Cutler Bay News, August 25, 2009 Edition - Local, Entertainment News - Miami, Florida

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AUGUST 25, 2009

Saga Bay Community getting storm water improvements BY GARY ALAN RUSE esidents of the Saga Bay Community have experienced drainage deficiencies in the area and the storm water runoff also has caused problems with water quality, but all that is about to change soon thanks to an ambitious project by the Town of Cutler Bay. Even better news is the fact that it won’t cost the town’s taxpayers anything to accomplish these goals. “We wanted our residents in the area to see improvements to the storm water drainage system and roadways,” said Public Works director Rafael G. Casals. “And fortunately we were able to receive a grant to cover the costs.” Casals explained that funding for the project was made possible through a grant awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in the amount of $500,000 to improve the existing storm water drainage system, sidewalks and pavement throughout the Saga Bay drainage basins. Construction has started along SW 199th Terrace between 79th Avenue and 81st Court, and along SW 198th Terrace between 79th and 80th courts, and should be “substantially completed” by Nov. 30. Town officials say that they want to

Don’t reduce hours of operation for county’s parks



BY: HOMEXPERTS 305.351.8628





Similar storm water drainage improvements are underway along Coral Sea Road. (Photo provided by Cutler Bay Public Works Dept.) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

assure residents that access to local roads will be maintained during construction, but traffic patterns in the area may be altered as the project progresses. Once the improvements are completed, the affected roadways will be completely resurfaced and additional storm water drainage structures will be operational.

37% below value


33190 4/3 – 1,687 sq-ft.

$1,400/mo Annual Rent is 10% of Estimated Value Based on Info from SEFML as of 8-18-09. Details and more undervalued homes at:

––––––––––––––––––––––– See

PARKS, page 4

Public meetings scheduled to discuss FPL expansion BY HILDA CASTILLO

3/2 – 1,747 sq-ft.


Drainage problems typically not only cause flooding and create driving problems for residents, they also can cause contamination of the water supply, so the improvements should help address both concerns. For more information contact Town Hall at 305-234-4262 or visit the official website at <>.

This economy has everybody in a crunch, and MiamiDade County government officials are feeling the pinch just as everyone else. Tax revenue is down sharply and officials are looking for ways to cut expenditures. Mayor Carlos Alvarez already has submitted a budget that slices huge allocations from areas previously sacrosanct — police and fire protection, the arts, education, and even after-school care. And now comes word that the

Miami-Dade County and the South Florida Regional Planning Council will sponsor two Public Informational Meetings on FPL’s proposed expansion of the Turkey Point nuclear power plant site. The public meetings will provide information about the proposed two new nuclear reactors and the associated facilities including transmission line routes, access roads and fill sources. The public is encouraged to attend to hear presentations by the Florida

Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Power and Light. Presenters will discuss details of the proposed project and the transmission line corridors and will answer questions from the public. Presenters also will discuss how members of the public can record comments at the official certification hearing in 2010. The scheduled meeting dates are as follows: Monday, Aug. 31, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Homestead City Hall Council Chambers, 790 N. Homestead Blvd., and Wednesday, Sept. 2, 6:30-9:30 p.m., University of Miami Bank United Center,

Hurricane 100 Room, 1245 Dauer Dr. in Coral Gables. For information and meeting agendas, see the South Florida Regional Planning Council website at < htm>. For questions or to request a translator call Miami-Dade County, Department of Planning and Zoning (DP&Z) at 305-3752835. Call the DP&Z ADA Coordinator at least four days in advance if requesting a sign language interpreter, or materials in accessible format, 305-375-1244.

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