P u b l i s h e d i n c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h T h e M i a m i B e a c h C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C o n n e c t i n g L o c a l B u s i n e s s e s s i n c e 1 9 5 8
APR. 19 - MAY 3, 2012
New Direction in Community Policing BY CHIEF RAYMOND A. MARTINEZ
Miami Beach Police Department
As the new chief of police for the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD), my commitment and part of my charge is to regain the public trust. I firmly believe there is no better way for our officers to build trust than to forge strong ties with the community we serve. A major change designed to put feet on the ground is a return to the fundamentals of community policing. This shift is intended to foster long-term organizational effectiveness and accountability by focusing on two simple goals – to continue to lower crimes rates and to enhance Police-community partnerships. Every shift, officers are assigned to specific geographical sectors, and as a result, give them ownership of the areas they serve and provide for increased accountability of our officers. New walking beats in our commercial corridors are getting the officers out of their cars, walking, interacting with the community. They will get to know the residents, businesses, and the issues that go on in that sector, making them better able to address both crime as well as quality of life issues. This new approach also means more police resources within these specific geographical sectors, and as a team, our officers are discussing and analyzing trends and how to proactively lower crime in their areas. Moreover, they are actively engaging the community in pre–––––––––––––––––––
POLICING, page 4
Mount Sinai Medical Center achieves positive net income for third consecutive year
Aerial view of Mount Sinai Medical Center –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
or the third year in a row, Mount Sinai Medical Center’s mission-driven operations have brought positive earnings and reinforced the medical center’s strong image as a healthcare leader and community resource. Mount Sinai’s 2011 audited net income was $13.3 million prior to a one-time charge resulting from the sale of the 4701 North Meridian Avenue hospital campus. Mount Sinai’s Net Revenues were $539.4 million in 2011,
up from $521.3 million in the prior year, and Mount Sinai’s Days Cash on Hand grew from 137 to 147 days. The Mount Sinai Heart Institute, a partnership with New York’s Columbia University, continued to produce strong cardiac surgical volume, showing an increase of 2 percent. In addition, diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedures increased by 6.5 percent. The Florida Agency for Health Care –––––––––– See
Phone: 305-669-7355
Letter from the Chair BY JASON LOEB
Chairman, Miami Beach Chamber
In business, community and personal relations, education is the binding element that allows for growth in each these sectors of life. What’s so neat about education is that it’s a neverending process, no matter how much knowledge you obtain. Even more important are the relationships you develop with your teachers along the way. It’s more than learning just facts, but experiencing life lessons that inspire you. Education is an incredible process that every student should have ready access to and that every teacher should be able to readily impart. In an effort to jumpstart quality learning for our children, the Miami Beach Chamber Education Foundation was created to support our public education system. As a community, we should be building up to our schools, not cutting their resources. Part of this process includes highlighting the individuals within who excel in nurturing our youth. April 27th marks our the presentation of the annual Elayne Weisburg Excellence in Education Award. One teacher from Miami Beach Senior High School, as well as from each of its feeder schools - Treasure Island Elementary School, North Beach Elementary School, Ruth K. Broad K-8 Center, Nautilus Middle School, South Pointe Elementary School, Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center and Biscayne Elementary School - has been nominated for his/her outstanding work. I’m pleased to announce that this year’s nominees are: • Jacqueline H. Adler, Biscayne Elementary School • Olga Bichachi, Treasure Island Elementary School • Gussie Bowen, Miami Beach Senior High ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– See
LETTER, page 4