APRIL 20 - 26, 2010
Jackson South Hospital expansion still on track
espite recent concerns over the financial stability of the Jackson Health System, plans for the new Jackson South Community Hospital still are on track, according to Robert G. Cuming, vice president and chief administrative officer of the hospital. In a presentation to members of the Economical Development Council of South Dade (EDC) in Palmetto Bay on Apr. 13, Cuming assured them that work on the expansion and renovation of the facility, located at 9333 SW 152 St. (Coral Reef Drive), continues and that the improved hospital will have a positive impact on the community. “There will be greater access to medical services locally, and we will be hiring approximately 80 people in addition to the 700 we already employ there,” Cuming said. The expansion will result in 157,000 square feet of new construction and 23,000 square feet of renovations. There will be 48
Street names honor school, landmark, ex-councilmember Mayor Eugene Flinn shares laughter during the Palmetto Bay Village Council commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America with Scouts (l-r) Brandon Almond, Joey Glidden and Andrew Ariza of local Palmetto Bay Troop 711.
(Photo courtesy Village of Palmetto Bay)
Robert G. Cuming, Jackson South vice president and chief administrative officer, (center) is flanked by Laura Lagomasino, hospital business development director, and EDC chair Richard Horton.
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uring the next few weeks, village residents may be surprised to come across some Palmetto Bay signs reading “Dolphin Crossing.” Don’t be alarmed, as there are no real dolphins on the streets — unless of course you spot the mascot of Coral Reef Elementary School. On Apr. 12, the Palmetto Bay Village Council approved a co-designation of the portion of SW 152nd Street that lies in front of the school in honor of the “Home of the Dolphins” and the school’s reputation for excellence. In addition, street signs along a portion of SW 168th Street (from Old Cutler Road east to SW 72nd Avenue) will be
26,000 ladybugs to be released for Earth Day
co-designated as Deering Estate Way in recognition of the historic landmark. Officials at the Deering Estate at Cutler were thrilled with the move, as it literally puts the name of this local attraction in the visible pathway of thousands of daily commuters along Old Cutler, many of whom are unaware of the estate’s location. In other street-related news, the village council unanimously voted to name the traffic circle at SW 160th Street and SW 82nd Avenue after Paul Neidhart, Palmetto Bay’s first elected village official and former two-term councilmember, in recognition of his –––––––––––––––––––––– See
NAMES, page 4
major shipment of 26,000 lady bugs recently delivered to a south MiamiDade nursery are the main attraction of Palmetto Bay’s third annual Earth Week Celebration, which continues through Apr. 24. These “ladies in waiting” have been laying dormant in a secure refrigerated location for release at six local schools this week to demonstrate the
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