WHO’S WHO In City Government
Mayor Eric H. Jones, Jr.
Vice Mayor Felicia M. Brunson
Commissioner Thomas Dorsett
Commissioner Sharon Fyffe
Commissioner Rita “Peaches” Mack
City Manager W. Ajibola Balogun
Well, here we are. Children are back in school, vacations are over, and we are settling in to reality. During the summer months we had another successful year with our park programs, we gave out scholarships, helped many children with our back to school give-away, the installation of bus benches, the upgrading of McTyre Park’s parking lot, the preparation of 56th Avenue for construction, and other projects are on the table for future implementation. Much thanks to our City Administrator and his staff, who successfully applied for and received grants that will aid us in making our city a more appealing place to live. As elected officials we want to earn constantly your confidence and support. I read a story about how U.S. Marines, trained for duty in Iraq were getting drilled in people skills as well as heavy weaponry. They were receiving instruction about staying respectful as well as staying alive. Marines are still taught to fight. They are gifted in heavy weaponry and with the tools to use them effectively; but in order to diffuse hostility borne of suspicion they are taught to ask questions first and shoot later. Yes, there is great risk to such a strategy. An enemy certainly can exploit it for his purposes, and Marines still will have to be alert to defend themselves, but they are being asked to believe that people in Iraq "can still be won over if American troops treat them with more dignity, patience and understanding." So they are being asked to use their fighting skills wisely, to employ them with discretion, remembering the greater mission of working with the people of
Groundbreaking Ceremony for SW 56th Avenue (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.) Improvement. Pictured from Left to Right: Ajibola Balogun, City Manager; Commissioner Rita Mack; Commissioner Thomas Dorsett; Commissioner Sharon Fyffe; Mayor Eric H. Jones Jr.; Vice Mayor Felicia M. Brunson; State Representative (District 101) Shevrin Jones; Greg Perry, P.E., Palm Engineering; Persaud Khamedat, Broward County Community Development; Claudio Martinez, Florida Engineering Superintendent; Fedrick Shepard Broward County Community Development; and Walta M. Tolbert, U.S. Representative Frederica S. Wilson Congressional Aide.
Groundbreaking Ceremony for McTyre Park Parking Lot Improvement. Pictured from Left to Right: Ajibola Balogun, City Manager; Commissioner Rita Mack, Commissioner Sharon Fyffe; Commissioner Thomas Dorsett; Vice Mayor Felicia M. Brunson; Mayor Eric H. Jones Jr.; State Representative (District 101) Shevrin Jones; Bill Lynch, P.E. , The Corradino Group; Naomi Harrison, of Mc Harry & Associates; Walta M. Tolbert, U.S. Representative Frederica S. Wilson Congressional Aide; Fedrick Shepard, Broward County Community Development; and Persaud Khamedat, Broward County Community Development.
Iraq to promote peace. This means they will sometimes pull back instead of fighting. Some of their intimidating
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