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A U C T I O N 37 Closing WEDNESDAY MARCH 20, 1996


CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC GROUP, INC. A u c t i o n 37 A Mail Bid Sale

Featunng the Property of Collectors World-Wide; with further selections from the Jay P. Dawley Collection of Greek Coins; the Henry Clay Lindgren Collection of Greek Bronze Coinage; the George Prager Collection ofjudaean Coinage; the Steve Showers Collection of Military & Legionary coin types; the Joseph A. Byers Estate Collection including his Library on Papal Numismatics; plus numerous other important consignments

Wednesday March 20,1996 Closing at 5 PM EST

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Post Office Box 479 Lancaster, PA 17608-0479 USA (717) 390-9194, FAX (717) 390-9978

Seaby Coins 14 Old Bond Street London, W1X 3DB, England (0171) 495-1888, FAX (0171) 499-5916

$ 15.00 (ÂŁ10.00) including prices realized. P R O D U C T I O N STAFF:

Victor England, Jr. (U.S.) Eric J. McFadden (U.K.) Kerry K. Wetterstrom Peter L. Lampinen Barry P. M u r p h y Cathy England Karen Zander Johanna Mead Dr. Larry A d a m s Carol Barton Lou Stoner Julie Moore (U.S.) Tina Jordan (U.K.) Debbie & Geoff Hurley Robert A. Trimble Barry P. Murphy Victor England

Senior Directors: Auction Director: Numismatists: Controller: Lancaster Office Manager: London Office Manager: West Coast Representative: Customer Service & Literature: Office Staff: Accounting: Printing Control: Photography:

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. is a United States limited company. United Kingdom Registration No. FC18173, Branch No. BR2639.


AUCTION TERMS T h i s is a m a i l b i d a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d b y C l a s s i c a l 1 7 . A w o r d on R e s e r v e s . C N G r e s e r v e s the r i g h t to N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . ( C N G ) . B i d d i n g in the aucp l a c e a r e s e r v e on any lot. H o w e v e r , no r e s e r v e will be tion c o n s t i t u t e s a c c e p t a n c e of the f o l l o w i n g t e r m s : h i g h e r t h a n the e s t i m a t e , and o r d i n a r i l y l o t s are r e s e r v e d at 6 0 % of e s t i m a t e . 1. T h e p r o p e r t y l i s t e d in t h i s c a t a l o g u e is o f f e r e d for s a l e by C N G f o r i t s e l f and as a g e n t f o r v a r i o u s o w n e r s 8. Bidders personally guarantee payment for their and o t h e r c o n s i g n o r s . W e r e s e r v e the r i g h t to r e j e c t any successful bids, including bidders executing commission bids from other parties and b i d d e r s r e p r e s e n t i n g b i d , to d e t e r m i n e t h e o p e n i n g p r i c e , to set b i d d i n g inc o r p o r a t i o n s or o t h e r e n t i t i e s . B u y e r s a c c e p t i n g comc r e m e n t s , to vary the o r d e r of the a u c t i o n , to r e o p e n bidmission bids f r o m other parties do so at their own risk and ding in the case of a d i s p u t e , to w i t h d r a w any lot, to bid on r e m a i n r e s p o n s i b l e to C N G for full s e t t l e m e n t u n d e r these b e h a l f of C N G , to bid on b e h a l f of the c o n s i g n o r , and to Auction Terms. p e r m i t the c o n s i g n o r to bid on his o w n l o t s . All l o t s are s u b j e c t to a 1 0 % B u y e r ' s 2. will be a d d e d to t h e h a m m e r p r i c e .


3. All c o i n s a r e g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e . A t t r i b u t i o n , d a t e , c o n d i t i o n a n d o t h e r d e s c r i p t i o n s a r e the o p i n i o n of the c a t a l o g u e r , and no w a r r a n t y is e x p r e s s e d or implied. P l e a s e n o t e t h a t an a u c t i o n s a l e is n o t an a p p r o v a l s a l e . L o t s e x a m i n e d p r i o r to t h e s a l e and l o t s p u r c h a s e d by f l o o r b i d d e r s ( i n c l u d i n g b i d d e r s executing c o m m i s s i o n bids on behalf of other parties) may not be r e t u r n e d for any r e a s o n e x c e p t lack of a u t h e n t i c i t y . All c l a i m s of m i s d e s c r i p t i o n a n d all c l a i m s of r e t u r n , exc e p t c l a i m s r e g a r d i n g a u t h e n t i c i t y , m u s t be m a d e w i t h i n 5 d a y s of r e c e i p t of m a t e r i a l . A n y c l a i m of l a c k of aut h e n t i c i t y m u s t be m a d e in w r i t i n g by t h e o r i g i n a l purc h a s e r i m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r d i s c o v e r y t h a t an i t e m is not a u t h e n t i c , and upon m a k i n g such a claim the original p u r c h a s e r m u s t i m m e d i a t e l y r e t u r n the lot to C N G in the s a m e c o n d i t i o n as at the t i m e of t h e a u c t i o n . E s t i m a t e s are i n t e n d e d as a g u i d e o n l y a n d not as a s t a t e m e n t of o p i n i o n of v a l u e . 4. T e r m s a r e f o r c a s h , w i t h i n v o i c e s b e i n g d u e and p a y a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n r e c e i p t . I n t e r e s t and c o l l e c t i o n c h a r g e s of 2 . 0 % per m o n t h , f r o m the d a t e of the a u c t i o n , shall be p a y a b l e on i n v o i c e s not s e t t l e d w i t h i n 30 d a y s of the sale date. P a y m e n t by check must be made in either US d o l l a r s ( $ ) d r a w n on a US b a n k or B r i t i s h s t e r l i n g ( ÂŁ ) d r a w n on a B r i t i s h b a n k . All s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r s o u t s i d e N o r t h A m e r i c a and the U n i t e d K i n g d o m will be i n v o i c e d an a d d i t i o n a l $ 1 5 f e e f o r b a n k c h a r g e s , but b u y e r s m a y d e d u c t t h i s f e e if p a y m e n t is m a d e as r e q u i r e d a b o v e . P a y m e n t m a y be m a d e by V i s a , M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) or A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s ; h o w e v e r , a 3 . 5 % s u r c h a r g e is m a d e f o r p a y m e n t by c r e d i t c a r d . 5. B i d d e r s not k n o w n to us must p r o v i d e us with sati s f a c t o r y c r e d i t r e f e r e n c e s or p a y a d e p o s i t as d e t e r m i n e d at C N G ' s d i s c r e t i o n b e f o r e b i d d i n g . M i n o r s are not p e r m i t t e d to bid w i t h o u t w r i t t e n c o n s e n t of a parent guara n t e e i n g p a y m e n t . C N G may r e q u i r e p a y m e n t in full f r o m any bidder prior to delivery of lots. Title does not pass until l o t s are p a i d in f u l l . U p o n r e c e i p t of l o t s , the b u y e r a s s u m e s f u l l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r l o s s or d a m a g e . 6. E s t i m a t e s a r e in U . S . d o l l a r s ( $ U S ) a n d b i d s m u s t b e i n e v e n d o l l a r ( $ ) a m o u n t s . CNG will e x e c u t e m a i l b i d s on b e h a l f of mail b i d d e r s . S u b j e c t to r e s e r v e s a n d o p e n i n g p r i c e s , m a i l b i d s w i l l be exec u t e d at o n e b i d d i n g i n c r e m e n t ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 0 % ) o v e r the next h i g h e s t b i d . P l e a s e note that bids b e l o w est i m a t e are r a r e l y r e d u c e d , but b i d s a b o v e e s t i m a t e s t a n d a g o o d c h a n c e of b e i n g r e d u c e d . In the c a s e of i d e n t i c a l b i d s , t h e e a r l i e s t bid w i n s . A m a i l bid has p r i o r i t y o v e r an i d e n t i c a l f l o o r b i d . Bid by lot n u m b e r . No lots will be b r o k e n . B i d d e r s a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r e r r o r s in b i d d i n g . C h e c k y o u r bid s h e e t c a r e f u l l y .

9. In the e v e n t a s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r f a i l s to m a k e any p a y m e n t w h e n d u e , C N G r e s e r v e s the r i g h t to r e s e l l the m a t e r i a l , and the b i d d e r a g r e e s to pay f o r the r e a s o n a b l e cost of such a s a l e and a l s o to pay any d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n the r e s a l e p r i c e and the p r e v i o u s l y s u c c e s s f u l b i d . C N G a l s o r e s e r v e s all r i g h t s that it w o u l d be e n t i t l e d to u n d e r the P e n n s y l v a n i a U n i f o r m C o m m e r c i a l C o d e , i n c l u d i n g the r i g h t to o f f s e t any s u m s d u e f r o m a s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r a g a i n s t a n y f u t u r e c o n s i g n m e n t or p u r c h a s e or m o n i e s or g o o d s in p o s s e s s i o n of C N G . S a l e s t a x , p o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g and i n s u r a n c e a r e the 1 0. r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of the b u y e r and a r e a d d e d to all i n v o i c e s where a p p r o p r i a t e . P o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g and i n s u r a n c e for b o o k lots will be i n v o i c e d s e p a r a t e l y f r o m c o i n l o t s . On a n y t a x not p a i d by t h e p u r c h a s e r w h i c h s h o u l d h a v e b e e n p a i d , e v e n if not i n v o i c e d by C N G , t h e p u r c h a s e r a g r e e s to pay the s a m e on d e m a n d t o g e t h e r with any int e r e s t or p e n a l t y t h a t m a y be a s s e s s e d . It is t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of the b u y e r to c o m p l y with f o r e i g n c u s t o m s and other regulations. 1 1. P r i c e s R e a l i s e d a r e p u b l i s h e d a f t e r t h e s a l e and are m a i l e d with C N G ' s next p u b l i c a t i o n . 12. B i d d e r s c o n s e n t to w a i v e a n y c l a i m f o r i n c i d e n t a l , c o n s e q u e n t i a l or e x e m p l a r y d a m a g e s a r i s i n g f r o m this a u c t i o n . T h e s o l e r e m e d y that any p a r t i c i p a n t in the auction shall have for any claim or c o n t r o v e r s y a r i s i n g out of the a u c t i o n shall be a r e f u n d , w i t h o u t i n t e r e s t , of all or p a r t of the p u r c h a s e p r i c e p a i d by the p a r t i c i p a n t . 1 3. All rights g r a n t e d by C N G or o t h e r w i s e a v a i l a b l e to b i d d e r s a n d p u r c h a s e r s , u n d e r t h e s e A u c t i o n T e r m s or o t h e r w i s e , are p e r s o n a l and may not be a s s i g n e d or transf e r r e d to any o t h e r p e r s o n or e n t i t y , w h e t h e r by o p e r a t i o n of law or o t h e r w i s e . No third p a r t y m a y r e l y on any bene f i t or r i g h t c o n f e r r e d by t h e s e A u c t i o n T e r m s . B i d d e r s a c t i n g as a g e n t s m u s t d i s c l o s e the a g e n c y in w r i t i n g to C N G p r i o r to the a u c t i o n ; o t h e r w i s e r i g h t s are l i m i t e d to t h e a g e n t a n d a r e n o t t r a n s f e r a b l e to t h e u n d i s c l o s e d principal. 14. Any d i s p u t e r e g a r d i n g t h i s a u c t i o n s h a l l be gove r n e d by the l a w s of P e n n s y l v a n i a a n d s h a l l be a d j u d i c a t e d o n l y by t h e L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y C o u r t of C o m m o n Pleas or the U.S. D i s t r i c t C o u r t for the E a s t e r n D i s t r i c t of P e n n s y l v a n i a , and all b i d d e r s s u b m i t t h e m s e l v e s to the p e r s o n a l j u r i s d i c t i o n of t h e s e c o u r t s f o r t h i s p u r p o s e b a s e d on s e r v i c e by r e g i s t e r e d or c e r t i f i e d m a i l . In any d i s p u t e r e g a r d i n g t h i s a u c t i o n , the p r e v a i l i n g p a r t y shall be e n t i t l e d to r e c o v e r its r e a s o n a b l e c o s t s a n d a t t o r n e y fees. 15. In the e v e n t of a d i s p u t e , the E n g l i s h v e r s i o n of t h e s e A u c t i o n T e r m s s h a l l be d e f i n i t i v e . Bid S h e e t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d M a r c h 20, 1996. GOOD LUCK!


AUCTION TERMS AUKTIONSBEDINGUNGEN 6. D i e S c h ä t z u n g e n s i n d in U S - D o l l a r ( U S - $ ) u n d a l l e G e b o t e m ü s s e n auf g e r a d e D o l l a r b e t r ä g e ( U S - $ ) l a u t e n . C N G f ü h r t s c h r i f t l i c h e G e b o t e im N a m e n der B i e t e r a u s . Vorbehaltlich der M i n d e s t g e b o t e und R u f p r e i s e werden s c h r i f t l i c h e G e b o t e eine S t e i g e r u n g s s t u f e (von e t w a 10%) über dem nächsthöchsten Gebot während der Versteigerung zugeschlagen. Gebote unterhalb des S c h ä t z w e r t e s w e r d e n in der R e g e l n i c h t e r m ä ß i g t . G e b o t e über dem Schätzwert werden j e d o c h ermäßigt sofern dies m ö g l i c h ist. Bei g l e i c h h o h e n G e b o t e n w i r d d e r Z u s c h l a g dem zuerst abgegebenen Gebot erteilt. Ein s c h r i f t l i c h e s G e b o t hat V o r r a n g vor e i n e m , das w ä h r e n d der Versteigerung abgegeben wird. Das Bieten erfolgt nach L o s n u m m e r n . Die Lose w e r d e n nicht a u f g e t e i l t . Die Bieter sind f ü r F e h l e r b e i m B i e t e n s e l b s t v e r a n t w o r t l i c h . Überp r ü f e n Sie Ihren G e b o t s b o g e n g r ü n d l i c h .

Diese V e r s t e i g e r u n g wird v o n C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . ( C N G ) ö f f e n t l i c h a b g e h a l t e n . Sie k ö n n e n d a r a n p e r s ö n l i c h t e i l n e h m e n o d e r Ihre G e b o t e s c h r i f t l i c h e i n r e i c h e n . D u r c h die A b g a b e e i n e s G e b o t e s e r k e n n e n Sie die n a c h s t e h e n d e n V e r s t e i g e r u n g s b e d i n g u n g e n an: 1. D i e a u f g e f ü h r t e n L o s e w e r d e n v o n C N G auf e i g e n e R e c h n u n g , als V e r t r e t e r v e r s c h i e d e n e r B e s i t z e r und E i n l i e f e r e r v e r s t e i g e r t . C N G b e h ä l t sich das Recht G e b o t e z u r ü c k z u w e i s e n , d e n R u f p r e i s zu b e s t i m m e n , d i e S t e i g e r u n g s s t u f e n f e s t z u l e g e n , die R e i h e n f o l g e der L o s e zu v e r ä n d e r n , bei U n k l a r h e i t e n d a s L o s neu a u f z u r u f e n , Lose von der V e r s t e i g e r u n g z u r ü c k z u z i e h e n , im Namen von C N G und der E i n l i e f e r e r zu b i e t e n , s o w i e den E i n l i e f e r e r auf s e i n e e i g e n e n L o s e b i e t e n zu l a s s e n . 2. A u f a l l e L o s e w i r d e i n A u f g e l d v o n 1 0 % a u f d e n Zuschlagspreis erhoben.

7. E i n e A n m e r k u n g zu M i n d e s t g e b o t e n ( L i m i t e n ) . C N G behält sich das Recht vor, für b e l i e b i g e L o s e ein M i n d e s t g e b o t ( L i m i t ) f e s t z u l e g e n . J e d o c h ist k e i n M i n d e s t g e b o t (Limit) h ö h e r als der S c h ä t z w e r t , und g e w ö h n l i c h w e r d e n L o s e zu 6 0 % d e s S c h ä t z w e r t e s ausg e r u f e n , wenn kein a n d e r e s G e b o t ( L i m i t ) v o r l i e g t .

3. D i e E c h t h e i t a l l e r M ü n z e n w i r d g a r a n t i e r t . A l l e B e s c h r e i b u n g e n g e b e n die p e r s ö n l i c h e B e u r t e i l u n g des V e r f a s s e r s w i e d e r , es wird i n s o w e i t k e i n e G e w ä h r geleistet. Bitte b e a c h t e n Sie, daß eine Auktion K ä u f e zur Ansicht a u s s c h l i e ß t . L o s e , die vor dem V e r k a u f b e s i c h t i g t w u r d e n , und L o s e , die von bei der V e r s t e i g e r u n g a n w e s e n d e n B i e t e r n ( e i n s c h l i e ß l i c h B i e t e r n , die G e b o t e im N a m e n and e r e r P a r t e i e n auf P r o v i s i o n s b a s i s a b g e b e n ) g e k a u f t wurden, können aus keinem Grund z u r ü c k g e g e b e n w e r d e n , ausgenommen bei mangelnder Echtheit. Alle R e k l a m a t i o n e n , a u s g e n o m m e n A n s p r ü c h e in B e z u g auf m a n g e l n d e E c h t h e i t , m ü s s e n i n n e r h a l b von f ü n f T a g e n nach dem Erhalt der W a r e v o r g e b r a c h t w e r d e n . A n s p r ü c h e a u f G r u n d m a n g e l n d e r E c h t h e i t m ü s s e n v o n d e m urs p r ü n g l i c h e n K ä u f e r in s c h r i f t l i c h e r F o r m s o f o r t n a c h K e n n t i s , g e s t e l l t w e r d e n ; und bei d e r G e l t e n d m a c h u n g e i n e s s o l c h e n A n s p r u c h s m u ß der u r s p r ü n g l i c h e K ä u f e r die W a r e s o f o r t in d e m g l e i c h e n Z u s t a n d an C N G zurückg e b e n , in d e m s i c h d i e W a r e z u m Z e i t p u n k t der A u k t i o n b e f a n d . S c h ä t z w e r t e sind nur als R i c h t l i n i e n g e d a c h t und s t e l l e n k e i n e v e r b i n d l i c h E r k l ä r u n g ü b e r den W e r t d a r .

8. D i e B i e t e r h a f t e n p e r s ö n l i c h f ü r d i e B e z a h l u n g i h r e r erfolgreichen Gebote; hierin e i n g e s c h l o s s e n sind die Bieter, die Gebote von anderen Parteien auf P r o v i s i o n s b a s i s a b g e b e n , und die Bieter, die j u r i s t i s c h e Personen oder andere Rechtsträger vertreten. Käufer, die f ü r G e b o t e von a n d e r e n P a r t e i e n P r o v i s i o n e n e r h a l t e n , g e b e n die G e b o t e auf ihr e i g e n e s R i s i k o a b , u n d sie s i n d C N G g e g e n ü b e r f ü r die v o l l e B e g l e i c h u n g g e m ä ß d i e s e n Auktionsbedingungen verantwortlich. 9. In d e m F a l l , d a ß e i n e r f o l g r e i c h e r Bieter Z a h l u n g s t e r m i n e v e r s ä u m t , behält sich C N G das Recht v o r , d i e W a r e n e r n e u t zu v e r k a u f e n ; d e r B i e t e r e r k l ä r t sich d a m i t e i n v e r s t a n d e n , a l l e a n f a l l e n d e n K o s t e n e i n e s s o l c h e n V e r k a u f s zu z a h l e n u n d a u c h f ü r d e n F e h l b e t r a g z w i s c h e n dem W i e d e r v e r k a u f s p r e i s und dem Preis des v o r m a l s e r f o l g r e i c h e n G e b o t e s a u f z u k o m m e n . C N G behält sich auch alle R e c h t e vor, d i e sich f ü r C N G a u s d e m Handelsgesetzbuch für Pennsylvanien, dem Pennsylvania U n i f o r m C o m m e r c i a l C o d e , e r g e b e n ; hierin e i n g e s c h l o s s e n ist d a s R e c h t , j e d w e d e n a c h e r f o l g t e m Z u s c h l a g f ä l l i g gewordenen Beträge, gegen beliebige künftige E i n l i e f e r u n g e n , A n k ä u f e , G e l d e r o d e r G ü t e r , die sich im B e s i t z von C N G b e f i n d e n , a u f z u r e c h n e n .

4. Die B e z a h l u n g w i r d s o f o r t nach E r h a l t d e r R e c h n u n g f ä l l i g . Auf R e c h n u n g e n , die nicht i n n e r h a l b von 30 T a g e n nach dem V e r k a u f s t a g b e g l i c h e n w e r d e n , werden vom D a t u m d e r A u k t i o n an Z i n s e n u n d I n k a s s o g e b ü h r e n in H ö h e von 2% pro M o n a t b e r e c h n e t . Die Z a h l u n g muß mit S c h e c k e r f o l g e n , e n t w e d e r mit e i n e m auf U S - D o l l a r ( U S $) a u s g e s t e l l t e n S c h e c k , der auf e i n e U S - B a n k g e z o g e n i s t , o d e r mit e i n e m auf P f u n d S t e r l i n g (£) a u s g e s t e l l t e n S c h e c k , d e r auf e i n e b r i t i s c h e B a n k g e z o g e n ist. A l l e n e r f o l g r e i c h e n B i e t e r n a u ß e r h a l b v o n N o r d a m e r i k a und G r o ß b r i t a n n i e n w i r d z u s ä t z l i c h ein B e t r a g in H ö h e von U S - S 1 5 , - f ü r B a n k g e b ü h r e n in R e c h n u n g g e s t e l l t ; d i e K ä u f e r k ö n n e n j e d o c h d i e s e G e b ü h r von i h r e r Z a h l u n g a b z i e h e n , w e n n sie die B e z a h l u n g auf die oben g e f o r d e r t e Weise v o r n e h m e n . Z a h l u n g e n können mit Visa, Mastercard ( A c c e s s ) oder A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s e r f o l g e n ; j e d o c h wird bei B e z a h l u n g mit K r e d i t k a r t e ein A u f s c h l a g in H ö h e von 3,5% berechnet.

10. Umsatzsteuer, Porto, Transportkosten und V e r s i c h e r u n g f a l l e n in d e n V e r a n t w o r t u n g s b e r e i c h d e s K ä u f e r s und w e r d e n a l l e n R e c h n u n g e n , f a l l s z u t r e f f e n d , h i n z u g e r e c h n e t . P o r t o , T r a n s p o r t k o s t e n und V e r s i c h e r u n g f ü r B ü c h e r w e r d e n g e t r e n n t v o n d e n e n f ü r M ü n z e n in R e c h n u n g g e s t e l l t . Der K ä u f e r e r k l ä r t s i c h b e r e i t , angef a l l e n e und nicht e n t r i c h t e t e S t e u e r n auch d a n n , wenn s i e v o n C N G n i c h t in R e c h n u n g g e s t e l l t w u r d e n auf V e r l a n g e n z u s a m m e n mit a u f g e l a u f e n e n Z i n s e n , s o w i e e v e n t u e l l a u f e r l e g t e S t r a f e n zu b e z a h l e n . Es f ä l l t in d e n Verantwortungsbereich des Käufers, die Z o l l b e s t i m m u n g e n und a n d e r e R e g e l n im A u s l a n d zu erfüllen.

5. B i e t e r , d i e C N G n i c h t b e k a n n t s i n d , m ü s s e n C N G e i n e z u f r i e d e n s t e l l e n d e K r e d i t r e f e r e n z zur V e r f ü g u n g s t e l l e n o d e r ein D e p o t h i n t e r l e g e n , d e s s e n H ö h e von C N G festgelegt wird, ehe sie G e b o t e abgeben können. M i n d e r j ä h r i g e dürfen ohne die s c h r i f t l i c h e Z u s t i m m u n g eines E l t e r n t e i l s , der die Z a h l u n g g a r a n t i e r t , nicht b i e t e n . C N G kann von j e d e m K ä u f e r V o r a u s k a s s e v e r l a n g e n . Die vers t e i g e r t e n L o s e b l e i b e n bis zur v o l l s t ä n d i g e n B e z a h l u n g aller F o r d e r u n g e n von C N G E i g e n t u m der V e r k ä u f e r . Nach Erhalt der Lose ü b e r n e h m e n die K ä u f e r die volle Verantwortung für Verluste oder Schäden.

11. D i e e r z i e l t e n P r e i s e w e r d e n n a c h d e m V e r k a u f b e k a n n t g e g e b e n u n d w e r d e n z u s a m m e n mit d e r n ä c h s t e n V e r ö f f e n t l i c h u n g von C N G v e r s a n d t . 12. Die B i e t e r v e r z c h t e n , auf alle sich an d i e s e r A u k t i o n ergebenden Ansprüche hinsichtlich Schadenersatz für Aufwendungen, Schadenersatz für Folgeschäden oder einer über den v e r u r s a c h t e n S c h a d e n h i n a u s g e h e n d e n E n t s c h ä d i g u n g . Das e i n z i g e R e c h t , d a s e i n e m T e i l n e h m e r an der A u k t i o n auf G r u n d e i n e s auf die A u k t i o n z u r ü c k gehenden Anspruches oder einer entsprechenden 4

AUCTION TERMS Streitfrage zusteht, besteht in e i n e r zinslosen R ü c k v e r g ü t u n g d e s g a n z e n o d e r e i n e s T e i l s des g e z a h l t e n Kaufpreises.

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13. Alle Rechte, die Bietern oder Käufern von CNG gewährt werden oder ihnen a n d e r w e i t i g zur V e r f ü g u n g stehen, und z w a r g e m ä ß d i e s e n A u k t i o n s b e d i n g u n g e n o d e r and e r w e i t i g , s i n d p e r s ö n l i c h e r A r t u n d k ö n n e n n i c h t an eine andere Person oder einen Rechtsträger abgetreten o d e r ü b e r t r a g e n w e r d e n , s e i es d u r c h g e s e t z l i c h e n Rechtsübergang oder anderweitig. Keine dritte Partei k a n n sich auf L e i s t u n g e n o d e r R e c h t e b e r u f e n , die d u r c h d i e s e A u k t i o n s b e d i n g u n g e n g e g e b e n w e r d e n . B i e t e r , die als V e r t r e t e r h a n d e l n , m ü s s e n d i e s e V e r t r e t u n g C N G vor d e r A u k t i o n in s c h r i f t l i c h e r F o r m o f f e n l e g e n ; a n d e r n f a l l s s i n d d i e R e c h t e auf d e n V e r t r e t e r b e s c h r ä n k t und sind nicht auf den nicht o f f e n g e l e g t e n A u f t r a g g e b e r übertragbar.

b r e f s d é l a i s de r e n v o y e r le lot à C N G d a n s le m ê m e q u ' i l l'a a c q u i s . L e s v a l e u r s e s t i m a t i v e s s o n t donà t i t r e p u r e m e n t i n d i c a t i f et ne s o n t pas u n e d é f i n i f i x e de la v a l e u r r é e l l e .

4 . L e s c o n d i t i o n s de la v e n t e p r é v o i e n t le p a i e m e n t compt a n t , les f a c t u r e s é t a n t é c h u e s et p a y a b l e s i m m é d i a t e ment dès leur r é c e p t i o n . Des i n t é r ê t s et f r a i s de c o l l e c t e s'élevant à 2% par mois à c o m p t e r de la date de la vente aux e n c h è r e s s e r o n t p a y a b l e s s u r l e s f a c t u r e s q u i ne s o n t p a s r é g l é e s d a n s l e s 3 0 j o u r s qui s u i v e n t la d a t e de la vente. Le p a i e m e n t par c h è q u e doit se f a i r e soit en d o l l a r s US ($) si le c h è q u e est tiré sur une b a n q u e a m é r i c a i n e , soit en l i v r e s s t e r l i n g a n g l a i s e s (£) s'il est tiré sur une b a n q u e b r i t a n n i q u e . T o u s les a c q u é r e u r s d o m i c i l i é s a i l l e u r s q u ' e n A m é r i q u e du N o r d ou au R o y a u m e - U n i se v e r r o n t f a c t u r e r un s u p p l é m e n t de 15$ p o u r f r a i s b a n c a i r e s m a i s i l s p e u v e n t d é d u i r e si le p a i e m e n t e s t e f f e c t u é d e la m a n i è r e i n d i q u é e c i - d e s s u s . Le p a i e m e n t peut s ' e f f e c t u e r a v e c les c a r t e s V i s a , M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) ou A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s ; le r è g l e m e n t p a r c a r t e d e c r é d i t d o n n e l i e u t o u t e f o i s à u n e m a j o r a t i o n de 3 , 5 0 % .

14. E i n R e c h t s s t r e i t h i n s i c h t l i c h d i e s e r A u k t i o n unterl i e g t d e s G e s e t z e n von P e n n s y l v a n i e n und k a n n nur von d e m L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y C o u r t of C o m m o n P l e a s o d e r dem U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of P e n n s y l v a n i a g e r i c h t l i c h e n t s c h i e d e n w e r d e n ; und alle Bieter unterw e r f e n sich f ü r d i e s e n Z w e c k auf G r u n d e i n e r Z u s t e l l u n g durch e i n g e s c h r i e b e n e Post den S t a a t s h o h e i t s r e c h t e n d i e s e r G e r i c h t e . In e i n e m R e c h t s s t r e i t h i n s i c h t l i c h d i e s e r A u k t i o n ist d i e o b s i e g e n d e P a r t e i b e r e c h t i g t , i h r e a n g e m e s s e n e n K o s t e n und R e c h t s a n w a l t s k o s t e n e r s t a t t e t zu b e k o m m e n .

5. Les e n c h é r i s s e u r s que nous ne c o n n a i s s o n s pas d o i v e n t n o u s f o u r n i r des r é f é r e n c e s de s o l v a b i l i t é s a t i s f a i s a n t e s ou v e r s e r d e s a r r h e s s e l o n a c c o r d a v e c C N G a v a n t l e s e n c h è r e s . L e s m i n e u r s ne s o n t p a s a u t o r i s é s à f a i r e d ' e n c h è r e s s a n s l ' a u t o r i s a t i o n é c r i t e d e l ' u n de l e u r s p a r e n t s g a r a n t i s s a n t le p a i e m e n t . C N G p e u t e x i g e r le règ l e m e n t i n t é g r a l d e la p a r t d ' u n e n c h é r i s s e u r a v a n t la livraison des lots. La p r o p r i é t é des lots ne se trouve transférée q u ' u n e fois que les lots ont été p a y é s intégralement. A la r é c e p t i o n des lots, l ' a c q u é r e u r a s s u m e l ' e n t i è r e r e s p o n s a b i l i t é en c a s de p e r t e ou d ' e n d o m m a g e m e n t de ceux-ci.

15. Im F a l l e e i n e r S t r e i t f r a g e ist d i e e n g l i s c h e V e r s i o n dieser Auktionsbedingungen rechtskräftig. C O N D I T I O N S DE V E N T E AUX E N C H E R E S

6. Les v a l e u r s e s t i m a t i v e s sont d o n n é e s en d o l l a r s ( S U S ) et les o f f r e s / e n c h è r e s d o i v e n t ê t r e en m o n t a n t s e n t i e r s en d o l l a r s ($). C N G e x é c u t e r a les o f f r e s / e n c h è r e s s o u m i s e s par c o r r e s p o n d a n c e p o u r le c o m p t e d e s e n c h é r i s s e u r s . A p a r t d a n s le c a s d ' u n e r e s e r v e , l e s o f f r e s p a r c o r r e s p o n d a n c e s e r o n t e x é c u t é e s à a p p r o x i m a t i v e m e n t 10% de p l u s q u e l ' e n c h è r e la p l u s p r o c h e . V e u i l l e z n o t e r q u e les e n c h è r e s i n f é r i e u r e s aux v a l e u r s e s t i m a t i v e s sont r a r e m e n t r é d u i t e s mais que c e l l e s a u - d e s s u s de ces v a l e u r s ont de f o r t e s c h a n c e s d ' ê t r e r é d u i t e s . En cas d'off r e s i d e n t i q u e s , la p r e m i è r e l ' e m p o r t e . Une o f f r e par corr e s p o n d a n c e l ' e m p o r t e sur u n e o f f r e i d e n t i q u e d a n s la s a l l e . F a i t e s vos o f f r e s en é c r i v a n t le n u m é r o du lot. L e s lots ne s e r o n t pas d i v i s é s . L e s e n c h é r i s s e u r s a s s u m e r o n t la r e s p o n s a b i l i t é d e s e r r e u r s sur leur b u l l e t i n d ' e n c h è r e , c ' e s t p o u r q u o i il est r e c o m m a n d é de t o u t c o n t r ô l e r a v e c soin.

C e c i est u n e v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s par c o r r e s p o n d a n c e org a n i s é e par C 1 a s s i c a 1 N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . (CNG). Faire une o f f r e à l'enchère signifie l'acceptation des conditions suivantes: 1. Les o b j e t s p r o p o s é s d a n s ce c a t a l o g u e sont mis en vente par C N G a g i s s a n t pour son p r o p r e c o m p t e et en tant qu'agent r e p r é s e n t a n t d i v e r s a u t r e s p r o p r i é t a i r e s . N o u s nous r é s e r v o n s le d r o i t de r e f u s e r une o f f r e ou e n c h è r e , de déc i d e r de la m i s e à p r i x , de f i x e r les p a l i e r s de h a u s s e des e n c h è r e s , de m o d i f i e r l ' o r d r e d a n s l e q u e l se d é r o u l e la v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s , de r e l a n c e r les e n c h è r e s en c a s de d é s a c c o r d , de r e t i r e r un lot q u e l c o n q u e , de f a i r e u n e off r e p o u r le c o m p t e de C N G , de f a i r e u n e o f f r e p o u r le c o m p t e du p r o p r i é t a i r e et d e p e r m e t t r e d e f a i r e d e s enchères sur ses propres lots.

7. Q u e l q u e s m o t s sur les prix m i n i m u m . C N G se r é s e r v e le droit de f i x e r un prix m i n i m u m p o u r n ' i m p o r t e quel lot. A u c u n e r e s e r v e ne s e r a t o u t e f o i s s u p é r i e u r e à la v a l e u r e s t i m a t i v e et les l o t s se v o i e n t g é n é r a l e m e n t a t t r i b u e r un prix m i n i m u m c o r r e s p o n d a n t à 6 0 % de la v a l e u r estimative.

2. T o u s les l o t s sont s u j e t s à u n e c o m m i s s i o n de 10% à la c h a r g e de l ' a c q u é r e u r , l a q u e l l e s e r a a j o u t é e au prix de v e n t e . 3. T o u t e s les p i è c e s de m o n n a i e s o n t g a r a n t i e s a u t h e n t i q u e s . L ' a t t r i b u t i o n , la d a t e , l ' é t a t et a u t r e s q u a l i f i c a t i f s s o n t l ' o p i n i o n de l ' a u t e u r du c a t a l o g u e s a n s q u e c e c i i m p l i q u e de g a r a n t i e e x p r e s s e ou i m p l i c i t e . V e u i l l e z noter q u ' u n e v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s n ' e s t pas u n e v e n t e condit i o n n e l l e . L e s l o t s i n s p e c t é s a v a n t la v e n t e et les l o t s a c h e t é s par des e n c h é r i s s e u r s dans la salle (y c o m p r i s des e n c h é r i s s e u r s a g i s s a n t p o u r le c o m p t e d ' a u t r e s p e r s o n nés) ne p e u v e n t en aucun cas être r e t o u r n é s e x c e p t é en cas de p r o b l è m e d ' a u t h e n t i c i t é . T o u t e c o n t e s t a t i o n c o n c e s n a n t la d e s c r i p t i o n a i n s i q u e t o u t e i n t e n t i o n de r e t o u r n e r une m o n n a i e d e s p i è c e s , ( e x c e p t é d a n s les c a s de p r o b l è m e s d ' a u t h e n t i c i t é ) , d o i v e n t être f o r m u l é e s dans les 5 j o u r s qui s u i v e n t la r é c e p t i o n de l ' e n v o i . T o u t e c o n t e s t a t i o n ayant t r a i t à l ' a u t h e n t i c i t é d o i t ê t r e f a i t e p a r é c r i t p a r l'acq u é r e u r initial i m m é d i a t e m e n t et, il a l ' o b l i g a t i o n dans les

8. L e s e n c h é r i s s e u r s g a r a n t i s s e n t p e r s o n n e l l e m e n t le p a i e m e n t de leurs o f f r e s en cas d ' a t t r i b u t i o n du lot, m ê m e s'ils a g i s s e n t pour le c o m p t e d'un t i e r s . Les a c q u é r e u r s se c h a r g e a n t d ' o f f r e s / e n c h è r e s à la c o m m i s s i o n v e n a n t d ' a u t r e s p e r s o n n e s le f o n t à l e u r s p r o p r e s r i s q u e s et r e s t e n t r e s p o n s a b l e s v i s - à - v i s de C N G du r è g l e m e n t intégral selon les p r é s e n t e s C o n d i t i o n s de V e n t e aux Enchères. 9. Au c a s où un a c q u é r e u r o m e t d ' e f f e c t u e r un p a i e m e n t l o r s q u e c e l u i - c i e s t é c h u , C N G se r é s e r v e le d r o i t de r e v e n d r e le lot et l ' a c q u é r e u r a c c e p t e de p a y e r les f r a i s r a i s o n n a b l e s d ' u n e t e l l e v e n t e et a u s s i de p a y e r la d i f S

AUCTION TERMS f é r e n c e e n t r e le p r i x de la n o u v e l l e v e n t e et c e l u i de l ' e n c h è r e p r é c é d e m m e n t a c c e p t é e . C N G se r é s e r v e a u s s i t o u s les d r o i t s d o n t I ' e l l e p e u t se p r é v a l o i r en v e r t u du C o d e C o m m e r c i a l U n i f o r m e de P e n n s y l v a n i e , n o t a m m e n t le d r o i t de d é d u i r e l e s s o m m e s d u e s p a r un a c q u é r e u r sur un envoi f u t u r ou sur une a c q u i s i t i o n f u t u r e ou sur des s o m m e s d ' a r g e n t ou m a r c h a n d i s e s é t a n t en la p o s s e s s i o n de CNG.



L ' a s t a è u n a per c o r r i s p o n d e n z a b a n d i t a da C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . ( C N G ) . La p r e s e n t a z i o n e di offerte all'asta comporta l'accettazione delle seguenti condizioni :

10. La t a x e s u r l e s v e n t e s , les f r a i s p o s t a u x , la manut e n t i o n et l ' a s s u r a n c e s o n t la r e s p o n s a b i l i t é de l ' a c q u é r e u r et sont a j o u t é s à toutes les f a c t u r é s le cas é c h é a n t . L e s f r a i s p o s t a u x , de m a n u t e n t i o n et d ' a s s u r a n c e p o u r d e s l o t s de l i v r e s s e r o n t f a c t u r é s s é p a r é m e n t d e s l o t s de p i è c e s de m o n n a i e . D a n s le c a s de t o u t e t a x e n ' é t a n t pas p a y é e par l ' a c q u é r e u r m a i s qui a u r a i t dû ê t r e p a y é e , m ê m e si e l l e n'a p a s é t é f a c t u r é e p a r C N G , l ' a c q u é r e u r s ' e n g a g e à r é g l e r le m o n t a n t de c e l l e - c i a i n s i q u e les int é r ê t s ou la p é n a l i t é é t a n t i m p o s é s le c a s é c h é a n t . Il inc o m b e à l ' a c q u é r e u r d ' a s s u r e r l ' o b s e r v a t i o n de la régiem e n t a t i o n d o u a n i è r e é t r a n g è r e et a u t r e s r è g l e m e n t s .

a p e r t u r a , di f i s s a r e gli i n c r e m e n t i di o f f e r t a , di v a r i a r e l ' o r d i n e di s v o l g i m e n t o d e l l ' a s t a , di r i a p r i r e le o f f e r t e in c a s o di c o n t r o v e r s i a , di r i t i r a r e un l o t t o , di f a r e off e r t e per c o n t o di C N G s t e s s o ο di un c o n f e r e n t e e di perm e t t e r e a un c o n f e r e n t e di f a r e o f f e r t e p e r i s u o i l o t t i .

1. I lotti e l e n c a t i in q u e s t o c a t a l o g o s o n o p o s t i in vendita s i a d a C N G per suo c o n t o , sia c o m e a g e n t e de proprietari d i v e r s i a di altri c o n f e r e n t i . C N G si r i s e r v a il diritto di r i f i u t a r e u n ' o f f e r t a , di d e t e r m i n a r e il p r e z z o di

2. T u t t i i lotti sono s o g g e t t i ad una c o m m i s s i o n e del 10% che sarà a g g i u n t a al p r e z z o di a g g i u d i c a z i o n e . 3. T u t t e le m o n e t e s o n o g a r a n t i t e a u t e n t i c h e . L ' a t t r i b u z i o n e , la d a t a , le c o n d i z i o n e ed e v e n t u a l i a l t r e des c r i z i o n i s o n o o p i n i o n i del c o m p i l a t o r e del c a t a l o g o nei c o n f r o n t i d e l l e q u a l i n o n si d a n n o g a r a n z i e e s p r e s s e ο t a c i t e . Va r i c o r d a t o c h e u n a v e n d i t a a l l ' a s t a n o n è u n a v e n d i t a con r i s e r v a di g r a d i m e n t o . I l o t t i e s a m i n a t i prima d e l l ' a s t a e i l o t t i a c q u i s t a t i d a g l i o f f e r e n t i in s a l a ( i n c l u s i gli o f f e r e n t i c h e f a n n o o f f e r t e per c o n t o di t e r z i ) non p o s s o n o e s s e r e r e s t i t u i t i i n d i p e n d e n t e m e n t e d a l l a r a g i o n e s a l v o nel c a s o di n o n a u t e n t i c i t à . T u t t e le rivend i c a z i o n i di d e s c r i z i o n e i n e s a t t a e t u t t e le r i c h i e s t e di r e s t i t u z i o n e d e v o n o p e r v e n i r e e n t r o 5 g i o r n o dal r i c e v i m e n t o del m a t e r i a l e . Le r i v e n d i c a z i o n i di n o n a u t e n t i c i t à devono essere inoltrate per inscritto d a l l ' a c q u i r e n t e o r i g i n a l e i m m e d i a t a m e n t e d o p o la s c o p e r t a c h e un p e z z o non è a u t e n t i c o e c o n t e m p o r a n e a m e n t e l ' a c q u i r e n t e d e v e r e s t i t u i r e il l o t t o a C N G n e l l e s t e s s e c o n d i z i o n i del mom e n t o d e l l ' a s t a . Le s t i m e s ' i n t e n d o n o a puro t i t o l o di orie n t a m e n t o e non s o n o e s p r e s s i o n e di u n ' o p i n i o n e di valore.

1 1. L e s Prix R é a l i s é s s o n t p u b l i é s a p r è s la v e n t e et sont e n v o y é s par la p o s t e avec la p u b l i c a t i o n s u i v a n t e de C N G . 12. L e s e n c h é r i s s e u r s a c c e p t e n t d e r e n o n c e r à t o u t e r e v e n d i c a t i o n de d o m m a g e s et i n t é r ê t s en c a s de domm a g e c a u s e par la v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s C N G . Le seul rec o u r s q u ' u n p a r t i c i p a n t à la v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s a u r a à l ' i s s u e d ' u n e r é c l a m a t i o n ou d ' u n d i f f é r e n d s e r a un remb o u r s e m e n t s a n s i n t é r ê t s , de la t o t a l i t é ou d ' u n e p a r t i e du p r i x d ' a c h a t p a y é p a r le p a r t i c i p a n t . 13. T o u s les droits a c c o r d é s par C N G ou dont les enchériss e u r s et a c q u é r e u r s p e u v e n t a u t r e m e n t se p r é v a l o i r l e u r s o n t p e r s o n n e l s et ne p e u v e n t p a s ê t r e c é d é s ni transf é r é s à u n e a u t r e p e r s o n n e p h y s i q u e ou m o r a l e , q u e ce s o i t du f a i t d e l ' i n t e r v e n t i o n d e la loi ou a u t r e m e n t . A u c u n e t i e r c e p e r s o n n e ne peut s ' a p p o y e r sur un a v a n t a g e ou d r o i t c o n f é r é p a r les p r é s e n t e s C o n d i t i o n s de V e n t e aux E n c h è r e s . L e s e n c h é r i s s e u r s a g i s s a n t en t a n t qu'int e r m é d i a i r e s d o i v e n t d i v u l g u e r leur m a n d a t d ' a g e n c e par é c r i t à C N G a v a n t la v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s ; a u t r e m e n t les d r o i t s s e r a i e n t e x c l u s i f s à l ' a g e n t et ne s e r a i e n t pas cess i b l e s au d o n n e u r d ' o r d r e q u ' i l r e p r é s e n t e .

4. Le v e n d i t e s o n o per c o n t a n t i c o n s a l d o d e l l e f a t t u r e a l l ' a t t o di r i c e v e r l e . Le f a t t u r e non s a l d a t e e n t r o 30 giorni d a l l a d a t a d e l l a v e n d i t a s o n o g r a v a t e del 2% a t i t o l o di i n t e r e s s e ed a d d e b i t o di r i s c o s s i o n e a p a r t i r e d a l l a d a t a d e l l ' a s t a . I p a g a m e n t i con a s s e g n o d e v o n o e s s e r e in dollari USA ($) su una b a n c a a m e r i c a n a ο in s t e r l i n e i n g l e s i (£) su u n a b a n c a b r i t a n n i c a . A t u t t i gli a g g i u d i c a t a r i al di f u o r i d e l l ' A m e r i c a del N o r d e del R e g n o U n i t o v e n g o n o f a t t u r a t i u l t e r i o r i $ 1 5 per c o m p e t e n z e b a n c a r i e , s o m m a c h e puö e s s e r e d e d o t t a se il p a g a m e n t o è e f f e t t u a t o c o m e

14. T o u t d i f f é r e n d c o n c e r n a n t la p r é s e n t e v e n t e a u x e n c h è r e s s e r a r é g i p a r les l o i s de P e n n s y l v a n i e et s e r a t r a n c h é p a r la " C o u r d e s P l a i d s C o m m u n s " ( C o u r t of C o m m o n Pleas) du C o m t é de L a n c a s t e r ( L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y ) ou le T r i b u n a l de District F é d é r a l (U.S. District C o u r t ) du D i s t r i c t O r i e n t a l de P e n n s y l v a n i e et t o u s les e n c h é r i s s e u r s se s o u m e t t e n t à la j u r i d i c t i o n p e r s o n n e l l e de c e s t r i b u n a u x , b a s é e à c e t t e fin sur la s i g n i f i c a t i o n par courr i e r r e c o m m a n d é ou c e r t i f i é . D a n s t o u t l i t i g e c o n c e r n a n t la p r é s e n t e v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s , la p a r t i e g a g n a n t e a u r a le d r o i t d e r e c o u v r e r s e s f r a i s d ' a v o c a t et c o û t s raisonnables.

sopra indicato. 1 pagamenti possono essere effettuati con c a r t a di c r e d i t o V i s a , M a s t e r c a r d ( A c c e s s ) ο A m e r i c a n Express essi sono in tal caso gravati di un 3,5% a g g i u n t i v o . 5. Gli o f f e r e n t i non noti a C N G d e v o n o f o r n i r e r e f e r e n z e di c r e d i t o ο v e r s a r e una c a u z i o n e f i s s a t a a d i s c r e z i o n e di C N G p r i m a d e l l ' a p e r t u r a d e l l ' a s t a . I m i n o r i di e t à n o n p o s s o n o f a r e o f f e r t e s e n z a il c o n s e n s o s c r i t t o di un genit o r e che g a r a n t i s c a il p a g a m e n t o . C N G p u ô r i c h i e d e r e il p a g a m e n t o in toto da un o f f e r e n t e prima della c o n s e g n a dei l o t t i . Il d i r i t t o di p r o p r i é t é non è t r a s m e s s o f i n t a n t o c h e i l o t t i non s o n o i n t e r a m e n t e s a l d a t i . Ad a v v e n u t a cons e g n a dei l o t t i l ' a c q u i r e n t e a s s u m e p i e n a r e s p o n s a b i l ità per le e v e n t u a l i p e r d i t e ο d a n r i i .

15. En c a s de l i t i g e , la v e r s i o n en a n g l a i s d e s p r é s e n t e s C o n d i t i o n s de V e n t e aux E n c h è r e s f e r a f o i .

6. Le s t i m e sono in dollari USA ( $ U S ) e le o f f e r t e d e v o n o e s s e r e in d o l l a r i ο m e t t e n d o l ' i n d i c a z i o n e dei c e n t e s i m i ($). C N G a c c e t t a o f f e r t e per c o r r i s p o n d e n z a . Le o f f e r t e per c o r r i s p o n d e n z a s a r a n n o e s e g u i t e c o n un i n c r e m e n t o di c i r c a il 10% s u l l ' o f f e r t a più a l t a , p r e z z i m i n i m i di b a s e e p r e z z i di a p e r t u r a p e r m e t t e n d o . Va r i c o r d a t o c h e 6

AUCTION TERMS le o f f e r t e al di s o t t o d e l l e s t i m e h a n n o r a r a m e n t e suec e s s o ma q u e l l e s o p r a le s t i m e h a n n o b u o n a p r o b a b i l i t é di a v e r s u c c e s s o . In c a s o di o f f e r t e i d e n t i c h e ha la p r e f e r e n z a q u e l l a p e r v e n u t a c i p e r p r i m a . U n ' o f f e r t a p e r corr i s p o n d e n z a g o d e di p r i o r i t à su una i d e n t i c a in sala. Le off e r t e s ' i n t e n d o n o p e r n u m é r o di l o t t o . N e s s u n l o t t o pud e s s e r e s u d d i v i s o . Gli o f f e r e n t i s o n o r e s p o n s a b i l i d e g l i err o r i n e l l e o f f e r t e . Si p r e g a di c o n t r o l l a r e a t t e n t a m e n t e i 1 foglio offerte.

D i s t r e t t o O r i e n t a l e di P e n n s y l v a n i a e t u t t i gli o f f e r e n t i si s o t t o p o n g o n o alia personale g i u r i s d i z i o n e dei suddetti t r i b u n a l i a t a l e r i g u a r d o d i e t r o n o t i f i c a p e r p o s t a racc o m a n d a t a ο c e r t i f i c a t a . In u n a c o n t r o v e r s i a in r e l a z i o n e a q u e s t ' a s t a la p a r t e v i n c e n t e a v r à d i r i t t o a r i c u p e r a r e i c o s t i r a g i o n e v o l i e le s p e s e l e g a l i . 15. In c a s o di v e r t e n z a f a r à f e d e la v e r s i o n e i n g l e s e d e l l e present! condizioni d'asta.

7. P e r q u a n t o r i g u a r d a i p r e z z i m i n i m i di b a s e , C N G si r e s e r v a il d i r i t t o di f i s s a r e un p r e z z o m i n i m o p e r q u a l siasi lotto, nessun prezza m i n i m o è superiore alia stima e g e n e r a l m e n t e è il 6 0 % d e l l a s t i m a . 8. Gli o f f e r e n t i g a r a n t i s c o n o p e r s o n a l m e n t e il s a l d o d e l l e o f f e r t e v i n c e n t i , i n c l u s i gli o f f e r e n t i c h e f a n n o o f f e r t e p e r c o n t o di t e r z i e q u e l l i c h e r a p p r e s e n t a n o a s s o c i a z i o n i ο a l t r i e n t i . G l i a c q u i r e n t i c h e a c c e t t a n o di f a r e o f f e r t e p e r c o n t o di t e r z i 10 f a n n o a l o r o r i s c h i o e r i m a n g o n o res p o n s a b i l i v e r s o C N G p e r il s a l d o t o t a l e ai s e n s i d e l l e present! condizioni d'asta. 9. Se un a c q u i r e n t e n o n e f f e t t u a un p a g a m e n t o q u a n d o d o v u t o C N G si r i s e r v a il d i r i t t o di r e v e n d e r e il ο i lotti e l ' o f f e r e n t e s ' i m p e g n a a f a r f r o n t e al c o s t o r a g i o n e v o l e di d e t t a v e n d i t a ed a c o r r i s p o n d e r e l ' e v e n t u a l e d i f f e r e n z a tra il p r e z z o di r i v e n d i t a e il p r e c e d e n t e p r e z z o di a g g i u d i c a z i o n e . C N G si r i s e r v a i n o l t r e tutti i d i r i t t i c h e gli spett a n o ai s e n s i del C o d i c e C o m m e r c i a l e U n i f o r m a t o d e l l a P e n n s y l v a n i a , i n c l u s o il d i r i t t o di c o m p e n s a r e u n a somma d o v u t a da un a c q u i r e n t e c o n f u t u r i c o n f e r i m e n t i 0 acq u i s t i 0 d e n a r o ο m e r c i in p o s s e s s o del C N G . 10. Le i m p o s t e s u l l e v e n d i t e , le s p e s e p o s t a l i , i c o s t i di amministrazione e l'assicurazione sono a carico dell'acq u i r e n t e e s o n o a g g i u n t e c o m e a p p r o p r i a t o a t u t t e le fatt u r e . L e s p e s e p o s t a l i , i c o s t i di a m m i n i s t r a z i o n e e l ' a s s i c u r a z i o n e p e r l o t t i di libri s o n o f a t t u r a t i s e p a r a t a m e n t e dai lotti di m o n e t e . Nel c a s o di u n ' i m p o s t a ο t a s s a d o v u t a e n o n c o r r i s p o s t a d a l l ' a c q u i r e n t e , a n c h e se n o n f a t t u r a ta da C N G , l ' a c q u i r e n t e si i m p e g n a a c o r r i s p o n d e r l a su richiesta u n i t a m e n t e agli eventuali interessi ο pénalité che possano derivare. E ' r e s p o n s a b i l i t à d e l l ' a c q u i r e n t e r i s p e t t a r e le n o r m e d o g a n a l i 0 a l t r i r e g o l a m e n t i v i g e n t i all'estero. 11. I p r e z z i r e a l i z z a t i s o n o p u b b l i c a t i d o p i l ' a s t a e s o n o c o m u n i c a t i per p o s t a c o n il s u c c e s s i v o c a t a l o g o C N G . 12. G l i a c q u i r e n t i a c c e t t a n o di r i n u n c i a r e a r i v e n d i c a z i o n i p e r il r i m b o r s o d i d a n n i i n d i r e t t i 0 di r i s a r c i m e n t i e s e m p l a r i s o r t e in r e l a z i o n e al 1 ' as ta. L ' u n i c a ri p a r a z i o n e a l l a q u a l e un p a r t e c i p a n t e a l l ' a s t a ha d i r i t t o a f r o n t e di u n a r i v e n d i c a z i o n e ο c o n t r o v e r s i a in r e l a z i o n e a l l ' a s t a s a r à il r i m b o r s o , s e n z a i n t e r e s s e , di t u t t o 0 p a r t e del p r e z z o di a c q u i s t o d a e s s o v e r s a t o . 13. T u t t i i d i r i t t i g a r a n t i t i da C N G ο c o m u n q u e a d i s p o s i z i o n e d e g l i o f f e r e n j j - e d e g l i a c q u i r e n t i in b a s e a q u e s t e c o n d i z i o n i d ' a s t a ‫ ׳‬o d i v e r s a m e n t e s o n o p e r s o n a l i e non possono essere concessi 0 trasferiti a terzi, persone fisiche 0 g i u r i d i c h Î ^ sia in b a s e a l e g g i c h e in a l t r o m o d o . N e s s u n t e r z o p u ö c o n t a r e su b e n e f i c i ο d i r i t t i c o n f e r i t i d a l l e p r e s e n t i c o n d i z i o n i d ' a s t a . G l i o f f e r e n t i c h e f u n g o n o da agenti sono tenuti a i n f o r m a r e per iscritto CNG prima d e l l ' a s t a ; in c a s o c o n t r a r i o i d i r i t t i s o n o limitati a l l ' a g e n t e e n o n s o n o t r a n s f e r i b i l i al r a p p r e s e n t a t o n o n a n n u n c i a to. 14. Q u a l s i a s i c o n t r o v e r s i a in r e l a z i o n e a q u e s t ' a s t a s a r à regolata dalle leggi della P e n n s y l v a n i a e sarà giudicata u n i c a m e n t e d a l l a C o u n t y C o u r t of C o m m o n P l e a s di L a n c a s t e r ο dalla C o r t e D i s t r e t t u a l e s t a t u n i t e n s e del 7

N O T I C E OF E X H I B I T I O N C O I N S M A Y B E V I E W E D AT OUR L A N C A S T E R O F F I C E S BY A P P O I N T M E N T ( E x c e p t for the d a t e s l i s t e d b e l o w ) From

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Grading Conditions English




Proof Mint State Uncirculated Extremely Fine ("EF") Very Fine (‫״‬VF‫)״‬ Fine Good Fair

Polierte Platte Stempelglanz

Flan Bruni F. D. C.

Fond ο Specchio Fior Di Conio

Vorzüglich Sehr Schön Schön Sehr Gut Erhalten

Superbe Très Beau Beau Très Bien Conservé

Splendido Bellissimo Molto BelJo Bello

Common Abbreviations AV EL AR JE Gm Pl. Pg· Cf. C/m.

Gold Electrum Silver Bronze Gram Plate Page Confer (compare) Countermark

Before Christ Before the C o m m o n Era Anno Domini Anno Hegirae C o m m o n Era Sylloge Nnmmorum Grsecorum British M u s e u m Catalogue Roman Imperial Coinage Mintmark


See Bibliography At End Of Catalogue For A Complete List Of Reference Abbreviations

N O T I C E TO ALL S U C C E S S F U L BIDDERS: We use soft, these flips

PVC (Polyvinyl for long-term

chloride), flips to ship auction lots in. We do not storage as PVC does damage coins over prolonged


recommend exposure.

Order of Sale Greek Coinage (Lots 1-897) Judaean & Related Coinage Featuring The George Prager Collection (Lots 898-995) Roman Provincial Coinage (Lots 996-1225) Roman Republican (Lots 1226-1348) Roman Imperatorial (Lots 1349-1395) Roman Imperial (Lots 1396-2021) Dark Ages (Lots 2022-2035) Byzantine (Lots 2036-2153) World Coinage Including Islamic (Lots 2154-2531) British Coinage (Lots 2532-2659) Miscellaneous (Lots 2660-2719) Antiquities (Lots 2720-2803) Large Lots (Lots 2804-2934)

Numismatic Literature Featuring The Joseph A. Byers Estate Library on Papal Numismatics (Lots 3001-3463)


Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. GREEK COINAGE

7. Turiaso. Circa 120-20 BC. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). Male head; Iberian "Ca S Du" / Horseman with couched lance. Villaronga pg.266, 33; Burgos 1911. Toned, good VF. ($200)

Rare Obol From Massalia

1. SPAIN, Arecoratas. Circa 120-20 BC. AR Denarius (3.77 gm). Male head; Θ / Horseman with couched lance. Villaronga pg.274,26; Burgos 79. Good VF. ($200)

2. Arsaos. Circa 120-20 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Male head; plow and dolphin / Horseman with ax. Villaronga pg.254,14; Burgos 100. Toned VF. ($200)

3. Carthago Nova. Under the Carthaginians. Circa 220-215 BC. JE 14mm (1.53 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Helmet. Villaronga pg.69, 42; Burgos 403. Good VF, some flan roughness. ($100)

8. GAUL, Massalia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.53 gm). Helmeted head right; wheel on helmet / Wheel of four spokes. De la Tour 520. Toned, choice EF. Rare variety. (S750)

9. Massalia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.60 gm). Youthful head of Apollo left / Wheel of four spokes with M A. De la Tour 580. Near EF. ($150)

10. CELTIC, Betarra. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 25mm (10.84 gm). Male bust right with upraised hand, club behind / BHTAPPAT, lion right; Κ above. De la Tour 2432; Hill, N N M 44, pl.IV, 8. VF for type, brown and green patina. Rare. ' ($100)

4. Emporiton (Unticescen). Circa 130-90 BC. JE 26mm (10.04 gm). Helmeted head of Athena; EI / Pegasos right; wreath above. Villaronga pg.150,68; Burgos 930. VF, black patina. ($100)

11. Hungarian Plains. Circa 2nd Century BC. Billon Tetradrachm (9.71 gm). Tolna or Kapostal type. Stylized head of Zeus / Horseman left; °° below. CCCBM185. Near EF for type, dark green patina. ($200)

5. Obulco. Circa 120-100 BC. JΕ 29mm (17.40 gm). OBVLCO, head right; Iberian "Ta" behind / L. AIMIL M.IVNI AID, grain ear above, plow below; Iberian "Ta". Villaronga pg.348,48; Burgos 1420. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) 12. Transylvanian Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Drachm (3.69 gm). Imitating Philip HI of Macedon. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus left; monogram left, horseleg below. CCCBM-; d e la Tour-. Toned VF. The Jay Dawley Collection ($100)

AID= Aediles, the Roman civic magistrates in provincial towns.

13. Poitou Region. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Drachm (3.34 gm). Head right / Warrior on horseback; hand below. CCCBM Π 149; de la Tour 4439. Toned VF, die break across face. ($350)

6. Tarraco (Cese). Circa 150-100 BC. JE 25mm (9.05 gm). Male head; Iberian "Cu" / Horseman with palm. Villaronga pg.169, 85; Burgos 1802. Good VF, sUght porosity. ($100) 1 1

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

14. The Insubres. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Drachm (3.15 gm). Imitation of Massalia. Female head / Lion with "scorpion" head. CCCBM Π 7-9. Good VF. ($150)

20. CAMPANIA, Hyria. Circa 405-4TO BC. AR Nomos (7.23 gm). Head of Athena, wearing laureate Attic helmet with owl / Man-headed bull. Rutter4ff(dies 03/R-). Toned VF, flan flaws. Rare. ($200)

21. Neapolis. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Obol (0.63 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Forepart of bull right, head facing. Rutter 145; SNG ANS 309. Near EF, spot of horn silver. Fine style and rare. ($100) 15. The Lemovices. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Quinarius (2.14 gm). Head right / Horse right, "severed head" above, pellet in annulet below. CCCBM Π 507; de la Tour 4561. Good VF. Rare. ($6M)

Exceptional Billon Stater Of The Redones 22. Neapolis. Circa 325-241 BC. AR Nomos (6.92 gm). Head of nymph; amphora behind/ Man-headed bull with Nike flying above. SNG ANS 360. Toned Fine. ($100) The Jay Oawley Collection

16. The Redones. Circa 1st Century BC. Billon Stater (6.71 gm). Celticized head right / Charioteer right, the horse's head bearing a remarkable resemblance to Bill Clinton, whip ends in box; wheel below. Scheers, S-M 503; de la Tour 6783. Good VF, strong strike on a full flan, many details visible that are usually not present. ($1750) 23. Neapolis. Circa 325-241 BC. AR Nomos (7.19 gm). Head of nymph left; kantharos behind / Man-headed bull with Nike flying above; A between legs. SNG Copenhagen 447. Fine. ($150)

17. CELTIC. Lot of four AR and JE. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Drachms. Imitation of Massalia. Female head / Lion. CCCBM Π 2. / / Another, with a more degenerate lion. CCCBM Π lOff. / / Sequani. JE 18mm. Head left / Bull. CCCBM ΙΠ 305ff. / / Senones. Potin 20mm. Head right / Horse. CCCBM m 389ff. Average VF. 4 coins. ($150)




24. Nuceria Alfatema. Circa 260-210 BC. JE 16mm (3.13 gm). Wreathed male head left / "Nuvkrinum Alafaternum" in Oscan, hound on the scent. SNG Copenhagen 571. Near VF, brown patina, punch mark on cheek. Rare. ($100)

25. Phistelia. Circa 380-350 BC. AR Obol (0.46 gm). Facing male head / Dolphin, barley grain and mussel shell. SNG Copenhagen 576. Good VF. ‫״‬ ($150)

18. UMBRIA, Ariminum. Circa 265 BC. JE Aes Grave Uncia (33.32 gm). Head of Gaul right / Rostrum (ship's ram); pellet. Lindgren ΠΙ A8b ($100) (this coin); Thurlow-Vecchi 142. Fine, crusty green patina. The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection; Ex CNG XXIV, lot 83 (Thurlow collection).

26. APULIA, Arpi. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Obol (0.54 gm). Horse prancing right / Fishhook. SNG ANS 633. Good VF, scarce. ($300)

19. SAMNIUM, Larinum. After 268 BC. JE Qunicunx (10.24 gm). Helmeted head (Ares?) / Horseman with spear and shield left; · · · · · below. SNG Copenhagen 269. Fine, brown patina. ($150)

27. Arpi. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 23mm (8.63 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left; ΔΑ‫״‬ΟΥ / ΑΡΠΑΝΩΝ, boar right; spearhead above. SNG Copenhagen 603. VF, dark green patina. ($150) 1 2

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬, Inc.

28. Arpi. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 20mm (7.57 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left; thunderbolt / ΑΡΠΑ, boar right, spear above. SNG Copenhagen 605. Good VF, green patina. ($100)

35. Tarentum. Circa 334-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.33 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΣΑ below / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; ΩΣ, and dolphin in fields. Vlasto 614; Brunetti 10 (320 BC). / / (6.49 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΕΥ ΣΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding Nike and cornucopiae; ΠΟΛΥ, and thunderbolt in fields. Vlasto 713; Brunetti 8 (278 BC). Both toned VF, the first with corrosion. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

29. Arpi. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 17mm (3.32 gm). Bull right; ΠΟΥΛΛ /ΑΡΠΑ ΝΟΥ, horse prancing right. SNG ANS 640ff. VF, brown patina.


36. Taren tum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Nomos (5.88 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΕΥ ΣΟΣΤΡΑΤΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding Nike and cornucopiae; ΠΟΛΥ, and thunderbolt in fields. Vlasto 713; Brunetti 8 (278 BC). Good VF, light porosity. ($200)

30. Luceria. Circa 220 BC. JE Aes Grave Teruncius (24.52 gm). Eightpointed star / Dolphin right; four pellets and L. T/V 283; Haeberlin pl.71,2223. VF for type, green patina. ($400)

37. Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Nomos (6.33 gm). Helmeted warrior on horseback left, with spears and shield; ΖΩ ΑΠΟΛΛΩ / Taras on dolphin, holding grapes and distaff; ΑΝΘ. Vlasto 792. VF, light graffiti. ($200) 31. Rubi. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 16mm (3.17 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Tyche holding patera and cornucopiae. SNG ANS 728. Fine, green patina. Scarce. ($75) 38. Tarentum. Circa 281-272 BC. AR Drachm (3.27 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Owl on thunderbolt; ΣΩ, ΔΙ. Vlasto 1068. Toned VF, obverse off-center. ($100)

32. Teate. Circa 250-217. JE Quincunx (11.01 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / TLATI, owl perched on Ionic column; crescent above. SNG ANS 746; SNG Copenhagen 693. VF, brown and tan patina. ($100) 39. Tarentum. Circa 281-228 BC. AR Nomos (7.29 gm). CampanoTarentine series. Diademed head of Satyra left / Youth on horseback; dolphin left, lion and TA below. Vlasto 1020. Toned VF. ($250) 33. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 388-344 BC. AR Diobol (1.05 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing helmet decorated with hippocamp / Herakles strangling Nemean lion; H above. Vlasto 1301 ff. Good VF, porosity. ($100) The Iay Dawley Collection 40. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.50 gm). Youth on horseback left; ΣΥ ΛΥΚΙΝΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding trident; owl. Vlasto 834; Brunetti 12 (265 BC). Good VF. ($200)

34. Tarentum. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.35 gm). Cockle shell / Leaping dolphin. Vlasto 1549. Toned, good VF. ($150) 1 3

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

41. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.51 gm). Youth on horseback left; I Y ΛΥΚΙΝΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding trident; owl. Vlasto 834; Brunetti 12 (265 BC). VF, die break by head of Taras. ($200)

48. Taren tum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.30 gm). Youth on horseback; ΕΥ ΖΕΝΕΑΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding rhyton and trident; grain ear. Vlasto 866 variety; Brunetti 27 (251 BC). Good VF. ($200)

42. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.45 gm). Youth on horseback left; ΑΡ1ΣΤ1Σ, anchor / Taras on dolphin, holding Nike and distaff. Vlasto 819; Brunetti 16 (262 BC). Good VF. ($300)

49. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.34 gm). Youth on horseback; ΦΙΛΙΣΚΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; tripod. Vlasto 888; Brunetti 29 (249 BC). Good VF. ($300)

43. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.48 gm). Youth on horseback left; ΦΙΛΩΤΑΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and distaff; cock. Vlasto 846; Brunetti 17 (261 BC). Good VF. ($300)

50. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.36 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΦΙ Ι-ΗΡΑΚΛΗΤΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding thymiaterion and cornucopiae; Ε and rose. Vlasto 893; Brunetti 30 (248 BC). VF. ($200)

44. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.40 gm). Youth on horseback; ΦΙ ΖΟΠΥΡΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding cornucopiae and trident; bee. Vlasto 855; Brunetti 21 (257 BC). VF. ($2‫)ש‬

51. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.43 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΦΙ Ι-ΗΡΑΚΛΗΤΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding flower and cornucopiae; monogram and thymiaterion. Vlasto 890; Brunetti 31 (247 BC). Good VF. _ ($300)

45. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.48 gm). Youth on horseback; AP ΚΥΝΩΝ, mask / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos. Vlasto 859; Brunetti 22 (256 BC). VF. ($200)

46. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.50 gm). Youth on horseback; ΛΕΩΝ / Taras on dolphin, holding grapes and trident; monogram and lion. Vlasto 857; Brunetti 23 (255 BC). Good VF. ($200)

47. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.42 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΔΙ Α ΡΙΣΤΟΚΛΗΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; head of nymph. Vlasto 877; Brunetti 26 (252 BC). VF. ($200)

52. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.51 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΔΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΟΝΙΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding trident; Nike above. Vlasto 894; Brunetti 32 (246 BC). Good VF. ($300)

53. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.43 gm). Nude warrior on horseback; ΑΠΟΛΛΟΝΙΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding trident; Nike above. Vlasto 894 variety; Brunetti 32 (246 BC). Good VF. ($300)

54. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.50 gm). Youth on horseback; I-1ΠΠΟΔΑ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and distaff; Δ I, amphora. Vlasto 904; Brunetti 35 (243 BC). Good VF. ($300)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

55. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.42 gm). Youth on horseback; Nike ΦΙ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΚΡΑΤΉΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; Π I, herm. Vlasto 908; Brunetti 36 (242 BC). VF. ($200)

56. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.26 gm). Dioskouroi on horseback; ΝΙΚΥΛΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; monogram. Vlasto 935; Brunetti 44 (236 BC). Good VF. ($300)

57. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.38 gm). Dioskouroi on horseback; ΝΙΚΥΛΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; monogram. Vlasto 935; Brunetti 44 (236 BC). Good VF. ($3TO)

61. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 550-510 BC. AR Nomos (8.01 gm). META, ear of barley / Incuse ear of barley. Noe 184. Toned, good VF, flan flaw. ($600)

62. Metapontion. Circa 500-465 BC. AR Nomos (7.89 gm). MET, ear of barley; lizard left / Incuse ear of barley. Noe 215 (same dies). Toned VF, flan flaw on edge. ($300)

Metapontion. Circa 360-340 BC. AR N o m o s (7.33 gm). Head of 63. nymph left; monogram / Ear of barley; aryballos hanging from left leaf. Noe 426 (same dies). Fine, scarce type. ($150)

64. Metapontion. Circa 360-340 BC. AR N o m o s (7.77 gm). Head of nymph left / Ear of barley; shell to left. Noe 437 (same dies). Near VF, spot of corrosion under chin. ($150)

58. Tarentum. Circa 235-228 BC. AR Nomos (6.53 gm). Youth on horseback, holds torch; monogram, ΔΑΙΜΑΞΟΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and trident; monogram. Vlasto 938; Brunetti 45 (235 BC). Near EF. ($4TO) 65. Metapontion. Circa 360-340 BC. AR N o m o s (7.72 gm). Head of nymph; ΠΟΛΥ on truncation / Ear of barley; owl in flight to left. Noe 464 (same dies). Fine, scarce signed die. ($150)

59. Tarentum. Circa 235-228 BC. AR Nomos (6.60 gm). Youth on horseback, rearing back; ΣΩΠΥΡΙΩΝ, ΣΩ bucranium / Taras on dolphin, holding hippocamp and trident; monogram and satyr's mask. Vlasto 940; Brunetti 46 (234 BC). Near EF. ($4‫)ש‬

66. Metapontion. Circa 340-325 BC. AR N o m o s (7.73 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Barley ear; squatting Silenos on leaf, Δ below. Johnston A2.2 (same dies). VF, small flan. Scarcer type. ($150)

67. Metapontion. Circa 340-300 BC. JE 16mm (4.71 gm). Helmeted head of Leukippos left / Persephone holding long torch; grain ear. Lindgren Π 276. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($125)

60. Tarentum. Circa 235-228 BC. AR Nomos (654 gm). Warrior on horseback; wreath, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΣ / Taras on dolphin, holding kantharos and cornucopiae; tripod. Vlasto 942; Brunetti 47 (233 BC). Good VF. ($300) 1 5

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. A Rare Nomos Of Poseidonia In Lucania

74. Velia. Circa 350-310 BC. AR Nomos (7.48 gm). From the workshop of Kleudoros. Head of Athena left, wearing Phrygian helmet with female centaur; monogram behind / Lion tearing at prey; A below. Williams 359 (0184/R256). Toned VF. ($300) 68. Poseidonia. Circa 530-510 BC. AR Nomos (6.36 gm). ΠΟΜ, Poseidon advancing right, brandishing trident and holding necklace / Π0Μ, same type, incuse except for trident. BMC Italy pg.266,11. Fine/VF, crystallized metal.Ararevarietyofa rare coinage. ($5000)

69. Poseidonia. Circa 480-400 BC. AR Nomos (7.17 gm). ΠΟΣΕΙΔΑΝ, Poseidon advancing right, brandishing trident; dolphin downward to right / ΠΟΣΕΙΔΑΝ, bull left; octopus below. SNG ANS 668 (same dies). Toned Fine. Rare. ($200)

70. Thourioi. Circa 3 ‫ ש‬BC. AR Nomos (6.29 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet with hippocamp / ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ, bull butting right; ΦΑ in exergue. SNG ANS 1101 (obverse die)/1100 (reverse die). VF. ($200)

Kleudoros signed a number ofcoins of Velia, äther with hisfull name or his monogram. He probably was the master of a workshop, signing each die, with his apprentices adding their initials by the lion.

75. Velia. Circa 350-310 BC. AR Nomos (7.46 gm). From the workshop of Kleudoros. Head of Athena left, wearing laureate Attic helmet; monogram behind / Lion with ram's head; monogram below. Williams 377 (0190/R265). VF. ($300)

76. Velia. Circa 305-290 BC. AR N o m o s (7.48 gm). Workshop of Philistion. Head of Athena right, wearing laureate and winged Attic helmet with Pegasos; Φ before, monogram behind / Lion right; Φ grain ear I, Π below. Williams 477 (0238/R332). Toned VF. ($250)

71. Thourioi. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Triobol (1.21 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing laureate Attic helmet ; Γ in front / Bull butting right; fish in exergue. Cf. SNG ANS 1103. Toned, near VF, scarce fractional denomination. ($100)

77. Velia. Circa 290-275 BC. AR Nomos (6.06 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing laureate Attic helmet with Pegasos; A above, monogram behind / Lion bringing down stag. Williams 553 (0278/R388). Toned VF. ($250)

78. BRUTTIUM, The Bretti. Circa 282-203 BC. JE Onkia (1.21 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Owl. SNG Copenhagen 1695. Near EF, wonderful emerald green patina. ($200)

72. Thourioi. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Diobol (1.10 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla; Τ on flap / Bull butting right; ΕΥΦΑ above, fish in exergue. SNG Copenhagen 1486. VF. ($100)

79. Kroton. Circa 530-500 BC. AR Nomos (7.60 gm). QPO, tripod; heron to right / Incuse tripod. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 1762 (heron to left). Toned Fine, slight pitting. ($100)

73. Thourioi. Circa 281-268 BC. AR Nomos (6.44 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Bull butting right; ΑΛ above, ΘΥ tripod ΡΙΩΝ in exergue. Weber 901. VF. ($200)

The Jay Dawley Collection 1 6

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

80. Kroton. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Triobol (1.18 gm). QPO, tripod / Octopus. SNG ANS 330. VF. ($300)

87. Agyrion. Circa 344-336 BC. JE 18mm (3.93 gm). Young head of Herakles / Forepart of man-headed bull. Calciati III pg.123,7. VF, dark brown patina, surfaces smoothed. ($100)

Akragas. Circa 450 BC. JE Onkia (4.43 gm). Head of eagle left / Crab 88. claw. Calciati I pg.147,8. VF, dark green patina. ($150)

81. Kroton. Circa 360-340 BC. AR Nomos (7.52 gm). Eagle with branch / Tripod; Δ to right. SNG ANS 365. VF. $2‫)ש‬

89. Akragas. Circa 425406 BC. JE Hemilitron (14.68 gm). Eagle grasping hare / Crab, crayfish below. Calciati I pg.167,15. Near VF, dark green patina. -SSrv _ ($100) 82. Lokroi Epizephryioi. Circa 325-317 BC. JE 25mm (12.66 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Pegasos flying left; thunderbolt. SNG ANS 575. Fine, brown and tan patina. ($60) 90. Akragas. Circa 425-406 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.99 gm). Flying eagle tearing at hare / Crab; fish below. SNG ANS 1009 (same dies). Good VF, old toning. Rare. ($300)

83. Petelia. Circa 216-89 BC. JE Onkia (4.10 gm). Helmeted head of Ares / Nike standing left. SNG Copenhagen 1921. Good VF, green paiina. ($75)

91. Akragas. Circa 425406 BC. JE Onkia (1.71 gm). Eagle's head / Crab. Calciati I pg.192,87. VF, dark green patina. ($100)

84. Rhegion. Circa 203-89 BC. JE Tétras (5.68 gm). Laureate head of Apollo; palm / H o u n d right. SNG ANS 793. VF, dark brown patina. Overstruck on a coin of the Bretti, cf. SNG ANS 44ff. ($75) 92. Akragas. Circa 406 BC. JE Hemilitron (21.15 gm). Early eagle and crab type countermarked with head of youthful Herakles. Calciati I pg.197, ' ($100) 92. Fine, brown patina.

Terina. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Diobol (0.80 gm). Head of n y m p h 85. right; Π behind / Nike flying left, holding branch. Holloway-Jenkins 79. VF, scattered porosity. There is another object behind the head of the nymph - perhaps the small bird seen on other coins of Terina? ($200)

86. SICILY, Abakainon. Circa 420400 BC. AR Litra (0.62 gm). ABAK, laureate male head right / AINI, boar standing right. Cf. SNG ANS 895. Good VF, some horn silver. Rare. ($100)

93. Akragas. Before 338 BC. JE Hemilitron (18.05 gm). Countermark: head of Herakles in 15mm circle on a hemilitron of the type - eagle with hare right / Crab with crayfish and scallop shell below. Calciati I pg.197,92. Coin Fine, c / m VF, dark brown patina. The undertype, with symbols crayfish and scallop shell, does not appear in Calciati's corpus. Rare. ($100)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

99. Eryx. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. JE Onkia (2.24 gm). Head of bearded man / Crab. Calciati I pg.288,27. Similar, if not identical types are attributed to Motya; see Calciati I pg.278,10 and Jenkins, SNR 50 pl.23,14. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. ($100) 94. Akragas. Before 338 BC. JE Hemilitron (19.01 gm). Countermark: head of Herakles in 15mm circle on uncertain hemilitron. Calciati I pg.197,92. Coin smooth, c / m VF, green patina. ($100) 100. Gela. Circa 480-470 BC. AR Litra (0.59 gm). G ΕΛΑ, forepart of manheaded bull / Four-spoked wheel. Jenkins 189. VF, slight edge chip. ($150)

95. Akragas. Phintias, Tyrant. 287-279 BC. JE 20mm (7.00 gm). Head of Artemis left / Wild boar charging left. Calciati I pg.208,118. VF, dark green patina. ($200)

101. Gela. Circa 420405 BC. JE Tétras (3.58 gm). Bull right, head facing; olive leaf above / Head of river god; barley grain left. Calciati ΙΠ pg.14,19. Good VF, green patina. ($150)

102. Gela. Circa 339-310 BC. AR Litra (0.64 gm). Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin; astragalos behind / ΤΕΛΩΝΩΝ, head of bearded river god left. Jenkins 543. VF, porosity. Rare. ($150)

96. Akragas. Circa 213-210 BC. AR Drachm (3.24 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle right; E. Burnett, Enna Hoard 10-14. Toned, choice EF. ($500)

97. Atl. Circa 357-336 BC. JE 14mm (3.03 gm). Crude helmeted head of Athena / Female enthroned right. Calciati ΙΠ pg.289,3. Fine, rough brown patina. Rare. ($50)

103. Gela. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 26mm (11.07 gm). Warrior right, preparing to sacrifice a ram / Prancing horse; star above. Calciati ΙΠ pg.30,61. ($100) Near VF, brown patina, striking crack. Rare.

T h e Revolt Of E u n u s

104. Himera. Circa 530-515 BC. AR Litra (0.87 gm). Rooster to right / Incuse square with wind-mill sail pattern. Kraay 278 (DF5/RF4). Toned VF, rough surfaces. Rare. ($200) 98. Enna. Revolt of Eunus. 135-132 BC. JE 18mm (10.TO gm). Diademed and bearded head right / B A C L ^ C ANTIOXOY, torch on altar (or quiver?). Calciati ΠΙ pg.237,10. VF, undeaned, with original heavy earthen patina. A great historical rarity. ($2500) The slave revolt lead by Eunus and Kleon was sparked by the brutal mistreatment of Syrian and Cilician captives by landowners at Enna. What the Romans expected to be a short and disorganized riot quickly spread throughout the heartland of the valuable province of Sicily, the major cities of Agrigentum, Catania and Morgantina falling to the rebels. Eunus was the focal point of the rebellion, taking the name of "King" Antiochos. There is debate to whether he was truly a scion of the Syrian royal house, a canny propagandist, or merely a deluded megalomaniac. Eunus/Antiochos died an ignominious death in a Roman prison after the revolt was crushed in 132 BC, with the typical massacre of all the captured slaves. Calciati lists only three spedmens of the bronzes, one of each of the known types. In addition, there are two gold staters attributed to the revolt. See H.J. Berkand S. Bendall, "Slave Revolt in Sicily", The Celator, February 1994. 1 8

105. Himera. Circa 472413 BC. AR Litra (0.84 gm). Forepart of winged man-headed creature left / Youth riding goat. SNG Copenhagen 309. Nice VF. ($350)

106. Himera. Circa 430420 BC. JE Onkia (2.93 gm). Gorgoneion / Pellet in incuse circle. Calciati I-, but cf. pg.29,13 for hemilitron of similar type. Good VF, brown patina. ($150)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

107. Himera. Before 407 BC. JE Hemilitron (3.78 gm). Head of nymph left / Six pellets around star, all in wreath. Caldati ΙΠ pg.412,35A; Gabrid ρ1.Π, 13.NearVF,darkgreenpatina.Rare. ($75) 113. Messana. Circa 470466 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.31 gm). Charioteer driving mule team; olive leaf below / Bounding hare. Caltabiano 169 (D96/R98). Toned, good VF. ($1250)

108. Himera. After 407 BC. JE Hemilitron? (3.20 gm). Man-headed bull left / Boar left. Caldati I pg.46,45; Gabrici pl.X, 45 (uncertain mint). Fine, brown patina. As nice as the specimens illustrated in Caldati and Gabrici. Rare. ($150)

114. Messana. Circa 445439 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.53 gm). Charioteer driving mule team; Nike above / Bounding hare; olive twig below. Caltabiano 363 (D163/R152-this coin). Near VF, flan flaws, obverse die almost obliterated due to overuse. ($400) 109. "Kainon‫״‬. Circa 365-360 BC. JE 23mm (11.05 gm). Griffin bounding left; grasshopper below / KAINON, bridled horse left; star. Caldati I pg.252,10. Fine, dark green patina. ($1‫)ש‬

The Jay Oawley Collection; Ex Stack's, September 1974, lot 760.

Not identifiable with a known city in Sicily, the Kainon issues have traditionally been attributed to Alaisa. They may also have been struck by mercenaries in the employ of Dione ofLeontini. 115. Messana. Circa 420-413 BC. AR Litra (0.54 gm). ΜΕΣ; bounding hare / Leaping dolphin in wreath. Caltabiano 501 ( D l / R l ) . VF. Rare. ($200)

110. Kampanoi. Circa 357-336 BC. JE 19mm (6.13 gm). ΚΑΜΠΑΝ ΩΝ, Laureate helmeted head of Ares left / Horse galloping right; helmet below. Caldati-; cf.Virzi colledion (Bank Leu Auktion 6), lot 127. Near VF, good green patina. Very rare. ($200)

116. Messana. Circa 420-413 BC. AR Litra (0.70 gm). Bounding hare; scallop shell / ΜΕΣ in wreath. Caltabiano 591 (D16/R18); SNG ANS 348. Toned, good VF, light porosity. ($150)

Comparable to the Virzi specimen, which sold in 1973for Sf. 1000.

111. Leontini. Circa 485-466 BC. AR Litra (0.64 gm). Lion scalp / ΛΕΟΝ, barley grain. SNG ANS 215. Toned VF. ($150) 117. Messana. Circa 310-288 BC. JE Litra (7.33 gm). Wreathed head of the nymph Pelorias; two dolphins / N u d e warrior (Pheraimon?) left. Caltabiano 829/830 (D14/R19). VF, brown patina. ($100)

112. Messana. Circa 478476 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.27 gm). Charioteer driving mule team; olive leaf below / Bounding hare; pellet below. Obverse die of Caltabiano 53, which is not her D28 / Reverse die R22, as Caltabiano 52. Good VF. ($1250)





118. Panormos. After 241 BC. JE 30mm (15.10 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena / Wreathed head of Persephone left. Caldati I pg.331,12. Fine, brown and green patina. Rare. ($100)


1 9

Classical Numismatic

119. Panormos. After 241 BC. JE 21mm (5.01 gm). Janiform head / NA SO in wreath. Calciati I pg.343,78. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)

120. Segesta. Circa 4 8 0 4 ‫ ש‬BC. AR Didrachm (8.17 gm). Hound standing left / ΣΕΓΕΣΤΑΞΙΒ, head of Segesta right, in linear border. SNG ANS 625 (same dies). VF, dark old collection toning. Rare. ($400)

121. Segesta. Circa 4804TO BC. AR Didrachm (8.31 gm). ΕΓΕΣΤΑΙΟΝ, hound on the scent, barley plant behind / Head of Segesta right. SNG ANS 645; Dewing 673. Near VF. Rare. ($300)

122. Selinos. Circa 530-500 BC. AR Didrachm (9.00 gm). Selinon leaf with two pellets / Divided incuse square. Arnold-Biucchi et al, "A Greek Archaic Silver Hoard from Selinus", ANSMN 33,36 (this coin). Near EF. ($500)

Group‫׳‬, Inc.

125. The Sileraioi. Circa 357-336 BC. JE 19mm (5.20 gm). ΣΙΛΕΡΑΙΩΝ retrograde, forepart of man-headed bull / ΣΙΛ, warrior right with spear and shield. Calciati IÏÏ pg.301,2. Fine, rough green patina. Rare. ($100)

126. Syracuse. Circa 480470 BC. AR Obol (0.63 gm). Head of ArtemisArethusa right / Four-spoked wheel. SNG ANS 116. Toned VF. ($100)

127. Syracuse. Circa 460440 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Slow quadriga, Nike flying above; ketos (sea monster) in exergue / H e a d of Artemis-Arethusa right, s u r r o u n d e d by dolphins. Boehringer 520 (V271/R370); SNG ANS 168. Good VF, attractive old cabinet toning. ($1000)

128. Syracuse. Circa 430-420 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.33 gm). Slow quadriga right / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, surrounded by dolphins. Boehringer 675 (V338/R462). VF, surfaces scraped. ($250) The Jay Daivley Collection

123. Selinos. Circa 460-409 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.11 gm). Artemis driving quadriga right, Apollo beside her drawing bow; barley grain in exergue / N u d e figure of river-god Selinos standing left, holding phiale over altar and branch; rooster on altar, bull on basis and selinon leaf to right. SNG ANS 698. Near VF. ($600)

129. Syracuse. Circa 415405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Charioteer driving quadriga left, Nike flying above, holding fillet; crane below horses, dolphin chasing fish in exergue / Head of Artemis-Arethusa left, surrounded by four dolphins. Tudeer 16 (dies 7/10);SNG ANS 255.Toned VF. ($1250)

Our'HpçtSak, OHQ Auction 38, WitfUeJieidln Conjunction 'With. The Spring 9{ew for/^Internationa[Numismatic Convention on June 6-7,1996.

124. Selinos. Circa 435-415 BC. JE Tétras (15.27 gm). Gorgoneion / Gorgoneion. Calciati I pg.233,2. Fine, dark green patina. ($100) 1 0

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. T w o Rare S y r a c u s a n B r o n z e s S i g n e d B y E u a i n e t o s

130. Syracuse. Circa 415-405 BC. JE Hemilitron (4.85 gm). Signed by Euainetos. Head of nymph left, with hair in sphendone decorated with star; EY behind / Eight point star in quadripartite incuse square. Calciati Π pg.40, 16 Ds96; Favorito 74d. Good VF, dark green patina. An attempt was made to remove the signature from the die, but it is still visible, and as such is a rare example of a signed Syracusan bronze. ($500)

135. Syracuse. Lot of four JE. Dion. 357-354 BC. Zeus / Thunderbolt. Calciati 70. / / Agathokles. 317-289 BC. Artemis Soteira / Winged thunderbolt. Calciati 142 (2 coins). / / Hieron Π. 274-216 BC. Diademed head / Horseman; monogram. Calciati 195 R113. Average VF to good VF. 4 coins. ($300)

Scarce Syracusan Hemidrachm

\ ‫י‬

131. Syracuse. Circa 415-405 BC. JE Hemilitron (3.85 gm). Signed by Euainetos. Head of Artemis-Arethusa left; EY on ampyx / Four-spoked wheel with dolphins. Calciati Π pg.45,19fr2. Good VF, dark brown patina. A rare bronze signed by one of the Syracusan masters. ($750)

136. Syracuse. Time of Timoleon. Circa 344-317 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.96 gm). Facing helmeted head of Athena, three dolphins around / Horseman right. SNG ANS 519. Toned VF. ($600)

137. Syracuse. Time of Timoleon. 344-336 BC. JE Dilitron (20.80 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios left / Galloping horse left. Calciati Π pg.185, 80; Favorito 17. Fine, dark brown patina. Rare. ($200) 132. Syracuse. Circa 395 BC. JE Drachm (36.32 gm). Head of Athena, wearing laureate Corinthian helmet / Two dolphins with octopus. Calciati Π pg.lll, 62; Favorito 14. Near VF, dark green patina. ($150)

133. Syracuse. Dion. 357-354 BC. JE 23mm (15.81 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Thunderbolt with eagle. Calciati Π pg.167,72; Favorito 31b (Timoleon). Near VF, red-brown patina, scratches around eagle. ($100)

138. Syracuse. Tune of Timoleon. 344-336 BC. JE Dilitron (20.77 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios left / Galloping horse left. Calciati Π pg.185, 80; Favorito 17. Fine, dark green patina. Rare. ($200)

139. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. EL 121 / 2 Litrai (1.82 gm). Circa 310-305 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Lyre. Jenkins Group A; SNG ANS 618. Near VF, bent flan. ($600)

134. Syracuse. Dion. 357-354 BC. JE 23mm (17.05 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Thunderbolt. Calciati Π pg.163,70; Favorito 32 (Timoleon). VF, dark ($100) green patina.

Lot 135 (Obverses only)

140. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. EL 25 Litrai (3.53 gm). Circa 310-300 BC. Laureate head of Apollo; horse head behind / Tripod. Jenkins (SI200) Group C (dies Q18/R35). Near EF, fine style. 2 11

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

141. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.31 gm). Circa 305-289 BC. Wreathed head of Persephone / Nike erecting trophy; triskeles at feet. SNG ANS 670 (same dies). Toned, near EF. ($12‫' )ש‬

142. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Circa 305-289 BC. Wreathed head of Persephone / Nike erecting trophy; triskeles at feet. SNG ANS 672. VF. ($250)

143. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. JE 24mm (8.00 gm). Head of Artemis Soteira / Winged thunderbolt. Calciati Π pg.277,142; Favorito 34. Near EF, dark green patina. ($200)

144. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. JE 22mm (7.85 gm). Head of Artemis Soteira / Winged thunderbolt. Calciati Π pg.277,142; Favorito 34. Good VF, dark green patina with tan highlights. ($125)

147. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. JE 20mm (8.95 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left; grain ear behind / Charioteer driving quadriga; thunderbolt above. Calciati Π pg.260,123 Ds95 (this combination of symbols unlisted); Favorito 54. VF, black patina. ($100)

148. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. JE 20mm (7.32 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left; palladion behind, Λ below / Triskeles of winged feet. Calciati Π pg.249,121 Ds74 Rill; Favorito-. Fine, green patina. ($100)

149. Syracuse. Hiketas. 287-278 BC. JE 23mm (7.28 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios right / Eagle left. Calciati Π pg.315,171OS1; Favorito 50. Good VF, dark brown patina, overstruck on Artemis/Thunderbolt type. ($100)

150. Syracuse. Hiketas. 287-278 BC. JE 25mm (10.32 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios right / Eagle left; star and A. Calciati Π pg.313,168 Rs % R1 1; Favorito 50a. Good VF, brown patina, overstruck on uncertain type. ($150) The Iay Dawley Collection

145. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. JE 22mm (9.10 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left; amphora behind / Bull with two dolphins; NK monogram above. Calciati Π pg.218,96 Dsll4; Favorito 41. Good VF, pale green patina. ($100)

151. Syracuse. Hiketas. 287-278 BC. JE 23mm (9.85 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios left / Eagle left; star. Calciati Π pg.302,157; Favorito 50f. VF, dark brown patina. ($75)

146. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. JE 24mm (9.73 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone right; torch behind / Charioteer driving quadriga; ΠΟΧ below. Calciati II pg.256,122 Ds50 R18; Favorito 54. VF, brown and green patina. ($100)

152. Syracuse. Hiketas. 287-278 BC. JE 22mm (10.54 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios left / Eagle left. Calciati Π pg.301,155/3; Favorito 50j. Good VF, emerald green patina. ($125) 2 2

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

153. Syracuse. Hiketas. 287-278 BC. JE 22mm (7.82 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Hellanios right / Eagle left. Caldati II pg.311,167; Favorito 500. Good VF, brown patina. ($125)

158. Syracuse. Philistia, wife of Hieron Π. 274-216 BC. AR 16 Litrai (14.05 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Philistia right; barley stalk behind / Nike driving galloping quadriga right; Σ. Burnett-; BMC Sialy pg-213, 551; SNG Fitzwilliam 1392; SNG Lockett 1014. Near EF. Only three published examples with head facing right. Rare variety. ($1000)

Rare Silver 8 Litrai Of G e l o n 154. Syracuse. Pyrrhos. 278-276 BC. JE 17mm (5.00 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left, griffin on helmet / Grain ear in oak wreath. Caldati Π pg.333, 187. VF, green patina. ($1M)

155. Syracuse. Hieron II. 274-216 BC. JE 27mm (17.50 gm). Laureate head left; plectron / Horseman galloping right, with couched lance; monogram (?). Caldati Π pg.359,193 (unlisted symbol); Favorito 62. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

156. Syracuse. Hieron II. 274-216 BC. JE 27mm (16.79 gm). Diademed head left / Horseman galloping right, with couched lance; monogram. Caldati Π pg.381,195 R117; Favorito 63. VF, brown patina. ($100)

159. Syracuse. Gelon, son of Hieron Π. 274-216 BC. AR 8 Litrai (6.77 gm). Diademed head of Gelon left; bow behind / Nike driving galloping ($2000) biga right; ΒΑ E. Burnett 56; cf. SNG ANS 896. Choice EF.

160. Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. AR 10 Litrai (8.44 gm). Diademed head left / Winged thunderbolt; MI. Holloway 6 (05/R5); Burnett 59. Choice EF on a large flan. ($1250)

Lovely Silver 16 Litrai Of Philistia

161. Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. AR 10 Litrai (8.48 gm). Diademed head left / Winged thunderbolt; MI. HoUoway 8 (05/R7). Near

162. Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. AR 10 Litrai (8.53 gm). Diademed head left with sideburns; thunderbolt behind / Winged thundeibolt; ΔΑ Holloway61 (029/R50); Burnett 70. Choice EF, tiny scrape in obverse field. ($1250)

157. Syracuse. Philistia, wife of Hieron II. 274-216 BC. AR 16 Litrai (13.52 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Philistia left; sistrum behind / Nike driving slow quadriga right; MI. Burnett-; BMC Sicily pg.214,556. Choice EF. ($1500) 1 3

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

163. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 12 Litrai (10.19 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left; serpent on helmet / Artemis drawing bow, hound at feet; API AP. Burnett-, although the letters appear on another Syracusan 8 litra piece, Burnett 51, which seems to be set apart from the rest of the republican issues. Choice EF. Very rare. ($1500)

169. Syracuse. Roman Period. After 214 BC. JE 23mm (7.58 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone right / Demeter holding sceptre and long torch. Caldati Π pg.429,231; Favorito 69. Near VF, green patina with reddish highlights. ($75)

170. Zankle-Messana. Circa 520-500 BC. AR Litra (0.54 gm). DANKLE, leaping dolphin above crescent harbor / Nine part incuse square with seallop in center. SNG Lloyd 1078. VF, rough surfaces with horn silver. Rare.

($100) 164. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 12 Litrai (10.19 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Artemis drawing bow, hound at feet; HA. Burnett 93 (same dies). Choice EF. ($12‫)ש‬

171. SICILY, Unknown mint. Circa 450-400 BC. JE 16mm (2.58 gm). Head of young river god right / Hippocamp to left. Caldati-. VF, gray-green patina, slight edge chips. Overstruck on an unidentified issue with circular wreath (Himera?). ($150)

165. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 12 Litrai (9.72 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ, Artemis drawing bow, hound at feet; ΛΥ. Burnett 104/35 (same dies). Toned, good VF, scratches. ($750)

The obverse type is clearly based on the representation of the youthful river god on the coins of Gela, cf. Caldati 111 pg,19ff. The hippocamp reverse is unattested in thereferences. A previously unknown type, probably originating in southern Sicily.

Rare Siculo-Punic Tetradrachm "Camp of the Carthaginians"

Ex Ars Classica V(1923), lot 1248.

166. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 8 Litrai (6.81 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left; griffin on helmet / Winged thunderbolt; YA Σ. Burnett 97 (same dies). Choice EF, large flan. ($1250)

167. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 8 Litrai (6.79 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left; griffin on helmet / Winged thunderbolt; YA Σ. Burnett 97 (same dies). EF, light scrape on reverse. ($800)

172. Siculo-Punic. Circa 410-395 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). "Camp of the Carthaginians". "MHNT", forepart of horse left, Nike above, barley to left, incense burners below / "QRTHDST", palm tree. Cf. Jenkins, SNR 53,34 (09/R-). Toned, good VF. [See enlargement on cover]. ($5000)

168. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 8 Litrai (6.79 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left; monogram behind / Winged thunderbolt; ΣΩ. Burnett 98 (same obverse die). Choice EF. ($1250)

173. Islands off Sicily. Melita. Circa 218-175 BC. JE 17mm (2.81 gm). Veiled female head / Head of ram, Punic " A N N " below. Caldati ΙΠ pg.352, 4. Near VF, red-brown patina. ($75) 1 4

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

174. MACEDON, Aegae. Circa 510480 BC. ARTrihemiobol (0.95 gm). Kneeling goat right, head reverted; two pellets / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 59. Toned VF. ($200)

175. Akanthos. Circa 525-476 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.27 gm). Forepart of lion; akanthos leaf above / Granulated quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 21. Near EF. ($3M)

181. The Orrescii. Circa 530-480 BC. AR Diobol (0.90 gm). ORR kneeling bull right / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 986. Toned VP. Rare. ($300)

182. Terone. Circa 480-420 BC. AR Diobol (1.25 gm). Oenochoe / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS-; SNG Ashmolean 2387. Fine and rare. ($150)

183. Terone. Circa 480-420 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.32 gm). Oenochoe / Goat head right. SNG ANS-; SNG Copenhagen 338. VF. Rare fraction. ($150) 176. Akanthos. Circa 470-390 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.36 gm). Forepart of bull left, head reverted; A above / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 47. Toned VF. ($2M)

184. Thessalonika. Circa 187-88 BC. JE 16mm (3.00 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Prancing horse; club below. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 349 (unlisted symbol). Good VF, green patina. ($100) 177. Amphipolis. Circa 187-31 BC. JE 18mm (5.04 gm). Bust of Artemis / Bull charging right; ax behind. Cf. SNG ANS 132. VF, dark green patina. No field symbols are recorded for this issue. ($100)

178. Amphipolis. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 23mm (10.26 gm). Facing gorgoneion / Athena left, holding Nike, spear and shield. SNG ANS 147. Near VF, green patina. ($100)

179. Amphipolis. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 21mm (7.96 gm). Facing gorgoneion / Athena left, holding Nike, spear and shield. SNG ANS 147. VF, attractive olive-green patina. / / Plus an ΛΪ 20mm of Arados in Phoenida. Astarte / Bull. BMC 331. VF, green patina. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

Three Rare Tetradrachms Of A l e x a n d e r I

185. M A C E D O N I A N KINGS. Alexander I. 498-454 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.08 gm). Struck area 480476 BC. Horseman right, carrying two spears / Head of goat left in linear incuse square. Raymond 21 (obverse die)/20 (reverse die). Toned Fine. ($1250)

186. Alexander 1.498454 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.76 gm). Struck circa 476460 BC. Horseman right, carrying two spears; A below / Forepart of goat right in linear incuse square. Raymond 62 (same dies); SNG ANS 26. ($2500) Toned, near VF.

187. Alexander 1.498454 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.70 gm). Struck area 460451 BC. Horseman right, carrying two spears / Forepart of goat right, head reverted in linear incuse square. Raymond 62 (same dies); SNG ANS 33. Toned, near VF. ' ($2500)

180. Chalkidian League. 432-348 BC. JE 16mm (4.38 gm). Olynthos mint. Laureate head of Apollo / Kithara (lyre). SNG ANS 552ff. VF, brown and tan patina. " ($100) 1 5

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

193. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR 1 / 5 Tetradrachm (2.46 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 342-328 BC. Facing head of Artemis / Youth on horseback; forepart of Pegasos below. Le Rider 506 (D242/R452). Fine and Rare. ($300) 188. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.22 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 342-328 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; ($500) grasshopper below. Le Rider 180 (D84/R151). Nice VF. 194. Philip Π. 359-336 BC. AR 1 / 5 Tetradrachm (2.40 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 323-315 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; monogram below. Le Rider pl.45,21. VF. ($100)

189. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.17 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 323-315 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; wreath and Τ below. Le Rider pl.45,27. Toned VF. ($400)

195. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR 1 / 5 Tetradrachm (2.33 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 315-295 BC. Head of Apollo / Youth on horseback; club below. Le Rider pl.48,12. Good VF. ($200)

190. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.02 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 323-315 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; grain ear and Π below. Le Rider p l . 4 6 3 ‫ ׳‬. Toned Fine. ($2‫)ש‬

196. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.22 gm). Pella mint. Circa 348-342 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; radiate head of Helios below. Le Rider 145ff. Good VF, small flan. ($750)

197. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.01 gm). Pella mint. Circa 359-354 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Philip on horseback; H M below. Le Rider 24. / / Plus an AR hemidrachm of Apollonia in Thrace. SNG Cop. 456. / / And an AR hemidrachm of Parion in Mysia. SNG Cop. 266. Average VF, the first piece scarce. 3 coins in lot. ($250) 191. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.47 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 323-315 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; aplustre and Π · below. Le Rider pl.46,18. Toned EF. ($10TO)

198. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.94 gm). "Amphipolis" mint. Circa 336-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; thunderbolt left. Price 8a (same obverse die); Müller 3. Toned VF. ($200) 192. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.21 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 315-295 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback holding palm; kantharos, Λ and torch below. Le Rider-; SNG ANS 782. Good VF. ($750) A remarkable departurefrom the stiff, heraldicform of horse and rida. A proud highstepping steed of lively three-dimensionality. 1 6

199. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Lot of three AR Tetradrachms. "Amphipolis" mint. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; caduceus left. Price 99; Müller 207. / / "Babylon" mint. Bee, monogram and M. Price 3620; Müller 697. / / Plus another with uncertain monogram in left field. Average Fine, the first two with test cuts and scrapes. 3 coins in lot. ($300)

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

200. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 323-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Λ and torch left, tripod below. Price 461; Müller 59. Good VF. ($250)

205. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.74 gm). Temnos mint. Circa 188-170 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monograms, oenochoe beneath vine to left. Price 1676; Müller 956. VF. ($200)

206. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Lot of two AR Tetradrachms (16.53; 16.40 gm). Temnos mint. Circa 188-170 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monograms, oenochoe beneath vine to left. Price 1676; Müller 956. VF. 2 coins. ($250)

201. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.14 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 323-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Λ and torch left, monogram below. Price 490; Müller 38. Toned, good VF. ($250)

207. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). "Babylon‫״‬ mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Nike with wreath left, monogram and M below. Price 2625; Müller 687. Near EF. ($250)

202. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). "Amphipolis" mint. Circa 323-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin; pellet under chin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left; no symbol. Price-; Müller-. Toned, near VF. Unlisted variety with symbol on obverse. ($2M)

208. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.97 gm). Aspendos mint. 191/190 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; ΑΣ KB left, Seleukid countermark (anchor) to right. Price 2901; Müller 1214. Fine. / / Plus four M of Alexander, including the scarcer eagle on thunderbolt and youth on horseback types. Fine to VF. 5 coins total. ($100)

203. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.20 gm). Odessos mint. Circa 280-200 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monogram left, KOI below. Price 1164; Müller 411. VF, soft strike, scratches. ($150)

209. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). Side mint. Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left; ΔΙ below. Price 2948; Müller 216. Toned, near VF, marks in field. ($150)

204. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.00 gm). Pergamon mint? Circa 215-200 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; monogram and bee left. Price-; Müller-, Good VF. ($300)

210. Alexander ΠΙ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.24 gm). Side mint. Circa 325-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left; wreath left, ΔΙ below. Price 2949; Müller 550. Good VF. (S250)

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 216. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.67 gm). "Babylon" mint. Circa 317-311 BC. Head of Herakles right, w e a r i n g lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left; monogram in wreath left, Η below. Price 3704; Müller 714. EF, light horn silver. ($250)

211. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.15 gm). Tarsos mint. Circa 333-327 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; pellet and Β below. Price 3001; Müller-, Toned VF. ($200)

217. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). "Babylon" mint. Circa 317-311 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monogram in wreath left, Η below. Price 3704; Müller 714. / / Plus an AR Drachm of Philip ΙΠ. Lampsakos mint. Price P15a; Müller P79. Both toned, good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($250) 212. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.09 p i ) . Damascus mint. Circa 330-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monogram and X left, pellets and ΔΑ below. Price 3200; Müller 1346. Toned, good VF. ($250)

218. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.20 gm). Lampsakos mint. Circa 323-317 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; buckle left, monogram below. Price 1372; Müller 627. / / Another. (4.18 gm). Kolophon mint. Monogram left, Φ below. Price 1823; Müller 808. Both toned, near VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

219. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.21 gm). Abydos mint. Circa 310-301 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; monogram left, leaf below. Price 1527; Müller 254. / / Another. (4.22 gm). Monogram left, head in Phrygian cap below. Price 1577; Müller -. Both toned, near VF. 2 coins in lot. ' ($100) 213. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.44 gm). AkePtolemais mint. 305/304 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; date left. Price 3302; Newell 51. Toned VF, reverse fields smoothed. ($200)

220. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.13 gm). Abydos mint. Circa 310-301 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; monogram left, leaf below. Price 1560; Müller 252. Toned VF. ($100)

214. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Byblos mint. Circa 330-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left, leg drawn back; monogram left. Price 3426; MüUer 1375. VF. ($2‫)ש‬ 221. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.27 gm). Kolophon mint. Circa 310-301 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; long torch left, monogram below. Price 1829; Müller 648. Good VF. ($100)

215. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.50 gm). Sidon mint. 316/315 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Σ left, ΣΙ below. Price 3504; Müller 1405. VF, scattered porosity. ($150)

Lot 216

222. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (3.88 gm). Kolophon mint. Circa 301-279 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; lion's head, Φ and crab claw. Price 1838; Müller 340b. / / Another. (3.97 gm). Sardeis mint. Symbols: torch and A. Price 2637; Müller 31. / / Plus an AR Drachm of Chalkis on Euboeia. / / And a Parthian AR Drachm of Pakoros Π. Shore 400. Average F-VF. 4 coins in lot. ($150)

223. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.26 gm). Magnesia mint. Circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; ram's head below. Price 1932; Müller 301. Good VF. ($100)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 224. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (3.88 gm). Magnesia mint. Circa 305-297 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; lion's head left, monogram below, Ε right. Price 1991; Müller 331. VF. / / Plus an AR Obol, heavily scraped. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

232. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). Lampsakos mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; buckle left, monogram below. Price P15b; Müller P79. / / Another. (4.28 gm). Kolophon mint. Lyre left. Price P43; Müller P50. Both near VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

225. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Drachm (4.13 gm). Miletos mint. Circa 295-275 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; monogram left. Price 2151; Müller 1057. / / Another. (4.35 gm). Kolophon mint. Monogram left, crescent below. Price 1825; Müller 275. Both toned, near VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100) 233. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Drachm (4.22 gm). Kolophon mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; ITA left. Price P46; Müller P135. Toned VF. ($100) 226. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.00 gm). Babylon mint. Circa 328-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; M to left, Λ Y below throne. Price 3694; SNG von Post 32 (this coin). VF. ($300)

227. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Obol (0.63 gm). Arados mint. Circa 328-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Ζ to left, AP below throne. Price 3330A; Müller-, Good VF. ($3TO)

228. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. JE 19mm (7.33 gm). Macedon mint. Circa 336-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Club and bow case; Θ to left. Price 299; Müller 1700. Good VF, black patina. ($75)

The Jay Dawley Collection

234. Kassanden 316-297 BC. JE 19mm (5.83 gm). Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Youth on horseback; tripod and star. Lindgren Π 1298. VF, dark green patina. ($75)

235. Kassander. 316-297 BC. JE 18mm (5.66 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Tripod. Cf. Lindgren Π1301. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75)

Superb Tetradrachm Of D e m e t r i o s Poliorketes

229. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 19mm (5.80 gm). Asian mint. Circa 323-310 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Bow case and club; filleted torch below, c / m : lion's head. Price 2799. VF, smooth black patina. ($1TO)

230. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. JE 21mm (5.69 gm). Asian mint. Circa 323-310 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Bow case and club; filleted torch below, c / m : lion's head. Price 2799. VF, dark brown patina. ($75)

236. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-285 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Pella mint. Circa 294-293 BC. Nike alighting atop galley, blowing trumpet / Poseidon advancing left, brandishing trident; monogram, dolphin and star in fields. Newell 68. Superb EF. ($3500)

237. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-285 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.63 gm). Pella mint. Circa 294-293 BC. Nike alighting atop galley, blowing trumpet / Poseidon advancing left, brandishing trident; monogram, dolphin and star in fields. Newell 68. Near VF, test cut repaired. ($500)

231. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.89 gm). Sidon mint. 318/317 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; Π ($200) left, ΣΙ below. Price P177; Müller-. Good VF. 1 9

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

238. MACEDON, Autonomous. Circa 185-168 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.29 gm). Macedonian shield with central club / Helmet with three monograms and trident. SNG Copenhagen 1283. VF, heavy dark patina. ($75)

244. SCYTHIAN KINGS. Akrosa. Circa 100 BC. JE 23mm (6.53 gm). Jugate heads of Demeter and Persephone / ΒΑΣΙΛ ΑΚΡΟΣΑ, two grain ears; magistrate ΑΝΔΡΕ. Head, Historia Numorum, pg. 289; Youroukova 124. VF, black patina. Extremely Rare. ($300)

239. Autonomous. Circa 185-168 BC. JE Serrate 24mm (10.93 gm). Head of Poseidon with trident / Club in wreath with two monograms. SNG Copenhagen 1294. Good VF, dark green patina. ($200) 245. Kanites. Circa 100 BC. JE 23mm (10.51 gm). Head of the ‫״‬Great God"; c/m: veiled head of Demeter / Β ΑΣΙΛΕ ΚΑΝΙ, eagle on thunderbolt; magistrate ΑΠΟΛΛ. Youroukova, Monetite 128. VF, heavy black patina. Extremely Rare. ($300)

240. MACEDON, under Roman Rule. Aesillas. Circa 70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). CJE PR ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ, diademed head of Alexander; Θ behind / Money chest, club and chair; all within wreath. Fisher, ANSMN 30 issue I, die 03. Good VF, light graffiti on reverse. Rare variety. ($1000)

241. Aesillas. Circa 70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.44 gm). Diademed head of Alexander; Θ behind / Money chest, club and chair; all within wreath. SNG Fitzwilliam 2347. Toned VF. ($250)

246. Kanites. Circa 100 BC. JE 21mm (7.24 gm). Head of Herakles / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ KAN1TOY, bow case and club; monogram. Youroukova-. Near EF, black patina. Extremely rare to find Scythian coins in this state of preservation. ($500)

247. SARMATIA, Olbia. Circa 320-300 BC. JE 22mm (8.72 gm). Head of Borysthenes left / Ax and bow case; ΔΙ. SNG BMC 481. VF, brown patina. ($75)

The ]ay Dawley Collection

248. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 6th-5th Century BC. JE 38mm length (3.67 gm). "Arrowhead". Anokin, Moneti Gorodav, pl.l, a; SNG BMC 218. VF for type. / / Plus an JE 19mm of Maroneia in Thrace. Lindgren Π 805. Brown VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100) 242. PAEONIAN KINGS. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.69 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Horseman riding down foe. SNG ANS 1040(same dies). EF. ($300)

249. Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (5.23 gm). Facing male heads, the left inverted / Sea-eagle on dolphin; ΑΠ below dolphin. SNG BMC 257; Pick 418. Toned, near VF. ($150) 243. Audoleon. 315-286 BC. AR Drachm (2.89 gm). Facing head of Athena, wearing triple-crested helmet / Prancing horse; monogram. SNG ANS 1058. Near VF. ($3‫)ש‬

The ]ay Dawley Collection

3 0

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

255. THRACO-MACEDONIAN. Circa 500-450 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.29 gm). Young wreathed head right (Dionysos?) / Quadripartite incuse square with central dot. VF. ($100)

250. Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Trihemiobo! (1.33 gm). Facing male heads, the right in verted / Sea-eagle on dolphin. Pick 443ff. / / Thrace, Cherronesos. AR Hemidrachm. Lion / Incuse punches with pellet and palm. BMC 10. / / Mesembria. AR Diobol. Helmet / Wheel SNG Cop. 65Z Average F-VF. 3 coins in lot. ($150)

Rare Tetradrachm From A p o l l o n i a Pontika

251. Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.52 gm). Facing male heads, the right inverted / Sea-eagle on dolphin. Pick 453. Good VF. ($250) 256. THRACE, Black Sea Area. Apollonia Pontika. Circa 400 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Anchor, A and crayfish; magistrate ..ΟΥΗΖΙΦ(?).... Cf. SNG Copenhagen 455. Toned VF. Rare. [See enlargement on cover]. ($2500)

252. Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 12mm (1.06 gm). Wheel / ΙΣΤ. Lindgren m A41b (this coin); SNG BMC 223. VF. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

Superb G o l d Stater Of K o s o n 257. Apollonia Pontika. Circa 400 BC. AR Drachm (2.76 gm). Gorgoneion / Anchor, A and crayfish. SNG Copenhagen457. / / AR Hemidrachm (1.29 gm). Same types. SNG Cop. 459. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

253. DACO-THRACO-SCVTHIAN DYNASTS. Koson. Mid-lst Century BC. AV Stater (8.41 gm). ΚΟΣΩΝ, Roman consul accompanied by two lictors; BR monogram to left / Eagle standing left on sceptre, holding wreath. RPC1701 ; BMC Thrace pg.208,2; BMCRR Π pg.474,48. Superb EF. ($20OT)

258. Cherronesos. Circa 400-350 BC. AR Hemidrachm (230 gm). Forepart of lion, head reverted / Quadripartite incuse square with monogram and pellets. SNG von Post 76 (this coin). VF. ($125)

It is surprising that RPC repeats the assertion that the reverse type with eagle on sceptre is taken from the coins ofOlbia; it in no way resembles any coin ofthat city. Grueber in 1910 (BMCRR pg.474, note 1) had correctly identified the prototype as a Roman denarius ofQ. Pomponius Rufus, circa 70 BC (Crawford 398/1). This brings us no closer to understanding who or what Koson was. RPC supports the attribution to a Scythian king Koson or Kotison, although leaving in place the traditional attibution to a Thracian dynast who supported Brutus in the Roman civil war. Craivford, Coinage and money under tlw Roman Republic, pg.238, would seem to reject this, suggesting Dada as the source. (He also refers to the min as "showy and useless".) CCCBM lpg.41 concurs in pladng the issue in Dada, based on coin finds around Sarmizegetusa. This stater falls in the same category as the Celtic imitations of Roman denarii, used by tribes and kingdoms along the borderlands of the Roman world, not directly under its sway, but influenced by increasing contacts, both mercantile and military, which saiv the gradual replacement of the Philip and Alexander imitative coin types with Roman style denarii and quinarii. The romantic story of a "barbarian " ruler coming to the support of Brutus'fightfor democracy may not be tenable, but we cannot mil the Koson stater "showy and useless "; surely intended as a donative or bribe for somefaction, it reflects the turbulent tribal polics that continually impinged on the ndghboring Roman world.

254. THRACO-MACEDONIAN. Circa 500-450 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.23 gm). Young wreathed head right (Dionysos?) / Quadripartite incuse square with central dot. VF. ($100)

259. Cherronesos. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.25 gm). Forepart of lion, head reverted / Quadripartite incuse square with pellet, monogram and bee. Weber 2428. Toned, good VF. ($100)

260. Dikeia. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Triobol (1.80 gm). Archaic head of Herakles / Cock right in incuse dotted square. SNG Copenhagen 553. Good VF. ($350)

261. Mesembria. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 21mm (6.04 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos / Grape cluster; ΔΩ. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 659. Good VF, green patina. ($150) 1 1

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. A n U n u s u a l O f f e r i n g Of C o i n a g e From S o m e Of T h e Very Rare Thracian K i n g s

262. THRACE, Byzantion. Circa 1st Century AD. JE 13mm (2.22 gm). Monogram in wreath / Two torches. Pozzi 2427. VF, tan patina. Rare. ($75)

268. THRACIAN KINGS. Sparadokos. Circa 445435 BC. AR Diobol (1.24 gm). Forepart of horse left / Eagle flying left with serpent in beak. SNG Copenhagen 1067; Youroukova 20. / / Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 23mm (8.02 gm). Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and Pythodoris / Head of Augustus. RPC 1711./ / Plus an JE 23mm of Thessalonika of Augustus, RFC 1561. Average VF, the first piece rare. 3 coins. ($300)

263. Lysimacheia. Circa 309-220 BC. JE 16mm (3.03 gm). Lion's head / Grain ear; monogram to right. SNG Copenhagen 918; Lindgren Π 873. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75) 269. Saratokos. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.86 gm). Youthful male head / Σ AP, grape vine in incuse square. Youroukova 29. Good VF. Very Rare. ($500)

264. Maroneia. Circa 411-397 BC. AR Stater (12.89 gm). Bridled horse prancing left / Grape arbor in square; ΗΡΟΒΟΛΟΣ. Schönert-Geiss 159. Good VF. ($12‫)ש‬

265. Maroneia. Circa 400-350 BC. JE 16mm (32.4 gm). Bridled horse prancing right; monogram / Grape arbor in square. Lindgren II789. VF, brown patina. ($75)

266. Maroneia. Circa 189-45 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.58 gm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos / Nude Dionysos holding grape cluster and narthex stalks; monogram. Schönert-Geiss 995. Toned, good VF, edge cut. / / Plus an JE 14mm. Horse / Grapevine. Schönert-Geiss 721ff. / / And an JE 11mm. Dionysos / Grapes. Schönert-Geiss 966ff. Both JE are VF with green pati($3‫)ש‬ nas. 3 coins in lot.

270. Saratokos. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.75 gm). Youthful male head / ΣΔ, trace of letters in incuse square. Youroukova 30. VF. Very Rare. ^ ^ _ ($500)

271. Lot of four small JE. Saratokos. JE 9mm (0.81 gm). Bearded head / Grapes. Youroukova 31. / / Hebrizelmis? JE 10mm (0.93 gm). Head of Herakles / One-handled jug with eagle. Your.-. / / Kotys I. JE 10mm (1.16 gm). Head of Apollo?/ Two-handled cup. Your. 43. / / Sadales? JE 11mm (0.99 gm). Head of Apollo / Eagle. SNG BMC 314. / / Plus an JE 10m of Cherronesos. Lion / Barley grain. SNG Cop. 846. Average Fine to VF. Several very rare pieces included. 5 coins total. ($200)

272. Amatokos. Circa 389-350 BC. JE 19mm (11.22 gm). Grape cluster / AMATOKO, double ax with caduceus. Youroukova 47. Fine, green patina. 7mm thick! ($100)

273. Kotys 1.384-359 BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.61 gm). Bearded head left / KOTO, two-handled cup. Youroukova, Monetite 51. VF, some reverse roughness. Very Rare. ($750)

267. T h e Odrysae. Circa 3rd Century BC. Lot of three JE. Head of Herakles wearing lion skin / Bull standing left on club. SNG BMC 333A; Youroukova 105. Average About Fine. Rare. 3 coins in lot. ($150) 274. Kotys 1.384-359 BC. JE 18mm (8.71 gm). Horseman right / KOTY, two-handled cup, in incuse square. Youroukova 39. Fine/VF, good green patina. Rare this nice. ($300) 1 2

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

281. Uncertain King. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Triobol (1.69 gm). Shield with central club / Double ax with pellets at extremities. Youroukova-; SNG BMC-. Good VF. ($300)

275. Kotys I. 384-359 BC. JE 21mm (12.73 gm). Forepart of horse left / KOTY, two-handled cup, all in deep incuse circle. Cf. Youroukova 41 (with reverse in incuse square). Fair/Fine, dark brown patina. ($125)

The types are appropriatefor the Thracian royal series, but the lack of any identifying inscription makes it difficult to ascribe to a specific king.

Some references call the cup a kotyle, suggesting a punning reference to the king's name. Youroukova identifies it as a slightly different vessel known as a kypsele, a symbol of the mint city, Kypsela in Thrace.

276. Teres Π. Circa 350-341 BC. JE 21mm (11.22 gm). ΤΗΡΕΩ, double ax / Grape vine in square. Youroukova 59. Good VF, encrusted olive-green patina. Rare. ($150)

277. Sroios. Circa 350-330 BC. JE 17mm (3.23 gm). Young bust of Sroios, wearing decorated cloak / Horseman right, holding baton(?) in upraised hand. Youroukova 67. VF, green patina. / / Another. JE 20mm (5.34 gm). Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

282. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). Amphipolis mint. Circa 288-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / Athena seated left, holding Nike with wreath; monograms to left and in exergue. Thompson 211. Near VF. ($250)

283. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.60 gm). Pella mint. Circa 286-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / Athena seated left, holding Nike with wreath; monograms to left and right. Thompson 248. Toned, good VF, attractive style. ($500)

278. Seuthes III. Circa 330-300 BC. JE 22mm (6.43 gm). Bearded head of Seuthes / ΣΕΥΘΟΥ, horseman right; wreath below. Youroukova 68. Good VF, black patina. A rare portrait coin of a Thracian king. ($300)

‫א‬ -

284. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.95 gm). Byzantion mint. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. Head of deified Alexander right / Athena seated left, holding Nike with wreath; monogram to left; BY and trident below. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 1143. Toned VF, porous. A very late posthumous issue. ($150)

279. Seuthes III. Circa 330-300 BC. Lot of three. JE 20mm (5.56 gm). Bearded head of Seuthes / Horseman right; wreath below. Youroukova 68. / / JE 15mm (2.27 gm). Eagle / Legend in wreath. Youroukova 97. / / JE 13mm (2.03 gm). Star / Thunderbolt. Youroukova 98. Average near VF. 3 coins in lot. ($2M) 285. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.11 gm). Kolophon mint. Circa 299-296 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated; forepart of lion, crescent, pentagram. Thompson 127. Toned, near VF. ($100)


280. Seuthes III. Circa 330-300 BC. JE 18mm (4.21 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / ΣΕΥΘΟΥ, horseman right; star below. Youroukova 87. VF, green patina. Overstruck. ($200) 3 13


Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. Attractive Lysimachos Silver D r a c h m

292. Dizazelmeos. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 16mm (4.26 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΙΖΑΖΕΛΜΕΩΣ, amphora. Youroukova-; SNG BMC 321. VF, black patina. Very Rare. ($150)

286. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm (4.27 gm). Ephesos mint. Circa 294-287 BC. Head of deified Alexander / Athena seated; lyre to left; palmette on throne. Thompson 174. EF with a trace of lustre. ($750) 293. Rheskuporis I and Kotys II. 48-42 BC. JE 21mm (8.21 gm). Diademed bust of Kotys / Nike left, holding wreath and palm. Youroukova 153; RPC1702. Good VF, glossy black patina. ($350)

287. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. JE 20mm (6.31 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Lion charging right; spearhead below. SNG Copenhagen 1149. Near EF, black patina, well centered on a full flan. Choice! ($150) 294. Islands off of Thrace. Samothrace. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 20mm (4.63 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena / Kybele seated left; magistrate Pytho... SNG Copenhagen 998. Good VF, brown patina. ($125)

288. Skostokos. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 18mm (6.03 gm). Young male head / ΣΚ0ΣΤ0Κ0Υ, horseman right; spearhead below. Youroukova 102. Fine, encrusted black patina. Rare. ($100)

295. Thasos. Circa 525-463 BC. AR Stater (8.27 gm). Satyr carrying off protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1012 VF, slight scrape on high points. ($600) 289. Adaeus. Circa 250-200 BC. JE 20mm (7.91 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΑΔΑΙΟΥ, tripod; monograms. Youroukova 111. VF, green patina, rough surfaces. ($100) 296. Thasos. Circa 525-463 BC. AR Drachm (3.62 gm). Satyr carrying off protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1014. Fine, porosity. ($250)

ΚΪ 290. Mostis. Circa 100 BC. JE 19mm (3.76 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΟΣΠΔΟΥ, horse left. Youroukova 138. VF, rough turquoise green patina. Rare. ($100) 297. Thasos. Circa 463411 BC. AR Drachm (3.59 gm). Satyr carrying off protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1018. VF, usual porosity. ($200)

291. Mostis. Circa 100 BC. JE 16mm (3.38 gm). Head of Zeus(?) / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΟΣΤ1ΔΟΥ, bow case. Youroukova 142. VF, black patina. Rare. ($125)

298. Thasos. Circa 463-411 BC. AR Obol (0.34 gm). Leaping dolphins; three pellets / Quadripartite incuse punch. SNG Copenhagen 1020. Good VF. ($100) 3 14

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

299. Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. AR Drachm (3.82 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos left / Herakles kneeling right in archer's stance, drawing bow; lizard. West 7; SNG Lockett 1228. VF. ($250) 304. Thasos. After 148 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos / Nude Herakles standing left, holding club and lion skin; monogram. SNG Copenhagen 1040. Toned, good VF. ($300) 300. Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. AR Drachm (3.63 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos left / Herakles kneeling right in archer's stance, drawing bow; head of Pan. West 26; SNG Copenhagen 1024. Good VF. ($600)

301. Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.78 gm). Nude satyr running right / Amphora. SNG Copenhagen 1031. VF. ($150)

A Lot O f S c a m p e r i n g Satyrs

305. Thasos. After 148 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.32 gm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos / Nude Herakles standing left, holding club and lion skin; monogram. SNG Copenhagen 1049. Good VF. ($250) At some point the tetradrachms of Thasos proper fade into a varied assortment of Celtic imitations.

302. Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. A lot of scampering satyrs. AR Trihemiobols. Nude satyr running left, carrying kantharos / Amphora. SNG Copenhagen 1030. / / Running right. SNG Copenhagen 1031./ / Running left, with barley grain. SNG Copenhagen 1032. / / Running left, facing outward. SNG Copenhagen-. Average good VF. 4 coins in lot. ($1000)

A H e r d O f Forty S t a m p e d i n g Satyrs

306. ILLYRIA, Apollonia. Circa 200-45 BC. AR Drachm (3.42 gm). Cow and calf; ΑΡΕΤΗΣ, torch and wreath / Double stellate pattern; magistrate ΨΥΛΛΟΥ. SNG Copenhagen 397. / / Dyrrhachion. AR Drachm (3.26gm). Similar types with ΦΙΛΩΝ, bird, cornucopiae, serpent staff / magistrate ΝΙΚΥΛΛΟΥ. Both good VF with attractive cabinet toning. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

307. EPEIROS, Ambrakia. Circa 360-338 BC. AR Stater (8.62 gm). Pegasos flying left; A below / Helmeted head of Athena left; eagle grappling with serpent behind. Pegasi Π pg.469,108 (same dies). Toned, near EF, short flan. ($200) The jay Dawley Collection; Ex Pozzi Collection (Naville, 1921), lot 1749.

308. Epirote Republic. Circa 234-168 BC. AR Drachm (4.90 gm). Oakwreathed head of Zeus; monogram / Eagle in wreath. Franke 47 (V16/R35); SNG Copenhagen 114. Toned VF. ($150)

303. Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. A herd of forty scampering satyrs. AR Trihemiobols. Nude satyr running left, carrying kantharos / Amphora. SNG Copenhagen 1030 (32 coins). / / Running right. SNG Copenhagen 1031 (8 coins). Obviously from a necklace; all are holed for stringing, several are chipped or cracked. 40 pieces total. SOLD AS IS. ($400)

The Jay Dawley Collection 4 5

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 315. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.94 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly right / ΛΑΡΙ, horse right, grazing. Lorber 7.3a (this coin). VF. ($200)

309. The Athamanes. Circa 220-190 BC. JE 21mm (5.40 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Dione / Athena left, holding owl and spear. SNG ($150) Copenhagen 39. Near VF, glossy green patina. Rare. 316. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.42 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly left / Λ Α Ρ Ε ΑΙΩΝ, horse right, grazing. SNG Copenhagen 120. VF. ($250)

310. KORKYRA. Circa 229-48 BC. AR Didrachm (3.99 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos / Pegasos flying right above prow of galley, carrying palm in mouth; two monograms. BMC Thessaly pg.136,369. Good VF. Rare variety, with Pegasos looking somewhat like a unicorn. ($400)

317. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.95 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly left / ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΩΝ, horse right, grazing. SNG Copenhagen 121. VF. ($250)

318. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.93 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly left / ΛΑΡΕ ΑΙΩΝ, horse right, grazing. SNG Copenhagen 121. VF. ($200) 311. KORKYRA. Circa 229-48 BC. JE 29mm (11.72 gm). Jugate heads of youthful Herakles and Korkyra / Prow of galley; magistrate Philotas; dolphin below. SNG Copenhagen 240. Good VF, rough green patina. ($75)

312. THESSALY, The Oetaei. Circa 400-344 BC. AR Obol (0.83 gm). Head of lion left, with spear in mouth / Bow and quiver. SNG Copenhagen 177. Toned, near VF. Rare. ($100)

313. Larissa. Circa 420-395 BC. AR Drachm (5.76 gm). Head of nymph right, hair in sakkos / ΛΑΡΙ ΑΙΑΣ, galloping horse left, in incuse square. Herrmann pl.IV, 6 (obverse die) / 5 (reverse die). VF, slight surface crystallization. Rare type in the finest style. ($300)

314. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.04 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly right / ΛΑΡΙ, horse right, grazing. Lorber 3.1 (same dies). Near VF, small flan. ($150)

Lot 315

319. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.99 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly left / ΛΑΡΙΣ ΑΙΩΝ, horse right, grazing. SNG Copenhagen 121. Toned VF. ($200)

320. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (5.67 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly left / ΛΑΡΕ ΑΙΩΝ, horse right, grazing. SNG Copenhagen 121. Near VF, surface crystallization. ($150) 321. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. Lot of two AR Drachms. Head of nymph, facing slightly left / Horse right, grazing. SNG Copenhagen 122ff. Near VF, both with rough surfaces. 2 coins. ($100)

322. Larissa Kremaste. Circa 302-286 BC. JE 19mm (5.10 gm). Young male head left (Achilles?) / Thetis on hippocamp. SNG Copenhagen 151. VF, dark green patina. ($100)

Lot 323

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 323. Trikka. Circa 480-400 BC. AR H e m i d r a c h m (2.91 gm). Youth wrestling forepart of bull / Forepart of horse. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 263265. Good VF, scattered porosity. ($200)

324. Trikka. Circa 480-400 BC. AR H e m i d r a c h m (2.77 gm). Youth wrestling forepart of bull / Forepart of horse. SNG Copenhagen 263-265. Good VF, scattered porosity and graffiti. ($150)

325. Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Double Victoriatus (6.23 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus / Athena Itonia; ΔΑΜ ΟΘΟΙ ΝΟΥ above, ΦΙΛΟΗΕΝ below. McClean 4746. Toned, good VF. ($150)

330. Leukas. After 435 BC. AR Stater (8.58 gm). Pegasos flying left; Λ below / Helmeted head of Athena left; Λ and caduceus behind. Pegasi II pg.413,82. Near EF. ($200)

331. Leukas. After 435 BC. ARStater (8.37gm). Pegasos flying right; Λ below / Helmeted head of Athena left; A and caduceus behind. Pegasi II pg.414,88. Near EF, head of Pegasos off flan. ($100)

The Jay Dawley Collection

326. Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. JE 18mm (5.31 gm). Helmeted head of Athena; ΝΥΣ ΣΑΝΔΡΟΣ / Prancing horse; herm to right. SNG Copenhagen 324. VF, dark green patina. ($100)

332. Leukas. After 435 BC. AR Stater (8.46 gm). Pegasos flying right; Λ below / Helmeted head of Athena right; amphora with grape vine and A behind. Pegasi Π pg.426,128. Toned, good VF. ($200)

333. Oeniadae. Circa 219-211 BC. JE 24mm (7.20 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Man-headed bull (Achelous); monogram. SNG Copenhagen 400ff. VF, red-brown patina. ($75) 327. Thessalian League. Circa 44-10 BC. AR Stater (5.69 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus; c / m : flower / Athena Itonia; ΠΟΛΥΗΕΝΟΥ, ΕΥΚΟΛΟΣ. Helly, RN1966,2; SNG Copenhagen 291; c / m noted by Franke, SM 1959,4. Toned, good VF, broad flan. ($200)

334. Oeniadae. Circa 219-211 BC. JE 20mm (5.99 gm). Laureate head of Zeus; A / Man-headed bull (Achelous); trident. SNG Copenhagen 403. Good VF, red-brown and green patina. ($125)

328. THESS ALY. Rhodian Mercenaries. Circa 172-168 BC. AR Drachm (2.66 gm). Facing head of Helios / Rose, magistrate Ermias. Price, "Larissa Hoard", pg.241 ; SNG Helsinki 793. Choice EF. ($250)

335. Thyrreion. Circa 350-250 BC. AR Stater (8.22 gm). Pegasos flying left; Θ below / ΘΥΡΡ, helmeted head of Athena left; griffin rhyton behind. ($125) Pegasi Π pg.511,2. Toned, near VF.

329. AKARNAN1A, Leukas. Circa 490 BC. AR Stater (8.08 gm). Pegasos flying left; Λ below / Helmeted head of Athena in incuse square. Pegasi Π pg.390,12. Toned, good VF, slight exfoliations on the flan. ($400)

The Jay Dawley Collection The Jay Dawley Collection 3 7

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

336. LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Circa 380-338 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.55 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone / Ajax advancing right, n u d e but for crested helmet, brandishing sword and shield; helmet crest between legs. Dewing 1479. Toned VF. ($150) The Jay Dawley Collection

337. PHOKIS, Federal Coinage. Circa 371-357 BC. JE 15mm (2.68 gm). Head of Athena with triple crested helmet, facing slightly left / Φ in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 113. Near VF, dark green patina. ($1TO)

338. Federal Coinage. Circa 357-346 BC. JE 14mm (2.77 gm). Bucranium with garlands / ΦΩ in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 129. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

339. BOEOTIA, Federal coinage. Circa 338-315 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.57 gm). Boeotian shield / BO I, kantharos; club above. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 173. VF. ($150)

340. Federal coinage. Circa 338-315 BC. AR H e m i d r a c h m (2.54 gm). Boeotian shield / Β ΟΙ, kantharos; club above, g r a p e s to right. SNG Copenhagen 174. VF. ($150)

341. Federal coinage. Circa 338-315 BC. AR H e m i d r a c h m (2.61 gm). Boeotian shield / BO I, kantharos; club above, crescent to right. S N G Copenhagen 177. VF. ($150)

344. Thebes. Circa 244-197 BC. AR Drachm (5.04 gm). Wreathed facing head of Persephone / N u d e Poseidon with trident and dolphin; monogram and Boeotian shield. Weber 3304. Toned VF. ($500)

345. Thespiae. Circa 146-27 BC. JE 15mm (4.14 gm). Veiled female head / Chelys in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 406. Near VF, d a r k b r o w n patina. ($75)

346. EUBOEA, Chalkis. Circa 338-308 BC. AR Drachm (3.60 gm). H e a d of n y m p h / Eagle grappling with snake; m o n o g r a m above. BMC Central Greece pg. I l l , 61; Picard emission 8. VF. ($100)

347. Karystos. Circa 290-252 BC. AR Didrachm (7.37 gm). C o w suckling calf / Cock right. Dewing 1529. Good VF, struck from w o r n dies. ($600)

348. Karystos. Circa 197-146 BC. JE 1 7 m m (3.77 gm). Veiled h e a d of Demeter / Bull right; club in exergue. SNG Copenhagen 424. Good VF, tan patina. ($100)

349. Euboean League. Circa 323-320 BC. AR Drachm (3.79 gm). Head of Euboeia left / EY, head of bull, fillets hanging from horns; kantharos to right. Wallace 83 (same dies). Good VF. ($150)

342. Thebes. Circa 456-446 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.17 gm). Boeotian shield / Θ. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 273. Good VF. ($150)

350. Euboean League. AR Drachm (3.65 gm). H e a d of n y m p h left / Bucranium. Wallace 64ff. / / Chalkis. AR Diobol (1.59 gm). Head of n y m p h / Eagle with hare; crescent. Picard group 7. / / Hisriaea. AR Drachm (3.25 gm). Head of n y m p h / Bull. SNG Cop. 516. / / Argolis, Argos. AR Tetrobol (2.28 gm). Wolf right / A; Agathokleos. SNG Cop. 46. All F-VF with attractive old toning. 4 coins in lot. ($300)

343. Thebes. Circa 378-338 BC. AR Stater (11.70 gm). Boeotian shield / A m p h o r a with ornate handles; ΘΕ ΟΓ, caduceus. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 338. Toned, good VF. ($500) 1 8

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

351. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 545-520 BC. AR Obol (0.51 gm). "Wappenmünzen". Four-spoked wheel / Incuse square, divided diagonally. Dewing 1567; Rosen 190. Toned Fine. ($2M) 357. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.01 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. VF, test cut. ($200)

352. Athens. Circa 480-460 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.29 gm). Archaic helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye / Owl standing right. Seltman Group M. VF, overall light porosity, but an attractive example of an archaic owl on a generous flan. ($850)

358. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.07 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. VF, punch mark and test cut. ($200)

359. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Drachm (4.10 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Dewing 1599. Good VF, porosity. ($250)

353. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.15 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF, appealing old cabinet toning. ($400) 360. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Drachm (4.06 gm). Helmeted head Athena / Owl standing right. Dewing 1599. Toned, good VF, porosity. ($250)

354. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.16gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF. ($400) 361. Athens. After 393 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 63. / / Plus a PhilistoArabian imitation of an Athenian drachm. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

355. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. VF, test cut and graffiti. ($200)

356. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Toned, good VF, punch marks on both sides. ($200) The Jay Dawley Collection

362. Athens. Circa 350-330 BC. JE 16mm (4.21 gm). Coinage of the Eleusinian festival. Triptolemos in chariot drawn by serpents / ΕΛΕΥΣΙ, pig on mystic staff; ivy below. Kroll 38d; Svoronos pl.103,1. Near VF, black patina. ($100)

363. Athens. Circa 350-330 BC. JE 18mm (3.65 gm). Coinage of the Eleusinian festival. Triptolemos in chariot drawn by serpents / ΕΛΕΥΣΙ, pig on mystic staff; scallop shell below. Kroll 381; Svoronos pl.103,6-7. / / Plus an JE 14mm (2.76 gm). Similar types; plemochoe below pig. Kroll 39; Svoronos pl.103,33. Both Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

364. Athens. Circa 335-317 BC. JE 14mm (1.99 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Double-bodied owl. Kroll 41; Svoronos pl.22,43. VF, brown patina. ($75)

370. Athens. Circa 99 BC. JE 18mm (6.06 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / N u d e Zeus striding right; caps of the Dioskouroi. Kroll 94; Svoronos pl.81, 32ff. Near VF, brown and green patina. ($75)

365. Athens. Circa 4th century BC. JE Symbola (Token) (8.35 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Large Ψ in incuse square. Cf. Kroll pg.24; Svoronos pl.100,14. Fine, dark green patina. ($150)

371. Athens. Circa 95-85 BC. JE 18mm (7.89 gm). Time of Mithradates. Helmeted head of Athena / N u d e Zeus striding right; star between erescents. Kroll 97; Svoronos pl.81,45ff. Near VF, dark green patina. ($75)

366. Athens. Circa 229-223 BC. JE 21mm (10.08 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Athena Polias right, holding owl and phiale. Kroll 66; Svoronos pl.25, 1-4. / / Circa 130-100 BC. JE 17mm (7.15 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Zeus advancing right, brandishing thunderbolt; distaff(?) and eagle at feet. Kroll 90ff; Svoronos pl.81,29. Both Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($1TO)

372. Athens. Circa 86-80 BC. JE 22mm (9.02 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone (Kore) / Iakchos in short cloak, holding long torch; plemochoe right. Kroll 117; Svoronos pl.25,11. VF, red-brown patina. Very rare Athenian bronze type; only two specimens noted by Svoronos and two more in the Agora excavations, all in poor condition. ($200)

367. Athens. After 160 BC. JE 18mm (4.67 gm). Head of Demeter / Pig on mystic staff. Kroll 86; Svoronos pl.103,50ff. / / Plus an JE 11mm (3.21 gm). Head of Persephone / Pig. Kroll 106; Svoronos pl.103,57ff. Both Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($1TO)

373. Athens. Circa 36-33 BC. JE 16mm (5.25 gm). Helmeted h e a d of Athena / Cult image of Delian Apollo, holding figures of the three Graces and bow; cicada to left. Kroll 143; Svoronos pl.80, 8-14. / / Circa 25-19 BC. JE 18mm (7.27 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl on prow; grain ear. Kroll 152; Svoronos pl.80,37-43. Both Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

368. Athens. Circa 127/126 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cicada to left, Κ on amphora, ΣΦ below, magistrates ΛΥΣΑΝ, ΓΛΑΥΚΟΣ, ΝΙΚΟΔΟ; all within wreath. Thompson 436c; dating per M0rkholm, ANSMN 29. Good VF, some encrustation. ($250)

374. Athens. Circa 20 BC. JE 15mm (3.59 gm). Veiled head of Demeter / Poppy with grain ears. Kroll 150; Svoronos pi.10,38ff. VF, brown patina. ($75)

375. Athens. Circa 120-140 AD. JE 21mm (4.93 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena / Athena Parthenos standing left, serpent at feet Kroll 171; Svoronos pl.82,29ff. VF, dark green patina. ($125)

369. Athens. Circa 111/110 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.79 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Iakchos with torch to left, M on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΦΑΝΟΚΛΗ, ΑΠΟΛΛΟΝΙΟΣ, ΦΙΛΟΞΕΟΣ (over ΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΣ); all within wreath. Thompson 709; dating per Markholm, ANSMN 29. Near EF, fine style. ($400)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 376. Athens. Circa 120-140 AD. JE 24mm (8.96 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena / Theseus finding the sword and sandals of Aegeus beneath the rock at Troezen. Kroll 181; Svoronos pl.95,28 (same obverse die). Fine, brown patina. Rare mythological type. ($300)

377. Athens. Circa 150-175 AD. JE 22mm (10.62 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Themistokles standing on galley; owl right on prow. Kroll 279; Svoronos pl.97,15-18. Near VF, brown patina, flat strike. ($75)

383. AEGINA. Circa 350-338 BC. AR Obol (0.82 gm). Tortoise; A to right / Incuse skew pattern; Δ in one quarter. Cf. Milbank pl.HI, 11. Toned VF. ($150)

384. CORINTH. Circa 515450 BC. AR Stater (8.25 gm). Pegasos with curled wing flying left / Helmeted head of Athena in incuse square. Pegasi 152; Ravel 133. Fine. ($150) The Jay Dawley Collection

385. CORINTH. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. JE 14mm (2.29 gm). Pegasos flying left / Ornate trident; rose bud to left; Δ to right. BMC Corinth pg.55,451. Good VF, pale green patina with some pitting. ($75) 378. Athens. Circa 264-267 AD. JE 20mm (5.05 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Athena standing, holding spear and shield. Kroll 318; Svoronos pl.86,5ff. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)

386. ARCADIA, Arcadian League. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.85 gm). Head of Pan left; I behind / Monogram with syrinx (Pan pipes); I. SNG Copenhagen 197. Toned VF. ($150) 378A. PELOPONNESOS, Megara. Circa 307-146 BC. JE 14mm (2.46 gm). Prow of galley left; trident above / Two dolphins around ΜΕΓ. SNG Copenhagen 481. Near VF, brown patina. ($60)

379. AEGINA. Circa 510-485 BC. AR Obol (0.99 gm). Sea-turtle / Incuse ‫׳‬windmill‫ ׳‬punch. Dewing 1670; Milbank pl.1,7. Toned VF. ($1‫)ש‬

387. Megalopolis. Circa 182-168 BC. AR Triobol (2.37 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / Pan seated left, holding lagobolon; eagle, Λ Δ. Dengate, ANSMN13, IIB,16ff. Toned, good VF. ($200)

A Rare Bronze From Orchomenos

The Jay Dawley Collection

380. AEGINA. Circa 480457 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.50 gm). Sea-turtle / Incuse skew pattern. Rosen 223. Toned EF, a choice, fully centered fraction. ($150) 388. Orchomenos. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 18mm (5.72 gm). Artemis kneeling right, holding bow / ΕΡΧΟΜΕΝΙΩΝ, Kallisto falling backwards, pierced by arrows. SNG Copenhagen 265. Near VF, red-brown patina. Rare. ($450) Among the numerous variations of the myth of Kallisto, the basic story is that Kallisto, attendant of Artemis was seduced by Zeus, giving birth to a son, Arkas (whence Arcadia), whereupon a furious Artemis turned her into a bear. Many years later Arkas was hunting in theforest and killed his mother, still in theform ofa bear. Zeus translated her into the heavens as the constellation Kallisto. The human form Kallisto takes on this coin probably is an engraver's liberty.

381. AEGINA. Circa 456431 BC. AR Stater (12.22 gm). U n d tortoise / Incuse skew pattern. SNG Delepierre 1536; Milbank ρΙ.Π, 10. VF, tiny punch mark on shell. ($4‫)ש‬

382. AEGINA. Circa 456-431 BC. AR Stater (12.15 gm). Land tortoise / Incuse divided square. SNG Delepierre 1545; Milbank ρΙ.Π, 15. Toned VF, flatly struck on shell. ($200)

389. SIKYONIA, Sikyon. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.65 gm). Chimaera left; ΣΙ below / Dove flying left; .·.. SNG Copenhagen 62. Toned VF. / / Plus an AR tetrobol of Histiaea on Euboeia. Nymph / Nymph on prow; double ax. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

The Jay Dawley Collection 4 1

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 397. ACHAEAN LEAGUE. Tegea. Circa 222 BC. AR Triobol (2.32 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / AX monogram; Τ Ε and monogram. Clerk 227. Toned, good VF. / / Plus an JE 19mm of Carthage. H e a d of Tanit / Horsehead. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100) 390. Sikyon. Circa 251-146 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.40 gm). Dove flying left; Τ / Large Σ; Polykra... SNG Copenhagen 101. Good VF, off center, but rare. ($100) 398. CYCLADES, Iulis on Keos. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 9 m m (0.98 gm). Head of Artemis / ΙΟ Y, bee in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 659. VF, brown patina. Scarce city. ($100) 391. ARGOLIS, Argos. Circa 468421 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.74 gm). Forepart of wolf left / Large A in incuse square, two deeper punches above. SNG Copenhagen 3. Toned VF. ($2TO)

399. CRETE, Gortyna. Circa 250 BC. AR Drachm (3.13 gm). Diademed head of Minos or Zeus; Η / Nude warrior with shield and spear; Θ. Svoronos ($200) 154; SNG Copenhagen 448. Toned, good VF. 392. Argos. Circa 343-146 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.15 gm). Forepart of wolf left / Large A; Hieronos, eagle. SNG Copenhagen 42. VF. ($1‫)ש‬ • • ‫* י‬-•

393. Argos. Circa 343-146 BC. AR Obol (0.82 gm). Head of wolf left; reversed Σ / Large Α; Π Ρ, club. SNG Copenhagen 54. Toned VF. Much scarcer than the tetrobols. ($150)

400. Knossos. Circa 37-34 BC. JE 18mm (4.28 gm). L LOLLIVS, club / Δ in wreath. Lindgren m A128a (this coin); RPC 910. Near VF. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

401. Kydonia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.24 gm). Head of Pan or satyr left / Seated hound. Svoronos 18; SNG Copenhagen 211. Toned VF, worn obverse die. Overstruck, possibly on a coin of Phaistos with bucranium in wreath (cf. Svoronos pl.XTV, 9). ($200) 394. LAKONIA, Lakedaimon (Sparta). Circa 43-31 BC. JE 25mm (6.90 gm). Head of Lykurgos / Club with caduceus in wreath; monograms. Grünauer XVII, series 5,51. Near VF, green patina, adjustment marks. ($150)

402. Lyttos. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 16mm (4.71 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle right; monogram and boar's head. SNG Copenhagen 499; Svoronos 75. VF, green patina. ($75)

395. ELIS, Olympia. Circa 271-191 BC. JE 24mm (11.28 gm). Head of Hera / Eagle standing right; monogram. SNG Copenhagen 429. Fine, green patina. Rare. ($100) 403. Lyttos. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 16mm (4.22 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle right; monogram and boar's head. SNG Copenhagen 499; Svoronos 75. VF, encrusted green patina. ($75) 396. A C H A E A N LEAGUE. M e s s i n e or Korone. Circa 191 BC. AR Triobol (2.37 gm). Laureate head of Zeus left / AX monogram; Ξ Ε and Ko. Clerk 312. / / Plus an AR hemiobol of Kyzikos in Mysia. Forepart of boar / Lion's head. Both toned, good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($1TO)

Lot 397

404. Kings of Bosporos. Sauromates 1.93-124 AD. JE 48 N u m m i (11.17 gm). ΤΙ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ BACIAEOC CAYPOMATOY (retrograde), diademed bust right with long hair / MH in wreath. Anokin 419 variety. VF, brown patina. Unusual obverse; an engraver's blunder or a contemporary counterfeit? ($100) 4 12

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

411. Amisos. Circa 4th century BC. AR Reduced Siglos (4.12 gm). Head of Hera right, wearing turreted crown / Facing owl; KEP ΚΙΩ. Cf.SNG BMC 1105 for magistrate; Malloy 9d. Good VF. ($200)

405. Sauromates 1.93-124 AD. JE 48 N u m m i (12.84 gm). Curule chair with wreath, flanked by shield and spear and sceptre / M H in wreath. Anokin 450. VF, brown patina. ($100)

412. Amisos. Circa 4th century BC. AR Reduced Half Siglos (1.74 gm). Head of Hera right, wearing turreted crown / Facing owl; ΔΗ ΜΗ TPIOY. SNG BMC 1119; Malloy 10e. Near EF. ($250)

406. Sauromates 1.93-124 AD. JE 48 Nummi (12.97 gm). Diademed bust right with long hair / MH, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm. Anokin 462. Good VF, brown patina. ($150)

413. Amisos. Circa 4th century BC. AR Reduced Half Siglos (1.75 gm). Head of Hera right, wearing turreted crown / Facing owl; ΔΗ MH TPIOY. SNG BMC 1119; Malloy 10e. Good VF. ($200)

414. Amisos. Circa 4th century BC. AR Reduced Half Siglos (1.74 gm). Head of Hera right, wearing turreted crown / Facing owl; monograms. SNG BMC-; Malloy 10m. Toned VF. ($150)

407. Sauromates Π. 174-211 AD. JE 48 N u m m i (15.80 gm). Diademed bust right with long hair / King on horseback; star above, Β below. Anokin 621. VF, brown and tan patina, large flan. ($150)

415. Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 27mm (19.36 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Perseus standing, holding harpa and head of Gorgon, the body at his feet; monograms. SNG BMC 1166. VF, brown patina. ($100)

408. Rheskouporis Π. 211-229 AD. JE 48 Nummi (12.02 gm). Diademed bust of king / King on horseback; star in exergue. Anokin 645 (same obverse die). Good VF, brown patina. ($150)

409. KOLCHIS, Dioskourias. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 17mm (4.39 gm). Caps of the Dioskouroi / Thyrsos. SNG BMC 1021. VF, pale green pahna. Rare. ($75)

410. PONTOS, Amastris. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 19mm (7.48 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram. SNG BMC 1319. Near EF, brown patina with green encrustation. ($75)

416. Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 28mm (18.13 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Perseus standing, holding harpa and head of Gorgon, the body at his feet; no monogram. Cf. SNG BMC 1166. Good VF, brown patina. ($125)

417. Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 27mm (19.26 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Perseus standing, holding harpa and head of Gorgon, the body at his feet; monograms. SNG BMC 1169. VF, brown patina. ($100)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

418. Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 26mm (18.33 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Perseus standing, holding harpa and head of Gorgon, the body at his feet; monograms. SNG BMC 1176. VF, dark green patina. ($100)

425. PAPHLAGONIA, Amastris. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 30mm (19.72 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Perseus standing, holding harpa and head of Gorgon, the body at his feet; no monogram. SNG BMC 1312. Brown VF, usual adjustment marks. ($100)

419. Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 21mm (6.70 gm). Aegis / Nike right; monograms. SNG BMC 1177. VF, brown patina. ($75)

426. Amastris. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 21mm (7.56 gm). Aegis / Nike right; no monograms. SNG BMC 1318. VF, brown patina. ($75)

420. Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 21mm (6.70 gm). Aegis / Nike right; monograms. SNG BMC 1190. VF, brown patina. ($75)

427. Amastris. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 20mm (6.56 gm). Small laureate head of Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram. SNG BMC 1319. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) 421. Amisos. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 21mm (7.65 gm). Wreathed head of Mithradates as Dionysos / Cista mystica with thyrsos; monogram. SNG BMC 1202. EF, brown patina. ($1TO)

428. Amastris. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 21mm (9.31 gm). Laureate head Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram. SNG BMC 1319. Brown VF. ($75) 422. Phanagoreia. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 24mm (6.52 gm). Bust of Artemis / Recumbent stag. SNG BMC 1TO0. Brown VF. ($75)

423. Phamakeia. Circa 100-65 BC. JE 22mm (8.19 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram and star. SNG BMC 1284. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)

429. Amastris. Circa 85-65 BC. Lot of two JE 21mm. Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram. SNG BMC 1319. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($125)

424. Pharnakeia. Circa 100-65 BC. JE 22mm (8.56 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram. SNG BMC-; Waddington 4. Near EF, brown patina. ($75)

430. Sinope. Circa 410-350 BC. AR Drachm (5.88 gm). Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos / Sea-eagle on dolphin; magistrate ΠΟΣΙ. SNG BMC-; Waddington pl.XXIV, 22. VF, test cut. ($100) 4 14

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 437. Kalchedon. Circa 387-340 BC. AR Drachm (3.78 gm). Bull standing left above grain ear; caduceus left / Quadripartite granulated incuse square. Waddington 15, pl.XLVI, 1 ; SNG von Post 67 (this coin). Good VF. ($150)

431. Sinope. Circa 330-3‫ ש‬BC. AR Drachm (5.89 gm). Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos; aplustre / Sea-eagle on dolphin; magistrate ΣΟΣΤΡΑ. SNG BMC-; Waddington 31. Toned, good VF on a large flan. Reverse slightly double struck, but the magistrate's name is fully on the flan, unusual thus. ($250)

438. Kalchedon. Circa 235-220 BC. AR Drachm (4.04 gm). Drachm of Alexander HI of the Lampsakos mint (Price 1427) countermarked with head of Apollo and KA monogram. Cf. Thompson, "Bûyiikçekmece Hoard", ANSMN VI, 79. The c / m appears on another drachm of the Lampsakos mint, Price 1406g. Coin and c / m Fine. ($300)

432. Sinope. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Reduced Drachm (5.04 gm). Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos / Sea-eagle on dolphin; magistrate ΑΓΡΕΩ. SNG BMC 1483. EF on a large flan, light toning. ($250) 439. Kios. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Quarter Drachm (1.25 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Prow of galley; magistrate Poseidonios. SNG Copenhagen 377. Toned VF. ($100)

433. Sinope. Circa 330-300 BC. AR Reduced Drachm (5.07 gm). Head of n y m p h left; hair in sakkos / Sea-eagle on dolphin; magistrate ΑΓΡΕΩ. SNG BMC 1483. Toned EF. ($2M) 440. BITHYNIAN KINGS. Prusias 1.238-183 BC. JE 17mm (4.18 gm). Laureate head of Apollo with quiver / Bow and quiver. SNG von Aulock 250. EF, brown and green patina. ($100)

434. Sinope. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 28mm (18.30 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Perseus standing, holding harpa and head of Gorgon, the body at his feet; monogram. SNG BMC 1534. Near VF, usual adjustment marks.


441. Prusias I or II. 238-183-149 BC. JE 16mm (3.86 gm). Head of Prusias, wearing winged d i a d e m / Herakles standing left; m o n o g r a m . SNG Copenhagen 631 variety (monogram 10). Good VF, black patina. ($60)

435. Sinope. Circa 85-65 BC. JE 21mm (8.13 gm). Aegis / Nike right; M. SNG BMC 1536. VF, brown patina. ($75) 442. Prusias I or II. 238-183-149 BC. JE 20mm (4.32 gm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos / The centaur Chiron playing the lyre; monogram. SNG Copenhagen 641. Good VF, choice sea-green patina. ($75)

436. ΒΓΓΗΥΝΙΑ, Herakleia. Arsinoë. 289-281 BC. AR Didrachm (Stater) (9.75 gm). Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Dionysos seated, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Waddington 44, pl.LVI, 11; SNG von Aulock 366. Toned, good VF, weak strike. ($300)

Lot 437

443. Nikomedes ΙΠ or IV. Year 207 (92 BC). AR Tetradrachm (16.01 gm). Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΝΙΚΟΜΗΔΟΥ, Zeus standing, holding wreath and sceptre; eagle on thunderbolt, monogram and date to left. BMC Pontus etc. pg.15,3. Toned VF. ($350) 52

Classical Numismatic

444. MYSIA, Adramyteion. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE 14mm (2.67 gm). Archaic head of Zeus / Horseman right. SNG Copenhagen 3. VF, black pahna. ($100)

Group‫׳‬, Inc.

451. Kyzikos. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.27 gin). Forepart of boar left / Two tunny fish swimming in opposite directions. Von Fritze 17 (pl.V, 20). Good VF. Rare fraction. ($125)

T w o Rare Portrait Bronzes Of Tissaphernes

445. Astyra. Tissaphernes, Satrap. Circa 400-395 BC. JE 12mm (1.48 gm). ΤΙΣΣΑ, bearded head of Tissaphernes / ΑΣΤΎΡΑ, cult statue of Artemis Astyra; club in left field. Cahn, "Zwei Griechische Miszellen", in Numismatics Witness to History, pl.13,1-7. Near EF, black patina. Rare with the complete legend visible. ($500)

452. Kyzikos. Circa 350 BC. JE 17mm (4.66 gm). Head of Kore Soteira / Tripod on tunny; monogram. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 59; von Fritze 7. VF, brown patina. ($75)

This Persian satrap led the armies ofArtaxerxes against the usurper Cyrus in 401 BC. The story of the Greek mercenaries involved in this Persian civil war is told by Xenoplwn in his Anabasis. The successful Tissaplwrnes later became the victim of court intrigues and was put to death in 395 BC.

453. Kyzikos. Circa 300 BC. JE 20mm (7.01 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Bird on bucranium; bow(?) above. SNG Copenhagen-; von Fritze 21. VF, green patina. Rare type, unlisted in the major collections. ($125)

446. Astyra. Tissaphernes, Satrap. Circa 400-395 BC. JE 12mm (1.57 gm). (ΤΙΣΣΑ), bearded head of Tissaphernes / ΑΣΤΥΡΑ, cult statue of Artemis Astyra; club in left field. Cahn, "Zwei Griechische Miszellen", in Numismatics Witness to History, pl.13,1-7. EF, black patina. Name not visible, but a choice portrait. ($400)

454. Kyzikos. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 27mm (9.19 gm). Wreathed head of Kore / Tripod on torch; monograms. SNG Copenhagen 84. Good VF, gray-green patina. ($125)

447. Atameus. Circa 350 BC. JE 19mm (3.59 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Forepart of horse; serpent and grapes above. SNG Copenhagen 21. VF, black patina, flan crack. Scarce city. ($60)

448. Atameus. Circa 350 BC. JE 17mm (3.81 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Forepart of horse; serpent and monogram above. SNG Copenhagen 22. VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. Scarce city. ($60) Ex Lord Crantley collection.

455. Lampsakos. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. JE 19mm (6.62 gm). Laureate female head (Nike?) / Forepart of Pegasos right; grapes below. BMC Mysia pg.84,54. Fine, dark green patina. ($60)

EL 449. Kyzikos. Circa 550475 BC. EL Twelfth (1.32 gm). Forepart of lion left, head reverted; tunny fish to right / Quadripartite incuse punch. Cf. Von Fritze 40 (stater); Greenwell 111 (hekte; the obverse is described as a lioness). Near VF. ($300) Ex CNA III, lot 17. _

456. Parion. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.42 gm). Gorgoneion / Cow standing left; rose below. SNG Copenhagen-. Choice EF. The rose symbol is apparently unpublished for this issue. ($300)

Our ^ t Safe, CC^Q Auction 38, 'Wiff'BetiefdIn Conjunction With 'Tfie Spring Jiewjorfainter natiomf9{umismatic Convention on June 6-7,1996.

450. Kyzikos. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.42 gm). Forepart of boar left; tunny fish to right / Head of roaring lion; star. SNG Copenhagen 49. Good VF. ($125) 1 6

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. Rare Pergamene Issue Of A Persian Satrap



462. Pergamon. Circa 139-136 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.80 gm). Serpent crawling from basket (cista) / Serpents entwined around bow case; monogram and helmet around. Kleiner-Noe Series 25b. / / Another from Tralles in Lydia. (12.35 gm). Symbols: monogram and head of Helios. Kleiner -Noe Series 45. Both toned VF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

457. Pergamon. Persian Satraps. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Diobol (1.77 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΠΕΡΓ, bearded head of satrap in incuse square. SNG von Aulock 1347; Babelon, Les Perses 374. Good VF, some porosity. Very rare. ($1000) The satrap pictured cannot be positivily identified, but stylistically it should be placed under either Eurysthenes or Congylos, both administrators of the late 4th century BC. 463. Pergamon. After 133 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.50 gm). Serpent crawling from basket (cista) / Serpents entwined around bow case; monograms and serpent staff around. SNG Copenhagen 433. Toned VF. ($100)

458. Pergamon. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. JE 17mm (4.43 gm). Laureate helmeted head of Athena left / Confronted bull's heads. SNG von Aulock 1351. VF, black patina. ($1M)

464. Pergamon. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 21mm (9.48 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΥ ΣΟΤΗΡΟΣ, serpent coiled around omphalos. SNG von Aulock 1372. Good VF, black patina. ($100)

459. Pergamon. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 11mm (0.85 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Confronted bull's heads; spearhead above. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 328. Near EF, dark brown patina. ($100)

465. Pergamon. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 20mm (8.67 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Trophy. BMC Mysia pg.130,172. Good VF, gray-green patina. ($75)

460. Pergamon. Circa 150-140 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.67 gm). Serpent crawling from basket (cista) / Serpents entwined around bow case; monogram and filleted thyrsos around. Kleiner-Noe Series 24a; SNG Copenhagen 407. Toned, good VF. ($150) 466. TROAS, Abydos. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. JE 22mm (8.56 gm). Facing head of Artemis; turreted bust of Tyche / Eagle standing right; eagle right, head left. SNG Copenhagen 40 overstruck on Copenhagen 38. VF, dark green patina. ($75)

461. Pergamon. Circa 139-136 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.32 gm). Serpent crawling from basket (cista) / Serpents entwined around bow case; monogram and helmet around. Kleiner-Noe Series 25b. Toned, good VF, light porosity. ($100)



467. Gargara. Circa 420-400 BC. JE 9mm (0.73 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Horse; crescent below. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 326. Good VF, dark green patina. ($60)

468. Gergis. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. JE 13mm (1.35 gm). Head of Herophile / Seated sphinx. SNG Copenhagen 338. VF, dark green patina. ($75)

Part of Lot 462 1 7

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

475. LESBOS, Methymna. Circa 350-250 BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.18 gm). Head of Herakles wearing lion skin / Arion riding dolphin and holding lyre; kantharos. SNG von Aulock 1742. Fine and rare. ($100) 469. Ilion. Circa 301-281 BC. JE 17mm (4.31 gm). Laureate helmeted head of Athena / Statue of Athena Dias left, holding filleted spear and distaff. Bellinger T1. VF, black patina. Rare first coin of ancient Troy. ($75) 476. Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.45 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Head of nymph(?) within linear square. Bodenstedt 70 d / ζ . Fine, obverse off center. ($250)

470. Skamandria. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 15mm (4.28 gm). Head of the mountain nymph Ide; two countermarks: owl placed over a star / Fir tree; boar's head. SNG Copenhagen 464. VF, dark green patina, sone encrustation. Rare city. ($75)

477. Mytilene. Circa 377-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.60 gm). Laureate head of Zeus Meilichios, serpent in front / Head of Herakles within linear square. Bodenstedt 103 a / a . Good VF, worn obverse die. ($500)

Rare Lesbos Billon Stater

478. Mytilene. Circa 250-200 BC. JE 18mm (3.63 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Lyre; monograms. SNG Copenhagen 387. VF, brown patina. ($75)

471. LESBOS. Circa 550-500 BC. Billon Stater (13.97 gm). Foreparts of three confronted lions, two heads in profile; the heads combine to form a facing panther's head / Small incuse punch. Babelon, Traité 1,548 (pl.XTV, 3). Near VF. Rare. (SIOTO)

479. AEOLIS, Aegae. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 15mm (3.30 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Nike standing left; monograms. SNG Copenhagen 12. VF, black patina. ($75)

480. Elaia. Circa 460400 BC. AR Diobol (1.31 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left / Wreath in incuse square; (EA)LA in comers. SNG Copenhagen 166. Good VF. ($150) 472. LESBOS. Circa 550-500 BC. Billon 1 / 6 Stater (1.94 gm). Heads of two confronted boars; the heads combine to form a facing panther's head / Small incuse punch. Cf. Babelon, Traité 1,557. Toned VF, original patina. ($300)

473. LESBOS. Circa 550-500 BC. Billon 1/10 Stater (1.48 gm). Head of roaring lion / Quadripartite incuse punch. Toned, good VF, original patina. ($3‫)ש‬

481. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.57 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ, horse right, one-handled cup below; magistrate Kallias. Oakley, ANSMN 27, Issue 20. EF. ($650)

A Rare Portrait Of A "Nubian‫״‬


474. LESBOS. Circa 550-500 BC. Billon 1/12 Stater (0.82 gm). Head of African right / Small incuse punch. SNG von Aulock 7715. Toned VF. A rare and popular ethnic representation on a Greek coin. ($350) 1 8

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 482. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / Horse right, one-handled cup below; eagle on thunderbolt, magistrate ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΔΗΣ. Oakley, ANSMN 27,65. Near EF. ($600)

483. Larissa P h r i k o n i s . Circa 4th Century BC. JE 11mm (1.52 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΩΝ, bull right. Cf. SNG von Aulock 1658 (obverse type unpublished). Good VF, dark brown patina. ($250)

488. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 27. ($600) Not to be confused with the more commonly encountered coins of Larissa in Thessaly. EF.

484. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 18. EF. ($600)

489. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.67 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 39. EF. ($600)

490. Myrina. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 16mm (3.76 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Amphora; lyre to right. SNG Copenhagen 225. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)

485. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.45 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 18. VF, light scratches. _ ($400)

491. IONIA? Persian Satraps. Circa 349-333 BC. AR Stater (13.60 gm). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance, drawing bow / Satrap on horseback. Price, "The Syria 1989 Hoard", in Essays Carson/jenkins, 7. Fine, heavy corrosion, especially on reverse. ($200)

486. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 23. EF. ($600) 492. IONIA, Ephesos. Circa 387-295 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.03 gm). Bee, with straight wings / Forepart of stag, palm tree; magistrate ΝΕΙΛΟΣΘΕΝΗΣ. SNG Copenhagen 233. VF, light horn silver. ($400)

487. Myrina. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.69 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, three loose braids / Apollo Grynios holding branch and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 26. EF. ($600)

493. Ephesos. Circa 387-295 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.97 gm). Bee, with straight wings / Forepart of stag, palm tree; magistrate ΔΙΑΓΟΡΑΣ. Magistrate unlisted in Head. VF, some surface crystallization. ($400) The jay Dawley Collection

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

494. Ephesos. Circa 387-295 BC. JE 10mm (1.49 gm). Head of Artemis left / Bee. SNG Copenhagen 256. Good VF, black patina. ($75)

501. Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 16mm (4.24 gm). Horseman with couched lance; Γ / Butting bull left; magistrates Zopyrion, son of Pythag(oras). SNG Copenhagen 838. Good VF, tan patina. ($75)

495. Ephesos. Persian Satraps? Circa 334 BC. JE 13mm (2.20 gm). Persian king right, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch with irregular markings (map of Ionia?). BMC Ionia pg.324,8. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

496. Ephesos. Circa 202-133 BC. JE 17mm (3.84 gm). Bee in wreath / Stag and palm tree; magistrate Arkas. SNG Copenhagen 300. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)

497. Ephesos. Year 2 (133/132 BC). AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.71 gm). Serpent crawling from basket (cista) / Serpents entwined around bow case; ΕΦΕ, B, bee and torch around. Kleiner-Noe Series 41. Toned, good VF. ($100)

502. Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 160-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Diademed bust of Artemis, quiver over shoulder / Nude Apollo with tripod; ΑΠΟΛΛΟΔΩΡΟΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΚΡΑΤΟΥ, maeander pattern. Jones, ANSMN24,2 (obverse die). Choice EF. ($600)

503. Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Circa 160-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Diademed bust of Artemis, quiver over shoulder / Nude Apollo with tripod; ΕΥΦΙΜΟΣ ΠΑΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ, maeander pattern. Jones, ANSMN 24,8-25. Choice EF. ($750)

504. Miletos. Circa 6th Century BC. AR Obol (0.38 gm). Facing lion's head / Stellate pattern. Cf. Rosen 579 (trihemiobol). VF. ($100) 498. Herakleia ad Latmon. After 165 BC. AR Octobol (4.81 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / ΗΡΑΚΛΕ ΩΤΩΝ, club in wreath. Weber 5984. Toned VF, scratches and horn silver. Rare. ($300) 505. Miletos. Circa 313-290 BC. JE 11mm (1.35 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Lion right, head reverted; star, magistrate Nikosios. DeppertLippitz Period Π (magistrate not recorded). Near EF, black patina. / / Plus three later JE, including an ΛΞ 16mm from Kolophon of Diadumenian. Average F-VF. 4 coins total. ($100)

499. Klazomenai. Circa 387-340 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.00 gm). Facing head of Apollo / Swan left; YMA ΝΔΡΩΝΑΞ(?). Cf. SNG Copenhagen 21. Toned, good VF. ($350) 506. Miletos. Circa 39-17 BC. JE 17mm (3.00 gm). Apollo Didyma holding bow and stag / Lion seated, head reverted; star, K, magistrate Aischylinos. Deppert-Lippitz Period VH, 946. Good VF, black patina. ($100)

500. Klazomenai. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 16mm (3.29 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Recumbent ram; magistrate Metrodoros. SNG Copenhagen 66. Near VF, red-brown patina. ($60)

507. Myos. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 11mm (1.35 gm). Wreathed head of Poseidon / MY, dolphin; trident below. SNG Copenhagen 1022. VF, green patina. Rare city. ($100) 1 0

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

508. Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.56 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left, griffin on helmet; seal (φοκη) below / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 91. VF. ($500) 516. Priene. Circa 150-125 BC. JE 21mm (7.26 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl on amphora; star and ivy leaf, magistrate Achilleides. SNG Copenhagen 1099. Good VF, mottled green patina. ($125)

Attractive Tetradrachm Of S m y r n a

509. Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. Base AR 9mm (1.22 gm). Head of young male left, wearing taenia / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. Bodenstedt 63. Possibly a core of a fourré hekte. VF, darkpatina. ($100)

510. Phokaia. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 11mm (2.06 gm). Head of nymph left / Head of griffin left. Lindgren ΙΠ A382a (this coin). Good VF, dark green patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection 517. Smyrna. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.66 gm). Turreted head of Tyche / ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ and monogram in wreath. SNG von Aulock 2161. EE ($1500)

511. Phokaia. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 21mm (4.40 gm). Head of Hermes left, wearing petasos / Forepart of griffin left; magistrate Boiotos. SNG Copenhagen 1042. VF, green patina. ($125)

518. Smyrna. Circa 75-50 BC. JE 15mm (3.61 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Hand in kestos (boxing glove); magistrate Metrodoros. SNG Copenhagen 1216. Good VF, green patina. ($100)

519. Teos. Circa 540478 BC. ARTetartemorion (0.18 gm). Head of griffin ($100) / Quadripartite incuse square. Balcer 80. Good VF. 512. Phokaia. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 19mm (3.85 gm). Head of Heimes left, wearing petasos / Forepart of griffin left; magistrate Poly... Cf. SNG Copenhagen 1042. VF, rough green patina. ($60)

513. Phokaia. Circa 3rd Century BC. JE 18mm (6.63 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Griffin right; cap above. SNG Copenhagen 1045. VF, brown patina. (S60)

520. Teos. Circa 510-490 BC. AR Stater (11.64 gm). Griffin with curled wings seated on decorated basis, forepaw raised; symbol (astragalos?) behind / Quadripartite incuse square. Balcer 13ff. Toned VF. ($250)

514. Phygela. Circa 4th Century BC. JE 12mm (2.75 gm). Facing head of Artemis Munychia / Bull left, in front of palm tree; magistrate Socrates. SNG Copenhagen 1074. Fine, black patina. ($75)

521. Teos. Circa 478465 BC. AR Stater (11.80 gm). Griffin with curled wings seated on decorated basis, forepaw raised; satyr's head in front / Quadripartite incuse square. Balcer 106. VF, horn silver. ($250)

522. Teos. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.39 gm). Griffin seated / Kantharos; magistrate Diogenes. SNG Copenhagen 1445. EF, original lustrous gray hoard patina. ($300)

515. Priene. Circa 150-125 BC. JE 20mm (6.29 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl on amphora; magistrate Euhemeros. SNG Copenhagen 1095. Near VF, brown and green patina. ($75) 1 1

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬, Inc.

523. Teos. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 16mm (1.95 gm). Griffin seated right / THK2N in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 1475. VF, rough brown patina. ($75)

524. Islands off Ionia. Oinoe on Ikaros. Circa 340-300 BC. AR Drachm (3.47 gm). Head of Artemis facing three quarters right / Bull left. SNG von Aulock 8023. Toned VF. Very Rare. ($4M)

525. Islands off Ionia. Samos. Circa 394-365 BC. JE 14mm (2.61 gm). Head of Hera / Facing lion scalp. SNG Copenhagen 1692; Barron pl.XXXI, 1. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)

530. Nysa. Year 5 (130/129 BC). JE 17mm (7.77 gm). Jugate heads of Pluton and Persephone / Dionysos standing facing, holding kantharos and thyrsos. BMC Lydia pg-171,9. Good VF, olive-green patina. ($75)

531. Sardeis. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 17mm (3.00 gm). Wreathed head of Dionysos / Lion breaking spear in jaws; Θ, m o n o g r a m . SNG Copenhagen 464. Good VF, black patina. ($100)

532. Sardeis. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE 20mm (4.09 gm). Bearded head of Herakles left / Omphale, queen of Lydia, with lion skin. SNG Copenhagen ($100) 509. Near VF, dark green patina.

526. Samos. Circa 394-365 BC. JE 14mm (2.79 gm). Head of Hera / Facing lion scalp. SNG von Aulock 2298; Barron pl.XXXI, 1. Good VF, black patina, rough obverse. ($75) 533. Sardeis. Circa 3rd Century AD. JE 19mm (3.81 gm). Veiled and turreted bust of Tyche / Cult statue of Kore with grain ear and poppy. SNG Copenhagen 513. Good VF, green patina. ($75) 527. Samos. Circa 394-365 BC. JE 10mm (1.96 gm). Head of Hera left / Facing lion scalp. SNG von Aulock 2297. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75)

528. Samos. Circa 300-270 BC. JE 13mm (2.35 gm). Head of Hera / Facing lion scalp; magistrate Paris. BMC Ionia pg.365,167; Barron pg.134. Near VF, dark brown patina. ($60)

529. LYDIA, Nysa? Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 14mm (2.70 gm). Male head right / ΚΛΥΜΝΗ, figure standing right. Lindgren ΙΠ A492a (this coin). VF, dark green patina. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection.

534. Tralles. Circa 140-135 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.65 gm). Serpent crawling from basket (cista) / Serpents entwined around bow case; ΊΓΡΑΛ, thunderbolt, eagle and monogram around. Kleiner-Noe Series 40. Toned, good VF. ($100)

535. KINGS OF LYDIA. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Siglos (5.34 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Rosen 663. Toned, good VF. ($500)

The attribution of this coin is not settled. The youthful male head has a hair band or taenia, but no sign of a laurel or ivy wreath. The reversefigure does not have the attributes of Dionysos either. He holds a transverse sceptre with a serpent coiled at hisfeet and holds an object in his outstretched hand that might be a bird. A bronze from Trikka in Thessaly shows Asklepios seated holding a bird over a serpent (SNG Copenhagen 266), the closest approximation of this type, although this figure is 536. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. ARSiglos (5.18 gm). Confronted shown as young and nude. The legend, whole or partial, defies translation. A site foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Rosen 663. Toned, good VF, in Thessaly remains a possibility. slight crystallization. ($500) 1 2

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. The general types are familarfrom Stratonikeia; however, there is no ethnic (ΣΤ) present on this coin, the magistrate is unknown, and the eagle is never shown on a thunderbolt. Possiblyfrom another city that copies Stratonikeia's types. 537. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Sixth (1.70 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Rosen 667. VF. ($350)

538. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Twelfth (0.83 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Incuse punch. Rosen 668. VF.

545. CARIA, Uncertain Mint. Circa 500 BC. AR Diobol (1.67 gm). Forepart of roaring lion / Incuse. Cf. Rosen 613 (stater). Good VF. ($350)


539. CARIA, Alabanda. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 21mm (5.32 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / Pegasos flying right; magistrate(s) ΔΑΜΑ ΙΑΤΡΟ; all within wreath. Mionnet ffl pg.306,13. Good VF, black patina. ($100)

540. Halikarnassos. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 17mm (4.82 gm). Head of Poseidon / Ornate trident; magistrate Charm(es). BMC Caria pg.105,35. VF, brown patina. ($75)

546. CARIAN SATRAPS. Maussollos. 377-353 BC. AR Drachm (3.56 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / Zeus Labraundos standing, holding double ax (labrys) and lotus-tipped sceptre; monogram. SNG von Aulock 2365. VF, porosity, dig on reverse. ($300)

547. Islands off Caria. Kos. Circa 357-330 BC. AR Didrachm (6.90 gm). Head of Herakles (Maussollos, satrap of Caria?) right,wearing lion skin / ΚΩΙΩΝ, veiled female head left, (Artemisia, wife of Maussollos, as Demeter); magistrate ΑΓΗ. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 619. VF. ($500)

541. Kindya. Circa 510-490 BC. AR Samian Tetrobol (2.01 gm). Head of griffin left / Incuse geometric pattern. Asyut 687; SNG von Post 305 (this coin). Toned, near EF. ($200) An article by Kagan and Kritt in the forthcoming Numismatic ports the reattribution of this issue to Kindya.

Chronicle sup-

542. Mylasa. Eupolemos. Circa 314 BC. JE 16mm (5.22 gm). Three overlapping shields / Sword in sheath; monogram to left. Akarca pg.101, type A. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)

548. Kos. Circa 300-190 BC. JE 13mm (1.95 gm). Head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin / ΚΩΙΟΝ, crab; magistrate Aratos. BMC Caria pg.202, ($60) 88. VF, green patina.

549. Rhodes. Circa 316-304 BC. AR Didrachm (6.71 gm). Facing head of Helios / Rose; E, grapes. SNG Helsinki 445. Toned VF. / / Circa 170-150 BC AR Hemidrachm (1.28 gm). Magistrate Dionysios, cornucopiae. SNG Helsinki 649. Good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

543. Mylasa. Circa 167 BC. AR Rhodian Drachm (2.15 gm). Facing head of Helios, bird on cheek / Rose; ΔΥ ΔΔ. Akarca 24; W. Sheridan, "A Hoard of Rhodian Type Drachms", ANSNNM18,86 (same dies). Toned VF.


550. Rhodes. Circa 304-275 BC. AR Didrachm (6.67 gm). Facing head of Helios / Rose with two buds; trident. Cf. SNG Helsinki 475. Toned, good VF. ($400) 544. Stratonikeia? After 81 BC. AR Tetrobol (1.71 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle on thunderbolt; magistrate ΔΗΜΗΙΡΙ, ivy leaf to right; all in incuse square. Apparently unpublished. Good VF. ($100) 1 3

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

551. Rhodes. Circa 304-275 BC. AR Didrachm (6.82 gm). Facing head of Helios / Rose; E, grapes. SNG Helsinki 452. / / Another. Circa 275-250 BC. (6.29 gm). Magistrate Antipatros, grain ear. SNG Helsinki 503. / / Circa 230205 BC. AR Drachm (2.81 gm). Magistrate Ameinias, trident. SNG Helsinki 554. Average VF, the didrachms with heavy horn silver. 3 coins in lot.

558. PHRYGIA, Apameia. After 133 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.21 gm). Cista mystica with serpent / Bowcase with serpents; bee, crossed flutes, magistrate Phainippos. SNG von Aulock 3461. Good VF. ($150)


559. Apameia. Circa 13348 BC. JE 18mm (5.19 gm). Turreted head of Artemis / Marsyas walking u p o n meander pattern; magistrate Bianoros Attalou. BMC Phrygia pg.80,62. Good VF, green patina. ($125)

552. Rhodes. Circa 304-275 BC. AR Didrachm (6.55 gm). Facing head of Helios / Rose; Ε Y, grapes. SNG Helsinki 454. / / Another. Circa 275-250 BC. (6.47 gm). Magistrate Aristobios, wreath. SNG Helsinki 493. Both toned, near VF. 2 coins in lot. ($2TO)

560. LYCIAN DYNASTS. Perikles. Circa 380-360 BC. JE 12mm (2.23 gm). Head of Pan left / Triskeles. SNG Copenhagen 34. Brown VF. ($75)

553. Rhodes. Circa 275-250 BC. AR Diobol (0.87 gm). Radiate head of Helios / Two rose buds; Artemis wth torch. SNG Helsinki 515. VF, horn silver on edge. ($75) 561. LYCIAN LEAGUE, Kragos. Circa 42 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.81 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / KP, lyre; filleted palm to right. Troxell 89. Good VF. ' ($150) 554. Rhodes. Circa 188-84 BC. JE 12mm (1.45 gm). Radiate head of Rhodos / Rose. SNG Helsinki 702. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)

562. LYCIAN LEAGUE, Olympos. Circa 42 BC. AR Drachm (2.47 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΟΛΥΜ, lyre; thunderbolt and palm. Troxell 52. VF. Rare city. ($100)

555. Rhodes. Circa 170-150 BC. AR Drachm (3.00 gm). Radiate head of Helios / Rose; magistrate Mnemon, cornucopiae. BMC Caria pg.25,272. Good VF. ($1TO)

563. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 460420 BC. AR Stater (10.85 gm). Nude warrior right with sword and shield / EITFA, triskeles with central rosette and ivy leaves. SNG von Post 335 (this coin); SNG von Aulock 4480. Good VF for type. Rare. ($750)

556. Rhodes. Circa 170-150 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.35 gm). Radiate head of Helios facing / Rose; Isis crown, magistrate ΔΕΞΙΚΡΑΤΗΣ. SNG Helsinki 657. Good VF. / / Plus an AR hemidrachm of Apollonia Pontika in Thrace. Gorgoneion / Anchor. SNG Cop. 457. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

564. Aspendos. Circa 460420 BC. AR Stater (10.79 gm). N u d e warrior right with sword and shield / EZTF, triskeles; cock and laurel branch. SNG von Post 336 (this coin); SNG von Aulock 4481. VF for type. Rare. ($500)

557. Rhodes. Circa 40 BC-25 AD. JE 19mm (4.45 gm). Radiate head of Helios / Open rose; herm below. SNG Helsinki "52. VF, green patina. ($60) 5 4

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

565. Aspendos. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Obol (0.92 gm). Gorgoneion / Helmeted head of Athena in incuse square. Babelon, Traité Π, 1550. Good VF. ($150) 572. Side. Circa 400-380 BC. AR Stater (10.46 gm). Athena left, holding owl and shield; pomegranate / Apollo standing before altar, holding laurel branch and bow; eagle at feet. Atlan 65 (same obverse die); SNG Copenhagen 372. Fine, shallow test cut and scratches on reverse. ($100) 566. Aspendos. Circa 450-400 BC. ARObol (1.12 gm). Amphora placed on crescent / Triskeles with ivy leaves; M, all in incuse square. Babelon, Traité Π, 1544. VF, test cut. ($100)

567. Aspendos. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Obol (1.06 gm). A m p h o r a / Triskeles in incuse square. SNG von Aulock 4486. VF. ($100)

568. Aspendos. Circa 420-360 BC. AR Drachm (5.41 gm). N u d e warrior on horseback / ΕΣΤΤΕΔΙΙ, boar left; five countermarks: incuse, janiform head, eagle, helmeted head, ram. SNG von Post 338 (this coin); SNG von Aulock 4496. VF, flattened by countermarks. ($300)

569. Aspendos. Circa 420-360 BC. AR Drachm (5.38 gm). N u d e warrior on horseback / ΕΣΙΤΕΔΠ, boar left; six countermarks: bucranium, janiform head, bull, winged bull, eagle, lion. SNG von Post 339 (this coin); SNG von Aulock 4496. VF, flattened by countermarks. ($300)

570. Aspendos. Circa 420-360 BC. AR Drachm (5.43 gm). N u d e warrior on horseback; countermark: ram / EITFEAH, boar right; seven countermarks: janiform head (twice), lion's head (twice), ram's head (twice), lion. SNG von Post 340 (this coin); SNG von Aulock 4499. VF, flattened by countermarks. ($300)

571. Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.82 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; KF between / Slinger to right; triskeles and FK in field. SNG Copenhagen 219. Toned, good VF. ($300)

573. Side. Circa 2 n d - l s t Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.59 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Nike walking left; monogram. SNG von Aulock 4794. Toned VF. ($150)

574. PISIDIA, Isinda. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 19mm (5.58 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Horseman right; B. SNG Copenhagen 156. VF, black patina. ($60)

575. Selge. Circa 380-370 BC. AR Stater (10.81 gm). Wrestlers grappling; ΕΥ / ΣΤΛΕΠΙΥΣ, slinger; triskeles, astragalos between legs; c / m : bull with "Ba'al". SNG von Post 388 (this coin); SNG Copenhagen 237. Near EF. ($300)

576. Selge. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 13mm (2.39 gm). Facing head of Herakles, wreathed with styrax, club behind / Forepart of stag. SNG Copenhagen 259. VF, dark green patina. ($100)

577. Termessos Major. Circa 1st Century BC. /E 17mm (5.59 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Galloping horse left; IA above. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 297. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

578. Termessos Major. Circa 71-36 BC. JE 18mm (5.02 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Forepart of horse left; Θ. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 305. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75)

579. CILICIA. Aigeai. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. JE 21mm (7.98 gm). Diademed head of Antiochos / Horsehead left. SNG Levante 1630. VF, black patina, scattered porosity. First coinage of the city. ($125)

580. Holmoi. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.25 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Laureate head of Apollo Sarpedonios. Cf. SNG Levante 34 (obol). EF. ($125)

581. Kelendris. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.76 gm). Youth dismounting from rearing horse; monogram / Kneeling goat. SNG von Aulock 5622. Good VF, light toning. ($450)

582. Kelendris. Circa 4254TO BC. AR Obol (0.89 gm). Forepart of Pegasos / Kneeling goat. SNG von Aulock 5635. Good VF. ($100)

585. Soloi. Circa 385-350 BC. AR Stater (9.85 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / ΣΟΛΙ, grape cluster, with smaller one to right. Cf. SNG von Aulock 5864. Toned VF. ($200)

586. Tarsos. Circa 2nd Century BC. JE 21mm (8.35 gm). Turreted and veiled bust of Tyche / Altar of Sandan; monograms. SNG Levante 954. VF, dark green patina. ($75)

587. Zephyrion. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 20mm (6.03 gm). Turreted head of Tyche; monogram / Tyche seated left; Α Θ. Lindgren ΠΙ A936a (this coin); SNG Levante 9TOff. VF, green patina. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

588. CILICIAN SATRAPS. Tiribazos. 386-380 BC. AR Obol (0.60 gm). Young male head / Kneeling girl tossing astragoloi. SNG Paris 239. Good VF, scarce. ($250)

589. Pharnabazos. 379-374 BC. AR Stater (10.62 gm). Female head (Arethusa?) facing / Helmeted head (of Ares?). SNG Paris 247. Toned, good VF, fully centered. ($750)

583. Olba. Ajax, High Priest and Toparch. Year 5 (circa 14-16 AD). JE 24mm (13.02 gm). Laureate head of Tiberius / Thunderbolt; ET E. RPC 3731; SNG Levante 638. VF, tan patina, old scratches. ($150) 590. Datames. 378-372 BC. AR Stater (10.66 gm). Facing female head / Helmeted head of bearded warrior left. SNG von Post 438 (this coin); SNG ($750) Levante 80. Toned, near EF, exceptionally large flan.


584. Seleukeia. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 17mm (3.44 gm). Laureate head of Apollo; monogram / Forepart of horse; monogram. Cf. SNG Levante 693. Good VF, glossy green patina. ($100) 1 6




Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

597. Ariarathes VI. 130-116 BC. AR Drachm (4.15 gm).Year 2 (129/128 BC). Diademed head / Athena holding Nike and spear; Τ Β. Simonetta 12a. VF. ($75)

591. Datames. 378-372 BC. ARStater (10.66 gm). Baaltars seated, holding eagle, sceptre, grapes and grain ear, thymiaterion behind; star in field, all in crenellated border / Datames worshipping the god Ana, thymiaterion between; all in square with upper crenellated border (representing a horned shrine?). SNG von Post 446 (this coin, otherwise an unlisted variety with star). Toned, choice EF. ($10M)

592. CILICIAN KINGS. Tarkondimotos. Circa 39-31 BC. JE 21mm (9.20 gm). Diademed head right; c / m ; anchor / Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre. SNG Levante 1257; RPC 3871. VF, dark green patina. ($150)

598. Ariarathes VII. 116-101 BC. AR Drachm (3.24 gm).Year 8 (109/108 BC). Diademed head / Athena holding Nike and spear; monogram, Λ and date. Simonetta 4a; SNG von Post 512 (this coin). Toned VF, light scratches. ($125)

599. Ariarathes IX. 101-87 BC. AR Drachm (4.06 gm). Year 4 (98/97 BC). Diademed head / Athena holding Nike and spear; monogram and date. Simonetta 3a. VF. ($100)

600. Ariarathes X. 42-36 BC. AR Drachm (3.74 gm).Year 5 (38/37 BC). Diademed head / Athena holding Nike and spear; trophy, monogram and date. Simonetta 3. Toned, good VF, wonderful portrait. ($150)

593. Philopator. 20 BC-17 AD. JE 23mm (7.90 gm). Veiled and turreted bust of Tyche / Athena left, holding Nike and shield; monogram. SNG Levante 1259; RPC 3872. Near VF, dark green patina. ($150)

594. KINGS OF GALATIA. Deiotaros. 63-40 BC. JE 19mm (9.84 gm). Bust of Men on crescent / Crossed cornuacopiae with monogram. SNG von Aulock 8719; RPC pg.536. VF, encrusted dark green patina. Rare. ($250)

601. Lot of four AR Drachms. Ariarathes IV. Year 33. Simonetta 13a. / / Ariarathes VI. Year 4? Cf. Simonetta 15. / / Ariarathes VII. Year 11. Simonetta 8ff. / / Ariarathes IX. Year 4? Simonetta 3. Average F-VF, with porosity. 4 coins. ($150)

595. Amyntas. 36-25 BC. JE 17mm (4.73 gm). Bust of Artemis / Stag. SNG Copenhagen 100. VF, black patina. ($75)

596. KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA. Ariarathes V. 163-130 BC. AR Drachm (3.04 gm).Year 3 (161/160 BC). Crude diademed head / Athena holding Nike and spear; monogram, reversed Γ in date. Simonetta 20. Good VF. Struck during the revolt of Orophemes. ($75)

602. Lot of four AR Drachms. Ariarathes IV. Year 33. Simonetta 20b. / / Ariarathes IX. Year 4. Simonetta 3a. / / Ariobarzanes I. Year 2. Simonetta 4. / / Ariarathes X. Year 4. Simonetta !.Average F-VF. 4 coins. ($150)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

609. Iotape, w i f e of A n t i o c h o s IV. 38-72 AD. JE 2 7 m m (14.16 gm). Diademed bust of Iotape / Scorpion. RPC 3858. Fine, dark green patina. ($100) 603. Lot of three AR Drachms. Ariobarzanes I. Year 13. Simonetta 13c. / / A r i o b a r z a n e s II. Year 8. Simonetta 2. / / A r i o b a r z a n e s III. Year 11. Simonetta 3. Average F-VF. The Ariobarzanes II being a rare short-lived ruler. 3 coins in lot. ($120)

604. CYPRUS, Salamis. Euelthon. After 525 BC. AR Stater (11.26 gm). Ram kneeling left / Blank Asyut 787ff; Rosen 754. VF, horn silver and test cut. ($350) Ex Anti-Lebanon Hoard, 63.

610. SYRIA, Antioch. Year 27 ( 5 / 4 BC). JE 20mm (7.02 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Tyche seated, river god at feet. BMC Galatia etc. pg.159,59; RPC 4252. VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($75)

611. Antioch. Year 117 (68/69 AD). JE 19mm (5.79 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / Garlanded altar. BMC Galatia etc. pg.162,92. Good VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($75) 605. Salamis. Euagoras 1.411-374 BC. AR Stater (10.92 gm). Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Recumbent ram; barley grain above. SNG Copenhagen 48. Toned, good VF. ($600)

612. C h a l k i s . Ptolemaios. Year 45? ( 7 4 / 7 3 BC). JE 2 1 m m (6.79 gm). Laureate head of Zeus; c / m : helmeted head right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΤΕΤPAXOY, dove flying right; ME (year?) to left, m o n o g r a m below. Cf. BMC Galatia etc pg.279,2; L&K 2134A. Near VF, d a r k b r o w n patina. ($75) 606. Salamis. E u a g o r a s I. 411-374 BC. AR Stater (9.74 gm). H e a d of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Recumbent ram; barley grain above. SNG Copenhagen 48. VF, heavy horn silver. / / Plus an AR Drachm of Miletos in Ionia. Magistrate Antipatros. Deppert-Lippetz 165ff. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

613. Chalkis. Lysanias. 40-36 BC. JE 21mm (6.09 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemaios / Athena left, holding Nike and shield; monogram. RPC 4770. VF, dark brown patina with earthen encrustation. ($75) 607. ASIA M I N O R . Circa 6th Century BC. EL 1 / 9 6 Stater (0.11 gm). Aeginetan Standard? Hower / Incuse square. Rosen 355. Good VF for type. ($350)

614. Chalkis. Cleopatra VII. 36-30 BC. JE 19mm (4.69 gm). Diademed bust of Cleopatra / Nike walking right with palm over shoulder. Lindgren m A1246a (this coin); RPC 4772. EF, dark green patina with red highlights. ($400) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

608. K I N G S O F C O M M A G E N E . Antiochos IV. 38-72 AD. JE 23mm (6.84 gm). Diademed head / Capricorn in wreath with star and anchor. RPC 3855. VF, brown and green patina. ($75) 1 8

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

615. SELEUKID K I N G S OF SYRIA. Seleukos I. 312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.11 gm). Susa mint. Circa 300-298 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; radiate head of Helios over monogram, monogram below throne. Newell, ESM 304; Houghton 1026. Near VF, irregular edge. ($200)

621. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.66 gm). Baktria mint. Circa 268-261 BC. Diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos; monogram left. Newell, ESM 696. Good VF. ($450)

622. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.00 gm). Baluchistan mint. Circa 280 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing helmet covered with panther skin / Nike erecting trophy; Λ. Newell, ESM-; Houghton, "Persepolis" 13. EF, rough fabric, as made. Rare. ($1200) 616. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Fourré Drachm (2.43 gm). Susa mint. Circa 305-280 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing helmet covered with panther skin / Nike erecting trophy; Η AX. Cf. Newell, ESM 418; cf. Houghton 1024. Good VF, copper core shows through in spots. ($300) 623. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. AR Obol (0.60 gm). Baluchistan mint. Circa 280 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing helmet covered with panther skin / Nike erecting trophy; CA. Newell, ESM-; Houghton 1112. VF, scratches. ($300) 617. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.85 gm). Susa mint. Circa 305-280 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing helmet covered with panther skin / Nike erecting trophy; monogram. Cf. Newell, ESM 415 (unlisted monogram); Houghton-. Good VF, horn silver. ($200) Rare Baktrian Mint H e m i d r a c h m Of S e l e u k o s I

618. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.52 gm). In the name of Antiochos I as Viceroy of India, circa 285-280 BC. Baktria mint. Laureate head of Zeus / ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ ΑΝΉΟΧΟΥ, Athena in biga drawn by elephants; monogram above. Newell, ESM 667. Good VF, rough surfaces. Rare. ($600)

624. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. JE 16mm (4.14 gm). Antioch mint. Circa 268-261 BC. Diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos; monograms. Newell, WSM 960; Houghton 29. Good VF, black patina. ($100)

625. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. JE 15mm (3.48 gm). Antioch mint. Circa 268-261 BC. Diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos; monograms. Newell, WSM 960; Houghton 29. Good VF, black patina. ($100)

626. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. JE 12mm (1.58 gm). Antioch mint. Circa 278-268 BC. Shield with anchor / Elephant right; monogram and club above, jawbone below, c/m: anchor. Lindgren ΙΠ 989 (this coin); Newell, WSM 947. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection 619. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. JE 24mm (13.38 gm). Seleukeia on Tigris mint. Circa 296-295 BC. Homed horsehead / Anchor, garbled legend; monogram left. Lindgren ΙΠ 981 (this coin); Newell, ESM 45 variety. Near VF, green patina. ($150) 627. Antiochos I or II. 272-260 BC. JE 10mm (0.71 gm). Sardeis mint. Facing head of Apollo / Tripod; E(?) to left, anchor below. Newell, WSM 1384. Good VF, green patina. Nice minute Seleukid bronze. ($75)

The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

620. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. /E 14mm (3.00 gm). Uncertain mint. Winged head of Medusa / Bull right; Κ below. Newell, WSM 1628. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75)

628. Antiochos II. 261-246 BC. JE 16mm (3.39 gm). Sardeis mint. Circa 261-250 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Tripod; monograms, anchor. Newell, WSM 1393. Good VF, dark green patina. ($75) 1 9

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

629. Antiochos Π. 261-246 BC. JE 21mm (9.05 gm). Baktria mint. Circa 255-246 BC. Head of Hermes, wearing petasos / Crossed caducei. Lindgren ΙΠ 1001 (this coin); Newell, ESM 716; Houghton 1293. Fair, brown patina has been smoothed. Very rare; condition is comparable to the specimens illustrated in Newell and Houghton. ($125) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

635. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. JE 35mm (32.30 gm). Antioch mint. 168164 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Eagle standing on thunderbolt. Houghton ($200) 118; Newell, SMA 59. VF, rough black patina.

630. Seleukos II. 246-226 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Susa mint. Circa 246-225 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; monograms to left and below throne. Newell, ESM 364. VF. ($300)

636. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. JE 27mm (22.31 gm). Antioch mint. 168164 BC. Head of Isis / Eagle standing on thunderbolt. Houghton 121; Newell, SMA 60. VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($175)

631. Seleukos Π. 246-226 BC. JE 15mm (4.56 gm). Sardeis mint. Circa 246-241 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / Apollo seated on omphalos; monogram, Σ. Newell, WSM1427. VF, dark brown patina. ($75)

637. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. JE 22mm (9.75 gm). Antioch mint 168-164 BC. Radiate head of Antiochos / Eagle standing on thunderbolt. Houghton 123; Newell, SMA 61. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

632. Seleukos II. 246-226 BC. JE 16mm (4.83 gm). Uncertain western mint. Helmeted head of Athena / N u d e Apollo standing left, holding arrow and bow; three monograms. Cf. Newell, WSM 1661. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)

638. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. JE 21mm (6.09 gm). Seleukis on Tigris mint. Radiate head / Goddess seated left, holding Nike; ΔΙ, monogram. Le Rider, Suse 305 (pl.XXVI, H). Near VF, black patina. Scarce. ($100)

633. Antiochos ΠΙ. 223-186 BC. JE 18mm (6.48 gm). Ekbatana mint. Circa 209-205 BC. Diademed head / Nike left; monograms and horse head. Newell, ESM 612. Good VF, brown patina. ($75) 639. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Antioch mint. Circa 162-156. Diademed head, within wreath / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, Tyche seated holding baton and cornucopiae, Nereid supporting throne; monogram to left. Houghton 147; Newell SMA 90. Near EF. ($500)

634. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Diademed head / Zeus seated holding Nike a n d sceptre; m o n o g r a m in exergue. Houghton 104; Newell, SMA 54. Good VF. ($400)

Lot 639A 6 0

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 639A. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Antioch mint. Circa 162-156 BC. Diademed head, within wreath / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙOY, Tyche seated holding baton and cornucopiae, Nereid supporting throne; monogram to left. Houghton 147; Newell SMA 90. Near EF. ($5M)

645. Alexander I Balas. 150-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.16 gm). Antioch mint. Year 166 (147/146 BC). Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, Zeus seated holding Nike and sceptre; monogram inner left, date and Ν in exergue. Houghton-; Newell SMA-. Choice EF. ($500) 640. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.63 gm). Antioch mint. Year 158 (155/154 BC). Diademed head, within wreath / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, Tyche seated holding baton and cornucopiae, Nereid supporting throne; monograms to left, date in exeigue. Houghton 152; Newell SMA 104. Near EF. ($400)

646. Alexander I Balas. Year 163 (150/149 BC). AR Drachm (4.04 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos; cornucopiae left, date below. Newell SMA 138; Houghton 173. Near EF. ($150)

641. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Drachm (3.92 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos. Houghton 1248ff. Good VF, strong portrait. ($100)

647. Alexander I Balas. 150-145 BC. /E 16mm (5.55 gm). Berytos mint. Diademed head / Poseidon (Baal Berit) standing, holding patera and trident. Lindgren IH1079 (this coin); Houghton 708. VF, dark green patina. The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection ($75)

Scarce P o s t h u m o u s Tetradrachm Of A n t i o c h o s IV 642. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Drachm (2.71 gm). Imitative issue. Diademed head / Cornucopiae with garbled legend. Cf. Houghton 555 and SNG BMC 354. Good VF. ($150) Possibly struck by Celtic Gauls who settled in Asia Minor in the 3rd century BC, in the region later known as Galatia. They werefrequently employed as mercenaries, and these coins may have been struck by them from their booty.

643. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. JE Serrate 19mm (7.66 gm). Antioch mint. Bust of Artemis / Bow and quiver. Houghton 170. VF, black patina. ($75)

648. In the Name of Antiochos IV (175-164 BC). AR Tetradrachm (16.71 gm). Antioch mint. Year 167 (146/145 BC). Diademed head / Zeus seated holding Nike and sceptre; date and monogram in exergue. Morkholm, "A Posthumous Issue of Antiochos IV of Syria", NumChron 1960,3. Toned EF. ($500) This posthumous issue was struck by civic authorities in Antioch during the interregnum between the expulsion of Alexander Balas from the city and the acclamation of Demetrios II. The respected Antiochos IV was chosen as a suitably neutral symbolforan urgently needed coinage.

644. Alexander I Balas. 150-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.37 gm). Antioch mint. Year 166 (147/146 BC). Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, Zeus seated holding Nike and sceptre; monogram inner left, date and Ν in exergue. Houghton-; Newell SMA-. Choice EF. ($500)

649. Demetrios II. 146-144 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.60 gm). Antioch mint. Year 168 (145/144 BC). Diademed head, within wreath / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΘΩΟΥ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ ΝΙΚΑΤΟΡΟΣ, Apollo seated holding arrow and bow; monograms to left and below feet, date in exergue. Houghton;Newell SMA 208. EF, flan crack. ($500) 1 1

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. C h o i c e A n t i o c h o s VI Tetradrachm

656. Tryphon. 142-138 BC. Lot of seven JE. Antioch mint. Diademed head / Macedonian cavalry helmet with ibex horn. Symbols: none, ΑΣΚ monogram, caps of the Dioskouroi, palm, star. Houghton 259ff. Average VF. 7 coins. ($200) 650. Antiochos VI. Year 169 (144/143 BC). AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate and diademed head; star behind / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANΤΙΟΞΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ, Dioskouroi riding left with couched lances; thrysos, TPY, IP, monogram and date in fields, all in wreath of lily, ivy and grain ears. Newell, SMA-, but cf. 228 for star obverse. Choice EE ($1000)

657. Antiochos VII. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.84 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / Athena left, holding Nike, spear and shield; monogram to left. Newell, SMA 273. Near EF. ($300)

651. Antiochos VI. Year 170 (143/142 BC). AR Drachm (4.20 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate and diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos; monogram and OP ΣΤΑ below. Newell SMA 250. Superb EF. ($400) 658. Antiochos VIII. Joint Reign with Cleopatra Thea. 128-120 BC. JE 16mm (2.81 gm). Antioch mint. Bust of Tyche(?) with kalathos / Rudder; club below. Houghton 320 variety. Good VF, green patina. ($100)

652. Antiochos VI. 144-142 BC. JE Serrate 20mm (7.67 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate and diademed head / Apollo standing by tripod. Houghton 247 (this coin). VF, dark brown patina. $75) ‫י‬ )

659. Antiochos VIII. First Sole Reign. 121-114 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.47 gm). Sidon mint. Year 196 (117/116 BC). Diademed head / Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star; ΣΙΔΩΝIEP ΑΣΥ and monogram to left. Houghton 723; Rouvier 1274. Near EF. ($200)

653. Antiochos VI. 144-142 BC. JE Serrate 21mm (8.45 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate and diademed head / Elephant left; star. Houghton 249. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)

654. Antiochos VI. 144-142 BC. JE 15mm (3.50 gm). Cilician mint. Forepart of panther / Legend in wreath. Lindgren III 1093 (this coin); Houghton 579. Fine, dark green patina. ($75)

660. Antiochos VIII. Second Reign. 121-113 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint. Diademed head / Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star and sceptre; M to left, pellet to right. Houghton 812 variety; Newell, LSM 28 variety. Near EF. ($300)

The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

655. Tryphon. 142-138 BC. JE 18mm (6.19 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / Macedonian cavalry helmet with ibex horn; ΑΣΚ monogram. Houghton 263. VF, dark brown patina. Nice portrait. ($75) 1

Lot 661 2

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 661. Antiochos VIII. Third Reign. 108-96 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.34 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / Zeus Oranios standing; monogram and A to left, ο to right. Cf. Newell SMA 387; cf. Houghton 336. Good VF. •rsm^

($200) 667. PALMYRA. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. JE 16mm (4.37 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / Crossed cornuacopiae with caduceus. Lindgren ($200) ΠΙ A1141a (this coin). VF, black desert patina. Rare. The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

662. Antiochos VIII. Third Reign. 108-96 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / Zeus Oranios standing; monogram and A to left, Κ to right. Newell SMA 389; Houghton-. Toned, good VF. ($200)

663. Seleukos VI. 98-94 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.80 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / Zeus seated, holding Nike; A monogram A to left; II under throne. Newell, SMA-; cf. Houghton 365 (unrecorded monogram). Good VF. ($2TO)

668. PALMYRA. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. JE 12mm (1.41 gm). Radiate male bust right wearing kalathos (Malakbel?) / Radiate female bust left (Atergatis?). BMC Galatia etc. pg.149,3. VF, dark brown patina. Rare. ($200) A pantheon of solar and sky deities was worshipped at Palmyra. The radiatefigures could also represent Aglibol, larhibol, Bel or Baal Shamin.

669. PHOENICIA, AradÙS. Early 4th Century BC. AR Obol (0.74 gm). Wreathed head of Melkart / Galley to right; Pataikos and eye on prow. BMC Phoenicia pg.8,46. Good VF. $100) '

670. Arados. Year 146 (114/113 BC). AR Tetrobol (2.28 gm). Laureate head of Melkart / Prow of galley with Athena Promachos; BC above. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.38.317. Good VF. ($150)

664. Lot of three AR Drachms. Demetrios I. Year 161. Diademed head / Cornucopiae. SMA 120ff. / / Alexander I. Diademd head / Apollo seated. Cf. SMA 172 (unlisted monogram) / / Demetrios II. Diademed head / Apollo seated. Cf. SMA 211 (star in left field). Average VF, all with scratches, flan cracks. 3 coins. ($150)

665. Lot of four JE. Antiochos Π. Sardeis. Apollo / Tripod. / / Seleukos II. Diademed head / Apollo standing. / / Alexander I. Dionysos / Tyche. Cf. Houghton 199. / / Antiochos VIII. Radiate head / Eagle. Houghton 323ff. Average F-VF, the Seleukos with bronze disease. 4 coins. ($75)

666. Lot of four JE. Demetrios I. Tyre mint, year 159. Diademed head / Galley. Houghton 740. / / Tryphon. Diademed head / Helmet. Houghton 259. / / Antiochos VIII. Radiate head / Eagle. Houghton 323ff. / / Antiochos X. Eros / Nike. Houghton 885. Average VF. 4 coins. ($100)

671. Arados. Year 178 (82/81 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.95 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / Nike walking left; date, Phoenician letter, ΜΣ in field. BMC Phoenicia pg.30,241. VF, cleaned. ($100)

672. Arados. Year 182 (78/77 BC). AR Tetradrachm (15.05 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / Nike walking left; date, Phoenician letter, MX in field. BMC Phoenicia pg.31,253. VF, cleaned. ($100)

673. Byblos as Gebal. Circa 480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.39 gm). Egyptian style sphinx crouching left / Volute in dotted circle. Newell, ANSNNM 30,810. Good VF. Very rare. ($600)


Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. Extremely Rare Fractional S h e k e l Of S i d o n

674. Byblos. Azbaal. Circa 350 BC. AR Shekel (13.78 gm). Galley left with three hoplites, hippocamp and murex below / Lion bringing d o w n bull. Dewing 2662. Toned, good VF. ($500)

679. Sidon. Circa 450-435 BC. AR 1 / 3 2 Shekel (0.54 gm). Galley left / Temple of Eshmun within dotted square. Betlyon, ANSMN 21,2. Good VP. Extremely rare. ($600) The temple of Eshmun was unearthed during excavations in the 1960's and was found to resemble a Mesopotamian ziggurat, undoubtedly an influence of the Persian occupation of Phoenicia.

675. Byblos. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 19mm (4.63 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche with palm over shoulder / "Gebal the Holy" in two lines above a sixwinged Kronos of Phoenicia. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.97,12. VF, green patina. Rare type. ($1M)

676. Marathos. Year 100? (160/159 BC). JE 22mm (7.99 gm). Veiled female head, resembling Berenike Π / Marathos leaning against short column. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.121,10. Good VF, light green patina. ($75)

677. Marathos. Year 100? (160/159 BC). JE 22mm (10.55 gm). Veiled female head, resembling Berenike Π / Marathos leaning against short column. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.121,10. / / Plus an JE Serrate 21mm of Seleukos IV of Syria. Dionysos / Galley. Houghton 89. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

680. Sidon. Baalshallim II. Circa 386-372 BC. AR Double Shekel (27.26 gm). Galley to left over waves; "B" above / King of Persia in chariot with driver, Egyptian attendant behind. BMC Phoenicia pg.143,17; Betlyon 16. Good VF. ($800)

681. Sidon. Baalshallim II. Circa 386-372 BC. AR Double Shekel (27.67 gm). Galley to left over waves; "B" above / King of Persia in chariot with driver, Egyptian attendant behind. BMC Phoenicia pg.143,17; Betlyon 16. VF. ($600)

682. Sidon. ‫׳‬Abd'ashtart 1.372-358 BC. JE 16mm (3.00 gm). Year 3 (370/369 BC). Galley to left; date above / Persian king with spear and bow. Lindgren ffl 1416 (this coin); Betlyon, ANSMN 21,29. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

678. Marathos. Lot of four JE. Veiled head of Berenike Π / Marathos leaning against short column; year 105. BMC Phoenicia pg.121,10 (2 coins). / / Bust of Ptolemy VI as Hermes / Marathos; year 85. BMC 20. / / Head of Tyche / Marathos; year 96. Cf. BMC 25. Average VF. A good type set of Marathos bronzes. 4 coins. ($200)

Tiease 9{ετν

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Hid Sheet



683. Sidon. ‫׳‬Abd'ashtart I. 372-358 BC. JE 15mm (3.44 gm). Year 12 (360/359 BC). Galley to left; date above / Head of ‫׳‬Abd'ashtart. Lindgren m 1417 (this coin); Betlyon, ANSMN 21,30. VF, brown and green patina. The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection ($100)

Important 'Expenditure^.

Lot 684



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 684. Tyre. Circa 450400 BC. AR Stater (13.33 gm). Dolphin leaping over waves, murex below / Owl with crook and flail in shaped incuse. BMC Phoenicia pg.227,1. VF, surface crystallization. Very rare. ($1000)

690. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.04 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl,108ff. Good VF. ($300) Same dies as lot 689. 685. Tyre. Year 27 (100/99 BC). AR Tetradrachm (Shekel) (14.44 gm). Laureate bust of Melka rt / Eagle standing left on prow; date, club, monogram and Phoenician "B" in fields. BMC Phoenicia pg.240,113. Toned VF. ($300)

686. Tyre. Year 35 (92/91 BC). AR Didrachm (Half Shekel) (6.96 gm). Laureate bust of Melkart / Eagle standing left on prow; date, club, monogram and Phoenician "B" in fields. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.250,219. Toned VF.

691. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl.l08ff. Good VF. ($300) Same dies as lot 692.


687. Tyre. Year 162 (36/37 AD). AR Didrachm (Half Shekel) (6.96 gm). Laureate bust of Melkart/ Eagle standing left on prow; date, club, KP, monogram and Phoenician "A" in fields. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.252,240. Toned VF. ($200)

692. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.54 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl.l08ff. Good VF. ($300) Same dies as lot 691.

688. Tyre. Year 247 (121/122 AD). Ά 12mm (1.81 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche with palm over shoulder / Astarte standing on galley, holding standard. BMC Phoenicia pg.262,311. EF, green patina. Rare in this condition. ($1‫)ש‬ 693. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.10 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl.l08ff. VF. ($200)

694. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.95 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl,108ff. Fine, heavy horn silver. ($100)

689. ASIA. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.59 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl.l08ff. Good VF. ($3‫)ש‬ Same dies as lot 690. The reliability of the Athenian "owl" led to its being accepted as an international trade coin in the 5th century BC and later. This growing popularity made it the subject of numerous copies, meant both to deceive and to provide an acceptable drculating currency ivhere none had existed btfore. This and thefollowing lots are examples of 695. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.46 the contemporary Athenian imitations that could be found in the eastern gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl.l08ff. Mediterranean, from Phoenicia and Palestine to the Arabian peninsula. Good VF. ($200)



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 703. Himyarites. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). Diademed head left with symbols / Bucranium with symbols. SNG ANS 1531ff; BMC Arabia pg.67,30. Toned, good VF. ($150)

696. Imitating A t h e n s . Circa 4th Century BC. Lot of two AR Tetradrachms. Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. Svoronos pl.l08ff. VF, crystallized metal. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

697. ARABIA, Sabaeans and Himyarites. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th3rd Century BC. AR Drachm (5.32 gm). Helmeted head of Athena; " N ‫ ״‬on cheek / Owl. SNG ANS 1455; BMC Arabia pg.45,1. VF. ($100)

698. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.06 gm). Helmeted head of Athena; "Γ" on cheek / Owl. SNG ANS-; BMC Arabia pg.46,12. VF. ($125)

699. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Diobol (1.27 gm). Laureate male head; 'X" on cheek / Owl; monogram right. SNG ANS-; BMC Arabia-. VF. Rare. ($150)

704. Himyarites. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Denarius (2.68 gm). Diademed head left with symbols / Bucranium with symbols. SNG ANS 1531 ff; BMC Arabia pg.67,30. Toned, good VF. ($150)

705. Himyarites. Circa 24 BC. AR Denarius (2.64 gm). Laureate head of Augustus left within wreath / Owl on amphora; symbols. RPC 4997; BMC Arabia pg.62,42. Toned, good VF. ($350)

706. Himyarites. Circa 24 BC. AR Quinarius (1.16 gm). Laureate head of Augustus right within wreath / Owl on amphora; symbols. RPC 4998; BMC Arabia pg.62,44. Fine. ($75)

707. Himyarites. Circa 50-150 AD. AR Quinarius (0.90 gm). Male head right within tore; Arabic legend? / Small head right; symbols. SNG ANS-; BMC Arabia-. VF. ($125)

700. Imitating Athens. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Obol (0.58 gm). Helmeted head of Athena; "Σ" on cheek / Owl. SNG ANS-; BMC Arabia pg.47,22. Good VF. Rare. ($150) 708. Himyarites. Circa 50-150 AD. AR Fraction (0.16 gm). Monogram / Fillet symbol with legend. SNG ANS-; BMC Arabia-. VF. Unlisted fractional denomination. ($100)

701. ARABIA, Himyarites. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Denarius (2.80 gm). Diademed head left with symbols / Bucranium with symbols. SNG ANS 1503ff; BMC Arabia pg.64,1-7. Toned, good VF. ' ($150) 709. Himyarites. Amdan Bayyin Yanaf. Circa 50-150 AD. AR Quinarius (1.26 gm). Male head right within tore / Small head right; symbols. SNG ANS 1575ff; BMC Arabia pg.70,2-5. Good VF. ($125)

702. Himyarites. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Denarius (2.85 gm). Diademed head left with symbols / Bucranium with symbols. SNG ANS 1503ff; BMC Arabia pg.64,1-7. VF. ($100)

Lot 703

710. ARABIA. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. Billon Obol (0.94 gm). Crude head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin (also resembles Zeus-Ammon) / Zeus-Shamash seated left, holding horse and sceptre; tree to left, monogram under arm, legend behind sceptre. Arnold-Biucchi 27. VF for type, good silver content for the issue. ' ($250)



Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

711. ARABIA, Uncertain mint. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE 10mm (0.92 gm). Eagle right, inscription behind, palm in front / Eagle left, inscription behind, palm in front. Possibly from Palmyra. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)

712. MESOPOTAMIA, Hatra. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE 24mm (9.81 gm). Radiate head of sun god right / Eagle above Ο S, all in wreath. L&K 2595; Slocum, ANSNNM 22,7. Good VF for type, black patina. Rare this nice. ($200)

717. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 485470 BC. AR Fourré Siglos (4.36 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice-; BMC Mesopotamia pg.153,37-39. VF. ($100)

718. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 420-375 BC. AR Siglos (5.42 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse patterned punch. Carradice Type nib C, 38. Good VF. ($150)

719. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 375-340 BC. AR Siglos (5.50 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding dagger and bow; cloak decorated with three annulets / Incuse punch. Carradice Type IV C, 46. Good VF. ' ($125) 713. Hatra. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE 24mm (9.06 gm). Radiate head of sun god right / Eagle above ‫ כ‬S, all in wreath. Overstruck on a coin of Hierapolis in Syria, probably of Antoninus Pius (SNG Copenhagen 52ff). L&K 2595; cf. Slocum, ANSNNM 22,9. Fine, brown patina. / / Plus an JE 17mm (2.99 gm) of Seleukos II of Apamaea (WSM 1169ff) overstruck on Ptolemy HI (SNG Cop. 183ff). VF, dark green patina. Two intriguing overstrikes. 2 coins in lot. ($150) 720. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 375-340 BC. AR Siglos (5.42 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding dagger and bow; cloak decorated with pellets / Incuse punch. Carradice Type IV C, 4749. VF, punch mark on obverse. ^JIJ ($100)

714. BABYLON, Alexandrine Empire. Circa 328-311 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.96 gm). Baal seated left, holding sceptre / Lion walking left; pentagram above. Babelon, Les Perses 296. VF. ($350)

721. KINGS OF PARTHIA. Mithradates II. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (3.94 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated. Shore 77; Sellwood 26.1. / / Another (3.99 gm). Bust wearing tiara. Shore 97. Both toned VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

715. PERSIA, Achaemenid Kings. Circa 500485 BC. AR Siglos (5.40 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice Type nia, 14-15. / / Plus an AR Obol of Selge in Pisidia. SNG Copenhagen 246. Both toned, good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150) The ]ay Oawley Collection

716. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 485470 BC. ARSiglos (5.04 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice Type m b A, 16. VF. ($100)

722. Mithradates II. 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (3.95 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated on throne. Shore 85; Sellwood 27.1. / / Plus an AR Tetradrachm of Ptolemy DC. Year 22. SNG Copenhagen 392. Both toned VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100) The ]ay Dawley Collection

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

723. Mithradates Î . 123-88 BC. AR Drachm (4.09 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust left, wearing tiara with eight-pointed star / Archer seated. Shore 97; Sellwood 28.3. Choice EF. ($150) 729. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.48 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; pellet below throne. Shore-; Sellwood 48.1 variety; de Callatay 15. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)

724. Orodes 1.90-77 BC. AR Drachm (4.22 gm). Rhagae mint. Bust left, wearing tiara / Archer seated. Shore 123; Sellwood 31.6. EF. ($100)

730. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.93 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; pellet below throne. Shore-; Sellwood 48.1 variety; de Callatay 15. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200) 725. Orodes 1.90-77 BC. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). Rhagae mint. Diademed bust with pellet tore / Archer seated. Shore 135; Sellwood 30.16. Choice EF. ($2OT)

726. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.91 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre. Shore 212; Sellwood 48.1; de Callatay 2. VF, obverse graffiti, but a strong portrait. ($250)

727. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.51 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre. Shore 212; Sellwood 48.1; de Callatay 2. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)

728. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.69 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre. Shore 212; Sellwood 48.1; de Callatay 2. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)

731. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.02 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; pellet below throne. Shore-; Sellwood 48.1 variety; de Callatay 15. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)

732. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.25 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; pellet below throne. Shore-; Sellwood 48.1 variety; de Callatay 15. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)

733. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.26 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; Γ to left, pellet below throne. Shore 213; Sellwood 48.2 variety; de Callatay 48. Near VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)



Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 739. Phraates IV. Audunaiou 287 (December, 26 BC). AR TetTadrachm (14.34 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated, receiving palm from Tyche. Shore-; Sellwood 51.25; de Callatay 213. Toned VF, graffiti. ($200)

734. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.79 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; Y to left. Shore-; Sellwood 48.3; de Callatay 54. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)

740. Phraates IV. Artemisiou 288 (April, 24 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.08 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated, receiving wreath from Tyche. Shore-; Sellwood 50.14; de Callatay 409. Good VF, obverse graffiti. ($250)

735. Orodes Π. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.32 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; Y to left. Shore-; Sellwood 48.3; de Callatay 54. VF, obverse double struck. _ _ ($200)

741. Phraates IV. Hyperberetaiou 289 (September, 23 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.68 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated, receiving palm from Tyche. Shore-; Sellwood 51.42; de Callatay 415. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200)

736. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.09 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; Y to left, pellet below throne. Shore-; Sellwood 48.3 variety; de Callatay 61. Fine. ($200)

737. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Drachm (4.08 gm). Mithradatkart mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 234; Sellwood 46.12. Near EF, slightly double struck. ($100)

742. Phraatakes. Year 310 (2 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.67 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left, flanked by two Nikes bearing wreaths; the portrait resembling Phraates IV / Archer seated; date in field, no month in exergue. Shore-; Sellwood-. VF, obverse graffiti. ($300) An unpublished type from early in the reign of Phraatakes. The portrait is taken from that of his recently murdered father, Phraates IV, most obvious in the treatment of the hair.

738. Phraates IV. Daisiou 285 (May, 27 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.95 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre. Shore 308; Sellwood 55.5; de Callatay 114ff. VF, obverse graffiti. ($200) 743. Phraatakes. Artemisiou 311 (April, 1 BC). AR Tetradrachm (10.20 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left, flanked by two Nikes bearing wreaths / Archer seated. Shore-; Sellwood 57.4. Good VF. ($250)

Lot 739

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

744. Phraatakes. Hyperberetaiou 311 (September, 1 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.53 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left, flanked by two Nikes bearing wreaths / Archer seated. Shore-; Sellwood 57.9. VF, obverse graffiti. ($175)

745. Phraatakes. 2 BC- 4 AD. AR Drachm (3.82 gm). Mithradatkart mint. Diademed bust left, flanked by star and crescent and Nike bearing a wreath / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 317; Sellwood 56.6. Good VF. ($1TO)

750. Vologases I. 51-78 AD. AR Drachm (3.32 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 374; Sellwood 70.14. VF. ($75)

751. Parthamaspates. 116 AD. AR Drachm (3.77 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust left, wearing tiara / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 423; Sellwood 81.1. / / Osroes II. 190 AD. AR Drachm (3.63 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust, wearing tiara / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 437; Sellwood 85.1. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

746. Vonones I. Gorpiaiou 322 (August 11 AD). AR Tetradrachm (12.82 gm). Seleukeia mint. BACLVEnC BACIAEQN ONONHC, diademed bust left / Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm. Shore 328 variety; Sellwood 60.2. VF, obverse graffiti. Overstruck on a tetradrachm of Phraatakes and Musa. Rare.

752. Vologases III. Year 436 (124/125 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.50 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving diadem from Tyche. Cf. Shore 410; Sellwood 79.17((. Good VF. ($200)

747. Gotarzes II. 40-51 AD. AR Drachm (3.72 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 364; Sellwood 65.33. / / And Vologases m. 105-147 AD. AR Drachm (3.78 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated, · · seat to throne; monogram. Shore-; Sellwood 78.6. Both near EF. 2 coins in lot. ($2TO)

753. Vologases III. Year 438 (126/127 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.50 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; Γ / Seated king receiving diadem from Tyche. Cf. Shore 406; Sellwood 79 (unlisted year). Good VF, flan flaws. ($200)

748. Vonones II. 51 AD. AR Drachm (3.66 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust facing, wearing tiara; stars at sides / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 368; Sellwood 67.1. / / Plus an /E of Mithradates Π. Shore 92. / / Phraates m. Shore 167. / / Orodes Π. Shore 515. / / And an & of Elymais. The drachm toned VF, the JE Fine to VF. 5 coins in lot. ($150)

Choice Vologases I Tetradrachm 754. Vologases III. Year 440 (128/129 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.09 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; A / Seated king receiving diadem from Tyche. Cf. Shore 411; Sellwood 79 (unlisted year). Good VF. ($200)

749. Vologases I. Year 363 (51/52 AD). AR Tetradrachm (14.58 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left / King receiving diadem from Tyche. Shore 370; Sellwood 68.4ff.EF. ($6M)

755. Vologases III. 105-147 AD. AR Drachm (3.83 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated, seat to throne; monogram. Shore 415; Sellwood 78.5. Choice EF. ($100)

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. ‫׳‬wlifUtt^ ·

m m ' «visses?*‫״‬

756. M i t h r a d a t e s IV. 140 AD. AR Drachm (3.65 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left; diadem ends s h o w n as lines instead of bands / Archer seated; monogram, Aramaic legend in upper line. Shore 425 variety; Sellwood 82.1. EF. ($150)

757. Vologases IV. Dustrou 488 (February 176 AD). AR Tetradrachm (10.50 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving diadem from Tyche. Cf. Shore 428; Sellwood 84.53. Good VF. ($200)

758. Vologases IV. Daisiou 490 (May, 178 AD). AR Tetradrachm (12.08 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving diadem from Tyche. Cf. Shore 428; Sellwood 84.66. Good VF. ($2TO)

759. Vologases IV. Z a n d i k o u 494 (March, 182 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.27 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving diadem from Tyche. Cf. Shore 428; Sellwood 84.93. Good VF. ($2‫)ש‬

760. Vologases IV. Artemisiou 495 (April, 183 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.38 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving diadem from Tyche. Cf. Shore 428; Sellwood 84.99. Good VF. ($200)

761. Vologases IV. H y p e r b e r e t a i o u ? 498 (September, 186 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.62 gm). Seleukeia mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; Β / Seated king receiving d i a d e m from Tyche. Cf. Shore 428; Sellwood 84.111. Good VF. ($200)

762. Vologases IV. 147-191 AD. Lot of four AR Drachms. Ekbatana mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; letters behind / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 434; Sellwood 84.132. Average VF. 4 coins. ($200)

763. O s r o e s II. 190 AD. AR Drachm (3.55 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust, wearing tiara / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 437; Sellwood 85.1. Near EF. ($100)

764. O s r o e s II. 190 AD. AR Drachm (3.65 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust, wearing tiara / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 439; Sellwood 85.3. Good VF, mount removed. ($75)

765. Vologases VI. 208-228 AD. AR Drachm (3.74 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; letters behind / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 458; Sellwood 88.19. Superb EF, reverse double struck. ($200)

766. Vologases VI. 208-228 AD. AR Drachm (3.51 gm). Ekbatana mint. Bust left, wearing tiara; letters behind / Archer seated; monogram. Shore 458; Sellwood 88.19. EF. / / Plus an AR drachm of Vologases m. Shore 415. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($125)

767. SAKARAUKAE (Sakastan). Tanlismaidates. Before 38 BC. AR Drachm (3.27 gm). A drachm of Orodes I (Shore 122) with obverse countermark: OTANAHC, head wearing bashlik left. Shore 469; Alram-; MIG 609-610. Coin Fine, c / m good VF. Rare. (S500)



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

768. Tanlismaidates. Before 38 BC. AR Drachm (3.65 gm). A drachm of Phraates HI (Shore 181) with obverse countermark: OTANAHC, head wearing bashlik left. Shore 469 variety; Alram-; MIG 609-610. Coin VF, c / m good VF. Rare. ($5M)

775. Varhran II. 276-293 AD. AR Drachm (4.21 gm). Jugate busts of Varhran and consort, the queen's crown topped with a horse's head, the smaller bust of a prince with an eagle crown holding a diadem / Fire altar flanked by king and queen; diadem to left, tamgha to right. Gobi X/3; MACW 847. Good VF. ($200)

769. SAKARAUKAE (Sakastan). Circa 1st Century BC. AR Drachm (3.45 gm). An imitative drachm of Phraates IV with simulated countermark: helmeted bust right. Shore 473; Alram-; MIG 612. Good VF, nice for these. ^ -£5ϋ*. ($300)

776. Varhran II. 276-293 AD. AR Drachm (4.07 gm). Jugate busts of Varhran and consort, the queen's crown topped with a horse's head, the smaller bust of a prince with an eagle crown holding a diadem / Fire altar flanked by king and queen; diadem to left. Gobi X/3. EF. ($300) 770. SASSANIAN Kings. Ardashir 1.224-241 AD. Billon Tetradrachm (13.15 gm). Bust right, wearing tiara / Fire altar. Gobi Π/5; MACW 784. Good VF, two pits on reverse. ($200) 771. Ardashir 1.224-241 AD. Billon Tetradrachm (11.86 gm). Bust right, ($50) wearing tiara / Fire altar. Gobi Π/5; MACW 784. Fine.

777. Varhran II. 276-293 AD. AR Drachm (4.21 gm). Jugate busts of Varhran and consort, the queen's crown topped with a horse's head, the smaller bust of a prince with an eagle crown / Fire altar flanked by royal attendants; diadem to left. Gobi VH/1; MACW 849. VF. ($150)

778. Narseh. 293-302 AD. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by royal attendants; diadem and symbol above. Gobi II/2; MACW 854ff. Good VF. ($300)

773. Shapur 1.241-270 AD. AR Drachm (4.12 gm). Crowned bust; continuous legend / Fire altar with royal attendants. Gobi 1/1; MACW 811ff. EF. ($150)

774. Varhran 1.273-276 AD. AR Drachm (3.31 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants; starto right. Gobi 1/1. Fine, clipped flan. ($100)

779. Shapur II. 309-379 AD. AR Drachm (3.63 gm). Eastern mint, possibly Kabul. Crowned bust / Fire altar with bust of Ahura-Mazda with attendants. Cf. MACW 890-891. Toned, good VF. ($150) 7



Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 785. Valkash. 484488 AD. AR Drachm (4.10 gm). ASP=Aspahan mint. Crowned bust / Fire altar with bust of Ahura-Mazda flanked by attendants. Gobi 1/1,179; MACW 1001. EF. ($150)

780. Shapur II. 309-379 AD. AR Drachm (3.66 gm). Eastern mint, possibly Kabul. Crowned bust / Fire altar with bust of Ahura-Mazda with attendants. Cf. MACW 890-891. Toned, good VF. ($150) 786. Hormizd IV. 579-590 AD. AR Drachm (4.11 gm). BN=Gwashir in Kirman mint. Year 12. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi I/l.EF. ($100)

781. Varhran IV. 388-399 AD. AR Drachm (2.91 gm). Eastern mint, possibly Herat. Crowned bust / Fire altar with attendants. Cf. MACW 936. VF. ($1TO)

787. Khusru II. 591-628 AD. AR Drachm (4.16 gm). DA= Darabgird mint. Year 28. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi Π/2. Toned EF. ($75)

782. Varhran V. 420-438 AD. AR Drachm (3.99 gm). AU= Ahwaz mint. Crowned bust / Fire altar with bust of Ahuramazda, flanked by attendants. ($100) Gobi 1/2. EF.

788. Khusru Π. 591-628 AD. AR Drachm (4.‫ ש‬gm). NI= Nihavand mint. Year 30. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi Π/2. Toned EF. ^ ($75)

783. Yazdegard II. 438457 AD. AR Drachm (3.99 gm). Uncertain mint. Crowned bust / Fire altar with attendants; "RAST" on altar. Göbl 1/1. / / Plus Shapur Π. Gobi lb/2. The first VF, the second Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($2‫)ש‬

789. Ardashir III. 628-630 AD. AR Drachm (4.01 gm). NIh= Nihavand mint. Year 2. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi Π/1. / / Plus Khusru Π. GD=Jayy mint. Year 3. Cf. MACW 1185. Both good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($300)

784. Valkash. 484-488 AD. AR Drachm (4.00 gm). AI= Airan mint. Crowned bust / Fire altar with bust of Ahura-Mazda flanked by attendants. Gobi 1/1; MACW 998. Good VF. ($150)


790. Queen Buran. 630-631 AD. AR Drachm (4.04 gm). SK=Sakastan mint. Year 2. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi 1/1; MACW 1241. VF. Rare and short-lived ruler. ' ($300)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 796. Diodotos I and II. Circa 250-230 BC. AR Drachm (4.40 gm). Balkh mint? Diademed head / N u d e Zeus advancing left, brandishing shield and thunderbolt; eagle. MIG 75a; Bopearachchi Série 7A. Fine. ($250)

791. CHARACENE. Attambelos II. Year 317 (5/6 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.16 gm). Diademed and bearded bust / Herakles seated on rock, holding club on knee; monogram, letter and date XIT. BMC Arabia pg.293,3. Good VF, area on edge filed to remove encrustation. ($125)

792. A t t a m b e l o s III. Circa 53-72 AD. JE Tetradrachm (14.63 gm). Diademed and bearded head; club(?) in front; countermark: monogram on neck / Herakles seated on rock, holding club on knee; monogram and X in fields, date in exergue. Cf. BMC Arabia pg.297,5. Fine, thick red-brown patina. / / And: Maga. Circa 195-210 AD. 7ETetradrachm (16.25 gm). Bearded bust right, wearing round-topped tiara / Bearded head right; letter before. Cf. BMC Arabia pg.305, Iff; Alram 510. VF/Good VF, brown patina. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

793. K I N G S OF PERSIS. V a d f r a d a d (Autophradates) III. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Drachm (3.93 gm). Diademed bust, crescent above / King standing facing right, fire altar before him, bird on pedestal to right. Alram 561. Toned, near EF. ($5TO)

797. Diodotos I and II. Circa 250-230 BC. AR Drachm (4.00 gm). Balkh mint? Diademed head / N u d e Zeus advancing left, brandishing shield and thunderbolt; wreath, eagle. MIG 75a; Bopearachchi Série 7B. Fine. ($250).

798. Diodotos I and II. Circa 250-230 BC. JE Chalkous (3.02 gm). Balkh mint? Head of Hermes wearing petasos / Athena standing left, holding spear and shield. MIG-; Bopearachchi Série 13A. Good VF, brown patina with some porosity. ($150)

799. Demetrios I. Circa 2190‫ ־ש‬BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Panjhir mint? Bust wearing elephant headdress / N u d e Herakles standing facing, crowning himself and holding club and lion skin; monogram. MIG 103d; Bopearachchi Série ID, 2-3. Good VF, polished area in obverse field. ($1500)

800. Demetrios I. Circa 200-190 BC. AR Obol (0.68 gm). Panjhir mint? Head wearing elephant headdress / N u d e Herakles standing facing, crowning himself and holding club and lion skin; m o n o g r a m . MIG 105e; Bopearachchi Série 3B, 7-8. Good VF. ($300) 794. Ardaxsir (Artaxerxes) II. Circa 50 BC. AR Drachm (3.83 gm). Crowned and diademed bust left; monogram behind / King standing facing left, fire altar before him. Alram 570. VF. ($500)

795. INDO-GREEK K I N G S OF BAKTRIA. Diodotos I and II. Circa 250-230 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.97 gm). Balkh mint? Diademed head / Nude Zeus advancing left, brandishing shield and thunderbolt; monogram, eagle. MIG 74c; Bopearachchi Série 6F. Fine. ($350)

801. Agathokles. Circa 190-180 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Merv mint? ANTIOXOY ΝΙΚΑΤΟΡΟΣ, d i a d e m e d h e a d of Antiochos I / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΟΝΤΟΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ, n u d e Zeus advancing left, brandishing shield and thunderbolt, wreath, eagle and monogram. MIG 143; Bopearachchi Série 13A. Near EF, dark hoard patina. ($3000) The "pedigree" coinage of Agathokles and Antimachos reaffirm their joint claims to the independent kingdom established by Diodotos and expanded by Euthydemos, and through them traces the lineage to the Seleukid kings of Syria and eventually, to Alexander the Great. Alexander, Antiochos land Pantaleon, another early Baktrian king, are all honored on extremely rare coins of the two successor kings. Eukratides would issue a parallel pedigree coinage when his revolt led to the overthrow of the first Baktrian dynasty.

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. Exceptional Nickel D i c h a l k o n Of E u t h y d e m o s II

802. Agathokles. Circa 190-180 BC. Nickel Dichalkon (7.38 gm). Merv mint? Wreathed head of Dionysos with thyrsos / Panther with grape vine; monogram. MIG 147b; Bopearachchi Série 5B, 8-9. VF, usual porous surfaces, but still decent for the type. ($200)

803. Agathokles. Circa 190-180 BC. Nickel Dichalkon (6.25 gm). Merv mint? Wreathed head of Dionysos with thyrsos / Panther with grape vine; monogram. MIG 147b; Bopearachchi Série 5B, 8-9. Fine, heavy pitting. ($150)

808. Euthydemos Π. Circa 190-185 BC. Nickel Dichalkon (8.43 gm). Merv mint? Laureate head of Apollo / Tripod, the bowl support decorated with faces; monogram. MIG 118a; Bopearachchi Série 6B, 10-11. Good VF, smooth surfaces, good metal quality with a minimum of surface eruptions. Rare. ($600) The only substantially nickel coinage of antiquity ivas struck by the Baktrian kings Euthydemos II, Agathokles and Pantaleon. Although earlier numismatists recounted romantic stories ofa gigantic meteorite being found in central Asia, the more prosaic truth is that the Baktrian kingdom lud access to copper mines in western China and Turkestan which had a natural high nickel content in the ore. Experiments with this new alloy were not successful; the Greek furnaces could not handle the very hard nickel with its high melting point, and the surfaces of the coins are usually pitted and corroded where the metals did not mix properly. Any of this nickel coinage is rare; a piece in this superlative condition is extremely rare.

804. Agathokles. Circa 190-180 BC. Nickel Chalkous (3.38 gm). Merv mint? Wreathed head of Dionysos with thyrsos / Panther with grape vine; monogram. MIG 148; Bopearachchi Série 6B. Near VF, porosity. ($2‫)ש‬ 809. Euthydemos Π. Circa 190-185 BC. Nickel Dichalkon (7.71 gm). Merv mint? Laureate head of Apollo / Tripod; monogram. MIG 118a; Bopearachchi Série 6B, 10-11. VF, usual porous surfaces. ($250)

805. Euthydemos II. Circa 190-185 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.10 gm). Merv mint? Diademed bust / N u d e Herakles standing facing, holding wreath and dub and lion skin; monogram. MIG 113b; Bopearachchi Série ID, 5-6. VF, rough surfaces. ($1000)

806. Euthydemos II. Circa 190-185 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.06 gm). Merv mint? Diademed bust / N u d e Herakles standing facing, holding wreath and club and lion skin; monogram. MIG 113b; Bopearachchi Série ID, 5-6. VF, porosity. ($500)

807. Euthydemos Π. Circa 190-185 BC. AR Obol (0.71 gm). Panjhir mint? Diademed bust / Nude Herakles standing facing, holding wreath and d u b and lion skin; monogram. MIG 116c; Bopearachchi Série 4A, 9. EF. ($600)

810. Euthydemos Π. Circa 190-185 BC. Nickel Dichalkon (7.21 gm). Merv mint? Laureate head of Apollo / Tripod; monogram. MIG 118a; Bopearachchi Série 6B, 10-11. Fine, usual porous surfaces. ($200)

811. Euthydemos II. Circa 190-185 BC. Nickel Chalkous (3.57 gm). Merv mint? Laureate head of Apollo / Tripod; monogram. MIG 119; Bopearachchi Série 7A. Near VF, usual porous surfaces. Rare denomination. ($450)

812. Antimachos. Circa 185-170 BC. AR Obol (0.69 gm). Panjhir mint? Bust of Antimachos, wearing kausia / Poseidon holding trident and palm; monogram. MIG 127c; Bopearachchi Série 4B, 11-12. EF. ($400)



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

813. Antimachos (II). AR Drachm. MIG 135a. / / Strato II with Strato ΙΠ. AR Drachm. MIG 469 (2 coins). Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($1‫)ש‬ 819. M e n a n d e r . Circa 155-130 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.75 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Diademed bust / Athena Alkidemos left; monogram. MIG 214; Bopearachchi Série 12. VF, edge chip with scratches. ($200)

814. Antimachos (II). ARDrachm. MIG 135d. / / Eukratides. AR obol. MIG 181c. / / Menander. AR Drachm. MIG 218c. / / Hermaios. AR Drachm. MIG 415p. / / Azes II. AR Drachm. MIG 825d. / / Plus a Parthian Drachm of Mithradates Π. Shore 99. Average VF. 6 coins in lot. ($200)

820. M e n a n d e r . Circa 155-130 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.41 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Helmeted bust / Athena Alkidemos left; monograms. MIG 217f; Bopearachchi Série 15B, 101. VF, edge chip with scratches. ($200)

815. E u k r a t i d e s I. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Uncertain mint. Helmeted bust / Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram. MIG 177; Bopearachchi Série 6 (unlisted monogram). VF. ($500) 821. Menander. Circa 155-130 BC. AR Drachm (2.40 gm). Taxila mint? Diademed heroic bust left, with aegis and spear / Athena Alkidemos left; monogram. MIG 224c; Bopearachchi Série 7B, 37-40. EF, slightly rough surfaces. ($100)

816. E u k r a t i d e s I. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Helmeted bust / Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram. MIG 177ee; Bopearachchi Série 6,28-29. Choice EF. ($9TO)

822. Menander. Circa 155-130 BC. AR Drachm (2.27 gm). Taxila mint? Diademed heroic bust left, with aegis and spear / Athena Alkidemos left; monogram. MIG 225e; Bopearachchi Série 9B, 48-49. Near EF. ($100)

823. Menander. Circa 155-130 BC. AR Drachm (2.37 gm). Chach mint? Diademed bust / Athena Alkidemos left; m o n o g r a m . MIG 215t; Bopearachchi Série 13B, 57. Good VF. / / Zoilos I. AR Drachm (2.44 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Diademed bust / Herakles with winged figure on shoulder. MIG 257b; Bop. Série 4B, 8-9. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100) 817. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC. JE Diobol (14 Unit) (28.58 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Helmeted bust / Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram. M1G-; Bopearachchi -; Pre-Kushana 266. Brown VF, very rough surfaces. Rare. ($2500) The present piece, along with another specimen in the ANS and tiw examples in the Mir Zakah II hoard, are the only known examples of this previously unknoum denomination in the Indo-Greek Series.

818. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC. JE Hemiobol (7.65 gm). Balkh mint? Helmeted bust / Dioskouroi on rearing horses; monogram. MIG 190a; Bopearachchi Sérié 19J, 83-85. EF. Rare. ($300)

824. Menander. Circa 155-130 BC. AR Drachm (2.42 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Diademed bust / Athena Alkidemos left; monogram, E. MIG 2151; Bopearachchi Série 131,70-72. Toned VF. ($75)

825. Menander. Circa 155-130 BC. AR Drachm (2.43 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Helmeted bust / Athena Alkidemos left; m o n o g r a m . MIG 218c; Bopearachchi Série 161,141-149. Good VF. ($100)



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. An outwardly unassuming coin which has important implications for the chronology of the Indo-Creek kings. It is overstruck, with enough of the undertype visible to make a positive identification. On the reverse below Athena's shield is visible a diademed head, with a narrow loop above it which has to be an Ω. On the obverse, in front ofMenander's face can be seen an outstreched hand pointing left, holding a filleted wreath. A ghost of an Α-shaped monogram can be traced below the wreath. This is clearly a drachm of Zoilos I with diademed bust and standing Herakles, most 831. Heliokles Π. Circa 110-100 BC. AR Drachm (2.43 gm). Kohat mint? probably with monogram attributed by Mitchina to Chach (MIG 256b). This over- Diademed bust / Zeus holding thunderbolt and sceptre; monogram. MIG ($100) strike suggests that Menanderand Zoilos did rule concurrently as Mitchiner states, 289k (Heliokles I); Bopearachchi Série 2D. Toned, good VF. and not consecutively as Bopearachchi has it.

826. Menander. Circa 155-130 BC. JE Diobol (39.68 gm). Helmeted bust of Athena / Prancing horse right. MIG 231; Bopearachchi Série 24A. Fair. ($125)

832. Philoxenos. Circa 195‫ ־ש‬BC. JE Hemiobol (8.32 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Tyche standing left, holding cornucopiae; monogram / Zebu bull; monogram. MIG 344e; Bopearachchi Série 10H, 26-28. VF, dark green patina. ($200)

833. Diomedes. Circa 95-90 BC. JE Dichalkon (8.11 gm). Pushkalavati mint? The Dioskouroi standing / Zebu bull; monograms. MIG 354d; Bopearachchi Série 10C, 8-9. VF, dark green patina. ($250)

827. Heliokles I. Circa 145-130 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.98 gm). Balkh mint? Bust right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin / Zeus seated holding Nike and sceptre; M. MIG 286a; Bopearachchi Série 3A, 23. VF, porosity on reverse and scratches. ($3000)

834. Hermaios. Circa 90-70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.39 gm). Posthumous issue. Alexandria mint? Diademed bust, one diadem end bent / Radiate Zeus seated; monogram. MIG 414; Bopearachchi Série 10 (variant monogram). Near EF. ($200) 828. Lysias. Circa 120-110 BC. AR Drachm (2.41 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Bust wearing elephant headdress / Nude Herakles standing facing, crowning himself and holding club and lion skin; monogram. MIG 264b; Bopearachchi Série 6B, 18. Toned, good VF. ($3‫)ש‬

829. Antialkidas. Circa 115-95 BC. AR Drachm (2.35 gm). Panjhir mint? Helmeted bust right / Zeus with elephant, Nike crowns elephant (facing left); monogram. MIG 279b; Bopearachchi Série 12A, 17. Good VF, scratches on reverse. ($200)

830. Antialkidas. Circa 115-95 BC. AR Drachm (2.38 gm). Panjhir mint? Bust right, wearing kausia / Zeus with elephant, Nike crowns elephant; monogram. MIG 277b; Bopearachchi Série 13. Good VF. ($200)

835. Hermaios. Circa 90-70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (8.43 gm). Posthumous issue. Kapisa mint? E>iademed bust, one diadem end bent / Zeus seated; monogram and letter. MIG 418a; Bopearachchi Série 14D. Good VF. ($150)

836. Hermaios. Circa 90-70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (8.22 gm). Posthumous issue. Demetrias mint? Diademed bust, one diadem end bent / Zeus seated; monogram and letter. MIG 420d; Bopearachchi Série 16E. Good VF, spots of horn silver. ($150)



Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

837. Hermaios. Circa 90-70 BC. JE Tetradrachm (8.86 gm). Posthumous issue. Demetrias mint? Diademed bust / Zeus seated; monogram and letter. MIG 421a; Bopearachchi Série 20BB. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)

843. Azes II. Circa 35 BC-5 AD. JE Trichalkon (6.89 gm). Hazara mint. Elephant / Zebu bull; monograms. MIG 818a. Good VF, green patina. ($150)

838. INDO-SCYTHIAN KINGS OF BAKTRIA. Anonymous. Circa 110-100 BC. AR Hemidrachm (0.70 gm). Horse right, head reverted / Nike right. MIG 677. VF for type. ($1M)

844. Azes II. Circa 35 BC-5 AD. JE Trichalkon (5.22 gm). Taxila mint. King sitting on pillow / Hermes standing left; monograms. MIG 864a. Good VF, brown patina. Nice for these. ($125)

839. Vonones with Spalagadames. Circa 90-65 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.64 gm). Ghazni mint? King on horseback / Zeus holding thunderbolt and sceptre. MIG 686b. Good VF. ($450)

845. PTOLEMAIC K I N G S OF EGYPT. Ptolemy I. 323-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.27 gm). Circa 305-283 BC. Diademed bust of Ptolemy; tiny Δ behind ear / Eagle on thunderbolt; Ρ and monogram. Svoronos 255; SNG Copenhagen 70. Toned, good VF, "rocker marks" in reverse field. Atea*

840. Azes I. Circa 57-30 BC. AR Drachm (2.39 gm). Bannu mint? King standing left, holding filleted sceptre / Nike right, holding wreath and palm; monogram. MIG 738; MACW 2206. EF. ($250)

841. Azes II. Circa 35 BC-5 AD. AR Tetradrachm (9.46 gm). Taxila mint? King on horseback; monogram / Athena right, with shield and spear; monograms. MIG 853d. / / Another (9.74 gm). Similar types, different monograms. MIG 853e. Both good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

842. Azes Π. Circa 35 BC-5 AD. JE Hexachalkon (12.99 gm). Taxila mint. Zebu bull; monograms / Lion; monogram. MIG 850k. VF, brown patina. ($300)



846. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.88 gm). Sidon mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt; Π. Svoronos 713; SNG Copenhagen 506. VF. ($100)

847. Ptolemy Π. Year 39 (247/246 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.08 gm). Sidon mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt; date, ΣΙ, ΔΙ, monogram. Svoronos 756; SNG Copenhagen-. EF. ($150)

848. Ptolemy II. Year 31 (255/254BC).ARTetradrachm(13.89gm).AkePtolemais mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt; date and monograms. Svoronos 774; SNG Copenhagen 470. VF. Scarce mint. ($100)

Classical Numismatic

Group‫׳‬, Inc.

854. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. JE 40mm (67.70 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae left, ΔΙ between legs. Svoronos 1125; SNG Copenhagen 199. / / Ptolemy m. 246-221 BC. JE 33mm (32.02 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae and monogram. Svoronos 966; SNG Copenhagen 176. Both Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

855. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. JE 40mm (68.77 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae left, ΔΙ between legs. Svoronos 1125; SNG Copenhagen 199. / / Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. JE 28mm (17.90 gm). Head of Isis / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1234; SNG Copenhagen 247. Both F/VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

849. Ptolemy Π. 285-246 BC. 7E 46mm (87.96 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; Ε between legs. Svoronos 446; SNG Copenhagen 142. VF, brown patina. ($3M)

856. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. Lot of three JE 36mm. Head of ZeusAmmon / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae right. With three variations of the Ε monogram between legs. SNG Copenhagen 224ff. Average F-VF. 3 coins. ($150) 857. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. Lot of two JE 36mm. Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae right. With two variations of the Ε monogram between legs. SNG Copenhagen 224ff. Average F-VF. 2 coins. ($100)

850. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. JE 21mm (7.89 gm). Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 416; SNG Copenhagen 159. VF, brown patina. ($75) 858. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. JE 25mm (13.15 gm). Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae over shoulder; E. Svoronos 976; SNG Copenhagen 232. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)

851. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. JE 18mm (5.96 gm). Tyre mint. Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; club. Svoronos 709; SNG Copenhagen 496. Good VF, brown patina. ($150)

852. Ptolemy ΙΠ. 246-221 BC. JE 33mm (31.68 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae and monogram. Svoronos 966; SNG Copenhagen 176. VF, brown patina, encrustation and scratches on obverse. ($65) 853. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. JE 40mm (70.10 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle on thunderbolt; cornucopiae left, ΔΙ between legs. Svoronos 1125; SNG Copenhagen 199. VF, brown patina. ($100)

859. Ptolemy IV and later. Circa 221-140 BC. JE 15mm (1.35 gm). Kyrenaika mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Head of Libya. Svoronos 867; SNG Copenhagen 449. Good VF, brown patina. ' ($75)

860. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. AR Didrachm (6.70 gm). Cyprus mint. Wreathed bust of Ptolemy as Dionysos / Eagle on thunderbolt; aplustre to left. Svoronos 1795; SNG Copenhagen-. Toned, good VF. Rare. ($750)

OurüfätSak, CHQ Auction 38, WiiC'BerteidIn Conjunction With 'Ίίιε Spring 9(ewyorl(Intermtiona(9{umLmatic Convention on June 6-7,1996.

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 866. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116 BC. JE 25mm (11.57 gm). Cypriot mint. Head of Zeus-Ammon / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1649; SNG Copenhagen 654. Fine, dark green patina. ($75)

861. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. JE 32mm (32.48 gm). Head of Isis / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1233; SNG Copenhagen 246. Fine, green and brown patina. ($1TO)

862. Ptolemy VI. Year 89 (171/170 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.91 gm). Arados mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram. Svoronos 1111; M0rkholm,NN/î 1975-76,148. EF. ($350)

867. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116 BC. JE 13mm (2.35 gm). Cypriot mint. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon / ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ (ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛ), eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1655; SNG Copenhagen 658. VF, dark green patina. Scarce. ($100)

868. Ptolemy IX. Year 6 (112/111 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.99 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1667; SNG Copenhagen 351. VF. ($75)

869. Ptolemy IX. Year 8 (110/109 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.29 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1669; SNG Copenhagen 352. VF. ($75) 863. Ptolemy VI. Year 91 (169/168 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.02 gm). Arados mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt; monogram. Svoronos 1207; Morkholm, NNÀ1975-76,167. Near EF, spot of corrosion on reverse. ($200)

870. Ptolemy IX. Year 9 (109/108 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.96 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1670; SNG Copenhagen 354. VF. ($75) 864. Ptolemy VI. 181-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.31 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1489; SNG Copenhagen 262. Near EF, obverse porosity. ($150)

871. Ptolemy IX. Year 10 (108/107 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.91 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1671; SNG Copenhagen 356. VF. ($75) 865. Ptolemy VI. 181-145 BC. JE 23mm (7.05 gm). Head of Herakles wearing lion skin / Eagle on thunderbolt; caduceus over shoulder, K. Svoronos 1376; SNG Copenhagen 290. Good VF, brown patina. ($1M)

Lot 866

872. Ptolemy X and Cleopatra III. Years 11 and 8 (107/106 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.99 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. ($75) Svoronos 1727; SNG Copenhagen 358. VF.

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

873. Ptolemy X and Cleopatra III. Years 12 and 9 (106/105 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.09 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt Svoronos 1728; SNG Copenhagen 359. VF. ($75)

879. Ptolemy X. Year 17 (98/97 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.74 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1677; SNG Copenhagen 366. VF. ($75)

874. Ptolemy X and Cleopatra III. Years 12 and 9 (106/105 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.04 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1728; SNG Copenhagen 359. VF. ($75)

880. Ptolemy X. Year 19 (96/95 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.47 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1679; SNG Copenhagen 368. Good VF. ($75)

875. Ptolemy X and Cleopatra III. Years 13 and 10 (105/104 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.95 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1729; SNG Copenhagen 360. VF. ($75)

876. Ptolemy X and Cleopatra III. Years 15 and 12 (103/102 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.% gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1730; SNG Copenhagen 361. VF. ' ($75)

877. Ptolemy X. Year 14 (101/100 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.68 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1674; SNG Copenhagen 363. Good VF. ($75)

878. Ptolemy X. Year 16 (99/98 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.74 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1676; SNG Copenhagen 365. VF. ($75)

881. Ptolemy X. Year 20 (95/94 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.13 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1680; SNG Copenhagen 369. Good VF. ($75)

882. Ptolemy X. Year 21 (94/93 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.15 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1681; SNG Copenhagen 370. Good VF. ($75)

883. Ptolemy X. Year 22 (93/92 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.90 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1682; SNG Copenhagen 371. Good VF. ($75)

884. Ptolemy X. Year 24 (91/90 BC). AR Tetradrachm (13.55 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1685; SNG Copenhagen 373. Good VF. ($75)

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. Rare Carthaginian Silver D i s h e k e l

885. KYRENAIKA, Kyrene. Circa 322-310 BC. JE 24mm (13.14 gm). Head of Kameios / Silphium plant. SNG Copenhagen 1216. Near VF, brown patina, obverse off-center. ($100) 890. Carthage. Circa 264-241 BC. AR Dishekel (15.14 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse stariding right, head reverted. SNG Copenhagen 186; Müller 111. Good VF. The finer silver issue is much rarer than the billon issue that follows it. ($2000)

886. Kyrene. Circa 322-313 BC. JE 17mm (6.38 gm). Gazelle right; gerbil in front / KY PA, silphium plant. Lindgren ΙΠ 1579 (this coin); SNG Copenhagen 1250. Near VF, rough surfaces. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

891. Carthage. Circa 241-238 BC. JE 22mm (5.63 gm). Sardinian mint. Wreathed head of Tanit left / Three grain ears; Punic letters above. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 249. Good VF dark green patina. Rare. ($150)

887. Kyrene. Circa 250 BC. JE 3 m m (10.03 gm). Diademed head of ZeusAmmon / Silphium plant. SNG Copenhagen 1280. Near VF, brown patina. ($75)

892. Carthage. Circa 213-211 BC. AR Quarter Shekel (1.95 gm). Sicilian mint. Wreathed head of Triptolemos / Horse galloping right, Punic " Η T" below. SNG Copenhagen 380. Toned, near EF. ($200)

888. SYRTICA, Leptis Magna. Circa 1st Century BC. JE 23mm (7.85 gm). Turreted head of Tyche left; palm branch behind / "LPQY", crossed club and thyrsos. Lindgren ΠΙ1595 (this coin); SNG Copenhagen 7. Near VF, brown patina. Rare. ($200) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection. Birthplace of thefuture emperor Septimius Severus, Leptis Magna would become one of the grandest civic centers of North Africa, and survives today as one of the best preserved Roman dties in the world.

893. NUMIDIA, Cirta. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE 34mm (20.35 gm). Turreted head of Tyche; c / m : caduceus / City gate. Lindgren HI 1625 (this coin); Mazard 524. Fair. Rare. ($150) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

889. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 300-264 BC. JE 21mm (4.67 gm). Sardinian mint. Wreathed head of Tanit left; crescent and pellet behind / Horsehead right; "K". SNG Copenhagen 166. Near EF, attractive olive-green patina. ($150)

Please OtfaiCyour'BidSfteet'Early!

894. K I N G S OF N U M I D I A . Juba I. 60-46 BC. JE 25mm (10.40 gm). Head of Zeus-Ammon / Elephant right. Lindgren ΙΠ 1624 (this coin); Mazarcl 92. Fine, flan flaws. Rare. ($125) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 902. Hellenistic Period. After 333 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.21 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right / "YHD", eagle standing left. AJC A d d e n d u m I (INJ, Vol.11), 12. Near VF.//Plus another. Near VF, broken. 2 coins in lot. (S100) 895. K I N G S OF MAURITANIA. Juba II. 25 BC-23 AD. AR Denarius (3.03 gm). Diademed bust, drapery at neck / Bust of Africa, wearing elephant headdress; two spears behind. Mazard 126; SNG Copenhagen 575 variety. Toned VF. ($150)

896. Juba II. 25 BC-23 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). Diademed bust, drapery at neck / Elephant right. SNG Copenhagen 577; Mazard 137. Toned, nearEF. ($350)

897. Juba II and Cleopatra Selene. Married 11 AD. JE 27mm (13.60 gm). Year 43 (18/19 AD). Diademed bust, club at neck / BACIAICCA ΚΛΕΟΡΑTRA, crown of Isis. Lindgren ΠΙ 1627 (this coin); Mazaid 352. Fine, brown and green patina. ($125) 77K Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

903. Hasmonean Kings. Yehudah Aristobulus Π. 67-63 BC. JE Prutah (2.29 gm). Legend / Cornuacopiae and pomegranate. AJC I pg.134, Ja; Hendin 32. / / Jehohanan Hyracanus Π. 6340 BC. JE Lepton (0.95 gm). Palm branch / Lily. AJC I pg.147,02; Hendin 75.// Another. (0.64 gm). Variety, similar to AJC 05. Average Fine. Three scarcer Hasmonean Bronzes. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

904. Hasmonean Kings. Lot of twenty-five JE. Alexander Jannaeus and John Hyrcanus Π. Hendin numbers include 7,10,12,14,16,18,22, & 30. Some duplication and unsorted varieties. Average Fair to Fine. 25 coins. ($300)

905. H a s m o n e a n Kings. Mattathias Antigonos. 40-37 BC. JE 23mm (14.22 gm). Twin cornuacopiae / Wreath. AJC I pg.156, U2; Hendin 34. VF for type, red-brown patina. ($100)

Judaean & Related Coinage Featuring Part Two Of The George Prager Collection 906. Mattathias Antigonos. 40-37 BC. JE 25mm (14.42 gm). Twin cornuacopiae / Wreath. AJC I pg.156, U7; Hendin 34. Near VF for type, encrusted green patina. ($100)

898. Gaza. Athenian Imitation. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Obol (0.57 gm). Crude helmeted head of Athena / Owl right; ΑΘΕ has become an "eye‫״‬. SNG ANS 26. VF, nice style. ($150) 907. Mattathias Antigonos. 40-37 BC. JE 19mm (10.34 gm). Single cornucopiae / BACIA Α Ν Π Γ in wreath. AJC I pg.158, V4; Hendin 35. VF for type, desert patina. ($100)

899. Gaza. Athenian Imitation. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.31 gm). Crude helmeted head of Athena / Owl left. SNG ANS-. VF, original hoard patina. ($100)

908. Mattathias Antigonos. 40-37 BC. JE 12mm (1.50 gm). Legend / Cornuacopiae with pomegranate. AJC I pg.158, W; Hendin 37. / / Plus the similar type with grain ear between cornuacopiae. AJC Y; Hendin 36 (3 coins). Average Fine, the first scarce but obverse mostly off center. 4 coins total. ($100)

900. Gaza. Athenian Imitation. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Obols. Crude helmeted head of Athena / Owl right (2 coins). / / A R Hemiobols. Similar types (3 coins). Cf. SNG ANS 21. Average F-VF. 5 coins total. ($200)

901. PHILISTO-ARABIAN, Gaza. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Drachm (3.81 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl. VF. Nice condition for this type. ($1‫)ש‬

909. Herodian Kings. Herod I. Year 3 (40 BC). JE 8 Prutot (6.59 gm). Crested helmet and star flanked by palms / Thymiaterion (incense bumer); date and monogram. AJC Π pg.235,1; Hendin 39. VF, desert patina. ($150)



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

910. Herod I. Year 3 (40 BC). JE 8 Prutot (6.70 gm). Crested helmet and star flanked by palms / Thymiaterion (incense burner); date and monogram. AJC Π pg.235,1; Hendin 39. VF, encrusted green patina. ($150)

917. Herod Philip. Year 30 (26/27 AD). JE 16mm (2.70 gm). Paneas mint. (ΙΟΥΛΙΑ) CEBACIH, draped bust of Julia / ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡννΝ, hand holding three grain ears; date to left. Maltiel-Gerstenfeld 123; cf. AJCII pg.278,1; Hendin 71b; RPC 4949. Near VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($200) The normal type listed in AJC, Hendin and RPC is dated year 34 (ΛΔ). MaltielGerstenfeld records a date 37 (ΛΖ) but it might be a variant of the epithet KAPΠΟΦΟΡΟΣ(fruit bearing) reading KA PnO0OPWN, and the date thus year 30 (Λ).

911. Herod I. Year 3 (40 BC). JE 4 Prutot (5.23 gm). Crested helmet / Decorated shield. AJC Π pg.235,2; Hendin 40; RPC 4902. Near VF, desert patina. ($150)

912. Herod I. Year 3 (40 BC). JE 2 Prutot (3.47 gm). Winged caduceus; no date / Poppy. AJC Π pg.235,4; Hendin-. Near VF, brown patina. ($2‫)ש‬ Ex Bromberg II, lot 331 (realized $264).

913. Herod I. Year 3 (40 BC). JE 2 Prutot (3.23 gm). Winged caduceus; no date / Poppy. AJC Π pg.235,4; Hendin-. Fine. ($75)

918. Herod Antipas. Year 34 (30 AD). JE 20mm (6.48 gm). ΗΡΟΔΟΥ ΤΕΓΡΑΡΧΟΥ, palm branch / TIBE PIA Σ in wreath. AJC Π pg.242,10; Hendin ($200) 66. Near VF, rough desert patina. Rare.

919. Agrippa II. Circa 63-68 AD. JE 16mm (5.65 gm). Laureate head of Nero / ΕΠΙ BACIAE ΑΓΡΙΠΠ ΝΕΡΩΝΙΕ in wreath. AJC Π pg.250,2; Hendin 80; RPC 4989. Fine, green patina. ($125)

920. Agrippa II. Year 18 (78/79 AD). JE 25mm (11.13 gm). Vespasian / Tyche left. AJC Π pg.252,14. / / Year 18. JE 27mm (13.04 gm). Titus / Nike right. Cf. AJC 15 (unlisted larger denomination). / / Judaea Capta. £123mm (10.01 gm). Domitian / Minerva with trophy. AJC 7. J J JE 17mm (7.24 gm). Domitian / Nike. AJC 8. Average Fine. 4 coins in lot. ($100)


914. Herod 1.404 BC. JE 2 Prutot (3.56 gm). X in tied diadem / Tripod table. AJC Π pg.236,7; Hendin 43. Good VF, gray-black patina. ($75)

921. Agrippa II. Year 26 (86/87 AD). JE 30mm (19.00 gm). Laureate head of Vespasian / Tyche standing left, holding grain ears and cornucopiae. AJC II pg.254,30; Hendin-. Fine, red-brown patina. Nice portrait of Vespasian. ($400)

915. Herod 1.404 BC. JE 2 Prutot (3.70 gm). X in tied diadem / Tripod table. AJC Π pg.236,7; Hendin 43. / / Another (2.33 gm). Variety with open diadem. AJC 8. Both VF for type. 2 coins in lot. ($1‫)ש‬

916. Herod I. Year 3 (40 BC). JE Prutah (2.41 gm). Aplustre; date and monogram / Palm branch with fillets(?). AJC Π pg.235,5; Hendin 42. Near VF, encrusted green patina. ($1‫)ש‬

922. Agrippa II. Year 26 (86/87 AD). JE 25mm (11.62 gm). Titus / Nike right. AJC Π pg.255,32a. / / Year 27 (87/88 AD). JE 21mm (4.95 gm). Domitian / Nike inscribing shield. AJC 42. / / Judaea Capta. /Ε 23mm (11.29 gm). Domitian / Minerva with trophy. AJC 7. Average Fine. 3 coins in lot. ($150)



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

923. Agrippa Π. Year 35 (95/96 AD). JE 15mm (2.59 gm) Laureate head of Domitian / ΒΑ A FP ET ΕΛ in wreath. AJC Π pg.258,56; Hendin 99. Fine, black patina. The latest dated coin of Agrippa. ($100)

924. Herodian Kings and First Jewish Wat Lot of twenty JE. Herod I. Hendin 43,44,52,53,54. / / Herod Archelaus. H.62,63. / / Herod Antipas. H. 67. / / A g r i p p a I. H.75. / / First Jewish War. H.123,126,131. Several duplicates. Average Fair to Fine, the Antipas rare but heavily encrusted. 20 coins in lot. ($300) 925. Lotof five^E. Alexander Jannaeus. Hendin 12. / / Herod the Great. Hendin 54. / / Herod Archelaus. Hendin 63. / / Procurator Valerius Gratus. Hendin 111. / / Pontius Pilate. Hendin 114. Average Fine to VF. 5 coins. ($100)

932. First Jewish Wan Year 4 (69 AD). JE 1 / 8 Shekel (6.24 gm). Chalice / Lulav and two ethrog. AJC Π pg.262,30; Hendin 131. Good VF, brown patina. ($200)

933. First Jewish Wan Year 4 (69 AD). JE 1 / 8 Shekel (4.54 gm). Chalice / Lulav and two ethrog. AJC Π pg.262,30; Hendin 131. Good VF, gray-black patina. ($150)

926. Lot of thirty-three JE. Hasmonean Kings. / / Herodian Kings. / / Procurators (including Pontius Pilate). / / First Jewish War. Average Fair to Fine, many still need cleaning. A good variety of types. 33 coins. ($300) E x c e p t i o n a l P r u t a h Of V a l e r i u s G r a t u s 934. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). "Judaea Capta". 69-71 AD. Laureate head / IVDAEA, mourning Judaea seated beneath trophy. RICH 15; RSC 226; Brin 16. Fine. ($100)

927. Procurators. Valerus Gratus. Year 4 (17/18 AD). JE Prutah (2.11 gm). Grape vine / Amphora. AJC Π pg.282,16; Hendin 108. Near EF, dark green patina. Rare this nice. ($250)

928. Pontius Pilate. Year 16 (29/30 AD). JE Prutah (1.88 gm). Simpulum / Three grain ears. AJC Π pg.282,21; Hendin 113. VF, green patina. ($100)

935. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Sestertius (27.00 gm). "Judaea Capta.‫״‬ 71 AD. Laureate head / IVDAEA CAPTA SC, bound Jewish captive and mourning Judaea beneath palm tree. RIC Π 425; Brin 43. VF, brown patina. ($2000)

929. Pontius Pilate. Year 17 (30/31 AD). JE Prutah (1.40 gm). Lituus / Date in wreath. AJC Π pg.283,23; Hendin 114. VF, desert patina. ($100) 936. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE As (10.38 gm). "Judaea Capta". 71 AD. IMP CAES VESP AVG PM Τ Ρ COS ΠΙ, laureate head / VICTORIA NAVALIS S C, Victory on prow. RIC Π 503; Brin-. VF, brown patina. ($200) A reference to the victory on Lake Galilee during the Jewish War.

930. Pontius Pilate. Year 17 (30/31 AD). JE Prutah (1.76 gm). Reversed lituus / Date in wreath. AJC Π pg.283,23g; Hendin-. VF, desert patina. Rare variety. ($150) 931. Procurators. Lot of twenty-nine JE. Coponius. Hendin 100. / / Ambibulus. H.101,102. / / Valerius Gratus. H.105,106,107,108,109,110, 111, 112. / / Pontius Pilate. H.114,115. / / Antonius Felix. H. 116,117. / / Pordus Festus. H.118. Some duplication and minor varieties. Average Fair to Fine, a few better. 29 coins. ($400)

937. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). "Judaea Capta". 72-73 AD. Laureate head / Vespasian in triumphal quadriga, holding seeptre and branch. RIC Π 54; RSC 643; Brin 34. Toned, near EF, flan crack. ($300)



Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. Rare Year O n e Bronze Of T h e Bar K o c h b a Revolt

938. TITUS, Caesar. 72 AD. JE Sestertius (26.31 gm). "Judaea Capta". Laureate head / VICTORIA AVGVSTI SC, Victory inscribing shield set on palm tree. RICII614 (Vespasian); Brin 100. VF, brown and tan patina with scattered patches of hard verdigris. Rare. ($3500)

944. Bar Kochba Revolt. Year 1 (132/133 AD). JE 30mm (20.03 gm). "Shimon, Prince of Israel", in wreath / "Year 1 of the Redemption of Israel", amphora. MUdenberg 2 (Ol /R2); AJC Π pg.264,3b; Hendin 136. VF, brown and green patina with earthen encrustation, slight adjustment marks. Rare. ($4000)

939. Titus. 79-81 AD. Lot of two JE. "Judaea Capta". Laureate head / Trophy with mourning Judaea and shield below. AJC Π pg.289,5; Hendin 183. Both Fine. 2 coins. ($150) 945. Bar Kochba Revolt Undated (134-135 AD). JE 22mm (5.91 gm). Palm in wreath / Lyre. Mildenberg 33 (02/R12); AJC Π pg.276,77a. VF, rough brown patina. ($125)

Attractive Bar Kochba Silver Tetradrachm

940. Domitian. 81-96 AD. JE 23mm (11.23 gm). "Judaea Capta". IMP DOM1TIANVS AVG GERM ANICVS, laureate head left / Minerva left, with trophy and shield. AJC Π pg.291,7; Hendin 188. Good VF, dark green patina. AJC does not record the obverse legend as beginning with IMP. Exceptional condition for these. ($300)

941. Judaea Capta. Lot of four coins. JE 20mm. Titus / Nike inscribing shield. AJC Π pg. 288, 2b (2 coins). //JE 27mm. Domitian / Minerva on prow. AJC Π pg.290,6. / / JE 24mm. Domitian / Minerva with trophy. AJC 7. Average Fine. 4 coins. ($150)

946. Bar Kochba Revolt Year 2 (133/134 AD). AR Sela (Tetradrachm) (14.06 gm). "Jerusalem", Temple facade; star above / "Year 2 of the freedom of Israel", lulav with etrog. Mildenberg 37.7 (08/R27); AJC Π pg.267,13. Near EF and choice. ($2400) Ex NFA VIII, lot 357 (illustration is 356).

942. JUDAEA, the Tenth Legion Fretensis. After 68 AD. JE 28mm (12.13 gm). Countermark: LXF on a 1st century AD bronze of Antioch. Cf. Howgego 733. Coin Fair and pitted, c / m Fine. ' ($2TO)

943. JUDAEA, the Tenth Legion Fretensis. After 68 AD. JE 21mm (9.92 gm). Countermark: LXF on a 1st century AD bronze of Dora. Cf. Howgego 733. Coin Fair, c / m Fine, rough green patina. Scarce host coin. ($200)

947. Bar Kochba Revolt Year2 (133/134 AD). JE 22mm (9.63 gm). "For the Freedom of Jerusalem", grape leaf / "Shimon", palm tree. Mildenberg 75 (06/R39); AJC Π pg.270,42b. / / Undated (134-135 AD). JE 25mm (7.41 gm). "For the Freedom of Jerusalem", grape leaf / "Shimon", palm tree. Mildenberg 139 (Oll/Rl03); AJC Π pg.275,74. Both near VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

948. Bar Kochba Revolt Undated (134-135 AD). AR Zuz (Denarius) (3.49 gm). "Shimon" in wreath / "For the freedom of Jerusalem", jug and palm branch. Mildenberg 86 (015/R55); AJC Π pg.274,66. EF, weak strike. ($300)



Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 955. JUDAEA, the Sixth Legion Ferrata. Circa 132-135 AD. JE 20mm (6.53 gm). Countermark: LVIF on an unidentified bronze; two other faint countermarks, probably head of emperor (Howgego 134) and Athena (Howgego 245). Howgego 726. Coin blank, c / m Fine, black patina. Rare legionary countermark. ($2‫)ש‬

949. Bar Kochba Revolt Year 2 (133-134 AD). JE 25mm (7.86 gm). Grape leaf / Palm tree. Mildenberg 92 (07/R56); Hendin 160. VF, brown patina, irregular flan. ($100)

956. JUDAEA, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem). Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD./E23mm (11.34 gm). Laureate bust / Dioscuri stand ing with eagle between them. Meshorer 22. Near VF, brown patina with earthen highlights. _ ($125)

950. Bar Kochba Revolt Undated (134-135 AD). JE 23mm (9.82 gm). "For the Freedom of Jerusalem", grape leaf / "Shimon", palm tree. Mildenberg 124 (010/R88); AJC Π pg.275,74. VF, brown patina. ($1‫)ש‬ 957. Askalon. Year53 (32/31 BQ.JE 21mm (7.27 gm). Turreted bust of Tyche / Galley left; date below. Lindgren ΠΙ A1524e (this coin); cf. BMC Palestine pg.108,22 (undated). Good VF, dark green patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

951. Bar Kochba Revolt Undated (134-135 AD). JE 25mm (9.99 gm). "For the Freedom of Jerusalem", grape leaf / "Shimon", palm tree. Mildenberg 134 (Oll /R98 [later die state]); AJC Π pg.275,74. VF, dark green patina. ($1‫)ש‬ 958. Gaza. Lucius Verus. Year 224 (163/164 AD). JE 18mm (5.86 gm). Laureate head / Tyche with animal at feet. Rosenberger U 112. Good VF, brown and green patina. Nice for this crude issue. ($75)

952. Bar Kochba Revolt Year 1 (132/133 AD). JE 17mm (6.74 gm). "Year 1 of the redemption of Israel", grapes / "Eleazar the Priest", palm tree. Mildenberg 150 (Ol /R4); AJC Π pg.266,7. VF, encrusted green patina. ($2‫)ש‬

953. Bar Kochba Revolt Undated (134-135 AD). /E 16mm (2.58 gm). "For the Freedom of Jerusalem", grapes / "Shimon", palm tree. Mildenberg 159 (04/R9); AJC Π pg.276,81. Good VF, dark green patina. ($150)

954. Bar Kochba Revolt Undated (134-135 AD). JE 17mm (5.11 gm). "For the Freedom of Jerusalem", grapes / "Shimon", palm tree. Mildenberg 160 (04/R10); AJC Π pg.276,81. VF, brown patina. ($150)

Lot 955

959. Gaza. Caracalla. Year 268 (207/208 AD). JE 24mm (9.18 gm). Laureate bust / Distyle temple with statues of Artemis and Marnas; two countermarks: five point star with date (unreadable); plain five point star. Cf. Rosenberger Π156 (year 268 unrecorded); Howgego 462, the second c / m unrecorded. Fine, black patina. ($75)

960. SYRIA, Decapolis. Gadara. Tiberius. Year 92 (28/29 AD). JE 16mm (5.05 gm). TIBEPIW ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ, bare head / Bust of Tyche. Spijkerman 11; RPC 4812. VF, brown patina. ' ($75)

961. Gadara. Titus. Year 137 (73/74 AD). JE 18mm (4.75 gm). Laureate head / Crossed cornuacopiae with central cross. Spijkerman 30. VF, encrusted green patina. ($75)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

962. Gadara. Gordian III. Year 303 (239/240 AD). JE 24mm (12.00 gm). Laureate bust / Galley right. Spijkerman 93. Near VF, desert patina. ($150)

963. Gerasa. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. JE 30mm (15.96 gm). Laureate bust / Artemis right, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver, hound at feet. Spijkerman 8. Fine, dark green patina, scarce. ‫״‬-«‫^־־‬


968. Rabbathmoba (Areopolis). Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 21mm (8.78 gm). AV KECAP ANTWNINOC, laureate bust / APCAIIOMC (retrograde), Poseidon left, foot on prow, holding d o l p h i n and trident. Spijkerman 37, legend 1. Near VF, desert patina. Rare city. ($150)

969. Rabbathmoba (Areopolis). Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 21mm (8.96 gm). AV KAICAP ANTWNINOC, laureate bust / APC AFIOAIC (retrograde), Poseidon left, foot on prow, holding dolphin a n d trident. Spijkerman 37, legend 2. Fine, dark green patina. Rare city. ($100)

970. Decapolis. Lot of seven JE. Abila. Faustina Jr. Spijkerman 6. / / Abila. Lucius Verus. Spijkerman 10. / / Bostra. Commodus. Sp.29. / / Gadara. Claudius. Sp.17. / / Gadara. Titus. Sp.30. / / Philadelphia. C o m m o d u s . Sp.38. / / And Damascus. Nero. RPC 4803. Average Fair to Fine. Scarce ty^es. 7 coins. ($150)

964. Medaba. Caracalla. Year 105 (210/211 AD). JE 27mm (8.98 gm). Laureate bust / Tyche left, foot on prow, holding bust and cornucopiae. Lindgren ΙΠ 1547 (this coin); Spijkerman 6. VF, dark green patina. Rare city. ($250) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection. An otherwise insignificant town, Medaba is famous for theMedaba Map, a mosaic floor in a Byzantine church depicting the cities of the Holy Land.

971. GALILEE, Gaba. Hadrian. Year 177 (116/117 AD). JE 26mm (7.89 gm). Laureate head / Nike left, with wreath and trophy. Rosenberger Π, 9. Near VF, encrusted green patina, flan flaw on reverse. Rare. ($100) Cf. Meshorer, Eretz-Israel, pg.38for location of Gaba at Geva Parashim in the Jezreel valley.

965. Petra. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 21mm (8.41 gm). Laureate bust / Tyche seated within distyle temple, holding Nike and trophy. Spijkerman 34. Fine, dark green patina. ($75) 972. Tiberias. Trajan. Year 81 (99/100 AD). JE 19mm (4.82 gm). Laureate head / Cornuacopiae. BMC Palestine pg.7,14. / / Year 90 (108/109 AD). JE 14mm (2.53 gm). Laureate head / Anchor. BMC 18. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

966. Philadelphia. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. JE 22mm (9.53 gm). Laureate head / Bust of Herakles. Spijkerman 13. Fine. Rare. ($75)

967. Philadelphia. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 21mm (5.45 gm). Laureate bust / Quadriga pulling wheeled shrine; c / m : club. Spijkerman 46; Howgego-. Fine. Rare. ($75)

973. Tiberias. Trajan. Year 90 (108/109 AD). JE 17mm (1.96 gm). Laureate head / Anchor. BMC Palestine pg.7,18. Near VF, brown and green patina. ($75)

974. Tiberias. Hadrian. Year 101 (119/120 AD). JE 14mm (2.56 gm). Laureate head / Galley left. BMC Palestine pg.9,34. VF, black patina. ($75)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

975. SAMARIA, Caesarea Maritima. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. JE 31mm (17.60 gm). Laureate bust / Founder plowing right, Nike flying above. BMC Palestine pg.19,54; Kadman 27. Fine, tan patina. ' ($125)

981. Bostra. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. JE 26mm (19.36 gm). Laureate head; c / m : three clubs / Tyche holding spear with trophy and cornucopiae, foot on crouching figure. Kindler 2b; Spijkerman la; Howgego 509. Near VF, heavy earthen patina. ($100) The three clubs probably represent the Legion III Cyrenaica.

976. Caesarea Maritima. Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar. 139-161 AD. JE 25mm (12.20 gm). Bare-headed bust right / Bust of Sarapis, kalathos on head. Kadman 38; SNG ANS 776. Good VF, earthen and black patina. Other than a few flan flaws, an exceptional example of this civic coinage. ($300)

982. Bostra. Julia Domna. Year 104 (209/210 AD). JE 28mm (12.55 gm). Draped bust / Tetrastyle temple with Tyche holding spear with trophy and cornucopiae, foot on crouching figure. Kindler 27; Spijkerman 36. Near VF, gray-green patina. ($100)

977. Caesarea Maritima. Caracalla. Cos.4 (213-217 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (14.02 gm). Laureate head / Eagle, head left, on torch with entwined serpent; bucranium below. Bellinger 366. VF. ($200)

983. Bostra. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 21mm (6.18 gm). Laureate bust / Distyle temple with standing figure of Zeus-Ammon and ram. Kindler 32; Spijkerman 40. Near VF, dark green patina. ($100) Zeus-Ammon was the patron god of the Legion III Cyrenaica, based at Bostra at this period.

978. Caesarea Maritima. Volusian. 251-253 AD. JE 24mm (12.93 gm). Laureate bust / Dionysos reclining on back of panther. BMC Palestine pg.41, 216; Kadman 224. Near VF, variegated red, brown and green patina. ($75)

984. NABATAEA. Aretas Π. 110-96 BC. JE 17mm (3.04 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Nike standing left. Meshorer 1 A. VF for type, black desert patina. ' ($75) With this piece the prototype of the early Nabataean coinage can be seen clearly as the gold stater of Alexander the Great.

979. Neapolis. Volusian. 251-253 AD. JE 20mm (6.95 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Temple on Mt. Gerizim. BMC Palestine pg-73,165. VF, tan patina. Nice view of the Samaritan temple on Mt. Gerizim. ($125) 985. Aretas ΙΠ. »4-71 BC. JE 18mm (6.66 gm). Diademed head / Tyche of Damascus seated left. Meshorer 6. VF, black patina. ($125)

980. ARABIA, Bostra. Trajan. Cos. 6 (112-114 AD). AR Tetradrachm (10.40 gm). Laureate head / Aquila with standards. SNG ANS 1162; Sydenham 227 (Caesarea). Toned VF. ($150)

986. Aretas IV. Year 3 (7/6 BC). AR Drachm (350 gm). Laureate head of Aretas / Veiled bust of Huldu. Meshorer 53. VF, rough surfaces. ($150) 8

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. ROMAN PROVINCIAL COINAGE

987. Aretas IV. 2040 AD. AR Drachm (3.82 gm). Laureate head of Aretas / Jugate busts of Aretas and Shuqailat. Meshorer 99ff. Fine. ($75)

988. Aretas IV. Year 6 (4/3 BC). JE 18mm (3.78 gm). Laureate head of Aretas / Huldu standing left. Meshorer 66. Fine, rough green patina, scarce with clear date. ($1‫)ש‬

989. Aretas IV. 9 BC40 AD. JE 14mm (2.80 gm). Laureate head of Aretas / Crossed cornuacopiae and caduceus. Meshorer 76. VF, brown patina. ($75)

ill Hi

996. SPAIN, Calagurris. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 30mm (15.07 gm). Bare head right / Bull; magistrates Antestius and Baebius. Burgos 311; RPC 439. / / Plus an JE 24mm of Colonia Patricia. RPC 129. The first good VF, rough brown patina, the second Fair. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

997. Carteia. Germanicus and Drusus. 1449 AD. JE 20mm (4.96 gm). Turreted head of Tyche / Rudder. Burgos 530; RPC 123. VF, black patina with patches of brown. ($100)

990. Aretas IV. 9 B C 4 0 AD. JE 11mm (1.21 gm). Letters in wreath / Eagle left. Meshorer93. Good VF, green patina, scarce fraction. ($75)

991. Aretas IV. 9 BC40 AD. JE 18mm (4.65 gm). Jugate heads of Aretas and Shuqailat / Crossed cornuacopiae. Meshorer 114. Good VF, black patina, full strike. ($75) 992. Aretas IV. 9 BC-40 AD. Lot of eight /E. With H u l d u standing. Meshorer 56. / / Cornuacopiae. Mesh. 63. / / Shuqailat standing. Mesh. 97 (2 coins). / / Jugate busts with monogram. Mesh. 112. / / Without monogram. Mesh. 114 (3 coins). Average Fine to VF. 8 coins. ($150)

998. Carthago Nova. Augustus. 27 B C 4 4 AD. JE 29mm (14.03 gm). Laureate head / Sacrificial implements. Burgos 439; RPC 167. VF, olivebrown patina. ($150)

993. Rabbel II. 70-106 AD. AR Drachm (2.90 gm). Laureate head of Rabbel / Veiled bust of Gamilat. Meshorer 147ff. Crude VF. ($75) 999. Carthago Nova. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 29mm (13.18 gm). Laureate head / Sacrificial implements. Burgos 439; RPC 167. Fine, brown patina. ($100)

994. Rabbel II. 70-106 AD. JE 17mm (3.88 gm). Jugate heads of Rabbel and Hagru / Crossed cornuacopiae. Meshorer 164. VF, desert patina. Rare. ($150) The last coin of the Nabataean princes, struck just prior to the absorption of the kingdom by Trajan's armies in 106 AD. 995. NABATAEA. Lot of twenty-six JE. Primarily of Aretas IV, but ineludes types of Aretas Π, Malichos Π and Rabbel Π. Meshorer 2,61,62,63,64, 67,69,73,75,97,112,113,114,118,140, & 163. Some duplication and a few uncertain types, including a bronze imitation of an Aretas IV AR drachm. Average Fair to Fine. A good representative collection of Nabataean coinage. 26 coins. ($450)

1000. Colonia Romula (Seville). Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 36mm (24.56 gm). Radiate head of Augustus; star and thunderbolt / Head of Livia left on globe. Burgos 1587; RPC 73. Fine, brown patina. ($300)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

1001. Emerita. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 19mm (6.54 gm). Laureate head / C A E LEG VX, legionary aquila between standards. Burgos 794; RPC 16. Good VF, brown patina. ($200)

1002. Emerita. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 25mm (8.15 gm). Bare head resembling Augustus / Nude male standing left, holding grapes. Burgos 1535; RPC 58. Good VF, encrusted dark green patina. Rare. ($200)

1003. Lepida-Celsa. Octavian. Before 27 BC. JE 30mm (16.88 gm). Bare head right / Bull; magistrates Cornelius and Pompeius. Burgos 611; RPC 269. VF, brown and tan patina. ($125)

1007. Cassandrea. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. JE 21mm (8.64 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Head of Zeus-Ammon left. Cf. Mionnet 1,178. Fine, black patina. Rare. ($150)

1008. MACEDON. Reign of Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 25mm (12.65 gm). Head of Alexander, with flowing hair; club below / Lion right; club above. Gaebler 325. VF, green patina. ($150)

1009. Reign of Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 26mm (12.94 gm). Diademed head of Alexander, with short hair / Two tetrasty le temples behind column with statue of emperor holding sceptre and parazonium. Cf. Gaebler 519. VF, dark green patina. ($200)

1010. Reign of Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 26mm (12.06 gm). Diademed head of Alexander, with flowing hair / Horseman (Alexander?) right, arm raised. Cf. Gaebler 574. Good VF, dark green patina. ($200) 1004. GAUL, Vienne. Octavian. Circa 36 BC. JE Dupondius (19.82 gm). Back to back heads of Julius Caesar and Octavian / Prow of galley with tall superstructure. RPC 517. VF for type, dark green and brown patina. ($300)

1005. MACEDON, Cassandrea. Claudius. 41-54 AD. JE 23mm (7.74 gm). ΤΙ CLA CAESAR AVG GERM IMP, laureate head / Head of ZeusAmmon left. RPC1516. VF, brown patina. A readable obverse legend, questioned in RPC. ($200)

1006. Cassandrea. 1st Century AD. JE 16mm (4.59 gm). Vexillum with AVG between two standards / CASSANDRE in wreath. RPC 1513.2. Good VF, green patina. ($150)

1011. Reign of Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 26mm (12.82 gm). Diademed head of Alexander / Serpent raising from cista. Gaebler 587. Good VF, dark green patina. ($200)

1012. Reign of Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 25mm (1288 gm). Diademed head of Alexander, with flowing hair / Table with two prize crowns. Cf. Gaebler 686. Good VF, green patina. ($200)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 1018. Marcianopolis. Gordian III and Tranquillina. 241 AD. JE 28mm (12.65 gm). Confronted busts of Gordian and Tranquillina / Tyche with rudder and cornucopiae; Tertullian, magistrate. Cf. Pick 1189. Good VF, green patina. ($75)

1013. Reign of Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 22mm (8.00 gm). Helmeted head of Alexander / Κ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩ Β NE, lion on club. Cf. Gaebler 784. Near VF, dark green patina. ($150) 1019. Nicopolis. Julia Domna. JE 22mm (6.48 gm). Diademed bust / Nemesis standing left. Pick 1470. Good VF, emerald green patina. ($75)

1014. MOESIA, Istros. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 27mm (13.74 gm). Laureate bust / Apollo standing left, holding plectron and lyre on column. ($100) Pick 515. VF, dark green patina.

1015. Marcianopolis. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 26mm (10.96 gm). Laureate head / Eagle on column placed behind table, flanked by standards; magistrate Quintilianus. Pick 646. VF, green patina. ($75)

1016. Marcianopolis. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 26mm (9.63 gm). Laureate head / Eagle on altar placed on table, standards behind; magistrate Quintilianus. Cf. Pick 648. VF, dark green patina. ($75)

1017. Marcianopolis. Caracalla and Julia Domna. 198-217 AD. JE 27mm (13.67 gm). Confronted busts of Caracalla and Domna / Tyche with rudder and cornucopiae; magistrate Quintilianus. Pick 678. VF, dark brown patina. ($75)

Lot 1018

1020. Nicopolis. Caracalla, Caesar. 198-211 AD. JE 17mm (1.96 gm). Bareheaded bust / Cow grazing left. Pick 1503. Good VF, green patina. _ ^SSBfe^ ($75)

1021. Nicopolis. Geta as Augustus. 209-212 AD. JE 28mm (14.52 gm). Laureate bust / Eagle on altar, standards behind; magistrate Ulpianus. Pick 1676. Good VF, emerald green patina, flan crack. ($100)

1022. Nicopolis. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. JE 26mm (9.57 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust, with aegis / Emperor and Nike erecting trophy with captives beneath; magistrate Agrippa. Pick 1711. VF, green patina. Nice reverse type. ssr^ ($125)

1023. Nicopolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 26mm (11.96 gm). Laureate bust / Eagle on thunderbolt placed on altar, standards behind; magistrate Rufus. Pick 1990. VF, dark brown patina. ($75)

1024. THRACE, Anchialos. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 26mm (10.41 gm). Laureate bust / City gate. Strack 485. VF, dark green patina. ($200)

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. Rare Bronze Of Bizya D e p i c t i n g A D i o n y s i a c Banquet Scene

1030. Rhoemetalkes 1.11BC-12 AD. JE 28mm (12.86 gm). Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and Pythodoris, small head of Kotys IV in front; monogram on neck of Rhoemetalkes / Jugate heads of Augustus and Livia; capricorn in front. Youroukova 188 (Rhoemetalkes Π); RPC 1710. Good VF, green and brown patina. ($200) 1025. Bizya. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. JE 25mm (10.39 gm). Laureate half length bust / Dionysiac banquet scene; horse to right. Youroukova pl.2,8. VF, tan patina, rough edges. Rare. ($400)

1031. Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 23mm (7.52 gm). Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and Pythodoris / Head of Augustus; c / m : monogram. Youroukova 205 (Rhoemetalkes Π); RPC 1711.15. Good VF, green patina. ($150) 1026. Deultum. Gordian ΙΠ. 238-244 AD. JE 22mm (6.63 gm). IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate bust / COL FL PAC DEVLT, Athena standing, facing left, holding spear and shield, right hand on tree with serpent coiled around base and bird on branch. Apparently unpublished. Good VF, emerald green patina. ($125) 1032. Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 24mm (9.71 gm). Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and Pythodoris / Head of Augustus. Youroukova 206 (Rhoemetalkes Π); RPC 1711. Good VF, variegated green patina. ($150)

1027. Philippopolis. Caracalla, as Caesar. 196-198 AD. JE 18mm (4.09 gm). Bare-headed bust / Tetrastyle temple with statue (Zeus?). Lindgren ΙΠ A74a (this coin); cf. Mionnet Supp.II, 1604 (obverse). Fine, dark green patina. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection 1033. Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 23mm (10.20 gm). Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and Pythodoris / Head of Augustus. Youroukova 206 (Rhoemetalkes Π); RPC 1711. VF, tan patina, porous reverse. ($150)

1028. Philippopolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 18mm (3.65 gm). AVT Κ M AVPH ANTQNINOC, laureate bust / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟ PON, nude athlete drawing lot from urn. Apparently unpublished. VF, green patina. ($100) 1034. Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 22mm (10.93 gm). Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and Pythodoris / Head of Augustus. RPC 1711. //JE 19mm (4.68 gm). Rhoemetalkes / Augustus. RPC 1718. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

Rare JE Of Antinous From Nicopolis In Epeiros

1029. KINGS OF THRACE. Rhoemetalkes 1.11 BC-12 AD. JE 13mm (2.06 gm). Fasces / Curule chair and spear. Youroukova 161; RPC 1706. / / With Augustus. JE 19mm. Diademed head of Rhoemetalkes / Head of Augustus. Youroukova 170; RPC 1714 (2 coins). Average good VF. 3 coins in lot. ($150)

1035. EPEIROS, Nicopolis. Antinous. Died 130 AD. JE 17mm (3.% gm). ANTINO ON ΘΕΟΝ, half-length n u d e bust right / NEIKO riOAEWC IEPOC, two step altar with two figures holding billowing cape over flames. Blum, JIAN1914,5 (pl.I,6). Fine, dark green patina. Very rare. ($350)

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

·VWSiÇJï«-·1036. C O R I N T H . Tiberius. 14 -37 AD. JE 21mm (7.34 gm). 32-33 AD. Radiate head left / Hexastyle temple; magistrates Arrius and Furius. Amandry XVI ; RPC 1151. Fine, black patina. ($100)

1037. LAKONIA, Thuria. Julia Domna. JE 21mm (4.60 gm). Bust right / Athena standing left, holding Nike and sceptre. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 546 (Septimius Severus). VF, rough green patina. / / Plus an JE 23mm of Corinth. Aphrodite / Bellerophon and Pegasos fighting chimaera. RPC 1128. VF, encrusted and scraped. The first a very rare issue. 2 coins in lot. ($1‫)ש‬


1042. Rheskouporis Π. 211-228 AD. EL Stater (7.52 gm). Year 518 (221/222 AD). Diademed bust of king / Laureate bust of Elagabalus; star. Anokin 638b; Frolova pl.XLIV, 31 (Rheskouporis ΠΙ). VF. ($500)




1043. Rheskouporis Π. 211-228 AD. EL Stater (7.72 gm). Year 522 (225/226 AD). Diademed bust of king; trident / Laureate bust of Severus Alexander. Anokin 642b; Frolova pl.L, 5 (Rheskouporis ΠΙ). VF, edge test cut. ($500)

1038. ACHAEA. M a r k Antony. 36/35 BC. JE 15mm (3.77 gm). "Fleet Coinage". Jugate heads of Antony and Octavia / Galley under sail right; A below, magistrate M. Oppius Capito. RPC 1470. Near VF, red-brown patina. Rare. ($4‫)ש‬

1044. PONTOS, Amaseia. Conunodus. Year 190 (190/191 AD). JE 33mm (19.64 gm). Laureate bust / Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopaie. Waddington 36. VF, rough green patina. ($100)

1039. K I N G S OF BOSPOROS. Eupator. 154-171 AD. EL Stater (7.71 gm). Year 459 (162/163 AD). Diademed bust of king / Confronted busts of Aurelius and Verus; dot between. Anokin 538; Frolova pl.XXV, 31. VF, scrapes in field and on edge. ($5‫)ש‬

1040. Rheskouporis Π. 211-228 AD. EL Stater (7.67 gm). Year 508 (211 /212 AD). Diademed bust of king / Laureate bust of Caracalla; star. Anokin 628a; Frolova pl.XLIV, 13 (Rheskouporis m). VF, flan crack. ($5‫)ש‬

1045. Neocaesaiea. Trebonianus Gallus and Volusian. Year 188 (251/252 AD). JE 28mm (14.16 gm). AYT KK TAAAOC KA1 OYOAOYCCIANOC CEB, laureate bust of Gallus confronting radiate bust of Volusian /(...) Ν AVGG NOS, Tyche standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; date across field. Cf. Waddington 63 (same obverse die - reverse type unlisted). VF, thick green patina. Unusual bi-lingual legends, with Greek on the obverse and Latin on the reverse. ($100)

1041. Rheskouporis Π. 211-228 AD. ELStater (7.73 gm). Year 512 (215/216 AD). Diademed bust of king; sceptre / Laureate bust of Caracalla. Anokin 632a; Frolova pl.XLV, 16 (Rheskouporis DI). VF. ($500)

Tfease Mainour "BidSheet Tarty!

1046. Trapezos. Elagabalus. Year 155 (218/219 AD). JE 33mm (18.12 gm). Laureate bust / Mithras on horseback, tree behind, column before. Cf. Waddington 26. Fine, green patina. ($100)



Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬, Inc. 1052. Ilion (Troy). Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 27mm (10.04 gm). Young laureate bust / Athena right, holding spear and Nike. Bellinger T243. VF, gray-black patina. ($125) 1047. PONTOS? Uncertain Mint. Drusus? Died 23 AD. JE 11mm (2.53 gm). CAESAR (...), bare head right / Six-pointed star above crescent. RPC-. Good VF, green patina, off-center. ($75) The portrait is most likely of Tiberius or his son Drusus. The star and aescent would place the piece in the environs of the Black Sea, but as it lacks an iden tifymg legend any closer attribution is pure conjecture. In any event, a new addition to the corpus. 1053. AEOLIS, Kyme. Valerian II and Salonina. 253-255 AD. JE 20mm (3.67 gm). Confrontai busts / Dionysos left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at feet. Lindgren HI A326a (this coin). Fine, variegated green patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1048. BITHYNIA, Nicaea. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 20mm (4.71 gm). Laureate bust / Three legionary standards. BMC Pontus etc. pg.168,100. Near EF, apple green patina. ($100) 1054. IONIA, Smyrna. Nero and Agrippina. 54-59 AD. /E 19mm (6.36 gm). Confronted busts of Agrippina and Nero / N u d e winged Nemesis right, holding caduceus, serpent at feet. RPC 2478. Fine, dark brown patina. ($75)

1049. Nicomedia. Philip II as Caesar. 244-249 AD. JE 25mm (11.50 gm). Bare-headed and cuirassed bust / Galley under sail right, dolphin below. SNG von Aulock 843; Waddington 387. VF, tan patina. ($100)

1055. Smyrna. 68-69 AD. JE 18mm (4.18 gm). Nemesis standing right; magistrate T1. Claudius Hieronymos / River-god reclining left; magistrate T1. Claudius Sosandros. RPC 2490. Good VF, heavy green patina. ($75) Issued by local magistrates in the confused period after the death of Nero.

1050. MYSIA, Kyzikos. C o m m o d u s as Caesar. 166-177 AD. JE 35mm (22.83 gm), bare-headed bust; c / m : KY, laureate bust (Caracalla?) / Galley right, tunny fish and dolphin below. SNG von Aulock 1266. Coin and c / m Fair, green patina. ($200)

1051. TRO AS, Alexandria Troas. Circa 3rd Century AD. Lot of two JE. Turreted bust of Tyche, vexillum behind / Eagle with bull's head in talons. BMC Troas etc. pg.15,53ff. Two legend varieties. Both good VF, brown patina. 2 coins. ^ ($1M)

Lot 1052

1056. Islands off Ionia. Samos. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 27mm (6.03 gm). Laureate bust left / Nemesis standing facing, wheel at feet. SNG Copenhagen 1807 (same dies). Good VF, brown and gren patina. ($125)

1057. LYDIA, Magnesia ad Sipylum. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 27mm (8.81 gm). Laureate bust / Prize crown. Lindgren ΠΙ A489a (this coin); BMC Lydia pg.154,97. Fine, dark brown patina. ($65) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1058. Sardeis. Germanicus. Posthumous issue. JE 14mm (3.44 gm). Bare head left / Athena standing left; magistrate Mnaseas. RPC 2993. Fine, dark green patina. ($75)

Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 1064. Eumenia, as Fulvia. Circa 41-40 BC. JE 21mm (6.78 gm). Winged bust of Fulvia as Nike / Athena left; magistrate Zmertorix. Lindgren ΙΠ A582a (this coin); RPC 3139. Fine, dark green patina. ($150) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1059. Tripolis. Circa 3rd Century AD. JE 27mm (10.59 gm). Laureate head of Demos / Demeter with grain ears and sceptre. SNG Copenhagen 738. VF, dark brown patina. ($65) 1065. Eumenia, as Fulvia. Circa 41-40 BC. JE 21mm (4.77 gm). Wmged bust of Fulvia as Nike / Athena left; magistrate Zmertorix. RPC 3139. VF, dark green patina. ($250)

1060. Islands off Caria. Rhodes. Circa 25 AD. JE Drachm (23.03 gm). Radiate a n d w r e a t h e d head of Dionysos / Nike on prow; magistrate Teimostratos. RPC 2749; SNG Copenhagen 886. VF, brown patina, reverse double struck. ($2M)

1061. PHRYGIA, Akmoneia. Poppaea. 62 AD. JE 16mm (2.81 gm). Draped bust with lion's head / Artemis right, drawing arrow from quiver, lyre. RPC 3175; BMC Phrygia pg.113,48. VF, encrusted green patina. Rare. ($150)

1062. Ankyra. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. JE 23mm (6.65 gm). Young bust of Senate / ΑΝΚΥΡΑΝΩΝ in wreath. SNG Copenhagen 130. Good VF, green patina. ($100)

1066. Hierapolis. Circa 3rd Century AD. JE 22mm (6.12 gm). Veiled bust of Gerousia (Senate) / Warrior on horseback, holding double ax. SNG Copenhagen 434. Good VF, tan and brown patina. Good style for a later provincialissue. ($100)

1067. Sebaste. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE 18mm (3.85 gm). Bust of Mên on crescent / Hygieia feeding serpent. BMC Phrygia pg.370,8. VF, brown and tan patina. ($75)

1068. Synnada. Salonina. 253-268 AD. JE 36mm (9.43 gm). Diademed bust / Amaltheia holding infant Zeus, goat at feet. Lindgren ΙΠ A621a (this coin). VF, dark green patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1069. PAMPHYLLA, Attaleia. Circa 3rd Cenury AD. JE 16mm (2.11 gm). Bust of Poseidon / Nike left. Lindgren ΠΙ A641a (this coin); SNG von Aulock 4616. VF, dark green patina. ($75) 1063. Bruzos. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 25mm (11.31 gm). Laureate head / Tyche left with rudder and cornucopiae. BMC Phrygia ($75) p g . l l l , 9. VF, brown patina, obverse porosity.

The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1070. Perga. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. JE 12mm (1.82 gm). Laureate bust / Sphinx right. Lindgren m A645a (this coin). Fine, dark green patina. Lot 1064

The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection




Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

1071. Perga. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. JE 14mm (2.21 gm). Laureate head / Artemis right, with bow and arrow. Lindgren ID A645c (this coin). VF, rough green patina. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection 1076. Antioch. Septemius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 34mm (26.65 gm). Laureate head / The god Men standing, holding sceptre and Nike with trophy on globe. SNG Copenhagen 27. VF, black patina. ($100)

1072. Perga. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 29mm (13.68 gm). Laureate bust; I to right / Eagle within distyle temple, flanked by two legionary standards. BMC Lycia, etc. pg.135,79. VF, light brown patina. ' ($125)

1077. Antioch. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. JE 36mm (24.35 gm). Radiate bust / Nike setting shield inscribed COLONIA on palm tree. Lindgren HI A682a (this coin); Krzyzanovska 1/7. VF, dark green patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1073. Side. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 28mm (16.93 gm). Laureate bust; arrow below, I right / Athena left, dropping pebble into voting urn. Lindgren ΙΠ A669b (this coin). Brown VF, incised rim around edge, possibly set in a frame. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection 1078. Antioch. Gordian ΠΙ. 238-244 AD. JE 33mm (24.93 gm). Laureate bust / Two Victories placing shield on tree, two bound captives below. SNG von Aulock4961. VF, d a r k b r o w n patina. ($150)

1074. Sillyeum. Salonina. 253-268 AD. JE 34mm (25.61 gm). Diademed bust on crescent; I to right / Bust of Men on crescent. SNG Copenhagen 450. VF, heavy green patina. ($100)

1079. Sagalassos. Valerian 1.253-260 AD. JE 33mm (16.38 gm). Laureate bust; I to right / Octastyle temple with cult statue. SNG Copenhagen 215. VF, darkbrownpatina. ($150)

1075. PISIDIA, Antioch. Time of Antoninus Pius. 137-161 AD. JE 1,3mm (1.42 gm). Head of Mên left / Cock right. Lindgren ΙΠ A680b (this coin); Krzyzanovska pl.IV; SNG Copenhagen 55. Fine, dark green patina. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

Please See Jour HidSheet for Important 1080. Sagalassos. Claudius II Gothicus. 268-270 AD. JE 34mm (19.61 9{ezu%u(es About*Μα?φηurn ,ExpenditureA gm). Laureate bust; I to right / Herakles standing left leaning on club. SNG von Aulock 5213. Good VF, black patina.




Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc.

1081. Sagalassos. Claudius II Gothicus. 268-270 AD. JE 29mm (12.09 gm). Laureate bust / Temple of the Dioskouroi, two altars flanking a column. SNG von Aulock 5225. VF, gray-green patina. ($125)

1082. Termessos Major. Circa 3rd Century AD. JE 23mm (9.42 gm). Bust of Hermes, caduceus over shoulder / Apollo standing, holding laurel branch. Lindgren ΙΠ A734a (this coin). VF, dark green patina. ($75)

1085. Anazarbos. Diadumenian. 217-218 AD. JE 30mm (18.52 gm). Bareheaded bust / Nike driving biga right. Ziegler 332; SNG Paris 2057. Good VF, green patina. ($300)

1086. Anemorion. Philip I. Year 2 (245/246 AD). /E 28mm (10.61 gm). Laureate bust / Mummiform cult statue of Artemis with stag and hound. SNG Levante 506. VF, green patina. ($65)

The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1087. Anemorion. Valerian I. Year 2 (254/255 AD). JE 25mm (7.12 gm). Radiate bust / Dionysos left, holding kantharos and thrysos, panther at feet. SNG Levante 510. Good VF, gray-green patina. ($75)

1088. Flaviopolis. Valerian 1.253-260 AD. JE 28mm (14.43 gm). Laureate bust / Diademed bust of Kronos (or Zeus). Lindgren III A835b (this coin); Ziegler 1265. Near VF, rough dark green patina. ($100) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection 1083. LYKAONIA, Savatra. Philip 1.244-249 AD. JE 31mm (16.19 gm). Radiate and cuirassed bust / N u d e Herakles standing, holding club and lion skin. Von Aulock, Lykaoniens 127. Near EF, black patina. ($400) Ex Lanz Auktion 32, lot 761 (DM 1000).

1089. Hierapolis-Kastabala. Faustina Jr. Died 175 AD. JE 25mm (11.68 gm). Draped bust of Faustina as Luna, with crescent on head; c / m : Τ in square / Radiate bust of Helios left. SNG Levante 1587; Howgego 686. Near VF, black patina. ($200)

1084. CILICIA, Aigeal Salonina. Year 303 (256/257 AD). JE 33mm (14.56 gm). Diademed bust / Emperor on horseback. SNG Levante 1804. VF, black patina, scattered porosity. Last coinage of the city. ($150)


Lot 1090 8

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 1090. Irenopolis. Severus Alexander. Year 174 (225/226 AD). JE 24mm (8.65 gm). Laureate bust; c/m: laureate head / Bust of Herakles with club over shoulder; Θ. Lindgren DI A853a (this coin); Howgego 105. Fine, dark green patina. ($75) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1096. Tarsos. Crispina. Died 183 AD. JE 29mm (1218 gm). Draped bust / Athena left, holding owl, spear and shield. SNG Levante 1021. VF, green patina, some roughness. ($100) 1091. Isaura. Julia Domna. JE 28mm (10.90 gm). Draped bust / Athena Promachos. SNG Levante 260. / / Caracalla. JE 24mm (7.44 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Tetrastyle temple, bust (of Severus?) on column within. SNG Levante 263. Both VF, porous black patinas. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

1092. Mopsos. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 24mm (10.77 gm). Laureate head left / ΜΟΨΕΑ TWN TEI in wreath. RPC 4048. VF, brown patina, porosity. ($100)

1093. Mopsos. Hadrian and Sabina. 117-138 AD. AR Tetradrachm (11.63 gm). Laureate bust of Hadrian / Draped bust of Sabina as Artemis, with quiver over shoulder. Cf. BMC Cilicia pg.106,14. Near VF. Very rare. ($6TO)

1097. Tarsos. Herennia Etruscilla. 249-251 AD. JE 30mm (19.77 gm). Diademed bust / Satyr supporting an inebriated Dionysos. Lindgren ΙΠ A929a (this coin); SNG Levante 1170. VF, brown and green patina. ($150) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1098. Trajanopolis (Selinous). Septimius Severus. Year 174 (225/226 AD). JE 31mm (15.30 gm). Laureate bust / Tetrastyle temple, statue of seated Zeus within. Lindgren ΠΙ A906a (this coin); Levante, NumChron 1990,43. VF, dark green patina. ($150) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1094. Ninika-Claudiopolis. Trajan. 98-117 AD. JE 30mm (21.26 gm). Laureate head; c / m : laureate head (Hadrian?) / Zeus enthroned left. SNG von Aulock 5764; Howgego 106. Coin and c / m Fine, dark brown patina. ($200)

1095. Syedra. Salonina. 253-268 AD. /E 29mm (15.97 gm). Diademed bust; IA in front / Ares standing right. SNG Levante 445. Good VF, green patina. ($150)

1099. GALATIA, Ankyra. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 14mm (2.46 gm). ANTWNINOC A, laureate head / ANKYPAC, anchor. Apparently unpublished. Good VF, tan patina. ($100)

1100. Pessinus. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 31mm (15.92 gm). Laureate bust left / Eagle on altar flanked by two legionary standards. Unpublished reverse type, but same obverse die as SNG Paris 261Z Good VF, brown patina. ($100)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1101. CAPPADOCIA, Caesarea. Germanicus. 33-34 AD. AR Drachm (3.65 gm). Bare head of Germanicus right / Radiate head of Augustus left. Sydenham 52; RPC 3623b. VF. ($2‫)ש‬

1108. Caesarea. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. AR Didrachm (7.10 gm). Laureate bust / Mt. Argaeus; star above. Sydenham 330. VF. ($100)

1102. Caesarea. Gaius Caligula. 37-41 AD. AR Drachm (3.84 gm). Bare head right / Simpulum and lituus. Sydenham 48; RPC 3624. VF. ($4‫)ש‬ 1109. Caesarea. Lucius Verus. 161-169 AD. AR D i d r a c h m (6.91 gm). Laureate head / Mt. Argaeus; standing figure above. Sydenham 351. VF. ($100)

1103. Caesarea. Gaius Caligula. 37-41 AD. AR Drachm (3.55 gm). Bare head right / Simpulum and lituus. Sydenham 48; RPC 3624. VF. ($4‫)ש‬ 1110. Caesarea. Lucius Verus. Year3 (163/164 AD). JE 18mm (6.52 gm). Countermark of legion XV Apollonaris. Laureate head; c / m : LXV / Mt. Argaeus. Sydenham 360; H o w g e g o 740. Coin and c / m Fair, brown patina. ($75)

1104. Caesarea. Claudius. 41-54 AD. AR Didrachm (7.22 gm). 4 3 4 8 AD. Laureate head left / DE BR1TANNIS, emperor in quadriga. Sydenham 55; RPC 3625. VF. ($150) 1111. Caesarea. Lucius Verus. Year 3 (163/164 AD). JE 22mm (8.32 gm). Countermark of legion XV Apollonaris. Laureate head; c / m : LXV / Mt. Argaeus. Sydenham 360; H o w g e g o 741. Coin Fair and c / m Fine, rough green patina. ($75) 1105. Caesarea. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. AR H e m i d r a c h m (1.68 gm). Laureate head / Nike with wreath and palm. Sydenham 94. Good VF. ($100)

1112. Caesarea. Gordian III. Year 4 (241 /242 AD). JE 20mm (6.33 gm). Laureate head / Six grain ears. Lindgren ΙΠ A957b (this coin); Sydenham 609 variety. VF, mottled patina. ($75) 1106. Caesarea. Trajan. Cos.6 (112-114 AD). AR Didrachm (6.54 gm). Laureate and draped bust; globe at point of bust / Bust of Artemis left, holding spear and patera with grain ears. Cf. Sydenham 195. Near VF. ($1‫)ש‬

1107. Caesarea. Trajan. Cos.6 (112-114 AD). AR D r a c h m (3.01 gm). Laureate and draped bust / Two clasped hands holding standard on prow. Sydenham 223a. Toned VF. ($1‫)ש‬

Vie Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1113. CYPRUS. Domitian, as Caesar. Year 9 (77/78 AD). AR Didrachm (6.50 gm). Laureate head / Temple of Aphrodite at Paphos. BMC Cyprus pg.81,33. Toned VF. ($250)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Rare Portrait Of Galerius A n t o n i n u s

1118. SYRIA, Commagene. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE Dupondius (15.37 gm). Laureate head / Crossed comuacopiae and winged caduceus. RPC 3868. Good VF, black patina. ($100) 1114. CYPRUS? Faustina Jr. and Galerius Antoninus. Circa 140 AD. JE 31mm (Sestertius) (21.40 gm). ΘΕΑ <t>AVCT(EINA), veiled bust of Faustina / (rAAEPIOC ANTW)NINOC AYTOKPATO(POC ANTWNINOY YIOC), bust of the infant Galerius Antoninus. SGI 1540; cf. Lindgren III 940 (dupondius). Fair, brown patina. Rare. ($400) The only portrait coin of Galerius, son of Antoninus Pius, who died in infancy. 1119. SYRIA, Seleukis and Pieria. Antioch. Galba. Year 117 (68/69 AD). JE 29mm (14.22 gm). Laureate head / ΕΠΙ MOYKIANOY ΑΝΉΟΧΕΩΝ ET IZP in wreath. RPC 4313.4; BMC Galatia etc pg.176,206. Fine, dark green patina with patches of red. ($150) The legate of Syria, C. Licinius Crassus Mucianus urged the general Vespasian to declare for emperor, and was commander of the army that marched to Rome to validate Vespasian's claim to the throne. 1115. CYPRUS. Caracalla and Geta, Caesar 198-209 AD. JE 27mm (10.77 gm). Laureate bust of Caracalla / Laureate bust of Geta. Lindgren HI A206a (this coin - as Nicomedia); see CNA XX, lot 317 for attribution to Cyprus. Near VF, brown patina. ($150) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1120. Antioch. Vespasian. Year 1 (69 AD). AR Tetradrachm (14.77 gm). Laureate head / Eagle left on club, palm to left. Wruck 73. VF, light graffiti. ($150)

1116. ASIA. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 35mm (27.07 gm). Circa 25 BC. AVGVSTVS, bare head / Large C · A in dotted circle within wreath. RPC 2233. Near VF, light brown patina. ($3M)

1121. Antioch. Vespasian. Year 2 (69/70 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.15 gm). Laureate head / Eagle left on club, palm to left. Wruck 76. Fine. ($100)

1122. Antioch. Vespasian. Year 2 (69/70 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.48 gm). Laureate head / Eagle left on club, palm to left. Wruck 78. VF. ($150)

I l l 7. ASIA. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. JE 35mm (24.42 gm). Circa 25 BC. AVGVSTVS, bare head / Large C ' A in dotted circle within wreath. RPC 2233. Near VF, green patina. ($300) 100

Our Next Saie, C9iQ Auction 38, 'Witl'BetteCdIn Conjunction With The Spring NeiVybr/^InternationalNumismatic Convention on June 6-7,1996.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1123. Antioch. Domitian. Year 2 (81 /82 AD). AR Tetradrachm (14.16 gm). Laureate bust, with aegis / Eagle right on thunderbolt, palm to right. Wruck 106. VF. ($150)

1129. Antioch. Caracalla. Cos. 2 (205-207 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (14.37 gm). Laureate head / Eagle, head left, on forepart of animal. Bellinger 6. Near EF, superior provincial style. ($300)

1130. Antioch. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 20mm (5.06 gm). Young laureate bust / Large S C; tiny Δ Ε below, eagle, head right, on foreleg of animal. Apparently unpublished. Good VF, brown patina. ($75) 1124. Antioch. Trajan. Year 15 (110/111 AD). AR Tetradrachm (14.63 gm). Laureate head above eagle; club right / ΥΠΑΤ E, head of Herakles. Wruck 150. VF. ($150)

1131. Antioch. Philip I. Cos.3 (247 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (10.99 gm). Laureate bust / Eagle facing, head right; ANTIOCHIA S C. Baldus 15 variety; BMC Galatia etc. pg.213,512 variety (laureate bust). EF. ($100)

1125. Antioch. Trajan. Year 15 (110/111 AD). AR Tetradrachm (15.27 gm). Laureate head above eagle; club right / ΥΠΑΤ Ε, head of Herakles. Wruck 150. Fine. ($100)

1132. Antioch. Philip I. Cos.4 (248-249 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (11.19 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear over shoulder and ornamented shield / Eagle right; ANTIOCHIA S C. Baldus 17 variety; BMC Galatia etc. pg.214,522 variety. Good VF. ($100)

1126. Antioch. Trajan. Year 15 (110/111 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.83 gm). Laureate head above eagle; club below / ΥΠΑΤ Ε, head of Herakles. Wruck 151. Near VF. ($100)

1127. Antioch. Trajan. Year 15 (110/111 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.72 gm). Laureate head above eagle; club below / ΥΠΑΤ Ε, Tyche of Antioch seated on rock, river god below. Wruck 153. VF. ($150)

1128. Antioch. Trajan. Year 16 (111/112 AD). AR Tetradrachm (13.70 gm). Laureate head / ΕΞ Ις ΥΠΑΤ ς, eagle standing on club. Wruck 161. VF. ($150)

1133. Gabala. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 22mm (8.06 gm). Laureate bust / Tyche standing left with rudder and cornucopiae. Cf. BMC Galatia, etc. pg.245,14. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

1134. Laodikeia. Septimius Severus. Cos.3 (202-211 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.88 gm). Laureate bust / Eagle, head left; star between legs. Bellinger 52. Good VF. ($200)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. A n Enigmatic Issue Of "Caesarea"

1135. Laodikeia. Caracalla. Cos. 4 (213-217 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.68 gm). Laureate head / Eagle, head left; star between legs. Bellinger 72. VF. / / Plus an JE 20mm of Beroea. Trajan / Legend in wreath. BMC2ff. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

1140. ‫״‬Caesarea‫״‬. Claudius. 41-54 AD. JE 25mm (8.60 gm). Bare head / Tyche seated on rock, river god at feet; year 5. RPC 4086. EF, black patina. [See enlargement on cover], ($400) The identification of the Caesarea that struck this coin remains uncertain.

A n Attractive Bronze Issued By P. Q u i n c t i l i u s Varus

1136. Coele-Syria. Heliopolis. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. JE 25mm (12.84 gm). Laureate bust; legend ends PERT AVG / Perspective view of the temple of Jupiter Heliopolitanus. Cf. BMC Galatia etc. pg.290,1/2. Fair, dark green patina. ($75) 1141. PHOENICIA, Beiytos. Augustus. JE 21mm (6.88 gm). Ρ Quinctilius Varus, Legate. 6-4 BC. Bare head of Augustus / Two aquilae between legionary standards. RPC 4535; BMC Phoenicia pg.59,55. Good VF, graygreen patina. Nice for this poorly struck issue. ($400) Varus later achievedfame (or infamy) as the inept commander who led three legions to destruction in the Teutoberger Wald during the German campaign of 9 AD.

1137. Heliopolis. Julia Douma. 198-209 AD. JE 27mm (11.73 gm). Draped bust / Caracalla and Geta clasping hands. L&K 2089. VF, variegated green patina. ($75)

1142. Beiytos. Augustus. JE 21mm (7.26 gm). P. Quinctilius Varus, Legate. 6 4 BC. Bare head of Augustus / Two aquilae between legionary standards. RPC 4535; BMC Phoenicia pg.59,55. VF, gray-green patina. ($200)

1138. Heliopolis. Philip 1.244-249 AD. JE 29mm (12.98 gm). Laureate bust / LEG V MACED Vm AVG COL HEL, bust of Astarte on altar, flanked by two n u d e male figures, each holding vexillum and animal. L&K 2165. VF, green and brown patina. Very rare. ($250) 1143. Berytos. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 30mm (17.78 gm). Laureate bust / Temple of Astarte, statue crowned by Nike within, akroteria of Poseidon and Beroe flanked by two Nikes, genii riding dolphins below. BMC Phoenicia pg.80,179. VF, green patina. ($125)

1139. Heliopolis. Philip II, Caesar. 244-247 AD. JE 21mm (8.12 gm). Laureate bust / LEG V MACED V m AVG COL HEL, founder plowing, two vexillabehind. L&K 2168 (thiscoin). VF, darkbrownpatina. ($125)

1144. Byblos. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 23mm (10.52 gm). Laureate bust / Temple of Astarte, statue crowned by Nike within. BMC Phoenicia pg.101, ($100) 29. VF, dusty green patina.


Classical Ntimismatic Group, Inc. 1150. Tyre. Salonina. 253-268 AD. JE 27mm (13.05 gm). Diademed bust / The construction of Carthage: Dido standing left, holding rule and sceptre, guiding mason working on gate and laborer wielding pick; murex left, palm right. L&K A2401. Near VF, black patina. Rare mythological type showing the foundation of Tyre's most famous colony. ($300)

1145. Byblos. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. Billon Tetradrachm (13.19 gm). Laureate bust / Eagle, head left; altar between legs. Bellinger 269. VF. ($200) 1151. MESOPOTAMIA, Edessa. Severus and Abgar VIII. /E 19mm (5.35 gm) Laureate head of Severus / Bust of Abgar, wearing tiara. BMC Arabia pg.94,21. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)

1146. Orthosia. Antoninus Pius. Year 462 (150/151 AD). JE 14mm (9.45 gm). Laureate bust / Cult statue of Kronos (?), holding harpa and wearing kalathos, in cart drawn by griffins. Lindgren ΙΠ1409 (this coin). VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($150) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection 1152. Edessa. Caracalla. Cos.4 (213-217 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (14.02 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust, seen from rear / Eagle, head right; shrine below. Bellinger 138. Good VF. ($200)

1147. Tripolis. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. JE 26mm (12.47 gm). Laureate head / Shrine of Zeus Hagios, with central altar flanked by statues of Sol and Luna. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.223,117. VF, encrusted dark green patina. ($100)

1153. Edessa. Gordian III and Abgar X. 242-244 AD. JE 32mm (21.85 gm). Restoration of the kingdom, 242 AD. Laureate head of Gordian, drapery at shoulder / Gordian seated on curule chair, holding sceptre, he receives a Nike from Abgar standing before him. BMC Arabia pg.113,138. VF, brown patina. Rare. ($250) 1148. Tyre. Julia Domna. JE 26mm (13.43 gm). Draped bust / Bull in front of vexillum marked LEG ΠΙ GAL, murex shell right. BMC Phoenicia pg.270,371. VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

1154. Edessa. Gordian III and Abgar X. 242-244 AD. JE 23mm (10.14 gm). Laureate bust of Gordian; star / Bust of Abgar, wearing tiara; star. BMC Arabia pg.114,144. Good VF, brown patina. ($75) 1149. Tyre. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. JE 29mm (17.55 gm). Radiate bust / Eagle in front of vexillum marked LEG HI GAL, murex shell right. BMC ($2M) Phoenicia pg.294,493. Good VF, desert patina.


1155. Nisibis. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 26mm (13.11 gm). Laureate bust / Turreted bust of Tyche, ram above, two stars. Cf. BMC Arabia pg.120,5. VF, brown patina. ($100)

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Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

1156. Nisibis. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 23mm (10.00 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust left, seen from rear / Tyche seated left, holding eagle, river god at feet. BMC Arabia-. Fine, black patina. ($75)

1162. Rhesaena. Herennia Etruscilla. 249-251 AD. JE 27mm (12.66 gm). Diademed bust on crescent / Perspective view of temple, eagle within, river god below. Castelin 168 (unlisted dies); BMC Arabia pg.133,40. Near VF, brown patina. ($100)

1163. EGYPT, Alexandria. Tiberius. Year 4 (17/18 AD). JE Dichalkon (Z43 gm). Bare head of Tiberius; Σ-[Ε] / Ή LA within wreath. Köln 46; Dattari 94; BMC 60. Fine, brown patina. Scarce. ($75) 1157. Nisibis. Philip 1.244-249 AD. JE 27mm (13.41 gm). Radiate and cuirassed bust left, bearing spear and shield displaying Sol(?) in quadriga / Statue of Tyche within tetrastyle temple, ram above, river god below. Cf. BMC Arabia pg.122,21. Good VF, black patina. ($200)

1164. Alexandria. Claudius. Year 2 (41 / 4 2 AD). JE Obol (3.73 gm). Laureate head right; lituus (?) before / AYTOKPA, butting bull right; L Β in exergue. Köln 74; Dattari 174. VF, green patina with earthen highlights. ^ ($75) 1158. Nisibis. Philip I. 244-249 AD. JΕ 20mm (6.29 gm). Radiate and cuirassed bust left / Ram within wreath. BMC Arabia pg.123,26. VF, dark brown patina, slight roughness. ($100)

1165. Alexandria. Nero. Year 3 (56/57 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.63 gm). Laureate head right / ΠΡΟΝ ΝΕΟΥ ΣΕ-B ΑΣΤΟΥ, Nero, radiate, enthroned left, holding m a p p a and sceptre. Köln 121; BMC 154; Milne 145; Curtis 110. Toned VF, some light porosity on obverse. ($100) 1159. Nisibis. Philip II. 247-249 AD. JE 27mm (10.69 gm). Laureate bust / Statue of Tyche within tetrastyle temple, ram above, river god below. Cf. BMC Arabia pg.122,17 (Philip I). VF, black patina. ($100)

1160. Rhesaena. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. JE 19mm (3.92 gm). Laureate head above flying eagle / LEG ΠΙ flanking vexillum marked with a Δ. Castelin 1; BMC Arabia pg.125,3. Fine, black patina. ($75)

1166. Alexandria. Nero. Year 10 (63/64 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.33 gm). Radiate head right / ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ, draped bust of Poppaea. Köln 157/158; BMC 122/123; Milne 217-221; Curtis 138-142. Toned VF, very light scratches. ($100)

The Legion III Parthica was stationed at Rhesaena. The Ms not noted by Castelin as appearing on the vexillum, but it does show up on later coins of the city.

1161. Rhesaena. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. JE 16mm (3.62 gm). Laureate bust / Sagittarius holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver. Castelin 17A; BMC Arabia-. VF, brown and green patina. ($100) 1

1167. Alexandria. Nero. Year 10 (63/64 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.86 gm). Radiate head right / ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑ ΣΕ[ΒΑΣΤΗ], draped bust of Poppaea. Köln 157/158; BMC 122/123; Milne 217-221; Curtis 138-142. Toned VF, light porosity and scratches. ($100) 5

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc.

1168. Alexandria. Nero. Year 11 (64/65 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.75 gm). Radiate head right / Draped bust of Sarapis right. Köln 170; BMC 157/158; Milne 226/227; Curtis 169-174. VF, light porosity. ($75)

1169. Alexandria. Nero. Year 13 (66/67 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (10.75 gm). Radiate bust left / [ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ]ΦΟΡΟΣ, galley sailing right. Köln 184; BMC 176; Milne 273-275; Curtis 113-119. Near VF, porous. Scarce type. _ _ ($125)

1174. Alexandria. Trajan. Year 6 (102/103 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (1280 gm). Laureate head / Trajan in quadriga left, holding wreath and sceptre. Köln 456; BMC 394; Milne 570/571; Curtis 334/335. Toned, near VF, scattered porosity. ($120)

1175. Alexandria. Trajan. Year 20 (116/117 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.85 gm). Radiate bust right, wearing aegis; star / Draped bust of Zeus, wearing taenia. Köln 709 var. (minor difference in obverse legend - without Β in CEB); BMC 356 var. (same); Curtis 346-348 var. (same). Toned VF, few light scratches. ($125)

1170. Alexandria. Nero. Year 13 (66/67 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.87 gm). Radiate bust left / ΝΕΜΕΙΟΣΙΕΥΣ, bust of Zeus Nemeios right, wearing aegis. Köln 190; BMC 129; Milne 265; Curtis 182. Toned VF, light porosity. Scarce. ($1‫)ש‬

1176. Alexandria. Trajan. Uncertain Year (probably year 11 -107/108 AD). JE Drachm (25.06 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Nike erecting trophy; [L LA] in exergue. Köln 475 var. (aegis); Milne 582. Near VF, reddishbrown patina. ($75) 1171. Alexandria. Galba. Year 1 (68 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.21 gm). Laureate head / ΑΛΕΞΑ Ν-ΔΡΕΑ, draped bust of Alexandria wearing elephant skin headdress. Köln 217; BMC 1 9 9 / 2 ‫ ; ש‬Milne 3220/321; Curtis 194196. VF. ($125)

1172. Alexandria. Galba. Year 1 (68 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.25 gm). Laureate head / ΕΙΡΗΝΗ, veiled bust of Eirene (Pax). Köln 219; Milne 309. Toned, near VF. ($1‫)ש‬

1173. Alexandria. Vespasian. Year 2 (69/70 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.97 gm). Laureate head / [Α]ΛΕΞΑΝ-ΔΡΕΙΑ, Alexandria standing left, holding wreath and lotus-tipped sceptre. Köln 273; BMC 243; Milne 397/398. Toned VF, light porosity. ($1‫)ש‬ Η

1177. Alexandria. Sethroite Nome. Trajan. Year 12 (108/109 AD). JE Drachm (27.64 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / [CE0PW1THC] NOMOC, male deity standing half-left, wearing skhent crown, holding spear, lion(?) at his feet. Köln 3374; Dattari 6388 var.; BMC Supplement N.138. Near VF, reddish-brown surfaces, reverse double struck. Rare. ($200)

1178. Alexandria. Arsinoite Nome. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). JE Obol (5.50 gm). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / APCI LIA, bust of Egyptian Pharaoh, wearing linen headdress and Uraeus. Köln 3381/82; Dattari 6210; BMC 72/73; Milne 1229; SNG Copenhagen 1083/84. VF; mottled green, red and brown patina, scratches on obverse. ($75) 06

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1183. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 16 (131/132 AD). JE Drachm (25.08 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor in quadriga right, holding laurel branch and sceptre; L IS. Köln 1049; Dattari 1591 var.; BMC 866. Fine, brown patina with some green. ($60)

1179. Alexandria. Hermopolite Nome. Hadrian. Year 11 (126/127 AD). JE Dichalkon (1.47 gm). Anepigraphic, laureate bust right / ΕΡΜΟ LIA, cynocephalus (dog-headed baboon sacred to Thoth) seated right, disk on head. Köln 34M; Dattari 6270; SNG Copenhagen 1103. Good VF, dark green patina with touches of red. Rare. ($100) 1184. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 16 (131/132 AD). JE Hemidrachm (11.93 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm; L IS. Köln 1050; Dattari 1772; BMC 721. VF, dark greenbrown patina, porous surfaces. ($50) Ex Wetterstrom collection (CNA XII, Sept. 1990), lot 115.

1180. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 14 (129/130 AD). JE Diobol (9.99 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Serpent Agathodaimon wearing skhent, coiled around caduceus and grain-ears; L -ΙΔ. Köln 1004; Dattari 1986; Milne 1289*. EF, lovely brown patina with green in devices, some softness from strike. ($250)

1185. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 17 (132/133 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.91 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Nilus reclining left, holding reed and comucopiae, crocodile below; LIZ. Köln 1063; Milne 1351/1352; Curtis 459464. Near EF, very light porosity. ($150)

1181. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 14 (129/130 AD). JE Diobol (10.48 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Tyche standing half-left, holding rudder and comucopiae; LΙΔ before. Köln 1021; Dattari 1851; BMC 723; Milne 1289. EF, lovely green and brown patina. ($300)

A n Exceptional Alexandrian Bronze

1186. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 19 (134/135 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.77 gm). Laureate head left / Bust of Nilus right, draped on left shoulder, comucopiae behind right shoulder; L Ε ΝΝΕΑΚΔ. Köln 1148; BMC 646; Milne 1451 /1452; Curtis 456458. Good VF, some porosity. ($150)

1182. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 16 (131/132 AD). JE Drachm (25.60 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Poseidon standing left, right foot on rock, nude but for chlamys, holding trident and dolphin; L-IS. Köln; Dattari 1812 var. (obv. legend); BMC-. Near EF, lovely green patina with touches of brown. [See enlargement on cover], ($750)

1187. Alexandria. Hadrian. Year 19 (134/135 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (13.39 gm). Laureate head left / Draped bust of Sarapis right; L EN ΝΕΑΚΔ. Köln 1150 var. (reverse date arrangement); BMC 610. Toned, good VF. ($150)

1188. Alexandria. Sabina. Year 15 (130/131 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (12.65 gm). Draped bust right / CABEINA [CEBACTH], Sabina enthroned left, holding com ears and sceptre. Köln 1263/1264; BMC 917; Milne 1309; Curtis 561. Toned VF, spots of verdigris. ($100) 100

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1189. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 4 (140/141 AD). JE Diobol (9.43 gm). Laureate head right / Tyche standing half-left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; L Δ before. Köln 1357; BMC 1073; Milne 1682. Near VF; mottled green, red and brown patina; few old scratches and scrapes. ($60)

1190. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). JE Drachm (25.51 gm). Laureate head right / [EV0]HNIA, Euthenia reclining left, leaning on Egyptian sphinx, holding corn ears, poppies and sistrum; L Η in exergue. Köln 1471; Dattari 2565 (this coin). Fine, attractive green and brown patina. ($75) Ex G. Dattari collection.

1193. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 9 (145/146 AD). JE Drachm (26.28 gm). Laureate head right / L ENA T[OV], bust of Zeus-Ammon right, horned with disk. Frankfurt 619 (same dies - Antoninus spelled NEIN not NIN as noted in the Frankfurt catalogue). Near VF, green-brown patina. ($75) Ex Wetterstrom collection (CNA XII, Sept. 1990), lot 196.

1194. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year9 (145/146 AD). JE Hemidrachm (10.65 gm). Laureate head right / L EN ΑΤΟΥ, Zeus-Ammon standing halfleft, holding spectre, and patera over a ram at his feet. Köln 1526; Dattari 2953. Near VF, chocolate brown patina. Scarce type. ($75) Ex Wetterstrom collection (CNA XII, Sept. 1990), lot 195.

Attractive "Sun In Leo" Zodiac D r a c h m

1191. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). JΕ Drachm (28.94 gm). Laureate head right / "Sun in Leo", draped and radiate bust right of Helios above lion running right with star above lion's head; below, L H. Köln 1495/1496 var. (obverse legend); Dattari 2968; BMC 1084. Nice VF, green and brown patina. One of the more common Zodiacal types but in exceptional condition for the type. ($750)

1195. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 10 (146/147 AD). JE Drachm (23.59 gm). Laureate head right / Zeus reclining left, holding patera and sceptre, above eagle with spread wings. Köln 1560 var. (reverse date arrangement); BMC 1015; Hunter 471. VF, dark green-brown patina. ($75)

1196. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 14 (150/151 AD). JE Diobol (8.48 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Eagle standing right, head left; LΙ-Δ. Köln-; BMC-; Milne-; Dattari 3109. Nice VF, attractive brown patina.


1192. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. Year 8 (144/145 AD). JE Drachm (24.60 gm). Laureate head right / "Sun in Leo", draped and radiate bust right of Helios above lion running right with star above lion's head; below, L H. Köln 1495/1496 var. (obverse legend); Dattari 2968; BMC 1084. Fine, green and brown patina, surfaces lightly smoothed. More typical of the condition that the Zodiacal types are found in. ($200) 1 00


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1197. Alexandria. A n t o n i n u s Pius. Year 17 (153/154 AD). JE Drachm (28.14 gm). Laureate bust right, draped on left shoulder / Nilus reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae; to left, Nilometer with infant Genius inscribing it; below, crocodile and aquatic flora. Köln 1707 var. (obv. bust); Dattari 2763; BMC 1152. Fine, brown patina with touches of green and red. Scarce type with Nilometer. ($100)

1202. Alexandria. Philip I. Year 5 (247/248 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (1231 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak. Köln 2734/35; Milne 3738. VF, brown patina. With old collection ticket in French. ($75)

Ex Dr. A. Voirol collection with ticket.

1203. Alexandria. Valerian I. Year 7 (259/260 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (11.35 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak. Köln 2877; Curtis 1500. VF, reddish-brown patina. ($60)

1198. Alexandria. Lucius Verus. Year 5 (164/165 AD). JE Drachm (18.94 gm). Laureate bust right, drapery at neck / Tyche-Euthenia between two ships representing the two harbors of the port of Alexandria; below, reclining figures of Nilus and Euthenia. Wetterstrom Collection part I (CNA XII, Sept. 1990), lot 281 (this coin); Thompson, "Two Views of Alexandria's Port", (CNR Vol.XVIII, N o . l ) pg.3 for a similar coin of Verus, also year 5. Unpublished in the major references for this year of Verus. Near VF, olivegreen patina. Rare type. ($100)

1199. Alexandria. Commodus. Year30 (189/190 AD). Billon Tetradrachm (11.77 gm). Laureate head / Draped and radiate bust of Helios. Köln 2247; BMC 1403; Milne 2685. VF, some porosity. ($75)

1204. Alexandria. Gallienus. Year 15 (267/268 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.01 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust / Eagle standing right, head left with wreath in beak; palm behind. Köln 2942; BMC 2230; Milne 4178. Good VF, chocolate brown patina. ($75)

1205. Alexandria. Salonina. Year 14 (266/267 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (12.95 gm). Draped bust right / Elpis advancing left; palm before. Köln 2979 var. (reverse date arrangement); Hunter 957; Bern 239. VF, green and brown patina. With old collection ticket in French. / / Plus another tetradrachm of Salonina. Year 12. Eirene. Köln 2969. VF. / / And a tetradrachm of Probus. Year 4. Eagle. Köln 3135. VF. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

1200. Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 11 (231/232 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (13.34 gm). Laureate, d r a p e d and cuirassed bust right / Homonoia standing half-left, holding comuacopiae, right hand raised; palm before. Köln 2468. VF, green-brown patina. ($75)

1206. Alexandria. Saloninus Caesar. Year 7 (259/260 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.52 gm). Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust / Eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak. Köln 3005; Milne 4047; Curtis 1555. VF, light porosity. Scarce ruler. / / Plus a tetradrachm of Aurelian & Vaballathus. Year 5. Köln 3063. VF, green patina. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

1201. Alexandria. Severus Alexander. Year 11 (231/232 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (13.82 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm; palm before. Köln 2469; Milne 3071; Curtis 1081. VF, full silvering and rare as such. ($150)

Lot 1202

1207. Alexandria. Claudius Gothicus. Year 1 (268/269 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.05 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Hermes standing half-left, wearing chlamys and holding caduceus. Köln 3019; BMC 2313; Milne 4220. Choice EF, dark brown patina. Scarce type. ($200)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1213. Alexandria. Aurelian. Year 4 (272/273 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.60 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, wings spread, wreath in beak, star to left, between two vexilla. Köln 3079; Milne 4393; Curtis 1785. VF, dark green patina with lighter highlights. ($75) 1214. Alexandria. Aurelian. Year 5 (273/274 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.44 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, wings spread, head right with wreath in beak; ETOVC E. Köln 3083-3086; Milne 4426; Curtis 1781. VF, brown patina. ($50)

1208. Alexandria. Claudius Gothicus. Year 1 (268/269 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.39 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Nike placing shield, inscribed L A, atop column. Köln 3024; BMC 2324; Milne 4199. VF, brown patina with verdigris. / / Plus another tetradrachm of Claudius Π. Year 2. Ares standing half-left. Köln 3031; Curtis 1661. Good ($1M) VF, light porosity. 2 coins in lot.

1215. Alexandria. Aurelian. Year 5 (273/274 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.65 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / L E within wreath. Köln 3089; Milne 4434; Curtis 1813. VF, heavy reddish-brown patina. ($50) Ex Empire Auction 8 (December 1987), lot 784.

1209. Alexandria. Claudius Gothicus. Year 2 (269/270 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (9.52 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Bust of Hermanubis right; caduceus-palm before. Köln 3037/38; BMC 2327; Milne 4240; Curtis 1701. VF, brown patina. Scarce type. (SIM) With old collection ticket in French.

1216. Alexandria. Tacitus. Year 1 (275/276 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.73 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / Athena enthroned left, holding Nike and sceptre; ETOVC A. Köln 3114; Curtis 1828. VF, brown patina. / / Plus another tetradrachm of Tacitus. Year 1. Eagle. Köln 3111/12; Curtis 1835. VF, dark green-brown patina. / / And a tetradrachm of Diocletian. Year 7. Zeus enthroned. Köln 3252; Curtis 2037. VF, dark brown patina. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

1210. Alexandria. Claudius Gothicus. Year 2 (269/270 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.11 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Conjoined busts of Nilus and Euthenia. Köln 3044; BMC 2328; Milne 4244; Curtis 1717. Good VF, light brown patina. Scarce type. ($125) 1217. Alexandria. Carinus. Year 3 (284/285 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.12 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / ΛΕΓ Β TPAI, eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak; L Γ. Köln 3183; BMC 2459; Milne 4742; Curtis 1910. VF, brown patina with touches of verdigris. Scarce type. ($100) A rare type noting the Legion II Traianus. 1211. Alexandria. Claudius Gothicus. Year 2 (269/270 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (10.53 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Conjoined busts of Nilus and Euthenia. Köln 3044; BMC 2328; Milne 4244; Curtis 1717. Good VF, dark green patina, well-centered. Scarce type. ($150)

1218. Alexandria. Numerian. Year 3 (284 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (7.25 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / ΛΕΓ Β TPAI, eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak; L Γ. Köln 3197; BMC 2471; Milne 4747. VF, brown patina with touches of verdigris. Scarce type. ($100) 1212. Alexandria. Aurelian & Vaballathus. Years 2 and 5 (271 /272 AD). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Aurelian / Diademed, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Vaballathus. Köln 3063; Milne 4331; Curtis 1746. VF, green and brown patina. / / Plus a tetradrachm of Severina. Year 6. Eagle. Köln 3102; Curtis 1819. VF, darkbrown patina. 2 coins in lot. Both ivith old collectionticketsin French. ($75)

A rare type noting the Legion II Traianus.

1219. Alexandria. Numerian. Year 3 (284 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (8.35 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / ΛΕΓ Β TPAI, eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak; L Γ. Köln 3197; BMC 2471; Milne 4747. VF, brown patina with touches of verdigris. Scarce type. ($100) Lot1213

A rare type noting the Legion II Traianus. 100

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1220. Alexandria. Numerian. Year 3 (284 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (6.51 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust / ΛΕΓ Β TPAI, eagle standing left, head right with wreath in beak; L Γ. Köln 3197; BMC 2471; Milne 4747. Near VF, brown patina with touches of verdigris. Scarce type. ($100) A rare type noting the Legion II Traianus.

1225. ZEUGITANIA, Utica. Tiberius. 14-37 BC. JE 30mm (13.14 gm). 27-28 AD. Bare head left / Livia seated right; magistrates Vibius, Drusus and Rufus. Lindgren m 1618 (this coin); RPC 733. Good VF, brown patina. The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection ($250)


1221. Alexandria. Maximianus. Year 10 (294/295 AD). Potin Tetradrachm (6.75 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Head of Herakles right wearing lion skin. Köln 3337 (same dies). Near VF, green and brown patina. Rare type. ($100)

1222. Alexandria. Lot of Thirteen Alexandrian bronzes. Including many rare and better types such as: Antoninus Pius. Year 8. JE Drachm. "Sun in Leo" Zodiac type. Fair, cleaned. / / Hadrian obol. Bubastite Nome. Year 11. Good, dark green patina. / / Hadrian. Uncertain nome dichalkon in poor condition. / / Several bronzes of Claudius with bull butting (3) and hippopotamus (3) reverse types. //JE of Domitian. Apis bull reverse. / / JE of Hadrian. Bull buttng reverse. / / JE of Commodus. Lion reverse. / / Billon tetradrachm of Antoninus Pius. Wolf and twins reverse. / / Plus one uncertain Roman Spain bronze. All in poor condition and harshly cleaned. An interesting study lot for the specialist. 14 coins total in lot. ($100)

1226. ROME. Circa 280-245 BC. JE Aes Grave Quadrans (75.00 gm). Boar running right / Boar running left. Thurlow-Vecchi 11; Haeberlin pl.36,610. Fine, mottled dark and pale green patina. ($200)

1227. ROME. Circa 240-225 BC. JE Aes Grave Sextans (38.94 gm). Head of Mercury left / Prow of galley right. Thurlow-Vecchi 55; Haeberlin pl.18,1021. Near VF, dark brown patina. ($250) 1223. KYRENAIKA. Drusus. Circa 23 AD. JE 24mm (9.22 gm). Laureate head of Drusus / Confronted heads of Germanicus and Tiberius. Lindgren m 1589 (this coin); RPC 947. VF, brown patina. ($200) The Henry Clay Lindgren Collection

1228. ROME. Circa 240-225 BC. JE Aes Grave Uncia (12.31 gm). Astragalos; pellet / Astragalos; pellet. Thurlow-Vecchi 21a; Haeberlin pl.28, 19-20. VF, dark green patina. ($150)

1224. SYRTICA, Oea. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. JE 28mm (13.37 gm). Bare head left, eagle with palm branch in front, laurel branch behind / "WY'T", laureate bust of Apollo right; lyre in front, all in wreath. RPC 832; SNG Copenhagen 31. VF, brown patina, scratches on obverse. Rare. ($400)

Tiease *Maiiyöur (BidSheet Tarty!

1229. UMBRIA, Tuder. Circa 235 BC. JE Aes Grave Semis (27.73 gm). Sleeping hound / Lyre. Thurlow-Vecchi 164; Haeberlin pl.81,11-12. VF, dark brown and green patina. ($450) 100

Classical Numismatic Group‫׳‬,Inc. 1235. Anonymous. 211-208 BC. AR Victoria tus (3.29 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Victory standing right, placing wreath on trophy; VB monogram between, ROMA in exeigue. Crawford 9 5 / l a ; Sydenham 113; RSC 33m. Choice EF. ($400)

1230. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC. AR Quadrigatus (6.63 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA incuse. Crawford 28/3; Sydenham 64a; RSC 23. Lightly toned VF. ($250)

1236. Anonymous. After 211 BC. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / The Dioscuri riding right. C r a w f o r d 44/5; Sydenham 140; RSC 2. Lightly toned, near EF. ($100)

1231. Anonymous. 215-212 BC. JE Sextans (23.12 gm). Head of Mercury right wearing petasos; two pellets above / Prow of galley right; ROMA above, two pellets below. Crawford 41/9; Sydenham 107. VF, green patina. ($3TO) 1237. A n o n y m o u s . After 211 BC. AR Quinarius (2.07 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / The Dioscuri riding right. Crawford 44/6; Sydenham 141; RSC 3. Toned, choice EF. ($400)

1232. Anonymous. Circa 214-212 BC. JE Quadrans (12.86 gm). Sicilian mint Head of Hercules right, wearing boar's skin headdress; three pellets behind / Bull charging right; grain ear and three pellets above, snake below. Crawford 42/2. VF, dark brown patina, overstruck with undertype visible but not identifiable. ($250)

1238. Anonymous. After 211 BC. AR Quinarius (2.17 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / The Dioscuri riding right. Crawford 44/6; Sydenham 141; RSC 3. Toned VF. ($150)

1239. Anonymous. After 211 BC. AR Sestertius (1.05 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; HS behind / The Dioscuri riding right. Crawford 44/7; Sydenham 142; RSC 4. Toned, good VF. Rare. ($400)

1233. Anonymous. Circa 211-208 BC. JE As (42.50 gm). Laureate head of Janus right; I above / Prow of galley right; wreath and I above. Crawford 110/2. Near VF, dark green patina. ($150) 1240. Anonymous. Circa 209-208 BC. AR Denarius (4.03 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / The Dioscuri riding right; wheel of six spokes below. Crawford 79/1; Sydenham 519; RSC 20kk. Good VF. Scarce. ($200)

1234. Anonymous. Circa 211-210 BC. JE Uncia (6.16 gm). Sicilian mint. Helmeted head of Roma right; pellet behind / Prow of galley right; grain ear above. Crawford 42/4. VF, green patina. ($125)

Lot 1235

1241. Anonymous. Circa 207 BC. JE As (34.02 gm). Laureate head of Janus right; I above / Prow of galley right; I and crescent above. Crawford 57/3. Near Fine, green patina. ($75)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1242. Anonymous. Circa 206-195 BC. AR Denarius (4.23 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / The Dioscuri riding right; star below. Crawford 113/1; Sydenham 263; RSC 20gg. Good VF. Scarce. ($2M)

1247. Anonymous. Circa 169-158 BC. JE As (26.83 gm). Laureate head of Janus; I above / Prow of galley right; I above, anchor before. Crawford 194/1. VF, dark brown patina. ($125)

1248. Anonymous. Circa 169-158 BC. JE Quadrans (4.85 gm). Head of Hercules right wearing lion's skin headdress; three pellets behind / Prow of galley right; star before, three pellets below. Crawford 196/4. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($250)

1243. Anonymous. 189-180 BC. JE As (28.16 gm). Laureate head of Janus; I above / Prow of galley right; Bull and MD monogram above. Crawford 142/1. Near Fine. ($150)

1249. Q. Marcius Libo. 148 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / The Dioscuri riding right. Marcia 1; Crawford 215/1; Sydenham 396. Toned VF. ($135) 1244. Anonymous. Circa 189-180 BC. JE As (29.50 gm). Laureate head of Janus; I above / Prow of galley right; Victory and LFP monogram above. Crawford 144/1. Near VF, dark brown patina, scarce. ($135)

1250. M. Junius Silanus. 145 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; ass' head behind / The Dioscuri riding right. Junia 8; Crawford 220/1; Sydenham 408. Near EF. ($150)

1245. Anonymous. Circa 169-158 BC. JE As (26.98 gm). Laureate head of Janus; I above / Prow of galley right; CINA above. Crawford 178/1. Near VF, dark brown patina, smooth surfaces. ($90) This moneyer is perhaps L. Cornelius Cinna.

1251. C Renius. 138 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Juno Caprotina in biga of goats. Renia 1; Crawford 231 / l ; Sydenham 432. Toned VF. ($135)

1252. Ti. Veturius. 137 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Helmeted bust of Mars right / Youth kneeling holding pig between two soldiers. Veturia 1; Crawford 234/1; Sydenham 527. Lightly toned, near EF. ($150) 1246. Anonymous. Circa 169-158 BC. JE As (20.49 gm). Laureate head of Janus; I above / Prow of galley right; VAL monogram above. Crawford 191 /1. VF, flat strike, dark brown patina. ($1M) 100

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1253. Ti. Minucius C.f. Augurinus. 134 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Two togate figures standing on either side of Ionic column. Minucia 9; Crawford 243/1; Sydenham 494. Toned VF.

1260. T. Manlius Mancinus, Appius Claudius Pulcher, and Q. Urbinus. 111-110 BC. AR Denarius (4.03 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Victory in a triga right. Mallia 2; Crawford 299/lb; Sydenham 570a. Near EF. ($100)


1254. L. Minucius. 133 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Jupiter in quadriga right. Minucia 15; Crawford 248/1; Sydenham 470. EF. ($150)

1261. L Flamini us Chilo. 109-108 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Victory in biga right. Flaminia 1; Crawford 302/1; Sydenham 540. Lightly toned VF. ($75)

1255. P. Maenius Antiaticus M.f. 132 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Victory in quadriga right. Maenia 7; Crawford 249/1; Sydenham 492. Toned VF. ($75)

1262. M. Lucilius Rufus. 101 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right, within laurel wreath / Victory in a biga right. Lucilia 1; Crawford 324/1; Sydenham 599. EF, minor porosity. ($150)

1263. C. Fundanius. 101 BC. AR Quinarius (1.75 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Kneeling captive at base of trophy being erected by Victory. Fundania 2; Crawford 326/21; Sydenham 584. Toned VF. ($75)

1256. L. Opimius. 131 BC. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; tripod behind / Apollo in biga right. Opimia 16; Crawford 254/1; Sydenham 475. Toned VF. ($135)

1264. C. Malleolus. 96 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Helmeted head of Mars right, hammer above, * below / Warrior, holding spear and shield, standing left before trophy, foot on cuirass, p r o w behind. Poblicia 6a; Crawford 335/3b; Sydenham 615. VF. ($100)

1257. C. Servilius Vatia. 127 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; lituus behind / Horseman galloping right spearing another horseman. Servilia 6; Crawford 264/1; Sydenham 483. Toned VF. ($150)

1258. M. Cipius M.f. 115-114 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Victory in a biga right, rudder below. Cipia 1; Crawford 289/1; Sydenham 546. VF. ($75)

1265. D. Silanus L.f. 91 BC. JE As (13.16 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Prow of galley right. Crawford 337/5. VF, brown surfaces, moderate porosity_ _ ($150)

1259. L. Torquatus. 113-112 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right within ornate torque / Warrior galloping left. Manlia 2; Crawford 295/1; Sydenham 545. Toned VF. ($135)

1266. Anonymous. Circa 91 BC. JE Quadrans (4.05 gm). Head of Hercules right wearing lion's skin headdress; three pellets behind / Prow of galley right. Crawford 339/4b. VF, brown patina. ($100)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1267. Q. Titius. 90 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Head of Mutinus Titinus right wearing ivy-wreath / Pegasus springing right; Q. ΤΓΠ on tablet below. Titia 1; Crawford 341/1; Sydenham 691. Toned EF, off-center. ($150)

1274. L. Julius Bursio. 85 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Laureate and winged bust of Apollo Vejovis right; trident and two round shields behind, the top shield with a head of Janus / Victory in quadriga right, RO above. Julia 5b; Crawford 352/lc; Sydenham 728e. Toned, good VF. ($250)

1268. L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. 90 BC. AR Denarius (4.86 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; Ν behind / Horseman galloping right; V · above. Calpurnia 11; Crawford 340/1; Sydenham 6641. Toned EF. ($150) 1275. Mn. Fonteius C.f. 85 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Laureate head of Vejovis right; ROMA monogram below chin, thunderbolt underneath / Winged Genius seated on goat, caps of the Dioscuri above, thrysus below; all in a laurel wreath. Fonteia 9; Crawford 353/la; Sydenham 724. EF. ($200)

1269. C. Vibius C.f. Pansa. 90 BC. /E As (10.46 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Three prows right. Crawford 342/7b. VF, brown surfaces. ($2‫)ש‬ 1276. C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.78 gm). Draped bust of Mercury right, caduceus and A behind / Ulysses walking right, his dog before. Mamilia 6; Crawford 362/1; Sydenham 741. Lightly toned VF. ($135)

1270. L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus. 89 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). Head of Tatius right / Two Roman soldiers, each carrying a woman. Tituria 1; Crawford 344/la; Sydenham 698. Toned, good VF. ($125) 1277. C. Annius T.f. T.n. and L. Fabius L.f. Hispaniensis. 82-81 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Diademed head of Anna Perenna right; caduceus behind, scales beneath chin, N · below bust / Victory in quadriga right, Q above. Annia 2b; Crawford 366/lb; Sydenham 748a. Toned VF, flan crack. ($125) 1271. L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus. 89 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Head of Tatius right / Two Roman soldiers, each carrying a woman. Tituria 1; Crawford 344/la; Sydenham 698. VF. ($100)

1278. C. Annius T.f. T.n. and C. Tarquitius P.f. 82-81 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Diademed head of Anna Perenna right, scales beneath chin / Victory in biga right, XXXXVI above, Q below. Annia 1; Crawford 366/4; Sydenham 749. Lightly toned VF. ($150) 1272. The Social Wat Coinage of the Maisic Confederation. 89 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Helmeted head of Italia left, Oscan legend left / Youth kneeling holding pig between two soldiers. Sydenham 640; Campana 96 (reverse die). Toned, good VF. Very Rare. ($20M)

1273. L. Rubrius Dossenus. 87 BC. AR Quinarius (1.58 gm). Head of Neptune right / Victory walking right; serpent entwined on altar before. Rubria 4; Crawford 348/4; Sydenham 708. Toned, good fine. ($75)

1279. L. Manlius Torquatos. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Sulla, being crowned by Victory, in quadriga right. Manlia 4; Crawford 367/5; Sydenham 757. Lightly toned, near EF. ($150)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1280. L. Manlius Torquatus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / Sulla, being crowned by Victory, in quadriga right. Manlia 4; Crawford 367/5; Sydenham 757. Lightly toned VF. ($100)

1287. L. Cassius Q.f. Longinus. 78 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Head of Bacchus right, thrysus over shoulder / Head of Libera left. Cassia 6; Crawford 386/1; Sydenham 779. Near EF. ($300)

1281. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius. 81 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Diademed head of Pietas right; stork before / Jug and lituus in wreath. Caedlia 44; Crawford 374/2; Sydenham 751. Near EF. ($200)

1288. L. Cassius Q.f. Longinus. 78 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Head of Bacchus right, thrysus over shoulder / Head of Libera left. Cassia 6; Crawford 386/1; Sydenham 779. Toned VF. ($250)

1282. L. Procilius. 80 BC. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Juno Sospita walking right; serpent before. Procilia 1; Crawford 379/l;Sydenham771.Toned,nearEF. ($200)

1289. C. Postumius. 73 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder / Hound running right, spear below. Postumia 9; Crawford 394/la; Sydenham 785. Toned EF. ($200)

1283. C. Naevius Balbus. 79 BC. AR Denarius (3.80 gm). Diademed head of Venus right / Victory in triga right; CCHI1 above. Naevia 6; Crawford 382/lb; Sydenham 769b. Lightly toned, near EF. ($150)

1290. M. Aemilius Lepidus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Laureate and diademed head of Roma(?) right; palm behind / Equestrian statue of M. Lepidus holding trophy. Aemilia 22a; Crawford 419/lc; Sydenham 830a. VF+/EF, heavy toning, scuff on cheek. Rare. ($350)

1291. M. Aemilius Scaurus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). King Aretas kneeling besides camel / Jupiter in quadriga left, scorpion below horses. Aemilia 8; Crawford 422/lb; Sydenham 913. Good VF. ($100)

1284. L. Papius. 79 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat's skin; staff behind / Gryphon springing right; mask below. Papia 1; Crawford 384/1; Sydenham 773. VF, interesting symbols. ($150)

1285. M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Volteia 1; Crawford 385/1; Sydenham 774. Toned VF. ($135)

1292. M. Aemilius Scaurus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (3.99 gm). King Aretas kneeling besides camel / Jupiter in quadriga left, scorpion below horses. Aemilia 8; Crawford 422/lb; Sydenham 913. VF. ($75)

1286. M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Head of Hercules right wearing lion's skin / The Erymanthian boar running right. Volteia 2; Crawford 385/2; Sydenham 775. Toned, good VF. ($150)

1293. M. Aemilius Scaurus and Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius (3.56 gm). King Aretas kneeling besides camel / Jupiter in quadriga left, scorpion below horses. Aemilia 8; Crawford 422/lb; Sydenham 913. VF. ($75)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

13‫ש‬. P. Licinius Crassus M i . 55 BC. AR Denarius (4.‫ ש‬gm). Laureate and diademed bust of Venus right / Female figure standing, holding horse by the bridle; shield and cuirass at her feet. Licinia 18; Crawford 430/1; Sydenham 929. Lightly toned VF. Scarce. ($150) 1294. M. Nonius Sufenas. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Head of Saturn right; harpa and conical stone behind / Roma seated left being crowned by Victory. Nonia 1; Crawford 421 / l ; Sydenham 885. Toned EF. ($3‫)ש‬

1301. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gm). Head of Liberty right / The consul L. Junius Brutus walking left between t w o lictors, preceded by an accensus. Junia 31; Crawford 433/1; Sydenham 906. EF. ($450)

1295. Q. Pomponius Musa. 56 BC. AR Denarius (3.97gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; scroll behind / Clio, the Muse of History, standing left, left elbow on pedestal, holding an open scroll. Pomponia 11; Crawford 410/3; Sydenham 813. Toned, good VF, slightly soft strike. Scarce. ($450)

1302. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Head of M. Junius Brutus right / Head of Caius Servilius Ahala right. Junia 30; Crawford 433/2; Sydenham 907. Near EF. ($350)

1296. C. Considius Nonianus. 56 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Laureate and diademed bust of Venus Erycina right / Temple on summit of mountain. Considia lb; Crawford 424/1; Sydenham 888. Lightly toned, near VF, light scratches. Scarce. ($150)

1303. Q. Pompeius Rufus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Curule chair between arrow and branch / Curule chair between lituus and wreath. Pompeia 5; Crawford 434/2; Sydenham 909. EF. ($300)

1297. L. Marcius Philippus. 56 BC. AR Denarius (4.07 gm). Diademed head of Ancus Marcius; lituus behind / Equestrian statue on aquaduct. Marcia 29; Crawford 425/1; Sydenham 919a. Good VF. ($200)

1298. Faustus Cornelius Sulla. 56 BC. AR Denarius (3.65 gm). Laureate and diademed bust of Venus right; sceptre on shoulder / Three military trophies between a capis and lituus; FAVSTVS monogram in exergue. Cornelia 63; Crawford 426/3; Sydenham 884. Lightly toned, near VF, banker's marks on obverse. Scarce. ($150)

1299. Q. Cassius Longinus. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.98 gm). Veiled head of Vesta right / Curule chair within temple of Vesta; u m left and voting tablet inscribed AC right. Cassia 9; Crawford 428/1; Sydenham 917. Toned VF. ($200)

1304. Q. Pompeius Rufus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (355 gm). Curule chair between arrow and branch / Curule chair between lituus and wreath. Pompeia 5; Crawford 434/2; Sydenham 909. Toned, good VF. ($150)

1305. C. Servilius C.f. 53 BC. AR Denarius (351 gm). Head of Hora right wearing wreath of flowers; lituus behind / Two warriors face to face. Servilia 15; Crawford 423/1; Sydenham 890. EF, flat strike in centers. ($200)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Scarce D e n a r i u s Of Servius S u l p i c i u s

1312. C. Vibius Cf. C.n. Pansa. 48 BC. AR Denarius (4.07 gm). Mask of Pan right; pedum behind / Jupiter Axurus seated left. Vibia 19; Crawford 4 4 9 / l d ; Sydenham 948. VF, attractive iridescent toning. ($150) 1306. Servius Sulpicius. 51 BC. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / N a v a l trophy; male figure standing on left, captive Macedonian on right. Sulpicia 8; Crawford 438/1; Sydenham 931. Toned, near VF, porous, obverse scratch. Counterstamp on obverse appears to be a Gonzaga countermark in which the silver inlay has fallen out. Rare. ($300) Ex Sotheby's, Duke of Northumberland Collection ( 10/4/82), lot 389. 1313. Albinus Bruti f. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). Head of young Mars wearing a crested helmet, no beard / Two gaulish trumpets in saltire, oval shield above, round shield below. Postumia 11; Crawford 4 5 0 / l a ; Sydenham 941. VF. ($150)

1307. P. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. 50 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Bare head of the consul M. Claudius Marcellus right; triskeles behind / Claudius Marcellus carrying trophy within tetrastyle temple. Claudia 11; Crawford 439/1; Sydenham 1147. Toned VF. Rare. ($400)

1308. Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. AR Denarius (4.11 gm). Laureate head of Salus right / Salus standing left, leaning against column and holding serpent. Acilia 8; Crawford 4 4 2 / l a ; Sydenham 922. Lightly toned EF, reverse slightly off-center. ($175)

1309. Man. Acilius Glabrio. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Laureate head of Salus right / Salus standing left, leaning against column and holding serpent. Acilia 8; Crawford 4 4 2 / l a ; Sydenham 922. Good VF, short flan. ($125)

1310. L. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Claudius Marcellus. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.17 gm). Head of Jupiter right / Statue of Diana of Ephesus facing. Cornelia 66; Crawford 445/3b; Sydenham 1031. Toned, near VF, porous and crystalized. Very Rare (ÂŁ450 in RSC)! ($250)

1311. C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Mask of Pan right / Jupiter Axurus seated left, holding sceptre and plate. Vibia 18; Crawford 449/la; Sydenham 947. Near EF, flatly struck. ($150)

1314. Albinus Brati f. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Head of Pietas right / Clasped hands holding caduceus. Postumia 10; Crawford 450/2; Sydenham 942. VF. ($100)

1315. L. Plautius Plancus. 47 BC. AR Denarius (4.12 gm). Facing mask of Medusa, serpents at either side of face / PLANCVS, Aurora flying right, conducting four horses of the sun. Plautia 15; Crawford 453/la; Sydenham 959. Lightly toned, good VF. ($350)

1316. L. Plautius Plancus. 47 BC. AR Denarius (4.11 gm). Facing mask of Medusa, no serpents / PLANCVS, Aurora flying right, conducting four horses of the sun. Plautia 14; Crawford 4 5 3 / l c ; Sydenham 959b. Lightly toned, good VF. ($250)

1317. A. Licinius Nerva. 47 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Laureate head of Fides right / Horseman galloping right, dragging captive by the hair. Lidnia 24; Crawford 454/1; Sydenham 954. Near EF. Scarce. ($450)

1318. C. Antius C.f. Restio. 47 BC. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Bare head of the tribune Antius Restio right / Hercules standing facing holding club and trophy. Antia 1; Crawford 455/la; Sydenham 970. Lightly toned VF. Rare. ($300)

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1326. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Corinthian helmet with crest on which an owl stands / Aegis of Minerva with head of Medusa in the center. Cordia 4; Crawford 463/2; Sydenham 978. Toned, good VF, typical strike. ($200)

1319. C. Antius C.f. Restio. 47 BC. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Jugate heads of the Dei Penates right / Hercules walking right. Antia 2; Crawford 455/2; Sydenham 971. Toned, near VF, banker's mark on reverse. Scarce. _ ($250)

1327. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Corinthian helmet with crest on which an owl stands / Aegis of Minerva with head of Medusa in the center. Cordia 4; Crawford 463/2; Sydenham 978. Toned VF, typical strike. ($150)

1320. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.77 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Elephant standing right. Caecilia 47; Crawford 459/1; Sydenham 1046. Toned VF, banker's mark below eye, light scratches. Scarce. ($175)

1328. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.77 gm). Corinthian helmet with crest on which an owl stands / Aegis of Minerva with head of Medusa in the center. Cordia 4; Crawford 463/2; Sydenham 978. Lightly toned VF, typical strike. ($150)

1321. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / Elephant standing right. Caecilia 47; Crawford 459/1; Sydenham 1046. Toned, near VF, banker's mark on elephant. Scarce. * ($150)

1329. C Considius Paetus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.95 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Curule chair. Considia 3; Crawford 4 6 5 / l b ; Sydenham 990a. VF. ($100)

1322. Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Head of Africa right wearing elephant's skin; grain ear before, plough below / Hercules standing facing. Caecilia 50a; Crawford 461/l;Sydenham 1051. Toned VF, banker's mark on obverse. Scarce. ($175)

1330. Lollius Palicanus. 45 BC. AR Denarius (3.58 gm). Head of Liberty right / View of the Rostra in the Forum, surmounted by a sella. Lollia 2; Crawford 473/1; Sydenham 960. Lightly toned, near VF, banker's mark on obverse. Rare. ' ($175)

1323. M. Cato. 47-46 BC. AR Quinarius (1.89 gm). Young head right crowned with an ivy wreath / Victory seated right. Porcia 11; Crawford 462/2; Sydenham 1054. Toned VF. ($75)

1331. L Aemilius Buca. 44 BC. AR FourrĂŠ Denarius (2.95 gm). Diademed head of Venus right / "Sulla's E>ream" - Victory and Luna appearing before a reclining Sulla. Aemilia 12; Crawford 480/1; Sydenham 1064. Toned VF, banker's mark and graffiti on obverse, edge chip reveals copper core. Very Rare. ($600)

1324. M. Cato. 47-46 BC. AR Quinarius (1.75 gm). Young head right crowned with an ivy wreath / Victory seated right. Porcia 11; Crawford 462/2; Sydenham 1054. Toned VF. ' ($75)

1325. Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.55 gm). Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right; stars above / Venus Verticordia holding scales and seeptre. Cordia 1; Crawford 463/lb; Sydenham 976c. Toned VF. ($135)

1332. P. Accoleius Lariscolus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Bust of Acca Larentia right / Three statues of the Nymphae Querquetulanae standing facing, supporting beam on which there are five trees. Accoleia 1; Crawford 486/1; Sydenham 1148. Toned VF. Scarce. ($150)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1333. P. Accoleius Lariscolus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Bust of Acca Larentia right / Three statues of the N y m p h a e Querquetulanae standing facing, s u p p o r t i n g b e a m o n w h i c h there are five trees. Accoleia 1; Crawford 486/1; S y d e n h a m 1148. Toned VF, b a n k e r ' s m a r k on obverse. Scarce. ^ ^ ($150)

1340. C. Vibius Varus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.52 gm). Laureate head of Hercules right / Minerva s t a n d i n g right. Vibia 23; C r a w f o r d 494/37; Sydenham 1139. VF, porous. Scarce. ($100)

1341. L. Mussidius Longus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.90 gm). Diademed and veiled bust of Concordia right; star below chin / Platform inscribed CLOACIN on which there are two statues of Venus Cloacina. Mussidia 6; Crawford 494/42b; Sydenham 1093a. Toned VF. Scarce. ($200)

1334. Petillius Capitolinus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Eagle standing on thunderbolt / Hexastyle temple; S F at either side. Petillia 3; Crawford 487/2b; S y d e n h a m 1151. Toned VF. Scarce. ($150)

1342. Lot of Six Republican Denarii. Includes the following: Antestia 1 / Caecilia 43 / Pompeia 1 / Quinctia 6 / Veturia 1 / Volteia 4. All coins toned, Fine to VF. 6 coins in lot. ($150) 1343. Anonymous. Lot of Three Anonymous Republican /T's. Includes the following: Uncia, C r a w f o r d 3 8 / 6 / / Semuncia, C r a w f o r d 3 8 / 7 / / Quartuncia. Crawford 38/8. Fine to VF, first t w o with green patinas, last with a black patina. A decent lot. 3 coins in lot. ($150)

1335. P. Claudius M.f. Turrinus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; lyre behind / Diana Lucifera standing facing, holding two long torches, bow and quiver on her shoulder. Claudia 15; Crawford 494/23; S y d e n h a m 1117. Near EF, obverse scratches. ($135)

1336. P. Claudius M.f. Turrinus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; lyre behind / Diana Lucifera standing facing, holding two long torches, b o w and quiver on her shoulder. Claudia 15; Crawford 494/23; S y d e n h a m 1117. Good VF, pin pricks before face. ($1‫)ש‬

1344. Lot of Two Denarii. Includes the following: Marcia 28, toned VF / Julius Caesar elephant denarius, RSC 49, VF, porous. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

1345. Lot of Two Republican Denarii and One Denarius of Caracalla. Includes the foUowing: Plautia 13 (2 coins, both VF, one porous) and Caracalla, RSC 150, fine and porous. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

1337. L. Livineius Regulus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (4.14 gm). Bare head of the praetor L. Livineius Regulus right / Curule chair between six fasces. Livineia 10; Crawford 494/27; Sydenham 1109. Toned, nice VF, flat strike. Scarce. ($250)

1338. L. Livineius Regulus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Head of the praetor L. Livineius Regulus right / Modius between two grain ears. Livineia 13; Crawford 494/29; Sydenham 1111. Toned VF. Rare. ($275)

1346. Lot of Two Republican Denarii. Includes the following: Annia 3 and Sicinia 1. Both toned VF, second with banker's marks. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

1339. C. Vibius Varus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.72 gm). Head of Bacchus right wearing wreath of ivy and grapes / Panther springing left toward garlanded altar on which there is a mask and thrysus. Vibia 24; Crawford 494/36; Sydenham 1138. Toned, near EF. ($225)

1347. Lot of Two Republican Denarii. Includes the following: Antonia 1 and Licinia 16. First toned VF, second VF, flatly struck in the centers. 2 coins in lot. ($75)

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1348. Lot of Two Republican Denarii. Includes the following: Mallia 2 and Thoria 1. Both toned VF. 2 coins in lot. ($75)

1355. JULIUS CAESAR. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Head of Ceres right / Simpulum, sprinkler, capis and lituus; D in right field. Crawford 467/la; Sydenham 1024; RSC 4a. VF, banker's mark on obverse. ($300)


1356. JULIUS CAESAR. 46 BC. AR Denarius (4.09 gm). Head of Ceres right / Simpulum, sprinkler, capis and lituus; M in right field. Crawford 467/lb; Sydenham 1024; RSC 4. VF, banker's mark on obverse. ($300)

1349. JULIUS CAESAR. 49-48 BC. AR Denarius (4.05 gm). Elephant walking right trampling serpent / Simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat. Crawford 443/1; Sydenham 1006; RSC 49. Toned EF. ($500)

1357. JULIUS CAESAR 4645 BC. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Spanish mint. Diademed head of Venus right, Cupid on her shoulder / Gallia and Gaulish captive seated at base of trophy. Crawford 468/1; Sydenham 1014; RSC 13. Toned VF. ($200)

1350. JULIUS CAESAR. 49-48 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Elephant walking right trampling serpent / Simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat. Crawford 443/1; Sydenham 1006; RSC 49. Choice EF, double struck. ^ ($200)

1358. JULIUS CAESAR 44 BC. AR Denarius (3.56 gm). Laureate head of Caesar right / Caduceus and fasces in saltire; axe, globe and joined hands in angles. Crawford 480/6; Sydenham 1063; RSC 25. Toned Fine. Scarce. ($500)

1351. JULIUS CAESAR. 49-48 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). Elephant walking right trampling serpent / Simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat. Crawford 443/1; Sydenham 1006; RSC 49. VF. ($200)

1352. JULIUS CAESAR. 4 8 4 7 BC. AR Denarius (3.96 gm). Laureate head of Pietas right / Trophy of Gatoc arms; axe surmounted by an animal's head on right. Crawford 452/2; Sydenham 1009; RSC 18. EF, wavy flan. ($250)

1359. JULIUS CAESAR and OCTAVIAN. Circa 38 BC. JE Sestertius (18.46 gm). Laureate head of Caesar right / Bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 535/1. Near EF, dark brown patina, hair on both sides expertly strengthened. ($1500)

1353. JULIUS CAESAR. 4746 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). African mint. Diademed head of Venus right / Aeneas walking left carrying Anchises and palladium. Crawford 458/1; Sydenham 1013; RSC 12. EF. ($450)

1354. JULIUS CAESAR. 47-46 BC. AR Denanus (3.79 gm). African mint. Diademed head of Venus right / Aeneas walking left carrying Anchises and palladium. Crawford 458/1; Sydenham 1013; RSC 12. Good VF. ($300)

1360. CN. DOMITIUS L.F. AHENOBARBUS. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Head of Ahenobarbus right / Trophy on p r o w right. Domitia 21; Sydenham 1177; Crawford 519/2. Toned, near VF. Banker's mark on obverse. Rare. ‫״‬wütis. ($750)

1361. MARK ANTONY. 43 BC. AR Quinarius (1.78 gm). Lituus, capis and raven / Victory erecting trophy. Crawford 489/4; Sydenham 1159; RSC 82. Toned VF. ($175)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1362. MARK ANTONY. 40-39 BC. AR Quinarius (1.74 gm). Veiled and d i a d e m e d bust of Concord right / Clasped h a n d s holding caduceus. Crawford 526/4b; Sydenham 1195; RSC 67a. Toned VF. ($175)

1369. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.48 gm). Galley to the right / LEG VI, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/19; Sydenham 1223; RSC 33. Near VF. ($150)

1363. MARK ANTONY. 38-37 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Antony standing right holding lituus / Radiate head of Sol. Crawford 533/2; Sydenham 1199; RSC 13. Toned VF. Attractive. ($6‫)ש‬

1370. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.78 gm). Galley to the right / LEG VII, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/20; Sydenham 1224; RSC 34. Good VF. ($300)

1364. MARK ANTONY. 38-37 BC. AR Denarius (3.62 gm). Antony standing right holding lituus / Radiate head of Sol. Crawford 533/2; Sydenham 1199; RSC 13. VF, flat strike. ($250)

1365. MARK ANTONY. 33 BC. AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Bare head of Antony right; small P · in hair below ear / ANTONINVS/AVG. IMP. ffl, in two lines across field. Crawford 542/2; Sydenham 1209; RSC 2. VF. ($750)

1371. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.80 gm). Galley to the right / LEG VUl, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/21; Sydenham 1225; RSC 35. Toned, good VF, banker's mark. ($275)

1372. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.57 gm). Galley to the right / LEG V M , aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/22; Sydenham 1226; RSC 36. Toned, near VF. ($150)

A N i c e O f f e r i n g Of A n t o n y Legionary Denarii From T h e S h o w e r s Collection

1373. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.38 gm). Galley to the right / LEG XH, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/26; Sydenham 1230; RSC 41. Toned, good VF. ($300) 1366. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.42 gm). Galley to the right / LEG ΙΠ, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/15; Sydenham 1217; RSC 28. Toned Fine. ($125)

1367. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.69 gm). Galley to the right / LEG IV, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/17; Sydenham 1219; RSC 30. Toned, good VF. ($300)

1368. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.67 gm). Galley to the right / LEG V, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/18; Sydenham 1221; RSC 32. VF. ($200)

1374. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.64 gm). Galley to the right / LEG ΧΠ ANTIQVAE, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/9; Sydenham 1231; RSC 40. Toned, near VF, banker's mark. Scarce. ($250)

1375. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.40 gm). Galley to the right / LEG XVI, aquila and two legionary standaitis. Crawford 544/31; Sydenham 1236; RSC 48. Toned, near EF, light surface roughness. ($275)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1376. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.64 gm). Galley to the right / LEG XVH, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/32; Sydenham 1237; RSC 49. Toned, good VF, uneven strike. __ ($250)

1383. MARK A N T O N Y and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Bare head of Antony right / Bare head of Octavian right, slight beard. RSC 8a; Sydenham 1181; Crawford 5 1 7 / 2 Toned, good VF, porous and dirty. ($300)

1377. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.635gm). Galley to the right / LEG XVIICLASSICAE, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/10; Sydenham 1238; RSC 50. Toned, near VF. Scarce. ($300)

1384. FULVIA, first wife of Mark Antony. 43 BC. AR Quinarius (1.61 gm). Lugdunum Mint. Bust of Victory right, with the likeness of Fulvia / Lion right between A and XLI; ANTONI above, IMP in exergue. Crawford 489/6; Sydenham 1163; RSC 3. Toned VF, banker's mark on obverse. Scarce. ($150)

Ατι Attractive A n t o n y & Octavia Cistophoric Tetradrachm

1378. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.635gm). Galley to the right / LEG XVIIILYBICAE, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/11; Sydenham 1240; RSC 53. Toned, near VF. Scarce. ($3‫)ש‬

1385. M A R K A N T O N Y a n d OCTAVIA. 39 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.89 gm). Ephesus mint. Laureate bust of Antony right, lituus below; wreath of ivy and flowers around / Draped bust of Octavia right, above cista, flanked by twisting snakes. RPC 2201; Sydenham 1197; RSC 2. Toned, good VF. Well centered and attractive. ($1250)

1379. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.36 gm). Galley to the right / LEG XX, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/36; Sydenham 1243; RSC 57. Toned, good VF, off center, light scuffs. ($200)

1380. MARK ANTONY. 32-31 BC. AR Legionary Denarius (3.43 gm). Galley to the right / LEG XXI, aquila and two legionary standards. Crawford 544/37; Sydenham 1244; RSC 58. Toned, near EF, light surface roughness, test cut. ($200)

1386. M A R K A N T O N Y a n d OCTAVIA. 39 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.72 gm). Ephesus mint. Jugate busts of Antony and Octavia right / Dionysus standing left on Cista between twisting snakes. RPC 2202; Sydenham 1198; RSC 3. VF, light porosity. ($200)

1381. M A R K ANTONY. Restitution Issue of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Veras. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Galley sailing left / Legionary eagle between two standards. RIC III 443 (Aurelius); RSC 83 (Mark Antony). Toned VF. ($200)

1387. OCTAVIAN. 32-29 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Diademed bust of Venus right / Octavian walking left. RIC 1251; RSC 70. VF. ($400)

1382. MARK ANTONY and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC AR Denarius (4.09 gm). Bare head of Antony right / Bare head of Octavian right, slight beard. Crawford 517/2; Sydenham 1181; RSC 8a. Lightly toned VF. ($500)

1388. OCTAVIAN. 29 BC. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Bust of Venus right / Octavian standing left holding spear. RIC1251; BN 1; RSC 70. Toned VF, banker's marks on obverse. ($200)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. ROMAN IMPERIAL

1389. OCTAVIAN. 29 BC. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Victory standing right on prow / Octavian in quadriga holding branch. RIC 1264; BN 98; RSC 115. Toned, near VF. ($150) 1396. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Struck 25-23 BC. Emerita mint. Bare head of Augustus left / Trophy on pile of arms. RIC 14b; BN 1064; RSC 402. Toned, near VF. ($400)

1390. OCTAVIAN. 29 BC. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Bare head of Octavian right / Trophy of arms on prow. RIC 1265a; BN 57; RSC 119. Lightly toned, good VF, banker's marks. ($250) 1397. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Struck 25-23 BC. Emerita mint. Bare head of Augustus left / Trophy on pile of arms. RIC 14b; BN 1064; RSC 402. Toned Fine. ($200)

1391. OCTAVIAN. 29-27 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Rome mint. Bare head of Octavian right / Temple with colonade base; Victory at apex, warriors ($350) at angles. RIC1266; BN 52; RSC 122. Toned, nice VF.

1398. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (2.95 gm). Struck 25-23 BC. Emerita mint. Bare head of Augustus left / Celtiberian helmet between dagger and bipennis. RIC I 7b; BN 1048; RSC 405. Near VF, broken flan. Rare. ($125)

1392. OCTAVIAN. 29-27 BC. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Rome mint. Bare head of Octavian right / Temple with colonade base; Victory at apex, warriors at angles. RIC 1266; BN 52; RSC 122. Toned VF, scratch on obverse. ($250)

1399. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). Struck 19-18 BC. Colonia Patricia mint. Bare head of Augustus right / Round shield inscribed CL V between aquila and standard. RIC 186a; BN 1132; RSC 265. Toned VF, light scratch on reverse. ($250)

1393. OCTAVIAN. 29 BC. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). Laureate terminal head of Octavian right; thunderbolt behind / Octavian seated left on curule chair holding Victoriola. RIC 1270; BN 43; RSC 116. Toned VF, banker ‫׳‬s marks. ($250)

1394. OCTAVIAN. 29 BC. Struck in the name of L. Pinarius Scarp us. AR Denarius (2.93 gm). Cyrene mint. Horned head of Jupiter Ammon right / Victory standing right on globe. RIC 1535; BN 897; RSC 125. Near Fine, banker's mark on obverse. Rare. ($300)

1400. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Struck 18 BC. Colonia Patricia mint. Bare head of Augustus right / Facing quadriga on triumphal arch; figure on left of quadriga holding torch, figure on right holding aquila and bow. RIC 1131; BN 1229; RSC 83. Toned Fine, banker's mark. Scarce. ($300)

1401. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). Struck 17-16 BC. Colonia Patricia mint. Bare head of Augustus right / Mars standing left, holding vexillum and parazonium. RIC 1146; BN 1240; RSC 321. Toned VF, light porosity, banker's mark. ($200)

1395. OCTAVIAN. 28 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). Pergamum mint. Bare head of Augustus right / AEGVPTO CAPTA, crocodile right. RIC 1545; BN 928; RSC 4. Toned VF, light porosity, light scratches. Rare. ($300) 170


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1402. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Struck 11 BC. Lyon mint. Laureate head of Augustus right / Apollo Citharoedus standing right holding lyre; ACT below. RIC 1192a; BN 1444; RSC 163. Toned, near VF. ($2‫)ש‬

1409. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Struck 27 BC. Pergamum mint Bare head of Augustus right / IOVI-OLV, hexastyle temple. RIC 1472; BN 937; RSC 182. Lightly toned, good VF, banker's mark on obverse. Scarce. ($300)

1403. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Struck 8 BC. Lyon mint. Laureate head of Augustus right / Caius Caesar galloping right; eagle and two standards behind. RIC 1199; BN 1461; RSC 40. Near VF, b a n k e r ' s m a r k o n obverse. ($200)

1410 AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.70 gm). Pergamum mint. Struck 27 BC. Bare head of Augustus right / Bull standing right. RIC I 475; BN 941; RSC 28. Lightly toned, nice VF, banker's marks on obverse, minor scrape on neck. ($350) 1404. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). Lugdunum mint. Struck 2 BC-14 AD. Laureate head of Augustus right / Caius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, shields and spears between; above simpulum and lituus. RIC 1207; BN 1651; RSC 43. Good VF, sharp strike showing the faces of Caius and Lucius. ($350)

1405. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.69 gm). P. Petronius Turpilianus moneyer. Struck 19 BC. Diademed and draped bust of Feronia right / Kneeling Parthian presenting Vexillum marked X. RIC 1288; BN 127; RSC 484. Toned VF, weak strike. ($250)

1411. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.36 gm). Struck 19-18 BC. Ephesus mint. Bare head right / Altar. RIC 1482; BN 922; RSC 33; Sutherland Group VI, 344445. Fine. ($350)

1412. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.42 gm). Struck 19-18 BC. Pergamum mint. Bare head right / Hexastyle tempie. RIC 1506; BN 986; RSC 86; Sutherland Group VII, 483-535. Toned VF, minor marks. ($600)

1406. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.58 gm). P. Petronius Turpilianus moneyer. Struck 19 BC. Bare head of Augustus right / Crescent with six pointed star. RIC 1300; BN 161; RSC 495. Lightly toned, nice VF, banker's marks on obverse. ($450)

1407. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Q. Rustius moneyer. Struck 19 BC. Conjoined busts of Fortuna Victrix and fortuna Felix right, on base between two ram's heads / Altar. RIC 1322; BN 221; RSC 513. Toned VF, very porous. ($100)

1408. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.823gm). L. Mescinius Rufus moneyer. Struck 16 BC. Laureate head of Augustus right / Mars standing left on pedestal inscribed SPQR/V PR RE/CAES in three lines. RIC 1351; BN 331; RSC 463. Good VF, flat strike. Scarce. ($300)

1413. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.36 gm). Struck 19-18 BC. Pergamum mint. Bare head right / Hexastyle tempie. RIC 1506; BN 986; RSC 86; Sutherland Group VII, 483-535. Near VF. ($350)

1414. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.99 gm). Struck 19-18 BC. Pergamum mint. Bare head right / Circular domed temple containing Vexillum. RIC1507; BN 989; RSC 202; Sutherland Group ΥΠ, 536-588. Near VF. ($400)

1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1421. A U G U S T U S a n d AGRIPPA. 20-10 BC. JE As (13.21 gm). Nemausus mint. Head of Agrippa (laureate) and Augustus (laureate) backto-back / Crocodile chained to a palm tree. RIC 1158; RPC 525. VF, brown patina. ($200)

1415. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (11.39 gm). Struck 19-18 BC. Pergamum mint. Bare head right / Quadriga on triumphal arch. RIC 1510; BN 985; RSC 298; Sutherland Group VII, 448-473. Near VF. ($400)

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1416. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE As (11.35 gm). Struck 23 BC. Emerita mint. Bare head of Augustus right / P. CARISIVS/LEG/AVGVSTI, legend in three lines. RIC 120; BN 1083. VF, dark green patina. ($2‫)ש‬

1422. DI VUS AUGUSTUS. Issue of Tiberius, 22-30 AD. JE As (10.98 gm). Radiate head left / Altar. RIC 181 (Tiberius); BMCRE 146. Good VF, attractive green patina. ($300)

1417. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE Quadrans (2.99 gm). Lamia, Silius and Annius moneyers. Struck 9 BC. Legend around clasped hands holding caduceus / Legend around SC. RIC 1420; BN 568. Near EF, dark green patina. Nice. ($150)

1423. DIVUS AUGUSTUS. Issue of Tiberius, 22-30 AD. JE As (10.60 gm). Radiate head left / Altar. RIC 181 (Tiberius); BMCRE 146. Near VF, reddish brown patina, light encrustation on obverse. ($150) 1418. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. JE Quadrans (3.00 gm). Lamia, Silius and Annius moneyers. Struck 9 BC. Legend around SC and cornucopiae / Garlanded altar. RIC 1422; BN 593. VF, dark green patina with earthen encrustation. ($1‫)ש‬

1419. AUGUSTUS. 1st Century AD. JE Tessera (3.43 gm). Laureate head of Augustus right in wreath / ΓΠΙ within dotted circle surrounded by a wreath. Cohen v m , pg. 248,22. VF, brown patina. ($3M)

1424. DIVUS AUGUSTUS. Issue of Claudius, 41-50 AD. JE Dupondius (15.30 gm). Radiate head left / Livia seated left RIC 1101 (Claudius); BMCRE 224. Good VF, brown patina, well centered. Rare. ($400)

1425. AUGUSTUS. Lot of Four Denarii. Includes the following: As Octavian, RSC 44 / RSC 64 / RSC 128; As Augustus, RSC 274. All coins Fine to VF with problems. 4 coins in lot. ($250)

1426. AUGUSTUS. Lot of Two Denarii. Includes the following: RSC 43 and RSC 491. Both coins VF with porosity. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

1420. A U G U S T U S a n d AGRIPPA. 20-10 BC. JE As (13.41 gm). Nemausus mint. Head of Agrippa (laureate) and Augustus (bare) back-toback / Crocodile chained to a palm tree. RIC 1157; RPC 523. Fine, tan surfaces. ($150)

1427. AUGUSTUS. Lot of Two Quinarii. Includes the following: RSC 14 and RSC 386. Both coins VF but off-center. 2 coins in lot. ($100)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1428. AUGUSTUS. Lot of Fi ve JE's. Includes the following: Dupondius, Q. Aelius Lamia , moneyer, RIC I 324, VF / / Dupondius, C. Marius Censorinus, moneyer, RIC 1326, Near VF, AVG counterstamp, AVG grafitti / / Dupondius, C. Asinius Gallus, moneyer, RIC 1372, VF porous / / As, C. Cassius Celer, moneyer, RIC 1376, Fine / / Sestertius, C. Gallius Lupercus, ($200) moneyer, RIC 1377, near VF porous. 5 coins in lot. 1429. AUGUSTUS. Lot of Three Asses. Includes the following: C. Plotius Rufus, moneyer, RIC 1389 / / P. Lurius Agrippa, moneyer, RIC 1427 / / RIC 471. All three coins fine, first porous. 3 coins in lot. ($100) 1436. DRUSUS, son of Tiberius. 21-22 AD. JE As (10.30 gm). Bare head of Drusus left / Legend around SC. RIC 145 (Tiberius); BMCRE 99. Fine, dark brown patina with light encrustation. ($100)

1430. DIVUS AUGUSTUS. Lot of Three Dupondii. Includes the following. Issue of Tiberius, RIC 172 / / Restitution issues of Titus, RIC Π191 and RIC Π198. Average near VF, all with light porosity. Titus issues are scarce. 3 coins in lot. ($200)

A Nice Denarius Of Nero Claudius Drusus

1431. DIVUS AUGUSTUS, D O M I T I A N and TRAJAN. Lot of three Asses. Includes the following: Divus Augustus, restitution issue of Titus, RIC Π197 / / Domitian, Moneta standing left, RIC Π 270 or 301 / / Trajan, Victory flying left, RIC Π 395. All coins fine and very porous. 3 coins in lot. ($75) 1437. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS, father of Claudius. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Struck 41-45 AD. Laureate head left / Two shields, two pair of spears and two trumpets crossed over vexillum with flag. RIC 174 (Claudius); RSC 6. Lightly toned VF, well centered and attractive. ($1000)

1432. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. JE As (12.36 gm). Struck under Caligula, 3741 AD. Head left wearing rostral crown / N u d e Poseidon holding dolphin and trident. RIC 158 (Gaius); BMCRE 161 (Tiberius). VF, light brown surfaces. ($150)

1438. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS, father of Claudius. JE Sestertius (26.11 gm). Issued by Claudius, 41-50 BC. Bare head of Nero Drusus left / Claudius seated left on curule chair, weapons and armour around. RIC I 93; BMCRE 157. VF, black patina. ($1000) 1433. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. JE As (10.46 gm). Struck under Caligula, 3741 AD. Head left wearing rostral crown / N u d e Poseidon holding dolphin and trident. RIC 158 (Gaius); BMCRE 161 (Tiberius). Fine, brown patina, light encrustation. ($75)

1439. ANTONIA, mother of Claudius. JE Dupondius (12.06 gm). Struck 41-50 AD. Draped bust of Antonia right / Claudius, veiled and togate, standing left. RIC 192 (Claudius); BMCRE 166. VF, brown surfaces, light porosity. ($250)

1434. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). Laureate head right / Livia, as Pax, seated right holding olive branch and sceptre; legs of chair ornate, one line below, feet on footstool. RIC 130; RSC 16a. VF, surfaces marked with many small abrasions. ($150)

1435. TIBERIUS. Struck by Augustus, 10-11 AD. JE As (10.14 gm). Bare head of Tiberius right / Legend around SC. RIC 1469; BMCRE 271. VF, brown surfaces, light obverse roughness. ($200)

1440. GERMANICUS, father of Caligula. JE As (11.04 gm). Issue of Caligula, struck 40-41 AD. Bare head of Germanicus left / Legend around SC. RIC 135; BMCRE 49. VF, brown patina, dent at mouth, reverse scratches.



Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1441. GERMANICUS, father of Caligula. JE As (10.44 gm). Issue of Caligula, struck4041 AD. Bare head of Germanicus left / Legend around SC. RIC 150. VF, porous, dark brown patina. ($150)

1447. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.66 gm). Ephesus mint. Bare head of Claudius left / Tetrastyle temple, statue of Diana Ephesia within. RIC 1118; BMCRE 229; RSC 30. Good Fine. Scarce. ($600)

1442. AGRIPPINA Senior. JE Sestertius (25.80 gm). Struck by Claudius, 50-54 AD. Draped bust of Agrippina right / Legend around SC. RIC 1102 (Claudius); BMCRE 219. Fine, dark brown patina with traces of green, light pitting, some smoothing. ($450)

1443. GAIUS CALIGULA. 3741 BC. JE As (10.70 gm). Struck 37-38 AD. Bare head left / Vesta seated left. RIC 138; BMCRE 46. VF, rough surfaces. ($150)

1448. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.26 gm). Pergamum mint. Bare head of Claudius left / Distyle temple, Claudius and a female holding a cornucopiae standing within. RIC 1120; BMCRE 228; RSC 3. Fine. Scarce. ($500)

1449. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.84 gm). Pergamum mint. Bare head of Claudius left / Claudius standing facing, holding globe and sceptre, being crowned by female holding wreath and cornucopiae, both within distyle temple. RIC 1120 (Ephesus); BMCRE 228; BN 304; RSC 3. Fine. ($500)

1444. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 BC. JE As (9.79 gm). Struck 4041 AD. Bare head left / Vesta seated left. RIC 154; BMCRE 72. VF, slightly rough surfaces. Scarce issue dated TRP ΠΠ. ($275)

1445. GAIUS CAUGULA. 3741 BC. JE Quadrans (3.61 gm). Struck 39 AD. Legend around SC and pileus / Legend around RCC. RIC 139; BMCRE 57. VF, rough surfaces. ($75)

1446. CLAUDIUS and AGRIPPINA. 41-54 AD. AV Aureus (7.77 gm). Struck 50-54 AD. Laureate head of Claudius right / Draped bust of Agrippina right. RIC 180; BMCRE 72. VF, scraped, bent, scratches, pin pricks, etcetera. Not pretty but real. ($750)

1450. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Sestertius (30.69 gm). Struck 50-54 AD. Laureate head right / Spes walking left. RIC 1115; BMCRE 192. VF; mottied brown, red and green patina, surfaces smoothed. ($450)

1451. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE As (11.31 gm). Struck 41-50 AD. Bare head left / Minerva standing right. RIC 1100. Near EF, exceptional smooth black patina, very nice. ($400)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1452. C L A U D I U S . 41-54 AD. JE Q u a d r a n s (2.60 gm). Struck 41 AD. Hand with scales / Legend around SC. RIC 185; BMCRE174. EF, black patina with earthen highlights. Nice. ($150)

1459. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). Struck 65-66 AD. Laureate head right / VESTA, domed temple of six columns, Vesta seated within. RIC 162; RSC 335. Near VF. ($200)

1453. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Q u a d r a n s (3.60 gm). Struck 41 AD. Hand with scales / Legend around SC. RIC 185; BMCRE 174. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

1460. NERO. 54-68 AD. äs Sestertius (26.02 gm). Struck 65 AD. Laureate head left / Temple of Janus, "Terra". RIC 1267; W C N 143. Good VF, light porosity, green patina. ($1000)

1454. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Imitation As (10.57 gm). Bare head left / Minerva standing right. As RIC 1100. VF, black patina, surface roughness before face. ($100)

1461. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (22.31 gm). Struck 66 BC. Laureate head left, globe at point of bust / Triumphal arch. RIC 1500; W C N 452. Good VF, brown patina, insignificant surface roughness. Attractive. ($1000) 1455. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Imitation As (6.44 gm). British imitahon. Bare head of Claudius left / Minerva walking right. As RIC 1100. Fine, rough surfaces. Very crude style. ($75)

1456. NERO. 54-68 AD. AV Aureus (7.06 gm). Struck 64-68 AD. Laureate head right / Jupiter seated left. RIC 152; BMCRE 67. Fine, small punch on obveree. ($750)

1462. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE D u p o n d i u s (14.32 gm). Struck 65 AD. Lugdunum mint. Laureate head left, globe at point of bust / Frontal view of the Macellum. RIC 1402; WCN 507. VF, dark, even green patina. Wonderfully centered and struck reverse. ($750)

1457. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Fourré Denarius (2.75 gm). Struck 56-57 AD. Bare head right / Legend around wreath. RIC 112; RSC 207. Toned, near VF, edge chipped. ($100)

1463. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE As (9.46 gm). Perinthus mint. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR PM TRP, laureate head / S C, nude Neptune holding dolphin and trident. RPC 1760; RIC I pg.186. VF, dark brown patina. ($500) 1458. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). Struck 64-65 AD. Laureate head right / Roma seated left. RIC 155; RSC 258. Near VF. ($200)

Attribution of this anomalous issue to Perinthus, capital of the province of Thrace, is based on site finds and several pieces found with a Galba countermark, known to have been applied at Perinthus.


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1470. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). Laureate head right / Hispania standing left, holding poppy, grain ears, shield and spears. RIC 1155; RSC 82. Toned Fine. Scarce. ($150) 1464. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE As (11.16 gm). Struck 67 AD. Lugdunum mint. Bare head of Nero right, globe at point of bust / Victory flying left carrying shield inscribed SPQR RIC 1605; W C N 602. VF, dark brown patina, minor roughness. ($250)

1471. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Laureate head right / SALVS GEN HVMANI, female standing left with foot on globe, holding rudder and sacrificing over altar. RIC 1211; RSC 238. Toned VF, good portrait on a large flan.

1465. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Imitation As (6.33 gm). Bare head of Nero left / Victory flying left. As RIC 1540. Probably struck in Britain. VF, mottled brown patina. ($200)

1466. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Semis (5.13 gm). Struck 65 AD. Lugdunum mint. Bare head of Nero right, globe at point of bust / Table with u m and wreath. RIC 1486; W C N 616. VF, brown patina. ($2TO)

1472. GALBA and VITELLIUS. Lot of Two Asses. Includes the following: Galba, Bare head right / Vesta seated left, RIC 1374 / / Vitellius, Laureate head left / Clasped hands, RIC 142. Galba VF with pitting and smoothing, Vitellius VF with slightly rough surfaces. 2 coins in lot. ($250)

A Pleasing Aureus Of Galba

A Rare Offering Of Seven Civil War Coins

1467. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AV Aureus (7.20 gm). Laureate head right / Livia standing left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC 1186; BMCRE 8. VF. ($3000)

1473. Civil War. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). Mint in Gaul. Helmeted bust of Mars right / Aquila between two standards, small altar before aquila. RIC 151; Martin 59; RSC 406. Toned, near EF, small flan, very attractive. Scarce. ($750)

1468. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.38 gm). Tarraco mint. Galba on horseback riding left / Laureate and d r a p e d bust of Hispania right; javelins and shield behind, grain ears before. RIC 12; RSC 77. Toned VF. Scarce. ($300)

1469. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Tarraco mint. Laureate head right / CONCORDIA PROVINCIARVM, Concordia standing left . RIC 149; RSC 34. Toned VF. Scarce. ($300)

1474. Civil War. 69 AD. AR FourrĂŠ Denarius (2.29 gm). Mint in Gaul. Minerva standing; right / SPQR in wreath. RIC 166; Martin 75; RSC 418. VF, about 30% of the silver missing or flaking with copper core showing through. ($200)

1475. Civil War. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). Mint in Gaul. Victory standing left on globe / SPQR in wreath. RIC 172; Martin 77; RSC 420. Toned VF, porous and scratches. Scarce. ($350)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1476. Civil War. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). Augustus Issue. Radiate bust of Augustus right / Crescent with seven stars. RIC 195 var. (laureate head); Martin A15 var.; RSC 142 var. Toned VF, lightly porous. Apparently unpublished and unique! ($1000)

1482. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). Laureate head right / Concordia seated left. RIC 173; RSC 20. Toned VF. ($325) Includes an old P.&P. Santanwria envelope.

1477. Civil War. 69 AD. AR Fourré Denarius (2.55 gm). Mint in Southern Gaul. Veiled and diademed bust of Vesta right; torch before / Jupiter seated left in distyle temple, wreath in pediment. RIC 1128a; Martin 13; RSC 368. Toned VF, minor flaking of surface silver. Scarce. ($500)

1483. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AV Aureus (7.02 gm). Struck 69-70 AD. Laureate head right / Pax seated left. RIC Π10. Fine. ($1000)

1484. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AV Aureus (7.01 gm). Struck 70-72 AD. Laureate head right / Pax seated left. RIC Π 39; Cohen 565. Near VF. ($1000)

1478. Civil Wat 68-69 AD. JE Dupondius (14.42 gm). Legion X Gemina in Pannonia. Countermark: X on dupondius of Nero from Lugdunum (RIC I 406). McDowell, NumChron 1960 pl.Vn, 2. Coin Fine, c / m VF. ($450)

1485. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.52 gm). Struck 72-73 AD. Laureate head right / Simpulum, sprinkler, jug and lituus. RIC Π 42; RSC 45. Good VF. ($150)

1486. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.37 gm). Struck 72-73 AD. Laureate head right / Victory standing right placing wreath on trophy. RIC Π 52; RSC 618. Lightly toned, good VF. ($250) 1479. Civil War. 68-69 AD. JE As (10.38 gm). Supporters of Vespasian. Countermark: VESPA monogram on as of Nero from Lugdunum (RIC I 606). Grünwald 129; Martini 52. Coin and c / m VF. ($600) A Scarce A u r e u s Of O t h o 1487. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Struck 72-73 AD. Laureate head right / Victory standing right placing wreath on trophy. RIC Π 52; RSC 618. Good VF, off center. ($200)

1480. OTHO. 69 AD. AV Aureus (7.07 gm). Bare head right / Securitas standing left. RIC 17; BMCRE 13. Fine, a few insignificant marks, well centered. Rare. ($3000)

1488. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Struck 76 AD. Laureate head left / Eagle standing on cippus, head left. RIC Π 99b; RSC 120. Lightly toned VF. ($100)

1481. OTHO. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.28 gm). Bare head right / Securitas standing left. RIC 18; RSC 17. Toned Fine. ($300) 170

Tkase See Jour HidSheet for Important 9{ezv 1{uks About 'Magnum 1Expenditures!

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1489. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). Shuck 77-78 AD. Laureate head right / Yoke of oxen. RIC II107; RSC 133a. Lightly toned, good VF. ($150)

1496. TITUS, as Caesar. 79 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). Laureate head right / Venus standing right leaning on column. RIC Π 205 (Vespasian); RSC 332. Lightly toned, near VF. ($75)

1490. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Struck 77-78 AD. Laureate head left / Yoke of oxen. RIC Π107; RSC 134a. Lightly toned VF, light pororsity. ($75)

1497. TITUS, as Caesar. 78-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Laureate head right / Ceres standing left. RIC Π 219 (Vespasian); RSC 31. Good VF/VF. ($125)

1498. TITUS, as Caesar. 78-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Laureate head right / Goat-herder seated left, milking goat into jug. RIC Π 221 (Vespasian); RSC 103. Fine. Very Rare. ($300)

1491. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Struck 77-78 AD. Laureate head left / Sow standing left with three young. RIC Π109; RSC 214. Lightly toned, good VF. ($250)

1499. TITUS, as Caesar. 71 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Ephesus mint. Laureate head right / AVG in wreath; EPHE between ties. RIC Π 339 (Vespasian); RSC 23. Good VF, lightly porous. Rare. ($500)

1492. DIVUS VESPASIAN. Struck 81 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). Laureate head right / SC on shield supported by two capricorn, globe below. RIC Π 63 (Titus); RSC 497. VF/VF+. ' ($150)

1500. TITUS, as Caesar 72-73 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). Antioch mint. Laureate and draped bust right / Neptune standing left with foot on globe. RIC Π 366 (Vespasian); RSC 122. Good VF, light porosity. Scarce. ($150) 1493. VESPASIAN. Lot of Two Denarii. Includes the following: Yoke of Oxen, RSC 133a / / Jupiter standing left, RSC 222. Both coins VF. 2 coins in lot. ($125)

1494. TITUS, as Caesar. 77-78 AD. AV Aureus (7.18 gm). Laureate head right / Roma seated right on shield, birds flying around; wolf and twins at her feet. RIC Π194 (Vespasian); Cohen 64. VF, moderate reverse scratches. ($1250)

1501. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.70 gm). Ephesus mint. Laureate head right / Aquila between two standards. RIC Π 74; RSC 398. VF. Scarce. ($1250)

1495. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AV Aureus (6.96 gm). Struck 80 AD. Laureate head right / Elephant standing left. RIC Π 22a; Cohen 300. Fine. ($1000)

1502. DIVO TITUS. Struck by Trajan Decius, 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.32 gm). Radiate head right / Eagle. RIC IV 81a (Decius); RSC 404. VF. ($100)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1503. TITUS, as Caesar. 72 AD. JE As (10.23 gm). Laureate head right / Aquila between two standards. RIC Π 624 (Vespasian); Cohen 247. Near VF, brown surfaces, rough. ($75)

1507. DOMITIAN, as Caesar 71 AD. AR Denarius (3.17 gm). Ephesus mint. Bare head, cuirassed bust right / Ceres seated left holding grain ears, poppy and comucopiae. RIC Π 348 (Vespasian); RSC 38. Lightly toned, good VF, light porosity. Rare, attractive sty le bust. ($400)

Lovely D u p o n d i u s Of Titus

1508. D O M I T I A N . 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.10 gm). Struck 81 AD. Laureate head right / Tripod with dolphin above, no raven below. RIC Π 21 var. (raven); BMCRE 22; RSC 568c variety. Toned, near EF. Scarce variety. ($250)

1509. D O M I T I A N . 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (2.89 gm). Struck 88 AD. Laureate head right / Inscribed column, incense burner and herald. RIC Π 116; RSC 73. Toned VF. ($175)

1504. TITUS. 79-81 AD. JE D u p o n d i u s (11.86 gm). Struck 80-81 AD. Radiate head left / Salus seated left holding patera. RIC Π 116b; Cohen 195. Near EF, dark green, almost black, patina. Very attractive. ($1500)

1505. JULIA ΤΓΠ, daughter of Titus. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). Draped bust right / Venus standing right leaning on column. RIC Π 56 (Titus); RSC 14. Toned Fine. Rare. ($500)

1506. DIVA JULIA ΤΓΠ, wife (and niece) of Domitian. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.46 gm). Ephesus mint. Draped bust right / Vesta seated left, holding palladium and sceptre. RIC Π 231 (Domitian); RSC 15. Near ($500) VF. Scarce.

1510. DOMITIAN. 81-% AD. AR Denarius (2.61 gm). Struck 93-96 AD. Bare head right / Minerva standing right in tetrastyle temple. RIC Π 206; BMCRE 241 (same dies); RSC 171. Fine. Rare. ($125)

1511. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.69 gm). Struck 82 AD. Ephesus mint. Laureate head right / Jupiter seated between Juno and Minerva in tetrastyle temple. RIC Π 222; RSC 23. Near VF. Scarce. ($500)

1512. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (9.90 gm). Struck 95-96 AD. Ephesus mint. Laureate head right / Aquila between two ($600) standards. RIC Π 223; RSC 94. VF.

Our 9{e\t Safe, CHQ Auction 38, 'WiifBetteCdIn Conjunction With The Spring Ήηυyörl^International9{umismatic Convention On June 6-7,1996. Lot 1507 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1513. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.79 gm). Struck 82 AD. Ephesus mint. Laureate head right / Aquila between two standards. RIC Π 226; RSC 667. Near VF. ($500)

1519. DOMITIAN. Lot of Two Asses. Includes the following: As Caesar, Victory on prow right, RIC Π 706a (Vespasian) / / A s Augustus, Fortuna standing left, RIC Π 353b. Both coins VF with green patinas, both with rough surfaces. ($150)

1514. D O M I T I A N and DOMITIA. 81-96 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.69 gm). Struck 82 AD. Ephesus mint. Laureate head of Domitian right / Draped bust of Domitia right. RIC Π 228; RSC 2. Near VF. Scarce. ($650)

1520. Anonymous. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE Q u a d r a n s (2.99 gm). Helmeted bust of Minerva right / Owl standing right. RIC Π 7; Cohen 7. VF, green patina. ($75)

1521. Anonymous. Circa 2nd Century AD. JE Quadrans (2.37 gm). Laureate head of Tiber right with facial features resembling Hadrian / Shewolf suckling twins. RIC Π17; Cohen 22. Good VF, brown patina. Scarce. ($100) 1515. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE Dupondius (12.26 gm). Struck 85 AD. Radiate bust right with aegis / Fides standing facing. RIC Π 263; Cohen 107. VF, green patina. ($150)

1522. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Struck 96 AD. Laureate head right / Justitia seated right. RIC Π 6; RSC 99. Lightly toned, VF. ($150)

1516. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE As (9.83 gm). Struck 88 AD. Laureate head right / Domitian sacrificing over altar, harpist and flute player before; temple behind. RIC H 385a; Cohen 85. VF, green patina, patina worn on high points. ($250)

1523. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (9.78 gm). Struck 97 AD. Ephesus mint. Laureate head right / Nerva standing facing, holding globe and sceptre, being crowned by female holding wreath and cornucopiae, both within distyle temple. RIC Π122 var; BMCRE 79; RSC 14a. Near VF, surfaces lightly smoothed. Scarce. ($500) 1517. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE Dupondius (11.11 gm). Struck 90-91 AD. Radiate head right / Virtus standing right holding spear and parazonium. RIC Π 393; Cohen 657. Near EF, obverse surfaces a little rough, brown patina. ($250)

1518. DOMITIAN and HADRIAN. Lot of Three Denarii. Includes the following: Domitian, Minerva left, RSC 251, VF / / Hadrian, Pietas standing left, RSC 1023b, VF (2 coins of this variety). 3 coins in lot. ($100)

1524. NERVA. 96-98 AD. JE Sestertius (20.06 gm). Struck 97 AD. Laureate head right / Fortuna standing left. RIC Π 83; Cohen 67. Near VF, surfaces smoothed. ($250)



Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Very Rare A u r e u s Of Trajan, His Father & Nerva





1525. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AV Aureus (7.15 gm). Struck 112-114 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Busts of Nerva and Trajan Senior facing. RIC Π 726 var.; BMCRE 498. VF. Very Rare. (£5000)

1532. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.46 gm). Struck 112-114 AD. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on shoulder / VIA TRAIANA, woman redining left on rocks, holding wheel. RIC Π 266; RSC 648. Near EF, small surface irregularity on obverse. ($250)

1526. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.03 gm). Struck 98-99 AD. Laureate head right / Vidory seated left. RIC Π 22; RSC 295. Toned, good VF. ' ($1TO)

1533. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). Struck 112-114 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Aquila between two standards. RIC Π 294; RSC 577a. Near VF. ($60)

1527. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.18 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate head right / Mourning Dadan seated right, sword below. RIC Π 89; RSC 260. Near EF. ($2‫)ש‬

1528. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on shoulder / Daaan seated left on pile of arms. RIC Π 98; RSC 120. Toned, good VF, light scratch on obverse. ($1‫)ש‬

1534. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (2.94 gm). Struck 114-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Radiate and draped bust of Sol right. RIC ($100) Π 326; RSC 189a. Near VF. Scarce type.

1535. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Struck 114-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Trajan's column. RIC Π 356; RSC 284. Near EF. Popular type. ($250)

1529. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on shoulder / Danuvius reclining left on rocks, right hand on prow of ship. RIC Π100; RSC 136. EF. ($3‫)ש‬

1536. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (2.90 gm). Struck 114-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Trajan's column. RIC II356; RSC 284. Toned Fine. Popular type. ($100)

1530. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.19 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on shoulder / Danuvius reclining left on rocks, right hand on prow of ship. RIC Π100; RSC 136. Good VF. ($175)

1537. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). Struck 114-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Providentia standing left leaning on column, globe at her feet. RIC Π 358; RSC 308. Toned, good VF. ($100)

1531. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on shoulder / Mourning Daaan seated right, sword below. RIC Π 218; RSC 529a. Near EF. ($2‫)ש‬ 1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Choice 'REX PARTHIS DATVS‫ ׳‬Sestertius Of Trajan

: ‫· יי‬.'L

1538. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Sestertius (28.41 gm). Struck 114-117 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Trajan seated left on platform presenting Parthamaspates to kneeling Parthian. RIC II667; Cohen 328. Good VF, attractive green patina. Rare, especially this nice. ($2500)

1542. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Μ (11.17 gm). Struck 112-114 AD. Laureate bust right, aegis on shoulder / Trajan's column. RIC II600 var. (aegis); BMCRE1003. VF, brown patina. Rare variety. ($500)

1539. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Dupondius (15.66 gm). Struck 98-99 AD. Laureate head right / Victory walking left carrying shield inscribed SPQR. Cf. RIC 395 (As); cf. BMCRE 726 (As). VF, b r o w n patina. Unpublished dupondius with a laureate head! ($500)

1543. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. Orichalcum As (8.58 gm). Struck 114-117 AD. Radiate and draped bust right / SC in wreath. RIC Π 647; Cohen 124. Good VF, greenLsh brown patina, surfaces slightly rough. ($125) 1540. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE JKs (9.69 gm). Struck 103-111 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on shoulder / Legend in wreath. RIC Π 476; Cohen 583. VF, brown patina, porous surfaces. ($150)

1544. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Quadrans (2.56 gm). IMP CAES TRAIAN AVG GERM, helmeted bust of Minerva right / SC, Shield lying on spear. RIC Π —; BMCRE pg-227 note. VF, dark brown patina, lightly porous. Very rare with only a few known examples. ($200)

1541. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE As (9.44 gm). Struck 103-111 AD.Laureate bust right, drapery on shoulder / Aquila between two standards. RIC Π 588; Cohen 579. Near VF, brown patina, porous surfaces. ($125)






1545. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). Struck 119-122 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / Hilaritas standing facing, both hands raising veil. RIC Π126; RSC 816. Near EF. ($125) 1 36


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1553. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Bare head right / ASIA, Asia standing left holding hook and rudder. RIC Π 301; RSC 188. Toned VF. ($100)

1546. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.15 gm). Struck 125-128 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / Crescent with seven stars. RIC Π 202; RSC 465. Lightly toned, near EF. ($150) 1554. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Shuck 134-138 AD. Bare head, draped and cuirassed bust right / GERMANIA, Germania standing facing holding spear and shield. RIC Π 302; RSC 804a. Toned VF. ($150) 1547. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (2.99 gm). Struck 132-134 AD. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / Galley sailing left. RIC Π 240; RSC 712a. Near VF. ($1‫)ש‬ 1555. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.28 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / HISPAN1A, Hispania reclining, rabbit in field. RIC Π 305; RSC 830. Near VF. ($1TO)

1548. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Bare head right / Providentia standing left. RIC Π 261; RSC 1204. Near EF. ($125) 1556. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.23 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / NILVS, Nilus reclining, hippo before. RIC Π 311; RSC 989a. Toned VF. ($150) 1549. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Bare head right, drapery on left shoulder / Victory walking right. RIC Π 282; RSC 1454a. Toned, good VF. ' ($1 ‫) ש‬

1557. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / RESTTTVTORIGALLIAE, Hadrian standing right raising up figure of Gallia. RIC Π 324; RSC 1247. Toned, near VF. ($100) 1550. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Bare head right / AEGYPTOS, Aegyptos reclining holding sistrum, ibis at her feet. RIC Π 297; RSC 99. Near VF. ($125)

1558. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.55 gm). Laodicea mint. Bare head of Hadrian right / Zeus of Laodicea standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. RIC Π 497; Metcalf 56; RSC 275. VF. Overstruck on a tetradrachm of Augustus, RIC 476, with lettering and devices visible on both sides. Interesting. ($6‫)ש‬

1551. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / AEGYPTOS, Aegyptos reclining holding sistnim, ibis at her feet. RIC Π 297; RSC 99a. Toned VF, lightly porous. ($1‫)ש‬

Very Rare Divus Hadrian Denarius 1552. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.25 p i ) . Struck 134-138 AD. Bare head right / AFRICA, Africa reclining holding scorpion. RIC Π 299; RSC 140. Fine. ($1‫)ש‬

Lot 1553

1559. DIVUS HADRIAN. Struck 139 AD. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). Laureate head right / Eagle standing right on globe, head left. MC Π 389B var.; RSC 271b. Lightly toned, near EF. Very rare! ($800) 1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1560. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (25.49 gm). Struck 118 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / Hadrian seated left on platform, attendant seated before handing object to a citizen mounting steps; Liberalitas standing behind. RIC Π 552; Cohen 914. VF, dark brown patina, surface lightly worked. ($500)

1561. H A D R I A N . 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (24.76 gm). Struck 119 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / Felicitas standing left holding caduceus and comucopiae. RIC Π 563b. Near VF, smooth brown patina. ($150)


1565. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (24.86 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate bust right / [ADVENTI AVG IVDAEAE], Hadrian standing nght raising right hand; Judaea standing left by altar, two boys at her feet. RIC II890. Fair, smooth brown patina, small patch of green encrustation on obverse. Very Rare. ($350)

1566. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (24.06 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / EXERCITVS MAVRETANICVS, Hadrian on horseback right, three soldiers standing before. RIC Π 924; Cohen ($200) 575. Near VF, brown surfaces, porous. Rare.

1562. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (23.89 gm). Struck 132-134 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Galley sailing left. RIC Π 706. Near VF, light green patina with earthen highlights around devices. Popular type. _ ($450)

1567. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (24.84 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / RESTITVTORIAFRICAE, Hadrian standing left raising up figure of Africa. RIC Π 941. Near VF, smooth brown patina. ($300)

1563. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (23.37 gm). Struck 132-134 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Galley sailing left. RIC Π 706. Fine/Near VF, smooth brown and green patina. Popular type. ($400)

1568. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Dupondius (13.03 gm). Struck 125-128 AD. Radiate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / Salus seated left feeding serpent coiled around altar. RIC H 657; Cohen 370. VF, dark brown patina, porous. ($100)

1564. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (27.85 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / AEGYPTOS, Aegyptos reclining holding sistrum, ibis standing on column at her feet. RIC Π 838; Cohen 110. VF, rough surfaces, dark green patina. ($350)

1569. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Dupondius (12.89 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / AFRICA, Africa reclining holding scorpion and comucopiae, modius at her feet. RIC Π 841. Near VF, dark green patina. ($200)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1576. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Struck 143-144 AD. Laureate head right / Victory standing slightly left. RIC ΠΙ 111b; RSC 437. Toned, good VF. ($100) Ex CNA VIII, lot 450.

1570. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Dupondius (15.78 gm). Struck 134-138 AD. Laureate head right / HISPANIA, Hispania reclining holding branch. RIC Π 852. VF, dark green patina. Attractive. (S350)

1577. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Shuck 154 AD. Laureate head right / Fortuna standing right, holding rudder on globe and cornucopaie. RIC ΙΠ 232; RSC 271. Lightly toned EF. ($150)

•te/SûuM?Ij? 1571. H A D R I A N . 117-138 AD. JE As (10.26 gm). Struck 132-134 AD. Laureate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / Galley sailing left. RIC Π 719. Nice VF, dark green patina, fields lightly smoothed. Attractive. Popular type. ($4‫)ש‬

1578. A N T O N I N U S PIUS and M A R C U S AURELIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.58 gm). Struck 140-144 AD. Bare head of Pius right / Bare head of Aurelius right. RIC m 415a; RSC 14. Lightly toned, nice VF. ($150) 1572. SABINA, wife of Hadrian. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Venus standing right. RIC Π 396 (Hadrian); RSC 73. Toned VF. ($1‫)ש‬

1579. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (26.51 gm). Struck 144 AD. Laureate head right / Salus seated left feeding serpent coiled around altar, elbow resting on rudder on globe. RIC ΙΠ 751. VF, dark green patina. ,riiiftii ($200)

1573. DIVA SABINA, wife of Hadrian. Died 136 AD. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Diademed and veiled bust right / Altar. RIC Π 422b (Hadrian); RSC 56a. Toned, near VF/VF. Very Rare. ($250)

1580. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (29.12 gm). Laureate head right / Pius in quadriga left, holding eagle tipped sceptre. RIC IH 766; Cohen 319. Near VF, dark brown patina, green around devices. ($150)

1574. SABINA, wife of Hadrian. JE Sestertius (28.20 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Vesta seated left holding palladium and sceptre. RIC Π 1036 (Hadrian); Cohen 82. VF, brown patina, light porosity, field smoothed before face. ($3‫)ש‬

1575. AELIUS, Caesar. 136-138 AD. JE Sestertius (25.88 gm). Bare head right / Spes standing left. RIC Π 1055 (Hadrian). Near VF, brown patina, small corrosion spot at first A in obverse legend. ($2‫)ש‬

1581. ANTONINUS PIUS and MARCUS AUREUUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (26.39 gm). Struck 140-144 AD. Laureate head right of Pius / Bare head, draped bust right of Aurelius. RIC ΠΙ 1212; Cohen 34. Near VF, smooth brown surfaces. Scarce. ($350)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1588. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, w i f e of A n t o n i n u s Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). Draped bust right / Vesta standing left holding simp u l u m and palladium. RIC m 368 (Pius); RSC 108. Toned, near EF. ($125)

1582. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (10.85 gm). Struck 139 AD. Laureate h e a d right / Pax s t a n d i n g left h o l d i n g b r a n c h a n d cornucopiae. RIC ΙΠ 567; C o h e n 857. G o o d VF, green patina, surfaces slightly rough. ($175)

1589. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, w i f e of A n t o n i n u s Pius. Died 141 AD. JE D u p o n d i u s (14.21 gm). D r a p e d bust right / Aeternitas seated left o n globe. RIC m 1159 (Pius); Cohen 22. VF, smooth d a r k green patina. ($200)

Rare As Of Diva Faustina

1583. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (9.43 gm). Struck 143-144 AD. Laureate head right / Victory walking right. RIC ffl 731b; Cohen 441. VF, black patina. ($75)

1590. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, w i f e of A n t o n i n u s Pius. Died 141 AD. JE As (10.19 gm). Draped bust right / Altar with closed door. RIC ΙΠ1191A (Pius); Cohen 257. Near EF, dark green patina. Rare type. ($750)

1584. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (10.06 gm). Struck 154155 AD. Laureate head right / Britannia seated left. RIC m 934; Cohen 117. VF, b r o w n patina, surfaces rough. Struck for use in Britain. ($150)

1591. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, w i f e of A n t o n i n u s Pius. Died 141 AD. JE As (11.12 gm). Draped bust right / Aeternitas standing left. RIC m 1157 (Pius); Cohen 13. VF, pale green patina. ($150) 1585. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Semis (3.10 gm). Bust of child, head wreathed in grape vines (Autumn) / S C i n w r e a t h o f grape vines. Van Heesch, S P N O 1,2. VF, b r o w n and green patina. Scarce. ($200)

1586. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, w i f e of A n t o n i n u s Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.52 gm). Veiled b u s t right / Star of eight rays. RIC ΙΠ 355 (Pius); RSC 63.VF. Scarce. ($250)

1587. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, w i f e of A n t o n i n u s Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). D r a p e d bust right / Ceres standing left holding grain ears and torch. RIC m 360 (Pius); RSC 78. EF. ($150)

Lot 1588


1592. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, w i f e of A n t o n i n u s Pius. Died 141 AD. JE Sestertius (21.79 gm). Draped bust right / Aeternitas standing left. RIC ΠΙ 1105 (Pius); Cohen 12. Near EF, smooth d a r k b r o w n surfaces, flan split. ($400) 1593. FAUSTINA Sr. a n d FAUSTINA Jr. Lot of F o u r JE. Includes the following: Faustina Sr., Sestertius, RIC 1126 / / Faustina Sr., D u p o n d i u s , RIC 1192A / / Faustina Jr., Sestertius, RIC 1638 (Aurelius) / / Faustina Jr., As, RIC 1664 (Aurelius). All coins Fine to VF, all with problems. 4 coins in lot. ($100)

Lot 1594

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1594. MARCUS AUREUUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.46 gm). Struck 163-164 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Armenian seated left, vexilium and shield before. RIC m 82; RSC 7c. Good VF. ($100)

1599. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Sestertius (2423 gm). Struck 176-177 AD. Laureate head right / DE SARMATB, pile of arms. RIC m 1190; Cohen 174. Near VF, green patina, a few small spots of roughness on obverse and reverse. ($150)

1595. M A R C U S AURELIUS, as Caesar. 145 AD. JE Sestertius (21.19 gm). Bare head right / Minerva walking right brandishing spear and carrying shield. RIC m 124a; Cohen 576. VF, brown patina. ($300)

1600. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Sestertius (19.42 gm). Struck 177-178 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Felicitas standing left. RIC m 1228; Cohen 184. VF, green patina with a few red spots. ($250)

1601. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE D u p o n d i u s (11.13 gm). Struck 176-177 AD. Radiate head right / DESARM, trophy with captive Sarmatian seated at base. RIC m 1188; Cohen 170. VF, black patina. ($125)

1596. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Sestertius (28.63 gm). Struck 162-163 AD. Laureatebust right, drapery on left shoulder / Salus standing left feeding snake twined around altar. RIC III 844; Cohen —. Near VF, smooth dark brown patina. Struck on a large medallic flan. ($250)

1602. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE D u p o n d i u s (13.39 gm). Struck 178-179 AD. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Victory walking left. RIC ΠΙ 1241 var.; Cohen 380 var. VF, green patina, patina chipped around edges. ($125)

1597. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Sestertius (28.88 gm). Struck 164 AD. Laureate head right / Mars standing right. RIC m 861; Cohen 838. VF, dark brown and green patina. ($300)

1598. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE Sestertius (23.74 gm). Struck 165-166 AD. Laureate head right / Aurelius and Verus seated left on platform, prefect standing behind, official standing before distributing to man on steps. RIC ΠΙ914; Cohen 75. Fine, smooth dark brown patina. Rare. ($150)

1603. MARCUS AUREUUS. 161-180 AD. JE As (11.36 gm). Struck 176177 AD. Laureate head right / Galley sailing right. RIC III 1196; Cohen 192. VF, dark brown patina, lightly rough surfaces. Popular type. ($150)

1604. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. JE As (8.78 gm). Laureate head right / Laureate head right. RIC m 1260; BMCRE pg.685. Near VF, dark patina. Rare. ($150) Lot 1599 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1605. FAUSTINA Jr., daughter of Antoninus Pius. AR Denarius (3.13 gm). Draped bust right / Venus standing left. RIC m 515a (Pius); RSC 261. Toned, near EF, attractive. ($125) 1611. DIVA FAUSTINA Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. JE Sestertius (22.74 gm). Draped bust right / Faustina seated left between two dancing girls, veils flying above their heads. RIC ΙΠ1697 (Aurelius); Cohen 11. Fine, surfaces lightly smoothed. Rare. ($250)

1606. FAUSTINA Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (2.77 gm). Draped bust right / Juno standing left holding patera and sceptre, peacock at her feet. RIC m 688 (Aurelius); RSC 120a. Lightly toned, nice VF. ($75)

1612. DIVA FAUSTINA Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. JE Sestertius (20.50 gm). Draped bust right / Diana standing left holding torch, crescent behind. RIC ΙΠ1716 (Aurelius); RSC 216. VF, green patina. Scarce. ($200) 1607. FAUSTINA Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). Draped bust right / Cybele seated left holding branch, lion beside her. RIC m 706 (Aurelius); RSC 172. Toned, near EF. ($100)

1613. FAUSTINA Jr and CRSIPINA. Lot of Two Denarii. Includes the following: Faustina, Pudicitia standing; RSC 177, VF / / Crispine, Venus standing left, RSC 35, VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100) 1608. DIVA FAUSTINA Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. AR Denarius (2.79 gm). Draped bust right / Crescent moon with seven stars. RIC m 750 (Aurelius); RSC 83. Toned, good VF. Scarce. ($200)

1614. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Struck 163164 AD. Bare head, cuirassed bust right / Mars standing right. RIC ΠΙ515 var; RSC 229a. Toned, near EF. ($100)

1609. DIVA FAUSTINA Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). Draped bust right / Crescent moon with seven stars. RIC ΙΠ 750 (Aurelius); RSC 83. VF. Scarce. ($150)

1615. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.01 gm). Struck 166 AD. Laureate head right / Victory standing right placing shield inscribed VIC PAR on palm. RIC m 566; RSC 279. Good VF. ($100)

1610. FAUSTINA Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. JE Sestertius (26.58 gm). Draped bust right / Juno standing left holding patera and sceptre, peacock at her feet. RIC III 1651 (Aurelius); Cohen 142. Good VF, dark brown patina, fields lightly smoothed. ($500)


1616. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. JE Sestertius (24.84 gm). Struck 163 AD. Bare head, cuirassed bust right / Victory walking right holding trophy, Armenian seated at feet. RIC ΠΙ 1361; Cohen 3319. Fine, smooth dark brown patina. ($150)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1623. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (Z98 gm). Struck 186-189 AD. Laureate head right / FORTVNAE MANENTI, C V PP in exergue, Fortuna seated left holding horse by bridle and comucopiae. RIC HI 191a; RSC 168. VF, scarce type. ($175)

1617. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. JE Sestertius (22.33 gm). Struck 163 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Parthian seated left on shields before trophy. RIC ΙΠ1430; Cohen 191. VF, Tiber patina, porous. ($150)

1624. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (282 gm). Struck 191-192 AD. Laureate head right / Hercules standing left with foot on prow, clasping hands with Africa holding grain ears, lion at her feet. RIC m 259a; RSC 643. VF/near VF, scarce type. ($150)

1618. L U a U S VERUS. 161-169 AD. JE Sestertius (25.29 gm). Struck 165166 AD. Laureate head right / Captive Parthian seated at base of trophy. RIC ΙΠ1440; Cohen 199. VF, brown patina, corrosion spot before face. ($150)

1625. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. JE Sestertius (17.59 gm). Struck 182 AD. Laureate head right / Annona standing left holding statue of Concordia and comucopiae; modius before, ship behind with two infants. RIC ΠΙ 344; Cohen 847. VF, brown patina. ($150)

1619. LUCILLA, wife of Lucius Verus. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). Draped bust right / Pudidtia seated left. RIC m 781 (Aurelius); RSC 62. Toned, near EF. ($1‫)ש‬

1620. C O M M O D U S . 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Struck 183 AD. Laureate head right / Mars walking right holding spear and trophy. RIC ΠΙ54; RSC 878. Good VF. ($100)

1626. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. JE Sestertius (33.15 gm). Struck 184-185 AD. Bare head, draped bust right / Commodus on horseback, striking panther with javelin. RIC m 453b; Cohen 957. VF, black patina, flan split, light smoothing to obverse fields. Rare type. ($400)

1621. C O M M O D U S . 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (2.83 gm). Struck 185 AD. Laureate head right / Commodus standing left on platform, three soldiers below. RIC m 130; RSC 143. VF, scarce type. ($150) 1627. COMMODUS, as Caesar 175-176 AD. JE As (9.60 gm). Bare head, draped bust right / Knife, aspergillum, jug, lituus and simpulum. RIC ΠΙ 1539 (Aurelius); Cohen 405. VF; mottled brown, green and red patina, surfaces smoothed. ($150) 1622. COMMODUS. 180-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Struck 188-189 AD. Laureate head right / Minerva standing left holding Victory and spear; trophy behind. RIC Π1176; RSC 365. Good VF. ($125)

1628. CRISPINA, wife of Commodus. Lot of two coins. Includes the following: JE Sestertius, Concordia seated left, RIC ΠΙ665, VF, green patina, rough surfaces / / JE As, Juno standing left, RIC ΙΠ 682, VF, green patina. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

Lot 1623 1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1635. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). Struck 193-194 AD. Laureate head right / LEG Vm AVG, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV11; RSC 267. Lightly toned VF. Scarce. ($250) 1629. MANLIA SCANTILLA, wife of Didius Julianus. /Ε Sestertius (20.53 gm). Draped bust right / Juno standing left holding patera and seep•tre, peacock at her feet. RIC IV 18a (Didius); Cohen 6. Near Fine, smooth brown surfaces. Very Rare. ($350) 1636. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.58 gm). Struck 193-194 AD. Laureate head right / LEG ΧΠΠ GEM M V, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV14; RSC 272. Good VF. Scarce. ($250) 1630. CLODIUS ALBINUS. 195-197 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). Lugdunum mint. Laureate head right / Clasped hands holding legionary eagle. RIC IV 20b; RSC 24. Toned, good VF. Scarce. ($350) 1637. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Struck 193-194 AD. Laureate head right / LEG ΧΠΠ GEM M V, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV14; RSC 272. Toned VF. Scarce. __ ($200)

Seven Scarce Septimius Severus Legionary Denarii From The Showers Collection

1638. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Struck 198-200. Laureate head right / Jupiter standing right hurling thunderbolt. RIC IV131; RSC 243. EF. ($100)

1631. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). Struck 193-194 AD. Laureate head right / LEG I AD[IVT], legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV 2; RSC 256. Toned, good VF. Scarce. ($300)

Scarce Denarius Of Septimius Severus & Caracalla

1639. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS and CARACALLA. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.70 gm). Laureate head right of Severus / Laureate bust right of Caracalla. RIC IV157; RSC 2a. EF, lightly porous, small flan crack. Scarce type. ($900)

1632. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.51 gm). Struck 193-194 AD. Laureate head right / [LEG] IITAL, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV 3; RSC 257. Toned, near VF. Scarce. ($2‫)ש‬

1633. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). Struck 193-194 AD. Laureate head right / LEG ΠΠ FL, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV 8; RSC 264. Toned VF. Scarce. ($250)

1634. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Struck 193-194 AD. Laureate head right / LEG VQ CL, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV10; RSC 266. Lightly toned, good VF. Scarce. ($350)

1640. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Struck 200-201 AD. Laureate head right / Severus standing left sacrificing. RIC IV 167a; RSC 599. Lightly toned VF. This lot also contains another coin of the same variety, toned VF and lightly porous. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

1641. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). Struck 205. Laureate head right / Jupiter standing left, eagle at his feet. RIC IV196; RSC 469. Toned, good VF. ($75)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1642. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). Struck 202-210 AD. Laureate head right / ADVENTV AVGG, emperor on horseback left. RIC IV 248; RSC 1. Good VF. ($150)

1649. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.04 gm). Struck 194-195 AD. Emesa mint. Laureate head right / Trophy and arms. RIC IV 390; RSC 232d. Toned, good VF. ($100)

1643. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.25 gm). Struck 202-210 AD. Laureate head right / AFRICA, Africa reclining left holding scorpion and cornucopiae. RIC IV 254; RSC 31. Toned, good VF. Scarce. _ ____ ($125)

1650. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.91 gm). Struck 194-195 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP HH, laureate head right / PART ARAB PART ADIAB, COS Π PP in exergue, two captives seated back to back on round shields. RIC IV —; BMCRE —; RSC —. Lightly toned VF. Apparently unpublished! ($200) This combination of reverse type and obverse dating, IMP IIII, is not published in any of the major references. BMCRE 118, plate 8,14, appears to share this same reverse die, but it is dated IMP V. A similar reverse type, same legend but ivith a trophy between the captives, was struck in gold and dated IMP IIII.

1644. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.17 gm). Struck 202-210 AD. Laureate head right / The Dea Caelestis riding right on lion, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RIC IV 266; RSC 222. Good VF.


1651. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.68 gm). Struck 194-195 AD. Emesa mint. Laureate head right / Liberates standing left. RIC IV 400; RSC 283. Toned, good VF. ($100) 1645. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). Struck 202-210. Laureate head right / Septimius standing right sacrificing; attendant before, flute player standing behind. RIC IV 309; RSC 794. Good VF. Very rare. ' $300) 1652. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.15 gm). Struck 194-195 AD. Emesa mint. Laureate head right / SPQR OPTIMO PBINCIPI (sic), Severus on horseback left. RIC IV 415; RSC 652. Good VF, interesting spelling error. Rare. ($200) 1646. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.03 gm). Struck 210-211 AD. Laureate head right / VICTORIAE BRIT, Victory walking right. RIC IV 332; RSC 727. Good VF. ($150)

1647. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.72 gm). Struck 210-211 AD. Laureate head right / VICTORIAE BRIT, Victory seated left on shield, holding shield on knee. RIC IV 335; RSC 731. Good VF/VF. ($150)

1648. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.58 gm). Struck 194-195 AD. Emesa mint. Laureate head right / Fortuna standing left holding palm and cornucopiae. RIC IV 383; RSC 175a. Good VF. / / Also includes a denarius of Julia Dorrma, RIC 580 (Severus). Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

1653. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.85 gm). Struck 198-202 AD. Laodicea mint. Laureate head right / VOTIS/DECEN/NALI/BVS, legend in four lines in wreath. RIC IV 520A; RSC 798. EF, lightly porous. Rare type. ($450)

1654. DIVO SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. Struck 211 AD. AR Denarius (2.90 gm). Bare head right / Eagle standing on globe, head left. RIC IV 191c; RSC 84. Toned, near EF, small flan crack. ($250)

1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1655. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. JE Sestertius (27.45 gm). Struck 193 AD. Laureate head right / Liberalitas standing left. RIC IV 653; Cohen 284. VF, brown patina, attractive portrait. ($400)

1660. JULIA D O M N A , mother of Caracalla. 211-217 AD. JE Sestertius (23.46 gm). Draped bust right / Juno standing left holding patera and seeptre; peacock at her feet. RIC IV 585 (Caracalla); Cohen 88. VF, dark green patina. Patina broken in a few spots on the reverse. ($150)

1661. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (2.90 gm). Struck 208 AD. Laureate head right / Mars standing right, leaning left, holding spear and shield. RIC IV100; RSC 446. Near EF. ($100) 1656. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. JE Sestertius (25.50 gm). Struck 196 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Fortuna seated left; wheel beneath seat. RIC IV 720; Cohen 193. Near VF, light brown surfaces. ($300)

1662. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.56 gm). Struck 201206 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Galley sailing left. RIC IV120; RSC 3. VF. Scarce type. ($150)

1657. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. JE Sestertius (19.33 gm). Struck 196 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Victory walking left. RIC IV 725; Cohen 420. Near VF, dull green patina. $75) ‫י‬ )

1658. JULIA D O M N A , wife of Septimius Severus. 196-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.57 gm). Draped bust right / Cybele seated left on throne in quadriga of lions. RIC IV 562 (Severus); RSC 117. Toned VF, popular type. ($1TO)

1663. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Struck 201206 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Caracalla sacrificing over altar. RIC IV150; RSC 688. EF. ($100)

1664. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Struck 209 AD. Laureate head right / Caracalla standing right sacrificing; victimarius on right about to strike bull with axe, flute player standing behind. RIC IV 205; RSC 684. VF. Very Rare. ($400) A victimarius was "an attendant at a sacrifice whose duty was to slay the sacrificial victim. "

1659. JULIA D O M N A , m o t h e r of Caracalla. 211-217 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.98 gm). Diademed and draped bust right on crescent / Venus seated left holding apple and sceptre; cupid at her feet. RIC IV 389a (Caracalla); RSC 206. Toned VF. Scarce. ($250) 1665. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). Struck 210213 AD. Laureate head right / Caracalla standing right, attendant behind holding standard. RIC IV 226; RSC 509. Near EF. ($100)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1673. GETA, as Caesar. 203-208 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Bare head, draped bust right / Septimius Severus, Caracalla and Geta on horseback galloping right. RIC IV 37b; RSC 162a. Near EF. Very Rare. ($500)

1666. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.21 gm). Struck 215 AD. Laureate head right / Asklepios standing facing, Telesphoros at his side. RIC IV 253; RSC 307. Near EF. ($125)

1674. GETA, as Caesar. 203 AD. AR D e n a r i u s (2.79 gm). Bare head, draped bust right / Mars walking right. RIC IV103; RSC 76. Good VF/VF, very young portrait. ($75)

1667. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (2.89 gm). Struck 217 AD. Laureate head right / Sol standing left. RIC IV 293d; RSC 389. Toned, nearEF. ($75)

1675. GETA. 209-212 AD. AR D e n a r i u s (3.33 gm). Struck 210 AD. Laureate head right / Felicitas standing left holding comucopiae and long caduceus. RIC IV 69b; RSC 138. Good VF. ($75) 1668. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (2.87 gm). Struck 213217 AD. Laureate h e a d right / Liberalitas standing left. RIC IV 305; RSC 135. EF. ($125)

Scarce Denarius Of Geta With Janus Reverse

1669. PLAUTILLA, w i f e of Caracalla. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). Draped bust right / Caracalla and Plautilla standing holding hands. RIC IV 365a (Caracalla); RSC 12. Good VF. ($100)

1676. GETA. 209-212 AD. AR Denarius (3.25 gm). Struck 211 AD. Laureate head right / Janus standing facing holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC IV 79; RSC 197a. Lightly toned EF. Scarce type. ($400) 1670. PLAUTILLA, w i f e of Caracalla. AR Denarius (2.98 gm). Draped bust right / Venus standing left holding apple and palm, elbow on shield; Cupid standing before. RIC IV 369 (Caracalla); RSC 25a. VF. ($75)

MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (2.88 gm). Struck 218 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Victory walking right. RIC IV49; RSC 137. Near EF. Scarce issue. ($250)


—1— ! nir" 1671. GETA, as Caesar.2202‫ ־ש‬AD. AR Denarius (3.65 gm). Bare head, draped bust right / Felicitas standing left. RIC IV 9a; RSC 38a. Near EF. ($100)


1672. GETA, as Caesar. 203-208 AD. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Bare head, draped bust right / Minerva standing left with spear and shield. RIC IV 34b; RSC 104a. Lightly toned, E F / n e a r EF. ($100)

1678. D I A D U M E N I A N , Caesar. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.01 gm). Bare head, draped and cuirassed bust right / Diadumenian standing facing, holding standard in right hand, two standards behind. RIC IV102; RSC 3c. Good VF, light porosity. ($400)

1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1679. DIADUMENIAN, Caesar. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (2.73 gm). Bare head, draped bust right / Diadumenian standing facing, holding standard in right hand, two standards behind. RIC IV102; RSC 3a. Toned VF, small flan flaw. ($3TO)

1686. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (4.22 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Victory flying left holding open wreath; two shields at feet, star behind. RIC IV161; RSC 300. Nice EF, heavy flan. ($150)

1680. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Antoninianus (5.27 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Laetitia standing left. RIC IV 94; RSC 72. Toned, good VF. ($125)

1687. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (2.78 gm). Antioch mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Two standards between two vexilla. RIC IV187; RSC 15. Toned, near EF. ($125)

1688. JULIA PAULA, wife of Elagabalus. 219 AD. AR Denarius (2.63 gm). Draped bust right / Concordia seated left; star in left field. RIC IV 211 (Elagabalus); RSC 6. Toned VF. ($100)

1681. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.95 gm). Radiate and draped bust right / Victory walking right. RIC IV155; RSC 291. VF. ($100)

1682. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). Struck 219 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Pax running left. RIC IV 21 ; RSC 143. EF. ($100)

1689. AQUILIA SEVERA, wife of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (2.89 gm). Draped bust right / Concordia standing left; star in right field. RIC IV 226 (Elagabalus); RSC 2. Toned, good VF. Scarce. ($500)

1690. JULIA SOAEMIAS, mother of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (2.79 gm). Draped bust right / Venus standing left; star in left field. RIC IV 241 (Elagabalus); RSC 8a. VF. Scarce. ($100)

1683. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Legionary eagle between two standards, shields at bases. RIC IV 78; RSC 44. Toned, near EF. ($125)

1684. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (2.74 gm). Laureate and draped bust right; horn on head / Elagabalus sacrificing over altar; star in right field. RIC IV131; RSC 246. Toned VF. ($75)

1685. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Laureate and draped bust right / Victory walking right. RIC IV156; RSC 289. Toned, good VF. ($60)

1691. JULIA MAESA, grandmother of Elagabalus. AR Antoninianus (4.86 gm). Diademed bust right on crescent / Pietas standing left. RIC IV 264 (Elagabalus); RSC 30. Near EF. Rare denomination. ($500)

1692. JULIA MAESA, grandmother of Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.08 gm). Draped bust right / Felicitas standing left holding patera and caduceus; star in right field. RIC IV 271 (Elagabalus); RSC 45. Toned EF. ($150)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. «*a

1693. JULIA MAESA, g r a n d m o t h e r of Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (2.98 gm). Draped bust right / Felicitas standing left holding patera and caduceus; large star in right field. RIC IV 271 (Elagabalus); RSC 45a. EF. ($150)

17‫ש‬. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Struck 231-235 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Jupiter standing right hurling thunderbolt. RIC IV 235; RSC 76. EF. ($135)

1694. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Struck 222 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Jupiter standing left. RIC IV 5; RSC 204. Toned EF. ($135)

1701. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Struck 231-235 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Mars walking right carrying shield and spear. RIC IV 246; RSC 161 a. EF. ($135)

1702. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Struck 231-235 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Spes walking left. RIC IV 254; RSC 546. EF. ($135)

1695. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.20 gm). Struck 230 AD. Laureate head right / Sol standing left holding whip. RIC IV 101; RSC 388. EF. ($135)

1696. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.00 gm). Struck 231 AD. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe. RIC IV109; RSC 411a. EF. ($135)

1703. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. JE Sestertius (20.70 gm). Laureate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder / Victory standing right with foot on helmet, inscribing shield VOT X placed on palm. RIC IV 616; ($100) Cohen 567. VF, brown patina.

1697. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.68 gm). Struck 233-235 AD. Laureate and draped bust right / Jupiter seated left, holding Victory and sceptre. RIC IV144; RSC 95. Toned EF. ($135)

1704. SEVERUS ALEXANDER and G O R D I A N III. Lot of Three Sestertii. Includes the following; Severus Alexander, RIC IV 592 and RIC IV 618 / / Gordian ffl, RIC IV 302. Average VF, all with minor problems. 3 coins in lot. _ _ ($150) 1698. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.97 gm). Struck 228-231 AD. Laureate head right / Fides standing facing, head right, holding vexillum and standard. RIC IV194; RSC 57. EF. ($135)

1699. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Struck 228-231 AD. Laureate head right / Severus walking right carrying spear and trophy. RIC IV 225; RSC 585. EF. ($135)

1705. ORBIANA, wife of Severus Alexander. JE Sestertius (25.21 gm). Diademed and d r a p e d bust right / Concordia seated left. RIC IV 655 (Severus); Cohen 4. VF, brown patina, surfaces smoothed, flan crack, reverse double struck. Rare. ($750)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. S u p e r b D e n a r i u s Of G o r d i a n II

1706. JULIA MAMAEA, mother of Severus Alexander. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Vesta standing left holding pallad ium and sceptre. RIC IV 360 (Severus); RSC 81. EF. ($150) 1707. JULIA M A M A E A , m o t h e r of Severus Alexander. Lot of Five Coins. Includes the following: AR Denarii, RSC 17, RSC 35 (2 coins) and RSC 81 / / JE Sestertius, RIC 686. All coins VF, the Sestertius has been smoothed. 5 coins in lot. ($200)

1712. G O R D I A N Π. 238 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing left. RIC IV 3; RSC 14. Toned, choice EF. Wonderful style portrait. Rare. ($6000) Ex NFA XX (March 9-10,1988), lot 335 @ $7150. 1708. M A X I M I N U S 1.235-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Victory walking right. RIC 16; RSC 99. VF. ($75)

1713. BALBINUS. 238 AD. AR Denarius (2.61 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Balbinus standing left holding branch. RIC IV 5; RSC 20. Good VF, porous. ($300) 1709. DIVA PAULINA, wife of Maximinus I. AR Denarius (2.68 gm). Veiled and draped bust right / Paulina on peacock flying to heaven. RIC IV 2; RSC 2. Good VF. Scarce. ($5‫)ש‬

1710. MAXIMUS, Caesar. 236-238 AD. JE Sestertius (19.24 gm). Bare head, draped bust right / Lituus, knife, patera, vase, simpulum and sprinkler. RIC IV 6; Cohen 5. VF, green patina, surfaces smoothed. ($200)

1714. G O R D I A N III. 238-244 AD. JE Sestertius (16.80 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Apollo seated left holding branch, elbow on lyre. RIC IV 302; Cohen 251. VF, green patina. / / Also includes: AR Antoninianus (4.53 gm). Radiate, d r a p e d and cuirassed bust right / Liberalitas standing left. RIC IV 36; RSC 130. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($125)

Rare G o r d i a n I Denarius; Ex Mazzini & Signorelli

1715. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.77 gm). Struck 245 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Philip seated left on curule chair. RIC IV 2b; RSC 120. EF. ($75)

1711. G O R D I A N 1.238 AD. AR Denarius (2.71 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Emperor standing left. RIC IV 1; RSC 2; KentHirmer 438 (this coin). Choice EF, lightly toned. Fully struck and attractive. Rare. [See enlargement on cover], ($5000) Ex Mazzini Collection; Ex Signorelli Collection.

Lot1716 1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1716. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.70 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Lion walking right; I. RIC IV 12; RSC 173. Toned, near EF. ($135)

1722. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoniniarius (4.42 gm). Struck 244-247 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Aequitas standing left. RIC IV 27b; RSC 9. EF. ($75)

Rare ‫׳‬VICTORIA CARPICA‫ ׳‬Antoninianus Of Philip I

1717. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.30 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / She-wolf standing left, suckling twins: Π. RIC IV15; RSC 178.Near EF, flan flaw. ($75)

1723. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.47 gm). Struck 247 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / VICTORIA CARPICA, Victory walking right. RIC IV 66; RSC 238. Lightly toned, near EF. Extremely Rare! ' ($850) The Carpi were a small Gothic tribe that had moved into Dada. In late 247, Philip personally led his army against the invading Carpi and soundly defeated them. After the battle Philip assumed the titles Germanicus Maximus and Carpicus Maximus, as shown on a large medallion of this same period. .

1718. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.89 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Stag walking right; U. RIC IV19; RSC 182. EF. ($125)

1719. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.17 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Stag walking left; V. RIC IV 20; RSC 152. EF. ($150)

1720. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.24 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Column inscribed COS HI. RIC IV 24c; RSC 193.T0ned, near EF. ($135)

1724. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. JE Sestertius (16.28 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Statue of Roma seated in octastyle temple. RIC IV 164; Cohen 201. VF, dark green patina. Rare with octastyle temple. ($300)

1725. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. JE Sestertius (25.54 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Felicitas standing left holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC IV 169a; Cohen 44. VF, brown surfaces, porous. ($75)

1721. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.24 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Column inscribed COS ID. RIC IV ($100) 24c; RSC 193. VF. 1726. PHILIP I and OTACILIA S EVE RA. Lot of Two Sestertii, both eelebrating the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Philip I, lion walking right, RIC IV 158 / / Otacilia Severa, hippo walking right, RIC IV 200a (Philip I). Philip near VF with green patina, Otacilia VF, brown patina and porous. 2 coins in lot. ($150) Lot 1722 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1732. PHILIP II. 246-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.00 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Goat walking left; ΙΠ. RIC IV 224; RSC 72. EF. ($150)

1727. OTACILIA SEVERA, wife of Philip I. AR Antoninianus (5.11 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. EHademed and draped bust right on crescent / Hippo standing right, head up; ΠΠ. RIC IV 116b (Philip I); RSC 64. Near EF, small patch of hoard patina. ($100) 1733. PHILIP II. 246-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.48 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Goat walking left; HL RIC IV 224; RSC 72. Toned VF. ($100)

1728. OTACILIA SEVERA, wife of Philip I. AR Antoninianus (4.44 gm). Struck 248 AD in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome. Diademed and draped bust right on crescent / Hippo standing right, head down; ΠΠ. RIC IV 116b (Philip I); RSC 63. Toned VF. ($100) 1734. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AV Aureus (4.65 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Emperor on horseback left. RIC IV11. VF, holed and plugged, wavy flan. Not pretty but rare. ($1250)

1729. OTACILIA SEVERA, wife of Philip I. JE Sestertius (15.56 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Concordia seated left. RIC IV 203a (Philip I); RSC 10. Lot also includes another JE Sestertius (16.64 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Pietas standing left. RIC IV 198a (Philip I); Cohen 40. Both coins VF with minor problems. ($150)

1735. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.05 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / DACIA, Dada standing left holding staff with ass‫ ׳‬head. RIC IV 12b; RSC 16. EF, sharp strike. ($100)

1736. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (4.34 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PANNONLAE, the two Pannonia standing, turning away from each other. RIC IV 21b; RSC 86. Near EF. ($75) 1730. OTACILIA SEVERA, wife of Philip I. JE Sestertius (21.57 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Concordia seated left. RIC IV 203a (Philip I); Cohen 10. VF, dark green patina, surfaces smoothed. ($100)

1731. PHILIP II. 244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.78 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Temple of six columns with statue of Roma in the center. RIC IV 86b; RSC 199. Toned, near EF. Scarce. 1737. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. JE Sestertius (15.81 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopaie; standard behind. RIC IV 105a; Cohen 65. EF, dark brown patina. Superb portrait. ($400) Lot 1732

Ex Munzhandlung Basel Auktionskatalog 1 (June 1934), lot 2077. 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1744. VALERIAN L 253-260 AD. Antoninianus (4.47 gm). Viminacium mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / RESTIIVT GENER HVMANI, Valerian, radiate, standing right holding globe. RIC V pt. 1,220; RSC 179. Lightly toned, good VF. ($75)

1738. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA, wife of Trajan Decius. JE Sestertius (17.25 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Pudicitia seated left. RIC IV 136b (Decius); Cohen 22. Good VF, attractive green patina. Nice. ($500)

1745. VALERIAN I. 253-260 AD. Antoninianus (4.47 gm). Struck 257 AD. Antioch mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Valerian and Gallienus standing facing. RIC V pt.l, 277; RSC 169. Toned VF. ($50) 1739. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA, wife of Trajan Decius. /E Sestertius (16.55 gm). Diademed and draped bust right / Pudicitia seated left. RIC IV 136b (Decius); Cohen 22. Good VF, dark green patina, porous surfaces. ($350)

1746. VALERIAN 1.253-260 AD. Antoninianus (3.89 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate, and draped bust right / Turreted female present wreath to Valerian. RIC V pt.l, 286; RSC 188. Toned, near EF/EF. ($75)

1740. TREBONIANUS GALLUS. 251-253 AD. JE Sestertius (16.33 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Liberias standing left holding pileus and sceptre. RIC IV 114a; Cohen 64. VF, dark brown patina, minor ($1‫)ש‬ smoothing.

1747. DIVA MARINIANA, wife of Valerian I. AR Antoninianus (3.51 gm). Veiled bust right on crescent / Peacock facing, looking left. RIC V pt.l, 3; RSC 3. Toned EF. Scarce. ($450)

1741. VOLUSIAN. 251-253 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.53 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing left. RIC IV 186 (Treb. Gallus); RSC 135. VF. ($75) 1748. DIVA MARINIANA, wife of Valerian I. AR Antoninianus (3.52 gm). Veiled bust right on crescent / Mariniana on peacock flying right. RIC V pt.l, 6; RSC 16. VF. Scarce. ($200)

Rare Group Of Gallienus Legionary Antoniniani From The Showers Collection

1742. VOLUSIAN. 251-253 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.55 gm). Milan mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing right. RIC IV 206 (Treb. Gallus); RSC 133. VF. ($75)

1743. AEMILIAN. 253 AD. AR Antoninianus (2.84 gm). Radiate bust right / Mars walking left. RIC IV 23; RSC 15. Good VF. Scarce. ($400)

1749. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.68 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG I A D I V I Ρ VI F, Capricorn right. RIC V pt.l, 315; Cunetio 1437. VF, good silver. Scarce. ($250)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1750. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.29 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder, shield on arm / LEG I MIN VIΡ VI F, Minerva standing left holding Victory. RIC Vpt.1,322; Cunetio 1447. VF. Very Rare. ($300)

1756. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.26 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG VII CL VI Ρ VI F, bull walking right. RIC V pt.l, 348; Cunetio 1464. VF. Scarce. ($200)

1751. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.11 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG Π A D I V I Ρ VI F, Pegasus springing right. RIC V pt.l, 324; Cunetio 1448. Good VF, well struck and attractive. Scarce. ($250)

1757. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.28 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG VD CL VH Ρ Vfl ($200) F, bull walking right. RIC V pt.l, 350; Cunetio 1483. VF. Scarce.

1752. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.00 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right, spear over shoulder / LEG ΠITAL VÏÏ Ρ VH F, wolf and twins. RIC V pt.l, 330; Cunetio 1481 variety. VF. Rare. ($2TO)

1758. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.59 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG X GEM V I Ρ VI F, bull walking right. RIC V pt.l, 357; Cunetio 1468. VF. Scarce. ($175)

1759. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.62 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG XI CL V I Ρ VI F, Neptune standing right holding trident and dolphin. RIC V pt.l, 359; Cunetio 1470. Near VF. Scarce. ($200)

1753. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.72 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG Π PART VIΡ VI F, centaur with club right. RIC V pt.l, 336; Cunetio 1452. VF. Scarce. ($200)

1754. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.22 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG Π PART VIΡ VI F, centaur with club right. RIC V pt.l, 336; Cunetio 1452. VF, flan crack. Scarce. ($150)

1755. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.24 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG ΠΠ FL VI Ρ VI F, lion running right. RIC V pt.l, 343; Cunetio 1461. VF, flan flaw. Scarce. ($150)

1760. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.09 gm). Struck area 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / LEG ΧΙΠ GEM VI Ρ VI F, Victory standing right, lion before. RIC V pt.l, 360; Cunetio 1472. VF, porous. Scarce. ($150)

1761. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.73 gm). Struck circa 260 AD. Milan mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / C O H H PRAET VI Ρ VI F, radiate lion walking nght. RIC V pt.l, 370; Cunetio 1434. VF. Scarce. (200)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1762. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.97 gm). Struck 265 AD. Antioch mint. Radiate and draped bust right / Lion standing left, bull's head under front feet; palm in exergue. RIC V pt.l, 602. EF, nearly full silvering. ($75)

1769. S A L O N I N U S , Caesar. 256 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.25 gm). Radiate and draped bust right / Lituus, knife, patera, vase,simpulum and ($150) sprinkler. RIC V pt.l, 26; RSC 49. Toned, near EF.

1770. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.07 gm). Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SALVS PROVINCIARVM, Rhine reclining, prow behind. RIC V pt.2,87. Toned VF. Scarce type. ($100) 1763. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. JE Sestertius (16.73 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing left. RIC V pt.l, 248; Cohen 1295. Good VF/VF, green patina, reverse scratches. ($500)

1764. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. JE Sestertius (15.61 gm). Struck circa 254 AD. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing left. RIC V pt.l, 248; Cohen 1293. Near EF, flat brown surfaces, typical square flan. ($3M) Ex Credit Swiss Auction #4 (December, 1985), lot 600; Ex Empire Coins list #34, lot 214.

1771. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. JE Double Sestertius (24.01 gm). Radiate and cuirassed bust right / Virtus standing. RIC 179; Bastien 308a (obverse die)/Bastien 393d (reverse die). Near VF, brown patina. Overstruck on a sestertius of Severus Alexander with undertype clearly visible. ($150) Ex Amiens Hoard.

1765. GALLIENUS. Lot of Seven Antoniniani. Includes the following: RSC 375, RSC 602a, RSC 606a, RSC 923, RSC 1235a, RSC 1246a (2). AU coins Good VF to EF and fully silvered. 7 coins in lot. ($150) 1766. GALLIENUS. Lot of Six Antoniniani. Includes the following: RSC 375, RSC 415, RSC 602a, RSC 1246a (2), RSC 1258. All coins Good VF to EF and fully silvered. 6 coins in lot. ($125)

1772. P O S T U M U S . 259-268 AD. JE Imitation Sestertius (18.89 gm). Radiate bust right / Galley travelling right or possibly a doe suckling young. Very crude style, unlike any other published imitations. Fine, brown patina. Interesting. ($100)

1767. SALONINA, wife of Gallienus. Antoninianus (3.25 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed and draped bust right on crescent / Ceres seated left holding grain ears and torch; palm below. RIC V pt.l, —; RSC 22a. Near EF. ($75)

1773. CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS. 268-270 AD. Antoninianus (3.37 gm). Cyzicus mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Salus standing right; SPQR. RIC V. pt.l, 242. Near EF, full silvering. Scarce. ($75)

1768. VALERIAN II, as Caesar. 253-255 AD. Antoninianus (3.47 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate and draped bust right / Valerian standing left placing wreath on trophy. RIC V pt.l, 49; RSC 67. Good VF. ($75)

1774. DiVO CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS. Issued 318 AD by Constantine I. JE Half Follis (1.53 gm). Trier mint. Laureate and veiled head of Gothicus right / Emperor seated left on curule chair; PTR RIC VU 207. Good VF. Very Rare. ($200)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1775. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. JE Denarius (2.49 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Victory walking left; captive before. RIC V pt.l, 72. Good VF, light scratches. ($75)

Attractive Sestertius Of Aurelian & Severina

1781. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antoninianus (4.21 gm). Serdica mint. IMP C TACITVSINVICTVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Providentia standing right, holding two standards, facing Sol who is stand($500) ing left. RIC V pt.l, 197. EF, flan crack. Rare obverse legend.

1776. AURELIAN and SEVERINA. 270-275 AD. JE Sestertius (12.55 gm). Radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian right / Diademed and draped bust of Severina right, on crescent RIC V pt.l, 1. Near EF, attractive green pahna. Rare. ($10TO) 1\ Crciht Suits Auel 1011 #4, l<l (‫)')י‬ 1782. TACITUS. 275-276 AD. Antoninianus (4.31 gm). Serdica mint. Radiate and cuirassed half-length bust right, spear over left shoulder / Providentia standing right, holding two standards, facing Sol who is standing left; ΚΑΔ. RIC V pt. 1, —-; Estiot, plate 31,41. EF. Extremely rare bust type for Tacitus. ($800)

1777. AURELIAN. 270-275 AD. JE As (7.24 gm). Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Aurelian and Severina clasping hands, bust of Sol between; Δ in exergue. RIC V pt.l, 80. VF, attractive green patina, lightly porous. ($200) 1783. FLORIAN. 276 AD. Antoninianus (4.56 gm). Serdica mint. IMP C M ANN FLORIANVS Ρ AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / Providentia standing right, holding two standards, facing Sol who is standing left. RIC V pt.l, 111 var. (obverse legend). EF, minor reverse roughness. This obverse legend is not listed for the Serdica mint! ($200) 1778. SEVERINA, wife of Aurelian. Antoninianus (3.78 gm). Rome mint. Diademed and draped bust right, on crescent / Concordia standing left holding two standards. RIC V pt.l, 4. EF, nearly full silvering. ($100)

Very Rare fE D e n a r i u s Of P r o b u s

1779. SEVERINA, wife of Aurelian. Antoninianus (4.66 gm). Ticinum mint. Diademed and draped bust right, on crescent / Concordia standing left holding two standards. RIC V pt.l, 8. Near EF. ($75) 1784. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. JE Denarius (3.57gm). Rome mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Probus seated left on curule chair; Victory standing behind, Mars standing before presenting globe, two soldiers standing behind holding standards. RIC V pt.l —; Cohen —; Hunter —. VF, minor smoothing. Apparently unpublished! Very Rare. ($1750)

1780. SEVERINA, wife of Aurelian. Antoninianus (3.27 gm). Siscia mint. Diademed and draped bust right, on crescent / Concordia standing left holding two standards. RIC V pt.l, 13. EF. ($100)


1785. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Lot of Two Antoniniani. Includes the following: Ticinum mint, Mars walking right, RIC V pt.2,430, Good VF / / Cyzicus mint, Sol in spread quadriga, RIC V pt.2,911, Good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1786. NUMERIAN. 283-284 AD. Antoninianus (3.90 gm). Rome mint. Radiate and cuirassed bust right / VNDIQVE VICTORES, Numerian standing left holding globe between two captives. RIC V pt.2,423. Good VF/EF. Scarce type. ($100)

1787. DIOCLETI AN. 284-305 AD. Antoninianus (3.99 gm). Lugdunum mint. Radiate and mantled bust left, holding globe / Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, eagle at his feet; A. RIC V pt..2,28. EF. ($100)

1792. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (3.26 gm). London mint. Radiate, and draped bust right / LE[G ΠΧΧ PRIMIG], capricom left; ML. RIC V pt.2,80. VF, porous. Very Rare. ($150)

1793. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (2.83 gm). London mint. Radiate and draped bust right / LEG XXX VL[PLA] VI, Neptune standing left holding dolphin and trident. RIC V pt.2,85. VF, porous, splotchy patina. Very Rare. ($250)

1794. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (4.21 gm). London mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Pax standing left; MLXXI. RIC V pt.2,143. Good VF, traces of original silvering. ($125)

1788. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. Antoninianus (3.60 gm). Cyzicus mint. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Jupiter standing left, presenting Victory on globe to Diocletian; A/XXI ·. RIC V pt..2,306. EF. ($100)

1795. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (4.45 gm). London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS Ρ F AVG, radiate and mantled bust left, holding eagle tipped sceptre / PAX AVG, Pax standing left; SP/ML. RIC V pt.2, —. Good VF, porous. Unpublished. Very Rare. ($500)

1789. DIOCLETIAN, as Senior Augustus. 305-306 AD. JE Follis (9.75 gm). Serdica mint. Mantled bust right / Providentia and Quies. RIC VI 14a. Near EF, light traces of original silvering. ($125)

Ex Rauch Auction 38 (April 1987), lot 975 at 1100SF.

Very Rare D e n a r i u s Of Carausius

1790. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (4.53 gm). RSR mint. Laureate and draped bust right / She-wolf standing right, suckling twins; RSR. RIC V pt.2,571; Shiel 73. Good VF, flan flaws. Very Rare. ($1500)

1791. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (2.68 gm). London mint. Radiate and draped bust right / LEG [Π] PARTH, Centaur walking left; ML. RIC V pt.2,61-64. VF, green patina. Very Rare. ($250)

1796. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (2.32 gm). Helmeted and cuirassed bust left / EQVITAS (sic) AVG, Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC V pt.2, —. Near VF, porous, ragged flan. Unusual spelling of EQUITAS. Unpublished. Very Rare. ($150)

1797. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (4.50 gm). Camulodunum mint. Radiate and draped bust right / LEG VIICLA, bull standing right; SMC. RIC V pt.2, 274 variety. Good VF. Unpublished mint mark with this reverse. Very Rare. ($500)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1798. C A R A U S I U S . 287-293 AD. Antoninianus (3.38 gm). RSR mint. Radiate and draped bust right / VICTORIA AV, Victor)‫ ׳‬walking left; RSR. RIC V pt.2, —. Near VF, porous. Unpublished. Very Rare. ($100)

1804. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. JE Follis (9.90 gm). Struck 300 AD. Aquileia mint. Laureate head right / Moneta standing left holding scales and cornucopiae; AQS. RIC VI 29b. Nice EF. ($125)

1799. ALLECTUS. 293-296 AD. Quinarius (2.77 gm). C a m u l o d u n u m mint. IMP C ALLECTVS Ρ F I AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / Galley left. RIC V pt.2, —. Unpublished obverse legend for this type. VF, black patina. ($2‫)ש‬ 1805. MAXIMIANUS, as Senior Augustus. 306-308 AD. JE Follis (5.53 gm). Struck 307 AD. L o n d o n mint. Laureate a n d cuirassed bust right / Hercules standing left; PLN. RIC VI91. Near EF, slightly soft strike. Scarce. ($100)

18‫ש‬. D O M I T I U S D O M I T I A N U S . 295-296 AD. JE Follis (7.97 gm). Alexandria mint. Laureate head right / Genius standing left holding patera a n d cornucopiae, eagle at feet left; B/ALE. RIC VI20. Fine, obverse scrapes. ($250)

1806. MAXIMIANUS, as Senior Augustus. 305-306 AD. JE Follis (10.94 gm). Serdica mint. Mantled bust right / Providentia and Quies. RIC VI 15b. EF, nearly full silvering. ($125)

1801. M A X I M I A N U S . 286-305 AD. Antoninianus (4.18 gm). London mint, issued by Carausius! IMP C MAXIMIANVS Ρ F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / Pax standing left; SP/MLXXI. RIC V pt.2,34 var. (obverse legend). VF, dark green patina. Very Rare. ($250)

1802. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. Antoninianus (3.97 gm). Siscia mint. Radiate h e a d right / M a x i m i a n u s and Hercules sacrificing at altar; Γ / ·XXI ·ΛΙ ·. RIC V pt.2,580. EF. ($1‫)ש‬

1803. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. AR Aigenteus (2.81 gm). Struck 295297 AD. Rome mint. Laureate head right / Tetrarchs sacrificing before camp; E. RIC VI41; Jelocnik, The Sisak Hoard, 62b. Good VF, flatly struck in center on reverse. Very Rare, only one piece listed in RIC! ($750)

1807. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. JE Post-Reform Radiate (2.86 gm). Struck 297-298 AD. Rome mint. Radiate head right / VOT/XX, legend in two lines in wreath. RIC VI75. Near EF, green patina. Scarce. ($100)

1808. D I V O M A X I M I A N U S . Died 310 AD. JE Follis (6.25 gm). Rome mint. Veiled head of Maximianus right / Domed tetrastyle temple, eagle above; RES. RIC VI244. Near VF, porous. Rare. ($75)

1809. D I V O MAXIMIANUS. Issued 317-318 AD, by Constantine I. JΕ Three-Quarter Follis (2.58 gm). Rome mint. Veiled and laureate head of Maximianus right / Lion walking right; RS. RIC VII123. Good VF, green patina. Rare. ($250)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1815. DIVO GALERIUS. Struck 312 AD. JE Follis (4.56 gm). Siscia mint. Veiled bust right / Fortuna standing left holding rudder and cornucopiae; *ur/SIS. RIC VI226, unlisted officina. VF, black patina with light encrustation. Rare. ($100)

1810. CONSTANTIUS I, as Caesar. 297 AD. AR Argenteus (3.14 gm). Antioch mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Camp gate; ΑΝΤ·Η. RIC VI 40a. Toned VF, heavy flan crack. Rare. ($300)

1816. GALERIA VALERIA, wife of Galerius. JE Follis (7.02 gm). Struck 308-310 AD. Thessalonica mint. Laureate and draped bust right / Venus standing left; * B/ · S M ' T S · . RIC VI34. Good VF. ($150)

1811. CONSTANTIUS I, as Caesar. 303 AD. JE Follis (9.TO gm). London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC VI 37a. EF. ($1‫)ש‬

1817. GALERIA VALERIA, wife of Galerius. JE Follis (6.90 gm). Struck 308-310 AD. Thessalonica mint. Diademed and draped bust right / Venus standing left; *B/«SM»TS·. RIC VI35. Near EF. ($150)

1812. C O N S T A N T I U S I, as Caesar. 297-299 AD. JE Follis (11.89 gm). Cyzicus mint. Laureate head right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; KA. RIC VI 11a. EF, nearly full silvering. ($125)

1818. GALERIA VALERIA, wife of Galerius. JE Follis (5.92 gm). Struck 308-310 AD. Antioch mint. Diademed and draped bust right / Venus standing left; A / A N T ·.RIC VI115. Near EF. ($150)

1813. GALERIUS. 305-311 AD. JE Follis (11.01 gm). Struck 305-306 AD. Aquileia mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder, shield on arm / Galerius on horseback riding left over four fallen warriors, spearing downward; AQP. RIC VI69 variety. VF, green patina, light smoothing. Apparently unpublished variety with four warriors! ($350)

1819. SEVERUS II, as Caesar. 305-306 AD. JE Follis (9.95 gm). Carthage mint. Laureate head right / Carthage standing left; Η / Γ . RIC VI 25. Nice EF, reverse slightly double struck. ($300)

1814. GALERIUS. 305-311 AD. JE Follis (10.09 gm). Flip over double strike! Heraclea mint. Laureate head right / Genius standing left. RIC VI 24b. As Struck, strong double striking. Interesting. ($100)

1820. SEVERUS II, as Caesar 305-306 AD. JE Follis (10.41 gm). Heraclea mint. Laureate head right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; ΗΤΓ. RIC VI25. EF, flan irregularities on reverse. (S150) 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1826. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (6.88 gm). Struck 307 AD. Aquileia mint. Laureate head right / Roma seated left in tetrastyle temple, presenting globe to Maxentius standing right with his foot on a captive, wolf and twins in pediment; AQS. RIC VI113. Near EF. ($100)

1821. MAXIMINUS II, as Caesar. 305-306 AD. JE FoUis (9.67 gm). Siscia mint. Laureate head right / SACR MONET AVGG ET CAESS NN, Moneta standing left holding s a l e s and cornucopiae; υ VI/SISA. Cf. RIC VI 157b, unlisted officina and unpublished reverse legend spelling! EF. ($150) 1827. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (5.89 gm). Struck 309-312 AD. Ostia mint. Laureate head right / She-wolf standing left, suckling twins; MÖSTS. RIC VI39. VF, black patina, porous, lump of encrustation adhering to mintmark. Rare. ($100)

1822. MAXIMINUS II. 309-313 AD. JE Follis (4.22 gm). Struck 312-313 AD. Ostia mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Legionary eagle between two standards; MOSTP. RIC VI99. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1828. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (5.01 gm). Struck 309-312 AD. Ostia mint. Laureate head right / Victory walking left; MÖSTS. RIC VI54. VF, obverse die rust. ($75)

1823. MAXIMINUS II. 309-313 AD. JE Follis (5.99 gm). Struck 312 AD. Nicomedia mint. Laureate head right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; *Z/SMN. RIC VI 74b. Choice EF. ($125)

1829. DIVO ROMULUS, son of Maxentius. 310 AD. JE Quarter Follis (1.70 gm). Rome mint. Bare head right / Domed temple with open door, eagle above; RS. RIC VI239. Good VF, green patina. ($150)

1824. MAXIMINUS II. 309-313 AD. JE Follis (6.76 gm). Struck 311-312. Alexandria mint. Laureate head right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; υ Κ AX/ALE. RIC VI 144b. Near EF. ($75)

1825. MAXENTIUS. 306-312 AD. JE Follis (7.16 gm). Struck 307 AD. Aquileia mint. Laureate head right / Roma seated left in tetrastyle temple, presenting globe to Maxentius standing right with his foot on a captive, wolf and twins in pediment; AQS. RIC VI113. EF. ($125)

Lot 1826

1830. DIVO ROMULUS, son of Maxentius. 310-311 AD. JE Follis (5.55 gm). Rome mint. Bare head right / Domed, hexastyle temple with open door, eagle above; REP. RIC VI256. VF. Rare. ($350)

1831. DIVO ROMULUS, son of Maxentius. 309-312 AD. JE Follis (6.54 gm). Ostia mint. Bare head right / Domed temple with open door, eagle above; MÖSTS. RIC VI34. Good VF, short flan. ($350)

1832. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. JE Follis (2.53 gm). Struck 318-319 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left, holding mappa and sceptre / Jupiter on back of eagle; STR. RIC VII212. Near EF, traces of original silver. Rare. ($150) 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1838. CONSTANTINE I, as Caesar. 305-307 AD. JE Follis (11.27 gm). Sisda mint Laureate head right / Roma seated left on shield, holding Victory on globe and sceptre; VI/SISr. RIC VI 184c. EF. Scarce. ($200)

1833. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. JE Follis (4.15 gm). Struck 313-314 AD. Antioch mint. Laureate head right / Jupiter standing left holding Victory on a globe, eagle at his feet. RIC Vn 8. EF. ($75)

1839. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (6.72 gm). Struck 307310 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; PLN. RIC VI103. Near EF, reverse strike is soft. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1834. CONSTANTINE I, as Caesar 307 AD. JE Follis (7.04 gm). London mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; PLN. RIC VI 89b. VF. ($75)

1840. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.15 gm). Struck 310 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PLN. RIC VI 121a. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1835. C O N S T A N T I N E I, as Caesar. 307 AD. JE Follis (6.74 gm). Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing right with spear and shield; S A/PTR. RIC VI725. Good VF, light surface roughness. ($75) 1841. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.27 gm). Struck 310 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left; Τ F/PLN. RIC VI 121a. VF. ($50)

1836. C O N S T A N T I N E I, as Caesar. 305-307 AD. JE Follis (9.68 gm). Lugdunum mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae, altar left; */PLC. RIC VI 194b. VF, traces of original silver. ($100)

1837. CONSTANTINE I, as Caesar. 307 AD. JE Follis (6.67 gm). Rome mint. Laureate head right / Roma seated left in hexastyle temple, plain pediment; R*Q. RIC VI196. Good VF, surface roughness. ($75)

Lot 1838

1842. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.72 gm). Struck 310 AD. London mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PLN. RIC VI122. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1843. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.59 gm). Struck 310 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe. RIC VI124. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1844. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.31 gm). Struck 310312 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Constantine on horseback riding left, captive; */PLN. RIC VI133. Near EF. Scarce. ($125) 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1845. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.71 gm). Struck 310312 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding whip and globe; PLN. RIC VI147. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1851. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.45 gm). Struck 313314 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/PLN. RIC VU 10. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1852. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.87 gm). Struck 313314 AD. London mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder, shield on arm / Sol standing left holding globe; S F / P L N . RIC ΥΠ 17. Good VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1846. C O N S T A N T I N E I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.55 gm). Struck 310312 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Constantine standing left holding globe and spear; */PLN. RIC VI 222. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1853. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.51 gm). Struck 314315 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F / M L L . RIC VII27. Near EF, soft strike on reverse. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1847. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.73 gm). Struck 312313 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Roma seated left holding branch and globe; */PLN. RIC VI270. VF, porous. Rare type. ($75)

1848. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.67 gm). Struck 312313 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; */PLN. RIC VI281. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1854. CONSTANTINE L 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.04 gm). Struck 315 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/MSL. RIC Vn 32. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1849. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.07 gm). Struck 312313 AD. London mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; */PLN. RIC VI282. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1855. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.44 gm). Struck 315 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/MSL. RIC VII33. EF, soft strike on reverse, R4. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1850. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.42 gm). Struck 313314 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F / P L N . RIC VH 8. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1856. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.29 gm). Struck 315316 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/MLN. RIC Vïï 43. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1863. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.75 gm). Struck 316317 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; T F / P L N . RIC VÜ 95. EF, R'. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1857. C O N S T A N T ! N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.50 gm). Struck 315316 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F / M L N . RIC ΥΠ 46. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65) 1864. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.17 gm). Struck 319 AD London mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VU 154. VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. _

1858. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.63 gm). Struck 316 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; S P/MSL. RIC VÜ 64. Near EF, R'. Ex IXirrington Hoard. ($65)

1859. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.63 gm). Struck 316 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding ($65) globe; S P/MSL. RIC VII68. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard.

1860. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.74 gm). Struck 316 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust left / Sol standing left holding globe; S P/MSL. RIC VÜ 75. EF, soft strike on reverse. Ex Durrington Hoard. ^‫^״־‬ ($65)

1861. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.57 gm). Struck 316 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S P/MSL. RIC VR 76. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1862. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.98 gm). Struck 316 AD. London mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; S P/MSL. RIC VII —. Near EF, green patina. Apparently unpublished. ($100)


1865. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.46 gm). Struck 319 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VII156. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ^ _ ($75)

1866. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.78 gm). Struck 319320 AD. London mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VII157. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. __ ($75)

1867. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.41 gm). Struck 319320 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VII158. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1868. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.28 gm). Struck 319320 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VII159. VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1869. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.98 gm). Struck 319320 AD. London mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VU 161. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1870. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.15 gm). Struck 320 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VH 168. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ‫״‬ä ä ^ ($65)

1877. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.44 gm). Struck 322323 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding eagle tipped sceptre / Globe on altar; F B/PLON. RIC VH 243. EF. Ex Durrington Hoaid. ($75)

1871. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.70 gm). Struck 320 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VII169. Near EF, R4. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1878. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.65 gm). Struck 323324 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; PLÖN. RIC VÏÏ 263. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1872. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.85 gm). Struck 320 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; PLN. RIC VII171. Near EF, silvered, R1. Ex Durrington Hoard. _ _ _ Œ65)

1879. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.04 gm). Struck 323324 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right, holding eagle tipped sceptre / globe on altar; PLÖN. RIC VU 267. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1873. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.13 gm). Struck 320321 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Captives seated at base of standard; PLÖN. RIC VII185. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1880. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.69 gm). Struck 323324 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust left / Globe on altar; PLÖN. RIC VH 269. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1874. C O N S T A N T I N E I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.72 gm). Struck 320321 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Captives seated at base of standard; PLN. RIC VII191. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1881. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.18 gm). Struck 323324 AD. London mint. Laureate head right / Victory walking right trampling captive; P L O N u . RIC VR 289. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1875. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.13 gm). Struck 321322 AD. London mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; PLÖN. RIC VÏÏ 222. EF, R3. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1876. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.11 gm). Struck 321-322 AD. London mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding eagle tipped sceptre / Globe on altar; PLÖN. RIC VR 225. EF, R5. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1882. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.19 gm). Struck 324325 AD. London mint. Laureate head right / Camp gate; PLÖN. RIC VII 290. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1883. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.27 gm). Struck 324325 AD. London mint. Laureate head right / Victory walking right trampling captive; P L O N u . RIC Vn 293. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1884. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.28 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing right with spear and shield; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI859. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1890. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.62 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI871. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1891. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.70 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI873. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1885. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.54 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing left holding spear and shield; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI862. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1892. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.48 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI875. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1886. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.38 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI 866a. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1893. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.86 gm). Struck 315316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; A S / P T R RIC VII74. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65) 1887. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.85 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PTR. RIC VI867. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1894. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.20 gm). Struck 315316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Β S/PTR. RIC VII76. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50) 1888. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.65 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; T F / P T R . RIC VI868. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. - ^ms, ($65) 1895. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.09 gm). Struck 316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/BTR. RIC VII97. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1889. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.65 gm). Struck 310313 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; TF/PTR. RIC VI870. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75) 170







Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1896. CONSTANTINE L 307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.84 gm). Struck 316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/ATR. RIC VU 100. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1903. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.42 gm). Struck 319 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; STR. RIC VII213. EF, silvered. Ex Durrington Hoard



1904. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.06 gm). Struck 319 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; ·STR. RIC VÏÏ 221. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1897. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.64 gm). Struck 316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; TF/ATR. RIC VU 101. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1905. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.69 gm). Struck 321 AD. Trier mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; PTR. RIC VH 303. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1898. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.76 gm). Struck 316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; T F / B T R RIC VH 102. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1906. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.02 gm). Struck 322323 AD. Trier mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; ·PTR·. RIC VH 368. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1899. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.82 gm). Struck 316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/ATR. RIC VII103. Nice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1907. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.29 gm). Struck 323 AD. Trier mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; · PTR_‫׳‬. RIC VH 389. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75) 1900. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.04 gm). Struck 316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; T F / B T R RIC ΥΠ105. Choice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($95)

Extremely Rare C o n s t a n t i n e I O b v e r s e Type

1901. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.53 gm). Struck 316 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing left holding spear and shield; TF/BTR. RIC VII118. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. (575)

1902. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.57 gm). Struck 318319 AD. Trier mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; STR. RIC VU 209. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($60)

1908. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.13 gm). Struck 323 AD. Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder, shield on left arm; cuirass decorated with the facing head of Medusa; shield decorated with Roma seated left handing globe to Constantine I standing right, behind Constantine stand Crispus and Constantine Π / globe on altar; · PTRu. RIC VII392 variety. Extremely rare obverse decorations. Good VF, light porosity. ($750)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1909. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.89 gm). Struck 326 AD. Trier mint. Laureate head right / C a m p gate; PTR. RIC VII449. EF. Ex Eharrington Hoard. ($65)

1910. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.07 gm). Struck 326 AD. Trier mint. Laureate head right / Camp gate; STR«u. RIC VH 475. EF. Ex !Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1915. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.15 gm). Struck 309310 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and draped bust right / Mars standing right holding spear and shield; F Τ / PLC. RIC VI304. Good VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1916. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.96 gm). Struck 309310 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and draped bust right / Constantine standing right holding spear and globe; F Τ / PLC. RIC VI306. Good VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1911. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.70 gm). Struck 327328 AD. Trier mint. Laureate head right / Camp gate; PTRE. RIC VH 504. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65) 1917. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.91 gm). Struck 308310 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; F T/PLC. RIC VI308. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1912. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (6.04 gm). Struck 307308 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and draped bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; PLC. RIC VI255. VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1913. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (6.84 gm). Struck 308309 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and draped bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; CI H S / P L C . RIC VI287. Good VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1918. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.30 gm). Struck 308310 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; F T/PLC. RIC VI309. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1919. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.16 gm). Struck 308310 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; F T/PLC. RIC VI310. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1914. CONSTANTINE 1. 307-337 AD. ^E Follis (6.25 grn). Struck 308309 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and draped bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopiae; CI H S / P L C . RIC VI289. Good VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1920. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.88 gm). Struck 308310 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol advancing left holding whip; F T/PLC. RIC VI312. EF, flat strike in centers. Scarce. Ex Durrington Hoard. (S65)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1927. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.33 gm). Struck 314315 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F / P L C . RIC VÏÏ 15. EF, flat strike in centers. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1921. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.50 gm). Struck 313314 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/PLC. RIC VÜ 1. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65) 1928. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.10 gm). Struck 314315 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PLC. RIC VR19. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1922. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.89 gm). Struck 313314 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/PLC. RIC VR 3. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50) 1929. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.32 gm). Struck 314315 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PLC. RIC VÜ 20. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1923. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (5.15 gm). Struck 313314 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/PLC. RIC VÜ 4. Nice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1930. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.72 gm). Struck 320 AD. Lyons mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two captives seated at base of standard; A S/PLC. RIC VR107. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1924. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.68 gm). Struck 313314 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/PLC. RIC VII5. EF, flat strike. Ex Durrington Hoard. . ($50)

1931. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.99 gm). Struck 321 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate head right / Two captives seated at base of standard; C R/PLC. RIC VÏÏ113. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1925. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.59 gm). Struck 313314 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; S F/PLC. RIC VU 7. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1932. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.01 gm). Struck 321 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; C R/PLC. RIC ΥΠ 126. Nice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1926. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.79 gm). Struck 314315 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Mars standing right with spear and shield; Τ F/PLC. RIC VU 12. EF, flat strike on reverse. Ex ($60) Durrington Hoard

1933. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.01 gm). Struck 321 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; C R/PLC. RIC ΥΠ128. Nice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

Lot 1927 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 1934. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.39 gm). Struck 321 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; C R/PLC. RIC Vn 129. Nice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1941. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Ha]f-Follis (1.89 gm). Struck 312-313 AD. Rome mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / PACI PERPET, Pax standing left; RP. RIC VI356. VF. Scarce. ($175)

1935. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.71 gm). Struck 322323 AD. Lyon mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; C R/PLC. RIC VÏÏ 155. Choice EF. ($75)

1942. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Half-Follis (1.86 gm). Struck 313 AD. Rome mint. Bare head right / FUNDAT PACIS, Mars walking right dragging captive; RS. RIC VR12. Good VF, green patina. Rare. ($250)

1936. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.34 gm). Struck 323324 AD. Lyons mint. Laureate head right / Victory walking right trampling captive; C / · P L C u . RIC VII222. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75) 1943. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.31 gm). Struck 318319 AD. Rome mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Camp gate; Ρ R/RQ. RIC VÏÏ176. EF, full silvering. ($125)

1937. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.07 gm). Struck 313315 AD. Aries mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; SARL. RIC VÏÏ 40. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ^ ^ ^-‫^ ^׳‬ ($65) 1944. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.30 gm). Struck 312313 AD. Ostia mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Genius standing left holding patera and comucopiae; MOSTP. RIC VI74. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1938. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.72 gm). Struck 313315 AD. Aries mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; PARL. RIC VII45. EF, flat strike on reverse. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50) 1945. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.12 gm). Struck 312313 AD. Ostia mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing holding globe; MOSTP. RIC VI89. Good VF, flat strike. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50) 1939. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.03 gm). Struck 316 AD. Aries mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PARL. RIC VÏÏ 72. EF, RJ. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1946. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (4.21 gm). Struck 312313 AD. Ticinum mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; ST. RIC VI 131a. VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50) 1940. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.77 gm). Struck 316 AD. Aries mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Sol standing left holding globe; Τ F/PARL. RIC VH 80. Near EF. Ex Durrington Hoard.


Lot 1941

1947. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.21 gm). Struck 318319 AD. Ticinum mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over altar; TT. RIC VII82. EF. Ex E>urrington Hoard. ($75) 1 7 0

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1948. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.71 gm). Struck 320321 AD. Ticinum mint. Laureate head right / VOT XX in laurel wreath; PT. RIC VH 140. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1955. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.85 gm). Struck 324325 AD. Sirmium mint. Laureate head right / Victory walking right trampling captive; SIRM. RIC VH 48. EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1949. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.73 gm). Struck 322325 AD. Ticinum mint. Laureate head right / VOT XX in laurel wreath; u / P T . RIC VII 167. Choice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1956. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.97 gm). Struck 326327 AD. Constantinople mint. Laureate head right / Camp gate; A/CONS. RIC VH 7. Near EF. ($75)

1950. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.18 gm). Struck 325 AD. Ticinum mint. Laureate head right / VOT XXX in laurel wreath; u / P T . RIC VH 174. Choice EF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($75)

1957. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.54 gm). Struck 327 AD. Constantinople mint. Laureate head right / Soldier standing left, head right, holding spear and shield; Γ/CONS. RIC VH 16. EF, d a r k b r o w n patina with traces of silver, a few small spots of verdigris. ($75)

1951. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.89 gm). Struck 320 AD. Aquileia mint. Helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two captives seated at base of standard; S F / · AQS ·. RIC VII57. VF. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($50)

1958. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.79 gm). Struck 327 AD. Constantinople mint. Diademed head right / Soldier standing left, head ($75) right, holding spear and shield; S/CONS. RIC VR 22. EF.

1952. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.10 gm). Struck 334335 AD. Aquileia mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers, two standards; +/AQP. RIC VH 124. EF. Rare mint mark. ($75)

1959. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.87 gm). Struck 327 AD. Constantinople mint. Diademed head right / Roma seated left on shield holding Victory on globe and sceptre; Z / C O N S . RIC VII23. VF, obverse scratches. ($50)

1960. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.77 gm). Struck 328329 AD. Constantinople mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Victory seated left on cippus, head right, holding palm branch in each hand, trophy and captive before; Δ/CONS*. RIC VH 38. EF. ($125)

1953. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (3.05 gm). Struck 319320 AD. Siscia mint. Laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield over trophy; S/ESIS. RIC VII 93. VF, r5. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($65)

1954. CONSTANTINE I. 307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.66 gm). Struck 320321 AD. Siscia mint. Laureate head right / VOT XX in laurel wreath; ASIS* RIC VÜ159. Choice EF. ($75)

1961. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE Follis (2.70 gm). Struck 329 AD. Constantinople mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Victory seated left on cippus, head right, holding palm branch in each hand, trophy and captive before; A / C O N S · . RIC VII38 note. Near EF. Extremely Rare variety with the · after CONS instead of the *. ($175)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

1962. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE 4 (1.53 gm). Commemorative issue struck in celebration of the foundation of Constantinople, 330 AD. POP ROMANVS, draped bust left, cornucopiae on shoulder / Bridge over river; CONSA. RIC VÏÏ! 21. Near EF, green patina. ($75)

1970. URBS R O M A . 330-331 AD. JE Follis (2.42 gm). Lyon mint. Helmeted bust of Roma left / She-wolf standing left suckling twins; PLC. RIC VR 242. Choice EF. ($75)

1963. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. JE 4 (1.10 gm). Commemorative issue struck in celebration of the foundation of Constantinople, 330 AD. POP ROMANVS, draped bust left, cornucopiae on shoulder / Star in wreath; CONSA. RIC VIR 22. Near EF. ($75)

1971. URBS ROMA. 332 AD. JE Follis (2.70 gm). Aries mint. Helmeted bust of Roma left / She-wolf standing left suckling twins; branch/PCONST. RIC VR 368. Choice EF. ($75)

1972. URBS ROMA. 336 AD. JE Follis (1.99 gm). Aries mint. Helmeted bust of Roma left / She-wolf standing left suckling twins, Chi-Rho above; PCON[ST]. RIC VR 400. EF. ($100)

1964. C O N S T A N T I N E 1.307-337 AD. /Έ Follis (2.24 gm). Struck 324325 AD. Antioch mint. Laureate head right / CONSTAN/TINVS/AVG, legend in three lines. RIC VR 57. VF, porous, black patina with earthen highlights. ($75)

1973. CONSTANTINOPOLIS. 330-333 AD. JE Follis (2.83 gm). Laureate and helmeted bust of Constantiriopolis left / Victory standing on prow left; BSIS. RIC VH 224. EF. ($60)

1965. DIVUS CONSTANTINE I. Died 337 AD. JE 4 (1.69 gm). Struck 337-340 AD. Alexandria mint. Veiled head of Constantine right / Constantine in quadriga right, hand of God above; SMALA. RIC VIII12. Choice EF. (S75)

1974. URBS ROMA and CONSTANTINOPOLIS. Lot of Four JE Folles. Includes the following: Urbs Roma; Trier mint - RIC VII561, Aries mint RIC VII373 / / Constantinopolis; Trier mint - RIC VD 553, Aries mint - RIC VH 369. All coins EF. 4 coins in lot. ($150)

1966. DIVUS CONSTANTINE I. Died 337 AD. JE 4 (1.68 gm). Struck 347-348 AD. Antioch mint. Veiled head of Constantine right / Constantine standing right; SMANA. RIC V m 112. Choice EF. ($75)

1967. CONSTANTINE I and his Sons. Lot of Six late JE Folles, all of the two soldiers type. Includes the following: Constantine I; Lyon mint RIC VR 285, Aries mint - RIC VII364 / / Constantine Π; Aries mint - RIC VII371 / / Constantius Π; Aries mint - RIC VR 347, Thessalonica mint - RIC VH 185 / / Cons tans; Aries mint ‫ ־‬RIC VÜ 378. All coins EF. 6 coins in lot. ($200)

1975. HELENA, mother of Constantine I. 326 AD. JE Follis (2.78 gm). Rome mint. FLA ELENA(sic) AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust right / Senilitas standing left holding branch; R wreath S. RIC VR 291 variety. Good VF, black patina. Interesting obverse spelling error! ($100)

1968. CONSTANTINE 1.307-337 AD. Lot of Four Folles. Includes the following: Trier Mint, RIC VI899 and RIC VR 105; Constantinople mint, RIC VII38; Antioch mint, RIC VO 78. First VF, others good VF. A nice lot. 4 coins in lot. ($150)

1976. HELENA and FAUSTA. Lot of Eight Folles from various mints. Includes the following: Fausta: Trier, Ticinum (2), Rome, Nicomedia and 1969. CONSTANTINE I. Lot of Two JE Fractions. Includes the following: Trier Half-Follis, RIC VI899, VF / / Rome, Quarter-Follis, RIC VH 16, VF. J Heraclea; Helena: Trier and Antioch. Average VF or better. An interesting lot showing the various styles of the different mints. 8 coins in lot. ($300) ($125) Both coins scarce. 2 coins in lot. 1 7 1

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. Extremely Rare C r i s p u s O b v e r s e Type

1983. CONSTANTINE II, as Caesar. 332 AD. JE Follis (2.77 gm). Aries mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers, two standards; branch/SCONST. RIC VÜ 359. EF. ($65)

1977. CRISPUS, Caesar. 323 AD. JE Follis (3.53 gm). Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust left, spear over shoulder, shield on left arm; shield decorated with figures of Constantine I and Crispus standing facing, holding a globe / Globe on altar; ·STR<‫׳״‬. RIC VII396 variety. Extremely Rare obverse decorations. Good VF. ($750)

1984. CONSTANTINE II, as Caesar. 335 AD. JE Follis (1.90 gm). Aries mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers, two standards; tree/PCONST. RIC VU 388. EF. ($65)

1985. CONSTANTINE II, as Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE Follis (1.48 gm). Antioch mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / CONSTAN/TINVS/CAESAR, legend in three lines; SMANTE. RIC VÏÏ 59. VF, porous, black patina. _ ($75) 1978. CRISPUS, Caesar. 321-324 AD. JE Follis (3.21 gm). Siscia mint. Laureate head right / VOTX in laurel wreath; ASISn. RIC VII181. Choice EF. ($75)

1986. CONSTANS, as Caesar. 335 AD. JE Follis (2.31 gm). Arles mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers, two standards; branch/SCONST. RIC VH 390. Choice EF. ($65) 1979. CRISPUS, Caesar 321 AD. JE Follis (3.32 gm). Lyon mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Globe on altar; C R/PLC. RIC VÜ 132. Choice EF. ($75)

1987. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. JE4 (1.86 gm). Struck 340-348 AD. Siscia mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Victory walking left, Chi-Rho in left field; *BSIS*. RIC VRI177. VF, black patina. Rare. ($50) 1980. H A N N I B A L I A N U S , Caesar. 336-337 AD. JE 4 (1.65 gm). Constantinople mint. Bare head, draped bust right / Euphrates reclining right. RIC VII147. VF, green patina. Scarce. ($350)

Two London Mint Issues Of Constantius II, as Caesar

1981. C O N S T A N T I N E II, as Caesar. 333-334 AD. JE Follis (2.46 gm). Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers, two standards; branch/TRS. RIC VÜ 556. EF. ($65)

1988. CONSTANTIUS II, as Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE Follis (2.96 gm). London mint. Laureate, d r a p e d and cuirassed bust right / C a m p gate; PLÖN. RIC VU 297. Near EF. Rare. ($175)

1982. CONSTANTINE II, as Caesar. 335-337 AD. JE Follis (1.74 gm). Trier mint. Laureate and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers, one standard; ·TRS·. RIC VII591. EF. ($65)

1989. C O N S T A N T I U S I I , as Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE Follis (3.28 gm). London mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / Camp gate; PLÖN. RIC VR 298. Near EF. Rare. Ex Durrington Hoard. ($175) 271

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

1996. DECENTIUS, as Caesar. 351-353 AD. JE Centenionalis (3.83 gm) Lugdunum mint. Bare head, cuirassed bust right / Two Victories holding shield; Chi-Rho above. RIC V m 146; Bastien 195. EF. ($200)

1990. C O N S T A N T I U S II, as Caesar. 327-328 AD. JE Follis (3.51 gm). Trier mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / Camp gate; STRE. RIC VU 505. Choice EF, attractive bust style. ($75)

1991. C O N S T A N T I U S II, as Caesar. 330-331 AD. JE Follis (2.28 gm). Aries mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Two soldiers, two standards; VSCONST. RIC ΥΠ 347. Choice EF. ($65)

1997. VETRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.77 gm). Sisicia mint. Diademed bust right; A behind / Vetranio standing left holding two standards, each inscribed with a Chi-Rho. RIC V m 281; LRBC1168. VF. Rare. ($350)

1992. C O N S T A N T I U S II, as Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE Follis (2.38 gm). Antioch mint. Laureate, d r a p e d and cuirassed bust left / C O N S T A N / TtVS/CAESAR, legend in three lines; SMANTA. RIC VÏÏ 60. VF, black pahna with earthen encrustation. ($75)

1993. C O N S T A N T I U S II. 337-361 AD. AR Heavy Siliqua (3.10 gm). Constantinople mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VOTIS/XXX/MVLTIS/XXXX, legend in three lines in wreath; C · A. RIC Vffl 102; RSC 342-3j. VF, die crack behind head. ($2‫)ש‬

1998. VETRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.35 gm). Siscia mint. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; A behind / Vetranio standing left holding two standards, each with a Chi-Rho; A / ·ESIS*. RIC VIE 283. Good VF, rough surfaces. Scarce. ($200)

1999. JULIAN II. 361-363 AD. JE 1 (8.82 gm). Constantinople mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Bull standing right, two stars above; XCONSPf/. RIC V m 164. EF, glossy dark brown patina. ($450)

1994. CONSTANTIUS Π. 337-361 AD. JE Centenionalis (4.67 gm). Struck 348-351 AD. Nicomedia mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left, holding globe in left hand / Constantius standing left holding labarum, two captives before; SMNA. RIC V m 67. EF. ($75)

1995. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. JE Double Centenionalis (6.50 gm). Trier mint. Bare head, draped and cuirassed bust right / Large Chi-Rho; A W/TRP. RIC VIE 319. Near VF. Scarce. ($100)

2000. JULIAN II. 361-363 AD. JE 1 (8.89 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Bull standing right, two stars above; \ ANTA / . RIC v m 216. EF, original green hoard patina. ($200)

2001. JULIAN II. 361-363 AD. JE 1 (8.55 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Bull standing right, two stars above; \ ANTB / . RIC V m 216. Near EF, dark brown patina. ($200)

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Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2002. JULIAN II. 361-363 AD. JE 3 (3.96 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed, helmeted a n d cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / VOT/X/MVLT/XX in four line in laurel wreath; \ Α Ν Τ Δ / . RIC VTH 220. Near EF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($75)

2008. AELIA FLACCILLA, wife of Theodosius I.JE2 (4.92 gm). Antioch mint. Draped bust right / Victory seated right inscribing a Chi-Rho on a shield set on a short column; T/ANTB. RIC IX 61.1. Good VF, dull black patina. ($100)

2003. JOVIAN. 363-364 AD. JE 1 (9.01 gm). Thessalonica mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Jovian standing left holding labarum and Victory on a globe; TESr. RIC VHI234. Good VF, smooth, dark brown patina. Scarce. ($600)

2009. AELIA FLACCILLA, wife of Theodosius I . / E 2 (6.40 gm). Antioch mint. Draped bust right / Victory seated right inscribing a Chi-Rho on a shield set on a short column; T/ANTB. RIC IX 61.2. Good VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($200)

2010. AELIA FLACCILLA, wife of Theodosius I. 379-383 AD. JE 13mm (1.15 gm). Constantinople mint. Diademed bust / Victory seated, inscribing shield; CONE. RIC IX 61.3; LRBC 2162. Good VF, brown patina. ^aar*

2004. PROCOPIUS. 365-366 AD. JE 18mm (3.23 gm). Nicomedia mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left / Emperor standing facing, head right, holding labarum and shield; Chi-rho/SMNB. RIC IX10. VF, brown surfaces, porous. Rare. ($175)


2011. M A G N U S MAXIMUS. 383-388 AD. AR Siliqua (2.13 gm). Trier mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Roma seated holding globe and sceptre; TRPS. RIC IX 84b.l; RSC 20a. Toned, good VF. Scarce. ($300)

2005. VALENTINIAN II. 375-392 AD. JE 2 (5.01 gm). Cyzicus mint. Diademed, helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust right, holding spear and shield / Valentinian standing on ship, Victory at helm; SMKB. RIC IX 14b. VF. Nice surfaces. Scarce. ($75)

2012. FLAVIUS VICTOR, son of M a g n u s Maximus. 387-388 AD. JE 4 (1.22 gm). Aquileia mint. Diademed and draped bust right / Camp gate; SMAQP. RIC IX 55b.l. Near EF, attractive green patina. Rare. ($500) 2006. VALENTINIAN II. 375-392 AD. JE 3 (2.89 gm). Struck 378-383 AD. Antioch mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Constantinopolis seated holding globe and sceptre; Θ ΦΚ/ANTB. RIC IX 45b.2. EF, black patina with nice surfaces. ($75) AV

^ g i s p ^ ‫׳ ׳‬

2013. ARCADIUS. 395-408 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Struck 394-395 AD. Milan mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Arcadius standing right holding standard and Victory on a globe, captive under foot; M D/COMOB. RIC IX 35b. VF. ($350)

2007. AELIA FLACCILLA, w i f e of T h e o d o s i u s l. JE 2 (4.26 gm). Constantinople mint. Draped bust right / Victory seated right inscribing a Chi-Rho on a shield set on a short column; CONE. RIC IX 55.5. Near VF, scratches. ($100) 174

Lot 2014

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2014. A R C A D I U S . 395-408 AD. AR Siliqua (1.83 gm). Trier mint. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Roma seated left holding globe and sceptre; TRPS. RIC IX 106c; RSC 27e. VF. ($150)

2021. ZENO. 474-491 AD. AV Solidus (3.87 gm). Rome mint. Three-quarter facing bust, diademed, helmeted and cuirassed with spear over shoulder / Victory standing left holding long cross; 7 C O N O B . RIC X 3653. VF, flat in centers. Very Rare. ($400) 2015. EUDOXIA, wife of Arcadius. Circa 400 AD. JE 4 (1.95 gm). Cyzicus mint. Diademed and draped bust right, hand of God above / Victory seated right inscribing shield; SMKA. RIC X103. VF, earthen patina. ($75)


2022. VANDALS. Gelimir. 530-534 AD. JE 21 N u m m i (8.40 gm). KART HAGO, soldier standing left / Horsehead left; XXI in exergue. MIB123; MEC 45. Fine, brown patina. ($100)

2016. T H E O D O S I U S I I . 408-450 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Struck 420422 AD. Constantinople mint. Three-quarter facing bust, diademed, helmeted and cuirassed with spear over shoulder / Victory standing left holding long cross; CONOB. RIC X 219. VF, light reverse scratch, edge nick. ($250)

2023. O S T R O G O T H S . Theodoric. 512-522 AD. JE Follis (14.16 gm). Helmeted bust of Roma / XL, wolf and twins; · ΠΠ · in exergue. MIB 170; MEC 93. VF on a full flan, green patina. ($350)

2017. T H E O D O S I U S II. 408-450 AD. AV Solidus (4.40 gm). Struck424425 AD. Thessalonica mint. Three-quarter facing bust, diademed, helmeted and cuirassed with spear over shoulder / GLOR ORVIS TERRAR, emperor standing facing holding standard and cross on globe; */TESOB. RIC X 362. VF. Rare type. ($500)

2018. VALENTINIAN III. 425-455 AD. JE 12mm (1.40 gm). Rome. Diademed bust / Victory left, holding wreath and palm; P/RM. RIC X 2121; LRBC 845. Good VF, dark green patina. ($125)

2024. Theodoric. 512-522 AD. JE Decanummium (2.99 gm). Ravenna. Turreted bust of Ravenna / Monogram in wreath. MIB 172a; MEC 145. Good VF, slightly rough green patina. ($300)

2025. VISIGOTHS in Spain. Time of Leovigild. 568-580. AV Tremissis (1.22 gm). "CURRU" type. CVRRIO twice, once in mirror image, around crude diademed bust right, cross on breast / VICRRVI VNAVCifiV, crude Victory (grasshopper) right; ONO. Cf. Tomasini 588. EF, grainy surfaces as made.' ($750)

2019. VALENTINIAN III. 425-455 AD. JE 14mm (1.62 gm). Rome. Diademed bust / Campgate; E/REM. RIC X 2123; LRBC 858. Good VF, brown patina. ($125)

Κ 2020. MARCIAN. 450-457 AD. AV Solidus (4.45 gm). Constantinople mint. Three-quarter facing bust, diademed, helmeted and cuirassed with spear over shoulder / Victory standing left holding long cross; */CONOB. RIC X 510. Good VF, obverse scratches. ($400)

2026. Sisebut. 612-621. AV Tremissis (1.15 gm). Ispalis mint. +»SISEBVTVSREX·, facing bust / +«ISPA'L I' PIVS·, facing bust. Miles, HNSMII, 187f. Superb EF. ($600)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2027. VISIGOTHS in Spain. Circa 650 AD. JE 11mm (0.94 gm). Emerita mint. Diademed bust right / Monogram of Emerita. Crusafont type 34,163. EF for type, green patina. ($150)

2034. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Gerasa (Gerash). Circa 7th Century AD. JE Follis (12.46 gm). rEPASA (retrograde), imitation of Justin Π and Sophia / Large M; A N N O UÜ, cross with pellets above, Ε with pellet / Ν Ι Κ Ο . Cf. Grierson 612; Kovacs EX, lot 376. VF, brown patina. A very shallow strike, but high grade for type and a very clear mint name. Rare. ($450)

2028. V I S I G O T H S in Spain. Circa 650 AD. JE 8mm (0.47 gm). Ispalis mint. Cross on steps / SP. Crusafont type 1, Iff. VF for type, brown patina. ($75)

2029. V I S I G O T H S in Spain. Circa 650 AD. JE 13mm (1.90 gm). Ispalis mint. Crude facing bust / S P flanking cross. Crusafont type 17,96. Fine, brown patina. ($75) 2035. ARAB-BYZANTINE. Damascus. Circa 670-685 AD. JE Fais (7.22 gm). Standing emperor, imitating Constans II / Large M. Walker, ArabByzantine, pg.6,12ff. Good VF, brown patina. Large flan. ($75)


2030. VISIGOTHS in Spain. Circa 650 AD. JE 13mm (1.31 gm). Ispalis mint. Crude facing bust / 2 Ρ flanking cross. Crusafont type 13,85. Fine, green patina. ($75)

2031. V I S I G O T H S in Spain. Circa 650 AD. JE 10mm (1.01 gm). Toleto mint. Diademed bust right with cross / Monogram of Toleto. Crusafont type 44,206. VF for type, dark green patina. ($100)

2036. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. AV Semissis (2.25 gm). Diademed bust / Victory seated, inscribing XXXX on shield; * Christogram /CONOB. SB 7; DOC 19. Near EF. ($150)

Superb Gold Tremissis Of The Merovingian Kings Of France

AV 2037. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Follis (18.36 gm). Constantinople. 512-517 AD. Diademed bust / Large M; stars, Δ / C O N . SB 19; DOC 123f. VF, brown patina. ($100)

2032. Merovingian Kings of France. Circa 570-670 AD. AV Tremissis (1.27 gm). Quentovic in Neustria mint, moneyer Ela. +ELA MONIT, diademed head right / W I C V S FIT, double-barred cross on base. MEC 472; Prou 1138. Superb EF. ($2000)

2033. SLAVS. Circa 6th-7th Century AD. AV Solidus (4.25 gm). Imitation of a solidus of Justinian I. Helmeted facing bust / Angel with P-headed cross and cross; * H/CONOB. VF, peck marks and graffiti. Found in Hungary. ($300)

2038. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Follis (17.60 gm). Constantinople. 512-517 AD. Diademed bust / Large M; stars, E / C O N . SB 19; DOC 123i. VF, brown patina. ($100)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2039. ANASTASIUS 1.491-518 AD. JE Follis (15.34 gm). Antioch. 517518 AD. Diademed bust, cross above / Large M; crosses, Γ/ΑΝΤΧ. SB 47; DOC 145b. VF, black patina with earthen encrustation. ($100) 2045. JUSTINIAN L Year 14 (540/541 AD). JE Follis (23.34 gm). Cyzicus. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; A /KYZ. SB 207; DOC 1166a. VF, dark brown patina. ($125) Ex CNG XXIII, lot 448. 2040. JUSTIN I a n d J U S T I N I A N I. April-August 527 AD. JE Pentanummium (2.07 gm). Antioch. +DN DN IVSTI(N ET IVST1NI) ANVS P, facing crowned busts of Justin and Justinian / Tyche of Anhoch within shrine; 3. SB 133; DOC 117. Fine, black patina. Nice for these. ($150)

2041. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. AV Solidus (4.40 gm). Constantinople. 527-538 AD. Helmeted facing bust, holding spear and shield / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and globus cruciger; *A/CONOB. SB 137; DOC 13a. VF. _ ‫י‬ ($2‫)ש‬

2046. JUSTINIAN I. Year 21 (547/548 AO). JE Follis (19.02 gm). Cyzicus. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; A/KYZ. SB 207; DOC 1173a. VF, brown patina. ($100)

2042. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. AR Half Siliqua (1.47 gm). Ravenna. 540-552 AD. DN IVSTINIAN AVG, diademed bust right / Christogram within wreath. SB 319; DOC 1338; MIB177. Toned, good VF, irregular edge. ($300)

2047. JUSTINIAN I. Year 13 (539/540 AD). JE Half Follis (11.89 gm). Cyzicus. Helmeted facing bust / Large Κ; YZ. SB 203; DOC-. Near EF, graygreen patina. ($200)

2043. JUSTINIAN I. Year 12 (538/539 AD). JE Half Follis (11.96 gm). Constantinople. Helmeted facing bust / Large Κ; E. SB 165; DOC 162d. Good VF, dark green patina. ($125)

2048. JUSTINIAN I. JE Follis (17.43 gm). Antioch. 529-533 AD. Emperor enthroned / Large M, star and crescent; r/+THEUP. SB 214; DOC 1206c. VF, dark brown patina. ($75) Our




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2044. J U S T I N I A N I. Year 29 (555/556 AD). JE Follis (17.50 gm). Nicomedia. Helmeted facing bust / U r g e M; B/NHCO. SB 201; DOC 1135b. Good VF, dark green patina. ($150) 7


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Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2055. ANONYMOUS. Circa 6th Century AD. AR Half Siliqua (0.95 gm). Helmeted and draped bust (Constantinople?) / Large K. Tolstoi 616. Good VF. ($250)

2049. JUSTINIAN I. Year 13 (539/540 AD). JE Follis (22.63 gm). Antioch. Helmeted facing bust / Large Μ; Α/ΘΥΠΟ. SB 218; DOC 215a. Near EF, dark brown patina. A strong facing portrait. ($250)

2050. JUSTINIAN I. Year 31 (557/558 AD). JE Follis (18.95 gm). Antioch. Helmeted facing bust / Large M; A/THUP. SB 222 (unlisted officina); DOC 227. Near EF, brown patina. A strong facing portrait. ($150)

2056. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. AV Tremissis (1.49 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust / Victory holding wreath and globus cruciger; * /CONOR. SB 353; DOC 114. EF, light graffiti. ($125)

2057. JUSTIN II. Year 7 (571 /572 AD). JE Follis (15.25 gm). Nicomedia. Justin and Sophia enthroned; cross / Large M; B / N K O . SB 369; DOC 197c variety. VF, dark brown patina. ($75)

Very Rare Cherson JE 4 Pentanummia Of Justin II

2051. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE 33 N u m m i (13.53 gm). Alexandria. 538-565 AD. Helmeted facing bust / Large AT; AAEZ. SB 246; DOC 1273. VF, rough brown patina. ($100)

2058. JUSTIN II. 565-578 AD. JE 4 Pentanummia (Half Follis) (3.78 gm). Cherson. XEPCONOC, Justin and Sophia standing / Large A, Tiberius to left, holding long cross. SB 610 (Maurice); Anoxin 318-319. VF, brown patina, eroded surfaces. One of the rarest of Byzantine bronzes. ($1000)

2052. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE Half Follis (9.09 gm). Rome. 540542 AD. Diademed bust / Large Κ flanked by star and cross. SB 301; DOC I 325a. Good VF, green patina. ($250) 2059. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. JE 30 N u m m i (11.99 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Large XXX; CONA. SB 432; DOC I 15b. VF, black patina. ($100) 2053. JUSTINIAN 1.527-565 AD. JE N u m m u s (0.93 gm). Rome. 547-565 AD. Helmeted facing bust / Lion walking right. SB 311; DOC 1332. VF, brown and green patina. ($75)

2054. JUSTINIAN I. Year 26 (552/553 AD). JE Decanummium (4.28 gm). Perugia? Diademed bust / Large I; P. SB 328; DOC 1357. Fair/Fine, brown patina with earthen encrustation. ($100)

2060. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. JE 30 N u m m i (12.79 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Large XXX; CONB. SB 432; DOC I 15c. VF, black patina. ($100)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2066. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. JE Half Follis (4.31 gm). Ravenna. 586-602 AD. Helmeted facing bust / U r g e K; R A VENN. SB 598; DOC 1292a. VF; dusty, dark green patina. ($150) 2061. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. JE 30 N u m m i (13.81 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Large XXX; CONB. SB 432; DOC I 15c. VF, brown patina. ($100)

2067. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. JE 8 P e n t a n u m m i (Follis) (12.25 gm). Cherson. Maurice and Constantina standing, both nimbate / Large H; Theodosius standing, holding long cross. SB 607; Anoxin 320 variety. VF, rough green patina, notch cut in edge. Overstruck, probably on a follis of Justinian from Antioch (SB 214). ' ($200)

2062. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. JE 30 N u m m i (11.34 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Large XXX; COND SB 432; DOC I 15d. VF, black patina. ($1TO) Ex CNG XXIX Jot 1117.

2068. PHOCAS. Year 6 (607/608 AD). JE Follis (10.26 gm). Cyzicus. Crowned facing bust, holding mappa and cross / Large XXXX, date; KYZA. SB 665; DOC Π 73a. EF for type, brown and green patina. ($250) 2063. MAURICE TIBERIUS. Year 19 (600/601 AD). JE Follis (13.25 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / Large M; Δ/CON. SB 494; DOC I 42c. NearEF, dark green patina. ($250)

Ex CNG XXIV, lot 525; Berk/England Byzantine Sale, lot 115.

Ex Sternberg V, lot 610 (sif600).

2069. PHOCAS. Year 8 (609/610 AD). JE D e c a n u m m i u m (2.00 gm). Antioch. Crowned facing bust / Large X; R. SB 676; DOC Π 104. Near EF, brown patina. ($75)

2064. MAURICE TIBERIUS. Year 2 (583/584 AD). JE Follis (12.17 gm). Antioch. Crowned facing bust; garbled legend / Large m ; THEUPS. SB 533; DOC 1153. VF, green patina. Nice for this crude issue. ($75)

2065. MAURICE TIBERIUS. Year 14 (595/596 AD). JE Follis (10.74 gm). Antioch. Crowned facing bust / Large M; A/THEUP'. SB 533; DOC 1166a. Fine, black patina. / / Year 11 (592/593 AD). JE Half Follis. Similar types, Κ reverse. SB 535; DOC 1186. Near EF, green patina. 2 coins in lot. ($75)

2070. REVOLT OF HERACLIUS. 608-610 AD. JE Decanummium (3.49 gm). Carthage. Facing beardless bust of Heraclius / Lat^e X flanked by Ν M and four pellets. SB 715; DOC Π 8. Good VF, dark green patina. ($100)

2071. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.46 gm). 629-632 AD. Heraclius, with long beard and handlebar moustache, and Heraclius Constantine, slight beard / Cross on steps; I/CONOB. SB 749; DOC Π 26j. NearEF. ($250)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2072. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.47 gm). Constantinople. 639-641 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, Θ/CONOB. SB 769; DOC Π 43h. EF. ($300) 2077. HERACLIUS. Year 7 (616/617 AD). JE Follis (10.18 gm). Isaura. Crowned busts of Heraclius and son / Large M; A/ISAYR. SB 848; DOC Π 183. VF for type, dark brown patina. Overstruck on a follis of Maurice.

2073. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AR Hexagram (6.68 gm). Constan tinopie. 615-638 AD. Heraclius and son enthroned / Cross on globe on steps; Κ to right. SB 798; DOC Π 64. Good VF, strong strike. ($150)

2078. HERACLIUS. Year 7 (616/617 AD). JE Follis (12.46 gm). Isaura. Crowned busts of Heraclius and son / Large M; A/(ISAVR). SB 848; DOC Π. Good VF, brown patina. Overstruck on a follis of Maurice, Constantinople, year 13. ($150) Ex CNG XXVII, lot 1389.

2074. HERACLIUS. Year 7 (616/617 AD). JE Follis (11.95 gm). Seleucia. Crowned facing busts of Heraclius and son / Large M; A /SELISU. SB 844; DOC Π 180a. Good VF, brown and green patina. Overstruck on a follis of Maurice, Constantinople mint. ($150) 2079. HERACLIUS. Year 18 (626/627 AD). JE Follis (5.63 gm). Cyprus. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Martina / Large M; monogram above, Γ/ΚΥΠΡ. SB 849; DOC Π185. Good VF, black patina with earthen highlights. ($100)

2075. HERACLIUS. Year7(616/617AD)./EF011is(11.51 gm). Seleucia. Heraclius and son standing facing / Large M; E/SELISU. SB 845; MIB II 193. Good VF, black patina. Overstruck on follis of Phocas. Scarcer officina. ($150) Ex CNG XXVII, lot 1387.

2080. HERACLIUS. Year 15 (sic). JE Follis (6.22 gm). Syrian mint. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Martina / Large M; Γ/CON. Cf. SB 849 (photo); MIB ΠΙ X45 (Cyprus). Good VF, black patina. Nice for these. ($100) The distinctive imitativefolles from "Cyprus" and "Constantinople" were probably struck in Syria during the campaign against the Persians.

2076. HERACLIUS. Year 7 (616/617 AD)? JE Half Follis (2.21 gm). Seleucia? Heraclius and son standing facing / Large Κ; B. SB-; DOC-; MIB-. Good VF, brown patina. ($150) Stylistically similar to other Seleucia pieces, this unknown type would be a counterpart to the second type follis from that mint (SB 845), and would follow the twin bust type halffollis (SB 847), which also lacks a min tmark.

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2081. HERACLIUS. Year 17 (sic). JE Follis (5.85 gm). Syrian mint. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Martina / Large Μ; Γ/ΚΥΠΡ. Cf. SB 849 (photo). / / And: Arab Imitation (4.42 gm). Similar types, further degraded; X8 to right. / / Plus an imitation of Constans Π. Facing bust / m Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($100) 170

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2088. C O N S T A N S II. 641-668 AD. AV Tremissis (1.46 gm). Constantinople. Diademed bust / Cross potent; CONOB. SB 984; DOC Π 45. VF, overstruck. ($125) 2082. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Follis (12.71 gm). Syracuse. 616-620 AD. Countermarked issue: crowned bust of Heraclius and monogram / SCLs; c / m on a follis of Anastasius. SB 882; DOC Π 241. C / m EF, coin Fine, dark green patina. ($100) Ex CNG XXV, lot 954.

2089. C O N S T A N S II. 641-668 AD. JE Follis (5.08 gm). Syracuse. Indictional year 11 (652/653 AD). Constans standing / Large M; SCL. SB 1108; DOC Π179. Near EF, green patina. Overstruck on SB 1107. ($100)

2083. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Follis (6.80 gm). Syracuse. 631 AD. Countermarked issue: crowned busts of Heradius and son / SCLs; c / m on a follis of Heraclius, Constantinople mint. SB 883; DOC Π 242. C / m EF, coin VF, dark green patina. ($75)


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2090. C O N S T A N T I N E IV. 668-685 AD. AV Solidus (4.35 gm). Constantinople. 681-685 AD. Helmeted facing bust, holding spear and shield / Cross potent on steps; A/CONOB. SB 1157; DOC Π 12a. Near EF. ($450)

Rare Syracusan Gold Solidus Of Constantine IV

2084. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Follis (5.32 gm). Syracuse. 631 AD. Countermarked issue: crowned busts of Heraclius and son / SCLs; c / m on a follis of Heraclius, Constantinople mint. SB 883; DOC Ή 242. Coin and c / m VF, black patina. Very crude c / m ; an imitation? ($75) 2091. CONSTANTINE IV. 668-685 AD. AV Solidus (4.36 gm). Syracuse. 674-681 AD. Helmeted facing bust, holding spear and shield / Cross potent on steps flanked by Heradius and Tiberius; r « / C O N O B . SB 1203; cf. DOC Π 57c. EF, usual flat strike. Rare. ($1200)

2085. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. JE Half Follis (1.93 gm). Rome. 613-620 AD. Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; no cross between / Large XX; ROM. SB 890; DOC Π 262. VF, brown patina. ($75)

2086. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Constantinople. 650/651 AD. Beaided crowned facing bust, holding globus cruager / Cross on steps; S / C O N O B . SB 953; DOC Π 16c. Choice EF. ($350)





2092. JUSTINIAN II. First Reign, 685-695 AD. AV Solidus (4.42 gm). Constantinople. 692-695 AD. Facing bust of Christ / Justinian standing, crowned and wearing loros, holding cross potent on steps and akakia; Δ/CONOP. SB 1248; DOC Π 7d. VF, some flatness, edge scrape. ($500)


2087. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. AV Solidus (4.42 gm). Constantinople. 654-659 AD. Crowned faang busts of Constans (long beard) and Constantine / Cross on steps; Δ/CONOB. SB 959; DOC Π 25d. Superb EF. ($350) 1 81

2093. JUSTINIAN II. First Reign, 685-695 AD. AV Solidus (4.28 gm). Constantinople. 692-695 AD. Facing bust of Christ / Justinian standing, crowned and wearing loros, holding cross potent on steps and akakia; ( )/CONOR SB 1248; DOC Π 7. VF, some flatness, clipped. (S500)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2100. LEO III. Sole Reign, 717-720 AD. JE Follis (4.42 gm). Constantinople. Emperor standing, holding akakia and cruciform sceptre / Large M, immobilized year XX; B/CON. SB 1513A; DOC-; MIB ffl 24. VF, brown patina. Overstruck on Theodosius ΠΙ (SB 1492). ($150)

2094. JUSTINIAN II. First Reign. JE Follis (3.63 gm). Syracuse. 690-691 AD. Facing bust, holding globus cruciger and akakia; palm, star and palm at sides / Large M; monogram, star, SCL. SB 1296; DOC Π 55. Good VF, green patina. ($125)

2095. TIBERIUS III. 698-705 AD. JE Follis (1.80 gm). Syracuse. 698-702 AD. Crowned cuirassed bust, holding spear and shield; star / Large M flanked by palms; monogram, SCL. SB 1395; DOC Π 32. VF, dark green patina. ($125)

X ^ ' / f p ^

2101. LEO III. Sole Reign, 717-720 AD. JE Follis (4.09 gm). Constantinople. Emperor standing, holding akakia and cruciform sceptre / Large M, immobilized year XX; B/CON. SB 1513A; DOC-; MIB ΠΙ 24. Good VF, brown patina, rough surfaces. Overstruck. ($150)

2102. LEO III. 717-741 AD. Billon 30 N u m m i (0.69 gm). Rome. Facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Large XXX; ROITL SB 1534D; DOC ΠΙ93. Good VF, dark green patina. ($150)


2096. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign, 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Constantinople. 705 AD. Facing bust of Christ / Crowned facing bust, wearing loros, holding cross potent on base and patriarchal globus with PAX. SB 1413; DOC Π1. Lustrous EF. ($1500)

2103. LEO III a n d C O N S T A N T I N E V. 720 AD. JE Follis (2.85 gm). Syracuse. Crowned facing busts / Large M flanked by (KWN) CTA; monogram, SCL. SB 1529A; DOC IÏÏ 53. Good VF, green patina. SB 1529A is listed as unique, but probably some five specimens are known; still very rare. _ ($300) 2097. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign, 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.42 gm). Constantinople. 705-708 AD. Facing bust of Christ / Crowned busts of Justinian and young Tiberius, holding cross potent on steps between them. SB 1414; DOC Π 2a. Lustrous EF. ($12TO)

2104. CONSTANTINE V and LEO IV. 751-775 AD. AV Semissis (1.87 gm). Syracuse. Facing bust of Constantine / Facing bust of Leo. SB 1566; DOC ffl 16. Good VF. ($200)

2098. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign, 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.40 gm). Constantinople. 708-711 AD. Facing bust of Christ / Crowned busts of Justinian and older Tiberius, holding cross potent on steps between them. SB 1415; DOC Π 2b. Lustrous EF. ($1200)

2099. T H E O D O S I U S III. 715-717 AD. JE Half Follis (3.60 gm). Constantinople. Crowned bust, wearing loros, holding globus cruciger and akakia / Large K; date illegible. SB 1493; DOC Π 6. Good VF, brown patina. Overstruck on a follis of the same ruler (SB 1492). ($150)

2105. LEO IV and CONSTANTINE VI. 775-780 AO. JE Follis (4.80 gm). Constantinople. 778-780 AD. Facing busts of Leo IV and Constantine VI / Facing busts of Leo Π1 and Constantine V above large M, Χ Ν A; two pellets in field. SB 1586; DOC m 4. VF, brown patina. ($100)

2106. MICHAEL 1.811-813 AD./E Follis (1.64 gm). Syracuse. Sole Rule, October-December 811 AD. Facing bust, wearing loros / Same, but wearing chlamys. SB 1624; DOC m 9. Good W , dark green patina. Very Rare. Ex CNG XXV, lot 969. ($100)

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2107. LEO V. Sole Rule, 813 AD. JE Follis (6.07 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust, holding cross potent / Large M, XXX ΝΓΝΝ A. SB 1629; DOC m 6. VF, brown patina. ($100)

2113. MICHAEL II and THEOPHILUS. 821-829 AD. JE Follis (4.38 gm). Syracuse. Crowned facing busts / Large Μ; Θ. SB 1652; DOC ΠΙ21. VF, green patina. Large flan. ($75)

2114. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 AD. AV Solidus (4.33 gm). Constantinople. 830-840 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding patriarchal cross and akakia / Crowned facing busts of Michael Π and Constantine. SB 1653; DOC ΓΠ 3d. EF, trace of overstriking. ($750)

2108. LEO V and CONSTANTINE. 813-820 AD. AR MUiaresion (2.09 gm). Constantinople. IhSUS XRISTUS nlCA, cross potent on steps / + L E 0 n S CONSTAT! TInE ECOEU bASILIS RO ΜΑΙΟΠ. SB 1628; DOC m 4. Toned, good VF, obverse double struck. ($200)

2109. LEO V a n d CONSTANTINE. 813-820 AD. JE Follis (5.48 gm). Constantinople. Facing busts of Leo and Constantine / Large M; XXX N N N A. SB 1630; DOC ΙΠ 7. Good VF, dark green patina. / / Plus two billon Trachys. Isaac Π. SB 2003. / / Alexius m. SB 2011. Both VF. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

2115. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 AO. JE Follis (6.47 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust, holding patriarchal cross / Large M, XXX N N N ; Θ. SB 1666; DOC HI 13. Good VF, green patina. ($100)

2116. MICHAEL III. 842-867 AD. Base AV Semissis (1.70 gm). Syracuse. 842-866 AD. MI XAHL, crowned draped bust, holding patriarchal globus / MIXAHL, Michael wears loros. SB 1694 variety; DOC-; BN-; Spahr-. Choice EF. ($450)

2110. LEO V a n d CONSTANTINE. 813-820 AD. JE Follis (4.10 gm). Syracuse. Facing busts of Leo and Constantine / Large Λ Κ. SB 1635; DOC ΠΙ 19a. VF, brown patina. ($100)

After Theodora, Michael's mother, 1uas deposed in 866 her initial was removedfrom the Syracusan gold. At the same time, the patriarchal globus was changed to a plain globus cruciger. On this unique variety, the engraver removed the Θ, but left the globus unchanged.

2111. LEO V a n d CONSTANTINE. 813-820 AD. JE Follis (3.63 gm). Syracuse. Facing busts of Leo and Constantine / Large Λ Κ. SB 1635; DOC ΠΙ 19a. Good VF, encrusted dark green patina. / / Plus a Pentanummium of Justinian I, Antioch mint. SB 241. Good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

Base AV 2117. MICHAEL III. 842-867 AD. Base AV Semissis (1.78 gm). Syracuse. 842-866 AD. MI XAHL Θ, crowned draped bust, holding patriarchal globus / ΜΙΧΑΗΛ Θ, Michael wears loros. SB 1694; BN Sy/AV/01. Choice EF. ($450)

2112. MICHAEL II and THEOPHILUS. 821-829 AD. JE Follis (7.05 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing busts / Large M flanked by XXX NNN; Θ. SB 1642; DOC HI 10. VF, d a r k b r o w n patina. ($100)

2118. MICHAEL III. 842-867 AD. JE 13mm (0.76 gm). Cherson. Large A / Cross. SB-; DOC-; Anoxin 337. VF for type, brown patina. Very rare, unlisted in western catalogues for Cherson. ($150)

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2125. J O H N 1.969-976 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.53 gm). Constantinople. Bust of John in medallion on cross / +IWANN, EN X AVTO CRAT, EVSEb' bASILEVS ROMAIW‫׳‬, - : - above and below. SB 1792; DOC ΠΙ 7a. Toned, good VF, overstruck. ($200)

2119. BASIL 1.867-886 AD. JE Follis. (6.83 gm). Constantinople. Basil, Constantine and Leo VI / +bASIL CONSTAN T‫ ׳‬S LEON EN ΘΟ bASILS ROMEON+. SB 1713; DOC ΙΠ 10c. Good VF, dark green patina, overstruck. ($75)

2120. BASIL 1.867-886 AD. JE 17mm (2.89 gm). Cherson. Β on exergual line; two pellets / Patriarchal cross on steps with two pellets. SB 1719; DOC m 20b. VF for type, black patina. ($75)

2126. J O H N 1.969-976 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.24 gm). Constantinople. Bust of John in medallion on cross / +IWANN, EN X AVTO CRAT, EVSEb' bASILEVS ROMAIW‫׳‬, - : - above and below. SB 1792; DOC m 7a. VF, wrinkledflan. ($125)

2121. LEO VI. 886-912 AD. JE Follis (5.65 gm). Constantinople. Crowned facing bust / +LEON EN ΘΕΟ bA SILEVS R OMEON. SB 1729; DOC ffl 8. Near EF, dark brown patina. ($125)

2127. BASIL II a n d C O N S T A N T I N E VIII. 976-1025 AD. AV Histamenon (4.37 gm). Constantinople. 977-989 AD. Facing bust of Christ; two pellets in nimbus / Facing busts of Basil and Constantine, holding patriarchal cross between them. SB 1796; DOC m 2b. Good VF. ($250)

2128. ANONYMOUS. 969-976 AD. JE Follis (8.61 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ; two pellets in nimbus / +D1SUS XRISTUS bASILU bASILE. SB 1793; DOC ffl Al. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($100)

2122. LEO VI. 886-912 AD. JE Follis (8.14 gm). Constantinople. Leo and Alexander enthroned / +LEON S ALEZANGROS bA SIL‫ ׳‬ROMEON. SB 1730; DOC ffl 6. Good VF; smooth, dark green patina. ($125)

2123. LEO VI a n d ALEXANDER. 886-912 AD. JE 18mm (3.31 gm). Cherson. Λ A with patriarchal cross / Cross-crosslet on steps, two pellets. SB 1734; DOC ffl 12. VF, black patina. ($75) Ex CNG XXIX, lot 1232.

2129. ANONYMOUS. 976-1025 AD. JE Follis (10.20 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ; two pellets in nimbus / +&1SUS XRISTUS bASILU bASILE; floret. SB 1818; DOC ΙΠ A2.24. EF, black patina. ($200)

2124. N I C E P H O R U S II. 963-969 AD. AR Miliaresion (2.69 gm). Constantinople. Cross-crosslet on steps with medallion of Nicephorus / +NICHF, EN X W AVTO CRAT, EVSEb' bA SILEVS RWMAIW‫׳‬. SB 1781; DOC ffl 6. Toned, near EF. ($2W)

2130. ANONYMOUS. 976-1025 AD. JE Follis (7.59 gm). Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ; two pellets in nimbus / +H1SUS XRISTUS bASILU bASILE; floret. SB 1818; DOC III A2.24. Good VF, green patina. ($100)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2136. ALEXIUS 1.1081-1118 AD. Post-Reform JE Tetarteron (3.45 gm). Thessalonica. 1092-1118 AD. Bust of Christ / Facing bust of emperor, holding sceptre and globus cruciger. SB 1929; Hendy pl.8,7-8. Good VF, brown patina. ($75)

2131. CONSTANTINE IX. 1042-1055 AD. AV Histamenon (4.40 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / Bust of Constantine holding cruciform ($300) sceptre and patriarchal globus. SB 1828; DOC HI la. EF.

2137. MANUEL I. 1143-1180 AD. EL Aspron Trachy (4.46 gm). Constantinople. Christ standing on footstool, two stars in field / Manuel and St. Theodore holding patriarchal cross on globus. SB 1959; Hendy pl.13, 7-8. Good VF. ($250)

2132. R O M A N U S IV. 1067-1071 AD. AV Histamenon (4.41 gm). Constantinople. Michael standing, flanked by Constantius and Andronicus, all above dotted line / Christ crowning Romanus and Eudocia. SB 1861; DOC m 2. Near EF, light scratch. ($250)

2138. MANUEL 1.1143-1180 AD. JE Tetarteron (4.34 gm). Thessalonica. Cross on steps / Facing bust of emperor, holding labarum and globus cruciger. SB 1976; Hendy pl.17,15-16. Good VF, brown patina. / / Plus an JE Tank of Hetoum I of Armenia. Cf. Bedoukian 1334. VF, verdigris. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

2133. R O M A N U S IV. 1067-1071 AD. AV Histamenon (4.37 gm). Constantinople. Michael standing, flanked by Constantius and Andronicus, all above dotted line / Christ crowning Romanus and Eudocia. SB 1861; DOC m 2. Good VF. ($250)

Pale EL AV FourrĂŠ 2134. MICHAEL VII. 1071-1078 AD. AV FourrĂŠ Tetarteron (3.80 gm). Facing bust of Mary, holding medallion of infant Christ / Facing busts of Michael and Maria, holding long cross between them. Type of SB 1872 VF, silver core showing through on high points. / / Plus an Arab-Byzantine JE follis of Damascus. 2 coins in lot. ($100)

2135. ALEXIUS 1.1081-1118 AD. Post-Reform Billon Trachy (4.04 gm). Constantinople. 1092-1118 AD. Christ enthroned / Facing bust of emperor, holding sceptre and globus cruciger. SB 1918; Hendy pl.7,2-3. EF. Nice for this issue. . ($75)

Lot 2136

2139. ANDRONICUS 1.1183-1185 AD. EL Aspron Trachy (4.52 gm). Constantinople. Mary standing, orans / Andronicus, holding labarum (no dots) and akakia, being crowned by Christ. SB 1984; Hendy pi. 18,11-12. EF. ($300) Extremely Rare Tetarteron Of Isaac C o m n e n u s , Usurper In Cyprus

2140. ISAAC COMNENUS. Usurper in Cyprus. 1184-1191 AD. JE Tetarteron (2.69 gm). Christ standing, hand raised in benediction / Isaac being crowned by Mary. SB-; Hendy-; Grierson 1123. VF, brown patina. Extremely Rare. ' ($450) Isaac Comnenus, grandnepheiv ofManuel I, was originally appointed governor of Cilicia, where he was captured by the Armenians and held for ransom. Released in 1184, he obtainedforged documen ts naming him governor of Cyprus, which he soon proclaimed his own kingdom. Ruling with great cruelty, he could not be dislodged until Richard the Lionheart directed his Crusaders against the island. Isaac died three years later, still scheming to reclaim Cyprus, which was never again in Byzantine hands.


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2141. ISAAC Π. 1185-1195 AD. JE Tetarteron (3.63 gm). Constantinople. Archangel Michael, holding sceptre and globus cruciger / Isaac, holding sceptre and akakia. SB 2005; H e n d y pl.21,10-11. Good VF, dark green patina. ($1‫)ש‬

Pale EL 2146. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL A s p r o n Trachy (4.20 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / AAEZIW Δ Ε Ο ! TW K W M H N , Alexius and St. Constantine, holding labarum between them; three dots on tunics. SB 2010; H e n d y pl.22,6-7. Near EF, graffiti. ($200)

Pale EL 2142. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL A s p r o n Trachy (4.48 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned; ·:·in fields / AAEZIW AECIl TW KWCTANT, Alexius a n d St. Constantine, holding labarum between them. SB 2009; H e n d y pl.22,4. Good VF, graffiti. ($2‫)ש‬

Pale EL 2147. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL A s p r o n Trachy (4.23 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / AAEZIW AECIT TW KWMHN, Alexius and St. Constantine, holding labarum between them; three dots on tunics. SB 2010; H e n d y pl.22,6-7. Near EF, graffiti. ($200)

Pale EL 2143. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL A s p r o n Trachy (4.55 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned; + to right / AAEZIW AECFI TW KWCTAN, Alexius and St. Constantine, holding labarum between them. SB 2009; H e n d y pl.22,4. EF, graffiti. ($250)

Pale EL 2148. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL A s p r o n Trachy (4.41 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / AAEZIW AECIl TW KWMHN, Alexius and St. Constantine, holding labarum between them; three dots on tunics. SB 2010; H e n d y pl.22,6-7. Near EF. ($200)

Pale EL 2144. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL A s p r o n Trachy (4.58 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned; + to right / AAEZIW AECIl TW KWCTAN, Alexius and St. Constantine, holding labarum between them. SB 2009; H e n d y pl.22,4. EF, graffiti. ($250)

2149. M I C H A E L VIII. 1261-1282 AD. JE Trachy (2.73 gm). Constantinople. Patriarchal cross / Michael holding labarum and globus cruciger. SB 2288; Bendall 49. Good VF for type, dark green patina. ($100)

Pale EL 2145. ALEXIUS III. 1195-1203 AD. EL A s p r o n Trachy (4.49 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / AAEZIW AECIl TW KWMHN, Alexius and St. Constantine, holding labarum between them; four dots on tunics. SB 2010; H e n d y pl.22,6-7. EF. ($250)

2150. A N D R O N I C U S II a n d M I C H A E L IX. 1295-1320 AD. AV Hyperpyron (5.66 gm). Constantinople. Bust of Mary, orans, within city walls with four towers; .·. / K .·. / X in fields / Christ blessing the kneeling emperors. SB 2396; Bendall 128, unlisted sigla. Heavy flan. Good VF, flan crack. ($300)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2157. Levon II. 1270-1289. AR Half Tram (1.27 gm). Levon on horseback, holding patriarchal cross / Crowned lion facing left; paw raised, patriarchal cross above. Cf. AC 384; Bedoukian 1527. Toned VF. ($100)

2151. ANDRONICUSII and MICHAEL IX. 1295-1320 AD. AR Basilikon (2.11 gm). Constantinople. Christ enthroned / AVTOKPATO PEC POMEON, Andronicus and Michael standing, holding labarum between them. SB 2402; Bendall 167.1. Toned VF. Rare variety lacking emperors' names. ($750)

2158. Levon ΙΠ. 1301-1307. Five AR Takvorins. King on horseback / Lion. Variety of field marks. AC 419ff. / / Oshin. 1308-1320. Nineteen AR Takvorins. Variety of field marks. AC 441 ff. Average VF. 24 coins in lot. ($300)

2159. Guy. 1342-1344. JE Pogh (1.40 gm). Guy enthroned, holds lis and globus cruciger / Plain cross. Cf. AC 470; Bedoukian 2040. Near VF. Very rare. ($500)

2152. JOHN VIII. 1423-1448 AD. ARStavraton (7.10 gm). Bust of Christ; lis UK monogram / Bust of John; pellets. SB 2563; Bendall 348.1. VF, attiacfive old collection toning. ($150)

Rare & Historic 1486 A u s t r i a n S i l v e r G u i l d i n e r

2153. JOHN VIII. 1423-1448 AD. ARStavraton (7.02 gm). Bust of Christ; lis ΠΚ monogram / Bust of John; pellets. SB 2563; Bendall 348.1. Good VF. ($150)

WORLD COINAGE (Including Islamic)

2160. AUSTRIA, Holy Roman Empire. Sigismund. 1486. AR Guildiner (30.50 gm). Sigismund standing in full armour, holding orb; in field, shield and helmet / Knight on horseback, carrying banner, arms of Austrian provinces around. Frey 274; Davenport 8087. Toned VF, light tooling in the fields, but a rare and historic early dated crown. [See enlargement on cover], ($4000) 2154. AFGHANISTAN. M o h a m m e d Zahir. SH 1310 (1931 AD). AR Half Afghani (4.75 gm). Silver pattern. Significant differences with KM 926, most notably in the longer legends. This piece unrecorded in the references. EF. Rare. ($150) 2155. ARMENIA. Levon 1.1198-1219. AR Tram (2.81 gm). Levon enthroned / Lions flanking patriarchal cross. AC 286ff. / / Plus JE Poghs of Oshin. AC 449. / / Levon IV. AC 463. / / AC 466. Average VF. 4 coins in lot. ($100)

2161. AUSTRIA, Vienna. Circa 14th Century. AR Pfenning (0.67 gm). W above arms; H T. Saurma 716/292. EF. ($75)

2162. AXUM. Ezanas, as pagan. Circa 330 AD. JE 12mm (0.70 gm). BACIAEVC, bust right / AZA NAC, grain ear with crescent above. MunroHay 41; Anzani 30. VF. ($125)

2156. Levon 1.1198-1219. JE Tank (7.95 gm). Leonine head of Levon; seven dots on crown / Patriarchal cross flanked by six-pointed stars. AC 304; Bedoukian 721. Near EF, dark green patina. ($100)

2163. Ezanas and Successors. Circa 4th-5th Century AD. JE 13mm (0.76 gm). BACIAEVC, bust right / TOY TO APECH TH XWPA, cross. MunroHay 52; Anzani 44ff. Good VF, green patina. ($75)

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Group, Inc.

2170. BOLIVIA. Philip IV. ND. AR 8 Reales (26.88 gm). Potosi mint. Assayer Q. Cf. C&C 5697. VF for type. ($150)

2164. O u a z e b a s . Circa 4th5‫־‬th Century AD. JE 17mm (1.84 gm). +OVAZHBAC BACIAEVC, bust right with grain ears / TOY TO APECH TH XWPA, bust in circle with gilt inlay. Munro-Hay 54; Anzani 71ff. VF, nice for these. ($75)

2165. Wazena. Circa 6th Century AD. JE 16mm (1.66 gm). " H e w h o is fitting for the people", bust right; dot in front / "Of the King, Wazen", crosscrosslet with central gold inlay. Munro-Hay 118; Anzani 255ff. Good VF, brown patina. ($125)

2171. Philip IV. ND. AR 8 Reales (26.84 gm). Potosi mint. Assayer T. Cf. C&C 5712. VF for type. ($150)

2166. Joel. Circa 6th Century AD. JE 13mm (1.04 gm). Crowned bust right; wedge in front / "King Joel", cross. Munro-Hay 131; Anzani 200ff. VF, green patina. ($75)

2172. Philip IV. ND. AR 8 Reales (26.28 gm). Potosi mint. Assayer R. Cf. C&C 5761. VF for type. ($150)

2167. Joel. Circa 6th Century AD. JE 11mm (0.79 gm). "King Joel", crowned bust facing / "Christ is with us", cross. Munro-Hay 134; Anzani 208ff. VF, brown patina. ($75)

2168. Armah. Circa 6th-7th Century AD. AR 16mm (1.20 gm). "King Armah", bust of king with gilt crown; crescent / "Mercy and Peace", Church of the Holy Sepulchre, with gilding in cross and doorway. Munro-Hay 151(JJ92); Anzani-. Toned VF. ($200) 2173. Philip IV. ND. AR 8 Reales (26.29 gm). Potosi mint. Assayer R. Cf. C&C 5761. VF for type. ($150)

2169. BAHAMAS. George III. 1806. JE Penny. Engrailed edge. KM 1. VF, brown patina. ($75) 2174. BRITISH WEST INDIES. George IV. 1822. AR Quarter Dollar. KM3.EF/AU. ($100)


Please See Jour,BidSheetfrorImportant 9{ew ,Hiiics About,MaximumExpenditures! Lot2170 1 8 8

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. A Collection Of M e d i e v a l Bulgarian C o i n a g e

2180. George I Terten 1280-1292. AR Grosh (1.87 gm). Christ enthroned / rEWPITE rEWPr, George and St. George holding banner between them. Metcalf- ; Dochev-; Youroukova 50. VF. Very rare, possibly one of two in private hands. ($750) 2175. BULGARIA. Constantine Tikh Asen. 1255-1277. JE Trachy (1.84 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Constantine on horseback, holding sceptre. Metcalf SEE pl.8,3; Dochev XXVII, 6. VF for type, dark green patina. ($2‫)ש‬

2181. Theodor Svetoslav Tertet 1300-1322. AR Grosh (1.23 gm). Christ enthroned / Toder standing, holding sceptre. Metcalf SEE pi.8,8; Dochev XXIX, 2; Youroukova 54. Good VF, edge chip. ($300) 2176. Constantine Tikh Asen. 1255-1277. JE Trachy (2.69 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Constantine on horseback, holding sceptre. Metcalf SEE pl.8,3; Dochev XXW, 6. Near VF for type, black patina. ( $150)

2182. Mikhail III Shishman. 1323-1330. AR Grosh (1.65 gm). Christ enthroned / MX dPb, Mikhail on horseback. Metcalf SEE pl.8,9; Dochev XXX, !.Good VF. Rare. ($500) 2177. Constantine Tikh Asen. 1255-1277. JE Trachy (2.98 gm). Voided cross with stars in quarters / Constantine enthroned, holding labarumheaded sceptre and anexikakia, hand of God above. Metcalf SEE pl.8,4; Dochev XXVn, 5. VF for type, brown patina. ($100)

2183. Mikhail III Shishman. 1323-1330. JE Trachy (1.38 gm). Monogram / Mikhail on horseback. Dochev-; Youroukova 67. VF for type. Rare. ($150)

2178. Mitso Asen. 1256-1263. JE Trachy (3.17 gm). Facing bust of St. Nicholas / Mitso enthroned, holding sceptre and cross; Hand of God and cross above. Metcalf-; Dochev XXV, 2. VF for type, green patina, wrinkled flan. Rare. ($250) The line drawing in Dochev shows Mitso as a half-length figure. This specimen clearly shows him seated.

2179. Mitso Asen. 1256-1263. JE Trachy (2.10 gm). Facing bust of St.Nicholas / Mitso enthroned, holding sceptre and cross; Hand of God and cross above. Metcalf-; Dochev XXV, 2. Near VF, patchy green patina, edge chip. Rare. ($200)

2184. Ivan Alexandet 1331-1337. AR Grosh (1.34 gm). Christ enthroned / Ivan standing, holding sceptre; star lower left. Metcalf SEE pl.8,10; Dochev XXXI, 2; Youroukova 71. Good VF, edge chip and cracks. ($150)

2185. Ivan Alexander 1331-1337. AR Grosh (L37 gm). Christ enthroned / Ivan standing, holding sceptre; star upper left. Metcalf SEE pl.8,10; Dochev XXXI, 2; Youroukova 71. VF, flan cracks. ($150)

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2186. Ivan Alexander and Mikhail. 1337-1371. Lot of three AR Grosh. Christ enthroned / Ivan and Mikhail standing, holding banner. Metcalf SEE pl.8,11; Dochev XXXR, 1-3; Youroukova 74ff. Average VF or better. 3 coins in lot. ' ($200)

2192. Jerusalem. 1253. AR Dirham (2.28 gm). Tyre mint? Imitating the dirham of al Salih Ismail. Balog-Yvon 38; Bates-Metcalf type V; CCS pg.137, 9. Good VF. ($250)

2193. Jerusalem. Circa 1253. AR Half Dirham (1.39 gm). Tyre mint? Imitating the dirham of al Salih Ismail. Bates-Metcalf type V; CCS pg.137, ($75) 10. Good VF.

2187. Ivan Alexander and Theodora. 1355-1371. JE Trachy (0.86 gm). Monogram / Ivan and Theodora standing, holding cross. Metcalf SEE pl.8, 18; Dochev XXXTV; Youroukova 91ff. Good VF for type, green patina. ($75)

2188. Ivan Sratsimir. 1360-1396. AR Grosh (0.46 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Ivan enthroned, holding sceptre; star below. Metcalf-; Youroukova 115. Good VF. ($75)

2194. G r a n d m a s t e r s of the O r d e r of St. J o h n on Rhodes. Robert d e Juilliac. 1374-1377. AR Gigliato (3.91 gm). Grandmaster kneeling before cross; arms to right, rose below cross / Horeate cross. Metcalf 856; Kastner 1051ff. VF. ($150)

2189. Lot of five AR Grosh. Ivan Sratsimir. 1360-1396. Facing bust of Christ / Ivan enthroned. Youroukova 115. / / Ivan Shishman. 1371-1393. Bust of Mary / Ivan standing. Youroukova 126ff (3 coins). / / Venetian imitation. / / Plus a grosso of Pietro Gradenigo. Average VF. 6 coins total. ($250)

2195. Grandmasters of the Order of S t John on Rhodes. Juan Fernandez de Heredia. 1377-1396. AR Gigliato (3.88 gm). Grandmaster kneeling before cross; arms to right, G below cross / Floreate cross. Cf. Metcalf 857; Kastner 1089ff. VF. ($150)

2190. CANADA. George VI. 1937 Specimen Set. Dollar through Cent. Light toning on the silver, cent is original red uncirculated. Matte surfaces, minimal hairlines. KM SS33. Coins choice, original cardboard case worn. 6 coins total. ($650)

2191. CRUSADERS, Kingdom of Jerusalem. Circa 1187-1260. AV Bezant (3.67 gm). Imitating the dinar of al-Amir. Dot below obverse legend. BalogYvon 28; CCS pg.117,5b. Good VF. ($300)


2196. Grandmasters of the Order of S t John on Rhodes. Philibert de Naillac. 1396-1421. AR Gigliato (3.90 gm). Grandmaster kneeling before cross; arms to right, M below cross / Floreate cross. Cf. Metcalf 861; Kastner 1183ff. VF, double struck. ($125)

2197. D E N M A R K . Sven Estridsen. 1047-1075. AR Denier (1.01 gm). Lund mint. Byzantine style king standing, holding long cross and globus cruciger / Similar type. Hauberg pi. VIR, 4. Good VF. ($600) The early coinage of Estridsen shows unmistakable Byzantine influence, and can be dated as early as 1044, when he rebelled against Magnus of Norway. He was ini

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. tially backed by Harald Hardrada, who rose to prominence in the Varangian guard, bodyguards for the Byzantine emperor in Constantinople. Tradition recalls that Harald returned home with a vast treasure, which he used to support Estridsen and later to become king of Norway himself.

Rare Portrait Denier Of Louis the Pious

2204. FRANCE, Carolingians. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.77 gm). Class 1,814-819. Dorestad mint. HLVDOWICVS IMP AVG, laureate bust / DORESTATVS, ship. M&G 330; MEC 757. Toned VF. Rare early medieval portrait. ($4000) Ex Lanz Auktion 45, lot 243. 2198. DENMARK. Christian IV. 1644. AR2 Marek (10.34 gm). Crowned monogram / IUSTUS IUDEX, ‫״‬Jehova‫ ״‬in Hebrew. Schou 29. VF. From the George Prager Estate. ($200)

2205. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.77 gm). Class 2,819-822. Aquitaine mint. + HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / +AQVT TANIA+. M&G 389; MEC 763. Toned EF. ($800)

2199. Christian IV. 1645. AR 2 Marek (10.65 gm). Crowned monogram / IUSTUS IUDEX, "Jehova" in Hebrew. Schou 33. Fine. ($1‫)ש‬ From the George Prager Estate. 2206. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.80 gm). Class 2,819-822. Cambrai mint. +HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / CAMA · RACVS. M&G 342; MEC 768. Toned EF. ($800)

2200. Christian IV. 1646. AR 2 Marek (10.52 gm). Crowned monogram / IUSTUS IUDEX, "Jehova" in Hebrew. Schou 59. Fine. ($1TO)

2207. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.70 gm). Class 2,819-822. Marseille mint. +HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / MASS ILIA. M&G 444; MEC 773. Toned, good VF. ($800)

From the George Prager Estate. 2201. EGYPT. Abdul Hamid. 1879-1909. AR 10 Qirsh. Year 22. KM 295. / / Muhammad V. 1909-1914. AR 5 Qirsh. Year 6. KM 308. / / CN Qirsh. Year 6. KM 306. Average EF to AU. 3 coins in lot. ($75)

2208. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.76 gm). Class 2,819-822. Metz mint. + HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / META · LLVM. M&G 398; MEC 774. Toned EF. ($750) Base AV 2202. ETHIOPIA. Circa 11th Century. Base AV Dinar (212 gm). Imitating the Yemeni dinars of Ali bin Muhammad. Cf. Album 1075; MWI536. EF. ($150)

2203. ETHIOPIA. Circa 11th Century. Lot of two Base AV Dinars. Imitating the Yemeni dinars of Ali bin Muhammad. Cf. Album 1075; MWI 536. Both VF, one scratched. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

2209. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.77 gm). Class 2, 819-822. Metz mint. + HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / META»LLVM. M&G 398; MEC 774. Toned EF. ($750)

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2210. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.85 gm). Class 2,819-822. Palace mint. +HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / PALA TIN A M O NETA. M&G 320; MEC 780. Toned EF. Rare. ($750)

2217. Charles t h e Bald. 840-877. AR Denier (1.68 gm). Paris mint. +CARLVSREX‫׳‬, cross / PARI ·S'IL M&G 826 variety; MEC 833 variety. Good VF. ($600)

2211. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.85 gm). Class 2,819-822. Paris mint. +HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / PARISH M&G 361 variety; MEC 781 variety. Toned, good VF. ($750)

2218. KINGS OF FRANCE. Philip IV. 1285-1314. AR Maille Tierce (1.34 gm). PhlLIPPVS REX, short cross / TVRONV.S CIVIS (round O), castle within border of lis; two dots. Duplessy 219C; Ciani 213. VF. Scarce. ($125)

2212. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.81 gm). Class 2,819-822. Quentovic mint. +HLVDOWICVS IM P', cross / QVENTO · VICVS. M&G 353 variety. Toned, good VF. Rare. ($750)

2219. Philip VI. 1328-1350. AR Gros a la queue (3.13 gm). PhlLIPPVS REX, Latin cross with crown / TVRONVS' CIVIS, castle within border of lis. Duplessy 265; Ciani 306. Toned VF. ($125)

2213. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.86 gm). Class 2,819-822. Rheims mint. +HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / REMIS CIVIS. M&G 357; MEC 782 variety. Toned EF. ($8M) 2220. John II. 1350-1364. AV Franc à cheval (3.85 gm). 1360-1364. King in armour on horseback / Floreate cross. Duplessy 294; Ciani 361. VF. ($400)

2214. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.81 gm). Class 2,819-822. Sens mint. +HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / SEN© NES wedge. M&G 376 variety; MEC 783 variety. Toned EF. Rare. ($800)

2221. Charles V. 1364-1380. AV Franc à cheval (3.75 gm). 1364. King in armour on horseback / Floreate cross. Duplessy 358; Ciani 455. Good VF. ($500) 2215. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.82 gm). Class 2, 819-822. Tours mint. +HLVDOVVICVS IMP, cross / TVRO NES. M&G 371; MEC 785. Toned, good VF. ^ ^ ($600)

2216. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.65 gm).+HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / +XPISTIANA RELIGIO, church. M&G 472; MEC 803. Toned VF, flan crack. ($125)

2222. Charles V. 1364-1380. AV Franc à pied (3.77 gm). 1365. King within Gothic arch / Ornate cross. Duplessy 360A; Ciani 457A. Good VF. ($500) 1 92

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2228. Louis XV. 1779A. AR 6 Sols. Posthumous issue. KM 43a.l; Gadoury 351. AU. ($75) 2223. Francis Π. 1559H. AR Teston (9.14 gm). La Rochelle mint. Cuirassed bust of Henry Π; wolf head below / Arms. Duplessy 1031; Ciani-. VF. ($150)

2224. Charles IX. 1567L. AR Teston (9.45 gm). Bayonne mint. Laureate bust; anchor, castle, crescent below / Arms. Duplessy 1069; Ciani 1359. VF. ($200)

2229. Louis XVI. 1789L. AR Ecu. Bayonne mint. KM 78.9. / /1784 L. 1 / 5 ($125) Ecu. Orleans mint. KM 76.10. Both good VF. 2 coins in lot.

2225. Lot of five AR 1/12 Ecu. Louis XIII. 1642A rose. Gadoury 45. / / Louis XIV. 1659D, 1659E (scarcer date). Gadoury 112. / / 1660&, 1663A. Gadoury 115. Average Fine. 5 coins in lot. ($200)


Napoleon, as First Consul. AN 12A. AV 20 Francs. KM 146. Fine. ($125)

2226. Louis XIIII. 1691 (9). AR Half Ecu. Rennes mint. Duplessy 1515A; Gadoury 184. Good VF, overstruck on same type. ($150) Choice Silver Ecu Of Louis X V 2231. FRANCE, Dombes. Louis Π. 1577. AR Teston (9.36 gm). Bust left / Arms. Cf. Poey d'Avant 5115; Boudeau 1057. Good VF. ($150)

2232. Dombes. Anonymous. 1666. AR 1/12 Ecu. Bust of the countess / Arms. Cf. Poey d'Avant 5238; Boudeau 1099. EF, irregular edge and scratches. ($100)

2227. Louis XV. 1716X. AR Ecu. Amiens mint. Overstruck on a three crowns issue of Bordeaux (K mintmark). KM 20.23; Gadoury 317. Lustrous AU. ($1250)

2233. Lon-aine. Charles Π. 1390-1431. AR Gros (2.86 gm). Sierk mint. KAROLVS DVX LOThOR ET MAR, arms / MONETA SIERK, cross. De SaulcypLVm, 6; Boudeau 1484. Good VF. (S500)


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2234. Navarre. A n t o i n e a n d Jeanne. 1566. AR Teston (8.93 gm). Confronted busts / Arms. Cf. Poey d'Avant 3416; Boudeau 586. Good VF. ($150) 2239. Donauwörth. Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. (15)43. AR Thaler (28.78 gm). Crowned, armoured bust right, holding sceptre and mace / M O N N O ARGE CIVISVE WERDA 43, crowned double-headed eagle. Davenport 9170. Toned VF. Rare. ($400)


2235. Navarre. Henry (II of Beam - III of Navarre - IV of France). 1584. AR 1/4 Ecu (7.44 gm). Cross / Arms. Cf. Poey d'Avant 3495; Boudeau 611. VF.


2236. GERMANY, Berg. Wilhelm as Count 1360-1380. AR Tumose (2.47 gm). Mülheim mint. WILHELM COMES DE MONTERA, arms / ΜΟΝΕTA MOLM, cross. Saurma 2954/1588. Toned, good VF. ($300)

2240. Erfurt. Gustavus A d o l p h u s of Sweden. 1631. AR Thaler (27.35 gm). On the battle of Leipzig. 11 line legend / "Jehova" in Hebrew within sun. KM 53; Davenport 4545. VF. ($400) From the George Prager Estate.

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2237. Brunswick-Luneberg. George I, King of England. 1717HCB. AR Thaler (29.16 gm). Laureate and draped bust / Arms within Garter, lion and unicorn supporters. Welter 2228; KM 101.1. Near EF, weak strike, unusual toning, with the interior of the Garter dark gray and the rest of the reverse iridescent brown. ($250)

2241. Fugger-Glott Franz Ernst. 1694. AR Thaler (28.00 gm). Crowned double-headed eagle / Ornate arms. KM 5; Davenport 6675. Toned, good VF. Rare. ($750)

2242. Metz. Thierry V von Boppert 1365-1384. AR Gros (3.26 gm). Bishop standing / GROSVS METES, cross. Saurma 1881 /913; Boudeau 1641. Good

2238. Brunswick-Luneberg. George III, King of England. 1814C. AR 2 / 3 Thaler. KM 100.1 (Hannover). Toned EF. / / 1798PLM. AR 1/6 Thaler. KM 404. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150) 1 94

Lot 2243

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 2243. Metz. Circa 14th-15th Century. AR Gros (3.26 gm). St .Stephan standing / GROSSVS METE, cross. Saurma 1889/921; Boudeau-. Toned, good VF. ($3‫)ש‬ An extraordinarily meticulous engraver has placed little beardedfaces in the O's of the legend! Perhaps a self portrait?

2250. Zwickau. (14)77. AR Groschen (1.52 gm). Arms / Arms in trilobé; crescent. Frey 178. VF. Early dated piece. ($150)

2244. Metz. Circa 14th-15th Century. AR Gros (2.34 gm). St. Stephan kneeling / GROSSVS METE, cross. Saurma 1896/927; Boudeau 1659. Toned, good VF. ($200)


GERMANY. 1931A. AR 3 Mark. Berlin mint. KM 74. Near EF. ($100)

2245. Prussia. Frederich Wilhelm IV. 1841 A. AV Half Frederick D'Or. Head right / Crowned eagle on cannon. KM 441. AU. ($400)

2252. HUNGARY. St. S t e p h a n I. 997-1038. AR Denier (0.59 gm). STEPHANVS REX, cross with wedges / Cross with wedges. Huszâr 1. Toned, near EF. ($150) 2246. Regensberg. 1623. AR Kreuzer. Crossed keys / Double-headed eagle. EF. ($60)

From the George Prager Estate. Thefirst Christian king of Hungary, and thefirst to strike coins for Hungary.

2253. St. Stephan 1.997-1038. AR Denier (0.73 gm). STEPHANVS REX, cross with wedges / Cross with wedges. Huszâr 1. Toned VF. ($100) 2247. Saxe-Meissen. Friedrich 1.1291-1324. AR Groschen (3.53 gm). Cross in quadrilobe / Rampant lion. Saurma 4359/2323. Toned, good VF.

• ‫זד״״‬22*-.


From the George Prager Estate.

2254. Peter. 1038-1041,1044-1046. AR Denar (0.55 gm). +PETRVS REX, cross / +PANNONIA, cross. Huszâr 6; Rethy 8. Near EF. ($1‫)ש‬

2248. Saxony. J o h a n n George 1.1629 HI. AR Thaler (29.04 gm). Bust right, holding sword and helmet / Complex arms. Davenport 7601. Toned, good VF. _ ($250)

2255. Peter. 1038-1041,1044-1046. AR Denar (0.56 gm). +PETRVS REX, cross / +PAW40HIA, cross. Huszâr 6 variety; Rethy 8 variety. Near EF. ($100)

2256. Andreas 1.1046-1060. AR Denier (0.33 gm). REX ANDREAS, cross / PANONIA, cross. Huszâr 9. Good VF. ($75) 2249. Wismer. 15th Century. AR Witten (1.27 gm). Horeate cross / Bull's head. Saurma 3625/1979. Toned, good VF. ($1‫)ש‬

From the George Prager Estate.

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 2265. Lot of Six 13th century AR Deniers with H e b r e w letters. Bela IV. (‫)צ‬.Huszâr 306(2coins). / / (‫)ט‬.Huszâr 310. / / (‫)צ‬.Huszâr 313. / / S t e p h a n V. ( ‫) א‬. Huszâr 357 and veriety with annulet before bust (2 coins). Average VF or better. 6 coins. ($100) From the George Prager Estate. 2257. Ladislaus 1.1077-1095. AR Denier (0.63 gm). LADISCLAIVS REX, cross / Cross. Huszâr 23. Good VF. ($100) From the George Prager Estate.

2266. Lot of Eleven 13th century AR Deniers. Andreas Π (3 coins). / / Bela IV (5 coins). / / S t e p h a n V (2 coins). / / Andreas ΙΠ. Average VF or bet($100) ter, some duplication. 11 coins. From the George Prager Estate. 2267. Lot of Twelve 14th century AR Deniers. Karl Robert (2coins). / / Louis I. / / Maria (2 coins). / / Sigismund (2 coins). / / Albert (3 coins). / / Matthias Corvinus. / / Wladislaw Π. Average VF or better. 12 coins. From the George Prager Estate. ($100)

2258. Ladislaus 1.1077-1095. AR Denier (0.69 gm). LADISCLAIVS REX, cross / C r o s s . Huszâr 23. Good VF. ($1‫)ש‬ From the George Prager Estate.

2268. Louis 1.1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.51 gm). Lily / John the Baptist standing. Pohl Bl; Rethy 62. Good VF, field marks. ' ($300)

2259. Bela II. 1131-1141. AR Denar (0.41 gm). Head under arch / LADLAVS RE, cross. Huszâr 49; Rethy 57. EF. ($75) 2260. Bela II. 1131-1141. AR Denier. Huszâr 50. / / Bela ΙΠ. 1172-1196. AR Denier. Huszâr 69. / / /Ε Follis. Byzantine style. Huszâr 72 (2 coins). / / JE Follis. Arabic. Huszâr 73. Average good VF or better. 5 coins in lot. From the George Prager Estate. ($100)

2269. Louis 1.1342-1382. AV Ducat (3.52 gm). Lily / John the Baptist standing. Pohl Bl. VF. / / Plus AUSTRIA. 1912 AV 10 Korona. / / 1 9 1 4 . AV Ducat. Both BU. 3 coins in lot. ($300) From the George Prager Estate.

2261. Bela III. 1172-1196. JE Follis (2.54 gm). Byzantine style. Mary and Child / Kings Bela and Stephan enthroned. Scyphate flan. Huszâr 72; Rethy 100. Good VF. ($75)

2270. Lot of Twenty-two dated AR Deniers. 1504,1508,1515,1517,1518, 1520,1521,1526,1531,1533,1537,1538,1539,1541,1552,1563,1572,1578, 1579,1584,1597,1619. Average VF or better. 22 coins. ($100) From the George Prager Estate. 2271. Franz Joseph. 1907. AR 5 Korona. KM 488. / / 1912,1913,1914, 1915,1916. AR Korona. KM 492. Average EF to AU, 1913 Korona key date with 5,214 mintage. 6 coins in lot. ($100) 2262. Bela III. 1172-1196. JE Follis (3.01 gm). Byzantine style. Mary and Child / Kings Bela and Stephan enthroned. Scyphate flan. Huszâr 72; Rethy 100. Good VF. ($75)

2272. INDIA, Pushkalavati. Civic coinage. Circa 185-168 BC. JE 1 1 / 2 Karshapana (14.10 gm). Elephant with hill symbol / Lion right with hill symbol. MIG 537. Good VF, black patina. ($150) 2263. Bela ΠΙ. 1172-1196. JE Follis (1.56 gm). Arabic type. Pseudo-Arabic legends on both sides. Huszâr 73; Rethy 102. Good VF. ($75) 2264. Anonymous. 12th Century. Lot of six AR Deniers. Geometric cross patterns. Huszâr 76,82,89,97,101,102. Average good VF or better. 6 coins. From the George Prager Estate. ($100) 1 96

Lot 2273

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 2273. Pushkalavaü. Civic coinage. Circa 185-168 BC. JE 11/2 Karshapana (13.06 gm). Elephant with hill symbol / Lion left with hill symbol. MIG 538; Pre-Kushana 134. Good VF, black patina. ($150) 2280. Kushans. Wima Kadphises. Circa 166-230 AD. AV Quarter Dinar (1.96 gm). Head of king in window / Trident. Gobi 9. VF. Rare. ($750)

2274. Pushkalavaü. Civic coinage. Circa 185-168 BC. JE 11 / 2 Karshapana (11.36 gm). Elephant with hill symbol / Lion left with hill symbol. MIG 538; Pre-Kushana 134. Good VF. ($150)

2281. Kushans. Wima Kadphises. Circa 166-230 AD. JE Unit (17.11 gm). Taxila mint. King standing before altar / Siva and bull. MACW 3025. / / Plus JE of Agathokles. MIG 152 / / Azes Π. MIG 850h. / / Indian tribal issue. The first good VF, the rest Fine. 4 coins in lot. ($150)

2282. Kushans. Kanishka I. Circa 232-260 AD. AV Dinar (7.89 gm). King standing left by altar / Goddess Nana standing left. Gobi 35. VF. ($450)

2275. Sungas. Circa 150 BC-100 AD. JE Half Karshapana (2.47 gm). Elephant with symbols / Tree with symbols. MACW 4378. Good VF. ($50)

2283. Kushans. Kanishka I. Circa 232-260 AD. AV Quarter Dinar (1.92 gm). King standing left by altar / Sun god Mithra standing left. Gobi 79. VF. Rare. ($450) 2284. Kushans. Kanishka I. Circa 232-260 AD. JE Unit (16.66 gm). King standing before altar / Wtnd god Vado. Gobi 783. / / JE Half Unit (8.24 gm). King / Helios. Gobi 766. / / Plus JE of Menander. MIG 239b. / / AR Drachm of Heliokles Π. MIG 289k. Average VF. 4 coins in lot. ($200)

2276. Kshaharata. Nahapana. Circa 119-124 AD. Lot of two AR Drachms. Diademed bust / Arrow and thunderbolt. MIG 1253. Both good VF. 2 coins. ($100)

2285. Kushans. Huvishka. Circa 260-292 AD. AV Quarter Dinar (1.84 gm). Bust of king left (in clouds?) / Goddess Nana standing left. Gobi 315. Near VF. ($200)

2277. INDIA, Turan in Arachosia. Ardamitra? Circa 230-241 AD. JE Tetradrachm (8.24 gm). Diademed bust of king left / Fire altar. Alram 1217; MIG 1165. Good VF, brown patina. ($100) The name of this king is uncertain; the legend has been translated as Ardamitra, Minutchetri, and Manudat. Alram leaves it as "Unknmim King". Theflan of this coin was produced byfusing two thinner coins together; the joint is quite clear and traces of the undertype are visible.

2278. INDIA, Kushans. Heraios. Circa 5 BC45 AD. AR Obol (0.47 gm). Diademed bust / Archer standing right. MIG 515. Toned, good VF. ($75)

2286. Kushans. Vasudeva I. Circa 292-312 AD. AV Dinar (7.99 gm). King standing before altar, holding trident, standard behind / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull behind. Gobi 503. Near EF. ($600)

2279. Kushans. Soter Megas. Circa 55-105 AD. Lot of three JE Tetradrachms. Diademed, radiate bust / King on horseback. MACW 2928ff. / / Plus an JE Dinar of Kashmir. MNI 155ff. Average good VF. 4 coins in lot. ($100)

2287. Kushans. Vasudeva Π. Circa 312-335 AD. AV Dinar (7.95 gm). King standing before altar, holding trident, standard behind / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull behind. Gobi 668.2. Good VF. (S500)

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2293. Hormizd I. Circa 270-295 AD. JE 15mm (1.93 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, lion headdress; crescent behind / King receiving diadem from Anahita (Investiture scene). Gobi 1044; Cribb 23; Carter 10. VF. ($100)

2288. Kushans. Kanishka II. Circa 332-350 AD. AV Dinar (7.87 gm). Kanishka standing left before lighted altar, holding banner, trident in left field / Siva and bull. Cf. Gobi 554 (Vasishka). Good VF. Transitional issue. ($600)

The Siva and bull reverse type is normally found on the dinars of Kanishka II's predecessor and brother, Vasudeva II. It appears Kanishka revolted against his brother, and at least initially struck coins similar to his. He would later strike the seated god- 2294. Hormizd I. Circa 270-295 AD. JE 17mm (2.18 gm). Baktrian mint. dess type that would become the standard for the later Kushans. Vashiska, the son of Crowned bust, lion headdress; tamgha and dot behind / Siva and bull. Gobi Vasudeva, succeeded his uncle around 350 AD, and struck one scarce emission 1034; Cribb 22; Carter 11. VF. ($75) based on hisfather's types. Thefield marks of this piece are similar to tlie Vasishka piece, but the name is clearly ΚΑ Ν HRKO (Kanishka).

2295. Hormizd I. Circa 270-295 AD. JE 17mm (2.35 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, lion headdress; dot behind / Siva and bull. Gobi 1036; Cribb 22; Carter 11. Near EF. ($150)

2289. Kushans. Vasudeva III. Circa 360-365 AD. AV Dinar (7.91 gm). King standing with trident and banner / Goddess Lakshmi seated facing. Gobi 591. Choice EF. ($450)

2296. Hormizd I. Circa 270-295 AD. JE 15mm (1.95 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, lion headdress with leafed ball; letter behind / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi 1065; Cribb 24; Carter 12. Good VF. ($100)

2290. Kushano-Sassanian. Ardashir. Circa 230-245 AD. JE 19mm (2.72 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust / Deity within archway, holding diadem and sceptre (Investiture scene). Gobi 1028; Cribb 16; Carter 3. Fine. ($100)

Shortly after Ardashir I overtlvew the Parthian rulers of Persia, he turned his attention 2297. Hormizd I. Circa 270-295 AD. JE 15mm (2.00 gm). Baktrian mint. to his eastern borders, to the Kushans. Vasudeva I was defeated, becoming a vassal ofCrowned bust, lion headdress with leafed ball; two dots behind / Fire althe Sassanian king, and the western provinces of the Kushan realm in Baktria and tar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi 1065 variety; Cribb 24; Carter 12. Good Gandhara became an autonomous border region under the rule of Sassanian no- VF. ($100) bles, titled the Kushanshahs. In addition, regional sub-governors in Gandhara are also noted in the historical record. Sometime after 325 the Sassanian king Shapur II took direct control of the increasingly independmt province, and the separate lineage of Kushanshahs ceased. Evidence for the sequence and absolute chronology of these rulers is fragmentary and sometimes contradictory. Their coinage provides the best evidence for the history of this obscure kingdom, andfurther research and new discoveries are helping to ^άφηε our knowledge of the region. 2298. Hormizd I. Circa 270-295 AD. JE 16mm (1.99 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, lion headdress with segmented ball / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi 1062; Cribb 24; Carter 12. Good VF. ($100)

2291. Kushano-Sassanian. Peroz I. Circa 245-270 AD. JE 16mm (2.73 gm). Baktrian mint. King standing before altar; Θ by leg / Siva and bull. Gobi 1105; Cribb 20; Carter 9. VF. ($60)

2292. Peroz I. Circa 245-270 AD. JE 18mm (2.97 gm). Baktrian mint. King standing before altar; .‫׳‬. by arm / Siva and bull; ΟΨ to left. Gobi 1105; Cribb 20; Carter 9. Good VF. ($75)

2299. Hormizd I. Circa 270-295 AD. JE 17mm (3.67 gm). Gandhara mint. Governor "Meze". Crowned bust, lion headdress / Fire altar. Gobi 1122; Cribb 35; Carterl4. Good VF. ($100)

2300. Hormizd I? Circa 270-295 AD. JE 15mm (1.91 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, lion headdress with leafed ball; letter behind / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi-; Cribb-; Carter-. Good VF. ($150)

1 98

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Although the portrait is ofHormizd I, the legend is not. Possibly a previously uniden• tified ruler.

2301. Hormizd II. Circa 295-300 AD. JE 15mm (2.40 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, winged headdress / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi 1091; Cribb 25; Carter 17. Good VF. ($75)

2302. Peroz II. Circa 300-325 AD. JE 15mm (2.04 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, horned headdress / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi 1081; Cribb 26; Carter 15. Good VF. ($75)

2307. INDIA, Kidarite. Kidara. Circa 385-390 AD. AV Dinar (7.95 gm). King standing before altar / The goddess Ardoksho enthroned. Gobi 618. VF. __ ($250)

2308. Kidara. Circa 385-390 AD. AR Drachm (3.57 gm). Facing bust of Sassanian king, head turned slightly right / Fire altar flanked by attendants with drawn swords. Gobi, Hunnen, Em 11. Good VF. ($400)

2303. Peroz II. Circa 300-325 AD. JE 15mm (2.41 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, homed headdress; letter behind head / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi-; Cribb 26; Carter 15. Good VF. ($75)

2309. Ghorids. M u h a m m a d bin Sam. 1171-1206. AV Dinar (4.14 gm). Gahadavala mint. MNI512; Album 1764. Good VF. ($100)

2304. Peroz II. Circa 300-325 AD. JE 15mm (2.08 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, h o m e d headdress; 8 behind crown / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi-; Cribb 26; Carter 15. Good VF. ($75) 2310. Qarlughids. Sayf al Din Hassan Qarlugh. A H 633 (1235/1236 AD). AR Tanka (10.81 gm). As viceroy under Mangubami. Rajgor 3248. Good VF. ($150)

2305. Peroz II. Circa 300-325 AD. JE 15mm (2.27 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, homed headdress; name mispelled (PYRYYChS) / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi-; Cribb 26; Carter 15. Good VF. ($75) 2311. INDIA, Mughals. Akbar. 1556-1605. AR Rupee (11.37 gm). Dahi 34 (1587/1588 AD). N o mint. KM 91.1. NearEF. ($75)

2306. S h a p u r II. Circa 325 AD. JE 15mm (2.04 gm). Baktrian mint. Crowned bust, h o m e d headdress / Fire altar with bust of god (Mithras?). Gobi-; Cribb-; Carter-. Good VF. ($150)

2312. Mughals. Jahangir. 1605-1628. AR Rupee (1131 gm). Year 11, month of Di. Kabul mint. KM 145.9. Golden toned EF. ($100)

The Kushan kings did not follow the Sassanian tradition of changing the crown type with change of ruler. The crown is of Peroz II, but the obverse legend is clearly ShHPUHRl, or Shapur. This might be a completely unknown Kushan king, but the more likely exphnation is that this is an issue of the Sassanian king Shapur II, who occupied the Gandharan portion of the Kushan kingdom sometime in the decade after Peroz II. This coin would suggest he also held szvay over the northern part of the Mughals. Jahangir. 1605-1628. AR Half Rupee (5.60 gm). kingdom as well, at leastfor a short period. It also supports Cribb's chronology, plac- 2313. Ahmadnagar mint. Ornate floral decoration. KM 134.1. Good VF. Rare. ing Peroz II after Hormizd II. ($125) 1 99

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 2320. Mughals. Shah Alam Π. AH 1208 (1793/1794 AD). AR Nazarana Rupee (11.25 gm). Shahjahanabad mint. Year 36. KM 717. Toned Une. ($125)

2314. Mughals. Murad Bakhsh. A H 1068 (1658 AD). AR Rupee (11.02 gm). Surat mint. One year usurper in Gujarat. KM 272.3. Toned VF. Rare. ($75) 2321. INDIA, Assam. Gadadhara Simha. 1681-1696. AR Rupee (11.33 gm). Lion and bird. KM 30. Toned EF. ($75)

2315. Mughals. Aurangzeb. AH 1100 (1688/1689 AD). AV Mohur (10.91 gm). Shahjahanabad mint. Year 33. KM 315.42. AU, scratch on reverse. ($400) 2322. Awadh. G h a z i ud din Haidar. A H 1234 (1818/1819 AD). AV Ashrafi (10.65 gm). Year 26 of Shah Alam Π. KM 150. Choice EF. ($450)

2316. Mughals. Jahandar Shah. AH 1124 (1712 AD). AR Rupee (11.52 gm). Surat mint. One year ruler. KM 364.19. EF. Rare. ($100)

2323. Awadh. Amjad ali Shah. AH 1258 (1842/1843 AD). AR Rupee (11.13 gm). KM 336. Toned EF. ($60)

2317. Mughals. Shah Jahan II. A H 1131 (1719 AD). AR Rupee (11.22 gm). Shahjahanabad mint. One year ruler. KM 415.23. Good VF. Rare. ($100)

2324. Bharatpur. M u h a m m u d Akbar Π. AH 1233 (1817/1818 AD). AR Rupee (11.10 gm). Dig mint. Year 13. Unlisted year. KM 126a. Good VF, broad flan. ($75) 2318. Mughals. Shah Jahan II. A H 1131 (1719 AD). AR Rupee (11.16 gm). Tatta mint. One year ruler. KM 415.25. Good VF, surfaces scraped. Rare mint. ($200)

2325. Bharatpur. Jaswant Singh. VS1910 (1858 AD). AR Rupee (11.09 gm). Bharatpur mint. Queen Victoria's portrait. KM 157. Good VF. ($75) 2319. Mughals. Shah Jahan III. AH 1174 (1760 AD). AR Rupee (11.07 gm). Indrapur mint. Two year ruler. KM 475. Good VF. Rare. ($125)

2326. Bharatpur. Jaswant Singh. VS 1910 (1858 AD). AR Rupee (11.12 gm). Dig mint. Queen Victoria's portrait. KM 176.1. Good VF. ($100)

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2327. Durranis. A h m a d Shah. 1747-1772. AR Rupee (11.28 gm). Muradabad mint. Year 14. KM 683. Une. ($60)

2328. Farrukhabad. Muzaffar Jang. AH 1206 (1791 /1792 AD). AR Rupee (11.14 gm). Year 31. KM 86.2. Toned EF. ($75)

2329. Indore. Jaswant Rao. A H 1222 (1807/1808 AD). AR Nazarana Rupee (14.73 gm). With Muhammad Akbar Π. KM 8. Near EF. ($75)

2335. The Sikhs. Ranjit Singh. VS1857 (1800 AD). AR Rupee (11.11 gm). Lahore mint. KM 66.1; Herrli 08.06.04. Une. ($75)

2336. The Sikhs. VS 1846 (1788 AD). AR Rupee (10.72 gm). Anandghar mint. KM 30; Herrli 02.02.04. Near EF, surfaces scraped. Rare mint. ($75)

2337. Tripura. Amara Maniyka. SE 1503 (1581 AD). AR Tanka (10.66 gm). Lion of Tripura / Legend in square. On the conquest of Sy lhet in BengaL KM 92; MNI2524. EF. ($100)

2338. INDIA, Dutch. Cochin. 1724-1795. JE Rasi (11.39 gm). KM 92; Schölten 1252. Good VF. ($60) 2330. Jammu. Brij Raj Dev. VS 1841 (1784 AD). AR Rupee (10.65 gm). KM 10.2. VF, usual crude dies. ($75) 2331. Kashmir. Lot of three AR Square Half Tankas. Hasan Shah. AH 876 (1471 /1472 AD). MW12983. / / Nasr al Din Husain. AH 974 (1566/1567 AD). / / Zahir al Din M u h a m m a d Ali. AH 980 (1572/1573 AD). Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

2339. INDIA, Portuguese. Chaul and Bacaim. 1653. AR 2 Tangas (3.67 gm). Joäo IV. St. John the Baptist standing. KM 4; Vaz J4.57; Gomes 19.01. VF, full date. ($400)

2332. Kashmir. Ranbir Singh. VS 1930 (1873 AD). AR Rupee (6.93 gm). Srinagar mint. "JHS‫״‬. KM 16b. Toned EF. ($60) 2340. Portuguese. Damao and Bacaim. 1735. JE10 Reis (8.33 gm). Joâo V. KM 14 (16); Vaz J5.125. Good VF for type. ($100)

Av 2333. Kutch. Pragmalji Π. VS 1920 (1863AD). AV 25 Kori (4.66 gm). KM 17. EF, full strike. ($150)

2334. Mysore. Krishna Raja Wodeyar. 1810-1868. AR 2 / 3 Pavali (1.77 gm). Dancing Chamundi. KM 201. Toned VF. ($60)

2341. INDIA, British. Bengal Presidency. A H 1229 (1814/1815 AD). AR Rupee (11.35 gm). Regnal years 17 and 49. KM 41 (834b); Pridmore 286. Near EF. ($60)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2347. Arab-Sassanian. Farrukhzad. 694-698 AD. JE Fais (0.58 gm). Ardashir Khurra mint. Sassanian style bust / Senmurgh bird. Album 41. Brown VF. ($100) 2342. Bombay Presidency. AH 1131 (1718/1719 AD). AR 1 / 5 Rupee (2.29 gm). In the name of Shah Jahan Π. KM 270 (34); Pridmore 34. Good VF. . ($1‫)ש‬

2348. Arab-Sassanian. Bokhara, al Mahdi. 775-785 AD. JE Drachm (3.16 gm). Sassanian style bust / Fire altar with attendants. Walker, Arab-Sassanian, pg.164,319; Album 94. Good VF, surface silvering. ($75) 2343. British. Madras Presidency. 1797. JE Proof Gilt 1 /96 Rupee. Arms / Bale mark. KM 397 (521a); Pridmore 325. EF, gilt slightly worn. ($100) T h e Coinage Of T h e Islamic Dynasties

2349. Ummayads. AR Dirham (2.79 gm). AH 99 (717/718 AD). Merv mint. Walker 495. Good VF. Scarcer mint. ($75)

2344. Arab-Sassanian. In the Name of Yazdigird III. AR Drachm (4.11 gm). Year 20=AH 31 (651J652 AD). SK=Sakastan mint. Sassanian style bust / Fire altar with attendants. Walker, Arab-Sassanian, pg.4,3; Album 1. Good VF. Rare first Arabic issue. ($200)

2350. Ummayads. Circa 695-750 AD. JE Fais (2.62 gm). Jerusalem mint. Candle stick on tripod base / Three line legend; crescent. SNA 29; Barag, INJ 10, type 4. Near VF, black patina. Rare. ($125)

2351. Ummayads. Circa 695-750 AD. JE Fais (3.03 gm). Jerusalem mint. Candle stick on tripod base / Three line legend; crescent. SNA 29; Barag, INJ 10, type 4. Near VF, brown and green patina. Rare. ($125) From the George Prager Estate. An earlyfigurative Islamic type, probably based on the candlestick ofearlier Judaean coins.

2345. Arab-Sassanian. Umar ibn Ubaidallah. AR Drachm (4.03 gm). AH 68 (687/688 AD). BISH=Bishapur mint. Walker, Arab-Sassanian, pg.99, 195. EF. ($75)

2352. Ummayads. Circa 695-750 AD. JE Fais (2.36 gm). Palestinian mint. Lion right; legend starts below / Three line legend. Walker 603; CNA 369. VF, green patina. Rare. ($100) 2346. Arab-Sassanian. Abdallah ibn al-Zubair. AR Drachm (3.24 gm). AH 69 (688/689 AD). ZR=Zaranj mint. Walker, Arab-Sassanian, pg.32, M20 ($150) variety (marginal inscription). VF, horn silver on edge.

Lot 2347

2353. Ummayads. Circa 695-750 AD. JE Fais (2.42 gm). Syrian mint. Anonymous type, overstruck on a follis of Galerius, Caesar (293-305 AD). Cf. Walker pg.210,640. Brown VF. Overstruck on a coin that circulated 400 years before the Islamic period. ($75)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2361. Abbadids of Seville, al Mutadid Abbad. 1042-1069. AV Quarter Dinar (1.02 gm). Cf. Album 401. VF, weak strike. ($250) 2354. U m m a y a d s . Circa 695-750 AD. /E Fais (4.63 gm). Syrian mint. Anonymous type, with illegible mintmark, overstruck on a follis of Constans Π (641-668 AD). VF, dark green patina. ($75) 2355. Abbasids. al Mahdi. AR Dirhem (2.76 gm). A H 162 (778/779 AD). Madinat Jayy mint. VF, scratches. / / al Mutasim. AR Dirhem (2.96 gm). A H 219 (834/835 AD). Madinat al Salam. EF. 2 pieces in lot. ($2TO) 2362. Zirids. al Muizz ibn Badis. AV Dinar (4.32 gm). AH 440 (1018/1049 AD). Sabrah mint. Hazard 2; Album 458. VF. ($800)

2363. Zirids. al Muizz ibn Badis. AV Dinar (4.15 gm). AH 441 (1049/1050 AD), al Qayrawan mint. Hazard 3; Album 458. Good VF. ($1000)

2356. Abbasids. al Mutasim. 833-842. AV Dinar (4.13 gm). AH 221. Misr mint. Album 225. / / al Muqtadir. 908-932. AV Dinar (4.38 gm). A H 317. al Ahwaz mint. Album 245. / / Aghlabids. M u h a m m u d 1.840-856. AV Dinar (4.15 gm). A H 237. Album 443. Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($400) 2364. Hafsids. Abu Abd Allah M u h a m m a d 1.1249-1277 AD. AV Half Dinar (2.38 gm). No mint. Hazard 565; Album 502. Good VF. ($300)

2357. Abbasids. al Mutasim. AV Dinar (4.13 gm). AH 225 (839/840 AD). Madinat al Salam mint. Double marginal legend obverse. Kazan 133. Near VF, warped flan. ($150) 2365. Merinids. Abu Sa'id Uthman II. 1310-1331 AD. AV Dinar (4.72 gm). Madinat Fas mint. Album 527. VF. ($1000) 2358. Ummayads of Spain. Anonymous. Circa 711-756 AD. /E Fais (1.68 gm). Helmeted head right / Legend. Walker, Thorburn 12. VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($150)

®Jlf. fcvi-rcyflll ψ.

See CNR XIX, 2 pg.8for an article suggesting a Visigothic antecedentfor this unusual pictoral type with its unique representation of the human form on a later Ummayad

2359. Ummayads of Spain. Anonymous. Circa 711-756 AD. /E Fais (1.03 gm). Helmeted head right / Legend. Walker, Thorburn 12. VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($150) 2360. Ummayads of Spain. Hisham II. 976-1009. Lot of five AV Quarter Dinars. Al Andalus mint. Cf. Album 353. Average VF, warped flans. 5 coins. ($500)

2366. Fatimids. al Mahdi. 909-934. AV Dinar (4.05 gm). Date and mint uncertain. Album 688. / / al Mansur. 946-953. AV Dinar (4.07 gm). A H 341. al Mansuriya mint. Album 694. / / al Mustansir. 1036-1094. AV Dinar (4.19 gm). AH 429. al Mansuriya mint. Album 719. The first Fine, others VF. 3 coins in lot. ($600)


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

2375. Ayyubids of Mesopotamia, al Adil Sayf al Din A b u Bakr. JE Dirhem (10.32 gm). AH 591 (1194/1195 AD). Byzantine style facing bust / Five line legend. Edhem 192. Good VF, brown patina. ($100)


Fatimids. al Muizz. AV Quarter Dinar (0.98 gm). AH 361 (971 /972 AD). alMahdiya mint. Album 698. VF. ($150)

2368. Fatimids. al Muizz. AR Dirham (3.58 gm). AH 359 (969/970 AD). Ar-Ramla mint. SNA 152; Miles 68. Toned VF. Rare Palestinian mint. From the George Prager Estate. ($300)

2369. Fatimids. al Aziz. AR Half Dirhem (1.28 gm). AH 371 (981/982 AD). alMahdiya mint. Album 706. VF. ($200) 2370. Fatimids. Lot of five AV Quarter Dinars, al Hakim. 996-1021. AH 411. al Mahdiya mint. / / Unreadable date. Siqilliya (Sicily) mint. / / al Zahir. 1021-1036. No date or mint. / / al Mustansir. 1036-1094. AH 429. al Mansouriya mint. / / AH 429 Siqilliya mint. Average VF. 5 coins. ($500)

2376. Ayyubids of Mesopotamia, al Awhad Nejm al Din Ayyub. JE Dirhem (12.32 gm). A H 605 (1210/1211 AD). Byzantine style facing bust / Legend in six-pointed star. Edhem 194. Good VF, reverse off center. Rare.

2377. Ayyubids of Mesopotamia, al Ashraf Musa. JE Dirhem (13.30 gm). AH 612 (1215/1216 AD). Seated Turk / Legend in trilobé. Edhem 195. Good VF, dark brown patina. Overstruck on Edhem 194. ($150)

2371. Fatimids. al Mustansir. 1036-1094. Lot of four AV Quarter Dinars. AH 430,431, unreadable dates. Siqilliya (Sicily) mint. Album 721. Average VF. 4 coins. ($5TO)

2378. Artuqids of Hisn Kayfa and Amid. Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan. 1144-1174 AD. JE Dirhem (8.47 gm). AH 560 (1164/1165 AD). Facing male head (Helios?) / Four line legend. S / S 6; Edhem 3. VF, brown patina. ($100)

2372. Fatimids. al Zahir. AV Dinar (4.22 gm). AH420 (1028/1029 AD), al Mansouriya mint. Album 714. Good VF. ($300)

2373. Fatimids. al Zahir. AV Dinar (4.17 gm). AH 422 (1030/1031 AD), al Mahdiya mint. Album 714; Kazan 577. Good VF. ($3‫)ש‬ 2374. Fatimids. al Zahir. 1021-1036. Lot of five AV Quarter Dinars. Unreadable dates. Siqilliya (Sicily) mint. Album 715. Average VF. 5 coins. ($5‫)ש‬

Lot 2375

2379. Nur al-Din Muhammad. 1175-1185 AD. JE Dirhem (13.78 gm), alHisn mint. AH 578 (1182/1183 AD). Hellenistic style head left / Five line legend. S / S 11; Paris 871. VF, brown patina. ($150)

2380. Nur al-Din Muhammad. 1175-1185 AD. JE Dirhem (8.95 gm), alHisn mint. AH 578 (1182/1183 AD). Hellenistic style head left / Five line legend. S/S11; Paris 871. Fine, brown patina. ($100) 1 9 4

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2386. Najm al din Alpi. 1152-1176. JE Dirhem (11.01 gm). Hellenistic style head, with pseudo countermark on neck / Four line legend; field marks missing. S / S 27; MW11026. VF, brown patina, edge scraped. ($100)

2381. Qutb al-Din Sukman Î . 1185-1200 AD. JE Dirhem (11.36 gm). AH 594 (1197/1198 AD). Facing nimbate bust holding sceptre and globe (Jupiter) / Three line legend. S / S 14; Edhem 13. Good VF, brown patina, light scratches. ($300)

2387. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (14.17gm). Confronted Hellenistic style heads (Gemini) / Virgin crowning Byzantine emperor (Mercury in exaltation). S / S 28; Edhem 31. Good VF, dark green patina. ($150)

2382. Qutb al-Din Sukman II. 1185-1200 AD. JE Dirhem (13.89 gm). AH 594 (1197/1198 AD). Facing nimbate bust holding sceptre and globe (Jupiter) / Three line legend. S / S 14; Edhem 13. VF, heavy green patina. ($200)

2388. Najm al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (14.17 gm). Confronted Hellenistic style heads (Gemini) / Virgin crowning Byzantine emperor (Mercury in exaltation). S / S 28; Edhem 31. Good VF, brown patina. ($150) 2383. Artuqids of Mardin. Husam al-Din Timurtash. 1122-1152 AD. JE Dirtiem (6.80 gm). Bearded Roman style bust (of Julian?) / Three line legend. S / S 25; Edhem 46. VF, brown patina. ($150)

2384. H u s a m al-Din Timurtash. 1122-1152 AD. JE. Dirhem (2.75 gm). Bearded Roman style bust (of Julian?) / Three line legend. S / S 25; Edhem 46. Fine, black patina. . ($100)

2385. N a j m al din Alpi. 1152-1176. JE Dirhem (13.43 gm). Hellenistic style head, with pseudo countermark on neck / Four line legend. S / S 27; MW11026. Good VF, brown patina. ($125)

2389. N a j m al-Din Alpi. 1152-1176 AD. JE Dirhem (9.70 gm). A H 559 (1163/1164 AD). Diademed male bust left (Mercury) / Crowned facing female bust (Virgo). S / S 29.2; Edhem-. Good VF, brown patina. ($200)

2390. Q u t b al-Din il-Ghazi II. 1176-1184 AD. JE Dirhem (11.26 gm) Constantinian style head in square, eyes heavenward / Five line legend. S/S31.1; Edhem 39. Good VF, brown patina. ($125)

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2391. Q u t b a l - D i n i l - G h a z i II. 1176-1184 AD. JE D i r h e m (9.74 gm). Constantinian style head in square, eyes h e a v e n w a r d / Five line legend. S / S 31.1; E d h e m 39. Good VF, b r o w n patina. ($125)

2396. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (10.56 gm). Maidin mint. A H 606 (1209/1210 AD). Dionysos riding a panther / Three line legend. S / S 39; Edhem 74. Good VF, black patina, overstruck on S / S 37. ($100)

2397. Nasir al-Din A r t u q Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (8.43 gm). A H 618 (1221/1222 AD). Diademed bust, facing slightly right (Sun) / Five line legend. S / S 42.2; Edhem 82. Near EF, black patina with earthen encrustation. Rare this nice. ($150)

2392. H u s a m al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (11.22 gm). A H 584 (1188/1189 AD). Facing Turkish style bust (Sun?) / Three line legend in hexagram. S / S 33.5; Edhem 55. Good VF, black patina. ($150)

2398. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (12.45 gm). A H 620 (1223/1224 AD). Roman style head (Claudius) right / Five line legend. S / S 43; Edhem 85. Good VF, dark b r o w n patina. ($125)

2393. H u s a m al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (14.27 gm). A H 589 (1193 AD). Three standing figures a r o u n d central seated figure (Viigo surrounded by planets - death of Saladin) / Three line legend in circle. S / S 35.1; Edhem 57. Good VF, b r o w n patina. ($1M)

2399. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (13.85 gm). A H 620 (1223/1224 AD). Roman style head (Claudius) right / Five line legend. S / S 43; Edhem 85. Good VF, dark green patina. ($125)

2394. H u s a m al-Din Yuluq Arslan. 1184-1201 AD. JE Dirhem (14.81 gm). A H 589 (1193 AD). Three s t a n d i n g figures a r o u n d central seated figure (Virgo surrounded by planets - death of Saladin) / Three line legend in circle. S / S 35.1; E d h e m 57. Good VF, b r o w n patina. ($100)

24‫ש‬. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (11.67 gm). AH 623 (1226 AD). Facing male bust (Sun) / Five line legend. S / S 44; Edhem 90. Good VF, brown patina. Overstruck on S / S 43. ($125)

2395. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (12.53 gm). Mardin mint. A H 599 (1202/1203 AD). Centaur left aiming b o w at dragonheaded tail (Sagittarius) / Four line legend. S / S 38.1; Edhem 67. Good VF, b r o w n patina. Overstruck on S / S 36.2. ($150) 206

Τ [ease (Uaiijour (BidSheet HarCyl

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2401. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (8.31 gm). Mardin mint. AH 634 (1236/1237 AD). Facing male bust (Sun) / Five line legend. S / S 47.3; Edhem 99. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($125)

2406. Sayf al din Ghazi II. JE Dirhem (16.61 gm). A H 575 (1179/1180 AD). Helmeted head of Athena left / Five line legend. Edhem 125. Near EF for type, brown patina. ($200)

2402. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (10.54 gm). Mardin mint. Date not present. Turkish style figure seated on low throne, holding globe (Jupiter) / Five line legend. S/S48; cf. Edhem 101. Good VF, dark green patina. Overstruck on S / S 47. ($125)

2407. Sayf al din Ghazi II. JE Dirhem (15.88 gm). A H 575 (1179/1180 AD). Helmeted head (Athena) left / Three line legend. Edhem 127. VF, brown patina. ($150)

2403. Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan. 1201-1239 AD. JE Dirhem (6.31 gm). Mardin mint. Date not present. Turkish style figure seated on low throne, holding globe (Jupiter) / Five line legend. S / S 48; cf. Edhem 101. Good VF, brown patina. Overstruck on uncertain type. ($125)

2404. Zangids of al Jezirah. Muizz al Din Mahmud. JE Dirhem (16.46 gm). AH 606 (1211/1212 AD). Byzantine style female bust holding crescent with tamgha / Four line legend. Edhem 174. Good VF, brown patina. ($150)

2405. Zangids o f M o s u l . Q u t b a l D i n M a w d u d . JE Dirhem (11.64 gm). A H 557 (1161 /1162 AD). Facing head with two angels above / Four line legend. Edhem 119. Good VF, brown patina. ($150)

2408. Izz al din Masud I. JE Dirhem (12.22 gm). AH 585 (1189/1190 AD). Seated Turk, holding crescent with both hands / Six line legend. Edhem 130. //PlusZangidsofSinjar. Qutb al Din Muhammad. Edhem 166. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150)

2409. Nasir al din M a h m u d . JE Dirhem (8.60 gm). A H 627 (1229/1230 AD). Turkish ruler seated cross-legged, holding crescent before him / Five line legend, citing al Kamil Mohammed and al Ashraf Musa; two stars at sides. MWI1129; Edhem 139. Choice EF, brown patina. ($500)

2410. Badr al din Lulu. 1233-1258 AD. JE Dirhem (5.40 gm). Arabic legends on both sides. See Edhem 153 for reverse type. Overstuck on a dirhem of Nasir al din Mahmud, Edhem 139. VF. ($100)

2 07

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 2417. Qajars of Iran. Karim Khan. AV Quarter Mohur (2.70 gm). A H 1193 (1779/1780 AD). Khuy mint. KM 206c. EF. / / Another (288 gm). Rasht mint. / / Agha M o h a m m u d Khan. 1779-1797. AV Half Toman (4.03 gm). Rasht mint. KM 626. Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($250)

2411. Zangids of S in jar. Qutb al din Muhammad. JE Dirhem (16.21 gm). AH 601 (1204/1205 AD). Helmeted bust of Athena Promachos / Five line legend. Edhem 170c. Good VF, brown patina. ($250) Wayne Sayles suggests this bust represents the original statue ofAthena Promachos aeated by Pheidiasfor Athens. The statue was removed by Constantine to adorn his new capital at Constantinople, and was destroyed in 2203 during the Crusader seige. See The Celator, May 1989. 2412. Rassulids. al M u j a h i d Ali. 1322-1363. Lot of three AR Dirhems. Two pictorial types, with lion and bird, one aniconic type. Album 1108. Average VF. 3 coins. ($150)

2418. Q a j a r s of Iran. Fath ali S h a h . AV Toman (4.78 gm). A H 1233 (1817/1818 AD). Fourth standard. Shiraz mint. KM 206c. EF. / / AV Toman (4.59 gm). A H 1232 (1816/1817 AD). Fifth standaid. Yazd mint. KM 206d. NearEF. 2 coins in lot. ($250)

2413. Samanids. N u h I ibn Nasr. AV Dinar (4.22 gm). A H 338 (949/950 AD). Nishapur mint. Album 1454. VF. ($250) 2419. Q a j a r s of Iran. Nasir Shah. AV Toman (2.84 gm). A H 1297 (1865/1866 AD). KM 18. NearEF. ($100)

2414. J u j i d s (Golden Hoard). Toqtu. AR Dirhem (1.36 gm). A H 697 (1297/1298 AD). Krim mint. Album 2023. Good VF. ($150) 2420. Q a j a r s of Iran. Nasir S h a h . AV Toman (2.70 gm). A H 1311 (1879/1880 AD). KM 22a. VF. / / A h m a d Shah. AV Toman. A H 1335 (1903/1904 AD). KM 81.EF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

2415. Ilkhans (Mongols in Persia). Hulagu. 1256-1265. JE Fais (2.82 gm). Byzantine style standing figure; letter to left, star to right / Four line legend. Unpublished in the major references, possibly the fourth known specimen. ($250) VF, brown patina. Overstruck on uncertain type.

2416. Ilkhans. Abu Sa'id. AR 2 Dirhems (3.56 gm). A H 724 (1323/1324 AD). Erzinjan mint. / / Plus another AH 723. Tabriz mint. Album 2210. Both AU. 2 coins in lot. ;®^·χ ($10°)

AV Lot 2417

2421. ITALY, Ancona. Republic. Circa 13th-15th Century. AR Grosso (1.95 gm). Cross / St. Quiriacus standing. CNIΧΙΠ pg.3,20. VF. ($125)

2422. Beneventum. Adelchis in the name of Louis II and Angilberga. 866-871. AR Denier (0.73 gm). + L V D O W I C V S INP, cross on steps / +ANGILBERGA NP, cross with x. MEC 1116. Toned, good VF. ($450)

2423. Fermo. Francesco Sforza. 1434-1446. AR Bolognino (1.03 gm). CO F VICECOMES / VB FIRMAN, A; monogram. CNI ΧΠΙ pg.328,11. Good VF. From the Joseph Byers Estate. ($100)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Rare Papal States Issue Of S t e p h e n VI With Charles III

2424. Florence. 2nd Semester 1342. AV Florin (3.53 gm). Filippo di Lippo Angiolieri. Lily of Florence / St. John the Baptist; mm: S. Bemocchi 1498. Good VF. ($250) From the Joseph Byers Estate.

2429. Papal States. Stephen VI (V), with Charles III. 885-891. AR Denier (1.23 gm). +SCS PETRVS, monogram of Stephen / +CAROLVS IMP, monogram of Roma. Muntoni 3; Berman 42; CN1XV pg.77,1. Good VF. ($1200)

2430. Papal States. Julius III. 1550-1555. AR Giulio (3.20 gm). 1551. IVLIVS m Ρ Μ Α Π, bust left, wearing ornamented stole / OMNIA TVTA VIDES (He sees all) ROMA, Roma seated left, holding wreath; monogram. Muntoni I pg.188,16; CNI XV pg.429,45; Berman 992. VF, puncture and digs at forehead. ($100) From the Joseph Byers Estate.

2425. Milan. Republic. 1250-1310. AR Ambrosino (2.85 gm). Cross with pellets and crescents / St. Ambrose seated. CNI V pg.58,18. EF. ($350)

2431. Papal States. Sede Vacante. 1555. Guido Ascanio Sforza. AR Giulio (2.70 gm). SEDE VACANTE AN 1555, Sforza arms with keys and canopy / S PETRVS ALMA ROMA, St. Peter standing with open book; monogram. Muntoni I pg.196,2; CNIXV pg.448,9; Berman 1030. Near Fine. ($75)

2426. Naples. Robert dAnjou. 1309-1343. AR Gigliato (3.66 gm). King enthroned / Floreate cross. Pannuti 2. Good VF, flan cracks. ($100)

From the Joseph Byers Estate. The Sede Vacante coinage 0/1555 can come either before or after the brief reign of Marcellus II; there seems to be no certain way to distinguish between the two periods.

2427. Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon. 1458-1454. AR Carlino (3.58 gm). +DNS M ADIVT ET EGO D IM, Ferdinand enthroned; M to left / +FERDINANDVS D G R SI IE, arms. CNI XIX, pg.159,670/671; Pannuti 21d. Good VF ($100)

2432. Papal Sûtes. Sede Vacante. 1829B. Francesco Galeffi. AR Scudo. Bologna mint. Galeffi arms with keys and canopy, radiate dove above / The Church in clouds. KM 133; Berman 3263. Toned VF. ($100)

2428. Naples. Republic, under Henry of Lorena. 1648. JE Pubblica (7.49 gm). Crowned arms with SPQl‫׳׳‬I / Grain ears and olive branches; GAC E. Pannuti 3; cf. CNI XX pg.421,59. VF. ($1W)


2 09

Papal States. Pius IX. 1853R. AV Scudo. KM 176; Berman 3307. EF. ($150)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2441. Sicily. Norman Kings. Roger II as King. 1140. AR Ducato (2.51 gm). Facing bust of Christ / Byzantine style figures of Roger and his father holding patriarchal cross between them; AN R X (year 10). Spahr 72. Good VF. Rare early dated piece. ($400)


Papal States. Pius DC 1867R. AV 20 Lire. KM 194.2; Berman 3333. EF. ($250) 2442. Sicily. Norman Kings. William Π. 1166-1189. JE Follaro (2.13 gm). Lion scalp / Arabic legend. Spahr 118. EF, dark green patina. A common coin in uncommon condition. ($75)

2435. Pisa. 1150-1313. AR Grosso (1.69 gm). +IMPERATOR F, four rosettes / +S‫׳‬MAR D PISIS, Mary and Child. CNIXI pg.288,11. Good VF. ($300)

2443. Venice. Lot of five AR Grosso. Jacobo Contarini. 1275-1280. / / Giovanni Dandolo. 1280-1289. / / Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. Average good VF. 5 coins. ($200)

2444. Venice. Pietro Gradenigo. 1289-1311. AV Ducat (3.55 gm). Christ in Glory / Doge kneeling before St. Mark. Papadopoli 1; Scarfea 55. Choice EF. ($250)

2436. Rimini. 1250-1385. AR Grosso (1.89 gm). +*DE RIMINO, cross / PPS GAVDECIVS .·., Saint standing. CNI X pg.717,8. Good VF. ($100)

From the Joseph Byers Estate.

2437. Salerno. Gisulf I. 946-977. JE Half Follero (1.79 gm). Facing Byzantine style bust / View of city gate and town behind. Cappelli 24. VF, usual poor strike. ($200)

2445. Venice. Antonio Venier. 1382-1400. AR Grosso (1.84 gm). Christ enthroned / Doge and St. Mark; * *. Papadopoli 3; Scarfea 132. Choice EF. ($150)

2438. Salerno. William. 1111-1127. JE Follero (3.15 gm). Facing bust of St. Matthew / V V DV X, cross. Cappelli 87. Fair. ($100)

2446. Venice. Antonio Priuli. 1618-1629. ARScudo (31.54 gm). Girolamo Zorzi, moneyer 1620-1621. Horeate cross / Lion of St. Mark. Papadopoli 51; Scarfea 688. VF. ($150) 2440. Sicily. N o r m a n Kings. Roger II as Count. 1105-1130. JE Double Follaro (5.65 gm). Christ enthroned / Byzantine style figure of Roger standing. Spahr 53. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($100)


From the Joseph Byers Estate.

2447. Verona. Frederick II. 1218-1250. AR Grosso (1.60 gm). +CI+VI+CI+VÎ VERONA / +*VE*RO*NA* CIVICIVH. CNI VI, pg.265, 13FF. NearEF. ($200) 21271

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2448. ITALY, K i n g d o m Napoleon L1808M. AV 20 Lire. Incuse edge lettering. KM11.VF. ($125)

2455. Brabant Jean III. 1312-1355. AR Esterling (1.42 gm). DVX BRABANTIE, arms / MONETA LOVANTES. DeMey 193. Near VF. ($60)

2449. L O W L A N D S , B r a b a n t Jean II. 1294-1312. AR Gros (4.08 gm) Antwerp. Arms within border of lis / MONETA ANWP', cross. DeMey 165. Near VF. ($75)

2456. Brabant Philip IV of Spain. 1633. AR Patagon (27.74 gm). Brussels. Crossed batons / Crowned arms. Van Gelder 329-3. VF. ($200) 2450. Brabant. Jean II. 1294-1312. AR DVX DE BRABANTIA, castle / +MONETA Good VF.

gm). Brussels. +1 cross. De Mey 156. ($150)

2451. Brabant Jean II. 1294-1312. AR Esterling (1.44 gm). I DVX DE BRABANTIA, castle / MONETA BRVXEL, cross. DeMey 156. Good VF. ($150)

2457. LOWLANDS, Flanders. Louis de Male. 1346-1384. AR Botdraeger (3.85 gm). LVDOVICVS DEI GRA COMES F DNS FLANDRIE, helmeted lion / MONETA •DE*FLANDRIA, floreate cross. Den Duyts 174; DeMey 218. Near VF. ' ($125)

2452. Brabant Jean II. 1294-1312. AR Esterling (1.34 gm). I DVX DE BRABANTIA, castle / MONETA BRVXEL, cross. DeMey 156. VF. ($1TO)

2458. Flanders. Louis de Male. 1346-1384. AR Botdraeger (3.98 gm). LVDOVICVS DEI GRA COMES F DNS FLANDRIE, helmeted lion / ΜΟΝΕTA *DE*FLANDRIA, floreate cross. Den Duyts 174; DeMey 218. Near VF. ($125) 2453. B r a b a n t Jean III. 1312-1355. AR Gros (2.35 gm). IOh DEI GRA DVX, cross / MONETA NOVA B R A B A N Œ , arms. Den Duyts 60; DeMey 188. Near VF. ($75)

2454. Brabant Jean III. 1312-1355. AR Esterling (1.44 gm). DVX BRABANTIE, arms / MONETA LOVANIES. DeMey 193. VF. ($75)

2459. Flanders. Louis de Male. 1346-1384. AR Gros (3.35 gm). LVDOVIC COMES, cross / MONETA FLAND, rampant lion. DeMey 206. Near VF.



Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2460. Flanders. Philip le Bon. 1419-1467. AR Double Gros (3.27 gm). PHS DEI GRA DVX BVRG Ζ COMES FLAND, arms / Cross with lis and lions. Den Duyts 204; DeMey 363. VF. ($100) 2465. LOWLANDS, Holland. 1576. AR Lion Daalder (25.84 gm). Rampant lion / Knight with arms. Davenport 8838. Good VF. ($100)

2461. Flanders. Charles le Temeraire. 1467-1477. AR Double Pataid (2.99 gm). KAROLVS DEI GRA DVX BVRG CO FLA, arms / Floreate cross. DeMey 394. VF. ($100)

2466. LOWLANDS, Utrecht 1639. AR Lion Daalder (27.12 gm). Rampant lion / Knight with arms. Davenport 4863. VF. ($75) 2462. Hainaut. John of Avesnes. 1280-1304. AR Sterling (1.26 gm). Crowned facing bust / MONETA MONTES, cross. Mayhew 36. Good VF, slightly double struck. ($100)

2463. LOWLANDS, Leige. 1689. JE Cathedral Token. ECCLEST· ·LEODI:, crossed bones and flames / ANNTVERSARTVM, death's head and crossed bones. Good VF. A morbid coin. ($65) 2467. Utrecht 1679. AR Lion Daalder (27.32 gm). Rampant lion / Knight with arms. Davenport 4865. VF. ($100)

2464. N a m u i Philip le Bon. 1419-1467. AR Double Gros (4.49 gm). PHS DUX BVRG Ζ COMES FLANDRŒ, helmet above arms of Burgundy and Flanders / MONETA NOVA COMTTIS FLANDRIE, cross with lions and lis in quarters. Den Duyts-; DeMey 275. VF for type. ($200) 2468. LOWLANDS, Zeeland. 1597. AR Lion Daalder (26.68 gm). Rampant lion over waves / Knight with arms. Davenport 8870. Near VF. ($100)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2476. Philip III. ND. AR 8 Reales (26.81 gm). Mexico City mint. Assayer F. Cf. C&C 4533. VF for type. ($150) 2469. LOWLANDS. 1660. AR Fourré Lion Daalder (25.29 gm). Rampant lion / Knight with arms. Contemporary imitation with garbled mint name. VF, plating worn at high points. ($75)

2470. LOWLANDS. Lot of six AR Lion Daalders. Gelderland. 1635, 1637, ND. Davenport 4849. / / Holland. 1634. Davenport 4858. / / Overjissel. 1628. Davenport 4860. / / West Friesland. ND. Davenport 4870. Average Fine. 6 coins in lot. ($350)

2471. LOWLANDS. Lot of three AR Lion Daalders. Gelderland. 1662. Davenport 4849. / / West Friesland. 1638. Davenport 4870. / / Kampen. 1664. Davenport 4879. Average VF. 3 coins. ($2‫)ש‬

2472. LOWLANDS. Lot of eight AR 28 Stuivers. Emden. Ferdinand Π (2 coins). / / Ferdinand ffl. / / Kampen Matthias I (3 coins). / / Zwolle. Matthias I (2 coins). Average VF for type. 8 coins. ($350)

2473. LUXEMBOURG. Wenceslas 1.1353-1383. AR Blanc-Gros ( 3 . ‫ש‬ gm). Ornate cross / Crowned arms of Bohemia and Luxembourg. Weiller 147. Good VF. ($2‫)ש‬

2477. Philip IV. ND. AR 8 Reales (26.54 gm). Mexico City mint. Assayer D. Cf. C&C 5701. VF for type. ($150)

2478. Philip V. 1730M0. AR 8 Reales (25.56 gm). Mexico City mint. Assayer G. C&C 8387. VF for type, rough surfaces. ($100) 2479. Lot of three AR 4 Reales. One Mexico City mint, the others uncertain. Typical "cobs", dean surfaces, not from sea salvage. VF for type. 3 coins. ($150)

2474. MALAYSIA, Penang. 1787. JE Half Pice. Bale mark of the British ($1‫)ש‬ East India Co. KM2.1. Brown EF.

2475. MEXICO. Philip II. ND. AR4 Reales (13.68 gm). Mexico City mint. Assayer F. Cf. C&C 3579. VF for type. ($1‫)ש‬

2480. Ferdinand VI. 1754M0. AR 8 Reales. Mexico City mint, assayer MF. KM 104.1. Fine. ' ($75)"

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2485. MEXICO. 19th century. AR 8 Reales. Contemporary counterfeit with completely illegible legends. Near VF. ($100)

2481. Charles III. 1772M0. AR 8 Reales. Mexico City mint, assayer FM. Assayer's initials inverted. KM 106.1. Fine, myriad fine scratches over bust. Rare variety. ($100)

2486. MEXICO. Emperor Maximilian. 1867M0. AR 8 Reales. Mexico City mint. KM 388.1. Toned VF. Accompanied by seven other coins, including 8 reales of Ferdinand VII, 1821Zs; Peru 1888 Sol; China, Chili 1908 Dollar and four English, Mexican and Spanish minors. Average Fine, some mounted. A missionary's collection. 8 coins total. ($150) A hand-written note with the Maximilian peso states: "This 'Maximilliano' was give me by President Potfirio Diaz in 1893. We were visiting the relics of the Emperor Maximillian and Empress Carlotta and he asked me if I had one of the coins - right away he ordered one of his aides to get me one -and Diaz the President handed it to me". Given to the present consignor by Mrs. McCoy in 1921.

2487. MEXICO. AR8Reales. 1878 Go. / / 1 8 8 9 Oa. / / 18900a. / / 1 8 9 5 Zs. / / AR Pesos. 1870 Oa. / / 1911. / / AR 5 Pesos. 1953. / / AR 10 Pesos. 1955. II1960. / / Plus 10 bullion onzas from the 1980‫׳‬s. Average VF or better, a few better types. 19 coins total. ($250)

2482. Charles III. 1788M0. JE 8 Reales. Mexico City mint, assayer FM. KM 106.1. VF. Contemporary counterfeit. ($50)

2488. MOZAMBIQUE, Portuguese. 1843. AR Onca (26.90 gm). Silver ingot marked M1843 / ONCA 6 Crs; four square c / m , one star for the 1851 revaluation. KM 26.1; Gomes 12.01. VF or type, weak strike, old collection toning. ($150)

2483. Ferdinand VII. 1821Za. AR 8 Reales. Royalist issue struck during the War of Independence. Zacatecas mint, assayer RG. KM 111.5. Good VF, scratch across forehead. ($75)

2489. NEPAL. Jishnugupta. Circa 626-637 AD. JE Unit (6.54 gm). Winged horse left / Volute. MNI200. Good VF. ($100)

2484. MEXICO. 1837Ca. AR 8 Reales. Chihuahua mint, assayer Jose Antonio Mucharraz. KM 377.2. VF, die failure leaving center of coin blank. Rare, unpriced in Krause. ($200) 471

2490. NETHERLANDS. William 1.1828.10 Gulden. Head left / Arms. KM 56. BU. ($400)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2496. PORTUGAL Joäo L1385-1433. Billon Real (2.35 gm). Lisbon mint, 1392-1397. Crowned initials/Arms. Vaz ]1.36. EF. ($150)

2491. NEW ZEALAND. (1881). JE Penny Token. H.J. Hall. Milner and Thompson, Christ church. Maori in landscape / Maori warrior. Andrews 378;KMTn52. EF. ($75)

2497. Alfonso V. 1438-1481. JE Ceitil (2.28 gm). Porto mint. +ALFONSUS DEI GRACIE, towers; Ρ to left / +ALFS DEI GRACIE R, arms. Vaz A5.132 variety. VF. ($75)

2492. O T T O M A N TURKS. Sulayman 1.1520-1566 AD. AV Altin (3.49 gm). Accession date A H 926. Damascus mint. Sultan-. / / Another (3.51 gm). Sidrekipsi mint. Sultan 1075. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($300)

2498. PORTUGAL. Joäo III. 1521-1557. AR Tostao (9.05 gm). Lisbon mint. Crowned arms / Cross. Vaz J3.55. VF. ($125)

2493. Murad III. 1574-1595 AD. AV Altin (3.48 gm). Accession date AH 982. Sakiz mint. / / Another (3.28 gm). Sidrekipsi mint. Sultan-. Scarcer mints. Both good VF. 2 coins in lot. ($400)

2499. RAGUSA? Circa 14th Century. AR Grosso (1.54 gm). Christ enthroned / W N E V REVA CIVIT, Doge and St. Mark. Probably a civic issue from a city along the Dalmatian coast, but the meaning of the legend is not immediatly apparent. EF. ($100)

2494. Mustafa III. AH 1179. AR 2 Zolota. KM 324. / / A H 1176,1187. AR Zolota. KM 316 (2 coins). / / Abdul Hamid Π. AH 1187, year 10. AR 2 Zolota. KM 402. / / Years 1,3. AR Piastre. KM 396 (2 coins). / / Selim III. AH 1203, year 12. AR Yuzluk. KM 507. Average near EF. 7 coins in lot. ($200)

25‫ש‬. RAGUSA. 1648. AR Artüucco. St Blasius / GROS ARGE (R over G) TRIP CIVIRAGV, city view. CNIVI pg.484,45. Good VF. ($300)

2495. PERU. Charles IUI. 1792LIMAE. AR 8 Reales. Lima mint, assayer ($75) IJ. KM 97. Good VF.

2501. RAGUSA. 1767. AR Tallero. DM / GA. KM 18. Good VF, usual adjustment marks. ($75)

Lot 2496 571

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2502. RAGUSA. 1767. AR Tallero. GB / GM. KM 18. Good VF, usual adjustment marks. ($75)

2508. Joseph Napoleon. 1810M. AR 20 Reales. Madrid mint, assayer AI. KM 92.2. VF. ($100)

2503. SERBIA. Stefan VI Uros Π. 1282-1321. AR Gros (1.95 gm). Christ enthroned; Ρ* *Β / King and Saint; two annulets. Jovanovic 13. VF. ($75)

2509. SPAIN, Gerona. Ferdinand VII. 1808. AR Duro. Napoleonic period necessity issue. KML41. VF. ($100) 2504. SERBIA. Vuk Brankovic. 1389-1397. AR Dinar (0.93 gm). Christ enthroned / Legend. Cf.Jovanovic 108. Good VF, edge chip. ($100)

2505. SPAIN, Barcelona. James II. 1297-1327. AR Croat (3.07 gm). Crowned bust left / CIVI TAS Β ARCK N O N A , cross with annulets and pellets. Badia i Torres 106. Toned, good VF. ($150) 2510. SWEDEN. Karl DC 1606. AR 4 Mark (19.25 gm). Armoured bust left, above arms / "Jehova" in Hebrew within sun. Cf. Tingström 37. VF. From The George Prager Estate. ($300)

2506. SPAIN. P h i l i p IV. ND. AR 8 Reales (27.26 gm). Madrid mint? Assayer B? Cf. C&C 5828. VF for type. ($125) 2507. Ferdinand VII. 1809S. AR 8 Reales. Seville mint, assayer CN. KM 136.4. Good VF. / / Another. 1816S, assayer CJ. KM 136.4. Fine. / / Plus 1738S. Real of Philip V. VF. 3 coins in lot. ($250)

2511. Karl IX1607. AR 4 Mark (18.98 gm). Armoured bust left, ‫״‬Jehova‫״‬ in Hebrew above / Crowned arms. Cf. Tingström 44. VF. ($400) From The George Prager Estate.

Our Sale, CHQ Auction 38, 'Wi([<BeJ{e(dIn Conjunction 'With 2512. Karl IX. Lot of three billon 1/2 Ore. 1599,1600,1601. A r m s / 'The Spring 9Je1Wy0rJointernationafyjumismatic "Jehova" in Hebrew within sun. Tingström 26,27. Average VF, 1600 corroded. 3 coins. ($150) Convention On June 6-7,1996. From The George Prager Estate. 671

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2519. Hephthalites. "Khingila". Circa 470-490 AD. Billon Drachm (3.46 gm). King on horseback; tamgha and vase in fields / Radiate sun (or diadem?). Gobi, Hunnen, Em 107. Good VF. Rare. ($1500)

2520. Hephthalites. Circa 500-560 AD. AR Drachm (3.74 gm). "Nspk iVlalka". Crowned bust of king with bull's head / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 198. EF, granular surfaces. ($150) (Photo Reduced) 2513. Plate Money. Adolf Fredrik. 1759. JE Half Daler (11 ฯ 10.5 cm). Avesta mint. Weak but readable center stamp, four full corner stamps with full dates. Tingstrรถm pg.318 stamps B/9. Good VF, not sea salvaged, brown patina. ($200)

2521. Hephthalites. Circa 500-560 AD or later. JE Drachm (3.05 gm). "Nspk Malka". Crowned bust of king with bull's head / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 198. Good VF. ($150)

2514. Une.

Carl XV. 1868. AV Carolin. Head right / Crowned orb. KM 501. ($300)

2515. Carl XV. 1864. AR Riksdaler Specie. KM 496. / / DENMARK. Frederick Vn. 1854. AR 2 Rigsdaler. Altona mint. KM 761.1. / / FRANCE. Louis XVm. 1823A. KM 181.1. All good VF. 3 coins in lot. ($200)

2516. TRANSYLVANIA. Gabriel Bathory. 1610. AR Groschen. Resch 104. //1611. Resch 139. / / Gabriel Bethlen. 1626. AR Broad Groschen. Resch 329. / /1628. Resch 490. Average VF, the last two with fan flaws. 4 coins in lot. From The George Prager Estate. ($150)

2522. Hephthalites. Circa 500-560 AD. AR Drachm (3.50 gm). "Nspk Malka". Crowned bust of king with bull's head / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 222. VF. ($150)

2517. TURKIC TRIBES. Choresmia. Circa 300-480 AD. Lot of three JE. JE 15mm. Sassanian style bust / Swastika. //JE 18mm. Crowned bust with crescent / Tamgha. //JE 11mm. Crowned bust / Tamgha. / / Plus an JE drachm of the Sakauraukae imitating Phraates IV. Average Fine, the last heavily chipped. Very rare. 4 coins in lot. ($250) 2523. Hephthalites. Circa 500-560 AD. AR Drachm (3.61 gm). "Nspk Malka". Crowned bust of king with bull's head / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 222. VF. ($150)

2518. TURKIC TRIBES. Hephthalites. "Khingila". Circa 430470 AD. AR Drachm (3.33 gm). Crowned bust of king with crescent and tamgha / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 41ff. VF. ($150)


2524. Hephthalites. After 600 AD. AR Drachm (3.44 gm). Crowned bust of king; tamgha and Baktrian legend in margin / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 288. Good VF. (5150)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 2530. Hephthalites. Circa 720 AD. AR Drachm (3.44 gm). Crowned bust of king with standard in front / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 252. Near EF. ($250)

2525. Hephthalites. After 600 AD. JE Drachm (5.18 gm). ‫״‬Jayatu‫״‬. Crowned bust of king / Uniface. Gobi, Hunnen Em-. VF. ($100)

2531. Hephthalites. Vasu Deva and Mardanshah. Circa 730 AD. AR Drachm (2.99 gm). Facing bust of Sassanian king; a fire-breathing Senmurg beast to left / Facing bust of Anahita; marginal legend begins at 3:00. Gobi, Hunnen, Em 216. Good VF. ($400) 2526. Hephthalites. Circa 590-640 AD. AR Drachm (3.44 gm). Imitation of Hormizd IV, Bishapur mint, year 11. With Baktrian countermark "Phoro" on obverse and reverse. See Gobi, Hunnen, c / m 59. Fine for type. ($100)

2527. Hephthalites. Circa 590-640 AD. AR Drachm (3.63 gm). Imitation of Hormizd IV, Bishapur mint, year 11. With Baktrian countermark "Photo" on reverse. See Gobi, Hunnen, c / m 59. Good VF for type. ($125)

BRITISH COINAGE (Celtic to M o d e r n )

2532. Celtic. 1st Millenium BC. AV Ring Money 15mm diameter (6.01 gm). Plain ring with tapered ends. Van Arsdell 1-3. EF, as made. Similar pieces are known from Ireland. ($600)

2533. Gallo-Belgic. The Ambiani. Circa 125-100 BC. AV Stater (7.24 gm). Celtiâzed head of Apollo left / Victory driving chariot left; rosette below. Van Arsdell 12-1 Scheers 63. Fine, scratches on obverse and reverse. ($1000) 2528. Hephthalites. Circa 620-700 AD. AR Drachm (3.13 gm). Crowned bust of king; c / m : fly / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 236. Good VF. ($150) 2534. Gallo-Belgic. Circa 2nd Century BC. AV Quarter Stater (1.80 gm). Head of Apollo left / Charioteer driving quadriga left. Van Arsdell-; Scheers 49-50. Good VF, edge ding. ($600)

2529. Hephthalites. Circa 620-700 AD. AR Drachm (3.30 gm). Crowned bust of king; c / m : fly / Fire altar with attendants. Gobi, Hunnen Em 236. VF. ($150)

2535. Gallo-Belgic. Abstract type. Circa 90-80 BC. AV Stater (6.41 gm). Head of Apollo left / Horse right. Van Arsdell 42-1. Good VF, large flan. ($600)

Lot 2530

Lot2536 18

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2536. Armorican. Circa 75-50 BC. Billon Stater (6.55 gm). Crude head, regular nose / Crude horse and chariot right, boar below. Seaby 12; De la Tour pl.XXVn, J.62. VF. ($1‫)ש‬

Extremely Rare Anglo-Saxon Thrymsa

Debased AV 2537. Atrebates. Abstract type. Circa 55-45 BC. AV Quarter Stater (0.95 gm). Abstract head right / Horse to left; flower above. Van Arsdell 230-1; Seaby 51. Good VF. ($3‫)ש‬

2544. Anglo-Saxon. Circa 660-670. Debased AV Thrymsa (1.23 gm). CN ZIO..., crude helmeted bust right / Runic "Apada", Τ ΤΙΑΞ, standard with TT XX. See CNG XVR, lot 29 for a previous offering of this type. VF for type, minor edge chip. Extremely Rare. ($2000) Ex CNG XXVIII, lot 659.

2538. Atrebates. Caratacus. 43-51 AD. AR Unit (1.19 gm). CARA, head of Herakles wearing lion skin / Eagle grasping serpent. Van Arsdell 593-1; Seaby 117. VF. Rare. ($300) 2545. Anglo-Saxon. Circa 710-760 AD. AR Sceatta (Penny) (1.02 gm). Series N, type 41b. Two standing facing figures holding crosses / Serpentine monster. Seaby 810; Metcalf 368. Good VF. ($500) 2539. Durotriges. Circa 65-50 BC. AV Quarter Stater (1.45 gm). Geometric type. Bulge / "Tree by stream". Van Arsdell 69-3; Seaby 49. Good VF. ($250)

2546. East Anglia. Circa 710-760 AD. AR Sceatta (Penny) (1.14 gm). Domberg type. Cross with annulet ends / "Standard". Seaby 835; Metcalf series R. EF. Rare variety. ' ($450) 2540. Durotriges. Circa 10-45 AD. JE 16mm (1.75 gm). Crude head / Ten dots. Van Arsdell 1348-1; Seaby 82. VF for type. ($100)

2547. Continental Circa 710-720 AD. ARSceatta (Penny) (l.lOgm). Series G. Quentovic mint? Bust right, cross in front / "Standard" with crosses and annulet. Seaby 808; Metcalf R, 267. Toned EF. ($400)

Rose AV 2541. Iceni. Late Freckenham Type. Circa 4540 BC. AV Stater (5.30 gm). Crescent pattern / Horse right; wheel above, rosette below. Van Arsdell 6269. VF. Rose gold. ($6M)

2548. Northumbria. /Elhvald. 779-788 AD. AR Sceatta (Penny) (0.96 gm). VELFVALD, small cross with pellets / Fantastic animal right; X below. Seaby 855; Metcalf pg.592. Toned VF. / / Plus a 17th century farthing token. 2 coins in lot. Rare. ' ($600)

2542. Iceni. Queen Boudicca. 61 AD. AR Unit (1.28 gm). Stylized head right / Horse right. Van Arsdell 794-1; Seaby 74. Good VF. ($3‫)ש‬

2549. Northumbria. Aethelred II, First Reign. 854-858. JE Sceatta (1.33 gm). +AEdELREd REX, swastika / +LEOFDEGN, rosette. Seaby 861; SCBI Mack 443 (this coin). Good VF. ($250) 2543. Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 10-43 AD. AV Stater (5.38 gm). Plastic type, circa 2043 AD. CA MV, grain ear with tendrils / CVNO, prancing horse. Cf. Van Arsdell 2027-1; Seaby 208. Good VF. [See enlargement on cover], ($1200)

Ex Hexham hoard.

'Please See your ,BidSheet for Important 2550. Eadgar 959-975. AR Penny (1.40 gm). Winchester. +EADGAR REX ANGLO .·., small cross / +PINTSIGE ΜΘ ΡΙΤΘΝΙ .·., small cross. Seaby 1135. Good VF, irregular edge. ($400) 971

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2551. Aethelred Π. 978-1016. AR Penny (1.69 gm). Lincoln. +EDELRED REX ANGLOX, bust left / +PVLFRIC ΜΩΟ LINC, long cross. Seaby 1151; BMC-. Toned VF, peck marks. ($2‫)ש‬

2552. Aethelred II. 978-1016. AR Penny (1.70 gm). York. + ·/EDELR/ED REX ANGL©, bust left / + · Θ Β Α Ν ΜΩ 0 E 0 F R , long cross. Seaby 1151; Hildebrand 777. VF, peck marks. ($200)

2553. Edward the Confessor 1042-1066. AR Light Penny (1.13 gm). York. +EDPAR · D RECX»,bust left / +SCVL»A ON EOFERP, expanding cross; annulet. Seaby 1176; BMC 308. Good VF. ($250)

2554. Edward the Confessor 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.39 gm). York. +EDPER DREX, helmeted bust right, holding sceptre / +ARNGRIM ON EOFE, voided cross; annulet. Seaby 1179; BMC 323. Good VF. ($200)

2555. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.27 gm). Hastings. +EADPAR RD RE, crowned bust with sceptre / +PVLFRIC ON H/EST1, hammer cross. Seaby 1182; BMC 5157. Good VF. ($450)

2556. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.29 gm). London. +EADPAR RD RE, crowned bust with sceptre / +GODRIE O N LVND:, hammer cross. Seaby 1182; cf. BMC 1039. Good VF, wrinkled flan. ($200)

2557. Edward the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR Penny (1.02 gm). Thetford. EADPARED REX, crowned facing bust / +/ELFPINE ON DEOT, small cross. Seaby 1183; cf. BMC 1555. VF, flat struck. ($200)

2558. E d w a r d the Confessor. 1042-1066. AR. Penny (1.34 gm). York. EADPARD REX, crowned bust right, with sceptre / +SNEBEARN ON EO, cross with pyramids and annulet. Seaby 1184; BMC 442. VF. ($200)

2559. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.22 gm). London. Crowned bust left, with sceptre / +/ELFSI ON LVNI, cross fleury. Seaby 1250; cf. BMC 30. Toned VF, nicked. ($300)

2560. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.27 gm). Lincoln. Crowned facing bust (Bonnet type) / +PVLSI ON LINCO, cross with pyramids. Seaby 1251 ; cf.BMC 102. VF, weak strike. ($300)

2561. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.13 gm). Thetford. Crowned facing bust with two sceptres / +GORIC ON DTFRDN, cross fleury over botonné. Seaby 1253; cf.BMC 279. VF. ($300)

2562. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.34 gm). Salisbury. Crowned facing bust flanked by stars / +GODR1C ON SEREB, cross botonné over quadrilateral. Seaby 1254; cf.BMC 364. Good VF, one weak area. ($250)

2563. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.24 gm). London. Crowned bust holding sword / +EDPI ON LVNDEN, cross with quadrilateral fleury Seaby 1255; cf. BMC 416. VF, original find patina. Rare. ($350)

2564. William 1.1066-1087. AR Penny (1.35 gm). Winchester. Crowned facing bust / +LIFPOLD ON PINC, PAXS around cross. Seaby 1257; BMC 1100. Good VF, double struck. ($200)

2 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2572. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.30 gm). London. Long Cross. 1247-1272. Class Π. NICOLE ON LVND. Seaby 1361. Good VF. ($75) 2565. Henry 1.111135‫־ש‬. AR Penny (1.25 gm). Norwich. Crowned bust facing; star right / ( )AV( )F:ON:NOR( ), pellets in quatrefoil. Seaby 1275; SCBI America 757 (this coin). Good VF, areas of flat strike. ($5‫)ש‬

2573. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.57 gm). Wilton. Long Cross. 1247-1272. Class mb. hVGE ON WILTON. Seaby 1363. Near EF. ($75) Ex Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin, April 1958,3524. 2566. Henry Π. 1154-1180. AR Penny (1.44 gm). Newcastle. Tealby class E. +hENRI RE:, crowned bust facing / +WILLELM:ON:NTV, cross crosslets. Seaby 1341; BMC 603 (same dies). Toned VF, usual weak strike. ($150)

2574. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.40 gm). London. Class 2a. Seaby 1385. Good VF. ($100)

2567. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.33 gm). London. Class 5b2. Crowned bust / +RICARD· Β · O N ·LVN, short cross. Seaby 1351. VF. ($100)

2575. Edward III. 1327-1377. AV Half Noble (3.34 gm). Transitional period. 1361. London. King on ship / Ornate cross with central Ε and annulets. Seaby 1500. VF. ($450) 2568. John. 1199-1216. AR Penny (1.41 gm). Canterbury. Class 5b2. Crowned bust / +SIMON«ON»CANT, short cross. Seaby 1351. Toned VF. ($1‫)ש‬

2576. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (4.12 gm). Pre-Treaty Period. 13511361. London. CIVITASLOMDOM; mm: crown. Seaby 1569. Near VF. ($100)

2569. John. 1199-1216. ARPenny (1.40 gm). London. Class5c. Crowned bust / + WALTER· ON ·LVN, short cross. Seaby 1352. VF. ($1‫)ש‬

2570. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.40 gm). Canterbury. Short cross, 1216-1247. Class 7. +TOMAS ON CANT. Seaby 1356. VF. ($75)

2571. Henry III. 1216-1272. AR Penny (1.46 gm). London. Long Cross. 1247-1272. Class Ib. HENRICVS REX ANG / LIE TER CI LON. Seaby 1359. Good VF. ($100)

2577. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Halfgroat (2.20 gm). Pre-Treaty Period. 1351-1361. London. Mm: broken cross. Seaby 1575. VF. ($200)

2578. Edward III. 1327-1377. AR Groat (3.90 gm). Post-Treaty Period. 1369-1377. London. CIVITAS L0HD014, bar over last N; mm: cross pattee. Seaby 1637. Fine. ($100)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2579. Henry V. 1413-1422. AR Groat (3.55 gm). London. Mullet on shoulder. Mm: pierced cross. Seaby 1765. Fine. ($150) Ex Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin, April 1958,3554.

2585. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.76 gm). Pinecone-mascle issue, 1430-1434. Calais. Mullet stops. Mm: cross fleury / cross. Seaby 1875. Near EF. ($200)

2586. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.66 gm). Pinecone-mascle issue, 1430-1434. Calais. Saltire stops. Mm: cross fleury / cross. Seaby 1875. Good VF. ' ($150) 2580. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Noble (6.55 gm). Flemish imitation. Annulet by sword arm and in one spandrel on reverse. Seaby 1801. VF, attempted piercing. ($300)

2587. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.55 gm). Cross-pellet issue, 14541460. London. Saltire on breast, pellets by crown. Mm: cross fleury on obverse. Seaby 1935. Toned VF. ($200) Ex Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin, April 1958,3568.

2581. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Quarter Noble (1.68 gm). Annulet issue, 1422-1427. Lis above shield / Annulet in legend. Seaby 1810. Near VF. ($200)

2582. Henry VI. 1422-1461. ARHalfgroat (1.83 gm). Annulet issue, 14221427. Calais. Mm: pierced cross. Seaby 1840. VF. ($75)

2588. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AR Groat (2.99 gm). Light coinage, 14641470. London. Quatrefoils by neck. Extra pellet in one quarter. Mm: rose. Seaby 2TO0. Toned VF. ($100)

2583. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.68 gm). Rosette-mascle issue. ($150) 1427-1430. Calais. Mm: pierced cross. Seaby 1859. VF.

2589. Edward IV. First Reign, 1461-1470. AR Groat (3.06 gm). Light coinage, 1464-1470. York. Ε on breast, quatrefoils by neck. Mm: lis. Seaby 2012. VF. ($125)

2584. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Groat (3.82 gm). Rosette-mascle issue, 1427-1430. Calais. Mullet stops. Mm: pierced cross / cross. Seaby 1859. VF. ($150)

2590. Henry VI, Restored. 1470-1471. AR Groat (2.69 gm). London. hENBICV etc., crowned bust in tressure; mm: restoration cross / Long cross; mm: lis. Seaby 2082. Near VF. Rare. ($300)

224 7 1

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2591. Edward IV. Second Reign, 1471-1483. AV Angel (4.99 gm). 14801483. London. Mm: heraldic cinquefoil. Seaby 2091. VF. ($600)

2592. Edward IV. Second Reign, 1471-1483. AR Groat (2.66 gm). 14711472. London. Mm: large annulet / trefoil. Seaby 2096. VF, warped flan.


2597. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.79 gm). First coinage, 15091526. London. Profile bust. Mm: portcullis. Seaby 2316. Good VF. Purchased from Seaby, 1962. ($300)

2598. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.64 gm). London. Third coinage. 1544-1547. First bust. Mm: lis. Seaby 2369. Good VF, strong portrait. ($300)

2593. Edward IV. Second Reign, 1471-1483. AR Groat (3.12 gm). London. Fleurs on cusps. Mm: ·+. Seaby 2098. Good VF. ($150)

2594. Edward IV. Second Reign, 1471-1483. AR Groat (2.83 gm). London. Fleurs on cusps. Mm: + · / « + . Seaby 2098. Good VF. ($150)

2599. Edward VI. 1551. AR Crown (30.54 gm). Fine silver issue. Mm: y. Seaby 2478. VF. ($600) '

2595. Richard III. 1483-1485. AR Groat (2.56 gm). London. Mm: boar's head (62). Seaby 2159. Toned VF, irregular edge, slightly bent. Rare. ($400)

2600. Philip and Mary. 1555. AR Shilling (5.95 gm). English titles only, with ΧΠ. Seaby 2501. Near VF. ($450)

2596. Henry VII. 1485-1509. AR Groat (2.99 gm). 1495-1498. London. Crowned bust facing / Cross; mm: pansy. Seaby 2199. Toned, good VF. / / Plus a profile issue groat. Seaby 2258. Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($300)

2601. Philip and Mary. 1554. AR Shilling (5.81 gm). English titles only, withXH. Seaby 2501. Fair. ($250)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2602. Elizabeth 1.1558-1603. AR Shilling (6.38 gm). Fifth issue, 1591-1595. Ear visible. Mm: tun. Seaby 2577. Good VF, choice portrait and strong strike. ($450)

2608. N e w a r k Beseiged. 1645. AR Ninepence (4.50 gm). Crown with C R, IX below / (OBS:) NEWARKE1645. Brooker-; Seaby 3145. VF, w e a k area. ($500)

2603. E l i z a b e t h 1.1562. AR Milled Sixpence (3.09 gm). O r n a t e dress, m e d i u m rose. M m : star. Seaby 2595; B&B 24 ( 0 2 / R 2 ) . Good VF. ($300) 2609. N e w a r k Beseiged. 1646. AR Sixpence (2.70 gm). C r o w n with C R, VI below / OBS: NEWARK 1646. Brooker 1228; Seaby 3146. VF, holed.

2604. E l i z a b e t h I. 1601. AR P a t t e r n P e n n y (1.96 gm). + T H E · » · · PLEDGE"‫ ־‬OF+ ·, crowned facing bust in ornate ruffed dress / » A · PENN Y · , c r o w n e d m o n o g r a m Seaby-; N o r t h 2051. VF. C o n t e m p o r a r y aftercast. ($150)

2610. Pontefract Besieged. 1648. AR Shilling (5.44 gm). DVM. SPIRO. SPERO, crowned C R / OBS Ρ C, castle, a i m with sword. Brooker 1231 (same dies); Seaby 3148. Near VF. ($1200)

2605. J a m e s 1.1603-1625. AR Shilling (5.97 gm). Second coinage, 16051606. Fourth bust. M m : rose. Seaby 2655. VF, attractive toning. ($200)

2611. Pontefract Besieged. 1648. AR Shilling (5.07 gm). DVM: SPIRO: SPERO, crowned C R / OBS Ρ C, castle. Brooker 1233 (same dies); Seaby 3149. Near VF, holed and plugged. ($400)

2606. Charles 1.1643. AR Halfcrown (14.70 gm). Oxford mint. King on horseback; p l u m e / Declaration. M m : OX. Brooker 898 (same dies); Seaby 2955. Good VF for type. ($300)

2607. C h a r l e s 1.1625-1649. JE Farthing. M a l t r a v e r s type, 1634-1636. C r o w n with sceptres / C r o w n e d harp; m m : lis. Seaby 3190; Peck 244. EF. ($150)

2612. P o n t e f r a c t Besieged. 1648. AR Shilling (3.79 gm). DVM:SPIRO: SPERO, c r o w n e d C R / CAROLVS :SECVNDVS:1648, OBS Ρ C, castle. Brooker 1234 (same dies); Seaby 3150. VF. ($800)

2 71

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.


Anne. 1708. AR Shilling. Third bust. Seaby 3610; ESC 1147. Toned EF. ($250)

2613. Oliver Cromwell. 1658/7. AR Crown. Laureate bust / Arms. Inscribed edge. Seaby 3226; ESC 10. Toned VF, advanced stage die flaw. ($1500) ®bKi^


V ^ ^ . C ‫׳‬

2620. George III. 1797. AV Third Guinea. First head / Crown. Seaby 3738. Good VF. ($150)


2614. Charles Π. 1676. AR Crown. Third bust. ANNO REGNIVIGESIMO OCTAVO. Seaby 3358; ESC 51. Good VF. ($250)


2621. George III. 1804. AV Third Guinea. Second head / Crown. Seaby 3740. Toned, good VF. ($150)

2615. James II. 1687/6. AV Guinea. Second bust / Cruciform arms. Seaby 3402. Near VF, edge marks. ($450)

2616. William and Mary. 1694. AV Half Guinea. Conjoined busts. Seaby 3430. EF, off-center strike from clashed dies. ($750)

2617. VF.

2622. George III. (1797). AR Dollar. Oval c / m of Geoige ffl on Charles IV 8 reales of Potosi, 1792 PR. Seaby 3765; ESC 121. Coin VF, c / m EF. ($300)

William III. 1698. AV Guinea. Second bust, large date. Seaby 3462. ($750)

2623. George ΠΙ. 1804. AR Bank Dollar. Very strong undertype (Charles IV, 1798NG M Guatamala 8 Reales). Seaby 3768; ESC 144. Toned VF, scratches. ($200) 2618. William III. 1697. AR Sixpence. Bristol mint. First bust, small crown in arms. Seaby 3531; ESC 1555. Toned, near EF. ($200)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2629. Victoria. 1841. AR Sixpence. Young head / Value. Seaby 3908; ESC 1687. EF, off-center double strike. A rare Royal Mint error. ($200)

2630. Victoria. 1842. AR 4 Pence. Britannia seated. Seaby 3913; ESC 1948. Toned VF, scratches. Key date. ($75)

2624. George III. 1804. AR Bank Dollar. Trace of undertype visible (Charles IV 8 Reales). Seaby 3768; ESC 144. Toned VF, scratches. ($100)

2631. SCOTLAND. Alexander III. 1249-1286. AR Penny (1.27 gm). Berwick mint. First coinage, 1250-1280. Crowned head left with sceptre / +ROBERT ON BER voided cross with stars. Seaby 5045; Burns 21b (fig,140B). Near VF. ($150)

2625. George III. 1772. JE Halfpenny. Seaby 3774; Peck 899. Une, iridescent toning. ($250)

2632. David II. 1329-1371. AR Halfgroat (2.10 gm). Second coinage, 13571367. Crowned bust left, sceptre before / VILLA+ EDINBVRGh, cross with mullets. Seaby 5107; Burns-. Toned VF. ($250)

2626. George III. 1797. JE Penny. Soho mint. ‫״‬Cartwheel". Seaby 3777; Peck 1132. EF, late die state. ($150) 2633. Robert III. 1390-1406. AR Groat (2.74 gm). Heavy coinage, 13901403. Crowned facing bust; DEI GRA REX / VILLA: EDINBVRGh, cross with pellets. Seaby 5166; Burns 33 note. Good VF. ($250) Rare Groat Of James IV

2627. George III. 1799. JE Proof Gilt Halfpenny. Peck 1243. EF, scratches and nicks. ($150) 2634. James IV. 1488-1513. AR Groat (2.34 gm). Light coinage, 1496-1513. Crowned facing bust; ends QRA, * stops / VILLA EDINBVRGE, cross with pellets and mullets. Seaby 5340; Burns-. Good VF. Rare. ($1250)

2628. Victoria. 1892S. AV Sovereign. Sydney mint. Jubilee bust. Seaby 3868C. VF. ($100)

Lot 2629

2635. James V. 1513-1542. AR Groat (2.53 gm). Second coinage, 15261539. Edinburgh. Crowned bust, open mantle / Arms on cross. Seaby 5378; Burns 5. VF, porosity. ($200) 228 7 1

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2642. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.47 gm). Fourth issue. 1544. Crowned arms / Crowned harp flanked by crowned h and crowned R; mm: lis. Seaby 6482; D&F 209. VF. ' ($100)

2636. Charles I. AR Twelve Shillings (5.62 gm). Falconer's second issue. Crowned bust; F and thistle / Arms. Seaby 5561; Bums 42. VF, mark on reverse. ($150)

2643. Philip and Mary. 1557. AR Groat (2.46 gm). Confronted busts / Crowned harp; mm; rose. Seaby 6501B; D&F 237. Fine, usual weak strike.


2637. IRELAND. John, as Lord. 1190-1199. AR Halfpenny (0.67 gm). Waterfond. +IOhANNES DOMt:, "moon" face / +MARC ON WATER, voided cross with annulets. Seaby 6208; D&F 39. Good VF. ($150)

2644. The Great Rebellion. 1643-1644. AR Shilling (5.92 gm). "Ormonde" issue. In the name of Charles Π. Crowned CR (R with curved tail) / XIID. Seaby 6546; D&F 299. VF for type. ($300)

2638. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Halfpenny (0.67 gm). Second coinage. 1279-1302. Dublin. Facing bust in triangle; ·EDW R / Cross with pellets. Seaby 6258; D&F 69. Good VF. ($2M)

2645. James II. 32 piece set of Gunmoney. Crown. Seaby 6578 (2 coins). / / Large Halfcrowns. Aug., Sep., Feb. 1689, Mar. 1690. Seaby 6579. / / Small Halfcrowns. May (3 varieties), Aug. 1690. Seaby 6580. / / Large Shillings. Aug., Sept, Oct. (3 varieties), Nov. (2 varieties), Dec, Jan., Mar. 1689. Mar., Apr. (2 varieties) 1690. Seaby 6581. / / Small Shillings. May 1690 (2 coins). Seaby 6582. / / Sixpence. June, July, Aug, Sep. 1689. Seaby 6583. / / Limerick Halfpenny. Seaby 6594 (2 coins). / / Farthing. Seaby 6595. Good variety of types and dates. Average Fine to VF, few with corrosion. 32 coins total. ($500)

2639. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Farthing (0.36 gm). Second coinage. 12791302. Dublin. Facing bust in triangle; · ERA / Cross with pellets. Seaby 6267; D&F 70. Near VF, bent. Rare. ($200)

2640. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Groat (2.09 gm). Light cross and pellets coinage. 1473-1478. Waterford. Facing bust; G on breast (Germyn Lynch) / Cross with pellets and saltires. Seaby 6349; D&F 134. Good VF. ($250)

2646. George III. 1766. JE Halfpenny. Birmingham imitation. Cf. Seaby 6612. Brown EF. / / 1782. JE Halfpenny. Third head. Seaby 6614. AU/Unc, with much mint red. 2 coins in lot. ($100) 2641. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.32 gm). With Jane Seymour. 1536-1537. Crowned arms / Crowned h a r p flanked by crowned h and crowned I; mm: crown. Seaby 6473; D&F 202. VF. ($150)

2647. ISLE OF MAN, Douglas. 1811. JE Halfpenny Token. Atlas Fire Insurance Co. Atlas holding up the world / Triskeles. KM Tn4. Good VF. ($75)

Lot 2642 2


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2648. ANGLO-GALLIC. Richard the Lionheart. 1189-1199. AR Denier (0.95 gm). Poitou mint. +RICARDVS REX, cross / PIC TAVIE NSIS. Elias 8. Good VF. ($1‫)ש‬

2655. Henry IV-VI. 1399-1450. AR Hardi d'Argent (1.11 gm). Half length bust of king / Cross with lis and lions; pellet in each quarter. Elias 233j. Good VF. ($125)

2649. Richard the Lionheart. 1189-1199. AR Denier (1.16 gm). Poitou mint. +RIC ARDVS REX, cross / PIC TAVIE NSIS. Elias 8. VF. ($75) 2656. Henry VI. 1422-1449. AR Grand Blanc (3.20 gm). Rouen mint. Arms of France and England; mm: lion / Cross with lis and lion. Elias 287. VF. ($100)

2650. Richard the Lionheart. 1189-1199. AR Obol (0.49 gm). Poitou mint. +RICARDVS W / AGVITANIE, cross. Elias 6. VF. ($125)

2657. Henry VI. 1422-1449. AR Grand Blanc (3Ό0 gm). Rouen mint. Arms of France and England; mm: lion, pellet under X / Cross with lis and lion. ($100) Elias 287a. VF. 2651. Edward II. 1326-1330. AR MaUle Blanche (1.66 gm). ED REX AN($125) GLIE, cross / Castle with three pellets. Elias 32. VF.

2658. Henry VI. 1422-1449. AR Grand Blanc (3.10 gm). St. Lô mint. Arms of France and England; mm: lis / Cross with lis and lion. Elias 288. VF. ($100) 2652. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1372. AR Demi Gros (2.30 gm). Limoges mint. Half length bust of Prince; mm: L / Cross; pellet stops. Elias 178b. VF. ($2TO)

2653. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1372 ARSterling (1.03 gm). Poitiers mint. Half length bust of Prince; double annulets / Cross with pellets. Elias 194b. Near VF. ($125)

2659. Henry VI. 1422-1449. AR Grand Blanc (3.16 gm). St. Quentin mint. Arms of France and England; mm: spur rowel / Cross with lis and lion. Elias 289. Good VF. Rare. ($2‫)ש‬

TCease Mainour 'BidSheet Έαήΐ)! 2654. Edward the Black Prince. 1362-1372. AR Hardi d'Argent (1.13 gm). Limoges mint. Half length bust of Prince; mm: L / Cross with lis and lions. Elias 204. VF. ($125) 2 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2665. Byzantine. Circa 7th century AD. Lead seal 29mm (17.85 gm). Cruciform invocative monogram / Cruciform monogram. Zacos type XLVI. VF, cream and gray patina. ($100)

MISCELLANEOUS A Collection of A n c i e n t a n d M e d i e v a l Seals

2666. Byzantine. Circa 7th-8th century AD. Lead seal 28mm (5.64 gm). Nimbate bust of St. George / "Lord help George Mandakes". Zacos and Veglery-. Good VF, black patina. ($100) 2660. Roman. Titus. 79-81 AD. Lead 25mm (15.32 gm). Cos. 8 (80/81 AD). IMP Τ COS VIH AEL PRIS(CVS AVG MET?) MOD PR AVG. Rare seal of a 1st century imperial official - Aelius Priscus, praetor. VF, brown patina. ($350)

2667. Byzantine. Circa 10th Century. Lead Bulla (Seal) 23mm. Facing bust of Mary, orans / Ο ΝΙΚΟ ΛΑΟ, facing bust of St. Nicholas. Good VF. ($100) 2661. Roman. Circa 4th Century AD. Lead 21mm (7.85 gm). INE NNX1M (Maximinus?), bust right, wearing cap / Christogram. Probably a local offiaal's seal imitating an imperial type. Gobi, Antike Numismatik, 235A. VF, gray patina, bruise on head. ($75) 2662. Roman. Circa 4th Century AD. Lot of six lead seals. One with facing bust, family of Theodosius. / / Three with unidentified confronted busts. / / One with bust right, spear over shoulder. / / Last with three figures standing by altar. / / Plus two /E barrel weights, half ounce and ounce, letters once inlaid. Seals somewhat rough, may be indentifiable. 8 pieces total. ($350)

Rare Lead Seal Of M a g n u s , B i s h o p Of Catania

2668. Italy, Sicily. Circa 7th-8th Century AD. Lead 22mm (7.90 gm). Magnus, bishop of Catania. +MAGNIEPISC+ / ECCL CAT. VF, cream patina. Seals of western church officials of this period are considerably rarer than their eastern counterparts. ($350)

2663. Romano-British Circa 4th-5th Century AD. Lead 21x16mm (8.03 gm). ANNIVS MART + IALVS / KOB 5TEN. VF, gray patina. With a letter from the British Museum commenting on the piece, theorizing that the seal originated with a military unit. Found in northern England. ($100)

2669. Italy, Papal States. Zacharias. 741-752. Lead Bulla (Seal) (15.97gm). +ZACCHARIAE / PAPAE. VF, reverse corroded / / Plus another bulla of an uncertain Gregory, heavily corroded. The first piece very rare. 2 pieces in lot. ($200)

2664. Byzantine. Circa 7th century AD. Lead seal 31mm (23.06 gm). Eagle with out-spread wings, invocative monogram XLVI above / "George, imperial Spatharios". Zacos and Veglery 1,620. Good VF, gray patina. ($150)

Lot 2665

2670. Papal States. Innocent III. 1198-1216. Lead Bulla (Seal) (49.14 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / INNOCENTIVS PP m. VF, remains of red and yellow cord. (S150) 2 71

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2671. Papal States. Martin IV. 1281-1285. Lead Bulla (Seal) (69.07 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / MARITNVS PP ΠΠ. VF, corroded.


2676. Papal States. Sixtus IV. 1471-1484. Lead Bulla (Seal) (37.48 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / SIXTVS PAPA ΠΠ. VF, corroded.


2672. Papal States. Nicholas IV. 1288-1292. Lead Bulla (Seal) (42.84 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / NTCOLAUS PP ΠΠ. VF, corroded.

2677. Papal States. Leo X. 1513-1521. Lead Bulla (Seal) (47.10 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / LEO PAPA X. VF, corroded. ($100)


2673. Papal States. Boniface IX 1389-1404. Lead Bulla (Seal) (50.14 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / BONIFATIUS PP VDH. VF. ($150)

2678. Papal States. Alexander VII. 1655-1677. Lead Bulla (Seal) (46.64 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / ALEXANDER PAPA VP. VF, remains of red and yellow cord. ($150)

2674. Papal States. Boniface IX. 1389-1404. Lead Bulla (Seal) (37.41 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / BONIFATIUS PP Vim. Fine. ($50)

2675. Papal States. Eugene IV. 1431-1447. Lead Bulla (Seal) (44.27 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / EVGENTVS PP ΠΠ. VF, cream patina. ($150)

2679. Papal States. D e m e n t XI. 1700-1721. Lead Bulla (Seal) (50.63 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / CLEMENS PAPA XI. VF, remains of white cord. ($150)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2683. Greek. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. JE square weight (16.47 gm). Weight for Attic tetradrachm? Facing cow's head. VF, encrusted green patina. From Asia Minor. Rare. ($150)

2680. Papal States. Pius VI. 1775-1799. Lead Bulla (Seal) (69.10 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / PIVS PAPA VI. VF, remains of white cord. ($150)

2684. Greek. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. JE weight 40x33mm (106.13 gm). Oxhide shaped bronze weight with high relief AB monogram and caduceus. VF, black patina. ($300)

2685. Roman. Circa 3rd4th Century AD. JE Three Uncia Weight 26mm barrel-shaped (67.70 gm). VNCI ΙΠ. VF, brown and green patina. ($200) 2681. Papal States. Gregory XVI. 1831-1846. Lead Bulla (Seal) (69.25 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / GREGORTVS PAPA XVI. VF, remains of yellow cord. ($150)

2686. Roman. Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. JE Two Uncia Weight 22mm barrel-shaped (53.85 gm). Letters inlaid with silver. VF, brown patina, silver intact. ($200)

2687. Roman. Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. JE 3 Nummi Weight (3.31 gm). Barrel shaped, Γ incised on upper surface. Good green patina. ($60)

2682. Papal States. Pius DC 1846-1878. Lead Bulla (Seal) (74.34 gm). Facing heads of St. Paul and St. Peter / PIVS PAPA IX. Good VF, remains of red and white cord. ($150)

2688. Byzantine. Circa 5th-6th Century AD. JE Uncia Weight 22mm square (26.51 gm). Γ A, cross above. Inlaid with silver in letters and cross. VF, dark green patina, silver inlay intact. ($150)


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

AV 2689. Byzantine. Circa 5th Century AD or Later. JE 3 Nomisma Weight (13.16 gm). Ν + Γ in dotted circle, incised on a Syracusan JE of Hieron Π (274216 BC) w i t h reverse of horseman galloping right, with couched lance (Favorito 63). Coin has been hammered and cut d o w n to proper weight. Most unusual reuse of a coin some 700 years or more after its issue. Rare. ($200)

2693. Greek. "Charon's Obol‫״‬. Circa 2nd Century BC. AV 17mm (0.10 gm). Uniface gold foil disk with depiction of owl on amphora within wreath, taken from the New Style Athenian tetradrachms. No sign of attachment, and too thin for normal use, so probably intended as a token for burial with the dead as payment for the boatman carrying them across the river Styx. VF, wrinkled. ($200)

2690. Byzantine. Circa 5th-6th Century AD. Lot of three JE three nomisma weights. Two round with incised letters, one octagonal with plain cross. / / Plus a 12 N u m m i of Alexandria, cut d o w n to a weight or token. Average ($100) VF. 4 pieces.

2694. Greek. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. Lead tessera 24x17mm (6.48 gm). Winged foot. An apotropic symbol, intended either to ward off illness or cure disease, in this case of the feet. Probably from Sicily. VF, cream patina. ($100)

2691. Italy. Circa 18th-19th Century. Brass coin weight for a Spanish 8 Escudo (27.00 gm). Crowned arms. / / A Macedonian JE of Philip Π cut d o w n for a drachm weight (4.20 gm). / / Byzantine lead seal. 11th Century. Mary / Christ. / / French AR medalette in antique style, "Reunion des Romains 1833". 4 pieces in lot. ($1M)

2695. Roman. Circa 1st 3rd Century AD .JE Tessera 17x11 m m (1.34 gm). Galley to right with two oarsmen, NPV above. VF, green patina, edge chipped. ($100)

2696. R o m a n . Circa lst-3rd Century AD. Lot of four lead tessera. Capricorn with cornucopiae. / / Headdress of Isis. / / Woman holding inflated veil / Lion. / / Four standing figures / Two figures flanking altar with wheel (solar symbol?). Interesting group, several pieces with cultic symbolism. Average Fine. 4 pieces in lot. ($200) ·,‫׳׳‬v.·

2692. English. Circ 1640. Boxed scales and weights. Hardwood box, outer lid decorated with stamped S-scroll pattern, inner with stamped saltires. Box fitted with slots for steel balance beam scale with brass pans. There are eleven round brass coin weights, most with the Β signature of Briot, two in box and nine in compartment in lid. In addition, there are three brass grain weights. The coin weights are: James I- 22s Unite (Withers 782); Angel (W.718); Double crown (W.808); Crown ( W.835); Half Angel (W.749); Half crown (W.653); Quarter Angel (W.771); Charles I - Unite (W.980); Angel (W.961); Double crown (W.997); Crown (W.1008). Weights, scale and box in choice condition. A remarkable and rare complete 17th century scale set. ($1750)

2697. Palmyra. R o m a n Period. Circa lst-3rd Century AD. Lot of four terracotta Tessera. Average diameter 15mm. "Theater tokens", used for admission to public games and festivals. Female head (Aphrodite?). / / Pegasos flying right. / / Radiate imperial bust (Hadrian?). / / Bare head of Marcus Aurelius as Caesar, 139-161 AD, unusual in having a partial inscription, CAES. Great quantities of these tokens have been preserved by the dry desert environment around the trading center of Palmyra. Better than average examples. 4 pieces in lot. ($250)

2698. England. Bury S t Edmunds. Circa 14th-15th Century. Lead 16mm. Token for the Boy Bishop of Bury St. Edmunds. Bishop's mitre / Cross with pellets. VF, heavy cream patina. ($60)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2699. Lot of four 19th Century electrotypes of Greek coins. Three uniface (two halves) and one biface. JE of Neapolis. / / Drachm of Katane. / / Drachm of Epirote Republic. / / Stater of Mithradates from Athens. Examples of early teaching aids. 7 pieces total. ($100)

2700. " P A D U A N ‫ ״‬after Giovanni Cavino. 1500-1570. Titus. JE "Sestertius" (22.66 gm). Laureate head left / "Judaea Capta". Klawans pg.67, 3. VF. Later cast. ($75) 2701. "PADUANS‫ ״‬after Giovanni Cavino. 1500-1570. Lot of five JE "Sestertii". Tiberius. Klawans 2. / / Agrippina. Klawans Iff. / / Claudius. Klawans Iff. / / Otho. Klawans 2. / / Vespasian. Klawans3. VF. All later casts. 5 pieces. ($150)

2705. France, Orange. 1577. Lead medal 46mm. Conrad von Bloc, Sculptor. William of Orange / Charlotte of Bourbon. Near VF. ($60)

2706. France. 1879. JE Medal 32mm. Centennial Exhibition. Paris mint exhibition. Two women with coining equipment behind. VF. ($50) 2702. Commodus? Circa 19th century. JE Fantasy "Sestertius". Bust of Hercules left, with lion skin and club / Lion on club, with star. VF, cast. ($100)

2703. Postumus. AR Medallion cast from the dies of Carl Wilhelm Becker (1772-1830). Postumus and Hercules / Victory and Felicitas. Hill 224. Later cast. ($150)

2704. Postumus. Circa 19th century. AR Fantasy medal. Radiate bust / Quadriga. Supposedly from Russia. VF. ($100)

2707. Germany. Saxe-Weimar Carl August 1825. JE Medal 41mm. Henri Francois Brandt, sculptor. 50th year of reign. Head right / Sol in quadriga surrounded by Zodiac symbols. Lehnert 37. Brown EF. ($100)

2708. Germany, Numburg. 1928. AR Medal 35mm. 400th Anniversary death of Albrecht Dürer. / / Plus a 19th Century AR Medal 24mm. Crowned RW / KREIGER VERDIENST. Both EF with handling marks. 2 pieces in lot. ($150) 235 7 1

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2709. Italy, Papal States. Gregory XIH. 1585. /E Medal 38mm. Lorenzo Parmigiano (Fragny), sculptor. GREGORIVS ΧΠΙ PONT OPT MAXIMVS, bust right wearing stole / AB REGIBVSIAPONIOR PRIMA AD ROMA PONT LEGATO ET OBEDŒNTIA. Mazio 131 ; Lincoln 754. EF, later cast. ($100)

2713. England. 1794. WM Medal 38mm. W. Mainwaring, sculptor. Charles Comwallis / Fame holding wreath and trumpet, arms at feet. Brown 373; Eimer 861. EF. ($75) Dtfeated by Washington at Yorktown in 1781, Comwallis redeemed himself in India with his victory aver Tipu Sultan ofMysore in 1792.

2710. Papal States. Leo XIII. 1900. AR Medal 44mm. Bianchi, sculptor. LEO ΧΠΙ PONT MAX AN ΧΧΠΙ, bust left wearing stole / Holy Year ceremony. Mazio; Lincoln. Toned EF. ($75)

2711. Japan. Medal for the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Base AR 21 mm. Birds flying over water / "Victory in the War", cherry blossoms and rising sun. Each side has an inset minute photograph of a Japanese officer under crystal, a younger army officer on the obverse, an older navy officer on the reverse. VF, one crystal frame cracked. ($75)

2712. England. Anne. 1702. AR Medal 34mm (15.73 gm). John Croker, engraver. Coronation. Pallas slaying two-headed monster. Hawkins Π pg.228,4; Eimer 390. Toned VF. ($150)

2714. England. George III. 1809. WM Medal 52mm. P. Wyon, sculptor. National Jubilee, 50th year of reign. Brown 652; Eimer-, VF, holed. ($50)

2715. England. 1863. WM Medal 31mm. Dodd and Sons. Marriage of Albert Edward (Edward VII) and Alexandra of Denmark. Brown 2762; Eimer 1564. VF. ($50)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2716. England. 1924. WM Token 20mm. British Empire Exhibition at Wembley. An imitation Alfred the Great London monogram penny with moneyer PHILIP /ET WEMBLEY. EF. ($60)

Cuneiform writing was inventedfor bureaucratic purposes shortly before 3000 BC in the city states of the Tigris and Euphrates valleys. Impressed into wet clay tablets with a cut reed stylus wielded by expert scribes, it was used to record the day to day movement of livestock, people, rations and perishable goods such as bread, barley, reeds and especially beer. Small tablets recorded daily transactions, ivhich were then transcribed onto larger official ledger tablets. Once inscribed, the tablets were sun-dried or baked and then placed in special storerooms in temple or royal archives. The present examples datefrom the period of thefamous kings of the Third Dynasty of Ur. They were Shulgi (2094-2047 BC), Amar-suen (2046-2038 BC), Shu-suen (2037-2029 BC), and Ibbi-suen (2028-2004 BC). Internal evidence suggests that the tablets originated at the city ofUmma, modern Tell Djoha, 75 miles south-east ofBagdhad and probably camefrom the temple archives.

2717. Victoria. 1887. AV 5 Pounds. Jubilee bust. On reverse, two Arabic assayer's marks, indicating 22 karat gold. Probably a modem restrike of the "Beirut‫ ״‬mint. Sold as bullion. EF. SOLD AS IS. ($450)

2721. Mesopotamia. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Fragment of large clay tablet, 155mm xl25mm ( 6 x 5 1 / 4 in). Eight partial columns of text on both sides, also relating business transactions. Edges chipped, most of one side missing, joined from two fragments. ($1200)

2718. China. Paper banknote. Ming dynasty, emperor Hung Wu. 13681398. Kwan, or 1000 cash note. Black printing on gray mulberry bark paper, with two official vermillion stamp seals. Ink quite faded, paper thinned in spots, but a clean example of this early paper currency. Framed. ($450)

2722. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Three fragments of small clay tablets, average 120mm (41 / 2 in) long. Each with two or more columns of text, giving names of workmen and their wages. One with a very faint column of text made as the clay was drying. Three pieces. ($750)

2719. A large collection of primitive and tribal money. Africa. Congo trade knives; "zappozap" and throwing blade. Quiggenpi.l, 13 and 20. / / "Katanga cross", holed. Quiggin pl.l, 3. / / West African "Kissi pennies" (5 pieces). Quiggin pl.l, 11. / / "Ogoja". Quiggin pl. 1,10. / / Plus: Brass manillas (5 pieces). / / Large iron manilla. / / Congo. Grass doth mat. / / Nigeria. Stone ring. / / Ghana. Quartzite trade stones. / / India. AR Satamana. / / AR Larin. / / Modem AR trade bracelets. / / China. Cash sword. / / 19th Century silver sycee (2 pieces). / / Malaysia. Small tin hat money. / / Eskimo? Small whale's tooth with scratched decoration. / / Plus nine bags of trade beads of various cultures, eight bags of cowries, seven bags of seeds, and other trade objects. Most with tags indicating where they were collected. A marvelous opportunity for the "odd and curious" colledor. ($600)

2723. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Six fragments of small day tablets, average 80mm (3 in) long. Each with two or more columns of text, giving names of workmen and their wages. Some pieces crumbling at the edges. Six pieces. ($750)

2724. Third E)ynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Five fragments of small day tablets, average 80mm (3 in) long. Each with two or more columns of text, giving names of workmen and their wages. Two with quite sharp script, some pieces crumbling at the edges. Five pieces. ($750)


2725. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Two fragments of large d a y tablets, average 110mm (4 in) long. One with six, the other with seven columns of text relating to deliveries of beer and livestock and the names of the individuals involved. 2 pieces. ($750)

(Most photos are reduced) A Collection Of C u n e i f o r m Clay Tablets




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2726. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Two fragments of large clay tablets, average 120mm (41 /2in) long. One with seven, the other with eight columns of text with receipts for various types of cult offerings brought by worshippers to the temple at Umma. Slight crumbling at the edges. 2 pieces. $750)

2727. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Fragment of large clay tablet, 120mm xllOmm (5x4 1/2 in). Eight partial columns of text on both sides, relating to disbursements of barley flour and other items. Edges chipped, some crumbling. ($750)

2728. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Fragment of large d a y tablet, 120mm xllOmm (5x41 / 2 in). Seven partial columns of text on both sides, listing beer and bread paid out to various individuals. Edges chipped, some crumbling. ($750) 2720. Mesopotamia. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Fragment of large clay tablet, 140mm xl40mm (5 l / 2 x 5 1 / 2 in). Nine columns of text on both sides listing wages, quantities of barley, beer and bread, in reference to many named individuals. Crumbled along edges, pick marks on one side. Large carefully impressed script. ($1500) 271

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2731. Anatolia. Bronze Age. Circa 4th Millenium BC. Small hand-thrown pot of reddish clay with brick-red burnished slip. Height 75mm. A few chips and crack along rim, otherwise intact. A nice early pottery vessel. ($250)

2729. Third Dynasty of Un Circa 2112-2004 BC. Fragment of large clay tablet, 120mm xllOmm (5x41 / 2 in). Six partial columns of text on both sides, in well formed script, categorizing various workers, including farmers and weavers, as well as listing the names of several officials. Nicely preserved corner fragment. ($600)

2730. Third Dynasty of Ur. Circa 2112-2004 BC. Fragment of triangular clay bulla, 65mm ( 2 1 / 2 in) across. Text preserved on four sides, mentioning sheep and dated "in the year in which the En-priestess of Ianna w a s installed at Uruk". Also visible are several cylinder seal impressions to certify the document, the clearest showing a figure seated left with five columns of text. Rare and interesting. ($350)

2732. Anatolia. Bronze Age. Circa 2nd Millenium BC. Pottery vessel. Height 21cm (8.25 in), greatest diameter 24cm (9.5 in). Wheel-made, carinated body of reddish-brown clay, upper half covered with cream slip, decorated with five panels of painted geometric patterns in brick red and black, each different. The panels spaced between a repeating pattern of two groups of three red painted lines with a narrow band of zig-zag in black. Another narrow band of black zig-zag beneath the flaring mouth of the pot. From an unidentified culture located in eastern Anatolia. Fine condition, paint eroded in spots, areas of rim restored. See Sotheby's London December 1990 antiquities catalogue, lot 55 for similar vessel. Rare. ($1500)

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2733. Syro-Palestine. Early Bronze Age. Circa 3300-3000 BC. Pottery basket shaped jug with pouring spout and strap. Height 125mm. Pinkish-red clay with red painted striped decoration. Similar pieces have been found at Jericho. See Mazar, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, ΠΙ. 4.4. Choice condition, intact with only slight wear to the paint. ($350)

2734. Syro-Palestine. Early Bronze Age. Circa 3300-3000 BC. Pottery basket shaped jug with pouring spout and vestigial pierced handle. Height 80mm. Cream colored day with red painted net decoration. Choice condition, intad with one worn spot. ($300)

2735. Syro-Palestine. Early Bronze Age. Circa 3300-3000 BC. Pottery bottle with two handles at shoulder. Height 120mm. Pinkish-red clay with red painted striped decoration. Intact, slight chipping around mouth. ($300)

2736. Syro-Palestine. Early Bronze Age. Circa 3300-3000 BC. Pottery juglet with handle. Height 90mm. Pinkish-red clay with red painted net decoration. Intact, paint rather worn. ($200) 2737. Syro-Palestine. Early Bronze Age. Circa 3300-3000 BC. Pottery juglet with handle. Height 70mm. Pinkish-red d a y with red burnished slip. Intad, slip worn in spots. ($100) 2738. Syro-Palestine. Early Bronze Age. Circa 3300-3000 BC. Pottery juglet with handle. Height 65mm. Cream colored d a y with similar burnished slip. Intad, slip worn in spots. ($100) 2739. Syro-Palestine. Early Bronze Age. Circa 3300-3000 BC. Pottery juglet with handle. Height 75mm. Pinkish-red day. Intact but worn, traces of slip remaining. ($100)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2740. Anatolia. Circa 6th-5th Century BC. Small one handled pottery cup. Height 80mm. Everted rim and narrow pedestal base, trace of white painted decoration on shoulder. Intact and choice. ($150)

2742. Anatolia. Circa 4th-2nd Century BC. Pottery aksos. Height 130mm. Squat body with strap handle with thumb rest, trefoil lip. Red-brown clay, the upper half of the body with lustrous dark brown slip. Intact, encrusted with worn slip. ($200)

2741. Anatolia. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. Fragment of amphora handie with molded design of a face with distinct Celtic features. Height 80mm. Gray-brown clay. From the time of the Celtic invasions of Asia Minor. Unusual. ($100)

2743. Anatolia. Circa 4th-2nd Century BC. Pottery jug. Height 160mm to top of handle. Ovoid body with high folded strap handle. Reddish clay, the upper half of the body with brown slip. Intact but for a few chips on handle and lip. ($200) 2744. Anatolia. Lot of f o u r pottery vessels. Bronze Age juglet. Coarseware hand thrown handled juglet with vestigial knob handle. Partially collapsed d u e to kiln misfire. / / Hellenistic gray ware oil lamp. / / Roman (?) redware plate with "piecrust" rim. / / Islamic grayware bottle with twisted handle and incised decoration on shoulder. Something from all periods. All worn with minor chips. 4 pieces. ($200)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc.

2745. Roman. Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. Pottery jug. Height 145mm. Red-slipped fineware jug with squat carina ted body, strap handle and flared lip. Intact but for minor chips on handle and worn slip. ($200) 2749. Byzantine. 10th Century or later. Potteryjug. Height 170mm. Coarse gray bulbous pottery jug with strap handle. Scratched graffiti around shoulder: IAAPOYnAIlAAOC, palm branches, dog and bird. Encrusted, large spall out of side. Later Byzantine utilitarian ware is quite scarce. ($150)

2746. Islamic. Circa 8th-10th Century. Pottery "Grenade". Height 125mm. Heavy grayish pottery bottle with very narrow neck and rib and grapes decorations around shoulder. Although sometimes call "fire grenades", these heavy-walled vessels were probably used to transport dangerously flammable or toxic chemicals and poisons used by Arab alchemists. Intact but for slight chipping, weak designs. (S100) 2747. Islamic. Circa 8th-10th Century. Pottery "Grenade". Height 120mm. Heavy grayish pottery bottle with very narrow neck and rib and grapes decorations around shoulder. Intact, nice sharp designs. ($100)

2750. Byzantine 10th Century or later. Pottery jug. Height 160mm. Coarse gray ovoid pottery jug with handle. Scratched graffiti around shoulder: AAEZANAPW BWAW Θ ΠΟΙΚΕΙΝ AAEZANAPOC ΝΕ1ΚΑΝΔΡΟΥ, palm branches. Encrusted, minor chips. ($150)

2748. Islamic Circa 8th-10th Century. Pottery "Grenade‫״‬. Height 100mm. Heavy grayish pottery bottle with very narrow neck and rib and grapes decorations around shoulder. Band of blue paint around neck. Intact, nice sharp designs. ($100)

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Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. A Collection of N o r t h African R e d w a r e L a m p s

2754. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 120mm. Molded discus with reversed Christogram. Border of rosettes and arches. Two filler holes. Cf. Ennabili 905. Choice, stress crack across base. ($200) 2751 Roman. North Africa. Circa 350-425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 145mm. Molded discus with scene of the Ascension, Christ being raised to heaven by two angels, hand of God above, two Apostles below. Border of squares and circles with geometric designs. Two filler holes. Ennabili, Lampes ChrĂŠtiennes de Tunisie, 75. Choice and rare. ($350)

2752. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 135mm. Molded discus with Christogram, skull below. Border of spirals with two vases of Life. Two filler holes. Cf. Ennabili, Lampes ChrĂŠtiennes de Tunisie, 858 (no skull). Choice. ($200)

2753. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 145mm. Molded discus with Christogram in chain bolder. Border of roundels with pellets. Two filler holes. Cf. Ennabili, 858. Choice. ($200)

2755. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 140mm. Molded discus with scene of man sitting in treehouse playing flute (Orpheus?), another man below tree, dog chasing hare. Border of triangles and arches. Filler hole. Cf. Ennabili 76. Restored from three fragments. Rare. ($200)

2756. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 125mm. Molded discus with man in short tunic holding vine with two leaves above his head. Border of semi-circles and grapes clusters. Two filler holes. Ennabili-. Intact, somewhat eroded. ($150)

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2760. Vandals. North Africa. Circa 5th-6th Century AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 130mm. Molded discus with Celtic looking galloping horse. Border of palms. Two filler holes. Intact, good condition. ($150)

2757. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 140mm. Molded discus with nude athlete hurling discus. Bonier of triangles, circles and quatrefoils. Two filler holes. Ennabili-. Intact, slight chipping around wick hole and wear to body. ($250)

2758. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 135mm. Molded discus with grape leaf. Border of triangles and semi-circles. Two filler holes. Cf. Ennabili 797. Choice, a little encrusted. ($2M)

2761. Vandals. North A frica. Circa 5th-6th Century AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 130mm. Molded discus with strutting rooster. Fluted border. Base incised with palm branches, grape vine and name ΙΩΝΑΤΊΑ(?). Two filler holes. Intact, good condition. ($150)

2762. Vandals. North Africa. Circa 5th-6th Century AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 130mm. Molded discus with chicken. Border of palms. Two filler holes. Choice. ($150)

2759. Roman. North Africa. Circa 350425 AD. Redware oil lamp. Length 135mm. Molded discus with octagonal design with suspended leaf. Border of palms. Filler hole. Cf. Ennabili 1196. Choice, a little encrusted. ($200) 2

2763. Palestine. Circa 3rd4th Century AD. Lot of three pottery oil lamps. Molded geometric designs, stubby vestigial handles. Based on the earlier "Samaritan" types. Average condition, somewhat worn with a few chips. 3 pieces. ($150)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2768. Anatolia. Soft limestone shrine. Height 210mm. Pyramidal stone with recessed panel between two semi-detached columns. Central design consisting of a square pedestal with facing nude female holding a spear and basket, two serpents flanking the pedestal路 Shallow carved rosettes on the outside, flat back. Precise origin and age unknown. Moderate chipping. SOLD AS IS. ($150)

2764. Palestine, Arab-Byzantine. Circa 6th-7th Century AD. Lot of four pottery oil lamps. Molded simple geometric designs, one with a tree pattem based on earlier menora designs. Good condition, handles broken on two. 4 pieces. ($200) 2765. Lot of Miscellaneous artifacts. Greco-Roman. Eight pottery loom weights, two pyramidal, the other ovoid or button-shaped. / / Two lead fragments, one with partial inscription, probably weights. / / Bronze ball, fragment of a fibula. 11 pieces total. ($100) 2766. Mesopotamian. Circa 4th Millenium BC. Lot of three stone seal amulets. Possibly Gawra culture. Steatite seals, one round, two oblong with abstract animal motifs. Pierced for suspension. / / Plus a black stone cylinder seal with crude animal forms of dubious attribution. Round seal somewhat eroded, other nice. 4 pieces. ($200)

2767. Phoenician. Circa 1st Millenium BC. Stone scaraboid amulet. Serpentine with vague scarab markings on the side, the base with geometric pattern, possibly a galley. Good condition. ($75)

2769. Roman. Circa 2nd Century AD. Marble head. Height 20cm (8in.). Life size head of a faun, a young child with curling ram's horns growing from his forehead. Fine grained white marble with gray inclusions. Broken diagonally across the cheek, somewhat battered in antiquity and in modern times, but the essential fine modelling and portrayal of spirited youth is still evident. ($1000)

2770. Judaea. Circa 1st Century AD. Amber Glass amulet. 19mm diameter. Two lions flanking palm tree. Symbolizing the Israelite monarchy. VF, loop broken off. ($60)

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2775. Roman. Circa 2nd-31d Century AD. Gemstone 12xl0mm.Carnelian ring stone with crude intaglio engraving of male figure standing left holding sceptre and thunderbolt (Zeus?). Minor edge chips. (S60)

2776. Roman. Circa 3rcMth Century AD. Gemstone 10x7mm. Red jasper ring stone with intaglio engraving of campgate with flanking lion's heads at base and legend L V (Legio V?). Probably from a legionary ring. Chip on upper right tower, otherwise choice. ($100)

2777. 19th Century Agate Gemstones in antique style. Bas relief bust of Athena. 20x15mm. / / Bas relief female bust. 12x10mm. / / Intaglio head of Dionysos. 20x14mm. / / Intaglio head wearing Phrygian cap. 12x10mm. / / Plus a later imitation scarab. 5 pieces. ($200)

2771. Roman. Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. Glass bottle. Height 140mm. Hand blown ovoid body, infolded lip. Aqua color. Overall iridescent patina. Choice. ($200)

2778. Phoenician? 1st Millenium BC. JE Amulet 20mm high. Janiform male heads. Similar to Phoenician head beads in glass. Supposedly found in Jordan. VF, brown patina. ($200)

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2772. Islamic? Circa 9th-10th Century. Glass gaming piece, possibly a pawn from a chess set. 35mm high. Olive green glass, somewhat pitted. ($50)

2779. Thracian. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. JE Roundel. Diameter 35mm. High relief facing head of Zeus-Ammon. Hollow cast with incised details and remains of iron shank for attachment. Choice olive-green patina. ($400) 2773. Roman. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. Gold ring with gemstone 13x11 mm. Red jasper stone with intaglio engraving of female figure standing left holding basket and grain ears (Ceres?). Plain gold band, inner diameter 15mm. Intact and choice. ($600)

2774. Roman. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. Silver ring with gemstone 11x9mm. Carnelian stone with intaglio engraving of female figure standing right holding spears (?), a small winged figure at her side. Heavy ovoid band, inner diameter 21mm. Intact, stone a little rubbed. ($350) 471

2780. Thracian. Circa 1st Century BC-AD. JE Roundel. Diameter 44mm. High relief facing head of Herakles, wearing lion skin. Hollow cast with incised details, backed with iron filling for attachment. Dark green patina. ($400)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. A Beautiful R o m a n Bronze Statuette

2781. Roman. Circa lst-3rd Century AD. JE Phallic amulet. Length 44mm. Intact, dark green patina. ($150)

2782. Greek. Circa 2nd Century BC. Lead Slingshot Bolt. Length 31mm (35.88 gm). Crude thunderbolt / ΘΑΡΥΠΟΣ. Supposedly found in Cyprus. Nice condition, cream patina. Thucydides (ii, 80) mentions a Molossian king Tharypas who reigned sometime after 429 BC. ($150)

2783. Greek. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. Lead Slingshot Bolt. Length 30mm (32.81 gm). Facing head? / A and round shield. Supposedly found in Sicily. Faint designs, cream and brown patina. ($75)

2787. Roman. Circa lst-2nd Century AD. Bronze statuette. Height 90mm. Standing figure of Tyche or Fortuna, draped in heavy chiton with kalathos on head, holding cornucopiae (top broken off) in left arm. The right arm, which probably grasped a rudder, was cast separately and is missing. Eyes inlaid with silver. Back is flat with two holes for attachment to small shrine. Very fine chased and incised details, a superb patina of olive and darker greens. Except for the damage to the cornucopiae, a highly important specimen of Roman metalwork, and an exceptional example of the small deity figurines intended for household shrines. ($2000)

2784. Roman. 1st Century BC. Lead Slingshot Bolt. Length 50mm (63.54 gm). CN MAG / IMP. Probably from Spain, where the supporters of Pompey the Great fought the final battles of the struggle against the armies of Caesar. Perfect, cream colored patina. Rare and historically important. ($200)

2788. Roman. Circa 3rd4th Century AD. Bronze figurine. Height 31 mm. Half length bust of Mithras, wearing Phrygian cap and cloak over shoulders. Intact, brown patina. ($150) 2785. Roman. 1st Century BC-AD. Lead Slingshot Bolt. Length 37mm (52.06 gm). Winged thunderbolt / Club and lion skin. Found in Lebanon. Choice condition and ornate design, brown and gray patina. ($150)

2786. Roman. Circa lst-2nd Century AD. Lead Slingshot Bolt. Length 42mm (51.64 gm). FERO (?) / COMA. Very crude, gray patina. ($50)

2789. Roman. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. Bronze mask. Height 35mm. Mask of young satyr. Hollow cast with incised details. Intact, rough green patina. / / Plus a bronze scallop shell, probably an amulet. Loop broken off, dark green patina. 2 pieces in lot. ($150)

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

2793. Romano-Celtic. Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. /E Fibula, diameter 35mm. Swastika with horsehead terminals, pellet and ring incised decoration. Intact, smooth dark brown patina. ($300) 2790. Roman. Circa 3 r d 4 t h Century AD. Bronze steelyard scale. Length 360mm (14 in). Complete with suspension hook, two weighing hooks on chains and one side hook, graduated balance arm. Counterweight on Ushaped hook is a small pedestal with high relief facing female head. Dark green patina, slight porosity on arm. Nice style. ($2500)

2794. Romano-Celtic. Circa 3rd4th Century AD. JE Fibula, length 35mm. Dove with outspread wings. Slight break at spring, otherwise intact, green patina. ($300)

2791. Roman. Circa 3 r d 4 t h Century AD. Bronze steelyard scale. Length 295mm (111 / 2 in). Complete with suspension hook, two weighing hooks on chains and two side hooks, graduated balance arm. Counterweight on chain is thin bronze cup filled with lead. Choice except for slight chipping on counterweight, brown and green patina over good metal. ($1500) 2795. Byzantine. 6th century AD and later. Lot of two IE crosses. Ballended arms, 45mm high. / / Plain arms, 33mm high. Circle and dot decoration on both. Similar encrusted green patina on both, probably found together. 2 pieces. ($100)

27%. Byzantine. Circa llth-12th Century. JE 57mm (11.06 gm). Facing bust of Archangel Michael (?) in elaborate court robes holding sceptre and globe, repoussĂŠ portrait with engraved details on thin bronze roundel. Good VF, green patina, two holes for attachment, worn through on nose and back of head, otherwise a choice example of later Byzantine metalwork. ($500)

2792. Roman. North African? Circa 3rd-4th Century AD. Bronze head. 65mm high. Hollow cast head of a youth, head turned slightly right, with short curly hair. Inlaid eyes (now missing). Holes at shoulder, hole at back of head, possibly for attachment of hook as steelyard weight. Green patina. ($3000) 1


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2803. Russia. Lot of 19th and early 20th century antiques. Three silver tea glass holders, hammer and sickle hallmarks. / / Three shell cameos with female busts, one in gold bracelet, the others in brooches. One broken. / / Bone cameo with female bust. / / Bone handle fork with imperial eagle hallmark. / / Silver award medal with enameled cross, central medallion missing. / / Square cut red gemstone (garnet?). / / Heavy bronze lotus-shaped furniture fitting, possibly ancient. A lot that can truly be labelled miscellaneous. 11 pieces. SOLD AS IS. ($150) 2797. Crusader. Circa llth-12th Century. <â‚Ź Buckle, length 65mm. Openwork shield with central cross, other details obscured by heavy green patina. Intact, has neverbeen cleaned. ($150)

LARGELOTS 2804. Lot of seventeen Greek JE. Apulia, Arpi. / / Calabria, Neapolis. / / Sicily, Syracuse. / / Pontos, Amisos. / / Komana. / / Paphlagonia, Sinope. / / I o n i a , Samos. / / Seleukid Kings. Seleukos I. / / Phoenicia,Sidon. / / Plus several unidentified. Average Fair to Fine. 17 coins. ($100) 2805. Lot of five Greek AR. Calabria, Tarentum. AR Diobol. / / Lucania, Thourioi. AR Triobol. / / Corinth. AR Stater. / / Boeotia, Thebes. AR Hemidrachm. / / Seleukid Kings. Philip Philadelphos. AR Tetradrachm. Average Fine. 5 coins. ($200)

2798. Crusader. Circa llth-12th Century. JE Buckle, length 59mm. Openwork triangular shield with central fleur de lis, other details obscured by heavy green patina. Intact, has never been cleaned. ($150)

2806. Lot of four Greek AR. Lucania, Thourioi. AR Nomos. Athena / Bull left. SNG ANS 940. / / Macedon, Akanthos. AR halved Tetradrachm. Lion and bull / Square. SNG ANS 7ff. / / Phokis. AR Hemidrachm. Bucranium / Apollo. SNG Cop. 86. / / Mysia, Parion. AR hemidrachm. Gorgoneion / Cow. SNG Cop. 266. / / Plus a plaster cast of an Akragas tetradrachm. Average VF. 4 coins. ($200) 2807. Lot of three Italian JE. Lucania, Metapontion. Athena Promachos / Owl. SNG Cop. 1254. / / Thourioi. Apollo / Lyre. SNG Cop. 1510. / / Bruttium, Vibo Valentia. Hera / Double cornuacopiae; carnyx. SNG Cop. 1849. Average good VF, three scarcer types. 3 coins. ($100)

2799. Crusader. Circa llth-12th Century. JE Buckle, length 70mm. Hasp is two sheets of bronze, the upper half with cut through geometric pattern. Clasp missing, rough brown and green patina, has never been cleaned. ($100)

2808. Lot of five AR Litrae of Sicily. Gela. Horseman / Bull. Jenkins 401ff. / / Kamarina. Athena / Nike. SNG Cop. 158. / / Katane. Silenos / Thunderbolt. SNG Cop. 182. / / Panormos. River god / Man-headed bull. SNG Cop. 511 (2 coins). The Katane heavily mineralized, the others VF. 5 coins. ($200) 2809. Lot of twelve Sicilian cast JE. Akragas. Tooth shaped trias and tetras (4 coins). / / Himera. Hemilitra. Gorgoneion (3 coins). / / Selinus. Trias. Gorgoneion / Leaf. / / Goigoneion / Krater. / / Tetras. Nymph / Leaf (2 coins). / / "Ziz". Rooster / Six pellets. Average Fair to Fine. 12 coins. ($250)

28TO. Crusader. Circa llth-12th Century. JE Buckle, length 52mm. Hasp is two sheets of bronze, the upper half with cut through design of a stork. Intact, rough green patina, has never been cleaned. ($150)

2810. Lot of ten Sicilian JE. Gela. Bull / River god. / / Himera. Nymph / Pellets. / / Hispani. Athena / Horseman. / / Kentoripion. Zeus / Thunderbolt. //Kainon.Griffin / Horse. / / Kamarina.Goigon / Owl. / / Mamertini. Zeus / Warrior.,// Morgantina. Athena / Lion. / / Panormos. Zeus / Eagle. / / Segesta. N y m p h / Hound. Average Fine to VF. Some scarcer types. 10 coins. ($300) 2811. Lot of nineteen Sicilian JE. Himera. / / Kainon. / / Kamarina. / / Lilybaion. / / Mamertini. / / Panormos. //Syracuse. / /Siculo-Punic. / / Plus several unidentified. Average Fair to Fine. Some scarcer types. 19 coins. ($250)

2801. Crusader. Circa llth-12th Century. Lot of two JE Buckles, length 37mm and 32mm. Shield shaped hasps, one openwork, the other solid. Details obscured by heavy green patina. Intact, have neverbeen cleaned. 2 pieces. ($100) 2802. Ottoman Turks. 16th-17th century. Iron Socketed Spearhead. Length 170mm long. Two holes on side for securing to shaft. Slight chipping on blade, otherwise with a stable red and brown patina. / / Plus two Greek lead slingshot bolts, no design. 3 pieces in lot. ($75)

2812. Lot of eighteen Sicilian JE. Aetna. //Entella. / / G e l a . / / H i m e r a . / / K a i n o n . / /Mamertini. / /Panormos. //Syracuse. //Siculo-Punic. / / Plus several unidentified. Average Fair to Fine. Some scarcer types. 18 coins. ($250) 2813. Lot of sixteen Sicilian JE. Gela. / / Himera. / / Kainon. / / Kamarina. / / Kentoripion. / / Mamertini. / / Segesta. / / Syracuse. / / Tauromenion. / / Siculo-Puriic. Average Fair to Fine. Some scarcer types. 16 coins. ($250) 2814. Lot of sixteen Sicilian JE. Gela. / / Himera. / / Kainon. / / Kamarina. / / Kentoripion. / / Mamertini. / / Segesta. / / Syracuse. / / Tauromenion. / / Siculo-Punic. Average Fair to Fine. Some scarcer types. 16 coins. ($250)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2815. Lot of six Sicilian JE. Katana. River god / Thunderbolt. SNG ANS 1272. / / River god / Dioskouroi caps. SNG Cop. 186. / / Himera. Goatrider / Nike. SNG ANS 185. / / Nymph / Pellets. SNG ANS 186. / / Mamertini. Ares / Horseman. SNG ANS 425. / / Uncertain. River god / Horse. Average Fine. 6 coins. ($150)

2829. Lot of six Greek AR Fractions. Thrace, Messembria. AR Diobol. Helmet / Wheel. / / Cilicia, Uncertain. Baal seated / Lion and stag. / / Phoenicia, Sidon. AR 1/16 Shekel. Galley / King and lion. / / Uncertain. AR Obol. Lion skin / Scorpion. / / AR Obol. Gorgoneion / Lion. / / AR Tetartemorion. Lion / Facing head. Average VF. 6 coins. ($150)

2816. Sicily, Akragas. Lot of twenty AR and JE. AR Litra. / / JE Hemilitron. River god / Eagle on column. / / JE Tétras, Hexantes and Onkia. Various types with eagle and crabs. / / Phintias, Tyrant. Persephone / Boar. Average Fair to Fine. 20 coins. ($250)

2830. Lot of eleven G r e e k s . Thrace, Maroneia. / / P o n t o s , Amisos. / / Mysia, Pergamon. / / Ionia, Ephesos. / / Ionia, Kolophon. / / Phrygia, Apameia. / / Cilicia, Tarsos. / / Seleukid Kings. Seleukos I. / / Armenia, Uncertain. Crown / Horse. / / Plus two unidentified. Average Fine. 11 coins. ($150)

2817. Sicily, Akragas. Lot of seven JE Hemilitra. Types of eagle / Crab. 5 pieces with countermarks: large head of Herakles (3 coins); small head of Herakles; crab. Average Fair to Fine. 7 coins. ($150) 2818. Sicily, Syracuse. Lot of twenty JE. Types include: Arethusa / Square. / /Arethusa / Octopus. / / Athena / Hippocamp. / / Persephone / Pegasos. / / Persephone / Bull. / / Agathokles. Thunderbolt. / / Eagle. //Quadriga. / / B u l l . //Pyrrhos.Herakles/ Athena. //Hieran.Horseman. / / Trident. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins. ($250)

2831. Lot of fourteen Greek JE. Thrace, Maroneia (4 ooins). / / Thasos. / / Myrina on Lemnos. / / Macedon, Amphipolis. / / Aetolian League. / / Akamania, Oiniadai. / / Euboea, Chalkis. / / Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy ID. / / Plus three unidentified. Average Fine. 14 coins. ($200) 2832. Lot of seven Greek JE. Thrace. Lysimachos. Athena / Lion. / / Macedon,Amphipolis.Gorgoneion / Athena. / /Thessaly,Larissa. Nymph / Horse. / / Thessaly,Phalanna. Apollo / Nymph. //ThessalianLeague. Athena / Horse (2 coins - different magistrates). / / Troas, Alexandria. Apollo /Horse. Average Fine. 7 coins. ($100)

2819. Sicily, Syracuse. Lot of twenty JE. Types include: Arethusa / Square. / / Arethusa / Wheel. / / Arethusa / Dolphin. / / Arethusa / Octopus. / / Athena / Hippocamp. / / P e r s e p h o n e / Bull. / / Agathokles. Thunderbolt. //Eagle. //Quadriga. / / Bull. / / Pyrrhos.Herakles / Athena. / / Hieron. Horseman. / / Trident. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins. ($250)

2833. Lot of seven Greek JE. Thrace. Lysimachos. / / Mysia, Gambrion. SNG Cop. 146 & 150. / / Ionia, Kolophon. SNG Cop. 181. / / Lydia, Philadelphia. SNG Cop. 342 / / Plus two unidentified. Star and horsehead / Star and club. / / Bearded head / Club and bow. Average VF. 7 coins. ($150)

2820. Sicily, Syracuse. Lot of twenty JE. Types include: Arethusa / Square. / / Arethusa / Octopus. / / Athena / Hippocamp. / / Persephone / Pegasos. / / Persephone / Bull. / / Agathokles. Thunderbolt. / / Eagle. / / Quadriga. //Bull. / / Pyrrhos. Herakles / Athena. / / Hieron Horseman. / / Trident. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins. ($250)

2834. Thessaly. Lot of nineteen JE. Gyrton. / / Larissa (7 coins). / / Magnetes. / / Phalanna (2 coins). / / Thessalian League (8 coins). Good variety of types, some scarce. Average Fine. 19 coins. ($150) 2835. Lot of five Greek AR Fractions. Athens. Obol. SNG Cop. 53. / / Mysia, Kyzikos. Obol. SNG Cop. 48. / / Hemiobol. SNG Cop. 49. / / Obol and Hemiobol without symbols. Athens Fine, the rest VF. 5 coins. ($100)

2821. Sicily, Syracuse. Lot of fourteen large /Έ. Types include: Athena / Dolphins and octopus. / / Z e u s / Thunderbolt. / / Zeus / Horse. / / Zeus / Eagle. / / Zeus / trident and dolphins. Average Fine. 14 coins. ($250) 2822. Lot of four 7E of Syracuse. Arethusa / Octopus. SNG ANS 389. / / Arethusa / Wheel. SNG ANS 404. / / Arethusa / Dolphin. SNG ANS 415 (2 coins). Average VF. 4 coins. ($150)

2836. Lot of four Greek AR Tetradrachms. Athens. Late dumpy style. SNG Cop. 63 (2 coins). //Syria, Antioch. Vespasian. Wruck 86. / / Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy X. SNG Cop. 367. / / Plus an unidentified late Islamic dirhem. Average VF, the Vespasian and Ptolemy with scratches. 5 coins total. ($150)

2823. Lot of f o u r Greek 7E. Syracuse. Hieron Π. Diademed bust / Horseman. SNG Cop. 842. / / Thrace. Lysimachos. Athena / Lion. SNG Cop. 1155. / / Pisidia, Isinda. Zeus / Horseman spearing serpent; Δ. Cf. SNG Cop. 156. / / Cilicia, Seleukeia. Athena / Nike. SNG Levante 687. Average VF. Better types. 4 coins. ($150)

2837. Lot of three Greek JE. Pontos. Amisos. Ares / Sword. SNG BMC 1154. / / Mithradates VI / Cista. SNG BMC 1199. / / Paphlagonia, Amastris. Gorgoneion / Nike. SNG BMC 1315. Average VF. 3 coins. ($60)

2824. Lot of six Greek /E. Moesia, Istros. Persephone / Eagle on dolphin. / / Thrace, Messembria. Helmet / Wheel. / / Messembria. Apollo / Athena. / / Pantikapion. Pan / Bull's head. / / Thessaly, Gomphi. Nymph / Zeus. / / Phokis. Facing Athena / Letter in wreath. Average Fine to VF. 6 coins. ($100) 2825. Lot of six 7E of Macedon. Philip Π. ApoUo / Horseman. SNG ANS 872,908 var., 915. / / Anonymous. Shield / Helmet. SNG Cop. 1126. / / Demetrios. Demetrios / Prow. SNG Cop. 1188. / / Roman province. Silenos / Legend. SNG Cop. 1324. Average VF, the last pitted. 6 coins. ($150) 2826. Lot of nine Greek JE. Macedon. Alexander ΠΙ (3 coins). / / Seleukid kings. Antiochos VIH and Cleopatra (3 coins). / / Syria, Apameia (3 coins). Average VF. 9 coins. ($100) 2827. Lot of seventeen Greek JE. Macedon, Amphipolis. / / Thessalonika (3coins). / /PhilipΠ(3coins). / / AlexanderΠΙ(2coins). / / Anonymous(2 coins). / / Kassander. / / Demetrios (2 coins). / / Antigonos. / / Philip V. / / Plus one uncertain. Average Fine. 17 coins. ( $250) 2828. Lot of four Greek AR. Thrace, Byzantion. AR Siglos. SNG Cop. 475. / / Thessaly, Larissa. AR Drachm. SNG Cop. 131. / / Euboea, Chalkis. AR Drachm. Picard Group 30. / / Cappadocian Kings. Ariarathes VII. AR Drachm. Simonetta 13. / / Plus an ^E of Messembria in Thrace. Average VF. 5 coins total. ($150)

2838. Lot of seven Greek JE. Bithynia. Prusias / Herakles. SNG Cop. 631. / / Mysia, Pergamon. Herakles / Athena. SNG Cop. 323. / / Aeolis, Kyme. Horse; Epikrates / Cup. SNG Cop. 74. / / Ionia, Kolophon. Apollo / Tripod. SNG Cop. 182. / / Smyrna. Apollo / Homer; Killetos Killetou. / / Caria, Kaunos. Bull / Sphinx. SNG Cop. 182. / / Plus uncertain Apollo / Sphinx left. Average VF. 7 coins. ($150) 2839. Lot of four Greek AR. Mysia, Parion. AR Drachm. Gorgoneion / Cruciform incuse. SNG von Aulock 1318 (2 coins). / / Aeolis, Kyme. AR Hemidrachm. Eagle; Zenon / Horse. SNG Cop. 37. / / Phrygia, Kabyra. AR Drachm. Helmeted head / Horseman; IO. Cf. SNG Cop. 263. Average VF, the Kyme scraped. 4 coins. ($150) 2840. Lot of three Greek AR. Mysia, Parion. AR Hemidrachm. Gorgoneion / Bull. SNG Cop. 259. / / Pamphylia, Aspendos. AR Obol. Gorgoneion / Athena left. Cf. SNG V. Aulock 4500. / / Unidentified AR Obol. Herakles / Star. Unpublished. Average VF. 3 coins. ($100) 2841. Lot of seven Greek AR. Mysia, Kyzikos. Hemiobol. SNG Cop. 49. / / Ionia, Teos. Trihemiobol. Griffin / Punch. SNG Cop. 1435. / / Lycia. Kuprlli. Trihemiobol. Bull / Triskeles. SNG V. Aulock4133. / / Cilicia. Tiribazos. Obol. Baal seated / Baal standing. SNG Lev. 67. / / Cilicia, Uncertain. Obol. Ahura-Mazda / Baal. SNG Lev. 216. / / Cyprus. Euagoras of Salamis. Obol. Euagoras / Aphrodite. Babelon 1183. / / Uncertain. Tetartemorion. Athena / Lion. Average VF. 7 coins. ($200)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2842. Lot of ten Greek JE. Mysia, Parion. / / Aeolis, Temnos. / / Phrygia, Apameia. / / Pamphylia, Side (2 coins). / / Pisidia. Termessos Major. / / Cilicia, Soli. / / Syria, Antioch. / / Phoenicia, Sidon. / / Plus uncertain with Apollo / Nike. Average Fine to VF. 10 coins. ($100) 2843. Lot of six Greek JE. Mysia, Pergamon. Herakles / Athena. SNG Cop. 323. / / Troas, Abydos. Turreted Artemis right / Eagle; ram's head. Cf. SNG v. Aulock 1447. / / Alexandria. Apollo / Lyre. SNG Cop. 93. / / Gergis. Herophile / Sphinx. SNG Cop. 338. / / Sigeum. Athena / Crescent. SNG Cop. 400. / / Aeolis, Kyme. Eagle; Piakon / Cup. SNG Cop. 46ff. Average VF. 6 coins. ($150) 2844. Lot of four small Greek JE. Mysia, Adramytion. Zeus / Eagle on altar. Von Fritze 4. / / Troas, Kebren. Apollo / Ram's head. SNG Cop. 273. / / Ionia, Klazomenai. Athena / Ram; Mandronas. SNG Cop. 81. / / Ionia, Kolophon. Apollo / Forepart of horse; Dositheos. Cf. Cop. 175. Average VF, some scarcer types. 4 coins. ($150) 2845. Lot of four Greek JE. Ionia, Magnesia. Apollo / Horse; Pausanias. Unpublished in this size (23mm). / / Samos? Σ A, amphora / Herrn with grain ear and caduceus. Unpublished. / / Caria, Knidos. Aphrodite / Prow with ram's head and dolphin. / / Kings of Galatia. Amyntas. Herakles / Lion. SNG Cop. 97. Average VF. Better types. 4 coins. ($100) 2846. Lot of nine Greek JE. Phrygia, Apameia. / / Cilicia, Aegeai. / / Hieropolis (4 coins -three with seated Tyche, one with river god). / / Tarsos (as Antiocheia). Sandan on Hon. (2 coins). / / King Tarkondimotos; anchor c / m , the epithet Philantoniou (friend of Antony) filed off. Average Fine. 9 coins. ($150) 2847. Cilicia. Lot of nine AR Obols. Nagidos. Aphrodite / Dionysos. SNG Levante 3. / / Pan / Dionysos. SNG Lev. 4. / / Aphrodite / Dionysos. SNG Lev. 6. / / Dionysos left / Amphora. Unpublished. / / Uncertain. Baal / Wolf. SNG Lev. 227. / / Athena / Baal. SNG Lev. 244. / / Janiform head / Herakles. SNG Lev. 245. / / Gorgoneion / Athena. SNG Lev. 249 (2 coins). Average VF, most with porosity. 9 coins. ($200) 2848. Lot of eleven Greek JE. Cilicia, Elaiussa. / / Tarsos. Sandan reverse. / / Syria, Antioch. / / Syria, Apameia (5 coins). / / Phoenicia, Arados (2 coins). / / Nabataean kings. Aretas IV. Average VF. 11 coins. ($100) 2849. Lot of six Greek JE. Cilicia, Korykos. Tyche / Hermes. / / Kings of Chalkis. Ptolemaios / Dioskouroi. / / Seleukid Kings. Seleukos I. Medusa / Bull. / / Antiochos I. Magnesia. Athena / Nike. / / Demetrios Π / Apollo. / / Uncertain. Athena / Bucranium. / / Plus an/E Dirhem of Artuq Arslan of Mardin. Average Fine to VF. 7 coins total. ($100) 2850. Lot of two Greek JE. Syria, Seleukid Kings. Seleukos II. Sardeis mint. Laureate head of Apollo / Satyr's head on tripod; monogram and anchor. Newell, WSM 1424. / / Syria, Antioch. Year 19 (31/30 BC). Laureate head of Zeus / Tyche left, holding rudder and comucopiae; date in exergue, all in wreath. Cf. BMC pg.156,40 (undated). Both good VF. Better types. 2 coins. ($150)

2855. Lot of twelve Greek JE. Carthage. Varieties of Tanit and horse types. SNG Cop. 94,107,109ff, 151,173,269 (10 coins). / / Numidia Kings. Micipsa. SNG Cop. 504ff. (2 coins). Average VF. 12 coins. ($200) 2856. Lot of nine Provincial JE. Moesia, Viminacium. Valerian I. / / Thrace, Biyza. Septimius Severus. / / Marcianopolis. Septimius Severus (3 coins). / / Severus Alexander. / / Gordian ΠΙ (2 coins). / / Messembria. Caracalla. Average Fine to VF. 9 coins. ($150) 2857. Lot of seven Provincial JE. Thrace. Rhoemetalkes and Augustus. RPC 1712. / / Pontos, Amasia. Lucius Verus / Mars and Aphrodite. Waddington26. / / Neocaesarea. Tranquillina. Wadd.58/52. / / Gallienus / Lion left; year 202. Wadd.-. / / Mysia, Pergamon. Claudius and Agrippina. RPC 2380. / / Plus unidentified of Commodus, Caesar / Dionysos. / / Herennia Etruscilla / Herakles. Average Fine. 7 coins. ($200) 2858. Lot of three Provincial coins. Thrace. JE22mm. Rhoemetalkes I and Augustus. RPC 1711. / / Pontos, Amasia. JE 29mm. Septimius Severus / Altar. Waddington 54. / / Alexandria. AR Tetradrachm. Nero / Roma. RPC 5293. Average VF, the Amasia pierced. 3 coins. ($100) 2859. Lot of five Provincial JE. Pontos, Neocaesareia. Gordian ΠΙ (2 coins). / / Troas, Alexandria. Gallienus (2 coins). / / Cilicia, Tarsos. Gordian ΙΠ. / / Plus a Follis of Licinius. Nicomedia mint. Average VF. 6 coins total. ($100) 2860. Lot of three Provincial JE. Pontos, Neocaesareia. Tranquillina / Prize crown on altar. Waddington 58/53. / / Trebonianus Gallus and Volusian / Roma. Waddington 63. / / Plus uncertain JE of Lucius Verus / Tyche. Average good VF, uncleaned original patinas. 3 coins. ($100) 2861. Lot of five Provincial AR and JE. Asia. Augustus. RPC 2235. / / Lycian League, Masikytos. Augustus. AR Drachm. Troxell 123. / / Syria, Antioch. Augustus. RPC 4247. / / Alexandria. Tiberius and Augustus. AR Tetradrachm. RPC 5089. / / Plus uncertain JE of Augustus. Average VF. 5 coins. ($150) 2862. Lot of five Provincial JE. Asia. Augustus. RPC 2235. / / Phrygia, Philomelion. Severus Alexander. BMC 26. / / Pamphylia, Side. Salonina. SNG Cop. 431. / / Cilicia, Syedra. Salonina. SNG Paris 670. / / Phoenicia, ($100) Berytos. Valerian I. BMC 256. Average Fine. 5 coins. 2863. Lot of seven Provincial JE. Mysia, Adramytion. Julia Domna / Ceres. Unpublished. / / Ionia, Ephesos. Valerian I. SNG Cop. 505. / / Gallienus. SNG v. Aulock 1930. / / Phrygia, Synnada. Athena / Demos. Unpublished. / / Cilicia, Anazarbos. Valerian I. SNG Lev. 1516. / / Olba. Ajax. SNG Lev. 633. / / Uncertain of Valerian I. Average Fine to VF. 7 coins. ($150)

2851. Syria, Antioch. Lot of twelve JE. Laureate head of Zeus / Zeus seated left. BMC 41ff. Average VF. 12 coins. ($1M)

2864. Lot of fourteen Provincial JE. Mysia, Pergamon. Autonomous. / / Troas, Alexandria. Autonomous. / / Ionia, Ephesos.Trajan. / / Septimius Severus. / / Magnesia. Nero and Agrippina. / / Tralles. Claudius, Messalina and Britannicus. / / Phrygia, Ankyra. Faustina Sr. / / Pisidia, Seleukeia. Elagabalus. / / Cilicia, Laertes. Trajan. / / "Caesarea". Claudius RPC 4086 (2 coins). / / Plus three unidentified. Average Fine. Some scarcer types. 14 coins. ($300)

2852. Phoenicia. Lot of four AR Fractions. Arados. AR Obol. Marine deity / Galley. BMC 45ff. (2 coins). / / Sidon. AR 1 /16 Shekel. Galley / King slaying lion. BMC 84. / / Sidon AR 1/16 Shekel. Galley / Persian king left. Apparently unpublished. Average VF. 4 coins. ($100)

2865. Lot of nine Provincial JE and Billon. Pisidia, Antioch. Julia Domna. / / Geta (2 coins). / / Syria, Antioch. JE of Augustus (2 coins). / / Tiberius. / / Nero. / / Macrinus. / / Billon Tetradrachm. Elagabalus. Average Fine. 9 coins. ($150)

2853. Palestine, Gaza. Imitation of Athenian AR Drachm. Blob / Owl. / / Babylon. AR Hemidrachm. Baal / Lion. MIG 8. / / Phoenicia, Tripolis. JE 21mm. Hadrian / Nike on galley. BMC 57. Average Fine, the first with test cut 3 coins in lot. ($100)

2866. Lot of fourteen Provincial /E. Pamphylia, Perga. Trebonianus Gallus, (holed) / / Pisidia, Antioch. Philip I. J J Volusian (3 coins). / / Commagene. Domitian. / / Syria, Antioch. Nero. / / Domitian. / / Philip I. J J Phoenicia, Arados. Aurelius and Verus. / / Palestine, Askalon. Countermarked (2 coins). / / Mesopotamia, Edessa. Caracalla. / / Zeugitania, Utica. Livia. Average Fair to Fine. Several scarce types. 14 coins. ($300)

2854. Sassanian Kings. Lot of eight AR Drachms of Khusru Π. Mints of Balkh, Jayy, Nahr Tire, Rayy. / / Plus four Ummayad AR Dirhems. al Muhammadiya mint. The drachms VF or better, the dirhem uncleaned. 12 coins total. ($100)

2867. Lot of twenty Provincial JE. Syria, Antioch (2 coins). / / Phoenicia, Tyre (3 coins). / / Judaea and Samaria. Hasmonean Kings (2 coins). / / AkkoPtolemais. / / Ashkalon (4 coins). / / Caesarea (2 coins). / / Gaza (2 coins). / / Neapolis. / / Sepphoris. / / Tiberias. / / Mesopotamia, Nisibis. Average Fair to Fine. 20 coins. ($250)

250 7 1

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2868. Syria, Antioch. Lot of seven autonomous JE. Zeus / Ram; year 42. BMC-. / / Tyche / Ram; years 104,105,177. BMC 69,74,102 (4 coins). / / Same, without crescent; year 104. BMC-. / / Tyche / Altar; year 108. BMC 76. Average VF. 7 coins. ($100) 2869. Egypt, Alexandria. Lot of six JE Dichalkoi and imitations. Trajan. Caduceus, Isis headdress and juglet reverses. / / Hadrian. Grain ears. / / Imitations of Hadrian, possibly from Caesarea in Palestine. Cornucopiae, griffin reverses. Average VF. 6 coins. ($125) 2870. Egypt, Alexandria. Lot of eleven JE and Potin. Augustus. JE 20 Drachma. / / Vespasian. JE Drachm. / / Vespasian and Titus. JE Drachm. / / Lucius Verus. JE Drachm. / / Marcus Aurelius, Caesar. Busirites Nome. JE Drachm. / / Potin tetradrachms of Claudius Gothicus (2 coins). / / Aurelian. / / Aurelian and Vaballathus. / / Salonina. / / Maximinus. Average Fair to Fine. 11 coins. ($250) 2871. Lot of nine Republican and Roman AR. Victoriatus. Anonymous. / / Quinarius. Anonymous. / / Denarii. M.Seigius Silus. / / L.Piso Frugi. / / Vespasian / Salus seated. / / Domitian, Caesar / Domitian on horseback. / / Hadrian / RESTITVTORIHISPANLAE. / / Antoninus Pius / Thunderbolt on throne. / / Marcus Aurelius / VIC PAR. Average Fine. 9 coins. ($150) 2872. Lot of three Roman Fourré Denarü. Includes the following: Roman Republic, Anonymous, RSC 176 / / Julius Caesar elephant Denarius / / Trajan, Aequitas standing left. All three coins near VF, all with traces of copper core showing through. 3 coins in lot. ($100) 2873. Lot of seven miscellaneous Roman JE. Lot includes the following: Roman Republic As, Wolf and Twins above prow / / Domitian Dupondius, Virtus standing right / / Severus Alexander Sestertius, Annona standing left / / Gratian JE 4, Aquileia mint, Roma seated / / Gordian ΙΠ, JE 27mm, Viminacium mint / / Elagabalus, JE 25mm, Antioch mint / / Valerian I?, JE 31mm, Mesopotamian mint? Average fair to fine. 7 coins in lot. ($100) 2874. Lot of twelve AR Denarii. Nerva. Clasped hands and caduceus. / / Trajan. Genius. / / Hadrian. Modius. / / Sacrificial implements. / / Antoninus Pius. Clasped hands and caduceus. / / Diva Faustina Sr. Juno. / / Marcus Aurelius. Pax. / / Diva Faustina Jr. Aeternitas. / / Commodus. Roma. / / Crispina. Clasped hands. / / Julia Domna. Ceres. / / Severus Alexander. Annona. Average Fine to VF. 12 coins. ($250)

2881. Lot of six Roman AR and one Quadrans. Lot includes the following: Hadrian Denarius, Hispania / / Trajan Denarius, Bostra mint, camel type / / Domitian Quadrans, pig / / Septimius Severus Denarius, elephant / / Caracalla Denarius, IN CARTH / / Philip I Antoninianus, lion right / / Otacillia Severa Antoninianus, hippo right. Average Fine to VF. 7 coins in lot. ($100) 2882. Lot of two Trajan JE. Includes the following: Sestertius, RIC Π 459, Near VF, porous / / Dupondius, RIC Π 464, VF, porous with encrustation. 2 coins in lot. ($75) 2883. Lot of three JE Sestertii. Septimius Severus / Mars. RIC 723. Fine. / / Philip I / Aequitas. RIC166a. VF. / / Postumus / Victory and captive. Bastien 91ff. VF. 3 coins. ($150) 2884. Lot of nine Antoniniani. Includes the following: Gordian HI, RSC 196 / / Philip I, RSC 215 and RSC 239 / / Philip Π, RSC 48 / / Trajan Decius, RSC 4 and RSC 113a / / Hostilian, RSC 15 / / Volusian, RSC 20 / / Aurelian, RIC V 364. Average Fine to VF, most lightly porous. 9 coins in lot. ($200) 2885. Lot of six Antoniniani. Includes the following: Gordian III, RSC 92b and RSC 109 / / Philip I, RSC 165 / / Philip Π, RSC 48 / / Trajan Decius, RSC 2 / / Hostilian, RSC 15. Hostilian Fine, others VF. 6 coins in lot. ($200) 2886. Lot of five Antoniniani. Includes the following: Gordian ΙΠ, RSC 41 / / Philip I, RSC 215 / / Philip Π, RSC 48 / / Trajan Decius, RSC 9a and RSC 43. All coins VF. 5 coins in lot. ($150) 2887. Lot of seven Antoniniani. Includes the following: Philip I, Otaalia Severa, Trajan Decius, Herennia Etrusdlla, Salonina, Tacitus and Constantius I. All coins VF to EF. 7 coins in lot. ($125) 2888. Lot of thirteen Antoniniani. Includes the following: Valerian; Sol (2), Victory (1), Valerian (1), Valerian and Female (3) / / Gallienus; Virtus (1), Pax (1) / / Salonina; Pietas (1), Roma (1) / / Valerian II; Valerian and Spes (1), Valerian and Jupiter (1). Average Fine to VF. Most lightly porous. 13 coins in lot. ($150) 2889. Lot of three Antoniniani. Includes the following: GaUienus, Sol standing left / / Tacitus, Mars walking left / / Numerian, Pax standing left. Tacitus fine, others VF. 3 coins in lot. ($75)

2875. Lot of eight Roman Denarii. Includes the foUowing: Vibia 2 / / Augustus, RSC 43c and RSC 43d / / Vespasian, RSC 30 / / Commodus, RSC 358 / / Septimius Severus, RSC 542 / / Caracalla, RSC 689 / / and Plautilla, RSC 16. Average Fine. 8 coins in lot. ($150)

2890. Lot of four Antoniniani. Includes the following: Salonina, Venus standing left / / Aurelian, Aurelian and Severina clasping hands / / Probus, Jupiter standing left / / Carus, Carus and Jupiter facing. All coins VF, Aurelian with encrustation. 4 coin in lot. ($75)

2876. HADRIAN and SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. Lot of Three Denarii. Includes the foUowing: Hadrian, Nilus, RSC 989a, VF / / Septimius Severus, Victory walking left, RSC 100, toned VF J J Septimius Severus, Aequitas standing, RSC 21, toned VF. 3 coins in lot. ($2M)

2891. Lot of five Antoniniani. Tetricus I / COME AVGG. RIC 57. / / Hilaritas. RIC 79. / / Laetitia. RIC 90. / / Pax. RIC 100. / / Claudius Π / Consecratio. RIC 261. Average VF. 5 coins. ($75) 2892. Lot of eight Roman JE. Lot includes the following: Gallienus Antoniniani, all with animal reverses (4), Divo Constantio Half Follis (1), Urbs Roma (1), Urbs Roma Imitation (1), Julian JE 1 (holed, 1). Average Fine. 8 coins in lot. ($100)

2877. Lot of four Roman Denarii. Includes the following: Marcus Aurelius, RSC 923 / / Caracalla, RSC 134 / / Geta, RSC 157b / / Julia Mamaea, RSC 17. Average VF. 4 coins in lot. ($125)

2893. Lot of twenty-one 4th Century JE. Includes the following: Diocletian (2), Constantius I (1), Galeria Valeria (2), Constantine I (3), Lidnius I (1), Crispus (4), Helena (3), Constantius Π (2), Julian (1), Aelia Flaccilla (1), Eudoxia (1). Average Fine to VF, most dirty. 21 coins in lot. ($250)

2878. Lot of seven Roman Denarii. Includes the following: Faustina Sr., RSC 84 and RSC 136 / / Marcus Aurelius, RSC 91 and RSC 920 / / Faustina Jr., RSC 73, RSC 75 and RSC 266a. Average VF. A decent lot. 7 coins in lot.

($2‫)ש‬ 2879. Lot of five Denarii. Includes the foUowing: JuUa Domna, RSC 47 / / Caracalla, RSC 239 I I Plautilla, RSC 25 / / Julia Maesa, RSC 45b / / Julia Mamaea, RSC 32. Average VF. 5 coins in lot. ($1(‫ש‬

2894. Lot of four 3rd4th Century JE. Includes the following: Maximianus, Antoninianus, RIC V pt.2,559 Diocletian, Follis, Cyzicus mint, RIC VI 12a / / Constantius I, Follis, Trier mint, RIC VI 595a / / Maximinus Π, Follis, Alexandria mint, RIC VI 100a. Average VF. 4 coins in lot. ($100)

2880. Lot of six Roman Denarii. Includes the foUowing: Elagabalus, RSC 30 and RSC 189b / / Julia Maesa, RSC 45b / / Severus Alexander, RSC 229, RSC 576 and RSC 585. Average good VF. A decent lot. 6 coins in lot. ($200)



Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2895. Lot of ten Roman JE. Includes the following: Galerius, Antioch mint, RIC VI 57b / / Galena Valeria, Heradea mint, RIC VI43 and Antioch mint, RIC VI121 / / Maxentius, Aquileia mint, RIC VI 121a / / Licinius I, Heradea mint, RIC VH 6 and RIC VH15, and Antioch mint, RIC V I I 2 7 / / Crispus, Sisiaa mint, RIC VH 175 / / Crispus, Ticinum mint, RIC VÜ 78 / / Julian Π, JE 3, Heradea mint, RIC Vffl 106. Average VF. A decent lot. 10 coins in lot. ($2(‫ש‬

2906. Lot of twenty-one Byzantine JE. Anastasius. Small folles of Constantinople and Nicomedia (2 coins). / / Decanummium. / / J u s t i n I. Pentanummi of Constantinople and Nicomedia (4 coins). / / Justinian I. Imitative Decanummium. / / Justin Π. Folles of Nicomedia and Antioch (2 coins). / / Maurice. Follis of Constantinople. / / Phocas. Half Follis of Constantinople. / / Decanummium. / / Heraclius. Folles (4 coins). / / Constans Π. Folles (4 coins). Average Fine to VF. 21 coins. ($200)

2896. Lot of four late Roman JE. Lot indudes the following: Constantius I, Lugdunum mint, RIC VI 187a / / Constantine I, Trier mint, RIC VI870 and Thessalonica mint, RIC VÜ 198 / / Constantius Π, Constantinople mint, RIC Vffl 78. All coins VF. 4 coins in lot. ($100)

2907. Lot of fourteen Byzantine JE. Anastasius I. Large folles of Constantinople (4 coins). / / Justin I. Folles of Constantinople (2 coins). / / Nicomedia (3 coins). / / Antioch. Pentanummium of Antioch. / / Justinian I. Folles of Antioch (2 coins). / / Pentanummium. / / Decanummium of Rome. Average Fine. 14 coins. ($100)

2897. Lot of forty late Roman JE. Includes the following: Licinius (1); Constantine I (5); Crispus (1); Constantine Π (1); Constans (5); Constantius Π (6); Valentinian I (11); and Valens (10). Fair to Fine, most lightly porous. 40 coins in lot. ($100) 2898. Lot of five late Roman JE. Indudes the following: Licinius I, Sisaa mint, RIC VÜ 8 / / Constantine Π, Thessalonica mint, RIC VH 120 / / Divus Constantine I, Antioch mint, RIC VHI112 / / Pop Romanus, Constantinople mint, RIC VIR 21 / / Constans, Sisaa mint, RIC Vm 232. Pop Romanus fair, others VF. 5 coins in lot. ($75) 2899. Lot of two late Roman JE. Includes the following: Constantine I, Rome mint, RIC VII48 / / Theodosius, Constantinople mint, RIC IX 79b. Both coins near VF. Constantine Rare. 2 coins in lot. ($50) 2900. Lot of eight late Roman JE. Includes the following: Urbs Roma, Trier mint, RIC VH 547 / / Constantine Π, Alexandria mint, RIC VH 59 / / Constantius II, Antioch mint, RIC VII66 and RIC VII 88 (2 coins), and Alexandria mint, RIC VH 72 / / Helena, Constantinople mint, RIC Vffl 34 / / Aelia Haccilla, Constantinople mint, RIC IX 82. Average VF, Haccilla porous. 8 coins in lot. ($100) 2901. Lot of One H u n d r e d and Eighty-Eight (188) Assorted Roman Coins. Lot includes: A Hadrian Sestertius, a Trajan Denarius, about 15 barbarous radiates, coins of Gallienus, Numerian, Diodetian, Constantine I and various other 3rd and 4th Century JE. Lot also includes 11 Greek JE induding two Alexander I JE and three Judaean /E. Lot also indudes 1 Khusro II drachm (holed). Average Fair to Fine. One Hundred and Eighty-Eight (188) pieces in lot. ($100) 2902. Lot of fifteen miscellaneous AR and JE. Campania, Neapolis. AR Nomos. / / Pisidia, Selge. AR Obol. / / Seleukid Kings. Antiochos VH. /E of Jerusalem (2 coins). / / Phoenida, Arados. AR Drachm. / / Achaemenid Kings. AR Siglos. / / Parthia. Vologases ΙΠ. AR Drachm. / / Vespasian. JE Sestertius. JUDAEA CAPTA. / / Titus, Caesar. JE As of Commagene. / / Domitian, Caesar. JE As. / / Maurice. JE Follis of Constantinople. / / Ummayad. JE Fais of Ramla and Tiberias (4 coins). Average Fine, the Judaea Capta sestertius pitted. 15 coins. ($250) 2903. Lot of twenty-seven miscellaneous AR and JE. Parthian AR Drachms (2 coins). / / Greek JE (3 coins). / / Roman Provinaal JE (10 coins). / / Alexandria. Potin tetradrachms (3 coins). Roman and Byzantine (5 coins). / / Islamic (3 coins). / / Armenian JE Kardez. Average Fine. 27 coins. ($150) 2904. Lot of fifteen miscellaneous Billon and JE. Ptolemy ΙΠ. JE 31mm. / / Alexandria. Potin Tetradrachms of Nero, Commodus, Valerian I. / / Spanish JE of Tiberius. / / JE As of Domitian. / / JE Dupondius of Antoninus Pius. / / Antoniniani of Postumus, Tacitus, Carausius. / / Follis of Constantine I. / / Arab-Byzantine Fais (4 coins). Average Fine. 15 coins. ($2‫)ש‬

2908. Lot of thirty-two Byzantine JE. Justin I. Folles (2 coins). / / Justinian I. Imitative Follis. / / J u s t i n Π. Decanummium of Carthage. / / Maurice. Decanummum of Antioch. / / Constans Π. Folles of Constantinople (12 coins). / / Half Folles of Carthage (6 coins). / / Folles of Syracuse (4 coins). / / Constantine IV. Decanummium of Constantinople. / / Folles of Syracuse (3 coins). / / Leo VI. Follis. Average Fine. 32 coins. ($150) 2909. Lot of fifteen Byzantine JE. Justinian I. Dated issues. Folles of Constantinople (4 coins). / / Folles of Nicomedia (3 coins). / / Follis of Cyzicus. / / Folles of Antioch (2 coins). / / Half Folles (3 coins). / / Decanummium. / / Decanummium of Carthage. All different. Average Fine to VF. 15 coins. ($300) 2910. Lot of fifteen Byzantine JE. Justinian I. Follis of Antioch, year 30. / / Justin Π. Folles of Constantinople and Nicomedia (3 coins). / / Half Folles of Thessalonica (2 coins). / / Maurice. Follis of Antioch, year 18. / / Heraclius. Follis of Cyzicus, year 3. / / Leo VI. Follis. / / Anonymous Folles class Β and C (2 coins). / / Plus four late trachy. Average Fine to VF. 15 coins. ($100) 2911. Lot of twenty Byzantine JE. Justin Π. Folles of Constantinople (2 coins). / / Folles of Nicomedia (2 coins). / / Folles of Cyzicus (3 coins). / / Follis of Antioch. / / Half Folles (2 coins). / / Decanummium. / / "Military Mint". Follis and Half Follis. / / Tiberius Π. Folles of Constantinople, Nicomedia, Cyzicus (4 coins, the first holed). / / Half Folles of Constantinople and Nicomedia (3 coins). All different. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins. ($200) 2912. Lot of twenty-four Byzantine JE. Maurice. Folles of Constantinople (4 coins). / / Half Folles (2 coins). / / Folles of Nicomedia (2 coins). / / Follis of Cyzicus. / / Folles of Antioch (8 coins). / / Half Folles (5 coins). / / Decanummia (2 coins). All different. Average Fine to VF. 24 coins. ($250) 2913. Lot of twenty-six Byzantine JE. Phocas. Follis of Constantinople. / / Decanummium. //HalfFollesofNicomedia(2coins). / / F o l l e s of Antioch (2 coins). / / Heraclius. Folles (5 coins, overstruck). / / Later folles (3 coins). / / Countermarked folles of Sicily (4 coins - all three types represented) / / Decanummium of Catania. / / Constans Π. Folles of Constantinople, Syracuse and imitations (7 coins). Average Fine to VF. 26 coins. ($200) 2914. Lot of fourteen Byzantine JE. Constantine IV. Decanummium. / / Leo V and Constantine. Follis. / / Basil I. Follis. / / Leo VI. Follis. / / Nicephorus Π. Folles. (3 coins). / / Anonymous Follis class C. / / Nicephorus ΙΠ. Follis. / / Alexius I. Tetarteron. / / John Π. Tetarteron. / / Manuel I. Tetarteron. / / Plus two unidentified. Average VF. 14 coins. ($125)

2905. Lot of five late Roman and Byzantine nummi. Leo I / Lion (2 coins). / / Justinian I / P-headed cross with A W . / / Two imitative types, one with soldiers and standards, the other with monogram. Found near Caesarea in Palestine. Average VF. 5 coins. ($50)


2915. Lot of thirty-seven Byzantine JE Folles. Leo V. Syracuse (4 coins). / / Basil I. / / Leo VI (6 coins). / / Romanus I. / / Constantine X (3 coins). / / Romanus IV. / / Michael VÜ. / / Anonymous class A (5 coins). / / Class Β (6 coins). / / Class C (3 coins). / / Class D. / / Class E. / / Class I. / / Plus three unidentified. Average Fine to VF. 37 coins. ($300) 2916. Austria. Leopold. 1662. AR 15 Kreuzer. / / Poland, Danzig. Sigismund ΠΙ. 1623. AR Ort. Both VF. 2 coins. ($50)

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 2917. Lot of twelve World AR and JE. Austria. Leopold. 3 Kreuzer and Kreuzer (3 coins). / / Canada. Halfpenny tokens (2 coins). / / France. Philip ΠΙ. AR Gros Tournois. / / Germany. Bracteate AR Pfennings (2 coins). / / Hannover. 1773 JE Pfenning. 11 Saxony. 1913 3 Mark. Memorial. / / Italy, Venice. Antonio Venier. AR Grosso. / / Netherlands. 1929 AR 21 / 2 Gulden. Average circulated. 12 coins. ($75)

2928. Lot of seven English coins. Edward L AR Penny. Class 2b. London. Seaby 1386. / / Class 2b. Durham. Seaby 1422. / / Class 3c. London. Seaby 1389. / / Class 4a. Robert de Hadelie on Bury St.Edmunds. Seaby 1417. / / Class 9b. London. Seaby 1408. / / Edward Π. AR Penny. Class ΧΙΠ. Bury St.Edmunds. Seaby 1465. / / Class XIV. Canterbury. Seaby 1466. Average Fine. 7 coins. ($150)

2918. Crusaders. Lot of eleven JE and AR. Normans in Sicily. William Π. ,ΕTrifoliate and Follaro. / AR Deniers. Achaia. William Π. / / Charles I and II (2 coins). / / Horent. / / Philip of Savoy. / / Philip of Taranto. / / Athens. William I (2 coins). / / Epirus. Philip of Taranto. Average Fine. 11 coins. ($75)

2929. Lot of six English coins. Henry ΙΠ. AR Penny. Short cross. Henri on Canterbury. Seaby 1356. / / Long cross. Henri on London. Seaby 1368. / / Nicole on Canterbury. Seaby 1368. / / Edward m. AR Halfgroat. Pre-treaty, York mint. Seaby 1581. / / Treaty, London. Seaby 1620. / / Post-treaty, London. Seaby 1640. Average Fine, the last poor. 6 coins. ($75)

2919. Crusaders. Lot of ten AR. Jerusalem. Baldwin. Denier. / / Amaury. Denier. / / Amaury. Obols (2 coins). / / Imitative Dirhems (2 coins). / / Antioch. Bohemund. Deniers (2 coins). / / Tripolis. Bohemuind VII. Half Gros. / / Italy, Milan. AR Denier. Average Fine to VF. 10 coins. ($75)

2930. Lot of eleven English AR and JE. Henry VII. Halfgroat of Canterbury. Seaby 2210. / / Elizabeth 1.1575. Threepence. Seaby 2566. / / Twopence. Scallop mm. Seaby 2579. / / 1 6 0 1 . Seaby 2586. / / Charles Π. 1679 and 1683 Threepence. Seaby 3386. / / Anne. 1711 Sixpence. Seaby 3619. / / Token farthing of William and Mary. / / Irish Halfpenny of William and Mary. / / T w o 17th century tokens. Average Fairto Fine. 11 coins. ($75)

2920. Lot of eight World AR and JE. Baktria, Indo-Greek kings. JE of Menander and Apollodotos. / / Afghanistan. AH 1348 AR Rupee. / / AH 1349 AR Rupee. / / Denmark. 1875 AR 2 Kroner. / / British India. 1921 AR Rupee. / / 1 9 3 8 AR Rupee. //Seychelles. 1939 AR Rupee. Average circulated condition, the 1921 rupee scratched. 8 coins. ($50)

2931. Lot of five English AR. Charles Π. Hammered Shilling. Seaby 3308. / / James Π. 1687/6. Shilling. Seaby 3410. / / William m . 1696. Sixpence. Seaby 3520. / / George Π. 1746 LIMA. Halfcrown. Seaby 3695. / / Victoria. 1887. Double florin. Seaby 3923. The first Fine, the others VF or better. 5 coins. ($200)

2921. Lot of fourteen Indian AR and JE. AR Punchmarked. / / Kuninda. AR Drachm. / / AR Bull and horseman jitals (2 coins). / / Base metal Native States and Republic (10 coins). Average Fine or better. 14 coins. ($50)

2932. Lot of five English coppers. George DI. 1797. Cartwheel Twopence. Seaby 3776. / / Cartwheel Penny. Seaby 3777. / / Tokens. Lancaster Ecdeston. Halfpenny. D&H 57. / / Angelsey. Parys Mines. Penny. D&H 330ff. / / Halfpenny. D&H 371 ff. The Lancaster halfpenny bronzed proof-like, the rest VF. 5 coins. ($100)

2922. Artuqids of Mardin. Husam al din Yuluq Arslan. JE Dühem. Facing bust. S / S 33.2. //JE Dirhem. Byzantine and Roman busts. S/S 34. / / Zengids of Sinjar. Qutb al din M o h a m m u d . JE Dirhem. Bust left with spear over shoulder. MWI1139. Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

2933. Lot of five English 17th Century tokens. Bedfordshire, Bedford. Anthony Boulton. 1667. Halfpenny. / / Dunstable. Daniell Fossey. 1668. Halfpenny. / / Berkshire, Faringdon. Thomas Fowler. 1663. Farthing. / / Hungerford. William Bell. 1668. Halfpenny. / / Reading. Thomas Underwood. 1666. Farthing. / / Plus an AR Denarius of Hadrian. / / JE Follis of Constantine I, London mint. / / Two 19th century cast replicas of Roman denarii. Tokens VF, others Fine. 9 pieces total. ($100)

2923. Afsharids of Iran. Nadir Shah. 1735-1747. AR 10 Shahi. AH 1151, 1153,1158. Mints of Isfahan and Tabriz (4 coins). / / AR 6 Shahi. ND. Tabriz mint (2 coins). Average VF. 6 coins in lot. ($75) 2924. Palestine, British Mandate. Mil. 1927,1935,1937,1941,1942,1943, 1946 (15 coins). / / 2 Mils. 1927,1941,1945,1946 (12 coins). / / 5 Mils. 1927, 1934,1935,1939,1941,1942,1944,1946 (10 coins). / / 10 Mils. 1927,1933, 1934,1937,1939,1941,1942,1943,1946 (12 coins). / / 20 Mils. 1933,1934 (key dates), 1935,1940,1942 (9 coins). / / 50 Mils. 1927,1933,1935,1939,1940, 1942 (11 coins). / / 100 Mils. 1927,1931,1935,1939,1940,1942 (12 coins). Average circulated. 81 coins in lot. A nice starter collection. ($150)

2934. Lot of twenty-four brass counters imitating gold g u i n e a s of George III. / / Plus sixteen other pieces: five hammered pennies (induding a smashed to bits WMam I), 1754 farthing two tokens, three weights, an Armenian tram, Ummayad fais, two Indian jitals, Spanish /E. Average Fair. 40 pieces total. ($100)

From the George Prager Collection. 2925. Palestine, British Mandate. Mil. 1927,1935,1937,1941,1942,1943, 1944,1946 (15coins). / / 2 Mils. 1927,1941,1942,1946 (12coins). / / 5Mils. 1927,1934,1935,1939,1942,1944 (11 coins). / / 10 Mils. 1927,1933,1935, 1937,1939,1940,1942,1943 (13 coins). / / 20 Mils. 1927,1935,1940,1941, 1942,1944 (key date) (9 coins). / / 50 Müs. 1927,1931,1934,1935,1940,1942 (10coins). / / 1 0 0 M i l s . 1927,1931,1933,1934,1935,1939 (12coins). Average circulated. 82 coins. A nice starter collection. ($150) From the George Prager Collection. 2926. Lot of eighty-four AR, Billon a n d JE European small change. 14th-17th century. Mostly German pfenning groschen and hellers, with a few larger denominations. Also some pieces from France, Lowlands, Italy and Spain. Lot has not been checked for rarities. Unsorted. Lot should be examined, good starter collection for the medieval enthusiast. Average Fair to VF. 84 coins. (S300) 2927. Lot of twelve AR and JE Jetons. France. Louis XV. 1767. AR Jeton with Hercules. / / Guatamala. 1812 AR Proclamation 2 Reales. / / French medieval jetons (3 pieces). / / Lowlands jetons (5 pieces). / / Germany. Nümburg jetons (2 pieces, one signed Hans Krauwinkel). Good variety, several intriguing types. Average Fine. 12 pieces. ($125)

1 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. NUMISMATIC LITERATURE TITLES O N GREEK NUMISMATICS 3001. Anthony, John. Collecting Greek Coins. (London and New York, 1983). (8), 301 pp., illustrations throughout text, 12mo. Printed card covers. A good introduction for the beginning collector. A very fine copy. ($10)

3015. Boutin, Serge. Catalogue Des Monnaies Grecques Antiques De L'Ancienne Collection Pozzi, Monnaies Frappées En Europe. (A.G. Van Der Dussen B.V., Maastricht; 1979). Two volumes. Text: xii, (2), 294 pp., index, table of monograms. Plates: 202 fine plates. Both volumes have printed card covers. Large octavo. This is the complete catalogue of the Pozzi collection and as such, it lists many coins that were not offered in the Ars Classica sale (No. 1) of the Pozzi collection. Corners bumped, spine lightly faded. A very good copy. ($30)

3002. Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen. The Randazzo Hoard 1980 and Sicilian Chronology in the Early Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1990). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 18.77 pages, 20 plates, 4to. Red cloth. A study of a hoard of539 Sicilian tetradrachms. A very fine copy. ($45)

3016. Comstock, Mary and Vermeide, Cornelius. Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Boston-1964). 78 pages, 30 plates, 8vo. A supplement to Agnes Baldwin Brett‫׳‬s original catalog of the museum's coins. Tan card covers, a little dirty. A fine copy. ($10)

3003. Babelon, Ernest. Traité des M o n n a i e s Grecques et Romaines. Première Partie: Théorie et Doctrine. (Bolgna, 1965-1967 reprints). Nine volumes, 3340 pages 355 plates. Matching blue cloth. Minor wear, front hinge of volume 1 broken. Generally a fine set. An indispensable work and a must for any serious numismatist. ($500)

3017. Cox, Dorothy Hannah. A Third Century Hoard of Tetradrachms From Gordion. (University of Pennsylvania, 1953). 19 pages, 8 plates. Details a hoard of Seleucid Tetradrachms found in 1951. Paper covers. A fine copy. ($15)

3004. Baldwin Brett, Agnes. Symbolism on Greek Coins. (New York1977 reprint of article from AJN 49, New York-1915). 112 pages, 6 plates, passim line drawings. Blue leatherette. A new copy. ($20)

3018. Davis, Norman and Colin M. Kraay. The Hellenistic Kingdoms. Portrait Coins and History. (Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1973 edition). 296 pp., 212 illustrations, 2 maps, glossary and bibliography, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($30)

3005. Baldwin Brett, Agnes. A Catalogue of Greek Coins, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (New York, 1974 reprint of Boston, 1955 original). 340 pp., 115 plates describing 2348 coins, appendices, 4to. Brown casebound. A fine copy. $135)

3019. Davis, Norman. Greek Coins & Cities. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1967). 221 pp., photographs and blow-ups throughout, 8vo. Illustrated from the collection at the Seattle Art Museum. Brown cloth with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($35)

3006. Banks, Horence Aiken. Coins Of Bible Days. (MacMillan Co., New York, 1955). 178 pp., 28 plates, frontispiece plate, glossary, maps on endpapers, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15)

3020. Frolova, N.A. The Coinage of the Kingdom of Bosphorus, AD 69238. (Oxford, 1979). BAR International Series 56.249 pages, 63 double-page half-tone plates, 6 line-drawn plates. Red card covers. The standard work on this interesting coinage. Bottom corner bumped, but a fine copy. Scarce.

3007. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia. (London1978). RNS Special Publication No. 10.81 pages, 8 plates. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($35) 3008. Bellinger, Alfred R. Essays O n The Coinage Of Alexander The Great. (New York, 1963 original). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 11.132 pages, 3 plates, 1 map. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($35) 3009.

Another copy as above. A fine copy.


3010. Bellinger, Alfred R. Essays O n The Coinage Of Alexander The Great (New York, 1979 reprint of 1963 original). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 11.132 pages, 3 plates, 1 map. Brown casebound. A new copy. ($30) 3011. Bellinger, Alfred R. Troy, The Coins. (New York-1979 reprint of Princeton-1961 original), xiii, 220 pp., 27 double-plates. Red casebound. As new. ($35) 3012. [BMC-GREEK]. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. (Bologna, various reprints of London, 1873-1927 originals). 28 volumes nearly complete, missing the volume on Parthia. Octavo. Blue casebound. Still one of the standard references for Greek coins and a must for every serious classical numismatist. Light wear at extremities, plates loose or hinges broken in seven volumes, others fine. Overall a fine set and a must for any Greek library. ($1500) 3013. [BMC-GREEK], Gardner, Percy. A Catalogue of The Greek Coins in the British Museum. Volume IV: Seleucid Kings of Syria. (New York, Durst 1983 reprint of London, 1878 original), xxxix, 126 pp., 28 plates, tables, indices, 8vo. Blue casebound. A new copy. ($30) 3014. Bodenstedt, Friedrich. Die Elektronmünzen Von Phokaia Und Mytilene. (Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen, 1981). χ, 390 pp., 63 plates, maps, tables, indices, 4to. Green cloth, gilt and with dust cover. Nice fine copy. Out-of-print and in strong demand. ($125)


3021. Gardner, Percy. Archaeology and Types of Greek Coins. (Chicago, 1965 reprint of London, 1883 original). With an Introduction by Margaret Thompson, former curator of Greek coins at the ANS. xvi, 234 pages, 16 plates, large 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. Out-of-Print. A very fine copy. ($45) 3022. Gardner, Percy. The Coins of the Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria and India in The British Museum. (Chicago, 1966 reprint of London, 1886 original), lxxvi, 193 pp., 32 plates. Red cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($25) 3023. Gardner, Percy. The Types of Greek Coins. An Archaeological Essay. (Cambridge: At The University Press, 1883 original), viii, 218 pp., (3), 16 fine autotype plates with descriptive text opposite. Folio. Rebound in brown leatherette, original green buckram front cover laid in. The original edition of this still useful work. Front hinge broken, cover a bit scuffed, internally fine. ($30) 3024. Grose, S(idney).W(illiam). Fitzwilliam Museum, Catalogue of the McClean Collection of Greek Coins. (Chicago-1979 reprint of Cambridge, 1923-1929 originals). Three volumes complete, x, (2), 380 pp., I l l plates; (6), 563 pp., 137 plates; vi, 507 pp., 132 plates. Thick 8vo. A standard reference set. Red cloth, gilt lettering. A very fine set. ($250) 3025. Head, Barclay V. Historia N u m o r u m : A M a n u a l of Greek Numismatics. (Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Red casebound, gilt lettering, dust cover. Still a standard reference. The 1911 edition is the second, and best edition. EHist cover a little ragged around the edges, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($65) 3026. Head, Barclay V. Historia N u m o r u m : A M a n u a l of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1967 reprint of Oxford-1911 edition), lxxxviii, 966 pp., tables of alphabets, illustrations in text, thick 8vo. Still a standard reference. Red cloth with dust cover (torn). A fine copy. ($50)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3027. Head, Barclay V. A G u i d e to the Principal Coins of the Greeks From Circa 700 B.C. to A.D. 270, Based on the work of Barclay V. Head. (London, 1959 revised second edition). British Museum Publication. 108 pages, 52 plates, 8vo. Green buckram with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($45)

3042. Mack, R.P. The Coinage of Ancient Britain. (Spink & Son Ltd. and B.A. Seaby Ltd; London, 1975 third edition). 200 pp., 33 plates, 12mo. Blue casebound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($20)

3028. Head, Barclay V. The Coinage of Lydia and Persia. (Chicago, 1967 reprint of London, 1876 original), viii, 55 pp., 3 plates. Paper covers. A nice fine copy. ($15)

3043. Madden, Frederick W. History of Jewish Coinage, And Of Money in the Old and New Testament (San Diego, 1967 update of 1864 original). 350 pp., line drawings throughout, 8vo. Blue leatherette. A very fine copy. ($25)

3029. Head, Barclay V. and J.N. Svoronos. The Illustrations of Historia N u m o r u m . An Atlas of Greek Numismatics. (Chicago, 1968). Edited by Alyce Marie Cresap. 64 pages, 35 plates, 4 tables. Red cloth with dust cover. Out-of-Print. A very fine copy. ($15)

3044. May, J.M.F. The Coinage of Abdera (540-345 B.C). Edited by C.M. Kraay and G.K. Jenkins. (London-1966, RNS Special Publication No. 3). xi, 298 pages, 24 plates, 8vo. Red casebound without dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage, but the chronology has been revised since. A fine copy. ($20)

3030. Heiss, Aloiss. Description Générale des Monnaies Antiques De L'Espagne. (Fomi undated reprint of 1870 original). 548 pages, 68 line drawn plates. White cloth with gilt lettering. Spine dirty, comers lightly bumped. A fine copy. ($50)

3045. Mays, Melinda, Editor. Celtic Coinage: Britain and Beyond. The Eleventh Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History. (London, 1992). BAR British Series 222.301 pages, 12 plates. 16 articles by leading scholars. A new copy. ($45)

3031. Hendin, David. Guide To Ancient Jewish Coins. (New York, 1987). 207 pages, 16 plates plus many line drawings in text. Catalog of the coins plus historical background. Hardbound with dust jacket. New. Now OutofPrint. ($35)

3046. Mildenberg, Leo and Silvia Hurter [Editors]. The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of Greek Coins. (New York, 1985). Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 6.2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates), 194 pp., 142 plates, 5 indices, 8vo. This two volume work catalogues 2970 coins of the Dewing collection at Harvard University with an excellent representation of Syracusan decadrachms and other Italian coinages. A must reference. Orange cloth, with slip case. A very fine set. ($100)

3032. Herbert, Kevin. The John Max Wülfing Collection In Washington University. (Ancient Coins in North American Collections Published by The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1979). (2), 30 pp., 22 plates, 437 coins, large 8vo. Orange cloth. A fine copy. ($15) 3033. Hill, G.F. Historical Greek Coins. (Chicago 1966 reprint of London, 1906 original), xix, 181 pages, 13 plates. Green casebound with dust cover. Discusses the historical significance of 100 selected Greek coins. A very fine copy. ($20)

3048. Müller, Ludwig N u m i s m a t i q u e d'Alexandre le Grand: suivie d'un appendice contenant Les Monnaies de Philippe II et III. (Basel 1957 reprint of Copenhagen, 1855 original). Plate volume only. 29 plates, tables. Brown cloth. Fine copy. ($15)

3034. H o u g h t o n , Arthur. Coins of the Seleucid Empire From the Collection of Arthur Houghton. (New York, 1983). Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 4.122 pp., 77 plates, table of chronology of selected mints. The definitive reference for the series. Orange cloth. Out-ofprint and in strong demand. A very fine copy. ($75)

3049. Newell, Edward T. Reattribution of Certain Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great (New York, 1912, reprinted from The American Journal of Numismatics, Volume 45,1911). 62 pages, 30 plates, card covers. Scarce. A fine copy, with minor bumps around the edges. ($50)

3035. Icard, Severin. Dictionary of Greek Coin Inscriptions. (New York, 1979 reprint of Paris, Horange & Ciani, 1929 original). 565 pages, 8vo. Red leatherette. As new. ($45)

3050. Newell, Edward T. Royal Greek Portrait Coins. (Racine, Wisconsin, 1937). 128 pages, numerous photographs throughout text, 8vo. An excellent introductory work to this day. Black casebound. A very fine copy. ($20)

3036. Jenkins, G.K. and R.B. Lewis. Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins. (London, 1963). RNS Special Publication No. 2.140 pp., 38 plates. Red casebound with dust cover. The definitive die-study for this vast series of coinage. Dust cover dirty. Ex Libris. Overall a fine copy. ($40) 3037. Kleiner, Fred S. and Noe, Sydney P. The Early Cistophoric Coinage. (New York, 1977). 129 pages, 38 plates, large 8vo. Numismatic Studies 14 in the ANS series. Red doth. The standard work on the cistophoric coinage. A very fine copy. ($40) 3038.

3047. Mitchiner, Michael. I n d o - G r e e k and Indo-Scythian Coinage. (London, Hawkins Publications, 1975-1976). Nine volumes complete, all in the original printed card covers. 924 pp., maps, illustrations, 4to. Fine set. A difficult set to locate. ($250)

Another copy as above. Cover stained, otherwise a fine copy. ($15)

3039. Kraay, Colin M. and Max Hirmer. Greek Coins. (New York, 1972). 396 pages, 20 color plates, 220 black and white plates, over 800 coins superbly illustrated in 1,349 photographs. One of the most beautiful books ever published on Greek coins. Tan d o t h with dust cover. Out-of-Print and rare. A very fine copy. ($500)

3051. Newell, Edward T. The Alexander Coinage of Sicyon. (New York1950). 41 pages, 18 plates, 8vo. ANS Numismatic Studies 6. Completed by Sydney P. Noe after Newell's death. Original card covers. A very fine copy. ($40) 3052.

Another copy as above. A fine copy.


3053. Noe, Sydney P. The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2, with additions and corrections by Ann Johnston. (New York, 1984). ix, 120 pages, 44 excellent plates, concordance to SNG. Quarto. Noe's two die studies are combined into one volume. The standard reference for this important coinage Also, N N M #164. Johnston, Ann. The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 3. (New York, 1990). ix, 102 pages, 21 excellent plates, concordance to SNG, 4to. A continuation and updating of Noe's work. Hard cover. Very fine copies. The standard works on the coinage of Metapontum. ($75)

3040. Kraay, Colin M. Archaic and Classical Greek Coins. (1993 reprint of 1976 original), xxvi, 390 pp., 64 plates, indices, 8vo. Grey case bound. This is the definitive "textbook" for the student and collector of Greek coins. A high quality reprint. As new. ($85)

3054. Noe, Sydney P. The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2, with additions and corrections by Ann Johnston. (New York, 1984). ix, 120 pages, 44 excellent plates, concordance to SNG. Quarto. Noe's two die studies are combined into one volume. The standard reference for this important coinage A very fine copy. ($25)

3041. Lindsay, John. A View of T h e History a n d Coinage of The Parthians. (Cork, 1852 original), vii, 251 pp., 10 line drawn plates, tables, genealogy. Original quarter-doth binding with plain boards. Binding weak but intact, plates stained at top, cover dirty. A very rare early work on Parthian coins. ($25)

3055. Price, Martin J. The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus. (Zurich and London, 1991). Two Volumes. 637 pages, 159 fine plates. Red cloth with dust covers, in slip case. The standard reference for years to come. A new copy. ($250)

5 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3056. Ratio, Rodolfo. Collection Claudius Côte: Monnaies de Tarente. (New York-1975 reprint of Lugano, 1929 auction catalog). 42 pages, 19 plates, 611 lots. An important collection of Tarentine coins. Paper covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

3072. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 2. Lucania. (New York, 1972). 38 pp., 38 plates describing 1442 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. As New. This volume is now Out-of-Print. ($75)

3057. Ravel, Oscar E. Numismatique Grecque: Falsifications, Moyens Pour Les Reconnaître. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of 1946 original). 104 pages, 10 plates. Text in French. Red leatherette. A very fine copy. ($20)


3058. Reifenberg, A. Ancient Jewish Coins. (Jerusalem, 1963 Third edition). 66 pp., 16 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 3059. Reinach, Théodore. Jewish Coins, "translated by Mary Hill. (Chicago, 1966 reprint). 73 pp., indices, 12 plates. Hard cover with dust jacket. A new copy. ($15) 3060.

Another copy as above. A fine copy.


3061. Roberts, W. Rhys and Head, Barclay V. The Ancient Boeotians and The Coinage of Boeotia. (Chicago-1964 reprint of London-1895 and 1891 originals). Two volumes in one. 92 + 99 pages, 6 plates, small 8vo. Roberf s section outlines the history and culture and precedes Head's outline of the coinage. Printed glossy card covers. Fine copy. ($20) 3062. Robinson, E.S.G. A Catalogue of the Calouste G u l b e n k i a n Collection of Greek Coins. Part I: Italy, Sicily, Carthage. (Lisbon, 1971). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 136 pages, 42 separate plates in cloth binder. Also; Jenkins and Hipolito. A Catalogue of the Calouste G u l b e n k i a n Collection of Greek Coins. Part II: Greece and East. (Lisbon, 1989). 2 volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 200 pages, 56 separate plates in cloth binder. A much sought after catalogue, noted for the aesthetic quality of both the catalogue and the coins in it. Cream cloth. A nice fine set. ($250) 3063. Rosen, Jonathan. Archaic Coins. An Exhibition at the J. Paul Getty Museum From the Collection of Jonathan Rosen. (Malibu, 1983). 43 pages, illustrated throughout. A catalog of the exhibition of 50 archaic Greek coins. Each is Ulustrated and enlarged. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 3064. Seaby Slide Set. SSI. Greek Coins from the 6th Century B.C. to Alexander the Great (London, 1972). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($30) 3065. Sear, David R. Greek Coins and Their Values, Volume I: Europe. (London, Seaby-1978). xl, 316 pages, illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Volume II: Asia and Africa. (London, Seaby-1979). xlviii, 446 pages, 2000 illustrations throughout the text, maps, 8vo. Based on the collections of the British Museum. These are the most recent editions. A fine set. ($85) 3066. Seltman, Charles T. Greek Coins: A History of Metallic Currency and Coinage. (London, 1955 Methuen edition). 311 pages with maps, 64 plates, 12mo. An excellent survey. Green casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($20) 3067. Seltman, Charles T. Masterpieces of Greek Coinage. (Oxford, 1949 original). 128 pp., photographs throughout text, 8vo. Red cloth. A fine copy. ($35) 3068. Seltman, Charles T. The Temple Coins of Olympia. (New York, 1975 reprint of the Cambridge, 1921 edition), ix, (1), 117 pp., 12 plates, large 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. As new copy. ($25) 3069. Starr, Chester G. Athenian Coinage 480449 B.C. (New York, 1980 reprint of Oxford-1970 original), xiv, 96 pages, 26 plates, small 8vo. A standard reference. Green leatherette. A new copy. ($25) 3070. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 1. Etruria - Calabria. (New York, 1969). 39 pp., 39 plates, describing 1618 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. Out-of-Print and scarce. ($100) 3071.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.


3074. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 3. Bruttium - Sicily I: Abacaenum - Eryx. (New York, 1975). 38 plates with text opposite. 1,348 coins described. Folio. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($65) 3075.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.



A third copy. A very fine copy.


3077. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 4. Sicily II: Galaria-Styella. (New York, 1977). 25 plates with text opposite describing 748 coins. Folio. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($65) 3078.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.


3079. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 5. Sicily III: Syracuse - Siceliotes. (New York, 1988). 56 pp., 45 plates. 1408 coins described. Includes indices (geographical, rulers, names, inscriptions, etc.) covering the first five volumes. Printed boards. Very fine copy. ($60) 3080. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of The American Numismatic Society. Part 6. Palestine - South Arabia. (New York, 1981). 54 plates with text opposite describing 1615 coins, indices. Folio. White buckram. Very fine copy. ($100) 3081.

Another copy as above. Printed heavy boards. A very fine copy. ($75)

3082. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum ("SNG Copenhagen"). (Reprint edition, West Milford, New Jersey, 1981). 565 pp., 463 plates. Folio. 39 original volumes beautifully reprinted in seven volumes, bound in red cloth with gold leaf imprints. Text in English. One of the best collections available in the Sylloge format and a "basic reference" for most dealers. This set is not complete, lacking the new Volume Vm. Minor scuffs on a few of the covers, still a very fine set. ($800) 3083. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum ("SNG Copenhagen"). Volume 39, Parthia-India. (Copenhagen, 1965). 368 coins described in detail and illustrated in 11 excellent plates. Card covers. Covers chipped and separated from plates. Internally fine. Scarce. ($50) 3084. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock (SNG- Von Aulock). (Reprint edition, West Milford, New Jersey, 1987). 302 plates with text opposite in German. 18 original volumes beautifully reprinted in four volumes, bound in blue cloth with gold leaf imprints. A standard reference, especially for the collector of Greek Imperial coinage from Asia Minor. Minor scuffs on covers, still a very fine set. ($425) 3085. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Deutschland, Sammlung Von Aulock (SNG- Von Aulock). Index, by Peter R. Franke, Wolfgang Leschorn and Armin U. Stylow. (Berlin, 1981). xii, 268 pp., 12 large fold-out tables, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. Very useful for the student of Greek Imperial coinage and as an aid to the Sylloge series of the Von Aulock collection. A new copy. ($80) 3086. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume XV (British Series). Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections. Part I. Spain (Emporiae, Rhoda) - Italy. (London, 1972). 14 plates with text opposite describing 882 coins. Heavy paperboard covers. A nice fine copy. Ex Libris. ($50)



Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3087. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG British Series. SNG Vol. VI. The Lewis Collection in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Part I. The Greek & Hellenistic Coins (With Britain & Parthia). (London, 1972). 24 plates with text opposite describing 1212 coins, 10 indices. Card covers. Comers bent, covers scuffed. Very good copy. ($45)

3101. Large lot of titles relating to Greek numismatics. Includes: text volume of the Gulbenkian Collection, part Π; "Greek and Roman Coins", by Milne; "Ancient Jewish Coins", by Reifenberg (2 copies); "Greek Coins, Museum Acquisitions 1950-1963", by the BMFA; "An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins", by Klawans; "Monnaies Grecques Archaïques", by Cahn; "Atlas of the Ancient Coins of Spain", by Heiss; "Greek Coins", by Seltman; "A Book of Greek Coins", by Seltman; plus nine other books and pamphlets. Average very good to fine condition. ($50)

3088. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. SNG Volume V (British Series). Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Part IV. Paeonia - Thessaly. (London, 1981). 14 plates with text opposite describing 621 coins. Folio. Heavy paperboard covers. As new copy. ($75)


3089. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG-The Burton Y. Berry Collection. Part 1-Macedonia to Attica. (ANS, New York-1961). 28 pages, 28 plates, 746 coins cataloged and Ulustrated. Printed card covers. A nice fine copy. ($65)

3102. Bellinger, Alfred R. The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus. (New York-1981 reprint of New York-1941 original). 116 pages, 16 plates. Brown casebound. A new copy. ($25) 3103. Curtis, Colonel James W. The Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (New York, 1990 reprint). 425 pp., small 8vo. A much expanded reprint of the standard reference for the series. Dark blue leatherette. A new copy. ($45)

3090. Sylloge N u m m o r u m Graecorum. SNG-The Burton Y. Berry Collection. Part 2-Megaris to Egypt. (ANS, New York-1962). 31 pages, 30 plates, 760 coins cataloged and illustrated. Printed card covers. Bottom of spine torn, front cover hinge weak, internaUy fine. ($50)

3104. Dattari, G. Numi Augg. Alexandrini, Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari, Compilato dal Proprietario. (Cairo, 1901 original). 472 pp., 37 plates, 6580 coins described. Bound in dark blue quarter leather with raised bands and gold tooling, purple marbled boards. No foxing. Light rubbing around edges, otherwise a very fine copy of this extremely important reference. Rare. Ex Libris Pierre Bastien. ($600)

3091. Thompson, Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints I: Sardes and Miletus. (New York, 1983). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 16.98 pages, 38 plates, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt lettering. And Alexander's Drachm Mints II: Lampsacus and Abydus. (New York, 1991). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 19.77 pp., 34 plates, 4to. Red cloth. Both still useful, even with the pubUcation of Price's work. Both very fine copies. ($75)

3105. Dattari, Giovanni. Monete Imperiali Grechi. N u m i Auggfustorum) Alexandrini. Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari. (Undated Fomi reprint of Cairo, 1901 original). Original two volumes in one. xii, 472 pages, 37 plates, 4to. The definitive collection of Alexandrian coinage and a must for any serious collector. Text in Italian. Brown cloth. A very fine copy. ($125)

3092. Thompson, Margaret. Alexander's Drachm Mints I: Sardes and Miletus. (New York, 1983). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 16.98 pages, 38 plates, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($40) 3093. Thompson, Margaret. The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens. (New York, 1961). ANS Numismatic Studies No. 10. Two volumes (1 of text, 1 of plates). 747 pages, 202 plates iUustrating 1266 coins, plus two large puUout plates equal to 23 more plates, large 8vo. The standard reference for this important coinage. Matching red cloth. A very fine set. ($200) 3094. Touratsoglou, Yannis. The Coin Circulation in Ancient Macedonia (ca. 200 BC - 286 AD). The Hoard Evidence. (Athens, 1993). 88 pages, 14 fold out maps and tables, 13 plates. Text in Greek and English. Card covers. A new copy. ($45)

3106. Lindgren, Henry Clay and Frank L. Kovacs. Ancient Bronze Coins of Asia Minor and The Levant, From the Lindgren Collection. (San Francisco, 1985). 212 pages, 135 plates, indices. Brown casebound with dust cover. This catalog records 3200+ coins and is especially valuable for the Greek Imperial series. A fine copy. ($50) 3107. Milne, J.G. Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins in the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford. (New York, Durst 1982 reprint of London, 1971 Spink edition). Supplement by Colin M. Kraay. lxviii, 165 pages, 7 plates, fold-out tables, 8vo. A standard reference. Green casebound. A new copy. ($50)

3095. Troxell, Hyla A. The Norman Davis Collection. (The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1969). (4), 53 pp., 28 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. A fine copy. ($10)

3108. Vogt, Joseph. Die Alexandrinischen Münzen. Grundlegung Einer Alexandrinischen Kaisergeschichte. (Stuttgart, 1924). Two parts bound in one volume, x, 233; iv, 185 pages, 5 plates. Recent red cloth, gilt. The scarce original edition. Newell address label, with a few notes in the text by Newell. Two small ink stains on page 43 and 125 of the second half. A fine copy. Ex. Libris ANS. ($300)

3096. Waggoner, Nancy M. Early Greek Coins From The Collection of Jonathan P. Rosen. (New York, 1983). Ancient Coins in North American CoUections No. 5. (6), 55 pages, 28 fine plates, 8vo. Orange cloth. A very fine copy. ($30) 3097. Ward, John. Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities. (London, 1902 original), xxxvi, 464 pp., Ulustrations throughout text, 22 fine autotype plates, frontispiece plate, 8vo. Original white cloth, top edge gUt, dust cover. Original classic edition. A nice fine copy, and the only copy we have seen with the original dust cover! ($100) 3098. Weidauer, Liselotte. TYPOS I. Probleme der f r ü h e n Elektronprägung. (Fribourg, 1975). 24.5 χ 18.5 cm., 114 pp., 29 plates. Text in German. Hard cover. A standard reference on the early electrum coinage of Asia Minor. Very fine copy. ($100) 3099. WiUiams, Roderick T. The Silver Coinage of the Phokians. (London, 1972). Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 7. ix, 138 pp., 16 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. The standard reference for this coinage. Dust cover a little rubbed, else a very fine copy. ($40)

3109. Von Aulock, Hans. Münzen und Städte Lykaoniens. (Tübingen, 1976). 95 pages, 12 plates, 518 coins listed. Card covers and dust jacket. A study of the coinage of 11 cities in Lykaonia. AU coins listed are pedigreed. An important work. Very fine copy. ($40) 3110. Von Aulock, Hans. Münzen u n d Städte Phrygiens. (Tübingen, 1980). Two Volumes. Volume L155 pages, 30 plates, 907 coins listed. Volume Π. 145 pages, 44 plates, 1513 coins listed. Both have card covers and dust jackets. A study of the coinage of 29 cities in Phrygia. All coins listed are pedigreed. An important work. Very fine copies. ($60) 3111. Von Aulock, Hans. Münzen und Städte Pisidiens. (Tübingen, 1979). Two Volumes. Volume L138 pages, 36 plates, 1435 coins listed. Volume Π. 186 pages, 51 plates, 2278 coins listed. Both have card covers and dust jackets. A die study of the coinage Pisidia. AU coins listed are pedigreed. An important work. Very fine copies. ($60)

3100. Wirgin, Wolf and Siegfried Mandel. The History of Coins and Symbols in Ancient Israel. (New York, 1958 First Edition). 264 pages, 32 plates, text illustrations. Hardbound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. TITLES O N R O M A N REPUBLICAN NUMISMATICS 3112. Grueber, H.A. Coins of The Roman Republic in the British Museum. (London, 1970 reprint of London, 1910 original). Three volumes. Volume I: Aes Rude, Aes Signatum, Aes Grave, and Coinage of Rome from B.C. 268. Volume Π: Coinage of Rome (Continued), Roman Campania, Italy, The Social War, and the Provinces. Volume III: Tables of Finds and Cognomina, Indexes, Plates, Etc. cxxv, 594 + 592 + 236 (& 123 plates), 8vo. Red casebound with dust covers. Dust covers a little dirty, otherwise a very fine set. Still an important reference, with much biographical information not found elsewhere. ($250) 3113. Herbert, Kevin. The John Max Wülfing Collection In Washington University. Roman Republican Coins. (New York, 1987). Ancient Coins in North American Collections No. 6. (2), 47 pages, 25 plates, 769 coins, 4to. Orange cloth. A very fine copy. ($20) 3114.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.

3125. Jelocnik, Aleksander. The Sisak Hoard of Argentei of the Early Tetrarchy. (Ljubljana, 1961). 90 pages, 15 plates, card covers. A detailed examination of a hoard of 1415 mint state argentei. More detailed than RIC, this work is very helpful in determining mints, etc. for these coins which are all fairly similar. Cover a little faded, otherwise a nice fine copy. Scarce. ($75) 3126. Kent, J.RC. and Max and Albert Hirmer. Roman Coins. (New York, 1978). 368 pages, 1430 excellent photographs, some in color, 4to. Green cloth with dust jacket. English translation with some revisions of Kent, Overbeck, and Stylow's Die Römische Münze (Munich, 1973). Out-of-Print and one of the most beautiful books ever published on Roman coins. A very fine copy. ($125) 3127. Lacam, Guy. La Fin de L'Empire Romain et Le Monnayage Or en Italie. (Luzern, 1983). In two volumes. 1107 pages, 60 plates, 226 plates of enlargements throughout, folio. Maroon casebound, gilt lettering. An incredible corpus of the gold coinage of the Italian mints of the Western Roman Empire. French text. A new copy. ($175)


3115. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. (London, 1952 original). 343 pages, 30 plates. Hard cover, gilt lettering. The original and best edition. Still a standard reference for Republican coins. A fine copy. ($100)

3128. Mattingly, Harold. A Guide To The Exhibition of Roman Coins In The British Museum. (Chicago 1980 reprint of Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1927 original). 80 pp., 8 plates, 11 figures, 12mo. Tan cloth. A very fine copy. ($15)

3116. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. (Durst, New York 1995 reprint of London, 1952 original), lxix, 343 pp., 30 plates. Brown leatherette. A full sized reprint with quality plates. A new copy. ($60)

3129. Mattingly, Harold, et al. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMCRE): 6 Volumes in 8 books. Volume I (1965 reprint); Volume Π (1966 reprint); Volume m (1966 reprint); Volume IV (1968 reprint, in two volumes); Volume V (1975 reprint in two volumes); and Volume VI (1976 reprint). A major reference work which discusses the mints, monetary system, art and fabric of the coins, and with the combination of excellent photos and indexes by type makes it especially useful in attributing coins. A nice line set. Out-of-Pnnt. ($800)

3117. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of the Roman Republic. (Durst, New York 1976 reprint of London, 1952 original), lxix, 343 pp., 30 plates. Brown leatherette. A very fine copy. ($10) TITLES O N R O M A N NUMISMATICS 3118. Breglia, Laura. Roman Imperial Coins: Their Art & Technique. (New York, 1968 translation of 1968 Milan edition). Translation by Peter Green. 236 pp., 99 coins cataloged, full page enlargement of each coin. Oblong octavo. Blue cloth with dust cover. Gilt lettering on dust cover starting to flake, otherwise a very fine copy. ($50)

3131. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMCRE): Volume III, Nerva to Hadrian. (London, 1966 edition), cxcvi, 640 pp., 102 plates. Red casebound, gilt. Important and useful. A nice fine copy. ($125)

3119. Callu, Jean-Pierre and Pierre Bastien. Inventaire Des Trésors de Bronze Constantiniens (313-348) and Le Trésor de Fresnoy-Lès-Roye II (261-309). (Wetteren, 1981). Numismatique Romaine, XII. 137 pages, 16 plates, extensive bibliography of hoards. Printed card covers. Study of two hoards, one of mostly large size folles, the other of reduced folles. Important for anyone interested in late 3rd and early 4th century numismatics. A very fine copy. ($75) 3120. Carson, R.A.G. and Colin Kraay [Editors]. Scripta N u m m a r i a Romana, Essays Presented to Humphrey Sutherland. (London, 1978). 250 pages, 24 plates, bibliography of Sutherland's works. Festschrift of fifteen artides by some of the leading dassical numismatists. One artide is in French, the remainder are in English. Hard cover with dust jacket. A very fine copy. ($30) 3121. Giacosa, Giorgio. Women Of The Caesars: Their Lives and Portraits on Coins. Translation by R Ross Holloway. (Milan, 1978). 127 pp., 71 plates, some in color. Blue cloth with dust jacket. A fine copy. ($50) 3122. Grant, Michael. Roman Anniversary Issues. An Exploratory Study of the Numismatic and Medallic Commemoration of Anniversary Years, 49 B.C.-A.D. 375. (New York, 1977 reprint of Cambridge, 1950 original). 204 pages, 2 plates. Hardbound. Very fine copy. ($15) 3123. Grant, Michael. Roman History From Coins: Some Uses of the Imperial Coinage to the Historian. (Cambridge, 1958). 96 pages, 32 plates, 12mo. Hardbound with dust jacket. A very fine copy. ($20) 3124.

Another copy as above. Card covers. A fine copy.


3130. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMCRE): Volume I, Augustus through Vitellius. (London, 1976 revised edition ). ccxxxi, 464 pages, 64 plates. Red casebound, gilt. End sheets dirty, binding a little weak but intact. Overall a very good copy. Out-of-Print and important. ($60)

3132. Mattingly, Harold. Coins Of The Roman Empire In The British Museum (BMCRE): Volume IV, Antoninus Pius to Commodus. (London, 1976 reprint of London, 1940 original.). Part 1: Introduction, indices, plates. Part 2: Catalogue of coins. Red casebound, gilt, with dust covers. As new copy. ($150) 3133. Mattingly, Harold. Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum (BMCRE): Volume VI, Severus Alexander to Balbinus and Pupienus. (London, 1976 reprint), viii, 311 pages, 47 plates. Out-ofPrint. Red casebound with dust cover. A new copy. ($75) 3134. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Earliest Tunes To The Fall of the Western Empire. (London, 1960 Methuen edition), xiii, 303 pages, 64 plates, 12mo. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. Green cloth with dust cover, gilt. A fine copy. ($25) 3135. Mattingly, Harold. Roman Coins From The Earliest Tunes To The Fall of the Western Empire. (New York, 1987 reprint of 1928 original), xx, 300 pages, 64 plates. Good introductory survey of Roman coinage over its entire history. Blue casebound, gilt. A new copy. ($30) 3136. R.A.G. Carson, P.V. Hill and J.P.C. Kent. Late Roman Bronze Coinage, A.D. 324-498. (New York, 1989 reprint of London, 1960 original). 114 pages, 4 plates. A standard reference for the collector of this area. Hard cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 3137. Reece, Richard. Roman Coins. (London, 1970). 189 pages, 64 plates, small 8vo. Cloth bound with dust cover. A good survey of Roman coinage from the Republic to the collapse of the Empire. A very fine copy. ($25)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3138. Robertson, Anne S. Roman Imperial Coins In The Hunter Coin Cabinet: Volume IV. Valerian I to Allectus. (Oxford, 1978). 340 pages, 64 plates. Lists approximately 2000 coins, two-thirds of which are ‫ש‬ustrated. Hardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($100)

3152. Seaby Slide Set. SS2. Roman Coins: The Twelve Caesars and Other Imperial Portraits. (London, 1972). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($30) 3153. Stevenson, Seth W. A Dictionary of Roman Coins. (Seaby, London 1982 reprint of 1889 original, London), viii, 929 pages, thick 8vo. Red casebound. Very fine copy with dust cover. Now Out-of-Print. ($75)

3139. Rodewald, Cosmo. Money in the Age of Tiberius. (Manchester, 1976). 154 pages, hardbound with dust cover. A study of the monetary policy of Tiberius in the context of currency circulation over the whole empire. Dust jacket smudged, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($20)

3154. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage In Roman Imperial Policy, 31 BC-68 AD. (Methuen, 1971 reprint of London, 1951 original). 220 pages, 17 plates. Hard cover. A nice fine copy. ($20)

3140. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). C.H.V. Sutherland and R.A.G. Carson, [Editors]. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. I (Revised Edition) From 31 BC To AD 69, by C.H.V. Sutherland. (London, 1984). xxii, 304 pp., 32 plates, indices, 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. Very fine copy. ($75)

3155. Sutherland, C.H.V. Coinage In Roman Imperial Policy, 31 BC-68 AD. (New York, 1978 reprint of London, 1951 original). 220 pages, 17 plates. Hard cover. A fine copy. ($20)

3141. R O M A N IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. I. Augustus to Vitellius. (London, 1923 original). 276 pp., 16 plates, indices. Hard cover. Fine copy, light foxing. Ex. Libris. ($25)

3156. Sutherland, C.H.V., Nekriman Olcay and K.E. Merrington. The Cistophori Of Augustus. (London, 1970). Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 5.134 pages, 36 plates. The standard reference for the cistophoric tetradrachms of Augustus. Hard cover with dust jacket. A very fine copy. ($50)

3142. R O M A N IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. II. Vespasian to Hadrian. (London, 1926 original). 568 pp., 16 plates, indices. Hard cover. Back hinge weak, covers soiled, pages lightly browned. Ex Libris. ($30)


Another copy as above. Dust jacket dirty. A fine copy.


3158. Sutherland, C.H.V. Roman Coins. (New York, 1974). 311 pages, 572 photographs of which 63 are in color. Companion volume to Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins, and Whitting's, Byzantine Coias. Long Out-of-Print and scarce. Hardbound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($125)

3143. R O M A N IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. Ill, Antoninus Pius To Commodus. (London, 1986 reprint of London, 1930 original), xx, 514 pp., (2), 16 plates, indices, 8vo. Green cloth. Now Out-of-Print and in strong demand. ($95)

3159. Sydenham, E.A. Historical References to Coins of the Roman Empire. (London and San Diego, 1968 reprint of London, 1917 original). (4), 155 pages with illustrations, 8vo. Out-of-Print. Orange casebound, gilt. A fine copy. ($10)

3144. R O M A N IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). Harold Mattingly and Edward A. Sydenham. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. III. Antoninus Pius to Commodus. (London, 1930 original). 514 pp., 16 plates, indices. Hard cover. Fine copy, some light foxing. Ex Libris. ($30)

3160. Sydenham, Edward A. The Coinage of Nero. (New York, 1982 reprint of 1920 original). 176 pp., 4 plates. Red leatherette. A new copy. ($20)

3145. R O M A N IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). C.H.V. Sutherland and R.A.G. Carson [Editors]. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. VI. From Diocletian's Reform (A.D. 294) to the Death of Maximinus (A.D. 313). by C.H.V. Sutherland. (London, 1984 reprint of 1967 original). 727 pp., 16 plates, indices. Green cloth. Now Out-of-Print and in great demand. A nice fine copy. ($95)

3161. Toynbee, J.M.C. Roman Historical Portraits. (London, 1978). 208 pages, illustrated throughout, large 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($30)

3146. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE (RIC). C.H.V. Sutherland and R.A.G. Carson (Editors). The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. VIII. The Family of Constantine I (A.D. 337-364), by J.P.C. Kent. (London, 1981). 605 pages, 28 plates, pull-out chart of bust types. Arranged by mints instead of reign. Hard cover with dust jacket. A nice fine copy. ($125) 3147. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins, Vol. I-V. A complete set of the most recent editions. An important set covering all the silver issues from the Republic to Romulus Augustus. Current retail for these is $225. All in nice fine condition. ($135) 3148. Roman Silver Coins. Volume I. Seaby, H.A. (Revised by David R. Sear & Robert Loosley). The Republic to Augustus. (3rd Edition, London, 1978). 166 pages, 784 illustrations in text. Haid cover with dust jacket. The most recent edition. Nice fine copy. ($25) 3149. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins. Volume II. (Revised by Robert Loosley). Tiberius to Commodus. (3d Edition, London, 1979). (6), 255 pages, 573 illustrations in text, small 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. The most recent edition. Nice fine copy. ($25) 3150. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins. Volume III. (Revised by David Sear). Pertinax to Balbinus & Pupienus. (2nd Edition, London, 1982). (6), 161 pages, small 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. The most recent edition. Nice fine copy. ($25) 3151. Seaby, H.A. Roman Silver Coins. Volume IV. (Revised by David Sear). Gordian m to Postumus. (2nd Edition, London, 1982). (4), 136 pages, small 8vo. Blue cloth with dust cover. The most recent edition. Nice fine copy. ($25)

3162. Toynbee, Jocelyn M.C. Roman Medallions. With an introduction to the reprint by William E. Metealf. ANS Numismatic Studies 5. (New York, 1986 reprint of New York, 1944 original). 268 pages, 19 plates. An updated version of this work that discusses the history and purposes of Roman medallions. Hard cover. Out-of-Print and in strong demand. A very fine copy. ($50) 3163. Van Meter, David. The Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins: A Complete Guide to the History, Types and Values of Roman Imperial Coinage. (Laurion Numismatics, 1991). 334 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Printed card covers. A very popular title. Out-of-Print. A fine copy. ($30) 3164. Large lot of titles relating to Roman Numismatics. Includes: "The Coinage of Roman Britain", by Askew; "Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins", by Klawans; "The Coinage of Septimius Severus and His Family of the Mint of Rome", by Hill; "Becker the Counterfeiter", by Hill; "Historical Roman Coins", by Hill; "Coin Inscriptions and Epigraphical Abbreviations of Imperial Rome", by Cohen; "Historical References to Coins of the Roman Empire", by Sydenham; "A History of the Roman World", by Salmon; RIC Volume IV part I; "Italian Cast Coinage, Italian Aes Grave", by Thurlow and Vecchi; miscellaneous old editions of Seaby's Roman Silver Coins and Roman Coins and Their Values; 11 different Attic Books reprints of various Numismatic Chronicle articles. Plus a few other odds and ends. Average very good to fine condition. ($60) TITLES O N BYZANTINE NUMISMATICS 3165. Bates, George E. Byzantine Coins, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monograph 1. (Cambridge, MA.-1971). 159 pages, 9 plates, 4vo. Purple buckram with matching dust cover. Very fine copy, minor tear in dust jacket. ' ($30)

259 7 1

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3166. et.

Another copy as above. Very fine copy, minor rubbing to dust jack($30)

3180. British Numismatic Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1945-1946. (London, 1947). Third Series, Volume V, Parts 1-3.373 pages with illustrations, bound in three volumes with paper covers. Articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Fine copy. ($20)

3167. Bellinger, Alfred R. and Grierson, Philip. Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections. Volume I to III complete. (Washington D.C.; 1966-1973 originals). Volume I: Anastasius I to Maurice; 383 pages, 80 plates. Volume Π: Phocas to Theodosius HI; 2 parts, 728 pp., 46 plates. Volume m : Leo m to Nicephorus ffl; 2 parts, 887 pp., 70 plates. Quarto, matching original green buckram with clear plastic dust covers. A nice fine set. The major reference for Byzantine coinage. ($500)

3181. British Numismatic Journal and Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1951. (London, 1952). Third Series, Volume VI, Parts 13.332 pages 25 plates, bound in three volumes with paper covers. Articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Lot also includes a copy of the 1961 British Numismatic Journal, Volume XXX, part Π only. Fine copies. ($20)

3168. Goodacre, Hugh. A Handbook of the Coinage of the Byzantine Empire. (Spink & Son Ltd., London-1960 reprint of London, 1928-1933 originals). xii, 361 pages, illustrations in text, narrow 8vo. Blue casebound with dust cover, gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($30) 3169. Heiss, Aloi'ss. Description Générale des M o n n a i e s des Rois Wisigoths DTspagne. (Paris, À L'Imprimerie Nationale, 1872). (4), iii, 185 pp., 13 engraved plates, 4to. Quarter leather with printed boards. Moderate wear around edges and spine, but internally very fine. Scarce original edition. ($150) 3170. Metcalf, William E. and Wolfgang Hahn [Editors]. Studies In Early Byzantine Gold Coinage. (New York, 1988). ANS Numismatic Studies N0.17.142 pp., 24 plates, 4to. Red cloth. A series of seven articles by various experts in the field and an introduction by the editors. A very fine copy. ($50) 3171.

Another copy as above. A very fine copy.

3182. Brooke, George C. English Coins from the Seventh Century to the Present Day. (Methuen & Co. Ltd.; London, 1962 reprint of 1950 third revised edition), xii, 300 pp., 72 plates, 12mo. Red casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15) 3183. De Clermont, Andre P. and John Wheeler. Spink's Catalogue of British Colonial and Commonwealth Coins. (Spink &: Son, 1986). 704 pages, profusely illustrated, 4to. Glossy hard cover. A nice fine copy. ($25) 3184. Kelly, E.M. Spanish Dollars and Silver Tokens. An Account of the Issues of The Bank of England 1797-1816. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1976). (14), 160 pp., 8 plates, appendices, index, 8vo. Black cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($35) 3185. Nathanson, Alan J. Thomas Simon, His Life and Work 1618-1665. (B.A. Seaby Ltd., London, 1975). 60 pp., illustrations throughout text, 8vo. Brown cloth with dust cover. As new copy. ($20)


3172. Ratto, Rodolfo. Collection Privée. Monnaies Byzantines et d'autres pays contemporaines à l'Epoque Byzantine. (Amsterdam, 1959 reprint of Lugano, 1930 original). Auction catalog of December 9,1930 of 2701 lots, 151 pages, 68 plates, 8vo. One of the most comprehensive Byzantine collections ever offered for sale with coins from Arcadius to John VIII. Red buckram. A nice fine copy. ($45)


Another copy as above. A very fine copy.


3187. North, J.J. English Hammered Coinage. Volume I and Volume II. (London, 1963 and 1960). 200; 183 pages, with illustrations, 14; 10 plates with facing descriptions. Blue leatherette with dust covers. Dust covers torn, light scuffing around edges. Very good copies. ($20)

3173. Rynearson, Paul F. Byzantine Coin Values. (San demente, 1971). 109 pages, 3 plates, line drawings in text. Includes a rarity scale which is still quite useful. Yellow casebound. A fine copy. ($15) 3174. Whitting, P.D. Byzantine Coins. (New York, 1973). 311 pages with 390 illustrations plus 20 color plates. Outstanding photographs. Companion volume in "The World of Numismatics" series to Sutherland's, Roman Coins, and Jenkin's, Ancient Greek Coins. Blue cloth with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($50)

3188. Scott, Gavin J. British Countermarks on Copper & Bronze Coins. (Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1975). 179 pp., 10 plates. Blue cloth with dust cover (frayed). A fine copy. ($25) 3189. Seaby Slide Set SS5. English Coins: Silver Crown, Edward VI to Elizabeth II. (London, 1972). 30 high quality color slides with lecture notes. Getting tough to find. ($30) 3190. Simon, James. Simon's Essay on Irish Coins, and of the Currency of Foreign Monies in Ireland; with Mr. Snelling's Supplement. (London, 1975 reprint of 1810 original). 180 pp., 8 line drawn plates. Green leatherette. A new copy. ($25)

3175. Zacos, G. and A. Veglery. Byzantine Lead Seals. (Basel, 1972 and Berne, 1984-85). Two Volumes in Six Parts. Volume I: Three text volumes, 1965 pages, one plate volume of 260 plates. Volume Π: One text volume, xxx, 543 pages, one plate volume of 100 plates. Bound in matching tan buchram. Covers a little dirty around edges, but overall a nice fine set. The standard work on Byzantine seals. ($350)

3191. Taylor, Jeremy. The Architectural Medal, England in the Nineteenth Century. (London, 1978). 244 pages, illustrated throughout. Hardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($25)

TITLES O N BRITISH A N D BRITISH ISLES NUMISMATICS 3176. Atkins, James. The Tradesmen's Tokens of the Eighteenth Century. (W.S. Lincoln & Son, London, 1892). vi, (2), 415 pp., 12mo. Quarter brown calf with matching buckram board, top edge gilt, internally intact but shaken. Very good copy. Ex Libris. ($25) 3177. Bell, R.C. Commercial Coins 1787-1804. (Newcastle, 1963). 319 pp., illustrated throughout text, frontispiece plate, map, 12mo. Casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($20) 3178. Berry, George. Taverns and Tokens of Pepys' London. (B.A. Seaby Ltd., London, 1978). 144 pp., illustrated throughout text, appendices, bibliography, index, 8vo. Printed glossy boards. Light scratch on cover, otherwise as new. ($30) 3179. Bound volume of 52 engraved plates illustrating English coins. No date (late 1800's probably) on title page so I have no idea what this is from. Bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering. Fine condition. ($20)

3192. Trowbridge, Richard J. Crowns of the British Empire. (Krause, 1971). 169 pages, illustrated, 4to. Blue cloth. A nice fine copy. ($15) 3193. Lot of four Seaby titles relating to English coins. Includes: "Coins of England and the United Kingdom," 1978 edition; "The Story of English Coinage," by Peter Seaby, 1952 edition; "Notes of English Silver Coins, 10661648," 1948 edition; "Standard Catalogue of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland," 1960 edition. All items very good to fine condition. ($15) TITLES O N W O R L D NUMISMATICS 3194. Adams, Edgar H. Catalogue of the Collection of Julius G u t t a g Comprising the Coinage of Mexico, Central America, South America and the West Indies. (New York, 1929 original). 514 pages, illustrated throughout. Cloth, gilt. Front and back hinges strengthened. A very good copy. ($65)

260 7 1

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3195. Album, Stephen. Marsden's Numismata Orientalia IUustrata. A Guide to Islamic and Oriental Coins with Values. (New York, 1977 reprint of 1823 original). 318 pp., woodcut illustrations throughout text, small 8vo. Cream casebound with dust cover. Ehrst cover a little scuffed, otherwise a very fine copy. ($20)

3208. Cinagli, Angelo. Le Monete DeTapi Descritte in Tavole Sinottiche. (Fermo, 1848). v, 480 pages, 4 plates, folio. Bound in quarter-blue d o t h with marbled boards, gilt lettering. Text moderately foxed and separated from cover. A good copy. ($25)

3196. Allan, John and Edward James Rapson. A Catalogue of the Indian Coins in the British Museum. (London, 1967 reprint of 1908,1914 and 1936 originals). Three Volumes. Volume I: Catalogue of the Coins of Ancient India, clxvii, 318 pages, 46 plates; Volume Π: Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda. exxxviii, 184 pages, 24 plates; Volume HI: Catalog of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, The Western Ksatrapas, The Traikutaka Dynasty, and the "Bohdi" E>ynasty. ccviii, 268 pages, 21 plates. All hardbound with dust cover, dust covers a little soiled, otherwise very fine copies. ($65) 3197. Bartolotti, Franco. La Medaglia Annuale Dei Romani Pontefici, Da Paolo V a Paolo VI, 1605-1967. (Rimini: Cosmi Editore, 1967). xxii, 478 pages, illustrated throughout. Red cloth with clear dust cover. A standard work. ($50)

3209. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum. Primo Tentativo Di Un Catalogo Generale Delle Monete Medievali Ε M o d e r n e Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italiani In Altri Paesi. Volume X. Emilia (Parte 2). Bologna e Ferrara Ravenna e Rimini. (Rome, 1927 original). 763 pp., 48 fine plates, thick quarto. Original paper covers. Covers chipped and plates separated from text. Internally problem free. A good candidate for rebinding. Rare. ($100) 3210. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum. Primo Tentativo Di Un Catalogo Generale Delle Monete Medievali Ε M o d e r n e Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italiani In Altri Paesi. Volume XIII: Marche. (Rome, 1932 original). 596 pp., 31 fine plates, thick quarto. Original paper covers. Covers lightly chipped and dirty, internally very fine. Rare. ($175) 3211. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum. Primo Tentativo Di Un Catalogo Generale Delle Monete Medievali Ε M o d e r n e Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italiani In Altri Paesi. Volume XIV: Umbria, Lazio (Zecche Minori). (Rome, 1933 original). 287 pp., 20 fine plates, thick quarto. Original paper covers. Covers dirty, internally very fine. Rare. ($175)

3198. Bernareggi, Ernesto. Monete d'oro con Ritratto del Rinascimento Italiano, 1450-1515. (Milano, Mario Ratto, 1954). 200 pp., (2), illustrated throughout text, 4to. Blue cloth, gilt, gilt blindstamp of coin on cover, page edges yellowed, front hinge broken. Very good copy. ($50) 3199. Bibliothèque Municipale d e Rouen. Beaute des Monnaies de la Renaissance. (Rouen, 1991). 118 pages, 4 color plates, 18 plates, card covers. An exhibition catalog for an exhibit held from March 1 through March 18, 1991.436 coins cataloged, not all illustrated. A nice fine copy. ($10) 3200. Burgos, F. Alvarez. Prontuario de la Moneda Hispano VIsigoda. (Madrid, ?). 63 pages, illustrated, 12mo. Glossy card covers. A fine copy. ($10)

3212. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum. Primo Tentativo Di Un Catalogo Generale Delle Monete Medievali Ε M o d e r n e Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italiani In Altri Paesi. Volume XV: Roma (Parte 1), Dalla Caduta Dell'Impero DOccidente Al 1572. (Rome, 1934 original). (6), 552 pp., 28 fine plates, thick quarto. Full black leather with raised bands, gilt lettering. Light wear and scuffing around edges, internally very fine. Very Rare. ($350) 3213. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum. Primo Tentativo Di Un Catalogo Generale Delle Monete Medievali Ε M o d e r n e Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italiani In Altri Paesi. Volume XVI: Roma (Parte II), Dal 1572 Al 1700. (Rome, 1936 original). 518 pp., 40 fine plates, thick quarto. Full black leather with raised bands, gilt lettering. Light wear and scuffing around edges, internally very fine. Very Rare. ($350)

3201. Burzio, H u m b e r t » F. Diccionario De La Moneda Hispanoamericana. (Santiago de Chile, 1956-1958). Three volumes; xix, 327 pp.; 453 pp.; 116 plates. Paper covers. An exhaustive study of Spanish American coins, arranged alphabetically. Important. A nice fine copy. ($75)

3214. Corpus Nummorum Italicorum. Primo Tentativo Di Un Catalogo Generale Delle Monete Medievali Ε Moderne Coniate In Italia Ο Da Italiani In Altri Paesi. Volume XVII: Roma (Parte III), Dal 1700 Al 1870. (Bologna, Fomi undated reprint). 313 pp., 36 plates, thick quarto. Quarter blue leatherette with marbled boards. Comers lightly bumped, otherwise a nice fine copy. ($125)

3202. Burzio,, Humberto F. La Ceca de la Villa Imperial de Potosi Y la Moneda Colonial. (Buenos Aires, 1945). c, 297 pages, 17 plates, extensive bibliography. Paper covers lightly chipped, internally fine. Important. ($50)

3215. D'Incerti, Vico. Le Monete Papali del XIX Secolo. (Milan, 1962). 147 pages, illustrated throughout, 8vo. Red cloth, gilt. A fine copy. ($15)

3203. Cairola, Aldo. Le Zecche Degli Stati Italiani. (Rome, 1974). 281 pages, illustrated throughout (some in color), 4to. Brown casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($30)

3216. Davenport, John S. European Crowns 1700-1800. (London, 1961 first edition). 334 pp. with illustrations, price guide, small 8vo. Red casebound. A fine copy. ($15)

3204. Calbetô de Grau, Gabriel Compendio de las Piezas de Ocho Reales. (San Juan, 1970). Two Volumes: 733 pages, illustrated throughout. Blue doth, gilt lettering. Text in Spanish and English. I n d u d e s price guide. Covers a little dusty, otherwise a fine set. ($50)

3217. Davenport, John S. European Crowns and Talers Since 1800. (Spink & Sons Ltd., 1964 edition). 423 pages with illustrations. Red casebound. A fine copy. ($25)

3205. Calico, Ferrân and Xavier and Joaquin Trigo. Monedas Espanolas Desde Carlos II a Isabel II, Aflos 1665 a 1868. (Barcelona, 1978 second edition). 333 pages, illustrated throughout. Hardbound. A fine copy. ($20) 3206. Capobianchi, V. A p p u n t i Per Servire A l l ' O r d i n a m e n t o Delle Monete Coniate dal Senate di Roma Dal 1184 al 1439 e Degli Stemmi Primitivi del Comune di Roma. (Rome, 1895). Two parts bound in one volume: 159 pages, 2 plates; 51 pages, 2 plates. Contemporary quarter-leather with marbled boards. Light foxing, edges wom. A very good copy. ($35) 3207. Charvet, J. Origines du Pouvoir Temporel Des Papes, Précisées par la Numismatique. (Paris, 1865). 172 pages, illustrated. Original paper covers. Covers w o m and chipped, strengthened at spine with yellow tape, internally fine. Ex Libris. (S25)

3218. Davenport, John S. German Church and City Talers. 1600-1700. (Galesburg, IL., 1967 edition). 349 pp., with illustrations, valuation sheet ineluded. Hardbound. A fine copy. ($15) 3219. Davenport, John S. German Talers 1700-1800. (London, 1965 second edition). 416 pp. with illustrations. Hardbound. A fine copy. ($15) 3220. De Mey, J. Les Billets Communaux Belges (1914-1919). (Bruxelles, 1981). Three volumes. 440 pages, illustrated throughout, 4to. Matching, printed card covers. A fine set. ($20) 3221. De Saulcy, Louis Feliaen. Numismatique Des Croisades. (Bologna, 1974 reprint of Paris, 1847 original), viii, 174 pages, 19 plates of line drawings, 4to. Text in French. Printed paper covers. A fine copy. ($30)

5 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3222 Fabriczy, Cornelius von. Italian Medals. (London, 1904 original). Translated by Mrs. Gustavus W. Hamilton, vii, 224 pp., 41 plates, frontispiece plate, 8vo. Red buckram, top edge gilt. Covers faded, spine taped at top, internally fine. ($30)

3234. Mort, S.R. Coins of the H a p s b u r g Emperors and Related issues 1619 to 1919. (Melbourne, The H a w t h o r n Press, 1959). (8), 179 pp., (3), engraved frontispiece of the Arms of the Austrian provinces, m a p and table of mint marks, etc. printed on inside covers. 12mo. Red buckram. A fine copy. ($10)

3223. Forrer, L. Biographical Dictionary of Medalists, Coin, G e m a n d Seal Engravers, Mint-masters &c. Ancient to M o d e m , With References to Their Works. B.C. 500 - A.D. 1900. (New York, 1970 reprint of 1904 original). Eight Volumes. 5277 pages, n u m e r o u s text illustrations. Matching red cloth with gilt lettering. An indispensable w o r k providing valuable information on coin and medal engravers from ancient to m o d e m times. A very fine set. ($300)

3235. Muntoni, Francesco. Le M o n e t e Dei Papi Ε Degli Stati Pontifici. (Rome, 1972-1974). Four volumes; Volume I: Da Adriano I Alla Sede Vacante 1559 (7725-1559), 270 pages, 45 plates, 14 tables; Volume Π: Da Pio IV Alla Sede Vacante 1676 (1559-1676), 288 pages, 59 plates 6 tables; Volume ΠΙ: Da Innocenzo XI Alla Sede Vacante 1758 (1676-1758), 306 pages, 68 plates, 6 tables; Volume IV: Da Clemente ΧΠΙ a Paolo VI (1758-1971), 363 pages, 52 plates, 6 tables. All volumes uniformly b o u n d in orange leatherette with gilt lettering. The standard reference on Papal numismatics, and a must for anyone interested in this series. A very fine set. ($250)

3224. Hazlitt, W. Carew. T h e C o i n a g e of T h e E u r o p e a n C o n t i n e n t , Middle Ages-20th Century, with An Introduction and Catalogues of Mints, D e n o m i n a t i o n s and Rulers. (Chicago, 1974 reprint of London, 1893 & 1897 editions), xxviii, 747 pages, few illustrations in text. "A N e w Edition with a Preface and Reference Bibliography by Prof. Al. N. Oikonomides, Loyola University of Chicago." Printed card covers. A fine copy. ($40)

3236. Musées d e Troyes. Catalogue des Monnaies D'Or. (Troyes, 1988). 57 pages, 15 plates, 163 coins cataloged and described. The m u s e u m collection of Celtic, Medieval and m o d e r n French gold coins. Paper covers. A very good copy. ($10)

3225. Heiss, Aloi'ss. Descripcion G e n e r a l D e Las M o n e d a s H i s p a n o Cristianas D e s d e La Invasion D e Los Arabes. (Chicago, 1980 reprint of Madrid, R.N. Milagro, 1865-1869 originals). Three volumes complete, xi, (5), 433 pp., (3), 70 fine engraved plates, t w o folding facsimiles of documents, three engraved plates of seals; (8), 502 pp., (2), (71)-143 engraved plates; 298 pp., (2), (144)-203 engraved plates; 25 portrait plates throughout all three volumes. Quarto. Green leatherette, gilt lettering. A very fine set. ($150)

3237. Oliva, Jose De Yriarte a n d L e o p o l d o L o p e z - C h a v e s Sanchez. Catalogo D e Los Reales D e A Ocho Espanoles. (Madrid, 1965). 259 pages, p h o t o g r a p h s t h r o u g h o u t . Catalog of Spanish cobs a n d "pillar dollars." H a r d b o u n d . A nice fine copy. ($35) 3238. Ortiz y S, Manuel Angel. Casas D e M o n e d a de la N u e v a Vizcaya, Ciudad de Durango, Villa de San Felipe de C h i h u a h u a , 1810-1821; Taller Monetario de Santiago de la Monclova, 1811-1821. (Self Published, 1965). 87 pages, illustrated. Paper covers. A fine copy. ($10)

3226. Hill, George Francis. Portrait M e d a l s of Italian Artists of t h e Rennaissance. Illustrated and Described, with an introductory Essay on the Italian Medal. (London, 1912). xvii, 92 pages, 32 fine plates. Red cloth, gilt lettering, top edge gilt, with d u s t cover. Minor wear around the edges, dust cover frayed around edges, internally fine. Rare. ($75)

3239. Pagarti, Antonio. M o n e t e Italiane dall‫ ׳‬Invasione Napoleonica ai Giorni Nostri (1796-1961). (Milano, Mario Ratto, 1962 First edition). (6), 363 pages, illustrated in text. Green cloth, lightly faded. A fine copy. ($20)

3227. Lane, Frederic C. a n d Reinhold C. Mueller. M o n e y and Banking in M e d i e v a l a n d Renaissance Venice. V o l u m e I. Coins a n d M o n e y s of A c c o u n t (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985). xix, 684 pages, illustrated. Red d o t h with d u s t cover. A very fine copy. ($45)

3240. Pellicer I Brû, J. El M e d i o Duro. Espana, Provincias d e América, e Imperio. (Barcelona, Editor Los Autores, 1971). 429 pp., (3), text illustrations. Brown leatherette, gilt. A very good copy, two small tears to surface of cover. ($15)

3228. Lange, Kurt. M ü n z k u n s t Des Mittelalters. (Leipzig 1942). 94 pages, 64 excellent plates of enlargements. A catalogue of 64 Byzantine and medieval coins (many bracteats), with full descriptions and photos. Hardbound. A fine copy. Ex Libris ANS. ($45)

3241. Poole, Stanley Lane. Coins of T h e Urtuki T u r k u m a n s (Foes of the Crusaders). (Chicago, 1967 reprint of 1875 Oxford original). 44 pages, 6 plates. Green leatherette. A nice fine copy. ($15)

3229. Lorente, J.J. Rodriguez. Catalogo de Los Reales de A Dos Espanoles. (Madrid, 1965). 222 pages, illustrated throughout. Black cloth. A fine copy. ($15)

3242. Pradeau, Alberto Francisco. N u m i s m a t i c History of Mexico from the Pre-Columbian Epoch to 1823. (Los Angeles, 1938 original). 146 pages, 23 plates. Brown casebound, gilt. Covers dirty, otherwise a nice fine copy. Scarce. ($75)

3230. Martinori, Edoardo. A n n a l i Deila Zecca Di Roma. (Rome, 19171919). Volumes 1-15, covering from 1362-1669. Fifteen individual volumes, each with paper covers. Covers frayed, m a n y volumes loose. This is not a complete set, missing volumes 16-24. All good to very good copies, all still usable. Clain-Stefanelli #10369*, "Excellent documentation for the period..." ($50) 3231. Martinori, Edoardo. Delia M o n e t a Paparina del Patrimonio de S. Pietro in Tuscia e delle Zecche di Viterbo e Montefiascone. (Milan, 1910). 98 pages, text illustrations. Card covers. Text lightly foxed, covers chipped, spine nearly broken. A good copy. ($10) 3232. M a z a r d , Jean. H i s t o i r e M o n é t a i r e et N u m i s m a t i q u e Contemporaine. Tome II. 1846-1967. (Paris and Baie, 1969). 310 pages, illustrated throughout, 4to. Printed card covers. Covers dirty, comers lightly b u m p e d . Internally fine. ($30) 3233. Miles, George C. The Coinage of The Visigoths of Spain - Leovigild to Achila II. (New York, 1952). Hispanic Numismatic Series Monograph No. 2.519 pages, 44 plates. Card covers. Still very useful. Cover a little dirty, library stamp on edge, corners lightly b u m p e d . Internally fine. ($50)

3243. Promis, Vincenzo. Tavole Sinottiche Delle Monete Battute in Italiae Da Italiani AU'Estero D a l Secolo VII a Tutto L'Anno MDCCCLXVIII. (Torino, 1869). lxxix, 252 pages. Original quarter leather with m o d e r n paper d u s t cover. Edges and spine heavily w o r n , text moderately foxed. A good copy. ($20) 3244. Raymond, Wayte. The Silver Dollars of North and South America. (Racine, WI; 1964). 125 pages with illustrations. H a r d b o u n d . A fine copy. ($10) 3245. Rülau, Russell. Latin American Tokens. A G u i d e Book and Catalog, 1700-1920. (Krause Publications, 1992). 415 pages, illustrated throughout, card covers. The standard reference. A very fine copy. ($25) 3246. Scilla, Saverio. Breve Notizia Delle M o n e t e Pontificie Antiche, Ε Moderne, Sino Alle Ultime Dell‫ ׳‬A n n o XV. (Rome, 1715). 404 pages, contemporary vellum binding. Light foxing throughout, several w o r m holes in spine. Ex Libris ANS. Lipsius page 365. A very good copy. ($50) 3247. Serafini, Marchese Camillo. Le M o n e t e e Le Bolle P l u m b e e Pontificie del Medagliere Vaticano. (Forni, 1964-1965 reprints of 1910-1928 Milan originals). Four Volumes, 1676 pages, 184 plates. Printed card covers. A standard reference. Covers a little dirty, otherwise a fine set. Scarce. ($200)

6 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3248. Smith, A.M. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gold and Silver Coins of the World; Illustrating the Modern, Ancient, Current and Curious, From A.D. 1885 Back to B.C. 700. (Philadelphia, 1886). 511 pages, illustrated throughout. Rebound with original cloth cover affixed. A nice fine copy. Ex Libris Melvin and George Fuld. ($65) 3249. Stahl, Alan M. The Merovingian Coinage of the Region of Metz. (Louvain-La-Neuve, 1982). vi, (1), 200 pages, 15 plates. Green cloth with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($50)

ANS, M U S E U M NOTES 3257. Museum Notes, Volumes 13-32, and the American Journal of Numismatics Volume 1. (New York, 1967-1989). Each volume contains at least 10 articles pertaining to ancient, medieval and modern numismatics with usually half or more pertaining to ancients. Many of the articles are very important references. AU volumes have card covers. A nice fine set. ($225) 3258. Museum Notes 1. (New York, 1946). 105 pp., 23 plates, 16vo. Paper covers. Includes 6 articles on ancients and 6 on medieval and world numismatics. Scarce and hard to find. Library stamp on edge. A nice fine copy. ($75)

3250. Testa, Girolamo Spaziani. Ducatoni, Piastre Scudi, Talleri e Loro Multipli. II. I Romani Pontefici (1523-1870). (Rome, 1952). 159 pages, engravings throughout text, valuations, 8vo. Green cloth, gilt. Cover faded, binding a little loose but intart. A very good copy. ($10)

3259. Museum Notes 2. (New York, 1947). 118pp., 19 plates, 16vo. Paper covers. Includes 5 articles on ancients and 7 on medieval and world numismatics. Scarce and hard to find. Library stamp on edge. A fine copy. ($60)

3251. The Numismatic Soaety of India. The Journal of The Numismatic Society of India. 1970 parts I and II, 1971 parts I and II. Paper covers. Includes several important articles on Indian and Sassanian numismatics. Spines labeled, comers bumped. Overall fine copies. ($20)

3260. Museum Notes 6. (New York, 1954). 217 pages, 29 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes Emmons' "The Overstruck Coinage of Ptolemy I," Buttrey's "Thea Neotera on Coins of Antony and Cleopatra," Adelson's "The Bronze Alloys of the Coinage of the later Roman Empire," plus 5 other articles on andents and 9 on world numismatics. Covers faded, otherwise a fine copy. ($25)

3252. Wood, Howland. The Coinage of the West Indies, with Special Reference to the Cut and Counterstamped Pieces. (New York, 1914). American Journal of Numismatics, Volume 48, pages 89-136, illustrated throughout. Bound in red cloth with gilt lettering. Cover worn, pages lightly browned. A very good copy. ($20)

3261. Museum Notes 7. (New York, 1957). 257 pages, 45 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Indudes Noe's "Overstrikes of Magna Graeaa," Bellinger's "The Earliest Coins of Ilium," Sutherland's "Diocletian as Aetemus Augustus," West's "The Relation of Subsidiary Coinage to Gold Under Valerian and Gallienus," plus 6 other artides on andents and 10 on world numismatics. Covers faded, otherwise a fine copy. ($25)

3253. Large lot of titles relating to Papal and Italian Numismatics and Paper Money. Indudes: "Coins of the Popes," by Coffin; "La Aventure Delia Lira," by Cipolla; "Early Christian Numismatics," by King; "Catalogue of Papal Medals," by Spink; "Coni Di Medaglie Pontifide Da Martino V...,: by Mazio; "Italian Coinage Medieval to Modem, The Collection of Ercole Gnecchi,: by Szego; "The Copper Coinage of the Papal States," by Eklund; "La Cartomoneta Nella Stato Pontifido, I," by Marcon; "Italian Coin Engravers Since 1800," by Clain-Stefanelli; Bank Leu Auction 36; and nine other titles. All items very good to fine condition. ($50)

3262. Museum Notes 8. (New York, 1958). 220 pages, 43 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes Bellinger's "The First Civic Tetradrachms of Ilium," and "The Late Bronze of Alexandria Troas," Boyce's "Caracalla as "Severus"," plus 7 other articles on andents and 7 on world coins. A very good copy. ($15)

3254. Lot of Miscellaneous titles relating to Spanish and Central American numismatics. Includes: "Aportadôn a la Historia Monetaria de Santa Fe de Bogota (Colombia)", by Xavier Calico; "El Oro Espanol," by Joige Guinovart; "Medals of Mexico, Volume I," by Frank Grove; "Catalogo General de la Moneda Espanola," by Jose Vicenti; "Pillars and Portraits," by Robert Harris; "The Coins of Central America," by Charles Robinson; "Numismatic Terms of Spain and Spanish America," by Gary Beals; "The Silver Dollars of North and South America," by Wayte Raymond; "A Tentative Checklist of Spanish-American Bust-Type Silver," by Robert Ramsay; "The Coins of Colonial Mexico, 1536+1821, and The Empire of Ituibide, 1821-1823," by Neil Utberg; "Historia Numismatica de Guatemala," by Kurt Prober; "Eight Reales and Pesos of the New World," by Carlos Elizando Jr.; "Las Monedas d e los Borbones, 1700-1868," by Cayon and Castân; "Coinage of the Americas," by Theodore Buttrey; "Las Monedas Espanolas, Reyes Catolicos Estado Espanol," by Cayon and Castân; "The Coins of Mexico, 1536-1962" by Neil Utberg; "The Coins of Mexico, 15361963" by Neil Utberg; "Pieces of Eight," by Wagner Taylor; "Pillars and Portraits," by Robert Harris. 19 titles in lot. All titles fine or better. ($125)

3263. Museum Notes 10. (New York, 1962). 172 pages, 35 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Indudes: Holloway's "The Crown of Naxos," Noe's "The Corinth Hoard of 1938," Bellinger's "The Boston College Hoard," and "The Coins from the Treasure of the Oxus," Kiang's "An Unpublished Coin Portrait of Ptolemy VI Philometor," Vermeule's "A Ptolemaic Contribution Box in Boston," Metealf's "The New Bronze Coinage of Theophilus and the Growth of the Balkan Themes," plus 6 other articles on world coins and medals. Covers lightly faded. A fine copy. ($25) 3264.

3255. Lot of five titles relating to Indian Numismatics, all published by the Andhra Pradesh Government Indudes: "Punch-marked Coins in the Andhra Pradesh Government Museum", by Parmeshwari Lai Gupta (1960); "Satavahana Coins in the Andhra Pradesh Government Museum", by M. Ramarao (1961); "Eastern Calukyan Coins in the Andhra Pradesh Government Museum", by M. Rama Rao (1963);"Select Gold and Silver Coins in the Andhra Pradesh Government Museum", by M. Rama Rao (1963); and "A Catalogue of Yadava Coins in the Andhra Pradesh State Museum," by R. Subrahmanyam (1965). All with paper covers. Average fine copies. ($25) 3256. Lot of four titles relating to world coins. Includes: "Standard Price Guide to World Crowns and Talers, 1484-1968," by Draskovic and Rubenfeld (1981); "Gold Coins of the World, Complete from 600 AD to the Present", by Robert Friedberg (1980 edition); "World Dollars 1477-1877, Pidorial Guide", by Lee Bachtell (1974 and 1977 editions). All titles fine or better. ($35)

Another copy as above. Covers lightly faded. A very good copy. ($20)

3265. Museum Notes 11. (New York, 1964). 335 pages, 59 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Includes: Holloway's "Demarete's Lion," Dodson and Wallace's "The Kozani Hoard of 1955," Bellinger's "Philippi in Macedonia," Morkholms's "Seleucid Coins from Cilicia ca. 220-150 BC," and "The Accession of Antiochus IV of Syria," Thompson's "A Hoard from Thessaly," plus 6 other artides on andents and 13 artides on world coins and medals. Covers lightly faded, mailing label glued to the back cover. A very good copy. ($15) 3266.

Another copy as above. Covers lightly faded. A very good copy. ($15)

3267. Museum Notes 12. (New York, 1966). 232 pages, 59 plates, 8vo. Paper covers. Indudes Thompson's "A Hoard from Northern Greece," and "The Monogram of Charlemagne in Greek," Cox's "Gordion Hoards ID, IV, V, and VH," Fagerlie's ‫"׳‬Roma Invicta' - A New Follis of Justinian," plus 4 other artides on andents and 8 articles on world coins. Covers lightly faded, a fine copy. ($20)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3268. M u s e u m Notes 13. (New York, 1967). 250 pages, 49 plates, 8vo. Paper covers, sunned. Indudes: Zervos' "The Early Tetradrachms of Ptolemy I," H u n t e r ' s " A Third Century Hoard from Serbia," Fagerlie's "The First Gold Issue of Anastasius," plus 5 other artides on anaent coins and 3 artides on world coins. A fine copy. ($15) 3269. M u s e u m Notes 14. (New York, 1968). 169 pp., 24 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Lang's " Five Hellenistic lead Weights," McKay's "Bronze Coinage in Macedonia, 168-166 BC" and "Macedonian Tetradrachms of 148-147 BC," Bedoukian's " A Classification of the Coins of the Artaxiad Dynasty of Armenia," plus 3 articles on Byzantine numismatics and 3 on Islamic numismatics. A fine copy. ($15) 3270. M u s e u m Notes 15. (New York, 1969). 140 pages, 23 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Waggoner's "The Early Alexander Coinage at Seleucia on the Tigris," Johnson's "A N e w A n o n y m o u s Bronze of Constantine X," plus 6 other articles on a n d e n t s and 4 artides on world coins. A fine copy. ($15) 3271. M u s e u m Notes 16. (New York, 1970). 188 pages, 38 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Williams' "The Archaic Coinage of Arcadian Heraea," Morkholm's "The Seleuad Mint at Antiochia on the Persian Gulf," plus 5 other artides on anaents and 7 on world numismatics. Cover lightly faded, a fine copy. ($20) 3272. M u s e u m Notes 17. (New York, 1971). 261 pages, 49 plates, 8vo. Caïd covers. Includes: Holloway's "An Archaic Hoard from Crete and the Early Aeginetan Coinage," Troxell's "The Peloponnesian Alexanders," Kleiner's "The Alexander Tetradrachms of Peigamum and Rhodes," Bates' " Constans Π or Heradonas? An Analysis of the Constantinopolitan Folles of Constans Π," plus 4 other artides on a n a e n t s and 6 on world coins. Cover lightly faded, a fine copy. ($15) 3273. M u s e u m Notes 18. (New York, 1972). 175 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Kleiner's "The Dated Cistophori of Ephesus," Mac Isaac's "The Weight of the Late 4th and Early 5th Century N u m m u s (AE4)," plus 3 other articles on ancients, 4 on medieval, and 6 on Oriental numismatics. Covers lightly faded, otherwise a fine copy. ($10) 3274. M u s e u m Notes 19. (New York, 1974). 294 pages, 31 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Drew-Bear's "Representations of Temples on the Greek Imperial Coinage," Niçois' " The Chronology and Significance of the M. Agrippa Asses," Gregory's "The Gold Coinage of the Emperor Constantine VII," plus 2 other articles on ancient numismatics and 6 on Oriental and modern numismatics. Spine sunned. A fine copy. ($15) 3275. M u s e u m Notes 20. (New York, 1975). 174 pages, 26 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Morkholm's "Ptolemaic Coins and Chronology: The Dated Silver Coinage of Alexandria," Fears' " Sulla or Endymion: A Reconsideration of a Denarius of L. Aemilius Buca," plus 4 other artides on ancients and 3 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. Spine sunned. A fine copy. ($15) 3276. M u s e u m Notes 21. (New York, 1976). 301 pages, 18 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Betlyon's "A New Chronology for the Pie-Alexandrine Coinage of Sidon," Buttrey's "The Denarii of P. Crepusius and Roman Republican Mint Oiganization," Metcalf's "Early Anonymous Folles from Antioch and the Chronology of Class A," and 3 other articles on ancients and 5 on medieval, Oriental and modern numismatics. A fine copy. ($20) 3277. M u s e u m Notes 22. (New York, 1977). 310 pages, 28 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Bodenstedts "Observations on Some Early Electrum Types of Mytilene and Phocaea," Thompson's "A Greek Imperial Medallion from Pautalia," Slocum's "Another Look at the Coins of Flatra," Metcalf's "The Antioch Hoard of Antoniriiani and the Eastern Coinage of Trebonianus Gallus and Volusian," plus 3 other articles on ancients and 5 on Oriental coins. A fine copy. ($20)

3279. Museum Notes 24. (New York, 1979). 282 pages, 51 plates, 8vo. Card covers, sunned. Includes: Bauslaugh's "The Posthumous Alexander Coinage of Chios," Jones' "The Autonomous Wreathed Tetradrachms of Magnesia-on-Maeander," Shiel's "The Coinage of Saloninus as Augustus," Bruun's "The Successive Monetary Reforms of Diocletian," plus 6 other artides on ancients and 4 on Oriental and modern coins. A nice fine copy. ($20) 3280. Museum Notes 25. (New York, 1980). 232 pages, 23 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Indudes: Rigsby's "The Imperial Tetradrachms of Heliopolis," Bastien's "The Iantinum Mint," plus 6 other articles on andents and 5 on world coins. A fine copy. ($20) 3281. Museum Notes 26. (New York, 1981). 223 pp., 32 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Indudes: Kroll's "From Wappenmünzen to Goigoneia to Owls," Thompson's ,"The Cavalla Hoard," Harl's "Caracalla or Elagabalus? The Imperial Imago at the Greek Mint of Magnesia ad Maeandrum," plus 6 other articles on anaent coins and 3 on foreign numismatics. Cover lightly faded at spine, a fine copy. ($20) 3282. Museum Notes 27. (New York, 1982). 244 pages, 32 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes John H. Oakley's "The A u t o n o m o u s Wreathed Tetradrachms of Kyme, Aeolis," Johnston's "Caracalla or Elagabalus? A Case of Unnecessarily Mistaken Identity," plus 3 other artides on anaents and 5 artides on world coins. Spine lightly faded, otherwise a very fine copy. ($20) 3283. Museum Notes 28. (New York, 1983). 206 pages, 22 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Martin's "The Chronology of the Fourth-Century B.C. Facing-Head Coinage of Larissa," M0rkholm's "The A u t o n o m o u s Tetradrachms of Laodicea ad Mare," Burnett and Craddock's "Rome and Alexandria: The Minting of Egyptian Tetradrachms u n d e r Severus Alexander," plus 3 other articles on ancients plus 4 articles on world coins. Very fine copy. ($20) 3284. Museum Notes 29. (New York, 1984). 201 pp., 35 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Includes: M o r k h o l m ' s "The Chronology of the N e w Style Coinage of Athens," McAlee's "The Severan Tetradrachms of Laodicea," Hersh and Walker's "The Mesagne Hoard," Harls' "The Coinage of Neapolis in Samaria, A.D. 244-253," plus 6 other artides on a n a e n t s and 4 artides on world coins. An important issue. Very fine copy. ($20) 3285. Museum Notes 30. (New York, 1985). 281 pp., 52 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Indudes: Sacks' "The Wreathed Coinage of Aeolian Myrina," Fisher's 'Two Notes on the Aesillas Tetradrachms:Mint Attribution and a Die Control System," Albertson's "Maxentian Hoards and the Mint at Ostia," Bastien's "Imitations of Roman Bronze Coins, A.D. 318-363," plus 3 other artide on ancients and 3 artides on world coins. Spine lightly sunned, otherwisea very fine copy. ($20) 3286. Museum Notes 31. (New York, 1986). 239 pp., 39 plates, 8vo. Printed card covers. Includes: Moysey's "The Silver Stater of Pharnabazos and Datames from the Mint of Tarsus in Cilida," Thompson's "The Armenak Hoard," Houghton's "The Elephants of Nisibis'" plus 4 other artides on andents and 4 on world coins. Very fine copy. ($20) 3287. Museum Notes 32. (New York, 1987). 209 pages, 11 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: M o r k h o l m ' s "The Date of the A u t o n o m o u s Tetradrachms of Aegaea in Cilida," Evans‫" ׳‬The Sicilian Coinage of Sextus Pompeius," plus 5 other artides on ancients and 3 on world coins. Very fine copy. ($20) 3288. Museum Notes 33. (New York, 1988). 223 pages, 25 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Kagan's "Some Archaic Bovine Curiosities," Mac Isaac's "Phliasian Bronze Coinage," Long's "A New Solidus of Julian Caesar," plus 5 other artides on anaents and 3 on world numismatics. Very fine copy. ($20)

3278. M u s e u m Notes 23. (New York, 1978). 220 pages, 40 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: H o u g h t o n ' s "TheSeleucid Mint at Lampsacus," Rothman's "Posthumous Hadrianic Medallions," plus 5 other articles on a n a e n t numismatics and 3 on medieval and Oriental numismatics. A fine copy. ($20) 271

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3289. American Journal of Numismatics 1. Second series, continuing The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes. (New York, 1989). 237 pages, 17 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Metcalf's "Rome and Lugdunum Again," Kleiner's "Galba and the Sullan Capitolium," Haley's "The Roman Bronze Coinage in Britain and Monetary History from A.D. 293 to 350," plus 4 other articles on ancients and 4 articles on Oriental and U.S. numismatics. Very fine copy. ($20)

3302. N N M #53. Cammann, Jean B. The Symbols on Staters of Corinthian Type (A Catalogue). (New York, 1932). 130 pages, 12 double page plates, 2 single plates, 16mo. A study of 138 reverse symbols appearing on Corinthian staters. Scarce. Front and back hinge neatly strengthened with brown cloth tape, otherwise a very fine copy. ($60) 3303. NNM #55. Bellinger, Alfred R The Third and Fourth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1932). 85 pages, 20 plates. Details two hoards found in DuraEuropos in 1930 that consisted of primarily Roman denarii and Antiochene tetradrachmae. The periods covered by the two hoards are from Nero to Diadumenian, and from Vitellius to Macrinus. Card covers. Small chip at top of spine, otherwise a very fine copy. ($15)

3290. American Journal of Numismatics 2. Second series, continuing The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes. (New York, 1990). 215 pages, 16 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Newman's "A Dialogue of Power in the Coinage of Antony and Octavian (44-30 B.C.)," Damsky's "The Stadium Aureus of Septimius Severus," Ermatinger's "The Circulation Pattern of Diocletian's Nummus," plus 3 other articles on ancient coins and 2 articles on Islamic and modern coins. Very fine copy. ($20)

3304. N N M #57. Campbell, William. Greek And Roman Plated Coins. (New York, 1933). 174 pages, plated throughout. Details the methodology of how the fourré was made by metallographic examinations. A must for the serious classical numismatist. Card covers. A fine copy. ($35)

3291. American Journal of Numismatics 3-4. Second series, continuing The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes. (New York, 1992). 270 pages, 17 plates, 8vo. Card covers. Includes: Elayi's "The First Coinage of Sidon with a Galley bearing the So-Called Triangular Sail," Callatay's Athenian New Style Tetradrachms in Macedonian Hoards," Nawotka's " Asander of the Bosporus: His Coinage and Chronology," plus 6 articles on world numismatics. Very fine copy. ($20)

3305. NNM #69. Bellinger, Alfred R The Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Dura Hoards. (New York, 1935). 75 pages, 5 plates. Details three more hoards from the Dura excavations by Yale which again consist primarily of Roman Syria tetradrachmae and imperial denarii. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

A N S , NUMISMATIC NOTES A N D M O N O G R A P H S 3292. N N M #1. Noe, Sydney P. Coin Hoards. (New York, 1920). 47 pages, 4 plates. The first issue of this long running series. Printed card covers. A fine copy. Rare. ($50)

3307. N N M #72. Walker, John. The Coinage Of The Second Saffarid Dynasty in Sistan. (New York, 1936). 46 pages, 5 plates. Card covers. Library stamp on cover. A fine copy. ($15)

3293. N N M #3. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards. (New York, 1921). 21 pages, 2 plates. A description of the 35 coins found in the Kyparissia hoard. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($20) 3294. N N M #19. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards. Demanhur, 1905. (New York, 1923). 161 pages, 8 plates. Card covers. A listing and classification of a hoard of tetradrachms found in Egypt in 1905. This study changed the w a y w e study coins, and it contributed greatly to our knowledge of Alexander tetradrachms. A very fine copy. Scarce. ($50) 3295. NNM #21. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards III, Andritsaena. (New York, 1923). 39 pages, 6 plates. Details a hoard of coins of Philip Π and Alexander ΠΙ as well as a few Boeotian, Aeginetan, Sicyonian and Olympian staters found near Andritsaena in the Peloponnesus. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15)

3308. N N M #77. Torrey, Charles C. Aramaic Graffiti On Coins Of Demanhur. (New York, 1937). 13 pages, 2 plates. Discusses the appearance of Aramaic graffiti on Alexander tetradrachmae from the Demanhur, Egypt hoard. Card covers. A fine copy, library stamp on front cover. ($10) 3309. NNM #82. Newell, Edward T. Miscellanea Numismatica: Cyrene to India. (New York, 1938). 101 pp., 6 double page plates. Card covers. Library stamp on edge. A fine copy. ($15) 3310. N N M #84. Newell, Edward T. Late Seleucid Mints In AkePtolemais and Damascus. (New York, 1939). 107 pp., 17 fine double-page plates. Chipping on spine and dirty. A fine copy. Rare and still referenced. ($50)

3296. NNM #24. Milbank, Samuel R. The Coinage of Aegina. (New York, 1925). 66 pages, 5 fold-out plates. Card covers. An early study of the turtle coinage of Aegina. Front and back hinge strengthened, a very good copy. Rare. ($35)

3311. NNM #104. McKay. Early American Currency. (New York, 1944). 85 pages, 36 illustrations. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10) 3312. NNM #105. Newell, Edward T. The Byzantine Hoard of Lagbe. (New York, 1945). 22 pages, 7 plates, 16mo. Card covers. Library stamp on cover. A fine copy. ($10)

3297. N N M #26. Newell, Edward T. Mithradates of Parthia and Hyspaosines of Characene: A Numismatic Palimpsest (New York, 1925). 18 pages, 2 fine plates. Card covers. Library stamp on cover. A fine copy. ($10)

3313. N N M #112. Hill, Philip V. "Barbarous Radiates‫ ״‬Imitations of Third-Century Roman Coins. (New York, 1949). 44 pages, 4 plates. Card covers. Small fold at bottom and top right corners of front cover. A very good copy. ($15)

3298. NNM #30. Newell, Edward T. Some Unpublished Coins of Eastern Dvnasts. (New York, 1926). 21 pages, 2 plates. Card covers. A fine copy. ($12) 3299.

3306. N N M #70. Waage, Frederick O. Greek Bronze Coins From A Well At Megara. (New York, 1935). 42 pages, 3 double plates. Details a hoard discovered in 1929 of bronzes from Megara. Card covers. Library stamp on cover. A fine copy. ($10)

3314. N N M #115. Eklund O.P. and Sydney P. Noe. Hacienda Tokens of Mexico. (New York, 1949). 46 pages, 22 plates. Card covers. Covers stained. A very good copy. ($5)

Another copy as above. Library stamp on cover. A fine copy. ($10)

3300. N N M #35. Bellinger, Alfred. The Anonymous Byzantine Bronze Coinage. (New York, 1928). 27 pages, 3 double-page plates. Card covers. Library stamp on cover. A fine copy. ($20)

3315. N N M #117. Torrey, Charles C. Gold Coins of Khokand and Bukhara. (New York, 1950). 37 pages, 1 plate. Card covers. Fine copy. ($10)

3301. NNM #39. Newell, Edward T. Alexander Hoards, Olympia. (New York, 1929). 27 pp, 4 double-plates. Card cover. A fine copy. ($10)

3316. NNM #118. Miles, George C. Rare Islamic Coins. (New York, 1950). 138 pages, 10 plates. Card covers. A fine copy. ($15) 3317. N N M #119. Seyrig, Henri. Notes on Syrian Coins. (New York, 1950). 35 pages, 2 plates. Includes several important chapters on the coinage of Tryphon. Card covers. A very good copy. ($10)

3 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3318. N N M #121. Miles, George C. Fatimid Coins In The Collections of the University M u s e u m , Philadelphia, and the American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1951). 51 pages, 6 plates. Card covers. Library stamp on cover. A fine copy. ($15)

3335. N N M #147. Bedoukian, Paul Z. Coinage of Cilician A r m e n i a . (Danbury, 1979 revised edition). 494 pages, 12 plates. The standard reference on the series. Brown leatherette. A very fine copy. ($50) 3336. copy.

3319. N N M #124. Robinson, David M. A Hoard of Silver Coins From Carystus. (New York, 1952). 62 pages, 6 plates. Details a hoard of 92 coins found on the slopes of Mt. Ocha, the ancient site of Carystus, and included 37 Carystian staters. Card covers. Light bend on cover, otherwise, a very fine copy. ($10)

Another copy as above. Card covers. Library stamp on edge. A fine ($40)

3337. N N M #148. Adelson, H o w a r d L. and Kustas, George L. A Bronze Hoard Of The Period Of Zeno I. (New York, 1962). 89 pages, 1 plate. Card covers. Covers creased, library stamp on edge. A very good copy. ($10)

3320. N N M #125. Noe, Sydney P. T h e Pine Tree Coinage of Massachusetts. (New York, 1952). 48 pages, 11 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($25)

3338. N N M #149. Alfred R. Bellinger and Majorie Alkins Berlincourt. Victory as a Coin Type. (New York, 1962). 68 pp., 13 plates. Traces the use of Nike on Greek and Hellenistic coins as well as Victory on Roman coins. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($20)

3321. N N M #126. Raymond, Doris. Macedonian Regal Coinage To 413 B.C. (New York, 1953). 170 pp., 15 plates. A standard reference. Card covers a little dirty, otherwise a fine copy. ($20)


3322. N N M #128. Ives, Herbert E. T h e Venetian Gold Ducat a n d Its Imitations, edited and annotated by Philip Grierson. (New York, 1954). 37 pp., 16 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($30)

Another copy as above. Library stamp on edge. A nice fine copy. ($15)

3340. N N M #150. Miles, George C. Contributions To Arabic Metrology II. Early Arabic Glass Weights a n d M e a s u r e S t a m p s in the Benaki M u s e u m , Athens, and the Peter Ruthven Collection, A n n Arbor. (New ($15) York, 1963). 64 pages, 11 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy.

3323. N N M #129. Caley, Earle R. Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins. (New York, 1955). 104 pages. Card covers. A very good copy.


($10) 3324. N N M #131. Nesmith, Robert I. The Coinage of the First Mint of The Americas at Mexico City, 1536-1572. (New York, 1955). 139 pages, 13 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($20)

Another copy as above. Library stamp on edge. A nice fine copy. ($10)

3342. N N M #151. Caley, Earle R. O r i c h a l c u m A n d Related Ancient Alloys: Origin, Composition and Manufacture with Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire. (New York, 1964). v, 115 pages. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

3325. N N M #134. W.P. Wallace. The Euboian League And Its Coinage. (New York, 1956). 180 pp., 16 plates. Card covers. A useful die study of the silver coins of Euboia. Still the standard reference. A very fine copy. ($30)

3343. N N M #153. Boyce, Aline Abaecherli. Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers. (New York, 1965). 102 pages, 15 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($20)

3326. N N M #136. Noe, Sydney P. Two Hoards of Persian Sigloi. (New York, 1956). 44 pages, 15 plates. The second hoard described contained 212 half-staters of Croesus of the confronted lion and bull type. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

3344. N N M #154. Caley, Earle R. Metrological Tables. (New York, 1965). 122 pages of tables. Card covers. Useful. Very fine copy. ($15)


3345. N N M #155. Williams, Roderick T. The Confederate Coinage Of The Arcadians In The Fifth Century B.C. (New York, 1965). 141 pages, 14 ($20) plates. Card covers. Very fine copy.

Another copy as above. Library stamp on edge. A fine copy. ($10)

3328. N N M #137. Buttrey, Theodore V., Jr. The Triumviral Portrait Gold Of The Qaattuorviri Monetales Of 42 B.C. (New York, 1956). 69 pages, 9 plates. The definitive study. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15)

3346. N N M #156. Eddy, Samuel K. The Minting of Antoniniani A D 238249 and the Smyrna Hoard. (New York, 1967). 133 pages, 7 double plates. Card covers. Useful. A very fine copy. ($25)

3329. N N M #139. Grabar, Oleg. The Coinage Of The Tulunids. (New York, 1957). 78 pages, 3 plates. Discusses the Tulunids of Egypt (868-905) and their coinage. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10)

3347. N N M #157. Fagerlie, Joan M. Late Roman And Byzantine Solidi Found In Sweden And Denmark. (New York, 1967). 213 pages, 33 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($20)

3330. N N M #141. Miles, George C. Contributions To Arabic Metrology I. Early Arabic Glass Weights and Measure Stamps Acquired by the ANS 1951-1956. (New York, 1958). 124 pages, 13 plates. Card covers. Very fine copy. ($20)

3348. N N M #158. Morrison, Karl F. with the collaboration of H e n r y Grunthal. Carolingian Coinage. (New York, 1967). 465 pages, 48 plates, 3 fold-out maps. One of the standard references for this area. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($65)

3331. N N M #143. Miles, George C. Excavation Coins From T h e Persepolis Region. (New York, 1959). 124 pages, 21 plates & map. Details coins from various finds in Persepolis in southern Iran which consisted primarily of Sasanian and Islamic coins. Card covers. Library stamp on edge. A fine copy. ($15)


3332. N N M #145. Cox, D.H. Coins From The Excavations at Curium, 1932-1953. (New York, 1959). 125 pages, 10 plates. Details coins excavated under the auspices of the University Museum of Philadelphia at Curium on the south coast of Cyprus. Coins from the Greek period to the Venetian occupation are cataloged. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($15) 3333. N N M #146. Patrick Brunn. Studies in Constantinian Chronology. (New York, 1961). 116 pp., 8 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. Important. ($40) 3334.

Another copy as above. Card covers. A very fine copy.


3350. N N M #159. Thompson, Margaret. The A g r i n i o n Hoard. (New York, 1968). 130 pages, 56 plates. Details a hoard of 1,355 coins found in 1959 near Agrinion in western Aetolia. The hoard contained Greek coins from Sicyon, Argos, Chal채s, Athens, Megalopolis, the Achaean League and other Greek cities. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($25) 3351. N N M #160. Miles, George C. The Coinage of The Arab Amirs of Crete. (New York, 1970). 86 pages, 9 plates. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($10) 3352. N N M #161. Mac Dowall, David W. The Western Coinages Of Nero. (New York, 1979). 256 pages, 25 plates. A standard reference on the series. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($30)

Another copy as above. Library stamp on edge. A nice fine copy. ($30) 6 71

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3353. N N M #162. Troxell, Hyla A. The Coinage of The Lycian League. (New York, 1982). xix, 255 pp., 44 fine plates, 8vo. Cream cloth. Cover dusty, otherwise a very fine copy. ($25)

3364. Bank Leu AG. Lot of 53 Catalogues. Includes the following sales: 1 3,11-36 (2, one special catalogue of the ancient section and one full catalogue), 37-48,50-57, and 59-61. Over the last 20 years, some of the finest coins (ancient and otherwise) have appeared in Leu catalogs. Leu catalogs feature wonderful photography and expert cataloging, making them useful references. Nearly a complete run, missing only 9 sales. Mostly very fine copies, some with prices realized. ($400)

3354. N N M #163. Stahl, Alan M. The Venetian Tornesello, A Medieval Colonial Coinage. (New York, 1985). 96 pages, 4 plates. Yellow cloth. Cover a little dirty. A fine copy. ($15) 3355. Lot of ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs. Includes the following NNM's: 138,139,142,143,144,149,150,151,152,153,155,156,157,159, 160,161, and 165.17 different NNM's, all but two relating to ancients. A few of the earlier issues have very dirty covers, but the remainder are nice fine to very fine copies. ($100)

3365. Calico, X. & F. Asociacion Numismatica Espanola. 1965-1972. Lot of 12 auction catalogs (2 in 1965 and 2 in 1971,1972 not present) from the annual Spanish Numismatic Convention. Sales contain primarily Spanish coins, ancient, medieval and modern. Average very good to fine copies. ($25) 3366. Calicô, X. & F. Catâlogo de Monedas Antiguas de Hispania. (Barcelona, ]une 18/19,1979). 177 pages, 1277 lots, illustrated throughout. Blue leatherette with dust jacket. A most important sale of ancient Spanish coins. A very fine copy. ($30)

A U C T I O N CATALOGUES A N D FIXED PRICE LISTS 3356. Ars Classica. No. I. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant De La Collection de feu le Prof. S. Pozzi. (March 14,1921 but actually held on April 4,1921). Lucerne. 3334 lots, 101 fine plates. Nicely bound in full tan leather, gilt, original covers bound in. Text lightly browned but pages not brittle, plates clean. One of the most important private collections ever offered for sale. A nice fine copy. Rare. ($500)

3367. Helbing, Otto. Antike Münzen, Griechen, Römer, Barbaren. (Munich, January 31,1930). 45 pages, 28 fine plates, 744 lots. Printed card covers. Comers lightly bumped, edges of pages starting to turn brown. A very good copy. ($20)

3357. Ars Classica. No. I. Catalogue De Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant De La Collection de feu le Prof. S. Pozzi. (March 14,1921 but actually held on April 4,1921). Lucerne. 3334 lots. (1966 reprint of original). One of the most important private collections ever offered for sale. Grey cloth, gilt lettering. A very fine copy. ($50)

3368. Hess, Adolph. Sammlung des Herrn L.E. Bruun in Kopenhagen Schwedische Münzen, II. Teil. Von Christine bis zur Gegenwart. (Frankfurt, October 26-27,1914). Lots 992-2347,45 fine plates. Hardbound. Binding broken and weak in several places. Needs rebinding. Internally in fine condition. ($30)

3358. Ars Classica. No. Π. Monnaies Romaines Imperiales Provenant des Collections de M. Paul Vautier et de feu le Prof. Maxime Collignon de l'Institut de France. (Lucerne, June 12-14,1922). 107 pages, 1886 lots, 57 fine plates. Printed card covers. Covers dirty and worn around edges, spine labeled, text lightly browned. An important sale of Roman coins. A very good copy. ($50)

3369. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker H u n t Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins, Part 1. (June 19, 1990). New York. 164 lots, each illustrated in both black-and-white and color. Hardbound with dust cover. Glossy dust cover. A magnificent catalog that is both a reference and collector's item. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($75)

3359. Ars Classica. No. V. Monnaies Grecques Antiques, Provenant des Doubles du British Museum des Collections de Feu le Général A.L. Bertier de la Garde et de Divers Autres Amateurs. (Lucerne, June 18,1923).132 pages, 3038 lots, 85 fine plates, 4to. Heavy chipping on spine, cover soiled. A very good copy. ($50)

3370. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker H u n t Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part II. ( J u n e 21 and 22,1990). New York. 789 lots, illustrated throughout with 19 interspersed color plates. Hardbound with dust cover. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($65)

3360. Ars Classica. No. VIII. Catalogue De Monnaies Romaines Antiques En Or, Argent Et Bronze Composant La Collection De Feu Clarence S. Bernent. (Lucerne, June 25-28,1924). (6), 107 pages, 1770 lots, 64 fine plates, 4to. Light chipping on spine, cover a little dirty. Overall a fine copy of this important sale. ($75) 3361. Ars Classica. No. XI. Collection H.C. Levis, Esq., Monnaies Romaines Antiques. (Geneve, 18-20 June, 1925). 78 pp., 1139 lots, 42 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Cover chipped at top and bottom of spine and nearly separated from text. Internally fine. ($50) 3362. Ars Classica. No. XIII. Collections de Feu Le Cav. Roberto Allatini, Londres, de M. Le Cap. E.G. Spencer Churchill, Northwick Park, Blockley, Worcs., De Feu Le Prof. Oscar Bloch, Copenhague, De Feu Le Col. G. Veith, Vienne, et de Plusieurs Autres Amateurs. Monnaies Grecques et Romaines, Bibliothèque Numismatique. (Geneve, 27-29 June, 1928). 106 pp., 1597 lots, 48 plates, 8vo. Printed paper covers. Cover chipped at top and bottom of spine and around edges, light browning around edge of pages, plates fine. ($50) 3363. Are Classica. No. XV. Catalogue de Monnaies Antiques Grecques, Romaines, Byzantines, etc. Bibliothèque Numismatique. Collections De Deux Amateurs étrangers Récemment Décédés et d'autres provenances. Choix Tiré de la Collection W. H. Woodward, Londres. (Lucerne, July 2, 1930). 135 pages, 2267 lots, 74 fine plates. Cover moderately chipped, torn at top and bottom of spine, light foxing in text, plates fine. A very good copy. ($50)

3371. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker]. Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker H u n t Collection of Highly Important Greek and Roman Coins. Part III. (December 4,1990). New York. 117 lots, each illustrated in both black-andwhite and color. Hardbound with dust cover. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($75) 3372. [Hunt, Nelson Bunker], Sotheby's. The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Important Greek and Roman Coins, Part IV. (June 19 and 20,1991). New York. 1066 lots. Hardbound with dust cover. The last sale of this most important collection. A very fine copy. Includes prices realized. A magnificent catalog that is both a reference and collector's item. ($75) 3373. [Hunt, William Herbert], Sotheby's. The William Herbert Hunt Collection of Highly Important Byzantine Coins. (December 5 and 6,1990). New York. 962 lots of important Byzantine coins expertly cataloged by Simon Bendall. 67 black-and-white plates, one color plate. Hardbound with dust cover. Includes prices realized. A very fine copy. ($75) 3374. [Hunt, Wrlliam Herbert], Sotheby's. The William Herbert Hunt Collection of Highly Important Byzantine Coins. (June 21,1991). New York. 646 lots of important Byzantine coins expertly cataloged by Simon Bendall, one color plate. Card covers. With prices realized. A very fine copy. ($40) 3375. Knobloch, Frederick S. Lot of Ten fixed price lists relating to ancient numismatics. Includes lists 23,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34, and 35. This lot also includes a fixed price list from Charles Adams and a fixed price list from Artemis Antiquities. All fine copies. ($20)


Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3376. Kolbe, George Frederick. Lot of auction catalogs and fixed price lists relating to numismatic literature. Indudes the following sales: 4,5,7,9, 11,15,21,26,35,36,37,40,41,43,45,47,48,49,51,53,55,58,60, and 62. Lot also indudes the following fixed-price lists: Wmter 1990, No. 37,38,39,40,41, and 42. Over the years, George Kolbe has consistently put together the finest numismatic literature sales, featuring many of the finest libraries ever assembled. These catalogs are a must reference for anyone interested in numismatic literature. Average very fine. ($75)

GENERAL TITLES 3386. Babelon, Jean. Great Coins and Medals. (London 1959). Photographs by J. Roubier. 37 pages, 167 coins described and photographed, 8vo. Black cloth with dust cover. A catalogue of 167 ancient and medieval coins chosen for their artistic beauty, each enlarged to a full page. Wonderful photography. A very fine copy. ($25) 3387. Becker, Thomas W. The Coin Makers. (New York,1970).186 pages, illustrated throughout text. Excellent survey of coins and how they are made. Hard cover. Fine copy. ($10)

3377. Leu & Co. and Adolph Hess AG. Lot of 2 catalogs. Taler, Sammlung Howard D. Gibbs, Teil I. (Lucerne, June 12,1956). Taler, Sammlung Howard D. Gibbs, Teil R (Lucerne, March, 19,1957). Both printed card covers without prices realized. Very good copies. ($20) 3378. [Lockett, Richard], Glendining & Co. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Coins Formed by the late Richard Cyril Lockett, Esq. The Greek and Roman Coins. Five catalogues bound into one volume. (London, Oct. 1955 to May 1959). 3125 Greek lots, 299 Roman and Byzantine lots. One of the major collections of andent Greek and Roman coins but unfortunately someone has cut out approximately 21 photos from the plates and plates 112 from the Roman sale are missing. Bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering. Apart from the plate problems, this is a nice fine set. ($35) 3379. [Lockett, Richard]. Glendining & Co. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Coins Formed by the late Richard Cyril Lockett, Esq. English Coins. Five catalogues b o u n d into one volume. (London, July 1955 to December 1961). One of the major collections of English coins. 4607 lots, 189 fine plates. Bound in red doth with gilt lettering. A nice fine copy. Important. ($2M)

3388. Bible. I think this is a bible because there is a handwritten note stating that it is an Orthodox bible (possibly Cyrillic). There is no title page and the book is written in a language I can not read. The books appears to have been printed in the late 19th or early 20th century. Light water stain at bottom of pages and pages are generally dirty from use. Bound in brown doth which is dirty and worn. Overall a good copy. ($25) 3389. British Museum. Seled Bronzes, Greek, Roman and Etruscan in the Department of Antiquities. (London, 1915). Brown doth, gilt lettering 4to. 73 wonderful bronzes cataloged and illustrated of 73 supeih plates. A very rare work. A nice fine copy. ($350) 3390. Buttrey, T.V., Ann Johnston, Kenneth M. MacKenzie and Michael L. Bates. Greek, Roman and Islamic Coins From Sardis. (Harvard University Press, 1981). xxix, 274 pages, 10 plates. Purple cloth. A fine copy. ($30) 3391. Carson, R.A.G. Coins: Ancient, Medieval & Modern. (London, 1962). 642 pages, 64 decent plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A decent survey. A nice fine copy. ($35)

3380. [Lockett, Richard]. Glendining & Co. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Coins Formed by the late Richard Cyril Lockett, Esq. Scottish, Irish and Continental coins. Three catalogues bound into one volume. (London, February 1956 to Ortober 1960). One of the major collections of English coins. 968 Scottish and Irish lots, 710 Continental lots, 52 fine plates. Bound in green cloth with gilt lettering. A nice fine copy. Important. ($100)

3392. Carson, RA.G. Coins of the World. (New York, 1962). xiii, 642 pages, 64 plates. Hardbound with dust cover. A good introduction to andent and world coins. A nice fine copy. ($25)

3381. M ü n z h a n d l u n g Basel. Auktionskatalog 1. Römische Bronzemünzen einer alten fürstlichen Sammlung und aus anderem Besitz. (Basel, June 28,1934). 103 pages, 2220 lots, 50 superb Collotype plates with tissue interleaves. Spine lightly sunned, a few small folds on cover. A fine. A wonderful sale of R o m a n d . ($75)

3393. Carson, R.A.G., [Editor]. Mints, Dies And Currency. Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Baldwin. (Methuen & Co Ltd., London, 1971). xv, (1), 336 pp., 23 plates, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. Eighteen articles by various experts on various numismatic fields. As new copy. ($25)

3382. M ü n z h a n d l u n g Basel. Vente Publique No. 7. Monnaies et Meedailles Suisses, Françaises des Pays-Bas et des Autres pays Européens. (Basel, October 29,1936). 48 pages, 1081 lots, 15 superb collotype plates. Cover chipped at spine and lightly browned. Internally fine. ($20)

3394. Casey, John and Richard Reece, [Editors]. Coins and The Archaeologist. (London, 1974). British Archaeological Report 4.271 pages, illustrated, printed card covers. Covers dirty and creased. A very good copy. ($20)

3383. Tradart. Lot of four (4) auction sales. Indudes the following sales: December 12,1991; November 8,1992; November 18,1993; and November 17,1994. Well illustrated catalogues featuring choice Greek and Roman coins. The first sale hardbound with dust cover, the last three with glossy card covers. All very fine copies. ($50)

3395. Doty, Richard G. Money of the World. (New York, 1978). 240 pp. with illustrations, many in color, 8vo. An excellent general survey of coinage from ancient to modern times. White casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($25)

3384. [Tradart]. The Numismatic Auction Ltd. Lot of three sales. TNA1. Andent Coins: Greek, Roman, Byzantine. (New York, December, 13,1982). TNA 2. Andent Coins: Greek, Roman, Byzantine. (New York, December 2, 1983). TNA 3. Ancient Coins: Greek, Roman, Byzantine. (New York, December 1,1985). Special hardbound editions. Tan doth with dust covers. Printed on heavier paper than the card cover copies. Each sale was limited to 500 copies in hardbound format, these being #‫׳‬s 404,422, and 419 respectively. Although 500 copies of each was produced, they are fairly scarce, evidently being cherished for their superiority to the card cover copies. All three copies are new copies, still in their protective shrink wrap. ($125) 3385. [Weber, Consul Eduard Friedrich], Jacob Hirsch, No. XXIV. Sammlung Consul Eduard Friedrich Weber; Hamburg. Zweite Abteilung: Römische und Byzantinische Münzen. Nachtrag Griechische Münzen. Münzgewichte. Numismatische Bibliothek. (Munich, May 10,1909). 257 pages, 3607 lots, 63 fine plates with tissue interleaves. A wonderful sale of Roman and Byzantine coins. Lacking front and back cover, title page loose, last plate chipped at bottom. Not a wonderful copy but complete. Overall, a very good copy. ($75)

3396. Durst. Lot of five Durst reprints. Indudes: Klawans, "An Outline of Andent Greek Coins"; Westdal, "Dictionary of Roman Coin Inscriptions"; Lhotka, "Introduction to Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Coinage"; Lhotka and Anderson, "Survey of Medieval Iberian Coinages"; and Lhotka, "Introduction to Medieval Bractates". An excellent lot for the beginner. All printed, white, card covers. All very fine or better copies. ($40) 3397. Frei, Jiri and Marion True, [Editors]. Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum. (Malibu, 1986). Occasional Papers on Antiquities, 2.148 pages, card covers, fully illustrated. A new copy. ($15) 3398. Hill, G R A Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins. (Chicago, 1964). 302 pages, 16 plates, 8vo. Hardbound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($25) 3399. Hill, George F. Becker The Counterfeiter. (London, 1955 reprint of London, 1924 original). 2 volumes in 1,81 pages, 19 plates, index. General history of Becker's career, discussion of his techniques, lists of his Greek, Roman, medieval and later counterfeits. A must for every serious numismatist as Becker counterfeits are still being sold as genuine to this day! Hard cover. The preferred reprint. A nice fine copy. ($65)

268 7 1

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3 4 ‫ ש‬. Hill, George F. Becker The Counterfeiter. (New York, 1995 reprint of London, 1924 original). 2 volumes in 1,72 + 35 pages, 19 plates, index, 8vo. General history of Becker's career, discussion of his techniques, lists of his Greek, Roman, medieval and later counterfeits. A must for every serious numismatist as Becker counterfeits are still being sold as genuine to this day! White card covers. A new copy. ($10)

3414. Oliver, Andrew J. and Sidney M. Bergman. Ancient Glass in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh. (Pittsburgh, 1981). 153 pages, 274 pieces of glass cataloged and illustrated, 16 color plates. Black cloth with gilt lettering. Out-of-Print. A new copy. ($35) 3415. Pollini, John. The Portraiture of Gaius and Lucius Caesar. (New York, 1987). xvi, 133 pages, 42 plates. Black cloth with dust cover. An examination of the surviving portrait sculpture of Gaius and Lucius Caesar. Includes a small section and 1 plate on coins. A new copy. ($45)

3401. Hobson, Burton. Historic Gold Coins of the World, From Croesus to Elizabeth II. (London, 1971). 192 pages, fully illustrated in color. Covers everything from Croesus staters and Spanish escudos to $20 gold pieces. An interesting survey. Blue cloth with dust cover (torn). A fine copy. ($25) 3402. Hoffman, Herbert. Collecting Greek Antiquities. (New York, 1971). 2857 pages, over 200 illustrations induding 21 full color plates. Brown doth with dust cover. Includes a chapter on coins by Herbert Cahn. A fine copy. ($25) 3403. Ingholt, Harald [Editor]. Centennial Publication of The American Numismatic Society. (New York, 1958). xii, 712 pp., 50 plates, thick4to.The "Festschrift" in honor of the ANS which contains many important artides in the native languages of the authors. Artides indude: "The Portrait of Caesar on the Denarii of 44 BC and the Sequence of the Issues," by Alföldi; "The Coinage and Chronology of AD 238," by Carson; "Asses of Orichalcum," by Grant; "The Grain-ear Drachms of Athens," by Thompson; "Diocletian's Reformed Coinage in Britain," by Sutherland; "Parion Au 3e Siècle Avant Notre Ère," by Seyrig plus many more fine artides. Red cloth. A very good copy. ($35)

3405. Jones, Mark. The Art of the Medal. (London, 1979). 192 pages, illustrated throughout, 8 color plates, 8vo. Card cover. A very fine copy. ($20)

3419. Smith, A.M. A Catalogue of Engraved G e m s in the British Museum. (London 1888). xi, 244 pages, 9 fine plates, hardbound. Front cover nearly separated, back hinge weak. A very good copy. ($15) 3420. Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and R o m a n Antiquities. (Boston, 1859). xii, 1293 pages, engravings throughout, engraved frontispiece. Recently rebound tn quarter leatherette with marbled boards. Still a Standard reference after nearly 140 years. A very fine copy. ($150) 3421. [Southesk Collection]. Catalogue of the Collection of A n t i q u e G e m s Formed by James N i n t h Earl of S o u t h e s k K.T. Edited by His Daughter Lady Helena Carnegie. Volume I and Π. (London, 1908). Volume I: Egyptian, Assyrian, Syrian, Phoenician, Greek, Etruscan and Roman, xiv, 226 pages, 17 fine plates. Volume Π: Sassanian, Oriental, Mesopotamien, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Hittite, Cyrian, Cilician, Medieval and Modem, vi, 152 pages, 11 fine plates. Both volumes with original paper covers. Covers chipped and Volume I broken into several parts at the spine (but complete), Volume Π nearly broken at spine. Internally fine. Overall very good copies. Scarce. ($45)

3406. Kinns, Philip. The Caprara Forgeries. (RNS & IAPN, London and Basel, 1984). (4), 59 pp., 8 plates, 8vo. Red casebound with dust cover. A fine copy. ($25) 3407. Laing Lloyd R. Coins and Archaeology. (New York, 1970). xvi, (2), 336 pp., 28 plates. Green cloth with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($25) 3408. Lenormant, Fr. Monnaies et Médailles. (Paris, 1883). 328 pages, illustrated throughout. Quarter brown leather with marbled boards, raised spines, gilt lettering. Edges scuffed, text browned and slightly brittle. Ex Libris ANS. A very good copy. ($15) 3409. MacDonald, George. Coin Types, Their Origin and Development (Chicago, 1969 reprint of Glasgow, 1905 original ). x, 275 pages, 10 fine plates, 8vo. Green casebound with dust cover. A look at the development of coin types from the earliest times through the middle ages. A very fine copy. ($20) 3410. Matsson, G.O. The Gods, Goddesses and Heroes on the Ancient Coins of Bible Lands. (Stockholm, 1969). xxviii, 267 pages, 8 plates. Hardbound in blue leatherette. Out-of-Print. A very fine copy. ($25) Another copy as above. A fine copy.

3417. Reed, Mort. O d d and Curious - A Compendium of Facts Relating To The Currency of the World Which Clearly Show That Money Offers More Than Mere Purchasing Power (Durst, New York, 1979). 127 pp., illustrated, small 8vo. Brown leatherette. A compendium of a series that was originally printed in 'Coin World'. A new copy. ($10) 3418. Richter, Gisela M A. Korai. Archaic Greek Maidens. A Study of the Development of the Kore Type in Greek Sculpture. (New York, 1988 reprint of 1968 original), xi, 327 pages, 800 illustrations. Blue and white cloth, gilt lettering. Traces the evolution of the Standing Kore type, the Archaic Maiden, from early to late archaic times. A new copy. ($75)

3404. Israel Numismatic Journal. Volume 1-9. (Israel Numismatic Society, 1963-1987). A major source of information on Jewish numismatics, with artides by leading experts such as Mildenberg, Meshorer, Kadman etc. A fine set, missing only the most recent issues. ($150)


3416. [Price, Martin J. - General editor]. Royal Numismatic Society. Coins Hoards. Volume I-VII. (London, 1975-1985). Pages rage from 124 to 456 pp. with photos throughout text, 8vo. Blue casebound. Light stain on spine of Volume HI, otherwise a very fine set. ($125)


3412. Miller, Michael F. Classical Greek and Roman Coins. The Investor's Handbook. (Hamden, CT, 1982). 221 pp., glossary, 8vo. Black casebound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. Out-of-Print. ($15) 3413. Newby, Martine and Kenneth Painter [Editors]. Roman Glass. Two Centuries of Art and Invention. (London, 1991). The Soaety of Antiquaries, Occasional Paper # ΧΙΠ. xxix, 175 pages, illustrated throughout (many in color). Card covers. Twelve chapters by leading experts on the various methods the Romans used to produce glass. As new copy. ($15)

3422. Sutherland, C.H.V. Art In Coinage. (London, 1955). 223 pages, 46 plates throughout text, 8vo. Gray cloth with dust cover. A survey of coinage from an artistic viewpoint from ancient to m o d e m times. A nice fine copy. ($20) 3423. The British Numismatic Journal. Including The Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, 1978. (London, 1980). 159 pages, 3 plates, te^it illustrations. 18 articles mostly about hammered English coinage by many of the noted experts in the field. Green cloth with gilt lettering. A fine copy. ($25) 3424. The Israel Department of Antiquities. ' A t i q o t ' The Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities. Volume I. (Jerusalem, 1955). 140 pages, 12 plates, card covers. Features 10 articles, including one on coins, "Minute Coins from Caesarea," by H. Hamburger. A fine copy. ($40) 3425. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. 30 Volumes; 1964-1993 complete. Around a dozen artides in each volume, mostly on anaents, some on English and foreign. 200 to 500 pages and 6 to 47 plates per volume. All with red case covers. First five issue very good to fine, later issues very fine to as new. Overall a nice set A good run of this most important journal. ($400)

269 7 1

Classical Numistnatic Group, Inc. 3426. The Numismatic Chronicle. Annual Journal of the British Royal Numismatic Society. 7 Volumes; 1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979, and 1981. Around a dozen articles in each volume, mostly on ancients. 200 to 300 pages and 16 to 38 plates per volume. Hardbound. All are fine copies. ($75) 3427. The Numismatist. Ancient and Medieval Coins: Selections from The Numismatist. (Racine, 1960). 318 pages, photos and illustrations throughout text. This is a reprint volume of 48 articles from The Numismatist including many definitive works such as Col. James W. Curtis' "Coinage of Domitius Domitianus." Blue casebound. A fine copy. ($20) 3428. True, Marion and Guntram Koch, [Editors]. Roman Funerary M o n u m e n t s in the J. Paul Getty M u s e u m . (Malibu, 1990). Occasional Papers on Antiquities, 6.144 pages, card covers, fully iUustrated. Text mostly in German. A new copy. ($15) 3429. U.S. Mint. Catalogue of Coins, Tokens and Medals in the Numismatic Collection of the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia, PA. (Washington D.C., 1912 first edition). Compiled by T.L. Comparette. 634 pages, 15 plates. Haid bound. Includes a section on ancient coins, though none are illustrated. Binding a Utile weak, cover worn around edges, internallyftne. ExLibris. ($25) 3430. Welter, Gerhard. The Cleaning and Preservation of Coins and Medals. (New York, 1994 reprint of Hannover, 1965 original), x, 118 pages, small 8vo. White card covers. Top of spine bumped, otherwise a new copy. ($8) 3431. Whitehouse, David. Glass of the Roman Empire. (Corning, New York, 1988). 60 pages, card covers. 24 glass items from the Corning Museum of Glass Collection cataloged and illustrated in full color. As new copy. ($15) 3432. Williams, Dyfri and Jack Ogden. Greek Gold Jewelry of the Classical World. (New York, 1994). 256 pages, beautifully illustrated throughout in color. Blue cloth with dust cover. Two pages of this book were miscut and mis-bound, but not pages with plates. Except for this problem, this ($20) is an as new copy. 3433. Yalouris, Nicholas; Manolis Andronikos, Katerina Rhomiopoulou, Ariel Herrmann and Cornelius Vermeule. The Search for Alexander - An Exhibition. (USA, 1980). 192 pp., 173 items cataloged and photographed (many in color), large octavo. Printed card covers. A very fine copy. ($20) 3434. Lot of titles relating to ancient Greek and Roman coins. Lot ineludes: "The Composition of Greek Silver Coins, Analysis by Neutron Activation," by Colin Kraay; "An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins," by Zander Klawans; "Greek Numismatic Epigraphy," by Hartmann and MacDonald; "Lysimachus, King of Thrace. Mints and Mint-Marks," by L. Muller; "Some Cypriot Alexander's," by E.T. Newell; "Royal Greek Portrait Coins," by E.T. Newell; "How To Read Greek Coins," by Paul Pennington; "Greek Coinage," by N.K. Rutter; "Christodoulos the Counterfeiter," by J. Svoronos; "Roman Coin Abbreviations," by Noel Humphrey's; "Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins," by Zander Klawans; "The Various Styles of the Roman Republican Coinage," by Harold Mattingly; "Picture Book of Ancient Coins," by Reinfeld and Hobson; "Ancient Coins, How to Collect for Fun and Profit," by Ted Wear. Various editions. All copies fine or better. ($35)

3437. Lot of five titles relating to ancient numismatics. Includes: "The Coins of Alexander the Great", by Müller, Head and Prokesch-Osten; "Greek Numismatic Epigraphy", by MacDonald; "The Date of the Roman Denarius and Other Landmarks in Early Roman Coinage", by Mattingly and Robinson (1970 reprint); "Roman Coins and H o w to Collect Them", by John Fox; "Greek and Byzantine Studies, Volume I, N0.2." All items very good to fine condition. ($25) 3438. Lot of older edition Seaby titles. Includes the following: A Catalogue of Greek Coins, 1951 edition; Greek Coins and Their Values, 1966 and 1975 edition; Roman Coins and Their Values, 1964 and 1974 edition; Roman Silver Coins, Volume Π, part 1,1954 edition; Roman Silver Coins, Volume 1,1967 edition; Roman Silver Coins, Volume Π, 1968 edition. All fine copies. 9 books in lot. ($25) 3439. Large lot of books and pamphlets, relating to numismatics in general. Includes: "Coin Collecting," by Milne and Sutherland; "Coins Through the Ages," by Brown; "Coins and Medals, Their Place in History and Art," by Lane-Poole; "Morphology of Coins," by Keary; and 24 other items. Lot fine or better. ($25) 3440. Lot of Miscellaneous Supplies. Lot of supplies used for displays at coin shows. Includes felt pads, labels, flags, pictures etc... This lot belonged to Joseph Byers, who took great pride in displaying his Papal coins at local coin shows. The labels are all typed and describe many of the coins from his collection, and they range in size from l"x3" to 8"x24". Generally good to very good condition. ($25) HISTORY TITLES 3441. Barker, John W. Manuel II Palaeologus. 1391-1425. A Study in Late Byzantine Statesmanship. (Rutgers University Press, 1969). Iii, 614 pages, illustrated. Blue cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($15) 3442. Bergengruen, Werner. Rome R e m e m b e r e d . (New York 1968). English translation by Roland Hill. 174 pages, illustrated throughout, 40 color plates. Tan cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($25) 3443. Brandon, Heer, Williams, Hibbert, Palmer and Thomas, [Editors], Milestones of History. 100 Decisive Events in the History of Mankind. (New York, 1970). 936 pages, profusely illustrated (most in color). Black cloth with dust cover. 100 stories from leading authorities covering events such as the Battle of Actium, The Conquest of Mexico and the Declaration of Independence. A fine copy. ($25) 3444. Chessington Ordnance Survey. M a p of Roman Britain. (Chessington, 1956). 43 pages, color map (approx. 31 inches χ 42 inches). Card covers slightly chipped, map very fine. ($15) 3445. Del Mar, Alexander. A History of the Precious Metals, From the Earliest Times to the Present (New York, 1969). 477 pages, hardbound. A fine copy. ($10) 3446. Ferrero, Guglielmo. The Women of the Caesars. (New York, 1911). 283 pages, 44 illustrations. Hardbound. Covers Livia to Agrippina. A fine copy. ($15) 3447. Galbreath, Donald Lindsay. Papal Heraldry. (London, Revised Second Edition, 1972). xix, 135 pages, illustrated throughout. Red cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($25)

3435. Lot of titles relating to numismatics. Includes: "The Beauty and Lore of Coins", by Clain-Stefanelli; "Coins and AU About Them", by Edge; "Coins, Pleasures and Treasures", by Porteous; "Coins", by Porteous; "The Coin Makers", by Becker; "The Evolution of Coinage", by MacDonald; "Chats on Old Coins", by Burgess; "The Coin Collector", by Hazlitt; "Humphrey's Coin Collector's Manual, Volume I and Π", by Humphrey. Average very good condition. ($35)

3448. Gendel, Milton, [Editor], An Illustrated History of Italy. (New York, 1966). 286 pages, illustrated throughout, many in color. Tan cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($25)

3436. Lot of fifteen titles relating to coins, money and economy. Includes: "The Early Growth of the European Economy", by Duby; "History of Monetary Systems", by Del Mar; "Money and Man", by Groseclose; "Numismatics, An Ancient Science", by Clain-StefaneUi; plus many other tities. Average fine condition. ($25)

3450. Grant, Michael. Atlas of Ancient History, 1700 BC to 565 AD. (New York, 1974 edition of 1971 original). Cartography by Arthur Banks. 87 different maps, index of place names, 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A nice fine copy. ($15)

3449. Grant, Michael. Atlas of Ancient History, 1700 BC to 565 AD. (New York, 1971 E>urst edition). Cartography by Arthur Banks. 87 different maps, index of place names, 8vo. Card covers. A very fine copy. ($12)

270 7 1


Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 3451. Hollis, Christoper, [Editor], The Papacy: An Illustrated History From S t Peter to Paul VI. (New York, 1964). 303 pages, illustrated throughout (many in color), folio. Tan cloth with dust cover. A fine copy. ($25)

This concludes OUR sale! Thank you pKyouK ρακηαρατιοη!

3452. Le Marquis De Custine. La Russie en 1839. (Paris, 1843). Three volumes: 392,406,400 pages. Green leather spines with marbled boards, 16mo. Worn around the edges, front cover of volume 1 weak, text moderately foxed. Overall a very good set. A rare work. ($50) 3453. Mommsen, Theodor. Römische Geschichte. (Berlin, 1908). Two volumes: x, 944 pages; 463 pages. Quarter black leather with marbled boards. Worn around edges, internally fine. ($25) 3454. Pointer, John. Britannia Romana or Roman Antiquities in Britain, viz. Coins, Camps and Publick Roads. (Oxford, 1724). (18), 55, (5) pages, fold out map of Roman Britain. Modern brown leatherette binding. Internally, light foxing. Overall a nice fine copy. ($50) 3455. Previté-Orton, C.W. The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History. (Cambridge, 1979 edition). Two volumes: 1202 pages, illustrated. Both volumes with card covers. Fine copies. ($15) 3456. Rollin, Charles. The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians. (New York, 1830). Four Volumes, over 1600 pages, maps, engraved frontispiece. Each volume bound in matching full leather. Moderately to heavily foxed throughout, covers worn and split at spines, most about to fall off. A reading copy only. ($20) 3457. Roseveare, Henry. The Treasury, The Evolution of a British Institution. (Columbia University Press, New York, 1969). 406 pp., index, narrow 8vo. Brown casebound with dust cover. A very fine copy. ($20) 3458. Walker, O. The Greek and Roman History Illustrated by Coins and Medals, Representing their Religions, Rites, Manners, Customs, Games, Feasts, Arts and Sciences. (London 1692). Part 1.360 pages, no illustrations, 16mo. Full leather binding, spine not original. Only very light foxing in a few places, pages still soft. Overall a fine copy. Lipsius page 430. ($50) 3459. Watts de Peyster, J. The History of Carausius, The Dutch Augustus and Emperor of Britain, Zeeland, Dutch Handers, Armorica and the Seas: The Great First Hollandish Admiral; and The First Sailor King of England. (Poughkeepsie, 1858). 335 pages, hardbound. Covera little soiled, text lightly foxed, first several pages torn at bottom. A very good copy. Ex Libris. ($25) 3460. Lot of thirty titles relating to E u r o p e a n history. Lot includes: "Civilitation, Past and Present", by Wallbank; "The Columbia History of the World", by Garraty and Gay; "Western Civilizations", by Bums; "Heritage of Western Civilization", by Beatty and Johnston; plus 26 other titles. Half hardbound, half with card covers. Takes u p over three feet of shelf space. Average fine copies. ($125) 3461. Lot of eleven titles relating to Italian and Papal History. Includes: "The Pope and the World", by Henze; "A Pictorial History of the Italian People‫״‬, by Salvador!; "The Eternal City", by Holisher; "Life in Italy at the Time of the Medici", by Gage; plus 7 other titles. 9 hardbound books, 2 soft covered. Average fine copies. ($75) 3462. Lot of three books relating to Napoleon. Indudes: "Cavaliers de Napoléon," by Frédéric Masson, Paris 1909; "Napoléon et Sa Famille, Volume IV,‫ ״‬also by Masson, Paris 1908; and "Vre Politique et Militaire de Napoléon," by Le Général Jomini, Paris 1829. First two bound in matching quarter leather with marbled boards, pages lightly foxed, very good copies. Last bound in quarter leather with plain board, cover separated from text, several pages folded, a good copy. ($50) 3463. Lot of three titles relating to andent history. Indudes: "The Nature of Alexander", by Renault; "The Etruscans", by Keller; and "Byzantium, Greatness and Dedine", by Diehl. All fine copies. ($20)




ACNAC AJC AJN Akarca Allen/Nash Alram Amandry Amandry AMNG AMUGS Anokhin ANS NNM Anson Ashton Asyut Atlan Babelon, Traité Babelon, Perses Balcer Baldwin, C h i o s Baldwin Barron Basel Bedoukian BMC Bodenstedt Boehringer Bopearachchi Boston Boston(C) Brunetti Burgos Burnett Cahn-Knidos Cahn-Naxos Calciati Calico Carridice CCCBM Clerk D e Callatay D e la T o u r Deppert-Lippitz Desneux Dewing

A n c i e n t C o i n s in N o r t h A m e r i c a n C o l l e c t i o n s . A m e r i c a n N u m i s m a t i c S o c i e t y . N e w York. Y. M e s h o r e r . A n c i e n t J e w i s h C o i n a g e . 2 V o l s . N e w Y o r k . 1982. A m e r i c a n J o u r n a l of N u m i s m a t i c s . A m e r i c a n N u m i s m a t i c S o c i e t y . N e w Y o r k . A. A k a r c a . L e s M o n n a i e s G r e c q u e s de M y l a s a . Paris. 1959. D.F. A l l e n & D. N a s h . T h e C o i n s of the A n c i e n t Celts. E d i n b u r g h . 1 9 8 0 . M . A l r a m . N o m i n a P r o p r i a I r a n i c a in N v m m i s . I P N B V o l . 4. V i e n n a . 1986. M . A m a n d r y . L e M o n n a y a g e d ' A m a t h o n t e . ( A m a t h u s ) A m a t h o n t e I pp. 5 7 - 7 6 . Paris. 1984. M . A m a n d r y . L e s T e t r a d r a c h m e s F r a p p é s a L é b é d o s , in K r a a y - M 0 r k h o l m E s s a y s . L o u v a i n . 1989. Antiken M ü n z e n Nord-Griechenlands. Berlin. 1898-1935. Antike Münzen und Geschnittene Steine, V . A . A n o k h i n . M o n e t o e d e l o B o s p o r a . K i e v . 1986. A m e r i c a n N u m i s m a t i c Society N u m i s m a t i c Notes and M o n o g r a p h s . New York. L. A n s o n . N u m i s m a t a G r a e c a . 6 V o l s . L o n d o n . 1911-1916. R. A s h t o n . ' R h o d i a n C o i n a g e a n d the C o l o s s u s " , in R N 1988, p p . 7 5 - 9 0 . M . P r i c e & Ν . W a g g o n e r . A r c h a i c G r e e k S i l v e r C o i n a g e : T h e A s y u t H o a r d . L o n d o n . 1975 S. A t l a n . S i d e n i n M i l a t t a n ö n c e V ve I V Y ü z y i l S i k k e l e r i Ü z e r i n d e A r a s t i r m a l a r . (Side). Ankara. 1967. E . B a b e l o n . T r a i t é d e s M o n n a i e s G r e c q u e s et R o m a i n e s . 9 V o l s . Paris. 1 9 0 1 - 1 9 3 2 . (Reprinted) E. B a b e l o n . L e s P e r s e s A c h é m é n i d e s . Paris. 1893. J . M . B a l c e r . T h e E a r l y S i l v e r C o i n a g e of T e o s . S N R X L V I I pp. 5 - 5 4 . B e r n . 1968. A . B a l d w i n . T h e E l e c t r u m a n d S i l v e r C o i n a g e of C h i o s . N e w Y o r k . 1915. A. B a l d w i n . T h e E l e c t r u m C o i n a g e of L a m p s a k o s . N e w Y o r k . 1914. J.P. B a r r o n . T h e S i l v e r C o i n s of S a m o s . L o n d o n . 1966. H . A . C a h n et al. G r i e c h i s c h e n M ü n z e n a u s G r o s s g r i e c h e n l a n d u n d S z i l i e n . B a s e l . 1988. P.Z. B e d o u k i a n . C o i n a g e of the A r t a x i a d s of A r m e n i a . L o n d o n . 1978. V a r i o u s a u t h o r s . C a t a l o g u e of G r e e k C o i n s in the B r i t i s h M u s e u m . 2 9 V o l s . L o n d o n . 1873-1927. (Reprinted) F. B o d e n s t e d t . D i e E l e k t r o n m ü n z e n v o n P h o k a i a u n d M y t i l e n e . T ü b i n g e n . 1981. E. B o e h r i n g e r . D i e M ü n z e n von S y r a k u s . Berlin and Leipzig. 1929. O. B o p e a r a c h c h i . M o n n a i e s G r é c o - B a c t r i e n n e s et I n d o - G r e c q u e s . P a r i s . 1991. Α. B. Brett. C a t a l o g u e of G r e e k C o i n s , B o s t o n M u s e u m of F i n e A r t s . B o s t o n . 1955. M . C o m s t o c k . G r e e k C o i n s 1 9 5 0 - 1 9 6 3 , B o s t o n M u s e u m o f F i n e A r t s . B o s t o n . 1964. L. Brunetti. " N u o v i O r i e n t a m e n t i sulla Z e c c a di T a r a n t o " , in R I N 1960, p p . 5 - 1 3 2 . A . B u r g o s . L a M o n e d a H i s p a n i c a d e s d e s u s O r i g e n e s H a s t a el S i g l o V . V o l . 1 . M a d r i d . 1987. A. B u r n e t t . T h e E n n a H o a r d a n d the S i l v e r C o i n a g e o f t h e S y r a c u s a n D e m o c r a c y , in S N R 62, pp. 5-26. H . A . C a h n . K n i d o s - D i e M ü n z e n d e s S e c h s t e n u n d d e s F ü n f t e n J a h r h u n d e r t s v. C h r . A M U G S IV. Berlin. 1970. H . A . C a h n . T h e C o i n s of the S i c i l i a n City of N a x o s . B a s e l . 1940. ( R e p r i n t e d ) R. Calciati. C o r p u s N u m m o r u m S i c u l o r u m : L a M o n e t a z i o n e di B r o n z o . 3 V o l s . Italy. 1983-87. X. a n d F. Calico. C a t a l o g o de M o n e d a s A n t i g u a s d e H i s p a n i a . B a r c e l o n a . 1979. I. C a r r i d i c e . C o i n a g e a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n in t h e A t h e n i a n a n d P e r s i a n E m p i r e s . B A R 343. O x f o r d . 1987. D. A l l e n . C a t a l o g u e of Celtic C o i n s in the B r i t i s h M u s e u m . 2 V o l s . L o n d o n . 1 9 8 7 - 1 9 9 0 . M . G . C l e r k . C a t a l o g u e of the C o i n s of the Achaean L e a g u e . L o n d o n . 1895. F. de Callatay. L e s T e t r a d r a c h m e s d ' O r o d è s II et P h r a a t e IV. Paris. 1994. H . D e la T o u r . A t l a s de M o n n a i e s G a u l o i s e s . Paris. 1892. ( R e p r i n t e d ) B. Deppert-Lippitz. Die M ü n z p r ä g u n g Milets v o m Vierten bis Ersten J a h r h u n d e r t V. C h r . A a r a u . 1984. J. D e s n e u x . L e s T é t r a d r a c h m e s d ' A n k a n t h o s , in R e v u e Belge. Brussels. 1949. L. M i l d e n b e r g and S. Hirter. T h e D e w i n g C o l l e c t i o n of G r e e k C o i n s . A C N A C 6. N . Y . 1985

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Dittrich Favorito FlorNum

Κ. Dittrich. A n c i e n t C o i n s f r o m O l b i a a n d P a n t i c a p a e u m . L o n d o n . N . D . E. F a v o r i t o . T h e B r o n z e C o i n a g e of A n c i e n t S y r a c u s e . Boston. 1990. H. N i l s s o n , Ed. F l o r i l e g i u m N u m i s m a t i c u m : S t u d i a in H o n o r e m U . W e s t e r m a r k . S t o c k h o l m . 1992. Furtwängler Α.Ε. F u r t w ä n g l e r . M o n n a i e s G r e q u e s en G a u l e . T y p o s III. Fribourg. 1978. Foss C . Foss. " T h e C o i n a g e of T i g r a n e s the G r e a t : P r o b l e m s , S u g g e s t i o n s a n d a N e w F i n d " , in N u m C h r o n 1986, pp. 19-67. Gabrici E. Gabrici. L a M o n e t a z i o n e del B r o n z o nella Sicila A n t i c a . P a l e r m o . 1927. ( R e p r i n t e d ) Gaebler H. G a e b l e r . D i e A n t i k e n M ü n z e n v o n M a k e d o n i a u n d P a i o n i a . A M N G III. Berlin. 1906, 1935. Gobi R. G o b i . S a s a n i a n N u m i s m a t i c s . B r a u n s c h w e i g . 1971. Gorini G. G o r i n i . L a M o n e t a z i o n e I n c u s a d e l l a M a g n a G r e c i a . M i l a n . 1975. Greenwell W . G r e e n w e l l . T h e E l e c t r u m C o i n a g e of C y z i c u s . L o n d o n . 1887. Gulbenkian E . S . G . R o b i n s o n and M . C . Hipolito. A C a t a l o g u e of the C a l o u s t e G u l b e n k i a n C o l l e c t i o n of G r e e k C o i n s . 2 Parts. Lisbon. 1971, 1990. Gutman F. G u t m a n and W S c h w a b a c h e r . T e t r a d r a c h m e n u n d D i d r a c h m e n v o n H i m e r a ( 4 7 2 - 4 0 9 ν C h r ) . , in M B N G 47, pp.101-144. M u n i c h . 1929. Head B . V . H e a d . O n the C h r o n o l o g i c a l S e q u e n c e of the C o i n s o f E p h e s u s . L o n d o n . 1880. (Reprinted) Heiss A. Heiss. D e s c r i p t i o n G é n é r a l e d e s M o n n a i e s A n t i q u e s de l ' E s p a g n e . Paris. 1870. (Reprinted) Hendin D. H e n d i n . G u i d e to Biblical Coins. 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