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Texas Student Media The Daily Texan




College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers, Inc.

CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan



Never burn bridges, never blame others, never complain, and always believe in yourself and your product


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CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan

en m Letter of Recommendation om c e fR o ter t e L January 15, 2009 CNBAM Awards Committee, In nominating Charlie Moczygemba for the CNBAM Student Advertising Manager of the Year, his position with Texas Student Media and The Daily Texan has been exemplary. He has demonstrated what it is to be both a student manager and a professional advertising representative.



(512) 471-1865 (PH) (512) 471-1576 (FAX)







Charlie is an incredible role model and works so well with his peers that he became Student Advertising Director and has been performing that role since June 2008. In that position, Charlie continues to manage his account list on top of mentoring to new and current Student Advertising Representatives. He has continuously brought in new clients to maintain the monthly sales numbers, replacing those accounts that have fallen off and/or opted not to run. Speaking to special selling efforts, Charlie has lent his expertise in all things having to do with the latest computer technologies and web based programs to the sales force. During the summer, he created what is known as a “Wiki” for our advertising department. This allows the user to be more interactive. Within this Wiki, the student rep (new or old) can type in a key word that lead them to answer their questions. It is usually the case that we recruit students at various times of the year depending on our availability. At that point, we have to train them while trying to keep up with our own duties. He has answered our need of teaching the new employee in the middle of whatever is going on. After completing the Wiki, Charlie asked for our current training manual, from which he created a new Power Point training program. The training manual continuously needed updating with all the changes that take place in an environment like this. With digitizing our training manual, we now have the ability to give the newest sales rep a take-home CD they can go over at their leisure. I believe this, along with the Wiki, have put us at the cutting edge of a training program. On top of his leadership duties, he has never lost sight of what attention is needed in making his client feel comfortable while looking out for their best interest. It translates to “Relationship Sales”, which he has taken to the training of students. He led the collabrative efforts of a 3 day seminiar to be sure all student ad representatives were on the same page. This was done at the beginning of our 2009 Spring Semester, and proved to be highly successful. A “Needs Analysis” was introduced which he created to help with his platform of Relationship Sales. In conclusion, it is my sincerest wish to see Charlie Moczygemba receive the recognition beyond Texas Student Media. He has achieved honors within our own establishment, but I can only hope he will see the fruits of all his hard work by receiving the honor of CNBAM Student Advertising of the Year. Sincerely,


Brad Corbett Advertising Manager The Daily Texan

CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan


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en m om Letter of Recommendation c e fR o ter January, 25th 2009 t e CNBAM Awards Committee,L

With Great pleasure I am writing you for the nomination of Charlie Moczygemba for Student Manager of the Year. For the past year I have had the gratification of working along side Charlie here at Texas Student Media. This past year has been filled with much personal growth as a sales person and a college student, things that Charlie has truly helped me with along every step of the way.



(512) 471-1865 (PH) (512) 471-1576 (FAX)








Upon first meeting Charlie he had a swagger about him, it was a mix of confidence, knowledge, and professionalism. Admittedly, at first I felt intimidated by this great air Charlie presented himself with. However after only a few short weeks Charlie had passed that confidence on to me. He started by teaching me how to conduct a cold call, the things to say and how to present myself with confidence to clients. I credit much of my success as an Account Executive and Student Manager to the support and example Charlie has given to me. On the sales field Charlie is the one truly working for the client. He realized early on that clients enjoy speaking about themselves, hearing their name, and being treated as a person, not just another account. Charlie has never been selfish with his sales knowledge. He knows the ends and out of what he likes to call "Relationship Sales" and he made sure to share this type of knowledge with the rest of the team. In sales meetings Charlie would conduct an objections game to help us learn how to get around a clients way of telling us know. Our confidence soared and the number of call backs and meetings made a notable increase. After coming into the manager position, the right-hand person to the director, I gain a whole new respect for Charlie. He is an incredibly intelligent person, with an incomparable drive. Always filled with new ideas, Charlie seemingly a step ahead of the rest of the office. One example of this was creating a wiki to simplify training. This included creating an entire website and condensing a 300 plus page manual to fit on to this wiki. Normally you would find a person working on this for months and months, it was only weeks after Charlie presented this idea was it finished. When Charlie decides to pursue an idea, I have every faith that it will be done, especially in a timely manner. Yet one of my favorite features Charlie exhibits is how approachable he has been. At our weekly manager meetings I always felt confident in approaching Charlie with new idea or issues within the office. His support did not stop with the acceptance of new ideas, yet would empower me to make these ideas possible. However I was not the only one, he readily make himself available and enjoyed bouncing ideas around with other reps. Whether our concerns were about how to approach a new or difficult client, or how we felt towards the election, he was always open and educated about the situation. The things that make Charlie unique yet great at what he does is that he know who he is, where he is from, and what he wants out of life. Charlie is that air of confidence with a friendly grin, ready for some friendly conversation or to get right down to business. As a great comilone, Charlie can easily shift from an important business meeting with a 10,000 proposal to bettering his sales office with easier training material or incentive programs. Again, in nomination for Student Advertising Manager of the Year Charlie has the entire package and why I nominate him for this award. Thank you for your consideration,

Kathryn Abbas Account Executive--CNBAM Advisor Texas Student Media 512-4757895

CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan

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Personal Philosopy

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CNBAM Awards Committe, As a student, working at TSM has been my first professional experience in the sense that all vital components of business are represented in the daily happenings within the office. Having stayed with TSM for almost three years, I have not only learned the attributes that are needed to be a great salesman, but also the qualities necessary to be a leader of people and manage a productive team. When applying for the position, I gave our advisor staff a philosophy that I intended to stand by, and to this day, have managed to stay true to my lofty vision of an exceptional Student Director. The first component of my philosophy deals with goal-setting. I first wanted to enhance the high-energy sales atmosphere in the office. A sales office is like a firecracker warehouse. With no spark, nothing happens… but one little flame can ignite everything in the building and have explosive results. Therefore, a large portion of my job revolves around praising the account executives for doing the right things. In this fashion, account executives will begin seeing ‘work’ as a competition for advancement in the office and start applying their skill set to everyday tasks. This is important, as being a salesman is not about going through the motions, it’s about internal drive and ambition to succeed. Secondly, I wanted to assist all reps in becoming their maximum potential, as well as reward efforts that went above and far beyond the minimum required by TSM with as lavish approbations as I had the ability to use. This supplemented the growth of internal drives with material rewards. It seems at our level in the professional world, material rewards are a huge factor in driving excellence. Knowing this is the case, and that true excellence in salesmanship is derived from internal virtues, I coupled lavish praise with vouchers or temporary promotions in the office. The goal was to get the student sales team to naturally ‘want’ to go above and beyond the minimum without rewarding every extra step they took along the way with material prizes. Thirdly, I set out to make this year’s team the most effective and efficient team that has ever come through this building. I wanted us to leave our mark on TSM – a mark so high that all future teams will strive to reach it. Although the economy has slowed down our revenue streams in the national market, the student sales team, which takes care of all local accounts, has consistently been above quota. Doing so well in a recession is enough to encourage future teams to mimic our management style and sales procedures. But, we did not stop there. We completely restructured the training procedures, created online interactive websites for employees and clients alike, and invented innovative ways to push twice as many cold calls on a daily basis through our Power Hour initiative. These are all marks we have left that will be a standard for many teams in the future to follow. And finally, I wanted to have the most fun of any college media job opportunity available to UT students and in doing so, harbor an extremely valuable and memorable experience that will be carried throughout our lives. Through weekly planning of events outside of the office such as field team trips, trade events, happy hours, and encouraging everyone to become close friends in the office, we have effectively built a family rather than just a team. If present in our office on a daily basis, you would see when we aren’t on the phones, emailing, at meetings, or in class, we are sharing our lives with others and generally having a blast. These goals were set at the beginning of my stay as the Student Director. Each one has been fulfilled, and we are only a semester into the year. We are currently working to blow each goal out of the water and create a student based job opportunity that other students at UT are lined up out the door to get a chance to partake in.

Charlie Moczygemba Student Advertising Director The Daily Texan The University of Texas at Austin






JOB DESCRIPTION for Student Advertising Director • Set expectations and advise the student sales team in achieving revenue goals • Plan and attend all tri-weekly sales meetings with the goal of communicating relevant information and to establish priority sales opportunities of the Account Executives • Attend monthly board meetings • Monitor student sales goals and alert Manager of low performance • Recruit, interview, and hire students for the advertising department • Establish and enable new programs for account executives • Work with and delegate responsibility to student manager • Follow up on training checklist • Communicate with TSM student Managers and attend monthly luncheons







CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan

Sales numbers and Percentages

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Sales Jun 08 - Dec 08 $29,176.71


Quota Jun 08- Dec 08 $21,493.68 !$#)"*'&+(

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Sales Sept 07 - May 08 $26,930.34 Quota Sept 07 - May 08 $36,864.01


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Charlie’s Sales $3,050.00 36% Total Sales $8,413.75

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CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan

Things created by Charlie while at TSM

• Office Wiki Online search engine with complete Texas Student Media information www.texasstudentmedia.wetpaint.com • Power Point training preperation documents • Conceptualized and designed our client side website www.utexas.edu/tsm • Enhanced the execution selling bundled media • Payroll deduction system, holding Sales Respre sentatives more responsible • Conceptualized the marketing of TSM to the student body through other means than house advertisements, such as banners, interviews, and holding small events throughout campus

CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan


CHARLIE MOCZYGEMBA Texas Student Media The Daily Texan


Ad Manager of the Year CNBAM 2009

Dear CNBAM Judges: It is my great pleasure to write to you today to nominate Katie Feeley for the award of Ad Manager of the Year. This past semester was Katie’s fifth semester on The University Daily Kansan and her first as Promotions manager here at The Kansan. As Promotions Manager Katie’s primary responsibility is to put together events and promotions that help to build awareness of our paper. Not only did Katie brand the paper exceptionally well, she also helped increase readership, created new selling opportunities for the paper’s account executives and grew special section revenue as well. Katie began this past semester with one clear goal in mind: She wanted to create a stronger awareness of The Kansan with all students at The University of Kansas. She started this task by looking to brand the paper as best possible to our newest group of potential readers; Incoming freshmen. After KU increased its national profile with wins in both the Orange Bowl and the men’s basketball championship the University welcomed in for the Fall 2008 semester a record enrollment class. Katie worked hand in hand with the student business manager to develop a fantastic branding campaign for this group. Together they developed t-shirts, magnets and water bottles all with The Kansan logo on them. At the University’s annual “Hawk Week” event they passed these items out to close to 1,000 freshmen in bags that also included samples of numerous special sections of the paper from the past year. The same theme that was used on all of these merchandise items was carried over to the distribution boxes of the paper each day so that the freshmen were given added reminders to pick up the paper. The results were excellent as 87% of all freshmen surveyed at the end of their first semester said that they picked up the paper at least once a week. Now the paper has the opportunity to hang onto these readers through their entire time here at the university. It is in the area of event marketing where Katie has also demonstrated superior skills. She has worked hand in hand to organize a partnership at a local dance club, “Abe and Jakes” for both a “Back to School” party as well as a party in conjunction with the publication of the paper’s CNBAM award-winning special section, “Sex on the Hill”. For both of the events Katie branded The Kansan all throughout the club in the form of posters, banners, give-aways and contests as well as offering copies of The Kansan’s special sections to students. Both events were very well attended drawing crowds of close to a 1,000 students each time all of which were exposed to constant branding of The Kansan throughout the night. In addition Katie has also carried this concept over on a smaller scale to smaller advertisers. A perfect example of this in a new restaurant called “Angler’s Roost”. Katie worked with both the client and their account executive to find ways to promote the restaurant on campus to students through a table she set up in a high traffic area outside the student union. In return the restaurant allowed the paper to promote itself heavily at its grand opening which was attended by hundreds of students and faculty alike. This easily demonstrated the power of the paper to the client who went on to spend over $5,000 in advertising over the course of the semester. One of the most marketable commodities at KU are its sports teams. Katie found a fantastic way to associate and brand the paper with football when a rep approached her one day in regards to a local sport’s bar/ restaurant named Jo Shmo’s. The client was facing difficult financial times as they struggled to draw students into their bar on a regular basis after being open for 8 months. Katie recognized an opportunity for both the client and the paper and worked wit the account executive to make the bar into a watch party site for televised away games of Kansas football. The paper would promote the party across campus at its distribution boxes and through a tradeout advertising schedule with the account in return for opportunity to brand itself at the event. The promotion was an immediate success when it was kicked off for the September 12th Kansas-South Florida game. The bar was at capacity a half hour before the game with over 400 students. Every student who attended the game was given shirts and merchandise with the Kansan’s logo on it and at the same time they registered to win poster-

sized replicas of famous sports covers from The Kansan’s past. Through Katie’s hard work the bar has overcome its difficult financial times as many of the students who attended the watch party and discovered the bar for the first time have now become regulars. The Kansan will look to carry this promotion over into the Spring of 2009 with basketball watch parties this time. In addition to increasing readership for our paper and revenue for our account executives Katie has helped to forge partnerships with other entities around campus. As mentioned earlier the Kansas athletics department has an incredibly visible national presence currently. The athletic department approached Katie about putting together a promotion for a Game day shirt that would be worn by both students and alumni alike with a long term goal of 100,000 sold per year with the proceeds going towards student scholarships. Katie engineered a promotion where the student body as a whole would be given the opportunity to both solicit new slogans and vote on those slogans through a special page designed on www.kansan.com. This promotion generated over 300 entries for slogans and over 1,000 votes for the top 5 slogans. It also has helped strengthen the paper’s relationship not only with the athletic department but with the student body as a whole as those who submitted the top 5 slogans were all awarded with prizes. The end result of Katie’s fine work has been tremendous for The Kansan. Through her perseverance she has helped restore faith in the paper’s ability to old advertisers, demonstrated its power to newer advertisers, kept us top of the mind with students across campus and increased readership as these numerous promotions and branding opportunities have helped lowered return rates from 11% last year at this time to 7% this year. Katie’s blend of creativity, personality and work ethic has made all of this possible. She has helped to open up new pockets of revenue for The Kansan and help keep things stable during uncertain times for both the industry and for the national economy as well. She is a true role model for others in this industry with similar aspirations and absolutely deserving of this award. Sincerely, Jon Schlitt Sales and Marketing Adviser The University Daily Kansan

Dear CNBAM Judges: After two years of sales and management experience shared with Katie Feeley, I am so proud to recommend Ms. Feeley as Advertising Manager of the Year. Throughout my two years working alongside Katie Feeley, we have seen managers come and go, and positions on staff remain the same as they had been in semesters before. At The Kansan, we believe in leaving a legacy when you leave. Whether or not an account rep or manager does this is rare, but I can say for sure that when Katie Feeley leaves The Kansan, she will have left her legacy. To say that Ms. Feeley redefined the position of Promotions Manager this semester is an understatement. She made it her own by setting goals she wanted to achieve before the semester even began. She branded The Kansan with a record-setting enrollment with KU freshmen before the first day of class. She created a crosspromotion with an advertiser who sent The Kansan a desperate email begging us to help him keep his business alive, and therefore saved his business from closing down due to their partnered success. She built upon earlier successes of cross-promotions with clients, only to continue to break records earlier in the semester. She researched successes at other universities, in which the college newspaper generated $600,000 in revenue from a promotion, and created her own twist on the idea, creating the most successful T-shirt promotion KU students and The Kansan had ever witnessed. But most of all, Katie Feeley translated a passion for our organization, helping the clients, teaching her successes to others on staff and thinking outside the box to generate new revenue for The Kansan, and that is why Katie Feeley has truly earned this national award. To say that the fall 2008 semester produced the most successful semester as far as promotions and event marketing for The Kansan is again, an understatement. Under Katie Feeley’s relentless drive and dedication, every promotion she did broke records—both in attendance, sales and for the client’s businesses! Katie’s first record-breaking promotion began as an idea partnered with the Business Manager. The two worked on a plan to better brand The Kansan with the freshmen for the next four years by passing out Kansan merchandise, such as T-shirts, magnets, our Insider’s Guide and Men’s National Championship magazine and water bottles during a very opportune event—Hawk Week. Hawk Week is an annual event for brand-new freshmen to get to know what KU has to offer a little better. The event was so successful that freshmen were in lines by the hundreds, and were desperately waiting to grab the Kansan merchandise. The final result was branding The Kansan for the next four years with KU’s thousands of freshmen students. This event was an opportunity never before achieved, and an opportunity Katie Feeley realized as one we cannot pass up, so that we can make The Kansan the best it can be. In the summer of 2008, The Kansan received an email from a new business, Jo Shmo’s, a client who was literally begging The Kansan for help because he was scared to death his business was going under, after investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into its start-up. He knew The Kansan was vital in reaching students, but he needed to see results. A former client of Katie’s, she knew his business well and garnered an idea to brand Jo Shmo’s with the passion of KU students—Kansas football. Once again Katie seized an opportunity never before realized, and created a campaign centered around “Away Game Watch Parties at Jo Shmo’s.” By offering to go on client meetings with Jo Shmos’ rep, and brainstorming advertising messages together, Katie and Jake, Jo Shmo’s Kansan rep, ran a steady stream of ads highly targeted toward KU sports and bar lovers. In addition to the goal of bringing success for the client, Katie thought outside the box to better brand the Kansan by passing out our merchandise and shelf-life magazines to students. The result of the promotion nearly left the client in tears, drawing in record-attendance on Away games, with more than 400 students buying Jo Shmo’s products and The Kansan’s merchandise.

I had a special relationship with Katie Feeley this semester as we partnered together to cross-promote my biggest client, Abe and Jake’s, a local dance club, and The Kansan. The goal of the cross-promotion was again to draw record-breaking results for our client, and again to better brand The Kansan to the students. We worked together for Abe and Jake’s Back-to-School bash and “Sex on the Hill” release party with an advertising campaign and promotion of The Kansan at Abe and Jake’s. Katie took over an enormous stress for me, by making the promotions her own, but letting me work on my side with my client. She hung up Kansan banners all across Abe and Jake’s, a venue that holds more than 750 students. She hung up Kansan posters, passed out prizes, organized contests to involve students and passed out goodie bags filled with Kansan products as students were leaving the venue both nights. Not only did these events present extra selling opportunities for the Kansan, and even helped the staff to break a record for revenue for “Sex on the Hill,” but the event took advantage of opportunities to get in front of thousands and students and created an even stronger bond with an advertiser we work so closely with. Katie really produced a belief in The Kansan’s ad staff, that with a big idea and relentless hard work to see the idea through, The Kansan can work for any client. In addition to creating extra selling opportunities for the reps, branding The Kansan in ways never achieved before, and breaking records for our clients, Katie Feeley is a leader we all look up to on staff. If I or anyone on staff ever needed a good idea, Katie is the person to approach, and she will gladly drop whatever she is doing to help out. She always made herself available to go on client meetings and help out on staff, and really turned herself into a valuable resource and mentor to students on staff. Katie’s passion and enthusiasm for her work and The Kansan is really contagious, and she always demonstrates a positive attitude that is just as contagious. I can say that Katie is one of my best friends on staff, and there have been many times that it was the awesome ideas, selflessness to help and availability to just sit and chit-chat, that helped keep me motivated through the struggles of being a manager on the best college newspaper in the country (awarded at CNBAM, 2006-2007). Katie is an awesome friend and invaluable resource on The Kansan and again, I am so proud to recommend her for the award on Advertising Manager of the Year. Katie’s passion and work ethic have proved to me, without a doubt, that she is the one for this award. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Laura Vest

Dear CNBAM Committee: Thank you for reviewing my nomination for the Ad Manager of the Year Award at CNBAM. I want to share with you my management philosophy and why I deserve this award. For the past five semesters I have been blessed with the opportunity to work for the prestigious University Daily Kansan. An opportunity that over a hundred students apply for each semester in hopes of filling the few spots that are open. With that being said, since my very first semester on staff I have given The Kansan everything I have inside me to give by pushing myself harder than I ever have in my entire life. For four semesters on staff I did sales and in my fifth this past semester I tried my hand at Promotions Manager. I absolutely loved sales and had tremendous successes at it personally and for my clients as well, but I decided I wanted to push myself even more. The Promotions Manager position at the time was a position that wasn’t thought of as an extremely important one on staff. I was in a significant role of Zone Manger managing my own sales team to their personal successes and a big leader on staff. I knew I was taking a risk leaving the Zone Manager position for one that may have been viewed as a “step down” by my co-workers, but I knew I was up to the challenge. I had a vision of completely revamping the position from the ground up in terms of not only the image it held, but the job responsibilities and involvement it had with the staff. I set my goals extremely high and knew it would be my hardest semester on staff yet, but it was through this past semester that I learned the meaning of the cliché saying, “you can do anything you put your mind to”. I started the Fall semester off by setting goals for myself of things I wanted to achieve and ideas in which I wanted to be innovative. I had a white dry erase board on my desk from the first day of the semester until the very last day, it had the same exact list of goals I had set for the position, myself, and the staff. I had items on this list that ranged from a partnership event with MTV Networks to a promotion as small as passing out University Daily Kansan magnets, water bottles, and t-shirts on campus. Although some of the items on my list were thought of as far fetch by others and unexplored territory for our organization, I knew no matter what I would achieve them and surprise everyone just as I did. I have the relentless work ethic for myself, and those that I manage that won’t let me stop until success is achieved. I’m the type of person that you will always want playing on your “team” and never against you, because trust me I don’t stop until I succeed. My entire semester as Promotions Manager was dedicated to growing The Kansan in very different areas that in turn would make us stronger as a whole. I wanted to brand the paper exceptionally well, help increase readership, create new selling opportunities for the paper’s account executives, host a large spectrum of special events in partnership with advertisers, and grow special section revenue as well. I set the bar high for myself, but I knew it was the only way to achieve what I wanted to for the position, myself, and The Kansan. The first place I wanted to start branding The Kansan was even before the start of the actual school year. After wins in both the Orange Bowl and the men’s basketball championship the University welcomed in for the Fall 2008 semester a record enrollment class. I came up with an incredible branding campaign that included t-shirts, magnets and water bottles all with The Kansan logo on them. We passed everything out at the University’s annual “Hawk Week” event to over 1,000 freshmen. The goal of this was to invest in our potential readers for the next four years by making them familiar with The Kansan, the brand, and what we have to offer them. The branding event was a huge success with lines down the block for Kansan merchandise and it paid off tenfold for The Kansan. 87% of all freshmen surveyed at the end of their first semester said that they picked up the paper at least once a week, a remarkable number to achieve in readership with freshmen. Overall through my branding throughout the semester I helped lower return rates of papers at our distribution sites from 11% last year at this time to 7% this year.

I continued on my path of branding through creating an event that would offer students something we never have before. A local sport’s bar/ restaurant named Jo Shmo’s was facing difficult financial times as they struggled to draw students into their bar on a regular basis. I saw this as an opportunity to not only save a business, but I saw an incredible avenue for branding. With a huge win in the Orange Bowl last year, KU had a lot of buzz around football going into the season, which meant students would be watching more games. I approached Jo Shmo’s with a written proposal of “ Away Game Watch Parties” we could host together that would benefit both of us. The promotion was an immediate success, kicked off for the September 12th KansasSouth Florida game the bar was at capacity a half hour before the game with over 400 students. All the students who attended the event were given shirts and merchandise with the Kansan’s logo on it. Since the watch parties the bar has overcome difficult financial times as many of the students who attended the watch party and discovered the bar for the first time have now become regulars. In fact it was so successful that we already signed a contract with the bar to carry the promotion over into the Spring of 2009 with basketball watch parties. Watch parties were a great success, but I also wanted The Kansan to offer something to students to participate in that maybe weren’t the stereotypical social college student. I came up with a promotion where the student body as a whole would come up with a new game day shirt that would be created, voted on, and sold in stores across town. The students were given the opportunity to both solicit new slogans and vote on those slogans through a special page designed on www.kansan.com. The promotion generated over 300 entries for slogans and over 1,000 votes for the top 5 slogans. It helped strengthen the paper’s relationship with the student body, drive traffic to www.kansan.com, and as a whole the response was remarkable for only a two-week contest. In the area of event marketing I was able to display the magnitude of my skills and passion for The Kansan on a larger scale. I worked hand in hand to organize a partnership at a local dance club called Abe and Jakes for both a “Back to School” party as well as a party in conjunction with the publication of the paper’s CNBAM awardwinning special section, “Sex on the Hill”. For both of the events I was able to brand The Kansan all throughout the club in the form of posters, banners, prizes, contests and offering copies of The Kansan’s special sections to students. Both events produced an unheard of attendance by students, drawing crowds of over a 1,000 students each time with lines down the block. It was through the power of The Kansan that I was able to produce those results for one of our biggest advertisers. After the huge success with “Abe and Jakes”, I knew I had power with the students. I wanted to translate this over into helping other businesses. A perfect example of this is a new restaurant called “Angler’s Roost”. After success of my events began to circulate around town with business owners, I was approached about doing an entire restaurant grand opening event. I was slightly nervous to have an entire businesses grand opening resting on my shoulders, but knew I could do it. It was attended by hundreds of students and faculty alike, with lines down the street. This was able to demonstrate the power of the paper to a client who went on to spend over $5,000 in advertising over the course of the semester. I have a passion for my organization that is undeniable, skills are something that can be taught but having the drive for success is a gift in itself. I know that through the successes I’ve achieved at The Kansan I’m leaving a legacy behind that will be remembered. Like I said before, through The Kansan I have truly learned the meaning of the cliché saying, “You can do anything you put your mind to”. That drive I have for my personal success, my co-workers, and my organization will be with me for the rest of my life. It is through my hard work and dedication to The University Daily Kansan that I would be honored to win Ad Manager of the Year! Thank you for reviewing my nomination and this opportunity. Sincerely, Katie Feeley


The University Daily Kansan hosted a back to school bash for the students in Fall of 2008. The event was at a venue that allowed students 18 and older to attend so we were able to brand to the freshmen as well. The event had Kansan banners hung up all over the club for branding to new students as well as returning ones, distribution of t-shirts with The Kansan logo on them, magnets, water bottles, one-hundred dollars given away to a student won through a raffle, and copies of the “Back to School� issue of The Kansan. The event was a HUGE success, with over a thousand students in attendance it was a great way to kick off the school year!


After wins in both the Orange Bowl and the men’s basketball championship the University welcomed in for the Fall 2008 semester a record enrollment class. I came up with a incredible branding campaign that included t-shirts, magnets and water bottles all with The Kansan logo on them. We passed everything out at the University’s annual “Hawk Week” event to over 1,000 freshmen. The goal of this was to invest in our potential readers for the next four years by making them familiar with The Kansan, the brand, and what we have to offer them. The branding event was a huge success with lines down the block for Kansan merchandise and it paid off for The Kansan. 87% of all freshmen surveyed at the end of their first semester said that they picked up the paper at least once a week, a remarkable number to achieve in readership with freshmen. Overall through my branding through out the semester I helped lowered return rates from 11% last year at this time to 7% this year.


I continued on my path of branding through creating an event that would offer students something we never have had before. A local sport’s bar/ restaurant named Jo Shmo’s was facing difficult financial times as they struggled to draw students into their bar on a regular basis. I saw this as an opportunity to not only save a business but an incredible idea for a branding. With a huge win in the Orange Bowl last year, KU had a lot of buzz around football going into the season, which meant students would be watching games more. The promotion was an immediate success, kicked off for the September 12th Kansas-South Florida game the bar was at capacity a half hour before the game with over 400 students. All the students who attended were given shirts and merchandise with the Kansan’s logo on it. Since the watch parties the bar has overcome difficult financial times as many of the students who attended the watch parties discovered the bar for the first time and have now become regulars. In fact it was so successful that we already signed a contract with the bar to carry the promotion over into the spring of 2009 with basketball watch parties.


Once the contest was over we kicked off an extremely successful marketing campaign for the sale of “The Shirt”. With so much buzz around the contest on campus we wanted to make sure we took advantage of that and hit the ground running with the sales campaign. We ran these advertisements in the paper frequently, had them on televisions in the union, framed posters in the union, on all 33 KU buses around campus, on www.kansan.com, and in Allen Fieldhouse our basketball stadium as the shirt was available for purchase there. The campaign has been very successful and is continuing on into next semester in order to continue to market the shirt to the students. It has even been seen on ESPN being worn by students all over the stadium!


KATHRYN ELIZABETH FEELEY 1122 Kentucky Lawrence, Kansas 66044 kfeeley@kansan.com (847) 922-5388 Objective: To obtain a full-time career in the advertising industry applying my experience, dedication, team

building skills and aggressiveness to learn. EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence, KS May 2009 Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Minor in Business Coursework • Advertising, Marketing, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship and Journalism

EXPERIENCE University Daily Kansan Promotions/Special Events Manager

08/08 – Present Lawrence, KS Planned and executed event in conjunction with local advertiser to promote special section, event hit capacity of 800+ people within 75 minutes, sold thousands of dollars in sponsorships including national client Budweiser • Branded and marketed the paper to over 4,000 freshmen through merchandise and product awareness, outreach to new client/student base • Worked in partnership with KU Athletics, Alumni Association and The Kansas Union to coordinate a promotion/sales strategy for the new official “game day/traditions shirt”, along with negotiating sales contracts with vendors • Increased readership by lowering return rates by 4 percent through marketing and promotions Zone Manager 01/08 - 05/08 Lawrence, KS • Developed strategic advertising campaigns for over 30 clients • Generated $42, 471 in revenue for the semester, 118% to goal • Held largest account on staff and generated $20,300, 120% to goal • Managed a team of 4 account executives who generated $129,648 in revenue for the semester, 106% to goal • Held weekly zone meetings, monthly one-on-ones, and developed sales incentives to motivate my team Account Executive 01/07 - 12/07 Lawrence, KS • Established campaigns built on clients’ needs analysis and strategies • Generated $22, 200 in revenue for year, 111% to goal • Generated $10,200 in new business revenue through 5 accounts •

Chicago Agent Magazine Internship • • •

06/06 - 08/06

Provided account management and weekly communication for over 30 clients Carried out weekly sales projects, campaigns, and attended weekly creative development meetings Attended 10 industry events in networking for the magazine

University of Kansas Women’s Traveling Club Soccer President • • •

Chicago, IL

08/06 - 11/08

Lawrence, KS

Responsible for budgeting $15,000 into tournaments, traveling, coaches, and uniforms Organized and hosted 3 fundraising events that generated $5,200 for club Provided leadership for 20 women on the team, played on team August 2004-November 2004

Obsession Chicago Marketing & Promotions Assistant

05/04 – 08/07

Chicago, IL

Assisted with creating concepts and brand awareness for events at several high-end nightclubs and hotels Partial Client List: Hyatt Regency Chicago Hotel, Enclave, Reserve, Bacchus, W Lakeshore Hotel Assisted the clients, sponsors, venue and entertainment with full event production

• • • • • • •

Nominated for Ad Manager of the Year, College Newspaper Business Advertising Managers Inc, November 2008 Chosen for College Newspaper Business Advertising Managers Conference, University Daily Kansan, October 2008 Manager of the Month, University Daily Kansan, September 2008 Member of Best College Newspaper, College Newspaper Business Advertising Managers Inc, 2008 Member of Best Advertising Staff of the Year, College Newspaper Business Advertising Managers Inc, 2007, 2008 Member of Kansan “K Club”, November 2007, only 16 ever admitted for exceptional sales performance Account Executive of the Month, October, November 2007

• •


KATHERINE E.C. PITT 532 W. Eugenie Street, Chicago, IL 60614. 312.593.1548. kpitt99@gmail.com

EDUCATION University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Strategic Communication emphasis Minor in Communications Studies Graduation date: May 2008 GPA: 3.68 Consortium Institute for Management and Business Analysis (CIMBA), Undergraduate Study Abroad Program Paderno del Grappa, Italy Spring semester, 2007

EXPERIENCE Media Transasia Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand, June 2008 - July 2008 Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia magazine, Intern • Strategized and established business development prospects in domestic and international markets • Wrote, designed and implemented an online survey targeted to readers throughout Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Macau, Philippines, Burma, Cambodia, Brunei and Laos to analyze lifestyle habits, generate magazine feedback and gain a greater understanding of spending power and the Southeast Asian market base • Wrote and formatted a newsletter distributed to current and prospective advertisers to increase magazine awareness The University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, Kansas, May 2006 – May 2008 Sales Manager • Continuously trained a staff of 34 managers, account executives, graphic designers, classified sales representatives, and online programmers to surpass semester quota of more than $650,000 • Created client lists and revenue goals for sales staff using more than 500 local and national clients • Conducted a week-long sales training program involving interactive sessions on objection handling, campaign development techniques and other valuable sales tools Senior Advertising Account Executive • Motivated and coached a five-person sales team to achieve its monthly quota of more than $20,000 • Managed semester sales quota of $27,000 • Generated more than $5,000 in new business revenue in September 2007 Advertising Account Executive • Achieved semester sales quota of more than $11,000 • Contributed to achievement of record-breaking team semester sales quota of more than $420,000 Rapport Leadership International, Paderno del Grappa, Italy, January 2007 Leadership Breakthrough 1 Certificate • Completed rigorous, three-day leadership training program • Developed leadership strategy and business values through intense feedback and evaluation Headmasters Salon, Lawrence, Kansas, September 2005 – May 2008 Salon Coordinator • Balanced salon expenses and monitored inventory • Maintained customer relations

ACTIVITIES AND HONORS College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers, Inc. (CNBAM) • Manager of the Year (2009), Nominee • Business and Advertising Student Staff of the Year (2007, 2008) [Awarded to The University Daily Kansan] • Best College Newspaper of the Year (2008) [Awarded to The University Daily Kansan] The University Daily Kansan • Manager of the Month (February 2008) • Senior Account Executive of the Month (October 2007) • Account Executive of the Month (August 2006) Kepner-Tregoe Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Certification (March 2007) Public Relations Student Society of America (September 2004 – May 2008) University of Kansas Honor Roll (January 2005 – May 2008) National Dean’s List (January 2005 – May 2008) National Society of Collegiate Scholars (January 2005 – May 2008) Golden Key International Honour Society (January 2005 – May 2008) Traveled to more than 35 states and 20 foreign countries across three continents

Dear CNBAM Judges, It is my great pleasure to write to you today to nominate Katy Pitt for the award of Ad Sales Manager of the Year. The spring semester of 2008 was Katy’s final semester on staff at the University Daily Kansan and she went out with a bang as she helped to oversee the largest semester in the history of The Kansan as the paper finished at $22,504.51 over the same semester for 2007. One of the first things that one notices about Katy is her enthusiasm. Katy possesses a lust for life that is both genuine and infectious. When one spends time around Katy it is difficult to come away in a bad mood. As sales manager of The Kansan she was directly responsible for the sales activities of three zone managers and twelve account executives. One year prior in the Spring of 2007 after several down years in a row The Kansan had posted a gain of $161,000 over the previous year resulting in the biggest semester in the history of the paper but also meaning that the sales staff for the Spring of 2008 were faced with daunting sales goals as they had to work to meet these numbers. In addition for the Fall of 2007 the Kansan had posted a $90,000 gain over the same year prior meaning that the paper as a whole was riding a tremendous wave of momentum that Katy vowed from the day she was interviewed for her position to keep moving forward in a positive direction. Complicating this intimidating task however was the fact that Katy’s three zone managers were brand new in their positions and that over half of the core account executives were rookies in their positions as well. Katy’s can-do attitude helped to provide this raw yet talented team with motivation and direction every single day. No quota in front of them was impossible to overcome and she constantly went out of her way to spend time with account executives and zone managers alike to help them solve the problems they were facing. She knew their client lists from top to bottom, understood and in many cases anticipated the obstacles they were facing in reaching their goals. And every day Katy kept on top on how The Kansan as whole was tracking towards goal. She took all of this knowledge and was able to help as many account executives as possible achieve their goals each month mostly through relating her own experiences from when she was an account executive to help them make the transition as easy as she did. Rather than just tell someone how to do something she worked to teach them to gain these skills so they could evolve in their jobs as quickly as possible. If she noticed that the staff seemed to be slipping in their motivation she would quickly brainstorm with her adviser and the management staff on effective incentives to put the staff back on track. Sometimes this would be something as simple as a cash bonus to the top seller on a special section or sometimes it would be something as large as a Friday night group outing to help bond the entire staff together. Katy’s ability to motivate quickly translated over into sales at The Kansan. This is most clearly demonstrated in her ability to work as a team with the student business manager to get the staff onboard for special sections sales. The staff started off with a bang by almost doubling the sales into The Kansan’s CNBAM award-winning “Sex on the Hill” special section in early February. Katy challenged the reps to sell out the Kansas basketball poster series before the spring semester had begun and increased revenue by 145% in the process. She also worked with editorial to spur sales for a special “Green” section they wished to publish related to environmental consciousness. And when KU won the men’s basketball championship Katy


worked with the staff as in less than four days they sold over $21,000 in incremental revenue into a glossy commemorative section of the championship season. All in all Katy’s efforts resulted in an increase of 163% for special section sales alone. The Kansan has been an environment of great innovation in the last year and Katy played a key role in many of these advancements. Sometimes this would be on items as small as working out new incentive plans for the account executives, converting the Kansan’s standard NCAA men’s basketball tournament brackets into a campus-wide contest and finally helping to create pioneering new products altogether such as the aforementioned glossy commemorative Basketball championship section. Another of Katy’s best qualities is her ability to be a team player. It is clichéd but true for me to say that with Katy there is no “I” only her being a part of a greater team. Throughout the Spring 2008 semester the Kansan’s student business manager had to miss a fair amount of time due to health concerns. Katy aptly stepped in whenever needed to help fill the business manager’s shoes. Sometimes this would mean running a staff meeting alone or sometimes it would mean filling both her own role and the business manager’s role for days at a time. Katy did so on every occasion with limitless energy and enthusiasm to ensure that The Kansan would lose none of its momentum. Katy is inquisitive as well constantly asking not only her advisers but her peers as well as many questions as possible so that she could understand not only The Kansan but the newspaper industry as a whole better and thus perform her job at the highest level possible. She also balanced both school and her position at the paper tremendously well, spending many a late night to make sure she fulfilled her obligations to both. When all was said and done under Katy’s time as sales manager The Kansan enjoyed it’s most successful semester in its hundred plus years. I can say with utter confidence that this success would not have even been remotely possible had it not been for her endless enthusiasm, intelligence and devotion to her job. She is easily one of the most skilled managers who has ever worked here at The Kansan but also one of the best manager’s I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with in my eleven years in the industry. For all of these reasons I feel that she is truly worthy of this prestigious honor. Sincerely, Jon Schlitt Sales and Marketing Adviser The University Daily Kansan


To Whom It May Concern: It is with great pleasure that I recommend Katy Pitt for CNBAM’s Advertising Manager of the Year award. In my three years at the University Daily Kansan, I learned that I tended to take the most ownership over the positions on staff that I had recently vacated. I used a critical eye to judge my successors to compare their strategies and tactics and see how the results they generated compared to my successes or failures, primarily to learn what I could have done better. The most humbling lesson for me came when Katy Pitt stepped into the role of Sales Manager two semesters after I held the position. Katy essentially taught me that there is a reason and a specific strategy behind the decisions that lead to triumphs. There are certain formulas that can create an ultimately perfect financial quarter—or semester, in a college newspaper’s case. Katy showed me that a major contributor towards a successful revenue achievement revolves around timing—the economy, events happening in that particular city, etc—and capitalizing on the opportunities that these events can create. It was through Katy’s guidance as an extraordinary manager and teacher during her semester as Sales Manager of the Kansan that the sales staff achieved its highest profit margin in the paper’s modern history. The first role of the Kansan Sales Manager is to assign clients to the sales representatives. Katy approached this task with an incredible amount of strategy that I had never thought to apply when doing this same undertaking a year prior. She examined the client’s spending habits over the course of multiple semesters and analyzed their specific ad buys and campaigns before assigning them to a rep whom could help their business achieve more. The client-to-sales representative matches that she made inspired an incredible confidence not only in our sales representatives, but also in our clients who became excited again to work with new people and try new products. Katy’s tactful approach to client list-making was only the beginning of what led to the staff’s biggest achievements. It is important to note here first, that the University of Kansas Jayhawks won the NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship, and second, that without much of Katy’s guidance that could have meant nothing to the Kansan. The most important lesson that Katy taught me and the sales staff revolves around not being afraid to ask for a big sale—something that even as I reside in the newspaper industry I still have trouble with. She helped us look at the situation happening in Lawrence, Kansas revolving around the Final Four and the Championship in terms of dollars, and helped us to realize the mindsets that our clients were in. Katy helped us instill a sense of urgency to be a part of something big when planning sales strategies to pitch clients larger campaigns and new products. Thanks to Katy’s assistance in being confident with our products and pitches, the days of celebratory 3x5 ads turned to full-page full colors congratulating the Jayhawks through the medium that we all knew had the best chance of reaching them.


As an Advertising Manager, Katy challenged her staff to think bigger and to capitalize on the opportunities around them to turn those occasions into dollars. She has been an invaluable teacher to me and everyone else she has managed, and is the definition of what an advertising manager should be. Again, I highly recommend Katy for the Advertising Manager of the Year. Thank you for your consideration. Please let me know if I can provide any further information. Sincerely, Jackie Schaffer National Sales Coordinator E.W. Scripps 9721 Sherrill Blvd Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 560-3501


Management Philosophy Synergism is defined as: a joint action in which the total effect is greater than the sum of their efforts when acting independently (Rapport Leadership International, 2007, p.3). As sales manager for the spring 2008 semester, my vision for The University Daily Kansan was to create a stronger more cohesive organization through the further development of products with enhanced content and a synergistic staff that strives towards higher levels of excellence. I worked with the other managers to create a working environment that was extremely motivational and encouraged open communication. People were encouraged to take chances and experiment with new ideas such as the Sex on the Hill release party or asking for a big sale. Synergism was established as the staff worked off of each other to create higher sales numbers and bigger campaign ideas. On the first day of training, I expressed my management philosophy, “You report to me but I work for you.” My emphasis was to communicate the importance of teamwork, for team effort creates a far greater output than individual. Innovation, communication and compassion are the core business values I employed to empower the staff to succeed the largest sales quota in Kansan history. By the end of the semester, the staff generated a record-breaking $654,600.97 (more than $22,500 over the 2007 spring semester). Facing intimidating numbers as the economy was beginning to fall posed a difficult challenge. Old ideas of success didn’t cut it. I worked with the business manager to create an interactive training program that taught managers and sales reps to be growth and result-oriented and most importantly, to listen to clients and be open minded to change and innovative ideas. Much innovation came from the translation of the excitement for the University of Kansas men’s basketball success into sales motivation. It is important to note that the men’s basketball team won the 2008 NCAA National Championship. From the beginning of the semester, management took immediate action to pioneer new, high-quality products to meet the demand of consumers, create value for advertisers and sales opportunity. Such products included championship t-shirts, basketball posters, Kansan and advertiser sponsored watch parties, a glossy commemorative basketball championship section and converting the Kansan’s standard NCAA men’s basketball tournament brackets into a campus-wide contest that resulted in hundreds of participants. The staff continuously sold clients that previously ran 3x5 ads into ½ and full-page success stories in a variety of products. Motivation throughout the semester and the encouragement to finish strong was achieved using a series of rewards including staff recognition, positive reinforcement, and bonuses and staff events. Reps channeled their pride into sales success of products such as the “Green” Issue, promoting environmental consciousness and “Sex on the Hill.” The CNBAM award-winning special section “Sex on the Hill,” February edition, was almost double that of last year. One of the most innovative moments came from the launch of www.Kansansales.com. This website established a new stream of revenue by allowing Kansan products available for purchase to the general public. It resulted in tremendous success during its first semester (spring 2008), generating more than $18,380 in revenue. Kansansales.com makes it possible for Kansan products to penetrate an audience beyond the student body. The website was created from a partnership with the Kansas Union and is linked from the Kansas Union Bookstore. Now prospective students, alums and those outside the University are exposed to Kansan products,


while creating a higher top-of-mind awareness for the Kansan as well. By the end of the semester, innovative products and the further development of existing products resulted in an increase of more than 160 percent for special section sales alone. As sales manager, tracking numbers is a prime responsibility. However, I prefer to focus more on ideas and relationships than numbers. This is where communication and compassion are essential. From the beginning of the semester, the numbers were intimidating, especially for the rookies. I worked closely with the managers and each rep to encourage campaign ideas and enhance relationships with clients. My mantra was, “if you build the relationship and sell the idea, the numbers follow.” Communicating to a staff of 34 different personalities was quite the challenge. My semester revolved around weekly meetings with managers and reps to gain a greater understanding of each individual and learn the motivational factors, challenges, and successes of each. This was my favorite time because it allowed me to problem solve, whether it be a campaign idea or in more personal matters. I saw the potential in every person on staff and worked to help them realize their potential. The compassion and rapport I established with the staff allowed me to learn exactly how to motivate and challenge each person to strengthen their sales ability. The University Daily Kansan is a learning ground, where students come to learn, grow and discover who they are and achieve potential. This occurs by learning to take action to problem solve. I firmly believe that one is not a true “addie” (advertising representative) until he or she has hit a brick wall where the worst situation is exposed and one feels vulnerable and frustrated. It is at this point that one is presented with two options: the first is the challenge of learning to overcome the wall, the second, is to simply walk away. Those that choose to overcome the wall emerge as stronger and more confident “addies.” In my tenure on staff, I’ve endured a fair share of brick walls. Experience taught me to be quick to take action, problem solve and maintain a positive attitude. There is no greater feeling than encouraging and assisting an addie to overcome his or her own brick wall and watching him or her rejoice in that success. My proudest moments came from watching the staff experience achievement. Such as one female rep, who joined the staff as a shy Freshman. I saw in her immense potential and challenged her to go above and beyond. She finally rejoiced in her potential after she sold a full-page, full color ad to a national client. Another moment came in April, when three staff members (two of which were struggling rookies and one in her second semester on staff) were recognized into the prestigious “K” club, a rare and monumental award given to those who achieve a commission paycheck of $1,000 or more for an individual month. The passion I exude for The University Daily Kansan runs from the cutting-edge content to the remarkably talented individuals that devote their time and effort each day. The Kansan has served as the student voice since 1904. This rich history is a part of the importance to me and every member of the Kansan staff. The immense pride for this organization stems from the sense of ownership that is held by each member on staff. This sense of ownership motivated me to create and encourage lasting achievement among the staff. The Kansan exudes a tradition of excellence. Innovation, communication and compassion work to enrich this tradition and strengthen it for the future. It is for these reasons that it would be an honor to receive Advertising Manager of the Year. This award would not only represent my success, but the success of The University Daily Kansan as a whole.


APPENDIX Sales Manager Job Description: Assist the Ad Director in managing a team of 34 account executives, senior account executives, classified account executives, zone managers, graphic designers and Web programmers. Strategically assign more than 500 local and national clients to twenty sales people for the spring 2008 semester. Conduct a weeklong sales training program involving interactive sessions on objection handling, campaign development techniques and other valuable sales tools. Motivate the sales team to exceed semester goal of more than $620,000 through incentives, recognition and competitions. Develop innovative new products and enhance current products to drive revenue and boost sales for The University Daily Kansan.

Revenue Comparison 2007-2008 2007 January













May Total Revenue






Special Section Revenue Sex on the Hill, Feb. Edition Apartment Guides







Basketball Poster Series



Basketball Bracket 2008 NCAA National Champs. Special Section



Total Revenue






January 21, 2009

Dear CNBAM Voting Committee,

Last spring, I put R.T. Conwell in a difficult position. I asked him to go from being a peer to leading his co-workers. There is a delicate balance that comes with such a task and he was up for it! I would like to nominate R.T. Conwell for the Advertising Manager of the Year award. R.T. was already working in OU Student Media when I came back to the department as a professional adviser. R.T. was one employee who stood out immediately. He spent all his time between classes in the office, had a great rapport with his customers and his sales numbers were at the top each month. It was clear that R.T. was a natural leader. Along with two co-workers, he applied for the manager role and impressed a panel of three professional staff members and the outgoing sales manager. R.T. had also been working at Chili’s for over 6 years and knew that he wanted to grow in a role that would give him more professional experience. In April 2008, R.T. resigned from his server/trainer role at Chili’s and stepped into his new title in Student Media as advertising manager. In order to prepare for his new role, R.T. asked to work with the previous advertising manager for two months prior to his predecessor’s graduation. Since his predecessor had “senioritis,” it was up to R.T. to figure out what he needed to learn. R.T. was handed the reins and learned via trial by fire. He used this time to ask questions about how things had been done before and determine what he could do better. He asked many questions of the professional staff to learn all he could about the right way to do his job. He learned a great deal about what is required and expected of him, both from the professional staff and from the people he manages. R.T. has done an incredible job of balancing his schoolwork and Student Media duties. He has worked to bridge the gap between the newsroom and advertising staffs. R.T. has done his best to be as accommodating as possible to the requests of the newsroom. He has asked for the editor’s input on section placement and offered additional editorial pages for big news days such as the presidential election. The advertising manager position requires the ability to go between news and advertising, professional staff and student staffers. R.T. must be firm and command respect and authority while attending class and social functions with the same people. This is not

typical situation for many people in the professional world. It can be particularly difficult for some to adapt while learning about professional and social roles. R.T. handles this with a skill and finesse that is sometimes not seen in people much more experienced.

This summer, R.T. will enter the professional world and take with him the experiences he had while in Student Media. I have no doubt that this award would mean a great deal to him and add another incredible honor to his resume. I believe hard work and dedication should be rewarded.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this very worthy candidate. Should you have any questions or need anything further from me, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Anne Richard Associate Director OU Student Media 860 Van Vleet Oval, Room 149A Norman, OK 73019

Lauren Royston 1406 Asp Ave., Rm. 126 Norman, OK, 73019 (405)325-2467 lroyston@ou.edu

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter in support of Robert Conwell (R.T.), in his application for Advertising Manager of the Year. I have no reservations in suggesting R.T. for this honor. While working as a marketing and public relations professional for the University of Oklahoma, I often relied on R.T. to put together presentations for my intern staff, for which he described and outlined the timeline, artistic elements and layout of the advertisements for the campus newspaper. His patience, practical knowledge and adaptability when educating others about the newspaper ad process made these presentations successful for all in attendance. The diligence R.T. shows to his customers solves any confusion they may experience. I appreciated most how R.T. took the time to work with myself, and my student staff, to coordinate an ad submission process that enabled my department to work more accurately and cohesively with the ad staff. R.T. assumed the account of my particular department, which serves as an umbrella for four sub-departments, with very little disruption. Taking the time to call me and ask questions about my ads, sending a note of encouragement to one of my student staff members, or being on-call during our heavy campaign times, are a few of the additional ways that R.T., in my opinion, has gone beyond the general duties of his position. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call. I appreciate your time and the opportunity to speak in support of R.T.

Best regards, Lauren Royston

January 22, 2009 To: Members of the 2009 CNBAM Awards Committee Re: Personal Management Philosophy I consider my years at OU Student Media to be the most valuable aspect of my collegiate career. While working here I have taken the materials I have learned in school and applied them to the real world. I not only love my job but also will miss it when I graduate in May. I started my job with no idea how to manage people, let alone a group of my peers. So I began to think of a style or main theme that would work. From the time I started working up until now I have had many managers, both at Chili’s and OU Student Media. I began to think about specific managers who stuck out to me, and that motivated me to not only do my job but to do it well. I ended up with something that worked. My management philosophy is relatively simple but effective. I motivate my staff to go beyond just making a quick sale. I encourage them to build strong, trustworthy relationships with each of their clients, and to go out of their way to service or assist them. Strong customer service is what I teach to all of my staff. I encourage them to meet all of their clients face-to-face on a regular basis. The first time they meet with them is not to sell anything but to kick-start the relationship that will, in some cases last for years. I train my staff to find out as much about their clients as possible. Everything from events, promotional sales, and specials to more personal information such as: how many children they have, hobbies, or common interests they may have with their representatives. I teach that the strongest way to build a successful relationship with a client is trust. My staff understands that being an account executive is not about the shortterm sale but the long-term trust. Once a client trusts his or her sales representative it makes everyone’s job easier. I also manage my sales team to communicate well with their designers, and as much as possible. The more communication between sales representatives and designers the less likely there is a chance for little mistakes. Also, the more a designer knows about clients the better they will have a feel for them. The designers know what each client likes. They understand how to make quick changes, and work well with their designated sales rep. When all these things are combined a successful advertising team is created. Again I would like to thank the panel of judges for giving me a chance to be applying for the advertising manager of the year award. It has been an honor to even be considered for this award.

Thank You, R.T. Conwell Advertising Manager The Oklahoma Daily

THE OKLAHOMA DAILY A d v e r t i s i n g M a n a g e r JOB DESCRIPTION The Advertising Manager is responsible for assisting the Associate Director with sales staff supervision; the planning and coordinating of regular daily advertising sales, special sections, special publications and promotions; client relations and customer service; and new business development. The primary function of the Advertising Manager is to assist the individual advertising account executives to ensure a successful effort by the entire advertising staff. The Advertising Manager is essentially a sales team leader and the “ultimate advertising representative” on the staff. The Advertising Manager should serve as a role model for the entire advertising staff in all aspects of the job — knowledge of the newspaper, sales, organization, professionalism, morale and motivation. The Advertising Manager is the lead student on the advertising staff and as such, is the designate for routine acceptance or rejection of advertising. • RESPONSIBILITIES Supervise and be responsible for the daily activities and professional conduct of the staff of advertising account executives. This includes, but is not limited to:

• Regularly calling on new accounts, preparing proposals and making presentations to develop new regular advertisers for The Oklahoma Daily, which may then be assigned to other staff members for further sales and servicing. • Making personal contact with advertisers to determine the advertisers’ satisfaction with The Oklahoma Daily and their assigned account executives. • Assisting account executives with the preparation of proposals and presentations for existing and prospective clients. • Assisting account executives with meeting their goals and improving their sales efforts through individual meetings, team sales calls, coaching and other supportive measures. • Assisting the Associate Director with identifying and resolving any training, motivational, disciplinary or other problems with the sales staff or individual account executives. • Keeping account executives informed of current and prospective advertiser activity in competing media. • Keeping account executives informed of upcoming university and local events, and holidays, for promotion. • Making presentations at weekly staff meetings to enhance staff sales efforts • Identifying needs and strategies for improvements related to the advertising staff’s work flow, productivity, organization and communication.

• Distributing voice mail messages and letters from the advertising email account to the advertising account executive staff. • Coordinating past advertiser and new prospect lists for special promotions. • Assist Associate Director in designing and implementing new advertising promotions. • Identify Account Executive’s talents to assist Associate Director in training program for new associate account executives. Work with the Associate Director to target potential advertisers for special publications and promotions, and assist in planning and distributing marketing material for these projects. Assist the Associate Director with recruiting and training associate account executives. Meet with the Associate Director weekly for sales planning, updates, discussion of staff progress, and other sales and personnel issues. Handle the advertising activities of a selection of campus and commercial accounts, as approved by the Associate Director. Work closely with other areas of Student Media to insure the smooth operation of the advertising staff’s activities. This includes, but is not limited to, being on call for advertising-related problems on evenings the The Oklahoma Daily or special publications are in production, and consulting with the editor on potentially controversial ads and inserts. Oversee the activities of the advertising sales staff in the absence of the Associate Director. Perform other duties as assigned by the Associate Director. • ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Reports directly to the Associate Director for Student Media. Assists the Associate Director with the hiring and supervision of a staff of account executives. Works closely with the staff to achieve advertising staff goals and sales targets. • LIMITS OF AUTHORITY Makes hiring and dismissal recommendations regarding advertising account executives to the Associate Director. Recommends the purchase of necessary supplies. Recommends the initiation and cessation of special sections and other advertising promotions.

Robert Thomas Conwell IV University of Oklahoma Student ROBERT.T.CONWELL.IV-1@OU.EDU 580-595-1047 Permanent Address 3404 NW Baltimore Lawton, OK 73505

Current Address 830 W Eufaula Norman, OK 73072

EDUCATION University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK Bachelor: Journalism & Mass Communication-Advertising, Minor in General Business, Major GPA: 3.125 Overall GPA: 2.75


OU Student Media, Norman, OK http://www.studentmedia.ou.edu/ Advertising Manager (04/2008- Present) • Train, support, and monitor a staff of 17 successful account executives, designers, and interns • Actively involved in the development of a new website and print products • Oversee and support sales team for $1.5 million in annual revenue • Create and propose multiple advertising campaigns, utilizing multiple products Senior Account Executive (11/2007- 4/2008) • Responsible for meeting sales goals and seeking new clients while maintaining list Account Executive (05/2007- 10/2007) • Prospected and established 11 new accounts • Personable and persuasive: able to build instant rapport Associate Account Executive (01/2007- 04/2007) • Prospected and cold called various businesses

Chili's Grill & Bar, Norman, OK (05/2002- 03/2008) •

Training Server, closing server, host, and busser

HONORS • • •

Student Media’s 2007 Rising Star award for hard work, great attitude, excellent customer service, & perseverance October 2007 sales person of the month, sold $16,234 of a $11,000 goal Dean's honor roll, spring 2007


CNBAM (College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers) 2007-2009 Beta Theta Pi fraternity SPJ Oklahoma Pro Chapter Journalism conference 2006: attended workshops OU Cousins program 2004: Mentored foreign exchange student

SKILLS Strong computer skills and exposure to: • Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. • Pre1 & Ad pro: scheduling and accounting program • Openx: on-line scheduling and placement program Organizational Skills: • Surpassed monthly sales goals while attending school, working two jobs, and developing leadership skills Strengths (top 5 according to The Gallup Organization's Strengths Finder) • Strategic - evaluate potential obstacles • Communication - effective in explaining, describing, speaking in public, and writing • Includer - ability to make people feel part of a group • WOO (winning others over) - enjoy challenge of meeting new people and gaining their trust • Adaptability - respond willingly to the demands of any given moment

REFERENCES Anne Richard Associate Director – OU Student Media Office: 405-325-2521 Email: Arichard@ou.edu Stacy Wehrenberg Business/ Office Manager – OU Student Media Office: 405-325-2521 Email: Stacyw@ou.edu Chuck Abell Manager – Chili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant: 405-360-7444 Cell: 405-226-4495

Personal Sales Numbers


Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr/May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sept-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07

Goal $6,500 $7,500 $8,000 $22,500 $750 $3,500 $13,000 $14,000 $11,000 $12,000 $5,800

Actual $2,484 $6,162 $6,165 $24,621 $757 $6,117.50 $19,387 $17,613 $16,234 $12,295.75 $5,329

% 38% 82% 77% 109% 101% 175% 149% 126% 148% 103.00% 92.00%

Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 May-July 08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08

$11,500 $13,250 $18,900 $21,000 Not Available $40,000 $20,000 $8,500

$14,862 $18,408.00 $14,974 $17,156.35 $14,698.85 $40,128.51 $23,083.39 $11,892.12

129% 139% 80% 82% 100.30% 115% 140%




January 3, 2008 Dear CNBAM Judges, Colleen Hurtzig is a leader with insight and direction for the Shorthorn’s sales department and for her sales staff. I have had the privilege of working with Colleen at the Shorthorn for the spring and fall of 2008. During that time I have seen her unique leadership abilities flourish which helped our sales staff to consistently surpass sales records while enabling fellow college students to strive for their absolute best and prepare for the real world. I have also had the honor of working as the summer sales manager for 2008. This has allowed me to truly understand how great the accomplishments are that Colleen has been able to achieve and the tremendous amount of work and preparation that went into each and every item she produced, every meeting she held and every word of guidance that she gave. Sometimes it is easy to forget that she is just a college student like the rest of the staff. At one point our full time sales supervisor had suddenly resigned and Colleen instantly took on all her duties for the rest of the semester. She carried a sales staff of 9 people and had to instantly learn how to create quotas, gather data from previous years to create accurate data for each sales list, encourage us, evaluate us and answer to higher authorities. Again, I stress that this was all while taking a full load of classes. In an industry that carries a high turnover rate she was able to retain 6 employees from the spring semester and into the fall semester. I think this is a testament to her effort to create a workplace with creativity for fun and flexibility for work. She creates an atmosphere where all feel welcome and comfortable to express their ideas and give contributions. She was also able to create, sustain and encourage a healthy competitive environment which was a big part of our team’s success. Her efforts to help us bond resulted in creating silly theme days like “Hawaiian Shirt Day” and chili cook-offs. She is notorious for honoring and awarding the staff with certificates or honorable mentions on a consistent basis to recognize the work of exceptional accomplishments. When it comes to office rules she held only a few. This allowed us to be creative with our clients and our communication tactics. While she does hold us accountable to reach quotas, she does not set a minimum number of calls or visits. We had to reach out to as many clients as we felt we needed to in order to reach our goals. She doesn’t let us settle for average, she encourages us to go above and beyond our quotas and anyone’s expectations including our own. This is what led her sales team to succeed, her ability to not micromanage, but to trust the capabilities of each and every team member. I was most impressed by her ability to help prepare everyone for their current advertising sales job and simultaneously prepare us for our future careers after college. She spent a considerable amount of time bringing in speakers in the sales field to help the staff grasp what the field is like outside of college newspapers. She brought in experts on resume building and interviewing tips which is invaluable information for college student. To me it felt like she strived to equip us with as much support as possible before we graduated.

Colleen took everything she knows and led us through example. Her ability to acquire an internship at NBC and then at Viacom/MTV in NYC really opened up possibilities and opportunities that I know I never considered before. She works hard in class, she works hard in the office and she works hard to help co-workers to grow and excel. She is not intimidated by others but is always ready to embrace their ideas and contributions in order to create a stronger and more efficient team. When it comes to working with higher authority she always looked out for the interest of her staff and would work to create open communication. She worked to open up communication between the sales staff and the journalists to make sure errors and mistakes were kept at a minimum. Colleen Hurtzig is a phenomenal leader and friend to her entire staff. I believe she accomplished much more than surpass monetary expectations and fulfill managerial duties. She contributed to the growth of her fellow student’s professional foundation, which in essence is the point of our experience. As a college student I know I am trying to build a foundation to understand business and gain real experience that I can take into the real world. Colleen was just as concerned about the staff’s professional growth and always provided opportunities for us to grow our portfolios and reach clients and contacts that could potentially become very valuable in the future. I personally owe a lot to Colleen for her generosity of time and effort into my professional experience. I was offered an internship for a competitive position for spring 2009 which I know I would never have obtained without Colleen’s guidance and the professional guidance and atmosphere she created for me. What makes Colleen eligible for manager of the year is her ability to fulfill the monetary needs of the newspaper and fill the needs of the student staff with a rich environment full of experience and guidance to help reach our professional goals. As a student I don’t quite know how she was able to juggle all of those responsibilities and still be able to manage all her classes. She took her role as manager to a new level and went out of her way to do things that were not required, but helped myself and the entire staff tremendously. She looked out for her newspaper and her staff and everyone involved left richer, wiser, and more prepared for the next step. Sylvia Santelli Sales Representative Shorthorn Newspaper Sylvia.theshorthorn@gmail.com Cell: 973-704-9483

Colleen Hurtzig The Shorthorn-UT Arlington Management Philosophy Serving as the Advertising Manager at The Shorthorn Newspaper for the past year and half, has given me the opportunity to lead a group of students to action, to develop a vision for the Advertising Department and to lay a foundation for carrying out that vision. The combination of conscious training, learning by doing, having a mentor, and just the day-to-day experiences of being a leader has helped me become the authentic leader I am today. The main elements of my management philosophy include leading and motivating, professional development, and conflict resolution. Leading and Motivating My main responsibility as manager is to lead and motivate the sales team in the right direction. When I started at The Shorthorn as an Advertising Representative our Student Advertising Manager provided little encouragement and direction for our sales team. So when I was promoted to the manager position the next semester I made it my top priority to create a strong team oriented culture. I did this be encouraging two-way communication and establishing a friendly and collaborative work environment. I’m constantly encouraging two-way communication amongst the sales team and I believe this has been another big part of the reason we have been so successful. As simple as it sounds, listening is a great way to show whomever you are speaking with that at that moment in time they are the center of your world. I believe one of the main differences between a manager and a leader and a manager is that leaders take the time to coach their employees. By fostering mentoring relationships and showing that I care about the success of my employees, I establish credibility and respect amongst the nine people who directly report to me. Also, doing what I say I’m going to do and having high integrity for myself is another aspect in establishing credibility amongst employees. I try to make my weekly sales meetings more like a pep rally to motivate the staff to continue maximizing their effort. We start off by having an open discussion on the sales failures and successes the team had through out the week. This has proven to be very beneficial for the ad reps because they learn solutions to client issues, selling strategies that worked, and improve their overall selling knowledge. We also play team-building games like Shorthorn Monopoly, Shorthorn Jeopardy, and more to become a close-knit group. I also started a new Shorthorn tradition called “Themed Fridays”. Every Friday we have a new theme such as “Hawaiian Shirt Day” or “Tacky Sweater Day”. All of these team-bonding experiences have helped create an environment where we all trust and rely on each other to achieve our goals as a team.

Based on McClelland’s Need Theory, I have a high need for achievement, power, and affiliation. Like the theory says and what I have noticed as a sales manger is that every individual is different and not everyone has such high needs. Some people may not have such a high need for achievement and won’t work extra hard to achieve a performance objective so it was my responsibility as a leader to figure out what it is that motivates each individual. I try to incorporate different types of sales competitions in order to motivate my sales representatives. In the spring of 2008 I developed the “Shorthorn BINGO” sales contest. Whenever an ad rep achieved five selling challenges across they had to yell “BINGO” at the top of their lungs. In the fall of 2008 I made a “Sales Race” competition where every ad rep had a race to the finish line. This strong achievement driven culture proved to be beneficial towards improving sales. Professional Development I firmly believe each job or position should be a launching pad for your next job or promotion. I was able to get an internship at MTV in New York City because of my hard work at The Shorthorn. I spent allot of time and effort creating a learning environment where my staff could become more prepared for their future careers. I brought in several guest speakers to provide professional guidance to the sales team. I invited people from different media selling backgrounds so the ad reps could learn not just about newspaper ad sales but also TV, online, and radio. I also brought in a former Vice President of Human Resources to provide helpful insight on the hiring process. Showing interest in each individual’s career helped build trust and I believe contributed to why I’ve been so successful at retaining employees. Conflict Resolution “According to a survey of American Management Association, executives are likely to spend about 20 percent of their time dealing with conflict. Conflict usually has a negative connotation; however, conflict can be a positive occurrence if managed properly. Without conflict you run the risk of employees becoming stagnant. Every conflict I have encountered has served, as an opportunity to fix something that needed to be fixed or it was a learning opportunity. When the Professional Advertising Manager suddenly quit shortly after I became Student Advertising Manager it gave me a tremendous opportunity to learn the ropes very quickly and blossom into a leader. It was a challenge to put into words an entire year’s worth of work and dedication into a two-page philosophy. This position has provided me with the amazing opportunity to make a positive impact in peoples’ lives and this organization. I hope that through review of my application you will gain insight into my dedication and enthusiasm for The Shorthorn to be successful. It would be an honor to receive the title of CNBAM’s 2008 Advertising Manager of the Year. Thank you for your consideration.

Student Sales Manager Job Description The purpose of the Student Sales Manager is to promote the overall success of the advertising department. The SSM will be responsible for coordinating with Advertising Manager to hire student ad staff, arrange and take part in their training, then their subsequent behavior, productivity and professionalism. As with all Student Publication student positions, the SSM must be a currently enrolled UTA student in good academic standing. The SSM will have regular reviews through the semester and the position may be revoked at any time if duties are not performed. The SSM will be paid an additional stipend for performing the following duties: Prior to Beginning of Semester  Train with Advertising Manager on management techniques, operational modifications, changes to rate cards, special sections for coming semester  Prepare sales area: account lists, clean quota board, create displays and motivational posters . Daily  Develop and train team leaders prior to the beginning of each semester.  Team leads will report to SSM  Team leads and SSM will hold regular meetings, not less than weekly.  Encourage teams to make department quota, work on campaigns, meet personal quotas, sell special sections.  Create/facilitate campaigns/promotional projects for department to meet revenue goals.  Supervision of sales staff: -Monitor sales and performance of ad reps. Keep Ad Mgr advised with potential problems. - Keep quota board up to date. -Help reps with low sales; monitor calls, appointments, time management skills. -Collect and review call reports daily. Turn in to Advertising Manager every Friday. - Train and monitor Sales Forecasting. Since Forecasting is in a state of continuous change, these forms will need to be reviewed no less than weekly. New reps will need consistent -Teach reps to prepare for appointments, proposals, accuracy in quotes.    

Lead a five-minute daily meeting by 1:30 Mon.-Thu. This meeting will review special deadlines, problems, changes, reminders. Ad Mgr will have input on this by email or memos. Keep consistent work schedule. Inform receptionist of schedules away from advertising area.. Enforce staff professionalism: deadlines, procedures, dress, absences, reports, data entered in system, prospect recording Actively prospect and break new accounts. Regular commission will be paid for new, noncampus accounts broken by the SSM. These accounts may be kept for two weeks or until 18” have been sold. At that time, the account is to be placed on the account list of another ad rep Provide service to clients when a rep is unavailable.

Weekly  

Help facilitate weekly sales meetings.

Ride with new ad reps to demonstrate good technique and evaluate their performance. As needed basis for other reps. Assist in the interviewing and hiring process for new ad reps. Evaluate sales staff with Advertising Manager, following each quota period. Train new reps in areas needed. Training lists will be provided. Actively recruit through classroom presentations, club meetings. Other duties as assigned.

Meet with Team Leads and Advertising Manager to discuss department progress As Needed

    

SPRING 2007 & 2008 SALES COMPARISON Local ROP Display Classified Display Campus Display Online Sales PowerBuyDisplay Pre Printed Inserts

Spring 2007 $65,217.51 $5,808.21 $27,174.44 $2,220.00 $10,964.25 $6,300.00

Spring 2008 $89,179.23 $2,750.71 $33,614.11 $4,082.14 $8,162.60 $7,349.97



FALL 2007 & 2008 SALES COMPARISON Local ROP Display Classified Display Campus Display Online Sales PowerBuyDisplay Pre Printed Inserts

Fall 2007 $65,971.00 $3,143.55 $27,701.68 $2,975.02 $5,529.60 $4,900.00

Fall 2008 $103,010.53 $11,401.05 $34,878.24 $4,173.84 $6,703.00 $6,579.94








Examples of Work: Sales Flyers



the shorthorn entertainment & dining guide


The PULSE is the Shorthorn’s brand new Entertainment & Dining Guide publishing every Thursday.


It is the one-stop local entertainment guide for the 28,338 UT Arlington consumers, on where to go and what to do, from the hottest restaurants and bars, to the latest in music, movies, and entertainment. Each year, Shorthorn readers spend more than $18 million on entertainment, leisure and dating, GRAB THE ATTENTION OF THESE WEEKEND FUN SEEKERS!

THE SHORTHORN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON PH#: 817.272.3188 FAX: 817.272.5009 EMAIL: retailsales@shorthorn.uta.edu The Shorthorn is introducing a brand new Entertainment and Dining Guide that will be inserted into every Thursday’s newspaper as a tabloid.


The Entertainment and Dining Guide will be UT Arlington’s one-stop local entertanment guide on where to go and what to do, from the hottest resturants and bars, to the latest in music, movies, and entertainment. Catch weekend fun-seekers and those searching for a great place to go after a week of classes.

Publishes every Thursday starting Oct. 16 Distribution: 10,000

Entertainment & Dining Guide will be distributed inside The Shorthorn via 80 on-campus racks and 40 off-campus racks.

Sample Sizes and Rates: Tabloid $709.50 Full Page (5x11): Half Page (5x5.5): $354.75 Quarter Page (Horizontal 3x4): $154.80 Quarter Page (Vertical 2x6): $154.80 *volume discounts available

Reserve your advertising space today! PHONE: 817-272-3188

FAX: 817-272-5009


finals week



It’s almost here. The end of the semester brings special

Election GuidE 2008

opportunities to reach the 28,000 consumers at UT Arlington. Finals Madness will be a tabloid with SoDoKu & Crossword puzzles along side your advertisement. Space is limited, don’t wait too long.

Deadline: November 26 Published: December 3 Sample Ad Sizes & Prices:

THE SHORTHORN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON PH#: 817.272.3188 FAX: 817.272.5009 EMAIL: retailsales@shorthorn.uta.edu The Shorthorn’s Election Guide 2008 is going to serve as a voting guide to the 28,500 elgible voters on UT Arlington’s campus. This special edition hits the racks one week before election day and will feature local and national candidates, their positions on major issues, and resourceful voting information. Don’t miss out on the great opportunity to catch the attention of this captive market!

Run Date: October 28th Deadline: October 21st Distribution: 10,000

Election Guide 2008 will be distributed as a tabloid inside The Shorthorn via 80 on-campus racks and 40 off-campus racks. It will also be available during on campus early voting.

3x5.6=$235.20 2x5.6=$156.80 5x5.6=$392

To: Fax #: From:

UTA STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Sample Sizes and Rates: Tabloid Full Page (5x11): Half Page (5x5.5): Quarter Page (Horizontal 3x4): Quarter Page (Vertical 2x6):

$770 $385 $168 $168

Additional Message: Contact your Shorthorn Ad Rep today!


Examples of Work: Sales Contest Shorthorn BINGO

! !













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Examples of Work: Sales Contest Sales Race

The SALES RACE will be an intense competition between all advertising representatives to see whose racecar can reach the finish line first. To move your racecar forward a space you must achieve any of the following:

o Selling an Annual Contract o Selling an ad larger than 30 inches o Bringing in a New Business o Selling a PowerBuy o Selling 3 Special Editions to 1 Client o Selling a Pulse or Smart Saver schedule The first three ad reps to reach the finish line will win the following:

o 1st Place: Wing Stop Account o 2nd Place: Free Lunch o 3rd Place: Free Starbucks


1 ,

2 0 0 8

Sales Meeting Agenda

• •

Upcoming Dates:

End of Semester Party Where: J Gilligans Date: Friday 12/5 Time: Noon

• • •

Fall Graduation Run Date: 12/8 Deadline: 12/1 Spring Back 2 School Run Date: 1/20 Deadline: 1/15

FALL GRADUATION deadline is TODAY! The PULSE will continue next semester starting with the first Thursday , January 22nd. Remember The Pulse spiked Thursday’s readership by 3,000 people on Thursdays. Ad Reps need to be back at the Shorthorn by Wednesday January 7th for the spring semester. Ad reps who make their Spring Back to School goal before winter break get to come in on Monday January 12th. Use your new email addresses! Sales Race continues…Pax, Linley, and Dondria are tied for the lead. o The winner gets the Wing Stop Account!! EVERYONE should apply for the CALVN PYLE SCHOLARSHP. It is the end of semester award given for outstanding achievement by a member of the advertising staff. o Application deadline is Tomorrow, Dec. 2, at 6PM. The End-of-Semester Party and Awards Luncheon will be at noon THIS Friday, Dec. 5 at J Gilligans! Mandatory event and its lots of fun! NUMBERS: FALL GRADUATION (12/8) o Team Goal: $5,936 Achieved: $2,694 o Personal Goals Achieved: PAX, DONDRIA, AND AMANDA! Quota 8(12/1-12/8) o Team Goal: $6,998 Achieved: $5,381 o Personal Quotas Achieved: MIKE, KASEY, & AMANDA! SELLING SUPERSTARS: Highest % Over Goal Award: __________________________ Salesperson of the Week 11/18-11/21: __________________ Salesperson of the Week 11/24-11/26: __________________ TOP Finals Madness Salesperson: ______________________

Colleen Hurtzig 3009 Franciscan Drive, Apt 416 Arlington, TX 76015

Tel. 469-358-4288 Colleen.Hurtzig@gmail.com

Education University of Texas at Arlington

Arlington, TX

Graduation Date: Aug 2009 Major: Business Marketing Affiliations: Goolsby Leadership Academy, Honors College, UTA Hosts Mentoring Program, Zeta Tau Alpha, American Marketing Association at UTA-Vice President of Communications

Employment The Shorthorn Newspaper

Arlington, TX

Student Advertising Manager

Aug 2008-Current, Dec 2007-May 2008

• • • • •

Responsible for the advertising sales success of a major university newspaper with a total circulation of 10,000 daily. Currently manager ten advertising representatives. Interview and hire sales staff. Supervise training, motivate, advise, discipline, and if necessary, terminate employees. Prepare selling material and media kits. Served with marketing director to launch our first ever on campus Bridal Show. Facilitate weekly and daily sales meetings.

Advertising Representative

Aug 2007-Dec 2007

In charge of creating revenue for Student Publications by selling display, internet, and classified line advertising. Help strategize marketing plans to assist local businesses increase their exposure and return on investment. • Brought in over twenty new businesses in one semester. • Created and implemented a customer database system.

MTV Networks-Nickelodeon

New York, NY

International Marketing Intern

May 2008-Aug 2008

Assisted the International Marketing and Communications department with major projects. • Created a website, NICKtionary, to improve the communication between the United States Nickelodeon team with Nickelodeon stations in 126 different countries. • Developed a Global Property database system to show the on-air treatment of Nickelodeon programming across the world. • Planned a 3-day itinerary for 15 Creative Directors representing 15 countries where Nickelodeon is aired.


Dallas, TX

Sales Intern

May 2007-Aug 2007

Assisted the sales staff by gathering and organizing sales leads from various media sources. Participated in scheduled marketing events as well as creative brainstorming sessions for new sales/marketing opportunities. • Helped coordinate NBC’s Fall Upfront hosting for over 200 guests. • Conducted various marketing research, including day part analysis reports, for entire sales staff. • Created post buy reports showing estimated verse actual points for clients.

World Affairs Council

Dallas, TX

Protocol Intern

May 2007-Aug 2007

Assisted the Chief of Protocol with researching potential international delegations, composed bios for incoming speakers, and assisted with all administrative tasks associated with program planning and execution. • Completed over fifteen proposals persuading international visitors to travel to Dallas, Texas. • Assisted with the planning of the inauguration ceremony of State Representative Helen Giddings as the Honorary Consul of South Africa.

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