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Doral Tribune JANUARY 2009
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Smallfry help win aquatic trophy or the third year in a row, a Miami-Dade County Aquatic (MDCA) Club swim team, made up Doral children and surrounding neighborhoods won one of Miami-Dade County’s largest swimming competitions for children, eight years and under. Leading the way for MDCA was eight-year-old Alberto Gomez, who won all six of his events, including the 100 yard freestyle with a time of 1:07:50. Other notable mentions: eight-year-olds Andres Gonzalez and Sophia Perez of Doral and seven-yearolds, Valentina Rios and Matthew Amor of Miami Springs. MDCA swimmers used a strong team effort in winning first place at the 2008 Santa Claus/Sprint Invitational Swim Meet
––––––––––––– See TROPHY, page 7
Doral and Miami Springs youngsters make up 38member team that won first place in December 2008 swim meet, coached by Ricardo Rodriguez (back). –––––––––– Right: Melanie Vargas and Alberto Gomez prepare to dive. Gomez won all six events in which he participated.
he City of Doral has received national recognition from U.S. News and World Report, a national news magazine that citing the city’s low taxes and surrounding scenic beauty to name it as one of the 10 best places for retirement in the United States. The cost of living and fine recreational and cultural choices were also mentioned in an article posted November 25 on the website. The Doral Golf Resort & Spa, home to the annual PGA Golf Tournament was alluded to as a very attractive reason for retirees to make the beautiful city of Doral their home. “It’s wonderful to receive national recognition from a reputable news organization, a reaffirmation of what we, as residents of Doral, know to be a fact: that Doral is the best place to live, work, learn and play,” commented Doral Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez. “I guess it’s no longer a secret to the rest of the country.” A great contributing factor to Doral’s scenery was the addition of more than 2,000 trees planted in 2008, part of Mayor Bermudez’s endeavor to beautify Doral that resulted in The National Arbor Day Foundation designating the City of Doral as a “Tree City USA.” These were not the only national recognitions bestowed on Doral. Last April, ranked City of Doral 51st in the top 100 places to live and launch a business in the United States. canvassed the country to find cities with “the best mix of business advantage and lifestyle appeal and chose Doral for the unique experience it presents residents and business owners by offering world renowned golf courses, manicured developments, arts, culture and top educational venues. For more information, please conPublic tact Christina Baguer, Information Officer for the City of Doral at <>.
(Photos courtesy of Katiuska Vargas)
Matthew Amor, 8, on the blocks readies for 100 meter freestyle.
Award-winning Principal Rodriguez transferring to Miami Central High ouglas Rodriguez, Miami-Dade’s top school principal in 2008 as administrative head of Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Senior High School, requested and has been appointed to lead Miami Central Senior High School, a chronic ‘F’ school in state ratings. “Mr. Rodriguez has distinguished himself as one of our
Doral named among ‘Top 10’ for retirement
district’s most gifted leaders,” said Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. “It is only appropriate that one of our best principals should step up to take on one of our biggest challenges.” Rodriguez was honored as Miami-Dade County Public Schools “Principal of the Year” and named winner of the 2008 Principal
Achievement Award by Florida’s Education Commissioner in October. He received the Leonard Miller Principal Leadership Award from the Statewide Council for Educational Change in November. “I’m very pleased with Superintendent Carvalho’s
–––––––– See RODRIGUEZ, page 3
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