. Product brochures, posters, mailouts, tech spec sheets, tech manuals, webpage duties. www.centroidcnc.com GROWING HIGH- TECH company with excellent benefits is seeking Electronic Engineer, Electronic Technician, and Technical sales, Programmers. www.centroidcnc.com
PART- TIME DAY shift needed, especially Tuesday/ Thursday availability. Flexible schedule. Short lunch hours. 11- 2 or 11- 4. Weekend shifts available. Must be a people person. Apply at C. C. Peppers at Walmart Plaza, North Atherton. PLAY SPORTS! HAVE fun! Save money! Maine camp needs fun loving counselors to teach all land, adventure & water sports. Great summer! Call 888-844-8080, apply: campcedar.com SITTER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for after- school care for one nine- yearold (4th grade) girl. Student in child focused major preferred (education, HDFS, etc.). Would need to be available 2:30 to 5:00/ 5:30 on three to four days/week (days negotiable). Must have car available. Send resume and names of three references to ymg100@psu.edu
LEARN AS YOU earn! HybriMetrics Inc. has part- time positions available immediately for telephone interviewers to perform surveys. Join our team and learn about new products and therapies in the constantly changing medical field. Flexible daytime hours, minimum of 3 hours/ shift, 4 days/ week, starting rate $7.25/ hour, convenient CATO Park Location (on the bus route), position requires excellent verbal and written communication skills. To request an interview. Contact Nicole at HybriMetrics, 235-5000.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: BECOME a Quit and Win Smoking Cessation Coach. Training, Group Meetings and Meals will be provided. 4- week commitment (one hour per week) in February. Sign up today at www.sa.psu.edu/uhs/qw/ qwcoachregistration.asp
LIFEGUARDS AND SWIM instructors needed at the athletic club 1445 West College Avenue. 237-5108.
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PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE SPRING/ FALL: Parking beside West campus, N. Barnard St., www.offcampusparking.com 235-3662 (day/ evening). GARAGE: 800 BLOCK West College. Secure, good lighting. $125/ month. Leave message at 814-238-1941. PARKING SPACE IN garage for rent. 883-6833. PARKING SPACES 403 South Allen, underground heated security. $75 per month. Chuck, 867-1946. PARKING: WEST COLLEGE Ave., next to west campus, asphalt. $225/ semester. Leave message at 814-238-1941.
ROOMMATES FEMALE NEEDED TO share 2 bedroom house with 1 quiet female. Available January. Walking distance to campus. $350/ month, includes some utilities, free parking and washer/ dryer. 814-571-5791. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED for Spring and/ or Summer semester. $329/ month rent at Meridian. Price negotiable. Contact Melissa at 724-658-1750.
MALE AND FEMALE roommates now need for downtown apartments at the Graduate and Park Place. Individual leases, roomate matching service, rent includes all utilities except telephone. All apartments feature comfortable select furnishings, meticulously maintained buildings. Call now 238-1878. gnrealty.com
SUBLET 1 BEDRM AMAZING APARTMENT FOR spring and/ or summer! One- bedroom, full kitchen, refrigerator, high ceilings, full bath, hardwood floors, heat & AC. $365 p/ m. E. Foster Ave. near Pugh St. Call 610-413-3509. SUBLEASE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY through August. Newly remodeled apartment on West College right off Barnard St. Seven person male complex, private bedroom. Large kitchen, living area, two bathrooms. Willing to sublease at $350 per month.
SUBLET EFFICIENCY FOR RENT now. Lease through 8/15. Two blocks from campus on Burrowes. $420/ month plus utilities. Negotiable. 610-428-2845.
WORK STUDY WORK STUDY POSITION available, spring 2006- International Programs, Agriculture: Assist with online research, writing articles, special projects, presentations, respond to general office inquiries. Fun office atmosphere! Please contact Marilyn (mbm8@psu.edu) or Melanie (mds270@psu.edu)
TRADE UP MUSIC Buying/ Selling musical instruments. Open 11-7 everyday. 4701 SE Division 503-236-8800
CASTING CALL! Hip, enthusiastic students needed to record conversations for popular ESL web site. $15/hour, PT. Contact dave@versation.com.
NEW BALANCE SHOE STORES (Pioneer Placedowntown or Bridgeport Village-Tigard) seek PT retail sales help, evenings and weekends, 20hrs/ wk. Email (specify which store) or visit stores. Pays $8$10/ hr.
VANGUARD CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE The classifieds are now online as of Spring term and our new rates are: (All rates include both print and online editions.) 1-3 days $10.00/ Day includes up to 25 words $0.30 each additional word 4-7 days $9.00/ Day includes up to 25 words $0.30 each additional word 8+ days $8.00/ Day includes up to 25 words $0.30 each additional word PSU Campus Rate: 35% off all published rate Call Chris at 503-725-5695 or e-mail classifiedad@pdx.edu with any questions. The page for online classifieds is http:// www.dailyvanguard. com/ pages/ classifieds
ROOMMATE WANTED PSU male 21 looking to share 2bed/2bath condo with washer/dryer. $350mo plus PGE & Cable. 9 miles from PSU 971-240-1962
PSU BILLS UPS FOR $3K TUITION / yr plus pay up to $9.50hr $full benefits$vac&holiday$ $advancement opps. $17NEED HELP? Get a coach. 20hrs/ wk$ Dissertations - Academic Must be 18&lift 70lbs. EOE writing. Call 503-804-4748 Apply: WWW. UPSJOBS. COM
SUMMER JOBS? Hiring Full-time managers and painters $8-$10 per/hr + bonuses! No experience necessary jobs in WA, OR, ID. Apply at 888-227-9787 or www.collegepro.com
IMPACT THE LIFE OF A CHILD Counselors, Lifeguards, and Program staff wanted for Summer Camp near Portland. For more information contact Michael at 503-231-9484
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB Boys & Girls Club of Port!BARTENDING! Up to land Metropolitan Area is $330-day. No experience looking for energentic, renecessary, training proflexible and creative people vided. 800-965-6520 extfor part time and summer 220. camp positions. Please WANTED: PSU STU- contact Tess Corbin at DENTS to be Advertising 503-282-8480 Sales Reps in the VanMUST LOVE DOGS Pet/ guard Ad Office! Are you House sitter wanted. Beamotivated, well-organized, verton, April, fragile old and have good commuMastiff. Jodi 503-524-5676 nication skills? Want to 503-961-3128 make money and get realworld sales experience? WEDNESDAY NANNY I Not afraid of sales goals? am looking for a nanny on The Vanguard, PSU’s daily Wednesdays. I live in NW campus newspaper, is cur- Portland. Please have exrently recruiting two Ad- perience and references. vertising Sales Reps for Dmzimmerman@comcast. the 2006-07 school years. net These part time positions (12 flexible hours/week) offer a monthly base stipend plus generous commission and bonus plan. Have your own on-campus office with personal computer and phone. Perfect your coldcall, client presentation, and customer service skills in these hands-on positions. All majors welcome. Job starts September 12, 2006. Call Advertising Sales Manager Vanessa Hammer at (503)725-5686 for more information, or email your resume to hammerv@pdx.edu
THE SOUND OF VIOLENCE Featuring: Doomsday, Bloodshot, Tragedy and Nitemare!!! Saturday April, 22nd At Rock N’ Roll Pizza 112th & Powell Portland, Oregon Doors open @ 6:30PM Show starts @ 8PM Tickets $10 in advance $12 at door All Ages & Bar with ID Tickets available at www.rocknrollpizza.com & Safeway Fastixx More info www.tragedy503.com or myspace.com/tragedy503
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Deadline is 2 p.m. the working day prior to publication. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Prepayment is required. All phone-in and credit card advertising is subject to billed rate. Call 765-743-1111 Ext. 0
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1-BEDROOM LOFT APT. Completely furnished. All utilities paid. Located in Historic Lafayette home. No pets, deposit. Available August-1 or sooner if desired. $500/per month. Must be seen. 410-0100 or 429-8629.
Private furnished room, 1/2-block to EE. FREE utilities, available now, lease negotiable. 743-7348. *403 AND 405 Maple. (5) 3-bedroom units. 1-year lease, $275-$325/person. No pets, 5-minute walk to Knoy Hall. Call 426-4567. 1 BEDROOM, DOWNTOWN Lafayette. Very large apt. includes office and dining room. Water paid. Available now. $500/month. 765-532-4224 1,2&3-BEDROOM APARTMENTS available for Spring semester. Furnished or Unfurnished for further information please call-463-1116. 1,2,3&4-BEDROOMS: WALKING distance to campus. www.boilerapartment.com/weida 765-743-0317. 1-BEDROOM 217-W.Lutz, $475/month includes utilities, 426-8898-Berry, CBRubin@commercialbrokersinc.com 1-BEDROOM, BUS-route, 923N. 8th, Lafayette, $375-$425+electric, Furnished or Unfurnished. 412-6155
4-BEDROOM, STARTING in January, partially furnished, on campus, 765-743-4951.
6-MONTH LEASES starting January. 2&3-bedrooms available rent includes: water, sewer, trash and cable. Call-464-1506. www.thelodgelife.com
COPPER BEECH 1&2-bedroom townhouses w/private bath, FREE internet & cable. Call for details 765-497-9300.
STUDIO APARTMENT FOR-1 person-PVT home. 3-blocks from campus. Available August, 9-month lease, $395/month-Utilities and cable included. 743-1663 (after 2p.m.)
V & J Rentals Now Leasing Fall 2006
1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments
Close to Campus!
THURSDAY, JAN. 26, 2006 PAGE 7
$250-$450/STUDENT 1, 2, 3, & 4 bedroom apartments Downtown. Large bedrooms, quality kitchens, washer/dryer, parking, near trolley/bus line. 491-2063
****1-BEDROOM ON campus, utilities paid, $490/month, 497-2325.
1,2,3&4-BEDROOM APARTMENTS available Fall-06: 400-Stadium 3-bedroom house. 1-2baths. N. 7th-Street: 4-bedroom, 2-1/2-bath. Lindberg Village Townhomes w/garages, 4-bedroom, 3-1/2-baths. Horizon Drive Townhomes: 2-bedroom, 1-1/2-baths Downtown Lafayette, 1-3-bedrooms, 1-2-baths. All amenities in most. Some with June-1st leasing. 742-0195/491-4134
1-BEDROOM LARGE, washer/dryer hook-ups, private entrance, yard, quiet, $425/month, $200security deposit. 463-3180.
$250/PER-PERSON &-UP 2,3&4-bedroom Apartments/Houses. Call about our specials. Walking distance to campus. C/A, Large Bedrooms, Laundry, on-site parking, Call-479-4400, 420-8160. $340&UP STUDIO & 2-bedroom Townhouses, Basement, C/A, Off-street parking, Walk to campus. www.AnandaApts.com 463-1231. $350-$385 1-BEDROOM apts. nice, Great location, walk to campus, May or August lease, +gas & elec. 742-6604. $420 STUDIO, HEAT paid, W/D, walking distance, off-street parking, 583-4702. $440 +ELECTRIC, 1-bedroom apts. nice, Great location, walk to campus, August leases, heat & other utilities paid. 742-6604.
****2-BEDROOM: EXCELLENT condition, $270/PP, 5-minutes to campus. 497-2325. 1&2-BEDROOM ON Yeager Road, Balcony, A/C, Off-street parking, on Bus route. 490-0829. 1&2-BEDROOMS: 1-block from campus, beginning @ $450/month, www.oncampusapartments.com, 463-1001. 1,2&3-BEDROOM APARTMENTS & townhomes approx. 2-miles from campus. Nice, newer, modern! 765-743-0317. 1,2,3 & STUDIO apartments & Townhomes available for Fall semester. Please call 463-1116. 1,2,3-BEDROOM DUPLEXES: w/garage, Multiple baths, W/D, West Side locations, 426-8898-Berry, 426-4773-Annie.
1-2-STUDENTS, 1-bedroom allows 2-students, huge rooms, 5-minute walk to campus, 204Wiggins, $465-$565. www.abetrentals.com, 428-1502. 1-8-BEDROOM APARTMENTS/HOUSES, available on campus for 06-07 school year. Call-746-1831 to set up an appointment today!! 1-BDRM DELUXE apartment, all appliances including W/D, 834-Main Street, Lafayette, $725+utilities, lease deposit, 426-0701. 1-BDRM: SMALL Bldg close to Student Union. A/C, microwave & balcony, $465, 743-0489.
1-BEDROOM, $325/MONTH +electric, Columbia Street, Lafayette. 765-567-4373. 1-BEDROOM, AVAILABLE January, newly built. Full equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, $500/month, 807-0088. 1-BEDROOM, CONVENIENT to Purdue, across The River, $395-All utilities included, 765-532-1049. 1-BEDROOM: DOWNTOWN Lafayette, $385-$425, no pets, $200-deposit, FREE laundry, 427-0997. 1-BEDROOM: INTERNET included, washer/dryer, dishwasher, C/A, on Bronze Loop, No pets. Call Today 491-4040. www.riverwalk-apts.com
•Why spend money on gas when you can walk? •Why spend money to heat space you don’t need? •Why spend money on a club house gym you don’t use?
ff O 0 $20 it s o p De le ase s onl y.
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1-BEDROOMS AVAILABLE from $415/month. Washer/Dryer included in some units; All located off of bronze loop & qualifies for “C”-permit. Call-743-0186.
2&3-BEDROOM APARTMENTS: ($780 & $1050) 06-07-School year, 1/2-block to Visual Arts, 1-1/2-block to Union. 217-Sheetz Street. 497-7062 after 4p.m. weekdays, weekends anytime.
2-BEDROOM APARTMENT: Affordable living, 765-497-2243, 765-423-5485, www.BarringtonWestWL.com
2-BEDROOM, APTS/TOWNHOUSE, Large 1-BLOCK TO KRANNERT: Offstreet parking. 463-9622 or 427-2776.
2-BEDROOM, GROUND level, washer/dryer hook-ups, quiet, yard. $450/month, $200-Security deposit. 463-3180.
2-BEDROOMS/1-BATH apartments located close to campus and Walmart. On city bus lines. $450/month, $99 1st-month rent. 742-0195 or 491-4134.
2-BEDROOM DUPLEX, private entrance, patio, quiet, $425/month, $200-security deposit. 463-3180.
2-BEDROOM, 1-1/2-BATH TOWNHOUSE, 15minute walk, Sycamore Lane. 2-car carports, All amenities, bus-line. Available now, Short or long-term leasing. $575. 765-447-7711.
2-BEDROOM, LARGE & nice, 2-blocks to campus, utilities paid, 10-or-12/month leases, no pets please. 765-463-4135.
2-BEDROOM FOR the price OF 1. Historic Downtown, 1-semester lease, W/D, $550/month, 426-8898-Berry. CBRubin@commercialbrokerinc.com
2-BEDROOM, 2-bath: Historic Downtown living, W/D, on-site parking, 3rd& Alabama, 426-8898Berry, 426-4773-Annie.
1-BLOCK FROM campus--studio, 1,2,3&4bedroom apartments. All appliances, parking & partially furnished, if needed. 765-743-0317. 1-BLOCK FROM Union, 2-bedroom, 2-bath, fully equipped kitchen, W/D, FREE internet, 807-0088. 2-BDRM LOWER in Lafayette, 5-Points area, $450+utilities, lease, deposit, 426-0701.
2&3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES w/attached garages, 4-miles West of campus, $750-$990, www.williowbendtownhomes.com, 463-1001/463-0614. 2-BDRM IN large historic Duplex, Downtown Lafayette, 914-North Street, $630+utilities, deposit, lease, 426-0701.
• 2/3 Extra Large Bedrooms
• Off Street Parking • In Quiet Area • Extra Large Kitchen/Living Room
2-BEDROOM, 5-blocks to campus. W/D, all utilities except electric. 426-4002.
at 238S.-Grant & 418-Harrison, GREAT campus location! Remodeled Apts & laundry onsite or nearby. 765-420-9600. www.place2rent.com, Ref:E2
2-BEDROOM, 950-sq/ft, newly remodeled, bay window, oak cabinetry, walk in closets, near campus, across The River, $550. 765-532-1049.
3&4-BEDROOMS: 1-BLOCK TO KRANNERT: Large, Off-street parking. 463-9622 or 427-2776.
2, 3 & 4
Townhouses/3 Bedroom Apartments
Bedroom Apartments
1-2 Blocks to Krannert
Free pregnancy test and confidential help.
429-4296 or 426-7686
Bower Housing
3-BEDROOM DUPLEX, yard, washer/dryer hook-ups, Klondike area. $200-security deposit, $550/month, 463-3180. 3-BEDROOM TH available immediately with limited lease term in Lafayette. $630/month, washer/dryer, central heat and air; no pets. Call-743-0186. 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE in West Lafayette available in January-2006. 1400-Sq/Ft, Central heat/AC. Full appliance package in kitchen plus washer/dryer, pets accepted, $750/month, Call-743-5587 for more details.
Matrix Lifeline
3-5-BDRM HOUSE: large house on Salisbury with washer/dryer & central air, $1320. 743-0489
3-BEDROOM, $275/PERSON, includes Internet & W/D, on Bronze Loop. 420-8355/491-4040.
w w w . c r s t v i e w . c o m January Leases Available
Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments
Near Campus
270 Littleton, W.L. 765-743-1881/Toll Free 1-866-799-5500
2-BEDROOM IN historical downtown, brick building. 800-sq/ft. Completely updated, washer/dryer, central air, new paint & carpet, 650/month, available now. Flexible lease, 491-4040 www.milakisrentals.com
2-BEDROOM, SHORT-term leases available, FREE Internet, most utilities paid. 463-3232.
3&4-BEDROOM WITH private baths, garages, Surround sound speaker wiring. Water/Sewage, Trash paid. W/D, microwave, dishwasher, Balcony/Patio, High-speed Internet hook-ups. Call-572-1152 or 479-8290 Today. www.rentspire.com
Limited time only price break!
Take a tour today to see the best apartments at Purdue
Stop by for FREE PIZZA!
Baywater Open Houses Every Wed & Fri 2-5pm CALL: 765-497-9300 www.copperbeechtownhomes.com
1-25-2006 Answer
BY JACQUELINE BIGAR The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1Difficult AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ★ ★ ★ ★ Your lively manner and decisive thoughts make a difference to all the people around you. Understand what others think is the first step in helping them change their mind. A discussion will be successful if you follow this piece of advice. Think positively. Tonight: Relax.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ★★★★ You are in the limelight. Verbalize your thoughts or an important hunch. You are on top of a question or an issue. You'll gain if you follow through on a meeting in which you need to bring others together. Tonight: Where your friends are. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ★★★★ Use all the information and research you have to revise a stand or make a critical decision. Others respond to your leadership. With leadership comes responsibility. Remember that when there is a backfire. You like the praise as well. Tonight: In the limelight. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ★★★★★ Your perspective could be subject to transformation regarding a key association and/or money matter. Decisions made at this point have impact. Verbalize more of what you feel is important. Others will listen, especially with your natural drama. Tonight: Watch a movie or favorite TV show. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ★★★★★ Others continue to dominate. Let it be. Understand what someone's expectations are, but also know that you don't have to meet them or follow through. Someone enlightens you with new facts. You might need to detach in order to absorb the information. Tonight: Quiet time with someone special.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) ★★★ Your efforts will cause a reaction that could change your direction. Your day-to-day life could be much more exciting than it has been if you flex. Honor your opinions and who you are. Schedule interpersonal happenings for late in the day. Tonight: A midweek break. Use your imagination. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ★★★★ Tap into your creative spirit to find answers that could affect your daily life. Don't push so hard. Stay centered. Your lively side would enjoy seeing a refreshing change. Use your practical streak for organizing your desk. Tonight: Rest up. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ★★★★ Plan all you want in the daylight hours, and you'll gain. Know when to pull back and when to act. Right now, the daylight hours are think time. Your perspective could be a lot different if you step back. Tonight: Let your imagination rumble. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ★★★★ Adjust your plans. A conversation takes you in a new direction. You need to update your frame of reference as a result of a key situation. Come from a point of being centered when making a decision. Tonight: Head home. You need time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ★★★★✼ A changing financial situation could have you verbalizing and brainstorming. Expenses could be out of whack. Listen to news, but don't jump to conclusions. Talk to others, schedule meetings and visit with friends. Listen to what is being shared. Tonight: Talk up a storm. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ★★★★★ Use the daylight hours. Your personality impresses someone who counts. You need to know when to back off. If you do, you could be the all-time winner. Invite a friend or loved one out to dinner. Tonight: Your treat. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ★★★ Use the daylight hours to plan and understand. Your ability to be resourceful and sleuth out problems helps you come out smelling like roses. Schedule people-type activities for later in the afternoon. Tonight: Beam in what you want.
3-BEDROOM, $295/PERSON 426-8898-Berry www.commercialbrokersinc.com
4-BEDROOM, 2-bath apartment: available January-1st, 6-month lease, Perfect location across from Chauncey Hill Mall. C/A, dishwasher, balcony. Bauer Shook-428-2114. Only 1-left.
608-ROMIG, 1&2-BEDROOM, $380-$475, Water & appliances furnished. 765-414-5918.
3-BEDROOM, 2-bath, W/D, A/C, 5-blocks from campus, 426-4002.
3-BEDROOM, 852N. Salisbury, $695/month incudes water/trash/sewage, tenant pays electric. 426-8898-Berry. CBRubin@commercialbrokersinc.com 3-BEDROOM, NEW remodeled, new-kitchen, dishwasher, ceiling fans, A/C, washer/dryer. $345/person. 490-0829. 3-BEDROOM: MULTIPLE baths, W/D, historic downtown locations & west of campus, garages, fireplace, $975/month, 426-8898-Berry, CBRubin@commercialbrokerinc.com 4-BEDROOM APARTMENTS, 2-baths, washer/dryer, Wood Street & Waldron Street, Full-kitchen, 464-8047.
at 248-Marstellar Street, $330/person, laundry onsite. 420-9600, www.place2rent.com, Ref:E248. 6-MONTH LEASES starting January. 2&3-bedrooms available rent includes: water, sewer, trash and cable. Call-464-1506. www.thelodgelife.com
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS VIEW extra large living room across from Happy Hallow Park, Cpass available, quiet location, fantastic rates, Nobb Hill Apartments. 463-7633.
AVAILABLE-01/06, 2-BEDROOM, $500/month. Located 1-mile from campus on the bronze loop bus route. 6or12-month lease available. Washer/Dryer in each unit. No pets. Call-743-5587.
January Leases on Campus Call Now
4-BEDROOM AVAILABLE: on South side of campus, price reduced to $299/per person. Call 743-5587.
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West Lafayette, IN 47906
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230 S. Grant Efficiencies • Quiet • Newer Complex • A/C • Laundry • Dishwasher • Parking • Balcony
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McCormick Place 10 Months at Residence Halls
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Base Rent.....................................$5,846...................$4,740 Electric........................................$0.............................$600 High Speed Internet....................$0.............................FREE Cable...........................................$0.............................FREE Laundry (2 loads/week)..............$100.........................FREE Technology Fee...........................$55............................N/A Fitness Center..............................N/A..........................FREE Game Room................................N/A..........................FREE Tanning........................................N/A..........................FREE Water/Sewage.............................N/A..........................FREE
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AWESOME LOCATION ACROSS from Rawls. Single apartments still available January-1st 2006. Discount for long term leases. 532-3518.
LARGE 1-BEDROOMS available near-52 in W.L., Full appliance package plus washer/dryer and dishwasher in each unit. Discount to $450. Call-743-6046. No pets.
SUNNY APTS, EFFICIENCIES, Studio & 1BDRM, 2-blks from campus, off-street parking, half of all utilities paid. 497-1483 or 491-4844.
FREE CELL PHONES: NO credit check, or SSN required. 765-252-0234.
FOWLER HALL Th Jan 26 7:00p.m. VARSITY APARTMENTS A few big beautiful bargains available January-2006. Call-532-3518.
WINTER’S COMING...DON’T let your car be left out in the snow. Available now! On campus covered carport parking. 235-Littleton Street, $50/per month. Just a few left! 765-497-9993 or 765-426-8898.
BEAUTIFUL WOODED VIEW, 2-bedroom, eligible for C pass, very clean, incredible rates, Happy Hollow Road, WL. 463-7120/491-8030.
LARGE STUDIO AVAILABLE immediately, close to campus, walk-in closet, call 612-327-0387
COPPER BEECH 1&2-bedroom townhouses w/private bath, FREE inernet & cable. Call for details 765-497-9300.
NOW LEASING 4-BEDROOM, 2-1/2-Blocks from the Union. 12-month leases beginning 8-18-06. Spacious living area and bedrooms. Call-743-5587.
*LOOKING FOR RELIABLE Japanese used cars. Contact: www.BestBuyMotor.com or 765-449-0490.
GET RID OF your complex. Nice places in house, walking distance to campus. 426-8898Berry. CBRubin@commericialbrokersinc.com
STUDIO’S 108N.-Salisbury, Reserved parking On-site laundry, Water/Sewage/Trash paid. Call-24/7 765-427-4075. Ask about FREE pizza.
CHEVY 2000 CAVALIER Z24, Sport Coupe, Red, sunroof, power, A/C, cruise, CD, $6000. 765-743-9971.
WEST VIEW APARTMENTS Located next to the Purdue Research Park
FOR R ENT APARTMENT, ROOMMATES & sublets available now! Browse and Post Listings FREE! All Cities, All Prices. Call 1-877-367-7368 or http://www.sublet.com/
WINTER’S COMING...DON’T let your car be left out in the snow. Available now! On campus covered carport parking. 235-Littleton Street, $50/per month. Just a few left! 765-497-9993 or 765-426-8898.
EGG DONORS WANTED! Fee for donation. Women must be 18-30. Call for appliacation. Steven Litz, Attorney (317)996-2000, Lic#10328-49.
2 Bedroom/2 Bath Starting at $750 2 Bedroom/1 Bath Starting at $710
695 sq. ft. starting @ $500/mo. 950 sq. ft. starting @ $595/mo. 1,390 sq. ft. starting @ $775/mo.
• Washer • Dryer • Stove • Refrigerator • Dishwasher • Microwave • Cathedral Ceiling • Balcony • Central Air • Parking & Storage • Water, Sewage & Trash Paid
(765) 743-9603 www.campuslocations.com
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Close to Campus
for t y d rea ings a t e G Sav r e Sup
3-4BDRM DUPLEX, LARGE, off-street parking. 1-block to Krannert. 463-9622, 427-2776.
3-BEDROOM NEAR Downtown Lafayette, newly remodeled, $700/month, Available June or August. 491-5097.
$300-$425/PP, 4-BEDROOM, nice, near campus, air, W/D, all appliances, parking, garage, fenced, 423-2277, 463-1969. **********1,2,3,4,5&6-BEDROOM HOUSES/2bath, RENT REDUCED, washer/dryer, close to campus, June-1st or August-1. Pet friendly. FREE Arni’s Pizza Dinner w/lease signing. Call Schultz Rentals 765-446-1601/430-8155 anytime. www.boilerapartments.com ****4-BEDROOM ON campus. 497-2325.
**PRICE REDUCED! 5&6-PERSON HOUSES, -1-BLOCK TO CAMPUS- ONLY 1-LEFT, 427-1196. *WALK TO CAMPUS: 3-bedroom nice, homes available August-06. 317-903-9995, www.rentdcr.com 1&2-BEDROOM APARTMENT/HOUSE for rent, stove & refrigerator included, $425&$525, +deposit, 765-296-2572. 1-2-3-4-5-6-STUDENTS HOUSES/ apartments. Near Engineering/Union. Immediate or August. 463-7184.
219 Waldron
The weather outside is frightful, but the fire at Inspired Fire is so delightful!
1 Block from Elliott Hall
$320/person electric, water, sewage and trash expenses paid
4-BEDROOM, 2-bath house, full basement, W/D, other appliances. $750/month, 742-5713 DUPLEX OR WHOLE house for rent, 7bedrooms, 4-baths + 2-kitchens, $2400, 428-N. Grant, 449-8080. NEW RENTAL HOUSE within walking distance to campus. Looking for 3-female renters. Please call 765-404-8863 for more information. NEW!! HUGE!! 3BD/2.5-bath TWH, 1600-sq/ft., 2-car garage, W/D include, close to campus, scenic pond w/jog trail. $1000/mth. Pets Allowed. Call TODAY 765-426-7220.
UNIQUE HOUSE: MINUTES to campus. 4-bedroom, 2-bath, washer/dryer, $1150, 765-532-2375.
P ERSONALS ******************************************************* ROOMMATE FROM HELL? Private furnished room, 1/2-block to EE. FREE utilities, $200-$300. See apartments furnished! ********************************************************
COME CHEER ON YOUR Track and Field team on Jan.-28th at noon! Watch the Boilermakers take on Ball State, Indiana State, Western Illinois, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the Gene Edmonds Cup.
regular $150
Just $99.95
through Jan. 31
NOTHING TO DO WITHOUT ANY FOOTBALL GAMES TO WATCH? Get your sports fix at the Lafayette Sports Center at 11a.m. on Sunday with the Men’s tennis team as they take on Valparaiso and then Teledo at 3p.m. BOILER UP*
Inspired Fire Glass 2124 SR 25 South Lafayette (Shadeland)
Office: 302 Vine St. • (next to Village Bottle) 4 Bedrooms Available @ 331 Northwestern, 211 Wiggins & 330 W. Lutz
Visit our web site: www.boilerapartments.com/weida
297 per person
285 per person
Located directly behind Neon Cactus Walk to: Panera Bread, Wabash 9, Borders
Free Shuttle or 5 Block Walk
213 per person $
• Pool • Full Gym • • Basketball/Volleyball Courts • Washer/Dryers In Units • 10-12 Month Leases • Pet Friendly
765-743-8461 www.milakisrentals.com
MILAKIS rentals Free Wireless Internet in Ever y Room!
Holloway Two Bedrooms from $297.50/person
Monon Place Studios, $480 1 Bedrooms from $575 2 Bedrooms $355-$365/ Person
4&5 Bedroom Houses in Lafayette starting at $250/person
*All units include washer/dryer, except studios
3 bedroom 4 bedroom $
2/4 Bdrm Units p/Person
Living Room
• Furnished or Unfurnished • Laundry Facility • Garbage Disposal • Air Conditioning • Self-Cleaning Oven • Big Refrigerator/Freezer • 5 Minute Walk to Campus
• 1,100 sq. ft. • No Pets • Dishwasher • Microwave • 2 Full Baths • 9’ Closets
Hurry While They Last! Bedroom
State St.
222 Wood Street (behind Chauncey Hill Mall)
Chauncey Hill Mall
Westwood Apts. Wood St.
Ave .
1 bedroom 2 bedroom
1, 2 & 4 Bedroom Units Bath
Now leasing for Fall 2005-2006 school year!
Roommates Wanted
1, 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Apartments
Westwood Apartments
$440/month $275/person $360/person $300/person
from from from from
Weida Apartments (next to Village Bottle) 743-0317
On the corner of Creasy and McCarty-Lafayette
4 br, 1 Ba, 2,000 sq ft, 3 car detached garage, fenced back yard, 1.25 mi from campus, $1400/mo + Utilities, Avail 8/1/06, 532-5246
SOME HOUSE UNITS still available for immediate move-in. Call-746-1831 for details.
4 Bedrooms
rdue Discou nt
High Point One Bedrooms from $565/person
3-BR HOUSE in quiet area close to campus. Beautiful. all amenities, no smoking, $1080/month. 765-497-4949.
•One & Two Bedroom Apartments •Two & Three Bedroom Townhouses •Great Location •Pet Friendly •Flexible Leasing Pu
Salem Place One Bedrooms from $575/person
3-BEDROOM, 2-bath, basement, 1-mile from PU, air, washer/dryer, pet ok, Available August, $750.00, 765-583-2430.
NOW RENTING FOR FALL, 2-bedroom house on campus, total Elec. 330-Pearl Street, $700. 449-8080.
1 Bedroom & 2 Bedrooms Move In Today Starting at $300/person
3-BEDROOM, 2-bath house for rent near Purdue. All appliances furnished. 941-374-0304.
**3-BEDROOM, 1.7-miles to campus, newly remodeled, NO PETS, water, sewage furnished. $700, 765-404-3700. denhardtm.home.insightbb.com
starting August ‘06
3 & 4 BEDROOM HOUSES. All recently remodeled and near campus in W.L. Cook Rentals 463-9966 or 491-3645.
4 Bedroom/2 Bath
(765) 714-5712 / (765) 743-3347
Pierce St.
• 1 Bedroom • 2 Bedroom/2 Bath • 2 Bedroom/21/2 Bath
STUDENTS WELCOME BACK. CHECK US OUT! FURNITURE-1 +BEDDING : new & used furniture. Items arrive weekly, 3501-E. Union. 765-448-9103. TREADMILL TRUE 500: 28-hours, like new, Retail-$3000, Asking-$1500, W.L. 765-464-2840.
LUXIES PAJAMA PARTY w/Jacob Best Outfit Friday Night
LUXIES Throw Back Thursday Schooner...NAH! $3.50 Miller Lite Pitchers
Live DJ
BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISE! 5-days from-$499! Includes Meals, Taxes, Entry To Exclusive MTV Events, Beach Parties With Celebrities! CANCUN, ACAPULCO, JAMAICA From-$499! On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed! Promo Codes-34 www.SpringBreakTravel.com 1-800-678-6386
APPRENTICE PRESSMAN NEEDED. The Exponent is looking to hire an apprentice pressman, mechanical ability, and an eye for detail a must; Willing to train the right applicant. Job hours are, approximately 8:00pm to 3.00am, 3-nights a week Pay will be determined by experience and training time. For more info please call Ingraham Vancel, Production Director 743-1111 ext. 111, email production@purdueexponent.org, or come in and fill out an application at the front desk.
SPRING BREAK 2006 with Student Travel Services to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas and Florida. Don’t get left behind! Book now, limited space available. Call for group discounts. Info/Reservations 800-648-4849 www.ststravel.com.
BABYSITTER WANTED FOR 5-yo twin girls. Multiple afternoons until 4:30. $6/hour, 532-0074.
SPRING BREAK-2006 PANAMA CITY BEACH FL 5,6,7-night package www.springbreakpcb.com
70’s & 80’s Music All Requested
$2.00 Well Drinks
PARADISE ON SALE!! Cheeseburger-$3.00 (after 6p.m.) Corona’s-$2.50 (all day) Boneless Wings-50¢ THURSDAY’S @BUFFALO WILD WINGS Levee Location only
S UBLEASE UNITS AVAILABLE FOR sublease. Please call-746-1831 for details.
W ORK !!BARTENDING!! UP-to $300-day. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext.-119.
Must have experience and be eligible to work in U.S., Free meal, $40 guarantee-each shift, Apply in person. NO call. MOIVE EXTRAS, ACTORS, MODELS! Make $75-$250/day, all ages and faces wanted! No exp. Required, FT/PT! 800-851-6131.
NEON CACTUS Now hiring doormen/servers, apply Mon.-Fri. 1-4, 229-W Fowler. 743-6505 or at The Cactus, Wed.10-2, Thurs-Sat. 5:30-7:30
BAR BARRY LIQUORS: Sales clerk, must be-21. Available 4p.m. 1601- Main Street. BEA ONE KOREAN CUISINE AND SUSHI BAR (Martini Bar) now hiring hosts, bartenders, Lunch & Dinner servers. 742-6100. BOILERMAKERSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in W.L. Lafayette. 100% FREE to join Click on Surveys. EARN $5,000 BE an Egg Donor. Must be 20-29 years of age and a non-smoker. Please call ARR at 773-327-7315 or visit www.arr1.com to learn more. INSTRUCTORS: MALONES GYMNASTICS. We will train. 464-1878. INTERNSHIP WITH A NATIONAL recognized commodity brokerage firm. Foreign language and Agriculture background are pluses. Email resume to jim@bowertrading.com
NIGHT OWLS!!! The Purdue Exponent is looking for dedicated individuals to work in the pressroom. Employees will work Thursday nights, hours from 9pm-@3am. No experience is necessary, but attention to detail a must. Fill out an application at the Exponent, 460 Northwestern Ave. For questions call 743-1111 x111
AMAZING SUMMER AT PREMIER PA coed children’s overnight camp. Energetic, enthusiastic men and women wanted for all activities and counselor positions. Nursing positions available too. Great Experience. Good Salary. Internships available. Visit our web site, www.campnockamixon.com to schedule on campus interview for February-3. HAVE THE SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE at a prestigious coed sleepaway camp in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, 2 1/2-hours from NYC. We’re seeking counselors who can teach any Team & Individual Sports, Tennis, Gymnastics, Horseback Riding, Mt. Biking, Theatre, Tech Theatre, Circus, Magic, Arts & Crafts, Pioneering, Climbing Tower, Water Sports, Music, Dance, Science, or Computers. Kitchen and maintenance positions also available. Great salaries and perks. Plenty of free time. Internships available for many majors. On-campus interviews on February 3rd. Apply online at at www.islandlake.com Call-800-869-6083 between 9 and 5 eastern time on weekends for more information. info@islandlake.com
CAMP COUNSELOR POSITIONS NEAR NEW YORK CITY CAMP COUNSELOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE at Camp Weequahic, a co-ed children’s sleepaway camp in northeastern PA, about 2 � hours from New York City. We will be at the University on February 3rd, at the Summer Camp Job Fair, and would be happy to meet with you there. Positions are available for all areas of sports, including tennis, gymnastics, baseball, softball, roller hockey, golf, basketball, soccer, lacrosse and others, as well as waterfront, including swimming, canoeing, sailing, windsurfing and waterskiing. We will pay for training and certifications where required. Other positions may be available in hobby areas such as archery, dance, aerobics, theater, piano accompanist, rocketry, woodworking and ceramics. We also need a nurse (either LPN or RN) and will help you to obtain the PA license. Salaries start at $200 per week, plus room, board and travel expenses. Please visit our website at: www.weequahic.com for more information and to FILL OUT AN ONLINE APPLICATION. You may also contact us by email at newsweeq@aol.com. Please be sure to leave a phone number, including area code. We will contact you prior to the 3rd to set up an appointment to meet with you at the job fair.
NOW HIRING Promotional and Martini Room staff at The Neon Cactus. Apply in person 229-W Fowler, Mon.Fri 1-4. 743-6505.
SUBWAY PURDUE WEST delivery drivers wanted. Only 2-positions left. Apply in person Mon.-Thurs. 2-4p.m. Very competitive wages, Must have own transportation. EEOC.
Program Instructors and Counselors needed for residential camping program serving children and adults with disabilities. Centrally located between San Francisco and San Jose in the Santa Cruz foothills. If you are interested in a challenging and rewarding experience with an opportunity to make a direct impact in childrens’ lives, come join our team. Positions available from June to mid-August. Contact 408-243-7861/www.viaservices.org or VISIT US AT THE SUMMER CAMP JOB FAIR ON FEB 3RD.
Paradise Regained
Live from 10:30-2
S E R V IC E S O FFERED DRINK AND GROW Rich! The unique Himalayan Health Secret that can give you unlimited wealth and great health. Backed by research and marketed by solid company. International expansion, supreme credibility, great growth. Leaders Wanted! Call:765-4477650 or go to: www.lifekare.gojiteam.com
Livesay Management
25¢ Miller Lite Drafts From 7p.m.-10:30p.m.
130 S. Chauncey
2 0 30 Remaining Great Campus Locations - Walking Distance
24 Hour Emergency Service
Studios - $380* 1 Bedrooms - $430* 2 Bedrooms - $280* 3 Bedrooms - $246* 4 Bedrooms - $259*
⌮⌻〈-⌲ ⌲⌺
We would like to thank The Men of Kappa sigma for the delicious chocolate covered strawberries. We loved them!
DANCE2XS Purude Hiphop Dance Team Callout and Tryout, January-24, 28, 29. Contact Dance2xsPurdue@yahoo.com
Friendly Service
$250/MO. ROOMMATE NEEDED Immediately Available. 3-4-BEDRM APT on campus includes central air, Large bedrms, laundry, parking. Call-479-4400, 420-8160.
*per person
M-Th 11am-6:30pm • Fri 11am-5:30pm • Sat 11am-4pm
FEMALE HOUSEMATE NEEDED. Huge private room, 2 blocks from campus. $350+utilities. Call 765-4041013. FEMALE ROOMATES FOR house on Northwestern. $300 +utilities. Available Fall semester. 464-8809.
Do It With Me
FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED: non-smoking, $325/month, on campus, 317-796-5866. MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED 12months starting 8/1/2006 CrestviewNorth Call Jeff 765-414-1337
1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Bedroom....
SPRING BREAK-2006: SUN Splash Tours-The Experts Running Spring Break Since-1988. Hottest Destinations-Biggest Parties. Book Your Trip at The Lowest Price. Prices from $204. www.sunsplashtours.com, 1-800-426-7710.
Now Leasing
•Houses •Duplexes •Apartments •Efficiencies
The Fairway On Northwestern
Luxury 1 & 2 Bedrooms Huge Floorplans Up to 1250 sq ft. FREE Wireless Internet Brand New Clubhouse with Fitness Center, Pool, Tanning Bed, Beautiful New Kitchens
•Free High Speed Internet •Utilities Paid •Washer/Dryers •Free Cable w/HBO •Pet Friendly
Apartments Starting at $340/person Grad Student Discount
Call Today, Limited Supply
Only 7 Spaces Left!! paradigmproperties.net
2 Bedroom/2 Bath Apartment, Washer/Dryer in Unit, Free T1 Internet R
A-1 Maintenance
Make The Move CHAUNCEY HILL APARTMENTS www.chaunceyhill.com Visit our temporary office at 240 S. Salisbury #17
22 f e b r u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 0 6
Please visit website www.universityhill.com HOUSE FOR RENT. Clarendon Street; 4 bedrooms; dishwasher; free washer, dryer; off-street parking; new kitchen; full basement; available May 15. 477-6225 WALK TO CAMPUS Comstock Ave. Efficiencies, Furnished Laundry - Parking - $590 & $610. Includes Utilities 1-2-3 Bedroom Apts. & Flats; Remodeled Euclid & Lancaster Area $450$895+ Utilities. 24 Hour Maintenance with all apartments. D.N. DRUCKER, LTD. 445-1229
Bedroom Houses & Apartments
University Area Apts. 1011 E. Adams St. #30 479-5005 www.universityarea.com
478-6504 868 Sumner, 4-5 bedroom. Available June. Walk to campus. Parking, laundry, $350 per bedroom. 446-5186
PRIVATE FURNISHED STUDIO APTS. 1011 E. Adams St. 509 University Ave. Carpeted, Air-conditioned, Furnished, Secure, Laundry, Parking, Maintenance. Available for 2006, 2007. University Area Apts. 1011 E. Adams St. #30 479-5005 www.universityarea.com
781 Ostrom Avenue. Best location, off-street parking. 478-3587. Available mid-May. Large house partially furnished.
3 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. Walnut Avenue, near campus, parking, great area. $760+utilities. 476-1985
CLASSIFIED DISCOUNT RATES Based on consecutive run of the same ad CLASSIFIEDS
$4.45 $4.20 $3.90 $3.55 $3.10 $2.65
$7.00 $6.80 $6.55 $6.25 $5.90 $5.50
1/2 Block from campus Modern Two Bedroom Apartments Wall to Wall Carpet. Air Conditioned. Dishwasher. Laundry. Low Utilities. Competitive rents. 302 Marshall St. (across from Haven)
859-B Ackerman Avenue - 3rd Floor - FURNISHED. The Kermit House is two bedrooms withdouble beds; a spacious livingroom, carpeted throughout. The newly painted exterior is: Kermit Green/Cream Trim with red roof. This apartment has all new appliances, hi-efficiency furnace, plus free laundry and parking.
University Area Apartments 1011 E. Adams St. #30 479-5005 www.universityarea.com
YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME awaits you - see it now. Call John or Judy at 478-7548
Please visit website www.universityhill.com
RENT FROM BEN! Available June 2006
705 EUCLID - 3 bedroom, great porch, free laundry, furnished, off-street parking, $380/bedroom
your home away from home
2-3-4-5-6-7 Bedrooms
furnished, double beds, carpeted, dishwashers, laundry, off-street parking, close to campus! NOW RENTING FOR 2006-07
Email su_topia@hotmail.com or call Ben Tupper at 315-420-6937
John O. Williams Quality Campus Area Apartments
For over 30 Years
5 BEDROOM HOUSE furnished, 2.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 porches, parking, washer/dryer. Nine month lease. 422-7138 202 Ostrom 2,3 bedroom. Hardwood, parking, laundry. Walk to campus. $300 per bedroom. 446-5186
1-4 5 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 50 51 - 70
Three and four bedroom apartments. Rents start at $300.00. Fireplaces, balconies, laundry, dishwashers, security system.
110 Comstock Ave. Available Aug.2006. $325pp plus utilities. Modern kitchen/baths, carpeting, off-street parking & laundry.
Available for 2006-2007 Fully Furnished, Laundry Parking, Full-time Maintenance and Management Wall to Wall Carpet and/or Refinished Hardwood Floors Remodeled Kitchens and Baths
Available Aug. 2006, $425pp +utilities. Micro/dish/garbage disposal, carpeted, laundry, parking, close to campus.
3 Bedrooms
812 Ostrom Ave. 302 Marshall St. 621 Euclid Ave. 917 Ackerman Ave. 145 Avondale Place 1011 East Adams St. 509 University Ave.
320 Euclid Ave. - 2 Bedroom
www.universityhill.com 422-0709
Call Rich at 374-9508
1, 2, 3 & 4
913 Ackerman Ave 969 Lancaster Ave 829 Westcott St 117 Concord Place 1020 Madison St 1217 Madison St 853 Maryland Ave
Studio/Efficiency Apartments - Including utilities, private kitchen, furnished, porch, laundry, parking, for as little as $375 per month. Call 476-2982
call John or Judy
3 Bedroom Apts. Lancaster Ave.
furnished, double beds, dishwashers, laundry, off-street parking, renting for 2006-07
Three Bedroom Available immediately, All renovated.
Call PETER 427-0052
One Bedroom Apartments Hardwood floors and/or carpeting, furnished, all utilities included, parking, laundry, quiet buildings, two blocks from campus. 476-2982
Must SEE 422-0709
The Classifieds list prices include 15 words. Each additional word is 10 cents per day. Bold and CAPITALIZED words cost an additional 5 cents per word.
For classified listings on the D.O.’s website, see www.dailyorange.com. The online base price is 10 dollars for 2 weeks. Requests for print classifieds can be made online and payment by credit card is accepted.
Deadline is at 2:30 pm, 2 business days before publication. Place by fax at 315 443 3689, online at www.dailyorange. com, by phone at 315 443 2869 or in person at 744 Ostrom Ave. Cash, checks and all major credit cards are accepted.
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f ebrua ry 27, 2 0 0 6
3 5
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9 2
or email ads@dailyorange.com
8 4
The D.O.’s new weekend entertainment publication. Featuring bar and event listings, movies, TV, music releases, concerts, sex, dining and cooking info. Call Lindsay at 315 443 9794 or email ads@dailyorange.com
Kitchen assistant wanted. Monday-Friday, 3-7pm, Academic Year Graduate student/older preferred. Reference needed. 476-6002
4 4 8
Dunkin Donuts on South Crouse Ave. is now hiring. All shifts, all hours, very flexible. If interested, please stop into the store at 746 S. Crouse Ave. & fill out an application. Or call Guy at 315-546-4786.
Please visit our website at www.oprdevelopers.com for listings & pictures of apartments
Looking for a flexible part time job?
873, 945, Ackerman - 3 Bed. Apt. 320 Euclid - 2 bed. Apt. 737, 924 Lancaster - 2, 3 Bed Apts. 116, 136 Redfield - studios + 3 Bed. Apt. 560, 722 Clarendon - 1, 2, 3 Bed. Apt. 1104 Madison - 2 Bed. Apt. 110 Comstock - 3 Bed. Apt. 605 Walnut - 2 Bed. Apt. 810 Livingston - 3 Bed. Apt.
4 5
Call 478-6504
Eff., 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 Bedrooms
to check out your home away from home!
EVILSUDOKU! Call Lindsay at 315 443 9794
Studio Efficiency, 1,2+3 Bedroom Apartments +Roommate Situations. Clean, Spacious, Superior Condition. Some Recently Renovated. Walking Distance, Laundry + Parking. Quiet and Responsible Tenants Preferred. 474-6791
faculty and residents in the Syracuse area.
3 8
The perfect way to reach students,
Harrison Street One Bedroom Furnished
Madison/Ostrom. Luxurious Furnished Heated 1-3 bedroom apartments/lofts/house NO Pets Call 469-0780.
391-4465 or 472-5908
4 2
Clean, quiet, walk to everything.
6 9
478-6504 O.P.R. Developers
8 8
810 Livingston Ave. Available June 2006. $375 pp plus utilities. For pictures, visit www.oprdevelopers.com
Faculty member offers opportunity to mature, reliable student to care for infant in University area home. 5-10 hours/week, $10/hour. 472-9424.
6 2
ROOMMATES HOUSEMATE WANTED FOR 06-07! one bedroom left in house with four senior girls. close to campus. $300. available June 2006. 717-448-1433 or ecbentz@syr.edu.
TRAVEL Spring Break 2006 with Student Travel Services to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas and Florida. Don’t get left behind! Book now, limited space available. Call for group discounts. Info/ Reservations 800-648-4849 www.ststravel.com.
#,!33)&)%$3 Help Wanted Furnished Rentals Unfurnished Rentals Tickets for Sale Miscellaneous Lost & Found Clothing/Jewelry
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instructors evening 792-2723
U.B. Ski is looking for Sales Rep to host College Ski Week flyers. Earn free trip & Extra Cash. Call 1-800SKI-WILD.
3307 31st, 3/2, $900/mo, carport, hardwoods, CH/A, range, refrig, dishwasher, washer & dryer, exceptional house! 252-5708.
One-on-one tutoring, 35 years experience. Math 0301-2350. 698-0713 seven days a week.
Liquor store looking for par time work. $7.00/hr. 20-25 hours per week. Must be 21. Call 745-8674, M-F, 10-6. Ask for Matt or Lannie.
waitstaff needed for lunch and evening shifts. Apply in person only. El Chico 4301 Marsha Sharp Freeway (Brownfield Hwy)
Looking for a fun job? YWCA after school counselor. M-F. 2:45-6 PM. APPLY NOW at 35th & Flint.
Web designer Needed Immediately. Contact Tiffani @368-6785
Math tutoring. 1320, 1330, 1331. Twenty years experience, Master’s degree, $40/hour. Bobby McElroy 745-8373.
Private Math TuTOR
Life guards & swimming needed for afternoon & shifts. Please call YWCA or come by 3101 35th.
looking for a job?
3 clean up helpers needed for rentals now through December. (Part time) Lawn, painting, yard work, etc. Truck useful. Afternoons and weekends. Contact Ann or B J at 4211 34th. 795-2011.
Students wanted for part-time flexible schedule in entry-level customer sales and service. Great starting pay. Training provided. Conditions apply. Call today 799-2590 workforstudents.com.
5oth street Caboose Sports Grill. 50th & Slide. Party rooms. Monday $1.50 pints. 796-2240. Apply!
lubbock Club is currently taking applications for evening waitstaff with some mornings required. Minimum 6 months experience. Call Randy for appt. 3-5pm. 763-7308.
Accounting majors Local accounting firm seeking two accounting majors for part-time employment. Send resume to: James Teague & Company, 7103 82nd Street, Lubbock, TX 79424. American Habilitation Services, Inc. is seeking PT staff member to assist young man with disabilities in auditing TTU classes. Assistance to include: taking notes for him in class, help getting around campus, etc. Two classes preferably for semester. Student possibly willing to attend staff’s classes. A great opportunity to gain experience for human services, social work, nursing, etc. Experience is not required. Must pass background check. Call Jamie or Nona 749-0900. ape Child Development Center hiring part-time child caregiver M-F, 3-6p.m. Apply at Agape United Methodist Church at 13th & Slide Rd. Beer garden now hiring bartenders, floor walkers, cashiers for weekend shifts. Apply in person. Wed & Fri 6pm - 8pm. 2202 Buddy Holly Avenue. Bless your Heart is hiring for cashier and kitchen positions. Lunch and dinner shifts are available. Apply in person, 3701 19th St., 2-4pm. Caffe Gelato now hiring. Flexible schedule, some weekends required. Apply 5903 82nd ( behind Blockbuster). Call Center supervisors. Part-time. must be able to work even. ‘til 12:00am and w/e. $7.25-$8.50/hr. Apply in person: Opinion Resources, 3602 Slide B-26.
chicken Express
Tech Alumni Owned & Operated. Now hiring! All shifts available. Apply in person @ 4704 4th St. or 2308 82nd St. child care center now hiring morning and afternoon teachers. Flexible with school schedule. Will train, no experience necessary. Please apply in person 2423 87th St. cleaning, stocking, sales. Flexible hours. Shifts available:Morning, Afternoon, Weekends and Tech games! Apply in person only. Specialty store. Coffee, gifts, Godiva. Otto’s Grainery 4119 Marsha Sharp Freeway (Brownfield Hwy between El Chico and La Quinta). Copper caboose, 56th & Q. Free Texas Hold’em ments nightly. NTN 744-0183. Apply!
Avenue tournaTrivia.
Cujo’s Now hiring all positions. Apply in person. M-F, 11am-6pm. Cujo’s, 5411 4th Street. Daycare Needs. Reliable help to work M-F. 2:45pm-6:00pm. Must be able to work all five days. apply at 5220 75th Street.
Doubledaves Pizza
Hiring all positions. slide.
Apply at 4th &
Entrepreneurs Needed Looking for five entrepreneurs who want to make serious money. Call 866-269-9624. FedEX ground has immediate openings for part-time package handlers. Paid weekly. Starting pay is $8.00/hr, $1.00/hr tuition assistance after 30 days of work, $.25 base raise after 90 days, and $.50 base raise after 180 days. Must be able to work Monday-Friday, 3:30AM-8:- 00AM. 8214 Ash Avenue (Southeast corner of Central Freight), 745-7197. EOE/AA First Baptist Church-Preschool Department. Hiring immediately now & beyond: Sunday Mornings 7:45am-9:30am & 10:30am-12:30pm. More specifics discussed over the phone. Apply by phone: 747-1712. Must be 18 or older. Childcare Experience Preferred. Great student Job. Earn up to $10.00/hr. Phone interviewers wanted. Partime. Evening and w/e shifts. Apply in person. Opinion Resources, 3602 Slide B-26. help wanted: CLUB LUXOR UPSCALE DANCE CLUB IN OVERTON AREA IS NOW HIRING FOR ALL POSITIONS. BAR, DOOR, FLOOR, SHOTS AND DANCERS. APPLY IN PERSON AT 2211 4TH. STREET. TUESDAY FRIDAY 5-7 P. M. high paying fun job (just kidding!) Computer geek person needed for eye doctor office. Apply 3415 19th.
Moose magoo’s accepting applications for servers & line cooks. Full and part time shifts available days or evenings. Apply in person at 8217 university. Needed-Art Major- Assistant agent for artist confined to wheel chair. Max Courtney 495-1207. Now hiring hostesses, wait deli help. Apply in person 2pm-4pm. Stella’s 50th & Utica.
staff, M-F
Now hiring dishwashers, bussers, line cooks. Apply in person M-F 2pm-4pm. Stella’s. 50th & Utica. Now Hiring for all positions. Good starting pay. Apply at McAllister’s, 2415 19th. Now Hiring for cashiers. All Shifts. Apply in Store. Must be avaliable nights and weekends. Lowes Family Center. 8208 Slide Road. nude models needed ing classes (males and more info call 742-3826.
for life females).
orlando’s on Indiana is now hiring waitstaff, delivery drivers and kitchen staff. Waitstaff must be TABC certified and be able to work some weekday lunches. Flexilble hours and excellent training available. Apply in person at 6951 Indiana Avenue between 2-5pm. Outgoing, personable even staff needed for upscoming festival. $15/hr. Reply to jdegrand61@msn.com, 940-464-3838, 713-668-5378 (fax).
part time assistant
Reputable, Well Established, Local Construction Company. Competitive pay. Work morning hours (extra hours if needed) 27-35 hours per week. Easy-going, Friendly Environment. Responsibilities: Answer phones, filing, scanning, Microsoft Office knowledge, and basic office functions. Must have moderate typing skills, quality phone skills and a good attitude. Please fax or mail resume to: PO Box 5327, Lubbock, TX 79408 fax: 806-744-2401. Any Questions call 744-2801 part time baby sitter needed. 3pm-6pm. Child experience preferable. 698-0818. Part Time Delivery and Warehouse Person Needed in a Plumbing and A/C Warehouse. Monday-Friday 8:00am-12:00pm or 1:00pm-5:00pm. Call 747-4481 for Appointment. part time help needed. person. Doc’s Liquor Store. & Highway 87.
Apply in 98th St.
Part time shuttle driver needed 25 hours plus. 2 Evening & weekend shifts available. Qualifications: good customer relation skills, lift 75 pounds, pass drug test, 21 or over, driver license & criminal background check. Start at $6.50/hr, benefits available. Apply at Airport Shelter Park, 4410 N. MLK. 806-744-1004. Part time: Monday - Friday, 5pm. Rubber stamp assembly. well with hands. Apply 2112 19th.
1pm Work
part-time childcare providers needed. Children’s Orchard Development center is looking for part time childcare providers for the Fall semester. Must be available to work Monday thru Friday, 2:00-6:00p.m. and have experience working with children in group settings. Come by 54th & Elgin Avenue between 9:00a.m. and 5:00p.m. to complete an application. personal assistant position available. Experience/references/criminal backgroud check required. Leave detailed message of experience 445-0318. PT Medical receptionist w/ extensive bookkeeping. Hours 3p.m.-8p.m. Apply at Minor Emergency Center, 52nd & University.
We need Paid Survey Takers in Lubbock. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. Roly-Poly Sandwiches is now hiring part-time lunch hour positions. Must be available between 11am-4pm. Apply at 421-B Frankford Ave. (4th and Frankford).
rudy’s BBQ
Help Wanted. Flexible Hours, Day and Night shifts available. Apply in Person @ 4930 South Loop 289.
Hiring waitstaff & Taste of China. 780-3688.
Evaluate local stores, restaurants, theaters. Flexible hours, Training provided. 1-800-585-9024 ext 6425.
A Jenny
Jason’s Deli now hiring all positions including food line prep, order taker and customer service help. Part-time and full-time available. Great pay after training. Looking for energetic people who thrive in a fast paced environment and have fun doing it. Apply within 4001 S. Loop 289. jason’s deli now hiring morning and afternoon shift delivery drivers. Must be able to work from 11AM until 3PM. Monday-Friday or any combination. Gas disbursement for each delivery. Great pay after tips. Can make up to $8-15 per hour. Apply within 4001 S. Loop 289. John’s Total Lawn Care seeks dependable, hardworking employees for lawn care & landscaping. Morning and afternoon shifts available. Call Tim at 806-252-2273.
join the fun
at Whitewood Lanes. Lane waitstaff needed. $6.00/hr & tips. Flexible hours. 3632 50th St. Kid’s kingdom is hiring a preschool and schoolage teacher for Fall. M-F, 2-6 a must. Experience preferred. 5320 50th St. in St. Matthews.
lab technician/chemist 1
See website for job details: www.selebio.com/chem
Secret shoppers Needed
Seeking part time hours, must be willing days. Apply in person. Hat Shop 3035 34th St.
help. Flexible to work SaturFlint Boot and
Shiloh Steakhouse
141st and Slide (3/4 mile past 130th on Slide). Hiring all positions: WAITSTAFF, hosts, and cooks. Apply in person. student greenhouse worker to assist researchers with various cotton projects, (germ plasm screening of exotic cotton for insect resistance, drought, and salt tolerance, general greenhouse work, hand harvesting cotton, ginning and delinting). Some data entry. Computer skills a plus. Apply at: Texas A&M Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 1102 East FM 1294, Lubbock, TX 79403. Or call Monica Sheehan for more information, 806-746-6101, ext.4365. Application may be printed out on the web at lubbock.tamu.edu and returned to the above address. Student wanted to answer for local company every other end and part-time evening during week. Flexible schedule, coordinate your school schedule our work schedule. $7/hr, no required. Must live in Lubbock round. 765-0188 or 745-7077.
phone weekhours will with selling year-
5401 14th 3/2/2, Appliances, Central Heat/Air, W/D hookups. Prefer no pets. Ready October. $850. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471. 5728 93rd 3/2/2, Central Heat/Air, W/D hookups, outside pets. $800. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471. 6104 B 37th 2/.5 Triplex, Central Heat/Air hookups, FP. No Pets. Small Backyard. $525 no refrigerator or $550 w/ refrigerator. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471. 614 7th Wolforth 3/1 & Converted Garage room, no refrigerator, central heat/air, W/D hookups, outside pets only. Ready October 3rd. $650. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471.
Lubbock country CLUB is seeking lunch waitstaff. Excellent pay & quality atmosphere. Apply in person 3400 Mesa Road. 762-0414
Hillcrest Golf & Country Club Bag Staff / Cart Attendent needed. Must be able to work weekdays and weekends. Please apply in person. 4011 N. Boston hostess. Call
work at freebirds
Start making some money and have fun at the same time! We offer flexible schedules plus longevity, academic, and textbook reimbursement bonuses…who else does that? FREEB!RDS is now hiring for kitchen and crew positions. Apply online at www.freebirds.com or at 4930 S Loop 289 COME GET YOUR ROLL ON!
5102 39th. Cute 3/1 & Converted Garage room, appliances, W/D hookups, Central Heat/Air, fenced, outside pets okay. $700. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471.
8103 Waco 3/2/2. Appliances + W/d. Fireplace. Approx 1650 sq. ft. Outside pet ok. $800. John Nelson Realtors 798-0947, 794-7471.
Attention students rate specials on the following properties: 5909 13th. 7105 Wayne. 2508 30th and 507 N. Elmwood. 797-2212.
apartment for rent. Available immediately. Close to Tech! All utilities included, fully furnished. Resort-style swimming pool with hot tub. Full size washer/dryer in every apartment. University Trails 2210 Main Street 749-2200. University Pointe 2323 Glenna Goodacre 749-2323. backyard apartment near Tech clean, quiet, reasonable. No pets. 747-7369. Need someone to take over lease ASAP. All bills paid $429, 2 bed, 2 bath, The Reserve on Frankford. No deposit or app fee. 806-441-3954
1 bedroom 1 bath, stove, dishwasher, disposal, refrigerator, corner fireplace, $450/month, 6 month lease, water paid, 2506 20th. 785-7300. 1 bedroom apartments. electric. $200 deposit. 1/2 ond month. 791-4200.
$335 + off sec-
1 bedroom- 1926 26th, $425. 1602 W, $450. 2323 15th, $300. 2308 14th, $395. 2 bedroom2118 33rd, $525. 2605 41st, $595. 2617 36th, $620. 2813 40th, $620. 6193 34th, $695. 128 Troy, $650. 3 bedroom4914 17th Place, $1100. 2804 41st, $695. 5031 27th, $900. 3103 75th, $925. 3101 49th, $975. 1108 Kirby, $1100. 2707 40th, $850. Many more to choose from. Call Justin at 632-2114, 799-4200.
Available now
Houses, Duplexes, Townhouses. Visit www.lubbock4rent.com. Call 535-8124 535-0827.
bargain 1 BR Tech Terrace. Price negotiable. 2514 28th. 797-6358. bargain 3/3 Tech Terrace. 2514 28th. Price negotiable. 797-6358.
2/1. den. 4622 Detroit. Stove frigerator furnished. $650/mo deposit. 799-4815.
2/1/1 house 4318 32nd. CHA, non-smoking, pets negotiable. 806-543-7136 2/1/1. large den. Stove and refrigerator. W/D hookup. Convenient to Tech. 3411 41st. 795-1340. 2/2 duplex available September. Central h/a, nice and clean, close to Tech, yard maintained, 1808 Ave V. $600/mo. $500/dep. Call Joe (806) 441-0611 for appt. 2/2/1 duplex. 9703 Orlando. New carpet, paint, etc. $750. GeoPropMgmt. 795-9800 2101 51st Oakwood Townhomes 2/1 &1/2 Refrigerator/Stove/Dishwasher, no hookups, small patio, no pets. $500. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471. 2109 Raleigh (off Quaker & 19th), 2-1/2 fourplex, appliances, central heat/air, $550 gas & watr paid. John Nelson Realtors 794-7471. 2115 a 35th 2/1/Carport duplex, refrigerator/stove/central H/A, W/D hookups, outside pets. $500. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471.
Close to Tech HUGE 3/2 Great hardwoods fresh paint, new carpet, large kitchen w/ new vinyl, stove, fridge, dishwasher, central air/ heat, w/ d connect, fenced backyard. Rent $900 Owner/ Agent Stephanie 543-8847
Close to Tech
**AUG. RENT FREE** HUGE 3/2 Great hardwoods fresh paint, new carpet, large kitchen w/ new vinyl, stove, fridge, dishwasher, central air/ heat, w/d connect, fenced backyard. Rent $900. Owner/Agent Stephanie 543-8847.
Cute & Cheap
Obe bedroom duplexes a few blocks from Tech. Washer/dryer included. 789-6001, 747-3083. Cute 2/1 central h/a, wood floors, one car garage, close to Tech, pet friendly, 2008 33rd. 650/mo 500/dep call Joe 804.441.0611
End of summer End of summer
Special: Move in today. 13 blocks off Tech campus. Near 32 & Indiana. Lovely 3 bedroom house. 3 full baths. Appliances. Wood floors. Large fenced yard. $655/mo. +. 3520 32nd. We have others, too. Call B. J. at 795-2011.
End of summer
Specials: We have some wonderful 1-2-3 bedroom houses in quite residential areas. Close to campus. Lovely fenced yards. Short leases available. Call B J at 795-2011 Garage apartment near Tech on 16th St. Quiet, clean, upstairs, fenced, off-street parking. Cold A/C. $275/mo. 806-773-9423; 762-5322.
got house?
TechTerrace.com has houses for Rent & Houses for Sale. Go to TechTerrace.com. Half block Tech. Small, remodeled garage type efficiency apartment. No pets. Parking. Serious Students only. A/C. $335/month, bills paid. Available fall semester. 792-3118. house, 2/1, fenced, off street parking, secure, all appliances including w/d. Non smoking, no pets. $500/$200. 2001 22nd. 794-7931.
incredible floorplan
3/2/2 duplex at 805 A N. Evanston, 1300 sw. ft., only 2 years old, bright, clean, yard maintained, tile throughout, w/d hookups, quiet cul-de-sac. $875. Call 773-6584 or 799-2212.
Large Townhouse
2211 29th. Rear, efficiency, refrigerator/stove, window AC, hookups, storage. $350. John Nelson Realtor. 798-0947 or 794-7471.
Three of two bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace, carport. Washer/dryer included. $500/month. 789-6001, 747-3083.
2415 33rd, two bedroom apartment in tri-plex, appliances, central heat/air, coin. op. washer/dryer, $500, 2/1, upstairs. $550, 2/1.5, patio, downstairs. John Nelson Realtors 794-7471.
Newly Remodeled! 1, 2 & 3 bedroom houses for lease. Convenient to Tech. Call 771-1890.
2510 48th 3/1/1, refrigerator/stove, Central heat/evaporated cooler, carpet 4-months old. Absolutely outside pets only. $625. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471. 2510 48th. 3/1/1 appliances, washer/dryer hookups, outside pet only, 625. John Nelson Realors 794-7471. 3/2 House with playroom and a unique backyard. $950/mo. 2706 27th. Call 806-781-2929. 3/2/1 Close to Tech. 3506 & 3512 23rd Streets. C h/a, w/d conn., $795/mo, $400/dep. Pets OK 806-794-6969. 3/2/1 duplex. Ceilings fans. area. Nice. 9701 Ave U. $795. PropMgmt. 795-9800.
New Geo-
3/2/2 by mall, new carpet, $900/month. $600/dep. No pets. 10 month or 1 year lease. 797-5580. 3/2/2 townhouse. 5840 7th St. Great security, almost new, very nice $850/mo. GeoPropMgmt. 795-9800. 3/2/2cp house. 1908 28th St. Nice with central heat/air. Appliances included. Big rooms and big back yard. $810/mo. Call 792-4173. 3/3/2 duplex. 308 N. Great Tech location. Nice. GeoPropMgmt. 795-9800.
3307 31st,
Chicago. $850.
3/2, $900 mo Carport, Hardwoods, CH/ A, Range, Refrig, Dishwasher, Washer & Dryer, Exceptional House!!! 252-5708
2pc queen pillowtop mattress set. New in plastic, $145. 3pc king mattress & foundation. $249. 806-549-3110.
Buy sell or trade
Martin’s Auto Sales. Best deals all around, whether you’re buying or selling. 773-4554. Complete bedroom suite, 7 piece, solid wood, dovetail, new in box. $899. 806-549-3110. for sale 1999 Clayton 46’X14’ mobile home. 2/1. New paint, wall paper, carpet and countertops. Central heat and air. Already set up in a park near Tech. $10,000. Call 806-292-6601 or 806-685-0852.
ONE BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT!! 1802 Ave. V Close to Tech, lots of room. $350/ mo plus bills. Contact Jessica at 972-742-9829 Quiet country living not far from city. Approximately 1000 sq. ft. 2/1. Large kitchen/ living, fireplace. New carpet & paint. W/D connections. On acre lot 5 miles north of loop. $500/mo. $500 deposit. Call 741-0151.
“FOR ALL YOUR HOUSING NEEDS” go to www.lubbockrentpro.com or call 806-790-3176.
second income
Create a second income that can EXCEED your first! Serious calls. Call toll-free 877-338-5596.
3/2/2 7701 Ave W. Easy drive to Tech. $850/500; call 239-496
Tech Terrace 3/2
For rent. Hardwoods, alarm, fresh paint, very nice! $995/month. 2514 26th. 806-783-0900.
Tech Terrace
Huge garage apartment with french doors, cute kitchen has full size stove and fridge, ceramic tile, berber carpet, water pd. Pets OK. Rent $450. Owner/agent Stephanie 543-8847.
Second floor house for rent. 2 rooms plus 1 bath. Prefer male, mature student. Kitchen privileges. Utilities included. $350/mo. 789-6368. (Call Afternoons/Evenings) Spacious House 2brm/2bth. Near Tech. No Pets Please. Male or Female. $400/mo. All Bills Paid. Funished Bedroom if Needed. Contact Jerad @ 903-780-2648.
SERVICES $3500-$5000
Great College House for sale. 1724 24th St; great for college kids or couple, close to TTU, 2/1, W/D hookups, big back yard; small shop; clean and cute; Call 806-862-5101 evenings. Leave message.
Paid egg donors, plus expense. Non/smoker, ages 19-29, SAT>1100/ACT>24, GPA>3.0. Contact: info@eggdonorcenter.com if qualified.
great house!! 3410-36th. All brick 3/1/1 completely updated, new dishwasher, ceiling fans, & tile in large bathroom. Central heat & air; large backyard with nice covered deck. Must see!!! $79,999. 806-438-5717
Quick, easy, Local. 799-4033.
Matching sofa and loveseat, new in crate, lifetime warranty, stain resistant, $475. 806-549-3110.
Mattress, Furniture
Discounted prices. Slide). 785-7253.
5127 34th Street (34th &
New Full/Double mattress and foundation in plastic, warranty. $135. New twin mattress sets. $99. 806-549-3110. Texas Tech red leather sofa, loveseat. New in crate, $1279. 806-549-3110. XL Capacity Washer/Dryer Whirlpool, white. Great condition and clean. $300 delivered to your door. 806-368-8246
Buying any gold/silver jewelry. Avery, Yurman, Tiffany, others. Varsity Jewelers 1311 University.
Special: lovely brick home. 3/2/2. Near SP Mall. $755 +. Call B J at 795-2011.
2/1 Apartments for rent. Close to Tech. 5722 Brownfield Highway. $500. Call Angel Estrada 806-252-1981, 785-1717.
Clean efficiency apartment. Includes Washer/Dryer 10 blocks to TTU campus. $379 including bills. 781-1715
1603 Ave W (back of front duplex) 2/1 refrigerator/stove, central air, fenced. Outside pet only. $500. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471.
garage hospital
Downtown Loft Apartment. 1600 sq ft. 2 Bedroom, one bath. $950/month. 747-0193.
2 bedroom, large kitchen, fenced, clean . Near Tech, 3409 25th. 795-3810.
Fax: 806.742.2434
Call and confirm pricing and payment.
Beautiful 3bd, 2bth home for lease. Residential area close to Tech. Two fireplaces, three living areas. 1718 30th. $1,200 per month. $500 deposit. Please call John / George @ 562-533-3924
1008 Juneau 3/2/2 Central Heat/Air, Appliances, Isolated Master. $800. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471.
1713 A 46th. 3/2 Duplex, Central Heat/Air, W/D hookups. Outside Pets only. $575. John Nelson Realtors. 798-0947 or 794-7471.
Phone: 806.742.3384
Call us to place your ad by credit card.
Need cash
texas tech
officially licensed rings. Men’s from $395. Women’s from $195. Varsity Jewelers. 1311 University.
C1664. Free day/Tuesday 6 Home Plate 781-2931. Visa
Affordable moving professional
Body Waxing
Private sanitary room. Lindsey’s Salon off University, across from Tech. 368-8004. ironing done in my home or typing. Call Diana 798-3292.
Learn to FLY
Hub City Aviation offers personalized flight training at all levels, including beginners. Aircraft rentals also available. Visit www.hubcityaviation.com or call 806-687-1070.
Need an alcohol awareness class for minors? Classes on Tech campus. DB Education 637-6181. need an energy boost? Stress? Overwhelmed? The answer is... Energy Skin Patches for *stamina *stress *anxiety *weight loss *pain management *athletic performance *sleep. All these and many more are available now. Call Pidge Haynes at 771-4616.
Office of the Ombudsman
A safe place to bring concerns and find solutions. Ombudsman for Students - Kathryn Quilliam, 742-4791; Ombudsman for Staff - Nathanael Haddox, 742-4722. 237 Student Union. M-F 8-5. Walkin visitors welcome.
Brazillian, $35. Bikini, $20. Lip & brow, $15. Camille, 797-9777x245, @ Lindsey’s 3307 83rd.
Dinner! $25.95. MonPM. Saturdays 9 AM. Diner, 7615 University.
Spring Break
Eddie’s Bbq
1324 East 50th Street. Open 10am-3pm M-F. Bring in this ad for a Free Iced Tea. PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE.
Travel with STS to one of the top 10 spring break destinations! Best deals guaranteed! Highest rep commissions. Ask about group discounts. 1-800-648-4849. www.ststravel.com.
fun parties
Ladies 18 & Older- Host your own FUN Party to celebrate your next birthday, bachelorette, graduation or any other occasion. Earn Free Stuff. Call Monica 806-535-0486
ROOMMATES 1 female roommate. Pets welcome. Contact Kelly 441-7731.
2 roommates
needed to share 4 bedroom house. $270 each, will share bathroom. Washer-dryer, garage, cableinternet + HD available. (Great Place) Leave message. 806-787-8042 4 bedroom house. 3304 28th. Currently looking for 2 roommates. $330/mo + utilities. 940-736-7840. Desperate for roommate. 3/2/2, $250/month. Please get back to me ASAP. Email Jamie at beautylove410@yahoo.com or 713-304-9825.
Female needed for 4 bedroom 4 bath in The Exhange Apt. Fully furnished $385/ month includes carport.. 214-533-6758
Downtown loft
1 roommate needed- now until Dec. Two grad. ARCH students. 3bed/1bath. $325 + 1/3 power/internet. 806-763-7448. FEMALE ROMMMATE AVAILABLE NOW.... 100.00 off 1st. and 2nd months rent............ UNIVERSITY POINTE APTS. 713.545.4651 4/4 on busline, includes everything!!!!!!! 465.00
Female roommate needed
2BR apt. $265/ mo plus 1/2 bills(about $70/ mo). Available now. Half off first month. Call Erica at 806-239-2352
15 words or less $5.00 per day
For the fastest and easiest service, place and pay for your ad online! Click on the “Classifieds” link on our Web site to get started! E-mail: dawn.zuerker@ttu.edu Remember to include a contact number!
female roommate WANTED
Tech Terrace. $350/month. 1/4 bills. DSL & water paid. $250 deposit. 214-334-7530. need female roommates. 3BR house close to Tech. $350 + bills. 777-8180 Roommate needed to share 2/1 house 28th & Boston. Hardwood floors, W/D, $325/month. 806-239-0045. RoomMate Needed! Looking for female roommate. Rent $500/ month. All bills paid. 713-201-2923
roommate needed!
Two story house two blocks from campus in Tech Terrace. All bills paid. Contact Meg 832-286-8709
ROOMmATE NEEDED!!!!! Female roomate needed to share brand new 3/3/2 townhome! Under 10 minutes from tech. Own private bath and walk in closet! $500/ mo ALL bills paid!!! Please contact Jalys @ 806-392-7810 or 806-368-8668
Roommate needed. Clean, respectful for 4/2. Call Derek 817-271-0804.
Place your classified ads online direct!
Monday, november 27, 2006 | New University
Classifieds Phone (949) 824-5604 w Fax (949) 824-4287 Advertising forms and viewing of ads available at www.newuniversity.org
Assistant Nationwide Satellite Company Full/Part Time Office Assistant/Sales. Great Working Environment! Bilingual a plus: Tagalog, Korean, Chinese, Arabic speaking Sales Send resume to michelle@samsonic.com 714-918-2888 – Michelle Boutique
GIFT BOUTIQUE FULL TIME & PART TIME Participate in all facets of business. Must be reliable and have good computer skills. Excellent clientele in upscale Newport Coast. Enjoy the atmosphere-Learn a business. Fax Resume to (949) 644-6470. Casting
Reality Series $500
Want to make extra money the fun way? Be something wild for a day! Geek to Freak with Dennis Rodman is seekin new cast member. “Geeky” hobbies a plus! Send a picture and phone # to: rodmanshow@gmail.com
Retired UCI coach needs a PM driver to take client’s car to basketball games a few times a month. Close to campus. Free tickets to Bren Center basketball games. Needs help going up stairs, has handicapped parking sticker. Must have a valid driver’s license and insurance. Please call 949-856-3183
Telephone Interviewers Needed Two Shifts available 9-3pm & 3-9pm Work in Irvine office. No sales. No experience needed. $10 Per/hr.
Are you planning to go to dental school? Work for Dr. Dayani! Two Positions Available:
Part- Time Office Manager Needed for Orthodontic Office in Irvine on Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9:30am6:30pm. Must know computer Microsoft Office and have excellent communication skills. $12-$16 an hour Part-Time Dental Assistant needed for AM or PM hours on Tues, Weds & Thurs. Predental Student preferred. Phone (949)552-5890 Fax resumes (949)552-6635
Receptionist Needed Seeking clerical/reception secretary, part time or full, for Law office near UCI. Great experience for pre-law or business majors. Call (714) 350-4404 or email rlbesq@aol.com or fax resume to (949) 9550324 or (714) 744-5347.
Law Firm Clerk/Typist Work comp law firm seeking p/t employees for our Irvine office. Dependable, self-motivated individuals to work 20-35 hours per week. $11-$15/hr DOE. Fax resume to Office Manager (310) 838-6800
PART TIME RECEPTIONIST POSITION AT NEW CAR DEALER Duties include: -Data Entry -Light Clerical Must Have: -Good Phone Skills -Neat Appearance Apply in person or Contact Gary at (714) 734-4004 Part-time
Part-Time Concierge Concierge needed for Watermarke Community Association. $10-15/hr and Flexible hours. Customer service or related experience a plus. Call 949-248-0033 or resume to wmconceierge@actionlife.com
New University Classifieds www.newuniversity.org Deadline:Wednesday 12 p.m. Call (949) 824-1737 Part-time
Journalist for TV News
(949) 222-4228
Receptionist Needed at John Paul Salon Full-time & Part-time Available. (949)854-8114 Ask for Stephanie Ivy.
Part-Time Telephone Surveyors/needed for market Research firm in Irvine for evening and weekend hours. No Sales, strong communication & keyboard skills. Contact us at (949) 752-5900 or fax resumes (949) 752-2900
www.newuniversity.org Part-time
MARKETING JOB For Medical Office
• Part Time position • Work needed in: o Newport Beach/Irvine o Beverly Hills • Make your own hours (Monday-Friday) • Bonus Potential available
Applicants MUST have their own car and regular access to email. Call (626) 584-6116 or email resume to dralbin@earthlink.com Part-time
(www.powerlight.com), the leading global provider of solar power systems is seeking a part time Sales/ Marketing/Office Manager in Irvine. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
misc . Pets
Internet Sales for Acura If you’ve proven skills in Internet and phone sales, join the #1 Acura dealer in O.C. Great income and growth potential. Plus full benefits for full time employees. Email us: sales@tustinacura.com.
New University Classifieds www.newuniversity.org Call (949) 824-1737
NOW HIRING S.A.T. & ACADEMIC TUTORS $13.80 - $24.00 Per Hour
F ertility
EGG DONORS NEEDED! Healthy Females ages 18-30 Donate to infertile couples one of the many eggs your body disposes monthly COMPENSATION $5,000.00 starting Call Reproductive
Bull Dog Puppy For Sale CALIFORNIA DREAM! AKC Female English Bulldog Puppy ready to go with 3 beach homes for rent on caring and loving fabulous Balboa Peninsula, family at adorable price. 1st Newport Beach, just steps shot, De-wormed, Vaccinated, from the beach and the bay. and 1 year health Unfurnished or Guarantee available for her. 14wks, potty trained/house- completely furnished with fun beach décor. Lease through broken. Contact Eric approx. May 21st. Great via preciouseric12@yahoo.com condition. Roomate $800. regarding Jazmine. Pets
Entry Level, Part Time www.newuniversity.org
Call Sheri 949-252-8180
Asian Female Immediate opening. Models Hourly pay per needed for Hawaiian experience. Some training provided on the job. postcards and food catalogue. $200/per hour Contact Gigi ASAP Law 818-995-3342 ext: 14 Dental
EMPLOYMENT Receptionist
English Bull Dog for Sale Puppies Available Male and Female AKC register English Bulldogs (+ Adoption). With Champion Bloodlines And Will Come With A Pedigree, Vet Check With Health Certificate, Microchip. One Year Guarantee Against Congenital Defects, And All Shots And Wormier. Gorgeous Wrinkles, Nice Rope Across The Nose, Massive Bone Structure, Compact And Muscular. The puppies available now are $600 each + shipment. For more information please contact alexdailypuppy@yahoo.com.
Solutions (818) 832-1494
2 bedrooms-$1995. 3 bedrooms $2995. 4 bedroom $3195. 714-544-3400 or 714-448-9234.
Roomate Needed Furnished one bed/private bath $700 Also Sale Items, St. John Clothes, Purses, Dishes, Ornaments, Games and more at 949-833-9164 or 949-677-8888
k u c i 88.9 www.kuci.org
C LASSI F IEDS Phone (949) 824-5604 Fax (949) 824-4287
SAT I, SAT II, ACT, AP & other tests, Science, Math, English, History, Government, Foreign Languages (ElementaryHigh School). Flexible schedule, need car. (949) 443-2700
Tutors Wanted Home tutoring for K-12 Car needed. $16.50-$22.00/hour. To apply visit:
SAT Tutors Needed Conscientious and talented instructors w/ high SAT scores needed for one on one tutoring in students’ homes. $31-$45/lesson Learn more at www.tutorjobs.com Call: 1-866-489-4357
• Customer Follow-Up & Assist Sales Reps • Maintain Marketing Tutors Collateral & Office Supplies • Interface With Headquarters INSTRUCTOR/TUTOR IT, Sales & Marketing We are looking for applicants • Filing, Answer Phones & who are passionate and enthuGeneral Office Duties siastic about working with • Updates Into Customer children ages 5 to 16. We Relations Database look for candidates capable of working with children in Candidates should have Reading, Math, and Algebra. administrative and PC expePlease email for further inforrience. Email resume to mation: amarks@powerlight.com thetutoringcenter@mac.com
Ask any of our auto dealers in our Auto Directory about how you can get a major Student Discount on a vehicle!
Monday, november 27, 2006 | New University
Classifieds Phone (949) 824-5604 w Fax (949) 824-4287 Advertising forms and viewing of ads available at www.newuniversity.org
p rofessional
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e s t a t e
r e s e a r c h
r ĂŠ s u m ĂŠ
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s t u d y
s e r v i c e s
k u c i 88.9 www.kuci.org
Answers to last week's Antics puzzles:
the other other station broadcasting from the campus of UCI request line: 949-824-KUCI business line: 949-824-6868
10 Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Place a Classified: www.dailytarheel.com/classifieds or Call 919-962-0252
DTH Classifieds DTH office is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm
Line Classified Ad Rates
Private Party (Non-Profit) Commercial (For-Profit)
25 Words ......... $13.75/week 25 Words ......... $33.75/week Extra words ....25¢/word/day Extra words ....25¢/word/day EXTRAS: Box Your Ad: $1/day • Bold Your Ad: $3/day
Deadlines are NOON one business day prior to publication for classified ads. We publish Monday thru Friday when classes are in session. A university holiday is a DTH holiday too (i.e. this affects deadlines). We reserve the right to reject, edit, or reclassify any ad. Acceptance of ad copy or prepayment does not imply agreement to publish an ad. You may stop your ad at any time, but NO REFUNDS or credits for stopped ads will be provided. No advertising for housing or employment, in accordance with federal law, can state a preference based on sex, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, handicap, marital status.
Business Opportunities MOTIVATED ENTREPRENEUR? Looking for serious profit and high income potential? Training provided. Call now 800-506-1489. HUGE INCOME POTENTIAL part-time with brand new company and product with universal (and University!) appeal. Be the first in NC to profit! Call 804-314-8535 today!
Child Care Services SEEKING ENTHUSIASTIC and reliable babysitter. 2 afternoons a week for our two sons, ages 8 and 11. Own transportation is needed. Pay is competitive. Please call Sue at 968-8586 to arrange interview.
Child Care Wanted MOTHER’S HELPER to drive 2 great kids to activities, light housework, 3-4 afternoons/week. References, car required. $11/hour +gas money. chy@nc.rr.com, 919-942-9550.
Line Ads: Noon, one business day prior to publication Display Classified Advertising: 3pm, two business days prior to publication BR = Bedroom • BA = Bath • mo = month • hr = hour • wk = week • W/D = washer/dryer • OBO = or best offer • AC = air conditioning • w/ = with • LR = living room
Child Care Wanted CARE PROVIDER NEEDED for 17 yearold girl with autism Wednesdays, Thursdays and possible Fridays from 3:455:45 pm. Must have experience with special needs. I’m looking for someone who is energetic and fun yet mature and patient. Must have own transportation. $11/hour. Call 403-7000, evenings. RELIABLE NANNY SOUGHT for 2 and 6 yearold girls. Top pay for experience and flexible hours available. Education, music or Spanish majors preferred. Contact Rachel 5397168 or rachelblarsen@yahoo.com. EXPERIENCED AFTERSCHOOL SITTER needed for 6 and 8 year-old boys starting in January. Afternoons from 2:30-5:30pm 4 or 5 days/week. Responsibilities include picking up boys at bus, helping with homework and driving to activities. Must have clean driving record and reliable car. Long term commitment and summer availability preferred. Email: valeriehausman@hotmail.com. Please include experience. AFTERSCHOOL SITTER NEEDED in January for adorable 5 year-old twin boys Monday thru Thursday. Duties include picking up the boys from school in Durham at 2:45pm, end time is flexible. Must have reliable car, good driving record, and references. semley@buckleykolar.com. AFTERSCHOOL SITTER starting early January for easy 9 year-old boy, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 2:40-6pm. Responsibilities include: Meet the school bus, help with homework, play, and drive to afterschool activities. Prefer availability through summer or longer. Excellent weekly pay with reimbursement for gasoline. We live near Homestead Road and MLK. Email: kanfe001@mc.duke. edu or call 933-2257.
FUN LOVING BABYSITTER needed M-F, 12:304:30pm in Hillsborough area for preschool age boy. Must have own car. Job sharing an option. $15/hour +mileage. Start now or January 1. Call Sandra or Lew. Email: smhughes@email.unc. edu, 732-8476.
AFTERSCHOOL SITTER needed in January for 5 year-old boy. Either Monday thru Friday 1-3pm or three afternoons 1-5pm. Duties include picking up from school on Franklin Street at 1pm. Must have reliable car, excellent driving record and references. srodriguez@nc.rr.com, 967-7764.
PART-TIME NANNY NEEDED: Chapel Hill, Jan. 1, $15/hour, must have infant experience. 493-0702.
AFTERSCHOOL CHILDCARE for three girls (6, 8 and 10). M-W, 2:50-6pm. Must have car. 489-1023.
Build Your Own ! ouse H d a e r b r e g in G Friday, December 1 Noon to 4pm Great Hall FREE for UNC Students Only
All materials provided. Come take a study break & have some gingerbread fun! Presented by CUAB Creative Outlets Committee
For Rent
Child Care Wanted AFTERSCHOOL CHILDCARE needed beginning early January for 7.5 year-old boy 4 days/week (M-Th) 2:15-5:30pm. Responsibilities include picking up child at school (4 blocks from home) at 2:30pm and providing supervision until 5:30pm. Must be very reliable and have own transportation. Excellent weekly pay. Chapel Hill. Email avasu1@gmail.com or call 928-0180. AFTERSCHOOL CHILDCARE for 10 year-old boy beginning January 2, M-F, 2:30-6pm. Must be very reliable, have own car, excellent driving record and references. Excellent weekly pay. Chapel Hill. kevpay00@nc.rr.com. 932-7137. AFTERSCHOOL CARE needed for 3 wonderful kids in Chapel Hill! Hours M-F, 2:30-5:30pm at $10/hour. Our two sons (10 and 9) and daughter (6) are looking for someone who is fun, can help with homework, and is reliable. Close to campus and on the bus route. Summer availability a plus. This could be the perfect part time job for you! markbreakfield@hotmail.com or 370-7919. CHILD CARE NEEDED Two children ages 14 and 10. M-F. 2:30-6pm but will work with schedules. Excellent pay. Must have good driving record and a car. Call 949-7961. TEMPORARY AFTERSCHOOL care needed for 2 children ages 10 and 11. Mid-December through March. Must have own car and clean driving record. Reply to bjonas@med.unc.edu or 966-0560. CHILDCARE. Chapel Hill couple looking for babysitter for infant two mornings a week, flexible days, and some weekend nights. Newborn experience preferred. cherylbriner@yahoo.com. NANNY, HOUSEKEEPER for two school age girls and household in Chapel Hill. Monday 7am-6pm, Tuesday 7am-9:30pm, Thursday 7am-8:30pm. Would have some free time during the day. Salary dependent upon experience. Availability during school holidays necessary. Need reliable car. 259-9642, gretchss@yahoo.com. Please state experience when responding. Will check references.
For Rent FAIR HOUSING ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis in accordance with the law. To complain of discrimination, call the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development housing discrimination hotline: 1-800-669-9777. 4BR RENTAL: Walk to campus. 123-A Johnson Street. 4BR/2BA, large living room, dining room, W/D. Newly renovated! Pictures at tmbproperties. com. todd@tmbproperties.com or 919-942-0610. GRANVIEW SUITE APARTMENT. Located in Granville Towers. Perfect location. Available January 1 for Spring 2007. Call, leave message at 919-962-7207. CARRBORO TOWNHOUSE. Convenient and immaculate 2BR/2.5BA with W/D. Off Hwy. 54 on busline. Non-smoking. Pets negotiable. $750/ month includes water. 967-8932, 306-0995.
BOLINWOOD CONDOS • 11⁄2 miles to UNC • 2BR/11⁄2 BA with 923 sq/ft $615/month • 3BR/2BA with 1212 sq/ft $735/month • Rent includes water • Very QUIET complex on “N” busline 919.942.7806 www.bolinwoodcondos.com
For Rent JUST REDUCED RENOVATED DUPLEX APARTMENT (900 square feet). 2BR/1BA. Walk to UNC, busline. Large kitchen and living room, AC, hardwood floors. Gas stove. Off street parking. Dead end street. No smoking. $700/month. 919619-0192. MERCIA RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES now signing 2007-08 leases for 1BR-6BR houses and apartments. All properties within walking distance of UNC. Central heat and air, W/D, and dishwasher. 919933-8143 or mpatmore@hotmail.com for availability listings.
For Rent
Call Cindy at 919.929.8020 or email cindykhope@email.com to view any of these properties. We’ll take the time to help you find the home you’re looking for.
LTS Management
“ The Most Properties Close To Campus”
For Rent 4BR/4BA LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE Great floor plan for students, See floor plan and numerous amenities on web site. In college neighborhood, walk, ride or bike to campus and Carrboro. House built 2005, large back yard. Just $400/month. 518 Hillsborough Road. To see contact Christine, 919-619-6776, www.carolinabluerentals.com.
1BR EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Share W/D. Utilities included. In lovely neighborhood across from Eastgate Shopping Center. On D busline. Available immediately. $450/month. 933-6438 or 260-1724.
CONDO FOR RENT off Franklin Street in Village Green $850/month. 2BR/2.5BA, W/D, dishwasher, 2 Parking spaces at door, pool, tennis and basketball courts, water included. No smoking. 919-772-2311.
TOWNHOME FOR RENT near UNC and Franklin Street. 4BR/2.5BA in quiet, convenient, Columbia Place. Deck, garage, ample storage, all appliances included. Available immediately through July. Rent negotiable. Photo tour available. 919606-2803, simong@hpw.com (agent, no fees).
ROOM FOR RENT. Available in January of 2007 is a bedroom for subleasing at the Verge Apartments. Call Cory Clark for details, 260-4744.
CARRBORO 2BR/1.5BA ranch duplex. $1,000/ month. Newly remodeled, hardwood floors, fire place, stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, attic, outdoor storage. Quiet. Close to UNC, Weaver Street. 461-0081.
THE FLYING BURRITO is looking for part-time help. Host and runner needed. Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply in person Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday after 5pm. 746 MLK Blvd (Airport Road).
VILLAGE GREEN APARTMENT FOR RENT. Great 2BR/2.5BA townhouse for rent within walking distance of campus. Pool, tennis, Bolin Creek greenway. Only $875/month. 828-734-1535.
Luxury student housing in a friendly campus setting. Spacious bedrooms each having their own private bath. A new home with all modern appliances including central heat and air, W/D, microwave, frig, numerous extras, must see to appreciate. If you are looking we are now signing for the Fall 2007 semester Call Christine at 919-619-6776, www.carolinabluerentals.com.
1BR IN 2BR/1BA furnished apartment. Minutes to UNC. Dec. thru June. $375/month. 636-028.
Questions? Call 962-0252
Help Wanted
FULL-TIME VETERINARY ASSISTANT needed in busy, small animal practice. Dog handling experience preferred, but will train right person. Very high energy required. Apply in person at 2226-A Nelson Highway, Chapel Hill (off Highway 54) or fax resume to Kym at 408-0485. DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL: Work with persons with developmental disabilities. Parttime and full-time hours available. No experience required. Training provided. www.rsi-nc.org. EOE. 942-7391 ext. 121. DETAILED AND RESPONSIBLE HELP needed with light duty outdoor cleaning and gardening at private home. 3-4 hours/week. $11/hour. 929-6450. PLUMBER: TOP PAY!! Plumbing company seeks helpers for renovating apartments in Carrboro. Must have driver’s license, basic tools, and be dependable. Call us at 919-963-3934 for appointment. TOP PAY! PLANET BEACH TANNING SALON CHAPEL HILL. Part-time sales associate. Must be flexible, enthusiastic, strong in customer service and sales. Email resume, Planetbeach660@bellsouth.net or call 919-929-2998.
S TEP AFR KA “electrifying talents”
-Washington Post
Tuesda y , Dec. 5 7:00pm Memorial Hall UNC UNC STUDENTS ONLY: FREE Tickets available starting Wed., November 15 at Memorial Hall Box Office 10:00am-6:00pm. Tickets must be picked up in person. Students must present UNC Student One Card: One ticket per One Card; limit 2 one cards per person. IF AVAILABLE - GENERAL PUBLIC: $5 Tickets on sale Wed., Nov. 29
The Daily Tar Heel office will close Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 5pm for Winter Break Deadlines for Thurs., Dec. 7th issue: Line Classifieds: Monday, December 4th at 8am
Deadlines for Tues., Jan. 9th issue: Display Ads & Display Classifieds: Friday, January 5th at 3pm Line Classifieds: Mon., Jan. 8th at noon
We will re-open on Friday, January 5th at 8:30am
WEST DURHAM ANIMAL HOSPITAL seeking kennel attendant. Flexible hours, some weekends, holidays. Apply in person: 3301 Old Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC 27707.
The Paint Roller Professional interior and exterior painting
Coro Greggar l 919.933.4061
Have ar! e No F
Friday, Dec. 1..............7pm Saturday, Dec. 2.........9pm Union Auditorium FREE with UNC Student One Card
Healing Waters Day Spa by Southpoint Mall now hiring for Front Desk Concierge and Senior Floor Manager. Send resume to: hw_spa@hotmail. com or fax 919-572-6368. Phone 919-572-1710. www.hwmedspa.com.
Friday, Dec. 1..............9pm Saturday, Dec. 2.........7pm Union Auditorium FREE with UNC Student One Card PRESENTED BY CUAB
You can still place a DTH Classified Ad during the UNC holiday breaks! They will be posted on our ONLINE Classified page!
Check it out... www.dailytarheel.com and click on “Classifieds” DURING BREAKS ADS MAY TAKE UP TO 48 HOURS TO APPEAR ONLINE
Great Location. Internet connections for each resident.
370-4500 Spaces Still Available... HURRY!
1BR APARTMENT for rent January thru May 31st. Easy walk to UNC and downtown. Walk in closet, all electric utilities. $525/month +deposit. Leave message. 641-0105.
For Rent
Live downtown. Walk to campus or Franklin Street. Clean, safe, affordable! The great building at 331 West Rosemary Street is the ideal location for grad students, professionals, instructors, etc. A quiet setting with all one bedroom units, some with hardwood floors, some with carpet. Coin op laundry on site for tenants only. Includes electric, water, heat and parking. Secured front entrance with call box, full kitchen, air conditioned, good natural lighting. Located right behind Ham’s Restaurant and right across from Breadmen’s. Best location in town! Franklin Street in 30 seconds, campus in 2 minutes. Nicely cared for units, local landlord is easy to find! Available now.
2BR/1.5BA, NO DEPOSIT OR FEE. Move in 12/172006 to 01/01/2007. Live free in December! $633/month with W/D. Balcony, storage and parking. Pets OK. 2 miles from UNC, on 3 buslines. Near everything but still quiet. 619-1077.
REALLY NICE 6BR/5BA townhouse on busline. Large Bedrooms, Hardwood floors, W/D, dishwasher, all appliances. Free parking, storage and trash pick-up. $375/month. Available May or August 2007. 933-0983 or 451-8140.
For Rent
All Utilities Included! $625/month
To Place a Line Classified Ad Log onto www.dailytarheel.com/classifieds or Call 919-962-0252
Helped Wanted
CALL TODAY! info@granvilletowers.com www.granvilletowers.com
Help Wanted
SOCIAL JUSTICE $300-$500/Week • Work for Civil Rights! • Make a Difference! • Work with Great People! Career Opportunities & Benefits
Call Rachel (919) 933-9994 Help Wanted BARTENDERS ARE IN DEMAND!!! Earn $20-$35/hour. 1 or 2 week classes. 100% local and national job placement assistance. RALEIGH’S BARTENDING SCHOOL. Have fun! Make money! Meet people! Ask how to receive $100 off current tuition. CALL NOW!! 919676-0774, www.cocktailmixer.com. ASSISTANT MEDICAL WRITERS WANTED: Local company seeking part-time and full-time support for medical writers. Science background, Microsoft Office proficiency, attention to detail required. No phone calls. Send resumes to dedrick@webbwrites.com. DECORATOR, RETAIL ASSOCIATE: Well organized salesperson with customer service skills. College degree required. Excellent salary, benefits. M-F, 8am-4:30pm. Starts 1/2/07. Call 919-732-2885, fax resume: 919-732-4114. COMPANIONS: Hiring 6 extraordinary individuals to work one on one with senior citizens. A Helping Hand. 969-7111, ahelpinghandnc.org. MULTIMEDIA TECHNICIAN NEEDED part-time at the Friday Center. Previous experience with smart classroom systems, computer operating systems and video recording is preferred. Email rj@unc.edu or call 962-2629. COOK NEEDED. Full-time or part-time, M-F for well run Chapel Hill Sorority house. Must be neat, prompt, dependable, non-smoker, conversant in English and have reliable transportation. Excellent working conditions, hourly wage and staff parking. 919-942-4397.
GRAPHIC R DESIGNE The Daily Tar Heel, UNC-Chapel Hill’s award-winning, independent student newspaper, is seeking a part-time graphic design assistant 3 days/week for up to 18 hours/week to assist primarily in creating client advertisements that run in the newspaper. Demonstrated proficiency in multiple creative applications on Macintosh required. $15/hour. Hours are flexible; days worked linked to UNC class schedule (January through April; August through December). Starts January 5 with some December training.
To apply to be part of this fun filled crew, send a resume & non-returnable work samples to: DTH Design PO Box 3257 Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3257 or email same to: DTH@unc.edu No calls please.
Help Wanted PREPARE NARRATIVES: Local medical writing and statistics company seeking part-time, hourly rate nurses to prepare patient narratives for pharmaceutical company studies. Ideal candidates will have a nursing degree (BSN) with clinical background, familiarity with MedWatch reports, knowledge of regulatory requirements for SAE processing, excellent written communication skills, Microsoft Office proficiency. Company offers excellent compensation and flexible hours. If interested please send qualifications, resume to dedrick@webbwrites. com, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. WEEKEND AND HOLIDAY VET ASSISTANT needed, 2-3 weekends/month +holidays, for busy animal hospital. Local (Chapel Hill and Durham) only. Call or fax resume to Kym. Phone 403-5591 or fax 408-0485. PART-TIME HAB TECH. Work one on one with kids with disabilities. Evenings and weekends open. Variety of schedules available. Pay rate 10-15/ hour. Contact Keri Anderson at 854-4400 or send resume to keri.anderson@asmallmiracleinc.com. PART-TIME SATURDAY VET RECEPTIONIST. Three Saturdays a month plus up to 10 hours/week if desired. Vet experience preferred. Fax resume to 408-0485 or apply in person at Falconbridge Animal Hospital 2226A HWY 54 in Chapel Hill.
HOROSCOPES If Today is Your Birthday... This year starts out tough and challenging. Don’t worry - you’ll emerge triumphant. The harder you work, the luckier you’ll get. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 9 — Scrimp, save, use coupons and ask for money you’ve been promised. Don’t spend an extra cent. You don’t need to, and you’ll be glad later you didn’t.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 — Pretend you’re broke even if you’re not. It’s a good habit to acquire. Recycle and repair whatever you can. Keep your cash for more important things.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 7 — Don’t talk about your finances, even to your good friends. Be humble and appreciative of anything you get. And hold onto it.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is an 8 — The temptation is great to make an unwise expenditure. Avoid exclusive boutiques and distant relatives with sad stories.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 7 — Changes in the situation require quick adaptations in your response. Luckily, you’re good at this. Keep your objective in mind. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is an 8 — Be very careful if you go shopping, and don’t get a lottery ticket. You’re more likely to waste money now than you are to get a marvelous deal. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is an 8 — Your family is very important but you don’t always take the time to let them know how much you care. Say it tonight, with funny movies. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 7 — You don’t need to start a controversy. Let somebody else do that. Take notes and keep what you learn to yourself. Good information has value.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is an 8 — It’s a tough day, but don’t give up - you can work out a compromise. Plan a private celebration for later. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 — The situation’s interesting, if somewhat difficult now. The first suggestion you try may not work, so don’t spend too much time or money on it. Be skeptical. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7 — You’ll be making money without much effort, once you get the routine down. Don’t spend it yet, there are complications as yet undiscovered. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 6 — Don’t tell everything you know. Manage the conversation. Even one who’s rather a bore will draw attention away, and that’s one of your objectives. (c) 2006 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
DTH Classifieds
The Daily Tar Heel Help Wanted PART-TIME HELP WANTED: Saturdays. No experience necessary, will train. Optometrist inside Walmart seeking technician, receptionist. Good pay, working environment. 489-4653. YMCA YOUTH BASKETBALL! Staff officials and volunteer coaches are needed for our upcoming season (January thru March 2007, primarily Saturdays). Ages 4 years-old to 8th grade. For additional information, please contact Mike Meyen, mmeyen@chcymca.org, 919-442-9622. ARE YOU A UNC STUDENT? Are you a detail oriented person? Then Student Stores has a job for you. Positions available immediately. The Textbook Dept. is seeking individuals to help with processing of text books for fall buy back and the spring 2007 rush. Flexible hours available. Must be able to work 15-25 hours/week and be able to lift 50 lb. Please apply and submit your resume at the Textbook Office in the Student Stores, Daniels Building top floor. Once your application and resume are complete, interview immediately by asking for Forest or Nestor. No phone calls please. CHARLOTTE, NC has full-time and part-time valet parking positions immediately with Parking Solutions of NC. Drive exotic cars. Earn $8-$20/ hour wage and tips. Call Rachel, 704-377-1755. RESEARCH INTERN needed at Morehead Planetarium and Science Center (MPSC) for our new Science 360 team. Pay is $9/hour for 10-15 hours/week. Application details can be found at “About MPSC” on the planetarium’s Web site.
Help Wanted ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT OR majoring in Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Pre-Med or another medical field? Are you seeking valuable hands on experience, working one on one in independent living environment. Can train, no experience required. Mornings, evenings, and weekend positions available. Can pay $10-$14/hour. Call 932-1314 or email frankabe@bellsouth.net.
GRAPHIC DESIGNER The Daily Tar Heel, UNC-Chapel Hill’s awardwinning, independent student newspaper, is seeking a part-time graphic design assistant 3 days/week for up to 18 hours/week to assist primarily in creating client advertisements that run in the newspaper. Demonstrated proficiency in multiple creative applications on Macintosh required. $15/hour. Hours are flexible; days worked linked to UNC class schedule (January thru April; August thru December). Starts Jan.5 with some December training. To apply to be part of this fun filled crew, send a resume and non-returnable work samples to DTH Design, PO Box 3257, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3257, or email same to DTH@unc.edu. No calls please.
Recycle Me Please!
The Daily Tar Heel
Help Wanted
LEGAL ASSISTANT (12-20 hours/week). Unique environment, very close to North Campus. Duties: Phone answering, file organization, photocopying, database entry, form completion, letter writing, research. MUST be freshman or sophomore with international perspective and mature, reliable, meticulous, detail oriented, well organized, conscientious, good writers with 3.0+ GPA. Spanish fluency preferred. Law Office, PO Box 551, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
GREAT ROOM AVAILABLE with 4 great girls in 5BR/3BA house. Walk to campus. $475/month + 1/5 utilities. Contact candes@email.unc.edu.
ROOMMATE WANTED. Great apartment! right across from Southpoint. 2BR/2BA with pool view, busline to UNC, theater in main building. Male junior looking for easy going roommate. Rent $500/month. Call 252-714-7277.
Attend PrepSuccessTM exam prep courses during the evenings or weekends throughout the triangle, or access the live web cast or streaming video recordings. One low price of $420-$699 gets you 36-60 hours of classroom instruction plus FREE tutoring and mentoring after each class. We also offer tutoring services in trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, physics, and differential equations. Visit www.PrepSuccess.com or call 919-791-0810.
Homes for Sale PRISTINE HOME IN WOODCROFT! 4BR/2.5BA, 1823 sq. ft. Located in one of SW Durham’s most beautiful neighborhoods with miles of walking trails and trees galore. Short walk to TTA bus stop. Upgrades include carpet, interior/exterior paint, enlarged deck, tile flooring, smooth-top range, microwave, coutertops, sink & faucet in kitchen, & new toilets. Walk-up attic, covered front porch. 1 car garage has built-in workshop bench. Two refrigerators, washer/dryer and stove convey. $209,900. 5006 Fortunes Ridge Drive. MLS#887722. 919-401-7653.
DOC SEEKS UPSCALE RENTAL ASAP M/28, PhD/ DSc Scientist, dependable, quiet, seeks place to live ASAP in upscale community in Chapel hill or Carrboro call Eric @ 306-7444. 10 MINUTE WALK TO CAMPUS or Franklin. Unfurnished bedroom in 2BR/1BA. Large LR, kitchen, full W/D, patio, plenty of off street parking. $525/month +1/2 utilities. 910-603-7516.
Rooms ROOM AVAILABLE. With one check rent a private room in this lovely 4BR condo. $400/month will cover all utilities, cable and internet. LR and kitchen are furnished. On busline. Email Fran Holland Properties at herbholland@intrex.net or call 968-4545.
Lost & Found
LOST: EYEGLASSES. Halloween on Franklin Street. Brown metallic frame. Please email carolinablue84@gmail.com or call 252315-1493.
NEED ROOM CLOSE TO CAMPUS? Room available in 3BR/2BA apartment in Warehouse Apartments on Rosemary Street. W/D, Parking available, Live with 2 junior guys. 414-4819.
Advance your career with a graduate degree!
Tutoring Services
DON’T MISS OUT! Spring Break 2007 is approaching and STS is offering specials to this year’s hottest destinations! Call for savings. 800-648-4849 or visit www.ststravel.com.
MCAT, LSAT, PRE-MED, PRE-LAW: Elite Tutor (sat2400.org) available for MATH, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS COURSES ($100/hour). MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE ($300/hour). Prof. Fikar: 516-4988000 or 1-888-MCAT-LSAT, 1-888-GMAT-GRE. Local, 919-388-9688.
BAHAMAS PLATINUM PACKAGE: Spring Break Exclusive. $189: 5 days; $239: 7 days. Prices include: Round trip luxury cruise with food, accommodations on the island at your choice of 10 resorts. Free VIP party package upgrade. Appalachia Travel, 1-800-867-5018, www. BahamaSun.com. WE WILL BEAT ANY PACKAGE PRICE! Cancun from $499.
Volunteering YMCA YOUTH BASKETBALL! Staff officials and volunteer coaches are needed for our upcoming season (January thru March 2007, primarily Saturdays). Ages 4 years-old to 8th grade. For additional information, please contact Mike Meyen, mmeyen@chcymca.org, 919-442-9622.
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Lost & Found ads run
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$12-$15 per hour passing flyers in area neighborhoods. Must have your own car and a good driving record. Work at your own pace. Email Shawn@ClarityRealty.com LOVE KIDS!?! The Little Gym of Matthews and The Little Gym of Huntersville are looking for energetic, reliable instructors for gymnastics, dance and sports classes as well as birthday party instructors. Available between 10 am -5 pm on weekdays is a plus! Please call Matthews at 704-321-9001 or Huntersville 704-948-7665. The University Times is published every Tuesday and Thursday. The University Times cautions our readers about sedning money in response to advertising. When responding to ads in any publications to purchase information, items or services, you may wish to request written advance documentation of what the advertiser is selling. Though we take precautions to protect our readers from false or misleading advertising, The University Times is not responsible for the validity of advertisers’ claims.
Help Wanted Earn up to $800/month or more You determine what you make! The University Times is now seeking sales representatives to sell advertising in our award-winning, twice weekly publication as well as online advertising on nineronline.com. We offer flexible hours to accomodate your school schedule. Commission paid for all sales. Impress your future employer and get real world experience now! Call 704-687-3253 or visit the Office of Student Media today, 175 Cone Center. Sick of late arrivals??? Upload a Yahoo Map in your Help Wanted ad so there’s no more time wasted! www. NinerOnline.com Help Wanted Seeking experienced wait staff and hostesses. Flexible schedule, great hours, fun atmosphere with earning potential. Call or stop by Boardwalk Billy’s, 9005-2 JM Keynes Blvd., (704) 503-7427
servers needed, Harbor Inn Seafood is now hiring servers and cashiers only 1 mile from campus apply with in. (704) 494-8901 Earn Ca$h for your opinions! Participate in PAID Market Research Studies. Focus Groups will be held throughout the Charlotte area within the upcoming weeks and months. if you are interested, please go to: http://www.q-insights.com, and click on “Become A Respondent.” Registration is fast, free, and easy. All information is kept strictly confidential. There are absolutely no sales involved. Must be 18 or older. make extra money looking for someone to help with yard work this fall. $10-15/ hr. can provide transportation. (704) 576-4448. 49ers Hoops! If you have time during the day, we need a few people to help us explain basketball ticket plans to businesses. PT delivery positions also available. Call (704) 593-0987 to schedule interview. Ask for Joe Rahman.
Searching... Stop searching and start finding! Post your roommate notice in the UTimes Classifieds!
For Rent College house for rent Close to UNCC. Fun, relaxed atmosphere. Non-smoking. $350 damage deposit, $350/month. Call 704-307-7625. College students only.
For Sale
Condo for Sale in Windsor Grove Complex. 2-story in GREAT CONDITION, 2 BR, 1-1/2BA, 976 sqft, new paint & carpet. Includes stone fireplace, frig, dishwasher, security system, community pool, private deck. 10 min. from UNCC, move-in cond. $67,900. Call Shawna Shane/ Crown Realty Group (704) 678-5022 1995 Chevrolet Camaro 80K mi., air bag, abs, ps, cc, tilt, p/seats, p/ windows, am/fm, pdl, p/mirrors, alloy wheels, cruise control, Compact Disc Player. Garage Kept, Second Owner, Fast, Fun, Z28!! $7,500. 201-400-4290 Got Junk? Sell it in the UTimes Classifieds!
Spring Break 2004 - Travel with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Operator to Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas and Florida. Now hiring on-campus reps. Call for group discounts. Information/ Reservations 1-800648-4849 or www.ststravel.com
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WANTED: 100 HELP General BARTENDERS WANTED. $300 a day potential. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. Age 18 + OK 800-965-6520 x 107. Massimo Trattoria Italian restaurant hiring prep cooks, servers, and dishwashers. Call Alex at 407-733-8294 or visit www.massimotrattoria.com Civil Engineer and CAD designer needed. Engineer needed-experience in design/permitting of drainage, water, sewer system, preferred, but not required. AutoCAD or Microstation experience needed. El and civil or equiv. degree required. CAD designer needed with experience preferred in land development CAD design. AutoCAD or Microstation experience required. Excellent salary & benefits. Email resume to jobs@dseorl.com or fax to 407-207-9089. Women ages 21-30 – you can help make a miracle happen! Egg donors needed to help women who are waiting to become moms. Excellent compensation provided. Call for details, 407-740-0909. Nanny needed 35 hrs/week for a 6 month old. $11 per hour in my Oviedo home. references req’d. Start Jan 1st. Contact Liz at 407-359-6411 Disabled female student seeks female assistant to attend class, take notes, assist w/ daily activities, & help w/ resrch in the library. Starts Jan 8th. 10am-5pm Mon.,Wed.,Fri. $8/hr. Call Anna 407-847-0788 annameeks@cfl.rr.com
New Location Opening Soon 4960 E. Colonial Dr. (1 mile west of 436) PT/FT available - Asst. Mgrs. & Team Members. Flexible hours, meal discounts, bonuses, scholarship, vacation & holiday pay. Health insurance for FT positions. Seeking happy, smiling, dependable & energetic people only. Apply at our Blanchard Park location inside the YMCA. 407-658-1610 $1400/WEEK STUFFING ENVELOPES @ HOME! FT/PT, $200 Cash Hiring Bonus! 888-348-1610, 888-312-2633 Immediate Web/FrontPage Experience Convert existing web site by 1/1/07 May lead to longer position Bob Nichols 321-217-6496 Marketing Director/Sales Rep. Design a marketing campaign and solicit clients. Part-time plus commission, set your own hours. Send resume to questions@daustappraisal.com
Money For College The U.S. Army is currently offering several sizable enlistment bonuses of up to $40,000. You may also qualify for up to $71,000 from the Montgomery GI Bill and Army College Fund. Or, you could pay back up to $65,000 of qualifying student loans through the Army’s Loan Repayment Program. To find out more, contact (407) 281-1274. Seeking outgoing creative individuals to fill air brush tattoo and caricature positions at Universal. Any level of experience welcome. Flexible scheduling. Contact Tony at 407-925-7989 The Butcher Shop Steakhouse on Idrive now Hiring for all positions P/T and F/T: servers, bartenders, cooks. preps, and bussers and hostess Please call 407-810-7272 P/T Doggy Daycare Position. Must Love Dogs. Vet/Kennel Exp. a plus! ***www.dogdayafternoon.net*** e-mail resume: dogday@bellsouth.net Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.DriveAdCars.com
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December 4, 2006 •
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WANTED: 100 HELP General
$14 BASE/Appt. Full/Part-time Positions Available Sales/Customer Service Fun Team Atmosphere Great Resume Builder
Flexible Schedule Scholarships and Internships Available Conditions apply
WANTED: 100 HELP General VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR WANTED Local studio needs instructor a few hours a week. MUSIC.LESSONS@YAHOO.COM Servers, Cashiers and Hosts Wanted PT/FT .No exp necessary. Energetic people w/ positive attitudes. Only 20 min from UCF. Come in between 9 and 5. The Briarpatch Restaurant 252 Park Ave N. Call 407-628-8651. Receptionist/Phone operator must have good comm. skills, personable Warehouse/deliv., must have own truck, able to lift mattresses 407-423-1202.
HELP WANTED: Part-Time Canvas: Walk,Talk, and get PAID! We pay weekly! Part-time hours with Full-time pay. $8-10/hr plus BONUS!! Must be available 2-8pm weekdays. Call now 1-888-715-3492. Start immediately! P/T CHILDCARE For three children in Winter Park home. Must be reliable, punctual and very energetic. Some light household chores. Exp & ref req. Needs to be able to work for at least a year. Starting ASAP. Please call 407-644-0303. Looking for bright, energetic, dependable person for Acct Supervisor. Must be able to multi-task & speak Spanish. Close to UCF. M-F. $9.50/hr 407-657-7585. Engineering Intern needed. Flex sched. 20 hrs per week. Exp in basic comp. programming skills, data structures, algorithms, comp. languages, Java req’d, military or simulation exp. a +. Senior or grad student in Software Engineering (will consider exceptional Junior) Req: US citizenship and ability to obtain a security clearance as needed. Please send your resume now, we will work around your holiday schedule. jill.blanc@coleengineering.com 407-384-9956 ext. 300. Marketing Rep: Immediate position available for enthusiastic, outgoing, motivated individual for lead generation. Must be available weekends! $8-10/hr plus BONUS! Call now 1-888-715-3492.
OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED Need PT help for combination of secretarial and light housework for a small home-based office near UCF. $10/hr. Call 203-526-7882
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOLDENKNIGHTSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in Orlando. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.
FOR RENT: Homes Beautiful 4/2.5 home well kept. 2200 sqft. All bedrooms upstairs. Minutes from malls,UCF,Valencia & highways. Must be clean w/no pets. Call for price: 407-697-2481 For rent 3/2 house just off Aloma in Goldenrod. 2 car Garage, Rent $1400 month call L.A. Real Estate 407-679-2600 2/2 condo Hunters Reserve close to UCF community pool-rec. room. Rent $950 month call L.A. Real Estate 407-679-2600 UCF area, Cambridge Circle 2/2.5 bath 2 reserved parking spots, 1 year lease. $925 rent, $1000 security deposit Call 321-536-5430
Brand new 3/2.5/2 Town home for rent. Cable/Internet ready. All new appl. Gated community 3 min from 417. $1250/mo Call Real Property Mgmt 407-897-3366 ask for Ivan Room for rent in 4/2 home in quiet neighborhood. Min. from UCF. Phone, Cable, must like animals Broadband, Fenced Yard. $450/ mo. incl. util. Avail in Jan. Call Anna 407-365-2382. BRAND NEW town home close to UCF. 3/2.5, 1 car garage, gated community, pool, ceramic tiling, on pond. $1100/mon. $800 dep. Call Prodigy Property Mgmt (407) 718-7501 Large new 4/2/2 home. 10 mi. from UCF! Upgraded Appl. Conservation area Very private. Students OK. $1495/mo Purchase Option Ok. (407) 341-9415. Beautiful 5/3 Pool Home on preserved lot, fenced yard, 1.5 miles from UCF off McCulloch $1500/mo. 1 lease will be issued. Call 954-436-8924. FOR RENT 2/2.5 Town house in Cambridge Circle (Alafaya Trl) Small yard, $850/mo. Call Reeta 321-363-6345.
HOUSE FOR RENT- 4.5 MILES FROM UCF 4/2 FAMILY, LIVING,DINING,2CAR GARAGE 1950 SQ/FT $1800/MO. CALL VP @ 407-235-5120(1MONTH SECURITY DEP.) 5/3.5, 2 car gar. 2600 sq. ft. 4 miles from UCF. Conservation lot and privacy fence, noise no problem. Tile, carpet, landscape & cable incl. $2200/mo Call 407-334-3961 Econ. and University. 3/2.5. New carpet and appl., vaulted ceilings, huge backyard, island kitchen, all rooms w/ walk-in closets $1400/mo 407-679-7101
A17 GRAY www.CentralFloridaFuture.com
• December 4, 2006
FOR RENT: Homes 3/2/2 2 miles from UCF! 1997, 2000 sq ft. Screen back porch overlooking spring fed lake on conservation area. Vaulted ceilings. $249,000 (352) 243-9881 4/2.5 bed/bath 2100 sq.ft home located off Lk Underhill/Dean Rd. Hardwood floors,fireplace,lg backyard $1500/mo pet friendly. Call Patrick 407 595-3201
FREE rent for responsible F able to find/manage equally responsible roommates for 1/2 million dollar pool home. www.geocities.com/cptt91 for pics of home. (407) 977-3158 or rebeccaduke01@hotmail.com
New 3/2 Vista Lakes Condo for rent. 1400 sq ft. Large bdrms, walkin closets, all appl incl. Pool, tennis, gated community. $1200/mo incl. water. Call Kristi ASAP 321-323-6300 3/2 house with community pool and tennis court close to UCF and major highways. 2 car Garage-screen porchfamily room-large kitchen. Rent $1400/mo Call L.A. Real Estate 407-679-2600. Room for rent, Downtown Orlando. Lake Davis area. NO LEASE, no dep. $340/mo + 1/3 utilities. (407) 733-3248 Brand New 4/2.5 in Waterford Trails. Community pool, tennis courts, 2,724 sq. ft. W/D. Less then 10 minute to UCF. Call 321-303-3165. Waterford Lakes: Large waterfront homes 2, 3, 4 & 5 bedroom, $1,175 & up. 407-760-0768
Tuscawilla Townhome: 3/Bed 2.5/Bath 1/Car Gated-Comm Pool. 1915SF $1495/mo. Nov. 30th 407-616-8859 tstein1964@aol.com WATERFORD LAKES HOME FOR RENT Large 4/2 located on canal. All appl, 3 TVs, avail.immed. Includes lawn care, community pool. $1595/mo 407-230-9066
FOR RENT: Apartments NEW WINTER PARK CONDO For Rent 2br/1bth $900-$1000 3br/2bth $1150-$1200 2 miles from downtown Winter Park Call for appointment (407)628-4441 RENTING DAYS ARE OVER! Own for just $2500 down, no closing costs. Luxurious,1,2,3 bdr condos (407)737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com Condo’s for rent 1,2, & 3 bedrooms, granite, stainless steel, W/D avail in certain units. Start at $750/mo. Please Call 305-785-8456. Altamonte - Uptown Walk to everything - 1 Bed / 1 Bth on Crane’s Roost Park. $895 includes all utilities. Close to Everything - Right off I-4. Real Estate Hotline 800-590-9458 Top Rentals, all sizes avail. Condos, town homes, and single family homes. Affordable to luxury. 407-399-8693 www.urban-o.com Fully Furnished -Short term avail Altamonte, Downtown Orlando and Lake Mary Gated, upscale, lakefront with A+ amenities in only the best locations.1 Bed / 1 Bath, all utilities + cable included. $1075 per month - Real Estate Hotline 800-590-9458 Why Rent? Own for $99k with nothing down! Gated, waterfront, upscale amenities only the best locations. www.REWholesaler.com The Real Estate Liquidators 800-590-9458
ROOMMATES $350/mo + 1/2 utils in 2/2. Own bdrm & bthrm. Walk dist UCF. Study-oriented roommate needed. Male or female. Send phone # to Cyrus000077@yahoo.com
FOR RENT: Apartments
NO MORE RENT! Own a luxurious 1,2, and 3 bdr condos, just $2500 down. No closing costs, (407)737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com LOOK!!! 2 bdrms avail in a large house close to UCF. Includes in-ground pool, W/D, & full kitchen. $350/mo. + split util. Call 407-619-5642, leave message.
FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED FOR SPRING SEMESTER!!! Beautiful Brand New 5/3 home located 10 min. behind UCF!Includes internet, cable, community pool & tennis courts. Sorry no drinking, smoking, or pets allowed $600/mo including utilities Call Alicia (727) 501-4418 Room for Rent - $480/mo + utilities, $250 deposit rents you masterbed/bath/large walk-in-closet. quiet house, quiet neighborhood. call anytime 407-346-2373, visit www.thatonewebsite.net for pics
F roommate needed in 3/2 house. Front/back patio. 2 miles from UCF. Bedroom not furnished. $525/mo util incl. New carpet, new paint, private bath. Call 407-923-9281
Gorgeous New Condo Never Lived In! 2/bed 2/bath. Granite counters, cherry wood cabinets, comm. pool, fitness center and club house. Rent $1100 water incl. Call Elsie at (352)348-8094
Room for rent in 3/2 with private bath close to UCF. F only. $495/mo incl. high speed internet, cable TV & all util. House has playroom w/ pool table, jacuzzi & fenced-in yard. Avail immed. Please call 561-543-6685
M/F needed in 3/3.5 town house in Avalon Park. Walk-in Closet, private bathroom, only room downstairs. $600/mo all utilities incl. (407) 923-1085
2 rooms available in a 4/4 apartment at The Village At Alafaya Club. Rent is $535. One mile from UCF main campus. call (772) 260-2869 or (772)215-8606.
Room in Avalon Park Home
Female Roommate Wanted for Spring and Summer Sublease! Rent: $470.00/month everything included!!! 4bed/2bath-Pegasus Pointe Fully furnished, wash/dry, cable (w/ HBO), internet, shuttle to campus, pool, and gym. Contact Vicky for more info: 772-528-9693
avail immed. for M/F.You will enjoy living with 3 other students at this gated, beautiful brand new home. Maid svc and maintenance incl. $550+ util/mo. 1 mo sec. dep and 1st month’s rent. Great location! 10 mins from UCF. Close to Publix and other shopping. No pets, n/s. Clean and responsible, but cool to live with. For appt please call Jonathan 305-984-4516 or Bryan 305-799-1772 1 Room for rent in UCF area ASAP. Looking for mature student. N/S, No pets. dep+ 500/mo and 1/3 util. Call 407-970-6109. M/F roommate wanted. 3/2 house 3 miles from UCF in Ashington Park. 550 a month includes all utilities, cable internet. 407-207-8523, C.803-361-2281 mattlex@yahoo.com Grad student looking for 2/2 near UCF needs quiet, studious roommate, male or female. Send phone number to: Byron777@excite.com ROOMMATES WANTED FOR NEW TOWNHOME IN AVALON PARK! 10 MIN. FROM UCF, FULLY FURN., UTILS. INC., + EXTRAS $600/MO. FOR INFO: 727-743-4469. 1 Bedroom 1 full private bath avail. for rent in my home. 4 miles from UCF. $600/mo. Short or long term OK. Price includes water, electric, high speed internet, cable, garage storage. 407-758-8918. Close to UCF!!! Room for rent in large home $525/mo util. and cleaning service incl. Prefer female. Call 407-341-7150. Roommate needed for home in Alafaya Woods. Immediate occupancy. $375/mo + utll. Large room, private bath, quiet house, no pets. No sec. dep. req’d. Call Sean 407-492-3613
HATE PAYING RENT? Own a luxurious 1,2, and 3 bdr condos. just $2500 down. No closing costs, (407)737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN! 1,2 and 3 bdr condos, just $2500 down. No closing costs, (407) 737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com
$530 gets you your own private spacious bed and bath with all utilities included! Dec.1st to Aug.31st or you can just rent for the month of December! www.boardwalkapts.net Just call Camille @ 321-754-1420. 1/1 IN 3/3 PEGASUS LANDING! FEMALES ONLY! FURNISHED, SHUTTLE TO CAMPUS, $540/MO. MOVE IN DEC 9, DEC. RENT PAID FOR. CALL 954-444-0010, EMAIL KELLYLK2888@AOL.COM
1st MONTH FREE RENT!!! Pegasus Landing - Female. Desirable (D) room in 4 bed/4 bath apt. New Carpeting, New Mattress. Utilities Included. Great Roomates!UCF Shuttle. Avail: Jan 2007 - $500.mo. 561-212-3129 /joro8@bellsouth.net Female needed for Spring/Summer sublease in a 3/3 at Pegasus Connection. Furn/util incl, shuttle to UCF. Clean and quiet roommates. Originally $555 a month but lowering it to $500. Contact Kristen at 941-685-4751 or Kris10Pomy@aol.com FIRST MONTH’S RENT FREE!!! 1/1 in a 4/4 at Science Drive. F only. 2 min from UCF!!! Fully furnished, all util. incl. UCF Shuttle. $560/mth, Move-in ASAP. Call (941) 809-0766 now!
FEMALE to sublease 1/1 in 4/4 at PEGASUS CONNECTION.UCF area $515/month for spring/summer term. CALL Jennifer @ 941-391-0602 FIRST MONTH RENT FREE!! Room for rent at The Village at Science Drive (4/4) UCF shuttle, closest to pool clubhouse and tanning bed.Call 321-223-6116 for more info.
FREE RENT NEAR UCF! 1 br in 4/2.5 in University House on Alafaya. Avail Immed. Lease ends Aug ‘07 $445 includes everything! First month free! Call Erin 352 359 0635 1 bedroom in 4/2. Furnished apt. All util. incl. Comm. pool. UCF shuttle, we will pay move-in fee. $490/mo. Call 407-467-4873
2/2 Avail. ASAP. in Pegasus Pointe. 2 pools, gym, sec. guard. Respond by 12/4 Move-in fees on me. Cool roommate Must be F. $550/mo. Call 904-207-9268. Room avail. in The Lofts, pool, gym, furnished, util. incl. tons of parking, 2 story style apt. Avail ASAP. Call Tricia 407-766-6554.
4 7 3
9 8 7 6
Move in with NO $$$ DOWN! One month free rent and I will pay sec. deposit! F wanted for 4/4 co-ed Alafaya Club unit. Great apt., great room, great roommates. Private bath, immediate occupancy. Willing to negotiate monthly rent rate of $545. Call: 941-661-0558 Room in a 4/2 at Pegasus Pointe available to a female student asap. $475/mo utilities & Shuttle included.December rent paid. Call Brittnee @ 386299-5010. Spring Sublease: 1/1 in a 4/4 at Pegasus Landing. F only. Great roommates, quiet building. $510/mo and 1st month 1/2 off! 727-642-3407 or kdeedle@yahoo.com Sublease at Pegasus Connection. 1/1 in a 4/4. Females only! Great Room mates! Apartment is decorated very nicely! Right next to the pool. Rent is $550/month including utilities and covered, reserved parking spot or $530 w/o spot. Move-in Dec 16. Let me know ASAP!! Kacie Hohnadell khohnadell@yahoo.com 407 433 1887
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THE GATHERINGS $475/month! Utilities included! Private room and bath in 4/4. Minutes from campus on University. Contact Jon at 850-508-4781 Jefferson Lofts Apt. 1/1. Wood floors, fully furn., util. incl. gym, pool, hot tub, free parking decal 1 MO. FREE RENT. Nice neighbors. Avail. Spring 07’ ONLY $750/MO Call Jeremy 407-902-5311. UNIVERSITY HOUSE: 1 room in a 4/2.5 $465/mon. Includes cable, HBO, pool, tan bed, washer/dryer, own bathroom, and all utilities. Available immediately w/ free bed. Call J.D. @ (407-595-0376) or jdspano36@gmail.com.
FOR SALE: Homes 2/2 Duplex btwn downtown and UCF, fenced yard, $0 down, low monthly payment, for pricing call 407-965-0094 code 42964. 1/2 duplex near UCF. 2bd/2ba. New roof, garbage disposal, fenced with shed. 837 sq. ft. Asking $145,000. 407-617-2544 JUST $2500 GETS YOU IN! No closing costs, luxurious 1,2, and 3 bdr condos, Waterford Lakes, (407) 737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com DREAM HOME, DREAM DEAL $2500 down, no closing costs. Luxurious 1, 2, and 3 bdr condos. Waterford Lakes (407) 737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com
Last issue solved
DREAM HOME, DREAM DEAL $2500 down, no closing costs. Luxurious 1, 2, and 3 bdr condos. Waterford Lakes (407) 737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com $2500 DOWN, NO CLOSING COSTS Luxurious 1,2, and 3 bdr condos, Waterford Lakes, (407) 737-0529 www.thecrestlife.com 2/2 on Chickasaw Trl., near Colonial New appliances, tile and carpet, 1064 sq ft. $162,000 Call Linda 407-923-6423.
Solution and new puzzles in next issue’s Classifieds
FOR SALE: Automotive For Sale: Rocket Ship. Will take you to the moon. Low mileage.
FOR SALE: General
FOR SALE: Pets Pitbull puppies for sale.16 wks old, champion bloodlines. White & Blue. Semi-trained. $500-$1000. Going on vacation, must sell by 12/10. Also looking for want-2-be breeders. 321-960-3905
SERVICES Gated community, Waterford Villas. Has 2 Master suites and comes with W/D and pond view. Comm. pool, b-ball court and jogging path. Short walk to Waterford Towne center! $215K...LOWEST PRICE in neighborhood. Seller will pay 6 months of HOA fees! Beautiful condition with security system and GARAGE! Call Suzanne at 407-898-8088
DOWNTOWN 1/1 condo on the second floor of a MELROSE PLACE type community. Lush landscaping and beautiful pool. Quiet and ready to move in! Out of area owner is motivated! Only $151,900. LOW HOA fees. Call Suzanne at 407-898-8088.
Owner occupied immaculate 3/2 with fireplace and great Master suite. Short walk to Eastwood golf course, driving range and community pool. $299K Call Suzanne at 407-898-8088. 2 bd/2.5 ba townhome $259K Gated community. Walking distance from Waterford Lakes Shopping Center. Community pool. Call 407-761-0670 Gated community close to UCF & Valencia. 2bdrm/2bath condo mint condition. Ready for new owner available immediately. $162,000. Diane Molaka, Molaka Realty 407-222-4270 call today! www.molakarealty.com 10 MINUTES FROM UCF 4/2 home. Seller will pay closing. Eat-n kit, split bdrms, fenced, 1car gar. Bring reasonable offer. $237,900. Call Joyce at Century 21 Oviedo. 407-366-5837.
BUY 1 TEE GET 1 FREE. We have hip-hop, sports,movie,TV, cartoons,rock, t-shirts. Free huge color catalog with 500 photos and designs. Doug Atkins Tees 1952 N Stanley St Phila, Pa 19121
Becky’s Massage Steam Sauna, Body Scrub, Full Body Swedish/Shiatsu massage. $80/hr. For appt, call 407-421-0371. MA28270
BED $130, Mattress Set, Full Size, Brand New, still in plastic. Delivery avail. Call 407-287-2619.
PHD and Masters graduates to help with essay research and writing. www.customessay.com 1-888-345-8295
Bed 100% all brand new King pillowtop set. Must sell, can deliver $220. Call 407-423-1202.
Pregnancy testing and supportive counseling. FREE and confidential. Center for Women (407) 628-5433
Futon w/ 8” mat, BRAND NEW, can deliver. $200 Call 407-831-1322 BRAND NEW, Tempur-pedic type Memory Foam Mattress Set w/ warranty. $1800 value. Must sell $495. Delivery avail. Call 407-423-1202. Beds: All brand new. Never-Flip PillowTop Mattress sets. Twins, $120, Full, $140, Queen, $160, King, $230, delivery available. 407-331-1941 Pier 1 Imports ‘Miranda’ bedroom set. Queen headboard, 2 nightstands, 6 drawer dresser, armoire, and 2 mirrors. $900. Can sell pieces separately. MUST SELL EVERYTHING! Please call 407.257.3209. BED $150, Orthopedic support New Queen, pillow-top mattress set. In plastic Warranty, Can Deliver. Call 407-287-2619. Pool Table: 8’ professional series furniture style table, carved legs, oversized 1” slate, leather pockets. All BRAND NEW. Retail $4,000; Must sell $1250. Set-up available. 407-831-1322 Bed Set: $900, 6 pc solid wood, sleigh bed group, never used. 407-831-1322
Bid on my PS3, choice of 2 games. ps3bid@hotmail.com
Unplanned Pregnancy? Confidential, Compassionate Adoption Advice. Expenses paid if needed. Choose Life! Fla. License #1105-002-000 www.AmericanKidzAdoption.com 727-823-1537 Toll Free 866-525-3057
ANNOUNCEMENTS MISSING male,medium sized dog from Water Lakes area.Brown with black stripes and white chest.May answer to Courage. **Special needs** $$REWARD$$ Please call (401)486-7630
TRAVEL Call STS for the best deals to this year’s top 10 Spring Break destinations! 1-800-648-4849 www.ststravel.com. Ask about group discounts!
BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISE from $339! Includes Meals, Taxes, Exclusive Parties w/MTV Celebrities. Cancun, Acapulco, Nassau, Jamaica From $599! Panama City from $169! Organize a group and travel FREE! Call SpringBreakTravel.com at 1.800.293.1443- or visit www.springbreaktravel.com use promo code: na55
Thursday, November 9, 2006
785.864.4358 SERVICES
$3500-$5000 PAID. EGG DONORS +Expenses. N/smoking, Ages 19-29. SAT>1100/ACT>24/GPA>3.0 reply to: info@eggdonorcenter.com GET THAT JOB! Resumes and Cover Letters 832-2345 2 Avid Basketball Fan's looking to join a group to help camp for KU Basketball games. Responsible and willing to camp for assigned time. Please email jtbowen@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/310 MIRACLE VIDEO ALL ADULT DVDS $4.98 & UP 1900 HASKELL 785-841-7504
Want to tutor a K-12 Lawrence student? Join Planning for College Success (PFCS) by emailing pfcsku@gmail.com! Lots of times slots available! hawkchalk.com/28
Bartenders/cocktail servers needed at 1803 W. 6th Street. Call 843-9690 or apply in person after 4 pm every day
#1 Spring Break Website! Low prices guaranteed. Group discounts for 6+. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! www.SpringBreakDiscounts.com or 800-838-8202. DON'T DIAL THAT 800 NUMBER! BUY LOCAL!! LOWEST PRICES FREE TRIPS FOR GROUP LEADERS WINTER & SPRING BREAK! TRAVELLERS INC. DOWNTOWN - 831 MASS. "STUDENT TRAVEL FOR 54 YEARS" CALL 749-0700 Spring Break 2007 20th Anniversary w/ SunSplash Free Trip on 12 before Nov. 1, Free Meals & Parties, Group Discounts on 6+ 1800-426-7710 www.sunsplashtours.com Spring Break Bahamas - 5 Days/4 Nights from $199 per person - Includes Cruise Transport & Resort in The Bahamas Other Packages also Available - Book Toll-Free 1-888-85-BEACH (1-888-852-3224) www.GoBahama.com #1 College Ski & Board Week
BRECKENRIDGE Ski 20 Mountains & 5 Resorts for the Price of 1
Breck, Vail, Beaver Creek, Arapahoe Basin & Keystone
from only
plus tax
1-800-SKI-WILD 1-800-754-9453
JOBS Accounting Majors Part-Time Position. CPA Firm needs person to help with tax season. Perform tax input, accounting, and bookkeeping duties. Call Sandy 842-2110 for interview.
BARTENDING. UP TO $300/DAY. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. TRAINING PROVIDED. 800-965-6520 EXT 108 Busy daycare needs help Tues and Thurs mornings or all day ASAP. Must be highly dependable. Good pay 842-2088. Busy Johnson County wine and spirits shop. Great pay for the right energetic person. PT Close to Edwards Campus. Call 816-204-0802. CHRISTMAS BREAK JOBS Not going home for the holidays? Earn some money and have fun from midDecember to January 6 at the C Lazy U Guest Ranch in the Colorado Rockies. When work is finished spend a week with free room and board while you ski or snowboard in Grand County. Contact Phil Dwyer at 970-887-3344 or e-mail pdwyer@clazyu.com. Computer Math Lab Instructor 20 hrs/wk. Math or Secondary Math Ed. Degree Haskell Indian Nations University Lawrence, KS. (785)749-8448 or 830-2770 www.usajobs.opm.gov Announcement #: DE-HU 0607 Deadline: Nov. 13th, 2006 COOLCOLLEGEJOBS.COM Paid Survey Takers Needed in Lawrence. 100% FREE to Join! Click on Surveys Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarKey.com. Human Services. Are you interested in a job that will help shape your future while you help shape the lives of others? How about a job where you are a member of a team whose goal is to assist individuals w/ developmental disabilities make choices that affect their lives and to live as fully included members of our community? If so, Cottonwood Inc. Residential Services are looking for you. -Residential Specialists and Assistants: PT, $8-$8.50/hr. -Residential Night Assistant: FT (35 hrs.) $6/hr -Residential Supervisor II: PT (20-30hrs.) $9.60/hr. HS diploma or GED and an acceptable driving record req. Excellent benefits avail.Please apply at Cottonwood Inc. 2801 W. 31st or online at www.cwood.org. EOE
BUSINESS INTERNSHIP! College Pro is a student development company. We coach, train and teach students how to manage a business while in school. Resume builder, valuable skills, competitive money. www.iamcollegepro.com to apply.
Lead teacher for toddler class, lead qualified, bachelor's degree with experience preferred. Start immediately or in December. Apply at Children's Learning Center. 205 N. Michigan. 785-841-2185. EOE.
Children's Museum in Shawnee needs weekend visitor services staff until Dec. Need full time mid Dec.- Jan. Part-time next semester. Call 913-268-4176 for application.
Makeup artists wanted. Photographer needs part time help for glamour photo shoots with specialty in vintage look (1940's-1960's) Experience desirable but not necessary. 550-2761 after 6 p.m.
Legends Place Now Hiring Leasing Agents (experience perferred) and Grounds Keeper Apply in person at 4101 W 24th Place 785-856-5848 EOE
JOBS Hiring motivated and responsible sales associates. Please fax or drop off resume. Mobile Communications Centre 1610 W. 23rd St Fax # 785 832 8149.
JOBS InDesign Consultant for local trade magazine. $10/hr. + $5 travel. Need 3 references and work portfolio. Call 785.887.6324.
Mystery Shoppers Earn up to 150$ per day Exp not Required. Undercover shoppers needed to Judge Retail and Dining Establishments. Call 800-722-4791 Ogden Publications, a growing multi-media company specializing in national magazine and internet publishing, is seeking a take charge person in IT. Web Developer/Programmer Analyst: Responsibilities include Web development and custom reporting using Visual Studio .Net 2005, ASP.Net, and C# in conjunction with our Circulation and Fulfillment system.Send Resume via E-mail to tswietek@ogdenpubs.com, Fax to 785-274-4305 or mail to Ogden Publications, 1503 SW 42nd St, Topeka, Ks 66609 attention Tim Swietek. Mother Earth News, Natural Home, Utne Reader and Motor Cycle Classics. EOE. Ogden Publications, a growing multi-media company specializing in national magazine and internet publishing, is seeking a take charge person in IT. Programmer Analyst: Responsibilities include developing applications and reports using C#, SQL, and Crystal reports in conjunction with our Circulation and Fulfillment system. Send Resume via E-mail to tswietek@ogdenpubs.com, Fax to 785-274-4305 or mail to Ogden Publications, 1503 SW 42nd St, Topeka, Ks 66609 attention Tim Swietek. Mother Earth News, Natural Home, Utne Reader and Motor Cycle Classics. EOE. The Yacht Club is seeking an Assistant Front-of-the-House Manager, Cooks & Servers. Apply at 530 Wisconsin.
Kansan Classifieds classifieds@kansan.com
Apply for the 2007 Homecoming Steering Committee!
Applications and details are available at www.homecoming.ku.edu Questions? Contact Jennifer Alderdice at 864-9778 or jalderdice@kualumni.org
In a Class of its Own.
Thursday, November 9, 2006
785.864.4358 JOBS
Party Personnel is hiring banquet servers. $9.25/hr. Kansas City. Call Gary at 913-963-2457 or print off application online at www.partypersonnelkc.com. Carpooling available. Photographers Event photography company seeking party pic photographers to work parties mainly evenings and weekends. Must be outgoing and work well with people. Training and equipment provided. Please contact Lacy@universityphoto.com.
Target DIY desk 4 sale. Light colored MDF and silver legs. Moved around a lot. Still a good desk. $10 Contact Mia at mimitot@gmail.com hawkchalk.com/303 Urban Outfitter chandellier. Clear. Modern elegance. $15. Contact Mia at mimitot@gmail.com hawkchalk.com/304 Used Pre-Calculus (MATH 104) Book for sale. $50 Contact Amanda @ 785-224-4972 hawkchalk.com/276
Secret Shoppers Needed for Store Evaluations. Get paid to shop. Local Stores, Restaurants & Theaters. Training Provided, Flexible Hours. Email Required. 1-800-585-9024 ext. 6642.
Zebra print rug. $50 or best offer. Other furniture is available to sell the first week of November. Please email tree1223@gmail.com for details. hawkchalk.com/336
SECURITY BENEFIT needs ACCOUNT SERVICE REPS to start full-time, on choice of either mid-Nov date or early Jan date in Topeka, KS. All degree programs welcome for this entry-level career opp. After comprehensive training, ASR's provide information and service (no selling or solicitation) relating to financial products. Competitive salary and benefits package for this opportunity in our dynamic technology-based business, se2. Apply via our online application at www.securitybenefit.com. or phone 785.438.3732. EOE.
ping pong table 4sale! great condition and asking for $125 of best offer. please contact me if interested haneybla@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/319
Security Officers needed in the Lawrence area. Securitas offers: - Health, Vision, Dental and Life Insurance - Free Uniforms - Free training - Advancement Opportunities - Flexible hours - Pay ranges from $$8.25 to $9.57 per hr Apply at the Lawrence Workforce Center EOE M/F/D/V Solid Employment in Colorado over winter break! Looking for housekeepers, waitstaff, and kids counselors for winter break, December 17 - January 12! Call Selina at The Home Ranch for more information, 970879-1780 We pay up to $75 per survey. www.GetPaidToThink.com
Looking for Older NINTENDO stuff. Email wakerz@ku.edu if you have anything to sell, thanks! hawkchalk.com/311 19" Sanyo TV for sale. $10. Contact Mia at mimitot@gmail.com hawkchalk.com/302 a ping pong table for sale! in great condition, very nice, looking for $200, obo. i'm moving & can't take it with me! please help me out-if intrested!-haneybla@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/274 brand new loveseat and sofa for sale. i am hoping to get anywhere between 500 and 700 dollars for it. The set is red with a fun design on the throw pillows. 785-527-0207 hawkchalk.com/339 Mac Powerbook G4 laptop computer. 80 gig memory. 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4. 512 MB DDR SDRAM. 12". Final Cut Pro Program Included (great for film students). 913 221 6931 hawkchalk.com/306 Painted acoustic guitar for sale. Seldom used. Contact eskimono@gmail.com $200 hawkchalk.com/315
785.864.5261 STUFF
Super Nintendo. Comes with controllers and 4 games. The Legend Of Zelda, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Allstars and Mario Paint. call 913-558-2516 ask for Bryan. hawkchalk.com/288
TICKETS 2 Student Tickets Needed for the KU/KSU Football game on Nov. 18th! fmaster@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/312 3 Texas tix needed by alum & sons. 3/3. Reserve only. Appreciate the help. Rob 847-814-4149 hawkchalk.com/185 Looking for student tickets for the November 18 football game against KSU. Contact me at mikeg10@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/305
AUTO '99 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Extended Cab, Loaded. NADA value $11,500. Asking $9,750 OBO Call 785-856-0815 for details or to view. hawkchalk.com/317
Attn seniors, grad students. 1 BR apt, quiet, real nice, close to campus, hard wood floors, lots of windows, CA, W/D, no smoking/pets. 331-5209. 2 BR residential office/ apartment. Possible reduction for: promotions, web work etc. Studio near KU available Dec. 841-6254 Lawrence Property Management www.lawrencepm.com. 785-832-8728 or 785-331-5360. 2 BRs Available now! Tuckaway Management.1, 2 3 BR for Dec/Jan. Short term/ spring semester leases available. 838-3377 or 841-3339. www.tuckawaymgmt.com Call about specials!! 1 and 2 BR duplexes, W/D, owner managed, no pets. 746 New York- $450+util. 812 New Jersey- $650+util.+ DW +1-car garage. Jan.1. Call 785-842-8473
ROOMMATE/SUBLEASE Next to Campus Yello Sub. Over 600 SQ Ft. Off-Street Parking. Apartment listed for $405; You pay $375/mo+Utils. Call 620.870.8827 or email tree1223@gmail.com. hawkchalk.com/283
2 BR. 1131 Ohio. 1 1/2 BA, W/D, DW. Close to campus. $600, no pets. 749-6084. ersrental.com 3 BR, 2 BA House. FP W/D hookup. Huge walk-in closet. Lg fenced yard. 2 car gar. $905/mo. Avail. Dec. Call 785-550-4126.
One bedroom available immediately in a large three bedroom/two bath townhouse, close to the new park and ride lot. Can be rented furnished if wanted! Cable and internet are paid. $350 + utilities. hawkchalk.com/335
Houses, apts, and duplexes available for now and next semester. 785-842-7644 or see us at www.gagemgmt.com
Roommate needed spring semester! 1 BR avail. in very nice townhome. 2 great female roommates, fun neighborhood. Only $282/mo + util! Call Kelly 970-302-8022 hawkchalk.com/314
ROOMMATE/SUBLEASE very open, 9 ft ceiling, front porch, big rooms, cheapest 1 BR in Lawrence- 6th and Ohio. 913-226-9319 hawkchalk.com/321
Roommate wanted to share 3 BR house on 3 acres mins. west of Lawrence. W/D, sat. TV. 785-838-3803 or 913-568-4012.
2 bedroom apartment Applecroft Apartments on 19th Street.If you are interested give me a call at (785)747-6421. Leave a message if I don't answer. hawkchalk.com/273
2 BR, 1 BA. C.A., D.W., laundry facilities. Available now. $395/MO. $200 deposit 785-842-7644
1br brand new apartment 15th & crestline in medowbrook-dec 23 thru july 31st. free furniture if interested. please contact mehaneybla@ku.edu-water bill is payed for!! hawkchalk.com/275
2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. $300 a month- no utilities. covered parking & pool 2000 heatherwood dr. 10 minutes from campus. call 785-527-0207 hawkchalk.com/277
2br/1ba duplex, close to campus. w/d hookups, garage. $550 per month. Available now. Lg backyard. 785-550-7476 3 BR, 1 BA apartment C.A., D.W., washer and dryer provided. Available now. $525/MO. 785-842-7644
2BR/1BA avail. 1/1/07 Quiet setting, KU & Lawrence Bus Route, patio/balcony, swimming pool, on-site mgmt, cats ok, visit us at www.holiday-apts.com or call 785-843-0011
2 BR available in 3 BR town house. $300 each. Non-smoking, no pets. On Crestline. Call Mary Beth 316-288-7782.
1984 yamaha scooter 4sale. its runs great & is cheap it fill up, 90 cents!! asking for $225 obo. contact haneybla@ku.edu if interested hawkchalk.com/318
Available immediately: remodeled 2 BR and 3 BR. Includes W/D, DW, MW, fireplace and back patio. First month's rent free. 785-841-7849
1998 Mercury Sable, great conditions inside and outside. $2000 obo. Silver ext. and int. AC,power locks and power windows. call Daniel at 785-979-2066 hawkchalk.com/323
Close to campus 2 BR AVAIL NOW 1005 W. 24th. St. Newly remodeled 2 BR/1 BA on corner lot with fenced yard, garage and private storage unit. Must see! Available immediately. $650/month. Call (530) 921-8206
90 Honda CBR 600 Motorcycle 40k new tires, brakes, battery great condition and fast! 1750 negotiable amart84@ku.edu 785 331 8933 hawkchalk.com/297
Beautiful 2 Bedroom Walk Out With DW, W/D, and Private Parking. Located in the exclusive Stadium View Apartment Complex (11th and Mississippi) $330 monthly per person. 612.419.7718 wbriggs@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/342
2 grad stud. seek responsible easy-going roommate, male or female for Jan-Aug. 3 BR house near Clinton Prkwy & Lawrence Contact rcrosw8@gmail.com hawkchalk.com/291
For Sublease. 2BR 1BA located at Hanover Apts on 14th and Mass. Top Floor. $605 per Mo. Great Location. Just down the Hill from KU. Available Dec 1. Call Brandon 785-218-1395.
FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED 4 SPRING! Easy <10 min walk to campus Nice Big Apartmentt!Tons of Space! 2LevelApt 2BR 2BTH $300+utilities Jane 331-6474 jane.g.adams@gmail hawkchalk.com/280
1 BR aprt. @ Parkway Commons, available asap! Great location, pets ok, very spacious. Call Amy for more info @ 785-764-0643. hawkchalk.com/309
Female roommate needed ASAP to sublease 1 room in 3BR 2BA apt @ 9th & Emery. Close to campus! $250/mo + 1/3 utils. Call Margaret (314)560-8359 hawkchalk.com/324
Red with a white rage top. Runs great. Leather seats. Only asking $400 o.b.o. hawkchalk.com/325
14th and Tennessee 1 bedroom sublease avaliable Jan.1 $440 a month. Very cute and kitschy, very clean. Call Shannon 230-4016 or email at shan82@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/308
Need third roommate for 4BR, 2 BA house. $400 includes bills, DSO, and Dish TV. Looking for short term or long term. Call Jared at 785-764-2056.
1ba/1bath, w/d, walk-in closet, fireplace, security system. Avail. Jan-May (but will consider through July). MUST SEE 913593-3330 hawkchalk.com/316
Grad students. 3 BR available. $300/mo. Nice furnished town home, shared kit., DR, LR, W/D. Call Cliff @ 856-0263.
2BR, 1BTH Sublease near 9th and Avalon to begin 12/1 or now. 520/mnth. Contact Mia at mimitot@gmail.com hawkchalk.com/301
Room in 3BR off of Wakarusa, own bathroom, for quiet studious female nonsmoker. $100/mo plus light housekeeping chores. Contact nimdacod@hotmail.com hawkchalk.com/253
2br/2bath apt, 5 blocks from KU, on bus route. $595 + utilites. Newly painted, super nice. Ready to move in as soon as mid-dec. Call 913-634-4547 ask 4 Ashley hawkchalk.com/294
Roomates wanted for a great 3 bedroom house 1 bedrooms open, great house off of 3rd&Michagan busstop out side of house(Si hablamos espanol)913 461 1931 hawkchalk.com/285 3 rooms for rent in a house near Lawrence High School. Available Jan. 1. $400/mo. includes all utilities. Call Andrea 766-3138.
3 BR, fully equip. kitchen, thru June, $630+ util., near campus, avail. immed. Call 913-269-6590 Spacious 1 Bedroom (17th & Ohio)Available Jan 1- July 31. Beautiful, 10 min. walk to campus! Small pets ok! 440/month+utils.sjkenyon@ku.edu. hawkchalk.com/322 Studio,Oread Apts,on-campus,walking distance to Mass, furnished, hard-wooden floor,on-site laundry, big balcony, $480 plus utilities, 316.617.2177. hawkchalk.com/300 Sublease for spring sem. Legends Apt. 4BD/4BA, fully furnished, W/D. 2 F roommates. Bus to campus. Utilities included in rent. Need to fill ASAP, transferring. 785.545.6156 Call now for a deal! hawkchalk.com/340
1134-36 Mississippi
LOST & FOUND Lost-personal, women's ring, with polished, large, amber stone. Lost in bathroom at the Underground. email: lfarrell@ku.edu - or eriklou@ku.edu Please! thanks hawkchalk.com/299
Kansan Classifieds classifieds@kansan.com number of lines 3
number of consecutive days Classifieds Policy: The Kansan will not knowingly accept any advertisement for housing or employment that discriminates against any person or group of persons based on race, sex, age, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or disability. Fur-
ther, the Kansan will not knowingly accept advertising that is in violation of University of Kansas regulation or law. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act
of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise â&#x20AC;&#x153;any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.â&#x20AC;?
Our readers are hereby informed that all jobs and housing advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
In a Class of its Own.
Classified RATES
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CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS • Larger Type • Sold In 1” Increments • One Column Wide • $30.00 Per Column Inch
DIAMONDBACKONLINE.COM All Classifieds and Classified Display ads will run on our online edition at no additional charge.
SPECIAL Run the same classified or classified display ad for four consecutive days and get the 5th day
Tennis Shop Attendant R.J. Bentley’s Part Time Tennis Pro Is Hiring $10/hr. shop work, $12/hr. teaching. 10-20 hrs. per wk. Yr. round. Weekend and evening work. Requirements – tennis background, computer knowledge. Bethesda.
Call 301-469-6286.
Attn: Journalism, Communication & PR Students
Media Researchers
Daytime servers needed between 10-4 and experienced nighttime cook needed from 4-close. Great pay & a fun working environment. Apply in person and ask for a manager.
Distribution Center Expanding company seeking self-motivated employees. Several positions available, part time or full time. All openings require intelligent and dynamic individuals with willingness to learn. Professional but informal atmosphere. Located close to campus. Openings in:
Data Services
Vocus, Inc., leading provider of software solutions for public relations, has immediate full- and part-time openings to maintain our national media database. Job involves gathering information about members of the media via telephone. Looking for hard-working, detail-oriented self-motivators with excellent verbal and written English skills. Requires professional telephone etiquette, general computer skills and typing: 40 wpm. Previous telephone experience through telemarketing, fundraising, surveying or polling a plus. Phone-shy people need not apply. Flexible daytime and evening hours. College Park location within walking distance of UMD campus.
Data Entry Customer Service Order Processing
Comm/PR Grads and Seniors
FT, PT, and Intern Positions Available
Send resume to: bcoleman@vocus.com
See boscobel.com/careers
Paid Internships Engineering/Accounting/ IT Majors! Boland, located in Rockville, is seeking highly motivated students for paid internships in our Accounting, IT, and Engineering Departments! We want to hear from you! Mail, fax or email your resume and cover letter to: Anne Brensike, 12320 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20852. Fax #301-881-8387. Email: personnel@boland.com. Visit us at www.boland.com. An equal opportunity employer.
PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE Out-patient orthopedic clinic in Rockville, MD. Fax resume, 301-977-4613 to attention: Brett.
Student Laboratory Assistant Part Time Department of Environmental Safety Excellent opportunity to gain experience in the operation of research & teaching laboratories. Duties include: * Managing the Laboratory Hazard Warning Signage System and Hazardous Exhaust Assessment Program * Hours: Flexible between 7 a.m.5 p.m. weekdays – Minimum of 15 hours per week Qualifications: * Current driver’s license (<6 points) * Ability to lift 50 pounds * Computer skills (Internet, spreadsheet, database, word processing) a plus Call Robert Galemba at 301-405-8755 for additional information.
Marketing Support
Warehouse Operations Pick & Pack Orders Shipping/Receiving Inventory Control Starting pay $9 to $11 per hour, depending upon experience. Call 301-779-5229 between 2-5 p.m.
Layout Coordinator Needed for The Diamondback Mon.-Fri. 2-3:00, $6.15/hour Advancement to Advertising Representative possible Fax or e-mail resume & class schedule to 301-314-8358, advertising@dbk.umd.edu Looking for accounting major to do bookkeeping work. Call 301-589-1344. Clyde’s Restaurant Group Now hiring hosts, servers, backwait, bus. Great pay, busy places, cool jobs. Apply online at clydes.com, or in person. Chevy Chase, 5441 Wisconsin Ave, 301-951-9600; Gallery Place, 707 7th St NW, 202-349-3700; Tower Oaks Lodge, 2 Preserve Pkwy, Rockville, 301-294-0200; Clyde’s of Columbia The Tomato Palace, 10221 Wincopin Circle, Columbia, 410-730-2829; Old Ebbitt Grill, 675 15th St NW, 202-347-4801; Georgetown, 3236 M St NW 202-333-9180. Positions also available at Clyde’s of Reston, Tysons Corner Alexandria, VA E.O.E.
Wanted: Teacher Aides or P.M. Day Care
In private school in Bowie. Competitive salaries & experience preferred. Call or fax resume at 301-262-2566.
Now Hiring All Positions We offer great salaries, benefits including paid vacation, insurance plan, tuition assistance, 401K, meal plan & much more! Apply in person: 14601 Baltimore Ave., Laurel, MD, 301-470-4405.
Assistant Special Needs Teacher
Must love children! Silver Stars Gymnastics will train you to teach basic gymnastics to pre-school and special needs children. Great Pay, Conveniently Close to Campus and Metro Accessible Available. Must be available 2-3 weekday evenings and Saturdays. Call 301-589-0938 or SSGOffice@aol.com.
Local technology company is seeking PT candidate for marketing support position. Our offices are located in Gaithersburg. Must be able to work 10-15 hours per week. Responsibilities include developing and printing our monthly catalog. Must be familiar with publishing software (MS Publisher or Adobe). Sales experience helpful.
Mother’s Helper Needed. Reliable, responsible person needed to help watch 2-year-old newborn 3 weeknights/week from 5:30-8 pm in Silver Spring, MD. Occasional babysitting. Start September. References preferred. 240-430-0608
Contact Dan Connelly at 301-330-6260 x500 or email resume to dan@atlantictechnologygroup.com.
Technical Support Specialist- ASI is currently seeking a technical support specialist with a minimum of 2 years experience working in a help desk environment and well versed in PC’s and windows operating system. Candidate must be motivated and articulate with a friendly phone presence. Restaurant experience is a plus. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Email resumes to hr@actionsystems.com
Jimmy John’s— Now hiring in store and drivers. Great pay! 301-927-7827.
Work with Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. on behalf of the National Democratic Party to elect Dems in ‘06. FT/PT. Gain campaign experience. Dupont Circle. Call Madison at 202-797-9655.
Bartending! $250/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520 x116.
9:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday 3136 South Campus Dining Hall
DEADLINES The deadline for all ads is 2 pm, two business days in advance of publication.
v m A
EMPLOYMENT Single Dad Needs Occasional Help with cleaning and errands, and occasional child care – $15/hour. Also yardwork & landscaping, general handyman skills/computer skills & experience in masonry/brickwork, $15/hour or neg. Near UM. Call Rod at 301-699-3111.
Group Leader/Counselor
Creative, dependable, playful staff needed for before and after school program in Silver Spring. Some experience and education background required. 7-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. shifts available. $10-13/hr. 301-680-0665 or email resume to Hrznchldcr@aol.com
Seeking Students to provide services to children with Autism in their homes and communities. Teach academics, functional life skills, recreational activities and social skills. Training provided. After school and/or weekend hours available. $14-15/hour. Please call 301-591-9776.
Wanted: Flash Programmer Entry level position assisting multi-media developer in design of computer-based instructional materials. Part time position with potential for full time later. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact wscally@mosaicprint.com for immediate consideration.
Job Developer Nonprofit org. dedicated to supporting people w/developmental disabilities is seeking a prof. to locate employment opportunities for adults with DD. Min. 3-5 yrs. exper. w/DD community & BA/BS req. Req. strong oral/verbal communication, interpersonal & organizational skills, MS Office, ability to work w/all levels of people. Send resume & cover ltr. w/salary req. to: SEEC, HR, 8905 Fairview Road, Suite 200, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Fax: 301-576-9059. E-mail: resumes@seeconline.org. EOE.
Part Time $12/Hr. WEB PROGRAMMER 15-25 hrs./wk., 1 block from campus ASP/HTML/SQL E-Commerce site Dreamweaver/Photoshop a plus
Call Kate, 301-985-1551
Advertising Sales Assistant 5-10 hrs./wk.; no weekends, flexible hours.
Work on campus.
Successful assistants will become sales reps for campus newspaper. $6.15/hr. + commission opportunities. Send resume & class schedule to advertising@dbk.umd.edu or fax 301-314-8358.
PT/FT Manager
PT/FT Vet Tech
Local Web Hosting Co. seeks Comp. Science/Engineering/IS Majors for tech/networking support. Learn real world system admin./networking/troubleshooting skills in fun environment. Flex. hours, 15-25/week. Earn up to $20/hr. Afternoons, evenings and wknds. Linux/Unix/Windows/Networking exper. pref. – not req. E-mail resume: jobs@sidusgroup.com.
needed in Bethesda. Detailed, self-motivated animal lovers only. We will train. Call Miriam, 301-564-1923.
Research Assistant Bethesda Institute
Legal Assistant for Busy Greenbelt Law Office
Part-time. Required: healthcare or business major with excellent computer skills (Word, Excel, Access). Desired: Experience working in healthcare organization. $10-12.50 per hour. Email resume to wma@hii.org.
Part-time position available. Must type 60 wpm+ and have Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday availability. $12/hr. Flex. schedule. Fax resume to 301-220-3747 or contact EasonEsq@aol.com.
Carpenter’s Helper Wanted
Now Hiring
Local residential remodeling and construction company. Full-time position. Salary negotiable. Must want to learn. Experience preferred but not necessary. Call Frank: 301-474-7680.
4926 Edgewood Road, College Park
Delivery Drivers, Cashiers & Experienced Sandwich Makers Call 301-345-0366 or stop by the store for more info.
Greene Turtle Rest. & Sports Bar
Please reply to 14150 Balt. Ave. (Rt.1) Laurel, MD or call 301-317-6650
Call 240-793-6266. Good pay & hours.
Seeking Shadow/Facilitator and/or In-Home Therapist – Training Provided
Part Time Office Help, Flexible Hours
To aid sweet, adorable 4 y/o girl with special needs at preschool. Also looking for in-home therapist to assist w/language & social play skills. Thorough training & ongoing consultation provided. Bethesda & NW DC – positions close to Metro. Compensation based on exp. 301-654-2435.
Part-Time Office Assistant Looking for a dynamic office assistant with excellent customer service skills! Busy optometry office located at Costco Wholesale, 10925 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD. 12-16 hrs./week. Resumes to jgreencooper@yahoo.com.
Optometric Techs
Full and part-time immediate openings. Must be a people person, retail experience a plus, will train right person. Please fax resume to 301-559-1964 or call Earlene, 301-559-0090.
Marketing & Sales! Seeking College Grads! Entry Level Sls./Mkting. Position!
Get campaign experience working on a Democratic campaign in Montgomery County. Hiring now! Flexible schedule. $100/day. Now until Sept. 12. Call 301-841-7636.
Do You Love Music? Want to learn more about the business behind it? The 9:30 Club is currently seeking interns for Fall 2006. For those interested in this unique internship experience, please email a resume and cover letter to Dave_Kezer@930.com.
Greenbelt, College Park
Clerical work: Work involves sending out resumes to various employers. Job is in Lanham, Maryland (10 minutes from campus). Approx 10-20 hours per week. $6-$7 per hour. (301) 538-5911
Internships LLC seeks
Online Researchers/Editors to update listings for Internships.com. Journalism, writing, English majors encouraged. Hours flexible, will work around class schedule. College Park office. Paid and/or college credit positions available. To apply, email Mark at poster1@aol.com.
Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant Seeking servers and hosts for busy DC restaurant on Green Line Metro. Use Gallery Place Chinatown Metro. Restaurant on corner of 9th and F Street. Apply in person weekdays 2-4pm. Will work around your class schedule.
between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, close to College Park Metro. Looking for someone who can work during school year and summer. Call Pat or Donna at 301-927-7300.
NOW HIRING Extremely Competive Salaries for Sandwich Makers and Cashiers. Apply by phone or in person. 301-982-3200 Full Time Catering Sales Rep Wanted. Call Arnold, 240-286-3707.
Help elect progressive candidates. All day work on primary day, September 12th. Other full time/part time jobs available for fall semester/winter break. $8-12 an hour. Call Lily or John at Progressive MD, 301-495-7004.
Galaxy Billiards Cafe In Silver Spring. Female server and experienced bartender needed. Outgoing and friendly personality. Experience preferred but not required. Contact Wilma at 301-495-0081 after 4 p.m. or Wilmie@email.com. Stop by Galaxy Billiards to apply.
Mustard Seed We are looking for long-term salespeople for full and part time employment in our busy new & used clothing store. Retail experience preferred but not necessary. Interested persons can apply within or call for more information: 301-907-4699. Ask for Gayle or Derek. Wanted- Attractive, friendly girls for secretarial work and travel. Flexible hours and pay. Ask for Chris at 301-252-4679
Are you interested in changing a child’s life? If so, Kids After Hours is the place. Kids After Hours is currently looking for positive role models to interact w/our children in before/after school centers. If interested please call David at 301-933-6888.
Now Hiring All Positions
We offer great salaries, benefits including paid vacation, insurance plan, tuition assistance, 401K, meal plan & much more! Apply in person: Arundel Mills Mall, MD, 410-796-0200.
Looking for responsible college student for in-house care for teenager, 15.
At FedEx Field For Redskins Home Games Looking For Students For Vending (Vendors/Beer Stands) ********Commission Pay******** Call Kendall Jones, 301-440-3351.
Located in Silver Spring area. Mon.Fri. flexible hours. Occasional sleep-ins (extra remuneration). Job involves driving 15 yr. old to appointments, cooking and very light housekeeping. References required as well as transportation.
Dance/Movement/ Gymnastics Teachers – Part-time
CALL BARRY AT 301-879-9876.
School-Age Child Care Directors/Group Leaders/Aides available. Seeking motivated individuals with outgoing personalities. Mornings and/or afternoons. School year and year-round. Locations in Chevy Chase, Germantown, Darnestown, Bethesda, and Rockville. Call: 301-438-8550 or e-mail Jobs@KidsAdventures.net.
The Perfect Part-Time Job!
2+ yrs. retail exp., knowledge of baby products needed. Great hours. Pay reflects experience. Right off Twinbrook Metro. Fax/Email resumes: 301-231-9344 or hiccupsbaby@aol.com.
Clean Water Action fights for environmental justice. Seeks motivated, intelligent people to work on elections and organize communities. M-F 1:30 p.m.-10 p.m., $1700/month PLUS BONUS, pt/ft, benefits. Call 202-895-0420 ext. 107. Fun, cool, important work.
Must be Competitive, Ambitious, Leader! Offering Full Management Training With Fortune 500 Client! Growth Potential, Great Pay, Travel Opportunity! Contact Colleen at 410-252-6430.
Democratic Campaign Jobs!
Now Hiring Marketing Reps Excellent pay. Athletes, fraternity brothers perfect. Two blocks from campus. Signing bonus. The best job on campus. Call Dennis at 301-237-1252.
Now Hiring Doormen, SECURITY OFFICERS F/T & P/T openings, weekdays & Servers & Hostess Imm. weekends, Mont. & P.G. county areas.
For Rockville Baby Boutique Responsible, Reliable, Friendly
ATTN: Sophomores and Juniors!
Come work in a fun, fast-paced and rewarding environment selling a product with universal appeal. Afternoon and evening shifts available immediately. 20 to 30 hours per week. Earn $10-15 per hour. Contact Heidi at 800-942-9951 or email at HSILVA@elephantgroup.com.
HELP WANTED – $8/HR – UM STUDENTS ONLY The University of Maryland’s Physical Distribution Center & Surplus Property Operation (Terrapin Trader) has openings for clerical, warehouse & delivery personnel. Shifts available: 8AM-12PM, 12PM4PM or 8AM-4PM, Monday thru Friday. For more information, call Mike Painter or Sidney Salazar at 301-405-5008/ 405-5853 or stop by the Physical Distribution Center located on Paint Branch Parkway near the College Park Metro Station.
Help Wanted Layhill Animal Hospital Silver Spring Part-time kennel & veterinarian assistant. Morning/afternoon/weekend hours available. Work references only. Experience is a plus, but not required. If interested, please call 301-598-7300. Love animals? Looking to work with animals? We have openings for receptionists and vet tech in animal hospital in Silver Spring- will train, call 301-589-1344
Have fun at your job! Silver Stars Gymnastics is now hiring gymnastics teachers & will even train you to teach basic gymnastics to children. Great Pay, Conveniently Close to Campus and Metro Accessible Available. Must be available 2-3 weekday evenings and Saturdays. Call 301-589-0938 or SSGOffice@aol.com.
Help Wanted – Part Time Accounting Student Bethesda CPA firm has opening for office assistant/entry level accountant. Flexible hours. Good office skills required. Send resume to (fax) 301-229-3028 or email ercpalaw@verizon.net.
Veterinary Technician Needed MEAC – a busy emergency animal clinic in Rockville is seeking energetic, ambitious, experienced techs. We open at 6 p.m. on weekdays and 24 hours on weekends and holidays. We have P/T positions available with the possibility of F/T. We offer competitive pay and benefits. Please fax resume to Carrie at 301-770-2837 or e-mail carriemassey1@yahoo.com.
Help Wanted 20 hr./week, data entry, other various duties. Need knowledge of Excel/Outlook. Hours are set by you but need to be between 9 & 5 at least 3 days/week. Beltsville, just off Sunnyside Ave. Free parking. Contact resources.net@gmail.com with name and contact info.
SPECIAL PERSON needed for work with active and engaging 4.5 y.o. girl w/Down Syndrome and 22 mo. old brother. Very flexible hours. We can work with your schedule. Perfect for special & elementary ed. majors, although not required. Good pay. Silver Spring, near Wheaton Metro. Please call Ed, 202-457-6016 or email: egehres@pattonboggs.com.
Finding a job is as easy as pie THE DIAMONDBACK CLASSIFIEDS Call 301-314-8000 for info.
Attention Students
Babysitter Needed
Child Care Needed
Earn F/T pay working P/T Evening +Sat. morn. Earn $200-$500 weekly
Help stay-at-home mom with young children from 2-7 p.m., 2-3 days a week. In Rockville.
Part-time babysitter needed for an adorable and energetic 3-1/2 year old boy in Olney, MD. Monday 2:15-7:30 p.m., Wednesday 1-7:30 p.m. Training in Early Childhood Education a plus. Hourly rate $14-18 based on experience. Call Linda at 301-260-8286.
EXCELLENT PAY!!! 301-838-4144
Call Ben, 240-473-1201
Great Pay Flex Hours Instructors needed to lead fun after-school science clubs for kids in Metro area elementary schools. Experience working with kids a plus and MUST HAVE A CAR. Flexible PT opportunity. Must be available at least 2 days/ week (M-F) by 2 p.m. Paid training. Science background NOT required. $25-$35 per program hour.
Mad Science 301-593-4777 www.madscience.org/DC
BETHESDA COUNTRY CLUB Looking for that Perfect Back-toSchool Job? Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got the best Environment for You. Great Atmosphere & Friendly Membership. Flexible Work Schedule that can be based around your class schedule.
SERVICE STAFF BARTENDERS HOST Weekly Paychecks Uniforms & Meals Provided
Family in University Park seeking responsible individual with good driving record to pick up 15 year old daughter from school in NW Washington, at least 3 days a week throughout the school year. Willing to pay $10/hour for easy commute to our school then home. Please contact Eleanor at 202-434-4801 or 202-550-4205 or email eleanor.kerr@siemens.com
After School Child Care Needed from 3-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fun-loving 4 year old at our home in Cheverly, about 15-20 minutes away. Starting in September. 202-955-2564.
Sitter needed for after school with 2 fun boys, ages 8 and 11, in nearby Silver Spring. Friday afternoons 3:00-6:00; sometimes needed other days. $13/hour. 301-704-3363.
Inside Sales Gaithersburg, MD technology company seeking PT candidate for inside sales position. Responsibilities include managing our internet sales presence, to include Ebay and our internal Web-store. Must have previously bought and sold items on Ebay. Pay is commensurate with experience. Contact Dan at 301-330-6260 x500 or email resume to dan@atlantictechnologygroup.com.
CAREGIVERS FOR AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Reliable individuals with excellent references and great with children should call Luther Rice Neighborhood Center at 301-593-1130 to schedule interview for immediate employment.
Z Pizza
Now hiring cooks, cashiers and drivers. Benefits include competitive wages, free food, and fun working environment. Call Patrick, 301-908-9671.
Go Terps!
Child Care After School 3:00-6:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri. with some flexibility on hours and days. $10/hour. In Silver Spring, 15 minutes from UMD. Must have car. Must provide references. Contact Heidi at hsauber@umd.edu. Babysitting for young children. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday mornings, some afternoons, flexible hours, neighborhood is Silver Spring, close to UMD, 301-495-4473
One bedroom in student house within minutes from campus. $500 + utilities. 240-426-4355
2004 Isuzu Rodeo
2 nice corner bedrooms. On their own floor, satellite TV, bathroom. Living room w/big screen and kitchen. 7 miles from College Park. $500 each including utilities. Available immediately. Contact PMorillo7@yahoo.com.
4wd, power doors, power windows, power driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seat. 6 disc CD changer. Keyless entry. 38K miles. $14,999. 301-831-0075 (leave message)
FOR RENT Burtonsville/Silver Spring â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Brand New Apartment Suite Just 12 minutes from campus. Private entrance, kitchen, den, 1 master BR, 1 full bath for 1 person, washer & dryer, private parking. $850/month, all utilities included. No pets, no smoking. Please call 301-343-9120.
Seeking P/T After School Babysitter
ADELPHI Large, Furnished basement bedroom with living area. Walk to stores, shuttle. $475/month includes utilities. 301-422-7847
for 12 yr. old girl & 9 yr. old boy. Thursdays & Fridays, possibly more, 3-7 p.m. in Bethesda. $13/hr. Call 301-229-3936.
Playful, responsible babysitter needed for three sweet girls. Hours approx. 2-9pm Tuesday and Thursday. 301-592-0134
Wanted: Loving, reliable babysitter to pick up our children after school. Hours: 3:00-6:00 p.m., Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Good salary, plus gas money. Must have own car. CALL 240-460-5390 or email annabtate@yahoo.com.
After School Childcare/ Transportation
Completely renovated home, 3,700 SF, pool/jacuzzi, heavy landscaping, 2 kitchens, 3 baths, 5 bedrooms, 2 laundry, 3 levels, new appliances. $540,000. 4013 Nicholson Street, Hyattsville. Call Terry, 703-504-6878.
Flexible days + hours in a low-key, fun environment. Sta. Andrew Apostle Day Care School Age Children
* Training provided by top professionals in area * Experience with special needs required * Excellent compensation * Part-time schedule, flexible hours * Transportation required * Chevy Chase, MD
Need students to assist 3-year-old boy attending center for young children on UMD campus. Assist with diapering at $5/change. Speech, special Ed or education major to assist Daniel with his communication and self care disabilities. Criminal background check required. Contact Iris Goldschmidt 301-891-0266 or Iris301@comcast.net or Marta Hopkinson 301-314-8109 or hopkinson@health.umd.edu
THOMPSON CREEK 301-560-6920
House for Sale
Contact 301-656-8555.
Earn $135+ per week!
Wanted: Enthusiastic Students for Day Care Positions $850/hour
Looking for highly energetic person to assist with intensive in-home schooling of an affectionate 5 year old boy with Autism.
Afternoon Fun With 2 Cool Kids
PRIVATE ENTRANCE, CATHEDRAL CEILINGS, SKYLIGHT, FIREPLACE, WHIRLPOOL-BATH, WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS & much more. $740/mo. Please call Joe, 410-296-5768 or email ircinc@comcast.net.
FOR SALE 8 Terps Football tickets , lower level, 25 yd. line, September 2nd, 9th, and 23rd. We also have Ravens, Redskins and concert tickets for sale. Call 301-252-4679
HOUSES/APARTMENTS/Rooms College Park, Riverdale, Houses: 3, 4, 5, & 6 bedrooms. $1200-2700/month. Apartments: 2 bedrooms. $800-900/month. Rooms: $450. 410-451-4545
GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Shipping and taxes automatically calculated. Save! Why pay more? http://www.bookhq.com
After school babysitter needed, Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 3:15-6:15 PM for happy, active 8 year old boy. Rockville. $12/ hour + gas money. Jake is easygoing and very good natured. Please email Barbara at BRichard101@hotmail.com.
After School Care Needed Weekdays 3 p.m.-6:30 p.m. for my 12-year-old son in my Bethesda home starting Sept. 5. Must be responsible and have own car. Salary negotiable. Call Nina at 301-571-8941.
Terrific girl (8) and boy (10) seek fun-loving babysitter Mon., Tues., Wed. 3-6:30. Help us with snacks, homework, playdates and drive to activities. Must have car, good references. Call our mom Gail, 301-229-5952.
Basement efficiency for rent in Beltsville. Non-smoker, no pets, $600/month. 240-417-0700.
Heritage Park Apartments
(international not available)
Starting Oct. 2006 10 Steps to Campus 2 Bedroom 301-770-5623
Diamondback Business Office 3136 South Campus Dining Hall PHONE: 301-314-8000 Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
College Park house. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, CAC, W/D, off street parking for 4. Available August 22. $2,000/month plus utilities. Call 410-827-5997.
Looking to Share 3 BR Condo in Laurel, MD. $650 for room w/shared BA. Updated kit., w/d, new windows, balcony, pool, storage; near Univ. of MD and Bowie State; close to B/W Parkway, Capital Beltway, mall/shopping; ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED; SECURITY DEPOSIT equals first monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rent. Nice condo in nice area. Must see...Call for directions if serious...202-327-1345, Buddy.
4 Bedrooms 2 full baths, close to campus, $650/month/BR. Call Brittany at 443-992-3936.
EDITINGâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;DISSERTATIONS, theses. Credit cards. Call 24 hours. 301-474-6000, info@CompuMediaUSA.com
TRAVEL Travel with STS to this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top 10 Spring Break destinations! Best deals guaranteed! Highest rep commissions. Visit www.ststravel.com or call 1800-648-4849. Great group discounts. Spring Break Bahamas 5 Day/ 4 Night Packages from $199 Per Person - Includes Cruise Transport Resort in The Bahamas - Other Packages also Available - Book Early for Free VIP Party Package - Toll-free 1-888-85-BEACH (1-888-852-3224) - www.GoBahama.com
Babysitter needed to pick up 13 yr. old after school & supervise at home. Mondays & Thursdays 3:30-7, Tuesdays 3:30-6. Downtown Silver Spring area. $12/hour. Call Irene, 301-563-6476. After school babysitting for 9 year old girl. Silver Spring. Tuesday, Wednesday. Good pay. Must have car, references. 301-565-3914. Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s helper/babysitter wanted to assist in care of young children. Weekdays 3-7 beginning September. 240-338-9487.
Thank you, St. Jude for favors granted.
CONTACT LENS ASSOCIATES Dr. Stuart D. Schatz, Optometrist, P.A. 7305 Baltimore Boulevard â&#x20AC;˘ College Park, MD
Now Leasing!
â&#x20AC;˘ UMD Student Discounts â&#x20AC;˘ University of MD Shuttle â&#x20AC;˘ 2 Min. from Campus
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartment Homes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Roommate Style Doubles â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Controlled Access Building
Call 301-439-4464
Voted Best of Washington in Washingtonian Magazine
Unique Student Apartments www.thetowersatutc.com 301-779-2727 Have You Heard? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ALL Here
â&#x20AC;˘ Hard-To-Fit Contact Lens Patients Are Our Specialty â&#x20AC;˘ State-of-the-Art Vision and Eye Health Examinations
While-U-Wait Service
â&#x20AC;˘Titanium â&#x20AC;˘Metal & Plastic
College Park, MD
Rockville, MD
1010 Rockville Pike, Suite 100
8911 60th Avenue, Suite 1
SK Y D I V E! (877) DIVE-SKY
â?&#x2013; AUTO
One day first jumps!
â?&#x2013; LEGAL â?&#x2013; BEAUTY
Welcome Back to a New Year and a New Hairstyle
Specializing in: Cuts - Color - Weaves
Lysa G
3505 East West Highway Hyattsville, MD Located next to PG Metro Station
Professional Stylist 10% Off w/Student ID
ALLEN H. ORENBERG- Class of 1977 - College Park â&#x20AC;˘ 24 Years Experience in State & Federal Courts â&#x20AC;˘ Criminal Defense & Appeals â&#x20AC;˘ DWI - DUI - MVA Hearings - Underage Drinking â&#x20AC;˘ Academic Misconduct & Plagiarism
Have Fun, Make Money! A Bar Career in 1-2 Weeks! â&#x20AC;˘Day, Evening & Weekend Classes â&#x20AC;˘ Free lifetime job placement assistance â&#x20AC;˘ Minimum age 18 â&#x20AC;˘ Nat. T.I.P.S. Cert. 301-277-0020
LAW OFFICES OF ANNE HOKE Flat Fee for District Court Cases
*** Hablamos espanË&#x153;ol ***
â?&#x2013; RELIGION Berwyn Baptist Church
Pastor Thom Thorton Bible Study 9:30 am Morning Service 11 am Evening Service 6:30pm Fellowship Hall
â?&#x2013; FOOD
Seven Seas
Chinese & Japanese Cuisine Sushi Plus Lunch Buffet $6.95 Daily
(301) 984-8005 Toll Free (877) 246-8700 www.orenberglaw.com
â&#x20AC;˘ Traffic Violations â&#x20AC;˘ Criminal Charges â&#x20AC;˘ Academic Misconduct â&#x20AC;˘ Personal Injury â&#x20AC;˘ Workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Compensation
â?&#x2013; EDUCATION
Expires 11/30/06
Send / Receive Local / 3 Apartments Available Long-Distance
One bedroom in nice house, walk to campus, block from Metro, $550/month. Call Lewis 401-977-2209.
â?&#x2013; APARTMENTS
BABYSITTER wanted to care for our two young children, ages 9 & 6 in our Bethesda home. M F, 3:15-6:30. Non-smoker, must have own car. $13.50/ hour. 301-469-9225 evenings or silvermanday@verizon.net.
Rooms for Rent
After School Child Care Bethesda
7403 Baltimore Ave. College Park, MD 20740 Weekdays 9 a.m.-12 a.m. Weekends 10 a.m.-12 a.m.
3 afternoons a week for 12 y/o girl. SS/Burtonsville area. Must have car to take to horse barn in Sunshine, MD. Experienced rider a plus. $11/hour plus gas. Call Pat, 301-509-9966.
$1.50 Off 32 oz. Smoothie
$10,000 REWARD 1-800-215-ALAN www.helpalan.com
$500/month, available now. Many new features: roof, landscaping, carpeting, tiles, appliances, kitchen, and bathroom. 301-422-2146
Help Wanted â&#x20AC;&#x201C; In Home Tutor/ Babysitter
WANTED for info leading to arrest of driver who killed jogger near Courtyards on University Blvd. eastbound at 7 p.m. on Sat., 6/7/06.
sunrm., deck, shed, fin-d. basement, security syst., gutter covers. Renovated with contemporary style. 202-251-4039
needed from 3-6:30 p.m. M-F. Burtonsville/Olney. Must have car. 2 kids ages 6 and 11. $10/hr. & $20 gas stipend. Start September. 301-989-8442 or 703-305-1185.
Organizing and other household duties. Call 301-365-3016 between 9 a.m. & 9 p.m. or email robinsoncommunicate@mac.com .
Exactly 1 mile from campus in Berwyn. 4 BR/2 BA house with parking. Central A/C being installed. Large room with private bath for $700. Newly renovated. Unfurnished. Avail. immediately. Call Jon, 571-215-6539.
Babysit a terrific 6-year-old boy in Takoma Park, every Thursday evening 7-10 p.m., other occasional evenings, too. Please call Tim, 301-775-7752.
Contact Kathy McCaw â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 301-649-3144
ROOMMATES Roommate wanted. Laurel, near I-95. Male, corner bedroom, share kitchen, bath and enrance with one person. Fiberoptic internet available. $565 (including utilities) plus deposite. 301-776-8892.
BABYSITTER NEEDED College Park, $449,900 House For Rent Very nice, roomy 5 BR/2 BA rambler Only quiet, clean group apply. Walking IN TAKOMA PARK on spacious lot. 1 FP, hdwd. flrs, distance, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths.
After School Care and Driver
7601 Bradley Blvd. Bethesda, MD 20817 Applications can be filled out Tuesday thru Saturday from 2 PM to 4 PM or E-mail Chris Zito at BCCFandBMgr@aol.com
$10-$15 PER HOUR
Just $1899 Completely renovated condo â&#x20AC;&#x201C; new everything! Close to campus & Metro. Perfect for students or grads. Call Rick, 301-367-1033 or email rkelly@amrcommercial.com.
FOR RENT Room for Rent
20% off Sushi and Sashimi every Wednesday
4720 Cherokee Street College Park, MD 20740 Phone: (301)474-7117 email: staff@berwynbaptist.org
â?&#x2013; SERVICES
See our menu at: www.sevenseascp.com
Maryland Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Basketball is looking for practice players. These players will practice against the womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basketball team daily. Duties include learning plays and staying in shape. Please contact Becky Bonner at 301-314-9714 or tbowie1@umd.edu if interested.
Freshest Sushi in College Park! Accepting University Meal Deal Across from University View 301.982.9899 www.HanamiJapanese.com
New York Style Stacked Sandwiches Dine In, Carry Out, Delivery & Catering Check out menu at campusfood.com
(301) 345-0366
General Termite and Pest Control
Customized Rodent Service
Low Odor Materials
Free Estimates
Flea Control Owner Operated
5103 College Ave., College Park MD 20740 fax: 301-277-0926
Licensed & Insured
4926 Edgewood Road (between Route 1 and Rhode Island Ave.)
College Park MD, 20740 Mon.-Fri. 10:00am â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;til 8:00pm Sat. 10:00am â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;til 5:00pm
6002 Greenbelt Road In the Beltway Plaza Mall minutes from campus Ask about our curbside pick-up
301-982-9780 â&#x20AC;˘ www.bennigans.com
10% Off w/Student ID excluding alcoholic beverages
â?&#x2013; FAX
(international not available)
Diamondback Business Office â&#x20AC;˘ 3136 South Campus Dining Hall PHONE: 301-314-8000 â&#x20AC;˘ Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Housing Rentals North Oakland 1 bedroom, 5th Ave. A/C, furnished, equipped kitchen, available January 1st. $585, John C.R. Kelly Realty, 412-683-7300. 272 North Dithridge: Intercultural House, $360/month, includes utilities, interesting mix of people. Students only. Call Rod 412-596-4626 or www. interculturalhouse. org. All real estate advertising in The Pitt News is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." The Pitt News will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in The Pitt News are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD at 1-800-6699777. The toll free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-9279275.
North Oakland ★★★★★★★★★★★ 3-bedroom nearlaundry, colleges, transp o r t a t i o n . Conveniently located in North Oakland. $900 including utilities. 412-621-3975. North Dithridge Street. Fraternity House or Athletic House for rent in Fall ‘07. Ten bedrooms, four bathrooms, two full kitchens, two living rooms, dining room, yard, laundry. $4500 +utilities. 412682-0711. Ask for Tim. Spring and Fall. North and South Oakland and Duquesne University areas. Efficiencies and 1-8 bedrooms. Equipped kitchens, wall-to-wall carpeting, laundry, central-air, private parking, near bus line. $375-$2200 +utilities. 412-682-0711.
South Oakland 1 and 2-bedroom (furnished) apartments, nice and clean. Large living room and kitchen. Private bath, wall-to-wall carpet. Walking distance to university and hospitals. Available in December. $450$600+. Call 412-4220207. 1-bedroom apartment and 5-bedroom house. Available Jan 1,2007. Both very large, nice wall-to-wall carpet, close to campus on Atwood and Ophelia Streets. Pets welcome! Call today: 1-888-4ATWOOD (1-888-4289663).
Furnished studio and 1-bedroom apartments. Equipped kitchens. From $320. Includes heat. 412687-2323.
1-bedroom apartment, all utilities included. Laundry, a i r- c o n d i t i o n i n g . Unfurnished. 412687-6306.
★★★★★★★★★★★ 3 large bedrooms, 1.5baths. On Dunsieth behind Carlow. Clean, completely renovated, washer/dryer, equipped kitchen, close to shuttle, close to hospitals and universities. Ideal for faculty, residents, medical students. Parking. $975 +gas/electric. 412-7604335.
2 and 3-bedroom apartments, $550$750 +gas and electric. 412-683-7065 or 412-521-0144. We have immediate availability and fall rentals. 2-bedroom apartment Baba D’sfor rent in Oakland. $650, everything included. 412512-3302 or 412-7284516.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
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Housing Rentals North Oakland South Oakland Shadyside Squirrel Hill Southside Northside Bloomfield Other
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South Oakland
South Oakland
South Oakland
South Oakland
South Oakland
South Oakland
2-bedroom house, w/w, washer/dryer, Available immediately. $680+ utilities. 412486-8268.
Available Now. Updated townhouse with 2 large bedrooms, equipped kitchen and bath, hardwood floors, security system, A/C, washer/dryer and high-speed internet. 18 Dawson Court. $900+. Phone: 412657-7523. Photos: http://web.mac.com/ etempleton/iWeb/dc
Furnished 2-bedroom a p a r t m e n t . Washer/dryer. 10 minute walk to campus. $400/month +electric. Available 01/01/07. 724-6303493/ ljf@pitt.edu
★★★★★★★★★★★ 3436 Ward Street, huge 3-bedroom apartment. Free heat, cooking gas, parking. Immediate. 412-421-1945.
I M M E D I AT E O C C U PA N C Y. Furnished apartments. NO PETS. Parking extra. 412683-4438.
★★★★★★★★★★★ Free half month’s rent. 2-bedroom a p a r t m e n t s . Completely renovated, fully furnished, central-air, new kitchen and bathroom, on-site laundry facilities. Available January 1. $750. Call 412-287-9395.
Large 1-bedroom. Close to universities and hospitals. Laundry, dishwasher, air-conditioner. Ideal for young couple or professional person. Available 1/1/07. 412-445-6117.
3-bedroom house. Furnished/non-furnished. 2 bathrooms, backyard, free on-street parking, washer/dryer. On Pitt shuttle route. Available immediately. $850+. E-mail VGiangarlo@yahoo.co m or 412-922-8850, 412-443-5469. ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ 3-bedroom house on Meyran Avenue. Newly remodeled, 2 bath, patio, washer/dryer. January 1 through July. $1350+ utilities. 412821-7957.
★★★★★★★★★★★ Efficiency, 1, 2, 3, 4bedroom apartments. Completely renovated, fully furnished, central air, new kitchen and bathroom, on-site laundry facilities. Available August 2007. $460$1650. Leave message at 412-287-9395.
Efficiency w/w, laundry. Available immediately. Security building. $425+ electric. 412-468-8268. Furnished 2-bedroom house. Available immediately. Washer/dryer. Pitt busline, 15-minutes to campus. $995, includes utilities. 412508-7821.
Furnished house for rent, 3826 Bates St., 3 large bedrooms, washer/dryer, full kitchen, $275/month per tenant (based on 3 tenants), plus all utilities. No pets. 1-year lease. Call 412-7886186. ★★★★★★★★★★★ 2 3-bedroom townhouses available, clean, quiet neighborhood, on Joncaire Street, A/C, close walk to campus, $900. 412683-5302.
★★★★★★★★★★★ Oakland Houses For Rent. Bates near Mckee, 3-bedrooms, $800 + gas and electric. Parkview near Blvd. large 3-bedroom + gas and electric. Sachs Management Co. 412421-2140. ★★★★★★★★★★★ Partially furnished 1bedroom, very quiet building. $400, all utilities included. Available immediately. Houses available August ‘07. 2,3,4,5,6,7 bedrooms. New kitchens and bathrooms, dishwasher, washer and dryer. 412344-2548.
Oakland Fall 2007 2 Bedroom Apartments 15
$715+Up (sorry, no pets)
Call 412-661-6622 for appointment
Oakland House For Rent: Newly remodeled, wall-to-wall carpet, available immediately, 412-628-6951.
Large 6-bedroom house, sleeps 8, equipped kitchen, freshly painted, wallto-wall. 3 minute walk to Cathedral. $2200+. Available immediately. 412-427-1644. Large apartment room, 5-10 minute walk campus. $270-$290, utilities included. Shared kitchen/bathroom with male. 412-6064540/message. Room for rent, sharing kitchen, livingroom, and bedroom with graduate student. $279 sharing utilities. 412478-4855. Spacious 2-bedroom duplex. Equipped kitchen, on busline. $700/month Available Dec. 1. Call 412-7315955.
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STILL LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO CALL HOME? • 2 bedroom apartment (1left) • GAS & ELECTRICincluded! • Completely remodeled • Just 1 block from Pitt campus • Apts also avail in nearby Polish Hill
MORROWFIELD APARTMENTS Studios Efficiencies 1,2,&3 Bedrooms -Beautiful large Apartments -Indoor Parking available -On the bus line to University
(412) 521-7838 morrowfield@sctelecom.com
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
South Oakland
Research Studies
Southside Flats: 2bedroom, equipped kitchen, parking, wall-to-wall, a/c, deck, second floor. $695+ gas/electric. 412-6559505.
★★★★★★★★★★★ SERVERS: flexible hours, Del’s Restaurant. 4428 Liberty Avenue, B l o o m f i e l d . Marianne, 412-2982906.
Are you planning to quit smoking? UPMC seeks smokers ages 18 -65 who are planning to quit smoking soon. UPMC seeks smokers for research on the short -term effects of the nicotine patch. You will be asked to quit smoking for two 5-day periods and will be given a patch that may or may not contain nicotine. The study involves a number of 15 minute sessions over four weeks in an Oakland lab, plus completing forms. Participants who fully comply with the requirements will receive $340. This is not a treatment study. For more information, call 412-2465306.
Shadyside 1-bedroom in lovely converted mansion, second floor off-street parking, coin laundry. No pets. $550+. 412292-3233. 816 Ivy, Large 3-bedroom apartment. Hardwood floors, new kitchen and bath, $1199 +electric. Includes heat. 412-363-9910. ★★★★★★★★★★★ Shadyside/ Squirrel Hill/Friendship Areas. Efficiency, 1, 2 and 3bedroom apartments, some A/C, parking, laundry, equipped kitchen, wall-to-wall, immediate or future rentals. 412-363-1033.
★★★★★★★★★★★ 3-room apartment in landmark Victorian home. Northside with easy access to major roads. Washer/dryer, air-conditioning, dishwasher. $550+ electric. Deposit, references. 412-323-2707 or 412-322-4393.
Munhall. Close to Waterfront, Bus line, updated efficiency. Large, equipped kitchen, full bath, coin-operated laundry, $340+ gas & electric. 412-653-5828. rvdrealestate@yahoo. com
Bargain! First floor, 1bedroom plus den. Washer/dryer, fully equiped kitchen, patio, off-street parking. $550+gas/electric. 412-257-3083.
Other Apartments Available Now! Pittsburgh and all Cities Worldwide. Browse & Post FREE! Call 1-877-367-7368 www.SUBLET.com
Shadyside/ Friendship 1-2-3-bedroom apartments. Convenient location. SHARP! Wall-to-wall, equipped kitchens. 412-3272895.
F r i e n d s h i p : Efficiency, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments available. Offstreet parking and laundry facilities. 412704-1719.
Squirrel Hill
Furnished 1 bedroom a p a r t m e n t . Lawrenceville, approximately 3.5 miles from Pitt. On busline. $350 +utilities. 412-8824594.
1, 2, or 3 bedrooms. Short-term lease possible. Available January 1, 2007. Clean, close, quiet. Free shuttle service. Washer/dryer and water/sewer included. 412-443-7162. ★★★★★★★★★★★ 3-bedroom, unfurnished, 1 bathroom, central air, washer/dryer, garage, apartment/house. Available January 1. $1000+utilities. 412521-8028. Squirrel Hill. 2-bedrooms apartment. $625 +utilities. 20 minutes to Universities. Lease, security deposit, no pets. Call before 3pm. 412-521-6809.
Furnished 2-bedroom apartment close to hospitals. Off-street parking, nice neighborhood, call 412-8480028. ★★★★★★★★★★★ Highland Park. 4-bedroom, 3-bath. Living room, dining room, k i t c h e n , hardwood/carpeting, on bus line, close to park, laundry, parking. 412-363-1033. Highland Park. Third floor apartment, 3 rooms, equipped kitchen, $500 +electric. 412-661-6343.
South Oakland 2 roommates needed in 5-bedroom apartment on South Bouquet for Spring. 2 baths, full kitchen. $400+ utilities. Call Nate at 908-6560302. Roommate needed in 5bedroom house Spring Semester. 2 baths, parking, washer/dryer. $280+ utilities. 717468-0387.
Other Don’t want to lease an apartment for a whole year? Look in The Pitt News to sublet an apartment.
Need a Roommate? Find one through the Roommate classifieds in the PITT NEWS. Rooms and Roommates Available! Pittsburgh or all Cities Worldwide. Browse & Post FREE! 1-877-367-7368 www.SUBLET.com
mploy -ment
Babysitters Part-time babysitter needed in Mt. Lebanon. Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:305:30PM. Non-smoker. References and own transportation required. Please call 412-3080846.
Other College students: we pay up to $75 per survey. www.getpaidto think.com !BARTENDERS WANTED! Up to $300/day. No experience necessary, training provided, age 18+ OK. 800-965-6520 ext.141! $$$$ Need a meaningful experience? Mentor a low-income preschool child part-time during the Spring Semester. Use your Work Study award in addition to receiving a $1,000 scholarship. Call Jumpstart at 412648-1250. ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Drivers: Make $10$13 /hour. Wheel Deliver is seeking delivery drivers. Experience preferred. Knowledge of Downtown and the city’s East End is essential. Must be available evenings and weekends. 412421-9346. ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Earn up to $10/hour in one of Pittsburgh’s most popular night spots. We are looking for a barback with some cooking and bartending experience. Part-time. Apply in person at Arsenal Bowling Lanes in nearby Lawrenceville. 412683-5992. B E H AV I O R A L INSTRUCTIONAL C O N S U LT A N T S . C o u n s e l i n g , Psychology, Special Ed, or Early Childhood Grad Students. Part-time community work (evening and weekend hours) with children with mental disabilities is available for experienced, degreeholding individuals. $12/hour. Fax resumes, 412-3714182 or call, 412-3714090 to set up interview.
✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Restaurant servers: Pub, a la carte, banquet servers. Exclusive private club, north of Pittsburgh. Part-time, full-time with flexible hours. Great pay, salary range $10$12/hour, for those who are enthusiastic, friendly, outgoing and who enjoy working with others and going the extra mile in a customer service atmosphere. Please respond by emailing to: bwallace@fieldclub.o rg Experience preferred but not required.
Concept Art Gallery is looking for parttime gallery assistant to work Thursdays 2:00-8:00PM, Fridays 2:00-5:30PM, and Saturdays 12:005:30PM. Duties will include: helping maintain gallery appearance and organization, packing art works to be shipped, computer input and providing assistance to the directors. Reception duties as needed: willingness to fill in wherever is necessary, good communication and interpersonal skills, strong work ethic, and professional demeanor are a must. Please email info@conceptgallery.com for an interview.
✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Waiter/Waitress/Dish washer/Cook: 20 hours/week,Cafe Sam, 5242 Baum Blvd. Apply MondayFriday 2 p.m.-4 p.m. AMAZING SUMMER at PA coed children’s overnight camp. Men & women are wanted for all activities and counselor positions. Good salary. Internships available. We provide campers with a safe quality experience that will stay with them forever. Let us do the same for you. Visit web site, www. campnockamixon.com to schedule on campus interview for February 8.
Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarKey.com Earn holiday cash and enjoy a 50% discount! Give AVON a try. Call Cara (Pitt Rep) 724344-5831. GotUsed bookstore is now hiring a textbook/customer service floor supervisor. Textbook or bookstore experience is preferred. Position is for 32-40 hours a week. See store for more details. 3601 Forbes Ave.
★★★★★★★★★★★ $$$$! Exciting atmosphere. Easy scheduling. Work own hours D A N C I N G . Pittsburgh’s #1 gentlemen’s showclub. Blush, 135 9th St, Downtown. Call for appointment or apply in person 412-2817703.
Healthcare, Pre-Med, and Psychology Undergrads: Need volunteer hours or credit internship? Get one-on-one patient contact, skill building and mentoring. UPMCShadyside, all semesters. Contact Jenna: w i l l i a m s j 2 @ upmc.edu.
★★★★★★★★★★★ Servers and Kitchen Help positions available for Aladdin’s Eatery at 5878 Forbes Avenue in Squirrel Hill. Stop in and fill out an application. Call 412421-5100.
★★★★★★★★★★★ Delivery Drivers wanted, A.M., P.M. $10-$15/hour. Flexible hours. W.G. Grinders. 4765 Liberty Avenue, Bloomfield.
Need a little extra cash? Busy local real estate company looking for office helper. Business students- this is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience. Previous office experience a plus. Please email rrec15213@yahoo.com Part-time nurses’ aid position for older couple near Pitt campus. Light personal care assistance needed. Evenings and weekends. $10.00/Hour. Call Robert 412-2714700 or fax resume 412-271-8120. Pitt Students: Get 20% off textbooks. GotUsed Bookstore now hiring for seasonal positions during finals week, holiday break, and start of classes. Must have availability through the holiday break. See store for more details. 3601 Forbes Ave. WORKSTUDY POSITION: Great studentcentered office! Valuable experience. High quality work required. Reliable, responsible students should apply. Workstudy only. Start in January. Send email inquiry to ecarney@pitt.edu.
Research Studies ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Adults (18+) currently in outpatient treatment for a mood or anxiety problem at a WPIC site may be eligible for a computer research study. Participants complete a one hour computerized mood questionnaire at our office in Oakland. Participants will be paid $50. For more information, call 412246-5551.
Attention Smokers! Researchers at UPMC are recruiting healthy men and women smokers, ages 20-65 for a research study investigating smoking cues. Participants will be paid $5.00/hour for 3 sessions involving approximately 5 hours of laboratory time, plus a $100 bonus for completing the study. For more information, call the Nicotine Research Lab at 412-586-9400. ★★★★★★★★★★★ Cigarette smokers needed for research study. We are looking for smokers who are planning on quitting smoking in the near furture and who are currently enrolled in or willing to enroll in, at no cost, a smoking cessation program. Must also be male 18-40 years old, an native English speaker, in good health and willing to not smoke for 12-16 hours. Earn up to $70$100 for 3-4 hours of participation. For more information call 412624-7475. ★★★★★★★★★★★ Volunteers needed for a multi-step procedural learning experiment. Participants will be paid $30 for a 90-minute session. Call Marliese Bonk 412-268-3078.
Friday, April 14, 2006 | OREGON DAILY EMERALD | 7
To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 EMU E-mail: classads@dailyemerald.com Online Edition: www.dailyemerald.com Room 300, Erb Memorial Union, P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403
EXPERT THESIS/DISSERTATION Editor, Grad School approved since 1974! Papers, resumés. ON CAMPUS! ROBIN, 344-0759
Free $5 lunch and gift today. Caspian Mediterranean Cafe. 863 E. 13th. Come in to find out how!
Change the life of a child this summer. Counselors and lifeguards needed for summer camp near Portland. Call Michael (503) 231-9484
2 brdm apts. Close to campus, garbage disposal, laundry on-site, parking available. Available soon. 4849922.
Quads close to campus, on-site laundry, month-to-month, all utilities paid. @295/mo, 1871 Harris Alley. www.campusquads.com 343-6000
Lovely very large, quiet 2 bdrm on Mill St. Appliances & W/D, patio, parking. $945+dep. (541)756-7122.
Temporary help for dry-wall company. Call Brian at 683-5650 for more information.
1 bedroom near campus, parking. $400 p/mo. $330 Summer. Available w/ 4 day notice. 541-521-6550 or 800-292-6648
115 GARAGE/MOVING SALES WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE Swahili, Inc. Warehouse. 388 E. 3rd Ave. 9-5 April 14&15. Rear of building. Traditional and contemporary pottery, furniture, & crafts. Great prices, cleaning house and making room for new products. 684-0688
No Plans? Game Demos Most Weekends at Emerald City Comics, 770 E 13th, 345-2568
Do your bills need to be paid? See “help wanted” 125 FURNITURE/APPLIANCES
Mattresses & Boxspring Guaranteed Lowest Prices! FREE DELIVERY
AMERICAN MATTRESS MANUFACTURING 4075 West 11th • 343-2690 Open 7 Days a Week 130 CARS/TRUCKS/CYCLES
1997 Volkswagon Jetta, 5 sp. 96k, Clean inside/out. CD player, alarm, pwr. locks. $4500 OBO. 541-8911925
The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are.
Respond at your own risk. 205 HELP WANTED
Summer job? Hiring full-time managers and painters. $8-$10 per/hr, + bonuses! 888-277-9787 or www.collegepro.com Front Office Receptionist for local fitness equipment manufacturer. 20 hrs/wk to start, increasing to 30 hrs/wk in June. Hourly/Flexible. Position ends in the fall. Resumes: PO Box 1453 Eugene, OR. 97440 On-site manager. Perfect for full time student. Part-time. Apartment and salary. Call (336) 297-1340. Make $6000-$8000 This Summer Exterior Painting in Portland Requirements: reliable vehicle, must be clean-cut. Full-time. No experience necessary, will train. $6,000 Minimum Guaranteed! Deadline to call: April 15th We Are Not Affiliated With Any College Painting Companies! Twin City Painting 360-636-5505 www.twincitypainting.com Bookkeeper- Small bar and restaurant. Looking for full-cycle bookkeeper, 10-15 hr./wk. Ideal for aspiring student/accountant. Must be dependable and bondable. Apply in person at The Old Pad, 3355 E. Amazon.
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 14). The way you steal hearts this year, you should be criminally indicted! This is not only in a romantic way -powerful people want to promote you and will do so by mid-June. Don't get soft. Add new knowledge and skills to your bag of tricks. A windfall in May will allow you to travel in style this summer. Libra and Aries people are especially appealing. Lucky numbers this year are 5, 33, 20, 41 and 10. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Social studies experts say people usually decide within two seconds whether they are attracted or repelled by a person. You're so psychic today, you pretty much know before you even lay eyes on the other person. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). So many choices arise. Do you want the thrill of approaching a stranger or the contentment of familiar colleagues? The comfort of home or the uncertain excitement of the nightlife? You win when you choose quickly! GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You'll be adding to a collection of some kind. It's such a wonderful score when you find that beloved piece. Share your enthusiasm. You're a master of conversation tonight. CANCER (June 22-July 22). The stars help you lighten up -- it's as if you have feathers on your feet! You move through your day anonymously, gifting people with your happy thoughts of them. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You find common ground with an entirely uncommon person. For this reason, you'll be favored by him or her for a long time to come. There are many lucky benefits to having a such an unusual friendship.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). In regard to that deal you're considering, the little voice inside your head is saying, "Run, run, run for your life!" Don't feel you must justify your response. You're entitled to feel how you feel. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Take the guesswork out of a work situation by going straight to the person who knows all -- or at least knows "most." There is such a person. In fact, he or she has probably written a book or article about your very predicament. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Givers gain. You're a giver today -- in fact, you're just looking for people who need what you have to offer. Pisces and Leo people are particularly good ties to nurture. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The planets encourage you to speak up about the issue on your mind. If you can deliver your message without a worry about what kind of response you'll receive, you'll communicate your truth. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A deadline pushes you to do your best work yet. Of course, you'll feel wonderful once it's all turned in and there's nothing more you can do, but why wait when you can feel wonderful now? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your message from the stars comes in triplicate. So, when you hear the same compliment, advice or warning three times, heed it! Also, the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini, will be a significant force. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The planets converge to offer you help on your mission to help others while helping yourself. If no one but you gains from your endeavor, you won't get much support at all.
Give Campus Tours! Work with prospective students and their families, opportunity for multicultural recruitment. Applications available 465 Oregon Hall. Apps. due May 5, 2006 SUMMER CAMP JOBS across the USA. Exciting & rewarding positions www.campchannel.com/campjobs One student assistant opening for fall term 2006 in the UO Athletic Media Services Office, 10hrs/wk, plus events. Responsibilities include: writing, research, events, media guides, general office assistance, phones. Prefer someone who would be available for seven or more terms. Stipend after first term, plus $30 per event. Applicants should possess strong writing skills, good computer skills, basic punctuation, interpersonal skills and interest in athletics. Must be responsible, dependable and self-motivated. Pagemaker/ InDesign skills a plus. Submit resume and writing samples to Greg Walker in person or via email, gswalker@uoregon.edu. 346-5488. Deadline to apply: April 28. Immigration Law Office Assistant. Bilingual. Spanish. Send resume to 329 E. 8th Ave. Eugene OR 97401 Wildland Firefighters Needed Exciting outdoor summer job June training, NEED 2 pieces ID Apply: Mon. &Tues.,10am-4pm. 746-7528 1322 N 30th St. Springfield
220 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED Centre Court Village 1 & 2 Bedroom Units Patio’s • Dishwasher • Disposal Great floor plans. Pet Free & Smoke Free 741-4726 Southgate Apts. 2345 Patterson 1, 2 or 4 bdrm apts. 895-4355 Income Property Mgmt. 503-223-6327 Spring Ridge Village 1 Bedroom Units 746-9036 -------------------------------------------South Hills Village 1 & 2 Bedroom Units 746-9036 All units Pet FREE and some Smoke FREE
2290 Agate. Includes kitchen and bath. Wi-Fi. $500/mo. Utilities paid. Call Vista 343-4367. Furnished room for rent. 36th & Hilyard. Female only. $235/mo. Quiet, good place to study. Call 2pm-8pm 484-3394.
Furnished Apartment Available now. 1 bd. in 3 bd Ducks Village apt. $365 + heat. Free parking/ on site laudry/spacious/fully furnished. Will forfeit deposit. 503-318-1512
235 DUPLEXES FOR RENT Spacious 3 bdrm South Hills beauty, 5/1. Wood stove, W/D, busline, deck, woodwork. Willamette & 37th. $970/mo. Kevin 513-0448
Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds Online www.dailyemerald.com
285 SERVICES Possibly Pregnant? Call 1st Way at 687-8651. A place to think things over and talk with someone who cares.
310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT John Sharkey teaches guitar, piano, bass lessons. All styles, levels, ages. 342-9543. Student discount.
Act Now! Give your Move-Out Notice Today!
Quality 1 & 2 bedroom campus apartments. No pets. $495-$775. Office 1528 Ferry. 541-343-8545.
1923 Garden Ave. Small complex close to campus. 2 bdrm. $585/mo. Call 683-4219.
135-155 E. 19th Avenue • Eugene Upper Level and Lower Level Units Available •FREE Wireless internet
West Hills Village Studio, 1, 2, 3 Bdrm Units Pet Free Units Some Smoke Free Units in West Eugene 344-3311
640 Sq. Ft. 2 Br - 1 Bath.......................$ 775.00 •FREE Off-street parking 650 Sq. Ft. 2 Br - 1 Bath........................$775.00 815 Sq. Ft. 2 Br - 2 Bath - 2 Patios....$825.00
•Washer/dryer in units •Quality amenities: carpet, paint, cabinetry, lighting, and appliances
•Some units have skylights
828 Sq. Ft. 2 Br + Loft 2 Bath...........$1,100.00 •Private decks
WILLOW LANE APTS. 1661 Ferry. 2 bdrm very spacious living room & kitchen, No pets. $650/mo. 343-4137.
946 Sq. Ft. 2 Br + Loft - 2 Bath........$1,175.00
•Near the U of O, groceries, post office, bus line, and uptown Eugene
225 QUADS 159 E. 15th. $300/mo. includes electricity, water, sewer & garbage. Private entrance, shared updated kitchen & bath. 3344625 or 915-3101.
24th and Willamette Eco-Friendly Creative Rooms; $320 and $360 Quiet street, Organic garden, 4340242
Horoscope by Holiday Mathis
Morning Person? Make some extra cash! Deliver the Oregon Daily Emerald 6am-8am, Mon.-Fri. Requires your own reliable vehicle and insurance. Work Study ok. Apply in person, Mon.-Fri., 8-5, 300 EMU. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to a culturally diverse workplace.
245 ROOMMATES WANTED One Month Free! One room in 5 bedroom. Near campus. Lease ends August. $370/mo., utilities included. 1-roommate wanted for new 2-bedroom, 2-bath. $342.50/month. No utilities. 18th & Kincaid. 913-5673
Contact Bell Real Estate Inc ., 541-688-2060 (ext. 105) Noel 501-3511 . Leasing Appointments Daily 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. A d va n c e d A f t e r H o u r a n d We e ke n d A p p o i n t m e n t s
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Pass it on to a friend. Direct Support Professional Assist people with intellectual disabilities. Alvord Taylor wants reliable & caring people. $8.00+. Call 736-3444 Activity Director Duck’s Village is looking for two enthusiastic, creative, well-organized people to coordinate activities for approx. 200 senior citizens in July & August. Both jobs are PT mid May thru August. Concierge/Info Desk Hrs 9-1, M-F. Activity Director Hrs 3-8, M-F. Send resume to Duck’s Village Fax to 541-485-4656, e-mail ducksvillage1@comcast.net, or bring to 3225 Kinsrow
215 APARTMENTS FURNISHED Reserving for Summer and Fall. Super Summer rates! Large, clean, quiet 1 bdrm. units 1/2 block UO. Spotlessly clean, fully furnished, big walk-in closet, separate vanity & bath, on-site laundry, covered parking. Call now! 484-4103.
This space for rent. Call 346-4343
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For Sale
Help Wanted
Photo Distributor near Greystone seeks an inside sales/customer service representative PT. Call Patrick at 665-7049 for more information.
ANANSA’S NAIL GALLERY Located in the Vista, the area where you work, live, or play. Call today to schedule an appointment with a professional Nail Technician. Walk-ins are accepted, although space may be limited. 603 Lady Street, 376-5146,
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SCHOLARS/PROFESSORS WELCOME BANQUET sponsored by IFM Friday, Sept 1st, 6:30PM, Family Life Center, First Presbyterian Church, Washington & Bull St. Good food, entertainment. Meet people from many countries. FREE 799-3452 or www.ifmusa.org for info/directions.
Biggest and Best Selection Choose from over 2000 different images. FINE ART, MUSIC, MOVIES, MODELS HUMOR, ANIMALS, PERSONALITIES, LANDSCAPES, MOTIVATIONAL, PHOTOGRAPHY MOST IMAGES ONLY $6, $7 AND $8 SEE US AT THE Russell House University Union 2nd Floor Lobby on Monday, Aug. 21st -Friday Aug. 25th, 2006 THE HOURS ARE 9AM-5PM THIS SALE IS SPONSORED BY Russell House University Union.
DOWNTOWN/SHANDON 619 King St. #807 The Hermitage 2BR 1.5BA secure building w/elevators. 8th fl balcony w/marvelous sunset view of the sate capitol and dwntwn Cola, convenient to USC and 5PTS, newly refurbished new appliances in kitchen. Available immediately, inclds dedicated pkg space. $800/mo Ref & credit check req. Contact Chip Browne SC Realty @ 731-0654 or 730-6721.
Downtown Garage Apartment 1BR 1BA full kitchen w/den & screened-in porch, w/d incld. Very pvt & safe neigh. No pets. $500/mo+dep. 206-3987 Apt. & Rooms For Rent - Greene St near USC. RajAluri@ifmusa.org or 318-0800. 1BR apt. in the country, about 10 miles from USC. Between Cayce & Gaston. $350/Mo. w/deposit. 803-939-4629 after 5pm.
Roommates Rmmte needed immediately. LG BR available in 3BR apt. Pool close to dwntn, lots of closet space, internet $310/mo + 1/3 cable bill + $100/dep. Call 665-1892 for info.
PARKING SPACES: Near South Tower @ Pickens & Blossom. $220/semester. Call 799-3452
Help Wanted PT ticket sellers needed at the Carolina Coliseum Box Office. Two shifts available 9am-1pm or 1pm-5pm M-F. Hours available at nights on weekends during events also. Must be proficient with a Windows Operating System Environment. Cash-handling experience preferred. St. at $8/hr. Apply in person at the Coliseum Box Office Tue-Thur 10am-4pm located at 701 Assembly St. on the Greene St. side of the building. You may also apply by emailing a simple resume and statement of interest to barbarap@gwm.sc.edu and include “Box Office Position” in the subject line. Weekend barn help needed at English home stable 15 min from USC. Must have experience with feeding and stalls. Ref required. Susan 609-5300 or email suetodd1@bellsouth.net
OLYMPIA AREA2BR 1.5BA Duplex 2BR 2BA House 3BR 2BA House Call Jeff 238-9185. 805 Maple - 4BR nice off Devine St. near 5PTs. $995 799-9483 608 S. Edisto Ave - 2BR 1BA LR & DR CH&A w/d hkups large yard. $695/m0+ sec. dep. Available 9/15. Call 926-7333. ROOM FOR RENT - 1904 Koulter Dr. $450/mo., neg. Looking for a resp f/std. 3BR home pvt BA. internet, open kit, DR LV & den, very cozy. Background check req. Call Sylvia @ 240-0577. 3BR 2BA Home in W. Columbia. Convient to downtown and airport. $850/Mo. + deposit. Call 513-4413. W. COLA - 2BR 2BA fully furn w/d $650 w/o lights $750 w/lights (nego). 467-6617 Rentals Available, Close to Campus Emmerski Enterpriss, LLC Call 252-2996 or 446-7177 3BR 1BA Rosewood $900 2BR 1BA Condo $530 w/pool Lake Katherine area Rooms to Rent - Need your Own space? BR shared BA & kit. $330 util incld. Walk to USC. Call 463-5129 A prof. m/quadriplegic needs assistance w/activities of daily needs. Inclds light cleaning & light cooking. Benefits incld. stipend, free rent, phone hkup, cable & util. Conv. to dwntwn location. Must be reliable. Not gender specific. No exp. nec. Call Lewis 254-7982 between 5&8pm. WELSFORD PROPERTY MGMT. www.welsford.com 748-7755 949 Texas St. - $700 2BR 1BA LR w/fireplace eat-in kitchen hwds w/d conn side by side refrigerator dw No Pets 619 Etiwan Ave - Duplex $505/mo. 2BR 1BA LR eat-in kitchen w/stove & refrigerator CH&A carpeting in BR. No Pets 4113 Beecliff Drive - $895/mo 3BR 2BA LR kitchen w/dining area, sunroom new carpet in 2006 sprinkler system and new sod installed July 06 ceiling fans yard work included. No Pets 1309 1/2 Woodrow St. Triplex $475/mo 1BR 1BA LR eat-in kitchen stove refrigerator hdwds. Water included. Security Deposit $475. No Pets 2BR 1.5BA LR, DR kit, den & screened back porch, fenced in yd. $1,000. Call 787-2842 Room for Rent - 10 min from USC & Tech. $400/mo util incld. Call 463-4473. 2BR 1BA Townshouse - completely remodeled $550. Call 233-1663
Housing-Sale New awesome Condo w/bult-in pool! Available Sept 1st. in the heart of Shandon. Great location. Safe & lovely. Only $172,999. Have your parents buy it and you move in! Great investment for your parents, excellent for you! Just call Mrs. Cain 419-9485. In-town not downtown. 2533 sf exclusive gated community. Easy drive to USC $339.900. More details at www.tanner5.com or 786-6379
For Sale FURNITURE FOR SALE: Sofa, Chair, Piano, etc. Prices nego! Call 622-1888. GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! Search 24 bookstores in 1 click! Shipping & taxes calculated. Try it now! Go to http://www.bookhq.com BEDS PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SETS New in plastic. KING $350 QUEEN $250. Will Deliver 447-3037
PT JOB WITH THE GUARD Earn up to $1000/mo for working 1/weekend/mo and 2/weekends a year. Bonuses up to $20,000 plus $4500/yr in tuition assistance., Officer Programs for students with 60 or more credit hours. Defer training up to one year. Prior service members earn a $15,000 bonus without going back to basic training. Contact SGT Pharis @ 667-1251. NOW HIRING!! PT PRO SHOP ASSISTANT Looking for a very personable and energetic person with some customer service experience. Position requires 10-15/hrs/wk and very few weekends. Having any tennis history is not a prerequisite but certainly is a bonus. Apply in person. 951-8851 ask for Deidre. PT Dog Bather- Hi-energy fast paced. Pref. exp. with dogs in workplace. PT-M-F Must love dogs! Call 252-1080. Business association seeks an afternoon assistant. Nice downtown office. Hours 2-5 M-F. Duties: General Office skills include MS Office, answering phones, etc. Please mail resume to MHISC, PO Box 1781 Columbia, SC 29202. Fax to 771-7023 or email to sgibbs@mhisc.com Student to do yard work. Shandon area. $7/hr. 799-3346
ATTENTION STUDENTS! UPS has PT opportunities for college students. We offer competitive pay, weekly pay checks, student loans promotional opportunities and a host of other benefits. We have varying shifts to fit into your school schedule. All interested persons should apply on our web site at www.upsjobs.com to learn more about the positions available.
PHONE SURVEYORS NEEDED Excellent Student job Evening hours/Great Pay! Apply in person 1076 Sunset Blvd. For directions only call 791-8644. PT PACKAGE HANDLERS $9/HR Great PT job for package handlers near Cola Metro Airport. Work 4am-8am or 8pm-12:30am M-F. Requires the ability to lift and load on a production basis. Must pass criminal background check. Call Roper Services at 798-5800 or email at roperstaffing.com for more information. COLUMBIA YMCA PT lifeguards & afterschool counselors needed. For more info, call the Northwest Y at 407-0179 ext 22 or Lexington Y at 359-33376 ext 14. Todd & Moore Inc. and New BalanceColumbia are looking for FT & PT Sales Associates. You must be energetic, enthusiastic, sports minded, and dependable. We offer a competitive benefits package, outstanding employee discount policy and all the training you will need to be successful with us. Applications taken M-Sat at 620 Huger St ( 2 blks below the Colonial center) Phone 765-0150 or 225 Oneil Court, phone 788-9000 or you may fax resume to 252-7049. Do You Need Some Extra $$$? Need Job Experience?? Well You’re in Luck Southeastern Freight Lines is Now Hiring a PT HR/Mktg Rep to place ads, screen applications/resumes, schedule interviews, may include some mktg duties, and other duties assigned. Hours are Flexible - about 20/hrs/wk, between 8-5 M-F The Pay is Great--$10/hr!! The Location is Close--only 10-15 mins from Campus The Requirements are Simple--HR major/min preferred or someone interested in HR a must. Sound Good? Email Your Resume to Melinda.Hunt@SEFL.com EOE DOG DAZE DAY CARE KENNEL TRAINING Now hiring for PT kennel staff. Need someone to work mornings and afternoons M-F. Must be able to work some weekends and holidays. Apply in person 7716 Garners Ferry Rd 695-0091. PHOTOGRAPHERS We have openings for several dedicated individuals to photograph student social events. Fun work, we train & provide equipment. Allen Anderson 256-0424.
Need $$?? Need Experience?? If so, Southeastern Freight Lines is Now Hiring a PT MIS Assistant for our office in Lexington, SC (Just 10-15 mins from campus). Details: **About 20/hrs/wk **Flexible hrs between 8-5pm M-F **Great Pay--$10-12/hr Requirements: **Computer Science, IS, or Engineering major **Great Cust. service & communication skills **Some exp & knowledge of various computer systems. Sound Good? email your resume to Katherine.Burgess@SEFL.com EOE Students looking for PT work, flexible hours, evening. No selling. Knowledge of computers a plus. Pleasant working conditions. Call Will or David at 799-5740. PT position available. Downtown office and upscale retail. Clerical & retail resp. Must be honest, responsible & trustworthy, style conscious, with good GPA. Fax resume to 799-0854 or email to emikell@mindspring.com
Help Wanted Restaurants
Childcare needed for a 2 y.o Wed evenings 4-6pm. Must provide your own transp. Ref & background check required. Call Dawn at 407-5711.
Come join the D’s Family! Servers needed at all of our locations 2005 Beltline Bld. 806 St. Andrews Road 111 Sparkleberry Crossing (Northeast) 285 Columbiana Dr. APPLY IN PERSON @ ANY LOCATION.
PT SITTER M&W or T&Th 12-5pm NE Area. Call 606-0961.
Help Wanted Afterschool Programs PT - Afterschool program in Irmo is looking for a few energetic and dependable teachers from 2:30-6:30 M-F. Education majors preferred. Call The GAP Center @ 261-0124 for an interview. Afternoon teaching positions available immediately at Chesterbrook Academy, a preschool in NE Cola...only 15 min from USC. A unique opportunity exists for those students who love working with children of all ages. Positions are available M-F afternoon, hours vary. For more info call 699-9988 GET PAID TO PLAY! Fun enthusiastic people needed for large Child Development Center close to USC. Afternoon positions available. Also substitute positions with variable hours. Call 799-8533 ask for Carol or Traci. Lexington Leisure Center is seeking an After School Counselor. M-F 2-6pm. Call Justin 957-7828.
Help Wanted Instructors
Front Desk position open for fitness gym. 5 min. from USC, no weekends. Contact Matt @ 799-9455. SALES - PT SALES PERSON WANTED Needs to be knowledgeable with Apple Computers and Apple Products. Must have good customer service skills.. Contact MAC iLand at 776-7575 or email to info@maciland.com Local retailer needs female model for print advertising. Call 76-2210
Housing-Rent 3BR 2BA house 5 min to USC. Cayce Internet conn. all rooms. $950. Avail August 20th. 736-0415. Ask for John
PT Occasional Work - Seeking capable, clean-cut resp. motivated individual who enjoys working with the public to work occasional hours in an outdoor fresh fruit beverage stand. Email inquiry to Daisymsbeverages@earthlink.net
Help Wanted Child Care
Catering staff needed. Saturday work only. Call 933-9580.
Seasonal PT employee, afternoons Tuesday-Friday and some Saturdays until December, must be available until December 24th. More hours possible during December. Retail Experience a plus, dependable and professional appearance a must. Great for the retail management majors, possible career opportunities. Apply at Gudmundson and Buyck Jewelers 2931 Devine St. 799-7223. BARTEND up to $250/day . No exp nec, training prov’d 800-965-6520 X 253.
Help Wanted Child Care PT babysitter needed. Grad std or senior in early childhood Ed. pref. for Thur 9-am-12pm. Call 376-6060. Shandon United Methodist Church seeks loving, nurturing nursery workers for Sunday Mornings and some Evenings. Must be over 18, background checks will be required. Send resumes to Shandon UMC, ATTN: Jenny Triplett 3407 Devine St. Columbia, SC 29205 PT positions available in W. Cola daycare. Call 791-0884 for more info. HELPER 4 MOM M-F @ 4-9:30 pm 7 min. from USC, good pay ref req. For more info call 269-2834. Working parents seek bright, articulate, responsible person to care for 2 elem age kids (9&10) after school several afternoons and some eve each wk. We would prefer someone pursing teaching career or w/strong interest in working with children. Resp. incl. p/u from aftercare, managing homework, transport to activites/lessons, some errands some lite hshld. Location intown w/1 mile of USC. Candidate must have dependable car, good driving record. Exp and ref req. Begin immediately. Call Barbara at 730-3521. P/T help needed. M-F 2:45-6pm.$300. per mo.Must have reliable transportation to pick children up from Shandon area school. Ref. needed. 463-1801. Expectant mother of triplets needs PT help in home w/cleaning & child care during AM/hrs. Willing to offer live-in situation for right person. Approx 15 min. from USC. Call 699-9956 ask for Nikki. PT help on T & W 12-6 - Working mom needs PT help p/u 2 girls from school and care for them until 6pm. Pay $10/hr. Addtl. hrs if desired. Resp. driver & ref.needed. Call Lynne @ 843-327-4010 or email lynnemcintosh@bellsouth.net. EDUCATION EXPRESS CHILD CARE Now accepting applications for PT & FT positions. Educ. majors pref, but not req. Candidates must have High school diploma with good communication skills and reliable transp. Apply in person Tuesday-Thursday 9:30am-2:30pm at 9223 Two Notch Rd. 419-3004. PT nanny needed for 5 mo. old in Shandon. 20/hrs/wk M-F. Hours are flexible. Please contact Kristen at 376-4408. Babysitter needed 2 mornings (9-12) wk (any mornings are OK except for Friday) for girl 4 & boy 2. $7/hr Residence 1.5 miles from USC (Shandon). Transp is not provided. Call 777-7462. Family looking for loving and caring person for childcare for 3 & 10 y.o. Wednesday 6-9pm, Weekend sitter Sat 9am--Sun 9pm. Call 788-2751. Parents of 3&5 y.o girls seek mature kind caregiver at their Shandon home. 1-2 afternoons/wk + occasional weekends. Excellent ref & exp a must. Year round availability & multi-year commitment. Possibility for additional hrs w/neighboring family. Salary commensurate w/exp Call Jennifer at 765-0868. Preschool Child Care Positions Available: Sundays (4:45-7:45pm) and Wednesday (5:45-8:15 pm); also M-F afternoons in our weekday preschool. St. Andrews Baptist Church, 230 Bush River Rd, near Dutch Sq. Ctr. Call 798-2082, ext 234 (Sun & Wed pos.) or 731-2621 (M-F pos).
LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE IS NOW HIRING! We’re looking for servers, hosts and kitchen help. Applicants must be available at least 2/wkday lunches. Apply in person M-F 2-4pm at any of our 3 Columbia locations: Gerviais St. Harbison Blvd. or Decker Blvd.
Experienced Personal Trainers needed. Located 5 minutes from campus. PT & FT available. Contact Matt @ 799-9455 for details. Wanted: Energetic, child-loving individuals who want to teach gymnastics! M-Th 3:45-7pm. No experience needed! Experienced tumbling instructors needed 4-8pm M-Th. Palmetto Athletic Center Call 951-2090.
Help Wanted Restaurants Have a good GPA, hard working and looking for fun environment to work? We are now seeking to fill PT lunch hour positions for the Fall & Winter Semesters Apply on line at www.miyos.com ATTENTION STUDENTS! MCALISTER’S DELI Now hiring for daytime shifts.. Have fun at work and enjoy a job with flexible hours and great pay! Unlimited opportunities. Apply in person daily 2-5 at any location: Spring Valley, Forest Drive, Harbison or Lexington. Now hiring skilled waitstaff, pantry personnel and line cooks for am/pm FT/PT. Apply in person at 1301 Gervais S, 20th fl, between 3pm and 5pm, Tuesday-Friday. Fax resume to 771-8829 or email to jobopenings@sc.rr.com. Drug free workplace. CASHIERS/ COOKS Part Time/ Full Time WE TRAIN Apply now at any of Maurice’s Stores or at HQ at 1600 Charleston Hwy, W. Cola OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE Our Harbison location is hiring Cooks, Bussers and Hostesses. We offer flexible scheduling, Dinner Only, meal benefits & more. Apply in person M-Thur 2-4 @ 252 Harbison Blvd. Only 15 minutes from USC. 00004240 CALIFORNIA CHICKEN GRILL Counter girls wanted daytime & nighttime.Will work with school schedules $6/hr + tips. Apply in person 701 Gervais St. QUEENSTOWN BISTRO 1420 Colonial Life Blvd. 798-4888 Help Wanted: Experienced daytime servers and bartenders. Apply in person between 2 & 4 PM.
Carry Protection Over 520,000 college students experience crime each year. Protect yourself and your property. Non-lethal self-defense and safety products. Guaranteed. Free shipping. Quick delivery. www.repellertechnology.com
Travel Travel with STS to this year’s top 10 Spring Break destinations! Best deals guaranteed! Highest rep commissions. Visit www.ststravel.com or call 1-800-648-4849. Great group discounts.
Church Directory ARE YOU WILD ABOUT YOUR JOB? Wild Wing Cafe at the Village of Sandhill, Northeast Cola. is hiring for all positions right now. Flexible schedules, Apply in person. 865-3365
Help Wanted Runners Courier/Mail/File Clerk(s) needed for law firm for immediate start. Must have some experience. Should be able to work a minimum of 15-25/hrs. M-F. Must be able to work as early as 9:00 am and must own reliable transportation. Call 790-2626 to set up interview. Ask for Deanna. Busy law firm looking for a P/T runner.. Please fax resume & available hours 798-3635.
NOW HIRING! Apply today for Fall/WInter Instructor positions with The Swim Lesson Company. Complete training and free uniform provided. Good Pay-start@ $10/hr. Call Mr. Jim Reiser @ 665-8709 or email at coachreiser@sc.rr.com
Runner for small downtown law firm to work up to 30/hrs/wk. Email resume to law@bernsteinandbernstein.com Courier/Runner - Needed 1-5:30pm for DT Law Firm. Must have own transportation. Contact elizabethcopeland@pennlawfirm.com Law Firm on Main St. has immediate opening for runner. Mornings & Afternoons. Call 799-8600.
Help Wanted Tutors TUTORS NEEDED: GPA of 3.1 wlll earn you $9-$11 (or more) per hr! Highest demand for Math, Reading & Science. Call Tutor Connection 957-6060.
Services CASH FLOW GOT YOU DOWN? Turn that frown upside-down! A loan with no fees will put your mind @ ease! 1-866-557-4164 Business, personal, refinance
TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELCA WELCOMES All students and their families to Columbia and to the church. Come worship with us at 11:00 Sunday mornings. Take 1-20 east to Two Notch Road. turn left at the Mobil station and left on Sara Drive. Go straight ahead to the church. 7900 Nell Street 788-7900
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1114 Pickens Street, Columbia, SC Sunday Morning Worship & Sunday School: 10:30AM-11:30AM Wednesday Evening Service: 7:30PM-8:30PM
Christian Science Reading Room 799-8274
Get Connected at
For People Like You 4128 Forest Drive Sunday Worship Services: 8:30AM & 10:30AM Connection Small Groups meet daily www.fdbc.org “A Cross-Cultural Congregation”
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Sunday Worship 8:15 & 10:30 EVERYONE WELCOME Corner of Bull & Blanding Streets 1715 Bull Street - 779-0030 ST. PETER’S CHURCH 1529 ASSEMBLY STREET Saturday (Sunday Liturgy) 5:30pm Sunday 8:30am 10am 12 Noon 5:30pm Sunday Evening Masses schedule during the week: Monday 8:30am Tuesday-Friday 8am
Earn income around your class schedule. Call 87-878-7104 for more info.
Work Study Opportunities Student assistant in Department.of Student Life Central Office. Duties include making photocopies, data entry, preparing mailouts, handling incoming and outgoing mail as as well as hand delivering paperwork on campus. Student will be primarily working fort the Associate Vice President’s staff, and other departments as assigned. MUST HAVE A WORK STUDY GRANT. Please call Billie Gresock at 777-6688. Do You Have Work Study? Thomas Cooper Library is now hiring student employees. You may apply at the Circulation Desk in the library.
$8/hr! WORK-STUDY OFFICE ASSISTANTS SC Vocational Rehabilitation Dept. near Airport. Duties: Reception, organizing & archiving files & operating various office equipment. Administrative help in Richland County Vocational Rehabilitation Offices: Duties include filing & organizing, operating office machines, data entry & light reception. Call Cathy Smith @ 896-6553 for interview. EOE
Join us on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday nights for contemporary worship, a casual atmosphere, and teaching through the Bible chapter by chapter. Located at 1148 Walter Price Street in Cayce. Call 237-6156 for additional info.
FOUNTAIN OF LIFE WELCOMES YOU TO FELLOWSHIP WITH US Services: Sunday: Christian Education 10AM Morning Worship 11:30 Youth/Young Adult 7:30pm Tuesday: Prayer/Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Evening 7:30pm Pastor: Bishop Gerry N. Merriman Asst: Elder Arlene T. Merriman Tele/Email: Church 691-2142 FOLCLGI@aol.com REFRESHING SPRINGS CHURCH 1110 Meeting Street, West Columbia Sunday: 10am Bible Teaching All Ages 11am Praise Celebration & Morning Service Non-denominational -- Cross Cultural EVANGELISTIC --WORD CHURCH Colonial Christian Academy & Bible Institute 796-7025 Cross Gervais St. Bridge 1 1/2 mile
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Page 6
Egg Donation
Egg Donation $2000 for first donation, $2,500 repeat cycle. 19-29 years old. Non-smoker, less than 30 lb. over ideal weight. Reply to info@embryo.net
Need P/T Nanny after school, & F/T in summer. $10/hr. must have transportation, exp. required (214)636-1687
PT leasing agent, bilingual preferred. Flexible hrs. 2007 SpringcrestDr,Arlington Phone: 817-792-3015, Fax: 817-277-4743
Male and Female Program instructor needed to work after school program. Evening hrs. 817-275-2120 or come to 600 New York Ave.
P/t, M-F, aft-eve. receptionist for Grapevine physical therapy clinic. 817-310-3737
Apprentice Production Winemaker - Enthusiastic team player w/ attention to detail wanted to join award winning winery. Must be at least 21 years of age, able to lift 50 lbs and work some weekends. Fax resume to (817) 416-9441. Las Colinas National Marketing Firm seeks Full Time Entry Level Graphic Artist. This candidate must be detail oriented and have a solid work ethic. The position will encompass creative design and conception / quoting and bidding jobs / working with vendors, field staff, and other graphic artists. Proficient Mac skills in PhotoShop and Illustrator a must. Knowledge in QuarkXpress, HTML, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Flash, Word, and Excel a plus. 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM weekdays. $30K - $35K to start depending on qualifications / expe-rience.Benefits including health, dental, and 401K available. Please send your resume to 972-717-0673 or email aj@gocfm.com
Early Childhood Ed. Majors. P/T &F/T teachers needed for Infant, Toddler, Preschool children. Experience Preferred. Call to set up interview. (817)417-8955
Sushi chef assistant needed. Call(817)737-8568 between 3-5pm or email info@thetokyocafe.com
Piccolo Mondo now hiring bus-boys, food runners, back waiters, and evening hostess call (817)265-9174 for interview appointment or apply in person at 829 east Lamar Arlington, 76011 Mr. B’s Burger Pub needs friendly waitress for part time days. Contact Jeff: 817.860.6727. Hiring Barista for Coffee Shop. am/pm flex hrs. Contact Hubert (817) 881-3816
(students ok) Needed for Stone Carving Co. Auto-Cad Efficiency Required Please Call Zach Kousa 214-742-4200/214-789-0555
PAID. EGG DONORS +Expenses. N/smokers, ages 19-29, SAT>1100/ACT>24 GPA>3.0 reply to: info@eggdonorcenter.com
Help rebuild the Ozone. ozoneactionfoundation.com
Driver/Delivery VALET DRIVERS NEEDED! $10/hr plus tips. Under 21 need not apply, clean driving record, people skills, good attitude required. Flex schedule. Apply online at www.theairportvalet.com Excellent p/t job, valet drivers, day & evening shifts, earn $10-15/hr. w/tips. Call Darren (469)323-2126 Big Bounce and Fly City is hiring wkend drivers. Must have transportation, valid dr. license & cell phone, $150200 a wkend (817)460-0003
People persons to work with Home furnishings on con- adult mentally retarded in ressignment. We take in quality idential setting. Sat. & Sun, items to sell for you. Nice 8am-4pm. F/T hrs also availaitems to purchase also. ble. $7/hr.(817)563.7900. Austin’s Promise, 1308 DOES YOUR BUSINESS W. Arkansas (817)542-0062 HAVE JOB OPENINGS AVAILABLE??? Miscellaneous Call our staff at We pay up to $75 per survey www.GetPaidToThink.com
Bus. Opportunities Liquidity International Self Employment:Residual and Unlimited income!!. Start your own business in the fastest growing industry Health and Wellness. Call Chris for more info @ 817- 715-2189
The Shorthorn
for your hiring needs! 817-272-3188 OPENINGS: DESK CLERK 7am-3pm3pm -11pm auted 11pm-7amP/T orF/T Bilingual preferred. Can study on job. We look good on resume. Days Inn. 910 N. Collins, Arl.
Mavericksneedjobs.com We need Paid Survey Takers in Arlington. 100% FREE to Lazy people wanted. Executive level income from join. Click on Surveys. part-time hours. Earn up to !Bartend! Make up to $200K + first year. $250/day No experience nec www.makomonline.com Training provided age 18+
EMPLOYMENT Childcare P/t and f/t nannys needed. Recent childcare experience. Non smokers. 972-713-7773 Student wanted to teach life skills to 9 year old boy with autism 817-453-4746 � Nanny needed for 3 children, 9-13. Non-smoking. Arlington Call Laurie: 817-468-4038 Child Care Teachers NAEYC Accredited Child Care Centers in Dallas/Ft Worth, Summer and P/T Afternoon positions available. College coursework in ECE and experience preferred. 1-800-453-9383 ext. 1551 EOE/AA sgorham@brighthorizons.com
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Need Workers, To do janitorial work at Six Flags & Hurricane Harbor. Bilingual a plus for higher positions. Call Josie: (469) 878-0338 Positions available F/T, P/T, enthusiastic, friendly, Computer Tech, Sales. Apply at Electronic Discount Sales, 908 E. Pioneer Pkwy. Like Working With Kids? Teach them to swim. Training provided. Next training first weekend of March. Call 817-275-7946 Searching for attractive, outgoing, aggressive, professional ladies for PR. Great pay! Send resumes to HR@pzazzpromo.com or call 214-514-0249
Lankford Media Group is looking for PROMOTIONAL MODELS to work events in the Dallas area. Callie: 469-385-9855
Cash for books (817)557-6893 SPORTS -MINDED is hiring 25 Students. $20.00/hr pt/ft Top Gun Promotions 817-860-2700 Network support company seeks f/t account rep. Call; (817)459-4000 hr@ccsitx.com.
The Shorthorn
is currently accepting applications for the following positions for the summer and fall semesters; • Reporter • Copy Editor/Proofreader • Outside Ad Sales Rep • Photographer • Inside Ad Sales Rep • Ad Artist • Page Designer • Cartoonist • Columnist • Illustrator • Online assistant • New Account Ad Rep Pick up an application and a job description TODAY! All are paid positions for UTA students. Apply at; Student Publications, University Center, lower level, or print out an application from our website, www.TheShorthorn.com for more information call; 817-272-3188
Bilingual Processing asst. needed. Learn the mortgage business from the ground up! Fax resume to 817-275-9435. Call Darryl @ 817-822-3474, pt/ft The Ultimate: $7-$16/hr. More Margin is expanding and we need 12 intelligent, fun and ambitious operators immediately. Have fun talking to a variety of people, working with your peers in a relaxed professional environment. Full-time & part-time positions, afternoons, and evenings. Flexible part-time schedules ideal for students. Apply at More Margin, 1527 S. Cooper on S.E. corner of Park Row & Cooper.
Lankford Media Group is now offering Internship Opportunities for Communication Majors Production, sound, light, set design, technical communicator, media coordinator, etc... Callie: 469-385-9855
The Shorthorn
to place your employment ad today! 817-272-3188
Sales Kiddo’s Kloset hiring M-F 10-2 or 2-6 Sat. 10-6. (817)460-1746 EARN UP TO $60K THIS SUMMER!
Architect or Draftsman
P/T computer programmer needed 20-30/wk. Visual basic.net, asp, web development. Fax or email resume to: (817)505-1417 mikek999@yahoo
Apartments DO YOU HAVE AN APARTMENT OR HOME FOR RENT??? Call our student staff at
Part time tech support needed, 20-30 hrs. per week, Fax resume to (817)858-9800 P/T computer programmer needed 20-30 hrs, visual basic -C E-mail resume dsi@dsi-cardtech.com
Make more $$$ during sum- Electrical engineer needed mer than most people make p/t 20-30 hrs, fax resume to all year! Wave Tec, the na(817)858-9800 tion’s largest modular pool Co., seeks energetic sales reps for summer! Sales experience preferred, but will consider enthusiastic beginners. Call Brad at 800-421-3417 or visit www.wavetecjobs.com
The Shorthorn
to reach the UTA market! 817-272-3188 Maverick Apts. 1 bdr loft ($410) 2 bdr ($510) No deposit $25 App. fee Within walking distance to UTA. 817-277-8078
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Office/Clerical General Office Support needed in downtown Ft.Worth 8-5p.m. please e-mail resume to jdukeland@yahoo.com
TUTORS NEEDED Tutors and preschool teachers needed for children with autism in class with typical preschoolers $8-15/hrs www.dfwcenterforautism.org flexible schedule and no experience required For more info call 817-424-9797
Concession workers needed for Texas Ranger games $7.00 per hour Food prep workers needed 3-4 days a week $6.50 per hour
CALL 817-459-0479
FRIENDS FOR LIFE! Hospitality/Service We hire the most amazing UTA girls. Smart, fun and unLADIES forgettable! P/t, flex hours for summer and fall semesters, $500/wk. P/T. We train, cocknice family seeks mature and tail waitresses. (817)461-8487 energetic young women to be Beautiful Retirement a friend and assistant to their Community lovely daughter w/ disability. needs P/T serving staff from Near UTA experience prefer10am-2pm and 4pm-8pm red but will train, call for (M/F) Also need a front desk more details & interview. ref. attendant in the evenings. req’d Mr/Mrs. Phillips Apply in person at 1250 (817)265-6009 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington 76013 Part time dental assistant Student Bartender Wanted needed. Will train. Contact Showdown Saloon Mary, 817-261-3392 (817)233-5430
DR. RUTH decide that she’s more willing to also try Q: I have been married for 13 years some new positions. and have had sex with only one woman: my wife. With both of us now sexually Q: What sort of adverse reactions active for more than 17 years, we have might one have to condoms with spermihit a rut in “enjoying” sex together. It cide? My boyfriend and I were having has become a case of either 1) servicing sex fairly regularly when sex each other separately, or 2) with the condom became intercourse in one position, painful and itchy. We switched with me being just off to one brands of condoms but side. I have mentioned and remained with ones with sper“illustrated” a variety of micide. That was fine, for a positions to my wife, but she while. Now the irritation is either has pain in other posiback. And we are becoming tions or seems to be minimalirritated at this hurdle in our ly interested. Can you recomsex life. I discussed this with mend something for these still my doctor. His only advice “young” parents? was to switch brands. I am A: While using different also using the pill as birth positions is one way of dealDr. Ruth control. ing with a sexual “rut,” it’s Send your A: One could have an not the only way. Perhaps questions to Dr. allergic reaction to the latex in you’ll have better success if Ruth Westheimer condoms, the spermicide on you try other ways of adding the condom or both. But since variety to your sex life. For c/o King you’re on the pill, you shouldexample, have sex in different Features n’t need to use a condom to places. If your kids are of an Syndicate, 235 E. prevent an unintended pregage when they might find you 45th St., New nancy, and if you’re using in, say, the living room, then York, NY 10017 them to prevent any chance of rent a motel room for a coupassing a sexually transmitted ple of hours. Or have them disease to one another, then sleep at a home of friends one you don’t need a spermicide. So why night (and later return the favor to those don’t you take your doctor’s advice and couples, who undoubtedly face the same try another type of condom, specifically problem you do). Or try having sex at one that doesn’t have any spermicide or different times by setting the alarm for even lubricant. If you don’t react to those either the middle of the night or early in condoms, then you can either continue the morning. Or use some fantasy by using them or get yourselves tested for dressing up and pretending to be STD’s, and if the tests come back negastrangers who’ve just met. Maybe if you tive, you can stop using them altogether. can find other ways of adding some variety to your love life, your wife will
CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 5 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 27 31 32 36 37 38 41 42 43 44 45 47 49 54 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
ACROSS Tough to crack Dames Plant pest River to the Baltic Potpourri Slalom incline Start from scratch Table extension Beauty shop A piece Inscribed stone slabs Break Skin diver's device Naut. heading Beatles and Monkees combined Start a new hand Assistant A piece Unobstructed Senator Feingold Fails to win NASA's ISS partner Cleric's cap Fine point Set sail A piece Buffalo ice skater Bowed Tiny bit No longer squeaking Maine seaport La Scala showstopper Shift or muumuu Blackthorn Stagger
DOWN 1 Son of Osiris 2 Very skilled 3 Touch-up color job 4 Go ga-ga 5 Kind of calf or boy 6 On the sheltered side
Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
7 Whopper peddler 8 Long, upholstered seat 9 Lay into 10 Baja beach 11 Friesland cows 12 NYSE entry 13 Cozy room 21 Villainous 22 Cover with water 25 Not justified 26 Appears 28 Smell of Britain? 29 Put into service again 30 Sinkhole terrain 32 Killed, mobsterstyle 33 Ajaccio's island, to inhabitants 34 Responsive to medication 35 Nice summer? 37 In the past 39 Ruffled border
1 2 3
40 San Antonio mission 45 Upright walkers 46 Acquire canines 48 __-ski 50 Pipe root 51 Love to pieces 52 Lace all over
53 African stockade 55 Outflows of the tide 56 Ring out 57 "__ every life, a little rain..." 58 Turf piece 59 Ventilate
4 6 9 2 5 3 8 1 7
5 2 8 1 7 6 3 9 4
7 1 3 9 4 8 6 2 5
1 3 6 4 9 5 2 7 8
2 5 7 6 8 1 9 4 3
9 8 4 3 2 7 1 5 6
6 9 1 7 3 4 5 8 2
3 7 5 8 1 2 4 6 9
8 4 2 5 6 9 7 3 1
Yesterday’s Solution Solution, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com
5 3
9 7 8 5 7 4 9 2 6 9 5 1 3 4 2 6 8 7 7 3 1 2 4 4 8 3 6 7 9 8 5
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ATTENTION 1 BEDROOM sublet; 423 State St; $400/mo; call Lindsey 608-469-7342 CAMPUSEFFICIENCYSUITE 1308 Spring 2MonthsRentFree! jpander1@wisc.edu 7208100229 FALL, 505 W. Mifflin #2,3 bdr, hardwood, laundry, deck, owner managed, great location $1140 icludes heat $1140 +e, 608-845-3883
EMPLOYMENT !BARTENDING! Up to $300/day. No experience necessary. Training provided. 800-965-6520 ext.120 BADGERSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in Madison. 100% Free to join. Click on Surveys. BARTENDING ACADEMY. Handson training in Madison. Must be 18 years or older. Make $100-$150 per shift. Job placement, get certified. 32 hour program- one, two weeks, or two weekends. Call 277-TIPS(8477). www. wisconsinbartender.com EARN $2500+MONTHLY and more to type simple ads online. www. DataEntryClub.com
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EMPLOYMENT P/T CUSTOMER SERVICE: Zimbrick BMW has a Customer Service Representative position available. Duties include: answering phones, processing repair orders, filing, cashiering and much more. Hours Monday and Thursday 4:00pm to 8:00pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Also 2 Saturday’s a month 8:30am to 4:00pm. A good driving record is a must. Please send resume to jbuhmeyer@zimbrick.com, or fax 608-442-1506 or Zimbrick BMW, Attn: Joan, 2400 Rimrock Road, Madison, WI 53713. Equal Opportunity Employer SEMESTER BREAK WORK, Excellent Pay, Interview Now Start after Finals, Flexible 1-6 Week Work Program, PT or FT, Work during Break and secure a Summer Position, Excellent Resume Experience, Customer Sales/Service, Training Provided, No Experience Necessary, Conditions Apply, Must Be 18+, National Company with Openings Nationwide, for work in Madison area, call 608663-3848 or apply online at www. semesterbreakwork.com
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NEW STUDENT LEADER: Students needed to work with Student Orientation Advising & Registration (SOAR) and Wisconsin Welcome programs through mid-September. Full-time position, $8.50/hr. Information and application available online at www. newstudent.wisc.edu/ employment.
ORGANIST NEEDED: Organist needed for Lutheran Church on the following dates: December 24 (Sun. at 7:00pm) and December 25 (Mon.9am). Call 835-0100 for more info.
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FOR RENT $200 OFF FIRST Two Months Rent!07 Fall Rental. 117 S Basset St. Nice 2 bdrms. 206-2776 1-5 BEDROOM APARTMENTS available August 2007. Remodeled apartments, many amenities, and great location near Langdon, State St., and the Square. 698-8784. 1/2 BLOCK south of Granger, Large 3 bed 2 bath, Air, Dishwasher, Free Laundry, Off Street Parking, Idel for up to four, 836-1393 4 BR: 1316 Drake St.. Lrg house, hardwoods, laundry, parking. 2 decks. $1700. Apex Property Management Inc. (608) 255-3753 or www.apexrents. com 5 BR: 720 W. Brittingham. Lrg house near lake, hardwoods, dishwa, laundry, parking. $2250. Apex Property Management Inc. (608) 255-3753 or www.apexrents.com 522 STATE. E/1/2. Clean, quiet, no pets, heat included. $450/$890. 2150052. 6 BR: 113 N. Blair. Lrg house, 2 baths, hardwoods, laundry, parking. $1925. Apex Property Management Inc. (608) 255-3753 or www.apexrents.com
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FOR RENT 8 BR: 405 W. Main St. Very lrg house w/ yard, 2 kitch, 3 baths, laundry & parking. $2800. Apex Property Management Inc. (608) 255-3753 or www.apexrents.com AFFORDABLE TWO BEDROOM for Fall $895 Heat Paid. Lagdon Area. Lake & Pier Access. Must See. 2577368 APARTMENTS & HOUSES for Fall. Eff, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 BR. Bassett, Vilas, Langdon, Mansion Hill and near West neighborhoods. Call 663-1778 or email: patrickproperties@tds.net. AUGUST 2007 5 BR at 215 North Bassett and 4 BR at 521 West Dayton. UPDATED. All units have dishwashers and parking available. WWW. MADISONCAMPUSRENTALS.COM Todd 608-358-2269 AWESOME 5 BEDROOM for Fall, Langdon Area. 2 Bathrooms, Huge Bedrooms, Central A/C, Lake & Pier Access, great windows, very sunny, all Utilities Included. A must see unit 257-7368 CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP Studios + One bedroom’s for Fall. From $405 all utilities Included, Langdon Area, lake & Pier Access. 257-7368
Shout out to my roommate who thought her friend was dying when she read “Cancer” on his MySpace page, until she realized it was his zodiac sign. Ever get that awkward feeling that you just called your parents while they were having sex? 10 bucks says it’s spam when the subject is “fleece skydiving.” however, when the subject is “coasties in northface fleece skydiving without parachutes,” then it might be worth reading. Shout out to the Toppers Delivery guy who gave me a ride after I chased him down the sidewalk because I couldn’t get a cab at 2 am. And shout out to that being the only thing I remember from Friday night. My roommate defending his manwhoredom: “Dude, that’s not true we watched a whole movie before fooling around” Just because you wear really tight shirts now doesn’t actually mean your arms have gotten any bigger...yeah. Shoutout to the KPMG recruiter who opened my interview with, “Your resume looks great, and I really like your facebook profile!” To my Com Arts 361 professor for saying “a box of chocolates is like a woman’s vagina.” I guess you’re right, you never know what you’re going to get. Shoutout to my geology prof for calling “the guy in the white house” an “idiot” and then correcting that with “fool”. Shout out to the guy wearing northface and uggs on state street on friday. yes, uggs. god help us if the guys go coastie... i had a dream that i took a course on shout-out writing with the cast of Saved by the Bell. i wish it would come true. to the girl at the party sporting a long sleeve graphic tee, your style is so 1996. thanks for making our night. Shoutout to brats for breakfast, just another way to tell you are from WI To my marketing teacher, who told us “do it fast, hard, and with confidence.” Thanks for the life lesson. I know it’s cold when even my cat has her ass against the heater Is it bad that I think of phrasing my daily routine activities in terms of my facebook status? To Cinderella our zoology 102 rat—I’m so sorry we had to cut you open. Why was the little pointy eared guy down in the dumps? He had low elf esteem! To the girl (sorority girl, I’m guessing) who shouted
out to the homeless guy trying to hit on her... you’re not special, he talks to everyone, and he’s not trying to hit on you. He’s homeless and lonely. He’s not going to rape you if you smile at him. Say hi, acknowledge he is a fellow human being, and be on your way. Your poop smells just as his does. shoutout to my little cousins who randomly send me dollars in the mail. i wish they could appreciate the significance of random small cash in a college student’s life. shoutout to the guy in college library wearing tan uggs...gamma phi beta called and they want their boots back. Shout out to my roomie who yesterday heard a gunshot while driving and immediately began checking over her body to make sure that she “didn’t get hit.” HAHA. To honor. To getting honor. To loving honor. And if you can’t get honor... Come honor. Anti-shoutout to the coastie GUY on the 2nd floor of Helen C. wearing Ugg boots with matching coastie gear.....Delta Gamma called, they want their boots back! UW Madison recently announced a dress code for women: ugg boots and north face sleeping bags. I know where you live you should stop by is it bad that i just cracked open a celebratory beer because i stayed awake for an entire zoo lecture? Double Shout-out: to my sister for giving her frozen bike lock a blowjob, and to the idiot who dumped a bucket of water on it while it was 12 degrees out... Shoutout to the girls in Potbelly’s...no, dreaming about having sex with your TA is not a topic of public conversation I guess the bums just have to get jobs now, or just move down the street to Taco Bell. I found my missing toenail, don’t worry. You know it’s too cold out when you live 2 blocks from the serf and still resort to working out to a video in the living room with your three roommates... thanks winter TT: If I take off my clothes, you will take advantage of me. K: No. I won’t. TT (sadly): Just a little? Shout out to my econ 521 prof for saying things like Jack one, Jack two, and Jack’s PP in the same sentence. And shout out to the people in my econ 521 class for laughing so I didn’t feel like the only 3 year old in class.
FOR RENT FALL 2007 4-5 BDRM HOUSES $1400-$2000 235-6542 FALL,542 W. Dayton,3 bdr, hardwood, furnished, deck, laundry near, owner managed, near Kohl’s Center, small apartment, small price $940 included heat $940. 608-8453883 FIVE BEDROOM-- HUGE five bedroom, two bath house. Hardwood floors, large backyard, dishwasher, parking, walk up attic. Great for 5-6. $1800/month. 539 W. Wilson St., www. McBrideComnpanies.com, 284-1800 FOUR BEDROOM + DEN-- Huge three level four bedroom with lake views and full attic study room. Two bathrooms, two kitchens, generous bedroom sizes, hardwood floors and private porch. Great for 4-5 people. 321 N. Hamilton St. $1935/month all utilities included. www.McBrideCompanies. com, 284-1800
FOR RENT LARGE 3BR FALL 07. 409 W. Dayton. New kitchen, dishwasher/ microwave, free laundry in apt. New carpet/hardwood floors, central air, fully furnished, porches, $1350/mo. 835-2637
TWO BEDROOM- GENEROUS Bedroom size, two full bathrooms, walk in closet, dishwasher, breakfast bar, spectacular courtyard. 699 W. Mifflin St., $1160/month heat included. www. McBrideCompanies.com, 284-1800
Large houses, flats and apartments. Stadium, Vilas, Bedford/Mifflin, 2 to 14 bedrooms. Now showing for fall 2007. Look now for best selection! Pictures and floor plans at www. tallardapartments.com. 250-0202. Parking Too! Don’t wait!
TWO BEDROOM- LARGE bedrooms, great closets, dishwasher, breakfast bar, private entrance and spectacular courtyard fountain. The Wiedenback, 619 W. Mifflin St., $999/month. www. McBrideCompanies.com. 284-1800
LARGE VARIETY OF 4 bedrooms for Fall. Call Tallard Apartments at 2500202 or visit www.tallardapartments. com NEW ON MARKET! 6/7 bedroom, 2 story flat one block off state street. 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, fits 7-9 people $2995. Madison Property 608-251-8777
FOUR BEDROOM APARTMENTS! Campus Area. Spacious $1450-$1500 including heat. Parking available 274-5439
NOW RENTING FALL 2007 Studios to 6 bdrm Houses Henry, Langdon, Johnson & more - See all at www. palisadeproperty.com or call 2577368 or 442-4200
FOUR BEDROOM- HUGE living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, dishwasher, big bedrooms, two bathrooms. 324 E. Johnson St. $1495/ month all utilities included. www. McBrideCompanies.com, 284-1800
REMODELED WESTSIDE 2bdrm/ 2bath apartment for $795/mth, includes parking and in-unit laundry. Minutes from campus. 6-12 mo leases. Call 220-3282.
GREAT LOCATIONS NEAR Stadium, Engineering, and Capitol for next Fall. Large 3 & 4 Bedroom flats with room for 5. Free parking, dishwasher, and central air. $1445 & up. 233-5540 or 235-5931 HUGE 3 BEDROOM for Fall Langdon Area, big Bedrooms, dishwasher, Central A/C, fire place. lake & Pier Access. 257-7368 JAN 1- 2 Bedroom half-house, Free TV/Internet & All Utilities, New Private Kitchen & Bath, Private Entrance, big backyard, Walk to Hilldale mall, $800/ month, (608)469-9818
STADIUM/VILAS Classic two story home! Suitable for 4- 7 people. Front porch, rear yard, free parking, free laundry. Call for details 347-8247 TIRED OF DOWNTOWN living? Our newly remodeled Westside 2 bedroom apartments start at $769/mth and include heat, water, gas, and parking. Just minutes from campus. Call 2765507. TWO BEDROOM TOWNHOUSEGenerous bedroom size, two full bathrooms, walk in closet, dishwasher, breakfast bar, private roof top deck, spectacular courtyard. 699 W. Mifflin St., $1160/month heat included. www. McBrideCompanies.com, 284-1800
TWO MALE roommates wanted for 2007-2008 school year to live with 3 outgoing guys in house on Milton St. Contact Sam 920-471-9011
ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE needed: Easy going fun female would like to share very nice 2 bedroom spacious apartment. Close to UW campus. Have your own room its a sublet available January to August or earlier if needed.. $350..Great deal!! Hurry call today!!!!Cell#605-321-1917 ISO TWO outgoing, respectful female roommates for Campus Village. Would get own bedrooms, share bathroom. Call (414)587-5305 or email erossi@wisc.edu
SUBLETS BEAUTIFUL 1 Bedroom Apartment available spring semestersummer. 661 Mendota Ct. FULLY FURNISHED, great views of lake Mendota, ONLY utility you pay is electricity. FREE wireless internet. Must pay for cable, if want it. $700/ month OBO. Please contact Stacy for more information. (847)624-1224 or stacyjohnson@wisc.edu
SUBLETS PINCKNEY SUBLET 1 sunny bedroom in 2 bedroom apt. i block from Capitol and 2 blocks from State St. $407/mo utilities included! Furnished. Contact Hannah at hgjensen@wisc.edu or call at (612)242-7755. GREAT SPRING SUBLET Next to Union South. $400/mo OBO. Call Barrett (815)236-8324. LANGDON ST. sublet available Jan-May. Fully furnished room in big house. Price negotiable. Email Andrew at amvoelker@wisc.edu or call 612-616-0778. SHARE A ROOM with a female undergrad. $256/mo. Downtown on West Wash. 347-7487 SPRING SUBLET WANTED Spring semester and Summer, own bedroom in three bedroom flat, quiet Vilas neighborhood, $400/month (price negotiable), call (414)4164732
TICKETS BADGER BASKETBALL LOWER Level tickets 829-1321 BULLS V. Sonics 12/13 7:30PM. Great seats, section 111, row 11, seats 19/20. $150/both $75/each. 715-821-1843 rkuchevar@wisc.edu
TRAVEL CAPITAL 1 BOWL PACKAGESDecember 30-January 3 GREAT 40 YARD LINE SEATS. Better seats than any officially sponsored tourGUARANTEED!!! 4 night packages as low as $499! www.hottickettours. com CAPITAL ONE BOWL Dec. 30thJan.3. 40yd line LL. Better seats than any official tour GURANTEED!! Packages start @ $499 hottickettours.com
Shoutout to the girl in legal studies, who thought Burger King was “Booger King.” Would you like fries with your snotrocket? shout out to the guy who boldly wears his bell bottoms and platform shoes while smoking in front of the chem building...you always make me laugh after a boring lecture shout out to the store clerk in “It’s a Wonderful Life” for asking Jimmy Stewart if he wanted “this old second-hand job” and to us for taking it the wrong way SO to the coastie at the bus stop that said “If you keep your legs together you stay warmer”, can you really give up your whorish ways so easily? My friend after seeing a picture of a dalmation: Do they still make Dalmations? forget Pokémons! what happened to Pogs?!!! Dear Santa, I would really like school to end tomorrow so I could go home. Thanks! Shoutout to the end of the semester being just around the corner and deciding that means I should only to go to 4 classes all week... and go out at night instead of studying...oh well! shout out to going to your parent’s house and finding all of your stuff in the garage. I have officially been replaced by an $400 oriental carpet. antishout-out to my roommate who’s singing “anything you can do, i can do better” on the phone to her boyfriend: you should at least let him sing one of the parts, schizo. shout-out to my roommate: i’ve tried everything… plug-ins, keeping the window open, sprays. unless you take a shower, our room won’t stop smelling like greasy hair and smelly feet. and you’re a girl. sick. Dear finals, BRING IT ON. Signed, Me
look, if you don’t want to support your girlfriend’s decisions, i’d be more than happy to. she’s hot.
no, it’s not that i like my music that loud. it’s that i can’t stand the sound of your damn voice. i watered my christmas tree with beer... is that wrong? shoutout to my roomate’s feet. you smell. febreze that sh!t. to deciding my favorite day of the week based solely on the Badger Herald... Wednesday: shout outs or Thursday: MONSTER sudoku... definitely Wednesday. Thank you, Badger Herald.
writes about whatever was talked about in lecture that week, don’t you have any better ideas? What is the definition of a farmer? Someone who is outstanding in their field! Just I’ve went ped.
when I was thinking seen it all... there three dudes on one moNOW I’ve seen it all.
Shout-out to the coastie who, when I asked her if she’d like her bagel toasted, responded (after a pause) with “does toasting make it hot?” Yes. Yes it does. Shoutout to the 3rd Grader outside the union Thursday morning who, when his friend told him that UW was “a good school but hard to get into”, responded with “yeah, but I feel I’ve got the grades” Maybe now that McDonald’s is closing the fat coasties will lose some weight... We can only hope, don’t hold your breath, Starbucks will never close!! Shout-out to the really nerdy/ horny boy on the street who told me that STDs are like pokemon; gotta catch em all! Shout out to the sexy ILS 203 TA, why don’t you come over to my place and recite Dante’s Inferno in Italian and I’ll give us a good reason to go to hell ;) Shout-out to my friends for thinking that we were getting another snow storm last Friday because I accidentaly taped the news after our taped episode of the OC from the night before. To our Geology 111 professor who, when showing hot molten lava flowing up through an underground conduit, saying “well now that we’re all slightly aroused, let’s talk about the explosion.” shout out to my friend who put “the good liquid laundry detergent” as the number two thing on her christmas list. is it bad that I smile when the 85 is full and drives by the coasties on Langdon? But its reassuring to know Im not the only one going to hell, since the rest of the bus is laughing, too. long underwear: worth it even though i now look like i ate the entire menu at mickey d’s We’re running out of time before the semester is over and it’s finals: HURRY up and procrastinate! remember when teachers made us wear our boots all day at school because we didn’t have regular shoes to change into? bitches. Shout out to oreo cookies for promoting interracial relations and tasting so damn good after being dipped in milk :D
shoutout to distance learning = laying in bed and the professor yelling really loud so i can here her
Shout-out to my grandparents for having MSN Messenger...I hope I’m as cool as you are when I’m 80!
shout out to being drunk, passed out and puking all before noon, then going to work to drink in the afternoon.. then proceeding to go out that night and continuing the festivities..
shoutout to my cell bio prof who, after some guy’s cell phone went off twice during lecture, came down and took it from him, then, pissed as all hell, dropped it into a nalgene full of water and threw it across the room. the kid got up and left and our prof kept writing. only after a couple minutes of stunned silence did he tell us that he had planted his old cell phone on the guy so he could ‘send it out in style’. best lecutre of my LIFE
shout out to my roommate IMs me from the other room for 30 min to have the room to herself, and then sending me an IM telling me when it’s safe to go back in shout out to my second graders for teaching me dirty dance moves, and dancing better than me i survived Chadbourne fire 2006!
To the columnist from the daily cardinal who just
shout out to my mom who saw a HOT man and said “talk about creaming in your pants”...thanks mom, I always knew I was like you.
MONDAY | APRIL 24, 2006
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ARABIC TUTOR WANTED. Sixteen-year-old wanting to learn spoken Arabic. Please contact 863-2266.
ONE BEDROOM. AVAILABLE June 1. $510/ month, includes heat. 6321 Southwood. Walk to WU. Call 314-997-7267.
PART TIME MATH GEEK WANTED. Excellent math skills, great with students of all ages, available all year round. Minutes from WashU. Wednesday afternoon 3: 30-7:30, Saturday morning 9:00-12:30. Call 8632266.
SINGLE FAMILY HOME for rent. Completely updated in 2003. 4 bed/2 bath, 1,400 sq. ft. Hardwood floors. Washer and dryer in basement. Just blocks from Wash U, the Loop and Schnucks. On Green line shuttle route. $1,300/mo. 6833 Barter Ave. Available June 1. Call Chris at 314.322.4936.
PART-TIME WORK $12 BASE/APPT. Flexible sched., customer sales/ service, may continue in spring or secure summer work, all ages 18+, 314997-7873. PLAY SPORTS! HAVE fun! Save money! Maine camp needs fun loving counselors to teach all land, adventure & water sports. Great summer! Call 888-844-8080, apply: www.campcedar.com RESEARCH TECHNICIAN AT WUSM: A research technician position is immediately available in the Division of Dermatology at WashU to perform molecular genetic research related to hair follicle differentiation and female reproductive tract development. Qualified candidates should have BS degree in biological sciences and are comfortable working with mice. Prior laboratory experience is preferred. Interested candidates should contact Liang Ma at lima@im.wustl.edu or at 314-454-8771. THE LIFESTYLE CENTER Medical Spa. Fast Paced, PT Receptionist position available. fax resume 314-754-3192.
2 BDR APT. LOCATED just South of HWY 40 at Laclede Station Rd. & W. Bruno. C/A & heat, Appl. W/D Hookup, Pool. Call 644-1446. 3 BEDROOM 1.5 BATH APARTMENT. Half block from RED line shuttle. Many amenities! For more info www.homeandapar tmentrentals.com Tom 314.409.2733 CLAYTON, U. CITY LOOP, CWE and Dogtown. Beautiful studios, 1, 2 bedrooms. Quiet buildings. $365-$750. Call 725-5757. FRESHLY PAINTED 1 BEDROOM in quiet Clayton building. Sparkling hardwood, C/A, garage. $575/mo. Call Jeff 8140024 if interested or for more information. GREAT 2 BEDROOM+ in the U. City Loop. 7xx Heman. Elegant, spacious and updated. $695. call 725.5757.
1 BR IN 3BR APT. in Clayton. Washer/dryer, internet, cable, street parking. $375/month plus utilities. Mid May though Mid August. Contact mwle wis@wustl.edu. 2 BR AT FORSYTH and Big Bend- Full Summer. Looking for 1-2 students to sublet our convinient, partially furnished apt at 7008 Forsyth and Big Bend. Within walking distance to campus, quiet and safe building. $800/ mo + utilities (negotiable) jss3@cec.wustl.edu SUBLETTER WANTED TO SHARE gorgeous 2br/2ba townhouse in Dogtown with female grad student, available mid-May through August, flexible. Full basement w/ washer-dryer, AC, loft, dishwasher, hardwood on first floor, new appliances. 5 minute drive to either med or main campus. Half of rent is $550. Contact Jen at larusse@gmail.com. SUMMER SUBLET: FURNISHED 3 BDRM/1 bath Forsyth apt, 5 min walk to campus. Available midMay to mid-August. Free laundry in basement. Contact amginsbu@arts ci.wustl.edu. (314) 6806956.
REAL ESTATE 2 BR, 2 BATH CONDO with basement in Creve Coeur. Call 314-422-3101. CWE CONDO FOR sale. 2 BR/1 bath, 1200 sq. ft. recently renovated. Stainless steel appliances, cherry cabinets, garage parking. $189,500. Contact Carrie at 314-3676158. FULLY FURNISHED 2 BR, 3.5 bath condo with furnished basement in Creve Coeur. Call 314422-3101.
TWO BROWN COUCHES for sale. $100 total. Please contact Emma at egbasch @ ar tsci.wustl. edu.
FIVE GOLDFISH FOR free to a good home. If you can provide at least a 10 to 20 gallon tank with proper filtration, aeration, and regularly changed water, these fish can be yours. We’re graduating and don’t want them to die! Contact mjbauer@wustl.edu or call (314) 489-4618.
By Michael Mepham Level: Gentle Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk.
FULL SIZED MATTRESS + Boxspring and Frame. bought new 18 months go for $340. Will sell for $95. Floor lamps also available starting at $15! Will sell NOW or hold until May 19th. Contact Daniel at dnpaull@wustl.edu.
Solution to Friday’s puzzle
FURNITURE: FLOOR LAMP, table, and wooden futon with spring mattress. All in good condition. Very affordable. Available in mid-May. Contact lewolff@wustl.edu for more information. © 2006 Michael Mepham. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
AUTOS 1993 TOYOTA COROLLA FOR SALE. Automatic Trans. Heat, Air, Radio with cassette player. Automatic locks. Red exterior with grey cloth interior. $1500.00. Call 314.725.5261 or emaillwe st@gwbmail.wustl.edu. 96 SAAB 900SE TURBO. 2-DOOR, red, great condition, manual, recent replacement: tires and timing chain. Leaving town must sell, $3,590, or best offer, call 432.6290.
SUMMER SUBLET WANTED: seeking 2-3 br summer sublet available from mid-May to mid-August. Prefer location near Delmar Loop area. Please email s c w 2 @ c e c e.w u s tl.e du and/or glenancheta@ wustl.edu WANTED: RELIABLE AND roomy used car. Must be automatic. Willing to pay up to $4000. Please email at jlk1@cec.wustl.edu.
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April 11, 2006
Page 11
TAKE: Timely hitting NFL: Crennel played on the Hill from 1966-69 improves in series against Blue Raiders C O N T I N U E D F R O M PAG E
“It was everybody hitting together and getting all the little things done like bunts, steals and playing hard defense.”
this year." Crennel, who played under coach Jimmy Feix from 19661969, is entering his second year as the Cleveland Browns coach. He served as a graduate assistant at Western in 1970 and spent the next four years as the defensive coordinator. He was also the first minority
two more runs in the bottom of the fifth giving Rogge just Rebecca Horesky stepped in the enough room to seal the game. box with the bases loaded and The Blue Raiders were surtwo outs. prisingly more With one aggressive at the swing of the bat, plate than the Horesky belted Lady Toppers iniher first grand tially thought, slam of the seaLawson said. son, giving the “They come Lady Toppers a 5out and they 0 lead. swing the bat,” Getting their Lawson said. bats going, hitting “They do a great the gaps and getjob at hitting the ting people ball when a pitcharound to score — Jennifer Brooks er makes a misare things the senior outfielder take.” Lady Toppers The Lady have been working hard to be Toppers continue conference more consistent at, Brooks said. play this weekend at Troy for a “Our bats finally came three-game series. together in conference play,” Preparing through the week Brooks said. “It wasn’t just one or the Trojans will be business person hitting at one time. It as usual for the Lady Toppers, was everybody hitting together and getting all the little things Ford-Feitz said. The first game of a doubledone like bunts, steals and playheader against Troy will begin ing hard defense.” Freshman pitcher Jennifer at 4 p.m. Saturday, followed by Kempf put in five innings of the second at 6. The Lady work in the second game Toppers will finish up the before freshman Ryan Rogge series at 1 p.m. Sunday. stepped into the circle in the sixth. Reach Abbey Shull The Lady Toppers put up at sports@wkuherald.com. CONTINUED FROM PAGE
coach in Western football history. After his days on the Hill, Crennel spent time as an assistant with the New York Giants, New York Jets, Cleveland Browns and New England Patriots. He helped the Patriots win Super Bowls in 2001, 2004 and 2005. Many coaches came to the clinic, many hoping to learn as much as they can from both
Western's coaches and Crennel. "We run the same defense as Western," Owensboro High School assistant coach Scott Douglas said. "It's basically just a get-together for all the coaches." Elson said Saturday he told Crennel that it was great to have a NFLcoach come and speak at Western, especially since he did it right. "We had as a good a crowd
forour clinic as we've ever had in the three years," Elson said. "And I think you can attribute that directly to him. He did a great job speaking to the coaches and got nothing but positive feedback from them."
27 strokes at the start of the third day. Toledo sophomore Tammy Clelland, the tournament’s individual winner, helped the Rockets win the tournament by 30 strokes over second place Eastern Michigan.
Conference's 30th Anniversary Team. Nate Glichrist (1997-2000), Jeff Guest and Eric Mason (1999-2002) represented the men's team. Danielle Barker (19931996), Beth Blevins (19961999), Jamie Hagedorn (19972000) and Jennifer Moore (1991-1994) represented the women's team.
Reporter Jason Stamm also contributed to this story. Reach David Harten sports@wkuherald.com
Sports briefs
Lady Tops place eighth in Richmond The women's golf team finished eighth out of 14 teams at the Eastern Kentucky University Spring Invitational last weekend. Junior Sarah Colbert tied for 14th place individually with rounds of 83, 80 and 78. "I improved over the three days," Colbert said. "I had a rough start on the first and second days ... I couldn't putt."
After the first round, the Lady Toppers were in ninth place. They were led by junior Megan Pendergraff, who tied for eighth place individually. The Lady Toppers remained in ninth place after the second round. Both Colbert and Pendergraff finished with a twoday total of 163. "Everybody struggled," Colbert said. "I felt that we could have played better." Toledo led the tournament by
Former golfers make anniversary team Last Thursday, seven former men's and women's golfers were named to the Sun Belt
—Will Perkins
The Daily Athenaeum, Wednesday, August 30, 2006
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GUARD DOG STORAGE Climate-Controlled Units! Key pad 24 hr access. Manager on site 195 Old Cheat Road Bottom of Easton Hill, turn Right, then Left Nest to Bella Dogga Call Jennifer or Craig at 304-225-9779 Evenings and Weekends at 304-594-3082 PARKING - McLANE AVENUE and Third Street, $130.00 per semester. William H. Burton,Jr., Broker. Bel-Cross Properties (304)296-7930 PARKING SPACES near main campus by semester. 292-5714 SIGMA ALPHA LAMBDA, NAT’L HONORS & LEADERSHIP ORG. is seeking founding officers/members to begin a campus chapter at WVU. Contact: rminer@salhonors.org
SPECIAL SERVICES “AFRAID YOU ARE PREGNANT?” Let’s make sure. Come to BIRTHRIGHT for free pregnancy test. Open Monday-Friday 10:00am-2:00pm. 364 High Street / RM 216 Call 296-0277 or 1-800-550-4900 anytime.
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1/BR. JAMES STREET. PARKING. NO PETS. WD hook-up. $550/mo plus utilities. Close to downtown campus. Please call: 290-4468. 2/BR, 1/BA EVANSDALE CAMPUS. Near Ruby. Large yard. $650/mo plus utilities. Security deposit, last months rent. 917 St. Joseph St. near Friend’s Inn. 304-685-9810. 2/BR. 1/BA. NEAR WALNUT STREET Bridge. $650/mo plus utilities. Available Sept. 1, 2006. NO PETS. 304-216-1584.
1/BR $490-525 + electric. 2/BR $495 + electric and gas. 2/BR $650 + electric. Lease and deposit. No pets. 292-0400 4/BR APARTMENT FOR 3-4 PEOPLE. Main campus. Off-street parking. NO PETS. Utils paid, lease till 5/07. AC. 304-278-7934 ATTENTION FEMALES 1 BEDROOM FOR SUBLET IN 4 bedroom 4 bath at the District. W/D, D/W, Microwave, Internet hook up, Gym, Pool, Internet Cafe, all included. September rent is paid. $465/mo 304-886-8559 ATTRACTIVE 1 & 2/BR APARTMENTS. Near Ruby and on Mileground. Plenty of parking. 292-1605 AVAILABLE NOW 4/BR, 2/BA. Yard, Laundry facilities. Parking, Deposit/Lease. NO PETS. 740 Weaver St. 304-685-6565
St. Clair’s Vill. Forest Hills Round Street Burns Ave. Chestnut Ridge Rd.
Lewis Street Penna. Ave. Grant Ave. George Street Sixth Street Chestnut Ridge Rd.
400+elec 560+elec 420+util 570+util 800 incl 600+util 630+util 630+util 1000+util 1020+util 1200 incl
Visit our web site for complete list of rental units - www.belcross.com/
296-7930 William H. Burton, Jr.-Broker CLOSE TO ARNOLD HALL. 1-2-3/BRS. Excellent condition. WD. DW. Microwave. Parking. AC. Utilities included. NO PETS. 1/year-lease. 288-1572. 288-3308 INEXPENSIVE 1&2/BR. Close to campus. Parking. Utilities included with some units. Pets conditional. 292-9555 NEW 3/BR, 2-FULL/BATHS. 5/min. walk from Walnut PRT. Off-Street Parking. WD. $900/mo each. Utilities not included. Lease/Dep. NO PETS. 304-677-7876. SUNNYSIDE 1 MINUTE WALK to campus. 1-2-3+4/BRS. Lease deposit. NO PETS. Call 291-1000 for appointment. SUNNYSIDE, BEHIND SUMMIT HALL. 2/BR: $720/mo. Both include utilities and furnished. NO PETS. Lease until June. Security deposit. 304-622-6826.
UNIQUE APARTMENTS. 2/BRS. CLOSE main campus. WD. AC. Parking. Pets w/fee. 2/BR: $360/mo each, (two people) Both include utilities. 296-4998
BARTENDERS WANTED. Small local bar. No experience necessary. Will train. All shifts available. Call Johnathan at (304)365-4565
4/BR, 2/BA. 708 PEARL AVE. $1050/mo plus utilities. W/D. Lease & Deposit. 304-685-5477
COLD STONE HIRING OPENERS, closers, and leads. Apply at: coldstonecreamery.com
AVAILABLE NOW. 3/BR, 2/BA, near downtown. NO PETS. $900/mo plus utilities. Lease/dep required. Call 296-3410.
HOUSE FOR RENT 142 1/2 LORENTZ Ave. Close to campus 3/BR. garage. 2/Bath. 2/Kitchens. 724-729-4003
EURO SUITES Part-time night auditor, evening housekeeper, laundry attendant, Bellman (must be 18 with valid DL) available. No Phone calls please. Apply within. 501 Chestnut Ridge Road, Morgantown, WV 26505
WONDERFUL WHARF 4-BR remodeled, 2 off street parking, W/D, 2,3, or 4 people. 9 month lease. 291-8423
FOX’S PIZZA Now hiring drivers and cooks. Apply in person at 3329 University Avenue.
GARDEN AND NATURE STORE now hiring part-time sales associate willing to work weekends. Apply within. Sales experience preferred. 304-983-6666
UTILITIES PAID Apartments & Houses 1BR McLane Ave. 500 2&3 BR Beechurst Ave. 320-360 2&3 BR McLane Ave. 260-360 2&3 BR Third Street 330-360 3 BR Grant Ave. 340 6 BR Grant Ave. 330 ● Lease
- Deposit Facilities ● Off Street Parking ● No Pets ● 24 - Hour Maintenance ● Laundry
UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 1 & 2/BR APTS. NEWLY REMODELED. Off-street parking. NO PETS. Near High Street. (304)290-7543 1/BR EFFICIENCY FOR RENT. One car garage, fenced backyard, 15min from Morgantown. First/last months rent, security deposit. No pets. 724-725-9067 1/BR UNFURNISHED APT. Close to main campuses. No pets. No smoking. 288-5751 1-2 BEDROOM APTS. and houses Available Now. Call: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm. 365-APTS (2787). www.GEELLC.com 2/BR APT WITH AN OFFICE, Dishwasher, Off-street parking. No pets. 3 minute walk to campus. 304-692-8879 2/BR, 2/BA. 708 PEARL AVE. W/D. Lease & Deposit. 304-685-5477
AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Roommates wanted for large 4 bedroom house. $300 or $350 per bedroom. 282-4017 FEMALE ROOMMATE. NON-SMOKING. 2/BR townhouse off Van Voorhis. $350/mo plus utilities. Garage, deck. WD, DW, AC. Cable/internet ready. 304-237-0200. MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for spacious 3 bedroom townhouse. Fully furnished, off street parking, close to campus. No Pets. 291-2729
ROOMMATE NEEDED. NICE 4/BR. 341 Fourth Street. Furnished House. $335/mo plus utilities. 5/min walk to downtown campus. (304)692-1474 ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE 3/BR house. All utilities included. $500 per month each. W/D, cable/internet. Westover. 757-872-8113. ROOMMATE WANTED. 1/BLOCK from Mountainlair. Available now. Parking and WD. $300/mo plus utilities. 667 Price St. 594-1371.
HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE. 5/BR, GREEN STREET. $150,000. Good location. 594-1673 or 322-1673
TICKETS FOR SALE WVU FOOTBALL TICKETS. Buying and selling all games. Credit cards accepted. Local Resident. 304-437-3323
3-4 BEDROOMS. WD. RENT INCLUDES utilities. Close to campus. NO PETS. Lease and security deposit. Max Rentals. 291-8423.
APPLIANCES USED RE-CONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED. Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Refrigerators. Mountaineer Appliances 3366 Collins Ferry Road, Morgantown 304-599-3301
BONITA APARTMENTS. BRAND NEW. 2/BR, 2/BA. Dishwasher, WD, microwave. 5 minutes to campus. 594-9295 LARGE 2/BR W/D, PARKING. $650/mo. Utilities included. Lease/Deposit required. 127 Lorentz. Available 983-8882. 290-1114. LARGE 2+3BR TOWNHOUSE. WD hook-up. Stewart St. 1/BR Brockway Ave. $375mo Deposit required. Available ASAP. 685-6472. 10am-6pm. NOW RENTING TOP OF FALLING RUN ROAD Morgan Point 1+2/BR $525-$725 plus utilities. WD. DW. Parking. No pets. Call: 304-290-4834.
FURNISHED HOUSES DOWNTOWN CAMPUS LOCATION. 3/BR, Living room, Dining room, Den, Kitchen fully applianced. CAC, WD, Quiet park like setting, Patio, Cable TV, Private parking included. $400/person. No smoking, no pets. Available August 1. 296-7822
GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS NEEDED contact Joanna @293-3291 ext. 5559 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED on campus. 703-615-5139
Also in need of Respite providers and full/part time LPN/RNs, and a One to One Provider in the Terra Alta Area!
RESTAURANT SERVERS REGATTA BAR & GRILLE WATERFRONT PLACE HOTEL. P/T positions Breakfast/Lunch shift only (6AM-2PM). Full service restaurant exp. necessary. Individual who can consistently work these hours; must be friendly, attention to details & service skills. Apply in person M-F 9AM - 4PM. EOE m/f/d/v.
Lakeview Golf Resort & Spa is looking to fill immediate openings for full-ttime and parttime employment. Please stop in to fill out an application for the following position: * Property Owner Association - Housekeepers * Banquet - Servers and Set-u up Personnel * 10th Tee - Beverage Cart Attendants * Fitness Center - Front Desk Attendant * Kitchen - Dishwashers * Legends - Barbacks * Front Office - Bell person, Front Office Clerk and Reservationists * Fusion - Bus persons and Host/Hostess * Pro Shop - Golf Cart Attendants and Pro Shop Attendants Lakeview has great employee discounts in Golf and Fitness!
Appointment Setters Full-Time & Part-Time ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
No Selling Flexible Hours Competitive Pay Paid Training Casual Dress Fun Iincentives No Sundays Drug Free Work Environment
Call 296-9122 or 581-2864 Located in the Morgantown Industrial Park
E0E/M/F/V/D SPANISH TRANSLATOR NEEDED TO TRANSLATE technical specifications for Morgantown based company. Part time internship available. Email resumes to: Rbaineh2@aol.com
NOW HIRING! KENO RUNNERS. PERKS HOT SPOT, (@ the Exxon, Sabraton) Sabraton Station Hot Spot, (across from Superior Ford) and Casablanca Hot Spot, (next to Grease Monkey in Suncrest) all are hiring. Service is our business so if you smile a lot and enjoy working with the public, come and join our team! We need Keno Runners who are friendly and enjoy having fun in a safe, well lit, convenient location. WVU students are encouraged to apply. We pay $8/hr plus tips. FT/PT available. Call 304-692-5303 for an appointment.
NEED SUBLET FOR FALL 2006 Please call 717-350-3485
2BR 2BA W/D, DW, gas fireplace, garage spot. $765/mo + utilities. No pets. 599-2300
AVAILABLE AUGUST 15. 2/BR conveniently located in Westover. Excellent condition. Central air, DW, free W/D facilities, parking, storage. $385/person, includes utilities. 288-3308
GET UNCHAINED. LOCAL Restaurant hiring. Servers, hosts, cooks and dishwashers needed. Call The Lakehouse for details. 594-0088.
NEED FEMALE TO SHARE 3/BR. apt. WD. NON-SMOKING. $300/mo. includes all utilities. Parking extra. Locust Ave., downtown. 296-8566.
ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR APART. on Willey St. mid-August. Private entrance. WD. Rent includes utilities. 292-5714.
CALL 304-292-2108
ASHEBROOKE EXPRESS LOOKING for PT/FT help. Responsible person for evening shift, some weekends. Please call: 292-1610.
3/BR, 1½/BA, OFF STREET PARKING. Conveniently located to both campuses. Available immediately. 304-685-9809
Bel-Cross Properties
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The Daily Athenaeum
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Signature: The Daily Athenaeum 284 Prospect St. Morgantown, WV 26506