SOCIAL MEDIA/APP STRATEGY If you build it, they will come. Obviously we are borrowing from a classic movie, but the line really hit home when we sat down to plan our approach to our new App. Doing business in a small town meant we were working with some very conservative business owners who weren’t going to advertise on something that no one was subscribing to. Heck, most of them just started Facebook pages last year. So while we did develop a rate structure, we determined early on that while the audience of downloads was building, we would have to bundle the App into print and special section packages during our first year. In the fall semester we bundled our Deals section in with as many special pages and events as we could. Football packages, homecoming, political advertising and Christmas shopping pages. Advertisers could take advantage of the mobile App if they bought certain deals in print. So far we’ve had 11 advertisers consistently use our App as part of their marketing plan. We have a long way to go, but it is a good start for us. It is a success to us because it allows us to hold onto our print revenues where the real money is and deliver a multi-media package to our advertisers. Download campaign. We have aggressively promoted our new App since returning to campus in August of 2012. We have utilized weekly print ads, bus shelters, daily online ads, niche publications such as Apartment Life and Campus Cash Coupons, social media and street marketing. Our public relations staff worked at the largest campus social event in August wearing special t-shirts that people could scan with their phones to immediately download our App. We had two different shirts allowing members of the PR Team to work in pairs. One shirt read “Android User?” and the other said “Got an iPhone?”. The QR codes on each shirt took them directly to either GooglePlay or iTunes Store, depending on their phone. In our first semester with our App we have more than 1900 downloads. That is a great number or our size market. We are optimistic that as we continue to build this number, more advertisers will come.
al media,
er you are.
2012 Holiday Package
CMU Football season is the biggest time on campus and in Mount Pleasant during the fall, so score big with a
Print, Digital and Mobile combination!
Game Days
These special prices give your business a great impact during this high readership time!
Thursday, August 30 CMU vs. sE Missouri state
Get 1 online rectangle ad from aug. 29-nov. 28, 7 front page ad strips, as well as 2 mobile push notifications per game day Plus, bonus 8th page 1/2 off!
Saturday, October 20 CMU Homecoming vs. ball state
Saturday, November 3 WEsTERn WEEKEnd
Get 1 online tile/button ad from aug. 29-nov. 28 and 1 mobile push notification per game day. Plus, bonus 8th half page at 1/2 off!
Saturday, November 17 CMU vs. Miami
295 buy 7 quarter pages at $295 each - free full color included. per ad
BT 5
Gosse makes impact as she adjusts to college lifestyle, 7
Social Media
CM Life has the largest fan base of any media on Facebook and Twitter in Mount Pleasant.
Central Michigan University
Vice president forums
By Annie Harrison
| Friday, Oct. 7, 2011
Phi Mu sorority asking for donations to sign giant beach
begin, two finalists seeking
will visit campus Senior Reporter after an exCherise Peters, former tended nationwide search that ciate asso- will undergo began last spring. Central Michigan a series of interThe forums ment vice president for enroll- views Univer- will be Western Washington and open forums. sity is holding open services and registrar University, forums next dates’ held during both candi- Georgia at Daniel Shelley, Three previous week for two finalists visits State University, assistant vice finalists viswill ited campus seeking the Bovee from 4 to 5 p.m. in visit campus the position of the and held open fo- president for enrollment manThursday. University first agement and director rums in April and Search committee ident of Enrollment vice pres- Lake Michigan Room. Center’s May. of unand Student dergraduate Melik Peter Khoury, man Chris Ingersoll, co-chairSteven Johnson, associate Services. dean of the vice senior Rochester admissions at the vice College of president president for Strategic Institute of TechnolCMU announced Poin a press agement for enrollment man- and Kevin Health Professions, sitioning release that two VPESS at Upper Iowa Univer- ogy were all finalists as of April. Love, a professor finalists will visit at Howard University, management, of sity, Eileen Coughlin, Ingersoll campus Monday. announced in vice presi- be reached and Love could not dent for the release that the for comment. candidates Academic Student Affairs and Support Services at
78 fewer students on campus this year
Off-campus FTIAC freshman enrollment, however, A LOSS | 2
w Overall Enrollment: 28,311 w Undergraduate Enrollment: 21,698 w Graduate enrollment: 6,613 w Minority Enrollment: 4,718 w New Freshman (FTIAC) Enrollment: 3,899 w Other Freshman Enrollment: 1,191 w Total Freshman Enrollment: 5,090 w Undergraduate Student Credit: 284,200 w Graduate Student Credit Hours: 43,106 *Data from the Office Institutional Research of
If you go...
Steven Johnson w When: 4 p.m. Monday w Where: Bovee University Center’s Lake Michigan Room. Cherise Peters w When: 4 p.m. Thursday w Where: Bovee University Center’s Lake Michigan Room.
By Alayna Smith Staff Reporter
About fifteen students stand in a circle and release yellow balloons evening outside Charles to symbolize their experiences V. Park Library.
related to suicide as
part of Suicide Prevention
never forgotten
Week on Wednesday
Corrine Kay was sitting by the pond west of the Charles V. Park Library Wednesday evening when she noticed balloons being inflated nearby. “The one night I decide to take a walk, and I find this happening,” Kay said. The Ann Arbor freshman found about 30 students with yellow helium-filled balloons writing thoughts, poems and prayers on purple paper butterflies they then tied to a balloon’s string.
Greeks react to suspensi
Ann Arbor freshman Corrine Kay before the Suicide Prevention holds on to her balloon and attached note to her father Week symbolic balloon Charles V. Park Library. release Wednesday evening outside
“I don’t know where that balloon’s going to land, but I know he sees it.” Corrine Kay, Ann Arbor freshman
Griffin Endowed Chair Maxine Berman said she is excited to have such a diverse group on the panel to discuss the issue at hand. “The panel will bring many different perspectives, can each talk separatelyas they about the issue as it ties to the budget, the history of institutions philosophical aspects,” and the she said. The forum will be structured with the first half dedicated to panel discussion overseen by the moderator, and the second half will be an open question and answer session for the audience. Sarah Buckley, CHSBS coordinator of marketing and events, said past audiences forums have always of Griffin been glad to have the opportunity to speak their minds in this format. “The forum is a good opportunity for students, faculty and the community to learn more about the issue by asking questions in addition to listening to the panel A FORUM | 5
with non-fraternity Senior Repor ter broth- suspensions. ers, while Alpha However, Chi After the suspensions was suspended until Rho Jackson emphasized the the importance fall of 2014 for of Lambda Chi of the policies hazing al- held Alpha and legations. Alpha Chi Rho, by Greek Life. the Cen“It’s obviously Lambda Chi Alpha’s tral Michigan a sad day University was fate any time Greek community determined by our communithe all- ty gets is now Greek left with nine smaller,” Jackson social fra- Alpha judicial board and said. ternities. “It’s unfortunate Chi Rho’s hazing for al- an organization legations were Both suspensions investigat- alumni and the were ed and issued during the to acted upon by their tory over lose all that hisSeptember, but month of national chapter. the actions of the groups a few members, Mount Pleasant faced their suspensions senior for fraternity but in order for Taylor different reasons. Jackson, life to grow, Lambda dent presi- everyone Chi Alpha was needs to be held suspended nity of the Interfrater- accountable for four years Council, said to the same for cident involving an in- sad to see the Greekhe was policies and standards.” alcohol munity comshrink after the Alpha Chi Rho, 614
State and local and university leaderspoliticians will meet Monday to discuss the future of higher education in Michigan. The semiannual Griffin Policy Forum will cover “The Future of Higher Education in Michigan” and will begin at 7 p.m. in the George Ross Powers Hall Ballroom. The forum is sponsored by the Robert and Marjorie Griffin Endowed Chair in American Government, the College ities and Social and of HumanBehavioral Sciences, and the department of political science at Central Michigan University.
w Isabella County Jail to replace leaking roof, 3
.c om w Students mourn loss of Steve Jobs, 5 w Scenic train downtown departing Saturday, 6 w HATS temporarily lowers prices to encourage
S. Main St., PHOTOGRAPHER A GREEK LIFE | 5 of 2014 for hazing potential received a sanction of suspension from CMU until the fall members. 93 Years of Serving as Central Michigan University’s Independent Voice
Exceptions: Liquor, cigarette, gambling, contraceptives, and other PG-13 or R rated subject matter is prohibited on the front page of CM Life. For advertisers who fall into these categories, substitute out a FREE bannER ad for a month on CM-LiFE’s MobiLE aPP.
FR s,
l ful
• 2 col. x 3” ad: $60 • 3 col. x 5” ad: $135 • 4 col. x 6” ad: $195 • 2 col. x 5” ad: $100 • 2 col. x 10” ad: $170 • 3 col. x 10”ad: $240 (Price per day)
The event will be by Peter Luke of Boothmoderated vices. Panelists includeNews SerMichael Boulus, executive director of the presidents’ council and versities of Michigan, state uniDon past chairman of MichiganGilmer, house appropriation and higher education appropriation committees, Lou Glazer, Michigan Future Inc. President, and University President George Ross.
Students release balloons, reflect on personal experiences with suicide By Jamie Favazza | Staff Reporter
They were forming a circle and preparing to launch the butterflies and balloons into the sky in a symbolic launch as part of Suicide Prevention Week. “I found out that the event was personal, because my dad died from suicide two years ago,” Kay said. Her butterfly read, “I miss you Dad, you’re the best.” “I don’t know where that balloon’s going to land, but I know he sees it,” she said.
By David Oltean
ball, 3
Forum to focus on future of higher ed
Freshman class down by 316 By Mike Nichols Senior Reporter
Central Michigan University had a loss of 78 students this fall with of 28,311 registered. a total This is a 0.3 percent decrease, according to the Office of the Registrar’s annual report. Mary Meier, assistant rector of institutional disearch, was responsible refor producing the statistics. She said the numbers taken from enrollment are annually after the eighth day of classes, 10 percent of the way into the They use a data semester. freeze file that produces a snapshot of who is enrolled at the time. “We know we’re comparing equivalent in time,” she said. points “I think it’s a good way of doing it. That’s the way most other universities do it.” The most significant change was the drop of oncampus first-time-in-anycollege (FTIAC) by 316 students, freshmen a 7.5 percent loss from fall 2010. It was the largest percent loss of the one-year enrollment comparisons.
436 Moore Hall, CMU, Mt. Pleasant P: (989) 774-3493 F: (989) 774-3040
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Plus, bonus 8th quarter page at 1/2 off!
All paid and discounted/free ads must run in FALL 2012 semester at customers discretion. Advertisers can choose to use front page ad strips and push notifications in different days than ads run.
will be used heavily during football season to promote our advertisers.
46 Y U &
Saturday, October 27 CMU vs. akron
495 buy 7 half pages at $495 each - free full color included. per ad
Monday, noveMber 26 Wednesday, noveMber 28 Friday, noveMber 30 Monday, deceMber 3 Wednesday, deceMber 5 Friday, deceMber 7
Friday, October 12 CMU vs. navy
795 buy 7 full pages at $795 each - free full color included. per ad
On campus, and in the community, our readers LOVE holiday specials! Get them shopping at your store this Holiday season.
Saturday, September 8 CMU vs. Michigan state
Multi-Media Buys
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Our Mobile App
Call it our “TO GO” option in our media menu - MOBILe ADVeRTISING puts your business on the move. With an ever-increasing share of people’s time being dedicated to mobile apps, mobile advertising should be an important aspect of your business’ marketing plan. Now you can advertise on the leading news and sports App in Central Michigan. CM LIFe’S Mobile App gives readers access to the coverage they’ve come to expect from our award winning staff.
PHONES Launch Screen Tile Ads
Now your business can be an IMMEDIATE option on our main launch page. You can sponsor a category by the month, semester or school year. Drive consumers to your website or build downloads to your own mobile app. Tile ads do not rotate. Only 3 tiles open for advertising. TILeS $200 week/$695 month/$1625 semester
Category/Story Banner Ads
You can target your message to specific readership interest or advertise run of site. Banner ads run on the bottom of each category, and at the bottom of every story. Ads offer click through to your website, your mobile app or other page of your choice. Categories include: News, sports, entertainment, community, opinions, classifieds and weather. Ads are on rotation manager with up to 3 other advertisers. BANNeR $100 week/$300 month/$995 semester
Daily Deals/Offers
Have a last minute sale or special offer? Daily deals offers you the opportunity to push specials instantly to consumers’ phones. Customers can read your offer and instantly redeem the deal at your place of business. DAILY DeALS (Print Customers) $100 month/$300 semester DAILY DeALS (Non-Print Clients) $250 month/$800 semester
Tablet ads purchased in combination with banner or rectangle positions earn a 25% discount off entire buy. 728 x 90 BANNeR... $150 month/$500 semester 300 x 250 ReCTANGLe ... $125 month/$400 semester
goals are going to stay the same, but, with Killian as my vice president, we will be able to change more. This is not the way I would (have) liked this to happen, and it wasn’t expected, but I am happy with the change.” Gawronski said Dvorak resigned because of personal reasons, which he would not
tion’s goals but will allow him to accomplish more. “I’ve been involved with SGA for a long time, and now that I have the chance to serve in a position like this, I’m going to pour everything I have into it,” Richeson said. “I’m going to be dedicated to the internal aspects of the SGA in working to possibly clarify
of the Office of Student Life. Grettenberger has previously stated he will step down from the committee because of personal bias. The review committee will review the
Section 1, which in part states, “A Senate seat that becomes vacant shall be filled by the General Board.” The complaints also address recent appointments made by the Gawronski administration to previously appoint Richeson as elections director and Grosse Pointe junior Anthony J. Smith as
Michigan University College of Medicine” is inaccurate. The motion states “Dr. Ross and Dr. Shapiro have ignored the results of a vote taken by the Academic Senate on Nov. 1, 2011 to support a motion entitled “Resolution for the Proposed Central Michigan University College of Medicine.” “The motion in question was introduced as an incidental resolution. That means that no discussion can take place,” Cavataio said. “No one had a choice in the matter even if they wanted to.” During the presentation and discussion of the motion, Ross remained silent and Shapiro appeared to shake his head, chuckle and talk to surrounding senators. Ross and Shapiro left immediately following the vote.
deem if any changes should be made, and the ad hoc committee, which will focus on student concerns outside of the constitution.
appointed by the Speaker of the House, Westland junior Patrick O’Connor.
GOODWIL L College Ba sh
sister will say that is not how you run a IV for chemotherapy. I still enjoy them as much as anybody else, but I’m very critical of all the nit-picking little details.” Shelby Township sophomore Emily Harting, a communication disorders major, understands the overall aspect of the
the symptoms are realistic.” In order for viewers to get a glimpse of what the medical world is really like, Midland sophomore Katy Isles suggests producers of the shows portray it in a more realistic setting so people don’t go into the career thinking that’s going to happen. Harting said the drama is
they use in the diagnosis and all that, that’s all real, but everything else is over-emphasized.” For people who are interested in working the medical field, Isles said it would be wise if people job shadow first. However, Matyas insists finding your passion. “Something very simple can
working on open-heart surgery and you thought, ‘it looks really cool, I want to get involved in that,’ then fantastic. “Whatever it is that leads you to your passion. But being passionate about your work is an absolute must.”
91.5 WMHW-FM changes name to ‘Moore Rock’ radio By Sean Bradley Senior Reporter
Friday, Aug. 24 9:00pm - 11:00pm Mount Pleasant Goodwill Store
re-configuring some of the station’s content. “Pushing specialty shows to the weekends,” he said. “During the week will be for DJs on-air and giving people experience.” Specialty shows include hip-hop showcase Urban Exchange, as well as shows which cover sports, Hodgens said. The station will broaden the range of rock music it plays, going back to the mid-1990s and early 2000s to include different music other than current songs in rotation on major radio stations, said Dillon Stanco, WMHW station manager.
“We want more consistency out of the station,” Stanco said. “If someone wants to listen to music at 6 p.m., we’ll play the same thing at 6 p.m. Monday through Friday,” he said. Stanco said the shows won’t change format and the only thing that should change is the time when the shows air on the station. He said the idea of refocusing the station’s content came after a meeting in fall of 2011. “We met with a group on the east coast and they suggested broadening the rock music spectrum,” he said. He said about eight hours a
week are devoted to non-format specialty shows, including sports and genre-specific music shows. The name Moore Rock is a play on the hall’s name where the station is located in Moore Hall, but it’s also indicative of the changes in the station’s schedule and philosophy, Hodgens said. “We’re (also) broadcasting more rock music,” he said. He said the changes will make the station grow, in total listeners and the type of music it plays.
airport security in which the speaker removes her own flesh, and we begin to question what is identity,” Fanning said. “She could be writing a poem about canoeing on a river, which becomes a meditation on what poetry is.” Brown will be accompanied by music professor Joanna White and CMU alum Joe Hertler will keep his tradition of opening the series. “It has a statewide reputation,” Fanning said. “I am starting to get requests from poets around the state who want come and read here.” The monthly series happens on Monday evenings and features prominent writers and poets from across the state. Each reading features a visiting writer, along with a reading by a student from the CMU creative writing department and a performance by a local singer/songwriter or performer from the CMU school of music. “It makes for a great cultural experience,” Fanning said. “Her poems are direct and plain-spoken, but deeply moving. I found her work this summer online, and was
“Each poet is unique, and most readings are gripping and personal,” Hill said. All readings are free and open to the public and refreshments are provided by Max and Emily’s, 125 E. Broadway St. “My hopes for this year are that the series continues to draw strong audiences and to inspire creativity,” Hill said. Brown was the poet laureate of Delaware from 2007 to 2009 and taught for 27 years and directed the poets in the schools program at the University of Delaware. She is the recipient of the Felix Pollak Prize, a Pushcart Prize, the Phillip Levine Prize, the Great Lakes Colleges New Writer’s Award and her work has been a finalist twice in the National Poetry Series. “I expect another great year,” Fanning said. “This is the first time I don’t know any of the poets and hopefully it will draw more faculty and students who have never been here before.”
SOCIAL MEDIA/APP STRATEGY Student senators Christopher Benison and Michelle Campbell presented the motion in the last 10 minutes of the meeting. Benison read the motion and A-Senate Chairman Jim McDonald opened the floor to discussion. Campbell said in an email the next step after the vote is for the Central Michigan University Board of Trustees to “examine the leadership of President Ross and Provost Shapiro.” “I and Senator Benison felt it was appropriate to present this at the meeting today because the evidence was overwhelming that the president and provost have
ignored shared governance and the voices of the CMU community to the detriment of CMU’s students, faculty and staff,” she said. “I hope that the board of trustees takes the vote of no confidence seriously and reacts in an appropriate manner that will satisfy the concerns and grievances of students, faculty and staff on this important issue.” The motion was approved against Ross and Shapiro in less than a minute. Former Student Government Association President Vincent Cavataio said the wording in the motion regarding the “Resolution for the Proposed Central
If your radio station is tuned to 91.5 WHMW-FM you may have noticed a change last week. The Central Michigan University radio station changed its name to Moore Rock 91.5 from Modern Rock 91.5 on Oct. 1, said WMHW-FM Program Director and California senior Evan Hodgens said. Hodgens said the change, which was decided at the beginning of the calendar year by the whole staff, is not just in name but also includes
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There’s No App For That.
Study. But for everything else at CMU, we have it covered. Stay in touch every minute.
Sorry. But for everything else at CMU, we have it covered. Stay in touch every minute.
Central Michigan Life DOWNLOAD THE APP TODAY!
Central Michigan Life DOWNLOAD THE APP TODAY!
Trying to beat the traffic on Mission?
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There’s No App For That.
There’s No App For That.
Sorry. But for everything else at CMU, we have it covered. Stay in touch every minute.
Seriously? But for everything else at CMU, we have it covered. Stay in touch every minute.
Central Michigan Life DowNLoAD The App ToDAy!
Central Michigan Life DowNLoAD The App ToDAy!
Ka Leo Facebook Strategy We utilize facebook in multiple ways at Ka Leo and some of them are revenue generating and others are not. We have set up facebook as a tool to help businesses expand on their marketing mix and strategy. Ka Leo’s facebook packages are multi-‐ tiered and utilize a mix of products and services for our client. In addition to our facebook package, we also put a Ka Leo deal of the day out on our facebook page that highlights an ad from the Ka Leo print edition, we do not currently charge for this service, but will start next year with a small add-‐on buy with our clients advertising packages. The first part of our facebook strategy consist of customization of clients facebook pages. We have a student that is dedicated to facebook development and will code customized tabs on our client’s facebook pages. The tabs can be any additional information that a client would like to have displayed on their facebook page. The customization of the tabs is entirely up to the client and what their needs are. An example that we have done extensive work for is our University of Hawaii Campus Center Board, which included tabs on events, surveys, Ka Leo, newsletters, board members, and their Activities Council program. A restaurant would have different needs, like a menu, online ordering, feedback survey, coupons, and other things that are desired. These options helps us create a facebook page that is more dynamic and useful for our clients, which in turn helps them better market to their customers. In addition to customized work from our web developer, we also tie our facebook package in with a print advertising campaign. This campaign includes 4-‐ 1/8 page ads in the Ka Leo, typically we space them out 1 time per week. The ads that are placed are specifically designed to drive people to the client’s facebook page. The overall concept of the facebook package is to drive customers to the client’s page and start to interact with our client on facebook as well. This also brings additional revenue directly to the paper to help us print additional pages. The final part of the package is flyer distribution by our PR team, which is also focused on driving people to our client’s facebook page. This approach allows our student staff members to interact and talk about why other students should like a client’s facebook page. The PR team utilizes flyers that are designed with the ad and it helps keep consistency across platforms for our clients. The pricing structure is a one time fee of $500 and that will allow us to customize the tabs on facebook, run the ads in the paper and pay our PR team to pass out flyers. This package has been sold 4 times this year and has given us an extra $2,000 to our bottom line. We often have people interested in this package and are looking at some additional options for the future. If a client would like to change the tabs after the campaign is over then they is a pay per hour fee for our web team to work on the page. This is billed at an hourly rate of $20 per hour and helps us keep a relationship with our clients as a resource they have come to rely on.
Page 16 | Ka Leo | 2012-2013
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Online Advertising Specialized Facebook Advertising Package We have set up a package to help make your Facebook advertising more effective and to customize your page to your needs. This package is an overall awareness page that Ka Leo helps get our readers familiar with what you’re doing on Facebook.
The month package is set up to help get your Facebook page up to speed and bring more “likes” to your business. The total package is good for one month of service and can be purchased for as many months of service that you would like.
per month
This package includes: Customized tabs and updated information for up to 10 hours of customized work that includes updates from Ka Leo driving people to “like” your page. It also includes 100 flyer distributions by our PR team and four 1/8 page ads in Ka Leo that help promote your page and getting people to “like” you on Facebook.
Ka Leo Sponsorship Button We also have a sponsorship button at the top right of the website that is sold to one customer and is not rotated with other clients. This spot is a highly effective space and runs from the 1st of the month to the end of the month. The deadline to make a reservation is one week prior to the start of the month.
$200 per month
Ka Leo's website was recently re-designed and upgraded to the Town News blox system that has enabled more content generation and up-to-date information that is attracting more readers than ever before. The website delivers up-to-date information on news, events and sports that keep students and alumni coming back to see what is going on next. We also feature slide shows, puzzles, live streaming of events and more interactivity than ever before. We are currently serving 30,000 page views every month and have about 15,000 unique users visiting the website. has continued to grow in popularity and serves as a great compliment to the print edition. Online advertising is sold on a flat weekly rate and runs from Monday through Sunday on all pages of the website. The deadline is one week prior to running on the website and we need to have a signed contract turned in by 12 p.m. the Monday prior to publication.
Sizing and Placement Top Leaderboard Medium Rectangle Bottom Leaderboard
$30 per week
All Three Sizes
$25 per week
per week
All ads are sold on a rotation basis with up to five other clients at a time and will be served at random onto the web page.
per week
Best Social Media Strategy
Mustang Daily - California Polytechnic State University Mustang Daily uses Facebook and Twitter to reach out to its readers and advertisers. The two mediums are used in conjunction to promote events put on by the newspaper and to raise awareness of local businesses. Currently, our Facebook page has 826 “Likes” and our Twitter account has 3,044 followers. We have five incentive programs to increase our Facebook impressions and increase our advertiser’s return on their investment with the Mustang Daily. The first of our incentive programs is a caption contest solely run on Facebook. Each week, a photo is chosen from a sporting or on-campus event and shared on the Facebook page. Users are invited to comment with a caption or “like” one of the comments with a caption idea. The caption that receives the most “likes” is selected and run in the paper the following week. The person with the winning caption also gets a Mustang Daily prize pack. Through the caption contest, Mustang Daily can increase its Facebook impressions because when users comment on the photo, it is shared on their friends’ news feeds. The goal of this program is to increase Mustang Daily’s virality, which will in turn make us look more attractive to advertisers. Another incentive program used is “Get Caught.” Mustang Daily marketing staff is in charge of finding students on campus reading the paper, taking their picture, and asking them why they read the Mustang or their favorite part of the paper. Their photo and information is then featured in the paper and on the Facebook page. Those that “Get Caught” are awarded with a free Mustang Daily t-shirt and as an incentive for others to “Get Caught,” the ad tells readers that they can also get a free t-shirt if they get caught. We also try to find the person we caught on Facebook and tag them in the photo. This way the photo reaches more people and increases our impressions. Similar to the caption contest, the more people we reach on the Facebook, the more attractive we look to local businesses that advertise with us, and are also active in social media outlets. Mustang Daily staff has made an effort to find every local business in San Luis Obispo on Facebook and connect with them through tags, check-ins, and photos. We also post articles written about them on their walls so that they know we are making an effort to drive student traffic to their businesses. Shouting out to advertisers is an incentive for local businesses to advertise more with the paper since we are going beyond solely printing their ads in the paper. For every event the Mustang Daily puts on, a Facebook event and Twitter campaign are created. The event pages always include local business that are participating, and mentions to businesses we interact with on Facebook and Twitter. From the creation of the event page, we connect each participant through a tagged post, mentioning them in the event details, and posting any ads we currently run for them. We also run a Twitter campaign for each event by tweeting at participants and creating trending hashtags that relate to our events. For example, for the business fair Mustang Daily put on n October, #BizFair2012 was created and mentioned every time Mustang Daily tweeted about the event. The goal of these programs is to increase our revenue through an increase in willingness to advertise with Mustang Daily. | 805.756.1143 |
Social Media Strategy
Since rebranding the paper over the Summer and at the start of the school year, Mustang Daily had to recreate its Facebook page. Over the course of the past six months, we have acquired 876 “likes.” This is a result of aggressive social media campaigns through both Facebook and Twitter. Twitter played a large roll in directing followers to also like the Facebook page since it made users want to get more information on the limited character tweets. More page “likes” means higher reach, which leads to higher virality of posts. This drives business for our advertising representatives because businesses want more reach of their ads. The more exposure their social media ads and links get from internet users, the more reach that company gets and more business they want to do with Mustang Daily.
“Get Caught” House Ad on Facebook
Photo description, tags, comments, and likes | 805.756.1143 |
Social Media Strategy
Increasing Student Involvement
Selected phtoto by Mustang Daily photographer
Caption Contest description and instructions
Caption suggestions and winner announced by Mustang Daily on photo comments November 2012 | 805.756.1143 |
Social Media Strategy
Linking to Advertisers and Promoting Events
Wall post on local restaurant’s Facebook page with link to newspaper article January 2013
Business Fair Facebook Event Page October 2012 | 805.756.1143 |
Social Media Strategy
Linking to Advertisers and Promoting Events
Shout-outs to local businesses attending the Business Fair, posted on the event page wall September 2012
Twitter Campaign for Business Fair Fall 2012
Tweet mentions to business attending the Business Fair for the Twitter Campaign | 805.756.1143 |
Best Mobile Phone App Strategy: Tap that App The University of South Carolina
We officially launched our mobile application on September 21st, the Friday before Parents Weekend. We partnered with iCampusTimes and were one of the first schools to launch. Due to the unresolved bugs in certain functions on the app we were very open with our potential advertisers that we did not know how this product would evolve but we felt confident that it would become a very important part of our media presence. We treated this initial launch as a “soft launch”. We offered “early adopter” rates before we launched which allowed clients to get in with us pre-‐launch. We sold two tiles with these rates, which generated $2500. Over the course of the semester we sold $4000 for our tile placement and $650 in real time deal subscriptions. Our goals for our first semester were focused more on downloads than revenue; we set a goal for the semester of 5,000 downloads. At the end of our semester we ended up with 3850 downloads and $4650 in revenue. Advertising Campaign Our advertising campaign was created around our slogan, “Tap that App”. We rolled out the campaign using students from our staff as models. We shot 3 versions and used that creative for print promotions as well as for posters, LCD Display boards and Post-‐it notes. We also used those photos for our sales materials. Our second roll out of the campaign featured four different student organizations on campus. This approach not only helped with promoting our app but also got buy in from groups on campus who then benefited from the exposure. We partnered with SAGE (Students Advocating a Greener Environment), the Sailing Club, Phi Sigma Pi (honors fraternity) and the Flying Gamecocks (skydiving club). See samples. Once we built up sufficient inventory in our real time deals, we created a campaign where we featured the current offers in rotation and how to get them. This, in turn, gave us another benefit to our clients, who purchased the real time deal subscription, Download Strategy For our soft launch during Parents Weekend we relied on our print publication to promote our app along with our social media accounts (Twitter and Facebook). We had a Post-‐it note on the front page and a full page within our broadsheet. We had approximately 483 downloads prior to this event and brought our total up to 672 by the end of the weekend.
Our Marketing Team planned a series of events throughout the semester to promote our app that included partnerships with Marco’s Pizza and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. We found that each event generated anywhere from 150 to 300 downloads. We used print ads along with our Twitter and Facebook accounts to promote these events. We tied the event in to our offers for that day so to get a doughnut or slice of pizza the student not only had to download the app but also go to the offers tab and redeem the deal. Conclusion Overall, we were very happy with our strategy and outcome. Our thinking was, you can’t really make the revenue if you don’t have the downloads, so our main focus was to build our mobile audience. One thing we realized early on was that our content had to be dynamic enough to keep our users coming back and engaged once they visited our app. Towards the end of the semester we actually backed off of our download goal to focus on the richness of our content offered. While we did not reach our goal of 5,000 downloads, I do believe we were very successful in creating a strong identity for our mobile app and have a very strong foundation to build on.
Photo By: Jared Orrell
Photo By Jarod Orrell
TAP The Flying Gamecocks are a high adrenaline, knowledge, and safety based club ready to introduce you to skydiving, and build some awesome friendships in the process! Want to know more? Come to the meetings Tuesdays at 8 PM in BA 002 for more information about how to get involved! Also visit our website at:
USC’s latest news, sports, entertainment and deals. Download the Daily Gamecock’s app today!
Mobile is quickly becoming a key ingredient, if not the centerpiece, of many people's online experience. Until this past school year, The Daily Pennsylvanian did not feel the need to have a dedicated mobile app, because we've felt a good mobile website is simpler and more universal than getting people to download and use an app. But the balance shifts if our newspaper can provide a mobile app which offers (a) something extra to mobile readers, and (b) something to offer customers wanting to spend money online, but not on website banner ads. This past August, The Daily Pennsylvanian agreed on a plan to get into the mobile space and began promoting and selling with the start of the school year. We all felt we needed to have some offering for our customers on a mobile platform, and we all felt that we desperately needed to generate new revenue -- as well as defend from competition revenue from our existing customers. The Daily Pennsylvanian selected a company called iCampusTimes as offering the product/service we thought best matched our needs and abilities. The DP App would appear under our own brand (e.g. a Daily Pennsylvanian app, not an iCampusTimes app). The app presents content from our website (via RSS feeds) in a series of buttons which can remain pretty static or can be easily changed as we see fit to highlight special content (like football preview or Best of Penn) or events (Fling!). Any of the tiles on the main page can also be sold to advertisers if we see fit (see the Jimmy John's tile in the lower right on that slide) -- which is the first of three revenue opportunities for us in the app. For both these types of ads, we keep 100% of any revenue we generate. The third revenue opportunity, and the core mobile-specific offering for advertisers and readers, is offers or what we call DP Deals We sell advertisers a subscription (for a month, a semester, or a year, or whatever), to a self-service web-based system which allows them to post special deals or offers at any time. (Hopefully many will be convinced to do this on their own, or we can do it for any customers that don't want to.) Offers are time based, and location based; users can hit a button to toggle on current offers closest to their location, or offers expiring soonest. These are not Groupon-type deals; they're just routine coupon-type deals: get a free soda with a hoagie today from 11 am to 2 pm; unlimited free pizza toppings before 6 pm; $10 off dinner for two MondayThursday; etc. -- anything an advertiser wants to promote. The Daily Pennsylvanian heavily promoted the new app once it was launched. An ad campaign was launched on all media including print, online and posting flyers. In addition to the traditional house marketing methods, The Daily Pennsylvanian also launched a group incentive program. The Daily Pennsylvanian offered to every official student group on campus a promotion to gain as many downloads as possible. The student groups had to have a minimum of twenty members that download and register their app with their group name. In exchange the paper would give them a free ad in the paper that could be redeemed throughout the semester. The ad could be used for anything they would like such as a promotion for a show or any events they were hosting. If the groups did not have enough members then we required a hundred percent registration rate from their group. The Daily Pennsylvanian promoted this deal by emailing out leaders of the organizations. The leaders were targeted because they were the members with enough influence and foresight in their groups to push their own members to register the app. We created clear call to actions in our emails to get the leaders not only excited about the prize but a clear push so that they would want to forward the promotion onto their group. We also made sure that the registration process was very quick and easy for the users to do. The target goal once the promotion went out was a thousand downloads by the end of a week’s time. We accomplished this goal with over one thousand two hundred in that time period. Making money on the DP App has been a more difficult task. As with any such new platform, there's a chicken-versus-egg problem of how to get advertisers onboard if there aren't users and how to get users if there aren't relevant ads. Our approach has been to build the database of customers first by offering it to customers for free for the first 3 months. Then come back to the customers at the beginning of the spring semester with a frequency deal. More than 2,500 students at The University of Pennsylvania are currently using the DP APP. Customers are signing up to place their deals on the DP Offers page. Reps are selling DP Deals as part of their media mix and the future looks bright for mobile app advertising at the University of Pennsylvania.
AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Download the DP mobile app to get real-time news and real-time deals
Buy one
Get one
DON’T MISS THESE DEALS Download the DP App—the news ain’t the only thing that’s hot off the press
Offer shown above is an actual recent offer from the DP App. This offer may not be available currently, and this ad may not be redeemed for the deal shown, because the time-based offers on the DP App change frequently.
The DP App: “DP Deals” The Daily Pennsylvanian Mobile App offers Penn students, faculty and staff a unique mix of news content and interactive coupon offers from local businesses.
Introducing DP Deals, an exciting new way to engage your regular and potential customers.
Key Features • Real-Time Deals: Post an offer and have it delivered instantly to app users. • Time-based: Offer a special only between noon and 3 p.m., only on Tuesday, etc. • Location-based: Users can see current DP Deals sorted by distance from their current location.
Users see your DP Deal here
• No Groupon, just coupon: No complicated rules, no cost per deal. Just digital coupons, delivered to your customers and prospects.
One click shows your offer details Users can get a QR code for redemption
• Unlimited changes: Replace or update offers weekly, daily, even multiple times a day.
Users can share your deal via social media, find you on a map, visit your website, or call your business
Only $100/month for the Spring Semester (Februrary, March, April)
• Go viral: the better the offers, the more users will share them with friends via built-in Facebook, Twitter, email and text messaging. • You’re in control: Log in via a fast and easy website to create, schedule, update and monitor your own DP Deals. • Get statistics: See how many times your DP Deals have been viewed, to help you refine future offers. • Track Redemptions: use optional QR codes on each DP Deal to track redemptions at the register and/or limit redemptions per customer.
More than 90% of Penn students use a smart phone. Will your business be in their hands this fall?
Phone: 215-898-6581 • Email:
The DP App: Banner Ads The Daily Pennsylvanian Mobile App offers Penn students, faculty and staff a unique mix of news content, links to local businesses and coupon offers.
SPORTS Green Bay Packers sign Greg Van Roten
Placing Banner Ads on content pages puts your business name in key places where customers are reading.
Tony/The question of ethics for PSU, NCAA The Chief of Boathouse Row
iPhone (left) iPad (below)
Perseverance and pride on the ice Barreiro signs with PR Islanders
Key Features • Prime location: Banner ads appear at the bottom of both headline and article pages. • 2 Banner Sizes: The DP App works for the Android, iPhone and iPad. Banner ads come in 2 sizes: 320 x 50 pixels for the iPhone and Android and 300 x 250 pixels for the iPad. • Limited banners: Banner ads rotate randomly throughout the pages of The DP App. With only a few banner positions available, your ad will receive a high amount of exposure.
Your Banner Ad Here
$150/month Charter Advertisers get September & October
• Get statistics: See how many times your banner ad has been viewed. • Great branding: This is a perfect option for business looking to promote their brand and identity.
More than 90% of Penn students use a smart phone. Will your business be in their hands this fall?
Phone: 215-898-6581 • Email:
The DP App: “Home Screen Tiles” The Daily Pennsylvanian Mobile App offers Penn students, faculty and staff a unique mix of news content, links to local businesses and coupon offers.
Introducing Home Screen Tiles, a powerful branding opportunity for your business to occupy one of only three exclusive locations on the main screen every DP App user sees each time they open the app.
iPhone (left) iPad (below)
Key Features • Customizable Tile Board: The home screen features 12 The DP App: “Home Screen Tiles” Tiles representing the news, entertainment, and events for The Daily Pennsylvanian Mobile App offers Penn students, Penn students, and staff. faculty and staff a unique mix offaculty, news content, links to local Three of those Tiles are available businesses and coupon offers. to a select few businesses to make Introducing Home Screen a powerful their logo visible to Tiles every,user of branding opportunity for your business to occupy one of only three the DP App. exclusive locations on the main screen every DP App user sees • Our Home to Yours: The home each time they open the app.
iPhone (left) iPad (below)
Your Tile Ad appears here Offers
screen Tile links to your website. One click brings to your Key users Features home page or any section your • Customizableof Tile Board: site. The home screen features 12 the news, • Get statistics:Tiles Yourrepresenting DP entertainment, and events for representativePenn can students, provide stats faculty, and staff. at any time about how many Three of those Tiles are available people have used the app to a select fewand businesses to make seen your tile,their andlogo howvisible manyto every user of App. have clicked itthe to DP visit your website. • Our Home to Yours: The home screen Tile links to your website.
• Great branding: a perfect OneThis clickisbrings users to your option for business looking to section of your home page or any promote theirsite. brand and identity.
• Get statistics: Your DP Extremely limited Tile Ad can a provide stats More than 90% of Pennrepresentative students use Availablity on a first-come basis. at any time about how many smart Your Tile Ad appears here phone. Will your business be people have used the app and Contact us for current availability.
in their hands this fall?tile, and how many seen your
Phone: 215-898-6581 • Email:
have clicked it to visit your website. • Great branding: This is a perfect option for business looking to
Mobile Phone App Sales Strategy The customer isn’t always right ‐ when it comes to their marketing strategy. Clients don’t always have the knowledge or big‐picture strategy to understand that you can’t just pick and choose particular pieces of media offerings and cobble together the kind of reach and frequency a multi‐media campaign can provide. Rather than allow a customer to “cherry‐pick” certain pieces of our media offerings, we group some of them together. This forces a client into a more well‐rounded media package that will typically deliver better results than they could ever hope to achieve with the “cherry‐pick” concept. For the Daily Reveille sales staff – this means packaging online and mobile together. We re‐vamped and re‐launched both our website (and online offerings) and our mobile app (including look and functionality), giving our entire digital media offerings a complete overhaul. Our website was re‐launched to a more aesthetically pleasing layout, better versatility to change the “look” on a frequent bases, more vivid colors, and ad inventory that was previously unavailable – the top banner and top rectangle. Additionally, we overhauled content on the site too. We created an online resource to students we call “LSU Purple Pages”. Where we once had an online housing guide, and online restaurant guide and answers to the daily puzzles as their own tabs on the site navigation– we converged under the LSU Purple Pages tab. That section now includes: LOCAL GUIDE – (new) a local area guide that includes dining, retail and services BAR SPECIALS – (new) listing all daily area bar specials and offers COUPONS – (new) to share opportunities to save with our customers LSU EVENT CALENDAR – (new) to include all area events, including campus events GAMES – (new) which for now includes our own trivia game called LSU So You Think You Know Words (SYTYKW), which is a lot like scrabble & a crossword combined into one game HOUSING GUIDE – search for a place to live based on size, rent, amenities, etc. LOCAL JOB BOARD – (new, in addition to our classifieds tab) search for national, regional and local openings The mobile app was also completely overhauled into a very striking, flexible and interactive app. When it came time for App development and strategy – our focus was on the things that would gain us the most revenue, get us the most downloads and to develop products that would help us do that. Our 12‐tile display board home page is how we entice them to explore content. Our strategy was to first understand how/why/what apps people download & interact with… how can we deliver what the audience wants and already uses? Research showed that most people download an app and only ever open it 3 times before it becomes dormant. We wanted to do everything in our power to avoid being one of those apps. To do that, we must first understand why people use apps, and research shows that the #1 reason people download an app is to play a game. We need to be in that “space”. We don’t care why they come to the app, we just need eyeballs and downloads to sell it… so figuring out how to incorporate gaming became a top priority. We reached out to a local game developer who’s game became a top 50. We wanted to see how we could partner and developed out own trivia game – LSU SYTYKW.
Mobile Phone App Sales Strategy p2 Our sales strategy was to package these things in neat little packages, that included everything a particular type of business would need. We took the guesswork out for our clients by wrapping it up in a tidy little package for them. While the packages highlight what they will get online, through our mobile app, we also promote some of that specific content by making it a tile on the home page of our app. We have reserved tiles to highlight the LSU Event Calendar, LSU SYTYKW game, Coupons, the Retail Directory, etc. To date, we’ve sold two front page tiles, the LSU SYTYKW mobile, online and print sponsorship, and are just now really starting the push for the monthly packages. The first semester a new product is introduced, it’s always educational for clients and users. Second semester is adoption and use (Spring 2013) and the third is typically where you know if a product is viable long‐term and profitable or not (Fall 2013). So full results won’t be known until then.
Mobile Phone App Sales Materials
Mobile Phone App Sales TRAINING Materials Parts of a Slide Show that walked through all the features of the site This was done as a sample before our site was live, that’s why it looks a bit “choppy” and not cohesive
Mobile Game screens
Mobile Phone App Strategy – LSU SYTYKW Game Online, Mobile game, Mobile App Tile, Print
Desktop online screenshot
Printed Game
App Tile
California State Fullerton Best Social Media Mobile Phone App Strategy 2012
The Daily Titan Newspaper Best Social Media Mobile Phone App Strategy In the Fall of 2012, the Daily Titan launched its mobile app “Daily Titan.� We needed to build an audience and create downloads for the app and so we devised an ingenious strategy that would do so. We were able to receive 500 t-shirts as promotional items through a full trade out deal. We exchanged advertising space for customized t-shirts through a local printing company called T-shirtman. We wanted to distribute these t-shirts to our students on campus. One way we approached this objective was by promoting the download of our app. Students would then come into our office, prove that they had downloaded it, scan a QR code and redeem the Daily Titan t-shirt offer. We promoted this offer through our Facebook and Twitter accounts on a weekly basis. Every day we had several students come in and
redeem this offer. The success we saw through this was that the amount of students who came in increased every single week. We also wanted to give back to the students and show that we care about them. We wanted to give them a chance to win an iPad Mini. In order to win the iPad Mini, students had to download our mobile app. The idea behind the iPad Mini was the bigger the incentive, the bigger results we would have. The iPad Mini Giveaway consisted of two primary steps with three different ways to enter; however the final step was most essential because that’s where we incorporated our mobile app. Once the students entered the first step of the contest, they were required to download our mobile app and click on a tile to submit their CSUF e-mail address. The Daily Titan was a newly launched app. Not only did we need to build an audience and create downloads, we
needed clients to purchase ad space. In order to accomplish this, we offered tile sponsorship, banner ads, and the deal sections to our current, existing clients. We needed to build a trust in our newly launched service so we offered our most
loyal customers free advertising on our mobile app in the form of banner ads. Once the Fall 2012 semester came to a close, we began charging our clients ad space on our mobile app. We succeeded in creating over 350 downloads by the end of the Fall 2012 semester. This was a great success for the Daily Titan and we look forward to the leaps asnd bounds with this app in Spring 2013.
4a. Best Sales Pitch/Proposal iQuestion & Investigative Reporting Project Description Increasing web traffic was one of the main goals of the campaign. It was achieved with astounding success. On Day 1 of the contest, web traffic on our main website,, increased 315 percent; on Day 2, traffic increased 89 percent. On average, we had 27 visits to the site that month. During our two-day contest, visits spiked to 112. Eighteen students submitted “iQuestions” during the contest; this does not include Student Media student employees who submitted questions to kick-start the campaign. The most common question centered on the cost of parking on campus, a topic that Student Media reporters would be apt to investigate in the future. Our student advertising manager, Eric Niehoff, compiled and shared the iQuestions via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. He also branded each video using the Student Media logo to increase brand awareness. Videos about the contest garnered 310 views on YouTube. Our most popular video, a short segment that chronicled the selection of our contest winner, received 52 views. On Facebook, posts about the “iQuestion, Met Answers” campaign received between one to six likes. Over the 48-hour contest period, 340 students played the game, attempting to solve a fictional mystery. Just 177 correctly solved the mystery. Credit: Advertising and Outreach Team and Social Media Committee (Eric Niehoff, Jonathan “JR” Ramsey, Shannon Gilmore, Brittany Leddy, Andrew Cepeda, Nathaniel Hemmert, Justin Taylor, Angela Kerr)
Office of Student Media • Campus Box 57 • PO Box 173362 • Denver, CO 80217-3362 • Tivoli Student Union, Suite 313 • Phone: 303-556-2507 • Fax: 303-556-3421
4a. Best Sales Pitch/Proposal iQuestion & Investigative Reporting
Facebook page
4a. Best Sales Pitch/Proposal iQuestion & Investigative Reporting Storify pages
4a. Best Sales Pitch/Proposal iQuestion & Investigative Reporting YouTube page
Twitter feeds
Category 4a.) – The University Daily Kansan In 2011 The University Daily Kansan introduced a mobile application to better connect with our target audience of students, the great majority of which own a smart phone of some kind. At the end of 2011 we were able to get just over 2,000 downloads on this app but as we moved into 2012 we set a goal of tripling our total number of downloads but also set a goal of creating a better app that would be attractive to our audience but also serve as a revenue generator for us in the long term. We started first by looking at the content of our app. With hundreds upon thousands of mobile apps available for download we needed to make ours more distinct to students. The app already featured links to content posted on our home-‐site; but we wanted to find a way to have it serve as a gateway to better connect users with our print product. One of the most popular features of our daily paper is the “Free for All” where students can submit a comment on anything going on around campus and hopefully see it posted the next day in the “Free for all” column, so into our app we built in the ability to submit contents to “Free for All” instantly. Another one of the popular features of our paper is the daily Soduku puzzles so we also built into the app the answers to each day’s puzzles. When students finished filling out the puzzle in the print product they could check their answers on the app. All of these features created great added value to the mobile app, encouraged interactivity with our daily print product and helped make The Kansan app attractive for downloads. As the download numbers increased we knew it would be easier for us to sell ad space in the form of banner ads on the app. But in looking at the long game of our organization we decided that we needed a revenue generator for the app beyond banner ads. In February of 2012 The Kansan launched a new site called LarryvilleKU which was designed as a geo-‐targeted device that would direct users to the closest bargains/deals as well as news items in the area around them. If a student were standing in downtown Lawrence they would be able to open the site on their smart phone and instantly see on a map what food and drink specials were available nearby as well as crime reports and news for that area as well. We designed a mobile app for the site independent of The Kansan’s standard one but quickly found that while advertisers were impressed with the features of the site, they needed to see a high number of users on it before they would invest to have their businesses’ specials listed on their. We quickly decided to combine LarryvilleKU into the Kansan app to expedite the growth of both. Our thinking was that in doing so it would allow us to exert more effort into marketing one app and be able to grow our download base quicker that way. It would also make selling LarryvilleKU easier for our account executives as they would be able to sell it as being part of an app with 2,000 downloads already behind it. Once LarryvilleKU was incorporated into the app we needed to make the experience of using it as strong as possible to ensure that first time visitors would return multiple times. One of the chief features of the site is the ability to locate bargains nearby and as mentioned before our attempts to sell advertisers into these specials was slow at first. We needed to have businesses featuring bargains to strengthen the product and make individual monthly sales possible. So starting in the summer we switched tactics and bundled use of LarryvilleKU into sales of some of our other products. We started with the menu guide in our Back to School edition offering advertisers in the product three free months of specials on LarryvilleKU in return. This instantly gave us 10 advertisers with specials for September-‐November. We also used the LarryvilleKU portion of The Kansan app as a way to revamp our Kansan coupons product. For years we had sold the coupons as a bundle that included a coupon on a group glossy 8.5x11 insert in the paper and on a group ad in the paper. As students started demanding more and more mobile options for coupons we decided to lower the price on the coupon by nearly 33%, eliminate the insert option mostly due to the cost associated with it and replaced it with a presence on LarryvilleKU in the form of a mobile friendly coupon. To also strengthen content we added in the routes for all Safebuses in the Lawrence area so that students who needed a ride home late at night could instantly find the closest bus stop to wherever they were at that time. To market the app we used multiple tactics. A heavy rotation of banner and big box ads on our website helped us reach both students and alums. House ads in the daily paper and
promotion through all of our social media accounts also helped grow awareness. With all of these ads we included directions on where the app could be found on both the Android and iTunes stores while highlighting different aspects of the app in different ads. For ads on the KU bus system we highlighted the mobile news on the go portion. For house ads beneath the Sodoku puzzles in our paper we informed our readers that they could get the answers daily on the app. Two of the most highly trafficked locations on campus are the dining centers at both of the locations of the Kansas Union so we purchased table tents for all 138 tables at both of these locations to inform diners daily that we had an app they could download and use while they ate. We also set up a table all summer long for all 24 different new student orientation sessions interacted with nearly 4,000 incoming freshmen and transfer students. At these sessions we featured a sweepstakes where if new students would download The Kansan app at our table they would then be entered into a drawing to win a new Kindle Fire. This sweepstakes as well as with the aid of a full page ad for the app in the “Insiders Guide” orientation issue allowed us to get hundreds upon hundreds of students to download our app before they even began classes at the University. We also looked to create top of the mind awareness with our target audience in the areas where they would use the LarryvilleKU portion of the app. We first partnered with the Granada Nightclub which nightly features concerts attended by nearly 500 people. In return for a trade out on advertising they promoted LarryvilleKU in all of their advertising not only with us but with other media groups in The Kansas City area that they use for promotion. We next purchased over 7,000 wristbands for local bars/nightclubs promoting LarryvilleKU with a call to action to download the app. We also purchased 5,000 drink coasters for local restaurants and bars which also promoted the LarryvilleKU portion of the app and a call to action to download The Kansan app. To grow awareness of the LarryvilleKU portion of the app through social media we promoted a contest where if students would mention activities around town and use the hashtag; #larryvilleku they would be put into a drawing for a $50 gift card to a popular local restaurant with a grand prize of an iPad. And throughout downtown and on campus we placed posters promoting LarryvilleKU that also featured QR codes to take interested parties to where they could download the app. At the end of the day all of these tactics contributed to our success. Our total downloads grew from over 2,000 at the beginning of the year to a total of 8,000 at the end of the year far surpassing our goal of tripling them to 6,000. These download numbers were impressive enough that we were able to secure advertising of $3600 from one advertiser alone for the banner portion of the mobile app starting in January. The LarryvilleKU portion of the app grew to feature 24 active advertisers all promoting daily specials. In 2013 we plan on selling a presence on LarryvilleKU for $25-‐$50 per month meaning that if our active numbers hold steady we will be looking at a minimum of $600-‐ $1200 per month to start with. Healthy revenue for The Kansan and a much needed step forward into the digital future for both ourselves and our clients. In recent years we’ve been approached by several national companies who have offered to develop/host a mobile app for our media group. At the end of the day we opted not to as our app would then be almost the same as any other college partnering with these companies with only the name of the media group changing. In addition most of these companies asked for a 60/40 revenue split. As our clients and readers/users demand more and more digital options it will become more and more imperative to give them a unique app and in the process it will also become more imperative to keep as much of the revenue generated from that app for ourselves rather than share it with a third party. Our hard work this year made both of these happen this year but also set the stage for even greater things in 2013 and beyond.
The University Daily Kansan mobile app Creating better app content
links Mobile news
Free for All
Partnership with KJHK Radio
While the 2011 version of our mobile app also featured mobile links to stories on, for the 2012 version of the app w e made sure that all stories were easier to read on a mobile device.
One of the most popular features of the print version of The University Daily Kansan is the Free for All section where students via phone submit off-‐the wall comments and hope to see them published the next day. For our new version of the app we created a feature where students could sumbit their contents for the column through the app and vote their approval/disapproval on other student’s comments.
In an effort to better incorporate all campus media we added a function onto our app w here students could instantly listen to the campus radio station from their mobile phone through our app.
LarryvilleKU Adding better content and another revenue generator to the app
Adding on LarryvilleKU
Revenue Generator
Safebus Routes
To help create both better content for
To generate revenue on the site
The University of Kansas for the last 5
the app as well as create better revenue
advertisers can have their drink/ food
years has o ffered “Safebus” a service
we added on LarryvilleKU, an in-‐house
specials listed on the map for as low as
that picks up students on pre-‐assigned
developed web tool that took full
$25 per month. By the end of year one
bus routes around town to ensure that
advantage of smart phone technology
we had o ver 20 active advertisers per
they don’t drive drunk/ make it home
allowing users to find bargains and
month using this feature with that
safe. To create better content for our
drink specials in their immediate area.
number expected to double per month
app we partnered with the University
by the end o f Spring 2013.
and listed all of these routes through LarryvilleKU on the app. Wherever a student was in town they could find the closest bus route to them on their smart phone.
The University Daily Kansan mobile app Marketing our app
House ads
Table tents
To better promote the u nique features of our newly revised app we ran house ads
Two of the most heavily trafficked
almost daily in our paper. W e placed ads promoting the Sudoku answers beneath our locations on campus are the dining Sudoku page and ads promoting the Free for all function of the app beneath the Free areas at both Kansas Union locations. To for all column. And with upwards of 100,000 unique visitors per month on our w eb-‐
draw the attention of all diners at the
site we set up a heavy rotation of banner and big box ads so that all visitors both
Union daily we purchased nearly 140
students and alums were made aware of our newly revised app.
table tents to create top of the mind awareness with diners who perhaps needed a new app to keep them company as they dined.
LarryvilleKU promotion In-‐field marketing
Drink coasters and wristbands Given that the LarryvilleKU portion of the app is designed to alert students of food and drink specials close to them we partnered with numerous bars/ nightclubs and restaurants in Lawrence. For the bars/nightclubs we provided them with 7,000 wristbands to provide to students as they were admitted to their establishments. For both bars and restaurants we provided 5,000 drink coasters. Both of these items not only created awareness of LarryvilleKU but also contained a call to action to download our mobile app. We also partnered with 23rd Street Brewery one of the most popular restaurants in
Lawrence. They created a special microbrew for LarryvilleKU called LarryvilleLyte which they featured in their restaurant for all of 2012 and also promoted on several of their own advertising campaigns.
LarryvilleKU In-‐field Marketing Posters and stickers
Through the UDK mobile app available on
Twitter campaign
In-‐store stickers
To create top of the mind awareness
One of the many features of
To create further awareness in the
for the LarryvilleKU portion of the app
LarryvilleKU is the ability to have
field we provided decals for all
we printed hundreds of posters and
tweets instantly appear on the
participating LarryvilleKU
hung them up in high traffic areas. All
site/app’s map as long as they feature advertisers to place in the
of the posters featured QR codes so
the hashtag; LarryvilleKU. To help
that passer-‐bys could be instantly
draw awareness to this feature w e
taken to w here they could d ownload
ran a contest where users could
The Kansan app. This campaign was
register to win one of eight seperate
also printed 2-‐3 times per week in our
$50 gift cards to a popular local
daily paper.
restaurant by using the LarryvilleKU hashtag. All of those w ho w on a gift card w ere then put into a drawing for the grand prize; a new iPad. We promoted the contest through print
window of their establishments.