P7: Best New Group Promo: The University Daily Kansan
As the housing market of Lawrence, KS has gone more and more digital in the last 5 years especially The Kansan has looked for better digital options to keep its relevancy with that market. Therefore starting in February 2013 The Kansan launched a new housing site called Rockchalkliving.com with the goal of making it the #1 destination for students to look for housing options in Lawrence. The site was built by one of our student designers Tim Shedor and fine-tuned over 4 months and also through a series of focus groups.
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The site was designed to have a primary photo from each apartment complex be front and center to grab the attention of the user as with a younger market especially this would be key. As a user scrolls over each photo the physical address and room options pop up (see above). Once a user clicks on the photo another window is opened (see below) displaying more photos from the property and amenity options as well.
To keep the site as competitive as possible with larger more established organizations such as Apartment Finder.com and Apartments.com we tried to make the site as hyper-local as possible. Therefore when developing the site we listed all nearby restaurants, grocery stores and liquor stores (see above) so students could see what would be nearby. In addition we geotagged all apartment complexes in relation to Wescoe Beach (see below) which is the central gathering point for all KU students in-between classes. Again this allowed the site to have a hyper-local feel and again allowed it to distinguish itself from the competition.
All in all the site has been tremendously successful with over 11,000 page views taking place since it first launched. In the short term it has been successful but for the long term has better insulated us for the future as more and more of our housing dollars migrate online we will now be able to charge for listings on RockChalkLiving.com.
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