The A.K. Collection
Triton XXVI – Lot 808
Collection of 50 antoniniani of Gallienus and Salonina. AD 253-268. Siscia, Cyzicus, and Samosata mints. Includes the following: Gallienus (45 coins) // Salonina (5 coins). Fifty (50) coins in lot. Fine to good VF. Photos and detailed descriptions available online, at ($1000)
From the A.K. Collection.
C. Cohen, H., Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l’Empire Romain, Paris 1880-2.
Holmes collection Coins of the Valerianic Dynasty (AD 253-268) and Contemporary issues. An academic collection fromed by N.M. McQ. Holmes, presented in CNG Electronic Auction 442 an Internet Sale, closing Wednesday, April 17, 2019.
MIR 36 R. Göbl, Moneta Imperii Romani., Band 36, 43, 44. Die Münzprägung der Kaiser Valerianus I. / Gallienus / Saloninus (253/268), Regalianus (260) und Macrianus / Quietus (260/262), Wien 2000.
RIC V, I Mattingly, H. - Sydenham E.A., The Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol. V. Part I, Valerian to Florian, London 1927, repr. 1968.
A01 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 5.09g; 6h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right (bigger head as following coin). Rev. PA-X AVG Pax walking left, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 741var; MIR 36, 1397i (22 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 576.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
A02 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.04g; 6h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262-263. GALLIENVS [AVG] Radiate head of Gallienus to right (smaller head as previous coin). Rev. PA-X [A]VG Pax walking left, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 741var; MIR 36, 1397i (22 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 576.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2001.
A03 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.10g; 11h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262-263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. PA-X AVG Pax walking left, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 741var; MIR 36, 1397i (22 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 576.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
A04 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.26g; 12h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262-263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. [P]ROVIDEN AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at foot, globe. C. 872; MIR 36, 1399i (33 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 580.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1998.
A05 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.30g; 6h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262-263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. [PR]OVIDEN AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at foot, globe. (Style of bust is more like Rome mint). C. 872; MIR 36, 1399i (33 known) 1399; RIC V, I p. 182, 580.
From the Rosche collection 1994.
A06 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-21mm; 3.06g; 5h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. SPE[S PVBLI]CA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left. C. 995; MIR 36, 1401ff (13 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 584.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
A07 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.10g; 10h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262-263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from front. Rev. [VIR]TVS AVG Emperor, between two captives, standing left, holding globe in right hand and spear in left. Extremely rare. C. 1265var; MIR 36, 1405u (1 known); RIC V, I p. 183, 590.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1990.
A08 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.75g; 4h) Siscia, 1st issue, 262-263. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. IVNO RE-GINA Juno standing to left, holding patera in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 60; MIR 36, 1407mm (5 known); RIC V, I p. 111, 29.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1975.
A09 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.93g; 12h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GALLI[ENVS AV]G Radiate bust of Gallienus to right (bigger head than following coin). Rev. AEQ[VITA]S AVG Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 24; MIR 36, 1423i (54 known); RIC V, I p. 180, 553var.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1997.
A10 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.72g; 12h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. [GA]LLIENVS AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right (smaller head than previous coin). Rev. A-EQVITAS [AV]G Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 24; MIR 36, 1423i (54 known); RIC V, I p. 180, 553var.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
A11 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.68g; 7h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. AEQVIT AVG Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 20; MIR 36, 1424o (26 known); RIC V, I p.180, 553.
From the stock of M. Romcevic Geneva 1998.
A12 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.90g; 12h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right (bigger head as following coin). Rev. FELI-CI AVG Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 181; MIR 36, 1428i (30 known); RIC V, I p. 181, 565.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004.
A13 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.14g; 5h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. [G]ALLIENVS AV[G] Radiate bust of Gallienus to right (smaller head as previous coin). Rev. FEL[ICI AV]G Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 181; MIR 36, 1428i (30 known); RIC V, I p. 181, 565.
A14 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 4.73g; 12h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. FID-ES MIL Fides standing between two standards. Very rare. C. 228var; MIR 36, 1435i (4 known); RIC V, I p. 173, 480 (Mediolanum).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
A15 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 4.10g; 5h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. PA-X AVG Pax standing to left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 727; MIR 36, 1441i (80 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 575.
From the Cornaggia and the M. Weder collections 1980.
A16 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.68g; 12h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GAL[LIENV]S AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. PA[X - A]VG Pax standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre. Wonderful silvering. C. 727; MIR 36, 1441i (80 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 575.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
A17 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 16-20mm; 3.35g; 6h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GALL[IENV]S AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. [P]A-X AVG Pax standing left, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre left. C. 728; MIR 36, 1441i (80 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 575.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1981.
A18 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.66g; 7h) Siscia, 3rd issue, 266. GALLIENVS [AV]G Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. PA-X AVG Pax standing left, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left. Extremely rare. C. 728; Holmes collection 474b; MIR 36, 1441o (1 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 575.
From the stock of D. Rauch Vienna 1987.
A19 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.40g; 11h) Siscia, 4th issue, 267-268. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. P-ROVI AVG Providentia standing to left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at foot, globe. C. 854; MIR 36, 1461b (54 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 580.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1963.
A20 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 4.41g; 6h) Siscia, 5st issue, 267268. [G]ALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. P-A-X - AVG Pax standing, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left; in the field, S - I. C. 727; MIR 36, 1472b (108 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 575.
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 1991.
A21 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AE; 18-20mm; 3.87g; 12h) Siscia, 5st issue, 267-268. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. PA-X AVG Pax standing, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left; in the field, S - I. C. 727; MIR 36, 1472b (108 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 575.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1997.
A22 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.96g; 6h) Siscia, 5st issue, 267268. GALL[IENV]S AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. [P]A-X AVG Pax standing, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left; in the field, S - I. C. 727; MIR 36, 1472b (108 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 575.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2001.
A23 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.76g; 12h) Siscia, 6th issue, 267-268. [G]ALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. [FORT]VNA RE[D] Fortuna standing left, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, II. C. 265; MIR 36, 1475b (32 known); RIC V, I p. 181, 572.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1975.
A24 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 4.54g; 12h) Siscia, 6th issue, 267-268. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right (bigger head than following coin). Rev. P-ROVI AVG Providentia standing to left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at foot, globe; in the field to left, II. C. 854; MIR 36, 1476b (115 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 580.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
A25 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.14g; 6h) Siscia, 6th issue, 267268. [GA]LLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right (smaller head than previous coin). Rev. P-ROVI AVG Providentia standing to left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at foot, globe; in the field to left, II C. 854; MIR 36, 1476b (115 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 580.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1970.
A26 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.45g; 6h) Siscia, 7th issue, 267268. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. [VICTOR]IA AVG Victory standing to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm over left shoulder;in the field to left, B. Rare. C. 1075; MIR 36, 1482b (12 known); RIC V, I p. 183, 587.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1997.
A27 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.70g; 12h) Siscia, 9th issue, 267-268. GALLIE[NVS] AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. SALV-S AVG Salus standing left, holding sceptre and feeding serpent rising from altar; in the field to right, P. C. 934; MIR 36, 1497b (36 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 581.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1964.
A28 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.75g; 1h) Siscia, 9th issue, 267268. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. FORTV[NA RED] Fortuna standing to left, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae to left; in the field to right, S. C. 265; MIR 36, 1499b (26 known); RIC V, I p. 181, 572.
From the stock of G. Blancon Hannover 2003.
A29 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.71g; 6h) Siscia, 10th issue, 267-268. GALL[IENV]S AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. SALVS AVG Salus standing left, holding sceptre and feeding serpent rising from altar; in field, star - P. C. 934; MIR 36, 1507b (22 known); RIC V, I p. 182, 581.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1985.
A30 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.61g; 10h) Cyzicus, 1st issue, 267-268. GALLIE[NVS A]VG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ROMAE AETERN Roma seated left on shield, holding Victory in right hand and spear in left; in exergue, SPQR. Very rare. C. 919var; MIR 36, 1535Ac (2 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 655.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
A31 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.85g; 11h) Cyzicus, 2nd issue, 267-268. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VICTO-RIA AVG Victory walking to left, placing shield on pedestral; in exergue, SPQR. Very rare. C. 1085; MIR 36, 1550 Ac (4 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 665.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1993.
A32 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.33g; 5h) Cyzicus, 2nd issue, 267-268. GALL[IE]NVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRTVTI AVG Trophy between two captives; in exergue, SPQR. Very rare. C. 1330var; Holmes collection 490; MIR 36, 1555Ac (4 known); RIC V, I p. 190, 675.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1997.
A33 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 3.84g; 12h) Samosata 1st issue, 255-256. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PIETAS AVGG Emperors standing face to face, sacrificing at altar. Very rare. C. 793; MIR 36, 1676m (7 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 446.
From the stock of Rinaldi, Verona 1968.
A34 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 3.84g; 6h) Samosata 1st issue, 255-256. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. RESTITVT ORI-ENTIS Oriens standing to right, presenting wreath to emperor, standing left, holding sceptre in left hand. Rare. C. 902; Holmes collection 518a; MIR 36, 1677m (12 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 448.
From the Gruenwald collection Salzburg 1965.
A35 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 4.76g; 6h) Samosata 1st issue, 255-256. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRT-VS AV-GG Two emperors standing face to face, one holding vertical spear and globe, the other Victory and transverse spear. Very rare. C. 1311; MIR 36, 1681m (7 known); RIC V, I p. 104, 455.
A36 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 4.05g; 12h) Samosata 2nd issue, 258-260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PIETAS AVGG Emperors standing face to face, sacrificing at altar. C. 792; MIR 36, 1684m (39 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 447.
From the Lanhoff collection 1974.
A37 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.46g; 7h) Samosata 2nd issue, 258-260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PIETAS AVGG Emperors standing face to face, sacrificing at altar. C. 792; MIR 36, 1684m (39 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 447.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1986.
A38 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.45g; 12h) Samosata 2nd issue, 258-260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRT-VS AV-G-G Two emperors standing face to face, one holding vertical spear and globe, the other Victory and transverse spear. C. 1310; MIR 36, 1687m (40 known); RIC V, I p. 104, 456.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
A39 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-24mm; 3.23g; 6h) Samosata, 2nd issue, 258-260. CORN SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. CONCORD[IA] AVGG Emperor and empress clasping hands. C. 31; MIR 36, 1691p (35 known); RIC V, I p. 114, 63.
From the Schutzbach collection 2000.
A40 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.36g; 5h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IOVI CONSERVA-TORI Emperor standing to right, holding long sceptre in right hand, receiving globe from Jupiter standing left, holding long sceptre in left; above, wreath. C. 378; MIR 36, 1697b (29 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 440.
From the Herinek collection Vienna 1965.
A41 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 4.07g; 7h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. Dot IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IOVI CONSERVA-TORI Emperor standing to right, holding short sceptre in right hand, receiving globe from Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre in left; above, wreath. C. 378; MIR 36, 1697b (29 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 440.
A42 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.15g; 6h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. Dot IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ORIENS - AVG Oriens standing to right, presenting wreath to emperor, standing left, holding sceptre in left hand; above, wreath. Rare. C. 705; MIR 36, 1698b (15 known); RIC V, I p. 105, 445var.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1986 and ex Glendining Feb 1986, 411 (not verified).
A43 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.20g; 12h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. Dot IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ORIENS - AVG Oriens standing to right, presenting wreath to emperor, standing left, holding sceptre in left hand; above, wreath with dot in center. C. 705; MIR 36, 1698m (16 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 445.
From the Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
A44 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 4.25g; 12h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. [PI]ETAS AVGG Emperors standing face to face, sacrificing at altar; above wreath with dot in the center. Very rare. C. 792; MIR 36, 1699m (7 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 447.
From the Papp collection 1975.
A45 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 3.14g; 12h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev.[PIETAS AVGG Emperors standing face to face, sacrificing at altar; above wreath with dot in the center. Rare. C. 792; MIR 36, 1699r (13 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 447.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
A46 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 4.23g; 12h) Samosata, 3rd issue, 260. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. ROMAE AETE-RNAE Emperor receiving Victory from Roma seated to left. C. 103; MIR 36, 1701i (24 known); RIC V, I p. 115, 67.
From the Schutzbach collection 2000.
A47 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninian (BI; 20-21mm; 3.47g; 12h) Samosata, 3rd issue, 260. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. ROMAE AETERNAE Emperor receiving Victory from Roma seated to left; in the field above, star. Rare. C. 103; MIR 36, 1701t (10 known); RIC V, I p. 115, 67.
From the Schutzbach collection 2000.
A48 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.13g; 12h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRT-VS AV-GG Two emperors standing face to face, one holding vertical spear and globe, the other Victory and transverse spear; above, wreath with dot in the center. Very rare. C. 1310; MIR 36, 1703m (5 known); RIC V, I p.456 .
From the F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1996.
A49 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AE; 21-23mm; 2.37g; 6h) Samosata 3rd issue, 260. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIR-TV-S - AVG Emperor standing to right, holding spear in left hand, receiving Victory, from Roma standing to left, with spear and shield in left hand. Rare. C. 1266; MIR 36, 1704b (15 known); RIC V, I p. 104, 457.
A50 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 3.81g; 12h) Samosata, 3rd issue, 260. CORN SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. CONCORDIA AVG Emperor and empress clasping hands; in the field above, wreath with dot in center. C. 31; MIR 36, 1706n (13 known); RIC V, I p. 114, 63.
From the Schutzbach collection 2000.
Triton XXVI – Lot 809
Collection of 88 antoniniani of Gallienus and Salonina. AD 253-268. Antioch mint. Includes the following: Gallienus (77 coins) // Salonina (11 coins). Fine to good VF. Photos and detailed descriptions available online, at http://ak.cngcoins. com. ($1500)
From the A.K. Collection.
Alexandria Kellner, W., Die Muenzstaette Alexandria in Aegypten. Von Kleopatra bis Arcadius, Wien 2009. C. Cohen, H., Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l’Empire Romain, Paris 1880-2.
Cunetio Blesly, E. - Bland, R., The Cunetio Treasure: Roman Coinage of the third Century AD, London 1983.
Holmes collection Coins of the Valerianic Dynasty (AD 253-268) and Contemporary issues. An academic collection fromed by N.M. McQ. Holmes, presented in CNG Electronic Auction 442 an Internet Sale, closing Wednesday, April 17, 2019.
MIR 36 Göbl, R., Moneta Imperii Romani., Band 36, 43, 44. Die Münzprägung der Kaiser Valerianus I. / Gallienus / Saloninus (253/268), Regalianus (260) und Macrianus / Quietus (260/262), Wien 2000.
mt 1, 2009
Kellner, W. ,Ungewoehnliche und irregulaere Roemermuenzen 8. Teil Aemilian – Gallienus, in: moneytrend 1, 2009, p. 122-127.
Mattingly, H. - Sydenham E.A., The Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol. V. Part I, Valerian to Florian, London 1927, repr. 1968.
B01 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AE; 20-21mm; 3.78g; 12h) Antioch, 1st issue, 253-255. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right; seen from the back. Rev. ]FOR]TVNA REDVX Mercury standing left, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left. Rare. C. 284; MIR 36, 1561d (10 known); RIC V, I p. 90, 292 (Viminacium).
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 2009.
B02 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AR; 21-24mm; 4.72g; 6h) Antioch, 1st issue, 253-255. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right; seen from the back. Rev. PACATORI – ORBIS Jupiter seated left, holding pateria in right hand and sceptre in left; at foot, eagle. Rare. Alexandria p. 45 and 132 with pl. 35 (this coin illustrated); C. 714; MIR 36, 1562d (15 known); RIC V, I p. 91, 294 (Viminacium).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1964.
B03 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.90g; 11h) Antioch, 1st issue, 253-255. [IMP] C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right; seen from the back. Rev. VIC[T]-ORIA AVGG Victory walking to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm branch in right. Very rare. C. 1154; MIR 36, 1565d (9 known); RIC V, I p. 82, 172 (Rome).
From the Rosche collection 1994.
B04 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.98g; 12h) Antioch, 2nd issue, 253-255. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right; seen from the back. Rev. FELICITA-S SAECVLI Diana walking to right, holding torch with both hands. Rare. C. 206; MIR 36, 1569d (10 known); RIC V, I p. 90, 291 (Viminacium).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1990.
B05 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 3.48g; 12h) Antioch, 2nd issue, 253-255. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right; seen from the back. Rev. VENVS VICTRIX Venus standing to left, holding helmet in right hand and spear in left and leaning on shield. Very rare. C. 1025; MIR 36, 1573d (5 known); RIC V, I p. 91, 298 (Viminacium).
From the stock of Bankhaus Leu Zurich 1964.
B06 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.74g; 1h) Antioch, 2nd issue, 253-255. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. CONCORDIA AVG Concordia seated to left, holding patera in right hand and double cornucopiae in left. Rare. C. 29; MIR 36, 1576h (13 known); RIC V, I p. - .
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1980.
B07 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AR; 22-25mm; 3.46g; 6h) Antioch, 4th issue, 256-257. IMP GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. LIBERALITAS AVG Liberalitas standing to left, holding tessera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 567; MIR 36, 1589b (19 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 443 (Asia).
From the stock of Bankhaus Leu Zurich 1964.
B08 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 3.75g; 6h) Antioch, 4th issue, 256-257. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. PVDICITIA AVGG Pudicitia standing to left, veiled, raising right hand and holding sceptre in left hand. Very rare. C. 101; MIR 36, 1594c (6 known); RIC V, I p. -.
From the Schleer collection 1987.
B09 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.44g; 11h) Antioch, 5th issue, 257-260. IMP GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. L-AETITIA AVGG Laetitia standing left, holding wreath in right hand and anchor in left. Rare. C. 441; MIR 36, 1600b (14 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 442 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1965.
B10 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-26mm; 3.02g; 6h) Antioch, 5th issue, 257-260. IMP GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. LIBERALITAS AVGG Liberalitas standing to left, holding tessera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Rare. C. 569; MIR 36, 1601b (12 known); RIC V, I p. 103, 444 (Asia).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1996.
B11 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.39g; 12h) Antioch, 5th issue, 257-260. IMP GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right (older portrait than on following coin). Rev. VICTORIA GE-RMAN Emperor standing to left, holding spear in left hand and globe in right, receiving wreath from Victory standing to right and holding wreath over left shoulder. Rare. C. 1173; MIR 36, 1603b (43 known); RIC V, I p. 104, 452 (Asia).
From the K. Hess collection 1983.
B12 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 3.42g; 1h) Antioch, 5th issue, 257-260. IM[P GA]LLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right (younger portrait than on previous coin). Rev. VICTORIA GE-[RM]AN Emperor standing left, holding spear in left hand and globe in right, receiving wreath from Victory standing right and holding wreath over left shoulder. Rare. C. 1173; MIR 36, 1603b (43 known); RIC V, I p. 104, 452 (Asia).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1996.
B13 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 4.12g; 5h) Antioch, 5th issue, 257-260. IMP GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VICTORIA GE-RMAN Emperor standing left, holding spear in left hand and globe in right, receiving wreath from Victory standing right and holding wreath over left shoulder. Rare. C. 1173; MIR 36, 1603b (43 known); RIC V, I p. 104, 452 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1961.
B14 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.49g; 1h) Antioch, 5th issue, 257-260. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. ROMAE AETE-RNAE Emperor receiving Victory from Roma seated to left. Very rare. C. 103; MIR 36, 1605c (7 known); RIC V, I p. 115, 67 (Asia).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 2000.
B15 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.08g; 12h) Antioch, 7th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. P M TR P XII COS V P P Serapis standing to left, raising right hand and holding sceptre in left. C. 839; Cunetio 1882; Holmes collection 502a; MIR 36, 1608b (18 known); RIC V, I p. 184, 600 (Asia). From the Papp collection 1974.
B16 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.71g; 12h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing to left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to left, star. Rare. C. 28; MIR 36, 1610e (12 known); RIC V, I p. 186, 628.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
B17 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 2.99g; 11h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. A-EQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing to left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to left, star. C. 28; MIR 36, 1610e (12 known); RIC V, I p. 186, 626.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1996.
B18 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.95g; 6h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing to left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to left, star. C. 25; Cunetio 1893; Holmes collection 503a; MIR 36, 1610g (22 known); RIC V, I p. 186, 627 (Asia).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
B19 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.56g; 11h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing to left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in exergue, star. Very rare. C. 25; MIR 36, 1610i (9 known); RIC V, I p. 186, 627 (Asia).
From the Quedar collection.
B20 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.31g; 12h) Antioch, 10th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing to left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to left, crescent. Very rare. C. 25; MIR 36, 1610L (5 known); RIC V, I p. 186, 627 (Asia).
B21 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.21g; 12h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. AETERNITATI AVG Sol standing to left, holding sceptre in right hand and globe in left; in the field to left, star. C. 50; MIR 36, 1611e (20 known); RIC V, I p. 187, 629 (Asia).
From the Rosche collection 1994.
B22 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.28g; 5h) Antioch, 9th issue, AD 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back (bigger head as following coin). Rev. AETERNITATI AVG Sol standing to left, holding sceptre in right hand and globe in left; in the field to left, star. C. 51; MIR 36, 1611g (23 known); RIC V, I p. 187, 630 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1967.
B23 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.67g; 5h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back (smaller head as previous coin). Rev. AETERNITATI AVG Sol standing to left, holding sceptre in right hand and globe in left; in the field to left, star. C. 51; Cunetio 1895; Holmes collection 503b; MIR 36, 1611g (23 known); RIC V, I p. 187, 630 (Asia).
From the Gotudo collection, Netherlands 2001.
B24 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.18g; 11h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. AETERNITATI AVG Sol standing to left, holding sceptre in right hand and globe in left; in exergue, star. Very rare. C. 51; MIR 36, 1611i (9 known); RIC V, I p. 187, 630 (Asia).
From the stock of Button Frankfurt 1960.
B25 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.61g; 12h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. IOVI – STA[TO]RI Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left; in the field to right, star. Rare. C. 396; MIR 36, 1612e (15 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 644 (Asia).
From the Rosche collection 1994.
B26 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.65g; 6h) Antioch, 9th issue, AD 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IOVI – STATORI Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left; in exergue, star. Rare C. 394; MIR 36, 1612i (11 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 644 (Asia).
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 1993.
B27 Gallienus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.99g; 12h) Antioch, 7th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right; dots on cuirass and 5 dots below. Rev. ROMA (sic!) AET-ERNAE Roma seated to left on shield, holding Victory in right hand and sceptre in left. Extremely rare. With the amusing die engraver’s error of ROMA for ROMAE. C. 920var; MIR 36, 1613bvar; RIC IV, III p. 654var (ROMAE).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
B28 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.39g; 5h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ROMAE AETERNAE Roma seated to left on shield, holding Victory in right hand and sceptre in left; in the field to left, star. C. 919; Cunetio 1897; Holmes collection 503c; MIR 36, 1613g (19 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 655 (Asia).
From the stock of Dietrich Zurich 1975.
B29 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.83g; 5h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ROMAE AET-ERNAE Roma seated to left on shield, holding Victory in right hand and sceptre in left; in exergue, star. Rare. C. 919; MIR 36, 1613i (12 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 655 (Asia).
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 1997.
B30 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.33g; 6h) Antioch, 7th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victory to right, holding wreath in right hand and palm over left shoulder. C.1098; MIR 36, 1615b (18 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 662 (Asia).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG 1996.
B31 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 4.27g; 12h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victory to right, holding wreath in right hand and palm over left shoulder; in the field to left, star. C. 1098; MIR 36, 1615e (15 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 662 (Asia).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1988.
B32 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 3.98g; 12h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victory to right, holding wreath in right hand and palm over left shoulder; in the field to left, star. C. 1094; MIR 36, 1615g (16 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 663 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1975.
B33 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 3.94g; 12h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VIRTVS AVGVSTI Hercules standing to left, holding club in left hand and lion’s skin; in field right, star. C. 1321; MIR 36,1616e (16 known); RIC V, I p. 190, 672var (without star).
From the stock of Dietrich Zurich 1975.
B34 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 4.77g; 6h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRTVS AVGVSTI Hercules standing to left, holding club in left hand and lion’s skin; in exergue, star. Very rare. C. 1320; MIR 36, 1616i (9 known); RIC V, I p. 190, 673 (Asia).
From the Rosche collection 1994.
B35 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 2.87g; 5h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRTVS AVG Virtus standing to left, holding shield with right hand and spear in left; in exergue, star. Rare. C. 1237; MIR 36, 1617i (10 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 668 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1973.
B36 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.50g; 10h) Antioch, 9th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRTVS AVG Virtus standing to left, holding shield with right hand and spear in left; in exergue, star. Rare. C. 1237; MIR 36, 1617i (10 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 668 (Asia).
From the Schleer collection 1991.
B37 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.71g; 12h) Antioch, 7th issue, 263. GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VIRTVS AVG Virtus standing to left, holding shield with right hand and spear in left. Rare. C.1235; MIR 36, 1617b (14 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 667 (Asia).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1997.
B38 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.37g; 11h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. IVNO REGINA Juno standing to left, by altar, holding patera in right hand and sceptre in left; at foot, peacock; in the field to left, star. C. 67; MIR 36, 1619f (34 known); RIC V, I p. 200, 92 (Asia).
From the Gaetens collection 1964.
B39 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.66g; 6h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. IVNO REGINA Juno standing to left, by altar, holding patera in right hand and sceptre in left; at foot, peacock; in field left, star (weak struck). C. 67; MIR 36, 1619f (34 known); RIC V, I p. 200, 92 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
B40 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 2.35g; 11h) Antioch, 8th issue, 263. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. IVNO REGINA Juno standing to left, by altar, holding patera in right hand and sceptre in left; at foot, peacock; in exergue, star. Very rare. C. 67; MIR 36, 1619k (9 known); RIC V, I p. 200, 92 (Asia).
B41 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AR; 21-23mm; 3.48g; 6h) Antioch, 11th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. P M TR P XIII Lion, walking to left, bull’s head between paws of lion; in exergue CVIPP, below branch. Rare. C. 844 or 842; Holmes collection 508a; MIR 36, 1622c (12 known); RIC V, I p. 184, 602 (Asia).
From the stock of H.H. Kricheldorf Freiburg 1989.
B42 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21mm; 4.05g; 5h) Antioch, 12th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. GENIVS AVG Genius standing to left by altar, holding Patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Extremely rare. C. 295; MIR 36, 1630i (2 known); RIC V, I p. 187, 638 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
B43 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 3.67g; 12h) Antioch, 11th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to left. Rev. GENIO AVG Genius standing to left by altar, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in exergue, branch. Extremely rare. C. 290var; MIR 36, 1631a (2 known); RIC V, I p.187, 638 (Asia).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 2002.
B44 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.44g; 6h) Antioch, 11th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to left. Rev. MARS VI-CTOR Mars walking to right, holding spear in right hand and shield in left; in exergue, palm branch. Very rare. C. 606var; MIR 36, 1632a (8 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 649 (Asia).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1993.
B45 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.05g; 6h) Antioch, 11th issue, 263. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. MARS VICTOR Mars walking to right, holding spear in right hand and shield in left; in exergue, palm branch. Very rare. C. 605; MIR 36, 1632d (4 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 649 (Asia).
From the Rosche collection 1984.
B46 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AR; 21-22mm; 3.19g; 12h) Antioch, 11th issue, 264-265. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. MINE-RVA AVG Minerva standing with spear and shield; in exergue, branch. Rare. C. 633; MIR 36, 1634d (12 known); RIC V, I p. 651 (Asia).
Ex H.H. Kricheldorf, Stuttgart FPL 43, Feb 1960, 137.
B47 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 3.62g; 6h) Antioch, 11th issue, 263. GALLIENV[S AV]G Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. MINERVA [AV]G Minerva standing with spear and shield; in exergue, branch. Rare. C. 633; MIR 36, 1634d (12 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 651 (Asia).
From the Fessler collection Stuttgart 2001.
B48 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 4.32g; 12h) Antioch, 11th issue, 264-265. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to left. Rev. PAX FVNDATA Trophy between two captives; in exergue, branch. Very rare. C. 769; Holmes collection 511a; MIR 36, 1635a (6 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 652 (Asia).
B49 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.20g; 12h) Antioch, 11th issue, 264-265. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PAX FVNDATA Trophy between two captives; in exergue, branch. C. 769; MIR 36, 1635c (26 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 652 (Asia).
H.H. Kricheldorf, Stuttgart FPL 43, Feb 1960, 140.
B50 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.57g; 12h) Antioch, 11th issue, 264-265. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. PAX FVNDATA Trophy between two captives; in exergue, branch. C. 769; MIR 36, 1635d (4 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 652 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
B51 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 4.16g; 12h) Antioch, 12th issue, 264-265. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRTVS A-[VG] Emperor standing right, holding spear in right hand and globe in left. C. 1257; MIR 36,1636i (3 known); RIC V, I p.189, 670var (branch).
From the Rosche collection 1996.
B52 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.04g; 6h) Antioch, 12th issue, 264-265. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. CERERI AVG Ceres seated to left, holding ears of corn in right hand and torch in left; in exergue, palm branch. C. 22; Holmes collection 511c; MIR 36, 1637e (26 known); RIC V, I p.200, 90 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
B53 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 22mm; 3.52g; 11h) Antioch, 12th issue, 264-265. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. CEREI AVG Ceres seated to left, holding ears of corn in right hand and torch in left. Very rare. C. 22; MIR 36, 1637m (5 known); RIC V, I p. 200, 90 (Asia).
From the stock of Bankhaus Leu Zurich 1964.
B54 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.04g; 12h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. P M TR P-XV P P Neptune standing to left, foot on prow, holding trident in left hand; in exergue, VIIC dot. C. 849; Holmes collection 513a; MIR 36, 1638a (13 known); RIC V, I p. 184, 603 (Asia).
From the Papp collection 1974.
B55 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.91g; 11h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-7. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. FORTVNA REDVX Fortuna standing to left, holding caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in exergue, VIIC [dot]. C.277; MIR 36, 1640b (24 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 613 (Asia).
From the Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1974.
B56 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.10g; 6h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. FORTVNA REDVX Fortuna standing to left, holding caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in exergue, VIIC [dot]; in the field to left, crescent. C. 277var; MIR 36, 1640b var (no cresent); RIC V, I p. 185, 613var (Asia).
From the Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1964.
B57 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.80g; 6h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IVBENTVS AVG Emperor standing to left, holding Victory in right hand and spear in left; in exergue, VIIC dot. C. 415; MIR 36, 1641a (24 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 615 (Asia).
Ex E. Beckenbauer List II Munich 1973, 237.
B58 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.91g; 5h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. LAETITIA AVG Laetitia standing to left, holding wreath in right hand and rudder in left; in exergue, VIIC dot. Very rare. C. 425; MIR 36, 1642a (5 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 616 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
B59 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AR; 21-22mm; 4.12g; 11h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. LAETIT-IA AVG Laetitia standing to left, holding wreath in right hand and rudder in left; in exergue, VIIC dot. Very rare. C. 425; MIR 36, 1642b (8 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 616 (Asia).
From the Rosche collection 1996.
B60 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.85g; 6h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. MINERVA AVG Minerva standing to left, holding shield with right hand and sceptre in left; in exergue, VII C dot. C. 633; MIR 36, 1643a (15 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 651 (Asia).
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1969.
B61 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AE; 20-23mm; 3.58g; 4h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. MINER-V-A AVG Minerva standing to left, holding shield with right hand and sceptre in left; in exergue, VII C dot. C. 633; MIR 36, 1643a (15 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 651 (Asia).
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
B62 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.46g; 11h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PIETAS AVG Emperor holding spear in left hand and sacrificing at tripod; in exergue, VII C dot (Asia). C. 788; MIR 36, 1645a (24 known); RIC V, I p. 186, 618.
From the Dantus collection 1976.
B63 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.37g; 12h) Antioch, 13th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VIRTVS AVG Hercules standing to right, holding club in right hand and apple in left; in exergue, VII C dot. Rare. C.1250; Holmes collection 513d; MIR 36, 1647b (13 known); RIC V, I p. 186, 623 (Asia).
From the Rosche collection 1994.
B64 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.76g; 12h) Samosata, 13th issue, 266-267. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. AEQVIT-AS AVG Aequitas standing to left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in exergue, VIIC dot; in the field to left, crescent. C. 4; MIR 36, 1648d (21 known); RIC V, I p. 200, 87 (Asia).
From the Schutzbach collection 2000.
B65 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21mm; 3.13g; 5h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. IOVI CONSERVATORI Jupiter standing to left, holding globe in right hand and sceptre in left. Very rare. C. 375; Holmes collection 514a; MIR 36, 1650g (9 known); RIC V, I p. 187, 641 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
B66 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.34g; 6h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PROVIDENTIA AVG Mercury standing to left, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left. Rare. C. 876; Holmes collection 514b; MIR 36, 1651f (11 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 653var (Asia).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1997.
B67 Gallienus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.74g; 6h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. PROVIDE-NTIA AVG Mercury standing to left, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left. Very rare. C. 876; MIR 36, 1651g (5 known); RIC V, I p.188, 653var (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
B68 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 3.00g; 12h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266-267. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. SALVS AVG Salus standing to right, feeding serpent in arms. C. 105; MIR 36, 1656h (18 known); RIC V, I p. 200, 88 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
B69 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.87g; 12h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. FIDE[S L]EG Emperor standing to left, holding two standards, one with eagle. Very rare. C 225; MIR 36, 1658f (4 known); RIC V, I p. 187, 635var (Asia).
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 1994.
B70 Gallienus AD 253-268. ( reign) Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.51g; 11h) Antioch, 14th issue, AD 266-7. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to left. Rev. SOLI I-NVICTO Sol standing to left, raising right hand and holding whip in left hand. Extremely rare. C. 988; MIR 36, 1659e (1 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 658 (Asia).
From the Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1994.
B71 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 4.06g; 11h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. SOLI INVICTO Sol standing to left, raising right hand and holding whip in left. Very rare. C. 987; MIR 36, 1659f (9 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 658 (Asia).
B72 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 3.43g; 12h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. AETERNITAS AVG Saturn standing to right, holding sceptre in left hand; in exergue PXV. C. 44; MIR 36, 1662i (35 known); RIC V, I p. 606 (Asia).
From the stock of Dietrich Zurich 1975.
B73 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 4.02g; 5h) Antioch 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. AETERNITAS AVG Saturn, veiled standing right, holding harpa in left hand; in exergue PXV. Very rare. C. 44; MIR 36, 1662k (5 known); RIC V, I p. 606 (Asia).
From the stock of Pilartz Cologne 1966.
B74 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 2.93g; 6h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. SOLI INVICTO Sol standing, head to left, raising right hand and holding globe in left; in exergue PXV. C. 989; MIR 36, 1663i (18 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 611 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1966.
B75 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 2.90g; 6h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. SOL[I –INV]ICTO Sol standing to left, raising right hand and holding globe in left; in exergue, PXV. Rare. C. 989; Holmes collection 515a; MIR 36, 1663k (10 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 611 (Asia).
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1996.
B76 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 2.95g; 12h) Antioch, 14th issue, AD 266-7. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate head of Gallienus to left. Rev. LVNA LVCIFERA Diana walking to right, holding torch with both hands. Very rare. C. 602; Holmes collection 514d; MIR 36, 1664e (3 known); RIC V, I p. 188, 646 (Asia).
From the Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
B77 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.58g; 12h) Antioch, 15th issue, AD 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. LVNA –LVCIF Diana walking to right, holding torch with both hands, crecent on head; in exergue PXV. C. 599; Holmes collection 515b; MIR 36, 1665k (28 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 609 (Asia).
From the Papp collection 1975.
B78 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (AR; 19-21mm; 3.53g; 6h). Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRT-VS AVG Soldier standing to right, holding spear in right hand and holding shield with left; in exergue PXV. C. 1245; MIR 36, 1666i (18 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 612 (Asia).
From the Schleer collection 1989.
B79 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 4.31g; 6h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266-7. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VIRT-VS AVG Soldier standing to right, holding spear in right hand and holding shield with left. Rare. C. 1246; MIR 36,1666g (12 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 669 (Asia).
From the stock of Athena Munich 2001.
B80 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21mm; 3.60g; 6h) Antioch, 14th issue, 266267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VIRT-VS AVG Soldier standing to right, holding spear in right hand and holding shield with left. Rare. C. 1246; MIR 36,1666g (12 known); RIC V, I p. 189, 669 (Asia).
From the stock of H. Wickert Ulm 1995.
B81 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 4.24g; 6h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VIRT-VS AVG Soldier standing to right, holding spear in right hand and holding shield with left; in exergue PXV. Very rare. C. 1245; MIR 36, 1666k (9 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 612 (Asia).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
B82 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.27g; 11h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. FIDE-S AVG Mercury standing to left, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left; in exergue PXV. Very rare. C. 219var; MIR 36, 1667i (6 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 607 (Asia).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1993.
B83 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.40g; 11h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. FIDE-S AVG Mercury standing to left, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left; in exergue PXV. C. 219; Holmes collection 515c; MIR 36, 1667k (25 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 607 (Asia).
From the stock of Pilartz Cologne 1966.
B84 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.76g; 6h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IOVI CON-SERVAT Jupiter standing left, holding globe in right hand and sceptre in left; in exergue PXV. C. 362var; Holmes collection 515d; MIR 36, 1668i (16 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 608 (Asia).
From the Rosche collection 1994.
B85 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 18-21mm; 2.61g; 12h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IOVI CON-SERVAT Jupiter standing left, holding globe in right hand and sceptre in left; in exergue PXV. C. 362var; Holmes collection 515d; MIR 36, 1668i (16 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 608 (Asia).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1990.
B86 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.89g; 5h) Antioch, 15th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. SALV-S AVG Apollo standing to left, holding laureal-branch in right hand and leaning on tripod on his side; in exergue PXV. C. 927; MIR 36, 1670k (27 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 610 (Asia).
Ex H.H. Kricheldorf FPL 52, Stuttgart Mar/Apr 1961, 200.
B87 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.50g; 6h) Antioch, 16th issue, 266-267. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, seen from the back; below bust, Z. Rev. SALV-S AVG Apollo standing to left, holding laureal-branch in right hand and leaning on tripod on his side; in exergue PXV. Extremely rare. C. 927; MIR 36, 1670m (2 known); RIC V, I p. 185, 610var (Asia).
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 1993.
B88 Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.76g; 12h) Antioch, 16th issue, 266-267. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right; below, letter H. Rev. VENV-S AVG Venus standing to left, holding helmet in right hand and sceptre in left; beside her, shield; in exergue, VIIC. Extremely rare. C. 113; MIR 36, 1671o (1 known); mt 1, 2009 p. 126f. and pl. 26 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, I p. 200, 86var (without H).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1990.
Triton XXVI – Lot 810
Collection of 60 antoniniani of Postumus. Romano-Gallic Emperor, AD 260-269. Treveri (Trier), Colonia Agrippensis (Cologne), and Milan mints. Lot also includes one coin of Aureolus. Sixty (60) coins in lot. Fine to good VF. Photos and detailed descriptions available online, at ($1000)
From the A.K. Collection.
C. Cohen, H., Description historique des monnaies frappéessous l’Empire Romain, Paris 1880-2.
Holmes collection
mt 6, 2009
Schulzki AGK
Blesly, E. - Bland, R., The Cunetio Treasure: Roman Coinage of the third Century AD, London 1983.
Elmer, G., Die Münzprägung der gallischen Kaiser von Postumus bis Tetricus in Köln, Trier und Mailand, Bonner Jahrbücher Heft 146, 1941 p.1-106.
Coins of the Valerianic Dynasty (AD 253-268) and Contemporary issues. An academic collection fromed by N.M. McQ. Holmes, presented in CNG Electronic Auction 442 an Internet Sale, closing Wednesday, April 17, 2019.
W. Kellner, Ungewöhnliche und irreguläre Römermünzen. 9. Teil: Postumus bis Victorinus in: Moneytrend 6, 2009 p. 120-125.
Mattingly, H. - Sydenham E.A., The Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol. V. Part II, London 1933, repr. 1968.
Schulzki, H.J., Die Antoninianprägung der Gallischen Kaiser von Postumus bis Tetricus. Typenkatalog der regulären und nachgeprägten Münzen, Bonn 1996.
Weder M. Weder, Münzen und Münzstätten der Gallisch-Römischen Kaiser, Teil 1 in: SNR 76, 1997, p.103-133.
C01 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.16g; 12h) mint I (TreveriTrier), 260/261. IMP C [POSTV]MVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SALVS PROV[INCIA]RVM Rhine reclining left, [resting on urn, right hand on forepart of boat]; horns on his head. C. 355; Cunetio 2372 (1st series, 2nd phase – 268 known); Elmer 123; RIC V, II p. 344, 87; Schulzki AGK p. 65, 87c; Weder SNR 76 p. 110, 87c.
From the stock of Cymoch 1990.
C02 Postumus AD 260-269 Heavy Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 5.67g; 12h) mint I, 260/261. IMP C POSTVM[VS P F] AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. V[ICT]O-R-IA AVG Victoria walking to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm branch over shoulder in left; at foot, captive. C. 377; Cunetio 2375 (1st series, 2nd phase – 467 known); Elmer 188; RIC V, II p. 344, 89; Schulzki AGK p.65, 97c.
From the stock of Heritage Paris 1998.
C03 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.88g; 6h) mint I, 260/261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VICTO-R-[IA AV]G Victory walking to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm branch over shoulder in left; at foot, captive. C. 377; Cunetio 2375 (1st series, 2nd phase – 467 known); Elmer 125; mt 6, 2009 p. 120 and 121 pl. 1 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, II p. 344, 89; Schulzki AGK 97c.
From the stock of Heritage, Paris 1998.
C04 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.33g; 12h) mint I, 260/261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VICTO-R-IA AV[G] Victoria walking to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm branch over shoulder in left; at foot, captive. C. 377; Cunetio 2375 (1st series, 2nd phase - 467 known); Elmer 125; Holmes coll. 566a; RIC V, II p. 344, 89; Schulzki AGK p. 65, 97c.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C05 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.19g; 12h) mint I, 260/261.
IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VIRTVS AVG Hercules standing to right, holding club in right hand, lion’s skin and bow in left. C. 418; Cunetio 2377 (1st series, 2nd phase – 39 known); Elmer 126; RIC V, II p. 344, 92; Schulzki AGK p. 66, 100.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1966.
C06 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.82g; 12h) mint I, 260/261.
IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (early portrait). Rev. HERC DEVS-ONIENSI Hercules standing to right, holding in right hand, bow and lions’s skin in left. C. 91; Cunetio 2379 (1st series, 2nd phase – 227 known); Holmes coll. 566b; Elmer 124; RIC V, II p. 342, 64; Schulzki AGK p. 52, 25.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C07 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 2.63g; 12h) mint I, 260/261. IMP C POSTVM[VS P F] AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. V[ICT]O-R-IA AVG Victoria walking to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm branch over shoulder in left; at foot, captive. Different style of portrait. C. 377; Cunetio 2381 (1st series, 3rd phase – 770 known); Elmer 188; RIC V, II p. 344, 89; Schulzki AGK p. 65, 97c.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C08 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.89g; 1h) mint I, 260/261. IMP C POST[VM]VS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FIDES M-I-LITVM Fides standing left, holding two ensigns in hands. C. 67; Cunetio 2386 (1st series, 3rd phase – 931 known); Elmer 189; RIC V, II p. 342, 59; Schulzki AGK p. 51, 21.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
C09 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.26g; 12h) mint I, 261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (head has oval shape). Rev. P M TR P CO-S II P P Emperor in military attire, standing left, holding globe and spear. C. 243; Cunetio 2387 (1st series, 3rd phase – 1668 known); Elmer 129; RIC V, II p. 341, 54; Schulzki AGK p. 58, 60.
Ex G. Hirsch XXV , Munich 28-30 Sept 1960, 2217.
C10 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.23g; 6h) mint I, 261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (head has round shape). Rev. P M TR P CO-S II P P Emperor in military attire, standing left, holding globe in right hand and spear in left. C. 243; Cunetio 2387 (1st series, 3rd phase – 1668 known); Elmer 129; RIC V, II p. 341, 54; Schulzki AGK p. 58, 60.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1991.
C11 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 22-24mm; 1.96g; 7h) mint I, 261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. P M TR P CO-S II P P Emperor in military attire, standing left, holding globe in right hand and spear in left. C. 243; Cunetio 2387 (1st series, 3rd phase – 1668 known); Elmer 129; RIC V, II p. 341, 54; Schulzki AGK p. 58, 60.
From the stock of Heritage Paris 1998.
C12 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 2.43g; 6h) mint I, 261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. P M TR P CO-S III P P Emperor in military attire, standing left, holding globe in right hand and spear in left. C. 261; Cunetio 2391 (2nd series, 1st phase - 73 known); Elmer 288; RIC V, II p. 341, 55; Schulzki AGK p. 58, 61.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C13 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.84g; 1h) mint I, 262. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. HERC PACIFERO Hercules standing right, holding branch in right hand, club and lion’s skin in left. C. 101; Cunetio 2395 (2nd series, 2nd phase – 411 known); Elmer 299; RIC V, II p. 342, 67; Schulzki AGK p. 52, 27.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C14 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.34g; 7h) mint I, 262. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (bigger head as following coin). Rev. HERC – PA-CIFERO Hercules standing right, holding branch in right hand, club and lion’s skin in left. C. 101; Cunetio 2395 (2nd series, 2nd phase – 411 known); Elmer 299; RIC V, II p. 342, 67; Schulzki AGK p. 52, 27.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1999.
C15 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 3.03g; 6h) mint I, 262. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. MINE-R - FAVTR Minerva running left, holding branch in right hand, spear and shield in left. Rare. C. 195; Cunetio 2396 (2nd series, 2nd phase – 22 known); Elmer 313; Holmes coll. 567b; RIC V, II p. 343, 74; Schulzki AGK p. 56, 44.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C16 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.11g; 6h) mint I, 262. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VIRT-VS AVG Mars standing right, holding spear in right hand and holding shield in left. C. 419; Cunetio 2400 (2nd series, 2nd phase – 262 known); Elmer 190; RIC V, II p. 344, 93; Schulzki AGK p. 66, 102; Weder SNR 76, p. 113, 102.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
C17 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 2.86g; 7h) mint I, 262. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. IOVI PROPVGNATORI Jupiter walking left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and eagle in left. C. 155; Cunetio 2401 (2nd series, 2nd phase – 37 known); Elmer 289; Holmes coll. 567a; RIC V, II p. 343, 72; Schulzki AGK p. 54, 37.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 2002.
C18 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 23-24mm; 4.39g; 6h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PAX –AVG Pax walking to left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 220; Cunetio 2405 (3rd series, 1st phase – 78 known); Elmer 333; RIC V, II p. 343, 78; Schulzki AGK p. 57, 51.
From the Niggeler collection and the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1972.
C19 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.69g; 1h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. P M TR P – IIII – COS III P P Mars walking to right, holding spear in right hand and trophy in left. C. 273; Cunetio 2406 (3rd series, 1st phase - 86 known); Elmer 332; Holmes coll. 570; RIC V, II p. 341, 57; Schulzki AGK p. 59, 64.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C20 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (AE; 20-23mm; 3.35g; 7h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. P M TR P – IIII – COS III P P Mars walking to right, holding spear in right hand and trophy in left. C. 273; Cunetio 2406 (3rd series, 1st phase - 86 known) Elmer 332; Holmes coll. 570; RIC V, II p. 341, 57; Schulzki AGK p. 59, 64.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1982.
C21 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 22-24mm; 2.23g; 7h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (bigger head than following coin). Rev. FELICIT-AS AVG Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus in right hand, cornucopiae in left. C. 39; Cunetio 2411 (3rd series, 1st phase – 67 known); Elmer 335; RIC V, II p. 342, 58; Schulzki AGK p. 49, 14.
From the Rosche collection 1994.
C22 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.64g; 12h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C [POSTV]MVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (smaller head than previous coin). Rev. FELICI-T-AS AVG Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 39; Cunetio 2411 (3rd series, 1st phase – 67 known); Elmer 335; RIC V, II p. 342, 58; Schulzki AGK p. 49, 14.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 2003.
C23 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 4.77g; 6h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PROVIDEN-TIA AVG Providentia standing left, holding globe in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 295; Cunetio 2412 (3rd series, 1st phase – 117 known)); Elmer 337; RIC V, II p. 363, 323; Schulzki AGK p. 60, 69.
From the Hohenberger collection 2007.
C24 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 4.19g; 7h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PROVIDEN-TIA AVG Providentia standing left, holding globe in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 295; Cunetio 2412 (3rd series, 1st phase -117 known); Elmer 337; RIC V, II p. 363, 323; Schulzki AGK p. 60, 69.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C25 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 3.83g; 6h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PROVIDE-NT-IA AVG Providentia standing left, holding globe in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 295; Cunetio 2412 (3rd series, 1st phase -117 known); Elmer 337; RIC V, II p. 363, 323; Schulzki AGK p. 60, 69.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C26 Postumus AD 260-269 Reduced Antoninianus (BI; 18-21mm; 1.65g; 12h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PROVIDEN-TIA AVG Providentia standing left, holding globe in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 295; Cunetio 2412 (3rd series, 1st phase -117 known); Elmer 337; RIC V, II p. 363, 323; Schulzki AGK p. 60, 69.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C27 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.58g; 8h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. M-ONETA AVG Moneta standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 199; Cunetio 2404 (3rd series, 1st phase - 705 known); Elmer 336; RIC V, II p. 343, 75; Schulzki AGK p. 56, 45 (mint II); Weder SNR 76, p. 109, 45 (mint I).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C28 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.05g; 12h) mint I, 263-265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. M-ONE-TA AVG Moneta standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 199; Cunetio 2413 (3rd series, 2nd phase - 985 known); Elmer 336; RIC V, II p. 343, 75; Schulzki AGK p. 56, 45 (mit II); Weder SNR 76, p. 109, 45 (mint I).
From the Perron collection 1960.
C29 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 4.46g; 12h) mint I, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. ME[RCVRI]O FELICI Mercury standing facing, looking to right, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left. Very rare. C. 192; Cunetio 2419 (4th series, 1st phase, group 1 – 7 known); Elmer 413; RIC V, II p. 362, 313; Schulzki AGK p. 55, 43.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1964.
C30 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 2.72g; 6h) mint I, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SERAPI – CO-MITI AVG Serapis standing to left, raising right hand and holding sceptre in left; in background, vessel. Rare. C. 358; Cunetio 2421 (4th series, 1st phase, group 1 – 24 known); Elmer 382; Holmes coll. 579a; RIC V, II p. 363, 329; Schulzki AGK p. 64, 89.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C31 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.91g; 1h) mint I, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. F-ORTVNA AVG Fortuna standing left, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 80; Cunetio 2425 (4th series, 1st phase, group 1 – 57 known); Elmer 385; RIC V, II p. 342, 60; Schulzki AGK p. 51, 23.
From the Nägeli collection and from the stock of F. Sternberg Zurich 1972.
C32 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.24g; 1h) mint I, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SAECVLO FRVGIFERO Winged caduceus. Rare. C. 333; Cunetio 2426 (4th series, 1st phase, group 1 - 7 known); Elmer 381; Holmes collection 576a; RIC V, II p. 344, 84; Schulzki AGK p. 61, 78.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1966.
C33 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.61g; 1h) mint I, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PIETA-S AVG Pietas standing left, with four children, two in her arms. Rare. C. 230; Cunetio 2428 (4th series, 1st phase, group 2 – 16 known); Elmer 395; RIC V, II p. 363, 320; Schulzki AGK p. 58, 58.
Ex G. Hirsch XXV, Munich 28-30 Sep 1960, 2216.
C34 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.55g; 12h) mint I, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. DIANAE LV-C-IFERAE Diana walking to right, holding torch in both hands, quiver on shoulder. Rare. C. 33; Cunetio 2430 (4th series, 1st phase, group II – 15 known); Elmer 396; Holmes coll. 571a; RIC V, II p. 361, 299; Schulzki AGK p. 49, 11.
From the Perron collection 1960.
C35 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.86g; 12h) mint I, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FIDES – EXERCITVS Four ensign, second surmounted by hand and third by eagle. Very rare. C. 65; Cunetio 2432 (4th series, 1st phase, group II – 5 known); Elmer 417; Holmes collection 575a; RIC V, II p. 361, 303 (Cologne); Schulzki AGK p. 51, 20.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1966.
C36 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.69g; 2h) mint I, 266. [ ]MVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed (?) bust of Postumus to right. Rev. F[I]DES EXE[ VS Four ensign. C. 65; Cunetio 2431 (4th series, 1st phase, group II – 5 known); Elmer 417; RIC V, II p. 361, 303; Schulzki AGK p. 51, 20.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl.
C37 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.32g; 12h) mint I, 267. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SERAPI – C-OMITI AVG Serapis standing to left, raising right hand and holding sceptre in left. C. 360; Cunetio 2437 (4th series, 2nd phase, group 1 – 56 known); Elmer 383; Holmes coll. 579b; RIC V, II p. 363, 329var (vessel); Schulzki AGK p. 64, 90.
Ex G. Hirsch XXV, Munich 28-30 Sep 1960,2226.
C38 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 3.54g; 6h) mint I, 267. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VBERITA-S AVG Fertilitas standing left, holding cow’s udder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Very rare. C. 366; Cunetio 2439 (4th series, 2nd phase, group 2 – 8 known); Elmer 394; Holmes coll. 581a; RIC V, II p. 363, 330; Schulzki AGK p. 64, 94.
From the M. Weder collection and from BM ex Cracherode Gift 1799 (R 1069).
C39 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.14g; 12h) mint I, 267. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VBERTAS AVG Fertilitas standing left, holding cow’s udder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 365; Cunetio 2440 (4th series, 2nd phase, group 2 – 71 known); Elmer 394a; RIC V, II p. 363, 330; Schulzki AGK p. 64, 95.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C40 Postumus AD 260-269 Heavy Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 5.05g; 12h) mint I, 266267. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SAECVLI FELICITAS Emperor standing to right, holding spear in his right hand and globe in left. C. 331; Cunetio 2444 (4th series, 1st and 2nd phase – 246 known); Elmer 593; Holmes coll. 590d; RIC V, II p. 363, 325; Schulzki AGK p. 61, 77 (mint II); Weder SNR 76, p. 109, 77 (mint I).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1996.
C41 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.73g; 12h) mint I, 266-267. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SAECVLI FEL-ICITAS Emperor standing right, holding spear in right hand and globe in left. C. 331; Cunetio 2444 (4th series, 1st and 2nd phase – 246 known); Elmer 593; Holmes coll. 590d; RIC V, II p. 344, 83; Schulzki AGK 61, 77 (mint II); Weder SNR 76, 77 (mint I).
From the stock of Maison Platt 1964.
C42 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 4.08g; 2h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. P M TR P VIIII COS IIII P P Bow, club and Scythian quiver. Very rare. C. 281; Cunetio 2447 (5th series – 7 known); Elmer 561; Holmes collection 585; RIC V, II p. 361, 291; Schulzki AGK p. 59, 65a.
Ex Naville 13, Lucerne 27-29 Jun 1928 1501 (lot of 90 including 16 Postumus) and from the stock of F. Sternberg Zurich 1972.
C43 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.22g; 6h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. IOVI –STATORI Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left. C. 159; Cunetio 2449 (5th series – 203 known); Elmer 563; Holmes coll. 581c; RIC V, II p. 362, 309; Schulzki AGK p. 55, 38a.
From the Naegeli collection and from the stock of F. Sternberg Zurich 1978.
C44 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.06g; 6h) mint I, 268. IM[P C PO]STVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. I[OV]I –S-TATORI Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left. C. 159; Cunetio 2449 (5th series – 203 known); Elmer 563; Holmes coll. 581c; RIC V, II p. 362, 309; Schulzki AGK p. 55, 38a.
From the stock of Heritage Paris 1998.
C45 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 21-25mm; 3.04g; 12h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PA-X –AVG Pax standing left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 215; Cunetio 2450 (5th series – 296 known); Elmer 565; RIC V, II p. 363, 318; Schulzki AGK p. 57, 52a.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C46 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.23g; 12h) mint I, 268. IMP C PO[STVM]VS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PA-X –AVG Pax standing left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 215; Cunetio 2450 (5th series – 296 known); Elmer 565; RIC V, II p. 363, 318; Schulzki AGK p. 57, 52a.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1966.
C47 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-23mm; 2.98g; 6h) mint I, 268. IMP [C P]OSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. ORI-EN-S AVG Sol walking to left, right hand raised, left hand holding whip. C. 213; Cunetio 2451 (5th series – 45 known); Elmer 569; Holmes coll. 590a; RIC V, II p. 343, 77 and p. 362, 316; Schulzki AGK p. 56, 48.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1975.
C48 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.85g; 12h) mint I, 268/269. [IM]P C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (bigger head than following coin). Rev. PA-X – AVG Pax standing left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left; in the field to left, P. C. 215; Cunetio 2453 (6th series – 511 known); Elmer 566; RIC V, II p. 363, 318; Schulzki AGK p. 57, 53.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C49 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.99g; 12h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (smaller head than previous coins. Rev. PA-X – AVG Pax standing left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left; in the field to left, P. C. 215; Cunetio 2453 (5th series – 296 known); Elmer 566; RIC V, II p. 363, 318; Schulzki AGK p. 57, 53.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1995.
C50 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 2.79g; 6h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PA-X –AVG Pax standing left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left; in the field to left, P. C. 215; Cunetio 2453 (5th series – 296 known); Elmer 566; RIC V, II p. 363, 318; Schulzki AGK p. 57, 53.
From the stock of M- Brugger Zug 1991.
C51 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.83g; 12h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. ORI-EN-S AVG Sol walking to left, right hand raised, left hand holding whip; in the field to left, P. C. 213; Cunetio 2454 (6th series – 207 known); Elmer 568; RIC V, II p. 362, 316; Schulzki AGK p. 56, 49.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1998.
C52 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.82g; 11h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. ORI-E-NS AVG Sol walking to left, right hand raised, left hand holding whip; in field to left, P. C. 213; Cunetio 2454 (6th series – 207 known); Elmer 568; RIC V, II p. 362, 316; Schulzki AGK p. 56, 49.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C53 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.14g; 5h) mint I, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. COS – IIII Nemesis, winged, standing right, right hand raised to head, holding palm in left. C. 31; Cunetio 2455 (6th series – 120 known); Elmer 586; RIC V, II p. 360, 287; Schulzki AGK p. 49, 9.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C54 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.64g; 6h) mint I, 268. [IMP C P]OSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. COS – IIII Nemesis, winged, standing right, right hand raised to head, holding palm in left. C. 31; Cunetio 2455 (6th series – 120 known); Elmer 586; RIC V, II p. 360, 287; Schulzki AGK p. 49, 9.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1978:
C55 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.15g; 12h) mint I, 269. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. COS – V Nemesis, winged, standing right, right hand raised to head, holding palm in left. Rare. C. 32; Cunetio 2461 (7th series – 10 known); Elmer 591; Holmes coll. 590b; RIC V, II p. 360, 288; Schulzki AGK p. 49, 10.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C56 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 17-20mm; 2.94g; 6h) mint I, 269. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. IMP X –COS V Nemesis, winged, standing right, right hand raised to head, holding palm in left. C. 144; Cunetio 2464 (7th series – 76 known); Elmer 597; RIC V, II p. 360, 289; Schulzki AGK p. 53, 32.
From the Danicourt collection 2003.
C57 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.69g; 12h) mint I, 269. IMP C POSTVMVS P [F AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. IMP X – COS V Nemesis, winged, standing right, right hand raised to head, holding palm in left. C. 144; Cunetio 2464 (7th series – 76 known); Elmer 597; RIC V, II p. 360, 289; Schulzki AGK p. 53, 32.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
C58 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.45g; 6h) mint I, 269. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PACATOR ORBIS Radiate and draped bust of Sol to right. Rare. C. 214; Cunetio 2465 (7th series – 12 known); Elmer 599; Holmes coll. 590c; RIC V, II p. 362, 317; Schulzki AGK p. 56, 50.
Ex Muencher Muenzhandlung K. Kress 122, Munich 30 May 1962, 1388.
C59 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 3.35g; 8h) mint II (Colonia Agrippinensis - Cologne), 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. IOVI - VICTORI Jupiter standing, looking right, holding sceptre in left hand and thunderbolt in right. C. 161; Cunetio 2468 (Cologne, 1st series – 212 known); Elmer 571; RIC V, II p. 362, 311; Schulzki AGK 55, 39.
From the stock of Dr. B. Peus Frankfurt 1962.
C60 Postumus AD 260-269 Coinage struck by Aureolus in the name of Postumus Antoninianus (AR; 19-20mm; 2.98g; 5h) Mediolanum - Milan, 267. IMP POSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. V[IRTVS] EQVIT Mars walking to right, holding spear and shield; in exergue, T. Rare. C. 441; Cunetio 2485 or 2486 (3rd issue – 19 or 8 known); Elmer 614; RIC V, II p. 368, 388; Schulzki AGK p. 68, 111b.
From the stock of M Pfefferle Dornstetten 2001.
Triton XXVI – Lot 811
Collection of 11 radiate bronzes of Postumus. Romano-Gallic Emperor, AD 260-269. Official and unofficial mints. Several contemporary imitations included, including smaller module (dupondii). Eleven (11) coins in lot. Fine to VF. Photos and detailed descriptions available online, at ($500)
From the A.K. Collection.
P. Bastien, Le Monnayage de Bronze de Postume, Wetteren 1967.
C. Cohen, H., Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l’Empire Romain, Paris 1880-2.
Holmes collection
mt 6, 2009
Coins of the Valerianic Dynasty (AD 253-268) and Contemporary issues. An academic collection fromed by N.M. McQ. Holmes, presented in CNG Electronic Auction 442 an Internet Sale, closing Wednesday, April 17, 2019.
W. Kellner, Ungewöhnliche und irreguläre Römermünzen. 9. Teil: Postumus bis Victorinus in: Moneytrend 6, 2009 p. 120-125.
Mattingly, H. - Sydenham E.A., The Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol. V. Part II, London 1933, repr. 1968.
D01 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate Bronze (AE; 31-32mm; 16.46g; 6h) Atelier de Cologne, 3e emission. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FIDES MILITVM Fides standing left, holding two ensigns. Bastien p. 138, 77k and pl. XIII (same dies); C. 74; Elmer 233; Holmes collection 604; RIC V, II p. 348, 123.
From the Rosche collection 1994.
D02 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate Bronze (AE; 27-28mm; 12.16g; 4h) Atelier II, 1e periode, Graveur 1. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. EXERCITVS AVG Emperor riding to left, right hand raised, holding spear, addressing four soldiers, holding spears, shields and ensigns; in exergue, S C. Bastien p. 162, 141 f and pl. XXIX; C. 37; RIC V, II p. 347, 117.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1973.
D03 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate Bronze (AE; 26mm; 8.40g; 4h) Atelier II, 1e periode, Graveur 1. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [VICTORIA]E AVG Two Victories attaching shield to palm tree between two captives; in exergue, [S C]. Bastien p. 87 and p. 166, 152f-i (same dies and die axes) and pl. XXXI, XXXII; C. 408; Elmer 263; RIC V, II p. 355, 230.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
D04 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate Bronze (AE; 27-27mm; 13.63g; 3h) Atelier II, 2e periode, Graveur 10. [IMP C] M CASS LAT POSTVMVS [P F AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FIDES MIL[ITV]M Fides standing left, holding two ensigns. Bastien p. 201f., 300b and pl. XLVIII; C. 75; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 12 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 348, 197.
D05 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate bronze (AE; 26-27mm; 11.94g; 1h) Atelier II, 2e periode, Graveur 10. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMV[S P F AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed of Postumus to right. Rev. LAETITA (sic) Galley to right; in exergue, AVG.
cf. Bastian p. 203, 304d and pl. IL; cf. C. 184; cf. RIC V, II p. 354, 207.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
D06 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate bronze (AE; 22mm; 5.38g; 7h) Atelier II, 2e periode, Graveur 16B. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMV[S P F AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed of Postumus to right. Rev. FE[LICITA]S AVG / S – C Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Rare. Bastien p. 210, 337d; C. 40; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 18 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, II p. 353, 193 (Dupondius).
From the stock of Motzelt, Vienna 1995.
D07 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate Bronze, (AE; 26-27mm; 13.25g; 12h) Atelier II, 2e periode, Graveur 10. IMPC M CASS LAT POSTVMVS PF AVG Radiate and draped bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PAX AVG Pax running to left, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left; on right foot, globe. Cf. Bastien p. 204, 306a and pl. L; C. 223; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 13 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 354, 218.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1969.
D08 Postumus AD 260-269 Radiate Bronze, probably irregular (AE; 24-25mm; 7.32g; 9h) Atelier II, 2e periode, Graveur 18. IMP M POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate and draped bust of Postumus to right. Rev. LAE[TITIA] / [AVG] Galley to left with mast and sail; 5 rowers. Cf. C. 185; Bastien p. 212, 346a and pl. LIV; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 121 pl. 10 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 354, 208.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
D09 Postumus AD 260-269 Imitation bronze, Type LAETITIA AVG. Radiate Bronze (AE; 24-26mm; 9.77g; 7h) V II III Radiate and draped bust of Postumus to right. Rev. V V Galley to left with rowers. Bastien – cf. p. 220, 373 and pl. LVIII; C. -; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 11 (this coin illustrated).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
D10 Postumus AD 260-269 Imitation bronze, Type VICTORIA AVG. Radiate Bronze (AE; 22-23mm; 10.11g; 9h). Radiate and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. VICTO Victory walking to left, holding wreath and palm; at foot, captive. Bastien p. 221 and 379h and pl. LXI; cf. C. 381; mt 6, 2009 p. 120 and 121 pl. 2 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 355, 233.
From the stock of Blaser-Frey 1965.
Triton XXVI – Lot 812
Collection of 121 antoniniani of Claudius Gothicus. AD 268-270. Mediolanum (Milan) and Rome mints. Milan (5 coins) // Rome (116 coins). One hundred twenty-one (121) coins in lot. Fine to good VF. Photos and detailed descriptions available online, at ($1500)
From the A.K. Collection.
Bastien Bastien, P. H.G. Pflaum, La Trouvaille de Çanakkale, Wetteren 1969
C. Cohen, H., Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l’Empire Romain, Paris 1880-2.
Cunetio Blesly, E. Bland, R., The Cunetio Treasure: Roman Coinage of the third Century AD, London 1983.
mt 10, 2009 Kellner, W., Ungewöhnliche und irreguläre Römermünzen 10. Teil: Claudius Gothicus Quintillus, in moneytrend 10, 2009 p. 130-136.
The Normanby hoard and other Roman coin hoards, hrsg. R. Bland A. Burnett, London 1988.
RIC V, I Mattingly, H. Sydenham E.A., The Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol. V. Part I, Valerian to Florian, London 1927, repr. 1968.
RIC online Roman Imperial Coinage AD 268-276.
E001 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 4.75g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan) 1st issue, 1st officina, ca Sept 268-269. IMP CLAVDIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. SPES PVBLICA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left; in exergue, P. Rev.: struck on brockage. C. 106; RIC V, I - p. 224, 168; Normanby 1004; RIC online (temp.) 26.
From the Numismata Munich 2000.
E002 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.53g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan) 1st issue, 3rd officina , ca Sep 268-mid 269. [IMP CLAV]DIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. [FELIC]ITAS TEMP Felicitas standing to left, holding long-handled caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Very rare. C. – cf. 74; mt 10, 2009 p. 130 and p. 131 pl. 5 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, I p. – cf. 145 ; RIC online (temp.) – cf. 35 (FELIC TEMPO).
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
E003 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 3.03g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan) 1st issue, 3rd officina, ca Sept 268-mid 269. [IMP CLAVDIV]S P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. FELI-C T-ENPO Felicitas standing to left, holding short-handled caduceus in right hand and long sceptre in left. C. 106; Normanby 1015; RIC V, I p. 223, 145; RIC online (temp.) 36.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1998.
E004 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.92g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan) 2nd issue, 3rd officina, mid 269-spring 270. IMP CLAVDIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PA-X – A-VG Pax running to left, holding branch in right hand and long transverse sceptre in left C. 106; RIC V, I p. 223, 157var; Normanby- ; RIC online (temp.) 59.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
E005 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.36g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan) 3rd issue, 2nd officina, spring-ca end of August 270. IMP CLAVDIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. FORTVN-A-E RED Fortuna standing to left, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at her right leg, wheel. Bastien 2182f.; C. 106; mt 10, 2009 p. 130 and 131 pl. 6 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, I - p. cf. 223, 151 (no wheel); RIC online (temp.) 85.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
E006 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-22mm; 3.23g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca October – November 268. IMP [C M AVR] CLAVDIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. PROVIDEN[T A]VG Providentia standing to left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet to left, globe. Very rare. C. – cf 230; mt 10, 2009 p. 130 and p. 131 pl. 2 (this coin illustrated); Normanby pl. 39.2 (same dies?); RIC V, I p. – cf. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 106.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstetten 2003.
E007 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 3.29g; 6h) Rome 1st issue, ca october- november 268. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ADVENTVS AVG Emperor on horseback riding to left, raising right arm and holding transverse sceptre in left. C. 3; Normanby 592; RIC V, I p. 212, 13; RIC online (temp.) 129.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2005.
E008 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 3.10g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, ca oct-nov 268. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ADVENTVS [AVG] Emperor on horseback riding to left, raising r. arm and holding transverse sceptre in left hand. C. 3; Normanby 592; RIC V, I p. 212, 13; RIC online (temp.) 129.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG 1965.
E009 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 2.92g; 10h) Rome 1st issue, ca october- november 268. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ADVENTVS AVG Emperor on horseback riding to left, raising right arm and holding transverse sceptre in left. C. 3; Normanby 592; RIC V, I p. 212, 13; RIC online (temp.) 129.
Ex Muenchner Muenzhandlung K. Kress 118, Munich 22 Jun 1961, 1153.
E010 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.46g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. CORC-ON EX-ERCI Fides standing left, holding vertical standard in right hand and transverse standard in left. Extremely rare. With the amusing die engraver’s error of CORCON for CONCOR. C. 34var; mt 10/2009 p. 130 and p. 131 pl. 4 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, I p. 26var; RIC online (temp.) – cf. 136var
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstetten 2004.
E011 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.62g; 8h) Rome, 1st issue, ca Dec 268-early 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. LIBER-ALITAS AVG Liberalitas standing to left, holding abacus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 144; RIC V, I p. 215, 57; RIC online (temp.) 150.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1980.
E012 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19mm; 2.00g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca Dec 268-early 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. LIBER-ALITAS [AV]G Liberalitas standing to left, holding abacus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Bastien 971; C. 144; RIC V, I p. 215, 57; RIC online (temp.) 150.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
E013 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.31g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 1st officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VICT-ORIA AVG Victory standing left, holding wreath in right hand and palm against left shoulder. C. 265; Normanby 618; RIC V, I p. 219, 104var; RIC online (temp.) 167.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 2000.
E014 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.14g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 1st officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VICT-ORI-A AVG Victory standing left, holding wreath in right hand and palm against left shoulder. C. 265; Normanby 618; RIC V, I p. 219, 104var; RIC online (temp.) 167.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004.
E015 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.46g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 1st issue, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VICTORIA [AV]G Victory standing to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left. C. 301; Bastien 1055 (this coin); RIC V, I p. 219, 106; RIC online (temp.) 167.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1986 and Bastien 1055 (this coin).
E016 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.75g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 1st officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VICT-ORIA AVG Victory standing to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left. C. 293; RIC V, I p. 219, 104; RIC online (temp.) 168.
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 1960.
E017 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-20mm; 2.46g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, 1st officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VICT-ORI[A AVG] Victory standing to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left. Revers: overstruck on a brockage. C. 293; RIC V, I p. 219, 104; RIC online (temp.) 168.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1999.
E018 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.26g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 1st officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VICT-ORI-A AVG Victory standing to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left. Rare. Bastien 1126; C. 293; Cunetio 1443 (3 known); Normanby 615; RIC V, I p. 219, 104; RIC online (temp.) 170.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
E019 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 2.88g; 6h) 1st issue, 2nd officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDI[VS AV]G Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FELICITAS AVG Felicitas standing left, holding longhandled caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Cf. Bastien 1134; C. 79var; RIC V, I p. 214, 32corr.; RIC online (temp.) 174.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E020 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.60g; 5h) 1st issue, 2nd officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FELICITAS AVG Felicitas standing left, holding longhandled caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 79; RIC V, I p. 214, 32corr; RIC online (temp.) 174.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E021 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21mm; 3.52g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, 2nd officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. FELICITAS AVG Felicitas Felicitas standing left, holding long-handled caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Bastien 1952; C. 79; RIC V, I p. 214, 32corr; RIC online (temp.) 175.
From the Numismata Munich 2000.
E022 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 3.44g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, ca Dec 268-early 269. [IM]P C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. SALVS AVG Salus standing to left, holding long vertical sceptre in left hand, feeding snake rising from altar from patera held in right. C. 265; Normanby 608; RIC V, I p. 218, 98; RIC online (temp.) 183.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1983.
E023 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 2.14g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 3rd or 10th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. S-AL-V-S AVG Salus standing left, holding long vertical sceptre in left hand, feeding snake rising from altar from patera held in right hand. C. 265; RIC V, I p. 218, 98; RIC online (temp.) 183.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E024 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 4.68g; h) Rome, 1st issue, 3rd officina, ca Sep 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. GENIV-S AVG Genius standing to left, holding patera over small altar in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Bastien 1196 (this coin illustrated); C. 110; RIC V, I p. 215, 45; RIC online (temp.) 189.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987 and Bastien 1196 (this coin illustrated).
E025 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-21mm; 2.56g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 3rd officina, ca Sep 268-end 269. IMP C CL[AV]DIVS [AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. GENI[VS] AVG Genius standing to left, holding patera over small altar in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 110; Normanby 635; RIC V, I p. 215, 45; RIC online (temp.) 191.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1975.
E026 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.75g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 4th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ANNONA AVG Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet left, prow. C. 21; Normanby 638; RIC V, I p. 213, 18; RIC online (temp.) 194.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E027 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.45g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 4th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. ANNONA AVG Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet left, prow. C. 21; Normanby 638; RIC V, I p. 213, 18; RIC online (temp.) 194.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1980.
E028 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-25mm; 3.27g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 4th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. AN[NO]NA AVG Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet left, prow. C. 21; Normanby 638; RIC V, I p. 213, 18; RIC online (temp.) 194.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004.
E029 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.01g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 4th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back (smaller head as previous). Rev. ANNONA AVG Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet left, prow. C. 21; Normanby 638; RIC V, I p. 213, 18; RIC online (temp.) 194.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E030 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-23mm; 2.49g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, 4th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. [A]NNONA AVG Annona standing to left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet to left, prow. C. 21; Normanby 638; RIC V, I p. 213, 18; RIC online (temp.) 194.
From the stock of Scheiner 2003.
E031 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.39g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 4th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. ANNONA AVG Annona standing to left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet to left, prow. C. 21; RIC V, I p. 213, 18; RIC online (temp.) 195.
E032 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-20mm; 3.76g; 2h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CL[AV]DIVS [AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VIR-T[V-S ]AVG Virtus standing to left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; shield resting against leg. C. 313; Normanby 644; RIC V, I p. 219, 109; RIC online (temp.) 201.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E033 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 2.85g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. [IMP] C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. V[IR]T-V-S AVG Virtus standing to left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; shield resting against leg. C. 313; Normanby 644; RIC V, I p. 219, 109; RIC online (temp.) 201.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG 1971.
E034 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 4.61g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back (bigger head than following). Rev. VIRT-V-S AVG Virtus standing left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; shield resting against leg. C. 313; Normanby 647; RIC V, I p. 219, 109; RIC online (temp.) 202.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2001.
E035 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.75g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back (smaller head as previous). Rev. VIRT-VSAVG Virtus standing to left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; shield resting against leg. C. 313; Normanby 645; RIC V, I p. 219, 109; RIC online (temp.) 202.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E036 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.08g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. [IMP] C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIR-T[V]-S AVG Virtus standing to left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; shield resting against leg. C. 313; Normanby 645; RIC V, I p. 219, 109; RIC online (temp.) 202.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E037 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.43g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. VIRT-V-S AVG Virtus standing to left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left shield resting against leg. C. 313; Normanby 645; RIC V, I p. 219, 109; RIC online (temp.) 202.
From the stock of Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004.
E038 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.97g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 5th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VIRT-[VS] AVG Virtus standing left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; shield resting against leg.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1997.
E039 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19mm; 3.49g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAV[DIVS] AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [VIR]-TV-S AVG Virtus standing left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; (shield resting against leg?); in the field to left, E. C. 313; Normanby 647; RIC V, I p. 219, 109; RIC online (temp.) 206.
From the stock of Heritage Paris 1998.
E040 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.23g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th (?) officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. SPES -PVBLICA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left. C. 281; Normanby 612; RIC V, I p. 219, 102; RIC online (temp.) 210.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
E041 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 22-25mm; 3.82g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th (?) officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back (bigger head than following). Rev. SPES -PVBLICA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left. Bastien 1029; C. 281; Normanby 613; RIC V, I p. 219, 102; RIC online (temp.) 212.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1981.
E042 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 3.25g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th (?) issue, ca Sept 268-early 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back (smaller head as previous). Rev. SPE-S PVBLICA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left. Bastien 1028; C. 281; Normanby 613; RIC V, I p. 219, 102; RIC online (temp.) 212.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1981.
E043 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 2.61g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th (?) officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. SPES - P-VBLICA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left. C. 281; Normanby 613; RIC V, I p. 219, 102; RIC online (temp.) 212.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E044 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-23mm; 3.22g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th (?) issue, ca Sept 268-early 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right (smaller head than following coin). Rev. SPES PVBLICA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left. C. 281; RIC V, I p. 219, 102; RIC online (temp.) 213.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1970.
E045 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.12g; 2h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th (?) issue, ca Sept 268-early 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right (bigger head than previous coin). Rev. SPES PVBLICA Spes walking to left, holding flower in right hand and raising skirt with left. C. 281; RIC V, I p. 219, 102; RIC online (temp.) 213.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
E046 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.57g; 2h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. AEQ[VITA]S AVG Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 6; RIC V, I p. 212, 14; RIC online (temp.) 218.
From the stock of Rosche collection 1998.
E047 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.67g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. A-EQVI[TAS AVG] Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 6; RIC V, I p. 212, 14; RIC online (temp.) 219.
From the Rosche collection 1991.
E048 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 3.31g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. AEQVITAS [AVG] Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 7; Normanby 651; RIC V, I p. 212, 14; RIC online (temp.) 223.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
E049 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.78g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 7; RIC V, I p. 212, 14; RIC online (temp.) 223.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstetten 2005.
E050 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.25g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CL[AVDIVS AV]G Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. AEQVI[TA]S AVG Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, ς. C.; 6 RIC V, I p. 212, 14; RIC online (temp.) 224.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1997.
E051 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-22mm; 2.97g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 6th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CL[AVDIVS AV]G Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, on left shoulder drapery. Rev. AEQVIT-AS AVG Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, S (?). C. 6; Normanby 657; RIC V, I p. 212, 14; RIC online (temp.) 226.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1998.
E052 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.68g; 6h) Rome, 2nd issue, 7th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. GENIVS EXERCI Genius standing to left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Same dies than following coin. C 114; Normanby 661; RIC V, I p. 215, 48; RIC online (temp.) 229.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004.
E053 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.86g; 12) Rome, 2nd issue, 7th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. GENIVS EXERCI Genius standing to left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Same dies than following coin. C 114; Normanby 661; RIC V, I p. 215, 48; RIC online (temp.) 229.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E054 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.62g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 7th officina, ca Sep 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVD[IVS AV]G Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. GENIVS EX[ER]CI Genius standing to left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 114; Normanby 659; RIC V, I p.215, 48; RIC online (temp.) 230.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1997.
E055 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-20mm; 2.45g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, 7th officina, ca Sep 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVD[IVS AV]G Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. GEN[IVS E]XERCI Genius standing to left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. C. 114; Normanby 658; RIC V, I p. 215, 48; RIC online (temp.) 232.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1995.
E056 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 3.37g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 8th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. MARS – V[L]TOR Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left. C. 160; Normanby 669; RIC V, I p. 216, 66; RIC online (temp.) 242.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E057 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.95g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 8th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. [IMP] C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. MARS – VL[TOR] Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left. C. 160; RIC V, I p. 216, 66; RIC online (temp.) 242.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2000.
E058 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 2.22g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 8th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. MARS – [VLTOR] Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left hand. C. 160; RIC V, I p. 66; RIC online (temp.) 242.
From the stock of Cymoch 1991.
E059 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.39g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, 8th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS [AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [M]ARS – [VLTOR] Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left hand. C. 160; Normanby 668; RIC V, I p. 216, 66; RIC online (temp.) 243.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 2000.
E060 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.69g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 8th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C [C]LAVDIVS AV[G] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. M-ARS – V[LT]OR Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left hand. C. 160; RIC V, I p. 216, 66; RIC online (temp.) 243.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 2000.
E061 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.97g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 8th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. [IM]P C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. MARS – V-LTOR Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left hand. C. 160; RIC V, I p. 216, 66; RIC online (temp.) 244.
From the stock of Cymoch 1991.
E062 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.56g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, 8th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. [I]MP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. M-ARS – VLTOR Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left hand; in the field to right, H. Bastien 1476 (this coin illustrated); C. 160; Normanby 672; RIC V, I p. 216, 66; RIC online (temp.) 246.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E063 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.74g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 9th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. IO-VI VI-C-TORI Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and long sceptre in left. C. 129; Normanby 676; RIC V, I p. 215, 54; RIC online (temp.) 252.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 2001.
E064 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.13g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 9th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. IO[VI VIC]TORI Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and long sceptre in left. C. 129; Normanby 676; RIC V, I p. 215, 54; RIC online (temp.) 252.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1996.
E065 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.96g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 9th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. IO-VI [VICTO]RI Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and long sceptre in left. Extremely rare. Bastien 1589 (1 known); C. 130; RIC V, I p. 215, 54; RIC online (temp.) 253var.
From the Schutzbach collection 1960.
E066 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.20g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 9th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. IO-VI VI-C-TORI Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and long sceptre in left; in the field to right, N. Very rare. Bastien 1551; C. 129; RIC V, I p. 215, 54; RIC online (temp.) 255.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 2001.
E067 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.16g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 3rd or 10th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right (smaller head than following coin), seen from the back. Rev. IOVI S-TATORI Jupiter standing left, head to right, holding long sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left. C. 124; RIC V, I p. 215, 52; RIC online (temp.) 261.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2001.
E068 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 2.85g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 10th or 3rd officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right (bigger head than previous coin), seen from the back. Rev. IOVI S-TATORI Jupiter standing left, head to right, holding long sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left. C. 124; Normanby 596; RIC V, I p. 215, 52; RIC online (temp.) 261.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E069 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.32g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 10th or 3rd officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IOVI – STATORI Jupiter standing to left, holding long sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left. C. 124; Bastien 915; Normanby 596; RIC V, I p. 215, 52; RIC online (temp.) 261.
From the Rosche collection 1994.
E070 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 3.30g; 8h) Rome, 1st issue, 3rd or 10th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. [IMP] C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. IOVI - VICTORI Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and long sceptre in left. C. 129; RIC V, I p. 215, 54; RIC online (temp.) 261.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004.
E071 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 2.77g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 3rd or 10th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. I-OVI V[IC]TORI Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and long sceptre in left. C. 129; Normanby 596; RIC V, I p. 215, 54; RIC online (temp.) 261.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004
E072 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.88g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVD[IVS AVG] Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. IOVI S-[TATORI] Jupiter standing to left, holding long sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left. C. 124; Normanby 595; RIC V, I p. 52var; RIC online (temp.) 262.
From the stock of F. Sternberg Zurich 1988.
E073 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.99g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 3rd or 10th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS [AV]G Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. IOVI S[TAT]ORI Jupiter standing left, head to right, holding long sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left. C. 124; RIC V, I p. 215, 52; RIC online (temp.) 262var (cuirassed).
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E074 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 3.92g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 10th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. [IMP] C CLAV[DIVS AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev .[LI]BER-T [AVG] Libertas standing left, holding pileus in right hand and long sceptre in left. Bastien 1600-1608; C. 152; RIC V, I p. 216, 61; RIC online (temp.) 268.
E075 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 3.68g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 10th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev.[ LI]BERT AVG Libertas standing left, holding pileus in right hand and long sceptre in left; in the field to right, X. C. 151; Normanby 685; RIC V, I p. 216, 62; RIC online (temp.) 270.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
E076 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.18g; 12h) Rome, Rome, 1st issue, 10th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. LIBERT AVG Libertas standing left, holding pileus in right hand and long sceptre in left; in the field to right, X. C. 151; Normanby 685; RIC V, I p. 216, 62; RIC online (temp.) 270.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1960.
E077 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.57g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, 10th officina, ca sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. LIBER-T – A[VG] Libertas standing left, holding pileus in right hand and long sceptre in left; in the field to right, X. C. 151; RIC V, I p. 216, 62; RIC online (temp.) 271.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2005.
E078 Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270 Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 3.46g; 10h) 1st issue, 11th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDI[VS AV]G Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FIDES EXERCI Fides standing left, head to right, holding standard in right hand and transverse standard in left. Bastien 1614/42; C. 84; RIC V, I p. 214, 34; RIC online (temp.) 274.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E079 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.61g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 11th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FIDES – EXE-RCI Fides standing left, head to right, holding standard in right hand and transverse standard in left. C.84; Normanby 690; RIC V, I p. 34; RIC online (temp.) 274.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1979.
E080 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 3.43g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 11th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FIDE-S EXE-RCI Fides standing left, head to right, holding standard in right hand and transverse standard in left; in the field to right, XI. Bastien 1653; C.83; Normanby 701; RIC V, I p. 214, 36; RIC online (temp.) 282.
From the coinshow in Karlsruhe 1996.
E081 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-21mm; 3.61g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [P]RO[VID]ENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet, globe. C. 230; RIC V, I p. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 287.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E082 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-24mm; 3.16g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. P-ROVIDENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet, globe. C. 230; Normanby 707; RIC V, I p. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 287.
From the Numismata Munich 2003.
E083 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.55g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. P-ROVIDENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet, globe. C. 230; RIC V, I p. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 287.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E084 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.18g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back (bigger head than following piece). Rev. P-ROVIDENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet, globe. C. 230; Normanby 707; RIC V, I p. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 287.
From the stock of G. Blancon Hannover 1999.
E085 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.17g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. PROVIDENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet, globe. C. 230; RIC V, I p. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 288.
From the stock of E. Beckenbauer Munich 1959.
E086 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.67g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. PROVID-ENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column (no globe at feet). Rare. C. 230var; RIC V, I p. 218, 91var (globe); RIC online (temp.) 288var (globe).
E087 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 3.02g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. PROVIDENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet to left, globe. Revers struck on brockage. Bastien 1737 (this coin illustrated); C. 230; Normanby 704; RIC V, I p. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 290.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E088 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.85g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, 12th officina, ca Sept 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [PROV]IDENT AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet, globe. C. 230; Normanby 704; RIC V, I p. 218, 91; RIC online (temp.) 290.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1996.
E089 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.63g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue Victory of Naissus, end 269. [IMP C] CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [P] M TR [P II] COS P P Emperor togate standing to left, holding branch in right hand and short sceptre in left. C. 214; Normanby 603; RIC V, I p. 212, 10; RIC online (temp.) 301.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1964.
E090 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.15g; 7h) Rome, 2nd issue, 1st officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VICT-ORI-A AVG Victory standing left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left; in the field to left, A. C. 294var; Normanby 826; RIC V, I p. 219, 105; RIC online (temp.) 312.
From the stock of F. Jacquier Kehl 1980.
E091 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18mm; 2.93g; 6h) Rome, 2nd issue, 1st officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS [AVG] Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victory standing left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left; in the field to left, A. C. 294; Normanby 825; RIC V, I p. 219, 105var; RIC online (temp.) 313.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
E092 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.16g; 12h) Rome, 2nd issue, 2nd officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FELI-CI[TAS A]VG Felicitas standing to left, holding long-handled caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, B. Bastien 1789 (this coin); C. 80; Normanby 832; RIC V, I p. 214, 33; RIC online (temp.) 318.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln.
E093 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.24g; 7h) Rome, 2nd issue, 2nd officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [FELI]C[ITA]S AVG Felicitas standing to left, holding long-handled caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, B. C. 80; RIC V, I p. 214, 33; RIC online (temp) 318.
E094 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.99g; 7h) Rome, 2nd issue, 3rd officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. GENI-VS AVG Genius standing to left, holding patera over small altar in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Bastien 1809 (this coin illustrated); C. 109; RIC V, I p. 215, 46; RIC online (temp.) 327.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E095 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20; 2.21g; 5h) Rome, 2nd issue, 4th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right (bigger head than following coin). Rev. [A]NNONA AVG Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet to left, prow; in the field to right, Δ ? Bastien 1829 (this coin illustrated); C. 22; RIC V, I p. 213, 19; RIC online (temp.) 336.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln.
E096 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.29g; 6h) Rome, 2nd issue, 4th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. [IMP CL]AVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right (smaller head than previous coin). Rev. ANNONA [AVG] Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet to left, prow; in the field to right, Δ. Bastien 1832; C. 22; RIC V, I p. 19; RIC online (temp.) 336.
From the E.F. Hampich collection 1977.
E097 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 3.02g; 7h) Rome, 2nd issue, 5th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [V]IR-TVS [AVG] Virtus standing left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; at feet, shield. Bastien 1852; C. 314; RIC V, I p. 110var (with E); RIC online (temp.) 342.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1993.
E098 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.63g; 11h) Rome, 2nd issue, 5th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VIR-TV-S AVG Virtus standing left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; on the left, shield; in the field to right, E. Bastien 1837 (this coin); Normanby 848; C. 314; RIC V, I p. 214, 110; RIC online (temp.) 346.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E099 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.51g; 7h) Rome, 2nd issue, 5th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CL[AVD]IVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VIR-TV-S A[VG] Virtus standing left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; on the left, shield; in the field to left, E (retrograde). C. 314var; Normanby 848; RIC V, I p. 219, 110var (E not retrograd); RIC online (temp.) 346var (E not retrograde).
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2006.
E100 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.46g; 12h) Rome, 2nd issue, 5th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAV[DIVS AVG] Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VIR-TV-S AVG Virtus standing left, holding branch in right hand and spear in left; on the left, shield; in the field to left, E (retrograde). C. 314var; Normanby 849; RIC V, I p. 219, 110var (E not retrograde); RIC online (temp.) 349.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E101 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.04g; 5h) Rome, 2nd issue, 6th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, ζ. C. 10; Normanby 856; RIC V, I p. 212, 15var (without S); RIC online (temp.) 357.
From the stock of M. Sternberg AG Zurich 2000.
E102 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.95g; 12h) Rome, 2nd issue, 6th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. [IMP] CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. AEQVI[TAS AVG] Aequitas standing left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, ζ. C. 10; Normanby 855; RIC V, I p. 212, 15var; RIC online (temp.) 359.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1997.
E103 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-22mm; 3.68g; 11h) Rome, 2nd issue, 7th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. GENIVS - EXERCI Genius standing to left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Very rare. Av same die as following coin. C. 115; RIC V, I p. 215, 49; RIC online (temp.) 362.
E104 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 22-24mm; 3.62g; 6h) Rome, 2nd issue, 7th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS [AV]G Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. GENIVS [E]XE[R]CI Genius standing to left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Very rare. Av. Same die as previous coin. C 115var.; RIC V, I p. 215, 49var; RIC online (temp.) 362.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2004.
E105 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.47g; 6h) Rome, 2nd issue, 8th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. [IM]P CLAV[DIVS AVG] Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. M[ARS VL]TOR Mars walking to right, holding transverse spear pointing forward in right hand and trophy over left shoulder. Bastien 1914; C. 159; RIC V, I p. 67; RIC online (temp.) 376.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1997.
E106 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.73g; 12h) Rome, 2nd issue, 10th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. L[IBER]T-AVG Libertas standing to left, holding pileus in right hand and long sceptre in left. C.151; Normanby 880; RIC V, I p. 216, 63var; RIC online (temp.) 392.
From the Thom collection 2002.
E107 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-24mm; 3.15g; 12h) Rome, 2nd issue, 10th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. LIBER[T-AVG] Libertas standing to left, holding pileus in right hand and long sceptre in left. Bastien 1960; C. 151; Cunetio 2161 (4 known); Normanby 880; RIC V, I p. 216, 63var; RIC online (temp.) 392.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1977.
E108 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.64g; 4h) Rome, 2nd issue, 11th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FIDE-S EX[ERCI] Fides standing left, holding standard in right hand and transverse standard in left. Bastien 1965; C. 86var; Cunetio 2171; RIC V, I p. 214, 35var; RIC online (temp.) 397.
From the Rosche collection 1994.
E109 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19mm; 2.76g; 12h) Rome, 2nd issue, 12th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. [IMP] CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [PROV]IDENT A-VG Providentia standing to left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet to left, globe; in the field to right, XI. C. 233; Normanby 905; RIC V, I p. 218, 92; RIC online (temp.) 417.
From the Nägele collection 1968.
E110 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.96g; 11h) Rome, 2nd issue, 12th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLA[VDIV]S AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. P[ROVID] AVG Providentia standing to left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left, with left elbow leaning on column; at feet, globe. Bastien 2083; C. 220; RIC V, I p. 217, 86var; RIC online (temp.) 425.
E111 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270 Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.82g; 6h) Rome, 3rd issue, 1st officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, left shoulder drapery. Rev. PAX -AVGVSTI Pax standing to left, holding branch in right hand and long transverse sceptre in left; in the field to left, A. C. 204; RIC V, I p. 217, 81; RIC online (temp.) 442.
From the stock of Bank Leu Zurich 1964.
E112 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-21mm; 2.71g; 1h) Rome, 3rd issue, 3rd officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAV[DIV]S AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VICTORIA [AVG] Victory running to right, holding wreath in right hand and palm against shoulder in left; in exergue, Γ. Bastien 2020 (this coin illustrated); C. 303; Normanby 928; RIC V, I p. 219, 107; RIC online (temp.) 459.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E113 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19mm; 2.93g; 6h) Rome, 3rd issue, 7th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. P - M TR P II COS P P Emperor in military dress standing to right, holding spear pointing forward in right hand and globe in left; in the field to right, H. C. 216; RIC V, I p. 212, 12; RIC online (temp.) – cf. 462 (H).
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
E114 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.40g; 6h) Rome, 3rd issue, 7th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [P M] TR P II COS P P Emperor in military dress standing to right, holding spear pointing forward in right hand and globe in left; in the field to right, H. C. 216; RIC V, I p. 212, 12; RIC online (temp.) cf. 462 (H).
From the stock of Danicourt Toulouse 2003.
E115 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.16g; 6h) Rome, 3rd issue, 6th officina, ca early 270-August 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. PROV[ID]E-NT AVG Providentia standing to left, holding baton in right hand and long sceptre in left; at feet to left, globe; in the field to right, ζ. C. 234; Normanby 945; RIC V, I p. 218, 94; RIC online (temp.) 485.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1971.
E116 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 3.29g; 1h) Rome, 3rd issue, 7th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. FORTVNA REDVX Fortuna standing left, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in exergue, Z. Bastien 2075 (this coin illustrated); C. 104; Normanby 957; RIC V, I p. 214, 41; RIC online (temp.) 499.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E117 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18mm; 3.17g; 4h) Rome, 3rd issue, 8th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. APOLL[I]N[I C]ONS Apollo standing to left, holding branch in right hand and lyre which rests on rock in left; in the field to right, H. Bastien 2045; C. 25corr; RIC V, I p. 213, 22; RIC online (temp.) 503.
E118 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 2.64g; 8h) Rome, 3rd issue, 8th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. APOLLIN-I CONS Apollo standing to left, holding branch in right hand and lyre which rests on rock in left; in exergue, H. Bastien 2078 (this coin illustrated); C. 25corr; Normanby 962; RIC V, I p. 213, 22var (mint mark to right); RIC online (temp.) 505.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E119 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270 Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.67g; 5h) Rome, 3rd issue, 9th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVD[IV]S AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. [AETE]-R-NIT AV[G] Sol standing to left, with right hand raised and holding globe in left. C. 16; Normanby 968; RIC V, I p. 213, 16var; RIC online (temp.) 514.
From the stock of Pfefferle Dornstetten 2003.
E120 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270 Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.69g; 6h) Rome, 3rd issue, 9th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. AETE-R-[NI]T AVG Sol standing to left, with right hand raised and holding globe in left; in exergue, N. Bastien 2081 (this coin illustrated); C. 16; Cunetio 2224 (1 known); RIC V, I p. 213, 16; RIC online (temp.) 517.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 1987.
E121 Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.48g; 5h) Rome, 3rd issue, 10th officina, ca early 270-mid 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate head of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. MAR-TI PA-CIF Mars in military dress walking to left, holding branch in right hand, transverse spear and round shield in left; in the field to left, X. Bastien 2048/50; C. 165; Normanby 980; RIC V, I p. 216, 72var (PACIFERO); RIC online (temp.) 529.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1996.
Triton XXVI – Lot 813
Collection of 25 tetradrachms from Alexandria of Claudius Gothicus. AD 268-270. . Year 1 (7 coins) // Year 2 (15 coins) // Year 3 (3 coins). Twenty-five (25) coins in lot. Near VF to good VF. Photos and detailed descriptions available online, at ($500)
From the A.K. Collection.
Alexandria Kellner, W., Die Münzstaette Alexandria in Aegypten. Von Kleopatra bis Arcadius, Wien 2009.
BMC Poole, R.S., Catalogue of the coin of Alexandria and the nomes, London 1892.
Dattari Dattari, G. Monete Imperiali Greche. Numi Augg. Alexandrini. Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari. Cairo 1901.
Geissen Geissen, A. Katalog Alexandrinischer Kaisermünzen der Sammlung des Instituts fuer Altertumskunde der Universität zu Köln., Band 4, Claudius Gothicus – Bleimünzen, Opladen 1983.
F01 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus Tetradrachm (AE; 21-23mm; 10.42g; 12h) 268/269. AVT K KΛAV-ΔI[C CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Eagle standing to right, looking back, wreath in beak; in field right, L A (= year 1). Alexandria p. 49 and p. 138 pl. 23 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 303, 2331; Dattari 5414; Geissen 3015.
From the stock of Athena Munich 1990.
F02 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-23mm; 9.17g; 12h) 268/269. [AVT K KΛAVΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Eagle standing to right, looking back, wreath in beak; in field right, L A (= year 1). Alexandria p. 49 and p. 138 pl. 24 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 303, 2331; Dattari 5414; Geissen 3015.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1989.
F03 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 9.05g; 12h) 268/269. AVT K KΛAVΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Radiate bust of Helios to right, wearing chlamys; in field, L A (= year 1). Alexandria p. 49 and p. 139 pl. 28 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 300, 2308; Dattari 5391 (this coin); Geissen 3018.
From the Dattari collection and from the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
F04 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 8.56g; 12h) 268/269. AVT K KΛAVΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Homonoia standing left, right arm raised and holding double cornucopiae in left; in front, L A (= year 1). Alexandria p. 49 and p. 138 pl. 22 (this coin illustrated); BMC – cf. p. 301, 2319 (year 2); Dattari 5396 (this coin); Geissen 3020.
From the Dattari collection and from the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
F05 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 10.51g; 12h) 268/269. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Nike advancing, to right, clad in chiton, holding wreath in right hand and palm over shoulder in left; in field, L – A (= year 1). Alexandria p. 49 and p. 138 pl. 26 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 301, 2320; Dattari 5400 (this coin); Geissen 3022.
From the Dattari collection and from the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
F06 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 10.18g; 12h) 268/269. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Nike standing to right, clad in chiton and peplos falling from left shoulder across body, inscribing shield on column; on shield L A (= year 1). Alexandria p. 49 and p. 138 pl. 27 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 302, 2324; Dattari 5404; Geissen 3024.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1970.
F07 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 8.81g; 12h) 268/269. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Bust of Selene to right, wearing taenia and chiton; in front, large crescent; behind, L A (= year 1). Alexandria p. 49 and p. 139 pl. 29 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 300, 2309; Dattari 5408; Geissen 3025.
From the Himmelein collection 1978.
F08 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21mm; 10.63g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Eagle standing to right, looking back, wreath in beak; in field, L – B (= year 2). Alexandria -; BMC p. 303, 2332; Dattari 5415var; Geissen 3027.
Ex Muenchner Muenzhandlung K. Kress 122, Munich 30 May 1962, 647 (1/5).
F09 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 8.13g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Eagle standing to right, looking back, wreath in beak; in field, L – B (= year 2). Different style as on previous coin. Alexandria p. 51 and p. 140 pl. 16; BMC p. 303, 2332; Dattari 5415; Geissen 3027.
From the M. Weder collection, Pratteln 2004.
F10 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 10.77g; 12) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Eagle standing to left, looking back, wreath in beak; in field, L – B (= year 2). Alexandria -; BMC p. 303, 2333; Dattari 5417; Geissen 3028.
From the stock of E. Button, Frankfrut 1959.
F11 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-22mm; 10.58g; 1h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Eagle standing to left, looking back, wreath in beak; in field, L – B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 140 pl. 17; BMC p. 303, 2333; Dattari 5417; Geissen 3028.
From the coinshow Karlsruhe 1968.
F12 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 19-20mm; 9.64g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Eagle standing to left, looking back, wreath in beak; in field, L – B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 141 pl. 18; BMC p. 303, 2333; Dattari 3028; Geissen 3028.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 2004.
F13 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 19-21mm; 9.12g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA[V]ΔI]OC CE[B] Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Eagle standing to right, wreath in beak; in field, L – B (= year 2). Alexandria -; BMC p. 303, 2335; Dattari 5412; Geissen 3029.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 2004.
F14 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-23mm; 10.47g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Ares standing left, wearing helmet and cuirass, resting on spear in right hand and holding sword in left; in field, L - B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 140 pl. 8 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 300, 2311 and pl. IV; Dattari 5384 (this coin); Geissen 3031.
From the Dattari collection and from the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1977.
F15 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 19-21mm; 7.53g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Dikaiosyne seated to left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in field left, above, L B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 ad p. 140 pl. 12; BMC p. 301, 2316; Dattari 5386; Geissen 3034.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG 1969.
F16 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-21mm; 8.46g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Dikaiosyne seated to left, holding scales in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in field left, above, L B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 140 pl. 13; BMC p. 301, 2316; Dattari 5386; Geissen 3034.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2001.
F17 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-21mm; 9.80g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Bust of Anubis to right, wearing modius with lotus-petal in front, taenia and over left shoulder, himation; in front, winged caduceus and palm combined; in field left, L B (= year 2). Alexandria -; BMC p. 302, 2327; Dattari 5393; Geissen 3037.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 2004.
F18 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 19-21mm; 9.79g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Bust of Anubis to right, wearing modius with lotus-petal in front, taenia and over left shoulder, himation; in front, winged caduceus and palm combined; in field left, L B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 50 and p. 139 pl. 2 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 302, 2327; Dattari 5393; Geissen 3038.
From the stock of Rigö Konstanz 1964.
F19 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-21mm; 10.91g; 11h) 269/270. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Homonoia standing to left, right arm raised, holding double cornucopiae in left; in field left, L B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 140 pl. 11; BMC p. 301, 2319; Dattari 5397; Geissen 3040.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG 1969.
F20 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 19-20mm; 9.17g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛA-VΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Nike advancing to left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left, in field left, L B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 140, pl. 10; BMC 2323; Dattari 5399; Geissen 3042.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG 1969.
F21 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 9.18g; 12h) 269/270. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Nike advancing to right, holding wreath in right hand and palm bound with fillet over left shoulder; in field L - B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 140 pl. 9; BMC p. 301, 2321; Dattari 5401; Geissen 3043.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG 1970.
F22 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-21mm; 7.64g; 11h) 269/270. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back. Rev. Poseidon standing to left, naked, right leg bent and resting on dolphin, holding sword in right hand and resting with left on trident; in field, L – B (= year 2). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 139 pl. 6 (this coin illustrated); BMC p. 300, 2307; Dattari 5407; Geissen 3045.
From the M. Weder collection Pratteln 2005.
F23 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-22mm; 11.43g; 12h) 270/271. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Eagle standing to right, looking back, wreath in beak; in field, L – Γ (= year 3). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 141 pl. 22; BMC p. 303, 2334; Dattari ; Geissen 3046.
From the stock of Athena Munich 2001.
F24 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 21-22mm; 9.98g; 12h) 270/271. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Eagle standing to right, wreath in beak, palm transversely; in field, L – Γ (= year 3). Alexandria p. 51 and p. 141 pl. 20; BMC p. 303, 2336; Dattari 5413; Geissen 3047.
From the Perron collection.
F25 Alexandria Claudius Gothicus AD 286-270. Tetradrachm (AE; 20-21mm; 10.03g; 12h) 270/271. AVT K KΛAV-ΔIOC CEB Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. Victory advancing to right, holding wreath in right hand and palm branch bound with fillet over left shoulder; in field right, L / Γ (= year 3). Very rare. Alexandria p. 51 and p. 141 pl. 19; BMC – cf. p. 301, 2321 (year 2); Dattari 5403; Geissen – cf 3043 (year 2).
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG 1970
Triton XXVI – Lot 814
Collection of 28 unusual, irregular, hybrid, or plated coins of Gallienus and Postumus. AD 253-269. Gallienus (2 coins) // Postumus (26 coins). Twenty-eight (28) coins in lot. Near VF to good VF. Photos and detailed descriptions available online, at ($300)
From the A.K. Collection.
Bastien Bastien, P. H.G. Pflaum, La Trouvaille de Çanakkale, Wetteren 1969 C. Cohen, H., Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l’Empire Romain, Paris 1880-2. Cunetio Besly, E. Bland, R., The Cunetio Treasure. Roman Coinage of the Third Century, London 1983.
MIR 36
mt 1, 2009
mt 6, 2009
RIC V, I and V, II
R. Göbl, Moneta Imperii Romani., Band 36, 43, 44. Die Münzprägung der Kaiser Valerianus I. / Gallienus / Saloninus (253/268), Regalianus (260) und Macrianus / Quietus (260/262), Wien 2000.
Kellner, W., Ungewöhnliche und irreguläre Römermünzen, 8. Teil: Aemilianus Gallienus, moneytrend 1/2009 p. 122-127.
9. Teil: Postumus bis Victorinus, moneytrend 6, 2009 p. 120-125.
Mattingly, H. Sydenham E.A., The Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol. V. Part I, Valerian to Florian, London 1927, repr. 1968; Vol. V. Part II, London 1933, repr. 1968.
Schulzki AGK Schulzki, H.-J., Die Antoninianprägung der Gallischen Kaiser von Postumus bis Tetricus, Bonn 1996.
G01 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus irregular (BI; 18-20mm; 2.08g; 5h) IMP G[A] LLIENVS Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. [ ]ERO Standing male figure (Mars) with helmet holding spear in left hand and branch (?) in right; in the field to left, X (?) mt 1/ 2009 p. 124f. and pl. 17 (this coin illustrated); cf. MIR 36, 627.
G02 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus hypride (BI; 17-22mm; 2.13g) GALLIE[NVS AVG] Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. IOVI VIC-T[ORI] Jupiter standing to right, hol ding thunderbolt in right hand and sceptre in left. Bastien 1598 (this coin illustrated) C. – nach 396; mt1/2009 p. 124f. and pl. 18 (this coin illustrated; cf RIC V, I rv. p. 215, 55 (Claudius Gothicus)
From the M. Weder collection.
G03 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-22mm; 3.18g; 12h) IMP C [ ]MVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FELICIT-AS –AVG Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. Rude style of the letters. Cf. C. 39; mt 6, 2009 p. 122f pl. 17corr (this coin illustrated wrongly – see pl. 19); cf. RIC IV, II p. 342, 58; cf. Schulzki AGK 14 or N4a.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G04 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus plated (AR/AE; 19-21mm; 2.57g; 12h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. HERC DEVS-ONIENSI Hercules standing to right, holding club in right hand and lion’s skin in left. Cf. C.91; cf. RIC V, II p. 342, 64; cf. Schulzki, 25 and N10a
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG Zurich 1996.
G05 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular BI; 17-18mm; 1.75g; 2h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [HER]C P-ACI FERO Hercules standing to left, holding branch, club and lion’s skin Cf. C. 101; cf. RIC IV, II p. 342, 67; cf. Schulzki AGK, N13.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G06 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 20-21mm; 4.04g; 2h) 262/265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. M-ONE-TA AVG Moneta standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Rev in gallic style. Cf. C. 199; cf. RIC V, II p. 343, 75; cf. Schulzki AGK, 45;
From the stock of Dr. Wruck Berlin 1960.
G07 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-20mm; 3.71g; 6h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. MONETA AVG Moneta standing left, holding scale and cornucopiae. Cf. C. 199; cf. RIC IV, II p. 362, 315.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1993.
G08 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular ? (BI; 19-23mm; 2.64g; 7h) 263 or later. IMP C POSTUMUS PF AUG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right (wide head). Rev. MONET-A – AV[G] Moneta standing left, holding scale and cornucopiae. Cf. C. 199; mt 6, 2009 p.120 and 121 pl. 7 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 362, 315; Schulzki AGK, N22a.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G09 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 17-19mm; 2.05g; 12h) [IMP] C [PO]STVMVS PF AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right . Rev. M[O NET-]A AVG Moneta standing left, holding scale an cornucopiae. Cf. C. 199; mt 6, 2009 p. 120 and 121 pl 8 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 362, 315; Schulzki AGK, N22a.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G10 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 16-20mm; 4.03g; 11h) POS(ret rograde)TV[M]VS P F AVG Radiate bust of Postumus to right. Rev. Blundered legend (PA-X – S V) Pax walking to left, holding sceptre and branch. Cf. C. 220; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 15 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 343, 78; Schulzki AGK, N25a.
From the stock of Dietrich Zurich 1973.
G11 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (?) (BI; 20-23mm; 3.80g; 6h) 263/265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PAX – AVG Pax walking to left, holding olive branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. 220; RIC V, II p. 343, 78; Schulzki AGK p. 57, 51.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
G12 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus, irregular ? (BI; 19-21mm; 2.69g; 7h) 263/265. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PAX – AVG Pax walking left, holding olive-branch in right hand and sceptre in left. C. cf. 220; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 14 (this coin illustrated);
RIC V, II p. 343, 78; Schulzki AGK, N25a.
From the stock of F. Sternberg Zurich 1978.
G13 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-22mm; 3.79g; 7h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [P]AX –A-VG Pax standing to left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left. Cf. C. 215; cf. RIC V, II p. 363, 318; cf. Schulzki AGK, N26a.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
G14 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-20mm; 2.61g; 1h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. PA-X – AV[G] Pax standing to left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left. Cf. C. 215; cf. RIC V, II p. 363, 318; cf. Schulzki AGK, N26a.
From the M. Weder collection 1979.
G15 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 18-19mm; 2.53g; 4h) [I]MP C POTVMVS P F [AVG] Radiate and draped bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PA[X – AV]G Pax standing to left, holding branch in right hand and sceptre in left. Cf. C. 215; cf. RIC IV, III p. 363, 318; cf. Schulzki AGK, N26a.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1980.
G16 Gallienus AD 253-268. Antoninianus irregular (AE; 14-16mm; 1.52g; 11h) Radiate head of Gallienus to right. Rev. Pax standing to right, holding sceptre.
G17 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus plated (AR/AE; 18-19mm; 1.71g; 2h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PIET-AS – AV Pietas standing left, with four children, two in her arms. Cf. C. 230; cf. RIC V, II p. 363, 320; cf. Schulzki AGK, N27.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle Dornstetten 2005.
G18 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-20mm; 5.36g; 5h) IM[ ]P AV Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PROVID[E]NTIA AVG Providen tia standing to left, holding globe and sceptre. Cf. C. 299; mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 18corr (this coin illustrated wrongly – see pl. 17); cf. RIC V, II p. 355, 222; cf. Schulzki N31a.
G19 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 20mm; 3.95g; 6h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PROVIDEI-V(N is divided)TIA AVG Providentia standing to left, holding globe and sceptre. Cf. C. 295 ; Cunetio pl. 36, 2909:1 (same dies) (struck Imitations of Gallic Empire); mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 19corr (this coin illustrated wrongly – see pl. 18); cf. RIC V, II p. 363, 323; Schulzki AGK N31a.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG Basel 1981.
G20 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 18-23mm; 2.14g; 6h) [ ] US Ra diate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [PROVIDEN]TIA AVG Providentia standing to left, holding globe and sceptre. Cf. C. 295; cf. Cunetio pl. 2909:4 (struck Imitations of Gallic Empire); mt 6, 2009 p. 122 and 123 pl. 20 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, II p. 363, 323; cf. Schulzki N31a.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G21 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 20-21mm; 3.82g; 9h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SAECVLI [FE-] LICITAS Emperor standing to right, holding globe and sceptre. C. 331; Cunetio 2929:4 (struck Imitations of Gallic Empire); cf. RIC IV, II p. 363, 325 Schulzki AGK, N33a.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G22 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-21mm; 2.19g; 6h) [ ] POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [SALV ]S AVG Aeskulap stan ding, leaning on his staff. Cf. C. 336; cf. Cunetio 2925; cf. RIC V, II p. 344, 86.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G23 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-21mm; 2.78g; 6h) IMP C POSTVIVIVS P F AV[G] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SERA PI – CO-MITI AVG Serapis standing left, raising right hand and holding sceptre. Cf. C. 360; cf. RIC V, II p. 363, 329.
From the Rosche collection 1994.
G24 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 19-21mm; 3.52g; 6h) IMP [C POSTVMV]S AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [V]BERTAS AV[G] Fertilitas standing left, holding purse (?) and cornucopiae. Cf. C. 365; cf. RIC IV, II p. 363, 330.
From the Rosche collection 1994.
G25 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 18-19mm; 2.74g; 2h) IIIIIP [ ]S P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [UB]E-[RI]T-A-S – AVG Fertilitas standing left, holding purse in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Cf. C. 365; cf. RIC IV, III p. 330; cf. Schulzki AGK N42a.
Ex F. Jacquier FPL 34, Sommer 2006, 503 (lot 12).
G26 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular (BI; 16-18mm; 2.10g; 6h) IM[ ]VS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. V[BERT]AS AVC Fertilitas standing left, holding purse (?) and cornucopiae. Cf. C. 365; mt 6, 2009 p. 125 and 124 pl. 22 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC IV, II p. 363, 330; cf. Schulzki AGK N42a
From the Sanders collection 1976.
G27 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular ? (BI; 20-23mm; 4.85g; 7h) IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VICT-O[ RIA AV]G Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm; at foot, captive. Cf. C. 378; cf. RIC V, II p. 344, 89; Schulzki AGK, N43.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
G28 Postumus AD 260-269 Antoninianus irregular ? (BI; 22-23mm; 3.35g; 6h) IMP C POS[TV]MVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VICTOR-IA AVG Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm; at foot, captive. Cf. C. 377; cf. RIC IV, III p. 344, 89; Schulzki AGK, N43.
From the stock of M. Brugger Zug 1991.
818. Postumus. Romano-Gallic Emperor, AD 260-269. AR Antoninianus (24mm, 2.63 g, 5h). Treveri (Trier) mint (“Mint I”). 1st emission, AD 260. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTIM[VVS P F AVG], radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICT OR IA AVG, Victory advancing left, holding palm in left hand and wreath in right hand; captive at feet. RIC –; Mairat –; AGK 97b corr. (POSTVMVS); RSC –. Deeply toned, minor flan crack. VF. Very rare. ($250)
From the A.K. Collection. Ex M. Weder Collection; deaccessioned from the British Museum Collection; F.W. Hasluck Bequest 1920.
819. Postumus. Romano-Gallic Emperor, AD 260-269. AR Antoninianus (19.5mm, 3.64 g, 12h). Treveri (Trier) mint (“Mint I”). 5th emission, AD 268. POSTVMVS A VG, radiate bust left, draped with lion’s skin and holding club over shoulder / IOVI S TATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head right, holding long scepter in right hand and thunderbolt cradled in left arm. RIC V 310; Mairat –; AGK 38b; RSC 160. Toned, minor porosity, flan crack. Near VF. Very rare. ($500)
From the A.K. Collection. Ex M. Weder Collection; Prince Waldeck Collection (Münzhandlung Basel 8, 23 March 1937), lot 1980.
820. Postumus.
268. IMP C
74; RSC 319. Deeply toned, small flan flaw on reverse. Near EF. Very rare. V($500)
From the A.K. Collection, purchased from Münzen und Medaillen AG, 1970.
Romano-Gallic Emperor, AD 260-269. AR Antoninianus (21mm, 3.54 g, 7h). Treveri (Trier) mint (“Mint I”). 5th emission, AD POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / RESTITVTOR GA LLIAR, Postumus standing left, holding scepter in left hand, right foot on seated captive, raising figure of Gallia kneeling to right, wearing mural crown and holding cornucopia. RIC V 82; Mairat –; AGK