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HEALTH the official student newspaper of the university of houston since 1934



Learn how to:

Get fit. Eat right. Live well. ++++ PLUS

How does Case Keenum

stay in shape?

And: How I lost 55 pounds in 7 months

2 • Thursday, October 27, 2011

Editor’s Note

The Daily Cougar

Under pressure? Try these steps Natalie J. Dryden, M.D. | sponsored article

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a challenge, especially for the typical college student balancing work and classes. But taking the proper

bottom number is the diastolic

In the vast majority of cases,

pressure, a measure of when

blood pressure can be brought

and family obligations but one

the heart relaxes and is filling

under excellent control by taking

there’s another kind of pressure

with blood. Pre-hypertension

a team approach. Between your

spiritual threads. Health 411 provides tips and advice

that we seem to ignore — blood

is defined as blood pressures

efforts and your health-care

on how to use UH resources to help you balance these


ranging 120-140/70-89. Stage

team, you will find success.

longer, happier life. Health is a complex quilt of physical, mental and

attributes so you can live a sustainable college life.

It is estimated that in the

I hypertension ranges 140-

US, there is about a 30 percent

159/90-99 and Stage II is de-

you the 411 on how she lost 55 pounds with Weight

incidence rate of hyperten-

fined as pressures >160/>100.

Watchers. Maybe you’re interested in toning up for your

sion, also known as high blood

Interested in losing weight? Jennifer Postel will give

Reesha Brown

We all worry about the pressures of juggling school, work,

steps to giving your body the attention it needs is the golden ticket to a

A single elevated reading


to reduce your blood pressure:

next big vacation — Case Keenum and UH coaches can help you with

pressure, in people over the age

should not be used to diag-

that, too. Perhaps you’re the one who always gets the flu and you’re

of 18. It is one of the major

nose hypertension unless it is

sick of it — there’s tips on how to avoid cold and flu season. As Breast

risk factors for having a heart

dangerously high or a patient

1. Salt restriction

Cancer Awareness month draws to a close, read an inspiring story about

attack, a stroke and kidney

is experiencing related symp-

2 grams a day

a woman’s fight with cancer.

problems that can lead to need-

toms. It is best to take multiple

ing dialysis, abnormal rhythms

separate readings over several

2. Weight loss Reduce pres-

fish and chips for veggies or fruits but it’s a sure-fire way to get back on

of the heart and sudden cardiac

weeks to months to establish

sure by about 0.5-2 mmHg for

track to a healthier life.

death. Unfortunately, less than

the diagnosis. Several retail

every 2 lbs dropped!

35 percent of those patients are

pharmacies and grocery stores

actually being adequately treat-

as well as the University of

3. DASH diet

ed for it. Some reasons include

Houston Student Health Center

fruits, vegetables, and low-fat

access to care and the cost of

offer blood pressure checks.

dairy products

Let’s face it, it’s hard to substitute juicy cheeseburgers for baked






Learn how to:

Get fit. Eat right. Live well.

PLUS: How I lost 55 pounds in seven months


less than

focuses on

Advertising supplement to The Daily Cougar

medications but often patients


are unaware they have high blood

diagnosed, make sure to take


4. Regular exercise at least

pressure because, early on, there

your medicine. It will help in the

30 minutes a day most days

CONTRIBUTORS  Jennifer Adair, Darlene Campos, Xiaowen Chen, Taylor Cox, Ellen Goodacre, Brian Jensen, Jennifer Postel, Alana MousaviDin, Nine Nguyen, Joshua Siegel, Pedro Pinto

are no symptoms.

long run. Even in the absence

of the week

is 120/70 or less. The top

or under-treated hypertension

5. Limiting alcohol to no

PRODUCTION  Lana Flores, Jorge Robles

number is the systolic pressure,

can lead to many serious health

more than one drink a day for

ADVERTISING SALES  Victoria Gbenoba, Amanda Starghill

a measure of when the heart

problems that could potentially

women and no more than two

contracts and ejects blood; the

be avoided.

drinks a day for men

An ideal blood pressure

Patients who have been

of symptoms, having untreated

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Thursday, October 27, 2011 • 3

Advertising Supplement

Sexual assault and violence against women

Turning couples into families sponsored article

Brian Jensen | health 411

Houston Fertility Insti-

Lake, Willowbrook and The

tute (HFI) offers hope and

Woodlands. All HFI doctors are

help to couples that dream of

reproductive endocrinologists

The FBI estimates that one out of four women

conceiving a child. Whether

and have repeatedly been hon-

will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Many,

trying to conceive for months

ored with awards like Houston

if not most, of these rapes involve alcohol, which

or years, patients can rest

Top Docs, America’s Best Doc-

is described by Director of the Women’s Resource

assured that HFI doctors have

tors and teaching awards.

Center Dr. Beverly McPhail as “the most frequent

the training and experience to

weapon a rapist uses … especially on a college

help them overcome infertility.

is partnering with Sparkles


Reproductive medical leaders

of Life, a non-profit organiza-

Houston Fertility Institute

offer advanced treatments with

tion dedicated to supporting

“hook-up culture,” which encourages sexual inti-

innovative technologies in a

couples on their paths to par-

macy before emotional intimacy, and to also avoid

warm, welcoming environment.

enthood. They recognize that

McPhail encourages students to avoid the

drunken sex. According to her WRC website, “50

Patient-oriented care is HFI’s

every family building journey is

percent to 75 percent of sexual assaults on college

philosophy with every patient

unique and they are especially

campuses involve alcohol consumption on the part

being treated with support,

sensitive to the emotional and

of the victim, the perpetrator or both.”

compassion and individual

financial burden placed upon

attention. HFI consistently

couples struggling to conceive.

delivers high pregnancy rates

The organization formed a part-

and maintains extremely com-

nership with the HFI to provide

Dr. Clayton Neighbors, who studies intimate


partner violence, recently said that more selfconscious people tend engage in intimate-partner

Neighbors duplicating this kind of outreach on

violence and drink more because of feeling “tightly

campus could be a “great idea” because it would

petitive prices, while sharing

deserving couples with the

wound,” whereas those who are less self-conscious

allow aid to violent men “earlier in the process” —

part of the financial risk with

Sparkles’ Garden of Life Grant.

are less likely to drink and commit violence against

before the behaviors are entrenched and children

patients. If the first IVF cycle is

Through the grant, those whose

their partner. This suggests that students may be

are involved.

unsuccessful, they waive all HFI

delayed parenting journey

physician fees for subsequent

consists of documented infertil-

IVF cycles.

ity or miscarriage(s) receive

safer seeking out peers who ‘do their own thing’

McPhail also emphasizes a need to shift rape

rather than those who stress themselves out trying

prevention education to include men, asking “How

to follow the crowd.

can men be more responsible?”

significant financial assistance

Founded in 2001, the

To learn how to become more sexually and emo-

Institute has expanded to seven

to undergo In Vitro Fertiliza-

paign to speak non-judgmentally with violent men

tionally responsible, students are encouraged to

Houston locations, including

tion (IVF) treatment. Check our

about their behaviors before they ended up in the

stop by the Women’s Resource Center or Counsel-

Sugar Land, Katy, West Hous-

sparklesoflife.org to get more

criminal system.

ing and Psychological Services (CAPS).

ton, Texas Medical Center, Clear

information and to apply.

Dr. Neighbors also initiated an outreach cam-

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4 • Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Daily Cougar

Small parts, big solutions UH researchers use nano matter to find cancer’s cure Xiaowen Chen | HEALTH 411 The University of Houston’s

and breast cancer by observing changes of DNA, RNA and other

operation with other UH depart-

nology is broadly applied in high

molecular cells of human body.

ments in an effort to find new

technology like IT and semi-

ways to bridge the gap between

conductor industry,” Dr. Dmitri

medicine field, nanotechnology

nanotechnology research and

Litvinov, director of the Materials

possesses the potential to over-

medicine to help save lives.

Engineering program and the UH

come the diseases human beings

“This is quite exciting. In the

Nanofabrication Facility said. “For

have never cured for thousands

which made its debut during

example, chips and hard drives

of years.”

the ‘90s deals with developing

inside personal computers con-

The innovative technology

materials, devices and other structures possessing at least

tain nanotechnology. “UH nanotechnology focuses

The Nanofabrication Facility is a state-of-the-art clean room equipped with an extensive

one dimension sized with scale of

on medicine field, especially

toolset of nano- and micro-device


cancer research. Sensors com-

prototyping and characteriza-

bined with nanotechnology would

tion. There are a few doctoral and

UH Tier One path greatly by en-

help to detect early markers

post-doctoral students working in

hancing high technology research

of cancers including leukemia

this facility with faculty and other

Nanotechnology would benefit Reesha Brown • HEALTH 411

quality and broadness. “In the real world, Nanotech-

College of Engineering is in co-

supervisors. “I enjoy research freedom atmosphere in this facility during the past five years,” electrical engineering doctoral student Long Ching said. “My nanotechnology accomplishment includes building, scanning magnetic resistance microscope, polar magneto-optical kerr microscope and developing process for fabricating graded bit-patterned media.” Ching acquires funding resources to support the Nanofabrication Facility, to guide and supervise other students and faculty members in researching nanotechnology further. “I try to give them enough scientific freedom, which is emphasized in all universities (in the) US,” Litvinov said. Other departments are making efforts in processing nanotechnology research. Chemistry professor T. Randell Lee, discovered new characteristics of nano-gold shells in cooperation with Rice University. This material could reveal the location of tumors or cancers and then destroy them in a burst of heat. “Research accomplishments



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cannot apply to industry or practical use as soon as they are produced,” Dmitri said. “A tenyear period for scientific research turning to industry production would be quite a fast cycle.” Because Houston boasts an extremely reputable medical center, the combination of nanotechnology and medicine would definitely have a potential future. In human civilization, nanotechnology would also play a significant role by penetrating into our daily life.

Thursday, October 27, 2011 • 5

Advertising Supplement

How to avoid ... achoo! The flu Alana MousaviDin | HEALTH 411


Fall brings so many things — a break from the scorching heat, football season, the holidays

Statistics show college

completely immune to the com-

and, ah yes, cold and flu season. Yikes! Symptoms

students have three to four colds

mon cold.

begin with feeling run down and tired — nothing

a year on average. Spending time

• Strep Throat: Anyone who’s

new for a college student. Then the aches and fever

on campus or in dorms leads

had strep throat knows how

and what follows is more misery than you remem-

to the faster spread of germs

uncomfortable it can be. Caused

bered from last year’s bout with the flu.

and viruses than in other public

by a type of bacteria, strep


throat is a form of pharyngitis.

Influenza, or more commonly known as the flu, is one of those things that everyone dreads but has

Poor diet, stress, lack of

Typical symptoms include high

total control over if you take timely precautions.

sleep and/or exercise can also

fever, sore throat and enlarged

Can we say get your flu shots, boys and girls? Yes,

put students at a higher risk for

lymph nodes. Other symptoms

we can. And have no fear, Dr. Mary Rae, Chief

coming in contact with a cold or

can include headaches, nausea

Physician at the UH Health Center says that it is

the flu. It comes as no surprise

and vomiting.

impossible to get the flu with the vaccination, and

that most college students

• Flu: Commonly referred to

aren’t the best at keeping a

as the flu, the influenza virus in

healthy diet or sleep schedule.

a very infectious disease that

To beat cold or flu, it helps

spreads quickly. More severe

Taylor Cox • Health 411

the only downside is a sore arm for a day or two. Dr. Rae feels that it is important for students to

those affected need to stay at home until free of

know a few facts. She said that everyone over the age

fever for 24 hours. The virus is contagious for 24

of six months needs to be immunized against influ-

hours before the patient even has symptoms until

to understand what you’re up

than the common cold, the flu

enza. By everyone, she really does mean everyone —

24 hours after being fever-free.

against and how it spreads.

can result in death if not treated

men, women, teens, kids, babies, pregnant women

Good hygiene practices like frequent hand

properly. Vaccinations help ward

and the elderly. Before now, people were asked to

washing and distancing yourself from others who

• Common Cold: It’s called a

off the flu and are recommend-

wait until they well to receive their flu shot, but the

are sick helps, but none are more effective than

“common” cold for good reason.

ed at the start of the fall/winter

newest update recommends that you get flu shots

getting a flu vaccination.

More than one billion colds are


Beware of flu shots if you have egg allergies.

spread throughout the US each

Also, some have been known to develop Guillain-

year. Colds are caused by virus-

symptoms, Neighbors Emer-

every day for $20, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The wellness

Barre syndrome within six weeks of receiving the

es, and there are currently 200

gency Center can help. We offer

benefit for the Student Health Insurance will cover

flu vaccine.

different types of viral strains.

convenient, 24/7 emergency care

Because so many different types

from board certified emergency

Center at (713) 743-5151. For more information

exist and they constantly adapt

physicians you can trust. Visit

US die every year from the flu. Even the mildest

about the flu, colds and Pertussis, please visit

and mutate in form, it’s difficult

www.nec24.com for a location

cases will last from five to seven days, and that


and practically impossible to be

near you.

even when you have a minor illness. “Flu shots are available at the UH Health Center

the cost of the flu shot,” Rae said. She went on to say that 36,000 people in the

To schedule your flu shot, call the UH Health

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If you are having cold or flu

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6 • Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Daily Cougar

Games don’t end on the field Athletes train hard, work long and get prepared for life’s big race Joshua Siegel | HEALTH 411

If you see a herd of 300-pound crabs circling the track at the Athletics Alumni Center, don’t be alarmed — it’s just the UH football team.

performance as well because he takes them to where they can’t even walk and start to jog and move, then we take over.” Like a bear preparing for winter hibernation, student-athletes add weight and muscle in the offseason that they will need once competition starts.

Director of Sports Perfor-

“When you’re in-season, you

mance Larry Jackson has used some interesting techniques to get

do so much conditioning that the

the Cougars warmed up before

weight you put on, you lose right

practice including “dynamic flex-

after practice,” sophomore forward

ibility” activities — a fancy name

Mikhail McLean said. “It’s really

for moving yoga — and also hav-

not weight, you really can’t main-

ing his players crab walk.

tain any weight once you get into the season — you’re just stuck at

“When guys screw up, they can

the weight you’re at right now.”

crawl across the field,” Jackson said.

McLean said that sleep is the key

“When the track’s out, when it’s win-

for him to maintaining his fitness.

ter workouts like January, February,

“If I could only have one, I think

I’ve had the team crab walk all the

it’s sleep more than anything else,”

way around the track. That would probably be one of the weirdest


walking around the track.” Keeping the Cougars’ student athletes

workout is the toughest and when we move

a lot of shoulder stuff, shoulder stability,

down towards the game,” Jackson said. “The

shoulder strength-type stuff,” Jackson said. One of the Cougars’ focuses in workouts

in top shape is not an easy task, and not

workout backs off because I don’t want their

limited to just crab walking around a track.

legs to be tired. I don’t want anything to be

is “prehab,” or exercises geared towards

tired, so it’s a balancing act with trying to

preventing injuries. Injuries are inevitable

and conditioning coach that they work with

make sure you get enough work in, but you

though, and one of the areas that Jackson

who manages their routines and a nutrition-

don’t do too much.”

and his staff deal in is helping players in the

Players from each sport have a strength

ist that covers all of the student-athletes.

he said. “Because if you get those nine or 10 hours of sleep, you just

things to see that whole group crab

With each student-athlete comes differ-

second half of their rehab. Coming back

feel great when you wake up in the morning. It just starts the day off perfect, in my opinion at least.” McLean also likes to start his day with a healthy breakfast. “I try to always get a breakfast in no matter how big of a rush I’m in,” McLean said. “If I have time, I’ll make eggs, bacon,

ent body types and different sorts of on-

from injury is not an easy task. Jackson said

sausage. Sometimes I’ll just get Honey

Chevron with Techron in the tank and we

field responsibilities. Jackson and the other

it becomes a “mental thing,” and “the player

Bunches of Oates for cereal.”

just get to drive the car fast,” Jackson said.

strength coaches try to prepare the players

has to want to come back from the injury.”

Time management is crucial for

for that. While Chris Thompson and the

Players begin their rehab with head athletic

student-athletes, but the results of their

and fitness can be tricky to balance with

Cougars’ other offensive linemen do lots of

trainer Mike O’Shea.

hard work can be rewarding.

academics and the bumps and bruises of

heavy squats, cleans and shoulder work,

in-season competition.

quarterback Case Keenum works with UH’s

a certain percentage before we get a hold

to give yourself a lot more rest,” senior

baseball trainers.

of them,” Jackson said. “By the time they

guard Roxanna Button said. “You have to

make it back to us, their performance level

be smart and use your time wisely. I sleep

him through his workout because they do

has reached 50 or 60 percent. Mike O’Shea

a lot. I get as much sleep as I can and rest.

some rotational stuff just like a pitcher,

has to have a bit of training with sports

“We have someone else putting the

The balancing act of proper diet, sleep

For the football team, Jackson closely monitors each player and assesses what each athlete will do that week. “At the beginning of the week is when the

“I have our baseball strength coach take

“Doc basically brings a guy from zero to

“It’s a lot more workouts, so you have

“You feel good. You feel healthy.”

Get in shape at the Rec. Here’s how. Darlene Campos | HEALTH 411 Officially opened in 2003, the Recreation Center on campus is a great way to socialize

quires a valid UH ID card. Where do I put my things? Don’t know

the natatorium, locker rooms, racquetball and basketball courts, Smoothie King, and the

and get in shape. With a wide selection of

where to put your book bag or purse, the Rec

Wellness Center. The second floor has a variety

elliptical machines, weight trainers, fitness

Center is way ahead of you. You can purchase

of cardio machines, free weights, and an

classes, and other physical activities, students

personal combination lockers for $20 per

indoor running track.

are sure to not grow sick of the same old

semester or $45 for a fiscal year. However, free

workout routine.

day lockers are available for use as well.

Those who have been to or passed by the

Bring your towel: Don’t sweat on the

In addition to the fitness aspect, the first floor has a small convenience store with a Smoothie King. This store, compared to the

Rec Center can probably agree that the place

machines! Or rather, make sure you bring your

other stores around campus, has a section

is HUGE, so one might get overwhelmed with

towels, they are required. But towel services

dedicated to healthy choices. Protein shakes,

finding their way around the facility. Not to

are also provided at $12 a semester or $26 for

organic cookies, and fruit smoothies are not

boxing. Full schedules are posted on the first

worry, this guide will show you the way.

the year.

just delicious, but also filling.

floor of the Rec Center and can be found on-

Check In: Students are automatically

Where do I go? Try not to get lost! Familiar-

What do I do now? Monday through Friday,

Catherine Lara • Health 411

line on the Rec Center’s website as well. These

members of the Rec Center once enrolled.

ize yourself with everything each floor has to

the Rec Center holds group fitness classes

classes are free to those who sign up, but it is

When you check in, the front desk only re-

offer. Let’s start on the first floor: You can find

such as Zumba, yoga, Latin Dance, and kick-

advised to be on time since space is limited.

Thursday, October 27, 2011 • 7

Advertising Supplement

Obesity rate swells in US

Learn from my weight-loss tale My old, ratty jeans were

tention to my weight before the

no longer

scare, mainly because I never

Dr. Ledoux Says


had to. I was a dancer, I was ac-

for the type of

tive, I could eat whatever without it effecting my physical features.

Ellen Goodacre & Brian Jensen | health 411 Students can probably agree

may not enjoy true exercise like

that when faced with tons to do

running, should get 30 minutes

in a day, fitness is on the lower

of physical activity like playing

Tracy Ledoux, with the UH

business casual

end of the to-do list. In such

basketball five to seven times

Department of Health and Hu-

work environ-

hectic times, it is much easier


man Performance has tips on

to stop by a fast-food restaurant

However, students who have

than to search for healthy nutri-

diabetes or other health condi-

1) It seems there are not a lot

tious options. This is especially

tions should be aware of any spe-

of options for students to get

true during midterms and finals

cial nutritional or exercise limita-

fresh produce on campus, but

when stress is high, time is

tions specific to their illness.

short, and personal fitness

“They shouldn’t exercise

I never really paid much at-

eating healthy.

Jennifer Postel

ment I was in,

But life caught up with me, I stopped dancing and replaced

so I needed new jeans and my

my active life with drinking,

mom graciously offered to buy a

partying and late night cheesy-

few new pairs for me.

bacon sandwiches — don’t knock

Trying on jeans had never

it ‘till you try it. All of a sudden

the dining hall at Moody Towers

been my favorite activity — I pre-

my 5’5” frame was carrying an

does have a large salad bar.

fer margaritas, cheese dip and

extra 50 pounds of weight.

seems way less beneficial than

more or less,” Hollingsworth

2) Eating fresh produce is

study time.

said. “If they do exercise,

conversation — but this particu-

After crying my eyes out for a

being emphasized under the

lar dress-up session changed my

few days — and stuffing my face

though, it does help decrease

new federal dietary guidelines,

entire life.

with some Whataburger — I set

expressed that because of stress

their blood sugar levels and it’s

which also encourage reducing

they don’t eat very well and

proven that about 30 minutes of

salt and calories and moderate

people was a plus, but they were

started working out harder than I

they don’t get to work out as

walking can decrease it by one or

physical activity.

a size 14/16! I couldn’t believe

ever had before five days a week.

much just because of time,” UH

two points.”

it. I couldn’t process what I was

I was killing myself with intense

of foods with lots of fat, sugar

seeing — the jeans were hugging

hour-long cardio sessions that

and salt.

my thighs. It was then and there

“A lot of the students have

Dietetic Intern Audra Holling-

Diabetic students may want

sworth said. “They’re stressed

to plan ahead when eating on

and the last thing on their mind

campus due to dietary needs.

is exercise.” However, given the available statistic maybe personal fitness should be a little closer to the top of everyone’s to-do list. According to a 2008 report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 27.5 percent of men and 34 percent of women age 20-39 are obese. A 2011 report by the American Diabetes Association said that 11.3 percent of adults ages 20 or older suffer from Type 2 diabetes. “Most young people aren’t interested in fitness and nutrition,” Building Supervisor and personal trainer for the UH Recreation and Wellness Center Kenneth Tillis said. “Many students don’t know how much to exercise or what they should be eating.” Two-thirds of Texans are overweight or obese, and America is the nearly fattest country in the world. Obesity is second cause of preventable death in the United States, contributing to about 400,000 deaths per year. And while students should better inform themselves about health risks and overall physical fitness, many students may feel that few nutritious food options are available on campus. “A lot of (students) say they struggle in finding things healthy at all the restaurants around here,” Hollingsworth said. “That is especially true of the restaurants on campus that I’ve been accessing lately.” Also, Tillis suggests that students get plenty of exercise during the week. “Students should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise three to five times per week,” Tillis said. “For those who

3) Avoid buffets and be wary

The jeans fit, which for most

that I realized I had gained.

out on my weight-loss journey. I

wEIGHT continues on page 8

8 • Thursday, October 27, 2011


From page 7

left me sweaty and exhausted. A month into my new, “ac-

The Daily Cougar bles and started drinking water instead of sodas and, of course, I was still exercising just as hard. One day I stepped on that

Love food. Count calories. Stay fit. Jennifer Adair | HEALTH 411

tive� life I had only lost five

dreaded scale, and I was

Let’s just say after this

to exercise enough to maintain

pounds. I was dumbfounded. I

shocked to see that after my

weekend’s indulgence, Tex-Mex,

your weight, reach a goal weight,

couldn’t understand what I was

first week on the program,

Crave cupcakes on top of the best

or just stay healthy. It’s simple

how many calories are in a par-

doing wrong. And then it hit me;

I had lost six pounds. Six

French toast in town make for a

— if you consume more calories

ticular item if you don’t have a feel

even though I added exercise

pounds! I couldn’t believe it,

happy tummy but a disgruntled

than you burn, you gain weight. If

for the serving size. If the package

back into my life I had in no way

I lost more weight in my first


you burn more calories than you

tells you that the mouth-watering

changed my diet. I was still dip-

week with weight watchers

consume, you lose weight. And, if

red velvet cupcake only has 100

ping my cheeseburgers in white

than I had in that first month I

maintaining a weight that I feel

you both burn and consume the

calories/serving, I’ve got news for

gravy and ingesting as much

started exercising.

good about, which is different than

same amount of calories, your

you — the fine print says that a

“being skinny,� and keeping track

weight stays the same.

serving equals one-fourth of the

From that moment on I

fatty food as I could. I searched for diets that would help me lose weight while still consuming as many tacos

I love food, but I also like

knew that this was the program

of about how many calories I con-

for me.

sume in a day helps me to know

So every week I counted

what my body needs and how it


in fat and calories. 5) It won’t do any good to know

cupcake. If it looks too good to be

secrets of calorie counting:

true, it probably is. 6) Make your calories count.

as I liked — newsflash: This

my points, I worked out and I

responds when it gets too much or

doesn’t exist. Then one of my

went to my Weight Watchers

too little.

co-workers introduced me to

meetings, which offered an

Weight Watchers.

immense amount of support,

out there, weight management still

and every week the weight

comes down to the calories you

require me to buy WW brand

came off.Two pounds here,

take in versus those you burn off.

food. The points program

three pounds there and after

allowed me to eat whatever

seven months I weighed in at

weight? The obvious answer is

I wanted so long as I stayed

a whopping 125 pounds – 10

by controlling your diet. But that

within my week’s allotted

pounds below the goal weight I

answer only leads to another

count calories. There are a several

sessing can be just as unhealthy

points. I dove right in, stepped

set for myself.

question. Just how does a person

apps to help you with counting

as overeating.

on the scale and weighed in at

I ate, gave up the fatty foods in

4IFJMB )JHVFSPT that is the key, and it can all be nessPal, and GoMeals. only did Weight Watchers help summed up with one single word 4) If you run out of calories %PXOUPXO 1SFHOBODZ )FMQ $FOUFS me lose weight but also it taught — calories. after only a few of your favorite me invaluable life lessons. Weight control is all about the items, reevaluate your diet and 59 )VTUPO Weight Watchers taught me battle between calories in and see what you can cut back on and discipline and showed me that calories out. If you are eating find other naturally lower-calorie Y JODIFT hard work and determination more than you need on a regular options like turkey, fruits and

exchange for fruits and vegeta-

can really pay off.

Weight Watchers did not

180 pounds — I was shocked but more determined than ever. I went home, poured over my Weight Watchers information and started on my journey. I started paying attention to what

That was three years ago and

Despite all the diet strategies

1) Start with the 2,000 calorie

It’s best not to blow your calorie

goal. You can always adjust based

budget on foods that lack nutri-

on your body’s metabolism and

ents. Some people are able to go

your level of physical activity.

a full day off of soda, cookies, and

2) Familiarize yourself with

How do you manage your

control their diet? It’s this answer

1,800 calories, but aren’t truly

foods you most commonly eat by

practicing the art of calorie count-

reading the labels.

ing in a healthy way.

3) Use online tools to help you

calories such as, Lose It, MyFit-

I have kept the weight off. Not

basis, you probably won’t be able

candy, stopping when they reach

the average caloric value of the

vegetables to replace foods higher

7) Don’t obsess. Calorie ob-

Counting calories is a reasonable, effective method of tracking what goes in your body and allows you to eat foods you love while still maintaining a comfortable weight. It can also be useful for people wanting to lose weight and should be used in addition to regular exercise and a sensible low-fat diet.


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Thursday, October 27, 2011 • 9

Advertising Supplement

there is kind of a connection there.” According to the American Cancer Association, women older than 40 should have

These fibers get sensitive before she has a period,” she said. “Check breasts after the

breast exam.


The clinic offers primary care. A profes-

had no children and who had their first child after the age of thirty have a slightly higher risk of developing cancer. Women

takes their blood pressure, then conducts

who are overweight or obese can also have

the exam.

a higher risk.

days a year, I only check them once a year, so I teach them how to check them,” she said.

Virginia Miller’s walls are decorated

According to the ACA, women who have

sional reviews the patient’s medical history,

“A woman lives with her breasts 365

Miller remembers sharing the news with her family. “I told them right away, I have two younger sisters, it was important that they get checked.” Miller then points to her left side and signals an absence of her breast. “I had a modified left radical mastec-

Pedro Pinto | health 411

“Breasts have fibers that support them.

in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical

specializes in the CBE procedures.

Breast cancer survivor reflects on her fight

in being able to check.

a mammogram every year while women

The UH Health Center women’s clinic

Reesha Brown • Health 411

says women’s menstrual cycles play a role

When Miller had cancer, her entire life changed. “I went vegan after this, so I don’t eat any meat, eggs or butter — that’s the recommendation.” For women who have had or are going through breast cancer treatment, Miller advises them to reflect on their lives. “I would tell them to really look at their lifestyle, see what their eating habits are,” she said. The ACS says white women are

tomy, I don’t have a breast on this side. I

slightly more likely to develop breast

just wanted to get rid of it, though for some

cancer than African American women

with posters of movies and plays she has

nurse practitioner at the University Health

women it’s really important to have breast

but the latter are more likely to die of

seen throughout her lifetime. It is a lifetime

Center, was diagnosed with breast cancer.

implants — but at that stage I just wanted

it. It also points out that Asian, Hispanic

to get rid of it.”

and Native American women have a

well lived as a girl from the Midwest but also one marked with trials. “Sixteen years ago I had a mammogram that had some suspicious calcifications, which is like little dots of sand,” she said. Calcifications are tiny mineral deposits of calcium salts that can build in the breasts. They may or may not be signs of cancer.

At the age of 50, Miller, who is a certified

“I had just started a job in hospice and I thought of the four letter word, I

Miller said men are not immune to the

lower risk of developing the disease.

thought I was going to be my own patient,

disease and should also get checked for

As Miller looks around her office, the

it’s terribly scary.”

breast cancer as well.

many posters around her seem to give

Virginia started doing breast cancer

“Men can get breast cancer of the

exams at the age of 35 out of concern for

breast,” she said. “If a man feels there’s

her well-being and a history of cancer in

a lump around breast tissue, he needs an

is why I go to all these movies and see

her family.


all these plays”, she said. “Decrease

“My mother had ovarian cancer, and

As Miller talks about breast cancer, she

her serenity. “Exercise, take care of yourself, that

stress in your life — live every day.”

10 • Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Daily Cougar

Understanding depression:

Dealing with visual stress in the classroom


sponsored article

What everyone needs to know Approximately 18 million

that we have never experienced any

stressors in their life that could con-

Eyestrain is a common oc-

downward when viewing the

Americans are affected by some

of these symptoms, but the differ-

tribute to depressed feelings.

currence in today’s visually de-

screen. This will help minimize

form of depression each year and

ence is that people with depression

Students experience changes in

manding world. A typical college

strain on the eyes and the neck.

80 percent of these people do not

experience these signs for at least

their living situations, financial con-

schedule involves spending long

seek help for their depression.

two weeks or longer and the feel-

cerns, academic pressure, home-

hours reading, working at a desk

lights are often brighter than

This means four out of five people

ings are interfering with their daily

sickness, new social pressures and

or staring at a computer screen.

necessary. Consider turning

who are experiencing depression


environments and concerns about

As the day progresses, the eyes

some of the lights off for a more

life after college.

begin to fatigue and eyestrain

comfortable lighting situation.

How depression is manifested

are not seeking help. In fact, out of those that do seek help with

in men and women differ, as do

Depression, if left untreated

depression, 80 percent report a sig-

their ways of coping. So who is

can lead to severe mental distress,

nificant improvement in their lives.

likely to be depressed?

isolation and even suicide.

The answer is anyone — women

So what does depression look

By 2020, suicide is expected to

and discomfort can develop. The following are several

Proper Lighting

Rest Breaks
Take several minutes every hour to look away

key signs and symptoms of

from the computer and allow

eyestrain:Sore or tired eyes;

your eyes to re-adjust.

like? It looks different to everyone.

appear to experience depression

be the second largest killer in the

itching or burning eyes; head-

Common signs of depression are

twice as often as men, but these

US, but the good news is that it is

aches; sensitivity to light, dry

ments to your study or work

prolonged feelings of sadness, with-

numbers are likely skewed because


or watery eyes and difficulty

area can pay big dividends in

drawal from normal activities, loss

of society’s expectation that men


terms of preventing or reduc-

of enjoyment, changes in sleep,

do not experience nor express emo-

struggling with depression direct

changes in appetite, decreased


them to Counseling and Psychologi-

steps you can take to minimize

experience eye-related symp-

cal Services or other community

eyestrain, particularly during

toms, you may have a vision

computer work.

problem requiring treatment.

Estimates suggest that a more

sexual desire, loss of energy,

If you know someone who is

changes in concentration, feelings

accurate number of men suffering

resources, and remember that you

of worthlessness and/or hopeless-

from depression is one in four.

can’t do everything. Call CAPS at

College students are faced with

ness and suicidal thoughts. Few of us would be able to say

a number of additional unique

Here are some simple

Workplace Position the top

Making these simple adjust-

ing eyestrain. If you continue to

Visit the University Eye Institute

(713) 743-5454 for more informa-

of your computer monitor below

on campus for a comprehensive


eye level so you look slightly

eye examination.

2211 Norfolk St, Ste 460 Houston, TX 77098 Tel: 713-523-0058 Fax: 713-523-1165 The Clinic for Adult Attention Problems, P.A., is a multidisciplinary specialty clinic for individuals who suffer from ADD/ADHD. In addition to specializing in attention disorders, we also treat problems with anxiety and depression, learning disorders, marital or family difficulties, and stress. Our clinic offers the following services and more:  Comprehensive psychological assessment  Adjunct liaison for academic or work place accommodations  Testing to determine if one qualifies for accommodations on entrance exams (SAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, etc.) or licensing exams (State Bar, CPA, Medical Boards, etc.) and documentation to support accommodations requests  NCAA-required documentation of ADHD

ADHDTx.com info@adhdtx.com

read recycle repeat

Thursday, October 27, 2011 • 11

Advertising Supplement

Cracking down

Kick back at Med Center Sponsored article

Students cheat with prescription drugs Ellen Goodacre | health 411 College campuses are infamous for being the breeding ground for experimentation of many kinds. Movies and television shows often portray the use of drugs and excess drinking as an aspect of the college experience, but many may wonder how realistic that portrayal is and illicit drug use is actually as common as the movies make it seem. “The majority of students don’t use illicit drugs,” Lt. Bret Collier with UH Department Of Public Safety said. “Students can get the impression from parents, the media and peers that rec-

wikimedia commons

Every month, the Texas Medical Center transforms the John P. McGovern Commons into a big party with the Evenings at The Commons events. Amenities include the six-story water wall and garage building, located at 6550 Bertner at Moursund Street. The Commons is in the heart of TMC near the Baylor College of Medicine and the MD Anderson Biosciences Research Building. EATC is open to the general public, especially students, employees, patients and visitors of the TMC member institutions. With about 160,000 visitors and 70,000 students on the main campus daily, the organization seeks ways to offer them enter-

tainment and a place to relax after class or work. Popular past EATC events include Cinco de Mayo festivities and a TMC Idol-themed night. “Students and employees love the great prizes and karaoke,” TMC Public Relations Specialist Alexa Enriquez said. During its summer concert series, EATC also featured live music with jazz and rhythm and blues performances. Check out the next event on Dec. 1 and jingle bell rock the night away

to holiday karaoke and bingo. There is no cover charge and parking is validated. For more information, visit the TMC’s Evening at The Commons Facebook page.

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Novum Pharmaceutical Research Services is one of the world’s largest companies in testing generic medications. We’re looking for healthy participants 18 years or older to be a part of our research studies. Our facilities offer a comfortable overnight stay as well as outpatient opportunities. As a research participant, you can earn money while you study, write your papers, read, or even play video games. Your friends can participate too!

reational drug use on a college campus is pervasive.” According to the 2010 UH Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, only 44 drug violations are on record for last year. However, while drug abuse may not be as numerous or widespread as expected, it does still occur because of other myths associated with drug use. “Common myths about

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drug use on college campuses include using someone else’s prescription medication is not as serious as using illicit drugs; and marijuana is natural and not addictive,” Outreach Counselor

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for Counseling and Psychological Services Dr. Kay Brumbaugh said. “The truth is that prescription medication is just as

You could earn up to $250 in a two night stay at our facilities.

dangerous as illicit drugs and marijuana is addictive. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, one in 11 that try marijuana become addicted.” Aside from illicit drug use, some students may use prescription stimulant medications to stay awake, cram for tests or improve concentration.

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seizures and mood disorders.” Collier said. Ultimately, research has found that students more aware of drug abuse facts are less likely to give into peer pressure. “There is always pressure for students to experiment with drugs, but it is frequently based on assumptions about others,” Dr. Brumbaugh said.


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12 • Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Daily Cougar

Careful. Love bites. Get tested, stay protected from STDs and HIV Xiaowen Chen | the daily cougar Mcphail has some advice for

women are not taught to be

viruses that cannot be treated with

through preventative practices,”

provides a wealth of services that

antibiotics, like herpes and HIV,”

she said.

protect women and children’s ba-

Director of UH Women Resource

sic benefits, addressing a variety of

Center Dr. Beverly Mcphail said.

ways of contracting HIV is through

are more vulnerable to getting

come prepared with condoms,

issues including Sexually Transmit-

“You will have them for the rest of

sexual intercourse. Although some

STDs or HIV due to their unique

sometimes they fear they might

ted Diseases.

your life and will affect all future

try to avoid the issue by ignoring

anatomy,” she said. “Knowing that

be called a slut instead of being

sexual relationships and can im-

it, but doing this has disastrous

they are at a higher risk to contract

called sexually responsible,”

pact childbearing.”


STDs should increase their insis-

McPhail said. “It is helpful to have

tence on condom use. Also, women

an answer in mind for specific

The Women’s Resource Center

STDs among youth raises great concerns about health and ethics. The American Social Health Asso-

Mcphail says students should

women who are sexually active.

One of the most common

Mcphail said women are the

“First, women must know they

sexually assertive. If women are too knowledgeable about sex and

ciation (ASHA) says that each year

have a healthy respect for the HIV

most vulnerable to acquiring STDs

can suggest alternatives to sexual

objections you might hear from a

there are approximately 19 million

virus because it cannot be cured

since they have more genital sur-

intercourse, such as outercourse or

potential partner. For instance, if

new cases of STDs in the US

with a shot of antibiotics.

face area and it is a moist environ-

mutual masturbation.”

he says that he won’t feel as much

alone, about half of which occur

“Although people are living

ment. Also, women may be less

Another effective prevention

pleasure wearing a condom, then

happy, healthy lives with HIV due to

likely to know that they have an

method is to use condoms before

girl can say that they can enjoy the

“STDs can affect long term

new medicines, it is better to pre-

STD as sores and symptoms might

intercourse, she said

sex more if they need not worry

fertility, cause pain, and some are

vent the disease in the first place

not be as apparent as in men.

among youth ages 15 to 24.

The HEALTH CENTER is offering the Seasonal Flu Vaccine to students, faculty, and staff.

COST: $20

Given: Mon-Fri from 8-4:00pm Free Diabetes Screening Nov. 11 from 9-3pm Free HIV Testing Dec. 1 from 9-4pm

“This can be hard as many



about pregnancy or STDs.”

It’s your health, it’s your life, it’s HPV Joni Pheigaru, RN, MSN, PNNP | sponsored article Human papillomavirus

M, T, Th, F 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Wed. 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

(HPV) is a common virus that is

M, T, Th, F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Wed. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Hours are Subject to Change

women by age 50. This is not an


sexually transmitted and infects approximately 80 percent of infection of young teens only — all ages can be affected. Several strains of HPV have been identified as causing cervical cancer in women. The good news is that most HPV infections will resolve or clear from the body without treatment. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates that about 26.8 percent of the population can be infected with HPV. The prevalence appears to be highest in people ages 20 to 24 and with individuals who smoke cigarettes. The NCI calculated there is a 0.6 percent increased

Walk-In Clinic: General medical services at affordable costs. Care provided by board certified physicians, RN’s, LVN’s and medical assistants. 713-743-5151

Women’s Clinic: Well woman exams, evaluation for gynecological complaints, contraception, STD’s and treatment. Appointment only 713-743-5131

risk for HPV for each extra cigarette smoked daily. Obviously you need to educate and protect yourself regardless of your age.

Nursing Care: Immunizations and blood pressure monitoring. 713-743-5156

Dental Clinic: Preventive dentistry, restorative, limited major dental procedures. Appointment only 713-22-SMILE (713-227-6453)

Dermatology Clinic: Staffed by board certified dermatologist to diagnose and treat disorders of the skin, hair and nails. Appointment only 713-743-5154

UH Student Health Insurance: Deadline to add or drop insurance is the Official Reporting Day of each Fall and Spring semester. 713-743-5137

BE tested – schedule annual Pap

Men’s Clinic: Diagnose, treat, counsel on issues affecting men’s health. Appointment only 713-743-5154

Attendant Care Services: Care and lifestyle assistance program for needs of physically challenged students living on campus. 713-748-8603

BE vaccinated – receive the HPV

Orthopedic Clinic: Diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions including sports injuries and disease of the bone and muscle. Appointment only 713-743-5142

Pharmacy: Prescriptions and over the counter items at very low cost. 713-743-5125

Psychiatric Clinic: Board certified psychiatrists to provide evaluations, treatment plans and ongoing medication management. Appointment only 713-743-5149

Be healthy. Use these tips BE proactive – quit smoking now smears and exams to test for HPV and cervical abnormalities** vaccine to protect against the strains of HPV that result in the majority of cervical cancer cases BE persistent – use barrier protection such as condoms consistently

Entrance # 6, off Wheeler, Bldg # 525 on Campus Map

713-743-5151 - www.uh.edu/admin/hc

Contact the Women’s Health Care Center of Houston at (713) 365-2900 or visit www.whcch.com to schedule an appointment.

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3 ra c om u e se rD

r ie







Vi lla Sa no tu v rd a ay , 7



With a tough slate approaching after the team’s 1st loss,

SU looks to


through Page 3

SU preps for another Top 10 opponent

Pages 8-9 Syracuse vs. Villanova head-to-head

Page 11

Position matchups of Saturday’s game

danielle parhizkaran | asst. photo editor

2 december 3-5, 2 010

sports.dailyorange.com Ishaq Williams commits to Notre Dame


By Brett LoGiurato

Jan. 14, 2011 1:58 p.m.

Katie McInerney

Kathleen Ronayne



Sports Editor Presentation Director Photo Editor Development Editor Copy Chief Asst. Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor Asst. Photo Editor Asst. Photo Editor Asst. Copy Editor Asst. Copy Editor

Brett LoGiurato Becca McGovern Kirsten Celo Tony Olivero Susan Kim Michael Cohen Mark Cooper Danielle Parhizkaran Brandon Weight Chris Iseman Rachel Marcus




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Peter Waack Rebekah Jones Mike Escalante Derek Ostrander Harold Heron Lauren Harms Dom Denaro Matt Smiroldo Adam Beilman Eric Forman Kelsey Rowland Yiwei Wu Michael Kang Michelle Chiu Tim Bennett Chenming Mo

Looks like there will be no Shaq anytime soon on the Syracuse defense. According to the New York Post, Ishaq Williams will be taking his talents to South Bend, Ind., to play for Notre Dame. The seventh-rated defensive end in the 2011 class, according to Scout.com, had been considering offers from Penn State and, of course, Syracuse. Williams’ addition would have been a major score for SU head coach Doug Marrone. Marrone and the rest of the coaching staff just received arguably its biggest commitment of their tenure two nights ago, when three-star wide receiver Brandon Reddish verbally committed to play for the Orange. He had been considering Penn State, West Virginia, Rutgers and Connecticut, among others. But Williams was a different recruit than Reddish. Five stars, in the Top 10 at his respective position and an athletic freak. That he was even considering Syracuse along with the likes of PSU, Notre Dame and, at one time, USC, speaks volumes about how far Marrone has come in two short years. Realistically, it was a long shot for him to come to SU. With the football tradition at Notre Dame and a legendary coach still at Penn State (well, kind of), those are two things the Orange simply cannot match up with. In reality, Williams was a luxury, not a necessity. Syracuse’s 2011 class is already better than its 2010 coup, and it’ll probably only get better in the last few weeks before National Signing Day on Feb. 2. Expect this to happen because of three factors: • Marrone’s strides in his second season, from 4-8 to 7-5 and a bowl appearance. • Said bowl appearance in the Pinstripe Bowl, and the increased exposure that comes with it. And, oh yeah, that win will help a little, too. • The Big East situation. Right now, Marrone and Charlie Strong are the most stable coaches in the best positions in the Big East. Connecticut has a big question mark in Paul Pasqualoni who has about three weeks to build a class. Pittsburgh has had three coaches in about a month. West Virginia has a lame duck situation. Rutgers and Cincinnati don’t have the same kind of success right now, and Greg Schiano’s aura is wearing off in Piscataway. In my opinion, Marrone, Strong and USF coach Skip Holtz are in the best recruiting positions this year. We’ll see what happens on Feb. 2. bplogiur@syr.edu

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sports@ da ilyor a nge.com

december 3-5, 2 010


First response SU looks to rebound in much-anticipated rematch with Villanova By Andrew L. John


Staff Writer

itting inside the visitor’s locker room of the Petersen Events Center Monday, Brandon Triche was ready to get back out on the floor. Ready for some redemption. Ready to prove that Syracuse’s first loss of the season was more of a slight aberration than a statement about this year’s Orange. After going more than two months without a loss, the sophomore guard and his teammates are steadfast in their approach to not let Monday’s 74-66 loss to Pittsburgh become a habit. “We need to bounce back from this,” Triche said. “We can’t afford back-to-back losses in the Big East.” With the Carrier Dome set to host what could potentially be another record-setting crowd, No. 3 Syracuse (18-1, 5-1 Big East) will host No. 7 Villanova (16-2, 4-1) at noon. The contest should be an even more intense scene than what SU saw in Pittsburgh’s Oakland Zoo. But this time, it’s the Orange that has the home-court advantage. A home-court advantage that helped guide it to a convincing 95-77 win over Villanova last season on Feb. 27 in front of 34,616 — the largest crowd ever to see an on-campus game in college basketball. SU might get some much-needed reinforcement that wasn’t in the lineup Monday. That would come in the form of star small forward Kris Joseph, who shot around in practice Thursday and could return to his normal starting spot against Villanova. Last year, SU’s 13-game winning streak to open the season was also halted by Pitt in an 82-72 loss. Four days later, SU pounded Memphis by 17 points inside the Dome, beginning an 11-game winning streak and leading to a No. 1 national ranking. Two years ago, after its first Big East loss of the season, the Orange crushed then-No. 12 Notre Dame by 19 inside the Dome. Syracuse is looking to respond once again, this time against yet another Top 10 Big East opponent. And that starts with a different approach. “We just have to be much tougher,” Triche said. “Coach said (Pitt) was a game where we had to be tough, and we weren’t.” see villanova page 14

nate shron | staff photographer scoop jardine and the rest of the Orange will look to rebound from their first loss of the season Monday at Pittsburgh when the team fell behind 19-0. SU hopes to start quickly when it hosts No. 7 Villanova on Saturday.

4 ja n ua ry 21-23, 2 011

sports@ da ilyor a nge.com

Perspectives compiled by chris iseman | asst. copy editor

Do you think this year’s Villanova game will live up to the hype of last year’s?

“Yeah, I walked by earlier in the week, and I already saw people camping out. It showed that the students are dedicated.” Jenifer La

Freshman nutrition science and dietetics major

“I don’t think it will live up to the hype because last year’s was toward the end of the season. Now the only importance is that it’s still sort of a rivalry, and it would help us stay ahead of Duke for awhile.” Dan Paris

Undecl ared freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences

“I don’t think so. The quality of the players on both sides isn’t as good. The rivalry is still big because fans make it big.” James Markowitz

Senior writing major

“I think it will. We’ve done well so far. Besides the Pitt game, we were undefeated. Having that one game, it makes everyone want to win even more. I know people are already camping out, so that helps with the hype.” Bianca Rodriguez

Sophomore entrepreneurship and emerging enterprises and public rel ations dual major

“I think, based off the ticket sales, it will live up to the hype. I think they have a great team, great chemistry and a great coach.” Max Kessler

Undecl ared freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences

“I think the hype around the Big East is pretty big this year. It might not (surpass last year) in terms of attendance, but it’s two (Top 10) teams. You can’t beat that.” Simon Rosenwasser

Junior broadcast journalism major

sports@ da ilyor a nge.com

ja n ua ry 21-23, 2 011


Last time they played SU routs Villanova before record crowd, earns No. 1 ranking Andy Rautins said Syracuse had the best fan base in the country. Wes Johnson said the game would be “breathtaking.” “It definitely doesn’t (get any better),” the junior forward Johnson said. The game that Johnson was referring to: SU vs. Villanova. The No. 4 team in the country against the No. 7 team. In front of the largestever on-campus crowd in college basketball history. The Orange did not disappoint. In front of 34,616 fans at the Carrier Dome on Feb. 27, 2010, SU trounced Villanova, 95-77. The win set Syracuse on track for its eventual Big East regularseason title, not to mention the No. 1 ranking. In one of the most hyped and anticipated games in SU basketball history, the Orange made sure the record crowd went home happy. Led by Rick Jackson’s 19 points, Syracuse overcame an early 23-14 deficit to take a 46-36 lead at the half. Kris Joseph and Scoop Jardine came off the bench and helped spark the Orange to a 31-30 lead, one it would hold for the rest of the game. “I thought Kris and Scoop were just huge,” SU head coach Jim Boeheim said. “They got us back into the game. I’ve said all year long, those two guys are like starters, and they play just like starters.” The game was one of redemption for the Orange. It was picked sixth in the Big East preseason poll, while Villanova was the chosen one to win the conference. But SU’s domination ended all thoughts about who the better team was, as it completely dominated the Wildcats. “I don’t think anybody had drawn out that this would happen,” Johnson said. “I think we came in with a chip on our shoulder and tried to prove everybody wrong.” With a 27-2 overall record and a 14-2 mark in the Big East, the Orange showed little doubt about who the best team in the nation was. Of course, SU got a little help from the top three teams in the rankings also losing that weekend. And after the game, Syracuse’s players could

court hathaway | staff photographer scoop jardine (11) and Syracuse defeated Villanova last season in front of a record crowd of 34,616. The 95-77 win, combined with losses by the top three ranked teams, propelled the Orange to the No. 1 ranking in the nation the following week. sense the move to the top spot. “I definitely agree (we should be No. 1),” center Arinze Onuaku said, “but we’ve been a team that’s not worried about numbers all year. “Our goal is to be No. 1 at the end of the year and at the end of the season. When it’s all said and done, we want to be No.1.” That goal never happened, as SU lost to Butler in the Sweet 16 in the NCAA Tournament. But that wasn’t even a thought last Feb. 27. For one night, all SU knew was that it was as close to the top of the college basketball world as it had been in a while. The Orange and its fans could rejoice in winning one of the biggest games in SU history. “It’s great,” Onuaku said. “It’s big for us and our program and big for our team and just big for Syracuse as a whole.” — Compiled by Rachel Marcus, asst. copy editor, rnmarcus@syr.edu


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Syracuse must do to beat Villanova

Together, Jardine and Triche have to keep Fisher in check

Arguably the best offensive player in the country, Kemba Walker was nearly overshadowed. Corey Fisher, the Wildcats’ best player averaging 16.1 points per game, exploded for 28 at Connecticut Monday, and were it not for Walker’s game-winning shot, he might have stolen the show. No other Wildcat reached double digits in scoring marks. Don’t expect the same to happen against the Orange. With Scoop Jardine and Brandon Triche using their veteran savvy to check up on and force Fisher into poor decisions at the top of SU’s 2-3 zone, he shouldn’t be able to carry the Wildcats for the second game in a row. History says SU’s chances bode well: Last year, Fisher went 0-for-5 on 3-pointers and 3-for-12 from the field in total. If he gets by the Orange zone, though, thanks to angled backdoor cuts in the vein of Pitt on Monday, he could do damage, as he went 8-of-10 on free throws last year.


If Joseph plays, he needs to bring scorer’s mentality from tipoff

Kris Joseph should be back Saturday. After failing to make the trip to Pittsburgh for Syracuse’s first loss of the season, Joseph practiced Thursday and is officially listed as day-to-day for Saturday’s game. The small forward also responded to a tweet Wednesday, saying he would play. With Joseph’s will to be with his teammates, he should be in the starting lineup. That isn’t the question. The question is: Will he bring the scorer mentality SU sorely lacked against Pittsburgh? In a quick turnaround game against another Top 10 opponent, Joseph must look for his from the outset. If not, the hounding man-to-man of the Wildcats will muzzle the Orange, and SU will be playing from behind as it did Monday.


Melo and Moussa Keita must combine for at least 10 points and 12 rebounds

If Villanova isn’t Pittsburgh in one facet of its game, it is with regards to the Wildcats’ big men. Luckily for Syracuse, the Orange won’t have to go up against a Gary McGhee for the second time in a row. The Wildcats start three guards and no center. Rick Jackson will have another field day. Count on 15 and 14, at least. But that will only be enough for the Orange to stay in contention. If it is to pull away and embarrass the Wildcats as SU did last year, Melo will have to turn back the clock one week and perform like he did last Saturday. He tallied six points and four rebounds against a Big East veteran in Yancy Gates. Against Villanova’s sophomore big man Mouphtaou Yarou, there is no excuse why he can’t do the same. As for Baye Moussa Keita, expect what you saw in the preseason. The duo needs to show up. Plain and simple.

— Compiled by Tony Olivero, development editor, aolivero@syr.edu


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Head-to-head breakdown SYRACUSE VS. VILLANOVA


Points per game



Points allowed per game



Field-goal percentage



Opponent’s field-goal percentage



Free-throw percentage



Rebounds per game



Assists per game



Turnovers per game



Steals per game


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8 ja n ua ry 21-23, 2 011



ja n ua ry 21-23, 2 011

(First-place votes in parentheses)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 25

Ohio State (49) Kansas (6) Syracuse (8) Duke (1) Pittsburgh (1) San Diego State Villanova Connecticut Brigham Young Texas Texas A&M Kentucky Missouri Purdue Minnesota Notre Dame Michigan State Wisconsin Louisville Washington West Virginia Saint Mary’s Georgetown Illinois Cincinnati

USA TODAY/ESPN (First-place votes in parentheses)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Ohio State (28) Kansas (2) Syracuse (1) Pittsburgh Duke San Diego State Villanova Connecticut Brigham Young Texas A&M Texas Kentucky Purdue Missouri Louisville Notre Dame Wisconsin Michigan State Minnesota Washington Saint Mary’s Illinois Georgetown Kansas State Arizona






     







COACHES Syracuse 78, Villanova 65

A healthy Kris Joseph should help SU avoid back-to-back losses.



6-2, 190, JR. 13.6 PPG, 5.9 APG


6-4, 205, SO. 10.1 PPG, 3.1 APG

6-7, 210, JR. 14.6 PPG, 5.2 RPG


6-9, 240, SR. 13.1 PPG, 11.7 RPG



7-0, 244, FR. 2.2 PPG, 1.8 RPG

846-294 34 seasons

ANDREW L. JOHN Syracuse 75, Villanova 71




6-2, 180, SO. 13.5 PPG, 5.3 APG


6-1, 185, SR. 16.1 PPG, 4.9 RPG

Matchup of two Philly guards here. The sophomore Wayns is no slouch. Jardine knows that he has his work cut out for him here in a bona fide tough matchup. The key will be if Jardine can continue to direct SU while battling frenetic ball pressure.

6-7, 193, SR. 15.8 PPG, 3.6 RPG

Fisher is the better player here right now. That is a definite. They don’t come much quicker than Fisher. The real question is whether or not Triche can get free from the speedy Fisher and Wayns to find his shot.


After winning Legends Classic in Altantic City, N.J., Syracuse rises to highest ranking yet. Even if Jim Boeheim feels his team is underperforming.


6-8, 235, SR. 9.8 PPG, 7.1 RPG

Jackson and Pena repStokes shoots at a higher resent two of the more 3-point percentage than experienced big men Joseph (44 to 34) and is in the conference. Until averaging more points per recently, Pena had the game than the Orange’s upper hand in this battle. leading scorer. Coming back from the head injury, But the new and improved Jackson will get one more Joseph will struggle to crack. stop Stokes.

Syracuse beats Cincinnati to earn the No. 3 ranking. On the same day, it loses its first game to Pittsburgh.

Data based on AP Top 25 poll



6-10, 250, SO. 8.7 PPG, 7.8 RPG

341-186 16 seasons

Yarou’s speed and athleticism should give Melo problems, as other smaller big men have this season. But the last time Melo played in the Dome, last Saturday, he had his best game yet. We’ll see if more is to come.

Boeheim may have won the battle last year, but Wright has won the war recently. Prior to last season, Wright’s squad took four of the previous six meetings, including two inside the Dome.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Rick Jackson has three straight double-doubles, and he has upped his total to 12 on the year.

“We need to bounce back from this. We can’t afford back-to-back losses in the Big East.” Brandon Triche










 

            

Villanova’s senior starting triumvirate of Corey Fisher, Antonio Pena and Corey Stokes has been a part of 93 wins with the Wildcats.




Kris Joseph should be back in full form, and as long as he puts some buckets up early, the Orange offense will not be stagnant enough to have a repeat of the Pitt first half. Being at home will also help and will enable Baye Moussa Keita and Fab Melo to help SU keep the Wildcats at bay all game.


Scoop Jardine

Pre week

With Kris Joseph back and another electric atmosphere in the Carrier Dome, SU comes out on top in a tight one. Back to the Wright stuff for the Orange.

Syracuse 69, Villanova 62

THEY SAID IT “We didn’t have one of our best players. Not taking anything away from Pitt, but we didn’t have one of our best players and we fought. C.J. played a great game. James helped us. We just fought.”




    



STAT TO KNOW The Wildcats’ Corey Fisher has shot an identical 48.1 percent from the field and from beyond the 3-point line in January.

FORTUNE COOKIE ger. Be a long -ran







JAN. 25, 7 P.M.

JAN. 29, 3 P.M.

FEB. 2, 7 P.M.

FEB. 5, 7 P.M.

FEB. 9, 7 P.M..


           

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In 2nd season with Orange, Hall becomes consistent scorer By Zach Brown



or Elashier Hall, one year has made all the difference. A year ago, as a freshman, she was Quentin Hillsman’s first player off the bench and saw significant playing time. She showed flashes of her ability — scoring a season-high 11 points against No. 1 Connecticut in February. But the consistent production wasn’t there. She averaged just 3.5 points and 3.3 rebounds per game. She failed to score more than two points in 16 of the Orange’s 36 contests. She reached double figures just Elashier Hall twice. SU GUARD This year, though, Hall seems to have put it all together. “I’m feeling a little more comfortable playing my game and being aggressive and being a good addition to the team,” Hall said. The higher expectations that come with being a full-time starter haven’t seemed to affect Hall so far. The guard is the second-leading scorer on the Orange (13-4, 1-3 Big East), and she leads the team in 3-point percentage. Her role as a scorer

“I’m not a rookie anymore. There’s more expected of me. I’m just stepping up and doing the best I can.”

danielle parhizkaran | asst. photo editor ELASHIER HALL (LEFT) has emerged as one of Syracuse’s most consistent scoring options this season. She is leading the team with 18.8 points per game in Big East play.



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On the block


Both Jim Boeheim and Jay Wright have done well with their respective teams this season after each losing important players. For Boeheim, it was Wes Johnson, Andy Rautins and Arinze Onuaku. For Wright, it was Scottie Reynolds, Reggie Redding and Taylor King. And yet both coaches have their teams in the Top 10 of the national rankings. Boeheim gets a little edge here because of experience and a bigger early-season turnaround.

Advantage: Syracuse

A position-by-position look at the game

—Compiled by Brett LoGiurato, sports editor, bplogiur@syr.edu



The uncertainty surrounding Kris Joseph here gives Villanova the edge. He hopes to play against the Wildcats, but until he takes the court, it isn’t a certainty. And even if he does take the court, there are questions about his readiness to play and if he’ll be at full strength. For Villanova, Corey Stokes is averaging 15.8 points per game this season. But perhaps the most overlooked factor of his game is his free-throw shooting. He ranks third in the nation in free-throw percentage, shooting 93.9 percent (62-of-66) on the season.

Jardine is coming off a rather poor shooting night against Pittsburgh, contributing to Syracuse’s subpar performance from the field. He shot just 4-of-13 on the night and is shooting 38.1 percent over his last four games. Meanwhile, Maalik Wayns willed the Wildcats to a thrilling comeback win over Maryland last weekend, finishing with 22 points and hitting a clutch 3-pointer with a little more than one minute to play. Wayns has scored 15-plus points in four of his last five games.

Advantage: Even


Brandon Triche needs to continue his string of solid performances for the Orange to be successful. He has been the most effective of Syracuse’s three-guard rotation, which also includes Jardine and Dion Waiters. In the second half against Seton Hall two weeks ago, Triche carried the Orange to victory. Fisher, too, has been on fire lately. In a 61-59 loss at Connecticut Monday — when he matched up against Kemba Walker — he scored a careerhigh 28 points. Thus far in January, he has averaged 19 points and 5.3 assists per game while shooting 48.1 percent from beyond the 3-point line.

Advantage: Even

Advantage: Villanova



A highly touted recruit out of Montrose Christian School in Rockville, Md., Mouphtaou Yarou was something of a disappointment last season, much like current SU freshman center Fab Melo. Yarou only averaged 4.5 points and 3.7 rebounds per game. But this season, he has been much more effective in the middle of the Wildcats’ attack. He had 18 points and 11 rebounds a little more than a week ago in a win over Louisville. Melo, on the other hand, continues to struggle. He only played two minutes in SU’s loss to Pittsburgh.

Advantage: Villanova

Despite Syracuse’s loss against Pittsburgh Monday, Rick Jackson was his usual self, tallying yet another doubledouble. He now has 12 in Syracuse’s 19 games. SU senior Jackson and Villanova senior Antonio Pena took similar paths through their teams’ respective lineups in their first three seasons, quickly becoming — and eventually cementing themselves — as rotation fixtures. But Jackson has taken the next step this year into a dominating force down low in the rugged Big East.

Advantage: Syracuse


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Around the Big East STANDINGS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

PITTSBURGH 18-1 (6-0)


OF THE NO. 8 CONNECTICUT (15-2, 4-2) VS. TENNESSEE (12-6, 2-2 SEC)


Saturday, 2 p.m., CBS This midseason nonconference battle pits a Connecticut team that has exceeded its preseason expectations against a Tennessee team in the midst of a disappointing year. The Huskies made it known that they were a force early in the season by winning the Maui Invitational, defeating then-No. 2 Michigan State and then-No. 8 Kentucky in the process. Currently, UConn is riding a wave of confidence after a big home 61-59 victory over No. 7 Villanova on Monday. Point guard Kemba Walker hit a floater with 2.5 seconds left to provide the winning points, which was just another highlight to add to the reel of the junior’s phenomenal season. Walker is second in the nation with 25.5 points per game, and he has exceeded the 30-point plateau six times. Tennessee will welcome back head coach Bruce Pearl for this game. Pearl is four games into an eight-game suspension for violating NCAA rules and misleading investigators, but the suspension applies only to SEC games. The Volunteers lost their first two games under assistant coach Tony Jones but have won two close games in the past week against Vanderbilt and Georgia. Junior Scotty Hopson and freshman Tobias Harris form a two-headed monster that makes the Volunteer offense go. The duo combines to pour in 32 points per game.


NO. 16 NOTRE DAME (15-4, 4-3) VS. MARQUETTE (13-6, 4-2)

SYRACUSE 18-1 (5-1)

VILLANOVA 16-2 (4-1)

LOUISVILLE 15-3 (4-1)

15-2 (4-2)

13-6 (4-2)

WEST VIRGINIA 12-5 (3-2)

NOTRE DAME 15-4 (4-3)

ST. JOHN’S 11-6 (4-3)

CINCINNATI 16-3 (3-3)

GEORGETOWN 14-5 (3-4)

RUTGERS 11-7 (2-4)

SETON HALL 8-11 (2-5)

Saturday, 7 p.m., ESPN3 Notre Dame and Marquette will square off for the second time in a two-week span on Saturday, and the Fighting Irish can only hope to put forth a better performance this time around. Marquette crushed the Irish, 79-57, on Jan. 10 in Milwaukee, but Notre Dame will have the home-court advantage in the rematch. In Big East play, the Irish are 4-0 in South Bend, Ind., and 0-3 on the road. Five players average at least 9.8 points per game for ND, led by Ben Hansbrough’s 15.8 per game. Hansbrough has been lighting it up from 3-point range all year, shooting at a 42.6 percent clip from deep. After losing current Minnesota Timberwolves forward Lazar Hayward to graduation at the end of last season, Marquette was considered to be a middle-of-the-pack Big East team entering the 2010-11 season. But the Golden Eagles have gotten out to a fast start in conference play with wins over West Virginia and the Fighting Irish. Marquette has shown up in its tough road games so far, losing by single digits at No. 5 Pittsburgh and No. 18 Louisville. Still, the Golden Eagles are looking for that marquee road win to strengthen its case for the NCAA Tournament. The team ranks 10th nationally in field-goal percentage, shooting nearly 50 percent on the season. Guard Dwight Buycks was the key in Marquette’s win over the Irish last time, scoring a career-high 21 points in the victory.

ST. JOHN’S (11-6, 4-3) VS. CINCINNATI (16-3, 3-3)

Saturday, 4 p.m., Big East Network This game Saturday is between two teams jostling for position in the middle of the Big East, meaning it could prove key to the winner come NCAA Tournament selection time. First-year head coach Steve Lavin has had a baptism by fire in conference play, as his Red Storm played fi ve consecutive ranked teams in a span of 16 days. He and the team held their own, defeating No. 23 Georgetown and No. 16 Notre Dame. But they come into this game looking to recover from a 25-point blowout loss at No. 19 Louisville Wednesday. The Red Storm hasn’t had much of a problem with finding a scorer — both Dwight Hardy and Justin Brownlee average more than 14 points per game — but they don’t have any rebounders. Six-foot-6 D.J. Kennedy leads the team with 5.9 rebounds per game, and the team ranks 292nd in the country in rebounding. Cincinnati is the first unranked team SJU will face since Jan. 1, but the Bearcats have been bouncing in and out of the Top 25 for the past couple weeks themselves. Cincinnati completed a perfect 13-0 nonconference slate but didn’t play any ranked teams. The Bearcats are 0-3 against ranked teams in the Big East, but that leaves them a perfect 16-0 against unranked teams going into Saturday’s game with unranked St. John’s. The Bearcats, unlike the Red Storm, do have trouble finding a scorer. UC’s leading scorer, Dion Dixon, scores 12.7 points per game, and the Bearcats use a nine- or 10-man rotation rather than relying on one or two guys. — Compiled by Mark Cooper, asst. sports editor, mcooperj@syr.edu

SOUTH FLORIDA 7-13 (1-6)

PROVIDENCE 11-8 (0-6)

DEPAUL 6-12 (0-6)


No. 3 Syracuse vs. No. 7 Villanova Seton Hall vs. Rutgers No. 8 Connecticut vs. Tennessee DePaul vs. No. 5 Pittsburgh St. John’s vs. Cincinnati Providence vs. No. 19 Louisville No. 16 Notre Dame vs. Marquette


West Virginia vs. South Florida

Noon Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m.

2 p.m.

ESPN Big East CBS Big East Big East ESPNU Big East

Network Network Network Network

Big East Network

courtesy of providence media relations


Kemba Walker Marshon Brooks Austin Freeman Casey Mitchell Preston Knowles Corey Fisher Ashton Gibbs Darius Johnson-Odom Ben Hansbrough Corey Stokes


UConn Providence Georgetown WVU Louisville Villanova Pitt Marquette ND Villanova


25.5 23.4 18.5 16.8 16.1 16.1 16.0 15.9 15.9 15.8


Rick Jackson Alex Oriakhi Herb Pope Mouphtaou Yarou Bilal Dixon Gary McGhee Marshon Brooks Ron Anderson Jr. Antonio Pena Kevin Jones


Syracuse UConn Seton Hall Villanova Providence Pitt Providence USF Villanova WVU


11.7 9.4 8.9 7.8 7.8 7.7 7.7 7.5 7.1 6.9


Vincent Council Scoop Jardine Chris Wright Brad Wanamaker Maalik Wayns Peyton Siva Corey Fisher Anthony Crater Jordan Theodore Dwight Buycks


Providence Syracuse Georgetown Pitt Villanova Louisville Villanova USF Seton Hall Marquette


6.5 5.9 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.5 4.1


ja n ua ry 21-23, 2 011


Around the Nation


NO. 23 ILLINOIS (14-5, 4-2 BIG TEN) VS. NO. 1 OHIO STATE (19-0, 6-0 BIG TEN)

Saturday, Noon, CBS This game on Saturday marks the beginning of the toughest stretch of the season for Ohio State. Seven of its next nine games come against teams currently ranked in the Top 25. The Buckeyes escaped the beginning of January with four consecutive single-digit wins and bounced back by trouncing Iowa 70-48 on Wednesday. After a tremendous start to the season, freshman sensation Jared Sullinger has been held in check of late. Since Dec. 21 (nine games), Sullinger has topped the 20-point mark just once. The Fighting Illini have been inconsistent all season long. Wins over Maryland, Michigan State and Wisconsin showed that the team can play. But bad losses to IllinoisChicago and Penn State cast doubt about just how good the team really is. Against Ohio State, Illinois is going to need more than a big performance from star point guard Demetri McCamey. If D.J. Richardson (43 percent from 3-point range) can get hot, the Illini have a chance. Key to the game: Jared Sullinger vs. Mike Tisdale It isn’t often that the 6-foot-9, 280-pound Sullinger will be worried about the size of an opponent, but Illinois’ Tisdale could pose a problem. Tisdale stands all of 7-foot-1 with a massive wingspan. Even if Sullinger gets position on the block, Tisdale might be able to swat away any easy layups. If he can limit Sullinger — OSU’s leading scorer — or get him in foul trouble, there could be an upset brewing.

NO. 14 PURDUE (16-3, 5-1 BIG TEN) VS. NO. 17 MICHIGAN STATE (12-6, 4-2 BIG TEN)

Saturday, 9 p.m., ESPN It’s been a rough stretch for Purdue the past week. Two losses to Minnesota and West Virginia, followed by a one-point escape from Penn State. This game against the Spartans kicks off gut-check time for the Boilermakers. In an 11-day span, Purdue gets the Spartans, No. 1 Ohio State, No. 15 Minnesota and No. 18 Wisconsin. If ever there was a time to miss the injured Robbie Hummel, this is it. JaJuan

NO. 2 KANSAS (18-0, 3-0 BIG 12) VS. NO. 10 TEXAS (15-3, 3-0 BIG 12)

Saturday, 4 p.m., CBS The Jayhawks are one of only three unbeaten teams remaining in college basketball after Syracuse slipped up earlier this week against Pittsburgh. After a shaky three-point victory over unranked Nebraska, Kansas bounced back with an emphatic 20-point win over a Baylor team that has been ranked as high as No. 9 in the country this year. KU head coach Bill Self has used his deep bench — 10 players averaging at least 14 minutes per game — to reel off 18 straight wins to start the season. At stake on Saturday is Kansas’ 69-game home winning streak at Allen Fieldhouse. In his career, Bill Self is 124-6 at home in Lawrence, Kan. Like the Jayhawks, Texas comes into the game with a perfect 3-0 record in Big 12 play. Since losing to Connecticut on Jan. 8, the Longhorns have responded with three straight wins by at least 20 points each. This includes a 21-point rout of No. 11 Texas A&M Wednesday. Texas has four players averaging double figures in scoring this season, led by Jordan Hamilton’s 19.7 points per game. Key to the game: Texas’ 3-point shooting The Longhorns have made 37.4 percent of their 3-pointers this season, good for 65th best in the country. The question becomes whether or not the shooters are affected by the hostile environment of Allen Fieldhouse. If Jordan Hamilton, Cory Joseph and J’Covan Brown can hit, consecutive win No. 70 might not happen for the Jayhawks.

Johnson and E’Twaun Moore have been as good as advertised for the Boilermakers. The pair is putting up a combined 38 points per game, but no one else on the team is averaging more than seven points per game. Someone else needs to emerge for Purdue down the stretch. The Spartans haven’t put it together yet this season to go on any sort of a run. Six losses have been sprinkled throughout the schedule with no more than three consecutive wins at any point in time. Though guard Kalin Lucas has picked up his play of late to lead the Spartans in scoring, swingman Durrell Summers has disappeared. In his past three games, Summers is averaging fewer than seven points per game. Prior to this mini slump, he had been in double figures in every game but one. Key to the game: Ryne Smith, guard, Purdue Smith is shooting a phenomenal 48.6 percent from 3-point range this season but only averages 6.6 points per game. The bottom line is that he needs to shoot more against the Spartans. There have been flashes of bril-

liance — three games with at least five made 3-pointers — now he just needs to use that to emerge as Purdue’s third scoring option.

BAYLOR (12-5, 2-2 BIG 12) VS. OKLAHOMA STATE (14-4, 2-2 BIG 12)

Saturday, 4 p.m., Big 12 Network The Bears were ranked as high as No. 9 in the country at one point this season, but three losses since Christmas have dropped them out of the Top 25. But that doesn’t mean this team isn’t dangerous. Baylor has a bona fide scorer in LaceDarius Dunn and his 21.6 points per game and Perry Jones, one of the nation’s best freshmen. Jones has scored 20 or more in three of the team’s last four games. At 2-2 in the Big 12, Baylor sits in the bottom half, but this team will be in the NCAA Tournament. It’s too talented not to be. The Cowboys are coming off an overtime


1) Jimmer Fredette 2) Kemba Walker 3) Adrian Oliver 4) Xavier Silas 5) Marshon Brooks 6) Andrew Goudelock 7) Charles Jenkins 8) Klay Thompson 9) Anatoly Bose 10) LaceDarius Dunn



BYU Connecticut San Jose St. Northern Illinois Providence College of Charleston Hofstra Washington St. Nicholls St. Baylor

Josh Selby, guard

courtesy of kansas media relations


26.1 25.6 24.2 23.6 23.4 23.4 23.2 22.9 22.9 22.3


1) Kenneth Faried 2) Ryan Rossiter 3) Jordan Williams 4) Rick Jackson 5) Chris Gaston 6) Sam Willard 7) Arsalan Kazemi 8) Thomas Coleman 9) Augustine Rubit 10) Luke Sikma


Morehead St. Siena Maryland Syracuse Fordham Pacific Rice North Carolina A&T South Alabama Portland

win against Iowa State that saw the team put up a season-high 96 points. That snapped a two-game losing skid and might be just the thing OSU needs to get on a roll. Like the Bears, Oklahoma State is also 2-2 in Big 12 play. Sophomore 6-foot-7 swingman J.P. Olukemi is rapidly becoming a consistent scoring option for the Cowboys. His seasonhigh 29 points pushed his team to that overtime win over the Cyclones, and he’s gone over 23 times in the last four games. Key to the game: Keiton Page, guard, OSU Page is the biggest 3-point threat the Cowboys have. In a game in which Baylor’s LaceDarius Dunn is going to get his points, Page needs to be ready to step up. If Dunn starts to go off and score in bunches, Page may have to keep his team in the game. He has made eight 3-pointers in the past two games. Whether or not the Cowboys can keep pace with the athletic Bears might determine this battle between two NCAA Tournament-caliber teams.


13.3 13.0 12.2 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.2 10.8 10.7 10.6


1) Aaron Johnson 2) Scott Machado 3) D.J. Cooper 4) Darius Morris 5) Zac Swansey 6) Demetri McCamey 7) Will Weathers 8) Vincent Council 9) Kevin Galloway 10) Juwan Staten


UAB Iona Ohio Michigan Tennessee Tech Illinois Troy Providence Texas Southern Dayton


8.5 8.4 8.1 7.3 7.1 7.0 6.7 6.5 6.5 6.4

14 j a n u a r y 2 1 - 2 3 , 2 0 1 1

marquette f rom page 10

has expanded from one of instant offense off the bench to a consistent producer all game long. She’s becoming a leader for the Orange, and dating back to mid-December, she has been the team’s most steady performer. Hall will look to continue her hot stretch when the Orange takes on Marquette in Milwaukee at 2 p.m. Saturday. “I’m not a rookie anymore,” Hall said. “There’s more expected of me. I’m just stepping up and doing the best I can.” Despite her recent success, though, the sophomore guard started the year relatively slowly. She has started every game for the Orange thus far, but she wasn’t scoring as much as she or Hillsman would have liked. She struggled to get

sports@ da ilyor a nge.com

to the basket and, as a result, couldn’t create her own shot very effectively. But that all changed in December with Syracuse’s trip to the Bahamas. In the team’s second game of the Sunshine Shootout against Clemson, Hall took a then career-high 13 shots that resulted in another career high of 16 points. The end result: The Orange ran away with a 77-58 win. From that point on, Hall has been SU’s best player. She has averaged a team-leading 17.1 points and 7.1 rebounds through the last seven games, dating back to the matchup with the Tigers. “She’s scoring for us, she’s rebounding for us, she’s doing a lot of different things,” senior guard Erica Morrow said. “She’s definitely an important part of our team. For her to be so young, she’s definitely emerging as one of the leaders on our team.” For Hall, part of the difference in this stretch

“For her to be so young, she’s definitely emerging as one of the leaders on our team.” Erica Morrow

su guard

has been her willingness and, perhaps more importantly, her desire to take shots. Through the first eight games this year, she took 46 shots. In the last seven contests, she’s nearly doubled that total with 82. Much of that has come from a boost in confidence. In SU’s loss to Rutgers on Jan. 11, the sophomore carried the Orange from the opening tip. She scored Syracuse’s first eight points, knocking down a corner 3-pointer, draining another

long-range bucket in transition and finishing a contested putback on the baseline. “Everything that she’s doing on the floor, she’s doing very efficiently,” Hillsman said. “So I’m very happy with what she’s doing, and I’m very proud of her effort.” Although Hall has shined as of late, it hasn’t always correlated with a win for Syracuse as a team. The Orange is just 4-3 in its last seven games, including a 1-3 start in the Big East. The team as a whole has struggled offensively and is hitting a lowly 38.9 percent from the floor in conference play. Though the rest of the team hasn’t necessarily been pulling its weight, Hall just wants to stay confident. She stressed the importance of staying confident in her own shot and continuing to flourish in her new role with the Orange. Said Hall: “I’m definitely feeling good.” zjbrown@syr.edu

nate shron | staff photographer kris joseph did not play in Syracuse’s loss to Pittsburgh on Monday after injuring his head against Cincinnati. He is listed as day-to-day for Saturday’s game against Villanova.

villanova from page 3

More than 33,000 tickets have been sold for the game as of Wednesday. The game has brought another round of hype to the SyracuseVillanova matchup. But all that is irrelevant to the Orange players and coaches now, especially coming off a loss. “In the Big East, every game is a battle,” point guard Scoop Jardine said. “So we can’t dwell on one game. We have to go out the next time and try to get a win.” Villanova is also coming off its first conference defeat, a 61-59 loss at No. 8 Connecticut Monday. Last year’s meeting was a de facto matchup for the Big East regular-season title. This year’s game could have a similar amount of significance, as a loss Saturday will set the loser two games back from Pittsburgh in the conference standings. With the conference slate starting to grow tougher, back-to-back losses could strike a catastrophic blow to the Orange. But Rick Jackson thinks the fixes are easy. It’s a matter of getting back to the basics. “We did a lot of things where we just killed ourselves,” Jackson said. “We missed pointblank layups and forced tough shots. We let them get the ball inside too much. Those are basic things that we didn’t do.”

“In the Big East, every game is a battle. So we can’t dwell on one game. We have to go out the next time and try to get a win.” Scoop Jardine

SU guard

And Joseph could return to the lineup after missing Monday’s game following a hard fall last Saturday against Cincinnati. Joseph was shooting around during Thursday’s practice. But regardless of whether Joseph plays or not, players will likely have a vivid memory of Monday’s loss in their minds when they take the court against Villanova. After all, without its leading scorer, Syracuse still managed to fight its way back from what appeared to be a 19-0 death blow early in a very intense atmosphere. After that, Jardine is certain this squad can overcome just about anything. Certain this squad can get back on the right track. “We didn’t have one of our best players,” Jardine said. “Not taking anything away from Pitt, but we didn’t have one of our best players, and we fought. C.J. (Fair) played a great game. James (Southerland) helped us. We just fought.”

sports@ da ilyor a nge.com

ja n ua ry 21-23, 2 011

Remaining schedules syracuse Jan. 22 Jan. 25 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 March 5

Villanova Seton Hall at Marquette at Connecticut at South Florida Georgetown at Louisville West Virginia Rutgers at Villanova at Georgetown DePaul

villanova noon 7 p.m. 3 p.m. 7 p.m. 2 p.m. 7 p.m. noon 7 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. noon 4 p.m.

Jan. 22 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 March 5

at Syracuse at Providence Georgetown Marquette West Virginia at Rutgers Pittsburgh at Seton Hall at DePaul Syracuse St. John’s at Notre Dame at Pittsburgh

noon 7 p.m. noon 7 p.m. noon 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. noon 7 p.m. 2 p.m. 7 p.m. 4 p.m.

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February 16, 2011 34st.com

dining guide spring 2011

spring dining guide


2.16.11 D–GUIDE: Reviews mercato khyber pass pub famous 4th street deli blackbird pizzeria tartes fine cakes and pastries 9 le castagne 10 king kebab/ dandelion 11 la dominique creperie/the corner 12 Kaffa crossing 14 cafe de roma 15 L2 16 FEZ Moroccan restaurant/rising tide 17 le pain quotidien 18 horizons/ moe's hot dog house 20 sang kee noodle house 21 Le VIRTU/MODO MIO

3 4 6 7 8

p. 11

24–43 listings

p. 10

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011



Under $10 $10–$20 $20–$30 $30–$40 Over $40

34th Street Magazine Jessica Goodman, Editor–in–Chief Nick Stergiopoulos, Managing Editor Frida Garza, Design Editor Kendall Haupt, Online Managing Editor Mady Glickman, Food & Drink Jessica White, Food & Drink Sam Brodey, Copy Ellie Levitt, Copy Stephanie Rice, Copy Adrian Franco, Photo Cover Design: Adrian franco Contributors: Grace Ambrose, Colette Bloom, Valerie Furman, Emily Gerard, Gloria Gonzalez, Raya Jalabi, Tucker Johns, Hannah

I’m in love. I’m hopelessly, maddeningly in love with a tin box on 38th Street. What holds grip of my heart, you ask? Well, it goes by a simple name, one that brings joy to my heart and a skip to my step. Just four little letters that can make me swoon: B–U–I–S. This home away from home and breakfast savior will forever be known in my phone as “BUISS!!!!!!!!!” I even became the mayor on FourSquare for three magical months (damn you, Pat H.). It’s become clear that I’m seriously addicted to an egg sandwich. The Friday morning cure doubles as a Monday morning pick–me–up and the constant friendly faces of the Bui family always brighten my day. The quick stop lunch truck is only a few blocks and a short phone call away. They know my name. They know my order and quite simply, they know the key to my heart. I walk up to the counter with a crisp five–

dollar bill and eagerly await the heavenly pleasure of the perfect sandwich. One bite of the cooked–just–right eggs and turkey bacon pillowed in a crispy yet soft roll is all it takes to get my stomach feeling like a million bucks. Sigh. But since we can’t run an entire 44–page Dining Guide on the wonders of Bui’s (trust me, if we could I would), you can find the other gastro–wonders of Philadelphia within these pages. Restaurant upon bar upon truck upon stand greet you with open arms and tummies for a mouth–watering reign of sumptuousness. Enjoy and eat up. Grandma and Grandpa Bui,

every week it takes 50 people to make this magazine. for serious.

22–23 food PORN

$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$


McDonnell, Lucy McGuigan, Hilary Miller, Hillary Reinsberg, Paige Rubin, Jordan Sale, Eesha Sardesai, Brette Warshaw, Nina Wolpow

Contacting 34th Street Magazine: If you have questions, comments, complaints or letters to the editor, e–mail Jessica Goodman, Editor–in–Chief, at goodman@34st.com. You can also call us at (215) 898– 6585. To place an ad, call (215) 898–6581.


Visit our web site: www.34st.com. ©2011 34th Street Magazine, The Daily Pennsylvanian, Inc. No part may be reproduced in whole or in part without the express, written consent of the editors (but I bet we will give you the a-okay.) All rights reserved. 34th Street Magazine is published by The Daily Pennsylvanian, Inc., 4015 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19104, every Thursday.

6:30 on Thursdays. 4015 Walnut.


Unassuming Digs, Great Food.

spring dining guide



Michelle fang


1216 Spruce St. (215) 985–2962

Don't Miss: Delicious pastas and vegetables Skip: If you want a quick meal


and with no assigned waiter and a packed house, there was little to do but wait. The Autumn Vegetable Risotto ($16) came first, followed moments later by the Short Rib Ragu ($23). Both were half portions, thus half price, but there was more than enough to split between two people. The risotto was excellent, cooked perfectly and smothered in Parmesan. The vegetables, a mix of crimini mushrooms, squash and leeks, were well balanced and seasoned. The ragu, a bowl of ricotta gnocchi and broccoli rabe covered in the hearty sauce, was tasty but not without flaws. The pillowy gnocchi was delicious on its own, but topped with the rich ragu, it was completely overpowered. The broccoli rabe was also tasty, but it sat in a pile underneath the pasta and sauce, like it was trying to hide. Individually, each component

was great, but together they were out of sync. Another long wait broke up the pasta and entree courses, but the sheer size of the portions that eventually arrived quickly erased any ill feelings. Unfortunately, the grilled petit tender filet ($25) wasn’t even the star of it’s own plate. That honor went to the awesome side of brussel sprouts and bacon, which easily trumped the ordinary steak and mashed potatoes. The tilapia special ($30) was a much more harmonious dish. The perfectly cooked fish sat alongside refreshing grilled asparagus and a sweet potato mash that might have been the highlight of the evening. Considering the sheer amount of food consumed, dessert wasn’t a foregone conclusion, but one shared plate was the perfect end to the meal. The Bittersweet Molten Chocolate Cake ($9) was a difficult choice on a tantalizing menu, but it was a winner. Gooey and dense, a few bites would have been perfect, but the whole thing was too good to resist. It’s clear that the focus of Mercato is squarely on the food. The space is basic, and

the service is somewhat inconsistent, but the cuisine was, for the most part, fantas-

tic. With far more hits than misses, Mercato is perfect for a special occasion.

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

rom the outside, you may easily walk by Mercato. The small restaurant is nestled on an unassuming corner in Washington Square West, not exactly calling out to passerbys. Don’t think, though, that this exterior modesty at all reflects the “new Italian–American” cuisine prepared inside. Early on a Friday night, the tables were packed, the BYOB wine was flowing and the food was delicious. It was as if one had invaded an Italian family reunion with some really good cooks, which is certainly not a bad place to be. Instead of a single waiter assigned to a table, a team of servers presides over the entire restaurant, constantly pouring water and taking orders. There is both the rather extensive traditional menu, with appetizers, pastas and entrees, and an entirely separate antipasti menu, with cured meats and cheeses and a full olive oil list. Sharing is encouraged, and the kitchen is happy to make half portions of any of the pasta dishes as well. The servers bring by crusty bread and a delicious homemade olive butter. It’s difficult not to ask for seconds, but the waitress warns that the portions are “hearty,” so it’s time to order. Before any food arrives, a metal mixing bowl appears in the center of the table sans explanation. Minutes later, however, the shared appetizer, the Whole Grilled Artichoke ($12), arrived. Although a better explanation of how exactly to tackle this dish would have been appreciated, it was delicious nonetheless. The creaminess of the accompanying citrus aioli perfectly offset the smokiness of the artichoke, making this labor–intensive dish absolutely worthwhile. There was a long delay before the pasta dishes arrived,


spring dining guide

KHYBER PASSES WITH FLYING COLORS Dive bar turned gastropub serves up great soul food.


egendary Philadelphia music venue (and filthy dive bar) the Khyber was reborn a few months ago as the Khyber Pass Pub, serving up an array of cajun and southern food. The owners of Cantina Dos Segundos and Los Caballitos as well as the Royal Tavern have transformed this space into a model similar to their other restaurants: affordable large portions, plenty of vegan options and an extensive drink menu, in this case, playing host to 20 rotating beers on tap. The sandwich menu offers the most bang for your buck; other options include hickory smoked barbeque ($14–18) and fried chicken ($15). The BBQ Beef Brisket and North


khyber pass pub 56 S. 2nd St. (215) 238–5888

Don't Miss: BBQ Beef Brisket Skip: The Half and Half $$$$$

Carolina–style BBQ pulled Pork sandwiches (both $10) showcase the hickory smoked barbeque and homemade sauces. The pulled pork packs a bit of a punch, but the spice is countered with the coleslaw that comes heaped on top. The brisket presented a different mix of flavors, the sweetness of its sauce cut by the accompanying horseradish. Both sandwiches came on soft brioche rolls that held up well given the

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large portions of juicy meat. Thick–cut Benton’s bacon is the centerpiece of the Fried

Monday-Friday 7am- 5:30pm Saturday 8am- 5:30 pm Sunday Closed www.nookbakeryandcoffee.com

The most variety of Indian cuisine on campus

34TH STREET Magazine February 16 2011

SITAR INDIA Lunch and Dinner Buffet

We now sell beer!

seem to be the sides, almost all of which are vegetarian; you get the choice of any side with your sandwich order. The baked mac and cheese was rich with a crispy breadcrumb top. The fries were crispy and wellseasoned and the addition of smoked cheddar made for a classier version of cheese fries. The “big ass biscuits,” moist and buttery without being too dense, are the perfect accompaniment to a plate of barbecue. Khyber is the perfect place to grab an inexpensive — and huge — meal after an an afternoon in Old City. The Pub has risen to the heights of its sister restaurants.

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Green Tomato BLT ($10). Accompanied by a Tabasco remoulade and thick, cornmeal– encrusted green tomatoes, this dish was an interesting and effective take on the classic sandwich. A large portion of the menu is made up of po’boys, the staple New Orleans sandwiches. The Half and Half ($15) featured fried oysters and shrimp dressed with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and mayo on a long crusty roll. The shrimp were firm, with a crispy outer layer, but the oysters suffered, their cornmeal coating lacking the crispness of the shrimp’s. The real stars of the menu


spring dining guide

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34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Try it! 3931 Walnut Street | Philadelphia, PA 215-222-5300 | www.hummusrestaurant.com


spring dining guide 34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011 6

FAMOUS DELI MEATS New location offers quality Jewish fare.



o me, ‘deli’ means turkey sandwiches, piled high on thick rye bread. It means full–sour pickles, pickles that hold true to their name, pickles that make me both pucker my lips and grin simultaneously. It means fluffy matzoh balls submerged in golden broth, dill lily–pads floating lazily on the surface. After traveling to the 19th street location of the Famous 4th Street Deli, however, I came to an earth–shattering re-

alization: deli does not mean the same thing to everybody. To some, it means whitefish

salad on a toasted everything bagel (whitefish salad? Hello, it wasn’t Sunday morning). It means blintzes (blasphemous! Dairy at the deli?). It means “health salad” (whatever that means. “Health” does not translate within these walls!). It was clear after walking into this “Famous” deli, however, that my companions and I could all agree on one thing: what ‘deli’ did not mean. It did not mean an empty room. It did not mean pristine floors and countertops. It did not mean the smell of ammonia. It did not mean the absence of black–and–white cookies by the register. It was, as my grandmother would call it in Yiddish, a shandeh: a shame. What was a deli without loud, playful banter, without tables straining under the weight of their load, without old men and toddlers fighting over latkes? I was biased; I wanted to turn my nose up and walk away. But despite how much I truly wanted to hate it, the Famous 4th Street Deli delivered. Delivered quite a lot, actually. Delivered platters and platters of sky–high sandwiches with fillings that spanned the length of the meat rainbow: ruby–red pastrami, snow–white turkey and every beige and brown in between. Delivered piles of fries ($5.50) whose peaks were even higher than those of the sandwiches, fat, thick fries, salty fries, potatoes in their highest form. Delivered steaming bowls of soup ($6.75), thick hunks of carrots and celery bobbing in

Thomas jansen

FAMOUS 4th street delicatessen 38 S. 19th St. (215) 568–3271

Don't Miss: Corned beef reuben, hot pastrami sandwich Skip: Biscuit


unison. Delivered that whitefish salad ($9.50), happily oozing out of the sides of the bagel, mocking my skepticism. The best of all: the meat. Latticed onto thick, hearty slices of rye and multigrain, they at first posed a challenge: how could one possibly open her mouth wide enough to get started? I opened up the sandwich, took out a hunk of meat: still, no change. But miraculously, it all got eaten. Hot, enthusiastically–spiced pastrami ($14.50) dipped into dishes of faintly spicy mustard. Corned beef ($14.50), in all its slightly stringy, generously gamey glory, nestled onto a nub of rye. Moist, silky turkey ($13.50) lathered with Russian dressing, heaped onto a scrap of that multigrain toast. Leftovers? Not a problem. This meat is so good, you will dream about it, and then you will stumble down to your refrigerator at four in the morning for one last, lingering bite.

The whitefish salad, too, was a success; sweet, smoky, proud. Far from fishy or slimy, this was a revelation. So, too, was the Matzoh Brei ($12), something I would have never thought to order outside of Passover. Sprinkled with cinnamon, drizzled with syrup: I had discovered the Jewish version of pancakes. But this had texture, this had soul, this had an eggy bite to it that a mere pancake could not replicate. Happily entranced in my food–induced reverie, I barely noticed those dishes that at once fell flat. But the blitzes ($4.25), in hindsight, were too thick, too sweet, too soggy; they lacked any sort of punch. So, too, did the coleslaw ($3.50); its sweetness and wetness was at once unappetizing, only palatable with a quick bite of a sour pickle. The potato pancakes ($4.25) were a textural bore, the outside lacking a sturdy crust, the inside a solid, dense mass, far from the feathery, pillowy ones of my childhood. But my stomach was too full to mourn these shortcomings, and the sweet, smoky smell of our table overpowered any lingering stench of ammonia. I was warm; I was full; I was happy. And, most surprisingly, I had yet another definition of ‘deli’ to add to my list.

Vegan cuisine that's as tasty as the original. By LUCY Mcguigan


blackbird Pizzeria 507 S. 6th St. (215) 625–6660

Don't Miss: Seitan cheesesteak Skip: French fries $$$$$

lucy mcguigan

flavorful seitan sausage with fennel, fried eggplant and broccoli rabe over a base of Daiya and sauce. The true curiosity behind the glass casing, however, is the Yukon ($2.50 per slice), an intricate landscape of thin–sliced Yukon Gold potatoes smothered in rosemary and olive oil. Slightly unattractive at first glace, with odd greenish brown hues where the potatoes have taken a bit too enthusiastically to the oil, the unorthodox pizza is surprisingly delicious, full of flavor and ideal in texture. The pizzeria isn’t a one trick pony; Horizons Restaurant veteran and owner Mark Bebus constructs mouthwatering sandwiches with all the dexterity of Philadelphia’s famous

cheesesteak joints. Blackbird’s version of the native fare ($8) might just be the best sandwich I’ve eaten in months, even including my pre–vegan samplings.

The seitan is chewy but not too rubbery, the exact consistency of a perfect steak. Oozing with the juices of crimini mushrooms, onions, peppers and a smattering of Daiya, the

An entire wine list priced at just $6 per glass.

First time? Don't worry, we've done this before. 34st.com

grinder an excellent antidote to grease–withdrawal. Similarly, the giant Marinated Tofu Cubano ($8), while less meat emulating, packs a creamy punch with a mélange of Dijon aioli, seitan pepperoni, caramelized onions and pickles. For those seeking a greener option, veggie–filled salads are available. Go for the Caesar, because the creamy dressing is almost indistinguishable from the mayo– based original. And don’t worry about the trek. The best thing about Blackbird is that with a $15 minimum on delivery, you can enjoy all the vegan goodness without ever leaving the house.

It’s true. At Biba Before Bed. 10pm – Midnight. Monday through Thursday. 3131 Walnut Street / The Left Bank

Philadelphia, PA 19104

B I B AW I N E B A R . C O M

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

ith the ever–increasing trendiness of animal rights activism, things have gotten pretty sweet for today’s urban vegan. On campus, one is rarely a stone’s throw away from a good vegan meal. For the most part, however, in the Philadelphia culinary scene the egg–and–dairy–free offerings tend to be concentrated among ethnic restaurants. Though eating vegan is relatively easy if one sticks to the Asian, Indian or Mediterranean venues, things get a bit trickier when one starts craving pub fare and Super Bowl snacks. Thankfully, with the development of Daiya, a new soy–based cheese substitute that melts and stretches like the real deal, vegan iterations of the classic college staple, pizza, taste just as good as a slice from Allegro. While local favorites like Ed’s and Dock Street Brewing Co. have vegan pies on the menu, toppings are limited to the vegetables in the stockroom; meat substitutes are nowhere to be found. Blackbird Pizzeria, though a bit of a hike from campus, goes the extra mile to craft artisan ‘za with a multitude of creative accoutrements. Having just opened in September, the new joint nonetheless has a devoted clientele, many of whom are converts from the recently–closed Gianna’s. The South Philly ($3.75 per slice), for instance, combines

spring dining guide


215.222.242 7

spring dining guide


Great desserts through a window.

By eesha sardesai


essert tends to come as an afterthought Tartes fine cakes and to a meal, a sweet pastries ending that is easily foregone 212 Arch St. if you’re feeling particularly (215) 625–2510 stuffed after a series of soups, Don't Miss: Plum and Ginger salads, appetizers and entrees. Brown Butter Tartes But at Tartes Fine Cakes and Skip: Chocolate Cupcake with Pastries, a popular bakery in Vanilla Buttercream Old City, dessert takes center $$$$$ stage. Though nestled in a nook slide–open window. slightly removed from Arch A fervent worshipper of all AD_Mosh_Where_v2_4.625x7.375.qxd 8/11/08 3:19 PM Page 1 Street,AD_Mosh_Where_v2_4.625x7.375.qxd Tartes catches your eye things pastry myself, I happily 8/11/08 3:19 PM Page 1 with its bubblegum–pink ex- settled into a sampling of Tartterior. The bakery has no in- es’ baked goods after returning door place for customers to sit, home from Old City. The bakbrowse the menu or wait for ery offers a selection of tartes their pastries. Instead, to order (in large and small sizes), cakes, PManyPage sweet tooth. I commenced AD_Mosh_Where_v2_4.625x7.375.qxd 8/11/08 8/11/08 3:19 1 AD_Mosh_Where_v2_4.625x7.375.qxd 3:19 PM Page 1 you request your baked goods cupcakes, cookies and bars in my own feast of dessert with a for takeout through a quaint flavors varied enough to satisfy massive Snickerdoodle Cookie

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

The majestic majestic tall tall ship ship Moshulu Moshulu has has been been gloriously gloriously ““ The revived into the classy riverside dining venue the revived into the classy riverside dining venue the city deserves...first-class food and service, elegant city“ deserves...first-class food and service, elegant “ The majestic talltall ship Moshulu has been gloriously Theambiance majestic ship Moshulu has been gloriously and the city’s best best views.” ambiance and the city’s views.” revived intointo thethe classy riverside dining venue revived classy riverside dining venue the the


“EXCELLENT!” city deserves...first-class and service, elegant city deserves...first-class food food and service, elegant “EXCELLENT!” Craigbest LaBan,views.” Philadelphia Inquirer ambiance and ambiance andthe the city’s city’s best views.” Craig LaBan, Philadelphia Inquirer “EXCELLENT!” “EXCELLENT!”

Craig LaBan, Philadelphia Craig LaBan, Philadelphia Inquirer Inquirer

Philadelphia’s Landmark Waterfront Restaurant. Philadelphia’s Landmark Waterfront Restaurant. Philadelphia’s Landmark WaterfrontRestaurant. Restaurant. Philadelphia’s Landmark Waterfront 401401 S. Columbus Blvd Penn’s Landing moshulu.com 215.923.2500 S.401 Columbus BlvdBlvdPenn’s Penn’s Landing moshulu.com 215.923.2500 S. Columbus Penn’s Landing moshulu.com moshulu.com 215.923.2500 401 S. Columbus Blvd Landing 215.923.2500

Jennifer sun

($1.75). Its golden, puffy interior was soft and sweet with a hint of vanilla: a perfect, melt–in–your–mouth texture and flavor. Given that it was a snickerdoodle, though, the proof had to be in the cookie’s signature, crackly cinnamon– sugar topping — and Tartes didn’t disappoint. I moved on to what would be the 'piece de resistance' of my meal: a 4–inch, Plum and Ginger Brown Butter Tarte ($5.75). The entire dessert was extraordinary, but the crust was the standout: a sweet, buttery pastry that is soft and flaky on the sides, and just a bit thicker on the bottom to give it a softer textural layer that you can really bite into. The slight tartness of the juicy plum slices complemented the sweetness of the crust, and both of these components were delicately unified with a suffusion of ginger. The Lemon Bar ($2.25) also proved a solid choice. Bordering on the sweet side, with a thick blanket of powdered sugar coating the lemon curd filling, the bars are nonetheless chock–full of lemon flavor. The gooey, lemon–y interior pairs nicely with a buttery shortbread crust that is just as magnificent as that of the plum tarte.

A Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting ($2.50) was pleasant (and decorated with festive heart– shaped sprinkles), though it fell short of reaching the same glorious heights as its predecessors. Together, the cake and the icing complemented each other well, but they probably would not be so successful as standalones. The cake had a wonderfully deep chocolate flavor but was a bit dense for my taste. Tthe icing, meanwhile, lacked notable flavor. Rounding out my dessert binge was a delightful little treat: a Coconut Macaroon with Chocolate Chips ($0.50). The crispy, browned exterior of fragrant baked coconut gave way to a soft, chewy and equally “coconut–y” inside; mini morsels of semisweet chocolate served to balance the macaroon’s texture and sweetness. If there’s one thing that Tartes’ pastries can attest to, it’s that dessert can and should be a “meal” in its own right. Perhaps we shouldn’t always swap out lunch for a 5–course track to a sugar coma like I did, but dessert doesn’t always have to be an after–dinner option. And when confronted with options like Tartes’ Plum and Ginger Brown Butter Tarte, who can say no to dessert?

“ The rev city


BY gloria gonzalez

adrian franco

le castagne

1920 Chestnut St. (215) 751–9913

Don't Miss: Mozzarella di bufala Skip: Spaghetti alle castagne $$$$$

spaghetti was not a bad choice, the heavy cream made it difficult to finish the dish, and the cocoa powder did nothing for the flavor. An appetizer–sized portion would have definitely been enough. The tagliolini with shrimp and calamari was also an okay choice, but nothing stood out about the dish. It was certainly not as flavorful as a traditional spaghetti ai frutti di mare. We were hoping one of their homemade desserts would make us leave on a happier note, but the chocolate parfait failed to impress. By no means would I call our meal at Le Castagne bad. It was simply average. It cer-

tainly does not meet what should be expected of a $50–plus per person meal. If you are okay with trying decent, but somewhat overpriced northern Italian cuisine I would not shy away from Le Castagne, but do not expect to get the same quality you would from any other similarly priced Italian restaurant in Philadelphia.

sometimes people make snow penises


speed limit


know WHERE



34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

ith the amount of Italian restaurants in Philadelphia, it would be hard to recommend Le Castagne as a top choice. The restaurant is located near Rittenhouse, not far from campus on 21st and Chestnut in a glass building. The modern decor is immediately noticeable because most Italian restaurants in Philly are often cheesily decorated with over–the–top Italian themes. Unfortunately, the restaurant seemed to be quite empty, with only a few tables filled with an older, business–like crowd. Despite the lack of guests, my friend and I had to wait for over five minutes to get the attention of a waiter, as the hostess was nowhere to be seen. For our appetizers, we asked the waiter for his recommendation between the smoked salmon rolled with goat cheese and a honey scallion vinaigrette ($13) and the Mozzarella di Bufala ($16) wrapped with prosciutto finished with chili, basil and olive oil. He recommended the latter, and we were glad to follow his advice, as the mozzarella was certainly the highlight of the night. As a main course we tried the Spaghetti alle castagne ($21), which came in a chestnut cream sauce topped with cocoa powder, and the Tagliolini allo scoglio ($21), topped with calamari and rock shrimp in a light saffron sauce. While the

spring dining guide

cast adrift Italian fare doesn't live up to its price.


spring dining guide

DANDY FARE FOR AMERICAN FOLK Kinda king Flaming cart, average kabob.


34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

can think of many an appropriate royal analogy to go along with this review, but truth be told, King Kabob is not really worth that much energy. King Kabob is not the ultimate king of the kabobs. It is more akin to an anemic distant relative of the supposed King, but I suppose on a campus with barely a kabob in sight, this truck just about satisfies the craving some of us have for a juiced–up skewer. January was a dreary month, made slightly better by the punctuated return of that familiar yet pleasantly garish truck. Now, jaunts along 38th and Spruce streets bear more than the familiar post–apocalyptic sights of grey Wawa customers and even greyer water spewing from oft–burst pipes. This stretch of campus has gained a fiercely flaming truck, a razzmatazz vehicle doling out kabobs to hungry passers–by. However, it would seem that this truck is all razzle and no dazzle when it comes to its own fare. The man who works within King Kabob’s confines was delightfully chatty, but almost put a damper on my appetite when he told me that until Feb. 14, the truck was only going to serve a very limited menu. Therefore, with only chicken fajita, teriyaki chicken or classic steak kabobs on offer, I chose the last, hoping it would achieve delectable perfection in its simple composition. Well, it did not. The classic steak kabob ($5) came on a skewer with onions and grilled bell peppers. I opted to have my kabob served on a bed of rice (for an additional $1) rather than wrapped in a pita. It was nice to be asked how I liked my meat cooked, for that is a definite rarity. The kabob itself was tasty, although slightly chewy for a medium–cooked piece of meat. However, there was a definitive lack of seasoning. The King Kabob special sauce is only applied to the dish as an afterthought, so the 10 potential of the sauce penetrating the

alexandra fleischman

By raya jalabi

king kabob

38th and Spruce St.

Don't Miss: Chatting with the dude who works there. He's got a great tattoo of the Philly skyline… Skip: The classic steak kabob $$$$$

meat and bathing it in a bold flavor was a missed opportunity. Rather, the special sauce — which, by the way, is KK’s flamboyant naming of a basic BBQ sauce — overpowered the meat and rice. Although I finished my kabob, I found myself looking for the remnants of sauce to add any semblance of flavor to the dish, finding the leftover rice to be bland in taste. The teriyaki chicken wrapped in pita ($5.50) had somewhat of a stronger flavor, although it wasn’t overwhelmingly better. King Kabob emphasizes the freshness of its fare, easy to do when you get the kabobs assembled and the accoutrements prepared off–site and delivered daily by a catering company. Some of the regal mysticism is maintained when you see the kabobs cooked in front of your very eyes, but that wears when you’re faced with a slightly longer wait than you had previously anticipated. Sure, the kabobs were fine, and the rice they were served on was fine, and the pita was fine and the prospect of a peach kabob ($3 but not on offer till the 14th) was fine, but nothing wowed me. Perhaps it was due to the freezing weather on the day I sauntered over to the truck. Or perhaps my disappointment stemmed from the ridiculously high kabob standards I set, a vestige of my Middle Eastern roots. However, I am sad to say that king of the kabobs King Kabob was not. But I will concede that it can definitely hold its ground as a viable alternative to the breakfast sandwich trucks littering the block and provide a satisfactory meal for those in need of something mildly different.

Not Your average fish and chips. By

jessica goodman


tephen Starr’s latest, the Dandelion Pub, opened with a splash on New Year’s Eve. The British–style gastropub is in a mansion–like building that takes up the entire corner of 18th and Sansom Streets. The restaurant looks like the inside of a classy taxidermist’s home: charming old world portraits hang on the wall, stuffed animals (not the teddy bear kind) line mantles and dim lights haunt the three–floor manor. No wonder, as Starr paid a rumored $3.5 million for the place. Aside from the almost creepy decor, Starr hit a surprisingly new note on the interior. The towering restaurant is refreshingly homey, unlike some of his other hot spots. Roomy tables and an inviting bar inhabit the many nooks and crannies of the building. The setting itself is enough to transport diners to a classy London pub. However, it’s unclear why Starr decided to tackle English grub; the Brits are not known for gastro greatness. Still, Dandelion is simply British, complete with shrines to dogs and beer casks as well as a vibrant menu boasting modern takes on English classics. We started with fish cakes ($5), three fried balls of poached cod and peekytoe crab offset by a lemon– garlic mayonnaise and a tomato–horseradish dip. Both sauces complimented the cakes, which had a potato–like texture. The flavor was spot on. Surprised to see scallops

adrian franco

Dandelion pub

18th and Sansom St. (215) 558–2500

Don't Miss: Chips Skip: Scallops $$$$$

on a British menu, we proceeded with caution. The seared scallops ($15) sat atop black pudding, braised Brussels sprouts and a balsamic jus. The dish seemed out of place on the menu and proved to be out of place in our mouths as well. The scallops were salty and the dish felt schizophrenic. The main course menu boasts many a classic English fare: fish and chips ($21), lamb shepherd’s pie ($16) and Cumberland sausages ($14). We chose one of the house specialties, rabbit pie ($19) and a home–style favorite, macaroni and cheese ($9). The rabbit pie was reminiscent of chicken pot pie with a perfectly cooked pastry puff leading entry to a creamy mixture of rabbit meat, onions, mushrooms and bacon. Though rich, the dish was bold in flavor. The macaroni and cheese, served in a piping hot skillet, was adorned with braised ham and Eng-

lish cheddar cheese. This dish, also rich and creamy, was oddly similar to the staple dish by the same name at Starr’s other restaurant, Jones. But nonetheless, the homey pasta was decadently delicious (yet, again, oddly placed on an English menu). Not ready to leave without trying Dandelion’s signature triple cooked chips ($5), we ordered a side and were not let down. The thick potato wedges were soft on the inside and crispy on the outside, the perfect “chip.” As if our stomachs could bear anymore, we splurged on the house’s favorite dessert, a hot chocolate pot ($7). The piping hot chocolate souffle was brought out in a small pot accompanied by pistachio ice cream, which was devilishly delicious. The lava–like chocolate melted in our mouths. Like Starr’s other restaurants, Dandelion is pricey. But perhaps diners pay for a ticket to enter the unique house–like eatery. With no other British competition around, Dandelion may attract those craving gourmet (and somewhat odd) pub food for a hefty bill.

Yummy dessert!

spring dining guide


By Stephanie RICE


t 34th and Market, La Dominique Creperie is a food truck that’s off the beaten path for most Penn students. However, those who venture closer to Drexel’s neck of the woods won’t be disappointed. Serving breakfast, lunch and dessert, owner Zbiginiew Chojnacki offers crepes with inventive fillings, like pierogis and cheese, that don’t disappoint. While the truck is not a good choice for those in a hurry, those who do have the time are in for a treat. Watching the care that the Poland native takes in creating his masterpieces is just as enjoyable as eating the crepes themselves. My party and I started our feast off with the cart’s most popular crepe, The Mexican Crepe ($6). A spicy blend of beef, rice, onion, corn and peppers was literally like a fiesta in my mouth. The heat from the red pepper flakes added a nice kick, while the garnish of fresh vegetables and green salsa gave its appearance some pizazz.

La Dominique Creperie

Between 33rd and 34th on Market St.

Don't Miss: Strawberry banana Nutella crepe Skip: Tiramisu crepe $$$$$

Next, we tried a simple Vegetable Crepe ($5). A vegetarian’s delight, its filling of creamed spinach, broccoli, zucchini and roasted peppers was light in comparison to the menu’s other options, but still heavy on flavor. It was interestingly topped with a sweet and spicy pineapple habanero sauce that added a unique flavor usually not found in traditional crepes. Happy with our savory options, we eagerly moved onto dessert. We dove into the Banana Strawberry Crepe ($5), once again creatively decorated with dollops of whipped cream and drizzles of chocolate. The heavenly combination of bananas, strawberries

alexandra fleischman

and Nutella melted in our mouths. But, we quickly discovered an unusual surprise: pralines. The crunch of the nuts combined with the rest of the rich filling made for a nice mix of textures and gave the crepe some more depth. We finally finished our marathon with a special Tiramisu Crepe ($6). This concoction was filled with sliced tiramisu and topped with coffee granules, chocolate and a slice of

orange. While still yummy (how can chocolate, cake and crepe ever really taste bad?), the tiramisu and the crepe together felt a little too mushy, and the flavors of the Italian cake got lost in its crepe blanket. Overall though, this food truck scores high marks. With its top– notch ingredients, I would recommend La Dominique’s to anyone looking for gourmet flavors minus the gourmet prices.

STAND IN THE CORNER American cuisine done right.


n the space formerly occupied by Apotheké on “restaurant row,” which houses big–wigs such as Lolita, Barbuzzo and El Vez, lies The Corner. The new American eatery has the potential to fit right in with its neighbors. The small, cozy space is intimate and modest, boasting low lighting and large mirrored walls leading all the way to the back seating area. And of course, the centerpiece of The Corner is a pared down list of comfort food. We began with the masa tots ($10), small bites of jalapeno and onion, fried and served in a chipotle clam dip. The tots were presented impressively, stacked in a moat of brightly colored aioli. Though the tots were extremely spicy, the texture was perfect, with the creamy green inside matched by the lightly fried shell. This met perfectly with the creamy,

The corner

102 South 13th St. (215) 735–7500

Don't Miss: Octopus salad Skip: Bread pudding $$$$$

dense dipping sauce. Along with the tots, we tried our hand at the octopus salad ($15). Each component was cooked well; the octopus has a nice consistency without being chewy or fishy, complimented by soft smooth potatoes and the nice crunch of raw red onions and scallions. For dinner, we first tried the truffle–grilled cheese with braised short ribs and fries ($14). Because the cheese itself was truffled cows' milk cheese, the taste and scent could have been overpowering to those on the fence of the truffle debate. The bread was extremely thick and the ratio of short ribs

to cheese was high, so we found that the sandwich was best once we broke it open and ate it in halves in order to let the ingredients shine over the bread. With the grilled cheese, we tried the maple–bourbon glazed spare ribs with pickled vegetables ($12). The ribs were a bit dry, but depending on personal preference, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The pickled vegetables also complimented the texture nicely. The ribs on the whole were simple, but delicious. In addition to the sides, The Corner’s impressive drink menu is almost twice the size of the food. In this town if you’re going to serve alcohol it better be good, and The Corner’s bar doesn’t disappoint. A Monk’s Café Flemish sour red ale ($8) was a delightful dark brew with a sour kick. The Mary Kelly’s Last Breath ($11) was an incredibly strong blackberry cocktail. The bourbon

and bitters balanced well, but the blackberry was still the last thing you taste, masking the offensive burn of a too strong drink. For dessert we took a stab at the bread pudding ($9), but the dish was too chewy and sweet and matched with cherry compote, which were too tart. The ice cream, however, was excellent, milky and silky, which was unsurprising once our waitress informed us it was Capogiro gelato. As a whole, The Corner was a sleek, yet cozy meal, punctuated by attentive service and an excellent soundtrack of Feist, Boize Noize and Phoenix. On the weekends, The Corner is open till 1 a.m. with a different menu to provide late night snacks and bar fare. Stop by if you’re interested in comfort food standbys with an adult twist.

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

thomas jansen

By colette bloom


spring dining guide


Make the trek westward for some quality Ethiopian cuisine.


f the forties are a little too far over the hill for you, you’ve been missing out on some seriously authentic Ethiopian grub — at least as far as Kaffa Crossing is concerned. It’s true, nothing about this place is anything like the trendy ethnic restaurants you’ll find in Center City or other Philly hotspots; Kaffa’s like a coffee shop that settled down for dinner one night and decided it might be a good idea to let everyone else in. And they move at a down– home pace, too, so if you decide to make the trek, don’t show up without a bottle of cheap red wine and a lot of time on your hands. Kaffa’s menu is succinct but colorful, with appetizers like Timatim–Fitfit (injera — a spongy bread made out of teff flour that’s a staple of Ethiopian cuisine — mixed with tomatoes, onions, jalapeños and special spices for $5.50) and a Hummus Platter for the slightly fainter– mouthed.

By Nina wolpow

KAffa crossing

4423 Chestnut St. (212) 386–0504

Don't Miss: The Vegetable Combination (especially with the lentrils and carrots) Skip: The water tastes funky. Go bottled or go home.


The entrees are sectioned into vegetarian and meat options. The veggie side of things features items like Tofu Wot ($6.95), a vegan dish of tofu cooked in a sweet red sauce with onion, garlic and spices, and the Ethiopian Vegetable Combination (yellow split peas, spiced split lentils, collared greens, string beans, carrots and salad for $8.45). On the carnivorous side cow, chicken and lamb are all represented; I went for Beef Tibs, a stir–fry dish of jerkey–like beef masquerading under the title of “tender.” It was quite tasty but not as delicious looking as

Christina wu

the vegetables. The beef is cooked alongside onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and spiced butter and arrives bordered like a tiny protein–packed oasis by your vegetarian dishes. Everything is served on a bed of injera, and the chef — the kitchen is a one– woman show — throws in two extra

pieces on the side. There isn’t much in the way of dessert, but Kaffa makes up for it with a beverage menu that includes Ethiopian coffee and spiced tea. And everything’s Free Trade, so you can add karma points where you lost calories.

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Seasonal Ingredients Make For Delicious Meals.


Bon Appétit at Penn Dining is dedicated to providing food that is alive with flavor and prepared from scratch using authentic local and seasonal ingredients, which is why you will never find a rotating menu in our dining cafés. Visit one of our locations, and you’ll find our Executive Chefs provide an innovative cuisine at every meal, every day--not just burgers and pizza. One of the many foods our chefs make from scratch every day is our soups. Create this delicious Cream of Asparagus soup on your own, or try some at Hill House! So the next time you’re hungry for something fresh, authentic and full of flavor, forget that expensive restaurant and see what’s cooking at one of our dining cafés!

Cream of Asparagus Soup Ingredients: 1/4 cup butter 3 stalks celery, chopped 6 cups vegetable stock 1 pound of asparagus, trimmed and chopped salt and pepper to taste

1 onion, chopped 3 tablespoons flour 1 potato, peeled and diced 3/4 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon soy sauce

Directions: Melt butter in a cooking pot. Add onions and chopped celery; saute until tender. Stir in flour, mix well and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add vegetable stock, and whisk until smooth. Bring to a boil. Add diced potatoes and chopped asparagus. Reduce heat, and simmer for about 20 minutes. Puree soup in a food processor or blender in batches. Return to pot. Stir in the heavy cream, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Bring soup just to boil. Makes approximately 6 servings.

spring dining guide

Bobby Flay and Bobby’s Burger Palace

LOVE UPENN! Come to the BBP and


34TH STREET February 16, 2011

Bobby’s Burger Palace The Radian 3925 Walnut Street 215-387-0378 www.bobbysburgerpalace.com

Catch our latest news on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/bobbysburgerpal or www.twitter.com/bflay


spring dining guide

on a Bed of Mixed Greens, reen Peppers, Cucumbers, and Croutons, with a Roll, r choice of dressings:

ch, Italian, Ranch, l & Vinegar, Caesar, ic, Honey Mustard, ght Ranch, Honey Dijon

PLEASANT AROMA Core Italian dishes done right.



ince I am a picky eater, I usually check a restaurant’s menu online before going. I like to see what I'm in for and make sure that there is at least one dish that I can order. Browsing Core de Roma’s website, I was a little confused by its layout, but impressed with the length of the menu and the amount of dishes I could potentially have. As we made the trek all the way down to 2nd and South, we did not know exactly what to expect. Though we made a reservation just in case, the owner, who greeted us at the door, did not seem to find it. Nevertheless, we were seated right away because there were many empty tables. In fact, aside from our group of four, there were only a few other people sitting at the bar and a group of 10 older women around a long table next to ours. In terms of decoration, the walls were covered with different paintings and pictures of Rome. Even the photos to signal which was the men’s and which was the women’s bathroom were pixelated

expected. I had gone in being impressed by the length of 214 South St. the menu and came out even (215) 592–9777 more impressed by the amazDon't Miss: Smoked mozzarella ing quality of the food. Like in any Italian Trattoria, our caprese meal began with bread. But Skip: Calamari alla griglia unlike other restaurants, this $$$$$ homemade bread was more printouts of prominent Ital- sweet than salty, and instead ian figures, fitting with the of coupling it with butter or overall theme. Because there oil, there was a bean salad was no music, the ambiance with tomatoes and onions. was created by the loud conAs appetizers we ordered versation going on at the table Stuffed Artichokes with next to us. Pecorino and Mint, which Against all odds, however, was one of the daily specials. the food was nothing like we The flavors all complimented

Core de roma


All Dinners are Served with a Roll, your choice of Soup or Salad. Spaghetti, Linguine, Fettuccine, Penne Your Choice of Sauce with Any of the Above Pastas

Fresh Homemade Tomato Sauce

-Boiled Egg, Bacon, s

aine Lettuce, Croutons, gs, Fresh Parmesan Cheese

orted Ham &

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Fresh Homemade Meat Sauce

outons, Hard Boiled Egg, san as Cheese

Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Fresh Garlic Sweet Butter, Cream & Parmesan (Broccoli Upon Request) Creamy Marinara Sauce An Assortment of Fresh Vegetables in Your Choice of A RosĂŠ or Creamy Alfredo Sauce

rican Cheese & Bacon Chicken

eese, Kalamata Olives

icken Breast

one & Swiss Cheese Crisp Chicken Fingers

uffalo Chicken Fingers

Served in a Meat Sauce, Cream & Parmesan Cheese, Topped with Mozzarella Cheese

Pizza Pasta Wings Pizza

In a Light Marinara Sauce Topped with Mozzarella Cheese

All Dinner Platters are Served with

w w w. n e w s t y l e p i z z a . c o m

Pizza Pasta Wings Pizza

4! + % / 5 4 s $ ) . % ) . s $ % , ) 6 % 2 9 s # !4 % 2 ) . '

Roll & Butter, French Fries & Coleslaw

Lightly Breaded, Golden Fried, Topped with Mozzarella Cheese and Marinara Sauce Lightly Breaded, Golden Fried, Topped with Mozzarella Cheese and Marinara Sauce Lightly Breaded, Golden Fried, Topped with Mozzarella Cheese and Marinara Sauce

Salami, Anchovies Fried Flounder, Crab Cake & Gnocchi (Potato), Ravioli (Cheese), Tortellini hrimp Served Over Croutons, Fresh Platters are Served with 4! + % / 5 4 s $ ) . % ) . s $ % , ) 6 % 2 9 All Dinner ted Peppers

s # !4 % 2 ) . '

Roll & Butter, French Fries & Coleslaw

wiches are Served with w and a bag of Chips

se, Turkey Bacon, ney Dijon Mustard

oa Salami, Tomatoes, ovolone Cheese

en, Fresh Spinach, ese, Roasted Red Peppers



&//$ (215) 222 - 3663

/0%. $!93 ! 7%%+

Fried Flounder, Crab Cake &

ella Cheese, Basil, i, Pesto Sauce

, Lettuce, Tomato, Mustard

Roasted Red Peppers, sh Mozzarella Cheese




Pizza, 10 Wings, 2 Liter Soda

/0%. $!93 ! 7%%+

(Limited time only)

(215) 222 - 3663






Coupon must be mentioned when ordering. Toppings extra

adrian franco

each other without one outshining the rest. We also got a play on the general Mozzarella Caprese ($8). This plate shows the effect of one ingredient on the overall plate. The smoked mozzarella made it taste more refined and unique. The Calamari alla Griglia ($9) were served over a bed of greens and grilled ap-

propriately, but there was a lot of unnecessary oil in the bottom of the plate. For our entrees we got the Cheese Ravioli in a Vodka Sauce ($12), which was amazing. The ravioli was cooked perfectly; the cheese was melted inside and the vodka sauce and had the perfect combination of cream and tomato sauce. We also ordered the Penne alla Vodka ($12) and got the same compliments as the ravioli. Both came in generous portions. Finally, we ordered the Fish of the Day, which was a Branzino accompanied by potatoes and broccoli. The fish was excellently cooked and filleted table side so we could ask our waiter what we wanted to keep and what he had to take. Even though by the end we were all full, we decided to try the Tiramisu. It was rich and flavourful and the perfect conclusion to our meal. All and all, I learned my lesson — the website might be odd and the decoration might be overwhelming, but the food was really worth it.

Unremarkable food doesn't help L2's old–fashioned decor.

spring dining guide


By hillary reinsberg


adrian franco


2201 South St. (215) 732–7878

Don't Miss: Almond pudding Skip: Eggplant parmesan $$$$$

a creamy tarragon and dijon sauce. An eggplant parmesan ($15.50) feels like it’s going through the motions, with all the correct ingredients, but is unremarkable in its gloppy gooeyness. Nothing is inedible, or even particularly offensive, except for the pasta that comes with the eggplant parm. With nary even a dash of butter, the plain penne was painfully overcooked and bathed in a blizzard of stale Kraft–like parmesan and… oregano. One is quickly convinced that the unholy union of oregano and pasta should be immediately annulled. In my experience at L2, service was peculiar. Before delivering the main course, our waiter approached us with

what he called a “dilemma.” How dramatic! Instead of making our eggplant, the kitchen had “accidentally” made us a pasta with vegetables. Both were cited as “vegetarian options,” so the mistake was forgivable enough, but peculiar and unprofessional. The food — though certainly not the quirky environment — is how I picture the dinner-

s ’ e e L

time cuisine in my Mother’s suburban house as she grew up in the '60s and '70s. Not bad, per se, but blissfully ignorant of today’s sophisticated foodie–ism, and a bit heavy handed with the saturated fats.

The old–fashioned butter and oil and gooeyness, though, finds its peaceful resting place in desserts. The warm almond extract bread pudding, with homemade whipped cream, was great.

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34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

he decor could have said it all: brick walls, crushed red velvet seats, vaguely medieval and Elizabethan portraits along the walls. What exactly were they going for? Antique shop chic? One has to wonder. L2 Restaurant, which rests quietly on the sleepy corner of 22nd and South Street, has a menu much like its dining room: a little old–fashioned, a little random, a little lacking in sensibility. As soon as the appetizers arrive, one starts to get the idea that a chef is dancing away in the kitchen, haphazardly throwing together whatever is lying around and calling it a dish. All in good spirits. Shrimp stuffed with horseradish, wrapped in bacon and topped with remoulade ($9) sounded promising, but the bacon lacked the necessary crispiness, and the remoulade tasted a bit too much like Russian dressing. The shrimp are, however, well–cooked. Chicken shumai dumplings ($7.75) with Asian dipping sauce are a tasty sure bet, but seem misplaced next to American/Italian counterparts, and they could just as easily have come from a takeout joint. Most peculiar, though not terrible, is a cheesesteak–spring roll of sorts: beef, cheese and onion wrapped in a spring roll garnished with a sophisticated dash of ketchup spread across the plate. Plain and simple, it tastes like a fried hamburger. Were such an offering available at the pizza place that stays open ‘til the wee hours, the late night munchies crowd would no doubt find them transcendental. L2’s main courses lack the whimsicalness of the appetizers, and rather than random, they just felt a bit middle of the road. The salmon ($17) is, like mostly all the dishes, nicely cooked, though coated far too generously in layers of


spring dining guide 34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011


Warm towels start off a seven–course meal marathon.

Asian diner is perfect for the late–night drunchies.

By kendall haupt

By ellie levitt


f we had gone to Fez on a night with rowdy crowds and belly dancers, this would probably be a very different review. However, since an impending snowstorm on the night of our dinner scared away the typical Tuesday night patrons, we were left alone at Fez with only seven courses of Moroccan food and a very eager waiter as our company. Fez is a place not only to enjoy traditional Moroccan fare, but also to transport yourself to an African land far far away, all while on a convenient South Philly side street. Though the food is satisfying for a large, hungry crowd, those who are looking for a meal that can stand on its own could do better elsewhere. The seven–course Fez Feast ($25 per person) is comprised of salads, meats, savory pastries and desserts. Waiters will start you off by washing your hands in a large silver bowl, drying your hands with warm towels in a lavish ritual that is contrived but still enjoyable. The tomato–based harira soup that began the



fez moroccan restaurant 620 S. 2nd St. (215) 925–5367

Don't Miss: Chicken bastilla Skip: Veggie couscous $$$$$

meal lacked flavor and tasted generic. The salad course that followed, however, was a refreshing plate of spiced carrots, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers and a thick eggplant spread.

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Following that was the chicken bastilla. Sheets of filo dough were layered with a mix of finely chopped chicken, spices and almonds, which was then topped with a generous layer of powdered sugar. The flavors were distinct, and the powdered sugar and filo added a surprisingly sweet counterpart to the heavier chicken. The vegetarian couscous, however, was bland and uninteresting. Fez’s accomplished cooking technique was highlighted in the meat dishes, such as the spicy chicken and lamb with honey and almonds. Although the flavors in both dishes were too mild and muddled, the meat itself was tender, buttery and cooked beautifully. The baklava cigars and fresh mint tea for dessert were also executed well and were a refreshing end to the meal. At $25 per person, the Feast is a reasonable price to pay for a hungry customer, especially when one accounts for the traditional Moroccan atmosphere including floor pillows, hookah and belly dancers (smaller parties can enjoy dishes a la carte, but only during the week). In the end, Fez’s dynamic atmosphere compensates for mediocrefood.

pen until the break of dawn on weekends, Rising Tide is well known by Chinatown regulars as the hotspot for late night chow (mein). On an early Tuesday evening, the restaurant was nearly empty, but the upbeat Chinese diner was no less quirky, delicious or noisy than it is at 3 a.m. on a Saturday. Skimming through the menu, we had trouble concentrating. Roasted ducks hung from a rope to our left while dozens of fish (eel, lobster, rock fish… you name it) swam around in tanks behind us. Two yards ahead, a flat screen reverberated with Chinese pop music as Asian divas in fur coats and bikinis leaped into swimming pools. Finally, we collected our thoughts and agreed on appetizers: Steamed Pork Dumplings ($6.50), Fish Maw with Crab Meat Soup ($12.95) and Bar–B–Q Eel with Honey ($8.95). The dumplings were enjoyable, but not spectacular. A dipping option other than soy sauce would have given the simple dish a much–needed kick of flavor. The soup was similarly bland. But what was missing in the first two dishes was compensated for in the third. Slices of glazed eel struck our tongues with a tangy barbeque zest that won’t be forgotten anytime soon. We washed down Course #1 with Honey Dew Melon Tea with Tapioca ($3) — a drink that Rising Tide is famous for. The milky tea balanced subtle sweetness with fruity savor. Its freshness reminded us why Rising Tide stood out from surrounding Chinese eateries. For our main course, we ordered two dishes that exceeded our expectations: Braised Scallops with Veg-


937 Race St. (215) 925–0266

Don't Miss: Honey Dew Melon Tea with Tapioca Skip: Fish Maw with Crab Meat Soup $$$$$

etable ($12.95) and Braised Soft Noodle with Mushroom ($10.95). The scallops were tender and dressed with the perfect amount of sauce, and the green vegetables in both dishes were crisp. The mushrooms (of all things!) melted in our mouths. We were disappointed when our once– generous plates were bare. Contrary to some reviewing websites, Rising Tide is not BYOB. But the bar is well–stocked, the music is hot and they give you orange slices with your check.

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spring dining guide


This bakery should stick to what it's known for: pastries, and a lot of them. By FRIDA GARZA


frida garza

expands, Le Pain Quotidien remains a bakery at heart. Whether attracting brooding

poets, health food entusiasts or corporate bankers, this restaurant delivers its prom-

ise for quality and freshness — and some really, really good desserts.

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

e Pain Quotidien does not stand out on the le pain quotidien 1400 block of Walnut 1425 Walnut St. Street. Lost amongst banks (215) 751–0570 and fashionable clothing stores, this location of the Don't Miss: Mixed Berry Tart up–and–coming chain bak- Skip: Apricot Crumble ery is barely recognizable be- $$$$$ hind its grey, concrete façade. When I arrived outside, I felt popular items. Le Pain Quolost and confused: was this tidien is best known for their really the all–organic bakery tartines, which are basically I’d heard so much about? open–faced sandwiches. The But taking a step inside Grilled Chicken and Smoked eased all my qualms. Well–lit Mozzarella Tartine ($10.95) with warm yellow walls, the is an excellent spin on a classic restaurant has an inviting at- sandwich, served with arugumosphere, complete with ex- la on toasted wheat bread and posed red brick walls behind a drizzle of basil pesto. The the counter and shelves lined arugula gives each bite a kick end–to–end with homemade of flavor and complimented loaves of breads. Even the ta- the texture of the smoked bles show off the restaurant’s cheese. The Grilled Chicken cozy vibe; each one had a Cobb Salad ($14.95) should menu–holder carved out of a be a meal on its own; not dome–shaped loaf of bread. only was the salad huge, but Customers sit around these it also included chicken, bleu sturdy wooden tables, enjoy- cheese crumbles and yummy ing foamy cappuccinos and avocado slices. generous portions of salad. The best part of the meal, Some balance novels before of course, came at the end in them as they sip their toasty the form of one Mixed Berry drinks; others seem to repre- Tart ($6.35). The homesent more of corporate Amer- made pastries showcase Le ica on their lunch breaks. Ev- Pain Quotidien’s attention eryone, however, is happily to detail and dedication to nibbling away at their food. good taste. With its buttery The menu promises or- crust and light custard filling ganic ingredients, and the topped with fresh raspberries, food does not disappoint — blueberries and blackberries, starting with the drinks. The this tart delivers. The Apricot mint lemonade ($3.35), with Crumble ($5.25), though, real mint leaves floating on was more of a comfort food, top, is refreshing without be- with a texture similar to ing overly sweet. Among oth- bread pudding. Despite its er hot or iced drinks, coffee rich, moist center, this deslovers can also order a cap- sert fell flat. It might have puccino ($3.95), served in a been better complimented by large playful mug. another, more crisp fruit. The waiter was friendly No matter how successand more than happy to ful this franchise becomes bring out two of their most and how much their menu


spring dining guide

Part 2: A Carnivore’s Review.

R maanvi singh

HORIZONS Part 1: A Vegan’s Opinion.


By Paige Rubin

s a vegan, I’m often asked what I eat, as if I’m on a rabbit food diet of raw carrots and lettuce. While I like to think I eat a little better than that, it's true that at the average restaurant, my options are pretty limited. Given that I’m a particularly indecisive person, this can sometimes be a huge time–saver. At Horizons, however, I was excited to be able to order anything on the menu without special instructions or guesswork. When the time came, however, figuring out what I wanted was kind of overwhelming. I settled on the Purple Potato Pierogies ($9), which were absolutely delicious, with a flaky crust that somehow tasted buttery despite their obvious lack of butter. I liked the BBQ Seitan ($10) when I first tasted it, but as I continued to eat it reminded me too much of real meat, which kind of put me off. Although carnivores will probably be into it, it made my stomach turn. The Pacific Rim Grilled Tofu ($19) was tasty, but I wasn’t completely sold. The edamame


611 S. 7th St. (215) 923–6117

Don't Miss: Meyer lemon cheesecake and purple potato pierogies Skip: BBQ seitan $$$$$

puree that came on top was my favorite part; it was smooth like hummus but spicier and more flavorful. Given that I hadn’t even thought about eating cheesecake in months, I felt compelled to order the Meyer Lemon Cheesecake ($9) for dessert. This was easily the best part of the meal. While the side of cream soda was a bit bitter, the creamy cake was tart and delicious. If you’ve been thinking of going vegan but aren’t willing to give up gourmet meals, Horizons may be just the place to convert you for good.

ight around the corner from the greasy diners on South Street is an upscale restaurant that any foodie would love. However, the classy but soothing décor and overly friendly wait staff are not the only things that make this spot different from the rest. It does not take long to note that a staple is missing from the menu — meat. This may come as a shock to any carnivore who enjoys large hearty meals. But I quickly discovered that many of the dishes that I would order at other restaurants were still on the menu; meat substitutes created the illusion of a meal that any of us would love. The BBQ Seitan appetizer ($10) was reminiscent of pork cooked long enough to fall off the bone. The texture and flavor could have fooled the finest critic and instantly won me over. Pleased with my first course, I continued to order items that sounded like the meat– based foods I grew up eating. I was pleasantly surprised with my entrée of Porcini “Shepherd’s Pie” ($20). Mushrooms took on the role of the beef or lamb in the traditional recipe and were topped with a truffled celery root puree.

By Hilary Miller


611 S. 7th St. (215) 923-6117

Don't Miss: BBQ seitan Skip: Curry fries $$$$$

The dish sat in a mustard sauce that gave flavor to the entire plate and took it from good to incredible. However, the side of Curry Fries ($6) was less than impressive. Thick slices of potato were not cooked through and only lightly drizzled with a rather flavorless sauce. This minor glitch in the meal did not hinder me from having high expectations for the rest. Shockingly full from food that rabbits eat, I decided to move on to the dessert list. After long deliberation, I chose the Chocolate Stuffed Beignets ($9). Baked goods seem to be a vegan chef’s specialty, and I was not disappointed. Powdered sugar dominated a pastry with a thick chocolate–y center and marshmallow cocoa accompanied the plate. Don’t let the lack of animal byproducts scare you away; this restaurant is just as satisfying as your average steakhouse.

THE PRICE IS RIGHT AT MOE’S A classic hot dog joint.


By Jordan sale

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

e perused the menu of Moe’s Hot Dog House as we drove to the restaurant on a sunny but frigid Wednesday morning. As we studied the menu, our mouths dropped (somewhat in disgust) as we imagined hot dogs topped with macaroni and baked beans and bacon and other versions of a cholesterol–and–sodium punch in the face. After getting a little turned around, we finally found Moe’s, a tiny restaurant surrounded by highways and abandoned, worn–down factories. Moe’s is a hot dog haven. The atmosphere in the small restaurant is cheery and retro. A woman carrying her baby could not have been friendlier and acted as a cashier/chef/waitress. Old photographs are hung around the restaurant, the menu is plastered on a wall and… The Price Is 18 Right was playing on a flat–screen TV in

the corner. And, indeed, the price is right at Moe’s as well. There isn’t a thing on the menu over $7, and four of us ate ourselves into oblivion for less than $25. In addition to creative and catchy hot dog names, the food itself does not disappoint. By far our favorite (and the most impressive) hot dog is the “Philly Dog,” a special that included a hot dog, cheese steak, onions and cheese whiz on a long roll. Another winner is “The PGW,” a perfectly cooked hot dog covered with baked beans and onions. While we love the hot dog itself, we’re not entirely sure if the toppings are totally necessary. “Ed’s Bacon” is a dog worth skipping (Sorry, Ed!). While the promise of a bacon cheese hotdog is enticing, there isn’t enough bacon to make this dog anything special. Moe’s “Corn Dog” is just as a corn dog should be: perfectly fried,

Moe's hot dot house

2601 Washington Ave. (215) 465–6637

Don't Miss: Philly dog Skip: Ed's bacon dog $$$$$

a little greasy and disgusting. As far as sides go, stay simple. The onion rings and fries are classics, but the mac & cheese is lackluster and not worth $2.50. Moe’s also carries a great variety of old–fashioned sodas; we recommend “Levi’s Champ Cherry.” Moe’s Hot Dog House is an establishment worth visiting at least once. Leave Gia and Chipotle behind and step back into the 1960s to enjoy some classic, delicious hot dogs with a 21st century twist!

shreeya goel

spring dining guide

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

NOW LEASING for 2011-2012!


spring dining guide


Campus Chinese knows duck. By EMILY GERARD


34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

ervice at Sang Kee Noo- dumping various condiments dle House is extremely into the watery chicken broth fast. Waiters disappear in an attempt to doctor it up. into the kitchen after taking your order and seem to turn Sang kee Noodle House right around on their heels 3549 Chestnut St. (215) 387–w8808 with a plate. Arriving hungry, my friends and I were thrilled about the Don't Miss: Peking duck Skip: Noodle soup pace of the service. Minutes after we walked in, we were $$$$$ fighting over pork chow fun ($8.50), which was so good The dumplings were good, that chopsticks clashed as peo- but unless you’re looking to ple fought to serve themselves fill up on lackluster liquid, off the platter. Charred slices opt for the dumplings in the of pork topped flat noodles dim sum sampler ($8.50); packed with flavor, and bright you’ll be much happier. The green chives added color as sampler takes extra time to well as a sharp bite. The gen- make, as the cooks freshly preerous portion was gone in a pare several different kinds of flash. dumplings and shu mai upon Next up was the shrimp your order — but these dim dumpling noodle soup sum are worth the wait. ($6.50), which had been recOther dishes were similarly ommended to us by the owner hit–or–miss. Stewed tofu and as a dish many Penn students vegetables in a Thai coconut order at lunchtime. The dish curry broth ($10) surprisingly certainly contains a large vol- lacked flavor given such a flaume of food. We asked our vorful–sounding description. waiter for sriracha and tried The peking duck, however,


on 38th and Spruce

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thomas jansen

was fantastic. The original Sang Kee restaurant in Chinatown is a Peking duck house, and it remains a specialty at the newer Noodle House. The dish is not to be missed — it is perfectly cooked, tender on the bottom and crispy and fatty on top. The actual pancake was the only element of the dish that could be improved; instead of being warm and soft, the wraps were floury and stiff. But wrap them up with crackling duck, hoisin sauce and green onions, and you’ve got a roll that can compete with the best any other culture has to offer, whether it’s crepe, burrito or blintz. A single fried vegetable roll ($1.20) was served with mustard so hot it’ll scorch your nostrils. The roll itself was skinny and unremarkable, but for a

little over a buck, we weren’t complaining. At Sang Kee, choices range from average to great, so for standard Chinese fare, you really can’t lose. A long list of fresh fruit smoothies in exotic combinations offers many options to cool your tongue after a spicy meal. The mango–lychee ($3.50) is a refreshing burst of tropical flavor. Or you could finish with some superb ice cream. Don’t bother choosing among juicy purple berry, dense green tea or coconut with chewy flakes sprinkled throughout — order the banana boat ($6), which comes with them all as well as fresh fruit and chocolate sauce. While we were too stuffed to eat our fortune cookies at the end of the meal, I can guess what mine would have said: “You’ll be coming here again.”



Neighborhood Italian Cooks it Your Way. By Jessica White

"I VIRTUOUS PASTA A delicious refuge from the cold.


By hannah mcdonnell

and the Coniglio ($23) did not disappoint. While the 1927 E. Passyunk Ave. Stinco was a rich, decadent (215) 271–5626 braised lamb shank that melted under your knife into Don't Miss: Olive all'ascolana; a bed of risotto, the Coniglio agnolitti alla porchetta rabbit was hearty and rustic, Skip: insalata de bietole sitting on simply presented $$$$$ braised lentil and chestnut ragu. flavors couldn’t hold a candle They both seemed to have to the unassuming, modest a different story to tell, and Olive all’ascolana ($10) — they were especially delicious breaded fried olives whose because, like our previous braised porchetta stuffing courses, they weren’t trying made for an unexpected kick to be anything other than of taste. what they were. The pasta was equally This blend of authentic inspired, making it no Abruzzese tradition surprise that both the and innovative flavor Fazzoletti con ragu d’anatra combinations culminated (“handkerchief” pasta, in desserts, the shining star braised duck and beef ragu, being the Pizza Dolce. This $16) and the Papardelle signature cake was covered ai funghi porcini e tartufo in sprinkles and icing, (saffron papardelle with making it look almost like a porcini mushrooms and kid’s birthday cake. One bite black truffle, $19) have won proved that there was no Best of Philly awards. need to make it look fancy, However, it was our waiter’s because it was saturated with personal recommendation flavor enough to speak for of Agnolotti alla porchetta itself. ($16) that left the biggest It was the perfect example impression. The sweet taste of what makes Le Virtu such of the sage and butter went a wonderful experience: the effortlessly well with the presentation is simple and subtle crunch of the crushed trustworthy, and the tastes amaretti, and despite the are unexpected and delicious. excess of filling dishes, it had It is all at once an elegant us hungry for more. refuge from the hustle and By the time we got to bustle of South Philly while the meat, our expectations being real and comfortable were high. The balance of enough to be part of the the Stinco d’aguello ($23) neighborhood.

Le virtu

t’s my way or the highway" certainly modo mio isn’t the motto at 161 West Girard Ave. (215) 203–8707 the improperly named Modo Mio, where the service en- Don't Miss: Melanzana Ripiena sures everything is your way. Skip: Baccala However, Modo Tuo (“your $$$$$ way”), a more apt name, just doesn’t have the same ring. The zealous and loquacious staff ensures water glasses never reach empty and diners feel at home. From the moment the napkin hits your lap, your waiter–patron conversation is in full swing. By the first of three courses ($33) you’re on a first name basis, and by the second, you feel like old friends. The meal truly begins as you hear the knife cutting the crusty bread, which you can’t wait to dip into the olive oil and homemade ricotta placed on your table moments before. The thick but not too thick, crispy but not too crispy, salty but not too salty crust marries perfectly with the contrasting moist, dense and squishy center. As you polish off some of Philly’s best bread, smearing it with sweet ricotta now infused with the rosemary essence from the oil, the Modo Mio hype seems to make sense. The first course, a take on a traditional Baccala (salt cod) and potato dish with jumbo lump crab in place of cod, came served atop a soggy toast ­— surprising after the rave–worthy bread. The roasted pepper garnish added a necessary acidity, rounding out the pleasing crab potato mix. A more traditional arrabiata pasta lived up to its devilish name, packing in real spice in each bite. While a few noodles seemed unevenly cooked, the majority took on a perfect al dente, lending to that “bite” only Italian chefs seem to master. In keeping with the homey ambiance and attentive service, the secondi arrived with a large serving fork and spoon to make our choice to dine family style a bit easier. The Melanzana Ripiena ($15), a tomato braised eggplant cooked in the style of the Molise region, added a welcomed dimension to a typically basic dish. The eggplant, first baked, then scooped out and mixed with “secret” ingredients, topped with bread crumbs and baked again, tasted slightly and surprisingly sweet from the addition of carrots. The addition of some fresh mint made this vegetarian dish a must order. Moving away from Italian comfort food, the final dishes of the evening featured a more refined subset of the menu. While the skin on the cornmeal crusted trout could have used a little more crisp, the combination of lentil and trout was seamless. The pairing of hearty legume and mild fish worked well in the caper, white wine and butter sauce, but unfortunately, a few bites revealed an inconsistent hand with the salt. The truffle “candies,” three filled pastas that resembled vintage wrapped hard candies, tasted anything but sweet. The rich dish, not for the faint of heart, added a real truffle pow that few taste buds can resist. The creamy filling lend the dish to sharing, for a few bites proves to be quite filling. When the mood strikes for Italian, and the classic Rittenhouse BYOs seem too familiar, hail a cab to Northern Liberties. While the taxi fare can be steep, the $33 three course menu cooked modo tuo would be double anywhere else. 21

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

e arrived at the doors of Le Virtu on one of the coldest nights of the year. Though East Passyunk Avenue vibrantly lit up the South Philly neighborhood as usual, our extremities were freezing in the biting winds, and all we wanted to do was get inside. Lucky for us, Le Virtu was exactly what we needed to shake the chill. The warmth of the yellow walls, dim lighting and dark wooden tables went perfectly with the cheerful demeanor of the staff — and when paired with a nice, full– bodied Sicilian red wine, the place had us warmed up in no time. Our meal started off in traditional Italian fashion: with bread and olive oil. The thick, cakey, house– made focaccia was simple without being boring, and a crostini with spicy olive tapenade was the perfect introduction to the meal. Le Virtu has won several Best of Philly awards (for pasta and appetizers), but it's clear that the restaurant sticks to the virtues of its Abruzzo roots, maintaining an emphasis on tradition and unpretentious elegance. While the Insalata de bietole (beet salad with ricotta and house–made vinaigrette, $10) was beautifully presented, the

max haas

spring dining guide


spring dining guide

spring dining guide

dandelion, adrian franco kaffa crossing, christina wu

virtu, max haas castagne, adrian franco

blackbird, lucy mcguigan

virtu, max haas


famous 4th street deli, thomas jansen

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

famous 4th street deli, thomas jansen


140 S. 20th Street, 215-557-0108. ($) At Almaz, not only will you enjoy the finest custom-roasted Ethiopian coffee, but also a selection of traditional American cuisine and authentic Ethiopian dishes. With about a dozen dishes split evenly between vegetarian and meat-based fare, it brings solid Ethiopian cuisine into Center City at modest prices. Web: almazcafe.com

1334 Walnut Street, 215-985-4155. ($$) A casual Lebanese BYOB open 7 days a week from 11AM to 10PM.


American Heartland

4207 Walnut Street, 215-222-4200. ($$) Operated by the Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College. Traditional American dining with a slightly upscale twist.

Artful Dodger

400 S. 2nd Street, 215-922-1790. ($$) Classic English pub in a historic building with a lively bar scene during games and a calmer dining side for families. The menu strikes a decent balance between finger food and heftier grub.

Au Bon Pain

10 Avenue of the Arts, The Ritz-Carlton, Philadelphia, 215-523-8273. ($$$) Under the majestic marble dome of The Ritz-Carlton Philadelphia, relax at 10 Arts Bistro & Lounge by Eric Ripert. The menu, well-executed by Chef de Cuisine and Top Chef finalist Jennifer Carroll, has a delicious local flavor — don’t miss the pretzel dippers — as well as quality ingredients like the butter-soft filet. Chef Carroll uses only the finest and freshest ingredients locally sourced from independent farmers and fishermen who support sustainable harvests. Web: 10arts.com

3730 Walnut Street, 215-573-0602. ($) This well-known campus stop is convenient for a quick bite on your walk to class or during a study break. Serving a wide array of cookies, drinks and sandwiches, ABP is perfect for a Penn student’s hectic schedule. Web: aubonpain.com

B&J’s Cart

33rd Street and Spruce Street, . ($) Located near HUP, B&J’s menu includes sandwiches and hoagies.

- by Zagat Survey 2005 “Best Pizza” - City Paper Baby Blues BBQ


3402 Sansom Street, 215-222-4444. ($$) At Baby Blues, the smell of apple and hickory wood meat smoker surrounds you,

Best of Citysearch Winner 2007

Celebrating 10 years in business

620 S. 2nd Street, 215-925-5367. ($$$) Pull up a cushion, relax and prepare for a truly memorable dining experience. Fez is the perfect place for a romantic evening out, fun with friends or family, celebrating a birthday or any other special event. At Fez Restaurant, they bring you culinary delights prepared in the genuine tradition of Moroccan culture. Web: fezrestaurant.

10 Arts Bistro & Lounge by Eric Ripert

4802 Spruce Street, 215-474-7150. ($) Pizza, cheese steaks, strombolis, gyros, burgers, wings - they’ve got it all! BBQ ribs, chicken and pasta dishes too! Broiled and fried seafood. Web: accupizzaphilly.com

ity Guides

4708 Baltimore Avenue, 215-726-6464. ($$) At Dahlak, eat with your hands on the mesob, a traditional small round woven table designed for people to gather and share a communal meal. Offers variety of beef, chicken, lamb, and vegetarian (like Gomen Watt, collard greens in berbere sauce) entrees. Web: dahlakrestaurant. com

Fez Moroccan Cuisine

Sahara Grill

Great Selection of GreatorSelection of Beers bring your Beers or own bringwine! your own wine!

Dahlak Restaurant

4519 Baltimore Avenue, 215-382-0555. ($) Senegalese cuisine.

Accu Pizza, Inc

spring dining guide

Almaz Cafe

La Calebasse

Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant

“Perfection and Freshness!

“Perfectionand andFreshness! Freshness! “Perfection and “Perfection Freshness! Celebrating 10 years in business CelebratingRow 10 years years business Celebrating 10 inRestaurant business Rittenhouse 5-Starin

Best of Citysearch Winner 2007 Best Citysearch Winner 2007 Best ofofCitysearch Winner 2007

Excellent” Excellent” Excellent” - by Zagat Survey 2005 “Best Pizza”

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Zagat Survey 2005 “Best Pizza” - by- by Zagat Survey 2005 “Best Pizza” - City Paper City Paper - City Paper ““ ity Guides Guides ity ity Guides

Multitude of pizza options featuring: • • •

Whole wheat crust Low-fat Cheese and other Low-fat Gourmet Pizzas

Dine or Take Dine In In or Take Out Out Monday - Thursday: 4pm-10pm Closed Monday Friday & Saturday: 11am-11pm Dine In Take or Take Dine In or OutOut Sunday: 2pm-10pm Tuesday-Thursday: 4pm-10pm Monday - Thursday: 4pm-10pm

Monday - Thursday: 4pm-10pm Friday & Saturday: 11am-11pm Friday & Saturday: 4pm-10pm Friday & Saturday: 11am-11pm LA FAMIGLIA RUSSO Sunday: 2pm-10pm Sunday: 2pm-10pm Sunday: 11am-11pm GRAZIE

CORNER OF 23rd & Spruce • 215-735-7357


CORNER OF 23rd & Spruce • 215-735-7357 CORNER OF 23rd & Spruce • 215-735-7357 24

while owner Steve Fischer’s childhood family dining table creates a cozy feeling like you’re sitting in your living room. Fischer describes Baby Blues’ style as a hybrid of multiple American barbecue traditions, as they offer Memphisstyle long bone pork ribs, dry-rubbed babybacks and Texas beef ribs as well as Carolina-style pulled pork, beer-braised beef brisket and a bunch of seafood. Web: babybluesphilly.com

Back Home Café & Catering

1515 Fairmount Avenue, 215-232-6311. ($) Back Home Cafe is a delicious job initiative of Project Home. They offer formerly homeless men and women an opportunity in the entry level job force. Fresh organic greens, daily lunch specials and a variety of Green Mountain Coffees. Come study in our sunny atrium and art gallery. Catering also available.


33 S. 3rd Street, 267-318-7269. ($$) An extension of Eulogy Belgian Tavern. Offers a large beer, wine, cheese and chocolate selection. Also serves light food fare, including fondues, paninis, salads and more. The menu is designed to encourage tastings. Web: beneluxx.com


3131 Walnut Street, 215-222-2422. ($) Described by owner Jon Myerow as “Tria’s spunky little cousin,” Biba follows Tria’s philosophy of light fare, including cheese and chocolate. Biba differs from Tria by offering more wines (26 by the glass), fewer beers (10) and an even more casual cafe menu of sandwiches and salads. All of Biba’s 32 seats are communal, so be ready to mix and mingle.

Bistro 7

7 N. 3rd Street, 215-931-1560. ($$$) Local, farm-fresh ingredients form the basis for eclectic, contemporary American bistro dishes. Web: bistro7restaurant.com

Bleu Martini

24 S. 2nd Street, 215-940-7900. ($$$) Located in Philadelphia’s bustling nightlife district, the blue neon lights of Bleu Martini are hard to miss. They offer an eclectic blend of Asian, American and Fusion cuisine combined with a vast variety of mouth-watering martinis. Web: bleumartinionline.com


224 S. Broad Street, 215-731-1100. ($$$) Chef Francesco Martorella, formerly of Ciboulette and Brasserie Perrier, brings contemporary cuisine with Asian, Italian and French influences. Great for theatregoers. Web: bliss-restaurant.com

B Y O wine! ownown wine! B

Great Selection of Great Selection of Great Selection Great ofof Beers orSelection bring your Great ofBobby’s Burger Palace Beers orSelection bring Great Selection ofyour Beers bring your Beers ororown bring your wine! 3925 Walnut Street, 215-387-0378. ($) Bobby Flay’s empire reaches University Beers or own bring your wine! Beers orown bring your own wine! wine! City. Order from a menu of ten delicious

burgers that run the culinary gamut from Philly (Whiz, onions and hot peppers) to Dallas (Monterey Jack, coleslaw and BBQ sauce) to L.A. (cheddar, avocado relish and watercress). The buns are old-school sesame seed; the patties, juicy, grillflavored, and exceptionally well seasoned. For extra oomph, crunchify your burger. For sides, add the crispy, slightly spicy fries or one of the rich milkshakes. Web: bobbysburgerpalace.com (Please see our ad, Page 13)

Boston Market

3901 Chestnut Street, 215-222-6900. ($) Rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, cornbread and all the fixings. Eat in or take out. Web: bostonmarket.com

Brauhaus Schmitz

718 South Street, 267-909-8814. ($$) Located on historic South Street, Brauhaus Schmitz specializes in all things German; food, service, music and of course beer. Brauhaus Schmitz features a selection of 20 imported draught beers as well as an additional 100 to choose from in bottle representing every major beer producing country in the world. Web: brauhausschmitz.com

Bridget Foy’s South Street Grill

200 South Street, 215-922-1813. ($$) Turbocharged American cuisine on Philadelphia’s hippest fairway — South Street! Bridget Foy’s newly redecorated dining rooms feature items like big, fat, juicy burgers, quesadillas, oak grilled sirloin steaks and fresh seafood. Outdoor café, handcrafted beers on tap, mad martinis and a specially selected California wine list. Sunday “Bloody Mary Brunch,” lunch, dinner, late night menu. Frequent diners reward program. Web: bridgetfoys.com

Bridgewater’s Pub

2955 Market Street, (30th Street Station), 215-387-4787. ($$) Bridgewater’s Pub in 30th Street Station is the one bar and grill stop that you have to make. They have an incredible selection of domestic beers and other drinks and authentic Philly food. Their menu changes monthly so no one gets bored! Web: thepubin30thstreetstation.com

- Philadelphia Magazine

229 S. 45th Street, 215-387-2424. ($) Abyssinia is the place to go if you are looking for a great atmosphere as well as a great meal. The food is flavorful and the wait staff is polite.


3813 Chestnut Street, 215-662-0100. ($) Cheese steaks, hoagies and cheese fries. Also 80 kinds of beer, chicken steaks and salads. The best in quality for lunch, dinner and very late-night snack attacks. Web: abnerscheesesteaks.com

Dine In or Take Out Monday - Thursday: 4pm-10pm Friday & Saturday: 11am-11pm Sunday: 2pm-10pm

Gojjo Restaurant & Bar

4540 Baltimore Avenue, 215-386-1444. ($$) With such a broad menu ( including Ethiopian cuisine like chicken/doro served with injera - homemade pancake bread ) it is easy to see why the Gojjo customer base is equally diverse. Many new customers walk in daily, discovering this international home away from home that boasts an upstairs bar and dining room complete with a pool table. Web: gojjos.com


gazine ine


com (Please see review, Page 16)




CORNER OF 23rd & Spruce • 215-735-7357



726 N. 24th Street, (24th Street Between Aspen Street & Fairmount Avenue), 215232-3232. ($$) Continental menu served in a cozy dining room. Specialties include duck breast with Mango Chutney. Filet mignon Roquefort and Red Snapper with shrimp in scallops leek sauce. Over 100 different Belgian and microbrewed beers. Web: bridgids.com

Bui’s Lunch Truck

38th Street and Spruce Street, 856-6307269. ($) Consistent good quality and the use of fresh ingredients make Bui’s a popular food truck year round. Menu features a variety of breakfast and lunch options including breakfast sandwiches, hot sandwiches, steaks, hoagies and burgers.

Buttercup Cafe

1824 South Street , 215-735-2967. ($$) Buttercup’s provides a comfy, airy atmosphere. Baking is done on premises, and the menu includes sandwiches, salads and homey entrees.

Cafe Estelle

444 N. 4th Street, 215-925-5080. ($) Cafe Estelle believes in a healthy and sustainable way of living. Many menu items are made on-site. Local and organic products are used whenever possible. Cafe Estelle has also won a Best of Philly Best Brunch award. Web: cafeestelle.com

Chickie’s & Pete’s

1526 Packer Ave, 215-218-0500. ($$) Huge bar, huge televisions, huge servings - get the idea? Web: chickiesandpetes. com


232 Arch Street, 215-629-2337. ($$$) In the kitchen, chef-owners Mary Ann Ferrie and Dan Grimes excel at new American favorites and upscaled comfort foods, like grilled pizza topped with fig jam, Gorgonzola, applewood-smoked bacon and thyme. Web: chloebyob.com

Chris’ Jazz Cafe

City Grange, Westin Philadelphia

cocktail olives doubling as lamps hang above window booths. New AmericanAsian fare brings bar-side dining to a higher level. The sirloin burger with Jack and cheddar on a plump egg roll never disappoints. Entree standouts include tender and sweet teriyaki filet mignon; light, crispy panko-crusted scallops; and peanut-savory Thai chicken skewers. Philly’s original and best martini bar. Web: continentalmartinibar.com

Cosi Coffee and Bar

99 S. 17th Street, 215-575-6930. ($$) City Grange is a restaurant faithful to regional, seasonal, and sustainable American foods. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a special bar menu, the food sticks to healthy versions of comfort foods using products from nearby farms and producers.

140 S. 36th Street, 215-222-4545. ($) At the center of Cosi is the open-flame hearth reminiscent of a comfortable ancient gathering place. Sandwiches, flatbreads, and salads are made fresh. From straight espressos to a great cup of coffee, the cafe is a delightful surprise for even the most demanding coffee aficionados. Web: getcosi.com

City Tap House

D.P. Dough Philly

3925 Walnut Street, 215-662-0105. ($$) Located on The Radian Balcony, City Tap House boasts one of Philadelphia’s most extensive draft beer lists. Paired with a menu of New American Pub Fare, guests dine in a rustic dining room adjacent to an open kitchen. Featuring extensive outdoor seating on terraces and stone fire pits overlooking Walnut Street, City Tap House combines great food and great beer in a comfortable, energized, eco-friendly atmosphere. Web: citytaphouse.com

City Tavern

138 S. 2nd Street, 215-413-1443. ($$$) Eighteenth century tavern ambiance offers a unique classic American dining experience. Menu items include fresh fish, prime beef and fowl accompanied by a selection of wines and spirits. Featuring the exclusive George Washington Ale brewed from original “home-brew” recipes — truly a taste of history. Web: citytavern.com


Colonial Pizza

400 S. 43rd Street , 215-387-7702. ($) Inexpensive hand-tossed pizza and Italian foods. Cheese steaks, grinders, strombolis, hoagies, side orders, buffalo wings, and much more. Web: colonialpizza.net

Continental Midtown

1801 Chestnut Street, 215-567-1800. ($$) Continental Midtown draws crowds with retro decor booths made from babyblue vinyl car seats, a sunken dining room with curvy seats and wicker basket chairs hanging from the ceiling. After dark, a more boisterous party set takes over. Each item from the rainbow-decorated menu is meant for sharing, including extra-tall calamari salad, Thai noodles, vegetarian dumplings, lobster mac and cheese, lamb meze and homemade cotton candy. Web: continentalmidtown.com

Continental Restaurant and Martini Bar

138 Market Street, 215-923-6069. ($$) A set of dice bedecks the roof, while giant

Dave and Buster’s

325 N. Columbus Boulevard, 215-4131951. ($$) Great Food + Great Fun = The Best of Times! From mouth-watering baby-back ribs to personal pizzas, some of the best food you’ve ever tried served by the friendliest folks you’ll ever meet. The most incredible array of fun and games you’ve ever seen, from world-class pocket billiards to the state-of-the-art Million Dollar Midway. Web: daveandbusters.com

Delilah’s Southern Cafe

12 Filbert Street, 215-574-0929. ($) Located inside Reading Terminal Market, Delilah’s Southern Cuisine is famous for their fried chicken and their mac and cheese--both southern favorites. The atmosphere is cozy and the food comes out quickly, although the place tends to get crowded quickly. Web: delilahwinder.com


4411 Main Street, 215-483-9400. ($$) Indulge yourself in local grown organic cuisine or just have a glass of wine and a snack at the bar. Watch local sporting events on big screen TV’s in the bars or have an intimate dinner for two in cozy booths. Be it a great burger, a dry aged steak, or the finest cult California Cabernet, Derek’s has it all. Web: dereksrestaurant.com

Devil’s Alley

1907 Chestnut Street, 215-751-0707. ($$) Hands down the best comfort food in Philadelphia. A strong selection of local brews on tap and an excellent collection of reasonably priced wines to pair with your dinner. Saturday and Sunday Brunch is a special treat! Web: devilsalleybarandgrill. com

Down Home Diner

12th & Filbert Streets, 1039 Reading Terminal Market, 215-627-1955. ($) Although this diner is located inside the Reading Terminal Market, it nonetheless bears the trappings of a genuine diner, including plenty of chrome trim and waitresses who might address you as “hon.” Customers line up at breakfast and lunch to chow down on dishes such as meat loaf, smashed potatoes with the skins attached, large portions of scrapple plus grits and gravy--an homage to good ol’ southern cooking.

107 N. 33rd Street, 215-222-4722. ($) Fast-food restaurant with a small Greek selection and a variety of Italian dishes. Best sellers include Brandywine chicken fingers and fries, grilled chicken caesar wrap and black Angus wells burgers. Wide selection of domestic and imported beers.

Druid’s Keep

149 Brown Street, 215-413-0455. ($$) A neighbordhood bar that seems untouched by the trendiness found in other drinking establishments. The menu includes decent reasonably priced grilled cheese sandwiches, burgers, melts and hot dogs.

Dwight’s Southern Bar-B-Que

4345 Lancaster Avenue, 215-879-2497. ($$) Dwight’s pork ribs are beyond reproach - seared on the outside and tender at the bone. The beef ribs are succulent and flavorful. Save room for side dishes like candied yams, collards and a truly superior mac and cheese that combines Longhorn cheddar, sharp cheddar and parmesan.

Ed’s Buffalo Wings & Pizza

3513 Lancaster Avenue, 215-222-4000. ($) Just North of Penn and West of Drexel, Ed’s serves up high quality pizza with fresh ingredients. Buffalo wings are available with eight unique sauces. Ed’s also offers salads, wraps, sandwiches, gyros, strombolis, calzones, burgers, and more. Also serving Ranas Middle Eastern food! Web: edswings.com


15 S. 3rd Street, 215-627-6274. ($$$) Located in Philadelphia’s historic Old City, FARMiCiA is a 122-seat restaurant & bar serving breakfast, lunch, an afternoon meal, a relaxed dinner & even brunch on the weekends. Metropolitan Cafe, in the front of Farmicia, offers early morning coffee, pastries, breakfast & lunch. Farm Bar hosts a lively & sophisticated environment for those who seek out places to dine & socialize in the evening. Web: farmiciarestaurant.com

Fiume Bar

45th and Locust St, . ($) This low-key bar is located above Abyssinia at 229 S. 45th Street. Patrons discuss everything from favorite bands to favorite political candidates, all within a funky atmosphere.

Logan Square. The cuisine features a classic technique and global influence, with a focus on local resources. A children’s menu is provided. Attire: Breakfast and Lunch: Smart Casual; Dinner: Jacket. Web: fourseasons.com/philadelphia

know how to order, because the service is fast and the line keeps moving! Web: genosteaks.com

Glam Restaurant & Lounge

261 S. 21st Street, 215-546-4232. ($$$) Delicious American food in Center City’s most intimate and romantic restaurant. Menu includes roast duck, sautéed tilapia, rack of lamb. Desserts are great, too. Excellent for a special occasion. All bottles of wine are priced $10 over cost. Web: frisatsun.com

52 S. 2nd Street, 267-671-0840. ($$) This spot is dressed up in pink, pink and more pink. Downstairs, the atmosphere kicks up a few notches when DJs start to spin. In the VIP lounge upstairs, you’ll find low lights and fluffy couches. The menu has something for every taste. From a variety of appetizers, like shrimp and chicken quesadillas, to entrees like mouthwatering burgers, a selection of pasta dishes, fresh fish, and the famous Glam Filet.


Grill Room, The Westin

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

33rd Street, (Between Locust and Walnut), 267-699-8095. ($) Grab breakfast or a sandwich at this food cart outside DRL. Serving American favorites.

Geno’s Steaks

1219 S. 9th Street, 215-389-0659. ($) Since 1966, Geno’s has been serving up his famous Philly Cheese steaks. The ingredients are simple, exacting and never greasy--thinly sliced rib-eye steak, melted cheese, oven-fresh baked bread and delicately grilled onions. Be prepared and

99 S. 17th Street , 215-563-1600. ($$$) The Westin Philadelphia features the Grill Restaurant and a lounge where an awardwinning staff creates innovative eclectic cuisine for both lunch and dinner. The comfortable Grill Bar is the ideal setting to relax with friends for a favorite beverage. Web: starwood.com/westin/search/hotel_detail.html?propertyID=1231

Happy Rooster

118 S. 16th Street, 215-963-9311. ($$$) This legendary Philadelphia bistro offers

TANDOORINDIA INDIA TANDOOR ExoticIndian IndianCuisine Cuisine Exotic BYOB TANDOOR INDIA • Mentioned in Philadelphia Inquirer’s Table • Mentioned in Philadelphia Inquirer’s Table TalkTalk withwith John Carr John Carr

Exotic Indian Cuisine

• “Tandoor India hit with those in the know” • “Tandoor India is aishita with those in the know” • Mentioned in(Food Philadelphia Inquirer’s Table Talk with Gerald Writer), Philadelphia Inquirer, Gerald EtterEtter (Food Writer), Philadelphia Inquirer, Carr June 12, 1992 June 12,John 1992 ••”Best “Tandoor India is a hitinwith those in the know” Indian Restaurant in Philadelphia” •”Best Indian Restaurant Philadelphia” Gerald Etter (Food Writer), Philadelphia Inquirer, ,1992 City Paper Choice Award, July 1992 City Paper Choice Award, July 17th17th 1992 June 12, 1992

• “Best Tandoori Chicken in Philadelphia” • “Best Tandoori Chicken in Philadelphia” •”Best Indian Restaurant in Philadelphia” ,1993-1998 Paper Reader’s Choice Award, October 1993-98 CityCity Paper Reader’s Choice Award, October 28th28th 1993-98 City Paper Choice Award, July 17th 1992


• Best of Philly - 1993-2000 “Best Indian Restaurant” • Best of Philly - 1993-2000 “Best Indian Restaurant” • “Best Tandoori Chicken in Philadelphia” Paper Reader’s Choice Award, October 28th 1993-98 •City Philadelphia “Best Value Restaurant” 1998 • Philadelphia “Best Value Restaurant” JulyJuly 1998 • ZAGAT SURVEY 1997 - 1999 - 2007 • ZAGAT SURVEY 1997 - 1999 • Best of Philly - 1993-2000 “Best Indian Restaurant”


• Philadelphia “Best Value Restaurant” July 1998 Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian Specialties Vegetarian &• Non-Vegetarian Specialties ZAGAT SURVEY 1997 - 1999

1617 East Passyunk Avenue, 215-5515000. ($$) A contemporary American BYOB in the heart of South Philadelphia. Web: fondphilly.com

Our TryTry Our

Lunchand andDinner DinnerBuffet Buffet Lunch

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

112 S. 8th Street, 215-923-0123. ($) This quiet hangout for businessmen and older folks has reinvented itself by revamping its gastropub cuisine and by adding brunch. Extending its hours hasn’t hurt, either. The dark, woody haunt still attracts its regulars, but now hipsters and 30-somethings crowd the place to nosh on crab quesadillas, Chesapeake crab cakes and Kobe beef burgers while swaying to rock tunes. Dessert favorites are a New York-style cheesecake and a fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

33 S. 40th Street, 215-796-9809. ($) With over 50 types of calzones on the menu, wings, cheesesticks, and desserts, D.P. Dough is a late-night staple, offering delivery to all parts of center city and University city. Web: dpdoughphilly.com

Drexel Pizza

spring dining guide

1421 Sansom Street, 215-568-3131. ($$) Diligent music fans who find Chris’ will feel like jazz insiders as they nestle into a booth in the unassuming lounge. The atmosphere is like a jazzhead’s basement hangout: warm, dark and smoky. Chris’ books a packed roster of local and national acts. The menu is eclectic if a bit unfocussed. Salads and burgers share the menu with spring rolls, Asian noodles, seafood and sandwiches named after jazz greats. Web: chrisjazzcafe.com

306 Market Street, 215-625-9425. ($$$) A stylish neighborhood bistro, Old City’s Fork was described by the Philadelphia Try Our Item Buffet, Including Salad (all (all youyou cancan eat,eat, 30 30 Item Buffet, Including Salad Bar)Bar) Inquirer as “gently sophisticated, yet $8.95 + tax Lunch: Monday thru Sunday, Noon til 3 PM. $7.95 p.m. Lunch: Monday thru Sunday, Noon til 3 PM. $7.95 Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian Specialties careful to preserve the artsy, urban $11.95 Dinner: Monday Sunday, to 10:00 $10.95 + tax feel of Old City.” Its inventive seasonal Dinner: Monday thru thru Sunday, 4:004:00 to 10:00 p.m.p.m. $10.95 menu has received accolades including Zagat’s Award of Distinction, Philadelphia (all you can106 eat, 30 Item Buffet, Including Salad Bar) S. 40th Street, Philadelphia Magazine’s Best of Philly Brunch, Lunch, 106 S. 40th Street, Philadelphia Lunch: Monday thruFAX Sunday, Noon til 3 PM. $7.95 Place to Take Out of Towners. Fork offers (215) 222-7122 (215) 222-5191 (215) 222-7122 FAX (215) 222-5191 Dinner: Monday thru Sunday, 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. $10.95 sandwiches, salads, entrées and carefully ASKASK FOR FREE DELIVERY (DISCOUNT NOT VALID WITH DELIVERY) FOR FREE DELIVERY (DISCOUNT NOT VALID WITH DELIVERY) selected artisanal products to enjoy at Valuable Coupon........ WithWith this this Valuable Coupon........ home, school or the office. Web: forkres106 S. 40th Street, Philadelphia taurant.com TANDOOR INDIA TANDOOR INDIA (215) 222-7122 FAX (215) 222-5191 D i sDciosuc no tu n t 1 0 1%0 % Fountain Restaurant ASK FOR FREE DELIVERY (DISCOUNT NOT VALID WITH DELIVERY) 1 Logan Square, Four Seasons Hotel with coupon with thisthis coupon Philadelphia, 215-963-1500. ($$$$) With this Valuable Dinner time only Coupon........ Dinner time only Acclaimed as one of the top 25 restauTANDOOR INDIA rants in America and number one in Not with validany withother any other discount. Valid Not valid discount. only atonly Tandoor India.India. D inext satpurchase. cTandoor opurchase. unt 1Valid 0keep % Philadelphia according to Zagat survey. Exp.Reusable Dec, 2007. Reusable Coupon. Justthis show & keep for nextpurchase Exp. June Coupon. Just show Exp.2011 Dec, 2007. Reusable Coupon. Just show this&&this keep forfor next 25 Beautiful view of Swann Fountain and with this coupon



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spring dining guide

fine food in an intimate and warm interior featuring dark wood and leather. Originally an exclusive ‘Old Boy’s Club,’ Happy Rooster now caters to everyone with upscale American cuisine. Closed Sunday. Web: thehappyrooster.com

Hard Rock Café

1131 Market Street, 215-238-1000. ($$) Hard Rock Café Philadelphia serves up the best down-home, American food with a healthy dose of rock ’n’ roll and an entertaining and interactive staff. A glassenclosed function room is also available for private parties. Web: hardrock.com


36th Street and Spruce Street, . ($) There are multiple food trucks in various locations around Penn’s campus. The menu includes a variety of hot sandwiches (such as Italian meatball), hot dogs, fries, hamburgers, and steaks.

Hoagie Truck

36th Street and Spruce Street, . ($) This hoagie truck serves standard breakfast and lunch items such as hot sandwiches, steaks and breakfast sandwiches.

Honey’s Sit ‘n’ Eat

800 N. 4th Street, 215-925-1150. ($) Honey’s is a NoLibs mishmash of a dining room whose menu items are born from the odd place where Southern and Jewish genres intersect. The turkey on that Reuben is house-roasted and juicy, and the side slaws are more vinegar- than mayo-based. A Best of Philly Breakfast Web: honeys-restaurant.com

Houston Market

3417 Spruce Street, (Lower Level, Houston Hall), 215-746-6071. ($) One

of the best food experiences in University City! Enjoy freshly made custom salads, gourmet sandwiches and wraps, grilled cheesesteaks, chicken cheesesteaks, burgers, fresh sushi and more! Come visit our friendly chefs, always here for your service. Web: upenn.edu/dining

Jack’s Firehouse

2130 Fairmount Avenue, 215-232-9000. ($$$) Classic Philadelphia Landmark Restaurant, serving steaks, seafood, and fresh fish prepared with many local farm raised ingredients. Great bar with casual dining menu, including BBQ ribs, burgers, and hand-cut fries. Terrific outdoor dining by the firehouse fountain. Discounts for Penn student groups of 20 or more. Web: jacksfirehouse.com


824 S. 8th Street, 215-629-4980. ($$$) A fine dining establishment in Philadelphia’s Bella Vista neighborhood serving modern American cuisine with impeccable service in an elegant and friendly environment. The menu focuses on the importance of seasonality and changes frequently. House-made pastas are what JAMES does best. Main-course meats and fish are prepared simply and the in-house desserts are delightfully unique. Web: jameson8th. com

JG Domestic

2929 Arch Street, 215-222-2363. ($$$) The latest in Jose Garces’ restaurant empire, JG Domestic serves artisinal food and drink, all sourced from the United States. A sampling of the entrees include Mt. Saint Helens Porcini Mushrooms, Colorado Lamp Spareribs, Texas Wild Boar, and Wood Oven Flatbread. Keeping

Philadelphia and “all-domestic” focus in mind, the bar serves Philadelphia-brewed beers and cocktails named for famous train lines. Web: jgdomestic.com

air or in the glass-enclosed greenhouse. Homemade soup, sandwiches, salad and pasta specials daily. Largest outside dining in the city! Web: jonsbarandgrille.com

Jim’s Steaks


400 South Street, 215-928-1911. ($) The original cheesesteak palace of delight. Located at 4th & South, Jim’s has been a local tradition since 1939. Enjoy the magic of South Street and a true taste of Philadelphia. Web: jimssteaks.com

John’s Cart

33rd Street and Spruce Street, . ($) Located near HUP (Penn’s hospital), Nick and John’s menu includes sandwiches and hoagies.

John’s Roast Pork

14 E. Snyder Avenue, 215-463-1951. ($) Our Roast Pork is completely homemade. We use only top-choice pork and bone the meat right on premises. The pork is seasoned according to an old family recipe and is roasted in our commercial oven daily. Try a real homemade roast pork sandwich! John’s Roast Pork (also known as John’s Lunch, The Snyder Avenue Lunch Bar, and The Shack) has been on the corner of Weccacoe and Snyder Avenue since 1930 and has been a family business for three generations. Web: johnsroastpork.com (Please see review, Page )

Johnny Rocket’s

443 South Street, 215-829-9222. ($) ‘50’s Style Malt Shop. Nickel Juke Boxes. Dancing Servers. Web: johnnyrockets.com

Jon’s Bar and Grill

300 South Street, 215-592-1390. ($$) Dine on South Street, either in the open

700 Chestnut Street, 215-223-5663. ($$) A Stephen Starr enterprise featuring traditional dishes, such as Thanksgiving dinner and fried chicken in a basket. The menu is served all day Monday - Friday. Brunch and dinner served on the weekends. Web: jones-restaurant.com

Keating’s River Grill

201 S. Columbus Boulevard, 215-5216509. ($$$) Located on the waterfront, Keating’s River Grill is the perfect location for not just a meal but a dining experience. Diners sample everything from steak and pancetta-wrapped scallops to a crab cake trio and encrusted lamb chops. A popular item is the veal chops with Gorgonzola sauce. Web: keatingsrivergrill.com

Khan’s Hot Dog Cart

Between 35th/36th Streets and Spruce Street, . ($) Khan’s sandwiches are good without any condiments whatsoever; the spices are great on their own. What’s more, Khan’s has generous portion sizes. Combined with “awesome prices”, Khan’s is one of the most underrated food carts on campus.

King Kabob

38th and Spruce Streets, . ($) Come check out the grand re-opening of King Kabob lunch truck, specializing in a number of savory, flavorful chicken & steak kabob options. Kabobs are prepared daily and served in a fresh pita, perfect for an on-the-go meal. For a more robust option, add rice to any kabob for only $1!

(Please see our ad, Page 20) (Please see our review, Page 10)

Kokopelli Restaurant and Tequila Bar

1904 Chestnut Street, 215-557-7510. ($$$) These tequila experts have two full bars upstairs with the perfect music to complement the small plate food. Web: Kokopelliphilly.com


2201 South Street, 215-732-7878. ($$) Cozy neighborhood haunt on the west end of town. Whimsical tilted bar shelves and rich velvet draperies. Fresh seafood, veggie specials. The friendly staff guarantee a fun, relaxing evening. Best of CitySearch 2008: Best Romantic Date Spot. Web: l2restaurant.com (Please see review, Page 15)

Ladder 15

1528 Sansom Street, 215-964-9755. ($$) “In what was once a firehouse, Ladder 15, Rittenhouse Square’s newest and hottest eating and drinking destination combines an exciting and original dining experience with an upscale yet unpretentious bar scene.” Web: ladder15philly.com

Lancaster Hoagie City

600 N. 40th Street, 215-387-1722. ($) Cheesesteaks, fried chicken wings, french fries. All food orders over $20.00, take 10% off. (Food orders only, limited time only).

Landmark Americana

3333 Market Street, 215-222-4500. ($$) Landmark Americana is more classy than your average dive bar, but not too fancy as to scare away students on a budget. Menu offerings are mostly sandwiches, salads and traditional bar fare like quesadillas and buffalo wings, but there are also a few large entrees, like potato-encrusted sea bass and lobster ravioli. Enjoy Landmark’s varying daily drink specials at the outdoor bar on days with nice weather or even on a cooler night with the outdoor fire pit. Web: landmarkamericana.com/ph-home. htm

“Quenching t Philadelphians For

Lee’s Hoagie House

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Happy Hour Specials Daily



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4034 Walnut Street, 215-387-0905. ($) Hoagies and cheesesteaks are only a few of the great items at Lee’s Hoagie House. Along with the #1 tuna hoagie and chickensteak on Penn’s campus, Lee’s also serves fantastic wings, chicken fingers, grilled chicken sandwiches, salads and wraps. Breakfast sandwiches are now available all day, every day. Web: leesuniversitycity.com (Please see our ad, Page 15)


705 N. 2nd Street, 215-238-0660. ($$) Traditional American saloon. Private parties available upstairs.

Little Pete’s Restaurant

219 S. 17th Street, 215-545-5508. ($) Excellent food, low prices. Good service. Very comfortable atmosphere. Weekend brunch available. Open 24 hours.

14 Draft Beers • 3 Open 7 Days A Week Locust Rendezvous Bar & Grill 1415 Locust Street, 215-985-1163. ($$) Casual, close to the theater. In the heart of everything. Fun and reasonable. Web: locustrendezvous.com

Daily Food and Be Famous Homemad London Grill 2301 Fairmount Avenue , 215-978-4545. Roast Pork S ($$$) Award-winning Art Museum-area restaurant. Ten-time “Best of Philly” winHomemade Sou ner. Lunch. Brunch. Dinner. Late night. Happy hour. Private rooms. Sidewalk café. Kitchen Open U Take Out A

Lucky 7 Tavern

747 N. 25th Street, (25th Street and Aspen Street), 215-232-7736. ($$) Global influenced menu. Upscale neighborhood tavern with an intimate dining room. Highend Center City entrees at a neighborhood price. Warm and welcoming atmosphere. Two blocks from Philadelphia Museum of Art. Web: luckyseventavern.com

Mahogany on Walnut

1524 Walnut Street, 2nd Floor, 215-7323982. ($$) As one of the premier cigar lounges in the city, Mahogany on Walnut provides a great place to relax. In an atmosphere of an English library with a warm fireplace and plush seating, they serve light dining, desserts and cocktails from noon until 1:30 AM. More than 40 single malt scotches, dozens of handrolled cigars and, of course, fantastic ventilation. TVs for major sporting events and a “well-rounded” beer menu. Web: phillycigarbar.com

biscuits and eggs. Family and friends. Come visit us!


461 N. 3rd Street, 215-928-0630. ($) Home to one of the most lively happy hours, McFadden’s is the most dynamic establishment in Philadelphia. Offering lunch, brunch, dinner, crazy nightlife or an exciting place to watch a sports game, the many facets of McFadden’s will never disappoint you or let you leave without a smile! Web: mcfaddensphilly.com

Melrose Diner

1501 Snyder Avenue, 215-467-6644. ($) Deemed one of the best traditional diners in Philadelphia, Melrose Diner is best known for its baked goods and shared booths. Open 24 hours with breakfast, lunch, dinner and night owl menus. Best of Philly 4 A.M. eatery. ATM on premises.


512 South Street, 215-627-7427. ($$) A South Street eatery worth noting for its phenomenal ribs, chili, chicken and sandwiches. Web: manny-browns.com

2201 Spruce Street, 215-735-4900. ($$$) Named after his grandmother, David Katz’s restaurant welcomes diners with a relaxed ambiance and delicious menu items. The cuisine is American with a twist, with ingredients coming from mostly local sources and an exclusive wine list. Web: memerestaurant.com

Marathon Grill

Meritage Restaurant and Wine Bar

Manny Brown’s

200 S. 40th Street, 215-222-0100. ($$) Winner of ten “Best of Philly” awards. Open seven days a week, offering Mediterranean wraps, grilled fajitas, char-burgers and fresh salads. Free delivery and corporate catering available. Open for lunch and dinner daily, along with brunch on the weekends. Web: marathongrill.com/ index2.html

Marathon on the Square

1839 Spruce Street, 215-731-0800. ($$) A variation of the Marathon Grill, without the on-the-clock vibe. Web: marathongrill. com/index2.html

Marigold Kitchen


37 S. 19th Street, 215-564-2925. ($$$) This wonderfully delicious BYOB is famous for its contemporary American flavor and casual yet sophisticated service. Located right off Rittenhouse Square, it’s the perfect place to grab lunch or dinner when in the mood for an elegant yet unostentatious meal. Try the steamed mussels! Web: matyson.com

McCrossen’s Tavern

529 N. 20th Street, 215-854-0923. ($$) Two row homes from the 1850’s make up the present day McCrossen’s Tavern, where the brick and polished wood of these old Philly homes still comes through, providing a warm, cozy setting. Everything from burgers to pasta to fresh fish is offered seven days a week. Great selection of beers on tap from around the world, a comprehensive wine list and cocktails of your choice. Web: mccrossens.com


3935 Walnut Street, 215-222-6266. ($) Burgers and fries, shakes and cones,

MidAtlantic Restaurant and Tap Room

3711 Market Street, 215-386-3711. ($$$) Urban and rustic. Past and present. Tradition and renewal. This is the essence of MidAtlantic, Chef Daniel Stern’s latest culinary surprise. MidAtlantic celebrates the best of what was and what is to come, with a focus on reinterpreting the roots of traditional Philadelphia foods and Pennsylvania Dutch flavors. Pair MidAtlantic’s food with local brews, tonics or soft drinks, and enjoy live music Thursday through Saturday. Web: midatlanticrestaurant.com

Millcreek Tavern

4200 Chester Avenue, 215-222-9194. ($) A West Philly “hidden gem,” Millcreek Tavern has great live music from different bands each week, along with a very diverse menu of delicious food choices, from cheesesteaks to crabcakes. Check their website for open-mic nights! Web: millcreektavernphilly.com

Moe’s Hot Dog House

Happy hour, from 5:30-7:30 MondayFriday. With a pool table, rock ‘n roll jukebox, and a sexy panoramic view of Rittenhouse Square, Noche offers a lively and creative way to spend the evening! Web: noche215.com

Moriarty’s Restaurant

Papa John’s

1116 Walnut Street, 215-627-7676. ($$) Moriarty’s is a lively, pleasant Irish pub with a 60-foot old-fashioned bar that features 35 draft beers and 50 bottled beers. The menu features award-winning burgers, famous “Best of Philly” chicken wings, specialty salads and deli sandwiches. They offer daily drink and food specials and are open seven days a week until 2:00 A.M. Join Moriarty’s on Saturday nights for karaoke and a live DJ. Web: moriartyspub.net

Morning Glory Diner

735 S. 10th Street, (10th Street and Fitzwater Street), 215-413-3999. ($) Bustling little corner diner in the heart of South Philly with good home cooking, warm staff and casual feel. Great coffee, homemade fresh food. Breakfast and lunch served all day. Web: themorningglorydiner.com


401 S. Columbus Boulevard, 215-9232500. ($$$$) The Moshulu, the most unique waterfront restaurant on the world’s largest four-masted sailing ship is located at Penn’s Landing. Owner Martin Grims has totally renovated the ship, decorated in a South Seas attitude evoking the feeling of an exotic vacation destination. The restaurant features inspired contemporary American cooking using nature’s finest ingredients. First class food and service is paired with stunning views and ambiance. Web: moshulu.com (Please see our ad, Page 8)

Paul Restaurant

1120 Pine Street, 215-238-0210. ($$$) Paul offers contemporary American cuisine with a fusion of European and Asian cooking techniques and an emphasis on high quality, fresh ingredients. Our beautiful restaurant offers a comfortable environment. With great food and a relaxing atmosphere, this an dining experience you won’t forget. Web: paulphilly.com

22 S. 3rd Street, 215-701-4883. ($$) Located in the National Mechanics Building (hence the name), this Old City bar offers a wide selection of beers on tap and in bottles alongside a wide range of your typical bar foods. Includes “Nostalgic” such as a Frito Taco and Corn Dogs, but also covers burgers, pastas, steaks, seafood, and fried goodness. The weekend brunches feature a Make-your-own Bloody Mary Bar. Web: nationalmechanics.com

New Style Pizza


2025 Sansom Street, 215-568-7000. ($$$) Noble offers an array of seasonal, modern American dishes that represent the unique mixture of cultures that comprise America’s heritage. Web: noblecookery.com


1901 Chestnut Street (2nd Floor), 215568-0551. ($) This Center City hotspot offers a distinct and delicious menu including pizza, sandwiches, and nachos.

900 South Street, 215-625-8510. ($$) Percy Street Barbeque specializes in brisket, sausage, ribs, and chicken. They wood-smoke all of their meats in real barbeque pits and serve the main courses with classic sides like potatoes and macaroni and cheese. Their full-service bar offers local beers and has a large variety of whiskeys. Web: percystreet.com

Philly Diner

3901 Walnut Street, 215-382-3400. ($) Great diner hangout. Full breakfast and lunch menus. Dinner also served. Serving breakfast 24 hours/7 days a week.

Phoebe’s Bar-B-Q

2214 South Street, 215-546-4811. ($) Best BBQ in the city! Smoked ribs (pork or beef), brisket, pulled pork, rotisserie chicken, and homemade sides and sauce. Take-out, delivery, and pick-up. Credit cards accepted. Web: phoebesbbq.com


3131 Walnut Street, 267-233-6697. ($) “World-class food at affordable prices.” Specializing in prepared food carry-out with indoor/outdoor cafe seating.

Potbelly Sandwich Works

1 Convention Avenue, 215-382-0549. ($) Potbelly’s unique experience is defined by its combination of hot sandwiches, hand-dipped shakes, tasty made to order

Core de Roma Trattoria is a casual, intimate, family-owned Trattoria, offering authentic Roman cuisine while upholding the best Roman tradition.

National Mechanics Bar and Restaurant

Monk’s Belgian Café & Beer Emporium

1119 Locust Street, 215-574-0586. ($)

239 Chestnut Street, 215-238-6900. ($$$) Designer dishes like grilled ostrich fillets, fig couscous and lamb, duck and lobster turn heads in this sleek, sexy room furnished with pretty people. Cuttingedge desserts. Zagat Survey — One of America’s Top Restaurants last 2 years. Trendy upbeat restaurant. Web: paradigmrestaurant.com

1314 South Street, 215-731-9045. ($$) Ms. Tootsie is a little more “uptown” than your typical soul food restaurant, a place of “artful elegance with neo-soul music.” There are no appetizers here: it’s all entrees, all the time. Enormous portions of “comfort food” satisfy any home-style craving.

4060 Chestnut Street, 215-387-5633. ($) Pizza, Pasta, Wings Web: newstylepizza. com (Please see our ad, Page 14)

More Than Just Ice Cream


Ms. Tootsie’s Soul Food Cafe

2601 Washington Avenue, 215-465MOES. ($) Hot dogs done just right. (Please see review, Page 18)

264 S. 16th Street, 215-545-7005. ($$) Inspired by cozy Belgian brassieres. This neighborhood café is a great place to grab a quick burger and fresh-cut fries, or relax over gourmet delicacies like steamed mussels, sea scallops and filet mignon. Inventive vegetarian fare, too! Choose from 200 beers from around the world. Fine wines. Web: monkscafe.com

104 S. 40th Street, 215-349-7272. ($) America’s favorite pizza offering a variety of toppings with better quality ingredients. They also offer specials and combination deals. Web: papajohns.com/index.html

Percy Street Barbecue

Examples include home-made Gnocchi and Fettuccine, home-made bread, Spaghetti Cabonara, Bucatini Matriciana and our signature artichokes. BYOB of Wine OR Buy from US

214 South Street 215.592.9777 Winter Dinner Hours Mondays closed until Spring

Friday - Saturday 4:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Tuesday - Thursday 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Sunday 3:30 PM - 9:00 PM

4-6 PM: 20% discount if you bring this ad

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

501 S. 45th Street, 215-222-3699. ($$$) Marigold Kitchen blends modern American cuisine with the century-old tradition of University City, serving dinner Tuesday through Saturday in this landmark Victorian house on the corner of 45th and Larchwood. This charming BYO features seasonal menus and a casual, intimate atmosphere ideal for your quiet evening or special occasion. Web: marigoldkitchenbyob.com

500 S. 20th Street, 215-985-1922. ($$$) The chef’s inventive menu simultaneously revitalizes old classics with modern twists and embarks to new territory with a culinary trip around the world. Expect to find a menu of seasonal, snacks, small and larger plates like corn soup, a frisee salad with poached egg and braised pork belly and a brined and roasted chicken served with a Chinese sausage hash for $18. Web: meritagephiladelphia.com

Premier dessert spot and hip café serving soups, salads, sandwiches and nightly dinner specials. Homemade desserts include “sky-high” apple pie. Lunch, dinner and desserts served daily. Take-out ice cream counter — 34 flavors.

spring dining guide

“Best Happy Hour.” Web: londongrill.com


spring dining guide

salads, live local music, as well as friendly and lively people. Web: potbelly.com

Public House

2 Logan Square, 215-587-9040. ($$) America’s best eat and greet! Upscale bar environment with modern American favorites. Web: publichousephilly.com


1713 South Street, 215-545-4448. ($$$) An intimate 28-seat eatery has an open kitchen and a daily-changing menu fuses Mediterranean, French, Italian, and Spanish fare. Nearby Pumpkin Cafe offers sandwiches, salads, ice cream, and coffee while the Pumpkin Market offers all local produce, cheese, and meats. Web: pumpkinphilly.com

Ron’s Ribs

1627 South Street, 215-732-3561. ($$) For all the barbecue lovers! Try out the delicious pork ribs with the homely baked macaroni and cheese side. Service is in plastic and only cash is accepted.

Rose Tattoo Café

1847 Callowhill Street, 215-569-8939. ($$$) “Greenhouse”-like ambiance. Contemporary American cuisine. Late-night snacks also offered. Delicious homebaked desserts. Web: rosetattoocafe.com/ homepage.html


50 S. 16th Street, 215-564-5337. ($$$) This restaurant puts a spin on American cuisine, creating a truly unique dining experience. Web: r2lrestaurant.com

205 S. 18th Street, 215-732-6622. ($$$) Located on Rittenhouse Square, this charming bistro offers a full menu of French-Asian creations. The restaurant that first made dining alfresco on Rittenhouse Square cool continues to be a see-or-be-seen spot. Of course, that killer, always-perfect Rouge burger with truffle fries helps, too. Web: rouge98.com

Race Street Cafe

Royal Tavern


208 Race Street, 215-627-6181. ($) The best cafe on Race Street! Web: racestreetcafe.net/ordereze/1000/Page.aspx

Reading Terminal Market

12th Street and Arch Street, 215-9222317. ($) This place is Philadelphia and has been for more than 100 years. A must see. One visit and you are sure to return. Many fresh foods under one roof. The market has more than 80 stalls with local food from upcountry farms, as well as delicacies from around the world. Come visit us today! Web: readingterminalmarket.org

Red Sky

224 Market Street, 215-925-8080. ($$) Under new ownership and a complete makeover, Red Sky, an ultra chic and stylish lounge, has become a serious contender in the heart of Old City. The jet black and red walls evoke emotions of passion and mystique. Red Sky Restaurant and Lounge is sophistication and sexiness at its finest.

937 E. Passyunk Avenue, 215-389-6694. ($) Perennial “Best of” award winner, Royal Tavern packs them in every night with an appeal to carnivores, vegetarians, vegans, beer drinkers, and budget-conscious hipsters alike. Whether you’re into AC/DC or Squeeze, PBR or Gruner Veltliner, juicy burgers or barigoule of poached summer vegetables, you’re apt to become a regular here. Web: royaltavern.com


4443 Spruce Street, 215-222-9590. ($$$) West Philly BYOB offering everything from organic brunches to seared diver scallops at dinner. We feature all local, free range meats and live-caught fish, as well as produce from over 20 local farmers. Web: rxcafe.net

Sabrina’s Cafe

910 Christian Street, 215-574-1599. ($$) Take a break from shopping at the Italian Market by stopping at this American BYOB. The breakfast menu is offered all

day and features items such as whole wheat pancakes, homemade granola, and tofu scramble. Extensive lunch and dinner menus as well. Web: sabrinascafe.com

Sabrina’s Cafe and Spencer’s, Too

1804 Callowhill Street, 215-636-9061. ($$) A second location of Sabrina’s Cafe of South Philly- now a little closer to campus. Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some menu highlights include huevos rancheros, homemade granola and chicken soup, and Chicken Cordon Blue. Specialty brunch items such as mascarpone stuffed French Toast and pumpkin pancakes. Web: sabrinascafe.com

Salt & Pepper

1623 E. Passyunk Ave, 215-238-1920. ($$$) Treat yourself to something different at Salt and Pepper. This quaint, cozy restaurant features a delicious Sunday brunch as well as nightly dinners from a seasonal menu. The American cuisine ranges from French toast to filet mignon, and you can watch it all being made through their open kitchen. The motto here is, “Simple, Fresher, Better”, and they certainly deliver Web: saltandpepperphilly.com


4141 Main Street, 215-508-0336. ($$$) Sapphire’s eclectic influences in the kitchen include Asian, Latino and Mediterranean flavors and hence the menu caters to a variety of palates. The furnishing and decor are tasteful, sleep and comteporary and perfect for candlelit dinners. Also, the chocolate fondue with fresh fruit is not to be missed! Web: sapphirepa.com

Sassafras International Café

48 S. 2nd Street, 215-925-2317. ($$) Antique bar with working fireplace. International menu. 28 year-old city Bistro. Lively bar as well as dinner crowd. “Best of Philly” burgers for three years. Web: sassafrasbar.com

Scooters Pub

3800 Lancaster Avenue, 215-387-4005. ($) Bar food, steaks, hoagies, tender shrimp, crab, seafood, and chicken colored supreme. Finger food.

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Serrano / Tin Angel

La Fontana Della Citta 215.875.9990

Experience a Touch of Italy At the Best BYOB In Philly! Seats 150 People 5 Lunches, 7 Dinners, 7 days a week Excellent for Family and Group Meetings Contact Management, they are happy to meet your needs! 15% off with Fixed Price Sunday-Thursday

Authentic Italian Cuisine at Reasonable Prices 28 1701 Spruce St. - Philadelphia, PA 19103 - www.lafontanadellacitta.com

20 S. 2nd Street, 215-928-0770. ($$) International flavor. Bold brash flavors. Authentic ethnic cooking. Everything a neighborhood restaurant should be. Serrano is Old City’s longest running loft party. A place to visit, kick back and enjoy; to bring friends and make friends. Web: tinangel.com

Silk City Diner

435 Spring Garden Street, 215-592-8838. ($) Silk City Diner is the place to go if you want American food with an updated flair. Menu items like shrimp and crap potstickers or comfort food like roasted chicken and mashed potatoes are prepared with the kind of care that makes you think they came out of mother’s oven. Web: silkcityphilly.com


1320 Chancellor Street, 215-735-0735. ($) Sisters is a 5,000 sq. ft nightclub and restaurant catering to Philadelphia’s LGBT community. Open 7 days a week featuring a variety of entertainment from karaoke, award winning DJ’s, and live bands to colorful theme parties. Web: sistersnightclub.com

Sonny’s Famous Steaks

228 Market Street, 215-629-5760. ($) Authentic Award Winning Steaks

South Street Diner

140 South Street, 215-627-5258. ($) Enjoy a wide variety of our excellent cuisine in a casual, relaxed setting. We are open 7 days a week, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner from 7:00 AM-late. Daily lunch and dinner specials include dessert from our new bakery offering a variety of cakes and pies.

Spirit of Philadelphia

123 Chestnut Street, 215-923-1419. ($$$$) The Spirit of Philadelphia gives you a total cruise package that includes a full-course meal, sightseeing, lively dancing, unique entertainment and hours of cruising fun, all for one affordable price. Web: spiritofphiladelphia.com

Square 1682

121 S. 17th Street, 215-563-5008. ($$$) Square 1682 is two stories of contemporary style, chic and urban ecology, situated in Philadelphia’s charismatic City Center neighborhood. Inside the LEED-certified restaurant - Philadelphia’s first - you’ll find a modern design aesthetic, including an abundance of artisan cocktails, wines and beers. Web: square1682.com

Steak Queen

38th Street, (Between Locust and Spruce), 267-205-5906. ($) Great American food for low prices! Service is quick and the food is always tasty.


928 South Street, 215-592-8180. ($$$) Seasonal “New” American cuisine, served in an urban farmhouse atmosphere. The chef’s goal is to serve upscale food in a way that breaks the traditional fine dining mold. The Sunday Supper is a fixed price family-style meal-- reservations are required! Supper also offers a complete wine, beer, and cocktail menu. Web: supperphilly.com

Swann Lounge & Café

1 Logan Square, Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia, 215-963-1500. ($$$) Quiet, with jazz (live on Friday and Saturday nights) — along with “dessert buffet. Great Sunday brunch. The Swann Lounge was cited as one of the top bars in the world by Gourmet Magazine. Web: fourseasons.com

daily. Enjoy the quality of dining downtown without paying an arm and a leg for it. You will feel that you received a value once you have dined at Ted’s Montana Grill. Web: tedsmontanagrill.com

Ten Stone Bar and Restaurant

2063 South Street, 215-735-9939. ($) New York-style restaurant/hangout. Dinner for two with drinks is under $25. Cool juke box, pool table, bar menu. Web: tenstone. com

Terra Restaurant

243 S. Camac Street, 215-545-1102. ($$) Chef Eric Paraskevas (Slate, Lolita) returns to the Washington West neighborhood at Terra, a dynamic new restaurant that showcases his exceptional skill in preparing New American cuisine. The menu includes signature dishes, such as beef tenderloin and house made pasta; seasonal weekly specials; delectable small plates and salads; an extensive wine list and bar; and a number of delicious desserts. Web: terrapa.com

The Burger Stop

3800 Locust Walk, 1920 Commons, . ($) The Burger Stop features 100% grass fed beef purchased locally from Hendricks Farm. Enjoy a variety of burger options on our signature or Kaiser rolls. You can also select from a grilled chicken or veggie burger as well as a selection of sides to complement your meal. Web: cafebonappetit.com/penn/cafes/retail/commons

The Cafe @ 2011 Restaurant, Bar & Lounge

2011 Walnut Street, 215-568-5603. ($$) Open-air and sidewalk seating for dinner, Saturday lunch and Sunday Brunch. Comfortable bar and lounge. Seating available for school parties and events. Book your school party today and get great drink specials. Web: thecafe2011.com

The Corner

102 S 13th Street, 215-735-7500. ($$) Very reasonable prices and friendly waiters make sure you leave happy and satisfied. Web: thephillycorner.com (Please see review, Page 11)

The Fresh Grocer

1776 Ben Franklin Parkway, (18th Street and Ben Franklin Parkway), 215-6658443. ($$) Serves Italian dishes, burgers, southwestern items, and lots of soup and salad! Web: tgifridays.com

4001 Walnut Street, 215-222-9200. ($) After stocking up on fresh and healthy groceries, take a load off at the eatery upstairs. Customers can enjoy a fully stocked buffet of hot and prepared foods, ranging from pizza and sandwiches to home cooked turkey and stuffing. Web: thefreshgrocer.com

Tavern on Camac

The Gold Standard Cafe

T.G.I. Friday’s

243 S. Camac Street, 215-545-0900. ($$) Tavern on Camac is one of the few Piano Bars in Center City and one of the oldest Gay & Lesbian bars in the country. We feature nightly entertainment with our Piano players offering a variety of songs and musical styles. And of course, sing-a-longs are encouraged. Our Restaurant receives numerous accolades from our patrons for our beautifully prepared dishes. Our Dance Bar is open 7 nights a week at 9 pm with a great mix of women and men. Sunday nights the Dance Bar is open at 8pm. Nestled among quaint colonial row homes, T.O.C. is in the heart of Philadelphia’s LGBT neighborhood. A Restaurant & Night Club for the Entire Community! Web: tavernoncamac.com

Ted’s Montana Grill

260 S. Broad Street, Suite 120, 215-7721230. ($$) Great prices for this bar and grill, reminiscent of early 20th century Montana. Everything is made from scratch

4800 Baltimore Avenue, 215-727-8247. ($$) Intimate, traditional all-American cafe offering fresh, local specialties. Web: abbracciorestaurant.com

The Latest Dish

613 S. 4th Street, 215-629-0565. ($$) American. Healthy, lighter fare. Seafood, vegetarian and more. Outstanding beer selection. Best dance club in the city (Fluid) is on the second floor. Web: latestdish. com

The Melting Pot

1219 Filbert Street, 215-922-7002. ($$$) Come experience a new way to enjoy food with family or friends....Fondue! The Melting Pot has something for everyone. From large tables for big groups to intimate tables for two, you must come experience the country’s premier fondue restaurant! Web: meltingpot.com

The Restaurant School

The Ugly American

1100 S. Front Street, 215-336-1100. ($$) The concept of New American cuisine was developed in the 1980s from fusion and California cuisines, and features significant creative use of in-season produce and sauces. It is somewhat related to French Nouvelle cuisine and often incorporates influences from Latin American, Mediterranean, and Asian cuisine. Web: uglyamericanphilly.com

Thirteen Restaurant, Philadelphia Marriott

1201 Market Street, 215-625-6795. ($$$) Thirteen, the stylishly modern bar and restaurant in the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, takes its moniker from the original 13 colonies, offering visitors and locals a stylish and upbeat venue for dining, drinking and socializing. . Web: marriottmodules.com/restaurant/hotels/ hotel-information/travel/phldt-marriott-philadelphia/13_american_inspired_cuisine


1315 Sansom Street, 215- 985-4800. ($$) From the loins of the once-revered German beer house just east of Broad Street, we have created a space that can accommodate. We offer a wide variety of food, drink and entertainment for everyone – from food, scotch and beer lovers to the wine connoisseur and nightlife partygoers, TIME is poised to satisfy every craving. Web: timerestaurant.net

Tony Luke’s

39 E. Oregon Avenue, 215-551-5725. ($) Tony Luke’s offers classic traditional Philadelphia food. You can find there a wide variety of cheesesteaks, hoagies, and sandwiches at a small price. Web: tonylukes.com

Tri Tone

Tria Cafe

123 S. 18th Street, 215-972-8742. ($) Tria specializes in the Fermentation Trio of wine, cheese and beer. Offers a friendly, casual yet stylish place for hanging out, day and night. Wonderful staff. Winner of Philadelphia Magazine’s “Best of Philly” 2004 (beer list). Web: triacafe.com (Please see our ad, Page 7)

Turf Club

1635 Market Street, 215-246-1556. ($$$) Traditional American cuisine includes grilled chicken breast, stir fry specialties and salads. Add to that the live action of thoroughbred horse racing, with off-track betting. Casual attire.


114 S 12th St, 215-923-3300. ($$$) Surprising combinations of ingredients and exotic fragrances guarantee a culinary

Twenty Manning Grill

261 S. 20th Street, 215-731-0900. ($$$) If cosmopolitan is what you’re looking for, Twenty Manning is the place. From the modern, gorgeous dining room, the intimate lounge & the lively outdoor cafe to the large, sensual bar, Twenty Manning hosts a location for every diner’s taste. Beloved Chef Kiong Banh draws upon his culinary expertise to create an innovative twist on American fare. Chef Banh spends every morning at the markets, hand-selecting each fresh ingredient that goes into his Asian-influenced selections. He even adds fresh herbs from his own personal garden to enhance his unique entrees. Web: twentymanning.com

Varga Bar

941 Spruce Street, 215-627-5200. ($$) An all-American pub featuring retro-style decor, including a mural of 40s-style pinups on the ceiling and a black-andwhite tile floor. Menu includes jumbo lump crab cheese fries, Kobe beef burger, duck confit chicken wings. Web: vargabar.com

Warsaw Cafe

199 S. 16th Street, 215-546-0204. ($$$) Eastern European cuisine such as borscht, beef stroganoff and other Polish, Russian and German dishes including Transylvanian casserole, stuffed cabbage leaves, sauerbraten and wiener schnitzel. Web: warsawcafephilly.com

Water Works Restaurant and Lounge 1 Boathouse Row, 215-236-9000. ($$$) Water Works Restaurant and Lounge, Philadelphia’s landmark dining experience offers mouthwatering cuisine and breathtaking views of Boathouse Row and the Schuylkill River. Water Works is the perfect place for all occasions. Private events are welcomed. Web: thewaterworksrestaurant.com

White Dog Cafe

3420 Sansom Street, 215-386-9224. ($$$) Award-winning contemporary American cuisine with an emphasis on local, farm-fresh ingredients. Smoke-free piano parlor; music on weekends and dinner discussions of film, tours, and other community events. Bar and grill offers casual fare for under $10 and late night specials. Web: whitedog.com (Please see our ad, Page 6)

Woolly Mammoth

430 South Street, 215-923-8780. ($$) Sports bar. 10 Satellite TV’s. All pro and college games. Great place to watch Sunday football. Also, don’t miss Monday night specials.

World Cafe Live

3025 Walnut Street, 215-222-1400. ($$) Live Music on 2 stages. Upstairs Live – serving lunch, dinner, late night bites and an ever changing menu of live music from around the region and the globe. Downstairs Live – Dinner is served at your table as you enjoy a live performance. Host your next private party at World Cafe Live. Web: worldcafelive.com

XIX - Nineteen

200 S. Broad Street, 19th Floor, (Park Hyatt at the Bellevue), 215-790-1919. ($$$) Starters and main dishes are perfectly executed. The desserts are a bit more playful. Located on the 19th floor of the Park Hyatt one really does feel at the top with an elegant view of Center City.


3800 Locust Walk, 1920 Commons, . ($) Looking for a tasty and healthy snack full of flavor? Then treat yourself to a delectable all natural Chobani Greek yogurt where you can select from a variety of toppings from fruit, nuts, and more. You can even build your very own custom built parfait! Yo-reka! also offers fresh fruit, yogurt smoothies, nutrition bars and granola.


3405 Walnut Street, 215-387-0337. ($) Hand-rolled soft pretzels in nine awesome flavors, including new hot dog pretzels and pretzel pockets. Web: auntieannes.com

Bagel Factory

510 Walnut Street, 215-627-0707. ($) Great bagels, salads, gourmet sandwiches and more.

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream

218 S. 40th Street, 215-382-5092. ($) The finest quality all natural ice cream. Conveniently right on campus. Web: benandjerrys.com

Capogiro Gelato Artisans

Darling’s Coffeehouse and Famous Cheesecakes

2100 Spring Street, 215-496-9611. ($) Darling’s professes to be ‘home of the original Philly cheesecake,’ a cheesecake that’s apparently lighter in color and creamier in texture than a NY-style cheesecake. Darling’s has about ten homemade cakes to choose from ($4.35$4.95 a slice), from the ‘classic Philly cheesecake’ to white chocolate raspberry, pumpkin, and Grand Marnier. Web: darlingscheesecake.com

Dunkin’ Donuts

3437 Walnut Street, 215-222-7955. ($) Sweeten your morning routine. Something scrumptious is always waiting. Web: dunkindonuts.com

Flying Monkey Patisserie

12th And Arch & Arch St, 215-928-0340. ($) Flying Monkey Patisserie is another of Philadelphia’s great bakeries. It boasts a variety of delicious sugary desserts that all follow the bakery’s credo: “No bread, all sweets.” A must try! Web: flyingmonkeyphilly.com

Golosa Chocolate Bar and Dessert Lounge

3925 Walnut Street, 215-222-0252. ($$) Capogiro brings Italian artisan know-how together with Pennsylvania’s rich farmland produce. The flavor selection changes seasonally and includes unique flavors such as persimmon sorbetto, honeysuckle, black walnut, mascarpone and fig, and many more. Check out their Center City location at 13th and Sansom as well. Web: capogirogelato.com

806 S. 6th Street, 215-925-1003. ($) This tiny dessert shop focuses mostly on chocolate. Imported chocolates and candies, along with desserts from around South Philly make for a perfect ending to your evening around South Street. Specialties include drinking chocolates and 100% cacao dark chocolate. Call before you go to ensure there is space for you! Cash-only BYOB. Web: golosacafe.com

Cassatt Tea Room and Lounge, The Rittenhouse Hotel

Insomnia Cookies

210 W. Rittenhouse Square , (19th Street Between Locust Street & Walnut Street), 215-546-9000. ($$) A quiet sanctuary of soothing teas and garden views, the Mary Cassatt Tea Room and Garden brings to life the tranquil settings once painted by its namesake. Elegant yet inviting, this charming salon is an ideal venue for relaxing afternoons. Sip one of our signature brews as you nibble on scones, pastries, and tea sandwiches. Delight in our lovely private garden, located just outside sets of graceful French doors. Web: rittenhousehotel.com/weddings_old/cassat_dining. cfm

Cream & Sugar Coffee and Sweet Shop

4004 Spruce Street, 215-243-9979. ($) Be prepared to use all your sensory functions when you walk into Cream and Sugar. The shop creates a warm, inviting, and delicious sanctuary from the everyday world. It’s impossible to read the menu or stand in front of the glass showcases without salivating. Amaretto cheesecake. Bavarian apple tart. Pumpkin bread pudding. Chocolate-covered pretzels. Cupcakes. Cookies. Fudge. Bagels with fresh cream cheese “schmears.” And don’t forget La Colombe coffee and espresso. Web: creamandsugarsweets.com


401 Chestnut Street, 215-829-9510. ($) CremaLita features the freshest, creamiest taste in low-calorie, fat-free and cholesterol-free ice cream. They offer over sixty flavors of creamy, delicious, guilt-free ice cream that you’ll surely enjoy. From the fabulous Hot Chocolate Freeze to the Root Beer Floats and Milk Shakes, it’s always the right time for CremaLita.

650 5th Avenue, 31st Floor, 877-63-COOKIE. ($) Warm cookies and brownies delivered to your door til 3AM. Delivery only. Order online or call (877) 63-COOKIE. Web: insomniacookies.com

Isgro Pastries

1009 Christian Street, 215-923-3092. ($) Over 100 year old quintessential Italian bakery in the Italian Market specializing in cannolis. They also make fantastic cookies, biscotti, tiramisu, and pizzelles. The family run business has been using the

same authentic recipes straight from Italy for generations. Web: bestcannoli.com


3606 Chestnut Street, 215- 387-1222. ($) Customizable flavors and toppings, Kiwi is the go-to choice for frozen yogurt on campus. Great flavors include vanilla bean, cheesecake, mixed berry, red velvet, Irish mint, and many more. Web: kiwifrozenyogurt.com

Le Pain Quotidien

1425 Walnut Street, . ($$$) New York City import with organic, healthy choice dishes. (Please see review, Page 17)

Lore’s Chocolates

34 S. 7th Street, 215-627-3233. ($) Located just blocks from the birthplace of America’s independence, Lore’s Chocolates is proudly committed to upholding Philadelphia’s confectionary history. We specialize in manufacturing the finest chocolates, reflecting the tastes of our region. Web: loreschocolates.com/cont.php

Marcie Blaine Artisanal Chocolates

108 S. 13th Street, 215-546-8700. ($) Chef Marcie Blaine Turney looks to Lancaster County for organic cream and butter, and nearby farms for seasonal produce herbs and honey. Her chocolates are inspired by the flavors of Mexico, India, and the Mediterranean. Try Mango Lassi, Sweet Lula, Mexican Mole, My Thai, or Smoked Bacon. Web: marcieblaine. com/marcieblaine

Max Brenner

1500 Walnut Street, 215-344-8150. ($$) This restaurant brings Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory to life with its array of decadent chocolate creations, ranging from chocolate pizzas and soups to doit-yourself fondue. Its full menu provides a perfect opportunity to satisfy both your hunger and your sweet tooth in one delicious meal. Web: maxbrenner.com/ home.aspx

Metropolitan Bakery & Café

4013 Walnut Street , 215-222-1492. ($) In a relaxed café setting right on campus, Metropolitan Bakery & Café serves sand-

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

1508 South Street, 215-545-0475. ($) Top rate international pub fare. Large vegetarian and Vegan selection. All the food is prepared fresh on the premises. Winner - Philly Magazine - Best Club 2002 - City Paper - Best late night kitchen - City Search - Best cheap eats - Top Ten New Restaurants in the country too. Web: tritonebar.com

experience unlike any other. Web: tweedrestaurant.com/

spring dining guide

4207 Walnut Street, 215-222-4200. ($$) Enjoy food prepared by the chefs of tomorrow in four different restaurants. Student discount: 10 percent with school identification. Carry-out foods prepared by the chefs in our Café and Pastry Shop. Pastries, breads, cakes plus a luncheon selection of soups, salads and sandwiches. Gift certificates and private parties available. Web: walnuthillcollege.edu


spring dining guide

wiches, salads, soups and desserts along with organic tea, coffee, espresso drinks and, of course, Metropolitan Bakery’s award-winning artisan breads, bagels, focaccia, pastries, muffins, cakes, and specialty sweets. Metropolitan Bakery & Café also carries special coffees and granola by the pound, as well as their own specialty spreads and dips. Web: metropolitanbakery.com/locations/university_city

Miel Patisserie

204 S. 17th Street, 215-731-9191. ($) Miel Patisserie is a traditional French patisserie offering all of the loved classics, including the “eclair au chocolat” and the “pain au chocolat.” Fresh, natural flavors and expert visual artistry are presented in their delectable pastries and baked goods, artisan breads, handmade chocolates and custom-designed cakes. Web: mielpastry. com

Naked Chocolate Cafe

1317 Walnut Street, 215-735-7310. ($) The best place in Philadelphia for dessert. Naked Chocolate carries everything from rich hot chocolate to delicious pastries. The apple lemonade is a house specialty. Web: nakedchocolatecafe.com

Scoop de Ville Ice Cream/ Maron Chocolates

1734 Chestnut Street, 215-988-9992. ($) Ice cream, chocolates, and blended yogurt. Smells great, tastes better! If you don’t know about us, you’re missing out! Scoop De Ville will deliver on campus! Great for study breaks, Greek parties. Call for details. Scoop De Ville now offers cake! Web: scoopdeville.com


212 Arch Street, 215-625-2510. ($$) A cute little place with the tastiest of treats, like cupcakes and cakes. (Please see review, Page 8)

The Crepewalk

Between 35th/36th Streets and Spruce Street, . ($) Craving light, fluffy crepes filled with delicious goodness? You don’t need to fly to Paris for them! The Crepewalk serves a variety of sweet and savory crepes, such as Nutella and strawberry crepe, and chicken sandwich crepe.

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

The Green Line Cafe

4239 Baltimore Avenue, 215-222-3431. ($) Features organic gourmet coffee and tea, fresh baked goods, bagels and pastries, as well as sandwiches, salads, and its own line of bottled sodas. Web: greenlinecafe.com


233 S. 20th Street, 267-639-5287. ($) Fro yo fanatics will freak over this newcomer serving up tart frozen yogurt. While there is only one flavor option (plain), the toppings like pistachio sauce, dulche de leche and toasted hazel nuts take this treat to another level.


3714 Spruce Street, 215-222-5242. ($) On-campus convenience and speedy service at one of the better Chinese places in Philly, offering Mandarin, Cantonese and Szechuan. Campus delivery and catering for large parties citywide. BYOB. Web: beijingatpenn.com

Billy Wong’s

50 S. 2nd Street, 215-829-1128. ()

30 Named after its Chef, Billy Wong’s has

amazing tasting Chinese classics as well as lighter fare.

Charles Plaza

234-236 N. 10th Street, 215-829-4383. ($) Charles Plaza exemplifies outstanding value and incredible taste for the discerning palate. The walnut chicken and spicy General Tso are out of this world. Also, Charles Plaza does not serve beef or pork (Kosher!). For excellent Americanized Chinese food, this is the place.

China Inn

4423 Locust Street, 215-222-2208. ($) This isn’t your typical takeout. In addition to all the typical Chinese-American mainstays, China Inn also has an extensive selection of vegetarian specialties including veggie beef, chicken, and pork.

H.K. Golden Phoenix

911 Race Street, 215-629-4988. ($) Best dim sum in town. Also known for specialty seafood dishes. Parties & catering welcome.

Han Dynasty

108 Chestnut Street, 215-922-1889. ($$) Han Dynasty is a family friendly restaurant serving a full array of Chinese food. Call in advance for take out or bring a whole group with you to enjoy on site in Olde Town Philadelphia. Web: handynasty.net

Ho Sai Gai

1000 Race Street, 215-922-4930. ($) Authentic Chinese cuisine. Hong Kong style dim sum.

Hong Kong Chinese Food

33rd Street and Spruce Street, . ($) Located near HUP (Penn’s Hospital), Hong Kong’s serves a variety of standard Chinese dishes, including fried rice, lo mein and chicken, pork and beef.

House of Chen

932 Race Street, 215-923-9797. ($$) We are well known for spare ribs, dumplings and spicy foods. Serving lunch, dinner and late dinner until 5 a.m. Closed Tuesdays.

Imperial Inn

146 N. 10th Street, 215-627-2299. ($$) Serves a variety of Szechuan, Mandarin and Cantonese dishes with authentic dim sum served daily. Banquet facilities up to 250 people. Full liquor license.

J.C. Chinese Restaurant

1701 S. 8th Street, 215-334-1056. ($$) Featuring a new approach to Oriental cuisine with offerings of chicken wings and a wide variety of entrees. Gift certificates available.

Jade Harbor

942 Race Street, 215-928-0451. ($$) Jade Harbor Seafood Restaurant is a great Chinese restaurant. Whether you choose from the extensive dinner menu or the award winning dishes menu you will find something to love. Try the amazing “Harbor Lobster” or any of their other well known dishes. Web: phillychinatown.com/ jadeharbor.htm

Joseph Poon Chef Kitchen

1010 Cherry Street, 215-928-9333. ($$) Joseph Poon Chef Kitchen catering is a fun, very clean, open kitchen, featuring a variety of international cuisines, like Peking Duck Pizza, Polenta, Crab Sushi, Typical Hong Kong Roast Duck, Wonton and Pork Noodle Soup. Vegetarian healthy dish. Web: josephpoon.com

Joy Tsin Lau

1026 Race Street, 215-592-7226.

($$) One of the biggest restaurants in Chinatown, it can seat 1,000 people in four dining rooms. The house specialty is dim sum.

Kim’s Oriental Food

37th Street and Walnut Street, . ($) Located right by Pottruck gym, Kim’s offers Chinese food including a variety of rice, noodle and meat and vegetarian dishes. Delicious, hot, and fast, recommended dishes include Eggplant Chicken, Oriental Beef, Ginger Chicken, and Mapo Tofu.

Kingdom of Vegetarians

129 N. 11th Street, 215-413-2290. ($) Long known as a haven by vegetarians, this Chinatown restaurant has been serving kosher and vegan delights with amazing consistency since 1994. The expansive menu features dim sum, soups, imitation pork, chicken, seafood and beef entrees, plus vegetable dishes and fried rice.

Le Anh Chinese Food

35th Street and Spruce Street, 215-2057903. ($) Le Anh Chinese Food (separate from the Real Le Anh Food Truck) offers standard Chinese fare including a variety of rice, lo mein, chicken, beef and pork dishes

Lee How Fook

219 N. 11th Street, 215-925-7266. ($) Contemporary and cozy, this Chinatown BYO has a soup menu that alone is worth the trip: Order a few of the large bowls (the bright chicken and cream of corn is a must) to share. The rest of the Cantonese menu is put together with fresh ingredients and care, evident in the deeply flavorful hot pots, lightly sauced fish dishes, and spicy kung pao. Web: leehowfook.com

Mandarin Palace

1835 Chestnut Street, 215-557-6280. ($) Serves a variety of Mandarin, Hunan, Szechuan and Cantonese dishes for dining in or take-out and free delivery. BYO

Mustard Greens Restaurant

622 S. 2nd Street, 215-627-0833. ($$) The minimalistic design of this Chinese restaurant reflects the simple, yet creative interpretations of classic Cantonese dishes. Web: mustardgreensrestaurant. com

Nan Zhou Handdrawn Noodle House 927 Race Street, 215-923-1550. ($) Nan Zhou is considered to be one of the best noodle soup restaurants in Chinatown. The menu is entirely focused on hand drawn noodle soups and does not offer other Chinese food classics like egg rolls. Great food at a good price.

Ocean City

234 N. 9th Street, 215-829-0688. ($$) Aquariums with fishnet to mention crabs, frogs and shrimp--and a busy take-out window greet patrons at this assembly-hall destination of serious Hong Kong dining. From lunch until late night, the big space bustles with large groups of Chinatown locals dining family style beneath sparkling chandeliers. Dinner favorites include basic broccoli and shrimp, tender sizzling beef short ribs and spicy clams with sausage. For dessert, try a chilly, wiggly cube of coconut pudding.

An elegant atmosphere. Web: pagodanoodlecafe.com

Ray’s Café & Tea House, Inc.

141 N. 9th Street, 215-922-5122. ($$) Small café/restaurant. Serves Taiwanese cuisine followed by variety of coffees and desserts. Received “Best of Philly” for coffee for several years, including 1996 & 2000. Coffees uniquely brewed with syphon makers. BYOB. May come in only for meal, only for coffee/desserts or both!

Sakura Mandarin

1038 Race Street, 215-873-8338. ($$) A Shanghai-style Chinese and Japanese restaurant with award-winning chefs. We offer authentic Chinese food with fresh ingredients. Also, we have the best French-style Japanese food in town.

Sang Kee Peking Duck House

238 N. 9th Street, 215-925-7532. ($$) The real Hong Kong-style cooking. Specialize in all kinds of noodle dishes, Peking Duck and lobster. The best roasted duck wonton noodle soup in town. The flavor hot spot in Chinatown. Web: sangkeephiladelphia.com (Please see our ad, Page 37) (Please see review, Page 20)

Shiao Lan Kung

930 Race Street, 215-928-0282. ($$) Offering a wide variety of Cantonese cuisine, this cheap but tasty eatery ranks among the best in Chinatown. Share stir fries, seafoods, noodles, and poultry with family and friends.

Spring Chinese Restaurant

3739 Lancaster Ave., 215-222-1000. ($$)

Square on Square

1905 Chestnut Street, 215-568-0088. ($$) A Chinese restaurants in west center city serving most of the typical dishes you would find anywhere else but unlike the food trucks, Square on Square’s chicken and vegetables are of far superior quality. The chef specials such as Honey Walnut Shrimp and the Mongolian Merlot Beef are also worth a try. Web: squareonsquare. com

Szechuan Tasty House

902 Arch Street, 215-925-2839. ($) This small szechuan Chinese place is known for adding extra spice to the items found on it’s menu. Good for those who want to try something slightly different. Order a lot of water.

Tai Lake

134 N. 10th Street, 215-922-0698. ($$) Place an order for steamed shrimp

here, and you’ll see your waiter head to a tank with a net to collect your dinner. Now that’s what we call fresh. Web: tailakeseafoodrest.com

Wok Chinese Seafood Restaurant

1613 Walnut Street, 215-495-0147. ($$) Features a large menu with dishes from the Szechuan, Hunan and Mandarin cuisines. Everything on the menu is available for take-out. Web: wok2wok.com

Won Chinese Restaurant

214 S. 40th Street, 215-386-4622. ($) Mandarin, Szechuan and Cantonese dishes.

Yue Kee

238 S. 38th Street, 610-812-7189. ($) Yue Kee has been feeding Penn students and the local community with delicious Chinese fare since 1983. Ever-popular, there is always a line of students waiting for food outside the truck at any given time.

COFFEEHOUSE Accenture Cyber Cafe

220 S. 33rd Street, (Towne Building), 215573-1332. ($) Featuring made-to-order espresso drinks, smoothies, and bubble tea. Come in for a pick-me up and get connected. Web: upenn.edu/dining

Avril 50

3406 Sansom Street, 215-222-6108. ($) Choose from our fine selection of coffees, teas, pastries, gifts, cards, chocolates, cigarettes, tobaccos, cigars, calendars, academic journals, and over 2,500 publications from around the world.

Bean Café

615 South Street, 215-629-2250. ($) Friendly, homey, cozy and unpretentious. Smoking allowed, soy products available, homemade goodies. Free Wi-Fi.


922 Walnut Street, 215-238-7407. ($) Located in Center City, Bonte specializes in waffles and coffee. Its waffles are known to be some of the best in the city. It is also a nice place to just stop by for a warm drink. Web: mybonte.com/cafe-entry.php

Cafe Clave

4305 Locust Street, 215-386-3436. ($) Come in for great coffee, tasty cafe treats, music, sandwiches, hot and cold beverages and free internet access! Web: cafeclave.com

Einstein Bros. Bagels

Because one Twitter account isn't enough to contain these shenanigans…

Ocean Harbor

1023 Race Street, 215-574-1398. ($$) Bar, private rooms, kid-friendly. Web: oceanharbor.citysearch.com

Pagoda Noodle Cafe

125 Sansom Street, 215-928-2320. ($)


Kaffa Crossing

4423 Chestnut Street, 215-386-0504. ($) A unique Ethiopian cafe on 44th and Chestnut offering low cost ethnic cuisine as well as fair trade coffee. Nice music, service and cozy atmosphere with occasional special events. Web: kaffacrossing.com (Please see review, Page 12)

La Colombe Torrefaction

130 S. 19th Street, 215-563-0860. ($) Our café serves as a showcase for our roasting company, offering what many believe to be the best blended coffees available. With this objective in mind, we offer only a limited selection of foods, namely fine French morning and evening pastries. Web: lacolombe.com

Lovers and Madmen Coffee Lounge

28 S. 40th Street, 215-243-9851. ($) Serving counterculture coffee and espresso alongside locally-produced and organic baked goods, quiche, and gourmet sandwiches, with free wifi, Lovers and Madmen also hosts various events including movie nights, open mic, coffee cuppings and barista competitions. Web: loversandmadmencoffee.com

Mark’s Café at the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library

3420 Walnut Street, (Van Pelt-Dietrich Library, Lower Level), 215-573-1332. ($) Located on the ground floor of the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library, this café serves up hot and cold coffee beverages, delicious and refreshing smoothies, gourmet salads, hot panini, and tempting desserts. Web: cafebonappetit.com/penn/cafes/retail/ marks

Nook Bakery & Coffee Bar

Old City Coffee, Inc.

1136 Arch Street, (12th Street & Arch Street), 215-592-1897. ($) Also located at 221 Church Street. (215-629-9292) and Reading Terminal Market. Old City Coffee offers café foods daily, perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner, featuring vegetarian and healthy home-style entreés. Web: oldcitycoffee.com

Penn Cafe

3601 Walnut Street, Penn Bookstore, 215898-7595. ($) Also accepts PennCard. Located on the second floor of the University of Pennsylvania Bookstore. Serving Starbucks coffee.

Sam’s Place

405 S. 45th Street, 215-662-0402. ($) Convenience and grocery store with deli that serves meat and vegetarian sandwiches as well as gourmet cheeses. Sam’s famous coffee is always hot and fresh. A variety of baked goods are available including vegan options.

Satellite Cafe

701 S. 50th Street, 215-729-1211. ($) Organic coffee, organic tea, free internet, healthy wraps, healthy smoothies, and vegan baked goods.

Saxby’s Coffee

4000 Locust Street, 215-222-8400. ($) Gourmet baked goods, coffee, espresso drinks, and non-coffee drinks. Delicious campus spot with free Wi-Fi. Come relax or study with us! Web: saxbyscoffee.com


3400 Walnut Street, 215-387-1914. ($) Also located at 1801 Market Street, 215569-4223, and 16th and Walnut streets, 215-732-0708. Web: starbucks.com

255 S 36th St, 215-573-8693. ($$) Located in Williams Hall Web: vpul.upenn. edu/psa/wcafe.php

DELI 20 S. 36th Street, 215-662-0802. ($) Located on the bottom floor of the Stratum apartments, this small cafe has an array of affordable lunch options.

Campo’s Deli

214 Market Street, 215-293-1000. ($) Located in Old City, Campo’s Deli has been family operated since 1947. It has been featured on the Food Network, Food Dude, City’s Best, and Best of Philly. Web: camposdeli.com

Famous Fourth Street Deli

700 S. 4th Street, 215-922-3274. ($) A very Philly, New York-like deli where neighborhood residents and other city dwellers come together for some good corned beef, matzo ball soup, knishes and lox and bagels. Don’t forget to try the chocolate chip cookies! Web: famous4thstreetdelicatessen.com (Please see review, Page 6)

Ishkabibble’s Eatery

337 South Street, 215-923-4337. ($) Home of the chicken cheesesteak and Philly cheese steak. Award winning best fries & burger. Famous drink “Gremlin.”

Jimmy John’s

3925 Walnut Street, 215-222-7827. ($) “World’s Greatest Gourmet Sandwiches!” Web: jimmyjohns.com

Koch’s Delicatessen

3800 Locust Walk, 1920 Commons, 215-898-5265. ($) Stop by the newest Starbucks on campus located in 1920 Commons. We take Dining Dollars. Web: upenn.edu/dining

The Last Drop

Nick’s Roast Beef

1300 Pine Street, 215-893-9262. ($) Many now-famous musicians, artists and film persons have frequented the Drop. Great food, novelty espresso drinks. Great spot to hang out, play chess and sketch other sketchers. Surf the internet (WiFi); Art gallery with an opening every first Friday of the month.

Williams Cafe

"And if you're an 8–year–old who's never had an orgasm before, you got your money's worth."

16 S 2nd St., 215-928-9411. ($) Offers a large variety of deli-style sandwiches, steaks, hoagies, pizza, salads, vegetarian sandwiches, appetizers and daily drink specials. Dinners from $8.95. Pasta, seafood, beef, chicken, and baby back ribs.

Quiznos Sub

3401 Walnut Street, (Food Court, the Moravian Cafes), 215-387-3736. ($) Toasted subs with warm meat and melted cheese. Web: quiznos.com

Sarcone’s Deli

734 S. 9th Street, 215-922-1717. ($) Bakery located in the Italian market popularly hailed as one of the top delis in Philadelphia. Sandwiches that combine their unique bread with meats and cheeses are always in high demand, so come early to get yours! Credit card use available - minimum of $20. Web: sarconesdeli.com


Justin Bieber done high.

1521 Locust St, 215-735-7305. ($$) Perfect sandwiches and exotic meats team up with a quiet atmosphere when you just want to take a break.

Stan’s Deli

only at 34st.com

3800 Locust Walk , 1920 Commons, 215-898-5265. ($) Found on the ground floor of 1920 Commons, Subway features healthy subs and salads from the worldfamous sandwich chain. Plus, they accept Dining Dollars! Web: subway.com

Axis Cafe

4309 Locust Street, 215-222-8662. ($) Koch’s Deli was established in 1966 and has been serving the University community ever since. A Jewish style deli (“the best Jewish Deli this side of Brooklyn”), all sandwiches are made to order with freshly sliced meat. Enjoy the best corned beef and pastrami in town. Also, free samples while you wait! Web: kochsdeli.com

Starbucks in 1920 Commons


3632 Powelton Ave, 215-382-7826. ($$) Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Web: stansphillydeli.com

the sophisticated downtown Sofitel hotel, where French elegance and American style are blended. Here, you will enjoy a creative approach to a contemporary French cuisine of the highest standards in a cozy atmosphere. Web: sofitel.com/gb/ hotel-2741-sofitel-philadelphia/restaurant. shtml


FRENCH Beau Monde

624 S. 6th Street , 215-592-0656. ($$) Creperie Beau Monde is a perfect place to have brunch, lunch, dinner and drinks! Specializing in Crepes, the menu also has plenty of appetizers, soups and salads. Their romantic atmosphere is accommodating for that special date but also friendly for your family (kids included) and large parties. The versatile menu has a wide range of prices that will agree with any budget. Web: creperie-beaumonde. com (Please see our ad, Page 34)

Bibou BYOB

1009 S. 8th Street, 215-965-8290. ($$$) Chef Calmels spent his Philadelphia time as executive chef at Le Bec, where he no doubt perfected the art of expert cooking. Experience it with his sauteed halibut, hanger steak with potatoes and light-at-air rabbit terrine in a bistro setting. BYOB. Web: biboubyob.com

Bistro St. Tropez

2400 Market Street, 4th Floor, 215-5699269. ($$$) Bistro St. Tropez offers the illusion of Provence atop the Marketplace Design Center in Philadelphia. Chef/Owner Patrice Rames signatures simple, classic cuisine. Prepared with fresh seasonal ingredients and presented with style. Web: bistrosttropez.com

Bistrot La Minette

623 S. 6th Street, 215-925-8000. ($$$) This cozy bistro brings the culinary spirit of Paris to Queen Village. Sink into the red suede banquette with a date and a pitcher of house red. The menu changes seasonally but look for the rustic country terrine or the refined vegetable quenelles. Web: bistrotlaminette.com (Please see review, Page )


801 E. Passyunk Avenue, 215-923-7675. ($$$) French bistro Cochon in South Philly adds a needed change from all of the Italian eateries in the area. Cochon means “pig” in French. In keeping with that theme, Cochon’s menu features traditional pork dishes, such as Braised Pork Belly, Pork, Rillettes, and Stew of Pigs Feet. Cochon also offers a variety of other dishes, including Seared Scallops, Roasted Chicken, Striped Bass, and more. Vegetarian dishes available upon request. Cash-only BYOB! Web: cochonbyob.com

La Creperie Café

1722 Sansom Street, 215-564-6460. ($) Serving the finest, authentic crepes in the heart of the French Quarter in Center City. Web: lacreperie.biz

La Dominique

33rd and Market Streets, . ($) Tasty crepes that are a work of art. (Please see review, Page 11)

La Terrasse

3432 Sansom Street, 215-386-5000. ($$$) Fine dining available in our terraces. Lunch entrees range from $8-$18, dinner entrees range from $16-$28. LT’s bar and café menu (entrees range from $6-$14). 6 days a week. Great happy hour and special drinks. Web: laterrasserestaurant.com

Lacroix at The Rittenhouse

210 W. Rittenhouse Square, 215-5469000. ($$$$) Lacroix Restaurant under Executive Chef Matthew Leuin has brought together modern, cutting-edge cooking while maintaining Lacroix’s reputation for excellence in contemporary dining. Web: lacroixrestaurant.com

Le Bar Lyonnais

1523 Walnut Street, 215-567-1000. ($$$) Located downstairs in Le Bec-Fin, this casually elegant subterranean room is welcoming, and the menu applies Le Bec’s almost 40 years of talent to French standards. Web: lebecfin.com/laBar.cfm

Le Bec-Fin

The Kimmel Center, 260 S. Broad Street, 215-670-2388. ($$$) Located on the second tier, Cadence offers a spectacular view under the glass roof of the Kimmel Center, as well as a large outdoor terrace overlooking the Avenue of the Arts. Web: kimmelcenter.org/planning/dining.php

1523 Walnut Street, 215-567-1000. ($$$$) Elegance and intimacy combine with unmatched cuisine to make Le BecFin one of the country’s most celebrated French restaurants. Menu changes seasonally. Classical guitar music Friday and Saturday nights. Valet parking available. Web: lebecfin.com

Caribou Cafe

Liberte Lounge

1126 Walnut Street, 215-625-9535. ($$) Step into the vibrant world of Paris. This 21-year-old landmark has brought Philadelphia and its visitors a taste of France in a relaxed atmosphere. The art deco bar, leather banquettes, warm orange walls, and antique mirrors make Caribou Café your destination for lunch, dinner and brunch. From Onion soup, Quiche and warm Frisee Salad to Cassoulet, Steak frites or Skate fish with capers, native Frenchman Chef Olivier serves delectable French food that follows the seasons. Web: cariboucafe.com

Chez Colette, Hotel Sofitel

120 S. 17th Street, 215-569-8300. ($$$) Chez Colette is a charming brasserie at

120 S 17th St, 215-569-8300. ($$$) Located in the Sofitel, this lounge has food that is as good its famous drinks! Web: libertelounge.com

Parc Restaurant

227 S. 18th Street, 215-545-2262. ($$$) Located in Rittenhouse Square, Stephen Starr has captured the essence of a Parisian bistro. Order a Kir Royale, absinthe drip, moules frites and a dessert cheese plate while sitting out on the expansive sidewalk and just see if you don’t start speaking French. Web: parc-restaurant. com

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

15 South 20th Street, 215-496-9033. ($) Fresh & delicious baked goods with coffee beverages prepared in an artisanal fashion. All baked goods are made on-site from scratch, using fresh & seasonal ingredients. Coffee is available via French press or brewed-to-order on our custombuilt brew bar, using freshly roasted local or regionally-roasted coffee. Web:

nookbarkeryand coffee.com (Please see our ad, Page 4)

spring dining guide

Houston Market, Lower Level, 3417 Spruce Street, 215-746-3424. ($) Everyone knows that mornings are not easy. Alleviate some of the morning rush by stopping by Einstein Bros. Bagels in the lower level of Houston Market. Pick up a hot cup of coffee and a hearty breakfast sandwich to start your day off right. Einstein Bros. Bagels also offers delectable salads, sandwiches and soups throughout the day. Web: einsteinbros.com

Pari Cafe Creperie

Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce Street, 215-


spring dining guide

222-6500. ($) Pari Cafe Creperie offers Parisian style crepes cooked much the way they were from their inception and offers a fresh, healthy and delicious alternative to the fast food dilemma. The crepe batter is made fresh daily and each crepe is filled with the finest ingredients, fresh fruits and vegetables. All crepes are made to order and flavored to your taste.


253 S. 20th Street, 215-545-5655. ($$) Rittenhouse residents pack inside Snackbar’s snug dining room just off the Square, crowding the small L-shaped bar and sleek black tables to peruse an extensive wine list and the eclectic menu of snacks, sides, and small and large plates. Web: snackbarltd.com


701 S. 4th Street, 215-238-1888. ($$$) This casual, eclectic bistro has become an indispensable neighborhood restaurant. Queen Village diners gather in the lively front bar, with its inexpensive wine list, classic cocktail and surprising appetizer options. Web: southwarkrestaurant.com

The Abbaye

637 N. 3rd Street, 215-627-6711. ($$) This Belgian-style bistro has plenty of beers on tap and the menu is filled with delicious Belgian specialties, such as the vegan shepherd pie and the pulled pork sandwich. The open and spacious dining room makes it a great place for groups!


129 S. 13th Street, 215-922-3095. ($$) Vintage has great ambiance, good food and a vast selection of wine and beer. Order food too while you’re there; French bistro fare is the specialty. Web: vintagephiladelphia.com


246 S. 11th Street, 215-351-9901. ($$$) Owned by French chef Olivier Desaintmartin of Caribou Cafe. Stop in for a quick bite- many small dishes available- or a full French meal. The bar serves many French specialty drinks. A fairly small restaurant- 40 seats including the bar- located in Midtown Village (near Jefferson). Web: zincbarphilly.com

baked in-house and the best Turkish coffee in Philadelphia. Web: balkanexpressrestaurant.com


110 S. 13th Street, 215-546-9300. ($$) Rustic Mediterranean restaurant Barbuzzo takes inspiration from Portugal, Spain, France and Italy, putting out fare like pig “popcorn” — a crisp, crackly interpretation of chicharrones; tender grilled octopus with potato, assorted preparations of pickled and preserved vegetables, housemade pastas and Neopolitan-style pizzas, cooked in an authentic wood-burning oven. Web: barbuzzo.com/barbuzzo


947 Federal Street, 215-755-1121. ($) Bitar’s serves some of the greatest Mediterranean food in Philadelphia at one of the lowest prices. They are very well known for their take-out sandwiches. A small Mediterranean market is also attached to the restaurant. Web: bitars.com


116 S. 18th Street, 215-568-3050. ($$) Restaurant/Bar in center city with modern and fun atmosphere. Hookah available. Web: byblosphilly.com

Cafe Lift

428 N. 13th Street, 215-922-3031. ($) Eclectic food served in a casual atmosphere. Great for Sunday brunch. Try their famous Cannoli French Toast! Web: cafelift.com


Between 35th/36th Streets and Spruce Street, Across from the Quad, . ($) This food truck serves a variety of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food, including gyros, falafel and various platters.


2227 Pine Street, 215-985-3680. ($$) Olive oil and red-wine vinegar touch every fresh piece of seafood that goes on the grill. Lightly whipped, garlicky, hummus puts most others to shame. (Ask for extra grilled pita wedges.) Meaty bits of octopus swim alongside green olives in a simple sauce of olive oil and lemon juice. Expect a pleasant meal along with great service.


34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011


276 S. 20th Street, 215-731-1222. ($$) A Mediterranean BYOB, Audrey Claire gives you the grand tour with flatbreads, Israeli couscous, grilled fish specials, lamb, seafood, hummus, and the olive oils and dry spices of the land. Web: audreyclaire.com

Aya’s Cafe Mediterranean Cuisine

2129 Arch Street, 215-567-1555. ($$) This BYOB is open for lunch weekdays and dinners nightly. An unpretentious and relaxing atmosphere that is perfect for a casual and delicious dining experience. Web: ayascafe.net

Balkan Express Restaurant

2237 Grays Ferry Avenue, 215-545-1255. ($$) Eastern European cuisine inspired by the countries on the historic Orient Express route: Paris to Istanbul. Balkan Express Restaurant serves authentic, multiethnic food cooked with fresh and natural ingredients. Romanian Sarma, Hungarian goulash, Serbian bean soup, 32 Bulgarian salad. End dinner with desserts

1127 Pine Street, 215-592-8333. ($$) In a small open kitchen, whole fish and slices of pita share a grill. Service is genuine, friendly and fast. Earthy souvlaki comes on lightly grilled pita bread or stuck alongside peppers and onions on skewers. Order a side of minty rice-stuffed grape leaves or flaky and tangy spanakopita--and don’t miss Effie’s home-style fries. For dessert, couple cardamom-infused Greek coffee with honey-drenched baklava. Web: effiesrestaurant.com


1405 Locust Street, 215-735-7700. ($$$) Fish rule at this Greek restaurant. This stone-and-wood-laden eatery excels at simply grilling whole fish over charcoal, and offers uncommon Mediterranean varieties, like a lethrini from the snapper family and royal dorado. The fried potato side dish and lemony Greek salad have created Estia devotees for life. Web: estiarestaurant.com


2501 Meredith Street, 215-978-8440. ($$) The flavors are Moroccan influenced, the menu is Mediterranean mix and the atmosphere is both intimate and energetic. Figs welcomes both large and small groups and is available for private parties.

Web: figsrestaurant.com


440 S. Broad Street, 215-732-2728. ($$$) Girasole offers the charm of old world cuisine and the warmth of the Mediterranean sun in a setting of modern ambiance. Surround yourself in the aroma of homemade pasta dishes, fresh seafood and artisan cheeses. Web: girasolephilly.com

Greek Lady Restaurant

222 S. 40th Street, 215-382-2600. ($) Great fresh food with an enhanced menu that includes traditional Greek cuisine. Expanded location means more room for you and your friends.

Hanan House of Pita

38th and Walnut Street, 267-226-5692. ($) Hanan House of Pita serves a delicious array of food including a variety of vegetarian options. The menu includes falafel, kafta, gyros, salads and platters.

Istanbul Fish Grill Restaurant

South Street Souvlaki

509 South Street, 215-925-3026. ($) The oldest and most authentic Greek restaurant in Philadelphia, serving seafood, lamb dishes and vegetarian food. The titular souvlaki sliced into sandwiches or on a platter is a favorite choice.

Village Belle

757 S Front St, 215-551-2200. ($$$) Great for a date, with friends or just a quick meal on your own, Village Belle is full of unexpected flavors and surprising people. Web: thevillagebelle.com


4382 Main Street, 1-800-816-3463. ($$) Serving homemade Greek and Roman specialties such as Spaghetti alla Putanesca and Moussaka. Homemade soups and desserts. Fresh fish from Greece and Portugal every day. Contemporary ambiance including fireplace, granite tabletops and espresso bar. Live music. Full bar. Web: cafezesty.com/home_page.html

228 Vine Street, 215-592-1212. ($$) This Turkish restaurant has been bringing the taste of Anatolia’s fresh and healthy cuisine since 2004. Menu specials include meat kebabs, gyros, and fresh fish. They also serve brunch and offer over 75 flavors of hookah. Web: 1stanbulgrill.com

Zorba’s Taverna



1001 Spruce Street, 215-922-1773. ($$) “What I serve at home is what I’ll serve at the restaurant,” says Konstantinos Pitsillides. At his Kanella (Greek for cinnamon), the menu is based around simplicity — the chef works with organic free-range meats, from quail and rabbit to baby lamb and goat; he also offers locally sourced fish daily. Traditional dishes from Cyprus include seftalia, homemade sausages, grilleg quail, whole fish in grape leaves, rabbit stews, homemade icecreams, and cyprus coffee. Web: kanellarestaurant.com

Mediterranean Café & Ice Cream

3409 Walnut Street, 215-387-8837. ($) Conveniently located in the Food Court, Mediterranean Café offers a variety of Greek salads, gyros, kabob sandwiches, falafels and desserts. Frozen yogurt and ice cream also available.


3505 Lancaster Avenue, 215-222-4410. ($) On the edge of Drexel’s campus, this Greek bar and grill offers all the charm of a BYOB., with a fireplace, tiny windowside tables, and laid-back service. Don’t look for fancy fusion ere, just authentic, homestyle Greek dishes ranging from hefty to light. Affordable with late-night menus and live entertainment on the weekends.

Novita Bistro

1608 South Street, 215-545-4665. ($$) From the tiny open kitchen comes a Mediterranean menu heavy on wellexecuted Italian fare — calamari tossed in a balsamic and cherry pepper reduction; house-made porcini ravioli covered in a silky cream sauce. But it’s Morocco native chef Hassan Zanzoul’s tagines (Moroccan stew) that rule any meal here. Web: novitabistro.com

Sawan’s Mediterranean Bistro

116 S.18th Street, 215-568-3050. ($$) Near Rittenhouse Square, the Sawan family presents the unique tastes of the countries of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean tradition of healthy cuisine abounds with selections of pasta and seafood specialties of the region, including kebabs, gyros, and pizza, plus salads, burgers and regional desserts.

2230 Fairmount Avenue, 215-978-5990. ($$) BYOB. Great food and atmosphere of a Greek neighborhood tavern. Web: zorbastavern.com

Ashoka Palace

38 S. 19th Street, 215-564-6466. ($) Ashoka Palace brings budget-priced Indian fare to an area of the city painfully devoid of South Asian spice. It isn’t exactly fancykins inside, but it doesn’t need to be — the delicious traditional dishes is all you need.


105 S. 13th Street, 215-922-6061. ($$$) Located in Midtown Village, Bindi shares several characteristics with its across-thestreet sister restaurant, Lolita. While Lolita is Mexican and Bindi is Modern Indian, the themes of originality, freshness and great food are common to both. Dishes such as Chana Masala Chicken and Pork Loin Vindaloo are dressed up with a special touch from Chef Marcie Turney. Web: bindibyob.com

of Tandoor takes pride in serving a variety of Indian cuisine. Always fresh, the dishes are a savory delight. A delicately spiced Indian curry will tease your taste buds. Web: kingoftandoor.com

Lovash Indian Cuisine

236 South Street, 215-925-3881. ($$) Authentic Indian cuisine - home away from home. Web: lovashindiancuisine.com

Minar Palace

1304 Walnut Street, 215-546-9443. ($) Recently closed for several years, Minar Palace returns to Philly in a new location. A full range of Indian dishes are available, including vegetarian, chicken, lamb, goat, and shrimp options. Most dishes are under $10, with a different $7 special every Monday through Thursday. Web: minarphilly.com

New Delhi Indian Restaurant

4004 Chestnut Street, 215-386-1941. ($$) Very good Indian food on the edge of campus. New Delhi offers the best Indian food in the city. Daily lunch and dinner buffet. Also offers authentic Indian beers, along with an exceptional selection of other beers, wines and cocktails. Web: newdelhiweb.com (Please see our ad, Page 39)

Palace at the Ben

834 Chestnut Street, 267-232-5600. ($$) This elegant Indian restaurant is the epitome of fine dining. The menu offers diverse, authentic Indian options and presentation adds to the experience. Web: thepalaceattheben.com


112 N. 9th Street, 215-829-8939. ($$) Rangoon is in Chinatown, but the distinctive cuisine of Burma shares as much with neighboring India as with China, and its most characteristic element is curry. Noodle dishes, especially creamy coconut noodle soup, are also hallmarks. Web: phillychinatown.com/rangoon.htm

Sitar India Restaurant

60 S. 38th Street, (Between Chestnut Street and Market Street), 215-662-0818. ($) Open seven days a week. North and South Indian food. Courteous service. Now serving beer. (Please see our ad, Page 4)

Bombay Express

122 S. 12th St, 215-922-0414. ($) Indian and Mediterranean fast food. Be sure to try the Kathi rolls and falafel. 10% discount with a student ID.

Desi Chaat House

501 S. 42nd Street, 215-386-1999. ($) Chaat is a Hindi word meaning “to taste” and is generally quite diverse. Desi Chaat House offers Specialty Chaats such as Gujarat Chaat (spicy noodles seasoned in peanuts, red chili, salt and curry leaves), Mumbai Chaat (a crunchy blend of rice, lentils, and nuts), and many more. Chaat here adopts to modern trends and healthy eating. Web: desichaathouse.com

Do you actually read this part of the Dining Guide?

Karma Restaurant & Bar

114 Chestnut Street, 215-925-1444. ($$) An upscale but casual restaurant, Karma features dishes with a blend of traditional, classic, and nouvelle styles from throughout the various regions of India. Owned and operated by a Penn alum. Web: theKarmarestaurant.com

King of Tandoor Fine Indian Restaurant

1824 Callowhill Street, 215-568-0750. ($$) Located near the Art Museum, King


106 S. 40th Street, 215-222-7122. ($) Exotic North and South Indian cuisine. Vegetarian and non-vegetarian specialties. Right on the edge of campus. Features an all-you-can-eat buffet with 30 items — including salad bar — available for lunch and dinner. Web: tandoorindiarestaurant. com (Please see our ad, Page 25)


710 W. Girard Avenue, 215-925-0770. ($) This is a city hungry for Indian food— and for well-priced every-night dining. Thankfully, the pressures of a daily lunch and dinner crowd haven’t distracted from Tiffin’s complex dishes, served without fuss in portions guaranteed to produce leftovers. Web: tiffin.com

ITALIAN Allegro Pizza

3942 Spruce Street, 215-382-8158. ($) Pizza, sandwiches, beer, burgers, buffalo wings, pasta, subs, ice cream, shakes. 24 hour ATM on location. Free delivery. Open late on weekends. Cold beer for eat-in or take-out. Web: allegropizza.com

Apollo Restaurant & Bar

615 Chestnut Street, (Corner of 7th Street and Chestnut Street), 215-928-0900. ($$) Authentic homemade Italian including Chef’s house specialties. Award-winning pizza and strombolis, delicious salads, sandwiches, homemade desserts and much more! Full bar and 10 Plasma TVs. Great prices and drink specials.


1247 S. 13th Street, 215-468-5926. ($$) Right at home in the Italian Market, this hip BYOB puts a modern twist on Italian. Food is lighter than traditionally found and well done. Rated extraordinary by Zagat. Web: augustbyob.com


518 S. 3rd Street, 215-922-3282. ($$) Ava, named after the chef’s daughter, is a popular off-South Street destination. This BYOB serves a upscale menu with the freshest ingredients in a classy atmosphere, but without the expected high prices to match. Homemade gelato and pasta. Web: avarestaurant.com 260 S. Broad Street, 215-790-0705. () International fusion meets modern Italian as one of Pittsburgh’s most loved restaurants come to Philadelphia. Philadelphia Magazine recently chose this as one of the best new places to eat.

Bistro La Baia

1700 Lombard Street, 215-546-0496. ($$) Casual dining with seating indoors and outdoors. Reasonably priced, making it one of Penn’s favorite Italian BYOB restaurants. Homemade pastas and homemade desserts. Web: bistrolabaia.com

Bistro Romano Restaurant & Dinner Theater

120 Lombard Street, 215-925-8880. ($$) Nestled in a historic, 18th century granary, Bistro Romano possesses an ambiance of candlelight and casual elegance while creating an unforgettable dining experience. They received Philadelphia Magazine’s “Best of Philly” award, and the wine cellar was named “Most Romantic Table” by FOX TV. Zagat Survey says “Great Tableside Caesar.” Philadelphia’s Original Mystery Dinner Theater Friday and Saturday evenings. Web: bistroromano.com


236 Market Street, 215-625-6610. ($$) There are many Italian restaurants in Philadelphia, but none quite like the recently renovated Bocca, previously known as Amici Noi. This cozy little place has an extensive menu with many pleasing choices. The food tastes authentic and it is a great place to have dinner with friends. Web: bocca236.com

Bomb Bomb Barbeque Grill & Italian Restaurant

1026 Wolf Street, 215-463-1311. ($$) This small, comfortable South Philly restaurant turns out both succulent grilled baby back ribs and plentiful pastas. Everything pairs well with a carafe of the house red. For dessert, the icebox cake is a favorite. Web: bombbomb-restaurant.com

Caffe Valentino

220 S. 16th Street, 215-545-1191. ($$) Come experience a slice of Italy. Enjoy dining in a warmly lit dining area surrounded by beautifully hand painted Italian murals

Criniti Ristorante Italiano

2611 S. Broad Street, 215-465-7750. ($$) With its large dining room and convenient location, Criniti’s has been a big favorite for people going to see sports events and concerts. The brick-oven specialties are to die for as are all of the entrees on Criniti’s ever-growing menu. Web: crinitirestaurant.com

Cucina Forte

768 S. 8th Street, 215-238-0778. ($$$) Cucina Forte is known for its delicious ricotta gnocchi. Delicious menu fares include home-made bread, white wine sauce clams, linguine with calamari, gnocchi, and chicken. This is the real deal in Italian culture and cuisine.

D’Angelo’s Ristorante Italiano and Lounge

256 S. 20th Street, 215-546-3935. ($$$) This elegant spot seems to cover almost every aspect of Italian cuisine, including Sicilian. Features good veal, fish, steak and pasta entrees. Open for lunch daily, with dining ‘til midnight. Closed Sunday. Web: dangeloristorante.com

Da Vinci Ristorante

1533 South 11th Street Philadelphia, 215-336-3636. ($$) This rustic BYO Ital-

Dante and Luigi’s Corona di Ferro

762 S. 10th Street, 215-922-9501. ($$) The oldest Italian restaurant in the United States — Dante and Luigi’s continues its 110-year tradition with classic Italian specialties, fresh seafood and wonderful nightly specials in their warm, charming “Old World” atmosphere. Web: danteandluigis.com

Davio’s Northern Italian Steakhouse 111 S. 17th Street, 215-563-4810. ($$$) Stylish, upscale Northern Italian steakhouse located in historic Provident Bank Building. Everything made by hand from the best ingredients. Serves everything from aged steaks to simple-yet-unique pasta creations. Advance notice required for kosher dining. Web: davios.com

DiBruno Bros.

1730 Chestnut Street, 215-665-9220. ($$) At Philly’s favorite, Italian Marketborn cheese shop, a circular path winds past cave-stored imported cheeses, sliced-to-order smoked salmon, hundreds of Italian sodas, and a stunning olive bar. Samples abound, as does the help, who’ll gently sell the house-made cheese spread and send you on your way--right after you sip a delicate cappuccino at the gleaming espresso bar. Web: dibruno.com


241 Chestnut Street, 215-238-9983. ($$$) An upscale Italian restaurant with an extensive menu of fresh seafood, chicken, filet mignon, lamb chops, and lots of pasta. Web: dolcerestaurant.com

1929 Chestnut Street, 215-567-8892. ($) Family-oriented restaurant serving a wide variety of pizzas, tomato pies, strombolis, calzones, burgers, wraps, sandwiches, salads and more. Web: dolce-carini.com

Ernesto’s 1521 Café

1521 Spruce Street, 215-546-1521. ($$) A family affair since its inception, Ernesto’s serves delicious, unique Tuscan-style food. The menu features such dishes as osso buco, seafood cioppino, orecchiette with broccoli rabe and sausage, fettuccine bolognese and ravioli di zucca just to name a few. Patrons may enjoy selections from Ernesto’s all-Italian wine list or bring their own for a $5 per bottle corkage fee. Bottled beer and basic cocktails are available from the service bar. Web: ernestos1521.com

Evan’s Pizza

4311 Locust St, 215-386-8881. ($) Mix of Italian and Greek foods. Web: evanspizza. com

Evan’s Varsity Pizza

4311 Locust Street, 215-386-8881. ($) It’s a great place to have a pizza or steak, grab a beer, and relax with friends. A nice mix of Italian and Greek food. Web: evanspizza.com

Famous Famiglia

3401 Walnut Street, 215-222-7200. ($) Located inside the Moravian Cafés Food Court is New York’s award-winning pizza. Also calzones, salads, heroes & pasta dishes. Web: famousfamiglia.com

Francoluigi’s Pizzeria and High Note Cafe 1549 S. 13th Street, (13th Street and Tasker Street), 215-755-8900. ($$) Great Italian cuisine. Lots of fresh veal, chicken, seafood, homemade pastas and personal gourmet pizza. Singing servers most of

Buca di Beppo

Bella Trattoria

Bellini Grill

214 South Street, 215-592-9777. ($$) Authentic Roman Trattoria featuring many of Rome’s signature dishes in a casually elegant ambiance. Restaurant also includes a full service bar and delicately structured wine list that can compliment any meal. Fresh pasta and bread made on premises. Cozy, classy and casual. Bringing a taste of old Rome to Old City. Web: corederoma.us (Please see our ad, Page 27) (Please see review, Page 14)

Dolce Carini

261 S. 17th Street, 215-790-0103. ($$$) Elegant decor and great ambiance complete with chandeliers, tasseled draperies and linen tablecloths. Their thinly shaved fennel and radicchio salad is perfectly flavored. The pasta is cooked to perfection, and their fresh tubes of calamari are grilled to a tender chew. The desserts are authentic, and it’s a great place to try in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood. Web: branzinophilly.com

1725 Wolf Street, 215-389-6010. ($$) Serving the finest Italian food in Philadelphia. All ingredients fresh and dishes made to order. Web: barrelsfinefood.com 4258 Main Street, 215-482-5556. ($$) Specializing in gourmet southern Italian cuisine at reasonable prices. Also has a special bar menu and daily specials. Lunch and dinner served every day. Outdoor and indoor seating. Web: bellatrattoriapa.com

Core De Roma

ian eatery in South Philly is run by chef/ owner Francesco Parmisciano, a native of Salerno. The menu spans Italy “from north to south,” and emphasizes daily seafood specials (whole fish filleted table side, calamari, octopus) and cavatelli and risotto dishes as specialties. Web: davinciristorante.net

Branzino Restaurant

258 S. 15th Street, 215-545-2818. ($$) Southern Italian chain served family style. 1940s, 50s immigrant Italian supper club ambiance with the classic music of Lovi Prima, Mario Lanza, Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra. Definite celebration location with eight themed dining rooms such as the Pope’s table, wine room and velvet room. Named Best of Philly Group Dining, 2004. Web: bucadibeppo.com

Barrel’s Fine Food

late-night munchies craving at 1 am.

1245 S. 3rd Street, 215-336-3033. ($$) Bright Caffe Valentino, one of a trio of Italian restaurants from Cosimo Tricarico, has all the required classics of Northern Italy (pollo alla Milanese, linguine alla amatriciana) with a notable seafood focus. Think swordfish carpaccio and lemon-marinated shrimp skewers. Web: caffevalentino.com

California Pizza

3231 Powelton Avenue, 215-387-8700. ($) Good, greasy and cheap, California Pizza is great for college students with

Dine-In, Catering & Delivery Happy Hour: Mon-Fri 5-7 Lunch Special: Mon-Fri $8.95 Early Bird: Sun-Thur $10.95

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Avenue B

bringing you closer to the Italian culture. An ideal location to enjoy a wonderful dining experience before venturing out discover the sights downtown Philadelphia has to offer. BYOB. Web: bellinigrill.com

spring dining guide

Tandoor India Restaurant

PattayaRestaurant.com • 215.387.8533 4006 Chestnut Street • University City 33

spring dining guide

the time, but not to worry the owner is also known as Philly’s singing chef! Web: francoandluigis.com

Giá Pronto

3736 Spruce Street, 215-222-7713. ($) Retro modern Italian cafe with grilled paninis, made-to-order salad bar and full espresso coffee bar. At Giá Pronto, all foods are 100% natural and made with the highest quality ingredients. The go-to lunch spot for great food in a relaxed cafe setting. Web: giapronto.com

Gianna Jr’s

106 S. 20th Street, 215-568-1580. ($) The newest branch of the Gianna’s Grille family. Featuring a large variety of sandwiches, cheesesteaks, and Gianna’s famous vegetarian/vegan foods. Scrumptious cakes and pies have been featured on the Food Network! Web: giannasgrille. com

Gianna’s Grille

507 S. 6th Street, 215-829-4448. ($) Featuring a large variety of sandwiches, cheesesteaks, and Gianna’s famous vegetarian/vegan foods. Scrumptious cakes and pies have been featured on the Food Network! Web: giannasgrille.com

Giorgio on Pine

1328 Pine Street, 215-545-6265. ($$) Join Giorgio Giuliani, formerly of Monte Carlo Living Room and Primavera, at his rustic BYOB trattoria. Savor authentic Italian cuisine in a casual atmosphere that offers you a fine dining experience. Reservations are recommended. Web: giorgioonpine.com


613 E. Passyunk Avenue, 215-592-8300. ($$) Classic to modern Italian dishes, modest prices, homemade pasta — bread and tira misu, casual friendly place, beautiful mural of the Trevi Fountain. BYOB, cash only.

Hostaria da Elio

615 S. 3rd Street, 215-925-0930. ($$) An Italian chef comes to bring us festive delights from Roma, where he enjoyed his wonderful honeymoon. Did he learn any cooking secrets? Find out yourself. Homemade pasta daily- plus great specials.

Il Cantuccio

701 N. 3rd Street, 215-627-6573. ($$) Small, casual Italian atmosphere, also BYOB, no credit cards. Non-smoking. Every entrée is made to order. Everything

is always fresh, never frozen. Homemade pasta and dessert made daily.

pappardelle with l’oca (that’s duck) ragu. Web: locabistro.com

(Please see review, Page 21)

Il Portico

La Famiglia

305 South Street, 215-627-4110. ($) One of the city’s favorite late night pizza parlors. Web: lorenzoandsons.com

1519 Walnut Street, 215-587-7000. ($$$) Il Portico features authentic Italian cuisine from Tuscany, in an elegant dining atmosphere. Select from an exceptional menu featuring wild game dishes, seafood, veal, homemade pasta, breads and desserts. There is also an extensive wine list featuring many Tuscany wines. Open for dinner seven nights, lunch Monday through Friday. Web: il-portico.com

8 S. Front Street, (Between Market Street and Chestnut Street), 215-922-2803. ($$$$) Northern and southern Italian cuisine. Specialties include homemade pastas — prepared daily — plus veal and fresh fish. Jackets requested. Dine in Italy tonight. Passports not required. Prix Fixe menu of $26 for lunch, consists of appetizer, entree, dessert, and coffee or tea. Web: lafamiglia.com

Il Tartufo

La Fontana Della Citta

4341 Main Street, 215-482-1999. ($$) Casual atmosphere — homemade Italian food (Roman-Jewish). Now serves alcohol. Best in the Philly area- guaranteed! Web: iltartuforestaurant.com


2321 Fairmount Avenue, 215-765-0202. ($$$) Illuminare is a premier restaurant that serves pizzas, filets, and fish in cozy booths and banquettes next to warmed soft lighting, a fireplace, and an open kitchen with a gas-fired brick oven. Web: illuminare2321.com

Isabella Pizza

1824 E Passyunk Ave, 215-551-1212. ($) Whether you want to run in to grab a slice, or order home some ‘zza with milkshakes, this is the place to call. Web: is-a-bellapizza.com

Italian Bistro of Center City

211 S. Broad Street, 215-731-0700. ($$) Casual Italian cuisine with an extensive menu featuring fresh pasta, chicken, veal, seafood and more. Full bar with a happy hour in an all-festive Bistro atmosphere. Web: italianbistro.com

Joe Pesce

1113 Walnut Street, 215-829-4400. ($$$) New Age Italian Cuisine. “We mix meat and fish in light delicate sauces. A whole new world of Italian cooking. Generous portions of Italian-American dishes, downto-earth service and not-to-be-missed desserts. Good spot for a business lunch or pre-theater dining.” Web: joepescerestaurant.com

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Kristian’s Ristorante


1200 S. 11th Street, 215-468-0104. ($$$) Kristian Leuzzi is the chef for this handsome family-run establishment. The manageable menu offers serious Italian specialties like osso buco and game hen. Rack of lamb is a true indulgence, its buttery chops tipping a bed of cherry-laced risotto. Another good bet is simply prepared chicken breast with artichokes and tomatoes. Web: kristiansrestaurant.com

L’Angolo Ristorante

1415 W. Porter Street, 215-389-4252. ($$) The seduction begins just inside the front door, when you spy the glorious assortment of room-temperature cooked vegetables that includes zucchini, bell pepper, eggplant, carrots, potatoes, onions and beets, plus chickpeas and frittata. Order antipasto misto as an appetizer, and you’ll get some of everything, a platter large enough to share. Web: langolorestaurant.com


2025 Fairmount Avenue, 215-769-0316. ($$) The décor at this Fairmount BYOB is modern, but the portions feel more oldstyle South Philly. Expect leftovers when you order the delicious but rich gnochetti – eight to an appetizer order! – before digging into plates of house made pasta like

1701 Spruce Street, 215-875-9990. ($$) Located moments away from Rittenhouse Square, owner and classically trained Chef Bujar Daku creates superb Italian specialties all prepared to order with the very finest ingredients. The restaurant features home-made pasta dishes and innovative daily specials for lunch and dinner. Private rooms are available for up to 120 people. Web: lafontanadellacitta.com (Please see our ad, Page 28)

La Fourno Trattoria

636 South Street, 215-627-9000. ($$) Casual dining atmosphere. Gourmet pizza and pasta, chicken, seafood, and veal, made with only the freshest ingredients purchased daily from the Italian Market. Cater to most dietary restrictions. We now offer free wireless internet access to all dine-in customers. Full Bar. Awarded one of Philly’s best Italian restaurants 2005 & 2006. Web: lafourno.com

La Locanda Del Ghiottone

130 N. 3rd Street, 215-829-1465. ($$) A local favorite in Old City, La Locanda radiates a cozy, romantic atmosphere that brings diners back. With tasty appetizers and satisfying entrees that include a variety of pasta dishes and heavier meat dishes, this restaurant delivers a memorable experience.

La Stanza

2001 Oregon Avenue, 215-271-0801. ($$) This Italian restaurant is slightly pricey for South Philly especially the mixed drinks. However, salads are a la carte. Service could be improved.

La Viola

253 S. 16th Street, 215-735-8630. ($$) The attentive waiters at this petit, sophisticated La Viola double check to make sure you are enjoying your porcini ensalata or grilled calamari with seafood-infused dipping sauce or savory osso buco.

LaScala’s Old World Italian

615 Chestnut Street, 215-928-0900. ($$) Serves up reasonably priced traditional Italian favorites for lunch and dinner 7 days a week. Full drink menu also available. Web: lascalasphilly.com

Le Castagne

1920 Chestnut Street, 215-751-9913. ($$$) Serves fantastic “new Italian” cuisine. Northern Italian cuisine set in a contemporary atmosphere. Web: lecastagne.com (Please see review, Page 9)

Le Virtu

1927 East Passyunk Avenue, 215-2715626. ($$$) This restaurant, complete with a full bar, is committed to being completely authentic Abruzzi Italian. Expect homemade pastas with sauces such as lamb ragu, braised duck, or asparagus, zucchini and cream. The bar is open until 2AM, and offers specialty Italian cocktails. Web: levirtu.com

Lorenzo and Son Pizza

Maggiano’s Little Italy

1201 Filbert Street, 215-567-2020. ($$) This 1940’s New York Little Italy style restaurant specializes in southern Italian cuisine. Served family style, the feast-like atmosphere is perfect for large, casual gatherings. Private party rooms and delivery available. Web: maggianos.com

Mama Palma’s Gourmet Pizza

2229 Spruce Street, 215-735-7357. ($$) One-of-a-kind pizza, handmade with the finest ingredients available in the market today. Their wood-fired brick oven is imported straight from Europe and can achieve a combination of roasting, baking and smoking sealing in the flavor to create the many wonderful tastes of Mama Palma’s one-of-a-kind pizza. Feel free to bring wine or choose from the beer selection. Only cash or check is accepted. ATM on premises. (Please see our ad, Page 24)

MaMa Yolanda’s

746 S. 8th Street, 215-592-0195. ($$) Recipes from northern Italy, including homemade pastas, veal, chicken and seafood. With a rich family history, MaMa Yolanda’s is a charming Italian restaurant located in the heart of South Philadelphia.

Mamma Maria

1637 E. Passyunk Avenue, 215-463-6884. ($$$$) A charming Italian staple in South Philadelphia, Mamma Maria selects the freshest ingredients from the Italian Market everyday to create a daily menu. Best known for their hand-rolled gnocchi and homemade Limoncello, Mamma Maria offers fixed priced lunch and dinner menus that include complimentary wine throughout the meal. Web: mammamaria.info


1734 E. Passyunk Avenue, 215-463-9249. ($$) “Inexpensive and good” Italian family favorite in South Philly with excellent pizza. Marra’s atmosphere is tough to beat: above cozy red-vinyl booths hang paintings, photos and wooden cutout letters that spell out the name of this 72-year old establishment.


2012 Sansom Street, 215-875-8116. ($$) Sitting just blocks from Rittenhouse Square, Melograno is a convivial trattoria and BYO where guests can enjoy authentic Italian fair, artfully prepared by Roman-born Chef Gianluca Demontis. Dine on appetizers like homemade ravioli stuffed with potato and pecorino with fried sage. Entrees include fig-and-walnutstuffed quail, bouillabaisse like shellfish stew and ruby-red herby lamb chops. Web: melogranorestaurant.com


1216 Spruce Street, 215-985-2962. ($$$) Mercato, a BYOB focusing on Italian inspired food, harmoniously blends Italian and American cuisines in a relaxed, inviting, neighborhood atmosphere. This simple yet chic restaurant is located in the heart of the Theater District, only a block away from the Avenue of the Arts. Executive Chef, Mackenzie Hilton, masterfully blends seasonal, local ingredients to create sumptuous entrees exuding in seasonal freshness and flavor. Web: mercatobyob.com (Please see review, Page 3)

161 W. Girard Avenue, 215-203-8707. ($$) This delicious Italian gem is worth the trip to Northern Liberties. The portion sizes are “just right” and “the variety of flavors quite memorable.” The fixed price Turista menu allows you to sample an appetizer, a pasta, a meat dish and a dessert for a great price. Cash only and BYO. Web: modomiorestaurant.com (Please see review, Page 21 )

Mr. Martino’s Trattoria

1646 E. Passyunk Avenue, 215-755-0663. ($$) A small Italian BYO with big taste. Appetizers like baked ricotta and broccoli rabe “done right” are the perfect lead-in to entrees. Fresh pasta comes just slightly al dente, the way pasta should be. Portions are large and come at reasonable prices.

Nina’s Trattoria

910 South 9th Street, 215-574-9995. ($$) BYOB serving classic regional specialties in a Nuova Cuicina style as prepared daily by leading contemporary Master Chefs in Italy’s most celebrated restaurants. Web: ninas-trattoria.com


640 N. Broad Street, 215-763-0920. ($$$) Osteria, which means inn or tavern in Italian, is more homey and casual than its Vetri counterpart. The lightly charred Lombarda pizza, a tangle of tender candele noodles, a massive, meaty rib eye for two, polenta budino, plus a quartino of food-friendly vino, makes casual, convivial Osteria one of the best restaurants in Philadelphia. Web: osteriaphilly.com

Paolo’s Pizzeria

1336 Pine Street, 215-545-2482. ($) Modern eat-in/take-out restaurant and delivery. Sits 50 people with a wide selection! Thin crust pizza; beer available- imported and domestic. Walking distance from the Kimmel Center. Web: paolopizza.com


1627-29 E. Passyunk Ave., 215-2712066. ($$$) Not your stereotypical South Philly red gravy house, Chef Rinaldi prefers to cook dishes such as venison sausage with cannellini beans, fresh tagliatelle with duck ragout, and grilled tuna with shaved fennel and blood oranges. Live jazz on weekends and more than 60 wines, many by the glass, add to the pleasure. Web: paradisophilly.com 3611 Walnut Street, 215-823-6222. ($$$) Located in the four diamond Hilton Inn at Penn, Penne is a modern Italian restaurant featuring contemporary Italian cuisine with handmade pastas and other regional Italian specialties. Experience our Wine Bar’s extensive selection of wines by the glass or flight, complimented by a creative bar menu and a full selection of beers and spirits. Web: theinnatpenn.com/ penne.html (Please see our ad, Page 17)


1915 S. Broad Street, 215-336-8380. ($$) A trip to this BYOB is like a trip to your Italian Aunt’s kitchen. Food is simple but well done. Be sure to check out the never-ending list of daily specials. Web: ristorantepesto.com

Philip’s Italian Restaurant

1145 S. Broad Street, 215-334-0882. ($$) A very European restaurant filled with art and antiques. Family run and in business 61 years. We are about eight blocks south of the Academy of Music.

121 South St., 215-733-0675. ($$) Also located at 121 South Street. Upscale pizza and pasta eatery. Great place to take a date. You can email them at info@ pietropizza.com Web: pietrospizza.com

Pizza Rustica Restaurant and Bar

3602 Chestnut Street, 215-895-3490. ($) Penn’s premier pizza establishment with taste, style, and class. Wood burning oven. Gourmet and traditional pizzas. Panini, pasta, fine Italian desserts and coffees, well-stocked bar. Upscale but casual. Very European. Web: pizzarusticaonline.com

Pizzeria Stella

420 S. 2nd Street, 215-320-8000. ($$) Stephen Starr’s new pizzeria is less flashy than some of this other restaurants, but this low-maintenance atmosphere belies a serious approach to pizza craftsmanship. There are no duds on this pizza menu, and the vongle pistachio and note-perfect marinara are exceptionally good. Web: pizzeriastella.net

Popi’s Italian Restaurant

3120 S. 20th Street, 215-755-7180. ($$) Traditional Italian cuisine, homemade pasta and sausage. A full bar offering wine (by the glass or bottle). Free Parking. Near the Wachovia Center and The Spectrum. Web: popisrestaurant.com


2048 Sansom Street, 215-751-1175. ($$) Fresh, handmade pastas. Daily seafood specials. Chicken and veal, the finest quality available. Web: porcinirestaurant. com

Portofino Restaurant

1227 Walnut Street, 215-923-8208. ($$) A fine Italian restaurant located near the theater district. Feel right at home as you enter a warm and casual environment. We feature many classic Italian dishes, including both central and northern cuisine, freshly prepared by two chefs from Italy. Experience dining at the cost of cooking at home. Web: portofino1227walnut.com


Student Housing on Penn Campus


Positano Coast

212 Walnut Street, 2nd Floor, 215-2380499. ($$) Large terrace gives the feel of al fresco dining. Modern Italian cuisine via small plates designed for sharing, includes fresh fish and seafood, not to miss “crudo” and creative variations of traditional Italian dishes and meats. Web: positanocoast.net

Powelton Pizza

3651 Lancaster Avenue, 215-387-1213. ($) Founded by a couple of Drexel grads, Powelton features pizza, strombolis, steaks, hoagies, chicken fare, wings, salads, calzones and more. Great for those all-nighters. Open 11am-11pm! Delivery. Web: poweltonpizza.com

Radicchio Cafe


402 Wood Street, 215-627-6850. ($$) Delicious entrees in a wonderful Olde City atmosphere. Web: radicchio-cafe.com

Ralph’s Italian Restaurant

760 S. 9th Street, 215-627-6011. ($$) A neighborhood favorite, Ralph’s has served traditional Italian food since the early 1900s. With a menu filled delicious pasta dishes, veal choices, and a selection of seafood, this restaurant is one diners keep returning to for “the real deal.” Web: ralphsrestaurant.com

Rembrandt’s Restaurant and Pub

741 N. 23rd Street , (23rd Street and Aspen Street), 215-763-2228. ($$) An

Hours 9-4, Monday - Saturday

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Penne Restaurant and Wine Bar

Pietro’s Coal Oven Pizzeria

spring dining guide

Modo Mio


spring dining guide

Italian/American menu with... homemade desserts, brick oven pizza and a cozy atmosphere with a skyline view of the city. “Best of Philly” winner. Romantic dining. Also serving a great tavern menu all day long. Live jazz entertainment on Thursdays. Classical piano and viola for Sunday brunch. Tarot cards read by John, Monday and Tuesday evenings. Happy Hour specials weekdays. Banquet facilities, elevator, handicap accessible, accept all major credit cards. Web: rembrandts.com

45 N. 12th Street, Reading Terminal Market, 215-592-8150. ($) A full array of international cheeses, Italian deli & groceries, and hoagies, salads and specialty sandwiches.


2500 S. Broad Street, 215-468-3900. ($$) Voted Best BYOB in South Philly, Scannicchio’s serves up large portions, including a 12-ounce filet topped with jumbo lump crabmeat. “You don’t leave hungry when you leave Scannicchio’s,” says co-owner Michael Gibson Web: scannicchio.com

Ristorante La Veranda


complimented by dimly lit dining rooms and a wood-burning brick oven. Specialties include artichokes cooked in olive oil and garlic in an earthenware pan, as well as an extensive menu including veal, chicken, seafood and pasta. Open for dinner Monday-Saturday. Rooms available for private parties.

Trattoria Alla Costiera

769 E. Passyunk Avenue, 267-861-4640. ($$) Check out this new Italian BYO right in the heart of South Philly. Come for a romantic evening or carry out and enjoy the delicious food at home, they surely won’t disappoint.

Trattoria Prima Donna

30 N. Columbus Boulevard, Pier 3, Penn’s Landing, 215-351-1898. ($$$) Fine Italian dining in a romantic atmosphere. Located on the Delaware River. Outside dining available weather permitting. Web: laverandapier3.com

218 Market Street, 215-625-3955. ($) Authentic brick-oven pizzeria located in the heart of Old City, Philadelphia. Additional menu items include cheesesteaks, sandwiches, salads, finger foods, domestic/ imported beers. Casual ambiance.

1506 Spruce Street, 215-790-0171. ($$) A variety of seafood and homemade pasta dishes. If you know the difference come taste the difference. Roman cuisine from Italian born chef. P.S. You couldn’t buy this quality of food if you paid triple. In accordance with our private room (no charge) we offer a celebration style menu for all of your special occasions. Web: trattoriaprimadonna.com

Ristorante Panorama and Wine Bar

Spasso Italian Grill

Tre Scalini

14 N. Front Street, (Front Street and Market Street), 215-922-7600. ($$$) Featuring contemporary authentic Italian cuisine in a dramatic setting, Ristorante Panorama is located in the heart of Old City. The wine program offers over 150 wines by the glass, receiving Sante’ Magazine’s “Exellence in Wine Hospitality 2004”. Wine Spectator’s “Best of Award of Exellence 2004”, Philadelphia Magazine’s “Best of Philly 2004”. Web: pennsviewhotel.com

Roberto Cafe

2108 South Street, 215-545-0793. ($$) A trattoria serving authentic southern Italian food prepared strictly with the freshest seasonal ingredients based on authentic recipies. Casual atmosphere and friendly service. Closed Mondays. Web: robertocafe.us

Royal Pizza

4202 Baltimore Ave, 215-222-1900. ($) Great pizza.

Royal Villa Café

1700 Jackson Street, 215-462-4488. ($$) A great variety of pasta, seafood, chicken and veal dishes available.


34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011


711 Locust Street, 215-928-0556. ($$$) The name translates as ‘the cave’ and the room’s decidedly ‘dark,’ but the excellent, fresh fare (outstanding grilled fish) shines at this traditional Italian sea food restaurant. Web: ristlabuca.com

Ristorante La Buca


with sage, prosciutto and melted mozzarella in between, surrounded by a marsala sauce brimming with smoky-tasting mushrooms. Web: saloonrestaurant.net

2216 Walnut Street, 215-568-1314. ($$) Italian food is at its best at Salento. This unique restaurant is not too far off campus, but it would be worth the trip if it were. Appetizers do their job well, preparing you for the extensive entree items. Web: salentorestaurant.com


750 S. 7th Street, 215-627-1811. ($$$$) Antiques and folk art paintings grace this handsome dining spot. The steaks and Italian cuisine have attracted a loyal following. Try the veal Mondelaise, two pounded scallopini, one atop the other,

34 S. Front Street, 215-592-7661. ($$) When you’re dining at Spasso, you can expect great food at a reasonable price. Spasso’s open kitchen produces a menu that combines a full array of fresh seafood and meat, an assortment of appetizers, fresh vegetables, and homemade pasta. All desserts at the restaurant are made on the premises, so be sure to save some room. Web: spassoitaliangrill.com

Ted’s Pizza Express

3741 Lancaster Ave, 215-222-3033. ($) Fast-food restaurant with pizza and a variety of Italian dishes. Popular dishes include chicken fingers and cheese grinders.

1915 E. Passyunk, 215-551-3870. ($$) You’d expect to find no-frills peasant dishes like broccoli rabe over grilled polenta in this unassuming rowhouse devoted to south-central Italian cuisine, but there are plenty of others with uptown flair: quail with sage and garlic; squid-ink pasta with shrimp; a huge veal chop with shiitake mushroom sauce. Web: trescaliniphiladelphia.com

Upstares at Varalli

4301 Baltimore Avenue, 215-386-1450. ($) If you want the best, then you’ve got to go to The Best House. Pizza, steaks and a large selection of Micro Beers. Web: besthousepizzeria.com

231 South Broad Street, 215-546-6800. ($$$) For the past eighteen years, Upstares at Varalli has been a real favorite with locals, theatergoers and visitors because of its fresh pasta, risotto, seafood, steaks and chops. Located on the Avenue of the Arts with an expansive view of the Historic Academy of Music, Upstares is literally an elevated dining experience with the feel of an Italian bistro. Entertainment on weekends. Web: varalliusa.com

The Olive Garden

Valentino Ristorante

The Best House Pizzeria

Chef-owner Marc Vetri puts great attention to detail into his uniquely authentic Italian fare. Reservations are often needed up to a month or two in advance. Web: vetriristorante.com 936 S. 9th Street, 215-592-1295. ($$) Family-style Italian specialties, such as chicken Neapolitan, and special pastas such as Ziti Francis, in an old-style Italian restaurant located in the Italian market. Fried asparagus with scampi sauce is a favorite.

1225 Sansom Street, 215-238-1903. ($$) Between the exotic sushi bar, traditional hot entrees, and overstuffed specialty rolls, you’re guaranteed to find something you love at RAW Sushi & Sake Lounge. The 15-feet glass bar houses an impressive shelf of exotic sakes that caters to new tasters as well as sake connoisseurs. While you dine, take in the view of Japanese lamps floating from the bamboo ceiling, or step outside into the private outdoor courtyard and lounge under the stars. Web: rawlounge.net



Villa Di Roma

112 S. 13th Street, 215-732-2400. ($$) This Wine Bar Pizzeria by Chef Steven Gonzalez is located in the heart of the Midtown Village. With seasonal specials and a vast selection of wine, Zavino is not a place to be missed. Web: zavino.com

JAMAICAN Brown Sugar Bakery & Cafe

219 S. 52nd Street, 215-472-7380. ($) Brown Sugar Cafe is the perfect place for a taste of the Caribbean. Offerings include authentic cuisine such as Escovitch fish, rotis, and callaloo. Don’t forget to sample the desserts, which are made on the premises.

Caribbean Delight

1124 South Street, 215-829-1030. ($$) Caribbean Delight boasts a great variety of healthy and original dishes. Try their topnotch vegetarian tofu with jerk spices or curry shrimp.

Gigi and Big R’s

38th Street and Spruce, 610-389-2150. ($) Gigi and Big R’s mixes traditional Caribbean food with American flavor to produce appetizing dishes. Make sure you visit their restaurant at 5943 Haverford Avenue for great atmosphere and food.

Jamaican Jerk Hut

1346 Chestnut Street, 215-546-7950. ($$) The delicious smells and wonderful service bring you right to the center of Italy. Special features such as the unlimited soup and salad compel you to visit over and over again. Web: olivegarden.com

1328 Pine Street, 215-545-6265. ($$) Homemade pastas, homemade desserts. BYOB. Private parties in our vineyard room. Walking distance from the Kimmel Center.

1436 South Street, 215-545-8644. ($$) Jamaican Jerk Hut is an authentic Jamaican restaurant serving up traditional island cuisine. Jerk chicken and pork, curry goat, homemade island juices as well as chicken, beef and vegetable patties. Very popular with students. Web: jamaicanjerkhutinc.com


The Victor Café

736 S. 8th Street, 215-922-8380. ($$) This South Philly hotspot features a wide variety, ranging from Continental appetizers to Italian entrees. The bar has 2 pool tables, 10 TV’s , a jukebox, darts, drink specials, & happy hour 5 nights a week. The dining room continues the tradition of upscale dining at a modest cost. Also, we are featuring a full vegan/vegetarian menu. Web: vesuvio-online.com

Rum Bar

1303 Dickinson Street, 215-468-3040. ($$) The DiStefano family is the fourth generation of the original owners. Proudly features live opera singing nightly. Italian cuisine, free-range veal, vegetarian dishes and Kosher food upon request. We now have a cabaret piano lounge on Saturday nights, located @ 2nd floor lounge. We are also the home of “The Rocky Balboa” movie as “Adrian’s.” Web: victorcafe.com


528 S. 5th Street, 215-925-3335. ($$) Tiramisu offers Roman Jewish cuisine,

2005 Walnut Street, 215-751-0404. ($$) Delicious Caribbean-fusion. Tapas menu featuring conch fritters and the city’s best mini burgers. They feature over 50 different rums as well as two flavor-infused rums that change weekly. They also offer a full premium bar as well as bottle service and private parties. Ask about reserving the “Chef’s Table” for a night. Web: rumbar.com


1312 Spruce Street, 215-732-3478. ($$$$) This nationally acclaimed restaurant is one of the most exclusive in Philly.

1225 Raw Sushi and Sake Lounge


3131 Walnut Street, (The Left Bank), 215-222-2542. ($$) All you can eat sushi located at the Left Bank. New York Style.

Aso Sushi

719 Walnut Street , 215-351-9166. ($$) A quaint BYOB serving a full line of Japanese cuisine.

Bento Box Japanese Food Truck

37th Street and Walnut Street, . ($) Located right by Pottruck, Bento Box draws a large crowd, especially around lunch time. A variety of Japanese food is offered, including sushi, hand rolls, soba noodles, tempura, teriyaki and katsu items.

Fat Salmon

719 Walnut Street, 215-928-8881. ($$$) Formerly Shinju, this ultra-modern sushi hotspot now features vivid fluorescent blue and purple lights and sleek furnishings. It’s also acquired a liquor license and offers a full selection of beers, cocktails, and wine. The menu offers typical sushi bar fare, including a large variety of specialty, tempura, and vegetarian rolls. Web: fatsalmonsushi.com

Fuji Mountain

2030 Chestnut Street, 215-751-0939. ($$) Come see why Fuji Mountain is consistently rated “Best Sushi in Philadelphia.” We are committed to only the best quality fish, paired with excellent service in our diverse Center City Restaurant. Our sushi bar and kitchen stay open until 1:30am daily, and our 4th floor Karaoke room is great for private parties. Full bar with liquor license, great beers, wines, and a huge sake list. Web: fujimt.com

Gaja Gaja

627 South Street, 215-923-0313. ($$) Serving both Japanese and Korean dishes on South Street makes this restaurant’s menu quite extensive. Over 50 sushi rolls to pick from, along with Japanese and Korean classics like bibimbap, chicken katsu, and a surprisingly good miso soup.


241 Chestnut Street, 215-861-8990. ($$) Haru is a modern Japanese restaurant group known for its ample portions and striking designs. Haru also provides delivery and catering services, private rooms and lounges, outdoor dining spaces and a vibrant bar scene at most locations. Web: harusushi.com

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325 N. Columbus Boulevard, Pier 19 North, 215-592-7100. ($$$) Enjoy your meal at a table side grill or a cozy table, both in a delightful waterfront setting overlooking the Delaware River. Featuring steaks, seafood, sushi. Sunday Jazz Brunch. Web: hibachidining.com


4348 Main Street, 215-487-3500. ($$$) Just off of South Street, this place can really get hopping because of its well-known sushi and tempura, which qualifies as the most extensive offering in the Delaware Valley. You can dine in either the beautiful greenhouse or the tatami room.

Japanese Fusion & Saki Bar

1210 Walnut Street, 215-985-1838. ($$) The menu features an extensive selection of noodle dishes, sushi and sashimi. Offers a sushi and cocktail bar and a vegetarian menu as well. Aoi serves original all-you-can-eat sushi and provides a wide variety of Japanese dishes.


205 N. 4th Street, 215-922-1770. ($$) At Kisso, you’ll find traditional Japanese tavern food, from edamame (boiled soy beans) to sashimi to seaweed salad to broiled eel and classic sushi such as tekka maki (tuna roll). Wacky local inventions like the six-piece “hot dog” roll with broiled yellowtail, asparagus and scallions are a must. Non-sushi standouts include broiled salmon with ponzu, a soy-citruswasabi sauce.

Le Champignon de Tokio

124 Lombard Street, 215-922-2515. ($$) Enjoy the classic French and Japanese atmosphere with candlelight, fresh flowers, wine and sake. Swing-ballroom and Argentine tango lessons. Bed and breakfast. Sushi catering now available. Sushi workshop from Madame Saito. Web: sushi.madamesaito.com

Maki House

240 South Street, 215-351-0868. ($$) Serving freshly made salads, sushi and hot Japanese food made to order. A variety of authentic Bento Boxes complete the menu. Catering orders and delivery also available.

Mizu Sushi


723 Chestnut Street, 215-413-9070. ($$$$) Morimoto is a cutting-edge restaurant serving contemporary Japanese cuisine. Chef Masaharu Morimoto of Iron Chef fame prepares traditional dishes with a modern flair. Sit at the bar or at a table - both options are great! Along with other Stephen Starr restaurants, expect modern decor and delicious food but at relatively steep prices. Web: morimotorestaurant. com

Moshi Moshi

108 S. 18th Street, 215-496-9950. ($$) Great for sushi-lovers looking for a quiet atmosphere, Moshi Moshi is complete with traditional settings and tatami mats. The decor is quiet and minimalist, with bamboo and subtle paper lanterns. Entree

Nara Japanese Restaurant

4002 Spruce Street, 215-387-1583. ($$) Great sushi and teriyaki dishes right on campus. Reasonably priced, too.


3636 Sansom Street, 215-387-1803. ($$) Creative Pan-Asian cuisine and sushi shipped along an elliptical conveyer belt. Web: podrestaurant.com

Shinju Sushi

930 Locust Street 1F, 215-351-6265. ($$) BYOB with traditional, yet creative, cuisine. Specialty rolls and combos are offered, as well as a broad offering of vegetarian options.

Shiroi Hana

222 S. 15th Street, 215-735-4444. ($$$) Offers impeccably fresh fish at the fullscale sushi bar. Start off from excellent selection of appetizers. Try the flavorful teriyaki, crispy tempura, or one of the famous special maki served by the helpful and an efficient staff. Consistently ranked by the Zagat Survey as one of the best Japanese restaurants for over 10 years. Web: shiroihana.com

Swanky Bubbles

10 S. Front Street, 215-928-1200. ($$) Pan-Asian restaurant with a full sushi menu. Specialize in champagne by the glass or bottle. There is also a full-service bar. Full dinner menu until 1 a.m. every night. Reservation recommended, either by phone or over the Internet. Web: swankybubbles.com

Tokyo Hibachi Steakhouse & Sushi Bar

1613 Walnut Street, 2nd Floor, 215-7519993. ($$$) Located at the heart of center city, Tokyo Hibachi is the proud home to deliciously exciting Japanese cuisine. Watch its talented chefs perform as they cook a variety of dishes right at your table! Perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to graduation parties (Students receive a 10% discount with student ID). Web: tokyo1613.com

Umai Umai

533 N. 22nd Street, 215-988-0707. ($$) Umai Umai presents a peaceful atmosphere that complements its tasty menu. Sesame chicken and lamb chops are examples of the fusion food that is offered, and diners can choose from an extensive list of sushi. Web: umaiumai.com

Umai Umai

533 N 22nd St, at Brandywine St, 215988-0707. ($$$) They do one thing and do it really well - they are THE sushi experts. Web: web.mac.com/umaiumai

Vango Lounge and Sky Bar

116 S. 18th Street, 215-568-1020. ($$$) The hottest addition the Rittenhouse nightlife, Vango is open every day until 2 am. Food is served until 1:30 am, there is a roof deck with a sky bar, and a DJ that plays every night! Web: vangoloungeandskybar.com

Vic Sushi Bar

2035 Sansom Street, 215-564-4339. ($) Very small sushi bar (7 seats) with take out and delivery. Excellent food at very affordable prices. Try the Shrimp Tempura Mango Coconut Roll (one of the best dishes in Philly!). Web: vic-sushi.com

Yamaki Sushi Bar

209 S. 20th Street, 215-545-2388. ($$)

New sushi bar at a very convenient place. Attractive prices and welcoming ambiance. Large selection of sushi and rolls.


138 Chestnut Street, 215-925-9998. ($$) Zento is a pleasant spot for sushi from the former Morimoto sushi chef Gunawan Wibisono. Signature rolls like the wellsized square roll of eel, avocado and plum topped with tuna are admirably understated. From the kitchen: tender steamed shrimp dumplings and overflowing bowls of udon. Web: zentocontemporary.com


1608 Sansom Street, 215-557-9830. ($) Fresh, delicious and healthy, Giwa offers Korean food that doesn’t disappoint. The signature Bibimbop, kim-chee pancake, and seafood pancake are just a few of their tasty fares. Web: giwakoreanfood. com


3608 Chestnut Street, 215-695-4171. ($$) Featuring fine Japanese and Korean food, you can sample sushi, sashimi, teriyaki and tempura. Japanese beer and wine.

MIGA Korean BBQ and Bar

211 S. 15th Street, 215-732-1616. ($$) This Korean barbeque offers a variety of traditional Korean dishes, sushi and desserts. Get a free appetizer after showing your student ID. Web: migarestaurant.com

topped sweet potato and red bell pepper.

Cafe con Chocolate

2100 S. Norwood Street, 267-639-4506. () Chef/owner Yoshiko Yamasaki is serving up some note-worthy authentic Mexican fare, including a flautas special (three crispy lamb tacos) and chilaquiles (fried homemade corn tortillas doused in fresh mole sauce) that arrive on as-big-as-thetable plates. Web: cafeconchocolate.com

Chili’s Grill & Bar

3801 Chestnut Street, 215-222-7322. ($$) A nationwide favorite, Chili’s is an informal hangout known for great food and drinks. Toss back margaritas or watch televised sports at the bar. The menu features mild versions of Lone Star state favorites, from double-basted baby back ribs and steak fajitas to red-beef chili and deep-fried onions. Web: chilis.com


3925 Walnut Street, 215-222-0632. ($) Fresh and delicious mexican food made your way, quick and easy. Order online for even faster service. Web: chipotle.com

Copabanana University City

4000 Spruce Street, 215-382-1330. ($) Known for award-winning margaritas, Spanish fries, and gourmet burgers, Copabanana takes pride in handmade food made fresh daily. Web: copabanana.com (Please see our ad, Page 3)


3945 Chestnut Street, 215-222-1657. ($$) Jose Garces, the mastermind behind

Amada and Tinto, brings a Mexican Citythemed restaurant to University City. The cuisine and drinks mainly stick to Mexican favorites such as margaritas (with over 60 tequilas to choose from), tacos, tamales, and ceviche. Web: distritorestaurant.com

El Azteca Uno

714 Chestnut Street, 215-733-0895. ($$) Turquoise accents and colorful Aztec artwork add Mexican mojo to this casual BYOB taqueria. Service is prompt and friendly, catering to young people looking for cheap but flavorful eats. The menu mixes and matches tacos, burritos and tamales in every possible permutation, and the food runs big on portions.

El Camino Real

1040 N. 2nd Street, 215-925-1110. ($$) Opened by artist Owen Kamihira, who owns Bar Ferdinand, this self-proclaimed “cowboy border bar” splits its menu evenly between Texas and Northern Mexico. With a dusty Southwestern decorative motif, a full spread of Texican cocktails and cervezas, and a food list that easily identifies its BBQ vs. its burrito items, everyone in a group with divergent tastes can leave satisfied. Web: bbqburritobar.com

El Vez

121 S. 13th Street, 215-928-9800. ($$) A contemporary Mexican restaurant, El Vez offers many unique items such as mahi mahi tacos, ahi tuna tostadas, carne asada and adobo rack of lamb. Enjoy their made-to-order guacamole & margaritas with fresh-squeezed juices. Top off your

Pastoral Korean Restaurant

205 S. 13th Street, 215-545-8511. ($$) All Korean foods including Bul Goki (BBQ). Web: pastoralkoreanrestaurant. com


104 S. 21st Street, 215-557-9593. ($$) Located just outside Rittenhouse Square, Tampopo offers filling food to locals seeking a good meal. Noodles, miso soup, and sushi are on the menu. Diners can finish off with the sweetly satisfying egg cake. Web: tampoporestaurant.com

KOSHER Shalom Pizza

7598A Haverford Avenue, 215-878-1500. ($) Inexpensive Middle Eastern food, delicious pizza, falafel, home-style couscous. Strictly kosher restaurant for those who want to sample Israeli fare and grilled fresh fish. Full service catering for any occasion from one to 200. Much more than a pizza place. Web: shalompizzeria.com

MEXICAN 12th Street Cantina

1136 Arch Street, 215-625-0321. ($) Located inside Reading Terminal Market, 12th Street Cantina offers a variety of homemade Mexican food and groceries. Pick up a bag of homemade blue corn chips and a side of chunky, onion guacamole. Try the burrito of the day, which can include a rich red chicken mole that offers a post-swallow kick or tender beef barbecue in a tomato tortilla. Tortas, flat flour tortillas layered with cheese, offer inventive combinations such as cinnamon-

3549 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Pa. 19104 Tel: 215 387 8808 www.SANGKEENOODLEHOUSE.com

Chinatown Style Dim-Sum on Saturdays and Sundays 12-3

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34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

111 S. 40th Street, 215-382-1745. ($) Offers fresh-made sushi & noodle soups. Perfect for both on-the-go and sit down dining. Only the freshest and highest quality ingredients are used. Located right on campus, but also check out their two other Philadelphia locations in Rittenhouse Square and Old City! Web: mizusushibar.com (Please see our ad, Page 38)

options include a variety of sushi, teriyaki, tempura and sukiyaki.

spring dining guide

Hibachi Japanese Steak House


spring dining guide

meal with “The El Vez,” flourless chocolate cake, peanut butter mousse and carmelized bananas. Web: elvezrestaurant.com

Honest Tom’s

33rd and Arch Street, 267-767-4168. ($) After tasting a killer breakfast taco in Texas, Drexel grad Tom McCusker decided to serve them up in Philly. Tom serves just one thing: tacos. Get there before noon and you’ll have the breakfast kind, with scrambled eggs and home fries. (Order a French press of the revered Stumptown coffee.) The lunch tacos — full of Tom’s cilantro-packed fresh-chopped salsa — change daily, and cost $2.50 apiece. Web: honesttomstacoshop.com

Jose Pistolas

different regions in Mexico. The desserts at Bugambilias are homemade on the premises. Dishes like the $14 cochinita pibil, a slow-cooked mountain of shredded pork and the extra-beefy empanadas are on target. Web: lasbugambiliasphilly.com

This Zagat-rated Mexican restaurant in Old City is open for delicious Mexican dinners, snacks and drinks. Great chicken quesadillas. Their enchilada suizas are also recommended. Friendly service. A good place to start off an evening or to wind down with a snack after a Ritz film. Web: mexicanpost.com

Las Cazuelas

426 W. Girard Avenue, 215-351-9144. ($$) Las Cazuelas was established in 1999 and received the Best of Philly 2001. We have special dishes that are created by our Chef from Puebla, Mexico. Gary Lee, Washington Post says “The specialties are worth the trip!” So please come & join us for a little get away to my native home Puebla at Las Cazuelas Restaurant. Web: lascazuelas.net


37th Street and Spruce Street, . ($) If you need good Mexican food, but you don’t have time to wait, MexiPhilly is the place to go. This popular food cart has fast service, low prices and good food.

Mission Grill

106 S. 13th Street, 215-546-7100. ($$) This BYOT (bring-your-own-tequila) puts a twist on the traditional Mexican cuisine. Be sure to try their seasonally changing margarita flavor. Web: lolitabyob.com

1835 Arch Street, 215-636-9550. ($$) Mission Grill serves “refined, sophisticated, Southwest-inspired cuisine” by Chef Stephen L. Regosch. The inviting ambiance combines the warmth and materials of the desert as the traditional Southwest cuisine is given a creative twist. Web: themissiongrill.com

Mad Mex

Qdoba Mexican Grill

263 S. 15th Street, 215-545-4101. ($) Jose Pistola’s was opened by two local bartenders hoping to add a different flair to Philadelphia’s already impressive beer scene. The combination of a large international beer selection and carefully crafted and fresh Mexican fare offers Center City a unique environment for lunch, dinner, or just hanging out. The downstairs bar offers a cozy, more intimate feel, while the three high-definition TV’s make the upstairs bar a bit livelier and the ideal place to watch your favorite sporting event. Our menu and happy hour deals change periodically, so please check in or at our website and see what’s going on. Web: josepistolas.com


La Lupe


Tacos Don Memo will satisfy your need to spice it up.

Taqueria El Jarocho

1138 S. 13th Street, 215-463-2020. ($) Fresh Mexican food full of flavor. With crispy homemade chips and tasty sauces that complement traditional Mexican food, this is a wonderful place for food at cheap, affordable prices. El Jarocho is Mexican simplicity at its finest done artfully in a low-key, but tasteful environment.

Tequilas Alta Cocina

1602 Locust Street, 215-546-0181. ($$) Mole poblano, ceviche, cream of black bean soup and other tasty Mexican classics, complemented by an assortment of Mexican beers. 60 different types of tequila. Specializing in margaritas. Web: tequilasphilly.com (Please see review, Page )

and fresh flowers on the table, a clean open kitchen, and a cheerful yet romantic atmosphere.


616 S. 2nd Street , 215-925-4950. ($$) In a historic building replete with Middle Eastern decor, the custom continues here at Cedars Restaurant, where awardwinning and authentic dishes are freshly prepared. Come enjoy the unique dining experience and discover the tremendous ambiance, friendly service, great Middle Eastern wines and moderate prices. Cedar’s menu is extensive, especially in the meatless area, giving vegetarians their fair share of choices. Web: cedarsrestaurant.com

Divan Turkish Kitchen


408 S. 2nd Street, 215-238-7280. ($$$) Traditional Mexican fare with a modern twist in a fun and comfortable setting. Enjoy fresh-made guacamole, antojitos, ceviche, and platos fuertes made by Executive Chef Lucio Palazzo. Two full service bars feature hand-squeezed margaritas and fresh specialty cocktails. The extensive tequila list features over 70 bottles. Neighborhood foodies dine on Tostados de Ceviche or Chiles en Nogada in the warm, tiled dining room, or head below and ease into a flight of tequila in the modern cocktail lounge, featuring watery blue walls paired with bright orange banquettes. Web: xochitlphilly.com

918 S. 22nd Street, 215-545-5790. ($$) Istanbul native Ilker Ugur has transformed an empty corner in Graduate Hospital neighborhood into a romantic escape with Middle Eastern flair. Amid rustic hand-painted tiles and the low, flattering glow of candles, young professionals settle into the tables or cushy sofas and dine on traditional dishes like charbroiled kebabs, stuffed grape leaves and spiced lamb. Web: divanturkishkitchen.com

hiladelphia’ Just Got 3401 Walnut Street, 215-382-2221. ($$) Mad Mex is a unique restaurant serving funky, fresh California-Mexican food right on campus. They offer a wide selection of micro-brewed beers as well as fresh margaritas served frozen or on the rocks in several exotic flavors. Half-priced draft beers and $3 12-ounce margaritas during Happy Hour. Web: madmex.com

230 S. 40th Street, 215-222-2887. ($) Qdoba’s menu centers around large signature burritos that offer unique flavors, including poblano pesto, fajita ranchera and chicken molé. The menu also includes grilled quesadillas, taco salads, nachos, Naked Burritos, tacos and soup. Web: qdoba.com

Taco Bell Express

Glatt Delight

128 S. 12th Street, 215-922-5922. ($) Previously known as MacCabeam, Glatt Delight serves “glatt kosher” dishes to a eclectic clientele.

Now with 2 1 1 1 South hiladelphia’s 1201 S. 9th Street, 215-551-9920. ($$) La Lupe boasts some of the best Mexican food in Philadelphia. Their main specialty is their tacos, but they offer a wide variety of other authentic Mexican dishes.

Las Bugambilias

148 South Street, 215-922-3190. () Carlos Molina offers high quality, freshly prepared, traditional Mexican food from three

Food Court, the Moravian Cafes, 3401 Walnut Street, 215-382-2390. ($) Perhaps the most popular relatively cheap Mexican fast food. The lines tend to be long but the spicy chicken tacos and bean burritos are worth the wait! Web: tacobell.com

110 S. 40th Street, 215-222-2667. ($) Mexican food with a Californian flavor, MexiCali offers fresh burritos, enchiladas, nachos, tacos and quesadillas. If lines get too long, check out their food cart located on the corner of 38th and Walnut. Web: mexicalicafe.net

Tacos Don Memo

38th Street, (Between Walnut and Chestnut), 610-529-2039. ($) With quality Mexican food served up hot and fresh,

Mexican Post Restaurant & Bar


3600 Lancaster Avenue, 215-895-0139. ($$) Authentic Mexican cuisine, located in University City, only 3 blocks from campus. Fine dining in a casual atmosphere, with patio seating available in season. Private parking lot. Voted “Best of Philadelphia” for margaritas and food. 2 HD flat screen TVs at the bar with a great happy hour. Web: zocalophilly.com

Hummus Restaurant

3931 Walnut Street, 215-222-5300. ($) Serving fresh, delicious, nutritious Mediterranean food, specializing in falafel, shawarma, kabobs and other favorite delicacies. Web: hummusrestaurant.com (Please see our ad, Page 5)


Philadelphia Just Got 104 Chestnut Street, 215-923-5233. ($$)


4201 Chestnut Street, 215-386-8081. ($) Serving low-price kabobs, curry dishes, and sweets. Fantastic Pakistani food. All kabobs are made fresh! Tandoori Naan (bread) is made fresh in our clay oven. Student specials available. Web: kabobeesh.com


Now with 2 215.38 215.38 1 1 1 South 4 MIDDLE EASTERN

Aladdin Middle Eastern Food Cart

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

33rd Street and Spruce Street, 215-6682903. ($) Located near the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Aladdin’s serves a variety of Middle Eastern food.

Kabul Restaurant and Cuisine of Afghanistan

106 Chestnut Street, 215-922-3676. ($$) This understated, long-running BYO sleeper takes you out of loud Old City via delectable Afghan dishes and a quiet setting that charms. There’s nothing more you can ask for besides an excellent value, and a staff that is as attentive as possible. Offers traditional kabobs of marinated chicken, lamb or beef, tasty appetizers such as scallion-filled dumplings with yogurt sauce and flaky pastries. Also prepares vegetarian dishes, such as chopped spinach, sautéed pumpkin, sautéed eggplant and more. Web: kabulafghancuisine.com

Philadelphia Alhambra Cafe

609 S. 3rd Street, 215-922-2202. ($) Fine coffees, sandwiches and salads with excellent entrees.

Philadelphia’s Best Sushi (Between Chestn Alyan’s Just Got Better... 603 S. 4th Street, 215-922-3553. ($) Authentic Middle Eastern Cuisine made fresh Now with 3 2 Locations daily. Friendly service, generous portions,

215.382 215.382 215.563 38

with delicious falafel and meat grilled to perfection. Garden room open year round.

111 South 40th Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19104

Ariana Restaurant

(Between Chestnut & Sansom)



133 South 20th Street

220 Market Street

(Between Walnut & Sansom)

(Between 2nd & 3rd)

Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

Philadelphia, Pa. 19106

215.563.3100 215.563.3100 215.238.0966

EAT IN... OR TAKE OUT Delivery Available

134 Chestnut Street, 215-922-1535. ($$) Offers inventive, bold Afghan fare, “exquisitely seasoned and “delightfully served” as you sit on pillows on the floor. Very “good value for your money.” Web: restaurantariana.com

Aromatic House of Kabob

113 Chestnut Street, 215-923-4510. ($$) Stuck in Old City late at night with a hankering for some inexpensive Afghan food? Stop by Aromatic for some authentic souvlaki or kashk-bademjan. Features a Hookah Bar, exotic coffee and a variety of lattes and fruit tea smoothies, candle light

Kamal’s Middle Eastern Specialties

51 N. 12th Street, Reading Terminal, 215925-1511. ($$) Located inside Reading Terminal Market, Kamal’s serves up a mix of Middle Eastern and Greek food. The sandwiches are fresh and the falafel balls are crispy but not greasy. Other menu items include spanikopita, baklava, kataifi (shredded dough soaked in syrup), and the occasional samosa.

Magic Carpet

36th Street and Spruce Street, (also on 34th and Walnut Street), 215-334-0948. ($) Famous for its all-vegetarian dishes, Magic Carpet has a large menu that


Makkah Market

4249 Walnut Street, 215-382-0909. ($) Makkah Market is a Middle Eastern restaurant offering a wide variety of halal products. It also boasts a Middle Eastern grocery store with Islamic books and clothes, along with a Halal meat department. Located next to the Makkah Barber Shop ($10 per cut). Great food at a low price. 24-hour international satellite TV. Web: makkahmarket.com

Mama’s Vegetarian

18 S. 20th Street, 215-751-0477. ($) Mama’s Vegetarian is a Kosher, fast-food Middle Eastern joint that serves one of the freshest falafel sandwiches. Not only are their ingredients fresh but everything, including the 250 pita breads baked daily, are made directly on the premises. Web: mamasvegetarian.com


1115 Walnut Street, 215-625-3500. ($) A Dutch chain serving fresh, all-vegetarian falafels. You can build your own sandwich from the vast selection of fresh vegetables, toppings and sauces. Second location at 248 South Street. Web: maozusa.com/ restaurants/locations/philadelphia


517 S. Leithgow Street, 215-925-5929. ($$) Seven-course authentic Moroccan feast eaten with fingers. Prix fixe meal in an exotic setting. Great for groups to dig into. Group lunches, private rooms and belly dancers available upon request.

Marrakesh Express

4407 Chestnut Street, 215-222-9008. ($) Authentic Halal Moroccan Cuisine using only halal meats and all-natural ingredients. Web: halalmarrakesh.com


this determined-to-be-casual modern Israeli spot from Philly darling chef Michael Solomonov. The bar serves signature cocktails- including the lemonnana, a boldly boozy lemonade- and the food is defined by clean, bright Middle Eastern flavors. Web: zahavrestaurant.com

PAN–ASIAN Buddakan

128 S. 19th Street, 215-568-1027. ($$$) This trendy Pod-esque restaurant is perfect for people watching and eating sushi. Web: zamarestaurant.com

1712 Walnut Street, 215-735-6700. ($$$) High-fashion drama is evident as the denim-upholstered elevator takes patrons to a second-story lounge-restaurant with a metallic fringed bar lit by electric-blue panels. Urbane glamour is furthered by drink lockers, weekly DJs and a fusion menu. The well-heeled crowd adheres to a not-too-demanding dress code: Jeans are allowed. Web: denim215.com/denim215. html

Ken Shin Asian Diner

301 Spring Garden Street, 215-925-8887. ($) Restaurateur Kenny Poon, partnered with his brother Shin, envisions Ken Shin Asian Diner as a casual but stylish BYO on the order of Pei Wei. Menu runs the gamut of familiar Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese cuisines. Web: kenshindiner.com


37th Street between Walnut and Chestnut, 267-322-9922. ($) KOJA is known for “having the friendliest service” and serving up “some extremely tasty Korean fare.” They serve both Korean and Japanese fare. For those new to Korean food, try the beef bulgoki or the udon soup. (Please see our ad, Page 29)

237 Saint James Place, 215-625-8800. ($$$) Everything’s hectic and happy at

1600 N. Broad Street, 215-763-5652. ($) Koja founder Jae Sim has gone uptown with his quick-serve Korean and Japanese fare, and settled into a sit-down storefront. The menu covers a satisfying range of tasty pan-Asian classics, from bibimbop to build-your-own udon bowls. Web: kojagrille.com

Ly Michael’s


122 S. 18th Street, 215-988-1211. ($$) Mixing Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, and Chinese elements, Mantra is one of the most unique restaurants in the city. A friendly bar staff keeps drinks flowing near the front of the restaurant while more serious diners take their meals in the dining room. A communal table up front looks out on the bustling street.


124 S. 13th Street, 215-732-3501. ($$) Sampan impresses with the perfect balance of ambiance, service, and fairly priced, inventive dishes with an Asian spin. Combining masterful attention to detail with only the freshest local ingredients and bold Asian flavors, each of Sampan’s



1601 S. 10th Street, 215-218-3840. ($$) 1601 is a destination in South Philly for great gastropub fare and beer. Come for the postmodern bar menu (Moroccan Burrito anyone?), sophisticated beer list (Troegs, Flying Fish, Dog Fish Head) and affordable wines. Great tunes, a convivial vibe and friendly staffers add to the mix. Web: 1601cafe.com


700 S. 5th Street, 267-888-7002. ($$) Adsum is a neighborhood bistro that provides excellent food and service. Their goal is

to keep neighbors coming back, and they certainly do with menu items such as tuna carpaccio, fried oysters, pancetta-onion fondue, homemade perogies and more great gastropub fare. Web: adsumrestaurant.com

Balcony at the Trocadero

1003 Arch Street, 215-922-6888. ($) Live music with a bar and club atmosphere with decor that throws back to the Trocadero’s burlesque theater origins. Complete with cult and hip films on Mondays. Web: thetroc.com

Bayou Bar & Grill

4245 Main Street, 215-482-2560. ($) Specializes in hard-shell crabs, $1.50 each on Mondays and Tuesdays. Voted “Best of Philly” for its buffalo wings, which are 20¢ each on Mondays and Tuesdays and $1.75 Bud Lights. Food and drink specials every day. Web: bayoubar.com

Bishop’s Collar

2349 Fairmount Avenue, 215-765-1616. ($) Pub fare with a twist. Vegetarian sandwiches. No cover. Drink specials. Web: thebishopscollar.ypguides.net

Black Sheep

247 S. 17th Street, (17th Street and Latimer Street), 215-545-9473. ($$) An upscale pub in Rittenhouse Square with 3 floors, a non-smoking dining room, dart boards and rooms available for private functions. Features an extensive scotch/ whiskey selection and 10 beers on draft, seasonal lunch and dinner menu, and a pub menu available all day and night. Web: theblacksheeppub.com

Blarney Bar and Grill & Hidden Cafe Hookah Bar

328 S. Street, 215-413-8294. ($) One of the newest, nicest restaurant on South Street. Elegant decor, very inexpensive with two bars. Menu includes seafood, NY

strip steak and Bucky’s famous cream of potato soup. Now open upstairs: Hookah bar with Middle Eastern menu. Over 21 flavored tobaccos.

Bob and Barbara’s

1509 S. Street, 215-545-4511. ($) Local “institution” bar featuring $3 special - can of Pabst Blue Ribbon and shot of Jim Beam whiskey. Thursday night drag show named the Best of Philly! Tuesday night ping pong tournaments on two tables.

Bonner’s Irish Pub

120 S. 23rd Street, 215-567-5748. ($) A fun place to hang out with friends. Serving domestic and imported beers on tap. Serving Irish and American cuisine at its very best. Karaoke on Thursday nights! Home of Wharton, Penn Law and Penn Medical.


119 S. 39th Street, 215-386-4889. ($$) Casual college crowd with a great bar, the best wings on campus and lots of munchies and pizza. Large-screen TV plus 30 TVs for all sporting events. Over 100 different beers from all over the world to enjoy here or take home. Web: cavanaughsrestaurant.com

Cherry Street Tavern

129 N. 22nd Street, 215-561-5683. ($) Enter through the side door of this woodpaneled haunt and you’re greeted by two huge sides of roast beef. Handwritten signs advertise specials, of both the drink kind and the “take a ski trip with your fellow barflies” kind; they’re only outflanked by Eagles and Sixers paraphernalia. As for food, the menu lists standard and inexpensive Philly bar fare: hoagies and nachos, supplemented by pepperoni and cheese with crackers. (Please see our ad, Page 26)

Dark Horse Pub

Happy Hour Tue-Fri 4-7 pm Delivery & Wednesday Night Takeout Drink Specials available

10% off with this ad Closed on Mondays

(some restrictions apply)

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

101 N. 11th Street, 215-922-2688. ($$) Voted Best of Philly for Duck Dumplings Web: lymichaelsrestaurant.com


The Real Le Anh

Denim Lounge

S&H Kebab House

4500 Walnut Street, 215-222-7223. ($$) Located just west of Penn campus, Saad’s serves up authentic Lebanese-style food. Along with their great falafel, they are well known for strictly Halal middle-eastern dishes. For unadventurous eaters, American options are also available.

1006 Race Street, 215-922-3288. ($$) Southeast Asian vegetarian food including vegetarian dim sum. Food delivered from Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim cooking. Strictly vegetarian including vegan. Brown rice available. Free delivery in Center City. Web: singaporevegetarian.com 36th Street and Spruce Street, 215-2057903. ($) Offering everything from Fried Rice to Pho, it’s not hard to see why The Real Le Anh is so popular. The menu has a wide variety of choices, including Chinese staples such as General Tsao’s chicken and Lo Mein, as well as an array of Southeast Asian favorites. They also offer Bubble Tea and a variety of drinks.

Koja Grille

Saad’s Halal Place

Singapore Restaurant

325 Chestnut Street, 215-574-9440. ($$$) Stephen Starr’s Buddakan is a ultra chic restaurant featuring exotic flavors of modern Asian cuisine with creativity and drama. Named one of “America’s Top 50 Restaurants” by Travel & Leisure and ‘Top Restaurant for Fun’ by Gourmet, Buddakan has become one of the country’s most talked about restaurants. Web: buddakan.com

40th Street and Locust Street, 215-4836547. ($) Hungry but low on cash? Rami’s (whose owner is extremely friendly and is always happy to chat) provides great Middle Eastern, home cooked style food for under $5. Items on the menu include falafel, gyros (lamb, chicken and vegetarian), hummus, feta and etc. Rami’s has been serving the University City community for 22 years. 611 East Passyunk Avenue, 267-6393214. ($$) Specializing in authentic Turkish, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. This BYOB features organic lamb, chicken and Top Choice Black Angus steaks, as well as traditional vegetarian dishes and fresh seafood, this BYOB satisfies every palate. Web: kebabhouseonline. com

culinary creations leave your mouth watering for more. Web: sampanphilly.com

spring dining guide

consists of many salad, falafel and platter options. Magic Carpet has been enchanting customers since 1984 with its diverse selection of international vegetarian foods. From their famous tofu specials and soups to their outrageous pita sandwiches, you haven’t truly experienced Penn until you’ve been to Magic Carpet. Web: magiccarpetfoods.com


spring dining guide

421 S. 2nd Street , 215-928-9307. ($$) A cozy, laid back pub remincisent of the great pubs of Ireland and England. The menu reflects all that a good pub should offer: house made steak & mushroom pie, bangers & mash smothered in onion gravy, and shepherd’s pie with a side of H.P. sauce (to name a few). However, if you’re in the mood for something a little more American, check out their selection of sandwiches, steaks, and salads. Web: darkhorsepub.com

Dirty Frank’s

347 S. 13th Street, 215-732-5010. ($) This popular corner taproom’s foreboding ambience belies its friendliness. The clientele is pleasantly diverse. Burly bikers knock back mugs of cheap Yuengling next to frail, chain-smoking art students. Everybody seems like a regular. Arrive before 9pm to grab a table; the place starts to fill up with drinkers and smoke around 10pm.

Dock Street Brewery & Restaurant

701 S. 50th Street, 215-726-2337. ($$) This West Philly brewery and restaurant features handcrafted specialty beers of the Dock Street Brewing Co., brewed on premises. The restaurant’s offering is best described as “wood fired gourmet pizza, salads, and grille.” Vegetarian- and veganfriendly. Web: dockstreetbeer.com (Please see our ad, Page 14)


2201 Lombard Street, 215-546-0316. ($) Pub-type atmosphere with eclectic jukebox. Kitchen open until 1 a.m. Lots of dinner specials with a variety of ethnic

type meals. Best nachos in the city!

Downey’s Pub

526 S. Front Street, 215-625-9500. ($$) To experience Philadelphia, you must experience Downey’s. A Philadelphia institution since 1976 and a favorite spot for sports stars and other celebrities. Occasional live music acts upstairs. Web: downeysresturant.com

Drinker’s Pub

1903 Chestnut Street, 215-564-0914. ($) Drinker’s Pub, Center City’s neighborhood bar, appeals to all types. Whether you’re looking to chill out, order dinner, play pinball, or watch sports on our HDTVs, we have what you are searching for. A comfortable crowd, tons of Elvis memorabilia, nightly drink specials, and a killer rock ‘n roll jukebox. Web: drinkerspub215.com

Drinker’s West

3900 Chestnut Street, 215-397-4693. ($$) Drinker’s West brings plenty of excitement and good times to University City with a fun energetic atmosphere that can’t be beat! Whether you’re looking to meet up for happy hour or a full night of partying, Drinker’s West will exceed all your expectations and have you coming back for more. Web: drinkerswest215.com

Eulogy Belgian Tavern

136 Chestnut Street, 215-413-1918. ($$) With over 21 beers on tap and 300 available in the bottle, you definitely won’t leave this pub thirsty. A wide variety of traditional Belgian food is also available. The second floor features a “coffin room”

decorated with burial caskets. Philly’s only real Belgian owned bar and restaurant. Web: eulogybar.com

Fado Irish Pub and Restaurant

1500 Locust Street, 215-893-9700. ($$) Traditional Irish fare. At Fado, they are telling the tale of Ireland’s rich and celebrated pub culture — hearty food and drink, good music, warm hospitality, and friendly banter. Nightly entertainments include traditional Irish music, with the occasional American folkie, and televised rugby and soccer matches. Web: fadoirishpub.com

Fat Tuesday

431 South Street, 215-629-5999. ($) This Mardi Gras-themed bar is decorated with neon beer signage, steel seating and televisions. Live bands occasionally perform for customers sipping on fruity drinks and MGDs. Finger foods are offered for those interested in fries with their pina colada, and in the summertime, al fresco drinking offers the opportunity to take in the sights and smells of South Street.

Fergie’s Pub

1214 Sansom Street, 215-928-8118. ($) Fergie’s Pub is a very reasonable, very friendly, Irish-owned pub in Center City. The fare includes fish and chips, shepherd pie, as well as American favorites. The kitchen is open till midnight, the bar till 2 a.m. Fergie’s Pub is open seven days a week with entertainment nightly. The entertainment includes Quizo, Irish music and local bands. Web: fergies.com

Finnigan’s Wake

537 North 3rd Street, 215-574-9240. ($) Philly’s hottest night spot. Live entertainment nightly. Web: finnigans.com

Fox & Hound Smokehouse & Tavern 1501 Spruce Street, 215-732-8610. ($$) Burgers, barbecue, and lots of cold beer on tap. Dozens of TVs show every game, every night. Web: fhrg.com

Good Dog

224 S. 15th Street, 215-985-9600. ($) A friendly, neighborhood pub in Center City, Good Dog has been featured on Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives” for their daring food. Foodies will enjoy items such as mussels, mac and cheese, gourmet burgers, and fries. Web: gooddogbar.com

Grace Tavern

2229 Grays Ferry Avenue, 215-893-9580. ($) Grace Tavern, which may sound like your regular corner bar at first, is anything but! With delectables like sausages and oysters as well as an unlimited selection of quality beers, Grace Tavern will become a second home to all those who enjoy great food, a fun atmosphere, and an endless selection of beers! Voted #1 Bar by Philly Weekly. Web: gracetavern.com

Irish Pub

2007 Walnut Street, 215-568-5603. ($) Irish-American pub fare. Open for food late night until 1:00a.m. every night! Most popular Center City bar for students. A line out front because every college student wants to get in. Also located at 1123 Walnut Street. Web: irishpubphilly.com

Johnny Brenda’s

1201 N. Frankford Avenue, 215-7399684. ($) Come because it’s the next cool place to chill. Then come back for the tasty and reasonably priced fare. Juicy, tender and garlicky pork tenderloin; generous and meaty flank steak; sausage sandwiches; tasty swordfish or lamb kabobs--all for less than $10--go great with $4 pints of Victory, Yards and Flying Fish. Web: johnnybrendas.com

226 Market Street, 267-324-5507. ($$) Casual Pub/Tavern with outdoor seating available. Cajun, buffalo, and Thai chile wings and a great beer selection. It’s always sunny in Philadelphia. Web: facebook.com/pages/Philadelphia-PA/ Macs-Tavern/203000497655

Mace’s Crossing

1714 Cherry Street, 215-564-5203. ($) Serves a light fare of hamburgers, sandwiches and fries, and offers a weekend brunch.

McGillin’s Old Ale House

1310 Drury Street, 215-735-5562. ($) Philadelphia’s oldest tavern — a Penn tradition since 1860. Extensive menu from snacks to entrees. Working fireplace. Nightly specials. Private room available for large groups. Web: mcgillins.com

McGlinchey’s Bar & Grill Inc.

259 S. 15th Street, 215-735-1259. ($) Philadelphia Magazine Best of Philly ’99 Dive Bar with thirteen beers on tap and 75¢ all-beef hot dogs. Two floors, bigscreen TV, pin ball, video games and pool.

Mikey’s American Grill & Sports Bar 3180 Chestnut Street, 215-222-3226. ($) A lively local sports bar offering an elaborate menu and an excellent beer selection that everyone will enjoy. Web: mikeysphilly.com/index.htm

Misconduct Tavern

1511 Locust Street, 215-732-5797. ($$) Attracting a young, professional crowd, Misconduct Tavern, named after the owner’s yacht, is home to big sandwiches, big drinks, and even bigger fun. Featuring twelve draft beers and ten HD flat screen TVs, this is the perfect place to relax and watch any sporting event. Web: misconduct-tavern.com

New Deck Tavern

3408 Sansom Street, 215-386-4600. ($) Authentic Irish tavern in the heart of University City serving lunch, dinner, and a full late-night menu. Originally founded in 1933, this charming Irish Tavern features an extensive assortment of quality food items, moderately priced, making New Deck a Penn tradition. Home of Philly’s first Quizo: Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 pm. Best happy hour! Food and drink specials daily. Voted best place to go before Palestra games! New Deck is the first bar to ever have Quizo pub trivia. Web: newdecktavern.com


56 S 2nd St, 215-238-5888. ($$) A revamped Khyber Pass Pub offers less in the way of loud music and more kinds of soul food that spread warmth deep inside as you sip on your favorite drink. Web: khyberpasspub.com

6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M.

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

(Please see our review, Page 4)




4417 Main Street, Manayunk, 215-4827242. ($$) Irish cuisine here does its job in the way of classic boxtys, crispy fish and chips, hearty stew, and goat cheese encrusted salmon. Sandwiches are standup lunchtime winners. But the real deal is the welcoming bar with elements transported from the old sod with a mix classic Irish pub decor with some contemporary elements. Cap a meal or night out with a classic Irish coffee. Web: kildarespub.com

New Wave Café

784 S. 3rd Street, (3rd Street and Catharine Street), 215-922-8484. ($$) Come to enjoy a pool table, darts, sports on satellite, and Quizzo at 9:00 p.m. on Monday nights. All private parties are welcome. Executive chef Todd Bergman continues to make us a terrific destination restaurant. Come see for yourself! We also offer sidewalk dining on our patio. Web: newwavecafe.com




704 Chestnut Street, 215-592-9533. ($$) Great menu including mussels, crab cakes, baby back ribs and our 10 oz Prime burger. Awesome daily drink specials in addition to our regular low prices. Web: lasvegaslounge.com

Nodding Head Brewery & Restaurant

1516 Sansom Street, 2nd Floor, 215-5699525. ($) Casual pub atmosphere with world class beers brewed on the premises. Great for gathering a large group of friends. Multiple dart boards, great juke box. Brewery tours upon arrangement. Web: noddinghead.com

IT’S JUST LIKE SORORITY RUSH EXCEPT YOU DON’T HAVE TO PROSTITUTE YOURSELF TO FIT IN. IT’S JUST LIKE FRATERNITY RUSH ONLY YOU DON’T HAVE TO TIP PROSTITUTES TONorth BELONG, BUT YOU Bowl Locust Bar 909 N. 2nd Street, 215-238-BOWL. ($) 235 S. STILL 10th Street,CAN. 215-925-2191. ($) LoWE DON’T FromJUDGE. the retro benches from bowling cal tavern. Good food menu. 12 beers on draft. Daily specials for beer and food.

Mac’s Tavern

alleys of the 50s to the sculptural bar and glass enclosed pod that overlooks the lanes from the lounge, North Bowl is a

North Star Bar

2639 Poplar Street, 215-787-0488. ($) The North Star Bar is Philadelphia’s number one small venue for live entertainment, offering an inspiring array of both local music and world-class national acts. We are proud to bring you the best and most entertaining bands in a simple, yet charming, rock and roll atmosphere. Great music - great beer - great food - great fun. Web: northstarbar.com

North Third

801 N. 3rd Street, 215-413-3666. ($$) With a menu so all over the place— pierogies, hummus, soba noodles, pulled pork— North Third offers a variety of gastropub fare. Someone back in the kitchen is working hard, adding fresh garlic and tomatoes to the heaping mussels order and making sure baby-backs are meltingly tender. Local draft beers are featured, and all bottle wines are a frugal $19.95. Web: norththird.com


611 S. 3rd Street, 215-574-9495. ($) Voted City’s Best “Best Sports Bar” 20062008 and “Best Irish Bar” 2006-2008. We have 16 satellite televisions and South Street’s best beer selection, 19 beers on draught, over 90 bottles — the area’s only beer engine. Web: onealspub.com

Oh! Shea’s Pub

1907 Sansom Street, 215-568-7071. ($) Great drinks as well as a great place to hang out.

Sal’s on 12th

200 S. 12th Street, 215-731-9930. ($$) “A little South Philly in Center City”. We offer everything from pasta with red gravy or alfredo sauce to huge sandwiches and appetizers.

Slainte Pub and Grill

3000 Market Street, 215-222-7400. ($$) From Philly Cheese Steak Egg rolls, Turkey Burgers & Big Green Salads to our freshly beer battered Fish and Chips, Shepherd’s Pie & Banger and Mash. Sláinte’s extensive menu has something to please every palate! Sláinte is an authentic modern Irish Pub with arched ceilings and gorgeous wood furnishings all built in Waterford, Ireland. Web: slaintephilly.com


102 S. 21st Street, 215-568-6886. ($$) Slate has the menu to make for a perfect evening. We feature small plates and full entrees for lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. Our original menus change seasonally and we use only fresh produce and meats. Our full service bar include our signature cocktails, wine by the glass or bottle, and several beers on draught and by the bottle. Web: slatephiladelphia.com

Smokey Joe’s

210 S. 40th Street, 215-222-0770. ($$) Smokey Joe’s is “the Pennstitution.” It is the Premier Penn Bar, serving Penn’s residents for more than 60 years! Offering a cozy environment, Smoke’s aims to please! Our kitchen is open Monday thru Saturday 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Web: smokeyjoesbar.com

Society Hill Hotel Bar

1524 Sansom Street, 215-972-9938. ($) A great tavern.

301 Chestnut Street, 215-923-3711. ($) Restored Old City Bar built in 1832. Serving quality local beer, an innovative wine list, and the best food in the city.

Pub & Kitchen

Standard Tap

Oscar’s Tavern

1946 Lombard Street, 215-545-0350. ($$) One part English tavern, one part gastropub, P&K serves up burgers and onion rings upgraded with top-notch ingredients. The menu is careful and populated with standards from the United Kingdom, many of which pair well with the mostly craft and import brew list. Web: thepubandkitchen.com

Queen Sheeba Pub II

Resurrection Ale House

2425 Grays Ferry Avenue, 215-735-2202. ($$) The brews include 12 taps, one caskconditioned, 41 bottles, and five locals. The menu consists of affordable items like seasonal salads and delish steak frites. Why it’s not another snooty beer bar: Mostly, the price range. Web: resurrectionalehouse.com

Roosevelt Pub

2220 Walnut Street, 215-569-8879. ($) English-style pub featuring 18 drafts and 15 bottled beer varieties. Featuring Best of Philly hamburger and “casual affordable” menu. $2.95 1/2-lb. burger and fries combo, appetizers and more. DJs and a pool hall. Web: rooseveltspub.com

Rotten Ralph’s

201 Chestnut Street, 215-925-2440. ($) Casual and cozy neighborhood 25-seat bar and 30-seat upstairs café with nice window seating. Steaks, snacks and sandwiches will accompany your choice from our 19 brew taps!

Strikes Bowling Lounge

4040 Locust Street, 215-387-2695. ($) Although Strikes is known best for its bowling, the Lounge carries a varied assortment of food and drinks that’s sure to please anybody’s craving. Web: strikesbowlinglounge.com

Sugar Mom’s Church Street Lounge

225 Church Street, 215-925-8219. ($) Twelve taps. Good prices. Pints of Pabst Blue Ribbon $2.00. Pints of Yards $3.00 every day. Enjoy our pinball machines and pool tables. All sandwiches 12pm- 4pm 1/2 price. Call for daily specials.

T.A. Flannery’s

11 S. 21st Street, 215-561-1193. ($) Irish pub run by a third-generation saloon keeper. Great roast beef and roast pork sandwiches. Everything fresh made on premises. Come join us for a pint, a sandwich and a great time with friends!

Tangier Café

1801 Lombard Street, 215-732-5006. ($$) Food, drink, shelter — a neighborhood, casual café. Tangier is a state of mind. Ten beers on tap, 80 in the bottle, best Buffalo Wings this side of Buffalo. Web: tangier. thekalon.com

530 South Street, 215-238-9880. ($) South Street’s neighborhood bar. Reasonably priced food and drink seven days a week. Tattoos not required. Web: myspace.com/tattooed_mom & Twitter. com/tmoms

The Bards

2013 Walnut Street, 215-569-9585. ($$) An authentic Irish restaurant and bar, offering contemporary Irish cuisine and a large selection of premium beers and Irish whiskies. Set in a comfortable atmosphere. Serving lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch and a late-night snack menu on weekends. Live entertainment! Weekly Penn and Wharton specials! Zagat Survey:“Best Guinness in Philly; a treasure; proves the Irish can cook.” Web: bardsirishbar.com (Please see our ad, Page 16)

The Belgian Cafe

21 street & Green Street, 215-235-3500. ($$) From the owners of Monk’s and Nodding Head, this pub brings classic Belgium atmosphere, food, and drink to the Art Museum area. Their menu offers many vegetarian and vegan options (vegan meatloaf!), as well as a variety of burgers, mussels and entrees. Beer is innovatively used in many of their dishes. Web: thebelgiancafe.com

The Blarney Stone

3929 Sansom Street, 215-222-5340. ($) Specials every night. Web: theblarneystone.net

The Blockley Pourhouse

3801 Chesnut Street, 215-222-1234. ($) The Blockley serves innovative pub cuisine in a warm, relaxed atmosphere with a centrally located stage for live music and a large, square bar to anchor the room. Web: theblockley.com

The Bottle Shop

1837 E Passyunk Ave, 215-551-5551. ($$$$) A huge selection of all kinds of beers and spirits, with small tables to enjoy them on and finger food to enjoy them with!

The Dandelion Pub

18th and Sansom St, 215-558-2500. ($$$) Friendly service and good, hearty food justify the cozy atmosphere and make you want to stay for as long as possible. Web: thedandelionpub.com (Please see review, Page 10)

The Elephant and Castle Pub & Restaurant

1800 Market Street , (S. 18th Street and Market Street), 215-751-9977. ($$) Not only do you need to see it, you need to experience it. The newest in a wonderful family of British pub style restaurants here in North America. Some say it’s more British than Britain itself! 18 draught beers, 20 domestic and micro-brewed beers. Web: elephantcastle.com

The Field House

1150 Filbert Street, 215-629-1520. ($$) Field House, located within the Philadelphia Convention Center transcends the traditional “Sports Bar” stigma. The menu provides ample flexibility to satisfy a wide range of customers, and allows Field House to host everything from a power business dinner to a weekend Alumni game watch. Web: fieldhousephilly.com

The Franklin Mortgage & Investment Co.

112 S. 18th Street, 267-467-3277. ($$)

In the late 1920s, The Franklin Mortgage and Investment Company Served as the front door for the largest alcohol ring in the country. The Franklin celebrates both the Golden Age barrooms of the preProhibition era, and the skilled bartenders who fled their homes to pursue a noble craft. The Franklin is a place where a stiff drink and a tuneful horn co-mingle, and where bartenders are artists. Above all, The Franklin is a beacon for those who feel that a dram of alcohol is not meant as merely a vessel for intoxication, but a sensory experience all its own. Web: thefranklinbar.com

The HeadHouse Cafe

Village Whiskey

118th South 20th Street, 215-655-1088. ($$) Classic bar with over 80 varieties of Whiskey. Web: villagewhiskey.com

WineO Restaurant & Bar

447 Poplar Street, 215-925-0999. ($$) WineO has evolved and grown into an upmarket wine bar perfectly nestled in the artistic Northern Liberties neighborhood and has become a local hot spot for hipsters and young professionals alike. Discover the fresh, innovative style of This popular wine bar/gastro pub. Web: wineophilly.com

Woody’s Bar

The Irish Pol

202 S. 13th Street, 215-545-1893. ($) Woody’s menu features sandwiches, salads, soups made daily, panini and an array of desserts and coffee drinks including cappuccinos and lattes. Our daily specials are a favorite! Web: woodysbar.com

The Khyber


122 Lombard St, 215-922-1223. ($$) Great seafood, luscious chicken wings and perhaps the best selection of beer in Philadelphia! Web: headhousephilly.com 45 S. 3rd Street, 267-761-9532. ($) Great beer and service Web: theirishpol.com 56 S. 2nd Street, 215-238-5888. ($) Located between Market and Chestnut streets. A fun bar and pub to hang out at, listen to live music or select tunes from the most eclectic juke box in town and meet new and interesting people from all over. Sample any of over 100 brands of beer: domestic, imported and microbrews. Web: khyberpasspub.com (Please see review, Page )

The Plough and the Stars

123 Chestnut Street, 215-733-0300. ($$) Located within the beautifully restored Corn Exchange Building, the Plough and the Stars is an entirely new concept in Irish restaurants and bars. Web: ploughstars.com

The Westbury

261 S. 13th Street, 215-546-5170. ($$) The Westbury is Philadelphia’s friendliest neighborhood pub. Always open for lunch and dinner, we provide a full menu along with daily drink specials. There are seven televisions and a jukebox. Many different social groups and sports teams call the Westbury their home. Best of all, there are discounts for students all night long, seven days a week.

Tir Na Nog

1600 Arch Street, 267-514-1700. ($$) “The air around our table was whirling with the sounds and aromas of Ireland. And for just a moment I was transfixed.” Craig LeBan, Philadelphia Inquirer Web: tirnanogphilly.com

Triumph Brewing Company

117 Chestnut Street, 215-625-0855. ($$) Triumph Brewing Company is a wellknown area microbrewery in the midst of Old City. Espousing a philosophy of good times, good grub and the best of brews, their gourmet pub menu aims to please. Try one of their own beers on tap, or enjoy their wide range of foods including Mussels Frites, sandwiches, large and small plates, and salads. Web: triumphbrewing. com

Urban Saloon

2120 Fairmount Avenue, 215-232-5359. ($) With a wide variety of domestic, imported, and craft brews (bottled and draft), along with rotated seasonal drafts, Urban Saloon should satisfy any beer lover. The brunch and dinner menus do not disappoint, with both traditional fare and more creative (but non-pretentious) options that won’t break the bank.

Baltimore Crab and Seafood

4800 Spruce Street, 215-472-7040. ($$) A West Philly restaurant, whose amazing desserts rival its famous seafood.

Chart House

555 S. Columbus Boulevard, 215-6258383. ($$$) Chart House offers gorgeous riverfront and city views in their dining areas. Delicious menu items include topof-the-catch seafood, succulent steaks, decadent desserts. Try the slow roasted Prime Rib or the famous Hot Chocolate Lava Cake. Web: chart-house.com

Devon Seafood Grill

225 S. 18th Street, Rittenhouse Square, 215-546-5940. ($$$) Featuring a diverse cellar selection and imaginative cuisine, Devon promises the finest ocean fare with classic elegance. With an indulgent menu focused on superior quality fresh seafood as well as prime steaks, fresh oysters award-winning crab cakes and their signature sweet drop biscuits, Devon crafts its dishes with exacting standards and pampers its guests in a comfortable atmosphere. Web: devonseafood.com

DiNardo’s Famous Crabs

312 Race Street, 215-925-5115. ($$$) DiNardo’s is the place to have your shellcracking,claw-sucking, crab-eating feast. Steamed Louisiana crabs are served “hot and dirty” (known as Baltimore style), as well as other seafood specialties such as jumbo shrimp, fresh stuffed flounder, steamed mussels, and clams. Chicken, steaks, and pasta also are served. Web: dinardos.com


1708 Lombard Street, 215-545-9600. ($$$) Chef Mike Stollenwerk follows up his lauded BYOB Little Fish with this second seafood restaurant. Innovative cooking that doesn’t stray into the realm of science is what his fans expect and will find here - octopus carpaccio, skate wing with homemade truffle spaetzel and desserts like a salted cream on a spiced carrot cake. Web: fishphilly.com

McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

4511 Baltimore Avenue, 215-382-2099. ($$) Very relaxed atmosphere with inexpensive drinks, great bar food, and arcade games!

901 N. 2nd Street, 215-238-0630. ($$) Standard Tap’s local-microbrew taps, thoughtfully selected wines and rocking jukebox make it appealing just as a bar. The blackboard menu describes the offerings in one or two words: Squid, Smelts, Duck Salad. But behind the restrained terminology are exuberant flavors. Web: standardtap.com

Tattooed Mom’s

spring dining guide

place that is truly unique to Philadelphia. Try the tater tots and you’ll become a devotee. Web: northbowlphilly.com

1 S. Broad Street, 215-568-6888. ($$$) Located in the heart of Center City, McCormick & Schmick’s brings the freshest seafood dining experience to Philadelphia. Featuring over 30 varieties of fresh seafood flown in daily from around the globe, 41

spring dining guide

lunch and dinner menus are updated daily to reflect the freshest selections available. Web: mccormickandschmicks.com

Oyster House

1516 Sansom Street, 215-567-7683. ($$$) At the Oyster House, the Mink family continues the mission of serving Philadelphians fresh seafood at reasonable prices. Sam Mink has added modern touches, a bevy of raw bar and cooked seafood options (think soft shell crab and snapper turtle soup). Updated-meetsclassic cocktails include oyster shooters (that come in either horseradish infused tequila or hot pepper and cilantro infused vodka) and local taps. Web: oysterhousephilly.com

Phillips Seafood

200 N. 17th Street, 215-448-2700. ($$$) Originally known for their Maryland style crab cakes and regional fare, Phillips has expanded in location to Philadelphia. It is located in the Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel. Phillips is famous for their soups and crab cakes, so be sure to check them out! Web: phillipsseafood.com

Seafood Unlimited

Café Nola

414 S. 2nd Street, 215-574-1687. ($$$) A New Orleans-style restaurant, Cafe Nola serves up Cajun and Creole classics like gumbo, jambalaya, crawfish, bananas foster and much more. The romantic ambiance is perfect for a date. Web: americascuisine.com/pennsylvania/philadelphia/CafeNola.aspx


775 S. Front Street, 215-271-9300. ($$$) Catahoula is filled with locals from the mostly residential Queen Village neighborhood, snacking on Nawlins’ favorites like etouffee, gumbo, a tasty selection of house-pickled vegetables, jambalaya and, of course, po’boys — and washing it down with Sazeracs and Louisiana’s own Abita beer. Chef Paul Martin aims at an “urban Cajun” approach with his mostly traditional, classic menu in a chill atmosphere.

270 S. 20th Street, 215-732-3663. ($$) Seafood Unlimited specializes in providing only the freshest fish selections for a one of a kind dining experience. Menu changes daily based on fish availability and our chef’s whimsy... Come see why our loyal patrons have been coming here for years. Web: seafoodunlimited.com

Ortlieb’s Jazzhaus

Snockey’s Oyster and Crab House

262 S. 10th Street, 215-922-5626. ($) The 10th Street Pour House puts a New Orleans spin on the standard lunch and brunch fare. The quaint café is the ideal place for anyone in need of a quick caffeine fix to those desiring an ambient atmosphere to relax. Offering the usual coffees, teas, smoothies and home-cooked entrées, The Pour House floods its delicate and intricate details into specialty sandwiches and omelets. Two to try: The catfish po’ boy sandwich, filled with lettuce, chopped tomatoes and tender flaky fish fillets, and the spicy Creole Cajun eggs benny stacked with andouille sausage. Web: phillypourhouse.com

1020 S. 2nd Street, 215-339-9578. ($$) Casual dining with a wide selection of different seafoods: lobster specials, hardshell crabs, oysters, five to six different broiled fish each night. Nonsmoking section available at certain times. Luncheon specials every day. Web: snockeys.com


1200 Market Street, (Loew’s Hotel), 215231-7300. ($$$) It is not just for seafood lovers, but for everyone that enjoys something fresh and different. An inviting decor of warm woods, soothing colors, elliptical tables and banquettes is the perfect back drop for what can only be described as an ideal dining experience.

Sotto Varalli

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011

Dining with a sophisticated Bar scene matched only by the delectable dishes created by Executive Chef Mark Ziebis. Bourbon Blue is affordable elegance. New America Cuisine, New Orleans Twist. Web: bourbonblue.com

231 S. Broad Street, 215-546-6800. ($$$) Sotto Varalli has a classic seafood menu with many Mediterranean twists. Freshness is a key word here and so is variety - many options for the non-seafood lover- pasta, steaks and chops! The decor is sophisticated yet playful - from its hand blown glass starfish pendants and waterwalls to its giant squid which floats over the bustling bar. Web: varalliusa.com


4550 Mitchell Street, 215-483-3947. ($$) Features high-quality, moderately priced southwestern cuisine. The house specialty is blackened catfish with a margarita sauce. Outdoor café with heated patio and free parking. Web: adobecafephilly.com

Bourbon Blue

2 Rector Street, 215-508-3360. ($$$) Located in the heart of Manayunk right off Main St., the 18th Century mill building 42 has been transformed into French Quarter

847 N. 3rd Street, 215-922-1035. ($$) World-class jazz artists nightly, with no cover charge on weekdays. Original brewery tavern, featuring American and Continental cuisine, with many seafood dishes as well. Web: ortliebsjazzhaus.com

Tenth Street PourHouse


1400 S. Columbus Boulevard, 215-4622000. ($$) Come dine, dance, and “experience the spirit of true Southern hospitality” at this great new locale in South Philly. Enjoy authentic Southern/soul food dishes and music with family or a fun group of friends. Web: warmdaddys.com


1623 Walnut Street, 215-988-1799. ($$$) Restaurateur Stephen Starr and Nuevo Latino superstar Chef Douglas Rodriguez pair up in this bold new venture with a Cuban Vibe. Enjoy delicious dishes infused with the sensuous flavors of Cuban cuisine in a vibrant atmosphere reminiscent of Old Havana.Live Latin jazz quartet Wednesday nights. Web: almadecubarestaurant.com


217 Chestnut Street, 215-625-2450. ($$$) Bona fide chef Chef Jose Garces introduces the city’s only authentic Spanish tapas bar & restaurant. Specialties of the house include Paella Valenciana for 2, Tapas a la Plancha and a variety of Sangria. Web: amadarestaurant.com

Bar Ferdinand

1030 N. 2nd Street, 215-923-1313. ($$) Under the direction of Executive Chef David Kane, Bar Ferdinand offers a delicious variety of innovative and traditional Spanish Tapas, with an emphasis on utilizing fresh, seasonal and sustainable ingredients. Bar Ferdinand also offers a diverse Spanish wine selection, signature cocktails, house made Sangria & Claricot and a rotating selection of craft beer on draught. Whether indoors or out, indulge in modern spins on Spanish tapas. Web: barferdinand.com

Brasil’s Restaurant and Night Spot

112 Chestnut Street, 215-413-1700. ($$) Authentic Brazilian cuisine. Fejoada, the national dish of Brazil, served on weekends, is one of the many delicious and different dishes served at this relaxing and romantic restaurant. Rodizio offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


707 Chestnut Street, 215-925-5555. ($$$) Chifa is a restaurant by Latin superstar and Iron Chef Jose Garces. Inspired by the unique hybrid of Peruvian and Cantonese cuisine found in Peru, the menu engages a broad range of Latin and Asian influences. The menu boasts a number of Ceviche options, dim sum plates, traditional noodle and rise dishes. Pork Belly Bao Buns are an absolute must! Web: chifarestaurant.com

Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar

10 S. 2nd Street, 215-627-0666. ($$$) Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar transports guests to Old Havana circa pre1950s with its nostalgic decor and openair tropical ambiance. Chef Guillermo Pernot’s menus feature traditional and contemporary Cuban cuisine. American flavors are added to Cuban classics as in the lobster empanadas with sweet meat and in entrees including tuna ceviche tossed with coconut milk, lime juice and yellow pepper and cilantro. Desserts are as sweet as mojitos: vanilla Cuban bread brulee or banana and chocolate-mousse tart. Web: cubalibrerestaurant.com/ philly_index.php

Hoof + Fin

617 S. 3rd Street, 215-925-3070. ($$$) This intimate and rustic Queen Village BYO is eclectic. Chef and owner Lucas Manteca mixes a familiarity with Latin American dishes—think ceviche and taquitos as starters—with American classics, like country fried steak and Old Bay fries, plus a menu of “from the grill” meats and fish (the 10 ounce skirt steak was juicy and well seasoned), which are nicely priced and include a starch and veggie side.

Koo Zee Doo

614 N. 2nd Street, 215-923-8080. ($$$) Koo Zee Doo is a BYOB in Northern Liberties inspired by the cuisine and flavors of Portugal. Food is served in cozy Iberian style in a fireplace-warmed two-room storefront with dishes such as grilled sardines and stewed rabbit. Portions are served family-style and meant to be shared. Web: koozeedoo.com


1141 Pine Street, 215-592-0363. ($$) Traditional Latin food with a contemporary flare, Mixto brings an array of flavors of the Cuban, Latin American and Caribbean cuisine to Center City. They offer breakfast, lunch and dinner with outdoor dining when the weather permits. Web: mixtorestaurante.com

Pura Vida

527 Fairmount Avenue, 215-922-6433. ($) The restaurant has many many tempting traditional Mexican choices. The El Salvadorian pupusitas, a chewy corn cake cut into triangles and topped with cheese, or the aromatic ginger chicken soup, a Latin version of soothing chicken soup with rice are worth a try. Check out the Spanish/Latin cuisine at Pura Vida if your interested in a change of taste.

Sabor Latino & Mexican Restaurant/ Night Club

33 Garrett Road, 610-352-8414. ($$) Why go South when you have it here? Mexican and South American cuisine, culture, and entertainment. Located 1 blocks West of 69th and Market Station, parking at the corner of Garret Road and Fairfield Avenue. Also features a bar and nightclub scene.

Sazon Restaurant & Cafe

941 Spring Garden Street, 215-763-2500. ($$) Sazon serves traditional homemade Venezuelan fare. Sazon only cooks with olive oil and corn oil, not lard, chemicals or grease. We only use top quality means & ingredients. Come and join us for a romantic dinner for two, or have your birthday party here, or just come in for an Arepa & Mango Juice. Web: sazonrestaurant.com

Tierra Colombiana

4535 N. 5th Street, 215-324-6086. ($$) Tierra Colombiana boasts a relaxed and casual atmosphere and is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Besides offering a vast list of wines that range from Spain to South America, they are also well known for their “batidos de frutas” (fruit smoothie shakes) and their Kiwi-Strawberry Mojito. Web: tierrarestaurante.com

Tinto Restaurant

114 S. 20th Street, 215-665-9150. ($$) If you’re looking for atmosphere and fantastic food, look no further than Tinto. The warm environment is made better by the quality of food served. Delicious tapas are only the beginning of Tinto’s menu, with desserts that end your meal on the right note. Web: tintorestaurant.com

($$$$) Butcher and Singer is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill steakhouse. An homage to old Hollywood, low lights and dark woods evoke a feeling reminiscent of a bygone era. Paired with a Perfect Manhattan and personalized service, you are sure to feel like a celebrity. Web: butcherandsinger.com

Capital Grille

1338 Chestnut Street, 215-545-9588. ($$$) Located on the Avenue of the Arts, Capital Grille has an exciting yet intimate atmosphere with a touch of relaxed elegance and style. Capital Grille specializes in dry aged steaks, chops, and fresh seafood. The award-winning wine list features over 400 selections. Let the masters of steak provide the perfect dining experience. Web: thecapitalgrille.com


1901 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, 215-525-3233. ($$$$) Chima combines Philadelphia’s most authentic Brazilian Churrasco cuisine with a stylish setting, world-class bar, table-to-table rodizio service and a wonderfully excessive salad bar. Web: chima.cc

Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House

1426 Chestnut Street, 215-246-0533. ($$$) Del Frisco’s cuisine features USDA prime beef, fresh seafood, & incredible cold water lobster tails. The breads, salad dressings, sauces & desserts are all made from scratch daily from traditional recipes. Award winning wine list offers over 1,000 selections from around the world. Web: delfriscos.com

Fogo de Chao

1337 Chestnut Street, 215-636-9700. ($$$$) This Southern Brazilian Steakhouse (also known as a churrascaria) offers a prix-fixe menu with 2 parts. The first course includes a gourmet salad bar with over 30 items. The second course includes 15 different cuts of beef, chicken, pork, lamb and sausage that are served table side by the chefs. Web: fogodechao. com

Marmont Steakhouse & Bar

40 S. 19th Street, 215-636-9901. ($$) A new Latin lounge and nightclub offering food from Las Locas and tapas on the bottom floor. Upstairs is a giant dance floor that features live bands, jazz ensembles, and flamenco dancers. The bar offers over 40 kinds of tequila.

222 Market Street, 215-923-1100. ($$$) Old City’s only steakhouse, Marmont balances a casual dining experience with exceptional quality. Choose from seven generous cuts, even customize your cut. All steaks are hand carved in-house. Salads, seafood, and homemade desserts complete the menu. Web: marmont.net/ live


Morton’s of Chicago


1229 Spruce Street, 215-790-9494. ($$$) Valanni offers distinctive Mediterranean cuisine and expertly crafted cocktails in an inviting neighborhood restaurant that is located only one block from the Avenue of the Arts. Relax inside our hip yet cozy interior for dinner or grab a seat outside, sip on cocktails and people watch. Web: valanni.com

STEAKHOUSE Barclay Prime

237 S. 18th Street, 215-732-7560. ($$$$) Barclay Prime is a luxury boutique steakhouse serving a traditional but modern menu in a contemporary setting. Web: barclayprime.com

Butcher and Singer

1500 Walnut Street, 215-732-4444.

1411 Walnut Street, 215-557-0724. ($$$$) One of the best steakhouses in the city with a relaxed, yet sophisticated atmosphere. Also features lobster and veal chops and a “living menu” for guests to choose entrees at table-side. Clothing restrictions. Cigar friendly. Web: mortons. com

Pat’s King of Steaks

1237 E. Passyunk Avenue, 215-468-1546. ($) After a bocce game or a night at the opera, this is the place to line up for a sidewalk steak sandwich with onions, cheese, plenty of hot peppers and all the rest. Pioneer and originator of the steak sandwich since 1930. Non-smoking sections available. Open ’round the clock. Web: patskingofsteaks.com

Prime Rib

1701 Locust Street , 215-772-1701. ($$$$) Expertly prepared cuts of prime

beef are the focus in a Deco-ish dining room with black lacquered walls, leopard carpeting and live piano and bass nightly. Business casual - no jacket required. Web: theprimerib.com

modate both the most delicate and daring of palates. The friendly staff welcome you to their warm and colorful dining room to enjoy an ambrosial meal. Web: erawanphilly.com


Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse

Lemon Grass Thai Restaurant

218 S. 16th Street, 215-732-8888. ($$) This restaurant serves local, seasonal, vegan and vegetarian food. Aiming to fill the need for healthy, whole and delicious cuisine in Philadelphia, MiLah Vegetarian’s Vientiane Cafe 4728 Baltimore Avenue, 215-726-1095. ($) menu features the freshest fruits and vegVientiane is a comfortable BYOB with eclec- etables from local farms instead of heavy sauces and substitutions. Web: milahvegtic but tasty Laotian and Thai entrees. etarian.com

260 S. Broad Street, 215-790-1515. ($$$$) 1990 “Best of Philly” winner for steaks. Rivals The Palm for best steakhouse in the city. Menu also includes other entrees such as chicken, pork, and seafood, and conclude dinner with tasty homemade desserts. Diner’s Club card also accepted. Web: ruthschris.com

Smith and Wollensky

210 W. Rittenhouse Square, 215-5451700. ($$$$) The Rittenhouse Hotel is the latest home of this classic New York steakhouse, with its famous pea soup and renowned dry-aged steaks. The more casual Wollensky’s Grill serves into the wee hours. Web: smithandwollensky.com

Table 31

1701 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, 215567-7111. ($$$) From Georges Perrier and Chris Scarduzio, a steakhouse bistro in the Comcast Center. That’s steaks, of course (go for the complex, slow-burn house-made steak sauce), in the requisite cuts and a range of pedigrees, lots of seafood options, and lighter dishes including pizzas. Web: table-31.com

The Palm

200 S. Broad Street, At the Bellevue, 215-546-7256. ($$$$) In the Bellevue Hotel, one of the best steak restaurants in the city. Pricey, but worth it. While the lobster, steak, lamb and veal is made to order, relax in the portrait gallery of famous Philadelphia faces. Web: thepalm.com/ sitemain.cfm?site_id=18

Every Monday. Playlist of the week.

My Thai

2200 South Street, 215-985-1878. ($$) 2002 “Best of Philly” Philadelphia Magazine. City Search 2003 winner of both categories: Audience and Editorial winner by vote.



Atiya Ola’s Spirit First Foods

4000 Chestnut Street, 215-382-0818. ($$$) Fine contemporary food in a clean, subtle atmosphere. Chicken in red curry, duck with spices are specialties of our chef. Great date restaurant. Web: nanrestaurant. com

Pad Thai

606 N. 2nd Street, 215-592-1168. ($$) Authentic, contemporary Thai restaurant with a colorful and energetic atmosphere. Combination BYO with beer and wine service. Web: padthaiphilly.com

Pad Thai Shack

127 S. 18th Street, 215-557-0422. ($) “Best of Philly” South East Asian take out. “Best Fried Rice”, Philadelphia City Paper. Web: padthaishack.com

Pattaya Grill

4006 Chestnut Street, 215-387-8533. ($$) “Best of Philly/Thai” 1996, Philadelphia Union Trust Philadelphia Steakhouse Magazine. Rated “Excellent” by Zagat Survey 1999. Greenhouse in back. Serves 717 Chestnut Street, 215-925-6000. Thai and French cuisine. Web: pattayares($$$$) A Philadelphia steakhouse which taurant.com offers a wide range of entrees, from big (Please see our ad, Page 33) eye tuna steak and Alaskan sockeye salmon to ribeye filet mignon and prime Penang Malaysian Cuisine porterhouse. Lamb and veal entrees also 117 N. 10th Street, 215-413-2531. ($$) available, and the menu boasts many Authentic Malaysian cuisine that is a taste delicious-sounding sides. Web: uniontrust- above the rest. Takeout available. Web: steakhouse.com penangusa.com

THAI 705 Chestnut Street, 215-928-2838. ($$) Restaurant serving Thai and Malaysian cuisine. The menu offers a wide variety of soups, noodles, rice dishes and some seafood entrees. Karaoke available upstairs.

Banana Leaf Malaysian Cuisine

1009 Arch Street, 215-592-8288. ($) Banana Leaf is a Malaysian restaurant bringing you classics like Hainanese Chicken, Roti Canai and Curry Mee. It is consistently bursting with flavor and prepared with the freshest ingredients available. Web: phillybananaleaf.com

Cafe de Laos

1117 S. 11th Street, 215-467-1546. ($$) Tiny BYOB spot featuring Thai and Laotian Cuisine with great dishes such as Kiew Nam, Pad Kee Mao, Namtok beef salad and more!

Erawan Thai Cuisine

123 S. 23rd Street, 215-567-2542. ($$) Philadelphia’s first Thai restaurant is nestled on the edge of the Rittenhouse neighborhood. A large variety of authentic dishes on the menu, prepared to accom-

Siam Cuisine

925 Arch Street, 215-922-7135. ($$) Recognized this year as an award-winning top Thai restaurant by Zagat Survey. Located in Chinatown. Features lemon grass soup and mee pu. Menu also includes spicy stir-fried shell fish, Siamese crispy duck and homemade coconut ice cream and Thai dessert. Web: siamcuisinepa.com

Smile Café

105 S. 22nd Street, 215-564-2502. ($$) Authentic Thai food served at a reasonable price. The menu offers a variety of dishes ranging from traditional pad Thai to seafood served with a mango sauce.


117 South Street, 215-925-2764. ($$) Specialties include pad Thai and sautéed shrimp and chicken in curry-coconut sauce. Web: tamarindonsouth.com/index. html

Thai Singha House

3939 Chestnut Street, 215-382-8001. ($$) Authentic Thai cuisine in a cozy, warm atmosphere. Specialties include fire game hen and spicy shellfish. Six time Reader’s Choice Award from City Paper and Philadelphia Inquirer says “exotic and delicious.” Call for details.

4505 Baltimore Avenue, 215-939-3298. ($) Healthy and delicious raw foods and drinks, with many tasty vegetarian and vegan options.

Energy Zone

3701 Walnut Street, Pottruck Center, 215387-4977. ($) Refreshing, great-tasting smoothies! Meal-replacement and recovery shakes, supplements and bars as well as numerous healthy snacks for the bodyconscious gym-goer.

Essene Market & Café

719 S. 4th Street, 215-922-1146. ($) Gourmet organic foods and cuisine featuring vegetarian/macrobiotic entrees, pasta, salads, sushi, and sandwiches. Fresh-made juices, served cafeteria style in side the natural foods market. Web: essenemarket. com

rolls, tamarind rum-glazed tempeh, roasted oyster mushrooms and creamy horseradish butter. Web: horizonsphiladelphia.com (Please see review, Page 18)

MiLah Vegetarian

New Harmony Vegetarian Restaurant

135 N. 9th Street, 215-627-4520. ($) Harmony is a smoke-free restaurant, offering over 100 items on its menu. We use soy products, wheat gluten and vegetables in our creations. Web: myspace.com/ newharmony


3728 Spruce Street, 215-222-8899. ($) Make your own fresh, delicious salad masterpiece! Fresh turkey sandwiches and pasta dishes. Web: saladworks.com

Cafe Huong Lan

1037 S. 8th Street, 215-629-9966. ($) Cafe Houng Lan’s delicious dishes include beef noodle soups, Vietnamese hoagies, congee, rice platters, vermicelli and traditional noodles.

VIETNAMESE Pho Cali Vietnamese Restaurant

36th Street and Spruce, . ($) Fresh fruit served with a smile. The fruit cart owner includes a free banana with all orders.

1000 Arch Street, 215-629-1888. ($) Join the “Pho craze”... the Vietnamese noodle soup raised to the nth degree. A myriad of options to personalize your pho bowl. We offer a perfect blend of Vietnamese cooking in a relaxed atmosphere.

Fruit and Vegetable Cart

Pho Xe Lua Viet Thai Restaurant

Fresh Fruit Salad

40th Street and Locust Street, . ($) With a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, this cart has everything you need to stock your kitchen for healthy eating. While the prices are a little higher than other fruit carts on campus, they are better than those at Fresh Grocer and this cart carries vegetables, which the others do not.

Fruit Salad Cart

907 Race Street, 215-627-8883. ($) Saturday lunch at Pho Xe Lua in Chinatown puts you in the company enormous platters of Vietnamese food (there are also some Thai options). Service is brisk, as the waiters serve up raw fresh flank steak with lime juice, sautéed chicken with lemongrass on rice, snails with coconut and basil, and grilled pork balls on vermicelli.

33rd Street and Spruce Street, . ($) Located Vietnam Cafe 814 S. 47th Street, 215-729-0260. ($) This near HUP (Penn’s hospital), this food cart offshoot of the popular Vietnam restaurant serves a variety of fruit salads. in Chinatown arrives in West Philly. With Fruit Salad Truck only 11 tables, this “elegant yet casual” 34th Street and Walnut Street, . ($) This BYOB doesn’t take reservations and won’t food truck serves a variety of fresh fruit serve parties of 8 or more after 6pm. Web: salad combinations, offering customers a eatatvietnam.com/vietnam_cafe.cfm healthy alternative lunch option.

Govinda’s Gourmet Vegetarian

1408 South Street, 215-985-9303. ($) Located right on the corner of Broad and South Streets, Govinda’s is a restaurant with delicious, original, famous variety of Vegetarian, Vegan, Vedic, Halal and Kosher meals prepared with love and delicious to enjoy. Try the Golden Tofu or Kofta Balls smothered in a tangy red sauce. Enjoy contemporary cuisine in a charming atmosphere. Web: govindasvegeterian.com


611 S. 7th Street, 215-923-6117. ($$) The owners aspire to be Philadelphia’s “signature vegetarian restaurant”. Suprisingly there is no granola, alfalfa sprouts or wheat germ anywhere on the menu. Instead there are exotic and tastefully done wild mushroom stuffings, spicy red chili cauliflower

Vietnam Palace

222 N. 11th Street, 215-592-9596. ($) Casual Vietnamese dining seven days a week. Located in Chinatown. Banquet facilities for parties up to 100. Full bar available. Web: vietnampalacephilly.com

Vietnam Restaurant

221 N. 11th Street, 215-592-1163. ($) This Vietnamese restaurant in Chinatown prepares all meals with care. The portions are generous and the prices are excellent. Web: eatatvietnam.com/vietnam_restaurant.php

34TH STREET Magazine February 16, 2011



3630 Lancaster Avenue, 215-222-8042. ($$) Features imaginative dishes, such as Evil Jungle Princess, Swimming Rama and Young Girl on Fire, and an extensive vegetarian menu. Also some fabulous desserts, such as mango with sticky rice and fried banana. Web: lemongrassphila.com

2624 Brown Street, 215-232-8746. ($$) Perhaps one of the best French-Thai fusion restaurants. Not to be missed are lemon grass soup, tamarind lacquered pork loin, and crispy tofu with julienne ginger. In desserts, their creme brulee made from silky custard flavored with floral Thai iced tea is a must try! Web: triobyob.com

spring dining guide

This is a really awkward place for text to go but a not–so– awkward place for music to go is in the magazine... and online... in playlist format that looks really pretty and sounds like gold.


spring dining guide

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