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TCU Skiff CNBAM Best Training program

Training for Skiff account executives begins when they are hired for the position. Each account exec is given a rate card and media kit to study before returning for training the following semester. As the “face” of Student Media in the community, it is imperative that we prepare our students properly. Training begins one to two weeks before the first publication date for the semester. Account execs spend two or three days in extensive training, then begin supervised calls to set appointments with advertisers. Training includes practice sessions on completing insertion orders, making cold calls, and role-­‐playing on sales calls. Every product in our portfolio is covered, and helpful demographic and marketing statistics gathered in our marketing research is introduced. Brainstorming sessions help foster open discussion on different ideas for clients. Topics covered include who to contact for specific events, specific categories of clients and times they should advertise, ways to keep current with events affecting advertising with Student Media, and sources for information about our clients’ businesses. Account execs are thoroughly trained on their role as a liaison between the client and the ad designers. Attention to detail and organizational priorities are emphasized as key factors to achieving success in this job. After time is given to assimilate the information covered, account execs discuss their account list with the ad director or business manager. This discussion covers account history, ideas for advertising campaigns, and general information about the business. Knowledge of a clients’ business is critical to successful ad sales. At mid-­‐semester, the ad director and business manager complete evaluations of all account execs. Account execs complete a self-­‐evaluation form that is then compared with the ones completed by the managers. The evaluation covers selling, office procedures, follow-­‐up, and team skills. The ad director meets with the account exec to discuss strengths and weaknesses identified. The most integral facet of account exec training is the weekly sales meeting. At each sales meeting, account execs are made aware of special promotions, congratulated on recent achievements, and updated on progress towards goals and quotas. Upcoming events on campus and upcoming advertiser events are compared to coordinate advertising opportunities. Contests and bonus opportunities are discussed with reps. Weekly meetings are used to pass along new information from sources such as the CNBAM Advertising Sales Resource Guide, the NAA plan book, Web sites, the Fort Worth Star Telegram and Dallas Morning News (our local papers), and other handouts. At each weekly meeting, account execs rotate turns with a “Show and Tell”. Show and Tell involves bringing an article, video clip, or some type of sales information to share with the group. Speakers are occasionally brought in to discuss refresher topics for account execs. These speakers are from the local professional community, and may be in sales, design, or training. Former account execs are also brought in to discuss how to maximize future opportunities

while working in TCU Student Media. During the week, additional memos and sales materials are circulated in the account exec mailboxes for reading. Two bulletin boards and a calendar are also updated continuously. Current sales for the pay period, current sales for the semester, quotas, deadlines, upcoming events, contest updates and new ideas are here to keep account execs informed. At the end of the semester, account execs are asked to complete a job evaluation. This evaluation provides feedback for the ad director, with possible suggestions for improvement in the advertising office. This allows us to complete the semester by learning from the account execs, not just them learning from the management staff. Additionally, ad designers are brought in before the beginning of the semester. Their training consists primarily of office procedures and workflow, since they are hired with prior experience in the design programs. Details and spell-­‐check are emphasized in addition to the flow of communication with account execs and the ad director. Ad designers are updated continuously with information from trade magazines and Web sites. Software training is enhanced by bringing in vendor reps and software trainers from the university. The student ad director is offered training in peer management from the Human Resources department. The ad director for the next fall semester attends the CNBAM Student Ad director Workshop in Chicago each year. Our goal in training our account execs is not only to make them successful at TCU Student Media, but also to adequately prepare them for post-­‐graduation employment. Whatever professional field they pursue, preparation and training in communication and work skills learned in the Student Media job will serve them well both while working here and beyond.

Skiff Advertising Training- Day 1 Monday August 5, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m Introduction • Meet and greet; breakfast 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. In The Office • Tour of the office • Important information (office/fax phone numbers, email password) 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Everything Newspaper • Mechanics of newspaper • Terminology • History of the Skiff • So Why Advertise in the Newspaper? 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • Terminology • Google analytics • Why online adsvertising? Other Media • Image Magazine • News Now • KTCU 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Computer System / Ad Design • Usernames and Passwords • Ad Server • Maintenance • Production Requests • Proofs / approvals • Email and Email Etiquette 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Organization and Time Management • Organizing Sales Materials • CRM Overview • Using a Planner • Office Hours • Tardies and Absences • Communication with ad director and business manager • Balancing Skiff, School, and Life • Account Book and Respecting Other Ad Reps Accounts 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Review • Questions • Scavenger Hunt • Pop Quiz • Trainee Questions and Answers

Skiff Advertising Training – Day 2 Tuesday August 6, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Breakfast and Review 9:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. So what does the Skiff have to offer? • Rates, Sizes, Color • Special Sections • Discounts • Insertion orders • Payment • Quota System So what does offer? • Rates, Sizes • Insertion orders • Payment 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Building and Maintaining a Business Relationship • Initial Contact • Professional Demeanor At All Times • At the Meeting • Day to Day Account Service • Communication • Follow Up • End of the Semester 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Cold Calling Turned Warm- Effective Prospecting • New Business Leads • Organization • Phone Etiquette • Reasons to Call • Set Appointments- Don’t Sell Over the Phone/Email • Persistence • Phone Blitzes • Make It a Daily Habit 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Review

Skiff Advertising Training – Day 3 Wednesday August 7, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. Review and Expectations 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Distribute and Review Account Lists • Review CRM 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Organization • Review Account Books • Distribute Ad Rep Schedules • Set Deadlines, Goals, Quota, Special Section Contest • Prepare for Semester of Selling

Name: _________________ Account Executive Evaluation Rate the AE with numbers 1-5. 1 means the AE never does this, 3 means sometimes, 5 means always. You may use the back of the page for additional comments. 1 Never


3 Sometimes


5 Always

Selling 1. Is the AE consistently selling? Are they increasing sales from the start of a pay period to the end? 2. Does the rep attempt to sell all products available? 3. Does the AE make face-to-face sales calls? 4. Does the AE look for and sign up new accounts? 5. Does the AE consistently make quota? 6. Does the AE dress appropriately for the job? Follow-up 7. Does the AE make sure ads are ready for press/online posting? Are production requests up in a timely manner? 8. Does the AE collect payment from accounts in a timely manner? 9. Does the AE make sure the account has seen their ad? 10. Does the AE handle problems quickly and professionally? Office 11. Does the AE make good use of their office hours? 12. Is it evident the AE works more than their office hours? 13. Does the AE work as a team with other AEs? Do they help other AEs? 14. Does the AE maintain a positive attitude?

____________________ AE Signature

____________________ Ad Director Signature

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