Aventura News, April 22, 2009 Edition - Miami, Florida

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Aventura Mall

The Fairmont Turnberry Isle Resort & Club

Everglades on the Bay

Serving Aventura, Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor, Golden Beach, Hallandale Beach, Hollywood, Sunny Isles Beach, Surfside

City of Aventura


April 22 - 28, 2009

Aventura Marketing Council holds Student Connection Graduation Ceremonies Wachovia Securities/Wells Fargo and Miami-Dade Comm. Sally Heyman sponsor year-end event It's become quite the tradition….at the end Connection's first Hon. Chair, Janet Reno. of each school year, almost 100 at-risk students FIU's Vice Provost Dr. Joe West, from the Aventura Marketing Council's welcomed the group onto the campus and (AMC) seven Dade Partner schools participate encouraged the students to commit to in a full morning of "Student Connection continuing their education. Graduation" activities at Florida International Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a great University, Biscayne Bay Campus. luncheon, with special thanks to Last week, the graduation cereMichael Erber of Tropical Smoothie monies, held in the beautiful Wolfe Café Aventura; Blue Bell Ice University Center Ballroom, startCream, Philly Pretzel Factory, ed with the "One-on-One", where FIU Biscayne Bay Campus and guest speakers rotated amongst Patricia Vegnani, Vegnani the tables, talking to the students Consulting. Recognition was about the importance of staying given to the overall Student in school and receiving their Connection sponsors, high school diploma, and their Wachovia Securities/Wells own challenges and rewards in Fargo and Miami-Dade Comm. their careers. This year's guest Sally Heyman, whose generosity speakers were: Melba Pearson, ensures the continuation of the Miami-Dade County Assistant State Aventura Marketing Council Attorney; Robert Schwartz, Managing Student Connection, created in 1992. Director/Market Manager for Wachovia AMC Education Hon. Chairman of the Student o m m i t t e e Connection for over ten years, MiamiSecurities/ Wells Fargo; Paul Tai, C Chair Eileen Actor/Director (Burn Notice); Chefs Glastein, Bnai Dade County State Attorney Katherine Zion Foundation Tim Brown and Daniel Buss, The Fernandez Rundle, was there to conFairmont Turnberry Isle Resort & Club; gratulate the students for completing and David Thompson, CEO of Institute for the program. "Every year, I look forward to Mathematics and Computer Science. speaking to our Student Connection to discuss Following "One-on-One, region directors, issues such as domestic violence, our legal sysadministrators, principals and school coun- tem and to let the students know that we are selors joined with the guest speakers to form a here to help them." reception line to award the one student from Each month, the Education Committee each school who had made the greatest turn- takes three busloads of students to places around during the school year with the "Jane throughout the county… opening up new horiReno Can-Do Award". This award was named zons of careers, cultural activities and charity in memory of the mother of the Student work. The seven Dade Partner schools are:

Robert Schwartz, Managing Director / Market David Thompson, CEO, Institute Manager, Wachovia Securities / Wells Fargo Mathematics and Computer Science


Miami-Dade State Attorney and AMC Student Connection Honorary Chair Katherine Fernandez Rundle (center) joins students at program graduation

Krop Sr. High; North Miami Beach Sr. High; Highland Oaks Middle; David Lawrence, Jr. K-8 Center; Greynolds Park Elementary; Ojus Elementary; and Aventura Waterways K-8. "Every student came away with something positive from this experience. They had a chance to talk, one-on-one, with a successful financial executive recognized for his philanthropy; a young actor whose life was changed by drama classes; an assistant state attorney who talked about the type of cases she handles;

and a high-tech executive who demonstrated all his 'tech toys'. They also helped two pastry chefs decorate sweets, combing cooking lessons with life lessons. All in all, a great day for everyone!" said Eileen Glastein of Bnai Zion Foundation, Education Committee Chairman. For more information on the Aventura Marketing Council's Education Committee, call 305-932-5334 or visit aventuramarketingcouncil.com

Melba Pearson, Miami-Dade County Paul Tai, Actor / Director, Burn Notice Assistant State Attorney (seated far left)

Chefs Daniel Buss and Tim Brown, The Fairmont Turnberry Isle Resort & Club

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