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PUBLIC AUCTION SALE May 4, 1989 New York City


A Public and Mail Bid Auction Sale of

CLASSICAL COINS Featuring Ancient Greek A Choice Judaean and Related Collection Greek Imperials and Alexandrian Roman Republican & Featuring "An Important Collection of Roman Imperial" Thursday May 4 , 1 9 8 9 4:00 PM

The Novotel 226 West 52nd Street on Broadway New York City Paris/London Room

(Mezzanine) Herbert J. Kreindler, Auctioneer #820339


$ 10.00 i n c l u d i n g






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Victor England, Jr. Kerry Κ. Wetterstrom Karen Zander Cathy England G e o f f Hurley

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Numismatic Auctions, by all i n t e r e s t e d p a r t i e s

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NOTICE OF EXHIBITION COINS MAY BE VIEWED IN OUR OFFICES BY APPOINTMENT. From 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday April 10 - April 28, 1989


Chicago International April 7-8, 1989 Hyatt Regency By Appointment

Houston, Texas April 18, 1989 Invitation only

San Francisco, CA Classical Numismatic Bourse April 21-22, 1989 Invitation only

New York, NY May 3-4, 1989

Novotel Hotel 226 West 52nd St on Broadway London Suite (Mezzanine) May 3 from 10 AM - 6PM May 4 from 10AM - Start of Auction at 4PM



ENLARGEMENTS AH enlargements are 2:1 with the exception of 18,60,64,91,96,334,335,437 which are enlarged 4:1



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GAUL 1. M a s s a l i a . Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. Obol. (0.71 gms.). Youthful head of river-god left. Four-spoked wheel, between spokes M A. SNG Cop.-723. XF. slightly porous. (165-225)

CALABRIA 4. Tarentum. Circa 302-281 BC. Didrachm. (7.87 gms.). Naked horseman on prancing horse right, holding spear or javelin downwards; behind, large round shield and two javelins; beneath, Δ Ε Ι Ν Ο Κ Ρ Α Τ Η Σ ; in left field, ΣΙ. Taras astride dolphin left, holding a small dolphin in his right hand; in right field, ΤΑΡΑΣ. Vlasto-692/693. Lovely toned XF. (1000-1300)


The Volcae Tectosages. Circa 2nd-lst BC. Drachm. (3.31 gms.). Degraded head left. Cross dividing the field into four quadrants containing pellets, pellet and crescent, and axe head. De la Tour 3263. Toned XF, obverse typically off center, reverse better centered than normal. (125-200)

T a r e n t u m . Circa 272-235 BC. Drachm. (3.05 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, helmet ornamented with Skylla throwing a stone. Owl standing right on olivebranch; between, rose; above, I- Η Ρ Α Κ Λ Η ( Τ Ο Σ ) the magistrate's name. Vlasto-1089/1090, SNG Cop-962. Near XF. (300-350)

ETRURIA 3. Populonia. Circa 365-350 BC. Didrachm of twenty units. (8.37 gms.). Gorgoneion facing with protruding tongue, Χ X below. Plain reverse. SNG Fitzwilliam-62. XF, unusually well struck for issue. (900-1200)

This coin is often misattributed to Herakleia indeed, is catalogued as such in both Sear mistaken ethnic for Herakleia is actually Tarentine magistrate as Leonard Forrer catalogue of the Weber collection, but he the coin as Herakleia (#708).

in Lucania and and BMC. The the name of a notes in his still catalogued






T a r e n t u m . Circa 212-209 BC. Hannibalic Occupation. Drachm. (3.69 gms.). Horseman wearing helmet and cuirass, holding palm, on a horse right, lifting right foreleg; below, Σ Ω Κ Α Ν Ν Α Σ . Taras astride dolphin left, holding trident in left hand and kantharos in extended right hand; above dolphin's tail, eagle right with spread wings. Vlasto984/986, SNG ANS-1271. Toned VF+, rare variety. (300-450)

LUCANIA 7. M e t a p o n t u m . Circa 4th Century BC. Stater. (7.85 gms.). Head of Persephone left, hair wreathed in corn. Ear of barley, small figure of Demeter in left field. SNG ANS-494. Toned VF+, nice style and execution. (750-1000)


Thurium. Circa 380 BC. Distater. (15.66 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, helmet decorated with Skylla. Bull charging right, cornucopiae below. SNG Munich 1187. Nicely toned near XF, rare denomination. (1600-2200)

BRUTTIUM 9. Terina. Circa 400-356 BC. Stater. (7.85 gms.). Head of the Nymph Terina left; hair rolled and wearing amphyx; all within wreath. Winged Nike seated left, on over-turned amphora, holding wreath and caduceus. BMC-1, JenkinsHolloway 12. Toned superb XF. Excellent style and execution. (5500-6500)




SICILY 10. H i m e r a . Circa 530-483 BC. Litra. (0.95 gms.). Cock standing left. Punch in form of cross in shallow incuse. Rosen 53 (this coin). Good VF+, nice metal quality, rare. (350-450) 12.


Kephaloidion. Siculo Punic Issue for Rash Melkarth. Circa 409-396 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.20 gms.). Quadriga of horses right, rearing up; winged Nike above flying left. Bust of Tanit right, hair wreathed in corn; dolphins around. SNR 50, Jenkins, plate 19 #50. Toned superb XF, reverse slightly double struck. Ex: Knobloch - Gillespie Collection, list 27 #84. (1500-2000)

Leontini. Circa 466-422 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.37 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo left. Lion's head left, three barley corn's and leaf around in field. SNG ANS 257. Superb XF. (3000-3500)

M e s s a n a . Circa 480-461 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.35 gms.). Biga of mules right, driven by seated charioteer. Hare bounding right. SNG ANS-314. Toned VF+, nice old cabinet coin. (1300-1700)





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S y r a c u s e . Circa 485-465 BC. Obol. (0.54 gms.). Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, border of dots. Four spoked wheel. SNG Cop-627. Choice VF+, scarce. (100-150)


S y r a c u s e . Circa 415 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.26 gms.). Slow quadriga to the right, winged Nike flying left above. Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, hair bound with cords, wearing a pendant ornamented with a lion's head, dolphins around. Boehringer-711. XF, nice metal quality, typical short flan for this issue. ( 2200-3000)


S y r a c u s e . Circa 412-385 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.25 gms.). Chariot to the left, the horses prancing along, heads turned left and right; male charioteer holding goad and reins, winged Nike flying right with wreath; in exergue, a corn-ear. Artemis, head left, in ampyx and spangled sphendone; pair of dolphins on left plunging downward, another pair on the right, one emerging from behind the neck. Tudeer 84, Gulbenkian 294. Nice VF of exceptional artistic style. Though unsigned, this piece is from the workshop of a master die engraver, possibly the ancient master Euclidas. (2000-3000)



Syracuse. Circa 400 BC. Dekadrachm. Unsigned by the artist Kimon. (42.01 gms.). Galloping quadriga driven left by charioteer, being crowned by winged Nike flying right; in exergue, panoply of armour. Head of Artemis-Arethusa left wearing hair-band, four dolphins around, cf. Boston 434, Jongkees lOd (this coin). A pleasing VF on an oversized flan and a nice inexpensive dekadrachm. Ex: de Nanteuil 356, and Benson 345. (7500-9500)






Syracuse. Agathocles. 310-304 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.01 gms.). Head of Persephone right, hair wreathed in com. Winged Nike standing right before trophy, triskeles in left field. SNG Cop-766. Near XF/choice XF, a layer of silver oxide adhering to the obverse. (900-1300)


Syracuse. Siculo-Punic issue for Carthage. Circa 320-305 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.45 gms.). Head of Arethusa right, hair wreathed in corn, wearing a pendant earring, dolphins around. Horse's head left, palm tree behind, "MMHNT" below. SNR 56, Jenkins, Coins of Punic Sicily, platel3, 180. XF. (1500-2000)


Syracuse. Siculo-Punic issue for Carthage. Circa 305-295 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.01 gms.). Head of Melqart-Herakles right in lion-skin with thick shaggy mane.Horse's head right with flowing mane and curved truncation, palm tree behind, thunderbolt in field. SNR 57, Jenkins, Coins of Punic Sicily, Plate 1, 276. VF+, very rare symbol in field. (1000-1250)

Syracuse. Circa 396 BC. AV 100 Litra. (5.79 gms.). Signed die of the Master Kimon (?) and A(?). Head of Arethusa left wearing an earring, necklace and her hair in a sphendone; before, a ball or globe; behind her neck, inverted Κ over A (signature?). Herakles kneeling on right knee and strangling the Nemean lion with both arms. SNG Munich-1089, BMC168var. XF, rare. (11,000-14,000) This particular rendition of the reverse motif of Herakles wrestling the Nemean Lion is one of the few used that was actually intended for a circular format. It was probably adapted from the central design of a Greek Tondo.


Syracuse. Agathocles. 317-310 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.03 gms.). Head of Artemis-Arethusa left, dolphins around. Ouadriga left, triskeles above. SNG Cop-754. XF. (1800-2200)





Syracuse. Hieron Π. 274-216 BC. 16 Litra. (13.34 gms.). Diademed and veiled bust left of Philistis; behind head, star. Quadriga right driven by Nike, Κ to right, star above. SNG Cop.-825. Lovely toned XF. (1400-1750)


Maroneia. Circa 400-350 BC. Drachm. (2.83 gms.). Forepart of prancing horse left; around, Ε Υ Π. Grape-bunch on vine with five leaves; to either side, M A; all within square dotted border in incuse square. SNG Cop.-614. Toned superb XF. (600-800)


THRACE 24. A b d e r a . Circa 411-385 BC. Stater. (12.55 gms.). Winged griffin left, with paw raised, bee in field before. Herakles seated left, lion's skin in lap, holding club in right hand, looking right. May 391 for obverse die. For reverse die see Sternberg 19, #87. Superb XF/XF. Extremely rare. An important rarity. This coin speaks for itself. (6500-8000)

T H R A C E , Kings of. 26. Lysimachus. 323-281 BC. AV Stater. (8.57 gms.). Diademed head of Alexander the Great right, wearing horn of Ammon. Athena enthroned left, holding Nike and resting left arm on shield emblazoned with lion's head. Müller -. Choice XF. (5500-6500)




L y s i m a c h u s . 323-281 BC. AV Stater. (8.47 gms.). Byzantium mint. Deified head of Alexander the Great right, with hom of Ammon. Athena enthroned left, holding winged Nike, trident below, lion's head in left field. SNG Cop -. Nicely centered VF. (2000-2500)


Lysimachus. 323-281 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.59 gms.). Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle in right hand and sceptre in left; before, forepart of lion left, monogram within wreath above; monogram under throne; below, (Λ)ΥΣΙΜΑΧΟ(Υ); to right, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ. Miiller-3. Pleasing VF, rare Alexander the Geat type for Lysimachus. (700-1000)



L y s i m a c h u s . 323-281 BC. Drachm. (4.36 gms.). Bust of Alexander as Herakles right in a lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle in his right hand and spear in left, forepart of lion in left field. Müller-20. Toned XF, rare. (300-400)

L y s i m a c h u s . 323-281 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.14 gms.). Deified head of Alexander the Great right wearing the hom of Ammon. Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in right hand, leaning left elbow on shield, griffin's head and monogram in the left field. Miiller-126var. (Abdera), Thompson-The Mints of Lysimachus (Essays Robinson) -75 (Abydus). Superb XF, excellent style portrait. (2000-2500)







L y s i m a c h u s . 323-281 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.03 gms.). Cyzicus. Deified head of Alexander right wearing diadem and hom of Ammon. Athena Nikephoros seated left holding Nike in right hand and leaning on shield. Miiller-399, M. Thompson-The Mints of Lysimachus (Essays Robinson)- 49. Toned good VF, nice "high relief style." Ex: J. Desneux Coll., Hess-Leu Auction 49, April 1971, Lot 100. (400-450)


Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. Didrachm. (7.05 gms.). Head of Dionysus left crowned with ivy. Herakles kneeling right and drawing bow, wearing lion's skin headdress. BMC-40, Traité IV 1144, pl. cccxxiii, 1. VF/F+, scarce type. Ex: NFA Mail Bid Sale, June 1986, Lot 153. (400-450)


Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. Trihemiobol. (0.77 gms.). Naked satyr running left, holding kantharos. Amphora in shallow incuse. SNG Cop 1029, BMC 56. Toned XF, nice old cabinet toning. Nice strike and metal quality. (450-600)

Lysimachus. 323-281 BC. Drachm. (4.23 gms.). Deified head of Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon. Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike with a wreath, spearhead in field pointed downward. Müller-60v. (spearhead up). Nice XF, exceptional metal quality and style. (500-750)

THRACE, Islands off: 33. Thasos. Circa 550-463 BC. Stater. (8.27 gms.). SatyT right, ravishing a nymph. Incuse. SNG Cop-1009. Toned choice VF, nice archaic style. (1100-1500)



MACEDON 36. M e n d e . Circa 520-480 BC. Tetrobol. (2.84 gms.). Ithyphallic ass standing left. Mill-sail incuse square. SNG ANS-300, SNG Cop-200. XF, rare and seldom offered. (1200-1750)




Philip II. 359-336 BC. AV Stater. (8.58 gms.). Pella mint. Laureate head of Apollo right with short hair. Galloping biga right driven by charioteer, holding goad; below horses, trident. Le Rider-273 (same dies - D130, R208). Choice XF. (3400-3600)


Philip Î . Posthumous Issue struck under Philip HI. 322-315 BC. AV Stater. (8.53 gms.). Laureate bust of Apollo right, small A behind head. Biga right, charioteer standing with goad, thunderbolt below. Le Rider pi 72, 609. aXF. Very Rare. (2500-3500)

M A C E D O N , Kings of. 37. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AV Stater. (8.58 gms.). Laureate bust of Apollo right. Charioteer, with goad, in biga galloping right, kantharos below legs. cf. Le Rider^49. XF, nice graceful style and execution. (3500-4500)

The popularity of Philip's gold insured its apparent continued production during the reign of Philip III. Le Rider lists only three obverse dies with the letter A. An unusual rarity for the collector of Philip's gold issues.







Philip II. 359-336 BC. Tetradrachm. (14.52 gms.). Amphipolis mint. Laureate bust of Zeus right. Naked youth on horse prancing right, holding long palm branch, aplustre below horse. Le Rider plate 46, 18. Choice XF. (1400-1750) 42.

Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater. (8.45 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, helmet adorned with a serpent. Winged Nike standing left, holding wreath and ship's mast, axe in field. Miiller-577. Choice XF, nicely centered and struck. (3000-3500)


Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. AV Stater. (8.57 gms.). Region of the Propontis (c. 320 BC). Helmeted head of Athena right, serpent on helmet. Nike standing half-left, holding wreath and stylis; in left field, foreparts of two horses joined in opposite directions. Müller-394 (Perinthus), SNG Cop.630. Choice XF, well-centered. (2300-2500)

Philip II. 359-336 BC. Tetradrachm. (14.29 gms.). Amphipolis mint. Laureate bust of Zeus right. Naked youth on horse prancing right, holding long palm branch, dolphin below horse. Le Rider plate 46, 19. Choice XF. (1400-1750) Note an important die link between the obverses of the two previous coins. These two pieces share the same obverse die, but demonstrate different reverse dies and symbols. Die links of this nature help us understand a little better the extent to which some of these dies were used. Finding die links in a series this large are rare and seldom occur.








Alexander I I I . 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.09 gms.). Babylon mint. Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle in his right hand and sceptre in his left; to left, club and M I; under throne, monogram within wreath. Müller-739. Superb XF, well-centered, nice high-relief style. (500-700)


Alexander I I I . 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.21 gms.). Alexandria mint. Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle in right hand and sceptre in left; to left, rose. Müller-124, SNG Cop.-853. Nice XF, double-struck on reverse, rare. Ex: NFA XIV, Lot 101. (1000-1250)

Alexander Π Ι . 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.15 gms.). Bust of Alexander as Herakles right in lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding an eagle in his right hand and sceptre in his left, crescent in field. Müller-259. Superb XF. (600-800)

Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.18 gms.). Head of Alexander right as Herakles in lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding sceptre and eagle; in left field, a bee alighting on an open rose. Miiller-856. Choice XF, a rare and unusual symbol seldom encountered for sale. (700-900)








Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. Drachm. (4.01 gms.). Alexandria mint. Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin. Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle in right hand and sceptre in left. SNG Cop-945, Müller-129. VF, rare. (125-150)


Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. Drachm. (3.80 gms.). Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin. Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle in right hand and sceptre in left. Miiller-275, SNG Cop.-912. Toned VF+. (125-175)

Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.98 gms.). Mint of Myriandrus in Syria. Bust of Alexander as Herakles right in a lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre, border of dots around. Müller-1300. Superb XF, on a beautiful broad flan. (900-1200)

Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.91 gms.). Miletus mint. Posthumous Issue. Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left holding an eagle in right hand and sceptre in left; to left, figure of a lion standing left, head right, star above; two monograms below lion and throne. Müller-, SNG Cop.-. Toned good VF, better mint. (400-450)

Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. Drachm. (4.42 gms.). Bust of Alexander as Herakles right in lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left, holding sceptre and eagle, star and spearhead in field. Muller-317. Nice XF. (200-275)





Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. Drachm. Alexander as Herakles right in a lion's enthroned left, holding an eagle in his in left; in left field, Artemis with two XF, nice style.

(4.28 gms.). Bust of skin headdress. Zeus right hand and spear torches. Müller398‫־‬v. (250-300)

Philip III. 323-317 BC. AV Stater. (8.57 gms.). Babylon mint. Head of Athena right, wearing crested helmet ornamented with a serpent. Winged Nike standing left, holding a ship's mast and wreath. Miiller-97, SNG Cop1069. Superb XF. (2500-3500)




Demetrius Poliorcetes. 294-288 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.29 gms.). Diademed head of Demetrius right. Poseidon standing left, holding trident, foot on rock, prow in left field. Newell 138 (PI XIV, 8 obverse die). Toned near XF, rare. (1700-2500)


Antigonus Gonatas. 277-239 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.05 gms.). Macedonian shield; in center, head of Pan left with a pedum behind. Athena Alkidemos advancing left, holding a thunderbolt in left hand and shield with right; in lower left field, Macedonian helmet. SNG Cop.-1199. Toned VF+. (750-900)




ILLYRIA 59. Epidamnos-Dyrrhachium. Circa 450-350 BC. Stater. (10.93 gms.). Cow standing right, looking back at calf, which it suckles. ΔΥΡ and a club around the four borders of a square containing a double stellate pattern, cf. SNG Cop.-423, SGC-1890. Lovely toned XF. (700-900) 57.

Perseus. 178-168 BC. Tetradrachm. (15.45 gms.). Diademed head right of Perseus. Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, wings open, all within oak-wreath; below, plough, cf. SNG Cop.-1269. Nice XF. (1300-1500)

EPEIROS, Kings of. 60. Alexander, son of Neoptolemos. 342-330 BC. AV Twelfth Stater. (0.63 gms.). Radiate head of Helios three-quarter face to left. Winged thunderbolt. BMC 2. Near XF/XF, scarce. (1000-1300)

PAEONIA, Kings of. 58. A u d o l e o n . 315-286 BC. Tetradrachm. (12.02 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena three-quarter face to right. Horse prancing right. SNG Oxford-3370. Toned aXF, nice style and strike. Ex: NFA IV, Lot 176. (2500-3000)

THESSALY 61. Larissa. Circa 350-325 BC. Drachm. (6.08 gms.). Head of the Nymph Larissa three-quarter facing left, hair bound and flowing loosely with amphyx in front. Horse grazing right with left foreleg raised. BMC-57, SNG Lockett-1577. Nice XF of the best style. Ex: Superior Galleries Auction of June, 1984, Lot 1385. (750-800)




LOCRIS 62. Locri Opuntii. Circa 369-338 BC. Stater. (12.13 gms.). Head of Persephone left wearing wreath of corn-ears, necklace and pendant earring. Ajax, son of Oileus, nude but for helmet, advancing right and holding sword and large shield decorated inside with a griffin; below on ground, two spears. SNG Cop.-43/44. XF, well-centered, beautiful style and relief. (1500-1700)

ATTICA 64. Athens. Circa 460 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.80 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, hair beside ear in shallow loops. Owl standing right, looking slightly upward, tail feathers well separated, olive-branch and crescent behind. Starr group IV. Starr 124 (this coin), SNG Lockett 1837 (this coin). Toned XF. A beautiful specimen from the transitional period of Athenian coinage. Ex: Bank Leu 1977, »145. (5500-6500)

ΒΟΕΟΠΑ 63. Thebes. Circa 244-197 BC. Drachm. (4.93 gms.). Head of Persephone three-quarter face to right, hair wreathed with corn. Poseidon, nude, standing facing, head right, holding trident with right hand and a small dolphin in his left; below right, monogram and Boeotian shield. SNG Cop.-383. Toned near XF. (500-650)





Athens. head of crescent crest for




Athens. After 449 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.16 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right, helmet ornamented with three oliveleaves and floral scroll. Owl standing right, head facing; above, olive-spray and crescent. SNG Cop 33-38 for type. NiceXF. (1200-1300)


A t h e n s . Circa 145/144 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.60 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena Parthenos right (triple-crested Attic type helmet), wearing pendant earring and necklace; helmet ornamented with the protomes of four horses above the visor, Pegasus above the raised earpiece. ΑΘΕ, Owl standing right, head facing, on an amphora which lies on its side (Δ on amphora); to right, Triptolemos in winged, serpent-biga left; in left field, ΕΥΜ/ΑΡΕΙ/ΔΗΣ/ΚΛΕΟ/ΜΕΝ/ΔΗΜΟ; beneath amphora, ME; all within wreath. Thompson-678c,d. Good VF. (400-550)

After 449 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.14 gms.). Helmeted Athena right. Owl standing right, olive-branch and behind, cf. SNG Cop-33. Superb XF. Unusually full issue. (1900-2300)

Athens. After 449 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.11 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right. Owl standing right, olive-branch and crescent behind, cf. SNG Cop 33. Toned XF. Full crest and rare as such !!. (1700-2000)





CORINTHIA 71. Corinth. Circa 315 BC. Drachm. (2.77 gms.). Λ series (?). Pegasus flying left. Head of Nymph Peirene left wearing necklace, cf. SNG Cop.-118. Lightly toned XF, slightly offcenter. (200-300)

AEGINA 69. Circa 456-431 BC. Stater. (12.38 gms.). Tortoise with segmented shell divided into thirteen plates. Incuse square of skew pattern divided by flat bands into five compartments. BMC-146, SNG Delepierre-1983. Toned superb XF, perfectly centered on a small flan. Ex: Edward Gans collection, Gans was the founder of the original Numismatic Fine Arts. (3000-4000) ARGOLIS 72. A r g o s . Circa 490-480 BC. Hemidrachm. (3.02 gms.). Forepart of wolf left. Shallow incuse square, containing large A, upper two punches have deeper incuses. SNG Cop 1. VF, (300-350) rare and seldom offered.


After 404 BC. Obol. (0.86 gms.). Tortoise seen from above, to right A. Incuse square divided into five compartments. SNG Cop 519var. Toned near XF with nice dark patina and nice metal. (250-350)



Argos. After 343 BC. Tetrobol. (2.50 gms.). Forepart of wolf left. A in incuse square, eagle below. SNG Cop 42. Toned VF+. (200-275)




PAPHLAGONIA 7 4 . Sinope. Circa 360-320 BC. Drachm. (5.06 gms.). Head of the Nymph Sinope left wearing an earring and necklace. Seaeagle flying left with a dolphin in its talons; above to right, ΑΓΡΕ; below, ΣΙΝΩ. BMC-11. Toned choice XF. (550-650)


LESBOS 76. Mytilene. Circa 521-478 BC. EL Hecte. (2.58 gms.). Ram's head right, rooster pecking below to the left. Lion's head right in incuse. Bodenstedt-11. Nicely centered VF+. (800-1100)


MYSIA 7 5 . P a r i u m . Circa 5th Century BC. Drachm. (3.67 gms.). Gorgoneion facing. Incuse square, irregularly divided. SNG Cop.-256. VF, small flan, scarce. (125-150)


Mytilene. Circa 521-478 BC. EL Hecte. (2.56 gms.). Ram's head left, rooster pecking right below. In incuse, head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress, club below. Bodenstedt-21. VF/VF+. (700-900)


IONIA 78. M i l e t o s . Circa 560 BC. EL Quarter Stater. (3.59 gms.). Reclining lion left, head looking back to the right. Two incuse punches with geometric designs. Rosen -, cf. Pozzi2464. ?, very Rare. (600-900)





Samos (?). Beginnings of Coinage. Circa 650-600 BC. EL Eighth Stater. (1.74 gms.). Roughened surface in circular motion. Square incuse punch with irregular surface, cf. Boston MFA 1775, M&M Sale 72, 121. VF, rare and interesting. (450-600)



Miletos. Circa 560 BC. EL Hecte. (2.41 gms.). Resting lion left, head turned right. Two incuse punches ornamented with lines. Pozzi 2465, cf. M&M 72, Lot 275. VF, very Rare. (600-900)



Miletos. Circa 520 BC. Stater. (11.63 gms.). Forepart of lion left, looking back right. Incuse square. Rosen-578. Crude VF, very rare. (1500-2000)


Teos. Circa 470-450 BC. Stater. (11.92 gms.). Griffin seated right with curled wings, left foreleg raised; beneath to right, male head (?). Quadripartite incuse square with rough surfaces, cf. BMC-8 for type. Choice XF, well-centered. (1500-1750)




PAMPHYLIA 86. A s p e n d u s . Circa 400-300 BC. Stater. (10.78 gms.). Two wrestlers facing off, the left one holds the left forearm of his opponent with both hands, his opponent grasping his right wrist with his right hand ("classic takedown position"). Slinger discharging his sling to the right; to his right, triskeles to the left. SNG Cop.-233. Iridescently toned VF. Ex: Fountain Head of Fine Coins, 1974 @ $365. (400-450)

LYDIA, Kings of. 83. Before Croesus. Circa 650-561 BC. EL. Twelfth Stater. (1.18 gms). Lion's head right with nose-wart on forehead. Square punch. BMC 17. Near XF, rare. (600-1000)

CILICIA 87. Tarsus. Satrap Mazaios. Circa 361-333 BC. Stater. (10.76 gms.). Baaltars seated left, upper body facing, holding sceptre in left hand and branch on which is an eagle, grainear and grape-bunch; aramaic legend. Lion attacking kneeling bull, both left; aramaic legend above. SNG Levante-106. Superb XF. (850-1100)

CARIA 84. Knidos. Circa 480-450 BC. Drachm. (6.10 gms.). Forepart of lion right. Head of Aphrodite right, hair in queue and bound, all within incuse. Cahn 82. Near XF, nice style and strike. (1200-1600)

88. 85.

M y l a s a . Circa 500 BC. Stater or double-siglos. (10.35 gms.). Persic weight standard. Forepart of lion springing right. Two rectangular incuses. Rosen-612, Pozzi-2568, Babelon I 749, pi. xix, 22. Lightly toned VF, rare. Ex: NFA IX, Lot 264. (1250-1500)


Tarsus. Satrap Mazaios. Circa 361-333BC. Stater. (10.89 gms.). Baaltars seated left, upper body facing, holding sceptre in left hand and branch on which is an eagle, grainear and grape-bunch; aramaic legend. Lion attacking kneeling bull, both left; aramaic legend above. SNG Levante 106 (same dies). Nice XF, well-centered for issue. (800-900)




SYRIA, Seleucid Kings of. 89. Antiochus I. 280-261 BC. Tetradrachm. (17.10 gms.). Seleucia in Babylonia mint. Diademed head of Antiochus right. Nude Apollo seated left on omphalos, holding an arrow in his right hand and bow with his left. Houghton952. Choice XF, excellent style portrait. (800-1000)

ZIUGITAMA 91. Carthago Nova.The Barcids in Spain. Circa 218-209 BC. Shekel. (7.16 gms.). Bare-headed and beardless bust of Hannibal (?) left. Horse standing right, palm-tree in back ground. M端ller III, 16, 8. SNG Cop 295variant. Near XF ( very softly struck). Very Rare and seldom encountered for sale. An important rarity. (1500-2500)

PHOENICIA 90. Arados. Dated 169/168 BC. Drachm. (4.17 gms.). Bee seen from above. Stag standing right in front of palm tree. BMC 152. Near XF, nicely centered and struck. (300-400)





E G Y P T , Ptolemaic Kings of. 92. Ptolemy I Soter. 323-283 BC. Tetradrachm. (15.56 gms.). Head of Alexander the Great right, with horn of Amnion, clad in an elephant's scalp. Athena Alkidemos right with spear and shield, eagle in field before. Svoronos-127, SNG Cop -. Choice XF, nice style and strike. (1300-1750)



Arsinoe II. Circa 270-260 BC. Dekadrachm. (35.39 gms.). Veiled head of Arsinoe Π right, wearing a Stephane, sceptre visible behind head, Η in right field. Double cornucopiae, bound with fillet, cf. Svoronos-444. Toned aXF, nice metal quality and strike. Ex: Gans 16, lot 468. (5500-6500)


Berenike II. Wife of Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC. AV Hemidrachm. (2.11 gms.). Issued 246-241 BC. Veiled and diademed bust of Berenike right. Cornucopiae, bound with a fillet, between two stars. Svoronos-981. Choice XF, four small edge abrasions. Rare and seldom offered for sale. (1750-2500)


Ptolemy III Euergetes. 246-221 BC. Tetradrachm. (14.19 gms.). Diademed head of Ptolemy right. Eagle standing left on a thunderbolt, cornucopiae in field before. Svoronos1001. Toned XF, great style. (1200-1500)




PARTHIA, Kings of. 97. Mithradates II. Circa 123-88 BC. Drachm. (4.15 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Bearded bust left wearing tiara. Archer enthroned right. Sellwood-28.2. Nicely toned XF. (125-150)


Ptolemy IV Philopator. 221-204 BC. AV Octadrachm. (27.74 gms.). Radiate bust of Ptolemy III right, wearing aegis, trident on shoulder. Radiate cornucopiae, bound with fillet, Δΐ below. Svoronos-1117. Toned XF. Nicely struck with none of the usual die corrosion normally encountered for this issue. (9500-12500)



Unknown King. Circa 80-70 BC. Drachm. (4.14 gms.). Rhagae mint. Short bearded bust left, hair covering ear, torque ends in pellet. Archer enthroned right, empty cloak sleeve below seat level. Sellwood-30.16. Nice XF. (100-150)


Darius. Circa 70 BC. Drachm. (4.02 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Facing bust of Darius, medallion around neck. Archer enthroned right. Sellwood-35.1. Good VF, rare. (800-1100)




103. Artabanus II. Circa 10-38 AD. Drachm. (3.90 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Diademed bust left with long square cut beard. Archer enthroned right. Sellwood-63.6. Choice XF. (100-125)

100. Phraates ΠΙ. Circa 70-57 BC. Drachm. (4.08 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Diademed and bearded bust left. Archer enthroned right. Sellwood-38.3. VF+. (100-125)

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101. Phraates IV. Circa 38-2 BC. Drachm. (3.41 gms.). Rhagae mint. Diademed and bearded bust left, wart on brow; behind, eagle flying left with wreath in beak. Archer enthroned right. Sellwood- 52.12. XF. (100-125)

104. Vardanes Π. Circa 55-58 AD. Drachm. (3.80 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Diademed bust left with curved cut beard. Archer enthroned right. Sellwood-69.13. Nice XF, flan edge ragged. (40-50)

102. Vonones I. Circa 8-12 AD. Drachm. (3.86 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Diademed and bearded bust left with short hair. Nike walking right, holding palm-branch with both hands. Sellwood-60.5. Nice XF. (100-125)

105. Artabanus III. Circa 80-90 AD. Drachm. (3.77 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Diademed bust left with rectangular cut beard. Archer enthroned right. Sellwood-74.6. XF. (75-100)





KUSHAN KINGDOM 108. Vasu Deva Î . Circa 250-260 AD. AV Stater. (7.86 gms.). King standing facing, head left, holding trident in left hand and lowering right hand to altar, above which is a second trident. Siva and the Bull standing facing, Siva holds trident in right hand. Mitchiner-3505. Nice XF. (700-1000)

106. P a r t h a m a s p a t e s . Circa 116 AD. Drachm. (3.71 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Bust left of Parthamaspates wearing tiara, stubbly beard. Archer seated right without throne seat. Sellwood-81.2. Near XF/XF. (150-200)

109. Shaka. Circa 300-330 AD. AV Stater. (7.72 gms.). King standing facing, head left, holding trident in left hand and lowering right hand to altar, above which is a second trident. Goddess Ardoksho enthroned facing. Gobi Plate 42, #593/4. Nice XF. (500-600)


110. Gadahara. Circa 320-350 AD. AV Stater. (7.79 gms.). King standing facing, head left, holding trident in left hand and lowering right hand to altar, above which is a second trident. Goddess Ardoksho enthroned facing. Gobi pl.46, #615?, Mitchiner 3594-3596. Nice XF. (500-600)

Vologases III. Circa 105-147 AD. Drachm. (3.62 gms.). Ecbatana mint. Bearded bust left wearing diadem of three bands. Archer enthroned right without seat. Sellwood-78.4. XF. (50-100)






JUDAEA 113. Hasmonean Dynasty. Mattathias Antigonus. 40-37 BCE. JE 8 Prutot. (13.64 gms.). Double cornucopiae within Hebrew inscription - Mattityah the high priest and council of the Jews. Ivy wreath tied at the top with ribbons. Hendin-34; AJC I, Group U. VF, weak legends, red-brown patina, rare. (400-600)

111. Gadahara. Circa 320-350 AD. AV Stater. (7.79 gms.). King standing facing, head left, holding trident in left hand and lowering right hand to altar, above which is a second trident. Goddess Ardoksho enthroned facing. Gobi pl.46, #615?, Mitchiner 3594-3596. Nice XF. (500-600)

114. Herodian Dynasty. Herod I the Great. 40BCE-4CE. Dated Year 3(40 BCE). JE 8 Prutot. (9.19 gms.). Tripod with lebes; date L Γ to left, monogram to right. Thymiaterion; above, star with a palm-branch to either side. Hendin-39; AJC Π, p.235, 1. F/VF, choice green patina. (500-700)

264. Kidarites. Anonymous. Circa late 5th Century AD. AV debased Stater. (7.39 gms.). King standing facing, head left, holding trident in left hand and lowering right hand to altar, above which is a second trident. Goddess Ardoksho enthroned facing. Mitchiner 3703-3705. Choice XF for this crude issue. (500-600)

115. Roman Procurators. Pontius Pilate. 26-36 CE. JE Lepton. (2.21 gms.). Simpulum with date (29 AD). Three ears of wheat bound. Meshorer AJC pi. 31, No. 21. Good VF+, rare this nice. (125-200)



116. First Revolt. 66-70 CE. Year 1(66 CE). Shekel. (13.87 gms.). Chalice with a smooth rim, a pearl on either side; above, "Year 1" (aleph). Stem with three pomegranates within Hebrew inscription - Jerusalem the holy. Hendin-119; AJC Π, p.259, 3. Iridescently toned XF. (2800-3500)



118. First Revolt. 66-70 CE. Year 2(67 CE). Shekel. (14.21 gms.). Chalice with a pearled rim; above, date "Year 2" (shin bet). Stem with three pomegranates. Meshorer-151. Superb XF. (1800-2200)

117. First Revolt. 66-70 CE. Year 2(67 CE). Shekel. (14.24 gms.). Chalice with a pearled rim, raised base; above, date "Year 2" (shin bet). Stem with three pomegranates. Hendin121; AJC Π, p.260,8. Superb XF. (1800-2200)



First Revolt. 66-70 CE. Year 3(68 CE). Shekel. (14.17 gms.). Chalice with a pearled rim, raised base; above, date "Year 3" (shin gimel). Stem with three pomegranates. Hendin-124; AJC Π, p.261, 18. Choice XF. (2000-2400)




120. Bar Kochba. 132-135 CE. Year 2(133/134 CE). JE 25mm. (10.19 gms.). Seven-branched palm tree with two datebunches; below, i n s e r t i o n (Shim). Vine leaf within inscription - year two of the freedom of Israel. Hendin-160; AJC II, p.270, 43a. Good VF/VF, lightly porous surfaces, green-brown patina. (350-450)

121. Bar Kochba. 132-135 CE. Attributed to Year 3(134/135 CE). Tetradrachm. (14.07 gms.). Facade of the Temple in Jerusalem with ark and scrolls; above, star; to either side, Hebrew inscription - Shimon. Lulav; to the left, an etrog; within Hebrew inscription - for the freedom of Jerusalem. Hendin-162; AJC Π, p.272,51. Nice XF. (2100-2500)

122. Bar Kochba. 132-135 CE. Attributed to Year 3(134/135 CE). Denarius. (3.40 gms.). Grape-bunch on a small branch; inscription below - Shimon. Two upright trumpets with a dot between, within inscription - for the freedom of Jerusalem. Hendin-171; AJC Π, p.274, 60. Nice XF, weakly struck areas due to the underlying type of a Roman provincial denarius. (500-600)

M A C E D O N , Kings of. (AKE mint). 123. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater. (8.53 gms.). Ake mint. Dated Year 30 (circa 317/316 BC). Helmeted head of Athena right, serpent on helmet. Nike standing half-left, holding wreath and stylis, date to left in Phoenician. MüllerNewell-The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake- 32, type a. Near XF, several old scrapes and scratches, very rare. (2200-2500)




PHOENICIA 126. Tyre. Dated 13/12 BC. Shekel. (14.15 gms.). Jerusalem mint (KP). Laureate head of Melqarth right. Eagle standing left with right foot on prow (off the flan), palm-branch over right shoulder, club and the date in left field, cf. BMC189/190. Near XF, excellent example for Jerusalem mint. (650-900)

124. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm. (16.90 gms.). Ake mint. Dated Year 32 (circa 315/314 BC). , Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left holding an eagle in his right hand and a sceptre in his left, date to left in Phoenician. Newell-The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake- 35, pl. VIII, 10. Nice XF, large flan, rare. (800-1000)

127. Tyre. Dated 87/86 BC. Half Shekel. (7.07 gms.). Laureate head of Melqarth right. Eagle standing left with his right foot on prow, palm-branch over right shoulder, club and the date (LM) in left field. BMC-224. Choice XF, slightly double struck, scarce denomination. (650-700) This type and denomination was used as a temple tax coin in Jerusalem and is hard to find this high-grade.

125. Alexander HI. 336-323 BC. Hemidrachm. (1.80 gms.). Ake mint. Unclear date. Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress. Zeus enthroned left holding an eagle in his right hand and a sceptre in his left. Newell-The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake- cf. 8, pl.VI,3 (as triobol). VF, few light scratches, extremely rare. (350-500)

Tyre. Dated 76/75 BC. Half Shekel. (7.02 gms.). Laureate head of Melqarth right. Eagle standing left on prow, club in field, date across field. BMC 230. Good VF, well-centered and scarce. (250-250)






BRUTTIUM 131. Petelia. Circa 280-216 BC. JE 20mm. (9.22 gms.). Veiled bust of Demeter right. Zeus standing right with spear, hurling thunderbolt, cf. SNG Cop-1907. Near XF, mottled green and black patina, scarce this nice. (150-250) ROME 129. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. JE Sestertius. (22.90 gms.). Laureate head right. IVDAEA CAPTA S.C., Jewess seated right under a palm tree in attitude of mourning; behind palm tree, Vespasian standing right, holding a spear in right hand and parazonium in left. RIC-427, Cohen-239, Hendin-203. Near VF, nice green-brown patina, rare. (500-750)

SICILY 132. Agrigentum. Circa 450-430 BC. JE Uncia. (4.71 gms.). Eagle's head left. Crab claw. T/V 306. Choice VF+ with a nice green patina. (200-250)

130. T i t u s . 79-81 AD. JE As. (8.39gms.). Laureate bust right. IVDAEA CAPTA SC, Judaea seated right under palm tree, mourning, pile of arms to left of tree. RIC 784. VF/VF+, green patina, rare and popular. (350-500)

133. Campani. Circa 344-336 BC. JE 13mm. (2.06 gms.). Spiked helmet right. KA monogram in a wreath. SNG Llyod 886. XF, nice green patina. (100-150)





134 Eryx (?). Circa 480-400 BC. JE 15mm. (4.27 gms.). Female bust right, hair tied up behind. Goat standing right, shield in field before. Gabrici plate VII, 2. Nice VF, very Rare. (200-250)

I; Î&#x; 137. Panormus. After 254 BC. JE 22mm. (12.10 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right. Triskeles with winged Gorgoneion in the centre, ears of barley between the legs. SNG Cop 524. XF with a green patina, rare in any condition. (350-450)

135. Gela. Before 405 BC. JE Uncia. (1.05 gms.). Bull walking right. Head of young river-god right, corn grain behind. Gabrici 19. XF, green-brown patina. (100-150)

138. Solus. Before 400 BC. JE Hemilitron. (6.41 gms.). Bearded Herakles right wearing lion's skin. Crayfish right, three pellets above, and three below. SNG Cop 609. Superb XF, great style. (750-1000)

136. G e l a . Circa 330-310 BC. JE 14mm. (2.72 gms.). Head of Demeter facing slightly to the right. Bearded head of river god left. SNG Cop-287. XF, nice green-brown patina. Rare and seldom offered. (450-600)





141. Syracuse. Time of (10.28 gms.). Head behind. Bull butting the left below. SNG patina, scarce.

Agathocles. 317-289 BC. JE 23mm. of Kore left, wreathed in corn, torch left, a dolphin left above, another to Cop-755. Near XF with a nice green (350-450)

139. Syracuse. Circa 465-425 BC. JE 12mm. (1.37 gms.). Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, hair bound up loose behind. Cuttlefish. Gabrici 12v. XF, rare. (250-350)

142. Syracuse. Hicetas. 288-279 BC. JE 20 mm. (9.15 gms.). Head of Persephone left, hair wreathed in corn. Biga right. SNG Cop-804. XF with a nice pale green patina. (200-250)

140. Syracuse. T i m o l e o n . 345-336 BC. JE Hemilitron. (17.32 gms.). Laureate bust of Zeus right. Thunderbolt, eagle in right field. SNG Cop-727. XF, nice dark green patina, unusually large flan spurs from the preparation of the flan. (650-800)

Syracuse. Hieron Î . 274-216 BC. JE 25mm. (17.34 gms.). Laureate bust left of Hieron, amphora(?) behind. Hieron right on horseback. SNG Cop-843. Good VF, rare with bust laureate. (300-400)


M A C E D O N , Kings of. 144. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. JE 19mm. (5.59 gms.). Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin headdress, Φ behind. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ between club and bow in case. cf. SNG Cop. 1042-1044 for type. Nice VF, dark green to black patina, attractive. Ex: Edward J. Waddell, Ltd. Auction 1, Lot 12. (75-90)

145. C a s s a n d e r . 311-297 BC. JE 19mm. (4.08 gms.). Helmet right. Spear-head right. SNG Cop.-1163, Weber II 2166. Good VF, attractive dark green to black patina. (225-250)

146. Demetrius Poliorcetes. 294-285 BC. JE 16mm. (2.46 gms.). Helmeted head of Athena right. BA above prow of ship right; AP monogram below; to right, labrys (or pelekys). Newell, The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes, p.149, 162. SNG Cop.-1185 (Demetrius wearing Corinthian helmet). Good VF+, attractive dark green to black patina. Ex: Edward J. Waddell, Ltd. Auction 1, Lot 22. (175-200)



B O S P O R U S , Kings of. 147. Cotys Π. 123-132 AD. JE 26mm. (15.61 gms.). Diademed bust of Cotys Π right. Horseman right, hurling spear. SNG Cop-51. Good VF, rare and seldom offered. (250-300)

PONTUS 148. Amisus. Time of Mithradates Eupator. Late 2nd-Early 1st Century BC. JE 20mm. (4.12 gms.). Mithradates (?) as Perseus, draped bust right, wing on head. Cornucopiae between pilei of the Dioscuri surmounted by stars. SNG Cop.-161/162, Von Aulock-69/70. Good VF, nice black patina. (250-300)

TROAS 149. Ilium. Imperial period. Circa 117-192 AD. JE Semis. (4.81 gms.). Pseudo-autonomous coinage. Wolf left and twins. Hector striding left, wearing helmet and cuirass, extending his right hand, holding spear and shield in left. BMC-24, Bellinger-T212, von Fritze-37. Nice VF+, choice red-brown patina, rare this nice. (300-350)





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150. Skepsis. Circa 400 BC. JE 9mm. (0.64 gms.). Forepart of winged horse right, body terminating in a horn. Linear square containing a fir-tree. BMC 7. XF, with a nice green patina, rare. (100-150)

PHRYGIA 151. Eumeneia. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 15mm. (3.77 gms.). Laureate bust of Zeus right. ΕΥΜΕ/ΝΕΩΝ in oak wreath. SNG Cop 377. XF, nice surfaces. (125-175)

PISIDIA 153. Etenna. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 15mm. (2.43 gms.). Two nude men running left, holding crooked knives. Nymph advancing right, defending herself against a serpent coiling before her; behind, over-turned vase. SNG Cop.-149/150. Good VF, choice light green patina. (150-200)

CILICIA 154. Korykos. Circa 1st Century BC to Early Imperial Times. JE 18mm. (2.76 gms.). Draped bust of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder. Apollo standing half-left, holding laurel-branch in right hand, left elbow leaning against column. SNG Levante - 800var. Good VF, choice dark green patina. (100-125)


264. L a o d i c e a . Circa 1st Century BC. JE 20mm. (6.21 gms.). Bust of Zeus (?) right, hair bound with a taenia. Comucopiae bound with a fillet, on the bend of which stands an eagle with open wings. SNG Cop-507. XF with a green patina. (225-300)

GALATIA, Kings of. 155. A m y n t a s . 36-25 BC. JE 21mm. (6.61 gms.). Head of bearded Herakles right, club at shoulder. Lion prowling right, cf. SNG Cop 96. Good VF with a nice green patina. (125-175)


EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings of. 156. Ptolemy II Philadelphos. 285-246 BC. JE 29mm. (12.14 gms.). Diademed head of Zeus Ammon right. Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, tripod in left field. Svoronos-791. VF, lovely light green patina, scarce symbol-tripod. (150-200)

157. Ptolemy IV Philopator. Circa 221-205 BC. JE 35mm. (35.34 gms.). Diademed head of Zeus Ammon right; dotted border. Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; in front, cornucopiae; between legs, ΔΙ; dotted border. SNG Cop.-203/204, Svor.1128. VF+/VF, attractive brown patina, excellent surfaces. (150-200)



ZEUGITANIA 158. C a r t h a g e . Circa 237-209 BC. JE 20mm. (11.57 gms.). Spanish mint. Diademed head of Tanit left. Horse's head right. SNG Cop 289. VF, nice green patina. Unusually high grade for this normal crude issue. (100-150)

159. C a r t h a g e . Circa 221-202 BC. JE 32mm. (18.67 gms.). Carthage or Italian mint. Head of Tanit left . Horse standing right in front of palm-tree. SNG Cop-340var. Near XF for type, light surface red oxide spots. (200-300)





MYSIA 162. Hadriani ad Olympum. Philip I. 244-249 AD. JE 26mm. (8.54 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rivergod (?) reclining left, holding cornucopiae in right hand. BMC-, Lindgren & Kovacs, SNG Cop.-, Von Aulock(Possibly Unpublished). Good VF, choice olive-green patina, rare. (150-200)

THRACE 160. Mesembria. Philip Π. As Caesar. 244-247 AD. JE 25mm. (10.21 gms.). Draped and bare-headed bust right of Philip Π facing a bust of Sarapis left, wearing modius. Dikaiosyne or Aequitas standing half-left, holding scales in right hand and sceptre with left, wheel at her feet. BMC-, SNG Cop.-, Weber-, SGI- (Possibly unpublished reverse type). VF, choice dark green patina. (150-200)

IONIA 163. Ephesus. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. JE 19mm. (4.15 gms.). Laureate head right. Stag walking right. BMC-, SNG Cop.-, Von Aulock-, Lindgren & Kovacs- (Possibly unpublished variety with stag right). VF+, few old scratches, choice olive-green patina. (100-150)

IÎHHYMA 161. Tium. Marcus Aurelius. As Caesar. 138-161 AD. JE 15mm. (2.11 gms.). Bare head left. Grape vine with six bunches of grapes. BMC-, Lindgren & Kovacs-, SNG Cop.-, Von Aulock-, Waddington-78. XF, beautiful green-brown patina, rare. (350-400)

PISIDIA 164. A n t i o c h . Aemilian. 253 AD. JE 23 mm. (5.98 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Two legionary standards on either side of vexillum with eagle. Lindgren & Kovacs-1251, BMC-137. VF, olive-green to light brown patina, rare. (200-250)





167. Antioch. Philip I. 244-249 AD. IE 29mm. (17.02 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Draped, veiled and turreted bust of Tyche of Antioch right; above, ram running right, looking back; in field, Δ Ε and S C; beneath bust, star. SNG Cop.-272, BMC-527. Choice XF, struck from a slightly rusty die, light brown patina. (300-400) GALATIA 165. Tavium. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 27mm. (11.09 gms.). Radiate head right. Athena standing half-left, holding patera in her right hand and a spear in left, shield below left at her feet. BMC-, Lindgren & Kovacs-, SNG Cop.-, Von Aulock- (Possibly Unpublished). VF, black patina with light brown verdigris highlights, rare. (350-400)

SYRIA: Coele-Syria. 168. Chalkis. Mark Antony and Cleopatra. 36-30 BC. Dated Year 21(31 BC). JE 20mm. (6.03 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right of Cleopatra. Bare head of Antony right. SvoronosPtolemiac Egypt-#1887 (pl.LXIII, 18). VF, dark green-black patina, rare. (450-500)

SYRIA: Seleucia and Pieria. 166. Antioch. Galba. 68-69 AD. JE 30mm. (14.07 gms.). Laureate head right. Large S C within laurel-wreath. BMC-203, SGI681 Good VF, choice green patina, excellent portrait style. (350-400)

169. Heliopolis. Septimius Severus. After 211 AD. JE 26mm. (9.74 gms.). DIVO SEVERO, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Perspective view of the Temple of Jupiter Heliopolitanus approached by a flight of steps. BMC-4, SNG Cop.-429. VF, dark brown patina with a touch of red. (200-250) The ruins of this great temple are still visible at about 40 miles from modern Beirut.





EGYPT, Alexandria

173. Year 14(67/68 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.48 gms.). Radiate bust left wearing aegis. Laureate and draped bust right of Apollo Aktios, quiver over right shoulder; in right field, star. Koln-198, Milne-304, Curtis-64. Nice VF. Part of the "Olympic Game series" issued in Alexandria. (125-150)

CLAUDIUS 170. Year 2(41/42 AD). JE Diobol. (10.98 gms.). Laureate head right; in right field, star. Hippopotamus standing right; above, AYTOKPA. Koln-71, Datt.-164, Milne-71/72. Near VF, choice brown patina with touches of green. (75-100)

TRAJAN 174. Year 16(112/113 AD). JE Drachm. (22.81 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Dionysos reclining in cart left, drawn by two pantheresses, the closer of the two is looking back; Dionysos holds thrysos in right hand. Kรถln601, BMC-419var.(aegis). Nice VF, green-brown patina. (250-300)

NERO 171. Year 13(66/67 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.38 gms.). Radiate bust left wearing aegis. Radiate head right of Augustus. Koln-177/180, Datt.-184, Milne-251/255. Nice VF, slightly double-struck on reverse. (100-125)

HADRIAN 175. Year 17(132/133 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.82 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Nilus reclining left, holding reed in right hand, cradling cornucopiae in left arm; below, crocodile right. Kรถln-1064, Milne-1354/55, Curtis465/66. Toned VF. (125-150)

172. Year 13(66/67 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (13.01 gms.). Radiate bust left wearing aegis. Laureate bust right of Zeus Olympios, draped on left shoulder. Koln-191, Milne262/264, Curtis-186/190. Nice VF. Part of the "Olympic Game series" issued in Alexandria. (125-150)






176. Year 18(133/134 AD). JE Diobol. (9.15 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Apis bull standing right with disc between horns; before, Egyptian altar. Kรถln-1099/1100, SNG Cop.-391. Good Fine, pleasing brown patina with touches of green, better than the average. (50-75)

ANTONINUS PIUS 178. Year 11(147/148 AD). JE Drachm. (21.25 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Nilus seated left, holding reed in right hand, cradling cornucopiae in left arm from which emerges infant genius holding wreath toward Nilus; below to right, crocodile. Koln-1584, Datt.-2730, Milne1969. Good VF, pleasing green-brown patina. (300-350)

177. Year 19(134/135 AD). IE Drachm. (27.19 gms.). Laureate, draped and c u i r a s s e d bust right. Harpokrates of Herakleopolis, veiled and wearing hemhem crown, standing half-left, holding right hand to mouth, cradling club in left arm; in front, Egyptian altar. Koln-1176var. (modius instead of hemhem). Good VF+, attractive brown patina and exceptional surfaces. (700-900)

179. Year 12(148/149 AD). JE Drachm. (26.21 gms.). Laureate head right. Egyptian shrine; within seated right, Isis suckling infant Horus. Koln-1609, Datt.-3045. VF, greenbrown patina, obverse lightly scraped. Ex: Virginia Ruzicka Coll., Joel L. Malter Auction XXVIII, Lot 461. (100-150)





183. Year 5(241/242 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (11.68 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Laureate bust right of Zeus. BMC-1854, Curtis X-1307. Nice VF+. (125-150)

M A R C U S AURELIUS 180. Year 4(163/164 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (12.83 gms.). Laureate bust right, drapery on left shoulder. Nike advancing right, holding wreath in both hands. Koln-2021, Milne2479, Datt.-3356. Nice VF. (100-125)

PHILIP I 184. Year 2(244/245 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (11.44 gms.). Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Eagle standing right, palmbranch behind. Koln-2704, Milne-3566, Curtis-1337. Nice VF+, silvered. (125-150)

LUCIUS V E R U S 181. Year 2(161/162 AD). Billon Tetradrachm. (14.46 gms.). Laureate bust right with drapery on left shoulder. Bust of Ammon right crowned with horns, disc and uraei; to left, crescent; to right, star. Apparently unpublished variety with crescent and star on reverse. Near VF/VF, pleasing light brown patina. (200-250)

GORDIAN ΠΙ 182. Year 3(239/240 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (11.29 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Nike advancing right, holding wreath in right hand and palm over left shoulder. BMC-1881, Milne-3356var., Curtis-1279. Nice VF+, gray-brown patina. (100-130)

185. Year 3(245/246 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (14.04 gms.). Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Hermanubis right, wears modius with lotus-petal in front; before, winged caduceus and palm-branch combined. Koln-2718, Datt.-4881, BMC-1984. Nice VF. (100-125)



PHILIP Π 186. Year 5(247/248 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (12.89 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Hermanubis standing half-right, wears modius, holding winged caduceus in right hand and palm-branch in left; behind at his feet, jackal left looking back. Koln-2796, Hunter-864, Milne3723. Pleasing VF. (100-125)

TREBONIANUS GALLUS 187. Year 3(252/253 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (11.93 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Homonoia standing half-left, raising right hand, cradling cornucopiae in left arm. Koln-2836, Milne-3847, Curtis-1462. Nice VF+. (100-125)

VALERIAN I 188. Year 7(259/260 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (10.45 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Eagle standing left, head right, holding wreath in beak. Koln-2877, BMC-2149, Curtis-1500, SNG Cop.-762/763. Good VF. (50-75)



GALLIENUS 189. Year 15(267/268 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (9.33 gms.). Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Selene right, wears tainia and chiton; in front, large crescent and palm-branch. Köln-, BMC-2162, Milne-4157/58. VF, attractive dark green to black patina. (50-75)

SALONINA 190. Year 15(267/268 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (10.25 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right. Elpis walking left, holding flower in right hand, raising her skirt with left hand; in front, palm-branch. Koln-2986, BMC-2254, Milne-4163/64. VF, attractive dark brown patina. (50-75)

CLAUDIUS Π 191. Year 2(269/270 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (9.08 gms.). Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Hermanubis right, wears modius with lotus-petal in front; before, winged caduceus and palm-branch combined. Koln-3037/38, Milne4240, Curtis-1701. Good VF, green-brown patina. (60-80)






PROBUS 192. Year 4(278/279 AD). Potin Tetradrachm. (7.78 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Eirene standing half-left, holding olive-branch in right hand and transverse sceptre in left. Koln-3139, Milne-4575, Curtis-1878. Nice XF, brown patina. (40-60)

DIOCLETIAN 193. Year 9(292/293 AD). JE Tetradrachm. (8.11 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. ENA/TOY/L all within wreath. Koln-3264var.(officina mark). VF, green-brown patina. (30-40)

194. Year 11(294/295 AD). JE Tetradrachm. (6.69 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Bust of Zeus right with taenia. Koln-3273, Milne-5150, Curtis X-2036. Good VF, attractive chocolate brown patina. (60-80)

ROME 196. Anonymous. 289-245 BC. JE As. Laureate head of beardless Janus on a raised platter. Bust of Mercury left with winged petasus on raised platter. Crawford 14/1, T/V 1. Near XF with a magnificent green-brown patina. Rare and seldom offered 路 (3000-3600)

MAXIMIANLS 195. Year 1(285/286 AD). JE Tetradrachm. (8.52 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Eirene standing half-left, holding olive-branch in right hand and transverse sceptre in left; in upper right field, star. Koln-3279, Milne-4795, Datt.-5861. Nice VF, even brown patina. (40-50)



197. Anonymous. 289-245 BC. JE Quadrans. (81.51 gms.). Two barley-corns, three pellets. Open hand to the left, three pellets. Crawford-14/4, T/V 4. VF, nice black-green patina. (400-600)


198. Anonymous. 280-245 BC. JE Triens. (120.44 gms.). Horse's head right, four pellets below. Horse's head left, four pellets below. Crawford 18/3, T/V 10. Superb VF+ with a magnificent patina. Ex.Garrett I, Lot 592. (1200-1500)


199. Anonymous. 240-225 BC. JE Quadrans. (65.69 of Hercules left, three pellets behind. Prow of three pellets below. Crawford 35/4, T/V 54. beautiful green patina.


gms.). Head a ship right, VF+ with a (700-900)

CENTRAL ITALY 200. Anonymous. 280-260 BC. JE Sextans. (53.25 gms.). Anchor with two pellets. Omate trident with two pellets. Haeberlin plate 68, T/V 214. Near XF with a superb green patina. Rare. ( 900-1200)




2 0 4 . A n o n y m o u s . After 211 BC. Victoriatus. (3.22 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right. Victory right, crowning a trophy, ROMA in relief below. Crawford 53/1, RSC 9. VF+. (75-125)

ROME 2 0 1 . A n o n y m o u s . Circa 275-270 BC. Didrachm. (7.21 gms.). Uncertain mint. Laureate head of Apollo left, ROMANO before. Free horse galloping right, star of sixteen rays above. RSC-6a, Syd.-4, Craw.-15/lb. Toned good VF, scarce. (1100-1500)

2 0 5 . A n o n y m o u s . After 211 BC. Victoriatus. (3.44 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right. Victory standing right crowning trophy; in exergue, ROMA. RSC-9, Craw.-53/l. Choice XF, light golden toning. (150-200)

202 Semilibral A n o n y m o u s . 217-215 BC. JE Semuncia. (6.25 gms.). Female bust right, draped and wearing a turreted crown. Horseman right, holding a whip in right hand, reins in left. Crawford 39/5. Good VF with a beautiful dark green patina, a few natural pits. Rare this nice. (250-350)

2 0 3 . A n o n y m o u s . After 211 BC. Victoriatus. (2.79 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right. Victory right, crowning a trophy, ROMA in relief below. Crawford 53/1, RSC 9. VF+. (75-125)

2 0 6 . A n o n y m o u s . After 211-208 BC. Victoriatus. (3.53 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right, C behind. Victory right, crowning a trophy, M between, ROMA in relief below. Crawford 71/la, RSC 36a. VF+, scarce. (125-175)





2 1 0 . M. Cipius M.f. 115-114 BC. Denarius. (3.76 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right; before, M. CIPI. M.F.; behind, X. Victory in biga right; below horses, rudder. Cipia-1, Syd.-546, Craw.-289/l. Good VF, well-centered. (125-175)

207. L. Antestius Gragulus. 136 BC. Denarius. (3.98 gms.). Helmeted head of Roma right, GRAG behind. Jupiter in quadriga right. Antestia-9, Syd.-451, Craw.-238/1. Toned XF. (125-150)

211. C. Fonteius. 114-113 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). Laureate head of Fontus, the son of Janus. Galley with a pilot and three rowers left. Fonteia-1, Syd.-555, Craw.-290/1. VF. (150-200) It was in honor of Fontus every October 13.

that the Fontinalia



208. P. Maenius Antiatlcus M.f. 132 BC. JE Quadrans. (3.16 gms.). Head of Hercules right wearing lion's skin headdress; behind, three vertical pellets. Prow right; before, three vertical pellets. Craw.-249/3, BMCRR-991. Nice VF, attractive dark green-black patina. (150-200)

212. L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus and Q. Servilius Caepio. 100 BC. Denarius. (4.00 gms.). Laureate head of Saturn right; behind, PISO and a harpa; below, CAEPIO and a bow, Q beneath chin. The two quaestors seated left in discussion on the subsellium between two upright corn-ears; below, AD.FRV.EMV./EX.S.C.. Calpumia-5, Syd.-603, Craw.330/1 a. Good VF, well-centered. (125-175) The abbreviated reverse legend is ad frumentum emundum/ex senatus consulte (to purchase corn, by a Decree of the Senate) and refers to a law passed to allow the people to buy corn at "a semis and a triens for a modius" in 100 BC. This coin was issued to help fulfil the provisions of the law. It is epigraphically important as it is probably the first occurrence of the legend EX. S.C..

209. C. Malleolus C.f. 118 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Helmeted head of Mars right, feather on helmet, mallet (malleolus) above. Warrior standing left with his right foot on cuirass before a trophy; behind him, prow with symbol above. Poblicia-6, Syd.-615a, Craw.-335/3c-e. Good VF. (125-175)





2 1 3 . A. Alblnus Sp.f. 96 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right of Diana, bow and quiver on shoulder; below, ROMA. Three warriors on horseback left, fallen warrior before them (off the flan). Postumia-4, Syd.-613, Craw.-335/9. VF+, light scratch on Diana's face. (125-175)

2 1 6 . C. Censorinus. 88 BC. Denarius. (4.11 gms.). Conjoined heads right of Numa Pompilius and Ancus Marcius; below, T. Two horses galloping right, a rider on the near one; below horses, HI. Marcia-18e, Syd.-713f & g, Craw.-346/la. VF. (150-200)

2 1 7 . C. Censorinus. 88 BC. Denarius. (3.96 gms.). Diademed head of Apollo right; behind, symbol. Free horse galloping right, reins trailing; below, C. CENSORI; symbol above and in exergue. Marcia-19g, Syd.-714f, Craw.-346/2a. Good VF. (125-175)

2 1 4 . C. Allius Bala. 92 BC. Denarius. (3.94 gms.). Diademed female head right; behind, BALA; L beneath chin. Diana in a biga of stags right, holding sceptre and reins in left hand and torch in right; below horses, grasshopper; C. ALLI in exergue. Aelia-4, Syd.-595, Craw.-336/lb-c. Good VF, small flan. (125-175)

2 1 5 . D. Silanus L.f. 91 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). Mask of bearded Silenus right wearing pine-wreath; below, ROMA; behind, B; all within ornamented torque. Victory in biga right, holding palm-branch and reins in right hand; below horses, Gaulish trumpet. Junia-20, Syd.-644, Craw.-337/lb. VF. (125-175)

218 C. Licinius L.f. Macer. 84 BC. Denarius. (3.85 gms.). Diademed and draped bust of Vejovis left, turned from viewer, throwing thunderbolt. Minerva in quadriga right, holding spear in right hand, shield and reins with left. Licinia-16, Syd.-732, Craw.-354/l. Good VF. (125-175)






219. L. Sulla. 84-83 BC. Denarius. (3.34 gms.). Diademed head of Venus right; before, Cupid standing half-left, holding long palm-branch; L. SVLLA beneath. Capis and lituus between two trophies; IMPER above, ITERVM below. Cornelia-29, Syd.-761, Craw.-359/2. Nice VF+, "mushy" strike. (175-225) 222. Q. Antonius Balbus. 83-82 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Serrate. Laureate head of Jupiter right, S.C. behind. Victory in quadriga right holding palm-branch and reins in left hand and wreath in right. Antonia-1, Syd.-742b, Craw.-364/ld. Superb XF. (300-350)

220. Q. Antonius Balbus. 83-82 BC. Denarius. (3.85 gms.). Serrate. Laureate head of Jupiter right, S.C. behind. Victory in quadriga right holding palm-branch and reins in left hand and wreath in right. Antonia-1, Syd.-742b, Craw.-364/ld. VF+. (175-200)

221. Q. Antonius Balbus. 83-82 BC. Denarius. (3.98 gms.). Serrate. Laureate head of Jupiter right; behind S C. Victory in quadriga right, holding wreath in right hand and palmbranch and reins in left; beneath horses, A. Antonia-1, Syd.‫־‬ 742b, Craw.-364/ld. Toned VF+. Ex: J.P. Rosen Coll., Myers/Adams Auction 7, Lot 72 @ $125, April 1974. (175-200)

223. L. Censorinus with P. Crepusius and C. Limetanus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.82 gms.). Diademed and veiled bust right of Venus. Venus in biga right, LVII above. Marcia-27, Syd.736a, Craw.-360/lb. Toned XF. (175-225)




2 2 4 . Publius Crepusius. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.82 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, sceptre behind shoulder, letter A behind; below chin, crescent. Horseman galloping right, throwing spear; above to the left, CCXXVMI. Crepusia-1, Syd.-738a, Craw.-361/lc. VF+. (125-175)

2 2 7 . C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.85 gms.). Serrate. Draped bust of Mercury right wearing wingedpetasos; behind, caduceus and letter M. Ulysses walking right, his dog greeting him before. Mamilia-6, Syd.-741, Craw.-362/1. Superb XF. (300-375)

225. Publius Crepusius. 82 BC. Denarius. (4.02 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, sceptre behind shoulder, letter D behind; below chin, lizard. Horseman galloping right, throwing spear; above to the left, CCXXVI. Crepusia-1, Syd.-738a, Craw.-361/lc. Nice VF+. (125-175)

226. C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.64 gms.). Serrate. Draped bust of Mercury right wearing wingedpetasos; behind, caduceus and letter I. Ulysses walking right, his dog greeting him before. Mamilia-6, Syd.-741, Craw.362/1. VF+. (125-175)

C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Serrate. Draped bust of Mercury right wearing wingedpetasos; behind, caduceus and letter F. Ulysses walking right, his dog greeting him before. Mamilia-6, Syd.-741, Craw.-362/1. Toned superb XF, off-center but none of the central design is missing. (300-350)




229. L. Censorinus. 82 BC. Denarius. (4.06 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, uncertain symbol below. Satyr Marsyas standing left with wine-skin over left shoulder and right arm raised; behind, column surmounted by draped figure; before, L. CENSOR downwards. Marcia-24d, Syd.-737a, Craw.363/lb. Nice VF+. (150-200)

232. M. Caecilius Q.f. Q.n. Metellus. 82-80 BC. Restored Issue. Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Diademed head of Apollo right; behind, ROMA downwards. M. METELLVS. Q.F. around Macedonian shield with an elephant's head in its center, all within laurel-wreath. Caecilia-30, Syd.-719, Craw.-369/1. (125-175) Good VF.

230. L. Censorinus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.66 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. Satyr Marsyas standing left with wine-skin over left shoulder and right arm raised; behind, column surmounted by draped figure; before, L. CENSOR downwards. Marcia-24, Syd.-737, Craw.-363/ld. Nice VF+. (150-200)

233. A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). Serrate. Draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder, bucranium above. Togate male figure standing left before a lighted altar, sprinkling an ox he is about to sacrifice; all on a rock. Postumia-7, Syd.-745, Craw.-372/1. Near XF, well-centered. (125-175)

264. L. Censorinus. 82 BC. Denarius. (3.87 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right. The satyr, Marsyas, standing left with wine-skin over left shoulder; behind, column surmounted by draped figure right. Marcia-24, Syd.-737, Craw.-363/ld. Nice XF, lightly toned in devices. (200-275)

234. A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. Denarius. (3.88 gms.). Serrate. Veiled head of Hispania right with dishevelled hair; behind, HISPAN. Togate male figure standing left between Roman eagle on perch and fasces. Postumia-8, Syd.-746, Craw.-372/2. Nice VF+. (150-200)





2 3 8 . L. Papius. 79 BC. Denarius. (3.69 gms.). Serrate. Head of Juno Sospita right wearing goat's skin headdress; behind, crocodile. Griffin prancing right; beneath, pig; in exergue, L. ÎĄ API. Papia-1, Syd.-773, Craw.-384/l, BMCRR-3006. Good VF. (150-200)

2 3 5 . Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius as Imperator. 81 BC. Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Diademed head of Pietas right; before, stork. Elephant walking left. Caecilia-43, Syd.-750, Craw.-374/l. Nice VF+. (150-200)

2 3 6 . Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius as Imperator. 81 BC. Denarius. (3.77 gms.). Diademed head of Pietas right; before, stork. Jug with handle; on the right, lituus; in exergue, IMPER; all within a laurel-wreath. Caecilia-44, Syd.-751, Craw.-374/2. Good VF. (150-200)

2 3 9 . M . Volteius M.f. 78 BC. Denarius. (4.07 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right. Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus; below, M. VOLTEI. M.F.. Volteia-1, Syd.-774, Craw.-385/l. VF+. (150-200)

237. L. Procilius. 80 BC. Denarius. (3.42 gms.). Laureate head of Jupiter right, S.C. behind. Juno Sospita advancing right, throwing spear with right hand, holding shield in left; erect serpent before her (partially off the flan). Procilia-1, Syd.771, Craw.-379/1. VF+. (150-200)

2 4 0 . M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. Denarius. (4.13 gms.). Head of Hercules right wearing lion's skin headdress. The Erymanthian boar running right, M. VOLTEI. M.F. in exergue. Volteia-2, Syd.-775, Craw.-385/2. VF. (125-175)





-‫י‬/‫־ י^ישי‬ 241 M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. Denarius. (3.77 gms.). Head of Bacchus right wearing ivy-wreath. Ceres in serpent-biga right, holding torch in each hand, globe behind, M. VOLTEI M.F. in exergue. Volteia-3, Syd.-776, Craw.-385/3. VF+/VF. (150-200)

244. Publius Satrienus. 77 BC. Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Helmeted head of Mars right. ROMA above she-wolf walking left. Satriena-1, Syd.-781a, Craw.-388/lb. Good VF/VF+. (175-225)

242. M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. Denarius. (3.90 gms.). Draped bust right of Attis or young Corybas, wearing laureate helmet, wheel behind. Cybele seated right in a biga of lions, holding patera in right hand and reins in left, Λ θ above, M.VOLTEI. M.F. in exergue. Volteia-4, Syd.-777, Craw.385/4. VF+. (150-200)

243. L. Cassius Q.f. Longinus. 78 BC. Denarius. (4.07 gms.). Head of Bacchus right wearing ivy-wreath, thyTsus over left shoulder. Head of Libera left wearing vine-wreath; behind upwards, L. CASSI.Q.F.. Cassia-6, Syd.-779, Craw.-386/l. Good VF, well-centered. (175-225)

245. Publius Satrienus. 77 BC. Denarius. (3.91 gms.). Helmeted head of Mars right, ΙΙΓΓ behind. ROMA above she-wolf walking left. Satriena-1, Syd.-781a, Craw.-388/lb. Choice XF, well-centered. (325-375)

246. L. Rustius. 76 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). Helmeted head of Mars right. Ram standing right, (L.) RVSTI in exergue. Rustia-1, Syd.-782, Craw.-389/l. VF+, but flat areas due to a weak strike. (175-225)





2 5 0 . L. Lucretius Trio. 76 BC. Denarius. (3.95 gms.). Laureate head of Neptune right; behind, trident; above, XT. Winged Genius riding dolphin right. Lucretia-3, Syd.-784, Craw.390/2. Good VF, well-centered. (125-175)

2 4 7 . L. Rustius. 76 BC. Denarius. (3.94 gms.). Helmeted head of Mars right. Ram standing right, L. RVSTI in exergue. Rustia-1, S yd.-782, Craw.-389/l. Superb XF. (300-375)

2 5 1 . L. Farsuleius Mensor. 75 BC. Denarius. (3.89 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right of Liberty; before upwards, MENSOR; behind, S.C. and cap of Liberty. Roma in biga right, helping togate figure into the chariot; below horses, XC. Farsuleia-2, Syd.-789, Craw.-392/lb. VF+/VF. (150-200))

2 4 8 . L. Lucretius Trio. 76 BC. Denarius. (3.91 gms.). Radiate head of Sol right. TRIO within crescent moon and seven stars; below, L. LVCRETI. Lucretia-2, Syd.-783, Craw.390/1. Good VF/VF+. (150-200)

This type may allude to the Lex Julia in 90BC by which the right of citizenship was granted to all Italians.

2 5 2 . Cn. Lentulus. 76-75 BC. Denarius. (3.98 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right of the Genius of the Roman People, sceptre behind shoulder; above, G.P.R.. Sceptre, terrestrial globe, and rudder from left to right; to either side, EX S.C.. Cornelia-54, Syd.-752, Craw.-393/la. Nice VF+. (125-175)

2 4 9 . L. Lucretius Trio. 76 BC. Denarius. (3.57 gms.). Laureate head of Neptune right; behind, trident; above, XXXVI. Winged Genius riding dolphin right. Lucretia-3, Syd.-784, Craw.-390/2. Nice VF, well-centered. (125-175)






2 5 6 . L. Cossutius C.f. Sabula. 74 BC. Denarius. (3.73 gms.). Head of Medusa left, winged and with serpentine hair; behind, SABVLA. Bellerophon, throwing spear, riding Pegasus right; IX behind. Cossutia-1, Syd.-790, Craw.(175-200) 395/1. Nice VF, scarce type.

2 5 3 . Cn. Lentulus. 76-75 BC. Denarius. (3.95 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right of the Genius of the Roman People, sceptre behind shoulder; above, G.P.R.. Sceptre, terrestrial globe, and rudder from left to right; to either side, EX S.C.. Comelia-54, Syd.-752, Craw.-393/la. Superb XF. (275-350)

254. C. Postumius. 74 BC. Denarius. (3.84 gms.). Draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder. Hound running right, hunting spear below. Postumia-9, Syd.-785, Craw.394/1 a. VF+. (150-200)

257. Mn. Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n. 71 BC. Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Serrate. Helmeted bust of Virtus right. The consul Man. Aquillius standing facing, head right, raising Sicilia with his right hand. Aquillia-2, Syd.-798, Craw.-401/l. Superb XF, (300-375) slight flan flaw on cheek.

255. C. Postumius. 74 BC. Denarius. (3.67 gms.). Draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder. Hound running right, hunting spear below. Postumia-9, Syd.-785, Craw.394/1 a. Superb XF. (300-375)

258 C. Hosidius C.f. Geta. 68 BC. Denarius. (3.97 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right of Diana, bow and quiver on her shoulder; before, GETA; behind, ΠΙ VIR downwards. The wild boar of Calydon right, pierced by a spear and attacked by a dog, (C.) HOSIDI. C.F. in exergue. Hosidia-1, Syd.903, Craw.-407/2. Superb XF. (300-375)





2 5 9 . C. Hosidius C.f. Geta. 68 BC. Denarius. (4.11 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right of Diana, bow and quiver on her shoulder; before, GETA; behind, ΙΠ VIR downwards. The wild boar of Calydon right, pierced by a spear and attacked by a dog, (C. H)OSIDI. C.F. in exergue. Hosidia-1, Syd.903, Craw.-407/2. Superb XF. (300-375)


2 6 0 . C. Piso L.f. Frugi. 67 BC. Denarius. (3.57 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, spear with point on each end behind. Naked horseman galloping right, holding palm-branch, wearing conical hat with curved top, spear above, C. PISO. L.F.FRVGI. below. Calpumia- 24ii, Syd.-858, Craw.-408/la. Superb XF. (275-325)

2 6 1 . Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (4.07 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right, sceptre behind. Melpomene standing left, holding club and mask. Pomponia-14, Syd.-816, Craw.410/4. Toned VF+. Ex: Duke of Northumberland Collection. (500-700)

2 6 2 . Q. Pomponius Musa. 66 BC. Denarius. (3.90 gms.). Laureate head of Apollo right; behind, flower on stalk. Terpischore standing right, holding lyre and plectrum, Q. POMPONI downwards on left, MVSA downwards on right. Pomponia17a, Syd.-820a, Craw.-410/7d. Choice XF, well-centered. (500-700) Terpischore is the Muse of Dancing invented the lyre.

and is said to have


263. L. Roscius Fabatus. 64 BC. Denarius. (3.82 gms.). Serrate. Head of Juno Sospita right wearing goat's skin headdress, cap of Liberty (Pileus) behind. Female figure standing right, feeding erect serpent before her; behind her, sprinkler. Roscia-3, Syd.-915, Craw.-412/1. Choice to superb XF, slightly weak strike. (325-400)



2 6 5 . L. Aemllius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. Denarius. (4.02 gms.). Veiled and diademed head of Concord right, PAVLLVS LEPIDVS CONCORDIA around. TER above a trophy, L. Aemilius Paullus to the right with his right hand on trophy, Perseus of Macedon and his two sons as captives on the left of the trophy, PAVLLVS in exergue. Aemilia-10, Syd.-926, Craw.-415/1. Superb XF. (300-375)

This set of symbols, pileus and sprinkler, is unpublished in BMCRR, Crawford and Banti (Corpvs Nvmmorvm Romanorvm).

266. L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. Denarius. (3.90 gms.). Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right; before, BON EVENT; behind, LIBO. PVTEAL above a well-head ornamented with two lyres, hammer and festoons, SCRIBON in exergue. Scribonia-8a, Syd.-928, Craw.-416/la. Superb XF. (300-375)

264. L. Cassius Longinus. 63 BC. Denarius. (3.96 gms.). Draped and veiled bust left of Vesta, kylix behind, A before. Togate male figure standing left, dropping tablet inscribed V (Uti rogas) into a cista, LONGIN III V behind. Cassia-10, Syd.935, Craw.-413/1. Superb XF. (300-375)





2 6 9 . L. Marcius Philippus. 56 BC. Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Diademed head of Ancus Marcius right; behind, ANCVS and lituus (off the flan). PHILIPPVS behind equestrian statue right on an arcade consisting of five arches; within arches, A Q V A MAR (MAR ligate); flower below statue. Marcia-28, Syd.-919, Craw.-425/1. Nice VF+. (150-225)

2 6 7 . L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. Denarius. (3.97 gms.). Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right; before, BON EVENT; behind, LIBO. PVTEAL above a well-head ornamented with two lyres, tongs and festoons, SCRIBON in exergue. Scribonia-8, Syd.928, Craw.-416/lb. Superb XF, light toning. (300-375)

2 7 0 . L. Marcius Philippus. 56 BC. Denarius. (3.85 gms.). Diademed head of Ancus Marcius right; behind, ANCVS and lituus. PHILIPPVS behind equestrian statue right on an arcade consisting of five arches; within arches, A Q V A MAR (MAR ligate); flower below statue. Marcia-28, Syd.-919, Craw.-425/1. Superb XF. (325-375)

2 6 8 . M. Aemilius Scaurus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. Denarius. (4.04 gms.). King Aretas kneeling right beside a camel. Jupiter in quadriga left (variety without the scorpion below the horses). Aemilia-9, Syd.-912, Craw.-422/la. Superb XF, light golden toning. (300-375)

271. C. Memmius C.f. 56 BC. Denarius. (3.99 gms.). Head of Ceres right wearing wreath of corn-ears. Captive kneeling right ; directly above, trophy of Eastern arms. Memmia-10, Syd.-920, Craw.-427/1. Lightly toned VF+/XF. (250-325)


272. P. Fonteius P.f. Capito. 55 BC. Denarius. (3.89 gms.). Helmeted and draped bust right of Mars, trophy behind. Warrior on horseback right thrusting his spear at Gaulish enemy who is about to slay a third unarmed warrior; below on the right, helmet and oval shield. Fonteia-17, Syd.-900, Craw.-429/1. Superb XF. (325-375)

273. A. Plautius. 55 BC. Denarius. (3.70 gms.). Turreted head of Cybele right. Bacchius kneeling right, extending olivebranch in his right hand, his left hand holds the reins of a camel at his side; IVDAEVS to the right, (B)ACCHIVS in exergue. Plautia-13, Syd.-932, Craw.-431/l. Superb XF. (350-400)



274. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. Denarius. (4.05 gms.). Head of Liberty right wearing earring and necklace; behind, LIBERTAS. The consul (509 BC) L. Junius Brutus walking left between two lictors and preceded by an accensus; in exergue, BRVTVS. Junia-31, Syd.-906, Craw.-433/l. Superb XF. (375-450)

275. T. Carisius. Moneta right, above cap of and hammer. flatness from

46 BC. Denarius. (3.53 gms.). Head of Juno MONETA behind (off the flan). T. CARISIVS Vulcan which is over an anvil between tongs Carisia-1, Syd.-982a, Craw.-464/2. XF, obv. weak strike, off-center. (250-300)

This coin is a direct reference to the office of moneyer with the coining implements on the reverse.





P O M P E Y the GREAT. Died. 48 BC. 2 7 6 . Struck circa 42-40 BC. Denarius. (3.90 gms.). Head of Pompey the Great right between capis and lituus. Neptune standing left, right foot on prow, between the brothers Anapias and Amphinomus; with their parents on their shoulders. RSC-17, Syd.-1344, Craw.-51 l/3a. Toned near XF, rare. (2000-2500)

JULIUS C A E S A R . Died 44 BC. 277. Struck circa 47-46 BC. Denarius. (3.91 gms.). Diademed head of Venus right. Aeneas walking slightly left, carrying Anchises and palladium. RSC-12, Syd.-1013, Craw.-458/l. Superb XF. (400-600)

2 7 8 . Struck circa 44 BC. Denarius. (3.66 gms.). Laureate and veiled head of Caesar right. Venus standing left, holding Victory in right hand and sceptre resting on a shield in left. Craw.-480/13, Syd.-1074, RSC-39. Lightly toned XF, very attractive and rare as such. (4500-5000)

2 7 9 . Struck in 17 BC. Denarius. (3.75 gms.). Laureate, deified head of J. Caesar right, comet above. AVGVST DIVI F LVDOS SAE, Herald, in long robe and feathered helmet, standing left, holding winged caduceus in right hand and shield in left. RIC-340 (Augustus), BMC-70Imp., RSC-6 (J. Caesar). Toned near VF, few old scratches behind Caesar's head. Ex: Garrett III, Bank Leu and NFA, March 1985, Lot 243. (500-550) This coin also commemorates BC.

the Ludi Saeculares held in 17





282. Struck circa 41 BC. Denarius. (3.96 gms.). Bare head of Antony right. Bare head of Octavian right with slight beard. RSC-8a, Syd. -1181, Craw.-517/2. Lightly toned superb XF. A truly amazing example of this type! (2000-2500) JULIUS CAESAR & M A R K ANTONY 280. Struck circa 43 BC. Denarius. (3.66 gms.). M ANTON IMP, bare head of Antony right, lituus behind. CAESAR DIC, laureate head of Julius Caesar right, jug behind. Crawford488/1, Sydenham-1165.Toned good VF, scarce. (900-1300)

LEPIDUS & OCTAVIAN 283. Struck circa 42 BC. Denarius. (3.69 gms.). Head of Lepidus right. Head of Octavian right. RSC-2, Syd.-1323, Craw.495/2c. Near XF, slightly porous, rare. (1500-1750) Lepidus was Julius Caesar's colleague in the consulship in 46 BC. After Caesar's death Lepidus became the third party in the triumvirate with Mark Antony and Octavian. Lepidus tried to acquire the island of Sicily for himself but failing to do so, he was removed of all power and authority by his two colleagues.

M A R K ANTONY & OCTAVIAN 281. Struck circa 41 BC. Denarius. (3.67 gms.). Bare head of Mark Antony right. Bare head of Octavian right. RSC-8, Craw.-517/2. Nice XF, some light, scattered porosity. (1500-2000)






AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. 2 8 4 . Struck 15-13 BC. Denarius. (3.71 gms.). Bare head right. Bull butting right; in exergue, IMP X. RSC-137, RIC-167a, BMC-451. Nice XF, tight flan. (400-500)

2 8 7 . Denarius. (3.93 gms.). Laureate head of Augustus right. IMP CAESAR divided by statue of Augustus? on rostral column. RSC-124, RIC-271, BMC-633. Pleasing XF, scarce reverse type. (1200-1500)

/ν». 2 8 5 . Denarius. (3.81 gms.). Laureate head right. IMP ΧΠ divided by Apollo Citharoedus standing right, holding a patera in his right hand and a lyre in his left; in exergue, ACT. RIC193a, BMC-484, RSC-163. XF, light toning on obverse. (450-600)

2 8 6 . Denarius. (3.92 gms.). Bust of Venus right wearing Stephane and necklace. CAESAR-DIVI F divided by figure of Augustus in military dress, cloak blowing behind him, advancing left; right hand extended out and left holding transverse spear. RSC-70, RIC-251, BMC-609. Iridescently toned choice XF. (1200-1500)

2 8 8 . Struck by Tiberius circa 15-16 AD. JE As. (11.34 gms.). Radiate head of Augustus left; star above and thunderbolt in front. Draped female figure seated right with her feet on a stool; right hand holding a patera and in left, a long sceptre. RIC-72, BMC-151. Near XF, choice dark green patina. (750-1100)





TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. 291. Denarius. (3.77 gms.). Laureate head right. Livia, as Pax, seated right on chair with ornate legs; her feet on a footstool, holding olive-branch and long sceptre. RSC-16a, RIC-30, BMC-48. XF, reverse slightly off-center. (300-400)

AUGUSTUS & AGRIPPA 289. Circa 20-10 BC. JE As. (13.85 gms.). Nemausus mint. Heads of Augustus (on right) and Agrippa facing outwards, IMP above, DIVI F below. COL -NEM (NE ligate) to left and right of palm-shoot, its tip to the right, crocodile chained to it. RIC-157, rare. Good VF, green-brown patina. (400-500)

D R U S U S . Died 23 AD. 292. Struck circa 21-22 AD. JE Sestertius. (26.55 gms.). Two crossed cornucopiae, surmounted by the heads of his children, Tiberius Gemellus and Germanicus, with a winged caduceus between. DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG Ν PONT TR POT Π around large SC. BMC 95, RIC (Tiberius) 42. XF with a slightly mottled green patina, rare and choice. (4000-5000)

CAIUS C A E S A R . Died 4 AD. 290. Denarius. (3.56 gms.). Bare head right; below, CAESAR; all within oak-wreath. AVG VST divided by candelabrum ornamented with rams' heads; all within floral-wreath. RIC540(Augustus), BMC-684(Imp.), RSC-2. Toned VF, rare. (1500-1750)

GERMANICUS. Died 19 AD. 293. Drachm. (3.21 gms.). Mint of Caesarea in Cappadocia. Bareheaded bust of Germanicus right with beard. DIVVS AVGVSTVS, radiate head of Augustus left. RIC-61 (Gaius), BMC-106. VF+/good VF, slightly porous, rare. (600-750)





CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. 2 9 4 . Denarius. (3.76 gms.). Laureate head of Gaius right. Draped bust of Agrippina Senior right. RSC-2, RIC-14, BMC-15. Toned choice XF, rare. One of the most attractive examples of this type to be offered recently. (4500-6000)

295. JE As. (10.67 gms.). Struck circa 37-38 AD. Bare head left of Gaius. Vesta seated left on ornamental throne, veiled and draped, holding patera in right hand and transverse sceptre in left. RIC-38, BMC-46. Pleasing VF+, nice dark green patina. (750-1000)

2 9 6 . Denarius. (3.81 gms.). Laureate head right. Winged PaxNemesis advancing right and holding winged caduceus pointing down at snake; right hand holding fold of drapery below her chin. RSC-56, RIC-28, BMC-27. Lightly toned XF. (2750-3500)

Denarius. (3.78 gms.). Laureate bust of Claudius right. SPQR PP OB CS in three lines, all within oak-wreath. RIC-49, rarity 4. XF, nice style and strike. (2750-3500)


N E R O . 54-68 AD. 298. Struck circa 64-65 AD. AV Aureus. (7.31 gms.). Laureate head right. Nero standing half-left beside Empress (Poppaea Sabina) to his right. Nero is togate and radiate with his right hand holding a patera and the left, a long sceptre; Empress is veiled and draped with her right hand holding a patera and the left cradling a cornucopiae. RIC-44 (R2), BMC-52. Lightly toned XF. Excellent portrait of Nero with his "heavy j o w l . 4 0 0 0 - 5 0 0 0 )



299. Struck circa 65-66 AD. AV Aureus. (7.26 gms.). Laureate bust of Nero right. VESTA, above round, domed, hexastyle temple of Vesta. RIC-61, BMC-103. Near XF, rare. (3500-4500)



300. :4Ξ Sestertius. (25.07 gms.). Laureate bust right with aegis on shoulder. Triumphal arch surmounted by Emperor in facing quadriga escorted by Victory on right and Pax on left, just below on extreme corners are two small figures of soldiers; on left side of arch in niche, figure of Mars. RIC‫״‬ ) 143, BMC-183, WCN-126. Choice VF+ on a nice large flan, beautiful green-brown patina with touches of red. (1400-1600)

301. JE Quadrans. (2.98 gms.). Owl standing facing with wings spread on garlanded rectangular altar. PM TR Ρ - IMP PP, SC; upright olive-branch. RIC-260, Western Coinages of Nero (WCN) - 354. Good VF, lovely dark green patina. (220-260)




CIVIL W A R . 68-69 AD. 3 0 2 . Denarius. (3.47 gms.). GENIVS PR, Diademed bust of Genius right, sceptre behind. MARS VLTOR, Mars advancing right with shield and spear, parazonium at left side. RIC-44. Rarity 4. XF/VF+, extremely rare and seldom offered for sale. (2000-3000)

O T H O . 69 AD. 303. Denarius. (3.66 gms.). Bare head right. Securitas standing half-left, holding wreath in right hand and sceptre with left. RIC-10(R3), BMC-19, RSC-15. Lightly toned XF. (3000-3250)

3 0 4 . Denarius. (3.39 gms.). Bare head right. Securitas standing half-left holding wreath and sceptre. RIC-8(R2), BMC-18, RSC-17. Choice XF, light gray toning, excellent metal quality. (2000-3000)

V E S P A S I A N . 69-79 AD. 305. Denarius. (3.35 gms.). Laureate head right. Vespasian seated right on curule chair, holding sceptre in right hand and branch in left, feet on stool. RIC-65, BMC-98, RSC-387. Pleasing XF. (900-1000)




308. Denarius. (3.27 gms.). Laureate bust of Titus right. TRP COS ΠΙ PONTIF, winged caduceus. RIC (Vespasian)-173a, RSC159, BMC-V152. Choice XF on a magnificent oversized (1200-1500) flan.

306. Denarius. (3.59 gms.). Laureate head right. Pax seated left, feet on stool, right hand holding branch. RIC-90, BMC-161, RSC-366. Iridescently toned choice XF. (500-700) See Lot 129 for a Judaea Capta Sestertius of


309. Denarius. (3.06 gms.). Antioch mint. Laureate bust right, draped, seen from behind. (NEP) RED Neptune standing left, right foot on globe, holding acrostolium ( top of the stolos on an ancient war galley) and sceptre. RIC (Vespasian)-366. XF of great style. A little crudely struck, typical Antioch mint product, rare. (1000-1300)

TITUS. 79-81 AD.

307. As Caesar. Struck circa 76 AD. AV Aureus. (7.27 gms.). Laureate, bearded bust right. COS V, Cow walking right. RIC-188, Cohen-53. XF, nice large flan, good style. (4500-5500)

310. Denarius. (3.38 gms.). Laureate bust of Titus left. TRP V i m IMP XV COS VII PP, Venus, draped on her legs only, seen half from behind, standing right, leaning on a cippus, holding helmet and spear. RIC-15b, RSC-286, BMC-25. Toned VF+, a scarce and popular type. (500-750)




3 1 1 . Denarius. (3.46 gms.). Laureate head right. TR Ρ IX IMP XV COS V m PP, winged thunderbolt on a draped table. RIC-23a, BMC-51, RSC-316. Choice to superb XF, toned. (900-1000)

3 1 2 . Denarius. (3.26 gms.). Laureate bust of Titus right. TRP IX IMP XV COS V i n PP, dolphin entwined around an anchor. RIC 26a, RSC 309, BMC 72. Toned good VF, scarce and popular type. (500-750)

D O M I T I A N . 81-96 AD. 3 1 4 . As Caesar. Struck circa 73 AD. AV Aureus. (7.30 gms.). Laureate bust of Domitian right. Domitian on prancing horse left, right hand raised, holding sceptre tipped with a human head in left hand. RIC (Vespasian)-232, Cohen-663. Nice XF, beautiful metal quality. Ex: Edward Gans Collection. (6000-7500)

See Lot 130 for a Judaea Capta As of Titus.

JULIA 1ΓΓ1. Daughter of Titus and Domitian's Concubine. 3 1 3 . IE Dupondius. (11.52 gms.). Draped bust right. Vesta seated left, holding palladium in her right hand and a sceptre in the left. RIC-180(Titus), Cohen-18. Good VF, lightly porous with a few red spots on reverse, rare and an excellent portrait. (600-750)

3 1 5 . Denarius. (3.15 gms.). Laureate head right. Minerva in fighting attitude right, holds shield with left arm and spear in right hand. cf. RIC-88, RSC-208 (No. of consulship offflan on reverse). Lightly toned XF. (150-250)





DOMTTIA. Wife of Domitian. 316. Denarius. (2.78 gms.). Draped bust right with hair in queue down her back. PIETAS AVGVST, Domitia seated left, veiled, holding sceptre with left hand, right hand resting on child's head who stands before her. RIC-Domitian 214(R3), BMCD.65, RSC-12. Good VF, coin's entire surface has been scraped and scratched long ago but still a very pleasing example of this extremely rare empress. (750-1200)

ANONYMOUS. Circa 98-161 AD. 317. JE Quadrans. (2.59 gms.). Helmeted bust of Roma right. S C, Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC Π, 217, 12. XF with a beautiful green patina, rare. (250-350) 319. Julius Caesar to Domitian. Denarii. (12 coins). Set consists of the following: Julius Caesar. (3.54 gms.). Venus. RSC41, Craw.-480/5b. Toned F+, weakly struck, banker's mark; Augustus. (3.74 gms.). Hexastyle temple. RSC-179, BMC363. Toned VF+; Tiberius. (3.41 gms.). "Tribute Penny." RIC-30, BMC-48. Toned choice XF; Caligula. (3.51 gms.). Germanicus. RIC-18, BMC-19.Toned good VF, lightly porous; Claudius. (3.76 gms.). Pax Nemesis. RIC-52, BMC62. Lightly toned good VF; Nero. (3.42 gms.). Jupiter. RIC53, BMC-74. Nice VF; Galba. (3.22 gms.). Female sacrificing. RIC-210(R2), BMC-42. Good Fine; Otho. (3.39 gms.). Securitas. RIC-10, BMC-19. VF; Vitellius. (3.27 gms.). Libertas. RIC-81, BMC-13. Toned VF; Vespasian. (3.48 gms.). Vespasian seated right. RIC-65. Good VF; Titus. (3.16 gms.). Pax seated left. RIC-V185, RSC-162. Toned VF+; Domitian. (3.08 gms.). Pegasus. RIC-V238, RSC-47. Toned VF+, scarce type. Set comes with custom blue lucite holder. (6500-8000) 3 1 8 . JE Quadrans. (2.10 gms.). Bust of Venus, draped and diademed to the right. Dove walking right, S C. RIC Π, 218, 24. XF with a beautiful green patina, rare. (250-350)

The demand for Twelve Caesar material is such that the opportunity to purchase a complete denarii set at once is difficult to do today.




T R A J A N . 98-117 AD. 3 2 0 . Denarius. (3.36 gms.). Laureate and draped bust right. Providentia standing half-left holding long sceptre with left hand, right hand extended; at her feet, a globe. RIC-, RSC314. Choice XF, dark gray toning. (200-300) 3 2 2 . JE Sestertius. (28.18 gms.). Laureate bust of Trajan right. TR POT COS ΙΠ PP SC, Pax seated left, holding olive branch and sceptre. BMC-731. XF, nice green patina. (1500-2000)

321. Denarius. (3.48 gms.). Laureate head right. Statue of Hercules standing facing on a low base, holding club in right hand, wearing lion's skin on head and draped over left arm. RIC37, BMC-59, RSC-216. Toned XF. Ex: NFA IX, December 1980, Lot 473. (250-300)

323. JE Uncia. (0.96 gms.). Laureate and draped bust right, anepigraphic. S C within wreath. RIC-, RIC (Hunter)-, BMC1075/1075a. VF+, choice dark green patina with touches of red-brown. (150-200)





H A D R I A N . 117-138 AD. 324. Denarius. (3.48 gms.). Laureate head right. Minerva advancing right, wearing aegis, brandishing spear in right hand and holding shield with left. RIC-69, BMC-119, RSC1063. Superb XF. (500-650)

327. JE Sestertius. (31.35 gms.). Laureate bust right with drapery on left shoulder. Neptune standing left with his right foot on prow, cloak over his right thigh, holding acrostolium in right hand and trident in left. RIC-635, BMC-1291. Good VF with pleasing dark brown patina. (450-500)

325. Denarius. (3.31 gms.). Laureate bust right with drapery on left shoulder. Victory flying half-right holding a trophy before her with both hands. RIC-101, BMC-215, RSC-1132. Toned XF. (400-500)

3 2 6 . Denarius. (3.49 gms.). HADRIANVS AVG.COS.III PP, laureate head right, inner raised concentric circle around the bust and beneath the legends. ROMVLO CONDITORI, Romulus, bare-headed, advancing right in military dress, holding a spear in his right hand and a trophy over his left shoulder. RIC-266, BMC-710, RSC-1316. Superb XF. (600-800) The exact meaning of the inner raised circle on the obverse is quite unclear. It could be a guide in the die for the placing of the letters in the legend before the bust was engraved. It has been suggested that this is the die of a master engraver to be used as a model by other engravers. In any event, it is quite unusual and rare!

328. JE As. (12.76 gms.). Laureate head right. Roma standing half-left, holding palladium in right hand and spear in left. RIC-824, Cohen-1297. Good VF, choice dark green to brown patina. Ex: H.F. Harwood Coll., Superior C.O.IM. sale, June 1976. (200-250)





3 3 1 . Denarius. (3.49 gms.). Laureate head right. Draped standing figure on a short pedestal within a two-columned shrine with an ornate convex roof. RIC-269, BMC-915, RSC-329. Toned choice XF. (250-400)

SABINA. Wife of Hadrian. 3 2 9 . Denarius. (3.26 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right, hair in queue down her back. Venus standing half-right holding an apple in her left hand, drawing a fold of drapery over her left shoulder with the left hand. RIC-396, BMC-944, RSC73. Toned near XF. (400-600)

3 3 2 . After 161 AD. Denarius. (3.34 gms.). Bare head right. Eagle standing right, head left, on a short, garlanded altar. RICM430/431, BMC-M&L48, RSC-155/156. Pleasing XF. (300-450)

A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. 330. Struck circa 160-161 AD. AV Aureus. (7.29 gms.). Bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right, legend ends TRP XX m i . PIETATI AVG COS ΠΙΙ, Pietas standing facing, head left, holding two children in her arms, with children standing at either side. RIC-313b. XF, nice portrait style. (3250-4000)

After 161 AD. Denarius. (3.24 gms.). DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare-headed bust right, draped on left shoulder. CONSECRATIO, funeral pyre of four tiers. RIC-M438, BMCM&L.60, RSC-164a. Choice XF. (350-450)




335. Struck circa 143-144 AD. /E Sestertius. (22.04 gms.). Laureate bust of Antoninus Pius right. IMPERATOR II SC, Winged Victory walking right in a beautiful flowing peplos and chiton carrying, in both hands, a trophy. RIC 717a, Cohen 433. Superb XF of beautiful style, excellent surfaces. (2000-2750) This coin commemorates Pius' victories in Britain.

334. JE Sestertius. (26.07 gms.). Laureate bust of Pius right. TIBERIS SC, Tiberis, crowned with reeds, nude to the waist, reclining left, placing right hand on the forepart of a boat and holding a reed, left elbow resting on an overturned urn from which water flows. BMC-1313. Near XF with a nice ereen natina, rare and seldom offered in this condition. 6 y (2000-2500)





3 3 6 . KL As. (12.36 gms.). Laureate head right. Sow right under holm-oak, suckling four young. RIC-733, BMC-1625, Cohen-450. Near XF, brown patina, small flan, scarce reverse, type. Ex: Knobloch Coll., Stack's May 1980, Lot 645. (400-450)

FAUSTINA SENIOR. Wife of Antoninus Pius. 3 3 7 . Denarius. (3.67 gms.). Draped bust right. Ceres standing half-left, extending right hand and holding lighted torch in left. RIC-361, BMC-417, RSC-101a. Nice XF. (250-400)

82 MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. 338. Struck circa 167-168 AD. AV Aureus. (7.21 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. TRP XXII IMP V COS ΙΠ, winged Victory advancing left, holding wreath. RIC-180. XF, nice style portrait. (3750-4500)

3 3 9 . Denarius. (3.24 gms.). Bare head right. Concordia seated left holding patera with right hand and resting left elbow on statuette of Spes; cornucopiae? under seat. RIC-35, BMC177, RSC-35. Superb XF, light golden toning. (350-500)

340. Denarius. (3.04 gms.). Bare head right. Providentia standing half-left, holding globe in right hand, cradling cornucopiae with left arm. RIC-50, BMC-188, RSC-519. Lightly toned choice XF. (400-450)

3 4 1 . Denarius. (3.21 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right viewed slightly from behind. Aurelius standing halfleft, togate, holding globe in extended right hand. Unpublished in RIC, BMC, RSC, RIC Hunter with draped and cuirassed bust. Toned XF, rare. (300-500)


FAUSTINA JUNIOR. Wife of Marcus Aurelius.



345. Denarius. (3.23 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right. Two baby boys on a draped throne. RIC-712, RSC-191. Choice XF. (250-300)

342. Denarius. (3.16 gms.). Draped bust right. Venus standing half-left, holding apple in right hand, left hand rests on rudder with dolphin entwined about it. RIC-A517a, BMCA1075, RSC-266. Toned XF. (250-300)


343. Denarius. (3.18 gms.). Draped bust right. Ceres seated left on a chest holding two corn-ears in right hand and long torch in left. RIC-M669, BMC-M79, RSC-35. Iridescently toned XF. (250-400)

344. Denarius. (3.18 gms.). Draped bust right. Ceres seated left on chest, veiled, holding two corn-ears in right hand and a short torch in her left. BMC-M81, RSC-35a. Choice XF. (250-300)

3 4 6 . Denarius. (3.46 gms.). Laureate head right. TR Ρ VI IMP ΠΠ COS Π, Victory standing half-right, nude to waist, holding palm-branch with right hand, placing a shield inscribed VIC/PAR on a palm-tree. RIC-566, BMC-431, RSC-279. Near XF. (300-400)

347. Denarius. (3.26 gms.). Bare-headed, cuirassed bust right. Mars standing half-right, in military dress, holding spear in right hand and resting his left hand upon a shield. BMC284, RSC-229a. Toned superb XF. (350-500)




LUCILLA. Wife of Lucius Verus. 3 4 8 . Denarius. (3.40 gms.). Draped bust right. Pudicitia, veiled, seated left on low chair. RIC-781, BMC-349, RSC-62. Lightly toned choice XF. (350-450) 3 5 1 . Denarius. (2.77 gms.). Laureate head right. Apollo standing facing in long robe, head right, and holding a plectrum and lyre which rests on a column to his right. RIC-218, BMC292, RSC-25. Superb XF, rare reverse type. (600-800)

COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. 3 4 9 . Denarius. (3.04 gms.). Laureate head right. Pax standing half-left, holding branch in right hand, cradling cornucopiae in left arm; at her feet, shield. RIC-86, BMC-134, RSC-940. NiceXF. (200-250)


3 5 0 . Struck circa 187-188 AD. Denarius. (3.46 gms.). Laureate bust right. PM TRP XIII IMP VIII COS V PP, Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC-164. Toned XF, scarce this nice. (300-400)

3 5 2 . Denarius. (3.09 gms.). Laureate head right. Commodus, as Hercules, standing half-left, his head is left, naked, foot on prow, holding a club on a tree-trunk with his left hand, clasping right hands over corn-ears with Africa who stands right facing him. She wears an elephant's skin headdress and holds a sistrum (Egyptian percussion instrument) in her left hand; forepart of lion at her feet. RIC-259a, BMC-356, RSC-643. Superb XF, rare and seldom offered reverse type. (1000-1300)


353. JE Sestertius. (20.78 gms.). Laureate head right. PM TR Ρ XI IMP VII COS V P(P SC), Commodus, in military attire, standing half-left on platform on the right, raising right hand and holding spear in left, addressing four soldiers below him on left, each holding legionary eagle and shield; FID EXERCIT in exergue. RIC^68b, BMC-580. XF, choice green patina with touches of red. (1500-2000)

CRISPINA. Wife of Commodus. 3 5 4 . Denarius. (3.24 gms.). Draped bust right. Venus standing facing, head left, holding apple in right hand and drawing fold of drapery over left shoulder with left hand. RIC-286a, BMC-44, RSC-35. Choice to superb XF, lightly toned. (450-600) This could be called the "Transvestite appears to have a beard!

Venus" issue for she



DIDIA CLARA. Daughter of Didius Julianus. 355. Denarius. (2.52 gms.). Draped bust right. Hilaritas standing half-left, holding long palm in right hand and cradling cornucopiae in left arm. RIC-10, BMC-Didius 14/16, RSC-3. Toned choice XF, tight flan, extremely rare. (45006000‫)י‬

CLODIUS ALBINUS. 195-197 AD. 356. Denarius. (3.13 gms.). Laureate head right. Clasped hands holding legionary eagle standing on a thunderbolt-perch left, head right. RIC-20b, BMC-284, RSC-24. Toned choice to superb XF, rare. (600-1000)




3 5 9 . Denarius. (3.20 gms.). Laureate head right. Genius standing half-left, holding patera in right hand, cradling double cornucopiae with left arm. RIC-219, RSC-504. Choice XF. (150-200)

SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. 3 5 7 . Struck circa 193-194 AD. AV Aureus. (7.28 gms.). Laureate bust of Septimius Severus right. VICT AVG TRP COS, winged Victory advancing left with a wreath. RIC-22. Cohen-681. Nice XF, rare. (6500-8000)

3 6 0 . Denarius. (3.09 gms.). Laureate head right. Fortuna standing half-left, wearing modius, sacrificing out of a patera in the right hand over a lighted altar, cradling a cornucopiae in left arm. RIC-385, BMC-363, RSC-177a. Nice XF. (150-175)

JULIA DOMNA. Wife of Septimius Severus. 3 5 8 . Denarius. (2.98 gms.). Laureate head right. Victory standing right, left foot on globe, inscribing a shield set on a palmtree. RIC-211, BMC-534/40, RSC-489. Nice XF, small flan CTack at 6 o'clock. (100-150)

361. Denarius. (3.52 gms.). Draped bust right. Diana standing half-left holding long, lighted torch with both hands. RICCara.373A, BMC-Cara.1-4, RSC-32. Iridescently toned superb XF. (250-300)


362. Denarius. (2.98 gms.). Draped bust right. Venus seated left with right hand extended, holding sceptre in left. RIC-388c (Caracalla), RSC-212. Superb XF. (250-300)

C A R A C A L L A . 198-217 AD. 363. Struck circa 199-200 AD. AV Aureus. (7.26 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of a youthful (11 years old) Caracalla right. RECTOR ORBIS, Sol standing front, head left, holding orb and reversed spear. RIC-39a. Î’ MC-163. XF, rare. (5000-6000)


364. Denarius. (2.60 gms.). Laureate head right. Hercules, nude, standing half-left and holding a branch in his right hand, club and lion's skin in left. RIC-192. BMC-35, RSC-196. Nice XF, attractive dark toning. Ex: Knobloch, Stack's 1980, Lot 947. (150-200)



365. Denarius. (2.98 gms.). Laureate head right. Hercules standing half-left, nude, holding branch in right hand and cradling club with lion's skin draped over left arm. RIC-206a, BMC48/49, RSC-220. Toned choice XF. (150-200)

366. Denarius. (3.41 gms.). Laureate and bearded head right. PROFECTIO AVG, Caracalla, in military attire, standing half-right, holding a spear with both hands; behind him, two standards. RIC-225, RSC-508. XF/VF+. (150-200)

PLAUTILL A. Wife of Caracalla. 367. Denarius. (3.07 gms.). Eastern mint (Laodicea ad Mare). Draped bust right. Hilaritas standing half-left holding long palm-branch and cradling cornucopiae. RIC-371, BMC737/8, RSC-14. Lightly toned choice to superb XF. (200-300)




GETA. 209-212 AD. 3 6 8 . As Caesar. 198-209 AD. Denarius. (3.41 gms.). Bare-headed, draped bust right. Spes walking left, holding a flower and raising her skirt. RIC-4, BMC-Sev.149/50, RSC-193. Nicely toned XF. (200-275)

DIADUMENIAN. 218 AD. 3 7 1 . As Caesar. 217 AD. Denarius. (3.34 gms.). Bare-headed, draped bust right. The prince standing slightly left, head right, holding standard and parazonium; to right, two standards. RIC-102, BMC-87/91, RSC-3. Toned near XF. (400-600)

ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. 3 6 9 . Denarius. (4.05 gms.). Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Felicitas standing half-left holding short caduceus in right hand and long sceptre in left. RIC-62, BMC-9, RSC-19a. Toned choice XF. (350-500)

3 7 0 . Denarius. (3.23 gms.).Laureate and cuirassed bust right with short clipped beard. Fides standing half-left, head right, holding a standard in each hand. RIC-66, RSC-23a. Toned XF on a beautiful broad flan. (450-500)

3 7 2 . Denarius. (2.94 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Mars, nude except for cloak at his waist, striding right, holding spear transversely and trophy over left shoulder. RIC-123, BMC-21, RSC-113a. Choice to superb XF, nice large flan. (150-225)

JULIA PAULA. First wife of Elagabalus. 3 7 3 . Denarius. (3.44 gms.). Draped bust right. Concordia seated left, holding patera; in the left field, a star. RIC-211, BMC172/174, RSC-6a. Superb XF. (400-600)




AQUILIA SEVERA. Twice married to Elagablaus. 374. Denarius. (3.79 gms.). Draped bust right. Concordia standing half-left, sacrificing out of a patera over a lighted altar and cradling a double cornucopiae with her left arm; in the right field, a star. R1C-226, BMC-184, RSC-2. Choice XF. (600-800)

377. Denarius. (3.57 gms.). Draped bust right. Felicitas standing half-left, sacrificing out of a patera over a lighted altar and holding a long caduceus with her left hand; in the right field, a star. RIC-271, BMC-79/80, RSC-45. Toned choice XF. (150-200)

JULIA MAESA. Grandmother of Elagabalus and Severus Alexander. Died 223 AD. 3 7 5 . Antoninianus. (5.30 gms.). Draped bust right, crescent behind shoulders. Pietas standing half-left, veiled, holding patera with right hand over altar before her and incense box in left. RIC-264, BMC-70/72, RSC-30. Near XF with light golden toning. (250-350)

S E V E R U S A L E X A N D E R . 222-235 AD. 378. As Caesar. 221-222 AD. Denarius. (3.15 gms.). Bare-headed and draped bust right. S pes walking left, holding a flower in her right hand, raising her skirt with left. RIC-2, BMC264/65 (Elag.), RSC-65. Toned VF, rare. (300-500)


376. Denarius. (2.50 gms.). Draped bust right. Pudicitia seated left, raising veil with her right hand and holding sceptre with left. RIC-268, BMC-76/78, RSC-36. Toned choice XF. (150-200)

379. Denarius. (2.51 gms.). Laureate bust right with slight drapery on left shoulder. Virtus standing half-left, in military attire, holding Victory in right hand and resting left hand on a shield, upright spear leans against his left arm. RIC-220, RSC-579a. Lightly toned XF. (125-175)




JULIA MAMAEA. Mother of Severus Alexander. Died 235 AD. 3 8 2 . Denarius. (3.25 gms.). Draped bust right. Juno standing half-left, veiled and diademed, holding patera in right hand and sceptre in left; at her feet, peacock standing half-left with head turned back to catch drops out of the patera. RIC343, BMC-43, RSC-35. Iridescently toned choice XF. (200-250) 3 8 0 . Denarius. (3.53 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right viewed slightly from the front. Spes walking left and holding a flower in her right hand, raising her skirt with the left. RIC-254, BMC-897, RSC-546. Choice XF, lightly toned. (125-175)

3 8 3 . Denarius. (3.12 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right. Venus standing half-left, holding helmet in her right hand and sceptre with the left; at her feet, a shield. RIC-358, BMC-713/17, RSC-76. Toned superb XF. (200-250)

ORBI ANA. Last wife of Severus Alexander. 3 8 1 . Denarius. (2.94 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right. Concordia enthroned left, holding patera in her right hand and cradling double-cornucopiae in her left arm. RIC-319, BMC-287/90, RSC-1. Iridescently toned superb XF. (700-1000)

Denarius. (2.71 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right. VESTA, Vesta standing half-left holding a sceptre and in her extended right hand, a palladium. RIC-360, RSC-81. Superb XF. (200-300)


M A X I M I N U S 1.235-238 AD. 385. Denarius. (2.90 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor standing half-left between two standards, raising right hand and holding sceptre or spear in left. RIC1, BMC-11/12, RSC-46. Nice XF/VF. (125-150)

386. Denarius. (3.19 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Providentia standing half-left, holding wand over a globe at her feet, cradling cornucopiae in her left arm. RIC13, BMC-86/88, RSC-77a. Superb XF. (250-325)


PAULINA. Wife of Maximinus I. 387. Denarius. (2.81 gms.). Veiled and draped bust right. Paulina seated left on a peacock which is flying right, she holds a sceptre with her left hand and raises her right. RIC-2, BMC127/128, RSC-2. Choice XF. (900-1300)



M A X I M U S C A E S A R . 235-238 AD. 388. Denarius. (3.56 gms.). Bare-headed, draped bust right. PIETAS AVG; from left to right: lituus, knife, jug, simpulum and aspergillum. RIC-1, BMC-118, RSC-1. Lightly toned near XF. (300-500)

389. Denarius. (3.37 gms.). Bare-headed bust draped right. Maximus, in military attire, standing half-left, holding baton and transverse spear with point downwards; behind him, two standards. RIC-3, BMC-211/212, RSC-10. Superb XF. (600-650)

390. Denarius. (3.37 gms.). Bare-headed bust draped right. Maximus, in military attire, standing half-left, holding baton and transverse spear with point downwards; behind him, two standards. RIC-3, BMC-211/212, RSC-10. Lovely toned superb XF. (600-650)




P U P I E N U S . 238 AD. 3 9 3 . Denarius. (2.99 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Pax enthroned left, holding branch in her right hand and short transverse sceptre in left. RIC-4, BMC-46/47, RSC-22. Superb XF. (1100-1500)

B A L B I N U S . 238 AD. 3 9 1 . Denarius. (2.51 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right viewed slightly from the front. Providentia standing half-left, holding wand over a globe at her feet, cradling cornucopiae in her left arm. RIC-7, BMC-33, RSC-23. XF with light golden toning. (750-900)

3 9 4 . Antoninianus. (5.47 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. CARITAS MVTVA AVGG, clasped hands. RIC 10b. XF, nice style and strike. (1200-1500)

ms‫׳‬ 3 9 2 . Denarius. (3.15 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Victory standing facing, head left, holding palmbranch in left hand and wreath in right. RIC-8, BMC-37/8, RSC-27. Nice XF. (700-900)

3 9 5 . Antoninianus. (5.29 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Two clasped hands. RIC-10b, BMC-87/91, RSC3. Choice XF. (800-1000)


G O R D I A N ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. 3 9 6 . Struck circa 240 AD. AV Aureus. (4.96 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right of Gordian. PM TRP Π COS PP, Emperor, togate and veiled, standing left, sacrificing out of a patera in right hand over altar, wand in left hand. RIC43. Superb XF, scarce. (5000-6000)

397. Antoninianus. (3.93 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Victory advancing left, holding wreath in right hand and cradling palm-branch in left arm. RIC-5, RSC-357. VF+. (75-125)

398 Antoninianus. (3.94 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Felicitas standing half-left, holding long caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left. RIC-140, RSC-71. Superb XF, light touches of red rust. (72-125)



PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. 399. Antoninianus. (5.32 gms.). Antioch. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Virtus standing half-right with his right hand resting on a shield, holding a spear in his left. RIC-71, RSC-244. Superb XF, light touch of surface rust above Virtus' head. (125-175)

OTACILIA SEVERA. Wife of Philip I. 400. Antoninianus. (4.86 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right, crescent behind shoulders. Concordia seated left, holding patera with right hand, cradling double cornucopiae in left arm. RIC-125c, RSC-4. Choice XF. (100-150)

4 0 1 . JE Sestertius. (21.40 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right. Pudicitia seated left, raising her veil with right hand, holding transverse sceptre in left. RIC-209a, Cohen-55. VF+, lovely olive-green patina. (375-425)




4 0 4 . JE Sestertius. (18.73 gms.). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. SAECVLARES AVGG. S.C., goat walking left. RIC-264a, Cohen-73. XF, attractive brown-green patina. (450-500) PHILIP Π. 247-249 AD. 4 0 2 . Antoninianus. (4.69 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Philip I, holding short sceptre, and Philip Π seated left on curule chairs. Philip I is in the foreground. RIC-230, RSC-17. Good VF. (75-125)

4 0 3 . Antoninianus. (4.92 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Pax standing half-left, holding olive-branch in right hand and transverse sceptre in left. RIC-231c, RSC-23. Nice XF, touch of flatness from striking. (75-125)

This coin commemorates founding of Rome.

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of the

T R A J A N DECIUS. 249-251 AD. 4 0 5 . JE Dupondius. (11.78 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius right. LIBERALITAS AVG SC, Liberalitas standing left holding abacus (ancient computer!) and comucopiae. RIC 123(R2). XF with a beautiful green patina, rare and seldom offered coin. (750-1000)


HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA. Wife of Trajan Decius. 4 0 6 . Antoninianus. (5.02 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right, crescent behind shoulders. Pudicitia seated left with her right hand drawing her veil away and holding a sort sceptre with her left. RIC-59b, RSC-19. Nice XF, light golden toning. (125-175)

4 0 7 . Antoninianus. (3.93 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right, crescent behind shoulders. Pudicitia seated left, raising veil with her right hand and holding sceptre with left. RIC-59b, RSC-19. Toned choice XF, weakly struck reverse. (100-140)

95 HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS. 251 AD. 4 0 8 . As Caesar. 250 AD. Antoninianus. (3.57 gms.). Radiate and draped bust right. Herennius standing half-left, holding wand with right hand and transverse spear in left. RIC-147c, RSC26. Lightly toned choice XF. (175-225)



HOSTILIAN. 251 AD. 4 0 9 . As Caesar. 250 AD. Antoninianus. (4.39 gms.). Radiate and draped bust right. Mars striding right in military attire, holding spear in right hand and shield in left. RIC-177b, RSC-15. Choice XF, touch of flatness from striking. (300-400)

TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251-253 AD. 4 1 0 . Antoninianus. (3.71 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Aeternitas standing half-left, raising her skirt with left hand, holding a phoenix standing right on a globe in her right hand. RIC-30, RSC-13. Nice XF. (150-225)

VOLUSIAN. 251-253 AD. 4 1 1 . Antoninianus. (3.36 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor, veiled, standing half-left, sacrificing with patera over lighted tripod and holding short sceptre. RIC-141. RSC-94. Nice XF. (150-225)




AEMILIAN. 253 AD. 4 1 2 . Antoninianus. (4.41 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Virtus standing left with his right foot on a helmet, branch in right hand and inverted sceptre in left. RIC-12, RSC-60. Choice XF, die-flaw on head behind ear and touch of verdigris on reverse, rare this nice. (400-500)

GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD.

4 1 5 . Antoninianus. (3.40 gms.). Asia mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor standing half-left, holding Victory in right hand and spear in left. RIC-615, scarce. XF, full silvering. (120-150) This coin was struck during Gallienus' consulship which started in 266 AD.




VALERIAN I. 253-260 AD. 4 1 3 . Antoninianus. (4.01 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Sol walking left, nude but for mantle flowing behind, holding whip in left hand and raising right hand. RIC-lOvar., RSC-143var.(cuirass on both). Nice XF. (100-150)


4 1 4 . Antoninianus. (3.62 gms.). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Apollo, nude but for a mantle flowing behind, standing half-right and drawing a bow. RIC-74. Choice to superb XF. (100-150)

SALONINA. Wife of Gallienus. 4 1 6 . Antoninianus. (4.27 gms.). Diademed and draped bust right, crescent behind shoulders. Pietas seated left, holding sceptre in left hand; in front, two children and another at the side of her chair. RIC-35, RSC-84. Superb XF. (150-225)




AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. 4 1 9 . Antoninianus. (5.29 gms.). Rome. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. Sol walking left with his right hand raised and a globe in left, treading down captive before him, another captive behind. RIC-62. Choice XF, fully silvered. (115-150)

POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. 4 1 7 . Billon Antoninianus. (4.26 gms.). L u g d u n u m . Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor, in military attire, standing half-right and holding spear in right hand and globe in left. RIC-83, RSC-331a. Choice XF. (75-125)

4 2 0 . JE Denarius. (3.46 gms.). R o m e . Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm-branch; in front at her feet, bound captive. RIC-73, Cohen-256. Superb XF, some light silvering and verdigris. (150-250)


4 1 8 . JE Antoninianus. (3.31 gms.). Moguntiacum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Victory advancing right, holding palm-branch over left shoulder and wreath in right hand. RIC-9var.(draped and cuirassed). Choice XF for type. (850-1100)

421. JE Antoninianus. (3.83 gms.). Siscia. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. Emperor standing half-right, clasping hand of Concordia facing him. RIC-244. Superb XF, fully silvered. (200-250)




SEVERIN A. Wife of Aurelian. 4 2 2 . Antoninianus. (4.77 gms.). R o m e . Diademed, draped bust right, crescent behind shoulders. Empress standing halfright, clasping the hand of the Emperor who is standing half-left facing her. RIC-3. Superb XF, fully silvered.

F L O R I A N U S . 276 AD. 4 2 5 . JE Antoninianus. (3.99 gms.). Ticinum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Felicitas standing half-left, holding long caduceus with right hand, cradling comucopiae in left arm. Unpublished in RIC (cf. RIC-60). Choice to superb XF, some silvering. (250-400)

4 2 3 . Billon Antoninianus. (4.48 gms.). R o m e . Diademed and draped bust right, crescent behind shoulders. Concordia standing half-left, holding an ensign in each hand. RIC-4. Superb XF, large flan, reverse slightly off-center. It would be difficult to find a better example of this coin and empress. (300-400)

P R O B U S . 276-282 AD. 4 2 6 . JE Antoninianus. (3.38 gms.). Rome. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. Six-column temple; within, Roma seated left, holding Victory in right hand and sceptre in left. RIC-185. Choice XF, light porosity. (100-125)


T A C I T U S . 275-276 AD. 4 2 4 . JE Antoninianus. (4.04 gms.). Serdica. Radiate bust right, draped about shoulders. Providentia standing half-right, holding an ensign in each hand, she faces Sol standing halfleft with his right hand raised and a globe in his left. Unpublished in RIC for this obverse bust variety and reverse mintmark. Choice XF, light verdigris, rare. (125-175)

N U M E R I A N . 283-284 AD. 4 2 7 . JE Antoninianus. (4.26 gms.). Ticinum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Providentia standing half-left, holding corn-ears over modius at her feet, cradling comucopiae with left arm. RIC-447. Nice XF. (100-125)


4 2 8 . M Antoninianus. (4.24 gms.). Cyzlcus. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor standing half-right, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter who is standing half-left. RIC-463. Nice XF, silvered. (100-125)

MAGNIA URBICA. Wife of Carinus. 4 2 9 . i‫׳‬E Antoninianus. (3.14 gms.). R o m e . bust right, crescent behind shoulders. left, holding helmet in right hand and feet, a shield. RIC-343. Nice XF, rare,

Diademed and draped Venus standing halfsceptre in left; at her dark brown patina. (500-750)



DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. 4 3 0 . Argenteus. (3.15 gms.). Ticinum. Laureate head right. The four princes of the first tetrarchy sacrificing over a tripod before an archway in six-turreted enclosure (dot in archway above the tripod). RIC-18a (R2). Iridescently toned choice XF. (1750-2250)

Argenteus. (2.96 gms.). Siscia (?). Laureate head right. The four princes of the first tetrarchy sacrificing over a tripod before an archway in eight-turreted enclosure, cf. RIC-32a (Siscia). Lightly toned choice to superb XF. (1750-2250)





DOMITIUS DOMITIANUS. 295-296 AD. 434. JE Follis. (7.97 gms.). A l e x a n d r i a . Laureate head right. Genius standing half-left, holding a patera in his right hand, cradling a cornucopiae in his left arm; below left at his feet, an eagle standing left, head right. RIC-20. VF, heavy redbrown patina, rare. (800-900) Recent research indicates that, perhaps, Domitius Domitianus was a political figure-head while the primary leader of the revolt in Alexandria was a general by the name of Achilleus. It was Achilleus who commanded Alexandria during the eight-month seige of the. city by Diocletian. 432. JE Antoninianus. (2.85 gms.). Cyzicus. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor standing half-right, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter who is standing half-left. RIC-306. Nice XF. (80-100)

M A XI MI ANUS. 286-305 AD. 435. JE Antoninianus. (3.81 gms.). Cyzicus. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Emperor standing half-right, holding a parazonium, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter who is standing half-left, holding a sceptre. Unpublished in RIC for both this obverse legend (IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS AVG) and reverse mintmark. Choice to superb XF, silvered. (125-175)

CONSTANTINE I, the Great. 307-337 AD. 100 ALLECTUS. 293-296 AD. 433. JE Quinarius. (2.94 gms.). C a m u l o d u n u m . Radiate and cuirassed bust right. LAETITIA AVG; galley right. RIC-124. VF+, choice dark green patina. (300-450)

436. 324-325 AD. JE 3. (3.42 gms.). right. SARMATIA-DEVICTA, holding trophy in right hand spuming seated captive to right. brown to black patina.

Sirmium. Laureate head Victory advancing right, and palm-branch in left, RIC-48. Superb XF, dark (125-150)






C o n s t a n t l n i a n C o m m e m o r a t i v e . 330-333 AD. JE 3. (2.33 gms.). Siscia. Helmeted bust left of Roma wearing imperial cloak. She-wolf left with twins; above, two stars. RIC-222. Superb XF, dark brown patina. (75-85)

4 3 9 . Constantlnian Commemorative. 334-335 AD. JE 3. (2.78 gms.). Siscia. Bust of Constantinopolis left wearing laureate helmet, imperial cloak and reversed spear behind shoulder. Victory standing left with right foot on prow of ship, holding transverse spear and shield. RIC-241. Superb XF, dark brown patina. (75-85)

4 3 7 . Constantlnian Commemorative. 330-346 AD. JE Medallion. (26.31 gms.). VRBS ROMA, helmeted bust of Roma left, wearing imperial mantle. She-wolf standing left, looking down to the right as she suckles Romulus and Remus, two stars above. Gnecchi II plate 132, 7. Grueber, BMC, plate L V m , 3. Choice XF of excellent style. Extremely Rare and missing from important sales of the last ten years. (8500-10500) A spectacular representation of the mythology surrounding the foundations of the city of Rome. An important addition to any collection of Roman coins.

4 4 0 . Constantlnian Commemorative. 334-335 AD. JE 3. (2.39 gms.). S i s c i a . Helmeted bust of Constantinopolis left. Winged Victory standing left on a prow with spear and shield. RIC-241. Superb XF. (50-80)





C O N S T A N S . 337-350 AD. 4 4 1 . As Caesar. 337 AD. JE 3. (2.04 gms.). Siscia. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Two soldiers standing with shields and spears, standard between them. RIC-264. Superb XF. (60-90) 4 4 4 . Struck circa 350-355 AD. JE Centenionalis. (5.92 gms.). Antioch. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Helmeted soldier to left with a shield on his left arm, spearing a fallen horseman defending himself with extended left arm; to right, shield on ground. RIC-132. Superb XF, glossy chocolate brown patina. (150-225)

C O N S T A N T I U S Π. 337-361 AD. 4 4 2 . As Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE 3. (3.10 gms.). L o n d o n . Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left. Two-turreted campgate. RIC-298. Good VF, dark green patina, rare. (250-300)


4 4 3 . Struck circa 351-355 AD. Siliqua. (3.22 gms.). S i r m i u m . P e a r l - d i a d e m e d , draped and cuirassed bust right. VOTIS/XXX/MVLTIS/XXXX all within wreath. RIC-15, RSC342-3e. Iridescently toned superb XF. (200-250)

M A G N E N T Ï U S . 350-353 AD. 4 4 5 . JE Double Centenionalis. (9.36 gms.). Trier. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. SALVS DD NN AVG ET CAES, large Chi-rho monogram dividing an A and W. RIC318, Carson, Hill and Kent 62. Choice XF, beautiful chocolate brown patina. (600-900)




C O N S T A N T I U S G A L L U S . 351-354 AD. 4 4 6 . JE Centenionalis. (4.84 gms.). Alexandria. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Helmeted soldier to left with a shield on his left arm, spearing fallen horseman defending himself with extended left arm; to right, shield on ground. RIC-74. Superb XF, silvered, light verdigris. (100-150)

V A L E N S . 364-378 4 4 9 . Siliqua. (2.04 cuirassed bust on a globe in Superb XF.

AD. gms.). Trier. Pearl-diademed, draped and right. Roma enthroned left, holding Victory her right hand and a spear in left. RIC-27b. (300-350)

JULIAN II. 360-363 AD. 4 4 7 . Siliqua. (2.01 gms.). Aries. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. VOT/X/MVLT/XX all within wreath which has a medallion at its top containing an eagle standing right, head left. RIC-309. Near XF, scarce. (200-250)

M A G N U S M A X I M U S . 383-388 AD. 4 5 0 . Siliqua. (2.14 gms.). Trier. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Roma enthroned facing, head left, holding globe in right hand and reversed spear in left. RIC84b. Nice XF, rare. (300-375)

4 4 8 . JE 3. (2.82 gms.). Sirmium. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left with spear and shield, helmet has pearl-diadem. VOT/X/MVLT/XX within wreath. RIC-108. XF, lovely olivegreen patina. (200-225)






F L A V I U S V I C T O R . 387-388 AD. 4 5 1 . Siliqua. (1.56 gms.). M i l a n . Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Roma enthroned facing, head left, holding globe in right hand and inverted spear in left. RIC19b, Cohen-6. Toned XF, very rare. (1000-1400)

H E R A C L I U S . 610-641 AD. 4 5 3 . AV Solidus. (4.44 gms.). Draped and cuirassed bust facing, with short beard, wearing plumed helmet and holding a cross in his right hand. Cross potent on three steps. SB-731, DO3. Nice XF. (300-375)

C O N S T A N S Î . 641-668 AD. 4 5 4 . AV Solidus. (4.38 gms.). Draped bust facing with long beard and moustache, wearing crown and holding globus cruciger. Cross potent on three steps. SB-956, D.O.-19. Choice XF. (300-375)

Z E N O . 474-491 AD. 4 5 2 . AV Solidus. (4.49 gms.). Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear behind head and shield. Victory standing half-left, holding long double cross with right hand. RIC Hunter-13. Choice XF. (750-900)



C O N S T A N T I N E I V Pogonatus. 668-685 AD. 4 5 5 . AV Tremissis. (1.41 gms.). Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Cross potent on base. SB-1162, DO-17. Nice XF, scarce. (250-325)

BASIL Î Bulgaroktonos. 976-1025 AD. 4 5 6 . AV Histamenon Nomisma. (4.40 gms.). Bust of Christ facing wearing nimbus cruciger (halo with cross) and holding book of gospels in left hand. Facing busts of Basil on left and Constantine VIII on the right holding a plain cross between them. SB-1800, D.O.-6. Choice XF. (300-400) 103






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