Read more articles and find out what pearls of wisdom our staff has to start your freshman year off right.
Sports aficionados: Get the 411 on the Wash. U. Bears and all the local St. Louis teams in SPORTS, PAGE 16
New to th the Lou? CiCi Coquillette Coqu illette helps you find the best m music venues in the area in CADENZA, PAGE 13. CAD DEN
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the independent newspaper of Washing ton Universit y in St . L ouis since eighteen sevent y-eight ORIENTATION 2009
Vol. 130, No. 1
Work on new Umrath, Wohl WU administration going ‘as planned,’ officials say moving forward
with tobacco ban Some criticize lack of student input and communication
Phase I of construction on the South 40 will be completed with the opening of Umrath Hall and part of the new Wohl Center this fall. Left: Umrath Hall under construction this summer. Right: the architect’s rendered image of the finished building.
Jack Marshall Contributing Reporter With move-in day quickly approaching, Washington University administrators say construction of the longawaited Umrath Hall and Wohl Center on the South 40 is going as planned. “There are certain activities lagging, certain activities ahead of schedule, but we are overall on schedule,” said Steven Rackers, director of capital projects & records. While masonry and landscaping are slightly behind schedule, some interior furnishing remains ahead. Phase I of the construction will be done before fall move-
in, according to Project Manager Nancy Marshall. This first phase includes the new Umrath and Wohl residential areas, a fitness center, certain stations at Bear’s Den, part of Bear Mart and a temporary dining facility. Residential spaces will be ready for early move-in students, which includes freshman participants in pre-orientation programs, student advisors and resident advisors. Phase II—which consists of the completion of the new Bear’s Den, an upgraded Bear Mart and College Hall, an assembly space for the residential colleges—will be done by August 2010. Dean of Students Justin
Carroll wrote in an e-mail that construction for College of Hall will start after the old Wohl is completely demolished. The University, he wrote, expects it to be done by fall 2010. According to a description from the architecture firm Mackey Mitchell and Associates—Umrath and Wohl’s designers—the lower levels of Umrath and Wohl will feature student activity spaces to accommodate 3,000 residents and a new dining service facility. “Modeled after European streetscapes, the site features an upper and lower plaza, which creates ‘outdoor rooms.’ Cascading stairs, ramps and a sloped garden lead from the
adjacent parking garage to the lower plaza, creating a social heart for the residential neighborhood,” the firm’s description reads. Due to the new Wohl’s LEED Silver certification, there will be other noticeable changes in Bear’s Den, such as china dishes instead of disposable ones to help reduce waste. The kitchen will use energyefficient hoods to reduce energy use, and food wastes will be sent to a composter. The loading dock near the dining facilities will be sheltered by a green roof that provides not only recreation space but also a vegetable and herbs garden for students to
See SOUTH 40, page 2
New dining options await students Chloe Rosenberg Staff Reporter As members of the Class of 2013 prepare to make Washington University their new home, Dining Services is scurrying to finish the new dining facilities on the South 40. The new Wohl Center, currently under construction, will house the new dining facilities. The former Wohl Center, where most of the South 40’s dining facilities were located, was demolished in mid-June. Amid student concerns, Bon Appétit insists the quality of the food options offered on the South 40 will not suffer from the transition.
The new Wohl Center will be built in two separate phases— the first of which will be finished before August move-in. The first phase will house both permanent and temporary dining facilities. A permanent dining facility will be completed with the second phase to replace the temporary one. The new dining hall is set to offer many of the same options previously available at Bear’s Den, including a bakery, grill and sandwich station in the permanent section, along with a tacquería, salad bar, global station and a hot kosher station in the temporary facility. A temporary Bear Mart also will be available for the 2009-
2010 school year. Ursa’s will be the only South 40 dining facility to remain unaffected by the changes. “It is going to be one of the top food programs and living and learning concepts in the nation,” Nadeem Siddiqui, resident district manager for Bon Appétit, said of the new facilities. The second permanent wing, which will open for the 20102011 school year, is set to house an Indian station and a Mongolian grill. In 2010, the temporary facility will be replaced by offices and a kosher kitchen—the first of its kind on campus. Until this point, all kosher food items have been prepared at the nearby Hillel
House and delivered to campus. Vegetarian options will be broadened next year as well. The dining facilities will have a separate grill and fryer for vegetarian food. Plans are underway to have at least one vegetarian option available at each food station. “I think that having the separate fryer is a good option. Seeing my food touch meat is a personal turn-off to me. That’s really good that they are trying to be more sensitive,” said junior Meghna Srinath, a vegetarian. All of the food in the new dining hall will be served a la carte. Though there will be no replacement for Center Court, a
Dan Woznica News Editor
Ashtrays soon will be a relic of bygone days at Washington University as all of the institution’s campuses move toward the implementation of a complete smoking and tobacco ban in July 2010. The decision to prohibit smoking and the use of all tobacco-related products on University property was announced last April by the administration, which framed the ban as a public health initiative intended to reduce the effects of secondhand smoke. “We’re not passing judgment on what you should or should not do,” said Jill Carnaghi, associate vice chancellor for students and dean of campus life. “We’re saying on our campus we want as healthy an environment as possible.” Carnaghi’s sense is that most undergraduates agree with the ban. But she feels many who supported it were nonetheless frustrated that the University made the decision without taking student input into account. “I think there was a good number that didn’t like the way the decision was made,” Carnaghi said. “They were upset with how the process went in the decision, rather than the decision itself.” Senior Tom Aylmer was one such student angry with how the University implemented the ban. “The people who implemented it didn’t give the students any say in the decision process,” Aylmer said. “I’d like them to at least inform the students as to how they
made the decision, what kind of research they did. They should address why they didn’t give the students any consideration.” Student Union (SU) also decried the lack of student involvement in the administration’s decision. Last April, SU passed a resolution requesting that the administration reconsider the ban after hearing students’ opinions on the matter. Although the University is not currently planning to reevaluate its decision, Carnaghi is leading a committee of around 12 undergraduates in the coming year that will offer student input to the administration concerning the ban and its implementation. “We’ll pull together a committee to identify what are the issues, what are the concerns and then how do we as a group—which is made up of a lot of students, some I hope to be smokers and some not—move forward with this in a realistic way,” Carnaghi said. The committee likely will include representatives from student groups that may be affected most by the ban, such as international students from cultures more permissive of smoking. Carnaghi said the committee also will work to engage the broader undergraduate population through open forums for students to express their opinions. The administration has created separate committees for working with the rest of the University population. The faculty and staff committee is headed by Alan Glass, director of Student Health Services, and Brad Freeman, associate professor of surgery, while the graduate and professional students committee is headed by Sheri Notaro, associate dean in the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. At present, while the Uni-
See BAN, page 3
See DINING, page 2
Financial troubles: University prepares for another hard year In the midst of the worldwide economic crisis, Washington University is dealing with a difficult financial situation of its own. The administration estimates the University’s endowment is down by 20 to 25 percent as of the end of May, according to Chancellor Mark Wrighton.
“That [estimate] might be a little better than we had in mid-April, when I communicated it to the community,” Wrighton said in reference to an e-mail he sent to students, faculty and staff to inform them about the University’s financial situation. He followed up that e-mail with a “State of the University Address” on April 23, providing the community an opportunity to ask questions.
Wrighton said donations to the University have held relatively steady, even as the number of donors to the University has decreased. “[It] might even be ahead [of] last year,” Wrighton said. In fact, the total amount of money donated to the University in fiscal 2009 as of the end of May was 4 percent higher than the previous year, according to David
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Lauren Olens Assignment Editor
Blasingame, executive vice chancellor for alumni and development programs. Blasingame said the University is also outperforming peer institutions in donations. “I think most places are experiencing downturns,” he said. Blasingame attributed the University’s slight upturn to
See CRISIS, page 3
Chancellor Mark Wrighton speaks on issues affecting the University at the “State of the University Address” on April 23.
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Best Sales Increase of a Special Section Strategy of Sale: In the past years, the Annual Back to School Guide has been a big issue and a great great revenue maker for the Daily Titan. In the fall of 2008 the Daily Titan BTSG didn’t do so well due to the economy, and as a staff we were determined to bring sales up. In the fall of 2009 we were able double our ad sales. When the fall of 2010 rolled around we were even more determined to double the previous year’s sales. With the leader of the Daily Titan Advertising Department having a year of experience under his belt and the economy getting better, the Daily Titan was able to more than double the revenue of the 2010 Annual Back to School Guide compared to the one of the past fall. While selling for the Annual Back to School Guide, the account executives, national sales director and the advertising sales director used a strategy to accommodate customers and help them to get the best deal possible. The Daily Titan strategically constructed a media bundle that included the Annual Back to School Guide with all other special sections for the year. When pitching to clients, who included local, national and on-campus clients, the advertising representatives first tried selling the special section on its own with the flat rates of a special section. If a clients were “difficult” and unwilling to purchase any ads, the ad reps would then use the media bundle as a last resort. The media bundle was as follows: If clients purchase an ad in two of the special sections they were given a 5% discount off their ads. If they purchased ads in three special sections they were given a 10% discount off their ads. Finally, if an advertiser purchased all four special sections for the year they were given 15% off and free color for all special sections. Another selling tactic used to increase sales was something created by the director of advertising and the national sales executive was a sponsorship of the special section. The sponsor would pay a flat rate that covered the cost of the printing fee for the special section and in return they would receive a full-page, full-color ad on the back page of the special section and their logo strategically placed on the cover of the special section. This took like wild fire and the Daily Titan had companies competing for this sponsorship opportunity. These strategies proved to be extremely successful! The fall 2009 Annual Back to School Guide made a total of $2,724.95, while the fall 2010 Annual Back to School Guide made $7,860.60 – a 289% increase from the previous year! In the sense of pricing used for advertising rates, nothing changed. But in the sense of
strategy, we took an approach that had never been used before. From more than doubling this special section, the Daily Titan has learned that creating bundle deals and having sponsors who are excited to work with the paper is the key to success in making sales and most importantly making clients happy with the quality and return of their ads.
August 23, 2010
MARK SAMALA / Photo Editor
The Dating Guide The high school dating scene versus the college dating scene MELISSA HOON Detour Editor
The Jungle
High school dating versus college dating is like a zoo versus a jungle – a controlled setting versus a wild freefor-all. In high school, everyone knows everyone, but individuals don’t yet know themselves. Just like the monkeys in cages who know they’re being watched by people at the zoo, high school students know they’re watching each other on display. College is different, mainly because students are dancing to the beat of their own drum, with every man for himself, just like lions in a jungle.
Dress to Impress
High school students have enough trouble choosing an outfit to impress their peers; how can they choose a boyfriend or girlfriend who’s best for them? They seem to choose what others want for them, rather than what they want for themselves. You can’t blame high school students; at 15 years old, how could anyone know what they want out of life, let alone out of a relationship? Most college students, however, have chosen a major to fit their lifelong career path. Since they have an idea about what they want as a career, they’re also more likely to know what they want in a relationship.
Majoring in the Right Relationship
Just like trying out a couple of majors before you figure out what best fits your career goals, high school students need to figure out what they want in a relationship by dating different people. I knew a girl in high school who dated a guy with more interest in drugs than in her, then another guy where a restraining order was instrumental to ending the relationship – all before she met her prince charming in college. Sure, that’s an extreme example, but you get the point.
Don’t Drown
High school students should be careful not to let dipping their feet in the dating pond turn into drowning in a river of promiscuity in college. College students don’t typically find their soul mate by hooking up with beer pong partners party after party. To find a good partner (for a relationship, not a beer pong match), college students can revel in the advantages at their disposal, like meeting people in class or at college events. Then, BOOM! – they’ve already found someone with similar interests. It’s funny how in your philosophy class you’ll find at least a dozen students who think Freud’s theory on the unconscious mind is brilliant, just like you do. Talk about there being lots of fish in the sea.
Learn How to Swim
Yes, then there’s that “fish in the sea” analogy that no high school student I’ve ever known seems to understand. Why is it that high school students hold onto their sweetheart for dear life, refusing the idea that there could ever be anyone else (even when their other half is clearly not for them because they lie and cheat)? Right, because it’s their first love! High school students need to learn the fine line between refreshing and suffocating. College students don’t seem to have a problem understanding that they have choices, since many solve break ups by hitting the nearest bar where they can quickly find another significant other – at least for one night.
Rule the Jungle
High school students should remember that if they’re suffering, yes, there are more fish in the sea – many of whom they might find in college. Hopefully you’ll be old and wise enough in college to know what’s best for you and what you want. As cliché as it might be, what you learn in college – whether it’s from books, internships, peers, partying or professors – can teach you a lot about yourself. A wild, free-for-all compared to a controlled environment might sound intimidating at first, but after you enjoy the freedom of learning what you want for yourself, you can become the king of your jungle – then you might just find the queen of your heart.
August 23, 2010
Labor Day-Campus Closed
ASI Block Party-All Day
AICA’s Multicultural Taste Event: Quad 12-1 p.m.
First Day of Classes-Titan WOW (Week of Welcome)
Swim to Catalina Begins: SRC Pool All Day
Titan Bowl and Billiards Open House 5-7 p.m.
State of the State: TSU Pavilions 7-9 p.m.
ASI Cookout: Quad 12-1 p.m.
Table Tennis Tournament:Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
ASI Cookout: Becker Amphitheater 12-1p.m.
Internship and Job Fair: Titan Student Union
Titan Tusk Force Halloween Event: TSU Pub 6-9 p.m.
Neon Nights Begins-Titan Bowl and Billiards 8 p.m.-midnight
Free Throw/3pt. Contest: SRC Gym 3-6 p.m. Texas Hold’Em Tournament: Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
Graduate and Professional School Fair: Quad 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Fall Spirit Week Begins: Quad 12-1 p.m.
ASI Cookout: Becker Amphitheater 12-1:00 p.m.
CSUF Men’s Soccer vs. UCLA: Titan Stadium 5 p.m.
Titan Tusk Force Date Night: TSU 6-9 p.m.
Girl’s Night Out on the Rock: SRC Rock Wall 6-9 p.m.
August 23, 2010
Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament in Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
Billiards Tournament: Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
15 National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Begins
Veteran’s Day: Campus Closed
Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament: Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
Texas Hold ‘Em Tounament: Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
Disc Golf Tournament: SRC Lawn/IM Field 1-4 p.m.
Fall Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament of Champions: Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
ru: to o e y d t n n rn wai "Iem R gove thele. r u o r tab on hold ouctcofu a a kt orld nd h e l o a Lmoeon t cu e." th eaknltyyos inab e e l w w t t I venoun e! f ee acc r issu bama om ula ack O
Table Tennis Tournament in Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
ASI Cookout: Quad 12-1 p.m.
5-Game Scratch Bowling Tournament: Titan Bowl and Billiards 4 p.m.
AICA’s Rally Against Hate: Quad 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
ASI Cookout: Becker Amphitheater 12-1 p.m.
ASIP Presents Snow Day: Quad 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Last Day of Classes
Fall Recess: Campus Closed
All Night Study in the TSU Begins
Finals Week Begins
— Ba
Food & Housing N. A
3 .
JONATHAN GIBBY / Graphics Editor
MELISSA SANTA MARIA / For The Daily Titan . AV E
August 23, 2010
Housing Guide Nearby apartments and dorms for students ELLIOT COOK KAREN DICKINSON Staff Writers
Pro: adequate guest parking Con: long walk to CSUF
LOCATION 5 • Moonraker Address: 2901 Nutwood Ave. Contact: (714) 524-2901 1 bedroom: starts at $915/mo Pro: beautiful complex Fun fact: gas, water and trash are paid for
LOCATION 1 • Dorms (single/double/new) Address: on campus Contact: (657) 278-2168 Single: $1,217/mo Double: $1,058/mo Pro: on campus Con: share a kitchen with five people
LOCATION 2 • University Crossings Address: 2404 Nutwood Ave. Contact: (714) 871-4702 1 bedroom: $999/mo Move-in Special: $299 for the month of August Pro: across the street from CSUF Con: little parking for guests Fun fact: not only students live here, so not too noisy
LOCATION 3 • The Pointe Address: 2650 College Pl. Contact: (714) 871-2890 1 bedroom: starts at $1,025/mo Pro: behind College Park Fun fact: has a lounge
LOCATION 4 • Waterton Address: 600 Langsdorf Dr. Contact: (888) 391-4885 1 bedroom: starts at $999$1,550/mo Pro: directly behind College Park Fun fact: has a fire pit and beachtype cabanas
LOCATION 6 • El Dorado Address: 1120 N. Placentia Ave. Contact: (714) 528-3836 1 bedroom: starts at $915/mo
LOCATION 8 LOCATION 7 • The Streams Address: 1261 Deerpark Dr. Contact: (866) 801-0263 ext. 2375 1 bedroom: starts at $975/mo -1,150/mo Pro: surrounding trees keep apartments cool Fun fact: has a patio with a pond filled with swimming ducks
• La Costa Address: 1398 Deerpark Dr. Contact: (714) 993-9350 1 bedroom: starts at $1,000/mo Con: thin walls Fun fact: great maintenance
$1,145/mo Pro: includes gas, electric, trash, water, Wi-Fi and 10 meals a week Con: students can get noisy Fun fact: Your neighbor might be in one of your classes.
LOCATION 10 LOCATION 9 • University Village Address: 2000 Oxford Ave. Contact: (714) 870-8202 Price: starts at $845/mo-
• Homestead Address: 1942 Deerpark Dr. Contact: (714) 993-1080 1 bedroom: starts at $1,045/mo Pro: next to freeway entrances Fun fact: walking distance from Target
August 23, 2010
8 Food Guide
Local eateries in or around the CSUF area MICHELLE WIEBACH News Editor
It’s 5 p.m. and your stomach is growling like a lion. You remember you skipped lunch. Your class ended a few minutes ago and you’re trying to decide where to eat and what to eat. You pull your cell phone out of your pocket and see that you have about two hours until your next class. As you walk around campus, you
pause in front of Carl’s Jr. but decide to skip the greasy fast food. Driving to a restaurant is an option but you don’t want to lose your parking spot, so you decide to check out what’s inside the Titan Student Union. When you enter the TSU, a gust of warm smells hit your face and the pain in your stomach increases. You debate between pizza and a
sandwich. Sandwich wins. At Cal State Fullerton there are many places to eat, in or around campus. The TSU has a variety of cuisines to choose from, ranging from Chinese food, to sandwiches, to smoothies. Here’s a food guide map of eateries nearby.
LOCATION 1 • Titan Student Union Food Court: Round Table Pizza Busy Bee Green Burrito Juice It Up The Fresh Kitchen Togo’s Sandwiches The Garden Café The Cup • Titan Express Price: Under $10 CSUF Bookstore Cuisine: Snacks DT Tip: Pick up a snack before you wait in those long lines for books. • Carl’s Jr. Price: Under $10 Between University Hall and SGMH, behind Student Financial Services Cuisine: Burgers DT Tip: Get your fast-food fix on campus without the hassle of driving. • The Brief Stop Price: Under $10 Beside the main entrance of Langsdorf Hall Cuisine: Snacks DT Tip: Great place to go to pick up a snack between classes.
• Langsdorf Hall Express Price: Under $10 Langsdorf Hall Cuisine: Sandwiches, coffee and snacks DT Tip: The Langsdorf Express brews Starbucks coffee, and you can also order a wrap or salad. • Aloha Java Price: Under $7 Between University Hall and Humanities Building Cuisine: Coffee and pastries DT Tip: Bring your own coffee mug and the baristas will put your coffee in it for you, with no extra charge. • Nutwood Café Price: Under $10 Located on the ground floor of College Park Cuisine: Sandwiches, burgers, spaghetti, quesadillas, coffee and snacks DT Tip: Show your student ID to get a discount! This café also houses a Togo’s Sandwiches, Starbucks bar and a grill.
LOCATION 2 • Cantina Lounge Price: $10 - $17 per entrée Cuisine: Mexican DT Tip: The Cantina Lounge has a sports bar and televisions, so you and friends can watch your favorite sports game. Their Taco Tuesdays and Wing Wednesdays make for great deals. Address: 2736 Nutwood Ave.
See FOOD GUIDE, page 10
August 23, 2010
FOOD GUIDE: NEARBY EATERIES Wi-Fi, too. Address: 2415 E. Chapman Ave.
... Continued from page 8 • The Flame Broiler Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Asian DT Tip: The healthy rice bowl - without skin or MSG. You can also have your choice of white or brown rice. Address: 2720 Nutwood Ave. • The Habit Burger Grill Price: Under $8 Cuisine: Burgers, shakes and salads DT Tip: Get a shake or malt with your meal; it makes it taste so much better. An item not on the menu: Frings, half fries, half onion rings. Address: 2720 Nutwood Ave.
LOCATION 3 • KFC Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Fried chicken, chicken sandwiches, salads, bowls and desserts DT Tip: Don’t do the DoubleDown unless you really like sodium. Address: 520 N. State College Blvd. • Panera Bread Price: Under $12 Cuisine: Sandwiches, soups, salads, breads, pastries, smoothies and coffee DT Tip: Check out their You-PickTwo deal, starting at $6.99 for two halves of anything on the menu. Free
• Pinkberry Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Frozen yogurt DT Tip: Try the Pinkberry parfait. It has five layers of freshly cut fruit, granola and frozen yogurt. Address: 550 N. State College Blvd. • Burger King Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Burgers, salads and chicken sandwiches DT Tip: Try getting a kid’s meal; it comes with a drink, a toy and it’s cheap. Address: 2403 E. Chapman Ave. • Thai Basil Price: $5 - $16 Cuisine: Thai cuisine DT Tip: Thai Basil is vegetarian friendly with flavor-filled dishes. They allow you to choose how spicy your food is from a scale with varying degrees of spiciness. Address: 2401 E. Chapman Ave.
LOCATION 4 • Chipotle Mexican Grill Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Burritos, salads, tacos and burrito bowls DT Tip: Not in the mood for a burrito? Try the burrito bowl. It’s everything inside a burrito without the tortilla. Address: 501 N. State College Blvd. • Yogurtland Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Self-serve frozen yogurt DT Tip: The best thing about selfserve frozen yogurt is that you can combine flavors and load up on unlimited toppings. Address: 501 N. State College Blvd. • Starbucks Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Coffee, frappuccinos, tea and pastries DT Tip: Anything caffeinated is a student’s best friend after those late nights of studying. Address: 505 N. State College Blvd. • Pick Up Stix Price: Under $10 per entrée Cuisine: Chinese DT Tip: Get the family meal and split the cost and food amongst friends. Address: 501 N. State College Blvd.
See FOOD, page 11
August 23, 2010
FOOD GUIDE CONT. ... Continued from page 10 • Papa John’s Pizza Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Pizza DT Tip: Check out their website and Twitter to see local deals on pizzas. Address: 2327 E. Chapman Ave.
LOCATION 5 • Pepe’s Mexican Restaurant Price: Under $15 Cuisine: Mexican DT Tip: This place opens early and closes late, so it’s a great place to eat after late-night classes. Address: 821 N. Placentia Ave.
• El Tarasco Restaurant Price: Under $10 Cuisine: Mexican DT Tip: It’s a great place to go for Taco Tuesday because it’s cheaper than on other days. Address: 2931 Nutwood Ave.
• Denny’s Price: Under $15 Cuisine: American DT Tip: It’s open 24/7 for when you want breakfast at 2 a.m. Address: 2920 Nutwood Ave.
August 23, 2010
CSU Fee Comparison A comparison of fees between Southern California CSUs KIRAN KAZALBASH Copy Editor
Though the cost of attending a CSU may be lower than most other state universities, the different campuses within the CSU system vary in cost as well. Unknown to many students, the cost of attending different campuses is not the same, with differences up to $1,970 per academic year. Cal State Fullerton, compared to the 22 other campuses, has one of the lowest student fees.
By The Numbers CSUs in Southern California differ in terms of total fees paid per semester Average total fees per semester:
$5,076 CSUN
Key $4,812
$ 5,137
$5,049 CSUSB
Difference in total fees per semester between highest and lowest:
$ 1,970
$5,085 CSUCI
$4,847 CSULA
$4,849 CSUDH
$5,206 SDSU
Source: LUCIO VILLA / Asst. Photo Editor
Graphic Legend In descending order:
CPSLO: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
SDSU: San Diego State Uni-
CSMA: Cal State San Marco CSUCI: CSU Channel Islands CSUN: CSU Northridge CSUSB: CSU San Bernardino CSUF: CSU Fullerton CSUDH: CSU Dominguez
CPP: Cal Poly Pomona CSULA: CSU Los Angeles CSULB: CSU Long Beach
August 23, 2010
The online guide to professors How to find out which professor fits your style of learning JENNIFER CHUNG Asst. Graphics Editor
Biased grading, suffocatingly strict attendance policies, lectures that lull you to the deepest dream level possible, these are just a few of the many elements most of us hope to avoid when choosing a professor during the exciting process of class registration. One of the greatest things about college is the variety of options available to us. If there are choices, why not go for the most sensible one? Since its launch in 1999, has proven to be a savior to college students all over the United States, Canada and Great Britain. The site has since accumulated a database of over 6,000 schools, 1 million professors and a whopping 10 million opinions pertaining to them. allows students a fairly lax rein when it comes to rating professors, barring obscene language or libelous comments. Students are given the liberty to rate their professors on varying levels of easiness (hard to easy), helpfulness (useless to extremely helpful), clarity (incomprehensible to crystal clear), hotness (a rating some may deem trivial, yet secretly advantageous) and lastly an overall rating composed of an average of the above. Students have differing preferences for which trait they consider the most important. Jennifer Ebunilo, 22, a graphic design senior, stressed the necessity of a thoroughly helpful professor. “If a professor can’t help you when you’re lost, they’re failing to do their job. You’re not learning, and nobody wins.” Students are also able to comment on other aspects of the class the professor teaches, such as the attendance policy, whether a textbook is necessary to do well or the grading structure. An interesting question that raises is this:
What is the real motive behind actually utilizing this site? Do students search for professors that will actually challenge them and take them on a scholastic adventure in order to milk the course of its true educational benefits? Or are they mainly just looking to take on the role as captain of the S.S. Easy A for a laid-back voyage of smooth sailing? For Chris Le, 21, a psychology senior, it is the former. “I enjoy an instructor who can engage me intellectually, and I feel that provides too much insight on whether a person would get along with an instructor on a personal level, as opposed to how well they’ll actually learn from them,” he said. Despite the wild assortment of opinions, and as Stephanie Chavez, a business accounting major, 21, pointed out, one thing can be said with confidence: A professor’s teaching style has a huge effect on the academic success of a student. This is where comes in. Save yourself the headache of finding the “right” professor for you and check the site out.
Courtesy of
August 23, 2010
The cost of caffeine DEYJA CHARLES Asst. Multimedia Editor
School is starting and old habits are returning, at least for Cathy Taing, a business senior. For Taing who lowered her caffeine intake to twice a week during the summer, it’s time to get back into her zone when classes begin. This is common among college students. There are some who depend on it and others who can do without it. But the effects of drinking caffeine and alcohol have not fazed those who indulge in it. News about caffeine and alcohol drinking habits for college students are constantly changing. Some report that caffeine can lower heart attack risks
for women, others say that it’s an addictive illusion that can cause intense body crashes and headaches. Taing, who has been drinking coffee for years, said she has yet to experience withdrawals. “I only drink a lot when I’m studying for finals,” Taing said. “But if I do drink it, I get drinks that are more festive like peppermint white chocolate mocha.” This holiday delight carries an average of 470 calories per grande serving, according to the Starbucks nutritional guide. The worry of calories and healthiness are no concern for Taing, but for graphic design junior, Ruben Santa, health is his priority. “I’m not really a health guru; I just don’t like the idea of being dependent on it,” Santa said.
Santa has never bought into the fad of caffeine and energy drinks. “I don’t think they’re healthy for you,” he said. “You may start off with a good burst of energy, but you’ll end up crashing really hard.” Not only does he not give in to the addictions of caffeine, but alcohol, as well. “I used to drink casually with friends, but they started drinking way too much, so I vowed I would never touch it again,” Santa said. Morality may not be most people’s reasons for cutting back on alcohol, but facts might. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), one ounce of alcohol is equivalent to the calories of a baked potato. This is just with a typical beer. A margarita served in a pint glass contains a minimum of 550 calories. Thats why Katelynn Monday, a sociology senior, limited her glasses of wine to twice a month. “When I turned 21, I had three drinks, but I wanted that part of my lifestyle to be casual. There’s no reason to go crazy,” Monday said. But Monday also believes that she was influenced by her household. “We have moderate drinkers in the family, so drinking only occurred around holidays,” Monday said. To get her caffeine fix, she doesn’t rely on the creamy coffee but rather the exotic teas. “Coffee makes my stomach hurt, and I’m afraid of what energy drinks can do to the body, so I stick with tea,” Monday said. As the saying goes, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and so is health. The more informed you are, the better. So as school begins and Taing ups her caffeine intake, she will remember her reason for doing so: to be able to get through the demands of classes.
Nutritional Info: Medium Latte Coffee Calories: 135 Fat: 5.51 grams Saturated Fat: 3.22 grams (17 percent of daily value) Carbs: 12.36 grams Cholesterol: 20 mg Sodium: 126 mg Sugar: 13.55 grams
Red Bull
Calories: 110 Sodium: 200 mg Vitamin B6: 250% Vitamin B12: 80% Niacin: 100% SOURCE:,
August 23, 2010
CSUF Clubs & Organizations Guide An in-depth look into how to get involved on campus
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ASI Committees ASI Productions Titan Tusk Force College Inter-Club Councils
MARIO DAVIS, JR. For the Daily Titan
Two of the most commonly heard words at Cal State Fullerton are “Get Involved.” Campus involvement creates opportunities for students to make new friends, network with industry professionals and learn new skills. Students who get involved are able to enhance their collegiate experience by participating in club related competitions, attending university-funded conferences nationwide, and most importantly becoming a student leader amongst their peers. With nearly 300 clubs and organizations offered, finding something of interest is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. CSUF also makes it easy for students to start their own club, all that is needed is five interested students and one adviser to oversee the club.
The Associated Students Inc. is the recognized student government on campus. For students of the CSU, fees are paid in place of “tuition” to keep the cost of attendance affordable for all students. Of those fees, a small portion goes directly to ASI which allows for academic and co-curricular programs and services to be offered throughout the university. Any and all events produced by ASI are open and/or free to all students. ASI serves as the agency body for any recognized student funded club and organization on campus. ASI Leadership Positions: • ASI Executive Positions • ASI Board of Directors • TSU Governing Board
Put your money where your mouth is CSUF’s College of Business and Economics is the largest accredited business school on the West Coast, nationally recognized for accreditation in both its business and accounting programs. Here are a few business related clubs to consider: • Acacia Group • Accounting Society • African American Business Society • American Marketing Association (AMA) • Beta Alpha Phi Business and financial Information • Business Inter-Club Council (BICC) • Delta Sigma Pi Co-ed Business Fraternity • Finance Association • Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda • Math Club • Student Managed Investment Fund Down, set, hut! With a full load of classes, long hours of work and stress, it is essential to make time for fun. CSUF’s Intercollegiate Athletics Department has given students the opportunity to compete against the nation’s finest competitors. You often hear about Titan baseball or basketball, but here
are some other sports and recreation offered for students: • Archery Club • Triathlon Club • Competitive Bowling Team (CBT) • Fencing Club • Ski and Snowboard Team • Equestrian Team • Kung Fu Club • Lacrosse Club • Rugby • Sailing Club • Table Tennis Association • Tennis Club • Titan Hockey • Titan Paintball • Ultimate Frisbee • Volleyball Club • Water Polo Club • Women’s Lacrosse
Peace, love and a bucket of extra crispy! It is often said, you won’t know where you are going until you understand where you came from. Philanthropic involvement within the community has been a legacy at CSUF since its existence. If you are interested in helping out the community members through beach clean ups, fostering children, rebuilding homes, feeding the homeless, etc., then check out some of the volunteer clubs/organizations below. • Camp Titan • Circle K International • College Legal Clinic Committee • Community Engagement Advocates See CLUBS, page 17
August 23, 2010
... Continued from page 16 • • • • • • • • • •
Students Recycle Outreach Organization Environmental Studies Student Association Flying Samaritans Global Medical Brigades Music Saves Lives Club OC On Track: Mentoring Children of Prisoners Social Art Project Student Assistant Voice U.S Coast Guard Auxiliary Titan Detachment Volunteer and Service Center Student Association
Hope. Action. Change. Whether your wings flap to the left, right or straight down the middle, CSUF offers political experience and development for students of all ranges. The programs offered are geared
toward understanding the political process, recognizing a social need for change in society and mastering the craft of research in political debate. Below are some clubs that may be of interest to you: • DC Internship Club • Model United Nations • College Democrats • College Republicans • Lobby Corps • Project People Against Trafficking and Human Exploitation • Roots and Shoots • Scientists and Engineers for America • Secular Student Alliance • Students for Peace and Social Justice • Young Americans for Liberty • Debate Team Think outside the box
Thinking outside the box isn’t easy for most people, but it does wonders for others. Below are some of other clubs you might consider if you are into creativity. • Film Review Club
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Candela Hot Glass Club Medieval Swordsmanship Club Production Workshop (PDub) Swing Dancers Club Wushu Club Ceramics Club Sculpture Club Globe Trotters Japanese Anime Club Pencil Mileage Club Real Estate Association
Culture and Religion Have you recently been on the path to find answers to thought provoking questions? Are you curious about the meaning of life and/or getting in tune with your spiritual side? Whether you have a specific belief or are looking for a group to help you better understand religious practices, CSUF offers a wide variety of religious student organizations across campus. • Alpha Omega
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Bahai Club Bliss and Wisdom International Campus Crusade for Christ Campus Outreach Christ Our Redeemer AME North Christian Students Coptic Orthodox Christian Club Divine Servants Destino Fellowship of Christian Athletes Gaia’s Titans International Christian Fellowship Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Korea Campus Crusade for Christ Muslim Student Association Newman Catholic Club One by One RISE Christian Students RockHarbor Society of Free Thinkers True Vine University Praise Vietnamese Catholic Student Association Womens Islamic Network
Can you hear me now? Good! California is the entertainment capital of the world and what better way to get your foot inside the door than with other professionals already experienced within the industry. Take trips to the American Music Awards, meet famous celebrities and produce professional independent films or news packages. These are some of the many experiences you can expect within the communications clubs listed below. See what’s available to you: • Advertising Club
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International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Entertainment Tourism Club (ETC) National Student Speech Lan-
guage and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) TV Film Society Titan Internet Radio Student Organizations Accessing Resources Communications Inter-Club Council (SOAR-CICC) Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Daily Titan Newspaper
Lift, squeeze and downward-dog The Student Recreation Center offers a number of aerobic and athletic routines for students who focus on staying in shape. Whether you want to achieve those rock hard abs or tone that perfect summer beach body, the SRC is your one-stop shop to greatness. One visit and you’ll feel like you’re in an episode of Baywatch. • Yoga • Titan Cycle • Cardio Kickboxing • Zumba • Pilates • Water Aerobics • Guts, Butts and Thighs • Cardio Camp • Hip Hop • Abs and More • Time2Tone Up So what are you waiting for? Get in
there and get involved. Your life will never be the same! Information on all clubs and organizations along with contact information, meeting times, costs, etc. can be found at the ASI website: studentlife/clubsorg.html
August 23, 2010
Guide to Downtown Fullerton Nightlife Slide Bar: The Slide Bar is located at 122 E. Commonwealth Ave. in Fullerton and open from 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. and 10 a.m. - 2 a.m. on Sunday. The Slide Bar provides a rock ‘n’ roll atmosphere for its customers, with live bands every night. The outside patio has a young and exciting vibe. They serve food until 1 a.m. and have a Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. with half-priced appetizers and drinks. Feedback: “It’s not hard to get comfortable at the Slide Bar, especially with all the good music they play,” said Sean Moradian, 22, a Cal State Fullerton political science major.
MARK SAMALA / Photo Editor Live performances at Stubriks are held weekly by local bands
SABRINA PARK Asst. Opinion Editor
Having a regular meeting spot is critical to a successful night on the town. Of course, finding this perfect location is no simple task. For this reason it is necessary to get a feel for what is the ideal “meeting spot” for you. Fortunately, this “Guide to Downtown Fullerton’s Night Life” will provide you with all of the essential information without having to do any of the work! Perhaps you will discover your new favorite location for next weekend’s outing. Maybe you will even find your regular meeting spot. It’s like Benjamin Franklin once said, “There can’t be good living where there is not good drinking.” Cheers! Stubrik’s (pictured above): Stubrik’s is located at 118 E. Commonwealth Ave. in Fullerton and is open from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. They are known for serving dinner until midnight. Stubrik’s provides a dimly-lit atmosphere in the dining area and an upper level pool table area. Stubrik’s is known for their late night happy hour Sunday through Thursday from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. Feedback: “(It’s) a good place to start out your night because it’s mellow and not that crowded. (They) usually have a live band, and (it’s) nice if you want to play some pool,” said Melanie Vu, 21, of Newport Beach.
Envy Ultra Lounge: Envy Ultra Lounge is located at 120-A W. Wilshire Ave. in Fullerton and is open from 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. on Monday and 5 p.m. 2 a.m. Tuesday through Saturday and closed on Sundays. Envy features a non-smoking, chic and trendy atmosphere. It is a much smaller scale L.A. nightclub. Envy is famous for their Kobe sliders, asparagus fries and their excellent happy hours; including halfoff appetizers and select drinks from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Feedback: “(It is) a great place to go for a night out with the girls,” said Kelsey Zahner, 22, of Irvine and a regular at Envy. Tuscany Club: Florentine’s Tuscany Club is located at 100 N. Harbor Blvd. in Fullerton and is open from 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. The Tuscany Club has DJs on Mondays, karaoke throughout the week and live music Thursday through Saturday. Their happy hour is from 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. Monday through
MARK SAMALA / Photo Editor
Friday. Feedback: “(It had) a really nice atmosphere, and I had a good time,” said Dominic Berroya, 23, of Riverside and a first-timer at Florentine’s. Continental Room: The Continental Room is located at 115 W. Santa Fe Ave. in Fullerton and open from 2 p.m. - 2 a.m. every day. The Continental Room offers its customers a 1960s Las Vegas vibe with red being their core color, creating a sultry ambiance. In addition to their old fashioned interior, there’s an outdoor patio as well as pool tables. They have DJs and live music every night (typically blues, rock, soul and funk) starting from 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. Feedback: “The Continental Room offers a more relaxed and old-fashioned vibe in comparison to the other downtown bars,” said Dominic Chavez, 22, of Orange.
The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Back to school guide 2009
Inside: ■Adjusting to campus life
■Ways to save money on books ■Finding the best campus group ■Off-campus nightlife and more...
Finding the right group for you
(MCT) Freshman year: a time for new beginnings, personal growth and awkward social situations. If you’re like most freshmen, finding yourself in a sea of strangers can be jarring, and making friends is one of the most important things on your mind. Parties are fun, but it’s hard enough to hear yourself think, let alone get to know anyone else with the music thumping. One of the surest ways to find friends who share your interests is to join student groups. This guide helps to explain some of the most popular choices, but there are plenty of other offbeat organizations to choose from or the option to start your own club. Greek Life Greek life carries a certain stigma with it, yes – but skeptics, don’t count it out just yet. If you aren’t part of or planning to be part of any other groups, Greek life can be a great way to get involved in a group at school. “It is a wonderful way to meet people,” said Kris Bridges, a member of the National Panhellenic Conference Executive Committee and chairman of the College Panhellenics. “It makes the college campus seem a lot smaller to make those connections and get to know people.” The thing to keep in mind is that the experience differs greatly depending on the school. Greek life certainly may not be for everyone. If you detest being surrounded by large groups of girls on a regular basis, for example, joining a sorority might not be your first choice. If you love being involved and active and working in groups, maybe it’s just for you. Here are a few general recruitment tips for incoming freshmen from, a Web site powered by the NPC, though these tips also apply to guys and fraternities as well: - Be yourself. - Have genuine and honest conversations. - Spend time really getting to know the members. - Expose yourself to the chapter experience. - Seek accurate information from the college or university. - Look for the group where you feel the most comfortable. - Keep an open mind. - Trust the process.
Intramural Sports If you love sports, but you are not exactly a Division I (or II or III) athlete, that’s no reason to give up your athletic lifestyle. Intramural sports programs offer a terrific way to meet people, stay in shape and have a great time all in one. And even though fun is the first reason to join an intramural sports team, being involved in one also can provide broader benefits, even helping to improve your overall satisfaction with college life. According to “The Value of Recreational Sports in Higher Education,” a study conducted by the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA), involvement in recreational sports provides a wide range of benefits for students, such as: - Improving emotional wellbeing - Reducting stress - Improving happiness - Improving self-confidence - Building character - Aiding in time management skills - Improving leadership skills Katherine Otten, editor and assistant director of marketing for the NIRSA, said most schools will have a recreational facility with information on sports. “Stopping by this facility and talking with staff there is the best way of getting to know what a school offers,” Otten said. “Many have a staff member dedicated to intramural programming.” Otten said the most popular intramural sports are typically flag football, basketball, soccer and volleyball, though these are certainly not the only sports offered at most schools. If you want to scope out your school’s intramural sports, Otten suggests checking out your school’s Web site and searching under recreational sports.
Student Government
Clubs and Special Interest Groups
For aspiring politicos, student government is a logical choice, and chances are there’s one at your school. Butch Oxendine, executive director of the American Student Government Association, said his organization tracks about 5,000 institutions – about 4,500 of which have student governments. College students often complain that student government has little ability to change the school, but Oxendine says the key is to have realistic goals. “Can they build a new parking garage tomorrow? No,” he said. But the government might be able to make smaller changes like adding a copying machine or extending library hours, he said. “Stuff like that, it sounds silly, but for a lot of students, it really matters for their lives.” Although officer elections are typically held in the spring, many schools elect senators in the fall, he said. The difficulty of winning an election depends on the school. “Some schools go begging for candidates, and you can get elected by being alive,” he said. “But at other schools, it’s much harder and you have to campaign aggressively.” If you want to get a taste of student government before running for office, you may be able to fill an unelected position – as a committee or cabinet member, for example. Time commitments vary widely, Oxendine said. A student government president at a large school may spend 40 hours per week on the position and may receive monetary compensation. Meanwhile, senators can put in just a few hours a week. The makeup of student government is different from school to school, Oxendine said. Governments at large state schools may be full of political science majors prepping for a career in politics, while at smaller schools they might be made up of nursing majors just looking to improve the campus, he said.
If Greek life is not for you, you don’t like sports or have no big dreams for your student political career, don’t worry – you have not exhausted all your options. Special interest groups and student clubs are a great way to meet people that share your interests that you might not otherwise run into. “The best thing to do is to go to a student org fair at the beginning of the year,” said Tatum Enslin, a junior at the George Washington University and student employee for undergraduate admissions. There you can find anything from chess club to various religious groups to ballroom dancing societies; the bigger the school, the more groups they are likely to have. “The first week or two of freshman year just go to the
Campus Media For motivated students, working for campus media can provide a unique thrill. “Breaking a story or turning around a great newspaper creates a feeling that does not compare to anything else,” Emily Glazer, editor in chief of The Daily Northwestern at Northwestern University, wrote in an e-mail. Whether you’re interested in standing in front of a television camera, sitting behind a microphone at the radio station or grilling sources for the newspaper, campus media gives you the chance to develop your communication skills and pick up some valuable professional experience. Campus media comes in a variety of flavors. Some college newspapers print daily; others print weekly or monthly. Some media organizations receive school funds and oversight, while others are completely independent. One of the benefits – and one of the challenges – of working for campus media is a learning experience that can’t be replicated in the classroom. “No amount of classroom instruction can truly prepare someone for the experience of being on the mic and ‘on the air,’” Scott Maxwell, general manager of the University of Maryland’s radio station, wrote in an e-mail. “It’s trial by fire – you have to sit down and simply do it – and that’s how you learn.” The work can be time-consuming. Allie Grasgreen, editor in chief of the Oregon Daily Emerald at the University of Oregon, estimated the average staff time commitment is about 25 hours per week. Some media organizations pay their staff, but don’t expect to rake in the cash – most students do it for the love of the job. “I wouldn’t be doing it – especially to this extent – if I didn’t love it,” Northwestern’s Glazer wrote.
first meeting of any and all clubs that you might be interested in, then choose the ones you really want once you experience it all,” Enslin said. And what if you can’t find a group that fits your niche? If somehow you are the only one brilliant enough to realize that what your school really needs is a cheese tasting club or a bird watching group, then you can always take control and start your own. The process will not be exactly the same at each school. Enslin suggests that those interested in starting their own group visit their school’s student activities center to learn about the proper steps. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to branch out. Let’s face it, college might be your only chance to assemble your own personal army of cheese-tasters.
Off-campus Nightlife:
The fall semester has finally arrived, and I bet you can’t wait to sink your teeth into those books! Although studying for classes is kind of required around here, don’t forget to balance that with some play time at your local watering holes in Downtown Fullerton. With a wide variety of themes, Downtown is one place that should not be overlooked. By Jackie Connor
For the Daily Titan
Envy Ultra Lounge: Featuring a club-style atmosphere and boasting an array of sophisticated décor, Envy Ultra Lounge is located in the heart of Downtown Fullerton. So if you feel like getting a bit flossy for the evening or are missing the Los Angeles club scene, save your gas money by staying local, taking in a cocktail, and enjoying the vibes while situated in the
lounge area. Envy features an array of DJs during the week who play everything from house to hip hop. Live music is performed on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights. Envy boasts an upscale food menu, prices ranging from $7 to $26 per plate. There are significant savings to be had on selected food, beer, wine, and martini items on Tuesday through Sunday, 5-7 p.m. There is no cover charge. Brian’s: Located off the beaten path of Downtown, Brian’s is well known around campus and the surrounding area for their Wednesday night dollar draft beers. A small, but mighty space, showcases CSUF’s past sports talent, a pool table, shuffleboard, and jukebox. It is a favorite spot of yours truly, as well as the Daily Titan staff; many flock to enjoy dollar beers on tap until 12 a.m. Wine is available for those not so keen on the lager. “A lot of people know each other,” said Laura Reilly, bartender and CSUF psychology major. “Usually you can come in and find someone to talk to, or just watch sports on TV.” “Baby Back Tuesdays,” from 5-10 p.m. Tuesday nights, features rib and chicken dinners half off the menu price. Oh, and if you go on your birthday, don’t forget to tell the fun bartenders it’s your special day. Continental Room: Take a trip back in time to the 1920s at Fullerton’s one and only speakeasy. Established in 1925, the Continental Room has kept its original look of low-lit atmosphere, plush red velvet, and an intimate stage set for live music that makes you wish you showed up in a fedora and trench coat. Hidden away in the Soco District from the hustle and bustle of Harbor Boulevard, the Continental Room hosts a wide variety of live music every evening. Local bands and DJs take to the small stage to make this old speakeasy come alive with rockin’ and groovin’ tunes. Wednesday nights feature $1.99 shrimp cocktails, and there is no cover charge. Heroes Bar and Grill: Want to go where everybody knows your name, except you can’t
afford the plane ticket to Boston? Heroes is the place for you. Keeping its original hometown feel, including antiques and tons of old blackand-white photos lining the walls, this bar and grill offers a wide variety of American cuisine as well as a full bar with 102 beers on draft. Heroes has a family style atmosphere, so if you feel like dancing, it’s not the place for you. However, with a wide variety of draft beer and menu items ranging from $5 to $14, Heroes is the place to relax and take in a few beers and bites to eat with your Fullerton locals. The Matador: What was once the spot of the Rockin’ Taco is now home to The Matador Cantina. “Our restau-
rant is the most unique,” said Megan Langston, manager at the Matador and a communications major at CSUF. “It’s one of the oldest buildings, at 111 years old.” Lowlit settings and Mexican décor are accompanied by the traditional and contemporary Mexican cuisine. This bar’s décor features works of art that are all original, including the light fixtures and the large bull artwork in the center of the restaurant. No need to escape to Denny’s for
the midnight munchies, the Matador has a $5 food menu that stays open every evening until 2 a.m. The restaurant is open every day of the week, serving brunch and lunch. Happy hour is Monday through Friday from 2-6 p.m., providing $3 domestic beers and $5 well shots. One of the most popular orders are their 32 ounce beers, which may cost between $8 and $10, and are served in an old-fashioned milk jug. Branagan’s Irish Pub: Where would a bar guide be
Safety tips when going out to your favorite bar: • Try to get a friend to go with you, and don’t leave without him/her.
• Have a designated driver.
Don’t drink and drive. You can always • Make sure to lock your car and stow • call a cab, and by doing so, you can save valuables out of sight.
Never leave your drink unattended.
• Be aware, don’t accept a drink that
you did not see the bartender pour.
your life, or the life of someone else on the road.
without an Irish pub? Branagan’s, located in Downtown Fullerton, is the one and only Irish pub in the city. Fairly new to the scene, this pub serves a wide variety of American and Irish food and includes 25 beers on tap. “Branagan’s is only five years old,” said Cory Achay, manager at Branagan’s. “This pub was hand built by the owner and her son.” Although Thursday through Saturday is their most visited time, Branagan’s serves breakfast on Sat-
urdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. until 12p.m. For football and beer fans, there’s specially reduced prices on appetizer, hot dogs and beer combos during Monday Night Football games, as well as on Sunday’s football games. Football fans can also enjoy all their favorite NFL teams’ games on Sunday, as Branagan’s features NFL Sunday Ticket to enjoy all the games on their eight TVs throughout the bar and patio, including one 132 inch TV to catch all the action.
Expert tips on adjusting to campus life (MCT) As you prepare to start your college career, think back on your life and the “firsts” you have experienced thus far. Do you remember starting your first day of elementary school? How about your first middle school dance? Remember how great it felt to drive a car for the first time? Good memories, right? Firsts are important parts of our lives, and they never stop occurring, especially in college. No doubt freshmen everywhere are anticipating new experiences, and we’ve provided tips on successfully navigating some of the firsts you may face while in college.
Your first time away from home This fall may be the first time you move away from your family. You’re probably both excited and a little scared about leaving, and that’s normal. “Missing what’s familiar is natural – but pretty soon new places and people will become familiar, too,” said D’Arcy Lyness, Ph.D., medical editor for the Nemours Foundation and an adolescent psychologist. Lyness explains how to adjust if you are struggling when far away from home: • Get comfortable in your new environment by getting involved and participating in activities you like. • Stick around on the weekends so you can get to know people, and have new experiences. • Don’t concentrate on being away from home. Find out what you like about your campus. • Keep in contact with your loved ones from home, but make sure you’re not giving them most of your attention. • Decorate your dorm room in ways that remind you of home. • Seek out friendships with people of like-minded interests.
Your first part-time job Once you start paying for things on your own, you’ll realize it isn’t cheap to buy groceries or to go out on Friday night. Although many students start working in high school, you may never have felt the need to get a job until now. Emily Strader, the Student Employment Coordinator for University Career Services at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, fills us in on how to snag a good part-time job: • When you first go to apply, make sure you dress appropriately. • If you do not hear from the business within 7 – 10 days after returning the application, go back and speak with the manager. • Restrict yourself to 12 – 15 hours of work a week, or only three shifts a week. • Consider working in the restaurant or babysitting/care-giving businesses. Servers tend to make good money in tips, and babysitters and care-givers are paid higher hourly amounts. • Avoid office jobs that require you to work all day, every day.
Your first break-up
Your first pet Some people find pets – whether it’s a cat, dog, goldfish or lizard – comforting, and you might decide to adopt a little creature. But Nancy Peterson, Issues Specialist for the Humane Society of the United States, said they advise against college students having pets at school. Peterson supplies some information on deciding whether or not to become a pet owner: • Be aware that you probably won’t have very much time to care for a pet while in school. • Try volunteering at a local shelter instead of adopting a pet in college. You will learn more about how to care for animals if you are working in an environment like this. • It is difficult to find housing that permits pets. If you do find somewhere, make sure you get permission in writing from the landlord. You may have to pay extra fees for having a pet where you live. • If you do decide to get a pet, go to a shelter or humane society and discuss your needs with them (also bring any required documentation from your landlord). • Never get a pet from a pet store or over the Internet. Also avoid those who are not professional animal breeders.
Your first credit card You should probably get your first parttime job before you apply for your first credit card, or you could find yourself in a precarious credit situation. Opening lines of credit can affect your credit score – positively or negatively. Similar to a GPA, a credit score is a cumulative rating of your credit performance. Your score affects everything from the interest rates you are offered to whether or not you can buy a car or a home. Suffice to say, it’s important. Beth Kobliner, author of “Get a Financial Life,” provides some tips on what you need to know before getting your first card: • Research different credit card companies’ offers. • Look for a card with low interest rates (also known as low APR), and no annual fees. • Make credit card payments on time. If you don’t, your credit score will suffer. • Only use your card for emergencies, or for things you can pay for in cash.
Photo By Vicki Valerio/For the Daily Titan Cooking your own meals is a benefit of living in an off-campus apartment.
Your first apartment After a few years in the dorms, you may be itching to move out, and perhaps into an apartment. There are upsides to living in an apartment – you can cook your own meals, and there aren’t any pesky resident assistants (often called RA’s) to watch over you. Darya Rotblat, the associate director for Syracuse University’s Office of Orientation and Off-Campus Programs provides some helpful tips on how to find the right housing for you: • Pick a location, and know what your needs are. • Consider price. • Get to know the landlord. Ask questions about repairs, utilities. • Check out the parking situation and find out where guests can park and whether they will need a guest pass. • Research the apartment or house online and/or talk to previous tenants. • Carefully review your lease; read the fine print.
Your first need for a budget In high school you may have had a lot more money to spend on whatever you wanted; but in college you may find you need money every month for things like your credit card bill. That’s why creating a budget is extremely important in college. “If you don’t budget, you will likely get into deep credit card debt. Unfortunately, it’s just too easy to get in over your head fast,” Kobliner said in an e-mail interview. She gives some information to help you get started on creating a budget: • Keep track of all the things you purchase or put money toward for one month. This will help you realize where your money is going. • After you do the above, try out the budget exercises in the “Helpful Calculators” section on Kobliner’s site,
One thing many people tend to do in college is fall in love … and break-up. Your first break-up can be absolutely awful, and the other stresses of college can make it seem unbearable. Lyness, the adolescent psychologist, has some advice on getting through this type of complicated situation: • Talk with friends and family about the breakup, and count on them to be there for you. • Don’t think too much about your former relationship; you don’t want it to control your focus. • Write about your feelings in a journal, or search for a different creative outlet to release your emotions. • Do not look for relief in alcohol or anything else that will restrict you from truly feeling better. • Try throwing yourself into your school work – go to class and study with someone else. • Make an appointment with someone at your college’s counseling center.
Smart ways to save when buying books By Keyana moayedi
For the Daily Titan
Each semester, college students and their parents cough up thousands of dollars in the name of education. For many, the most painful check to write is for textbooks. College Board reports Cal State Fullerton students are spending an average of $1,638 per year on books and supplies. Textbook publishers are notorious for printing new editions of the same books with only minor alterations, rendering their older versions obsolete. Fortunately, for today’s student, there are a variety of money-saving alternatives when it comes to textbook shopping. These savings conveniently begin in our very own Titan Shops with options such as used books, which save students 25 percent off the new book price, and a year-round buy
back program. But just because you can sell your books any time all year doesn’t mean you should. “Timely adoptions also affect our buyback program,” says Kimberly Ball, Senior Manager of Textbooks for Titan Shops. “The more information we have on books needed for an upcoming term, the more we can buy back from students during finals week – which is the best time for students to sell back their books. During that time, the store is purchasing inventory for the next term, paying 50 percent of the purchase price for books we need.” For those who don’t want to deal with the task of selling their books, there are options like digital books and the rental program. Titan Shops currently has over 375 titles available for download that can save students 30-50 percent
off of the new book price. These ebooks are environmentally friendly, easily portable and some even have access to online resources through the text. How e v e r, there are
drawbacks: access to the book is limited to the device it is on, so if
your laptop crashes or runs out of battery, the book is gone. For that reason, many students prefer their textbooks the old fashioned way: crash-proof and glitch-free. The rental program at Titan Shops offers this option with significant savings off new and used book prices. Highlighting and annotating rental books is allowed, and if you decide you’d rather keep the book at the end of the semester, you can do so for a small fee. Many students prefer rental books for other reasons. “I think it is very useful for students as you just pay for it, return it and don’t even have to deal
with buy back,” says Lisa Lebron, 21, a junior. “It saves us money and time. I hope they expand their rental books to offer more books.” A lesser known program, offered at Titan Shops, is their lowest price guarantee. This guarantee allows students who find the same book with the same ISBN from a qualifying retailer at a lower price (excluding marketplace and auction sites), to get the price difference of the book plus 25 percent back in cash from Titan Shops, simply by filling out a form with the retailer and pricing information and submitting it to the bookstore within 30 days of purchase. Titan Shops’ effort to ease the pain of book buying doesn’t stop there. “This past spring, we offered a guaranteed buyback program during finals week – where students were offered no less than $5.00 per book – ensuring that they at least got something for the books they brought back,” said Ball. “It was a very popular program, and we hope to continue during the December finals week”. An increasingly popular option for students is the online marketplace. Sites such as act as a middleman between the booksellers and consumers. Sellers name their prices, aiming to beat their competitors by offering the lowest prices on the Web. Once prices are posted, some sellers employ the use of repricing tools, software that compares prices of the same product across multiple Web sites and update their Web page prices by the hour. Rental books are available online as well. offers a wide selection of books, low rental prices, free return shipping and even plants a tree for every book rented. So what else can college students do to ensure they get the lowest prices on textbooks? “Make sure to buy as early as possible,” says Richard Davies, PR & Publicity Manager for AbeBooks. com. “When books are in demand, prices are driven up, so try to get there before the rush. When searching online, search by ISBN number to make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. Older editions are often cheaper, but check with your professors to see if they allow it.” Ball of Titan Shops suggests shopping early for dibs on good used and rental book selection. “Sell back your unwanted books at the end of the term for the best possible buy back rates.” With so many ways to save, students have no excuse to pay full price for a textbook again.
Titan fashionistas share their tips for fall By Chauntel riser
Daily Titan Assistant Features Editor
Cal State Fullerton students have taken their own spin on the new trends for this season. Fashion week screamed ‘80s with strong padded shoulders, pencil skirts, bold bright colors, sequences, metallics, ankle boots, knee-high boots and leather accessories for the ladies. Male fashion consisted of Native American prints, bold plaids, cozy thermals, tailored suits, molded foam vests, high neck turtle necks, velvet blazers and leather accessories. “This fall’s must-haves are my new metallic ankle boots,” Denise Rodriguez, a human communications major, said. “I also have black ankle boots with little black bows on the side.” When it comes to boots for fall 2009, there are a wide range of choices of materials from suede, to leather, to the metallics. Unlike last fall, this season’s boots add class and sass with the edition of the knee high boot fashion trend, seen in designers like Prada and Louis Vuitton. “Leather boots are not my thing,” Dominique Johnson, a communications major, said. “I like to wear my black suede boots in the fall when
the weather gets cold.” Students seem to have mixed emotions about bringing back the ‘80s style. They are embracing some and rejecting others. “I am staying away from shoulder pads,” Johnson said. “It was a popular trend in the ‘80s business attire, but I don’t understand why they are bringing that trend back. I don‘t think shoulder pads compliment womens’ shapes.” Shoulder pads seem to be a hot topic of discussion, and the ‘80s inspired clothing seems to remind many students of “what their mom used to wear.” “I really don‘t like shoulder pads,” Rodriguez said. “They remind me of my mom. However, they would be cute with something simple like a blouse with puffy sleeves coupled with skinny jeans and metallic
boots.” Bright highlighter colors, as Rodriguez described, are another ‘80s throwback fashion trend that’s reminding students of their parents’ style. “I love the bright color contrast, but I think we should try to take a step forward,” Grant Deering, a human services major, said. “If you compare fashion articles from the ‘80s, it’s a blast from the past. I was looking back at the clothes my mom was wearing when she used to go to the club. It’s almost like I am seeing my mom all over campus. Not that it is a problem, but I want to see something new.” Besides their boots and a few ‘80s throwback styles, skinny jeans and pencil skirts both seem to be musthave items for the fall. “I just bought an ‘80s inspired
red hooded jacket that covers half of the torso,” Johnson said. “It’s got zipper pockets on the side, and I just bought some dark denim skinny jeans.” So what about the pencil skirts? How are students incorporating them into their wardrobe? “I love pencil skirts,” Rodriguez said. “They are a classic, a stapler in the closet. You can wear them with heels when working in an office setting, or wear them with flats when you have a presentation for school.” Students seem to be very fond of the newly inspired ‘80s bright colors coupled with plaid patterns. “I used to wear plaid all the time before it was ‘in’, but then I got away from it because people would always comment on it,” said Rodriguez. “I have now gotten into wearing blacks and grays; mostly fitted jeans with
black shirts. I now choose to wear something that fits well and accents the body, but I’ve always liked plaid. For me, it’s because I grew up on the farms; it reminds me of home.” Deering described the new plaid and thermal trends as very versatile, allowing students to be casual while having the option of dressing it up to be more formal. However, he said that although the vest trend is continuing into the fall he is trying to stay away from them. “Thermal is a little more versatile,” said Deering. “You can wear it with loose-fitting jeans, with Chucks, or with boot cut jeans with nicer shoes.” So whether it’s pencil skirts or skinny jeans, students seem to be adding their own twist to the fall 2009 trends to jazz up their wardrobe.
Campus provides parking options during construction By Monzerrath Gonzalez
Daily Titan Managing Editor
Although parking in a commuter campus is always difficult, this year construction projects will be affecting the ability for students to park every day. Also keep in mind to come to school early for the first few weeks because parking tends to be the most impacted at the beginning of the semester. Students have been given a few options from the school in an attempt to alleviate the congestion that will occur daily on a campus that has approximately 37,000 students. According to a campus email sent to all students during summer break, “Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday will be hard p re s s e d to find parking, except in Lots A and G where assisted parking will be avail- able.� Cal State Fullerton has hired the Parking Company of America to provide assisted parking services. Vehicles will be parked behind other cars after all of the spaces in the lot are filled. Students will receive a numbered inventory control
tag to attach to their keys, which they will leave with an assistant. The tag will correspond to a claim check, which will be displayed on the car. When a student returns to the lot, they will pick up their keys. If a vehicle is parked behind their car an assistant will move the vehicle out of its path. Assisted parking will be available Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. At that time, parking assistants will move vehicles into empty spaces on the lots. Keys can still be retrieved from an assistant that will be on the lot until 10 pm. If a student arrives after that time, keys will have to be retrieved from the University Police Department. Alternatively, students will be able to park off campus at the Meridian Fitness Club. The fitness club structure houses 500 parking spaces and some of them will be designated for CSUF students only. Vehicles must display a valid CSUF parking permit and park in the designated spaces. A shuttle service will be available to bring students to and from the structure from 9 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday’s. Vehicles that are not picked up from the Meridian by 11:00 p.m. will be subject to tow.
New classes you may not have known about By Chauntel Riser
Daily Titan Assistant Features Editor
Students are ecstatic about the bizarre new fall courses that are being offered, from sports officiating to vampires. There are four new fall courses that students are taking special note of: KNES 326, MUSC 570J, KNES 173M, and ENG 343. There are many cultural phenomenons that will be visited in the classroom as a result of the special courses being offered this fall. MUSC 570J is the Graduate Seminar in History and Theory of Jazz Music; in this course, students will study jazz music from 1955-1970. “I played drums in a jazz band in high school,” M.K. Aktan, a computer science student, said. “I believe this course would benefit music majors because it will give them more of an appreciation and understanding of their craft.” The kinesiology department is offering two new courses this fall that are sparking the interest of students. One course is KNES 326, Theory and Application of Sports Officiating, and the other course is KNES 173M, Intercollegiate Golf. The biggest new course buzz is the special English course being offered on Vampire Literature, ENG
343. The professor of this course is Erin Hollis. “I teach a wide array of courses: everything from introductory survey classes, to advanced college writing, to graduate seminars on such authors as Virginia Woolf, Mina Loy, and James Joyce,” Hollis said. Hollis has also taught a Harry Potter course, ENG 342, that was offered last spring and will be offered in spring 2009. When asked what she hopes students will gain from her newlyapproved special course on vampire literature, Hollis said, “I would like students to gain an understanding of how vampires and the literature they inhabit reflect both themselves and other cultures/time periods. Also, by teaching students critically to interpret something that has such
mass appeal right now, I hope to encourage them to approach their current situations in the world in a subtle and sophisticated way.” Vampires have become somewhat of a cultural phenomena, Hollis said. “I was in Borders the other day and saw mass advertisement for vampire texts--it is important to examine the underlying themes and assumptions of such texts,” professor Hollis said. With movies like “Twilight,” television shows like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” and tons of vampire literature, there is no doubt that vampires are an interest of the greater population. “’Twilight’ has sparked a wildfire of tasteful and tasteless literature alike. There‘s about a dozen of dif-
ferent vampire novels I have come across,” Lance Britt, a business major, said. Students have been raising their eyebrows with mixed emotions about whether or not these exciting special courses should be offered when other required courses are being dropped as a result of the struggling economy. “When I first heard about the course, I was skeptical because there are other required courses that are being cut,” Amy Ramirez, a business major, said. “However, after learning that the course will cover the historical aspect of vampires rather than solely focusing on movies like ‘Twilight,’ I have more of an open mind to the English department offering this course.” Students’ skepticism about the
course is prevalent, but they also seem to find an interest in the topic. “I think the ‘Twilight’ craze in general is a little unnecessary, but I have seen the movie,” said Emel Shaikh, a communications student. “I think the professor’s take on the course is interesting, and if the class focuses on all types of literature that discusses vampires, then the class should be very intellectually challenging and would consequently be a great elective.” Although students are feeling the effect of a struggling economy where required courses are being canceled, they appreciate the new courses which offer learning through a new, more interesting perspective with courses like sports officiating, jazz music and vampire literature.