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A Mail Bid A u c t i o n S a l e of



WEDNESDAY M a r c h 25, 1992 5PM



I .

A M a i l Bid A u c t i o n S a l e of

CLASSICAL COINS Featuring Greek (All


I n c l u d i n g a s p e c i a l i z e d c o l l e c t i o n of C y p r i o t c o i n a g e •




Imperial • · ·

Roman Republican t

Roman (All




metals) • · ·

Byzantine • · · Medieval & Foreign ( F e a t u r i n g s c a r c e a n d r a r e E u r o p e a n AV D u c a t s ) •



British C e l t i c to M o d e r n ( F e a t u r i n g a n i c e c o l l e c t i o n of H a m m e r e d ) t



Miscellaneous & Large Lots • · · L a r g e S e l e c t i o n of N u m i s m a t i c L i t e r a t u r e


WEDNESDAY March 25, 1992 5PM


CLASSICAL N U M I S M A T I C AUCTIONS Classical N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , Inc. Post O f f i c e Box 245 Q u a r r y vil l e , PA 1 7 5 6 6 - 0 2 4 5 U S A (717) 7 8 6 - 4 0 1 3 , FAX (717) 7 8 6 - 7 9 5 4

Seaby Coins 7 Davies Street London, W1Y ILL, England (071) 4 9 5 - 1 8 8 8 , FAX (071) 4 9 9 - 5 9 1 6

$ 10.00

(£ 5 . 0 0 ) including prices





Victor E n g l a n d , Jr. E r i c J. M c F a d d e n K e r r y K. W e t t e r s t r o m P e t e r L. L a m p i n e n B a r r y P. M u r p h y Bridget Roe



Karen Zander Cathy England Dawn Ahlgren Debbie & Geoff Hurley





T h i s is a p u b l i c a n d m a i l b i d a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d b y C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c A u c t i o n s , a d i v i s i o n of Classical Inc. B i d d i n g i n t h e a u c t i o n c o n s t i t u t e s a c c e p t a n c e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s .

Ν umismatic


1 . T h e p r o p e r t y l i s t e d in t h i s c a t a l o g u e i s o f f e r e d f o r s a l e b y C N A ( t h e a u c t i o n e e r s ) a s a g e n t s f o r v a r i o u s o w n e r s a n d o t h e r c o n s i g n o r s . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t to w i t h d r a w a n y l o t b e f o r e t h e c l o s e of t h e s a l e . 2 .

A l l l o t s a r e s u b j e c t to a 1 0 % B u y e r ' s

f e e on the h a m m e r


A l l c o i n s a r e g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e a n d as d e s c r i b e d b a s e d o n t h e m o s t c u r r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n a v a i l a b l e to t h e 3 . c a t a l o g u e r . G r a d i n g is a s u b j e c t i v e a r t . E v e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e to b e c o n s e r v a t i v e in o u r g r a d i n g . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t a n a u c t i o n s a l e i s n o t a n a p p r o v a l s a l e . L o t s e x a m i n e d p r i o r to t h e s a l e m a y n o t b e r e t u r n e d f o r a n y r e a s o n e x c e p t a u t h e n t i c i t y . E s t i m a t e s g i v e n b y t h e a u c t i o n e e r s a r e i n t e n d e d as a g u i d e o n l y a n d n o t as a s t a t e m e n t of o p i n i o n of value. 4 . T e r m s are for c a s h , with i n v o i c e s b e i n g d u e and p a y a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y upon r e c e i p t and the a u c t i o n e e r s r e s e r v e the r i g h t to c h a r g e i n t e r e s t o n a n y o v e r d u e p a y m e n t o n i n v o i c e s n o t s e t t l e d w i t h i n 3 0 d a y s o f t h e s a l e d a t e . P a y m e n t by c h e c k m u s t b e m a d e in e i t h e r U S ( S ) o r B r i t i s h ( £ ) f u n d s a n d d r a w n o n a n U n i t e d S t a t e s o r B r i t i s h b a n k ( C h e q u e s i n s t e r ling but not d r a w n on a British b a n k m u s t i n c l u d e £ 1 0 extra for b a n k c h a r g e s ) . Visa and M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) m a y be used t o p a y y o u r b i l l , h o w e v e r , a 3 . 5 % s u r c h a r g e is m a d e f o r t h e u s e o f y o u r c r e d i t c a r d , o u r c o s t f r o m t h e b a n k . B i d d e r s n o t k n o w n to u s m u s t p r o v i d e u s w i t h s a t i s f a c t o r y c r e d i t r e f e r e n c e s a n d / o r p a y t h e f u l l p u r c h a s e p r i c e or 5 . a d e p o s i t as d e t e r m i n e d at t h e a u c t i o n e e r ' s d i s c r e t i o n b e f o r e d e l i v e r y of l o t s . M i n o r s a r e f o r b i d d e n f r o m b i d d i n g w i t h out a p a r e n t ' s s i g n a t u r e on the bid sheet. 6. B i d in e v e n d o l l a r ( $ ) a m o u n t s . M ail B i d d e r P r o t e c t i o n . Y o u m a y s u b m i t b i d s w i t h c o n f i d e n c e . W h e r e c o m p e t i t i o n p e r m i t s , y o u r b i d s w i l l b e e x e c u t e d at 1 0 % o v e r t h e n e x t h i g h e s t b i d . P l e a s e n o t e , t h a t m o s t b i d s b e l o w e s t i m a t e a r e r a r e l y r e d u c e d , d u e to h e a v y c o m p e t i t i o n . If y o u b i d o v e r e s t i m a t e , c h a n c e s a r e t h a t y o u r b i d s w i l l b e r e d u c e d . I n t h e c a s e of tie b i d s - t h e b i d r e c e i v e d e a r l i e s t w i n s . B i d b y l o t n u m b e r . N o l o t s w i l l b e b r o k e n . 7.

A w o r d o n R e s e r v e s . I f a l o t is r e s e r v e d , it w i l l n o t b e in e x c e s s of t h e e s t i m a t e . C h e c k y o u r b i d s h e e t s c a r e f u l l y .

T h e seller c a n n o t a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for e r r o r s m a d e by b i d d e r s . 8 . B u y e r s a c c e p t i n g c o m m i s s i o n b i d s f r o m o t h e r p a r t i e s d o s o at t h e i r o w n r i s k a n d w i l l r e m a i n r e s p o n s i b l e to t h e auct i o n e e r s f o r f u l l s e t t l e m e n t p e r t h e t e r m s o f s a l e f o r t h i s a u c t i o n . B u y e r s s h a l l n o t b e e n t i t l e d to r e m o v e l o t s f r o m t h e a u c tion r o o m d u r i n g t h e c o u r s e of the a u c t i o n w i t h o u t the p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n of t h e a u c t i o n e e r . 9 .

S a l e s T a x a n d p o s t a g e a r e a d d e d to a l l i n v o i c e s w h e r e a p p r o p r i a t e . P o s t a g e f o r a n y b o o k l o t s w i l l b e i n v o i c e d s e p -

a r a t e l y at the a u c t i o n e e r ' s



P r i c e s R e a l i s e d a r e p u b l i s h e d s h o r t l y a f t e r t h e s a l e a n d m a i l e d to all b i d d e r s w h o h a v e p a r t i c i p a t e d in t h e s a l e .


I f y o u b i d in t h i s s a l e , y o u a c c e p t t h e t e r m s as o u t l i n e d a b o v e . A n y l e g a l d i s p u t e s t h a t m i g h t a r i s e w i l l b e h a n d l e d

in t h e c o u r t s of L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y ,


G O O D L U C K and r e m e m b e r to m a i l y o u r bid s h e e t s e a r l y . B i d s h e e t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d by M a r c h 2 5 , 1 9 9 2 .


NOTICE OF EXHIBITION COINS MAY BE V I E W E D IN OUR Q U A R R Y VILLE O F F I C E S BY A P P O I N T M E N T From 10:00 a.m. 5:00 ‫־‬ p.m. Monday - Friday M a r c h 2 - M a r c h 25, 1992

P h o t o g r a p h s a v a i l a b l e f o r u n p h o t o g r a p h e d l o t s at $ 3 e a c h (one obverse and one reverse) Available from Quarryville office only

F E B R U A R Y 27 - M A R C H 1 ANA EARLY SPRING CONVENTION DALLAS MARKET HALL - MAIN HALL Table 510 - Ancient & Foreign Section 2200 Stemmons Freeway Bourse Hours - Thursday: Noon-7PM; Friday & Saturday: 9 A M - 6 P M

MARCH 20-22 C H I C A G O I N T E R N A T I O N A L COIN FAIR Hyatt Regency Chicago 151 E a s t W a c k e r D r i v e Bourse Hours - Friday & Saturday: 10AM-6PM; Sunday:

Contact either office for information U S A (717) 7 8 6 - 4 0 1 3 ‫ ״‬UK (07 1 ) 4 9 5 - 1 888






25,1 992

GREEK (Gold & Silver)

1. CELTIC. Danube Region. Cuca 3rd Century BC AR Tetiadradim (13.14 gm). Imitation of Philip Π of Macedon. Crude head right / Horseman right. CCCBM150-54; De la Tour 9628. VF for type. (300)

6. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 430-380 BC. AR Didrachm (7.37 gm). Youth on horseback, holding shield/Taras on dolphin, holding trident. Vlasto314 Fine, ancient graffiti. Rare. (125)

7. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Didrachm (6.37 gm) Wamor on horseback with shield and two spears; ΣΏ, ΑΠΟΛΛΩ /Taras on dolphin, holding grape cluster and distaff; ΑΝΘ. Vlasto 793. EF. (600)

2. CELTIC. Danube Region. Cuca 3rd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.27 gm). Imitation of Alexander ΠΙ of Macedon. Very etude head right / Zeus seated left; monograms to left and under throne. CCCBM1193-198; De la Tour 9640. VF for type. (250)

8. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Didrachm (6.46 gm). Youth on horseback, crowning himself; ΞΩ, ΞΑΛΟ, Ionic capital / Taras on dolphin, holding aplustre and distaff, ΑΝΘ. Vlasto 806. EF, flan flaw on reverse. (600)

3. GAUL. Massalia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.56 gm). Youthful head of Apollo left; sideburns as ΠΑΡ/Wheel of four spokes. De la Tour 687. VF. Veiy rare. (500) Chabouillet also lists coins wùh MA and ATP1 on the cheek of Apollo. There is no explanalion given for the tellers

4. ETRURIA. Populonia. Circa 211-200 BC. AR 20 Asses (8.40 gm). Gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Indeterminate design. Vecchi SNR 69,30/5; SNG ANS 82. Toned VF. (600)



5. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 473-450 BC. AR Drachm (3.95 gm). Forepart of Pegasos right; pectin shell below / Head of nymph Satyra right. Vlasto 160. Toned VF Ycr, Raa•' (1000)

9. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Didrachm (6.52 gm). Youth on hotseback, crowning himself; ΞΩ, ΞΑΛΟ, Ioruc capital / Taras on dolphin, holding aplustre and distaff, AN. Vlasto 807. EF, flan flaw on dolphin. (600)

10. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Didrachm (5.99 gm). Youth on horseback; ΣΥ, ΛΥΚΙΝΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, brandishing trident; owl. Vlasto 836. Toned VF, old scratch obverse. (300)

11. CALABRLV Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Didrachm (6.32 gm). Warrior on horseback with shield and spear, ΦΙ, EHPAKAHTO/Taras ondolphui, holding flower and comucopiae; monogram and ihymiatenon (incense burner). Vlasto 892. Good V F. ' (400)



M a r c h 25,1 992

18. LUCANIA. Thurioi. Circa 440-410 BC. AR Stater (7.83 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; helmet laureate, Ξ behind / ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ, bull butting left; fish in exergue. Cf. BMC Italy pg. 288,17. Toned VF. (250)

12. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Didrachm (6.30 gm). Youth on horseback, holding staff; ΗΙΠΠΟΔΑ /Taras on dolphin, holding aplustre and distaff; ΔΙ, amphora. Vlasto 906. Toned VF. (300)

19. LUCANIA. Velia. Circa 400-350 BC. AR Stater (7.67 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; griffin on helmet, Φ behind, A above / Lion bringing down stag. SNG ANS 1252. VF. (300) 13. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Didrachm (6.43 gm). Youth on horseback, crowning horse and being crowned by Nike; ΦΙ ΑΡ1ΣΤΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; ΓΠ, heim. Vlasto 908. Toned VF. (300)

20. LUCANIA. Velia. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Stater (7.31 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left; griffin on helmet, Φ on flap, AP monogram behind / Lion walking right, caduceus above. SNG ANS 1391. VF, porosity on reverse. (300)

14. CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 235-228 BC. AR Didrachm (6.24 gm). Youth on horseback, holding torch; AIAMAXOC, monogram / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; monogram. Vlasto 939(same reverse die); SNG Copenhagen 940. Lustrous EF. (950)

21. BRUTTIUM. Kroton. Circa 530450 BC. AR Stater (7.75 gm). Ornate inpod; crab to left / Incuse tripod; lyre to left Dewing 494; SNG Copenhagen 1746. VF. (450) 15. CALABRIA.Tarentum. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Hemilitra (0.18 gm). Scallop shell/ Dolphin right. Vlasto 1558. Good VF. (75)

22. BRUTTIUM. Kroton. Circa 530450 BC. AR Stater (7.66 gm). Ornate tripod;s10rkt01eft/Incusetrip0d.SNGC0penhagen 1752.VF,porosity. (300) 16. LUCANIA. Herakleia. Circa 281 -272 BC. AR Stater (7.63 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; Corinthian helmet decorated with SkyUa hurling stone and laurel wreath / Herakles standing facing, nude except for lion skin, crowning himself and leaning on club; magistrate ΝΕΩΝ. McClean 860. Toned EF, small area of corrosion on reverse. Excellent style and a rare variety. (650)

23. BRUTTIUM. Kroton. Circa 4 5 0 4 0 0 BC. AR Staler (7.63 gm). Eagle standing right, wings outspread and head raised / Omate tripod; leaf to left. SNG 344. VF, porosity. (300)

17. LUCANIA. Metapontion. Circa 330-320 BC. AR Stater (7.56 gm). Helmeted head of Leukippos nght; sitting dog behind, Σ below / Grain ear; dove on leaf, AM below. Johnston Group Β 3; SNG ANS 443. Toned good VF, corrosion on edge. (350)

24. B R U r r i U M . Rhegion. Circa 480 BC. AR Liirae (0.54 gm). Hare bounding right / R E C (retrograde). Dewing 530; SNG ANS 634. Toned VF. (100)




25. SICILY. Akragas. Circa 279-241 BC. AR Drachm (3.10 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right; ΦΙ behind / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; ΤΦΞ in left field (500) BMC Sicily pg. 14,84. Toned choice EF.


25,1 992

30. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 482472 BC. AR Telradrachm (16.86 gm). Slow quadriga right, Nike above / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, hair tied with pearl band, surrounded by four dolphins. Boehnnger-; SNG ANS 27£f. Near VF.

(600) Reverse die not found in Boehringer, which is unusual.

26. SICILY. Leontini. By the Demareteion Master. Circa 465 BC. AR Telradrachm (17.03 gm). Slow quadriga right, driver crowned by Nike; Hon in exeigue / Laureate head of Apollo right, surrounded by four leaves; lion below. SNG ANS 217(samedies); Kraay-Hirmer 19(same dies). Near VF. Extremely Rare. (5500) In the early 5 th Century BC Leontini had become a dependency of Syracuse, and many of ils coins show the influence of the Syracusan master engravers. In this case, the same hand that produced the classic Demareteion dekadrachm is regarded as the engraver of the present piece.

31. SICILY. Syracuse. Signed by Eumenes. Circa 415-405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.09 gm). Charioteer driving quadriga left, driver crowned by Nike / Head of Artemis-Arethusa left, surrounded by dolphins; EVMHNOV below. Tudeer 19 (08/R12); SNG ANS 256. Toned near VF. ( 1500)

32. SICILY. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Stater (6.38 gm). Circa 305-295 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right; owl behind / Pegasos flying left; thun derbolt below. SNG ANS 693 (same dies). Toned F.F, reverse double struck and corroded. (200) 27. SICILY. Messana. Circa 480-461 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.37 gm). Charioteer driving biga of mules right; bay leaf in exergue / Hare bounding right. Randazzo 116 (this coin). Near VF, flan flaw on reversewhich is filled with hom silver. (750)

33. SICILY. Skulo-Punic. Circa 300-289 BC. AR Telradrachm (17.23 gm). "Quaestors." Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Horsehead and palm; astragalos left, "MHSBM" below. Jenkins SNR 57, 348(dies 112/284). Toned near EF (1500) 28. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 482 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 gm). Slow quadriga right, Nike above / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, hair tied with pearl band, surrounded by four dolphins. Boehringer 72 (dies V35/R47); SNG ANS 18. VF/near EF, small flan flaw in hair. (1500) Superb head of Artemis-Arethusa in the Severe style. 34. MACEDON. Aeneia. Before 480 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.49 gm). Helmeled head of the Trojan hero Aeneas / "Swastika" incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 33; SNG ANS 71. VF. Rare Macedonian city. (1000)

29. SICILY. Syracuse. Circa 482479 BC. AR Telradrachm (16.97 gm). Slow quadriga right, Nike above / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, hair tied with peart band, surrounded by four dolphins. Boehringer207E (dies V93/R139); SNG ANS 67. Fine. (350)

35. MACEDON. Akanthos. Circa 470-390 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.21 gm). Forepart of bull left, head reverted; olive sprig above / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 36. Toned near VF. (100)





25,1 992

42. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.58 gm). Circa 323-317 BC. Abydos mint. Helmeted head of Athena right; serpent on helmet / Nike walking left, holding stylis; monogram, pentagram and comucopiae in left field. Price 1524; Müller381. Lustrous EF. (2400)

36. MACEDON. Mende. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Cut Tetradradim (9.83 gm). Ithyphallic mule left with bird on rump / Skew-pattern. Cf. Asyut 195-199. VF, porosity. (250)


Reportedly found in Afghanistan. AV

43. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV 1/4 Stater (2.48 gm). Circa 330-320 BC. "Amphipolis." Helmeted head of Athena right; serpent on helmet/Bow and club; thunderbolt above. Price 165var. (name inverted). EF. Rare. (1350)

37. M A C E D O N . Neapolis. Circa 525-450 BC. AR Stater (9.99 gm). Gorgoneion / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 401. Toned VF. (2500)

44. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Circa 336-323 BC. "Amphipolis" mint. Head of Herakles right,wearing hon's skin / Zeus enthroned left; ithyphallic herm in left field. Price 78; Müller-. Toned EF. (550)

38. MACEDON, Kings of. Amyntas III. 383-369 BC. AR Tetrobol (1.74 gm). Head of Herakles right, wearing Hon skin / Eagle standing left, head right. BMC pg. 171,5. VF, light porosity. (250) Ex ΝFA XXI lot 163 ;Brauer collection.

45. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Telradrachm (17.18 gm). Circa 315-294 BC. Amphipolis mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin /Zeus enthroned left; A, torch in left field; monogram below throne. Price 447; Müller 37. Good VF. (250) 39. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Telradrachm (14.38 gm). Circa 340-328 BC. Pella mint. Lauieate head of Zeus right / Youth on horseback left; star and Δ below. Le Rider 109 (obverse die). Toned near EF, obverse off-center. (1500)

46. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Telradrachm (16.79 gm). Circa 250-170 BC. Mesembna mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin/Zeus enthroned left; helmet in left field; ΔΙΟΣΚ in exergue. Price 1003. Toned VF, crude late issue. (350)

40. MACEDON, Kings of. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Telradrachm (14.06 gm). Circa 355-348 BC. Amphipolis mint. Laureate head of Zeus right / Youth on horseback left; bow to left. Le Rider 145ff. Toned near VF. (500)

47. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Telradrachm (16.67 gm). Circa 323-319 BC. Sardes mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned left; torch in left field, Ή below throne. Price 2621, Müller 89. VF, light porosity. (150)

41. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Staler (8.46 gm). Circa 330-320 BC. " Amphipolis." Helmeted head of Athena right; serpent on helmet /Nike walking left, holding stylis; thunderbolt in left field. Price 164; Müller 2. VF. (1350)





25,1 992

53. M A C E D O N , K i n g s of. A l e x a n d e r III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Circa 311 -295 BC. Ecbatana mint. Head of Herakles right / Zeus enthroned left; monograms, anchor and grazing horse to left, I i i below throne. Price 3931; Müller 1355. Good VF. (300)

48. M A C E D O N , Kings of. A l e x a n d e r III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.33 gm). Barbarous imitation of Tarsos minL Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / ΑΛΗΔΝΑ, Zeus enthroned left; plow in left field. Cf. Pnce 3016. VF, some encrustation. (150)

Actually struck under Seleukos I and listed as such by Newell (ESM 475).

49. M A C E D O N , Kings of. A l e x a n d e r III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.09 gm). Circa 325-323 BC. Myriandrus mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned left; monograms in left field and under throne. Price 3223, Müller 1300. Toned good VF. (350)

54. M A C E D O N , Kings of. A l e x a n d e r III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.97 gm). Circa 336-323 BC. Memphis mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned left; rose in left field, ΔΙ Ο below throne. Price 3971 ; Müller 124. Good VF. Rare mint. ( l(KX)i

55. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Didrachm (8.05 gm). Circa 325-323 BC. "Babylon" m i n t Head of Herakles right/Zeus enthroned left; M to left, monogram below throne. Price 3603; Müller 674. VF, porosity. Rare denomination. (800)

50. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.79 gm). Circa 328-320 BC. Arados mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin; tiny Β behind neck / Zeus enthroned left; AP monogram below throne. Price 3308; Müller-, Toned near EF. Rare. (1000)

56. M A C E D O N , Kings of. A l e x a n d e r III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.10 gm). Circa 319-305 BC. Magnesia minL Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned left; torch with fillets in left field; monogram below throne. Price 1955; Müller-. Toned VF, scratches. (75)

51. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Circa 330-320 BC. Byblos mint. Head of Herakles nght, wearing lion's skin / Z e u s enthroned left; AP monogram in left field. Price 3426, Müller 1375. Toned near EF. (350)

57. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.03 gm). Circa 325-323 BC. MiletosminL Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin/ Zeus enthroned left; HA monogram in left field. Price 2090; Müller 763. VF, porosity. (100)

58. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.09 gm). Sardes minL Circa 334-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin /Zeus enthroned; monogram to left, rose below throne. Price 2553; Müller 129. VF.

52. M A C E D O N , Kings of. A l e x a n d e r III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). Circa 317-311 B C "Babylon" minL Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus enthroned left; M in left field; monogram below throne. Price 3708; Müller713. EF, slight edge roughness. (500)






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^ —‫ר‬ 59. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR 1/30 Tetradrachm (0.52 gm). Circa 317-311 BC. "Babylon" mint. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case; monograms. Price 3729; Müller-. Fine, porosity. Rare denomination.

(200) 65. PAEONIA, Kings of. Audoleon. 315-286 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.43 gm). Facing head of Athena wearing triple-crested helmet / Horse prancing right; monogram below. SNG ANS 1054. Near VF. (750) 60. MACEDON, Autonomous. Bottiaea. Circa 185-168 BC. AR Triobol (1.53 gm). Macedonian shield with "starfish" in center / ΒΟΤΤΈΑΤΩΝ on prow of galley; caduceus above. Gaebler pi. ΧΠ, 14. VF. Rare. (400)

66. THRACE, Islands ofT. Abdera. Circa 4 7 3 ^ 4 8 BC. AR Drachm (3.32 gm). Leaping griffin left / Quadripartite square within incuse square; magistrate Hegesippos. May, Abdera, 174. Near VF. (400)

61. MACEDON. Under Roman Rule. After 168 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.79 gm). Diademed head of Artemis on shield /Club within oak wreath; HPmonogram above, thunderbolt to left Gaebler 162. Toned VF. (400) Scarce variety; Gaebler lists onlyfour specimens.

67. THRACE, Islands off. Abdera. Circa 411-385 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.82 gm). Leaping griffin left / Laureate head of Apollo within square; magistrate Protes. May, Abdera, 329. Near VF. (200)

68. THRACE. Ainos. Circa 461-458 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.19 gm). Head of Hetmes right, wearing petasos / AINI, goat standing right; facing head of Silenos to right. May, Ainos, 37 (same obverse die). VF. (2500)

62. MACEDON. Aesillas as Quaestor. Circa70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Thessalonika mint Head of Alexander right; Θ to left/Money chest, club, and chair. SNG Copenhagen 1330. Toned EF, rust stain on reverse. (600) Overstruck on a tetradrachm of Alexander III; the profile ofHerakles is visible on the reverse.

69. THRACE. Byzantion? Contemporary Imitation? Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetrobol (1.95 gm). Cow to right, head reverted; letters above, fish below / Windmill sail incuse. Apparently unpublished. VF. (100)

63. MACEDON. Aesillas as Quaestor. Circa 70 BC. AR Telradrachm (16.52 gm). Thessalonika mint. Head of Alexander right; Θ to left / Money chest, club, and chair. SNG Copenhagen 1330. Toned VF. (250) 70. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Apollonia Pontika. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Drachm (3.17 gm). Anchor with crayfish /Gorgoneion. SNG Copenhagen 452. VF. (100)

64. PAEONIA, Kings of. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (11.06 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Horseman spearing fallen warrior, bucranium to left. SNG ANS 1030. Good VF, two smaU edge cuts. (250)

71. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Apollonia Pontika. After 400 BC. AR Drachm (3.32 gm). Anchor with A and crayfish /Goigoneion. SNG Copenhagen 462. VF. (125) 50




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72. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.43 gm). Forepart of lion right, head reverted / Quadripartite square; pellets in alternate sunken panels. BMC Thrace pg. 183,8. Toned VF. (125)

80. THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Circa 297-287 BC. Sardes mint. Diademed head of Alexander right, with hom of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike and leaning on shield; monograms in exergue. Thompson 82. EF, high relief portrait. (850)

73. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Centuiy BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.28 gm). Forepart of lion right, head reverted / Quadnpartile square; pellets in alternate sunken panels. BMC Thrace pg. 183,8. Toned VF. (125)

74. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.42 gm). Forepart of lion right, head reverted / Quadripartite square; pellet and wreath in alternate sunken panels. BMC Thrace pg. 183,14. Toned VF. (125) THRACE, Kings of. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.14 81. gm). After 297 BC. Uncertain mint. Diademed head of Alexander right, with hom of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike and leaning on shield, spear behind; monogram to left, ΘΕ in exergue. Thompson-; Müller 316. Toned good VF. (750) 75. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.32 gm). Forepart of lion right, head reverted / Quadripartite square; pellet-K and pellet-pentagram in alternate sunken panels. BMC Thrace pg. 185,38. Toned VF. (125)

82. ILLYRIA. Dyrrhachii. Circa 200-30 BC. AR Drachm (3.25 gm). Cow suckling calf; magistrate Alexandras / Double stellate pattern; magistrate Lysionos. BMC Thessaly etc. pg. 71,97. Toned good VF. (175)

76. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.37 gm). Forepart of lion right, head reverted / Quadripartite square; pellet-VE and lizard in alternate sunken panels. SNG Copenhagen 830. Toned VF. (125) 83. ILLYRIA-PAEONIA. Damastion. Circa 350-330 BC. AR Tetrobol (1.41 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left / ΔΑΜ Α Σ Π ΝΩΝ, pick-ax. May, Damastion, pg. 136,16. VF, porosity, flan crack. Very Rare. (125)

77. BLACK SEA REGION. Pantikapaion. Circa 480470 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.39 gm). Facing lion's head /Quadripartite incuse square with pellets. Dinrich 11 ; Anoxin 12. VF, mineralized. Rare. (175)

EPIROS. Ambrakia. Circa 238-168 BC. AR Drachm (3.50 gm). Laureate 84. and veiled head of Dione left / Obelisk of Apollo with taenia. SNG Copenhagen 21. Toned VF. (400)

78. BLACKSEA REGION. Pantikapaion. Circa 160-150 BC. AR Diobol (0.84 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / l^amp or incense burner. Dittrich 127; Anoxin 164. Near VF. Rare. (125)

79. BLACK SEA REGION. Pantikapaion. Circa 130-125 BC. AR Obol (0.43 gm). Eight-pointed star / Comucopiae. Dittrich 128; Anoxin 174. Near VF. Very Rare. (200) Eleven specimens known.

85. EPEIROS. Epirote Republic. Circa 238-168 BC. AR Drachm (4.89 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right; EK monogram behind / Eagle standing nght on thunderbolt, within oak wreath. SNG Copenhagen 114. Good VF. (250) 51




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86. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 479460 BC. AR Obol (1.04 gm). Forepart of cow left, grazing / Bridled horsehead within incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 96. VF, porosity. (150)

93. THESSALY. Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Double Victoriatus (5.89 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus right / Athena Itonia advancing right; magistrates Polyxenos and Eukolos. SNG Copenhagen 291. EF. (300)

THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 440-400 BC. AR Drachm (5.98 gm). Youth 87. grappling with bull / Bridled horse galloping right. SNG Copenhagen 109. Toned VF. (400)

94. AKARNANIA. Leukas. Circa 400-330 BC. AR Stater (8.50 gm). Pegasos flying right; A below / Helmeted head of Athena left; A and caduceus behind. SNG Copenhagen 345. Toned VF. (250)

88. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.09 gm). Facing head of nymph Larissa slightly left / Horse grazing right. BMC 57. Toned VF, nice style. (575) 95. LOKRIS OPUNTIA. Opus. Circa 387-369 BC. AR Obol (0.71 gm). Amphora with grape vine / Sixteen-pointed star. SNG Copenhagen 56. Toned VF. Rare. (275)

89. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.05 gm). Head of nymph Larissa, facing slightly left / Horse grazing right; bucranium between legs. SNG Ashmolean 3878 (same dies). Good VF. (450)

96. PHOKIS. Circa 449447 BC. AR Hemidrachm (3.06 gm). Bucranium / Φ Ο Κ , head of Artemis right Williams 218 (dies 0155/R127). VF. (250)

90. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.99 gm). Head of nymph Larissa, facing slightly left / Horse grazing right. SNG Copenhagen 130 (same obverse die). Toned VF, slightly rough surfaces. (400)

97. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 379-338 BC. AR Stater (11.84 gm). Boeotian shield / Amphora; magistrate KABI. SNG Copenhagen 339. Near VF. (300)

91. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.88 gm). Head of nymph Larissa, facing slightly left / Horse grazing right; plant between legs. BMC Thessalypg. 30,61. Near VF. " (250)

98. BOEOTIA. Thebes. Circa 220-200 BC. AR Drachm (4.91 gm). Facing head of Peisephone, turned slighüy rightandwreathedingrainears / Nude Poseidon standing right, holding tndent and dolphin; ΔΕ monogram and shield to right Dewing 1517; Weber 3304. Toned VF. (500)

92. THESSALY. Pharsalos. Circa 480-400 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.97 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Horse head right, in incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 217. VF. (250)

99. EUBOEA. Histiaea. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. AR Tetrobol (1.69 gm). Head of nymph right / Nymph seated on prow. SNG Copenhagen 517ff. Toned VF. (150) 52




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100. EUBOEA. Histiaea. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. AR Tetrobol (2.39 gm). Head of nymph right / Nymph sealed on prow; trident below. SNG Copenhagen 527. Toned choice EF. (150)

106. SIKYONIA. Sikyon. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Stater (12.18 gm). Chimaera to left; wreath above, ΣΕ below / Dove flying left in wreath; I before. Weber 3904. EF, obverse die worn, with light corrosion. (2000)

l à

101. ATTICA. Athens. Circa 505-490 BC. AR Cut Tetradrachm (9.52 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right. Seltman Group L. Near VF. (250) Found in Syria. 107. ARGOLIS. Argos. Circa 468-421 BC. AR Triobol (2.80 gm). Forepart of wolf left / A in incuse square, divided horizontally. SNG Copenhagen 1. Toned VF. Early issue in high relief. (150)

102. ATTICA. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right SNG Copenhagen 31. EF. (600)

108. ACHAEAN LEAGUE. Lakedaimon (Sparta). Circa 222-196 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.34 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right / AX monogram; caps of the Dioskouroi and two monograms. Clerk 316; BMC Peloponnesos pg. 7, 83. VF, eroded obverse die. Rare. (200)

103. ATTICA. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.58 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF. (500)

109. ACHAEAN LEAGUE. Megara. Circa 280-222 BC AR Hemidrachm (2.49 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right / AX monogram; lyre, ME GW. Clerk 125; BMC Peloponnesos pg. 2,11. Toned EF. (200)

104. ATTICA. Athens. Circa 119/118 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.65 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right on amphora; magistrates ΑΜΜΩΝΟΣ, ΚΑΛΛΙΑΣ, ΑΠΟΛΛΩ, two torches in right field, Ζ on amphora, ME below. Thompson 587; Dating per M0rkholm, ANSNNM 29. Good VF. (400)

110. CRETE. Itanos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (5.29 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left/ ΓΓΑΝΕΩΝ, eagle standing left, looking back, in incuse square. Svoronos pl. XDC, 12; SNG Copenhagen 473. Toned Fine. Rare. (300)

105. AEG INA. Circa 456-439 BC. AR Stater (12.23 gm). Tortoise / Incuse skew pattern. Dewing 1683. Good VF. High relief tortoise. (2000)

111. CRETE. Kydonia. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Diobol (1.39 gm). Facing head of nymph left / Quartered rectangle, upper quarter bisected. SNG Lockett 2548; Dewing 2000. VF, obverse porosity. (150) 5 3




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118. PAPHLAGONIA. Sinope. Circa 4th Century BC. Imitation of AR Drachm (3.71 gm). Head of nymph left / Sea-eagle on dolphin; garbled legend. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 274ff. Toned VF. Interesting. (175)

112. CRETE. Phaistos. Circa 300-270 BC. AR Slater (9.88 gm). Nude Herakles, seen from back, slaying Hydra; crab between legs / Bull standing right. Svoronos 59; Dewing 2079. Near VF, overall porosity. (650) The shying of the Lernaean Hydra was the second of Herakle's twelve labors. While he was cutting off the Hydra's many heads, Hera sent a crab to nip at his heels inan attempt to distract him. Although unsuccessful, the brave crab was honored with a place in the heavens as the constellation Cancer.

113. BLACK SEA R E G I O N . Kolchis. Before 470 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.43 gm). Archaic female head right / Head of bull right. SNG Copenhagen 98. VF. (125)

114. IONTOS. Amisos. Before 250 BC. AR Drachm (3.33 gm). Bust of nymph right, wearing turrcled taenia / Facing owl with oul-spread wings; monograms in field. Cf. Waddington 11 (monograms unlisted). VF, light porosity. (200)

119. BIT HYNIA. Herakleia. Circa 415-364 BC. AR Trihemiobol ( 1.24 gm). Head of Herakles left; wearing lion skin / Club downwards; pellet to right. SNG Copenhagen 410. Toned VF. (250)

120. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ. Herakleia. Timotheos and Dionysios, Tyrants. 345-337 BC. AR Stater (9.49 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos left / Herakles erecting trophy; between legs, ram's head. BMC Pontus etc. pg. 142,23. VF, rare variety with ram's head. (800)

121. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ. Kaldiedon. Circa 394-350 BC. AR Drachm (3.79 gm). Bull standing left on grain ear, caduccus and ΔΑ monogram /Quadripartite incuse square, granulated. SNG Copenhagen 352. EF. (250)

122. MYSIA. Kyzikos. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Obol (0.71 gm). Forepart of boar left; retrograde Ε on shoulder, tunny behind / Head of roaring lion left. SNG Copenhagen 48. Toned good VF, nice broad flan. (75) 115. PONTOS. Amisos. Before 250 BC. AR I lemidrachm (1.73 gm). Bust of nymph right, wearing turrcted taenia / Facing owl with out-spread wings; magistrate Demetrios. Waddington 11. Toned VF. (150)

116. PAPHLAGONIA. Sinope. Circa 6th Century BC. AR Drachm (5.89 gm). Head of sea-eagle left; liny dolphin below / Quadripartite incuse square, granulated, pellets in deeper quarters. SNG Copenhagen 272. Toned VF. (150)

123. MYSIA. Pcrgamon. After 133 BC. AR Cislophoric Tetradrachm (12.25 gm). Cista mystica within wreath / Bow case with serpents; monograms, star and serpent staff. SNG Copenhagen 425. Good VF, deeply toned. (150)

124. LESBOS. Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.49 gm). Head of nymph right / Head of Pan right, hom on head; in linear square. Bodenstedt 69(dies b/a).Near VF. (750)

117. PAPHLAGONIA. Sinope. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (4.93 gm). I lead of nymph left/Sea-eagle on back of dolphin; ΑΓΡΕ. SNG von Aulock 201. Toned choice EF. (950)

125. AEOLIS. Kyme. Circa 480450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.39 gm). Head of eaglcleft; star in front /Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 538. Toned VF. (100)





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132. IONIA. Phokaia. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.55 gm). Head of griffin left; seal(0OKr1) behind / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG von Aulock2116. VF. (150)

w 126. AEOLIS. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.21 gm). Diademed head of Amazon Kyme right / Bridled horse prancing right; magistrate Kallias. SNG Copenhagen 103. Toned EF. (650)

127. AEOLIS. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.71 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Apollo Grynios standing right, holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feel; monogram to left BMC Troas pg. 136,9. Choice EF. (1000)


133. I O N I A . Phokaia. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Triobol (1.83 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing Attic helmet /Head of griffin left; A in front. Cf. Babelon 2049 (APmonogram reverse). VF, porosity. Rare, unpublished monogram. (200)

134. IONIA. Teos. Circa 470460 BC. AR Staler (11.89 gm). Griffin with curled wing seated right on plinth decorated with tongue and dot design; duck to right / Quadripartite incuse square, granulated. Boston 1939. Toned EF. (2000) Exceptional style and strike. The decorated base is unusual and rarely visible on these coins, in most cases being off the flan

135. IONIA, Islands off. Oinoe on Ikaros. Circa 340-300 BC. AR Drachm (3.38 gm). Head of Artemis, facing three-quarters right, quiver over shoulder/Bull butting right. SNG von Aulock 8023.Toncd VF. Rare. (400) 128. AEOLIS. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Telradrachm (16.08 gm), laureate head of Apollo right / Apollo Gtynios standing right, holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. SNG Copenhagen 221. Choice EF. (1000) 136. IONIA, Islands off. Samos. Circa 526-522 BC. AR Drachm (3.50 gm). Winged boar flying left / Facing lion's scalp within dotted square. Barren Class Ai; Boston 1956. VF. Rare. (650) 129. I O N I A . Klazomenai. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Drachm (3.47 gm). Winged boar flying right / Gorgoneion in incuse square. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 12 (diobol). V F (300)

137. IONIA, Islands off. Samos. Circa 4 7 5 4 6 0 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.02 gm). Facing lion's scalp/Forepart of bull right; crested helmet above. Barren Samian Class ΠΙ 18b (this coin?). Toned VF. Rare. (650) EL 130. IONIA. Miletos. Circa 600 BC. EL Stater (13.99 gm). Lion crouching left, head reverted; within double linear segmented rectangle / Three incuse punches: cross of dots, rectangular pattern with fox, open square. Rosen 577. VF, obverse off-center. (4500)

Barren 18b, which is BMC Ioniapg.353,35; ExBorrell collection isdescribedas having a "flan made from two pieces (coins?) hammered together". That describes this piece, and weight and die rotation are also identical.

131. IONIA. Miletas. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Diobol (1.16 gm). Forepart of lion crouching left, head reverted / Stellate pauem. SNG Copenhagen 952. EF, light hom silver. (75)

138. IONIA. Uncertain. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Obol (0.68 gm). Facing head of panther / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. Babelon pi JX, 23(in electrum). VF, porosity. (100)



139. ASIA MINOR. Uncertain mint Circa 5th century BC. AR Obol (0.47 gm). Facing lion's scalp/ Scorpion, tail right Rosen 403. VF, well centered.

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147. CARIA. Uncertain mint Circa 420 BC. AR Stater (11.62 gm). Winged female figure running left, head reverted, holding caduceus and wreath /"Baetyl" in incuse square; inverted Δ and Γ. SNG von Aulock 2350. Toned VF. (1500)


140. ASIA MINOR. Uncertain mint. Circa 5th century BC. AR Obol (0.36 gm). Facing lion's scalp/Scorpion, tail left. Cf. Rosen 403. VF, obverse off-center. (100) ExRosen collection (duplicate).

148. CARIA. Uncertain mint. Circa 420 BC. AR Triobol (2.44 gm). Winged female figure running right / Griffin standing left, paw raised, in incuse dotted square. Troxell, "Winged Carians" in Essays Thompson, pg. 258,17. Toned VF, rough surfaces. Rare. (250) ExNFA XXIVlot 780; Tucker collection

EL 141. LYDIA, Kings of. Before Croesus. Early 6th Century BC. EL 1/12 Stater (1.15 gm). Roaring lion's head right; punchmark on head / Incuse square; four geometric punchmarks on edgeof coin. Weidauer 79. Good VF. (500)

149. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 304-189 BC. AR Didrachm (6.61 gm). Radiate head of Helios, facing slightly right / Open rose; magistrate (500) Mnasimachos, Nike to left SNG Copenhagen 766. Choice EF.

142. CARIA. Knidos. Circa 520-490 BC. AR Drachm (6.08 gm). Forepart of roaring lion right / Archaic head of Aphrodite right, in incuse square. Cahn 47 (dies V26/R63, before appearance of the reverse die flaw); Dewing 2361. VF, light porosity. (850)

150. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 304-189 BC. AR Didrachm (6.68 gm). Radiate head of Helios, facing slightly right / Open rose; magistrate Mnasimachos, Nike to left SNG Copenhagen 766. Choice EF, light hom silver. (500) 143. CARIA, Rhodian Peraia. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (2.65 gm). Facing head of Helios, turned slightly right / Full-blown rose; ΕΡΜΑ1Σ, ΞΩ. SG 5092. Mint State. (425) 151. LYCIA. Phase!is. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Half Siglos (2.72 gm). Prow of galley right, ending in boar's head/Irregularincuse square. Cf. Asyut732 (double sigloi). Toned VF, porosity. Rare. (350)

144. CARIA. Rhodian Peraia. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (2.73 gm). Type as above. SG 5092. Superb EF, slight porosity. (350)

152. LYCIA. Phaselis. Circa 480-466 BC. AR Staler (10.80 gm). Prow of galley left, ending in boar's head / Stem of galley right, in incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 120. Toned Fine. (2(X)) 145. CARIA. Syangela. Circa 510-490 BC. AR Diobol (2.07 gm). Head of griffin right/Incuse lattice pattern. Asyut 688. Toned VF. (150)

153. PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 400-370 BC. AR Stater (10.94 gm). Two wrestlers grappling, ihe one tripping the other / Slinger standing right; triskeles in right field, dotted square. SNG Copenhagen 199 (same dies). Toned good VF. (450)

146. CARIA. Tabae. Circa 1st Century AD. AR Hemidrachm (1.92 gm). Bust of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet / Nike advancing right; magistrate Braxylledas. SNG Copenhagen 534. Toned VF, worn dies. Rare. (125) 46



154. PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.86 gm). Two wrestlers grappling / Slinger standing right; triskeles in right field, dotted square. SNG Copenhagen 196. Toned VF. (450)


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160. CILICIA. Nagidos. Circa 380-360 BC. AR Stater (10.67 gm). Aphrodite seated left, holding phiale, Eros behind / Dionysos standing left, holding grapes and thyrsos; Π in exergue. SNG Levante 7variety. Superb EF. (1000)

155. PISIDIA. Selge. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.94 gm). Gorgoneion, with protruding tongue / Helmeted head of Athena left; astragalos behind. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 257,7. Toned good VF. (150)

161. CILICIA. Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater(10.57 gm). Baaltars seated left, holding sceptre with eagle, grain ear and grape cluster in front; Aramaic letters below / Lion bringing down bull; city walls below. SNG Levante 113. Toned EF. (1200)

156. CILICIA. Issos/Soloi. Balakros, Satrap. 333-323 BC. AR Staler (10.85 gm). Bust of Athena, facing slightly left, wearing triple-crested helmet; I to left, Σ to right / Baaltars sealed left, holding sceptre; grain ear and grapes to left, Corinthian helmet and Β to right; Σ Ο below. BMC Cilicia pg. 174,72 (Tarsus). Toned good VF, die nist reverse. (750) Levante identifies the field letters as mintmarks oflssos and Soloi respectively. Either the dies or the coins themselves were produced at a central mint and distributed to the various cities. Two of the dies were mixed up, and the wrong mint combination was used.

157. CILICIA. Kelendris. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Stater (10.73 gm). Nude youth dismounting from galloping horse; monogram below / Goat kneeling left Cf. SNG Copenhagen 78. VF, oval flan. (300)

162. CILICIA. Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.86 gm). Baaltars seated left, head facing, holding grape cluster, grain ears and eagle / Lion bringing down buU; monogram below. SNG Levante 106. Superb EF, patches of light hom silver reverse. (1000)

163. CILICIA. Tàrsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Staler (10.82 gm). Baaltars seated left, head facing, holding grape cluster, grain ears and eagle / Lion bringing down bull; monogram below. SNG Levante 106. Lustrous choice EF.


158. CILICIA. Kelendris. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Stater (10.81 gm).Nude youth dismounting from galloping horse / Goat kneeling; monogram to nght Cf. BMC Lycaonia etc. pg. 55,22. VF, several test cuts reverse. (250)

159. CILICIA. Nagidos. Circa 400-380 BC. AR Obol (0.67 gm). Head of Aphrodite right; Ν behind / Head of Dionysos right; Ν to right Weber 7579. Toned nearEF. (175)

164. CILICIA. Uncertain (Tarsos?). Circa 4th Century BC AR Fraction (0.47 gm). Baaltars seated left, holding grain ear, grapes and sceptre / Forepart of wolf right; crescent above. SNG Levante 225. Toned VF. (75)

165. CAPPADOCIA, Kings of. Ariobarzanes 1.96-63 BC. AR Drachm (3.95 gm). Years 30-32. Diademed head right / Athena standing left, holding Nike, spear and shield; monogram. Simonetta 44-46. Toned VF. (75)




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166. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Sdeukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.19 gm). Seleukia on Tigris mint. Circa 303-302 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing hon skin / Zeus enthroned left, accepting laurel wreath from Nike; monogram to left, BE below throne. Newell, ESM 14. Toned good VF, slight encrustation obverse. Good style. (750)

171. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. AR Telradrachm (15.46 gm). Antioch mint Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara /Tyche of Antioch seated right, river god Orontcs swimming below; ΗΔ monogram on rock, θ in right field. Bedoukian 19. Good VF, light porosity. Die break at mouth (fangs!). (1000)

167. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos, son of Seleukos IV. Circa 175-170 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.76 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed child's head right / Apollo seated left on omphalos; tripod to left, Δ in exergue. M0rkholm, ANSMN XI, pl.l4,4(samedies);Newell,SMA52.TonednearVF. VeryRare. (1200)

172. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.83 gm). Antioch mint. Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Tyche of Antioch seated right, river god Orontes swimming below; A on rock. Bedoukian 28. Good VF, weak spot on reverse. (1000)

The young Antiochos was the victim of a power play between Heliodoros, his faiher's chief minister, and his own uncle, who became Antiochos TV.

173. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.37 gm). Antioch mint. Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Tyche of Antioch seated right, river god Orontes swimming below; ΣΩ monogram on rock, star in circle above. Bedoukian 33. Good VF, light porosity and spots of encrustation. (1000) 168. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios I. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.74 gm). 156-155 BC. Antioch mint. Diademed head right /Tyche seated left, holding baton and comucopiae; monogram to left. Newell, SMA 95. Good VF. (500)

169. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Demetrios I. 162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1652 gm). 156-155 BC Antioch mint Diademed head right/Tyche sealed left, holding baton and comucopiae; HP monogram to left Newell, SMA 97. Toned VF, obverse off-center. (400)

170. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VI. Year 170 (143/142 BC). AR Drachm (3.84 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate head right / Apollo seated left on omphalos; monogram below, dale in exergue. Newell, SMA 248. Toned good VF. Nice portrait. (200)

This piece provides a clear reading of the symbol above the monogram thai is not clear in Bedoukian.

174. PHOENICIA. Arados. Year 199 (61/60 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.88 gm). Turreled bust of Tyche right / Nike standing left, holding aplustre and palm, date, Phoenician letter "Q" and AN in field. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg. 34,286. Good VF. (250)

175. PHOENICIA. Arados. Year 199 (61/60 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.79 gm). Tuneled bust of Tyche right / Nike standing left, holding aplustre and palm, date, Phoenician letter "A" and ΕΣ in field. BMC Phoenicia pg. 34,288. Toned VF. (250)




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176. PHOENICIA. Tyre. Year 19 (108/107 BC). AR Tetradrachm (Shekel) (14.00 gm). Laureate head of Melkart nght / Eagle on prow; date and monogram in field. BMC Phoenicia pg. 238,89. EF. (450)

182. "BABYLON." Athenian Imitation. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.45 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; monogram behind / Owl standing right; grape cluster behind. BMC Attica pg. 25,267; MIG 13e. Near VF. (300)

177. PHOENICIA. Tyre. Year 25 (102/101 BC). AR Tetradrachm (Shekel) (14.17 gm). Laureate head of Melkart right / Eagle on prow; date and monogram in field. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg. 240,110. EF. (450)

183. "BABYLON." Athenian Imitation. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm ( 17.10 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing right MIG 13a. Good VF. (500)

184. "BABYLON." Sucessors to Alexander. Circa 328-311 BC. AR Drachm (4.05 gm). Zeus enthroned left; M in field / Lion walking left, head reverted; AY monogram in exeigue. BMC Arabia pg. 185,26; MIG 7note. VF, porosity. Rare. (250) 178. PHOENICIA. Tyre. Year 28 (99/98 BC). AR Tetradrachm (Shekel) (13.68 gm). Laumale head of Melkart right / Eagle on prow; date and monogram in field. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg. 240,114. Near EF. (325)

185. PERSIA, Achaemenid Kings. Circa 500485 BC. AR Siglos (5.34 gm). Running king drawing bow / Incuse punch. Carridice Π; BMC Arabia etc. pg. 173, 185. Toned VF. (100)

179. ARABIA. Sabaeans. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Drachm (4.97 gm). Helmeted head of Athena with Aramaic letter "N" /Owl standing right BMC Arabia pg. 45,1 ; SNG ANS 1455. VF. (450)

186. PERSIA, Achaemenid Kings. Circa 500485 BC. AR Siglos (5.46 gm). Running king with spear and bow; punchmarks: cross and ankh(?) / Incuse punch; punchmark: Ν in circle. Carridice Ilia; Cf. BMC Arabia etc. pg. 151,27forpunchmark. Fine. (75)

180. ARABIA. Himyaritcs. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. AR Quinanus (1.22 gm). Laureate male head right (Augustus?), in wreath / Owl standing on amphora; monograms in fields, border of small amphorae. BMC Arabia pg. 63,47. Toned VF. Rare. (250)

187. PERSIA, Achaemenid Kings. Circa 375-340 BC. AR Siglos (5.04 gm). Running king holding dagger and bow; oval punchmark / Incuse punch. Canidiœ IVC; BMC Arabia etc. pg. 172,177. Toned VF. Unusual oblong flan. (100)

181. ARABIA. Himyarites. Amdan Bayyan. Circa 1st Century AD. AR Quinarius (1.32 gm). Male head right; monogram / Sabaean inscription, small head and symbol. BMC Arabia pg. 71,1. Toned EF. Deep scyphate. (100) 59




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194. PARTHIA, Kings of. Parthamaspates. 116 AD. AR Drachm (3.73 gm). Ecbalana mint Bust left, wearing tiara / Archer seated right; monogram. Sellwood 81.1. Near EF. (250)

188. PERSIS, Kings of. Bagadat I. Early 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.62 gm). Head right, wearing satrapal cap with flaps/Fire temple with Bagadat on left and standard to right; Aramaic legend (per Alram): 2a/fer 2b/bgdl 3/prtrk' zy 4/bgwrt. Alram 515-519; BMC Arabia pg. 196,2. VF, rough surfaces. Very Rare. _ _ (1500)

189. PARTHIA, Kings of. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Drachm (3.39 gm). Ecbatana mint. Diademed bust left; two stars and crescent above / Archer seated right; anchor and monogram. Sellwood 48.9. EF. (150)

195. SASSANIA, Kings of. Artashir 1.224-241 AD. AR Drachm (4.38 gm). Crowned bust right / Fire altar. Gobi 10(111/2); SWW 10. VF, some encrustation. (125)

190. PARTHIA, Kings of. Artabanus II. 10-38 AD. AR Drachm (3.85 gm). Ecbatana mint Diademed bust left/Archer seated right; monogram. Sellwood 63.6. Toned choice EF. (75) 196. SASSANIA, Kings of. Shapur I. 241-272 AD. AR Drachm (4.08 gm). Crowned bust right / Fire altar with attandants. Gobi 23(1); SWW 12. Toned VF. (125)

191. PARTHIA, Kings of. Vardanes I. 40-45 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.28 gm). SeleukiaminL Hypeibeietiou 353 (September 41 AD). Diademed bust left/King receiving palm from Tyche. Sellwood 64.10. Deeply toned VF, old scratches in obverse field. (400)

197. SASSANIA, Kings of. Hormizd II. 302-309 AD. AR Drachm (3.01 gm). Crowned bust right / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi 85; MACW 65-67. Toned VF. (175)

192. PARTHIA, Kings of. Gotarzes II. 40-51 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.36 gm). Seleukia mint. Peritiou 361 (January 49 AD). Diademed bust left / King receiving diadem from Tyche. Sellwood 65. Deeply toned VF. (450)

198. SASSANIA, Kings of. Shapur II. 309-379 AD. AR Drachm (4.18 gm). Crowned bust right / Fire altar. Gobi 111. Good VF. Rare variety with no attendants flanking fire altar. (200)


199. BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kings. Apollodotos. 160-150 BC. AR Drachm (Z39 gm). Taxila mint. Elephant walking right; monogram below / Bull standing right. MIG 207h. VF, light corrosion. (100)

193. PARTHIA, Kings cf. Vardanes II. 55-58 AD. AR Tetradrachm (14.33 gm). Seleukia mint Year 367(month not visible) (55 AD). Diademed bust left / King receiving diadem from Tyche. Sellwood 64.2-.6. Deeply toned VF. (400) 50





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200. BAKTRIA, Indo-Grcek Kings. Menander. 160-145 BC. AR Drachm (2.39 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Diademed bust right / Athena Promachos advancing left; monogram. MIG215Ï. Good VF. (100) 206. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. PUilemy V. Year 20 (162/161 BC). AR Fourreé Telradrachm ( 11.09 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; date and ΠΑ. Cf. Svoronos 1432. VF, scrapes, plating broken through on spots on obverse. Interesting. (125)

201. BAKTRIA, Indo-Grcek Kings. Menander. 160-145 BC. AR Drachm (2.45 gm). Pushkalavati mint. Helmctedbust right/ Athena Promachos advancing left; monogram. MIG 218d. Good VF. (100)

207. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. Year 116 (195/194 BC). AR Didrachm (6.77 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt. Svoronos 1226. Near EF. Very Rare. (500)

202. EGYPT. Hieroglyphic countermark on Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; hieroglyphic sign "nefer" meaning "good" (good silver in this case) on cheek / Owl standing right. VF. Unusual and rare. (500) 208. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy VI. Year 91 (169/168 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.82 gm). Aradosmint? Diademed head of Ptolemy I right/Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; monogram in left field. Svoronos 1207; SNG Copenhagen 548. Choice EF, light porosity. (650)

AV 209. KYRENAICA. Kyrene. Circa 322-313 BC. AV 1/10 Stater (0.73 gm). Head of Zeus Ammon left/ Thunderbolt between two stars. SNG Copenhagen 1233. EF, well centered. (575)

203. EGYPT, Persian Satraps. Sabakes. Before 333 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.67 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right/Owl standing right; Aramiac legend, erescent and thunderbolt to right. MIG 10a. VF, deep test cut (850) Martin Price, Minerva Vol. 1:1 pp. 39-40, suggests a reading of "Swyn" (Aswan) in• steadof'Swyk" (Sabakes).

210. KYRENAICA. Kyrene. Circa 322-313 BC. AR Didrachm (7.35 gm). Head of Kameios right, with hom of Ammon / Silphilium plant; Κ to left, comucopiae to right. SNG Copenhagen 1234. Near VF. (450) 204. EGYPT, Persian Satraps. Sabakes. Before 333 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.71 gm). Helmeted head of Athena nght/Owl standing right; Aramiac legend, erescent and thunderbolt to right, further Aramaic letters to left. MIG 10b. VF, small thick flan. (750)

211. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 320-310 BC. EL Stater (7.35 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing nght; pellet on exeigual line. Jenkins and Lewis GroupTVb. EF, small edge nicks. (750)

205. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. AR Telradrachm (14.20 gm). Tnpolis in Phoenicia mint. Diademed bust of Ptolemy V right / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; monogram in left field, NI between legs. Cf. Svoronos 1296 (different monogram). Toned good VF, bust flatly struck. Rare. (600) Svoronos does not record this monogram, bid Tripolis seems the most likely reading.

^‫^־י‬ EL ^ ^ ‫־‬ 212. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 320-310 BC. EL 1/5 Stater (1.94 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right, head reverted. Jenkins and Lewis 120. VF. (600) 51




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219. CYPRUS, Amathus. King " M o " . Circa 4 5 0 4 3 0 BC. AR Obol (0.71 gm). Lion crouching right; flying bird above / Forepart of lion right, in dotted square. Amandry 126 Da. Near VF. (200) AV 213. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 260 BC. AV Tridrachm (12.45 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right, head reverted. Jenkins and Lewis 380.1 (same dies). Choice EF, slight scratch on reverse. (8500)

220. CYPRUS, Amathus. King " M o " . Circa 4 5 0 4 3 0 BC. AR Obol (0.89 gm). Lion crouching right; flying bird and Cypriol letter "Mo" above / Forepart of lion right, indotted square. BMC Cyprus pg. 2,4; Amandry 126 Db. VF, porosity.


221. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.45 gm). Lion crouching right/Forepart of lion right, in dotted square. Amandiy 125 E. Good VF. (150)

214. ZEUGITANIA. Carthage. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. Billon Tridrachm (8.71 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right; pellet below raised foreleg. SNG Copenhagen 394. Choice EF, silvered. (400)

222. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.44 gm). Lion crouching right; Cypnot letter above / Forepart of lion right, in dotted square. Cf. Amandry 125 E. VF. (150) 223. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.52 gm). Lion scalp facing / Forepart of lion right. Amandry-. VF. (200)

215. MAURITANIA, Kings of. J u b a 1 . 6 0 4 6 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Diademed bust of Juba right, sceptre over shoulder / Octastyle temple. SNG Copenhagen 523. Toned VF. (300)

224. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.50 gm). Lion scalp facing /Forepart of lion right. Amandry-. VF. (200)

AV 216. "CHARON'S OBOL." Circa 5th-4th century BC. AV 9mm (0.22 gm). Repoussé facing head of Persephone. VF. (150)

225. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.51 gm). Lion scalp facing / Forepart of lion right, head turned back and licking flank. Amandry-. VF. (350)

It was customary to place a coin in the mouth of the dead in ancient Greece to pay for the deceased trip to the underworld. At other limes a small token was used instead. It is not certain thai these thin gold coin-like objects were used for that purpose, but they do not seem to have a use as jewellery.

226. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.22 gm). Lion crouching right / Forepart of lion right. Amandry-. Good VF. (150)

CYPRIOT COINAGE Thefollowing represents a collection of Cypriol coinage and related material lhatcirculated there from Greek to Byzantine times. This collection was assembled over a long period of lime, and then until its present consignment to this sale, U has been sitting in a vault in London. Many rare and unpublished types are represented and this offer ing is the first lime some of them have ever been offeredfor sale. An excellent opportunily for the specialist!

227. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.29 gm). Lion crouching right; Cypriot letter "Lu"above /Forepart of lion right Amandry-. VF. (150) 228. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.23 gm). Lion crouching right; flying bird above / Forepart of lion right, in dotted square. Amandry-. VF. (150)

229. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Hemitetartemorion (0.13 gm). Lion crouching left; Cypriol letter "Lu" above / Forepart of lion right Amandry-. VF. (100)

217. CYPRUS, Amathus. King Wroikos. Circa 460450 BC. AR Diobol (1.67 gm). Lion crouching right; seven-pointed star above / Forepart of lion right, in dotted square. Amandry 125 Cb.2. Near VF. (150)

218. CYPRUS, Amathus. King Wroikus. Circa 460450 BC. AR Diobol (1.74 gm). Lion crouching right; globular star above / Forepart of lion right, in dotted square. Amandry 125 Cb.4. Fine. (150)

230. CYPRUS, Amathus. Uncertain King. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Hemitetartemorion (0.12 gm), lion crouching right /Forcpart of lion righL Amandry . VF. (100) 22




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231. C Y P R U S , A m a t h u s . Uncertain King. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Hemitetartemorion (0.12 gm). Lion crouching left / Forepart of lion n g h t Amandry . VF. (100)

245. CYPRUS, Kition. Uncertain King. Circa 500 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.02 gm). l i o n crouching left / Lion seated left; ankh to left, in dolled square. Babelon, Perses 644. VF, corrosion and scrape. (150) 232. C Y P R U S , A m a t h u s . Uncertain King. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.51 gm). Forepart of lion right/Blank. Apparently unpublished. Fine,horn silver. (100)

246. CYPRUS, Kition. Uncertain King. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.28 gm). Head of Herakles right / Lion bringing down slag. B M C Cyprus pg. 18,57. Near VF. (75)

247. CYPRUS, Kition. King Baalmelek I. Circa 479-449 BC. AR Obol (0.60 gm). Head of Herakles nghl / Lion sealed right; Phoenican letters "B L" above, in dotled square. BMC Cyprus pg. 10,8. Near VF. (100)

233. CYPRUS, Amathus. King Rhoikos. Circa 350 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.00 gm). Head of roaring lion right / Forepart of lion right; Cypriot letter "Ra"? Cf. BMC Cyprus pg. 7,21; Amandry 133 Aa.4. VF. (350) 234. CYPRUS, Amathus. King Rhoikos. Circa 350 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.06 gm). Head of roaring lion right / Forepart of hon right; star. B M C Cyprus pg. 7,22; Amandry 133 Ab. VF, scrape on reverse. (350)

248. CYPRUS, Kition. King Baalmelek I. Circa 4 7 9 4 4 9 BC. AR Obol (0.58 gm). Head of Herakles nghl/ Lion seated right; Phoenican letters "B L" above, in dottedsquaie. B M C C y p r u s p g . 10,8. Fair/VF, obverse corroded. (100) 249. CYPRUS, Kition. King Baalmelek I. Circa 479-449 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.31 gm). Head of Herakles right / Lion seated right; Phoenican letters "B L" above, in doUed square. Babelon, Perses 667 (pl. XVIII, 12). Fair/VF, obverse indistinct (100)

235. CYPRUS, Amathus. King Rhoikos. Circa 350 BC. AR Obol (0.55 gm). Head of roaringlion right / Forepart of lion right. Amandry 133 B. Good VF. (150) 236. CYPRUS, Amathus. King Rhoikos. Circa 350 BC. AR Obol (0.48 gm). Head of roaring hon right / Forepart of lion nghl. Amandry 133 B. VF. (150) 237. CYPRUS, Amathus? Lot of two Tetrobols. Circa 5th Century BC. Bull standing left? / Forepart of hon right, in dotted square. Apparendy unpublished. Grade near VF, but obverses weak and design uncertain. 2 pieces. (250)

250. CYPRUS, Kition. King Azbaal. Circa 449-425 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.59 gm). Herakles advancing right wearing lion skin and brandishing club and bow / Lion bringing down slag; name in Phoenician letters above, in dotted square BMC Cypmspg. 13,26. Near VF. (175)

238. CYPRUS. Amathus. Lot of five AR Obols. Lion crouching right / Forepart of lion right, in dotted square. One with letter "Mu", another with flying bird above lion. Average Fine to VF, with corrosion. 5 pieces. (600) 239. CYPRUS, Amathus. Ix* of six AR Hemiobols. Lion scalp facing / Forepart oflionrighL Average VF, with encrustation and corrosion. 6 pieces. (1400)

251. CYPRUS, Kition. King Baalmelek II. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.53 gm). Herakles advancing right, wearing Hon skin and brandishing club and bow, ankh in right field / l i o n bringing down stag; name in Phoenician letters above, in dotted square. B M C Cyprus pg. 15,40. Near VF. (175)

240. CYPRUS, Amathus. Lot of five AR Hemiobols. l i o n crouching right (2) or head of Hon right (3) / Forepart of Hon right Average VF, all chipped. 5 pieces. (450) 241. CYPRUS, Amathus. Lot of 2 AR Hemiobols. Lion scalp facing / Forepart of lion right, head turned back and Ucking flank. Average VF, with encrustation. (650)

252. CYPRUS, Kition. Lot of five Tetrobols of Kings Azbaal and Baalmelek Π. Circa 4 4 9 4 0 0 BC. Fine to VF. Lot of 5 pieces. (650)

242. CYPRUS, Amathus. Lot of four AR Tetartemoria. Lion crouching right / Forepart of Hon right One with additional letter "Lu". Average VF, with encrustation. 4 pieces. (300)

253. C Y P R U S , Kition. Lot of five fractional silver. Circa 5th Century BC. Head of Herakles / Lion bringing down stag. Obols (3). Hemiobols (2). Average Fine. Lot of 5 pieces. (150)

243. CYPRUS, Amathus. Lot of eight AR Hemitetartemoria. Lion crouching right (3) or left (5) / Forepart of 1 ion right. Several with additional letter "Lu". Average VF, with corrosion. 8 pieces. (500)

254. CYPRUS, Paphos. King Pnu. Circa 5 1 0 4 8 0 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.42 gm). Bull standing left / Head of eagle left, palmelte above, in dotted square. Asyut 786. VF, encrustation and corrosion. (450)

255. CYPRUS, Paphos. King Pnu. Circa 510-480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.40 gm). Bull standing left / Head of eagle left, in dotted square. Apparently unpublished. Fine/VF. (100)

244. CYPRUS, Kition. Uncertain King. Circa 500 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.12 gm). Lion crouching left / Lion seated left; ankh to left, in dotted square. Babelon, Perses 644. VF, corrosion. (175) 5 3


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256. CYPRUS, Paphos. Stasandros. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Obol (0.76 gm). Bull standing left; winged disc above / Eagle standing left; ankh to left Cf. Babelon 1287. Near VF, corrosion. (75)


_ ^

266. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. Pc. 19mm (7.23 gm). Amathus mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right/Bow in case, club; flying bird below. Price 3090. VF, black patina. (200)

257. C Y P R U S , Salamis? E v a g o r a s ? 411-373 BC. AR Diobol (1.57 gm). Young Herakles seated right on rock / Eagle standing right; Cypriot letters "E Fo"? Apparently unpublished. Near VF, corrosion. (125) 267. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. JE 16mm (5.91 gm). Amathus mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles nght / Bow in case, club; flying bird below; counteimark: stellate design. Price 3090 (no countermark). VF, black patina. (200) All the countermarks in this group are carefully placed over the bowcase on the reverse, and are unlisted. They only appear on the bronzes of Amathus.

258. CYPRUS, Salamis. Evagoras? 411-373 BC. AR Obol (0.79 gm). Young male head right / Blank. BMCCypruspg. 155,45. Near VF, corrosion. (125)

259. CYPRUS, Uncertain. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Obol (0.82 gm). Head of roaring lion left / Head of roaring lion right, in dotted square. Apparently unpublished. Near VF. (100)

268. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander HI. 336-323 BC. M19mm (6.49 gm). Amathus mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Bow in case, club; flying bird below; countermark: stellate design. Price 3090 (no countermark). VF, black patina. (200)

260. CYPRUS. Lot of 12 AR Obols and Hemiobols. Amaihus (8). Paphos (2). Uncertain (2). Average Fine to VF, most weakly struck or corroded. 12 pieces. (400) 261. CYPRUS. Lot of 21 AR Hemiobols. Amathus, Kition, Paphos andothers uncertain. Average Fine to VF, most with problems. 21 pieces. (200) 262. CYPRUS. Lot of 40 AR Fractions. Amathus, Kidon, Paphos and others uncertain. Many will be unidentifiable. Average Fine to VF, most with problems. 40 pieces. (150) 263. CYPRUS. Lot of 7 JE Tessera. Three with Cypriot letter "Τι" (1.12,1.15, 1.84 gm); two with "Mo" (?) (1.48,5.55 gm); one with "Ri" (4.74 gm); one with six dots (1.21 gm). Probably gaming pieces. 7 pieces. Found with the above silver coins. (500)





269. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. £21‫״‬π1π1 (7.29 gm). Amathus mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right/Bow in case, club; flying bird below; countermark: stellate design. Price 3090 (no countermark). VF, encrusted black patina. (100)

270. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. A: 12mm (2.08 gm). Amathus mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Bow in case, club; flying bird below. Price 3090A. Porous VF, encrustation. (200)

264. C Y P R U S . Circa 5th Century BC. JE Amulet of the Egyptian god Harpokrates. Length 16mm (1.43 gm). Harpokrates seated, holding finger to mouth. Integral loop on neck. Interesting. Found with the above lot. (100)

This type only discovered in 1990 (see Price).

271. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 12mm (1.48 gm). Amathus mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Bow in case, club; flying bird below. Price 3090A. VF, heavy encrustation. (150) This type only discovered in 1990 (see Price). 272. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. JE 16mm. Amathus mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles nght/Bow incase, club; flying bird below. Two pieces with countermark, two wilhouL Price 3090. Average VF, encrustalion and pitting. 4 pieces. (400)

265. CYPRUS, Kourion (Curium). Euagoras Π. Circa 368-351 BC. JE 18mm (5.20 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly left / ΕΥΑ, mare suckling foal. SNG Copenhagen 55. Fine, brown patina with green encrustation, piued.

(200) 24




273. M A C E D O N , Kingsof. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. JE 18mm (6.45 gm). Kition mint Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case. Cf. Price 3111 A. VF, encrusted black patina. (250)

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281. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 18mm (5.51 gm). Kourion (Curium) m i n t Circa 325 BC. Head of Herakles right / Bow and case, club; laurel branch below. Price 3113. Good VF, smooth black patina with dirt adhering. (350)

274. M A C E D O N , Kingsof. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. /E 11mm (1.74gm). Kition mint. Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case. Price (150) 3 111 A. Good VF, black patina.

282. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. JE 16mm (5.96 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case; ΣΑ above, A below. Price 3143. Fine, encrusted black patina. (100)

283. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. JE 13mm (1.62 gm). Salamis m i n t Circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case; Σ above, A below. Cf. Price 3146. VF, black patina. (125)

275. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 11mm (2.01 gm). Kition mint. Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case. Price 3111 A. Good VF, black patina. (150)

284. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 11 mm (1.26 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case; Σ above, A below. Cf. Price 3146. VF, black patina. (125)

276. M A C E D O N , Kingsof. Alexander III.336-323 BC. JE 11mm (1.38 gm). Kition mint. Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case. Pnce 3111 A. VF, black patina. (125)

285. M A C E D O N , Kingsof. Alexander III.336-323 BC. Ai 11mm(1.27gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case; Σ above, Ν below. Price 3147. VF, black patina. (125)

277. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander II 1.336-323 BC. JE 11 mm ( 2 2 6 gm). Kition mint. Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles nght / Club, bow and case. Pnce 31 IIA. VF, black patina. (125) 278. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 11mm (1.38 gm). Kition mint. Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case. Price 3111 A. Average VF, some encrusted. Lot of 6 pieces. (400)

286. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander II 1.336-323 BC. Ai 11 m m (2.20 gm). Salamis minL Circa 323-315 BC. Shield with gorgoneion / Macedonian helmet; caduceus and ΣΙ monogram. Price 3156. VF, encrusted black patina. (75)

:1 \ {

‫» א‬

‫* י‬

279. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. A i l 8mm (4.64 gm). Kourion (Curium)minL Circa 325 BC. Head of Herakles right/ Bow and case, club; laurel branch below. Price 3113. VF, heavy black patina. Overstruck on Euagoras Π. (350)

287. M A C E D O N , Kingsof. Alexander III.336-323 BC. JE 18mm (3.98 gm) Salamis mint. Circa 323 -315 BC. Shield with gorgoneion / Macedonian helmet; caduceus and ΣΙ monogram. Price 3159. VF, encrusted black patina. (100)

280. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III.336-323 BC. JE 18mm (4.90 gm). Kourion (Curium) minL Circa 325 BC. Head of Herakles right / Bow and case, club; laurel branch below. Price3113. VF, heavy black patina. (350)

288. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. Ai 16mm (4.26 gm). Salamis minL Circa 323-315 BC. Shield with gorgoneion/Macedonian helmet; caduceus and NK monogram. Price 3162. VF, black patina. (100) 5 5



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297. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Demetrios Poliorkotes. 306-283 BC. JE 12mm (2.53 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 300-295 BC. Youthful male head right, wearing Corinthian helmet with bull's hom / Prow of galley right; monogram below. Newell; S N G Copenhagen-. Porous VF, black patina. (75)

289. M A C E D O N , Kingsof. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 16mm (4.22 gm). Salamis minL Circa 323-315 BC. Shield with gorgoneion /Macedonian helmet; caduceus and NK monogram. Price 3162. VF, black patina. (100)

298. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-283 BC. JE 10mm (0.75 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 3 0 0 - 2 9 5 BC. Type as above. Newell-; S N G Copenhagen-. VF, encrusted black patina. (75)

290. MACEDON, Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Ai 11 mm (0.89 gm). Salamis mint? Circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right / Club, bow and case; A above. Price-. VF, black patina. (125)

299. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-283 BC. JE 16mm. Salamis mint. Circa 300-295 BC. Youthful male head right, wearing Corinthian helmet with bull's h o m / Prow of galley right; monogram below. Newell 20; S N G Copenhagen 1194. Near VF. Lot of 2 pieces. (200)

Found with the previous pieces, this coin is similar to the issues ofByblos, cf. Price 3425. The A could beanAP monogram, as those issues. 291. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 11mm. Salamis minL Circa 332-323 BC. With symbols Σ/Α or Σ/Ν. Average VF, porosity and encrustation. 6 pieces. (400)

300. CYPRUS. Lot of 3 Arrowheads. Circa 4th Century BC. Length65mm. With heavy rectangular heads, for piercing armor. Found with the above Hellenistic coins. 3 pieces. (60)

292. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 12mm (1.84 gm). Soli mint? Circa 320 BC. Head of Herakles right / Bow in case, club; prow below. Cf. Price 3099. VF, encrusted black patina. (200)

301. CYPRUS. Lead sling shot. Circa 4th Century BC. Length 30mm. With inscription (retrograde) ΦΑ1ΔΙΜΟΣ ΑΙΤΩΛΟΣ. Found with the above lot. (250) Phaidimos ofAitolia was possibly a mercenary visiting Cyprus! 293. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 12mm (1.76 gm). Soli mint? Circa 320 BC. Head of Herakles right / Bow in case, club; prow below. Cf. Price 3099. VF, encrusted black patina. (200) Vlamis attributes this piece to Soli, Price to Amathus.

302. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.311 -283 BC. JE 21mm (8.73 gm). Cyprus mint. Circa 310-305 BC. Head of Aphrodite right, wearing Stephane / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; star to left. Svoronos 75. VF, black patina. (300)

294. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Philip III. 323-317 BC. JE 11mm (1.53 gm). Lapethus minL Head of Herakles right / Club and bow; AA within bow. Price P128. VF, encrusted black patina. (100)

295. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-283 BC. JE 18mm (4.60 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 300-295 BC. Youthful male head right, wearing Corinthian helmet with bull's hom / Prow of galley right; monogram below. Newell 20; SNG Copenhagen 1194. VF, encrusted black patina. (200)

303. EGYP1", Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.311 -283 BC. JE 21mm (7.89 gm). Cyprus m i n t Circa 310-305 BC. Head of Aphrodite right, wearing Stephane / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; wreath to left. Svoronos 78; S N G Copenhagen 642. VF, encrusted, pitted. (125)

304. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy 1.311-283 BC. JE 17mm (3.91 gm). Cyprus m i n t Circa 310-305 BC. Head of Aphrodite right, wearing taenia / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt Svoronos 79; S N G Copenhagen 643. VF, encrusted black patina. (125)

296. M A C E D O N , Kings of. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-283 BC. JE 18mm (4.27 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 300-295 BC. Youthful male head right, wearing Corinthian helmet with bull's hom / Prow of galley right; monogram below. Newell 20; SNG Copenhagen 1194. Porous VF, black patina. (100) 4 6





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305. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Itolemy 1.311 -283 BC. R 17mm (4.23 gm). Cyprus mint. Circa 310-305 BC. Head of Aphrodite right, wearing taenia / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt Svoronos 79; SNG Copenhagen 643. Porous VF, black patina. (100)

312. CYPRUS. Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, Caesar. 139-162 AD. JE 34mm (22.96 gm). Laureateand draped bust of Antoninus right / Bare-headed and draped bust of Aurelius righL BMC Cyprus pg. 83,43. Fine, brown patina, reverse

306. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. JE 26mm (14.80 gm). Cyprus minL Circa 285-266 BC. Laureate head ofZeus-Ammon right/Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; Σ, shield, X A P monogram to left, ΠΑ monogram between legs. Svoronos 557. VF, black patina. (75)

313. CYPRUS. Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, Caesar. 139-162 AD. JE 35mm (25.60 gm). Laureate head of Antoninus right / Bare-headed and draped bust of Aurelius right; break in legend. B M C Cyprus pg. 83,44. Near VF, brown patina, reverse pitied. (150) 307. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. 204-180 BC. AR Didrachm (6.73 gm). Cyprus mint Wreathed head of Ptolemy right, as Dionysos / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; aplustre to left. Svoronos 1795; BMC Ptolemies pg. 99,134. VF, some encrustation. (250)

308. EGYP1", Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy V. 204-180 BC. AR Didrachm (6.77 gm). Cyprus mint Wreathed head of Ptolemy right, as Dionysos / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; club to left. Svoronos 1805. Near VF. (200)

309. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Cleopatra VII. 51-31 BC. JE 28mm (8.99 gm). Cyprus mint. Laureate head of Zeus Ammon right / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt; palm over shoulder, monogram to right. Svoronos 1875. VF, black patina. (200)

314. CYPRUS. Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, Caesar. 139-162 AD. JE 31mm (25.09 gm). Laureate head of Antoninus right/Bare-headed and draped bust of Aurelius right; no break in legend. BMC Cyprus pg. 83,47. VF, cleaned, rough surfaces. (150)

315. C Y P R U S . Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 2 6 m m (14.62 gm). M ANTONEINOC AYTOYCTOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla nght / KIO N O N Κ Υ Π Ρ Ο ΩΝ, female dn ving biga right. Apparently unpublished. VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. (750)

310. PHOENICIA, Arados. Year 114 (146/145 BC). JE 17mm (3.05 gm). Head of Zeus nght / Prow to right; Phoenician letters A Ν above, date below. B M C Phoenicia pg. 18,128. EF, smooth dark brown patina. (125)

311. PHOENICIA, Arados. Lot of two JE 17mm. Zeus / Prow; A Ν above, date 115 below. Zeus and Hera / Prow; AN above, date 132 below. B M C Phoenicia 131,297. Both VF. 2pieces. (75)

316. CYPRUS. Caracalla and Geta, Caesar. 198-209 AD. JE 26mm (7.60 gm). M A N T ß N E I N O C AYTOYCTOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right / Π CEITT Γ Ε TAC KAICAP, young bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta right L&K A1664. VF, obverse almost obliterated. (750)




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324. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991; Hendypl. 19,6-7. VF for type. Lot o f 3 pieces, uncleaned. (175) 325. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991; Hendypl. 19,6-7. VF for type. Lot of 3 pieces, uncleaned. (175) 326. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991 ;Hendypl. 19,6-7. VF for type. Lot of 5 pieces, uncleaned. (300)

317. CYPRUS. Caracalla and Geta, Caesar. 198-209 AD. R 26mm (14.08 gm). M A N T ß N E I N O C A Y T O Y C T O C , laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right / ΑΥΤΟ KAIC Π CEFITIMIOC r E T A C , older laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta right. Cf. L&K A1664. VF, brown patina, pitting. (300)

327. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991 ;Hendypl. 19,6-7. VF for type. Lot of 5 pieces, uncleaned. (300) 328. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991; Hendypl. 19,6-7. VF for type. Lot of 5 pieces, uncleaned. (300)


318. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Bmon Aspron Trachy (3.91 gm). Mary enthroned, holding nimbate head of Christ /Isaac and SL Geoige standing, holding patriarchal cross between them. SB 1991; Hendypl. 19, 6-7. V F f o r t y p e . (75) 329. CELTIC. T h e Sequani. Togarix. Circa 50-40 BC. Potin 15mm (2.86 gm). TOC, helmeted head right / TOC, lion leaping righL De la Tour 5629. VF for type. (75) The prototype for this issue may be the bronze ofLysimachos of Thrace with Ares / Lion (SG 6819).

319. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy (4.30 gm). Mary enthroned, holding nimbale head of Christ / Isaac and SL Geoige standing, holding patriarchal cross between them. SB 1991 ; Hendy pL 19, 6-7. V F for type. (75) 330. SPAIN. Olbuco. Circa 2 n d - l s t Century BC. R 2 8 m m (15.06 gm). Diademed female head right / L. AIMIL, M.IVNI, A I D between plow and barley ear. Burgos 1414. Good VF, green patina. (165)

320. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy (3.00 gm). Mary enthroned, holding nimbate head of Christ /Isaac and SL Geoige standing, holding patriarchal cross between them. SB 1991 ; Hendy pi. 19, 6-7. V F for type. (75)

331. SPAIN. Olbuco. Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. A* 28mm (13.41 gm).Typeas above. Burgos 1414. Fine, brown patina. (85)

321. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991; Hendypl. 19,6-7. VFfortype. Lot of 3 pieces, uncleaned. (175) 322. C Y P R U S . Isaac Comnenus, Byzantine Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991; Hendypl. 19,6-7. VFfortype. Lot of 3 pieces, uncleaned. (175) 332. L U C A N I A . Metapontion. Circa 4th Century BC. Pc. 16mm (4.75 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone right / Two grain ears; uncertain symbol to righL SNG A N S 602. Near EF, brown patina. (100)

323. C Y P R U S . Isaac C o m n e n u s , B y z a n t i n e Usurper. 1184-1191. Billon Aspron Trachy. SB 1991; Hendypl. 19,6-7. VFfortype. Lot of 3 pieces, uncleaned. (175) 28




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333. LUCANIA. Thurioi. Circa 4th Century BC. Terra Cotta Tesssera. 17mm (1.53 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right /ΘΟΥΡΙ, bull butting right; fish in exergue. Type as the bronze coin SNG ANS 1176. VF. Interesting token based on the contemporary currency, and possibly using official dies. (100) 339. SICILY. Himera. Circa 430-420 BC. JE Hemilitron (14.90 gm). Gorgoneion with curled hair and prominent teeth / Six pellets. Calciati 124; SNG Copenhagen 313. VF, brown patina with red and green highlights. (600)

334. BRUTTIUM. Rhcgion. Circa 350-270 BC. JE 20mm (8.02 gm). Facing lion's scalp / Laureate head of Apollo left; caduceus behind. BMC Italy pg. 378,62. VF, dark brown patina. (200) 340. SICILY. Himera. Circa 420408 BC. JE Hemilitron (3.19 gm). Head of nymph left; six pellets /Six pellets within wreath. Calciati 135; SNG Copenhagen 320. (125) EF, emerald green patina.

335. BRUTTIUM. Rhegion. Circa 270-203 BC. JE 23mm (7.50 gm). I .aureate head of Apollo left; pileus behind / Ornate tripod. SNG ANS 719. Good VF, dark brown patina. ( 100)

341. SICILY Leontini. Circa 405402 BC. JE Tétras (1.50 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right, leaf behind /Tripod with lyre between legs, flanked by barley grains; three pellets in exergue. Calciati ΠΙ 3; SNG Copenhagen 360. Good VF, dark brown patina. (150)

342. SICILY. Menaion. Circa 2nd-1 st Century BC. AR 17mm (4.13 gm). Veiled head of Demeter right / Crossed torches, IUI below. Calciati 7 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 384. VF, olive green patina. (100)

336. SICILY. Akragas. Before 406 BC. JE Hemilitron (23.17 gm). Eagle flying right, grasping hare in talons / Crab; six pellets above, mullet fish below. Calciati 119/1 (same obverse die). VF, dark green patina. (750) Engraver's blunder on obverse with the Ρ of ΑΚΡΑ placed above the rest of the legend.

337. SICILY. Akragas. Circa 275-240 BC. JE22mm (8.24 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; monogram in front / Two eagles flying left, grasping hare in talons; HK above. Calciati 1125 D13 Rl 1. VF, green patina. (200)

343. SICILY. Syracuse. After 395 BC. JE Litra (31.17 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing laureate Corinthian helmet / Octopus flanked by dolphins. Calciati Π 62; SNG Copenhagen 720. VF, dark green patina, lacquered. (150)

338. SICILY. Himera. Circa 430-420 BC. JE Hemilitron (21.86 gm). Gorgoneion with protruding tongue and furrowed cheeks /Six pellets. Calciati 123; SNG Copenhagen 313. VF, choice dark green patina. (800)

344. SICILY. Syracuse. Hiketas. 288-272 BC. /E24mm (8.48 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; uncertain symbol behind / Charioteer driving biga right; star above. Calciati Π 122; SNG Copenhagen 805. EF, dark green patina with red highlights. (175) 29




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351. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Olbia. Circa 6th -5th Century BC. JE 37mm length (4.35 gm). "Arrowhead." Anoxin, Moneti Gorodov, pl.l, a. VF, encrusted green patina. Very Rare. (200)

345. SICILY. Syracuse. Hiketas. 288-272 BC./H 25mm (7.63 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios right / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt. Calciati Π 167; SNG Copenhagen 792. EF, choice dark green patina. (350)

The earliest form of currency along the Black Sea coast.

346. SICILY. Syracuse. Hieran Π. 275-215 BC. JE 20mm (5.43 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left; poppy seed behind / BuU butting left; club and M above, IE in exergue. Calciati Π 191 Ds89Rl 12. Near EF, dark green patina. (200)

352. THESSALY. Larissa. Circa 400-344 BC. JE 21mm (0.04 gm). Facing head of nymph Larissa, turned slightly left / Bridled horse right; grain ear below. SNG Copenhagen 138. Tan VF, porosity, cleaned. (100)

347. SICILY. Syracuse. Hieron II. 275-215 BC. JE 20mm (5.71 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left / Bull butting left; club and M above, IE in exergue. Calciati II192 R1 12. Near EF, dark brown patina. (200)

353. BLACK SEA REGION. Phanagoria. Circa 1 st Century BC. JE 22mm (15.56 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos / Bow case and quiver, monogram. SNG Copenhagen 10. VF, brown patina. Rare, nice clean example. (175)

354. PONTOS. Amisos. Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. Ai 23mm (6.93 gm). Turreted head of Tyche right / Owl standing within wreath. Waddington 41. VF, black patina. (60)

348. SICILY. Syracuse. Hieron II. 275-215 BC. JE 25mm (17.34 gm). Diademed head of Hieran left / Horseman with lance right; ΣΩ below. Calciati Π 195 R131. Near EF, brown and green patina. (300)

349. T H R A C E Black Sea Area. Mesembria. Circa 450-350 BC. JE 16mm (3.90 gm). Crested Corinthian helmet / ΜΕΣΑ between spokes of wheel. SNG Copenhagen 654. Near EF, glossy black and green patina. (85)

355. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 18mm (4.17 gm). Head of Kore Soteira right, wearing sakkos / Tnpod on tunny fish. SNG Copenhagen 62. Good VF, chocolate brown patina. Rare this nice. (225)

350. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Odessos. Circa 400-350 BC. JE 16mm (2.83 gm). Female head right, wearing taenia; dated border/River god reclining left on platform, holding thrysos. Pick 2188. VF, sea-green patina. (75)

356. MYSIA. Pergamon. Circa 1 st Century BC. JE 18mm (7.38 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right/Nike advancing right BMCMysiapg. 127,135. VF, green patina. (65) 30




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357. T R O A S . T h y m b r a . Circa 4th Century BC. Ai 17mm (4.55 gm). Head of Zeus Ammon left / ΘΥ, eight pointed star; HP monogram. B M C Troas pg. 89,4. Near EF, dark green patina. (125) 363. C A R I A , Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 43 BC-96 AD. JE Didrachm (20.44 gm). Radiate, wreathed head of Dionysos left /Nike standing right on rose; magistrate Antigonos. B M C Caria pg. 263,364. VF, encrusted green patina. (150)

358. IONIA. Ephesos. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. JE Tessera 19mm (3.29 gm). ΕΦ, stag sitting left, head right; C K W n i in exergue / KHPIAIC WAE ITPOC ΠΑΛΥΡΙΝ, bee. SNG von Aulock 1825; L&K 457. VF, brown patina. (125) The Greek legends on this token are untranslatable. They must have been ofcultic significance, possibly connected with the worship of Artemis. 364. C A R I A , Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 43 BC-96 AD. JE Didrachm (25.72 gm). Radiate, wrealhed head of Dionysos right / Nike standing right, holding wreath and aplustre; magistrate and treasurer (Tamia) Teimostratos. B M C Caria pg. 265, 376. VF, brown patina. (150)

359. IONIA. S m y r n a . Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. JE 19mm (8.74 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / The poet Homer seated left; magistrates Menophilos and Krabeus. SNG Copenhagen 1156. VF, dark green patina. (125)

365. P H R Y G I A . A p a m e i a . Circa 133-48 BC. JE 24mm (6.21 gm). Bust of Athena nght, wearing high-crested Corinthian helmet / Eagle alighting on basis with meander pattern, flanked by caps of the Dioskouroi; magistrates Antiphon and Menekleos. SNG Copenhagen 164. Superb EF, brown and green patina. (175) 360. C A R I A , Islands off. Kos. Circa 166-88 BC. JE 16mm (3.32 gm). Young head of Herakles three-quarters right, wearing lion skin / Bow in case and club; magistrate Agalos. B M C Caria pg. 209,156. VF, heavy green patina. (75)

366. LYCIA. Phaselis. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 19mm (3.87 gm). Nike flying above prow of galley right / Athena right, holding thunderbolt and aegis. SNG Copenhagen 126. Near VF, glossy black patina, scratch on reverse. (75)

361. C A R I A , Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 333-304 BC. JE 10mm (1.60 gm). Head of Rhodos right, wearing Stephane / Rose; A to left. Cf. BMC Caria pg. 240,108. VF, glossy black patina. (75)

367. C I U C I A . Korykos. Circa 1 si Century BC. JE 22mm (6.00 gm). Turreted head of Tyche right; monogram / Hermes standing left, holding caduceus. BMC (75) Lycaonia etc. pg .66,1. VF, brown and green patina.

362. CARIA, Islands off. Rhodes. Circa 8 8 4 3 BC. At 20mm (4.90 gm). Radiate head of Helios right, wearing lion skin / Open rose; magistrate Sphairos. BMC Caria pg. 262,35Iff. VF, daik green patina. (65)




368. CILICIA. Korykos. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 22mm (6.83 gm). Tuneted head of Tyche right; monogram / Hermes standing left, holding caduceus. BMC Lycacnia etc, pg. 66,1. VF, enciusted green patina. (75)

369. C I L I C I A . Seleukeia ad Kalykadnum. Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. JE 23mm (9.19 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right; Σ A behind / Nike holding wreath and palm; monogram. S N G Levante 680. VF, green patina. (75)

370. CILICIA. Soloi. Circa 2nd-1 st Century BC. JE 20mm (7.86 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche right / Caps of the Dioskouroi, with fillet; ΠΑ monogram below. SNG Levante 867. VF, gray-green patina. (75)

371. C I L I C I A . Soloi. Circa 2nd-1st Century BC. JE 26mm (14.80 gm). Aegis with head of Medusa / Aphrodite riding bull; monograms and owl in fields. SNG Levante 872. VF, gray-green patina. (100)

372. GALATIA, Kings of. Amyntas. 36-25 BC. Al 24mm (13.23 gm). Head of Herakles nght, club over shoulder / Lion walking right; Β above, monogram in exergue. B M C Galatia etc, pg. 3,13. VF, black patina. (75)


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374. COELE-SYRIA. Chalkis. Ptolemaios. Year 46 (73/72 BC). JE 21mm (6.67 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right / Standing figures of the Dioskouroi, facing each other. SNG Copenhagen 413. Good VF, olive green patina. Rare. (150)

375. S Y R I A . Apamea. Seleukid year 237 (76/75 BC). JE 22mm (7.70 gm). Laureate head of Zeus right/Elephant standing righL BV1C Galatia etc, pg. 233,3. VF, black patina. (100)

376. JUDAEA, Kings of. Herod Antipas asTetrarch. Year43 (38/39 AD). JE 19mm (7.63 gm). Tiberias. HPOAHC TETPAPXHC, palm branch; date in field / Γ Α Ι Ω K A I C A P Γ Ε Ρ Μ Α Ν Ι Κ Ώ in wreath. AJC Π pg. 243, 18a 1. VF, dark green patina. Rare. (400)

377. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. JE 26mm (17.11 gm). Laureate head of Zeus-Ammon right / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; shield to left. Svoronos 610; SNG Copenhagen 114. Good VF, dark green patina, small edge chip. (150)

378. EGYPT, Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy Π. 285-246 BC. JE 15mm ( 2 4 7 gm). Tyre minL Laureate head of Zeus-Ammon right / Eagle standing left on winged thunderbolt; club to l e f t Svoronos 711. Good VF, black patina. (100)

373. C O M M A G E N E , Kings of. Epiphanes and Callinicus. 72 AD. JE 22mm (7.52 gm). Selinos in Cilicia mint. BACIAEYC M E r A C Ε Π Ι Φ Α Ν Η , diademed and draped bust right; CEAI in front / BACIAEYC M E T A C KAAAINIKOC, diadcmcd and draped bust right. SGI 5519. Near EF/VF, olive green and black patina. Extremely Rare. (300) E. Levante, 'The Coinage ofSelinus in Cilicia", Ν um.Chron .1990, states that only five specimens of this type are known This is the finest of the extant specimens.

379. BAKTR1A, Indo-Scythians. Maucs. 90-57 BC. Al Hemiobol (9.01 gm). Kohat minL Head of elephant right, wearing bell /Caduceus; monogram. MIG 707. VF, black and brown patina. (150)


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/-‫׳‬V‫׳‬. 386. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE Chalkos (2.36 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Comucopiae; TP monogram and Abelow. Bedoukian 104.Near VF, encrusted green patina. (75)

•V 380. ARMENIA, Kings of. Tigranes 1.123-96 BC. JE 16mm (5.48 gm). Head left, wearing Armenian tiara / Zeus enthroned left, holding Nike and sceptre. Bedoukian 4. Fine, black and green patina. Rare. (125)

387. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE Chalkos (3.48 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Comucopiae; Δ H below. Bedoukian 106. VF, encrusted black patina. (75) 381. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 4 Chalkoi (6.57 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Tyche of Antioch seated right, river god Orontes swimming below. Bedoukian 92. VF, brown patina. Overstruck. (100) 388. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE Half Chalkos (2.00 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Wheat ear, Δ Η below. Bedoukian 107. VF, black patina. (75) Field marks not visible on the Bedoukian coin.

382. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 4 Chalkoi (4.76 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara; countermark: AP monogram in triangle / Tyche of Antioch seated right, river god Orontes swimming below. Cf. Bedoukian 92. VF, encrusted green patina. (100) 389. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE2 Chalkoi (5.40 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Herakles standing left, with club and lion skin; TP monogram in left field, A in right field. Bedoukian 101. VF, green patina. (100)

Could the AR monogram be for Tigranes' son Arlavasdes II? Bedoukian (pg. 25) comments on the lack of coinage for his 22 year reign.

383. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 4 Chalkoi (5.64 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Tyche of Antioch sealed right, river god Orontes swimming below; Δ H in fields. Bedoukian 94. VF, dark green patina. (100)

390. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 2 Chalkoi (4.97 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Herakles standing left, with club and lion skin; TP monogram in left field, A in right field. Bedoukian 101. VF, encrusted green patina. (100) ‫״‬-·‫יי‬ t



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391. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 2 Chalkoi (5.51 gm). Damascus mint Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara /Tyche standing, holding rudder and comucopiae. Bedoukian 112. VF, encrusted green patina. (100)

384. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 4 Chalkoi (6.82 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Tyche of Antioch sealed right, river god Orontes swimming below; M in nght field. Bedoukian-. Good VF, green patina. (100)

392. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 4 Chalkoi (5.37 gm). Damascus mint Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Nike advancing left, holding wreath; Δ/Μ in left field, ΔΗΜ below. Bedoukian 117. VF, black patina. (75)

385. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 4 Chalkoi (7.27 gm). Artaxata mint? Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara / Tyche of Antioch seated right, river god Orontes swimming below; Δ in left field, H/A in right field, TP monoram in exergue. Bedoukian-. VF, black patina. (100)



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406. S Y R I A , Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Loi of Thirteen JE. Various reverse types and field maries. Average Fine to VF. 13 pieces. (350)

GREEK IMPERIAL 393. SYRIA, Sdeukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 B C . / E 2 Chalkoi (2.94 gm). Damascus minL Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara; A behind / Nike advancing left, holding wreath. Bedoukian 120. Good VF/Near VF, black patina. Good portrait for a bronze. (100)

407. SPAIN, Colonia Romula (Seville). Tiberius. 14-37 AD. Ai 29mm (20.46 gm). Laureate head left/Confronted heads of Drusus and Germanicus. Burgos 1588. Near VF, light brown patina. (150) 394. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes 11 of Armenia. 95-56 BC. JE 2 Chalkoi (3.45 gm). Damascus mint. Bust right, wearing Armenian tiara/ Palm branch; AHM below. Bedoukian 121. Near VF, black patina. (75)

395. A R M E N I A , K i n g s of. T i g r a n e s IV. 8-5 BC. Ai 2 Chalkoi (4.16 gm). Bearded head right, wearing Armenian tiara / N i k e standing right, holding wreath and comucopiae. Bedoukian 148. NearVF, heavy earthen patina. Rare. (125)

408. SPAIN, Turiaso. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. Al As (12.08 gm). Laureate bust right/TI.VIR in laurel wreath. Burgos 1949. EF, choice glossy dark green patina. (825)

396. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot of ten JE. Reverse type of Tyche of Antioch seated right. Bedoukian 91 -97. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. (300) 397. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot of ten JE. Reverse type of Tyche of Antioch seated right. Bedoukian 91 -97. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. (300) 398. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot of ten JE. Reverse type of Nike advancing left. Bedoukian 114-120. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. (300)

409. M A C E D O N , Thessalonica. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. Al 20mm (9.06 gm). Laureate head of Tiberius right / Diademed and veiled bust of Livia righL S N G ANS 834. VF, gray-green patina. (150)

399. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot of ten JE. Reverse type of Nike advancing left. Bedoukian 114-120. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. ' (300) 400. SYRIA,Seleukid Kings.'Hgranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot of ten/E. Reverse type of Herakles standing left. Bedoukian 99-101. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. (300) 401. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings.Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot often Al. Reverse type of Herakles standing left. Bedoukian 99-101. Average Fine to VF. 10 pieces. (300)

410. M A C E D O N , Thessalonica. Claudius. 41-54 AD. Ai 22mm (8.74 gm). Laureate head of Claudius left / Radiate head of Augustus right. S N G A N S 842. NearVF, rough green patina. (100)

402. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings.Tigranes II of Armenia.95-56 BC. L o t o f t e n small JE. Reverse types of Nike (7), comucopiae (2), palm branch. Average Fine to VF. lOpieces. (300) ‫׳‬ss 403. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes Π of Armenia. 95-56 BC. 1 x* of six JE. Various reverse types, all wiih evidence of overstriking. Average Fine to VF. Interesting study lot. 6 pieces. (200) 404. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot of ten yE. Various reverse types and field marks. All different. Average Fine to V F . lOpieces. (300) 411. MOESIA, Marcianopolis. Caracalla. 198-217 A D . / E 25mm (10.62 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust nght / Concordia standing left, holding patera over altar and comucopiae; magistrate Flavius Ulpianus. Pick 625. VF, green patina. (85)

405. SYRIA, Seleukid Kings. Tigranes II of Armenia. 95-56 BC. Lot of len/E. Various reverse types and field marks. All different. Average Fine to V F . lOpieces. (300) 34




412. MOESIA, Marcianopolis. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 26mm (13.13 gm). Laureate head right / Concordia standing left, holding patera over altar and comucopiae; magistrate Quintilianus. Pick 640. VF, porous green patina. (85)

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417. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Odessos. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 31mm (9.77 gm). Laureate and draped bust right/Scrapis standing facing left, holding patera over altar and comucopiae. Pick 2261. Good VF, black patina. (125)






418. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Pautalia. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. /5:28mm (15.67 gm). Laureate head right / Coiled serpent with foiked tail and radiate, nimbate head. BMC Thrace pg. 144,30. GoodVF, dark green patina, flan flaws. (100)

413. MOESIA, Nicopolis. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 26mm (11.64 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Herakles standing right, leaning on club and holding lion skin; magistrate Au. Gallus. Pick 1552. Good VF, dark gieen patina. (100)

The serpent Glycon was worshipped as an incarnation of Aesclepius. The cult started at Abonuleichos in Paphlagonia and spread throughout the East. Contemporary chroniclers regarded the promoter of the cult, one Alexander, as a complete fraud.

414. MOESIA, Nicopolis. Diadumenian, Caesar. 217-218 AD. Ai 28mm (17.71 gm). Bare-headed, draped bust right/Demeter standing left, holding grain ears and staff; magistrate Statius Longinus. Pick 1838. Near EF, encrusted dark green patina. Rare (125)

419. ACHAIA, Patrac. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. Ai 21mm (6.80 gm). Circa 9 AD. PATER, bare head right / C A A Ρ PATRIAE, colonist driving oxen. BMC Peloponnesus pg. 24,18. Fine, gray-green patina. (125) Grant, From Imperium to Auctoriias, pg 265, dates this issue to the 25th anniversary of the colony founded in 16 BC.

415. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Mcsembria. Gordian III and Tranquillina. 241-244 AD. JE 25mm (15.33 gm). Confronted busts of Gordian and Tranquillina / Aesclepius standing facing left, holding serpent staff. Apparently unpublished. VF, olive-green patina. (100)

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420. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Eupator. Year 451 (154/155 AD). EL Staler (7.72 gm). Diademed bust of Eupator right; club in front / Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right; date below. Anokin 530a. Good VF, edge smoothed. (600)

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416. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Mesembria. Philip I and Otacilia Scvera. 244-249 AD. JE 27mm (12.84 gm). Confronted busts of Philip and Otacilia / Concordia standing left, holding patera and comucopiae. Apparently unpublished. Good VF, encrusted green patina. (100)

421. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Rheskuporis II. Year 515 (218/219 AD). EL Stater (7.69 gm). Diademed bust of Rheskuporis right; trident in front / Laureate bust of Elagabalus right; date below. Anokin 635d. VF. (700) 55




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422. BOSPOROS, Kings of. Rheskuporis II. Year515 (218/219 AD). EL Stater (7.35 gm). Diademed bust of Rheskuporis right; trident in front / Laureate bust of Elagabalus right; date below. Anokin 635d. Toned VF. (700) 428. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. JE 35mm (24.32 gm). ΚΟΡΗ ΟΩΤΕΙΡΑ ΚνΖΙΚΗΝΏΝ, wreathed draped bust of Persephone right / CTPA Ή ΚΑ CEBAPOC KVZIKHNIΝΕΟΚΟΡΩΝ, Ephesian Artemis and Artemis Phosphores. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 99. VF, heavy green patina. Very rare.

(200) 423. PONTOS, Kings of. Polemo II. Year 19 (56/57 AD). AR Drachm (3.37 gm). Diademed head of Polemo right / Laureate head of Nero right; date behind. SNG Copenhagen 241. VF, marks in fields. Very Rare. (300)

429. MYSIA, Parion. Aemilian. 253 AD. JE 21mm (5.12 gm). IMP. M. AEM. AEMILIANVS. A, laureate and draped bust right / CCIHP, Capricorn right, star between forelegs, comucopiae above. Apparently unpublished, but uses the same reverse die of Cornelia Supera, SNG von Aulock 7448. VF, black and brown patina. Very rare emperor in the Greek Imperial series. (200) 424. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ, Heraclea. Trajan. 98-117 AD. JE 19mm (4.99 gm). AYT NEP TPAIANOC KAI CEB ΓΕΡ ΔΑ, laureate head right / ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ MATΡΟΠΟΛΓΓΑΝ, helmeted bust of Minerva, with aegis. Cf. Waddington 89-90. VF, brown patina. (100)

430. MYSIA, Poctnanenon. Faustina J r , wife of Marcus Aurdius. JE 19mm (4.51 gm). Draped bust of Faustina right/ΓΙΟΙ ΜΑ ΝΑΝΩΝ, female figure standing left, holding patera over altar and comucopiae. Apparently unpublished. Near VF, black patina. Very rare city. (125)

425. BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. JE 29mm (11.61 gm). M. Plancius Varus, Proconsul. 70 AD. Laureate head right/Wreathed bust of Dionysos left. Waddington 46. VF, encrusted brown patina. (100)

431. TROAS, Alexandria. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 21mm (5.67 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Eagle flying right, with bull's head in claws. SNG Copenhagen 207 (same dies). Good VF, green patina. (65)

426. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ, Nicaea. Caracalla,Caesar. 196-198 AD. 4•: 26mm (13.98 gm). Bare-headed and draped bust right /Triptolemos in chariot drawn by winged serpents. SNG von Aulock 588 (this coin). Good VF, brown patina. (300) 432. IONIA, Ephesos. Gallienus. 253 - 268 AD JE 25mm (8.06 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Artemis standing holding bow, tree behind. SNG Copenhagen 514. VF, light porosity, brown. (150)

433. IONIA, Smyrna. TYanquillina, wife of Gordian III. 4:21mm (4.76 gm). Diademed bust right / Herakles standing.left, holding kantharos, club and hon skin. SNG Copenhagen 1403. VF, brown patina. Rare. (75)

427. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ, Nicaea. Philip 1.244-249 AD. JE 27mm (9.86 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Athena seated left, holding Nike and spear. Cf. Waddington 736 (Philip Π) for reverse. Fine, tan patina. (65)





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439. PAMPHYLIA, Side. Salonina. Circa 253-268 AD. iE 23mm (21.87 gm). Draped bust right on crescent / Three ships. SNG Von Aulock 8551. VF/VF+, green patina with spots of red, slightly porous. Rare. (675) 434. IONIA, Smyrna and Nicomedia. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. JE 36 mm (22.62 gm). Laureate bust right / Demeter standing with eats of com and resting on torch, Cybele seated holding patera. Alliance coinage. BMCpg. 303,489. Nice VF, light brown toning. (575)

"Nauarchis" is derivedfrom the word for the flagship of the fleet, and was an honorific title bestowed on strategic maritime cities.

440. PISIDIA, Antioch. Claudius Π. 268-270 AD. JE 25 mm (8.68 gm). Radiate bust right / Vexillum and palms between two standards. BMC Lycia etc. pg. 201,140var. (no palms). Nice VF, green /brown patina. (100)

435. LYDIA, Saitta. Antonomous Coinage. Circa 3rd Century AD.Ai 22mm (7.05 gm). Draped bust of Senate right / River god Hermos reclining, holding reed and comucopiae, elbow on base from which waterflows. Good VF, dark brown with some earthen highlights. (125)

441. CILICIA, Anazarbus (as Caesarea ad Anazarbum). Domitian. 81-96 AD. JE 21mm (7.28 gm). Laureate head right; star behind / Draped bust of Domitia left. BMC Lycaonia etc. pg. 32,9; SNG Levante 1374. VF, sea-green patina. Rare. (125)

436. LYDIA, Thyatira. Domitia, wife of Domitian. 81 -96 AD. JE 16mm (3.15 gm). Draped bust of Domitia right /Tripod. BMC Lydia pg. 303,71; SNG Levante 1374. VF, black and green patina. Rare. (100)

437. PHRYGIA, Sebaste. Nero. 54-68 AD. Ai 19mm (4.69 gm). Young draped bust of Nero right / Zeus enthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre. BMC Rirygia pg. 373,24. VF, black patina. (150) 442. CILICIA, Kolybrassos. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. JE 32mm (15.93 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/Athena Standing left, facing right, holding patera and spear, tree behind. SNG Levante 336 (same dies). VF, encrusted green patina. (100)

438. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Valerian 1.253-260 AD. JE 30mm (18.04 gm). AYT ΚΑΙ ΠΟΥ AI OYAAEPIANOC CEB, laureate and draped bust right; IA in right field/ACITE ΝΔΙΩΝ, Hephaistos seated right on rock, wielding hammer, holding shield on lap. Apparently unpublished, but the obverse die is the same as SNG Copenhagen 275, with the IA added to the die. Good VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights. Rare and choice. (750)

443. CILICIA, Ninica. Maximinus. 235-238 AD. JE 30 (13.88 gm). Laureate bust right/Colonist ploughing with oxen, standard behind. SNG Levante 621 variant. EF, brown patina, green highlights, countermark on nose. (850) Ex Brand VII, 101405; ExProwe Collection!!, 1012211.




444. CILICIA, Sdeukeia. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. Ά 30 mm (10.67 gm). Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Athena with shield and spear slaying monster. SNG Copenhagen 213 (same dies). Good VF, brown-green patina. (250)


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448. GALATIA, Ancyra. Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus. /Ε 24mm (6.91 gm). Draped bust right / ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΑΕΩΟ ANKYPAC, Hermes standing left, holding pileus and caduceus. Reverse as SNG von Aulock 6145 (Severus). VF, dark green patina. (75)

449. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Nero. 54-68 AD. AR Didrachm (6.22 gm). 5456 AD. Laureate head of Nero right / Draped bust of Agrippina right, with braided hair. Sydenham 73; RIC1607. Good VF, rough surfaces. Rare. (450)

445. CILICIA, Seleukeia.Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 AD. Λ· 35 mm (21.81 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Confronted busts of Apollo and Artemis. SNG Levante783. VF, dark brown patina, verdigris. (350)

450. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Nero. 54-68 AD. AR Hemidrachm (1.87 gm). 59-60 AD. Laureate head of Nero right / Victory standing right, foot on globe, inscribing shield. Sydenham 83; RIC 1618. Good VF. Rare. (200)

446. C I L I C I A , S y e d r a , Gallienus. 253-268 AD. yE31mm (16.63 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; IA in front / Judgement of Ares; Ares being led by Dike (Justice) and Hermes. SNG Levante 437. VF, rough green patina. Rare mythological scene. (150) Ares slew Ilalirrholhios, son ofPoseidon, for assaulting his daughter, Alcippe. The site where Ares came before the gods for judgement became the Areopagos (Hill of Ares) in Athens, the location of the Athenian law courts. Ares was absolved of murder.

451. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. IVajan. 98-117 AD. AR Tridrachm (10.00 gm). Laureate and draped bust right/Temple with simulacrum of Artemis. Sydenham 190a. Toned good VF. (450)

452. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. AR Didrachm (6.77 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right /Mt. Argaeus with statue at summit. Sydenham 325. Toned VF. (125)




447. CILICIA, Tarsos. Maximinus and Maximus. 235-238 AD. i 4 0 m r a (28.79 gm). Laureate bust of Maximinus right / Confronted laureate busts of emperors. SNG Levante 1105. VF, dark green patina with earthen highlights.


453. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Commodus. 180-192 AD. AR Didrachm (4.29 gm). 183-186 AD. Laureate head right / Nike on globe right. Sydenham 373. Near VF. (75)




454. SYRIA, Cyrrestica. Beroca. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. AR Tetradrachm (13.45 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle facing, head left; Β Ε and fantastic animal below. Bellinger 89. Toned good VF. (125)


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460. SYRIA, Antioch. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 AD. ^ 3 0 mm (14.35 gm). Laureate bust right / Tyche seated in tetrastyle temple, river god at her feet, ram above temple. SNG Copenhagen 292. Choice EF, dark brown. (375) Extraordinarily detailed depiction of the shrine of Tyche at Antioch.

455. SYRIA, Antioch. Trajan. 98-117 AD. JE As (7.91 gm). Countermark applied before 132 AD. Radiate and draped bust right; countermark: laurel branch in rectangle / DAC PARTfflCO PM TR POT XX COS VI PP, SC in wreath. RIC Π 647; countermark: Howgego378. Coin and countermark good VF, patchy black patina. (125) 461. SYRIA, Antioch. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 AD. JE 30mm (24.31 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Tetrastyle shrine of Tyche. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 229,653. Near EF, brown patina. (150)

456. SYRIA, Antioch. TVajan. 98-117 AD. JE 27 mm (13.94 gm). Struck 98/99 AD. Laureate head right/ΔΗΜΑΡΧ EZ ΥΠΑΤΒ in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 185. VF, green patina with earthen highlights. (200) 4fÜil

i p i .‫ ׳‬-

; S?

462. SYRIA, Laodicea ad Mare. Antoninus Pius. Year 188 (140/141 AD). JE 24 mm (10.60 gm). Laureate bust right /Turreted bust of Tyche right BMC 63. EF, black patina with brown highlights. (275)

457. SYRIA, Antioch. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 16mm (3.40 gm). Radiate head left IS C; Δ below, all in wreath. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 204,442. VF, dark gren patina, scarce. (75)

463. SYRIA, Laodicea ad Marc. Caracalla and Plautilla. 202-212 AD. JE 30mm (20.36 gm). Radiate and draped bust of Caracalla, draped bust of Plautilla / Artemis with stag. SNG Copenhagen 367. Fine, green patina. Rare. (325) 458. SYRIA Antioch.Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD. Billon Telradrachm (12.65 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; three pellets below / Eagle on palm branch left. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 220,581. Toned EF. (175)

459. SYRIA, Antioch. Herennius Etruscus. 251 AD. Billon Tetradrachm (10.05 gm). Bare-headed bust right; pellet below / Eagle on club left. BMC Galatia etc. pg. 224,610. Toned VF. (100)

464. SYRIA, Coele-Syria. Heliopolis. Philip 1.244-249 AD. JE 29mm (14.81 gm). Laureate and draped bust right/Temple of Zeus approached by staircase; caduceusandjug. SNG Copenhagen 435; BMCpg. 293,18. VF, green patina. Rare. (800)



465. SYRIA, Code-Syria. Heliopolis. Philip 1.244-249 AD. JE 27mm (13.53 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Statue of Tyche facing, holding rudder and comucopiae, Nikes on columns holding veil over head, two small figures (Kabeiroi?) by side. BMC Galatia pg. 293,21. VF, red-brown patina. (200)

466. SYRIA, IVachonitus. Gaba. Hadrian. Year 177 (116/117 AD). JE 25mm (9.71 gm). Laureate head right / Nike advancing left, holding wreath and trophy; dale in right field. SNG ANS 900; Rosenbeiger Π 9. VF, rough brown patina. (100)

467. SYRIA,‫׳‬IVachonitus. Gaba. Antoninus Pius. Year217 (156/157 AD). JE 24mm (11.92 gm). I^urcaie head right /The god Men standing left, holding sceptre, star and crescent above; date to right SNG ANS 904; Rosenberger II 15. Near VF, dark green patina. (100)

468. SYRIA, Decapolis. Abila. Commodus. Year 251 (187/188 AD). JE 24mm (8.79 gm). Laureate head right / Nude Herakles standing right, leaning on club, over which is draped a lion skin. Spijkcrman 13. Near VF, nice green palina. Rare. (200)

469. GALILEE Sepphoris-Diocaesarea.'IVajan. 98-117 AD. JE 27mm (14.15 gm), laureate head right / ΣΕΠΦΩ PHNS2N in wreath. SNG ANS 1086; Rosenberger 111, 3. VF, brown patina. (150)


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470. GALILEE, Tiberias. Claudius. Year 13 (53/54 AD). JE 19mm (8.50 gm). Tiberias. ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ KAICAIOC, palm branch; date in field /‫־‬ΠΒΕ PAIC in wreath. BMC Palestine pg. 5,1; Rosenberger III, 4. Near VF, black patina. (150)

471. SAMARIA, Caesarea. Hcrennia Etruscilla. 249-251 AD. JE 28mm (17.74 gm). (ERΕΝΝΙΑ ET)RVSCILLA AVGV, Diademed and draped bust right / Statue of Tyche of Caesarea standing left, holding imperial bust and sceptre, foot on galley, stevedore al feeL Kadman 161va.r, BMC Palestine pg. 34,170var. (obverse legend). Near VF, dark green palina. (200)

472. SAMARIA, Neapolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 24mm (11.69 gm). I-aureate bust right /Temple on Ml. Gerizim. Rosenberger ΠΙ, 39. VF, dark green with earthen highlights. Rare. (525)

473. SAMARIA, Neapolis. Volusian. 251 -253 AD. /E25mm (13.63 gm). AVT KAICT OYITPEB OYOAOYCIAN, radiate and cuirassed bust right / ΦΛ· NELAC nOAF.WC, ML Gerizim temple complex on wings of eagle. BMC Palestine pg.73,164. Near VF, brown patina. (300) A clear depiction of the Samaritan temple on Ml. Gerizim.

474. JUDAEA, Gaza. Hadrian. Year 192 (131/132 AD). JE 29mm (18.79 gm). Laureateand draped bust right /Distyle temple, wilhin: figures of Artemis and local deity Mamas; date in exergue. Rosenberger II66. Fine, brown patina with earthen highlights. Rare. (150)




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475. PHOENICIA, Aradus. ,IVajan. 98-117 AD. JE 23mm (11.80 gm). Bust of Astarte-Europa right, bust of Trajan before / Bull left; date EOT (116/117 AD). BMC 374. VF+, nice light green patina. (350)

480. PHOENICIA, Byblos. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. /E24mm (12.75 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Hexastyle temple of Tyche with statue; !udder to right. BMC Phoenicia pg. 105,52. Good VF, brown patina, weak areas, but strong portrait and temple reverse. (150)

476. PHOENICIA, Aradus. Marcus Aureliusand Lucius Verus. Year 421 (162/163 AD). JE 23mm (11.38 gm). Confronted busts of Aurelius and Verus /Tyche seated left on rudder holding comucopiae. SNG Copenhagen 82. Near EF, brown pahna. Rare. (800)

481. EGYPT, Alexandria. Tiberius. Year7 (20/21 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.86 gm). Laureate head of Tiberius right/Radiate head of Augustus right. Köln 48; Dattari 78; Curtis 1. Toned VF. (300)

477. PHOENICIA, Berytus. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 14mm (3.70 gm). Q. Caecilius Metellus Creticus Silanus, legate. 11-17 AD. Eagle standing left / SIL ANVS Ρ AVG. BMC Phoemcia pg. lv (pi. XL, 4). Near VF, black patina. Rare. (100)

478. PHOENICIA, Berytus. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 29mm (17.59 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/Tetrastyle temple with arched pediment, statue of Marsyas within. BMC Phoeniciapg. 81,192. VF, rough green patina. (125)

479. PHOENICIA, Berytus. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 24mm (10.39 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Aeneas fleeing Troy with his son and father. BMC Phoenicia pg. 84,213. VF, brown-green patina, several small casting pits. Unusual mythological motif. (165)

482. EGYPT, Alexandria. Tiberius. Year 14 (27/28 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (1282 gm). Laureate head of Tiberius left / Radiate head of Augustus right. Köln 50; Dattari 81. Toned VF. (150)

483. EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero & Poppaea. Year 10 (63/64 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (14.05 gm). Radiate head of Nero right /Draped bust of Poppaea right. Köln 157; Dattari 196. Toned VF. (150)

484. EGYPT, Alexandria. Trajan. Year 12(111/112 AD). JE Drachm (25.17 gm). Laureate head right, with aegis / Temple of Serapis, statue of god left with Kerberos at feet. Köln 590var. (no altar). VF, brown patina. (250)



485. EGYPT, Alexandria. Aelius, Caesar. Year22 (137/138 AD). β Obol (3.25 gm). A AIAIOC KAICAP, bare-headed bust right / Bust of Harpokrates right, wearing hem-hem crown, pomegranate on shoulder, date K/L B. Apparently unpublished, but cf. Köln 1246 (Hadrian), which may use the same reverse die. VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. (100)


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490. EGYPT, Alexandria. Otacilia Severa. Year 3 (245/246 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.38 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Homonoia standing left, holding comucopiae. Köln-; Dattari 4984. EF, full silvering. (200)

The only known obol of Aelius, and the only Egyptian issue ofAelius using a regnal year date.

491. ZEUGITANIA,Utica.Tiberius. 14-37 AD. v£29mm (13.11 gm). Bare head left / Livia seated right, holding sceptre and patera; C. Vtb. Marso, proconsul and T.G. Rufus, quaestor. SNG Copenhagen 438. Good VF, black and brown patina.

(200) 486. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 12 (148/149 AD). Ai Drachm (20.97 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Isis Pharia standing right, with billowing sail, lighthouse of Alexandria to right. Köln 1604. VF, green and brown patina. (200)


492. ITALY. Luceria. Circa 269-225 BC. Ai Aes Grave Uncia (47.56 gm). Toad / Grain ear; pellet T/V 278; Haeberlin pi. 71,3. Fine, brown patina, scattered small casting pits. (250)

487. EGYPT, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 16 (152/153 AD). Ai Drachm (26.63 gm). Laureate head right / Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm. Köln 1689. Good VF, brown patina. (400) Ex Duke of Argyll, lacking ticket.

488. EGYPT, Alexandria. Commodus. Uncertain year. Billon Tetradrachm (9.56 gm). Laureate head right / Radiateand draped bust of Helios right Cf. Köln 2247 for type (year 30). VF, dark brown patina, small flan. (45)

493. Anonymous. Circa 269-240 BC. Ai Aes Grave Sextans (36.87 gm). Tortoise /Wheel of six spokes; two pellets. T/V 35; Haeberlin pi. 25,17-18. Near VF, green patina, two deep casting pits on reverse. Rare. (450)

489. EGYPT, Alexandria. Gordian III. Year 2 (238/239 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (13.77 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, facing right, wreath in beak. Köln 2622; Milne 3334. EF, full silvering. (175)

494. Anonymous. 269-266 AD. AR Didrachm (6.93 gm). Diademed head of Hercules right, club on shoulder/ Wolf suckling twins. RSC 8; Sydenham 6; Crawfoid 20/1. Toned VF, slight surface roughness. (500) 42




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500. Anonymous. Circa 215-212 BC A·. Semuncia (6.69 gm). Head of Mercury right, wearing winged petasus / Prow of galley right Crawford 41/11. Good VF, choice emerald green patina. (250)

495. Anonymous. Liberal Standard. Circa 240 225 ‫ ־‬. Ai Cast Triens (95.85 gm). Helmeted head of Minerva left with four pellets / Prow of galley right with four pellets below. T/V 53; Haeberlin pi. 17,6-19; Crawford 35/3a. Nice VF, dark 501. Anonymous. Grain ear issue. Circa 214-212 BC. Ai Uncia (5.10 gm). greeen patina. (400) Sicilian mint. Helmeted head of Roma / Prow of galley right; grain ear above, pellet below. Crawford 42/4. Good VF, dark green patina. (165)

496. Libral Standard. Circa 240-225 BC. JE Cast Sextans (37.60 gm). Head of Mercury left, two pellets above / Prow of galley left, two pellets below. T/V 62; Haberlin pi. 22,17-20; Crawford 36/5. Fine, gray-green patina, rough surfaces. (275) Ex Credit Suisse VII, lot 380.

497. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC. AR Didrachm (Quadngatus) (6.56gm). Janiform head of the Dioscuri / Jupiter in quadriga right; incuse ROMA cn raised panel. RSC 23; Sydenham 64b; Crawford 30/1. VF. (300)

502. Anonymous. Anchor issue. JE As (35.90 gm). 209-208 BC. Minted in Rome Laureate head of Janus / Prow right, anchor before, ROMA below. Crawford 50/3. VF, dark green patina. (200)

503. Anonymous. After 211 BC. AR Victoriatus (3.51 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Victory erecting trophy. RSC 9; Crawford 53/1 ; Sydenham 83. Toned nearEF. (125)

498. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC. AR Didrachm (Quadrigatus) (6.50 gm). Janiform head of the Dioscuri / Jupiter in quadriga right; incuse ROMA on raised panel. RSC 23; Sydenham 64b; Crawford 30/1. Nice VF. (500)

504. Anonymous. After211 BC. Ai As (37.67 gm). Janus head / Prow of galley right Crawford 56/2. VF, brown and green patina. (125)


499. Anonymous. Post Semi-Liberal Standard. Circa 215-212 BC. JE Triens (19.85 gm). Hclmeted head of Minerva right / Prow of galley right. Sydenham 105; Crawford41/7b.NearVF,greenpatina. (200)

505. Anonymous. 208 BC. AR Victoriatus (2.87 gm). Head of Jupiter right / Victory erecting trophy, club in field. RSC 24b; Sydenham 212; Crawford 89/1 a. Toned VF. (100)




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506. Anonymous. 207 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Dioscuri riding right, crescent above. Sydenham 219; Crawford 57/2; RSC 20i. Good VF. (75)

513. M.Cacdlius Q.f. Q.n. Metellus. 127 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Head of Roma right / Macedonian shield with elephant's head. Caecilia 29a; Sydenham 480a; Crawford 263/lb variety. Toned VF. (100)

507. C. Maianius. 153 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Victory driving biga right. Maiania 1; Sydenham 427; Crawford 203/la. Toned EF. (250)

514. M.FuriusL.f. Philus. 119 BC. AR Denarius (4.05 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Roma standing left erecting trophy. Furia 18; Sydenham 529; Crawford 281/1. Toned VF. (125)



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515. MarcusCalidius,Q.MetdlusandCn.Ftilvius. 117-116AD. ARDenarius (3.72 gm). Obverse Brockage. Head of Roma right. Calidia 1; Sydenham 539; Crawford 284/1 a. Toned VF, some oxidation on reverse. (60)

508. P. Aelius I'actus. 138 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Dioscuri galloping right. Aelia 2; Sydenham 455; Crawford 233/1. Toned EF. (250) ‫י‬

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509. Sex. PompeiusFostlus. 137BC. AR Denarius (3.82gm). Helmetedhead of Roma; jug behind / Shepard, wolf suckling twins, fig tree behind. Pompeia 1; Sydenham 461 ; Crawford 235/la. Toned near EF. (250)

516. M. Sergius Silus. 116-115 AD. AR Denarius (3.88 gm). Obverse Brockage. Head of Roma right. Sergia la; Sydenham 544; Crawford 286/1. Toned VF, light surface roughness, nice brockage. (100)

510. Cn. Lucretius Trio. 136 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Dioscuri galloping right. Lucretia 1 ; Sydenham 450; Crawford 237/1. EF. (250)

517. Anonymous. 115-114 AD. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Obverse Brockage. Head of Roma right. RSC 176; Sydenham 530; Crawford 287/1. Near VF.

511. C. Scrvilius M.f. 136 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; wreath behind / Dioscuri galloping in opposite directions. Servilia 1 ; Sydenham 525; Crawford 239/1. Toned VF. (75)

518. Man. AemiliusLepidus. 114/113 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Laureate and diademed head of Roma right, slightly draped / Equestrian statue on triumphal arch. Aemilia 7; Sydenham 554; Crawford 291/1. Toned VF, flan flaw reverse. (95)

512. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. 128 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; grain ear behind / Victory in biga right; man spearing lion below. Domitia 14; Sydenham 514; Crawford 261/1. EF. (275)

519. Cn. BlasioCn.f. 112-111 BC. AR Denarius (3.90gm). Obverse Brockage. Helmeted head right, symbol behind. Cornelia 19; Sydenham 561; Crawford 296/le. Toned VF, light surface roughness. (75) 44





520. L. Flaminius Chilo. 109-108 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Obverse Brockage. Head of Roma right. Flaminia 1; Sydenham 540; Crawford 302/1. Toned good VF. (100)

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527. L. Caecilius Metellus. 96 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Head of Apollo right / Victory crowning Roma left. Caecilia 45; Sydenham 611a; Crawford 335/1 b. Toned VF, reverse off center. (100)

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521. M. Herennius. 108-107 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Diademed head of Piety right / Amphinomous carrying his father on shoulder. Hercnnia 1 a; Sydenham 567a; Crawford 308/lb. Toned VF. (135)




528. A. Albinus Sp.f. 96 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder / Three horsemen with shields. Poslumia 4a; Sydenham 613a; Crawford 335/9. VF. (125)

522. L.Thorius Balbus. 105 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Head of Juno Lanuvium, wearing goat skin /Bull charging right; A above. Thoria 1; Sydenham 598; Crawford 316/1. Near EF. (200) 529. D. Silanus L.f. 91 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; Ε behind / Victory driving biga right; VI above. Junia 15; Sydenham 646; Crawford 337/3. Toned good VF. (150)

523. L. Thorius Balbus. 105 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Juno of Lanuvium right / Bull charging tight. Thoria 1 ; Sydenham 598; Crawford 316/1. Toned VF. (75) 530. D. Silanus L.f. 91 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; A / Victory in biga right; Π, no L F. Junia 16; Sydenham 646a; Crawford 337/3 variety. Toned VF. (75)

524. Lucius Appculeius Saturninus. 104 BC. AR Denarius (3.77 gm). Head of Roma left/Saturn in quadriga, letter above. Appuleia 1 var.; Sydenham 578; Crawford (75) 317/3a. Nice VF.

531. D. Silanus L.f. 91 B C . ^ A s i n . l O g m ) . Janushead / D SILANVS L F, prow of galley right. Crawford 337/5. VF, brown patina, porosity. (125)

525. L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus and C. Servilius Caepio. 100 BC. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). Laureate head of Saturn right, harpa behind; arrow below /The two quaestors seated left between grain ears. Calpumia 5; Sydenham 603; Crawford 330/1 a. VF. (150)

532. L. Piso L.f. L.n. Frugi. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; L behind, U in front / Horseman galloping right, holding palm; J-ΧΠΙ below. Calpumia 11 ; Sydenham 663d; Crawford 340/1. Toned EF some lustre. (150)

526. P. Servilius M.f. Rullus. 100 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Obverse Brockage. Bust of Minerva left wearing, crested helmet and aegis. Servilia 14; Sydenham 601 ; Crawford 328/1. VF. (75) 45


533. L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Head of Apollo right, anchor and V / Youth on horseback, trident and C. Calpumia 11; Sydenham 669a; Crawford 340/1. Toned near EF. (125)

540. C. Licinius L.f. Macer. 84 BC. AR Denarius (4.03 gm). Diademed bustof Vejovis back turned, hurling thunderbolt / Minerva in quadriga. Licinia 16; Sydenham 732; Crawford 354/1. VF, wavy flan, weakly struck center of reverse. (125)

534. C. Vibius C.f. Pansa. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.72 gm). Obverse Brockage. Head of Apollo right, heavy hair locks. Vibia 2?; Sydenham 684?; Crawford 342/5b. Toned VF. (75)

541. L. Sulla. 84-83 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Diademed head of Venus right, cupid with long palm before / Capis and lituus between two trophies. Cornelia 30; Sydenham 761 ;Crawford 359/2. VF, scratches obverse. (100)

535. C. Vibius C.f. Pansa. 9BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Laureate bust of Apollo right / Minerva in quadriga. Vibia 2; Sydenham 684; Crawford 342/5b. Toned VF. (75)

542. Q. Antonius Balbus. 83-82 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Head of Jupiter right / Victory in quadriga. Antonia lb; Sydenham742a; Crawford 364/1c. Good VF. (75)

536. L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus. 89 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Head of Tatius right / Victory in biga, thunderbolt below. Tituria 6; Sydenham 700; Crawford 344/3. Toned good VF. (125)

543. Q. Antonius Balbus. 83-82 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Victory in quadriga; F below horses. Antonia 1 ; Sydenham 742b; Crawford 364/ld. Toned VF. (95)

yâMsspf 537. Cn. Lentulus Clodianus. 88 BC. AR Quinarius (1.94 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Victory crowning trophy. Cornelia 51; Sydenham 703; Crawford (100) 345/2. Toned VF.

544. L. Censorinus with P. Crcpusius and C. Limetanus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Bust of Venus right / Venus in biga right. Marcia 27; Sydenham 736a; Crawford 360/1 b. Toned VF. (100)

538. L. and C. Memmius L.f. Galena. 87 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Laureate head of Saturn left / Venus in biga, aipid above. Memmia 8; Sydenham 712; Crawford 349/1. Near EF. (125)

545. L. Censorinus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / The satyr Marsyas with wineskin left, statue on column behind. Marcia 24; Sydenham 737; Crawford 363/ld. Toned near EF. (200)

546. L. Censorinus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / The satyr Marsyas with wineskin left, statue on column behind. Marcia 24; Sydenham 737; Crawford 363/ld. Toned EF, flat strike on edge. (200)

539. L. Julius Bursio. 85 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Bust of Genius right; lizard and trident behind / Victory in quadriga. Julia 5b; Sydenham 728c; Crawford 352/1 c. Toned VF. (125) 56




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547. A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.97 gm). Veiled head of Hispania right / Togale figure flanked by aquila and fasces. Postumia 8; Sydenham 746; Crawford 372/2. Toned EF, flan flaw on neck. (275)

554. Ti. Claudius Ti.f. Ap.n. Nero. 79 BC. AR Senate Denarius (3.94 gm). Bust of Diana right / Victory in biga ; A-LXXXV below. Claudia 6; Sydenham 770a; Crawford 383/1. Toned EF. (150)

548. A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Veiled head of Hispania right / Togate figure flanked by aquila and fasces. Postumia 8; Sydenham 746; Crawford 372/2. Toned VF. (75)

555. Ti. Claudius Ti.f. Ap.n. Nero. 79 BC. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). As above, but CJJI on reverse. Claudia 5; Sydenham 770; Crawford 383/1. Good VF.

549. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius. 81 BC. AR Denanus (3.88 gm). Diademed head of Pietas right, stork in front / Elephant walking right. Caecilia 43; Sydenham 750; Crawford 374/1. Good VF. (150)

556. L. Papius. 79 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.67 gm). Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat skin; quiver behind / Gnffin leaping right; jug. Papia 1 ; Sydenham 773; Crawford 384/1 (control mark 81 ). EF, gray toning. (250)

550. L. Sulla. 81 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Head of Venus right / Double comucopiae. Cornelia 33; Sydenham 755; Crawford 375/2. Toned VF+. Rare. (300)

557. L. Papius. 79 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Head of Juno Sospita right; hook/Griffin leaping right; modius. Papia 1 ; Sydenham 773; Crawford 384/1 (symbols 89). Toned VF. (100)

551. L. Procilius. 80 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Juno Sospita walking right, holding spear and figure-eight shield, serpent in front. Procilia 1 ; Sydenham 771 ; Crawford 379/1. Near EF, some weakness in strike. (150)

558. P. Satrienus. 77 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Head of young Mars right, XXXXVU behind / She-wolf walking left. Satriena 1 ; Sydenham 781a; Crawford 388/1 b. Toned VF, strong reverse. (175)

552. L. Procilius. 80 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Head of Juno Sospila right/ Juno in biga right, serpent below. Procilia 2; Sydenham 772; Crawford 379/2. Toned VF+. (175)

559. L. Rustia.76 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Helmeled head of Mars right/ Ram standing right. Rustia 1 ; Sydenham 782; Crawford 389/1. Near EF, some weakness in strike. (150)

553. C. Naevius Balbus. 79 BC. AR Denarius (3.88 gm). Head of Venus right/ Victory in triga right, CXXX VI above. Naevia 6a; Sydenham769a; Crawford 382/1 b. Good VF. (100)

560. Cn.Lentulus. 76-75 BC. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Draped bust of Genius of the Roman People right / Globe between sceptre and rudder. Cornelia 54; Sydenham752; Crawford 393/la. VF. (100)




M a r c h 25,1 992

568. L. Cassius Longinus. 63 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Veiled bust of Vesta left/Citizen voting. Cassia 10; Sydenham 935; Crawford 413/1. FDC. (500)

561. L. Farsuleius Mensor. 75 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Bust of liberty right/Roma in biga assisting togate figure. Farsuleia 1 ; Sydenham789a; Crawford 392/1. Toned VF. Rare. (150)

569. L. Furius Cn.f. Brocchus. 63 BC. AR Denarius (3.88 gm). Bust of Ceres right / Curule chair between fasces. Furia 23a; Sydenham 902a; Crawford 414/1. Toned VF. (100)

562. C. Postumius. 74 BC. AR Denarius (4.04 gm). Draped bust of Diana right with bow and quiver/ Hound running right. Postumia 9; Sydenham785; Crawford 394/1 a. Toned VF+. (150) ‫י‬

570. L. Acmilius Lepidus Paullus. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Veiled and diademed head of Concord right / L. Aemilius Paullus right of trophy, Perseus and his two sons captive left. Aemilia 10; Sydenham 926; Crawford 415/1. VF+. (125)

563. Μη. Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n. 71 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Helmeted bust of Virtus right / Aquillius raising Sicilia. Aquilia 2; Sydenham 798; Crawford 401/1. Good VF. (125)

564. P. G a l b a . 69 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Veiled head of Vesta right / Knife, simpulum and axe. Sulpicia 7; Sydenham 839; Crawford 406/1. Good VF. (225)

571. L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Head of Bonus Eventus right / Garlanded well-head decorated with lyres and hammer. Scribonia 8a; Sydenham 928; Crawford 416/la. Toned EF. (125)

565. P. G a l b a . 69 BC. AR Denarius (3.8 i gm). Type as above. Sulpicia 7; (175) Sydenham 839; Crawford 406/1. Toned VF+.

572. L. Scribonius Libo. 62 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Head of Bonus Eventus right / Garlanded well-head decorated with lyres and hammer. Scribonia 8a; Sydenham 928; Crawford 416/la. Near EF. (125)

566. C. Hosidius C.f. Geta. 68 BC. AR Denarius (4.09 gm). Diademed bust of Diana right / Calydonian boar attacked by dog and pierced by spear. Hosidia 1 ; Sydenham 903; Crawford 407/2. Near EF, some lustre. (200)

573. M. Aemilius Scaurus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Nabataean king Aretas kneeling by camel/Jupiter in quadriga left. Aemilia 9; Sydenham 912; Crawford 422/la. Good VF. (150)

574. M. Aemilius Scaurus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Nabataean king Aretas kneeling by camel / Jupiter in quadriga left; scorpion tolefL Aemilia 8; Sydenham 913; Crawford 422/1 b. Good VF. (150)

567. C. Piso L.f. Frugi. 67 BC. AR Denarius (4.02 gm). Filleted head of Apollo right ; CXI behind / Horseman galloping right, holding long palm; symbol below. Calpumia 24; Sydenham 8511; Crawford 408/1. Toned EF. (500) 4 8




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575. C. Memmius C.f. 56 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Head of Romulus right / Ceres seated right. Memmia 9; Sydenham 921 ; Crawford 427/2. Toned VF, planche! flaw. (100)

582. Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. AR Denarius (4.15 gm). Laureate head of Salus right / Valetudo (Salus) leaning on short column, holding serpent. Acilia 8; Sydenham 922; Crawford 442/1 a. Toned EF, some lustre. (250)

576. Q. Cassius Longinus. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Head of Liberty right/Temple of Vesta with curule chair, um and tablet. Cassia 8; Sydenham 918; Crawford 428/2. F/VF, Scarce. (125)

583. Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.62 gm). Type as above. Acilia 8; Sydenham 922; Crawford 442/la. VF, reverse off center. (115)

584. Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Type as above. Acilia 8; Sydenham 922; Crawford 422/1 a. Good VF. (100) 577. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (3.63 gm). Head of Liberias right; no jewels in hair /The consul Brutus accompanied by lictors and accensus. Junia 31a; Sydenham 906a; Crawford 433/1. Good VF/EF. (425)

578. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (4.10 gm). Head of Libertas right /The consul Brutus accompanied by lictors and accensus. Junia 31; Sydenham 906; Crawford 433/1. Good VF. (375)

579. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Type as above. Junia 31; Sydenham 906; Crawford 433/1. Toned VF, bankers' marks on obverse. ( 150)

580. C. Coelius Caldus. 53 BC. AR Denanus (3.71 gm). Head of moneycr's grandfather right, flanked by standard insenbed HIS and standard with boar / Figure sealed in leclistemium flanked by trophies. Coelia 7; Sydenham 894; Crawford 437/2a. EF. light hom silver on reverse. (5(X))

581. Q. Sicinius. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Diademed head of Fortuna right /Caduceus and palm in saltire. Sicinia 5; Sydenham 938; Crawford 440/1. Toned VF. (125)

585. Q.Siciniusand C. Coponius. 49 BC. AR Denanus (3.89 gm). Diademed head of Apollo right; star below / Lion skin draped over club of Hercules, bow and arrow at sides. Sicinia 1 ; Sydenham 939; Crawford 444/la. EF, nice old toning. (250)

586. L. Hostilius Saserna. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Head of Gallia right / Diana of Ephesus with stag. Hostilia 4; Sydenham 953; Crawford 448/3. Toned good VF, scarce. (300)

587. L. Hostilius Sascma. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Laureate head of Venus right / Victory walking right, holding trophy and caduceus. Hostilia 5a; Sydenham 951a; Crawford 448/lb. Toned VF, some surface roughness. (!<*»

588. C. Vibius C.f.C.n. Pansa. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Mask of Pan right/Jupiter Axurus seated left. Vibia 18; Sydenham 947; Crawford 449/la. Toned EF, some lustre. (300)




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589. C. Vibius C.f.C.n. Pansa 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Mask of Pan right / Jupiter Axurus seated left. Vibia 19; Sydenham 948; Crawford 449/1 a. Good Fine, bankers mark obverse. (125)

596. P. Accoieius Lariscolus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Bust of Acca Larentia right/Three Nymphae Querquetulanae. Accoleia 1; Sydenham 1148; Crawford 486/1. Good VF, a few flat spots. Rare. (200)

590. Albinus Bruti f. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.25 gm). Head of Mais right/Two Gaulish trumpets in saltire, two shields. Postumia 11; Sydenham 941; Crawford 450/1 a. Toned VF. (150)

597. Petillius Capitolinus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Head of Jupiter right/Temple of Jupiter. Petillia 1; Sydenham 1149; Crawford 487/1. Toned VF, flatly struck on obverse. Rare. (200)

591. Q. Caecilius Mctellus Pius Scipio. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). African mint. I lead of Jupiter right, eagle's head below / Curule chair, comucopiae supporting scales. Caecilia 49; Sydenham 1048; Crawford 460/2. Fine. Rare. (350)

598. P. Clodius M.f. Turrinus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right, lyre behind / Diana Lucifera standing facing, holding two torches, bow and quiver on her shoulder. Claudia 15; Sydenham 1117; Crawford 494/23. EF. (150)

L·. éÈHb 592. M. C a t 4 7 4 6.‫״‬BC. AR Denarius (4.19 gm). Draped female bust right / Victory seated right holding patera. Porcia 10; Sydenham 1053; Crawford 462/1 a. Toned good VF. (100)

599. L. Livineius Regulus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Bare head of Regulus right/Modius flanked by com. Livineia 13; Sydenham 1111; Crawford 494/29. Good Fine, scarce. (125)

593. Μη. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Corinthian helmet wilh crest, owl on lop / Aegis of Minerva, Medusa in center. Cordia 4; Sydenham 978; Crawford 463/2. Toned VF. Rare. (500)

600. L. Livineius Regulus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Head of moneyer's father right / Curule chair flanked by fasces. Livineia 8; Sydenham 1113; Crawford 494/31. Toned VF, banker's mark obverse. (175)

594. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Diademed head of Venus right/Cupid on dolphin. Cordia 3a; BMC 4041; Crawford -. Toned VF, reverse (100) slightly off center. Scarce variety.

601. C. Vibius Varus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Head of Bacchus right, wearing wreath of ivy and grapes / Panther springing left towards altar. Vibia 24; Sydenham 1138; Crawford 494/36. VF. (200)

602. L. Mussidius Longus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.77 gm). Winged bust of Victory right / Victory in biga. Mussidia 4; Sydenham 1095; Crawford 494/40. Fine, several small bankers' marks. Very Rare. Bust as a likeness of Fulvia, wife of Mark Antony. (175)

595. Lollius Palicanus.45 BC. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Bust of Honor right / Curule chair between ears of com. Lollia 1; Sydenham 961; Crawford 473/2. Toned VF, flan crack. Rare. (125) 50



603. L. Mussidius Longus. 42 BC. AR Denanus (4.09 gm). Veüed bust of Concord / Statues of Venus Cloacina. Mussidia 6a; Sydenham 1093b; Crawford 494/42c.VF. (125)


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609. JULIUS CAESAR. 4948 BC. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). Elephant trampling seipent/Simpulum, aspergillum, axe and apex. RSC 49; Sydenham 1006; Crawford 443/1. EF. (325)


610. JULIUS CAESAR. 4 7 4 6 BC. AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Diademed head of Venus right / Aeneas carrying palladium and father. RSC 12; Sydenham 1013; Crawford 458/1. VF. (275) 604. POMPEY. 4 6 4 5 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Hispania presenting palm to Pompey from prow. RSC 1 ; Sydenham 1035; Crawford 469/1 b. VF. (260)

611. JULIUS CAESAR. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Type as above. RSC 12; Sydenham 1013; Crawford 458/1. Near EF, off center. (260)

605. POMPEY. 42-40 BC. AR Denarius (3.65 gm). Bare head nghl, flanked by jug and lituus / Neplune standing left, foot on prow, flanked by Catanean brothers carrying parents. RSC 17;Sydenham 1344; Crawford 5 ll/3a. Toned VF, areas of corrosion. Strong portrait of Pompey. (1000) 612. JULIUS CAESAR. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Diademed head of Ceres right / Simpulum, aspergillum, jug and lituus. RSC 4a; Sydenham 1023; Crawford 467/1 a. Toned VF. (250)

606. POMPEY. Circa 45 BC. Ai As (12.65 gm). Spanish mint. Janiform head of Pompey; MGN above / Prow right; PIVS above, IMP below. Crawford 479/1 .VF, thick green and brown patina. (300)

613. JULIUS CAESAR. 46 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Head of Ceres right / Simpulum, sprinkler, jug and lituus. RSC 4a; Sydenham 1024; Crawford 467/lb. EF. (575)

614. JULIUS CAESAR. 4645 BC. AR Denarius (3.75 gm). Diademed head of Venus right, Cupid on shoulder / Gallia and a Gaulish captive seated beneath trophy. RSC 13; Sydenham 1014; Crawford 468/1. VF, roughness below Caesar, flan flaw on reverse. (250)

607. POMPEY. Circa 45 BC. Ai As (25.84 gm). Spanish mint Janiform head of Pompey; MGN above / Prow right; PIVS above, IMP below. Crawford 479/1. Fine, brown patina. (150)

615. JULIUS CAESAR. 4645 BC. AR Denarius (3.72 gm). Diademed head of Venus right / Gallia and captive beneath trophy. RSC 13;Sydenham 1014; Crawford (250) 468/1. Toned good VF.

608. JULIUS CAESAR. 4948 BC. AR Denanus (3.93 gm). Elephant trampling seipent /Simpulum, aspeigillum, axe and apex. RSC 49; Sydenham 1006; Crawford 443/1. EF. (350)





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623. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.52 gm). Galley right / Legionary eagle and standards; LEG ΧΙΠΙ. RSC 43; Crawford 544/42; Sydenham 1233. Fine, banker's marks. Rare Legion. (75)

616. JULIUS CAESAR. 44 BC. AR Denarius (4.14 gm). M. Mettius, moneyer. Laureate head of Caesar right / Venus standing left, holding Victory and seeptre, leaning on shield resting on globe; C to left. RSC 35; Sydenham 1055; Crawford 480/17. EF, steel gray toning, small flan flaw on head. (2500)

624. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Bare head of Antony right / Beardless bare head of Octavian right RSC 8; Crawford 517/2. Near VF, banker's marks. (325)

617. JULIUS CAESAR and MARK ANTONY. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). Bare head of Antony right, lituus behind / Laureate head of Caesar, jug behind. RSC 3; Sydenham 1166; Crawford 488/2. Toned good Fine, off-center. (475)

625. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Bare head of Antony right, jug behind / Bare head of Octavian right, lituus behind. RSC 1 Oa; Sydenham 1188; Crawford 517/8. VF, scratches on reverse. (200)

618. MARK ANTONY. 42 BC. AR Denarius (2.38 gm). Bearded bare head of Antony right / Facing head of Sol in temple. RSC 12a; Sydenham 1168; Crawford (200) 496/1. Toned about Fine. Rare.



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626. OCTAVIAN. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.18 gm). Bare head right /Octavian left on horseback. RSC 243; Crawford 490/3; Sydenham 1316. Near VF. Rare. (300)

619. MARK ANTONY. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.55 gm). Bare head nght, lituus behind / Radiate head of Sol right. RSC 70; Crawford 496/3; Sydenham 1169. VF, banker's mark on obverse. Rare. (375)

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* 627. OCTAVIAN. 37 BC. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). Uncertain mint. Bare head right / Round shield. RIC 1543d; RSC 126. Fine, banker's mark center of reverse, cleaned. (150)

620. MARK ANTONY. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Bare head nght, lituus behind / Pietas with censer and Comucopiae. RSC 79a; Crawford 516/5; Sydenham 1172. Fine, banker's mark on reverse. Very Rare. (200)

628. OCTAVIAN. 36 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Bare head right /Simpulum, sprinkler, vase and lituus. RSC 91; Crawford 538/1 ; Sydenham 1334. VF, softly struck. (200)

621. MARK ANTONY. 38-37 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Antony standing right holding lituus/Radiate head of Sol. RSC 13;Sydenham 1199; Crawford (250) 533/2. Toned VF, obverse slightly off-center.

629. OCTAVIAN. 36 BC. AR Denarius (3.52 gm). Bearded bare head right / Simpulum, sprinkler, vase and lituus. RSC 91 ; Sydenham 1334; Crawford 538/1. Near VF, bankers mark. (!25)

622. MARK ANTONY. 38-37 BC. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). Antony standing right holding lituus/Radiate head of Sol right. RSC 13; Sydenham 1199; Crawford 533/2. Good Fine, Scratches on head of Sol, cleaned. (275)





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630. OCTAVIAN. 36 BC. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Bearded bare head right of Octavian / Julius Caesar standing in temple of four columns. RSC 90; Sydenham 1338; Crawford 540/2. Fine, small flan crack, cleaned. (200)

637. A U G U S T U S . 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). 18 BC. Spanish minL Laureate head of Augustus right/Round temple with fourcolumns, chariot surmounted by small quadriga and Roman eagle, S Ρ Q R across field. RSC 279; RIC 1119. Good VF, weakly struck at temple steps. (375)

631. OCTAVIAN. 32-29 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Italian minL Bare head right / Pax standing facing left, holding branch and comucopiae. R S C 69; RIC I 252. Toned near EF, flat strike on edge. Choice portrait of Octavian. (450)

638. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.13 gm). Spanish minL 18-16 BC. Bare head nght / Quadriga on triumphal arch. R S C 231 ; RIC I 144. VF/F, scrapes on reverse. Very Rare. (250)

632. O C T A V I A N . 32-29 BC. AR Denarius (3.71 gm). Itahan mint. Winged bust of Victory right / Octavian as Neptune standing left. RSC 60; RIC 1256. Toned VI•, banker's mark on obverse. (200)

639. A U G U S T U S . 2 7 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). Lugdunum. 11-10 BC. Laureate head right / Apollo Citharoedus standing right, holding plectrum and lyre. RSC 163; RIC 1193a. EF. (450)

640. A U G U S T U S . 2 7 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Lugdunum. 11-10 BC. Bare head right / Bull butting left. R S C 141 ; RIC 1178a. Good VF. (350) 633. OCTAVIAN. 32-29 BC. AR Denarius (3.69 gm). Italian minL Bare head right/Mercury seated playing lyre. RIC1257; R S C 61. Toned near EF. Rare. Π000)

634. OCTAVIAN. 29-27 BC. AR Quinarius (1.62 gm). Italian minL Bare head right / Victory on Cista. RSC 14; RIC 1276. Toned VF. (75)

641. A U G U S T U S . 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). 11-10 BC. Lugdunum. Laureate head right/Diana advancing right, drawing arrow and holding bow; SICIL in exergue. RSC 172; RIC 1197a. VF. (325)


635. A U G U S T U S . 27 BC-14 AD. AR Quinarius (1.73 gm). Emerita mint. P. Carisius, moneyer. 25-23 BC. Bare head left / Victory and trophy. RSC 386; RIC I lb. Toned good Fine. Scarce. (100)


636. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). 20-16 BC. Spanish mint. Bare head of Augustus right / Shield inscribed CLV flanked by Roman eagle on left and standard on right. R S C 265; RIC 86a. Near VF, cleaned. (125)

642. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). 7-6 BC. Lugdunum. Laureate head of Augustus right / Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing, shields and spears between them, lituus and simpulum above. RSC 43c; RIC 1210. Near EF. (325)

643. AUGUSTUS.27 BC-14 AD. AR Fourrcc Denarius (3.15 gm). P. Petronius Turpilianus, moneyer. 19 BC. Diademed bust of Ferortia right / Kneeling Parthian presenting standard. RSC 484; RIC 1288. Toned VF, banker's mark on cheek. (100) Marks the relurn of the legionary standards lost by Crass us in 53 BC.




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644. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.56 gm). C. Sulpicius Platorinus, moneyer. 13 BC. Bare head right / Augustus and Agrippa seated. RSC 529; RIC 1407. VF, flan crack. Very Rare. (150)

649. DIVVS AUGUSTUS. Struck by Tiberius 22-30 AD. JE Medallic As (24.46 gm). DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / PROVIDENT S C, altar. BMC 1146. Near VF, brown and tan patina. (500) A medallic issue, struck with regular as dies on a heavy orichalcumflan. above lots for the regular copper as.

See the

545. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE Sestertius (24.23 gm). Lugdunum. 9-14 AD. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVIF PATER PATRIAE, laureate head nght/ROM ET AVG, altar of Lugdunum. RIC123 la. VF, black patina. Extremely Rare. (3500) Ex AN A Centennial Sale, lot 207.

650. DIVVS AUGUSTUS. Restitution issue of Nerva. 98 AD. JE Sestertius (25.11 gm). DTVVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / IMP NERVA CAESAR AVGVSTVS REST, large S C. RIC Π 136 (Nen‫׳‬a). Near VF, black patina, small pit on reverse. Rare. (1000) Ex CNA XVI, lot 400. 646. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE As (10.92 gm). Ementa, P. Carisius, moneyer. 25-23 BC. Bare head right/ Ρ CARISIVS LEG AVGVST1. RIC 115a Good VF. (250)

647. DIVVS AUGUSTUS. Struck by Tibenus 22-30 AD. JE As (11.52 gm). DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / PROVIDENT S C, altar. RIC 181 (Tiberius). Good VF, nice patina. (450)

648. DI W S AUGUSTUS. Struck by Tiberius 22-30 AD. JE As (1.03 gm). Type as above. RIC 181. VF, black patina. (250)

651. LI VIA, mother of Tiberius. 22-23 AD. JE Sestertius (28.03 gm). Decorated caipentum drawn by two mules / Legend around SC. RIC 151 (Tiberius). Brown VF, smoothed surfaces. (900)

652. AGRIPPA. Died 12 B C / Ε As (11.02 gm). Head of Agrippa left, wearing (275) rostral crown / Neptune standing left. RIC 158 (Gaius). Brown VF.



653. Lead Tessera. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. 24mm (12.11 gm). Elephant standing right/TO RQ in two lines. VF, gray patina. Rare. (500) This token and the following were found in the Tiber river near Rome. In the time of the late Republic and early Empire tokens of this type were used as advertismenls and admission tickets for the public games ( venatio). They would depict exotic beasts featured in the arena, such as elephant, rhinoceros and lion, and scenes ofgladiatoral combat. Some pieces may indicate the sponsor of the games, in this case an official named Torquatus, possibly the L. Torquatus, moneyer in 62 BC. Later pieces bear the name of the Emperor.

654. Lead Tessera. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. 14mm (1.65 gm). Elephant standing right/Two figures (gladiators?) standing confronted, clasping hands and holding lances. Cf. Rostovtsew and Prou, 119. VF, gray patina. Rare. (400)


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658. NERO AND DRUSUS, Caesars. Stiuck 37-38 AD. JE Dupondius (17.00 gm). Two Caesars on horseback, galloping right / Legend around large S C. RIC 134 (Gaius). EF, Rare. (2000)

659. NERO and DRUSUS, Caesars. Struck 40/41 AD. Ai Dupondius (16.41 gm). Two Caesars on horseback, galloping right / Legend around large S C. RIC 149 (Gaius). VF, brown patina, fields smoothed. (500)

ExSternberg XVII, lot 710. The two figures may also represent the Dioscuri.

655. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). Laureate head right / Livia, as Pax, seated right. RIC 126; RSC 16. VF. (300) 660. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS. Died 9 BC. JE Sesterius (31.10 gm). Struck under Claudius. 50-54 AD. Bare head of Drusus left / Claudius seated left amidst arms. RIC1109 (Claudius). Near EF, attractive dark brown patina. (4000) Ex. CNA [X, lot 382.

656. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. JE As (11.18 gm). 22/23 AD. TI.CAESAR. DIVI.AVG.F.AVGVST.IMP. Vin, bare head left / PONTIF. MAXIM. TRIBVN. POTEST. ΧΧΠΠ, large S C. RIC 144. EF, brown patina. Choice portrait (800) Ex Ν FA XIV, lot 320. Found in the Tiber river

657. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. JE As (9.68 gm). JE As of Augustus, moneyer M. Salvius Otho (RIC 1431 ) with two countermarks obverse: IMP'AVG and (TIB I)M. Cf. CCRE Ashmolean 583,603 for countermarks. Coin near VF, first countermark VF, second weakly stmck and barely visible. (125) Interesting example ofthe regional countermarks employed in the provinces of the early Empire.

661. GERMANICUS. Stmck by Claudius 50-54 AD. JE As (11.37 gm). Bare head of Germanicus right /‫־‬Π CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM PM TR Ρ IMP PP around S C. RIC 1106 (Claudius). VF, tan patina. (250)

662. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. JE As (11.21 gm). 40/41 AD. C.CAESAR.DIVI.AVG.PRO.N. AVG.IMP.1m. PP, bare head left / VESTA S C, Vesta seated left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC 154. EF, brown and green patina. Magnificent portrait of Caligula. (1250)




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663. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 AD./E Quadrats (3.28 gm). 39 AD. C CAESAR DIVIAVG PRON AVG S C, cap / PONT M TR Ρ m PP COS DES ID, RCC. RIC 139. Good VF, emerald green patina. (100)

669. NERO. 54-68 AD. Ai Sestertius (22.35 gm). Ν C A PR countermark on sestertius of Tiberius, type: empty quadriga / Large SC (RIC 54ff).See RIC I page 11 for discussion of oountermark. Coin Fair, countermark VF. (400)

664. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. Romano-British Imitation of JE As (10.«) gm). Bare head left / Minerva advancing right. Sutherland, ANS NNM 65, pl. V. VF, smooth black patina. (250)

670. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Dupondius (14.88 gm). Lugdunum mint Circa 66 AD. IMP.NERO.CAESAR.AVG.P.MAX.TR.P.P.P, laureate head right, globe at point of bust / VICTORIA AVGVSTIS C, Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm. RIC 1522. EF, brown patina. (600) 665. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). 64-65 AD. Uureate bust right / Jupiter seated left on throne, holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC 153; RSC 119. Good Fine, reverse off center. (245)

666. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). 65-66 AD. Laureate head right /Salus seated left, holding patera. RSC 314; RIC 160. VF. (350)

667. NERO. 54-68 AD. A; Sestertius (26.12 gm). Circa 65 AD. Laureate head right, with aegis / Roma seated left on pile of arms, holding Victory and leaning on parazonium. RIC 1275. Good VF, smooth emerald green patina with tan highlights, old scratches in front of head. Choice portrait. (750)

671. NERO. 54-68 AD. Ai As (11.71 gm). 65 AD. Laureate head right / Victory flying left, holding shield. RIC 1312. Near EF, black patina. (750)

672. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE As (9.61 gm). Lugdunum. Circa 66 AD. Laureale head right, globe at point of bust / Victory flying left, holding shield. RIC I 543. Good VF, brown and green patina. (350)

673. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Laureale head nght/SALVS GEN HVMANI. RSC 240; RIC 1232 (R2). Toned VF. (650)

668. NERO. 54-68 AD. /E Sestertius (28.22 gm). Circa 64 AD. Laureate head right, aegis on shoulder/Nero holding couched lance, and companion, bearing vexilium, b a h on horseback. RIC 1170. VF, dark brown patina, gash behind head. ExNFA XVII, lot 734. (450)

674. VrrELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). Spanish mint. Laureate head right; palm and globe / Victory with shield. RIC 137; RSC 100. VF. (750)




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675. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). 69-71 AD. Laureate head right / Pax seated left, holding branch and caduceus. RSC 94h; RIC Π10. Toned EF. (350)

682. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.17 gm). 75 AD. Laureate head right/Eagle on garlanded cippus. RSC 113a; RIC Π 89. VF. (125)

676. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.38 gm). 69-71 AD. Laureate head right / IVDAEA, Judaea seated right al foot of trophy. RSC 226; RIC Π 15. VF. (500)

683. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). 76 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle on cippus. RSC 121 ; RIC Π 99a. Near VF. (100)

is‫!׳‬ 684. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). Rome. 77/78 AD Laureate head right/Prow right, star above. RSC 136; RIC Π 108. VF. (150)

677. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). 70-72 AD. Laureate head right/Sacrificialimplemenis. RSC 12; RICH 30. VF. (200)




678. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (2.84 gm). 72/73 AD. Laureate head right/Sacrificial implements. RSC 45; RIC Π 42. Toned VF. (200)

685. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. j4* Sestertius (26.94 gm). 71 AD. Laureate head right/Roma standing left, holding Victory and sceptre. RIC II443 (legend 1). Good VF, emerald green patina on obverse, lacking on edges and reverse. Choice portrait. (250)

679. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). 73 AD. Laureate head right / Vespasian seated right. RSC 387; RIC Π 665. Near EF. (500)

680. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). 74 AD. Laureate head right / COS V, two laurel branches. RSC 110; RIC Π 72. Near VF. (100)

686. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denanus (2.86 gm). 80 AD. I-aureate head left / Dolphin twined around anchor. RSC 310; RIC Π 26b. EF, old toning. Choice portrait of Titus. (750)

681. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denanus (3.23 gm). 74 AD. Laureate head right / Vespasian scaled, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 360b; RIC Π 77. Toned good Fine, nice portrait. (125) 57

687. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denanus (3.44 gm). 80 AD. Laureate head left / Wreath on curule chair. RSC 319; RIC Π 25b. VF. (300)




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694. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Struck 90-91 AD. Laureate head right / Minerva standing left. RIC Π 154; RSC 264. EF. (300)

688. TITUS. 79-81 AD./ESestertius(26.17gm).Laureateheadright/Mars.RIC Π 182. Good VF. green patina. Rare this nice. (3000)

695. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE Sestertius (22.64 gm). 95-96 AD. Laureate head right / Domitian standing left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre, being crowned by Victory. RIC Π 415. Good VF, dark green and tan patina, fields lightly smoothed. (800) Ex Coin Galleries 12/84, lot 33. 689. T I T U S . 79-81 AD. JE Sestertius (25.33 gm). Lugdunum. 80/81 AD. Laureate head right / Pax standing left, holding branch and comucopiae. RIC Π181. Good Fine, brown patina. (250)

690. DOMITIAN, Caesar. 79 AD. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). Laureate head right / Clasped hands holding legionary aquila over prow. RSC 393; RIC Π 246 (Vespasian). Good VF. (125)

691. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.63 gm). 82 AD. Laureate head right / Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and comucopiae. RSC 610; RIC Π 32. Good VF. (200)

692. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). 81-83 AD. Laureate head right / Eagle on thunderbolt. RSC 320; RIC Π 40. EF, light porosity. (75)

693. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). 85/86 AD. Laureate head right / IMP XI COS ΧΠ CENS PPP, Minerva standing left, holding thunderbolt and spear, shield atfeeL RSC 193; RICII75. Superb EF. (1000) Ex CNA XIII, lot 449.

696. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE As (12.37 gm). 87 AD. Laureate head right / Virtus standing right, holding spear and parazonium. RIC Π 356b. Near EF, smooth black patina, tiny mark on check. A superbly modeled figure of Virtus. (450)

697. DOMITIA, Wife of Domitian. 81 -96 AD. AR Tetradrachm (10.83 gm). Ephesus. Draped bust right / Venus standing right, holding long sceptre and helmet RSC 19; RIC Π 230 (Domitian); RSC 19. Toned VF. (2300)

698. DOMITIA, Wife of Domitian. 85 AD. JE Quadrans (2.80 gm). Wreathed bust of Ceres (resembling Domilia) left / Basket of grain ears. RIC Π 305B. Good VF, dark green patina. (250)

699. ANONYMOUS. Circa 81 -160 AD. JE Quadrans (2.37 gm). Head of Tiber right, wreathed with reeds / Wolf and twins. RIC Π 17. Good VF, brown patina, rough surface reverse. Rare. (250)




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700. A N O N Y M O U S . Circa 81-160 AD. IE Quadrans (2.26 gm). Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Mais right/Cuirass. RIC Π19. Good VF, dark green patina, fields smoothed. (200) 707. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Dupondius (14.25 gm). 101/102 AD. Radiale head right / Abundantia seated l e f t RIC Π 428. Near EF, nice even brown surfaces.

701. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). 96 AD. Laureate bust right / Salus seated l e f t R S C 132; RIC Π 9. Near EF. (450)

708. T R A J A N . 98-117 AD. JE As (10.12 gm). 101-102 AD. Laureate head right/Victory flying left, holding inscribed shield. RIC Π 434. Dark brown VF. (115) 702. NERVA. 96-98 AD. JE Quadrans ( 2 5 2 gm). Modius with two grain eais and a poppy/Winged caduceus. R I C H 110. Near VF, green patina. (75)


703. T R A I A N . 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.25 gm). 101/102 AD. Laureate head right / Victoiy seated left, holding patera and palm. RSC 239; RIC Π 57. Toned good VF. (275)

709. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE As (10.51 gm). 103-111 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Roma standing left, holding Victory and spear, Dacian kneeling at f e e t RIC Π 486. Good VF, black and brown patina. (400)

704. T R A J A N . 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.06 gm). 103-111 AD. Laureate head right, drapery at shoulder / Dacian seated on pile of arms, mourning. RSC 120; RIC Π 98. Good VF. (125)

AV — 710. P L O T I N A and MATIDIA. Circa 118 AD. AV Aureus (6.76gm). Draped bust of Plorina, wearing Stephane, hair in queue / Draped bust right of Matidia, wearing double Stephane. RIC Π 34; B M C 53. Fine, slight scrape on Matidia's drapery. Rare. (4500)

705. T R A J A N . 98-117 AD. AR Denanus (3.13 gm). 103-111 AD. Laureate head right, drapeiy at shoulder / Fortuna standing left, holding rudder by prow and cornucopiae. RSC 87; RIC Π122. Good VF. (100)

711. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Daianus (3.36 gm). 119-122 AD. Laureate head right / Victory with trophy. RSC 1132; RIC Π 101. Toned EF. (375)

706. T R A J A N . 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). 111-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and seeptie. RSC 315; RIC Π 364. Near EF. (200)

712. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denanus (3.35 gm). 125-128 AD. Laureate head right, drapeiy at shoulder / Nude Hercules seated right on cuirass, club resting on shields, holding distaff. RSC 331; RIC H 149. Good VF. (150)





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713. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). 125-128 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery / Roma standing left. RSC 349; RIC Π161. Toned near EF. (100)

720. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (2.92 gm). 134-138 AD. Bare head right / Nilus reclining. RSC 989; RIC Π 310. Nice VF. (150)

714. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.10gm). 125-128 AD. Laureate head right / Pudicina standing left RSC 392; RIC Π 176. Toned VF. ( 100).

721. HADRIAN. 117-138AD.ARDenarius(3.19gm). 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / RESTITVTORIHISPANIAE. RSC 1260; RIC Π 327. VF. (125)

715. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.48 gm). 134-138 AD. Laureate head right, drapery at shoulder / Victory advancing right, holding branch. RSC 1455var.; RIC Π 282. VF. (100)

722. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD./Ε Sestertius (24.83 gm). 117 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust left / Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae. RIC Π 541 a. Good VF, choice glossy jade green palina. Nice early portrait of Hadrian. (1250) Ex Empire VIII, lot 138. 716. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). 134-138 AD. Bare head right/ Hadrian standing left, holding patera over tripod. RSC 1481; RIC Π 290. Toned near EF. (300)

717. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.25 gm). 134-138 AD. Bare head right /Egypt reclining left on basket and holding sistrum; ibis at feet. RSC 99; RIC Π 297. Toned EF. (400) 723. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. /E Sestertius (26.99 gm). 118 AD. Laureate head right, drapery at shoulder / Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae. RIC Π 551 a. Near EF, medium green palina. Choice portrait of Hadrian. (1800) Ex Sternberg XVII, lot 589.

718. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.26gm). 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / Egypt reclining left on basket and holding sistrum; ibis at feet. RSC 100; RIC Π 297. VF. (200)

724. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. Αϊ Sestertius (25.50 gm). 125-128 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery at shoulder / Diana standing right with bow. RIC Π 63 lb. EF, mottled brown patina. (2500)

719. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (2.74 gm). 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / Africarecliningleft holding scorpion and comucopiae; basket at feet. RSC 138;RICII299. VF. (200) 60




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AV 730. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AV Aureus (7.22 gm). 155/156AD. ANTONIN VS AVG PIVS PP IMP Π, laureate head right / TR POT XIX COS HD, Anioninus standing left, holding globe. RIC 111 256a. HI•'. (45(H))

725. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (29.22 gm). Posthumous issue. Struck 138-139 AD. Laureate head right/Hilaritas standing left, holding palm and comucopiae, boy and girl at feet. RIC Π 970b. Good VF, dark green patina, porosity, flan crack. (350) ExNFAXlX, lot 761; Garrett III, lot 276; Η elbig collection. Old collection number (1678) in ink on edge.

731. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). 139 AD. Laureate head right /Clasped hands. RSC 833a. Good VF, scarce. (125)

732. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (2.92 gm). 149/150AD. Laureate head right / Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus and comucopiae. RSC 253; RIC ΙΠ 187. Good VF. (150)

726. SABINA, wife of Hadrian. JE Sestertius (29.71 gm). 128-136 AD. Diademed and draped bust right / Concordia seated left, holding patera, elbow resting on statue of Spes, comucopiae below seat. RIC Π 1025a (Hadrian) Near VF, brown patina, porosity. Broad medallic flan. (350) ExKovacslX,

lot 306.

733. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.52 gm). 153/154 AD. Laureate head right / Vesta standing left, holding simpulum and palladium. RSC 198; RIC ΠΙ 229a. Good VF. (150)

727. SABINA, wife of Hadrian, JE Sestertius (26.07 gm). 128-136 AD. Diademed and draped bust right / Venus standing facing, head right, plucking at cloak and holding apple. RIC Π 1035a (Hadrian). VF, brown patina, porosity.


734. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). 159/160 AD. Laureate head right / Felicitas standing left, holding globe and comucopiae. RSC 374; RIC ΠΙ 299. Toned EF. (200)

735. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.00 gm). 145-161 AD. Laureate head right / Clasped hands holding caduceus and grain ears. RSC 344; RIC ΠΙ136. Toned VF. (125)

728. SABINA, wife of Hadrian. /£ Sestertius (27.69 gm). Diademed bust right / Venus standing right RIC Π 1035. Fine, smooth dark green patina. (200)

729. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AV Aureus (7.17 gm). 139 AD. Laureate bust right / Romulus advancing right, spear in right hand, standard over left shoulder. Mazzini Π 910 (this coin). Good VF. (4500)

736. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denanus (3.44 gm). 145-161 AD. Laureate head right / Thunderbolt on draped throne. RSC 345; RIC ΠΙ137. Good VF. (175)

Ex Mazzini collection, plated; Ex Christies 10185 "The Property ofa Lady", lot 69.





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742. D I W S ANTONINUS. Died 161 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). Bare head right, drapery at sh0ulder/C0NSEPA‫׳‬n0(sic), funeral pyre. RSC 264c; BMC IV pg. 394,60 note. Toned VF. (75)

737. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.03 gm). 145-161 AD. Laureate head right / Temple of Augustus and Livia. RSC 809; RIC ΙΠ 143. Good VF.


743. FAUSTINA SR., wife of Antoninus Pius. JS. Sestertius (24.07 gm). Posthumous issue. Draped bust right / Faustina standing left, dropping incense on lighted altar and holding box. RIC ΙΠ 1146Aa (Antoninus) VF, green patina. (350)

738. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. Ά Sestertius (27.24 gm). 140-144 AD. Laureate head right /1TBERIS S C, Tiber reclining left on amphora, holding reed and resting ami on galley. RIC HI 642a(R). Near VF, olive-green patina, fields smoothed. (400)

Ex Coin Galleries 11!86, lot 207.

744. FAUSTINA SR. Died 141 AD. M Sestertius (23.03 gm). Draped bust right / Aetemitas standing left, holding phoenix on globe. RIC ΠΙ 1105 (Antoninus). Near VF, brown patina. (150)

739. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161AD.yESestertius(24.67gm). 147/148AD. !.aureate head right / Antoninus standing sacrificing over tripod. RIC HI 844. Near EF, brown-green patina, slight flan split. Excellent portrait. (1250) ExLanz36,lot687.

745. MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 145-147 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Bare head right/Spes walking left, holding flower. RSC 103;RIC1n431 (Antoninus). VF. (100)

740. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. Ά Sestertius (24.44 gm). 148/149 AD. 1-auieate head right / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and comucopiae. RIC ΠΙ 855. Good VF, smooth chocolate brown patina with green highlights. (700) ExM&M XVII, lot 612

746. MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 139-161 AD. M Sestertius (25.32gm). 161 AD. Bare head nght, drapery al shoulder/ Aurelius in quadriga decorated by Victory,holding eagle tipped sceptre. RIC 111 1360b (Antoninus); BMC 2124 (Antoninus); Hunter 115 (Antoninus). Good VF, brown patina, slight pitting and edge bump. Reverse much sharper than in Hunter and BMC. Rare. (600) 741. D I W S ANTONINUS. Died 161 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Bare head right / Altar. RSC 357; RIC ΠΙ441 (Aurelius). VF. (100)

Ex NFA XVII, lot 861. 42




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753. D I W S MARCUS AUREUUS. Died 180 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Bare head right / Eagle on thunderbolt, head left. RSC 83; RIC ΠΙ269 (Commodus). VF. (100)

747. MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 148/149 AD. Ai As (9.02 gm). Bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right / Virtus seated left, holding parazonium and spear. RICIII1295 (Antoninus). Good VF, daik green patina, pitting on reverse. (300)

754. D I W S MARCUS AURELIUS. Died 180 AD. Consecration issue, struck 180 AD. AR Denarius (2.56 gm). Laureate head right / Eagle on altar. Hybrid, similar to RIC m pg. 224. Unpublished. Darkly toned VF+. (200) 748. MARCUS AURELIUS, Caesar. 159/160 AD. Ά As (11.89 gm). Bare head right, drapery at shoulder/Virtus standing right, holding spear and parazonium. RIC ΙΠ 1355B (Antoninus). Near EF, brown patina, porosity. (550)

755. FAUSTINA JR., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. AR Denarius (3.01 gm). Draped bust nght/ Altar. RSC 75; RIC ffl 746 (Aurelius). Toned EF.

(200) 749. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). 165AD. Laureate head right / Roma seated left, holding palladium and parazonium. RSC 481;RICIH 138. Near EF. (200)

756. FAUSTINA JR., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. Ai Sestertius (20.83 gm). Draped bust right, double strand of pearls in hair/ Feeunditas standing facing right, holding sceptre and infant. RIC ΙΠ 1638 (Aurelius); BMC IV 909 (Aurelius). VF, chocolate brown patina, small flan crack. Good portrait. (350)

750. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (2.99 gm). 169/170 AD. Laureate head right / Diana standing left, holding arrow and bow. RSC 130; RIC ΙΠ 212. Toned EF. (300)

Ex NFA XVII, lot 875.

751. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). 174/175 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM TR Ρ XXIX, laureate head nght / IMP VR COS HI, Mars walking right, holding spear and trophy. RSC-; RIC HI-. Good VF. This combination of obverse legend and reverse type not recorded. (175)

757. FAUSTINA JR., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. Ai Sestertius (25.49 gm). Draped bust right / Draped throne, a sceptre leaning against it and a peacock standing before. RIC ΙΠ1704 (Aurelius). Good VF, black patina, fields smoothed. (350)

752. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161 -180 AD. yE Sestertius (24.32 gm). 172/173 AD. Laureate head right / VICT GERMA IM.Ρ VI COS ΙΠ S C within laurel wreath. (500) RIC ΠΙ1090; BMC IV 1455. Good VF, tan patina, scarcertype. ExCoinGalleries 11/88, lot396

758. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denanus (3.35 gm). 161 AD. Bare head right / Providentia standing, holding globe and comucopiae. RIC ΠΙ 463; RSC 144. Nice VF, nice portrait. (165) 63




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759. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). 161 AD. Bare head right / Providentia standing left, holding globe and comucopiae. RSC 144; RIC ΙΠ 463 (Aurelius). Toned VF. (75) 764. LUCILLA, wife of Lucius Vcrus. 164-169 AD. R Sestertius (19.90gm). Draped bust right / Vesta standing left, holding simpulum and palladium, altar at feet. RIC ΠΙ1779 (Aurelius). VF, nice yellow-green patina. (750) ExLanz 32,101598.

765. LUCILLA, Wife of Lucius Verus. R As (9.08 gm). Draped bust right / Hilaritas standing left RIC ΠΙ1741 (Aurelius). Near VF, green patina. (100)

760. LUCIUS VERUS. Died 169 AD. R Sestertius (27.61 gm). Bare head right / Funeral pyre. RIC ΠΙ1511 (Aurelius). VF, black and tan patina. (300)

766. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denanus (2.81 gm). 183/184 AD. Laureate head right / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and comucopiae, globe at feet. RSC 446; RIC ΠΙ73. EF, old toning, oval flan. (275)

761. LUCILLA, wife of Lucius Vcrus. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Draped bust right / Vesta standing left by altar, holding simpulum and palladium. RSC 92; RIC 1ÏÏ 788 (Aurelius). Toned good VF. (200)

767. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. R Sestertius (23.34 gm). 183/184 AD. laureate head right / Annona standing left, holding small statue of Concordia and cornucopiae, modius with grain ears at feet, galley behind, the prow decorated with winged Victory. RIC ΙΠ 416. VF, brown and green patina, sUght pitting. Complex reverse type. (250)

762. LUCILLA, wife of Lucius Verus. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Draped bust right /luno with peacock. RIC m 772; RSC 41. Good VF, flaw on neck. (125)

Ex Coin Galleries 5/88, loi 331.

763. LUCILLA, wife of Lucius Vcrus. 164-169 AD. R Sestertius (23.97 gm). Draped bust right / Venus seated left, holding Victory and sceptre. RIC ΠΙ 1776 (Aurehus). Near EF, black patina. Attractive portrait (1250)

768. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. /£ Sestertius (23.26 gm). 189 AD. Laureate head right / Minerva standing left, holding Victory and spear, shield at feet, trophy behind. RIC ΠΙ 544. Near EF, pale green patina, light porosity. (600)

ExNFAXVH, loi 881.

ExLanz52,lol526. 64



769. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. /E Sestertius (23.41 gm). 192 AD. Head of Commodus as Hercules right, clad in hon skin / HER CVL ROM ANO AV GV S C and club within wreath. RIC ΠΙ637. VF, black patina, surface pitting partially smoothed. Scarce and popular type from the end of the reign. (1000)


25,1 992

774. DIDIUS JULIANUS. March-May 193 AD. JE Sestertius (21.98 gm). Laureate head right / Concordia standing left, holding two standards. RIC IV pL 1, 14(R). Near VF, black patina. Clear portrait. Rare. (700)

ExPeus 313. hit 5X4

775. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 193-195 AD. AR Denarius (2.88 gm). Bare head right / MINER PACIF COS Π, Minerva standing left, holding branch, spear and shield. RSC 48; RIC IV pt. 1,7. Near VF. (250) 770. CRISPINA., wife of Commodus. AR Denanus (3.44 gm). Draped bust right/Lighted altar. RSC 16;RICm281 (Commodus). VF, scarce. (125)

771. CRISPINA, wife of Commodus. JE As (8.24 gm). Draped bust right / Hilaritas standing left, holding palm and comucopiae. RIC ΙΠ 678 (Commodus). EF; mottled brown, red and green patina, fields smoothed. (350)

776. CLODIUS ALBINUS, Caesar. 193-195 AD. JE Sestertius (19.23 gm). Bare head right / Minerva standing left, holding olive branch, spear and shield. RIC IV pt. 1,54a. Good, patchy green patina. (200)

777. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.18 gm). 198202 AD. Laodicea. Laureate head right / Annona standing left,rightfoot on prow, holding comucopiae and com ears. RIC IV pL 1,501 ; RSC 39. Nice VF. (85)

772. PERTINAX. January - March 193 AD. JE Sestertius (24.29 gm). Laureate head right / Providentia standing left, lifting arms toward star. A.M. Woodward, "The Coins of Pertinax", NC 1957 pl. ΧΠ,Ι (same obverse die); RIC IV pt 1,22(R). VF/near VF, brown patina, chop marks on neck. Nice portrait in spite of marks, which may be ancient "damnatio." Rare. (1500) Ex Empire HI, lot 341.

778. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (3.11 gm). 200201 AD. Laureate head right / Virtus standing left, holding Victory and spear and shield.RSC761 ;RICIVpt. 1,171a.Good VF. (100)

773. PERTINAX. 193 AD. JE As (8.03 gm). Laureate head right / Pertinax standing left, holding patera over tripod. RIC IV pt. 1,39(R2). Fine, glossy green patina. (200)

779. SEFTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.17 gm). 205 AD. Laureate head right / Roma standing left, holding Victory and spear. RSC 470; RIC rVpt. 1,197. Toned EF. (200)



M a r c h 25,1 992

780. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). 207 AD. Laureate head right / Severus on horseback left, holding vertical spear and Victory. RSC495a;RICIVpt. l,213A(R3).NearEF. (200) 787. C A R A C A L L A . 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (5.05 gm). 216 AD. Radiale and draped bust right / Serapis standing facing left, holding sceptre. RSC 349b; RIC IV pL 1,280d.NearEF, reverse weakly struck. (150)

781. S E P T I M I U S S E V E R U S . 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). 202210AD. Laureate head right/Felicitas standing left. RIC IV p t 1,261.Near EF.

(100) 788. C A R A C A L L A . 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.75 gm). 217 AD. Radiate and draped bust right / Victory sealed right, inscribing shield, facing trophy with two bound captives. RSC 648a; RIC IV pt. 1,297c. VF, roughness on portrait.

(200) 782. S E P T I M I U S SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denanus (3.76 gm). 210211 AD. Laureate head right / VICTOR1AE BRIT, Victory standing facing, head right, holding branch and shield placed on tree. RSC 729; RIC IV pt. 1,337. Toned good VF. (150)

789. C A R A C A L L A . 198-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (5.58 gm). 217 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right /Zeus seated left, holding patera and seeptre. RSC 380a; RIC IV pt. 1 -. Near EF. (250) 783. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Severus. 196-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). Draped bust right / Domna as Cybele in quadriga drawn by lions. RSC 117; RIC IV pt. 1,562 (Severus). VF. (200)

784. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Severus. 196-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.62 gm). Draped bust right/Cybele seated left. RSC 123; RIC 561 (Severus). Toned choice EF.

790. C A R A C A L L A . 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (4.17 gm). Laodicea. 200201 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing left, holding Victory and spear. RSC 664a; RIC IV pt. 1,354. Toned EF. (175)


785. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Severus. AR Denanus (3.78 gm). 196-211 AD. Draped bust right/Pietas sacrificing over altar. RSC 150; RIC IV pt 1,572 (Severus). Toned EF. (175) ExGeorge Polis collection.

786. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Severus. AR Denarius (3.24 gm). 211 -217 AD. Draped bust right / Vesta standing left, holding palladium and sceptre. RSC 230; RIC IV pt. 1,390 (Caracalla). Toned good VF. (150)

791. C A R A C A L L A . 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). 201-206 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Galley to left; four oarsmen, boatswain, three passengers. RSC 3; RIC IV pt. 1,120. VF (150)

792. C A R A C A L L A . 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (2.70 gm). 213-217 AD. laureate head right / Victory seated right, inscribing shield. RSC 656b; RIC IV pL 1, 314 note. VF. (250) 1 28




25,1 992

799. GETA, Caesar. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). 200-202 AD. Draped bust right/ Geta standing left, holding branch and spear. RSC 159; RIC IV pi 1,15b. Choice toned EF. (450)

793. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (2.89 gm). 215 AD. Laureate head right / Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 314; RIC IV pL 1,268. Choice toned EF, with old cabinet tickeL (175)

800. GEHA, Caesar. 200-202 AD. ARDenarius(3.14gm). Bare-headed, draped bust right/Securitas seated left. RSC 183;RICIVpt. 1,20a. EF/VF, nice portrait. (150) 794. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (2.65 gm). 215 AD. Laureate head right / Serapis standing facing left, holding long sceptre. RSC 296; RIC IV pL l,263f. Good VF. (100)

801. GETA. 209-212 AD. /E Sestertius (21.45 gm). 210 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on shoulder/Caracalla and Geta standing left, three soldiers behind, bound captive at feet RIC IV pt. 1,157b (R3); Banti 44. Fine, brown and green patina. Very Rare. (400)

795. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). 213 AD. Laureate head right / Libertas standing left, holding pileus and sceptre. RSC 224; RIC IV pt 1, 209a. Toned good VF. (75)

802. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (2.86 gm). Laureate head right / Victory with wreath. RSC 195a; RIC IV p t 2,45. EF/VF. (75)

796. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.48 gm). 216 AD. Laureate head right / Serapis standing facing left. RSC 280c; RIC IV pt. 1,348. Good VF. <75)

803. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.24 gm). Laureate and draped bust nght/Victory flying left, holding fillet, shields at feet; star in leftfield.RSC 300; R l C I V p t 2,161. Toned EF. (200)

797. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. Λί Sestertius (27.70 gm). 211-213 AD. Laureate and bearded head right / Caracalla 111 priest's robes standing left, sacrificing over tripod, sacrificial bull behind. Banti IV-1,141. Good VF, brown patina, pitting in reverse field. Broad medallic flan. (275)

804. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denanus (2.94 gm). Type as above. RSC 300; RIC IV pt. 2,161. Toned EF. (200)

805. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). Laureate bust nght / Military standards. RIC IV pt. 2,78; RSC 44. Toned EF, weak reverse. (100)

798. PLAUTILLA, wife of Caracalla. 202-205 AD. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Draped bust right / Pietas standing facing right, holding sceptre and child. RSC 16; RIC IV pt. 1,367 (Caracalla). Good VF. (125) 67




25,1 992

806. J U L L \ PAULA, Wife of Elagabalus. 219-220 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Draped bust right / Concordia seated left, holding patera. RSC 6; RIC IV pL 2, 211 (Elagabalus). Lustrous EF, patches of encrustation. (300)

813. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.77 gm). 231 AD. Laureate bust right / Sol standing with globe. RSC 41 la; RIC IV pt. 2, 109. EF/VF. (125).

807. JULIA PAULA, Wife of Elagabalus. Ά As (12.34 gm). Draped bust right / Elagabalus and Paula. RIC IV pt. 2,387 (R3). Fine. Rare. (125)

814. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.82 gm). 231235 AD. Laureate head right, drapery at shoulder / Providentia standing left, holding grain ears overmodius and comucopiae. RSC 501b; RIC IV pL 2,250. EF.


808. JULIA SOAEMIAS, Mother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). Draped bust right / Venus seated left, holding apple and sceptre, child at feet. RSC 14; RIC IV pt. 2,243 (Elagabalus). Near EF, patches of encrustation. (125)

815. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. /E Dupondius (14.27 gm). Radiate head right, drapery on left shoulder / Mars advancing right, holding spear and shield. RIC TV pt. 2,636. VF, brown-green patina, large flan. (125)

809. JULIA MAESA, Grandmother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). Eastern mint. Draped bust right / Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock at feet. RSC 20a; RIC IV pt. 2,256 (Elagabalus). Good VF, tiny scrape on cheek. (125) 816. JULIA MAMAEA, Mother of Severus Alexander. AR Denarius (3.67 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Felicitas seated left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RSC 24; RIC IV pt. 2,338. Toned EF, scratches in front of face.

(200) 810. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.94 gm). 224 AD. Laureate bust right / Mars standing left RSC 251 ; RIC IV pt. 2,37. Choice toned EF, clashed die reverse. (150)

817. MAXIMINUS. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.02 gm). 235 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor standing left, holding sceptre, flanked by standards. RSC 46; RIC IV pt. 2,1. Near EF. (100) 811. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.73 gm). 228 AD. Laureate head nght / Romulus walking right with spear and trophy. RSC 351 ; RIC IV pt. 2,85; RSC 351. Toned choice EF. (150)

818. MAXIMINUS. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (2.98 gm). 235-236 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed right / Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and comucopiae. RSC 77a; RIC IV pt. 2,13. Choice EF. Old collection number in ink in reverse field. (200)

812. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). 228231 AD. Laureate head right / Emperor advancing right, holding spear and trophy. RSC 585; RIC IV pt. 2,225. EF. (125) 68



819. MAXIMINUS. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.02 gm). 235-236 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Providentia with globe. RSC 77a; RIC IV pt. 2,13. Good VF. (75)


25,1 992

825. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. AR Antoninianus (5.02 gm). 241-243 AD. Radiate bust right / Laetitia with anchor. RSC 121 ; RIC TV pt 3,86. EF, nice toning. (‫ל‬5)

820. MAXIMINUS. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.05 gm). 236 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor standing left, holding sceptre, flanked by standards. RSC 55; RIC IV pt. 2,3. Near EF. (100)

826. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. AR Denarius (3.46 gm). 241 AD. Laureate bust right/Securitas seated left. RSC 340; RIC IV pt. 3,130. Toned EF. (100)

827. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). 241 -243 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and rudder. RSC 120; RIC IV pL 3,113. Toned EF. Nice portrait. (175)

821. MAXIMINUS. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (2.86 gm). 235-236 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed right / Fides standing facing left, holding two standards. RSC 7; RIC IV pt 2,7a. Choice EF. (200)

822. MAXIMINUS. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (2.07 gm). 236-238 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed right / Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm; bound captive at feet. RSC 107; RIC IV pt. 2,23. EF. Struck on a light flan.

(200) 828. GORDIAN III. 238-244 AD. JE Sestertius (20.35 gm). 243-244 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Forttina seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae, wheel under seat. RICIVpL 3,331a. VF, dark green patina. (100)

823. GORDIAN 1.238 AD. AR Denanus (2.75 gm). Laureate bust right/Roma (2500) with Victoiy. RSC 8; RIC IV pt 2,4. Good VF.

829. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.08 gm). 248 AD. Radiate bust right/Lion; I. RIC IV pL 3,12; RSC 173. EF. (200)

830. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.58 gm). Millenium of Rome. 248 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Short column with COS III. RSC 19; RIC TV pt. 3,24c. Lustrous EF. (100)

824. GORDIAN I. 238 AD. JE Sestertius (17.53 gm). Laureate bust right / Virtus with spear and shield. RIC IV pt. 2,14. Near VF, green patina. Rare. (1200) 69




25,1 992

831. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antonmianus (3.72 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Liberalitas standing, holding abacus and comucopiae. RIC IV pL 3,38b; RSC 87. EF. (150)

837. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.19 gm). Milan. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Dacia standing left, holding dragon-headed standard. RSC 25; RIC IV pt 3,36a. Superb EF. (175)

832. OTACILIA SEVERA, Wife of Philip I. AR Antoninianus (3.67 gm). Struck 246-248 AD. Draped bust right on crescent/Concordia. RIC IV pt. 3,125c; RSC 4. Toned aEF. (75)

838. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.37 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bast right / Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm. RSC 111; R I C I V p l 3,7c. Superb EF. (150)

839. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.86 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Uberitas standing left, holding pileus and comuoopiae. RSC 105; RIC IV pt. 3,28b. Superb EF. (150) 833. OTACILIA SEVERA, Wife of Philip Ι. /E Sestertius (16.21 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Concordia sealed left, holding patera and double cornucopiae. RIC IV pt. 3,203a. Near EF, green patina. (100)

840. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. jESemis (3.66 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing left, holding shield and spear. RIC IV pt. 3,128. EF.motded redandbrown patina. (150)

834. PHILIP II. 247-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.62 gm). Radiate bust right /Two emperors seated left. RIC IV pt. 3,230; RSC 17. EF/VF. (75)

835. PHILIP II. 247-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.70 gm). Antioch. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and comu(175) copiae. RSC 1 ; RIC IV pL 3,240a. Superb EF.

841. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. Ai Double Sestertius (41.13 gm). Radiate cuirassed bust right/Victory advancing left. RIC IV pi. 3,126a. Fine. Rare. (850)

836. PHILIP II. 247-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.30 gm). Antioch. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, older features / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 1 ; RIC IV pt. 3,240a. Superb EF. (175)

842. HERENNLA ETRUSCILLA, Wife of'IVajan Decius. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.12gm). Draped bust right, on crescent/Pudicitia seated left, holding sceptre. RSC 29; RIC IV pt. 3,59b. Lustrous EF. (125) 70



843. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, Caesar. 250-251 AD. /E Sestertius (17.35 gm). Bare-headed, draped bust right / Mercuiy standing left, holding pileus and caduceus. RIC IV pt. 3,167a (Trajan Decius). Near VF, black patina. (200)

844. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251 -253 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.50 gm). Antioch. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Mars in military uniform advancing right, holding spear and shield. RSC 70; RIC IV pt. 3,84. Superb EF. (100)


25,1 992

849. MARINLANA, Wife of Valerian. JE As (6.62 gm). VeUed and draped bust right / Peacock standing facing. RIC V pL 1,11 (R2). Near VF, dark green pati na. (150)

850. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.37 gm). 254-255 AD. Radiate and draped bust right / Jupiter with thunderbolt, sceptre. RSC 351 ; RIC V pL 1,143. EF/VF. (75)

851. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.76 gm). Rome. Radiate head right / Panther walking left. RIC V pt 1,230. EF, flan crack, brown patina. (50)

845. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251-253 AD. JE Sestertius (11.92 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right/ Circular temple of Juno with two columns forward and two in background, statue of Juno with peacock within. RIC IV pt 3,112; Mazzini ΙΠ 54. VF, green patina. (250) 852. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.71 gm). Antioch. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Diana walking right, with crescent on head and carrying long torch. RSC 601 ; RIC V pt 1,646. Mint State. (95)

846. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251 -253 AD. JE Sestertius (18.56). Rome. Laureate and draped bust right / Pietas veiled raising both hands. RIC IV pL 3,116a VF, brown patina, usual square flan. (135)

853. SALONINA, Wifeof Gallienus. Died268 AD. Antoninianus (3.90gm). Bustrighton crescent/Aequitas; VDC. RIC 87. EF. (100)

847. VOLUSIAN. 253 AD. Antoninianus (3.47 gm). Radiate and draped bust right/Concord seated left,RSC 25; RTVIV pt .3,168. VF. (100)

854. MACRIANUS. 260-261 AD. Antoninianus (4.44 gm). Antioch. Radiate, draped bust right / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and comucopiae. RSC 1 b; RIC V pL 2,5(R2). Near EF, some weakness. Good silver. (175)

848. VOLUSIAN. 251 -253 AD. JE Sestertius (14.72 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and sceptre. RIC IV pt 3, 251a. VF, brown patina. Choice portrait (500)

855. QUIETUS. 260-261 AD. Billon Antoninianus (4.97 gm). Antioch. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Radiate Sol standing left, holding globe; star to left. RIC V pt. 2,10(R2). VF, porous surfaces. (100)




25,1 992

856. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus ( 1.80 gm). Lugdunum. 259 AD. Radiate and draped bust right / Rhine. RIC V pt. 2,38(R2). VF, unusual portrait. (125) 861. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE Sestertius (24.54 gm). Lugdunum. 260 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor with globe and spear. RIC V pt 2,187. Fine, off center. (150)

857. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE Sestertius (17.38 gm). Lugdunum. 262 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor on horseback addressing four soldiers. RIC V pt. 2,117. Fine, some weakness. (150) 862. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE Sestertius (23.56 gm). Radiate and draped bust right /Galley to left. Cf. Bastien, Le Monnayage de Bronze de Postume, 386p (pl. LXni). Oversüuck on a Sestertius of Marcus Aurelius / Victory and trophy. RIC ΠΙ 931. Near VF, heavy green and brown patina. Ovestriking has left both coin types obscure. (125)

858. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE Sestertius (16.28 gm). Lugdunum. Radiate bust right /Triumphal arch with captives, inscribed FELICITAS. RIC V pL 2,118. Fine, hole through flan. (125)

863. MARIUS. 268 AD. 4· Antoninianus (3.15 gm). Radiate bust right/Victory mnning right. RIC V p i 2,18. Brown EF/VF. (450)

864. MARIUS. 268 AD. Antoninianus (2.84 gm). Uncertain minL Radiate bust right / Victoiy advancing right, holding wreath and palm. RIC V pt. 2,18. Good VF, brown patina. (175) 859. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE Sestertius (16.79 gm). Lugdunum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right/Galley right. RIC Vpt. 2,143. Fine, reverse weaklystiuck, obverse double struck. (125)

865. VICTORINUS. 268-270 AD. Ai Antoninianus (3.74 gm). Radiate bust right / Sol striding left; star. RIC V pt. 2,114. EF, choice portrait. (75)

860. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. .4· Sestertius (16.12 gm). Lugdunum. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right /RESTITVTOR GALUAE. RIC V pt. 2,157. VF, usual weak strike. (250)

866. T E T R I C U S I. 270-273 AD. Ai Antoninianus (3.03 gm). Radiate and draped bust right / Spes walking left. RIC V pL 2,270. EF. (75)




25,1 992

867. QUINTILLUS. 270 AD. Antoninianus (3.78 gm). Milan. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing left, holding branch and spear. RIC V pt. 1,58. Brown VF. (125)

873. SEVERINA, Wife of Aurelian. Antoninianus (4.15 gm). Ticinum. Diademed and draped bust right, on crescent / Sol and Concordia standing confronted; U XXT. RIC V pt 1,9. EF, with nearly full silvering. (200)

868. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (5.31 gm). Rome. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Sol advancing left, trampling captive, another to right; VU. RIC V p t 1,62. EF. (90)

874. SEVERINA, Wife of Aurelian. /Ε Denarius (2.70 gm). Rome. Diademed bust right / VENVS FELIX; /S. RIC V pL 1,6. VF, traces of silvering, scarce.

869. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (3.64 gm). Rome. Radiate bust right / Sol trampling captive; I/XXIR. RIC V pt. 1,64(F). EF, some silvering. (125)

875. VABALATHUS, as Augustus. 271 -272 AD. Ai Antoninianus (2.94 gm). Radiate bust nghl / Virtus standing with shield and spear. RIC VI pL 2,8(R3). VF, green patina with earthen highlights. Very Rare. (1100)


870. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antoninianus (3.45 gm). Siscia. Radiate and cuirassed bust right/Emperor and Concordia, clasping hands; *T.RIC VpL 1,244. Superb toned EF, full silvering. (125)

876. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antonimanus (4.29 gm). Rome. Radiate head right with drapery / Laetitia left; XXIB. RIC V pt. 1,89(K)var. Mint State, near full silvering, unusual bust style. (75)

877. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antonimanus (3.84 gm). Lugdunum. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Fides standing left, holding standards; ΠΙ. RIC V pL 2,28. EF, brown patina. (125)

871. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. Antonimanus (4.33 gm). Full Obverse Brockage. Radiate and cuirassed bust nght. EF, traces of silvering. (300)

872. SEVERINA, Wife of Aurelian. Antoninianus (4.40 gm). Rome. Diademed bust right, on crescent/Concord with standards; A/XXIR. RIC V pL 1,4. EF. (150)

878. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (2.93 gm). Lugdunum. Radiate bust left with spear and shield / Mars with trophy; Π. RIC V pL 2,86. EF. (150)




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879. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.40 gm). Rome. Radiate bust right / Jupiter standing left; R bolt B. RIC V pt. 2,173(F). EF, good silvering. (100)

885. DIOCLETIAN. Post Abdication. 308 AD. JE Follis (10.58 gm). Antioch. laureate and draped bust right with olive branch and mappa / Providentia and Quics standing facing; A/ ANT. RIC VI 83b (R3). Brown VF+. (150)

880. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.72 gm). Rome. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Emperor on horseback left, trampling captive; R*S. RIC V pt. 2,160. Superb EF, nearly full silvering. (250)

886. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. Antoninianus (3.82 gm). Lugdunum. 289 AD. Radiate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Hercules strangling lion. RIC V pL 2,454. Choice EF, full silvering. (300)

881. CARUS. 282-283 AD. Antoninianus (3.83 gm). Antioch. Radiate and draped bust right / VIRTVS AVGGG, emperor receiving Victory from Jupiter, */H/XXL RIC V pt .2,125. Near VF, some weakness. Good silver. (175)

887. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. Antoninianus (3.73 gm). Rome. 291 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Hercules with trophy; XXIA. RIC V pt. 2, 515. EF, good metal. (75)

AVGGG indicates this coin was struck near the end ofCarus' reign, when he pro• claimed his sons Numerian and Carinus as Augusti during his campaign against Persia.

882. CARUS. 282-285. JE Denarius (2.62 gm). Rome. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Providentia with baton and sceptre, globe at fooL RIC V pL 2,53(R2). Brown EF, some striking weakness. Rare. (700)

888. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. JE Follis (9.37 gm). Ticinum. 296-297 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; * /ST. RIC VI31 b. Good VF, mottled green and red patina. (75)

883. CARAUSIUS. 286-293 AD. Antoninianus (4.59 gm). London. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre; F O/ML RIC V pt. 2,101. Near EF, brown patina. (250)

889. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. JE Follis (9.65 gm). Heraclea. 296-297 AD. IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS PF AVG, laureate head right / Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; ΗΤΓ. Cf. RIC VI 17b. EF, partial silvering. This obverse legend not recorded for Heraclea mint. (75)

884. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. Ai Follis (9.11 gm). Rome. 303-305 AD. 1 auieatc head right / Moneta standing left, holding scales and comucopiae; RuP. RIC VI 111a. EF, dark brown patina. (175)

890. MAXIMIANUS. 286-310 AD. JE Follis (9.63 gm). Cyzicus. 295-296 AD. laureate head right / Genius standing right, holding patera and comucopiae; ΚΔ. RIC VI 10b. Choice EF, full silvering. (100)




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891. CONSTANTIUS I, Caesar. 297-299 AD. JE Follis (9.76 gm). Cyzicus. Laureate head right / Genius standing right, holding patera and comucopiae; KB. RIC VI llb.EF, most of silvering intacL (85)

896. SEVERUS Π. 306-307 AD. JE Fotos (10.76 gm). Lugdunum. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Genius by altar, */PLC. RIC VI 186c. EF/VF, black patina. (225)

892. CONSTANTIUS I, Caesar. 301-302 AD. iE Follis (11-59 gm). Lugdunum. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left, holding patera over altar and comucopiae; A/PLC. RIC VI 164a. Superb EF, full silvering. (160)

897. MAXIMINUS, Caesar. Circa 310 AD. JE Follis (6.72 gm). Antioch. Laureate bust left, holding Victory on globe and ornate shield / Maximinus standing left, holding Victory and spear, altar at feel, B/ANT. RIC VI 135(R3). Near VF, brown patina, areas of corrosion. (150)

898. ROMULUS. Died 309 AD. JE Follis (6.05 gm). Rome. Bare head right / Temple with domed roof; RBT. RIC VI 207. VF. (475) 893. GALERIUS, Caesar. 295 AD. JE Follis (8.17 gm). Siscia. Laureate head right /Genius standing right, holding patera and comucopiae; I7*SIS. RIC VI 90b. EF, most of silvering intact. (85)

899. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. JE Follis (2.94 gm). Aquilea. 320 AD. Helmeted bust right / Standard with captives; S F/AQS. RIC VÏÏ 51. EF. (75)

894. GALERIUS. 309-313 AD. JE Follis (6.92 gm). Alexandria. 311 AD. Laureate head right / Genius standing nght, holding patera and comucopiae; υ Γ/Κ P/ALE. RIC VI 124. EF, most of silvering intact under red-brown patina. (75)

900. LICINIUS I. 308-324 AD. JE Follis (3.27 gm). Alexandria. 315 AD. Laureate head right / Zeus standing left, holding Victory and sceptre, eagle at feet; wreath A N/ALE. RIC VH 10(R3). Choice EF, silvered. (85)

901. LICINIUS Π, Caesar. JE Follis (3.06 gm). 321-324 AD. Alexandria. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / Jupiter standing left with Victory and sceptre, eagle and captive at feet; X ΠΓ/SMALA. RIC VII30. Choice EF, brown patina. (125)

895. GALERIUS. Consecration Issue. 311 AD. JE Follis (5.35 gm). Thessalonica. DIVO MAXIMIANO, veiled head nght / MEM DIVIMAXIMIANI, domed shrine with eagle; A/-SM-TS·. RIC VI 48(R5). Good VF, dark brown patina. Extremely Rare. (250)





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909. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.53 gm). Trier. 323-324 AD. Laureate head right / S ARMAT A DEVICTA; PTRu. RIC VÏÏ 435. Superb EF.

902. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. AV Solidus (4.53 gm). Nicomedia. 335 AD. Diademed head right, gazing upward / Victory inscribing shield held by Genius; SMNC. RIC VÏÏ 175. EF, wavy flan. Rare. (2500)


910. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE FoUis (3.65gm).Ticinum.322-325 AD. Laureate head right/ VOT/XX within wreath; u/QT. RIC VH 167. Choice EF. (75) 903. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.26 gm). London. 310-312 AD. Laureate bust right / ADVENTVS AVG; PLN. RIC VII133 (scarce). EF. (150)

911. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.59 gm). Sirmium. 324-325 AD. Laureate head right / Victory advancing right with trophy and palm, trampling bound captive; SIRM. RIC VII48. Choice EF, some silvering. (125) 904. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.23 gm). London. 324-325 AD. Laureateheadright/Campgate; PLÖN. RIC VU 293. Superb EF. (75)

912. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.85 gm). Heraclea. 324 AD. Diademed (pearls) head right / DN CONSTANTIN! MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath; */SMHA. RIC VII60. Choice EF, silvered. (75)

905. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.19 gm). Trier. 319 AD. Helmeted bust right / Victories around altar holding shield; STR. RIC VII213. Choice EF. (75)

913. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.09 gm). Heraclea. 325-326 AD. Diademed (wide paneled band) head nght / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOTXXX in wreath; SMHA. RIC VII 70(R3). Choice EF, brown patina. (85)

906. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.71 gm). Trier. 321 AD. Helmeted bust right/Altar with globe; PTR. RIC VÏÏ 303. Choice EF. (75)

914. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.14 gm). 324-325 AD. Cyziais. Laureate head right / Campgatc; SMKZ. RIC VII24. Superb EF, brown patina. (95)

907. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.30 gm). Trier. 321 AD. Helmeted bust right / Altar with globe; STR. RIC VII303. Choice EF. (75)

915. CONSTANTINOPLE. 330 AD. JE 14 mm (0.97 gm). Constantinople. POP ROMANVS / Star in wreath; CONSI. RIC VU 22; LRBC 1067. VF.

908. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.06 gm). Trier. 321 AD. Consular bust left / Altar with globe; PTR. RIC VII 306(R4). Superb EF. (100)

(75) 76



916. CONSTANTINOPLE. 330 AD. JE 14 mm (0.76 gm). Constantinople. POP ROMANVS / Star in wreath; CONSIA. RIC VH 22; LRBC 1067. VF. (75)


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923. HELENA, Mother of Constantine I. JE Follis (2.59 gm). Antioch. 327-328 AD. Diademed bust right / Securitas standing; AE/-SM ANT. Hunter V pg. 258,16. VF. (100)

917. HELENA, Mother of Constantine I. JE Follis (3.35 gm). Heraclea. 325326 AD. Diademed bust right/Securitas standing; SMHB. RIC VII79. VF. (75)

924. FAUSTA.Wife of Constantine I. JE Follis (3.20 gm). Heraclea. 325-326 AD. Draped bust right /Spes with two children; SMHA. RIC VII 80(R1). VF. (75)

918. HELENA, Mother of Constantine 1.324-325 AD. JE Follis (2.42 gm). Nicomedia. Diademed bust right / Securitas standing; SMNT. RIC VU 95(R2); LRBC 1082. Good VF, brown patina. (100)

925. CRISPUS, Caesar. 317-326 AD. A·. Follis (2.90 gm). London. 320 AD. FL IVL CRISP VS NOB CAES, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR over altar, wreath with star/PLN. RIC VII 174(R2). Good VF, brown patina. (125)

919. HELENA, Mother of Constantine I. JE Follis (2.34 gm). Nicomedia. 326-327 AD. Diademed bust right /Securitas standing; ΝΔ. RIC VH 148(R5). VF. (125)

926. CRISPUS, Caesar. 317-326 AD. JE Follis (2.39 gm). London. 321-322 AD. Helmeted bust left / Altar with globe; PLÖN. RIC VII230. Superb EF. (75)

920. HELENA, Mother of Constantine I. JE Follis (2.76 gm). Cyzicus. 324-325 AD. Diademed bust right /Securitas standing; SMKA. RIC VH 28(R3). Near VF. (75)

927. CRISPUS, Caesar. 317-326 AD. Ai Follis (3.35 gm). London. 323-324 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust left with spear and shield / Altar with globe; PLÖN. RIC VH 279. Near EF. (125)

921. HELENA, Mother of Constantine I. JE Follis (3.52 gm). Antioch. 327-328 AD. Diademed bust right/Securitas standing; SMANTI. RIC VU 80(R3). VF. (75)

928. CRISPUS, Caesar. 317-326 AD. jE Follis (3.16 gm). Trier mint 323-324 AD. Laureate head right / VOT/X within wreath; STRu. RIC Vn 440. Choice EF. (75)

922. HELENA, Mother of Constantine I. JE Follis (3.29 gm). Antioch. 328-329 AD. Diademed bust nght /Securitas standing; •SMANTI. RIC VÏÏ 82(R4). VF.

929. CRISPUS, Caesar. 317-326 AD. JE Follis (2.72 gm). Lyons. 320 AD. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Standard with captives; A S /PLC. RIC VH 109(R2). EF. (75)





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930. C R I S P U S , Caesar. 317-326 AD. JE Follis (3.73 gm). Lyons. Laureate and cuirassed bust right /Altar with globe; C R/PLG. RICVH 133. Superb EF. (100)

937. C O N S T A N T I N E I I , Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (3.02 gm). London. 323-324 AD. Radiate bust left / Altar with globe; PLÖN. RIC V n 284. EF.

931. C R I S P U S , Caesar. 317-326 AD. JE Follis (2.71 gm). Lyons. 323-324 AD. laureate bust left / VOT/X within wreath; •·/ ·PLGC. See RIC VH 223 note. Choice EF. (100)

938. C O N S T A N T I N E II, Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (2.53 gm). London. 324-325 AD. Laureate bust right / Camp gate with 5 layers; PLÖN. RIC VII296. EF. (75)

932. CRISPUS, Caesar. 322 AD. JE Follis (3.06 gm). Aqutleia. Laureate head nght /CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, VOT X m wreath; palms/AQS. RIC VU 106. Superb EF, attractive iridescent toning over full silvering. (150)

939. CONSTANTINE II, Caesar. 317-337 AD. / £ Follis (3.64 gm). Trier. 326 AD. Laureate bust right / Camp gate with 6 layers; S T R u · . RIC VU 479. Choice EF. (75)

933. D E L M A T I U S , Caesar. 335-337 AD. JE Follis (1.50 gm). Alexandria. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Soldiers flanking standard; SMALA. RIC VII 69(R4); LRBC 1439. Good VF, brown patina. (125)

940. CONSTANTINE II, Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (2.96 gm). Ticinum. 322-325 AD. CONSTANTINVS IVN Ν C, laureate bust left, wearing traebia / CAESARVM N O S T R O R . V O T X in wreath; •TT·. See RIC V n p g . 3 8 0 N . B . f o r comments on variations on this type. Choice EF. (100)

934. C O N S T A N T I N E I I , Caesar. 317-337 AD. jEFollis (3.12gm). London. 322-323 AD. Radiate bust right / Altar with globe; F B/PLON. RIC VH 254. Choice EF. (75)

941. C O N S T A N T I N E II, Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (2.88 gm). Siscia. 320 AD. Laureate bust left, Victory on globe / Standard with captives; S F/HL/ESISu*. RIC VII133 (Rl). EF. (125)

935. C O N S T A N T I N E II, Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (2.57 gm). London. 322-323 AD. Helmcted bust right / Altar with globe; F B/PLON. RIC VH 258. Superb EF. (75)

942. C O N S T A N T I N E II, Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (3.95 gm). Siscia. 321-324 AD. Laureate head nght/VOT/X in wreath; BSISpalm. RIC VÏÏ 176(R3). Superb EF. (75)

936. C O N S T A N T I N E II, Caesar. 317-337 AD. JE Follis (3.20 gm). London. 323-324 AD. Helmeted bust left / Altar with globe; PLÖN. RIC VII284. Choice EF. (75)

943. CONSTANTINE Π, Caesar. 333-335 AD. JE Follis (2.38 gm). Alexandria. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers standing, flanking two standards; SMALB. RIC V n 5 9 ; I R B C 1429. Choice EF, silvered. (75)






25,1 992

944. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE Follis (1.51 gm). Siscia. 337-340 AD. Diademed (laurel and rosettes) and draped bust right / Soldiers flanking standard, Christogram in banner; BSIS. R I C V m 8 8 ; LRBC781. EF, brown patina. (175) Early representation of a Christian symbol

951. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-361 AD./E Centenionalis (5.90 gm). Antioch. 350-355 AD. Diademed and draped bust right /Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who reaches out to him; Γ/ΑΝΑΙ. RIC V m 132; LRBC 2625. Superb EF, brown pati(175)

945. CONSTANTIUS II, Caesar. 324-337 AD. JE Follis (2.81 gm). Lyons. 324-325 A D. Laureate bust left / Camp gale with 6 layers; PLG. RIC VD 232(R4). Choice EF. (75)

952. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalts (5.02 gm). Alexandria. 351-354 AD. Diademed bust right / Soldier spearing fallen horseman; Γ/ALEA. LRBC 2836. Good VF. Soldier seems to float in mid-air! (50)

946. CONSTANTIUS II, Caesar. 334-335 AD. JE Follis (2.81 gm). Siscia. Laureate and cuirassed bust nght / Soldiers flanking two standards; ·ASIS·. RIC V n 237; LRBC 749. EF, brown patina. (75)

953. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. AR Siliqua (2.79 gm). Trier mint Draped and cuirassed bust right/Soldier standing with spear and shield; TR. RIC VHI258. Superb EF. Rare. (3500)

947. CONSTANTIUS II, Caesar. 324-337 AD. JE Folhs (2.31 gm). Antioch. 324-325 AD. Anepigraphic bust / CONSTAN/TTVS/CAESAR; *SMANTA·. RIC Vn 60(R2). EF. (175)

954. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.51 gm). Trier. Draped bust nght/Victories with wreath; TRP. RIC Vffl 306; LRBC 58. EF, verdigris. (75)

AV 948. CONSTANTIUS II. Contemporary Imitation. 337-361 AD. AV Nine Siliquae (1.32 gm). Rome. Diademed bust nght / VICTRI VANMAIC; R. Comparable to RIC VHI231. VF, unusual. (750)

955. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.36 gm). Aries. Draped bust right / Victories holding wreath; PAR. Mintmark not listed for this coin in RIC or LRBC, possible barbarous imitation. Brown EF. (100)

949. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-360 AD. AR Siliqua (2.20 gm). Sirmium. 351 355 AD. Diademed and draped bust right / VOTIS/XXX/MVLTIS/XXXX; SIRM. RSC 342-3e; RIC VIII15. Near EF. (150)

956. JULIAN, Caesar. 355-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (2.62 gm). Rome. Draped and cuirassed bust right / Soldier spearing fallen horseman; R wreath S. RIC 311 ; LRBC 688. Good VF, brown patina. (75)

950. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-360 AD. AR Siliqua (2.43 gm). 355-361 AD. Sirmium. Diademed and draped bust right / VOTIS XXX MVLTIS XXXX; SIRM. RSC 342-3u; RIC V m 68. Toned good VF. (200)

957. JULIAN Π. 360-363 AD. AR Siliqua (134 gm). Lugdunum. Diademed and draped bust right / VO'IIS/V/MVLTIS/X within wreath; PLVG. RIC V m 227; RSC 163b. Mint State. (300)




M a r c h 25,1 992

964. A R C A D I U S . 383-408 AD. JE 15mm (2.79 gm). Constantinople. 395-408 AD. Diademed bust right / Victory crowning emperor, C O N S B . LRBC 2205. VF. (50) 958. J U L I A N II. 360-363 AD. JE 29mm (8.44 gm). Sirmium. Diademed and draped bust right / Bull standing right, two stars above; * AS1RM/. RIC VHI107; LRBC 1622. Good VF, black patina. (350)

965. A R C A D I U S . 3 8 3 4 0 8 AD. JE 23mm (5.46gm). Antioch. Diademed bust right, hand of God from above / Emperor with captive; *ANTS. R I C IX 41b.4; LRBC 2728. Near EF, black patina with light dirt. (75)

959. J U L I A N II. 360-363 AD. ^ 2 8 m m (8.33 gm). Antioch. DN FL CL VLI A N V S P F AVG, diademed and draped bust right / Bull standing right; \ANTB/. RIC VIII216; L R B C 2 6 4 0 . N e a r E F , d a r k g r e e n p a t i n a . (250)

966. H O N O R I U S . 393-423 AD. AV Tremissis (1.37 gm). Ravenna minL DN HONORI VSPF AVG, diademed bust nght / VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory nghl, R V / COMOB. Hunter plate 88,18. VF. Unusual metal blob in the shape of a star on cheek. Under high magnification this appears to have been an excess piece of metal that fell onto the coin during striking. (500)

960. J U L I A N II. 360-363 AD. JE 17mm (3.50 gm). Antioch. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / V O T X M V L T X X in wreath; SSMANTT/. RIC VEI221; LRBC 2644. EF, dark brown patina. (75)

967. T H E O D O S I U S I I . 402-450 AD. AV Solidus (4.36 gm). Constantinople. 425 AD. DN T H E O D O SIVS P F AVG, helmeted bust left looking slightly right, spear over shoulder/SALVS RF.I PVBLI CAES, Theodosius Π and Valentinian III enthroned facing, star between. RIC Hunter plate X, 93. EF. Rare. (650)

961. J O V I A N . 363-364 AD. JE 27mm (8.79 gm). Antioch. Diademed and draped bust right / Emperor standing, facing right, holding labarum and Victory; ANTA. RIC V m , 228; LRBC 2645. EF, heavy green patina. (200)

968. T H E O D O S I U S II. 402-450 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). 430-440 AD. Constantinople. Helmeted and cuirassed bust, holding spear and shield / VOT XXX MVLT XXXX, Constantinopolis seated left; * Γ/CONOB. PCR 1601 ; Hunter V, pg. 482,1 Iff. Mint State. (900)

962. VALENTINIAN II. 375-392 AD. AV Solidus (4.35 gm). Constantinople. 378-383 AD. Diademed bust left / Constantinopolis seated; H/CONOD(sic). RIC IX 46d; Hunter 40, different officina. EF, flan flaw over ear, rare. (850)

969. M A J O R I A N . 457-461 AD. AV Tremissis (1.40 gm). Aries. DN IVLIVS M A I O R I A N V S PF AVG, helmeted bust right with spear, Chi-Rho monogram on far shoulder/Cross in wreath. Lacam plate 14,61. Rarity 3. Good Fine, a Hale rough. Extremely Rare. (1400)

963. A E L I A F L A C I L L A , Wife of Theodosius. 383-388 AD. JE 2 (5.33 gm). Antioch. Diademed and draped bust right / Victory inscribing shield with Chi-Rho; T/ANTE. RIC IX 61. Near EF, green patina with earthen highlights. (150) 80




25,1 992

ÉÉI ÊÉÈ w m f /

970. MAJORIAN. 457-461 AD. AV Tremissis (1.41 gm). Ravenna minL DN IVL MAIORIANVS PF AVG, diademed bust right/Cross in wreath. Lacam plate 13, 44. Rarity 3. VF. Extremely Rare. (2000)

* - ^ · ‫י‬ Αν ·î‫׳־···׳‬ 976. BASILISCUS. 475-476 AD. AV Tremissis (1.42 gm). Constantinople. Diademed and draped bust right / Victory walking right, head left, holding wreath and palm; */CONOB. MIRB 5. VF. Rare. (350) BYZANTINE

AV 971. ANTHEMIUS. 467-472 AD. AV Tremissis (1.40 gm). Rome mint. DN ANTHEMIVSPFAVG, diademed bust right / Cross in wreath; COMOB in exergue. Lacam pi. 30,125. Rarity 2. VF. Rare. (1000)

977. JUSTIN 1.518-527 AD. AV Solidus (4.46 gm). Helmeted and cuirassed bust 3/4 right / Angel standing facing; star, A/CONOB. SB 56. Toned EF. (400)

972. LEO 1.457-474 AD. AV Solidus ( 4.41 gm). Constantinople minL Helmeted bust looking slightly right, spear over far shoulder / Victory standing left holding cross, Officina I. RIC Hunter plate 95,4-9 (different officinas). Near VF. (300) 978. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Follis (14.51 gm). Constantinople. 532-537 AD. Diademed (no cross) and draped bust right; annulet on shoulder / Large M flanked by star and crescent; E/CON. SB 162; DOC 132.2. VF, black patina. (65)

‫ י‬- " AV 973. LEO 1.457-474 AD. AV Semissis (2.21 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust right / Victory seated right inscribing shield, Chi-Rho monogram in field. MIRB pi. 8,5. Near VF. (200)

974. ZENO. 474-491 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Circa 480 AD. Constantinople. Helmeted and cuirassed bust, holding spearand shield / Victory holding long cross; *, Θ/CONOR. PCR ΙΠ 1653; Hunter V pg. 493,12. EF. (500)

979. JUSTINIAN I. Year 12 (538/539 AD). JE Follis (22.62 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing / Large M, ANNO ΧΠ; I7CON. SB 163; DOC 137c. Good VF, heavy green patina. (400)

The officina is re-engraved, probably overaB. The form of the mintmark, CONOR, is seen occasionally on the early issues of Zeno.

975. ZENO. 474-491 AD. AV Semissis (2.20 gm). Constantinople. DN ZENO PERP AVG, diademed bust right / VICTORIA AVGGG, Victory seated right inscribing shield, chi-rho monogram in field, CONOB in exeigue. Cf. MIRB 12 (no exergual line). EF. Scarce this nice. (300)

980. JUSTINIAN I. Year 15 (541/542 AD). JE Follis (23.19 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing / Large M, ANNO XU; B/CON. SB 163; DOC 140b. VF, green patina; flan flaw on obverse. (150)




25,1 992

986. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 A D. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe surmounted by Victory / Constantinopolis seated holding spear and globus cruciger, * in leftfield, E/CONOB. SB 346. Superb EF. (350) 981. JUSTINIAN I. Year 20 (546/547 AD). M Follis (17.13 gm). Cyzicus. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing / Large M, ANNO XXC; A/KYZ SB-; DOC I;MIB1120g. VF, brown and green patina. One year type. Rare. (125)

987. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe surmounted by Victory / Constantinopolis seated holding spear and globus cruciger, C in field, I/CONOB. SB 348. Superb EF. (350)

982. JUSTINIAN I. Year 13 (539/540 AD). M Follis (22.97 gm). Nicomedia. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing / Large M, ANNO ΧΠΙ; A/NIK. SB 201 ; DOC (200) 1117a VF, olive-green patina.

988. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe surmounted by Victory / Constantinopolis sealed holding spear and globus cmciger, I/CONOBZ SB 350; DOC 18b. Supeib EF. (400)

983. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. M Nummus (1.20 gm). Carthage. 557-562 AD. Helmetcd and cuirassed bust facing / Large C, small Ν in wreath. SB 283C; MIB 1212. VF, darfc green patina. Rare. (100) The reverse copies the silver 250 nummi of Ravenna, although CN (250) is meaningless on a bronze nummus.

984. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. M Half Follis (6.95 gm). Rome. 540-549 AD. Diademed and draped bust right / Large Κ flanked by cross and star, in wreath. SB 303; DOC 1325b. EF/VF, dark green patina. (300)

985. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. AV Solidus (4.46gm). Constantinople. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe surmounted by Victory / Constantinopolis seated holding spear and globus cmciger, Δ/CONOB. SB 345. Superb EF. (350)

AV 989. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AV Semissis (2.22 gm). Constantinople. Radiate bust right / Victory seated right inscribing shield; star and reversed P-headed cross in fields. SB 352. Choice EF. (250)

990. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. AV Semissis (1.48 gm). Ravenna mint Diademed bust right; annular borders / Victory facing left; star in right field. SB 410; MIB Π, 26. Superb EF. (500)

991. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. Ai Decanummium (4.71 gm). Constantinople. Emperor in military uniform standing facing right, holding spear and globe /Large I flanked by stars. SB 362; DOC 159. Good VF, green patina. Rare. (125)



992. TIBERIUS II CONSTANTINE. 578-582 AD. AV Solidus (4.39 gm). Crowned and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger / Cross potent composed of dots on three steps; Δ/CONOB. SB 422. EF. Seldom seen with the cross composed of dots. (500)


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998. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AVSemissis (218 gm). Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Cross potent on globus. SB 784; MIBΙΠ 71 b (same obverse die). Superb EF, obverse restiuck. (250)

993. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. AV Tremissis (1.11 gm).Ravenna mint Diademed bust right / Victory advancing right, star in field, exergual line and CONOB slightly curved. SB 592; MIB Π, 50. Good VF on slightly short flan. Rare.

999. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Tremissis (1.47 gm). Constantinople mint 610-613 AD. dNhERACLI YSPPAVI, Diademed bust right / VICTORIA AVG YS, cross potent Seaby 786; MIB ΠΙ, 73. Superb FDC. (350)


994. M A U R I C E TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. M Decanummium (4.00 gm). Constantinople. DNI MA VR Tib, crowned facing bust / Large I flanked by star and Γ; CON. SB 500; DOC 166b. Good VF, brown patina. Rare this nice. (65)

1000. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Tremissis (1.43 gm). Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Cross potent. SB 787; MIB ΙΠ 74. Superb EF. (300)

1001. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. ARHalfSiliqua(0.74gm).Canhage.614641 AD. Crowned and draped bust facing / Facing busts of Heiaclius Constantine and Martina. SB 871 ; DOC Π 233. Choice EF. Rare this nice. (300)

995. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. Lead Dekanummium (3.89 gm). Crowned facing bust, flanked by crosses / Large I flanked by crosses. Morrison, Monnaies en Plomb Byzantines, 6ff. VF, slight pitting. Rare. (100) Series of lead tokens were issued by Byzantine authorities for limited circulation, mainly in Italy, but also in the East.

1002. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. AV Solidus (4.20 gm). Light Weightlssue. Bust facing with long beard, holding globus cmciger / Cross potent on three steps; B/ ΒΟΠΚ. SB 979. VF, light graffiti on reverse. Scarce. (300)

996. REVOLT O F T H E HERACLII. Indictional Year 13 (609/610 AD). Ai Follis (9.37 gm). Alexandretta. Draped facing busts of Heraclius and his father / Large M, ANNO XIH Α/ΑΛΕΧ(ΑΝΔ). SB 722; DOC Π 15; MIB 16a (Alexandna). EF, heavy red-brown patina. Extremely Rare. (800) 1003. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. AV Tremissis (1.50 gm). Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right /Cross potent. SB 984. EF. (200)

ExBerkJEngland, lot 128.

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1004. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. AV Tremissis (1.45 gm). Ravenna minL Diademed bust right; heavy annular border/Cross potent. SB 1134; ΜΙΒΙΠ, 134c (same reverse die). Superb EF. Rare. (600)

997. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Constantinople. 629631 AD. Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine / Cross potent on three steps; BT/CONOB. SB 753. Good VF. Scarce. (400) 83




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1011. JUSTINIAN II. First reign. 685-695 AD. AV Solidus (4.32 gm). Bust of Christ facing, cross behind head, with long hair and full beard / Justinian Π standing facing, holding cross potent on steps and akakia. SB 1248. EF, dent on reverse. (1200) Ex Edward Gans 4119160, sale 16, lot 484for $40.85.

1005. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. JE Follis (5.12 gm). Syracuse. 647-650 AD. Crowned facing bust of Constans / Large M; monogram above. SB 1105, DOC Π 177a. EF, brown patina. Overstruck on SB 1103. (125) Ex Β erkJEngland, lot 182.

1012. TIBERIUS ΙΠ.698-705 AD. AV Solidus (4.42gm). Constantinople. Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding spear and shield / Cross on three steps; A/CONOB. SB 1360; DOC Π (la). Superb EF, slight weakness. (850)

1006. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. JE Follis (3.80 gm). Syracuse. 650-651 AD. Crowned facing bust with long beard / I^arge M; monogram above, SCL below. SB 1107; DOC Π 178. Good VF, dark green patina. (100)

1013. JUSTINIAN II. Second reign. 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Constantinople. Bust of Christ facing, with short curiy hair, cross behind head / Bust of Justinian facing, holding cross potent on three steps and globe inscribed PAX surmounted by patriarchal cross. SB 1413. Toned VF. (1200) Ex Edward Gans 4119/60, sale 16, lot 485for


1007. CONSTANS Π. 641 -668 AD. JE Follis (2.91 gm). Syracuse. 659-668 AD. Crowned figures of Constans and Constantine IV / Large M flanked by Heraclius and Hbcrius; monogram above, SCL below. SB 1110; DOCH 181. Superb EF, brown patina. (175)

1014. JUSTINIAN II. Second reign. 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Type as above, but obverse legend: dN IhS ChS REN REGNANT!uM. SB 1413; DOC Π 1. EF, slight weakness. Clear obverse legend variety. (1200)

1008. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. JE Half Follis (2.73 gm). Rome. 674-681 AD. Crowned and draped bust facing / Facing busts of Heraclius and Tiberius. SB 1234; DOC Π 82. Good VF, daik green patina. (125)

1015. L E O III and CONSTANTINE V.717-741 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Bust facing with short beard, holding globus cmciger / Youthful bust of Constantine facing, holding globus gruciger. SB 1504. Near EF. (750)

1009. CONSTANTINE IV. 668-685 AD. JE Follis (5.91 gm). Syracuse. 669672 AD. Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding spear and shield / Large M flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius; monogram above, SCL below. SB 1207, DOC Π 60. Good VF, dark green patina. (75)

1016. CONSTANTINE V & LEO IV. 741-775 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Β CONSTANTINYS, bust facing with short beard, holding cross potent and akakia / G LEO PA MYL, facing bust of Leo HI, holding cross potent and akakia. SB 1550. EF. (1200) 1010. JUSTINIAN II. First reign. 685-695 AD. AV Solidus (4.42 gm). Beardless bust facing, crown surmounted by cross and circlet / Cross potent on three steps; r/CONOB. SB 1243. EF. (1200)

Two examples of this type sold in Hunt Byzantine I, #597 and 598, for $2750 and $3000. 84



1017. N I C E P H O R U S I & STAURACIUS. 802-811 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Crowned bust facing, holding cross potent and akakia / Bust of Stauracius facing, holding globus cmciger and akakia. SB 1604. About EF. Rare. (1500)


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1024. BASIL I and CONSTANTINE. 867-886 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Christ enthroned facing / Facing busts of Basil and Constantine, holding patriarchal cross between them. SB 1704. Choice EF. Scarce this nice. (650)

Ex Edward Gans 4! 19/60, sale 16, loi 500, graded superb for $71.65.

1018. LEO V and CONSTANTINE. 813-820 AD. AV Tremissis (1.13 gm). Syracuse mint. Bust facing with short beard, holding globus craciger / Bust of Constantine facing, holding cross potent. SB 1634. Choice EF. Rare. (750)

1019. LEO V and CONSTANTINE 813-820 AD. β Follis (5.94 gm). Syracuse. Crowned busts facing/Large Λ K; cross above. SB 1635, DOCIH 19a. EF, brown and green patina. (100)

AV 1025. ROMANUS I & CHRISTOPHER. 920-944 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Christ enthroned facing / Facing busts of Romanus I and Christopher. SB 1745. VF. Rare. (600)

1026. ROMA NUS II. 959-963 AD. JE17mm (4.09 gm). Cherson. PWMAN monogram flanked by dots / Cross potent on steps flanked by pellets. SB 1775; DOC ΠΙ 3b. Good VF, dark brown patina. Exceptionally sharp forthis issue. (150)

1020. M I C H A E L and T H E O P H I L U S . 820-829 AD. JE Follis (2.89 gm). Syracuse. Crowned busts facing / Large M; cross above, Θ below. SB 1652, DOC ΠΙ 21. VF, black paüna. (65) 1027. NICEPHORUS II. 963-969 AD. JE 17mm (2.61 gm). Cherson. NIKIOOPmonogram /AECIIOTmonogram. SB 1784; DOC ΠΙ9. VF, brown patina. (125)

1021. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 AD. AV Solidus (3.88 gm). Syracuse. Crowned bust of Theophilus, wearing loros and holding cross potent / Same but wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger. SB 1670; DOC ffl 24. EF. (450)

1022. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 AD. AV Semissis (1.76 gm). Syracuse. Bust of Theophilos facing with short beard wearing chlamys holding globus cruciger/Same but wearing loros. SB 1673. EF. (350)

1023. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 AD. Ai Follis (2.21 gm). Syracuse. Crowned bust facing / Large M, XXX (NNN); cross above, Θ below. SB 1681; DOC ΙΠ 30. Good VF, black patina, small flan. (65)

1028. JOHN I, Tzimisces. 969-976 AD. AV Histamenon (4.34 gm). Bust of Christ facing, holding Gospels / Bust of John being crowned by bust of Virgin, Manus Dei above emperor. SB 1785. VF. Rare. (750)

1029. BASIL II & CONSTANTINE VIII. 976-1025. AV Solidus (4.34 gm). Nimbate bust of Christ facing / Crowned busts of Basil and Constantine. SB 1795. VF. (400)



1030. BASIL II and CONSTANTINE VI II. 976-1025. AV Histamenon (4.11 gm). Nimbate bust of Christ, holding Gospels / Facing busts of Basil and Constantine, long patriarchal cross between. SB 1795. Nice VF. Vety rare. (1000) The only recent sales record we have located that was comparable was Hunt Byzantine II, 9, whichsoldfor $1800.

1031. ISAAC I. 1057-1059AD. AV Histamenon Nomisma (4.30 gm). Christ enthroned facing /Issac standing holding labarum and resting hand on sword. SB 1844. EF. (800)

1032. MANUELI. 1143-1180AD.ELAspronTrachy(4.39gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned, hand raised in blessing / Manuel and Mary holding long patriarchal cross between them. SB 1958; Hendypl. 13,3-4.Choice EF.Nicefor these. (350)


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1036. BULGARIAN IMITATIVE.Circa 1195-1204 AD./ETrachy (1.94 gm). Imitation of Alexis ΙΠ. Nimbate bust of Christ / Emperor and St. Constantine standing; loros type b. Hendy pi. 25,3-4. EF, red-brown patina. Rare this nice. (65)

1037. NICAEA. Theodore I. 1208-1222 AD. £ Trachy (3.59 gm). Nicaea. Christ enthroned; star to right / Theodore standing, holding sceptre and anexikakia. SB 2062; Hendy pi. 31,1 -5. EF, brown patina. Rare this nice. (65)

1038. A N D R O N I C U S I I and Michael IX. 1295-1320 AD. AV Hyperpyron (3.98 gm). Constantinople. Mary within city walls, four towers; sigla C Π Κ Ν / Andronicus and Michael kneeling, being blessed by Christ SB 2396; Bendall 1281, sigla 191. VF. The C is engraved over another sigla mark. (200)

1033. MANUEL 1.1143-1180 AD. £ Tetarteron (4.42 gm). Constantinople. Mary standing right, in orans position / Manuel standing, holding cruciform sceptre and akakia. SB 1968; Hendy pi. 17,7-8. Good VF, dark green patina. (100) 1039. Lead Seal. 7th Century AD. 25mm (14.63 gm). +ΘΕ OTOKE ΒΟΗΘ ·K· / TEWR rTW ΑΠΟ YT1ATW ·N·. Zacos and Veglery 818. VF, brown patina. (100)

"Apohypatos" indicates that the official George was a former Consul.

1034. BULGARIAN IMITATIVE. Circa 1195-1204 AD. /E Trachy (2.84 gm). Imitation of Manuel I. Christ enthroned / Emperor being crowned by Mary. Hendy pi. 24,1 9‫־‬. EF, silvering. Rare this nice. (65)

1040. Lead Seal. 6th-7th Century AD. 24mm (12.16 gm). Monogram of: ΘΕΟΤΟΚΕ ΒΟΗΘΕΙ / Monogram of ΜΙΧΑΗΛ AHMAPXOV(?). Zacos and Veglery- (obverse monogram XXX Va). VF, dents, brown patina. (100) 1035. BULGARIAN IMITATIVE. Circa 1195-1204 AD. £ Trachy (3.48 gm). Imitation of Isaac H. Mary enthroned / Emperor being crowned by Mary. Hendy pi. 24,10-14. Near EF, brown patina. Rare this nice. (65)

Michael the Demarch was an official of one of the Circus factions, which at the height of their influence acted in the role of political parties and were closely involved in imperial policy and religious activism.




1041. Lead Seal. 6th-7th Century AD. 25mm (10.56 gm). Monogram / C X O AAC ΤΙΚΩ. Zacos and Veglery-. VF, brown patina. (100)

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1047. AUSTRIA. Maria Theresa. 1745. AR 30 Kreuzer (7.17 gm). Bust right / Crowned arms. KM 541 ;Cr. 12. Toned EF. (100)

The name represented by the monogram is uncertain, possibly Droser'tos.Scholastikas is a military title.


1048. AUSTRIA, Olmutz. Rudolf Johann. 1820. AR 20 Kreuzer (6.65 gm). Bust left / Amts. KM 135; Cr. 10. Toned proof-likeAU. (75) 1042. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Panopolis mint. Circa 650 AD. JE 13mm (1.53 gm). Two busts flanking cross / A cross W, ΠΑΝ in exergue. MIB HI X48var. (Heraclius). VF for type. Rare. (125)

1043. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Panopolis mint. Circa 650 AD. JE 13mm (1.10 gm). Two busts flanking cross / W cross Α, ΠΑΝ in exergue. MIB ΙΠ X48var. (Heraclius). F for type. Rare. (75) 1049. AUSTRIA, Olmutz. Rudolf Johann. 1820. AR 1/2 Convention Thaler (14.00 gm). Bust left/Anns. KM 136; Cr. 11. Toned EF. (200) g p

1044. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Kinnasenn minL Circa 650-695 AD. Ai Fais (3.12 gm). Standing caliph / Circle on staff on steps. Walker pg. 40, 135. VF. Rare this nice. (150)

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1050. AXUM, Christian Kings. Ioel. Circa 600 AD. JE 14mm. (0.91 gm). Bust right; legend starts at 8:00/Cross. Munro-Haypg. 136,/E l.VF. (75)

1051. BOHEMIA. Wenceslas II. 1278-1305. AR Prager Groschen (3.72 gm). Crowned lion rampant left/Crown. Fiala-Donebauer 807. Choice EF. (125) 1045. AUSTRIA. Charles VI. 1740. AR 1/4 Thaler (7.14 gm). Laureate bust right/CrownedImperial eagle. KM 688. Toned EF/AU. (200)

1046. AUSTRIA, Maria Theresa. 1743. AR 6 Kreuzer (3.28 gm). Small bust right/Crownedarms. KM 719; Cr 13a. UNC. (75)

1052. BOLIVIA. Philip III. 1598-1621. AR 8 Reales (25.67 gm). PotosiminL Assayer R. No date visible. VF for type, not sea-salvage. (150)



1053. BOLIVIA. Philip ΠΙ. 1598-1621. AR 8 Reales (25.80 gm). Potosi mini. No assayer mark visible. No dale visible. "B" countermark on reverse (assayer mark?). VF for type, not sea-salvage. (150)


25,1 992

1059. FRANCE. Chartes the Bald. 843-877. AR Denier (1.55 gm). Melle nunL +CAROLVS REX, cross /+METVLLO, monogram. M&G 1066. Good VF.


1054. BOLIVIA. Philip III. 1598-1621. AR 8 Reales (26.49 gm). PotosiminL Assayer Β. No date visible. VF for type, not sea-salvage. (150)

1060. FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AR Gros Florette (2.90 gm). Circa 1417. Crowned lis / Floreate cross with crowns. Duplessy387;Ciani524. VF. (100)

1055. CHIOS, under Genoa. Anonymous imitation of Andrea Dandolo. 13421354. AV Ducat (3.51 gm). Christ / Doge kneeling before St. Mark. Gamberini -; Metealf NNM 128; plate ΧΠΙ, 1. Choice VF. (250) This is one of the earliest of the Levantine imitations struck at Chios, h is easily recognizable and closelyfollows the Venetian prototype. The Venetian ducat enjoyed wide acceptance due to its recognized quality. It was the chief form in whichforeign gold entered Persia, and it enjoyed a premium over other gold coins. Purchased heavily by money changers, the ducal was sold to travelers to Mecca or India.

1061. FRANCE. Louis XIV. Base Jeton (3.81 gm). By Lazarus Gottlieb Lauffer ofNuiembuig. 1663-1709. Laureate bust right/ LAZA GOTTL LAVEFERS RECH PFENING, crowned shield of three fleur-de-lis. Mitchiner JMT 1791. VF. (50)

1056. CHIOS, under Genoa. Anonymous imitation of Michele Steno. 14001413. AV Ducat (3.49 gm). Christ / Doge kneeling before St. Mark. Gamberini 395. Choice VF. (250) 1062. FRANCE. Louis XVI. 1791 A. JE Sol (12.07 gm). Paris mint. Bust left/ Aims. Cr73.3;Ciani 2194. Glossy EF. (75)

1057. CRUSADER, Counts of Edessa. Baldwin II. 1108-1118. Billon Follis (2.48 gm). +BA ΓΔΟΥINXO MI / + S (TAVP I) C NIXA C, cross. Overstruck on a Fatamid dirhem, some of undertype visible. Pesant NC, 1982, pl. 42c, 1-3. VF. Very Rare. (300)

1058. CRUSADER, Kings of Jerusalem. Baldwin III. 1143-1163. AR Denier (0.64 gm). Cross / Tower of David. Metealf 89A. VF. (50)

1063. FRANCE. Satirical Jeton. Napoleon III. 1851-1870. JE lOCentimes (9.92 gm). NAPOLEON m LE PETIT, bust left in Prussian helmet, "N'avant pas le Courage de Mourir a la Tete de mon Armée Je me livre a mon Frère de Prusse" / Owl facing with spread wings, VAMPIRE DE LA FRANCE, Paris 2 Dec. 1851 Sedan 2 Sept. 1870. Good VF. Rare. (75)



1064. FRANCE, Florennes. Gaucher of Châtillon. 1313-1322. AR Denier (1.06 gm). +GALChSCOMESPORC, crowned bust facing / MON ETN OVA VVE, long cross. Mayhew 237 (Plate 23). Toned near VF. Scarce. (75)


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1071. GERMANY, Further Austria. Franz II. 1803. AR 6 Kreuzer (2.30 gm). Aims / VI KREUZER. KM 29; Cr 17a. AU/UNC. (50)

Struck in imitation of an English penny of Edward I or II.

1065. FRANCE, Lanquedoc. Counts of Melqueil. AR Denier (0.95 gm). Cross / Four annulets. Boudeau 753. Toned EF. (75) 1072. GERMANY, Hesse-Cassel. Friedrich II. 1767. AR 2/3 Thaler (14.01 gm). Bust right / Crowned arms. KM 483; Cr. 75; Hoffman 2354.T0ned EF. (200)

1066. FRANCE, Lorraine. Charles III. 1545-1608. AR Denier (0.71 gm). Nancy mint. Arms / Cross of Lorraine. De Saulcy pl. X VHI, 11. VF. (65)

1073. GERMANY, Archbishops of Magdeburg. Wilbrand von Kafernburg. 1235-1254. AR Bracteate Pfenning (0.82 gm). Bishop with crozierand sceptre. Bonhoff742. VF. (45)

1067. FRANCE, Provence. Robert of Anjou. 1309-1343. AR Carlin D'argent (3.75 gm). King enthroned facing holding orb and sceptre/ Floreate cross. Boudeau 832. VF, porous. (125)

1074. GERMANY, Magdeburg. Anonymous. 14th-15th century. AR Denar (0.74 gm). Bust of bishop facing/City towers. Dannenburg 653. Toned EF. (375)

1068. FRANCE, Toulouse. Raymond VII. 1222-1249. AR Denier (1.15 gm). Long cross, s in third quarter/PAX, Ρ as crazier. Boudeau 721. Toned VF. (65)

1075. GERMANY, Mainz. Anselm Franz v. Ingelheim. 1692 AR 12 Kreuzer (4.48 gm). Crowned amis / ΧΠ KREUZER. Toned UNC. (75)

1069. F R A N C E Toulouse. Alfonse, Marquis de Provence. 1249-1271. AR Denier (0.94 gm). Cross / Castle. Boudeau 792. Near VF. Scarce. (65)

1070. GERMANY, Brandenburg. Georg Wilhelm. 1624. AR Ortsthaler (6.29 gm). Crowned bust right/Crowned arms. Marienberg 1447. Choice EF. (100)

1076. GERMANY, Mecklenburg - Schwerin. Christian Ludwig 1.1676. AR 2/3 Thaler (19.15 gm). Bust right / Arms. Weise 1288. VF, a few weak areas. (100)




25,1 992

1077. GERMANY, Munster. Sede Vacante. 1761. AR 1/6 Taler (4.34 gm). Bishop/Charlemagne. Cr 22; Schulze 255. AU/UNC. (150) 1084. GERMANY, Saxony. Iohan Georg. 1646. AR l/8th Taler (3.62 gm). Iohan George right with sword / Arms. Merseburger 1120. Toned EF. (100)

1078. GERMANY. Nuremburg. 1732. AR 12 Kreuzer (6.21 gm). Arms / Crowned imperial eagle. Kellner 227. Toned AU/UNC. (100) 1079. GERMANY. Nuremburg. 19th Century. Brass Jetons (2). Issued by I. Habelt and I.W. Huber. Sun and stars / Ship. Mitchiner JMTpg. 567. VF. (25) 2 pieces.

1080. GERMANY, Prussia. Friederich Wilhelm 1.1734. AV Ducat (3.49 gm). Bust right / Crowned Pmssian star. Fr. 2178. EF. Rare. (1500)

1081 GERMANY, Prussia. Frederick the Great. 1750. AV Ducat (3.31 gm). Armored bust right / Pmssian eagle. Cr 49a. VF. (400)

1085. GERMANY, Saxony. Friderich August I, as King of Poland. 1707. AR 2/3 Thaler (13.69 gm). Laureate bust nght / Crowned arms. Merseberger 1451. Toned near EF. (200)

1086. GERMANY, Schaumburg. Ernst. 1603. AR Groschen (1.78 gm). Orb/ Arms. Saurma 3193/1702. Toned EF. (75)

1087. GERMANY, Silcsia-Liegnitz-Brieg. Georg, Ludwig, Christian. 1654. AV Ducat (3.44 gm). Three brothers facing / Three helmets over shield. Friedberg 2864. VF. (650)

1088. GERMANY, Silesia - Muensterberg - Oels. John. 1561. AV Ducat (3.54 gm). Bearded bust left /1561, shield. Friedben> 2894; Schulten 2368v. EF. Rare. (12(»·) 1082. G ER VIA NY, Saxe-Altenburg. Sons of Friedrich Wilhelm. 1612. AR Thaler (28.67 gm). Four brothers / Arms. Davenport 7363. VF, edge mount removed. (150)

1083. GERMANY,Saxe-Gotha-Altenhurg. Friedrich III.Onhis death. 1772. AR 1/12 Thaler (4.27 gm). Bust nght/11 line inscription. Cr. 22.1. AU. (125)

1089. GERMANY, Teutonic Order of Knights. Conrad v.Jungingen. 13931407. AR Schilling (1.68 gm). Anns / Arms. Saurma 5016. Choice VF. (50)




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1090. GERMANY, Teutonic Order 01 Knights. Conrad v..lungingen. 13931407. AR Schilling. A n n s / Anns. Saurma 5016. Choice VF. (50)

1098. HUNGARY. Ferdinand ΠΙ. 1638. AV Gulden (3.47 gm). Kremnica minL Ferdinand standing right / Madonna with sceptre and child. Huszâr 1216. Superb EF. (450) 1091. G E R M A N Y , Teutonic Order of Knights. Wynrich v. Kniprode. AR Schilling. Arms / Arms. Saurma 5012. Choice VF. (50) 1092. G E R M A N Y , Teutonic Order of Knights. Wynrich v. Kniprode. AR Schilling. Arms / Arms. Saurma 5012. Choice VF. (50)

1093. HUNGARY. Louis I. 1342-1382. AV Ducal (3.49 gm). +LODOV ICI REX, lily / S IOhANNES Β, St. John the Baptist. Rethy 62; Pohl B-l. VF. (325)

1099. HUNGARY, under the Malcontents. Francis Rakoczy II. 1705. AR Half Thaler ( 14.46 gm). Kremnitz mint. Crowned arms / Madonna and child. KM 265.1. EF. (250)

1094. H U N G A R Y . Louis Ι. 1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.50 gm). +LODOV ICI REX, lüy / S IOhANNES Β, SL John the Baptist. Rethy 62; Pohl Β-1. Near VF. (275)

1100. HUNGARY. Krannitz. 1600-1800. AV Show Ducat (3.46 gm). SL George (400) slaying dragon / Christ m boat at sea. Cf. Friedberg 119. EF.

1095. H U N G A R Y . Louis I. 1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.53 gm). +LODOV ICI REX, lüy / S IOhANNES Β, St. John the Baptist. Rethy 62; Pohl Β-1. Near VF. (275)

1101. INDIA, Kingdom of Avanti. Circa 6th BC. AR Double Karshapana (6.60 gm). Emblem (pulley) with triskeles between / Trilobé (?). Cf. M A C W 4081. Good VF. Extremely Rare. (950) The references make no note of a reverse design on these issues.

1096. H U N G A R Y . Sigismund 1.1387-1437. AV Ducat (3.46 gm). Kaschau minL +SIGISMVNIE D G R VNGARIE, arms / S LADISLAVS REX, SL Ladislaus standing; lis. Pohl D l -6. Good VF. (325)

AV 1097. H U N G A R Y . Matthias Corvinus. 1458-1490. AV Ducat (3.54 gm). Nagybanya minL Madonna and child / SL Ladislaus standing; Ν ΙΟ. Pohl K16-2. VF+. ^2‫)י־‬

1102. O S T R O G O T H S . Odovacar. 476-493 AD. AV Tremissis (1.46 gm). Imitation in the name of Zeno. DNZENOP ERPFAVG, diademed bust right, pellet at top of head, extensive use of pellets in construction of drapery on shoulder and neck /Cross in wreath, COMOB. Lacam pi. 53,59(R5). VF+. Extremely Rare and possibly the second known example. (1000)

1103. O S T R O G O T H S . Theodoric. 493-526 AD. /E Dekanummium (3.18 gm). Ravenna minL Turreted bust of Ravenna right / Monogram with cross. M I B I 72b; M E C 150. VF, a little rough. (250)




25,1 992

1110. ITALY, Sicily, Norman Kings. Frederick II. 1200-1210. AV Multiple Tari (4.10 gm). Second Period. FR / IC XC NI ΚΑ, long cross. Spahr 60. Choice VF, scratch on reverse. (450) 1104. OSTROGOTHS. Theodoric and Athalric. 522-534 AD. JE Follis (9.14 gm). Rome mint. Helmeted bust of Roma nght / Eagle, ·E· in exergue. MIB 174a; MEC 106. VF, green patina. (375)

Uli. ITALY, Venice. Ranieri Zeno. 1253-1268. AR Grosso (208 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet by feet / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 1.14. VF. (65) 1105. OSTROGOTHS. Athalric. 526-534 AD. AV Tremissis (1.47 gm). Rome mint Diademed bust right/Victory right, star in field. MEC 123; MIB 129a. Choice EF. Rare. (400)

k f ·j‫*־‬/‫׳‬ p.% ‫ י‬m m 1112. ITALY, Venice. Lorenzo Tiepolo. 1268-1275. AR Grosso (2.11 gm). Christ enthroned; wedge on throne and between feet / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 1.10. VF. (65)

1106. OSTROGOTHS. Witigis. 536-540 AD. JE 10 Nummi (3.66 gm). Bust of Roma right / DN V VIT IGES REX within wreath. BMC Van pg. 79,11 ; MIB 1184. Choice VF, nice green patina. Rare this nice. (350)

1113. ITALY, Venice. Iacopo Contarini. 1275-1280. AR Grosso (2.11 gm). Christ enthroned; pellet between feet / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 2.6. VF. (65)

1107. ΓΓΑΙ,Υ, Naples. Ferdinand of Aragon. 1458-1494. AR Coronato (2.93 gm). Coronation scene / Plain cross; M below. Pannuti 11a Toned VF, obverse double stmck. (175)

1114. ITALY, Venice. Giovanni Dandalo. 1280-1289. AR Grosso (2.13 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet on throne / Doge and St. Maik. Papadopoli 2.5. EF. (85)

1108. ITALY, Papal States. Pius VI. Year XX = 1796. AR 2 Carlini (4.10 gm). Papal keys / Denomination in wreath. Cr. 78. Toned UNC. (75) 1115. ITALY, Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.16 gm). Christ enthroned; trefoil on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 2.11. Near EF, recently cleaned. (60)

1109. ITALY, Sicily. Norman Rulers. Roger I. 1071-1101. JE Follaro (12.18 gm). Roger left on horseback with pennon / Madonna and child. Sambon 876. Good VF, dark green patina. (250)

1116. ITALY, Venicc. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (1.96 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 2.6. Near EF, tecently cleaned. (60) 92




25,1 992

1117. ITALY, Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.18 gm). Christ enthroned; pellet by feet / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 2.4. EF. (85)

1124. LOWLANDS. Brabant John III. 1312-1355. AR Gros (3.33 gm). Lion rampant left / Long cross. Boudeau 2378. Toned VF. (175)

1118. ITALY, Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.13 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli Z 6 . EF. (85)

1119. ITALY, Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.15 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 2.6. EF. (85)

1125. LOWLANDS. 1660. Counterfeit Lion Daaldcr. Copper core with thin silver plating. Knight / Rampant lion. Nonsensical legends. Near VF, plating worn on edge and high points. Interesting. Plus a 28 Stuiver of Ferdinand HI. Fine, holed and scratched. 2 pieces. (100)

1126. MALTA, Knights of. Emanuel de Rohan. 1776. A R 4 Tari (4.02 gm). Crowned arms / Denomination in wreath. CR. 44. Toned EF. (75)

1120. ITALY, Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.22 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet on throne / Doge and St. Mark. Papadopoli 2.6. EF. (85)

1121. ITALY, Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.14 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet by feet / Doge and S t Mark. Papadopoli 2.-. EF. (85)

1127. MEXICO. Philip ΙΠ. 1598-1621. AR 8 Reales (27.06 gm). Mexico City m i n t AssayerF. N o date visible. V F f o r type, not sea-salvage. (150)

1122. ITALY, Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AR Grosso (2.16 gm). Christ enthroned; annulet by feet / Doge and SL Mark. Papadopoli 2.-. EF. (85)




LOWLANDS. Antwerp. 17th-18th Century, fe Weight (2.45 gm). Hand

in wreath, Ν M to either s i d e / S t Michael slaying dragon. Dieudonnépg. 161,35. VF. Interesting.


1128. MEXICO. 1882 Mo. Counterfeit AR 8 Reales. A genuine coin was cut in half, hollowed out, and the center replaced with lead. A lot of work for a little silver! Several Chinese chopmaiks. VF, edge spliL (60)




25,1 992

1134. RHODES, Grandmasters of. Antoine Fluviane. 1421-1437. AV Ducat (3.47 gm), s r r Τ XRE DAT QTV REGIS ISTE DVCAT, Christ / F ANTONTVS SM VENET DVX, Grandmaster as doge kneeling left, before SL Maik. Schlumberger X, 15.Superb. VeryRare. (8,500) 1129. MEXICO. Lot of three (3) pieces. Iturbide. 1822. JE\/8th real (3.79 gm). Crowned amis / DE LA PROVENCIA DE NUEVA VIZCAYA 1822 in five lines. KM 299. VF;Republic. 1850. JE l/8th real (14.29 gm). Liberty seaty right/Octavo de Real 1850 Mo in wreath. KM 334. VF; Republic. 1863 round top 3. JE Centavo (9.45 gm). Liberty seated / Un Centavo 1863 in wreath. KM 390. VF. As a lot. First two photographed. (75)

1130. NETHERLANDS. 1849. AV Ducat (3.46 gm). Knight in armour nght / MO AUR - REG BELG Π - AD LEGEM - IMPERII in four lines. KM 83; Y 15. EF. (200)

1131. NEW ZEALAND. Brown & Duthie. 1866. JE Penny (9.37 gm). Ml Egmont (Taranaki) 1866 / Brown & Duthie - Wholesale & Retail Ironmongers Brougham Street. Rinnicks (Heyde) 31. VF (Rarity 2). (50)

1132. NEW ZEALAND. Gilmour's. Circa 1860. JE New Plymouth Penny (8.60 gm). Kiwi grazing before Mt. Egmont / JOHN GILMOUR, NEW PLYMOUTH, NEW ZEALAND. Rinnicks (Heyde) 80/2. VF. Rarity 2. (50)

1133. POLAND. Sigismund. 1589. AR 3 Grosczy (2.28 gm). Riga mint. Crowned bust right / Castle gale. Gumosky 1449. EF. (50)

Some 5-10 examples of this type are thought to have survived.This piece was directly in imitation of the contemporary Venetian ducats. Fluviane went so far as to make himself appear as a Venetian Doge to further the acceptance of this ducal. See information following the next lot for the significance of Fluviane s coins.

1135. RHODES, Grandmasters of. Antoine Fluviane. 1421-1437. AV Ducal (3.52 gm), s r r T X R E DAT QTV REGIS ISTE DVCAT, Christ / F ANT FLVIAN SI BAUS MRO, Grandmaster kneeling left, cross on shoulder before St. John the Baptist. Grierson -; Schlumberger -. EF. Extremely Rare and possibly unique. (11,000) After a strong protest from Venice, Fluviane introduced a new ducat to replace his previous "doge" type. He maintained the look of the Venetian ducat as closely as he could. This extremely rare issue is known from few surviving examples, and this is the only type with this legend that we could locale. All of the issues of the Grandmasters of Rhodes are rare and some such as this extremely rare. The Order at Rhodes was at a critical point in its history. The Ottomans, under Mahomet, son ofBajazet were threatening the Christian West, as was Seifed-dyn, Sultan of Egypt. The defense of the Island in 1426 cost the Order 1,000,000 sequins of gold from the treasury. This was paid to Avignon. This totally depleted the reserves (thus the lackof surviving coins). Austere measures were taken to replenish the treasury. Fluviane donated some 12,000florins and on his death in 1437 had all his possessions sold to help replenish the coffers. Consequently, few coins of Fluviane survive to this day.

1136. SPAIN. Ferdinand and Isabella. 1479-1504. AR Real (3.24 gm). Seville mint. Crowned arms / Arms; S, annulet, eight-pointed star. C&C 2615. VF. (150)

1137. SPAIN. Phillip IV. 1663. Billon 16Marevedis (4.23 gm). Bustrighi/ Crowned arms. C&C 5128. Toned EF. (75)




25,1 992

1138. SPAIN. Philip IV. 1621-1665. A R 4 Reales (10.43 gm). Toledo mint. Assayer P. N o date visible. VF for type, not sea-salvage. (100)

Reduced Photo 1142. S W E D E N . Plate Money. Fredrik 1.1720-1751.1750.&2 Daler. Avesta m i n t Center stamp: 2 DALER SILF:MYNT, crossed arrows of Dalama (Avesta mint). Comer stamps: Crown FRS 1750. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), page 299, stamp A; page 301, stamp 30. Stamps grade VF, salt water corrosion. (350) Ex "Nicobar Hoard" Ponterio Auction 39, lot 268. 1139. SPAIN. Philip IV. 1621-1665. AR 8 Reales (27.23 gm). Seville mint. Assayer D. Only 16xx of date visible. VF for type, not sea-salvage. (150)

1140. SPAIN. Phillip V. 1721S. AR 2 Reales (5.54 gm). Seville mint Assayer J. Crowned shield/Arms. C & C 7861. Toned EF. (100)


Lot 1143

Lot 1144 Reduced Photos

1143. S W E D E N . Plate Money. Fredrik 1.1720-1751.1731./HI Daler. Avesta minL Center stamp: 1 DALER SILF:MYNT, crossed arrows of Dalama (Avesta mint). Comer stamps: Crown FRS 1731. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), page 303, stamp A; page 304, stamp 12. Stamps grade VF, salt water corrosion. (250) Ex "NicobarHoard"

Ponterio Auction 39, lot 316.

1144. SWEDEN. Plate Money. FVcdrik 1.1720-1751.1741. / E l / 2 Daler. Avesta mint. Center stamp: 1/2 DALER SILF:MYNT, crossed arrows of Dalama (Avesta mint). Comer stamps: Crown FRS 1741. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), page 307, stamp A; page 308, stamp 12. Stamps grade VF, salt water corrosion. (200) Ex "Nicobar Hoard" Ponterio Auction 39, lot 402.

Reduced Photo 1141. SWEDEN. Plate Money. Fredrik 1.1720-1751.1741. £ 4 Daler. Avesta minL Center stamp: 4 DALER SILF:MYNT, crossed arrows of Dalama (Avesta mint). Comer stamps: Crown FRS 1741. Tingström, Plate Money - The World's Largest Currency (1986), page 295, stamp A; page 297, stamp 22. Stamps grade VF, salt water conosion. (650) Ex "Nicobar Hoard" Ponterio Auction 39, lot 167.

1145. SWITZERLAND, Bern. 1826. A R 5 Batzen (4.19gm). Bear/Amts. Cr 90; KM 196.1. Toned AU. (75)





5 «SB-AV ^®‫י״׳י‬ 1146. TRANSYLVANIA. Maria Theresa. 1743. AV Ducat (3.39 gm). Bust right/Crowned shield. KM 1299; Fnedberg 32a. Fine. (200)

25,1 992

1152. URTUKIDS O F MARIDIN. Nasiral din Urtuk Arslan. 1201-1239. R Dirhem (7.58 gm). Dated AH 611 (1214/15 AD). Head facing slightly left/ Legend. Edhem 78; MWI1053. Nice VF. (125)

1147. U.S. Token Issue. 1881. R One Cent (2.88 gm). Indian head left /The Lord's Prayer engraved. Piercing for suspension. F/VF. Interesting. (25)

1153. O T T O M A N T U R K S . Ahmad III. 1703-1730. AR Onluk (5.36 gm). Tiflis mint. Toughra and mint / Four line legend. KM 2. VF. (150) A rare Ottoman provincial mint, now once again the capital of an independent Georgia.


Celtic to Modern 1148. URTUKIDS O F MARIDIN. Nejm al din Alpi. 1152-1176. R Dirhem (11.89 gm). Two facing busts/Facing head in circle. Edhem 35; MWI 1029. VF. (125)

1154. CELTIC. Armorican. Circa 75-50 BC. Billon Slater (6.48 gm). Crude head right /Horse right, boar below. Seaby 12. VF. (100)

1149. URTUKIDS O F MARIDIN. Ne jm al din Alpi. 1152-1176. Al Dirhem (12.91 gm). Two facing busts/Facing head in circle. Edhem 35; MWI 1030. NearVF. (75)

1155. CELTIC. Armorican. Circa 75-50 BC. Billon Slater (6.56 gm). Crude head right / Horse right, Victory above with whip ending in cross. Seaby 13. Near EF. (75)

1150. URTUKIDS O F MARIDIN. Qutb al din il Ghazi. 1176-1184. R Dirhem (11.01 gm). Constantinian head right in square/Five line legend. Edhem 39; MWI 1031. Near VF, nice black patina. (100) 1156. CELTIC. Armorican. Circa 75-50 BC. Billon Stater (6.08 gm). Crude head right, anchor shaped nose / Horse right, boar below. Seaby 14. VF. (100)

1151. URTUKIDS O F MARIDIN. Hosam al din Yuluk Arslan. 1184-1201. R Dirhem (14.57 gm). Dated AH 589 = 1189 AD. Seated figure left with attendants / Legend. Edhem 58; MWI 1039. Near VF. (75)

1157. CELTIC. Armorican. Billon Stater (5.88 gm). Head right, anchor shaped nose/Horse right, boar below. Seaby 14. Near VF/F. (75) 96



1158. CELi'IC, CANTII. Dubnovellaunus. 20 BC-10 AD. JE 15mm (2.05 gm). Circa 17-10 BC. Boar right, on plaque with DVBNOV / Eagle facing right, with out-spread wings. Van ArsdeU 180-1. Good VF, emerald green patina. (350) ExMossup collection.


25,1 992

1165. CELTIC. Iceni. Queen Boudicca. 61 AD. AR Unit (1.28 gm). Stylized head right / Horse right. Van ArsdeU 794; Seaby 74. Choice 1· I·'. (300)

1159. CELTIC. Atrebates. Tincommius. 30-10 BC. AV Quarter Stater (1.19 gm). 1 st coinage (30-25 BC). PeUet in spiral wreath / Horse right, Τ above. Van ArsdeU 366-1. VF. (500)

1166. CELTIC. Coritani. 50BC-10AD. AR Unit (1.29 gm). Class L Prototype issue. Boar right with rosette / Horse left. Van ArsdeU 855var, Seaby 66. VF.

(200) Ex Mossop Collection.

1167. CELTIC. Dobunni. Antedrig. 10BC-10 AD. AR Unit (1.07 gm). Class E. Celticized head right / Horse left Van Arsdell 1074-1 ; Seaby 261 var. VF. (150)

1160. CELTIC. Atrebates. Verica. 10-43 AD. AV Stater (5.29 gm). Second coinage 20-25 AD. Tablet with COM.F / Wamor right on horse, VIR above, REX below. Van ArsdeU 500-1 ; Seaby 98. Good VF. (975)

1168. CELTIC. Durotriges, Later Geometric. 60 BC-20 AD. AR Quarter Stater (1.18 gm )."Wolf and twins'/Geometric design. Van Aisdell 1242-1 ;Seaby 49. Choice toned EF. (175)

^ AV 1161. C E L T I C . Atrebates. Verica. 10-43 AD. AV Stater (5.20 gm). Third coinage 25-35 AD. VI RI flanking vine leaf / Celtic warrior on horseback nght, C Ο F in field around. Van ArsdeU 520-1 ; Seaby 99. Good VF. (975)

1169. CELTIC. TRIM) VANTES. Savernake Forest l>‫׳‬pc. Circa 40 BC. Base AV Stater (4.11 gm). Blank / Crude hoise right; spiral above, wheel below. Van ArsdeU 1526-1. VF. Rare. (300)

1162. CELTIC. Atrebates. Verica. 1043 AD. AR Unit (1.26 gm). Third Coinage 25-35 AD. Celtic warrior right on horse / As obverse. Van ArsdeU 530-1; Seaby 106. Toned VF. (200)

The coin appears atfirst glance bronze, spectroscopic analysis reveals a gold conlent of about 14%.

1163. CELTIC. Iceni. Can Duro. 25-20 BC. AR Unit (1.24 gm). Boarto right, A below / Horse right, CAN above, DVRO below. Van ArsdeU 663-1 (ER); Seaby .VF. Extremely Rare. (750) This is t)u‫ ׳‬earliest inscribedIcenian issue

1170. CELTIC. THnovantcs. Dubnovellaunus. 30-25 BC. AV Quarter Stater (1.31 gm). Crescents on wreath with peUet in rings / Horse to left; trefoil above, branch below. Van ArsdeU 1660-1. Good VF, smaU edge chip. (500)

1164. CELTIC. Iceni. Ecen. 25-38 AD. AR Unit (1.20 gm). Double crescent emblem / Horse right, ECEN below. Van ArsdeU 730-1 ;Seaby 275. Near EF. (100)

1171. CELTIC. Trinovantes. Andoco. 10 BC-10 AD. JE 14mm (1.22 gm). Diademed head right / Bridled horse gaUoping righL Van ArsdeU 1871 -1. VF, gilt, reverse porosity. (250) 97


M a r c h 25,1 992


1179. S A X O N . Early Porcupine. 700-735. AR Sceatia (1.18 gm). Series E. Porcupine developed into plumed bird / Standard. Seaby 789; North 49. Choice nearEF. (450) 1172. CELTIC.Trinovantcs. Cunobdin. 10-43 AD. AV Stater (5.41 gm). Wild Type. Circa 10-20 AD. CA MV, grain ear, no central stalk, no pellets above letters / CVNO, horse galloping right, branch above, pellet in ring motif before. For reverse Van Arsdell 1931-7 (ER); obverse. Good VF. (1000) 1180. SAXON. Wessex. Scries F. 690-715. AR Sceatta (1.21 gm). Helmeted bust right/Cross and annulets. Seaby -; North 62. Good VF. (375) From the Aston Rowanl

1173. CELTIC. Innovantes. Cunobelin. 1 0 4 3 AD. AV Stater (5.40gm). Wild Type. Circa 10-20 AD. CA MV, grain ear, pellet above A, trefoil of pellets above M /CVNO, horse galloping right, branch and χ above. Van Arsdell 1931 -9 (ER). Good VF. (1000)


1181. SAXON. Essex. Series S. 730-745. AR Sceatta (0.94 gm). Sphinx orfemale centaur left with spread wings / Wolf-head whorl. Seaby 831 ; North 121. Choice VF. Rare. (475) Found near Maldon in 1979.

1174. CELTIC. Trinovantes. Cunobelin. 10-43 AD. AV Stater (5.41 gm). Wild Type. Circa 10-20 AD. CA MV, grain ear, pellet above A, trefoil of pellets above M / CVNO, horse galloping right, branch and χ above. Van ArsdeU 1931 -9 (ER). Good VF. (1000)

1175. CELTIC. Trinovantcs. Cunobelin. 1 0 4 3 AD. AV Stater (5.44 gm). Wild Type. Circa 10-20 AD. CA MV, grain ear, pellet above A, trefoil of pellets above M / CVNO, horse galloping right, branch and χ above. Van Arsdell 1931-9 (ER). Good VF. (1000)

1176. CELTIC. THnovantes Cunobelin. 10-43 AD. AR Unit (1.22 gm). Winged bust right /Sphinx seated left. Van Arsdell 2057-1. VF, light porosity. (250)

1182. S A X O N . East Anglian. Aelfwald. Series R. 715-745. AR Sceatta (0.73 gm). Crude radiate bust right, EPA before in runes / Standard. Seaby 832. Good VF. (325)

1183. SAXON. Frisian Series. 700-750. AR Sceatta (0.60 gm). Crude bust right / Cross with pellets. Seaby 839. Good VF. (200)

1184. SAXON. Northumbria. Eadbcrht. 737-758. AR Sceatta (0.84 gm). EAD· BERHT, small cross / Fantastic quadruped. Seaby 852. VF. Very Rare. (1200) Fx Spink !.#70.

1177. SAXON. Kent. Wihtred. 690-725. Primary Series B. AR Sceatta (1.04 gm). Diademed bust right within serpent circle / Bird on cross, annulets to either side. Seaby 783. VF, hoard patina. (225) From Vicarage Farm Find.

1178. SAXON. East Anglian. Aldwulf. 695-710. Primary Series C. AR Sceatta (1.17 gm). Radiate bust right, OTEPA in nines before / Neat standard. Seaby 785 variety. VF, a little flatly struck, hoard patina. Rare. (375) From the Vicarage Farm Find.

1185. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethclred II. 854-862. JE Sceatta (1.11 gm). Blundered series. Eanred. Seaby 861 ; Mack S C B I 4 2 6 (this coin). VF. (75)

1186. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelrcd II. 854-862. JE Sceatta (0.93 gm). Blundered series. Leofthegen. Seaby 861; Mack SCBI 445 (this coin). VF, double struck. (75) 1 28



1187. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelred Π. 854-862. JE Sceatta (1.19 gm). Blundered series. Leogdegm. Seaby 861 ; Mack SCBI455 (this coin). VF. (75) Ex II exham Hoard.


25,1 992

1196. SAXON. York. Wigmund. 837-854. JE Sceatta (1.11 gm). + V1GMVND /+EDELHELM, cross. Seaby 871. VF. (125)

1188. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelred II. 854-862. JE Sceatta (1.27 gm). Blundered series. Leofthegen. Seaby 861 ; Mack SCBI 460 (this coin). VF. (75)

1197. MERCIA, Kings of. Burgrcd. 840-852. AR Penny (1.28 gm). Type A. Bust right / MON - +HVSSA - ETA, three pellets. Seaby 938 vanety. EF. (450)

1189. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelred Π. 854-862. JE Sceatta (1.24 gm). Blundered series. Leofthegen. Seaby 861 ;Mack SCBI 461 (this coin). VF. (75) 1198. MERCIA, Kings of. Burgred. 852-874 AD. AR Penny (1.26 gm). Type C. Bust right/TATA moneyer. Seaby 940; BMC380. Good VF. (450)

1190. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelred II. 854-862. JE Sceatta (0.96 gm). Blundered series. MONNE. Seaby 861 ; Mack SCBI 472 (this coin). VF. (75)

1199. SAXON. NORTHUMBRIA, Vikings. Cnut. 885-915. AR Penny (1.40 gm). York mint CNUT REX around double4>arred cross / +CVN+NET+TI around small cross with pellets. Seaby 993. Toned good VF. (325) 1191. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelred II. 854-862. JE Sceatta (1.13 gm). Blundered series. +DAREHE /+EMENRV. Seaby 861 ; SCBI Mack 481 (this coin). Good VF. (100)

1200. SAXON. Viking Invaders. St. Peter of York. 919-925. AR Penny (1.21 gm). +C(reversed)MC - sword - S(reversed)MIC / +AOE A RCEI, voided hammer. Cf. Seaby 1015. Toned VF. Very Rare. (1500)

1192. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelred II. 854-862. JE Sceatta (1.10gm). Blundered series. EHREVI. Seaby 861 ; Mack SCBI 487 (this coin). VF. (75)

1193. SAXON. Northumbria. Aethelred II. 854-862. JE Sceatta (1.23 gm). Blundered series. ERESID. Seaby 861 ; Mack SCBI 489 (this coin). VF. (15) 1201. SAXON, Wessex. Aethelwulf. 839-858. AR Penny (1.16 gm). Phase I. Canterbury minL +ETOELVVLF REX, cross and wedges / SAX-ONIO-RVM in three lines; moneyer Osmund. Seaby 1044. Toned VF. Rare. (900) 1194. SAXON. Northumbria. Redwulf. Circa 858. JE Sceatta (1.19 gm). +REDVLFREX, cross /+CVDBEREhT, cross. Seaby 863. VF. (100)

1202. SAXON. Alfred theGreat. 871-899. AR Penny (0.99 gm), first portrait type. ++AELRED, bust right (style of Burgred) / MON - DVNN - ETA in three lines. Seaby 1057; BMC 174. VF.alittlerough.Rare. (1400)

1195. SAXON. York. Wigmund. 837-854. JE Sceatta (1.04 gm). +VIGMVND, cross /+EDELHELM, cross. Seaby 871. VF. (150) 99



1203. SAXON. Eadgar. 959-975. AR Penny (1.19 gm). Two line type. +EADGAR REX:, cross/ /ESCV - +++ - LFMO, in three lines. Seaby 1131 ; BMC 65. Toned VF. (375)

1204. SAXON. Aethelred II. 978-1016. AR Penny (1.54 gm). First hand type. Bust right / Hand of Providence; Aethelred on London. Seaby 1144. Toned good VF. (375)


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1210. William I. 1066-1087. AR Penny (1.35 gm). PAXS type. Winchester. Crowned bust /+LIOFPOLD ON PINC. Seaby 1257; BMC 1106. Toned good VF. (350)

1211. Stephen. 1135-1154. AR Penny (1.26 gm). Watford Type. Crowned bust right/Cross moline; PAIEN on Northampton. Seaby 1278. Near VF. Very Rare. (250) For a comparable specimen of this rare mini see Elmore Jones (Glendining's October 1986) lot 1665.

1205. SAXON. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (0.93 gm). Trefoil quadrilateral type. Bust left with sceptre / cross, Aelfwig on London. Seaby 1174. Toned EF. (450)

1212. Stephen. 1135-1154. AR Penny (1.35 gm). Watford Type. Crowned bust right with sceptre/Cross mobne;Uif on York. Seaby 1278. VF, usual areas of flatness. (225) 1206. SAXON. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.07 gm). Short cross type. Bust left / Short cross; Empii on Hereford. Seaby 1175; BMC 542. Toned EF (275)

1207. SAXON. Harold II. 1066. AR Penny (1.32 gm). Crowned bust left with sceptre / PAX, Ozpold on Lewes. Seaby 1186; BMC 46. Toned good VF. (1400)

1208. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.37 gm). Twoscepties type. London. Crowned bust facing /GODINC ON LVNDEI. Seaby 1253. Toned EF. (550)

1209. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.42 gm). PAXS type. Crowned bustfacing / Cross; moneyer Edric on London. Seaby 1257. VF. (275)

1213. Stephen. 1135-1154. AR Penny (1.24 gm). Cross fleury type. Crowned bust left with sceptre/Cross fleury with trefoils; Wulfwine on London. Seaby 1281. BMC Type VI. VF. Extremely Rare. (1500)

1214. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR "Tealby" Penny (1.39 gm). Class A. Crowned bust with sceptre/Cross; Hue on Norwich. Seaby 1337; North 952. Toned VF.


1215. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR "Tealby" Penny (1.44 gm). Class D. Crowned bust with sceptre/Cross; Acard on London. Seaby 1340. Toned VF. (100)




1216. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR "Tealby" Penny (1.42 gm). Class E3. Crowned bust with sceptre / Cross; Robert on Ipswich. Seaby 1341 ; BMC 338. Toned VF+. (125)

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1223. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.32 gm). Class 5a. Crowned bust of neat style with sceptre / Short cross; Hue on Cantebury. Seaby 1350. EF. (300)

ExNorweb collection.

1224. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.37 gm). Class 5b. Crowned bust with seeptre/Short cross; Iohan Β on Canterbury. Seaby 1351. VF. (100) 1217. Henry Π. 1154-1189. AR"Tealby" Penny (1.39 gm). Class Ε Crownedbust with sceptre/Cross; Wilem on Newcastle. Seaby 1341. Toned VF+. (125)

1225. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.44 gm). Class 5c. Bust facing/Long cross; Iohan on Ipswich. Seaby 1352. VF. (100)

1218. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR"Tealby" Penny (1.38 gm). Class F. Crowned bust with sceptre/ Cross; Willem on Carlisle. Seaby 1342. Toned VF+. (125)

ExNorweb collection. 1226. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.40 gm). Class 5c. Crowned bust with seeptre / Short cross; Willem Τ on London. Seaby 1352.GoodVF. (125)

1219. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR Penny (1.43 gm). Class lc. Crowned bust with sceptre/Short cross; Raul on London. Seaby 1344,TonedVF. (100) 1227. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.42 gm). Class 6al. Crowned bust with sceptre /Short cross; Hgeron London. Seaby 1353. VF. (125)

1220. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR Penny (1.38 gm). Class lb. Crowned bust with sceptre; stop after R / Short cross; Efrard on York. Seaby 1344. Toned VF. (125)

1228. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.13gm). Class 6c. Crowned bust with sceptre/Short cross; Abel on London. Seaby 1355. Good VF. (100)

>1 yv-γ

1221. Richard 1.1189-1199. AR Penny (1.41 gm). Class 4a. Crowned bust with sceptre /Short cross; Ricard on London. Seaby 1348. VF. (100)

1229. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.46 gm). Class 7. Crowned bust with sceptre/Short cross, no stops; Dgeron London. Seaby 1356. VF. (75)

1222. Richard 1.1189-1199. AR Penny (1.51 gm). Class 4b. Crowned bust with sceptre/Short cross; Ulard on Canterbury. Seaby 1348A. VF. (100)

1230. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.35 gm). Class 7. Crowned bust with sceptre/Short cross, no stops; Tomas on Canterbury. Seaby 1356. VF. (75) 101




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1231. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.23 gm). Class 8b. Crowned bust with sceptre / Short cross; Nichole on London. Seaby 1357c. Near VF, porous. Rare. (150)

1238. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.21 gm). Class IVb. Crowned bust/ Long cross; mint: Canterbury. Seaby 1419. Toned good VF. (75)

1232. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (l.lOgm). Class 2. Crowned bust / Long cross; Nicole on London. Seaby 1361. Near VF, porous. Rare. (75)

1239. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.31 gm). Class IVb. Crowned bust/ Long cross, cross moline in legend; mint: Durham, for Bishop Bee. Seaby 1424. NearVF. Very Rare. (350)

1233. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.40 gm). Class VI, Long Cross in name of Henry HI (1272-79). Crowned bust facing with sceptre / Long cross; Ioh on Bury S l Edmunds. Seaby 1377. VF. (75)

1240. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Halfpenny (0.63 gm). Type IHc. Crowned bust /Long cross; mint: London. Seaby 1432. Toned VF. (125)

1241. Edward I. 1272-1307. AR Farthing (0.43 gm). Class I, Heavy series. Crowned bust / Long cross; mint: London. Seaby 1443. Toned VF. (200)

1234. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Groat (3.69 gm). Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1379; North 1005. NearVF. May have been once mounted. Very Rare. (1750) The first English groat.

1242. Edward 1.1272-1 JO/. AR Farthing (0.37 gm). Class IHg. Crowned bust/ Long cross; mint: London. Seaby 1446. Toned VF. (150)

1243. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Farthing (0.17 gm). Class X. Crowned bust/ Long cross; mint: London. Seaby 1450. Toned near VF, flan ragged. (75)

1235. Edward I. 1272-1307. AR Penny (1.21 gm). Class IXb. Crowned bust / Long cross; mint: London. Seaby 1408. Toned good VF. (75)

1236. Edward I. 1272-1307. AR Penny (1.37 gm). Class IVd. Crowned bust/ Long cross; mint: Canterbury. Seaby 1419. Toned good VF. (75)

1244. Edward III. 1327-1377. AV Noble (7.61 gm). Treaty Period 1361-1369. Annulet before EDWARD, king facmg with shield on ship / Ε in center of royal cross; mintmark: cross potent (5). Seaby 1503. VF. (900)

‫׳‬mm 1237. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.33 gm). Class HIg. Crowned bust/ Long cross; mint: Chester. Seaby 1419. VF. (75)

1245. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Halfpenny (0.57 gm). Second coinage 13351343. London. Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1540. Toned VF. (100)




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1246. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Penny (0.90 gm). Third coinage, Class 2. Crowned bust facing / Long cross, crazier before legend; mint of Durham for Bishop Hatfield. Seaby 1540. Toned Fine. Rare. (100) 1252. Edward ΠΙ. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.26 gm). Fourth coinage, Series G. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: cross 3 (4). Seaby 1570. Toned VF. (125)

1247. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.46 gm). Fourth coinage. Mule. Obverse is series Β /Reverse is series C with Lombardic M, closed C and E. Seaby 1563/ 1565; North 1142 /1147. Toned VF. (250) 1253. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.49 gm). Fourth coinage, Series G. Crowned bust facing, annulet below bust / Long cross; mintmaik : cross 3 (4). Seaby 1570; North 1174. Toned VF. (125) Ex W. J Poller collection.

1248. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.67 gm). Fourth coinage, Series C. Crowned bust facing, wedge shaped R / Long cross; mintmark: cross 1. Seaby 1565. VF. (175) 1254. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Halfgroat (2.21 gm). Series C. London. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: cross 1. Seaby 1574. Toned VF. (100)

1249. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.54 gm). Fourth coinage, Series C. Crowned bust facing, normal shaped R/Long cross; mintmark :cross 1.Seaby 1566. VF. (125)

1250. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.32 gm). Fourth coinage, Series E. Crowned bust facing/Long cross; mintmark: cross 2 (3). Seaby 1567. VF. (125)

1251. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.53 gm). Fourth coinage, Series E. Crowned bust facing, lis on breast / Long cross; mintmark: cross 2 (3). Seaby 1568. VF. (125)

1255. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Halfgroat (2.21 gm). Series G. London. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: cross 3(4). Seaby 1578. Toned good VF. (125)

1256. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Penny (0.86 gm). Series G.London. Crowned bustfacing/Longcross;m!ntmark:cross3(4).Seaby 1588. Toned VF. (75)

1257. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.34 gm). Treaty penod 1361-69. Crowned bust facing, annulet on breast / Long cross; mintmark: cross potent. Seaby 1618; North 1253variety. Toned VF. Rare. (200) For a comparable specimen, see Doubleday lot 562.




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1258. Edward ΙΠ. 1327-1377. AR Halfpenny (0.46 gm). Treaty Penod. London. Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1634. Choice VF. (175)

1265. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Half Noble (3.37 gm). Annulet Issue. London. King standing facing on ship, annulet at arm / h at centre of cross; mint mark: Us. Seaby 1805. Nice VF. (650)

1259. Richard II. 1377-1399. AR Groat (4.54 gm). Type Π. Crowned bustfadng; retrograde Ζ / Long cross; mintmark: cross pattée. Seaby 1679. Near VF. (600)

1266. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Quarter Noble (1.72 gm). Annulet issue London. Lis over shield, Us stop after hENRIC / Ornate cross; mintmark; lis. Seaby 1810; North 1420. VF. (350)

1260. Richard Π. 1377-1399. AR Penny (0.98 gm). Type III. York. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 1695. Fine. Scarce. (100)

1261. Richard Π. 1377-1399. AR Halfpenny (0.45 gm). Intermediate style. London. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 1699. VF. Scarce. (150)

1262. Henry V. 1413-1422. AV Quarter Noble (1.70 gm). Class C. London. Lis over shield, annulet to left, muUet to right / Cross. Seaby 1756. VF. (600)

1267. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat(3.71 gm). Annulet issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: pierced cross. Seaby 1836. Toned good VF. (150)

1268. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Halfgroat (1.71 gm). Annulet issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing / Ixing cross. Seaby 1840. Near VF. (75)

1263. Henry V. 1413-1422. ARGroat(3.66gm).TypeC.Crownedbustfacing, muUet on shoulder /Long cross; mintmark: cross pattée / Pierced cross. Seaby 1765. Toned VF. (225)

1269. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Penny (0.81 gm). Annulet issue. London. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 1844. Near VF. (75)

1264. Henry V. 1413-1422. AR Penny (0.77 gm). Series G. York. Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1791. VF. Scarce. (125)

1270. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Penny (0.81 gm). Annulet issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1845.VF. (100)



1271. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.76 gm). Annulet-trefoil issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: pierced cross. Seaby 1854. Near VF. Scarce. (100)

1272. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (2.78 gm). Rosette-mascle issue. London. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: cross patonce. Seaby 1858. Near VF. Scarce. (100) ExReigatefmd.

1273. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.81 gm). Rosette-mascle issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark : pierced cross. Seaby 1859. Good VF. (175)

1274. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat(3.61 gm). Rosette-mascle issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: cross patonce. Seaby 1859. Toned VF. (125)

1275. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat(3.61 gm). Rosette-mascle issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing; mascles in two spandrels / Long cross; mintmark: plain cross. Seaby 1860. Near VF. Scarce. (100)

1276. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Halfgroat (2.01 gm). Rosette-Mascle issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing/Long cross. Seaby 1862. Toned nice VF. (125)


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1277. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Penny (0.97 gm). Rosette-Mascle issue Calais. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 1865. Toned VF. (150)

1278. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Penny (0.97 gm). Mule of (Obv) Pinecone Mascle/ (Rev) Rosette Mascle Issues. Calais. +11ENRICVS (pinecone) REX (mascle) ANGLIE, crowned bust facing / VIL - (mascle)LA - CAL - SIE(rosette), long cross. Seaby -; North -. Near VF, porous. Very Rare. (150)

1279. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.60 gm). Pinecone-mascle issue. London. Crowned bust facing/Long cross; mintmark: cross patonce. Seaby 1874. VF. Scarce. (125)

1280. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.76 gm). Pinecone-mascle issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: cross patonce. Seaby 1875. VF. Scarce. (125)

1281. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Halfgroat (1.81 gm). Pinecone-mascle issue. Calais. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: cross patonce. Seaby 1877. VF. (100)

1282. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Halfpenny (0.40gm). Pinecone-Mascleissue. London. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 1884. Toned good VF.




M a r c h 25,1 992

1288. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.11 gm). Light coinage. Crowned bust facing, quatrefoils at neck / Long cross; mintmark: sun. Seaby 2000. Good VF. (125)

1283. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.65 gm). Trefoil issue, Class C. London. Crowned bust facing; trefoils on cusps /Long cross; mintmark: cross fleurée. Seaby 1909. VF. Scarce. (200)

1289. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.12 gm). Light coinage. Bristol. Crowned bust facing, Β on breast, quatrefoils at neck / Long cross; mintmark: crown. Seaby 2005. Good VF. (150) 1284. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.83 gm). Leaf-pellet issue. London. Crowned bustfacing; leaf on neck, peUets by crown, fleur on breast / Long cross; pellets in first and third quarters. Seaby 1917. Near EF. Choice. (300)

1290. Edward IV. 1461 -1470. AR Halfgroat ( 1.34 gm). Ught coinage. London. Crowned bust facing, quatrefoils by neck / Long cross. Seaby 2016. Near VF. (100)

1285. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.86 gm). Leaf-pellet issue. London. Crowned bust facing; leaf on neck, fleur on breast / Long cross; mintmark: cross fleurée. Seaby 1917. Good VF. Scarce. (200) 1291. EdwardlV. 1461-1470. AR Halfgroat (L40 gm). Light coinage. Canterbury minL Crowned bust facing, trefoils by neck / Long cross. Seaby 2031. Near VF. (75)

1286. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.92 gm). Heavy coinage, Class ΙΠ. Crowned bust facing, quatrefoils at neck / Long cross; mintmark: rose. Seaby 1976. Toned near EF. (300) 1292. Edward IV. Second Reign 1471-1483. AV Angel (5.01 gm). London. 1480-83. St. Michael slaying dragon / Arms on ship; mintmark: heraldic cinque(850) foil. Seaby 2091 ; North 1626. VF.

1287. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.11 gm). U g h t coinage, Class Va. Crowned bust facing, quatrefoils at neck / Long cross, eye after TAS; mintmark: (200) rose. Seaby 1997. Good VF.

1293. Edward IV. Second Reign. 1471-1483. AR Groat (2.87 gm). Crowned bust facing, rose on breast / Long cross; mintmark: heraldic cinquefoil. Seaby 2100. VF. Scarce. (100) 106



1294. Edward IV. Second Reign. 1471-1483. AR Groat (2.96 gm). York. Crowned bust facing, Ε on breast / Long cross; mintmark: lis. Seaby 2109. VF. Rare !350)


25,1 992

1300. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Halfgroat (1.19 gm). Type Illb. Canterbury. Crowned bust facing / Ijong cross; mintmark: tun/lis. Seaby 2210. Toned VF. (75)

1301. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Halfgroat (1.46 gm). Typefflb. Canterbury. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; minimark: tun/lis. Seaby 2210. Toned good VF. (125) 1295. Edward IV/V. 1483. AR Groat (2.23 gm). Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mint mark: halved sun and rose. Seaby 2146. Near VF, lightly clipped. Very Rare. ' (1400) ExLawrence collection.

1302. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Halfgroat (1.19 gm). Type m a . York, Archbishop Savage. Crowned bust facing, keys at neck / Long cross; mintmark: martlet. Seaby 2214. Toned VF. (100)

1296. Richard III. 1483-1485. AR Groat (2.60 gm). Crowned bust facing/Long cross; mintmark : boar's head (wide). Seaby 2159. VF. Scarce. (750) 1303. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Halfgroat (1.45 gm). Type Hie. York, Archbishop Savage. Crowned bust facing, keys at neck / Long cross; mintmark: martlet. Seaby 2216. Toned VF. (75)

1297. Henry VÜ. 1485-1509. AV Angel (5.11 gm). Type 1Π. St. Michael slaying dragon /Shield surmounted on ship; mintmark: cinquefoil. Seaby 2183. VF. (750)

1304. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AV Angel (5.11 gm). First coinage 1509-26. St. Michael slaying dragon / Arms over ship; mintmark: castle. Seaby 2265; North 1760. Choice VF. (800)

1298. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Groat (2.88 gm). TypelHc. Crowned bustfacing / Long cross; mintmark: greyhound. Seaby 2199. Toned VF. (125)

1299. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Groat (2.74 gm). Type Ula. Crowned bustfacing /Long cross; mintmark: escallop. Seaby 2198. Good Fine. (75)

1305. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AV Half Sovereign (6.36 gm). Third coinage 154447. Tower mint. King enthroned holding orb and sceptre / Lion and dragon holding shield; mintmark: annulet in circle. Seaby 2294; North 1827. VF, a little softness of strike. Scarce. (850)




25,1 992

1306. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat ( 2 7 7 gm). First coinage. Tower minL Crowned bust of Henry VII in profile right / Long cross over shield; mintmark: crowned portcullis. Seaby 2316. Near VF. (150)

1312. Henry VDI. 1509-1547. AR Testoon (7.18 gm). Third coinage. Southwark. Crowned bust facing /Crowned rose; mintmark: S. Seaby 2367. Fine. Rare, (500)

1307. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Halfpenny (0.39 gm). First issue. London. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: castle. Seaby 2334. Toned good VF. (150)

1313. Henry V I I I . 1509-1547. AR Halfgroat (1.14 gm). Third coinage. Canterbury. Three quarter bust right / Long cross surmounting shield Seaby 2378. Near VF. (100)

1308. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.64 gm). Second coinage, second bust. Tower mint. Crowned bust right, obverse legend reads hF.RIC / Long cross over shield; mintmark: rose. Seaby 2337c. VF. (100)

1314. Henry V M , Posthumous Coinage by Edward VI. 1547-1551. AR(Base) Groat (235 gm). Bust 5. Southwark. Crowned bust three quarter right / Long cross surmounting shield. Seaby 2404. Near VF. (125)

1309. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.64 gm). Second coinage, third busL Tower mint. Crowned bust right/Long cross over shield; mintmark: arrow. Seaby 2337e. VF. (100)

1315. Henry VIO, Posthumous Coinage by Edward VI. 1547-1551. AR (Base) Groat (2.50 gm). Bristol. Crowned bust three quarter right / Long cross surmounting shield. Seaby 2406. VF. Rare. (250)

1310. Henry V I I I . 1509-1547. AR Halfgroat (1.19 gm). Second coinage. Canterbury, Archbishop Cranmer. Crowned bust right / Long cross surmounting shield, Τ C at sides; mintmark: Catherine wheel. Seaby 2345. Toned good VF. (150)

1311. Henry V I I I . 1509-1547. AR Halfpenny (0.31 gm). Second coinage. Ijondon. Crowned bust facing / Long cross; mintmark: arrow. Seaby 2356. Toned good VF. (125)

1316. Edward VI. M D L = 1550. AR (Base) Shilling (4.64 gm). Second period, Tower mint. Crowned bust right/Garnished shield; mintmark: swan. Seaby 2466. Good Fine. (150)




25,1 992

1322. Philip & Mary. 1555. AR Shilling (6.29 gm). Busts face-to-face, English titles only / Crowned shield. Seaby 2501. Toned VF. (600)

1317. Edward VI. 1551. AR Crown (31.00 gm). Fine silver issue. King right on horseback, 1551 below / Cross surmounted over shield; mintmark: y. Seaby 2478; North 1933. Toned near VF. (400)

1323. Philip & Mary. 1554. AR Sixpence (2.92 gm). Busts face-to-face, full tities / Crowned shield. Seaby 2505. Toned Fine. (225)

1318. Edward VI. 1547-1553. AR Shilling (5.67 gm). Fine Silver Issue. Crowned bust three-quarter left / Long cross surmounting arms. Seaby 2482. Toned near VF. (100)

1324. Philip & Mary. 1554-1558. AR Groat (1.97 gm). Crowned bust of Mary left /Cross surmounting shield; mintmark: lis. Seaby 2508. Toned Fine. (125)

1319. Edward VI. 1547-1553. AR Sixpence (2.84 gm). Fine silver issue. Crowned bust 3/4 left / Cross surmounting shield; mintmark: tun. Seaby 2483. Near VF, wavy flan. (125)

1325. Elizabeth J. 1558-1603. AV Angel (5.10 gm). Fifth issue 1583-84. St. Michael slaying dragon / Arms over ship; mintmark: A. Seaby 2531 ; North 2005. Nice VF. Scarce. (1000)

1320. Mary. 1553-1554. AV Angel (4.92 gm). St. Michael slaying dragon/Arms surmounting ship; mintmark : pomegranate. Seaby 2490. VF. (1750) 1326. Elizabethl. 1558-1603. AV Crown (2.73 gm). Hfih issue. Crowned bust left /Crownedarms; mintmark: tun. Seaby 2536. VF. (1100)

1321. Mary. 1553-1554. AR Groat (1.91 gm). Crowned bust left/Cross surmounting shield; mintmark: pomegranate. Seaby 2492. Fine, a little wavy.


1327. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. AR Penny (0.45 gm). Second issue. Crowned bust left/Shield; mintmark: cross-crosslet. Seaby 2558. Near VF. (75)




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1334. Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. AR Milled Halfgroat (1.03 gm). Crowned bust left / Long cross surmonting shield; mintmark: star. Seaby 2606. Near VF. Rare. (175)

1328. Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. AR Shilling (5.98 gm). Fifth issue 1591-95. Crowned bust left, plain bodice / Cross surmounted over shield; mintmark: tun. Seaby 2577B. Toned VF. (225)

1329. Elizabeth I. 1558-1603. AR Halfgroat (1.15 gm). Fifth issue. Crowned bust left/Shield; mintmark: escallop. Seaby 2579. Toned VF. (90)

1335. Elizabeth I. 1600. AR Two Testems (6.42 gm). Crowned shield, Ε R to either side / Crowned portcullis. Seaby 2607C; KM 2.1. VF. Very Rare. (1200) For use by the East India Trade Company. These coins, in denominations of 1,2,4 and 8 testerns, were intended to supplant the Spanish reales m circulation in Asia. They were completely unsuccessful and were quickly withdrawn. Ex Wayte Raymond Collection.

1330. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. AR Penny (0.44gm). Fifth issue. Crowned bustleft /Shield; mintmark: escallop. Seaby 2580. Toned near VF. (75)

1336. James 1.1603-1625. AR Shilling (6.08 gm). Second coinage, fifth bust. Crowned bust right / Shield; mintmark: coronet Seaby 2656; North 2101. Near VF. (150) 1331. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. AR Milled Shilling (6.31 gm). Intermediate size. Crowned bust left / Long cross surmounting shield; mint mark : star. Seaby 2591. Toned VF. Rare. (400) ExCarylon-Brilton


1337. James 1.1620-1621. AR Shilling (5.88 gm). Thiid coinage, sixth bust with curly hair. Mintmark: rose. Seaby 2855; North 2124. Good VF, weak at edges. (175)

1332. Elizabeth 1.1564/2. AR Milled Sixpence (2.95 gm). Crowned bust left / Long cross surmounting shield; mint mark: star. Seaby 2597. Toned Fine. (100) 1338. James1.1603-1625. /EFarthing (0.65gm)."Harrington"Type2.Crown and crossed sceptres / Crowned lyre. Seaby 2676. Near EF. (75)

1333. Elizabeth 1.1562. AR Milled 'ITireepence (1.42 gm). Crowned bust left, small rose / Ijong cross surmounting shield; mintmark: star. Seaby 2604. Near VF. Rare. (150)

1339. James 1.1603-1625. M Farthing (0.53 gm). "Lenox" Type 3a. Crown and crossed sceptres / Crowned lyre. Seaby 2679. VF. (50) 115




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AV 1340. Charles 1.1625-1649. AV Unite (9.07 gm). Towermint (1629-30). Crowned bust left/Crowned shield; mintmark: heart. Seaby 2690; Brooker 58-60. VF. (750)

1345. Chartes 1.1625-1649. AR Shilling (6.00 gm). Towermini, bust 3a. Crowned bust left/Shield; mintmark: tun. Seaby 2787; Brooker 509-11. VF. (125)

1341. Charles 1. 1625-1649. AV Crown (2.26 gm). Tower mint, first bust. Crowned bust left / Crowned squaie-top shield; mint mark : lis. Seaby 2703; Brooker 183. Near VF. (325)

1346. Charles I. 1625-1649. AR Shilling (6.00 gm). Tower mint, bust 4(2). Crowned bust left / Long cross surmounting shield; mint mark: tun. Seaby 2791; Brooker515. Toned VF. (150)

1342. Charles I. 1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (14.83 gm). Towermint, type 2c. King left on horseback / Shield C R; mintmark: harp. Seaby 2769; Brooker 310. Toned near VF. (125)

1347. Charles I. 1625-1649. AR Shilling (5.71 gm). Towermint, bust 4(3). Crowned bust left/Shield; mintmark :triangle. Seaby 2792; Brooker 532-34. VF. (125)

1343. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (14.61 gm). Towermint, type 3a variety. King left on horseback, rough ground below / Shield; mintmark: triangle. Seaby 2774; Brooker 352. Nice VF, soft strike. (225)

1348. Charles 1. 1625-1649. AR Shilling (5.71 gm). Towermint, bust 4(4). Briot's style bust. Crowned bust left, MAG BRI FRA ET HI /Shield; mintmark: triangle. Seaby 2793; Brooker-. VF. (125)

1344. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Shilling (5.71 gm). Tower mint, bust 3a Crowned bust left/Shield; mintmark: tun. Seaby 2787; Brooker 509-11. Toned VF. (125)

1349. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Shilling (6.03 gm). TowerminL 1639/1640. Mintmark: triangle. Briot's bust 6, obverse legend MAG BRI FR ET HI. Brooker 545; Seaby 2793. Toned Fine. (100)



1350. C h a r l e s I. 1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (14.93 gm). Tower mint under Parliament, type 5. King left on tall horse / Shield; mintmark: sun. Seaby 2842; Brooker 377. VF, crude strike. (150)


M a r c h 25,1 992

1356. C h a r l e s 1.1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (14.25 gm). York mint (1642-44). King left on horseback, EBOR below / Crowned shield; mintmark: hon. Seaby 2869; Brookerl 086. Toned near VF. (200) With ticket (Spink 1907).

1357. C h a r l e s I. 1625-1649. AR Halfgroat (0.92 gm). Aberystwyth mint. Crowned bust left / Large plume; mintmark: booklet. Seaby 2900a; Brooker 780. Toned near EF. Rare and seldom offered. (400) 1351. C h a r l e s 1.1625-1649. AR Shilling (5.57 gm). Tower mint under parliament, bust 4(4), Briot's style bust. Crowned bust left / Shield; mintmark: (P). Seaby 2843; Brooker 552. Near VF. (75)

1358. C h a r l e s I. 1625-1649. A R Halfgroat (0.90 gm). Aberystwyth mint. Crowned bust left, inner circle / Large plume; mintmark: booklet. Seaby 2901; Brooker 782. Toned near VF. Rare and seldom offered. (100)

1352. C h a r l e s 1.1625-1649. AR Shilling (5.72 gm). Tower mint under parliament, bust 4(5). Crowned bust left /Shield; mintmark: sun. Seaby 2844; Brooker 563. Good VF. Exceptional for issue. (350)

1353. C h a r l e s I. 1625-1649. AR Milled Pattern Halfgroat (1.44 gm). Briot's First coinage. Bust left/Interlocking C's; mintmark: none. Seaby 2857. Toned good VF. (250)

1359. C h a r l e s 1.1642. AR Halfpound (58.55 gm). Oxford mint. King left on horseback, cannon and arms below. / Declaration. Seaby 2945; Brooker 868. Fine, reverse double struck. (500)

1354. C h a r l e s 1.1625-1649. AR Milled Penny (0.49 gm). Briot's First coinage. Crowned bust left /Cross surmounting shield; mintmaik: none. Seaby 2857; Brooker 723. Toned good VF. (100) L * ΐ-

1355. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Sixpence (3.03 gm). Briot's Second milled issue. Crowned bust left / Cross surmounted over shield, CHISTO; mintmark: anchor and (200) mullet/anchor. Seaby 2860; Brooker 730. Toned good VF.

1360. Charles 1.1643. AR Halfpound (59.97). Oxford minL King left on horseback, cannon and aims below, plume behind / Declaration, three plumes and X. Seaby 2945; Brooker -. Toned good VF. (1500) 1 1 2





1365. Charles 1.1625-1649. ARHalfcrown(14.11 gm). Worcestermini (164344). King on horseback left of dumpy and crude style /Oval shield; mintmark: uncertain /lis. Seaby 3105; Brooker 1154 (this coin). Toned VF. Very Rare. 1361. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Crown (29.31 gm). Truro mint (1642-43). King left on horseback / Shield; mintmark; rose. Seaby 3048; Brooker 1009. Toned VF. Scarce. (650)

(1200) Ex Ashley, ex Farquhar IPS.

1366. Commonwealth. 1653. AR Halfcrown (15.03 gm). St. George's shield and Irish harp/St. George's shield. Seaby 3215. Toned VF. (350) 1362. Charles 1.1645.ARCrown(28i3gm).ExeterminLKingleftonhorseback /Shield; mintmark: castle. Seaby 3075; Brooker 1041-1045. Toned VF, nice full flan. (650)

1367. Commonwealth. 1656. AR Shilling (5.77 gm). St. George's cross / St. Geoige's cross and Irish harp; mintmark : sun. Seaby 3217; North 2724. Choice VF.


1363. Charles 1.1645. AR Crown (29.17 gm). Exeter minL King seated on horseback to left / Shield; mintmark: castle. Seaby 3075; Brooker 1041. Good Fine. (275)

1368. Commonwealth. 1651. AR Sixpence (2.97 gm). St. George's cross / St. George's cross and Irish harp; mintmark: sun. Seaby 3219; North 2726. Choice VF.


1364. Charles I. 1644. AR Halfcrown (15.06 gm). Bristol mint. King left on horseback, Shrewsbury plume behind / Declaration, Bristol plumes above; mintmark: plume. Seaby 3007; Brooker 976-81. Toned VF, obverse slightly double strack. (300)

1369. Commonwealth. 1656. AR Sixpence (3.02 gm). St. George's cross and Irish harp / S l George's cross; mintmark: sun. Seaby 3219. Near EF. (375)



1370. Commonwealth. 1649-1660. AR Halfgroat (0.91 gm). SL George's cross /St. George's cross and Irish harp. Seaby 3221. Toned VF. (75)


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1376. George I. 1717. Μ Dump Halfpenny (9.41 gm). Laureate bust right / Britannia. Seaby 3659; Peck 768. Choice EF. (300)

1371. Commonwealth. 1649-1660. AR Penny (0.54gm). SL George's cross/ Irish harp. Seaby 3222. EF. (125)

1377. George II. 1749. /E Halfpenny (9.89 gm). Laureate bust left / Britannia. Seaby 3719. Choice EF. (100) 1372. Commonwealth. 1649-1660. AR Halfpenny (0.25 gm). SL George's cross /Irish harp. Seaby 3223. Good VF. (75)

1378. George II. 1753. ^ H a l f p e n n y (10.25 gm). Laureate bust left/Britannia. Seaby 3719. Choice EF. (100)

1373. Cromwell. 1658. ARHalfcrown(14.99gm).Laureatebustleft/Crowned arms. Seaby 3227A. Toned EF. (1300)

1379. George II. 1754. /E Farthing (4.95 gm). Laureate bust left / Britannia. Seaby 3722. EF. (75)

1374. Charles II. (ND) 1660-1685. AR Hammered Shilling ( 5.85 gm). First Hammered Issue. Crowned bust left / Cross surmounting shield. Seaby 3308. Near VF, flan a Utile wavy. (200) 1380. George III. 177\.JE Halfpenny (9.84 gm). Laureate bust right/Britannia. Seaby 3774. Choice EF. (100)

1375. Charles II. 1660-1685. AR Hammered Halfcrown (14.96gm). Third issue 1660-62. Crowned bust left, mark of value behind / Arms; mintmark: crown. Seaby 3321; North 2761. Toned VF. Scarce. (400)

1381. George III. 1772. IE Halfpenny (9.53 gm). Laureate bust nght; legend GEORIVS (sic) / Britannia. Seaby 3774 variety. EF. Rare. (150)




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1387. Victoria. 1887. AV Two Pounds. Jubilee issue. Mintage: 91,000. Seaby 3865; KM 768. EF. (350) 1382. George III. 1774. Ai Halfpenny (9.43 gm). Laureate bust right / Bntannia. Seaby 3774. Choice EF. (100)

1388. Victoria. 1893. AV Two Pounds ( 15.95 gm). Old head. Crowned bust left /St. George. Seaby 3873. Good VF. (300)

1383. George ΙΠ. 1790. A: Pattern Halfpenny (1627 gm). By Droz. Edge: Render to Cesar. Laureate bust right / Britannia. Peck 955 (VR). EF, a little dirty. (100)

1389. Victoria. 1848. Model Crown (8.17 gm). PUB: BY H. HYAMS. On brass insert, crowned bust left / Arms in form of cross. Toned EF. (75)

1384. George III. 1797. Ai Cartwheel Penny ( 27.85 gm). Laureate bust right / Bntannia. Seaby 3777. EF. (125) 1390. Edward VII. 1906 M. AV Sovereign in gold bezel (11.18 gm). Nicely mounted sovereign in attractive 9 cL gold bezel with suspension loop. Coin is EF. (125)

1385. George III. 1797. A. Cartwheel Penny (28.61 gm). Laureate bust right / Britannia. Seaby 3777. EF. (125) 1391. Elizabeth II. 1970. Full Maundy Set. Total of 37 pence, composed of 4 Id, 4 2d, 4 3d and 5 4d. In addition there are two white and one red pouch. Seaby 4131. UNC. Rare as a full set with pouches. (600)

1386. George IV. 1827. /£ Farthing (4.69 gm). I ·aureate bust left / Bntannia. Seaby 3825. Choice EF. (75)

In addition to the pouches, there are the followingforms included: Receipt of Royal Maundy Application, Invitation letter to the Distribution, Admittance ticket, The Royal Full Maundy Distribution inventory, With the Secretary's Compliments (conceming the proceeds), Programfor the Services at Westminster Abbey. All were issued to Mr. R.T. Strickland, who was accompanied by Major A. Forbes.





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1392. David 1.1124-1153. AR Penny (1.39 gm). Period D. Crude bust left/Cross, blundered legends. Seaby 5009. Near VF. (400)

1393. William I, the Lion. 1165-1214. ARPenny(1.46gm).Crownedbustleft with sceptre/Cross; Folpolt on Perth. Seaby 5024. Toned near EF. (400)

1394. William I, the Lion. 1165-1214. AR Penny (1.19 gm). Type Π. Edinburgh mint (?). Crowned bust left, sceptre with cross pommée top / Cross pattée. Seaby 5025. Fine. (125)

1399. John Baliol. 1292-1296. AR Penny (1.08 gm). Crowned bust left with sceptre /Cross with fourmullets. Seaby 5065. Fine. Scarce. (150)

1400. David II. 1329-1371. AR Groat (3.84 gm). Second coinage. Edinburgh. Crowned bust left with sceptre / Long cross. Seaby 5091. Nice VF. (150)

1401. David II. 1329-1371. AR Groat (3.57 gm). Second coinage. Edinburgh. Crowned bust left; trefoils in the arcs of the tiessure / Long cross. Seaby 5092. Nice Fine. (100)

1395. William the Lion. 1165-1214. AR Penny (1.47 gm). Phase A. Crowned head left, crown composed of pel lets / Voided short cross, Hue on Edinburgh. Seaby 5027. Good VF. (400)

1402. David II. 1329-1371. AR Groat (4.22 gm). Second coinage. Edinburgh. Crowned bust left with sceptre / Long cross; D in first quarter. Seaby 5099. VF. Rare. (250)

1396. William I, the Lion. 1165-1214. AR Penny (1.43 gm). Short cross, phase B. Head left with sceptre /hUE WALTER, short cross. Seaby 5029. Fine. (125)

1403. David II. 1329-1371. AR Penny (0.83 gm). Third coinage. Edinburgh. Crowned bust left with sceptre, star on handle / Long cross. Seaby 5130. VF. (150) 1397. Alexander III. 1249-1286. AR Penny (1.27 gm). First coinage, Type m . Crowned bust left with sceptre / Long cross; Robert on Berwick. Near VF. (100)

1398. Alexander III. 1249-1286. AR Penny (1.44 gm). Second coinage, Class C. Crowned bust left with sceptre / Long cross. Seaby 5053. Choice VF+. (75)

1404. Robert II. 1371-1390. AR Groat (3.62 gm). Edinburgh. Crowned bust left, sceptre before, star at base / Long cross. Seaby 5131. Nice Fine. (100)



1405. Robert III. 1390-1406. AR Groat (2.80 gm). Heavy coinage, first issue. Edinburgh. Crowned bust facing; three pellets on breast /Long cross. Seaby 5164. Toned good VF. (250)


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1411. Mary. 1556. AR Testoon (5.99 gm). Crowned shield / Cross potent, with thistle countermark in field. Seaby 5404. VF, obverse die rusty. (350) These issues were countermarked in 1578 when the testoon was revalued to 7s 4d.

1406. Robert III. 1390-1406. AR Groat (2.24gm). Heavy coinage. Edinburgh. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 5164. Fine. (75)

1412. Mary. 1559. AR "Nonsunt " Twelvepenny Groat (1.99 gm). Crowned FM; to left, crowned heraldic dolphin looking left; to right, crowned thistle / IAM NON - SVNT DVO - SED VNA - CARO in four lines in box. Seaby 5448. Near VF. Rare. (200) The latin legend on the reverse translates: They are no more twain, but one flesh: Matthew xix. 6.

1407. Robert III. 1390-1406. AR Groat (2.76 gm). Heavy ooinage. Edinburgh. Crowned bust facing; lis in legend / Long cross. Seaby 5164A. VF. (150)

1413. James VI. 1594. AR Ten Shillings (5.73 gm). Seventh coinage. Armoured bust right /Crowned triple-headed thistle. Seaby 5493. VF. (250)

1408. JamesIII. 1460-1488. AR Groat (2.08 gm). Ughtissue 1482. Edinburgh. Crowned bust facing, low crown / Long cross. Seaby 5280; Bums 24. VF. (325) ExCarfrae 1901.

1414. James VI. 1601. AR Thistle Merk (6.55 gm). Eighth coinage. Crowned shield / Crowned thistle. Seaby 5497. VF. (200)

1409. James ID. 1406-1437. AR Groat (2.71 gm). Series VI. Edinbuigh. Bust halfleft with arched crown; annulet on inner circle/ Long cross; mintmark: cross fleury. Seaby 5287. Fine. Scarce. (175)

1410. James III. 1460-1488. Ecclesiastical Issue. JE Penny (2.13 gm). Bishop Kennedy issue (Crosraguel). Type HI. Orb pointed downwards, rosette at center / Latin cross in quatrefoil. Seaby 5311. Near VF, green patina. Rare. (350)

1415. James VI. 1567-1625. AR Thirty Shillings (14.22 gm). After accession to English throne. Second issue. James right on horseback / Shield; mintmark : thistie. Seaby 5504. Near VF. (350)




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1422. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.53 gm). Third coinage. Dublin. Crowned bust in triangle / Sun, moon, three stars in triangle; moneyer: Roberd. Seaby 6228. Toned VF. (125)

1416. Charles I. 1625-1649. AR Thirty Shillings (14.88 gm). Third coinage, fourth issue. King left on horseback, rough ground below / Crowned shield; mintmark : thistle. Seaby 5556. Toned near EF. (350)


1423. Henry ΙΠ. 1216-1232. AR Penny (1.42 gm). Class IIa. Dublin. Crowned facing head in triangle, cinquefoil to right / Long cross; moneyer: Davi. Seaby 6240. Toned VF. (75)

1417. Hiberno-Norse. Phase III. 1035-1060. AR Penny (0.82 gm). Draped bust left/Long cross, two hands, quatref oil. Seaby 6132. EF. (300)

1424. Henry III. 1216-1232. AR Penny ( 1.46 gm). Class lid. Dublin. Crowned facing head in triangle, cinquefoil to right, open shoulders / Long cross; moneyer: Ricard. Seaby 6243. Near EF. (150)

1418. Hiberno-Norse. Phase III.15-1060‫ש‬. AR Penny (0.90 gm). Draped bust left /Long cross, two hands. Seaby 6132. EF. (300)

1425. Henry III. 1216-1232. AR Penny (1.37 gm). Class lid. Dublin. Crowned facing head in triangle, cinquefoil to right, open shoulders / Long cross; moneyer: Ricard. Seaby 6243. Near EF. (150)

1419. Hiberno-Norse. Phase VI. 1095-1110. AR Penny (0.48 gm). Crude bust left / Long cross. Seaby 6187. Toned VF. (250)

1426. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.45 gm). Class lb. Waterford. Crowned bust facing in triangle; EDW.R., two pellets on breast / Long cross. Seaby 6254. VF. (75) Ex Shirley Fox collection.

1420. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.42 gm). Third coinage. Dublin. Crowned bust in triangle / Sun, moon and three stars in triangle; moneyer: Roberd. Seaby 6228. Toned VF. (150)

1427. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Halfpenny (0.65 gm). Class lb. Waterford. Crowned bust facing in triangle; pellet before EDW R / Long cross. Seaby 6264. VF. Scarce. (150)

1421. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.44 gm). Third coinage. Dublin. Crowned bust in tnangle/Sun, moon and three stars in triangle; moneyer: Roberd. Seaby 6228. Toned VF. (150)

1428. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Groat (219gm). Waterford. Crowned bustfacing, G on breast / Long cross. Seaby 6349. VF. (300)




25,1 992

1429. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Penny (0.44 gm). Dublin. Crowned bustfacing / Cross. Seaby 6360. Toned VF. (75)

1435. Philip & Mary. 1555. AR Base Shilling (9.16 gm). Crown above busts face-to-face/Crowned harp; mintmark: portcullis. Seaby 6500. Good Fine. (450)

1430. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Penny (0.49 gm). Dublin. Crowned bust facing / Cross, quatrefoilin center. Seaby 6361. Toned VF. (75)

1436. Philip & Mary. 1556. AR Base Groat (2.88 gm). Crown above busts faceto-face / Crowned harp. Seaby 6501 A. Crude Fine. ( 100)

1431. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Groat (1.57 gm). Three crowns type. Geraldine issue. Long cross suimounting shield, small shield of Fitzgerald in second quarter field /Three crowns, no h, in tressure. Seaby 6432. Crude Fine. Scarce. (125) 1437. Elizabeth 1.1601. M Penny (2.19 gm). Shield / Crowned Insh harp. Seaby 6510. Nice VF. (75)

1432. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Groat (1.71 gm). Class He. Dublin. Crowned bust facing / Long cross. Seaby 6460. VF, on short flan. (150) 1438. James 1.1603-1626. AR Shilling (4.45 gm). Second coinage, fourth bust. Crowned bust right / Crowned harp; mint mark: escallop. Seaby 6516. Toned VF. (350)

1433. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.15 gm). Second Harp issue 154042. Crowned arms surmounted by long cross / Crowned harp, H R to either side. Seaby 6479. Toned VF. (75)

1434. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.54 gm). First Harp issue 1534-40. Crowned amis surmounted by long cross / Crowned harp, h A to either side. Seaby 6479. Nice VF. (125) For Henry and Anne Boleyn

1439. James 1.1603-1626. AR Sixpence (2.05 gm). First coinage, first bust. Crowned bust right / Crowned harp. Seaby 6514. Toned VF. (150)

1440. James Π. December, 1689. jCGunmoney Halfcrown (13.78 gm). Laureate bust left /Crown and sceptres. Seaby 6579h. Good VF. (100)



1441. Limerick Besieged. James II. 1691. Κ Halfpenny (5.98 gm). Overstruck on a gunmoney shilling. IACOBVS ü DEI GRATIA, laureate bust left / HIBERNIA, seated left, 1691. Seaby 6594. Crude VF. Rare. (150)


25,1 992

1447. Eleanor, Wifeof Henry II. 1154-1189. AR Denier (1.17 gm). Aquitaine. Two small crosses, M above, A below /Cross pattée. Elias lib. Toned VF. (100)

After the battle of the Boyne, in 1690, William III seized the mint at Dublin. Limerick continued to hold out for James well into 1691. Limerick recoined large gunmoney shillings into halfpennies and smaller shilling into farthings This recoining accountsfor the very crude nature of the coins.

1448. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Denier au Uon (1.02gm). Aquitaine. Leopard passant to left/Cross pattée. Elias 13. VF. (100)

1442. George III. 1760. Ai "Voce Populi" Halfpenny (6.99 gm). Laureate bust right of George ΠΙ (?), VOOE POPVU around / HIBERNIA, seated left. Finn 574 (Rare). Good Fine. Rare and unusual variety. ( 150) This 'halfpenny' was struck by button manufacturer Roche of King Street in Dublin. These pieces are as much a part of the Irish series as they are of the colonial US. series.

1449. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Denier au Léopard (0.93 gm). Bourdeux mint. Leopard passant to left above AGL / DVX AQVITBVRD, cross with E. Elias 18. Near VF. (75)


1450. Edward I. Struck 1291-1294. AR Denier au leopard (0.86 gm). Bordeaux minL Lion with E/+DVX AQVITBVRDL (QV and DL ligate), cross with E. Elias 18a var. VF. Very Rare. (150) 1443. Richard I, the Lionhearted. 1189-1199. AR Obol (0.52 gm). Aquitaine mint. RICA RDVS in two lines /+AG VTTANIE around cross. Elias 6. VF. Scarce. (150)

1451. Edward II. 1307-1327. AR Maille Blanc (1.43 gm). Aquitaine. +ED REX ANGUE, cross pattée / DNS hIBERNIE, castle. Elias 32. Crude VF. (100)

1444. Richard I, the Lionhearted. 1189-1199. AR Denier (1.06 gm). Poitou minL +RICARDVS REX, cross / PIC-TAVIE-NSIS in three lines. Elias 8. VF. (75)

1445. Richard I, the Lionhearted. 1189-1199. AR Obol (0.41 gm). Poitou minL +RICARDVS REX, cross; annulet in third quarter / PIC-TAVIE-NSIS in three lines. Elias 9a. VF. Rare. (125)

1452. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Sterling (1.33 gm). Aquitaine. Crowned bust three-quarter left/Long cross. Elias 56. Near VF. Scarce. (225)

1446. Eleanor, Wife of Henry II. 1154-1189. AR Denier (0.85 gm). Aquitaine. Two small crosses, M above, A below / Cross panée. Elias lib. Toned VF.

1453. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Denier au Léopard (0.80 gm). Aquitaine. Leopard passant to left, MB below/Cross pattée, crown in second angle. Elias 107a. Toned VF. (100)

(100) 120



1454. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Denier au Léopard (0.86 gm). Aquitaine. Leopard passant to left, ANGL, trefoil below / Cross pattée. Elias 195d. Toned VF. Very Rare. (200)


25,1 992

1460. Richard Π. 1377-1399. AR Hardi D'Argent (0.97 gm). Aquitaine mint. Half-length figure of King, sword in right hand / Long cross. Elias 228. Near VF, old collection number in field. (125)

1461. Henry IV. 1399-1413. AR Hardi D'Argent (1.02 gm). Aquitaine mint. Half-length figure of King, sword in right hand / Long cross, rosettes after FRACIE and AQL Elias 233h. VF. Scarce. (175)

1455. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1376. AV Pavilion D ' O r (4.38 gm). Second Issue. Bordeaux minL ED PO G N S REG A N G L PNCS AQ, The Pnnce standing beneath a Gothic portico/Ein center of cross. Elias 154b. Nice VF. Raie and seldom offered. (3500)

1462. Henry V. 1413-1422. AR Florette ( 2 8 5 gm). Rouen m i n t Three fleur-delis surmounted by crown / Cross. Elias 246. Toned VF. (75)

1456. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1376. AR Hardi D'Argent (1.08 gm). Agen minL Half-length figure of Prince under Gothic canopy, sword in right hand; A /Cross with lis and leopards. Elias 201. VF. (150) 1463. Henry V. 1413-1422. AR "Black" Niquet (2.11 gm). Rouen minL Crowned leopard passant to left, fleur-de-lis above / Cross pattée. Elias 260. Good VF. (125)

1457. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1376. AR Hardi d'Argent (1.10 gm). Bordeaux mint. As above, but Β on obverse. Elias 202. VF. (150)

1464. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Grand Blanc aux Ecus (3.26 gm). Paris mint. Shields of France and England / Latin cross; mint mark; crown. Elias 279. Toned good VF. (150) 1458. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1376. AR Hardi D'Argent (1.09 gm). Poitiers minL Half-length figure of Prince under Gothic canopy, sword in right hand / Long cross, Ρ between Q I . Elias 205b. VF. (150)

1465. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Grand Blanc aux Ecus (3.01 gm). Auxerre minL Shields of France and England; no abbreviation mark / Latin cross; mint mark; crossancrée. Elias 281a. Toned near VF. Very Rare. (150)

1459. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1376. AR Hardi D'Argent (1.09 gm). Poitiers minL Half-length figure of Prince under Gothic canopy, swotd in right hand /Long cross, Ρ between Q I . Elias 205b. VF. (150)




1466. Henry VI. 1422-1449. AR Grand Blanc (3.11 gm). St. Lô mint. Arms of France and England / Cross flanked by lis and leopard; i.m. lis. Elias 288. VF.



25,1 992

1471. Gloucestershire, Newent. 1796. JE Halfpenny (11.74 gm). Shield surmounted on tree, INDUSTRY LEADS TO HONOUR / In inward circle SEVERAL THOUSANDS YOUNG HEALTHY & FINE CRAB APPLE & PEAR STOCKS RAISED FROM THE KERNEL TO BE SOLD BY J MORSE NEWENT GLOUCESTERSHIRE 1796. D&H 64. Lustrous AU/UNC. (75)


1472. Kent, Goudhurst 1794. Ai Halfpenny (9.21 gm). Kentish horse / Arms of Canterbury. D&H 28a. Lusterous EF. (75)

1467. Cambridgeshire, County (2). 1795. Ai Halfpenny (9.64 gm). Beehive and Bees/ Dmid's head. D&l 112.1795. JE Farthing (4.23 gm). Beehive and Bees / Druid's head. D&H 36. Both EF. 2 pieces. (75)

1473. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. ND (1797). JE Penny (22.78 gm). Mansion House / Aims. D&H 43. EF. (75)

1468. Cheshire, Macclesfield. 1790. Al Farthing (4.58 gm). Bust of Chades Roe /Female seated by windlass. D&H 83. Lusterous EF. (100)

1474. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. ND (1797). Ri Penny (21.98 gm). Carelton House/Arms. D&H49. EF. (75) 1469. Devonshire, Exeter. 1792. JE Farthing (5.58 gm). 3/4 figure of Bishop Blaize/Arms. D&H 10. Chocolate AU. Scarce. (100)

1470. Dorsetshire. 18U. AR Shilling Token (3.95 gm). Wiltshire & Shaftesbury Bank. Dalton 21. Prooflike UNC. (150)

1475. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. ND (1797). JE Penny (24.06 gm). Ironmonger's Almshouse/ Arms. D&H 59. EF. (75)




1476. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. ND (1797). JE Penny (25.10 gm). Monument/Amis. D&H 63. EF. (75)

25,1 992

1481. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. 1797. /EPenny (18.75gm). Ludgate / Justice. D&H 78. AU, cleaned starting to retone. (75)

1477. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. ND (1797). JE Penny (21.98 gm). Royal Exchange / Arms. D&H 65. EF, cleaned now retorting. (75)

1482. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. 1797. jEPenny (17.70gm). Mooigate/Justice. D&H 79. EF/AU. (100)

1483. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. 1797. JE Penny (17.75 gm). Newgate/Justice. D&H 80. AU. (100)

1478. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. \ D (1797). JE Penny (23.15 gm). Trinity Alms House/Amis. D&H 67. EF. (75) t ß M M j r

1484. Middlesex. Kempson's London Building. 1797. JE Penny (17.55 gm). Newgate / Justice. D&H 80. Lustrous AU. (100)

1479. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. 1797. jEPenny(18.14gm). (100) Bridgegate / Justice. D&H 76. EF/AU.




1480. Middlesex. Kempson's London Buildings. 1797. JE Penny (17.78 gm). Cripplegate / Justice. D&H 77. EF. (75) 123

• Hί ϊ Έ ί •

*A ‫י‬. Ψ 1 ‫״ל‬

1485. Middlesex. London & Westminster. 1797. JE Penny (24.09 gm). Arms / King's Theatre HaymarkeL D&H 83. AU/UNC. Rare. (250)



1486. Middlesex. London & Westminster. 1797. R Penny (24.86 gm). King's Theater/Arms. D&H 83. EF. Rare. (150)


25,1 992

1491. Middlesex. Miscellaneous Series. 1797. R Penny (27.57 gm). A swimming swan / Um between scythes and sprigs of laurel. Edge: plain. D&H 175a. EF/VF, rim bumps. Very Rare (600) Swans at one time enjoyed special status in England and their ownership was highly restricted. Marks of ownership could be found on the beaks.

1487. Middlesex. London & Westminster. 1797. JE Penny (24.05 gm). LeadenhaU / Arms. D&H 104. UNC, lacquered. (150)

1492. Middlesex. Political & Social Scries. Thomas Hardy. 1794. R Halfpenny (14.20 gm). Bust facing 3/4 left/Members of the Jury. D&H 204. Chocolate AU. (100)

1488. Middlesex. Skidmore's Globe Series. Cheshire. 1797. R Penny (25.82 gm). Chester castle/Globe. D&H 121. Near EF. Scarce. (250) 1493. Middlesex. Foundling Fields. 1795. R Halfpenny (8.41 gm). Lamb / Cypher. D&H 305. EF. (50)

1489. Middlesex. Skidmore's Clerkenwell Series. ND (1797). R Penny (24.31 gm). South Sea House/Shield. D&H 162. UNC, a few carbon spots. Scarce.

1490. Middlesex. Skidmore's Clerkenwell Series. ND (1797). R Penny (23.74 gm). Lord Stormont's Wandsworth Suney / Shield. D&H 164. Chocolate EF/AU. Scarce. (150)

1494. Middlesex. Spcnce's. 1796. R Halfpenny (10.47 gm). Highlander / Τ Spence Bookseller - Dealer in Prints and Corns. D&H 710. Chocolate AU. Scarce. (100)

1495. Middlesex. Spence's. 1796. R Halfpenny (11.36 gm). Coining press / Crownedharp. D&H741. EF, early die break. (100)



1496. Middlesex. Spence's. 1796. JE Halfpenny (13.01 gm). Coining press / Highlander. D&H 742. Toned EF/AU. (100)


25,1 992

1500. Yorkshire, Birmingham. Crown Copper Company. 1811. .®Penny (27.65 gm). Counlerstamped KEIGHLEY forthe Keighley Poorhouse, additional JM counterstamp for the overseer. Scott 40.3. Fine. (45)

1501. Scotland, Lothian. Edinburgh. 1792. ®Farthing (5.19 gm). St. Andrew with cross/Arms of Edinburgh. D&H 66c. Near EF. Very Rare. (100)


1497. Middlesex, Lot of two (2). Political and Social Series. Slave ND (1796). JE Penny (9.27 gm). AM I NOT A MAN AND A BROTHER, slave kneeling right, hands in shackles / MAY SLAVERY & OPRESSION CEASE THROUGHOUT TOE WORLD, two clasped hands. D&I 11037. Near EF. United States Of America. 1838. JE Hard Tunes Token (10.67 gm). AM I NOT A WOMAN & A SISTER, female slave kneeling right, hands m shackles / LIBERTY 1838 in wreath; Ν in UNITED reversed. VF. (125)

1502. BECKER.Counterfeit ofan AR Drachm ofThebes. 1820's. (3.52gm). Amphora / Quadripartite incuse square, granulated. Hill 62. VF. (100) A fantasy issue; no original of this type known.

1503. BECKER. Lead counterfeit of an AR Stater of Temesa. 1820's. (7.90 gm). Helmet / Tripod with greaves. Hill 14. EF. (200)

1498. Sussex, Winchelsea. 1794. Ai I Ialfpenny (9.16 gm). Beehive / Anns. D&H 40. EF. (50)

1504. BECKER. Counterfeit of an AR Denarius ofTrajan (Restitution Issue). 1820's. (4.81 gm). Head ofRoma/Dioscuri galloping right Hill 164. EF.


127 1499. Warwickshire, Birmingham. Kempson's. 1793. JE Halfpenny (11.04 gm). Banacks / Anns. D&H 177. Lustrous AU. (75)

1505. BECKER. Counterfeitofan AntoninianusofPacatian. 1820's.(3.29 gm). Radiate bust right / Salus with serpent Overstruck on an original Roman denarius, possibly of Antoninus Pius. Hill, dies 205/212. VF. Interesting example of this forger's work. (200)




25,1 992

1506. B E C K E R . Medal. 1820's. AR 32mm (11.66 gm). Half length bust of Rudolph of Hapsburç; /Memorial inscription. Hill 321. Good VF. (200) A medal, in medieval style, commemorating the discovery of Rudolph's tombstone.

1507. BECKER. Medal. 1818. AR 26mm (12.83 gm). Head right of Prince Carl von Isenberg / Tablet with laurel wreath. Hill 359. EF. (250) A medal, struck in the manner of an ancient Greek tetradrachm,for one of Becker's patrons.

1508. Collection of British Museum electrotypes by Robert Ready. 19th Century. 38 Greek AR, including Staters, Tetradrachms and Dekadrachms. 5 Greek AV Staters. 4 uniface Roman AV Aurei. Ά Sestertius of Antoninus Pius. Κ Medallion of Faustina Jr. Most stamped on edge with the initials R R. An interesting view of 19th Century numismatics. 49 pieces total (16 illustrated). (5000) A chance to obtain some of the most spectacular examples of ancient coinage, at area• sonable cost. 126




25,1 992


1514. Pair of Cufflinks by PiagcL Modem. Ait Nouveau style engraved busts of a man and woman. Shanks are 750 fine gold, heads are 900 fine. Total weight 24 grams. Impressive jewellery. (650) 1509. HEBRAICA. Token. 19th Century? AR 23mm (5.12 gm). Sassanianstyle bust right /Flower with five-line legend. VF. Very unusual. (100) The Hebrew legends do not form coherent words or phrases.

1515. RING. 19th Century. AR (11.70 gm). Ring diameter 18mm. Classical motif of a semi-nude Venus holding a Cupid in her lap. Probably a electrotype based on an ancient gemstone. Set in a heavy silver bezel on a plain silver band. An impressive heavy piece of jewellery. (200) WE -WtVlLir ® u ' J. 6‫ ״‬v & lis. V A i r · Ύ &•‫׳‬J

1510. PAPAL STATES. Calixtus III. 1455-1458. Later restrike of a medal by Paladino of circa 1570. JE 42mm. Bust left / City walls. Bauten 185; Spink 340. Choice EF. (75) Ex Garrett collection, lot 1309

LARGELOTS 1516. GREEK. Lot of six. 5 ARand 1 JE. Spain, Osca. AR Denarius. Macedon, Bottiaea. AR Triobol. Hlyria, Apollonia AR Victoriatus. Phokis. AR Triobol. Cappadocia, Ariobarzanes ΙΠ. AR Drachm. Bithynia, Prusias L JE 19mm. Average Fine to VF. 6 pieces. (250) 1517. GREEK. Lot of four JE of Thrace and Macedon. Thrace, Mesembria. JE 14mm. Helmet/Wheel. Thrace, Marcianopolis. Elagabalus/Concordia. Pick 899. Marcianopolis. Severus Alexander and Julia Mamaea /Concordia. Pick-. Plus an JE 17mm of Philip Π of Macedon. Average Fine to VF. 4pieces. (150) 1518. GREEK. Lot of four. AR Hemiobol of Phokis. JE 21mm of Phrygia, Apameia. JE 19mm of First Jewish War. JE Quadrans of Trajan. Average Fine to VF. 4 pieces. (150)

1511. HELLENISTIC. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Earrings. Diameter 24mm. Braided silver wire with repousse hon's head terminals. Choice condition, silver still strong and flexible. (200)

1519. GREEK. Lot of five Greek. JE 13mm of Athens. Athena /Two Owls. JE 12mm of Aegina. Two dolphins / Incuse square. 14mm of Mytilene. Aphrodite / Lyre. Unidentified. JE 21mm Athena / Poseidon. AR Obol. Athena / Herakles strangling serpent. Plus two English: Elizabeth I. Halfgroat; mm 0 (1600). Sixpence; 1562, small rose. Average Fine. 7 pieces. (75) 1520. GREEK. Lot of four JE of Elis. Apollo/Zeus(2). SNG Copenhagen 437. Zeus / Eagle right. Helmeted head of Athena / Zeus. The last two apparently unpublished. Plus an JE 32mm of Aurelian; Pisidia, Cremna. SNG von Aulock 5122. Average Fine. 5 pieces. Some rare pieces. (125)

1512. SASSANIAN? 3rd-4th Century AD? Engraved gemstone of carved carnelian. Length 18mm. Dog standing left in front of two palm fronds. Tiny edge chip. (100)

1521. GREEK. Lot of five; three AR and two JE. Bithynia, Kalchedon. AR Drachm. Pisidia, Selge. JE 12mm. Herakles / Thunderbolt. Seleukids, Demetrios L AR Drachm. Antiochos DC. JE. 19mm. Eros / Nike. Indo-Scythian, Azes L AR Drachm. Average VF. 5 pieces. (250) 1522. GREEK. Lot of nine AR and /Eof Mysia, Kyzikos. AR Hemiobol(2). 5th Century BC. Various JE, 3rd-lst Century BC(7). Average Fine. 9 pieces. (150) 1523. GREEK Lot of four AR. 5th-3rd Century BC. Mysia, Kyzikos. Hemiobol. SG 3851. Mysia, Pergamon. Diobol. SG 3941. Ionia, Herakleia. Tetradrachm. SG 4453. Ionia, Miletos. Diobol. SG 3533. Average VF, tetradrachm flatly struck with corrosion and scrapes. 4 pieces. (300)

129 1513. Pair of Cufflinksmounted with Solid! of Constantius Π. Modem. Solidi aie mounted in bezel with chain border. Coins are from identical dies and may not be authentic, but are good gold. Shanks are 14 carat gold. Total weight 19.45 grams. Impressive jewellery. Sold as is. (350)

1524. GREEK. Lot of four fractional AR of Asia Minor. 5th Century BC. Ionia, Phokaia (2). Female head and panther head. Uncertain. Ram's head / Male head. Horse head left / Incuse square. Plus an AR Quinarius of Augustus / ASIA RECEPTA. Average Fine to VF, the last with heavy hom silver. 5 pieces. Several from the Rosen collection. (250)



1525. G R E E K . L a of six small JE of Caria, Rhodes. 4th-l st Centuiy BC. Various types with heads of Zeus, Helios, Rhodos and Alektrona. Average near VF. 6 pieces. (150) 1526. G R E E K . Lot of ten eastern Ai. Circa 3rd-1st Century BC. Mysia, Gambrium. Ionia, Miletos (Alexander ΠΙ). Lydia, Sardes (2). Lydia, TraUes (countermarked). Phrygia, Apameia. Cilicia, Soloi. Plus three unidentified. Average Good to VF. Some scarertypes. 10 pieces. (100) 1527. G R E E K . L a of ten Greek Ai. Mysia, Pergamon (7). Various types from 4th Century BC-2nd Century AD. Ionia, Ephesos. Bee / Stag. Ionia, Kolophon. Apollo / Lyre. Lycia, Phaselis. Prow / Stem of galley. Average Fine to VF, several scarce types. lOpieces. (250) 1528. G R E E K . Lot of ten eastern Ai. Circa 3rd-lst Century BC. Ionia, Magnesia. Lydia, Sardes. Phrygia, Apameia (3). Cilicia, Elaiussa. Galatia, king Amyntos. Plus three unidentified. Average Good to VF. lOpieces. (100) 1529. G R E E K . Lot of eight Greek and Greek Impenal Ai. Bithynia, Nicaea (4). Caracalla, Gordian ΠΙ, Gallienus, Quietus. Troas, Alexandria (3). 2nd Century BC, Imperial Times, Caracalla. Aeolis, Kyme. L&K 392 (this coin). Average Fine. 8 pieces. (125) 1530. G R E E K . Lot of seven Greek and Greek Imperial. Syria, Laodikea. Ai 20mm. Ptolemaic. Ai 30mm. Parthia. AR Drachm (holed). Syria, Hatra. Ai 25mm. Egypt, Alexandria. Tetradrachms of Nero, Probus and Diocletian. Average Fairto VF. 7 pieces. (100) 1531. P E R S I A , Achaemenid Kings. Circa 5th Century BC. Lot of two AR Sigloi. Running king with spear and bow. SG 4678. Average VF. 2 pieces. (150) 1532. PARTHIA. Lot of six JE. Mithradates Π / Pegasos (2). SeU. 28.7,28.17. Mithradates Π / Horsehead (2). Sell 27.9. Vologases I / Tyche. Sell. 70.17. "Sanabares" /Archer. SeU. 93.13. Average Fine. Some scarce types. 6 pieces. (75) 1533. TABARISTAN. LaoffourHerrudrachmsof AbbasidGovernors. Umar Ibn Ala. Walker 267. Hani Ibn Hani(2). Walker 291,292. Mukatil. Walker 297. Average good VF. 4 pieces. (60) 1534. G R E E K I M P E R I A L . Lot of three JE of the Black Sea region. Sarmatia, Tyra. CaracaUa/Kybele seated left. Cf. Β MC Thrace pg. 13,1 (Septimius Sevems). Moesia, Marcianopolis. Diadumeman / Artemis. BMC pg. 33,39. Plus an uncertain city. Trajan / Matidia. Average Fine. All rare pieces. 3 pieces. (200) 1535. G R E E K I M P E R I A L . Lot of three JE. Antoninus Pius. Bithynia, Nicomedia. Waddington 62. Pisidia, Termessos Major. SNG Cop. 333. Philip I. Commagene.Samosata. BC51var. Average VF. Nice l a . 3 pieces. (200) 1536. G R E E K IMPERIA L. Lot of five JE. Augustus. Cilicia, Olba (Ajax, high priest). SGI 103. Marcus Aurelius. Cappadocia, Caesarea. Sydenham 338a. Commodus. Bithynia, Nicaea. BMC 67. Gordian ΠΙ. Mesopotamia, Edessa (Abgar X). SGI 5745. Valerian. Cilicia, Anemurion. SNG Cop. 65. Average Fine to VF. 5 pieces. (125) 1537. G R E E K I M P E R I A L . Lot of two JE of Side in Pamphilia. Gallienus / Athena dropping pebble in um. BMC 104/106. Salonina / Bust of Tyche. BMC 126. Both with countermark Ε on obverse. Both VF. 2 pieces. (100) 1538. EG Y P I , Alexandria. Lot of four Tetradrachms. Nero / ApoUo Akitos. Köln 194. Gallienus / Eagle. Köln 2942. Cams / Eagle. Köln 3159. Maximianus / Dikaiosyne. Köln 3305. Average VF. 4pieces. (125) 1539. ROMAN REPUBLIC. L a of three Denarii. C. Aburius Geminus. Abulia 1. Cn. Lentulus Clodianus. Cornelia 50. L. Aemilius Lepidus PauUus. Aemilia 10. Average good VF. 3 pieces. (300) 1540. ROMAN REPUBLIC. L a of three. Denarius of Claudius Pulcher, Manlius Mancinus, Urbinus. Cr. 299/la. Fourreé denarius of C. Coelius Caldus. Cf. Cr. 318/lb. Anonymous JE Quadrans. Hercules / Prow. Cr. pg. 566. Average Fine to VF. 3 pieces. (75)

M a r c h 25,1 992

1541. ROMAN. 1x11 of eleven coins. Republican Denarii (2). Sestertius of Gordian HL Antoninianii of Philip I, Valerian I (2), Claudius Gothicus. Follis of Constantius 1.1/2 Centenionalis of Constantius Π (2). Plus a 1/2 Follis of Justinian I, Rome mint. Average Fairto VF. 11 pieces. (100) 1542. ROMAN. Lot of six 1st Century AD bronzes. Dupondius of Titus. Asses of Augustus, Drusus, Vespasian, Domitian. Quadrans of Gaius Caligula. Average Fine 6 pieces. (125) 1543. ROMAN. Lot of ten AR Denarii Vespasian. Trajan (2). Hadrian. Antoninus Pius. Marcus Aurelius (2). Commodus. Septimius Severus. Julia Domna. Average Fine. lOpieces. (150) 1544. ROMAN. Lot of eight Denarii. Marcus Aurelius. Commodus. Julia Domna. Geta, Caesar. Elagabalus. Severus Alexander. Maximinus. Gordian ΠΙ. Average VF to EF. 8 pieces. (350) 1545. ROMAN. Lot of six AR. Denarii of Trajan, Julia Domna, Maximinus (2). Antoniniani of Gordian ΠΙ, Florian. Average VF. 6 pieces. (125) 1546. R O M A N . Lot of four AR Denarii. Trajan/Equestrian statue. RSC 497a. Antoninus Pius/Annona. RSC 286fT. Marcus Aurelius/Aequitas. RSC 257. Septimius Severus/Victory. RSC 489. Average VF. 4 pieces. (200) 1547. ROMAN. Lot of eight Antoninianii. Vohisian. Gallicnus. Claudius Gothicus. Aurelian. Probus (2). Numerian. Carinus. Average VF to EF. 8 pieces. (200) 1548. R O M A N . Lot of four. 2 AR and 2 JE. Gordian ΠΙ. AR Antoninianus. Liberalitas. RSC 142. AR Denarius. Securitas. RSC 340. Constantinian JE. Urbs Roma/Lugdunum. LRBC 190. Constantinopolis/Cyzicus. LRBC 1233. Average VF. 4 pieces. (100) 1549. ROMAN. Lot of two Antoniniani of Aurelian and Vabalathus. Oflîcinae Β and E. RIC V pt. 1,381. Both VF, the last with edge roughness. 2 pieces. (100) 1550. ROMAN. Lot of eight Late Roman silvered JE. Antoniniani of Aurelian and Diocletian. Large folles of Diocletian, Maximianus, Galerius Caesar, Constantius I Caesar. Small folles of Licinius I, Constantine Π Caesar. Average VF to EF, all with at least partial silvering. 8 pieces. (300) 1551. ROMAN. Lot of 17 Tetrarchic Folles. From a hoard buried circa 300 AD in Asia Minor. Diocletian (2). Maximianus (4). Galerius Caesar (7). Constantius I Caesar (4). Mints of Rome, Siscia, Heraclea, Cyzicus and Antioch. Most EF, with nearly intact silvering and light encrustation. A careful cleaning will reveal many choice coins. An interesting group. 17 pieces. (500) 1552. ROMAN. L a of six tetarchic Folles. Maximianus. Licinius I (4). Licinius Π, Caesar. Various reverse types and mints. Average VF. 6 pieces. (200) 1553. ROMAN. Lot of two laige Folles of Lugdunum mint with Genius reverse. Maximianus. RIC VI 108b. Constantius I, Caesar. RIC VI172. EF, nearly full silvering. Identical patinas indicate these pieces came from same hoard. 2 pieces. (150) 1554. ROMAN. Lot of ten Ai foües of the period of Constantine I. Maximinus. Licinius I (2). Constantine I (3). Helena. Fausta (2). Constantine Π. Various mints. Average VF. lOpieces. (100) 1555. R O M A N . Lot of six Folles of Constantine I. One with Sol reverse, five with VOTXX. Various mints. Plus a small Ai of Theodora. Constantinople. Average VFtoEF. 7 pieces. (150) 1556. ROMAN. L a of six small Folles of Constantine I. Commemorative types. Wolf and twins (5). Victory on prow. AU different mints. Average near EF. A good group. 6 pieces. (250) 1557. ROMAN. Lot of twelve Ai of the family of Constantine. Constantine Π, Caesar (3). Crispus, Caesar (3). Delmatius, Caesar. Constans (3). Constantius Π, Caesar. Constantius Π Augustus. Various reverse types and mints. Average near EF. 12 pieces. (300)

1 28



1558. ROMAN. Lot of ten Late Roman JE. Constantine H Caesar (4). Constantius Π, Caesar. Crispus, Caesar (3). Valentinian I. Arcadius. Various mints. Average VF. lOpieces. (100)

M a r c h 25,1 992

1574 ENGLAND. Lot of thirteen hammered coins of Charles I: Shillings (6), S2785, S-2787 (2), S-2792 (2), S-2793. Sixpence, S-2799. Halfgroats (2), S-2813, S-2818. Penny, S-2835. Al Farthings (3), S-3183, S-3188, S-3204. Average Fair to VF. 13 pieces. (250)

1559. ROMAN. Lot of sixteen 3rd-4th Century AD ®imitations. "Barbarous radiates" (7) Constantinian (8-one a brockage). Magnus Maximus/ Campgate; TCON (official?) Indicative of the small JE found in England of the period Better than average condition, some near EF. 16pieces. (100)

1575. IRELAND & SCOTLAND..Lot of three hammered coins. IRELAND (2). Edward I, Penny, Dublin, S-6521; Heniy V m , Harp groat, S-6479. SCOTLAND, Alexander HI, Penny, Berwick, Class D, S-5054. Average Fine. 3 pieces.

(75) 1560. ROMAN & BYZANTINE. Lot of five Roman and Byzantine JE. Antoninus Pius. Sestertius. Maximus, Caesar. Sestertius. Marcian. Nummus. Maurice Tiberius. Half Follis of Cyzicus. Constantine V. Follis of Syracuse. Average VF. 5 pieces. (200)

1576. ENGLISH TOKENS. Lot of six ®Halfpennies. Middlesex (5), Foundling Fields, D&H 305; Mail Coach, D&H 363, D&H 366 (2); National Series, Prince of Wales, D&H 952a. Gloucestershire, Newent, D&H 64. VF to AU. Nice 10L 6 pieces. (125)

1561. BYZANTINE. Lot of seven JE. Folles of Justinian I (Year 12), Justin Π, Phocas, Leo VI, Anonymous A, Anonymous C. Half follis of Maurice Tiberius. All Constantinople minL Average Fine to VF. 7 pieces. (150) 1562 BYZANTINE. Lot of six JE. Justin Π. SB 3 7 1 , 3 8 3 (reversed N's in ANNO). Maurice. SB 494. Constans Π SB 1005. Anonymous Class D. SB 1836. Arab-Byzantine follis. Average near VF. 6 pieces. (60) 1563. BYZANTINE. John I. 1118-1143 AD. Lot of two Billon Trachy. Bust of Christ/Bust of John. SB 1944. Average VF. 2 pieces. (100)

NUMISMATIC LITERATURE TITLES ON GREEK AND GREEK IMPERIAL NUMISMATICS 2001. Acquaro, Enrico. Le Monete Puniche Del Museo Nazionale Di Cagliari Catalogo. (Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Rome, 1974). 96 pp., 26 plates of punie figures, 100 plates of coins, large 8vo. Printed card covers. Nice very fine copy, top edges of contents uncut. (40) 2002. Anson, Leo. Numismata Graeca: Greek Coin-Types Classified for Immediate Identification. Parts II (War) and III (Agriculture). (London, 19111912originals). Part H Text: 112pp.; Plates: ix, 25plates. Part ΠΙ; Text: 152pp.; Plates: ix, 30 plates. Large octavo. Printed paper covers. Text volume of part Π has spine backstrip missing and contents loose but complete, rest of parts Π and HI in good condition, covers stained. (25)

1564. AUSTRIA. Lot of two (2). Leopold, 1695,3 Kreuzer. Olmutz, Kail, 1670, 3 Kreuzer. Both EF. (90) 1565. ITALY, Venice. Lot of five AR Grosso. Iacopo Contarini. Giovanni Dandulo (2). Pietro Gradenigo (2). Average VF. 5 pieces. (250) 1566. MEDIEVAL. Lot of five AR. Serbia. Stefan Uros. AR Gros imitating Venetian Grosso. Crusader. Bohemund HI of Antioch. AR Denieis. Metcalf class C (3), class Ε (1). Average Fine to VF. 5 pieces. (65)

2003. Anthony, John. Collecting Greek Coins. (London and New Yoik, 1983). (8), 301 pp., illustrations throughout text 12mo. Printed card covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (10)

1567. E N G L I S H . Lot of 15 hammered pennies and cut fractions. Richard I. Pennies (3). Halfpenny. John. Pennies (2). Halfpennies (3). Henry Π. Penny. Halfpennies (3). Farthings (2). Most with legible mints and moneyers. Average Fair to Fine. 15 pieces. (125)

2004. Baldwin, Agnes. Facing Heads On Ancient Greek Coins. (New Jersey, 1968 reprint of New York, 1914 ANS edition ).23 pp., 4 plates, narrow 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. (10) 2005. Baldwin, Agnes. Facing Heads On Ancient Greek Coins. (New York, Durst 1982 reprint of New York, 1914 ANS edition ). 23 pp., 4 plates, narrow 8vo Printed paper covers. Fine copy. (10)

1568. ENGLAND. Lot of thirteen hammered pennies. Heniy Π - Edward HI. Henry Π, Tealby Penny, Type B, Norwich, S-1338. Heniy HI (7), Longcross, London, Newcastle, Northampton, S-1363; Winchester, S-l 364; London, S-1368; Canterbury, S-1369; London, S-1373. Edward I (5), Longross, Berwick, Bristol, Cantebury, Lincoln and Newcastle. Edward ΠΙ (2), S-1586, S-1624. Average Fine to VF. 13 pieces. (250)

2006. Baldwin, Agnes. Lampsakos; The Gold Staters, Silver and Bronze Coinages. (Amencan Journal of Numismatics Volume I.IÏÏ, ANS, New York, 1924). (4), 77 pp., 10 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Rebound in clear plastic folder. Very good copy. (40)

1569. ENGLAND. Lot of fourteen hammered coins: Edward HI, Halfgroat, Class E, York, S-1581. Henry V, Penny, York, Seaby 1785. Henry VI, Penny, York, Seaby 1880. Edward IV (3). First reign, Halfgroat, Cantebury, S-2024; Halfpenny, London, S-2067; 2nd reign, R:nny, Yoik, S-2128. Heniy VIH (4). Groat, York, S-2347; Posthumous Groat, S-2403; Posthumous Halfgroat, S-2411; Penny, S-2426(?). Edward VI (2). Shillings, Fine SUver issue, S-2482. Mary, Groat, S-2492. Charles Η Hammered Shilling, S-3322. Average poor to VF. 14pieces. (300)

2007. Baldwin, Agnes. Symbolism on Greek Coins. (New York-1977 reprintof article from AJN 49, New Yoik-1915). 112 pages, 6 plates, passim line drawings. Blue leatherette. Fine copy. Ex libris. (10) 2008. Baldwin, Agnes. The Electrum and Silver Coins of Chios. (Chicago1979 reprint of New York-1915 original). 60 pages, 7 double plates. Red leatherette. Very fine copy. (20)

1570. ENGLAND. Lot of two. Edward I, Penny, London. George IV, 1829, Sixpence, Seaby 3815. The first VF, last EF. 2 pieces. (100)

2009. Baldwin, Agnes. The Electrum and Silver Coins of Chios. (Chicago1979 reprint of New York-1915 original). 60 pages, 7 double plates. Red leatherette. Very fine copy. (20)

1571. ENGLAND. Lot of three hammered . Edward VI, Fine silver issue, Sixpence, S-2483; Charles I (2), Shilling, S-2792; Sixpence, S-2799. Average Fair to Fine. 3 pieces. (120)

2010. Baldwin, Agnes. The Electrum Coinage of Lampsakos. (New York1914). 34 pages, 2 plates, 8vo. Still a standard reference on this rare coinage. Paper covers. New but covers chipping. (30)

1572. ENGLAND. Lot of seven hammered coins of Elizabeth I: Shilling, S2555. Sixpences (4), 1561, S-2561; 1569, S-2561; 1575,S-2561; 1586, S-2578. Threepence, 1567, S-2565. Penny, S-2570. Average Fair to Fine. 7 pieces. (125) 1573. ENGLAND. Lot of eleven (11) hammered coins of James I: Shillings (6), S-2645, S-2646 (2), S-2654, S-2655 (2). Sixpences (3), S-2657, S-2658 (2). Halfgroat, S-2671. Penny,S-2672. Fairto Fine. (200)


2011. Baldwin, Agnes. The Electrum Coinage of Lampsakos. (New York1914). 34 pages, 2 plates, 8vo. Still a standard reference on this rare coinage. Paper covers. Covers chipping but bound in clear plastic folder. (30) 2012. Baldwin Brett, Agnes. A Catalogue of Greek Coins. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (New York, 1974 reprint of Boston, 1955 original). 340 pp., 115 plates describing 2348 coins, appendices, 4to. Brown casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. Exlibris. (125)



M a r c h 25,1 992

2027. [BMC-GREEK]. Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume VI: Thcssaly to Aetolia. (London, 1883 original), lviii, 234 pp., indices, 8vo. Blue buckram. Spine backstrip torn at top otherwise internally fine. (100)

2013. Barron, John Penrose. The Silver Coins of Samos. (University of London, The Athlone Press, 1966). xii, 242 pp., 32 plates, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Nice fine copy. Exlibris. (50) 2014. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia. (London1978). 81 pages, 8 plates. A Royal Numismatic Society publication. Hardcover. New. (25) 2015. Bellinger, Alfred R. Essays On The Coinage OfAlexander The Great. (New York, Durst 1979 reprint of New York, 1963 original). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 11. (8), 132 pages, 3 plates, 1 map, 8vo. Brown casebound. Very good copy, pencilled notes throughout Ex libris. (15) 2016. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus. (New York-1981 reprint of New York-1941 original). 116pages, 16 plates. Brown casebound. Very fine copy. (25)

2028. [BMC-GREEK]. Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume VI: Thessaly to Aetolia. (London, 1883 original), lviii, 234 pp., indices, 8vo. Blue buckram. Good copy, pp. 161-208 loose, paper brown and slightly brittle. (75) 2029. [BMC-GREEK], Poole, Reginald Stuart. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume VII : The Ptolemies, Kings of Egypt. (London, 1883 original), ciii, 136 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Blue buckram, gilL Fine copy. (125)

2017. Bellinger, Alfted R. Tr‫״‬v, The Coins. (New York-1979 reprint of Princeton1961 original), xiii, 220 pp., 27 double-plates. Red casebound. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (25)

2030. [BMC-GREEK]. Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume X: Peloponnesus (Excluding Corinth). (London, 1887 original), lxiv, 230 pp., 37 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Contemporary blue buckram, gilt. Few scuffs on covers and faded, otherwise internally fine. (125)

2018. Bishop, J. David and R. Ross Holloway. Wheaton College Collection of Greek and Roman Coins. (Ancient Coins in North American Collections Published by The American Numismatic Society. No. 3. New York, 1981). (10), 32 pp., 32 plates, 450 coins, 8vo. Orange casebound. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (20)

2031. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XII: Corinth, Colonies of Corinth, Etc. (London, 1889 original). Ixviii, 174 pp., 39 plates, indices, 8vo. Contemporary blue buckram, gilt Ends of spine backstrip torn and covers faded, internally fine. (125)

2019. [BMC-GREEK]. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. (Bologna, 1964-1965 reprints of London, 1873-1927 originals). 29 volumes complete. 10,688 pp., 952 plates. Octavo. Blue casebound. Still one of the standard references for Greek coins and a must for every serious classical numismatist. A nice fine set. Ex libris. (1800)

Ex Kolbe Auction Sale XI, lot 211. 2032. [BMC-GREEK]. Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XII: Corinth, Colonies of Corinth, Etc. (Bologna, 1963 reprint of London, 1889 original). Ixviii, 174 pp., 39 plates, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

2020. [BMC-GREEK]. Poole, Reginald Stuart. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume I: Italy. (Bologna, 1963 reprint of London, 1873 original), viii, 432 pp., few line drawings in text, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy, stains on cover. (40)

2033. [BMC-GREEK]. Wroth, Warwick. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XIII: Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and The Kingdom of Bosporus. (Bologna, 1963 repnnt of London, 1889 original), xliv, 252 pp., 39 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

2021. [BMC-GREEK]. Barclay V. Head and Percy Gardner. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume III: The Tauric Chersonese, Sannatia, Dada, Moesia, Thrace, &c. (London, 1877 original), xii, 274 pp., few line drawings in text, indices, 8vo. Contemporary blue buckram, gilt. Few scuffs on covers otherwise internally fine. ( 125)

2034. [BMC-GREEK]. Wroth, Warwick. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XIV: Mysia. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1892 original), xxxv, 217 pp., 35 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

Ex Kolbe Auction Sale XI, lot 207.

2035. [BMC-GREEK[. Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XVI: Ionia. (London, 1892 original), lvii, 453 pp., 39 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Recent blue casebound. Nice fine copy, internally very clean. (150)

2022. [BMC-GREEK]. Barclay V. Head and Percy Gardner. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume III: The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, &c. (Bologna, 1963 reprint of London, 1877 onginal). xii, 274 pp., few line drawings in text, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy, stain on cover, few pencilled notes in texL (40)

2036. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XVI: Ionia. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1892 original), lvii, 453 pp., 39 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

2023. [BMC-GREEK[. Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue o f T h e Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume IV: Seleucid Kings of Syria. (New York, Durst 1983 reprint of London, 1878 original), xxxix, 126 pp., 28 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. Ex libris. (40) 2024. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume V: Macedonia, Etc. (London, 1879 original), lxiit,200 pp., few line drawings in text, fold-outmap, tables, indices, 8vo. Contemporary blue buckram, gilt Nice fine copy. (150) Ex Kolbe Aucton Sale XI, lot 208. 2025. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V; Percy Gardner & R.S. Poole. A Catalogue o f T h e Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume II: Sicily. (Bologna, 1963 reprint of London, 1876 onginal). xii, 292 pp., few line drawings in text, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy, stains on cover. (40)

2037. [BMC-GREEK]. Wroth, Warwick. A Catalogue o f T h e Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XVII: TVoas, Aeolis and Lesbos. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1894 original), lxxxiii, 260 pp., 43 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40) 2M8. [BMC-GREEK]. Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XVIII: Caria, Cos, Rhodes, &c. (London, 1897 original). cxviii, 325 pp., 45 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Contemporary blue buckram, gilt lettering. Spine split at page 104, backstrip torn slightly at top otherwise internally fine. (125) 2039. [BMC-GREEK[. Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XVIII: Caria, Cos, Rhodes, &c. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1897 original), cxviii, 325 pp., 45 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Hinges broken, contents detached and plates loose but still complete, internally fine otherwise. (30)

2026. [BMC-GREEK]. Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue ofThe Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume V: Macedonia, Etc. (Bologna, 1963 reprint of London, 1879 original), lxiii, 200 pp., few line drawings in text, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40) 1 30


2040. [BMC-GREEK]. Hill, George Francis. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XIX: Lycia, Pamphylia and Pisidia. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1897 original), cxxii, 353 pp., 44 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Hinges broken, contents still attached but should be rebound otherwise fine. (30)



2056. Burgos, Fernando Alvarez. La Moneda Hispanica DcsdeSusOrigenes Hasta H Siglo V. Catalogo General De Las Monedas Espanolas/ Vol. 1. (Madrid, 1987). 325 pp., excellent line drawings throughout text, 8vo. Brown leatherette, gilL Text in Spanish but still very useful for the line drawings and one of the standard references on Iberian coinage under Roman domination. Very fine copy. (25)

2042. [BMC-GREEK]. Hill, George Francis. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XXI: Lycaonia, Isauria and Cilicia. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1900 original), exxxi, 296 pp., 40 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

2057. Cahn, Herbert A. Knidos, Die Münzen Des Sechsten Und Des Fünften Jahrhunderts V. Chr. AMUGSIV. (Walter De Gmyter & Co, Beriin, 1970). xiii, 245 pp., 20 fine plates with die-linkage clear overiays for the first 11 plates, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt. Very fine copy. Ex libris. The standard reference. (75)

2043. [BMC-GREEK], Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XXII: Lydia. (Bologna, 1964 repnnt of London, 1901 original), cl, 440 pp., 45 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Veiy good copy. (40)

2058. Cahn, Herbert Α., Leo Mildenberg, Roberto Russo and Hans Voegtli. Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig: Griechische Münzen aus Grossgriechenland und Sizilien. (Basel, 1988). 275 pp., 48 enlargement plates, 571 coins described with photographs. Oblong octavo. Printed card covers. A beau tiiul catalogue of Greek coins that are displayed magnificently al the Ludwig museum. Fine copy, stains on front cover. (20)

2044. [BMC-GREEK]. Head, Barclay V. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XXV: Phrygia. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1906 original), cvi, 491 pp., 53 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

2059. Cahn, Herben A. The Coins of the Sicilian City of Naxos. (Chicago1978 reprint of Basel-1944 original). 166 pages, 12plates. A die study fortius important mint and the standard reference on the series. Text in German. Blue casebound As New. (30)

2045. [BMC-GREEK], Poole, Reginald Stuart. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XV: Alexandria and the Nomes. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1892 original), c, 395 pp., 32 plates, tables indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Good copy. (35)


Same as previous lot. Very fine copy. Ex libris.


2061. Carradice, Ian and Martin Price. Coinage In The Greek World. (Seaby, London, 1988). 154 pp., 24 plates, small 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. (20)

2046. [BMC-GREEK], Hill, George Francis. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XXVI: Phoenicia. (London, 1910onginal). clii, 361 pp., 45 plates, map, fold-out tables, indices, 8vo. Contemporary blue buckram, gilt Very fine copy, back hinge weak. Ex libris Frederick Ducane Godman. (150) ExCNAVI, lot 1012. 2047. [BMC-GREEK], Hill, George Francis. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XXVI: Phoenicia. (Bologna, 1965 reprint of London, 1910 original), clii, 361 pp., 45 plates, map, fold-out tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

2062. Carradice, Ian (Editor). Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires: The Ninth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History. BAR International Series 343. (Oxford, 1987). 167 pp., 15 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Eight papers presented at this symposium are published and several specifically deal with the so-called "Decadrachm Hoaid." Very fine copy. Ex libris. (20) 2063. Comstock, Mary and Vermeule, Cornelius. Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston-1964). 78 pages, 30plates, 8vo. A supplement to Agnes Baldwin Brett's original catalog of the museum's coins. Gray casebound with dust cover. Very good copy. (20)

2048. [BMC-GREEK], Hill, George Francis. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XXVIII: Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia. (Bologna, 1965 reprint of London, 1922 original), ccxix, 359 pp., 55 plates, foldout map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy, back hinge split. (40)

2064. Curtis, Colonel James W. TheTetradrachms of Roman Egypt. (Chicago, 1969 reprint), xxiv, 172 pages, 11 plates, small 8vo. A standard reference for the series. Olive-green casebound. Fine copy. (25)

2049. [BMC-GREEK]. Robinson, E.S.G.. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XXIX: Cyrenaica. (Bologna, 1965 reprint of London, 1927 original), cclxxv, 154 pp., 47 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)

2065. Dattari, Giovanni. Monete Iniperiali Grechi. Numi Augg(ustorum) Alexandrini. Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari. (Bologna, 1975 reprint of Cairo, 1901 original). Original two volumes in one. xii, 472 pages, 37 plates, 410 The definitive collection of Alexandrian coinage and a must for any serious collector. Text in Italian. Tan cloth. Fine copy. (60)

2050. Bodenstedt Friedrich. Die Elektronmünzen Von Phokaia Und Mytilene. (Verlag Emst Wasmuth, Tübingen, 1981). x, 390 pp., 63 plates, maps, tables, indices, 4to. Green cloth, gilt and with dust cover. Nice very fine copy. Ex libris.


2066. Davis, Noiman and Colin M. Kraay. The Hellenistic Kingdoms. Portrait Coins and History. (Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1980 edition). 296 pp., 212 illustrations, 2 maps, glossary and bibliography, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. Fine copy, pencilled notes on flyleaf and in text. Ex libris. (25)

2051. Boehringer, Erich. Die Münzen Von Syrakus. (Bologna, 1978 reprint of Berlin & Leipzig, 1929 original), viii, 297 pp., 32 plates. Green cloth. The definitive die-study of this popular series. Very fine copy. (100) Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.

2055. Brauer, George C. Jr. Taras, Ils History And Coinage. (New Rochelle, New York; 1986). ix, (3), 231 pp., index and bibliography, illustrations in text, small 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover (torn) otherwise a fine copy. (20)

2041. [BMC-GREEK]. Wroth, Warwick. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume XX: Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria. (Bologna, 1964 reprint of London, 1899 original), xci, 341 pp., 38 plates, fold-out map, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. Very good copy. (40)


M a r c h 25,1 992


2067. Davis,Norman. Greek Coins & Cities. (Spink & Son Ltd, London, 1967). 221 pp., photographs and blow-ups throughout, 8vo. Illustrated from the Collection at the Seatüe An Museum. Brown cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. (20)


2053. Boutin, Serge. Catalogue Des Monnaies Grecques Antiques De L'Ancienne Collection Pozzi, Monnaies Frappées En Europe. (A.G. Van Der Dussen B.V., Maastricht; 1979). Two volumes. Text: xii, (2), 294 pp., index, table of monograms. Plates: 202 fine plates. Both volumes have printed caïd covers. Large ocUivo. This is the complete catalogue of the Pozzi collection and as such, it lists many coins that were not offered in the Ars Classica sale (No. 1 ) of the Pozzi collection. As new. (50)


2068. De Morgan, Jacques. Ancient Persian Numismatics: Elymais. (New York, 1976 reprint of Paris, 1930 original). Translation by Dominique Gillain Churchill. 45 pages, 5 plates, 8vo. A general overview on the coinage of Elymais. Printed cardcovers. As new. (8)



2081. Gardner, Percy. The Coins of the Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria and India in The British Museum. (Chicago, 1966 reprint of London, 1886 original), lxxvi, 193 pp., 32plates. Red cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. (20)

2069. [Demanhur Hoard]. Remarkable Collection of Greek Tetradrachms. Three hundred Silver Coins of Alexander the Great, In the Collection of Thomas Elder, F.R.N.S, 32 East Twenty-third St, New York City. Six (6) folio size plates (actual size of plate is 30 χ 30 cm.) illustrating 300 Alexander ΙΠ tetradrachms from the Demanhur hoard. Bound in recent custom binding with a plastic sleeve for each plate. The exact date and place of publication for these plates is not given but in Edward T. Newell's monograph, Alexander Hoard: Demanhur, 1905 (ANS NNM #19,1923), he makes reference to these plates as follows (pp. 5-6): "Lot IV also no longer exists as an entity. Those pieces which had been secured from it by Mrs. Draper, Mr. Thomas B.F. Curtis, as well as many purchased by Mr. T.L. Elder of

2082. Gardner, Percy. The History of Ancient Coinage, B.C. 700-300. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of Oxford, 1918 original ). xvi, 463 pages, 11 plates. Green casebound. Fine copy. Ex libris. (20) 2083. Gardner, Percy. The 'l'y pes of Greek Coins. An Archaeological Essay. (Cambridge: At The University Press, 1883 original), viii, 218 pp., (3), 16 fine plates with descriptive text opposite. Folio. Rebound in brown leatherette, original green buckram front cover laid in. The original edition of this still useful work. Fine copy. Exlibris. (100)

this city, have since passed into the possession of the author. Mr. Elder published a series of six plates in half tone showing the obverses and reverses of about 300 tetradrachms. It should be noted, however, that no. 98 on Plates I and Π was not from the find at Demanhur." Newell goes on to describe the circumstances of the hoard's discovery. Plates are fine or better. (50)

ExKolbe Sale XXI, J une 4-5,1985, lot 1009.

2070. Dittrich, K. Ancient Coins From Olbia and Panticapaeum. Photographed byM. Hibas and J. Marco. (London, 1959). 167 pp, color frontis, illustrated throughout, 410. Text in English. Black cloth with dust cover. Very good copy. Ex libris. (40)

2084. Giesecke, Walther. Sicilia Numismatica, Die Grundlagen Des Griechischen Münzwesens Auf Sicilien. (Bologna, Fomi 1969 reprint of Leipzig, 1923 original), vi, 188 pp., 27 plates, 4to. Gray cloth. Very good copy. Exlibris. (40)

2071. Fellows, Sir Charles. Coins of Ancient Lycia before the Reign of Alexander with An Essay on the Relative Dates of the Lycian Monuments in the British Museum. (Chicago, Obol 1976 reprint of John Murray, Albemarle Street, London, 1855). 20 pp., 19 plates of line drawings with descriptive text opposite, map, chronological table, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Very fine copy. (10)

2085. Gobi, Robert Ostkeltischer Ty penatlas Mit methodischem Kommentar. (Branschweig, 1973). 43 pp., 52 plates, 4to. Blue cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. (35) 2086. Gobi,Robert.Sasanian Numismatics.(Braunschweig-1971).Translated by Paul Severin, Vienna, x, 97 pp., 16 plates, 16minting tables, fold-out map. Orange cloth with dust cover. A standard reference on Sasanian numismatics. Text in English which is the more difficult edition to locate. Fine copy. (25)

2072. Florance, Dr. A. Geographic Lexicon of Greek Coin Inscriptions. (Chicago, 1966 reprint of: Tableaux synoptiques des ethniques des villes et peuples grecs, Paris, 1903). 104 pages, 4 maps, narrow 8vo. Printed card covers. As new. (12) 2073.

2087. Gorini, Giovanni. La Monetazione Incusa Delia Magna Grecia. (Bellinzona, Edizioni Arte Ε Moneta Publishers, 1978). 233 pp., illustrated throughout text, index, 8vo. Text in Italian. Green cloth with dust cover. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (50)

Same as previous lot. Gray boards without dust cover. Very good copy. (10)

2074. Forrer, Leonard. Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Greek Coins Formed by Sir Hermann Weber M.D. 1823-1918. (New York, 1975 reprint of London, 1922-1929 originals.). Three volumes. 377,579 & 996pages, 317 plates total. Thick octavo. One of the best collections of Greek coins ever formed. Out of print Red casebound. Nice Very fine set. (250)

2088. Grose, S(idney).W(illiam). Fitzwilliam Museum, Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins. (Chicago-1979 reprint of Cambridge, 19231929 originals). Three volumes complete, x, (2), 380 pp., 111 plates; (6), 563 pp., 137 plates; vi, 507 pp., 132 plates. Thick octavo. A standard reference seL Red cloth. Nice fine set (200)

2075. Forrer, Leonard Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Greek Coins Formed by Sir Hermann Weber M.D. 1823-1918. Volume I: Auriol Find Class, Hispania, Gallia, Britannia, Italy and Sicily. (New Yoik, 1975 reprint of London, 1922 original), xvi, 377 pp., 69 plates, 8vo. Maroon casebound. One of the best collections of Greek coins ever formed. Out of print. Fine copy. (75)


2076. Forrer, Leonard. Portraits of Royal Ladies On Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1969 reprint of an article from The Numismatic Chronicle, 1938). viii, 72 pp., illustrations in text, small 8vo. Gray casebound. Fine copy. Ex libris. (15)

2091. Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks From Circ. 700 B.C. to A.D. 270, Based on the work of Barclay V. Head. (London, 1959 revised second edition). British Museum Publication. 108 pages, 52 plates, 8vo. Green buckram. Fine copy. (40)

Same as previous lot. Nice fine set.


2090. Head, Barclay V. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks. (London, 1932 original). British Museum publication, viii, 106 pages, 50 plates, 8vo. Green buckram. Fine copy. Ex libris. (35)

2077. Franke, Peter R. and Max Hirmer. Die Griechische Münze. (Munich, 1972). 176 pages plus plates of over 800 coins, most enlarged and many in color. This German edition has the same outstanding plates as Kraay and Hirmer's, Greek Coins, and they are the most beautiful books ever published on Greek 001ns. Both are out of print and the English edition has sold for circa $600 recently. Gray cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. Ex libris. (200)

2092. Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics. (Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Red casebound, gilt lettering. Still a standard reference. Nice fine copy. (85)

2078. Gallatin, Albert. Syracusan Dekadrachms Of The EuainetosType. (Cambridge, Mass., 1930). (6), 53 pp., 12 fine plates, frontispiece plate, 4to. Blue casebound, top edge gilt. Still the standard reference for the series and difficult to locate as such. Very fine copy. (100)

2093. Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatk-s. (Spink and Son, London 1963 reprint of Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Green casebound with frayed dust cover. Still a standard reference. Nice finecopy. (60) 2094.

Same as previous lot. Split at front hinge otherwise internally fine.


2079. Gardner, Percy. The Coinage of Parthia. (San Diego, 1968 reprint). 68 pages, 7 plates, 8vo. Includes an article by Joel L. Malter on a hoard of Parthian drachms. Printed paper covers. Finecopy but covers stained. (10)

2095. Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago-1967 reprint of Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Argonaut reprint of this standard reference. Red casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (50)

2080. Gardner, Percy. The Coins of the Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria and India in The British Museum. (Chicago, 1966 reprint of London, 1886 original), lxxvi, 193 pp., 32 plates. Red cloth with dust cover. Finecopy. (20)





2096. Head, Barclay V. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Ephesus. ("History of the Coinage of Ephesus" stamped on spine and cover.) (London, 1880 original). 89 pages, 5 plates, 12mo. Original dark green casebinding. Fine copy. Ex libris. (35)


Same as previous lot. Veiy fine copy.

25,1 992


2112. Jameson, Robert. Monnaies Grecques Antiques et Imperiales Romaines. (Chicago-1980 reprint of Paris, 1913-1932 originals). 4 volumes complete. 908 pages, 164 plates, 8vo. Still a major reference with over 3000 coins described. Red leatherette. New. (200)

2097. Head, Barclay V. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Ephesus. ("History of the Coinage of Ephesus" stamped on spine and cover.) (Chicago, 1979 reprint of London, 1880 original), vi, 89 pages, 5 plates, 12mo. Brown casebound. Very fine copy. (15)


2098. Head, Barclay V. On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Syracuse. (Off-print from The Numismatic Chronicle, Vol. XTV, New Series, London, 1874). 80 pages, 15 plates, 12mo. Recent red library binding. Very good copy.

Same as previous lot. Very fine set


2114. Jenkins, G.K Ancient Greek Coins. (New Yoik, 1972). 310 pages with 635 photographs plus 20 oolor plates. Octavo. Blue cloth, gilt lettering with dust cover. An outstanding book with some of the most beautiful photos of Greek coins ever published. Recently reprinted but the original is still superior. Very fine copy.


(200) See the companion volumes by Sutherland, Roman Coins, arid Whining, Byzantine Coins, all out of print andscarce.

2099. Herbert, Kevin. The John Max Wülfing Collection In Washington University. (Ancient Coins in North American Collections Published by The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1979). (4), 30 pp., 22 plates, 437 coins, 8vo. Orange casebound. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (20)

2115. Jenkins, G.K. Ancient Greek Coins. (Seaby, London, 1990). Second edition with revisions and additions. (10), 182 pages with 439 black-and-white photographs plus 8 color plates, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Part of the 'Coins In History' series, previously published in the 'World of Numismatics' series. Very fine copy. (50)

2100. Hill, G(eorge) F(rancis). Coins of Ancient Sicily. (Bologna, Fomi 1976 reprint of Westminster, 1903 First Edition). 256 pp., 15 plates, 80 illustrations in the text, frontispiece plate, map, 8vo. Green cloth, very fine copy. Ex libris. (20)

2116. Jenkins, G.K. and R.B. Lewis. Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins. (London, 1963, RNS Special Publication No. 2). 140 pp., 38 plates. Red casebound with dust cover. I h e definitive die-study for this vast series of coinage. As new but dusty. (35)

2101. Hill.G.F. A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Greek Coins Belonging to John Ward F.S·A. (San Diego, 1967 reprint of London, 1902 original). 458 pages, 22 plates, some photos in text, 8vo. Green casebound. Catalogue of one of the major nineteenth century collections which was acquired by J. Pierpont Morgan and donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and now dispersed. Fine copy. Ex libris.

2117. Jenkins, G.K. Coins of Greek Sicily. (London, 1976 reprint of London, 1966 original). 64 pp., 80 individual photographs of coins, 12mo. Black casebound with dust cover. Handbook to one of the most beautiful series of coinage ever struck. As new. (12)

(20) 2102. Hill.G.F. A Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins. (London, 1899 original edition), xv, (1), 295 pages, 15 plates, 12mo. Red buckram, gilt design on covers, top edge gilt. Good copy, internally fine with some light foxing. Covers lightly water stained. (40)

2118. Jenkins, G.K. The Coinage of Gela. AMuGS Π. (Berlin-1970). 2 volumes ( one of text and oneof plates), xxiv, 312 pages, 56 plates, large 8vo. The definitive work on this coinage. Green cloth, plates unbound in matching hardcover folder. Nice very fine copy. (75)

2103. Hill, George F(rancis). Select Greek Coins. A Series of Enlargements Illustrated and Described. (Libraine Nationale D'Art Et D'Histoire, Pans and Brussels, 1927). 61 pp., (3), 64 fine plates. Folio. Original blue buckram, gilt lettering, top edge gilt Very good copy, covers faded and comers bumped. Ex B.A. Seaby Ltd. library. (150)

2119. Jones, John Melville. A Dictionary of Ancient Greek Coins. (Seaby, London, 1986). xi, 248 pp., 5 tables of alphabets, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (35)

2104. Hirmer, Max. Die Schönsten Griechenmünzen Siziliens. (Leipzig, 1940). 66 pp., 48 fine plates of Greek coins from Sicily, 12mo. Printed boards. Very good copy. (20)

2120. Jongkees.J.H.TheKimonian Dekadrachms, A Contribution To Sicilian Numismatics. (Amsterdam, 1967 reprint of Utrecht, 1941 original). (8), 151 pp., 2 plates, 4to. Black cloth, gilt. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (75)

2105. Holloway, R. Ross and G. Kenneth Jenkins. Terina. (Bellinzona, 1983 by Edizioni Arte e Moneta). 46 pp., 24 plates and bibliography, 8vo. Green cloth. The standard reference on this beautiful coinage. Text in English. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (25)

2121. Kleiner, Fred S. and Noe, Sydney P. The Early Cistophoric Coinage. (New York, 1977) 129 pages, 38 plates, 8vo. Numismatic Studies 14 in the ANS series. The standard work on the cistophoric coinage. Red cloth. Fine copy. Ex libris. (25)

2106. Holloway, R. Ross. Art and Coinage In Magna Graecia. (Bellinzona, Edizioni Arte Ε Moneta Publishers, 1978). 173 pp., 88 fine plates, index, 8vo. Text in English. Green cloth with dust cover. Very fine copy. Ex libns and dedicated. (50)

2122. König, Marie E P. Das Rätsel der Keltischen Münzen. (Maschen, 1975). (4), 73 pp., 17 enlarged plates in text, 4to. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (15) 2123. Kraay, C.M. and G.K. Jenkins (Editors). Essays In Greek Coinage Presented ToStanley Robinson. (Oxford, 1967). xn, 268 pp., 33 plates, 8vo. Blue casebound. Seventeen articles by some of the major authorities on Greek coinage. Long out of print and scarce. Fine copy. Ex libris. (200)

2107. Holm, Adolfo. Storia Delia Moneta Siciliana. (Bologna, Fomi 1965 reprint of Leipzig, 1898 original). Translated by Giuseppe Kimer. 364 pp., 8 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Very good copy. (15)

2124. Kraay, Colin M. and Max Hirmer. Greek Coins. (New York, 1972). 396 pages, 20 color plates, 220 black and white plates, over 800 coins superbly illustraied in 1,349 photographs. One of the most beautiful books ever published on Greek coins. Tan cloth with dust cover. Out of print and rare. Nice fine copy, dustcover slightly frayed on edges, bookplate. (500)

2108. Houghton, Arthur. Coins of the Seleucid Empire From the Collection of Arthur Houghton, Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 4. (New York, 1983). 122 pp., 77 plates, table of chronology of selected mints. The definitive reference for the series. Orange cloth. Very fine copy, comers bumped. Exlibris. (50) 2109. Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich and Gardner, Percy. Ancient Coins Dlustrating Lost Masterpieces of Greek Art. (Chicago-1964 reprint of London-1887 original). lxxviii, 176 pages, 38 plates, map, 8vo. A numismatic concordance to Paasanias identifying coins which may depict artwork described by Pausanias. Blue casebound with dust cover. Nice very fine copy. (20) 2110.

Same as previous lot. Fine copy, top edge duty.


2125. Kraay, Colin M. Archaic and Classical Greek Coins. (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1976). xxvi, 390 pp., 64 plates, indices, 8vo. Green cloth with dust cover. This is the definitive "textbook" for the student and collector of Greek coins. Out of print and hard to find. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (125) 2126. Kraay, Colin M. The archaic Coinage of Himera. (Napoli, 1983). 104 pp., 15 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Text in English. The definitive die study analysis of this interesting coinage. Very fine copy. (20)

1 33


M a r c h 25,1 992


2127. Le Rider, Georges. Le Monnayage D'Argent Et D'Or De Philippe Π Frappé en Macédoine de359 à 294. (Paris-1977). (6), 484 pages,95 plates, fold-out map, 4to. Brown cloth, gÜL Text in French. The definitive reference for the series. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (125)

2140. Müller, Ludwig; C.T. Falbe and J. Chr. Lindberg. The Coinage of Ancient Africa. (Chicago-1977 reprint of Basel and Stuttgart, 1957 revised edition of Copenhagen, 1860-1862 originals). 552 pages with passim illustrations, 95 page supplement. Text in French. Hardcover. Fine copy. (40)

2128. Macdonald, George. The Silver Coinage of Crete. A Metrological Note. (From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. IX, London, 1919). 30 pp., 1 plates, 8vo. Bound with: Italo-Greek Coins of Southern Italy by the Rev. A.W. Hands. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1912). 197 pp., illustrations in text, 8vo; and Zum Corpus numorum aeris gravis. Die Systematik des ältesten römischen Münzwesens by Dr. iur. E J . Haeberlin. (Berlin, 1905). 67 pp., 8vo. Brown casebound. Very good copies. (30)

2141. Newell, Edward T. Royal Greek Portrait Coins. (Whitman Publishing, Racine, Wisconsin; reprint of New York, 1937 original). 128 pages, numerous photographs throughout text. An excellent introductory work to this day. Black casebound Fine copy. (10) 2142.

Same as previous lot. Fine copy.


2143. Newell, Edward T. The Alexander Coinage of Sicyon. (New York-1950). 41 pages, 18 plates, 8vo. ANS Numismatic Studies 6. Completed by Sydney P. Noe after Newell's death. Printed card covers. Fine copy with pencilled notes in text. Ex libris. (20)

2129. MacDonald, Sir George. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, University of Glasgow. (Bologna, Fomi 1975 reprint of Glasgow, 18991905 originals). Volumes I & Π (missing part HI). (6) lxvi, (2) 495 pp., 30 plates; (6) vi, (2) 649pp., 32plates. Thick quarto. Tan cloth. Fine copies. Exlibris. (150)

2144. Newell, Edward T. The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus ΠΙ, with a summary of recent scholarship, additions and corrections by Otto M0rkholm. (New York-1978 reprint of New York-1938 original). (4), ix, 307 pp., 56 plates, 8vo. ANS Numismatic Studies 1. Still a standard reference. Brown casebound. Fine copy. Ex libris. (30)

2130. Malloy, Alex G. The Coinage of Amisus. (New Yoik, 1970 first edition). 19 pages, 11 plates, 12mo. A listing of all the main published types for Amisus. Printed cardcovers. Fine copy. (5)

2145. Newell, Edward T. The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III, with a summary of recent scholarship by Otto M0rkholm. (New York-1977 reprint of New York-1941 original), ix, 450 pages, 85 plates, 8vo. ANS Numismatic Studies 4. Still a standard reference. Brown casebound. Fine copy. (40)

2131. May, J.M.F. The Coinage of Abdcra (540-345 B.C.). Edited by C.M. Kraay and G.K. Jenkins. (London-1966, RNS Special Publication No. 3). xi, 298 pages, 24 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage, but the chronology has been revised since. Veiy fine copy. (40) 2132. May, J.M.F. The Coinage of Damastion and the lesser coinages of the Illyro-Paeonian Region. (Oxford University Press, London, 1939). xiv, 207 pp, 12 fine plates, endsheet map, narrow 8vo. Original blue casebound. Very good copy with torn dust cover. (100)

2146. Newell, Edwaid T. The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes. (Chicago-1978 reprint of London-1927 original), xi, 174 pages, 18 plates, 8vo. A standard reference. Red leatherette, gilt Fine copy. Ex libris. (25)

2133. Mildenberg, Leo and Silvia Hurter (Editors). The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of Greek Coins, Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 6. (New Yoik, 1985).2volumes(l of text, 1 of plates), 194 pp., 142plates, 5 indices, 8vo. This two volume woik catalogues 2970 coins of the Dewing collection at Harvard Univeisity with an excellent representation of Syracusan decadrachms. Orange cloth without s Li pease. Fine set, text volume scuffed on front cover. (75)

2147. Newell, Edward T. The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon And Ake.(Yale and Oxford University Presses, New Haven and London, 1916). 72 pp., 10 fine plates separated by tissue, large 8vo. Blue buckram. Very good copy, edges of boards worn and back cover stained. Ex libris Edward Theodore Newell with his bookplate. Still a very useful work even with the publication of Price's study. This is the rare original edition with only 300 copies printed. (100)

2134. Milne, J.G. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford. (New York, Durst 1982 reprint of London, 1971 Spink edition). Supplement by Cohn M. Kraay. lxviii, 165 pages, 7 plates, fold-out tables, 8vo. A standard reference. Green casebound. Fine copy. Ex Libris. (30)

2148. Newell, Edwaid T. The Sdeucid Mint of Antioch. (Chicago-1978 reprint of New Yoik-1918 original). 151 pages, 13 plates. Still a standard reference even with the appearance of new research. Hardcover. As New. (50) 2149.

2135. Mitchiner, Michael. Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage. (London, Hawkins Publications, 1975-1976). Nine volumes complete, all in the original printed card covers. 924 pp., maps, illustrations, 4to. Fine set. A difficult set to locale. (250) 2136. Mitchiner, Michael. Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage. Volume I: The Early Indo-Greeks and Their Antecedants: Alexander the Great, the satraps of Egypt, Babylon, Ecbatana, Bactra and Kapisa: theSeleucids: circa 330 to 150 BC. (London, Hawkins Publications, 1975). xxix, 102 pp., illustrations throughout text, 4to. Printed card covers. Fine copy with pencilled notes on cover. Ex libris. (30)

2138. Müller, L., B.V. Head and Baron A. von Prokesch-Osten. The Coins of Alexander the Great. (Chicago-1981). xxvii, (3), 173 pp., 12mo. Green libraiy binding. Sections from the works of the authors edited by Al. N. Oikonomides. Partly in French. Fine copy. Ex libris. (15) 2139. Müller, Ludwig. An Atlas: The Coinage of Alexander The Great. (New Yoik -1976 reprint of Copenhagen-1855 & 1858 editions). 49 pages, 5 plates of line drawings, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (10)


2150. Noe, Sydney P. The Coinage of Caulonia. (American Numismatic Society Numismatic Studies No. 9, New York, 1958). (4), 62 pp., 20 plates, 8vo. Printed card covets. Very good copy. Ex libris. (40) 2151. Noe, Sydney P. The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2, withadditions and corrections by Ann Johnston. (New York, 1984). ix, 120 pages, 44 excellent plates, concordance to SNG. Quarto. Noe's two die studies are combined into one volume. The standard reference for this important coinage. Hardcover. Very fine copy. (40) 2152.

2137. M0rkholm, Otto and Nancy M. Waggoner. Greek Numismatics and Archaeology. Essays in Honor of Margaret Thompson. (Wetteren, Belgium, 1979). xix, 326 pp., 41 fine plates, frontispice portrait of Thompson, 4to. Green cloth, gilL A compendium of excellent articles including "New and Noteworthy from Roman Alexandria.Pescennius Niger - Diadumenian" by William E. Metcalf and "A Chronology of Eariy Athenian Bronze Coinage ca. 350-250 B.C." by John H. Kroll. Fine copy, small puncture maik cn front cover. (75)

Same as previous lot. Veiy fine copy. Ex libris.

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2153. Plant, Richard. Greek Coin Types and Their Identification. (London, Seaby-1979). 144 pages, 8vo. Blue casebound. This book consists mostly of line drawings to help the collector in identifying Greek and Greek Imperial coins. Fine copy. Exlibris. (25) 2154. Plant, Richard. Greek, Semitic, Asiatic Coins and how to read them. (Scorpion Publishers, Amherst, New York; 1979). x, 257 pp., illustrated with line drawing throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt New. (40) 2155.

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy. Ex libris.


2156. Price, Martin and Waggoner, Nancy. Archaic Greek Silver: The "Asyut" Hoard. (London-Encino, 1975). 143 pages, 32 + 4 plates, 8vo. One of the most important hoards everpublished. Maroon casebound. Veiy fine copy. (25) 1 34


Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.

M a r c h 25,1 992

9viai[rB1dSak (25)

2158. Price, Martin. Coins of the Macedonians. (Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1974). viii, 47 pp., 16 plates, 12mo. Printed paper covers. Good copy, front cover water-damaged. Ex libris. (10) 2159. Price, Martin lessop and Bluma L. Trell. Coins and Their Cities: Architecture on the ancient coins of Greece, Rome, and Palestine. (London, 1977). 298 pp., 16 color plates, 522 black and white photos, fold-out map, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. This book is a must for the collector of Greek Imperial coinage and the student of ancient architecture. Fine copy. Ex libris. (40)

2174. Sellwood, David; P. Whitung and R. WiUiams. An Introduction to Sasanian Coins. (London, 1985). 178 pages, 16 plates, line drawings in text, 12mo. Entire book is done in calligraphy. Red casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy.

(20) 2175. Sellwood, David. The Coinage of Parthia. (London-1980). Second Edition. (6), 322 pp., 10 plates, line drawings in text, 8vo. Entire book is done in calligraphy. Brown casebound with dust cover. Very good copy. (15) 2176. Seltman, Charles. A Book of Greek Coins. (Penguin Books, London, 1952). 31 pp., 48 plates. Hardcover. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (15)

2160. Ravel, Oscar E. Les "Poulains" De Corinthe. (Chicago-1979 reprint of Basel and London, 1936 and 1948 originals). Two volumes in one. 148 pages, 78 plates. The standard reference for this series. Blue cloth, gilL Covers faded otherwise internally very fine. (50)

2177. Seltman, Charles T. Athens, Its History and Coinage Before the Persian Invasion. (Chicago-1974 reprint of Cambridge-1924 original), xx, 228 pages, 24 plates. Still a standard reference for the archaic Athenian coinage. Green casebound with dust cover. New. (30)

2161. Ravel, Oscar E. The Collection of Tkrentine Coins Formed by M.P. Vlasto. (Chicago, 1977 reprint of London, 1947 original), xii, 196 pages, (3), 53 plates, 8vo. Red leatherette, gilt The definitive reference forTarentine coins. Very fine copy. (50)


2162. Roberts, W. Rhys and Head, Barclay V. The Ancient Boeotians and The Coinage of Boeotia. (Chicago-1964 reprint of London-1895 and 1891 onginals). Two volumes in one. 92 + 99 pages, 6plates, small 8vo. Robert's section outlines the history and culture and precedes Head's outline of the coinage. Red casebound. Very fine copy. (30)

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2179. Seltman, Charles T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage. (London, 1955 Methuen edition). 311 pages with maps, 64 plates, 12mo. An excellent survey. Green casebound. Covers stained otherwise internally fine.

(20) 2180. Seltman, Charles T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage Down to the Fall of the Hellenistic Kingdoms. (London, 1977 Spink & Son Ltd edition). 311 pages with maps, 64 plates, small 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. An excellent survey. Fine copy. Ex libris. (20)

2163. Roberts, W. Rhys and Head, Barclay V. The Ancient Boeotians and The Coinage of Boeotia. (Chicago-1974 reprint of London-1895 and 1891 originals). Two volumes in one. 92 + 99 pages, 6 plates, small 8vo. Robert's section outlines the history and culture and precedes Head's outline of the coinage. Printed card covers. New. (20)

2181. Seltman, Charles T. Masterpieces of Greek Coinage. (Oxford, 1949 original). 128 pp., photographs throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth. Very good copy, pencilled notes on flyleaf. (30)


2182. Seltman, Charles T. Masterpieces of Greek Coinage. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of Oxford, 1949 original). 128 pp., photographs throughout, 4to. Blue cloth. Very fine copy. (20)

Same as previous l a . Red casebound. Very finecopy. Exlibris. (15)

2165. Robinson, E.S.G. A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection of Greek Coins. Part I: Italy, Sicily, Carthage. (Lisbon, 1971). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 136pages, 42 separate plates in cloth binder. A much sought after calalogue, noted for the aesthetic quality of b a h the catalogue and the coins in it Cream cloth. Very fine copy. (200)

2183. Seltman, Charles T. The Temple Coins of Olympia. (New York, 1977 reprint of the Cambridge, 1921 edition), x, 117pp, 12 plates, large 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover (frayed). Nice fine copy. (30) 2184.

2166. Rutter, N.K. Campanian Coinages, 475-380 B.C. (Edinburgh, 1979). viii, 196 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A die study for the early coinages of Cumae, Neapolis, Hyria, Nola, the Campani, Phistelia, Allifae, and the Fenserni. The standard reference for these rare coinages. Very fine copy. (30)

Same as previous l a . Very fine copy.



Same as previous l a . Nice fine copy.


2186. Stair, Chester G. Athenian Coinage 480-449 B.C. (Oxford-1970 original). xiv, 96 pages, 26 plates, small 8vo. A standard reference. Dark blue casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (20) 2187. Stillman, William J. The Coinage of the Greeks. (Chicago, 1975repnnt from "The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine" published in March, 1887.) 12 pages, illustrated in text A brief general description on ancient Greek coinage. Printed paper covers. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (10) 2188.

2170. Sear, David R. Greek Coins and Their Values, Volume II: Asia and Africa. (London, Seaby-1979). xlviii, 446 pages, 2000 illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Based on the collections of the British Museum. Brown cloth. Nice fine copy. (30) 2171.

Same as previous l a . Nice fine ccpy.



Same as previous l a . Nice fine copy.



2185. Starr, Chester G. Athenian Coinage 4X0-449 B.C. (New York-1980 reprint of Oxford-1970 original), x, 96 pages, 26 plates, small 8vo. A standard reference. Olive-green leatherette. Very fine copy. (20)

2167. Sear, David R. Greek Coins and Their Values, Volume I: Europe. (London, Seaby-1978). xl, 316 pages, illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Based on the collections of the British Museum. Brown cloth. Very fine copy. (40) 2168.

Same as previous lot. Nice fine copy.

Same as previous lot. Almost new but covers slightly dirty.


2189. Svoronos, Jean N.Christodoulos The Counterfeiter. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of Athens, 1922 original). 28 χ 21.5 cm., 36 pp., 17 plates. Paper covers. As new. (15) 2190. Svoronos, Jean N. Corpus of the Ancient Coins of Athens. (Chicago1975 reworking of the Munich-1923 edition). 264 pages of which 229 are plates. Basically plates with minimal description. Red casebound, gilt. New. (75) 2191.

2173. Sear, David. R. Greek Imperial Coins and Their Values. (London, Seaby1982). xxxv, 636 pages, 1750 mustrations throughout the text, 12mo. A "must" reference for the collector of the Greek Imperial series or any part thereof. Green casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (50)

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2192. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage Of Caesarea In Cappadocia. (London, 1933 original). 138 pp., illustrations in text, small 8vo. A standaid reference. Blue library binding, gilt. Fine copy. (25)




M a r c h 25,1 992

2193. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. France. Bibliotheque Nationale Cabinet Des Médailles. Collection Jean Et Marie Delepierre. (Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 1983). (9), 88 plates with descriptive text opposite describing 3130 coins, indices. Folio. Printed boards. As new. Ex libris. (100)

2207. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume III (British Series). The Lockett Collection. Part IV: Peloponnese - Aeolis (Gold and Silver). (London, 1945 original). 12 plates with descriptive text opposite, 734 coins catalogued. Folio. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (60)

2194. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. IVoas - Aeolis - Lesbos. 5 Heft. Nr. 1439-1767. (Berlin, 1959). lOplates with text opposite. Folio. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (75)

2208. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume III (British Series).The Lockett Collection. Part V: Lesbos - Cyrenaica: Addenda (Gold and Silver). (London, 1957 second impression of 1949 original). 16 plates with descriptive text opposite, 792 coins catalogued. Folio. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (60)

2195. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. Nachträge I. Pontus - Paphlagonien - Bithynien. 15 H e f t Nr. 66747190. (Berlin, 1967). 20 plates with text opposite. Folio. Pnnted card covers. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (75)

2209. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part L Spain (Emporiae, Rhoda) • Italy. (London, 1972). 14 plates with text opposite describing 882 coins. Heavy paperboard covers. Nice fine copy. (60)

2196. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. Nachträge II. Mysien - Troas - Aeolis - Lesbos. 16 Heft Nr. 7191-7758. (Berlin, 1967). 20 plates with text opposite. Folio. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (75)

2210. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Filzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part II: Sicily - Thrace. (London, 1972). 19 plates with text opposite describing 1006 coins. Folio. Heavy papcrboard covers. Fine copy. (60)

2197. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock. Nachträge ΠΙ. Ionien - Karien - Lydien. 17 Heft. Nr. 7759-8298. (Berlin, 1968). 18 plates with text opposite. Folio. Pnnted card covers. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (75)

2211. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume IV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part V: Sicyon • Thera. (London, 1958). 8 plates with text opposite describing 544 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (60)

2198. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock (SNG- Von Aulock). Index, by Peter R. Franke, Wolfgang Leschom and Armin U. Stylow. (Berlin, 1981). xii, 268 pp., 12 large fold-out tables, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. Ex libris. Very useful for the student of Greek Imperial coinage and as an aid to the Sylloge series of the Von Aulock collection. (50)

2212. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Parts I, la, II & III. Italy - Macedonia. (Published for The British Academy, London, 1951-1976). First four volumes of this series. 76 pp., 76 plates describing 3678 coins. Folio. First two volumes bound in printed paper covers, last two in printed heavy boards. Fine set. Ex libris. (300) 2213. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Part II. Italy, Lucania (Thurium) - Bruttium; Sicily; Carthage. (London, 1969). 24 plates with text opposite describing 1160 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. Fine copy. (75)

2199. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Switzerland I. Levante-Cilicia. Catalogued by Edoardo Levante, assisted by Peter Weiss, edited by Italo Vecchi. (Bern, 1986). 36 pp., 125 plates with text opposite in Sylloge format An amazing collection of coins from Cilicia presented in the new Sylloge size (30 χ 21 cm.). Red cloth, gilt and with dust cover. As new. Ex libris. (150)

2214. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Sweden II. The Collection of the Royal Coin Cabinet National Museum of Monetary History Stockholm. (Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie Och Antikvitets Akademien, 1976). 46 pages, 19 plates describing 663 coins. Printed card covers. Fine copy, upper comer of title page torn. Ex libris. (50)

2200. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume I (British Series). Part I: The Collection of Capt E.G. Spencer-Churchill, M . C , of Northwick Park and The Salting Collection in The Victoria and Albert Museum. (Published for the British Academy, London, 1931). (4), 8 plates with descriptive text opposite describing 246 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. Covers separated from contents otherwise a fine copy. Ex libris. (125) 2201. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume I (British Series). Part II: The Newnham Davis Coins 111 The Wilson Collection of Classical and Eastern Antiquities, Marischal College, Aberdeen. (Published for the British Academy, London, 1936). (4), 14 plates with descriptive text opposite describing 490 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. Fine copy, tissue between plates. Exlibris. (125) 2202. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume II (British Series). Lloyd Collection. (Chicago-1979 reprint of London, 1933-1937 originals). 59 pages, 59 plates. Hardbound. Very fine copy. (70) 2203.

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2215. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. T h e Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Parts 1-5 & 7. (New York, 1969-1988). 6 volumes of the SNG ANS series missing only Volume 6 on Palestine - South Arabia. 239 pp., 224 plates describing 7626 coins. Folio. Parts 1 -3 are printed card covers, parts 4 & 5 are printed boards. Part 7 on Macedonia is new smaller SNG format (4to) and bound in orange cloth. Fine set. Ex libris. (350) 2216. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 1. Etruria · Calabria. (New York, 1969). 39 pp., 39 plates, describing 1618 coins. Folio. Pnnted cardcovers. Very fine copy. (75) 2217. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. T h e Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 2. Lucania. (New York, 1972). 38 pp., 38 plates describing 1442 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (75)

2204. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume III (British Series). The Uickctt Collection. Parts I - V: Spain to Cyrenaica (Gold and Silver). (London, 1938-1949 originals, part V 1957 second impression). Five volumes complete. 64 plates with descriptive text opposite describing 3541 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. A fine set with some minor foxing on a few plates. Ex libns. (350)

2218. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. T h e Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 3. Bruttium - Sicily I: Abacaenum - Fryx. (New York, 1975). 38 plates with text opposite. 1,348 coins described. Folio. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (75)

2205. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume III (British Series). The Lockett Collection. Part I: Spain - Italy (Gold and Silver). (London, 1957 second impression of 1938 original). 12 plates with descriptive text opposite, 684 coins catalogued. Folio. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (60)

2219. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 4. Sicily II: Galaria-Styella. (New York, 1977). 25 plates with text opposite describing 748 coins. Folio. Printed boards. Very fine copy. (75)

2206. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG VolumeIII(BritishSeries).The Lockett Collection. Part II: Sicily - Thrace (Gold and Silver). (London, 1957 second impression of 1939 original). 12 plates with descriptive text opposite, 595 coins catalogued. Folio. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (60)

2220. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 5. Sicily ΠΙ: Syracuse - Siceliotes. (New York, 1988). 56 pp., 45 plates. 1408 coins described. Includes indices (geographical, rulers, names, inscriptions, etc.) covering the first five volumes. Printed boards. As new. Ex libris. (60)

1 36


M a r c h 25,1 992


2221. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. T h e Collection o f T h e American Numismatic Society. P a r t 6. Palestine - South Arabia. (New York, 1981). 54 plates with text opposite describing 1615 coins, indices. Folio. Printed boards. Very finecopy. (75)

T I T L E S ON R O M A N REPUBLICAN NUMISMATICS 2235. Banti, Alberto. C o r p u s N u m m o r u m R o m a n o r u m , Monetazione Repubblicana. (Florence, 1980-1982). 9 volumes, 3088 pages; 12,404 illustrations. Bilingual Italian/English text. Red cloth, gilt lettering. Nice very fine set. (350)

2222. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. T h e Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum ("SNG Copenhagen"). (Reprint edition, West Milford, New Jersey, 1981). 565 pp., 485 plates. Folio. 39 original volumes beautifully reprinted in seven volumes, bound in red cloth with gold leaf imprints. Text in English. One of the best collections available in the Sylloge format and a "basic reference" for most dealers. Nice fine set. (750) 2223. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. T h e Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National M u s e u m ("SNG Copenhagen"). Volume I, Italy· Sicily. (West Milford, N.J., 1981 reprint edition). 92 pages, 60 plates. Folio. Bound in red cloth with gold imprints. Very fine oopy, few light stains on covers. (75)

2236. Crawford, Michael H. Roman Republican Coinage. (London, 1974). Two volumes complete, xiv + xi, 919 pp., 69 plates, appendix, bibliography, concordances, indices, 8vo. Brown cloth. The most scholarly treatment of the entire Roman Republican coinage in chronological order and the definitive reference for the series. Fine set. (225)

2224. Thompson,Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints I: Sardes and Miletus. ANS Numismatic Studies No. 16. (New York, 1983). 98 pp., 38 plates, 8vo. Red cloth. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (30)

2237. Grueber, H.A. Coins o f T h e Roman Republic in the British Museum. (London, 1970 reprint of London, 1910 original). Three volumes. Volume I: Aes Rude, Aes Signatum, Aes Grave, and Coinage of Rome from B.C. 268. Volume Π: Coinage of Rome (Continued), Roman Campania, Italy, The Social War, and the Provinces. Volume III: Tables of Finds and Cognomina, Indexes, Plates, Etc. exxv, 594 + 592 + 236 (& 123 plates), 8vo. Red casebound with dust covers. Good set. (100)

2225. Thompson, Margaret; Otto M0rkholm and Colin M. Kraay. An Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards. (Published for The International Numismatic Commission by The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1973).xviii, 3 fold-out maps, 408 pp., indexes, laige octavo. Printed card covers. A listing of 2387 hoards and a must reference for the serious student of Greek coinage. Nice fine copy. (50)

2238. Ratto, Rodolfo. Collection E.A. S y d e n h a m : Aes G r a v e Italique, Monnaies Romaines Consulaires. (New York, 1974 reprint of Ratto auction catalogue, Lugano, February 7 1928). 653 lots, 29 plates, prices realized. An important collection of aes grave and Roman Republican bronze. Paper covers. New but covers slightly soiled. (15)

2226. Troxell, Hyla A. T h e N o r m a n Davis Collection. (The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1969). (4), 53 pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (30)

2239. Sydenham, Edward A. T h e Coinage of the Roman Republic. (Durst, New York 1976 reprint of London, 1952 original), lxix, 343 pp., 30 plates. Blue leatherette, gilt. Nice fine copy. (25)

2227. Tudeer, Lauri O. Th. Die Tetradrachmenprägung von Syrakus in der Periode der signierenden Kunstler. (Chicago, 1979 reprint of Berlin, 1913 original). (4), 292 pp., 7 plates, 8vo. Brown leatherette casebound, gilt. Very fine copy. (30)

2240. Thomsen, Rudi. Early Roman Coinage: A study of the chronology. (Copenhagen, 1957-1961). Three volumes. Volume 1: The Evidence, 251 pages. Volume II: Synthesis 1,391 pages. Volume 111 : Synthesis II, 302 pages. Printed paper covers. Volume I has slight water damage but otherwise fine; other two volumes in very fine condition. (150)

2228. Waggoner, Nancy M. Early G r e e k Coins F r o m T h e Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 5. (New York, American Numismatic Society, 1983). (6), 55 pp., 28 fine plates, 8vo. Orange cloth. Fine copy. (25)

2241. Thuilow, Bradbury Κ and Vecchi, Italo G. ITALIAN CAST COINAGE: Italian Aes Grave and Italian Aes Rude, Signatum and the Aes Grave of Sicily. (London, 1979). 50 pages, 82 plates, concordance with Sydenham. Octavo. Brown casebound. The standard reference for the collector of aes grave. Fine copy.


2229. Waggoner, Nancy M. F u r t h e r Reflections On Audoleon and His Alexander Mint. (Reprinted from the Revue belge de Numismatique, Volume CXXIX, 1983; BruxeUes). 17 pp., 5 plates, small 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (10)


Same as previous lot. As new.


T I T L E S ON R O M A N I M P E R I A L NUMISMATICS 2230. Ward, John. Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities. (London, 1902 onginal). xxxvi, 464 pp., illustrations throughout text, 22 fine autotype plates, frontispiece plate, 8vo. Original white cloth, top edge gilt Original classic edition. Cover heavily soiled otherwise internally fine. Ex libris Alfred George Greenhill and inscribed to him by the author. (100)

2243. Alföldi, Maria R. Cohen - RIC · Konkordanz. Teil 1. Von Augustus bis zur Follis-Reform Diocletians (Cohen Bd. 1-6 und RIC Bd. I-V/1-2). (Bonn, 1978).vii, 523 pp., small 8vo. Green cloth. Finecopy. (30) 2244. Askew, Gilbert. The Coinage of Roman Britain. (London, 1980 reprint of 1951 original). Second edition of reprint with an Introduction, List of the Roman Governors of Britain, and a bibliography by Peter A. Clayton, vi, 90 pp. with line drawings, narrow 8vo. Printed card covers. As new. (12)

2231. Westermark, Ulla and Jenkins, Kenneth. T h e Coinage of K a m a r i n a . (London-1980, RNS Special Publication No. 9). 283 pages, 40 plates, 8vo. A définilive die study for this coinage. Red casebound. Very fine copy with dustcover. Ex libris. (50)

2245. Breglia, Laura. Roman Imperial Coins: Their Art & Technique. (New York, 1968 translation of 1968 Milan edition). Translation by Peter Green. 236 pp., 99 coins catalogued, full page enlargement of each coin. Oblong octavo. Blue cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. (50)

2232. Westermark, Ulla. Das Bildnis Des Philetairos Von Pergamon. Corpus der Münzprägung. (Stockholm, 1960). 84 pp., 24 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Covers separated from contents, otherwise internally fine. Out of print and difficult to find. (75)

2246. Carson, R.A.G. Principal Coins ofThe Romans, Volume I: The Republic c. 290-31 BC. (British Museum Publications, London, 1978). 88 pp., 319 coins catalogued and illustrated, concordance, 8vo. Black cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. (40)

2233. Williams, Roderick T. T h e Silver Coinage of the Phokians. (Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 7,London, 1972). ix, 138 pp., 16plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage. Fine copy, a bit dusty. (20)

2247. Carson, R.A.G. Principal Coins o f T h e Romans, Volume II: T h e Principale, 31 BC- AD 296. (British Museum Publications, London, 1980). 167 pp., 830 coins catalogued and illustrated, concordance, 8vo. Black cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. (40)

2234. Youroukova, Yordanka. Coins of T h e Ancient T h r a c i a n s . (BAR Supplementary Series 4, Oxford, 1976). (4), 129 pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Covers separated from contents otherwise internally fine. (20)




M a r c h 25,1 992

2248. Carson, R.A.G. Principal Coins of The Romans, Volume III: The Dominate AD 294-498. (British Museum Publications, London, 1981). 112 pp., 515 coins catalogued and illustrated, concordance, 8vo. Black cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. (40)

2262. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMC): Volume I, Augustus through Vitellius. (London, 1965 edition of 1923 original), ccxxxi, 464 pages, 64 plates. Out of print Red casebound, gilL Fine copy. (100)

2249. Cohen, Henry. Description Historique Des Monnaies Frappées Sous L'Empire Romain, Médailles Impériales. (Graz, 1955 reprint of 2nd editionParis, 1880-1892). 8 volumes, 4214 pages, line drawings throughout text. Also ineludes dictionary of numismatic teims volume in French, German, English, Italian and Spanish. Still one of the standard references for Roman imperial coinage, arranged alphabetically by reverse legend within each reign. Seaby's Roman Silver Coins is based upon Cohen's arrangement Text in French. Green cloth, red calf spine label, gilt lettering. One of the better reprints. Spines faded on all volumes (backstrip torn on Vol. 1), internally fine. (150)

2263. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMC): Volume II, Vespasian through Domitian. (London, 1966 edition of 1930 original), cv, 485 pages, 83 plates, 8vo. Red casebound, gilt Fine copy. (100) 2264. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMC): Volume III, Nerva to Hadrian. (London, 1966 edition). cxcvi, 640 pp., 102 plates. Red casebound, gilt. Fine copy. (100) 2265. Mattingly, Harold. Coins Of The Roman Empire In T h e British Museum. (London, 1976 reprint of London, 1940 original.). Volume IV in two parts. 964 pages, 111 plates. Antoninus Pius to Commodus. Part !:Introduction, indices, plates. Part 2: Catalogue of coins. Red casebound, gilt Very fine copies without dustcovers. Covers on part 1 slightly scuffed. (100)

2250. Grant Michael. From Imperium To Auctoritas - A Historical Study of Acs Coinage in the Roman Empire, 49 BC- AD 14. (Cambridge University Press, 1946). xvii, 510 pages, 12 plates, laige octavo. Blue casebound, gilt. Covers bent and slighdy warped, hinges weak as is spine but internally very fine. The rare original edition. (150) 2251.

2266. Mattingly, Harold; R.A.G. Carson and E.S.G. Robinson. A Guide To The Exhibition of Roman Coins In The British Museum. (Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1963). (8), 75 pp., 20plates, 12mo. Printed card covers. Very good copy. (10)

No Lot

2252. Hackens, Tony; et al. Portraits and Propaganda: Faces of Rome. An Exhibition held at the David Winton Bell Gallery, List Art Center, Brown University. (Brown University, Providence, 1989). 151 pp., 8vo. Catalogue of 138 items from the exhibition including 118 individual coins. Both obverse and reverse illustrated in 4:1 photographs. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (20)

2267. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Earliest Times To The Fall of the Western Empire. (London, 1960 Methuen edition), xiii, 303 pages, 64 plates, 12mo. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its enure history. Green cloth, gilt Fine copy with dust cover. (20)

2253. Hill, Philip V. The Coinage of Septimius Severus and his Family of the Mint of Rome A.D. 193-217. (London, Spink & Son Ltd., 1964). 56 pp., 2 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. A must for the Severan Dynasty specialist Very good copy. (15)

2268. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Earliest TimesToTheFall of the Western Empire. (London, 1967 Methuen edition), xiv, 305 pages, 64 plates. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. Blue casebound, gilt. Good copy. (20)

2254. Kent, J.P.C. and Max and Albert Hitmer. Roman Coins. (New Yoik, 1978). 368 pages, 1430 excellent photographs, some in color, 4to. English translation with some revisions of Kent, Overbeck, and Stylow's Die Römische Münze (Munich, 1973). Out of print and one of the most beautiful books ever published on Roman coins. Green cloth. Nice fine copy. (120)

2269. Richter, Gisela M.A. Roman Portraits. (The Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York, 1948). 15pp., 56 plates of black-and-white photographs, 8vo. Printed papercovers. Fine copy. (15) 2270. Robertson, Anne S. Roman Imperial Coins In The Hunter Coin Cabinet: Volume I Augustus to Nerva. (Oxford, 1962). clxxi, (1), 391 pp., 60plates, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound. Nice fine copy, back hinge slighdy torn. (300)

Companion volume to Kraay and Hirmer, Greek Coins, which has sold for circa $600 recently.

2271. Robertson, AnneS. Roman Imperial Coins In The Hunter Coin Cabinet: Volume Il.'IVa jan to Commodus. (Oxford, 1971). clxvii, (2), 534 pp., 124 plates, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound. Nice fine copy. Scarce volume. (450)

2255. Kent, J.P.C., Bernhard Overbeck, Armin U. Stylow. Die Römische Münze (Munich, 1973). Photography by Max and Albert Hirmer. 195 pages, 172 plates, 1430 excellent photographs, some in color, 4to. Gray cloth with dust cover. Out of print and one of the most beautiful books ever published on Roman coins. German edition. As new. (150)

2272. Robertson, Anne S. Roman Imperial Coins In The Hunter Coin Cabinet: Volume IH.Pertinax to Aemilian. (Oxford, 1977). cxiv, 325 pp., 88 plates, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound, dust jacket. Very Fine copy. (7 5)

2256. Klawans, Zander H. An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin; 1959). 208 pp., illustrated, 12mo. Maroon casebound, gilL Good copy, worn on the edges. (10) 2257.

Same as previous lot. Good copy, worn on the edges.

2273. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). (London). 9 volume set in 12 books. The definitive work on Roman Imperial coinage and a must for every serious collector. Volume 5 is out of print and very difficult to obtain. A very fine set. (1250)


2258. Klawans, Zander H. An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin; 1964 second edition). 206 pp., illustrated, 12mo. Maroon casebound, gilt. Fine copy. (10)

2274. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). C.H.V. Sutherland and R.A.G. Carson (Editors). The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. I (Revised Edition) From 31 BC To AD 69 by C.H.V. Sutherland. (London, 1984). xxii, 304 pp., 32 plates, indices, 8vo. Green casebound. Very fine copy. (50)

2259. Klawans, Zander H. Imitations and Inventions of Roman Coins. (Santa Monica, 1977). 136 pages, photos throughout text. Important work on the "imitations" of Cavino and others. Red casebound, gilt. Very fine copy. Inscribed by the author. (15)

2275. ROMAN IMPERIALCOINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. II, Vespasian To Hadrian. (London, 1986 reprint ofLondon, 1926 original), xviii, 568 pp., (2), 16 plates, indices, 8vo. Green casebound. Very fine copy. (50)

2260. Klawans, Zander H. Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin; Second Edition, 1959). 128 pp., illustrated, 12mo. Green casebound, gilt. Very good copy. (10)

2276. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. Ill, Antoninus Pius To Commodus. (London, 1986 reprint of London, 1930original), xx, 514pp., (2), 16 plates, indices, 8vo. Green casebound. Very fine copy. (50)

2261. Klawans, Zander H. Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins. (Racine,Wisconsin; Third Edition, 1963). 128 pp., illustrated, 12mo. Green casebound, gilt. Very good copy. (10)



M a r c h 25,1 992


2277. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. IV. Part I. Pertinax to Geta. (London, 1936 original edition), xvii, 399 pp., 16 plates, indices, 8vo. Paper covers. Good copy, some unopened pages, edges frayed and torn, internally fine.

TITLES ON BYZANTINE AND RELATED NUMISMATICS 2291. Bellinger, Alfred R. and Gnerson, Philip. Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections. Volume I to ΙΠ complete. (Washington D.C.; 1966-1973). Three volumes in five parts. Volume I: Anastasius 1 to Maurice, 491-602; xvi, 383 pp., 80plates. Volume U: Phocas to Theodasius III, 602-717; 2 pans, 728 pp., 46 plales. Volume ΠΙ: Leo HI to Niccphorus III, 717-1081 ; 2 parts, 887 pp., 70 plates. Quarto, matching original green buckram. Nice fine set, some foxing on page edges. The major reference for Byzantine coinage and difficult to obtain. (1000)

(20) 2278. [Seaby, H.A.]. Lot of Seven Seaby Volumes on Roman Coins. All older editions. Includes: Roman Coins And Their Values, 1954 and 1964 editions; Roman Silver Coins. Volume I (1952 andl967 editions), Volume II (1954 and 1968 editions), and Volume III (1969 First edition). All good or better copies. (30) 2279. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins. Volume Π. (Revised by Robert Loosley). Tiberius to Commodus. (3d Edition, London, 1979). (6), 255 pages, 573 illustrations in text, small 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. Nice very fine copy. (20)

2292. Berk, Harlan J. Eastern Roman Successors of the Sestertius. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 138 pp., 2 photographic plates, excellent quality line drawing throughout text, 979 varieties catalogued, large 8vo. Blue casebound, gill. As new but two pages torn at the bottom. (15)

2280. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins. Volume III (Pertinax to Balbinus and Pupienus). Revised by David R. Sear. (London, 1982). viii, 160 pages, photographs throughout text, small 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. Very good copy.

2293. Berk, Harlan J. Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World, 383-1453 AD. (Joliet, Illinois; 1986). 76 pp., 373 varieties catalogued and photographed, large 8vo. Blue casebound, gilL As new. (20)

(20) 2294. Goodacre, Hugh. A Handbook of the Coinage of the Byzantine Empire. (Spink & Son Ltd., London-1960 reprint of London, 1928-1933 originals), xii, 361 pages, illustrations in text, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound, gilt lettering. Nice very finecopy. Ex Libris: Money Museum. (35)

2281. Sear, David R. Roman Coins and their Values. (London, 1981 3rd edition - Seaby). 376 pages, 12 plates, photos throughout. Blue cloth. Nice fine copy. (20)


2282. Sear, David R. Roman Coins and their Values. (Seaby - London, 1988 Fourth Edition). 388 pages, illustrated throughout text, 12 plates. Black casebound. The latest edition of this standard reference. Very fine copy. (35)

Same as previous lot. Finecopy.


2296. Grierson, Philip. Byzantine Coins. (Berkeley, 1982). 411 pages, 95 plates, maps. The best introductory survey of Byzantine coinage. Casebound with dust cover. New copy. (85)

2283. Sear, David R. The Emperors Of Rome and Byzantium: Chronological and Genealogical Tables for History Students and Coin Collectors. (London, 1981). 75 pages bound together in a calender format. Paper covers. Very good copy. (5)


Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2284. Simonetta, Bono and Renzo Riva. Le Tesscre Erotiche Romane (Spintriae). (Editore Franco Chiesa, Lugano, 1981 ). 35 pp., 7 plates, 8vo. Red casebound. As new. (20)

2298. Metcalf, William E. and Wolfgang Hahn - Editors. Studies In Early Byzantine Gold Coinage. Numismatic Studies 17. (New York, 1988). 142 pages, 24 plates, 4to. Red cloth. A series of seven articles by vanous experts in the field and an introduction by the editors. As new. (75)

2285. Stevenson, Seth W. A Dictionary of Roman Coins. (Seaby, London 1964 repnnt of 1889 original, London), viii, 929 pages. Red casebound. Very good copy, spine stained. Now out of print. (40)

2299. Rynearson, Paul F. Byzantine Coin Values. (San Diego, 1967). 103 pages, line drawings in text, narrow 8vo. Includes a rarity scale which is still quite useful. Cardcovers, slightly soiled. Very good copy. (10)

2286. Stevenson, Seth W. A Dictionary of Roman Coins. (Seaby, London 1982 reprint of 1889 original, London), viii, 929 pages, thick 8vo. Red casebound Fine ccpy with dust cover. Now out of print (50)

2300. Rynearson, Paul F. Byzantine Coin Values. (San d e m e n t e , 1971). 109 pages, 3 plates, line drawings in text Includes a rarity scale which is still quite useful. Yellow casebound. Fine copy. (10)

2287. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage In Roman Imperial Policy, 31 BC-68 AD. (London, 1951 original), xii, 220 pages, 17 plates. Blue casebound. Nice fine copy with dustcover. (15)


Same as previous lot. Finecopy.


2302. Whitting, P.D. Byzantine Coins. (New York, 1973). 311 pages with 390 illustrations plus 20 color plates. Outstanding photographs. Companion volume in "The World of Numismatics" series to Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins. Blue cloth without dust cover. Very fine copy. (85)

2288. Sutherland, C.H.V. Münzen Der Romer. (Munich, 1974). 311 pages, 572 photographs of which 63 are in color. German text edition of the companion volume to Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins. Long out of print and scarce. Black cloth with dust cover (frayed). Nice fine copy.


Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.



2304. Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of the Coins of The Vandals, Ostrogoths and lombards and of The Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and TVebizond in the British Museum. (London, 1911 original), xciv, 344 pages, 43 plates, frontispiece plate. Half red calf with red cloth. Good copy, leather worn on the edges, frontispiece loose. (100)

2289. Sydenham, E. A. Historical References to Coins of the Roman Empire. (London and San Diego, 1968 reprint of London, 1917 original). (4), 155 pages with illustrations, 8vo. Out of print. Red casebound, gilt. Fine copy. (15) 2290. Vermeule, Cornelius C., el al. Roman Medallions. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston, 1962). 10 plaies with text opposite describing 106 items. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. (15)

2305. Wroth, Warwick. Western and Provincial Byzantine Coins of The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and The Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and TVcbizond in the British Museum. (Chicago-1966 reprint of London, 1911 original). xciv, 344 pages, 43 plates. Red casebound. Still a standard reference. New. (75) 2306.

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2307. Wroth, Warwick. Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum. (Chicago-1966 reprint of London-1908 original). 683 pages, 79 plates, 8vo. Red casebound This reprint edition combines two volumes into one. New. (100) 139



TITLES ON MEDIEVAL T O MODERN FOREIGN NUMISMATICS 2308. Album, Stephen. Marsden's Numismata Orientalia Illustrata. A Guide to Islamic and Oriental Coins with Values. (New York, 1977 reprint of 1823 original). 318 pp., woodcut illustrations throughout text, small 8vo. Cream casebound with dust cover. New copy but comers slightly bent. (30)

M a r c h 25,1 992

2322. Gadoury, Victor. Monnaies Françaises, 1789-1977. (Baden, Germany; Victor Gadoury, 1977). 320 pp., illustrations in text, 12mo. Red casebound, gilt. Fine copy. (10) 2323. Gardiakos, Soterios. The Coinageof Modern Greece, Crete,The Ionian Islands and Cyprus. (Chicago, 1969). 96 pages, 16 plates. Hardbound New.

(10) 2309. Allan, John. Coins of Native States. Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Volume IV. (New Delhi, 1976). viii, 388 pp., 26 plates, 12mo. Red casebound, gilt lettering, with dust cover. Fine copy, slightly dusty. (25) 2310. Beals, Gary. Numismatic Terms of Spain and Spanish America. (San Diego, 1966). (2), ii, 88 pp., 12mo. Printed card covers. No. 675 of 1000 copies, signed by author. As new. (12) 2311. Bedoukian, Paul Z. 18th century Armenian Medals Struck in Holland. (Venice, 1978 reprint of original reprinted from the "Bazmavep," 1977). 24 pages, 5 plates. Text in Armenian. Includes 3-page English summary of text Paper covers faded otherwise new. (5) 2312. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of Cilician Armenia. (Danbury, CT. 1979 revised edition of New York, 1962 original). ANS N N M # 147.494 pages, 12plates. The standard reference on the series. Hardbound. New. (35) 2313. Benedito, V. Ramon; F. Alvarez Burgos and V. Ramon Perez. La Moneda Medieval Hispano Cristiana. (Madrid, 1974). 345 pp., line drawings throughout text, indices, 8vo. Printed card covers, very good copy. No. 548 of 600 copies printed. (25) 2314. Berghaus, Peter. Der Münzschatz von Querenburg in der Bochumer Universität (Universitätsverlag Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer, Bochum, 1990). 96pp., 18 plates, illustrations in text, fold-out map, 12mo. Printed paper covers. As new. (15) 2315. Berry, George. Medieval English Jetons. (Spink & Son Ltd, London, 1974). 83 pp., 14 plates, narrow 8vo. Printed card covers. As new. (12) 2316. Brown, C.J. Catalogue of Coins In The Provincial Museum Lucknow. Coins of the Mughal Emperors. (R.C. Senior Ltd, Somerset 1986 reprint of Oxford, 1920 original). Two volumes in one. 89 + 468 pp., 22 plates, fold-out map, tables, 8vo. Red casebound, gilt, with dust cover. As new but a little dusty. (60) 2317. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum. Primo Tentative Di Un Catalogo Generale Ddle Monete Medieval! Ε Moderne Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italian! In Altri Paesi. Volume IX: Emilia (Parte la), Parma Ε Piacenza - Modena Ε Reggio. (Bologna, Fomi 1971 reprint of Rome, 1925 original). (6), 792 pp., 44 plates, thick quarto. Quarter blue leatherette with marbled boards. Nice fine copy. (150) Clain-Stefanelli 10186: "A basic reference onthe Italian coinage from the Middle Ages up to 1900, essentially a catalog of Κ ing Victor Emmanuel's collection, without any historical notes. " 2318. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum Primo Tentativo Di Un Catalogo Generale Ddle Monete Medieval! Ε Moderne Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italian! In Altri Paesi. Volume XV: Roma (Parte 1), Dalla Caduta DeU'Impero D'Occidcnte Al 1572 . (Bologna, Fomi 1971 reprint of Rome, 1934 original). (6), 552 pp., 28 plates, thick quarto. Quarter blue leatherette with marbled boards. Nice fine copy. (150) 2319. Cunningham, Major-General Sir A Coins of Medieval India From the Seventh Century Down to the Muhammadan Conquests. (Delhi, 1967). vi, 108 pp., 11 plates, map, 12mo. Red cloth with dust cover. Very good copy. (20) 2320. Davenport, John S. German Secular Talers 1600-1700. (Frankfurt am Main, 1976). 588 pp. with illustrations, 8vo. Gray leatherette. Very fine copy. (65)

2324. Gibbs, Howard D. Chinese Imperial Names. A Finding List of Era and Personal Names On Chinese Imperial Coins. (Stack's, New York, 1944). 56 pp., large 8vo. Quarter cloth and marbled boards. Nice fine copy with black slipcase. (25) 2325.

Same as previous lot. Nice fine copy without slipcase.


2325A. Grierson, Philip. Münzen Des Mittelalters. (Fnbourg, 1976). 324 pp., 602 photographs of which 70 are in color, thick 8vo. German text edition of the companion volume to Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins, Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coins. This was the only edidon available until the recent edition published by Seaby's. Blue cloth with dust cover and slipcase. As new.

(100) 2326. Gumowski, Marian. Hebräische Münzen Im Mittelalterlichen Polen. (Graz, Akademische Druck-und Veriagsanstalt, 1975). iv, 136pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Blue cloth, gilt with dust cover. As new. A specialized study on Jewish mint masters in medieval Poland and their influence on the coinage. (45) 2327. Gupta, Parmeshwari Lai. Coins. India - The Land and the People Series. (New Delhi, 1979 Third edition), xi, 255 pp., 34 plates, index, 12mo. Printed paper covers. Covers worn but internally fine. (10) 2328. Hazlitt, W. Carew. The Coinage of The European Continent, Middle Ages-20th Century, with An Introduction and Catalogues of Mints, Denominations and Rulers. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of London, 1893 & 1897editions). xxviii, 747 pages, few illustrations in text. "A New Edition with a Preface and Reference Bibliography by Prof. Al. N. Oikonomides, Loyola University of Chicago." Printed card covers. New. (50) 2329. Lingen, Jan and Kenneth W. Wiggins. Coins of the Sindhias. (London, Hawkins Publications, 1978). 108 pp., line drawings in text, 4to. Printed card covers, lightly soiled. Fine copy. (20) 2330. Lopez-Chavez Y Sanchez, Leopoldo & Jose Yriarte y Oliva. Câtalogo de la Onza Espanola. (Madrid, Editorial Iber-Amer, S.A., 1961). No. 153 of 1000 copies. 168 pp., (4), tinted photographs throughout text, frontispiece engraving, 4to. Green cloth, gilt. Fine copy, covers faded. (20) 2331. Metcalf, D.M. Coinage in The Balkans, 820-1355. (Chicago, 1966). xix, 286 pages, 16 plates. Red cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. (25) 2332. North, JJ. English Hammered Coinage. Volume II. Edward I to Charles II, 1272-1662. (London, 1975 revised edition). 191 pp. with illustrations, 11 plates. Hardbound with dust cover. As new. (50) 2333. Poole, Stanley Lane. Coins of The Urtuki Turkumans (Foes of the Crusaders). (Closter, N J . reprint of uncertain year by Charles H. McSorley of 1875 Oxford original). 44 pages, 6 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers, soiled, otherwise a fine copy. (10) 2334. Rapson, EJ. A Catalogue ofThe Indian Coins in The British Museum. Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, The Western Ksatrapas, TheTraikutaka Dynasty and The 'Bodhi' Dynasty. (British Museum Trustees, 1967 reprint of 1908 original), ccviii, 268 pp., 21 plates, fold-out map, indices, 12mo. Red casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. (35) 2335. Rodgers, Chas. J. Coins o f T h e Mogul Emperors of India. (Varanasi, Delhi; 1972). (6), xviii, (2), 274 pp., Black casebound with dust cover. Very good copy.


2321. De Saulcy, Louis Fehden. Numismatique Des Croisades. (Bologna, 1974 reprint of Paris, 1847 original.), viii, 174pages, 19 plates ofline drawings, 4to. Text in French. Printed paper covers. Very good copy. (25)

1 40



2336. Schjöth, Fredrik. Chinese Currency, Currency o f T h e Far East. A Comprehensive Text... Chou Dynasty (1122 BC - 255 BC) through Ch'ing Dynasty (1644 AD - 191J AD). Revised and edited by Virgil Hancock. (Krause Publications, Iola, WI; 1965). xviii, 88 pp., 146 plates of line drawings and some photographs, charts. Narrow folio. Printed boards. Fine copy, few stains on covers. (50)

M a r c h 25,1 992

2350. Carson, R.A.G., Editor. Mints, Dies And Currency. Essays Dedicated to the Menory of Albert Baldwin. (Methuen & Co Ltd., London, 1971). xv, (1), 336 pp., 23 plates, 8vo. Black casebound. Eighteen articles by various experts on various numismatic fields. Fine copy. (25) 2351. Nathanson, Alan J. Thomas Simon, his life and work 1618-1665. (B.A. Seaby Ltd, London, 1975). 60 pp., illustrations throughout text, 8vo. Brown cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. (10)

2337. Selttnan, Arthur. Late Deniers Tournois of Frankish Greece. Reprinted from Mints, Dies And Currency. Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Baldwin. (Methuen & Co Ltd., London, 1971). 5 pp., 2 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. New but covers lightly soiled. (5)

2352. O' Donald Mays, James. The Splendid Shilling. (Ringwood, Hampshire, 1982). Color frontispiece, (8), 186 pp., 200 illustrations, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. As new. (20)

2338. Seltman, Arthur. The Monagri Hoard. An Offprint From Dumbarton Oaks Papers, #28. (Washington, D.C., 1974). 3 pages, 1 plate. Discusses a hoard of medieval Cypriote coins found in the Church of the Panagia Amasgou at Monagri, Cyprus in 1960. Paper covers. New. (5)

2353. Petersson, H. Bertil A. Anglo-Saxon Currency, King Edgar's Reform to the Norman Conquest. (Lund, Sweden; 1969). 294 pp., 2 plates, charts, tables, bibliography, 8vo. Printed card covers with dust cover. Nice fine copy. (25)

2339. Sharan, Mahesh Kumar. Tribal Coins - A Study (The Yaudheyas, the Malavas, the Audumbaras and the Kunindas). (New Delhi, 1972). 358 pp., 10 plates, index, bibliography, 12mo. Green casebound with torn dust cover. Very good copy. (30)

2354. Ratcliffe, E.E. and Peter A. Wright The Royal Maundy. A Brief Outline of Its History And Ceremonial. ("Hie Royal Almonry, Buckingham Palace, London, Seventh edition 1960). 32 pp. including 16 plates, 12mo. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (7.50)

2340. Singhai, C.R. Catalogue of the Coins In The Prince of Wales Museum of Western India, Bombay. The Sultans of Gujarat. (British India Press, Bombay, 1935 original), xxxii, 154 pages, 11 plates, map, table, narrow 8vo. Blue-gray casebound, gilt. Finecopy,comers bumped. (75)

2355. [Seaby,H.A.J. LolofFourSeaby'sStandardCatalogueofBrilishCoins. Includes the following; 1960,10th edition; 1966, 16th edition; 1968,18th edition; 1978, Volume I revised, 16th edition. Also included in lot are: Seaby's British Copper Coins and Their Values, Part I - Regal Coins, 1963/4 edition and Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins, Tokens and Paper Money byJ.E. Charlton, 1960 edition. All good or better copies. Total of 6 books in lot. (20)

2341. Singhal, C.R. Catalogue of the Coins In The Prince of Wales Museum of Western India, Bombay. The Sultans of Gujarat. (Chicago, 1979 reprint of Bombay, 1935 original), xxxii, 154 pages, 11 plates, map, table, narrow 8vo. Red leatherette, gilt. Very fine copy. (40)

2356. Thompson, J(ames) D(avid) A(nthony). Sylloge Of Coins OfThe British Isles. A.shmolean Museum, Oxford. Anglo-Saxon Pennies. Sylloge No. 9. (London, British Academy, 1967). xxiv,92pp., 42 plates, 8vo. Blue casebound. Finecopy. (35)

2342. Sircar, D.C. Studies In Indian Coins. (Varanasi, Delhi; 1968). xii, 405 pp., 26plates,index, 12mo. Black casebound. Finecopy. (30)

2357. Dolley, Michael and Wilfred A. Seaby. Sylloge Of Coins OfThe British Isles. Ulster Museum, Belfast. Part I: Anglo-Irish Coins: John · Edward III. Sylloge No. 10. (London, British Academy and The Trustees ofThe Ulster Museum, 1968). lvii, 16 plates with descriptive text opposite, 8vo. Blue casebound. Nice fine copy. (30)

2343. Smith, Vincent A. Coins of Ancient India. Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Volume I. (Varanasi, Delhi; 1972). xviii, 346 pp., 31 plates, 12mo. Blue casebound, gilt lettering. Very good copy. (25) 2344. Valentine, W.H. Copper Coins of India. Parts I and II. (Spink & Son Ltd,London 1977 reprint of London, 1914 original). (2), 266 pp., plates of line drawings throughout text, narrow 8vo. Casebound. Covers faded, top of spine backstrip torn but internally fine. (25)

2358. Galster, Georg. Sylloge Of Coins OfThe British Isles. Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, National Museum, Copenhagen. Part Ilia: Anglo-Saxon Coins. Cnut, Mints Axbridge · Lymne. Sylloge No. 13. (London, British Academy and The Carlsberg Foundation, 1970). xxiii, plates 1 -54 with descriptive text opposite, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (35)

2345. Valentine, W.H. Modern Copper Coins of the Muhammadan States. (Spink & Son Ltd, London 1977 reprint of London, 1911 original). (6), 203 pp., plates of line drawings throughout text, narrow 8vo. Casebound. Covers faded, intemally very fine. (25) 2346. Webb, William Wilfrid. The Currencies of the Hindu States of Rajputana. (Varanasi, Delhi; 1972). xxi, 135 pp., fold-out map, 12 plates of line drawings, narrow 8vo. Black casebound, gilt Very good copy. (30) 2347. Whitehead, R.B. Catalogueof Coins In The Lahore Museum, Lahore. Volume Π: Coins of the Mughal Emperors; Volume ΠΙ: Coins of Nadir Shah and The Durrani Dynasty. (Lahore, 1977 reprint of Oxford, 1934 0ng1nal). cxv, 440 pp., 21 plates, tables; lxx, 195 pp., 14 plates, maps, tables. Octavo. Blue casebound with dust covers. Boards dirty and stained but internally fine. (100)

2359. Galster, Georg. Sylloge Of Coins Of The British Isles. Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, National Museum, Copenhagen. Part Illb: Anglo-Saxon Coins. Cnut, Mints Lincoln and London. Sylloge No. 14. (London, British Academy and The Carlsberg Foundation, 1970). Plates 55-111 with descriptive text opposite, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (35) 2360. Galster, Georg. Sylloge Of Coins Of The British Isles. Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, National Museum, Copenhagen. Part IV: Anglo-Saxon Coins from Harold I and Anglo-Norman Coins. Sylloge No. 18. (London, British Academy and The Carlsberg Foundation, 1972). xv, 116 pp., 54 plates with descriptive text opposite, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (35) 2361. Grinsell, L.V., C.E. Blunt and M. Dolley. Sylloge Of Coins OfThe British Isles. Bristol and Gloucester Museums. Ancient British Coins and Coins of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Mints. Sylloge No. 19. (London, Bntish Academy, 1973). xviii, 142 pp., 27 plates, 8vo. Blue casebound. Finecopy. (25)

2348. Wright, H.Nelson. The Coinage and Metrology of the Sultans of Dehli. (New Delhi, 1974 edition of Oxford, 1936 onginal).xx, 432 pp., 24 plates, fold-out map, color frontispiece, narrow 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. (40)

2362. Metcalf, D.M. Sylloge Of Coins Of The British Isles. Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford. Part III: Coins of Henry VI I. Sylloge No. 23. (London, British Academy, 1976). xlviii, 53 plates with descriptive text opposite, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. (30)


2349. Brooke, George C. English Coins from the Seventh Century to the Present Day. (Spink & Son Ltd, London, 1976 reprint of 1950 third revised edition). xii, 300 pp., 72 plates, 12mo. Black casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. (10) 141




2382. Museum Notes 33. (New York, 1988). 223 pp., 25 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20)

TITLES ON MEDALS, ETCETERA 2363. Fabriczy, Cornelius von. Italian Medals. (London, 1904 original). Translated by Mrs. Gustavus W. Hamilton, vii, 224pp., 41 plates, frontispiece plate, 8vo. Red buckram, top edge gilt. Good copy, covers faded and contents foxed. (30) 2364. Goldscheider, Ludwig [Editor]. Unknown Renaissance Portraits, Medals of Famous Men and Women of the XV & XVI Centuries. (Phaidon Publishers, London, 1952). 14 pp., (4), 66 enlarged plates, 4to. Green cloth. Fine copy. (25) 2365. Hiü, G(eo1ge) F(rancis) & Graham PoUard. Renaissance Medals At The National Gallery of Art. Medals From The Samuel H. Kress Collection. (Phaidon Press, London, 1967). x, 307 pp., 1200 illustrations, 4to. Blue casebound with dust cover. Nice fine copy, top edge dirty. (50) 2366. Norris, Andrea S. and Ingrid Weber. Medals and Plaquettes From The Molinari Collection At Bowdoin College. (Brunswick, Maine; 1976). xi, 292pp., (2), 144 plates included, 4to. Hardbound. New, still in original box. (75)

2383. American Journal of Numismatics 1. Second series, continuing The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes. (New York, 1989). 237 pp., 17 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (20)

American Numismatic Society: Numismatic Notes and Monographs This series includes some of the most important research done in the various fields of numismatics by some of the best experts in each field. Besides the wealth of information they contain, they have also become a collectible item themselves as it is possible to build a complete set. The original seriesfrom ttl to #109 was done in a smallformat of 16.5 χ 11.5 cm., and then changed to the present si2e of 23 χ 15.5 cm.

2384. NNM# 21. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards III, Andritsaena. (New York, 1923)39 pages, 6 plates. Details hoard of coins of Philip Π and Alexander ΙΠ as well as a few Boeotian, Aeginetan, Sicyonian and Olympian staters found near Andritsaena in the Peloponnesus. Cardcovers. New. (15) 2385.

American Numismatic Society: Museum Notes The annual "journal" of the ANS which contains articles on various facets mismatics by some of the top experts in their respective fields.

25,1 992


2367. Museum Notes 11. (New Yoik, 1964). 335 pages, 59 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (20) 2368. Museum Notes 20. (New Yoik, 1975). 174 pages, 26 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Fine copy, comers folded. (20) 2369. Museum Notes 22. (New York, 1977). 310 pages, 28 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Covers detached but internally fine copy. (20) 2370. Museum Notes 24. (New York, 1979). 282 pp., 51 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20) 2371. Museum Notes 25. (New York, 1980). 232 pp., 23 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20) 2372. Museum Notes 26. (New York, 1981). 223 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very fine copy, covers dirty. (20) 2373. Museum Notes 27. (New York, 1982). 244 pages, 32plates, 8vo. Includes John II. Oakley's study - The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Kyme, Aeolis. Printed cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20) 2374. Museum Notes 28. (New York, 1983). 206 pp., 22 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20) 2375. Museum Notes 28. (New York, 1983). 206 pp., 22 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20) 2376. Museum Notes 28. (New York, 1983). 206 pp., 22 plates, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Veiy fine copy. (20) 2377. Museum Notes 29. (New York, 1984). 201 pp., 35 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (20) 2378. Museum Notes 30. (New York, 1985). 281 pp., 52 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (20) 2379. Museum Notes 31. (New York, 1986). 239 pp., 39 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (20) 2380. Musuem Notes 32. (New York, 1987). 209 pp., 11 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (20) 2381. Museum Notes 33. (New York, 1988). 223 pp., 25 plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (20)

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy. Ex libris.


2386. NNM #33. Newell, Edward T. Two Recent Egyptian Hoards. (New York, 1927). 34 pages, 3 plates. Details two Ptolemaic hoards: the first found in the Delta region in 1923, and the second in Upper Egypt near Keneh. Interesting for the Egyptian specialist. Cardcovers. New. (20) 2387. NNM# 39. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards, Olympia. (New York, 1929). 27 pp., 4 double-plates. Cardcovers. Fine copy, spine backstrip torn. (10) 2388. NNM #43. Cox, D.H. The Caparelli Hoard. (New York, 1930). 17pages, 2 double plates. Details a hoard of 125 medieval coins found outside of Caparelli in Boeotia near Thebes. Included were 53 Frankish tournois, 1 Sicilian tari, and 71 Venetian soldini. Cardcovers. New. (15) 2389. NNM #46. Newell, Edward T. The Kiichiik Kohne Hoard. (New York, 1931). 33 pages, 3 plates. Details a hoard found in central Anatolia in early 1930 of 28 coins of Sinope, Amisos and Tarsos circa late 4th century BC. Cardcovers. Nice very fine copy. (15) 2390. NNM #52. Ravel, Oscar. Corinthian Hoards (Corinth and Arta). (New York, 1932). 27 pages, 3 plates. Details two hoards of primarily Corinthian style staters: the first found near Corinth just after the earthquake of 1928, and the second found in 1929 near the river at Ana in Ambracia Caidcovers. New. (15) 2391. NNM #55. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Third and Fourth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1932). 85 pages, 20 plates. Details two hoards found in Dura-Europos in 1930 that consisted of primarily Roman denarii and Antiochene tetradrachmae. The periods covered by the two hoards are from Nero to Diadumenian, and from Vitellius to Macrinus. Cardcovers. Nice very fine copy. (15) 2392. NNM #58. Newell, Edwaid T. The Fifth Dura Hoard. (New York, 1933). 14 pages, 2 plates. Details a hoard of 29 coins found on November 15,1930 at Dura consisting primarily of Antiochene tetradrachmae of both the Seleucid and Roman periods. Caidcovers. New. (15) 2393. NNM #60. Newell, Edward T. Two Hoards From Minturno. (New Yoik, 1933). 38 pages, 5 plates. Details two hoards discovered at Mintumae (Minturno): the fiist consisting of Roman Republican Bronze coins and the second of late imperial bronze coins from Constans to Valentirtian ΙΠ. Cardcovers. New. (10) 2394. NNM #62. Milne, J.G. The Melos Hoard of 1907. (New York, 1934). 19 pages, photo in text. Details the Melos Hoard which consisted of 79 coins, including specimens of 31 distinct types, most of which were previously unknown to numismatists before the hoard's discovery. Cardcovers. New. (15) 2395. NNM #64. Newell, Edwaid T. A Hoard From Siphnos. (New Yoik, 1934). 17 pages, 1 plate. Details a hoard of 30 coins found on the island of Siphanto (Siphnos) including four coins of Siphnos itself. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (10)

1 42


2396. NNM #68. NeweU, Edward T. Five Greek Bronze Coin Hoards. (New York, 1935). 67 pages, 9 plates. Details five bronze hoards from Euboea, Epidaurus, Mytilene, Magnesia Ad Maeandrum and Ptolemaic Egypt. Cardcovers. New.

2415. NNM #143. Miles, George C. Excavation Coins From The Persepolis Region. (New York, 1959). 124 pages, 21 plates & map. Details coins from vanous finds in Persepolis in southern Iran which consisted primarily of Sasanian and Islamic coins. Catdcovers. Very fine copy. Ex Libris: Philamatic Center, Boys Town, Nebraska. (15)

(15) 2397. NNM #69. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1935). 75 pages, 5 plates. Details thtee more hoards from the Dura excavations by Yale which again consist primarily of Roman Syria tetradrachmae and imperial denarii. Cardcovers. New. (15)

2416. NNM#148. Adelson, Howard L and Kustas, George L. A Bronze Hoard O f T h e Period Of Zeno I. (New York, 1962). 89 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. As New. (15)

2398. NNM #72. Walker, John. The Coinage OfThe Second Saffarid Dynasty in Sistan. (New York, 1936). 46 pages, 5 plates. Cardcovers. New. (10) 2399. NNM #77. Torrey, Charles C. Aramaic Graffiti On Coins Of Demanhur. (New Yoik, 1937). 13 pages, 2 plates. Discusses the appearance of Aramaic graffiti on Alexander tetradrachmae from the Demanhur, Egypt hoard. Cardcovers. New.

2400. NNM #87. Miles, George C. A Byzantine Weight Validated By Al-Walid. (New York, 1939). 11 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. New. (10)



2424. NNM #159. Thompson, Margaret. The Agrinion Hoard. (New Yoik, 1968). 130 pages, 56 plates. Details a hoard of 1,355 coins found in 1959 near Agrinion in western Aelolia. The hoard contained Greek coins from Sicyon, Atgos, Chalcis, Athens, Megalopolis, the Achaean League and other Greek cities. Cardooveis. Finecopy. (15)

2406. NNM #126. Raymond, Doris. Macedonian Regal Coinage To 413 B.C. (New York, 1953). 170 pp., 15 plates. A standard reference. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (35) (25)

2425. NNM #160. Miles, George C. The Coinage of The Arab Amirs of Crete. (New York, 1970). 86 pages, 9 plates. Cardcovers. As new. (15)

2408. NNM #129. Caley, Earle R. Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins. (New York, 1955). 104 pages. Cardcovers. New. (10)

2426. NNM #161. Mac DowaU, David W. The Western Coinages Of Nero. (New York, 1979). 256 pages, 25 plates. A standard reference on the series. Cardcovers. Very fine copy, covers slightly soiled. (20)

2409. NNM #130. Lang, David M. Studies In The Numismatic History of Georgia In Transcaucasia. (New York, 1955). 138 pages, 15 plates, one fold-out map. Discusses the entire numismatic history of Georgia which extended over a two thousand year period. Cardcovers. New. (20) Same as previous lot. Fine copy.

Same as previous 10L Very good copy. Exlibris: ANA.

2423. NNM #157. Fagerlie, Joan M. Late Roman And Byzantine Solid! Found In Sweden And Denmark. (New York, 1967). 213 pages, 33 plates. Cardcovers. New. (15)

2405. NNM #124. Robinson, David M. A Hoard of Silver Coins From Carystus. (New York, 1952). 62 pages, 6 plates. Details a hoard of 92 coins found on the slopes of ML Ocha, the ancient site of Carystus, and included 37 Carystian staters. Cardcovers. As New. (15)



2422. NNM #155. Williams, Roderick T. The Confederate Coinage O f T h e Arcadians In The Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1965). 141 pages, 14 plates. Catdcovers. Very fine copy. (20)

2404. NNM #121. Miles, George C. Fatimid Coins In The Collections of the University Museum, Philadelphia, and the American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1951). 51 pages, 6 plates. Cardcovers. As New. (15)

Same as previous lot. Fine copy, covers stained.


2421. NNM #152. Tomasini, Wallace J. The Barbaric TVemissis In Spain And Southern France: Anastasius To Leovigild. (New York, 1964). 302 pages, 46 plates. Catdcovers. Still a useful reference! Very fine copy. (15)

2403. NNM #120. Miles, Geoige C. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Stamps. (New York, 1951). 60pages, 4 plates. Cardcovers. As New. (10)


Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.

2420. NNM #151. Caley, Earle R. Orichalcum And Related Ancicnt Alloys: Origin, Composition and Manufacture with Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire. (New York, 1964). v, 115 pages. Cardcovers. Very good copy. (10)

2401. NNM #117. Torrey, Charles C. Gold Coins of Khokand and Bukhara. (New York, 1950). 37 pages, 1 plate. Cardcovers. As New. (15) Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2419. NNM #150. Miles, George C. Contributions To Arabic Metrology II. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Measure Stamps in the Itenaki Museum, Athens, and the Peter Ruthven Collection, Ann Arbor. (New York, 1963). 64 pages, 11 plates. Cardcovers. New. (10)



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2427. NNM#162. Troxell, Hyla A. TheCoinage ofThe Lycian League. (New York, 1982). xix, 255 pp., 44 fine plates, 8vo. Cream cloth. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (30)

(15) AUCTION CATALOGUES, FIXED PRICE LISTS, ETCETERA All of the following lots are fine copies except as noted and are standard size for each auction house.

2411. NNM #134. W.P Wallace. The Euboian League And Its Coinage. (New York, 1956). 180pp., 16plates. Cardcovers. Very fine copy. (25) 2412. NNM #136. Noe, Sydney P. Two Hoards of Persian Sigloi. (New York, 1956). 44 pages, 15 plates. The second hoard described contained 212 half-staters of Croesus of the confronted lion and bull type. Cardcovers. New. (15)

2428. Ars Classica No. X. Collections D'Un Grand Industriel Décédé, De Feu Le Baron Alexandre De Petrowicz, De M. I.e Rev. Edgar Rogers, M A . Et De Plusieurs Autres Amateurs. (Lucerne, 15-18 June 1925). (6), 127 pp., 1770 lots, 76 plates, 2 plates of monograms, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Covers torn, chipped and frayed but internally fine, text well-thumbed. (80)

2413. NNM #137. Buttrey, Theodore V., Jr. The Triumviral Portrait Gold Of The Quattuorviri Monetales Of 42 B.C. (New York, 1956). 69 pages, 9 plates. A definitive study. Cardcovers. Fine copy with some water staining. (10)

2429. Ars Classica No. XIV. Collectkms De M. Le Cap. EG. Spencer Churchill, Northwick Park, Blockley, Worcs. (Deuxieme partie) Et De Deux Autres Amateurs. (Lucerne, 2 luly 1929). (4), 40 pp., 17 fine plates separated by tissue, 467 lots, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Covers and much of text is faded and browned, rebound in clear protective plastic folder, covers chipped. (50)

2414. NNM #139. Grabar, Oleg. The Coinage O f T h e Tulunids. (New York, 1957). 78 pages, 3 plates. Discusses the Tulunids of Egypt (868-905) and their coinage. Cardcovers. New. (10)

2430. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 2. Antike Münzen. (Ziirich, 25 April 1972). 55 pp., 30 plates, 502 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy with prices reaized. (15) 143


M a r c h 25,1 992

2431. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 7. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 9 May 1973). 57 pp., 30plates, 479 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy with prices realized. (15)

2450. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 45. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 26 May 1988). 87 pp., 42 plates, 435 lots, A4. Printed card covers, bottom of spine backstrip torn. Very fine copy. (15)

2432. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 7. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 9 May 1973).57pp., 30 plates, 479 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy with prices realized. (15)

2451. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 48. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 10 May 1989). 102 pp., 41 plates, 689 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Veiy fine copy. (15)

2433. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 13. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 29/30 April 1975). 104 pp., 43 plates, 785 lots, A4. Pnnted card covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (15) 2434. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 15. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 4/5 May 1976). 88 pp., 28 plates, 675 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2452. Bank Leu AG. Lot of Two Auction Catalogues. Includes: Auktion 51, A Bostonian Collection (24-26 October 1990). 414 pp., 2349 lots, illustrated in text, A4. And: Auktion 50, Antike Münzen (25 April 1990). 81 pp., 425 lots, 36plates, A4. Both with printed card covers. Very fine copies. (30) 2453. Bank Leu AG and Münzen und Medaillen AG. Sammlung Walter Niggeler. 2. Teil. Griechische Münzen Der Römischen Kaiserzeit, Römische Münzen (Republik bis Augustus). (Basel, 21/22 October 1966). 63 pp., 28 plates, 524 lots, A4. Printed paper covers. Fine copy with prices realized. A superb sale and this paît of the Niggeler collection includes his choice selection of Greek Imperial coinage.

2435. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 18. Antike Münzen. (Zurich, May 5,1977). 6 0 p p , 26 plates, one color plate, 405 lots, A4. Cardcovers with prices realized. Very fine copy of an important Leu sale. (15)

(20) 2454. Bank Leu AG and Münzen und Medaillen AG. Monete Delia Sicilia Ε Dell' Italia Méridionale. (Zürich, 11 March 1987). 79 pp., 34 plates, 780 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very good copy. (15)

2436. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 20. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 25/26 April 1978). 84 pp., 27 plates, 613 lots, A4. Pnnted card covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2455. Bank Leu AG & Spink & Son Zürich. Asta Ceresio 1. Monete Ε Medaglie. Monete Greche E Romane, Monete Italiane, Monete Ε Medaglie Estere, Monete Svizzere, Collection Di Medaglie Ticinesi. (Lugano, September 26, 1987). 115 pp., 829 lots, illustrated. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (10)

2437. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 22. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 8/9 May 1979). 95 pp., 35 plates, 624 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy with prices realized. (15) 2438. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 22. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 8/9 May 1979). 95 pp., 35 plates, 624 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2456. Bank Leu AG & Spink & Son Zürich. Asta Ceresio 2. Monete Ε Medaglie. Monete Greche E Romane, Monete Italiane, Monete Ε Medaglie Estere, Monete Svizzere. (Lugano, September 26,1990). 115pp.,77310ts,il!sulrated. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (10)

2439. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 25. Antike Münzen. (Ziirich, 23 April 1980). 76 pp., 31 plates, 470 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2457. Birkler & Waddell Ltd. Auction I. Greek, Roman & Byzantine Coins. (New York, December 7,1979). 64 pp., 34 plates, 457 lots, 8vo; and Auction II. Greek, Roman, Byzantine, & Medieval Coins. (New York, December 11,1980). 83 pp., 44 plates, 636 lots, 8vo. Both with printed card covers. Spine broken on Auction I otherwise fine. Auction Π is a fine copy. (20)

2440. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 28. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 5/6 May 1981). 95 pp., 39 plates, 637 lots, A4. Printed card covers with prices realized. Very fine copy, split at front hinge. (15)

2458. [Brin, Howard B.]. Joel L. Malter& Co., Inc. Auction XLII, Part ! . T h e Howard B. Bri η Collection of Ancien t Jewish Coins. (New York, September 9, 1989). (6), 23 pp., 11 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. (10)

2441. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 28. Antike Münzen. (Zurich, May 5-6,1981). 95 pp., 39 plates, 637 lots, A4. Cardcovers with prices realized. Very fine copy. (15)

2459. [Byme, Ray], Jess Peters, Inc. Sale No. 78. Coins and Tokens of the Caribees by Ray Byrne. (Los Angeles, June 13-15,1975). (15), xiii, (2), 144pp., 1457 lots, illustrations, 8vo. Green leatherette, gilt. Sale of this noted collection that was catalogued by the collector and also intended to serve as a reference. Special hardbound edition. Fine copy. Ex libris Charles H. Wolfe. (20)

2442. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 30. Antike Münzen. (Ziirich, 28 April 1982). 75 pp., 33 plates, 482 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (15) 2443. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 30. Antike Münzen. (Ziirich, 28 April 1982). 75 pp., 33 plates, 482 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (15)

2460. Christie's. Important Ancient Coins. (The Property of a Lady). (London, October 8,1985). 436 lots, 5 color plates, photographs throughout text, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt and with dust cover. The second part of this important collection highlighted by the 250 lots of Roman gold. Fine copy with prices realized and some prices liandwritten in text. Ex libris. (35)

2444. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 33. Antike Münzen. (Ziirich, 3 May 1983). 75 pp., 30 plates, 456 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (15) 2445. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 33. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 3 May 1983). 75 pp., 30 plates, 456 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2461. Christie's. Highly Important Ancient Coins. (The Property of a Lady). (London, October 9, 1984). 313 lots, 6 color plates, photographs throughout text, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt and with dust cover. One of the more important sales of recent history. Especially noteworthy for the Ptolemaic Egypt section including the extremely rare portrait tetradrachm of Cleopatra VII (lot 311). Fine copy. Ex libris. (35)

2446. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 36. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 7/8 May 1985). 178pp.,46plates, 1117 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (15) 2447. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 38. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 13 May 1986). 81 pp., 28 plates, 500 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy with prices realized.

2462. Christie's. Lot of ten auction catalogues from this firm including: London, 9 October 1984; 8 October 1985; 7 October 1986; 6 October 1987; and 9 October 1990 (all held during the week of COINEX) and New York, 22 September 1986; 2 May 1989; 7 December 1989; 13 September 1990; and 30 November 1990. All with printed card covers. Very good or better copies, some with handwritten notes in pencil. (25)

(15) 2448. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 42. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 12 May 1987). 85 pp., 30 plates, 499 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (15) 2449. Bank Leu AG. Auktion 42. Antike Münzen. (Zürich, 12 May 1987). 85 pp., 30 plates, 499 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (15)



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2463. Christie's. Lot of three catalogues from Christie's of New York and London. Includes: Ancient, Foreign and United States Coins and Banknotes (New York; September 22,1986). 84 pp., 712 lots, illustrated, 8vo; English, Foreign and Ancient Coins and Commemorative Medals (London, 15 May 1990). 108 pp., 832 lots, illustiated (some in color), 8vo, prices realized; Ancient, Foreign and United States Coins together with Banknotes from the Archives of the American Bank Note Company (New Yoik; June 5, 1991). 140 pp., 912 lots, illustrated, 8vo. Also ineluded: Slack's. The International Collection of Gold and Silvei Coins of the World (Chicago; March 4-5,1988). 323 pp., 2818 lots, illustrated, 8vo, prices realized. All with printed card covers. Fine or better copies. 4 catalogues total. (40)

2478. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 28. Antike .Münzen. (Luzem, 5/6 May 1965). 75 pp., 28 plates, 606 lots, A4. Printed card covets. Very fine copy. (20) 2479. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 30. Taler Ecus, Crowns o f T h e World. (Luzem, 27/28 April 1966). 74 pp., 64 plates, 1239 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Good copy. (15) 2480. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 41. Römische Münzen. (Luzem, 24/25 April 1969). 70pp., 38 plates, 766 lots, A4. Printed can! covers. Good copy, ink-written notes on the back cover and a few of the plates. (15)

2464. ['Gallia']. Christie's. The 'Gallia' Collection of French Gold Coins. The Property of a Gentleman. (London, 6 October 1987). 97 pp., (7), 344 lots, each lot illustrated above its description with many in colour, 8vo. Blue cloth, gilt, and with dust cover. Finecopy wilh list of prices realized. A highly important sale. (30)

2481. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 45. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 12/13 May 1970). 83pp.,36plates,754k>ts, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy with price realized. (15)

2465. Giessener Münzhandlung [Dieter Gorny ]. A set of 26 of this firm's early catalogues including numbers 5,6,8-17,19-22,24,25,27-29,31,32,34,35 and 37. All with printed paper covers, dirty and a few torn otherwise internally fine. (50)

2482. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 49. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 27/28 April 1971). 64 pp., 31 plates, 588 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Very fine copy with price realized. (15)

2466. Hesperia Arts Auction, Ltd. Antiquities. (New York, 27 November 1990). Two catalogues: Paît 1:242 lots each illustrated with black-and-white pholographs and some in color. Pari Π : 74 lots each illustrated in color (most wilh two photographs). Large octavo. Printed card covers. As new with prices realized. (40) 2467. Hess, Adolph AG. Auktion 254. Antike-Neuzeit Münzen. (Luzem, 25/26 October 1983). 155 pp., 49 plates, 1558 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy with photocopy of prices realized. (15)

2483. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker). Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek Vases. The William Herbert Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek, Roman and Etruscan Bronzes. (June 19,1990). New York. 53 lots, each illustrated in color (most with two photographs). Hardbound with dust cover. As new but glossy dust cover smudged (as are most). Includes press releases and handwritten prices realized list A magnificent catalogue that is both a reference and collector's item. (75) 2484. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. (June 19,1990). New York. 164 lots, each illustrated in both black-and-white and color. Hardbound with dust cover. As new but glossy dust cover smudged (as are most). Includes press releases and handwritten prices realized list A magnificent catalogue that is both a reference and collector's item. (100)

2468. Hess, Adolph AG. Auktion 257. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 12 November 1986). 45 pp., 20 plates, 541 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (15)


2469. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 9. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 2 April 1958). 60 pp., 16plates,445 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy. (15)

Same as previous lot.


2486. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker], Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part II. (June 21 and 22,1990). New York. 789 lots, illustrated throughout with 19 interspersed color plates. Hardbound with dust cover. As new but glossy dust cover smudged (as are most). Includes handwritten prices realized. (100)

2470. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 11. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 24 March 1959). 56 pp., 16 plates, 444 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Veiy good copy. (15) 2471. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 15. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 7 April 1960). 65 pp., 16 plates, 600 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy. (15)


Same as previous lot but without prices realized.



Same as previous lot but without prices realized.


2472. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 19. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 12/13 Apnl 1962). 84 pp., 24 plates, 612 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Veiy good copy. (15)

2489. [Knobloch, Frederick S.]. Stack's. The Frederick S. Knobloch Collection of Roman Imperial Coins. (New York, May 1-3,1980). 222 pp., 36 plates, 1438 lots, 4 color plates. W/o prices realized. Printed card covers. Fine copy, covers smudged. One of the best collections ever sold at auction! (10)

2473. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 22. Antike GoldMünzen. (Luzem, 4 Apnl 1963). 45 pp., 16plates, 368 lots, A4. Primed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy. (15)

2490. Kolbe, George Frederick. A selection of 5 auction catalogues of Numismatic Literature, all expertly catalogued by Geoige Kolbe (and Douglas Saville of Spink's). Includes four (1987-90) of the joint Kolbe-Spink & Son Ltd. sales of numismatic literature held eveiy year since 1982 at the New Yoik International Coin Convention (or the surroundings thereof). Also Public Auction sale XXVI (June 9-11,1986). All with printed paper covers. Fine or belter copies. (20)

2474. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 24. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 16 April 1964). 64 pp., 19 plates, 475 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Very good copy. (15)

2491. [Kunstfreundes], Bank Leu AG and Münzen und Medaillen AG. Griechische Münzen Aus der Sammlung eines Kunstfreundes. (Zurich, May, 28,1974). 372 pp., 253 lots illustrated completely. Printed card covers with prices realized. A "landmark" sale that is still widely consulted! Veiy fine copy, few pencilled notes in text, top of spine backstrip torn. (50)

2475. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 24. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 16 April 1964). 64 pp., 19 plates, 475 lots, A4. Printed card covers. Veiy fine copy. (15) 2476. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 28. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 5/6 May 1965). 75 pp., 28 plates, 606 lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Good copy. (15) 2477. Hess, Adolph AG & Bank Leu & Co. AG. Auktion 28. Antike Münzen. (Luzem, 5/6 May 1965). 75 pp., 28 plates, 606lots, A4. Printed card covers, spine backstrip torn. Good copy. (15)




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2505. Numismalic Fine Ans, Inc. Auction VIII. Greek Coins from Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and other owners. (Beverly Hills, CA; June 6,1980). 406 lots, illustrated, two color plates. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized.

2492. [Mabbott, Thomas Ollive]. Hans M.F. Schulman Gallery. T h e T h o m a s Ollive Mabbott Collection, Part One. Coins of the Greek World. Catalogue by Hans Holzer. Part Two. Coins of the Roman World. (New York; June 6,7,9,10, 11, 1969 and October 27-29, 1969). Part I: Two volumes (Text and illustrations). 148 pp., 3860 lots, 83 plates; Part Π: 1477 lots, 32 plates. Includes prices realized Printed paper covers. One of the best collections ever offered of Greek Imperial coinage despite some of the "wishful thinking" attributions by Mr. Holzer. Original catalogues hardbound by Sanford J. Durst. Blue leatherette. As new. (50)

(15) 2506. Numismalic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction X. (Beverly Hills, CA; February 27-28, 1979). Ancient Coins. 508 lots, illustrated. Paper covers. Fine copy with prices realized, few pencilled notes in text. (15) 2507. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XIV. Ancient Coins. (New York, November 29,1984). 683 lots, illustrated, one colorplate. Paper covers. Fine copy.

2493. [Mabbott, Thomas Ollive], Hans M.F. Schulman Gallery. T h e T h o m a s Ollive Mabbott Collection, Part One. Coins of the Greek World. Catalogue by Hans Holzer. (New York; June 6,7,9,10,11,1969). Two volumes (Text and illustrations). 148 pp., 3860 lots, 83 plates. Includes prices realized. Printed paper covers. One of the best collections ever offered of Greek Imperial coinage despite some of the "wishful thinking" attributions by Mr. Holzer. Covers torn and separated from text volume but internally fine. (25)

(15) 2508. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XVI. (New York; December 2,1985). Ancient Coins. 613 lots, illustrated. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized, heavily annotated in pencil throughout text (10)

2494. [Mabbott, Thomas Ollive]. Hans M.F. Schulman Gallery. T h e T h o m a s Ollive Mabbott Collection, Part Two. Coins of the Roman World. (New York; October 27,28,29 1969). 1477 lots, 32 plates. Partially hand priced Printed paper covers. One of the best collections ever offered at public auction! Covets separated from contents, otherwise internally fine. (15)

2509. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XX. (Beverly Hills, March 9-10, 1988). 829 lots, illustrated, oblong 8vo. Featuring a Collection of Roman Portrait Coins and Greek Coins. Printed paper covers. New without prices realized. (15) 2510. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXV. (November 29,1990). New York. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins featuring the EID MAR aureus of Brutus. 511 lots, illustrations throughout, 2 color plates. Paper covers. Very fine copy without prices realized (15)

2495. [Marehéville, Marcel de]. Catalogue De Monnaies FVançaises De Hugues Capet à Charles VIII, Louis XII et François 1er. (Paris, J. Florange & L. Ciani, 1927-1928). Two of three parts total. 144 pp., 2604 lots, 64 fine plates, prices realized for first part and estimates for second part, 4to. Printed paper covets. Nice fine copies. Ex libris Charles H.Wolfe. (50)

2511. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction XXV. (November 29, 1990). New York. Ancient Greek and Roman Coins featuring the EID MAR aureus of Brutus. 511 lots, illustrations throughout, 2 color plates. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2496. [Morgan, J. Pierpont]. Stack's. Selections From The J. Pierpont Morgan Collection. Greek and Roman Coins. (New York, September 14,1983). 56 pp., 101 lots each illustrated in black-and-white, 3 color plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. (15)

2512. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. & Bank Leu AG. T h e Garrett Collection, by order of T h e Johns Hopkins University, public auction of Ancient & Foreign Coins. Parts I & III. (Beverly Hills, CA; May 16-18,1984; March 29,1985 - mail bid sale). Two volumes. Part I: 59 pp. of introductory material about the Garrett family by Catharine Lorber. One of the largest collections ever to be sold at auction (especially if the U.S. material sold by Bowers & Ruddy is included). Printed card covers. Very good copies, pencilled notes in texL (20)

2497. MiinzZentrum. Auktion 60. Sammlung Dr. Meyer-ColoniensisTeil II. Bedeutende Sammlung Köln, Reichsmünzstätte - Erzbistum - Stadt. (Köln, 31 October 1986). 179 pp., 892 lots, illustrated in text, 8vo. !,tinted card covers. Fine copy. (15) 2498. Münzen Und Medaillen A.G.; A U C n O N E S A.G., Auktion 11, Münzen Der Antike, Des Mittelalters Und Der Neuzeit Aus Privatbesitz. (Basel, 30 September & 1 October 1980). 83 pp., 56 plates, 1712101s, A4. Printed paper coveis. Fine copy. (10) 2499. Münzen Und Medaillen A.G.; AUCTIONES A.G., Auktion 17,18 & 20. Münzen Der Antike, Des Mittelalters Und Der Neuzeit Aus IVivatbesitz. (Basel, 7/8 June 1988; 21/22 September 1989; 8 £ November 1990). 1457 + 1171 + 1786 lots, 62 + 50 + 80 plates, A4. Printed paper covers. Fine copies, last with stains on front cover. (20)

2513. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. & Bank Leu AG. T h e Garrett Collection, by order of T h e Johns Hopkins University, public auction of Ancient & Foreign Coins. Part II. (Zurich, Switzerland; October 16-18,1984). Color frontis portrait of John Work Garrett, 344 pp., 145 plates, 1858 lots, 8vo. One of the largest collections ever to be sold at auction (especially if the U.S. material sold by Bowers & Ruddy is included). Cardcovers without prices realized. Very good copy. (20) 2514. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. & Bank Leu AG. T h e Garrett Collection, by order of T h e Johns Hopkins University, public auction of Ancient & Foreign Coins. Part III. (Beverly Hills,CA; March 29,1985-mailbid sale). 1556 lots, illustrations throughout text, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2500. Münzen Und Medaillen A.G. Vente Publique 61. Monnaies Grecques Et Romaines, Monnaies Romaines Du Bas-Empire. (Basel, October 7 & 8,1982). 204 pp., 75 plates, 1466 lots. Paper covers with prices realized. Fine copy. (15)

2515. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Summer Mail Bid Sale.(June 27,1986). Greek Coins, 558 lots, Roman and Byzantine Coins, 594 lots, and 210 multiple lots, Numismatic Literature, 308 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2501. Münzen Und Medaillen A G. Lot of seven recent auction catalogues from this firm. Includes the following sales; Auktion 66,68 (2 copies), 72 (two copies), 73 and 75. AU with printed paper covers. Fine or better copies. Few handwritten notes in pencd in several catalogues. (20)

2516. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Winter Mail Bid Sale. Featuring Selections from the Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. (December 18, 1987). Greek Coins, 617 lots, Roman and Byzantine Coins, 558 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2502. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction IV. (March 24-25, 1977). Beverly Hills. Ancient Coins and Related Literature. 841 lots of coins, 162 lots of literature. Paper covers. Very fine copy. With photocopy of prices realized. (15) 2503. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction V. Ancient Coins. (Beverly Hüls, CA; February 23/24, 1978). 600 lots, illustrated, 5 plates of enlargements. Paper covers. Fine copy with photocopy of prices realized. (15)

2517. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Winter Mail Bid Sale. Featuring Selections from the Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. (December 18, 1987). Greek Coins, 617 lots, Roman and Byzantine Coins, 558 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2504. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Auction VI. (Beverly Hills, CA; February 2728, 1979). Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine Coins. 1031 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized. (15)

2518. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Fall Mail Bid Sale. (October 12, 1988). Featuring The Collection of Dr. George Brauer. 584 Greek lots, 505 Roman and Byzantine lots, 63 multiple lots. Cardcovers. Fine copy, few stains on cover. Prices realized included. (15) 146



M a r c h 25,1 992

2519. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Fall Mail Bid Sale. (October 12, 1988). Featuring The Collection of Dr. George Brauer. 584 Greek lots, 505 Roman and Byzantine lots, 63 multiple lots. Cardcovers. Fine copy, few stains on cover. Prices realized included. (15)

2535. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XI. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer Byzantiner •Ostgoten,etc. (Zürich,November20/21,1981). 161 pp.,63 plates,2 color plates, 127410ts. Paper covers, spine backstrip torn. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2520. Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc. Mail Bid Sale. Featuring the Collections of Lawrence M. Cutler, Alex Struthers and Thomas Ward and Dr. H. St. George Tucker. (October 18, 1990). 2849 lots of coins, 106 lots of literature. Including a very important collection of Roman Egyptian ooinage. Very fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2536. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXI. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer ‫־‬ Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit, etc. (Zürich, November 14/15,1988). 125 pp., 50 plates, 7 colorplates, 882 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy. (20)


Same as previous lot. Very fine copy with prices realized.



Same as previous lot. Very fine copy with prices realized.


2537. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - RömerByzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November20/21,1989). 152 pp., 50plates,6colorplates, 1052 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy. (20)

2523. Numismatica Ars Classica. Auktion 1. Antike Münzen, Iberische Prägungen, Placchette Ε Medaglie Dal XV AL XX Secolo. (Zurich, March 29-30, 1989). 3 0 x 2 1 cm., I l l pp., 9 beautiful color plates, 87 black & white plates. Paper covers. A magnificent catalogue produced by Italo Vecchi et al. Very fine copy w/0 prices realized. (20)

2538. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXIV. Antike Münzen: Griechen · Römer Byzantiner, Phönizische Kleinkunst - Objekte Mit Antiken Inschriften, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November 19/20, 1990). 156 pp., 75 plates, 7 color plates,1100 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy. (20)

2524. Numismatik Lanz München. Lot of five catalogues from this firm. Includes: Auktion 32,36,38,40, & 44. All are Münzen Der Antike, well illustrated and catalogued. Fine or better copies. (30)

2539. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion XXIV. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer Byzantiner, Phönizische Kleinkunst - Objekte Mit Antiken Inschriften, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike, etc. (Zürich, November 19/20, 1990). 156 pp., 75 plates, 7 color plates,1100 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy. (20)


No Lot.

2540. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XV. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer - Byzantiner, Antike Kleinkunst, Italienische Münzen. (Zürich, April 11/12, 1985). 120 pp., 58plates, 3 colorplates, 1026 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Fine copy. (20)

2526. Schulten + Co. GmbH. Auktion. Sammlung Dr. G.Krug, Sächsische Münzen. (Frankfurt am Main, 2/3 October 1980). 157 pp., 1537 lots, illustrations in text,4A. Printed blue boards. Fine copy with prices realized. (15) 2527. Seaby's. Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin. 1959 bound volume of fixed price lists which include articles, book reviews, etc. - many of which are on ancient and medieval numismatics. Red casebound, gilt. Very good volume, cover faded. (15)

2541. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XVI. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer - Byzantiner, Gold- Und Silbermünzen Europas, Numismatische Literatur. (Zürich, November 15/16, 1985). 92 pp., 33 plates, 3 colorplates, 780 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2528. Sotheby's. Lot of nine auction catalogues from this firm including: London, 26/27 March 1987; 28 May & 1 June 1987; 1/2 October 1987; 29/30 September & 5 October 1988; 5/6 October 1989; 22/23 March 1990; and 4/5 October 1990; and Zürich, 28 November 1986; and in association with Roland Michel, Geneve, 11/12 November 1990. Printed card covers. All fine or better copies, few with handwritten notes in pencil. (25)

2542. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XVII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Axumiten - Römer - Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit (Zürich,May9/10,1986). 100pp.,42 plates,7color plates, 742 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2529. Spink & Son Numismatics Ltd, Zunch. Auktion 20. Griechische Münzen, Gepflegte SpezialSammlung mit zahlreichen Raritäten. (Zurich, October 6, 1986). 59 pp., 416 lots, illustrated. Hardbound. Fine copy with prices realized. (10)

2543. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XVIII. Antike Münzen: Griechen • Axumiten - Römer - Byzantiner, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit etc. (Zürich, November 20/21,1986). 145 pp., 62 plates, 7 color plates, 1126 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2530. Stack's, Rarcoa, Superior Stamp & Coin Co. Inc., and David W. Akers, Inc. Auction , 90. (Rosemont, IL; August 10/11,1990). 747 pp., 2000lots (500 by each company), illustrated completely throughout text 8vo. Printed paper covers. Very fine copy. (15)

2544. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktion XIX. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Römer - Byzantiner - Völkerwanderung, Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck Der Antike Und Der Neuzeit etc. (Zürich, November 18/19, 1987). 167 pp., 70plates, 8 colorplates, 1335 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2531. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion III. Antike Münzen: Römische Münzen Byzantinische Münzen. (Zürich, November 29/30,1974). 94 pp., 32 plates, 3 color plates, 728 lots. Paper covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2545. Sternberg, Frank and Giorgio Apparuti. Auktkm XX. Griechische Münzen Von Italien - Sizilien, Griechische Gold- Und Elektronmünzen, Numi.matische Literatur. (Zürich, April 20,1988). 69 pp., 24 plates, 4 colorplates, 600 lots. Quarter leatherette with cream boards. Very fine copy. (20)

2532. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion V. Antike Münzen: Römische Münzen Byzantinische Münzen. (Zürich, November 28/29,1975). 98 pp., 42plates, 1 oolor plate, 760 lots. Paper covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2546. Swiss Bank Corporation. Auktion 2. (Zürich, 27 October 1977). 56 pp., 38 plates, 647 lots, 8vo. Printed boards. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2533. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion VII. Antike Münzen: Griechen Münzen Römer - Byzantiner. (Zürich, November 24-25, 1977). 140 pp., 66 plates, 1315 lots. Paper covers. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2547. Swiss Bank Corporation. Auktion 6. (Ziirich, löOctober 1979). 59 pp., 43 plates, 584 lots, 8vo. Printed boards. Fine copy with prices realized. (20)

2534. Sternberg, Frank. Auktion VIII. Antike Münzen: Griechen - Axumiten - Römer - Byzantiner - Numismatische Literatur. (Zurich, November 16-17, 1978). 127 pp., 52 plates, 1090 lots. Paper covers. Very fine copy with prices realized.

2548. Swiss Bank Corporation. Auktion 7. (Zürich, 19 April 1980). 39 pp., 15 plates, 3 colorplates, 240 lots, 8vo. Printed boards. Fine copy with prices realized.





M a r c h 25,1 992


2549. Swiss Bank Corporation. Auktion 27. The EmilioM. Ortiz Collection of Spanish Colonial and Spanish Coins. (Basel, 24 January 24,1991). Catalogued by Freeman L. Craig Jr., 118 pp., 446 lots, illustrated, 8vo. Hardbound. Also: Gold· und Silbermünzen P h a r m a c i e & Mcdicina in N u m m i s . Frankfurter Miin7J1andlung GmbH. (Frankfurt am Main, 14-16November 1990). 365 pp., 2831 lots, illustrated, 8vo. Hardbound. Both very fine copies. (40) 2550. Swiss Credit Bank - Bern. Auktion 2. Antike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit, Schweiz. (Bern, 27/28 April 1984). 191 pp., 1345 lots, photographs throughout text, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Very good copy. (10)

2560. Lot of F o u r E u r o p e a n Auction C a t a l o g u e s a n d Lists. Iicludes: Münzenhandlung Dr. BussoPeus. Versteigemngs - Katalog 261 (20 June 1960). 44 pp., 17 plates, 1612 lots, 8vo; Jacques Schulman B.V. Fixed Price List 216 (October 1979). 68 pp., 10 plates, 993 lots, 8vo; Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Auktion 50 (27,28 February and 1 March 1975). 79 pp., 74 plates, 1011 lots, 8vo; and Auktion 54 (26 October 1978). 58 pp., 27 plates, 425 lots, 8vo. All with printed paper covers. Very good copies. (30)

2551. [Tradart]. The Numismatic Auction Ltd. Ancient Coins: Greek, Roman, Byzantine. (New York, 1 December 1985). 87 pp., 23 plates + 18 plates of enlargements, 8vo. Printed card covers. Fine copy with prices realizes and few prices handwritten in text in pencil. (15)

2561. Lot of Nine Miscellaneous Auction Catalogues f r o m the following firms: Birkler & Waddell, Auction IV, December 9,1982; Glendining's, Olga H. Knoepke Collection, 10 December 1986; Numismatik LanzMünchen, Auktion 36, 21 April 1986; Münzauktion Tkalec & Rauch, 14/15 April 1986; Ariadne Galleries, September 15,1982 and December 9,1983; Swiss Credit Bank Bern, Auktion 4 and 5; Spink Coin Auctions No. 25,24/25 November 1982.Printed paper covers. All very good or better copies, few with handwritten notes in text. (25)

2552. [Traverso - Martini]. Lot of three auction catalogues bound in one volume. Includes: Collezioni Valerio 'IVaverso Di Genova, Mr. Joseph Martini of New York Ε Di Altri Amatori - Monete Greche Ε Romane. Michele Baranowsky (Milano, 25 Febmary 1931). 237 pp., 3351 lots, 76 fine plates, 8vo. Bound with: Auctiones A.G., Basel. Auktion 11 (30 September & 1 October 1980) and Auktion 12 (29/30 September 1981). The first catalogue rare, all with printed card covers. Green buckram libraiy binding, gilt. Some light staining around the edges on the first catalogue otherwise very good or better copies. (50)

2562. Lot of Six Miscellaneous Auction Catalogues. Includes: Bank Leu AG Auktion 51, A Bostonian Collection (24-26 October 1990); Bank Leu AG Auktion 53, Antike Und Moderne Münzen (21/22 October 1991); Superior Galleries, The December 1,2,1990 Sale including the Maltiel-Gerstenfeld Collection of ludaean Coins; Superior Galleries, The Irving Goodman Collection of Russian Coinage (11/12 Febntary 1991); Stack's, The John Whitney Waller Collection (November 29, 1990) and Numismatica Ars Classica Auktion 3 (September 17,1990). All very fine copies without prices realized. (60)

2553. [Vierordt], J. Schulman. Monnaies R o m a i n e s Collection De M.L. Vierordt. (Amsterdam, 5 March 1923). 194 pp., 2928 lots, 63 fine plates, 8vo. Printed card covers, torn and repaired, internally fine. Priced in fine hand throughout Dr. V. Clain Stefanelli stamped in ink on title page. Bound with: American Journal of Numismatics, 1918, Volume LH. (ANS, New York, 1919). Includes the foUowing artides: "Aes Signatum" by T. Louis Comparetle (8 plates), "Tarsos Under Alexander" and "The Alexandrine Coinage of Sinope" both by E.T. Newell (8 & 2 plates). 127 pp. total, laige 8vo. Printed card covets, chipped and frayed about the edges, internally fine. Bound in black library binding, gilt lettering. (75)

2563. Lot of Six Miscellaneous Auction Catalogues. Includes the following: Hirsch, Auktion 159,21 -24 September 1988; Bonhams with V.C. Vecchi & Sons, Sale No. IV, 4 December 1980, featuring duplicates from the Dr. Diego Ricotti-Prina collection; Jacques Schulman B.V. List 236, June/July 1988; Lanz Graz, Auktion x m , 23 November 1979; Heinz W.Müller, Auktion 10,30 Nov./1 Dec. 1973;and Finarte Milano, Asia di monete italiane ed estere, 5 May 1982. All fine or better copies. (35) 2564. Lot of Two Jean Vinchon Auction Catalogues. Collection De Feue La Comtesse De Béhague, Monnaies Grecques Antiques. (14 April 1984). 220 lots, 8 color plates, map, large 8vo; Collections R.J. Tourres et Ph. Testenoire-Lafayette. (2729 March 1968). 660 lots, illustrated, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very good copies.

2554. Vinchon, Jean. Vente Aux Enchcres Publiques D'Une Exceptionnelle Collection De Monnaies Grecques Antiques réunie par un éminent amateur. (Monte-Carlo, 13 April 1985). 145 pp., 437 lots, illustrations throughout text, 8 color plates, A4. Brown leatherette, gilt Fine copy, few handwritten pnces realized. (20)


2555. Vinchon, Jean. Vente Aux Enchères Publiques D'Une Exceptionnelle Collection De Monnaies Antiques réunie par un éminent amateur: A r m a n d Trampitsch (tl975). (Monte-Carlo, 13/14 November 1986). 155 pp., 901 lots, illustrations throughout text, 8 color plates, 3 maps, A4. Blue leatherette, gilt Fine copy, few handwritten prices realized. (20) 2556. !Whitney Walter, John|. Stack's with I iarlan J. Berk, Ltd. Unique Complete Series - Men of Rome · The Golden Military Years - LVCIVS SVLLA to SEV· ERVS ALEXANDER 82BC - 235AD. T h e John Whitney Walter Collection. (November 29, 1990). New York. 79 lots each illustrated in black-and-white and color with many color enlargements. 22 page introductory text of biographies of each individual represented in the sale written by John Whitney Walter. Card covers. Also includes Stack's New York International Sale Catalogue of November 29-30, 1990. As new. (25) 2557. Lot of 13 Miscellaneous Auction Catalogues. The following fiims are represented: Numismatic Fine Arts, Inc.; Edward J. Waddell, Ltd.; Bank Leu A.G.; Münzen und Medaillen A.G.; and Sotheby's. All copies are heavily annotated in pencil or ink, and well-used in general. Reading copies only. (25) 2558. Lot (»125 Miscellaneous Fixed Price Lists, Etcetera. The following firms are represented: Seaby's; Bank Leu; Numismatic Fine Arts Inc.; Spink & Son Ltd; The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin; Sotheby's; and Edward J. Waddell, Ltd. Printed paper covers. All very good or better copies. (25) 2559. I^ot of Four British Auction Catalogues. Includes: Spink and Son Ltd. Auction No. 36 (30-31 May 1984). vi, 41 pp., 31 plates, 1164 lots, 8vo; No. 39, The Arnold Mallinson Collection (6 December 1984). xiv, 173 lots illustrated above the description, 8vo; Spink and Son Ltd. and Galerie des Monnaies SA, Geneva. Ancient Coins (Geneva, 10 October 1977). 589 lots illustrated, 8vo; V.C. Vecchi & Sons (Bonhams). Ancient, Medieval and Modem Coins (29/30 March 1982). 60 pp., 44 plates, 937 lots, 8vo. All with printed card covets. Good copies. (30)

2565. American Numismatic Society. Numismatic Literature. No. 109-123 (March, 1983 to March, 1990, New York). Surveys of current numismatic literature and quite useful to the scholar and researcher. Paper covers. Nice fine copies but for # 122 which is torn on upper left portion of front cover. Also included in lot are the Annual Report of the American Numismatic Society, 1982 to 1989. Paper covers. Fine copies. (15) 2566. Babelon, Ernest. Oriental Antiquities: Architecture, Sculpture, and Industrial Arts. (San Diego, N.D. reprint of 1889 edition). Translated and enlarged by B.T.A. Evetts. xix, 312 pp., 241 illustrations, 12mo. Printed cardcovers. Good copy. (10) 2567. Babelon, Jean. Portraits En Médaille. (Encyclopédie Alpina Illustrée, Paris, 1946). 4 pages, 40 fine plates (black-and-white) of portraiture from ancient coinage to 19th century medals. Quarto. Plates and text loose in folder. Folder spine completely torn and frayed but internally very fine. Beautiful photography by Jean Roubier and worthy of individual frames. (30) 2568.

Same as previous lot. Missing first 8 plates.


2569. Bowers, Q. David Coins and Collectors. (Johnson City, New Yoik; 1965). 214 pp., illustrations throughout text, 12mo. Brown casebound with dust cover. Very good copy. (10) 2570. Buchanan, J.J. T h e o r i k a ' : A Study of Monetary Distributions to the Athenian Citizenry During the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BC. (University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI: 1954). A Doctoral Dissertation printed from microfilm, vii, 151 pp., 12mo. Paper covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (10)

1 48


2571. Budge, E.A. Wallis. An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary. (Dover Publications, Inc.; New York, 1978 reprint of London, 1920 original). Two volumes complete, cliv, 1314 pp., index of EngUsh words, 8vo. Printed card covers, fine set. Exlibris. (40)

2587. Hül, George F. Becker T h e Counterfeiter. (Chicago, 1979 reprint of London, 1924 original). 2 volumes in 1,72 + 35 pages, 19 plates, index, 8vo. General history of Becker's career, discussion of his techniques, lists of his Greek, Roman, medieval and later counterfeits. A must for every serious numismatist as Becker counterfeits are still being sold as genuine to this day! Red leatherette. Very fine copy.


2572. Carson, R.A.G. A History of the Royal Numismatic Society. (Sotheby's and RNS, London, 1986). vii, 143 pp., frontispiece plate, 8vo. Printed card covers. Very good copy. Ex libris. (15) 2573. Carson, R.A.G. Coins; Ancient, Mediaeval & Modern. (London, 1962). xiii, 642 pages, 64 plates, 8vo. General survey of coins from ancient to modem times. Green casebound. Fine copy. (20)

Same as previous lot. Covers stained otherwise intemaUy fine. (15)

2578. Doty, Richard G. Money of the World. (New Yoik, 1978). 240pp. with Ulustrations, many in color, 8vo. An exceUent general survey of coinage from ancient to modem times. White casebound with dust cover. Nice veiy fine copy. (25) 2579. Forrer, Leonard S. The Art of Collecting Coins. A Practical Guide to Numismatics. (New York, 1955). 183 pp., 16 plates with descriptive text opposite, 12mo. Red casebound with dust cover. Very good copy. Ex Ubris. (10) 2580. Frey, Albert R. A Dictionary of Numismatic Names. Their Official and Popular Designations. (ANS, New York, 1917). x, 311 pp., 8vo. Red buckram. No. 5 of 101 copies printed. Invaluable for the numismatic researcher and scholar. Fine copy. Ex Ubris. (15)

Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.



Same as previous lot. Very fine copy.


2591. Holle, Bruce Frederick. Historical Considerations In The Origins and the Spread of Greek Coinage in the Archaic Age. (University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI: 1978). A Doctoral Dissertation printed from microfilm. 304 pp., 12mo. Paper covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (10)

2576. Clain-StefaneUi, E(lvira) E(liza). Numismatic Bibliography. (Battenberg, Munich, 1985). xxii, 1848 pp., 18311 entries, indices, 12mo. Brown and white cloth. Nice fine copy. Ex libris. A must for any serious student of numismatics. (75) 2577. Donaldson, T.L Architecture Numismatica: Ancient Architecture on Greek and Roman Coins and Medals. (Chicago, 1966 reprint of London, 18590riginal). xxxi, (3), 361 pages, 92 enlarged drawings of coins. OUve-green casebound with dust cover. Out of print. Fine copy. (25)


2590. Hoberman, Gerald. The Art of Coins And Their Photography. (Spink & Son Ltd and Harry N. Abrams, Inc., London and New York, 1982). 397 pp., 130 full-page color plates with some of the finest coin photography extant, 8vo. Green cloth with dust cover. Nice fine copy. Ex libris. (70)

2574. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. Select Numismatic Bibliography. (New York, 1965, first edition). (14), 406pp. ,8vo. Green casebound. Very fine copy. (20) 2575.

M a r c h 25,1 992


2592. Humphreys, H. Noel. T h e Coin Collector's Manual Comprising An Historical And Critical Account of the Origin and Progress of Coinage, From The Earliest Period To The Fall o f T h e Roman Empire. With Some Account of the Coinages of Modem Europe, More Especially of Great Britain. (London, 1853 original edition). Two Volumes. 726 pp., 2 frontispiece plates of line drawings, 12mo. Original bindings in fine condition, comers bumped. Some foxing on frontispiece plates, otherwise internally fine. (20) 2593. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker and William Heibeit]. Wealth of the Ancient World. The Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt Collections. Various contributors including Arthur I loughton, Catharine Lorber and Jane M. Cody. (Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX; 1983). 329 pp., illustrations throughout text including 15 color plates, 112 coins described and 54 antiquities wilh black-and-white photographs, glossary, appendices, indices, large 8vo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (25) 2594. [IAPN & IBSCCJ. Bulletin on Counterfeits. Ten issues of this important bulletin which focuses on ancient, medieval and foreign coinage. The following issues included: Vol. 2, No.2; Vol. 10, No. 1 & 2; Vol. 11, No. 1 & 2; Vol. 12, No. 1 & 2; Vol. 13, No. 1; Vol. 14, No. 1 & 2. AU fine or better copies. (50)

2581. Grierson, PhiUp. Numismatics. (Oxford University Press, Londcn, 1975). x, 211 pp., Ulustrations throughout text, 12mo. Printed card covers. Spine broken (old glue) and few pages loose but complete otherwise a veiy fine copy. (5)

2595. Icard, Dr. Séverin. Identification Des Monnaies Par La Nouvelle Méthode Des Lettres-Jalons Et Des Légendes Fragmentées. (Paris, Florange & Ciani, 1929 original), xxiv, (2), 563 pp., 2 tables. Thick octavo. Red buckram, güt. Fine copy. An exceUent aid in the identification of Greek Imperial coinage. (40)

2582. Grimai, Piene (Editor). Larousse World Mythology. (New York, 1989 edition of 1965, Great Britain edition). 560 pp., Ulustiated, large 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (50)

2596. Icard, Dr. Séverin. Identification Des Monnaies Par La Nouvelle Méthode Des Lettres-Jalons Et Des Légendes Fragmentées. (Chicago, 1979 reprint of Paris, Florange & Ciani, 1929 onginal). (10), xxiv, (2), 563 pp., 2 tables, 12mo.Purple casebound, gilt Fine copy. An exceUent aid in the identification of Greek Imperial coinage. (20)

2583. Hadley, Robert A. Deified Kingship and Propaganda Coinage In The Early Hellenistic Age: 323-280 BC. (Univeisity Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI: 1964). A Doctoral Dissertation printed from microfilm, xxiii, 148 pp., 12mo. Paper covers. Fine copy. Ex Ubris. (10) 2584. Hanfmann, Geologe M. A. From Croesus To Constantine, The Cities of Western Asia Minor and Their Arts in Greek and Roman Times. (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1975). xiii, 127 pp., Ulustrated with 207 figures, 4to. Red casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. Ex Ubris. (30)

2597. Ingholt, Harald (Editor). Centennial Publication o f T h e American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1958). xii, 712 pp., 50 plates, thick 4to.The "Festschrift" in honor of the ANS which contains many important articles in the native languages of the authors. Red cloth. Good copy, hinges loose, top of spine backstrip torn, cloth torn on back cover. (25)

2585. Head, Barclay V. and J.N. Svoronos. T h e Illustrations of Historia Numorum. An Atlas of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1976 reprint). Edited by Alyce Marie Cresap. 64 pages, 35 plates, 4 tables. Red casebound. Out of print. Veiy fine copy. (20)

2598. [International Numismatic Commission]. A Survey of Numismatic Research 1972-1977. (Berne, 1979). iv, 526 pp. Octavo. Printed card covers, faded. Very fine copy. (45)

2586. Heckel, Waldemar and Richard SuUivan. Ancient Coins of the GraecoRoman World. The Nickle Numismatic Papers. (Wilfrid Laurier Univeisity Press for The Calgary Institute for the Humanities; Waterloo, Ontario, 1984). xvi, 307 pp., 7 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Fine copy. Ex Ubris. (15)

2599. [International Numismatic Commission]. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Numismatics, Berne, September 1979. Volume I. (IAPN, Luxembourg 1982). xxx, 687 pp., 81 plates, 8vo. This volume covers Greek, Roman and Celtic numismatics. Green cloth, gilt. Very fine copy. (120) 2600. Kinns, Philip. The Caprara Forgeries. (RNS & IAPN, London and Basel, 1984). (4), 59 pp., 8 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Dust cover soiled otherwise a very fine copy. (25)




M a r c h 25,1 992

2617. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal N u m i s m a t i c Society. Coins H o a r d s . Volume IV. (London, 1978). 180 pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (15)

2601. Kozloff, Arielle P. [Editor]. A n i m a l s in A n c i e n t A r t F r o m t h e L e o Mildenberg Collection. (Cleveland, 1981). 207 pages, 197 items catalogued and photographed in text, 22 color plates. Catalogue for the exhibition organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art of this important collection of Dr. Mildenberg, former head of the numismatic department of Bank Leu AG. Hard cover. New. (15)

2618. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal N u m i s m a t i c Society. C o i n s Hoards. Volume V. (London, 1979). 160pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (15)

2602. L'Orange, H.P. Apotheosis In Ancient Portraiture. (New Rochelle, New York, 1982 reprint of Oslo, 1947 original). 156 pp., 97 illustrations in text, 8vo. Black casebound. Nice fine copy. Ex libris. (20)

2619. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal N u m i s m a t i c Society. Coins H o a r d s . Volume VI. (London, 1981). 188 pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (15)

2603. Ladd, R a y m o n d . T h e I l l u s t r a t e d G r a d i n g G u i d e T o A n c i e n t Numismatics. (Santa Ana, CA.; 1977). 48pp., excellent line drawings throughout text, 8vo. Printed card covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (10)

2620. [Price, Martin J. ‫ ־‬General editor]. Royal N u m i s m a t i c Society. C o i n s Hoards. Volume VH. (London, 1985). 456 pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound Fine copy. (15)

2604. Lawrence, Richard Hoe. T h e P a d u a n s , M e d a l s by G i o v a n n i Cavino. (Hellenic-Roman Coins, Hewitt, Ν J.; 1964 reprint of New Yoik, 1883 edition). 31 pp., 3 woodcut illustrations, 12mo. Printed cardcovers. Fine copy, covers spotted.

2621. Ragghianti, Licia Collobi. T h e Magnificent Heritage of Ancient Greece: 3,000 Y e a r s of Hellenic A r t . (Newsweek, N e w York and A m o l d o Mondadori Editore, Verona; 1979). 172 pp., color ‫ש‬ustrations throughout text, 4to. Olive-green cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. Ex libris. (30)

(10) 2605. Lawrence, Richard Hoe. T h e P a d u a n s , M e d a l s by G i o v a n n i Cavino. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of N e w York, 1883 edition). 31 pp., 3 woodcut illustrations, 12mo. Cardcovers. Fine copy. (10)

2622. Reed, Mort. O d d a n d C u r i o u s - A C o m p e n d i u m of Facts Relating To T h e C u r r e n c y of the W o r l d W h i c h Clearly S h o w T h a t Money O f f e r s M o r e T h a n M e r e Purchasing Power. (Durst New York, 1979). 127 pp., illustrated, small 8vo. Brown leatherette. A compendium of a series that was originally printed in 'Coin Worid.' New. (12)

2606. Matsson, G.O. T h e Gods, Goddesses a n d Heroes on the Ancient Coins of Bible Lands. (Stockholm, 1969). xxviii, 267 pages, 8 plates. Hardbound in blue (30) leatherette. Out of print Very fine copy.

2622A. Reinfeld, Fred. Treasury of t h e W o r l d ' s Coins. (Dover Publications, Inc., New York; 1955). 224 pp., over 750illustrations throughout text, 8vo. Printed paper (10) covers. Very good copy.

2607. Miller, Michael F. Classical G r e e k a n d R o m a n Coins. T h e Investor's H a n d b o o k . (Hamden, CT.; 1982). 221 pp., glossary, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. Fine copy, few notes in pencil. Ex libris. (10)

2623. Revue Suisse de N u m i s m a t i q u e . Volume 62, 1983. 103 pp., 16 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Includes: "The Enna hoard and the silver coinage of the Syracusan democracy" by Andrew Burnett. Fine copy. (20)

2608. Nichols, James Hartley. Ancient G r r e k Coins: A History of the British N u m i s m a t i c L i t e r a t u r e . (University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI: 1978). A Doctoral Dissertation printed from microfilm. 67 pp., 12mo. Paper covets. Fine copy. Ex libris. ( 10)

2624. Richards, Lewis A. (Editor). Ancient G r e e k L i t e r a t u r e In Translation An Anthology. Volume I. (Chicago, 1966). (6), 242pp., 8vo. Maroon casebound. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (15)

2609. Oddy, W.A. and D.M. Metcalf. Metallurgy In Numismatics. Volume 1. (The Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 13, London, 1980). viii, 219 pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. Exlibris. (20)

2625. Sutherland, C.H.V. A r t In Coinage. (London, 1955). 223 pages, 46 plates throughout text, small 8vo. Gray cloth with dust cover (frayed). A survey of coinage from an artistic viewpoint from ancient to modern times. Very good copy. (15)

2610. Oddy, W.A. M e t a l l u r g y In N u m i s m a t i c s . Volume 2. (The Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 19, London, 1988). (10), 132 pp., 11 plates, 8vo. Red cloth. Fine copy. Ex libris. (20)

2626. T h e N u m i s m a t i c C h r o n i c l e . Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. 12 Volumes; 1964,1966-67,1974,1979,1983-1989. Around a dozen articles in each volume, mostly on ancients. 257 to 506 pages and 16 to 47 plates per volume. Red casebound. All are out of prinL All are nice fine copies. Ex libns. (150)

2611. Porteous.John. Coins. (Frankfurt am Main, 1964original). 128pp.,completely illustrated throughout, many in color. Excellent introductory text from ancient to modem coinage. Printed red casebound with dust cover (torn and frayed), pine copy. (10)

2627. T h e N u m i s m a t i c Chronicle. Six articles reprinted from the "Chronicle," the journal of the Royal Numismatic Society. Includes "Sinope" by E.S.G. Robinson; "The Late Mr. E.P Warren's Hoard of Tarentine Horsemen & Other Contributions to Tarentine Numismatics" by M.P. Vlasto; and "Some Notes On The Arras Hoard: Inception of Solidus Standard On British Model In Medallions of Constantius Chlorus" by Sir Arthur Evans. (London, 1930, etc.).Black buckram. Very good copies. (25)

2612. Porteous, John. Coins in history. (New York, 1969).256pages,32colorillustrations, 300 black and white illustrations. General survey of the history of coins. Orange cloth with dust cover. Very fine copy. (55) 2613. Porteous, John. Coins. (Octopus Books, 1973 edition of Frankfurt am Main, 1964 original). 96 pp., completely illustrated throughout, many in color. Excellent introductory text from ancient to modem coinage. Printed blue casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. (10)

2628. T h e Numismatic Chronicle. Ten articles reprinted from the "Chronicle," the journal of the Royal Numismatic Society. Includes "The Geneva Forgeries" by Carson, "The Coinage of The Civil Wars of68-69 A D " by Mattingly, "The Coinage of Vindex and Galba, A.D. 68" and "The Coinage of Sybaris after 510 B.C." by Colin M. Kraay, and six other reprints. (New York, 1977 reprints). 21.5 χ 13.5 cm., printed paper covers. Very finecopies. (25)

2614. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal N u m i s m a t i c Society. C o i n s Hoards. Volume I. (London, 1975). 124pp. with photos throughout text 8vo. Blue casebound Fine copy. (15) 2615. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal N u m i s m a t i c Society. Coins H o a r d s . Volume II. (London, 1976). 161 pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (15)

2629. The Numismatist. Ancient a n d Medieval Coins: Selections f r o m T h e Numismatist. (Racine, 1960). 318 pages, photos and illustrations throughout text This is a reprint volume of 48 articles from The Numismatist including many definitive works such as Col. James W. Curtis' "Coinage of Domitius Domitianus." Blue caseb o u n d Fine copy, covers lighdy soiled. (25)

2616. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal N u m i s m a t i c Society. Coins H o a r d s . Volume III. (London, 1977). 203 pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. (15)



Same as previous lot. Fine copy, covers lighdy soiled.



Same as previous lot. Fine copy, covers lightly soiled.



M a r c h 25,1 992

2632. Thorbum, Lieut-Col W. Stewart A Guide To The History And Valuation OfThe Coins of Great Britain and Ireland, In Gold, Silver, And Copper, From The Earliest Period to the Present Time. (London, 1905). Fourth edition, revised and enlarged by Herbert A. Grueber. (10 pp. of ads), frontispiece, ix, (5), 283 pp., (20 pp. of ads), 40 plates. Quarter maroon leatherette, edges frayed, spine backstrip detached on upper front cover. Good copy, foxing throughout. (20) 2633. Welter, Gerhard. The Cleaning and Preservation of Coins and Medals. (New York, 1980 reprint of Hannover, 1965 original), x, 118 pages, small 8vo. Brown leatherette, gilt. Fine copy. (10) 2634.

Same as previous lot. Fine copy.


2635. Yalouris, Nicholas; Manolis Andronikos, Katerina Rhomiopoulou, Ariel Herrmann and Cornelius Vermeule. The Search for Alexander - An Exhibition. (USA, 1980). 192 pp., 173 items catalogued and photographed (many in color), large octavo. Printed card covers. Covers bent otherwise a fine copy. (20) 2636.

Same as previous lot. Covers bent otherwise a fine copy.


2637. [Yeoman, R.S.]. Lot of Four 'Redbooks' [A Guidebook of United States Coins by R.S. Yeoman] and 1977 Coin World Almanac. Includes: 1966, 19th edition; 1970,231d edition; 1976,29th edition; and 1980,33rd edition. All good orbetter copies. (20) 2638. [Yeoman, R.S.]. Lot of Six catalogues of World Coins. Included in lot are: A Catalog of Modern World Coins by R.S. Yeoman, 1957 2nd edition and 1967,7th edition and Current Coins of the World by Yeoman, 1966, First edition. Also: Coins of the World 1750-1850 by William D. Craig, 1966 First edition; A Guide Book of Modern European Coins by Robert P. Harris, 1965; A Guide Book of Modern Latin American Coins by Robert P. Hams, 1966. AU good or better copies. (20)

2647. Cambridge Ancient History Series. Volume X: The Augustan Empire, 44 BC - AD 70. Edited by S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, and M P. Charlesworth. (Cambridge University Press, 1985 edition), xxxii, 1057 pp., fold-out tables and charts, maps, appendices. Red casebound, gilt. Fine copy. (40) 2648. Cambridge Ancient History Series. Volume XI:The Imperial Peace, AD 70 -192. Edited by S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, and M.P. Charlesworth. (Cambridge University Press, 1980 edition), xxvii, 997 pp., fold-out tables and charts, maps, appendices. Red casebound, gilt Fine copy. (40) 2649. Carpiceci, Alberto Carlo. Pompeii, 2000 years ago. (Firenze, 1977). Translated by Michael Hollingworth. 111 pp., illustrations throughout text (many in color), 8vo. Printed card covers. Fine copy. Ex libris. (15) 2650. Dobson,J.F. The Greek Orators. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of London, 1918 original), vii, 321 pp., small 8vo. Blue casebound. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (15) 2651. Ducrey, Pierre. Warfare in Ancient Greece. (New York, 1986 translation ofFribourg, 1985). Translated by Janet Lloyd 315 pp., 32 color and 158 black-andwhite illustrations, 12 line drawings, 4 maps, 8vo. brown cloth with dust cover, gilt. As new. (45) 2652. Dunell, Lawrence. The Greek Islands. (Viking Press, New York, 1978). 287 pp., illustrations throughout text (many in color), 8vo. Blue-gray cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. Ex libris. (20) 2653. Finley, M.I. Atlas of Classical Archaeology. (London and New York, 1977). 256 pp., illustrations throughout text, 410. Rust cloth with dust cover. Fine copy. Exlibris. (40)


2654. Finley, M.I. Economy and Society in Ancient Greece. (New York, 1982 edition), xxvi, 326 pp., 12mo. Casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. Exlibris. (15)

2639. Amott, Peter D. An Introduction to the Greek World. (St Martin's Press, New York, 1967). xii, 238 pp., 16 plates, 12mo. Brown casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. (10)

2655. Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. (New York, Oliphant Smeaton edition). Three volumes, viii, 956 pp.; ix, 923 pp.; ix, 898 pp, 12mo. Brown casebound. Very fine set. (15)

2640. Boardman, John; Jasper Griffin and Oswyn Murray (Editors). The Oxford History of the Classical World. (Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 1986). x, 882 pp., illustrations throughout text (many in color), 8vo. Blue casebound. Fine copy. Ex libris and dedicated. (30)

2656. Grant, Michael. Atlas of Ancient History, 1700 BC to 565 AD. (New York, 1971 Durst edition). Cartography by Arthur Banks. 87 different maps, index of place names, 8vo. Maroon casebound. Fine copy with numerous notes in pencil on flyleaf. (15)

2641. Boardman, John. The Parthenon And Its Sculptures. (University of Texas Press, Austin, 1985). 256 pages, illustrations throughout text, many in color, 4to. Photography by David Finn. Brown cloth, gilt and with dust cover. Very fine copy. (50)

2657. Grant, Michael. Atlas of Ancient History, 1700 BC to 565 AD. (USA, 1985 edition of 1971 original). Cartography by Arthur Banks. 87 different maps, index of place names, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. As new. (20)

2642. Browning, Iain. Palmyra. (Park Ridge, New Jersey; 1979). 223 pp., maps, glossary, index, 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (30) 2643. Cambridge Ancient History Series. Volume III, Part 3. The Expansion of the Greek World, Eighth to Sixth Centuries BC. Edited by John Boardman and N.G.L. Hammond. (Cambridge University Press, 1982). 530 pp., tables and charts, maps, appendices. Red casebound with dust cover, gilL Very fine copy. (40) 2644. Cambridge Ancient History Series. Volume IV: The Persian Empire and The West. Edited by J.B. Bury, S.A. Cook, and F.E. Adcock. (Cambndge University Press, 1977 edition), xxiii, 698 pp., fold-out tables and charts, maps, appendices. Red casebound with dust cover, gilt. Fine copy, few pages torn sUghtly. Ex libris (40) 2645. Cambridge Ancient History Series. Volume V: Athens 478-401 B.C. Edited by J.B. Bury, S.A. Cook, and F.E. Adcock. (Cambridge University Press, 1983 edition), xxii, 554 pp., fold-out tables and charts, maps, appendices. Red casebound with dust cover, güL Fine copy. Ex libris (40) 2646. Cambridge Ancient History Senes. Volume VI: Macedonia 401-301 B.C. Edited by J.B. Bury, S.A. Cook, and F.E. Adcock. (Cambridge University Press, 1984 edition), xxiii, 648 pp., fold-out tables and charts, maps, appendices. Red casebound with dust cover, gilt Fine copy. Ex tibris. (40)

2658. Grant, Michael. The Roman Emperors: A Biographical Guide To The Rulers of Imperial Rome, 31BC-AD476. (New York, 1985). 367 pages, illustrations in text. Hardcover with dust jacket. Fine copy. Also included in lot are: Roman Civilization. Sourcebook I: The Republic and Sourcebook II: The Empire, edited by Naphtali Lewis & Meyer Reinhold. (Columbia University Press, 1966 revised edition). ix,544pp. + viii, 652 pp, small 8vo; and Livy, The Early History of Rome. (Penguin Books, 1960). 388 pp., 12mo; and Mattingly, Harold. Roman Imperial Civilisation (New York, 1959). 374 pp., 12mo; Livy,The War With Hannibal. (Penguin Books, 1965). 688 pp., 12mo. All with printed paper covers Good copies. (30) 2659. Grant, Michael. The Roman Emperors: A Biographical Guide To The Rulers of Imperial Rome, 3IBC-AD476. (New York, 1985). 367 pages, illustrations in text. Hardcover with dust jacket. Fine copy. (20) 2660. Guthrie, Mrs. Mane. A Tour, Performed In The Years 1795-6, Through TheTaurida, Or Crimea, The Antient (sic) Kingdom of Bosphorus, The Oncepowerful Republic of Tauric Cherson, And All The Other Countries on the North Shore of the Euxine, Ceded to Russia by the Peace of Kainardgi and Jassy. Directed In A Series of Letters to her Husband, The Editor, Matthew Guthrie, M D . (London, For T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, In The Strand, 1802). xxiv, 446 pp. (pp. 113 -120 are misplaced between pp. 272 and 273), 8 plates of line drawings of coins, line drawings of coins throughout text, laige fold-out map. Quarto. Quarter brown calf with marbled boards, gilt lettering. A nice fine copy with only some minorfoxing. (150) 1 51




M a r c h 25,1 992

2677. Vermeule, Emily. Greece In The Bronze Age. (University of Chicago Press, 1972). xxi, (1), 406 pp., 48 plates, line drawings throughout text, 8vo. Printed cardcovers. Very good copy. Also included in lot: The Athenian Agora: A Short Guide. (American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1976). 32 pp., illustrated, 12mo; Early Burials From The Agora Cemeteries. (ASCS at Athens; Princeton, NJ, 1973). 32pp., illustrated, 12mo; Devambez, Pierre. Greek Painting. (New York, 1962). (6), 36 pp., 176 plates (many in color), 12mo. All with printed cardcovers. Very good copies. (15)

2661. Hammond, N.G.L. Alexander The Great: King, Commander and Statesman. (Noyes Press, Park Ridge, New Jersey; 1980). x, 358 pp., illustrations in text, small 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. Fine copy, pencilled notes throughout text. Ex libris. (15) 2662. Hammond, Nicholas G.L. Atlas of the Greek and Roman World in Antiquity. (Noyes Press, Park Ridge, New Jersey, 1981). viii, 56 pp. of which 30 pp. are of maps, index. Folio. Gold and black casebound Fine copy, pencilled note on flyleaf. Ex libris. Also irtlcuded in lot is the Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World. Edited by R.R. Palmer. Folio. Printed card covers. Fine copy. (50)

2678. Veyne, Paul (Editor) and Arthur Goldhammer (Translator). A History of Private Life. Volume I: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium. (Harvard, 1987). ix, (5), 670 pp. with illustrations, maps. Consists of five chapters by various experts dealing with the different aspects of what it was actually like to live during ancient times. Hardbound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (25)

2663. Huyghe, René (General editor). Larousse Encyclopedia of Byzantine and Medieval Art. (1963 Prometheus Press edition of 1958, Paris original). Color frontispiece, 416pp., illustrated throughout text, laige 8vo. Black casebound, gilt, and with dust cover. Very good copy. (25)

2679. Woodcock, P.G. Dictionary of Ancient History. (New York, 1955). (8), 465 pp., 12mo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. Ex libris and dedicated. (15)

2664. Karageorghis, Vassos. Ancient Cyprus, 7000 Years of Art & Archaeology. (Louisiana State Univeisity Press, Baton Rouge and London, 1981). 204 pp., color illustrations throughout text, oblong octavo. Black cloth with dust cover. Very fine copy. (40) 2665. Kelly, Thomas. A History of Argos to 500 B.C. (University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1976). viii, (4), 214 pp., maps, notes and index, 12mo. Brown casebound with dust cover. Very finecopy. (20) 2666. Legon, Ronald P. Mcgara, The Political History of a Greek City-State to 336 B.C. (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1981 ). 324 pp., index and bibliography, small 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (20)

2680. Lot of Fifteen Miscellaneous Titles on Alexander the Great Includes the following: On Alexander's TVack to the Indus by Sir Aurel Stein; Successors of Alexander the Great by C.A. KIncaid; Conquest And Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great by A.B. Bosworth; Alexander's Empire by John P. Mahaffy; Alexander The Great by W.W. Tam (2 copies); Alexander The Great In Greek and Roman Art by Margarete Bieber; Alexander the Great and Bactria by F.L. Holt; and other titles including several different editions of Arrian on The Campaigns of Alexander. 15 titles total in lot (50)

2667. Levi, Peter. Atlas of the Greek World. (New York, 1982). 239pp.,illustrated throughout text (most in color), indices, 4to. Black casebound with dust cover. Fine copy. Ex libris. (30) 2668. Massie, Allan. Augustus - A Novel. (Sceptre edition, Great Britain, 1987). 381 pp., 12mo. Printed paper covets. Very fine copy. Based on the lost Autobiography of the Emperor Augustus found in the Macedonian monastery of St. Cyril Methodius in 1984 (yet to be officially translated). (15) 2669. Roseveare, Henry. The Treasury, The Evolution of a British Institution. (Columbia University Press, New York, 1969). 406 pp., index, narrow 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover (torn). Fine copy. (25) 2670. Stuart, George E. (General Editor). Peoples andPlaces of the Past: The National Geographic Illustrated Cultural Atlas of the Ancient World. (National Geographic Society, 1983). 424 pp., illustrated throughout text in color. Large folio (47 χ 32 cm). Quarter brown leather with tan cloth, gilt. Very fine copy. (100) 2671. Suetonius. The Twelve Caesars. Translated by Robert Graves. (Penguin Books, 1980). 288 pp., profusely illustrated throughout text, 8vo. Printed card covers. Finecopy. (15) 2672. Tam, W.W. The Greeks In Bactria and India. (Chicago, 1984 third edition, updated with a preface and a new introduction by Frank Lee Holt), lix, 561 pp., 1 plale of coins, three maps, 12mo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. (15) 2673. Tatlon-Brown, Veronica (editor). Cyprus BC, 7000 Years of History. (British Museum Publications, 1979). 117 pp., 370items catalogued from the exhibition at the British Museum, illustrated, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. (20) 2674. The Ancient World. Seven issues of this magazine published by Ares Publishers Inc of Chicago. Includes a series on Alexander the Great, parts I-IV and VI. The foUowing issues included: Vol. IV, N0.34; Vol. V, No. 1-2, No. 3 4 ; Vol. IX, No. 1-2; Vol. ΧΠ, No. 1-2; Vol. ΧΠΙ,Νο.3-4; Vol. X V m , No. 1-2. All fine or better copies, some handwritten notes in pencil in several issues. (25) 2675. Tod, Marcus N. Greek Historical Inscriptions. (Chicago, 1985 reprint of London, 1946 and 1948 originals), xx, 343 pp., 12mo. Printed card covers. Very fine copy. Ex libris. (15) 2676. Tomlinson, R.A. Epidauros. (Univeisity of Texas Press, Austin, 1983). 98 pp., illustrations in text, small 8vo. Casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy.

(20) 1 52


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