Palmetto Bay News, July 27 2010 Edition - Local, Education News - Miami, Florida

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JULY 27 - AUGUST 2, 2010

Improvements beginning on Old Cutler Bike Path BY GARY ALAN RUSE


iami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, July 16, for the 2010 Old Cutler Bike Path improvements that promise to provide a better and safer place to ride in Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay. Conducted in the afternoon at the southeast corner of Old Cutler Road and SW 168th Street, the groundbreaking was preceded by a brief presentation at the nearby Deering Estate Visitor Center. Commissioner Sorenson thanked “a lot of people,” including the officials and staff of the Village of Palmetto Bay and the Town of Cutler Bay as well as MiamiDade Public Works director Esther Calas.

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BIKE PATH, page 4

Pictured (l-r) are Cutler Bay Councilmembers Ernie Sochin and Peggy Bell, Palmetto Bay Mayor Eugene P. Flinn Jr., Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson, Miami-Dade Public Works director Esther Calas, and Palmetto Bay Councilmembers Shelley Stanczyk and Howard Tendrich.

A crowning moment for new Village Hall Construction workers set in place the signature blue dome of Palmetto Bay’s new Village Hall located in the village’s emerging downtown district. The 1,500-pound fiberglass structure is a significant milestone in the municipal center project, slated for completion by November.

FPL representatives discuss emotionally charged issues BY GARY ALAN RUSE


epresentatives of Florida Power and Light (FPL) presented an update on two topics of great interest to area businesses and homeowners during the monthly meeting of the Economic Development Council on July 22. Steve Scroggs, project manager for Turkey Point 6 & 7 discussed the latest information on the expansion of South Florida’s nuclear power plant, and Dan Hronec, transmission project engineer, gave a presentation on the emotionally

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FPL, page 4



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