MARKETING & PROMOTIONS PLAN Mustang News- California Polytechnic State University
Mustang News marke/ng has encountered vital changes within the past year. For the first /me, the marke/ng team is responsible for working with clients in the San Luis Obispo community as a means for genera/ng revenue for Mustang News. Our team is in charge of crea/ng proposals and execu/ng those plans to help businesses market their product or service to Cal Poly Students and the community. Marke/ng has also taken a more ac/ve role in adver/sing efforts. We oversee all sales sheets, conduct research on local spending averages to beGer target adver/sers, and create sales packages for our sales team to present to clients. As marke/ng manager for Mustang News I strived to create a marke/ng plan that would be concise, yet effec/ve. Looking at look at our past efforts, I made decisions to con/nue, or discard, certain marke/ng efforts. I wanted to ensure that the marke/ng team was not merely follow last years plan, but crea/ng an effort that would increase readership, social media following, event aGendance, and marke/ng revenue by 10% each quarter. As a result, I centered my plan using the S.M.A.R.T goals—specific, measurable, aGainable, realis/c, and /mely. I wanted create a plan that would fulfill our vision: Make Mustang News the go-‐to news source for all Cal Poly students, faculty, staff, and the San Luis Obispo community. To aGain this goal I looked at our measureable ac/vi/es, our key compe/tors, our core strategies, and key ini/a/ves. This plan focused on five measurable ac/vi/es: mobile applica/on downloads, Mustang Media Group Facebook Likes, Mustang News TwiGer followers, number of papers being picked up, and website analy/cs. At the beginning of each quarter I take note of the analy/cs for these ac/vi/es and create aGainable goals to accomplish by the end of the quarter. To increase these numbers we looked into the marke/ng efforts being u/lized by our key compe/tors. These key compe/tors included: The Tribune, Crazy Coupons, Campus Specials, The Map, and New /mes. We brainstormed ideas that would put us one step ahead of our compe//on. We also worked to revamp our mobile applica/on and social channels. The key components of this marke/ng plan were the three core strategies and their correla/ng key ini/a/ves as seen on the following page. Taylor Riley Marke/ng Manager Mustang News
Fall Quarter 2013
Outcome: Increase Mustang News readership 10% via print, online, and social media by January 2014
Core Strategies
Mustang News is the go-‐to news source for all Cal Poly students, faculty, staff, and the San Luis Obispo Community.
Strategy #1
Measurable Ac-vi-es • • • • •
Spring’13 Fall’14 Mobile Applica/on 2,175 4 ,000 Facebook Likes 563 1,000 TwiGer Followers 3,651 5,000 # of Papers taken n/a n/a Website Analy/cs n/a n/a
Key Compe-tors
• • • • •
The Tribune Crazy Coupons Campus Specials The Map New Times
Key Ini-a-ves (ac-onable steps to achieve each strategy)
Increase awareness of all Mustang News channels(print, online, Facebook, TwiGer, radio, and TV) to poten/al adver/sers, Cal Poly students, faculty, staff and the San Luis Obispo Community through the Welcome Back Promo/on.
Integrate campus and community for the Welcome Back Promo/on. 1.)Hydra/on Sta/ons & SOAR handouts 2.) SLO Fest event 3.) SLO Fest promo/ons 4.)Coupon Book, Posters, House Ads, Mailbox Fliers, S/ckers, Direct Mail, Email Outreach 5.)Adver/sing representa/ves outreach to local businesses.
Strategy #2
Increase social media presence through integra/ng marke/ng and PR efforts by providing readers with cap/va/ng content, campaigns, and events.
Strategy #3
Expand readership base through increased visibility on campus
Increase student awareness through small on-‐campus events & social media contests u/lizing our mobile applica/on, Facebook, TwiGer and Instagram 1.) News and Brews 3.) Best Guess the Score –FB 4.) Cap/on Contest– Instagram 5.) What’s On Page 4? 6.) UU Hour Promo/ons 7.) Email Campaign 1.) WOW Block Party 2.) UU booth– Special Edi/ons 3.) Farmers Market-‐ Special Edi/ons 4.) T-‐Shirt Toss-‐ Football & Soccer 5.) Photo Contest
MN Marke/ng’s first client was Vina Robles Ampitheatre. They hired us to serve as their marke/ng street team and to execute live social media coverage of their concert series. This was the first /me marke/ng was able to directly generate revenue for Mustang News.
SAVOR The Central Coast
SAVOR hired MN marke/ng to promote the Colbie Callet concert to Cal Poly students. We handed out fliers to students during MN booths and conducted free /cket give-‐aways during our University promo/ons and through our social media profiles.
ON-CAMPUS EVENTS & PROMOTIONS 1) News & Brews Events 2) MN Sandwich Board 3) First-‐Ever Mail Home Edi/on 4) Hydra/on Sta/on promo/ng our WOW Edi/on & SLO Fest 5) WOW Block Party
1) University Union Promo/ons 2) T-‐shirt Surprise 3) T-‐shirt Surprise 4) Shirts for Athle/c Games 5) 2013 SLO Fest 6) Housing Fair
Canned Food Drive
Farmer’s Market Promotions
Top: CP Spectacle Event Bottom: SLO Chamber Mixer
Summer Quarter July & August SOAR Edi/on publishes Mail Home Edi/on publishes Begin Promo/ng for the Fall SLO Fest Vina Robles Amphitheatre Promo/ons Rebrand Mustang Media Group & Mustang News
Fall Quarter
September WOW Edi/on publishes Balloons on stands Back to School Publishes Begin promo/ng SLO Fest event Hydra/on Sta/ons Get Caught publishes Coupon Book publishes WOW Showcase/ Block Party SAVOR Promo/ons Vina Robles Promo/ons Get Caught! Promo/on publishes Farmer’s Market Booth UU Booth Soccer and Football game T-‐shirt Toss Launched our awareness campaign Launched Re-‐name compe//on Launched Email Campaign October Hosted the 2nd Annual SLO Fest Vina Robles Promo/ons UU Booth Farmer’s Market Booth Soccer and Football game T-‐shirt Toss Career Edi/on Publishes Get Caught! Publishes Homecoming Edi/on publishes Alcohol Awareness Edi/on publishes November Photo Contest Campaign Mul/media coverage across webpage, social media, Cal Poly T.V., and KCPR (Cal Poly’s radio sta/on) Soccer and Football game T-‐shirt Toss Holiday Canned Food Drive starts UU Booth December Gradua/on Edi/on publishes Woodstock’s Promo/ons News and Coffee Brews promo/on Eatz Proposal
Winter Quarter
January Winter Back to School Publishes Get Caught! Publishes Email Campaign Eatz Promo/on Woodstock’s Promo/on OGer Produc/on Promo/ons Winter Career Fair Edi/on Publishes Basketball T-‐shirt Toss Menu Guide Publishes UU Booth Farmer’s Market Housing Fair Promo/ons February Valen/ne’s Day Edi/on Publishes Get Caught! Publishes Women’s Basketball Collabora/on Email Campaign Housing Fair Promo/ons 6th Annual Housing Fair Farmer’s Market booth Newsstand Redesign Compe//on March What’s On Page Four Basketball T-‐shirt Toss Get Caught! Publishes News & Brews
Spring Quarter
March Spring Back to School Publishes Farmer’s Market UU Booth April Get Caught! Publishes Best For Cal Poly Publish Open House Edi/on Publishes Open House Weekend Balloons on stands Open House booth Farmer’s Market Booth Earth Day “Green” Edi/on publishes Spring Job Fair Edi/on Publishes May Alcohol Awareness Edi/on Publishes SLO Chamber of Commerce Business Showcase Farmer’s Market Booth Readership Survey Publishes June Gradua/on Edi/on Publishes News & Brews