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CNBAM Marketing Manager of the Year



LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION To Whom It May Concern: My name is Tyler Dycus. I’m a fourth year business administration student and Marketing Associate with Mustang Media Group. I’ve been fortunate to work with Taylor Riley for the past year. Taylor is currently the Marketing Manager for Mustang News. As a peer, I’ve been able to see how Taylor’s organization, creativity, and hard work have translated to success in our department. Taylor embodies leadership in her actions; she always leads by example. When a project needs to be accomplished she is the first to assume a role and assign herself work. She also encourages creativity and innovation, which I believe has been a key to the success of our marketing events and outreach. Taylor is constantly motivating our team members to do their best work and to achieve our internal goals and ultimately grow the Mustang News brand. She also effectively manages relationships with our outside communities. I recommend that Taylor be considered for Best Marketing Manager. Sincerely, Tyler Dycus Marketing Associate

MARKETING PLAN Overview Mustang News marketing has encountered vital changes within the past year. For the first time, the marketing team is responsible for working with clients in the San Luis Obispo community as a means for generating revenue for Mustang News. Our team is in charge of creating proposals and executing those plans to help businesses market their product or service to Cal Poly Students and the community. Our first client came to us over summer. Vina Robles Amphitheatre hired us to serve as their marketing street team and to carry out live social media coverage. Our team worked to increase their social media presence, raise awareness of their concert series within the community, and boost ticket sales. Since then, we have been working with local businesses such as Woodstock’s Pizza, Eatz by Design, and Otter productions to come up with ways our team can improve their marketing efforts. Marketing has also taken a more active role in advertising efforts. We oversee all sales sheets, conduct research on local spending averages to better target advertisers, and create sales packages for our sales team to present to clients. As marketing manager for Mustang News I created a marketing plan that would be concise, yet effective. Looking at our past efforts, I made decisions to continue, or discard, certain marketing efforts. I wanted to ensure that the marketing team was not merely following last year’s plan, but creating an impactful plan to increase readership, social media following, event attendance, and marketing revenue by 10% each quarter. As a result, I centered my plan using the S.M.A.R.T goals—specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. I created a plan to work towards fulfilling our vision: Make Mustang News the go-to news source for all Cal Poly students, faculty, staff, and the San Luis Obispo community. First, I looked at our measureable activities, our key competitors, our core strategies, and key initiatives. This plan focused on five measurable activities: mobile application downloads, Mustang Media Group Facebook Likes, Mustang News Twitter followers, number of papers being picked up, and website analytics. At the beginning of each quarter I take note of the analytics for these activities and create attainable goals to accomplish by the end of the quarter.

To increase these numbers we looked into the marketing efforts being utilized by our key competitors. These key competitors included: The Tribune, Crazy Coupons, Campus Specials, The Map, and New times. Then, we brainstormed ideas and implemented action items that would put us one step ahead of our competition. We also worked to revamp our mobile application. The redesign, along with the vast amount of coupons added to our offers section, created a sense of awareness and excitement for Cal Poly students resulting in a boost of downloads.

MARKETING PLAN Details The key components of this marketing plan were the three core strategies and their correlating key initiatives.

Strategy #1: Increase awareness of all Mustang News channels (print, online, Facebook, Twitter, radio, and TV) to potential advertisers, Cal Poly students, faculty, staff and the San Luis Obispo Community through SLO Fest promotions.

Strategy #2: Increase social media presence through integrating marketing and PR efforts by providing readers with captivating content, campaigns, and events. Strategy #3: Increase readership of Mustang News.

Strategy #1 Actions were largely centered around our second annual SLO Fest. We worked to integrate the Cal Poly and San Luis Obispo community through our Welcome Back Promotion using various advertising channels. This promotion included our first-ever mail-home edition, SOAR edition, Hydration Stations, all SLO Fest promotions, and the SLO Fest event. We increased distribution of our SOAR edition to target incoming freshmen. This being the largest freshmen class admitted, Mustang News was present at each orientation registration to ensure that every freshman and their family received our paper. The Mail Home Edition was the first of it’s kind at Cal Poly. Each freshman was mailed a copy of this edition prior to their arrival to Cal Poly. This not only raised awareness of Mustang News to the incoming class, but also allowed us to make the impression that Mustang News is the go-to news source for Cal Poly students. We only strengthened this impression through our presence at each freshman orientation. When the school year began, the marketing team made sure each newsstand was equipped with a stack of Mustang News coupons. Mustang News associates were also present to hand out papers, and talk with incoming freshmen and their families about what Mustang News is about as well as the opportunities it can offer to students. Our second annual Hydration Stations allowed us more time to talk to incoming students and their families. We were present at each dorm and on-campus apartment distributing water bottles and newspapers to those moving in. Students and parents respond favorably to this event. They are able to take a break from the chaos of moving in and enjoy local news and water.

SLO Fest is the largest Mustang News event at the beginning of the quarter. This event allows us to connect Cal Poly students and local businesses directly on campus. Businesses are encouraged to bring food, prizes, coupons, games etc. as a means to further incentivize students to come to their booth. We also provided a free BBQ for students who visited 8 different booths throughout the event. This event is largely promoted starting the first day of the school year. The marketing team utilizes a variety of channels to promote the event. We post posters throughout campus, chalk the ground on paths known for heavy student traffic, place sandwich boards publicizing the event, promote the SLO Fest Facebook page, and schedule house ads in the paper and website. This years SLO Fest attracted the highest number of students and businesses seen at this event, proving the effectiveness of this effort.

Strategy #2 Centers around social media and public relation efforts. Marketing works to create awareness of our social media profiles through contests, giveaways and small on-campus events. We also tie in promotion with the print edition of Mustang News to increase our pick-up rate. Email newsletters are also sent out to our student contacts, reaching over 500 students. These newsletters highlight top stories and upcoming events and list links to all social media accounts associated with Mustang News. This effort was also paired with the distribution of coupons during Cal Poly’s UU Hour, making sure that the books were directly delivered to students. To boost mobile application downloads we host a small “News & Brews” event during finals week. This event is heavily promoted in the print edition and social media profiles. We have a table outside of the library where students are able to grab a copy of the paper, and a free coffee and pastry. In order to get a pastry, students must show that they have downloaded our mobile application and pick up a copy of our Graduation edition. After this two day event, we received over 200 mobile downloads. Finally, to promote each special section all marketing team members are present during our UU hour booth. This is a time on campus where no Cal Poly student has class. Our booth is located in an area of campus that is heavily populated during this hour. We utilize this time to pass out papers, promote events, and conduct giveaways.

Strategy #3 The goal is to expand our readership base through increased visibility. We accomplish this goal through attending events both on campus and within the San Luis Obispo community. Mustang News has a substantial presence in Cal Poly’s Block Party. This is an event that is put on by Cal Poly to introduce freshman to the wide variety of clubs and organizations at their disposal. During this time, Mustang News associates pass out papers, promote our mobile application and social media accounts, and talk to those interested in joining our Mustang News family. We regularly attend San Luis Obispo farmer’s markets as a means to reach the large student population that attends as well as the local community. This booth is always scheduled during a day when a special edition is released. We are able to let the businesses that advertise with us know that we are hand delivering their ads to the demographic they are looking to target. Mustang News marketing utilizes athletics as another way to get our name out to students and the community. We are present at every home game for soccer, football, and basketball to throw t-shirts to students. Our presence get students excited and the Mustang News brand is promoted through students wearing these shirts around campus. We also host Facebook challenges like best guess the score. This is a challenge promoted on our Facebook page where students guess the final score of an athletic event. This creates an opportunity for students to win a Mustang News t-shirt through their participation. Whoever is closest, is given a shout out on our page and a free Mustang News shirt. Finally, to help raise awareness of the changes within Mustang News and to increase pick-up, Mustang News associates each took shifts to pass out papers during passing periods. We targeted the students on Mondays and Thursdays, the days our paper prints. The feedback from this effort was phenomenal. Students commended the personal interaction and appreciated the fact we were getting students to read the news.


Job Description

III. Team Organization IV. New Revenue Opportunities V.

Marketing Events

VI. Achievements

RESUME Taylor Riley 607 Grand Ave #5 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 • (707) 373-1635 •


• Adaptable to dynamic and diverse team environment • Proven leadership through actions • Experience with large workloads • Adept at time management • Qualified to conduct interviews, briefings & meetings


California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Majoring in: Communication Studies, expected degree date: June 2014


Mustang News, Marketing Manager • Develop marketing plans and strategic initiatives by quarter • Manage a team of 6 individuals • Conceptualize, plan, and execute Mustang News events • Partner with local businesses and develope marketing campaigns • Project manage multiple marketing initiatives • Aid in delevopment of marketing collateral material Mustang News, Marketing Associate • Assist in interviewing and selecting perspective interns • Analyze current advertising and marketing strategies • Generate outreach programs to increase awareness of Mustang News Mustang News, Marketing Intern • Develop promotionals events to attract customers • Work alongside various campus departments to cross promote Mustang News • Assist in organizing events on behalf of the Mustang News • Work events on behalf of Mustang News


Get On The Bus, Volunteer • Organize social media campaign • Assist during annual Father’s Day event • Facilitate with application process at the California Men’s Colony


Cal Poly, Division 1 NCAA Swimming • Devoted 20-30 hours per week of training and competition • Participated in team building exercises • Led team to Champs Challenge victory

June -Present

2013- June




JOB DESCRIPTION Marketing Manager The Marketing Manager is an integral part of the advertising team. There are two primary functions of the marketing manager. One is to manage the marketing team, and ensure advertisers are receiving the maximum return on their investment. The marketing manager is responsible for conducting weekly meetings, overseeing the development of new interns and liaising between various managers and staff members within both the advertising and editorial departments. Specifically, the marketing manager focuses of three main pillars including; increasing student readership, improving advertisement response rates, and fostering community involvement. The second function is to work with outside businesses to develope marketing and promotional campaigns to build awareness with the Cal Poly community

Basic Functions: • Develope quarterly marketing plans • Manage social media marketing campaigns, primarily Facebook and Twitter • Coordinate promotional events, SLO Fest and Housing Fair • Promote special editions • Organize guerilla marketing campaigns: mass postering, street chalking, sandwich board marketing, face-to-face hand outs • Conduct weekly marketing meetings to generate new ideas • Work with various campus entities to reserve event spaces and related campaigns • Aid advertising representatives to maximize selling potentials • Work with Campus Athletics to arrange sports marketing sponsorships at major athletic events • Creating spec ads for house ad campaigns. • Work with local businesses to assist in their marketing efforts • Manage team of marketing associates • project manage team initiatives

Hours: Minimum of 15-20 hours per week. Must be able to work daily Monday through Friday and attend all managers meetings and marketing meetings.

Pay: Hourly based on workload and marketing schedule.

TEAM ORGANIZATION Marketing Plans Fall Quarter 2013 Outcome: Increase Mustang News readership 10% via print, online, and social media by January 2014 Vision

Core Strategies

Mustang News is the go-­‐to news source for all Cal Poly students, faculty, staff, and the San Luis Obispo Community.

Strategy #1 Increase awareness of all Mustang News channels(print, online, Facebook, TwiWer, radio, and TV) to poten9al adver9sers, Cal Poly students, faculty, staff and the San Luis Obispo Community through the Welcome Back Promo9on.

Measurable Ac-vi-es •  •  •  •  •

Spring’13 Fall’14 Mobile Applica9on 2,175 4 ,000 Facebook Likes 563 1,000 TwiWer Followers 3,651 5,000 # of Papers taken n/a n/a Website Analy9cs n/a n/a

Strategy #2 Increase social media presence through integra9ng marke9ng and PR efforts by providing readers with cap9va9ng content, campaigns, and events.

Key Compe-tors •  •  •  •  •

The Tribune Crazy Coupons Campus Specials The Map New Times

Strategy #3 Expand readership base through increased visibility on campus

Key Ini-a-ves (ac-onable steps to achieve each strategy) Integrate campus and community for the Welcome Back Promo9on. 1.)Hydra9on Sta9ons & SOAR handouts 2.) SLO Fest event 3.) SLO Fest promo9ons 4.)Coupon Book, Posters, House Ads, Mailbox Fliers, S9ckers, Direct Mail, Email Outreach 5.)Adver9sing representa9ves outreach to local businesses.

Increase student awareness through small on-­‐campus events & social media contests u9lizing our mobile applica9on, Facebook, TwiWer and Instagram

At the beginning of each quarter I create a calendar & marketing plan. Listed are all of the marketing events and publishing dates of special editions. This helps keep our team organized both within advertising and editorial. I also update and manage all marketing event sign ups.

1.) News and Brews 3.) Best Guess the Score –FB 4.) Cap9on Contest– Instagram 5.) What’s On Page 4? 6.) UU Hour Promo9ons 7.) Email Campaign 1.) WOW Block Party 2.) UU booth– Special Edi9ons 3.) Farmers Market-­‐ Special Edi9ons 4.) T-­‐Shirt Toss-­‐ Football & Soccer 5.) Photo Contest


Mustang Daily is the go-to news source for all Cal Poly students, faculty, staff and the San Luis Obispo community. Through our three core strategies we strive to increase Mustang Daily readership by 10% via print, online, and social media by January 2014. • September 16 Coupon Book is Released • September 17 WOW Edition is Released • September 17 Hydration Stations • September 22 WOW Block Party • September 22 Back To School Edition • September 26 UU Booth (Back To School & Coupon Book & SLO Fest) • September 26 Farmers Market ( Back To School & Coupon Book)


• October 3 SLO Fest

September 26

• October 12 T-Shirt Toss (Football) • October 25 Homecoming Edition Releases • October 25 T-Shirt Toss (Soccer)

Projects and To-Dos


• October 26 T-Shirt Toss (Football) • October 31 Farmer’s Market Booth (Alcohol Awareness & Coupon Book) • October 31 UU Booth • November 2 T-Shirt Toss (Soccer) • November 4 Start Running Photo Contest Campaign • November 4 Holiday Canned Food Drive Starts • November 9 T-Shirt Toss (Football) • November 14 Homecoming Edition • November 14 Sandwich Boards • November 14 Farmer’s Market • November 14 UU Booth • December 9 Fall Grad Edition Releases • December 11 News & Brews | 805.756.1143 |

Weekly Meetings Every week I conduct a meeting with everyone on the marketing team. I create agendas like the one pictured, to keep everyone organized, and on the same page. Every agenda features specific tasks for each person, A to-do list for everyone, and upcoming events. I found this to be helpful in keeping the team organized. The “Upcoming Events” section also served as a reminder of major marketing events coming up in the near future.

Priority Projects

MARIKA • Contact AGR about BBQ for Housing Fair--move forward after they confirm • Set up email campaign for business donations • Apply for Farmer’s market on January 30th NIKOLE • Apply for UU Booth and Sandwich boards for January 30th • Work on info page for Housing Fair--I will give you log in/ last year’s info. • Work with Ryan on Run for Music booth KALEI • Newsstand Project-- Keep it up! • Create a summary of your findings from the SLO Fest evaluation • Permanent game for events! • Social Media.Social Media. Social Media TYLER • Send email & make a list for all staff t-shirt sizes • Dorm event-- Keep at it! • Get Caught • Permanent game for events! RYAN • Contact ad reps to set up appointments to work with them

• Contact Stacia Momberg about BBall Games for t-shirt toss (look on plan for dates) • Talk to Stacia about where athletics purcased their sandwich boards • Cross Promotion Project

• Finish FB/Twitter research

Upcoming Events 1.18.14 Basketball T-shirt Toss @ 7 | 805.756.1143 |


Mustang News Marketing Services

For the first time the marketing team is bringing in revenue by providing our services to local businesses. Vina Robles Amphitheatre, our first client, hired us to assist in generating ticket sales, serve as their marketing street team, and promote their concert series through live social media coverage. Pictured is the proposal we presented to them, as well as the terms we carried out. Through this plan we were able to generate over $4000 in revenue for Mustang News.

SAVOR The Central Coast

MARKETING & PROMOTIONS PROPOSAL Client: AEG Live / Vina Robles Amphitheatre Date: July 11, 2013 Attention: Joan Rosenberg Objective Promote the Vina Robles Amphitheatre (VRA) concer t series by using the capabilities of Mustang Media Group to service areas throughout San Luis Obispo County executing the following strategy. Strategies 1) Build awareness of the VRA concer t series August through October by executing the street team. 2) Build an engaged and involved audience through social media promotional tactics by deploying the live social media team. 3) Amplify the message by developing an ad campaign for both online and print media to engage and inform the Cal Poly Campus community. Tactics {promotional tools needed: Flyers, Posters, Postcards, Table Tents, Pastel Chalks} 1) Determine schedule and agree to execution and event/outreach dates. Launch online ad campaign. 2) Assemble two dedicated street teams (groups of four students) to target five central coast locations - Downtown San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles, Five Cites, Avila Beach and Cal Poly Campus. 3) With the focus being a diverse age demographic --- Infiltrate and capitalize on on-going local events, campus events and popular locations. Disseminate and post various marketing materials in the locations noted above. {Refer to page two for details on locations and businesses.} 4) Employ street team to attend various VTA concer ts to launch social media live stream - live testimonials from concer t-goers during VTA concer ts. Capture and post video and photo testimonials, then upload to all VTA social platforms: twitter, pinterest, instagram and facebook. Identify hashtags to track and engage. Encourage social share among concer t-goers. 5) Launch on-campus outreach program when school commences utilizing Mustang Media outlets: Mustang Daily, KCPR (ticket giveaways), MDTV. Launch print ad campaign -- special inser ts into the daily paper, with one full-page add in Go-SLO, WOW, and BTS special publications. 6) Utilize social media accounts for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Generate daily updates on Facebook and Twitter regarding the marketing effor ts that are taking place & create fan testimonials from concer ts on Instagram.




Specialty Marketing Packages Mustang News offers a wide variety of marketing and advertising options that extend beyond print and into digital platforms. The package below is the first advertising package created by a marketing team member. We want our advertising representatives to present their clients with packages that include online, mobile, social, event and print as well as the data that proves they will get a return from advertising with Mustang News. This is the first time Mustang News has monetized our social media posts. SPECIALTY MARKETING PACKAGES


Mustang Media Group offers a wide variety of marketing and advertising options that extend beyond print and into digital platforms. It’s important for businesses to have a strong print and digital presence in a very competitive market. The following specialty and digital packages have been designed to offer your business maximum exposure. Packages include online, mobile, social, and print.

SAVOR The Central Coast swiftly became the marketing teams’ second client. We promoted this highly popular event through free ticket give-aways to students and alumni on our social media accounts, postering of the Cal Poly campus, and talking to students during Mustang News events. Our efforts boosted awareness of the event and resulted in a surge in attendance of Cal Poly students.

Mustang Media Group offers a wide variety of marketing and advertising options that extend beyond print and into digital platforms. It’s important for businesses to have a strong print and digital presence in a very competitive market. The following specialty and digital packages have been designed to offer your business maximum exposure. Packages include online, mobile, social, and print.

SUPER DELUXE PACKAGE If you want maximum exposure in mobile, social media, online and print, while reaching the largest contingent of non-students and the community, the Super Deluxe Package is the way to go. Value: $5,210


Package Price: $4,000


SUPER DELUXE PACKAGE If you want maximum exposure in mobile, social media, online and print, while reaching the largest contingent of non-students and the community, the Super Deluxe Package is the way to go.

One Month of one Tile Ad on the MN App

One Month of posting on Facebook (2 –3 posts/week)

One month of posting on Twitter (2-3 posts/week)


6 Col x 3" Front page ad in the Mustang News paper (10 runs)

One Month of one Tile Ad on the MN App

One month of leaderboard ad on the Mustang News website

One Month of posting on Facebook (2 –3 posts/week)

Email Blast

One month of posting on Twitter (2-3 posts/week)

6 Col x 3" Front page ad in the Mustang News paper (10 runs)

One month of leaderboard ad on the Mustang News website

Email Blast


MEGA MOBILE PACKAGE Make an impact on the newly designed Mustang News App. Advertising on the app is simple and effective. The app platform is a great way to extend deals, promote events or offer promotions to students, faculty and staff. Value: $700

Package Price: $550

Highest viewed location on the app

Picture of your choice

Click-to-call link

Offer Ad •

Create a deal customers can’t resist

One month of Tile Ad on the MN App

Businesses have control of:

One Offer Ad on MN App

One month of Banner Ad on MN App

Through social media engagement, your business is sure to develop a solid customer base with the Cal Poly community – students, faculty, alumni and staff. This package is a great way for customers to become acquainted with your business and promotions. Value: $540

Package Price: $300

Features: •

One month of posting on Facebook (2–3 posts/week)

One month of posting on Twitter (2–3 posts/week)

One month of posting on Instagram (2–3 posts/week)

Package Price: $4,000


Tile Ad



Value: $5,210


- Time - Date

MEGA MOBILE PACKAGE Make an impact on the newly designed Mustang News App. Advertising on the app is simple and effective. The app platform is a great way to extend deals, promote events or offer promotions to students, faculty and staff. Value: $700

Package Price: $550

Tile Ad •

Highest viewed location on the app

Picture of your choice

Click-to-call link

Offer Ad

- Geographic Targeting


Create a deal customers can’t resist

- Demographic Targeting

Businesses have control of:

One month of Tile Ad on the MN App

Banner Ad

One Offer Ad on MN App

- Time

One month of Banner Ad on MN App

- Date

Can be scheduled by: - Date

- Geographic Targeting

- Time - % of Time


- Geographic Targeting

Through social media engagement, your business is sure to develop a solid customer base with the Cal Poly community – students, faculty, alumni and staff. This package is a great way for customers to become acquainted with your business and promotions. Value: $540

Package Price: $300

Features: •

One month of posting on Facebook (2–3 posts/week)

One month of posting on Twitter (2–3 posts/week)

One month of posting on Instagram (2–3 posts/week)

- Demographic Targeting Banner Ad •

Can be scheduled by: - Date - Time - % of Time - Geographic Targeting

MARKETING EVENTS Hydration Station To raise awareness of our second annual SLO Fest we targeted those moving in on campus. Mustang News was present at all dorms and on-campus apartments equipped with newspapers and water bottles. This gave us an opportunity to speak with freshman and their parents about what Mustang News has to offer as well as why our events are worth attending.

SLO Fest This year we hosted our second aunnal SLO Fest. Students were able to come and recieve food, prizes, and swag from their favorite San Luis Obispo businesses. We were able to attract more vendors and students than in past years through promotions such as the sandwich board on the left.

WOW Block Party The WOW Block Party occurs during the week of welcom, prior to the start of Spring Quarter. Freshman are invited to come check out all of the clubs and organizations on campus. We handed out Coupon Books, promoted our upcoming SLO Fest, and promoted SAVOR the Central Coast’s approaching event. The Block Party helped us make an impression on new students and create brand awareness for Mustang News and our client.

ACHIEVEMENTS • Assisted in shaping the Mustang Media Group brand • Helped the transition from Mustang Daily to Mustang News • Trippled mobile app downloads through redesign & promotions • Trippled amount of traffic to Mustang News website

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