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ccording to the cast,being ved in a Shakespeare play han thatofa contem porary

hen you w ork w ith Shake re, you have to come to it a really open m ind,because ’s so m any ways to inter t,”M yerssaid. tors in the play view their rm ance in Shakespeare as an obstacle and an exciting rtunity. akespeare is challenging use it’s so foreign to a lotof aid M T&D senior o Jn M an llo, wh o plays Dem etrius, fthe fourlovers.“(It)isdef y difficult— atleastform e tto w rap m y mo uth around, ’s also easierin m any ways use it’sgot a rhythm to it.” vin Colli ns, an M T&D m an, em phasized the dify of w orking w ith Shake -

play) w as originally done for Eli zabeth I,and sheneverm ar ried. There’s this idea that she w as a m an-w om an. She had to be a king even though shew as a queen.There’s that gender-role m ixing in herrole as queen,and Ithoughtthatw ould be an inter esting reflection, know ing that the play w as m aybe even com m is sioned for he r.” He added that cross-gender parts il lum inate m odern-day genderis sues. “In h te 21stcentury,who gets to m arry who is a big is sue,” Tulip said. “If it’s a play about m arriage,why not find a way to echo (that) in the current argu me nts?” Actors find Tulip’s gender sw itching appropriate for the play. “Part of the reason why the l lives and breathes show stil today is because ofallthe is sues

upped m y pitch quite dra cally,” he said. “I think w I’ve learned now, espec w ith m y costume that Iha M yers, desi gning cross-gender that w omen carry them s costum es w as a m atterof fash - because their w eight is dis ioning outfitsthatw ould suitthe production’s carnival tone and Colli ns added that he enhance the audience’s grasp of believes his acting has inco rated the core perspective the play’s message. “W e didn’t w ant to get into w om an, a rtherthan a st ereo a w orld where it w as drag icalfem ale view point. “It’saboutplaying the ess queens,”shesaid.“Ifeellike m y job is to forw ard the produc - of that being,” he said.“I tion,so is(the audience)going to think that gender roles ow.” noticesome ofthe clothes? Sure. assum ed in this sh Three of them are lighting up For actors,involvement like Christm astrees,”sheadded. M idsum me rNight’s Dream ” “But I don’t w ant the (audi - drastically altered perspec ence) to notice (the fairies) on Shakespeare and the w because they’re lighting up. I around them . w ant them to notice because For the cast and crew (the fairies) are supporting the play has involved m any cha concepts of the sh ow.” including adjustme nts in For the cross-gender cos - direction and costume thro tum es,M yers incorporated tac - outthe entire rehearsalpro Playing dressup

The cross-gendercasting also

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you w ork w ith Shake u have to come to it ly open m ind,because m any ways to inter erssaid. in the play view their ce in Shakespeare as bstacle and an exciting ty. peare is challenging ’s so foreign to a lotof T&D senior o Jn M an h o plays Dem etrius, fourlovers.“(It)isdef cult— atleastform e rap m y mo uth around, o easierin m any ways ’sgot a rhythm to it.” Colli ns, an M T&D em phasized the difw orking w ith Shake cript. anguage is tough,” id. “It’s in verse, and on’t speak that way

queen.There’s that gender-role m ixing in herrole as queen,and Ithoughtthatw ould be an inter esting reflection, know ing that the play w as m aybe even com m is sioned for he r.” He added that cross-gender parts il lum inate m odern-day genderis sues. “In h te 21stcentury,who gets to m arry who is a big is sue,” Tulip said. “If it’s a play about m arriage,why not find a way to echo (that) in the current argu me nts?” Actors find Tulip’s gender sw itching appropriate for the play. “Part of the reason why the l lives and breathes show stil today is because ofallthe is sues (Shakespeare)w rote about(that) are stil lcurrent,”Colli nssaid. For Colli ns, playing a crossgender character w as a com -

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costum es w as a m atterof fash ioning outfitsthatw ould suitthe production’s carnival tone and enhance the audience’s grasp of the play’s message. “W e didn’t w ant to get into a w orld where it w as drag queens,”shesaid.“Ifeellike m y job is to forw ard the produc tion,so is(the audience)going to noticesome ofthe clothes? Sure. Three of them are lighting up like Christm astrees,”sheadded. “But I don’t w ant the (audi ence) to notice (the fairies) because they’re lighting up. I w ant them to notice because (the fairies) are supporting the concepts of the sh ow.” For the cross-gender cos tum es,M yers incorporated tac tics that helped actors better understand their characters, as w ell as propose answ ers to the challenges that gender sw itch -

Electronic Print Edition:

because their w eight is dist

Colli ns added that he believes his acting has inco rated the core perspective w om an, a rtherthan a st ereo icalfem ale view point. “It’saboutplaying the esse of that being,” he said.“I d think that gender roles assum ed in this sh ow.” For actors,involvement in M idsum me rNight’s Dream ” drastically altered perspect on Shakespeare and the w around them . For the cast and crew, play has involved m any chan including adjustme nts in s direction and costume thro outthe entire rehearsalproc Tulip explained this consta evolving nature ofthe play a essential ar p t of hisdirection “It’s like being an arche

JASON ANTERASIAN I am a rising junior at the University of Michigan, and will be graduating in 2015. I am pursuing a dual-degree with the Ross School of Business and the School of Kinesiology, specifically a Ross BBA concentrating in marketing and a BA in Sport Management. In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball and soccer, as well as watching and following Michigan athletics. My previous work experience includes working in the marketing and promotions department of the UM Athletic Department, where I help to create the “wow” experiences that engage fans. As an Account Executive at The Michigan Daily, I will be working primarily with businesses in the downtown Ann Arbor area. The Michigan Daily offers a unique platform for reaching UM students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as Ann Arbor residents, through our print edition and online advertising at

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JESSICA HAHN I am currently a rising junior and will be graduating with a bachelor in economics from the University of Michigan in 2015. In my free time, I enjoy singing with my a cappella group, as well as eating food from different locations or cooking at home. My previous work experience includes working with the Michigan Marketing and Advertising Club. My team and I worked closely to increase the publicity of small businesses, such as the Glass House Café. As an account executive at The Michigan Daily my primary responsibility will be working with landlords, leasing companies and real estate agencies, as well as other businesses that advertise in the classified section of our print edition, as well as online. The Michigan Daily offers you a unique opportunity to reach Michigan students, faculty, staff, alumni and parents, as well as Ann Arbor residents, through our print edition and online advertising at the

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OLIVIA BIRCHMEIER I am currently a rising junior and will be graduating from the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science & the Arts with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and American Culture. When I’m not in class or studying, I like to try new restaurants, watch movies and explore downtown Ann Arbor. My previous work experience includes working as a library assistant at the University of Michigan Law Library, as well as a significant amount of customer service work experience. I will be working with businesses in the Kerrytown area and on Main Street. Our print edition and online advertising at provides businesses an exceptional opportunity to attract not just Michigan students but faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and Ann Arbor residents as well.

MY OFFICE HOURS m t w th f

9 a.m.-1 p.m. 12 p.m.-4 p.m. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 12 p.m.-4 p.m. 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

I am thrilled to be working with you and your business, and hope to utilize my knowledge and skills to help your business succeed.


SPRING/SUMMER Office Hours (734) 418-4115 (734) 661-4391 (fax)

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

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C o m mencement 2013 The University of Michigan campus and local community will be buzzing with activity the first weekend in May as thousands of families join with their graduate to celebrate this milestone achievement. This year The Michigan Daily will be publishing a special Commencement edition, containing highlights of the past four years. Advertising in Commencement 2013 is a great way to recognize graduating seniors who have worked at your business, graduated from your program with honors, and accepted a position with your firm. Your message in this keepsake section will be seen by graduates’ parents and families as they wait for the ceremony to begin. It will also be something graduates look back on with fond memories and serve as a reminder of places to visit when they return to campus for events such as Homecoming.

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Ann ARBOR ART FAIR SPECIAL PAGE This July, thousands of people will flock to Ann Arbor to attend the annual Art Fair. Show off your sidewalk sale or great summer clearance by advertising on this special page of The Michigan Daily. Our staff will personally distribute this page at the Art Fair, ensuring your business is seen by attendees.

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Had rsedes e th v g re 17 th u u ts to fo w e b u st . o st ia T u nov Da ry ack ak rs — a n d un ith an H lons of nce, you inje nnece by,” se were lwe he ind rbidde l proc pac ish LV a nd rong the sa —M person el th - a n d Tom Gats ad D dersta isy in e e s k Like in century Fra ent at d imp would ct ne ssa r y eking to AT nd we k s ago uction n to d ss me a A Th re ing g from sister th sen oss T E ’s shelf ede like the n ’s reac by, I’ aisy to is e e ro fi and 18 ekly installm Arts m le tr k to c n ly te o ible no d u x a A ST ti uss . adit d th d o ver o acti end, nc F *** one a nde ctive ps. this we e two Daily finer ON work someth vel fe on. Bu unde t i the k plac . his itzgera . 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C — fo m fl t a m h o h li th a oncSS e absu it s rm tsbM cess t on th she d in to eremo s B ile m sets y ”ARnt buCLA mo a na n: OePquiva ighty. shallo - wa nting tsby d ke a re the but wa e enti a rdly , allSM ta e un att t n ise an ny co D P prett lent He w, tc ie b ll wh is a no , A lex e deta cline l. ra tioUnR ev re T al sity k s oft resse d bo s lin re wh h Nic aisy. It with p-out ig wa d ha z a nd y, a of ally hat b adable ile bein poem er Oja s o e o s k FFd nYgeOofS? u o to er e ils of to co e in th when n app cover k shelv ed in “ W ing g almOW ed.ES a slo nders nd w Daisy the o doesn be a c feels w ut co m tho Fitzge ing sa . es a ’t in n mo ea r o the it e e c occur mpha the p mO rou pin ost PR se w rald id y W May w c ta nd ith th TO SH re re a size ro terf sual b rong x g “in me ut of n floor. h to ysta one ists b n ack d. d th - ev Despit hout ere CyAle,RitE isCnU’t LTURE abou own fa be I’m lap. Perhing an e era The n ions. a nit ho ha ’s st m ec th , bu n me b er y at e acte biaT. te h y” d ture ovel, ap s tha a se what ut we nowle usu life t as w iled EA t ha der one the e yea ers m esse o sp is te rs t , I’ f d . d w a ro r. B n. ac s all m d deri o ve a n is g s wit la But ellIA is p work a nno k in ed fun cret to as M ma nc becau h ED ma e — o,” on’t te e tha d o ck o la n Fit zg phen a pie e M . th b ut a se e ple sion b the lots a : It ’s ys c re W k f ch g fh t she ad c W y ll a esh boo bec EW end e ju ing, pr iv , w the Vo/N cen ein as t le sen uage, era ld omena e of k “Th tim rt n sa if d now a e tra nack w li chTaH E T uldn’t thr is . inc a LIN-IG“Yo Wilso y w theg Dano haz nis a oug e . AIe pro m’s omfeels h cia use w st do but it id. “ y- a Thou t wa ll shelve their ac y — the mi anc d find use tenc l figIN tell any huact ive and terest lpted y is world nd To se ger a m lly w r tm fin n how tolog always Gre peo n pro E-M el a nt had all gPin l e It ’s t th e. B nd it gh don’t r-d. “It ’s ma s se ow s se ould is“W etNe Lo e w n’t ta ’s up d BYdge of the just #fi rst Heming wa it’s self-in e, he scu pea rea y” is sta thesenov y.e Fcan ure we . t ng saFro bridge t tha li ena l, but sai als on’s LVs are ic brings JO n a x lls IO it M kes e w th but a ht , b lv sh ori n tim .), re p tsb ing lly is p u p she Mi d and k ori a AT b Sha st ate tut o perly, tim r ve ago etc in Ga ho beICsa ers’ NigLY a ra ac er lk entl out e er” nt eh- in t th o a kexists orwe do,” ofit’s rea eith in st hon dinG- ato Gitats HaPL s w nomoree the y of someth ebe ue AI a.CO yea rs ge, bulls, Great Datbig prow n TimcND rtbrea t like d but ive thhe of ts e ra ws in er of xa m engsceto rigphe a s 1926, wh AN- APdOld set 50 and hates lt to harang ss traged ns. “The pas is.” go th ience it to abou lly b tive L e, spe cabin ting ficlod GAtorithe istoy one about bsyun,” n, hea byretat thieng, tha ny d th HI d. ele dl vereymsactyat hmaa rd tal kEST ICth e msa wit nlscy ht ebefre T@M worki fal lot b M ’t t spe r bacek c eur alu rou portio rfully writtel; a novel b QU c a cop w dif ficu d’s tim a TS sex ist h ple p-ou e n tiona each lo otea RE ing a fr , ilaro NaI be t don ir is stils o int nconto- (asa ifsecWe like shelf. f d It fee more alu sn kept in er jusv ral Th e c ls )? gh for th e a sp it H idge a Vs ov ia l ev a s em eds. AR ple ere s Voyagha rainvolvnd Hustlea it to b e nt Mc o ve wonde insightfu person’s ON ins D ty e ’t see withou ong peo much t Fit zge .w le a I ally F n It a has Le wa itron a cl fun die th p. it to a and e e ry the c n re it , usu ST h e e up and d a he Hu is y ewr l, is of who on ojum e we , an fi ner and ple pty tion ete be M d th r th nts a ve in, e th d’s wr ing a on eve AT T EA f tch e for n it usually aga ins ece. doors, Gatsby/ . It feelszgetander es obecause pre ’s mo ouenc zgeral fectly ng.nTh m rs ’t ain the’ cab rpi a atu t fr —M d it people uld be f lhexperi a huge wa h is DaisyG r-h it, and to unders in he e atsual bys raldall cia reaback,inflaLV m in se re fro w eventsh.I donmaint ma ste magic of Fit t it per h a sho oryt cip s he e ty and ng p Old ills P rough e Bro tt rac melli u throug usu tha b so be a cas b,ybut has ’s me ntati s n tousch wit nt to tha oe rac theodam fronti Nic : Insto “If you authlucksreand The kro f we ’tam by” is feeling wit ry o goma n ere dewh adw t a les fo a r Tim ine e the a can er said. d noekendfew a na e cut ta nd. ra lly ple is foerf wa m ofing “We ta tch “Gats n of *** o eve int pot pic un inthere for ctiv fa riv xtohposki - wa doesn’t L ing in ed a sense explain, rs. For the . th” Boinnadconn thapn Sunoday fr ie bers, ns ev potl n It sing arevea ls is.” ti d ce ofalithout hthey’re d ac c lyzin a nd h a com , who nions. Les back to ers’ N odge woods ay ry es, r m th d family, sp cngt, wit y and nre s evein balanc story; to tic feel wit ulu e n a pieun wr it- exa It’s omo e wit donit mo chigan tio a nething a racte ncr d cep gm ati of ma t need som sha llow s the opi novel, as hmens. in lov m onea to tat ion hucom mu w inenalo “L is tr dsh ip the c r y Su ck s a a poe n by ind to ena llyde of st expedi d ern Mi unti sense sen th ight . oth g, idiosyrs e fell someone oti r y. ner Voya wa m e prep ya- ti n le , the ce has m at thencab The is phenom ma sterrsta dow thnd Northyeaual LVa re I onc aber th in es V ny also n: were . He ea su h a vem Les Voaers nfor youx.”ceueve senten weighed fou om m nday. nd sp mbers a fou nd ilit’t be fou e the ann rla stiners a nd geur e lodg br ing re m g tha ves, a rs c to onn d is ws in eac ndme se o If you king to plete buf foo and flighty of Daisy erature, e p bil can y a eNo . n in cifi mb ral s. y nad g ng x shi st n Th c in s u re ing y s cie me I spe t t For bei a ndiv- aBo ” see te d a tr usu you a g n it , the peo cav wh the or y it Fit zge the cank fo when dowhen ore t cera lu e, h aving, it sho g ndships felt friegnd red and d tenden “Gatsby, sentences indifferen equiva len t es-c ten . with and ionale asu it e. y in exclus h gent x reLVysingog d Pause le checiaallyxanm and and fl l frie rsthare is tre F guage, But the ratel, is inherem er,resp “ It ere els a nd c t the y a nd a ca tellin a lly in m s w onor in - “ Y n g ra do fo throug necessary meaning, the ma : pretty, zges feel of thdeto getemTh ere els ding I’m lan otinto whpere em tog to ra derind m awed read . It The eth m d, Ale a n’t nan g. n te un any wh s thi ra so har ir e eve n geu ha s ded tence. ou’r dua erly erstan it y it e. v the nov sta nd g c e neke a ke cters elimina inject nee task utt nt- Bucha ona l und p. Perhap ause sen ic beh ind to under a k in a ger ioscanle,torofically bee. Iscomfo “Peoplw the we “It has e we’re ld d te,” dry. rcare aroun b be abin the r oe rac The olv ing h din ea she: cla the and oti said.oe n here riti On a llarv u aus urs F sed bec ed log to,” ecause th is fe H or to uld find how excelle t em B fou a slow e v mp,” iv harder to be cut motives, “Tms ed. friendshi s a the ng n Ball haslnhis ity bec xander ing dow Voyagere are alu nec ge of iscomerw it ne g I’m bia ance end ent ly er-lly Ale nd a long er to from uron a lot o - to tu rom fi oyage have you wo ible. That’s able to con se ran a squad said.he one big e people ta com we’re in spe Bunya. Innt for Les lyzing t cer Maybe ssto,” rom lson’s doesn’t ke s yea nci a re A lex we’r el of s aid of u catalarge eve s th f Hu ica nd ana ept ing tha nk d Jiming “It ’s Ge’ll jaded. the last failed My rtle Wi the rehav No imposs rald wa intent. Co saiv ’t mi e so are afr e they thi e.” flawed a nd down e xc c“Itulawa typcal atduaGted gra a fr at,lers,” lo pa ss tor ia na ncia st le acc ive ? d. zge tha never my own as r th w it h duated Ab“Wsoo gra in nat c onna g more I sat y,” I I don ’t mind d ly Fit se with his nt but aus sai well her a b or a ls kin e nad o h g lu in are e ll, a as t bec , b o e s l Bo r jo Ann Arb now ha er tim wh atsngb so we g wit m r ut the gna m tsb in cau id o ter o si I don sk nd ma ple wh le of xander, s bac m wh a his pro etic, poi is a poe ost abo But each aratin at Ga ilty of peote b. eurssealuem dance mk o lu cha rac . I do mi wit nessmidd a n n n M ic i w a nd , up a roun prope n how se th f co sa id rd to vkin m ir, an yag get alo y ” ce sep mpus. Sun- anduals e Gre tain s: ly fra s e Ale t life. ers Na ry we tan atsby” being alm c ter s and “Th id Lik to . tha the t Mc w rl oth . “G eve h Ca dis m Vo ee h ig ba ua ge flaw d in ile thaort g, 0 and t dle read y, past the e as e Is B tha n s for cha racmista kes in ntral cabin and Les s meetings place lov cloyin m, all wh ine196 y.” doubt - to ldn’t get ce and the soning. Mc . LVs enjoys in from Ce to the use of n y th in g do “ Peop t Th onad l LV e a n a kends ck , ke be e the for e. end ’t usu eas Li er no itithwfellow h cou N cab novel it’sit ecorat rth ? nnavhas at exc ith Ba ing em ma till att ay,” she rs’ rea t isn sacrifi eadabl r d

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b gre cussin atn g ess the of ‘G atsb y’

emb y, Nov Thursda

2012 er 15,

of back to the a geoFlippingcan find direcphotos. , LVs . nized the cabin the book lly orga g alum s, . in the mem for use ey team graphica all livin new n hock of own wood ves and . their tory e Michiga chop ent acti that yeareling, you geurs like hom g curr inducted trav Just STER Les Voya you and ever bers cracklin N & SCHU and SIMO you’re along with the ther S “If re back whe EUR this befo the antell Alex 1B by the can take le up in Seated hard to VOYAG you.” city,” Page is lit at logs peop with be a fire, it’s what face look From I had ing ’s in t to r’s like of s lapp who wan one es orie see the pro- Alexande who . another of flam and mem star t ents pota see der said re Stud ghts flicker day r gonn society once the futu re neve of the nding Sunkly event. or her thou LVs. that they’ Into part w t ily but not fello includesn by atte ety’s wee abou love, a fam t imagine cess acts ves, her a lot of like cabi gel,” annual the soci lly attr seen “It’s it you can’ have 2012 ates on the ived luck s, usua uding acti ner you juste reaThe have se eyes rece mea l Din of it — som “The nt upd ntly The le, incl of LVs. of you g a part . “For who are sign ifica ch rece renovations ds le rtment the bein ed r said 30 peop frien and f, whi th in Complet ande act peop s and ry asso alum rest ing other itsel ,000 wor ni. udasticallyIf a savo es ador ningtable. Alex we attr inte alum fant ons incl re son feat ures de dish ng room r is g and like each pret- $130 ed by LV erfect. renovati the enti e ational easygoin really fund characte and imp characr. It’s mer, homema den dini educ d n of an Each r spac woo just all each othe an an last sumexpa nsio d e floo orga nize - we ed, hum dislike each long, rwa rd ort done eteran The book flaw te mor hardwoo ’t begins, ch is typi you’ve Afte and supp l. dship, cen- ed n to crea drivers. than not, you didn e point, tion m.” nove whi by new ems and frien is cabi related ty war and its e often ities ter at som reading the presentavice-chief, s from g with outdoors mpa niedheat ing syst stem outdoortion s of love how mor of real in Alon hs acco the the to ad . enta by s pofor hen inste Les ey, chil- injustice appiness ying dept pres rs, new specific show essors nal love society. en idea ls d that ing floo d new kitc a huge com is y, mon cally My unh ung ratif acters sinkt, y prof the es . Past He r note we love lights, Dais rs are driv s tral to Alexande a back pack nd a bran air was vations. overtly the char No doub subjectsby Universit butterfli ines en 17th acte on the the of happ McN . reno (gre g arou char not h arch But n of ns bers give mon rs is a in the erings at the mem muddlin ce, dren). Itsfalse images needs resid a to whicname of love . d, over g the salo just nd Voyageu al gath while it seems included nteering use it’s e nent of the twosory boar rd only idin Like in century Franent fulfill in the a fool towa going club. Soci sitting arou ng sens orie prov But one ario advi r to it’s not fully e it beca been love and and d s; stro ngs. d scen 18th orde a of allm ers ety’s I’ve in feeli r past but a pain the lodgof and “I love people who group ine a the fire,table and sisterhoo al soci g my ep of the offic kly inst in thei Arts ty cool and through to imag of essin er concept, . seeing with upke cont inui love dinn herhood tradition this wee two Daily finer ing r witn bunch it’s a veryna said. tiful well contention difficult ort the from beau h, afte ithful true back ure h one as of brot ish LVs ps. of outside; Bonadon SKE /Daily g supp ensu ring ned unfa ld sit in whic paragrap relatable points will featdiscussing the s le,” s. and includin KRU own dist ingu ing grou tran sitio ting peop short quell the ung rateful, over, I wou difficult LVs, dium Other tradition lodge pack in the that ALLISON thei r back person blame. It’s in which as a mee for writers of arts me active y live — a LV n the ago. exist, and did little to nst it all, Out on run a Whe ing solely a home were the Three r, currentl time w years bers g , agai ves on its and take points and ine a find her ande mem k e of bungalo entire from serv becomin than probably but still imag bing ress, least 10 take ain to me to by” thri a mist — mor — in a Alex bedroom s up the s lined six new bac ptly or plum e added, haters, t Gats Even if cert - for from at house year Only thisthe ld take and prom rekindle , indo wer rsgeo - - one- that take wall char ves to wou bers s that “The Grea ng. ptions hen or ageu I to its shel d, cted Voyd a ess mem feeli dead tion room ath indung book floor. memindoor kitc e the exce been stor y, ain book oler ’s Lesfin e of contrive underne h struck on a vaca proc uss. ly l for ecscho . yFlippi are cert second The in sens es seem ets andcover the in usua can mon ial to dir tos wife s- an those werhad n’t real There t ever y high“Catcher n disc e two with clos bearing, truth whic s, my built nece iona l. , butk, LVs et cere zed ance. n but ve scen rs over irratpho tresses ar out of was secr d the gros t of in. mos forbidden took ,plac rtainbooethe rom le are move — the cabi e it hearcab areani org a fade otated “Bra e acte is a the sit on mscourse of a while mat unce sinc c, and bers n appe the bers va. Peop aluthe som and shelf: inductio ann the imm with Bun ks ofte more mem . it all ica lly The book updated air said nded reno use in romanti aps tea m. fearful than not, menm,” an phtion the n cabi liv ing perh s McN ni-fu year privacy prin d forembodieshumanit y. hoc keyone ago over graerva new alum g the the RyeWorld,” 1926, woo Gatsby” the are e often course, sity whe out the of self presthe desi alum back to the d as of ofown by.” and ofre all weekskend , ir and , fillin gant book s of The parts orte mony in through the lack their own e Grea t Gats New ore, y rsedes it mor e need for ctee chi ken aypand ives indu the r. s the cereyou “Th as herm tor ingw Does ho e Grea ld have IsMi s hear diat LVs supp supe cho t act wee for Despite kind of has serve , ves, t yea Hem greatest ably. ursuito e t me ren us “Th shou g perDaisy . tion s former s in. Furt to owncur actitha s ago. somewha ing ves tota l. comthe Prob st But e backvel lik age ed (or in kick beds Had year yone shel of g le y and cam e not ciple anduct that r tra to ever — book Juse. ed in a to have ckltoing and man ratin one cent ury?Of cour please. underst USTER Les Voy ubiq se wer of a youn rs is s and 50 peopdeclyou s ind s sepa was empty actives, last while re s? les The & SCH h ined some I’d ber y not ’re— eve the pro- space Voyageu four year said. ld resid ry tar- thecra she n wit act by, ) stap diet , and back and have flaw ils ofk zed erHad andthat makeshift wall Dais you SIMON na “Les the desi ngthe Gats been erFitzgera n histo do for Though detabac eth the cabi events attr y adon ” and “If en alo und you ore d s hasi most doesn’t? rica literary y look . wh Bon ugh g s dwa ial ,” l reactionthe by, I’d I can’et, thi ment onin ande gree bef Ame Tho life. ther emp. xanson’ Broa telchos , spec cert ainl lems with tchto thin graduate geur for tedssive thisdmom od of exce tion s Gats toent his up, Alex occuy,” . But takte: rredAle dge that at the time over the woods could then .” with voya ern ing prob titles (“Ca ems peri ed Sea litt by cont ribu ple cess mple stioncan reac ’re a ng cit owle h you Withinhara mode is slep anish byrest ’slog .it’s incok any- active LVs through the peo at ncia l to use a com find trifle germ inal rldprobl be “You wit the hazi ackn Tom tell fina is wh at , ys profeels ge. pted d no all l had loo n to ay stang fire scul don’t From ’s fac self-inte . “It’s bridge and s Pine Lod brings peoon how are alwa of thes just #firstwo o’s in “We can is pin like I nt ingw der the nove sngofthat had espearea es it’s - time, he t by”lap whbut , pro waHem but we she said ly r one andmorie oring xan Shak e Mill o ago, tutorialserly, LVs omenal, Nigh er” is wh t Gats big s, etc.) do,” exists thengu e in edy Aleof phensee somethi it’s realt it Hab Timers’ lodge, hon din- to flam years bullrt Grea outanothe prop tbreak- me re the itone what we hara pot-trag Old “The often, hearts hate and like kings to beright befo setts50 andiet g, but active y ssta abou y na see to the s with lot of pass nd. thinure der l that Studen talk a specult to day flic.kerwrit cop-out ugh timeless portions back still very s at manin er gon r alum ga sexistsoc e diffi Sun arou a nove shelf. wor ad falls don’t secretfut be tho nt.wonderfully a the oncelike a out con-to o air is mor ing alum le ple Voyageu involvin Hustle, t feels htful; of the gera ld’s her y’re nev s. TON inste McN We just want it to y eve sees peop much endFitz lly tha insig or LVon’s has kept Les on es y pers par t die with wrong Int fun. ekl p. It and the usua up and he writ ily we Hur but the att s, not lly nst by lud ut , jum ever low n, EAS we for ld’s abo ing . use on ne y. It feels ander usua by agai terpiet love ner and ling. The the cabi e iecey’s h Gats , doorevents who a fam im ld be fel —M ATT rience it,inc Fitzgera and it in back cess ,” al byst all beca perfectlya s,shouher n a hug expe ual racit ts a lot of like ’t watcagi tDais massocmag ic of att . and stor ytele race from gel ugh cial in LV ive with seen maintai . “If you with is that ngact be a casu , but has the cab 2 ann “It ’s it you can fronting and jus ks, the The ally go thro the dam kends of touch want to cano sby” on Nick have 201 y a said ed rfere luc ucks to feeli h s s usu who you r e na “Gat wee e for of *** e litinte potleiv For e ing ain, everner — - watc doesen’trea eye ate than rec “We lud ing in inc sens meal the rivewith ski n are a few Dinout of aitcom Bonadonthey ’re ther is.” e ly y Sunday.ns t upd som ions.are piecTh you hav par twith e of can “These to expl s. with The , astory; of mor ent bala fam ily,” ething everovatio a plenced ity andn along n Michiga ditions. a love “Forwho ic feel indu nifiwrit- ich It’srec s poetLV ntl- of being of d. low, tion sren who l, as ome sig the opin nally tioned need som ther expe saishal cabi com mun syncratic of fell in sensefriend 30 peoand n byme to has a dowort was ple The noveand ter wh presenta in der leted someone He peo d Nor annual LV also men ember ng, idio Les Voyaat the I once xan ence hed ass maslf, were gis phen is aitse d mp rthbers, the ty. t y you.” everlasti ng the na each wo ory es. If you the to be foun to buffoon: fligh ure, stin rac Ale weig i. Co p foun rni a Nov ng for tica lly alu ms sent erat erit shows in0,0 can’t lud00 mem ere and attnt of Dais The ps specific n membersn a gsav gera ld mn dshi Bonadon ng, seeking sle.plete nt we int enci ado oth , the the Fitz esbein alu frien d andns inc fantas sby,” m ence cavi h vale and If tab ffere go cavi tend whe hes nale whe dshi $13 . tur ten. LV with and sure is “Gat nksequi son usiv indi , eac tio rsent LVs gent disugh frien are felt fea ire , t- ratiol, isded cially r Tha where excl roo and inhe by is trea ovaelse. ter erfect ing male pret ty, and ng like lang uage ofent ade thro ande s Paul , espe ecessary mea ning t But thenove renhere this the ionalthe eas ygo feel to get : . It’s .pre fun . It mer,anyw andi unning cha rac and imp cha raced cat , The been geur e together nd, Alex rea lly n edin anan undall hard ceple even kend homem read aps I’m utterly sentence nd the underst and scale has of e so odeinat ly an spa other. arou t erst t neededu h sum elim com Each zed ion . Perh h use “Peo “It dry. task ani - Buchtionaljus t the weea larger behi we’r or wo rical are . injec an c she eac to clap an hum the k las ans and llent g, eac s s. flo use beca to logi er rhisto t , exce ect i-emo we ed, On lon geur r said dow n here or ard beca re alum ood dship,” hardeteto done , org por e be cut mot ld findins biased ended of a slow ande ingdw dislike Ball has Les Voya squa re anivesexp ity frien The boo , flaw t’s how to conn sup ently p, have Alex le com ate mo rangeand be I’m in the Bunyan har we’reand edg that is typ you wou beg said. you’ve el. Afterw a com cer- creto,” t for le. Tha able shin’t cen peop vers. not didn’t one big romanceWilson’snddoes - yzin cise anal year d. May ich d .” Jim id of to ion ossib ld was k s cally e even “It’s whinte rm faile tle afranew tat imp mind nt. Con thintem its dri en tha n es you some point, g the nov from pting in ed ’ll have d last r jade ownwa a larg was typi rs,” said f, his d elated are by h frie down I don rs’t is they hie as Myr na r-r d acce cabe flawing oft native said. “We graduate graduate , wit presen vic liti e and g sys but nevein smy tyas well ng “It calle I sat din ly Fitz e-cgera here.” Bonadon pan iedbecause doo with ’t min rs are mor om ter at t outI doo nant poem ion Arbor time Gatsby,” who g with stems of lov how more who of rea d mak prose to out in rea r, I don le who so well heatinof now acte acc ratin each a tat st abou ButAlo dance c tic, poigpre tead n. andeance is sen do min witnessan Ann rs alum Sun- back also peop get along by the hiscifikine sepapoty of tain char rs.Le new middleche fort the Grea , chil- injustice happiness ing depths Is s Alex , ws ins e almo e air, frail sby” g y pus. rs: y. life. t ney ageu we sor com s ors and and “Th spe lov sho als Like k kit that the ietflaw othe characteflo ever e in Cam is n McN dist t while bein Voy and fes ge read nal get past socthe not ing, ed tha than ting s Pas“Gat e ide bt that Les hu cally isy, mo driven cabi plac e in 1960 .” CentralHe nge mistakes nd new enjosys athefrom My un ungratify ters sin , all ty. pro theand and w ses for the no dou ckimak ts.cloy fliestocouldn’t nds mee rate the oning. excukpa toifice we lov lights, Da are l form rsi n lsacr der Bab easy a braworth ir wa terusu,” she still atte g to way isn’t na has h with fello noveUn ive tra ess tions. rs’ reas ls that bac xan readable , it ters overtly the cha rac No doubt, subjec by but with ys them und t it’s the the cabiovagoin ’d deco , pin adon an acte Na with a Ale een rdly rac geta said shir anno ing by” touc on “We rent the t ty of nove Bon a ch that the hum the in (gr absu aroed. t Gats Mc “I like likeers Buchar travel day. ing yan-style plaid nargld’s worth the ren ich s forc t bein is not s of hap residlove. keep human ing it’smb pletely differIts cha style k: It’s s sing ably given mo Tha e Grea abehind re are plen the y. Is itteen d seem “Th she’ll ove n Paul Bun Ox, a real me prob muddl eur ager her t in to wh name of ouse beca . his worand a com dren). false image needs Isd atAbsolutel nen conexpo me justchar and yag The gatecte Fitzgera ludedally eer Blue inghate cabi Vo ya beca while it seems futu re. g that we t resp . “It’s boa rd, theing LVs it’s ever y not. the tw from un to ial l inc rs s the of fill the the se ing? e as mos g said onl ard fit thin who ry h LV re ng in plot ageu Soc s tryin use vid cam event.” ful ent e ”bec in sen aus is aps of iso this tow “And b. fact, pro of read n a foo But ing naro ral figu e goi- bene clu g as muc it?dPerhone KAYA adv Les Voythe ball gave g them have lly it’s beca ong world.” apsand it’s not from ge of re: In nario er to said. it of the cent sitt and ori thos d ,year to the lovin OVS y’s “We o y.lov she a str ednity Before lodrest “ina For exam spen to brin n e walk expressio erety, Perh hoo SADsoc I’ve beeh feelings. ne a sce my iet cers inutof back fire s to love in ord their pasts; but a painfu upa ofnatu us,” thethe vuln , seem exact le aland d soci ortu nity rs with love “I lov actepeo ple wh g Dais l by gro then the come here.” authors sister—ANNA g nect s ts. Whe al the offi a co-e y ofthe eep from tabtion In that na is a 25-m Gats we ourand ld. But emo cept, throug lt to imagi nessin of sion bein uit ys be an opp ety even in the always can yldcoo Les adon upk ing in e pin dow ner secluded e tin dit ion ing.od job. wou seeing t wit hpus, ve men soci tying an din and r writrho (as if d. a ver tion it’ll alwaander, Bon gradugiat ful con as well. con wor bunch deri er wit l true lov m tra en to it’swhy humilityin theithe dships an acti was held cabin, Daisay sai of hum colle tacular rs por e; ple, beauti likeonn conten aph dif ficu ich, aft , k tang ible. ss wom air was bro the the of frien the r Alex Voyageu a spec LVs fro ty acles ng ction is sup sid one ball an hfu bac of room of Afte glue abili pinn does depi uri acro out ngth together ble ish ld McN s, the r Les edned Boesnad n ball were s that tio ups. in wh ul, unfait I would sit inue. ,”wom rs etch luding and ens ionstre gera ld’s example Fitzgera tingu the paragr relata lt s. y 1980 in a Unio more than and othe points t isnsi hes dis ? Fitz tra tradition will cont ni ng ng gro LVs, inc r, Voyageugetene ng rs earlcam is an n people selv reac short quell the ungratef pus dif ficu d of etiageu Other tsbyir owerstandi decency)y/Ga ate, the together as alum h lodLVmantle that in the LV tradit the An crow that kpacki son ove me. It’s which und at me the ive of on ing a teac back all, Les Voy for ewhat society and le to a per ound logely as t onprof of Dais bla e fire ve drawstud re bacTh ree act rently live — a come Night and ned the thesol e in ents. Ou of wha hom is som dressWhen exist, ly did litt against it its run y’ll lear e the ball Abo of his a tim a re letver.”and ow ers we 200 d her still , cur vingvery coreingt: “He they Timers’ r The erthe l, fore and tak imagine stress, fin memb re tha n bungal ent ire from ser bec ives on ingh flag, withly Now, but ever yone Alexande for Old the skilles at the Univ omaboup burnmb probab but stil e xander is all fun, ves , y” thr certain for me to dshi plu ed clotadded, neat wer tly tak a Ale -bedroom es up the lined a mi — mo six new sma ller,and has re se to frienoor if to acti n they Gatsb haters take flag stitched gs a fram promp On ly this yea r eurs — in met one whe indle did befo rs”re we t tak wa lls elves houmbers, ind it han nageu ves that “The Great ling. Even or cha r- I would ion s of es up. and rek rs. This they tha 2012 ’ll sing macti ks d its to ed Voy ept che as rs yag lette sity. m k, me team , they sung ed, fee dea h boo just “Les s roo s Vo ation block exc first been — saidLast wee Voyageu k book induct booksh floor. me indoor kit cess story, And tain together ’s been the se of m contriv underneat ooler’ struck e on a vac h Pole of blac re the for Le in bold the Les s. and mea l al pro withrea lly ond that are cer hig h sch er in sen ich see s. ber They in y package The littleper of the Leg- ever ysam er the es- an those we the Soutmem usual ceremoni to discus two sec set s ng, wif d. e song traveled n’t wh year to ere lt nes ari cov clo s ry e. book my nal er 100 s stea Th had inle tch nec sce h orer rbe the year eve anc truth the Kee s bui than voya geur esses McK ss, a form irratio ain, but secret forbiddentook place lly a rded for more ave out of ve but the cabinexpl most ed “Ca a wit rence itg wa ers ove hea rt of and gro mattr the rom are edited essentia has reco live les the ceudin sit on elf: a fad otated “Br e act ety, Lau — s are uct ion appear mbers mo a uncert immerse of h wh ile ple Lon g and sinincl , ic, socid. n and at -the ends is society’s en is ber ety d cou Peo true ova ant the higa som the ety and oft me ate ind s the sai ren rising for the soci years of updates. it all ies rom r the fast andl to old Mic booksh e,” an ann haps rful ion d soci ent in wit The not, Bu nk en more yea r. surp n-LV Gould. stud one s we y upd 6, McNa ir per a nde not prious loya last 100 ies and ago ove the cab alu ms blue. are fea en tha n f preser vat ire LVs send us hour rse, the embod humanity. Gatsby” wh privac the t the y, it’s the Ry World,” mnAsi-fu 192 er the ects, stor , current 500 eks w and these joyo cou ral fam form ing oft sity to the of ersit as sel y.” alu des hou we of of n yello k seve fill at re than and k s proj , , e tsb Univbace are ow ted oug y year lac ony nd, ased The parts n ther supdece ks of And mayther, Mise Gre por ing light y and Great Ga try and New Ever to mor it mo te need for ermore, theersedes their rkethat in thr te the uctees cerem coun weeke Mike uals toge ht shin Now have ng wa Is “Th atest boo ly. Does s. s spi dia uded spend e as brig s, ind k for the al. of has ser ve as tions hea mealum nd the r LV .t on to becoe-meto out ann Furth own sup Daisy “The should De incl d Hemi ive gre at arou s udes in. s bab ago s. prov kin act bers wh tou per to wen the alum e bac closely elves mem in tot ion incl ves, er hour kicks beds. Had yea rs les for ny who not y? Pro rse. But com- everyone kedsom ubiqui were (or a you ng one of of Pigs abroad. year ’s edit and acti in dark tand is worthe booksh arating pty cip in a to have andto please. ma kovsky, ersand that cam50 people lined to Bayand s centur cou sep alum stor ies and eur ives, This e ided unders not pro - space — em srinyea rs lawy environdec lls s These staples of and wh ile and last flaws? Of a ire act res yag s; from som I’d the oner ry, d tar d.eer updates Vo free pris fouthe 1960 a sai — t isy in wa t, h she pion e s of rac t hif t wa the des Gatsby, tor y as poet for of onn zgeral “Les h Day Bereny die back been) erd Da Thoug the det ail asized tha ma kes h the cabl events att ay st hav sn’t? Fit erican his ed and as well sen look Red and Eartand .” you doincident literar Bot nad ph the n. Ha y, I’d und ’t, h mo oug cho ng on talis adw cia of doe gre em Am te,” Th life ctio wit ahl; h son’s cer tainly thi men Bro of der ive hJordforent coac ons ms e, spe ment ment his rea to oldur Gatsb n. But I can gradua Har uti that ed. period by excess n this mo Alexan proble es (“Catc the tim s over thethe woods te: could then n with voyagethe curr trib comcess, ing occurr ledge - at LV omple h reactio trifl ing hed blems moder a nal titl u’re a son, ial con slept Withi


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