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Best Sales Pitch/Proposal

The Sales Pitch Currently the University of Minnesota is in the midst of a transformation in student housing. In the fall of 2012, I spotted a construction zone and called the developers. I was put in contact with the architects of the new LEED certified 7 West apartments. My first sales meeting with 7 West was held in an existing apartment off campus owned by the same company. I asked many questions about their plans for the campus apartment and they showed me the blueprints. In just an hour’s time, I had established strong trust with the managers and they began to ask me for advice on student living. That day, twenty balconies were added to the blueprints, due to my advice. 7 West advertised through the Minnesota Daily on a small Integrated Marketing Campaign in 2012. I continued to build our relationship by frequently checking in to see their progress on leasing. It was important for me to build a strong relationship with the client in order to understand how their business worked and how things were going for them. They were unexpectedly behind on leasing during the summer of 2013, when they hoped to have the building fully leased before it opened in September for the coming school year. I explained that the Summer Send Home Issues were a perfect way for them to reach incoming freshman and transfer students, and 7 West signed several leases due to those special issues. The construction lasted until September 2013, right when school started. My client was impressed with my dedication to their success. As a result, in September of 2013, she signed a Gold Package contract, the second highest offered by the Minnesota Daily. The value of their advertising increased by 95% and their total spending by 56%.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Instead of the old list method, I created an Excel document that listed the issue, the value of the ad, and what the ad would actually cost after discount. This new format showed 7 West their savings in a time-based breakdown and encouraged them to upgrade their contract.



Questionaire 1. What amenities or features are you special to your apartments? 2. Will any of your apartments feature balconies? 3. What is required to become a LEED certified building? 4. What is the range of bedroom sizes and max capacity per apartment? 5. What is the price range per person? 6. Who is the target market for 7 West apartments? 7. Would targeting advertising on the West bank of campus through rack ads be beneficial?

Information Sheet When I met with 7 West about their 2013 IMC, I brought all of the info sheets for special issues included in their draft contract. This allowed them to see the benefits and features of each publication.


HOUSING GUIDE Date: December 5, 2013 Advertising Deadline: November 14, 2013 Size: Magazine Style Tabloid Fair: December 5, 2013 Time: 11am-2pm

The annual Housing Guide and Housing Fair, held in partnership with University of Minnesota Housing and Residential Life, is one of the most anticipated issues and campus events each year. Apartment complexes, leasing agents, home owners, and other industry professionals look forward to the magazine style insert to showcase their openings, while students use the publication to compare options and ultimately decide their living arrangements for the following year. It is a highly read issue, making it a great opportunity for exposure no matter what business you are in!

ADVERTISING RATES: 1/8 page (1x5) 1/4 page (2x5) 1/2 page (4x5) or (2x10) Full Page (4x10) Color

$200 $300 $500 $1,000 $150 (discounted from


normal rate of $250)

Discounted color only $150

HOUSING FAIR PRICING: Listing in the Grid and table at the fair: $50 (free with the purchase of an ad) Table at the fair: $25 (free with the purchase of and ad)

Purchase an ad in the Housing Guide and get a FREE grid listing and table at the Housing Fair

The Housing Guide will be inserted into our regular 18,000 circulation on Thursday, December 5 and distributed on our racks until the following Monday with an additional 2,000 being handed out to students who attend the Housing Fair.



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