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!dver"sing Manager of #e Year$

%evon Hat&eld$

Northwest Student Media Northwest Missouri State University


%evon Hat&eld$

January 5, 2014

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Dear Sir or Madam, It is my privilege to recommend Devon Hatfield to you as a candidate for CNBAM’s Best Advertising Manager. I have had an extremely positive experience working with her and have found her to be dedicated, professional, and the definition of self-motivated. Ms. Hatfield does not just excel as a manager but is a helpful and considerate student. I began my job as the Advertising/Underwriting Director in the middle of the school year with no training. Devon had been the advertising manager for just one semester at the time. She was my right hand from day one. I would not have been able to step into my role and be successful without Devon’s dedication and leadership. She was able to get me up to speed while remaining respectful. Devon’s many duties include leading four marketing consultants and co-managing four advertising designers. She services her own clients for the advertising and underwriting department and manages the smart phone application, CatConnector. She also serves the liaison between Northwest Student Media and College Promotions Network. Devon is the main connection between all four of our media outlets including radio, television, newspaper, and yearbook. She works daily with the managers and editors in chief of these media, all while serving as an Ambassador for the Agriculture Department and maintaining her grades. I have always been impressed with Devon’s work ethic. She takes advantage of every opportunity to better her management skills through university programs. She is in constant communication with her staff and the advisers/leaders of our student media outlets. Devon is continually brainstorming to find ways to expand our brand and increase our efficiency in all aspects of our operations. This drive and commitment has proven to be one of our most valuable assets. The student media advisers and I have complete confidence in Devon to represent all of Northwest Student Media on campus and in the community. I urge you to have the same confidence in Devon and choose her as the Best Advertising Manager at the 2014 CNBAM convention. Thank you for your time and the opportunity to recognize a truly outstanding student.


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Leslie Murphy Advertising and General Media Manager Student Publications Northwest Missouri State University 660.562.1530


%evon Hat&eld$

January 10, 2014

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Dear Sir or Madam, I am pleased to recommend Devon Hatfield to you as a candidate for CNBAM’s Best Advertising Manager. She is a dedicated and driven young woman that strives for the best in every area of her life. I have known Devon for over two years as both a close friend and colleague. I began working with Devon at Northwest Student Media during our sophomore year. The following semester we were both promoted to co-managers of the advertising department of Student Media. This will be Devon’s third semester as the Advertising Manager and I could think of no one that deserves this award more. Devon is one of the most driven, charismatic, and passionate people I’ve ever known. She is able to work under stressful situations with nerve-wracking clients and deadlines with a composed manner while managing her sales staff. She implements incentive programs to help motivate her sales staff and shows dedication to her position every day. She has had a crucial role to the convergence process at Student Media and has taken the initiative to ensure that sales and clients are taken care of properly. In addition to her flawless performance in her position, she is also one person I am honored to call a friend. She is a compassionate person that is willing to help in any way she can. She continuously shows her dedication to her schoolwork, job, and friendships without having one overpower the other which is another reason I am recommending her. I have complete trust and confidence in Devon as our Advertising Manager and I believe that she performs at the level deserving of CNBAM’s 2014 Best Advertising Manager. Thank you for your time.


Angela Bode Graphic Artist Manager, Northwest Student Media

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(ersonal Philosophy $

%evon Hat&eld$

Dear CMBAM Judges, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to express my management philosophy. I am excited to tell you how about how I manage and the experiences while managing the advertising department of Northwest Student Media located on the campus of Northwest Missouri State University. I started working for Student Media my freshmen year as an office assistant. As a student majoring in agriculture business I figured the job would have zero impart on my career goals. After being with Student Media for a semester I was asked to interview for a sales position. The current advertising manager told me that I had the personality to be successful and that she would teach me everything else about being a sales representative. I took advantage of the opportunity and instantly fell in love with selling advertisements. After being a sales representative for a year I applied for the position of advertising manager. I knew that I still had a lot of growing to do and that being manager would not be an easy task but it was a challenge I was willing to accept. After receiving the position I looked forward to being able to contribute to the future of the advertising department. When it comes down to it, my philosophy and definition of a managing is that it’s my job to help make our sales representatives jobs easier. I do everything I can to ensure that our representatives and team is not only successful but happy as well. I mange by using three personal strengths; experience, leadership, and goal setting. To ensure the wellbeing of our sales representatives at student media, I am constantly putting myself in their shoes. I do this by reflecting on personal experiences I have had while being a sales representative. I believe that it is crucial to have experience in the job that you overseeing and I would never ask somebody to do something that I haven’t done first hand. By having personal experience I know the exact emotions and involvement our sales representative have everyday while selling and can to relate to them. This makes it easier to help them with any needs they have. Having experience allows me to help our sales representatives research clients and make proposals. Leadership is a huge part of being a manager and I strive everyday to be a leader. I believe that leadership isn’t a skill but a group of skills put together to make a strong individual. I pride myself on continually bettering myself to keep developing skills that make me a stronger leader. One way I improve myself is by learning from others. Every sales representative has a unique gift and we can all learn from each other. I encourage our advertising team to work together on projects and give each other constructive criticism if needed so that they can also enhance their personal skills to become better leaders. By attend various leadership classes offered through the University I have seen the leader in myself grow tediously along with the leadership of our team. I believe every leadership opportunity is a chance for me to grow as a person as well as a manager.

(ersonal Philosophy Con"nued $

%evon Hat&eld$

One of the main lessons that I have taken away from my leadership classes is to set goals. The main goals I had when becoming manager were to create a new training program, increase revenue, and to maintain a positive working environment. When creating the training program we use, I made sure that we focused on advertising sales strategies and the core values of being a sales representative. Our training program has produced great sales representatives and is currently being used as a teaching method in one our media classes at Northwest. Seeing students have success after going through the training program I created has been the biggest and most rewarding accomplishment of my managing career. The goal to increase revenue for our organization has become a reality this past semester. After just one semester we are only $5,000 away from matching our revenue from the previous year, I firmly believe that with having one semester left we will reach our goal and bring in a lot more than the previous year. The increased revenue has been sparked by our positive work environment. As a manager I constantly encourage people to be positive because I believe happiness is contagious. The positive work environment has allowed our team to be less stressed and more relaxed while doing a stressful job. Another reason for the increased revenue is our new and improved sales incentive programs. The goals I set when being manager have allowed our program to keep moving forward while molding students into wonderful sales representatives. Managing the advertising department at Northwest Student Media has been one of the best experiences of my life. It has taught me the true meaning of being a leader and learning to work with others. The experience of being able to have an impact on students lives and help them to reach career goals is a wonderful feeling that I will cherish forever. Student Media has given me one of the best gifts of all and that is that I enjoy going to work everyday. I would like to thank you again for allowing me to share my philosophy with you and for your consideration to represent CNBAM at the 2014 Adverting Manager of the Year. Sincerely,

Devon Hatfield Devon Hatfield Advertising Manager Northwest Student Media Northwest Missouri State University


%evon Hat&eld$

1.! 2.! 3.! 4.! 5.! 6.!


Resume Job Description Goals and Revenue New Ideas Organization Incentive Program


Devon Hatfield 26107 Hwy 129 , Salisbury, MO 65281 660.676.1508 PROFILE: Passionate agriculture student at Northwest Missouri State University with a background in marketing and advertising. Perform effectively in stressful environments and when deadlines are set. Proven to be a problem solver and highly reliable. Proficient in building relationships and marketing plans.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Business Minor in Communications Northwest Missouri State University (Northwest)

April 2015 Overall GPA 3.44/4.0

WORK EXPERIENCE: Northwest Student Media, Maryville, MO Marketing and Advertising Manager ! Oversee four marketing consultants and their clients. ! Solve problems addressing advertising and employee communication. ! Hire and train marketing consultants. Senior Marketing Consultant ! Contacted and built relationships with a list of clients. ! Worked with a designer to plan campaigns and design ads. ! Maintained clients advertising needs.

September 2011 – Current January 2013 – Current

January 2012 – January 3013

Northwest Agriculture Department, Maryville, MO Agriculture Ambassador ! Recruit students for the Agriculture Department by attending various conferences and conventions. ! Conduct tours of the University Farm to prospective students. Gavilon, Omaha, NE Marketing and Communications Intern ! Developed intern website and intern wrap-up yearbook. ! Researched various products and communication outlets for the marketing of Gavilon. ! Created and maintained Gavilon’s LinkedIn page. ! Assisted in event planning and ticket distribution for events sponsored by Gavilon.

August 2012 – Current

May 2013 – August 2013


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint

Share Point



Adobe Illustrator

Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Outlook

HONORS/ACTIVITIES: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Sigma Alpha National Convention Hostess IPhone and Android App Development Committee – Chairman College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers, Inc. – Student Advertising Managers Workshop Attendee Sigma Alpha – Judiciary Board Member Sigma Alpha – Scholarship Chair Northwest Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society National FFA Organization American Degree Recipient Northwest University Sigma Alpha Northwest Collegiate FFA Agriculture Future of America Scholarship Recipient

Job Descrip"on $

%evon Hat&eld$

Northwest Missouri State University Marketing and Advertising Manager Duties:

•! Hire marketing consultant team. •! Assist in planning and co-leading all training and professional development with advertising and general media manager and director of Student Publications. •! Attend weekly managers meeting with advertising and general media manager and director of Student Publications. •! Lead weekly marketing consultant team meeting. •! Arrange with marketing and advertising manager a monthly underwriting and advertising department meeting. •! Oversee all ad sales in the broadsheet, booklet/supplement, yearbook and online websites, as well as radio underwriting and television advertising with radio underwriting and television advertising director. •! Assign existing and new clients to marketing consultants. •! Responsible for monitoring and motivating marketing consultants in completion of weekly office and cold calling duties. •! Assist in setting marketing consultant team monthly goals and contests with advertising and general media manager. •! Responsible for monitoring the performance of marketing consultants weekly and by conducting performance evaluations 1 to 2 times per trimester. •! Manage, motivate, and reward all marketing consultants monthly and quarterly. •! Create and recommend special promotional and marketing programs with the marketing and promotion coordinator designed to increase revenue and to enhance status of the publications and websites with the advertising and general media manager. •! Be an expert on all clientele of Student Publications/Northwest Student Media including sales/ marketing, ad design, and product history as well as market, customer, competition, and advertising information. •! Review issues of the Northwest Missourian,, and Tower yearbook. Evaluate clients and prospects, and distribute results and suggestions to marketing consultants.


)oals and Revenue $

%evon Hat&eld$

Personal Goals




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*ew Ideas$ Cat Connector Cat Connector is the smart phone application sponsored by Northwest Student Media. I have helped create, market, and sell Cat Connector. Cat Connector is a place for students to find news, a business directory, late night specials and coupons. They can also listen to our campus radio station and watch our television station from Cat Connector.

Christmas Cards To wish our clients a happy holiday season, the advertising team created a holiday card. The card was a good way to show clients how much we appreciated their business and thank them for supporting us.

%evon Hat&eld$

*ew Ideas Con"nued$

%evon Hat&eld$

Google Docs Every sales representative is constantly dealing with paperwork. In order to save paper and to make the lives of our sales representatives easier, we developed a Google Doc where we store documents that sales representatives might need on a day to day basis. This has allowed the sales representatives to be able to access documents at anytime and at any location

Training Program Our training program was outdated so I made a new program that involved various interactive activities. Those actives involved real life situations that encouraged our sales representatives to step out of their comfort zone.

Organiza"on $

%evon Hat&eld$

New look in the Office Reorganizing the office was one of my first priorities when becoming manager. Since then I have made it easier for representatives to communicate about clients by hanging up personal client lists in the office. I have also reorganized the area our paperwork is housed to make it easier to find the proper materials needed.

Informational Posters Posters constantly hang around the office allowing sales representatives to know their progress along with the teams progress.

+ncen"ve Program $

%evon Hat&eld$

Derby Days Derby Days was a sales incentive program that encouraged sales representatives to sell a variety of items. Each representative had a customized horse that moved forward based on the amount of money they had brought in. Play money was awarded for the different items sold. The items that needed the most increase in revenue were worth more money than other items. Whoever had the most play money at the end of every month got a prize. At the end of the semester the representative with the closest horse to the finish line received a gift card.

Don’t be Late! Keeping with the Derby theme, anyone who was late to a sales meeting had to wear a Derby hat for the duration of the meeting.

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