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A Mail Bid Auction Sale of




A M a i l Bid A u c t i o n S a l e of

CLASSICAL COINS Featuring Ancient Greek (Gold &


Greek Bronzes Greek Imperial Roman Republican Roman Imperial Byzantine Medieval ( S e l e c t i o n s from the Gail B r i c h f o r d


English, Scottish & Irish Large Lots Antiquities Literature

Wednesday J u n e 5, 1 9 9 1 5 PM


CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS Post Office Box 245 QUARRYVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA 17566-0245 (717) 786-4013, FAX (717) 786-7954 1

$ 1 0 . 0 0 including prices realized PRODUCTION STAFF Numismatic



V i c t o r E n g l a n d , Jr. E r i c J. M c F a d d e n K e r r y K. W e t t e r s t r o m P e t e r L. L a m p i n e n



Karen Zander Cathy England Dawn Ahlgren Kara P r e s t o n D e b b i e & G e o f f Hurley




T h i s i s a m a i l b i d a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d b y C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c A u c t i o n s , a d i v i s i o n o f Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., a n d t h e f o l l o w i n g t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s s h o u l d b e r e a d b y a l l i n t e r e s t e d part i e s b e f o r e b i d d i n g in t h i s s a l e . 1. T h e p r o p e r t y l i s t e d in t h i s c a t a l o g i s o f f e r e d f o r s a l e b y C N A a s a g e n t s f o r v a r i o u s o w n e r s a n d other c o n s i g n o r s . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o w i t h d r a w a n y l o t b e f o r e t h e c l o s e o f t h e s a l e . 2.

T h e r e i s a 1 0 % b u y e r ' s f e e t h a t w i l l be a d d e d to all i n v o i c e s at t h e c l o s e o f t h e s a l e .

3. A l l c o i n s a r e g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e a n d as d e s c r i b e d b a s e d o n t h e m o s t c u r r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n a v a i l a b l e to t h e c a t a l o g u e r . G r a d i n g i s a s u b j e c t i v e art. E v e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e to b e c o n s e r v a t i v e in o u r gradi n g . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t a n a u c t i o n s a l e i s n o t a n a p p r o v a l s a l e . L o t s e x a m i n e d p r i o r to t h e s a l e may not be r e t u r n e d for any r e a s o n e x c e p t a u t h e n t i c i t y . 4. T e r m s a r e f o r c a s h , w i t h i n v o i c e s b e i n g d u e a n d p a y a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n r e c e i p t . P a y m e n t by c h e c k m u s t b e m a d e in U S f u n d s and d r a w n on a U n i t e d S t a t e s b a n k . V i s a and M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) may be u s e d to p a y y o u r b i l l . H o w e v e r , a 3 . 5 % s u r c h a r g e is m a d e f o r the u s e o f y o u r c r e d i t c a r d . (Our c o s t f r o m the bank.). 5. B i d d e r s n o t k n o w n t o u s m u s t p r o v i d e us w i t h s a t i s f a c t o r y c r e d i t r e f e r e n c e s . M i n o r s are f o r b i d d e n f r o m b i d d i n g w i t h o u t a p a r e n t ' s s i g n a t u r e on the bid s h e e t . 6. B i d in e v e n d o l l a r a m o u n t s . W h e r e competition permits, your that m o s t b i d s b e l o w e s t i m a t e are c h a n c e s are that y o u r b i d s w i l l be number. N o lots w i l l be broken.

M a i l B i d d e r P r o t e c t i o n . You may submit bids with confidence. b i d s w i l l b e e x e c u t e d at 10% o v e r t h e n e x t h i g h e s t b i d . P l e a s e n o t e , r a r e l y r e d u c e d , d u e to h e a v y c o m p e t i t i o n . If y o u b i d o v e r e s t i m a t e , r e d u c e d . In the c a s e of tie b i d s - the bid r e c e i v e d e a r l i e s t w i n s . B i d by lot

7. A w o r d on R e s e r ν e s. If a l o t is r e s e r v e d , it w i l l not be in e x c e s s o f the e s t i m a t e . H o w e v e r , p l e a s e n o t e t h a t b i d s t h a t a r e b e l o w 6 0 % o f t h e e s t i m a t e h a v e l i t t l e o r n o c h a n c e o f w i n n i n g , or b e i n g e x e c u t e d . C h e c k y o u r b i d s h e e t s c a r e f u l l y . T h e s e l l e r c a n n o t a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r e r r o r s m a d e by b i d d e r s . 8.

S a l e s t a x a n d p o s t a g e are a d d e d t o a l l i n v o i c e s w h e r e a p p r o p r i a t e .

9. P r i c e s R e a l i z e d are p u b l i s h e d s h o r t l y a f t e r t h e s a l e a n d m a i l e d to a l l b i d d e r s w h o h a v e p a r t i c i p a t e d in t h e s a l e . 10. If y o u bid in t h i s s a l e , y o u a c c e p t the t e r m s as o u t l i n e d a b o v e . A n y l e g a l d i s p u t e s that m i g h t a r i s e w i l l b e h a n d l e d in t h e c o u r t s o f L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y , P e n n s y l v a n i a .

G O O D L U C K and r e m e m b e r to mail y o u r bid s h e e t s T h i s s a l e c l o s e s on J u n e 5, 1 9 9 1 at 5 P M . 3


NOTICE OF EXHIBITION COINS M A Y BE V I E W E D IN OUR OFFICES B Y APPOINTMENT. From 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday May 6 ‫ ־‬June 5

PUBLIC SHOWINGS San F r a n c i s c o , CA Numismatic & Antiquarian Bourse A p r i l 2 6 - 2 7 , 1991 H o l i d a y Inn - G o l d e n G a t e w a y Van Ness & California San Francisco, CA 10AM - 5PM

New York, NY AINA Convention M a y 1 - 3 , 1991 Omni Park Hotel 56th & 7th A v e . D u r i n g Show H o u r s

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1. SPAIN. Arsaos or Area. Circa 120-80 BC. AR Drachm (3.84 gm). Male head right flanked by plow and dolphin / Horseman galloping right. Burgos lOOvar.; Heiss pl. XXXII, 2var. Toned VF, minor scratches. (400)

8. ETRURIA. Populonia. Circa 211 -206 BC. AR 20 Asses (8.05 gm). Facing goigoneion with protruding tongue / Blank. SNG ANS 77 (same die). VF, prominent die break on obverse. (250)

2. SPAIN. Emporiton. Circa 200-150 BC. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). Head of Persephone right with three dolphins / Pegasos flying right Burgos 872; Heiss pl. 1,5. Near VF. Rare. (450) 9. CAMPANIA. Hyria. Circa 400-335 BC. AR Didrachm (7.15 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing helmet decorated with olive wreath and owl /Man-headed bull right. SNG ANS 265. Toned VF, scarce city. (250)

3. SPAIN. Osca. Circa 180-20 BC. AR Drachm (Denarius) (2.76 gm). Bearded male head right / Horseman galloping right. Burgos 1501. (75)

4. SPAIN. Tarraco. Circa 120-20 BC. AR Drachm (3.95 gm). Male head right / Horseman galloping right leading second horse. Burgos 1778; Heiss pl. VI, 1. Toned VF. (325)

5. GAUL. Biturges Cubi. Circa 2nd- 1st Century BC. AR Drachm (1.86 gm). Stylized head left / Horse prancing left; boar above, cross below. De la Tour 4108. Near VF, off-center. (75)

6. GAUL. Massalia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.50 gm). Youthful head of Apollo left / Wheel of four spokes with MA. De la Tour 689; Pozzi 15. VF. (75)

7. GAUL. Massalia, or Celtic imitation. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Drachm (3.13 gm). Head of Artemis right / Stylized lion right. De la Tour 2126. VF. (125)

10. CAMPANIA. Neapolis. Circa 325-241 BC. AR Didrachm (7.16 gm). Head of nymph right; dolphins around / Man-headed bull right, Nike placing wreath on head SNG Copenhagen 413. Fine. (100)

11. CALABRIA. Taren tum. Time of Pyrrhos. Circa 281 -272BC. AR Stater (6.19 gm). Nude youth standing to left of boy on horseright,crowning horse with wreath / Taras astride dolphin right, holding bow and arrow, elephant right below. Vlasto 732ff. Near VF, light porosity. (300)


12. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Time of Pyrrhos. Circa 281 -272 BC. AR Stater (6.38 gm). Youth on horseback, crowning himself; Ionic capital below /Taras on dolphin, holding akrostolium and distaff. Vlasto 803. Toned near VF, graffiti on reverse. (150)


Mail Bid Sale

13. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Time of PyiThos. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Drachm (2.84 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; Skylla on helmet / Owl standing left on olive branch; AV below. Vlasto 1065. Toned VR (300)

14. LUCANIA. Heraklea. Circa 370-281 BC. AR Diobol (0.91 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left, Skylla on helmet / Herakles strangling lion; monogram between legs. SNG Copenhagen 1129. VR iiTegular edge. (50)

15. LUCANIA. Sybaris. Circa 540-510 BC. AR 1/3 Stater (2.52 gm). Bull standing left, head reverted; VM (=ΣΥ) below dotted exergual line / Same design, incuse. Cf. SNG ANS 847-851; NFA Mail Bid Sale (December 18,1987), lot 63 (this coin). Near VF, rare variety with reverse legend (500)






19. LUCANIA. Velia. Circa 5th-4th Century BC. AR Didrachm (730 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right, griffin on helmet / Lion right. SNG Copenhagen 1547. Near VF. (75)

20. BRUTTIUM. Brettian League. Circa 215-205 BC. AR Drachm (4.48 gm). Veiled head of Thetis (Hera?) right; fly behind /Nude Poseidon standing left, foot on column; eagle flying left with wreath. SNG Copenhagen 1615. Toned VF. (250)

21. BRUTTIUM. Kroton. Circa 500480 BC. AR Stater (7.83 gm). Tripod /Incuse eagle flying left. SNG Munich 1437. VF, small flan, small scrape. .= . . ,.r-js* (275)

Ex Rosen Collection. 22. BRUTTIUM. Kroton. Circa370BC. AR Stater (731 gm).Headof Hera Lakinia facing slightlyright/ Youthful Herakles seated left onrockcovered with lionskin, holding cup in right hand and club with left. Dewing 511 ; SNG ANS 371. Toned near VF, several old scrapes and digs. (750)

16. LUCANIA. Thurium. Circa 440410 BC. AR Stater (6.60 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; A in front of visor / Bull standing left; fish in exergue. SNG Copenhagen 1413; SNG ANS 877. Toned VF, some roughness on reverse. (200)

23. BRUTTIUM. Terina. Time of Agathokles. Circa 300 BC. AR Drachm (2.23 gm). Head of nymph Terina left / Nike seated left, holding dove; star in field. Holloway-Jenkins 114; SNG Copenhagen 2029. Toned VF, scarce. (550)

17. LUCANIA. Thurium. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Diobol (1.19 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left, SkyUa on helmet / Bull butting right; dolphin in exergue. SNG Copenhagen 1482. VF. (75)

24. SICILY. Abakainon. Circa450400BC. AR litra (0.68 gm). Archaic laureate head of Zeus right / Boar standing right. SNG Munich 1. Good VF, light porosity. Rare. (300)

18. LUCANIA. Velia. Circa 5th4th Century BC. AR Didrachm (7.22 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right, griffin on helmet / Lion right. SNG Copenhagen 1551. Toned VF, porosity. (150)

25. SICILY. Gela. Circa 485475 BC. AR Didrachm (8.24 gm). Bearded horseman right, holding lance / Forepart of river god (Acheloos?) right as man -headed bull. Jenkins, The Coinage of Gela, AMuGS Π, 98 (030, R53) same dies. Fine/good Fine. (125)


Mail Bid Sale

J U N E 5, 1991

26. SICILY. Kamarina. Circa 461440 BC. AR Litra (0.82 gm). Nike flying right; swan below / Athena standing left, holding spear. Westermark and Jenkins, Coinage of Kamarina, 11.2 (same dies). VF. (200)

27. SICILY. Leontini. Circa 475-466 BC. AR Litra (0.60 gm). Facing lion's head/Barley grain. SNG Fitzwillliam 1042 (same dies). Nice VF. (125)

32. SICILY. Messana. Circa 450430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1734 gm). Biga of mules right driven by seated charioteer, Nike above flying right to crown the mules; in exergue, bay leaf with berry / Hare running right, olive sprig below. SNG ANS 338 (same dies). Good Fine, reverse die crack and light porosity. (250)

33. SICILY. Messana. Circa410-396BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.22 gm). Mule cart left / Hare bounding right; barley stalk behind. Kraay-Hirmer 60. Fine, holed and plugged. (200) 28. SICILY. Leontini. Circa 466422 BC. ARTetradrachm (16.84 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lion's head right with four barley grains. SNG ANS 223. Toned VF, porosity on obverse. (500)

Stylistically remote from the typical Messanian tetradrachm, this piece may be a contemporary imitation.

29. SICILY. Zankle-Messana. Circa 520493 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.42 gm). Dolphin swimming left within sickle-shaped harbour / Grid pattern with scallop shell. SNG Munich 626. VF, some edge roughness. Rare. (150) ExCNAV,lot51.

34. SICILY. Selinos. Circa 466415 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Quadriga driven by Artemis left, ApoUo beside her drawing bow / River-god Selinos sacrificing over altar; bull and selinon leaf behind. SNG Lloyd 1222 (same dies). Nice VF. Very rare. (2500) Ex Giessener Münzhandlung (Gorny) Sale42, lot 72.

30. SICILY. Messana. Circa 480460BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.27 gm). Β iga of mules right driven by seated charioteer; in exergue, bay leaf/Hare bounding right SNG Lloyd 1084. Toned Fine/VF, worn obverse die, flan flaw reverse. (1000) 35. SICILY. Selinos. Circa 466415 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.43 gm). Quadriga driven by Artemis left, Apollo beside her drawing bow / River-god Selinos sacrificing over altar; bull and selinon leaf behind. Boston MFA 320; SNG Lloyd 1232. Toned VF. Very rare. (2000)

36. SICILY. Selinos. Circa 466415 BC. AR Litra (0.65 gm). Nymph seated on rock left, offering breast to serpent / Man-headed bull right; selinon leaf above. SNG Lloyd 1270. Toned near VF. (250) 31. SICILY. Messana. Circa 480-460 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Very rare variety; most examples shew the nymph holding a serpent and raisBiga of mules right driven by seated charioteer; in exergue, bay leaf / Hare ing her veil. Head in Historia Numorum suggests the figure represents a lorunning right, MESSENION around (both S ' retrograde). SNG ANS 320; Dewing 638. Good Fine, reverse die crack, porous on obverse. (250) 7 cal health goddess, similar to Hygeia, daughter ofAsklepios.


Mail Bid Sale

37. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 4S5466 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.25 gm). Charioteer driving quadriga right; Nike crowning horses / Head of ArtemisArethusa right wearing beaded diadem; surrounded by four dolphins. Boehringer, Die Münzen Von Syrakus, Group Vmb, 127 (058, R87) same reverse die. VF. (400)

38. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 484 BC. AR Drachm (4.07 gm). Nude youth on horseback right / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right. Boehringer 54; SNG ANS 12 (same dies). VF, rough surfaces, edge dent. Rare denomination. (400) Ex Kovacs VIII, lot 35.

39. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa474450 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.08 gm). Quadriga right; Nike above, ketos (sea-monster) in exergue / Diademed head of Artemis-Arethusa right; dolphins around. Boehringer 475 (V254, R341 ) same dies; SNG ANS 151. Toned near VF, areas of light corrosion. (950)

40. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa474450 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1731 gm). Slow quadriga right, Nike crowning horses; ketos (sea-monster) in exergue (off flan) / Head of Artemis - Arethusa with bound hair surrounded by dolpAiins. Boehringer dies V288 / R391 ( reverse die with late-stage die break on forehead; this die combination not listed). EF, superb style with subdued hoard toning. (1750)

41. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa450440 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.11 gm). Quadriga right driven by male charioteer, Nike flying right to crown horses; in exergue, ketos (sea monster - not visible on this specimen) right / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right; around, four dolphins. Boehringer Group IV-16a, 566 (0285, R385) same dies. Near VF/VF, obverse surfaces lightly corroded and scratched, reverse surfaces pleasing. (500)






42. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 440-430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1734 gm). Charioteer driving biga left; Nike crowning charioteer / Head of Artemis Artheusa right with up-swept hair, surrounded by four dolphins. Boehringer 598 (V295, R405); Dewing 815 (same dies). Toned VF, flan flaw on reverse. (500)

43. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa440430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1736 gm). Quadriga left driven by male charioteer, Nike flying right to crown charioteer; in exergue, ketos (sea monster) left / Head of Artemis- Arethusa right, hair tied up; around, four dolphins. Boehringer Group IV-18, 605 (0296, R411 ) same dies; Dewing 817, same dies. Good Fine, old scrape and scratch on Arethusa's cheek (500)

44. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 430420 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.43 gm). Quadriga right; Nike above / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, hair in decorated sakkos; dolphins around. Boehringer 643; SNG ANS 208 (same dies). Toned Fine. (525)

45. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 430420 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.58 gm). Charioteer driving biga right; Nike crowning horses / Head of Artemis Artheusa right with bound hair; surrounded by four dolphins. Boehringer 667; SNG ANS 219 (same dies). VF, some porosity on reverse. (500)

46. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa415405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Signed by Eumenes. Charioteer driving quadriga left; Nike flying above, EY below horses; dolphin chasing fish / Head of Artemis-Arethusa left; four dolphins around, Ε Y below. Tudeer 31; SNG ANS 262 (same dies). Toned VF, minor scratches and pitting on reverse. Rare. (1250) 8 Ex Superior Galleries, Moreira Sale II, lot 1781.


Mail Bid Sale





47. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 405400 BC. AV 100 Litrae (5.77 gm). Head of Artemis- Arethusa left, hair in sphendone; star behind / Herakles strangling Nemean lion. SNG ANS 330. EF, advanced die deterioration. Still of the finest style and a choice Greek gold coin. (5000)

51. SICILY. Syracuse. Hieronymous. 215-214 BC. AR 10 Litrae (8.41 gm). Diademed head of Hieronymous left; reversed Κ in Field / Winged thunderbolt; KI above. SNG ANS 1029 (same reverse die). Toned good VF. (750)

52. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 214-212 BC. AR Tetradrachm (10.07 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Artemis shooting arrow left, dog at feet; ZA infield.SNG Copenhagen 878. EF. (1200) 48. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 400-370 BC. AR Dekadrachm (41.10 gm). Signed by Euainetos. Charioteer driving quadriga left, Nike flying above, panoply of armour in exergue / Wreathed head of Artemis-Artheusa left; four dolphins around, Δ beneath chin, EYAINE below. Gallatin, Syracusan Dekadrachms OfThe Euainetos Type, dies OJX/D.II; Dewing 898. VF with die erosion on obverse and extensive pitting in fields. (5000) A highly collectible specimen, despite the surface problems; especially so with thefull artist's signature.

49. SICILY. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.27 gm). Struck 305-295 BC. Wreathed head of Persephone right /Nike erecting trophy; triskeles in lower left field. SNG ANS 672. VF, weak strike. (400)

50. SICILY. Syracuse. Hieron Π. 275-215 BC. AR 16 Litrae (12.94 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Philistis left; wreath in field / Winged Nike driving quadriga right SNG ANS 873 (same dies). Near EF. (900) 9

53. SICILY. "Rsmlqrt". Siculo-Punic Issue. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1732 gm). Galloping quadrigaright;Nike crowning driver / Wreathed head of Tanit right surrounded by dolphins. Jenkins 36; SNG ANS 728 (same dies). Near EF. (2000)

54. SICILY. "Rsmlqrt". SiculoPunic Issue. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Galloping quadrigaright;Nike crowning driver / Wreathed head of Tanit right surrounded by dolphins. Jenkins 67 (same dies). Nice VF, obverse die worn. (1500)

55. SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Circa 317-310 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone-Tanit left; dolphins around / Horsehead left; Punic letter mem below. Jenkins, SNR 56, 230 (same dies). VF, die flaws. (400)


Mail Bid Sale

56. SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Circa 305-295 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). "People of the Camp". Head of Herakles-Melkart right, wearing lionskin / Horsehead left, palm tree. Jenkins, SNR 57, 298 (same obverse die). Toned EF. (1450)






62. MACEDON. Chalkidian League. Olynthos. Circa 392-379 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.32 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyre. SNG ANS 481. Good VF, obverse slightly double-struck. (1850)

63. MACEDON. Scione. Circa480450 BC. AR Hemiobol (031 gm). Male head right, wearing tiania / Eye in incuse square. SNG ANS 710 variety. Good VF, unlisted wearing tiania. (125)

57. SICILY. Siculo-Punic. "Quaestors". Circa 300-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Head of Heraklesright,wearing lionskin / Horse's head left. Jenkins, SNR 57, Series 5b. Good VF, small flan. (900) 64. MACEDON. Terone. Circa 500480 BC. AR Tetrobol (1.89 gm). Oinochoe ornamented with grape-bunch / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 746. VF, some pitting. (100)

58. SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Circa 213-210 BC. AR Quarter Shekel (1.76 gm). Wreathed male head right / Horse prancing right; Punic letters Η Τ below. SNG Copenhagen 380. Toned near EF. (175) Ex CM AIX, lot 24.

59. SICILY. Siculo-Punic. Circa 213-210 BC. AR Quarter Shekel (1.74 gm). Wreathed male head right / Horse prancing right; Punic letters Η Τ below. SNG Copenhagen 380. Toned near EF, flan flaw on reverse, bend. (175)

60. MACEDON. "Lete". Before 520 BC. AR Stater (9.68 gm). Ilhyphallic satyr grasping arm of fleeing nymph; four pellets in fields / Incuse punch. Rosen 153 (this coin). VF, test cut (350)

65. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip Π. 359-336 BC. AR 1/5 Stater (2.57 gm). Struck 323-316 BC. Head of Apollo right / Youth on horseback right; kausia below. Le Rider pi. 44,34. Toned VF. (200)

66. MACEDON, Kings of. PhUip Π. 359-336 BC. AR 1/5 Stater (2.51 gm). Struck 323-316 BC. Head of Apollo right / Youth on horseback right Le Rider pl. 46,26. VF, light porosity on obverse. Scarce. (150)

67. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip Π. 359-336 BC. AR 1/5 Stat» (2.25 gm). Posthumous Issue of Amphipolis. Struck 315-294 BC. Head of Apollo right/ Youth on horseback; forepart of man-headed bull below. Le Rider pi 48,9. Good VF. (200)

Ex ΝFA Mail Bid Sale (December, 18,1987), lot 186.

61. MACEDON. Neapolis. Circa 424-350 BC. AR Drachm (3.74 gm). Facing Gorgoneion / Laureate female head right. SNG Copenhagen 225; SNG ANS 429.Toned V F, mount marks on edge. (750)

68. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.42 gm). Greek mint Head of Alexander as Herakles right wearing lionskin / Zeus seated left; reverse Κ in field, monogram below seat. Cf. SNG Ashmolean 3161. Toned EF. (1200)


Mail Bid Sale

69. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.48 gm). Tarsos mint Head of Alexander as Herakles right, wearing lionskin / Zeus enthroned left, plough before. SNG Ashmolean 2887; Müller 1284. Toned VF. (250)






74. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.26 gm). Kolophon mint. Head of Alexander wearing lions kin right / Zeus seated left; lyre in left field. SNG Ashmolean 3185; Müller 50.Toned near VF. (75)

75. MACEDON, Kings of. PhUip III. 323-316 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Arados mint. Head of Alexander as Herakles right, wearing lionskin / Zeus seated left; prow in leftfield.Price 158. (300) 70. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Citium minL Head of Alexander wearing lionskin right/Zeus seated left; KT monogram in leftfield.SNG Ashmolean 2917; Müller 1294. EF, scarce mint on Cyprus. (200)

76. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip ΠΙ. 323-316 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Babylon mint. Head of Alexander as Herakles right/Zeus seated left; M in leftfield.SNG Ashmolean 3222; Müller 99. Toned VF. (300) 71. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Sidon mint. Struck 331-327 BC. Head of Alexander wearing lionskin right/Zeus seated left; Σ below seat. Newell, Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake, 15; SNG Ashmolean 3067. Superb EE scarce mint. (1200)

77. MACEDON, Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 294-288 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.58 gm). Amphipolis mint. Struck 290/289 BC. Diademed head of Demetrios right / Poseidon standing left; monograms in fields. Newell, 'I'he Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes, 115. Good VF. 72. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.20 gm). Uncertain mint. Head of Alexander wearing lionskin right / Zeus seated left; rose in field, ΙΔ below seat. Cf. SNG Ashmolean 3120 (Alexandria). Toned EF. (1400) Ex MMAG X, lot 129. The mini symbols resemble those known for Alexandria, but a slight stylistic variation, plus several errors in the legends, would indicate a possible unofficial issue.


78. MACEDON, Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 294-288 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.02 gm). Tarsos mint. Nike blowing trumpet on prow of galley left / Poseidon advancing left, brandishing trident with right hand and holding chlamys on extended left arm. Newell, The Coinages of DemetriusPoliorcetes, 45. Toned good VF. Very rare. (600)

73. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.25 gm). Abydos minL Head of Alexander as Herakles right, wearing li79. MACEDON, Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 294-288 BC. AR onskin / Zeus enthroned left, monogram and forepart of Pegasos before. Hemidrachm (2.09 gm). Tarsos minL Same types as previous lot. Newell 45; SNG Ashmolean 2715; Müller 609. VF, dirt in recesses. (150) 1 ‫ ו‬SNG Ashmolean 3245. Toned VF. (500)


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85. PAEONIA, Kings of. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1256 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy. SNG ANS 1040. Near EF. (175)

80. MACEDON, Roman Period. After 160 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Bust of Diana on shield / Club and monograms within oak wreath. SNG Ashmolean 3297. Nice toned VF. (650)

86. PAEONIA, Kingsof. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.80 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy. SNG ANS 1040. Near EF, flan flaw on head. , (150)

81. MACEDON, Roman Period. Aesillas. Circa 70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Thessalonika mint. Head of Alexander right / Money chest, club, and quaestor's chair. SNG Copenhagen 1330. Toned VF, nick in reverse field. ( 125 )

82. PAEONIA, Kingsof. Patraos.335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.85 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy; trident in leftfield.SNG ANS 1026. Toned VF, edge clipped at mint to remove excess weight. (175)

87. PAEONIA, Kingsof. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.99 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy. SNG ANS 1040. Near EF, crude reverse. (160)

88. PAEONIA, Kings of. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1231 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy. SNG ANS 1041. Near EF, good style with profile eye, on large but ragged flan. (175)

83. PAEONIA, Kings of. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (11.94 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy. SNG ANS 1040. Choice EF, curved flan. (175)

89. PAEONIA, Kingsof. Patraos.335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.68 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right/ Horseman spearing fallen enemy; bell (?) in leftfield.BMC Macedonia4. Good VF. (175)

84. PAEONIA, Kingsof. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1255 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy. SNG ANS 1040. Near EF. (175)

90. PAEONIA, Kingsof. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (11.05 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen enemy; monogram in left field, name in exergue. BMC Macedonia 6. VF, small test cut. Rare variety. (175)


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91. MOESIA. Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Stater (5.52 gm). Two male heads facing, one inverted / Eagle on dolphin; Δ and monogram. SNG Copenhagen 196. VF. (400)

92. MOESIA. Istros. Circa4thCentury BC. AR Stater (5.64 gm).Two male heads, one inverted / Eagle on dolphin left; Η below wing, Δ· below dolphin. Cf. BMC Thrace 9. EF, some weakness. (600)






99. THRACE. Black Sea Region. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.34 gm). Forepart of lion right, head looking back / Quadripartite incuse square; · A · bo w in alternate sunken quartes. BMC Thrace 17. Toned good VF. (125)

100. THRACE. Black Sea Region. Mesembria. After 323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.53 gm). Head of Alexander right, wearing lionskin /Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; monogram and helmet in left field, monogram below seat. Cf. SNG Fitzwilliam 1555. Near EF. (600) ft ι

93. THRACE. Abdera. Circa 365-350 BC. AR Stater (10.12 gm). Griffin crouching left / Laureate head of Apollo right; pectin shell below, magistrate Hipponaktos. May 543. Toned VF. Rare. (950)

101. THRACO-MACEDONIAN. Circa 500450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.28 gm). Bull's head right, with dotted collar / Grape cluster in dotted square within incuse square. Apparently unpublished Good VF, light porosity. (100)

94. THRACE. Byzantion. Circa 357-340 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.48 gm). Heifer left on dolphin / Wind-mill sail incuse. SNG Copenhagen 478. Nice VF. (150) 102. THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.24 gm). Kolophon mint. Struck 301 -299 BC. Alexander the Great as Herakles right / Zeus enthroned left, forepart of lion before and pentagram under throne. Thompson, 'Ihe Minis ofLysimachos," (Essays Robinson) 120. VF, lightly toned. (250) 95. THRACE. Byzantion. Circa 357-340 BC. AR Hemidj-achm (1.77 gm). Forepart of heifer left /Trident pointed downwards; M in right field. BMC Thrace 22. Fine. (75)

96. THRACE. Dikaia. Circa 550480 BC. AR Obol (0.46 gm). Cock right / ΔΙΚΑ within incuse square. Apparently unpublished. Fine. (150)

103. THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). Magnesia mint. Struck 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander the Great right, wearing horn of Ammon / Athena Nikephoros enthroned left. Thompson, "The Mints of Lysimachus," (Essays Robinson) 102. VF+, scrapes on reverse edge and shield (650)

97. THRACE. Dikaia? Circa 550480 BC. AR Diobol (1.08 gm). Cock right / Incuse horsehead left. Apparently unpublished. VF, pxjrosily. (175)

104. THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.00 gm). Lampsakos mint. Struck 297-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander 98. THRACE. Maroneia. Circa4350‫ ־ש‬BC. AR Drachm (2.65 gm). Forepart of pirancing horse left; Κ A A / Grape vine in dotted square; kan- right / Athena sealed left, monogram and crescant in left field Cf. Thompson (175) tharos and M A in lower fields. Cf. BMCThrace 34. VF. (175) 1 3 61. Near VF, worn reverse die.


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112. No Lot.

105. THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.24 gm). Ephesos mint. Struck 294-287 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander the Greatright,wearing horn of Ammon / Athena Nikephoros enthroned left. Thompson 169. Toned VF, scarce. (550)

113. THESSALY. Pharsalos. Circa440-344 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.84 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Horsehead right SNG Copenhagen 222. Good Fine. (75)

106. THRACE, Islands off. Thasos. Circa 525463 BC. AR Stater(9.31 gm). Ithyphallic satyr running right, carrying struggling nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1008; Dewing 1313. Near EF, small pit on obverse but otherwise sharp strike. (2000) 107. No Lot

114. THESSALY. Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Double Victoriatus (6.24 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus right / Athena Itonia advancing right; magistrates Italos and Diokles. SNG Copenhagen 278. VF. (75)

108. ILLYRIA. Dyrrhachium. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Victoriatus (3.36 gm). Cow suckling calf; eagle on sceptre above and quiver to right/ Double stellate pattern; magistrates Zenon and Charpotinos. SNG Copenhagen 498. VF, edge not struck up. (50)

115. THESSALY. Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Double Victoriatus (6.07 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus right / Athena Itonia advancing right; magistrates Italos and Diokles. SNG Copenhagen 279. VF. (75)

109. ILLYRIA. Apollonia. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left; magistrate Andronos / Three nymphs dancing around fire; magistrate Timenandros. SNG Fitzwilliam 2503. VF, reverse slightly off-center. Very Rare. (500)

116. AKARNANIA. Anaktorium. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Stater (8.57 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; tripod in wreath behind. BMC Corinth 38. Nice EF. (750)

Ex Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sotheby Zurich 1973, Ward Collection 11,lot374.

117. AKARNANIA. Leukas. Circa 400-350 BC. AR Stater (8.53 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; helmet, Τ I behind. BMC Corinth 108. Nice EF. (750)

110. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 395-344 BC. AR Drachm (6.17 gm). Head of Larissa facing slightly left / Grazing horse right. SNG Copenhagen 122. Lustrous near EF, flan flaws obverse but full legend on reverse. (650)

111. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 395-344 BC. AR Drachm (5.97 gm). Heed of Larissa facing slightly left / Grazing horse right. SNG Copenhagen 122. Toned VF. (400)


118. AKARNANIA. Leukas. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Stater (8.43 gm). Pegasos fly ing left / Helmeted head of Athena left; stylis (naval standard) behind, monogram below. BMC Corinth 97. Good VF. (300)


Mail Bid Sale

119. AETOLIA. Aetolian League. Circa 279-168 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.28 gm). Head of Aetolia right, wearing kausia / Calydonian boar running right. SNG Copenhagen 14. Toned EF, light scratches on obverse, die rust. (275)






2X 126. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 480456 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.15 gm). Boeotian shield / Amphora in incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 265. VF, scarce. (150)

127. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 426-395 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.44 gm). Boeotian shield / Club, ivy leaf. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 299. Near VF, scarce. (160)

120. LOKRIS. Lokri Opuntii. Circa 369-338 BC. AR Stater (12.08 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left / Nude Ajax advancing right with sword and shield; two spears on ground. SNG Copenhagen 46. Nice VF. (1500) 128. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 426-395 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.17 gm). Boeotian shield / Grape cluster. SNG Copenhagen 294. Good VF, scarce. _ (160) 121. LOKRIS. Lokri Opuntii. Circa 369-338 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.76 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone right / Nude Ajax advancing right with sword and shield; kantharos on ground. SNG Copenhagen 50. VF. (225)

122. PHOKIS. Circa 480460 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.91 gm). Facing head of bull; two countermarks: winged animal left?, other even less clear / Archaic head of Artemis left, in incuse square. Williams, Silver Coinage of the Phokians, 139 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 87. Nice Fine.

129. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 426-395 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.19 gm). Boeotian shield / Grape cluster. SNG Copenhagen 296. VF, scarce. (150)

2X 130. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 426-395 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.20 gm). Boeotian shield/Club. SNG Copenhagen 301. Near VF. (120)


Williams 138 (=BMC 16) also has a countermark; neither reference makes note of it.

123. PHOKIS. Circa420-400 BC. AR Obol (0.83 gm). Head of bull left / Forepart of bull right Williams 272 (same obverse die). Fine, scarce.

131. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Drachm (4.62 gm). Laureate head of Poseidon right / Nike standing left, holding wreath and trident. SNG Copenhagen 385ff. Toned near VF, scarce. (175)


124. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 600-550 BC. AR Hemiobol (?) (0.38 gm). Boeotian shield / Incuse punch. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 247. Near VF. (150)

132. EUBOIA. Eretria. Circa 270-267 BC. AR Drachm (3.74 gm). Head of nymph left /Garlanded head of bullright;dolphin inrightfield.Wallace, '"The Euboian League and its Coinage", NNM 134, ρ1.ΧΠ,131. Toned VF, die-break across nose. (400)

133. EUBOEA. Histiaea. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. AR Tetrobol (2.42 125. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 480456 BC. AR Drachm (5.03 gm). gm). Head of nymph right / Nymph seated right on prow decorated with Boeotian shield / Kantharos in incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 261. Toned VF/ Fine, fields tooled. (150) 1 5 wing; akrostolium to right. BMC Central Greece 65. Nice VF. (100)


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134. ATTICA. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right, head facing; above, olive-spray and crescent. SNG Copenhagen 31. Near EF. (750)

140. CORINTHIA. Corinth. Circa 350-338 BC. AR Stater (836 gm). Pegasosflyingleft / Helmeted head of Athena left; Thessalian helmet behind. Ravel !Ott). VF, areas of porosity. (150)

135. ATTICA. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.97 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right, head facing; above, olive-spray and crescent; countermark: bull's head SNG Copenhagen 31. VF, test cut. Interesting countermark. (300)

141. CORINTHIA. Corinth. Circa350-338 BC. AR State (856 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; Ν in grain wreath behind Ravel 1069. Nice EF. (700)

142. ARCADIA. Megalopolis. Circa 234-146 BC. AR Triobol (2.25 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / Pan seated on rock, eagle on lap and holding lagobolon (throwing stick); monogram. SNG Copenhagen 258. Nice VF.

136. ATTICA. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.09 gm). Same types as previous lot Cf. SNG Copenhagen 31. VF, test cut on owl, light scratches in fields. (250)


137. ATTICA. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.85 gm). Same types as previous lot SNG Copenhagen 31. VF, flan flaws and deep test cut. (200)

143. SIKYONIA. Sikyon. Circa 430-390 BC. AR Stater (11.72 gm). Chimaera walking left; wreath above / Dove flying left within wreath; I to left. BMC Peloponnesos 56. Toned VF, areas of porosity. (650)

g g l p ‫י‬

138. ATTICA. Athens. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Drachm (4.04 gm). Same types as previous lot. Svoronos pi. 23,13-15. VF, rare type. (600)

144. SIKYONIA. Sikyon. Circa 360-330 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.86 gm). Chimaera walking left/ Dove flying left SNG Copenhagen 57. Choice VF+, light toning. (250)

139. ATTICA.Athens. 155-150BC.ARNewStyleTetradrachm(16.60 gm). Helmeted head of Athenaright/ Owl on amphora; palm behind magistrates Polykles and Timarchides. Cf. Thompson 108b. (Date from M0rkholm, ANSMN 29). VF, pitting and horn silver on reverse. (150)


145. SIKYONIA. Sikyon. Circa 360-330 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.63 gm). Chimaera walking left / Dove flying left; three pellets behind. SNG ‫ ן‬Copenhagen 62. Toned near VF. (75)


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146. CRETE. Gortyna. Circa 320-270 BC. AR Stater (11.17 gm). Europa seated facing amid branches of tree; eagle, wings spread, before her / Bull standing right, head left Le Rider, "Monnaies Cretoises duVe au 1er siècle avant J.C.," (Études Cretoises, Vol. 15,1966), pl. XIX, 1. Toned VF. (1250)

147. CRETE. Gortyna. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. AR Drachm (3.21 gm). Diademed head of Zeus right; Κ below / Nude male figure (Gonys?) seated left on rock, holding bow; reversed Γ to left. Symbols not noted in Svoronos, Numismatique de la Crète Ancienne, but cf. pl. XVI, 17. EF. Rare. (400)

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152. PAPHLAGONIA. Sinope. Circa 380 BC. AR Drachm (5.82 gm). Head of nymph left, hair in sphendone; NI behind / Eagle on dolphin; ΗΔΗ under wing. Cf. Waddington 20bis. Toned VF. (275) Ex MMAG 28, lot 156.

153. PAPHLAGONIA. Sinope. Circa 290-250 BC. AR Didrachm (7.96 gm). Head of Sinope left; countermark, radiale facing head of Helios, ethnie spelled out between rays / Poseidon seated left, holding dolphin and trident; countermark, head of Poseidon left. BMC Pontus, etc. p. 98,34; SNG Copenhagen 299. Coin VF, countermark VF+, toned. (600) Ex Swiss Credit Bern Auktion 7, lot215.

148. PONTOS. Amisos. Circa300-250 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.85 gm). Bust of Hera right, wearing turreted Stephane / Owl facing with out-spread wings; magistrate Askleous. Cf. SNG von Aulock 52. Nice VF+, scarce. (300) The turreted Stephane could be an attribute of Hera or Tyche, or a combination of the two.

154. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ. Kalchedon. Circa 4th Centuiy BC. AR Triobol (2.45 gm). Bull standing left/Wind-mill sail incuse. SNG von Aulock 484. VF. (150)

155. BITHYNIA. Kios. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.45 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Prow of galley; magistrate: Proxenos. SNG Copenhagen 373. Toned VF. (125) 149. PONTOS, Kings of. Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.20 gm). Year 208 (90/89 BC). Diademed head right /Pegasos drinking left; monogram and dale to right Dewing 2120. Toned VF, several scrapes. (400)

150. PAPHLAGONIA. Kromna. Circa 340-300 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.44 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / Head of Hera (Tyche) left, wearing turreted Stephane; ivy leaf above, Δ in front. BMFA 1364 (same dies). Good VF. (500)

156. BITHYNIA, Kings of. Nikomedes IV. 94-74 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.68 gm). Year 208 (91/90 BC). Diademed head right / Zeus standing left; monogram in left field. Waddington pg. 232. Toned EF, struck from worn dies. R are. (1200) UNPUBLISHED? KYZIKOS ELECTRUM FRACTION

151. PAPHLAGONIA. Kromna. Circa 340-300 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.52 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / Head of Hera (Tyche) left, wearing turreted Stephane; swastika above, Ν in front. SNG Copenhagen 264. Good VF, surfaces a little rough. (250) 1

EL 157. MYSIA. Kyzikos. Circa550475 BC. EL Twelfth Stater (131 gm). Head of youth on shield left, tunny below / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. Von Fritze 105 (Stater); Rosen 486 (Hekte); possibly unpublished? (2000) 7Good VF. Very Rare.


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158. MYSLA. Kyzikos. Circa480-450 BC. AR Obol (0.74 gm). Forepart of boar left; tunny / Head of lion left; reversed Κ above. SNG Copenhagen 50; Weber 5029. Good VF. (90)

159. MYSIA. Kyzikos. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Trihemitartemorion? (0.29 gm). Forepart of boar right; tunny / Head of lion left; reversed Κ above. Weber 5032. Good VF, well centered. (75) 165. AEOLIS. Kyme. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.33 gm). Same types as previous lot Cf. Oakley 37 (pi. (500) 7). Nice VF.

160. MYSIA. Pergamon, Kings of. Eumenes I. 263-241 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Laureate head of Philetarios right / Athena seated left, holding shield and spear; ivy leaf and bow in fields, A on throne. Westermark Group ΠΙ; Β MC Mysia 31. VF. (400)

166. AEOLIS. Kyme. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.16 gm). Same types as previous lot. Cf. Oakley 39 (pi. (500) 7); SNG von Aulock 1638. Good VF. 161. TROAS. Abydos. Circa 320-280 BC. AR Drachm (3.43gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Eagle standing right; magistrate Molpas (?) Cf. BMC Troas 23. Toned VF, some die wear. Rare. (450)

162. TROAS, Islands off. Tenedos. Circa 450-387 BC. AR Drachm (3.25 gm). Janiform heads of Hera and Zeus / Double-axe; grapes and amphora. SNG Copenhagen 512. Fine, edge chip. Rare. (75)

167. AEOLIS. Kyme. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.36 gm). Same types as previous lot. Cf. Oakley 48a (same obv. die-pi. 9). Good VF. (500)

163. AEOLIS. Kyme. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1631 gm). Head of Amazon Kyme right / Bridled horse standing right, left foreleg raised, one-handled vase below; all within laurel wreath. Cf. Oakley, "The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Kyme, Aeolis,"(ANSMN27.1982),3(pi. !).Good VF. (500)

168. AEOLIS. Kyme. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.32 gm). Same types as previous lot. Cf. Oakley 63 (pL 11). Good VF. (500)

164. AEOLIS. Kyme. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.38 gm). Same types as previous lot Cf. Oakley 14 (pi. 3); SNG Copenhagen 103. Good VF, obverse lightly porous. (500)

169. AEOLIS. Kyme. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.89 gm). Same types as previous lot Cf. Oakley 76 (pi. 14). Good VF, lightly polished. (500)



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170. AEOLIS. Kyme. British Museum Copy by Robert Ready. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.80 gm). Head of Amazon Kyme right / Bridled horse standing right, left foreleg raised, onehandled vase below; all within laurel wreath. Oakley, 'The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Kyme, Aeolis," (ANSMN 27,1982), 37 (pi. 7 the original that this coin was copied from in the British Museum — RR stamped on the edge as on all Robert Ready copies). VF, pits and digs as on the original coin. (300)






174. AEOLIS. Myrina. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.04 gm). Same types as previous lot Sacks Issue 45. Good VF. (500)

175. AEOLIS. Myrina. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.93 gm). Same types as previous lot. Sacks Issue45. Good VF, flat spots from weak strike. (450) 171. AEOLIS. Myrina. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.39 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Apollo Grynius standing right with laurel branch and phiale; to right, omphalos and amphora; all within laurel wreath. Sacks, "The Wreathed Coins of Aeolian Myrina," (ANSMN 30,1985), Issue 29. VF, flat spots from weak strike. (450)

176. AEOLIS. Myrina. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.08 gm). Same types as previous lot. Sacks Issue 45. Good VF, flat spots from weak strike, lightly porous. (450)

172. AEOLIS. Myrina. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.91 gm). Same types as previous lot. Sacks Issue 34. VF+. (600)

177. IONIA. Clazomenae? Circa 5th Century BC. AR Diobol (1.23 gm). Forepart of winged boar right / Helmeted head of Athena right, within incuse square. Rosen 564. Nice VF, scarce. (450)

EL 178. IONIA. Erythrai. Circa 6th Century BC. EL Hekte (2.52 gm). Head 173. AEOLIS. Myrina. "Stephanephoroi." After 165 BC. AR of Herakles left, wearing lionskin / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG von Tetradrachm (16.22 gm). Same types as previous lot. Sacks Issue43. Good (500) 1 g Aulock 1942. Good VF, scarce. VF, flat spots from weak strike.



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184. IONIA. Teos. Circa 520478 BC. AR Drachm (5.74 gm). Winged griffin right, paw raised / Quadripartite incuse punch. Rosen 602; SNG von Aulock 2256. Toned VF. (200)

179. IONIA. Lebedos. Circa 150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.39 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing an earring of a tiny Nike; helmet with triple crests and wreath / Twin filleted cornucopiae, owl standing on a club between; all within olive-wreath. Amandry, "Les tétradrachmes à la couronne de feuillage frappés à Lébédos," (Rraay-M0rkholm Essays, 1989) p. 3,10. Choice EF, lovely toning. Rare. (4500)

180. IONIA. Miletos. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Diobol (1.20 gm). Forepart of lion left, head turned back / Stellate pattern. SNG Copenhagen 952. Toned VF+. (75)

2X-EL 185. IONIA. Uncertain. Circa 6th Century BC. EL 1/96 Stater (0.12 gms). Head of seal left / Incuse punch. Rosen 307. VF. (250)

186. LYDIA, Kings of. Before Croesus. Early 6th Century BC. EL Third Stater (4.71 gm). Roaring lion's head right, knob on forehead / Double incuse punch. Weidauer 86. VF. (1200)

187. LYDIA, Kings of. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Half Stater (5.41 gm). Foreparts of lion and bull confronted / Double incuse punch. Rosen 665 ; BMC Lydia 41. VF. (500) 181. IONIA. Miletos. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Octobol (4.91 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Lion walking left, head turned back; monogams. Cf. BMC Ionia 116. VF. (225) SPLENDID TETRADRACHM OF SMYRNA

188. LYDIA, Kings of. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Sixth Stater (1.66 gm). Foreparts of lion and bull confronted / Double incuse punch. Rosen 667. VF, porosity. Scarce denomination. (450)

189. CARIA. Bargylia. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.01 gm). Veiled head of Artemis Kindys right / Stag standing right; rose below. SNG von Aulock 8074 (same dies). EF, weak strike. A very rare city, and an unusual symbol. (250) 182. IONIA. Smyrna. Circa 160 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Turreted head of Tyche right /ZM YP ΝΑΙΩΝ, monogram within wreath. Milne, The Silver Coinage of Smyrna, 3. Choice toned EF. (5500)

The symbol of the rose, emblematic of Rhodes, must indicate a period of Rhodian influence over this mainland city.

Ex ΝFA XXII, lot 314. 190. CARIA. Halikarnassos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.47 gm). Forepart of bull left/ Foreparts of two bulls confronted. Troxell 1 IB. VF. (50)

183. IONIA. Teos. Circa 520 BC. AR Staler (11.70 gm). Griffin standing 191. CARIA. Rhodian Peraia. Circa 2nd century BC. AR Drachm (2.70 right, forepaw raised; NV(?) below / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. SNG gm). Head of Helios three-quarters to right / Blooming rose, bud to right. Copenhagen 1436. Toned VF. (475) 2 0 SGCII5092. Mint State. (350)


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192. CARIA. Syangela? Circa 510490 BC. AR Diobol (2.02 gm). Head of griffin (or monster) left / Incuse lattice pattern. Rosen 617; Asyut 687. VF. (300)

2X 193. CARIA. Uncertain. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.30 gm). Forepart of boar right / Forepart of wolf (?) right. Rosen 405. Nice VF. (75)

198. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. RHODIAN IMITATION. Struck in Greece. Circa 170 BC. AR Drachm (2.78 gm). Radiate head of Helios facing slightly right / ΣΤΡΑΤΩΝ, rose with bud to right, grape-bunch to left Ashton, "A Series ofPseudo-Rhodian Drachmsfrom Mainland Greece, " (NC Volume 148,1988), p. 24,52 (pi. 6). EF, light toning. (350)

199. LYCTA, Kings of. Uncertain. Circa 520480 BC. AR Stater (9.05 gm). Forepart of boar left / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 689 (this coin). V F, encrustation on reverse. (300) 194. CARIA, Satraps of. Pixodaros. 340-334 BC. AR Didrachm (6.97 gm). Laureate head of Apollo facing slightly right / Zeus Labraundos standing right, holding double-ax and sceptre. SNG von Aulock 2375. Toned good VF. (750) 200. LYCIA, Dynasts of. Uvug. Circa 460420 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.98 gm). Forepart of man-headed winged bull right/Female head right in dotted incuse square. BMC Lycia 74; SNG von Aulock 4119. Toned near VF. (250)

195. CARIA, Islands off. Kos. Circa 357-330 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.06 gm). Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin / Veiled head of Demeter left; magistrate Athamas. Cf. NFA XXII, lot 322. VF, light scratches on reverse. Very Rare (2500)

201. LYCIA, Lycian League. Masicytus. Circa 30 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.80 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right/ Lyre; MA, winged caduceus to right, all within incuse square. Troxell 109.5-.9. Near EF. (225)

Ex Hess-Leu 28, lot 246.

196. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 8843 BC. AR Trihemidrachm (3.92 gm). Radiate facing head of Helios / Full-blown rose; magistrate Heliodoros. SNG von Aulock 2836. Toned EF. (500)

202. LYCIA. Phaselis. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Stater (10.25 gm). Prow of galley right; dolphin below / Stern of galley; magistrate Timon. SNG von Aulock 4417. Near VF, scarce. (250)

203. PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 460420 BC. AR Stater (10.76 197. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 8843 BC. AR Trihemidrachm gm). Helmeted nude warrior advancing right, holding spear and shield / (3.72 gm). Radiate head of Helios facing three-quarters right / ΛΕΩΝ..., Triskeles in incuse square. SNG von Aulock 4483. Near VF. Very rare. full-blown rose viewed from above, wreath below. Cf. SNG Copenhagen (800) 869 for type, the last part of this magistrate's name is not clear on this specimen possibly from a filled-in die. A few faint letters are visible. Good VF. Thefollowing lots comprise an excellent type setfor the development ofthe (275) 2 1 Aspendos stater.


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209. PISIDIA. Selge. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Obol (1.07 gm). Gorgoneion / Helmeted head of Athena right. Weber 7418. Toned VF. (100)

204. PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa420-400 BC. AR Stater (10.93 gm). Two wrestlers grappling, the one on the right punching the other in the mid-section / Slinger right wearing short chiton; triskeles in right field, all within incuse dotted square. SNG von Aulock 4504. Nice VF, dynamic obverse scene. (400)

210. PISIDIA. Selge. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.70 gm). Lion's head right / Helmeted head of Athena right Weber 7420. Toned VF. (100)

211. CILICIA. Nagidos. Circa 400-380 BC. AR Obol (0.60 gm). Head of Aphrodite right / Head of Dionysos right. SNG Levante 3; SNG von Aulock 5750. VF, lightly polished. (100)

205. PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 400-370 BC. AR Stater (10.91 gm). Two wrestlers grappling, the one on the left grasping the wrists of the other; striations infields/ Slinger right wearing short chiton; triskeles in right field; two countermarks: bicephalous head and horse. Cf. SNG von Aulock 4513. Near VF, test cut. (200) 212. CILICIA. Nagidos. Circa 380-360 BC. AR Stater (10.52 gm). Aphrodite seated left, holding phiale; winged Eros behind/ Dionysos standing left holding grapes and thrysos. Cf. SNG Levante 9; SNG Copenhagen 178. VF. (500)

206. PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.59 gm). Two wrestlers grappling, the one on the left grasping the wrists of the other; KI between / Slinger right wearing short chiton; triskeles in right field, all within dotted square. SNG von Aulock 4557. VF. (300) 213. CILICIA. Nagidos. Circa 360-333 BC. AR Stater (9.61 gm). Aphrodite seated left, holding phiale and being crowned by Eros / Dionysos standing left, holding grapes and thrysos; astragalos and monograms in fields. SNG Levante 12 variety. Toned VF, spot of corrosion on reverse. (575) 207. PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.77 gm). Two wrestlers grappling, the one on the left grasping the wrists of the other / Slinger right wearing short chiton; triskeles in right field, all within dotted square. SNG von Aulock 4566. Toned VF. (200) 214. CILICIA. Soloi. Circa 400 BC. AR Stater (10.24 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Bunch of grapes within dotted square; all in incuse square. BMC Lycaonia etc., 14. Toned VF. (350)

208. PAMPHYLIA. Side. Circa2nd-lst Century BC. AR Tetradrachm 215. CILICIA.Tarsos. Pharnabazos, Satrap. 379-374BC. AR Stater (15.62 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right/Nike advancing left holding (9.71 gm). Head of Herakles wearing lionskin facing, turned slightly right wreath and palm; pomegranate in field. SNG Copenhagen 400. VF. / Helmeted bearded male head left. SNG Levante -; SNG Copenhagen (600) (250) 2 2 272. EF, porous surfaces, scarce.


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221. CILICIA. Tarsos. Circa 333-323 BC. AR Obol (0.57 gm). Helmeled head of Athena facing/Shield, on which, thunderbolt. SNG Levante 119. Toned near VF. (125) 216. CILICIA. Tarsos. Datantes, Satrap. 378-362 BC. AR State (10.54 gm). Female head (Artemis?) facing / Helmeted bearded male head right; countermark: bull right, Aramaic legend 'Baal' above. SNG Levante 78; SNG von Aulock 5942. Toned VF+. (400) This countermark is alsofound on staters ofAspendos; cf. SNG von Aulock 4515,4523.

222. CILICIA. Tarsos? Circa4th Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.45 gm). Head of Baaltars right / Forepart of wolf right. SNG Levante 227 (incerti); SNG Copenhagen 319. Toned VF. (75)

223. CILICIA. Uncertain mint Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.83 gm). Female head three-quarters left / Facing head of Egyptian god Bes. SNG Levante 233. VF/ near EF, light porosity. A splendid head of Bes. (300) Levante attributes this issue to Cilicia based on hoard evidence and sty ästic similarities of thefemale head to other issues. BMC Palestine pg. 182, takes the head of Bes to indicate an Egypto-Arabian source.

217. CILICIA. Tarsos. Datames, Satrap. 378-362 BC. AR Stater (10.67 gm). Female head (Artemis?) facing / Helmeted bearded male head right; countermark: bull right, Aramaic legend 'Baal' above. SNG Levante 78; SNG von Aulock 5942. Toned VF, test cut (350)

224. CAPPADOCIA, Kings of. Ariobarzanes L 95-63 BC. AR Drachm (4.42 gm). Year 30 (66/65 BC). Diademed head right / Athena standing left, holding Nike; monogram in leftfield,date in exergue. Simonetti, Coins of the Cappculocian Kings, 42. Toned VF. (50) 218. CILICIA. Tarsos. Datames, Satrap. 378-362 BC. AR Stater (10.59 gm). Baaltars seated right within crenallated border / Sky-god Ana and Datames flanking thymiaterion (incense burner); countermark: bull right, Aramaic legend 'Baal' above. SNG Levante 83; SNG von Aulock 5944. EF. (900) 225. CAPPADOCIA, Kings of. Ariobarzanes L 95-63 BC. AR Drachm (4.27 gm). Year 30 (66/65 BC). Diademed head right / Athena standing left, holding Nike; monogram in leftfield,date in exergue. Simonetti 42. Toned VF. (50) 219. CILICIA. Tarsos. Mazaios, satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.76 gm). Baaltars seated left/Lion bringing down bull. SNG Levante 103. Toned VF, worn obverse die. (150)

220. CILICIA. Tarsos. Mazaios, satrap. 361 -334 BC. AR Stater (10.89 gm). Baaltars seated left / Lion bringing down bull; monogram below. SNG Levante 106. Superb EF, near Mint (1250) Ex CNA VII, lot 87.

226. CYPRUS. Paphos. Stasandros. Circa 450 BC. AR Hemiobol (039 gm). Bull standing left / Eagle standing left; oinochoe (one-handled vase) to left, ivy leaf above. SNG Copenhagen 28. VF. Rare. (100)

227. CYPRUS. Salamis. EvagorasI.411-374BC. AR Stater (9.63 gm). Head of Heraklesright,wearing lionskin / Goat kneelingright;barley grain 2 3 above. SNG Copenhagen 47. VF, rough surfaces, but very rare. (900)








233. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antjochos IV. 175-164 BC. AR Drachm (4.10 gm). Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / Apollo seated left on omphalos, horse's head to right. Houghton 1217. VF, scarce. (150) 228. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Seleukos I. 312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.71 gm). Seleukia on the Tigris mint. Struck circa 300290 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / Athena brandishing a spear and holding a shield while standing in a chariot drawn right by four homed elephants, anchor above. Houghton 921 ; Newell ESM 62. Good Fine, scarce. (300)

234. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios I. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.31 gm). Antioch mint. Struck circa 162-156 BC. Diademed head of Demetriosright;wreath border /Tyche seated left, holding baton and comucopiae; monogram to left Newell SM A 79-81. Good VF, slight porosity. (350) 229. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antiochos II. 261-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Seleukia on Tigris mint. Diademed head of Antiochos I right / Apollo seated left on omphalos; monograms in fields. Newell ESM 189; Houghton 963. VF, scarce. (350) R A R E AY S T A T E R of S E L E U K O S I I

230. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Seleukos Π. 246-226 BC. AV Stater (8.53 gm). Media mint. Diademed head of Seleukos right / Apollo, nude, standing half-left, leaning on bow with left hand, holding arrow with his right Houghton 1158. Near EF. (9000)

235. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios I. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.51 gm). Antioch mint. Struck circa 156-155 BC. Diademed head of Demetrios right; fillet border /Tyche seated left, holding baton and comucopiae; monogram to left. Newell SMA 95. Toned VF, high relief portrait. (250)

Seleukid gold coinage is very rare, especially compared to its Ptolemaic rivais.

231. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. AR Drachm (4.31 gm). Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / Apollo seated left on omphalos, comucopiae to right Houghton 1208. VF, scarce. Choice portrait. (150)

232. SYRIA, Seleukid Kingsof. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. AR Drachm (3.99 gm). Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / Apollo seated left on omphalos; monogram ZA infields.Houghton 1210. VF/EF, scarce. (150)

236. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios I. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.31 gm). Antioch minL Year 161 (252/151 BC). Diademed head of Demetriosright;wreath border /Tyche seated left, holding baton and comucopiae; monogram to left Newell SMA 118.TonedVF. (250)

237. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios I. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.76 gm). Antioch mint Year 161 (152/151 BC). Diademed head of Demetrios right / Tyche seated left, holding baton and comucopiae; monogram to left Newell SMA 117; Houghton 158. Nice VF. (350)


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238. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios L162-150 BC. AR Drachm (4.05 gm). Ecbatana mint Diademed head of Demetrios right; fillet border / Apollo seated left on omphalos. Houghton 1249. EF, scarce. (150) 244. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antiochos IX. 113-95 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.38 gm). AntiochminL 113/112 BC. Diademed head of Antiochos right / Athena standing left, holding Nike; monograms in fields. (600) Newell SM A 384; Houghton 329. Toned EF. 239. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Drachm (4.13 gm). Ecbatana mint Diademed head of Demetriosright;filletborder / Apollo seated left on omphalos; palm branch to left Houghton 1250. EF, off-center, scarce. (150)

240. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Drachm (3.95 gm). Ecbatana mint Diademed head of Demetrios right; dotted border/Apollo seated left on omphalos. Houghton 1253. VF, scarce. (150)

241. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Drachm (4.16 gm). Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Demetrios right; symbol (trident ?) below chin / Apollo seated left on omphalos. Houghton unlisted. VF, scarce. (150)

242. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Alexander I. 150-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.03 gm). Sidon mint. Year 165 (148/147 BC). Diademed head of Alexander right / Eagle standing left ; aplastron by wing. Cf. Houghton 713. Toned EF. (550)

245. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antiochos IX. 113-95 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.23 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / Athena standing left, holding Nike; monograms infields.Newell SM A 384; Houghton 329. Toned near VF. (300)

246. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Philip L 93-83 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.59 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head of Philip right / Zeus seated left, being crowned by Nike. Cf. Houghton 393. Near EF. (450)

247. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 83-69 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.28 gm). Antioch mint. Head of Tigranes right, wearing Armenian tiara/Tyche of Antioch sealed right river -god below; monograms on rock and in right field. Bedoukian, Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia, 17. VF, scratches. (850)

243. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antiochos VI. 145-142 BC. AR 248. PHOENICIA. Arados.Circa 5th Century BC. AR 1/6 Stater (1.54 Tetradrachm (16.42 gm). Antioch mint. 143/142 BC. Radiate head of gm). Sea-god (Dagon) right holding dolphins /Galley right hippocamp beAntiochosright/ Dioskuroi riding left; monograms and date within wreath of lilies, ivy and grain ears. Newell SMA 242. Toned EF. Rare. (1250) 2 5 low. BMC Phoenicia 11. VF. (100)


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249. PHOENICIA. Arados. Circa4th Century BC. AR Stater (9.96 gm). Head of Melkart right; countermark on cheek; two Phoenician letters / Galley right, waves below. BMC Phoenicia 56. Near VF, small flan. (75)

250. PHOENICIA. Arados. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Stater (10.09 gm). Head of Melkart right/Galley right waves below. BMC Phoenicia61. VF. (125)






254. PHOENICIA. Sidon. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Double Shekel (25.46 gm). Galley left; uncertain date above / Great King of Persia in chariot left, servant behind; Phoenician letters AB (King Abdashtart ?) above. Cf. SNG Filzwilliam 6049; BMC Phoenicia 69. VF, weak strike. (600)

255. PHOENICIA. Sidon. Circa 342-333 BC. AR Half Shekel (5.98 gm). Galley to left /Great King and driver in chariot left BMC Phoenicia 77. Toned near VF, scarce denomination. (325)

256. PHOENICIA. Tyre. Circa 5th Century BC. AR 1/12 Shekel (0.62 gm). Dolphin leaping right; cable border /Owl standing right with crook and flail within cable border. BMC Phoenicia 4. VF, some horn silver, scarce. (175) 251. PHOENICIA. Arados. Year 193 (67/66 BC). AR Tetradrachm (15.06 gm). Bust of Tyche right / Nike standing left holding aplustre and palm. BMC Phoenicia 268. Toned VF. (100)

257. PHOENICIA. Tyre. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Didrachm. (8.75 gm). Melkart on hippocamp right; waves and dolphin below. / Owl standingrightwith crook and flail within cable border, year 33 (315/314 BC?). Cf. SNG Fitzwilliam 608; BMC Phoenicia 38. Good VF, some horn silver. (400)

252. PHOENICIA. Sidon. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Double Shekel (27.82 gm). Galley left; Phoenician letter Β (King Bodashtart ?) above / Great King of Persia in chariot left Egyptian servant behind. SNG Fitzwilliam 6047; BMC Phoenicia 17. VF. (800) 258. PHOENICIA. Tyre. Year 16 (111/110 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.16 gm). Head of Melkart right / Eagle standing left on prow; date, club and monogram in field. Cf. BMC Phoenicia 81. VF+, some encrustation. (250)

253. PHOENICIA. Sidon. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Double Shekel 259. PHOENICIA. Tyre. Year 22 (105/104 BC). AR Didrachm (6.90 (28.35 gm). Galley left; Phoenician letter Β (King Bodashtart ?) above / gm). Head of Melkart right / Eagle standing left on prow; date, club and Great King of Persia in chariot left Egyptian servant behind. SNG (600) 2 6 monogram in field. Cf. BMC Phoenicia 218. Toned VF. (200) Fitzwilliam 6047; BMC Phoenicia 17. VF, some pitting.


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260. PALESTINE. "Philisto-Arabian". Circa 5th Century BC. AR Obol (0.66 gm). Female headright,with braided hair / Owlright;Aramaic letters. BMC Palestine pg. 177,4. VF, heavy porosity. (125)

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266. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 2 (67 AD). AR Half Shekel (630 gm). Chalice / Cluster of pomegranates. Hendin 122; AJC 10. Near EF, rough surfaces. Rare denomination. (2000)

261. PALESTINE. "Philisto-Arabian". Imitation of Athens. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Obol (0.57 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl right Apparently unpublished? Near VF. (145)

267. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt Year 2 (133/134 AD). AR Denarius (3.34 gm). "Shim" in wreath / Jug and palm. Hendin 148; Mildenberg 33 (same dies). Choice EF, overstruckon Roman denarius. (1200)

262. PALESTINE. Askalon. Year 40 (63 BC). AR Tetradrachm ( 13.52 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy ΧΠ right/ Eagle standing left; date and dove in leftfield.SNG ANS 650. Near VF. (500)

268. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt. 132-135 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.65 gm). Third Year? Facade of Temple at Jerusalem; star above / Lulav with etrog. Hendin 162; Mildenberg 59.6 (this coin). Toned VF+, overstruck on tetradrachm of Antioch, year 2. (2000) 263. PALESTINE. Askalon. Year 41 (62 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.75 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy XIIright/ Eagle standing left; date and dove in left field, symbol of Tanit between legs. BMC Palestine 18. VF, light marks in field. (600) 269. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt. 132-135 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Third Year? "Shimon" in wreath / Jug. Hendin 164a; Milden berg 128 (same dies). Toned EF. (600)

264. PALESTINE. Askalon. Year 41 (62 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.67 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy XII right / Eagle standing left; date and dove in left field, symbol of Tanit between legs. BMC Palestine 18. Near VF. (500) 270. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt. 132-135 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Third Year? Bunch of grapes / Three-stringed lyre. Hendin 172; M ildenberg 205 (same dies). Toned EF, nice. (450)

271. ARABIA. Sabaeans and Himyarites. Imitation of Athenian 265. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 2 (67 AD). AR Shekel (14.25 Drachm. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Unit (535 gm). Helmeted head of gm). Chalice / Cluster of pomegranates. Hendin 121 ; AJC 8. Nice EF. (2750) 2 7 Athena right; letter on cheek/Owl right. BMC Arabia pg. 45,1. (250)


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278. PARTfflA, Kings of. Mithradates Π. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (4.19 gm). Bearded bust left, wearing tiara / Archer seated right. Sellwood 28.3. Choice EF, lovely toning. (200) 272. ARABIA. Himyarites. Circa 1 st Century BC-1st Century AD. AR Drachm? (5.35 gm). Male head resembling Augustus right, within wreath / Owl standing right on jug; monograms in fields, border of small jugs. BMC Arabiapg. 55,5. Toned VF, scarce. (150)

279. PARTfflA, Kings of. Darias. Circa 70 BC. AR Drachm (3.35 gm). Rhagae mint. Diademed facing bust / Archer seated right; monogram. Sellwood 35.7. VF, rough surfaces, possible mount mark. (400) 273. ARABIA. Himyarites. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Drachm (3.13 gm). Male head left, flanked by ribbon and spear / Bucranium flanked by ribbon and monogram. BMC Arabia pg. 66,24. Toned VF. (75)

274. BABYLONIA. Circa 4th Century BC. Imitation of Athenian AR Tetradrachm. (16.69 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right. MIG113a. Toned VF. (300)

275. BABYLONIA. Mazaios. 331-328 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.77 gm). Baal seated left / Lion walking left; Γ above. MIG 17i. Toned VF. (175)

280. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vologases III. 105-147 AD. AR Tetradrachm ( 13.86 gm). Seleukia mint. Year 436 ( 124 AD). Bust in tiara left; Β / King receiving wreath from Tyche. Sellwood 79.17. Toned VF, scarce. (300)

281. PARTfflA, Kings of. Vologases IV. 147-191 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.66 gm). Seleukia mint. Apellaios 464 (November 152 AD). Bust in tiara left; Β / King receiving wreath from Tyche. Sellwood 84.13. Good VF, some dirt adhering to surfaces. (175)

276. BABYLONIA. 328-311 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Baal seated left / Lion walking left. MIG 16a. Toned VF. (250) 282. SASSANIA, Kings of. Ardeshir 1.226-240 AD. AR Drachm (4.11 gm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown / Fire altar. MACW 791. Near EF. (200)

277. PARTHIA, Kings of. Mithradates Π. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm 283. SASSANIA, Kings of. Ardeshir 1.226-240 AD. AR Obol (0.67 (4.14 gm). Ecbatana mint Diademed bust left; sea-horse torque / Archcr seatgm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown / Fire altar. MACW 799. Fine, light (250) 2 8 graffiti, scarce denomination. ed right on throne. Sellwood 26.1. Superb EF.


Mail Bid Sale

284. SASSANIA, Kings of. Shapur 1.240-271 AD. AR Drachm (4.11 gm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown with ear flaps / Fire altar flanked by attendants. MACW 811. EF. (160)

285. SASSANIA, Kings of. Shapur L 240-270 AD. AR Drachm (4.32 gm). Bust of king right, wearing elaborate crown with headdress / Fire altar flanked by attendants. MWI881ff. Good VF. (200)






290. HEPHTALJTES. Kabul Region. Circa 475-560 AD. AR Drachm (2.89 gm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown with bull's head / Fire altar flanked by attendants. MACW 1507. VF, reverse obscured by weak strike. (100)

291. ELYMAIS, Kings of. Kamnaskires VI? Circa lst-2nd Century AD. Billon Tetradrachm (13.79 gm). Diademed bust left; anchor and star and crescent behind / Very crude head left. De Morgan 17. VF, some encrustation. (100)

286. SASSANIA, Kings of. Shapur L 240-271 AD. AR Obol (0.68 gm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown / Fire altar flanked by attendants; symbol on altar. MACW 822var. VF, scarce denomination. (150) 292. PERSIS, Kings of. Unknown King. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (4.11 gm). Bearded head right, wearing satrapal cap; rosette in front / Fire altar with Ahuramazda above, flanked by king and standard. Alram pl. 18, NB 1. Toned EF, very high relief portrait. (400)

287. SASSANIA, Kings of. Shapur Π. 309-379 AD. AR Drachm (4.21 gm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown / Fire altar flanked by attendants; bust of Ahuramazda in flames, "Rast" on altar. MACW 877. VF. (100) 293. PERSIS, Kings of. Unknown King. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (3.79 gm). Bearded head right, wearing satrapal cap; rosette in front / Fire altar with Ahuramazda above, flanked by king and standard. Alram pi. 18, NB 1. Near EF, worn dies, very high relief portrait. (200)

288. SASSANIA, Kings of. Yazdgard. 399420 AD. AR Drachm (2.87 gm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown / Frre altar flanked by attendants; erescents above altar, "Rast" on altar. MACW 941. VF. (75)

294. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Eukratides. 171 135 BC. AR Obol (0.65 gm). Panjhir mint. Diademed bustright/ Caps of the Dioskouroi with palms; Κ below. MIG1180d. VF, scarce. (100)

295. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Apollodotos. 160-150 BC. AR 289. KUSHANO-SASSANIAN. Varahran I. Circa 300-350 AD. AR Drachm (3.96 gm). Bust left wearing elaborate crown / Fire altar flanked by Square Drachm (2.38 gm). Taxila mint. Elephant walking right; monogram below / Hump-backed bull standing right. MIG Π 207h. Choice EF, a attendants; "Nam-da" below altar. MACW 1305. Mint State, some flat(200) 2 9 splendid elephant! (150) ness. Rare this nice.








\?‫׳‬yH ira 14 ζί 296. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Apollodotos. 160-150 BC. AR Square Drachm (2.36 gm). Taxila mint Elephant walking right; monogram below / Hump-backed bull standing right. MIG Π 207h. VF. (100)

303. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Heliokles. 135-110BC. AR Attic Tetradrachm (16.29 gm). Balkh minL Diademed bust right / Zeus standing facing, holding thunderbolt and sceptre; monogram to left. MIG Π 28c. Toned VF, some marks in fields. Rare. (700) 297. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Apollodotos. 160-150 BC. AR Square Drachm (2.33 gm). Taxila minL Elephant walking right; monogram below / Hump-backed bull standing right. MIG Π 207h. Toned VF.

From a very limited issue by Heliokles in the heavier Western standard.


298. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Apollodotos. 160-150 BC. AR Square Drachm (2.32 gm). Jammu mint. Elephant walking right; monogram below / Hump-backed bull standing right; monogram below. MIG II2071. Toned VF. (100)

299. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Menander. 160-145 BC. AR Drachm (2.41 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmeted bust right / Athena Promachos left holding thunderbolt and shield; monogram torighLMIG Π 218d. VF. (75)

300. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Menander. 160-145 BC. AR Drachm (2.37 gm). Pushkalavati mint Diademed bust left, holding spear/ Athena Promachos right holding thunderbolt and shield; monogram to lefL MIG Π 221b. Near VF. (50)

304. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Heliokles. 135-110 BC. AR Attic Drachm (3.97 gm). Balkh minL Diademed bustright/Zeus standing facing, holding thunderbolt and sceptre; Δ in exergue. MIG Π 285c. Toned VF. Rare. (450)

305. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Philoxenos. 110 80 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.03 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Diademed bust right/King on horseback; monogram. MIG 3381. Near VF, rough surfaces. (350)

306. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Zoilos Π. 75-50 BC. AR Drachm (2.31 gm). Jammu mint. Diademed bust right / Athena Promachos left, holding thunderbolt and shield; monogram to right MIG ΠΙ 459n. Near EF. (125)

301. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Menander. 160-145 BC. AR Drachm (2.44 gm). Pushkalavati minL Diademed bast left holding spear/ Athena Promachos left holding thunderbolt and shield; monogram to righL MIG Π 224b. Toned VF. (75)

307. BAKTRIA, Indo-Scythian Kings. Uncertain early king. 110-100 BC. AR Square Drachm (1.47 gm). Kandahar mint. Horse walking right, head turned back / Nike walking right holding wreath and palm. MIG IV 677. Toned VF. (125)

302. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Antialkldas. 145-135 BC. AR Drachm (2.25 gm). Panjhir mint Draped bustright,wearing kausia / Zeus sealed left, holding Nike, elephant at side; monogram to right MIG Π 277a VF, attempted pierce on obverse. (65)

308. BAKTRIA, Indo-Scythian Kings. Azes Π. 35 BC-5 AD. AR Drachm (2.20 gm). Hazara mint King on horseback right; monogram in front / Athena Promachos standing left, holding round object and shield; monograms. MIG VI815a. Near EF. (75)


Mail Bid Sale

309. INDIA. Taxila. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Satamana (11.05 gm). Bent bar with seven-branched symbols punched at each end. MIG141. VF. (100)

310. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings of. Ptolemy I. 305-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.38 gm). Head of Alexander wearing elephant headdress right / Athena Alkidemos advancing right; helmet, monogram and eagle in rightfield.Svoronos 170; SNG Copenhagen 27. Toned VF, flan flaw on reverse. (250)

JUNE 5 , 1 9 9 1

314. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings of. Ptolemy ΧΠ. 80-51 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.78 gm). Year 28 (54/53 BC). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; date and Isis headdress to left, ΠΑ to right. Svoronos 1837; SNG Copenhagen 395. Good VF, light porosity. (125)

315. KYRENAICA. Barce. Circa435-308 BC. AR Tetradrachm (11.70 gm). Silphium plant / Head of Zeus-Ammon right SNG Copenhagen 1292. Only Fine, but an extremely rare coin. (800)

316. KYRENAICA. Kyrene. Circa 500 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.79 gm). Silphium plant / Head of Zeus-Ammon right in incuse square. Rosen 763 (this coin). VF. Very rare. (500)

311. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings of. Ptolemy Π. 284-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.29 gm). Ptolemais minL Year 31 (255/254 BC). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle left on thunderbolt; monograms and date in fields. SNG Copenhagen 470. Good VF, punchmark below eagle. (300)

312. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings of. Ptolemy IV. 221-204 BC. AR Didrachm (6.83 gm). Diademed bust of Ptolemy Iright/ Eagle left on thunderbolt; no field marks of any kind. Cf. Svoronos 1206ff. Good VF, light porosity. (300)

313. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings of. Ptolemy VI. 181-146 BC. AR Didrachm (6.83 gm). Ivy-wreathed bust right, as Dionysos / Eagle left on thunderbolt. Svoronos pl. XLIX, 27. VF, rare but heavily eroded.


AV 317. KYRENAICA. Kyrene. Circa 331-322 BC. AV 1/10 Stater (0.79 gm). Head of Kameiosright/ Head of Kyrene left SNG Copenhagen 1195. VF, reverse die worn. (500)

318. KYRENAICA. Kyrene. Circa 308-277 BC. AR Didrachm (6.29 gm). Laureate head of Apollo Myrtous left / Silphium plant; jerboa to left, ΣΩ to right BMC Cyrenaica 261 ; Müller, Coinage ofAncient Africa, 178. Toned VF, scarce. (200)

319. ZEUGIÎANIA. Carthage. Circa 310-290 BC. EL Shekel-Didrachm (7.68 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left; pellet by neck / Horse standing right; double ground line and pellet. Jenkins 249-1 (same die). VF, pol1 ished. (650)


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320. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 264-241 BC. ELTridrachm (10.47 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right, sun-disk above. Jenkins & Lewis 428. Nice VF, short flan crack. Rare. (4000)

321. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Didrachm (7.25 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right; palm tree behind, star to right. SNG Copenhagen 141. VF, porosity. (500)

322. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Shekel (7.46 gm). Head of Tanit left/Horse standingright;star in front SNG Copenhagen 141. Near VF. (350)






326. M AURETANI A. Juba Π. 25 BC-23 AD. AR Denarius (1.83 gm). Year 46 (21/22 AD). Diademed head right / Capricorn right with comucopiae, rudder and globe. Cf. Müller 58-62. Toned VF, flan flaw on cheek. Unlisted date. (75)


327. LUCANIA. Paestum. Circa 268-89 BC. JE Onkia (2.59 gm). Head of Poseidon right / Ornamented trident. SNG Copenhagen 1329. VF, attractive green patina, exceptional obverse for type. (100)

328. BRUTTIUM. Brettian League. Circa 215-205 BC. JE Sextans (17.03 gm). Helmeted head of Ares left/Hera Hoplosmia advancing right; owl to right. SNG ANS 97. VF, dark green patina. (100) ExCNAN,174.

323. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa215-205 BC. AR Quarter Shekel (1.99 gm). Italian mint. Head ofTanit left/ Horse standing right. SNG (225) Copenhagen 369. Toned VF. 329. BRUTTIUM. Bretfan League. Circa 215-205 BC. JE Uncia (8.24 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right; thunderbolt behind / Nude warrior advancing left, holding spear and shield; bunch of grapes below. SNG ANS 102. VF, brown patina with some encrustation. (75) 324. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 221-202 BC. AR Half Shekel (3.36 gm). Uncertain mint. Laureate male head (Melkart?) left / Elephant walking right; Punic letter aleph in exergue. SNG Copenhagen 383. Toned EF, some weakness on reverse. Rare. (800) 330. BRUTTIUM. Brettian League. Circa 215-205 BC. JE Uncia (8.24 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right; thunderbolt behind / Nude warrior advancing left, holding spear and shield; flying owl below. SNG ANS 106. EF/VF+, brown patina with some encrustation. (125)

325. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. Billon Tridrachm (7.06 gm). Wreathed head ofTanit left / Horse standing right fore331. SICILY Akragas. Circa 450 BC. JE Cast Onkia (3.49 gm). Head (150) 3 2 of eagle left/Crab claw. Calciali 18. Fine, dark green patina. (125) leg raised. SNG Copenhagen 390. VF.



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332. SICILY. Akragas. Before 406 BC. JE Hemilitron (19.10 gm). Eagle flying right tearing at hare; AK PA infields/ Crab, holding snake in claws; conch shell and octopus below. Cf. Calciati 140; SNG Copenhagen 72 for reverse. Near VF, smooth green and brown patina. Rare. (500)



338. SICILY. Messana. The Mamertini. Circa 220-200 BC. JE Pentonkion (11.57 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left; lyre / Armed warrior standing facing. Calciati I 26/1 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 449. Fine, olive green patina. (50)

Calciati does not record this combination of obverse and reverse types.

333. SICILY. Akragas. Before 406 BC. JE Onkia (3.29 gm). Eagle standing right head left atop fish / Crab, fish to the right below, pellet above. Calciati 182; SNG Copenhagen 83. Good VF, brown patina, some light porosity. (300)

334. SICILY. Akragas. After 406 BC. Tétras (4.46 gm). Eagle tearing at hare / Crab; three pellets and crayfish below. Calciati I 54; SNG Copenhagen 77. Fine, brown patina. (75)

339. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 400 BC. JE Tétras (2.66 gms). Head of Artemis-Arethusa left / Octopus. Calciati Π 14; SNG Copenhagen 677. VF, jade green patina. (150) Ex CNA III, lot 95.

340. SICILY. Syracuse. Dion. 357-354 BC. JE 22mm (12.32 gm). Laureate head of Zeusright/Thunderbolt; eagle toright.Calciati Π 72st2; SNG Copenhagen 727. VF, brown patina. (250)

335. SICILY. Himera. After 420 BC. JE Hemilitron (7.65 gm). Youth on goatright,helmet below / Nike flying left Calciati 127; SNG Copenhagen 318. VF, lovely olive-green patina. Scarce. (500) 341. SICILY. Syracuse. Hiketas. 288-279 BC. JE 22mm (8.09 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios left; palladium behind / Eagle on thunderbolt left; star infield.Calciati II 160. Good VF, dark brown patina. (150) 336. SICILY. Himera. Circa 420408 BC. JE Hemilitron (3.79 gm). Head of nymph left / Six pellets in wreath. Calciati 135; SNG Copenhagen 320. Choice EF, green patina. (150)

Overstruck on A gathokles' issue with Kore / Thunderbolt.

342. SICILY. Syracuse. Hiketas. 288-279 BC. JE 22mm (8.97 gm). Laureale head of Zeus Hellanios right / Eagle on thunderbolt left. Calciati Π 337. SICILY. Messana. The Mamertini. Circa 220-200 BC. JE 171 ; SNG Copenhagen 792. EF, brown patina. (200) Pentonkion (11.16 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right / Nude warrior advancing right with spear and shield. SNG Fitzwilliam 1094. Fine, smooth 3 OverstruckonAgathokles' issue with Kore/ Thunderbolt. brown patina. (100)


Mail Bid Sale

343. SICILY. Syracuse. Pyrrhos. 278-276 BC. JE 21mm (9.93 gm). Head of Herakles left, wearing lionskin / Athena Promachos advancing right. Calciati II176; SNG Copenhagen 813. VF, olive green patina. (150)



348. SIKYONIA. Sikyon. Circa323-251 BC. JE 16mm (332 gm). Dove flying left / EY within wreath. BMC Peloponnesos 149. VF, black patina. (65)

349. PONTOS. Amisos. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 21mm (7.29 gm). Aegis with Gorgon's head / Nike walking right with wreath and palm. SNG Copenhagen 167. Brown VF. (75) 344. SICILY. Syracuse. Hieron Π. 275-215 BC. JE 20mm (6.10 gm). Head of Poseidon left/Trident flanked by dolphins. Calciati Π 197; SNG ANS 978ff. VF, brown patina. (65) 350. PAPHLAGONIA. Sesamos. Circa 340-300 BC. JE 14mm (3.86 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / Diademed head of Demeter left. Waddington 3. Tan VF, edges rough. (75) When Alexander approached the gates ofthe city, he commanded "Open Sesamos", a phrase passed down through the centuries. 345. SICILY. Syracuse. Under Roman rule. After 212 BC. JE 22mm (7.66 gm). Head of Sarapis right, wearing tainia with Isis crown /Isis standing left, holding sistrum and sceptre. Calciati Π 240; SNG ANS 1099. EF/VF, rough surfaces. (75) 351. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ, Kings of. Prusias II. 185-149 BC. JE 20mm (5.88 gm). Wreath head of young Dionysos right / Centaur Cheiron walking right, playing lyre; monogram in field. Waddington 26. EF, smooth black flan. (200) patina, adjustment marks on 346. MACEDON, Kings of. Interregnum. 288-277 BC. JE 18mm (4.69 gm). Macedonian shield with central thunderbolt surrounded by crescents and stars / Laureate Macedonian helmet; thunderbolt below. SNG Copenhagen 1119var. (stars on shield). Brown VF. (75)

352. IONIA. Smyrna. Circa 2nd-1 st Century BC. JE 20mm (9.92 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Homer seated left; magistrates Hermokles and Pytheion. SNG Copenhagen 1151. Good VF, dark brown patina. (300) 347. THRACE. Black Sea Region. Mesembria. Circa450-350 BC. JE 17mm (5.56 gm). Crested helmet / Four-spoke wheel, META between spokes. SNG Copenhagen 655. Near EF, smooth black patina. (175)

Smyrna, Chios and Kolophon all struck coins in Homer's honor and claimed to be his birthplace.

347A.THESSALY. Perrhaebi. Circa 480400 BC. JE 21mm (6.97 gm). Veiled head of Hera facing / Nude Zeus standing left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. SNG Copenhagen 196. VF, rough surfaces. Very rare city. (150) 3

353. LYCIA. Phaselis. Circa 81 BC to Imperial Times. JE 19mm (4.58 gm). Nike crowning prow of galley right / Athena Promachus standing right, wielding thunderbolt in right hand. BMC Lycia p. 82,18. Good VF, dark green patina. (150)


Mail Bid Sale

J U N E S, 1991

354. SYRIA, Chalkidice. Chalkis. Cleopatra VD and Mark Antony. Struck circa 31/30 BC. JE 20mm (5.60 gm). Her draped bust right / Bare head of Antony right Svoronos 1887 (pi. LXm, 18 & 19); BMC Phoenicia p. 54,15. Near Fine, dark green patina. Scarce. (150)

359. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 83-69 BC. JE 4 Chaikoi (8.94 gm). Head of Tigranes right, wearing ornamented tiara / Tyche of Antioch seated right on a rock, holding palm-branch in right hand; at her feet, the river-god Orontes swimming right. Bedoukian, Coinage of the Artaxiads ofArmenia, 92. Near VF, dark green patina, over‫׳‬ struck. (200)

355. SYRIA, Chalkidice. Chalkis. Cleopatra VU. Stmck circa 31/30 BC. JE 19mm (3.91 gm). Her draped bust right / Athena advancing left, holding spear and shield Svoronos 1889 (pi. LXIH, 21 ). Fine, dark green patina. Scarce. (300)

360. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 83-69 BC. JE 4 Chaikoi (636 gm). Same types as previous lot Bedoukian 92. Near VF, dark green patina, overstruck. (150)

356. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. JE 20mm (5.51 gm). Apamea mint. Elephant standing right / Bridled head of horse left; anchor below. Newell WSM 1128; Houghton 415. Fine, brown patina, scarce. (125)

361. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 83-69 BC. JE 4 Chaikoi (739 gm). Same types as previous lot Bedoukian 92. Near VF, dark green patina, overstruck. (150)

362. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 83-69 BC. JE 4 Chaikoi (8.06 gm). Same types as previous 10L Bedoukian 92. Fine, dark green patina. (100) 357. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. JE 15mm (3.07 gm). Antioch minL Diademed head of Antiochos right / Apollo seated left on omphalos; monograms in fields. Newell WSM 960; Houghton 29. (75) VF, dark brown patina.

363. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 83-69 BC. JE 2 Chaikoi (5.30 gm). Same types as previous lot-Bedoukian 96. Fine, dark green patina. (100)

358. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings of. Antiochos VI. 145-142 BC-ΛΕ 22mm (8.57 gm). Radiate head right / Elephant walking left; star behind. Houghton 250 (this coin). VF, nice contrasting brown and tan patina. (200) 364. COMMAGENE, Kings of. Antiochos IV. 38-72 AD. JE 23mm A sharply defined example ofthe peculiar style ofSeleukid bronze known joc(7.26 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Capricorn right within wreath. ularly as a "bottle cap". No convincing explanation has been put forward 3 5 BMC Galatia etc. 11. Near VF, brown patina. (50) for the toothed edge on these coins.



365. JUDAEA, Hasmonean Kings. John Hyrcanus Π. 6340 BC. JE Lepton ( 1.07 gm). Palm branch / Lily between grain ears. AJC 05; Hendin 25. VF for type. Rare. (300)






372. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt Year 2 (133/134 AD). JE 20mm (5.07 gm). Bunch of grapes / Palm tree. Hendin 161 ; Mildenberg 154 (same dies). VF, green and brown patina. Rare. (400)





366. JUDAEA, Herodian Kings. Herod the Great 37-4 BC. JE Prutah (1.47 gm). Anchor (no apparent legend) / Double cornucopiae with caduceus. Hendin 54; AJC 171. Near VF, black patina. (50) ExHenry Chapman, with original tag and envelope dated 1119131. 373. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt 132-135 AD. JE 34mm (11.78 gm). Third Year? Bunch of grapes / Palm tree. Hendin 173; Mildenberg 118. Brown VF, obverse weak. (200)

367. JUDAEA, Herodian Kings. Agrippa I. Year 6 (42/43 AD). JE Prutah (2.39 gm). Umbrella /Three barley stalks. Hendin 75; AJC 11. VF, dark green patina. (50)

':Λ 'J


Vi V

374. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt 132-135 AD. Λΐ 20mm (4.91 gm). Third year? Three-stringed lyre / Palm branch in wreath. Hendin 174; Mildenberg 33 (same dies). Near VF, green patina. (200) 368. JUDAEA, Procurators. Porcius Festus. Year 5 (58/59 AD). JE Prutah (2.61 gm). NEP WNO C in wreath / Palm branch. Hendin 118; AJC 35. Nice VF, black patina. (125)

375. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt 132-135 AD. JE 18mm (3.98 gm). Third year? Bunch of grapes / Palm tree. Hendin 176; Mildenberg 156. Near EF, green and red patina. Rare variety. (300) 369. JUDAEA, Procurators. Porcius Festus. Year 5 (58/59 AD). JE Prutah (2.19 gm). NEP WNO C in wreath / Palm branch. Hendin 118; AJC 35. Near VF, green patina. (75) 4 M P U : ‫׳‬ \ !.; ν . 370. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 2 (67 AD). JE Prutah (3.27 gm). Chalice /Grape leaf. Hendin 123; AJC 12. Near EF, brown patina, scarce this nice. (75)

376. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt 132-135 AD. JE 18mm (531 gm). Third year? Bunch of grapes / Palm tree. Hendin 176; Mildenberg 157 (same dies). VF, green and red patina. (200)

377. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings of. Euthydemos 1.230-190 BC. 371. JUDAEA. First Jewish War. Year 3 (68/69 AD). JE Prutah (2.07 gm). Chalice with cover / Grape leaf. Hendin 126; AJC 20. VF, green and red JE Dichalkon (8.54 gm). Bearded head of Herakles right / Horse gallop(125) patina. (50) 3 6 ing to the right. MIG 87. Near VF, dark brown patina. Rare.


Mail Bid Sale

J U N E 5,1991

GREEK IMPERIAL (Roman Provincial)

378. BAKTRIA, Indo-Parthian Kings of. Pakoros 1.100-135 AD. JE Tetradrachm (7.86 gm). His bust left, hair tied up in large bun /Nike standing right holding wreath. MIG 1102a. VF, brown patina, light porosity.


383. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Reskuporis V. 304-342 AD. JE Stater (7.56 gm). Diademed bust of kingright;trident in front / Laureate bust of Licinius right; eagle on globe in front (?)IX= year 61(?) or circa 320 AD. Cf. SGI 5505. Fine, scarce. (50)

379. BAKTRIA, Indo-Parthian Kings of. Pakoros 1.100-135 AD. JE Tetradrachm (7.99 gm). His bust left, hair tied up in large bun, star behind / Nike standing right holding wreath. MIG 1103a. VF, brown patina, light porosity. (80)

384. MYSIA, Parium. Commodus. 177-192 AD. JE20mm (1.18 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Founder ploughing right SNG Copenhagen 289. VF, dark green patina, some corrosioa (45)

385. PISIDIA, Comama. Maximinus I. 235-238 AD. JE 24mm (8.66 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Three legionary standards. SNG von Aulock 5068. Good VF, dark green patina. Rare city not to be confused with Conana. (125)

380. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings of. Ptolemy m . 246-221 RC.JE 34mm (33.64 gm). Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; comucopiae to left Svoronos 965; SNG Copenhagen 173. Brown VF, encrustation on reverse. (50)

386. CILICIA. Kolybrassos. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 30mm ( 16.23 gm). Laureate bust right / Athena standing facing right holding patera and spear. SNG Levante 330 (same dies). Near EF, green patina, flan flaw reverse. (225)

381. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 221-202 BC. JE 30mm (19.50 gm). Head of Tanit left / Horse standing right palm-tree behind, punie letter before. SNG Copenhagen 340. VF+, dark brown patina, casting pits. SĂœH^ ^ m ^ (250)

382. AFRICA, Islands off. Melita. Circa2nd-lst Century BC. JE 26mm (10.88 gm). Head of Isis left; Tanit symbol in front / Winged figure of Osiris kneeling left, holding crook and flail. SNG Copenhagen 463 (same dies). Near VF, black patina. (200) Ex Henry Chapman, with original tag and envelope.

387. CAPPADOCIA. Caesarea.Trajan.98-117 AD. AR Drachm(3.56 gm). lOOAD.Laureateheadright/HeadofZeus-AmmonrighLSydenham 176. Near VF. (250)

3 7 Also attributed to Kyrene.


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388. CAPPADOCIA. Caesarea. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. AR Drachm (2.67 gm). Dated year 2 (194 AD). Laureate head right / Mt. Argaeus with star at summit Sydenham 388. VF, some verdigris on reverse. (75)

392. SYRIA, Seleukia and Pieria. Laodikeia ad Mare. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 23mm (5.49 gm). Radiate and draped bustright/ Dionysos and Herakles in wrestling pose. SNG Copenhagen 372. Near VF, green patina. Rare. (200)

389. CAPPADOCIA. Caesarea. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. AR Tridrachm (6.74 gm). 241/242 AD. Laureate bust right /Mt. Argaeus with wreath. Sydenham 601. VF, three notches. (200)

393. SYRIA, Coele-Syria. Heliopolis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 22mm (9.70 gm). Laureate bust right / Perspective view of the temple of Jupiter. BMC Galatia etc. 2. Fine, scarce. (120)

The notches have been carefully filed, not chopped as a test cut would be. They almost resemble a crude gear.

394. SYRIA, Coele-Syria. Heliopolis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 27mm ( 11.03 gm). Consecration issue. Laureate bustright/ Perspective view of the temple of Jupiter. BMC Galatia etc. 4. VF, olive green patina. Extremely Rare. (350) 389ASYRIA, Seleukia and Pieria. Antioch. Caligula. Year 3 (39/40 AD). AR Tetradrachm (14.63 gm). Laureate head right / Bust of Agrippina right Cf. BMC Galatia etc. 165 (year 2). Fine, scarce. (200)

395. SYRIA. The Decapolis. Gadara. Claudius. 41-54 AD. JE 17mm (4.85 gm). Year 114(50/51 AD). Laureate head right/Turreted bust of Tyche right Spijkerman, The Coins ofthe Decapolis andProvincia Arabia, (175) 19. Near VF, rough green patina.

390. SYRIA, Seleukia and Pieria. Antioch. Nero. 54 68 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.88 gm). Struck in year 112 (63/64 AD). Laureate bust right wearing aegis / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt wings spread. BMC Galatia, etc. p. 175,198 (pi. XXL 9); SNG Copenhagen 157. Near VF. (100)

391. SYRIA, Seleukia and Pieria. Antioch. Otho. 69 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.99 gm). Laureate head right / Eagle standing left, wings spread, wreath in beak, palm-branch before, crescent between legs. BMC Galatia, etc. p. 177,215. VF, lightly toned. Rare. (900)

396. SYRIA. The Decapolis. Gadara. Titus as Caesar. JE 17mm (4.42 gm). Year 137 (73/74 AD). Laureate head right/Cross comucopiae with cruciform design in center. Spijkerman 30. Near VF, nice green patina. (175)

397. PHOENICIA. Berytos. Claudius. 41 -54 AD. JE 24mm (17.31 gm). His bare head right / Founder ploughing to right with ox and cow. BMC Phoenicia p. 62,69; SNG Copenhagen 91. Near VF, dark green padna. (125)



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398. PHOENICIA. Berytos. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. iE 24 mm (13.46 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bustright/ Tetrastyle temple containing figure of Astarte crowned by Nike on column to right, steps leading up to tempie. BMC Phoenicia p. 74,145. VF, dark green patina. (125)



404. EGYPT, Alexandria. Galba. Year 1(68 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.93 gm). Laureate headright/ Eleutheria standing left, leaning on column. Köln 220; Milne 31 !;Dattari 306. Toned VF. (150)

399. PHOENICIA. Sidon.Year 228 (117/118 AD). iE 22mm (11.85 gm). Turreted and veiled head of Tyche right; star in front / Wheeled shrine of Astarte with baetyl. BMC Phoenicia 203. Near VF, brown patina, scarce. (150) 405. EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 18(133/134 AD). Billon Tetradrachm ( 13.31 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sarapis enthroned left, Kerberos at his feet. Köln 1094; Curtis 527 (this coin). Toned VF. (100) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder. 400. PHOENICIA. Sidon. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. iE 19mm (6.23 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Kadmos wearing cloak fastened about his neck and a sheathed sword, standing on prow. BMC Phoenicia p. 183,239. Near VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights. (75)

401. SAMARIA, Caesarea. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. Billon Tetradrachm (13.57 gm). Cos. 4 (215-217 AD). Laureate head right / Eagle facing with wings displayed; below, club with serpent entwined around it. Bellinger 363. Tonal VF, scarce mint for tetradrachms. (250)

406. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 12(148/149 AD). iE Drachm (27.68 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/Isis Pharia right, holding sistrum and sail, facing lighthouse of Pharos surmounted by Tritons and statue. Köln 1603var. (spacing of date). VF, chocolate brown patina. (250)

402. JUDAEA, Kings of. Agrippa Π. 56-96 AD. iE 17mm (4.76 gm). Year 26 (86/87 AD). Laureate head of Domitian right / Victory inscribing shield; crescent under wing. AJC 37c. Near VF, green patina. (250)

407. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 12(148/149 AD). iE 403. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero. Year 12(65/66 AD). Billon Tetradrachm Drachm (21.35 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /Isis Pharia right, holding sail, facing lighthouse of Pharos surmounted by statue. Köln ( 13.46 gm). Radiate bustright/ Bust of Alexandria right wearing elephant (200) headdress. Köln 172; Milne 238. VF, pitting reverse. (85) 39 1608var. (no sistrum or Tritons). Near VF, brown patina.


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408. EGYPT, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius. Year 6(165/166 AD). /E Drachm (22.25 gm). Laureate bust left, draped on right shoulder / Sarapis in quadriga left saluting head of Helios in field. Köln 2044 variety (head of Helios in field). VF, green patina, rare reverse type. (300)

409. EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Mamaea. Year 12(232/233 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.36 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Bust of Hermanubis right, draped over left shoulder, upright palm-branch/ caduceus before and another palm-branch behind. Köln-; Curtis 1130 (this coin). Good VF, some verdigris. (150)






413. EGYPT, Alexandria. Philip I. Year 3(245/246 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.54 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand and sceptre with left. Köln 2716; Milne 3582. VF, brown patina, nice large flan. (115)

414. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otacilia Severa. Year 2(244/245 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.96 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Eagle standing right, palm-branch behind. Köln 2759; Curtis 1377 (this coin). VF, scattered porosity. (100) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

410. EGYPT, Alexandria. Julia Mamaea. Year 12(232/233 AD). Potin Tetradrachm ( 11.49 gm). Diademed and draped bust right /Zeus enthroned left, holding phiale, eagle at his feet Köln 2537; Curtis 1145 (this coin). Good VF, traces of silvering, scrape behind bust. (100)

415. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otacilia Severa. Year 3(245/246 AD). Potin Tetradrachm ( 11.97 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Eagle standing left, head right, wreath in beak. Köln 2763; Curtis 1378 (this coin). Good VF. (120) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

411. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gordian I. Year 1(238 AD). Potin Tetradrachm ( 12.31 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bastright/ Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Köln 2604; Dattari 4662; Curtis 1210. Fine, pitting. Rare. (300)

416. EGYPT, Alexandria. PhUip Π. As Caesar. Year 4(246/247 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (13.75 gm). Bare-headed and cuirassed bust right / Hermanubis standing facing right, holding caduceus and palm, jackal at feet. Köln 2790; Curtis 1396. Near VF, dark brown patina. (75) Ex CNA XII, lot 721.

417. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 6(258/259 AD). Potin 412. EGYPT, Alexandria. Tranquillina. Year 6(242/243 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.22 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/Nike Tetradrachm (13.43 gm). Diademed and draped bust right/Homonoia advancing right, holding palm-branch and wreath. Köln-; Curtis 1534 (this standing half-left, holding double-cornucopiae. Köln 2688; Milne 3445. coin). Good VF, traces of silvering and some verdigris. (100) VF, dark brown patina. (125) 4 0 ExCol.CurtisCollectionwithhisholder.


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422. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 14(266/267 AD). Potin Tetradrachm ( 10.04 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, head right, wreath in beak, palm-branch behind. Köln 2932; Curtis 1591 (thiscoin). Good VF, dark green patina. (75) 418. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 12(264/265 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (11.22 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bustright/ Athena standing facing, head left, holding shield and spear. Köln 2922; Curtis 1579 (this coin). Good VF, traces of silvering and some verdigris. (65)

Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

423. EGYPT, Alexandria. Salonina. Year 4(256/257 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (13.08 gm). Diademed and draped bust right/Tyche seated left, holding comucopiae and rudder. Köln 2962; Curtis 1544 (this coin). Good VF, brown patina with touches of red. (85) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder. 419. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 13(265/266 AD). Polin Tetradrachm (9.78 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing right, wreath in beak, palm-branch behind. Köln 2928; Curtis 1585 (this coin). VF, dark brown palina. (65) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder. 424. EGYPT, Alexandria. Salonina. Year 7(259/260 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.57 gm). Diademed and draped bustright/ Eagle standing left, head right, wreath in beak. Köln -; Curtis 1540 (this coin). VF, dark greenbrown patina. (50) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

420. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 13(265/266 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (11.06 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/ Eagle standing right, wreath in beak, palm-branch behind. Köln 2928; Curtis 1586 (this coin). Good VF, brown patina. (85) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

425. EGYPT, Alexandria. Claudias Gothicus. Year 1(268/269 AD). Polin Tetradrachm (10.01 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/ Eagle standing right, head left, wreath in beak. Köln 3015; Curtis 1670 (this coin). VF, brown patina with some verdigris. (60) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

421. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 14(266/267 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (11.41 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/ Eagle standing left, head right, wreath in beak, palm-branch behind. Köln 2932; Curtis 1590 (this coin). Good VF, green-brown patina. (75) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.

426. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aurelian. Year 6(274/275 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.12 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, headright,wreath in beak. Köln 3096; Curtis 1773 (this coin). Good VF, brown patina. (50) 4 ‫ ו‬Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.



427. EGYPT, Alexandria. Numerian. Year 2(283/284 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.62 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Athena enthroned left, holding Nike in right hand and sceptre with left. Köln 3192; Curtis 1934 (this coin). Good VF, brown patina. (65) Ex Col. Curtis Collection with his holder.






431. Anonymous. Circa 217-215 BC. JE Struck Sextans (24.49 gm). Head of Mercury right, wearing petasus / Prow of galley right. Sydenham 85 ; Crawford 38/5. Near VF, heavy dark green patina. (50)


428. EGYPT, Hermopolite Nome. Hadrian. Year 11(126/127 AD). JE Dichalkon (2.38 gm). Anepigraphic, laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / ΕΡΜΟ LIA, cynocephalus (dog-headed baboon sacred to Thoth) seated right, disk on head. Köln 3400; Dattari 6270; SNG Copenhagen 1103. Good VF, chocolate brown patina. Rare. (500)

432. Anonymous. Semi-Libral Standard. Circa 217-215 BC. JE Quadrans (37.90 gm). Head of Hercules right, wearing lionskin / Bull to right, trampling snake. Sydenham 94; Crawford 39/2. VF, dark green patina. (950)

Possibly the finest known example of this type!


433. Anonymous. Post Semi-Libral Series. Circa 217-213 BC. JE As (67.33 gm). Janus head / Prow of galley. Thurlow/Vecchi 70; Crawford 41/5a. Near EF for type, choice olive green and red patina, slight shovel scrape on obverse. (800)

429. Anonymous. Aes Grave. Circa 280-275 BC. JE Sextans (59.59 gm). Scallop shell /Caduceus. Thurlow/Vecchi 5; Crawford 14/5. VF, green and brown patina. (600) 434. Cn. Baebius Tamphilius. Circa 194-190 BC. AR Denarius (4.08 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Dioscuri riding right. Baebia 1; Sydenham 334; Crawford 133/2b. Toned VF. (200)

430. Anonymous. Aes Grave. Circa 269-240 BC. JE Sextans (42.38 gm). Scallop shell / Scallop shell. Thurlow/Vecchi 27; Crawford 27/9. VF, nice light green patina. (550)

435. Anonymoas. Circa 187-175 BC. JE Quadrans (8.58 gm). Head of Hercules right, wearing lionskin / Prow of galley right. Sydenham 143c; Crawford 56/5. VF, smooth jade green patina. (450)


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436. Anonymous. Circa 175 BC? AR Denarius (4.11 gm). Sicilian mint? Helmeted head of Roma, griffin on helmet / DioscuriridingrighLSydenham 191; Crawford 44/5. Toned VF,flancrack. (150)

437. P. Maenius Antiaticus M.f. 132 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Helmeted head of Romaright/ Victory in quadriga. Maenia 7; Sydenham 492; Crawford 249/1. Toned EF. (250)

438. M. Aburius M.f. Geminus. 132 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Sol in quadriga. Aburia 6; Sydenham 487; Crawford 250/1. Toned EF. (250)

439. L. Thorius Balbus. 105 BC. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). Brockage. Head of Juno Sospitaright/ Incuse of same. Cf. Thoria 1 ; Sydenham 598; Crawford 316/1. Toned VF, interesting error coin. (175) ExSydenham Collection.

440. P. Servilius M.f. Rullas. 100 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Helmeted bust of Minerva left / Victory in biga; Ρ below. Servilia 14; Sydenham 601 ; Crawford 328/1. Toned VF+. (250)

J U N E 5,1991

442. L Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; pellet behind / Horseman galloping right, holding palm; XXIIÏÏ below. Calpurnia 11 ; Sydenham 663; Crawford 340/1. Toned good VF. (150)

443. L. Calpurnius Piso FrugL 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). Laureate head of Apolloright;leaping goat behind / Horseman gallopingright;CXI below. Calpurnia 11 ; Sydenham 663a; Crawford 340/1. Toned VF. (85)

444. Q. Titius. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Head of Mutinus Titinus right, wearing winged diadem / Pegasus leaping from tablet. Titia 1; Sydenham 691 ;Crawford 341/1. Toned VF. (250)

445. L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus. 89 BC. AR Denarius (3.69 gm). Head of King Tatius right; A.PV toright,palm below /Tarpeia being buried under shields; crescent and pellet above. Tituria 5; Sydenham 699a; Crawford 344/2c. Toned VF. (200)

446. Q. Antonias Balbus. 83-82 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.98 gm). Head of Jupiter right; ·D in front / Victory in quadriga right. Antonia 1 b; Sydenham 742a; Crawford 364/lc. Near EF, old toning. (135)

447. C. Mamilius Lime tan us. 82 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.95 gm). Bust of Mercury right, wearing winged causia / Ulysses greeting his faith441. D. Silanus L.f. 91 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Helmeted head of ful dog Argus. Mamilia 6; Sydenham 741 ; Crawford 362/1. Toned VF. Romaright;ring behind / Victory in biga; ΠΠ above. Junia 16; Sydenham 3 (250) 646a; Crawford 337/3. Choice EF. (275)


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JUNE 5,1991

448. L. Marcius Censorinus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (4.02 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Satyr Marsyas with wine skin. Marcia 24; Sydenham 737; Crawford 363/ld. Toned VF. (100)

454. Cn. Lentulus. 76-75 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Diademed head of Roman Genius right / Globe between sceptre and rudder. Cornelia 54; Sydenham 752; Crawford 393/1 a. Toned near EF. (185)

449. T. Claudius Ti.f.Ap.n.Nero. 79 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.73 gm). Bust of Diana right / Victory in biga right; XXXI below. Claudia 5; Sydenham 770; Crawford 383/1. VF, old toning. (85)

455. C. Postumia. 74 BC. AR Denarius (4.17 gm). Head of Dianaright/ Hunting dog bounding right; spear below. Postumia 9; Sydenham 785; Crawford 394/1 a. Toned near VF. (100)

450. M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Volteia 1; Sydenham 774; Crawford 385/1. Toned good VF. (200)

456. C. Hosidius C.f.Geta. 68 BC. AR Denarius (4.09 gm). Diademed bust of Diana right/Calydonian boar. Hosidia 1; Sydenham 903;Crawford 407/2. Near EF, flat strike, iridescent toning. (100)

Ex Eton College, Sotheby's December 1976.

457. M. Plaetorius MX Cestianus. 67 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Head of Vacuna right, wearing high-crested helmet; quiver and cornucopiae in fields / Eagle on thunderbolt. Plaetoria 4; Sydenham 809; Crawford 409/1. Choice EF, iridescent toning, scarce. (500)

451. M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Head of Hercules right, wearing lionskin / Erymanthian boar right. Volteia 2; Sydenham 775; Crawford 385/2. Toned good VF. (160)

Vacuna is a Sabine goddess adopted by the Romans; some references describe the obverse bust as a Romanized version of Isis.

458. L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Veiled and diademed head of Concord right/Trophy flanked by Perseus and sons, and L. Aemilius Paullus. Aemilia 10; Sydenham 926; Crawford 415/1. Good VF+. (275)

452. M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Helmeted head of Auis right; cap behind / Cybele seated in cart drawn by lions. Volteia 4; Sydenham 777; Crawford 385/4. Toned good VF. (250) Ex Knobloch, Stack's May 1978, lot 430.

453. P. Satrienus. 77 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Helmeted head of Mars right/She-wolf left Satriena 1 ; Sydenham 781a; Crawford 388/1 b. Toned VF. (90)


459. L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Veiled and diademed head of Concord right /Trophy flanked by Perseus and soas, and L. Aemilius Paullus. Aemilia 10; Sydenham 926; Crawford 415/1. Toned VF. (165)


Mail Bid Sale

460. L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Veiled and diademed head of Concordright/ Trophy flanked by Perseus and sons, and L. Aemilius Paullus. Aemilia 10; Sydenham 926; Crawford 415/1. Toned VF. (150)

461. LScribonius Libo. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right/Well-head decorated with lyres and tongs. Scribonia 8; Sydenham 928; Crawford 416/1 b. Toned VF+. (100)






466. Cn. Plancius. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Head of Diana Planciana right, wearing petasus /Cretan goat with bow and quiver. Plancia 1; Sydenham 993; Crawford 432/1. VF, flat strike on head. (130)

467. Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Laureate head of Salus right / Valetudo holding serpent. Acilia 8; Sydenham 922; Crawford 442/1 a. Toned VF. (100)

462. M. Nonius Sufenas. 59 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Head of Saturn right, harpa and stone behind / Victory crowning Roma seated on pile of arms. Nonia 1; Sydenham 885; Crawford421/1. Good VF, iridescent toning, scarce. (250)

468. A. Licinius Nerva and Albinus Bruti f. Fourrée Denarius (3.09 gm). Mule. Obverse of Nerv a, 47 BC: Laureate head of Fidesright,mated with reverse of Albinus, 48 BC: /Clasped hands holding caduceus. Licinia 24 / Vibia 22. VF, with some plating flaked off. Rare and unusual. (650) An example of irregular use ofmint dies.

463. M. Aemilius Scaurus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). Subject king kneeling beside camel, offering olive branch/Jupiter chiving quadriga left; scorpion below. Aemilia 8; Sydenham 913; Crawford 422/1b. Good VF. (200)

469. Q. Caecilius MeteUus Pius Scipio. 4746 BC. AR Denarius (4.25 gm). Laureate archaic head of Jupiter right / Elephant right. Caecilia 47; Sydenham 1046; Crawford 459/1. Toned VF, slightly rough surfaces. (250)

464. Titius Didius. 55 BC. AR Denarius (4.08 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Concord right /Villa Publica. Didia 1; Sydenham 901; Crawford 429/2a Toned VF, slightly off-center. (125)

470. L. Papius Celsus. 45 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat's skin / Wolf and eagle building fire. Papia 2; Sydenham 964; Crawford 472/1. Nice toned VF. Rare. (400) An unusual reverse scene depicting an omen associated with Aeneas and the early history of Rome; an allegorical prophecy foretelling the formation of the Roman Empire.

465. Cn. Plancius. 55 BC. AR Denarius (4.16 gm). Head of Diana 471. Lollius Palicanus. 45 BC. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Laureate head of Planciana right, wearing petasus /Cretan goat with bow and quiver. Plancia Honos right / Curule chair between grain ears. Lollia 1; Sydenham 961; 1 ; Sydenham 993; Crawford 432/1. EF, lustrous steel-gray toning. (225) (175) 4 5 Crawford 473/2. Good VF.


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472. L. Valerius Asisculus. 45 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Diademed head of Apollo Soranus right; pick axe (asisculus) behind / Valeria Luperca riding heifer. Valeria 17; Sydenham 998; Crawford 474/la. Toned good VF, porosity on reverse. (150)



478. JULIUS CAESAR. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Diademed head of Ceres right / Simpulum, aspergillum, jug and lituus. RSC 4; Sydenham 1024;Crawford467/lb.TonednearEF. (375) Struck after the battle ofThapsus, which secured for Caesar control of Africa, the major grain producing regionfor Rome.

473. M. Junius Brutus. 43-42 BC. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Trophy. RSC 4; Sydenham 1298; Crawford 507/2. Toned near VF. Rare. (600)

ROMAN IMPERATORIAL 479. JULIUS CAESAR. 44 BC. AR Denarius (4.12 gm). His laureate head right, star behind / Venus standing left, holding Victory and sceptre. Crawford 480/5b; Sydenham 1071 ; RSC 1,41. VF+, well-struck and centered for issue. (2500)

474. JULIUS CAESAR. 4948 BC. AR Denarius (3.88 gm). Elephant trampling serpent / Simpulum, aspergillum, axe and apex. RSC 49; Sydenham 1006; Crawford 443/1. EF, reverse somewhat flat (300)

480. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.70 gm). Galley right / Legionary eagle and standards; LEG ΙΠ. RSC 28; Sydenham 1217; Crawford 544/15. Toned near EF. (200) 475. JULIUS CAESAR. 48-47 BC. AR Denarius (4.14 gm). Wreathed head of Venus right / Trophy of Gallic arms, carny χ to right. RSC 18; Sydenham 1009; Crawford 452/2. EF, old toning. (350) ExGlendining's and Empire Coins, Oct. 1989, lot 689.

481. MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN. 40-39 BC. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Head of Antony right / Head of Octavian right RSC 8; BMCRR 103; Crawford 517/2. Choice near EF. (1200) 476. JULIUS CAESAR. 4746 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Diademed head of Venus right / Aeneas carrying palladium and Anchises. RSC 12; Sydenham 1013; Crawford 458/1. Toned near EF. (300)

477. JULIUS CAESAR. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Diademed head of Venus right / Aeneas carrying palladium and Anchises. RSC 12; Sydenham 1013; Crawford458/1. Near EF, iridescent toning. (300)

482. MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIA. 39 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.66 gm). Pergamum mint. Laureate head of Antony right within ivy wreath / Head of Octavia on cista between serpents. RSC 2; Sydenham 1197. VF, scarce. (450)


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483. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.37 gm). Ephesus mint. Struck 24-20 BC. Bare head of Antony right / Garlanded altar decorated with stags. RSC 2; RIC 1482. Fine, scarce. (200)

484. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Spanish mint 18 BC. Toga picta between eagle and wreath / Ornamented quadriga right. RSC 78a; RIC 1101. Good toned VF, punch mark on obverse. (300)

489. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE Dupondius (11.99 gm). C. Plotius Rufus, moneyer. 15 BC. AVGVSTVS TRIBNIC POTEST in wreath / Large SC. RIC 1388. Near VF, brown patina. (150)

490. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE As (10.62 gm). Struck by Tiberius. Radiate head of Augustus left; thunderbolt and star / Livia seated right, holding patera and sceptre. RIC172 (Tiberius). VF, brown patina, choice portrait of Augustus. (300)

485. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Lugdunum mint. 15-13 BC. Bare headright/ Bull buttingright.RSC 137; RIC 1167a. Good toned VF. (250) 491. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE As (10.95 gm). Struck by Tiberius. 22-30 AD. Radiate bust left / Altar. RIC 181(Tiberius). VF, brown padna. (150)

486. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.72 gm). Lugdunum mint. Laureate headright/ Caius and Lucius Caesars; simpulum and lituus. RSC 43; RIC 1207. Toned VF, punch mark reverse. (150)

487. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Lugdunum mint 8 BC. Laureate headright/ German offering his child to Augustus as token of submission. RSC 175; RIC 1208a; Banti, CNR V, 609/1 (this coin). Good VF. Rare. (450)

492. AUGUSTUS. Restitution Issue underTitus. 80-81 AD. Orichalcum Sestertius (24.13 gm). Augustus enthroned left, holding patera and sceptre / Large SC, REST above. RIC Î 187 (Titus). Fine, light scratches on reverse. Rare. (400)

493. AUGUSTUS. Restitution Issue under Titus. 80-81 AD. JE Dupondius 488. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). L. Caninius Gallus, moneyer. 12 BC. Bare headright/ Kneeling Gaul offering vexillum. (10.04 gm). Radiate head of Augustus left / Victory flying left, holding (200) RSC 383; RIC 1416. VF. Very Rare. (500) 4 7 shield. RIC II 189 (Titus). VF, brown patina. Rare.



494. AUGUSTUS & AGRIPPA. 20-10 BC. JE As (12.05 gm). Nemausus mint. Laureate heads of Augustus (on right) and Agrippa facing outwards / Crocodile chained to palm tree. RIC 1155. Fine, dark green patina. (175)

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499. TIBERIUS. As Caesar. 10 AD. JE As (10.93 gm). Bare head right/ Large S C. RIC1469 (Augustus). Good VF, smooth brown and green padna. (400)

500. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Laureate head right / Livia, as Pax, seated right. RSC 16a; RIC 130. Near VF. (200) 495. AUGUSTUS & AGRIPPA. 10-14 AD. JE Dupondius (13.41 gm). Brockage. Nemausus mint. Laureate heads of Augustus (on right) and Agrippa facing outwards / Incuse of obverse. Cf. RIC 1159. Near VF, brown patina, rare as brockage. (200)

501. GERMANICUS. Father of Caligula. Died 19 AD. JE Dupondius (14.99 gm). Struck under Caligula. Germanicus in quadriga right / Germanicus standing left. RIC 157 (Gaius Caligula). Near VF, medium brown patina. Scarce. (700)

496. AUGUSTUS & AGRIPPA. 10-14 AD. JE As (10.25 gm). Nemausus mint. Laureate heads of Augustus (on right) and Agrippa facing outwards / Crocodile right, chained to palm tree. RIC 1160. VF, lovely light green patina, some corrosion on reverse. (350)

502. GERMANICUS. Father of Caligula. Died 19 AD. JE As (11.14 gm). Struck 50-54 AD. Bare head right/ Large SC. RIC 1106 (Claudius). Near VF, smooth light brown patina. (175)

497. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. JE As (13.25 gm). Struck under Caligula. Head left, wearing rostral crown / Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident RIC 158 (Caligula). VF, nice charcoal gray patina. (350)

498. TIBERIUS. As Caesar. 8-10 AD. JE As (11.49 gm). Lugdunum mint Laureate bust left/Altar of Lugdunum. RIC 1238b (Augustus). Near VF, brown patina, light scratches. (120)


503. CALIGULA. 3741 AD./E As (11.25 gm). 37/38 AD. Bare head left / Vesta seated left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC 138. VF, choice dark green patina. (450)


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504. CALIGULA. 3741 AD. JE As (10.98 gm). 37/38 AD. Bare head left / Vesta seated left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC 138. Fine, pitting on reverse. (100)

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509. CLAUDIUS. Restitution Issue under Titus. 80-81 AD. JE Sestertius (21.68 gm). Laureate head of Claudius right / Spes standing left, holding flower. RIC II234 (Titus); Band CNR XV, 738/2 (this coin). Near VF, reverse corroded. Rare. (400)

505. CALIGULA. 3741 AD. JE As (10.31 gm). Struck 37/38 AD. Bare head left/ Vesta seated left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC 138. Fine, lacquered. (100) 510. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (24.63 gm). Struck 65 AD. Lugdunum mint. Laureate head right, globe at point of bust / Nero and companion on horseback. RIC 1396. VF, dark brown patina, roughness on neck. Rare reverse. (450)

506. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE As (9.83 gm). Struck 41-50 AD. Bare head left/ Constant!a standing facing left, holding spear. RIC195. Good VF+, brown patina. (350)

511. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (24.79 gm). Struck 65 AD. Lugdunum mint. Laureate headright/ Roma seated left, holding Victory and para/onium. RIC 1398. Good VF, smooth green patina. Superb portrait of the highest workmanship! (1500) 507. CLAUDIUS.41-54 AD. JE As (10.47 gm). S!ruck41-50 AD. Bare head right / Minerva walking right, holding spear and shield. RIC I 100. VF, dark green patina, light pitting. (175)

512. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (25.24 gm). Struck 65 AD. 508. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE As (11.16 gm). Struck 50-54 AD. Bare Lugdunum mint Laureate head right / Roma seated left, holding Victory and (200) head left/Libertas standing right. RIC 1113. VF, green patina. (400) 4 parazonium. RIC 1398. Near VF, brown patina.


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513. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Dupondius (15.51 gm). Struck 64 AD. Laureate head right / Victory walking right, holding wreath and palm. RIC 1196. VF, tan patina. (150)






519. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.55 gm). Laureate head right / Libertas standing facing, head right RIC 1105 (Rare); RSC Π 47. Toned EF/VF. (1000)

520. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (333 gm). Laureate head right / Vesta seated right. RSC 72; RIC 1107. Toned near VF. (300) 514. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE As (10.82 gm). Struck 65 AD. Laureate head right / Temple of Janus, door on left side. RIC 1305(R2). Near VF, green and brown patina. (125)

521. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (2.84 gm). Struck 69-71 AD. Laureate head right / Confronted heads of Titus and Domitian. RSC 5; RIC Π 2. Fine, scarce. (200) 515. GALBA.68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Bare head right/SPQR OB C S in oak wreath. RSC 287; RIC 1167. VF, mountmark reverse. Rare. (875) 522. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.49 gm). Struck 70-72 AD. Laureate head right / Simpulum, aspergillum, jug and lituus. RSC 42; (160) RIC Π 29. VF, expressive portrait.

516. GALBA. 68-69 AD. Fourrée Denarius (2.01 gm). Bare head right/ SPQR OB CS in oak wreath. Cf. RSC 287; RIC 1167. Toned near VF. (175) ExMabbott, lot 4203. 523. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.62 gm). Laureate head right / Winged caduceus upright. RIC Π 75; RSC Π 362. Nice VF+. (550)

517. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE Dupondius (14.67 gm). Laureate head right /SPQR O.B CIV SER within oak wreath. RIC 1287. Good VF, greenpatina. Powerful depiction of the aged emperor. (850)

518. GALBA. 68-69 AD. JE Dupondius (12.90 gm). Laureate head right / Pax standing left, holding branch and comucopiae. RIC 1370. Near VF, brown patina. (125)

524. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). Struck 77/78 AD. Laureate head right / Sow with piglets left. RSC 213; RIC Π 109. Toned VF. (125)

525. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.52 gm). Struck 77/78 AD. Laureate head right / Pax, naked to waist, seated left, holding branch. RSC 154; RIC Π 200. Toned EF, marvelous craggy portrait. (450)


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531. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.37 gm). Laureate head right/ Wreath on curule chair. RIC Π 25a; RSC Π 318. Toned VF. (350)

526. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. IE Sestertius (25.83 gm). Struck 71 AD. Laureate head right / IVDAEA CAPTA bound male and weeping female Jewish captives under palm tree. RIC Π 424. Choice VF portrait, but large pit on reverse. Rare and popular Judaean reference. (1250) 532. DOMITIAN. As Caesar. 77/78 AD. JE As (10.76 gm). Laureate head right / Victory standing right on prow, carrying wreath and palm. BMC Π pg. 177 note. Good VF, dark green patina. Rare. (450)

527. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Sestertius (25.47 gm). Struck 71 AD. Laureate head right / Mars walking right holding trophy and spear. RIC Π 447. VF, brown patina, nice portrait. (500) 533. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Tetradrachm (10.20 gm). Ephesus mint Laureate head right / Six grain ears tied together. RSC 22a; RIC Π 221 (R-3). Toned Fine. Very Rare. (300)

528. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Dupondius ( 13.00 gm). Commagene. Struck 74 AD. Laureate head left / Crossed comucopiae with caduceus. RIC Π 798b. Good VF+, smooth brown patina. Superb portrait. (400) 534. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Tetradrachm (10.19 gm). Ephesus minL Struck 82 AD. Laureate head right / Legionary aquila between Standards. RSC 667; RIC Π 226. Toned Fine. Rare. (160)

529. VESPASIAN. Consecration Issue under Titus. 80-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Laureate head right / Goats supporting shield with SC, globe beneath. RSC 497; RIC Π 63 (Titus). Good VF, wonderful old cabinet toning. (250)

535. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (2.65 gm). Struck 88 AD. Laureate head right / LVD SAEC FEC on cippus. RSC 70; RIC Π 115. Toned near VF. Rare reverse type. (145)

536. DOMITIAN. 81 96 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Struck 90/91 AD. ‫—־יי‬ — AV Laureate head right / Minerva standing left, holding thunderbolt and spear. 530. TITUS. As Caesar. 75-79 AD. AV Aureas (6.83 gm). Laureate head (300) right / Pax seated left RIC Π 212 (Vespasian). Fine. (800) 5 1 RSC 264; RIC II 154. Near EF.




537. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.62 gm). Struck 91 AD. Laureate head right / Athena standing left, holding thunderbolt and spear, shield at feet. RSC 268; RIC Π 158. Toned near EF. (225)

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542. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE As (10.85 gm). Struck 84 AD. Laureate head right, aegis at neck /Moneta standing left, holding scales and comucopiae. RIC II 242A. VF, smooth dark green patina. (175)

538. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Struck 86 AD. Laureate head right / Athena standing right, holding spear and shield. RSC 204b. Toned near EF. (225) 543. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE As (10.53 gm). Stnick 87 AD. Laureate head right / Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC Π 354b. Nice VF, brown patina, sharp portrait. (175) 539. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Quinarius (1.28 gm). Struck 88 AD. Laureate head right/ Herald walking left, holding wand and shield. RSC 78; RIC Π 118. Toned VF, slight flan crack. Very rare typ>e and denomination. (500) Commemorates the Secular Games of 88 AD.

ExCNAIX, lot 411.

544. DOMITIAN. 81 -96 AD. JE As (12.73 gm). Struck 87 AD. Laureate head right / Virtus standing right. RIC Π 356b. VF, brown patina. (120)

540. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE Sestertius (25.72 gm). Struck 87 AD. Laureate head right / Domitian in military uniform, holding parazonium and sp>ear, standing over personification of the Rhine. RIC Π 345. VF, smooth olive-green patina, slight rim bump, otherwise a choice and rare sestertius of Domitian. (750)

545. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). Struck 97 AD. Laureate head right / Clasped hands. RSC 20; RIC Π 14. Toned EF, good portrait. (450)

Very old collection number (172) on reverse.

‫ ׳יי‬5· ‫ ־ י׳‬. , ‫י‬ Γ i M• % ΐ Μ

546. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (338 gm). Struck 97 AD. Laureate head right / Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RSC 66; RIC Π 16. Toned VF. (100)

541. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE Sestertius (28.29 gm). Struck 90/91 AD. Laureate head right / Victory crowning Domitian, in military uniform, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RIC Π 390. Good VF, chocolate brown p>atina, patch of roughness on reverse. (600) Domitian, in his conceit, carries the attributes of Zeus, namely the thunderbolt and sceptre.

5 2

547. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.37 gm). Struck 97 AD. Laureate head right / Fortuna seated left, holding grain ears and sceptre. RSC 79; RIC II 17. Toned VF, good portrait. (250)



548. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). Struck 97 AD. Laureate head right/ Salus seated left, holding grain ears. RSC 134a; RIC Π -. Toned good VF, scarce variety with TRPII. (575)






554. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate bustright,drapery / Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus (80) and leaning on column. RSC 81 b; RIC Π 120. Good VF.

555. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / Dacian seated right at foot of trophy. RIC Π 222; RSC Π 537a. Good VF, scarce reverse, faint hairline scratches. (200) 549. NERVA. 96-98 AD. IE Sestertius (2331 gm). Struck 96 AD. Laureate head right/(FISCI IVDAICA CALVMNIA SVBLATA), palm tree. RIC II 72. Fair, green patina, heavy pitting. Another popular Judaean reference. (250)

550. NERVA. 96-98 AD. JE As ( 11.34 gm). Laureate headright/ Libertas standing left, holding pileus and sceptre. RIC Π100. Nice VF, green patina, nice portrait. (145) SCARCE TRAJAN AUREUS

556. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Sestertius (23.54 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor on horseback right, trampling and spearing Dacian. RIC II 534. VF, tan patina, corrosion on reverse. Heroic frontal facing bust. (150) Ex CNAIX, lot 413.

^ 1 " ‫ ' ׳ ׳ י‬AV 551. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AV Aureus (7.02 gm). Struck 114-117 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Radiate and draped bustrightof Sol. RIC Π 329. Good VF. Scarce reverse type. (3000)

557. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Sestertius (25.18 gm). Struck 112-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and comucopiae. RIC Π 634. VF, tan patina, roughness on neck, nice reverse. (150) 552. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (2.97 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate head right, drapery / Manacled Dacian standing left, sur(200) rounded by arms. RSC 121; RIC Π 99. Toned near EF.

558. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Dupondius (11.80 gm). Struck 103-111 553. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Radiate head right, drapery / Spes walking left, holding flower. RIC Π AD. Laureate bust right, drapery / Roma standing left, holding Victory and (90) spear. RSC 68a; RIC Π 115. Toned VF. (75) 5 520. Good VF, brown patina


Mail Bid Sale

559. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Dupondius (12.42 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Radiate head right, drapery / Emperor in quadriga left. RIC Π 533. VF, tan patina, scarce reverse. (120)






565. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Struck 119-122 AD. Laureate head right / Pax sealed left, holding Victory on globe. RIC Π 95; RSC Π 1147b. Superb EF. (600)

566. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Struck 119-122 AD. Laureate head right, drapery / Hilaritas standing facing. RSC 816; RIC Π 126. Toned EF. (450) 560. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE As (10.28 gm). Struck 101/102 AD. Laureate head right / Victory standing facing left, holding wreath and palm. RIC Π 436. VF, brown patina. (75)

567. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (2.89 gm). Struck 125-128 AD. Laureate head right, drapery / Neptune standing left on prow, holding dolphin and sceptre. RSC 310; RIC Π 157. Good toned VF. (145) 561. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Semis (3.16 gm). Laureate bust right/ Jug and wreath on table. RIC Π 687. Near VF, tan patina. (145)

562. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Quadrans (2.90 gm). Laureate head of Hercules right / Boar walking right. RIC Π 702. VF, brown patina with tan highlights. Nice for one of these. (100)

563. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.13 gm). Struck 117 AD. Laureate head right, drapery / Hadrian receives globe from Trajan. RSC 1009; RIC Π 2a. Fine. (100)

564. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Struck 118 AD. Laureate bustright,drapery /Concordia seated left, holding patera. RSC 253; (100) RIC Π 48. Toned VF.

568. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Struck 125-128 AD. Laureate head right, drapery / Roma standing left, holding Victory and spear. RSC 349; RIC Π 161. Toned near EF. (250)

569. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). Struck 125-128 AD. Laureate headright,drapery / Concordia sealed left, holding patera. RSC (200) 328; RIC Π 172. Toned near EF, choice portrait.

570. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.13 gm). Struck 125-128 AD. Laureate headright,drapery /Pudicitia seated left. RSC 393; RIC Π178. Superb EF, virtually Mint State. (400) 5 4 ExCNA IX, 101417.



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571. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). Struck 132-134 AD. Laureate bust left, drapery / Galley to left. RSC 713a; RIC Π 240. Toned VF. (325) 576. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (23.12 gm). Posthumous Issue. Struck 138-139 AD. Laureate head right, drapery at shoulder / Hilaritas standing facing left, holding palm and comucopiae, children at feet. RIC Π 970. Near VF, smooth black patina. (200) 572. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Bare head right / Victory as Nemesis walking right, holding branch. RSC 1454; RIC Π 282. Nice toned VF+. (150)

577. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Dupondius (13.03 gm). Struck 118 AD. Radiate bust right, drapery / Annona standing left, holding grain ears over modius and comucopiae, prow behind. RIC Π 560b. VF, tan patina, rough surfaces and flan crack. Scarce reverse. (140) 573. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (29.89 gm). Struck 119 AD. Laureate bustright, drapery / Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus (outward) and comucopiae. RIC Π 563b. Nice VF, brown and green patina. (300)

578. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Dupondius (11.88 gm). Struck 119121 AD. Radiate bustright, drapery / Virtus standingright,holding spear and parazonium. RIC Π 605var. (with drapery at shoulder). VF, smooth jade green patina. (140)

574. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (23.34 gm). Struck 119 AD. Laureate bustright,drapery / Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus (upward) and comucopiae. RIC Π 563b. VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. (150) 579. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Dupondius (13.38 gm). Struck 125128 AD. Radiate bustright,drapery/Pegasus flyingrighL RIC II658. VF, brown patina. Good portrait and scarce reverse. (200)

575. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (25.40 gm). Posthumous Issue. Struck 138-139 AD. Laureate headright/ Hilaritas standing facing left, holding palm and comucopiae, children at feet. RIC II970. Near EF/VF, smooth brown patina on a broad flan. (500)

580. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (11.38 gm). Struck 132-134 AD. Laureate bustright/ Galley to left. RIC Π 719. Near VF, rough black patina. The long-necked bust is reminiscent of the portraits of the early Julio(100) Claudians, reflecting the divine status ofthe deceased Emperor. See RICpg. 5 5 Related to Hadrian's travels series. 316for a discussion of this issue.








587. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Struck 151/152 AD. Laureate head right/ Pietas standing by altar, holding hind and fruits. RSC 617; RIC ΠΙ217. Toned near EF, die bulge by eyes. (145)

581. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (10.88 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / Annona standing left, holding grain ears over modius and rudder over ship. RIC Π 796. VF, brown patina. (75)

588. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). Stmck 151/152 AD. Laureate head right / Tranquilitas standing right, holding rudder and grain ears. RSC 826; RIC ΙΠ 218. Near VF, scarce reverse.

582. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (10.71 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / S C in wreath. RIC Π 831. Near VF, brown patina (75)



583. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (10.02 gm). Provinces Series. Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate bust right/ Africa reclining left, holding scorpion and comucopiae, modius at feet RIC Π 841. VF, brown patina. (175)

589. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (22.62 gm). Struck 140-144 AD. Laureate head right / Decastyle temple. RIC ΙΠ 622. VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. Rare architectural reverse. (250)

584. SABINA. Wife of Hadrian. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). Diademed bust right / Concordia seated left holding patera. RSC 12; RIC Π 398 (Hadrian). Toned near VF, scratches. (80)

590. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (25.75 gm). Struck 143/144 AD. Laureate head right/ Victory walking right, holding trophy. RIC ΙΠ 717a. VF, green patina, flan split (250) 585. SABINA. Wife of Hadrian. Consecration Issue. 136 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Veiled and wreathed bust right / Altar. RSC 56; RIC Π 422a (R). Fine, scarce. (250)

Commemorates the defeat of the Brigantes in Britain. The subjugation of this tribe and the subsequent construction of the Antonine Wall represented the northernmost expansion ofRoman power.

586. AELIUS Caesar. 136-137 AD. JE Dupondius or As (9.75 gm). Bare head right / Spes-Fortuna standing left holding flower, comucopiae and rudder. RIC ΠΙ 1065 or 1066. VF, dark brown patina. (100) Ex Fowler Collection, Stack's 1969, lot 501. 5

591. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (9.73 gm). Struck 140144 AD. Laureate head right / Crossed comucopiae with caduceus. RIC ΠΙ 705a. Near VF, green patina. (100)




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597. FAUSTINA JUNIOR. Died 175 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Fecunditas standing facing, head right, holding child. RIC ΙΠ 677 (Aurelius); RSC Π 99. Good VF. (250) 592. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. IE As (12.97 gm). Laureate headright/ Aetemitas standing left. RIC III 832a. Good VF, black patina, old scratches on reverse. (150)

598. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.24 gm). Struck 163/164 AD. Laureate head right / Mars standing right, holding spear and shield. RSC 230; RIC m 516. Choice EF, old toning, superb finely detailed portrait. (600) 593. FAUSTINA SENIOR. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Draped bustright/ Vesta standing left, holding palladium and sceptre. RSC 291 ; RIC ΙΠ 400 (Pius). Toned VF, two minor edge cuts. (100)

599. LUCILLA. Wife of Lucius Verus. AR Denarius (2.85 gm). Draped bustright/ Venus standing left, holding Victory and shield. RSC 89; RIC ΙΠ 786 (Aurelius). Toned VF. (100)

594. FAUSTINA SENIOR. Consecration Issue. After 141 AD. JE Sestertius (2237 gm). Draped bustright/ Vesta standing left, holding torch and palladium. RIC ΠΙ 1125 (Pius). Fine, smooth black patina. (75) 600. COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). Struck 181 AD. Laureate headright/ Armona standing left holding grain ears over altar and cornucopiae. RSC 812; RIC ΠΙ14. Good VF+, deep old toning. (135)

595. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Struck 166 AD. Laureate head right / Victory holding palm and shield inscribed VIC PAR. RSC 878; RIC ffl 163. EF, deep old toning. (245) Marks the conclusion ofthe Parthian campaigns.

596. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Sestertius (23.81 gm). Struck 161/162 AD. Laureate head right / Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius shaking hands. RIC ΙΠ 826. VF, light brown patina, scratches on reverse. (160) Ex McCollough Collection.

601. COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. AR Denarius (339 gm). Stnick 192 AD. Laureate head right / Pietas seated left, gesturing toward child and holding cornucopiae. RSC 574; RIC ΠΙ 236. Toned VF. (175)

602. COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Struck 191/192 AD. Bust right, wearing lion skin / HERCVL ROMAN AVGV, club in wreath. RSC 190; RIC ΙΠ 251. Nice VF. (300) Depicts Commodus in the depths ofhispsychosis, believing himselfto be the 5 7 re-incarnation ofHercules.


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603. COMMODUS. 177-192AD./EMedallion(31.10gm).Struckcirca 189 AD. Laureate bustright/ Caracalla standing right, sacrificing over tripod, before seated Fortuna holding rudder and comucopiae. Gnecchi pi. 79,2; Szaivert 1135. Near VF, brown patina, cut on head. (300) The center of a bimetallic medallion. The head cut is probably a damnatio, or condemnation of Commodus' memory after his death.

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607. DEDIUS JULIANUS. 193 AD. JE Sestertius (17.64 gm). Laureate head right / Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and comucopiae. RIC IV pt. 1,15. Fine, heavypitting. Rare. (400) Thefamous wealthy Roman who "bought" the Empirefrom the Praetorian Guards after they murdered Pertinax. He was overthrown after 66 days, and the Praetorians never did get all their money.

608. PESCENNIUS NIGER. 193-194 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Laureate head right / Bonus Eventus standing half-left. RIC IV pt. 1, 5a; RSC III 10c. Nice VF, some light porosity. Very Rare. (3000) 604. COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. IE Medallion (22.60 gm). Struck circa 190 AD. Laureate bust right / Sol in quadriga right. Gnecchi pl.78, 3; Szaivert 1149. Near VF, green patina, cut fragment. (250) A more extreme form of damnatio. It is possible that this piece was cut down to serve as a weight. 609. CLODIUS ALBINUS. As Caesar. 193-195 AD. AR Denarius (2.83 gm). Bare head right / Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae; wheel beneath chair. RSC 30; RIC IV pL 1, 5c. Near VF. (100) Ex Fowler Collection, Stack's 1969, lot556.

610. CLODIUS ALBINUS. As Caesar. 193-195 AD. AR Denarius (3.23 gm). Bare head right /Minerva standing lefL RSC 48; RIC IV pt. 1,7. Near VF. (100) 605. PERTINAX. January - March 193 AD. AR Denarius (3.02 gm). Laureate head right / Aequitas standing facing, head left, holding scales and comucopiae. RIC IV pt. 1,1 (R-2); RSC ΙΠ 2. Toned VF+/good VF. Exceptional portrait. Rare. (1800)

606. PERTINAX. Divo Pertinax. Struck by Severus. AR Denarius (2.71 gm). Bare head right / Eagle standing on globe, wings spread, head left. RIC IV pt. 1,24a (Severus; R-3); RSC ΙΠ 6. Toned VF. Very Rare. (2000)

Ex Fowler Collection, Stack's 1969, lot555.

611. CLODIUS ALBINUS. As Caesar. 193-195 AD. JE Sestertius (19.08 gm). Bare head right/ Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and sceptre. (200) 5 8 RIC IV pt. 1,52d. Good, dark brown patina. Rare.


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618. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). Struck213217 AD. Laureate head right / Moneta standing left, holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 308; RIC IV pL 1,308. Nice toned VF. (165) 612. CLODIUS ALBINUS. As Caesar. 193-195 AD. JE Sestertius (26.20 gm). Bare head right / Minerva standing left, holding branch, spear and shield. RIC IV pt. 1,54a. Fine, nice portrait Rare. (225)

613. SEPTEVflUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Struck 207 AD. Laureate head right / Nude Genius sacrificing over altar. RSC 487; RIC IV pt. 1,209. Toned EF. (120)

614. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Struck 201202 AD. Laureate bust right / Galley left RSC 3 ; RIC IV pt 1,120. Toned (400) good VF.

619. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. JE Sestertius (18.91 gm). Struck 214217 AD. Laureate bust right / Securitas seated right. RIC IV pt. 1,573a (R). VF/Fine, green patina, scarce. (150)

620. PLAUTILLA. Wife of Caracal la. AR Denarius (3.01 gm). Marriage Issue. Struck 202 AD. Draped bust right / Plautilla and Caracalla clasping hands. RSC 10; RICIVpt. 1,361 (Caracalla). Toned VF. (95)

This issue celebrates the return ofSeverus and Caracalla to Rome, after the conclusion of the Persian campaign.

615. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Struck 201202 AD.Laureate bust right/Galley lefLRSC3;RIC IV pL 1,120. Toned good VF. (350)

616. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Struck 215 AD. Laureate head right / Apollo standing left, holding branch and lyre. RSC 282; RIC IV pt. 1,254. Toned EF. (125)

621. PLAUTILLA. Wife of Caracalla. AR Denarius (2.96 gm). Draped bust right / Venus standing left, holding apple and palm and leaning on shield, Cupid with apple left RSC 25a; RIC IV pt 1,369 (Caracalla). Good VF, flan crack. (125)

622. GETA. 198-212AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). Struck211 AD.Older bearded head right / Felicitas standing left, holding comucopiae and caduceus. RSC 198; RIC IV pt. 1, 80. Superb toned EF, slight flan cracks. Excellent late portrait of Geta. (175)

617. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Struck 216 623. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Bearded, AD. Laureate head right / Nude Jupiter standing facing left, holding thuncuirassed bustright/ Fides standing left, holding standards. RSC 23a; RIC derbolt and sceptre. RSC 337; RIC IV pt. 1,275a Choice toned EF, edges (350) weak on reverse. (165) 5 9 IV pt. 2,66. Superb toned EF, sharp portrait


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624. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (4.11 gm). Struck Dec. 217 AD. Laureate bust right with long beard / Annona standing left, holding grain ears over modius and cornucopiae. RSC 47a; RIC IV pL 2,26. Near EF, good portrait (150)



630. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Struck 220-222 AD. Laureate, bearded bust right / Elagabalus sacrificing over altar, bull behind altar; star. RSC 61b; RIC IV pt. 2, 88. Superb toned EF, much luster remaining. (185)

631. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.24 gm). Struck 219 AD. Laureate bust right / Victory running right RSC 293; RIC IV pt .2, 153.Toned EF. (150) 625. DIADUMENIAN. As Caesar. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (2.79 gm). Struck 219 AD. Bare-headed and draped bust right / Prince standing facing right holding standards. RSC 3; RIC IV pt. 2,102. Toned near EF, scarce. (575)

626. DIADUMENIAN. As Caesar. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Bare-headed and draped bust right / Spes walking left. RIC IV pt 2, 116; RSC ΙΠ 21. EF. (500)

627. DIADUMENIAN. As Caesar. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). Bare-headed bust right / Spes walking left RSC 21b; RIC IV pt. 2, 116. Near EF. (450)

628. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (2.94 gm). Siruck 221 AD. Laureate head right / Victory flying left, holding open wreath. RSC 195a; RIC IV pt. 2,45. Toned EF. (75)

632. AQUILIA SEVERA. Wife of Elagabalus. Circa 220 AD. AR Denarius (2.97 gm). Her draped bust right / Concordia standing half-left, holding patera over flaming altar and cornucopiae. RIC IV pt 2,225; RSC ΙΠ 2a. Toned good VF. Rare. (550)

633. JULIA SOAEMIAS. Mother of Elagabalus. Died 222 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). Her draped bustright/ Venus standing half-left RIC IV (300) pt 2,241 ; RSC ΙΠ 8. Toned EF. Scarce.

634. JULIA SOAEMIAS. Mother of Elagabalus. Died 222 AD. AR Denarius (3.09 gm). Her draped bustright/ Venus seated left, holding apple out to child. RSC 14; RIC IV pt 2,243 (Elagabalus). Toned VF+. (165)

629. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). Struck 220635. JULIA MAESA. Grandmother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (3.06 222 AD. Laureale bust right/Military standards with shields on ground. RSC gm). Draped bust right / Pudicitia seated left RSC 36; RIC IV pt. 2, 268 44; RIC IV pt 2,78. Toned EF, weak reverse. (145) 6 0 (Elagabalus). Toned EF. (125)


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636. JULIA MAESA. Grandmother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (2.63 gm). Draped bust right / Pudicitia seated left RSC 36; RIC IV pt. 2, 268 (Elagabalus). Toned VF. (65)

642. JULIA M AM AEA. Mother of Severus Alexander. AR Denarius (3.15 gm). Diademed bust right / Vesta standing left, holding palladium and sceptre. RSC 81 ; RIC IV pt .2,360 (Alexander). Toned EF. (145)

637. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Struck 228 AD. Laureate head right / Mars walking right, carrying trophy and spear. RSC 333b; RIC IV pt. 2,82. Choice toned EF. (185)

643. JULIA M AMAEA. Mother of Severus Alexander. AR Denarius (2.63 gm). Diademed bust right / Vesta standing left, holding patera and sceptre. RSC 85; RIC IV pt 2 362 (Alexander). Toned VF. (65)

638. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (335 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Sol advancing left. RIC IV pt. 2,123; RSC ΠΙ 448. Choice EF, iridescently toned. (150)

639. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Struck 234 AD. Laureate bust right/Sol standing left, holding whip. RSC 448; RIC IV pt 2,123. Toned EF. (75)

640. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). Struck 228-231 AD. Laureate head right / Perpetuitas leaning on column, holding globe and sceptre. RSC 191 ; RIC IV pt 2,208. Toned EF. (185)

644. MAXIMINUS L 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (2.86 gm). Struck 235236 AD. Laureate bustright/ Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 31a; RIC IV pt. 2,12. Toned EF. (125)

645. MAXIMINUS 1.235-238 AD. AR Denarius (2.72 gm). Struck 235/236 AD. Laureate bust right / Victory right, holding wreath and palm. RSC 99; RIC IV pt. 216. Toned good VF. (75)

646. MAXIMUS. As Caesar. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). Struck 235/236 AD. Bare-headed bust right / Lituus, knife, jug, simpulum and aspergillum. RSC l;RICIVpt.2,1. Toned VF. (150)

647. MAXIMUS. As Caesar. 235-238 AD. JE As (9.68 gm). Struck 235/236 AD. Bare-headed bustright/ Lituus, knife, patera, jug, simpulum 641. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. JE As (10.64 gm). and aspergillum. RIC IV pt. 2,12b. Near VF, choice jade green patina. Laureate head right/UBERALITAS AVGVSTIIin, Emperor distributing (150) largess from platform. RIC IV pL 2,579. VF, porous surfaces. (200) 6 1











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648. Β ALBINUS. 238 AD. AR Denarius (2.13 gm). Laureate bust right/ Victory standing facing left, holding wreath and palm. RSC 27; RIC IV pt. 2,8. Toned VF. (250) 654. GORDIAN ΙΠ. 238-244 AD. JE Sestertius (25.96 gm). Struck 238/239 AD. Laureate bust right / Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm. RIC IV pt. 3,258a. VF, green and brown patina, nice large flan. (100)

649. PUPIENUS. 238 AD. JE Sestertius (14.57 gm). Laureate bust right / Victory standing facing left, holding wreath and palm. RIC IV pt. 2,23a. Toned VF. (250) Ex Mabbott Collection, Hans Schulman 1969, lot4428.

650. GORDIAN ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.70 gm). Struck 238/239 AD. Radiate bust right / Fides left, holding standard and sceptre. RSC 86; RIC IV pt. 3,1. Toned VF+. (75)

655. GORDIAN ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. JE Sestertius (20.39 gm). Laureate bust right / Mars walking right, holding spear and shield. RIC IV pt. 3, 332a. Good VF+, choice portrait and smooth dark brown patina. (350)

656. PHILIP L 244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.21 gm). Struck 247-249 AD. Radiate bust right / Aequitas left, holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 12; RIC IV pt. 3,57. Choice toned EF, reverse weak. (85) 651. GORDIAN ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.81 gm). Struck 241-243 AD. Radiate bust right / Nude Hercules right, leaning on club. RSC 404; RIC IV pt. 3,95. Toned EF. (95)

652. GORDIAN ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. AR Denarius (2.50 gm). Struck 241243 AD. Laureate bust right / Jupiter standing facingright,holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RSC 113; RIC IV pt. 3,112 (R). Near EF. (75)

657. OTACILIA SEVERA. Wife of PhiUp I. AR Antoninianus (3.99 gm). Bustright,on crescent / Pudicitia seated left RSC 53; RIC IV pL 3,123c (Philip). EF. (85)

653. GORDIAN ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. AR Denarius (3.04 gm). Struck 241 658. OTACILIA SEVERA. Wife of Philip I. AR Antoninianus (3.67 243 AD. Laureate bust right / Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and gm). Bust right, on crescent /Concordia seated left. RSC 4; RIC IV pt. 3, anchor. RSC 120; RIC IV p t 3,113 (R). Toned EF, reverse weak. (85) (125) 6 2 125c (Philip). EF.


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659. OTACILIA SEVERA. Wife of Philip I. JE Sestertius (19.28 gm). Diademed bustright/ Hippo standing right. RIC IV pL 3,200 (Philip). VF, brown patina. (450)

J U N E 5,1991

665. VALERIAN I. 253-260 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.16 gm). Viminacium mint Radiate bustright/ Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre, eagle at feet. RSC 145; RIC VpL 1,218.Toned EF, scarce. (165)

S truckfor the Millenium ofRome celebrations.

666. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Joint Reign. AR Antoninianus (3.14 gm). Lugdunum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / GERMANICVS MAX V, trophy with sealed captive to either side. RIC V pL 1,18; RSC IV 308. Good VF. (75) 660. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.42 gm). Struck 249 AD. Radiate bust right / Dacia standing left, holding dragon-headed staff. RSC 13; RIC IV pL 3,2b. Toned EF, large flan. (85)

661. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA. Wife of Trajan Decius. AR Antoninianus (3.63 gm). Diademed bustrighLon crescent / Pudicitia standing left, holding sceptre. RSC 17; RIC IV pt 3,58b. VF. (75)

662. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS. As Caesar. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.70 gm). Radiate bust right/Clasped hands. RSC 1; RICIV pt.3,138. Good VF. (125)

663. HOSTILIAN. As Caesar. 251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.52 gm). Radiate bust right / Mars walking right, holding spear and shield. RSC 15; RIC IV pt.3,177b. VF. (75)

667. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.21 gm). Mint of Asia. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Hercules standing facing left, holding club and apple; VDC·. RSC 1250a; RIC V pt. 1,623. EF, full silvering. (75)

668. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. JE Sestertius (16.61 gm). Struck 254 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing half-left, holding spear and shield. RIC V pL 1,248 (Joint Reign). VF, nice brown patina. (400)

669. VALERIAN Π. Died 255 AD. AR Antoninianus (2.27 gm). Posthumous issue of Lugdunum minL Radiate bustright/Prince ascending to heaven on back ofeagle. RSC 5; RIC VpL 1,9. VF. (75)

664. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251-253 AD. JE Sestertius (17.91 670. SALONINUS. As Caesar. 255-259 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.41 gm). Laureate bustright/ VOTIS DECENNAUB VS SC in wreath. RIC IV gm). Antioch mint Struck 256 AD. Radiate bust right / Prince greeting (65) (200) 6 3 Spes; wreath above. RSC 95; RIC V pt. 1,36. VF. pt.3,127a. VF, dark green patina with red highlights.



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671. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE As (9.41 gm). Contemporary counterfeit Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Galley. Cf. RIC V pt. 2,208. Crude VF, brown patina. (200)

672. MARIUS. 268 AD.jE Antoninianus (2.39 gm). Cologne. Radiate bustright/ Victory standing left, holding shield and comucopiae. RIC V pL 2,13. Near EF, some encrustation. (150)

673. MARIUS. 268 AD. JE Antoninianus (2.17 gm). Uncertain mint. Radiate bustright/ Victory advancing left, holding palm and wreath. RIC V pL 2,17. VF, brown patina (200)

674. QIUNTILLUS. 270 AD. JE Antoninianus (3.48 gm). Radiate bust right / Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and comucopiae; Ζ in field. RIC V pt 1,20. VF, strong portrait (65)

675. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (4.33 gm). Rome. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Sol advancing right, trampling captive before him; A/XXIR. RIC V pt 1,64(F). EF, some silvering. (120)

676. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (5.23 gm). Mediolanum. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Sol advancing left, trampling on captive seated left. Cf. RIC V pt. 1, 137(F)variety. EF, traces of silvering, usual type has two captives. (125)



677. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (4.22 gm). Mediolanum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor standing right before Roma seated left on shield and holding Victory. RIC V pt. 1,142(A). Brown EF. (100)

678. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (4.39 gm). Ticinum. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Fides standing facing, holding two ensigns and looking at Sol standing half-left, holding globe; PXXT. RIC V pt. 1, 152(F). Nice EF, traces of silvering. (125)

679. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (4.13 gm). Siscia. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; *S. RIC V p t 1.220(F). Nice EF. (125)

680. SEVERIN A. Wife of Aurelian. Billon Antoninianus (3.79 gm). Diademed bust right, on crescent / Fides standing left, holding standards; S/XXIR. RIC VpL 1,4. EF, porous surfaces. (75)

681. FLORIAN. 276 AD. Billon Antoninianus (4.24 gm). Lugdunum mint Radiate bust right / Mars walking right, carrying trophy and spear. RIC VpL 1,14var. (no mark in exergue). EF, some verdigris. Scarce this nice. (185)

682. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. JE Antoninianus (4.16 gm). Siscia. Struck 278 AD. Radiate and helmeted bust left, spear over shoulder / Lion walking left, bucranium before; in exergue, XXIS. RIC V pL 2,611(g). Good VF, dark green patina, scarce. (275)


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683. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (4.39 gm). Siscia. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor standing right, clasping hand of Concordia; E/XXI. RIC V p t 2,657(C). EF, some silvering. (85)

684. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (4.05 gm). Siscia. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Felicitas standing half-left, holding patera over flaming altar; A/XXI. RIC V pt. 2,675(C). EF, some silvering. (85)

685. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.82 gm). Siscia. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Felicitas standing half-left, holding patera over flaming altar; A/XXI. RIC V pt. 2,676(C). EF, some silvering. (85)






689. CARINUS. 283-285 AD. Billon Antoninianus (4.62 gm). Rome mint. Radiate bust right / Aeternitas standing left, holding globe with phoenix. RIC Vpt. 2,244. EF, good portrait. (95)

690. CONSTANTTUS L As Caesar. Circa 294 AD. AR Argenteus (3.09 gm). Laureate head right / VICTOR! A S ARM AT, emperors sacrificing in front of campgate. RSC 286c; RIC VI 22a. Choice EF on a full flan. Rare. (1250)

691. GALERIA VALERIA. Wife of Galerius. JE Follis (6.44 gm). Alexandria. Struck 308 AD. Diademed bust right/Venus standing left; X AK/ALE. RIC VI81. Brown VF+. (60)

692. SEVERUS Π. As Caesar. 305-306 AD. JE Radiate Fraction (3.36 gm). Alexandria. Radiate bust right / Emperor receiving Victory from Jupiter; A/ALE. RIC VU 60a. VF, tan patina. (150) 686. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.59 gm). Siscia. Radiate bust left, wearing imperial mande, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / Sol standing in facing, spread quadriga; XXIB. RIC V pt. 2,776 (H). Choice EF, some silvering. (85)

687. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.41 gm). Cyzicus. Radiate and draped bust right / Emperor standing right before Jupiter; P/XXI*. RIC Vpt. 2,905(a). Choice EF, silvered. (125)

693. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (6.97 gm). Aquilea. Struck 307 AD. Laureate head right / Roma seated left, presenting globe to emperor, captive seated below; all within temple. RIC VI 113. Near EF, chocolate brown patina. (150)

694. CONSTANTÏNE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (5.47 gm). Tria·. Struck 688. NUMERIAN. 283-284 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.64 gm). Cyzicus. Radiate bust right/ Emperor receiving VictoryfromJupiter. RIC V pL 2,463. 310-313 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing half-left, (40) Toned Superb Mint State. (100) 6 5 holding globe. RIC VI873. Nice VF.



695. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Quarter Follis (1.19 gm). Rome. Struck 313 AD. Bare head right /S ΑΡΙΕΝΉA PRINCIPIS, altar with owl atop. RIC VH16 (R-3). Good VF, dark green patina. Rare. (150)

696. CONSTANTINE L 307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.70 gm). Lugdunum. Struck 314-315 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing halfleft, holding globe. RIC VI20. Nice VF. (40)

697. FAUSTA. Wife of Constantine I. JE Follis (3.66 gm). Arles. Struck 324/325 AD. Draped bust right/Empress holding two children; Q*AR\ RIC VH 285 (R-4); LRBC -. Brown VF. (85)






702. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Follis (1.26 gm). Siscia. Struck 337340 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Two soldiers standing facing, holding inverted spears, labarum between them. RIC VIII99. Superb EF, dark brown patina. (100)

703. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Follis (1.76 gm). Trier. Struck 347348 AD. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories standing facing each other; D/TRS. RIC Vin 194. Superb EF, brown pada. (75)

704. CONSTANTIUSIL 337-361 AD. AR Reduced Siliqua( 1.87 gm). Lugdunum. Struck 353-355 AD. Diademed bust right / VOTIS XXX MVLTIS XXXX in wreath; LVG. RSC 342-3a; RIC VM 216. Toned VF. (75)

698. HELENA. Mother of Constantine I. JE Fotos (3.12 gm). Cyzicus. Struck 324/325 AD. Diademed bust right / Securitas standing left, holding branch; SMKA. RIC VH 28 (R-3); LRBC 1169. Brown VF. (85)


4'* M

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705. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.49 gm). Siscia. Struck by Vetranio circa 350 AD. Diademed bust right; A to left/ Emperor standing left, holding labarum with Chi-Rho, being crowned by vietory; ·SIS*. RIC VM 282; LRBC 1169. Brown near EF. Rare. (250)

699. THEODORA. Second wife of Constantine I. JE 16mm (2.46 gm). Trier. Struck 337-340 AD. Laureate bust right / Pietas holding child; TRP. RIC Vm 79; LRBC 120. Near VF, brown patina. (60)

706. DECENTIUS Caesar. 351-353 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.42 gm). Lugdunum. Cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield between them; SP/RSLG. RIC VIII137; LRBC 228. Good VF, brown patina. 700. CRISPUS Caesar. IE Follis (2.54 gm). Siscia. Struck 320-321 AD. Laureate headright/ VOT/V within wreath; ASIS*. RIC VII161. Choice EF, some silvering. (75)


707. CONSTANTIUS GALLUS Caesar. 351 -354 AD. JE Centenionalis 701. DELMATIUS Caesar. 335-337 AD. JE 15mm (1.59 gm). (4.81 gm). Nicomedia. Draped bust right/Soldier spearing fallen horseman; Constantinople. Laureate bust right / Two soldiers with standard between; (65) CONSI. RIC VII153; LRBC 1032. Near VF, brown patina. (60) 6 g r/'SMNA. RIC Vm 87; LRBC 2303. VF, brown patina.


Mail Bid Sale

708. JULIAN Π. 360-363 AD. AR Reduced Siliqua (2.14 gm). Trier. Diademed bust right / VOTIS V MVLTIS X in wreath; TR. RSC 157a; RIC V m 364. Toned VF. (85)






713. VALENTINIAN II. 375-392 AD. JE 22mm (5.11 gm). Constantinople. Struck 378-383 AD. Helmeted bustright, holding spear and shield / Emperor on galley being steered by Victory; wrealh/CONA. RIC IX 52b; LRBC2151.Brown VF. (65)

714. MAGNUS MAXIMUS. 383-388 AD. AR Siliqua(1.93 gm). Trier. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Roma enthroned facing, head left RIC IX 84b. Toned near EF. (200) 709. JULIAN Π. 360-363 AD. JE 1 (3.36 gm). Siscia. Diademed bust right/Bull standing right;\BSISC·/• RIC V m 412; LRBC 1259. Good VF, brown patina. (250)

715. MAGNUS MAXIMUS. 383-388 AD. AR Siliqua (1.90 gm). Trier. Diademed bust right / Roma seated left, holding globe and spear, TRPS. RSC 20b; RIC IX 84b. Toned near EF. (125) R A R E FLAVIUS VICTOR SILIQUA

710. JULIAN Π. 360-363 AD. JE 1 (8.54 gm). Siscia. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Bull standing right, two stars above. RIC VIII 419; LRBC 1263. EF, beautiful dark green patina. (700) 716. FLAVIUS VICTOR. 387-388 AD. AR Siliqua (156 gm). Milan. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Roma enthroned facing, head left RIC IX 19b. Toned EF. (1000)

711. VALENS. 364-378 AD. AR Siliqua (2.03 gm). Trier. Diademed bust right/ Roma seated left, holding Victory and spear; TRPS·. RSC 109c; RIC EX 27b. Toned good VF. (100)

717. EUGENIUS. 392-394 AD. AR Siliqua (0.72 gm). Milan. Diademed bust right / Roma seated left, holding Victory and spear. RSC 14b; RIC IX 32c. VF, clipped. (300)

712. GRATIAN. 367-383 AD. JE Medallion (12.74 gm). Rome. Struck 718. EUDOXIA. Wife of Arcadius. JE 15mm (2.02 gm). Antioch. 378-383 AD. Diademed bust right / Roma seated left holding Victory on Diademed bust right, hand holding wreath above / Victory inscribing shield. globe and spear, shield at side; RQ. RIC IX 42a. VF, green patina with red (50) highlights, holed. Rare. (750) 6 LRBC 2800. Fine, dark green patina.



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719. HONORIUS. 393423 AD. AR Half Siliqua (0.80 gm). Mediolanum. Diademed bust right / Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory and spear, MDPS. Cf. RSC 59b. Toned VF. (125) 725. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Follis (7.70 gm). Constantinople. Struck 498-507 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M; CON; crescent countermark. SB 14; MIB 22; DOC 16. VF, brown patina. (65)

The weight is that ofa halfsiliqua, but the seated Roma is the normal siliqua type. Clipping does not accountfor the low weight, nor does it appear to be one of the common contemporary imitation‫!׳‬. Apparently an unpublished type.

./‫;׳‬- ·‫ ׳‬i

AV 720. THEODOSIUS Π. 4 0 2 4 5 0 AD. AV Solidus (4.14 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted bust facing three-quartersright,holding spear and shield / Theodosius and Valentinian Π enthroned; CONOB. RIC Hunter 10. VF, a few scrapes, scarce. (450)

726. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Follis (8.93 gm). Constantinople. Struck 498-507 AD. Diademed bustright/ Large M; CON; grid countermark. SB 14; MIB 22; DOC 16. Near VF, brown patina. (50) The small series follis of Anastasius is frequently found with a countermark on the reverse. These countermarks form a regular series of circles, crescents, grids, crosses and stars. They appear to have been applied officially, but theirfunction is unknown. See DM. Metcalf, The Origins ofthe Anastasian Coinage Reform, pp. 91-93,for afull discussion.

721. PULCHERIA.SLsterofTheodosiusH. As Augusta. 414453 AD. AV Tremissis (1.34 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right / Cross in wreath; CONOB*. Sear4306; MIRB 49. Near EF, light graffiti. Very Rare. (800)

727. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Follis (9.97 gm). Constantinople. Struck 498-507 AD. Diademed bust right; slight beard visible / Large M; CON. SB 14; MIB 22; DOC 16. Fine, dark brown patina. Apparently unique with a bearded portrait. (150)

722. VALENTINIAN ΙΠ. 425455 AD. JE 12mm (1.12 gm). Rome. Diademed bust right / Victory left, holding wreath and palm; P/RM. LRBC 840. Good VF, brown patina. Rare in this condition. (160)

723. LEO 1.457-474 AD. AV Tremissis (1.44 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right / Victory holding wreath and globus cruciger; */CONOB. RIC Hunter 10; MIRB 7. VF, scraped and bent (200)

728. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Follis (7.93 gm). Constantinople. Struck 507-512 AD. Diademed bustright/ Large M; stars, A/CON, wreath border. SB16var.; Metcalf 60. Brown VF. Rare with wreath border. (100)


724. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Follis (8.05 gm). Constantinople. Struck 498-507 AD. Diademed bust right; wide, decorated diadem / Large M; CON. SB 14; MIB 22; DOC 16. Good VF, reddishbrown patina, unusual portrait. (140) 6


729. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Follis (8.03 gm). Constantinople. Struck 507-512 AD. Diademed bust right; cross above / Large M; star, E/CON. SB 17 (this coin); MIB 24; DOC 20e. Good VF, brown and green patina. (150)


Mail Bid Sale

730. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (17.98 gm). Constantinople. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right; cross above / Large M; stars, A/CON. SB 19; MIB 27; DOC 23a(var). Near VF, brown patina, scarce with cross above head. (145)

731. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (18.57 gm). Constantinople. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bustright / Large M; stars, A/CON. SB 19; MIB 27; DOC 23a. Near VF, brown patina. (80)

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734. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (15.99 gm). Constantinople. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M; stars, Δ/CON. SB19; MTB 27; DOC 23f. Brown VF, porosity. (60)

735. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (18.67 gm). Constantinople. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M; sixpointed stars, E/CON. SB 19; MIB 27; DOC 231. Near VF, black patina. (60)

732. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (17.18 gm). Constantinople. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M; stars, B/CON. SB 19; MIB 27; DOC 23b. Near VF, crusty green patina. (60)

736. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (17.74 gm). Constantinople. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M; eightpointed stars, E/CON. SB 19; MIB 27; DOC 23j.2. Near VF, brown patina. (60)

737. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (16.88 gm). 733. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (18.42 gm). Constantinople. Struck 517-518 AD. Diademed bust right; star on shoulder Constantinople. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M; stars, /Large M; stars with pellets, E/CON. SB 21; MIB 28b; DOC 231(var). r/CON. SB 19; MIB 27; DOC 23d. VF, dark green patina, flan flaws. ( 100) (100) 6 Near VF, brown patina, scarce type.


Mail Bid Sale

738. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Half Follis (5.28 gm). Constantinople. Struck 498-507 AD. Diademed bust right/Large K; cross. SB 23; MIB 31; DOC 18. VF, nice green patina. (60)

739. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Large Half Follis (10.90 gm). Constantinople. Struck512-518 AD. Diademed bustright/Large K; cross, A. SB 25; MIB 33; DOC 24a. Near VF, brown patina. (45)






744. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Small Half Follis (4.45 gm). Nicomedia. Struck 507-512 AD. Diademed bust right; cross above / Large K; cross with NI. SB 41;MIB 51; DOC 35(var). VF, brown patina. Unlisted with cross. (120)

745. ANASTASIUS I . 491-518 AD. JE Decanummia (2.30 gm). Nicomedia. Struck 498-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Large I; NI. SB 44; MIB 53 ; DOC 38. Near VF, green patina. (50)

740. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Decanummia (2.70 gm). Constantinople. Struck 498-518 AD. Diademed bust right / Large I; pellets. SB 26; MIB 34; DOC 19e. Brown VF, nice wide flan. (45)

741. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Nummus (0.60 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right/Monogram. SB 13; MIB 40; DOC 15. Brown VF, porosity, but hard to find with a full portrait and monogram. (50)

742. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Small Follis (8.83 gm). Nicomedia. Struck 507-512 AD. Diademed bust right / Large M; eightpointed stars, NIC. SB 33; MIB 43; DOC 30. Near VF, green patina.

743. ANASTASIUS I. 491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (20.14 gm). Nicomedia. Struck 517-518 AD. Diademed bust right/ Large M; eightpointed stars, A/NIKOMI. SB 36; MIB 46; DOC 40. VF, brown patina. Extremely Rare. (500) Ex Ralto collection 1930, lot 371. An important sixty year old pedigree.

746. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Large Follis (16.63 gm). Antioch. Struck 517-518 AD. Diademed bust right; cross above / Large M; crosses, A/ANTX. SB 47; MIB 57; DOC 45c. Cleaned VF, usual weak strike. Rare. (145)

747. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Large Half Follis (9.08 gm). Antioch. Struck 512-518 AD. Diademed bust right; cross above / Large M; cross with AN XT, B. SB 50; MIB 58; DOC 4b(var). Near VF, great patina, usual weak strike. Rare. (120)

748. ANASTASIUS L 491-518 AD. Imitation of JE Follis (10.62 gm). Crude bust right / Large M; stars, Γ/CON. Cf. SB 19. VF for type. Interesting. (60)



Mail Bid Sale

749. JUSTINIAN L 527-565 AD. JE Follis (23.27 gm). Nicomedia. Year 12 (538/539 AD). Helmeted facing bust / Large M; B/NK. SB 201 ; Berk 228; DOC 116b. Strong VF, brown patina. (1000)



754. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Folljs (13.13 gm). Seleucia Isaura. Year 7 (616/617 AD). Heraclius and son standing / Large M; A/SEUSU. SB 845;MIB 193;DOCII 181a. VF, rough gray patina. (200)

A special largeflan for thefirstyear ofJustinian s reform.

750. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. JE Pentanummia (1.66 gm). Constantinople. Monogram / Large E; A. SB 363; Berk 316; DOC 60a. EF, smooth green patina. (50)

751. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. JE 8 Pentanummia (13.04 gm). Cherson. Maurice and Constantia standing on dias / H, Theodosius standing, holding long cross. SB 607; Berk458; MIB 157a. Near VF, graygreen patina. Very Rare. (550)

755. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE FoUis (13.91 gm). Sicily. Struck 616-620 AD. Countermark on follis of Anastasius: Facing bust with monogram / SCLS. SB 882; Berk 608; DOC 241. Coin Fine, c/m VF, nice applegreen patina. (100)

756. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE 8 Pentanummia (8.79 gm). Cherson. Struck 616-624 AD. Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine standing / H, Martina(?) standing, holding long cross. SB 926; Berk 633; MIB 265. Brown Fine, well-struck for type. Extremely Rare, only about a dozen specimens known. (1200)

752. REVOLT OF THE HERACLH. 608-610 AD. IE Decanummia (4.58 gm). Carthage. Facing bust of Heraclius / Large X flanked by Ν M. SB (75) 715; Berk 531Β ; DOC 8. Near VF, brown patina. 757. CONSTANS Π. 641 -668 AD. AV Solidus (4.34 gm). Struck 667-668 AD. Constantinople. VICTORIA AYSG A, helmeted facing bust/The three sons of Constans; CONOB. SB 974; Berk 156; MIB 41. EF, weak spot. Rare. (450) Ex Hunt collection, lot 391. A very unusual type, with no name ofthe emperor 753. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Semissis(2.19gm). Constantinople. marked on it. Constans was so despised at the end of his reign, it was probablyfelt that the less his name was put before the public, the better! The emStruck 610-613 AD. Diademed bust right / Cross on globe; officina I. SB 1 peror left Constantinoplefor Syracuse in 662, and never returned. 784; Berk 127 (same dies). Near EF. (300)


Mail Bid Sale

758. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. AV Light weight Solidus (4.27 gm). Struck 652-654 AD. Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Cross on steps; Δ/ΒΟΠΚ. SB 979; Berk 157; MIB 44. VF. Rare. (400) Ex Hunt collection, lot339 (part of). A special coin made for trade outside the Empire.

759. CONSTANS Π . 641-668 AD. AV Semissis (2.20 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right/Cross on globe; officina S. SB 983; Berk 160. EF. (245)






AV 763. CONSTANTINE IX. 1042-1055 AD. AV Tetarteron (4.01 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ / Crowned facing bust, holding (1200) labarum and globus. SB 1833; Berk 307. Good VF. Ex H um collection, lot 783.

AV 764. ROMANUS IV Diogenes. 1068-1071 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.41 gm). Christ flanked by Romanus and Eudocia/Constantius, Michael and Andronicus standing facing, no footstools. SB 1861; Berk 331; DOC ffl 2. Near EF, well struck. (350)

760. TTBERILS m . 698-705 AD. AV Solidus (4.35 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust, holding spear and shield / Cross on steps; H/CONOB. SB 1360; Berk 193. EF, sharp, full strike. Rare. (1400)

AV 765. MICHAEL VII Dukas. 1071-1078 AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.26 gm). Facing bust of Christ /Facing bust of Michael, holding labarum and globus cruciger. SB 1868; Berk 328; DOC ffl 2d. VF, light graffiti. (325) 761. ROMANUS 1919-944 AD. JE Follis (5.59 gm). Crowned facing bust / Four line legend. SB 1760; Berk 929. Brown VF. (60)

AV 766. ALEXIUS I. 1081-1118 AD. AV Hyperpyron (4.29 gm). Post 762. CONSTANTINE IX Monomachos. 1042-1055 AD. AV Reform. Struck 1092-1118 AD. Christ enthroned/Alexius standing facing, Histamenon Nomisma (4.42 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Facing bust of Michael, holding cross and globus cruciger. SB 1830; Berk 303; DOC ID 3. holding labarum and globus cruciger; large beading on cloak. SB 1912; (325) (350) Ί 2 Berk 338; Hendy pl.4,2. VF.



Mail Bid Sale



767. JOHN Π Comnenus. 1118-1143 AD. Billon Aspron Trachy (4.22 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Facing bust of John, holding sceptre and globus cruciger. SB 1944. Good VF/EF, strong portrait of John. (100)

772. EM PIRE OF THESS ALONIKA. Theodore Comnenus-Dukas. 1224-1230 AD. Billon Trachy (3.81 gm). Facing bustof Christ/Theodore and St. Demetrius standing facing, holding staff. SB 2161; Hendy pl37, 7. EF for type, on broad flan with usual weakness. (100)

768. JOHN Π Comnenus. 1118-1143 AD. Bülon Aspron Trachy (4.10 gm). Types as above. SB 1944. Good VF, clear portrait of Christ.

773. ANDRONICUS Π & MICHAEL IX. 1295-1320 AD. AR Basilikon (2.09 gm). Christ enthroned / Andronicus and Michael standing, holding labarum. SB 2402. Good VF, some weak spots. (125)


769. MANUEL I Comnenus. 1143-1180 AD. EL Aspron Trachy (4.13 gm). Thessalonica. Mary enthroned / Manuel and St. Demetrius standing facing, holding labarum. SB 1974. VF, numerous scratches. (260)

770. ALEXIUS ffl. 1195-1203 AD. Billon Aspron Trachy (4.39 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Alexius and St. Constantine standing facing. SB 2011 ; Hendy pi.22,8. VF/EF. (50)

774. ARAB-BYZANTINE. After 640 AD. JE Follis (6.10 gm). Neapolis. Copy of follis of Heraclius, MIB 164. Heraclius and son standing / Large M year 25; A/NEA. MIB ΙΠ pi. 12, X24. Brown VF, light pitting. Extremely Rare. (400) After the collapse ofByzantine power in Palestine and Syria, several cities in the region struck their own coinage on the Byzantine model. This coinage from Neapolis (modernNablus) is a recent discovery.

775. OSTROGOTHS. Theodorich and Athalarich. 522-534 AD. JE Follis (10.93 gm). Helmeted bust of Roma right/ Eagle left; ·Δ· in exergue. MIB 74; MEC 101. Good VF, dark green patina. Nice for these. (500)

776. OSTROGOTHS. BaduUa. 541-552 AD. JE Decanummia (8.84 771. LATIN RULERS. 1204-1224 AD. Billon Trachea (4.99 gm). Thessalonica. Christ enthroned / St. Helena and St. Constantino standing fac- gm). Crowned facing bust / King standing right, holding spear and shield. MIB 90b; MEC 162. Good VF, heavy green patina partially obscures a ing, holding patriarchal cross. SB 2057; Hendy pl.28,9. EF for type. (500) (50) 7 3 choice portrait.









Featuring Selectionsfrom the G ail Brichford Collection

781. FRANCE. Carolingian Kings. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.06 gm). Uncertain mint. +HLVDOVVICVS IMP / +XPISΉ ANA RELIGIO, temple. M&G472; Prou 989. Toned VF. (150) Ex Brichford. 777. BOHEMIA. Wenceslaus Π. 1278-1305. AR Prager Groschen (3.74 gm). Rampant lion/WENCEZLAVS SECVNDVS. Toned good VF. (100)

Ex Brichford.

782. FRANCE. Carolingian Kings. Charles the Bald. 843-877. AR Denier (1.59 gm). St. Denis mint. +CRATLA D-I REX, monogram /+SCI AIONYSI IM. M&G 843; Prou 344. VF. (150) Ex Brichford. 778. BOHEMIA. John of Luxembourg. 1310-1347. AR Prager Groschen (3.76 gm). Rampant lion/IOhANnES:PRIMVS. Toned VF. (75) Ex Brichford.

783. FRANCE. Carolingian Kings. Charles the Bald. 843-877. AR Denier ( 1.84 gm). Le Mans mint. +CRATIA D-I REX monogram / +CINO (200) MANS CIVITAS. M&G 905; Prou 420. Toned EF. 779. CHIOS. Under Genoese Rule. 1347-1415. AV Ducat (3.52 gm). Imitation of Venetian ducat of Antonio Venerio. Christ standing / Doge and St. Mark. Gamberini 394. Near EF. Very Rare. (500)

Ex Brichford.


784. FRANCE. Carolingian Kings. Charles the Bald. 843-877. AR Denier (1.77 gm). Chartres mint. +CRATIA D-I REX, monogram / +CARNOTIS CIVITAS (N retrograde), filleted border. M&G 933var; Prou 493var. Toned superb EF. (250) Ex Brichford.

780. FRANCE. Carolingian Kings. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.58 gm). Venice mint. +HLVDOVVICVS IMP/+VEN‫׳‬ECIAS. M&G457; Prou 919. Superb EF. (1000)

785. FRANCE. Carolingian Kings. Charles the Bald. 843-877. AR Ex Brichford. Ο ne ofthe rarest of Carolingian mints, Venice issued a limited Denier (1.64 gm). Melle minL +CARLVS REX FR, cross/+MET+VLO, monogram. M&G 1064; Prou 699. Toned superb EF. (200) number ofcoins under Louis, and briefly, under Lothaire. Charlemagne's expansive Holy Roman Empire did not survive long after his death in 814, . 4 Ex Brichford. and the Italian mints were soon lost to his successors.




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786. FRANCE. Carolingian Kings. Odo. 887-898. AR Denier (1.74 gm). Limoges mint. +'GRATIA D-I RE, ODO between crosses / +LIMOV1CVS CIVIS, cross (last S retrograde). M&G 1332var; Prou 782. Toned VF. (125)

790. FRANCE. Philip m . 1270-1285. AR Gros Tournois (3.79 gm). 1270-1280. +PhILIPPVS‫׳‬REX·, cross / T V R O N V ' S C I V I S , tower. Duplessy202A;Ciani. Toned good VF. (200)


Ex Brichford.

4 M 787. FRANCE. St. Louis EX. 1226-1270. AR Gros Tournois (4.06 gm). 1266-1270. +LVDOVICVS*REX, cross /TVRONV*S‫׳‬CIVIS, tower. Duplessy 190D; Ciani 181. Toned VF. (250)

791. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.79 gm). Round O. Circa 1285-1290. +PhHJPPVS REX, cross /TVRONVS C M S , tower. Duplessy 213; Ciani 201. Toned VF. (75) Ex Brichford.

Ex Brichford. The gros tournois and itsfraction, the denier tournois, became the standard royal French silver issue for almost 150 years. Beyond the borders of France they were copied extensively throughout Europe and the Crusader kingdoms. In France, as elsewhere, the various emissions were marked by différents, or tiny symbols placed somewhere in the legend or design of the coin. This marking system persisted in France nearly to the end of the kingdom, and careful examination ofthe symbols reveals the sequence of issues within a reign, although much research is still needed to accomplish this task. 792. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.93 gm). Round O. Circa 1285-1290. As above, but X of REX with four pellets. Duplessy 213; Ciani 202. Toned VF, slight roughness. (75) Ex Br ichford.

788. FRANCE. St. Louis IX. 1226-1270. AR Gros Tournois (3.79 gm). 1266-1270. +LVDOVICVS‫׳‬REX, cross/TVRONV-S-CIVIS, tower. Duplessy 190D; Ciani 181. Toned VF. (250) Ex Brichford.

793. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.93 gm). Round Ο. Circa 1305. As above, but L marked with trident. Duplessy 213B; Ciani 204. Superb toned EF. (200) Ex Brichford.

789. FRANCE. St. Louis IX. 1226-1270. AR Gros Tournois (3.67 gm). 1266-1270. +LVDOVICVS REX, cross/·TVRONVS CIVIS, tower; star on border. Duplessy 190E; Ciani 180. Toned VF. (250) Ex Brichford.

794. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.15 gm). Round Ο. Circa 1305. As above, but L marked with trident / ·S·. Duplessy 213B; Ciani 204. VF. (75) 7 5 Ex Brichford.



795. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.65 gm). Round Ο. Circa 1305. As above, but L marked with u, · stop / wedge stop. Duplessy 213B; Ciani 204. VF. (75)



800. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (4.03 gm). Long Ο. Circa 1290-1295. As above, but L marked with crescent / * stop. Duplessy 214; Ciani 206. Good VF. (100)

Ex Brichford. Ex Brichford.

796. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.87 gm). Round Ο. Circa 1305. As above, but L marked with bident, χ stop / wedge stop. Duplessy 213B; Ciani 204. Near VF. (75) Ex Brichford.

801. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.70 gm). Long Ο. Circa 1290-1295. As above, but L marked with lis /pellet in R. Duplessy 214; Ciani 206. Toned VF. (75) Ex Br ichford.

797. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.99 gm). Round Ο. Circa 1305. As above, but lis CIVIS·. Duplessy 213C; Ciani 204. Near VF. (75) 802. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (4.02 gm). Long Ο. Avignon mint Circa 1298. As above, but lis stop / 0 on Τ, lis stop; lis above castle. Duplessy 217; Ciani 200. Toned good VF. Rare. (300) Ex Brichford.

Ex Brichford.

798. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.95 gm). Round O. Circa 1305. As above, but 0CIVIS·. Duplessy 213C; Ciani 204. Good VF. (100)

803. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Maille Tierce (1.34 gm). Circa 1306. As above. Duplessy 219C; Ciani 213. Toned VF, edge chip.

Ex Brief ford.

Ex Brichford.


799. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Gros Tournois (3.53 gm). Long O. Circa 1290-1295. As above, but L marked with crescent /'·'stop. Duplessy 214; Ciani 206. Toned VF. (75) Ex Brichford.



804. FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. Billon Piefort of Denier Tournois (9.94 gm). Long O. Circa 1290-1295. Cross / Castle. Cf. Duplessy 225; Ciani 228. Near VF. Extremely Rare. (1000) Ex Brichford. This piefort, or multiple weight specimen striking, weighs nine times the normal denier.


Mail Bid Sale

805. FRANCE. Philip V. 1316-1322. AR Gros Tournois (4.13 gm). Circa 1318. Types as Philip IV, but taller castle and trefoil stops. Duplessy 238; Ciani 244. Toned choice EF. Rare. (300) Ex Brichford.






810. FRANCE. John Π. 1350-1364. AR Gros (4.11 gm). Circa 1359. +IOhAnnES DEI GRA, cross with stars, lozenge stops / *MONETA DVPLEX ALBA, IOHS FRACO REX. Duplessy 308B; Ciani 413. VF. Very Rare. (500) Ex Brichford.

806. FRANCE. Philip V. 1316-1322. AR Gros Toumois(3.96 gm). Circa 1318. Types as Philip IV, but taller castle and '· 'stop. Duplessy 238; Ciani 244. Good VF. Rare. (200) ExBrichford.

811. FRANCE. John Π. 1350-1364. AR Gros (3.64 gm). Circa 1360. +IOnES DEI GRA, cross with crowns / +FRANCORVM*REX,fieldof lis. Duplessy 312; Ciani 425. Near VF. Very Rare. (500) Ex Brichford.

807. FRANCE. Charles IV. 1322-1328. AR Maille Blanche (1.82 gm). Circa 1326. +KAROLVS RE-X·, cross / +FRANChORVM·, castle (N retrograde). Duplessy 243D; Ciani 257. Toned near EF, scarce. (150) ExBrichford.

808. FRANCE. Philip VI. 1328-1350. AR Gros a la Queue (2.88 gm). Circa 1348-1349. Crown PhlLIPPVS-REX, Latin cross / TVRONVS CIVIS, castle with crown (T with °). Duplessy 265; Ciani 307. Toned EF, scarce. (200) ExBrichford.

809. FRANCE. John II. 1350-1364. AR Gros (2.72 gm). Circa 1356. +IOhAnnES REX, cross with pellets, trefoil stops /TVRONVS CIVIS, castle with lis (Γ with °). Duplessy 302; Ciani 411. VF. Rare. (350) ExBrichford.

812. FRANCE. Charles V. 1364-1380. AR Gros (1.95 gm). Circa 1365. Crowned Κ / Small cross. Duplessy 363; Ciani 471. Toned near VF. (75) ExBrichford. «?Sa?. ^

813. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AR Blanc Guénar (2.80 gm). Round Ο. Circa 1389. Fleur de lis on shield / Cross with lis and crowns. Duplessy 377A; Ciani 507. Toned VF. (75) ExBrichford.

814. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AR Blanc Guénar (2.78 gm). Round Ο. Circa 1389. Fleur de lis on shield / Cross with lis and crowns. Duplessy 377A; Ciani 507. Toned VF. (75) 7 ExBrichford.


Mail Bid Sale






815. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AR Gros aux lis (3.56 gm). Circa 1413. +KL DIG FRACORV REX, cross/xGROSVS TVRONVS, crowned lis. Duplessy 383; Ciani 520. Toned good VF, scarce. (300)

820. FRANCE. Louis XI. 1461-1483. AR Blanc (1.89 gm). Circa 1474. Fleur de lis with crowns / Cross with lis and crowns. Duplessy 550C; Ciani 755. Toned VF, clipped. (75)

Ex Brichford.

Ex Brichford.

816. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AR Gros Florette (2.95 gm). Circa 1417. +0KAROLVS FR ANCORV REX, crowned Us / Floral cross. Duplessy 387A; Ciani 526. Toned good VF. (75)

821. FRANCE. Henry Π. 1549. AR Douzain (2.79 gm). Lyon mint. Crowned fleur de lis; D / Floreate cross. Ciani 1308. VF. (75) Ex Brichford.

Ex Brichford.

817. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AR Gros Florette (2.96 gm). Circa 1419. Iis KAROLVS FRANCORV REX (annulet under X), crowned lis / Floral cross. Duplessy 387B; Ciani 527. Toned VF. (75)

822. FRANCE. Henry m . 1587. AR 1/4 Ecu (9.61 gm). Crowned fleur de lis; annulet under M / Floreate cross; annulet under ΙΠ. Ciani 1438. VF. (75) Ex Brichford.

Ex Brichford.

818. FRANCE. Charles VU. 1422-1440. AR Gros Dauphine(1.07 gm). Viennois mint. KAROLVS* FRAN* REX, cross /DALPhS *VIENENSIS, dolphin. Poey D'Avant 4968var; Boudeau 1090(?). VF. (100) 823. FRANCE. Charles X. 1597. AR 1/4 Ecu (9.50 gm). Posthumous issue of Nantes. Crowned fleur de lis; rose and Τ in legend, pellet under Ν /Floreate cross; pellet under L. Ciani 1487. VF. (75)

Ex Brichford.

819. FRANCE. Henry VI, as King of England and France. 1422-1453. AR Blanc aux ecu (3.15 gm). Circa 1422. HERICVS over arms of France and England / HERICVS under cross with lis and leopard. Duplessy 445; Ciani 602. Toned VF. (150) Ex Brichford.

824. ANGLO-GALLJC. Aquitaine. Edward EL 1307-1327. AR Maille Blanche (1.75 gm). Castle/Small cross. Elias32.Toned VF. (100) 78

Ex Brichford.



Mail Bid Sale

825. FRANCE. Angouleme. Circa 13th Century. AR Denier (0.93 gm). Four annulets around open cross / Cross. Poey D'Avant 2649; Boudeau 445 variety. (75) Ex Brichford.



829. FRANCE. Provence. Charles I of Anjou. 1246-1285. AR Gros Tournois (4.14 gm). Avignon mint. CAROLVS SCL REX, small cross / Castle, COMES PVINCIE. Gamberini 274; De Mey, Gros Tournois et ses Imitations, 843. VF. Rare. (300) Ex Brichford.

826. FRANCE. Auvergne. Bishops of Clermont. Circa 13th Century. AR Denier ( 1.02 gm). Crowned bust of Mary flanked by annulets / Cross with trefoils. Poey D'Avant2253; Boudeau 379. EF. (125) Ex Brichford.

830. FRANCE. Provence. Louis ΠΙ of Anjou. 1417-1434. AR Sol Coronal (1.75 gm). Crown over Us / Arms of Jerusalem and Anjou Boudeau 866. Toned VF. (60) E X T R E M E L Y R A R E 1403 G R O S C H E N O F AACHEN

827. FRANCE. Metz. Bishop Thierry V of Boppart 1365-1384. AR Gros (3.22 gm). Bishop with crozier / GROSSVS METE'S. Boudeau 1641; Saurma 1881/913. Superb EF. (400) Ex Brichford.

828. FRANCE. Metz. Civic Issue. 15th Century. AR Gros (3.25 gm). St. Stephan standing/GROSSVS*METE. Saurma 1889/921. Toned EF. (800)

831. GERMANY. Aachen. 1403. AR Groschen (2.26 gm). Half length bust of Charlemagne / +ANNO:DOMINI:MILLESIMO:CCCC: TERCIO. Frey New 13 (16 specimens noted). VF. Extremely Rare. (2000)

The engraver of this coin wen: to great trouble to place tiny beardedfaces in the O''s of the obverse legend! 7 9Ex Brichford.


Mail Bid Sale

J U N E 5,1991

837. GERMANY. Cologne. Civic issue. 14th Century. AR Groschen (3.41 gm). Arms /Ornate cross. Saurma2830/1502. Good VF. Rare. (400)

832. GERMANY. Berg. Wilhelm. 1380-1408. AR Gros Tumose of Mülheim (2.45 gm). Amis / ΜΟΝΕΓΑ MOLM, cross. Saurma 2955/1589. Toned EF. (350)

838. GERMANY. Frankfurt. 16th Century. AR Tumose (2.58 gm). Crowned eagle / TVRON' FRANC. Saurma 2162/1061. Near VF, scarce. (150) Ex Brichford.

833. GERMANY. Bishops of Cologne. Walram. 1322-1349. AR Tumose of Bonn (3.98 gm). Facing bust of bishop / MONETA BVNENS. Saurma 2671/1401. Good VF. (150) Ex Brichford.

839. GERMANY. Lüneberg. Ottodas Kind. 1212-1252. AR Bracteat (0.53 gm). Lion standing right; cross in front Bonhoff 113. Well-struck VF. (200) Ex Brichford. 834. GERMANY. Bishops of Cologne. Frederick m . 1378-1414. AR Groschen of Deuz (2.42 gm). St Peter within cathedral /MONETA T W C , arms. Saurma 2684/1412. Good VF. (250)

835. GERMANY. Bishops of Cologne. Hermann of Hesse. 1482. AR Groschen of Deuz (2.53 gm). TVRON TVICM, castle with arms / AN M CCCCLXXXn, cross. Frey 237; Saurma 2473/1449. Good VF. Rare early dated issue. (600)

840. HOLLAND. Florent V. 1266-1296. AR Gros Tournois (4.01 gm). Castle / FLORENTIVS CO, small cross. Gamberini 433. Superb EF. Extremely Rare. (1400) Ex Brichford; Stephanik.

836. GERMANY. Bishops of Bremen. Johann Rode. 1499. AR Groschen (3.06 gm). SL Peter on throne in form of cathedral / Key. Frey497; Saurma 3370/1826. Good VF. Rare early dated issue. (550) 8


AV 841. HUNGARY. Ladislaus L1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.53 gm). Lily / St John standing. Pohl B-l ; Rethy 62. Good VF. (475)


Mail Bid Sale






848. ITALY.Bologna.Republic. 1376-1401.ARGrosso(1.59gm).St. Petronius holding model of city. Lion with banner. Rossi 386. VF. 842. HUNGARY. Ladislaus L1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.54 gm). Lily / St. John standing. Pohl B-l;Rethy 62. Good VF. (475)


843. HUNGARY. Ladislaus L1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.50 gm). Lily / St. John standing. Pohl B-l;Rethy 62. VF. (450)

849. ITALY. Carmagnola. Louis Π de Saluzzo. 1475-1504. AR Cavallotto (3.49 gm). Bust left / St. Constantius on horseback. Rossi 766. Near VF, scarce. (175)

844. HUNGARY. Ladislaus 1.1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.53 gm). Lily / Sl John standing. Pohl Β -1 ; Rethy 62. VF. (450)

850. ITALY. Chieti. Charles V m of France. (1495). JE 2 Cavelli (234 gm). Aims of France / *OVITAS ΊΈΑΠΝΑ. Rossi 953. Brown VF, scarce. (75) The ancient city ofTzate.

845. HUNGARY. Charles VI. 1729. AV Ducat (3.46 gm). Charles standingright/ Madonna and Child. Huszar 1585. BU, light nib on proof-like surfaces. (700)

846. ITALY. Ancona. Civic coinage. Circa 13th-14th Century. AR Grosso (2.24 gm). St. Quiriacus standing facing / Short cross. Rossi 8. Toned VF, small flan flaws. (75)


851. ITALY. Crete under Venetian Rule. Giovanni Cornaro. 16241629. JE 60Tomese (6.34 gm). Lion of S l Mark / ΙΩΑΝ KOPNHAOSO Δ OYZ.Scarfea 748. EF, virtually as struck. (100)

852. ITALY. Lucca. Republic, in name of Otto IV. 1200-1342. AR Grosso (1.82 gm). Crowned facing head / OTTO REX, H. Rossi 1725. Choice EF. (350)

853. ITALY. Dukes of Milan. Gian Galleazzo Visconti. 1395-1402. 847. ITALY. Bologna. In name of Henry VI. 1191-1337. ARBolognino AR Pegione (2.40 gm). Visconti arms (dragon swallowing man) / St. (1.43 gm). *ENRICI IS I‫׳‬P‫׳‬R‫׳‬T· / ·ΒΟ·ΝΟ·ΝΙ· A. Rossi 372. Nice toned (125) VF. (125) 8 1 Ambrose seated. Crippa4a. VF.











854. ITALY. Dukes of Milan. Gian Galleazzo Visconti. 1395-1402. AR Pegione (2.42 gm). Visconti arms; trilobé above / St. Ambrose seated. Crippa 4b. VF, scarce variety. (150) 860. ITALY. Sardinia. Cagliari. Phillip IV of Spain. 1643. AR 5 Tari ( 13.91 gm). Crowned bust right / Floreate cross. Papadopoli 15348. Toned VF for visible details, but virtually as struck. (200)


855. ITALY. Dukes of Milan. Gian Galleazzo Visconti. 1395-1402. AR Pegione (2.29 gm). Floreate cross / St. Ambrose seated. Crippa 7. VF. (125)

861. ITALY. Sardinia. Cagliari. Charles Π of Spain. 1694. AR Soldo of 12 Denari (5.86 gm). Crowned bust right / Floreate cross. Papadopoli 15358. Toned VF. (200) 856. ITALY. Naples. Louis ΧΠ of France. 1501-1504. AR Carlino (3.58 gm). King seated facing / Ornate cross. Pannuti 3. EF. Very Rare. (1400)

862. ITALY. Sicily. John of Aragon. 1285-1296. AR Pierreale (3.28 gm). Crowned eagle / Shield with rosette. Spahr 6. VF. (75) 857. ITALY. Naples. Charles V of Spain. 1516-1556. AR Carlino (3.02 gm). Crowned bust right; R behind / The Golden Fleece. Pannuti 36b. Toned VF. (300)

Ex Br ichford.

858. ITALY. Naples. PhiUip m of Spain. 1618. AR 15Grani(3.81 gm). Bust left with high ruff; FCC behind /Castle with heraldic animals in towers. Pannuti 13. Good VF. (100)

863. ITALY. Sicily. Charles V of Spain. 1555. AR Tari (2.57 gm). Messina mint. Crowned bust right/Crowned eagle. Spahr 363. VF. (75)

859. ITALY. Papal States. Julius Π. 1503-1513. AVFiorino (3.38 gm). 864. ITALY. Urbino. Guiobald Π della Rovere. 1538-1574. AR Armellino (0.99 gm). Ermine right / St. George slaying dragon. Cairola Arms of Julius / Saints Peter and Andrew in boat. Muntoni 15; Ryan 5. (100) NearEF. (1000) 8 2 pg. 194. Toned near VF.



JUNE 5 , 1 9 9 1

871. ITALY. Venice. Giovanni Soranzo. 1312-1327. AR Grosiso (2.15 gm). Christ seated; annulet on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Scarfea 67. NearEF. (100) 865. ITALY. Vatican. Paul ΠΙ. 1534-1549. AR Bianco (5.34 gm). Bologna mint. Bust left, robe decoraied with three lis / Rampant lion holding banner. Muntoni 103. Toned VF, weak strike. (250) ExCNAXII,lot


872. LOWLANDS. Brabant Henry Π. 1235-1248. AR Dénia· (0.52 gm). Louvain minL Rampant lion / B A T I within arms of cross. Dai Duyts (75) 23. Toned VF. Ex Brichford.

866. ITALY. Venice. Jacopo Tiepolo. 1229-1247. AR Grosso (2.16 gm).Christ seated/ Doge and St. Mark. Scarfea 24. Nice EF. (200) Ex Brichford.

873. LOWLANDS. Brabant Henry Π. 1235-1248. AR Denier (0.59 gm). Nivelles mint Castle with crosses on towers / Fronds and pellets within arms of cross. DeMey, Deniers a la Croix Brabançonne, 183. Toned VF. (75) Ex Brichford.

867. ITALY. Venice. Jacopo Contarini. 1275-1280. AR Grosso (2.17 gm). Christ seated; pellets on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Scarfea 42. Nice toned EF. (200)

868. ITALY. Venice. Giovanni Dandalo. 1280-1289. AR Grosso (2.13 gm). Christ seated; trefoil on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Scarfea 49. Near EF. (100) 874. LOWLANDS. Brabant John Π or ΙΠ. 1294-1312-1355. AR Gros au portail (4.04 gm). Maastricht mint. MONETA TRIChT, castle / Small cross. Den Duyts 41; Gamberini 405. Toned EF. Very Rare. (600) Ex Brichford; ANA Auction 1950, lot 571. 869. ITALY. Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.15 gm). Christ seated; three pellets on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Scarfea 56. NearEF. (100)

870. ITALY. Venice. Pietro Graden igo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.18 gm). Christ seated; annulet on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Scarfea 56. Toned near EF. (100)

875. LOWLANDS. Brabant John ΠΙ. 1312-1355. AR Gros au portail (3.62 gm). Antwerp mint MONETA ANDWP', castle/IOH BRABAN' DVX, small cross. Den Duyts 40. VF, chipped Rare. (150) Ex Brichford.84





880. LOWLANDS. Groningen. 1472. AR Jager (2.63 gm). Doubleheaded eagle / ANNO DOMINI MCCCCLXXH, cross. Frey 146. Toned VF. Rare early dated issue. (300) 876. LOWLANDS. Brabant. John ΠΙ. 1312-1355. AR Gros (3.15 gm). Louvain mint. St Peter facing, holding book and key / Floreate cross. Den Duyts 54. VF, rough surfaces. Very Rare. (325) Ex Brichford.

881. LOWLANDS. Utrecht David of Burgandy. 1476. AR Gros (144 gm). ANNO DNIMCCCCLXXVI, arms / Cross. Frey 173. Good VF. Rare early dated issue. (500)

877. LOWLANDS. Brabant. John ΠΙ. 1312-1355. AR Gros (3.33 gm). Rampant lion left/ΙΟ DVX LOT BRABx, cross. Den Duyts 54; Boudeau 2378. Toned VF. (225) 882. LUXEMBOURG. Henry VII as Holy Roman Emperor. 13091313. AR Denier (1.39 gm). Aix-la-Chapelle mint Emperor enthroned, holding sceptre and globus cruciger / Cathedral. Toned VF. Rare. (200)

Ex Brichford.

883. LUXEMBOURG. Charles IV. 1346-1353. AR Gros Tournois (3.42 gm). Castle / KHAROLVS REX. Gamberini pg. 130; Campill & Harpes, Monnaies Luxembourgeoises, 142 (3 examples noted). VF. Very Rare. 878. LOWLANDS. Brabant. Phillip Π of Spain. 1557. AR Daalder (33.44 gm). Antwerp mint. Bust left / Crowned arms; mintmark: hand. DeMey 770. VF. (350)


Ex Brichford.

Ex CNA XII, lot 1368. 884. MONGOLS. Ghengiz Khan. 1206-1227. AR Dirhem (2.98 gm). Khwarezm Series. With his name "Ghengiz Khan". MWI1496. VF. Very Rare. (450)

I ' Wk 879. LOWLANDS. Flanders. Louis de Male. 1346-1384. AR Gros (2.87 gm). Rampant lion / LVDOVIC'COMES. DeMey, Monnaies des Comtes de Flandre, 211. Toned VF, edge chip. Rare. (175) Ex Brichford.

8 4

885. PORTUGAL. Manuel 1.1495-1521. AR Tostao (9.53 gm). Lisbon mint. Crowned arms; ο V at sides / Cross. Vaz Ε1.16. Toned near VF. (75)



886. RUSSIA. Pskov. 15th Century. AR Denga (0.69 gm). Crowned facing bust holding sword / Lion left. Petrov pi. 5,22. VF. (175)

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892. CELTIC. Atrebates. Verica. 1043 AD. AR Unit (1.27 gm). Thiid Coinage 25-35 AD. Nude male figure standing, head turned right, lituus in right hand, pellet within crook of upraised left arm / Laureate head of Tiberius right. Van Arsdell 533-1. Choice toned EF. (500)

893. CELTIC. Atrebates. Verica. 1043 AD. AR Unit (0.32 gm). Third Coinage 25-35 AD. Twin cornucopiae and standard /Bird flying left. Van Arsdell 555-1. VF. (300) 887. SELJUKS. Kay Khusru Π. 1237-1245. AR Dirhem (2.96 gm). Konya mint AH 639 (1241/1242 AD). Lion walking right sun-face above / Legends with date and mint Cf. MWI978. Superb EF, as struck. (50) 894. CELTIC. Atrebates. Epaticcus. 3 5 4 3 AD. AR Unit (0.32 gm). EPATI / Boar's head right Van Arsdell 585-1. Toned VF. (250)

888. SWEDEN. John ΙΠ. 1581. Billon Half Ore (1.43 gm). Crowned arms. VF. (75) ExBrichford.

895. CELTIC. Iceni. Boudicca. 61 AD. AR Unit (0.96 gm). Head right with vestigial ear, trefoils in front / Horseright;wheel above, pellet under tail. Van Arsdell 790-1. Choice VF. Rare this nice. (400) 889. SWEDEN. Sigismund IIL1599. Billon Half Ore (1.62 gm). Hebrew "Jehova" in sun/Crowned arms. VF. (75) ExBrichford. 896. CELTIC. Iceni. Boudicca. 61 AD. AR Unit (0.98 gm). Head right; trefoils in front / Horse right; wheel above, pellet under tail. Van Arsdell 794-1. Toned VF, scarce. (150)

890. URTUKIDS OF MARIDIN. Hosan al din Yuluk Arslan. 11841201 AD. & Dirhem (14.07 gm). Small bust in Byzantine style and large bust in Roman style/Legends. Cf. MWI 1035; Edhem 49. (65)


897. CELTIC. CorieltauvL Circa45-10 BC. AR Unit (1.21 gm). Boar right (barely visible) / Horse right; ring of pellets above. Van Arsdell 877-3. Toned VF for type. (160)

» AV 898. CELTIC. Durotriges. Chute type. Circa 65-58 BC. EL Stater (6.04 891. CELTIC. Atrebates. Eppillus. 10 BC-10 AD. AV Quarter Stater gm). Disjointed head right / Horse left; spiral in front "crab" below. Van (1.14 gm). *CALLEV* / Dog bounding right. Van Arsdell 408-1. VF. (650) 8 5 Arsdell 1205-5. VF. (450)




EL 899. CELTIC. Durotriges. Chute Type. 65-58 BC. EL Stater (5.89 gm). Disjointed headright/ Crude horse left;fieldof pellets above, ' crab ' below. Van Arsdell 1205-5. VF. (450)

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906. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.78 gm). Rosette-mascle issue. 1427-1430. Calais. Crowned facing bust/Cross. Seaby 1859. Good VF. (250)

900. CELTIC. Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 10-20 AD. IE 15mm (2.60 gm). CVNOB ELINI on shield / Victory seated left. Van Arsdell 1971-1. Choice EF, bright green patina. (400) a3

901. Frisian Series. Circa 700-750 AD. Billon Sceatta (1.20 gm). Crude crowned bustright;Runic inscription/Cross and pellets. Seaby 839. Good VF. (250)

907. Henry Vm. 1509-1547. AR Groat(2.68 gm). Second coinage. 15261544. Crowned bustright/ Arms; mintmark: lis. Seaby 2337E. Toned good VF. (150) ExCNAXII, lot 1468.

Norman Kings & Their Successors 902. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.33 gm). PAXS type. Chichester. Crowned bust / EDPINE ON CICES. Seaby 1257. Toned VF. (350) 908. Edward VL 1547-1553. AR Shilling (6.17 gm). Fine silver issue. 1551 -1553. Crowned facing bust / Arms; mintmark: Y. Seaby 2482. Toned good VF, good style. (500) ExCNA VIII, lot 810. 903. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.39 gm). Class 5b. London. Facing head/WILLELM Τ ON LV.Seaby 1351. Good VF. (175)

904. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.43 gm). Class 5b. London. Facing (150) head / RENER ON LVN. Seaby 1351. VF.

909. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. Copy of (AV) Sovereign (13.26 gm). 15831600. Robert Ready Electrotype. Elizabeth enthroned / Arms onrose;mintmark: escallop. Type of Seaby 2529. VF. (500) 905. Henry m . 1247-1272. AR Penny (1.40 gm). London. Class Vb. Facing bust with sceptre/NICOLE ON LVND. Seaby 1368. EF. (75)

Robert Cooper Ready produced electrotype copies of coins in the British Museum collections in the late 19th century. His creations are stamped RR on the edge.



Mail Bid Sale



916. IRELAND. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.44 gm). Triangle type. Facing bust/ ROBERD ON DIVE. Seaby 6228. Toned EF, strong portrait. 910. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. AR Shilling (6.06 gm). Fifth issue. 15821600. Crowned bust left / Arms; mintmark: tun. Seaby 2577. Good VF. (350)


Ex Brichford.


911. SCOTLAND. William the Lion. 1165-1214. AR Penny (1.29 gm). Late style. +LE REIWILAME·, head left with sceptre / +hVE WALTER: OL voided cross with stars. Seaby 5029; Bums 12var. (reverse legend not listed). VF for type, bent and straightened, causing pin holes. Rare. (150)

912. SCOTLAND. Alexander III. 1249-1286. AR Penny (1.27 gm). Type Π. Diademed head right with sceptre / Voided cross with stars. Seaby 5042. VF, flip over double strike. (100)

Reduced Photo 917. SWEDEN.Plate Money. Fredrik L 1720-1751.17244 Daler (approximately 5 lb). Avesta mint. Center stamp: 4 / DALER / SILF: MYNT and the crossed arrows of Dalarna below (mint mark for Avesta). Comer stamps: Crown / FRS (Fredrik Rex Sveciae) /1724. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), p. 295, stamp» A and 5. Stamps grade VF, salt-water corrosion. (750)

913. SCOTLAND. David Π. 1329-1331. AR Penny (1.10 gm). Second issue. Crowned head left with sceptre / Cross with mullets. Seaby 5088. Good VF. (150)

Ex "Nicobar Hoard' Ponterio Auction 39, lot 116. One of the better examplesfrom the hoard.

914. SCOTLAND. James III. 1460-1488. AR Groat (2.33 gm). Edinburgh light issue of 1475. Crowned facing head/Cross with mullets and pellets. Seaby 5274. Near VF. Rare. (300) Reduced Photo 918. SWEDEN.PlateMoney.FredrikL 1720-1751.17342Daler(approximately 255 lb). Avesta mint Center stamp: 2 / DALER / SILF: MYNT and the crossed arrows of Dalarna below (mint mark for Avesta). Comer stamps: Crown / FRS (Fredrik Rex Sveciae) /1734. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), p. 300, stamps A and 16. Coma stamps grade VF, center stamp grades Fine, salt-water corrosion. (550) 915. SCOTLAND. James VI. 1601. AV Half Sword and Sceptre (2.52 Ex "Nicobar Hoard" Ponterio Auction 39, lot 207. One of the better exgm). Crowned arms /Crossed sword and sceptre. Seaby 5462. Near VF. (350) 7 amplesfrom the hoard.



Mail Bid Sale

919. SWEDEN. Plate Money. Fredrik 1.1720-1751.17421 Daler(approximately 1.2 lb). Avesta mint Center stamp: 1 / DALER / SILF: MYNT and the crossed arrows of Dalama below (mint mark for Avesta). Corner stamps: Crown / FRS (Fredrik Rex Sveciae) /1742. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), p. 305, stamps A and 23. Corner stamps grade VF, center stamp grades VF, weakly struck at the bottom, salt-water corrosion, one ragged comer. (400) Ex "Nicobar Hoard" Ponterio Auction 39, lot 338. One of the better examplesfrom the hoard and more scarce than the 4 or 2 Daler pieces. 920. SWEDEN. Plate Money. Fredrik 1.1720-1751.1726 1/2 Daler (approximately 0.6 lb). Avesta mint Center stamp: 1/2 / DALER / SILF: MYNT and the crossed arrows of Dalama below (mint mark for Avesta). Comer stamps: Crown/FRS (Fredrik Rex Sveciae) / 1726. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), p. 307, stamps A and 7. Stamps grade VF, salt-water corrosion. (350)



921. HAWAII, Kingdom of. Kalakaua 1. 1883. Complete denominational set of the $1.00,500,250 and 100. Also includes the 10 coin issued by Kamehameha HI in 1847. The 10 is a choice brown AU (crosslet 4,15 berries), the $1 grades EF (cleaned), 500 is EF(cleaned), 250 is a nice uncirculated coin (MS-62 to be exact), and the 100 grades EF (cleaned). A nice type set for the collector! (1250)


Ex "Nicobar Hoard' Ponterio Auction 39, lot 369. One of the better examplesfrom the hoard and more scarce than the 4 or 2 Daler pieces.


922. Set of Gold Cufflinks. Early 20th Century. 18 KL gold, one pair set with tremissis of Justinian I and Justin Π, the other with semissis of Heraclius and tremissis of Anastasius. Jewelers mark FHB, serial number 3817. Total weight 13.31 gm. In original tan leather box marked on the inside: Gowland Bros. Ltd., 48 Cornhill, London. A superb piece offinejewelery. (500)

923. Victorian Gold Stickpin. 19th Century. Set with a Carthage EL Stater. 3rd Century BC. Head of Tanit / Horse right Coin VF/EF with slight mount marks and discoloratioa Excellent gift idea. (800)



J U N E S , 1991

936. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. Lot of Ten AR drachms. Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / Apollo seated left on omphalos. Various monograms and symbols. Houghton 1208 (6 pieces), and other varieties. Fine to VF. 10 pieces. (750)

LARGELOTS 924. Lot of 6 Greek Silver Coins. 5th-4th Century BC. Lucania, Metapontum. Stater. SNG Cop. 1203; Sicily, Katane. Litra BMC 45; Lokri Opuntii. Hemidrachms (2). SNG Cop. 50,51; Euboea, Chalkis. Drachm. BMC 39; Attica, Athens. Obol. SNG Cop. 53. Average Fine, Lokri are nicer, Katane is chipped. 6 pieces. (400)

937. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. Lot of Six AR drachms. Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / Apollo seated left on omphalos. All with differing monograms and symbols. Houghton 1208,1215var., 1217,1223var., and two unlisted types. Fine to VF. Interesting study group. 6 pieces. (500)

925. Lotof3 Bronzes of Syracuse. Agathokles. Artemis/Thunderbolt. SNG Cop. 779; Hieron Π. Bust left / Horseman. SNG Cop. 840; Poseidon /Trident. SNG Cop. 851. All near VF. 3 pieces. (150)

938. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios L162-150 BC. Lot of Ten AR drachms. Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Demetrios right / Apollo seated left on omphalos. Assorted varieties. Houghton 1249ff. Average VF. (750) 10 pieces.

926. Lot of 10 North Greek Silver Fractions. Thrace; Dikaia (2\ Thasos. Thraco-Macedonian Tribes; Bisaltae, Uncertain (3). Macedon; Aegae. Corcyra. Cos (?) Several unpublished types. Nice selection. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. ' (600)

939. SYRIA, Seleukid Κ ings. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. Lot of Six AR drachms. Ecbatana mint. Diademed head of Demetrios right / Apollo seated left on omphalos. All different, with minor variations in borders and symbols. Houghton 1249ff. Average VF. 6 pieces. (500)

927. Lot of 10 North Greek Silver Fractions. Thrace; Thasos. ThracoMacedonian Tribes; Bisaltae, Derrones, Uncertain (2). Macedon; Aegae (2), Neapolis, Terone, Alexander I (?) Several unpublished types. Nice selection. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. (600)

940. Lot of 4 Staters of Arados in Phoenicia. 4th Century BC. Head of Melkart right / Galley. Β MC 56ff. Average Fine. 4 pieces. (300) 941. Lot of 5 Silver Fractions of Byblos in Phoenicia. 5th-4th Century BC. Rare early Half Shekel with Galley/Vulture on incuse ram BMC 1; 1/8 Shekel of same type. BMC unlisted; 1/8 Shekels of Ainel (3). Galley / lion and bull. BMC 9. First corroded VF, the rest Near VF. 5 pieces, the first two very rare. (200)

928. Lot of 3 Silver Coins of Northern Greece. Macedon. Philip Π. 1/5 Stater, symbols Α-grasshopper. Le Rider 487; Paeonia. Patraos. Tetradrachm. SNG ANS 1040; Thessalian League. Double Victoriatus. BMC 11. Average VF, first one scarce but chipped. 3 pieces. (250) 929. Lot of 15 Greek Coins, mostly bronze. Thrace, Panticapaeum (2). Phillip ΠΙ of Macedon. Pontos, Amisos (2). Paphlagonia, Sinope. Cilicia, Aigeai. Phoenicia, Sidon. Judaea, First Revolt (2). Elymais (2). Ptolemy V of Egypt. Zeugitania, Carthage. Plus a billon Stater of Armorica. The two Panticapaeum Good VF, the rest average Fine. 15 pieces. (300)

942. Lot of 38 Silver Fractions from a Phoenician Hoard. 4th Century BC. Arados. 1/12 Staters. Melkart / Galley (5). BMC 45ff; Byblos. 1/8 Shekels. Galley / Lion on incuse bull (6). BMC unlisted, but cf. BMC 2; Same types but bull in relief (21). BMC 6ff; Sidon. 1/8 Shekel. Galley / Diety and lion (6). BMC 36ff. Average Fine, but most are mineralized and/or chipped. Condition is not that nice but an interesting research lot. 38 pieces. (300)

930. Lot of 12 Greek Silver Fractions of Asia Minor. Mysia, Kyzikos. Obol; Ionia, Kolophon. Tetartemorion; Magnesia. Obol; Miletos. Diobol (3); Caria, Uncertain. (Confronted bulls). Hemiobols (3); Lycian League, Masicytes. Drachm; Pisidia, Selge. Trihemiobols (2). Average Fine to VF. Two of the Carian hemiobols are of the rare early type with incuse square reverse. 12 pieces. (150)

943. Lot of 10 Indo-Greek and later silver coins. Menander. Drachms (5); Apollodotos II. Drachm; Azes Π. Tetradrachm. Drachms (2); Kamaragupta I. Drachm. Plus a very worn Kushan bronze. Average Fine, tetradrachm better. 11 pieces total in 10L (200)

931. Lot of 12 Silver Coins of Asia Minor and the East Miletos. Diobol (3); Caria, Uncertain. Tetartemoria (2); Rhodes. Drachm; Lycian League, Masicytes. Drachm; Pisidia, Selge. Trihemiobols (2); Persia, Achaemenids. Siglos; Parthia. Vardanes I. Drachm; Sassania. Khusru II. Drachm. Average Fine to VF. 12 pieces. (150)

944. Lot of 10 Greek Imperials. /E 21 Autonomous of Alexandria Troas. /E 17 Nero of Kyme. AR Drachm Julia Domna of Caesarea, Cappadocia. /E 20 Nero of Antioch. /Ε 18 Macrinus and Diadumenian of Antioch (rare). /E 24 Commodus of Beiytus. Potin Tetradrachms of Nero, Philip I, Probus and Maximianus of Alexandria, Egypt Average Fine. 10 pieces. (125)

932. Lot of 8 Silver Fractions of Kyzikos in Mysia. 5th-4th Century BC. Boar / Lion's head type. Trihemiobol. Obols (3). Tritartemorion. Hemiobol. Tetartemorion. SNG Cop. 45ΙΓ. And a very rare Hemiobol with Attis / Bull's head. Weber 5034. Average near VF. 8 pieces. (300)

945. Lot of Seven Roman Republic Denarii. M. Cipius C.f. Cr. 289/1 ; M. Aemilius Lepidus. Cr. 291/1; A. Claudius Pulcher. Cr. 299/1a; C. Claudius Pulcher. Cr. 300/1; L Flaminius Chilo. Cr. 302.1 ; C. Malleolus. Cr. 335/3d; M. Nonius Sufenas. Cr. 421/1. Average VF. Seven pieces. (350)

933. Lot of 4 Cistophoric Tetradrachms of Pergamon. 2nd Century BC. All with monograms and different magistrates marks. Marks: IE, KP, FL ΜΗ/NO. SNG Cop. 432,433,441, BMC 117. Average VF, some with roughness. 4 pieces. (200)

946. Lot of Five Denarii. 1st Century BC-AD. L. Rutilius Raccus. Rutilia 1. Vespasian. RSC 45. Titus. RSC 289. Domitian, as Caesar. RSC 378. Nerv a. RSC 20. Titus VF with scratches, the others Fine. 5 pieces. (250)

934. Lot of 4 Cistophoric Tetradrachms of Pergamon. 2nd Century BC. All with monograms and different magistrates marks. Marks: dolphin, ΑΠ, ΜΗ, ΜΟΣ. SNG Cop. 414,425,437, BMC 118. Average VF, some with roughness. 4 pieces. (200)

947. Lot of 8 Roman Bronzes. As of Drusus. As of Germanicus. As and Dupondius of Domitian. Sestertius of Antoninus Pius. Sestertius of Faustina Π. Sestertius of Gordian ΠΙ. Sestertius of uncertain emperor. Average Fair to near VF. Drusus and Germanicus are nice. 8 pieces. (200)

935. Lot of 2 Cistophoric Tetradrachms of Pergamon. 2nd Century BC. Both with monograms and different magistrates marks. Marks: MH, ΜΟΣ. SNG Cop. 437, BMC 118. Average VF, some roughness. 2 pieces. (100)



Mail Bid Sale

J U N E S , 1991

962. Lotof 12 Large Fo₪ of Anastasius L All with bust right/M. SB 19, with some varieties. Average Poor to Fine. 12 pieces. (100)

948. Lot of 6 Denarii of the Antonine Emperors. Trajan. RSC 301. Hadrian. RSC 600a Antoninus Pius. RSC 33. Marcus Aurelius. RSC 481. Lucius Verus. RSC 295. Commodus. RSC 583a Average VF. 6 pieces.

963. Lot of 15 Follii of Anastasius I. All with bust right / M. SB 14 through 19. Average Poor. 15 pieces. (60)


949. Lotof 7 Denarii of the Antonines. Trajan. RSC 89a Sabina RSC 73. Antoninus Pius. RSC 836d. Faustina L RSC 32,124a, 151 (3 coins). Marcus Aurelius. RSC 297b. Average Fine. 7 pieces. (200)

964. Lot of 15 Small Follii of Anastasius L AU with bustright/ M. SB 14 (8), SB 16 (5), SB 17 (2). Average Poor to Fine. 15 pieces. (150) 965. Lot of 8 Large Half Follii of Anastasius L All with bust right / K. SB 25. Average Poor to Fine. 8 pieces. (100)

950. Lot of 13 Denarii of the Family of Septimius Severus. Septimius Severus (4). Julia Domna (2). Caracalla. Plautilla. Geta. Elagabalus. Julia Soaemias. Severus Alexander (2). Average Fine to VF. Two pieces marked in ink with old collection numbers. 13 pieces. (300)

966. Lot of 6 Small Half Follii of Anastasius I. ΑΠ with bustright/ K. SB 23 (2), SB 24 (4). Average Poor to Fine. 6 pieces. (40)

951. Lot of Two Sestertii. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. Spes walking left. RIC IV pL 2,648. Philip 1.244-249 AD. Liberal!tas standing left. RIC IV pt. 3,180a. Both VF, the Alexander with nice pale green patina. Two pieces. (160) 952. Lot of Twelve 3rd Century Silver Coins. Denarii: Maximinus. Gordian ΠΙ. Antoninianii: Philip I. Philip Π. Otacilia Severa Trajan Decius. Trebonianus Gallus. Volusian. Valerian I. Gallienus. Salonina. Valerian Π. Average VF. 12 pieces. (200) 953. Lot of Four Coins of Emperors' Wives. Antoninianii of Herennia Etruscilla and Salonina. RIC 59b and RIC 86. JE Follis of Helena, Antioch mint RIC 67. JE 2 of Aelia Flacilla, Nicomedia mint RIC 43. Fine to VF. Four pieces. (80)

967. Lot of 6 Pentanummi of Anastasius L All with bustright/ E. SB 29 (5), SB 53 (1 - Antioch). Average Poor to Fine. 6 pieces. (40) 968. Lot of 10 Nummi of Anastasius I. All with bust right/Monogram. SB 13. Average Poor to Fine, with legible monograms. 10 pieces. (100)

969. Lot of Four Byzantine Bronzes. Justinian I. Follis of Antioch, year 13. SB 218; Tiberius Π. FoUii of Constantinople, years 5 and 6. SB 430 (2); Maurice Tiberius. Half Follis of Antioch, year 10. SB 535. Average Fine to VF. Four pieces. (150) 970. Lot of Three Late Byzantine Coins. Michael Vm. 1261-1282. /E Trachea of Constantinople, SB 2260, and Thessalonica, SB 2304. Andronicus II & Michael IX. 1295-1320. AV Hyperpyron. SB 2396. Average weak Fine. The bronzes are scarce. Three pieces. ( 160)

954. Lot of Five Antoninianii of Gallienus. Consisting of the following reverse types: Centaur left (RIC V pt. 1, 164); Hippocamp right (RIC V pt 1,245); Doe right (RIC V pt 1,176); Stag right, ΧΠ (RIC V pt. 1,179); Stag right, XI (RIC V pt 1,179). The first two grade Fine+and the others grade VF or slightly better. Brown patina for all. Interesting lot for reverse types. (150)

971. Lot of Four Late Byzantine Billon Trachea. Manuel I. SB 1963. Isaac Π. SB 2003. Alexius ΠΙ. SB 2012. Theodore of Thessalonica SB 2161. Average VF for type, last piece on ragged flan, but scarce. Four pieces. (80)

955. Lot of Twelve late 3rd Century Antoninianii. Postumus (2). Victorinus. Quietus. Claudius Π (2). Aurelian (2). Aurelian and Vabalathus. Tacitus. Probus (2). Average VF. 12 pieces. (200) 956. Lot of Twelve late 3rd Century Antoninianii. Tetricus I (2). Tetricus Π (2). Carus. Carinus. Numerian. Diocletian (2). Maximianus (2). Allectus. The last is near VF and scarce. Average Fine to VF. 12 pieces. (150) 957. Lot of 10 Follii of the Tetrarchy. Maximianus. Constantius I. Galerius. Maximinus Π. Maxentius. Licinius I. Licinius Π. Constantine I (3). Licinius I is rare obverse type with radiate bust Average Good to VF. 10 pieces. (80) 958. Lot of 16 coins of the Family of Constantine. Bronzes: Constantine I (2). Constantine Π (2). Crispus (2). Constantinopolis (2). Constans (2). Constantius Π (2). Magnentius. Julian Π. Jovian. Plus an AR Siliqua of Constantius Π with a flan crack. Average Fine. 16 pieces total. (100) 959. Lot of 10 Late Roman coins. Bronzes: Constans. Valentinian I (2). Valens. Gratian. Theodosius I. Aelia Flacilla. Arcadius. Honorius. Plus an AR Siliqua of Valentinian Π, clipped VF. Near EF portrait for Arcadius JEA. Average VF. 10 pieces. (80) 960. Type Set of Anastasius 1.14 pieces. Comprising most of the major bronze types and denominations for Anastasius. Includes SB 13, 14, 16, 17,18,19,23,24, 25, 27,29,34,47,53. Nummus through large follis. Grades range from Poor to Near VF. 14 pieces. (150) 961. Lotof 12 Large Follii of Anastasius I. All with bust right/M. SB 19, with some varieties. Average Poor to Fine. 12 pieces. (100) 90

972. Lot of Two Byzantine Glass Weights. John, Eparchos. Circa 550 AD. Yellow glass 17mm ( 1.24 gm). Facing bust. Zacos and Veglery 2996bis b; Uncertain. 6th Century AD. Aqua glass 19mm (2.06 gm). Facing bust. First one VF, second pitted. Two pieces. (200) 973. Lot of Four Medieval Coins. Germany. Lübeck. Dreiling. 1622. Saurma 3511/1908; Italy, Padua. 1271-1328. Denaro. CNI2; Portugal. Denis. 1279-1325. Denheiro. Vas Di.15; Russia. Ivan IV. 1534-1547. Kopek. Petrov pi. 5,640. Average VF. Four pieces. (60) 974. Lot of 10 Miscellaneous Coins. Arados, Phoenicia AR 1/3 Stater; Follis of Heraclius; 12 Nummi and Half Follis of Constans Π; Medieval JE of India (2); Ceylon. JE Massa of Shasa Malla; JE Cash of China (3). Average Fine. lOpieces. (100)






979. Romano-British. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze disc brooch. Diameter: 30mm, with projections. Spiral swastika with panels of blue and green enamel. Blue enamel intact, green fragmentary, several projections (400) broken, pin missing. Found in East Anglia. 975. Romano-British. Circa 40-60 AD. Tinned bronze lozenge brooch. Length: 42mm. Concave lozenge with central circle and bifurcated points. Pin missing. Find spot unknown. (200)

Ex Hal tait, Iron Age and Roman Brooches, 528.

ExHaltatt, Brooches of Antiquity, 1001.

980. Romano-British. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze lozenge brooch. Length: 32mm. Scallop-edged lozenge with raised central diamond of blue enamel decorated with four white dots. Edges eroded, enamel almost intact, pin missing. Found in Dorset (300) 976. Romano-British. Circa 1 st-4th Century AD. Tinned bronze wheel brooch. Diameter: 26mm. Tinning mostly intact, pin broken. Found at Hadrian Wall, near Newcastle. (150)

ExHaltatt, Brooches of Antiquity, 1095.

ExHatlatt, Iron Age and Roman Brooches, 547.

977. Romano-British. Circa early 2nd Century AD. Bronze cruciform brooch. Length: 34mm. Enamel missing, pin missing. Found in Cambridgeshire. Rare, only parallels known from Pannonia. (300) ExHaltatt, Ancient Brooches and Other Artefacts, 1609.

981. Romano-British. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze open-work lozenge brooch. Length: 44mm. Open-work lozenge with alternating aqua, brick red and yellow enamel, bird head terminals. Enamel fragmentary, pin missing. Found at St. Albans, Hertsfordshire. Rare, possibly from Pannonia of the Rhineland. (500) Ex Hallait, Iron Age and Roman Brooches, 575.

978. Romano-British. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze disc brooch. Diameter: 28mm, with two projections at sides. Circular design with fragmentary bands of red and blue enamel, raised central boss with green(?) enamel, pin intact. Found near Dover. (200) ExHatlatt, Brooches ofAntiquity, 1052.

982. Romano-British. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze lunular brooch. Length: 35mm. Crescent moon with one panel of blue enamel, the other lacking, pin missing. Found near Norwich. (250) 9 1 ExHaltatt, Brooches ofAntiquity, 1146.


Mail Bid Sale



983. Romano-British. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze fly brooch. Length: 45mm. Fly with wings of blue-green enamel, elephant head(?) at base of pin. Enamel fragmentary, pin intact. Found in Britain. (300) Ex Hattatt, Brooches ofAntiquity, 974. 986. Romano-British. Circa 2nd-4th Century AD. Bronze lozenge brooch. Length: 53mm. Raised central diamond with four enamel inlays; center two blue with white and black eye motifs, outer two red with white pellets. Enamel intact, pin missing. Choice and rare. (1500) Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.

984. Romano-British. Circa 2nd4‫־‬th Century AD. Bronze disc brooch. Diameter: 45mm, with projections. Flat plate of concentric circles: outer beaded edge, band of enamel with panels of red, yellow and blue/white, band of rouletting, band of alternating red and yellow enamel, raised central boss with white enamel and blue dot. Some enamel missing, pin intact. Rare this size. (3000)

987. Romano-British. Circa 2nd4th Century AD. Bronze "cloisonne" brooch. Diameter 35mm. Outer band of black enamel around "Maltese" cross of red enamel, between arms filled with forest-green. Raised beading separating enamel appears to be silver. Enamel mostly intact, beading corroded, pin intact. Rare. (1250) Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.

Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.

985. Romano-British. Circa 2nd-4th Century AD. Bronze lozenge brooch. Length: 48mm. Lozenge with pierced trilobés at sides, circular projection at top (bottom projection broken); central diamond consisting of center panel of orange enamel, and outer band composed of alternating panels of orange/black checkerboard and lime green with orange/green checkerboard pattern. Enamel almost intact, pin missing. Superb and rare. Incredibly intricate and minute enamel pattern! (1500)

988. Romano-British. Circa 2rxMth Century AD. Bronze wheel brooch. Diameter: 27mm, with projections. Outer band of yellow-green enamel separated by columns of white/blue/white, inner band of yellow and red, central pellet. Projections have traces of multi-colored enamel. Enamel fragmentary, no sign of pin mounting. Rare. (600)

Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.

Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.





989. Romano-British. Circa 2nd-4th Century AD. Bronze shield brooch. Diameter 30mm, with projections. Convex shield with triangular red inlays. Enamel mostly intact, pin intact. Rare. (800) Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.



993. Roman Gaul. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze cruciform brooch. Length: 27mm. Ornate cross arms off square body, raised central boss. Remains of red enamel on boss, enamel at arms missing, pin missing. Found in Burgundy. (400) ExHaltatt, Ancient Brooches and Other Artefacts, 1617.

990. Romano-British. Circa 2nd-4th Century AD. Bronze zoom orphie brooch. Length: 30mm. Horse and rider. Enamel missing, pin missing. (300) Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.

994. Roman Gaul. Circa 2nd Century AD. Bronze lozenge brooch. Length: 38mm. Divided lozenge with projections off center. Enamel missing, pin missing. Found in France. (150)

991. Romano-British. Circa 2nd-4th Century AD. Bronze zoomorphic brooch. Length: 34mm. Ram with engraved details. Trace of red enamel at collar, legs missing, pin missing. (400)

Ex Hattatt, Brooches ofAntiquity, 1120, where it is noted that no parallels exist.

Ex Lord MacAlpine ofWest Green collection.

995. Roman Spain. Circa lst-2nd Century AD. Bronze bird brooch. Length: 42mm. Three-dimensional dove, engraved details. Iron pin bro992. Anglo-Saxon or later. After 4th Century AD. Bronze disc brooch. ken. Found in Spain. Rare. (400) Diameter: 28mm. Fine design of central lozenge surrounded with classic Celtic interlace pattern. The central depression may once have held enamel. Edge chip, pin missing. Brown patina. (250) 9 3 Ex Hattatt, Brooches ofAntiquity, 1157



j u n e 5,1991


Reduced Photo 1000. Luristan. Circa 1200-800 BC. Bronze dagger. Length: 335mm. Cast in one piece. Grooves on handle for better grip. Crusty green patina. Simple, functional and lethal. (400)

Reduced Photos • ^ • j j u j f l 996. Etruscan. Circa 3rd Century BC. Bronze statue of Herakles. Height 185mm. Nude youthful Herakles standing with left leg out-thrust and right hand on hip, lion skin draped over left arm. At one time held an object in left hand, possibly a club. Cast, details of hair and lion skin added by engraving. Superb modelling, showing a young Herakles of slender build but powerful and well-defined musculature. Small plugged casting hole between legs (as made) and choice condition. Mounted on wooden base.


Reduced Photo 1001. Egypt. XXVI Dynasty or later. After 664 BC. Faience plaque. Length: 150mm. Green faience plaque molded with a standing figure of the god Bes. Broken and repaired, glaze chipped at high points. (500) Reduced Photo 997. Luristan. Circa 1200-800 BC. Bronze ax head. Length: 205mm. Shaft-hole ax with four spines. Choice, some dirt adhering. (600)

998. Luristan. Circa 1200-800 BC. Bronze spear head. Length: 380mm. Leaf blade with central rib, rat-tail tang with button end. Choice, edge still sharp! (300)

Reduced Photo Reduced Photo 1002. HellenLstic-Early Roman. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. Oil lamp. 999. Luristan. Circa 1200-800 BC. Bronze spear head. Length: 480mm. Length: 94mm. Buff terracotta with plain discus, ring handle. Choice earTriangular blade with central rib, straight tang. Nice. (300) 9 4 ly lamp. (75)



J U N E S , 1991

NUMISMATIC LITERATURE Titles on Greek and Greek Impprial Niimlsmatlcs 1006. Babelon, Jean. Catalogue De La Collection De Luynes. Monnaies Greques Part IV, Syrie, Egypte, Cyrénaïque, Maurétanie, Zeugitane, Numidie. Planches (only) (Paris, 1936 by Florange and Ciani). 37 fine plates with original folder. Plates only. One of the most important collections published Plates and folder in very fine condition. (75) 1007. Baldwin, Agnes. The Electrum Coinage of Lampsakos. (New York-1914). 34 j)ages, 2 plates. Still a standard référencé on this rare coinage. Pap>er covers. New but covers chipiping. (30) Reduced Photo 1003. Early Roman. Circa Late 1st Century AD. Oil lamp. Length: 88mm. Buff terracotta with red slip, palmette pattern around discus, spatulated sp»ut with volute decoration. Nice early lamp, probably from Palestine.

1008. Baldwin-Brett, Agnes. A Catalogue of Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (New York, 1974 repirint of Boston, 1955 original). 340 pp., 115 plates describing 2348 coins, appendices. Hardbound. A must for the serious collector of Greek coinage. New copy. (175) 1009. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia. (London-1978). 81 pages, 8 plates. A Royal Numismatic Society publication. Hardcover. New. (30) 1010. Belloni, Gian Guido. Monete Greche dal VI al Π Secok) a. C. (Milan, 1971). Textin Italian. 8vo, 63 pages, 12 plates. Card covers. Veiy fine copy. (15) 1011. Cahn, Herbert A. The Coins of the Sicilian City of Naxos. (Chicago- 1978 repnint of Basel-1940 original). 166 pages, 12 plates. A die study for this important mint and the standardreferenceon the series. Text in German. Hardcover. New. (30)

Reduced Photo 1004. Roman. "Samaritan". Circa4th Century AD. Oil lamp. Length: 90mm. Buff terracotta with wreath pattern, additional leaf design under spxiut. Flared nozzle and nub handle. Small hole on underside. Scarce Palestinian type. (100)

1012. Comstock, Mary and Vermeide, Cornelius. Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston-1964). 78 pages, 30 plates. A supplement to Agnes Baldwin Brett's original catalog of the museum's coins. Paper covers. New. (20) 1013. Hill, G.F. Imperial Persian Coinage. (Chicago, 1969 repirint of London, 1919 original). 17 pages, 1 plate. For the most part an out-dated work but still contains useful historical data. Paper covers. Very fine copy. (5)

1014. Howgego, C.J. Greek Imperial Countermarks: Studies in the Provincial Coinage of the Roman Empire. (London, 1985, Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 17). 8vo, 317 pages, 36 maps, 33 plates. A standard reference for the Greek Imperial specialist! Hardbound with dust cover. Nice very fine copy. (75) 1015. Jameson, Robert Monnaies Grecques Antiques et Imperiales Romaines. (Chicago-1980 repirint of Paris, 1913-1932 originals). 4 volurnes. 908 pages, 164 plates. Still a major reference with over 3000 coins described. Hardcover. New. (150) 1016. Jenkins, G.K. Ancient Greek Coins. (New York, 1972). 310pages with 635 photographs plus 20 color plates. An outstanding book with some of the most beautiful photos of Greek coins ever published Recently repjrinled but the original is still superior. Hardbound with dust cover. Veryfinecopy. (200)

Reduced Photo 1005. Roman. Lot of 5 Oil Lamps. Circa lst-4th Century AD. Buff terracotta mostly from Palestine and Egypt Two are "put-togethers", repaired using parts of different lamps, and one with large hole in base. An inexpensive lot of antiquities. 5 pieces. (100)

1017. Kraay, C.M. and G.K. Jenkins. Essays In Greek Coinage Presented To Stanley Robinson. (Oxford 1967). 268 pp., 33 plates. Seventeen articles by some of the major authorities on Greek coinage. Long out of print and scarce. Nice very fine copy. (250)



J U N E S , 1991

1031. Roman Coins and Culture. Ten copies of this excellent magazine printed in West Germany (1985-1987), then in the States and now incorporated into The Celator. Includes: Volume I, No. 1 ; Volume 2, No. 1,2,3, and 4; Volume 3, No. 1 and 2; Volume 4, No. 1, 2, and 3. Ten issues - all clean, used copies. (50)

1018. Kraay, Colin M. Archaic and Classical Greek Coins. (Berkeley1976). 426 pages, 64 plates. This is the definitive "textbook" for the student and collector of Greek coins. Out of print and hard to find. Hardcover Nice very fine copy with dustcover. (175) 1019. Lambros, Paul. Gold Coins of Philippi. Translated by Betty Gardiakos. (Chicago, 1975 reprint of 1854 original). 12mo, 19pages,one map, one plate of line drawings. Card covers. Very fine copy. (7)

1032. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). C.H.V. Sutherland and R.A.G. Carson (Editors). The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. VII. Constantine and Licinius A.D. 313-337. by Patrick M. Bruun. (London, 1984 reprint). 778 pp., 24 plates, indices. Hardbound. Very fine copy. (50)

1020. Newell, Edward T. The Seleucid Mint of Antioch. (Chicago-1978 reprint of New York-1917 original). 156 pages, Opiates. Still a standard reference even with the appearance of new research. Hardcover. New. (50)

1033. Sear, David R. Roman Coins and their values. (Seaby - London, 1988 Fourth Edition). 388 pages, illustrated throughout text, 12 plates. Hardbound with dust cover. The latest edition of this standard reference. Near new showing only slight signs of use. (40)

1021. Rutter, N.K. Campanian Coinages, 475-380 B.C. (Edinburgh, 1979). 196 pages, 32 plates. A die study for the early coinages of Cumae, Neapolis, Hyria, Nola, the Campani, Phistelia, Allifae, and the Fensemi. The standard reference for these rare coinages. Hardcover. New. (35)

Titles pp Byffintinf >un!Îsrnatiçj 1022. Seltman, Charles. T. Athens, Its History and Coinage Before the Persian Invasion. (Chicago-1974 reprint of Cambridge-1924 original). 228 pages, 24 plates. Still a standard reference for the archaic Athenian coinage. Hardbound. New. (30)

1034. Β ales, George E. Byzantine Coins, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monograph 1. (Cambridge, MA.-1971). 159 pages, 9 plates. Hardbound. New. (25) 1035. Bellinger, Alfred R. and Grierson, Philip. Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections. Volume I to ΙΠ complete. (Washington D.C.-1966-1973)Three volumes in five parts. The major reference for Byzantine coinage and difficult to obtain. Hardbound A nice fine set with a few water spots on the first two volumes, and the last two books (Volume 3) are as new with the original plastic dust covers.

1023. Svoronos, JJM. Christodoulos The Counterfeiter. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of Athens, 1922 original). 28 χ 21.5 cm., 36 pp., 17 plates. Paper covers. As new. (15) 1024. Svoronos, J.N. Corpus of the Ancient Coins of Athens. (Chicago1975 reworking of the Munich-1923 edition). 264 pages of which 229 are plates. Basically plates with minimal description. Hardcover. New.



1036. Grierson, Philip. Byzantine Coins. (Berkeley, 1982). 411 pages, 95 plates, maps. The best introductory survey of Byzantine coinage. (85) Hardcover. New copy.

1025. Svoronos, J.N. Corpus of the Ancient Coins of Athens. (Chicago1975 reworking of the Munich-1923 edition). 264 pages of which 229 are plates. Basically plates with minimal description. Hardcover. Fine copy with some water damage. (50)

1037. Whining, P.D. Byzantine Coins. (New York, 1973). 311 pages with 390 illustrations plus 20 colorplates. Outstanding photographs. Companion volume in "The World of Numismatics" series to Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Jenkins, Ancient Greek Coins. Hardbound with dust jacket. Very fine copy. (85)

1026. Vermeule, Cornelius C. ΠΙ. Numismatic Art Of The Greek Imperial World. (Cambridge, Mass. 1986). 148 pages, 130 plates, pull-out map. A very useful work for the collector of Greek Imperials. Card covers. Very fine copy. (35)

1038. Wroth, Warwick. Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum. (Chicago-1966 reprint of London-1908 original). 683 pages, 79 plates. This reprint edition combines two volumes into one. Hardcover. New. (125)

Titles on Roman Republican and Roman Numismatics 1027. Ratio, Rodolfo. Collection EA. Sydenham: Aes Grave Italique, Monnaies Romaines Consulaires. (New York, 1974 reprint of Ratto auction catalogue, Lugano, February 7 1928). 653 lots, 29 plates, prices realized An important collection of aes grave and Roman Republican bronze. Paper covers. New but covers slightly soiled. (15)

1039. Wroth, Warwick. Western and Provincial Byzantine Coins of The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and The Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and TYebizond in the British Museum. (Chicago1966 reprint of London, 1911 original). 344 pages, 43 plates. Still a standard reference. (75)

1028. Foss, Clive. Roman Historical Coins. (Seaby - London, 1990). 335 pages, 341 illustrations throughout text. Hardbound with dustcover. Study of how coin types relate to Roman ritual and society. Near new. (50)

Titles on Medieval and Foreign Numismatics

1029. Grant, Michael. Roman Anniversary Issues. (New York, 1977 reprint of Cambridge, 1950 original). 204 pages. "An Exploratory Study of the Numismatic and Medallic Commemoration of Anniversary Years, 49B.C.-AD. 375." Hardbound. Very finecopy. (10)

1040. Bedoukian, Paul Z. 18th century Armenian Medals Struck in Holland. (Venice, 1978 reprim of original reprinted from the ,Bazmavep," 1977). 24 pages, 5 plates. Text in Armenian. Includes 3-page English summary of text Paper covers faded otherwise new. (5)

1030. Grant, Michael. Roman Anniversary Issues. (New York, 1977 reprint of Cambridge, 1950 original). 204 pages. "An Exploratory Study of the Numismatic and Medallic Commemoration of Anniversary Years, 49B.C.-AD.375." Hardbound. Very finecopy. (10)

1041. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of Cilician Armenia. (Danbury, CT. 1979 revised edition of New York, 1962 original). ANS NNM #147.494 pages, 12plates. The standard reference on the series. Hardbound. New. (40) 96



1041 Challis, C.E. The Tudor coinage. (Manchester, 1978). 12mo, 348 pages. Hardbound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (20)



1054. Cunliffe, Barry. Rome And Her Empire. (England, 1978). 4to, 320 pages, illustrations throughout text and many of coins. Clothbound with dust cover (frayed and torn about the edges). Very fine copy. (75)

ExLibrisJoelL. Malter with his bookplate. An excellent survey of Roman history in a large format, illustrated with coinsfrom the Sir Edward S. Robinson collection as well as other important provenances.

1043. Grierson, Philip and Mark Blackburn. Medieval European Coinage With a Catalogue of the Coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Volume 1: The Early Middle Ages (5th-10th centuries). (Cambridge, England; 1986). 674 pip., 65 plates. A definitive study of a neglected area of numismatics. Hardbound. Nice very fine copy with dust cover. ( 100)

1055. Duchemin, F.J. Le Contrôleur de la Garantie TYaité Pratique Et Complet de la Marque Des Ouvrages D'Or & D'Argent Anciens. (Paris, 1927). 16mo, 46 pages of hand drawn plates illustrating controlmarks from medieval times used on coinage, etc. Recent binding, internally fine with minimal foxing. Interesting! (20)

1044. Jenkinson, Charles. A Treatise On The Coins Of The Realm. (New York, 1968 reprint of the London, 1880 second edition). 12mo, 295 pages. Part of the Reprints of Economic Classics series. Hardbound. As new. (20) 1045. Keary, Charles Francis. A Catalogue of English Coins In the British Museum. Anglo-Saxon Series. Edited by R.S. Poole. (London, 1970 Seaby reprint of London, 1887 original). Two volumes. Volume I: xciv, 282 pip., 30 plates, \folume Π: by Herbert Grueber and Keary, cxxvi, 544 pp., 32 plates, one fold-out map. Hardbound. New. (125) 1046. Miles, George C. Coins of the Spanish Muluk al-Tawa'if. (New York, 1954). Hispanic Numismatic Series Monograph No. ID. 169 pages, 15 plates. Cardcovers. Finecopy, cover stained. (15)

1056. Head, Barclay V. and J.N. Svoronos. The Illustrations of Historia Numorum. An Atlas of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1968 reprint). Edited by Alyce Marie Cresap. 64 pages, 35 plates, 4 tables. Hardbound with torn dust cover. Out of print Very fine copy. (20) 1057. Home, Gordon. Roman London. (London, 1926). 12mo, 259 pages. Hardbound, spine worn, some loose pages, internally fine. (20) 1058. Kozloff, Arielle P. [Editor], Animals in Ancient Art From the Leo Mildenberg Collection. (Cleveland, 1981). 207 pages, 197 items catalogued and photographed in text, 22 color plates. Catalogue for the exhibition organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art of this important collection of Dr. Mildenberg, former head of the numismatic department of Bank Leu AG. Hardcover. New. (15)

1047. Nelson, M.D., Philip. The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion, 1642-1649. (San Diego, 1967 reprint of London, 1907 original). 8vo, 71 pages, illustrations throughout text. Cardcovers. Very fine cop5y. (15) 1048. Robertson, J.D. A Handbook To The Coinage Of Scotland, Giving A Description Of Every Variety Issued By The Scottish Mint In Gold, Silver, Billon, and Copper, From Alexander I to Anne. (Chicago, 1968 reprint of London, 1878 original). 12mo, 146 pages. Hardbound. Very fine copy. (15) 1049. Seltman, Arthur. The Monagri Hoard. An Offprint From Dumbarton Oaks Papers, #28. (Washington, D.C., 1974). 3 pages, 1 plate. Discusses a hoard of medieval Cypriote coins found in the Church of the Panagia Amasgou at Monagri, Cyprus in 1960. Pap>er covers. New.

1059. Marucchi, Orazio. Christian Epigraphy: An Elementary Treatise With A Collection of Ancient Christian Inscriptions Mainly of Roman Origin. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of London, 1911 English language edition). Translated by J. Armine Willis. 8vo, 460 pages, 30 double plates. Hardbound. As new. (25)

American Numismatic Society: Numismatic Notes and Monographs The original series from #/ through U109 were done in a smallformat of 165 xll5 cm., and then changed to the present size of23 χ 15 5 cm.


1050. Singhai, C.R. The Coins of the Sultans of Gujarat. (Chicago, 1979 reprint of Bombay, 1935 original). 154 pages, 11 plates. Hardbound. New. (15)

1060. NNM# 21. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards ΠΙ, Andritsaena. (New York, 1923) 39 pages, 6 plates. Details hoard of coins of Philip II and Alexander III as well as a few Boeotian, Aeginetan, Sicyonian and Olympian states found near Andritsaena in the Peloponnesus. Cardcovers. New. (20)

1051. Spahr, Rodolfo. Le Monete Skiliane Dagli Aragonesi Ai Borboni (1282-1836). (Graz, 1982; Publication No. 6 by the IAPN). 8vo, 305 pages, 39 plates. Clothbound. Nice very fine copy. (50)

1061. NNM #33. Newell, Edward T. Two Recent Egyptian Hoards. (New York, 1927). 34 pages, 3 plates. Details two Ptolemaic hoards: the first found in the Delta region in 1923, and the second in Upper Egypt near Keneh. Interesting for the Egyptian specialist. Cardcovers. New. (25)

General Titles on Numismatics and History 1052. Avi-Yonah, Michael and Zvi Baras; Editors. The World History of the Jewish People, The Herodian Period. Volume Seven of the First Series: Ancient Times. (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 1975). (40) 8vo, 402 pages. Hardbound with dust cover. Very fine copy.

1062. NNM #43. Cox, D.H. The CapareUi Hoard. (New York, 1930). 17 pages, 2 double plates. Details ahoard of 125 medieval coins found outside of Cap>arelli in Boeotia near Thebes. Included were 53 Frankish tournois, 1 Sicilian tari, and 71 Venetian soldini. Cardcovers. New. (20)

1053. Contournas, Solon S. The Olympic Games And Art In Greece. (Athens, 1956). Text in English. 42 pages. Mostly illustrations with some text. Cardcovers. Finecopy. (10)

1063. NNM #46. Newell, Edward T. The Kikhiik Kohne Hoard (New York, 1931 ). 33 pages, 3 plates. Details a hoard found in central Anatolia in early 1930 of 28 coins of Sinop>e, Amisos and Tarsos circa late 4th century BC. Cardcovers. Nice very fine copiy. (15) 97


Mail Bid Sale

1064. NNM #52. Ravel, Oscar. Corinthian Hoards (Corinth and Arta). (New York, 1932). 27 pages, 3 plates. Details two hoards of primarily Corinthian style staters: the first found near Corinth just after the earthquake of 1928, and the second found in 1929 near the river at Arta in Ambracia. Cardcovers. New. (20)

J U N E 5, 1991

1076. NNM #87. Miles, George C. A Byzantine Weight Validated By Al·• Walid. (New York, 1939). 11 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. New. (10) 1077. NNM #117. Torrey, Charles C. Gold Coins of Khokand and Bukhara. (New York, 1950). 37 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. As New. (15)

1065. NNM #55. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Third and Fourth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1932). 85 pages, 20 plates. Details two hoards found in Dura-Europos in 1930 that consisted of primarily Roman denarii and Antiochene tetradrachmae. The periods covered by the two hoards are from Nero to Diadumenian, and from Vitellius to Macrinus. Cardcovers. Nice very fine copy. (20)

1078. NNM #120. Miles, George C. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Stamps. (New York, 1951 ). 60 pages, 4 plates. Cardcovers. As New. (15) 1079. NNM #121. Miles, George C. Fatimkl Coins In The Collections of the University Museum, Philadelphia, and the American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1951 ). 51 pages, 6 plates. Cardcovers. As New. (15)

1066. NNM #57. Campbell, William. Greek And Roman Plated Coins. (New York, 1933). 174 pages, plated throughouL Details the methodology of how the fourrée was made by metallographic examinations. A must for the serious classical numismatisL Cardcovers. Nice fine copy. (40)

1080. NNM # 124. Robinson, David M. A Hoard of SUver Coins From Carystus. (New York, 1952). 62 pages, 6 plates. Details a hoard of 92 coins found on the slopes of ML Ocha, the ancient site of Carystus, and ineluded 37 Carystian staters. Cardcovers. As New. (20)

1067. NNM #58. Newell, Edward T. The Fifth Dura Hoard. (New York, 1933). 14 pages, 2 plates. Details a hoard of 29 coins found on November 15, 1930 at Dura consisting primarily of Antiochene tetradrachmae of both the Seleucid and Roman periods. Cardcovers. New. (15)

1081. NNM #129. Caley, Earle R. Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins. (New York, 1955). 104 pages. Cardcovers. New. (15)

1068. NNM #60. Newell, Edward T. Two Hoards From Minturno. (New York, 1933). 38 pages, 5 plates. Details two hoards discovered at Mintumae (Mintumo): the first consisting of Roman Republican Bronze coins and the second of late imperial bronze coins from Constans to Valentmian HI. Cardcovers. New. (15)

1082. NNM #130. Lang, David M. Studies In The Numismatic History of Georgia In Transcaucasia. (New York, 1955). 138 pages, 15 plates, one fold-out map. Discusses the entire numismatic history of Georgia which extended over a two thousand year period. Cardcovers. New. (25)

1069. NNM #62. Milne, J.G. The Melos Hoard of 1907. (New York, 1934). 19 pages, photo in text. Details the Melos Hoard which consisted of 79 coins, including specimens of 31 distinct types, most of which were previously unknown to numismatists before the hoard's discovery. Cardcovers. New. (25)

1083. NNM #130. Lang, David M. Studies In The Numismatic History of Georgia In Transcaucasia. (New York, 1955). 138 pages, 15 plates, one fold-out map. Discusses the entire numismatic history of Georgia which extended over a two thousand year period. Cardcovers. Fine copy. (15)

1070. NNM #64. Newell, Edward T. A Hoard From Siphnos. (New York, 1934). 17 pages, 1 plate. Details a hoard of 30 coins found on the island of Siphanto (Siphnos) including four coins of Siphnos itself. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (15)

1084. NNM #136. Noe, Sydney P. Two Hoards of Persian SigloL (New York, 1956). 44 pages, 15 plates. The second hoard described contained 212 half-staters of Croesus of the confronted lion and bull type. Cardcovers. New. (20)

1071. NNM #65. Sutherland, C.H.V. Romano-British Imitations of Bronze Coins of Claudius I. (New York, 1935). 35 pages, 7 double plates, 1 single plate. Discusses the many "barbarous" bronze coins found in England that are imitative of the issues of Claudius. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (25)

1085. NNM #136. Noe, Sydney P. Two Hoards of Persian SigloL (New York, 1956). 44 pages, 15 plates. The second hoard described contained 212 half-staters of Croesus of the confronted lion and bull type. Cardcovers. As new. (20)

1072. NNM #68. Newell, EdwardT. Five Greek Bronze Coin Hoards. (New York, 1935). 67 pages, 9 plates. Details five bronze hoards from Euboea, Epidaurus, Mytilene, Magnesia Ad Maeandrum and Ptolemaic Egypt. Cardcovers. New. (15)

1086. NNM #137. Buttrey, Theodore V., Jr. The Triumviral Portrait Gold Of The Quattuorviri Monetales Of 42 B.C. (New York, 1956). 69 pages, 9 plates. A definitive study. Cardcovers. Fine copy with some water staining. (10)

1073. NNM #69. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1935). 75 pages, 5 plates. Details three more hoards from the Dura excavations by Yale which again consist primarily of Roman Syria tetradrachmae and imperial denarii. Cardcovers. New. (15)

1087. NNM #139. Grabar, Oleg. The Coinage Of The Tulunids. (New York, 1957). 78 pages, 3 plates. Discusses the Tulunids of Egypt (868-905) and their coinage. Cardcovers. New. (15) 1088. NNM #143. Miles, George C. Excavation Coins From The Persepolis Region. (New York, 1959). 124 pages, 21 plates & map. Details coins from various finds in Persepolis in southern Iran which consisted primarily of Sasanian and Islamic coins. Cardcovers. Very fine oopy. (15)

1074. NNM #72. Walker, John. The Coinage Of The Second Saffarid Dynasty in Sistan. (New York, 1936). 46 pages, 5 plates. Cardcovers. New. (15) 1075. NNM #77. Ton‫־‬ey, Charles C. Aramaic Graffiti On Coins Of Demanhur. (New York, 1937). 13 pages, 2 plates. Discusses the appearance of Aramaic graffiti on Alexander tetradrachmae from the Demanhur, Egypt hoard. Cardcovers. New. (15)

1089. NNM #148. Adelson, Howard L. and Kustas, George L. A Bronze Hoard Of The Period Of Zeno L (New York, 1962). 89 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. As New. (20)




1090. NNM #148. Adelson, Howard L. and Kustas, George L. A Bronze Hoard Of The Period Of Zeno I. (New York, 1962). 89 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. Very fmecopy. (15)

J U N E S , 1991

1105. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. (June 19, 1990). New York. 164 lots, each illustrated in both black-and-white and color. Hardbound with dust cover. As new but glossy dust cover smudged (as are most). (100)

1091. NNM #150. Miles, George C. Contributions To Arabic Metrology Π. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Measure Stamps in the Benaki Museum, Athens, and the Peter Ruthven Collection, Ann Arbor. (New York, 1963). 64 pages, 11 plates. Cardcovers. New. (15)

A magnificent catalogue that is both a reference and collector's item. 1106. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part Π. (June 21 and 22,1990). New York. 789 lots, illustrated throughout with 19 interspersed color plates. Hardbound with dust cover. As new but glossy dust cover smudged (as are most) and first color plate smudged. (100)

1091 NNM #152. Tomasini, Wallace J. The Barbaric Tremissis In Spain And Southern France: Anastasius To Leovigild. (New York, 1964). 302 pages, 35 plates. Cardcovers. Still a useful reference! Very fine copy. (25)

1107. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker], Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part III. (December 4,1990). New York. 117 lots, each illustrated in both blackand-white and color. Hardbound with dust cover. As new but glossy dust oover smudged (as are most). Also includes supplemental catalogue (pamphlet) for a Dekadrachm by Kimon (possibly the finest known) which was sold separately. ( 100)

1093. NNM #153. Boyce, Aline Abaecherli. Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers. (New York, 1965). 102 pages, 15 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (15) 1094. NNM #155. Williams, RoderickT. The Confederate Coinage Of The Arcadians In The Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1965). 141 pages, 14 plates. Cardcovers. New. (20)

1108. [Hunt, William Herbert]. Sotheby's. The William Herbert Hunt Collection of Highly Important Byzantine Coins. (December 5 and 6, 1990). New York. 962 lots of important Byzantine coins expertly catalogued by Simon Bendall. 67 black-and-white plates which are not smudged (as are most), one color plate. Hardbound with smudged dust cover. As new. (100)

1095. NNM #155. WUliams, RoderickT. The Confederate Coinage Of The Arcadians In The Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1965). 141 pages, 14plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (15) 1096. NNM #157. Fagerlie, Joan M. Late Roman And Byzantine Solidi Found In Sweden And Denmark. (New York, 1967). 213 pages, 33 plates. Cardcovers. New. (15)

1109. [Lockett, Richard], Glendining & Co. Catalogue of Part ΧΠ of the Celebrated Collection of Coins Formed by the late Richard Cyril Lockett, Esq. Greek (Part IV - Final) Asia Minor, Asia and Africa. (London, February 21-23,1961). 1007 lots, 118 pages, 35 plates. One of the most important collections ever sold at public auction. Paper covers torn at spine, internally fine. (20)

1097. NNM #160. Miles, George C. The Coinage of The Arab Amirs of Crete. (New York, 1970). 86 pages, 9 plates. Cardcovers. As new. (15) American Numismatic Society: Museum Notes

1110. Münzen Und Medaillen A.G. Vente Publique 43. Monnaies Puniques, Romaines Et Byzantines, Livres De Numismatique (Basel, November 12-13,1970). 78 pp., 39 plates including one color, 750 lots. Paper covers with prices realized. Nice very fine copy. (15)

The annual "journal" ofthe ANS which contains articles on variousfacets of numismatics by some of the top experts in their respectivefields.A must for the serious classical numismatist. 1098. Museum Notes 22. (New York, 1977). 310 pages, 28 plates. Cardcovers. Fine copy. (20)

1 111. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XVI. (December 2, 1985). New York. Ancient Coins. 613 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy without prices realized. (10)

1099. Museum Notes 25. (New York, 1980). 232 pp., 23 plates. Cardcovers. Very fme copy. (20)

1112. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Summer Mail Bid Sale^June 27,1986). Greek Coins, 558 lots, Roman and Byzantine Coins, 594 lots, and 210 multiple lots. Numismatic Literature, 308 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

1100. Museum Notes 28. (New York, 1983). 206 pp., 22 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20) 1101. Museum Notes 29. (New York, 1984). 201 pp., 35 plates. Cardcovers. Very fme copry. (20)

1113. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Winter Mail Bid Sale. Featuring Selections from the Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. (December 18, 1987). Greek Coins, 617 lots, Roman and Byzantine Coins, 558 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

1102. Museum Notes 30. (New York, 1985). 281 pp., 52 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20) 1103. Museum Notes 33. (New York, 1988). 223 pp., 25 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20)

1114. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XX. (March 9-10, 1988). Beverly Hills. Featuring a Collection of Roman Portrait Coins and Greek Coins. 829 lots. Paper covers. New without prices realized. (15)

Auction Catalogues. Fixed Price Lists. Etc.

1115. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Mail Bid Sale. Featuring the Collections of Lawrence M. Cutler, Alex Struthers and Thomas Ward and Dr. H. St. George Tucker. (October 18,1990). 2849 lots of coins, 106 lots of literature. Including a very important collection of Roman Egyptian coinage. Very fine copy with prices realized. (20)

1104. Hamburger, Leo. Alte Ausländische Sammlung Griechische Münzen Zentral-Griechenland, Asien, Afrika. (Frankfurt, June 1930). 44 pages, 1050 lots, 30 fine plates. Paper covers, torn at spine ends. Internally fme. (40) 99


Mail Bid Sale

J U N E 5, 1991

1125. Lot of Four Miscellaneous Auction Catalogues. Includes: Numismatik Lanz München Auktion 55 (November 13,1990), Mittelalter und Neuzeit; Empire Coins Public Auction #12 (September 7,1990); Coin Galleries, February 21,1990 Mail Bid Sale; and Numismatica Ars Classica Auktion 3 (September 17,1990). All very fine copies, the Empire and Coin Galleries catalogues have photocopied prices realized. (20)

1116. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXV. (November 29,1990). New York. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins featuring the EID MAR aureus of Brutus. 511 lots, illustrations throughout, 2 color plates. Paper oovers. Very fine copy without prices realized. (15) 1117. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXV. (November 29,1990). New York. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins featuring the EID MAR aureus of Bmtus. 511 lots, illustrations throughout, 2 color plates. Paper oovers. Very finecopy without prices realized. (15) 1118. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. Three years of this firm's fixed price list which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Includes three bound year sets as done by Seaby's: 1960,1961 and 1962. Boards warped on firsL Very fine copies. (40) 1119. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. 20 miscellaneous issues of this firm's fixed price list which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Includes the following issues: June 1978, February - December 1979 (11 issues), January - May 1980(5 issues), December 1980, August 1982 and December 1983.Twenty issues total, all nice very fine copies. (15) 1120. [Whitney Walter, John]. Stack's with Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Unique Complete Series ‫ ־‬Men of Rome - The Golden Military Years - LVCTVS SVLLA to SEVERVS ALEXANDER 82BC - 235AD. The John Whitney Walter Collection. (November 29,1990). New York. 79 lots each illustrated in black-and-white and color with many color enlargements. 22 page introductory text of biographies of each individual represented in the sale written by John Whitney Walter. Card covers. As new. (15) 1121. [Whitney Walter, John]. Stack's with Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Unique Complete Series - Men of Rome - The Golden Military Years - LVCIVS SVLLA to SEVERVS ALEXANDER 82BC - 235AD. The John Whitney Walter Collection. (November 29,1990). New York. 79 lots each illustrated in black-and-white and color with many color enlargements. 22 page introductory text of biographies of each individual represented in the sale written by John Whitney Walter. Card covers. Also includes Stack's New York International Sale Catalogue of November 29-30,1990. (25) As new. 1122. Lot of Six Christie's Auction Catalogues. Includes their sales of June 8,1988(PR); May 1,1989; May 2,1989 (PR); September 7,1989; December 7,1989(PR) and March 13,1990(PR). All very fine copies with prices realized (photocopies) as noted. All include ancient coinage. Also ineluded are two copies of their rival firm's magazine, Sotheby's Preview. (25) 1123. Lot of Three Superior Galleries Auction Catalogues. Includes: The Maltiel-Gerstenfeld Collection of Judaean Coins (New York International Sale), December 1 -2,1990; The Irving Goodman Collection of Russian Coinage, February 11-12,1991; and The Manuscript Society Sale, February 13,1991. All very fine copies without prices realized.

(20) 1124. Lot of Five Miscellaneous Auction Catalogues. Includes: Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auctiones AG Auktion 6 (1976); Superior Galleries, The Moreira Collection Sale Part II (1988); Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, Ancient Coins from the collections of Dr. Richard P. Ariagno and the University of Rochester (1980); Jacques Schulman Auction catalogue No. 256 (1973); H.H. Kricheldorf Nachf. Auktion 42 (1990). All very fine copies without prices realized. (25)


1126. Lot of Five Miscellaneous Auction Catalogues and Fixed Price Lists. Includes: Jacques Schulman B.V. List 211 and 216; Münzenhandlung Dr. Busso Peus Auktion Katalog 261 (June 20, 1960); Felix Garcia Rodriguez Numismatico. Auction Sale of July, 1971 in Madrid; Better Auction Co. Ltd of Haifa, Israel, 5th Coin Auction (March 12,1974). Five catalogues, the last with prices realized. Fine copies. (25) 1127. Lot of Nine Catalogues from Varfous Antiquity Firms. Includes: Atlantis Antiquities: Greek and Roman Art, ARS and ΤΕΧΝΗ - Art and Craft of the Graeco-Roman World From 450 BC to 600 AD (two catalogues); Royal-Athena Galleries: God and Mortals - Bronzes ofthe Ancient Worldfrom Italy to Iran, The Agecf Cleopatra - The Art of Late Dynastic & Graeco-Roman Egypt, One Thousand Years ofAncient Greek Vases from Greece, Etruria & Southern Italy (three catalogues); Sotheby's: Antiquities and Islamic Works of Art, May 30,1986; Ariadne Galleries: Idols - The Beginning of Abstract Form; Hesperia Arts Auctions, Ltd.: Antiquities, November 27,1990 (two catalogues). AU very fine copies without prices realized. (35)




Y. Meshorer. Ancient Jewish Coinage. 2 Vols. New York. 1982.


M. Amandry. Les Tetradrachmes Frappés a Lébédos, in Kraay-M0rkholm Essays. Louvain. 1989.




M. Price & N. Waggoner. Archaic Greek Silver Coinage: The Asyut Hoard. London. 1975.


Various authors. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum. 29 Vols. London. 1873-1927. (Reprinted)


A. B. Brett. Catalogue of Greek Coins, Boston Museum


A. Burgos. La Moneda Hispanica desde sus Origenes Hasta el Siglo V.

Vol.1. Madrid. 1987.


R. Calciati. C o r p u s Nummorum Siculorum: La Monetazione di Bronzo.

3 Vols. Italy. 1983-87.


Col. J. Curtis. The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt. Chicago. 1957. (Reprinted)


G. Dattari. Numi

De la Tour

H. De la Tour. Atlas de Monnaies Gauloises. Paris. 1892. (Reprinted)


L. Mildenberg and S. Hirter. The Dewing Collection of Greek Coins. ACNAC 6. N.Y. 1985.


E.S.G. Robinson and M.C. Hipôlito. A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian








American Numismatic Society. New York.

of Fine Arts.

Boston. 1955.

Cairo. 1901. (Reprinted)


of Greek


2 Parts. Lisbon. 1971, 1990. Hendin

D. Hendin. Guide to Biblical Coins. New York. 1987.


R.R. Holloway and G.K. Jenkins. T e r i n a . Bellinzona. 1983.


A. Houghton. Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton. ACNAC


New York. 1983. Jenkins

G.K. Jenkins. The Coinage of Gela. Berlin. 1970.


G.K. Jenkins. Coins


Α. Geissen. Katalog Alexandrinischer


C. Kraay & M. Hirmer.

Le Rider

G. Le Rider. Le Monnayage d'Argent et d'Or de Philippe II. Paris. 1977.


H. Holzer. The T.O. Mabbott Collection Part I. Coins of the Greek World. N.Y. 1969.


M. Mitchiner. Oriental Coins and Their Values: The Ancient and Classical World. London.


S. Grose. Catalogue



Sicily, in Swiss Numismatic Review. Bern. 1971-1978. Kaisermünzen,

Köln. 5 Vols. Cologne.


Greek Coins. New York. 1966.








3 Vols. Cambridge.

1923-29. (Reprinted) MIG

M. Mitchiner. Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage. 9 Vols. London.


L. Mildenberg. The Coinage of the Bar Kokhba War. Typos VI. Aarau. 1984.


J.G. Milne. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean


L. Müller. Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grand; Appendice les Monnaies dePhilippe II et III, et Lysimaque.

Newell, ESM



Oxford. 1927. (Reprinted)

Copenhagen. 1855-58. (Reprinted in English)

E. Newell & O. M0rkholm. The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III. New York. 1978.

Newell, WSM

E. Newell & O. Merkholm. The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III. New York. 1977.

Newell, SMA

E. Newell. The Seleucid mint of Antioch.

New York. 1917.


S. Noe. The Coinage of Metapontum.


Numismatic Notes and Monographs. American Numismatic Society. New York.


S. Pozzi. Catalogue Monnaies Grecques Antiques. Geneva. 1921. (Reprinted)


O.Ravel. Les "Poulains" de Corinthe.


N. Waggoner. Early Greek Coins from the Collection of Jonathan


D. Sellwood. An Introduction to the Coinage of Parthia.


D. Sear. Greek Coins and Their Values. Vol. 1 Europe. Vol. 2 Asia & Africa. London. 1978-79.


D. Sear. Greek Imperial Coins and Their Values. London.




Sylloge Nummorum

Graecorum, American Numismatic Society. New York. 1969-.

SNG Berry

Sylloge Nummorum

Graecorum, The Burton Y. Berry Collection.


Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Danish National Museum.

SNG Delepierre


SNG Fitz

Sylloge Nummorum

Graecorum, Fitzwilliam

SNG Levante

Sylloge Nummorum

Graecorum, Switzerland;

SNG Lloyd





SNG Lockett





SNG München





SNG v. Aulock

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Sammlung Hans Von Aulock. Berlin. 1957-68. (Reprinted)


J. Svoronos. Numismatique de la Crète Ancienne. Paris. 1890. (Reprinted)


J. Svoronos. Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolemaion. A t h e n s . 1904-08.


Ε. Sydenham. The Coinage of Caesarea in Cappadocia. London. 1933. (Reprinted)

Troxell, Carians

H.A. Troxell. Carians In Miniature, in Studies in Honor of Leo Mildenberg. Wettern. 1984.

Troxell, Lycia

H.A. Troxell. The Coinage of the Lycian League. NNM 162. N.Y. 1982.

Van Arsdell

R. Van ArsdeU. Celtic Coinage of Britain. London.


O. Ravel. The Collection of Tarentine Coins Formed by M.P. Vlasto. London.


W. Waddington.W. Babelon & T. Reinach. Recueil Général des Monnaies Grecques d'Asie Minuere.



New York. 1927-31. (Reprinted)

2 Vols. Basel. 1936-48. (Reprinted)

Graecorum, Ashmolean




London. 1962-69.

New York. 1961-62.

Copenhagen. 1942-. (Reprinted) Paris. 1983.

Museum, Cambridge. London. Ε Levante-


ACNAC 5. New York. 1983.

2nd edition. London. 1980.

Museum, Oxford.


P. Rosen.



Bern. 1986.

London. 1933-37.


London. 1938-49.


Munich. 1968-.

1989. 1947.

Paris. 1904-25. (Reprinted) Weber

L. Forrer. The Weber Collection


L. Weidauer. Probleme de Frühen Elektronprägung. Fribourg.


U. Westermark. Das Bildnis des Philetairos von Pergamon. Stockholm.


of Greek Coins. 3 Vols. London. 1922-29. (Reprinted) 1975. 1960.



H. Mattingly et al. Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum.


H. Cohen. Description






sous l'Empire



8 Vols.

Paris. 1880-92. (Reprinted) Crawford

M. Crawford. Roman Republican Coinage. 2 Vols. Cambridge. 1974.


A. Robinson. Roman Imperial Coins in the Hunter Coin Cabinet, University of Glasgow. 5 Vols. Oxford. 1962-82.


F. Gnecchi. I Medaglioni Romani. 3 Vols. Milan. 1912. (Reprinted)


R.A.G. Carson, P.V. Hill & J.P.C. Kent. Late Roman Bronze Coinage.


H. Mattingly et al. The Roman Imperial Coinage. 9 Vols. London. 1923-84.


D. Sear et al. Roman Silver Coins.


D. Sear. Roman Coins and Their Values. London.


E. Sydenham. The Coinage of the Roman Republic.


W. Szaivert. Die Münzprägung der Kaiser Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus und Commodus. Vienna. 1986.


B. Thurlow & I. Vecchi. Italian Cast Coinage.

(Aburia etc.)

D. Sear et al. Roman Silver Coins.


London. 1978.

5 Vols. London. 1978-87. 1988. London. 1952. (Reprinted)

Dorchester. 1979.

Vol. 1 (Roman Republic). London. 1978.



S. Bendall. A Private Collection of Palaeologan Coins. Wolverhampton. 1988.


H. Berk. Eastern Roman Successors of the Sestertius. Chicago. N.D.


H. Berk. Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World 383-1453 AD. Joliet. 1986.


A. Bellinger & P. Grierson. Catalogue of Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and the Whittemore Collection.

3 Vols. Washington D C. 1966-73.


M. Hendy. Coinage and Money in the Byzantine Empire 1081-1261. Washington


W. Hahn. Moneta


D. Sear et al. Byzantine Coins and Their Values. 2nd edition. London. 1987.





3 Vols. Vienna. 1973-81.


P.Z. Bedoukian. Coinage of Cilician Armenia. ANSNNM 147. N.Y.


Sammlung Dr. F. Bonhoff. (Bracteates). Peus Catalogue 293. Frankfort. 1977.


E. Boudeau. Monnaies Françaises Provinciales. Revised ed. Maastricht. 1970.


R. Cappelli. Studio sulla Monete delle Zecche di Salerno. Rome.


G. Castellani. Catalogo


J.R. Cayon and C. Castan. Las Monedas


P.D. vdChijs. Beeldenaar. (Netherlands). 1851-1866. (Reprinted)


L. Ciani. Les Monnaies


Corpus Nimmorum


C. Crippa. Le Monete di Milano. Milan. 1986.


J.S. Davenport. Various works on European crowns.

De May

J. R. de May. Various works by on Lowlands coinage.

Den E>uyts

F. Den Duyts. Les Anciennes Monnaies des Comtes de Flandre,etc. Gand. 1847. (Reprinted)


J. Duplessy. Les


I.G. Edhem. Catalogue des Monnaies Turcomanes. 1894. (Reprinted)


E.R. Duncan Elias. The Anglo-Gallic Coinage. Paris and London. 1984.


L. Forrer. Biographical AD






Papadopoli-Aldobrandini. Venice.


Espanolas. Madrid. 1983.

Royales Françaises. Paris. 1926. (Reprinted)

Italicorum. 20 Vols. Rome. 1910-1943. (Reprinted)




Françaises. Paris. 1988.

of Medallists,

1900. 8 Vols. London. 1902-1930. (Reprinted)



and Seal

Engravers 500



Α. Frey. The Dated European Coinage Prior to 1501. Annotated by D. Cervin. N.Y. 1978.


C. Gamberini.


G.F. Hill. Italian


Krause and Mishler. Standard Catalogue of World Coins. Deluxe ed. Iola. 1976.


G. Lunardi. Le Monete delle Repubblica di Genova. Genoa. 1975.


P. Grierson and M. Blackburn. Medieval European Coinage. Cambridge. 1986.


D.M. Metcalf. Coinage of the Crusades and the Latin East. London. 1983.

Metcalf SE

D. M. Metcalf. Coinage in South-Eastern


K. Morrison and H. Grunthal. Carolingian Coinage. ANSNNM 158. N.Y. 1967.


G. Michäilovitch. Monnaies de L'Empire de Russe. Revised ed. Boston. 1973.


G.C. Miles. The Coinage of the Visigoths of Spain. N.Y. 1952.


M. Mitchiner. Non-Islamic States and


F. Muntoni. Le Monete dei Papi e degli Stati Pontine). 4 Vols. Rome. 1972-1974.


M. Mitchiner. The World of Islam. London. 1977.


J.J. North. English


G. Castellani. Catalogo


M. Pannuti. La Monatazione a Napoli del 1442 al 1556. Naples. 1973.


R. Paolucci. Le Monete dei Dogi di Venezia. Padua. 1990.


Le Imitazioni e la Contraffazioni Monetarie nel Mondo. Bologna. Medals



Hammered della


Renaissance. Annotated ed. Florence. 1984.

Europe 820-1396. London. 1979.


Colonies. London. 1979.

Coinage. 2 Vols. London. 1963, 1975. Raccolta


Papadopoli-Aldobrandini. Venice. 1925.

F. Poey d'Avant. Monnaies Féodales de France. 3 Vols. Paris. 1858. (Reprinted)


V.l. Petrov. Catalogue


A. Pohl. Ungarische


G. Probszt. Die Münzen Salzbergs. 2nd ed. Bale and Graz. 1975.


M. Prou. Les


M. Prou. Les Monnaies Mérovingiennes. Paris. 1896. (Reprinted)


A. Resch. S i e b e n b ü r g i s c h e n


Catalogo delle Monete Italiane Medioevali e Moderne. Rome. 1880. (Reprinted)


J.C. Ryan. A Handbook of Papal Coins. Washington D.C. 1989.


M. Crusafont i Sabater. Numismatica


G. Sambon. Reportario Generale delle Monete Coniate in Italia. Paris. 1912. (Reprinted)


Die Saurmasche





Russes. Moscow. 1890. (Reprinted)


Mittelalters. Graz. 1974.

Carolingiennes. Paris. 1892. (Reprinted)

M ü n z e n . (Transylvania). Hermanstadt. 1901. (Reprinted)


Catalano-Aragonesa. Madrid. 1982.






Berlin. 1892. (Reprinted) Scarfea

C. Gamberini di Scarfea. Prontuario Prezzaro delle Meneta di Venezia. Bologna. 1969.




Standard Catalogue of British Coins. (England , Ireland, Scotland) London.


R. Spahr. Le Monete Siciliane. 2 Vols. Bale and Graz. 1982.


I.G. Spassky. The Russian Monetary System. Amsterdam. 1967.


J. Ferraro Vas. Livro das Moedas de Portugal. Porto. 1973.


J. Walker. A Catalogue of Arab-Byzantine

of the Coins of the British



Post-Reform Ommayyad

Coins. London. 1956.

C L A S S I C A L NUMISMATIC G R O U P , INC. BOX 245 Q U A R R Y V I L L E , PENNSYLVANIA 17566-0245 USA P H O N E 717-786-4013 FAX 717-786-7954

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