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A r i z o n a S tat e U n i v e r s i t y

fall 2013

ASU Student Media

arizona state university cronkite building 555 n. central ave., ste. 406 phoenix, az 85004

media kit


S tudent L evel U ndergraduate S tudents G raduate S tudents T otal S tudents

59,382 13,996 73,378

N ew U ndergraduates F irst -T ime F reshmen T ransfer S tudents T otal N ew U ndergraduates

9,265 7,228 16,4 93

G ender U ndergraduate S tudents M en 49.7% W omen 50.3% G raduate S tudents M en 49.3% W omen 50.7%

E nrollment by C ampus T empe C ampus W est C ampus P olytechnic C ampus D owntown P hoenix C ampus ASU U nduplicated T otal

60,168 13,877 11,164 19,041 73,378 *U niversity O ffice of I nstitutional A nalysis , O ct . 2012


82% read the state press 65% agree that the news and information in the state press is useful and reliable 43% are likely to try out a business advertised or written about in the state press 56% find out about events on and around campus through reading the state press 89% believe that an independent , student - run newspaper is a valuable part of the university experience

“O ur very first ad in T he S tate P ress was published and we got business from it !� -R yan J ensen P arts D irector at R iverview T oyota

2 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

Fax: 602-496-2170




T he S tate P ress is the official campus newspaper of A rizona S tate U niversity and is published every T hursday . 15,000 copies are distributed for students , faculty , staff and the ASU community at over 120 distribution locations on and off all four campuses including distribution to U niversity housing student dorm rooms . T he S tate P ress is a free weekly college - student produced newspaper with a focus on A rizona S tate U niversity news , sports and entertainment along with local and national news

D etails • 15,000 copies are distributed every thursday • M ore than 7,000 copies are delivered directly to campus dorm rooms reaching more than 12,000 students • P apers are delivered between 7:00 pm W ednesday evening through 10:00 am on T hursday morning .

Z ip C ode D istribution T empe C ampus D owntown P hoenix C ampus W est C ampus P olytechnic C ampus

85287 85004 85069 85212

97% 1% 1% 1%

“W e ’ ve been running with ASU S tudent M edia for some time and we ’ re producing return on our investment from both print and online video ”.

-J amie B eer G eneral M anager at 922 P lace

4 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

Fax: 602-496-2170



The State Press

M odular D isplay A ds and C osts ( per weekly insertion ) F requency 1 week 2-4 weeks 5-9 weeks 10+ weeks

F ull $1,950 $1,850 $1,600 $1,050

1/2 $990 $900 $865 $735

1/4 $550 $450 $435 $355

1/8 $325 $225 $215 $185

1/16 $215 $115 $100 $85

F ront $720 $670 $500 $450

N ational $2,050 ∆ N ew B usiness $1,050 N on -P rofit $1,050 U niversity $1,050 S tudent O rg . $700

$1,100 $525 $525 $525 $350

$600 $265 $265 $265 $175

$325 $135 $135 $135 $90

$215 $70 $70 $70 $45


∆ I f you are a new local business ( within a year of opening ) or have not advertised with T he S tate P ress within the past calendar year , you can qualify for our N ew B usiness R ate . T o qualify , advertiser must run a full page equivalent within a 10- week publishing period . P ayment in advance is required . A dvertising in addition to the full page at the new business rate will be charged at the applicable modular contract rate .

L ocal M odular C ontract R ates (2-10+ weeks ) A dvertisers agree to purchase the minimum frequency for each ad size within the 2013-2014 academic year . A dvertisers not fulfilling the contracted amount of ads will be billed retroactively at the earned rate at the end of the academic year .

C olor C harges B lack + 1 C olor B lack + 2 C olors F ull C olor C ontract F ull C olor *

$125 $220 $385 $270 * P er A d , A vailable only to contract advertisers

A d S izes F ull P age 1/2 P age 1/4 P age 1/8 P age 1/16 P age F ront P age Full FullPage Page

720 pt x 790 pt 720 pt x 390 pt 355 pt x 790 pt 355 pt x 390 pt 355 pt x 190 pt 172.5 pt x 390 pt 172.5 pt x 190 pt 720 pt x 90 pt

10” x 10.9722” 10” x 5.4 167” 4.9306” x 10.9722” 4.9306” x 5.4 167” 4.9306” x 2.6389” 2.3958” x 5.4 167” 2.3958” x 2.6389” 10” x 1.25” 1/8 1/16 Page Page

1/2 Page

1/8 Page

1/4 Page

6 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

Fax: 602-496-2170

1/2 Page


T he S tate P ress was named the “B est S tudent N ewspaper ” in the west coast region by the S ociety of P rofessional J ournalists


Publication Schedule

S pace R eservation D eadline 5:00 p . m . F ridays A rtwork D eadline N oon M onday before print date *

A ugust 2013 15 M ove I n 22 S tate P ress W elcome B ack 29 S tate P ress D evil D eals S eptember 2013 5 S tate P ress ASU F ootball vs . S acramento 12 S tate P ress ASU F ootbal vs . W isconsin 16 S tate P ress M agazine 19 S tate P ress C areer F iesta 26 S tate P ress ASU F ootball vs . USC O ctober 2013 3 S tate P ress D evil D eals 10 S tate P ress H omecoming 17 S tate P ress ASU F ootball vs . W ashington 24 S tate P ress 31 S tate P ress N ovember 2013 4 S tate P ress M agazine 7 S tate P ress D evil D eals 14 S tate P ress ASU F ootball vs . O regon S tate 21 S tate P ress ASU F ootball vs . UA 27 S tate P ress G raduation D ecember 2013 5 S tale M ess J anuary 2014 16 S tate P ress B ack to C lass 23 S tate P ress 30 S tate P ress D evil D eals F ebruary 2014 6 S tate P ress 10 S tate P ress M agazine 13 S tate P ress 20 S tate P ress S pring B reak 27 S tate P ress D evil D eals M arch 2014 6 S tate P ress 20 S tate P ress 27 S tate P ress A pril 2014 3 S tate P ress D evil D eals 7 S tate P ress M agazine 10 S tate P ress 17 S tate P ress G raduation 24 S tate P ress M ay 2014 1 S tale M ess

S pecial issue dates subject to change . * artwork deadlines may change due to printing constraints .

S pecial I ssue R ates

S pecial I ssues not currently scheduled : C ollegiate J ob & I nternship F air ASU B askeball M arch M adness

8 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

F requency 1 Issue 2 - 4 Issues 5-6 I ssues 7+ I ssues

F ull 1/2 $1,850 $900 $1,600 $865 $1,050 $735 $990 $550

Fax: 602-496-2170

1/4 $450 $435 $355 $325

1/8 $225 $215 $185 $165

F ront $720 $670 $500 $450


Calendar State Press Publication Schedule fall 2013-spring 2014 August 2013 S

4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27

September 2013












7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 31

3 10 17 24 31

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

November 2013 S

3 10 17 24


4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27

2 9 16 23


3 10 17 24


4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26










7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

6 13 20 27

4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27






7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26


5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27

March 2014 F

7 14 21 28


1 8 15 22


2 9 16 23 30


3 10 17 24 31

May 2014 S

6 13 20 27


January 2014




December 2013

February 2014 S

October 2013


4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26


6 13 20 27






7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

April 2014 F


7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29


6 13 20 27







7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

June 2014

July 2014












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1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

= The State Press Issue Dates


6 13 20 27







7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

8 = Special Edition Issue Date


Classified Advertising

C lassified L ine R ates N umber of L ines 5 10 15

C ost per I ssue $18 $30 $36 Contact us for additional line rates

C lassified D isplay A ds and C osts F requency 1 x 2 1 $50 2-4 $46 5-9 $42 10+ $38 A dditional rates P op P ackage $300

1 x 4 or 2 x 2 $90 $76 $72 $68

2 x 3 or 3 x 2 $130 $126 $122 $110

3x4 $260 $256 $252 $248

A d S izes 1 x 2 1 x 4 2 x 2 2 x 3 3 x 2 3 x 4

1.34” x 2” 1.34” x 4” 2.85” x 2” 2.85” x 3” 4.35” x 2” 4.35” x 4”

O ptional F eatures and A dditions E nhancements : B old I talics , A ll C aps , U nderline , S hade B ox , B order B ox , and C enter T ext E ach : $1.00 per issue R everse A d : R everse your ad with white text on a black box $5.00 per issue B old H eadline : C enter , bold and put in all caps a headline above your line ad in 10 pt . font . M ust be 13 characters or less . C harged as two lines O nline A d : P lace an ad to appear on asumarket . com . $30 for 30 consecutive days

G ames S ponsorship T he crossword puzzle and horoscope page is one of our most popular and best - read daily sections . S udoku is a fun and addictive puzzle located in our games section and is among our most popular every day features . S ize : 172.5 pt x 280 pt 2.3958” x 3.8889” I ndividual I ssue : $150 S emester C ontract : $90* (M inimum 10 insertions , you select the days .) I ncludes F ull C olor !

T earsheets T earsheets are available to liner customers upon request for 50 cents each . F axed tearsheets are free for the first insertion only . 50 cents per page thereafter . S tandard classified line ad formats include the first two words capitalized and an average of 24 spaces per line . C lassified line ads will be billed a minimum of three lines . A ny ads less than three lines will be charged the three - line rate .

10 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

Fax: 602-496-2170


S tate P ress . com was named the “B est S tudent W ebsite ” in the west coast region and one of the best three in the nation by the

S ociety of P rofessional J ournalists



statepress . com

T he electronic arm of S tudent M edia , S tate P ress . com maintains the department ’ s on - line presence , as well as produces its own independent content , including on - line news and features , blogs , student polls , photos and video . I t attracts visitors from around the world . T he W eb site receives more than 90,000 impressions per month . P osition Home Page Premium T op B anner B ig B utton I n - line V ideo F ooter A ds


L ocal P rice N ational $900 $1,300 $750 $1,100 $600 $800 $700 $1,000 $200 $400

300 x 250 728 x 90 300 x 250 300 x 250 125 x 125

per month

ASU S tate P ress S mart P hone A pp T he ASU S tate P ress i P hone application is not only a mobile venue for N ews , S ports and E ntertainment from our terrific student editorial staff , but a “ real time ” deals and events portal , that YOU control ! T hrough our new mobile advertising platform , you are now able to instantly reach this growing consumer base with custom deals , sales , events and promotions happening only at your business at a time you specify . M onthly P ricing D eals A ugust 2013 - A pril 2014 B anner A ds H ome S creen T iles

Memorial Union

$100 per month with any other ASU S tudent media purchase $500 per month $500 per month

LCD S creens A long with the electronic LCD monitors , we offer various other options in this high traffic meeting and eating place located on the T empe campus . W ith mediums such as staircase display cases and various poster locations on the main level that all are clearly visible to all U nion visitors , this is a great compliment to your print and online advertising .

weekly ASU Student Club $50 ASU D epartment O ff C ampus C ommerical N ational

1 month $200 $200 $250 $300

3 months $150 $150 $200 $250

6 months $125 $125 $175 $225

P osters Campus Frequency C ommercial F requency

1 month $300 $400

3 months $250 $350

6 months $200 $300

D isplay C ases Campus Frequency C ommercial F requency

12 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

Fax: 602-496-2170

1 month 3 months $100 $600 $500

6 months $375

12 months $300


O ur multimedia team for S tate P ress . com was named “O ne of the T op F ive in the N ation ” in the H earst S tudent J ournalism A wards



S tate P ress M agazine

A special full - color printed edition of statepressmagazine . com will hit the ASU campus twice during fall and spring semesters . T he issue will be filled with H ot S pots , how to articles , reviews and essays focusing on culture at ASU. S pecial targeted distribution all week long ( on all four campuses ) will deliver your message and the best magazine journalism ASU has to offer . P lus additional distribution will extend the shelf - life of your message in news racks and tabletops all over campus . C heck out the website for what to expect in the highly anticipated print edition . R eserve D ate P ublish D ates F all 2013 S eptember 2, O ctober 21 S eptember 16, N ovember 4 S pring 2014 J anuary 27, M arch 24 F ebruary 10, A pril 7

S ize Full Page H alf P age I nside C over B ack C over

S pecs 7.5” x 10” 7.5” x 4.9306” 8.5” x 11”* 8.5” x 11”*

1 I ssue $550 $400 $700 $850

2 I ssues ˚ $1,000 $700 $1,300 $1,600

3 I ssues ˚ $1,4 50 $975 $1,875 $2,325

4 I ssues ˚ $1,800 $1,200 $2,4 00 $3,000

* 1/4” bleed included ˚ total cost

H ousing G uide

P ublished every M ay , the annual , full color O fficial O ff -C ampus H ousing G uide is the best source for students to turn to for information about living near ASU’ s four campuses . I t ’ s distributed on campus throughout the year , sent to students who request it , and also available online at www . statepress . com . S pace reservations begin during the spring semester so contact your representative to reserve your spot before the A pril deadline .

S pecs P rice S ize Full Page 8.75” x 11.25” $1,900 H alf P age 8.2759” x 5.2832” $1,200 Q uarter P age 4.0556” x 5.2853” $900 C all your ad rep for premium positions and availability .

D evil D eals C oupon P ages

R eserve your full color coupons for the entire semester or school year and have the option of changing your offer in each issue to be printed in T he S tate P ress . P lus , your D evil D eals print ad will be available on www . devildeals . com . 1 E dition S ize 355 pt x 190 pt 4.9306” x 2.6389” $200

2 E ditions $350

3 E ditions $450

Run Dates: August 29, October 3, November 7, January 30, February 27 & April 3 per semester , includes color .

F ree S tanding I nserts

“I nsert for T he S tate P ress ” O ffset 606 S outh M adison D rive T empe , AZ 85281 480-966-3 030 c / o S ignature

14 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

I nserts require approval from A dvertising D irector at least one week prior to insertion . I nserts must be delivered at least five business days prior to run date in boxes clearly labeled : ( see left )

N umber of P ages single sheet 4-10 pages 12-24 pages

C ost per 1000 $100 M inimum 7500 (D orm D elivery ) $105 M aximum 15,000 (F ull D istribution ) $115 M aximum S ize : 8.5” x 11”

Fax: 602-496-2170


“O ur S tate P ress print ads began just after our opening last year . O ur rep said our buy would bring them in and he was right ! T hank you ASU S tudent M edia !” -D ru M eskan O wner of R ita ’ s O n M ill I talian I ce



N ews R ack A dvertising O ur outside advertising program located in prime spots throughout campus on sidewalks and streets and at building entrances where thousand of students , faculty , U niversity employees and visitors congregate every day . A dvertising panels are positioned on modular distribution newsracks filled with a category rich variety of newspapers including T he S tate P ress , O ff C ampus H ousing G uide and SPM. A ce $550/mo

J ack Q ueen K ing $700/mo $900/mo $1,200/mo printing included . contact your rep for reservation details and space availability

B us S helter A dvertising T he newest additions to our media mix are the bus shelter ads located on all four campuses . T hey are 30 times larger than our full page ad , viewable day and night , and the largest medium available on - campus . B uild awareness of your company or service through repeated exposure on our 4 foot by 6 foot full color ads located at the highest traffic points on campus . F or more information on availability and printing charges , contact your ad rep today . Q uantity of P anels 1 - 3 4 - 7 8+

Creative Services

4 M onths $780 $720 $660

6 M onths 10 M onths $720 $670 $660 $620 $620 $570 prices are per panel per month . does not include printing .

V ideography O ur new B usiness P rofile product is a 15 or 30 second commercial that is produced in our campus SMART studio along with content from your department or business location , and showcased online at statepress . com , one of our apps , or any digital venue you decide . A perfect and convenient way for you to personalize your message to your audience through video , and reach them instantly . W ith our new studio we can produce professional quality video utilizing chroma - key ( green screen ) technology and incredible post - production methods . 1-2 H ours SMART S tudio time for on - screen dialogue 1-2 H ours on - location for capture of background content P ost P roduction P rofessional quality video output A ssistance with copy ( script ) writing


HD video takeaway for additional fee of $200

A dvertising P ackages

W e want you to get the most out of your college marketing with ASU S tudent M edia and allow you to select packages that will fit your budget . B y choosing a certain level of advertising with us , your ad prod ucts will be pre - selected for you . P ackages range from $2,500-$20,000 and will include everything from display ads in T he S tate P ress , web ads on statepress . com to outdoor news racks ads and mobile app deals on our S tate P ress app . C ontact your ad rep today and ask for all the information on how you can save by bundling your ad buy and let us take care of all the details .

16 Contact Us

Phone: 602-496-2166

Fax: 602-496-2170


T he S ociety of P rofessional J ournalists named T he S tate P ress the best in the west coast region for opinion columns and general news photography



T erms of P ayment

• All advertising rates for The State Press are non- commissionable, net rates. No cash discounts. • All advertising is prepaid unless credit is approved through ASU Student Media Business Office. • M ake checks payable to ASU S tudent M edia. V isa, M astercard and A merican E xpress accepted. W hen paying by credit card , include name of business , address , name of cardholder , card number , expiration date and the security code . C ash , personal or cashiers checks and money orders are accepted . • Invoices/statements are issued monthly for credit-approved advertisers. Terms are net 30 days; any amount open in excess of 30 days is considered past due and subject to a .0833% late fee . • All political advertising must be pre-paid. Bar and restaurant ads require pre- payment unless credit has been established with ASU S tudent M edia .

C ontract & C opy R egulations

The State Press reserves the right to reject or edit any advertising. Advertising will be refused if it is offensive, ambiguous or deceptive, making the product or service unclear or open to misrepresentation; if it advertises illegal organizations or activities; if it maligns identifiable persons, races, religions or professions; if it is not accurate or truthful; or if it is otherwise determined unacceptable by a Student Advertising Board in consultation with the Advertising Manager. Make good/adjustments will be considered only for those advertisements where errors occur in the following: business/group name; address or phone number; item price; date; time; or place of event. The error must be solely the fault of The State Press. Adjustments will not exceed the cost of the advertisement and will be based on the portion of the advertisement nullified by the error. Minor spelling errors will not qualify for adjustment. Requests must be registered to the Advertising Manager within 48 hours of publication to qualify, otherwise the advertiser accepts full responsibility

Guaranteed positions are sold at the Advertising Manager’s discretion. No proof will be furnished on any advertisement received after deadline. Advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Arizona, Arizona Board of Regents, ASU Student Media, its Board of Trustees and its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss, cost and expense, including reasonable attorney fees for actions by third parties, including those arising from trademark, copyright or privacy claims and inaccurate or misleading advertising resulting from the publication of advertisement. No upside-down positioning of ads. Web addresses in ads may be checked for content. Political ads must state the source of the funds for the advertisement.


C olor

Any ad being submitted with a spot color needs to have that spot color represented with corresponding CMYK values.

A crobat PDF

Portable document format (Acrobat PDF) is the preferred file format for electronically transmitted ads. Acrobat PDF files should be submitted as press-ready composite PDFs (separations are not accepted). Remember to embed all fonts. The minimum and preferred version of your PDF document should be Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3).

W eb B anners and B uttons

All files for web posting need to be formatted for web: Animated gif files or jpg, RGB at 72dpi. The maximum size allowed is 24k.

G eneral I nformation

18 Contact Us

• Make sure you embed all fonts and all images that you placed in the document to be printed. • Use CMYK color values. Do not use RGB color values. • Keep your design simple. Newsweb presses do not hold registration or ink density with as much precision as sheetfed presses. Avoid fine lines, fine reverses, large solids, graduated screen tints, and tight trapping and registration whenever possible. Avoid PMS builds on type smaller than 24 pt. Avoid using type smaller than 7 points. • Dot gain on a newsweb press is more dramatic than on a sheetfed press. To avoid your halftones and color separations from reproducing too dark, use a highlight dot of about 10% (10% dot gain) and a shadow dot of about 75%. Mid tones should be set at approximately 35%. • Do not knock black type or graphics out of a light colored background. You will get better results if the black overprints the color. • When scanning photographs, use a resolution of at least 300 dpi or your photos will look grainy. • Do not use photographs that were downloaded off of the internet. These are not high-resolution images (usually about 72 dpi) and will definitely pixilate on your final product. • If you are providing a PDF file for spot colors, then you must separate the colors in the file. Acrobat does not recognize spot colors, therefore we can only print it in grayscale or CMYK. Therefore, the spot color should be represented in CMYK. • All files should be sent by email to

Phone: 602-496-2166

Fax: 602-496-2170



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