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South Miami
JUNE 1 - 7, 2010
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K-8 Center recognized for year round drug prevention Read at Deli Lane K
indergarteners dressed in red proudly marched down the sidewalk at South Miami K8 Center on Tuesday, May 25th, to join in celebrating the school’s most recent accolade: Red Ribbon Certification. South Miami K-8 Center is one of only four schools in Miami-Dade County selected for this distinguished honor. Red Ribbon Certified Schools, a program of Informed Families and the National Family Partnership, recognizes schools that improve academic performance by keeping kids drug and alcohol free, and engaging parents and the community. “The Red Ribbon Certified Schools program provides a wonderful opportunity to honor schools that utilize the Red Ribbon Campaign and other effective prevention strategies year round to help kids grow up safe, healthy and drug-free,” said Peggy
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While at Deli Lane, Monique Loffler takes a moment out to read her favorite newspaper and catch up with what’s going on in South Miami. We’d like to thank her for taking us along with her and for being a frequent customer at Deli Lane, so we’re sending her a $20.00 gift certificate for more of that great food at Deli Lane.
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School’s double donations for American Heart Association
Amy on Sunset RSMA members are the best BY AMY LIVERGOOD DONNER
As I looked out at The Red Sunset Merchant Association members who gathered at South Miami Bank for the Annual Meeting May 11th I was amazed at the talent. The owners of the stores and restaurants in SoMi are among the most passionate, experienced, and knowledgeable anywhere. They come from our own back yard and all over the world. Some worked in major fashion houses, the country’s largest cosmetics companies, private banking, and the finest culinary institutions, before opening businesses in SoMi. They work harder than most and wear a lot of hats. They opened in SoMi because it’s always been at the crossroads of Dade County’s greatest communities. Their expertise, and
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Riviera Elementary kids enjoying the afternoon at Cool-de-sac
ocal schools recently participated in the annual “Jump Rope for Heart” fundraiser put on by The American Heart Association (AHA) and raised thousands of dollars for the cause. The American Heart Association has been implementing “Jump Rope for Heart” in schools across the country for 30 years. This educational fundraiser teaches children about the importance of living heart healthy lifestyles while raising important funds and awareness for the American Heart Association. Heart Disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States today. The money raised is used to fund important ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– See
Look inside for details.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
June 1 - 7, 2010
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‘Spring into Summer’ lifestyle and nutrition workshops a hit BY LEE STEPHENS
Miami area families learned how to “spring into a healthy summer” with fun and interactive lifestyle workshops hosted at the Miami Children’s Museum on Saturday May 15. The free event offered parents educational sessions and seasonal tips on their family’s health and wellness and was a partnership between the Miami-Dade Parent Academy and Nestlé Juicy Juice. This program is part of an ongoing national initiative by Juicy Juice to educate parents about nutrition and child wellness, and featured Claudia Gonzalez, MS, RD, a Registered Dietitian, author and family nutrition expert. She is a nutrition consultant for the U.S. Food Industry and has served as a nutrition expert at International Food Shows around the world. Claudia previously served for six years as a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Free workshops held on-site at the event for families and kids included: “No Meal Left Behind” –Partnering with a local chef, Gonzalez demonstrated simple, tasty snacks and meals that are healthy and easy to whip up in the hot summer months. “Sow Much Fun Garden”– Children had the opportunity to plant seeds for their favorite fruits and veggies and walk away with a better understanding of gardening and the benefits of
South Miami
Miller Publishing • Community Newspapers 6796 SW 62 Avenue • South Miami, FL 33143 305-669-7355 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER
Grant Miller
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS David Berkowitz, Gary Alan Ruse
WRITERS Ron Beasley, Linda Bernfeld-Rodriguez, Kenneth Bluh, Robert Hamilton, Gary Alan Ruse, Richard Yager, Lee Stephens, Jeff Toby
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Albie Barnes, Roberta Bergman, Beatriz Brandfon, Ana Caceres, Celia Canabate, Diane Chasin, Henry Chau, Sharon Christian, Amy Donner, Cecile Fanfani, Dianne Maddox, Denzel Miles, Miller Myers Ann Robbins-Udel, Fara Sax, Diane Sedona Schiller, Lori Schwadron, Karina Soave, Georgia Tait, Walter White
GRAPHIC ARTISTS Isabel Ortega,Catalina Roca
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MILLER PUBLISHING AND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS are proud to publish the following newspapers: Aventura News, Biscayne Bay Tribune, Coral Gables News, Cutler Bay News, Doral Tribune, Kendall Gazette, Palmetto Bay News, Pinecrest Tribune, South Miami News and Sunny Isles Beach Sun
Zumba instructor Haydee Farrera (left), dances with Antoinne Bailey, 6, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
eating foods that can help the whole family Registered Dietitian Claudia Gonzalez (center), and Miami Chef Penelope San Martin, 5, (left), gets some help watering her new pea plant from her mother, Clara San Martin. maintain a healthy lifestyle. Kids were encour- Marcello Zito, demonstrate healthy summer snacks. aged to nurture their plant at home, making it a fun activity they can enjoy all summer. commission meetings and making sure the “Let’s Get Ready to Zuuumba” – Exercise needs of the downtown business district does a body good! Parents and kids learned are understood by our government offihow much fun exercise can be with free lescials. For example this past year we were from page 1 sons in Zumba dancing. Gymboree also was able to secure parking amnesty on Black on-site to host classes for younger kids. Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). Most connections have created another kind of The Miami Children’s Museum is located recently, we kept the community abreast crossroads. They have created a shopping at 980 MacArthur Causeway. For more of developments with the permitting mecca while not losing the hometown feelinformation about The Parent Academy, visit process for sidewalk sales. ing. Sales and marketing is at the heart of As competitive as they are they know at For details, visit times it’s best to work together. Now 85 RSMA mission. To that end, we are close to (David Adame/AP Images for Nestle Juicy Juice) members strong, The Red Sunset a launch of a branding campaign that can be Merchants Association is the place where used in unlimited ways, a travel marketing program, including a concierge program, working together happens. The group’s annual meeting outlined and consumer shopping website. These bigsome recent achievements and goals for ger marketing initiatives have been much anticipated, and their time has come. the future. The next meeting is June 8th at Casa First, RSMA never underestimates the power of networking. In order to work Larios from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. South together and refer business and create Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard will be on opportunities we need to know one anoth- hand to answer questions and meet the er. Like in the past, members are able to merchants. The lunch is complimentary create marketing partnerships with other for members and $20 for non-members. members by introductions at RSMA meetAmy Donner is the President of Red ings. Generally the beneficiary is the Sunset Merchants Association. She can shopper. RSMA works together as government be reached online at <amy@communiwatch dogs, taking turns attending city>.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Two students get scholarships from Jr. Orange Bowl Committee Gloria Burns GLORIA’S GAB The J u n i o r Ora nge B owl C om mi tt ee ( J O B C) awarded two $1,000 scholarships at the annual Miami-Dade County Public Schools Scholar-Athlete Luncheon held recently at the Miami Airport Hilton. Representing JOBC President B rian S eits, JOBC’s President Elect Da llas Brown presented awards to two very deserving student athletes. S o u t h M i a m i S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l’s “ S e n i o r o f Di s t i nc t i on , ” R e i n a l d o R od rig ue z, the male recipient of the JOBC Scholarship, is Captain of both cross country and basketball teams, and ranks at the top 3 percent of his class with a GPA of 4.665. He was also named “Outstanding Chemistry Student.” The female recipient, B ri tt a n y Dub i ns , is a graduating senior with a 5.08 GPA from D r. M i c ha e l K rop Se nior High School. A gifted tennis player winning state championships,
Dubins participated in the 2006 Junior Orange Bowl Tennis Championship as a 14year-old and was most recently selected a first team All-American by the National High School Tennis Federation. She has received a full scholarship to the University of Miami. Joining Brown at the ceremony were JOBC Treasurer R o b e r to B ue s o; Board member, C h a r l e s Kn i g h t; Past President, C h u c k L i tt l e; Event Chair, Na nc y Li ttle; and Administrative Director,, M a rk P i da l . On Ma y 1 7, t he 25 th a nni ve rs a ry of I nf or m e d F a mi lie s /The F l or ida Fa mi ly P a rt n e rs h i p ’s An n u a l F u n d ra i s i n g Di nn e r which netted more than $200,000. Held at J oe’s S t o n e C r a b R e s t a u r a n t, the affair featured what families love most about Miami – music, food as well as a chance to win a Mercedes Benz C-Class model three year lease, in the color of their choice, courtesy of sponsors M e rcedes Benz of Coral Gables a n d C u t l e r Bay. Among the many guests were Dade County Commissioner Sa lly H e y m a n (broken ankle and all in her wheelchair); S e n a t o r G w e n M a r g o l i s ; K a t h y Jorge F e rna nde z -R undl e; C B S 4 ’s Estevez; and former Miami Dolphins from the 1972 team:: Dick An d e r s o n a n d E d N e w m a n ; ; and Honorary Chair M a r i a n K r u t u l i s , founder of Gulliver Schools.
Pictured (l-r) are Brittany Dubins; Dallas Brown, JOBC president-elect; Reinaldo Rodriguez, and Mark Pidal, JOBC administrative director.
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That’s right, just go to Deli Lane and take a photograph of you and/or your family holding a copy of the South Miami News right outside the front door or from inside the restaurant. Then send us the photo with the names of everyone in the picture and we’ll mail you $20.00 in gift certificates. Deli Lane is located at 7230 SW 59th Avenue and not only do they have great service and a wonderful family atmosphere, the food is great!
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Pictured (l-r) are Marian Krutulis of Gulliver Schools; Carole Hrebik, Mercedes Benz lease winner; Greg Barnes, Mercedes Benz of Coral Gables/Cutler Bay; Peggy Sapp, president and CEO of Informed Families; Denie Harris, marketing director of Silver Arrow Group. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
P e gg y B. S a p p, president and CEO of Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership, credits community support with enabling the organization to reach such this milestone. For information on Informed Families, go online to Young professionals Leee Ke ssler and buddy, Chris Coffey, are organizing a fun night out for a good cause on F ri d a y, June 4, f rom 5 – 10 p.m., at T h e G rove Spot (3324 Virginia St.). For a minimum donation of $20 at the door guests receive 2 free drinks, the best company the Grove has to offer, entertainment and the sense of accomplishment knowing that
100 percent of the proceeds go directly to The D a n a F a rb e r C a nc e r Institute (the Jimmy Fund) and will be used to fund the research necessary to put an end to cancer. For more information, call 305-774-6696. Until next week, keep making each day count. Gloria Burns is Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Pinecrest, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, as well as a columnist for Community Newspapers. Keeping abreast of community activities is a challenge. If you would like to submit information for this column, please send your news via e-mail to <>.
June 1 - 7, 2010
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research and educate within the community. Not only do the schools benefit by the educational portion, but by participating they pre-qualify for grants and also earn money to purchase new P.E. equipment. Children as young as Kindergarteners jumped rope and participated in outdoor games in an effort to raise money. For the second year, The American Heart association got a little extra help from Vivian Conterio, a mom and Marketing Consultant who got local businesses to generously donate prizes to kids who raised money for the worthy cause. Cool-de-Sac Play Café couldn’t wait to help out again this year with free Brownie Coupons for Kindergarten through Second graders and Gameworks donated Free Time cards for Third through Fifth graders. Splitsville Luxury Lanes also joined in by donating Free Bowl passes. Cool-de-sac recently hosted the top money raisers from K-2nd Grades from Riviera Elementary for a Cool Play Date, and Gameworks hosted the older kids to an afternoon of fun. Cool-de-sac’s General Manager Irene Guiot and her team members had a great time with the kids. Some of the coaches at these schools really motivated the kids by offering to dye their
hair and other wild and crazy stunts, all in the name of fun for a cause. This year, it was especially hard to fundraise. The situation in Haiti affected so many people, the schools all pitched in and raised money for Haiti as well while they were doing the AHA fundraiser so it was very tough this year. Despite the economy and other situations, kids pitched in and did what they could. So many of them have been directly affected by Heart Disease that it’s an issue “close to their heart.” It’s fabulous that in these hard economic times, people and businesses are being so generous. It’s a great cause. Take a look at some of their totals: R i v i er a : $ 8 , 2 6 1 . 5 1 ($1000 more than last year.) So u t h M i a m i : $ 3 , 0 0 1 . 1 4 ($800 more than last year.) Su n s et : $ 2 , 8 1 2 . 5 3 St. Phillips: $1,376.02 Schools that doubled their income over last year are: C o c o n u t G rov e El e me n ta ry School Mc Gla nna n S c hoo l S t C h r i s t o p h e r ’s By The S ea Congratulations to all the schools, teachers, kids and the coaches. And special thanks to Cool-de-sac, Gameworks, and Splitsville.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Constitutional Amendments 5 and 6 deserve our support R. Kenneth Bluh KENNETH’S COMMENTARY Every 10 years, following the completion of the national census, state legislatures are required to reconfigure the boundaries of voting districts to conform to the increasing or decreasing number of residents in the state. The Florida Legislature will take full advantage of the required change to make sure that those in control of the legislature retain their control. This is a game played by whichever party is in control of the legislature at the time of redistricting. A time-honored practice for many years, the unofficial name for the manipulation of boundaries is called “gerrymandering.” The word gerrymander was coined in 1812 by a newspaper editor commenting on the redrawing of a Massachusetts electoral boundary under Gov. Elbridge Gerry. The district resembled a sprawling salamander-shaped constituency.
Nationally, Rep. John Tanner (D-TN) and Rep. Michael Castle (R-DE) have introduced a bill in Washington, DC, the “Redistricting Transparency Act,” which would require each state to set up a website whereby citizens could monitor and comment on proposed redistricting before the state’s plans are finalized. I can’t see such a bill ever making it out of committee in Washington. Too many members of our Congress benefit from Gerrymandering. Florida voters will be asked to vote on Constitutional Amendments 5 and 6 that will be on the ballot in November. They require our absolute support as they would radically change, to our benefit, how districts in Florida would be redesigned after future national censuses. Amendment 5 (state elections) and 6 (national elections) are the creation of the non-partisan group, Fair Districts Florida, <>. The computer has replaced the map and pencil in recreating district boundaries. It is highly skilled in a block-by-block, house-byhouse, registered-voter-by-registered-voter manipulation to bring together those who vote in a pattern that will guarantee the reelection of the party in power. The benefits of gerrymandering are obvi-
–– VIEWPOINT –– ous. We have more registered Democrat than Republican voters in Florida. Yet, gerrymandering has all but guaranteed the Republicans will retain control over the legislature. The mission of Fair Districts Florida is to bring fairness to redistricting and give voters a real voice in choosing their representatives. Amendments 5 and 6 would: (1) Forbid the legislature to draw district lines to favor a political party or protect incumbents; (2) require districts be compact and respect community boundaries, and (3) require districts be as equal in population as possible and not disenfranchise minorities. The concept, voters selecting elected officials rather than elected officials selecting supporting voters, is so obvious that to deny passage of Amendments 5 and 6 would be against the whole concept of equal representation. Constitutional Amendment 7, placed on the ballot by the Florida Legislature, should not be confused as part and parcel of 5 and 6.
Amendment 7 was drafted by elected officials to distract voters from supporting 5 and 6. Legislators say Amendment 7 will help preserve minority-access districts, but it is nothing more than an effort to confuse voters. It is written in a way that will override the intended benefits of Amendments 5 and 6, if all three measures pass. Amendment 7 allows those drawing the political boundaries to take into account communities of interest. Florida’s Constitutional Amendments 5 and 6 stand a very good chance of making it into law as we the voters of the state, not our elected officials, have the final say. Remember to say “no” to Amendment 7. We appreciate your opinions on this column whether in agreement or disagreement. Please send your comments to (fax number) 305-662-6980 or email to <>. The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of this newspaper, its editors or publisher.
Do You Suffer from ADD/ADHD? If you are just discovering you have adult ADD/ADHD, chances are you’ve suffered over the years for the unrecognized problem. People may have labeled you “lazy” or “stupid” because of your forgetfulness or difficulty completing tasks, and you may have begun to think of yourself in these negative terms as well. Untreated ADD/ADHD has widereaching effects ADD/ADHD that is undiagnosed and untreated can cause problems in virtually every area of your life. Physical and mental health problems. The symptoms of ADD/ADHD can contribute to a variety of health problems, including compulsive eating, substance abuse, anxiety,
chronic stress and tension, and low self-esteem. You may also run into trouble due to neglecting important check-ups, skipping doctor appointments, ignoring medical instructions, and forgetting to take vital medications. Work and financial difficulties. Adults with ADD/ADHD often experience career difficulties and feel a strong sense of underachievement. You may have trouble keeping a job, following corporate rules, meeting deadlines, and sticking to a 9-to-5 routine. Managing finances may also be a problem: you may struggle with unpaid bills, lost paperwork, late fees, or debt due to impulsive spending. Relationship problems. The symptoms of ADD/ADHD can put a strain on your work, love, and family relationships. You may be fed up with constant nagging from loved ones to tidy up, listen more closely, or get organized. Those close to you, on the other hand, may feel hurt and resentful over your perceived “irresponsibility” or “insensitivity.” The wide-reaching effects of ADD/ADHD can lead to embarrassment, frustration, hopelessness, disappointment, and loss of confidence. You may feel like you’ll never be
able to get your life under control. That’s why a diagnosis of adult ADD/ADHD can be an enormous source of relief and hope. It helps you understand what you’re up against for the first time and realize that you’re not to blame. The difficulties you’ve had are symptoms of attention deficit disorder—not the result of personal weakness or a character flaw. Adult ADD/ADHD doesn’t have to hold you back When you have ADD/ADHD, it’s easy to end up thinking that there’s something wrong with you. But it’s okay to be different. ADD/ADHD isn’t an indicator of intelligence or capability. Certain things may be more difficult for you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find your niche and achieve success. The key is to find out what your strengths are and capitalize on them. It can be helpful to think about attention deficit disorder as a collection of traits that are both positive and negative—just like any other set of qualities you might possess. Along with the impulsivity and disorganization of ADD/ADHD, for example, often come incredible creativity, passion, energy, out-of-the-box thinking, and
a constant flow of original ideas. Figure out what you’re good at and set up your environment to support those strengths Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD), or with hyperactivity (ADHD), can be treated by using Neurofeedback. This treatment is based on computer programs that read your brain waves. With the assistance of your neurofeedback trainer (most often a licensed therapist), your brain is trained to produce the "good waves." Every time the computer reads the desired brain waves it rewards the brain with sounds and visual stimulation. Thus, the brain reacts favorably to these rewards by producing more of those brain waves. Neurofeedback has been described in lay terms as “playing video games with your brain.” Through repetition, (“training”), the brain soon starts to produce the desired brain waves without computer coaching. This is the point in which most people begin to experience improvement. For more information please contact Miami Institute of Training and Neurofeedback at 305-448-5111.
June 1 - 7, 2010
300 students with cameras converge at Miami Metrozoo
Ron Magill, Miami Metrozoo’s director of communications and renowned wildlife expert, feeds the giraffes as students snap photos of the action. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
More than 300 Miami-Dade County Public School students recently converged at Miami Metrozoo to participate in the firstever Mercantil Commercebank Zoolens Photography Project. A partnership between Mercantil Commercebank, Miami Metrozoo and the Zoological Society of Florida, the Zoolens Photography Project is a photography contest designed to foster a deeper understanding of the world’s wildlife among MiamiDade County public school students, while also broadening their artistic expression and appreciation for the beauty of nature through photography. Students had the opportunity to enjoy a field trip to the zoo and were given digital cameras to take pictures of the animals. They also had the unique opportunity to learn from experts such as Ron Magill, Miami Metrozoo’s director of communications and a renowned wildlife expert, and Rosario Martínez-Cañas, New World School of the Arts Visual Arts professor and curator, who offered tips on how to best photograph the animals. The participating schools included: ASPIRA-South Youth Leadership Charter, Doral Academy Preparatory, Hammocks Middle, John F. Kennedy Middle, Madison Middle, Miami Lakes Middle, Ponce de Leon Middle and West Miami Middle. A panel of renowned photographers that include Magill and Martínez-Cañas will judge the photos, selecting three overall winners. The winning students will be eligible to
receive Mercantil Commercebank savings accounts among other prizes, while participating schools will receive a monetary donation for their art department. The panel of judges also includes internationally acclaimed photo-artist María MartínezCañas, Miami Herald photographer Suzanne Lee Mast, and Alex Gort Jr., one of Miami’s best-known photographers. “It is great to see the business community come out and support art and technology education for the students,” said Ana Medina Fernandez, a teacher at West Miami Middle School. “It was a really fun experience learning about each animal and seeing how they live. Taking the animals’ pictures really inspired me,”said Ponce de Leon Middle School student Marisen Liebl. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring the first-ever Zoolens Photography Project to public schools in our community,” said Millar Wilson, president & CEO of Mercantil Commercebank. “The responses from the teachers and students have been extremely positive and we greatly appreciate their support in piloting this program with us.” Additional partners in the pilot program include Olympus Imaging America Inc. and the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA). The long-term goal of the Zoolens Photography Project is to broaden the number of participating schools, allowing an increasing number of Miami-Dade County Public School students to participate in this innovative program.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Your numbers tell a story. Vital Statistics 101 with Theodore Feldman, M.D.
he dashboard in your car is filled with gauges and numbers that tell you exactly
what’s going on at all times. You wouldn’t get far without them. “Do you know the vital statistics — your body’s important numbers — that tell you the status of your health? “When it comes to your health, we at South Miami Heart Center believe you should be in the driver’s seat. That’s why you need to know your numbers. Have your blood pressure checked often — it should be around 120 over 80. Your body mass index should be between 18.5 and 24.9. You should also have your cholesterol checked, and if you are at risk for diabetes, you need to know your blood glucose levels. “Keep tabs on your vital statistics. You do it for your car. Do it for your body, too.” — Theodore Feldman, M.D. Board-certified cardiologist
South Miami Hospital l SW 62 Avenue and U.S. 1 l For a free referral to a South Miami Heart Center physician, please call 786-662-2222. Committed to our faith-based charitable mission of medical excellence
Information is at the heart of a healthier life.
Learn more and take charge of your health.
June 1 - 7, 2010
Miami-Dade College softball team national JC champions BY TERE ESTORINO
The Lady Sharks, Miami Dade College’s (MDC) unstoppable softball team, have claimed the national title by defeating Wallace State Community College of Alabama, the 2008 national champions, by a 7-0 score at the National Junior College Athletic Association championship tournament in St. George, UT. A season full of broken records left in their tracks, the Lady Sharks stormed through the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) finale, winning all five games and outscoring opponents by a combined score of 46-11. The victory over Wallace accounted for a school record 51 wins in a single season for the program, against a record lowest number of losses at six. It was the 203rd win for head coach Carlos Caro in just five seasons. It’s also was the team’s first national title in program history. Pitcher Erika Bennett was honored as the Tournament MVP, as she won four games during the tournament, striking out 32 in 26
innings pitched, and recording a 0.54 earned run average. She allowed a total of 10 hits and eight walks in the four games she appeared. She ended the season with a 26-2 record, the best record in the history of MDC softball, and was 47-8 in her outstanding two-year career. After her first season with the Lady Sharks, Division I schools sought Bennett out; she, however, turned them down, opting instead to remain with her team with the goal of becoming a national champion as a Lady Shark. She has signed a Letter of Intent to attend Marshall University. “I had no doubt that the Lady Sharks could take the title,” Caro said. “Our players set this goal for themselves in September, and they worked hard for it. They believed in themselves, and they did an outstanding job.” While the 2010 national title represents the college’s first in fast-pitch softball, MDC’s athletic teams have earned 33 total NJCAA titles, including 13 in women’s sports, led by women’s volleyball with eight national titles.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Fighting foreclosure: More help here now Al Sunshine 4 YOUR MONEY Local foreclosure trackers say recent public and private programs to keep struggling families in their homes may finally be starting to work. For the present, latest national foreclosure numbers are starting to look a little better. Across the country foreclosures in April were down by 9 percent from March and about 27 percent from last year. Still, Florida has the third worst rate nationwide for families losing their homes, even if our numbers may be starting to look better than last year’s. According to the foreclosure tracking company known as RealtyTrac, first-quarter filings in Florida were up more than 70 percent over 2009 levels, although they may be showing some temporary signs of improvement for the second quarter. Plus, some market analysts are now predicting Florida’s foreclosure problem will get even worse during the next few months. Alexander Rodriguez of Neighborhood Housing Services, a HUD-approved lender, said, “Even though the unemployment rate is looking better, we have a new round of adjustable rate mortgages set to change over the next few months and they will hit really strong.” To try and help families stay in their homes, a series of new “Save Your Home”
federal initiatives started kicking in a few weeks ago. They include new options from the FHA to reduce monthly payments or temporarily suspend them for unemployed homeowners. For the first time, there also are new counseling programs to steer homeowners into more affordable housing and help pay them to move. Rodriguez said he has heard of three months, six months or even longer for unemployed homeowners to get reduced payments, in some cases 80 percent or more for a temporary period. In addition, some lenders also are taking advantage of the new programs, offering to reduce mortgage payments through the latest federal Save Your Home programs. Additional counseling is being offered to help consumers get help to find more affordable housing. Lenders even are offering relocation fees to homeowners who voluntarily sign their deeds over to the banks to avoid a drawn-out fight which may ultimately leave homeowners losing their homes while the banks end up with little more than growing legal fees. Foreclosure assistance scams also are on the rise around South Florida. Homeowners seeking so-called “mortgage modifications” are being warned about paying “upfront” money to anyone guaranteeing they can find customers a cheaper loan. In almost all cases, it’s now illegal in the State of Florida to take any money for a lower rate mortgage before it actually is approved. It’s also a sure sign you could be rushed into a foreclosure-assistance scam. Watch Al Sunshine’s “4 Your Money” reports Monday-Friday beginning at noon. You may find Al’s blog at <>.
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JUNE 1 - 7, 2010
Baptist Hospital names Unit Nurses of the Year BY BARBARA MOORE
Unit Nurses of the Year were named recently at Baptist Hospital at a special presentation held during National Nurses Week. Each Unit Nurse of the Year was chosen by his or her peers for high ethical standards, honoring the caring spirit of the nursing practice and holding the nursing process in high regard. These nursing practices have gained Baptist Hospital Magnet status for excellence in nursing. The recognition is the nursing profession’s highest honor and is awarded by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the nation’s largest and foremost nursing accrediting and credentialing organization. The nurses honored were: Diane Adside, RN; Alex Banaag, RN; Sandra Benitez, RN; Shenny Cordero, RN; Maria Fuego, RN; Jose Garcia, RN; Mariana Garcia, RN; Sonja Hunt, RN; Nasi Kazemian, RN; Sook Kim, RN; Delia Leal, RN; Maggy Pierre LouisBerg, RN; Silvia Medina, RN; Evelyn Molleda, RN; Leah Moran, RN; Loni Novak, RN; Sabata Nunes, RN; Lianet Pacheco, RN; Ligaya Panopio, RN; Yani Pascual, RN; Ludmilla Paulovich-Rolim, RN; Arturo Penarredonda, RN; Mercedita Perolina, RN; Georgeanna Quamina, RN; Walkiria Rojo, RN; Chiara Salomon-Sriro, RN; Roselle
Pictured are nurses who were chosen by their peers as best in their respective units. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Samson, RN; Melissa Samuels, RN; Williams, RN, and Karen Wysocki, RN. Children’s Hospital, South Miami Hospital, Consuelo Sanclemente, RN; Noelle Schultz, Baptist Hospital is affiliated with Baptist Doctors Hospital, Homestead Hospital, RN; Dianne Schwartz, RN; Jacqueline Health South Florida, the largest faith-based, Mariners Hospital, Baptist Cardiac & Schwartz, RN; Victor Suarez, RN; Beena not-for-profit healthcare organization in Vascular Institute and Baptist Outpatient Thomas, RN; Beth Voss, RN; Paula South Florida. It also includes Baptist Services.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
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Dear Jackso
n Family,
There are m any things th which keep a s many emp t set Jackson apart fro loye mo because we have a pass es working here for ye ther healthcare institu tions. One o ion for help ing others a ars, is the fact that we f are a family the most poignant, nd want to m This camara . We are all ake a differe derie is wha here nce in our co t has helped our financia mmunity. l si us get throu gh these gru helped imple tuation. All employees eling month have contrib m s as we have u and provide ent new initiatives, im proved effici ted in some way. You d the top-no grappled w have offere encies, prom tch, compass All of these d cost-savin ith o contribution ionate med te d o u r se g ide rvic ica s, and the co untless othe l care that keeps patie es out in the commun as, ity, nts coming rs not mentio Unfortunate back to our ly, the situa ned, have h fa tion is so dir e cilities. lp remain fina e d m ake a differe e that we ha ncia nce. ve been forc yesterday a lly sustainable. As you e d to m know, we lo sp st many me ake difficult decisions to say goodbye art of our workforce help us to mbers o reducti to ou
on initia f our Jacks r co-w dedication on family and years o orkers, and we owe th tive. I know it was no t f service to em a treme the transitio ndous amo easy for any of us to Jackson. I n as smooth appreciate unt of grati as possible tude for the your comp . assion and ir In addition help in mak , we neede d ing to turn to yo week, the P u for assista ublic Healt h Trust and nce throug our current Miami-Dad h salary co labor contr e County C ntributions acts with S employees . Earlier this ommission EIU and AF . I commen approved a SCME, whic d and than the table to mendments k our union h included work with u to s representa s in addres tives and m alary provisions for un sing our fin Our executiv e io m n b a n e rs c ia h l situation. ip for comin e g to salary and/o s, leadership and man a
rb gement gro up well. Therefo enefit reductions last year. We are s have made equitable re, similar sa relying on o contribution 300 employe la ur non-unio s in the form es. All SEIU ry contributions offere n employee d by the un of , AFSCME s io a fo n n r their s d w n o ill n-union pay a I deeply apo changes will lso be implemented fo support as logize for an ra take effect o y for all of you n May 16, 2 ll Company , and we wo financial hardship this 010. may cause. uld not be a Iu sking for the Since these se pay chan nderstand that these salary contr are g es if they w ibutions we receive mess ere not nece large sacrifices re confirme a ssary. d and I sha support. I w ges from many of you red notificatio ish I could re â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SEIU, AF n SCME and of these cha sp to do so. Ple Com nge ase know, h ond personally to each owever, just and every o pany 300 employees a s, I continue to h n like â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to sho o e w o f m yo u ch u ,a Again, than those mess w your k yo ages have m lthough time does not permit me and commitm u for your continued e a n t to me and service to Ja ent during th this organiz ckson and fo is difficult tim ation. r your unde e. rstanding, u Sincerely, nconditiona l support Eneida Rold an President an , M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A . d CEO
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Local women complete national autism/equine research study BY LEE STEPHENS
A recently completed study that has international impact concludes that children with autism between the ages of 7 and 12 showed improved cognition, communication, and motivation after participating in specific equine assisted activities (EAA). The research shows that riding, grooming, and interacting with horses had a noticeable, positive effect on study participants. Margaret M. Bass, PhD, and Maria Llabre, PhD, from Good Hope Equestrian Training Center, 22155 SW 147 Ave., focused on the impact of EAA on the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s social functioning and attention capacity. The study, funded by the Ohio-based Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF), was a follow-up to a 2006 pilot study (published in the Journal for Autism & Developmental Disorders) by the same researchers. The new study exposed a larger experimental group of participants to 12 weeks of one-hour-and-15-minute sessions of EAA and tracked the effects for two months afterwards. The activities utilized were grooming and tacking, mounting/dismounting and mounted warm-up exercises, The multi-sensory equestrian environment and the relationship created between the horse and the participant can have a positive impact on young people with autism. â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
riding skills, and games. Study results were determined based on data collected from participantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; parents and teachers. The Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) and Sensory Profile (SP) analysis systems were used to assess social functioning at three times during the study. The SRS is a 65item questionnaire that measures the severity of autism spectrum disorder symptoms. The SP is a 125-item questionnaire that is administered to parents or teachers, using a 1
(â&#x20AC;&#x153;alwaysâ&#x20AC;?) to 5 (â&#x20AC;&#x153;neverâ&#x20AC;?) Likert scale. According to the Autism Society of America, autism is the fastest growing developmental disability, which is estimated to have between a 10-17 percent growth rate each year. In response to these growing numbers, EAA offers a promising approach to working with children with autism. While the activities are not formally considered therapy, they are viewed as therapeutic if a participant is able to show improvement within one or more of the following areas: physical, social, emotional or educational (NARHA, 2010). The multisensory equestrian environment and the relationship created between the horse and the participant can provide more than just riding skills. Doctors Bass and Llabre state that they are â&#x20AC;&#x153;very appreciative to HHRF for funding this research project. The most significant thing that we found from this study was that the autistic children in the experimental group improved in critical areas such as sensory seeking, emotional reactive, inattention/ distractibility and sensory sensitivity, as compared to the wait list control group.â&#x20AC;? Horses and Humans Research Foundation grant awards are made possible by the generous contributions of foundations, individuals, businesses and therapeutic riding programs nationwide. An anonymous $500,000 challenge grant matches every dollar contributed to the organization. To view the findings and report of this project and other awarded projects, visit <>. More information about the 501(c)(3) organization, including contribution forms, also can be found at the website. For more information about Good Hope Equestrian Training Center visit <> or call 305-258-2838.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
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Homestead Job Corps Center represented at Business Expo
June 7-20th
Presented by:
Enjoying the Chamber South’s Business Expo on May 4 at the Datran Center in Kendall are (l-r) Lesly Diaz, Homestead Job Corps Center; Mary Scott Russell, president of Chamber South, and Marilyn Smith, Homestead Job Corps Center.
Visit our website for a list of lunch and dinner prix fixe menus.
TEMPT YOUR PALATE. SAVOR SOMETHING SPICY. INDULGE YOUR SWEET TOOTH. Celebrate the great international chefs of Downtown Coral Gables as they showcase delectable 3-course prix fixe menus at lunch and dinner.
Participating Restaurants:
Miami City Ballet Dancers appear courtesy of Miami City Ballet, Edward Villella, Artistic Director
The Miami City Ballet Dancers guide the young audience through the journey of preparing and rehearsing a ballet to its final performance. Beautiful music and costumes. Children will interact with the dancers, so they should wear their dancing shoes and favorite tutu! Come early to play the musical instrument petting zoo. Instructors from Allegro Music Center will help the children. Have fun at the Apple Juice, Balloons & Cookies party hosted by playful Peter the Mime/Clown.
Great music for great kids!
Children $10 • Grownups $12 Tickets may be purchased online at, or are available at
Mikhail Nikitine and Deanna Seay in Coppelia
305-271-7150 Gusman Concert Hall UM • 1314 Miller Dr.
Thee Cityy off Corall Gables,, Florida This program is sponsored in part by Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Mayor, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners, Funding Arts Network, The Miami Salon Group, Citizens Interested in Arts, and with the support of the City of Coral Gables.
Photo credit: © Steve Caras
Dance, Dance & More
Anacapri Angelique Euro Café Bangkok Bangkok Benihana Bugatti Caffe Abbracci Caffe Vialetto California Pizza Kitchen Da Vittorio Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar Graziano’s Restaurant Il Grissino JohnMartin’s La Cofradia Ceviche Bar La Dorada
Le Provencal Morton’s The Steakhouse Ortanique on the Mile Pardo’s Peruvian Cuisine Pasha’s Mediterranean Cuisine Por Fin Restaurant & Lounge Red Koi Thai & Sushi Lounge Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Spris Coral Gables Sushi Maki Tarpon Bend The Bar The Globe | 305.569.0311
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June 1 - 7, 2010
First Academic Health Dept. in Florida to be established BY MAYDEL SANTANA-BRAVO
Caught at Miami Metrozoo! That’s right, just go to Miami Metrozoo and take a photograph of you and/or your family holding a copy of the Kendall Gazette, The Pinecrest Tribune or any edition of our Community Newspapers right outside the front door or inside Miami Metrozoo. Then send us the photo with the names of everyone in the picture and you might just win a 6-month membership to one of America’s Best Zoos! Send your photo to Be sure to include the names of everyone in the photo as well as the address where we can send your membership. If you have any questions, call Michael Miller at 305-669-7030.
Miami Metrozoo is located at 12400 S. W. 152 Street. (305) 255-5551
Aventura News, Coconut Grove Tribune, Community Newspapers, Coral Gables News-Tribune, Cutler Bay News, Doral Tribune, Kendall Gazette, Miami Gardens Tribune, Palmetto Bay News, Pinecrest Tribune, South Miami News, Sunny Isles Beach Sun.
6796 SW 62nd Avenue • South Miami, Florida 33143 • Phone: 305-669-7355 • Fax: 305-662-6980
Give-away limited to three 6-month memberships each month for six months. (New memberships only).
By consolidating administrative offices at FIU, the Miami-Dade County Health The Miami-Dade County Health Department is expected to save the state at Department and Florida International least $8 million over the next 25 years. University will establish the first Academic The building, estimated to be 90,000 Health Department in Florida. square feet, comes with an authorized The Miami-Dade County Health budget of up to $32.5 million. The project Department is planning to consolidate its is included within the 2010-11 budget administrative and propassed by the Florida gram offices at FIU’s Legislature. Pending The planned facility will Modesto A. Maidique the governor’s increase joint teaching, Campus, bringing part of approval, the building its workforce to southwill be financed research, and clinical west Miami-Dade and through a bond and training opportunities for forming a partnership that repaid through will strengthen the educaDepartment of Health FIU students, faculty and tional experience of stulease payments. health professionals in dents pursuing health The health departcareers. ment component of the the health department. An Academic Health new complex will comThe move also will Department is an organplement a previously ized partnership between funded $23.3 million expand opportunities schools of public health, Stempel College of for both institutions to medicine, nursing and Public Health and allied health sciences with Social Work academic collaborate in attracting public health departfacility and a new $10 grants that can help ments. These partnerships million Ambulatory create dynamic academicCare Center funded by improve healthcare practice collaborations, a grant from Miamiin the region. which effectively pool the Dade County. The clinassets of all institutions ic and academic facility involved. are in the planning and design stages. The administrative and program offices The planned facility will increase joint of the Miami-Dade County Health teaching, research, and clinical training Department currently are housed in eight opportunities for FIU students, faculty and different locations around the county, caus- health professionals in the health departing operational difficulties and inefficien- ment. The move also will expand opportucies, as well as logistical challenges, said nities for both institutions to collaborate in Lillian Rivera, administrator of the Miami- attracting grants that can help improve Dade County Health Department. healthcare in the region. “Through this partnership, we can cut The collaboration between FIU and the costs and become a more efficient depart- Miami-Dade County Health Department ment,” Rivera said. “We also look forward also has the potential to create internship to playing an important role in preparing opportunities through which FIU students students pursuing careers in public health would work with public health experts in a and related professions to meet the 21st clinical and research environment. The Century challenges associated with the facility will include a public health teachhealth needs of our population.” ing clinic with an environmental laboratory The Miami-Dade County Health and a nutrition/ breastfeeding program. Department offices will be located in FIU’s “This is the kind of innovative, mutually Academic Health Sciences Center, which beneficial, strategic partnership that will includes the Herbert Wertheim College of enhance the education of our students with Medicine, the Robert Stempel College of real life experience,” said Fernando Public Health and Social Work, the College Treviño, dean of the Stempel College of of Nursing and Health Sciences, and the Public Health and Social Work. “At the College of Arts and Sciences. The same time, it will improve the local stateAcademic Health Sciences Center is run health facilities and save the state sigexpected to generate 66,000 new jobs and nificant money. It’s a win-win situation.” have an annual economic impact of more For more information about FIU, visit than $8.9 billion by 2025. online at <>.
June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
ARC honors armed forces, Humanitarian of the Year BY CHRYSTIAN TEJEDOR
The American Red Cross and members from all five branches of the United States armed forces invaded the Hyatt Pier 66 for the First Annual Salute to the Armed Forces and Humanitarian of the Year Dinner. The Apr. 30 event hosted local and visiting military leaders as the South Florida community saluted their valiant efforts and honored E. Roe Stamps IV, this year’s recipient of the Red Cross Humanitarian of the Year Award, the American Red Cross’ highest distinction. “Our Salute to the Armed Forces Dinner was the perfect celebration of the longstanding relationship between the American Red Cross and our nation’s armed forces,” said Sam Tidwell, CEO of the American Red Cross South Florida Region, serving Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. “Red Crossers and service men and women had the chance to unite and to learn more about the strong ties between us.” From its birth on the battlefield more than 150 years ago, to supporting troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world, the Red Cross always has helped members of
Pictured (l-r) are Tony Segreto, E. Roe Stamps IV and Paul DiMare. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
the military. Indeed, from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 the American Red Cross South Florida Region delivered 989 emer-
gency messages between members of the military and their families, opened 857 military cases and delivered more than 200
holiday stockings to troops serving overseas and at the Miami VA Hospital. The American Red Cross South Florida Region, Gen. Douglas Fraser of the US Southern Command, and the Hon. BJ Penn, former assistant secretary of the Navy, honored that exceptional bond paying tribute to the men and women who so valiantly have risked their lives for the United States. Also honored for his service was Capt. James Ware, commander of the USNS Comfort, a naval hospital ship that treated hundreds of men, women and children who were critically injured following the Jan. 12 earthquake that devastated Haiti. American Red Cross volunteers joined the crew of the Comfort, helping to translate for patients receiving care aboard the ship. A live, 16-piece Sinatra-style orchestra entertained guests throughout the evening while they participated in a thrilling auction featuring two 30-minute death-defying flights in an F-16 fighter jet, a cruise courtesy of Celebrity Cruises, or the use of a flight simulator. For more information, visit online at <> or <>.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
‘Haiti to Orlando Adventure’ offers emotional lift for young survivors
$38 AND UP* $5 OFF
gives you a different feeling
Altagracia Jeroma (left), MCH nurse Carolyn Domina and Barbara Adrian enjoy a refreshing pool party at Nickelodeon Suites Resort Orlando. (Photo provided by Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
TEL: 305.278.0818 10021 SW 40 STREET (BIRD RD) • MIAMI, FLA TEL: 305.225.3297 15801 S. DIXIE HWY. • PALMETTO BAY, FLA
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Seventeen Haitian pediatric patients who were treated at Miami Children’s Hospital (MCH) for injuries suffered during January’s earthquake in Port-au-Prince recently returned from a two-day trip they will remember for years to come. Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation (MCHF) sponsored the “Haiti to Orlando Adventure” for the young patients and their families. The excursion — which was spearheaded by Miami Children’s Hospital pediatric plastic surgeon Dr. Chad Perlyn, and included visits to Universal Studios Florida, Nickelodeon Suites Resort and Give Kids The World Village — helped bring smiles to the young patients’ faces. Organized by the foundation and Dr. Perlyn, leader of the hospital’s first Haiti Relief volunteer team, the trip was conceived to provide an emotional respite to complement the patients’ medical care. Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation underwrote the adventure through donations made to its disaster relief fund from organizations, including The Honda Classic, PGA, and many concerned supporters. Miami Children’s Hospital nurses and staff who helped treat the young patients while at the hospital served as chaperones and translators for the children and their families. “We believe a bit of fun and entertainment provides emotional benefits that can help physical healing and we’re pleased to support and join in this effort,” said Lucy Morillo-Agnetti, president of Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation. “I extend my heartfelt thanks to our supporters and all hospital and foundation staff whose donations of time, talent and funds ensured that dreams really did come true for these young patients.”
On day one of the trip, the youngsters were treated to breakfast and a send-off party at Miami Children’s Hospital prior to the bus ride to Orlando. Upon arriving, the kids enjoyed a pool party at Nickelodeon Suites Resort before being treated to a special dinner and entertainment at Give Kids The World Village in nearby Kissimmee. Following breakfast the next morning at Nickelodeon Suites Resort, they headed off for a day at Universal Studios Florida. As they arrived at the park, a delegation of Haitian Universal Studios employees greeted the children with chants of “Haiti, Haiti” and embraced them as they disembarked the bus to add extra excitement and help provide a sense of “home.” The children enjoyed a variety of thrilling rides and a host of characters before heading back to South Florida to share their exciting adventure with family and friends. Dr. Perlyn receives great satisfaction in helping restore the lives of children affected with birth defects or injuries, which led him to Haiti following January’s earthquake. While there, he operated on numerous children with severe disfigurement and lifethreatening injuries and was joined by dozens of other volunteers from Miami Children’s Hospital. Ultimately, several young Haitian patients were transferred to Miami Children’s where some continue to receive treatment. “For these two days, it was all about stopping being patients and starting to be kids again,” Dr. Perlyn said. “We just wanted to give them a couple of days where the water slide was their biggest obstacle.” Companies and individuals interested in donating to the Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation Disaster Relief Fund will provide aid to children in need may do so online at <>. To learn more about the foundation and offer support, visit <> or call 305-666-2889.
June 1 - 7, 2010
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Rick Tonkinson & Associates, Inc. listed in the Forbes 2010 Special Issue “The World’s Leading Companies”
SAME NAME SAME LOCATION SAME DEDICATED SERVICE Goldline Research, an independent market research firm that evaluates professional services firms on behalf of the consumers, has selected Rick Tonkinson & Associates, Inc. as one of the 2010 Leading Providers – Wealth Managers in the Forbes magazine 2010 Special Issue, “The World’s Leading Companies”. By using a proprietary research process, Goldline Research investigates tens of thousands of service providers in numerous industries to feature companies in those sectors. Tonkinson’s firm was one of a few to pass this rigorous evaluation and certification process. This represents the first time this firm has been recognized in a national publication. With a subscription base of 6.5 million, this is a special edition that will remain on the newsstand for 3 months. Rick Tonkinson & Associates is a family business specializing in their clients’ Early Retirement with a mission of helping people and their families attain their financial goals. They are located at 100 Almeria, Suite 310, Coral Gables, Florida. Telephone: 305 447-6617.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Silvia’s Corset Shoppe offers each client personal service BY PRISCILLA GREEAR
When Jennifer Cosomano met Silvia Valdivia of Silvia’s Corset Shoppe, she embraced her vision for a full-service corsetiere shop that fills a void in MiamiDade County. Having worked previously at Jeffery New York and other fashion companies before returning to her native Miami, Cosomano said she felt drawn to the community-oriented retail niche in Coral Gables — the only full-service corsetiere shop left in the county south of North Miami. So she took the small business challenge and signed on. “It’s trying to give a service that is really a dying service, a dying art, to give service to a woman and help her to feel her best whether it’s just a regular bra and panties or a girdle for a gown for a special event, or a mastectomy fitting, for a woman to really have that confident feeling,” Cosomano said. “Coral Gables has that community feel I was looking for and it appealed to me that it was in Coral Gables and that it was a service retail business where you get to know people and have relationships and can be more part of the community.” Together co-owners Valdivia and Cosomano strive to carry on the corsetiere tradition of fastidious service, fittings and alterations of the Corset Corner, a wellknown Coral Gables business of 47 years that closed in September 2005. They help girls and women to find the proper size and style of undergarments, whether recovering from a mastectomy, seeking a flatter abdomen or needing a seamless fit for that special dress. Watching her mentor working with customers and examining garments for quality
Silvia’s Corset Shop co-owner Jennifer Cosomano is pictured with mastectomy specialist and expert fitter Lesvia Gonzalez. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
and fit, Valdivia worked at Corset Corner for 20 years, starting at 18 years old and eventually becoming sales manager. She opened Silvia’s at 256 Giralda Ave. in October 2005 and Cosomano joined the next year. The shop draws customers from South Florida plus some from Latin America. Valdivia continues developing customer relationship where it’s “more like a relationship in a family.” She has even fit some daughters of women who she fitted for their wedding dresses. “I hope to give them all I have day-byday to my clients, to bring them a smile and to hear that they are satisfied…It is greatly
satisfying for me when my customers, locally and internationally, ask for my knowledge and expertise,” said Valdivia, a native of Nicaragua. And for mastectomy customers, “I wish to give them a safe, comfortable place where they can feel they are taken care of and that their needs and wants are met.” In addition to long-line and regular bras starting at around $45, they sell slippers and robes, corsets, girdles and lingerie. For mastectomy customers, they have a full line of bras and bathing suits and also can customize regular bras. With a small inventory compared to department stores, they concentrate on select styles from brands such as Prima Donna not widely found in
department stores. Cosomano highlighted a few specialty items in the pinkish mauve boutique such as lacy handmade corsets and reduction bras. With a good undergarment “you can look thinner, you can look more fit. You feel better…A good fitting bra can help you to stand up straight,” she said. Expert fitter Lesvía Gonzalez, who worked 14 years at Corset Corner, does all alterations, ranging from rebuilding a woman’s favorite girdle to lengthening a bra band. “Corset Corner was one of the most elegant stores in Coral Gables,” she recalled. “I learned there how to do all types of alterations.” Jossie Guelbenzu, 30-year owner of Jossie’s Couture, refers many clients to Silvia’s and shops there herself. “I think it’s a big value to Coral Gables to have Silvia’s over there…She’s very knowledgeable and has a lot of experience,” Guelbenzu said. “They fit you to a ‘T’ and they know what they’re doing…They have the best lines, they can get you what you need…What a person wears under a dress is more important than the dress itself.” With the focus on service, Cosomano also assured that it’s a pressure-free environment. “It’s just a friendly, nice place to come. It’s no pressure, hard sales. It’s just, ‘how can we help you?’” she said, adding that she’ll refer people elsewhere as needed. “We’ll make sure you’re putting the garment on correctly and fitting in it correctly to make sure you have the best possible fit before you walk out.” For information on Silvia’s Corset Shoppe visit online at <> or call 305-446-8484.
Conchita Espinosa Conservatory of The Arts DANCE INTENSIVE
June 14 - July 2 - 9am - 4pm • Ages 8-15
Serious, well trained students with 2-3 years of ballet technique. By audition only. Please call 305-227-1150 to schedule an audition.
Applications are also available for the K-4 through 8th grade 2010-2011 academic year.
Visit our website and apply online or call 305.227.1149
June 1 - 7, 2010
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Navarro joins partnership for prescription discounts BY YANET OBARRIO SANCHEZ
United Way of Miami-Dade has partnered with FamilyWize to help consumers save an average of 30 percent on prescription drugs. Since the program began in 2008, about 100,000 cards have been distributed in Miami-Dade, resulting in a savings of almost $250,000 to its users. Now, Navarro Discount Pharmacies has joined the partnership to help United Way of Miami-Dade reach its goal of doubling the amount of savings in 2010. The FamilyWize prescription drug discount card may be used by those who don’t have health insurance or need medicines not covered by their insurance plan. This card could lower the cost of prescription medicines by an average of 30 percent, and is free-of-charge to everyone in the community. There are no age restrictions, income restrictions or limit on how many times a single card may be used. Almost 1,000 United Ways in all 50 states have joined to save people more than $50 million in the next year on the cost of their prescription medicines. “Healthcare costs are one of the top concerns for people in our community, and too many have insufficient coverage, no prescription coverage or need medications not covered by their insurance, Medicare, Medicaid or VA benefits,” said Harve A. Mogul, president and CEO, United Way of Miami-Dade. “In fact, 40 percent of adults don’t buy the medicines they need, have difficulty affording them or reduce the required dosage because of high costs. The FamilyWize prescription drug discount cards will help them buy the medicines
they need.” Navarro Discount Pharmacies has partnered with the United Way to distribute and accept the FamilyWize prescription discount cards, and pharmacy staff at its 28 Miami-Dade locations have information in Spanish and English about the program. “We are proud to partner with the United Way and FamilyWize in bringing even more prescription drug discounts to those individuals and families in our community who truly need the help,” said Cristy LeonRivero, vice president, customer and public relations, Navarro Discount Pharmacies. “It’s truly amazing what we can accomplish when we all work together. We invite the community to stop by and pick up their cards and put them to good use as soon as possible.” The FamilyWize cards also are accepted at hundreds of local pharmacies and many national pharmacies including Costco, Walgreens, Kmart, Publix, Target, Walmart and Winn Dixie. For a full list of pharmacies, look up drug prices or to print a card, visit online at <>. FamilyWize cards also can be obtained by calling United Way of Miami-Dade at 305646-7086. Local businesses and employers can get cards to give to all their employees. “We hope everyone in the community will take the time to thank their pharmacist, United Way of Miami-Dade, and everyone else involved for the difference they are making in the lives of so many people in the community,” said Dan Barnes, co-chair, FamilyWize Community Service Partnership. Additional information about this program is available at <> and online at <>.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Shake-A-Leg invites campers on board for fun-filled summer BY LAURA ACKER
Shake-A-Leg Miami — a communitybased aquatic activities center serving able bodied individuals as well as those with physical, developmental and economic challenges — is inviting thrill-seeking students to spend their summer discovering the majestic marine environment of South Florida while making a splash in the waters of Biscayne Bay at its 2010 Summer Camps. Offering three interactive summer camp options that promise to satisfy the interests of children of all ages and abilities, and provide an unforgettable, action-packed summer, Shake-A-Leg Miami is hosting an Eco-Island Adventure Camp and Watersports Camp that are available in two-week-long sessions. Campers participating in the Eco-Island Adventure Camp will spend their days exploring the eco-island at Shake-A-Leg Miami, which is a tropical cay located just off the shore of Dinner Key that acts as a one-of-a-kind outdoors classroom to teach students about South Florida’s unique aquatic environment and how they can protect it. Public and private partners, includ-
Campers participating in the Eco-Island Adventure Camp spend their days exploring a tropical cay located just off the shore of Dinner Key. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
ing the City of Miami, DERM, Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises, helped Shake-A-Leg Miami to restore the EcoIsland. Based on an ecological curriculum and
marking its second camp season at ShakeA-Leg Miami, Eco-Island Adventure Camp will consist of several fun-filled activities campers will enjoy, including exploring the beautiful waters of Biscayne Bay via kayak or sailboat, art, music, snorkeling, fishing, photography, science, nature walks, and swimming. Children will learn at camp, how to observe animals in their native habitat and how to identify different species of sea plants and living specimens under microscopes; practice catch and release fishing; record their island experiences in personal journals; hand-craft jewelry or musical instruments out of objects found in nature, and learn how to collect and filter water for their island garden and outdoor shower. The Eco-Island Adventure Camp is offered to campers ages 7 to 14 and costs $500 per two-week session with the first session beginning June 14 and running
every two weeks through Aug. 20. For campers who want to be at the helm of summer fun, Shake-A-Leg Miami is offering a Watersports Camp, where campers will learn sailing theory and technique, along with sharpening their kayaking, sailing, standup paddling and windsurfing skills on the beautiful waters of Biscayne Bay. Open to campers ages 8 to 14, the Watersports Camp costs $500 per twoweek session with the first session beginning June 14 and running every two weeks through Aug. 20. Shake-A-Leg Miami also will offer an Eco-Island Outings program this summer, a program that affords individuals and groups the opportunity to enjoy an educational sailing or kayaking excursion throughout Biscayne Bay and Eco-Islands. The cost for Eco-Island Outings is $25 per person, with excursions running twice a day Monday through Thursday beginning on June 14 and available to children ages 7 and older. “We are excited to build off the momentum of our summer camp season last year, when we exhibited the highest attendance rates in the history of our organization,” said Harry Horgan, CEO and cofounder of Shake-A-Leg Miami. “Every summer brings more fun-filled adventures, new activities and smiling camper faces to Shake-A-Leg Miami, and we look forward to our 2010 camp program being the most exciting and successful to date.” Shake-A-Leg Miami is located at 2620 S. Bayshore Dr. in Coconut Grove. For more information on Shake-A-Leg Miami or to register your child at any one of the summer camps, visit online at < or call 305-858-5550. For information on Shake-A-Leg Miami’s camps, contact Jonas Roddenberry via email at <>.
Professional Pet Sitting Services Daily Dog Walking Pet Taxi And More! When it comes to the safety and well being of your pets, experience counts. Since 2002. All sitters have a back up sitter • Bonded and Insured • References • Since 2002 • 305.256.8709
June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
800 non-public school students honored at DAANS Luncheon
Celebrating our 58th Year! 9500 SW 97th Avenue • Miami, FL 33176 (305) 271-3211
Registration Open for 2010-2011 Pre-School—6th Grade We invite you to discover the “Pinewood Acres difference” • Beautiful 10 Acre Campus • Challenging Curriculum • Small Classes • Experienced Teachers • Family Atmosphere Accredited by: The Florida Council of Independent Schools, Florida Kindergarten Council, National Independent Private Schools Association
Open House Tours Daily by appointment ***********
Pinewood Acres Summer Day Camp Registration Open For Boys & Girls Ages 4-8 Featuring Daily: • Swimming • Sports • Arts & Crafts • Music • • Tennis • Archery • June 14 to August 6 (Consecutive 2 week minimum required) We do not discriminate against race, religion or national origin.
The Dade Association for Academic Non-Public Schools (DAANS) conducted its annual student recognition luncheon on Apr. 21 at the Doubletree Hotel. More than 800 students, educators, family and friends representing over 75 schools attended the event. Among the major sponsors for the event was Gulliver Schools. Dr. Teri Logan, DAANS executive director and associate head of Miami Christian School, presented Gulliver’s John Krutulis with a plaque. Among other area schools attending were Temple Beth Am, Westminster as well as Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart whose choir provided entertainment throughout the event.
June 1 - 7, 2010
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See heavy metal’s ‘Big Four’ at a theater near you Heavy metal fans in the U.S. will get to witness the ‘Big Four’ tour, featuring legendary heavy metal bands Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax, perform at the Sonisphere Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria. The concert will be broadcast to movie theaters throughout the U.S., including eight theaters in Miami/Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday, June 22, at 7:30 p.m. The four legendary bands have never shared the stage before and the concert will be broadcast for one night only, so get your tickets today. Tickets currently are on sale at select theaters. For more information on the screening, visit online at <>. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM REGISTRATION Boys and Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade has opened registration for its summer camp program, which will run from June 14 through Aug. 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Two area camp locations are the Hank Kline Club, 2805 SW 32 Ave., and the Kendall Club, 9475 North Kendall Dr. Children will get to participate in a number of activities, including arts and crafts, table games, basketball, movies, kickball,
tee-ball and more. Field trips will be organized each week as well. Campers will be able to take part in an end of summer dance show, which parents are invited to attend. Children will be placed in groups by age, supervised by qualified counselors. Registration fees are $450 for eight weeks, $250 for four weeks and $200 for two weeks. Parents must register in person at one of the two locations. For more information, call 305-4462654 or go online to <>. ‘BARKING UP A TREE’ PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT Close-up photography of the patterns and textures of some of South Florida’s most unique trees are on display at Biscayne National Park’s Dante Fascell Visitor Center Gallery through Aug. 22. The gallery is located at 9700 SW 328 St. and is open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The “Barking up a Tree” exhibit is the product of South Florida naturalist Bob Showler and photographer Tim Taylor. The two spent several days hiking through South Florida’s national parks and surrounding areas to photograph 25 of the region’s most distinctive trees.
COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS Gallery visitors will get to meet the artists during a reception on Sunday, June 13, from 1 to 3 p.m., where the artists will speak about the exhibit and refreshments will be served. For more details on the exhibit, visit online at <>. SOUTH FLORIDA WRITERS ASSN. TO HOST U.S. JUDGE ALAN GOLD The South Florida Writers Association (SFWA) invites you to join its “New Year” celebration with a program featuring U.S. District Court Judge Alan Gold. The event will take place on Saturday, June 5, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the University of Miami Holiday Inn, 1350 S. Dixie Hwy. Judge Gold will install the new slate of SFWA officers and give the keynote address. Members will have the opportunity to display their books. Admission is $22 and includes a buffet brunch. Preregister by email to Teresa Bendana
at <>. Registration will close on Wednesday, June 2, at the close of business hours. To purchase tickets, attendees may pay online at <>. RECYCLED ART EXHIBITION SCHEDULED AT THE FALLS Local artists hope to shed light on the importance of recycling through an exhibit, titled “Art by Nature.” The exhibit will be on display during mall hours at The Falls shopping center, located at 8888 SW 136 St., from Sept. 2 through Sept. 30. Each exhibition will be created using only recycled materials. A preview reception, which will benefit the ArtCenter/South Florida, will be held on Thursday, Sept. 2, from 6 to 8 p.m. The event is free. For more information, call 305-2554570 or visit online at <>.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Dr. Browne’s 2010 Health Care Plan
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Free-Standing Coral Gables office building with US-1 frontage! 706 South Dixie Highway. 2 Story, 3 offices, 10 parking spaces, over 2,700 SF. Asking $879,000
6300 SW 126 Street... Pinecrest Deep Pinecrest Acre! Gorgeous mature oaks, cozy 3/2 house w/2 car garage and pool/patio. Ready for your updates or rebuild. $810,000
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7650 SW 134 Street….Pinecrest Gated corner, 3/2 over 1,700sf, screened pool/patio, 17,250sf lot Closed 5/19/10 – Sales Price $340,000 M1382020
12055 S.W. 73 Ave... Pinecrest Walk to Pinecrest Schools. Private tropical setting -4/3 with open pool and lush gardens, 2 car garage, over 3,100 sq ft. new roof, immaculate! $639,000 D1396891
550 S. Dixie Highway • Coral Gables, FL 33146
June 1 - 7, 2010
Conchita Espinosa Conservatory to present Festival of the Arts BY ISABEL CHAO
Conchita Espinosa Conservatory of the Arts will present its 2010 Festival of the Arts on Saturday, June 5, 7 p.m., at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium. This performance, which takes place every two years with more than 500 students participating, has become a very dear tradition since its founder, Cuban educator Conchita Espinosa, presented the first festival in Havana in 1934 as a way to showcase in a single performance the many talents of her conservatory’s young artists. Part One of Festival 2010 focuses on a trip through the cultural highlights of New York City. The “visit” comes to life through theater, dance and music. Part Two is a celebration of Broadway musicals. Since the early 1960s, “Festival” has been a labor of love in which faculty and staff of both, the Conservatory and the Conchita Espinosa Academy (CEA) participate.
Each festival is a unique performance with its own theme, and from start to finish, the hard work, and dedication of the conservatory’s outstanding faculty of renowned artists is evident in every number. Conchita Espinosa was very proud of her festival. Today, this very important part of her legacy is lovingly made anew by her daughter and CEA director Maribel Zubieta Diaz who was honored recently with the New World School of the Arts’ Lifetime Achievement Award for exemplary dedication to the arts in South Florida. Tickets are available until June 3 at the school. Contact Audrey Gonzalez, 305227-1149, ext. 17. The day of the performance any available tickets may be purchased at the theater box office. Tickets are $58, $48, $38 and $23. The performance will be Saturday, June 5, 7 p.m., at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium, 2901 W. Flagler St.
What About the Guilty Ones? By Michelle Estlund, Criminall Defensee Attorneyy Recently, I wrote that representing chronic law violators carried a different type of gratification than does representing truly innocent clients or first-time offenders. Today’s column is focused on the guilty clients, and why representing them is important. The best explanation is probably by way of example. Imagine two young men walking down a street in their neighborhood, and are suddenly approached by a police officer in a marked police vehicle. Without legal justification, the officer exits the vehicle and has the men place their hands against the hood of the vehicle while he does a quick check for weapons or drugs. No weapons or drugs are found, the officer drives away, and the young men are sent on their way, offended and upset at the illegal intrusion. These men can report the incident to internal affairs, which may or may not investigate the matter and may or may not discipline the officer. In this scenario, there is little to discourage a rogue officer from improper behavior, and the two young men now know that they are unsafe from illegal searches and seizures from their government.
Now change the scenario by one fact: one of the young men does have a bag of marijuana in his pocket and is arrested for the fifth time. The young man’s attorney recognizes that the baggie was found as the result of an illegal search and files a motion in court to have that evidence suppressed. The motion is successful, the state attorney and the judge advise the officer that he acted illegally, and because of such illegality, the marijuana will be excluded from evidence. The case must be dropped. The officer has wasted his time and there is now a public record of the officer’s illegal activity. The officer now has a strong disincentive to conduct illegal searches in the future. The difference between the two scenarios is that the young man in the second scenario was guilty. Only when the police illegally search or arrest a guilty person is our criminal system tested in court. Only then can we find out the level of protection we have from illegal government action. So many of us, especially in South Florida, come from countries where people have no such protection. I never want to live without the protection afforded to us in the United States, and representing the guilty is one way of keeping that protection alive and well. Michelle Estlund is a criminal defense attorney practicing in Florida since 1995. She can be reached at 305-448-0077. For more information go to <>.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
City Theater celebrates its 15th Summer Shorts Festival season In Matterhorn by Rich Orloff (Revival: 15th Season Festival Favorite), standing still online while waiting to get on Disneyland’s Matterhorn takes Jerry (Steve Trovillion) and Arleen (Elena Maria Garcia) on a wild ride as they consider the hilarious ups and downs of love and marriage in the most magical place in the world.
City Theatre celebrates the 15th Anniversary Season of the company’s acclaimed annual Summer Shorts Festival featuring two series of five- to 20-minute one-act plays, “Signature Shorts,” the original series that put “shorts” on the map, and “Undershorts,” a late-night series of shorts for adults that is edgy, irreverent and completely hilarious. City Theatre’s 15th Anniversary Season features the company’s first full-length
World Premiere Musical with Camp Kappawanna, with music by Grammynominated singer/songwriter Lisa Loeb, book by rising star Marco Ramirez and conceived by City Theatre producing artistic director Stephanie Norman. Summer Shorts is June 3-27 at and in association with the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, Carnival Studio Theater in Miami. Tickets for performances are available through the Adrienne Arsht Center’s Box Office at <> or 305-949-6722.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Miami Music Festival announces dates, calls for artists to apply BY DINA ALLENDE
Small l Bank k Big g Service! STATE OF THE ART BANKING Old d Cutler
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Organizers of the second annual Miami Music Festival will present more than 500 performances by new and developing artists in an expanded roster of venues throughout the city. The showcase will take place Nov. 12-14 during the newly designated “Live Music Month in Miami” and will include two daytime sessions on five stages in Bayfront Park and a show at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. A music industry and artists’ conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Miami, the festival’s headquarters hotel on Friday, Nov. 12, and Saturday, Nov. 13. Musicians may submit showcase applications, register for the conference, and reserve discounted stays at the Hyatt at <>. Partners include Miami New Times, State of Florida Film and Entertainment Office, MiamiDade County Office of Cultural Affairs, City of Miami Office of Cultural Affairs, Miami-Dade Office of Film and Entertainment, Miami Downtown Development Authority, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, and FilMiami. The Miami Music Festival and
Conference also is produced in cooperation with the Recording Academy, Urban Network, and performing rights organizations ASCAP, BMI, and SoundExchange. Performing at showcase festivals has become important for independent musicians who are using new media tools to produce, distribute and market their own music in an effort to reach broad audiences and raise awareness among music industry executives. Events such as the MMF attract discerning audiences to hear new acts or new music from established acts. South by Southwest in Austin, TX, is just one example of a gathering that has provided opportunities to network with other artists and gain distribution opportunities. “The MMF will again present an amazing array of rock, alternative, and singer/songwriter acts but will feature in equal measure Latin, urban, Caribbean, and jazz artists,” said Irwin Kornfeld, festival CEO. “Miami’s live music scene continues to develop and grow, and the MMF is growing with it.” The inaugural MMF in December 2009 attracted more than 18,000 attendees to see 270 acts in 75 shows on 25 stages.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Kids can learn about nature at Fairchild Farm summer camp BY PAULA FERNĂ NDEZ DE LOS MUROS
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Get ready for a great summer camp at the Fairchild Farm. Children ages 6-10 will be empowered while learning about natural resources connected through the arts and science. Students will focus on projects, and develop them over the course of four weeks from July 12 to Aug. 6, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sample classes include: Week 1: Introduction â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Activities and hands-on learning in the arts and sciences will include learning about butterflies, bees and honey production, other beneficial insects, microscopic analysis; observing, tasting and cooking with unusual tropical fruits; creating a unique farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hat; local food resources including identification, importance, organic crops and quality of life. Students will begin a Nature Notebook from information they collect from their studies. The week concludes with a field trip and guided tour of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. Daily lunch, snack and supplies included. Week 2: Earthworms and composting; bird identification and building a bird house; harvesting their own lunch from the Fairchild Farm and hen house, then learning to cook it; introduction to Seminole and Miccosukee life and arts; planting lessons; nature crafts with leaves; learning about and making a scarecrow. Daily lunch, snack and supplies included. Week 3: Students learn about destructive insects and healthy ways to control them; jackfruit propagation lessons; garden care, including watering and grooming; introduction to horses and their care; a field excursion to observe mangos; making mango popsicles and fresh guacamole from the farm; recycled and natural craft
classes and continuation of their Nature Notebook. Daily lunch, snack and supplies included. Week 4: All about butterfly identification, food and plants they like; frog tour and discussion; herb garden tour, including fragrances and benefits, students will pick and make their own herbal tea; student groups create an International Day with food, customs and art; aquatic plants; students will learn about species like sapodilla that gave us chewing gum, vanilla and chocolate plants; students examine authentic rainforest tools and toys and compare their lifestyle with that of the Chachi people of the Ecuadorian rainforest. Camp culminates in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Drama at the Farmâ&#x20AC;? with students writing and acting out their camp experiences complete with costumes from the costume loft. Daily lunch, snack and supplies included. The Art and Science Summer Camp at the Fairchild Farm (part of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden) is located at 14885 SW 248 St. (4 miles east of Fruit and Spice Park and 2.5 miles south of Monkey Jungle). The Fairchild Farm has 20 acres in the Redland agricultural district of Miami-Dade County, and is a genetic facility which contains Fairchildâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s living fruit tree collection including mangos, avocados, jackfruit, Spanish lime, sapodilla, canistel, mamey, caimito, and others. Summer camp fees are: Fairchild member, $150 per week; non-member, $175 per week. Fairchild offers a limited number of need-based scholarships. For more information, contact Leila Werner, 305-258-0464 or by email to <>. For more information, visit online at <>.
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June 1 - 7, 2010
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Hospital board members make rounds with nurses
Lunch Mon- Fri. 11:30am to 2:30pm • Dinner - Mon. thru Thur. 5:30pm to 10:00pm Fri. & Sat. 5:30 -10:30
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............................... “Locals swear by the place, flocking to the attractively bistro-ish dining room for fresh, delicious meals, stellar service and one of the most distinctive wine lists in town.” “The food is exceptional...while Two Chefs certainly deserve the recognition, I like to keep the restaurant as it is...the best kept secret in South Miami!” “Unexpected concoctions are another untraditional tradition at Two Chefs -- perhaps goat meat paired with lobster or an escargot potpie.” “The room is lovely in a warm, curvy, bistroish manner, and the terrifically talented staff will likewise put you at ease -- friendly and loose in demeanor, tightly professional in their work, and knowledgeable about both cuisine and the smartly chosen wine selection... At Two Chefs, this is still a beautiful world.”
South Miami Hospital Board members and community leaders celebrated Nurses Week with the annual “Shadow a Nurse Day.” Board chair and U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert Dubé, (right), shadows long-time nurse Carol Robles, RN, in the operating room, assisting a case by neurosurgeon Joseph Traina, MD. (Photo by Fareed Al-Mashat)
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Veterans get free acupuncture at AMC’s Community Clinic BY ROBERT HAMILTON
Veterans can receive up to 12 free acupuncture treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on Fridays, from 1 to 4 p.m., beginning June 4, at Acupuncture and Massage College’s Community Clinic, 10506 N. Kendall Dr. Classified as an anxiety disorder, PTSD can result from the experience or witnessing of traumatic or life-threatening events such as terrorist attack, violent crime, torture, genocide, natural disaster, and military combat. Symptom clusters of PTSD include reexperiencing of the event (intrusive memories, flashbacks), emotional numbing, behavioral avoidance of trauma-related stimuli, and hyper-arousal (difficulty sleeping, irritability, being easily startled). According to the National Center for PTSD (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs), about 30 percent of the men and
women who have spent time in recent war zones experience combat-induced PTSD, a categorization of PTSD more difficult to treat than PTSD caused by other traumas. Acupuncture can be an effective addition to treatment regimens for PTSD, alleviating symptoms including insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression. If you are a veteran, call to schedule a free acupuncture appointment at 305-5959500. AMC encourages veterans to schedule regular, free treatments on Fridays. Acupuncture and Massage College is an accredited institution, recognized as a leader in natural health education. Founded in 1983 as the Acupressure Acupuncture Institute, the college integrates the teaching of traditional Oriental healing methods with the knowledge of Western medicine science. The college offers a master’s program in Oriental Medicine and a Massage Therapy certificate program.
June 1 - 7, 2010
Kid’s event at The Falls offers a recipe for fun
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Eden Funeral Services Miami
Give kids a chance to play with food, and they just might make a masterpiece. That’s the thinking behind Super Duper Mini Chefs, a culinary event for kids at The Falls on Saturday, June 5, from 2 to 4 p.m. The free event, open to kids of all ages and their parents, is hosted by the Simon Kidgits Club and combines demonstrations with hands-on activities that encourage kids to have fun and get creative while learning about food safety, preparation and manners. “We are delighted to host the Super Duper Mini Chefs event at The Falls,” said Dailen Rodriguez, director of mall marketing and business development at The Falls. “This event is fun for pint-sized chefs and parents too — who can enjoy an entertaining afternoon and quality time with their family.” During the event, pint-sized chefs can pick up a food-friendly activity sheet provided by A Kid’s Life!, which encourages learning, discovery and self esteem through games, music and other activities available in an ad-free and secure online environment. Kids also will receive a free Strawberry Shortcake doll and coloring sheet with a special Strawberry Shortcake recipe. In addition, the Simon Kidgits Club will give to members a free chef’s set, containing a mini rolling pin, cookie cutters, measuring spoons and a whisk, while supplies last. The Super Duper Mini Chefs is one of several programs and events conducted throughout the year at The Falls for members of Simon Kidgits Club, which focuses on health, wellness, education, safety and entertainment for children ages three
The free event, open to kids of all ages and their parents, is hosted by the Simon Kidgits Club and combines demonstrations with hands-on activities that encourage kids to have fun and get creative while learning about food safety, preparation and manners. through eight. Families can sign up for the Kidgits Club during regular mall hours at guest services or online at <>. Membership includes a Kidgits Club membership card and T-shirt, scheduled entertainment and activities for families, a Birthday Club (including birthday card and gift redemption certificate), unique programs and offers, discounts, and a quarterly newsletter. The Falls, located at S. Dixie Highway (US1) and SW 136th Street, is one of Florida’s largest open-air retail and entertainment destinations, featuring Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s, more than 95 stores, restaurants, cafés and Regal Cinemas.
Professional, Compassionate, Affordable We are there every step of the way. Serving South Florida. Coordination of Local, Out of Town Burials and Cremation. Veterans Service. Ari B. Oberstein, LFD Robert S. Bursten - Community Liaison 305•257•8110 4051 Laguna St. Coarl Gables, FL 33146
Rory Epstein, LFD Neil Levine - Pre Need Director 954•366•2591 4400 W. Sample Road #140 Coconut Creek, FL 33073
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State Farm, Bloomington, IL
Page 42
June 1 - 7, 2010
CATERING • TAKEOUT • DELIVERY For more information and reservations call
305-279-6906 or online at
Celebrate 20 years with South Florida’s #1 Thai Restaurant as Siam Palace introduces Miami’s Best New Sushi Bar Enjoy 20th Anniversary Thai and Japanese Specials including: “Monday Madness” is 2-for-1 on all Thai beer, featured wines of the month bottles of wine & wines by the glass. Tuesday night is “East meets West” for half-price Miami & California rolls. Wednesday night is “Sake Bomb Night” featuring a new Sake & beer creative concoction for only $4.
9999 S.W. 72nd Street Miami, FL 33173
June 1 - 7, 2010
Page 43
SAME DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE We’ll help you find the perfect arrangement or gift.
• Flowers
• Plants
• Birthdays
• Wedding
• Balloons
• Anniversaries
• Gift Baskets • Sympathy (we deliver to funeral homes & hospitals)
Hirni’s Wayside Gardens Florist 9950 SW 57th Avenue • Pinecrest, FL 33156 305.661.6266 • Monday thru Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm
q a i
Pictured are the new owners of Lots of Lox (l-r) Steve, Jimmy and Nick Poulos.
OF LOX • Catering Available • Dine In or Take Out
14995 South Dixie Hwy. Tel: 305-252-2010 • Fax: 305-232-7560
NEW HOURS Open Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Dinner Specials from 4:30 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday and Sunday 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Page 44
June 1 - 7, 2010
Miami Palmetto Senior High Celebrating 50Years of Success 2009-2010 Miami Palmetto Senior High Silver Knight Nominees
Alexandra Saab
Alexandra Rigl English Vanderbilt U
Vocational Technology
Casey Anderson Social Science U of Pennsylvania
Erica Michelson Mathematics Washington U
Michael Grey Speech Miami-Dade Honorable Mention U of Florida
Noah Gray New Media Miami-Dade Winner American U
U of Miami
Brian Tan Business U of CA @ Berkley
Caitlin Panter Art Art Institute of Boston
Caroline Castro Journalism Syracuse
Jordan Rosen
Mats Jaslow Science U of FL (Honors)
Maximilian Halasz Athletics Rhodes College
Veronica Rigl Drama Miami-Dade Winner Duke
Yunhe (Kali) Yang Music Northwestern
General Scholarship
Emory U
Thais Mathias World Language FIU (Architecture)
Miami Palmetto Senior High…superior students, an extraordinary education, all in your own backyard 7460 SW 118 Street, Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Phone: 305-235-1360 • Vis Per Scientiam – Strength through Knowledge
June 1 - 7, 2010
Palmetto MS captures first in county golf competition
Page 45 8695 SW 124 Avenue • Miami, FL 33183 • 305-595-4444 WE SERVE BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER ALL DAY EVERYDAY • FULL LIQUOR BAR We sell $6.50 movie tickets available with minimum meal purchase of $6.99 per person.
$6.99 Lunch Specials $8.99 Dinner Specials (includes coffee, tea or soda)
Monday thru Friday. Lunch specials from 11am-3pm and dinner specials from 5pm-8pm One 12” Pizza with 2 Toppings
Monday- Friday • Expires June 30, 2010 Limit One Pizza per Coupon
Palmetto Middle School took first place at the Dade County Middle School Finals played recently at the Palmetto Golf Course. Team members pictured (l-r) are Alex Hartnett, Jacob Martinez, Matthew Martinez, Francisco de la Torre, Michael Carter and coach Eyleen Horgan. Not pictured is Austin Peterson.
Page 46
***** Five Star Baseball Camp
“W here fun & baseball are one in the same” at Westminster Christian School Baseball Complex
July 5-9 • July 19-23 • Aug 2-6 Time: 9am-12pm(Half Day) • 9am-3pm(Full Day*) *Lunch Included Ages 5-13 CAMP DIRECTORS:
Jorge Fabregas 9 year major league career,World Series Champion University of Miami Baseball Hall of Famer
Emil Castellanos - Head Coach Westminster Christian High School
For more information, Please call
305-233-2030 ext. 1299 E-mail: Visit our website and register online: Westminster Christian School is located in Palmetto Bay 6855 SW 152 Street
June 1 - 7, 2010
June 1 - 7, 2010
Page 47
Volvo C70 hardtop convertible reflects new design direction Ron Beasley AUTOMOTIVE EDITOR
LET’S TALK CARS Volvo has redesigned its signature C70 hardtop convertible for 2011 and added even more standard luxury features. The C70 has a sleek new look and a more aggressive appearance with a new front fascia and grille that reflect the design influence of the popular Volvo XC60 and the upcoming next generation S60. The front fenders also have been redesigned to make the nose more wedge-shaped and threedimensional, while the new headlights and décor around the fog lights have been angled upward and toward the rear. High-tech LED taillights similar to those on the XC60 are the most obvious update to the rear. The entire light unit is clearly integrated with the oval that frames the enhanced C70’s rear fascia. New color choices are Flamenco Red and Ember Black. On the inside, the changes continue,
including a redesigned instrument panel for a wider, sleeker look with new instruments and gauges. The panel surface has a new luxurious texture that enhances the overall quality of the interior. The standard equipment roster is even longer for 2011 with the addition of a fivespeed Geartronic automatic transmission, Sovereign Hide leather, Sirius Satellite Radio and 17-inch Sirona diamond-cut alloy wheels. Cranberry leather is another new item that may be specified as a nocharge option. But, the primary ingredient of the C70’s charm is the three-piece retractable hardtop. With the touch of a button, the top folds quickly into the trunk. With the top up, the large rear glass window offers excellent visibility and improves body rigidity. Under the hood the C70 is powered by a standard 2.5-liter light-pressure T5 turbocharged engine that makes 227 hp at 5,000 rpm with 236 pounds-feet of torque from 1,500 to 4,800 rpm. The flat torque curve allows power to the front wheels evenly and makes the car highly responsive. As with all Volvos, the C70 has an impressive list of safety features including
Volvo C70 has a new front fascia, grille and redesigned front fenders to make the nose more wedge-shaped and three-dimensional. -–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
side impact and rollover protection with an Inflatable Curtain (IC). The curtain has an extra stiff construction with double rows of slats slightly offset from each other to allow them to remain upright for effective head protection even with the window open. The curtain deflates slowly to provide protection in the event of a rollover. Volvo claims this is a unique solution and a first for a
four-passenger convertible. The manufacturer’s suggested retail price on the 2011 Volvo C70 T5 is $39,950.
Ron Beasley is the automotive editor for Miami’s Community Newspapers. He may be contacted by calling 305-662-2277, ext. 261, or by addressing email correspondence to <>.
Page 48
June 1 - 7, 2010
Subject Areas Taught:
305.969.7112 Lic#228855
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is so hard for me to do.
Peace of mind is a phone
Office space for rent. $3500/month incl. utilities and parking. 700 sq.ft. Inside Golden Strand Resort on corner of Collins Ave. and 179th St. Incl. kichenette & 24hrs. sec. 0526RB
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J. Gray
200-75,000 sq/ft We will beat any lease deal in the area. Hurricane protected Buildings.
about Mom and Dad.
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is eating regularly?
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0 - 6XQVKLQH &RUS 1: $YH ) 0LDPL )/
Excellent Management Opportunity Plant/Warehouse Manager Virginia Phillips, SPI Heartland 217.917.4118 0511RB
turn off the stove again.
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I had to remind Mom to 0525SC
SAT Prep (math), ACT Prep (math), GRE Prep (math), Algebra I & II, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics, Physics, College Physics, Chemistry, Organizational Skill, Memory, Technical Writing
June 1 - 7, 2010
Page 49
( 3 0 5 ) 6 6 1 - 9 2 0 0
Creative Chef Prepares Yo u r Meals Daily!!! Meals delivered fresh to your home or office
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Te e n a g e g i r l s n e e d e d f o r a B o n e D e n s i t y St u d y
Participants need to be: • 12 to 18 years old, generally in good health
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305-596-9901 for further information
Janet Gersten, M.D. • New Age Medical Research Corp. 8900 SW 117th Avenue • Suite 207-B • Miami, FL 33186
Page 50
June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Page 51
( 3 0 5 ) 6 6 1 - 9 2 0 0
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We’ll be there for your business. All Day. Every day. Rain or Shine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Page 52
June 1 - 7, 2010
( 3 0 5 ) 6 6 1 - 9 2 0 0
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Page 53
( 3 0 5 ) 6 6 1 - 9 2 0 0
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Page 54
( 3 0 5 ) 6 6 1 - 9 2 0 0
June 1 - 7, 2010
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June 1 - 7, 2010
Page 55
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Page 56
June 1 - 7, 2010