A Public and Mail Bid Auction Sale of
Ancient Greece & Rome Byzantium & Dark Ages British Isles
Friday December 9, 1988 10:00 AM
The Warwick Hotel 54th St. on the Avenue of the Americas New York City Sussex Room (Mezzanine)
Herbert J. Kreindler, Auctioneer
CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS LTD. Victor England Box 245 Quarryville, PA 17566-0245 USA (717) 786-4013 1
December 8, 1988 10AM - 5PM THE WARWICK HOTEL 54th St. on the Avenue of the Americas New York City on the mezzanine in the Kent Room Friday
and on December 9, 9AM - 10AM
OTHER Friday
November 18 and Saturday November Friday, 1PM-6PM and Saturday 10AM-5PM Classical Numismatic Bourse H O L I D A Y INN Van Ness at California San Francisco CA December
1 and Saturday December 10AM -6PM HOWARD JOHNSON PLAZA (Formerly Sheraton Centre) Lanham MD
In our offices, by appointment only from November 10, 1988 on. LOT PICK
Lots will b e available for pick up at the table of Victor England during the N e w York International. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL December 10-12 at the Sheraton Centre Hotel & Towers 53rd & 7th Avenue.
SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES December 8, 1988 - December 12, 1988 Thursday December 8 . 1 9 8 8 Hotel - 10Am-5PM viewing for Classical Numismatic Auctions, Ltd. in the Kent room on Mezzanine. Stack's Galleries - 10AM-5PM viewing for their two day auction Stack's Auction - 6:30 PM contact them for location. This session includes ancients. Friday December 9. 1988 Numismatic Auctions, Ltd. sale starts at 10AM in the Sussex room on the Mezzanine at the Warwick Hotel (54th St. and Avenue of the Americas) Stack's Galleries - 10AM-5PM viewing for their second session Stack's Auction - 6:30 PM contact them for location. This session has foreign. Superior Coin & Stamp - They will be having a viewing at the Sheraton Centre Hotel for their sale. Saturday December 1 0 . 1 9 8 8 New York International opens to the public at 10AM at the Sheraton Centre Hotel -53rd & 7th Ave. Superior Coins and Stamp Auction Session Saturday - check the catalog for details. Sunday December 1 1 . 1 9 8 8 New York International opens to the public at 10 AM. Superior Coin and Stamp Auction - check catalog for details. Monday December 12.1988 New York International opens to the public at 10 AM. CRKDITS Numismatic Experts Victor England, Jr. Kerry K. Wetterstrom Production Karen Zander Cathy England Geoff Hurley Printing Keener Offset
The Warwick
with prices
With college approaching, finances were of great c o n c e r n . U n d e r John's g u i d a n c e I ventured into the world of coin dealing, and put out two coin catalogs. This v e n t u r e helped a lot and I have fond memories of John and I working late at his apartment trying to put the first list together.
MY FRIEND JOHN BARTON Having never written a memorial for a friend before, I was a little unsure of what to say about John Barton. After thinking about the matter I realized that most of you reading this would already know the business side of John, and would be curious as to what John was like outside of the numismatic trade. I can only give you my perspective of the m a n , but I think it is a story worth telling, since he entered m y life at an early age and we did a lot together. I first met John Barton on December 2, 1973. He was 30 years old, married one year, and living in an apartment on Lincoln Avenue in Chicago. I was a fifteen year old kid who just discovered ancient coins as a passion. My m o t h e r saw an a d v e r t i s e m e n t in C h i c a g o M a g a z i n e , p l a c e d by J o h n , o f f e r i n g E F condition R o m a n Denarii of the early empire for $25.00 as a Christmas gift idea. I gave the man a call and that is how our friendship began. I had just read a book on collecting ancient coins published in the early 1960 s which gave c u r r e n t p r i c e s . I remember John patiently explaining that Athenian Tetradrachms were no longer $ 1 5 - 5 2 0 in V F condition and large Egyplion bronzes were not $5.00 anymore. He was very concerned that I not give up the idea of collecting due to the higher prices than I was expecting, and gave me good deals whenever he could. For the first couple of years our friendship was mainly based on a mutual love of ancient history and the associated coins of those times. After I got m y drivers license, I started making frequent trips from m y h o m e in the suburbs into the city to visit John and his w i f e M a r y Ann. This allowed us to get to k n o w each o t h e r m u c h b e t t e r and o u r f r i e n d s h i p evolved b e y o n d coins. John became more of a mentor and I his student. John was very supportive when he found out that my parents were getting a divorce and tried to offer guidance that a father or older brother m i g h t provide. He a l w a y s loved giving m e advice on the subject of women - a topic dear to his heart!
T h e y e a r b e f o r e this, 1975 I think, John started O W L L T D which was d e v o t e d to a n c i e n t and m e d i e v a l c o i n s p l u s some antiquities. T h e f i r s t list was s u c c e s s f u l b e y o n d e x p e c t a t i o n and really got J o h n going. In 1977, John decided it was time to leave C h i c a g o and its city ways a f t e r rescuing a woman who was being mugged and having his new Chevy Blazer broken into. John and M a r y Ann had w a n t e d to m o v e to N e w Hampshire for some time and the income from O W L LTD allowed this to happen. The new distance between us (I was going to college in Illinois) was at first painful, but did not provide a real obstacle to our friendship. I made frequent visits to N e w H a m p s h i r e during winter and summer breaks from college. I remember one trip particularly well. I was infected with sports car disease and all I could do was talk about cars - John was rapidly losing patience. Matters came to a head when he went to sleep one night listening to m e lecturing to Mary Ann on my new idea for a 1000 cylinder, 1 liter engine, and woke up the next morning to me still talking about it. He did not realize we had only been up for about 30 minutes and assumed that we had been talking about cars all night. Before I could explain, I found myself outside in the snow. This ended my sports car lectures for the rest of the visit. John gave m e a lot of support, both moral and financial, through college. In April, 1980, during my j u n i o r year, he took m e to London with him on business "to give m e a proper education...", much drinking and eating transpired. John really knew how to enjoy London and made many trips there in later years. On March 12, 1980, John and Mary Ann had a son, Edward Leonid Alexander Barton, and gave m e t h e great h o n o r of b e i n g his godfaiher. As the years went by, I began to realize what a gift this was as John, Edward and I did m o r e together. It was about this time that J o h n d i s c o v e r e d his l o v e f o r creating stained glass art and his natural talent in this field. He planned to slowly reduce his i n v o l v e m e n t in the n u m i s m a t i c trade and eventually go full time into the stained glass
profession. A l w a y s t r y i n g to share his enthusiasm for art, John created some very striking stained glass panels with the subject matter done in textured glass so his blind client could feel what was there. Some of his last m a j o r works were sensuous renditions of women done in such a masterful way that even the most conservative viewer was moved by their beauty. Sadly, the world of stained glass has lost a man w h o was breathing new life into the art form. Much of John's new found life and energy, as reflected in his later stained glass works, came from his second wife, Becky Welherill, whom he married in 1983. John and Becky packed a hell f o a lot of living into the time they knew each other, and shared their love and good fortune with all of their friends. Their home was a very w e l c o m e place, and they made everyone who visited feel as if they were a special guest. My wife Kim and I moved to Massachusetts in 1985 when I changed jobs, and this allowed us to make frequent weekend trips to N e w Hampshire to visit John and Becky. Jeremy Barton was bom to John and Becky on July 11, 1986. This was a great m o m e n t for them, and J e r e m y has given Becky some part of John to live with into the future. Although John and Mary Ann were no longer married, they lived near each other and their son Edward spent time at both their homes. I have fond m e m o r i e s of a camping trip that John, Edward and I went on in the W h i l e Mountains two years ago. We were planning to go again after John relumed from visiting his sick father in Los Angeles. John had decided that his f a t h e r should m o v e to N e w Hampshire so he and Becky could take care of him. This entailed John driving his father's van f u l l of b e l o n g i n g s across the country alone. Apparently, John fell asleep while driving through Kansas and lost control of the van. He was killed instantly in the resulting crash. This is the greatest tragedy lhal has ever happened in my life - it was like loosing a father, older brother, and best friend all at once. John's funeral was a standing room only event and I was brought to tears not only by his death, but also by the emotion freely displayed by so many different people of all walks of life. John Barton gave so much to so many - I hope we all can learn from him.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS T h i s is a p u b l i c and mail bid a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d by C l a s s i c a l L t d . a n d t h e f o l l o w i n g t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s s h o u l d be read b e f o r e b i d d i n g in this sale.
Numismatic Auctions, by all i n t e r e s t e d p a r t i e s
1 . T h e p r o p e r t y listed in this catalog is o f f e r e d f o r sale by C N A , L t d . as a g e n t s f o r various o w n e r s and o t h e r c o n s i g n o r s . W e r e s e r v e the right to w i t h d r a w a n y lot b e f o r e the close of the sale. 2.
T h e r e is a 10%
buyer's f e e that will be added to all invoices at the close of the sale.
3 . All c o i n s are g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e and as d e s c r i b e d . G r a d i n g is a s u b j e c t i v e art. E v e r y e f f o r t has b e e n m a d e to be c o n s e r v a t i v e in our g r a d i n g . Please note that an auction sale is not an a p p r o v a l sale. Lots e x a m i n e d prior to the sale m a y not be returned for any reason except authenticity. 4 . T e r m s are for c a s h , with i n v o i c e s b e i n g d u e and p a y a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n r e c e i p t . P a y m e n t by check must be m a d e in U S f u n d s and drawn on a United States bank. Visa and Mastercard m a y be used to pay your bill. H o w e v e r , a 3.5% surcharge is m a d e for the use of your credit c a r d . (Our cost f r o m the bank.). 5 . B i d d e r s not k n o w n to us m u s t p r o v i d e us with s a t i s f a c t o r y credit r e f e r e n c e s . are f o r b i d d e n f r o m b i d d i n g without a parent's signature on the bid sheet.
6 . Bid in e v e n d o l l a r a m o u n t s . M a i l Bidder P r o t e c t i o n . Y o u m a y s u b m i t b i d s with c o n f i d e n c e . W h e r e c o m p e t i t i o n p e r m i t s , your bids will be e x e c u t e d at 10% over the next h i g h e s t b i d . P l e a s e n o t e , that m o s t bids b e l o w e s t i m a t e are rarely r e d u c e d , d u e to h e a v y c o m p e t i t i o n . If y o u bid over estimate, c h a n c e s are that your bids will be r e d u c e d . In the case of tie bids ‍ ֞‏the bid received earliest wins. Bid by lot n u m b e r . N o lots will be b r o k e n . 7 . A w o r d on R e s e r v e s . If a coin is reserved, it will not be in e x c e s s of the e s t i m a t e . H o w e v e r , p l e a s e note that bids that are below 5 0 % of the estimate have little or no c h a n c e of w i n n i n g , or b e i n g e x e c u t e d . C h e c k y o u bid s h e e t s c a r e f u l l y . T h e seller c a n n o t a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r e r r o r s m a d e by b i d d e r s . 8.
Sales tax and p o s t a g e are added to all invoices w h e r e
9 . Prices R e a l i z e d are p u b l i s h e d p a r t i c i p a t e d in the sale.
shortly a f t e r the sale and m a i l e d
to all bidders w h o
1 0 . If you bid in this sale, you accept the terms as outlined a b o v e . A n y legal disputes m i g h t arise will be h a n d l e d in the courts of Lancaster C o u n t y , P e n n s y l v a n i a .
G O O D L U C K and be in the o f f i c e by
remember December
to 8.
mail your 1988.
CAMAPAMA 7. N e a p o l i s . 450-340 BC. Didrachm. (7.45 gms.). Head of nymph right wearing a broad diademn, pendant earring and necklace, bunch of grapes behind. Man-headed bull standing right, head facing, being crowned by winged Nike flying above to the right. SNG ANS 317. Good VF of very pleasant style. (700)
GAUL 1. Massalia. 450-400 BC. Obol. (0.81 gms.). Archaic head of Artemis left. Crab from above, M below. De la Tour 511. Toned aXF. Rare and choice. (600)
Massalia. 4th BC. Obol. (0.49 gms.). Laureate bust left of young river god. Four spoked wheel, MA between. SNG Cop 726. Choice XF. Nice Style. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200)
Φ 3.
N e a p o l i s . Circa 250-200 BC. fc 19mm. (6.10 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. Omphalos and lyre; above, Nike flying left. SNG Cop.- 538/539 for type. Nice Fine, beautiful blue-green patina. (100)
Auriol Hoard. 520-460 BC. Hemiobol. (0.56 gms.). Greek war helmet right. Incuse. De la Tour 188. Toned XF. Rare. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200) CALABRIA 9. Tarentum. 235-228 BC. Didrachm. (6.34 gms.). Youth on horseback right, pulling back with unequaled restraint on reigns, head turned looking back, ΕΩ above bucranium in field. Taras astride of dolphin left holding trident, mask of Pan in field, ET below. Vlasto 940. Superb XF. Amazing artistic workmanship. (1600)
CELTIC ENGLAND 4. Atrebates & Regni. Verica. 10-40 AD. Unit. (1.23 gms.). COM.F, crescents above and below. Wild boar right, star above. Seaby 104, Mack 115. Nice VF. (350)
LUCAMA 10. M e t a p o n t u m . After 330 BC. Pc. 14mm. (1.91 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena left. Three corn-grains arranged starwise. SNG ANS-581. Nice XF, light brown patina. (200)
Atrebates and Regni. Epaticcus. Unit. (1.16 gms.). Head of Hercules right wearing lion's skin. Eagle facing with spread wings, grasping a serpent in its talons. Seaby 113. Good VF. (175)
ETRURIA ^ ^ 6. Populonia. 4th Century BC. Didrachm of 20 Units. (8.23 gms.). Gorgon's head facing, tongue protruding, Χ X below. Tentacles of a sepia. SNG ANS 85. Toned superb XF. This may be one of the finest existing specimens of this coin. Ex: Edward Gans Collection. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (3500)
S y b a r i s . 530-510 BC. Third Stater. (2.59 gms.). Bull standing left, on exergual line, looking back, VM below; all within a border of dots. Incuse of the obverse. SNG Cop 1932, SNG Lloyd 452. Choice XF. Magnificent metal for this rare issue. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (1500)
Agrigentum. Phintias Tyrant. 287-279 BC. JE 20mm. (5.81 gms.). Head of Persephone left, crowned with barley. Boar running left. SNG Cop.-101/103. Good VF, dark green patina. (150)
BRUTTIUM 12. Brettian League. 215-205 BC. Drachm. (4.78 gms.). Bust of winged Nike right. Dionysos standing facing with a long torch. BMC 24. Toned XF. (650)
Rhegium. 415-387 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.07 gms.). Lion's scalp facing. PH between two olive leaves with berries. SNG Cop 1935. Toned near XF. Rare. (750)
C a m a r i n a . Circa 413-405 BC. JE Trias. (2.86 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena left. Owl standing left, head facing, holding lizard. SNG Cop-169. VF, dark green-brown patina. (125) i'JS•:!
m 14.
R h e g i u m . 415-387 BC. Litra. (0.83 gms.). Lion's scalp facing. PH between two olive leaves with berries. BMC 32. Near XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (250)
R h e g i u m . Circa 270-203 BC. JE 22mm. (6.81 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo left. Ornate tripod. SNG Cop.1955/59 for type. Near XF, beautiful dark green patina. (200)
Himera. 410-400 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.42 gms.). Signed by the artist "MAI". Fast galloping quadriga right, Victory above holding tablet inscribed MAI, sea monster below in exergue. The nymph Himera standing left holding patera over altar; to the right, a statue of a kneeling satyr before a lion's head water spout. MBNG 47, 20 (same dies). Superb XF. Rare and choice. (6000)
SICILY 16. Aetna. Before 339 BC. JE 18mm. (4.62 gms.). Head of Persephone right, crowned with barley. Horse prancing right; above, M. SNG Cop-13. Choice VF, pleasing brown patina. _ (150)
Gela. Circa 330-310 BC. JE 15mm. (2.89 gms.). Head of Demeter facing slightly to the right. Bearded head of rivergod left. SNG Cop.-287, SNG ANS-123/125. Nice XF, beautiful dark green patina, very rare. (500)
A g r i g e n t u m . Circa 425-406 BC. JE Trias. (8.73 gms.). Eagle standing right on hare. Crab; beneath, crayfish and three pellets. SNG Cop-75/78. Nice VF, medium brown patina. (200)
Himera as Thermae. Circa 405-350 BC. JE 16mm. (2.16 gms.). Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin. Head of Hera right wearing stephanos. SNG ANS-190. Good VF, reverse off-center, typical oval flan, dark green patina. (200)
Selinus. 520-499 BC. Didrachm. (8.85 gms.). Selinon leaf. Incuse. BMC 7. Toned XF. (1500)
Katane. 461-450 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.23 gms.). Manheaded bull, Amenanos the river-god, standing right; tunny fish below and a branch above. KATANE, Nike advancing left holding fillet. SNG ANS 1235. XF/VF+. Extremely Rare and seldom offered for sale. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE?)
< . 1 2 0 0 0 ) ()״״
Katane. 413-404 BC. Litra. (0.65 gms.). Head of Seilenos left, wreathed in ivy. Winged thunderbolt. BMC 46. Nice VF. Rare and seldom offered. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (400)
Leontini. 466-422 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.20 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo left. Lion's head left, three barley corn's and leaf in field. SNG ANS 257. Superb XF. (3750)
Syracuse. 480-460 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.21 gms.). Charioteer right in a slow quadriga, winged Nike above to the right, crowning horses. Pearl diademned head of ArtemisArethusa right, with four dolphins around. Boehringer 156. XF, unusually nice for this issue. (4500)
Leontini. 430-422 BC. JE Uncia. Laureate head of Apollo right. Tripod lebes between two wheat grains, in exergue a single pellet. Grose 2348. Near XF with a green patina. Rare. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200)
31. 595.
Selinus. 440-425 BC. JE (Cast) Trias. Gorgon head facing with tongue protruding. Selinon leaf with ... around. Thurlow-Vecchi 311. Gabrici 9. Superb XF for this crude issue. (900)
L e o n t i n i . Circa 422 - 353 BC. JE Trias. (1.82 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. Tripod between two corn grains; between legs of tripod, lyre. SNG Cop.-360. Good VF/XF, nice green patina, rare. (300)
Syracuse. 485-479 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.32 gms.). Slow quadriga right being driven by charioteer, horse being crowned by Nike flying right. Large head of ArtemisArethusa right, four dolphins around. Boehringer 161. Toned VF+. Nice large flan with exceptional striking for the issue. (1800)
Syracuse. 405-380 BC. Dekadrachm. (43.36 gms.). Signed by Euainetos. Galloping quadriga driven left by charioteer, holding goad. Nike above crowning charioteer; in exergue, a panoply of armour. Head of Artemis-Arethusa left, hair bound with wreath of corn-leaves; four dolphins around, Î&#x201D; below chin, EY A(IN) below central dolphin. Gallatin RXI/DII. VF+/VF. Much better metal than you normally encounter. (14,000)
Syracuse. 385-380 BC. Dekadrachm. (42.75 gms.). Style of Euainetos. Quadriga galloping left, Nike above crowning charioteer. Bust left of Artemis-Arethusa with four dolphins around and a scallop shell behind. Boston 428 (This coin). Gallatin FIII/RXII. BMC 186. Ex: Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Ex: Warren Collection 358, Ex: NFA VI 44. Toned XF. Beautiful style and pedigree. One of the classic rarities of the Greek series. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (17500)
Syracuse. Agathocles. 317-289 BC. JE 22mm. (9.28 gms.). Young male head left. Lion striding right, club above; in exergue, K. SNG Cop-768. Good VF, red-brown patina. (250)
Syracuse. Siculo Punic. C. 320 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.86 gms.). Head of Arethusa left, wearing crown of reeds, triple pendant earring and bead necklace, four dolphins around. Horse's head three quarter left, date palm below, cf. Jenkins 152. Toned near XF/XF. Nice graceful style. (2750)
Syracuse. Fourth Republic. Circa 289-287 or later. IE 22mm. (10.32 gms.). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios left. Eagle standing left on thunderbolt. SNG Cop-785/788 for type. VF+/VF, brown patina. (150)
Syracuse. Hicetas. 288-279 BC. JE 19mm. (7.96 gms.). Head of Persephone left. Biga galloping right. SNG Cop804. XF, nice dark green-brown patina. (300)
Syracuse. Hegemony of Pyrrhus. 278-275 BC. JE 23mm. (7.88 gms.). Head of Herakles wearing lion's skin left. Athena standing right with spear and shield; behind, wreath. SNG Cop-812. Good VF, nice chocolate brown patina. (125)
Syracuse. Before 357 BC. JE 14mm. (3.76 gms.). Head of Arethusa-Artemis left. Four-spoked wheel, a dolphin in lower quarters. SNG Cop-696. Choice VF, nice dark green patina, obverse slightly off-center. (175)
S y r a c u s e . 344-336 BC. IE Hemilitron. (13.12 gms.). Laureate bust of bearded Zeus right. Thunderbolt, eagle in field to right. BMC 313. XF with a nice green patina. (650)
S y r a c u s e . Circa 344-336 BC (Time of Timoleon). IE Hemilitron. (19.13 gms.). Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios left. Horse prancing left. SNG Cop-725. Nice VF+, dark brown to black patina.
Syracuse. Circa 344-336 BC (Time of Timoleon). IE Trias. (3.43 gms.). Female head right with hair in korymbos. Cuttle-fish (10 arm relative of the squid). Weber-1624, BMC-126. Choice VF, beautiful dark green patina. (300)
Syracuse. Circa 344-336 BC (Time of Timoleon). JE Trias. (8.67 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena left; on helmet, olive-wreath. Hippocamp left; below, triskeles. SNG Cop721. Near XF, choice dark green patina. (225)
Syracuse. Hieron II. 274-216 BC. JE 27mm. (14.88 gms.). Diademed head of Hieron II left; behind, oenochoe. Horseman with spear galloping right; below, N. cf. SNG Cop-838. Nice XF, beautiful green patina. (250)
Siculo Punic. Sicilian mint. 213-211 BC. 1/2 Shekel. (1.72 gms.). Male head right, wreathed in corn ears. Horse prancing right, punie letter below. SNG Cop 379. Darkly toned XF, reverse a little off center. (275)
Tauromenium. Circa 275-210 BC. JE 23mm. (17.27 gms.). Bearded head of Herakles right. Bull butting right. SNG Cop-934. VF, dark green-brown patina. (200)
Tauromenium. Circa 275-210 BC. JE 18mm. (5.56 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right. Owl standing right, head facing. SNG Cop-945. VF, nice green-brown patina, very rare. (300)
Siculo Punic. "MHSBN". C. 300 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.81 gms.). Head of Herakles right, clad in lion's skin. Horse's head left, palm tree behind. Jenkins 366. Superb XF. (2500)
Z a n c l e - M e s s a n a . 520-493 BC. Hemiobol. (0.42 gms.). Dolphin swimming left within the sickle shaped harbour at Zancle. Scallop shell in the center of divided incuse. BMC 8v. VF. Very Rare and seldom offered. (350)
Siculo Punic. Sicilian mint (?). 213-210 BC. Hemishekel. (3.26 gms.). Laureate male head left. African elephant walking right. SNG Cop 383. Superb XF. (1250) The obverse portrait has been speculated on as being Mago, youngest brother of Hannibal.
MACEDON 52. A c a n t h u s . Before 480 BC. Diobol. (0.76 gms.). Large lion's head facing, pellet above, border of dots around. Quadripartite incuse. BMC -, Rosen -, SNG Cop -. Choice VF. Apparently missing from most major collections. Rare. (300)
Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. 10 Litrai. (8.43 gms.). Diademed bust of Hieronymous left. Winged thunderbolt, KI above. Holloway 42a. Superb XF. Nice style and strike. (2000)
0 53.
M e n d e . 465-424 BC. Trihemitartemorion. (0.28 gms.). Forepart of a donkey right, border of dots. Shallow incuse with kantharos. BMC 7 variety. SNG ANS 367. VF, scarce. (150) Ex: John Barton Inventory.
Tragilos. 450-410 BC. Hemiobol. (0.27 gms.). Bunch of grapes, border of dots around. Quadripartite incuse, TRIA within the incuse. BMC 4. Toned VF+. Rare. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200)
Olynthos. The Chalkidian League. 392-379 BC. Tetradrachm. (14.33 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo left. Lyre with ΚΙΔ to right, ΕΩΝ. Weber 1905. Toned near XF. Nice style and rare. (4500)
KINGS OF MACEDON 59. Amyntas ΠΙ. 389-383 BC. Didrachm. (9.31 gms.). Bearded Herakles right in lion's skin. Horse standing right, AMY NTA around, all in shallow incuse. SNG Cop 512. XF/VF+. Rare this nice. (1750)
O r r e s k i o i . 510-480 BC. Stater. (8.31 gms.). Centaur kneeling right, carrying in his arms a nymph left, who raises her hands in protest. Incuse. Dewing 1072, Svoronos plate V, 18. Toned VF. Rare. (1750)
Philip II. 359-336 BC. AV Stater. (8.54 gms.). Pella mint. Laureate head of Apollo right with short hair. Galloping biga right driven by charioteer holding goad, kantharos in field, cf. Le Rider 155. Superb XF. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE 5) (4500)
Philip Π. After 207 BC. AV Stater. (8.51 gms.). Laureate bust of a man with the features of King Nabis of Lacedaenom (Sparta). Apollo right in a biga. cf. AMUGS (Berlin) VII, plate 6, 17 for a portrait with very similar features. Apparently unpublished. VF. Very Rare. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (3500+)
Therma. 510-480 BC. Hemiobol. (0.29 gms.). Forepart of Pegasos right, border of dots around. Quadripartite incuse. BMC 10. Toned VF. Rare. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (150)
T r a g i l o s . 450-410 BC. Hemiobol. (0.36 gms.). Wheat ear. Quadripartite incuse with TRIA in incuses. BMC 1. XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200)
Philip II. 359-336 BC. Tetrobol. (2.63 gms.). Diademed head of Apollo right. Youth on horseback right, branch in field. Le Rider pi. 46, 27. Choice XF. (500)
Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.21 gms.). Amphipolis mint. Alexander as Herakles in a lion's skin right. Zeus enthroned left holding eagle and sceptre, wheat ear in field.Muller 570. Superb XF. Magnificient style and strike for issue. (1000)
Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.87 gms.). Aradus mint. (16.86 gms.). Bust of Alexander right, clad in lion's skin, as Herakles. Zeus enthroned left holding sceptre and eagle, palm tree in field. SNG Cop 803. Toned superb XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (800)
Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Drachm. (4.21 gms.). Head of Alexander as Herakles right in lion's skin. Zeus enthroned left holding eagle and sceptre. Muller 1626. Toned XF. (325)
Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Drachm. (4.23 gms.). Miletus mint. Alexander right as Herakles in lion's skin. Zeus enthroned left holding sceptre and eagle. SNG Ashmolean 2795. Toned XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (300)
Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater. (8.61 gms.). Amphipolis mint. Head of Athena right in crested Corinthian helmet ornamented with a serpent. Nike standing left holding wreath and ship's mast, in field a trident head. Muller 112. Choice XF. Nice style and strike. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (2500)
Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.22 gms.). Amphipolis mint. Head of Alexander as young Herakles clad in a lion's skin right. Zeus seated left on a backless throne holding an eagle and a sceptre, torch in field. Muller 49. Superb XF. (650)
Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.17 gms.). Amphipolis mint. Head of Alexander as young Herakles clad in a lion's skin right. Zeus seated left on a backless throne holding an eagle and a sceptre, trident head in field. Muller 108. VF+/aXF. Scarce symbol. (400)
Demetrius Poliorcetes. 306-283 BC. JE 15mm. (2.64 gms.). Head of Demetrius left wearing Corinthian helmet. Prow right; above, Β A; to right, double-axe; below AP monogram, cf. SNG Cop-1188. Good VF, green-black patina. (110)
THRACE 74. Abdera. 411-386 BC. Stater. (12.66 gms.). ΑΒΔΗΡΙΤΕΩΝ above and to the right of griffin seated left, with right forleg raised, and a high curve to the tail. Ε Π Ι M OA ΓΑΓΟΠΕΩ either side of a dancing girl, right, executing the molpe and wearing a short chiton and circular headdress. May 313. Toned near XF/VF. Very Rare. (4500) This coin exhibits a finely balanced and detailed composition that catches the full rhythm of the dance and brings to life this little dancer.
A n o n y m o u s . Circa 288-277 BC. JE 16mm. (4.71 gms.). Macedonian shield; in center, Herakles in lion's skin facing? Macedonian helmet; to left, caduceus; to right, monogram, cf. SNG Cop-1134. VF, light brown and black patina, field smoothed on reverse. (75)
Antogonas Gonatas. 277-239 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.02 gms.). Head of Alexander the Great right, as Herakles, clad in a lion's skin. Zeus enthroned left holding eagle and sceptre, EK monogram beneath throne. Mathisen ANS MN Plate 20, 28. Nice VF. Extremely Rare. Could not trace a recent sale record for this elusive coin. (2000)
Abdera. Circa 281-200 BC. JE 22mm. (8.10 gms.). Head of Hermes (?) right. Griffin seated left. BMC-91. Good VF, green-brown patina, some light encrustation, very rare. (400)
Istrus. JE (Cast) 10 mm. Before 400 BC. Four-spoled wheel. ΣΤ. Weber -, Grose -, SNG Lockett -, Pozzi -, BMC -. Nice VF. Natural green patina. Apparently unpublished. Very Rare. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (125)
KINGS OF THRACE 77. L y s i m a c h u s . Circa 89-72 BC. AV Stater. (8.20 gms.). Laureate bust of deified Alexander the Great with the features of Ariarathes of Cappadocia. Athena seated left, holding Nike, trident below, under arm ΔΙ. SNG Cop 1094 (Istrus mint), Grose 4481. Toned near XF. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PACES) (3500)
Antigonas Doson. 229-221 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.09 gms.). Head of Poseidon right, crowned in reeds. Apollo seated left on the prow of a ship, mongram below. SNG Cop 1204. Dewing 1206. Superb XF. Nice style and metal quality. (3200)
Thessaly was a vast plain enclosed by mountain barriers and drained by the river Peneios. Legend has it that this plain was once a vast lake. Poseidon, by means of an earthquake, removed the rocks and formed the pass at Tempe, thereby allowing the waters of the river Peneios to flow to the sea. (Herod vii, 129). Hence Poseidon was revered as the creator of the national soil and also as the creator of the celebrated Thessalian horses which grazed in the rich plains.
L y s i m a c h u s . 323-281 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.37 gms.). Diademed head of Alexander the Great right, wearing the horn of Ammon. Athena enthroned left, holding Nike and resting left arm on a shield ornamented with a lion's head. Muller 542.T0ned superb XF. Nice style and strike. (2500)
Games were held in the honour of Poseidon, in which the Thessalian youth exhibited their skill in seizing wild bulls by the horns. This peculiar national religious festival is amply shown on many of the coins. Larissa was the most important town of Thessaly situated on the right bank of the Pernios. Her earliest coins give us a wide variety of wrestler and bull types. The later issues are of esquisite art using the head of the Nymph Larissa. Through out the series the horse remains as a central part of the coinage.
L y s i m a c h u s . Circa 306-281 BC. JE 17mm. (5.47 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right. Lion leaping right; below, caduceus, ME monogram and spear-head. SNG Cop1153/54, Miiller-76. Near XF, nice brown-black patina. (250) 82.
L a r i s s a . 479-460 BC. Drachm. (5.93 gms.). Thessalian youth, left, standing behind bull, attempting to restrain it. Bridled horse right, with rein trailing, exergual line below. BMC -, SNG Cop -, SNG Oxford 3848. VF. Very Rare. (900) »SS5T-
ISLANDS OFF THRACE 80. S a m o t h r a c e . After circa 280 BC. Ά 18mm. (6.07 gms.). Helmeted bust of Athena right. Cybele enthroned left and holding sceptre and patera. SNG Cop-998. Near XF, choice green patina, scarce. (200)
KINGS OF PAEONIA 81. Patraus. 335-315 BC. Tetradrachm. (12.76 gms.). Diademed male head right, with the features of Patraus. Horseman spearing a prostrate foe who defends himself with a Macedonian shield and spear. SNG ANS 1045. Toned near XF/VF. Rare. (700)
L a r i s s a . 479-460 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.80 gms.). Youth right, wearing chalmys and petasus, restraining forepart of bull. Forepart of bridled horse right, in incuse. SNG Oxford 3853 variant. Nice VF. Very Rare. (450)
L a r i s s a . 450-400 BC. Drachm. (6.04 gms.). Youth left restraining unruly bull with band around the horns; wears chalmys, petasus flying off his head; olants growing from the ground, TO in exergue. Λ ΑΡΙΣΑΙΑ above and below bridled horse galloping left. BMC 19 for obverse. XF, light graffiti on obverse edge that does not detract from the central design. Very Rare in this condition. (3500)
Larissa. 460-440 BC. Drachm. (6.08 gms.). Thessalian youth, right, wearing chlamys and petasus, standing before bull, attempting to restrain it. Bridled horse right, AAP above, ΙΣΑ below. BMC 28. VF+/XF. (1400)
Larissa. 460-440 BC. Drachm. (5.93 gms.). Youth right, wearing chlamys and petasus, restraining unruly bull. Bridled horse right, in incuse. SNG Cop 99. VF. (600)
Larissa. 460-440 BC. Drachm. (6.15 gms.). Thessalian youth, right, wearing chlamys and petasus, standing before bull, attempting to restrain it. Bridled horse right, AAP above, ΙΣΑ below. BMC -, SNG Cop -, SNG Oxford - . VF+/XF. Rare. (1500)
Larissa. 460-440 BC. Drachm. (6.15 gms.). Thessalian youth, left, wearing chlamys and petasus, standing before bull, attempting to restrain it. Bridled horse right, A A PI above, ΣΑΙΑ below. SNG Cop 108. Nice VF. (750)
Larissa. 460-440 BC. Drachm. (6.21 gms.). Thessalian youth, right, standing before bull, attempting to restrain it. Bridled horse right, A A above, PI Σ A (retrograde) below. BMC -, SNG Cop -, SNG Oxford -. XF. Rare. (1750)
Larissa. 460-440 BC. Drachm. (5.80 gms.). Thessalian youth, right, wearing chlamys and petasus, standing before bull, attempting to restrain it. Bridled horse right, λ α ρ ι above, ΣΑΙ A below, rein flying loose. BMC 27, different die. VF+. (1500)
Larissa. 460-440 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.98 gms.). Youth left, wearing chlamys and petasus restraining bull left, TO below. Forepart of bridled horse left. BMC -, SNG Cop -, SNG Oxford -. Nice VF/XF, obverse field a little porous. Rare. (350)
L a r i s s a . 360-350 BC. Drachm. (6.14 gms.). Head of nymph Larissa left, hair in sphendone. Bridled horse galloping left. BMC 47 for obverse. BMC 51 for reverse. VF+, nice style. (900)
97. 93.
Larissa. 360-350 BC. Drachm. (5.89 gms.). Head of nymph Larissa right, hair in sphendone. Horse galloping right, about to be mounted by Thessalian youth. BMC 52. VF+, metal slightly porous. Rare. (850)
It has been postulated that this special issue was coined for the accession of Alexander III of Macedon around 336 BC.
L a r i s s a . 360-350 BC. Drachm. (6.07 gms.). Head of nymph Larissa left, hair rolled. Bridled horse galloping right. SNG Oxford 3873. Toned VF+. (1000) 98.
Larissa. 350-325 BC. Didrachm. (12.25 gms.). Head of Nymph Larissa three-quarter face to left, wearing necklace; hair confined by fillet and floating loosely, with ampyx in front. Bridled horse, with head held high, trotting right, ΛΑΡΙ above, ΣΑΙΩΝ below, cf. BMC 55. XF, nice style. (4000)
Larissa. 350-325 BC. Drachm. (6.10 gms.). Head of Nymph Larissa three-quarter face to left, hair bound and flowing loosely, with amphyx in front. Horse grazing right with foreleg raised. BMC 57. Choice XF/XF+. (900)
Larissa. 350-325 BC. Drachm. (6.04 gms.). Head of Nymph Larissa three-quarter face to left, hair flowing loosely, wearing necklace. Horse grazing left, with foreleg raised, cf. BMC 60. Good VF, very pretty style. (650)
Larissa. Under the Tetrarch Simus. 352-344 BC. Drachm. (6.05 gms.). Head of Larissa, three quarter facing towards right, ΣΙΜΟ above head. Horse grazing to the right. BMC 78. Good VF. Very Rare. (1500) Simus was the Aleuad chief appointed Tetrarch for one of the four divisions of Thessaly by the Macedonian king Philip II in c. 353 BC.
Larissa. 350-325 BC. Drachm. (6.03 gms.). Head of Aleuas, legendary leader of Thessaly, three quarter face to left, in richly ornamented conical helmet, to right double axe. Eagle standing left on a thunderbolt looking back. BMC 53. Near VF. Very Rare. (1500)
Larissa. Under the Tetrarch Simus. 352-344 BC. Drachm. (6.21 gms.). Head of the nymph Larissa three quarter facing to left, ΣΙΜΟ above. Horse right grazing. BMC -, SNG Cop - Near VF Very Rare and possibly unpublished with head left. (1000)
T r i c c a . 480-400 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.86 gms.). Youth right, wearing chlamys and petasus, restraining forepart of bull, with head raised, right. Forepart of bridled horse right. BMC 1 Nice VF+. Scarce. (400)
T r i c c a . 480-400 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.78 gms.). Naked Thessalian youth standing right, restraining an unruly bull moving right. Forepart of a horse prancing to the right in a shallow incuse. BMC 4. Toned XF. Rare this nice. (750)
T r i c c a . 400-344 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.79 gms.). Youth right, wearing petasus and chlamys, restraining forepart of bull, head being pulled to the left. Forepart of bridled horse right. BMC 14. Nice VF. Rare. Exceptional artistic style. (450)
T r i c c a . 480-400 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.90 gms.). Youth right, wearing chlamys and petasus, restraining forepart of bull right. Forepart of bridled horse right. SNG Cop 262 variant. Nice VF+. Scarce. (350)
T r i c c a . 480-400 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.86 gms.). Youth right, wearing chlamys and petasus, restraining forepart of bull right.Forepart of bridled horse right. SNG Cop 263. Nice VF+. Scarce. (350)
Larissa. 350-325 BC. Drachm. (6.10 gms.). Head of Nymph Larissa three-quarter facing to the right, head slightly inclined. Horse grazing to the right. BMC 72. Good VF. Exceptional style. (750)
Larissa. 350-325 BC. Drachm. (6.02 gms.). Head of Nymph Larissa three-quarter face to left, hair flowing loosely. Horse grazing right, bucranium between legs, ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΩΝ in exergue, cf. BMC 90. VF+, nice style. Rare symbol. (600)
Larissa. 350-325 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.30 gms.). Head of Nymph Larissa three-quarters to the left. Horse standing right with left foreleg raised and head bowed to graze. BMC 67. Near XF. Rare and seldom offered. (600)
Pharsalos. 400-344 BC. Drachm. (5.84 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, in close fitting crested helmet. Horseman prancing right, holding a whip. BMC 7. VF/VF+, fields a little porous and the obverse is slightly off center. Rare. (450)
EUBOIA 114. Chalcis. Circa 290-271 BC. Drachm. (3.65 gms.). Head of nymph Chalcis right. Eagle flying right carrying snake, monogram above. Dewing-1535var. Good VF, light toning, (275)
Tricca. 480-400 BC. Hemidrachm. (2.87 gms.). Youth right, wearing chlamys and petasus, restraining forepart of bull right.Forepart of bridled horse right. SNG Cop 263. Nice VF+. Scarce. (350)
Thessalian Confederacy. Circa 196 to 1st Century BC. Double Victoriatus. (6.09 gms.). Laureate head of Zeus right. Athena Itonia standing right brandishing shield and spear. SNG Cop-284. Good VF, verdigris in devices. (300)
ATTICA 116. Athens. After 449 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.15 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet. Owl standing right, olive branch and crescent behind. SNG Cop 33-40. Toned aXF. Nice style. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (1100)
ΒΟΕΟΠΑ 112. T h e b e s . 378-338 BC. Stater. (12.17 gms.). Boeotian shield. Amphora, grapes in right field. BMC 123. Near XF. Nice strike for this issue. (650)
117. 113.
Histiaia. 3rd Century BC. Tetrobol. (2.42 gms.). Head of Nymph Histiaia right, wreathed in vine, hair rolled behind. Nymph Histiaia seated right on prow of a galley, cf. SNG Cop 518. Toned XF. (200)
T h e b e s . 378-338 BC. Stater. (12.02 gms.). Boeotian shield. ΕΓ Γ A either side of an amphora. BMC -, SNG Cop -, Weber -, Grose -. Toned VF. Scarce without the shield above amphora. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (500)
Athens. Circa 479-393 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.14 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, helmet adorned with three olive-leaves and floral scroll. Owl standing right, head facing; above, olive-spray and crescent. SNG Cop-37. Toned XF, nice style. (1500)
Athens. 191-190 BC. "New Style" Tetradrachm. (16.61 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet ornamented with a griffin on top and a fast quadriga at the base. Owl standing left on amphora, club and monograms in the field. Thompson 19. Choice XF. Rare and important early type. (1600)
Corinth. 350-338 BC. Slater. (8.54 gms.). Winged Pegasus flying left. Helmeted head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet, Thyrsos behind. BMC 279. Toned near XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (300)
MYSIA 123. Lampsacus. The Satrap Orontas. Circa 362-348 BC. JE 12mm. (1.56 gms.). Bearded head in satrapal tiara right. Forepart of winged horse right. SNG Cop-199, BMC(I0nia)-16. Nice VF+, dark green patina. (125)
Athens. 145-144 BC. "New Style" Tetradrachm. (16.60 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet adorned with griffin . Owl standing left on amphora, Triptolemos in biga of serpents left in right field. Thompson 678e. Toned VF/VF+. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (400)
AEGINA 120. 510-490 BC. Stater. Smoothed shelled turtle with a single row of dots down the center of his shell. Incuse square of the "Union Jack" pattern. Asyut Group IVa. Near XF. (2000)
Lampsacus. Circa 4th to 3rd century BC. JE 17mm. (3.94 gms.). Janiform female head wearing taenia and earring. Forepart of winged horse right; below, harpa? SNG Cop203, BMC-50. Nice VF+, choice dark green patina. (200)
AFX) LIS 125. Kyme. Circa 250-190 BC. IE 21mm. (8.62 gms.). Diademed head of the Amazon Kyme right. Horse standing right with left foreleg raised over one-handled vase. SNG Cop-99/101 for type. Good VF, green-black patina. (125)
COREVTHIA 121. Corinth. 400-338 BC. Stater. (8.56 gms.). Winged Pegasus flying left. Helmeted head of Athena left, laureate wreath on helmet, Chimera in field. Ravel 1010. Toned XF. (600)
K y m e . 2nd Century BC. Tetradrachm. (16.62 gms.). Diademed bust of the Amazon Kyme right. Bridled horse prancing right, amphora at foot, ΜΙΙΤΡΟΦΑΝΗΣ below, all in a wreath. SNG Cop 104. Choice XF. (1300)
Mytilene. 480-450 BC. El Hecte. (2.58 gms.). Lion's head right. Incuse calfs head right . Bodenstedt. 13. Superb XF. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (1500)
IONIA 131. Clazomenae. Circa 420 BC. Diobol. (1.22 gms.). Forepart of winged boar right. Helmeted head of Athena right within incuse square. Rosen-564(this coin). Good VF, rare. (350) 127.
K y m e . 2nd Century BC. Tetradrachm. (16.68 gms.). Diademed bust of the Amazon Kyme right. Bridled horse prancing right, amphora at foot, ΜΗΤΡΟΦΑΝΗΣ below, all in a wreath. SNG Cop 104. Choice XF. (1300) 132.
E p h e s u s . Circa 387-295 BC. JE 9mm. (1.23 gms.). Female head left. Bee with straight wings. SNG Cop-256. BMC68/70. Good VF, black patina. (150)
Phocaea. C. 400 BC. El. Hecte. (2.52 gms.). Youthful male head to the left wearing taenia. Quadripartite incuse. Bodenstedt 63. Choice XF, nice style. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (1850)
Teos. C. 460 BC. Stater. (11.99 gms.). Griffin, with curled wings, seated right, foreleg raised. Lion's head in field before. Quadripartite incuse square. Balcer 103. Superb XF. Exceptional style and strike for this issue. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (3500)
Kyme. After 190 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.57 gms.). Head of the Amazon Kyme right. Bridled horse standing right, fore leg raised. Eagle in field on thunderbolt. KYMΑΙΩΝ before, ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΔΗΔ below. SNG Cop 105. Toned XF. Choice style and die workmanship. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (2200) Ex: CNA I, 68.
LESBOS 129. Mytilene. 480-450 BC. El Hecte. (2.58 gms.). Lion's head right. Incuse calfs head left . Bodenstedt. 12. Superb XF. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) ( 1500)
T e o s . 470-450 BC. Stater. (12.10 gms.). Griffin seated right with curled wings, a small duck in field before. Incuse square. BMC 3-5 variety. Near XF. (2400)
C a u n u s . Circa 350-309 BC. JE 13mm. (1.72 gms.). Bull butting right. Sphinx seated right. SNG Cop-182. BMC3/6. Good VF, nice green-black patina. (200)
H a l i k a r n a s s o s . 2nd-lst Century BC. Drachm. (4.24 gms.). Head of Helios facing. Helmeted head of Athena right, MH above head. BMC 46 variety. Toned VF, flan crack. Rare. (375)
Knidos. 387-343 BC. Tetradrachm. (15.03 gms.). Diademed head of Aphrodite Euploia left. Forepart of lion left in incuse square, ΣΤΑΣΥΛΛΚ) below. Traite II, 1636 (This coin). Ex: Warren Collection #1172, Ex: Jameson Collection 1535, Ex: NFA IV #300. Good Very Fine. Very Rare. (3750)
Rhodian P e r a i a . 2nd Century BC. Drachm. (2.58 gms.). Head of Helios with hair flowing, three quarters right. Rosebud. SG 5092. Ex: Sitichoro Hoard. Choice XF. (300)
Rhodian Peraia. 2nd BC. Drachm. (2.58 gms.). Head of Helios three quarters facing right. Rosebud. SG 5092. Ex: Sitichoro Hoard. Superb XF. Nice style and centering. (375)
Φ 136.
U n c e r t a i n . 6th Century BC. EL. l/24th Slater. (0.64 gms.). Swastika upon a raised square. Incuse punch. BMC 49v. Choice XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (350)
IONIAN ISLANDS 137. C h i o s . 190-84 BC. Drachm. (3.71 gms.). Sphinx seated left, grape bunch before, border of dots around. Amphora, comucopiae in left field. BMC 54. Toned Nice VF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (450)
KINGS OF LYDIA 138. Period of Artaxerxes I-Darius III. 450-330 BC. AV Daric. (8.29 gms.). Bearded archer kneeling right, holding a spear and bow. Incuse punch. Babelon pi. 86, 19-21. XF. (SEE (3000) COLOR PLATE-PAGES)
CARIA 139. Bargylia. 2nd-lst Centruy BC. Hemidrachm. (2.54 gms.). Veiled bust of Artemis-Kindyas right. Stag standing right, rose and tendrils below, cf. Weber 6444. Nice VF/XF. Rare. (300)
Rhodes. Circa 304-189 BC. Hemidrachm. (1.26 gms.). Head of Helios facing slightly right. Rose with bud on right; amphora to left; above, ANAZIAIKOS. BMC-188/197var., SNG Von Aulock-2816/17var. Nice VF, toned in devices. (100)
Rhodes. 167-88 BC. JE 25mm. (17.42 gms.). Radiate head of Helios right. Rose with bud on left, thunderbolt in field to the right. BMC - for symbol, SNG Cop -. Nice VF+ with a dark green patina. (500)
Rhodes. 88-43 BC. Trihemidrachm. (4.05 gms.). Radiate head of Helios facing three quarters right. Open rose, ΝΙΚΦΩΝ around. BMC 340. Nice VF, usual small flan crack at 5 o'clock. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (500)
CARIAN SATRAPS 145. Hidrieus. 351-344 BC. Tetradrachm. (15.05 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo three quarter face to right. Zeus Labraundos standing right holding labrys and spear, I behind, ΙΔΡΙΕΩΣ before. BMC 183. Toned XF. Nice style. (5500)
Hidrieus. 351-344 BC. Drachm. (3.75 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo three-quarter face to the right. Zeus Laubruandos standing right holding labrys and spear, ΙΔΡΙΕΩΣ in field before. SNG v. Aulock 2367. Superb XF. Magnificent style for this issue. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (2000)
ISLANDS OFF CARIA 147. Rhodes. Circa 394-304 BC. Hemidrachm. (1.79 gms.). Head of Helios facing slightly right. Rose with bud on left; club to right. BMC-61var., SNG Von Aulock-2794var. Good VF. (160)
LYCIAN DYNASTS 152. Uvug. Circa 460-420 BC. Triobol. (2.93 gms.). Forepart of winged human-headed bull right. Female head right (Sphinx?); OFOV, all within dotted and incuse square. SNG Cop-17, SNG Von Aulock-4119. Toned VF. (450)
Rhodes. 304-166 BC. Tetradrachm. (13.53 gms.). Head of Helios slightly right. Rose with bud, aplustre in field, ΑΡΙΣΤΟΚΡΙΤΟΣ across field. BMC 122. XF. Nicely centered and struck for issue. (1750)
Uncertain Issue. C. 5th Century BC. Obol. (0.64 gms.). Winged bull left. Gorgon's head facing, cf. Asyut Hoard 774 for comparable to obverse. Toned VF+. Rare. (200)
CILICIA 154. Kelenderis. 440-400 BC. Stater. (10.66 gms.). Naked rider with whip, seated sideways on horse prancing left. Goat kneeling left, looking back. BMC 5. SNG Levante 20v. (675) Good VF.
Myriandos. Mazaios. 361-334 BC. Stater. (10.43 gms.). Baaltars seated left resting on lotus tipped sceptre, at left thymiaterion. Lion walking left over waves. SNG Levante 187 obv. 188 rev. VF+/XF. Rare. (1200) This piece is the prototype issue for the Babylon staters.
Olba. M. Antonius Polemo. High Priest. 17-36 AD. JE 26mm. (17.31 gms.). Bare head of Polemo right. Throne of Zeus; to left, triskeles. BMC-19/20, SGI-5168. Nice VF+, dark green patina. (600)
TWO TREMENDOUS TETRAD RACHVIS OF SELEUKOSI One an important portrait of Alexander....
SYRL\N KINGS 158. Seleukos I. 312-280 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.16 gms.). Head of Alexander right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and ornamented with a bull's horn and ear; lion's skin knotted at the neck. Nike standing right crowning trophy, monograms in field below. BMC 38, Houghton 1023. Good VF+. Very Rare and popular type. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE 7). (6500)
Tarsos. Datames. 378-362 BC. Stater. (10.41 gms.). Baal enthroned right holding a sceptre and wheat ears. Sky god Ana standing right pointing at Datames standing left, thymiaterion between, all within a temple. BMC 36. SNG Levante 83. Toned XF. (1300)
Seleukos I. 312-280 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.15 gms.). Laureate head of Zeus right. Athena brandishing a spear and holding a shield while standing in a biga drawn by two horned elephants, symbol in field below. BMC 34v. Houghton - . Near XF, light graffiti in obverse field. Rare. (2500)
Seleukos I. 312-280 BC. Drachm. (4.22 gms.). Head of Alexander as Herakles right, clad in lion's skin. Zeus enthroned left holding eagle and sceptre, anchor in field. In the name of Alexander. Newel ESM 466v. Good VF. Rare. (350)
Antiochus III. Circa 223-187 BC. JE 13mm. (2.16 gms.). Antioch. Laureate head of Apollo right. Nude Apollo standing left, holding arrow and resting left hand on bow. Houghton-70/71. Good VF, nice black patina. (150)
Antiochus VI. 145-141 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.72 gms.). Diademed radiate bust right. The Dioscuri galloping left on horseback, cf. SNG Cop 293. XF, Rare. (1750)
KINGS OF EGYPT 166. Ptolemy ΠΙ. 246-221 BC. AV Octadrachm. (27.63 gms.). Conjoined busts of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II right. Conjoined busts of Ptolemy I and Berenike I right. Svoronos 603. Near XF. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (6500) 167.
No Lot.
Ptolemy V E p i p h a n e s . 205-180 BC. JE 26mm. (16.96 gms.). Head of Cleopatra I, as Isis, right; hair in formal curls and wreathed in corn. Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, wings open. SNG Cop-247/248, Svoronos1234. Nice XF, red-brown patina. (200)
Cleopatra VII. 51-30 BC. JE 80 Drachmai. (18.08 gms.). Alexandria mint. Bust of Cleopatra VII right. Eagle left on a thunderbolt, cornucopiae in field. SNG Cop 421. Good VF with nice chocolate brown surfaces. Better quality than you normally see for this crude issue. (800)
PHOENICIA 163. A r a d o s . Circa 350-332 BC. Twelfth Stater. (.75 gms.). Laureate head of male diety right. Galley right on two lines of waves; above, Phoenician letter. SNG Cop-22 for type, BMC-65. Toned good VF. (125)
A r a d o s . 162-161 BC. Drachm. (4.08 gms.). Bee seen from above, NY NT either side. Stag standing right, palm tree behind. BMC 155. Toned aXF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200)
KINGS OFPERSIS 165. A u t o p h r a d a t e s . 3rd Century BC. Drachm. (4.10 gms.). Bust of the King right with beard and moustache, wearing satrapal head-dress. Firealtar, the King standing on the left, standard on the right. De Morgan 13a. VF+. Rare and seldom offered. (900)
IMPORTANT OFFERING OF RARE ALEXANDRIAN FROM THE COLLECTION OF Kerry K. Wetterstrom. KINGS OF MAURETANIA 170. Juba II. 25BC-23 AD. Denarius. (2.81 gms.). REX IVBA, head right clad in lion's skin, club at shoulder.Capricorn right, rudder and globe beneath, XXXXV below (Year 45 = 20/1 AD). Muller 63variant. Suberb XF. Great style. (750)
ZEUGITAMA 171. Carthage. 350-320 BC. AV 2 1/2 Drachms. (9.25 gms.). Head of Tanit left , hair wreathed in corn, wearing necklace and triple drop earring. Horse standing right on exergual line, :. in field before. Jenkins Group III, cf. Jenkins 61. Choice XF, a few small nicks in obverse field. (SEE COLOR PLATE • PAGE 5) (3500)
KINGS OF PARTHIA 172. Orodes I. 80-77 BC. Drachm. (4.10 gms.). Bust of Orodes left wearing tiara ornamented with a star. Archer seated right. Sellwood 31.5. XF. (125)
Pacorus Π. 78-105 AD. Drachm. (3.94 gms.). Bearded bust left wearing tiara. Archer seated right. Sellwood 77.8. XF. (100)
Vologases III. 105-147 AD. Tetradrachm. (9.66 gms.). Diademed bust of Vologases III, bearded, facing to the left. King enthroned right receiving diadem from Nike, EAV above. Dated 123 AD. Sellwood 79.16. XF/VF+, magnificent late portrait. (650)
TIBERIUS 175. Year 7(20/21 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.89 gms.). Laureate head right. Radiate head of Divus Augustus right. G-48, M-38/51, C-l/4. Choice XF, full silver. One of the finest seen by this cataloguer. Ex: Swiss Credit (Bern) Auction 4, Lot 445. (750)
GALBA 176. Year 2(68/69 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.40 gms.). Laureate head right. Helmeted bust of Roma right. G-237, M-347. Nice VF+. This is a scarce reverse type for Galba. (325)
TITUS 177. Year 2(79/80 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.43 gms.). Laureate head right. Homonoia seated left. G.-317, M.454/455, C.-271/273. Choice VF+, scarce in this grade. Ex: Empire Coins, Auction 6, Lot 224. (350)
NERVA 178. Year 1(96/97 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.64 gms). Laureate head right. Eagle standing right. G.-429, M.540/541, C.-299/305. Good VF, excellent portrait. (350)
HADRIAN 179. Year 2(117/118 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.77 gms.). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder. Tyche standing half-left, holds cornucopiae and right hand on rudder. G.748, M.-827, C.-550. Choice VF. Interesting portrait style. (300)
Year 10(125/126 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.43 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Nike right. G.-909, M.-1137var., C.-445var. Choice VF. (250)
Year 13(128/129 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.79 gms.). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Draped bust right of Sabina. G.-997, M.-1272/1273, C.-504. Nice VF+. (250)
Year 17(132/133 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.18 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Draped bust of Sabina right. G.-1065/1066, M.-1350, C.-505var. Choice VF. Ex.Thomas P. McKenna. (350)
Year 19(134/135 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.42 gms.). Laureate bust left, draped on right shoulder. Bust of Nilus right. G.-1147, M.-1454, C.-454/455. Choice VF+. Ex: Harvey Hoffer Sale, Harmer Rooke, Lot 978. (250)
Year 19(134/135 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.57 gms.). Laureate head left. Bust of Serapis right. G.-1150var. C.511/513 var. Choice VF. Ex: Thomas P. McKenna. (200)
AELIUS, as Caesar. 186. Struck in 137 AD. Billon Tetradrachm. (12.22 gms.). Bare head right, draped on left shoulder. Homonoia standing half-left sacrificing over garlanded altar. G.-1271var., M.1541, C.-563. Choice VF/VF+. This is one of the finest ever seen by this cataloguer. Ex: Joel D. Coen, Inc. (400)
Year 16(131/132 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.45 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Draped bust of Sabina right, hair in queue. G.-1041, M.-1323, BMC.-568. Nice VF. This portrait style for Sabina is rare on Alexandrian tetradrachms. Ex: Harvey Hoffer Sale, Harmer Rooke, Lot 983. (300)
A N T O N I N U S PIUS 187. Year 10(146/147 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (11.60 gms.). Laureate head right. Bust of Serapis right. G.-, M.-1898, C.-660, D.-2348. Nice VF/VF+, green patina. Ex: Edward J. Waddell, Ltd. (200)
FAUSTINA J U N I O R 191. Year 18 of Pius' reign(154/155 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.94 gms.). Draped bust right. Eirene standing half-left, holds corn and caduceus. G.-1976var., M.-2270, C.-684. Choice VF, pleasing brown patina with green highlights. This is one of the best Faustina II tetradrachmae seen by this cataloguer. (450)
Year 20(156/157 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (11.87 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor seated left on dais receiving wreath from man before him, another figure behind dais. G.-1770, BMC-1007, D.-2120, C.-615. Good VF. Ex: Frank L. Kovacs. (500)
MARCUS AURELIUS 189. Year 3(162/163 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.62 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Moneta standing half-left holds scales and sceptre. G.-2005var., M.-2456, C. X-729. Choice VF+, medium brown patina. (400)
L U C I U S VERUS 192. Year 5(164/165 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.04 gms.). Laureate bust left, draped on far shoulder. APME-NIA Armenian captive, wearing Phrygian cap, at foot of trophy. G.-2163var., C.-770var., Dattari-3691(this coin), BMC1369var. Good VF, very rare. Ex: Swiss Credit (Bern), Auction 4, Lot 676, Frank Sternberg, 1983, Lot 718. (850)
CARACALLA 193. Year 12 of S. Severus (203/204 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.23 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Homonoia standing half-left with cornucopiae in left hand and raises right hand. Dattari-4046(this coin). Good VF and probably unique. Ex: Gordon J. Dickie Collection, Empire Coins Auction 7, lot 192. Frank Sternberg. Hess Auction 251, lot 176. (!250)
Year 4(163/164 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.63 gms.). Bare head left, draped on right shoulder. Bust of Athena right wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis. G.-, M.-, C.X712, D.-, BMC.-, SNG Cop.-. Choice VF, magnificent broad flan. Athena's aegis is represented far more accurately than usual. (700)
ELAGABALUS 194. Year 5(221/222 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (10.04 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Draped bust of Annia Faustina right. G.-, M.־, C.-944, Datt.-4093, Demetrio-2354, BMC.-. Good Fine, legends weak but excellent portraits, extremely rare. Ex: Dennis Kroh (Empire Coins). (800)
SEVERUS ALEXANDER 198. Year 10(230/231 AD). Polin Tetradrachm. (12.82 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Serapis right wearing modius, palm branch in front. G.-2450, M.3028var., C.-. Near XF, brown patina, several light scratches on reverse. (150)
JULIA MAESA 195. Year 2(218/219 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (12.57 gms.). Draped bust right. Bust of Selene right facing crescent moon. G.-2354, M.-2742var., Datt.-4231var. Nice VF, dark brown patina, rare. (300)
JULIA MAMAEA 199. Year 12(232/233 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (13.37 gms.). Draped bust right. Nike, holding wreath and palm, seated left on cuirass, upright palm before. G.-, M.-3110, C.-, BMC.-1741, Datt.-4503var. Choice VF, full silver. Ex: Empire Coins, Auction 2, lot 154. Spink and Son, 1/68. (250)
JULIA PAULA 196. Year 3(219/220 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (10.84 gms.). Draped bust right. Elagabalus on the left clasping the hand of Julia Paula. G.-2363, M.-2792, C.-1009. Nice VF, even brown patina, excellent surfaces. (250)
ANNIA F A U S T I N A 197. Year 5(221/222 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (11.71 gms.). Draped bust right. Nilus reclining left holds reed and cornucopiae (little genius emerges bearing wreath); other genii climb up Nilus; in front, Nilometer in form of obelisk and a genius is inscribing it on left side(for more on this reverse type see Historical Coin Review, Spring, 1988). G.-2387, M.-2863, C.-1026A, Datt.-4196. F+/VF, dark gray patina, rare. Ex: Frank L. Kovacs. (400)
Year 14(234/235 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (12.11 gms.). Draped bust right. Two captives seated below trophy, palm to l e f t . G . - 2 5 4 4 , M.-3185, C.-J.138. Choice VF+, chocolate brown patina, red encrustation spot on cheek, scarce. (350)
PUPIENUS 2 0 1 . Year 1(238 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (13.38 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Homonoia standing halfleft. G.-, M.-3308var. (obv. legend), C.-. VF+/F, mixed red, brown and green patina, reverse encrusted. (400)
HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS 2 0 5 . Year 2(250/251 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (12.52 gms.). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Caesar standing half-left in military dress with right hand raised. G.-2827, M.-3834, C.-1450. Good VF, brown patina with choice surfaces. Ex: Gordon J. Dickie, Empire Coins, Auction 7, lot 225. This reverse type is commonly misattributed as Roma in most references. (300) BALBINUS 2 0 2 . Year 1(238 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (13.35 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Nike advancing left, holds wreath in right hand and upright palm in left. G.-, M.3312var., C.-1219. Near XF/VF, dark brown patina, corrosion spot on reverse. An excellent portrait of Balbinus. (500) HOSTILIAN 206. Year 2(250/251 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (12.55 gms.). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Laureate bust of Zeus right. G.-2830, M.-3816, C.-1453. Choice VF, chocolate brown patina with excellent surfaces, rare this nice. Ex: Spink and Son, 8/84. (500)
GORDIAN I 2 0 3 . Gordian I. Year 1(238 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (11.76 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Athena seated left on high-backed throne with Nike, flying inward, in right hand. G.-2600, M.-3296, C.-1199. Nice VF, chocolate brown patina, smooth surfaces. Ex: Numismatic Consultants. (800)
VOLUSIAN 2 0 7 . Year 3(252/253 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (9.64 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Radiate bust of Helios right. G.-2843, M.-3839a, C.-1478. Nice XF, dark green-brown patina. Ex: Gordon J. Dickie, Empire Coins, Auction 7, lot 227. This is the finest example for Volusian seen by this cataloguer. (400)
GORDIAN II 204. Year 1(238 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (11.62 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Eagle standing left with wreath in beak, looking back. Dattari-4670 otherwise unpublished. Choice VF, dark brown patina, extremely rare. Possibly the finest Gordian II Alexandrian tetradrachm known. Ex: Empire Coins, Auction 8, lot 675. Knobloch Collection, Stack's, June 1970, lot 584. (2500)
VALERIAN SENIOR 208. Year 5(257/258 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (10.36 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Serapis left wearing modius, sceptre behind. G.-, M.-, C.-1518, BMC.-2137. Near XF, dark gray patina. (150)
Year 2(297/298 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (7.25 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Serapis right wearing modius. G.-, M.-, C.X-2135, BMC.-2625var., SNG Cop.-1073var. VF+, brown patina, lightly porous surfaces, extremely rare. Ex: V.C. Vecchi & Sons, Auction October, 1986, lot 670. (1250)
Year 2(297/298 AD). Potin Hexadrachm. (8.49 gms.). Radiate head right. Serapis advancing right with transverse sceptre in left hand, raises right, palm branch behind. G.3367, M.-5245, C.-2134. Choice VF, light brown patina, areas on reverse that are weakly struck, exceptional surfaces for issue: Ex: Î? FA Auction XII, lot 441. This is more correctly termed a hexadrachm than the octadrachm as convention deems it. (1500)
Year 2(297/298 AD). Potin Didrachm. (7.81 gms.). Laureate head right. Nike standing facing, head left, holding wreath and palm. G.-3369, M.-5245a, C.-2138(this coin with his holder). Choice VF, brown patina. Ex: Frank L. Kovacs. (1000)
PICENUM 213. Hatria. C. 280 BC. AE (Cast) Tetruncius. (112.79 gms.). Stingray to the right, ... below. Dolphin to* the right, HAT above. Thurlow-Vecchi 184. VF green patina. Rare and seldom offered. (750)
ROME 214. A n o n y m o u s . 275-270 BC. AE (Cast) As. Head of Apollo right, hair tied with a band. As obverse but to the left. Thurlow-Vecchi 8, Crawford 18/1. XF with a magnificent green patina. (2500)
A n o n y m o u s . 269-266 BC. Didrachm. (6.85 gms.). Diademed head of young Hercules right, with club on shoulder.Wolf suckling the twins. Crawford 20/1, Sydenham 6. Toned good VF. Rare. (1350)
י. .׳.;״, 216.
A n o n y m o u s . 265-240 BC. Didrachm. (6.59 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right in Phyrgian helmet, flower behind. Victory standing right with long palm and wreath, EE below, ROMANO behind. Crawford 22/1, Sydenham 21. Good VF. Very Rare. (2500) Ex: Hirsch 16 (1906) #7.
Anonymous. 240-225 BC. AE (Cast) Semis. (116.16 gms.). Laureate bust of Saturn left, S below. Prow to the right, S above. Crawford 35/2, Sydenham 73, Thurlow Vecchi 52. VF, nice green patina. (600)
Anonymous. 240-225 BC. AE (Cast) Triens. (99.33 gms.). Helmeted head of Mars left, .... below. Prow to right below. Crawford 35/3a, Sydenham 74, Thurlow Vecchi 53. Nice VF with a beautiful green patina. (450)
Anonymous. 225-212 BC. Didrachm. (6.62 gms.). Laureate head of Janus. Jupiter right in a quadriga driven by a winged Victory, ROMA raised on tablet below. Sydenham 65. Toned VF+. (700) Ex: Ariadne Sale 12181 #346.
Anonymous. 225-217 BC. AE Semuncia. (5.33 gms.). Bust of Mercury right wearing petasus. Ship's prow right, ROMA above. Crawford 38/7, Sydenham 87. Good VF with a nice green patina. (175)
A n o n y m o u s . 217-213 BC. AE (Cast) As. (114.56 gms.). Post Semi Liberal Issue. Janiform head. Prow to the left. Thurlow-Vecchi 70. Nice VF with a beautiful green patina. (800)
L. Plautius Hypsaeus. 194-190 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Draped bust of Leuconoe right, dolphin behind. Jupiter in a quadriga left. Plautia 12b, Crawford 420/2d, Sydenham 911b. Toned XF. (225)
M. Baebius Q.f. Tampilus. 137 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Head of Roma left. Apollo in a quadriga right. Baebia 12, Crawford 236/1 a, Sydenham 489. Toned VF+. (100)
Cn. Lucretius Trio. 136 BC. Denarius. (3.91 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right. Dioscuri right on horseback. Lucretia 1, Crawford 237/1 a, Sydenham 450. Nice XF. (200)
L. Postumius Albinus, 131 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Head of Roma right, flamen's cap behind. Mars right in a quadriga. Postumia 1, Crawford 252/1, Sydenham 472. Toned aXF. (175)
Q. Philippus. 129 BC. Denarius. (3.40 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right. Macedonian horseman right with spear, Macedonian helmet in field behind. Marcia 11, Crawford 259/1, Sydenham 477. Toned VF. (125) Q. Marcius Philippus campaigned against Perseus in 169 BC and was an ambassador to Philip IV.
Anonymous. 207 BC. Denarius. (4.55 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right. The Dioscuri right on horseback, comucopiae in field. Crawford 58/2, Sydenham 216. XF. (175)
A n o n y m o u s . After 211 BC. Denarius. (3.89 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right. The Dioscuri, with heads thrown way back and looking skyward, right on horseback. Crawford 53/2, Sydenham 229. Near XF. (175)
Anonymous. 206-195 BC. Denarius. (3.57 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right. Dioscuri right on horseback, bull butting left below. Crawford 116/la, Sydenham 281. Toned good VF. Rare. (200)
C. Servilius Vatia. 127 BC. Denarius. (3.78 gms.). Head of Roma right, lituus behind. Horseman, with shield inscribed with an M, galloping left and piercing with a spear another horseman. Servilia 6, Crawford 264/1, Sydenham 483. Toned good VF. (200)
L. Thorius Balbus. 105 BC. Denarius.(3.96 gms.). Head of Juno of Lanuvium right wearing goat's skin. Bull charging right. Thoria 1, Crawford 316/1, Sydenham 598. Toned XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (150)
Q. Thermus M.f. 103 BC. Denarius. (4.03 gms.). Helmeted head of Mars left. Two warriors fighting, the one on the left protects a fallen comrade. Minuncia 19, Crawford 319/1, Sydenham 592. Near XF. (175) The moneyer's ancestor and namesake distinguished himself in contest with the Ligurians around 193 BC.
L. Julius L.f. Caesar. 103 BC. Denarius. (3.94 gms.). Head of Mars left. Venus Genetrix left in a biga drawn by two Cupids. Julia 4, Crawford 320/1, Sydenham 593. Toned aXF, rare this nice. (225)
C. Fabius C.f. Hadrianus. 102 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Veiled and turreted head of Cybele right. Victory in a biga right, stork below. Fabia 15, Crawford 322/1 a, Sydenham 589. Toned nice VF. (125)
M. Lucilius Rufus. 101 BC. Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Head of Roma right in laurel wreath. Victory in a biga right. Lucilia 1, Crawford 324/1, Sydenham 599. Toned VF. (75)
C. Cassius. 126 BC. Denarius. (3.87 gms.). Head of Roma right, urn behind. Liberty in a quadriga right. Cassia 1, Crawford 266/1, Sydenham 502. Choice VF+. (125)
L. Philippus. 113-112 BC. Denarius. (3.28 gms.). Head of Philip V of Macedon right wearing a royal Macedonian helmet. Equestrian statue right with the base inscribed L PHILIPPVS. Marcia 12, Crawford 293/1, Sydenham 551. Toned VF. (175) This piece commemorates a treaty of friendship between L. Marcius Q.f Philippus and Philip V.
Q. Lutatius Cerco. 109-108 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Helmeted head of young Mars right. Galley right in oak wreath. Lutatia 2, Crawford 305/1, Sydenham 559. Nice VF. / Ä . 1ΜΊ (100)
L. Valerius Flaccus. 108-107 BC. Denarius. (3.86 gms.). Draped bust of winged Victory right. Mars walking left carrying trophy, flamen's cap before, wheat ear behind. Valeria 11, Crawford 306/1, Sydenham 565. Toned good VF. (200) The reverse commemorates three events of the Valeria gens: the success of L. Valerius Flaccus against the Gauls in 194 BC; his colonization of Placentia and Cremona in 190 BC (Wheat ear); and his appointment to the consul in 131 BC as flamen Martialis.
L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. Denarius. (3.87 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, scorpion behind. Naked horseman galloping right with palm branch, XVIII below. Calpurnia 11, Crawford 340/1, Sydenham 663. Toned XF. (150)
L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. Denarius. (3.95 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, stag atop of staff behind. Horseman galloping right, holding palm branch. Calpurnia 11, Crawford 340/1, Sydenham 663. Toned XF. (250) Ex: Duke of Northumberland Collection - Sotheby's 11/82, #282
L. C a l p u r n i u s Piso Frugi. 90 BC. Denarius. (3.96 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, XXXII behind. Naked horseman galloping right with palm branch, XXXVI above, monogram below. Calpurnia 11, Crawford 340/1, Sydenham - for symbol combination. Toned XF+. (200)
L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. Quinarius. (2.09 gms.). Head of Apollo right, bud behind. Winged Victory standing right holding palm branch.Calpurnia 13b, Crawford 340/2e, Sydenham 672. Toned VF+/VF. (175)
Q. Titius. 90 BC. Denarius. (4.04 gms.). Head of young Bacchus right, head wreathed in ivy. Pegasus springing right from tablet. Titia 2, Crawford 341/2, Sydenham 692. Near XF. (225)
P. Servilius M.f. Rullus. 100 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Bust of Minerva left wearing crested helmet and aegis. Victory in a biga right, ÎĄ below. Servilia 14, Crawford 328/1, Sydenham 601. Near XF. (125) The "P" in the field stands for Publice and indicates that these coins were struck from silver withdrawn from the public treasury.
P. Servilius M.f. Rullus. 100 BC. Denarius. (3.90 gms.). Bust of Minerva left wearing crested helmet and aegis. Victory in a biga right, ÎĄ below. Servilia 14, Crawford 328/1, Sydenham 601. Near XF. (125)
L. Pomponius Molo. 97 BC. Denarius. (3.96 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. Numa Pompilius standing right before altar preparing to sacrifice a goat held by a youth. Pomponia 6, Crawford 334/1, Sydenham 607. Toned XF. Rare. (350)
L. Caeciiius Metellus. 96 BC. Denarius. (3.87 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. Roma seated left on pile of shields being crowned by Victory. Caecilia 46a, Crawford 335/1 a, Sydenham 611. Toned aXF. (200)
D. Silanus L.f. 91 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Head of Roma right, G behind. Victory in biga right. III above. Junia-16a, Craw.-337/3var. Toned VF+. (175)
Q. Titius. 90 BC. Quinarius. (2.24 gms.). Draped and winged bust of Victory right. Pegasus prancing right, Q TITI below. Titia 3, Crawford 341/3, Sydenham 693. Near XF. (200)
C. Vibius C.f. Pansa . 90 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, star in field. Ceres walking right bearing a lighted torch in each outstretched hand, a pig in field before. Vibia 6, Crawford 342/3b, Sydenham 683. Nice VF. Good Style. Scarce. (150)
Cn. Lentulus Clodianus. 88 BC. Denarius. (3.72 gms.). Bust of Mars seen from behind. Victory in a biga right. Cornelia 50, Crawford 345/1, Sydenham 702. Toned aXF. (150)
Cn Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus. 88 BC. Quinarius. (1.90 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right. Victory standing right crowning a trophy. Cornelia 51, Crawford 345/2, Sydenham 703. Nice XF. (175)
C. Licinius L.f. Macer. 84 BC. Denarius. (3.96 gms.). Diademed bust of Vejovis left, turned from the spectator, hurling a thunderbolt. Minerva right in a quadriga. Licinia 16, Crawford 354/1, Sydenham 732. Toned good VF/VF. (125)
C. Norbanus. 83 BC. Denarius. (3.99 gms.). Diademed head of Venus right. Wheat ear, fasces and caduceus. Norbana 2, Crawford 357/lb, Sydenham 739. Toned XF. (150)
Q. Antonius Balbus. 83-82 BC. Denarius. (3.78 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right. Victory in quadriga right, Î&#x2019; below. Antonia 1, Crawford 364/ld, Sydenham 742b. Toned VF+. (100)
C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.86 gms.). Bust of Mercury right, caduceus behind. Ulysses walking right, his dog Argus greeting him. Mamilia 6, Crawford 362/1, Sydenham 741. Toned aXF. (175)
L. Censorinus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Laureate bust of Apollo right. Satyr Marsyas standing left with wine skin on shoulder, column behind. Marcia 24, Crawford 363/ld, Sydenham 737. Toned VF+. (150)
Q. Fabius Maximus. Restored issue of 82-80 BC. Denarius. (3.94 gms.). Head of Apollo right, lyre before. Cornucopiae on a thunderbolt all in wreath. Fabia 6, Crawford 371/1, Sydenham 718. Toned good VF. Rare. (200)
A. Postumius A.f.Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. Denarius. (3.99 gms.). Draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder, bucranium above. Togate figure standing left on a rock and before a lighted altar; and sprinkles a bull in order to sacrifice it. Postumia-7, S Svd.-745, yd.-745, Craw.-372/1. Toned Toned near XF/XF. _ -. (200)
L. Procilius. 80 BC. Denarius. (4.08 gms.). Laureate bust of Jupiter right. Juno Sospita walking right hurling spear and holding shield, serpent erect before. Procilia 1, Crawford 379/1, Sydenham 771. Toned near XF. (225)
L. Procilius. 80 BC. Denarius. (4.08 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right, S C behind. Juno Sospita striding right, holding spear and shield; erect serpent before. Procilia-1, Syd.-771, Craw.-379/1. Toned superb XF. (275)
A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n Albinus. 81 BC. Denarius. (4.20 gms.). Veiled head of Hispania right with dishevelled hair. Togate figure standing left between Roman eagle and fasces. Postumia 8, Crawford 372/2, Sydenham 746. Toned XF/VF+. (200)
C. Marius C.f. Capito. 81 BC. Denarius. (3.89 gms.). Draped bust of Ceres right, hair bound in wheat. Husbandman left ploughing with a yoke of oxen, in exergue S.C. and turtle. Maria 8, Crawford 378/1 b, Sydenham 744a. Toned good VF. Rare. (150)
C. Naevius Balbus. 79 BC. Denarius. (4.12 gms.). Diademed head of Venus right. Victory in a triga right. Naevia 6b, Crawford 382/la, Sydenham 769. XF. (150) This is one of the few instances of the use of the Greek war chariot, the triga.
C. M a r i u s C.f. Capito. 81 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Draped bust of Ceres right, hair bound in wheat. Husbandman left ploughing with a yoke of oxen. Maria 9, Crawford 378/lc, Sydenham 744b. Toned near XF. (150)
C. N a e v i u s B a l b u s . 79 BC. Denarius. (3.94 gms.). Diademed head of Venus right. Victory right in a triga. Naevia 6, Crawford 382/1 b, Sydenham 769b. Choice XF. (250)
L. Procilius. 80 BC. Denarius. (3.91 gms.). Laureate bust of Jupiter right. Juno Sospita walking right hurling spear and holding shield, serpent erect before. Procilia 1, Crawford 379/1, Sydenham 771. Near XF. (225)
Ti. Claudius Ti.f.Ap.n. Nero. 79 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder. Victory right in a biga, XXXXII below. Claudia 5, Crawford 383/1, Sydenham 770. Good VF. (100)
L. Papius. 79 BC. Denarius. (3.91 gms.). Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing a goat's skin, cup in field behind head. Griffin prancing right, scissors in field. Papia 1, Crawford 384/1-Symbol 128, Sydenham 773. Nice toned VF. (125)
L. Papius. 79 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing a goat's skin, necklace in field behind head. Griffin prancing right, torque in field. Papia 1, Crawford 384/1-Symbol 118, Sydenham 773. Near XF. (150) Juno Sospita was the protecting genius of women, accompanying them through life from birth to death. There are an extraordinary 230 plus pairs of symbols found on these coins; all are inter-related and depict common items found in every day life.
M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. Denarius. (3.83 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right. Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Volteia 1, Crawford 385/1, Sydenham 774. Toned VF. (125) The five issues of M. Volteius, two represented here relate to the five principal agonistic festivals celebrated annually at Rome. Jupiter and his temple refer to the ludi Romani, celebrated in September, Liber and Ceres refer to the ludi Cereales, celebrated in April.
M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Head of Liber right. Ceres right in a chariot drawn by two serpents, owl in field behind. Volteia 3, Crawford 385/3, Sydenham 776. VF, scarce symbol. (100)
M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Bust of Attis, helmeted right, bunch of grapes behind. Cybele in a chariot right drawn by two lions. Volteia 4, Crawford 385/4, Sydenham 777. VF, scarce. (150) This is the fourth of the five agonistic festivals depicted on the coins of Volteia. Cybele ties in to the ludi Megalenses which was celebrated in April.
L. Cassius Q.f. Longinus. 78 BC. Denarius. (4.06 gms.). Head of Bacchus right, thyrsus over shoulder. Head of Lebera left. Cassia 6, Crawford 386/1, Sydenham 594. Good VF. Rare. (300)
L. Rutilius Flaccus. 77 BC. Denarius. (3.89 gms.). Head of Roma right in winged helmet. Victory in biga right. Rutilia 1, Crawford 387/1, Sydenham 780. Toned VF+. (100)
Cn. Lentulus. 76-75 BC. Denarius. (3.89 gms.). Diademed bust of Genius of the Roman People right with a sceptre on shoulder. Terrestrial globe between rudder and sceptre. Cornelia 54, Crawford 393/la, Sydenham 752. XF. (225)
Cn. Lentulus. 76-75 BC. Denarius. (3.96 gms.). Diademed bust of Genius of the Roman People right with a sceptre on shoulder. Terrestrial globe between rudder and sceptre. Cornelia 54, Crawford 393/la, Sydenham 752. XF. (200) Cn. Lentulus was the paymaster to Pompey's troops in Spain, and these coins were struck while he was there.
L. Farsuleius Mensor. 75 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Diademed and draped bust of Liberty right. Roma in biga right, assisting a citizen to mount into the chariot, below horse's feet, XVI. Farsuleia 2, Crawford 392/1 b, Sydenham 789. Toned near XF. Scarce. (225)
P. Galba. 69 BC. Denarius. (4.02 gms.). Veiled head of Vesta right. Knife, simpulum and ornamented axe head. Sulpicia 7, Crawford 406/1, Sydenham 839. Toned XF. (200)
C. Hosidius C.f. Geta. 68 BC. Denarius. (3.80 gms.). Bust of Diana right, bow and quiver at her shoulder. The wild boar of Calydon right, pierced by a spear and being attacked by a dog. Hosidia 2, Crawford 407/1, Sydenham 904. Choice XF. (250) Diana sent the Calydonian boar to ravage the lands of Aetolia in revenge for the neglect shown her by King Oeneus.
C. Hosldius C.f. Geta. 68 BC. Denarius. (3.90 gms.). Diademed head of Diana right, bow and quiver at her shoulder. The wild boar of Calydon right, pierced by a spear and attacked by a dog. Hosidia 1, Crawford 407/2, Sydenham 903. Toned good VF. (200)
C. Piso L.f. Frugi. 67 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, stork behind. Naked horseman right with whip in his hand, lituus in field. Calpurnia 24h, Crawford 408, Sydenham 865c. Superb XF. Magnificent high relief. (450)
Mn. Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n. 71 BC. Denarius. (3.85 gms.). Helmeted bust of Virtus right. The consul Man Aquillius raising the personification of Sicily. Aquillia 2, Crawford 401/1, Sydenham 798. Near XF. (200) The reverse depicts the bravery of Man. Aquillius during battles in Sicily.
Mn. Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n. 71 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Helmeted bust of Virtus right. The consul Man. Aquillius raising the personification of Sicily. Aquillia 2, Crawford 401/1, Sydenham 798. Superb XF. (300)
Q. Fufius Calenus & Mucius Cordus. 70 BC. Denarius. (3.87 gms.). Jugate heads of Honus and Virtus right. Roma and Italy standing facing each other hand in hand, winged caduceus in field. Fufia 1, Crawford 403/1, Sydenham 797. Choice XF. Rare. (450) The reverse alludes to the pacification in Italy after the Social War.
P. Galba. 69 BC. Denarius. (3.66 gms.). Veiled head of Vesta right. Knife, simpulum and ornamented axe head. Sulpicia 7, Crawford 406/1, Sydenham 839. Toned XF. (250)
288. M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 67 BC. Denarius. (4.00 gms.). Winged bust of Vacuna right, wearing crested helmet, quiver and bow on shoulder. Eagle right with spread wings ° on thunderbolt. Plaetoria 4, Crawford 409/1, /׳λ c Syd r\\ (250) 809. Superb XF.
M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 67 BC. Denarius. (4.04 gms.). Turreted bust of Cybele right. Curule chair. Plaetoria 3, Crawford 409/2, Sydenham 808. Toned VF+. (150)
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (4.09 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, sceptre behind. Melpomene standing facing, looking right, holding a club and mask. Pomponia 14, Crawford 410/4, Sydenham 816. Toned XF/VF+. (650) Melpomene was the Muse of Tragedy.
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (3.74 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, tortoise behind. Terpsichore standing right with lyre and plectrum. Pomponia 18, Crawford 410/7c, Sydenham 820. Toned aXF. (650) Ex: Northumberland Collection - Sotheby's 11/82 #341. Terpsichore is the Muse of Dancing - she is said to have invented the plectrum and lyre which she holds.
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (3.81 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. Urania standing left, pointing with a wand at a globe mounted on a tripod! Pomponia 22, Crawford 410/8, Sydenham 823. Toned VF+. Ex: Sawhill Collection. (450) Urania was the Muse of Astronomy.
A TREMENDOUS GROUP OF COINS OF THE MUSES. Eight of the nine muses are represented in this group of pieces. The pieces were intended as a reference to the cognomen of the moneyer. We probably have a detailed representation of the statues in the temple in the Circus Flaminius built in honour of the Muses by M. Fulvius Νobilit or.
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (3.54 gms.). Laureate bust of Apollo right, lyre key behind. Calliope standing right playing the lyre. Pomponia 10, Crawford 410/2b, Sydenham 811. Toned aXF. (650) Calliope was the Muse of Epic Poetry.
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (3.90 gms.). Laureate bust of Apollo right, scroll tied with cord behind. Clio standing left resting on column holding a scroll. Pomponia 11, Crawford 410/3, Sydenham 813. Toned aXF. (650) Clio was the Muse of History.
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (4.06 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. Euterpe standing right leaning on a column, hand on chin and two pipes in other. Pomponia 13, Crawford 410/5, Sydenham 815. Toned VF+, obverse slightly off center. (450) Euterpe was the Muse of Lyric Poetry.
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, sandal behind. Thalia standing left against a pedestal holding a comic mask. Pomponia 19, Crawford 410/9b, Sydenham 821. Toned XF. (650) Ex: Knobloch Sale 7178 #474, Ex: Birkler & Waddell 12/82 #318. Thalia was the Muse of Comedy.
Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, wreath behind. Polymnia standing facing wearing a wreath. Pomponia 15, Crawford 410/10a, Sydenham 817. Toned aXF. (650) Ex: Duke of Northumberland Collection - Sotheby's 11/82 #344. Polymnia is the Muse of Rhetoric.
L. Roscius Fabatus. 64 BC. Denarius. (3.86 gms.). Head of Juno Sospita right wearing goat's skin; symbol behind. Female standing right feeding erect serpent before her; symbol behind. Roscia-3, Syd.-915, Craw.-412/1. Toned near XF, slightly off-center. (300)
L. Cassius Longinus. 63 BC. Denarius. (3.82 gms.). Draped and veiled bust of Vesta left, kylix behind. Male figure dropping tablet inscribed with a V into a cista. Cassia 10, Crawford 413/1, Sydenham 935. Toned XF. Great style. (250) This reverse commemorates the passing of the Lex Cassia tabellaria, a law relating to the method of voting, which came into acceptance in 137 BC.
L. Cassius Longinus. 63 BC. Denarius. (3.87 gms.). Draped and veiled bust of Vesta left, kylix behind. Male figure dropping tablet inscribed with a V into a cista. Cassia 10, Crawford 413/1, Sydenham 935. Toned XF. (200)
LÂť Furius Cn.f. Brocchus. 63 BC. Denarius. (3.95 gms.). Bust of Ceres right, wheat ear and barley com to either side. Curule chair between fasces. Furia 23, Crawford 414/1, Sydenham 902. Superb XF. (250)
L. Furius Cn.f. Brocchus. 63 BC. Denarius. (3.97 gms.). Bust of Ceres right, wheat ear and barley corn to either side. Curule chair between fasces. Furia 23, Crawford 414/1, Sydenham 902. Superb XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (250)
L. Aemillus Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. Denarius. (3.95 gms.). Veiled and diademed head of Concord right. L. Aemilius Paullus left with trophy, Perseus and his sons as captives behind. Aemilia 10, Crawford 415/1, Sydenham 926. Toned XF. (175) L. Aemilius Paullus defeated the Macedonians in 168BC and brought their king, Perseus, and his sons to Rome to highlight his victory.
L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. Denarius. (3.85 gms.). Veiled head of Concord right. Aemilius on right before a trophy, Perseus and his sons behind. Aemilia 10, Crawford 415/1, Sydenham 926. Toned XF. (225) 309.
P. Plautius Hypsaeus. 60 BC. Denarius. (3.80 gms.). Bust of bearded Neptune right, trident behind. Jupiter left in a quadriga. Plautia 11, Crawford 420/1 a, Sydenham 910. Toned XF. Ex: Sawhill Collection. (250)
M. Aemilius Scaurus & Pub. Plautius Hypseaus. 58 BC. Denarius. (3.85 gms.). King Aretas kneeling right beside camel. Jupiter left in a quadriga, scorpion below horses. Aemilia 8, Crawford 422/lb, Sydenham 913. Superb XF. (200) This coin commemorates Aemilius, who as Governor of Syria, repressed incursions of the Nabathean Arabians; and forced their King, Aretas, to submit and pay a fine of 300 talents to Pompey. This is one of the earliest instances of a moneyer commemorating on his own coins an event connected with his own deeds.
M. Aemilius Scarus & Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). King Aretas kneeling right beside a camel. Jupiter in a quadriga left, scorpion below horses. Aemilia 8, Crawford 422/lb, Sydenham 913. Nice XF. (250)
C. Servillus C.f. 57 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). Head of Flora right, wearing wreath of flowers; lituus behind. Two soldiers standing facing with upright short swords. Servilia-15, Syd.-890, Craw.-423/1. Toned XF, obverse slightly off-center. (350)
L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. Denarius. (3.99 gms.). Veiled and diademed head of Concord right. L. Aemilius Paullus left with trophy, Perseus and his sons as captives behind. Aemilia 10, Crawford 415/1, Sydenham 926. Toned XF. (200)
L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. Denarius. (3.95 gms.). Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right. Well-head ornamented with two lyres, festoons and a hammer. Scribonia 8a, Crawford 416/la, Sydenham 928. Choice XF. (200)
L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. Denarius. (4.02 gms.). Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right. Well-head ornamented with two lyres, festoons and a pair of tongs. Scribonia 8, Crawford 416/lb, Sydenham 928. XF, nice style. (150)
M. Aemilius Lepidus. 61 BC. Denarius. (3.81 gms.). Diademed and laureate bust of Roma right. Equestrian statue of M. Lepidus right holding trophy. Aemilia 21b, Crawford 419/la, Sydenham 827. Near XF, some areas of poor strike. Rare and seldom offered. (200)
Q. Caepio Brutus. 54 BC. Denarius. (3.59 gms.). BRVTVS behind head of L. Junius Brutus. AHALA behind head of Caius Servilius Ahala. Junia 30, Crawford 433/2, Sydenham 907. Toned VF+. (450)
Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Laureate head of Salus right. Valetudo standing left leaning against a column and holding serpent. Acilia 8, Crawford 442/1 a, Sydenham 922. Choice XF, nice style and strike. (250) The Acilia gens claimed, to have introduced the first physician into Rome.
Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. Denarius. (4.07 gms.). Laureate head of Salus right. Valetudo standing left, leaning on a column and holding a serpent. Acilia 8, Crawford 442/1 a, Sydenham 922. XF. (250)
C. Vlbius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus. 48 BC. Denarius. (3.70 gms.). Mask of Pan right. Jupiter Axurus seated left with sceptre. Vibia 18, Crawford 449/1 a, Sydenham 947. Toned aXF. Scarce. (225)
C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus. 48 BC. Denarius. (3.94 gms.). Mask of Pan right. Jupiter Axurus seated left with sceptre. Vibia 18, Crawford 449/la, Sydenham 947. Toned XF. (300)
Faustus Cornelius Sulla. 56 BC. Denarius. (4.03 gms.). Laureate and diademed head of Venus right. Three military trophies between a capis and lituus, monogram of FAVSTVS below. Cornelia 63, Crawford 426/3, Sydenham 884. Toned VF+. Ex: Sawhill Collection. (350) Faustus Cornelius Sulla was the son of the great dictator and he married Pompey's daughter.
C. Memmius C.f. 56 BC. Denarius. (3.87 gms.). Laureate and bearded bust of Romulus right. Ceres seated right holding corn ears, serpents before. Memmia 9, Crawford 427/2, Sydenham 921. Toned VF+. (325) Ex: Coin Galleries 12174 #580.
Q. Caepio Brutus (M. Junius Brutus). 54 BC. Denarius. (4.10 gms.). Bust of Liberty right. The consul L. Junius Brutus walking left between two lictors preceded by an accensus. Junia 31, Crawford 433/1, Sydenham 906a. Toned VF+. (300) M. Junius Brutus is best remembered for being one of the assassins of Julius Caesar.
Q. Caepio Brutus (M. Junius Brutus). 54 BC. Denarius. (3.94 gms.). BRVTVS behind head of L. Junius Brutus. AHALA behind the head of Caius Servilius Ahala. Junia 30, Crawford 433/2, Sydenham 907. Toned XF. Nice style. Rare. (650)
L. Plautius Plancus. 47 BC. Denarius. (4.01 gms.). Mask of Medusa facing, serpents at sides of face. Aurora flying right conducting the four horses of the sun. Plautia 15. Crawford 453/la, Sydenham 959. Choice aXF. Nice strike than normal for this popular issue. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (300)
SEXTUS POMPEY. Died 35 BC. 327. Denarius. (3.78 gms.). MAG PIVS IMP ITER, diademed head of neptune right, trident behind. (PRAEF C)LAS ET ORAE MARIT(EX SC), naval trophy. Crawford 51 l/2a. Toned VF+/VF. (900) 323.
L. Plautius Plancus. 47 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Facing head of Medusa, snakes at sides. Aurora leading four horses across the sky. Plautia 15a, Crawford 453/lb, Sydenham 959a. VF, a little poorly struck. (175)
MARK ANTONY. 328. Circa 40-39 BC. Quinarius. (1.82 gms.). Veiled and diademed head of Concord right. Two clasped hands holding caduceus. RSC-67a, BMC-130, Syd.-1195. Toned XF, slightly off-center but very attractive example of this scarce type for Antony. (1000)
M. Cato. 47-46 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Draped female bust right, hair bound with fillet. Victory seated right holding patera. Porcia-10, Syd.-1053, Craw.-462/la. Toned VF+, obverse slightly off-center. (200)
L. Valerius Acisculus. 45 BC. Denarius. (4.04 gms.). Radiate head of Sol right; pick-axe behind. Diana in biga right. Valeria-20, Syd.-1002, Craw.-474/5. Toned XF. Ex: Northumberland Sale, pi. 450. (400)
C. Vibius Varus. 42 BC. Denarius. (3.80 gms.). Laureate head of bearded Hercules right. Minerva standing right holding Victory and spear. Vibia 23, Crawford 494/37, Sydenham 1139. Toned VF+. Rare. (300)
MARK ANTONY &OC1 A viain. 329. 41 BC. Denarius. (3.89 gms.). M ANT IMP AVG III R.P.C.M. BARBAT Q.P., bare head of Antony right. CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R.P.C., bare head of Augustus right. Crawford 517/2. Good VF. (650)
MARK ANTONY & CLEOPATRA. 330. SYRIA, Antioch ad Orontem. C. 32 BC. Tetradrachm. (15.17 gms.). Bare head of Antony right. Diademed and draped bust of Cleopatra right. BMC 53. VF, very rare and popular type. (2500)
JULIUS CAESAR. Died 44 BC. 331. 46 BC. AV Aureus. (8.19 gms.). Moneyer A. Hiriius. Veiled head of Pietas right. Lituus, jug and axe; A HIRTIVS PR around. Sydenham 1017. Rarity 3. Good VF. (2000)
Denarius. (3.55 gms.). Laureate and veiled head right. P. SEPVLLIVS MACER, Venus standing left, holding Victory and sceptre resting on shield. RSC-39, Craw.-480/13. Toned VF, weakly struck in areas, small banker's mark on obverse. (750)
44 BC. Denarius. (4.02 gms.). Laureate bust of Caesar right. Venus leaning left on a shield holding Victory in extended right hand. Crawford 480/17. Toned aXF/VF+. Reverse slightly off center. Scarce this nice. (1300)
AUGUSTUS. 27BC-14AD 3 3 6 . 18BC. Moneyer P. Petronius Turpilianus. AV Aureus. (8.01 gms.). TVRPILIANVS III VIR, Laureate head of Liber right. AVGVSTO OB.C.S in oak wreath. RIC 278. BMC 5. Superb XF. Rarity 3. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (14000) Though Augustus had been minting coins for well over nine years at this point, no coins had yet been minted in Rome proper. The mint at Rome was officially closed in 40 BC and did not reopen until 18BC. In a revival of Republican tradition, a collegium of Illviri monetalis provided the supervisorial role of implementing the monetary policy. Along with this went the obligation of placing their names on the coins they issued; and to some extent the coin types choosen. When Rome was once again to be used as a mint, Turpilianus along with L. Aquillius Florus and M. Durmius made up the first collegium of Illvir monetalis. It has been postulated from die evidence that Turpilianus was the most senior of the three moneyers with over twenty of the variations out of forty ascribed to him. RIC 278 is the first Aureus produced by the mint at Rome in Imperial times. An important and elusive rarity.
AV Aureus. (7.83 gms.). Lugdunum mint. Bare head of Augustus right. Apollo Citharoedus standing left with lyre. RIC 170, BMC 459. Nice VF. Rare. (1500)
Circa 40 BC. Denarius. (3.98 gms.). Bare head right with a slight beard. Q. SALVIVS IMP. COS. DESIG., thunderbolt. RSC-514, Syd.-1326b, Craw.-523/la. Toned near XF/VF+. (650)
Circa 47-46 BC. Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Diademed head of Venus right. Aeneas walking left; carrying Anchises and palladium. RSC-12, Syd.-1013, Craw.-458/1. Toned choice XF. (400)
Circa 49-48 BC. Denarius. (4.01 gms.). Elephant walking right; trampling on serpent. Simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat. RSC-49, Syd.-1006, Craw.-443/l. Toned choice XF. (400)
Denarius. (3.82 gms.). Bare head of Augustus left. S.P.Q.R/CL.V on shield. RIC 89, BMC 408. Toned VF+, small b.m. on neck. Rarity 2. (800) Ex: Münzen & Medaillen 6179, #548
LYCIA, Lycian League - Masicytus. Drachm. (3.78 gms.). Bare head of Augustus right. Two lyres, M A to either side, bow between. SNG ANS NNM 162, 117/1 a. Toned VF+. Scarce. (325)
Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Mint of Brundisium. Laureate head of Apollo right. Octavian, veiled and laureate, ploughing with a yoke of oxen to the right, IMP CAESAR below. RIC 272. Toned suberb XF. (1600)
AUGUSTUS & AGRIPPA. 10-14AD. 345. AE As. (13.24 gms.). Nemasus mint. Heads of Augustus and Agrippa facing outwards, IMP above, DIVI F below, Ρ Ρ to either side of head. Crocodile chained to a palm tree, COL NEM across the field. RIC 160. Superb XF with a magnificent dark green patina. (1200) 341.
Cistophorus. (11.80 gms.). Bare head of Augustus right, IMP CAESAR below. AVGVSTVS below six wheat stalks. BMC 264. XF/aXF. Nice strike and overall quality. (1500)
AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. 346. AE As. (11.92 gms.). Bust of Agrippa left wearing rostral crown. Neptune standing left holding dolphin and trident, S C in field. RIC (Caligula) 58. Near XF, nice brown surfaces. (300)
AE Quadrans. (3.17 gms.). LAMIA SILIVS ANNIVS around lituus and simpulum. III VIR AAAFF around large SC. RIC 421, Scarce. VF+. (100)
AE Tessera. (5.09 gms.). Laureate head of Augustus right, within linear circle surrounded by myrtle wreath. VI within dotted circle and laurel wreath. Cohen VIII, 34. VF, obverse fields are a little rough. Very Rare. (300) Ex: Garrett Collection, May 1984, #712.
TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. 347. Denarius. (3.78 gms.). Laureate bust of Tiberius right. Livia seated right holding laurel branch and sceptre, feet on a stool. RIC -, BMC 48. Toned VF+. Nice style. (400)
AE As. (10.79 gms.). Radiate bust left of Augustus, DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, thunderbolt in field and star above. Female figure (Livia) seated right, S C to either side. RIC (Tiberius) 72. Good VF. Scarce. (600)
CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. 352. AE Sestertius. (27.88 gms.). C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TRPOT, laureate bust of Caligula left. SPQR/PP/OBCIVES/SERVATOS in an oak wreath. RIC 37, BMC 38. Choice VF+/XF, nice chocolate brown surfaces. Rare. (4000) 349.
AE As. (11.45 gms.). Radiate bust left of Augustus, DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Thunderbolt, S C to either side. RIC (Tiberius) 83. Near XF, nice surfaces. (500)
SPAIN, Hispania Citerior, Celsa. AE As. (12.19 gms.). Laureate bust right. Bull standing to the right, BAGG FRON above, CN BVCO below, C.V.I. CEL to left, II.VIR.II to right. Heiss 26. Good VF. Rare this nice. (250) Baccio and Bucco were duumviri of the town, the right hand inscription indicates they were serving their second one year term when this piece was struck. C.V.I. CEL stands for Colonia Victrix Julia Celsa.Ex: Owl Quarterly Spring 1980 ft84.
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AE Quadrans. (2.97 gms.). C CAESAR D1VI AVG PRON AVG, Cap of Liberty between S C. PON M TRP IUI PP COS TERT around RCC. RIC 52. Near XF. (125)
AE Quadrans. (3.88 gms.). C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG, Cap of Liberty between S C. PON M TRP ΙΠΙ PP COS TERT around RCC. RIC 52. XF. (150) Ex: NFA, 1182, 480 (Part of)
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CALIGULA & GERMANICUS. 37^41 AD. 355. Denarius. (3.55 gms.). C CAESAR AVG GERM PM TR POT, laureate bust right. GERMANICVS CAES Ρ C CAES AVG GERM, bare head right. RIC 18, Rarity 2. Good VF/VF. Surfaces are a bit rough. (1750)
SPAIN, Italica. AE As. (12.47 gms.). Bare head of Tiberius right. MVNIC ITALIC PERM DIVI AVG around altar inscribed PROVIDE/NTIAE/AVGVSTI. Heiss 8. Superb XF, natural pale green patina. (250)
CLAUDIUS. 3 5 6 . AV Aureus. (7.27 gms.). Laureate bust of Claudius right. EX SC/ OB CIVES/SERVATOS in a laurel wreath. BMC 16, RIC 16. Superb XF. Rarity 2. Nice style. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGES) (8500) This reverse legend first appeared on Augustan issues, after Augustus restored the liberty of Roman citizens captured by the Parthians. Later emperors bestowed this legend upon themselves - some with more rights to it than others. Observes Eckhel in reference to Claudius's use of this legend - " as if this most indolent and apathetic , if not most stupid, of Emperors, ever did an heroic or humane action to merit the eulogy conveyed in this senatus consultum."
AE Quadrans. (3.23 gms.). TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG, modius. PON M TRP IMP COS DES IT, around SC. RIC 84. Nice XF. (150)
AE Quadrans. (2.86 gms.). TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG around hand holding scales, PNR between. PON M TRP IMP COS DES ΓΓ around SC. RIC 85. Good VF. (75)
AV Aureus. (7.43 gms.). Laureate head right. AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTAE, Draped bust of Agrippina right, wearing crown of com-ears, her hair in long plait behind. RIC-80, BMC72. Fine, very rare, few light scrapes and scratches, small banker's mark in obverse field. A very desirable coin portraying this Roman empress. (1750)
gms.). TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG scales, PNR between. PON M TRP IMP SC. RIC 85. Good VF. (100) (Part of)
NERO. 54-68 AD. 363. AV Aureus. (7.63 gms.). NERONI CLAVDIO DRVSO GERM COS DESIGN, draped youthful bust right. EQVESTER/ORDO/PRINCIPI/IVVENT in four lines on a shield. RIC (Claudius) 78. VF, very rare. (3500)
AE As. (11.68 gms.). Bare head of Claudius left. Minerva standing right brandishing a spear and holding a shield. RIC 116. Superb XF, nice natural brown surfaces. (1450)
364. 359.
AE Quadrans. (3.09 around hand holding COS DES ΓΓ around Ex: NFA 1/82, #480
AE Quadrans. (2.85 gms.). TI CLAVDIUS CAESAR AVG, modius. PON M TRP IMP COS DES IT, around SC. RIC 84. NiceXF. (150)
Denarius. (3.66 gms.). As Caesar. NERONI CLAVDIO DRVSO GERM COS DESIGN around bare head of draped youthful Nero right. EQVESTER/ OR - DO/PRINCIPI/ IVVENT in four lines on shield with vertical spear behind. RIC (Claudius) 79, BMC 93. Superb XF, with tremendous metal quality. A rare coin in this condition. (3500)
Denarius. (3.62 gms.). IMP NERO CAESAR AVG, youthful bust right, head bare. PONTIF MAX TRP VII COS ΠΠ PP around an oak wreath enclosing EX SC. RIC 22, BMC 24. Rarity 3. Toned XF. (1750)
Denarius. (3.63 gms.). Bare head right. Roma standing right in military dress, foot on helmet, holding shield; dagger and bow on ground. RSC-222, RIC-28. VF. (650)
Denarius. (3.29 gms.). Laureate bust of Nero right. Jupiter enthroned left holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC 53. Good VF+. (1200)
Denarius. (3.09 gms.). IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PP. laureate bust right. Legionary eagle between two vexilla. RIC 68, Rarity 2. Toned XF. Rare and seldom offered, especially in this condition. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (2500)
AE Sestertius. (27.33 gms.). IMP NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER PM TRPPP, laureate bust right. Roma seated left on a pile of shields, holding winged Victory and spear, S C across field, ROMA in exergue. RIC 333. Near XF, with a beautiful green patina. Rare this nice. (2750)
AE Dupondius. (8.57 gms.). Radiate bust of Nero right. Victory walking right holding wreath and palm. BMCRE 222. Nice aXF with mottled green patina. (650) Ex Ariadne 12/83 #259
AE Semis. (4.36 gms.). Laureate bust of Nero right. CER QVIN Q ROM CO, table with urn and wreath, two griffins in bas relief below, S (mark of value) in left field. RIC 237. XF, nice chocolate surfaces. (400) Ex: Banti & Simonelti Volume XVIII, 106, 715 (This coin)
OTHO. 69 AD. 372. Denarius. (3.21 gms.). Bare head of Otho right, IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TRP around. SECVRITAS PR, Securitas standing left holding a wreath and sceptre. RIC 8. Toned aXF/XF. Rare this nice. (2500) 376.
AE Sestertius. (26.22 gms.). Laureate bust right, IMP CAES VESP AVG PMTRPP COS IUI GENS around. Mars walking right carrying a trophy, S C to either side. RIC 535. VF with a nice red brown patina. (500)
VTTELLIUS. 69 AD. 3 7 3 . Denarius.(3.30 gms.). A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TRP, laureate bust right. PON Τ MAXIM, Vesta seated right on throne holding sceptre and patera. BMC 34, RIC 107. Toned XF. Nice style portrait. Rare this nice. (1750) TITUS. 79-81 AD. 3 7 7 . Denarius. (3.36 gms.). Laureate bust right. Annona seated left on throne. RIC (Vespasian) 218. Nice VF+/VF. (225)
VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. 3 7 4 . Denarius. (3.35 gms.). DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS, laureate bust right. SC on shield surmounted between two capricorns. RIC (Titus) 63. Toned VF+. (400)
AE Sestertius. (25.74 gms.). Laureate bust of Vespasian right. IVDAEA CAPTA Judaea seated right under palm tree in attitude of mourning, Emperor stands to left in military attire holding spear and parazonium. RIC 427, BMC 543. Good VF. Rare this nice. (3000) Ex: Garrett Collection, May, 1984 #757; ex: S.U. Chapman March, 1924.
AE As. (10.98 gms.). Laureate bust right. Aequitas standing left holding scales and sceptre. RIC 121a. VF+/VF. (600) Ex: NFA X, September 1981, #328.
DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. 379. Denarius. (3.08 gms.). Laureate bust right. , IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG PM. Minerva right with shield and spear, TRP COS VII DES VIII PP. RIC 22. Toned XF. (450)
TRAJAN. 117-138 AD. 384. AV Aureus. (7.23 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PM TRP COS III PP, Germania, bare to the waist, seated left on a pile of oblong shields, holding a wreath in her hand. BMC 67v, RIC 35. XF. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE 5) (4250)
Denarius. (3.29 gms.). Laureate bust right. IMP XXI COS XV CENS PPP, Minerva standing right on prow of ship with spear and shield, owl on prow. RIC 153. Superb XF. (400)
Denarius. (3.44 gms.). Laureate bust of Domitian right. Minerva standing left with spear, IMP XXI COS XVI CENS PPP around. RIC 178. Toned XF/VF+. Nice style. (250)
Restitution of Galba. AV Aureus. (7.06 gms.). Laureate bust of Galba right. IMP CAES TRAIAN AVG GER DAC PP REST, Libertas standing left holding pileus and rod. RIC (Trajan) 824. Rarity 3. VF/good Fine. (5000)
NERVA. 96-98 AD 382. Denarius. (3.29 gms.). IMP NERVA CAES AVG PM TRP COS Î PP, laureate bust right. LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Libertas standing left holding bonnet and sceptre. RIC 7. XF on a very nice large flan. (900)
Denarius. (3.51 gms.). Laureate bust of Trajan right, drapery on far shoulder. PIET in exergue around COS V PP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Pietas standing left over alter. RIC 104. Toned XF. (300)
AE Dupondius. (13.45 gms.). IMP NERVA (CAES TRAI)AN AVG GERM PM, radiate bust right. TRP COS II PP, Abundantia seated left on chair formed by two cornucopiae. RIC 382. XF with a beautiful green patina. (650)
SYRIA, Antioch. Tetradrachm. (14.18 gms.). Laur-eate bust of Nerva right, drapery on shoulders. Eagle standing right on thunderbolt with wings spread, palm frond in field before. BMC 268. XF. Great style. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE 7) (1400)
AE Dupondius. (14.36 gms.). Radiate bust of Trajan right. Abundantia seated left, TR POT COS ΙΠΙ PP SC around. RIC 428. VF+, nice brown surfaces. (400)
HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. 3 8 9 . AV Aureus. (7.22 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PM TRP COS III, Jupiter, naked to the waist seated left on a low seat, holding thunderbolt and vertical sceptre. BMC 107v., RIC 64. XF, nice style. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE 5) (4500)
Denarius. (2.57 gms.). Laureate bust of Hadrian right, drapery on far shoulder. PIE TAS across field, Pietas standing left with hand raised. RIC 45. Toned near XF. (225)
Denarius. (3.03 gms.). Laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder. Spes standing left, raising skirt and holding a flower. RIC 181. Toned XF. (300)
Denarius. (2.83 gms.). Bare bust of Hadrian right. INDVLGENTIA AVG, COS III PP, Indulgentia seated left with sceptre. RIC 212. Toned aXF. Nice style. (225)
Denarius. (3.03 gms.). Bearded head of Hadrian right. Nilus reclining right, holding cornucopiae. RSC 989, BMC 857. Toned nice VF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200)
Quinarius. (1.32 gms.). Laureate bust right, drapery on shoulder, IMP CAESAR TRAIN HADRIANVS AVG around. PM TRP COS ΠΙ Victory advancing right holding wreath and palm. BMC 223, RIC 36. Toned XF. Rare. (850) Ex: Bank Leu 33, May 1983, #52.
AE Dupondius. (12.09 gms.). Radiate bust of bearded Hadrian right, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. COS III SC, winged Pegasus right. RIC 658. XF, nice brown surfaces. (500)
FAUSTINA SENIOR,wife of Ant. Pius. Died 141 AD. 400. AV Aureus. (7.16 gms.). Draped bust of Faustina right. Aeternitas standing left holding rudder and patera. RIC 349b. Choice XF. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (4750)
SABINA, wife of Hadrian. 396. Denarius. (3.24 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right, hair in queue. Venus standing half-right, holding apple and drawing a fold of drapery from left shoulder. RSC-73, RIC396. XF, nice style. (675)
Denarius. (3.34 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right, hair in queue. Concordia enthroned left, holding patera and resting left elbow on statuette of Spes set on a low base; comucopiae under throne. RSC-12, RIC-398. Toned XF, great style. (750)
MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. 4 0 1 . As Caesar. 147-148 AD. AE As. (8.53 gms.). Bare head of Aurelius right. Concordia standing left holding patera and resting her left hand on a comucopiae set upon an altar. RIC (Antoninus Pius) 1254. VF+/VF, nice green patina. (250)
ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. 398. AV Aureus. (7.21 gms.). Laureate bust right. Pius standing left in full robes holding globe in extended right hand. RIC 256. Nice XF. (4000)
Denarius. (3.06 gms.). Laureate bust right. Felicitas standing left with globe and comucopiae. RIC 285a. Toned XF. (225)
Denarius. (3.56 gms.). Bare head right. Concordia seated left on low seat, holding patera and resting left elbow on comucopiae. RSC-37, R1C-59 and 64. Superb XF. (400)
Denarius. (3.76 gms.). Bearded, bare head of Aurelius right. Minerva standing left holding an olive branch and shield. RIC 103. Toned XF/VF+. (225)
AE Sestertius. Aurelius right. skirt holding beautiful green
LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. 4 0 8 . Denarius. (3.33 gms.). Bearded bust of Lucius Verus right. Providentia standing left holding cornucopiae and orb. RSC 155, BMC 202. Superb XF. Exceptional style. (500)
(25.80 gms.). Laureate and bearded bust of Mars standing right in helmet , cuirass and shield and spear. RIC 861. XF with a patina. Rare this nice. (2250)
LUCILLA, wife of Lucius Verus. Died 182 AD. 4 0 9 . Denarius. (3.15 gms.). Bust draped right, hair pulled back in a bun. IVNONI LVCINAE, Juno veiled standing left, with hand extended, cradling a child in swadling clothes. RIC 771. XF. (275) FAUSTINA JUNIOR, wife of Aurelius. Died 175 AD. 4 0 5 . AV Aureus. (7.36 gms.). Draped bust left, hair done up in tight bun behind. FECVNDITATI AVGVSTAE, Faustina diademed, seated right, holding a child in her arms, at her sides two children standing. RIC 680. Choice XF. Rarity 2. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 5) (5500)
COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. 4 1 0 . Denarius. (3.21 gms.). Laureate head right. Liberalitas standing facing, head left; holding abacus and cornucopiae. RSC-311, RIC-36. Nice XF. (250) 406.
Denarius. (3.43 gms.). Draped bust right. Peacock standing right, head left. RSC-71a, BMC-M716. Nice XF. (150)
Denarius. (3.97 gms.). Draped bust right, hair rolled up behind in a bun with a circlet of pearls. Concordia standing facing looking right. RIC (Antoninus Pius) 500b. Toned VF+. (200)
Denarius. (3.44 gms.). Laureate bust right. Aequitas standing front, looking left, with scales and cornucopiae. RIC 164. Toned XF/VF+. Rare this nice. (450)
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. 4 1 6 . Denarius. (3.26 gms.). Bare head right. Wreath on facing throne, footstool below. RSC-87, RIC-191E. Near XF/VF. (100)
PESCENNIUS NIGER. 193-194 AD. 4 1 2 . Denarius. (3.03 gms.). Antioch mint. IMP CAES C PESC NIGER, laureate bust right. MINER VICTRIS, Minerva standing left holding spear and shield. RIC 61. Superb XF. Very Rare this nice. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (5750)
Denarius. (2.62 gms.). Laureate head right. 路 Victory advancing right, holding wreath and palm. RSC-727, RIC332. Nice VF+. (100)
Denarius. (3.82 gms.). Emesa mint. Struck 194-5 AD. Laureate, bearded bust right. SAECVL FELICIT, moon and seven stars. RIC 417. Toned VF+, scarce. (250)
Denarius. (2.90 gms.). IMP CAES PESC NIGER IVST AVG, laureate bust right. VIRTVS AVG, Mars advancing right with spear and shield. RIC 90v. VF, a little porous. (2000)
CLODIUS ALBINUS. 195-197 AD. 414. Denarius. (3.12 gms.). Bare head of Albinus right. Minerva standing left with olive branch, shield and spear. RIC 97. Toned VF+/VF. Rare. (350) A SPECTACULAR R A R E SEVERAN AUREUS JULIA DOMNA, wife of Septimius Severus. Died 217 AD. 419. Denarius. (3.35 gms.). Draped bust right. Diana Lucifera standing left holding long torch. RIC 373a. Toned XF. (125)
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS & JULIA DOMNA. 193-211 AD. 4 1 5 . AV Aureus. (7.55 gms.). SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate bust of Severus right. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust of Julia right, hair tightly rolled. RIC 161a, BMC 192v. Rarity 3. Superb XF. Ex: Virgil Brand Collection - Sale 3, June 1983, Lot 368 Sold for Sfr. 36,850.-. (SEE COLOR PLATE PAGE-5) (20000) This magnificent specimen speaks for itself.
Denarius. (2.98 gms.). Draped bust right. Venus seated left. RIC 388c. Superb XF. (300)
VERY RARE BIMETALLIC COLONIAL MEDALLION CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. 4 2 1 . Denarius. (3.39 gms.). Older boy's laureate bust draped right. Galley left with rowers and three passengers. RSC-3, RIC-120. Nice VF+, rare. (300)
Denarius. (3.27 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right of youthful Caracalla. Caracalla and Plautilla standing facing, clasping hands. RIC 124a. XF/VF+. (125)
BITHYNIA, Herakleia Pontica. Caracalla. Bimetallic Medallion 35mm. (46.30 gms.). Bronze on the outside, silver on the inside. AVT KMAVPH ANTiiNINOCAVΓ around bust of Caracalla right, laureate. ΗΡΑ KAIIAC ΕΝΠ ONT A around Herakles wrestling Antaeus the giant son of Poseidon. SNG v. Aulock -, Waddington -, BMC -, Mionnet -, cf. Veogtli (1977) Bilder Der Heldenepen in Der Kaiserzeitlichen Griechischen Münzprägung plate 14p. Good VF with a very heavy green patina. Apparently unpublished and Very Rare. (5000)
Denarius. (3.19 gms.). Laureate head right. Elephant walking right. RSC-208, RIC-199. Nice VF+, rare. (200)
PLAUTILLA, wife of Caracalla. Died 211 AD. 4 2 7 . Denarius. (3.26 gms.). Draped bust right, hair pulled back in tight coils. Caracalla and Plautilla standing facing, clasping hands. RIC 361. Toned XF. (300) 424.
Antoninianus. (4.85 gms.). Radiate and draped bust right. Sol mounting quadriga left. RSC-356, RIC-282e. Nice XF, scarce. (200)
Denarius. (3.26 gms.). Laureate bust right. Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RIC 285a, BMC 181. Toned Superb XF. Magnificent high relief portrait. (250)
Denarius. (3.69 gms.). Draped bust right. Caracalla and Plautilla standing facing each other, clasping hands. RIC361. Good VF. (75)
GETA. 209-212 AD. 429. Denarius. (3.48 gms.). Bare, youthful head right, draped and cuirassed. Felicitas standing left holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC 9a. Toned choice XF. (200) ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD 434. Antoninianus. (4.82 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Providentia standing facing, with legs crossed, head left, leaning left elbow on column and holding wand over globe at feet. RSC-145, RIC-22. Choice XF, several light scratches in reverse field. (125)
Denarius. (3.24 gms.). Laureate head right. Fortuna reclining right, leaning on wheel and holding cornucopiae. RSC-62, RIC-77. Toned superb XF. Ex: Buddy Ebsen, Superior June 1987, Lot 4550. (300)
Denarius. (3.22 gms.). Laureate head right. reclining right, right elbow on wheel and cornucopiae. RSC-62, RIC-77. Toned VF+.
Fortuna holding (100)
AQUILIA SEVERA, wife of Elagabalus. C. 220 AD. 4 3 6 . AE As. (10.54 gms.). Draped bust right, IVLIA AQVILIA SEVERA AVG around. Concordia standing left holding patera and double cornucopiae. RIC 394. Good VF. Rare and seldom offered. (600)
MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. 432. Denarius. (3.44 gms.). Laureate and draped bust right. Emperor seated left on curule chair, holding globe and court sceptre. RSC-51a, RIC-27. Superb XF. (600)
Denarius. (2.86 gms.). Laureate and draped bust right. Libertas standing half-left, holding pileus and sceptre. RSC-90, RIC-106. Toned XF. (175)
Denarius. (3.23 gms.). Laureate bust right with short cropped beard. Fides standing left, looking right, holding two military standards. RIC 66. Toned XF on a beautiful broad flan. (500) Ex: B&R - Ariagno Collection, June, 1980, #400.
SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. 437. Denarius. (2.60 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PM TRP II COS PP, Jupiter standing left with thunderbolt and cornucopiae. RIC 19. Superb XF. (200)
JULIA MAMAEA, mother of Alexander. Died 235 AD. 4 3 8 . Denarius. (3.12 gms.). Draped bust right. Juno, veiled, standing half-left, holding patera and sceptre; at feet, peacock turning head back to catch drops out of patera. RSC-35, RIC-343. Superb XF. (300)
MAXIMINUS I THRAX. 235-238 AD. 4 3 9 . Denarius. (3.65 gms.). Laureate, bearded bust right. Fides standing facing, holding two military standards. RIC 18a. Superb XF. (200)
AE Sestertius. (24.14 gms.). Draped bust right. Maximus standing left holding baton and tranverse spear, two military standards behind. RIC 13. Near XF, nice even black patina. (400)
BALBINUS. 238 AD. 4 4 3 . Denarius. (3.37 gms.). Laureate and draped bust right. Winged Victory standing facing, looking left, with palm and wreath. RIC 8. Superb XF, great style portrait. Small rough spot at 3 on rev. (950)
Denarius. (3.15 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Pax standing half-left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. RSC-37, RIC-19. Toned XF. (125)
MAXIMUS, as Caesar. 235-238 AD. 4 4 1 . AE Sestertius. (20.34 gms.). Draped bust right. Priestly implements - Jug between lituus, knife and patera to left, simpulum and sprinkler to right. RIC 11. VF, fields a little smoothed. Scarce. (225)
Denarius. (2.79 gms.).Laureate, bearded bust right. Victory standing facing, looking left, holding a wreath. RIC 8. XF/VF+. Scarce this nice. (700)
Antoninianus. (5.42 gms.). Radiate and draped bust right. FIDES MVTVA AVG, clasped hands. RIC 11. XF. Nice forceful style. (750)
AV Aureus. (4.36 gms.). Antioch mint. IMP CAES GORDIANVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PM TRP II COS PP, Gordian, togate, veiled, standing front, head left, sacrificing out of a patera in his right hand over an altar, wand in left hand. RIC -, Cohen 214 variant, Münzen & Medaillen XI, January 1953, lot 139 (this coin). XF. Very Rare. Apparently unpublished except for the one sales record of this coin. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE 7) (3000)
AE Sestertius. (24.20 gms.). IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate and draped bust right. IOVI STATORI, Jupiter standing front, head right, with sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC 298a. aXF/VF+, nice broad flan, nice brown surfaces. (250)
AE Sestertius.(20.23 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. SECVRIT PERPET SC, around Securitas standing left, holding sceptre, resting on column. RIC 335a. XF/VF+. (300)
AE Sestertius. (21.50 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Concordia seated left. RIC 22. VF, brown surfaces. (450)
PUPIENUS. 238 AD. 447. Denarius. (3.29 gms.). Laureate and draped bust right. PAX PVBLICA, Pax seated left holding branch and sceptre. RIC 4. XF/VF, weak reverse die. (750)
GORDIAN ΙΠ. 238-244 AD. 4 4 8 . As Caesar. Denarius. (2.95 gms.). M ANT GORDIANVS CAES, draped bust right. PIETAS AVG, Jug between knife on left, simpulum and sprinkler on right. RIC 1. Toned aXF. Rare and choice. (750)
M O E S I A S U P E R I O R , Viminacium. G o r d i a n III. AE "Sestertius" 30 mm. (20.09 gms.). IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PMS COL VIM AN ΠΙΙ, Provincia Moesia standing facing, head left, holding two legionary standards; between bull on left and lion on right. BMC 12. XF, nice green patina. (300) The bull and the lion are the emblems of Legion VII and IV which were quartered in the province.
AE Sestertius. (26.01 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. VOTIS DECENNA LIBVS SC in laurel wreath. RIC 195a. Nice VF+/XF with green patina. Rare. (600)
AN U N I Q U E PHILIP I DENARIUS - Important rarity
OTACILIA SEVERA, wife of Philip I. 4 5 6 . AE As. (7.36 gms.). Draped bust right. Pietas standing left. RIC 208b. XF, fields a little smoothed. (125)
PHILIP I 244-249 AD. 4 5 3 . Denarius. (2.88 gms.). IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate.draped and cuirassed bust right. LIB ER ALITAS AVG II, Liberalitas standing left holding comucopiae and sistrum. RIC unpublished. Extremely Rare. (9000) Previously only four different reverse type were known. This makes a fifth reverse type. All known types are extremely rare. The last denarius we traced that sold was at Bank Leu in Sale 38 in 1986 • lot #330 for 15, 400 Sfr.An unique opportunity to acquire an important Roman rarity.
TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. 4 5 7 . Antoninianus. (4.44 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. The two Pannoniae standing half left looking in opposite directions. RIC 21b. Toned XF. (125)
Antoninianus. (4.16 gms.). Antioch mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust left. PM TRP IUI COS II PP, Philip veiled left, sacrificing over tripod and holding wand. RIC mule of obv 75/rev 75b. Choice XF. Rare and seldom offered. (350)
HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS. 251 AD. 4 5 8 . Antoninianus. (4.54 gms.). Radiate and draped bust right. CONCORDIA AVGG, clasped hands. RIC 138. Toned VF+. Scarce. (250) 68
Antoninianus. (4.33 gms.). Radiate bust right. VICTORIA AVGG, winged Victory standing with wreath and palm. RIC 124. Toned XF. Rare this nice. (200)
Antoninianus. (4.02 gms.). Antioch mint. Radiate and draped bust right. PIETAS AVGG, Valerian and Gallienus sacrificing at alter. RIC 285. XF, nice dark green black patina. (125)
Antoninianus. (3.38 gms.). Radiate, draped bust right. PIETAS AVGVSTORVM, Priestly implements. RIC 143. XF, nicely struck. (250)
HOSTILIAN. 250-251 AD. 460. Antoninianus. (3.63 gms.). Radiate bust right. Hostilian standing left with spear and standard. RIC 181d. VF+/VF. Scarce. (250) GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. 465. Antoninianus. (3.74 gms.). Asia mint. Radiate, draped bust right. VICTORIA AVG, Emperor left receiving wreath from winged Victory. RIC 450. XF/VF+, nice silvering. (75)
VOLUSIAN. 251-253 AD. 461. Antoninianus. (3.42 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PM TRP IUI COS II, Emperor standing left sacrificing over lighted altar. RIC 141. Toned aXF, nicely struck for issue. (125)
VALERIAN SENIOR. 253-260 AD. 462. Antoninianus. (3.57 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. FELICITAS AVGG, Felicitas standing left with caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC 87. XF/VF, nice silver for issue. (150)
Asian Issue of 265 AD. Antoninianus. (3.67 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Lion walking left with Bull's head on ground before. RlC-602f. Superb XF, great style. (225)
Antoninianus. (4.24 gms.). Asia mint. Radiate, draped bust right. Neptune standing left, foot on prow of ship, holding trident, PM TRP XV PP around, VIIC in exergue. RIC 603. XF, nice silvering. (125)
Antoninianus. (3.61 gms.). Asia mint. Radiate, draped bust right. Emperor with spear, standing left at altar, PIETAS AVG, in exergue VIIC. RIC 618. XF, silvered. (100)
Antoninianus. (4.24 gms.). Asia mint. Radiate, draped bust right. Genius standing left at altar with patera and cornucopiae, GENIO AVG. RIC 638. XF, silvering. (100)
Antoninianus. (4.20 gms.). Asia mint. Radiate, draped bust right. Mercury standing left with purse and caduceus, PROVIDENTIA AVG. RIC - unlisted. Similar to 653 but without SPQR in exergue. XF, silvered. Rare. (150)
AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. 4 7 3 . Antoninianus. (3.89 gms.). Siscia mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. FORTVNA REDVX, Fortuna seated left on wheel holding a rudder and cornucopiae, in exergue *S. RIC 220variant. VF, interesting reverse type. (100)
Antoninianus. (4.20 gms.). Serdica Mint. Radiate bust of Aurelian right. Robed woman standing right presenting a wreath to the Emperor who stands left. RIC 290. Choice XF, nice silver wash. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (125)
QUIETUS. 260-261 AD. 4 7 1 . Antoninianus. (3.55 gms.). Antioch mint. Radiate and draped bust right. Roma seated left on shield, holding Victory and spear. RIC 9. XF/VF, beautiful broad flan. Scarce. (250)
SEVEREMA, wife of Aurelian. 4 7 5 . Antoninianus. (4.88 gms.). Lugdunum mint. Diademed and draped bust right, crescent behind. Concordia seated left holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC 1. XF, some silvering. (150)
LAELIANUS. 268 AD. 4 7 2 . Antoninianus. (3.22 gms.). IMP C LAELIANVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right. VICTORIA AVG, winged Victory advancing right with wreath. RIC 9. XF, rare. (1200)
VABALATHUS & AURELIAN. 271-272 AD. 4 7 6 . Antoninianus. (3.19 gms.). Antioch mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian right. Laureate and draped bust of Vabalathus right. RIC 381. Near XF, original silvering, a little poorly struck. (100)
FLORIANUS. 276 AD. 477. Antoninianus. (4.02 gms.). Serdica mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust of Florianus right. Providentia standing right with two standards facing, Sol standing left with right hand raised, globe in left. RIC 111. Superb XF, full silvering. Rare this nice. (350) Ex: NFA February 1978, #514.
Antoninianus. (4.09 gms.).Serdica mint. Radiate bust left wearing imperial mantle holding sceptre tipped with eagle. SOLI INVICTO, Sol in spread quadriga facing with whip. RIC 861. Superb XF. (200)
Antoninianus. (4.18 gms.). Antioch mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. RESTITVT ORBIS, Female figure presenting wreath to Probus, left, who holds orb and spear. RIC 925. XF, nice silvering. (100)
PROBUS. 276-282 AD. 4 7 8 . Antoninianus. (4.26 gms.). Radiate and cuirassed bust right. ADVENTVS AVG, Probus left on horseback with hand raised and holding sceptre; captive in left field. RIC 15b. Choice XF. Magnificent style. (125)
Antoninianus. (3.44 gms.). Rome mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. VICTORIA GERM, trophy between two captives. RIC 223. XF. (100)
Antoninianus. (3.75 gms.). Siscia mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Felicitas standing left with sceptre and cornucopiae. RIC 675. Superb XF, nice original silvering. (150)
Antoninianus. (3.56 gms.). Siscia. Radiate bust left wearing imperial mantle, holding sceptre tipped with an eagle. Mars walking right, holding spear and trophy. RIC810. Superb XF, chocolate brown patina. (75)
NUMERIAN. 283-284 AD. 484. Antoninianus. (3.65 gms.). Radiate and draped bust right. CLEMENTIA TEMP, Numerian standing right receiving Victory on a globe from Jupiter standing left. RIC 463. XF, nice silvering. (125)
MAGNA URBICA, wife of Carinus. 283-285 AD. 485. Antoninianus. (4.83 gms.). Draped bust right on crescent. Venus standing half-left, holding apple and sceptre. RIC337. Near XF, choice chocolate brown patina. (750)
DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. 485a. AV Aureus. (5.28 gms.). Antioch mint. DIOCLETIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate bust right. CONSVL V PPPRO COS, Emperor standing left, in long robes, holding an orb, in exergue SMA. RIC 5. Toned XF. Rarity 4. Nice high relief and good style. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PACE 7) (7500) Diocletian used Antioch as his primary mint during his wars against Narses in Persia. The style is uniformly quite good.
AE Abdication Follis. (8.11 gms.). Treveri mint. DN DIOCLETIANO BEATISSIMO SEN AVG. laureate bust right, draped and wearing Imperial mantle, with olive branch and mappa in hands. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG, Providentia standing right, extending hand to Quies standing left. RIC 673a. XF. Rare and choice. (250)
ALLECTUS. 293-296 AD. 4 8 9 . Antoninianus. (4.36 gms.). London mint. IMP C ALLECTVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PAX AVG, Pax standing left, with right hand raised, sceptre in left, S - A / M L in exergue. RIC 28. XF, magnificent pale green patina. (600)
Antoninianus. (4.33 gms.). Cyzicus. Radiate and draped bust right. Emperor on the left, receiving Victory, and Jupiter standing facing each other. RIC-306. Nice XF, fully silvered. (100)
MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. 4 9 0 . Antoninianus. (4.24 gms.). Heraclea mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. CONCORDIA MILITVM, Emperor standing right, holding parazonium, receiving Victory on globe, from Jupiter standing left with sceptre. RIC 595. XF, nice green patina. (75)
AE Follis. (11.69 gms.). Serdica mint. Bearded, laureate bust right. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, holding patera in right hand and comucopiae in left hand. RIC 3a variant. XF, beautifully centered on a nice large flan. (150)
Antoninianus. (3.94 gms.). Bust of Maximianus right wearing crested radiate helmet. Hercules standing right wrestling lion, Victory atop of club in left field, crowning Hercules with a wreath. Lugdunum mint. RIC 454. XF, nice silvering. Rare. (225)
JE Follis. (6.18 gms.). Siscia. Laureate head right. Genius standing half-left, wears modius, holding patera' and cornucopiae. RIC-198a and 207a. Choice XF, light brown patina. (75)
GALERIUS MAXIMIAN. 293-305 AD. 4 9 3 . As Caesar. Argenteus. (2.89 gms.). Ticinum mint. Laureate bust right. VIRTVS MILITVM, four princes sacrificing before alter in front of camp gate. RIC 19b. Superb XF with deep blue toning. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (1500)
311 AD. JE Follis. (6.59 gms.). Alexandria. Laureate head right. Genius standing half-left, wears modius, holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC-139b. Choice XF. (75)
308-313. Billon Argenteus. (2.83 gms.). Trier mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust left holding a sceptre. Radiate Sol in a facing quadriga. RIC 826. Good VF+. Very Rare. (650)
LICINIUS I. 308-324 AD. 498. AE Follis. (3.02 gms.). Alexandria mint. Radiate and draped bust of Licinius right. Jupiter standing left holding Victory on globe, eagle with wreath at feet. RIC 28. VF+/VF. Scarce with the radiate crown. (75)
GALERIA VALERIA, wife of Galerius. 305-311 AD. 494. 308-311 AD. AE Follis. (6.61 gms.). Siscia mint. GAL VALERIA AVG, diademed bust right in interesting gown. VENERI VICTRICI, Venus standing facing, looking left, holding apple and raising her drapery. RIC 204. Near XF. Scarce. (225)
MAXIMINUS Π. 309-313 AD. 4 9 5 . As Caesar. 308-310 AD. JE Follis. (6.82 gms.). Alexandria. Laureate head right. Genius standing half-left, wears modius, holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC-99a. Choice XF. ()צל
AV Aureus. (5.36 gms.). Siscia mint. LICINIVS PF AVG, laureate bust right. IOVI CONS ERVATORI, Jupiter standing left holding winged Victory on orb and sceptre, eagle at feet. RIC 18. Choice XF, a few edge nicks. Very Rare. (SEE COLOR PLATE-PAGE 7) (8500)
LIONEL'S 11.317-324 AD. 500. JE Follis. (3.33 gms.). Heraclea mint. Small laureate and draped bust left, holding sceptre and mappa. Camp gate with three turrets, PROVIDENTIA CAESS. RIC 19. VF+/XF. (75)
CONST ΑΝΊΠΝΙΑΝ COMMEMERATIVE. 334-337 AD 505. 334-335 AD. JE 3. (2.23 gms.). Siscia. Helmeted bust of Constantinoplis left, wearing imperial mantle, reversed spear behind left shoulder. Victory stepping onto prow of ship left, holding spear and shield. RIC-241, c-3. Superb XF, dark brown patina. (50)
CONSTANTINE THE GREAT. 307-337 AD. 501. JE Reduced Follis. (3.49 gms.). Nicomedia. Laureate head right. Jupiter standing half-left, leaning on sceptre, holding Victory on globe in right hand; eagle holding wreath at his feet. RIC-12, r-2. Superb XF, chocolate brown patina. (75)
324-325 AD. JE 3. (2.99 gms.). Sirmium Mint. Laureate bust right. SARMATIA DEVICTA, Victory advancing right holding trophy, palm branch, spurning captive seated on the ground before. RIC 48. Superb XF. (150)
313-315 AD. JE Reduced Follis. (3.14 gms.). Siscia. Laureate head right. Jupiter standing half-left, leaning on sceptre, holding Victory on globe in right hand; eagle holding wreath at his feet. RIC-7, r-3. Superb XF, chocolate brown patina. (50)
HELENA, mother of Constantine. 5 0 6 . 324-325 AD. JE 3. (3.01 gms.). London mint. Draped bust of Helena right. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICE, Securitas standing left lowering a branch and raising pallium with her right hand, in exergue PLÖN. RIC 299. VF+, Very rare and seldom offered. (500)
315-316 AD. JE Reduced Follis. (3.53 gms.). Siscia. Laureate head right. Jupiter standing half-left, leaning on sceptre, holding Victory on globe in right hand; eagle holding wreath at his feet. RIC-15, r-2. Superb XF, light brown patina. (50)
JE 3. (3.18 gms.). Thessalonica mint. HELENA NF draped bust of Helena right.Large star in a wreath. RIC 50. Good VF. Very Rare.' (450)
CRISPUS. 318-319 AD. 508. JE 3. (3.65 gms.). Thessalonica mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. VOT V/MVLT X/CAESS/TSE in wreath. RIC 36. Choice XF. Rare. (150)
CONST ANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. 513. AV Solidus. (4.55 gms.). Antioch mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing left holding wreath inscribed XXV and trophy, suppliant captive at her feet, in exergue SMANB. RIC 79. XF. (1400) Ex: Christies Sale October 1985, #218 DELMATIUS. 335-337 AD. 5 0 9 . AE 3/4. (1.76 gms.). Siscia mint. Laureate bust right, GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers and one standard. RIC (250) 256. Superb XF. Rare.
HANNIBALLIANUS. 335-337 AD. 5 1 0 . AE 4. (1.92 gms.). Constantinople mint. FL HANNIBALLIANO REGI, draped and cuirassed bust right. SECVRITAS PVBLICO, Euphrates seated right on ground, leaning on a sceptre, urn at his side, reed in background. RIC 147. VF+. Very Rare. (1100)
CONSTANTINE Π. 337-340 AD. 511. 318-319 AD. AE 3. (3.17 gms.). Thessalonica mint. Diademed and cuirassed bust right. VOT V/MVLT X/CAESS/ TS Β in a wreath. RIC 44. VF+/XF. Very Rare. (125)
CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. 512. AE Centenionalis. (4.09 gms.). Aquileia mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left holding globe. FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Soldier advancing right, dragging captive from hut beneath a tree. RIC 103. XF, green patina. (125)
Siliqua. (2.15 gms.). Aries. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. VOTIS/XXX/MVLTIS/XXXX within wreath. RIC-261. Nice XF. (175)
Siliqua. (2.01 gms.). Aries mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. VOTIS/XXX/MVLTIS/XXXX in a wreath, PCON below. RIC 291. Choice XF. (250)
Siliqua. (2.06 gms.). Lugdunum mint. Diademed draped and cuirassed bust right. Winged Victory walking left holding wreath. RIC 211. Toned XF. (275)
JE 3. (2.43 gms.). Rome. Diademed, draped bust right. Virtus standing left, shield over left shoulder, spearing fallen horseman with arm raised. LRBC-677. Nice XF, chocolate brown patina. (100)
MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. 518. Siliqua. (3.41 gms.). Trier mint. Draped and cuirassed bust of Magnentius right. Helmeted soldier standing facing holding a spear and shield. RIC 258. Toned VF+/XF. Rare. (3200) 522.
AE Centenionalis. (4.61 gms.). Trier mint. Draped and cuirassed bust of Magnentius right, A behind head. Two Victories facing one another, holding between them a wreath inscribed VOT/V/MVLT/X, column below. RIC 312. Choice XF. (150)
JULIAN Î , The Apostate. 360-363 AD. 520. Siliqua. (2.01 gms.). Aries mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Julian right, with a beard. VOT/X /MVLT/XX in a wreath, PCONST below. RIC 309. Superb XF. (300)
174. AE 1. (8.85 gms.). Heraclea. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Bull standing right, head facing; above, two stars. RIC-102, rare. Choice XF, beautiful black patina. (950)
Siliqua. (1.90 gms.). Lugdunum mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Julian right. Winged Victory left with wreath. RIC 212. Choice XF. (300)
JOVIAN 363-364 AD. 523. Siliqua. (2.15 gms.). Aries mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. VOT/V/MVLT/X in a wreath, SCONST in exergue. RIC 329. Rarity 5. Superb XF. (600)
AE 3. (3.97 gms.). Sirmium mint. DN IOVIANVS PF AVG, Pearl diademed bust right. VOT /V/MVLT/X in wreath. RIC 118. Near XF with a nice green patina. (200)
VALENTINIAN 1.364-375 AD. 525. Siliqua. (1.60 gms.). Lugdunum mint.Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Valentinian standing facing, looking right, holding winged Victory on globe and labarum. RIC 6a. XF, Rare. (300)
VALENS 367-375 AD. 526. Miliarense. (4.52 gms.). Siscia. cuirassed bust right. Emperor holding labarum in right hand RIC-10b, Cohen-71. Nice VF+, rare.
THEODOSIUS 1.379-395 AD. 530. AE 4. (1.09 gms.). Cyzicus mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Victory advancing left, dragging captive, SALVS REIPVBLICAE around. RIC 26b. Good VF+. Scarce this nice. (100路)
Pearl-diademed, draped and standing facing, head left, and resting left on shield. toning from rub on cheek, (1500)
CONSTANTINE m . 407-411 AD. 531. AV Solidus. (4.50 gms.). Trier mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, DN CONSTANTINVS PF AVG. VICTORIA AVGGG, Constantine III standing right with labarum and holding winged Victory on globe, captive below, in exergue TROBS. Cohen 5. RIC Hunter 1. Choice XF. Very Rare and seldom offered. (SEE COLOR PLATEPAGE 7) (6500) Ex: Credit Suisse 5. April J986, #602.
PROCOPIUS. 365-366 AD. 527. AE 3. (3.09 gms.). Nicomedia mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left, DN PROCO PIVS PF AVG around. REPARATIO FEL TEMP, Emperor standing facing, head right, holding labarum and shield, chi rho monogram in field. RIC 10. VF, Rare and seldom offered. (500) Ex: NFA February 1978, lot 558.
GRATIAN. 367-383 AD. 528. Siliqua. (1.91 gms.). Trier mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Roma seated facing on throne, head left, holding globe and spear. RIC 58a. XF. (250)
LEO I 457-474 AD. 5 3 2 . AV Solidus. (4.46 gms.). Constantinople. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, head slightly right; holding spear behind head, and shield. Victory standing half-left, holding long double cross. RIC(Hunter)-7. Superb XF. (900)
ZENO. 474-491 AD. 533. AV Solidus. (4.42 gms.). Constantinople mint. Bust of Zeno facing, slightly right, wearing plumed helmet with spear on shoulder. Winged Victory standinG left holding cross. RIC Hunter 5. Near XF. (400)
VALENTINIAN II. 375-392 AD. 5 2 9 . AV Solidus. (4.46 gms.). Trier mint. Draped and pearl diademed bust right. Emperors seated facing on thrones holding orb, winged Victory behind. RIC Hunter 10, RIC 90a. XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (750)
A N A S T A T I U S . 491-518 AD. 536. AE Follis. (18.54 gms.). Constantinople mint. Diademned bust of Anastatius right. Cross above large M, stars to either side, Î&#x2022; below, in exergue CON. SB 19. Choice VF+, nice brown patina. (300) ROMAN C O N T O R N I A T E M E D A L L I O N . 4TH-5TH AD. 534. JE 38mm. (20.97 gms.). Rome. In the name of Nero. NERO CL CAESAR AVG GERM IMP laureate head of Nero right, incuse palm branch behind. View of the "races" in the Circus Maximus. Unlisted in Alfoldi "Die KontorniatMedaillons" for this scene with the quadrigas racing clockwise. VF/XF, chocolate brown patina with green encrustation on obv., extremely rare. (2500)
T I B E R I U S I I C O N S T A N T I N E . 578-582 AD. 537. AE Follis. (18.11 gms.). Constantinople mint. Crowned bust of Tiberius Constantine facing, holding mappa and eagle tipped sceptre. Large M, Year 5, Officlna D; in exergue CON. SB 429. Choice VF+ with nice chocolate surfaces. (450)
H E R A C L I U S . 610-641 AD. 538. AV Solidus. (4.38 gms.). Carthage. Facing busts of Heraclius with short beard, on left, and Heraclius Constantine, on right; both draped and wearing crown, cross between them. Cross potent on two steps. SB-867, D.O.-204/229. Ex Garrett III, March 1985, Lot 491. Nice XF, scarce. (400) CAVINO M E D A L L I O N 535. By G i o v a n n i Cavino. C. 1550. AE "Sestertius" (33.52 gms.). of Faustina Junior, wife of Marcus Aurelius. Diademed and draped bust of Faustina Junior right, with hair doNe up in tight rows. Six figures sacrificing about an altar, temple of Vesta in the background. Klawans 2; Gnecchi Volume II, p.51, 13. Beautiful XF, rare and seldom offered. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (750)
MMti 539.
AV Tremissis. (1.44 gms.). Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right; beardless. Cross potent. SB-786. Berk-128. Superb XF, great style. (350)
C O N S T A N S I I . 641-668 AD. 540. AV Solidus. (4.30 gms.). Carthage. Facing busts of Constans (on left) with long beard and Constantine IV, each wearing crown and drapery; Constans holds globus cruciger. Cross potent on three steps. SB-1039, D.O.118/121. Nice XF, scarce. (400)
CONST ANTINEIX. 1042-1055. 5 4 4 . AV Histamenon Nomisma. (4.42 gms.). Christ enthroned facing. Bust of Constantine IX facing holding labarum and orb surmounted with a cross. SB 1828. XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (300) A SUPERB MILIESION OF CONSTANTINE X.
M I C H A E L I I , The A m o r i a n . 820-829 AD. 5 4 1 . AV Solidus. (3.86 gms.). Syracuse. Facing bust of Michael, wearing crown and drapery, holding globus cruciger. Facing bust of Theophilus, beardless, wearing crown and loros, holding cross potent. SB-1646, D.O.-15. Nice XF, rare. (500)
Miliaresion. (2.88 gms.). The Virgin, nimbate, standing facing on a footstool, wearing pallium and maphorium. Constantine, bearded, standing facing, wearing crown, a miltary attire consisting of a tunic, cuirass, cloak and high boots; he holds a long cross in his right hand and rests his left on a sheathed sword, cf. D.O. 7a, Sear 1834. Superb XF. Rare this nice. (3600)
CONSTANTINE X. 1059-1067. 5 4 6 . AV Histamenon Nomisma. (4.34 gms.). Christ enthroned facing. Constantine standing facing holding a labarum. SB 1847. XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (300)
820-829 AD. AE Follis. (7.08 gms.). Facing busts of Michael and Theophilus . Large M. SB 1642. XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (200)
LOMBARDS 5 4 7 . Aripert Î . 700-712. AV Tremissis. (1.35 gms.). DN AR IPERX, diademed bust right, G in field. SCSMI HAHIL, St. Michael standing left with long cross. Grierson 321. Choice XF. Very Rare. (2200)
BASIL I, The Macedonian. 867-886 AD. 543. Miliaresion. (2.78 gms.). Cross potent on three steps and globe. Inscription in six lines. SB-1708, D.O.-7. Near XF. (200)
VANDALS 553. Huneric. 477-484 AD. JE 4 Nummi. (0.92 gms.). Bust left of the King wearing diademn, paludamentum and cuirass; palm-branch in front. N/IIII within border of dots. Wroth 12. Superb XF. Ex: John Barton Inventory. (375)
Aripert II. 700-712. AV Tremissis. (1.27 gms.). DN AR IPERX, diademed bust right, H in field. SCSMI HAHIL, St. Michael standing left with long cross. Grierson 321v. Choice XF. Very Rare. (2200)
Liutprand. 712-744. AV Tremissis. (1.24 gms.). DN LIV PRANRX, diademed bust right, Ν in field. SCS MHIL, St. George standing left holding a cross. Grierson 322v. XF. Rare. (1600)
CELTIC. 554. A t r e b a t e s & Regni. Verica. 10-40 AD. Unit. (1.24 gms.). Double comucopiae. Seated figure right. S-107, Mack 129. Nice VF. Scarce. (450) T R E M E N D O U S ALFRED P O R T R A I T PENNY
Liutprand. 712-744. AV Tremissis. (1.08 gms.). DN LIV PRANRX, diademed bust right, Τ in field. SCS MHIL, St. George standing left holding a cross. Grierson 322v. XF. Rare. (1500)
SAXON 555. Alfred the G r e a t . 871-899. Penny. (1.57 gms.). ELFR EDREX, diademed bust of Aldred right. LONDONIA mongram. S-1061. Toned XF. Rare and popular. (4000)
Liutprand. 712-744. AV Tremissis. (1.23 gms.). DN LI ..., diademed bust right, Τ in field. SCS MHIL, St. George standing left holding a cross. Grierson 322v. XF, a little double struck. Rare. (1500)
Liutprand. 712-744. AV Tremissis. (1.24 gms.). DN LIV PRANRX, diademed bust right, V in field. SCS MHIL, St. George standing left holding a cross. Grierson 322v. XF. Rare. (1600)
Aethelred I I . 978-1016. Second Hand Penny. (1.44 gms.). Bust right with sceptre. Hand of God, Brihtred on Winchester. S-1146. Toned VF, a few pecks. (225)
Aethelred II. 978-1016. Long cross penny. (1.42 gms.). Bare head left. Osulf on Thetford. S-1151. Toned VF. (245)
Aethelred I I . 978-1016. Last small cross penny. (1.16 gms.). Diademed bust left. Oswold on Norwich. S-1154. Toned XF. (400) Ex: Doubleday Collection, Ex: Duke of Argyll.
Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. Small flan short cross penny. (1.10 gms.). Crowned bust left. Pulpi on London. S-1175. VF, small crack. (150)
Harold II. 1066. Penny. (1.12 gms.). Crowned bust of Harold left, no sceptre in field. NANA on Norwich. Seaby 1187. Good VF. Rare and seldom offered. (1500)
KINGS O F ALL ENGLAND 5 6 4 . William I . 1066-1087. Profile Penny. (1.21 gms.). Crowned bust left, sceptre before. Wultmaer on Romney. S1250. Toned VF. Rare. (600)
Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. Helmet Penny. (1.33 gms.). Helmeted bust right, sceptre before. Lifinc on Winchester. S-1179. Toned VF. (250)
Henry IV. 1399-1413. AV Noble. (6.88 gms.). Light coinage. Trefoil and annulet at ship's side. S-1715. Clean Fine. Very Rare. (1800)
Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Noble. (6.67 gms.). First reign. Henry standing in ship with sword and shield. London mint. S-1799. VF. (950)
E d w a r d the C o n f e s s o r . 1042-1066. Hammer cross penny. (1.38 gms.). Crowned bust right, sceptre before. Pulfri on Hastings. S-1182. Toned VF+. (375)
T W O D I F F E R E N T PENNIES O F HAROLD II - Last of the Saxon
Harold I I . 1066. Sceptre penny. (1.21 gms.). Crowned bust left with sceptre. Thurgod on Thetford. S-1186. VF, a little poorly struck. Rare. (750) Ex: Doubleday Collection 82
Edward VI. 1551. Half Crown. (15.61 gms.). mm: Tun. King on horseback right. S-2480. Toned XF. Rare this nice. (1500)
Edward VI. 1547-1553. Fine Silver Shilling. (6.24 gms.). mm: Tun. Bust of Edward three quarter face to left. S-2482. Superb XF. (750)
Philip & Mary. 1554. Six Pence. (2.82 gms.). Vis a vis busts facing, crown above. S-2505. Strong VF. Rare for this issue to be this nice. (800)
H e n r y VI. 1422-1461. AV Salut D'Or. (3.45 gms.). Minted at Paris. Two shields, side by side, bearing the arms of France and England, Virgin Mary and the Angel Gabriel above, mm: Crown. Latin cross. Elias 264. Toned nice VF. (1250)
H e n r y VI. 1422-1461. AV Salut D'Or. (3.43 gms.). Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel behind two shields. Latin cross, mm: Leopard. Rouen mint. Elias 270c. Choice XF. (1500)
Edward I V . 1461-1470. Groat. (2.96 gms.). Light rose. Quatrefoils at neck. London mint. S2000. Toned VF. (175)
H e n r y V I I . 1485-1509. AV Angel. (4.91 gms.). St. Michael spearing the dragon.Class V. mm: Pheon. S-2187. Nice VF, edge a little ragged. (650)
Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. AV Half Pound. (5.49 gms.). 5th Issue, mm: Tun. Crowned bust left. S-2535. Superb XF. Rare this nice. (6500)
Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. Penny. (0.42 gms.). 3rd Issue, mm: Eglantine. Crowned bust left. S-2570. Toned VF. (100) 579.
James I. 1603-1625. Shilling. (5.81 gms.). 6th bust, mm: Lis. Crowned bust right. S-2668. Toned VF, flan crack. (225)
Charles I. 1625-1649. Tower Halfcrown. (13.70 gms.). Under Parliament. Charles left on horseback, mm: P, 3rd horseman. S-2840. Toned VF. (175) Ex: Locken Collection (4483)
Charles I. 1625-1649. Aberystwyth Shilling. (5.95 gms.). Bust left with large square lace collar, large plume before, XII behind, inner circle of dots. S-2883. Toned VF. Rare and seldom offered. (650)
Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. Shilling. (6.05 gms.). Crowned bust left, mm: Woolpack. 5th issue. S-2577. Toned VF. (250)
Elizabeth I. 1601. Halfcrown. (14.69 gms.). mm: "1". Crowned bust left, sceptre before. S-2583. Toned VF. Scarce this nice. (1000)
582. 578.
James I. 1603-1625. Shilling. (5.92 gms.). mm: Lis. Sixth bust. S-2668. Toned XF. (350)
Charles I. 1646. N e w a r k Beseiged. Halfcrown. (14.08 gms.). C R either side of crown, XXX below. OBS NEWARK 1646. S-3140. Good VF, a little weakly struck. (575)
Charles I. 1645. Newark Beseiged. Ninepence. (4.25 gms.). C R either side of crown, IX below. OBS NEWARKE 1645. S-3145. Toned VF. Rare this nice. (650) This piece appears to have been inadvertently struck on a shilling flan.
Robert Bruce. 1306-1329. Penny. (1.44 gms.). Crowned bust left. Long cross, mullets in angles. S-5076. Toned nice VF. Rare. (600)
Robert Bruce. 1306-1329. Penny. (1.33 gms.). Crowned bust left with sceptre. S-5076. Toned VF. Scarce and popular. (650)
David II. 1329-1371. Penny. (1.19 gms.). 2nd Issue. Crowned bust left, sceptre before. Long cross, mullets in angles. S-5087. Toned good VF. (175)
David II. 1329-1371. Penny. (1.07 gms.). Crowned bust left with sceptre. 2nd Issue. Small Letters. S-5088. Toned VF+. (200)
Robert III. 1390-1406. AV Lion. (3.28 gms.). Crowned arms. St. Andrew on the cross. Second issue. S-5160. Near VF. Rare. (950)
C o m m o n w e a l t h . 1650. AV Crown. (2.26 gms.). mm: Sun. S-3211. Toned XF. Rare. (1800)
C o m m o n w e a l t h . 1652. Crown, mm: Sun. S-3212. Toned XF. Nice strike for issue. (1650)
Oliver Cromwell. 1658. Shilling. (5.98 gms.). Laureate and draped bust of Cromwell left. Crowned arms. S-3228. Toned choice XF. (1250)
Robert III. 1390-1406. Groat. (2.73 gms.). Heavy coinage. Tall facing bust. S-5164. Toned VF. (150)
Robert ΠΙ. 1390-1406. Groat. (2.83 gms.). Rough style. tall facing bust. Long cross. Edinburgh mint. S-5164a. Nice toned VF. (225)
James VI. 1603-1625. AV Rider of 100 Shillings. (5.11 gms.). Dated 1593. King in armour with sword on horseback galloping right. Crowned shield. S-5458. Choice XF. (2500)
James VI. 1602. AV Sword & Sceptre. (5.01 gms.). 8th coinage. Sword and sceptre. Crowned shield. S-5460. Toned XF (1400)
James VI. 1602. AV Sword & Sceptre. (4.95 gms.). Crossed sword and sceptre. S-5460. Nice VF. (675)
James VI. 1603-1625. 60 Shillings. (29.66 gms.). King on horseback right. S-5502 Fine. (350)
Mary. 1542-1567. AV Lion of Forty-four shillings. (4.99 gms.). Crowned shield dividing I G. Crowned monogram of MARIA REGINA, cinquefoils to either side. S-5394. Nice VF. Rare and seldom offered. (2700)
Mary. 1542-1567. Billon Bawbee. (1.94 gms.). Crowned thistle dividing M R. Voided saltire cross. S-5433. Toned VF+. ()צל
James VI. 1603-1625. Thirty Shillings. (14.82 gms.). James on horseback right. S-5504. Near VF. Scarce. (250) Ex: S. Hallock DuPont Collecton
Henry VII. 1458-1508. Portrait Groat. (1.70 gms.). Type la. Arched crown. S-6455. Toned VF, crude. (150)
J a m e s VI. 1591. Balance Half Merk. (4.51 gms.). Crowned arms. Balance with sword behind. S-5491. Toned VF. Scarce. (450)
The Great Rebellion. Charles I. 1643-1644. Ormonde Crown. (29.89 gms.). Crowned CR s over large V within double circle. S-6544. Toned VF. Crudely struck. (450) Ex.Bearman collection.
CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS, LTD. Victor England Box 245 Quarryville, PA 17566-0245 USA (717) 786-4013