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A P u b l i c & M a i l B i d S a l e Of T h e


A U C T I O N 42 T H U R S D A Y & FRIDAY MAY 29 & 30, 1997 NEW YORK, NY


AUCTION 42 A Public & Mail Bid Sale Featuring A New York City Collection of Greek Coinage & An Idaho Collection of Greek Coinage Thursday & Friday

May 29 & 30, 1997 7:00 pm each evening

In Conjunction with the 6th Annual New York Coin Expo

The N e w York Marriott World Trade Center Three World Trade Center New York, NY 10048 In the Broadway Suite (Canal, Barnum & St. Paul's Rooms) (on the 3rd Floor) Herbert L. Kreindler. Auctioneer #820339

CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC GROUP, INC. Incorporating Seaby Coins U.S. Office: Post Office Box 479 Lancaster, PA 17608-0479 USA (717) 390-9194, FAX (717) 390-9978

U.K Office: 14 Old Bond Street London, W1X 3DB, England (0171) 495-1888, FAX (0171) 499-5916

Grading Conditions English




Proof Mint State/Uncirculated Extremely Fine ("EF") Very Fine (‫״‬VF‫)״‬ Fine Good/Fair

Polierte Platte Stempelglanz Vorzüglich Sehr Schön Schön Sehr Gut Erhalten

Flan Bruni F.D.C. Superbe Très Beau Beau Très Bien Conservé

Fondo Specchio Fior Di Conio Splendido Bellissimo Molto Bello Bello

Common Abbreviations AV EL AR JE

Gm Pl. Pg· Cf. C/m.

Gold Electrum Silver Bronze Gram Plate Page Confer (compare) Countermark


Before Christ Before the Common Era Anno Anno

Domini Hegirae

Common Era Sylloge Nummorum


British Museum Catalogue Roman Imperial Coinage Mintmark

See Bibliography At End Of Catalogue For A Complete List Of Reference Abbreviations

PRODUCTION STAFF: Victor EnglandJ r . (U.S.) Eric J. McFadden (U.K.) Kerry K. Wetterstrom Peter L. Lampinen Barry P. Murphy John C. Lavender Cathy England Karen Zander Johanna Mead Dr. Larry Adams Carol Barton Dawn Ahlgren Tina Jordan (U.K.) Robert A. Trimble Barry P. Murphy MarkLockley

Senior Directors: Auction Director: Numismatists:

Controller: Lancaster Office Manager: London Office Manager: West Coast Representative: Customer Service & Literature: Office Staff: Accounting: Printing Control: Photography: Layout & Design:

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. is a United States limited company. United Kingdom Registration No. FC18173, Branch No. BR2639.

NOTICE TO ALL SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS: We use soft, PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), flips to ship auction lots in. We do not recommend these flips for long-term storage as PVC does damage coins over prolonged exposure. We recommend placing your coins in a safe type of flip (Mylar) for long-term storage purposes.


AUCTION TERMS T h i s is a p u b l i c a n d m a i l bid a u c t i o n c o n d u c t e d by C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . (CNG). Bidding in t h e a u c t i o n c o n s t i t u t e s a c c e p t a n c e of t h e f o l l o w i n g terms:

7. A w o r d o n R e s e r v e s . C N G r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t to p l a c e a r e s e r v e on any l o t . H o w e v e r , no r e s e r v e will be higher than the e s t i m a t e , and o r d i n a r i l y lots are reserved at 6 0 % of e s t i m a t e .

1. T h e p r o p e r t y l i s t e d in t h i s c a t a l o g u e is o f f e r e d f o r s a l e b y C N G f o r i t s e l f a n d as a g e n t f o r v a r i o u s o w n e r s a n d o t h e r c o n s i g n o r s . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t to r e j e c t any b i d , to d e t e r m i n e t h e o p e n i n g p r i c e , to set b i d d i n g inc r e m e n t s , to v a r y t h e o r d e r of t h e a u c t i o n , to r e o p e n bidd i n g in t h e c a s e of a d i s p u t e , to w i t h d r a w any lot, to bid on b e h a l f of C N G , to b i d on b e h a l f of t h e c o n s i g n o r , and to p e r m i t t h e c o n s i g n o r to b i d on h i s o w n l o t s .

8. Bidders personally g u a r a n t e e payment for their successful bids, including bidders executing commission bids from other parties and b i d d e r s r e p r e s e n t i n g c o r p o r a t i o n s or o t h e r e n t i t i e s . B u y e r s a c c e p t i n g comm i s s i o n b i d s f r o m o t h e r p a r t i e s d o so at t h e i r o w n risk and r e m a i n r e s p o n s i b l e to C N G f o r f u l l s e t t l e m e n t u n d e r t h e s e Auction Terms.

2. All l o t s a r e s u b j e c t to a l 0 % B u y e r ' s w i l l b e a d d e d to t h e h a m m e r p r i c e .

9. In t h e e v e n t a s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r f a i l s to m a k e a n y p a y m e n t w h e n d u e , C N G r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t to r e s e l l t h e m a t e r i a l , a n d t h e b i d d e r a g r e e s to p a y f o r t h e r e a s o n a b l e c o s t of s u c h a s a l e and a l s o to pay any d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n the r e s a l e price and the p r e v i o u s l y s u c c e s s f u l bid. C N G a l s o r e s e r v e s all r i g h t s t h a t it w o u l d be e n t i t l e d to u n d e r the Pennsylvania Uniform C o m m e r c i a l Code, including t h e r i g h t to o f f s e t any s u m s d u e f r o m a s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r a g a i n s t a n y f u t u r e c o n s i g n m e n t or p u r c h a s e or m o n i e s or g o o d s in p o s s e s s i o n of C N G .


3. All c o i n s a r e g u a r a n t e e d g e n u i n e . A t t r i b u t i o n , d a t e , c o n d i t i o n a n d o t h e r d e s c r i p t i o n s a r e t h e o p i n i o n of t h e c a t a l o g u e r , a n d n o w a r r a n t y is e x p r e s s e d o r i m p l i e d . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t a n a u c t i o n s a l e i s n o t a n app r o v a l s a l e . L o t s e x a m i n e d p r i o r to t h e s a l e a n d l o t s p u r c h a s e d by f l o o r b i d d e r s ( i n c l u d i n g b i d d e r s e x e c u t i n g c o m m i s s i o n b i d s on b e h a l f of o t h e r p a r t i e s ) may not be ret u r n e d f o r a n y r e a s o n e x c e p t l a c k of a u t h e n t i c i t y . All c l a i m s of m i s d e s c r i p t i o n a n d a l l c l a i m s of r e t u r n , exc e p t c l a i m s r e g a r d i n g a u t h e n t i c i t y , m u s t be m a d e w i t h i n 5 d a y s of r e c e i p t of m a t e r i a l . A n y c l a i m of l a c k of aut h e n t i c i t y m u s t b e m a d e in w r i t i n g b y t h e o r i g i n a l purc h a s e r i m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r d i s c o v e r y t h a t an i t e m is n o t a u t h e n t i c , and upon m a k i n g such a claim the o r i g i n a l p u r c h a s e r m u s t i m m e d i a t e l y r e t u r n t h e lot to C N G in t h e s a m e c o n d i t i o n as at t h e t i m e of t h e a u c t i o n . E s t i m a t e s a r e i n t e n d e d as a g u i d e o n l y a n d n o t as a s t a t e m e n t of o p i n i o n of v a l u e .

10. Sales tax, p o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g and i n s u r a n c e are the r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of t h e b u y e r a n d a r e a d d e d to all i n v o i c e s w h e r e a p p r o p r i a t e . P o s t a g e , h a n d l i n g and i n s u r a n c e for b o o k l o t s w i l l b e i n v o i c e d s e p a r a t e l y f r o m c o i n l o t s . On a n y t a x n o t p a i d by t h e p u r c h a s e r w h i c h s h o u l d h a v e b e e n p a i d , e v e n if n o t i n v o i c e d by C N G , t h e p u r c h a s e r a g r e e s to pay t h e s a m e on d e m a n d t o g e t h e r w i t h a n y int e r e s t o r p e n a l t y t h a t m a y be a s s e s s e d . It is t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of t h e b u y e r to c o m p l y w i t h f o r e i g n c u s t o m s and other regulations. 1 1 . P r i c e s R e a l i s e d are p u b l i s h e d a f t e r the sale and are mailed with C N G ' s next p u b l i c a t i o n .

4. T e r m s are for cash, with invoices being due and p a y a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n r e c e i p t . I n t e r e s t and c o l l e c t i o n c h a r g e s of 2 . 0 % p e r m o n t h , f r o m t h e d a t e of t h e a u c t i o n , s h a l l b e p a y a b l e on i n v o i c e s not s e t t l e d w i t h i n 30 d a y s of t h e sale d a t e . P a y m e n t by c h e c k must be m a d e in e i t h e r US d o l l a r s ($) d r a w n on a US b a n k or B r i t i s h s t e r l i n g (ÂŁ) d r a w n o n a B r i t i s h b a n k . All s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r s o u t s i d e N o r t h A m e r i c a and t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m will be i n v o i c e d an a d d i t i o n a l $ 1 5 f e e f o r b a n k c h a r g e s , b u t b u y e r s m a y d e d u c t t h i s f e e if p a y m e n t i s m a d e as r e q u i r e d a b o v e . P a y m e n t m a y b e m a d e by V i s a , M a s t e r c a r d o r A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s ; h o w e v e r , a 3 . 5 % s u r c h a r g e is m a d e f o r p a y m e n t by c r e d i t c a r d .

B i d d e r s c o n s e n t to w a i v e any c l a i m f o r i n c i d e n t a l , 1 2. c o n s e q u e n t i a l or e x e m p l a r y d a m a g e s a r i s i n g f r o m this a u c t i o n . T h e s o l e r e m e d y t h a t a n y p a r t i c i p a n t in t h e auction shall h a v e f o r any c l a i m or c o n t r o v e r s y a r i s i n g o u t of t h e a u c t i o n s h a l l be a r e f u n d , w i t h o u t i n t e r e s t , of all or p a r t of t h e p u r c h a s e p r i c e p a i d b y t h e p a r t i c i p a n t . 13. All r i g h t s g r a n t e d by C N G o r o t h e r w i s e a v a i l a b l e to b i d d e r s a n d p u r c h a s e r s , u n d e r t h e s e A u c t i o n T e r m s or o t h e r w i s e , are p e r s o n a l a n d m a y not be a s s i g n e d or transf e r r e d to any o t h e r p e r s o n or e n t i t y , w h e t h e r by o p e r a t i o n of l a w or o t h e r w i s e . No t h i r d p a r t y m a y r e l y on any bene f i t o r r i g h t c o n f e r r e d by t h e s e A u c t i o n T e r m s . B i d d e r s a c t i n g as a g e n t s m u s t d i s c l o s e t h e a g e n c y in w r i t i n g to C N G p r i o r to t h e a u c t i o n ; o t h e r w i s e r i g h t s a r c l i m i t e d to t h e a g e n t and are not t r a n s f e r a b l e to t h e u n d i s c l o s e d principal.

5. B i d d e r s n o t k n o w n to us m u s t p r o v i d e us w i t h sati s f a c t o r y c r e d i t r e f e r e n c e s o r p a y a d e p o s i t as d e t e r m i n e d at C N G ' s d i s c r e t i o n b e f o r e b i d d i n g . M i n o r s are not p e r m i t t e d to b i d w i t h o u t w r i t t e n c o n s e n t of a p a r e n t guara n t e e i n g p a y m e n t . C N G m a y r e q u i r e p a y m e n t in f u l l f r o m any b i d d e r p r i o r to d e l i v e r y of lots. T i t l e d o e s not p a s s until l o t s a r e p a i d in f u l l . U p o n r e c e i p t of l o t s , t h e b u y e r a s s u m e s f u l l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r l o s s or d a m a g e .

14. A n y d i s p u t e r e g a r d i n g t h i s a u c t i o n s h a l l be gove r n e d by t h e l a w s of P e n n s y l v a n i a a n d s h a l l be a d j u d i c a t e d o n l y b y t h e L a n c a s t e r C o u n t y C o u r t of C o m m o n P l e a s or the U . S . D i s t r i c t C o u r t f o r the E a s t e r n D i s t r i c t of P e n n s y l v a n i a , a n d all b i d d e r s s u b m i t t h e m s e l v e s to t h e p e r s o n a l j u r i s d i c t i o n of t h e s e c o u r t s f o r t h i s p u r p o s e b a s e d on s e r v i c e by r e g i s t e r e d or c e r t i f i e d m a i l . In a n y dispute regarding this auction, the prevailing party shall b e e n t i t l e d to r e c o v e r its r e a s o n a b l e c o s t s a n d a t t o r n e y fees.

6. E s t i m a t e s are in U . S . d o l l a r s ( $ U S ) and b i d s m u s t b e i n e v e n d o l l a r ( $ ) a m o u n t s . CNG w i l l e x e c u t e m a i l b i d s on b e h a l f of m a i l b i d d e r s . S u b j e c t to r e s e r v e s a n d o p e n i n g p r i c e s , m a i l b i d s w i l l b e exec u t e d at o n e b i d d i n g i n c r e m e n t ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 0 % ) o v e r t h e n e x t h i g h e s t b i d . P l e a s e n o t e t h a t b i d s b e l o w est i m a t e are r a r e l y r e d u c e d , but bids a b o v e e s t i m a t e stand a g o o d c h a n c e of b e i n g r e d u c e d . In t h e c a s e of i d e n t i c a l bids, the earliest bid wins. A mail bid has priority over an i d e n t i c a l f l o o r b i d . Bid b y lot n u m b e r . N o l o t s w i l l b e b r o k e n . B i d d e r s a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r e r r o r s in b i d d i n g . Check your bid sheet c a r e f u l l y .

15. In t h e e v e n t of a d i s p u t e , t h e E n g l i s h v e r s i o n of these A u c t i o n T e r m s shall be d e f i n i t i v e . Bid S h e e t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d by W e d n e s d a y , May 28, 1997. GOOD LUCK!


AUKTIONSBEDINGUNGEN Diese Versteigerung wird von C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . ( C N G ) ö f f e n t l i c h a b g e h a l t e n . Sie k ö n n e n daran personlieh teilnehmen oder Ihre Gebote schriftlich einreichen. Durch die A b g a b e e i n e s G e b o t e s e r k e n n e n Sie die n a c h s t e h e n d e n V e r s t e i g e r u n g s b e d i n g u n g e n an:

Schätzwert, und gewöhnlich werden Lose zu 60% des Schätzwertes a u s g e r u f e n , wenn kein anderes Gebot (Limit) v o r l i e g t . 8. Die Bieter haften persönlich für die B e z a h l u n g ihrer e r f o l greichen Gebote; hierin eingeschlossen sind die Bieter, die Gebote von anderen Parteien auf Provisionsbasis abgeben, und die Bieter, die j u r i s t i s c h e P e r s o n e n o d e r a n d e r e R e c h t s t r ä g e r v e r t r e t e n . Käufer, die für Gebote von anderen Parteien Provisionen erhalten, geben die G e b o t e auf ihr e i g e n e s R i s i k o ab, und sie sind CNG gegenüber für die volle Begleichung gemäß diesen Auktionsbedingungen verantwortlich.

1. Die a u f g e f ü h r t e n Lose werden von CNG auf eigene Rechnung, als V e r t r e t e r v e r s c h i e d e n e r Besitzer und E i n l i e f e r e r versteigert. CNG behält sich das Recht Gebote zurückzuweisen, den Rufpreis zu bestimmen, die Steigerungsstufen festzulegen, die Reihenfolge der Lose zu v e r ä n d e r n , bei Unklarheiten das Los neu a u f z u r u f e n , Lose von der Versteigerung zurückzuziehen, im Namen von CNG und der E i n l i e f e r e r zu b i e t e n , s o w i e den E i n l i e f e r e r auf seine eigenen Lose bieten zu lassen.

9. In dem Fall, daß ein erfolgreicher Bieter Zahlungstermine vers ä u m t , b e h ä l t s i c h C N G das R e c h t v o r , d i e W a r e n e r n e u t zu v e r k a u f e n ; der Bieter erklärt sich damit e i n v e r s t a n d e n , alle anfallenden Kosten eines solchen V e r k a u f s zu zahlen und auch für den F e h l b e t r a g z w i s c h e n dem W i e d e r v e r k a u f s p r e i s und dem Preis des vormals erfolgreichen Gebotes a u f z u k o m m e n . CNG behält sich a u c h a l l e R e c h t e vor, d i e sich f ü r C N G aus d e m Handelsgesetzbuch für Pennsylvanien, dem Pennsylvania Uniform Commercial Code, e r g e b e n ; hierin e i n g e s c h l o s s e n ist das Recht, j e d w e d e nach e r f o l g t e m Z u s c h l a g f ä l l i g g e w o r d e n e n B e t r ä g e , gegen beliebige k ü n f t i g e E i n l i e f e r u n g e n , A n k ä u f e , Gelder oder Güter, die sich im Besitz von CNG b e f i n d e n , a u f z u r e c h n e n .

2. Auf alle Lose wird ein Aufgeld v o n l O % a u f d e n Zuschlagspreis erhoben. 3. Die Echtheit aller Münzen wird garantiert. Alle Beschreibungen geben die persönliche Beurteilung des Verfassers wieder, es wird i n s o w e i t k e i n e G e w ä h r g e l e i s t e t . B i t t e b e a c h t e n Sie, daß eine Auktion Käufe zur Ansicht ausschließt. Lose, die vor dem Verkauf besichtigt w u r d e n , und L o s e , die von bei der V e r s t e i g e r u n g anwesenden Bietern ( e i n s c h l i e ß l i c h Bietern, die Gebote im Namen a n d e r e r Parteien auf P r o v i s i o n s b a s i s a b g e b e n ) g e k a u f t wurden, können aus keinem Grund zurückgegeben werden, ausgenommen bei m a n g e l n d e r E c h t h e i t . Alle R e k l a m a t i o n e n , a u s g e n o m m e n A n s p r ü c h e in Bezug auf m a n g e l n d e E c h t h e i t , müssen i n n e r h a l b von f ü n f T a g e n nach dem E r h a l t der Ware v o r g e b r a c h t w e r d e n . A n s p r ü c h e auf Grund m a n g e l n d e r E c h t h e i t müssen von dem urs p r ü n g l i c h e n K ä u f e r in s c h r i f t l i c h e r Form sofort nach Kenntis, g e s t e l l t w e r d e n ; und bei d e r G e l t e n d m a c h u n g e i n e s s o l c h e n A n s p r u c h s m u ß d e r u r s p r ü n g l i c h e K ä u f e r die W a r e s o f o r t in dem g l e i c h e n Z u s t a n d an C N G z u r ü c k g e b e n , in dem sich die Ware zum Zeitpunkt der Auktion befand. Schätzwerte sind nur als Richtlinien gedacht und stellen keine verbindlich Erklärung über den Wert d a r .

10. U m s a t z s t e u e r , P o r t o , T r a n s p o r t k o s t e n und V e r s i c h e r u n g f a l l e n in den V e r a n t w o r t u n g s b e r e i c h des K ä u f e r s und w e r d e n allen Rechnungen, falls z u t r e f f e n d , hinzugerechnet. Porto, T r a n s p o r t k o s t e n und V e r s i c h e r u n g für Bücher w e r d e n getrennt von denen für Münzen in R e c h n u n g g e s t e l l t . Der K ä u f e r erklärt sich bereit, a n g e f a l l e n e und nicht entrichtete Steuern auch dann, wenn sie von C N G n i c h t in R e c h n u n g g e s t e l l t w u r d e n auf Verlangen zusammen mit a u f g e l a u f e n e n Zinsen, sowie eventuell auferlegte Strafen zu bezahlen. Es fällt in den V e r a n t w o r t u n g s b e r e i c h des K ä u f e r s , die Z o l l b e s t i m m u n g e n und andere Regeln im Ausland zu e r f ü l l e n . 1 1. Die e r z i e l t e n P r e i s e w e r d e n n a c h dem V e r k a u f b e k a n n t gegeben und werden zusammen mit der nächsten V e r ö f f e n t l i c h u n g von CNG v e r s a n d t .

4. Die B e z a h l u n g wird sofort nach Erhalt der Rechnung fällig. Auf R e c h n u n g e n , die nicht i n n e r h a l b von 30 T a g e n nach dem V e r k a u f s t a g b e g l i c h e n w e r d e n , werden vom Datum der Auktion an Z i n s e n u n d I n k a s s o g e b ü h r e n in H ö h e von 2% pro M o n a t b e r e c h n e t . Die Z a h l u n g muß mit Scheck e r f o l g e n , e n t w e d e r mit einem auf U S - D o l l a r ( U S - $ ) a u s g e s t e l l t e n Scheck, der auf eine US-Bank gezogen ist, oder mit einem auf Pfund Sterling (£) ausgestellten Scheck, der auf eine britische Bank gezogen ist. Allen erf o l g r e i c h c n B i e t e r n a u ß e r h a l b von N o r d a m e r i k a und Großbritannien wird zusätzlich ein Betrag in Höhe von US $15,für B a n k g e b ü h r e n in R e c h n u n g g e s t e l l t ; die K ä u f e r können jedoch d i e s e G e b ü h r von i h r e r Z a h l u n g a b z i e h e n , wenn sie die Bezahlung auf die oben g e f o r d e r t e Weise vornehmen. Zahlungen können mit Visa, M a s t e r c a r d oder American E x p r e s s e r f o l g e n ; jedoch wird bei Bezahlung mit Kreditkarte ein Aufschlag in Höhe von 3,5% b e r e c h n e t .

12. Die Bieter verzchten, auf alle sich an dieser Auktion ergebenden A n s p r ü c h e h i n s i c h t l i c h S c h a d e n e r s a t z f ü r A u f w e n d u n g e n , S c h a d e n e r s a t z f ü r F o l g e s c h ä d e n o d e r e i n e r ü b e r den v e r u r s a c h t e n Schaden h i n a u s g e h e n d e n E n t s c h ä d i g u n g . Das e i n z i g e R e c h t , das einem T e i l n e h m e r an der A u k t i o n auf Grund eines auf d i e A u k t i o n z u r ü c k g e h e n d e n A n s p r u c h e s o d e r e i n e r e n t s p r e c h e n d e n S t r e i t f r a g e z u s t e h t , b e s t e h t in e i n e r z i n s l o s e n R ü c k v e r g ü t u n g des g a n z e n o d e r e i n e s T e i l s d e s g e z a h l t e n Kaufpreises. 13. Alle Rechte, die Bietern oder Käufern von CNG gewährt werden o d e r ihnen a n d e r w e i t i g zur V e r f ü g u n g s t e h e n , und z w a r gemäß diesen A u k t i o n s b e d i n g u n g e n oder a n d e r w e i t i g , sind persönlicher Art und können nicht an eine andere Person oder einen R e c h t s t r ä g e r a b g e t r e t e n oder ü b e r t r a g e n w e r d e n , sei es durch gesetzlichen Rechtsübergang oder anderweitig. Keine dritte Partei kann sich auf L e i s t u n g e n oder Rechte b e r u f e n , die durch diese A u k t i o n s b e d i n g u n g e n gegeben werden. Bieter, die als Vertreter h a n d e l n , m ü s s e n d i e s e V e r t r e t u n g C N G v o r d e r A u k t i o n in s c h r i f t l i c h e r Form o f f e n l e g c n ; a n d e r n f a l l s sind die Rechte auf den V e r t r e t e r b e s c h r ä n k t und sind nicht auf den nicht o f f e n gelegten A u f t r a g g e b e r ü b e r t r a g b a r .

5. Bieter, die CNG nicht bekannt sind, müssen CNG eine zufriedens t e l l e n d e K r e d i t r e f e r e n z zur V e r f ü g u n g stellen oder ein Depot hinterlegen, dessen Höhe von CNG festgelegt wird, ehe sie Gebote a b g e b e n k ö n n e n . M i n d e r j ä h r i g e d ü r f e n o h n e die s c h r i f t l i c h e Z u s t i m m u n g eines E l t e r n t e i l s , der die Zahlung garantiert, nicht bieten. CNG kann von j e d e m Käufer V o r a u s k a s s e verlangen. Die versteigerten Lose bleiben bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung aller Forderungen von CNG E i g e n t u m der V e r k ä u f e r . Nach Erhalt der Lose übernehmen die Käufer die volle Verantwortung für Verluste oder S c h ä d e n .

14. Ein Rechtsstreit hinsichtlich dieser Auktion unterliegt des G e s e t z e n von P e n n s y l v a n i e n und kann nur von dem L a n c a s t e r County Court of Common Pleas oder dem U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania gerichtlich entschieden werden; und alle Bieter unterwerfen sich für diesen Zweck auf Grund einer Zustellung durch eingeschriebene Post den S t a a t s h o h e i t s r e c h t e n dieser Gerichte. In einem Rechtsstreit hinsichtlich dieser Auktion ist die obsiegende Partei berechtigt, ihre a n g e m e s s e n e n K o s t e n und R e c h t s a n w a l t s k o s t e n e r s t a t t e t zu bekommen.

6. Die S c h ä t z u n g e n sind in U S - D o l l a r (US-$) und alle Gebote m ü s s e n auf g e r a d e D o l l a r b e t r ä g e ( U S - $ ) l a u t e n . C N G f ü h r t s c h r i f t l i c h e G e b o t e im Namen der Bieter aus. V o r b e h a l t l i c h der M i n d e s t g e b o t e und R u f p r e i s e w e r d e n s c h r i f t l i c h e Gebote eine Steigerungsstufe (von etwa 10%) über dem nächsthöchsten Gebot während der V e r s t e i g e r u n g z u g e s c h l a g e n . Gebote unterhalb des S c h ä t z w e r t e s werden in der Regel nicht e r m ä ß i g t . Gebote über dem Schätzwert werden j e d o c h ermäßigt sofern dies möglich ist Bei gleichhohen Geboten wird der Zuschlag dem zuerst abgegebenen Gebot erteilt. Ein schriftliches Gebot hat Vorrang vor einem, das während der Versteigerung abgegeben wird. Das Bieten erfolgt nach L o s n u m m e r n . Die Lose werden nicht a u f g e t e i l t . Die Bieter sind für F e h l e r beim Bieten selbst v e r a n t w o r t l i c h . Ü b e r p r ü f e n Sie Ihren G e b o t s b o g e n g r ü n d l i c h .

15. Im F a l l e einer S t r e i t f r a g e ist die e n g l i s c h e Version dieser Auktionsbedingungen rechtskräftig. Ihre s c h r i f t l i c h e n Gebote müssen bis 28. Mai 1997 bei u n s e i n g e h e n .

7. Eine A n m e r k u n g zu M i n d e s t g e b o t e n (Limiten). CNG behält sich das Recht vor, für beliebige Lose ein Mindestgebot (Limit) f e s t z u l e g e n . Jedoch ist kein M i n d e s t g e b o t (Limit) höher als der





CONDITIONS DE VENTE AUX ENCHERES Ceci est une vente aux enchères publiques et par correspondance organisée p a r C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . (CNG). Faire une o f f r e à l'enchère s i g n i f i e l'acceptation des conditions suivantes:

7. Quelques mots sur les prix minimum. CNG se réserve le droit de fixer un prix minimum pour n'importe quel lot. Aucune reserve ne sera t o u t e f o i s supérieure à la valeur e s t i m a t i v e et les lots se voient g é n é r a l e m e n t a t t r i b u e r un prix m i n i m u m c o r r e s p o n d a n t à 60% de la valeur e s t i m a t i v e .

1 Les o b j e t s p r o p o s é s dans ce c a t a l o g u e sont mis en vente par C N G a g i s s a n t p o u r son p r o p r e c o m p t e et en t a n t q u ' a g e n t représentant divers autres propriétaires. Nous nous réservons le droit de r e f u s e r une o f f r e ou e n c h è r e , de d é c i d e r de la mise à prix, de fixer les paliers de hausse des enchères, de modifier l'ordre dans lequel se d é r o u l e la vente aux e n c h è r e s , de relancer les e n c h è r e s en cas de d é s a c c o r d , de r e t i r e r un lot q u e l c o n q u e , de faire une o f f r e pour le compte de CNG, de faire une o f f r e pour le c o m p t e du p r o p r i é t a i r e et de p e r m e t t r e de f a i r e des e n c h è r e s sur ses p r o p r e s lots.

8. Les enchérisseurs garantissent personnellement le paiement de leurs offres en cas d'attribution du lot, même s'ils agissent pour le compte d'un tiers. Les acquéreurs se chargeant d ' o f f r e s / e n c h è r e s à la commission venant d'autres personnes le font à leurs propres risques et restent r e s p o n s a b l e s v i s - à - v i s de CNG du r è g l e m e n t intégral selon les présentes C o n d i t i o n s de Vente aux Enchères. 9. Au cas où un acquéreur omet d ' e f f e c t u e r un paiement lorsque celui-ci est échu, CNG se réserve le droit de revendre le lot et l'acquéreur accepte de payer les frais r a i s o n n a b l e s d'une telle vente et aussi de payer la différence entre le prix de la nouvelle vente et celui de l'enchère p r é c é d e m m e n t a c c e p t é e . CNG se réserve aussi tous les droits dont l'elle peut se prévaloir en vertu du Code Commercial Uniforme de Pennsylvanie, notamment le droit de déduire les sommes dues par un acquéreur sur un envoi futur ou sur une a c q u i s i t i o n f u t u r e ou sur des s o m m e s d ' a r g e n t ou marchandises étant en la possession de CNG.

2. Tous les lots sont sujets à une commission de 1 0 % à la charge de l ' a c q u é r e u r , l a q u e l l e sera a j o u t é e au prix de vente. 3. T o u t e s les p i è c e s de m o n n a i e sont g a r a n t i e s a u t h e n t i q u e s . L'attribution, la date, l'état et autres qualificatifs sont l'opinion de l'auteur du catalogue sans que ceci implique de garantie expresse ou i m p l i c i t e . V e u i l l e z noter q u ' u n e vente aux enchères n'est pas une vente c o n d i t i o n n e l l e . Les lots inspectés avant la vente et les lots a c h e t é s par des e n c h é r i s s e u r s dans la salle (y c o m p r i s des e n c h é r i s s e u r s a g i s s a n t pour le c o m p t e d ' a u t r e s p e r s o n n e s ) ne peuvent en aucun cas être r e t o u r n é s e x c e p t é en cas de problème d ' a u t h e n t i c i t é Toute contestation concesnant la description ainsi que toute i n t e n t i o n de r e t o u r n e r une monnaie des pièces, (excepté dans les cas de problèmes d'authenticité), doivent être formulées dans les 5 jours qui suivent la réception de l'envoi. Toute c o n t e s t a t i o n ayant trait à l ' a u t h e n t i c i t é doit être faite par écrit par l ' a c q u é r e u r initial i m m é d i a t e m e n t et, il a l'obligation dans les plus brefs délais de renvoyer le lot à CNG dans le même état qu'il l'a acquis. Les valeurs estimatives sont données à titre purement i n d i c a t i f et ne sont pas une d é f i n i t i o n f i x e de la v a l e u r réelle.

10. La taxe sur les ventes, les frais p o s t a u x , la manutention et l'assurance sont la responsabilité de l'acquéreur et sont ajoutés à toutes les facturés le cas échéant. Les frais postaux, de manutention et d ' a s s u r a n c e pour des lots de l i v r e s s e r o n t f a c t u r é s sép a r é m e n t des lots de p i è c e s de m o n n a i e . Dans le cas de t o u t e taxe n ' é t a n t pas p a y é e par l ' a c q u é r e u r mais qui aurait dû être p a y é e , même si elle n'a pas été f a c t u r é e par C N G , l ' a c q u é r e u r s'engage à régler le montant de celle-ci ainsi que les intérêts ou la pénalité étant imposés le cas é c h é a n t . Il i n c o m b e à l ' a c q u é r e u r d'assurer l'observation de la réglementation douanière étrangère et a u t r e s r è g l e m e n t s . 11. Les Prix Réalisés sont publiés après la vente et sont envoyés par la poste avec la publication suivante de CNG.

4. Les conditions de la vente prévoient le paiement comptant, les f a c t u r e s é t a n t é c h u e s et p a y a b l e s i m m é d i a t e m e n t dès leur réception. Des intérêts et frais de collecte s'élevant à 2% par mois à c o m p t e r de la date de la v e n t e aux e n c h è r e s seront payables sur les factures qui ne sont pas réglées dans les 30 jours qui suivent la date de la vente. Le paiement par chèque doit se faire soit en dollars US ($) si le c h è q u e est tiré sur une banque a m é r i c a i n e , soit en livres s t e r l i n g a n g l a i s e s (£) s'il est tiré sur une banque b r i t a n n i q u e . T o u s les a c q u é r e u r s d o m i c i l i é s a i l l e u r s q u ' e n A m é r i q u e du Nord ou au R o y a u m e - U n i se verront f a c t u r e r un s u p p l é m e n t de 15$ p o u r f r a i s b a n c a i r e s m a i s ils p e u v e n t déduire si le paiement est e f f e c t u é de la manière indiquée ci-dessus. Le paiement peut s ' e f f e c t u e r avec les cartes Visa, Mastercard ou A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s ; le r è g l e m e n t par carte de crédit donne lieu t o u t e f o i s à une m a j o r a t i o n de 3,50%.

12. Les e n c h é r i s s e u r s acceptent de r e n o n c e r à toute revendication de d o m m a g e s et i n t é r ê t s en cas de d o m m a g e c a u s e par la vente aux enchères CNG. Le seul recours qu'un participant à la vente aux enchères aura à l'issue d'une r é c l a m a t i o n ou d'un diff é r e n d sera un r e m b o u r s e m e n t sans i n t é r ê t s , de la t o t a l i t é ou d'une partie du prix d'achat payé par le p a r t i c i p a n t . 13. Tous les droits accordés par CNG ou dont les enchérisseurs et a c q u é r e u r s p e u v e n t a u t r e m e n t se p r é v a l o i r leur sont personnels et ne peuvent pas être c é d é s ni t r a n s f é r é s à une autre personne physique ou morale, que ce soit du fait de l'intervention de la loi ou autrement. Aucune tierce personne ne peut s'appoyer sur un a v a n t a g e ou droit c o n f é r é par les p r é s e n t e s C o n d i t i o n s de Vente aux Enchères. Les e n c h é r i s s e u r s agissant en tant qu'interm é d i a i r e s d o i v e n t d i v u l g u e r leur m a n d a t d ' a g e n c e par écrit à CNG avant la vente aux enchères; autrement les droits seraient exc l u s i f s à l'agent et ne seraient pas cessibles au donneur d'ordre qu'il r e p r é s e n t e .

5. Les e n c h é r i s s e u r s que nous ne c o n n a i s s o n s pas doivent nous f o u r n i r des r é f é r e n c e s de solvabilité s a t i s f a i s a n t e s ou verser des arrhes selon accord avec CNG avant les enchères. Les mineurs ne sont pas autorisés à f a i r e d'enchères sans l'autorisation écrite de l'un de leurs parents garantissant le paiement. CNG peut exiger le règlement intégral de la part d'un e n c h é r i s s e u r avant la livraison des lots. La propriété des lots ne se trouve t r a n s f é r é e qu'une fois que les lots ont été payés intégralement. A la réception des lots, l ' a c q u é r e u r a s s u m e l ' e n t i è r e r e s p o n s a b i l i t é en cas de perte ou d ' e n d o m m a g e m e n t de c e u x - c i .

14 Tout différend concernant la présente vente aux enchères sera régi par les lois de Pennsylvanie et sera tranché par la "Cour des P l a i d s C o m m u n s " ( C o u r t of C o m m o n P l e a s ) du C o m t é de Lancaster (Lancaster County) ou le Tribunal de District Fédéral (U.S. District Court) du District Oriental de Pennsylvanie et tous les e n c h é r i s s e u r s se soumettent à la j u r i d i c t i o n p e r s o n n e l l e de ces tribunaux, basée à cette fin sur la s i g n i f i c a t i o n par courrier recommandé ou certifié. Dans tout litige concernant la présente vente aux e n c h è r e s , la partie g a g n a n t e aura le droit de recouvrer ses frais d'avocat et coûts r a i s o n n a b l e s .

6. Les valeurs estimatives sont données en dollars (SUS) et les o f f r e s / e n c h è r e s d o i v e n t être en montants entiers en dollars ($). CNG exécutera les o f f r e s / e n c h è r e s soumises par correspondance pour le c o m p t e des e n c h é r i s s e u r s . A part dans le cas d'une reserve, les o f f r e s par c o r r e s p o n d a n c e seront e x é c u t é e s à approxi m a t i v e m e n t 10% de plus que l'enchère la plus proche. Veuillez noter que les e n c h è r e s i n f é r i e u r e s aux valeurs e s t i m a t i v e s sont rarement réduites mais que celles au-dessus de ces valeurs ont de fortes chances d'être réduites. En cas d ' o f f r e s identiques, la première l ' e m p o r t e . Une o f f r e par c o r r e s p o n d a n c e l ' e m p o r t e sur une o f f r e identique dans la salle. Faites vos o f f r e s en écrivant le numéro du lot. Les lots ne seront pas divisés. Les enchérisseurs assumeront la responsabilité des erreurs sur leur bulletin d'enchère, c'est p o u r q u o i il est r e c o m m a n d é de tout c o n t r ô l e r avec soin.

15. En cas de litige, la version en anglais des présentes Conditions de Vente aux Enchères fera foi.

Les commissions doivent a v a n t le 28 M a i BONNE


nous parvenir 1997.


CONDIZIONI D'ASTA L ' a s t a è una l i c i t a z i o n e p u b b l i c a per c o r r i s p o n d e n z a bandita da C l a s s i c a l N u m i s m a t i c G r o u p , I n c . ( C N G ) . La presentazione di o f f e r t e a l l ' a s t a comporta l ' a c c e t t a z i o n e delle seguenti condizioni:

9. Se un a c q u i r e n t e non e f f e t t u a un p a g a m e n t o q u a n d o d o v u t o CNG si riserva il diritto di revendere il ο i lotti e l ' o f f e r e n t e s'impegna a far fronte al costo r a g i o n e v o l e di detta vendita ed a corr i s p o n d e r e l ' e v e n t u a l e d i f f e r e n z a tra il p r e z z o di r i v e n d i t a e il precedente prezzo di a g g i u d i c a z i o n e . CNG si riserva inoltre tutti i d i r i t t i che gli s p e t t a n o ai s e n s i del C o d i c e C o m m e r c i a l e U n i f o r m a t o della P e n n s y l v a n i a , incluso il diritto di c o m p e n s a r e una somma dovuta da un acquirente con futuri c o n f e r i m e n t i ο acquisti ο denaro 0 merci in possesso del CNG.

1. I lotti elencati in q u e s t o catalogo sono posti in vendita siada CNG per proprio conto sia come agente di altri conferenti. CNG si riserva il diritto di r i f i u t a r e u n ' o f f e r t a , di d e t e r m i n a r e il prezzo d ' a p e r t u r a , di fissare gli incrementi di o f f e r t e , di variare l ' o r d i n e di svolgimento d e l l ' a s t a , di riaprire la licitazione in caso di cont r o v e r s i a , di r i t i r a r e un l o t t o , di f a r e o f f e r t e per conto di CNG stesso ο di un a f f i d a t a r i o e di p e r m e t t e r e a un c o n f e r e n t e di fare o f f e r t e per i propri lotti.

10. Le imposte sulle vendite, le spese postali, i costi di amministrazione e l ' a s s i c u r a z i o n e sono a carico d e l l ' a c q u i r e n t e e sono aggiunte come a p p r o p r i a t o a tutte le f a t t u r e . Le spese postali, i costi di amministrazione e l'assicurazione per lotti di libri sono fatturati s e p a r a t a m e n t e dai lotti di monete. Nel caso di u n ' i m p o s t a 0 tassa dovuta e non corrisposta dall'acquirente, anche se non fatturata da CNG, l ' a c q u i r e n t e si impegna a corrisponderla su richiesta u n i t a m e n t e agli e v e n t u a l i interessi ο p e n a l i t à che p o s s a n o derivare. E ' r e s p o n s a b i l i t à d e l l ' a c q u i r e n t e rispettare le norme doganali 0 altri regolamenti vigenti a l l ' e s t e r o .

2. Tutti lotti s o n o s o g g e t t i ad una c o m m i s s i o n e del 1 0 % c h e sarà a g g i u n t a al p r e z z o di a g g i u d i c a z i o n e . 3. Tutte le m o n e t e sono garantite a u t e n t i c h e . L ' a t t r i b u z i o n e , la data, le condizioni ed eventuali altre descrizioni sono opinioni del c o m p i l a t o r e del c a t a l o g o nei c o n f r o n t i delle quali non si d a n n o g a r a n z i e e s p r e s s e ο t a c i t e . Va r i c o r d a t o che una vendita a l l ' a s t a non è una v e n d i t a con r i s e r v a di g r a d i m e n t o . I lotti e s a m i n a t i prima dell'asta e i lotti acquistati dagli offerenti in sala (inclusi gli o f f e r e n t i che f a n n o o f f e r t e per c o n t o di terzi) non p o s s o n o essere r e s t i t u a i i n d i p e n d e n t e m e n t e dalla r a g i o n e s a l v o nel caso di non autenticità. Tutte le rivendicazioni di descrizione inesatta e tutte le richieste di restituzione devono pervenire entro 5 giorni dal r i c e v i m e n t o del m a t e r i a l e . Le r i v e n d i c a z i o n i di non autent i cita d e v o n o e s s e r e i n o l t r a t e per inscritto d a l l ' a c q u i r e n t e originale i m m e d i a t a m e n t e d o p o la s c o p e r t a d e l l ' e v e n t u a l e non autentità e c o n t e m p o r a n e a m e n t e l ' a c q u i r e n t e deve restituire il lotto a CNG nelle stesse c o n d i z i o n i del m o m e n t o d e l l ' a s t a . Le stime s ' i n t e n d o n o a p u r o t i t o l o di o r i e n t a m e n t o e non sono espressioni di u n ' o p i n i o n e di valore.

11. I prezzi realizzati sono pubblicati dopi l ' a s t a e sono comunicati per posta con il successivo catalogo CNG. 12. G11 acquirenti accettano di rinunciare a rivendicazioni per il r i m b o r s o di danni i n d i r e t t i ο di r i s a r c i m e n t i e s e m p l a r i sorti in relazione aU'asta. L ' u n i c a ri parazione alia quale un partecipante a l l ' a s t a ha diritto a fronte di una rivendicazione ο controversia in relazione a l l ' a s t a sarà il rimborso, senza interesse, di tutto ο parte del prezzo di a c q u i s t o da esso versato. 13. Tutti i diritti garantiti da CNG 0 c o m u n q u e a d i s p o s i z i o n e degli offerenti e degli acquirenti in base a queste condizioni d'asta ο d i v e r s a m e n t e sono personali e non p o s s o n o e s s e r e c o n c e s s i ο trasferiti a terzi, persone fisiche ο giuridiche, sia in base a leggi che in altro modo. Nessun terzo puö contare su benefici ο diritti conferiti dalle presenti condizioni d'asta. Gli offerenti che fungono da agenti sono tenuti a informare per iscritto CNG prima dell'asta; in caso contrario i diritti sono limitati a l l ' a g e n t e e non sono transf e r i b i l i al r a p p r e s e n t a t o non a n n u n c i a t o .

4. Le vendite sono per contanti con saldo delle fatture a l l ' a t t o del ricevimento. Le f a t t u r e non saldate entro 30 giorni dalla data della vendita sono g r a v a t e del 2% a titolo di interesse ed addebito di riscossione a partire dalla data dell'asta. I pagamenti con assegno devono essere in dollari USA ($) su una banca americana 0 in sterline inglesi (£) su una banca b r i t a n n i c a . A tutti gli aggiudicatari al di fuori d e H ' A m e r i c a del Nord e del Regno Unito vengono f a t t u r a t i u l t e r i o r i $ 1 5 per c o m p e t e n z e b a n c a r i e , s o m m a che puö essere dedotta se il pagamento è effettuato come sopra indicato. 1 pagamenti p o s s o n o essere e f f e t t u a t i con carta di credito Visa, M a s t e r c a r d ο A m e r i c a n E x p r e s s essi sono in tal caso gravati di un 3,5% a g g i u n t i v o .

14. Qualsiasi controversia in relazione a q u e s t ' a s t a sarà regolata dalle leggi della P e n n s y l v a n i a e sarà g i u d i c a t a u n i c a m e n t e dalla C o u n t y C o u r t of C o m m o n P l e a s di L a n c a s t e r ο d a l l a C o r t e Distrettuale statunitense del Distretto Orientale di Pennsylvania e tutti gli offerenti si sottopongono alia personale giurisdizione dei s u d d e t t i tribunali a tale r i g u a r d o dietro n o t i f i c a per posta racc o m a n d a t a ο c e r t i f i c a t a . In una c o n t r o v e r s i a in r e l a z i o n e a q u e s t ' a s t a la parte v i n c e n t e avrà diritto a r i c u p e r a r e i costi ragionevoli e le spese legali.

5. Gli o f f e r e n t i non noti a CNG devono fornire referenze di credito ο v e r s a r e una c a u z i o n e f i s s a t a a d i s c r e z i o n e di CNG p r i m a dell'apertura dell'asta. I minori di età non possono fare offerte senza il consenso scritto di un genitore che garantisca il pagamento. CNG pub r i c h i e d e r e il p a g a m e n t o in toto da un o f f e r e n t e prima della c o n s e g n a dei lotti. II diritto di p r o p r i e t à non è t r a s m e s s o f i n t a n t o che i lotti non sono i n t e r a m e n t e s a l d a t i . Ad a v v e n u t a consegna dei lotti l ' a c q u i r e n t e assume piena responsabilità per le eventuali perdite ο danni.

15. In caso di vertenza farà fede la v e r s i o n e inglese delle presenti condizioni d ' a s t a . Le o f f e r t e d e v o n o p e r v e n i r e il 28 m a g g i o 1 9 9 7 .

6 Le stime sono in dollari USA (SUS) e le offerte devono essere in dollari ο mettendo l'indicazione dei centesimi ($). CNG accetta offerte per c o r r i s p o n d e n z a . Le o f f e r t e per c o r r i s p o n d e n z a saranno eseguite con un i n c r e m e n t o di circa il 10% s u l l ' o f f e r t a ρίύ alta, prezzi minimi di base e prezzi di a p e r t u r a p e r m e t t e n d o . Va ric o r d a t o che le o f f e r t e al di sotto d e l l e s t i m e h a n n o r a r a m e n t e s u c c e s s o ma q u e l l e s o p r a le s t i m e h a n n o b u o n a p r o b a b i l i t à di aver successo. In caso di o f f e r t e i d e n t i c h e ha la p r e f e r e n z a quella p e r v e n u t a c i per p r i m a . U n ' o f f e r t a per c o r r i s p o n d e n z a gode di priorità su una identica in sala Le o f f e r t e s ' i n t e n d o n o per numero di lotto. Nessun lotto puö essere s u d d i v i s o . Gli o f f e r e n t i sono responsabili degli errori nelle offerte. Si prega di controllare attentamente il f o g l i o o f f e r t e .


7 Per quanto riguarda i prezzi minimi di base, CNG si reserva il diritto di f i s s a r e un p r e z z o m i n i m o per q u a l s i a s i lotto, nessun prezza m i n i m o è s u p e r i o r e alla s t i m a e g e n e r a l m e n t e è il 60% della stima. 8 Gli o f f e r e n t i garantiscono personalmente il saldo delle offerte vincenti, inclusi gli o f f e r e n t i che fanno o f f e r t e per conto di terzi e quelli che rappresentano associazioni 0 altri enti. Gli acquirenti che a c c e t t a n o di f a r e o f f e r t e per conto di terzi 10 f a n n o a loro rischio e r i m a n g o n o r e s p o n s a b i l i verso CNG per il saldo totale ai sensi delle presenti condizioni d ' a s t a .




N O T I C E OF E X H I B I T I O N W e w i l l b e r e p r e s e n t e d at t h e f o l l o w i n g s h o w s a n d d u e t o t h e s i z e of t h i s s a l e , only s e l e c t e d lots will be a v a i l a b l e for


P l e a s e call our o f f i c e to r e q u e s t that a s p e c i f i c lot be m a d e a v a i l a b l e f o r v i e w i n g . L i m i t of 10 l o t s p e r c u s t o m e r ( n o a n t i q u i t y or b o o k l o t s


May 16-19, 1997

Private Viewings L o s A n g e l e s ‫ ־‬M a y 16th S a n F r a n c i s c o - M a y 17th D a l l a s - M a y 18th H o u s t o n - May 19th ( S i n g l e l o t s o n l y - l a r g e l o t s w i l l n o t b e a v a i l a b l e e x c e p t at N Y C )

If y o u r e c e i v e d t h i s c a t a l o g u e , then you will receive a letter with the details, etcetera in e a r l y M a y !

A u c t i o n l o t s m a y a l s o b e v i e w e d at o u r L a n c a s t e r o f f i c e s f r o m M a y 5 - 2 7 , 1997, by a p p o i n t m e n t o n l y , u n l e s s t h e l o t s a r e on p r i o r e x h i b i t i o n at t h e a b o v e c o n v e n t i o n . Lancaster office hours: 10AM-5PM

P h o t o g r a p h s a r e a v a i l a b l e f o r u n p h o t o g r a p h e d s i n g l e l o t s at $ 3 e a c h (one o b v e r s e and one r e v e r s e ) . P h o t o g r a p h s are η 0 t available for large lots. Available from Lancaster office only.

May 28-30,


6th Annual New York Coin Expo Marriott World Trade Center Canal/Barnum Room (3rd Floor) W e d n e s d a y , May 28 - N 0 0 n - 8 P M T h u r s d a y , M a y 29 - 9 A M - 6 : 0 0 P M F r i d a y , May 30 - 9 A M - 6 : 0 0 P M ( L o t s w i l l b e on v i e w on t h e b o u r s e f l o o r on F r i d a y o n l y )

Contact either office for information USA (717) 390-9194

‫ ״‬U Κ (0 17 1 ) 4 9 5 - 1 8 8 8



o f


Session One ‫ ־‬Thursday Evening - 7:00PM Greek Coinage Greek Large Lots

1-652 653-721

Session Two - Friday Evening - 7:00PM Roman Republican Coinage Roman Republican Large Lots Roman Imperatorial Coinage Roman Coinage Roman & Roman Provincial Large Lots Dark Ages & Barbaric Issues Byzantine Coinage Byzantine Large Lots World Coinage Including Islamic World Coinage Large Lots U.S. Coinage U.S. Large Lots British Coinage Irish Coinage British Coinage Large Lots

722-756 757-771 772-795 796-1136 1137-1203 1204-1207 1208-1235 1236-1242 1243-1295 1296-1400 1401-1419 1420-1445 1446-1593 1594-1622 1623-1650


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.


1. SPAIN, Carthaginian Occupation. Circa 235-220 BC. AR Shekel (6.75 gm). Bare head left / Horse right, palm tree behind; Punic letter " below. Villaronga, Hispano-Cartaginesas, 229 (dies 157/202); Burgos 413. Toned VF. ($1000)

6. Danube Region. Circa 2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.98 gm). Imitating Thasos. Stylized head of Dionysos / Herakles with club and lion skin; legend reduced to dots, dashes and lines. Gobi Class V / A ; CCCBMI S223ff. EF for type, scratch on obverse. ($450)

The male portraits on the coins of Carthaginian Spain have been taken to represent members of thefamily of Hannibal, the Barms ruling in Spain. Heads representing Herakles-Melkart have been identified as Hamilkar Barca and Hannibal himself, with the seemingly younger head as Hasdrubal, brother of Hannibal. Barring any known portraits of the Barca family, and with no other clear portraiture in the Carthaginian series, it seems likely that the portraits are intended to represent the Punic gods Melkart (affiliated with the Creek Herakles) and Eshmoun-Adonis (affiliated with Apollo).

AV 7. Gallo-Belgic. The Veliocasses. Circa 1st Century BC. AV Stater (5.97 gm). Disjointed head right, the eye and nose greatly exaggerated / Horse galloping right; stars above and below. Scheers, La Gaule Belgique, 161; De la Tour 7230ff. Good VF. ($1000)

2. Castulo. Circa 2nd Century BC. /E 17mm (3.61 gm). Diademed head / Boar; star above. Villaronga pg.337,48; Burgos 566. Good VF, green patina. ($200) 8. ETRURIA, Populonia. Circa 211-200 BC. AR 10 Asses (4.18 gm). Laureate male head left (Aplu?); X behind / Blank. Vecchi, SNR 71,11. EF, worn die. ($400) Ex Superior Calleries, C.O.I.N. Sale (June, 1972), lot 325.

3. GAUL. Auriol Hoard Type. Circa 485-470 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.59 gm). Gorgoneion / "Wind-mill sail" incuse. Fürtwangler Group M; Rosen 4. Toned, near EF. ($450) 9. CAMPANIA, Hyria. Circa 395-385 BC. AR N o m o s (7.22 gm). Facing head of Hera Lakinia, wearing Stephane decorated with palmette and twin pegasi; Γ to right / ΙΜΙΟΨ, man-headed bull right. Rutter 126ff (047/R—•); Dewing 92. Toned VF. Rate. ($750)

Lovely Silver Nomos of Neapolis 4. Massalia. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Obol (0.76 gm). Crude head left / Crab. De la Tour 510. Good VF. Rare. ($400)

10. Neapolis. Circa 400-360 BC. AR Nomos (7.60 gm). Head of nymph right, hair bound with wide bandeau; Ε behind / ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ, manheaded bull right, with Nike flying above; Ν below. SNG ANS 303; Sambon 366. EF. ($1400) Neapolis produced quantities of coins of serviceable if pedestrian die work. In this coin, toe can see that the city could avail itself of the sennces ofat least one true nmster engraver.

5. CELTIC, Danube Region. Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.95 gm). Imitating Alexander ΠΙ of Macedon. Head of Herakles / Zeus seated left; monograms. CCCBM1185. Good VF. ($600)


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

11. Neapolis. Circa 400-360 BC. AR Nomos (7.46 gm). Head of nymph right, hair bound with wide bandeau / ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ, man-headed bull right, with Nike flying above. SNG ANS 294; Sambon 364. Good VF. ($450)

16. Tarentum. Circa 380-345 BC. AR Nomos (7.72 gm). Naked horseman dismounting his horse left, carrying shield and spear; Δ below / Taras seated 011 dolphin left, holding trident; Κ and waves below. Vlasto 441. Toned, near EF. ($600)

12. Neapolis. Circa 4360‫ ־ש‬BC. AR Nomos (7.29 gm). Head of nymph right / ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ (barbarous), man-headed bull left, with Nike flying above. SNG Copenhagen 388 (same dies). Toned VF, a few scrapes. ($300)

17. Tarentum. Circa 380-345 BC. AR Nomos (7.74 gm). Naked horseman riding left, carrying shield and spear; Δ below / Taras seated on dolphin left, holding trident; Κ and waves below. Vlasto 443. Toned VF, ΞΕΝ graffiti on obverse. ($300)

13. CALABRIA, Tarentum. Circa 500-473 BC. AR Nomos (8.12 gm). TAPAS, Phalanthos on dolphin right, holding cuttle fish in right hand / TAPA[S], h i p p o c a m p right, shell below. Vlasto 123 (same obverse die). Toned, good VF. ($8TO)

Exceptional Tarentine Diobol

Attractive Tarentine Nomos

18. Tarentum. Circa 380-334 BC. AR Diobol (1.34 gm). Head of Athena right, helmet decorated with Skylla hurling a stone / Herakles wrestling with lion; club behind, owl standing on lion's back. Vlasto 1322; SNG ANS 1412; SNG Copenhagen 976. Choice EF. ($500)

14. Tarentum. Circa 380-345 BC. AR Nomos (7.88 gm). Nude Ephebos on horseback right, placing wreath on horse's head; Λ below / Taras astride dolphin, holding acrostolion in extended right hand; Λ and ΤΑΡΑΣ below. Vlasto 354. Toned, good VF. Well centered and quite attractive. ($600)

19. Tarentum. Circa 344-334 BC. AR Nomos (7.63 gm). Youth on horseback crowning his horse, Nike flying behind crowning youth; AP below / Taras astride dolphin right, w a v e s around, spearing fish with trident; ΤΑΡΑ[Σ] before, KAL monogram behind. Vlasto 501 (same dies). VF, fields lightly smoothed. Overstruck on another com, perhaps a Corinthian type stater. The profile of a face can be seen to the right of Taras' head. ($250)

15. Tarentum. Circa 380-345 BC. AR Nomos (7.98 gm). Naked horseman riding left, carrying shield and spear; Δ below / Taras seated 011 dolphin left, holding kantharos; E, dolphin and waves below. Vlasto 387. Good VF. Attractive. ($5‫)ש‬ 1 0

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. FDC Nomos of Tarentum

20. Tarentum. Circa 344-334 BC. AR Nomos (7.89 gm). Youth on horseback crowning Iiis horse, Nike flying behind crowning youth; ΣΙΜ below / Taras astride dolphin left, holding kantharos in extended right hand and trident in left ; ΤΑΡΑ[Σ] behind, THP and waves beneath dolphin. Vlasto 503. Near EF, with iridescent toning. ($500)

21. Tarentum. Circa 344-334 BC. AR Nomos (7.98 gm). Youth on horseback crowning his horse, Nike flying behind crowning youth; Σ1Μ below / Taras astride dolpliin left, holding kantharos in extended right hand and trident in left ; ΤΑΡΑ[Σ] behind, HHP and waves beneath dolphin. Vlasto 503. NearEF. ($4‫)ש‬

25. Tarentum. Circa 334-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.91 gm). Nude warrior on horseback galloping right; ΣΑ below, star on horse's rump / Taras astride dolphin, holding trident in left arm and kantharos in extended right hand; Κ below arm, dolphin below, ΤΑΡΑΣ behind. Vlasto 607. Fully struck FDC. If you've been waiting for an unimprovable Tarentine Nomos, this is it! ($2000)

22. Tarentum. Circa 344-335 BC. AR Nomos (7.92 gm). Nude rider on prancing horse right, holding lance with his right hand and shield and two more lances with his left arm / [ΤΑ]ΡΑΣ behind, Taras on dolphin left, holding a small round shield and two spears in left hand, right hand extended; Nike flying above crowning Taras, ΦΙ below. Vlasto 599. Near EF. ($400)

23. Tarentum. Circa 345-334 BC. AR Diobol (1.06 gm). Facing head of Herakles, lion skin draped over head, with club over shoulder / Herakles strangling Nemean lion; club to left; Φ between legs. Vlasto 1348; SNG ANS 1431. EF/VF, the reverse obscured by a won! die. A marvelous miniature portrait! ($300)

24. Tarentum. Circa 334-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.72 gm). Nude warrior on horseback galloping right; ΣΑ below / Taras astride dolphin, holding trident in left ami and kantharos in extended right hand; AP monogram below arm, dolphin below, ΤΑΡΑΣ behind. Vlasto 602. Good VF. ($300)

26. Tarentum. Circa 334-330 BC. AR Nomos (7.91 gm). Nude warrior on horseback galloping right; API below, Ξ under elbow / Taras astride dolphin, holding rudder in left ami and kantharos in extended right hand; KA before, [ΤΑ]ΡΑΣbehind. Vlasto 638. Lightly toned EF. Choice flan. ($750)

27. Tarentum. Circa 302-281 BC. AR Nomos (7.87 gm). Nude youth on horseback placing wreath on horse's head, ΣΑ above, ΑΡΕ/ΘΩΝ below in two lines / Taras astride dolphin, holding tripod in extended right hand; ΧΑΣ below, ΤΑΡΑΣ behind. Vlasto 666. Near EF. ($500)

'Pfcase‫׳‬MainourCBidSheet ,Early


Classical Numismatic

28. Tarentum. Circa 302-281 BC. AR Nomos (7.86 gm). N u d e youth on horseback placing wreath on horse's head, ΣΑ above, ΑΡΕ/ΘΩΝ below in two lines / Taras astride dolphin, holding tripod in extended right hand; ΧΑΣ below, ΤΑΡΑΣ behind. Vlasto 666. EF, toned with iridescent highlights around the devices. Well struck. ($600)

29. Tarentum. Circa 302-281 BC. AR Nomos (7.87 gm). N u d e youth on horseback placing wreath on horse's head; ΣΑ above, ΦΙΛΙ/ΑΡΧΟΣ in two lines below / ΤΑΡΑΣ behind, Taras astride dolphin, holding bunch of grapes in right hand; AFA below. Vlasto 673. EF. ($400)

Group, Inc.

32. Tarentum. Circa 302-231 BC. AR Nomos (7.90 gm). Naked horseman mounted left, carrying round shield; ΦΙΛΟΚΛΗΣ below, ΣΙ behind / Taras seated on dolphin left, holding wreath in extended right hand; ΤΑΡΑΣ behind, ΛΥ below. Vlasto 688. EF. ($400)

33. Tarentum. Circa 302-231 BC. AR Nomos (7.87 gm). Naked horseman dismounting his horse left, carrying round shield and javelin; EY behind, ΚΩΝ below / Taras seated on dolphin left, holding corn-spike; ΑΉ before, ΤΑΡΑΣ behind, spear-head beneath. Vlasto 702. Good VF. ($400)

Attractive Tarentine Nomos 34. Tarentum. Circa 302-228 BC. AR Diobol (1.20 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing helmet decorated with Scylla; 3 in front, X behind / ΜΩΜ[ΓΓHATAT] Herakles strangling Nemean lion; club to left; Σ between legs. Vlasto—; SNG ANS—. Good VF, original dark find patina. ($150)

35. Tarentum. Circa 272-235 BC. AR Nomos (6.32 gm). Naked warrior wearing Corinthian helmet on horse right, with spear and large round shield; ΗΗΡΑΚΛ/ΗΤΟΣ in two lines below / Taras astride dolphin left, holding comucopiae and flower; thymiaterion and monogram to right. Vlasto 890. EF. ($350) 30. Tarentum. Circa 302-231 BC. AR Nomos (7.73 gm). Naked horseman mounted !eft, holding round shield and two lances, Nike standing before leading horse / Taras seated on dolphin, holding shield and two javelins in left hand; ΤΑΡΑΣ before, Ε on shield, IOP before, waves below. Vlasto 680. Near EF. ($750)

36. Tarentum. Circa 212-209 BC. AR Reduced N o m o s (3.79 gm). Warrior on horseback, holding filleted palm; ΣΩΚΑΝ-ΝΑΣ below / Taras on dolphin left, holding kantharos and trident; ΤΑΡΑΣ below, eagle behind. Vlasto 984; Brunetti 5 (209 BC). EF. ($450) 31. Tarentum. Circa 302-231 BC. AR Nomos (7.84 gm). Naked horseman mounted left, carrying round shield; ΦΙΛΩΝ below / Taras seated on dolphin left, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΤΑΡΑΣ behind, waves below. Vlasto 686. Good VF, worn obverse die. ($350)

Hannibal used the region around Tarentum and Metapontion as winter quarters during his occupation of southern Italy. He installed his own magistrates (Sokannas does not appear to be a Greek name) and struck coinage based on the Punic half shekel standard.


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

37. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($2000)

44. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. (S2000)

38. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($20‫)ש‬

45. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins hi lot. ($2000)

39. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($20TO)

46. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($2000)

40. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($2000)

47. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($2000)

41. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($20‫)ש‬

48. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 COÛTS in lot. ($2000) 49. Tarentum. Lot of Two AR Nomoi. Vlasto 790 and 888. Both coins are toned VF. 2 corns in lot. ($200)

42. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($20‫)ש‬ 43. Tarentum. Lot of twenty AR Nomoi of Tarentum. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 20 coins in lot. ($2(M0)

50. LUCANIA, Herakleia. Before 350 BC. AR Nomos (7.65 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with Skylla / ΗΡΑΚΛ(ΕΙΩΝ), nude Herakles wrestling Nemean lion; club and grain ear to left. Work, ANSNNM 91,14 (same dies); McClean 820. Good VF, large flan crack across Athena's cheek. ($2‫)ש‬

Classical Numismatic

51. Herakleia. Before 350 BC. AR Nomos (7.58 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla; Δ Κ Φ in front / ΗΡΑ ΚΛΗΙΩΝ, n u d e Herakles wrestling N e m e a n lion; owl between legs. Work, A N S N N M 91,38 (same dies); McClean 824; SNG ANS 63. VF. ($3‫)ש‬

Group, Inc.

55. Metapontion. Circa 530-500 BC. AR Nomos (8.05 gm). ΜΕΤΑ right, ear of barley with eight grains / Incuse ear of barley with nine grains. Noe 121 (same dies); SNG ANS 212 (same dies). Toned VF, small patches of h o m silver. ($450)

52. Herakleia. Circa 350 BC. AR Nomos (7.72 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing laureate Corinthian helmet; ΦΙ / I -ΗΡΑ ΚΛΕΙΩΝ, nude Herakles standing facing left; holding oenochoe, club and lion skin, Nike crowning him; magistrate ΣΟΣΙΒΙΟΣ. SNG Lloyd 277; Weber 717. Good VF. ($750)

56. Metapontion. Circa 334-331 BC. AV Third Stater or Diobol (2.54 gm). Female head right wearing Stephane / [Μ]ΕΤΑΠΟΝ, grain ear with six grains, dove perched on leaf to the right. Johnston G.l; SNG ANS 395. VF. Scarce. ($1500)

Desirable Nomos of Herakleia

57. Metapontion. Circa 330 BC. AR Nomos (7.97 gin). Helmeted head of Leukippos right; lion's head behind / ΜΕΤΑ, barley ear; AMI below leaf, club on leaf. Johnston B2.23 (same dies). Toned EF. ($600)

EF Metapontion Nomos

53. Herakleia. Circa 350 BC. AR Nomos (7.85 gm). Head of Athena facing, wearing ornate triple-crested helmet decorated with Skylla; monogram / I -ΗΡΑ ΚΛΕΙΩΝ, nude Herakles standing facing; holding club, bow and lion skin, Nike crowning him; magistrate ΦΙΛΟ, ΛΑ (?) at feet. SNG ANS 80; SNG Lloyd 278. EF. ($1000) 58. Metapontion. Circa 330 BC. AR Nomos (7.97 gm). [ΛΕΥΚΙΠΠΟΣ], helmeted head of Leukippos right; dog behind / ΜΕΤΑ, barley ear; AMI below leaf, dove on leaf. Johnston B3.27 (same dies); SNG ANS 448 (same dies). EF. ($800)

54. LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 540-530 BC. AR Nomos (8.19 gm). ΜΕΤΑ right, ear of barley with nine grains / Incuse ear of barley with nine grains. Noe 14 (same dies); SNG ANS 166 (same dies). Lightly toned, near EF. Choice flan. ' ($1000)

59. Metapontion. Circa 325-280 BC. AR N o m o s (7.88 gm). Female head to left / ΜΕΤΑΠΟΝΤΙΝΩΝ, Barley ear; leaf to right, ivy leaf above. Noe 524 (same dies); SNG ANS 391. Near EF, well stmck and well centered. ($600) 1 4

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Wonderful Nomos of Sybaris

60. Metapontion. Circa 325-280 BC. AR Nomos (7.89 gm). Wreathed head of Demeter right / META, barley ear; plow above leaf, MAX below. Jolmston C1.62 (same dies). Toned, near EF. ($500)

61. Metapon tion. Time of Hannibal. Circa 212-206 BC. AR Half Shekel (3.60 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / META, grail! ear; owl in flight to right. SNG ANS 550; Robinson, "Coinage of the Second Punic War", NumChron 1964, pl.6,6. Choice EF. ($650)

65. LUCANIA, Sybaris. Circa 550-510 BC. AR Nomos (7.90 gm). Bull standing left, head reverted; VM above / Incuse bull. SNG ANS 817; Dewing 405; Gorini 3. Choice VF, wonderful old, gray cabinet toning, perfectly centered on a choice flan. ($2500)

62. Metapontion. Time of Hannibal. Circa 212-206 BC. AR Quarter Shekel (1.61 gm). Wreathed head of Demeter right / META, grain ear; crossheaded torch to right. SNG ANS 551; Robinson, "Coinage of the Second Punic War", NumChron 1964, pl.6,9. Superb EF. ($7M)

66. Sybaris. Circa 550-510 BC. AR Nomos (7.38 gm). Bull standing left, head reverted; VM in exergue / Incuse bull. SNG ANS 837; Dewing 406; Gorini 2. Near VF, choice metal, light toning. ($500)

63. Metapontion. Lot of seventeen AR Nomoi of Metapontion. Various issues. Average Fine to VF. 17 coins in lot. ($1700)

67. Sybaris. Circa 550-510 BC. AR Nomos (7.31 gm). Bull standing left, head reverted; VM in exergue / Incuse bull. SNG ANS 837; Dewing 406; Gorini 2. Toned VF, a few small spots of h o m silver, double staick, irregular flan. ($400)

Rare Poseidonian Nomos

A Rare Fraction of Sybaris

64. LUCANIA, Poseidonia. Circa 530-510 BC. AR Nomos (6.36 gm). ΠΟΜ, Poseidon advancing right, brandishing trident and holding necklace / Π0Μ, same type, incuse except for trident. BMC Italy pg.266,11. Fine/VF, crystallized metal. A rare variety of a rare coinage. (S5000)

68. Sybaris. Circa 550-510 BC. AR 1 / 1 8 Nomos (0.40 gm). VM (archaic ΣΥ), bull standing left on dotted exergual line, head reverted / VM. SNG Copenhagen 1396. EF. A choice and rare fraction of Sybaris. (S500) 1 5

Classical Numismatic

69. LUCAN1A, Thourioi. Circa 410-330 BC. AR Double Nomos (15.83 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla; ΔΙ behind / ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ, bull butting right; fish in exeigue. Noe F20 (same dies); SNG ANS 969. Toned VF. ($750)

Group, Inc.

73. Velia. Circa 400-365 BC. AR Nomos (7.24 gm). Head of Athena left, wearuig Attic helmet with griffin; Τ / (ΥΕΛΗ)ΤΩΝ, lion bringing down stag; ivy leaf below. Williams 224 (0138/R172). Toned VF, porosity. / / Plus an AR Diobol of Herakleia in Lucania. Head of Herakles / Lion right. SNG ANS 10. Fine. 2 coins in lot. ($250)

70. Thourioi. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Nomos (7.81 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing laureate Attic helmet / (ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ), bull right, its foreleg raised; fish in exergue. SNG ANS 921 (same dies?). Toned VF. ($400)

74. Velia. Circa 365-350/340 BC. AR Nomos (7.63 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing a helmet decorated with a griffin; 1 behind / Lion walking right, Φ above, Ρ below; ΥΕΛΗΤΩΝ in exergue. Williams 254 (dies 0149/R201). Near EF. ($600)

Seemingly an unique stance for the bulls of Thourioi; in every other instance the bull has its head down and butting, often pawing the ground. An example of artistic license, or is something else intended?

75. Velia. Circa 350-310 BC. AR Nomos (7.41 gm). From the workshop of Kleudoros. Head of Athena right, wearing a helmet decorated with a griffin, small swan's head in front of visor / Lion walking left, Φ above, XE monogram below; ΥΕΛΗΤΩΝ in exergue. Williams 297 (dies 0165/R228). Toned, near EF. ($700)

71. Thourioi. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Nomos (7.77 gm). Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla holding trident / ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ, bull butting right; Ζ below, fish in exergue. SNG ANS 1058. Toned VF. ($300)

76. Velia. Circa 305-290 BC. AR Nomos (7.26 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing a helmet decorated with a griffin; Ο behind / Lion to right, devouring prey; Φ, cicada and I above, ΥΕΛΗΤΩΝ in exergue. Williams 420 (dies 0207/R297). Toned, good VF, smoothing on face. ($400) 72. LUCANIA, Velia. Circa 535-510 BC. AR Drachm (3.89 gm). Forepart of a lion, tearing at limb of prey / Rough incuse punch. Williams 13ff (O— /R6). Toned, good VF. ($1000) There is not an ethnic on these early silver drachms, but the attribution is clear; thefirst issues of Velia used a recognizable typefrom the parent city, Phokaia in Ionia (a hekte, Bodenstedt 36, with lion 1φ). Velia was settled by colonists from Phokaia around 535 BC, some five years after being driven from their home city by the Persians and after several years of living by piracy on Corsica, until Etruscan and Carthaginian forces put an end to their raids. Williams assumes coinage began soon after the founding of the city and ends hisfirstsection ofdrachms around 510 BC. Bodenstedt, hmoever, in his paradigm of annual issuesfrom Phokaia, places the lion type around 506 BC. If Bodenstedt is correct in his dating, the drachms at Velia must have begun some time after 505 BC, compressing the entire issue (Williams period I, sections 1 -5) into a shorter time span, circa 505-Î65 BC. 1 6

Velia. Circa 290-280/275 BC. AR Nomos (7.46 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing Attic helmet decorated with a griffin; A behind neck / Lion walking right; A between legs, heavy die break obscures owl above lion. Williams 587. Toned, nice VF. ($500) Ex Dr. Frank j. Novak Collection (CNG Sale XXI, September 9,1994), lot 55.

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

A C h o i c e N o m o s of K a u l o n i a 78. BRUTTIUM, The Bretti. Circa 282-203 BC. AR Drachm (5.07 gm). Diademed and winged bust of Nike; plow behind / ΒΡΕΤΠΩΝ, nude youth (Dionysos?) standing facing, holding staff; thymiaterion to right. Scheu 20; SNG Lloyd 544. Toned, good VF, dies are extremely worn. ($200)

79. The Bretti. Circa 282-203 BC. JE Sextans (16.22 gm). Helmeted head of Ares left; griffin on helmet / ΒΡΕΤΤΙΩΝ, Hera Hoplosmia right; crab and thunderbolt. Scheu 58; SNG ANS 74. Good VF, green-brown patina. ($200)

80. BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 525-480 BC. AR Nomos (7.96 gm). KAVA, nude Apollo walking right, holding laurel brandi in upright right hand and small running daimon, holding long branch, on outstretched left arm; to right, stag standing right with head reverted / Apollo and stag as oil obverse but incuse to left. Noe Group A, 1 (same dies). Near EF from the standpoint of wear, but a fairly heavy hoard patina on both the obverse and reverse. Rare. (S1500)

Tfease print or typeyour bidsheet ciearfy. 'We are not responswiefor any errors due to ittegibk handwritingI

81. Kaulonia. Circa 525-480 BC. AR Nomos (8.16 gm). KAVA, nude Apollo walking right, holding laurel branch in upright right hand and small running daimon, holding long branch, on outstretched left arm; to right, stag standing right with head reverted / Apollo and stag as on obverse but incuse to left. Noe Group A, 2 (same dies); SNG ANS 141 (same die). Toned EF, two light old scratches on reverse. A choice example. ($5000)

82. Kaulonia. Circa 525-180 BC. AR Nomos (7.29 gm). KAVA, nude Apollo walking right, holding laurel branch in upright right hand and small running daimon, holding long branch, on outstretched left arm; to right, stag standing right with head reverted; Θ above stag's rump / Apollo and stag as on obverse but incuse to left, 110 daimon, KAVA right, repeating incuse 0 ' s above stag's mm p. Noe Group B, 34 (same dies); Gorini 5 (same dies). Toned, near VF, some horn silver present. ($750) J Ex Coin Galleries Sale (July 18,1973), lot 181.

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

Lovely, Pedigreed Kroton Nomos

87. Kroton. Circa 420 BC. AR Nomos (7.76 gm). Eagle standing left / ?PO, ornate tripod; ivy leaf left. Cf. SNG ANS 348 (same reverse die). Toned, good VF. ($750)

83. BRUTOUM, Kroton. Circa 530-510 BC. AR Nomos (7.83 gm). ?PO left, ornate tripod, two serpents emeiging from bowl, legs terminating in lion's feet / Incuse ornate tripod, serpents in relief emerging from bowl. SNG ANS 232. Toned EF, good metal quality. ($1750) Ex Elizabeth Washburn King Collection (Christie's, December 11,1992), lot 619.

88. Kroton. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Nomos (7.32 gm). Eagle standing left on stag's head, head right / ?PO, ornate tripod; ivy leaf left. SNG ANS 352 (same dies); Dewing 506. Toned, good VF, graffiti in right obverse field. ($500)

Attractive Nomos of Kroton

Kroton. Circa 530-510 BC. AR Nomos (7.18 gm). ?PO left, ornate tri84. pod, two serpents emerging from bowl, legs terminating in lion's feet / Incuse ornate tripod, serpents in relief emerging from bowl. SNG ANS 232. Toned, nice VF. Good metal quality. ($750)

89. Kroton. Circa 370 BC. AR Nomos (7.93 gm). Head of Hera facing three-quarters right / ΚΡΟ-ΤΟΝ1-ΑΤΑ-[Σ], Herakles seated left on rock covered with lion's skin. SNG ANS 374 (same dies). Toned, near EF. ($750) 85. Kroton. Circa 530-510 BC. AR Nomos (6.72 gm). ?PO left, ornate tripod, two serpents at feet, legs terminating in lion's feet / Incuse ornate tripod, as obverse. SNG ANS 238. Toned VF. ($600)

90. Kroton. Circa 370 BC. AR Nomos (7.89 gm). Head of Hera facing three-quarters right / ΚΡΟΤΩΝΙΑΤΑΣ, Herakles seated left on rock covered with lion's skin; tripod in field to left. SNG ANS 383 (same dies). Toned, good VF, overstruck (but not able to determine the host coin). ($500) 86. Kroton. Circa 500 BC. AR Nomos (6.99 gm). ÎPO left, ornate tripod, legs terminating in lion's feet; heron on right / Incuse ornate tripod; ethnic, handles and heron in relief. SNG ANS 248. Toned, near VF, very lightly porous. ($400)

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

96. Rhegion. Circa 415-387 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.23 gm). Lion scalp / ΡΗΓΙΝΩΝ, laureate head of Apollo right; olive branch behind. Herzfelder 102 (reverse die R87). VF, old toning. Rare. ($2000) Ex CNG Auction XXXII (December 71994), lot 90.

91. Kroton. Circa 370 BC. AR Nomos (7.67 gm). ΚΡΟΤΩΝΙΑ-ΤΑΣ, laureate head of Apollo right / Infant Herakles strangling two serpents. SNG ANS 386; Dewing 513. Toned, good VF, small test punch before chin. Very attractive. ($1000)

97. Rhegion. Circa 415-387 BC. AR Hemilitron (0.25 gm). Lion scalp / H. Herzfelder pl.XI, K; SNG Lloyd 692. Near EF, original find patina. ($300) Ex Van Every collection (NFA Auction IV, 24-25 March 1977), lot 46.

92. BRUTTIUM, Lokroi Epizephyrioi. Circa 317-310 BC. AR Stater (8.65 gm). Pegasos flying left / Helmeted head of Athena left; ΛΟΚΡΩΝ before. Pegasi 10. EF, light obverse corrosion below Pegasos. ($400)

93. BRUTTIUM, Rhegion. Circa 494-484 BC. AR Drachm (5.51 gm). Lion scalp / ΡΕΓΙΩΝ, head of calf left. SNG Lloyd 668; Asyut 5. Good VF. ($500)

98. BRUTTIUM, Terina. Circa 440^25 BC. AR Nomos (7.65 gm). Head of the nymph Terina right encircled by an olive wreath / [ΤΕΡΙ]-ΝΑΙ-ΩΝ, Nike seated left on stool, holding wreath; Θ below hydria. Jenkins/Holloway pg.48,19 (same dies); SNG ANS 808. Toned EF. Very attractive. ($1500) 94. Rhegion. Circa 461-445 BC. AR Drachm (4.20 gm). Lion scalp / RECIHOl/1, locastos seated left, holding staff; all within olive wreath. Herzfelder 12ff (unlisted dies). Good VF, old collection toning. ($500)

95. Rhegion. Circa 43S425 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.10 gm). Lion scalp; olive leaf and hare at sides / OOMDHil, locastos seated left, holding patera and staff, bird behind seat; all within olive wreath. Herzfelder 56 (D32/R46). Good VF. ($3000)

Terina. Circa 300 BC. AR Third Nomos (2.53 gm). ΤΕΡΠΜΑΙΩΝ, 99. head of the nymph Terina right, triskeles behind / Nike seated left on cippus, holding caduceus. Jenkins/Holloway 107; SNG ANS 866. Toned, near EF. ($750)


Classical Numismatic

100. SICILY, Akragas. Circa 510-500 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.20 gm). AKPAC Α Ν Τ Ο Σ (boustrophedon), eagle standing left / Crab. SNG Copenhagen 41; SNG ANS 970. Good VF, mottled brownish toning with touches of magenta. ($1500)

Group, Inc.

105. Gela. Circa 480/475-475/470 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.31 gm). Charioteer driving slow quadriga right, holding reins in left hand, kentron in right; Nike flying above placing wreath on horse's head / C-Ε-Λ-ΑΣ, forepart of man-headed bull right. Jenkins 155 (042/R87). VF. Rare, only one example of this die combination listed by Jenkins. ($1000)

Exceptional Geloan Tetradrachm

101. Akragas. Circa 420-415 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.63 gm). ΑΚΡΑΓΑΝΤΙΝΟΝ, eagle left clutching at dead hare set on rock, scallop shell below / Crab above a gurnard, scallop shell and murex at sides. Boston MFA 235 (same dies); Gulbenkian 163. Near VF. Attractive example of the high style Akragas tetradrachms. ($2000)

102. Akragas. Circa 420415 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.02 gm). Eagle left clutching at dead hare / (A)KPA, crab above a mullet. SNG ANS 1003 (same dies). Toned VF. ($5M)

103. Akragas. Circa 409406 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.93 grn). Charioteer driving spirited quadriga right, Nike flying above; crab in exergue / (ΑΚΡΑ)ΓΑΝΤΟΣ (retrograde), two eagles clutching at dead hare set on rock. Dewing 561 (same dies); Boston MFA 232. Near VF. ($1000)

104. SICILY, Gela. Circa 490-475 BC. AR Didrachm (8.58 gm). Naked horseman galloping right, wearing conical helmet and brandishing spear overhead in right hand / ΟΕΛΑΣ, forepart of man-headed bull right. Jenkins 66 (020/R29). Toned, good VF, obverse off-center. {$300)

106. Gela. Circa 465-450 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.35 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins in both hands, kentron in left; column with Ionic capital behind / CEAA, forepart of man-headed bull right. Jenkins 230 (dies 0 6 1 /R122); SNG ANS 50 (same dies). Choice EF. ($7500)

107. Gela. Circa 465-450 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.45 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins in both hands; column with Ionic capital behind / [C]E\A, forepart of man-headed bull right. Jenkins 242 (dies 065/R129); SNG ANS 52 (same dies). VF. Only two examples of this die combination listed by Jenkins. ($750)

Classical Numismatic

108. Gela. Circa 465450 BC. AR Litra (0.70 gm). Bridled horse walking right; wreath above / GEAA, forepart of man-headed bull. Jenkins Group ΙΠ; Wilkinson 149. Good VF, gun-metal gray toning. ($200)

Group, Inc.

111. SICILY, Himera. Circa 500-483 BC. AR Drachm (5.62 gm). Rooster to left; Λ above / Rooster right within linear square in incuse square. Kraay 198 (reverse die, with same die failure along bottom edge); SNG ANS 148. Toned Fine. Rare. ($600) The rooster of Himera serves multiple duties as a badge of the city. It served as the badge of Karystos on Euboea, the home of many of the Greek settlers at Himera, and also as a punning symbol of Himera. ήμερα isthat "dawn " that is welcomed by the rooster, which as well symbolizes ψεροσ- "desire" or "lust", a reference that in its cruderforms exists to this day. Rare S i l v e r Litra o f H i m e r a

109. Gela. Circa 425-420 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Nike driving slow quadriga left, holding reins in both hands; large wreath above / CEAΑΣ, forepart of man-headed bull right; heron between legs. Jenkins 459 (086/R175); Pozzi 437 (this coin). Toned VF, obverse and reverse scratches. ($750) Ex Floyd E. Wolfsen Collection (Superior Galleries, June 9-12,1975), lot 27; Pozzi Collection (Navillel, 14 March 1921), lot 437.

112. Himera. Circa 472-413 BC. AR Litra (0.80 gm). Forepart of winged man-headed fantastic creature left / IMERAION, youth riding goat. SNG Copenhagen 309. Good VF. ($750) Superb Tetradrachm of Himera

110. Gela. Circa 420-415 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.51 gm). Charioteer driving slow quadriga left, holding reins in both hands, kentron in right; Nike flying above placing wreath on horse's head; lizard in exergue about to catch a fly / ΓΕΛΑΣ, forepart of man-headed bull left. Jenkins 470 (091 /R182); SNG ANS 91-93 (same obverse die). Near EF/EF, attractive old cabinet toning. ($1250)

113. Himera. Circa 410 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.56 gm). Signed by the artist MAI... The nymph Himera driving unruly quadriga right, Nike flying above, holding wreath and plaque inscribed MAI; sea-monster in exergue / HI MEP AION (retrograde), Himera holding patera over altar; to For some reason, this obverse die was used with five different reverse dies, e1>en right, a satyr bathing in a fountain beneath a lion-headed spout. Gutmannthough the die started showing liawy wear in itsfirstpairing. None of the reverse dies Sdiwabacher 20; Basel 306; Kraay-Hirmer 71. Superb EF, slightly weak strike $4000) ' exhibit this much die wear, though each was replaced and the obverse die Ιφ in high points.




Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. An Impressive Kamarina Tetradrachm

114. Himera. Circa 410 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.14 gm). Signed by the artist MAI... The n y m p h Himera driving unruly quadriga right, Nike flying above, holding wreath and plaque inscribed MAI; sea-monster in exergue / (HI MEP AI)ON (retrograde), Himera holding patera over altar; to right, a satyr bathing in a fountain beneath a lion-headed spout. GutmannSchwabacher 20; Basel 306; Kraay-Hirmer 71. Toned, good VF. ($15M) Ex Mufioz Collection, Part 3 (Superior Galleries, June 1981), lot 1521; J. Hewitt Judd Collection (Bank Leu Auktion 15,4-5 May 1976), lot 68 (Judd was the author of the standard reference on U.S. pattern coinage); Hess-Leu Auktion 1957,lot 81.

116. Kamarina. Circa 425^105 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.42 gm). Athena driving galloping quadriga left, holding reins in both hands; Nike flying above placing open wreath on Athena's head, heron flying left in exergue / KAMA[PINA]I-ON, bearded head of Herakles left, wearing lion's skin headdress. Westermark and Jenkins 142.21a (dies 0 4 / R 1 0 - this coin); Gulbenkian 174 (same dies); Pozzi 398 (same dies). Toned, nice VF. Of the finest style of this period at Kamarina and very attractive. ($4000) Ex Hunt Collection (Sotheby's, June 20,1991), lot 57; Bank Leu Auktion 15 (May 4-5,1976), lot 70.

Kamarina Tetradrachm by Exakistides

115. SICILY, Kamarina. Circa 425-405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.27 gm). Athena driving galloping quadriga left, holding reins in both hands; Nike flying above placing open wreath on Athena's head, heron flying left in exeigue / [KAJMAPIN AI-ON (retrograde), bearded head of Herakles left, wearing lion's skin headdress. Westermark and Jenkins 141 (dies 0 4 / R 6 ). Near EF. A very rare die combination, with only 3 examples listed by W&J, all on small tight flans. This example has the most complete ethnic of the listed pieces. ($2000)

If you lüouidäke to cfiec/ς οηyour bids, (Prices realized mf( be avai(ab(e the !Monday after the sate!

117. Kamarina. Circa 425-405 BC. Obverse die signed by Exakistides. AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). Athena driving galloping quadriga right, holding reins in both hands, kentron in right; Nike flying above placing wreath tied with a fillet on Athena's head, two amphorae in exergue connected with a line; signature ΕΞΑΚΕΣΤ1ΔΑΣ on exergual line / KAMAPINAION before, beardless head of Herakles left, wearing lion's skin headdress. Westermark and Jenkins 149.9 (08/R15- this coin); SNG Lockett 725 (this coin); BMFA 260 (same dies). Toned, nice VF. Fine style. ($4000) Ex Lockett Collection (Clendining's, 25 October 1955), lot 605; Bernent Collection (Naville VI, 28 January 1924), lot 351; Virzi Collection (Hirsch Auktion 32, November 1912), lot 31.

1 2

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121. Katane. Circa 450-425 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.28 gm). Charioteer guiding walking quadriga right / ΚΑΤΑ(ΝΑΙΩΝ), laureate head of Apollo right. SNG ANS 1245 (same dies). VF. ($1000)

118. Kamarina. Circa 410-405 BC. AR Litra (0.86 gm). Α Μ Π Α Μ Α Χ , head of nymph left, hair in sphendone decorated with star / Swan swimming above waves, a mullet below. Westermark and Jenkins 170; SNG ANS 1210. EF. ($750)

An Affordable Katane Tetradrachm

A Choice Tetradrachm of Katane

122. Katane. Circa 450-125 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.77 gm). Charioteer guiding walking quadriga right, Nike flying above / (ΚΑΤΑΝΑΙΩΝ), laureate head of Apollo right. Gulbenkian 182 (same dies); SNG Fitzwilliam 954. VF, surfaces somewhat rough. ($1000) 119. SICILY, Katane. Circa 467-445 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). River god A m e n a n o s standing right; a small Nike flying above / ΚΑΤΑΝ(ΑΙΩΝ), Nike running to left, she holds a fillet on one hand and a laurel brandi in the other; Κ in field. Boehringer ,"Rekonstmktion des Schatzes von Ognina", SNR 57,81 (same dies); Kunstfreunde 85 (same dies); Randazzo Hoard 73/70. Good VF, streaks of porosity. ($75‫)ש‬

Exceptional Katane Tetradrachm by Euainetos

The citizens of Katane returned to their home city in 467 BC, after π ten year exile forced upon them by Hieron of Syracuse. The first named coinage of Katane celebrates their return to their city on the banks of the Amenanos riva and the expulsion of the tyrant. Outside of the specimens in the Ognina and Randazzo hoards, feiu examples of this coinage have come to light, and the present piece, with its broad flan and fully centered types is one of thefinest known.

120. Katane. Circa 467-145 BC. AR Litra (0.87 gm). Head of Silenos left / 3 H A TA>I, winged thunderbolt. Cf. Rizzo pl.IX, 16. VF. ($750) Ex Garrett Collection, Part III (Numismatic Fine Arts/Bank Leu, 29 March 1985), lot 19; Bernent Collection (Ntwille VI, 28 January 1924), lot 352.

123. Katane. Circa 410-404 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.65 gm). Signed by Euainetos. Charioteer driving unruly quadriga left, making the tum around the meta (turning post), flying Nike above with wreath and plaque marked EYAIN; crab in exergue /*ΚΑΤΑΝΑΙΩΝ, laureate head of Apollo left; fillet with bell before, crayfish behind. Gulbenkian 188; Basel 334 (same dies). Good VF, lightly polished on cheek. From the hand of the greatest of Sicilian master engravers. (S20,000) Ex Bank Leu Auktion 50 (25 April 1990), lot 52.



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Rare Signed Katane Litra

124. Katane. Circa 410 BC. AR Litra (0.84 gm). Signed by the artist, Prokles of Naxos. Balding head of Silenos right, crowned with wreath of ivy; Π behind / ΚΑΤΑ ΝΑΙΩΝ, winged thunderbolt flanked by shields. SNG Copenhagen 182; BMC Sicily pg.50,47. Toned EF. (S4000) The sculptor Prokles tuns most likely a native of Naxos, for most of his signed works are for that city. The head of Apollo on the Naxos didrachm in this sale, lot 139, is probably from his Imnd. Prokles also produced a small number of dies for Katane, and this litra, the smallest work bearing his signature, presents in miniature his sensitive 127. Leontini. Circa 455-430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.34 gm). Laureate attention to detail that characterizes his work and which has led to some describing him head of Apollo left / L-ΕΟΝΉΝΟ-Ν, head of roaring lion left, four barley as among thefinest numismatic artisans of Sicily. grains around. SNG ANS 235 (same dies). Choice EF. ($7500)

125. SICILY, Leontini. Circa 476-468 BC. AR Tetradraclim (17.50 gm). Charioteer driving quadriga right, holding reins in left hand, kentron in right; Nike flying above placing open wreath on horse's head / LEONTINO, head of roaring lion right, four barley grains around. SNG ANS 201 (same dies); Dewing 620. Toned, near EF. ($2500)

128. Leontini. Circa 455430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.22 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / LEON-TIN-ON, head of roaring lion right, four barley grains around. SNG ANS 238 (same dies). Toned, good VF. Surfaces lightly abraded. ($750)

126. Leontini. Circa 476468 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.35 gm). Charioteer driving quadriga right, holding reins in left hand, kentron in right; Nike flying above placing open wreath on horse's head / LEONT1NON, head of roaring lion right, four barley grains around. SNG ANS 203 (same dies). NearEF. ($20‫)ש‬

Our next safe is C9{§ Auction 43, a mai(Siefsale, scheduiedfor September 17,1997. Ca((either of our offices for further detai(s!

129. Leontini. Circa 440 BC. AR Tetradraclim (17.22 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left / LE-ON-TI-NO-N, head of roaring lion left in linear circle, four barley grains around. SNG ANS 233 (same obverse die); SNG Copenhagen 350 (same dies); Boston MFA 280 (same dies). Toned, near EF. Very Rare. ($2000)

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Classical Numismatic

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130. Leontini. Circa 430 BC. AR Litra (0.88 gm). LEON, head of roaring lion left / Apollo sacrificing over altar; barley grain to right. Weber 1392; BMC Sicily pg.91,45. Toned, good VF. ($500)

134. SICILY, Messana. Circa 480478 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.40 gm). Biga of mules driven by seated charioteer right, olive leaf in exergue / MESSEH-IOH, hare springing right. Caltabiano 75/10 (dies D41 /R38 - this coin); SNG Lockett 817 (same obverse die); Randazzo Hoard 105-106 (same dies). VF, nice old cabinet toning. ($1500) Ex Stack's Sale (September 17-18,1980), lot 46 ® $4100.

131. Leontini. Circa 425 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.42 gm). Laureate head of Apollo left / LEO-N-T-I-NON, head of roaring lion left, three barley grains around, olive leaf behind. SNG ANS 257 (same dies). Nice EF, golden iridescent toning around obverse devices. ($2000)

Lovely Drachm From Zankle

135. Messana. Circa 420413 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). ΜΕΣΣANA, the nymph Messana driving walking biga right / ΜΕΣ-Σ-Α-Ν-ΙΟ-Ν, hare springing right; dolphin below. Caltabiano 517 (dies D206/R197); SNG ANS 356 (same dies). Toned VF. ($1000)

A Nice Tetradrachm of Messana

132. SICILY, Zankle-Messana. Circa 520-500 BC. AR Drachm (5.47 gm). DANKLE, leaping dolphin within crescent harbor / Nine part incuse square with scallop shell in center. Gielow, MBNG 48 (1930), 61 (this coin); Boston MFA 285. Good VF, old collection toning. ($4000)

136. Messana. Circa 420-113 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.34 gm). ΜΕΣΣΑ-ΝΑ, the nymph Messana driving walking biga right; two dolphins in exergue / ΜΕΣ-Σ-Α-Ν-ΙΟ-Ν, hare springing right; dolphin below. Caltabiano 526 (dies D208/R223). Lightly toned EF. (52000)

133. Zankle-Messana. Circa 520-500 BC. AR Litra (0.55 gm). DANKLE, leaping dolphin above crescent harbor / Nine part incuse square with seallop in center. SNG Lloyd 1078; SNG Lockett 815. Good VF. A rare fraction in choice condition. ($500)



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141. Segesta. Circa480400 BC. AR Didrachm (8.20 gm). ΣΕΓΕΣΤΑΙΙΒ, hound on the scent / ΣECEΣTAΞIB, head of Segesta right, hair bound with beaded taenia. SNG Lloyd 1173 (same obverse die). Toned VF, w o r n obverse die. Rare. ($1000)

137. SICILY, Motya. Circa 405-397 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.41 gm). Head of Artemis-Arethusa left, surrounded by dolphins / Crab. Jenkins SNR 50,46 (same dies); SNG Lloyd 1138. Toned, good VF, light porosity. Rare. ($750)

Ex Elizabeth Washburn King Collection (Christie's, 11 December 1992), lot 643; Jacob Hirsch (1940); M. Collignon Collection (Feuardent, 1919), lot 96; Von Wontoch Collection (Sambon and Canessa, 1901), lot 244.

Two Rare Coins of Naxos

138. SICILY, Naxos. Circa 461430 BC. AR Drachm (4.21 gm). Wreathed head of bearded Dionysos right / NAXION, squatting satyr facing left, imbibitig from a broad kantharos. Cahn 56 (V41/R47); SNG Copenhagen 486 (same dies). Good VF, diagnostic die failure on cheek of Dionysos, small chip to edge. Rare. ($5000)

142. Segesta. Circa 480400 BC. AR Didrachm (8.30 gm). (ΣΕ)ΤΕΣΤ(Α IIB) (retrograde) in exergue, hound on the scent, three grain stalks behind / (ΣΕCEITAEIB), head of Segesta right wearing lion's head pendant, hair rolled. SNG Copenhagen 578 (same dies). VF. Rare. ($750)

Ex Elizabeth Washburn King Collection (Christie's, 11 December 1992), lot 642.

Ex Pipito Collection (Superior Galleries, 12-14 December 1987), lot 159.

143. SICILY, Selinos. Circa 530 BC. AR Didrachm (8.58 gm). Selinon leaf / Divided incuse square, five lines forming a "pinwheei". Weber 1526. Toned, good VF. Rare first archaic issue of Selinos. ($600) 139. Naxos. Circa 420-403 BC. AR Didrachm (8.30 gm). NAXIWN, laureate head of Apollo right; olive leaf with berry behind / Squatting satyr facing, imbibing from a bell-shaped kantharos and holding a thyrsos; ivy plant to left, ithyphallic herm to right. Cahn 110.16 (V73/R91- this coin); SNG ANS 526 (same dies). VF. Fine classical style. Rare. ($60‫)ש‬

Selinos, along with Naxos, Zankle and Himera, was one of the first oftlie Greek colonies to begin striking corns. Tliis coin, with its irregularly divided reverse punch, is probably the earliest issuefrom that mint.

Ex EggerSale(!908), lot 52;GieseckeCollection.

144. Selinos. Circa 530-500 BC. AR Didrachm (8.93 gm). Spiky selinon leaf / Divided incuse square, four raised sections forming an expanding cross. Amold-Biucchi et al., "A Greek Archaic Silver Hoard fron Selinus", ANSMN 33,29; Dewing 676. EF. ($600)

140. SICILY, Segesta. Circa 480400 BC. AR Didrachm (856 gm). Hound on alert / ΣECEΣTA(II) B, head of Segesta right, hair rolled. Weber 1513. VF.


ExMoreira Collection (Superior Galleries, 1 June 1988), lot 1460.



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. A Rare Selinos Didrachm

145. Selinos. Circa 460-409 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.26 gm). ΣΕΛ I NONTI ON (retrograde), Artemis driving quadriga left, Apollo beside her d r a w i n g b o w / Σ Ε Λ Ι NO Σ, n u d e figure of river-god Selinos standing left, holding phiale over pedimented altar and brandi, rooster on altar, bull on basis and selinon leaf to right. Schwabacher 6; SNG Lloyd 1224 (same dies); SNG A N S 688 (same obverse die). Toned, good VF, diagnostic curved die break on the obverse. ($2000) 148. Selinos. Circa 460-440 BC. AR Didrachm (8.63 gm). Σ Ε AI Ν ONT ΙΟΣ, n u d e Herakles subduing the Cretan bull / ΗΥΨ ΑΣ, n u d e figure of river-god H y p s a s standing left, holding phiale over canopied altar and branch, serpent coiled around altar, heron and selinon leaf to right. SNG Lloyd 1243 (same dies); SNG ANS 704/706 (same dies). Toned, good VF, shallow flan flaw at waist of Hypsas. ($2500)

Ex john Quincij Adams Collection, (Stack's, 1971), lot 111. Shown at the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1914.

Ex CNG Auction XVI (August 26,1991), lot 41.

146. Selinos. Circa 460-409 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.31 gm). ΣΕΛΙNONTI ON (retrograde), Artemis driving quadriga left, Apollo beside her drawing b o w / Σ EAI NO Σ, n u d e figure of river-god Selinos standing left, holding phiale over canopied altar and brandi, rooster on altar, bull on basis and selinon leaf to right. S d i w a b a d i e r 7; SNG Lloyd 1225; SNG ANS 689 (same dies). VF. ‫י‬ ($15‫)ש‬

149. SICILY, Syracuse. Circa 485-484 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). [ΣνΡΑ] in exergue, charioteer driving walking quadriga left, holding kentron in left hand, reins with right; Nike flying above crowning charioteer / Σ ν Ρ AQ-ΟΣΙ-ΟΝ, head of Arethusa right surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 35 (dies V25/R19). Near VF. Very Rare. ($2000) Ex NAC Sale Ε (April 4,1995), lot 2190.

147. Selinos. Circa 460-409 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.24 gm). Artemis driving quadriga right, Apollo beside her drawing bow; barley grain in exergue / ΣΕΛΙΝΟΝΤΙΟΝ, n u d e figure of river-god Selinos standing left, holding phiale over lighted altar and branch, rooster on altar, bull on basis and selinon leaf to right. Schwabacher 24 (same dies); SNG Lloyd 1235 (same obverse die); SNG ANS 698 (same dies). Toned VF. ($1000)

150. Syracuse. Circa 484483 BC. AR Tetradradim (17.19 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins with left; Nike flying above crowning horses / Σ ν Ρ - Α Κ - Ο Σ Ι - Ο Ν , diademed head of Arethusa left, surrounded by four dolphins swimming counter-clockwise. Boehringer 42 (dies V26/R26); SNG A N S 8 (same dies). Toned VF, small planchet lamination before face. ($1500)

'Please‫׳‬Maiffour ,BidSheet 'Early



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Two Attractive Syracusan Tetradrachms

154. Syracuse. Circa 478-472 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.18 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins with left; Nike flying above crowning horses / XVPAKOZION, diademed head of Arethusa right, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 260 (dies V117/R179); SNG ANS 89 (same dies). Toned, good VF, minor obverse encrustation. ($500)

151. Syracuse. Circa 484483 BC. AR Tetradradun (17.09 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding kentron in left hand, reins with right; Nike walking right on reins, holding wreath in right hand, placing left hand on horse's head / Σν-Ρ-Α-ΚΟΣ-ΙΟΝ, head of Arethusa left surrounded by four dolphins swimming counter-clockwise. Boehringer 48 (dies V27/R31); SNG Lockett 871 (same dies). Good VF, well struck and well centered on a nice smooth flan. ($2750)

155. Syracuse. Circa 475-470 BC. By the "Demareteion Master‫״‬. AR Tetradrachm (16.65 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding kentron in left hand, reins with both; Nike flying above crowning horses / I V - P A K - O I l - O - N , laureate head of Arethusa right within linear circle, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 385 (dies V196/R273); SNG ANS 122 (same dies). Near VF, light porosity. Advanced state of the dies. ($2000) Ex NAC Sale Ε (April 4,1995), lot 2196.

Lustrous SyracusanTetradrachm

152. Syracuse. Circa 482480 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.48 gm). Slow quadriga, Nike flying above / Head of Artemis-Arethusa right, surrounded by dolphins. Boehringer 80 (dies V37/R52). Toned, good VF. Nice early style. ($2000)

156. Syracuse. Circa 466460 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17Ό0 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins with both hands; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, ketos right in exeigue / ΣΥΡΑ ΚΟΣ-ΙΟ-Ν, diademed head of Arethusa right, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 439 (dies V233/R315); SNG ANS 135 (same obverse die); SNG Lockett 918 (same dies). Lustrous EF. ($4000)

153. Syracuse. Circa 478472 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.28 gni). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins with left; Nike flying above crowning horses / IVPAKOZIO-N, diademed head of Arethusa right, surrounded bv four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 252E (dies V114/R173); SNG Lockett 900 (same dies). Lightly toned VF. ($500)



Classical Numismatic Another Nice Syracusan Tetradrachm

157. Syracuse. Circa 460-440 BC. AR Tetradraclim (17.23 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins with both hands, kentron in left; Nike flying above crowning horses, ketos right in exergue / ΣΥΡΑ ΚΟ-Σ-ΙON, diademed head of Arethusa right, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 471 (dies V253/R339); SNG ANS 145 (same obverse die); Gulbenkian 261 (same dies). Lustrous EF. ($4000)

Group, Inc. Toned Syracusan Tetradrachm

160. Syracuse. Circa 460-440 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.15 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins with both hands; kentron in right; Nike flying above crowning horses, ketos right in exergue / ΣΥΡΑ K Ο-Σ-1-Ο-Ν, head of Arethusa right, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 538 (dies V274/R377); SNG ANS 175 (same dies); SNG Lockett 938 (same dies). Lightly toned EF. ($4000)

Fine Style Syracusan Tetradrachm

158. Syracuse. Circa 460440 BC. AR Tetradraclim (17.14 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins with both hands; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, ketos right in exerçjue / ΣΥΡΑ ΚΟ-ΣΙ-Ο-Ν, diademed head of Arethusa right, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer— (dies V258/R344, unlisted die combination); SNG ANS 152 (same obverse die) /SNG ANS 148 (same reverse die). Near EF/VF. ($2000)

159. Syracuse. Circa 460440 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.22 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins with both hands; Nike flying above crowning horses, ketos right in exergue / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣ-1-ΟΝ, diademed head of Arethusa right, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 515 (dies V270/R366); SNG Lockett 933 (same dies). Lightly toned, good VF. ($2000)

161. Syracuse. Circa 460440 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.41 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding reins with both hands; kentron in right; Nike flying above crowning horses, ketos right in exergue / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣ10Ν, diademed head of Arethusa right, surrounded by four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer— (dies V274/R367, unlisted die combination); SNG ANS 174 (same obverse die); SNG ANS 165 (same reverse die). Lightly toned EF. Fine classical style. ($5000)

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162. Syracuse. Circa 451405 BC. AR Tétras (0.16 gm). (Σ)ΥΡΑ, head of Artemis-Arethusa right, hair gathered up in sakkos / Octopus; three pellets around. Bérend 8; SNG ANS 1375. Good VF. Nicer than the three published examples of this smallest Syracusan silver fraction. Rare. ($600)

166. Syracuse. Circa 415405 BC. Obverse die signed by Eumenes, reverse die signed by Eukleidas. AR Tetradrachm (17.28 gm). Charioteer driving galloping quadriga left, holding kentron in right hand, reins in left; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, [EVMHNOV] in exergue / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΣ, head of Arethusa left, surrounded by four dolphins swimming; [ΕΥΚΛ/ΕΙΔΑ] inscribed on tablet below chin. Tudeer 24 (dies V9/R16); SNG ANS 259. Good VF. ($1000)

Rare Signed Syracusan Tetradrachm

163. Syracuse. Circa 430420 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.33 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins in left; Nike flying above crowning horses / ΣνΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ, head of Arethusa right, hair bound in taenia, surrounded by four dolphins swimming. Boehringer 630 (dies V319/R433 - this example listed as #9); Gulbenkian 267 (same dies). EF, lovely old, dark gray cabinet toning. Later state of the dies with the distinctive die breaks on neck and cheek. ($2500) Ex Garrett Collection, Part II (Numismatic Fine Arts/Bank Leu, 16-18 October 1984), lot 131; Bernent Collection (Naville VI, 28 January 1924), lot 476.

164. Syracuse. Circa 430-420 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.31 gm). Charioteer driving walking quadriga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins in both; Nike flying above crowning charioteer / IVPA ΚΟΣΙΟΝ, head of Arethusa right, hair tied with ribbon over head, surrounded by four dolphins swimming. Boehringer 679 (dies V339/R462); SNG ANS 225 (same obverse die). Toned VF. ($600)

167. Syracuse. Circa 415405 BC. Obverse die signed by Euth(ymos?), reverse die signed by Phrygillos. AR Tetradrachm (17.14 gm). Nike driving galloping quadriga right, holding reins in both hands, Nike flying above; in exergue Skylla holding trident over shoulder, dolphin behind, fish before, signature ΕΥΘ / ZV-PAK-OI-I-ON, head of Arethusa left, grain ear in hair, surrounded by four dolphins swimming; signature [ΦΡ]ΥΓΙΛΛ[ΟΣ] below neck truncation. Tudeer47 (dies V15/R29); SNG ANS 274 (same dies). Toned, near EF/EF, minor surface marks. Rare. ($8000) Ex Bank Leu Auktion 33 (May 3,1983), lot 236; Bank Leu Auktion 15 (May 4-5, 1976), lot 111; Münzen und Medaillen Auktion 25 (November 17,1962), lot 422.

165. Syracuse. Circa 415405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.19 gm). Charioteer driving galloping quadriga left, holding kentron in right hand, reins in both; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, stork standing below horses, fish and dolphin in exergue / ZVPAKOZIO[N], head of Arethusa left, hair tied above head, s u r r o u n d e d by four dolphins swimming. Tudeer 16 (dies V7/R10). Good VF, iridescent toning around devices. ($750)



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168. Syracuse. Circa 405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.96 gm). From the workshop of Eukleidas. Charioteer driving galloping quadriga left, holding kentron in right hand, reins in left hand; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, dolphin swimming left in exergue / ΣΥ(ΡΑ-ΚΟΣΙΟΝ], head of Arethusa right, surrounded by dolphins, her loosely waved hair bound in a knot; grain ear in exergue. Tudeer 62; SNG Lockett 972 (same dies); Gulbenkian 284 (same dies). Toned VF. ($25‫)ש‬

Two More Impressive Syracusan Tetradrachms

171. Syracuse. C i r a 405-395 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.31 gm). Charioteer driving galloping quadriga left, holding kentron in right hand, reins in both hands; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, dolphin swimming left in exergue / [ΣΥ-Ρ-Α-Κ]-ΟΣ-Ι[ΩΝ], head of Arethusa left, wearing sakkos from which hair flows u p w a r d s and backwards in flame-like locks (but meant to depict her beneath the water), surrounded by four dolphins swimming. Tudeer 98 (dies V34/R67 - this example listed as specimen c); SNG ANS 299 (same dies). Toned, near EF. Very nice. ($2500) Ex Münzen und Medaillen Auktion 54 (October 26,1978), lot 124; Münzen und Medaillen Auktion 28 (June 19-20,1964), lot 76; Virzi Collection (Hirsch Auktion 32,November 1912), lot 364.

169. Syracuse. Circa 405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 gm). Charioteer driving galloping quadriga left, holding kentron and reins in left hand, right hand raised; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, grain ear in exergue / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ, head of Arethusa right, wearing ampyx and sphendone decorated with stars, surrounded by four dolphins swimming. Tudeer 63 (dies V22/R41); SNG Lockett 973 (same dies); Gulbenkian 285 (same dies). Toned, good VF. Diagnostic die break on cheek. ($3000)

172. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.10 gm). Circa 310-305 BC. Wreathed head of Arethusa left, three dolphins around, NI 1 below neck / Charioteer driving quadriga left, holding long kentron in right hand, reins in left; triskeles above, ΣΥΡΑ ΚΟΣΙΩΝ and AI monogram in exeigue. SNG ANS 633. Good VF, dark iridescent toning. ($1000)

170. Syracuse. Circa 405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Charioteer driving galloping quadriga left, holding kentron and reins in left hand, right hand raised; Nike flying above crowning charioteer, grain ear in exergue / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ, head of Arethusa left, wearing ampyx and sphendone decorated with stars, surrounded by four dolphins swimming. Tudeer 75 (dies V27/R46 - this example listed as specimen b, the obverse illustrated on plate IV, 27); Jameson 833 (this com). Near EF. Attractive old cabinet toning with an impressive pedigree. Rare. ($5000) Ex Münzen und Medaillen Auktion 54 (October 26,1978), lot 119; Münzen und Medaillen Auktion 53 (November 29,1977), lot 40;]ameson Collection 833; Martinetti-Nervegna (1907), lot 766.


173. Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.32 gm). C i r a 310-305 BC. Wreathed head of Arethusa left, three dolphins around, NI below neck / Charioteer driving quadriga left; triskeles above, ΣΥΡΑ ΚΟΣΙΩΝ and AI monogram in exergue. SNG ANS 633. Heavily toned, good VF, light scratches on both sides. ($600)


Classical Numismatic

174. Syracuse. Circa 289-287 BC. JE 23mm (9.15 gm). ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ, wreathed head of Persephone left; barley stalk behind / Charioteer driving biga right; star above. Calciati II pg.259,123 Ds95; Favorito 54b; SNG ANS 768. Near EF, brown patina. ($400) Opinion remains divided as to the proper placement of the Persephone / Biga and Persephone / Torch types. Various references have attributed them to the end of the reign ofAgathokles, the short-lived 4th Republic between 289-287 BC, or the rule of Hiketas that followed.

Group, Inc.

178. Syracuse. Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 274-216 BC. AR 16 Litrae (13.52 gm). Circa 216-215 BC. Diademed and veiled bust of Philistis left; grain ear behind / ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ above, ΦΙΛΙΣΤΙΔΟΣ in exergue, Nike in galloping quadriga right; crescent above, Κ1Σ before, grain ear below. Burnett, "The Enna Hoard", SNR 62,44; SNG ANS 882 (same dies); SNG Lockett 1013 (same dies). Toned, near EF, flan flaw in center of reverse (possibly overstruck). ($750)

179. Syracuse. Gelon, son of Hieran Π. 275-215 BC. AR 8 Litrae (6.83 gm). Circa 216-215 BC. Diademed head of Gelon left; eagle standing behind / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΙ above, ΓΕΛΩΝΟΣ in exergue, Nike in walking biga right; A below. SNG Oxford 2114 (same dies). Good VF, obverse and reverse encrustation, obverse scratches below chin. Rare. ($650) 175. Syracuse. Circa 289-287 BC. JE 22mm (10.53 gm). ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ, wreathed head of Persephone left; barley stalk behind / Burning torch in oak wreath. Calciati Π pg.271,133; Favorito 80; SNG ANS 753. EF, green patina. ($400)

Ex Robert /. Myers, Auction 12 (December 4,1975), lot 103.

180. Syracuse. Gelon, son of Hieran Π. 274-216 BC. AR 4 Litrae (2.94 gm). Diademed head of Gelon left / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΙ ΓΕΛΩΝΟΣ, eagle on thunderbolt; Ε ΒΑ. SNG ANS 898 (same dies). Good VF, porosity. ($200)

176. Syracuse. Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 274-216 BC. AR 16 Litrae (13.21 gm). Circa 216-215 BC. Diademed and veiled bust of Philistis left / [ΒΑΣ]ΙΛΙΣ[ΣΑΣ] above, ΦΙΛΙΣΤΙΔΟΣ in exergue, Nike in walking quadriga right; crescent above, [A] before. Burnett, "The Enna Hoard", SNR 62, 32; SNG ANS 876. VF. ($500)

181. Syracuse. Gelon, son of Hieran Π. 274-216 BC. AR 4 Litrae (3.02 gm). Diademed head of Gelon left / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΙ ΓΕΛΩΝΟΣ, eagle on thunderbolt; ΒΑ K. SNG ANS 900. Good VF, porosity. ($200)

182. Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. AR 10 Litrae (8.48 gm). Diademed head of Hieronymos left / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΟΣ ΙΕΡΩΝΥΜΟΥ, winged thunderbolt; Φ1 above. Holloway 33 (dies 017/R26). Lightly toned, near EF. ($500)

177. Syracuse. Philistis, wife of Hieran Π. 274-216 BC. AR 16 Litrae (13.48 gm). Circa 216-215 BC. Diademed and veiled head of Philistis left; grain ear behind / Β ΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ ΦΙΛΙΣΤΙΔΟΣ, Nike driving quadriga right; KI above, grain ear below. Burnett, "Tire Enna Hoard", SNR 62,43. EF, die rust. ($750)

Ex NFA Fall Mail Bid Sale 1990, lot 119.



Classical Numismatic

183. Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. AR 10 Litrae (8.50 gm). Diademed head of Hieronymos left; Κ behind / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΟΣ ΙΕΡΩΝΥΜΟΥ, winged thunderbolt; KI above. Holloway43 (021/R35); Burnett, "The Enna Hoard", SNR 62,65 (this coin). Lightly toned, near EF. ($500)

Group, Inc.

187. SICILY, Siculo-Punic. "Cape of Melkart". Circa 330-305 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.85 gm). Charioteer driving quadriga left, Nike above; ("rsmlqrt") in exergue / Wreathed head of Artemis-Arethusa with dolphins. Jenkins, SNR 50,11 (07/R9). Good VF. ($750) Ex Pipito Collection (Superior Galleries, 12-14 December 1987), lot 151 (Panormos). The traditional attributions of the "CapeofMelkart" tetradrachnis to various Sicilian cities is rejected by Jenkins, who suggests instead Selinos, but admits that the wide distribution of these coins throughout Sicily makes the determination of their origin difficult.

184. Syracuse. Hieronymos. 215-214 BC. JE 21mm (8.62 gm). Diademed head left / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΟΣ ΙΕΡΩΝΥΜΟΥ, winged thunderbolt; T / A . Calciati II pg.412,204 R13; Favorito 40b; Holloway 79. Good VF, brown patina. Rare. ($300)

188. Siculo-Punic. "Cape of Melkart". Circa 330-305 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.30 gm). Charioteer driving quadriga right, Nike above; "rsmlqrt" in exergue / Wreathed head of Artemis-Arethusa with dolphins. Jenkins, SNR 50,40 (014/R—). Good VF, evidence of tooling on the face of Artemis-Arethusa. ($750) Ex Pipito Collection (Superior Galleries, 12-14 December 1987), lot 118 (Kephaliodion). 185. Syracuse. Republic. 214-212 BC. AR 12 Litrae (10.03 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left; snake representing an aegis at the front of neck, ΑΓ monogram behind head / Artemis standing left drawing bow, hound at feet; ΣΩ before. Burnett, "The Enna Hoard," SNR 62,80, D13 (same dies). Lightly toned EF, light obverse surface corrosion. ($500)

189. SICILY, Siculo-Punic. Circa 320-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.88 gm). "The Camp". Wreathed head of Persephone left surrounded by dolphins / Horsehead left, palm tree behind. Jenkins, SNR 56,255 (079/R216). EF. ($1000) 186. Syracuse. The Syracusan Democracy. 214-212 BC. AR 8 Litrae (6.77 gm). Head of Athena left wearing Athenian helmet; snake representing an aegis at the front of neck, A on back of helmet / ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩ[Ν], winged thunderbolt; YA Σ below. Burnett, "The Enna Hoard," SNR 62, D28 (same dies); SNG ANS 1046 (same dies). Toned, near EF. ($500)

Tfeaseprint or type your 6idsheet clearly. 141‫ ׳‬are not responsiblefor any errors due to ittegibie handwriting !

190. Siculo-Punic. Circa 320/315-305/300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.27 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left, four dolphins around / Horsehead left; palm behind, Punic letter ‫׳‬M‫ ׳‬below. Jenkins, SNR 56,263 (081/R219). NearEF. ($1000)

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Two Distinctive Tetradrachms of Akanthos

191. Siculo-Punic. Circa 300-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.25 gm). "People of the C a m p . ‫ ״‬Head of Herakles right wearing lion's skin / Horsehead left; palm tree behind; Punic letters ‫׳‬MHMHNT' below. Jenkins, SNR 57,296 (dies 095/R244). Toned, near EF, light corrosion on chin. ($500)

192. M A C E D O N , Aegae. Circa 510-480 BC. AR Stater (9.02 gm). Kneeling goat right, head reverted; annulet above / Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 88 (this com). Near VF. ($500) Ex NFA Winter Mail Bid Sale (December 18,1987), lot 180.

Rare Trihemiobol of Aegae

196. Akanthos. Circa 470430 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.07 gm). Lion bringing d o w n bull, his head twisted back; Θ above, floret in exergue / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. Desneux 69ff. Good VF, light porosity and old scrape on reverse. ($2000) Ex NFA Sale XIV (November 29,1984), lot 83.

193. Aegae. Circa 510480 BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.93 gm). Kneeling goat right, head reverted; two peUets / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 59. Good VF. ($500) 197. Akanthos. Circa 424-390 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.39 gm). Lion bringing down bull; magistrate ΑΛΕΞΙΣ / Α ΚΑ ΝΘΙΟΝ around quadripartite square, the quarters consisting of granulated pyramids. Desneux 145b (this com); Boston MFA 532 (this com). Toned, good VF. ($2000) Ex NFA Sale VIII (June 6,1980), lot 96; Boston Museum of Fine Arts Collection; Warren Collection, 545; IvanhoffCollection (Sotheby's,1863), lot 38. 194. MACEDON, Akanthos. Circa 525476 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.21 gm). Forepart of lion; akanthos leaf above / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 19. Good VF, die break on obverse above lion. ($300)

Rare Obol of Akanthos

198. Akanthos. Circa 390 BC. AR Obol (0.64 gm). Laureate head of ApoUo / ΑΚΑΝΘΙΟΝ, lyre in incuse square. SNG ANS 52; SNG Ashmolean 2222. Good VF. The later coins of Akanthos are much less frequently encountered than the earlier lions and bulls. ($350)

195. Akanthos. Circa 525476 BC. AR Obol (0.38 gm). Head of lion seen from above / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 27. Toned, good VF. ($300)

1 4

Classical Numismatic Extremely Rare Tetradrachm of Amphipolis

Group, Inc. A Pair of Rare "Lete‫ ״‬Staters

199. MACEDON, Amphipolis. Circa 356/355 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.85 gm). Head of Apollo facing slightly right, wearing laurel wreath / (ΑΜΦΙ)ΓΙΟΑΙΤΕΩΝ, torch and grain ear in linear square. Lorber 47c (027/R38 - this coin). The photos of Lorber 47b and 47c have been switched. VF, surface corrosion. ($4500) 203. MACEDON, ‫״‬Lete‫״‬. Circa 530-520 BC. AR Stater (10.03 gm). Nude ithyphallic satyr grasping hand of fleeing nymph; pellets between and above, one to right / Diagonally divided incuse square. Svoronos 9a (pl.VII, 7 - this com); SNG ANS 948. Good VF. ($3000)

Ex Bank Leu Auktion 15 (May 4-5,1976), lot 175.

200. MACEDON, Chalkidian League. 432-348 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.06 gm). Olynthos mint. Laureate head of Apollo / ΧΑΛΚ1ΔΕΩΝ, cithara (lyre); magistrate ΕΠΙ ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΟΥ. Robinson-Clement 100b (A66/P86 - this com). Toned VF, slightly granular surfaces. ($1000) Ex Robinson Collection. 204. "Lete". Circa 530-520 BC. AR Stater (9.87 gm). Nude ithyphallic satyr grasping hand of fleeing nymph; two pellets to left, one above, two to right / Diagonally divided incuse square. Dewing 1023; SNG ANS 948. EF, hilly centered. ($2500) Ex CNG Auction IX (December 7,1989), lot 36. EL 201. Macedon, Eion? Before 600 BC. EL 1 /24 Stater (0.78 gm). Longnecked goose or swan to left / Incuse punch. Rosen—·; Svoronos pl.IX, 2-3. VF.


The avian on this electrum fraction would seem unmistakably linked to the civic badge marking the later silver issues of Eion.

205. ‫״‬Lete". Circa 530-520 BC. AR Stater (9.88 gm). N u d e ithyphallic satyr grasping hand of fleeing nymph; three pellets to left / Diagonally divided incuse square. Dewing 1023; SNG ANS 948. Good VF, off-center. ($1000)

202. Eion. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol (0.72 gm). Goose standing right, head reverted; lizard above / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 278. Toned VF. ($100) 206. "Lete". Circa 530-480 BC. AR 1 / 8 Stater (1.20 gm). Squatting satyr; two pellets / Irregular incuse punch. SNG ANS 969. Good VF. ($400)

1 5

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. A Choice Tetrobol From Mende

207. ‫״‬Lete". Circa 530480 BC. AR 1 / 8 Stater (1.04 gm). Nude satyr running right / Irregular incuse square. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 192. Toned VF. ($300)

211. Mende. Circa 423-358 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.68 gm). Inebriated Silenos reclining on the back of an ass, holding a kantharos / ΜΕΝΔΑΙΗ, amphora with volute handles, all in incuse square. Noe, The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard, ANSNNM 27, pl.10, b (same dies); SNG ANS 372 (same dies). EF, original dark find patina. Choice and Rare. ($2000) A marvelously realistic portrait of the bemused drinking companion of Dionysos. The figure on the Mende tetrobols isfrequently identified as Dionysos himself, such as lw appears on the tetradrachms. This crisply detailed tetrobol readily provides the correctidentificatbn. Thefigure does not carry the thyrsos, the attribute of Dionysos, and is shoum with horse's ears. Furthermore, unlike the god, Silenos is depicted as decidedly ithyphallicl

208. MACEDON, Mende. Circa 520-480 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.98 gm). ΜΟΙΑΛΜΙΜ, ithyphallic ass right / "Wind-mill sail" incuse; a small annulet in one quarter. Noe, The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard, ANSNNM 27,18; SNG Lockett 1340 (this coin). Toned VF. Rare. ($20‫)ש‬ Ex Lockett Collection; Ars Classica XVI (3 July 1933), lot 993.

8? EL 212. MACEDON, Neapolis? Before 600 BC. EL 1 /48 Stater (0.33 gm). Gorgoneion / Incuse punch. Rosen—; cf. Svoronos pl.IX, 29-30 (staters). VF. ($600) The type is unrecorded among the electrum coinage ofearly Ionia. A rare series ofelectrum staters is attributed to Macedon, and Neapolis seems the most likely mint place. 209. Mende. Circa 460423 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.00 gm). Inebriated Dionysos reclining on the back of an ass, holding a kantharos and thyrsos; a crow perched on twisting ivy plant in front / ΜΕΝΔΑΙΟΝ, grape vine in linear square, all in incuse square. Noe, The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard, ANSNNM 27,34 (same reverse die); SNG ANS 336 (obverse die). Good VF, diagnostic die break along feet of ass. ($2000) Ex NFA Sale I (March 20-21,1975), lot 69. 213. Neapolis. Circa 525-450 BC. AR Stater (9.82 gm). Gorgoneion / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 407. Toned VF, digs on forehead between eyes. ($450)

210. Mende. Circa 460423 BC. AR Tetradradim (17.00 gm). Inebriated Dionysos reclining on the back of an ass, holding a kantharos and thyrsos / ΜΕΝΔΑΙΟΝ, grape vine in linear square, all in incuse square. Noe, The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard, ANSNNM 27,63 (this com); SNG ANS 336 (obverse die). Good VF. ($2000)

214. Neapolis. Circa 525-450 BC. AR Draclrm (3.66 gm). Gorgoneion / Incuse swastika pattern. SNG ANS 420; SNG Copenhagen 224. Toned, good VF. ($1500)

A famous Dionysiac type, celebrating the small town of Mende's most important export, its wine.

Ex Spink Auction 20 (31 March 1982), lot 150.



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

215. Neapolis. Circa 5th4th Century BC. AR Hemidrachm (1.88 gm). Gorgoneion / Head of nymph. SNG ANS430ff. Toned, good VF. ($450)

220. MACEDON, Terone. Circa 490480 BC. AR Stater (17.28 gm). Amphora with three grape clusters draped over the shoulder / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS—; Asyut 225 (apparently this coin, but not illustrated in the volume). Good VF, typical Asyut test cut. Rare. ($1500)

216. MACEDON, The Orrescii. Circa 530480 BC. AR Diobol (0.95 gm). Kneeling bull left / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS987. Toned VF. Rare. ($750) Ex Lockett Collection (SNG 1273) with incorrect pedigree: should be Weber 1866; Montague Sale 11,1192. The traditional attribution to tlxeDerrones has been corrected by discovery of a similar signed piecefor the Orrescii ( SNG ANS 986). 221. Terone. Circa 490480 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.15 gm). TE, oenochoe / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 751; Dewing 1080. Toned VF, edge chip. ($100)

217. MACEDON, Orthagoreia. Circa 350 BC. AR Stater (10.50 gm). Head of Artemis right, quiver over shoulder / ΟΡΘΑΓΟΡΕΩΝ, crested Macedonian helmet with cheek flaps surmounted by star; HG monogram below. SNG ANS 562. Toned, good VF. ($1500)

222. Terone. Circa 480420 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.25 gm). TE, oenochoe / Quadripartite granulated incuse square. SNG ANS 755. Toned EF. ($200)

Very Rare Tetradrachm From Therma

Ex Garrett Collection, Part II (Numismatic Fine Arts/Bank Leu, 16-18 October 1984), lot 173; Bernent Collection (Naville VI, 28 January 1924), lot 629.




218. MACEDON, Philippi. Circa 356-345 BC. AV Stater (8.47 gm). Head of Herakles, wearing lion skin / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΩΝ, tripod; monogram and grapes to right. Bellinger, "Philippi in Macedon", ANSMN11,20 (monogram not noted). Fine, heavily abraded surfaces. Rare. ($750)

219. MACEDON, Skione. Circa 424 BC. AR Tetrobol (276 gm). Youtliful male head left / Corinthian helmet oriented left, in incuse square. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 319 (types to right). Toned, good VF. Rare. ($1200)

223. MACEDON, Therma. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Tetradraclim (12.94 gm). Pegasos walking right / Quadripartite incuse punch. SNG ANS 756; Asyut 54 (Uncertain Macedonian tribes). Toned, good VF. Very Rare. ($5000)

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

224. Therma. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.23 gm). Forepart of Pegasos right / Quadripartite granulated incuse punch. SNG ANS 763; SNG Copenhagen 344. Good VF. ($300) 229. K I N G S OF M A C E D O N . Archelaus. 413-399 BC. AR Stater (Didrachm) (10.54 gin). Head of Apollo, wearing taenia / ΑΡΞΕΛΑΟ, horse walking right, with trailing reins, within linear square. Westermark, CarsonJenkins Essays, Group Π, series 1 (unlisted dies); cf. SNG ANS 70. Toned VF. Rare. ($600) Ex Superior Galleries, 1972 C.O.l.N. Auction, lot 174. 225. Therma. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.36 gm). Forepart of Pegasos right / Quadripartite granulated incuse punch. SNG ANS 763; SNG Copenhagen 344. Good VF. Distinctly different style of Pegasos. ($3TO)

230. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AV Stater (8.59 gm). Pella mint. Circa 340328 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Charioteer driving biga right; trident below. Le Rider 275 (D131/R—). Near EF. ($1750)

226. MACEDON, Tragilos. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.23 gm). Grape cluster / TRIA in quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 447. Good VF. ($150)

This coin does appear to be struck from the same obverse die as Le Rider 275, but for one important difference. Le Rider 275 is unique in the Pelh gold series in having a symbol on the obverse, an ax or thyrsos behind the head ofApollo. Le Rider comments that this may have been added to the die at a later point, and this coin proves that dieD131 exists in an earlier state, minus the added symbol.

EL 227. MACEDON, Uncertain mint. Before 600 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (0.73 gm). Raised "swastika" pattern / Incuse punch. Rosen 365 (this coin). Good VF. ($3TO) Although traditionally assigned to the region of Ionia, these primitive issues have been AV attributed on the basis of site finds to Macedonia or Thace. See Svoronos, L'hellénisme primitif de la Macédoine, pl.XVI, 9 and recent research by Kevin Cheek. 231. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AV 1/12 Stater (0.69 gm). Pella mint. Circa 345-328 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, thunderbolt; astraga10s below. Le Rider pl.83,6. Near VF. ($500)

228. Uncertain m i n t Circa 535-510 BC. AR Drachm (3.69 gm). Bee to left / Incuse square, divided diagonally. Harlan J. Berk List 53,11 (this coin). Good VF, original hoard patina. Very Rare. ($300) Ex Kevin Cheek Collection.

232. Philip II. 359-336 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.47 gm). Pella mint. Circa 336-328 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Youth on horseback; kantharos and Δ below. Le Rider 365 (D186/R292). Toned EF, obverse double struck, giving Zeus a third eye on his forehead! ($1000)




Classical Numismatic

233. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Distater (17.01 gm). Aegae mint? Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylus; pankratist (boxer/wrestler) on guard to left; Λ0 monogram. Price 196; Müller 639. Fine. ($3000)

Group, Inc.

237. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.59 gm). Ake mint. Year 30 (317/316 BC). Helmeted head of Athena; griffin on helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylus; date in left field. Price 3277 (same dies); Newell 32. VF, polished, ex jewelry. ($1200)

The symbol is described in detail by Lacroix, "Aspects de la Numismatique Sicyonienne" (sic), Revue Beige 1964, pp.19-52. The pankration, one of the most popular events in the Olympics and otherfestival games, was described by Philstratos as "the best and most manly event in the Olympics". Evidently manly Greeks disapproved of biting and eye-gouging, tlx only tactics not alloiued to the participants.

234. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.42 gm). Kallatis mint. Circa 250-225 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylus; monogram in left field and below wing. Cf. Price 927 (monograms Ü1 left field). EF. ($2200)

235. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.58 gm). Tarsos mint? Circa 327-323 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; griffin on helmet / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylus; monogram in left field. Price— ;Müller—.EF. ($25M)

238. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.05 gm). Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 336-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptie; cock before. Price 79; Müller 392. Good VF. ($250)

239. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.61 gm). Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 336-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptre; cock before. Price 79; Müller 392. Good VF. ($250)

A most distinctive stater of Alexander, unrecorded in Price's corpus. A most attractive representation of Athena with short curly "permed" hair in a style that is infrequently encountered. The closest parallel isfound in the obverse die of Price 3009, a stater ofTarsos. The magistrate's monogram signing the reverse is found on tetradrachms of Kolophin, Magnesia and Paphos, but not Tarsos. On the basis of style, it seems most likely that this stater was struck at Tarsos.

236. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AV Stater (8.53 gm). Uncertain eastern mint. Circa 325-300 BC. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylus; pentagram and monogram in left field. Cf. Price 3997 (monogram not described). Choice EF. ($2500)

240. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 323-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, ΒΑΣ-ΙΛ-ΕΩΣ before, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; monogram before. Price 121; Müller 860. Good VF. ($250)

Classical Numismatic

241. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.11 gm). Amphipolis mint. Struck circa 320-317 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptre; dolphin before, flObelow throne. Price 133; Müller 542. Good VF. ($250)

Rare Bust Left Alexander Tetradrachm

Group, Inc.

245. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Mesembria mint. Struck circa 200-190 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ left, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ right, ΔΙΟΣΚ below, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Corinthian helmet before. Price 1003; Waggoner, "The Propontis Hoard," Revue Numismatique 1979,30 (same obverse die). EF, light reverse porosity. ($450) The letters ΔΙΟΣΚ on the reverse of this coin are the abbreviation for the name Dioskouridas, a common name in inscriptions of the late 2nd and 1st centuries BC. The exact identification of this individual is unknown, but was probably a high ranking Mesembrian official. -

242. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.75 gm). PeUa mint. Struck circa 325-315 BC. Head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Θ below throne. Price 213; Müller—. Good VF. Rare bust left Alexander. ($1500)

243. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.87 gm). Pella mint? Struck 285-275 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; TK monogram before; monogram under tlirone.Price 556; Müller 1572. Near EF, spotty toning, large flan. ($350)

244. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.73 gm). Kabyle mint. Circa 225-215 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing textured lion skin / Zeus seated left; KEP and Artemis Phosphores to left, ΔΗ ΖΟΣ below throne. Price 885; Müller 471. EF. Rare m i n t ($400)

246. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.34 gm). Mesembria mint. Circa 250-175 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing textured lion skin / Zeus seated left; Corinthian helmet and ΙΔΝ to left, monogram below throne. Price 1036; Müller—. EF, late posthumous issue on a broad flan. ($400)

247. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.61 gm). Mesembria mint. Circa 175-125 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing textured lion skin / Zeus seated left; Corinthian helmet and ΔΑ to left, AT below throne. Price 1060; Müller 471. EF, late posthumous issue on a broad flan. ($350)

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248. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (1655 gm). Mesembria mint. Circa 125-65 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing textured lion skin / Zeus seated left; Corinthian helmet and ΠΡΟ to left, ΗΡΑ below throne. Price 1085; Müller 461. EF, late posthumous issue on a broad flan. ($350)

250. Alexander ΙΠ. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.50 gm). Uncertain mint. Circa 240-180 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing textured lion skin / Zeus seated left; dog in left field, head reverted. Price 2830; Müller—. Toned VF. ($500)

249. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.64 p i ) . Odessus mint. Struck circa 125-70 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ left, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; ΘΕ helmet before, monogram below throne. Price 1181; Müller 419. Choice EF. ($450)

Our next safe is C9(g Auction 43, a mai[bidsafe, schedufedfor September17,1997. Ca[[either of our offices forfurther details!

251. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Phaselis mint. Struck 207/206 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress; counterstamp, bow and bow-case, ΑΓΙΑ / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; IB and Φ before. Price 2851; Müller ($300) 1186. Toned VF, small test cut inside counterstamp. As indicated by Hie lettering, this counterstamp was applied in Apamea. Other bow and bow-case counterstamps, with different lettering, have been attributed to Sardes, Adramyttium, Tralles and Pergamon. Price has linked these counterstamps to the introduction of the cistophoric coinage circa 180 BC. The application of these counterstamps permitted the circulation ofAlexandrine coins in the years following the reform. ‫־־‬ —χ.


252. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.57 gm). Phaselis mint Struck 206/205 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; IT and Φ before.Price 2853; Müller—, Choice EF. ($350)


Classical Numismatic

253. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.26 gm). Phaselis mint. Struck 206/205 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; i r a n d Φ before.Price 2853; Müller—, EF. ($300)

Group, Inc.

256. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.08 gm). Tarsos mint. Staick circa 327-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ above, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; plow before. Price 3033; Müller—. Good VF. ($250)

Unpublished Alexander Tetradrachm

257. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.21 gm). Salamis mint. Circa 332-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus seated left; bow to left. Price 3139; Müller 1287. Toned, good VF, graffiti in reverse field. ($250)

258. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 gm). Myriandros mint. Struck circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptre; monogram and symbol before, monogram below throne. Price 3230; Müller 1298. Good VF. ($250) 254. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.15 gm). Selge mint. Struck circa 325-315 BC. Head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; astragalos before. Price—; Müller—; SNG Copenhagen—. EF. ($1000) An apparently unpublished tetradrachm for an otherwise unrecorded mint for Alexander tetradrachms. The astragalos symbol figures prominently on the coinage ofSelge (see SNG von Aulock 5247-5266), thus making the mint attribution for this coin reasoi mbly secure. A very important coil ‫ ך‬for the Alexander specialist and of considerable interest! Lot comes with a David Sear Certificate of Authenticity. 259. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.19 gm). Arados mint. Struck circa 328-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ below, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Σ before, AP below throne. Price 3316; Müller 1364. Toned, near EF, scratch on reverse before Zeus' face. ($300)

255. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.13 gm). Tarsos mint. Stnick circa 327-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; plow before, · below throne. Price 3018; Müller—. Good VF. ($250)

260. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.17 gm). Byblos mint. Struck circa 330-320 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptre; AP monogram before. Price 3426; Müller 1375. Good VF. ($300)

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261. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.19 gm). Babylon mint. Struck circa 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptre; bee before, monogram and M below throne. Price 3620; Müller 697. Good VF. ($3‫)ש‬

265. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-285 BC. Lot of Three Macedonian Tetradrachms (Tyre mint), all sharing a common obverse die. Circa 290-287 BC. Lot includes the following: Alexander III. Price 3561; Newell, T h e Coinage of Demetrius Poliorcetes, 25 / / Alexander ΙΠ. Price 3562; Newell pl.111,6 / / Demetrios Poliorketes. Newell 27. All three coins VF. ($750)

262. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradradim (17.04 gm). Ekbatana mint. Struck circa 311-295 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and seeptre; monogram and anchor before, monogram below throne. Price 3918; Müller—; Newell, ESM 464. Toned, good VF. ($250) 266. Demetrios Poliorketes. 306-285 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.08 gm). Amphipolis mint, struck circa 290-289 BC. Diademed and horned head of Demetrios / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ left, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ right, Nude Poseidon standing left, his right arm leaning on his right leg which rests upon a rock, trident in Iiis left hand; monograms in outer fields. Newell 115. Near EF. ($1200) Ex NFA miter Mail Bid Sale (December 18,1987), lot 230.

263. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. AR Tetradraclim (17.04 gm). Ekbatana mint. Struck circa 311-295 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and s e e p tre; two monograms and andior before, forepart of a horse grazing left before, ΣΩ below throne. Price 3931; Müller [1355]; Newell, ESM 475. Good VF. ($450)

Attractive Gold Stater of Philip III 267. Demetrios Poliorketes. 294-288 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Pella mint, struck circa 291-290 BC. Diademed and homed head of Demetrios / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ left, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ right, Nude Poseidon standing left, his right ami leaning on his right leg which rests upon a rock, trident in his left hand; monograms in outer fields. Newell pg.88,79. Toned VF. ($500)

264. Philip III. 323-317 BC. AV Stater (8.52 gm). "Babylon‫ ״‬mint. Helmeted head of Athena; serpent on helmet / Nike walking left, holding wreath and stylus; Λ Y and M by feet. Price P178; Müller P98. Near EF, some luster around devices. ($2000)

268. Antigonos Gonatas. 277-239 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Head of Pan with lagobolon on shield / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ, Athena Alkidemos brandishing thunderbolt and shield; Macedonian helmet, monogram. Boston MFA 713. Toned, good VF. (S500)



Classical Numismatic

269. Antigonos Doson. 229-221 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Wreathed head of Poseidon / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ on side of prow, upon which is seated Apollo, holding a bow in out-stretched hand; monogram below. SNG Ashmolean 3264. Near EF. ($12‫)ש‬

270. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.81 gm). Helmeted head of the hero Perseus, harpa over shoulder, on Macedonian shield / ΒΑΣΙ ΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, club of Herakles within oak-wreath; monograms above and below, trident outside. Cf. Mamroth, ZfN 40,17 (variants of monograms). Good VF. ($1000)

271. Philip V. 221-179 BC. AR Didrachm (8.24 gm). Diademed head right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, club within wreath, three monograms, trident to left. Cf. SNG Ashmolean 3269; same symbols as NFA Sale X, lot 123. Good VF. ($600)

272. MACEDON, Autonomous. Circa 185-168 BC. AR Diobol (1.18 gm). Macedonian shield with MA KE and central club / Helmet with three monograms and caduceus. Cf. Gaebler 13 (one variant monogram). VF. A rare denomination for the autonomous series, unlisted in the major collections. ($150)

Group, Inc.

274. Under Roman Rule. After 168 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.00 gm). Diademed head of Artemis on shield / Club within oak-wreath; monograms, thunderbolt in exergue. SNG Ashmolean 3300. Choice EF. ($300)

275. Under Roman Rule. Aesillas. Circa 70 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.54 gm). ΜΑ(ΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ), diademed head of Alexander; monogram / AESILLAS Q, money chest, club and chair, all in wreath; Β below. Fisher, ANSMN 30,06/R15. VF, fine scratches all over fields. ($300)

276. KINGS OF PAEONIA. Patraos. 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.13 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ΠΑΤΡΑΟΥ, horseman riding down Macedonian foe; monogram behind rider. Sotheby, "Paeonian Hoard", 345 (this coin). Toned EF. Well centered and exceptionally fine style. ($300)

277. SARMATIA, Olbia. Circa 5th-4th Century BC. JE 30mm length (2.39 gm). Leaping dolphin / APLX(O). SNG BMC 375. Good VF, dark brown patina, tail missing, but otherwise choice. ($125)

Rare Olbia Gold Quarter Stater

273. MACEDON. Under Roman Rule. After 168 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.45 gm). Diademed head of Artemis on shield / Club within oak-wreath; monograms, thunderbolt in exergue. SNG Ashmolean 3292. Superb EF. ($500)

278. Olbia. Circa 330-300 BC. AV Quarter Stater (2.12 gm). Head of Dionysos left / ΟΛ, leaping dolphin left. SNG BMC 550; Anoxin 121. VF. Extremely Rare. ($5000)

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279. MOESIA, Istros. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Drachm (5.50 gm). Facing male heads, the left inverted / 1ΣΤΡΙH, sea-eagle on dolpliin; A below dolphin. SNG BMC 240. Lustrous EF. ($4‫)ש‬

280. THRACO-MACEDONIAN, possibly the Bisalti. Circa 500-476 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.48 gm). Spearhead / Quadripartite incuse square with globules in quarters. SNG ANS 1002; Weber 8560 (this com). Good VF. ($250) Ex Kevin Cheek Collection (H.J. Berk Sale 53), lot 12.

284. Abdera. Circa 473-448 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.83 gm). Griffin springing left; kantharos above / ΕΠΙ Μ ΕΛ Α ΝI ΓΙ ΓΙ Ο a ro un d incuse square with raised quadripartite square in center. May 161b (A127/P133 - this coin); Strack 55.4 (this com). Toned EF. ($10,000) Ex Jameson Collection, 1033; Consul Weber Collection (Hirsch Auktion 21,1908), lot 842. 281. THRACE, BLACK SEA AREA, Byzantion. Circa 240-230 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.22 gm). Ptolemaic tetradrachm countermarked with Byzantion monogram and ΣΕ. The host com is an apparently unpublished variety of Svoronos 529 (Ptolemy Π), without shield in right field. SNG BMC 57. Coin Fine, c / m VF. ‫י‬ ($4‫)ש‬ 285. Abdera. Circa 411-385 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.84 gm). ΑΒΔΗ, griffin springing left / ΕΠΙ ΝΥΜΦΑΓΟΡΕΩ, dolphin in dotted square. May 389/380 (A274/P314). Good VF. ($300)

282. Cherronesos. Circa 510490 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.92 gm). Forepart of lion left / Incuse punch. Weber 8567. Toned, good VF. ($6‫)ש‬ 286. THRACE, Ainos. Circa 427424 BC. AR Diobol (1.20 gm). Head of Ex Kevin Cheek Collection (H.J. Berk Sale 53), lot 40; Rosen Collection (Münzen und Hermes right, wearing petasos / AIN, goat standing right; coiled serpent Medaillen Auktion 72,6 October 1987), lot 146. in front. May 176ff. Toned, good VF. ($400)

If you would (H^e to chec^onyour bids, Prices realized mil be available the*Mondayafter the sale!

283. THRACE, Abdera. Circa 500480 BC. AR Oktadrachm (30.31 gm). Griffin seated left; EP / Quadripartite incuse square. May 48 (unlisted dies); Asyut 141 (this com). Near EF, with characteristic Asyut test cuts. Rare. ($15‫)ש‬ Ex Freeman & Sear Mail Bid Sale !(March 10,1995), lot 104.



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

Two Rare Tetradrachms of Ainos

291. Maroneia. Circa 411-397 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.74 gm). Horse galloping left / ΜΗΤΡΟΦΑΝΗΣ, grape arbor in linear square; cicada, all in incuse square. Schönert-Geiss 165 variety (unlisted dies, other symbol for magistrate is astragalos). Toned VF. ($750) Ex CNG Auction XXIII (March 15,1995), lot 137.

287. Ainos. Circa 415-412 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.20 gm). Head of Hermes right, wearing petasos with studded rim / AINI, goat standing right; an ivy branch before him. May 247b (A151/P161 - this coin); Strack pl.IV, 17 (this com). Toned, good VF.‫י‬ ($40‫)ש‬ Ex Lanz Auktion 56 (13 May 1991), lot 76; Hunt Sale II (Sotheby's, 4 December 1990), lot 21; Vicomte de Sartiges Collection (Hirsch Auktion 18,1907), lot 2312.

292. Maroneia. Circa 398-385 BC. AR Triobol (2.59 gm). ΕΥΠ, forepart of horse left / MA, grape vine in dotted square. Schönert-Geiss 207ff. Toned VF. ($250)

An Exceptional Stater of Thasos

288. Ainos. Circa 370-367 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.86 gm). Facing head of Hermes, wearing petasos with studded rim / AINION, goat standing right; small head of Hermes wearing petasos. May 415. Toned VF, slightly porous surfaces. ($4500)

293. ISLANDS OFF THRACE. Thasos. Circa 525-463 BC. AR Stater (9.44 gm). Ithyphallic satyr carrying off protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. Asyut 117. Sharply struck EF. ($7500) 289. THRACE, Maroneia. Circa 510-490 BC. AR Drachm (3.39 gm). ΜΑΡΩ, forepart of horse left / Sixteen point star in incuse square. SchönertGeiss 11 (same dies?). Toned, good VF. Rare early issue of Maroneia. ($400)

294. Thasos. Circa 525-463 BC. AR Stater (9.60 gm). Satyr carrying off protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1008. Toned VF. ($750)

290. Maroneia. Circa 436410 BC. AR Tetradradim (13.79 gm). Μ ΑΡΩΝ, horse galloping left; Corinthian helmet above / ΕΠΙ ΠΟΣΕΙΔΗΙΟ:, grape arbor, all in incuse square. Schönert-Geiss 145 (V39/R51). Toned VF. ($2000) 295. Thasos. Circa 435-411 BC. AR Stater (8.43 gm). Satyr carrying off protesting nymph; a dolphin to right / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 1017; Dewing 1324. Toned VF. Rare variety with dolphin in field. ($1400)

Classical Numismatic

296. Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. AR Tetradraclim (15.11 gm). Wreathed head of bearded Dionysos left / ΘΑΣ1ΩΝ, Herakles, clad in lion skin, kneeling right in archer's stance, drawing bow; kantharos, all in linear square. West 32. VF, oblong flan. ($20‫)ש‬

Group, Inc.

300. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AV Stater (8.34 gm). Uncertain mint. Circa 297-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander / Athena Nikephoros seated left; monograms in inner left field and in exergue. Thompson—; Müller 503. EF, graffiti in reverse field. ($2250)

Ex Superior Galleries, Uiivson Sale (June 3-6,1985), lot 2118.

An Elusive Thasos Tetradrachm

297. Thasos. Circa 411-350 BC. AR Tetradraclim (15.13 gm). Wreathed head of bearded Dionysos left / ΘΑΣ1ΩΝ, Herakles, clad in lion skin, kneeling right in archer's stance, drawing bow; thunderbolt, all in linear square. West 39. Toned, good VF. ($30‫)ש‬

301. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). Byzantion mint. Circa 2nd Century BC. Head of deified Alexander / Athena Nikephoros seated left; monogram in inner left field, BY on throne, trident in exergue. Thompson—; Müller 216. Toned VF. ($200)

302. EPHIROS, Epirote Republic. Circa 234-168 BC. AR Drachm (4.94 gm). Oak-wreathed head of Dodonaean Zeus; ΛΥΣΗΝ, ΦΟ, two monograms / ΑΠΕΙΡΩΤΑΝ, eagle on thunderbolt within oak wreath. Franke 150 (V86/R103). Toned EF. Rare. ($1000)

298. Thasos. After 148 BC. AR Tetradraclim (16.83 gm). Wreathed head of young Dionysos / ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΘΑΣ1ΩΝ, nude Herakles standing left, holding club and lion skin; M. SNG Copenhagen 1039. Near EF. ($300) 303. KORKYRA. Circa 450-420 BC. AR Stater (10.94 gm). Cow standing left, head right, with suckling calf; NE above, M on cow's shoulder / Double stellate pattern in square frame; KOP around, thrysos left. SNG Fitzwilliam 2639. Toned, near EF. ' ($500)

299. K I N G S OF THRACE. Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AV Stater (8.55 gm). Byzantion mint. Circa 2nd Century BC. Head of deified Alexander / Athena Nikephoros seated left; monogram in inner left field, BY on throne, trident in exergue. Thompson—; Müller 154. EF. ($2000) Ex NFA Fall Mail Bid Sale (October 18,1990), lot 160. 304. THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 435-100 BC. AR Drachm (5.91 gm). Youth wrestling bull / ΛΑ PI ΣΑ I A, bridled horse galloping right. SNG Copenhagen 110; Dewing 1390. Good VF, light graffiti on reverse. (S500)

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A Lovely Silver Drachm of Larissa

309. AKARNANIA, Thy rrheion. Circa 229-168 BC. AR Stater (9.50 gm). The man-headed taurine river-god Acheloös right; magistrate ΞΕΝΟΜΕΝΗΣ / (Θ)ΥΡΡΕΙΩΝ, Apollo Aktios seated on lion-footed throne, holding bow; monogram to left. Imhoof-Blumer, N Z X, pg.176,26-27. Good VF, old collection toning, slightly off-center but still choice and Rare. ($1000)

305. Larissa. Circa 359-344 BC. AR Drachm (6.12 gm). Head of Larissa three-quarters left / [Λ]ΑΡ[ΙΣ] above, ΑΙΩΝ below, horse grazing right. Dewing 1406; SNG Copenhagen 121. EF, evidence of small reverse die crack. Fine style. ($750)

310. LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Circa 380-338 BC. AR Stater (11.93 gm). Wreathed head of Persephone left / ΟΠΟΝΤΙΩΝ, Ajax advancing right, nude but for crested helmet, brandishing sword and shield decorated with palmette and lion; cavalry helmet between legs, broken spear on ground. BMC Central Greece pg.3,22. Toned VF, struck from deteriorated obverse die. ($850) Ex Superior Galleries, 1975 ANA Auction, lot 3294. 306. Larissa. Circa 344-321 BC. AR Drachm (6.24 gm). Head of nymph, facing slightly right / ΛΑΡΙ, horse right, grazing. Lorber 13.2 (same dies). NearEF. ($250)

311. ΒΟΕΟΉΑ, Pharae. Circa 510480 BC. AR Stater (11.98 gm). Boeotian shield / "Wind-mill sail" incuse with Φ in center. SNG Delepierre 1336; SNG Copenhagen 209. Good VF, old toning. Rare. ($600)

307. THESSALY, Thessalian League. Circa 196-146 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.14 gm). Wreathed head of Zeus; monogram behind / ΘΕΣΣΑ ΛΩΝ, Athena Itonia brandisliing spear and shield; Γ10ΑΥ. SNG Lockett 1628 (this coin). Toned EF, reverse double struck. ($5TO)

312. BOEOTIA, T h e b e s . Circa 426-395 BC. AR Stater (12.26 gm). Boeotian shield / Wreathed head of Dionysos. SNG Copenhagen 282. VF, rough surfaces. ($600)

308. A K A R N A N I A , Leukas. Circa 405-345 BC. AR Stater (8.53 gm). Pegasos flying left; A below / Helmeted head of Athena left; A and a female head wearing a Phrygian helmet behind. Pegasi II pg.417,97. EF, reverse double struck. ($450)

Tfease Mainour HidSheet 'Earfy 313. Thebes. Circa 379-338 BC. AR Stater (12.17 gm). Boeotian shield / Amphora; wreath above, KL EI. BMC Central Greece pg.83,153. EF, dark toning, well centered and attractive. ($1000)



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314. Thebes. Circa 244-197 BC. AR Drachm (4.73 gm). Wreathed facing head of Persephone / ΒΟΙΩΤΩΝ, nude Poseidon with trident and dolphin; monogram and Boeotian shield. BMC Central Greece pg.40,78. Toned VF, rough surfaces. ($250)

320. Athens. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.01 gm). Archaic helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye, hair straight, ending in tight curls / Owl standing right. Seltman Group Gi; Svoronos pl.5,15-17; Asyut group IV. VF,·small flan. ($1200) Ex NFA Auction II (March 25-26,1976), lot 139. 315. BOEOTIA, Thespiae. Circa 387-374 BC. AR Stater (10.99 gm). Boeotian shield / ΘΕ XI1IKOH, head of Aphrodite Melainis right, crescent in front, another below. BMC Central Greece pg.91,9; SNG Lockett 1762 (same dies). VF, overall porosity. Extremely Rare. ($800) Aphrodite Melainis - "Aphrodite of the Dark" represmts the goddess in her role as a lunar deity, a characterization adopted by the Greeks from eastern cults.

The chronology of the early "oivls" ofAthens remains one of the most complex problems of Greek numismatics. Since the pioneering early 20th century studies by Svoronos and Seltman, a great deal ofevidence has been accumulatedfor the series, but much work remains in interpreting that evidence. The study by Kraay in NumChron 1956 has been ränforced by the analysis ofearly 5th century hoards, such as the Asyut hoard, and the general period ofstriking has been centered on 510-480 BC, behveen the expulsion of the Peisistratid tyrants and the destruction of Athens by the Persians. Within that brief time there 1uas an explosion of coinage as Athens prospered under its neiofreedom. The process of clarifying the issues ofthat period is complicated by the archaizing tendencies of the engravers (using styles and motiß long outdated in other art forms), and the massive quantities of dies required, employing a number of engravers of varying aptitudes. Until afirm sequence of die links am be established, the precise order of issues remains clouded by uncertainty.

316. EUBOEA, Karystos. Circa 290-252 BC. AR Stater (7.04 gm). Cow suckling calf / Κ.ΑΡΥΣ, cock right. Robinson, ANSNNM124,24 (same obverse die); Dewing 1529. Toned Fine. Rare. ($500)

317. ATTICA, Athens. Circa 545-520 BC. AR Obol (0.62 gm). "Wappenmünzen". Four-spoked wheel / Incuse square, divided diagonally. Seltman pl.IV, p; Dewing 1567; Rosen 190. Toned VF. ($300)

318. Athens. Circa 545-520 BC. AR Obol (0.61 gm). "Wappenmünzen". Amphora / Incuse square, divided diagonally. Seltman pl.IV, κ; cf. Dewing 1561 (didrachm). Toned VF. ($300)

321. Athens. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Archaic helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye and hair in waves over forehead / Owl standing right. Seltman Group M; Asyut group IV. Toned VF, small flan, flan flaws by eye. ($750)

319. Athens. Circa 520-510 BC. AR Obol (0.60 gm). "Wappenmünzen‫״‬. Gorgoneion / Incuse square, divided diagonally. Seltman pl.IV, υ; Dewing 1571; Rosen 197. Toned VF, light porosity. ' ($300)

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Rare, Early Athenian Tetradrachm

322. Athens. Circa 482480 BC. AR Tetradradim (15.48 gm). Archaic helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye, hair composed of dots, the helmet with a row of decorative studs around bowl / ΑΘΕ, owl standing right, head facing. Seltman Group F; Asyut group Vb. Near EF, light porosity. Rare early tetradradim of Athens on a full flan. ($5000)

325. Athens. Circa 460-455 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye and hair in waves over forehead, palmette and olive leaves added to helmet / Owl standing right, tufted tail, a erescent added to field. Starr Group IV, 124 (this coin); SNG Lockett 1837 (this com). Toned EF. ($3000) Ex Lockett Collection (Glendwing's, 27 May 1959), lot 1658.

323. Athens. Circa 480 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.12 gm). Archaic helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye, heavy features / ΑΘΕ, owl standing right, head facing. Seltman Group E; Asyut group VI. Good VE ($1500)

Impressive Athenian Tetradrachm

326. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradradim (17.10 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Choice EE ($2500)

324. Athens. Circa 467-465 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.22 gm). Helmeted head of Athena with frontal eye and hair 111 waves over forehead, palmette and olive leaves added to helmet / Owl standing right, a crescent added to field. Starr Group O.C. Choice EF, liigli relief complemented by a very strong strike. ($7500) Starr's Group ll.C lies in a very compressed time period, characterized by an extensive minting of silver of thefmest style. This is the period of one of the mostfamous of Greek coins, the Athenian dekadrachm. This luealth ofsilver is assumed to have been supplied by Persian war booty, captured on the banks of the river Eurymedon by Kimon in 467 BC.


327. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.19 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF, broad flan. ($1000) 328. Athens. After 449 BC. AR Obol (0.70 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl right. SNG Copenhagen 53. / / Plus the same types, as Hemiobols (0.36 & 0.35 gm). SNG Copenhagen 59 (2 coins). The obol Fine, the hemiobols VF. 3 coins in lot. ($200)


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329. Athens. After 393 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.30 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right. SNG Copenhagen 63. Choice EF, scattered surface deposits of horn silver. ($400) 330. Lot of eight AR of A t h e n s and cities imitating the coinage of Athens. Includes the following: Attica, Athens. Tetradrachm (3 coins, one of which is a fourré); Hemidrachm (2 coins) / / Judaea, Samaria. Obol / / Arabia, Sabaeans and Himyarites. Drachm (2 coins). Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($250)

331. Athens. Circa 157/156 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.68 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; two monograms, rudder below; all within wreath. Thompson 26b (same dies); dating per O. M0rkholm, ANSMN 29. Toned, good VF. ($250)

332. Athens. Circa 139/138 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Κ (?) on amphora, magistrates KTHIIEYMA, ME to left, Nike to right; all witlrin wreath. Thompson 283 (same obverse die - uiilisted reverse letters). Good VF. ($3‫)ש‬

334. Athens. Circa 137/136 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; uncertain letter on amphora, magistrates MIKIΘΕΟΦΡΑ, ME below, Nike driving quadriga to right; all within wreath. Thompson 316 (same obverse die). Good VF. ($300)

335. Athens. Circa 136/135 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; club to left, A on amphora, no letter below, magistrates ΗΡΑ ΑΡΙΙΤΟΦ Γ10ΛΥΧ; all within wreath. Thompson 324 (same dies). Near EF. ($400)

336. Athens. Circa 136/135 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.81 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; club with lion skin and bowcase to left, A on amphora, no letter below, magistrates ΗΡΑ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΦ ΠΟΛΥΧ; all within wreath. Thompson 331a (same obverse die). NearEF. ($400)

337. Athens. Circa 136/135 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.78 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; club with lion skin and bowcase to left, Ε 011 amphora, A N below, magistrates ΗΡΑ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΦ ΦΙΛΟ; all within wreath. Thompson 333d-e (same obverse die). NearEF. ($400) 333. Athens. Circa 138/137 BC. AR New Style Tetradradun (16.83 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Λ on amphora, magistrates ΓΛΑΥ EXE, KT to left, radiate head of Helios to right; all within wreath. Thompson 299 (same obverse die - unlisted reverse letters). Good VF. ($300)

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338. Athens. Circa 136/135 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.76 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right 011 amphora; club with lion skin and bowcase to left, Θ / Η on amphora, ΓΑ below, magistrates ΗΡΑ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΦ ΗΡΑ ΚΩ; all within wreath. Thompson 336 (same obverse die unlisted reverse letters). Near EF. ($400)

Group, Inc.

342. Athens. Circa 133/132 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.90 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; winged caduceus to left, Ton amphora, ΔΙ below, magistrates ΠΟΛΥΧΑΡΜ ΝΙΚΟΓ ΦΙΛΟΔΡ; all within wreath. Thompson 378 (same obverse die - unlisted reverse letters). EF. (S500)

343. Athens. Circa 132/131 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; forepart of lion to right, A on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΔΩΡΟΘΕ ΔΙΟΦ; all within wreath. No third magistrate is recorded for the first month of this administration. Thompson 383a (same dies). EF, light honi silver. ($500)

339. Athens. Circa 135/134 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.69 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Asklepios to left, Ζ on amphora, HP below, magistrates ΜΕΝΕΔ ΕΠΙΓΕΝΟ ΕΓ1ΙΓΟ; all within wreath. Thompson 352 (same obverse die - reverse of 351d-e). Good VF. ($3‫)ש‬

340. Athens. Circa 134/133 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.86 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right oil amphora; anchor and star to left, Γ 011 amphora, ME below, magistrates ΤΙΜΑΡΧΟΥ ΝΙΚΑ ΓΟ A MΦΙΚΡΑΤΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 362e (same obverse die). Good VF. ($300)

344. Athens. Circa 130/129 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.72 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; winged thunderbolt to left, Θ on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΘΕΟΦΡΑ ΣΩΤΑΣ ΛΑ1Ν; all within wreath. Thompson 407 (same obverse die - reverse of408e). Good VF. ($250)

345. Athens. Circa 129/128 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.85 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Dionysos to left, Κ on amphora, ΔΙ below, magistrates ΔΙΟΓΕ ΠΟΣΕ ΗΓΕΜΑ; all within wreath. Thompson 416x (same obverse die - unlisted reverse letters). VF. ($200)

341. Athens. Circa 133/132 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.74 gm). Helnieted head of Athena / Owl standing right 011 amphora; winged caduceus to left, A on amphora, ΔΙ below, magistrates ΠΟΛΥΧΑΡΜΟ ΝΙΚΟΓ ΠΑΝΟΚΛΕ; all within wreath. Thompson 368 (same obverse die), cf. pg. 150, listed as unconfirmed. Near EF. ($400)



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350. Athens. Circa 121/120 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.69 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; prow of galley to right, I on amphora, ΣΦ below, magistrates KAPAIX ΕΡΓΟΚΛΕ ΔΙΟΦ; all within wreath. Thompson 538b-c (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

346. Athens. Circa 128/127 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.66 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; comucopiae to left, Θ(?) on amphora, ΣΦ below, magistrates ΑΧΙΟΣ HAI ΕΥΔΗ; all within wreath. Thompson 424 (same obverse die ‫ ־‬unlisted reverse letters). VF. ($200)

351. Athens. Circa 120/119 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.64 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; double cornuacopiae to right, Z / E on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΑΦΡΟΔ1ΣΙ ΔΙΟΓΕ ΑΘΕ; all within wreath. Thompson 544m (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

347. Athens. Circa 127/126 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.66 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cicada to left, Ε on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΛΥΣΑΝ ΓΛΑΥΚΟΣ ΜΕΝΕΔ;311 within wreath. Thompson 431 i (same obverse die). VF. ($200)

352. Athens. Circa 119/118 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Helios driving facing chariot to right, Κ on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙ ΑΙΣΧΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 570d (same obverse die). VF. ($250)

348. Athens. Circa 123/122 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.82 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right 011 amphora; Nike with wreath to right, Η 011 amphora, ME below, magistrates ΑΦΡΟΔΙΣΙΑ ΠΟΛΗΞΙΗΡΑΚΛΕ; all within wreath. Thompson 501 (same obverse die-unlisted reverse letters). Good VF. ($250)

353. Athens. Circa 119/118 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Helios driving facing chariot to right, I on amphora, ΔΙ below, magistrates ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΔΙΟΝΥΣΙ Τ1ΜΩ; all within wreath. Thompson 571d (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

349. Athens. Circa 122/121 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.76 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Three Graces to right, H ein amphora, Δ1 below, magistrates ΕΥΡΥΚΛΕΙAPIAPA ΗΡΑ ΚΛΕ; all within wreath. Thompson 516 (same dies). Good VF. ($250)



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354. Athens. Circa 118/117 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.84 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; two torches to right, A on a m p h o r a , ME below, magistrates ΑΜΜΩΝΙΟΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΑΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 582a-b (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

358. Athens. Circa 116/115 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.37 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cult statue of Delian Apollo to right, Δ on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΔΩ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 619a (same dies). Near EF, patches of h o m silver. ($300)

355. Athens. Circa 118/117 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.85 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; two torches to right, Ζ on amphora, ΠΕ below, magistrates ΑΜΜΩΝΙΟΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΑΣ ΑΠΟΛΩΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 585c (same obverse die). Near EF. ($300)

359. Athens. Circa 116/115 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.77gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cult statue of Delian Apollo to right, Ε on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΔΩ ΑΘΗΝΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 619b (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

356. Athens. Circa 117/116 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; trophy on prow to right, H on amphora, ME below, magistrates OEM ΙΣΤΟ ΘΕΟΠΟΜΠΟΣ ΛΥΣΑ; all within wreath. Thompson 603 (same obverse die - reverse letters of 602c). Good VF. ($250)

360. Athens. Circa 116/115 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cult statue of Delian Apollo to right, M 011 amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΔΩ ΕΡΜΟ; all within wreath. Thompson 621 j (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

357. Athens. Circa 116/115 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.74 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cult statue of Delian Apollo to right, A on amphora, ΣΦ below, magistrates ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΔΩ ΑΠΟΛΛΟΦΑ; all within wreath. Thompson 615a (same obverse die). Good VF, slight flan crack. ($250)

361. Athens. Circa 116/115 BC. ARNewStyle Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cult statue of Delian Apollo to right, Ο on amphora, ΣΦ below, magistrates ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΔΩ ΑΣΚΛΕΠΩΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 622b (same obverse die). Good VF, patches of horn silver. ($200)



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

362. Athens. Circa 116/115 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cult statue of Delian Apollo to right, I on amphora, (ΣΦ) below, magistrates ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΔΩ ΑΧΑΙΟΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 622d (same obverse die). Good VF, patches of h o m silver. ($200)

366. Athens. Circa 113/112 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Triptolemos in chariot to right, A on amphora, uncertain letters below, magistrates EYΜΑΡΕΙΔΗΙΑΛΚΙΔΑ ΘΕΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 671a-c (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

363. Athens. Circa 116/115 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.80 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; cult statue of Delian Apollo to right, Κ on amphora, ΣΦ below, magistrates ΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΔΩ ΑΡΤΕΜί iN; all within wreath. Thompson 622f (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

367. Athens. Circa 113/112 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.75 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Triptolemos in chariot to right, Β on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΕΥΜΑΡΕΙΔΗΣ ΑΛΚΙΔΑΜ ΔΙΟΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 674a (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

364. Athens. Circa 115/114 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.63 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; grapes to right, Λ on amphora, ΣΟ below, magistrates ΜΗΤΡΟΔΟΡΟΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝ ΦΙΛΟ; all within wreath. Thompson 642e-f (same obverse die). Near EF. ($300)

368. Athens. Circa 112/111 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Demeter with two torches to right, A on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΧΑΡΙΝΑΥΤΗΣ Α Ρ1ΣΤΕΑΣ N1KA; all within wreath. Thompson 688a-b (same obverse die). Good VF. (5250)

365. Athens. Circa 114/113 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.58 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; no symbol, Γ on amphora, ΣΟbelow, magistrates ΔΙΟΤΙΜΟΣ ΜΑ ΓΑΣ ΧΑΡΙΝΑΥΤΗΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 655 (same obverse die - unlisted reverse letters). Good VF. ($250)

369. Athens. Circa 111/110 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Artemis with long torch to right, (A) on amphora, (ME) below, magistrates ΦΑΝΟΚΛΗΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΣ Τ1ΜΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 701a (same obverse die). NearEF. (S400)



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373. Athens. Circa 111/110 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.25 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Artemis with long torch to right, Λ on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΦΑΝΟΚΛΗΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΙ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 706c (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

370. Athens. Circa 111/110 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Artemis with long torch to right, Δ on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΦΑΝΟΚΛΗΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΣ ΒΑΚΧΙΟΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 701d (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250) 374. Athens. Circa 110/109 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.72 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Artemis with stag to right, A on a m p h o r a , ME below, magistrates ΕΥΒΟΥΛΙΔΗΣ ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΗ ΘΕΟΔΩ; all within wreath. Thompson 709a (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

371. Athens. Circa 111/110 BC. AR New Style Tetradraclim (16.79 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Artemis with long torch to right, Θ on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΦΑΝΟΚΛΗΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΙ ΙΕΡΟΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 706a (same obverse die). Near EF. ($300) 375. Athens. Circa 110/109 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.53 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; bee to right, Θ on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΖΩΙΛΟΣ ΕΥΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΖΩΙΛΟΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 716c (same obverse die). Good VF. ($300)

372. Athens. Circa 111/110 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.73 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right 011 amphora; Artemis with long torch to right, Κ on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΦΑΝΟΚΛΗΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΣ ΑΣΚΛΑΠΩΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 706b (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

376. Athens. A pair of die duplicate N e w Style Tetradrachms. Circa 110/109 BC. (16.68 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; bee to right, H / Z 011 amphora, ΣΦ below, magistrates ΖΩΙΛΟΣ ΕΥΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΠΟΛΥΚΡΑ, the last engraved over ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙ; all within wreath. Thompson 715 (same obverse die - reverse letters of 7141). / / The second coin (16.62 gm) is from identical dies, but the month letter is re-cut to Θ and the third magistrate has become ΖΩΙΛΟΣ. Reverse as Thompson 714j. An interesting example of reused dies. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($500)



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

377. Athens. Circa 109/108 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.74 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right 011 amphora; quiver and bow to right, Ζ on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΔΑΜΩΝ ΣΩΣΙΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΘΕΩΔΟ; all within wreath. Thompson 728 (same obverse die - unlisted reverse letters). Good VF. ($250)

381. Athens. Circa 108/107 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.48 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Tyche holding comucopiae to right, Ε / Δ on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΕΥΜΗΛΟΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΦΩΝ ΔΙΟΚΛ; all within wreath. Thompson 740b (same obverse die). NearEF. ($300)

378. Athens. Circa 109/108 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.64 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; quiver and bow to right, H on amphora, ME below, magistrates ΔΑΜΩΝ ΣΩΣΙΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΕΠΙΓΕΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 728c (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

382. Athens. Circa 108/107 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.52 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Tyche holding comucopiae to right, Λ / Κ on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΕΥΜΗΛΟΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΦΩΝ ΗΡΑ; all within wreath. Thompson 744a (same obverse die). NearEF. ($300)

379. Athens. Circa 109/108 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; quiver and bow to right, M on amphora, (ΠΕ) below, magistrates ΔΑΜΩΝ ΣΩΣΙΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΤΙΜΩΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 731b-c (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

383. Athens. Circa 107/106 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.80 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Tyche/Nike holding comucopiae with amphora on basis to right, Δ 011 amphora, ΣΟ below, magistrates ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΔΗΣ ΕΥ ΚΑ ΗΣ ΑΡΙΣΤΩΝ; all within wreath. Thompson 752b (same obverse die). Near EE ($300)

380. Athens. Circa 108/107 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.78 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; Tydie holding comucopiae to right, Γ on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΕΥΜΗΛΟΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΦΩΝ ΑΛΕΞ; all within wreath. Thompson 731d (same obverse die). Good VF. ($250)

384. Athens. Circa 106/105 BC. AR New Style Tetradradim (16.72 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right on amphora; no symbol, A on amphora, ΣΩ below, magistrates ΘΕΟΔΟΤΟΣ ΚΛΕΟΦΑΝΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 762a (same obverse die). Near EF. (S300)



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385. Athens. Circa 106/105 BC. AR New Style Tetradrachm (16.95 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / Owl standing right 011 amphora; no symbol, Δ/Γ on amphora, 1 0 below, magistrates ΘΕΟΔΟΤΟΣ ΚΛΕΟΦΑΝΗΣ Σ Ο ΤΑΣ; all within wreath. Thompson 765d (same obverse die). EF, patches of horn silver. ($300) 389. Lot of Seven Athens. AR ‫׳‬New Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 136/135 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club, lion's skin and bowcase to left (four coiiis), Asklepios standing on left (two coins) and eagle on right (one coin); all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 324ff, 347ff (135/134 BC) and 232ff (141/140 BC). Average good VF. 7coins total in lot. ($2500) 390. Lot of Six Athens. AR , N e w Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 136/135 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club, lion's skin and bowcase to left (three coins), Asklepios standing on left (three coins); all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 324ff and 347ff (135/134 BC). Average VF. 6 corns total in lot. ($1800) 391. Lot of Five Athens. AR ' N e w Style' Tetradrachms. Circa 136/135 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; club, lion's skin and bowcase to left; all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 324ff. Average VF. 5 corns total in lot. ($1500) 386. Lot of Five Athens. AR ‫׳‬New Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 138/137 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; facing head of Helios to right; all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 287ff. Average good VF. 5 coins total in lot. ($1750) 387. Lot of Five Athens. AR ‫׳‬New Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 138/137 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; facing head of Helios to right (four coins) and forepart of lion to right (one coin); all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 287ff and 383ff (132/131 BC). Average VF. 5 corns total in lot. ($1500)

392. Lot of Six Athens. AR ‫׳‬New Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 134/133 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; anchor and star to left (three coins), Nike to right (two coins) and filleted thyrsos to right (one coin); all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 360ff, 266ff (139/138 BC) and 169ff (144/143 BC). Average VF. 6 COÛTS total in lot. ($1800) 393. Lot of Five Athens. AR ‫׳‬New Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 134/133 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; anchor and star to left (three coins) and caduceus to left (two coins); all within laurelwreath. Cf. Thompson 360ff and 368ff (133/132 BC). Average good VF. 5 coins total in lot. ($1750) 388. Lot of Five Athens. AR ‫׳‬New Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 137/136 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; Nike in quadriga to right (four coins) and trophy to left (one coin); all within laurelwreath. Cf. Thompson 315ff and 48ff (156/155 BC). Average good VF, the last type scarce. 5 coins total in lot. ($1750)



Classical Numismatic

394. Lot of Six Athens. AR ‫׳‬New Style‫ ׳‬Tetradrachms. Circa 133/132 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Owl standing on amphora; caduceus to left; all within laurel-wreath. Cf. Thompson 368ff. Average VF. 6 coins total in lot. ($18‫)ש‬

Group, Inc.

398. AEGINA. Circa 480-457 BC. AR Stater (11.82 gm). Sea-turtle, row of dots on shell / Incuse skew pattern. Dewing 1674; Rosen 219. Toned VF. ($300)

Rare Aeginetan Drachm

399. AEG INA. Circa 480457 BC. AR Drachm (5.54 gm). Sea-turtle, row of dots on shell - "T-back" / Incuse skew pattern. SNG Delepierre 1527. Toned VF. The drachms of this type are significantly rarer than the staters. ($2000)

395. AEGINA. Circa 530-525 BC. AR Stater (12.27 gm). "Proto-tortoise", a turtle with globular segmented shell / Incuse "Union Jack" pattern. Robinson, "Pseudoaeginetica", NumChron 1928 pl.IX, 3 (same obverse die); SNG Lockett 2635 (same obverse die). EF. ($1600) Ex Superior Galleries Sale (August 22,1994), lot 1762; Ν FA XXII (June 1,2989), lot 284.

400. AEGINA. Circa 350-338 BC. AR Drachm (5.03 gm). Tortoise with segmented shell / Incuse skew pattern with double globule in one section. Dewing 1690; Milbank pl.2,16. Toned VF, edge split. ($400)

396. AEGINA. Circa 510-485 BC. AR Obol (0.95 gm). Sea-turtle, heavy collar, row of dots down back / Incuse divided punch, close to the "Union jack" type. Rosen 214. Toned EF, fully stnick high relief. An extraordinary early fraction of Aegina. ($750) 401. CORINTH. Circa 520 BC. AR Stater (8.23 gm). Pegasos fly ing left / Incuse square in swastika pattern. Pegasi 18; Ravel 32ff. Toned VF. Rare early stater. ($1500)

Rare Corinthian Hemidrachm

397. AEGINA. Circa 480457 BC. AR Stater (12.27 gm). Sea-turtle, row of dots on shell - "T-back" / Incuse skew pattern. Dewing 1674; Rosen 219. Toned VF. ($750)

402. CORINTH. Circa 480-140 BC. AR Hemidrachm (121 gm). Forepart of Pegasos right / Head of nymph in incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 24. Toned, good VF. Rare. (S350)



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

407. Olympia. Circa 365-323 BC. AR Stater (12.15 gm). Head of Hera, wearing Stephane decorated with palmettes and tendrils / Eagle standing left with outspread wings, head reverted, in wreath of olive. Seltman Group E2 (unlisted dies). Toned VF, pitting on Stephane. ($1200)

A Desirable "Olympic" Stater

403. C O R I N T H . Circa 345-307 BC. AR Stater (3.55 gm). Pegasos flying left; ? below / Helmeted head of Athena right; rooster's head and Ν behind. Pegasi 1,381; Ravel 1057. Choice EF. ($5‫)ש‬

404. SIKYONIA, Sikyon. Circa 431-400 BC. AR Stater (11.85 gm). Chimaera left; ΣΕ below / Dove flying left within wreath. SNG Copenhagen. Toned Fine, punch mark on reverse, oblong flan. ($300)

Two Rare Staters of Olympia 408. Olympia. Circa 323-271 BC. AR Stater (12.00 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / FA, eagle standing right, thunderbolt to left, coiled serpent and H to right. Seltman Group H, 205 (same obverse die); Dewing 1892 (same reverse die). Toned, good VF, slightly doubled along Zeus' profile. ($3000) Ex Superior Galleries, Madison Estate Sale (January 29-31,1979), lot 55.

405. ELIS, Olympia. Circa 421-365 BC. AR Stater (12.10 gm). Head of eagle left, leaf below / F A , winged thunderbolt in wreath. Seltman 152 (BTS/‫־‬yo); Dewing 1870. VF, worn dies. ($25‫)ש‬ This series of Elis staters is characterized by a limited number ofdies that shcnv the effects ofextensive overuse; a multiplicity ofdie defects partially repaired by re-cutting. Seltman suggests this issue is a direct result of the Peace ofNikias in 421 BC, a temporary truce in the Peloponnesian War that, among otlier clauses, allowed Athenians and their allies full access to the sacred site of Olympia. The increase in commerce would place heavy demands on the Elian mint. Alternatively, Nicolet-Pierre places the issue at the conclusion of the war, circa 400 BC, with the same results, an increase in demandfor circulating coinage.

406. Olympia. Circa 421-365 BC. AR Stater (11.17 gm). Round shield with blazon of an eagle grappling with a serpent; uncertain countermark / F A, winged and filleted thunderbolt. Seltman Group E, 168b‫( ׳‬this coin); Jameson 1229 (this com). Toned VF. ($30‫)ש‬

409. CYCLADES, Iulis on Keos. Circa 600480 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.48 gm). Dolphin right above grape cluster / Quadripartite incuse square. Babelon, Traité 1,1904 (this coin described). Toned, good VF. Extremely Rare, possibly unique. ($750) Ex Jean Pieter Six Collection.

410. CYCLADES, Paros. Circa 510-475 BC. AR Drachm (6.08 gm). Kneeling goat right / Quadripartite incuse square. Dewing 240; Asyut 606. EF, well centered and a perfect strike. ($4000)

Ex Jameson Collection.


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

411. CRETE, Gortyna. Circa 250 BC. AR Drachm (3.21 gm). Diademed head of Minos or Zeus left / ΓΟΡΤΥΝΙΩΝ, nude warrior with shield and spear; wreath to right. Svoronos 148. Toned, good VF. ($2‫)ש‬

Rare Stater From Lyttos on Crete

414. KINGS OF PONTOS. Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.82 gm). Year 206 (92/91 BC). Diademed head right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ above, ΜΙΘΡΑΔΑΤΟΥ ΕΥΓΙΑΤΟΡΟΣ below, Pegasos grazing left; star and crescent left, CZ and monogram right, A (month 1) below; all within ivy wreath. Waddington pg.15,15 variety. EF, choice cabinet toning. Fine style. ($25‫)ש‬

412. CRETE, Lyttos. Circa 320-270 BC. AR Stater (10.38 gm). Eagle flying left / ΛΥΤΤΙ ON, boar's head right within beaded square. Svoronos 31ff; LeRider pl.VII, 18 (same obverse die, but reverse with boar's head to left). Toned, good VF. Rare. ($15‫)ש‬

415. PAPHLAGONIA, Amastris. After 285 BC. AR Stater (Didrachm) (8.90 gm). Male head right (Mithras?), wearing laureate leather cap with star on flap / ΑΜΑΣΤΡΙΕΩΝ, Aphrodite seated left, holding Nike and seeptre; rose. SNG BMC 1302. Good VF, dark toning. ($1000) Ex Superior Galleries, 1975 ANA Auction, lot 3313.

413. CRETE, Phaistos. Circa 330-320 BC. AR Stater (11.74 gm). N u d e Herakles standing facing right, holding club and bow; to left, a lion skin draped over a tree; to right, a coiled serpent above laurel branch / Bull left within wreath of laurel. Svoronos 17; Le Rider pl.HI, 20 (same reverse die); Dewing 2068 (same dies). Toned VF. ($600)

Amastris, a niece of Darios of Persia, became a pawn in the cotttplex dynastie quarreis thatfollowed the death ofAlexander. She had been given as wife to Alexander's general Krateros, but was dismissed when Krateros arranged a marriage with the daughter of Antipater. She then married Dionysos, tyrant of Herakleia, by whom she had three children before his death in 306 BC. Her next brief marriage in 302 BC was to Lysimachos of Thrace, who soon acquired a more profitable alliance by wedding the daughter of Ptolemy Philadelphos of Egypt. Tiring of the whirl ofalliances, Amastris retired to the territory of Herakleia, wliere she founded a neiu city named after herself. She was not destined tofiiui peace, however; in 288 BC her two covetous sons had her drowned and seized her cityfor themselves.

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

Rare Tetradrachm of Kalchedon

420. Astyra? Tissaphernes, Satrap. Circa 400-395 BC. JE 10mm (1.05 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / ΉΣΣΑ, Tissaphernes on horseback, hurling spear. Cahn, Archäologischer Anzeiger (1985), 4. VF, dark green patina. Rare. ($150)

416. BITHYNIA, Kalchedon. Circa 260 BC. AR Tetradraclim (16.87 gm). Deified head of Alexander, with horn of A m m o n / ΚΑΛΧΑ ΔΟΝΙΩΝ, Athena seated left, holding Nike; monogram to left, grain ear below. SNG BMC 131; Marinescu, "Making and Spending Money; The Lysimachii Coinages minted by Byzantium and Chalcedon", 8.3 (this coin). Toned VF. ($3500)

421. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.41 gm). Forepart of boar left; tunny fish to right / Head of roaring lion; four point star. SNG Copenhagen 49. Good VF. ($200)

Deacessioned by the American Numismatic Society. The cities of Byzantion and Kalchedon struck a long series of posthumous drachms and tetradrachms in the twme ofLysimachos, lasting to the eiid of the 3rd century BC. In this one brief instance civic pride took precedence over pragmatic trade interests, and thefamiliar name ofLysimachos was replaced with the name of the city.

422. Kyzikos. Circa 350-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.01 gm). ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ, head of Persephone left, hair in sakkos with grain ears / ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ, head of lion left, tunny fish below; owl to right. Von Fritze, Nomisma IX, pl.V, 36. Good VF, old collection toning. ($600) Ex Superior Galleries, 1972 C.O.I.N. Auction, lot 231. 417. Kalchedon. Circa 240-220 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.70 gm). Veiled head of Demeter, grain wreath around brow / ΚΑΛΧΑ, Apollo seated on omphalos, holding bow and arrow; monograms. SNG BMC 134. Toned VF, graffiti and porosity. ($450)

418. KINGS OF BITHYNIA. Nikomedes II. Year 166 (133/132 BC). AR Tetradrachm (16.13 gm). Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΝΙΚΟΜΗΔΟΥ, Zeus standing, holding wreath and sceptre; eagle, monogram and date. BMC Pontus etc. pg.213,2. Good VF, original dark find patina. ($500)

423. Kyzikos. Circa 300-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (10.73 gm). ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ, head of Persephone left, hair in sakkos with grain ears / KYZI, Apollo seated left on omphalos, he holds a patera in left hand and rests right on lyre, tunny fish below; bow to left. SNG von Aulock 1226. Good VF, old collection toning, small area of corrosion on edge. ($1200)

Ex Superior Galleries (December 11-12,1992), lot 2110.

Ex Superior Galleries, Laivson Sale (June 3-6,1985), lot 2145.

"Please Maiiybur ®iciSheet 'Early

419. MYSIA, Astyra. Tissaphernes, Satrap. Circa 400-395 BC. JE 11mm (1.54 gm). ΤΙΣΣΑ, bearded head of Tissaphernes / ΑΣΤΥΡΗ, cult statue of Artemis Astyra; club in left field. Cahn, "Zwei Griechische Miszellen‫״‬, in Numismatics Witness to History, pl.13,1-7. VF, black patina, fully centered portrait. ($250)

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

Rare Electrum Stater of Lampsakos

427. Pergamon. Eumenes 1.263-241 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Laureate head of Philetairos / Athena seated left; ivy leaf under arm, bow to right, A on throne. Westermark Group ΙΠ (V.Xm/; SNG von Aulock 1354. VF, nice old toning, a few light spots of horn silver. ($750) 424. MYSIA, Lampsakos. Circa 412 BC. EL Stater (15.01 gm). Forepart of winged horse left, surrounded by grapevine; Ξ below / Quadripartite incuse square. Baldwin pl.l, 12; Boston MFA 1585. Near EF. ($10,000) Ex Stevenson Collection (CNG XXVI, 11 June 1993), lot 86; Bank Leu Auktion 28 (May 5-6,1981), lot 135. This is the sole electrum issue of Lampsakos of the 5th century BC, all other stater issues being offinegold. Its anomalous zoeight standard is known only for Lampsakos, and all knozim specimens are struck from the same dies, indicating a very limited striking. Earlier opinions placed it at the time of the Athmian Coinage Decree of 449 BC, when all silver coinage of the Delian League was ordered recoined into Athenian owls. This electrum stater would have been intended to evade that rule. Hoivever, recent hoard studies have suggested a date later in the 5th century, perlmps at the time of the revolt of Lampsakos against Athens in 412 BC. The winged horse would not represent the Greek Pegasos, but rather a mythical beast in the same category as the winged boars and bears seen on the archaic coinage ofAsia Minor, and having an origin in eastern mythology. The use of such a type could be seen as a reaction against the aggressive hellenizing of Athens.

428. Pergamon. Attalos I. 241-197 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.76 gm). Laureate head of Philetairos / Athena seated left; ivy leaf to left, A under arm, bow to right. Westermark Group IV; SNG von Aulock 1357. Toned, good VF. ($750)

429. TROAS, Abydos. Circa 411-385 BC. AR Rhodian Drachm (3.31 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ABY, eagle right; magistrate ΜΟΛΠΑΙ. Cf. SNG von Aulock 1440. Toned, good VF. Rare. ($400) 425. Lampsakos. Circa 390-330 BC. AR Diobol (1.34 gm). Janiform female head, with circular earring; neck terminates in dolphin facing right / ΛΑ ΜΨ, helmeted head of Athena . Gaebler, "Die Silberprägung von Lampsakos", Nomisma ΧΠ, 35. Toned EF. Rare variety with dolphin. ($200) 430. TROAS. Gamerses, Persian Satrap. Early 4th Century BC. JE 12mm (2.08 gm). Youthful head (Aphrodite?) right / Zeus standing right, holding sceptre and eagle; star. Schultz, SM 168, pg.113-116. Good VF, olive green patina. ($250)

431. TROAS, Kebren. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Triobol (1.72 gm). Head of ram left / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG von Aulock 8735 (this coin). Toned, good VF. ($300) Ex Bank Leu Fixed Price List 19 (December 1984), lot 70; Von Aulock Collection; lameson Collection, 1453; Consul Weber Collection (Hirsch Auktion XXI), lot 2560.

426. MYSIA, Pergamon. Eumenes L 263-241 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Laureate head of Philetairos / Athena seated left; ivy leaf above ami, 431 Kebren. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Tetartemorion (029 gm). Head of bow to right, A on throne. Westermark Group Π (V.I/R.l). Toned EF. ram right / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 256. Toned, su($2500) ! perbEF. ($250) 6 3

Classical Numismatic

433. LESBOS. Circa 550-500 BC. Billon Stater (10.92 gm). Heads of two confronted bulls, olive tree between / Small incuse punch. Rosen 540; SNG Copenhagen 285. Toned VF. ($10‫)ש‬ ExCNG Auction XXIV(December9,1992),lot271.

Group, Inc.

EL 439. Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.55 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / Female head right, within linear square. Bodenstedt 70 a / a . ($500) VF.

434. LESBOS. Koinon Issue. Circa 330-280 BC. /E 16mm (4.36 gm). Diademed head of Hera / ΑΙΟΛΕ(ΩΝ), winged thunderbolt; caduceus below. SNG Copenhagen 332. Good VF, dark green patina. ($2‫)ש‬

EL 440. Mytilene. Circa 412-378 BC. EL Hekte (2.51 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Head of Artemis-Kybele right, wearing Stephane, within linear square. Bodenstedt 73 e/-. VF. ' ($500)

EL 441. Mytilene. Circa 400-350 BC. Billon Diobol (1.61 gm). Female head left, hair bound in taenia / MY, head of lion in incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 365. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($300)

435. LESBOS, Mytilene. Circa 521478 BC. EL Hekte (2.55 gm). Head of roaring lion right / Incuse head of cow right, punch behind. Bodenstedt 13g/-.VF. ($750)

442. AEOLIS, Kyme. Circa 480-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.53 gm). Κ Y, head of eagle left / Quadripartite incuse "wind-mill" square. SNG Copenhagen 31. Good VF. ($300)

436. Mytilene. Circa 454427 BC. EL Hekte (2.53 gm). Forepart of goat right, head reverted / Owl facing, with outspread wings, within linear square. Boderistedt 42 a / a . Good VF. ($1750)

437. Mytilene. Circa 454427 BC. EL Hekte (2.57 gm). Head of youth right, wearing taenia / Archaic bearded head (Dionysos?) right, within linear square. Bodenstedt 52 e / η . VF. ($5‫)ש‬ 443. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ, horse right, one-handled cup below; magistrate ΚΑΛΛΙΑΣ. Oakley, ANSMN 27, Issue 20. EF, some encrustation. ($500)

438. Mytilene. Circa 454427 BC. EL Hekte (2.53 gm). Head of Actaeon right, with stag's hom / Gorgoneion, within linear square. Bodenstedt 54 -/.VF. ($500)

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Classical Numismatic

444. Kyme. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.70 gm). Head of the Amazon Kyme right, wearing taenia / ΚΥΜΑ ΙΩΝ right, horse standing right, one handled cup below; ΣΤΡΑΤΩΝ magistrate. Oakley, ANSMN 27,3848. EF. ($500)

Group, Inc.

449. Erythrai. Circa 6th Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.00 gm). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / EPV, club and bow case; magistrate ΠΕΛΟΠΙΔΗΣ, owl and monogram. Weber 5923 (this coin). Good VF, old toning, a little edge roughness. ($1000) Ex Brand Collection (Sotheby's, 9 June 1983), lot 116; Naville IV (17-19 June 1922), lot 852; Sir H. Weber Collection.

445. AEOLIS, M y r i n a . After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.30 gm). Laureate head of Apollo; triple braided hair / Apollo Grynios holding brand! and phiale, omphalos and amphora at feet; monogram to left. Sacks, ANSMN 30, Issue 20. Good VF. ($500) 450. IONIA, Herakleia ad Latmon. After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Helmeted head of Athena / ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΩΝ, club in wreath; monograms and Nike with wreath below. SNG Lockett 2823; Pozzi 2452. Toned, choice EF. ($600)

Rare Electrum Fraction of Ephesos

Ex NFA Sale XIV (November 29,1984), lot 146. EL 446. IONIA, Ephesos. Before 600 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (0.58 gm). Forepart of stag left / Incuse punch with raised lines within. Cf. Weidauer 38 (1/12 stater). VF. ($8‫)ש‬ These electrum coins mark thefirst appearance of the stag of Artemis as a civic badge of Ephesos, and fall in the same context as the famous "Plumes" electrum, the earliest mrned coinage. 451. IONIA, Magnesia ad M a e a n d r u m . Circa 3rd Century BC. AR Didrachm (7.06 gm). Horseman with couched lance / ΜΑΓΝ, kneeling bull within maeander pattern; grain ear, magistrate Δ10ΠΕΙΘΗΣ. Cf. SNG von Aulock 2034 for type; Inventaire Waddington 1719 for magistrate. Good VF. ($500)

447. Ephesos. Circa 387-295 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.17 gm). Bee, with straight wings / Forepart of stag, palm tree; magistrate ΑΣ1ΎΚΡΑΤΗΣ. Magistrate unrecorded by Head and Münsterberg. EF. ($1000)


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448. IONIA, Erythrai. Circa 6th Century BC. EL Hekte (2.59 gm). Archaic head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin, club below / Incase pundi. Boston MFA1804; cf. SNG von Aulock 1842 (later issue). Near EF. Rare. ($1200)

452. Magnesia ad M a e a n d r u m . Circa 160-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.87 gm). Diademed bust of Artemis, quiver over shoulder / ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ, nude Apollo with tripod; ΕΥΦΗΜΟΣ ΠΑΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ, maeander pattern. Jones, ANSMN 24,8-25. Toned, choice EF. ($750) Ex NFA Sale XVI (December 2,1985), lot 148.

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Extremely Rare Phokaian Hekte


453. M a g n e s i a ad M a e a n d r u m . Circa 160-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.95 gm). Diademed bust of Artemis, quiver over shoulder / ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ, nude Apollo with tripod; ΕΥΦΗΜΟΣ ΠΑΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ, maeander pattern. Jones, ANSMN 24,8-25. Nice EF. ($600)

458. Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.55 gm). Cicada; seal (φοκη) right / Quadripartite incuse punch. Bodenstedt 55 (unlisted dies). Good VF. Extremely Rare; only one specimen recorded by Bodenstedt. This piece from a notably different obverse die, the veins on the wings being much more defined. ($2500)

454. I O N I A , Miletos. Circa 5th Century BC. AR Diobol (1.15 gm). Protome of lion right, head reverted / Stellate pattern. SNG Copenhagen 949; Rosen 581. Near EF, fully centered. ($1TO)

EL 459. Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.57 gm). Head of Athena left, wearing Attic helmet decorated with griffin; seal (φοκη) below / Quadripartite incuse punch. Bodenstedt 91 (e/δ). VF. ($500)

EL 455. IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 625-000 BC. EL 1 /24 Stater (0.65 gm). Head of seal (φοκη) left / Incuse punch. Bodenstedt 2.2. Good VF. ($3M)

EL 460. Phokaia. Circa 477-388 BC. EL Hekte (2.54 gm). Head of n y m p h left; seal (φοκη) right / Quadripartite incuse punch. Bodenstedt 94 (-/-). VF. ($500)

461. Phokaia. Circa 387-326 BC. EL Hekte (2.54 gm). Head of n y m p h left, laureate and with hair in sakkos; seal (φοκη) right / Quadripartite incuse punch. Bodenstedt 102 (!/-). VF. ($500)

EL 456. Phokaia. Circa 625-522 BC. EL Hekte (2.55 gm). Forepart of manheaded bull left; seal (φοκη) behind / Incuse punch. Bodenstedt 16 (unlisted dies). Good VF. Rare; only one specimen recorded by Bodenstedt. ($30‫)ש‬

462. Phokaia. Circa 4th Century BC. AR Trihemiobol (1.35 gm). Female head left, wearing helmet or close fitting cap / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG von Aulock 1813; Rosen 596. Near EF, better style than most. ($300) EL 457. Phokaia. Circa 625-522 BC. EL Hekte (2.57 gm). Lion reclining left; seal (φοκη) above / Incuse "wind-mill" punch. Bodenstedt 27 a / a . Good VF. Rare; only two specimens recorded by Bodenstedt. ($1500)

463. IONIA, Smyrna. Circa 3rd-2nd Century BC. JE 21mm (6.37 gm). Laureate head of Apollo / ZMYPNA ΙΩΝ, the poet Homer seated left; magistrate ΣΗΜΑΓΟΡΑΣ. SNG Copenhagen 1150. Good VF, olive green patina. ($200) 6 6

Classical Numismatic Two Tetradrachms From Smyrna

Group, Inc. Rare Ionian Fractional Stater

EL 469. IONIA. Uncertain mint. Before 600 BC. EL Phokaic 1/24 Stater (0.68 gm). Linear boar's head left / Incuse punch. Cf. Rosen 299 (Milesian 1/48th stater). Good VF. ($1500)

464. Smyrna. After 165 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.72 gm). Turreted head of Tydie / ΖΜΥΡΝΑ1ΩΝ and monogram in wreath. Milne, NumChron 1914,3. EF, attractive old collection toning. ($2500)

Ex Brand Collection (Sotheby's, June 1983), lot 111; Prowe Collection Π, lot 784. The history and distribution of the early electrum coinage of Asia Mmor is knoivn only in the broadest outline. While certain types, such as the stag of Ephesos and the seal of Phokaia can be identified with some certainty as distinctive civic badges, the vast majority of attributions can be based only on educated guesswork, aided by reports of sitefinds such as the great Artemision deposit of 1904-1905. Some order can be put to the confusing series by identifing which weight standard a coin was struck to. The cities ofAsia Minor were grouped into informal leagues or trading networks, sharing the same standards. The two most common stater standards are named after the most prominent of these cities, Miletos (Milesian, c.14.1 grams), and Phokaia (Phokaic, c.16.2 grams). Other weight standards have been identified as Croesid (later Persian, c. 10.8 grams), Aeginetan (c.12.5 grams), Lampsacene (c.15.3 grams) and Euboic-Attic (c.17 grams). While this will serve to categorize a stater easily enough, by the time you get down to 1/24 or 1/48 staters, the difference between standards may only be 0.03 grams, too slight to get a certain reading when wear on the coins and the accuracy of the average scale is taken into account. The standards given for thefractions offered here are our best approximations based on these tzvofactors and may varyfrom the attributions of the Rosen collection. It will be noted that coins of identical type in the Rosen collection are given to two different systems based on weights.

465. Smyrna. After 165 BC. AR Tetradradim (16.75 gm). Turreted head of Tyche / ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ and monogram in wreath. SNG von Aulock 2162. Good VF, small patch of horn silver on edge. ($1200)

470. Uncertain m i n t Before 600 BC. EL Phokaic 1 /24 Stater (0.58 gm). Animal (wolf?) head right / Incuse punch with parallel striations. Cf. Rosen 329, where the obverse is described as "lion's or deer's head". VF. ($500) Ex Bank Leu Fixed Price List 19 (December 1984), lot 74.

466. Smyrna. After 165 BC. AR Tetradradim (15.77 gm). Turreted head of Tyche / ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ, lion right; magistrate ΕΡΜΙΠΠΟΣ ΣΙΠΥΛΟΥ, all in wreath. Milne, NumChron 1914,27; Weber 6115. Near EF, light overall porosity. Rare. ($20M)

467. IONIA, Teos. Circa 540-500 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.94 gm). Griffin with curled wings seated right / Incuse punch. Balcer 53 (same dies). Toned VF. ($450)

471. Uncertain m i n t Before 600 BC. EL Phokaic 1 /48 Stater (0.35 gm). Facing lion's head, the features composed of dots / Incuse punch. Cf. Rosen 370, a plated 1/12 stater. Good VF. ($300)

Ex CNC Auction XXIV (December 9,1992), lot 286.



EL 472. Uncertain m i n t Before 600 BC. EL Phokaic 1 /96 Stater (0.16 gm). Head of roaring lion right / Incuse punch. Rosen 348. Good VF. ($450) 468. Teos. Circa 478-465 BC. AR Stater (12.07 gm). Griffin with curled wings seated on decorated basis, forepaw raised; swan in front / Quadripartite incase square. Balcer 101; Boston MFA1939. Toned EF. ($2000)


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EL 473. Uncertain m i n t Before 6 ‫ ש‬BC. EL Milesian 1/24 Stater (0.57 gm). Griffin's head left / Divided incuse punch. Cf. Rosen 306 (1 /96th stater). The type is also seen on Phokaic electrum, cf. Bodenstedt pl.42, E2. VF. ($450)



477. ISLANDS OFF IONIA. Chios. Circa 478-431 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.56 gm). Sphinx seated left, grapes and amphora in front / Quadripartite incuse punch. Baldwin 46ff; SNG Copenhagen 1545. VF, fully centered. ($500)

474. Uncertain m i n t Before 600 BC. EL Milesian 1 /48 Stater (0.29 gm). Lion's p a w / Incuse punch. Rosen 301. Good VF. ($300)

Two Electrum Staters From The Period Of The Ionian Revolt

478. LYDIA, Maeonia. Time of Hadrian. 117-138 AD. JE 26mm (9.59 gm). 65 AD. ZEYC OAYMIIIOC, diademed head of Zeus left / ΕΠΙ ΑΠΟΛ TO Β ΜΑΙΟΝΩ, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Nike and parazonium. Mionnet IV pg.64,342. Good VF, dark green patina. ($300)

EL 475. Uncertain m i n t Period of the Ionian Revolt. 499-494 BC. EL Stater (14.00 gm). Milesian standard. Head of roaring lion right with beaded collar; a raised irregular oblong punch behind / Square incuse punch. Münzauktion Tkalec 1994, lot 98 (this coin). EF. Extremely Rare. ($16,500)


Although this stater was attributed to Mytilene on Lesbos in the Tkalec auction, the use of the Milesian weight standard instead of the Phokaic standard used by that city makes such an attribution unlikely. The types of this and the following stater are indeed suggestive ofMytilene, and tlxe type of the present coin is taken directlyfrom the incuse reverse of a hekte (Bodenstedt 15). The use of this type tied with this weight standard leads to the conclusion that this must be included among the electrum issues of the Ionian Revolt of499-494 BC. Aristagoras, tyrant ofMiletos under the Persians, inspired a rebellion among the Greeks of Asia Minor when lie found his mm position threatened by his unsuccessful attack on the island of Naxos, a port intended as a stepping-stoiKfor an eventual Persian invasion of mainland Greece. Athough the revolt centered on Ionia, cities in Aeolis and Caria also joined in thefighting, as luell as the islands ofSamos, Chios, Lesbos and Cyprus. The tyrant of Mytilene, Koes, was stoned to death by disgruntled citizens. Tins stater might have been struck at Mytilene itself, but scholars have suggested that all of the Ionian Revolt staters were struck at Miletos, the cetiter of the revolt tuhich finallyfell to Persian forces in 494 BC.


479. KINGS OF LYDIA. "Valvel" or ‫״‬Walwet‫״‬. Circa 650-625 BC. EL Hekte (2.34 gm). Confronted lion heads, Lydian inscription between / Double incuse punch. Weidauer 99-100. Good VF, left lion off flan. ($1500)

Countermarked Lydian Third Staters The countermarks or banker's marks seen on these electrum third staters have not been noted previously in such a large concentration. They are of the same type that appear 011 numerous Persian silver sigloi, but are infrequently encountered on electrum or gold. Their non-appearance on Lydian electrum would imply that the countermarks were applied elsewhere in the Persian empire. Some of the countermarks resemble the civic symbols of other Greek states, and some have been intrepreted as Cypriot or Phoenician letters. See BMC Arabia etc, pp.cxxxvi-cxl for discussion and table of the various punches found 011 sigloi. Unlike most Lydian electrum, which must have remained within the confines of the kingdom, this little handful must have seen extensive circulation.


476. Uncertain m i n t Period of the Ionian Revolt. 499494 BC. EL Stater (13.99 gm). Milesian standard. Forepart of roaring lion right with beaded terminal / Oblong incuse punch. Münzauktion Tkalec 1992, lot 112 (this coin); see Leu Auktion 57, lot 105. Good VF. Extremely Rare. ($12,500)

480. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.64 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with three rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Seven countermarks - two on lion, five on edge; includes taurine symbol and lion's head. Weidauer 59-75. Fine. ($500) 6 8

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481. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.67 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with three rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Five countermarks ‫ ־‬one on lion, four on edge; includes lion's head and recumbent stag. Weidauer 59-75. Fine. ($500)

486. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.68 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Twelve or more countermarks - at least three on lion, nine on edge; includes recumbent stag, thunderbolt, spiral and "tadpole". Weidauer 86-89. VF. ($500)

Ii EL EL 482. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.73 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Three countermarks - one on lion, two on edge; includes solar symbol. Weidauer 86-89. VF. ($500)

487. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.68 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Four countermarks - one on lion, three on edge; includes "ankh". Weidauer 86-89. VF. ($500)

EL EL 483. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.72 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Four countermarks - one on lion, three on edge; includes human head left. Weidauer 86-89. VF. ($500)

488. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.68 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Seven countermarks - all on edge; includes lion's head. Weidauer 86-89. Fine. ($400)

EL EL 484. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.71 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Seven countermarks - two on lion, five on edge; includes solar symbol. Weidauer 86-89. VF. ($5M)

489. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.70 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Nine countermarks - one on lion, eight on edge; includes recumbent stag and grid patterns. Weidauer 86-89. Fine. ($400)



485. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.67 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with multiple rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Six countermarks - one on lion, five on edge; include taurine symbol and bull's head. Weidauer 86-89. VF. ($500)

490. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.73 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with three rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Weidauer 62. EF, flan flaw across nose. ($750)

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. An Elusive Tetradrachm From Alabanda

491. Uncertain King. Before 561 BC. EL Third (4.73 gm). Head of roaring lion right, knob with six rays on forehead / Double incuse punch. Weidauer 86. Good VF. ($750)

492. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AV Stater (10.64 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Rosen 660. Fine, light scrape at high points. ($2000)

493. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Stater - Double Siglos (9.90 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Rosen 662 VF. ($1200)

497. CARIA, A l a b a n d a . After 165 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.91 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / ΑΛΑΒΑΝΔΕΩΝ, Pegasos springing right, A below. SNG von Aulock 8050. EF, choice old toning, a few small spots of verdigris on obverse. Rare, especially this nice. ($3500)

494. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Stater - Double Siglos (10.65 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Double incuse punch. Rosen 662. Toned VF. ($10‫)ש‬

498. CARIA, Kindya. Circa 510490 BC. AR Samian Tetrobol (2.01 gm). Head of ketos (sea monster)left / Incuse geometric pattern. Rosen 617 (this com); Asyut 687. Toned EF. ($500) An article by Kagan and Kritt in NumChron 1995 supports the reattribution of this issue to Kindya.

495. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR Siglos (5.26 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull; knob on lion's forehead / Double incuse punch. BMC Lydia pg. 7,44. Good VF. Rare variety. ($750)

499. CARIA, Knidos. Circa 465449 BC. AR Drachm (6.10 gm). Forepart of roaring lion right / Archaic head of Aphrodite within incuse square. Cahn 82 (V39/R56). Toned, near EF. ($1000) 496. Time of Croesus. Circa 561-546 BC. AR 1 / 1 2 Siglos (0.86 gm). Confronted foreparts of lion and bull / Incuse punch. Rosen 668. EF. ($500)

Ex CNA Auction VII (May 4,1989), lot 84.

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The Achaemenid kings, ruling a land empire too vast to be governedfrom Persepolis, divided their territory into twenty districts, to be administered by sa traps,from the Old Persian xshathrapavan - "kingdom protector". These governors ivere responsible for all military andfiscalaffairs within their provinces, and many quicklyfollowed the route to wealth andpozuer, often becoming dire threats to their royal overlords. Using their autonomy to its fullest, the satraps governing the eastern Greek states gained control of the wealth ofAsia Minor, represented by the region's productive mines, the profitable trade routes between east and west, and battle-trained Greek mercenaries spun-offby the interminable wars between the states, all available to the strongman willing louse them. Alt of thesefactors had played a role in the developmen t of the earliest coinage from Asia Minor, and a Persian satrap is responsiblefor the earliest true portrait found on a coin, possibly Tissaphemes ofMysia.

500. Knidos. Circa 387-345 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.78 gm). Κ Ν, head of Aphrodite Euploia left; prow behind / Forepart of roaring lion left; magistrate (?)ΙΜΟΠΟΛΟΣ, all in incuse square. Cf. Babelon, Traité Π, 1636; SNG Helsinki 166 (same obverse die). Toned EF. Rare. ($1500)

The satraps of Caria, starting with Hyssaldomos, would rule as a virtually independent dynasty for almost a century, strengthening their own position against that of their ostensible overlord, the Persian king in far Persepolis. Hekatomnos struck thefirst coinsfor the Carian satrapy, copying the lion types ofMiletos. His later issues introduced the type that would become the emblem of the dynasty, thefigure of Zeus Labraundos, whose temple was near Mylasa, the birthplace of Hekatomnos. Hekatomnos died in 377 BC, to be followed in succession by each of his three sons, Maussollos, Hidrieus and Pixodaros. Maussollos expanded his territory at the expense of his neighboring satraps and in defiance of the Persian king. He moved the capital from Mylasa to Halikamassos, at which point thefixing head of Apollo/Helios becomes the standard obverse type for tire Carian tetradrachm. Although condemned by the Greek au thorsfor his avarice and thirstfor power, the satrap was acknoivledged as a man of culture, embellishing his capital with remarkable architecture (his Mausoleum being one of the Wonders of the Ancient World), and encouraging the study of science and art. Hidrieus continued in his brother's footsteps and added tire islands of Chios, Kos and Rhodes to his domain, three important centers of commerce which had until then managed tofend off tire gmumrg Carian empire (which by ησιυ it was in all but name).

Ex Superior Galleries, Lawson Sale (]une 3-6,1985), lot 2164.

501. Knidos. Circa 250-210 BC. AR Tetrobol (2.41 gm). Bust of Artemis right, quiver at shoulder / KNΙΔΙΩΝ, tripod; magistrate ΚΑEYMB ΡΟΤΟΣ. Nordbo Series 10,671; SNG Copenhagen 289. Toned, good VF. ($250)


The Carians appear to have overextended themselves, however, for by the reign of Pixodaros the satrap is seen making dynastic marriages to preserve his position between Persia and tire Greeks. One of his daughters married Rlroontopates, a Persian courtier who would eventually succeed him, while another was offered to the Macedonian house (see lot 511 forfurther details of this episode). That offer, which might !rave altered tire course of western history, ivas rejected after Alexander's meddling. As it was, Rlroontopates would meet the awry of Alexander in battle, and the Carian dynasty would come to a sudden end, absorbed into the expanding Greek empire.

502. CARIA, Myndos. Circa 2nd-lst Century BC. AR Drachm (3.99 gm). Laureate head of Zeus / ΜΥΝΔΑ ΙΩΝ, headdress of Isis; thunderbolt below, magistrate ΜΕΝΕΔΗΜΟΣ. SNG Helsinki 239. NearEF. ($400)

Rare Carian Stater; Ex Ley

503. CARIA, Uncertain M i n t Circa 480460 BC. AR Stater (11.76 gm). Winged female figure running left, holding caduceus and wreath / Baetyl (?) with "handles" flaiiked by granulated patterns shaped like birds, all in incuse square. Troxell, "Winged Carians", in Essays Thompson, pg.260,24; SNG von Aulock 2348 (same dies). Toned VF. ($2500)

505. Hidrieus. 353-344 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.24 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / ΙΔΡΙΕΩΣ, Zeus Labraundos; Ε by feet. BMC Caria pg.l83,l.EF. ($1500)

Ex Margaretlra Ley Collection (Lanz Auktion 70,21 November 1994), lot 123.

506. Hidrieus. 353-344 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.10 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / ΙΔΡΙΕΩΣ, Zeus Labraundos; M behind. BMC Caria pg.183,1 variety. Toned EF. Marvelous facing head. ($1500)

504. SATRAPS OF CARIA. Maussollos. 377-353 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.12 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / ΜΑΥΣΣΩ(ΛΛΟ), Zeus Labraundos standing, holding double axe (labrys) and lotus-tipped sceptre; Π below arm, M at feet. SNG von Aulock 2360. Good VF. ($1000)

Ex CNG Auction ΧΧΧΙΠ (March 15,1995), lot 312.



Classical Numismatic

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Rare Hidrieus Silver Didrachm

511. Rhoontopates. 334-333 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.13 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / ΡΟΟΝΤΟΠΑΤΟΥ, Zeus Labraundos standing, holding double axe (labrys) and lotus-tipped sceptre. McClean 8526. Good VF. ($9500) Only four specimens are kncnvn for this extremely rare satrap: one in the Bibliothèque Natiomle in Paris, one in the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, one whose whereabouts was listed as unknown but is nozv possibly this specimen, and a fourth specimen sold privately by CNG. In fact, the known specimens are such that the actual spelling of Rhoontopates' name has been a matter of speculation. The spelling "Orontobates" is theform of the name as it appears in Arrian. However, as the present specimen (and the coin sold previously by CNG) clearly establishes, the spelling on the coin is "Rhoontopates", a Persian name that Arrian obviously hellenized.

507. Hidrieus. 353-344 BC. AR Didrachm (6.92 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / ΙΔΡΙΕΩΣ, Zeus Labraundos; monogram by feet. BMC Caria pg.183,2. Near EF. Rare Denomination. ($1500)

Rhoontopates, a Pasian noble, first appears in history during the reigti of Philip II of Macedon. As Philip commenced his invasion ofAsia, the satrap of Caria, Pixodaros, proposed an alliance to be sealed by the marriage of Pixodaros' daughter with Philip's son Philip Arrhidaeos. As negotiations progressed, Alexander learned of the plans and secretly sent the famous actor Thettalos to Pixodaros to tell Pixodaros that Philip Arrhidaeos was a half-wit and to offer Alexander himself as bridegroom. Alexander's meddling ruined the negotiations, no alliance was made, and Caria remained an enemy to resist Alexander in his eventual march through Asia. Pixodaros thereupon married his daughter to Rhoontopates, who was the first Persian to marry into the ruling family of Caria. Philip, infuriated by Alexander's meddling, punished his son. The episode shoivs Alexander's immaturity, as he did not realize that Philip ivas prepared to saaifice Philip Arrhidaeos to a Carian marriage but ivould not have compromised his heir in such an alliance. After the death of Pixodaros in 334 BC, Rhoontopates succeeded him, and as Alexander marched south he found himself opposed by the man who had married the woman to whom he had offered himself. With the assistance of Greek mercanaries, Roontopates led a spirited defense of the capital city of Halikarnassos, which fell to Alexander after fierce fighting tlwt helped establish Alexander's reputation for siege warfare. Rhoontopates continued to hold outlying areas of Cariafor a further few months, but in 333 BC Alexander's conquest of the province was completed.

508. Pixodaros. 340-334 BC. AR Didrachm (7.06 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / Π1ΞΩΔΑΡΟΥ, Zeus Labraundos standing, holding double axe (labrys) and lotus-tipped sceptre. Boston MFA 2007; SNG von Aulock2375. Superb EF. ($2500)

A Tetradrachm of the Satrap M e m n o n

512. CARIA? Persian Satraps. Circa 349-333 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.31 gm). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance, drawing bow / Satrap on horseback, thrusting with spear; eagle's head in left field. Cf. Price, "The Syria 1989 Hoard", in Essays Carson/Jenkins; Babelon, Les Perses 620-623 for type, unpublished with eagle head symbol. EF. ($2500)

509. Pixodaros. 340-334 BC. AR Didrachm (7.01 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / ΠΙΞΩΔΑΡ(ΟΥ), Zeus Labraundos standing, holding double axe (labrys) and lotus-tipped sceptre. Boston MFA 2007; SNG von Aulock 2375. Superb EF. ($25‫)ש‬

Babelon had attributed this series to Evagoras II, king of Salamis on Cyprus, while Price leaves it as an uncertain Persian satrap. One possible source might be the satrap Memnon (336-333 BC), originally the governor of Lydia, and after the defeat of the Persians at the Cranicus, the supreme commander of Persian forces in the west. Memnon came to the assistance of Rhoontopates of Caria, but after thefall of Halikarnassos conceived the bold plan of carrying the war to Greece itself, where the Spartans and other Greeks, chafing under Macedonian rule, offered potential allies. Darius provided him with thefunds to equip a fleet and mercenary army, but after capturing Chios and part of Lesbos, Memnon died of illness before he could reduce Mytilene, a rear base necessary to support his invasion fleet. The Persian king on these tetradrachms might represent Memnon's lost capital at Sardeis (the mint for Persian daricsand sigloi in the west) as well as the treasure provided by Darius to support his operations against Alexander.

510. Pixodaros. 340-334 BC. AR Didrachm (6.78 gm). Laureate head of Apollo, facing slightly right / Π1ΞΩΔΑΡΟΥ, Zeus Labraundos standing, holding double axe (labrys) and lotus-tipped sceptre; wreath to left. McClean 8524. Choice EF. ($1500) 6


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513. I S L A N D S OFF CARIA. Rhodes. Circa 375-350 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.72 gm). Facing head of Helios / Rose with bud; Φ to left, patera to right. Pozzi 2682 variety. Toned, good VF. ($30M) 518. Rhodes. Circa 125-88 BC. AR Drachm (2.75 gm). Radiate head of Helios / Rose; radiate sun, magistrate ΑΝΤΑΙΟΣ. Cf. BMC Caria pg.256, 292 (hemidrachm). Unrecorded as a drachm. Mint State. ($600)

514. Rhodes. Circa 275-250 BC. AR Didrachm (6.83 gm). Facing head of Helios / Rose with bud; thunderbolt and Δ to left. SNG Helsinki 477. Toned VF. ($250)

519. PHRYGIA, Laodikeia. Appius Claudius I'ulcher, Proconsul. 53-51 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.53 gm). Cista mystica with serpent / ΛΑΟ, bowcase with serpents; filleted caduceus, AP PVLCHFR AP F IMP, magistrate ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΣ EYAPXOY B, monogram. Cf. BMC Phrygia pg.282,21 (Apollonios as magistrate for the first time). Good VF. Rare. ($950)

515. Rhodes. Circa 230-205 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.45 gm). Facing radiate head of Helios / Rose with bud; prow, magistrate ΑΜΕΝ-ΙΑΣ. SNG Helsinki 542; SNG Lockett 2949 (this com). Toned VF. ($600) Ex Lockett Collection (Glendining's, 21-23 February 1961), lot 2423; Ex Bernent Collection (Naville VII, June 23-24,1924), lot 1552.

520. DYNASTS OF LYCIA. Uncertain Dynast. Circa 500-485 BC. AR Stater (9.28 gm). Snuffling boar left / Tortoise in dotted square. SNG von Aulock 4072. Toned, good VF. ($1000)

516. Rhodes. Circa 230-205 BC. AR Tetradrachm (13.07 gm). Facing radiate head of Helios / Rose with bud; eagle on torch, magistrate ΘΑΡΣΤΑΣ. SNG Helsinki 550. Near EF. ($1000)

521. Uncertain D y n a s t Circa 500460 BC. AR Stater (9.81 gm). Xanthos mint? Flying Pegasos left on round shield / Triskeles; monogram and pellet. Obverse of SNG von Aulock 4089 / Reverse of SNG Berry 1172 Good VF, oblong flail. (S500)

517. Rhodes. Circa 125-88 BC. AR Drachm (2.75 gm). Radiate head of Helios / Rose; radiate sun, magistrate ΑΝΤΑΙΟΣ. Cf. BMC Caria pg.256, 292 (hemidrachm). Unrecorded as a drachm. Mint State. ($600)

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522. Uncertain Dynast. Circa 500-460 BC. AR Stater (9.87 gm). Flying Pegasos left on round shield / Triskeles. SNG von Aulock 4089. Good VF. ($500)

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527. Mithrapata. Circa 380-370 BC. AR Stater (9.55 gm). Lion scalp / Triskeles; dynast's name and dolphin around. Olçay-M0rkholm, Podalia Hoard (NumChron 1971), 98/97 (same dies); SNG von Aulock 4241. EF. ($800)

523. Uncertain Dynast. Circa 500-460 BC. AR Stater (9.85 gm). Hying Pegasos right on round shield; monogram below / Triskeles; monogram. SNG von Aulock 4090. Good VF. ($500)

528. Trbbenimi. Circa 380-370 BC. AR Stater (9.71 gm). Facing lion's scalp / Triskeles; dynast's name around. Olçay-M0rkholm, Podalia Hoard (NumChron 1971), 123 (same dies); SNG von Aulock 4214. EF. ($800)

Rare Stater of the Dynast Kuprlli

529. Trbbenimi. Circa 380-370 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.04 gm). Facing lion's scalp / Triskeles; dynast's name around. SNG von Aulock 4215; SNG Copenhagen 29. Good VF. ($300)

524. Kuprlli. Circa 485-460 BC. AR Stater (9.75 gm). Leaping dolphins, tête-beche; triskeles above and below, monogram / KO, triskeles; lotus, all in dotted square. Cf. SNG von Aulock 4092 (anonymous issue); Morkholm 2. Good VF. ($15TO) The dolphins type are undoubtedly taken from the 6th century BC staters attributed to the island of Karpathos off the coast of Caria.

530. Perikles. Circa 380-360 BC. AR Stater (9.83 gm). Bearded laureate head facing / Nude warrior with sword and shield; triskeles. SNG von Aulock 4252. Good VF, original hoard patina. ($750)

Rare Aspendos Stater; Ex Hunt & Judd

525. Teththiveibi. Circa 460425 BC. AR Stater (8.37 gm). Two confronted cocks; monogram / Tetraskeles; dynast's name TTXXE, all in dotted square. SNG von Aulock 4158 variety. Good VF. ($1000)

531. PAMPHYLIA, Aspendos. Circa 460-420 BC. AR Stater (10.71 gm). Nude warrior right with sword and shield; triskeles between legs, Π Υ/ΘΕ to right / E, triskeles; ivy branch. Hunt Sale Π, lot 556 (this coin) - otherwise unpublished. VF. Rare. ($1500) Ex Hunt Collection, Part II (Sotheby's, 21-22 June 2 990), lot 556; Dr. ].Hewitt Judd Collection (Bank Leu Auktion 25,4-5 May 1976), lot 326. Judd tuas the author of the standard reference on U.S. pattern coinage.

526. Teththiveibi. Circa 460-425 BC. AR Stater (9.73 gm). Female head right / Tetraskeles; dynast's name retrograde TÎXXEFTEBE, all in dotted square. SNG Copenhagen 21. Toned VF. ($750) 6


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Lustrous Stater of Kelenderis

532. Aspendos. Circa 370-330 BC. AR Stater (10.89 gm). Two wrestlers grappling; ΦΚ between / ΕΣΤΡΕΔΙΙΥΣ, slinger to right; triskeles in field. SNG von Aulock 4562. Superb EF. ($750)

537. Kelenderis. Circa 425400 BC. AR Stater (10.78 gm). N u d e youth dismounting from rearing horse right / ΚΕΛΕΝ, kneeling goat right with head reverted. SNG Levante 26. Lustrous EF. ($2000)

533. PAMPHYLIA, Perga. Circa 255-240 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.90 gm). Head of Artemis right, quiver at shoulder / ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΟΣ Π ΕΡΓΑ ΙΑ Σ, Artemis standing left, holding wreath and sceptre, stag beside her; E. SNG von Aulock 4656. Toned VF. ($600)

538. Kelenderis. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.12 gm). N u d e youth dismounting from rearing horse right / ΚΕΛ, kneeling goat left with head reverted. BMC Lycaonia etc. pg.55,25. Toned, good VF. ($600) Ex Superior Galleries, 1972 C.O.I.N. Auction, lot 240.

534. CILICIA, A l e x a n d r i a . Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. /E 19mm (8.03 gm). Radiate head of Antiochos on central boss of shield / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ, Zeus standing facing, head left; two monograms. SNG Levante 1831. Good VF, rough dark green patina. ($200)

539. Kelenderis. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Obol (0.89 gm). Forepart of Pegasos right / ΚΕΛ, kneeling goat right. SNG Paris 80. EF. ($300)

540. Kelenderis. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Obol (0.76 gm). Forepart of Pegasos left / ΚΕΛ, kneeling goat right. SNG Paris 98; Pozzi 2818 (this coin). Toned EF. ($350) Ex Pozzi Collection (Nouille 1,14 March 1921), lot 2818.

535. CILICIA, Kelenderis. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.68 gm). Nude youth dismounting from rearing horse left / ΚΕΛΕ, kneeling goat left with head reverted. SNG Levante 18. Toned VF. ($2M)

536. Kelenderis. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.92 gm). N u d e youth dismounting from rearing horse left / ΚΕΛΕΝ, kneeling goat right with head reverted. SNG Levante 21. Toned, good VF. ($500)

541. CILICIA, Mallos. Circa 385-333 BC. AR Stater (9.72 gm). Head of Aphrodite, hair in sphendone / ΜΑ(ΛΛΩΤΗΣ), head of satrap wearing leather cap. SNG Levante 151. Good VF. ($750)



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547. CAPPADOCIA. Lot of seven AR Drachms of the Cappadocian Kings. Includes the following: Ariarathes V (2 coins) / / Ariarathes VI / / Ariarathes VII / / Ariobarzanes I (3 coins). Lot also includes another, but unattributed. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($100)

Rare Cypriote Tetrobol 542. Mallos. Circa 385-333 BC. AR Stater (9.84 gm). Head of Herakles, lion skin around neck / Head of satrap wearing leather cap. SNG Levante 153. Toned, good VF. ($750)

543. CILICIA, Olba. M. Antonius Polemo II. Year 11 (28/29 AD). JE 25mm (13.45 gm). MA PK ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΕΜΩΝΟΣ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ, draped bust of Polemo / ΔΥΝΑΣΤΟΥ ΟΛΒΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΕΝΝΑΤΩΝ ΚΑ I ΛΑΛΑΣΣΕΩΝ ΕΙΑ, throne placed right; triskeles. RPC 3738; SNG von Aulock 5793. EF, green patina. ($750)

548. CYPRUS, Idalion. Stasikypros. Circa 460-450 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.65 gm). Female sphinx seated left, holding a lotus plant in her paws; Cypriot "Sa" in front / Lotus blossom with tendrils; ivy leaf and astragalos at sides. SNG Copenhagen 22; SNG Lockett 3068 (this com). Good VF, faint scratches under old collection toning. Rare. ($2000) Ex Lockett Collection (Glendining's, 22 February 1961), lot 2531; Bernent Collection (Naville VII, 23-24 June 1924), lot 1645; Sir H. Weber Collection, 7697.

An Interesting Stater From Soloi

549. CYPRUS, Kition. Azbaal. Circa 449-425 BC. AR Stater (10.84 gm). Herakles advancing right, brandishing club and bow / Lion bringing down stag, all in dotted square. SNG Copenhagen 9. Toned VF. Rare. ($500)

550. Kition. Pumiathon. Circa 361-312 BC. AV Hemistater (4.11 gm). Year 46 (316 BC). Herakles advancing right, brandishing club and bow; ankh / Lion bringing down stag; date to right. Babelon, Traité Π, 1242. Toned VF. ($1000)

544. CILICIA, Soloi. Circa 465-350 BC. AR Stater (10.68 gm). Kneeling Amazon stringing bow; satyr head behind / ΣΟΛΕΩΝ, grape cluster with tendril; fly, all in dotted square. SNG Levante 40/38. Good VF.


551. SYRIA, Chalkis. Lysanias. 40-36 BC. JE 21mm (5.93 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemaios; monogram / (ΛΥΣΑΝ)ΙΟΥ TETPA(PXOY KAI APXΙΕΡΕΩΣ), Athena standing facing left, holding Nike and shield; monogram. RFC 4770. Good VF, dark green patina. ($250) 545. CI LICIA, Tarsos. Datames. 378-372 BC. AR Stater (10.08 gm). Female head facing slightly left, wearing necklace / Bearded male head wearing crested Athenian helmet, three feathers on visor; Cilician "TRDMW" (‫־‬Datames) before. SNG Levante 78; SNG France 2,266. Toned, near EF. Reverse tooled, two chips missing from edge of flan. ($250)

546. Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. 361-334 BC. AR Stater (10.96 gm). Baaltars seated, holding grapes, grain, eagle and sceptre; Aramaic letters below / Lion bringing down bull. SNG Levante Supplement 20. EF. ($300)

552. SELEUKID KINGS OF SYRIA. Seleukos I. 312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.09 gm). Seleukeia on Tigris mint. Circa 300-299 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ, Athena Promachos in quadriga drawn by elephants; monograms, anchor above. Newell, ESM 69. VF. ($2000)

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553. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.58 gm). Seleukeia on Tigris mint. Circa 296-294 BC. Laureate head of Zeus / Athena Promachos in quadriga d r a w n by elephants; monograms in exergue. Newell, ESM 48. Good VF, old toiling, fields rather porous. ($1500)

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557. Seleukos Π. 246-226 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.72 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head of Seleukos right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ right, ΣΕΛΕ-ΥΚΟΥ left, Apollo seated left on omphalos, holding arrow in right hand, bow in left; monogram left, UP right. Newell, WSM1029; Houghton 59 (same obverse die). Toned VF. ($250)

Two Rare Seleukid Fractions

554. Seleukos 1.312-280 BC. AR Hemidrachm (2.00 gm). Susa mint. Circa 300 BC. Helmeted head of Seleukos / Nike constructing trophy; Η AX below. Newell, ESM 419; see Houghton, "Notes on the Early Seleucid Victory Coinage of Tersepolis"', SNR 59, pp.5-14. Good VF. Rare. ($15M)

555. Antiochos 1.312-261 BC. AR Drachm (4.03 gm). Aï Khanoum mint. Circa 285-261 BC. Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΉΟΧΟΥ, Apollo seated on omphalos; monogram. Newell, ESM 698. Good VF, rough surfaces. ($300) See Kritt, Seleucid Coins ofBactria.for the attribution of this series of coins to Aï Khanoum, an otherivise unidentified Indo-Greek city in Baktria.

558. Seleukos II. 246-226 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.06 gm). Apamea mint. Diademed head of Seleukos right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ right, ΣΕ-ΛΕΥΚΟΥ left, Apollo standing left, holding arrow and resting left elbow on tripod; monograms in left and right field. Newell, WSM 1146, pl.35,1 (same obverse die); Houghton 427 (same obverse die). Toned VF. ($250)

559. Antiochos III. 223-187 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.94 gm). Antioch mint? Circa 200 BC. Diademed head; one diadem end draped over shoulder, the other flutters behind / Apollo seated on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; tripod to left, "spectacles" in exergue. Cf. Newell, WSM 1096c Good VF, recently cleaned. ($300) The tripod symbol is found on tetradrachms of Antiochos III from Antioch, dated to the middle part of his reign by Newell. However, the exergue symbol is unrecorded, and the portrait style in no way marks this coin as an issue of the central mint of Antioch, nor does it resemble any other issue ofan official mint. At this time (202-198 BC) Antiochos was conducting his overwhelmingly successful assault on the Ptolemies of Egypt, quickly depriving them of all their possessions in Phoenicia and Palestine. The crudely prepared dies of this coin may mark it as an unofficial issue struck in the nam ofAn tiochos and reflecting the neivly expanded sphere of influence of the Seleukid kingdom.

556. Antiochos 1.280-261 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.75 gm). Seleukeia on Tigris mint. Circa 274-270 BC. Diademed head of Antiochos / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated left on omphalos; monograms in left and right fields. Newell, ESM 149 variety (the right monogram inverted). VF, cleaned. (5250) 560. Antiochos III. 223-187 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.92 gm). Antioch mint. Circa 200-187 BC. Diademed head / Apollo seated on omphalos, holding arrow and bow; cornucopiae to left. Newell, WSM 1118 (same obverse die). Good VF. (5250)

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561. Antiochos IV. 175-164 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.36 gm). Struck circa 169-164 BC. Antioch mint. Diademed and bearded head of Zeus right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΉΟΧΟΥ right, ΘΕΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ left, ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ in exergue, Zeus seated left on throne, holding Nike and sceptre. Newell, SMA 63; Houghton 107 (same obverse die). Toned VF. Very Rare. ($1000)

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565. Antiochos VII. Second Reign. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.48 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΉΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕTOY, Athena Nikephoros standing left, holding Nike and spear; monog r a m / A to left. Newell, SMA 282; Houghton—. Good VF. ($250)

566. Antiochos VII. Second Reign. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.44 gm). Antioch mint Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΉΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, Athena Nikephoros standing left, holding Nike and spear; monogram/A to left, Δ to right. Newell, SMA 288; Houghton—. Good VF. ($250)

562. Demetrios 1.162-150 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.48 gm). Year 161 (152151 BC). Antioch mint. Diademed head of Demetrios right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ right, ΔΗΜΗ-ΤΡΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗ-ΡΟΣ left, Tyche seated left holding sceptre and cornucopiae, Nike u n d e r throne; two monograms left, AEPin exergue. Newell, SMA 117 (same obverse die as 118, pl.6,118); Houghton 158 (same ob($3M) verse die); SNG Lockett 3132 (this com). Toned, good VF. Ex Lockett Collection (Clendining's, 21-23 February 1961), lot 2591; Pozzi Collection (Naville 1,14 March 1921), lot 2969.

567. Antiochos VII. Second Reign. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Antioch mint Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΉΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, Athena Nikephoros standing left, holding Nike and spear; m o n o g r a m / A to left, Η to right. Newell, SMA 289; Houghton—. Good VF. ($250)

563. Demetrios II. Second Reign. 129-125 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.39 gm). Year 185 (128-127 BC). Damascus mint. Diademed and bearded head of Demetrios right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ right, ΘΕΟΥ ΝΙΚΑΤΟΡΟΣ left, Zeus seated left on throne, holding Nike and sceptre; ΞΔ below throne, ΕΠΡ in exergue. Newell, LSM 70, pl.IX, 70 (same obverse die); Houghton 838 variety. Toned, good VF, very light graffiti before face. ($500)

568. Antiochos VII. Second Reign. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.24 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANΉΟΧΟΥ right, ΕΥΕΡ-ΓΈΤΟΥ left, Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear, left hand resting on shield; monogram and A to left. Newell, SMA 564. Antiochos VI. Year 169 (144/143 BC). AR Drachm (4.09 gm). Antioch mint. Radiate and diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΉΟΧΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ, Apollo seated left on omphalos; monogram, STA and date below. Newell, SMA 236. Toned EF. ($250)

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569. Antiochos VII. Second Reign. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.62 gm). Antioch mint Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΠΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, Athena Nikephoros standing left, holding Nike and spear; monogram/A to left, Φ to right. Newell, SMA 292; Houghton 266. Good VF. ($250)

573. Antiochos IX. Fourth Reign. 96-95 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.33 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOV right, ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ left, Zeus seated left holding Nike in right hand, sceptre in left; ΕΛΑ left, Π below throne. Newell, SMA 417; cf. Houghton 352. Good VF. ($250)

570. Antiochos VII. Second Reign. 138-129 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.11 gm). Year 182 (131 /130 BC). Tyre mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΠΟΧΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow, palm over shoulder, club left surmounted by TYP monogram; APE left, ΑΣ and ΒΠΡ right, FP monogram between legs. BMC Syria, pg.70,11. Toned, good VF. ($200)

574. Antiochos X. 94-92 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.12 gm). Antioch mint. Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΠΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΣΕΒΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ, Zeus enthroned left, holding Nike and sceptre; monogram and A to left. Newell SMA 430; Houghton 381. Toned EF. ($450)

575. Tigranes II. 95-56 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.15 gm). Seleukeia on Euphrates mint. Bust of Tigranes; pyramidal points on tiara / Tyche of Antioch, river-god Orontes below; monogram in right field. AC 035; Bedoukian 24. Good VF. ($1000)

571. Antiochos VIII. Second Reign. 121-113 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.57 gm). Ake-Ptolemais mint. Diademed head / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΠΟΧΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ, Zeus Oranios standing left, holding star and sceptre; monogram to left. Houghton 813; Newell, LSM 35. EF. ($350)

Foss has suggested this issue was struckat the mint of Seleukeia, seized by Tigranes from the neighboring kingdom of Commagene, based on stylistic similarities with Commagene coins of the same period. 576. Lot of fifteen Seleukid Tetradrachms. Includes the following: Antiochos ΠΙ / / Demetrios I (3 coins) / / Antiochos VI (posthumous issue) / / Antiochos VII (3 coins) / / Demetrios Π, second reign (2 coins) / / Antiochos VIII (2 coins) / / Antiochos IX / / Philip (2 coins). Lot also ineludes Didrachms of Antiochos VII and Demetrios Π, second reign, and drachms of Seleukos Π, Demetrios I, Antiochos VI, Antiochos VII, and Alexander II. The drachm of Seleukos only Fair, but very rare, the rest grade mostly near VF to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($1000)

572. Antiochos IX. Third Reign, 109-108 BC. AR Drachm (3.80 gm). Tarsos mint. Diademed head of Antiochos right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΠΟΧΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ, Sandan standing atop winged mythical lion; two monograms to left. Cf. Houghton 497; Babelon 1483 variety. VF, rough surfaces. Rare. ($4M)

577. Lot of thirty-six Seleukid/E from the Lindgren Collection. Includes the following (note: all numbers cited are Lindgren III numbers): Seleukos I. 971; 973; 974; 976; 987 / / Antiochos L 988; 990; 993; 994; 995; 996 / / Antiochos II. 998 / / Seleukos II. 1002; 1004; 1005 / / Antiochos Hierax. 1008 / / Antiochosm. 1010; 1011; 1012; A1013a; 1014; 1016; 1019; 1021 / / Achaeos. 1022; 1023 / / Seleukos IV. 1025; 1026; 1029 / / Antiochos IV. 1030; 1032; 1033; 1033a; 1035; A1036A; 1037. Average Fair to VF. All coins plated in Lindgren m. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 36 coins in lot. (S250)



Classical Numismatic

578. Lot of thirty-six Seleukid /E from the Lindgren Collection. Includes the following (note: all numbers cited are Lindgren ΙΠ numbers): Antiochos IV. 1039; 1040; 1042; 1043; 1044; 1046; 1047; 1050; 1051; 1059; 1060; 1062 / / Demetrios 1.1067; 1069; 1070A / / Alexander 1.1073; 1077; 1078; 1082 / / Demetrios Π, first reign. 1083; 1087; 1089 / / Antiochos VH1094; 1096; 1097; 1099; 1101 / / Demetrios Π,second reign. 1104; 1105 / / Alexander Π. 1109 / / Antiochos V m . 1114 / / Antiochos IX. 1115; 1116 / / Antiochos X. 1118 / / Demetrios m . 1120 / / Antiochos ΧΠ. 1123. Average Fair to VF. AU corns plated in Lindgren ΠΙ. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 36 coûts in lot. ($250)

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Rare Tetrobol of Arados

579. Lot of thirty Seleukid JE from the Lindgren Collection. Includes the following (note: all n u m b e r s cited are Lindgren Π numbers): Seleukos I. 1744; 1747; 1749; A1751A; A1753B / / Antiochos 1.1758; 1765 / / Seleukos Π. A1777A / / Seleukos m. 1779 / / Antiochos m. 1783; 1785; 1788; 1789; 1790; 1790A; 1790B; 1790D / / Seleukos IV. 1791 / / Antiochos IV. 1796; 1796A; 1797; 1798; 1800; 1801; 1803; 1805; 1807; 1810; 1811; A1811B. Average Fair to VF. All coins plated in Lindgren II. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($200)

582. Arados. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Tetrobol (3.23 gm). Marine deity (Dagon) with dolphin in each hand; cable border / Galley to right, hippocamp below, all in dotted square. BMC Phoenicia pg.3,7. Good VF, light toning. ($2000) Ex Norman Davis Collection, 280.

580. Lot of thirty-one S e l e u k i d JE from the Lindgren Collection. Includes the following (note: all numbers cited are Lindgren Π numbers): Antiochos IV or V. 1812 / / Demetrios 1.1815; 1816; 1817 / / Alexander I. 1822; 1823; 1828 / / Demetrios Π, first reign. 1831; 1832; 1833; A1835A / / Antiochos VI. A1838A / / Tryphon. A1840A / / Antiochos VH. 1841; 1842; 1845; A1846A / / Demetrios I or Π. 1852; 1853 / / Alexander Π. 1854A; 1855 / / Cleopatra and Antiochos V m . 1861 / / Antiochos Vffl. 1865 / / Antiochos IX. 1868; 1869; A1869A / / A n t i o c h o s ΧΠ. 1874; A1874A / / Tigranes. 1875; 1876; 1877. Average Fair to VF. All coins plated in Lindgren Π. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 31 corns in lot. ($2‫)ש‬

583. Arados. Year 91 (169/168 BC). AR Drachm (4.13 gm). Bee; date and monogram / Stag standing in front of palm tree. BMC Phoenicia pg.21,152. EF. ($300)

581. P H O E N I C I A , Arados. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Stater (10.14 gm). Laureate head of Melkart / Galley to right, waves below, dotted border on three sides, cresœnt-shaped depression below (the harbor of Arados?). BMC Phoenicia pg.4,18. Toned, good VF, die breaks by forehead of Melkart. Rare. ($5‫)ש‬

584. PHOENICIA, Sidon. Early 4th Century BC. AR Half Shekel (6.88 gm). Galley under sail to left / King of Persia standing right, drawing bow; incuse head of Bes to left, incuse head of goat to right. BMC Phoenicia pg.139, 2. Toned Fine. Rare. ($750)

Paul Naster, "La Technique des Revers Partiellement Incus de Monnaies Phéniciennes", in ANS Centennial Publication, pp.503-511, details the unique employmentof combined bas relief and incuse components on coins ofArados, Byblos, Sidon and Tyre, seemingly influenced by Egyptian sculptural technique. While most of the types are self explanatory (e.g., the owl of Tyre, the hunting scenes of Sidon where the prey is shown in incuse), the crescent on the coins of Arados is passed on ivithout comment. In light of Arados' significance as a trading port, and its use ofa galley as a civic badge, it seems likely that tlie incuse aescent is intended to represent the busy harbor at Arados.

Our ne%t sale is C9{Q Auction 43, a mail6idsale, scheduled for September17,1997. Calleither of our officesfor further details!

6 0

585. Sidon. Termes. 355/354-345/344 BC. AR Double Shekel (25.63 gm). Galley to left over waves; small figure at prow / King of Persia in chariot with driver, King of Sidon carrying cultic sceptre walking behind; date above. BMC Phoenicia pg.150,63; J.W. Betlyon, "A New Chronology for the Pre-Alexandrine Coinage of Sidon", ANSMN 21,31. VF, golden toning around devices. Choice, large, round flan. ($600)

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Group, Inc.

Very Rare Stater of Tyre

591. NABATAEA. Obodas III. 30-9 BC. AR Drachm or Denarius (4.54 gm). Jugate busts of Obodas and his queen / Diademed bust of Obodas; year off flan. Meshorer 28ff. Good VF, reverse off-center. ($250) /Is befitting their place astride the trade mutes betiueen east and west, the Nabataeans strove to accomodate the various peoples they dealt ivith on a constant basis. The silver coins of Obodas are the size and weight of an Attic drachm, but analysis of the silver content shows that it is equivalent in value to the Roman denarius.

586. PHOENICIA, Tyre. Circa 450 BC. AR Stater (Dishekel) (13.64 gm). Dolphin leaping over waves; m‫׳‬V®-"thirtieth" (of a mina) / Owl with crook and flail (not outlined) in incuse square. Kraay, ACGC 1047; Traité Π 985. Toned, good VF, some h o m silver. Very rare, possibly the first coinage of Tyre. ($3000) The significance of this piece was first noted by Kraay and Moorey in RN X (1968), "Two Fifth Century Hoards from the Near East"; 1. Jordanian hoard, 88 where it was the only coin of Tyre in a hoard buried around 445 BC. Considering the prominent position that Tyrian coins take in later hoards, the authors concluded that this must have been thefirst issue of coinagefrom that city.

592. ARABIA, Himyarites. Circa 1st Century BC. AR Unit (Drachm?) (5.36 gm). Imitating the New Style coinage of Athens. Laureate male head right within wreath / Owl on amphora; two monograms, all within border of amphorae. SNG ANS 1475; BMC Arabia pg.59,23. VF, h o m silver along edge. ($200)

587. Tyre. Circa 450-400 BC. AR 1 /24 Stater (0.69 gm). Dolphin leaping over waves, murex shell below / Owl with crook and flail in outlined incuse, all in incuse square. BMC Phoenicia pg.227,3. VF. ($200)

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593. BABYLON. Alexandrine Empire. Circa 331-328 BC. AV Double Daric (16.66 gm). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running stance, holding bow and transverse spear / Patterned incuse punch. MIG15; BMC Arabia pg.176,2ff; Carradice 53. VF, flan flaws. ($1000)

588. Tyre. Year 29 (309/308 BC). AR Shekel (8.83 gm). Melkart riding hippocamp, dolphin below / Owl with crook and flail; date. Cf. BMC Phoenicia pg.232,35 (year 28). Toned VF. ($200)

Ex CNG Auction XXVIII (December 8,1993), lot 201.

589. J UDAEA, Herodian Kings. Herod I. Year 3 (40 BC). JE 8 Prutot (6.16 gm). Crested helmet and star flanked by palms / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΗΡΟΔΟΥ, thymiaterion (incense burner); date and monogram. AJC II pg.235,1; Hendin3 486. VF, encrusted green patina. ($400)

594. Alexandrine Empire. Circa 328-311 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.56 gm). Ba'al seated left, holding sceptre / Lion walking left; Γ above. M1G 7i. Good VF, worn obverse die, slightly off-center, hiked collection number on edge. ($250) Ex Ruby Collection, Part II (Superior Galleries, 17-22 June 1974), lot 333.

590. JUDAEA. Bar Kochba Revolt Year 1 (132/133 AD). JE 18mm (6.05 gm). "Year 1 of the redemption of Israel", grapes / "Eleazar the Priest", palm tree. Mildenberg 147 ( O l / R l ) ; Hendin3 681. EF, desert patina. ($750)

595. ACHAEMENID KINGS OF PERSIA. Circa 500-185 BC. AR Siglos (5.34 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice Type IHa, 12-13. Good VF. ($300)


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596. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 485-470 BC. AR Siglos (5.39 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice Ilia, 15 (same dies). Toned, good VF. ($250)

597. Achaemenid Kings. Circa 420-375 BC. AR Quarter Siglos (1.35 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding dagger and bow / Incuse punch. Rosen 679. Fine. Rare. ($150) 601. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. AR Tetradrachm (10.76 gm). Seleukeia mint. Diademed bust left, royal wart on forehead, griffin-headed tore / King seated left, holding Nike and sceptre; Y to left, pellet below throne. Shore—; Sellwood 48.3 variety; De Callatay 61. Toned EF. ($600)

602. Lot of f o u r Parthian AR Tetradrachms. Orodes II. 57-38 BC. Seleukeia mint. (14.51 gm). De Callatay 2. / / (15.48 gm). De Callatay 15. / / (15.26 gm). De Callatay 48. / / (14.32 gm). De Callatay 54. Average Fine to VF, with light graffiti. 4 coins in lot. ($400)

598. A c h a e m e n i d Kings. Circa 5th Century BC. AV Daric (8.31 gm). Persian king or hero right, in kneeling-running stance, holding transverse spear and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice Type nib, 27-28. EF. ($12‫)ש‬

603. Lot of f o u r Parthian AR Tetradrachms. Orodes Π. 57-38 BC. Seleukeia mint. (15.69 gm). De Callatay 2. / / (15.25 gm). De Callatay 15. / / (14.79 gm). De Callatay 54. / / (15.09 gm). De Callatay 61. Average Fine to VF, with light graffiti. 4 coins in lot. ($400) 604. Lot of fifty AR Drachms of Artabanos II of Parthia. 10-40 AD. Average VF. 50 coins in lot. ($750)

605. Lot of twenty AR Drachms of Gotarzes II of Parthia. 40-51 AD. AU Ekbatana mint, all Sellwood 65. Average VF. 20 coûts in lot. ($300)

599. K I N G S OF PARTHIA. Orodes 1.90-77 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.15 gm). Bare-headed bust left with short beard wearing diadem / Archer seated right on throne holding bow, m o n o g r a m above bow. Sellwood 30.2 (Unknown King). Toned EF, light scratches before face. Very nice.


606. Vologases III. 105-147 AD. AR Drachm (3.57 gm). Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust left / Archer seated, no seat to throne; crosses between legs and above bow, monogram. Shore 417; Sellwood 78.8. EF. ($100) 607. Lot of thirty-five AR Drachms of Vologases III of Parthia. 105-147 AD. Average VF. 35 coins in lot. ($600) 600. Orodes 1.90-77 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.22 gm). Bare-headed bust left with short beard wearing diadem / Archer seated right on throne holding bow, monogram above bow. Sellwood 30.7 (Unknown King). Toned EF, light scratches before face. Reverse double struck. ($1000)

608. Lot of four Parthian AR Tetradrachms. Vologases HI. Seleukeia m i n t Diou 436 (October, 124 AD). (13.80 gm). Sellwood 79.17ff. / / Vologases IV. Dustrou 488 (February, 176 AD). (10.50 gm). Sellwood 84.53. / / Olou 490 (July, 178 AD). (13.46 gm). Sellwood 84.68. / / Artemesiou 495 (April, 183 AD). (13.38 gm). Sellwood 84.99. Average good VF. 4 coins in lot. ($600)

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609. Lot of fourteen AR Tetradrachms of Parthia. Includes the following: Phraates IV (3 coins) / / Vardanes I / / Gotarzes Π (6 coins) / / Vologases I / / Pakoros II / / Vologases IV (2 coins). Average VF. 14 coins in lot. ($700) 610. Lot of thirteen AR Tetradrachms of Parthia. Includes the following: Phraates IV (4 coins) / / Gotarzes Π (7 coins) / / Pakoros H / / Vologases IV. Average VF. 13 coins in lot. ($650)

611. Lot of five Parthian AR Drachms. Mithradates I. Sellwood 10.10. / / Mithradates Π. Sellwood 29.1. / / Artabanos II. Sellwood 61.7. / / Sellwood 63.3. / / Pakoros Π. Sellwood 77.8. Average VF. 5 coins in lot. ($200)

612. Lot of thirty-four Parthian AR. Includes the following: Mithradates II. Drachm / / Gotarzes I. Drachm / / Orodes I. Drachm / / Sinatrukes. Drachm / / Mithradates ID. Drachm (2 coins) / / Orodes Π. Tetradraclim / / Tiridates. Tetradrachm / / Phraataces. Tetradrachm; Drachm (3 coins) / / Vönones I. Drachm / / Artabanos Π. Drachm / / Vardanes I. Drachm / / Gotarzes Π. Drachm (2 coins) / / Vologases I. Drachm (4 coins) / / Vonones II. Drachm (2 coins) / / Pakoros II. Drachm / / Vologases III. Drachm (4 coins) / / Parthamaspates. Drachm / / Mithradates IV. Drachm / / Vologases IV. Drachm (3 coins) / / Osroes Π. Drachm.Lot also includes an 7E Drachm of Sanabares, five unattributed AR Tetradrachms of various Parthian kings, and an unattributed Indo-Parthian AR Drachm. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 41 coins in lot. ($4M)

615. Narseh. 293-303 AD. AR Drachm (4.05 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants; diadem and tamgha above. Gobi Π/2; MACW 858. EF. Rare. ($300)

Rare Sasanian Drachm of Vistahm

613. SASANIAN KINGS. Varahran 1.273-276 AD. AR Drachm (4.23 gm). Crowned bust; .‫׳‬. above crown / Fire altar flanked by royal attendants. Gobi 1/1; MACW 835. EF. ($300)

616. Vistahm. 591-597 AD. AR Drachm (4.14 gm). RD= Rayy mint, year 3. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi 1/1; MACW1103. EF. Rare. ($750)

614. Varahran Π. 276-293 AD. AR Drachm (4.27 gm). Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by royal attendants; diadem to left. Gobi 1/1; MACW 843. EF. ($350)

617. Yazdgard III. 632-651 AD. AR Drachm (3.73 gm). SK= Sakastan mint, year 19. Crowned bust / Fire altar flanked by attendants. Gobi Π/2; cf. MACW 1254. Good VF. ' ($150)

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618. Lot of seventeen Sasanian AR Drachms. Shapur I. / / Varahran Π. / / Hormizd Π. / / Shapur Ε / / Shapur ffl. / / Varahran TV.// Yazdegaid I. / / Varahran V. / / YazdegardΠ. / / Peroz. / / Kavad. / / KhusruI (3coins). / / Khusai II (3 coins). Several scarcer rulers in lot. Average Fine to VF. 17 coins in lot. ($3‫)ש‬

Group, Inc.

Very Rare Tetradrachm of Eukratides I

619. CHARACENE. Tiraios II. Year 244 (69/68). AR Tetradrachm (15.42 gm). Diademed and bearded bust right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ T1PA ΙΟΥ ΣΟΤΗΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, nude Herakles seated left, holding club; NIK above, AP below, date in exergue. Le Rider, Syria 36,19; Alram 503; Morkholm, Early Hellenistic Coinage, 643. Toned, good VF, reverse double struck. Rare. ($600)

Rare Euthydemos I Tetradrachm

621. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Merv mint? ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΜΕΓΑΣ above, ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΗΣ below, helmeted and diademed bust / ΗΛΙΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ above, ΚΑΙ ΛΑ ΟΔΙΚΗΣ below, jugate busts of Heliokles and Laodike right; monogram behind. MIG 182a; Bopearachchi Série 15,69-70; Qunduz 245-246. EF, slightly porous surfaces. Remarkable ($6000) high relief Hellenistic portraits. Very Rare. Eukratides usurped powerfrom Antimachos, the desigimted successor to Demetrios. To strengthen his position, and declaring his intentions offounding a dynasty, he struck his "pedigree" coinage, naming his parents - Heliokles and his wife Laodike.

620. INDO-GREEK KINGS OF BAKTRIA. Euthydemos I. Circa 230190 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.61 gm). Panjhir mint? Circa 205-190 BC. Diademed head with y o u t h f u l idealized portrait / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΘΥΔΗΜΟΥ, n u d e Herakles resting on lion skin draped over rock, club on rock by knee; monogram. MIG 94a; Bopearachchi Série 9. EF. ($1500)

622. Lot of four AR Baktrian Tetradrachms of Eukratides I. Includes the following: Balkh m i n t MIG 177j / / Pushkalavati mint. MIG 177dd; MIG 177ee (2 coins). Average VF. 4 coins in lot. ($1500)

'Please print or type your bidsheet clearly. We are not responsible for any errors due to illegible handumting!

623. Eukratides I. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Drachm (4.19 gm). Balkh mint? Diademed bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Dioskouroi on rearing horses; A and monogram. MIG 169; Bopearachchi Série 2E. Good VF. ($350) 624. Lot of five AR Baktrian Tetradrachms. Includes the following: Euthydemos / / Eukratides I (3 coins) / / Heliokles. Average Fine to VF, a few with problems. 5 coins in lot. ($1750) 6 4

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630. Lot of six Baktrian AR a n d / E Lido-Greeks. Agathokleia and Straton L JE Hemiobol. MIG 307a. / / Archebios. AR Drachm. MIG 359a. / / IndoScythians. Vonones and Spalahores. AR Drachm. MIG 682c / / Azilises I. AR Drachm. MIG 802k. / / Hephthalites. JE Drachms. Gobi 198,236 (2 coins). Average VF. 6 coins in lot. ($250)

625. Heliokles 1.145-130 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.86 gm). Pushkalavati mint? Diademed bust / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ ΗΛΙΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ, Zeus holding thunderbolt and sceptre; monogram. MIG 2840; Bopearachchi Série 1U. Good VF, slight flan crack. ($450)

631. PTOLEMAIC KINGS OF EGYPT. Ptolemy I, as Satrap. 323-283 BC. AR Attic Tetradrachm (16.11 gm). Circa 319-315 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeusenthroned left, holding eagle and sceptre; thunderbolt in left field, monogram below. Svoronos 22; SNG Copenhagen 11. VF, light overall corrosion. ($1500)

632. Ptolemy I, as Satrap. 323-283 BC. AR Attic Tetradrachm (17.02 gm). Circa 314-310 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Athena Alkidemos right, with spear and shield; monogram, EY and eagle in field. Svoronos 44; SNG Copenhagen—; Zervos, ANSMN13, issue XV. Toned, good VF. Rare. ($800)

626. IN DO-SCYTHIAN KINGS OF BAKTRIA. Azes I. Circa 57-30 BC. AR Tetradrachm (9.74 gm). Bannu mint? ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΖΟΥ, king standing left, holding filleted sceptre / Legaid in Karosthi; Nike right; monogram. MIG 737a. EF. ($500)

627. Lot of twenty-two Baktrian AR. Includes the following: Euthydemos I. Tetradradim / / Eukratides I. Obol / / Antimachos. Dradim (2 coins) / / Apollodotos I. Drachm (5 coins) / / Menander. Drachm (4 coins) / / Antialkidas. Drachm (3 coins) / / Apollodotos II. Drachm (3 coins) / / Hermaios. Tetradrachm (2 coins); Drachm. Lot also includes two IndoScythian Dradinis of Azes I, an Indo-Parthian Drachm of Visvassimha, an extremely rare Hemidradmi of King Sapadbizes of the Yueh-Chih in Sogdiana, an Obol of King Hyrkodes of the Dahae in Scythia, and four unattributed Indo-Greek coins of Baktria. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 31 coins in lot. ($350)

633. Ptolemy I, as Satrap. 323-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.69 gm). Circa 310-305 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Athena Alkidemos right, with spear and shield; monograms and eagle in field to right. Svoronos 125; SNG Lockett 3383 (this coin). EF, attractive old cabinet toning. ($1000)

628. Lot of fifteen Indo-Baktrian AR and JE. Menander. Diademed bust, heroic bust and helmeted bust. Drachms (5 coins). / / Antialkides. Dradim. / / Philoxenos. Drachm. / / Archebios. Drachm. / / Hermaios. Draduns (2 coins). / / Azes I. Tetradrachm. / / Dradims (2 coins). / / "Soter Megas". JE (2 coins). Several rare rulers included in this lot. Average Fine to VF, most nicely toned. 15 coins in lot. ($450)

Ex Lockett Collection (Glendining's, 21-23 February 1961), lot 2770; Cartimght Collection, lot 929. 629. Lot of six Baktrian Electium and AR. Indo-Greeks. Apollodotos. AR Drachm. MIG 207a. / / Antialkidas. AR Dradims. Diademed bust. MIG 275b. / / Wearing kausia. MIG 277d. / / Helmeted bust. MIG 279. / / Kushan. "Kidara". EL Dinar. Gobi 617. / / Afghanistan. AR Half Rupee. KM 902. Average VF. 6 coins in lot. ($200) 6 5

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Group, Inc. Two Choice Oktadrachms of Ptolemy IV

634. Ptolemy I, as Satrap. 323-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.64 gm). Circa 310-305 BC. Head of Alexander, wearing elephant headdress; countermark: scorpion / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Athena Alkidemos right, with spear and shield; three monograms and eagle in field. Svoronos 146; SNG Copenhagen 18. Toned, good VF, light graffiti. Very unusual countermark! ($600)

637. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. AV Oktadrachm (27.75 gm). Radiate and diademed bust of Ptolemy, aegis on cloak, trident over shoulder / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, radiate and filleted cornucopiae; ΔΙ below. Svoronos 1117; SNG Copenhagen 196. Choice EF. ($12,000) Ex Sotheby's Zurich (26 October 1993), lot 82.

635. Ptolemy 1.323-283 BC. AR Tetradraclim (14.26 gm). Signed by the artist Δ. Circa 305-283 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy; tiny Δ behind ear / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle on thunderbolt; Ρ and monogram. Svoronos 255; SNG Copenhagen 70. Good VF, attractive old toning. ($600)

636. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AR Dekadrachm (34.26 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Arsinöe Π; Y behind / ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, double comuacopiae bound with fillet. Svoronos 508, SNG Berry 1474. Good VF, smoothed patch of horn silver on edge. ($1750) Ex CNG Auction XXVIII (December 8,1993), lot 207.

638. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. AV Oktadrachm (27.86 gm). Diademed and veiled head of Arsinöe Π; Λ behind / ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ Φ1ΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, double comuacopiae bound with fillet. Svoronos 1165; BMC Ptolemies pg-45, 35. Choice EF. ($6000) Ex Sotheby's Zurich (26 October 1993), lot 83.

If you would fifçe to chec/^onyour Bids, Trices realized wifiße avaiiaßle the Monday after the sale!

639. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. AR Tetradraclim (14.21 gm). Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1489; SNG Copenhagen 265. Good VF, light graffiti. ($250)

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640. Ptolemy VI. Year 88 of Arados (172/171 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.39 gm). Arados m i n t Diademed head of Ptolemy / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1110; Merkholm, NNÄ1975-76,138. Near EF, light scrape on cheek. ($5‫)ש‬

Group, Inc.

645. Kyrene. Circa 308-277 BC. AR Didrachm (7.38 gm). Rhodian standard. Head of Kameios left / KY-PA, silphium plant; monogram in upper left field, star in upper right. BMC Cyrenaica pg.52,238 (pl.XXll, 3, same reverse die); SNG Lockett 3475. Toned VF, h o m silver on reverse. ($250)

646. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 270-260 BC. AV Stater (7.40 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right. Jenkins and Lewis Group Vn, 347ff. VF, flan crack, scrapes. ($750)

641. Ptolemy VI. Year91 of Arados (169/168 BC). AR Tetradrachm (14.07 gm). Arados mint. Diademed head of Ptolemy / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, eagle on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1207; Morkholm, NNÂ1975-76,167. Choice EF, slight roughness along edge. ($500)

642. Lot of eleven Ptolemaic AR Tetradrachms. Includes the following: Ptolemy II (2 corns) / / Ptolemy III / / Ptolemy VI / / Ptolemy VIII (2 coins) / / Ptolemy IX / / Ptolemy X / / Ptolemy XII (3 coins). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($500) 647. Carthage. Circa 264-241 BC. JE 22mm (7.20 gm). Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horse standing right, palm tree behind; " T " . SNG Copenhagen 356; Müller 159. EF, brown patina. ($250)

Rare Libyan Revolt Shekel

643. KYRENAIKA, Kyrene. Circa 550-525 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.04 gm). Silphium plant with two leaves and three stalks; to left, a bird's head facing outward; to right, a silphium fruit / Oblong incuse divided into quarters, uncertain markings in quarters. Rosen 758 (this coin); Babelon, Traité pl.LXIΠ, 8 (this coin); BMC Cyrenaica pl.1,11 (this com). Toned VF. Extremely Rare. ($50‫)ש‬

648. ZEUGITANIA, Libyan Revolt. Circa 241-238 BC. Billon Shekel (7.48 gm). Head of Herakles left wearing lion skin / Lion walking right; Punic "M" above. SNG Copenhagen 242; Carradice and La Niece, "The Libyan War and Coinage", NumChron 1988, pp.32-52. Toned EF. ($750) Ex Pipito Collection (Superior Galleries, 12-14 December 1987), lot 681. At the end of the First Punic War in 246 BC, Carthage found herself confronted with a dilemma. Large numbers of Greek, Italian and African mercenaries had been hired to pursue the war with Rome, and new Carthage, defeated and bankrupt, did not have any moneyfor the pay owed to them. Rebellion broke out in Sardinia and Africa. The latter situation became critical -when one of the leaders, Matho, a native Libyan, inspired the native population to join the mercenaries against thär Punic Carthaginian overlords.

644. Kyrene. Circa 331-322 BC. AV Stater (8.60 gm). KYP(ANION), charioteer driving quadriga right; star above / Zeus Lykaeos enthroned left, holding lotus sceptre; eagle flying upwards, magistrate ΙΑΙΟΝΟΣ. Naville 26; Boston MFA 1322 (same dies). VF, minor field marks. ($20‫)ש‬ Ex Garrett Collection, Part III (Numismatic Fine Arts/Bank Leu, 29 March 1985), lot 107.

Military unrest became a nationalist war of liberation. Coins were struck in the name of Libya and "M ", which has been taken as either "machanat "-the Canrp (of the mercenaries), or perhaps Matho, their leader. The first issues were apparently on overstruck Carthaginian silver shekels, but later issues arefound on neivly prepared flans, although the fineness of the silver seems to vary greatly. Hamilcar Barm, the great Carthaginian general,finally suppressed the revolt in 238 BC.

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649. ZEUGITANIA, Carthage. Circa 215-205 BC. /E 19mm (7.48 gm). South Italian mint, possibly Lokroi. Wreathed head of Tanit left / Horsehead right. Laffaille 644 (this coin); SNG Copenhagen 372; Robinson, NumChron 1964,5. VF, dark green patina. ($300)

653. Lot of twenty-eight Spanish JE. Includes the following: Pre-Roman: Carissa / / Carmo / / Carteia (2 corns) / / Carthago Nova / / Castulo (4 coins) / / Celsa / / Corduba / / Ebusus / / Emporiai / / Gades / / Lepida / / Obulco / / Saguntum (2 coins) / / Ulia / / Roman Spain: Carteia. Tiberius / / Carthago Nova. Divus Augustus; Tiberius (2 coins) / / Celsa. Augustus / / Emerita. Ehvus Augustus / / Julia Traducta. Augustus / / Segobriga. Caligula / / Turiaso. Tiberius. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 28 coins in lot. ($250)

Rare Denarius of Juba II

654. Lot of twelve AR of Gaul and Italy. Gaul. Auriol Hoard type. Obol. / / Massalia. 4th century Obol. / / 2nd century Drachm. / / Campania, Neapolis. Nomos. / / Calabria, Tarentum. N o m o s (owl symbol), Litra, Diobol, Tritartemorion. / / Lucania, Metapontion. Nomos (tong symbol). / / Thourioi. Nomos, Diobol. / / Bruttium, Terina. Diobol. Average Fine, the Metapontion nomos is Good VF, struck from worn dies. LOT SOLD AS ($450) IS, N O RETURNS. 12 coins in lot.

650. K I N G S OF MAURITANIA. Juba II. 25 BC-23 AD. AR Denarius (2.28 gm).Year 31 ( 6 / 7 AD). Caesarea in Mauritania mint. REX IVBA, diademed head of Juba right / CAESAREA REG A N XXXI, lion skin, club, quiver and bow. SNG Copenhagen—; Mazard 188 (described as "unique"). VF. Rare. ($500)

655. Lot of thirty-two Celtic AR and JE. Includes the following: Celtic England: Armorican. BiUon Stater (2 coins) / / Attrebates. Verica. AR Unit / / Catuvellauni. Cunebolin. JE 15 / / Iceni. AR Unit (2 coins, 1 of Boudicca) / / Celtic Gaul: Northern Gaul. Potin 15mm / / Eastern Gaul. JE "Wheel" money / / Imitation of Massalia. AR Unit (2 coins) / / Allobriges. AR Quinarius / / Leuci. Potin 17mm (3 coins) / / Pictores. JE Stater / / Remi. Potin 22mm / / Senones. Potin 18mm (2 coins) / / Sequani. AR Unit (2 coins); Potin 20mm; Potin 18mm / / Volcae Arecomici. JE 14 / / Volcae Tectosages. AR Unit (2 coins) / / Danubian Celts: AR Tetradrachm imitating Philip Π (4 coins);/Ε Tetradrachm / / AR Stater;/E 21. Average Fair to VF for types. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 32 coins in lot. ($300)

The use of the attributes of Herakles by Juba is not merely the use of a well known theme, but a claim ofdirect descent from the mythic hero. Herakles fought with and strangled the giant Antaeus as he passed through Libya on his way to gather the golden apples of the Hesperides. Legend claimed that Herakles also dallied with a local maiden named Tingis, whose offspring Sophaxfounded the Mauritanian dynasty. Juba emplwsized his prestigious ancestry even as his African kingdom gradually lost its autonomy to Rome.

656. Lot of ninety-four Italian JE. Mostly Lucania and Bruttium. Lot includes issues from Lucania, Herakleia. / / Metapontion. / / Paestum. / / Thourioi. //Bruttium,BrettianLeague. / / L o k r o i . / / P e t e l i a . / / Rhegion. / / Vibo Valentia. Good variety of types. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 94 coins in lot. ($600)

651. Juba II. 25 BC-23 AD. AR Denarius (2.80 gm). REX IVBA, diademed head / Comucopiae and sceptre; crescent above. SNG Copenhagen 579; Mazard 241. EF, weak strike on edge. ($250)

657. Lot of one hundred twenty-four Italian JE. Mostly Sicilian. Lot ineludes issues from Akragas. / / Alaisa. / / Eryx. / / Gela. / / Himera. / / Kamarina. / / Katane. / / Kentoripion. / / Lilybaion. / / Mamertini. / / Menainon. / / Panormos. / / Syracuse. / / Tauromenion. / / Thermal. / / "Ziz". / / Siculo-Punic. / / Melita. Several scarcer types, including large denominations. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 124 coins in lot. ($750)

658. Lot of one hundred-fifty Italian Λ·. Mostly Central Italy. Lot ineludes issues from Etruria, Populonia. / / Picenum, Ancona. / / Samnium, Aeseniia. / / Fnetani, Larinuni. / / Campania, Cales. / / C a p u a . / / Neapolis. / / Nuceria Alfatenta. / / Teanum Sidianum. / / Apulia, Arpi. / / Butuntum. / / Caelia. / / Luceria. / / Salapia. / / Teate. / / Venusia. / / Caiatia? / / Calabria, Brundisium. / / Orra. / / Graxa. / / Tarentum. / / Uxentum. Many rare cities and unusual types, some remaining unidentified in the references. All important lot for the specialist in Italian bronzes. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 150 coins in lot. ($750)

652. Juba II and Cleopatra Selene. Married 11 AD. AR Denarius (3.14 gm). REX IVBA, diademed head / BACIAICCA ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑ, crown of Isis and sistrum. SNG Copenhagen 570ff; Mazard 319. Superb EF, iridescent toning. ($450)

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Classical Numismatic 659. Lot of thirty AR from Magna Graecia and Sicily. Includes the following: Campania, Cales. N o m o s / / Campania, Hyria. N o m o s / / Campania, Neapolis. Nomos / / Campania, Nola. Nomos / / Campania, Nuceria Alfatema. Nomos / / Apulia, Arpi. Nomos / / Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos; Drachm; Obol / / Lucania, Herakleia. N o m o s / / Lucania, Metapontion. Nomos; Obol / / Lucania, Thourioi. N o m o s (2 coins) / / Lucania, Velia. Nomos (4 coins, 3 of which are fourré) / / Bruttium, Kaulonia. Nomos / / Bruttium, Terina. Hemidrachm / / Sicily, Akragas. Didrachm / / Sicily, Gela. Didrachm; Obol (crystallized and broken) / / Sicily, Leontini. Tetradrachm; Obol / / Sicily, Messana. Tetradrachm / / Sicily, Segesta. Didrachm / / Sicily, Syracuse. Drachm / / Sicily, Siculo-Punic. Tetradrachm (2 coins). Average Fair to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($750)

Group, Inc.

667. Lot of sixteen AR from Northern Greece. Includes the following: Macedon, "Lete." 1 / 8 Stater (4 coins) / / Macedon, Mende. Tetrobol / / Macedon, Tragilos. Hemiobol / / Macedon, Kings. Philip Π. Tetradrachm / / Alexander ΠΙ. Tetradrachm (3 coins); Drachm / / Philip HI. Tetradrachm; Drachm / / Roman Period. Tetradrachm / / Paeonia, Kings. Patraos. Tetradrachm (2 coins). Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($500) 668. Lot of fifty JE of the Black Sea Area. Lot includes issues from Thrace, Istros. / / Olbia (including a cast fish). / / Pantikapaion. / / Bosporos, Phanagoreia. / / Kings of Bosporos. / / Pontos, Amaseia. / / Amisos. / / Chabakta. / / Kabeira. / / Paphlagonia, Amastris. / / Sinope. Several rare types. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 50 cours in lot. ($450)

660. Lot of twenty-seven South Italian and Sicilian miscellaneous JE. Includes the following: Campania, Cales / / Campania, Neapolis (2 coins) / / Bruttium, Rhegion (3 coins) / / Bruttium, Terina (2 coins) / / Bruttium, Valentia / / Sicily, Aetna / / Sicily, Akragas (4 coins) / / Sicily, The Campaiii / / Sicily, Gela / / Sicily, Himera (2 coins) / / Sicily, Kentoripe / / Sicily, Lipara / / Sicily, The Mamertini (2 coins) / / Sicily, Messana (2 corns) / / Sicily, Panormos (3 coins). Plus an AR Litra of Panormos and one unattributed JE. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 29 coins in lot. ($3‫)ש‬

669. Lot of thirteen AR and JE of the Black Sea and northern Greece. Moesia, Istros. AR Drachm. / / Black Sea. Mesembria. JE (2 coins). / / Byzantion. AR Siglos. / / Kalchedon in Bithynia. AR Siglos. / / Amisos in Pontos. JE (2 coins). / / Thracian Cherronesos. AR H e m i d r a c h m . / / Macedonian Kings. JE (2 coins). / / Pella. JE. / / Myria, Dyrrhachion. Drachm. / / Thessaly, Larissa. AR Drachm. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 13 coins. ($300)

661. Lot of twenty-seven AR from Southern Italy and Sicily. Includes the following: Campania, Neapolis. Nomos (5 coins) / / Calabria, Tarentum. N o m o s (2 coins) / / Lucania, Herakleia. Nomos; Obol / / Lucania, Metapontion. Nomos (3 coins); Trihemiobol / / Bruttium, Kroton. Nomos (3 coins) / / Sicily, Akragas. Didrachm / / Sicily, Kamarina. Litra / / Sicily, Katane. Litra / / Sicily, Leontini. Pentonkion / / Sicily, Messana. Tetradrachm; Obol (2 coins) / / Sicily, Selinos. Didrachm; Hemidrachm / / Sicily, Syracuse. Philistis. 16 Litrai / / Sicily, Syracuse. Trihemitartemorion. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 27 coins in lot. ($750)

670. Lot of eight JE of Macedon and Thrace. Olbia. JE cast "dolphin". / / Istros. JE cast "arrowheads" or "olive leaves" (5 pieces). / / Macedon under the Romans. JE of the magistrates Fulcinnius and Publilius (2 coins). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins. ($300)

671. Lot of thirty Greek AR of Northern Greece and Mysia. Macedon, "Lete‫״‬. AR 1 / 8 Stater (7 coins). / / Kings of Thrace. Saratokos. AR Trihemiobols (2 coins). Cherronesos. AR Hemidrachms (8 coins). / / Thasos. AR Trihemiobols (4 coins). / / Illyria, Apollonia. AR Drachms (3 coins). / / Mysia, Parion. AR Drachms (6 coins). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins. ($1000)

662. Lot of six early Sicilian JE. Includes the following: Akragas. Trias / / Tetras (2 coins) / / Onkia / / Selinos. Tetras / / Hexas. Average VF for types. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot. ($3(‫ש‬ 663. Lot of twenty-eight Syracusan JE. Includes the following: Period before 357 BC (2 coins) / / 357-344 BC (2 coins) / / Time of Timoleon (6 coins) / / Agathokles (2 coins) / / Hiketas (6 coins) / / Pyrrhos / / Hieran Π (7 coins) / / Hieronymos / / Republic (2 coins). Average Fine to VF, with one of the Hieron's holed. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 28 coins in lot. ($250)

672. Lot of twenty-four Thracian JE. Includes the following: Agathopolis / / Aigospotami / / Istros / / Maroneia (4 coins) / / Mesembria (3 coins) / / Odessos (3 coins) / / Pantikapaion (8 coins) / / Sestos / / Thracian Kings. Lysimachos; Cotys and Rhaescaporis. Lot also includes an unidentified JE of the Thracian Kings and an JE of the Thessalian League. Average Fair to VF. ($200) LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 26 coins in lot.

664. Lot of nine AR and JE of Sicily and North Africa. Sicily, Gela. JE Tetras. / / Syracuse. Agathokles. AR Tetradrachm. Persephone / Nike. / / JE of Agathokles and Pyrrhos (3 coins). / / Siculo-Punic. AR Quarter Shekel. / / JE 17mm. / / Sardinian mint. JE 23mm. / / Carthage. Billon Trihemishekel. Average VF, the tetradrachm with rough surfaces, the trihemishekel encrusted. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins in lot. ($3‫)ש‬

665. Lot of fifteen AR Drachms. Macedon. Alexander ΙΠ. Drachms of various mints, all with different mintmarks and symbols (14 coins). / / Thrace. Lysimachos. Alexander type drachm. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 15 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬

666. Lot of forty-five M a c e d o n i a n JE. Includes the following: Amphipolis (3 coins) / / Apollonia / / Pella (2 coins) / / Thessalonika (6 coins) / / Tragilos / / Amyntas HI (2 coins) / / Philip Π (6 coins) / / Alexander ΙΠ (2 coins) / / Kassander (2 coins) / / Demetrios Poliorketes (5 coins) / / Interregnum / / Antigonas Gonatas (4 coins) / / Philip V (2 coins) / / Perseus (4 coins) / / Autonomous (4 coins). Plus two unattributed JE and an JE 20 of the Roman Quaestor Lucius Fulcinnius. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 48 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬

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673. Lot of fourty-four Greek AR. Includes the following: Campania, Kumae. Obol / / Calabria, Allifae. Obol / / Calabria, Tarentum. Drachm; Trihemitartemorion / / Lucania, Thourioi. Trihemiobol / / Lucania, Velia. Nomos / / Sicily, Katane. Litra / / Sicily, Leontini. Tritetartemorion / / Sicily, Naxos. Litra (edge broken) / / Illyricum, Dyrrhachion. Hemidrachm / / Thrace, Byzantion. Tetradrachm / / Macedonian Kings. Alexander III. Tetradraclim; Drachm (2 coins, one holed) / / Macedonian Kings. Philip HI. Tetradrachm / / Macedon. Tetradrachm / / Boeotia, Thebes. Stater / / Euboea, Histiaia. Tetrobol / / Attica, Athens. Tetradrachm (New Style); Drachm; Diobol / / Aegina. Tetrobol / / Corinth Stater / / Peloponnesos, Elis. Triobol / / Peloponnesos, Sikyon. H e m i d r a c h m / / Argolis, Argos. Hemidrachm / / Ionia,Klazomenai(?). Diobol / / Ionia, Miletos. Drachm; Diobol; Hemiobol / / Caria, Rhodes. Drachm / / Pamphylia, Aspendos. Stater / / Cilicia, Kelenderis. Didrachm / / Cappadocian Kings. Ariobarzanes. Drachm / / Seleukid Kings. Seleukos I. Tetradrachm / / Syria, Seleukis and Pieria. Seleukeia. Tetradrachm / / Asia. Imitating Athens. Tetradrachm (2 coins) / / Phoenicia, Arados. Tetradrachm; Drachm / / Phoenicia, Sidon. Baalshall im Π. Double Shekel / / Babylon, Alexandrine Empire. Tetradrachm / / Characene. Attambelos Π. Tetradrachm (debased) / / Ptolemaic Kings. Arsinöe. Tetradrachm (edge broken) / / Ptolemaic Kings. Libyan Revolt. Shekel. Plus five unidentified A R Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 49 coins in lot. ($1000)

Classical Numismatic

674. Lot of nine AR of Greece. Euboea, Chalkis. Drachm. / / Histiaia. Tetrobol. / / Aegina. T-back turtle. Hemiobol. / / Sikyon.Hemidrachms (2 coins). / / Argolis, Argos. Tetrobol. / / Achaean League. Messene. Hemidrachm. / / Palantion. Hemidrachm. / /Crete, Itanos. Glaukos type. Obol. Average Fine to VF, all with nice old collection toning. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins in lot. ($350)

Group, Inc.

682. Lot of thirty-six Greek /E. Includes the following: Gaul, Massalia / / Gaul, The Remi / / Samnium, Aesernia / / Sicily, Thermal / / Moesia, Dionysopolis (2 coins) / / Thracian Kings. Rhoemetalkes I / / Tauric Chersonese, Pantikapaion / / Thessaly, Halos / / Thessaly, Krannon / / Epeiros, Epeirote Republic / / Phokis. Federal Coinage / / Attica, Eleusis (3 coins) / / Megaris, Megara / / Corinth / / Sikyonia, Sikyon (3 coins) / / Lakonia, Sparta / / Cyclades, Siphnos / / Crete, Knossos (2 coins) / / Bithynian Kingdom. Prusias I / / Mysia, Gambrion / / Mytilene, Lesbos / / Galatia. Amyntas / / Cyprus, Salamis / / Syria, Coele-Syria: Chalkis sub Libano (2 coins) / / Syria, Commagene. Antiochos I / / Pergamene Kingdom / / Persia, Satraps. Tissaphernes / / Melita (2 coins). Plus 22 unattributed Greek /E. Average Fair to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 58 coins in lot. ($500)

675. Lot of seven Greek AR. Includes the foUowing: Calabria, Tarentum. Nomos (2 coins) / / Sicily, Syracuse. S t a t e r / / A kamania, Anaktorion. Stater (2 corns) / / Akarnania, Leukas. Stater / / Carian Islands, Rhodos. Drachm. Average Fine to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($350) 676. Lot of s e v e n G r e e k AR. Includes the following: Lucania, Metapontion. N o m o s / / Lucania, Velia. N o m o s / / Sicily, Akragas. Didrachm / / Akarnania, Leukas. Stater / / Corinth. Stater (3 coins). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($500)

683. Lot of fifteen Greek /E. Pontos, Komana. / / Paphlagonia, Sinope. / / Mysia, Iolla. / / Parion. / / Ionia, Ephesos. / / Magnesia. / / Caria, Syme orSyangela. / / Lydia, Philadelphia. / / Sardeis (2 coins). / / Phrygia, PhilomeÜon (Augustus). / / Pisidia, Antioch. / / Cilicia, Kelenderis. / / Plus two unidentified /E. Several scarce types in this group. Average Fine or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 15 coins in lot. ($250)

677. Lot of seven Greek AR. Includes the following: Lucania, Thourioi. Diobol / / Sicily, Syracuse. Litra / / Macedon. Alexander III. Drachm / / Thrace, Byzantion. Hemidrachm / / Peloponnesos, Argos. Hemidrachm / / Peloponnesos, Sikyon. Hemidrachm / / Zeugitaiiia, Carthage. Quarter Shekel. Average Fine to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($2‫)ש‬

684. Lot of forty-one Greek 7E of Asia Minor. Includes the following: Pontos, Amisos (3 coins) / / Pontos, Phaniakia / / Pontos, Kings of. Aspuagos / / Paphlagonia, Amastris / / Paphlagonia, Sinope / / Bithynian Kingdom. Prusias Π / / Phrygia, Apameia (4 coins) / / Phrygia, Eumenia (2 coins) / / Phrygia, Peltai / / Phrygia, Synnada (2 coins) / / Lycia, Termessos Minor / / Lycian Dynasts. Perikles / / Pamphylia, Perga / / Pamphylia, Side (2 coins) / / Pisidia, Etenna (3 coins) / / Pisidia, Selge (2 coins) / / Pisidia, Tennessos Major / / Cilicia, Adana / / Cilicia, Hierapolis-Kastabala (2 coins) / / Cilicia, Kelenderis / / Cilicia, Korykos / / Cilicia, Mopsos / / Cilicia, Soloi / / Cilicia, Tarsos (4 coins) / / Cilicia, Kings of. Philopator; Tarkondimotos. Plus a Provincial /E of Irenopolis in Cilicia under Valerian I. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 42 coins in lot. ($400)

678. Lot of seventy-five JE of mainland Greece and the Islands. Lot includes issues from Macedon, Amphipolis. / / Thessalonika. / / Macedonian Kings. Amyntas. / / Alexander ΙΠ. / / Kassander. / / Thrace, Maroneia. / / Mesembria. / / Thracian Kings. Lysimachos. / / Korkyra. / / Thessaly, Krannon. / / Magnetes. / / Phalanita. / / Thessalian League. / / Akarnania, Oiniadai. / / Aitolian League. / / Phokis, Elateia. / / Boeotia. / / Euboia, Chalkis. / / Attica, Athens. / / Eleusis. / / Megaris. / / Aegina. / / Corinth. / / Phliasia, Phlius. / / Lakonia,Sparta. / / Messenia. / / Sikyon. / / Elis. / / Crete, Knossos. Several scarce and popular types. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 75 coins in lot. ($750)

685. Lot of forty-two Greek /E of various eastern kingdoms. Includes the following: Bosporos. Sauromates I; Sauromates II; Thothorses; Rheskuporis VI or VII / / Arabia, Nabataea. Aretas IV (3 coins); Rabbel II / / Elymais. Kamnaskires (2 coins); Orodes I; Phraates; Orodes ΙΠ (2 coins); Orodes V (2coins) / / Characene. Attambelos ΙΠ; Binaga(?) / / Parthia. Mithradates Π; Darios; Sanabares / / Baktria. Heliokles; Apollodotos II; Philoxenos / / Indo-Scythian. Azes II (2 coins) / / Indo-Parthian. Pakoros (2 coins); Uncertain King; Sanabares / / Kushan. Soter Megas (7 coins); Vima Kadphises; Kanishka (2 coins); Kadphises Π / / India, Post-Kushan Period. Plus eleven unattributed /E mostly of the Indo-Scythians or Indo-Parthians and an AR Drachm of the Baktrian king Apollodotos I. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 54 coins in lot. ($150)

679. Lot of six G r e e k AR. Macedon. A m y n t a s III. Didrachm. / / Alexander III. Tetradrachm of Alabanda. / / Thrace. Lysimachos. Tetradrachm of Byzantion. (broken and repaired) / / Attica, Athens. 5th century Tetradrachm. (test cut) / / New Style Tetradraclim with Dioskouroi symbol. / / Aegina. Early T-back turtle. Stater. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot. ($6‫)ש‬

680. Lot of thirty-three Greek AR. Includes the following: Spain, Osca. Drachm / / Illyria, Dyrrhachion. Stater; Drachm (3 coins) / / Illyria, Apollonia. Drachm / / Thrace. Cherronesos. Hemidrachm (2 coins) / / Lokris Opuntia. 1/4 Stater / / Euboea, Chalkis. Drachm (2 coins) / / Euboea, Histiaia. Tetrobol (3 coins) / / Aegina. Stater / / Sikyonia, Sikyon. H e m i d r a c h m (4 coins) / / Peloponnesos. Arkadian League. Triobol / / Peloponnesos, Megalopolis / / Achaean League. Aigion. Hemidrachm / / Achaean League. Korone. Hemidrachm / / Bithynia, Kalchedon. Drachm; Hemidrachm / / Pisidia, Selge. Obol / / Cilicia, Tarsos. Obol (5coins) / / Cilicia, Mallos. 1 / 4 Stater / / Cilicia, Uncertain mint. Obol. Plus 17 other unattributed Greek AR. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 50 coins in lot. ($750)

686. Lot of four Satrapal JE. Tissaphernes. Astyra mint. Cahn 1. / / Gamerses. Troas mint (2 coins). Schultz SM 168. I I Spithridates. Troas mint. Traité pl.LXXXIX, 5. Average good VF, the two Gamerses are off-center. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 4 coins in lot. ($300) 687. Lot of one hundred-seventy ΛΕ of Asia Minor. Mostly from Bithynia to Cilicia, with a few miscellaneous pieces mixed in. Ait excellent representative collection of eastern Greek coinage. Little or no duplication of types. For the collector who wishes a wider understanding of Greek bronzes. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 170 coins in lot. ($600)

681. Lot of twenty-one G r e e k AR. Includes the following: ThracoMacedonia. Uncertain mint. Hemiobol / / Thrace, Byzantion. Tetrobol; H e m i d r a c h m / / Thrace, Kallatis. Octobol / / Thrace, Cherronesos. Hemidrachm (3 coins) / / Thrace, Istros. Stater; 1 / 6 Drachm / / Thrace, Odessos. Alexander HI. Tetradrachm / / Thrace, Pseudo-Rhodian. Drachm / / Thessaly, Larissa. Trihemiobol / / Thessalian League. Double Victoriatus / / Carian Satraps. Pixodaros. Didrachm; Drachm / / Caria, Halikamassos. Hemidrachm / / Caria, Knidos. Diobol / / Caria, Rhodes. Drachm (3 coins) / / Rhodian Peraia. Drachm. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 21 coins in lot. ($5‫)ש‬

Tiease‫׳‬Maif'Tour1BidSheet ,Early

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

688. Lot of seventy-four Greek JE from Asia Minor. Includes the following: Troas, Antandros / / Troas, Assos / / Troas, Birytis (3 coins) / / Troas, Gargara / / Troas, Gergis (2 coins) / / Troas, Skepsis / / Mysia, Adramytteion (2coins) / / Mysia, Pergamon (8coins) / / Mysia, Plakia / / Aeolis, Kyme (6 coins) / / Aeolis, Larissa Phrikonis / / Aeolis, Myrina / / Ionia, Ephesos (2 coins) / / Ionia, Erythrae / / Ionia, Klazomenae(2coins) / / Ionia, Kolophon (4 coins) / / Ionia, Larissa / / Ionia, Lebedos / / Ionia, Leukai / / Ionia, Magnesia (2 coins) / / Ionia, Miletos (5 coins) / / Ionia, Samos / / Ionia, Smyrna (6 coins) / / Ionia, Teos / / Lydia, Sardeis (6 coins) / / Caria,Halikarnassos / / C a r i a , K n i d o s ( 3 c o i n s ) / / Caria,Mylasa (3 coins) / / Caria, Rhodes (3coins) / / Caria,Stratonikeia / / Caria,Syangela / / Syria, Seleukis and Pieria: Gabala. Plus the lot includes eight autonomous Provincial JE from various cities in Asia Minor. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 82 coins in lot. ($500)

696. Lot of five Greek AR. Includes the following: Macedonian Kings. Alexander ΙΠ. AR Drachm. Kolophon mint / / Lycia. AR 1 / 6 Stater / / Ionia, Miletos. AR Diobol / / Syria, Seleukid Kings. Philip Philadelphos. AR Tetradrachm / / Persia, Achaemenid Kings. AR Siglos. Lot also contains a Macedonian Kings AR Tetradrachm and AR Drachm, as well as a Celtic AR Unit. Average near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($350)

689. Lot of one hundred-one eastern JE. Syria. Various cities, mostly of Antioch and Seleukeia. / / Seleukid Kings. / / Phoenicia. / / Judaea, ineluding Agrippa U and Bar Kochba. / / Nabataea. / / Ptolemaic Egypt, ineluding an 80 Drachma of Cleopatra VII. / / Indo-Greek. / / Numidia. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 101 coins in lot. ($400)

698. Lot of fourteen AR mostly from Asia Minor and the East Includes the following: Cappadocia. Ariarathes IV. Drachm; Ariobarzanes I. Drachm (3 coins) / / Paphlagonia, Sinope. E>rachm (testait) / / Mysia, Parion. Triobol / / Lesbos, Methymna. Tetrobol / / Syria, Seleukid. Antiochos III. Drachm / / Phoenicia, Arados. Drachm / / Arabia, Himyarites. Denarius; Quinarius / / Persia. Xerxes. Siglos; Artaxerxes II. Siglos / / Numidia. Hiempsal II. Quinarius. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 14 coins in lot. ($350)

697. Lot of four Greek AR. Mysia, Parioa AR Drachm. SNG von Aulock 1318. / / Caria, Knidos. Didrachm. Helios / Lion. / / Maussollos. Drachm. SNG von Aulock 2361. / / Lycian Dynasts. Boar / Incuse punch. SNG von Aulock 4043. Average VF, the Knidos heavily corroded. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 4 coins in lot. ($400)

690. Lot of thirty-six Greek JE from the East. Includes the following: Troas, Alexandria Troas / / Cyprus, Salamis / / Syria, Tryphon (2 coins) / / Syria, Seleukis and Pieria: Antioch (4 coins) / / Syria, Seleukis and Pieria: Silanus, Legate / / Syria, Coele-Syria: Chalkis. Ptolemy (2 coins); Lysanias / / Syria, Coele-Syria: Damascus / / Phoenicia, Arados (6 coins) / / Phoenicia, Berytos (2coins) / / Phoenicia, Kanie / / Phoenicia, Marathos (5coins) / / Phoenicia, Orthosia / / Phoenicia, Sidon (5 coins) / / Phoenicia, Tripolis / / Phoenicia, Tyre (2 coins). Plus two unattributed Greek JE. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 38 coins in lot. ($350)

699. Lot of nine Greek AR. Thrace, Byzantion. Siglos. / / Akarnania, Leukas. Stater. / / Ionia, Ephesos. Tetradrachm. / / Miletos. Drachm. / / Caria, Uncertain mint. Winged female / Baety 1. Stater. / / Satraps. Pixodaros. Drachm. / / Pamphylia, Aspendos.Stater. / / Cilicia, Kelenderis.Stater. / / Arabia, Himyarites. Drachm. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins in lot. ($450)

700. Lot of sixteen AR Drachms. Cappadocian Kings. Ariarathes V. / / Ariarathes IX (3 coins). / / Ariobarzanes I (6 coins). / / Ariobarzanes ΙΠ (2 coins). / / Ariarathes X. / / Parthian Kings. Artabanos Π. / / Vardanes U. / / Vologases IV. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($350)

691. Lot of twelve mostly Greek JE. Includes the following: Campania, Neapolis / / Campania, Suessa Aurunca / / Lucania, Velia / / Sicily, Syracuse. Hieron II / / Boeotia, Thebes / / Rhodes / / Syria, Seleukid (3coins) / / Arabia, Nabataea. Rabbel Π / / Egypt, Ptolemaic. Cleopatra VH / / Zeugitana, Carthage. Plus lot includes a Byzantine Follis of Constans and an unattributed seal. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 14 coins in lot. ($2‫)ש‬

701. Lot of ten Greek coins. Includes the following: Calabria, Tarentum. AR Fraction / / Macedon. Philip ΙΠ. AR Drachm / / Thessaly, Lamia. AR Hemidrachm / / Thessaly, Larissa. Drachm / / A k a r n a n i a , Anaktorion / / Troas, Kebren. /E 9 / / Paphlagonia, Sinope. JE2Q / / Caria, Rhodes. AR Drachm / / Egypt, Ptolemaic. Ptolemy X. AR Tetradrachm; Ptolemy ΧΠ. AR Tetradrachm. Lot also includes an Hellenistic AR and two Republican coins, one /Ε and one AR that appears to have been mounted. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 13 coins in lot. ($350)

692. Lot of eight Greek AR Tetradrachms. Includes the following: Mysia, Pergamon (2 coins) / / Aeolis, Kyme (2 coins, one of which is fourré) / / Aeolis, Myrina (holed and plugged) / / Ionia, Ephesos / / Phrygia, Laodikeia / / Pamphylia, Side. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($250)

693. Lot of eleven AR of eastern kings. Cappadocian Kings. Drachms of: Ariarathes IX. / / Ariobarzanes I. / / Achaemenid Kings. Sigloi (2 coins). / / Parthian Kings. Drachms of: Mithradates Π. / / Orodes I. / / Vologases I. / / Sasanian Kings. Drachms of: Honnizd IV. / / Khusru Π (3 coins). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($2‫)ש‬ 694. Lot of fifteen Greek AR. Includes the following: Gaul, Massalia. Obol / / Thrace, Byzantion. Hemidrachm / / Boeotia, Thebes. Stater (2 coins); Hemidrachm / / Corinth. Stater / / Aegina. Triobol / / Crete, Gortyna. Drachm / / Paphlagonia, Sinope. Drachm (2 coins) / / Pamphylia, Aspendos. Stater (2 coins) / / Cilicia, Kelenderis. Stater / / Cilicia, Tarsos. Datames. Stater / / Zeugitania, Carthage. 1 / 5 Shekel. Average Fine to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 15 coins in lot. ($2‫)ש‬

702. Lot of thirty coins of various eastern kingdoms, mostly Parthian AR. Includes the following: Syria, Seleukid Kings. Drachm / / Persia, Achaemenid Kings. AR Siglos / / Characene. /E Tetradrachm / / Arabia, Himyarites. AR Quinarius / / Parthia. Tetradrachms (2 coins); Drachms (17 coins);JE\7 / / Baktria,Indo-GreekKings.Tetradrachm;Drachms(3coins); Obols (2 coins). Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($350)

703. Lot of thirty Greek AR from the East Includes the following: Lydia, Persian Rule. Siglos / / Persian Empire. Siglos (6 coins) / / Phoenicia, Arados. Tetradrachm (2 coins); Stater (7 coins); Diobol; 1/12 Shekel / / Phoenicia, Byblos. 1 / 8 Shekel (3 coins) / / Phoenicia, Sidon. 1 / 8 Shekel (3 coins) / / Phoenicia, Tyre. Shekel; Didrachm; 1/12 Shekel / / Elymais. Kamnaskires VI. Potin Tetradrachm / / Persis. H e m i d r a c h m / / Arabia, Sabaeans and Himyarites. 1 / 3 Unit. Plus an unattributed tetradrachm and three unattributed AR fractions. Average Fair to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 34 coins in lot. ($500)

695. Lot of five Greek Ali. Campania, Neapolis. AR Nomos. / / Kings of Macedon. Alexander III. AR Tetradrachm of Arados. / / Kings of Cappadocia. Ariobarzanes I. AR Drachm. / / Parthian Kings. Vardanes I. AR Drachm. / / Egypt, Alexandria. Nero. Billon Tetradrachm. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 5 corns in lot. ($3‫)ש‬ 6


Classical Numismatic 704. Lot of thirty-four AR. fllyria, Dyrrhachion. Drachms (2 coins). / / Paphlagonia, Sinope. Siglos. / / Ionia, Ephesos. Drachm. / / Samos. Obol. / / Lycia, Rhodiapolis. Drachm. / / Cyprus, Paphos. Drachm. / / Diobols and Obols, mostly from the Cilician cities of Kelenderis, Nagidos, Soloi and Tarsos (27 COÛTS). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 34 coins in lot.


705. Lot of twenty Greek AR Fractions. Mysia, Kyzikos. Trihemiobols (3 varieties). / / Aeolis, Kyme. Hemiobol. / / Ionia, Kolophon (4 fractions). / / Smyrna. Diobol. / / Teos. Obol and Hemiobol. / / Samos. Diobol. / / Pisidia, Selge. Trihemiobol. / / Cilicia, Kelenderis. Obol. / / Nagidos. Obol. / / Tarsos. Obol. / / Plus 4 fractions from unidentified mints. AIT excellent starter collection of eastern fractional silver. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($4TO)

Group, Inc.

711. Lot of fifty-five JE of the Hellenistic Monarchies. Includes the following: Syria, Seleukid Kings: Seleukos I / / Antiochos II (4 coins) / / Seleukos Π / / Antiochos Hierax (2 coins) / / Seleukos ΙΠ / / Antiochos ΙΠ (5 coins) / / Antiochos IV (4 coins) / / Antiochos IV or V / / Demetrios I / / Alexander I / / Demetrios Π (2 coins) / / Antiochos VI (4 coins) / / Tryphon / / Antiochos VII (4 coins) / / Alexander Π / / Antiochos V m (4 coins) / / Antiochos IX (5 coins) / / Demetrios III (4 coins) / / Antiochos XI / / Antiochos XII / / Egypt, Ptolemaic Kings: Ptolemy Π (3 coins) / / Ptolemy VI (3 coins) / / Cleopatra VII. Lot also includes an /E 27 of Antiochos IV of Commagene and an /E19 of the rebel Magas of Cyrene. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 57 coins in lot. ($500)

712. Lot of nine Hellenistic AR Tetradrachms and Drachms. Macedon. Alexander HI. AR Tetradrachms of Tarsos (2 coins). / / Seleukid Kings. Antiochos Π. Tetradrachm. / / Demetrios I. Drachm. / / Imitative Drachm. / / Alexander I. Drachm. / / Antiochos VII. Drachm. / / Antiochos IX. Tetradrachm. / / Late Ptolemaic Tetradrachm. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins in lot. ($450)

706. Lot of twenty-one eastern AR. Mysia, Kyzikos. AR Fractions, ineluding a rare Attis head Hemiobol (6 coins). / / Ionia, Miletos. Diobols (2 coins). / / Chios. Didrachm. / / Caria, Knidos. Diobol. / / Kos. Hemidrachm. / / Rhodes. Drachm. / / Uncertain Carian mints. AR Fractions (3 coins). / / Pisidia, Selge. Trihemiobols (2 coins). / / Cilicia, Kelenderis. Diobol. / / Tarsos. Datames. Stater. / / Uncertain Cilician mints. Diobol and Obol. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 21 coins in lot. ($500)

713. Lot of nine Hellenistic AR Tetradrachms. Includes the following: Macedonia. Alexander III (banker's marks) / / Thrace, Thasos / / Syria, Seleukid. Demetrios Π; Philip / / Baktria. Hermaios / / Indo-Scythia. Azes I I I Egypt, Ptolemaic. Ptolemy I; Ptolemy Π; Ptolemy VIE. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins in lot. ($650)

707. Lot of twenty-three AR and EL. AR Tetradrachm of Alexander ΙΠ. / / AR Drachms of Cappadocian Kings (4 coins). / / AR Persian Sigloi (2 coins). / / Greek AR Fractions, Mysia through Cilicia (12 coins). / / AR Denarii of Septimius Severus (3 coins). / / EL Histamenon of Michael VII. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 23 coins in lot. ($300)

714. Lot of ten AR and JE of Syria and Egypt Seleukid Kings. Demetrios II. AR Tetradrachm, Drachm. / / Antiochos VI. JE Serrate 22mm. / / P h i l i p Philadelphos. AR Tetradrachms (2 coins). / / Ptolemaic Kings. Ptolemy I. AR Tetradrachm. / / Ptolemy IV. AR Tetradrachm, JE 36mm. / / Ptolemy ΧΠ. AR Tetradrachm. / / Cleopatra VII. AR Tetradrachm. Average VF, all the silver with porosity or encrustation. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($400)

708. Lot of twenty-three AR from Asia Minor. Includes the following: Mysia, Kyzikos. Trihemiobol (2 coins); Hemiobol (2 coins); Trihemitartemorion / / Mysia, Lampsakos. Trihemiobol / / Mysia, Parion. 3 / 4 Drachm (3 coins); Hemidrachm (4 coins) / / Ionia, Ephesos. Tetradrachm; Drachm / / Ionia, Klazomenae. Diobol (2 coins) / / Ionia, Kolophon. Tetartemorion / / Ionia, Miletos. 1 /12 Stater / / Ionia, Phokaia. Hemidrachm / / Ionia, Teos. Trihemiobol; Tetartemorion / / Lycian Dynasts. Uvug. Trihemiobol. Lot also includes an Alexander ΠΙ Drachm from the mint of Miletos, and two Drachms of Arados in Phoenicia. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 26 coins in lot. ($250)

7i5. Lot of thirty-eight Hellenistic JE. Mostly from cities in Cilicia, but a good variety of types from Macedonian Kings to Ptolemaic Egypt. Many uncleaned. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 38 coins in lot. ($350)

716. Lot of twenty-seven JE of Hellenistic Kings a n d Dynasts. Macedon. Alexander HI (2 coins). / / Cilicia. Tarkondimotos and Phüopator (4coins). / / O l b a . Ajax. //Galatia. Amyntos(2coins). //Syria,Commagene (2 coins). / / Seleukid Kings. Mostly Seleukos I to Antiochos ΠΙ (14 coins). / / Ptolemaic Kings (2 coins). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 27 coins in lot. ($400)

709. Lot of twenty-three tetradrachms of eastern kingdoms. Includes the following: Syria, Seleukid: Seleukos I; Seleukos Π; Antiochos I; Antiochos ΠΙ; Seleukos IV; Antiochos IV; Demetrios I (slightly doublestruck); Antiochos VI; Antiochos VII; Alexander Π; Antiochos IX; Seleukos VI; Antiochos X; Philip / / Kingdom of Pergamene: Eumenes I / / Kingdom of Bithynia: Prusias I; Nikomedes Π / / Baktria: Euthydemos I; Heliokles (missing small portion of flan) / / Egypt, Ptolemaic: Ptolemy I (3 coins); Ptolemy ΙΠ. Lot also includes Seleukid d r a c h m s of Antiochos I (test cut in edge) and Antiochos VI (holed). Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 25 coins in lot. ($RXX))

717. Lot of eight AR and JE of Phoenicia and Judaea. Phoenicia, Arados. 4 th century. AR Obol. / / AR Tetrobol. Year 43. / / A R Drachm. / / Tyre. Tetradrachm (Shekel). Year 164. / / Judaea. Hasmonean kings. JE Prutah. / / Herodian Kings. JE Prutot of Herod I and Agrippa I. / / Bar Kochba Revolt. U r g e JE. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($200)

718. Lot of forty-eight Judaean and related miscellaneous JE. Includes the following: John Hyrcanus I / / Alexander Jannaeus (4 coins) / / Judah Aristobulus / / Matthias Antigonas / / Herod Agrippa I (2 coins) I I Herod Archelaus / / J o h n Hyrcanus (3 coins) I I Coponius / / Marcus Ambibulus (2 coins) / / Valerius Gratus (3 coins) / / Pontius Pilate (6 coins) / / Agrippa I (6 corns) / / Antonius Felix (2 coins) I I Porcius Festus (4 coins) / / First Revolt (4 coins) / / Agrippa Π I I Bar Kochba / / Judaea, Ascalon / / Phoenicia, Berytos / / Phoenicia, Byblos / / Phoenicia, Dora / / Judaea Capta. Domitian. Lot also includes one unattributed Judaean JE, as well as a Bar Kochba AR Denarius (year 2) and a Celtic Potin 18mm. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 51 coins in lot. ($500)

710. Lot of eight Hellenistic AR Drachms. Macedon. Alexander III. Lampsakos. Price 1382. //Sardeis.Pr.2637. / / Philipm. Magnesia. Pr.P51. / / Asia. Pr.P113. / / Cappadocia. Ariarathes IV. Simonetta 11. / / Ariarathes Vm. Si.2b. / / Ariobarzanes I. Si.34 variety. / / Archelaus. Si.4. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($300)

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

719. Lot of thirty Sasanian and Related AR. Includes the following: Sasanian: Shapur I. Drachm (3 coins) / / Shapur II. Drachm (2 coins) / / Narseh. Drachm / / Shapur ΙΠ. Draclim (2 coins) / / Varahan V. Drachm / / Peroz. Drachm (4 coins) / / Kushro II. Drachm (5 coins) / / Yazdgard ΓΠ. Drachm / / Tabaristan, Abbasid Governors: Farkhan. Hemidrachm (3 coins) / / Said ibn Da'laj. Hemidrachm (2 coins) / / Anonymous. Afzut type. Hemidrachm (3 coins) / / Arab-Sasanian. Anonymous (Yazdgard ΠΙ type). Drachm / / Turko-Hephthalite. Imitating Kushro Π. Drachm. Plus one unattributed Hemidrachm of Tabaristan, as well as two other unattributed Drachms. Average Fair to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 32 coins in lot. ($300)

720. Lot of nineteen North African JE. Includes the following: Kyrenaica, Kyrene (3 coins) / / Zeugitania, Carthage (5 coins) / / Zeugitania, Utica / / Zeugitania, Siculo-Punic (3 coins) / / Zeugitania, Barcid. Hannibal / / Numidia, Micipsa (2 coins) / / Numidia, Kings of. Juba I / / Mauretania, Camarata / / Mauretania, Semes / / Mauretania, Tingis. Plus an JE Calco of Carthagonova under Scipio Africanus and three unidentified JE. Average Fair to EF, several rare issues represented. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 23 coins in lot. ($350)

723. Anonymous. Circa 225-212 BC. AR Didrachm or Quadrigatus (6.67 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory; ROMA incuse on raised tablet. Crawford 28/3; Sydenham 64a; RSC 23. Toned EF. Attractive. ' ($750)

721. Lot of eleven miscellaneous JE. Includes the following: Macedon, Amphipolis (2 coins) //Thessalonika //Seleukid Kings of Syria (2 coins) / / Syria, Apameia / / Phoenicia, Tripolis (2 coins) / / Tyre / / Indo-Parthia / / And a EXipondius of Marais Aurelius. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($650)

724. Anonymous. 215-212 BC. JE Triens (20.01 gm). Head of Minerva right, wearing Corinthian helmet; above, · · · · / ROMA above, prow of galley right; below, · · · ·. Crawford 41/7b; Sydenham 105; BMCRR 44. VF, dark brown patina. ($400)


Unpublished Aes Grave Variety From Ariminum

725. Anonymous. After 211 BC. AR Quinarius (2.39 gm). Head of Roma right, V behind / ROMA in relief in exergue, the Dioscuri riding right, stars above. Crawford 48/1; Sydenham 169; cf. BMCRR 10; RSC 3. Choice EF. ($400) 722. UMBRIA, Ariminum. Circa 265 BC. JE Aes Grave Uncia (37.92 gm). Head of Gaul right / Rostrum (ram of galley) left; pellet behind. Thurlow-Vecchi 142 variety; Haeberlin pl.77,13-15 variety. Good VF, black patina with earthen encrustation. Rare. Apparently an unpublished variety with the rostrum left and pellet right instead of the usual orientation. ($2000) 726. VB. 211-208 BC. AR Victoriatus (3.29 gm). Laureate head of Jupiter right / ROMA 111 relief in exergue, Victory standing right, crowning trophy; VB monogram between. Crawford 95/la;Sydenham 113; RSC 36m. Choice EF. ($400)

6 3

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Very Rare Denarius of Sergianus

727. A n o n y m o u s . Circa 211-210 BC. AR Quinarius (2.13 gm). Apulia mint. Head of Roma right wearing a griffin-crested Phrygian helmet; V behind / The Dioscuri riding right; ROMA in exergue. Crawford 102/2b; Sydenham—;RSC—.FDC, lustrous. ($5TO)

731. A. Manlius Q.f. Sergianus. 118-107 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; ROMA before, SER behind / Sol in facing quadriga rising from the waves of the sea; star on either side, X and erescent; A. MANLI. Q.F. below. Crawford 309/1; Sydenham 543; Manlia 1. Toned VF. Very Rare. ($1200)

732. T. Manlius Mancinus, Appius Claudius Pulcher and Q. Urbinus. 111-110 BC. AR Denarius (3.92 gin). Helmeted head of Roma right; circle behind / Victory in triga right; T. MAL. ΑΡ. CL. Q. VR in exergue. Crawford 2 9 9 / l b ; Sydenham 570a; Mallia 2. VF. Lot also includes a denarius of L. Thorius Balbus. Thoria 1. Near VF. 2 coûts in lot. ($100)

728. A n o n y m o u s . Circa 211-210 BC. AR Quinarius (2.08 gm). Apulia mint. Head of Roma right wearing a griffin-crested Phrygian helmet; V behind / The Dioscuri riding right; TM below horses, ROMA in relief on rectangular panel in exergue.Crawford 103/2c; Sydenham 184; RSC 33k. FDC, superb! ($700)

729. C. Maianius. 153 BC. AR Denarius (4.07 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / Victory in biga right; C. MALANI below, ROMA in exergue. Crawford 2 0 3 / l a ; Sydenham 427; Maiaitia 1. Choice EF. ($250)

730. Q. Fabius Maximus. 127 BC. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; X below chin, ROMA behind, Q. MAX before / Comucopiae on winged thunderbolt; all within wreath. Crawford 265/1; Sydenham 478; Fabia 5. Toned, near EF. ($250)

733. P. Servilius M.f. Rullus. 100 BC. AR Denarius (4.00 gm). RVLL, bust of Minerva left wearing crested helmet and aegis / Victory in biga right holding palm; Ρ below horses, P. SERVILI M.F in exergue. Crawford 328/1 variety; Sydenham 601 variety; Servilia 14 variety. Near EF. Unlisted obverse variety with legend spelled RVLL instead of RVLLI. ($350)

734. C. Censormus. 88 BC. JE As (9.81 gm). NVMA POMPILI [ANCVS MARCI], jugate heads of Nunta Pompilius and Ancus Marcius right / C. CENSO above, ROMA in exergue, two arches, spiral column with statue of Victory under left arch, prow protruding from right arch. Crawford 346/3; Sydenham 716. VF, glossy black patina with tan devices. Rare. ($300)

735. L. Manlius Torquatus. 82 BC. AR Denarius (3.97 gm). L. MANLI before, PRO.Q behind, helmeted head of Roma right / L. SVLLA. IMP in exergue, Sulla, being crowned by Victory, in quadriga right. Crawford 367/5; Sydenham 757a; Manlia 5. Nice EF. ($225)

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

736. P. Satrienus. 77 BC. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Helmeted head of Mars right; -LXXV behind / ROMA above, P. SATRIE/NVS in two lines in exergue, she-wolf walking left. Crawford 388/lb; Sydenham 781a; Satriena 1. EF, reverse edge bruise. ($200)

Very Rare Denarius of Q. Crepereius M.f. Rocus

737. Q. Crepereius M.f. Rocus. 69 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.83 gm). Draped bust of Amphitrite right, seen from behind; D before, fish behind / [Q]. CREPEREI/(ROCVS] in two lines in exergue, Neptune in sea-chariot d r a w n by two hippocamps; D above. Crawford 3 9 9 / l a ; Sydenham 796; Crepereial.EF. Very Rare. ($20‫)ש‬

739. M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Head of Bonus Eventus right; flamens cap / M. PLAETORICEST. EX. S. C, winged caduceus. Crawford 405/5; Sydenham 807; Plaetoria 5. EF, obverse off-center. ($350)

740. L. Marcius Philippus. 57 BC. AR Denarius (3.91 gm). ANCVS, diademed head of Ancus Marcius; lituus behind / Equestrian statue on aquaduct, flower below horse; PHILLIPVS behind, AQVA MAR on arches. Crawford 425/1; Sydenham 919; Marcia 28. EF. ($250)

741. Q. Pomponius Musa. 56 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right, tortoise behind / Q POMPON|I] MVSA, Terpischore, the Muse of Dancing, standing right holding lyre and plectrum. Crawford 410/7c; Sydenham 820; BMCRR 3621; Pomponia 18. Good VF, nice old toning. ($300)

738. Q. Fufius Calenus and Mucius Cordus. 68 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (3.50 gm). H O left, VI[RT] right, [K]AL[ENI] below, jugate heads of Honos (laureate) and Virtus (helmeted), right / ITAL left, RO right, CORDI in exergue, Italia standing right and Roma standing left, hand in hand; Italia holding cornucopiae a n d Roma with foot on globe and holding sceptre; winged caduceus behind Italia. Crawford 403/1; Sydenham 797; Fufia 1. EF, traces of horn silver on upper obverse and left edge of reverse. Scarce type. ($300)

742. Q. Pomponius Musa. 56 BC. AR Denan us (4.02 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right; six pointed star behind / Q. POMPONI MVSA, Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, standing left, pointing with wand to globe on tripod. Crawford 410/8; Sydenham 823; BMCRR 3628; Pomponia 22. Good VF, attractive old cabinet toiling. ($400)

Ex NFA Auction XXXII (June 10,1993), lot 269.

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Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

743. Q. Cassius Longinus. 55 BC. AR Denarius (3.89 gm). LIBERT behind, Q. C ASSIVS before, head of Liberty right / Curule chair within temple of Vesta; u n i left and voting tablet inscribed AC right. Crawford 428/2; Sydenham 918; Cassia 8. Toned VF. ($250) 748. Q. I'ompeius Rufus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (4.18 gm). SULLA COS, bare head of Sulla right / Q POM RVFI before, RVFVS COS behind, bare head of Quintus Pompeius Rufus right. Crawford 434/1; Sydenham 908; BMCRR 3883; Pompeia 4. Toned EF. ($2000) Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, April 1962, pl.25, B362.

744. Cn. Plancius. 55 BC. AR Denarius (4.24 gm). CN. PLANCIVS [AED. CVR SC], female head right wearing a causia / Cretan goat right, bow and quiver behind. Crawford 432/1; Sydenham 933; Plancia 1. EF. ($250)

749. C. Coelius Caldus. 51 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). C. COEL CALDVS before, COS below, head of the consul C. Coelius Caldus right; standard inscribed HIS behind, standard with boar's head below chin / Veiled figure on lofty lectistemium between two standards; lectistemium inscribed L. CALDVS/VII. VIR. EPV in two lines, C. CALDVS on left, I / M P / A / X on right, CALDVS. III. VI[R] below. Crawford 437/2a; Sydenham 894; Coelia 7. Darkly toned, near EF, hairline flan crack, light surface corrosion on reverse. ($450)

745. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (4.03 gm). Bust of Liberty right, LIBERTAS behind / The consul L. Junius Brutus walking left betweai two Iictors preceded by an accensus; BRVTVS in exergue. Crawford 433/1; Sydenham 906a; Junia 31a. Toned EF. ($400)

750. Albinus Bruti f. 48 BC. AR Denarius (3.56 gm). Head of young Mars right, wearing a crested helmet / ALBINVS BRV[TI. F], two gaulish trumpets in saltire, oval shield above, round shield below. Crawford 450/la; Sydenham 941; Postumia 11. EF, reverse slightly off-center. ($200)

746. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (3.61 gm). BRVTVS behind, head of L. Junius Brutus / AHALA behind, head of C. Servilius Ahala. Crawford 433/2; Sydenham 907; Junia 30. EF. ($750)

747. M. Junius Brutus. 54 BC. AR Denarius (4.12 gm). BRVTVS behind, head of L. Junius Brutus / AHALA behind, head of C. Servilius Ahala. Crawford 433/2; Sydenham 907; BMCRR 3864; Junia 30. Toned, near EF, small spot of encrustation on lower reverse edge. ($500)

751. T. Carisius. 46 BC. AR Denarius (4.12 gm). Bust of Victory right; S.C behind / Victory in quadriga right; T. CARISI in exergue. Crawford 464/5; Sydenham 985; Carisia 3. EF. ($300)

6 6

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. An Exceptional Denarius of Cn. Domitius Calvinus

752. Lollius Palicanus. 45 BC. AR Denarius (3.84 gm). LIBERTATIS, head of Libertas right / PALIKANVJS] above, view of the Rostra in the Forum, surmounted by a sella. Crawford 473/1; Sydenham 960; Lollia 2. EF, small area of obverse and reverse corrosion. ($500)

756. Cn. Domitius Calvinus. 39 BC. AR Denarius (4.27 gm). Spanish mint. OSCA, bearded male head right / DOM. COS. ITER IMP., simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat. Crawford 532/1; Burgos 1509. Choice EF. Very rare this nice. ($2500) Cn. Domitius Calvinus luas appointed governor of Spain by Octavian after that province was ceded by Sextus Pompey, son ofPompey the Great. The province was in a state of chaos after years of civil war and the rule by Sextus, who governed as littie more than a brigand. The stern Calvinus,formerly magister équités unda Caesar, pacified the province, putting down a revolt by the Ceretani, although not before subjecting a legionary detachment to the ancient punishment of decimation (executing one out often men) for cowardice in the face of the enemy. The minting of these denarii, probably at Osca itself, marks the restoration of Roman order in Spain and the renewedfloiu of Spanish silver to the Roman treasury.

753. L. Valerius Acisculus. 45 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). ACISCVL-VS, diademed head of Apollo Soranus right, axe behind, star above / Valeria Luperca riding a heifer right, holding a veil above; L.VALERIVS in exergue. Crawford 474/la; Sydenham 998; Valeria 17. Toned EF. ($500)

ROMAN REPUBLICAN LARGE LOTS 754. P. Accoleius Lariscolus. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.79 gm). P. ACCOLEIVS LAR1SCOLVS, bust of Acca Larentia right / Three statues of the Nymphae Querquetulanae standing facing, supporting beam on which there are five trees. Crawford 486/1; Sydenham 1148; Accoleia 1. Near EF, well centered. Scarce. ($300)

757. Lot of five Republican anonymous AR. Includes the following: Didrachm. RSC 23; RSC 24 (2 coins) / / Quinarius. RSC 3 / / Sestertius. RSC 4. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 5 coins in lot. ($300) 758. Lot of seventeen Roman Republican Anonymous JE. Includes the following: Aes Grave Quadrans / / Aes Grave Sextans. Umbrian / / Litra / / As (4 coins) / / Semis (2 coins) / / Triens / / Quadrans / / Sextans (3 coins) / / Uncia / / Semuncia (2 coins). Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 17 coins in lot. ($‫׳‬MX))

755. C. Numonius Vaala. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). C. NVMONIVS VAALA, bare head of Numonius Vaala right / Warrior standing left holding spear and shield, attacking a vallum defended by two soldiers; VAALA in exergue. Crawford 514/2; Sydenham 1087; Numonia 2. Attractively toned VF. Very rare issue, seldom offered. ($2000)

759. Lot of thirty-one Roman Republic Anonymous JE. From early Litrae to later reduced Asses. Litrae and fractions, Asses, Semisses, Triens down to Uncia. Several types from provincial Italian mints. Several scarcer types, many pieces in high grade for issue. Lot should be examined closely. As ivith many of the moneyers' types of the late 1st century BC, C. Numonius Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 31 COÛTS in lot. Vaala's reverse type refers to an historic event in hisfamily's past. We cannot know ($500) which specific ancestor is rrferred to, but the scene depicts a specific military action that brought a specific honor to the soldier involved. During the siege ofa city or an enemy camp, the first soldier to breach the ivalls was awarded the corona vallaris, or 760. Another lot of thirty-one Roman Republic Anonymous JE. From "wall croum". Thecognomen Vaala became an hereditary title among theNumonii, early Litrae to later reduced Asses. Litrae and fractions, Asses, Semisses, to be displayed proudly by thefirst member of the family to achieve the office of mon- Triens down to Uncia. Several types from provincial Italian mints. Several eyer. scarcer types, many pieces in high grade for issue. Lot should be examined closely. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 31 coins in lot. (S500) 6


Classical Numismatic 761. Lot of seven early Republican AR Denarii. Includes the following: Anonymous. RSC 6; RSC 226 / / Curtia 2 (scratches) / / Fabia 1 (2 coins) / / Fonteia 8 / / Licinia 7. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($150)

Group, Inc.

769. Lot of sixty-five Roman Republican and Imperatorial AR. Includes the following: Didrachm (3 coins) / / Victoriatus / / Half Victoriatus / / Quinarius (3coins) / / Sestertius / / Republican Denarii (41 coins) / / Imperatorial Denarii: Julius Caesar (4 coins, 1 of which is fourré); Brutus; Ahenobarbus (edge broken); Lepidus and Octavian; Mark Antony; Mark Antony and Octavian (2 coins); Mark Antony and Cleopatra; Mark Antony and Lucius Antony (Fourré); Octavian (3 coins: 1 denarius and 2 quinarii). Average Fair to EF, with a few fourrés in the group. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 65 coins in lot. ($2000)

762. Lot of eleven R o m a n Republic AR Denarii. Anonymous (AN monogram). / / C.Thalna. / / M.BaebiusQ.f.Tampilus. / / Anonymous of 115 BC. / / P.Nerva. / / T1. Quinctius. / / CCensorinus. / / C.Norbanus. / / M.Volteius. / / LFurius Cn.f. Brocchus. / / M.Junius Brutus. / / Plus an AR Quinarius of Cn.Lentulus. / / And an JE As (anchor symbol) and Uncia. Average Fine, some better. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 14 coins total in lot. ($250)

770. Lot of thirty-two Roman Republic and Imperatorial JE. Moneyer signed Asses and Fractions. / / Imperatorial JE, including an As of Pompey. / / Augustan JE, including Divus Julius types. / / Early imperial /E from Spam and Greece. Several scarce types. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 32 coins in lot. ($600)

763. Lot of forty-five Republican AR Denarii. Includes the following: Acilia 8 (3 corns) / / Aemilia 7 / / Aemilia 8 / / Aemilia 10 / / Antia 2 / / Aquillial / / C a e c i l i a 4 4 / / C a e c i l i a 47 (2 coins, one of which is f o u r r é ) / / Caecilia 50a / / Carisia 3 / / Cordia 2a / / Cornelia 19 / / Cornelia 20 / / Cornelia 33 / / Didia 1 / / Egnatia 3 (2coins) / / Fabia 13 / / Fonteia 10 / / Furia 13 / / Hostilia 5a / / Junia 31 / / Licinia 18 / / Mamilia 6 (2coins) / / M e m m i a 10 / / Norbana 2 / / Papia 1 / / Plaetoria 5 / / Plautia 12a / / Poblicia9 / / Pompeia5 / / Pomponia 14 / / Postumia 14 / / Quinctia6 / / Renia 1 / / Thoria 1 / / Titia 1 / / Tituria 2 / / Tituria 5 / / Vibia 2 (2 coins). Lot also includes two AR Quinarii, Porcia 7 and Vettia 1. Average Fair to VF. A few better types. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 47 corns in lot. ($750)

771. Lot of six Republican and Imperatorial AR Denarii. Includes the following: Claudia 15 / / Postumia 10 / / Vibia 24 / / Mark Antony. LEG ΠΙ. RSC 28; LEG X. RSC 38; LEG XI. RSC 39. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 corns in lot. ($300)


764. Lot of forty-one Republican AR Denarii. Includes the following: Acilia8 (2coins) / / Acilia8a / / Aemilia 8 / / Aemilia 10 / / Antonia 1 / / Aurelia 21 / / Caecilia 30 / / Caecilia 46a / / Carisia 11a / / Claudia 15 (3 coins) / / Cordia 2a / / Cordia 4 / / Egnatia 2 / / Herennia l a / / Junia 31 / / Lucretia3(2coins) / / Marcia 18b / / Marcia28 / / M e m m i a 2 / / Memmia 8 / / Norbana 2 / / Postumia 10 / / Procilia 2 / / Renia 1 / / Servilia5 / / Servilia 15 / / Sicinia 5 (2 coins) / / Titia 1 / / Titia 2 (2 coins) / / Tituria 1 / / Tituria 4 / / Viia 19a / / Volteia 2 / / Volteia 3 / / Volteia 4. Plus nine more unattributed. Average Fair to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 50 coins in lot. ($5‫)ש‬

772. POMPEY THE GREAT. 49 BC. AR Denarius (3.94 gm). Struck in a military mint moving with Pompey in Spain. CN. PISO. P[RO. Q], head of N u m a Pompilius right; NVMA on diadem / Prow right; MAGN above, PRO. CO[S] below. Crawford 446/1; Sydenham 1032; RSC 4. Toned, good VF. ($500)

765. Lot of twenty-two Roman Republican AR Denarii. Includes the following: Later anonymous type. RSC 176 / / Antonia 1 / / Cassia 10 / / Fannia 1 / / Furia 18 / / Furia 19 / / Julia 4a / / Marcia 28 / / Naevia 6 / / Poblicia9 / / Porcia 5 / / Postumia8 (2 coins) / / Procilia 2 / /Scribonia8a(2 coins) / / Sulpicia 6 / / Terentia 10 / / Thoria 1 / / Titia 1 / / Valeria 11 / / Volteia 1. Average Fine to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬

This coin was struck by Cn. Calpurnius Piso, who served as proquaestor to the Pornpeian party in Spain during the war between Caesar and Pompey. The head of Numa Pompilius records the claim of the Calpurnia gens to be descended from Calpus, the son of Numa, while the prow on the reverse refers to the naval victories of Pompey over the pirates in 67 BC.

766. Lot of thirteen Republican AR Denarii. Includes the following: Aemilia 8 (2 corns) / / Antonia 1 / / Cassia 10 / / Cornelia 54 / / J u l i a 5 / / Marcia 18 / / Marcia 28 / / Plautia 13 / / Plautia 14 / / Postumia 9 / / Postumia 9a / / Vibia 18. Average good Fine to EF, several with nice toning. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 13 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬ 773. JULIUS CAESAR. 46 BC. AR Denarius (3.72 gm). COS. TERT DICT. ITER, head of Ceres right, gram ears in hair / AVGVR above, PONT MAX below, simpulum, sprinkler, capis and lituus; D (Donativum) in right field. Crawford 467/la; Sydenham 1023; BMCRR 21; RSC 4a. Toned, near EF. ($350)

767. Lot of eleven Roman Republic AR Denarii. C.Renius. / / Cn.Blasio. / / L.Thourius Balbus. / / L.Titurius Sabinus. / / L.Rubrius Dossenus. / / C.Licinius L.f. Macer. / / L.MarciusPhilippus. / / A.Plautius. / / L.Cassius Longinus. / / C.Pansa and Albinus Bruti. / / Q.Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 cours in lot. ($250)

768. Lot of five Roman Republic AR Denarii. L.Titurius. Tituria 4. / / L.Censorinus. Marcia 24. / / A.Postumius. Postumia 8. / / M.V01teius. Volteia 1. / / L. Roscius Fabatus. Roscia 3. / / Plus an AR Hemidrachm of Thracian Cherronesos. BMC 29. Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins total in lot. ($250)

774. JULIUS CAESAR. 44 BC. AR Denarius (3.93 gm). P. Sepullius Macer moneyer. CAESAR DICT PERPETVO, laureate and veiled head of Caesar right / [P.] SEPVLUVS MACER, Venus standing left holding Victory in right hand, sceptre set on shield in left. Crawford 480/13; Sydenham 1074; RSC 39. Lightly toned, good VF. ($1750) 6 8

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Rare Denarius of Sextus Pompey & Q. Nasidius

775. JULIUS CAESAR 44 BC. AR Denarius (4.11 gm). P. Sepullius Macer moneyer. CAESAR DICT PERP(ETVO), laureate and veiled head of Caesar right / P. SEPVLLIVS MACER, Venus standing left holding Victory in right hand, sceptre set on shield in left. Crawford 480/13; Sydenham 1074; RSC 39. Toned VF. ($1000)

780. SEXTUS POMPEY MAGNUS and Q. NASIDIUS. 4 4 4 3 BC. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). NEPTVNI, head of Pompey the Great right; dolphin below, trident before / Q. NASIDIVS, galley sailing right, star in left field. Crawford 483/2; Sydenham 1350; RSC 20 (Pompey the Great). Lightly toned, near EF, small flan crack. Exceptional for this issue. ($2000)

776. JULIUS CAESAR. 44 BC. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). CAESAR PARES PATRIAE, laureate and veiled head of Caesar right; lituus below chin, priest's hat behind / C. COSSVTWS MARIDLANVS in the form of a cross, A A A F.F in angles. Crawford 480/19 note; Sydenham—; RSC 8a. Toned VF. Scarce legend variety. ($1000)

Ex Ars Classica XVII (October 3,1934), lot 1092; Tolstoi Collection.

777. JULIUS CAESAR. 43 BC. AR Denarius (4.52 gm). L. Flaminius Chilo moneyer. Laureate head right / L. FLAMINTVS IUI VIR, Pax standing left holding caduceus and scepter. Crawford 485/1; Sydenham 1089; RSC 26. .Nicely toned EF, attractive portrait, flatly struck on high points of obverse. ($20‫)ש‬

781. SEXTUS POMPEY. 4240 BC. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). MAG. PIVS. IMP. ITER, bare head of Pompey the Great right between lituus and capis / Neptune left, foot on prow, between thebrothersAnapias and Amphinomus, with their parents on their shoulders, PR7EF above, in exergue |CL]AS ET OR/E / [MARIT] EX. S.C. Crawford 511/3a; Sydnehma 1344; RSC 17. Toned VF. Very pleasing. ($1000)

782. SEXTUS POMPEY. 4240 BC. AR Brockage Denarius (3.71 gm). MAG PIVS [IMP ITER], bare head of Pompey the Great right between capis and lituus / Same incuse. Crawfond 511/3a; Sydenham 1344; BMCRR (Sicily) 7; RSC 17. Toned VF, small banker's mark on obverse. Deeply impressed incuse. ($500)

778. JULIUS CAESAR. 40 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Laureate head of Caesar right between S C / Ή. SEMPRONIVS GRACCVS Q. DESIG, legionary standard, Roman eagle, plow and sceptre. Crawford 525/4a; Sydenham 1129; RSC 47. Good VF, attractive portrait. Rare. ($2500)

783. LEPIDUS and OCTAVIAN. 42 BC. AR Denarius (3.75 gm). LEPIDVS PONT MAX [ΠΙ V R Ρ C], bare head of Lepidus right / CAESAR IM ΙΠ VIR R Ρ C, bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 495/2c variety; Sydenham 1323 variety; RSC 2 variety. Lightly toned, good VF. Flat strike as usual. Apparently unpublished legend variety with IM instead of IMP on the reveree! ($750)

779. Q. CAEPIO BRUTUS. 4342 BC. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Military mint moving with Brutus and Cassius in the East. L. SESTI. PRO Q, veiled and draped bust of Liberias right / Q. CAEPIO. BRVTVS. PRO. COS, tripod between axe and simpulum. Crawford 502/2; Sydenham 1290; RSC 11. Toned, good VF. ($1000) 6 9

Classical Numismatic

784. CN. DOMITIUS L.f. AHENOBARBUS. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.85 gm). AHENOBAR, bare head of L. Ahenobarbus right / CN. DOMIIIVS. IMP, trophy on prow right. Crawford 519/2; Sydenham 1177; Domitia 21. Toned VF, well centered and problem free. ($1000)

Group, Inc.

789. M A R K A N T O N Y and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Mint moving with Mark Antony. M. Barbatius Pollio, moneyer. M ANT IMP AVG m VIR R Ρ C M BARBAT Q Ρ, bare head of Antony right / CAESAR IMP PONT m VIR R Ρ C, bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 517/2; Sydenham 1181; RSC 8. Toned VF, hair details on both sides have been strengthened. ($300)

Mark Antony & Octavia Cistophoric Tetradrachm

785. MARK ANTONY. 33 BC. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). ANTON. AVG. IMP. ΠΙ COS DES ΙΠ. ΠΙ. V. R P. C , bare head of Antony right / M.SILANVS. AVG/Q. PRO. COS, in two lines across field. Crawford 542/1; Sydenham 1208; RSC 71. VP, small flan crack, banker's mark before face.

786. JULIUS CAESAR and MARK ANTONY. 43 BC. AR Denarius (3.67 gm). M. ANTON. [IMP], bare head of Mark Antony right, lituus behind / CAESAR DIC, laureate head of Julius Caesar right, jug behind. Crawford 488/1; Sydenham 1165; RSC 2. Toned, good VF, light obverse porosity. / / Lot also includes a denarius of Lepidus and Octavian. 42 BC. Bare head of Lepidus right / Bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 495/2a; RSC 2a. Near Fine, banker's mark. 2 coins in lot, representing all three members of the Second Triumvirate plus Julius Caesar. ($750)

790. M A R K A N T O N Y a n d OCTAVIA. 39 BC. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (12.01 gm). Ephesus mint. M. ANTONIVS. IMP. COS. DESIG. ITER ET TERT, laureate bust of Antony right, lituus below; wreath of ivy and flowers around / ΙΠ. VIR. R.P.C., draped bust of Octavia right, above cista, flanked by twisting snakes. RPC 2201; Sydenham 1197; RSC 2. EF, lovely old cabinet toning. ($1500) Ex Lockett Collection (Clendining's, 21-23 February 1961), lot 3016; Ars Classica XII (18-23 October 1926), lot 2720.

787. M A R K A N T O N Y and LEPIDUS. 43-42 BC. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). M. ANTON. IMP, lituus, capis and raven / M. LEPID. IMP, simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat. Crawford 489/2; Sydenham 1156; RSC 2. Near VF, obverse banker's mark, reverse off-center. Very rare and seldom offered, not to be confused with the common quinarius issue of the same type. ($500)

791. MARK A N T O N Y a n d CLEOPATRA. Circa 36 BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.64 gm). Syrian mint. ANTWNIOC AYTOKPATWP [TPITON TPIWN ANAPWN], bare head of Antony right / BACIAICC[A ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑ ΘΕΑ] NEWTEPA, draped and diademed bust of Cleopatra right. RPC 4094; BMC 56. Near VF. ($2000) 788. M A R K A N T O N Y and OCTAVIAN. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.65 gm). Mint moving with Mark Antony. M. Barbatius Pollio, moneyer. M ANT IMP AVG m VIR R Ρ C M BARBAT Q Ρ, bare head of Antony right / CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R P C , bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 517/2; S y d e n h a m 1181; RSC 8. Toned, good VF, well centered and well struck. ($750) 100

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Group, Inc.

Two Distinctive Denarius of Augustus

792. MARK ANTONY and CLEOPATRA. 32-31 BC. AR Denarius (3.% gm). ANTONI ARMENIA. DEVICTA, bare head of Antony right, Armenian tiara behind / CLE[OPATRAE. REGINJAE. REGVM. FEJORVM. REGVM., draped and diademed bust of Cleopatra right, prow before. Crawford 543/1; Sydenham 1210; RSC 1. Toned VF, small obverse and reverse bankers' marks. Choice portraits. ($1500)

793. MARK ANTONY. Restitution Issue of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). ANTONINVS AVGVR, m VIR R Ρ C in exergue, galley sailing left / ANTONINVS ET VERVS AVG REST, LEG VI, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC HI 443 (Marcus Aurelius); BMCRE 500; RSC 83 (Mark Antony). Toned VF. ($2W)

797. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.75 gm). Struck 18-17 BC. Caesaraugusta mint. Head of Augustus left, wearing oak-wreath / CAESAR AVGVSTVS in two lines above and below two laurel branches. R1C133b; BMCRE 319 (same obverse die); BN 1285; RSC 48. Lightly tonal EF. ($1500)

794. OCTAVIAN and DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR. 36 BC. Vienne in Gaul. JE Dupondius (16.66 gm). IMP [CAJESAR DIVI F DIVI IV[LI], bare heads of Caesar left and Octavian right / C I V , prow of galley with superstructure right. RPC 517. VF, large flan and choice patina. ($1500)

795. Lot of thirteen Roman Imperatorial AR Denarii. Includes the following: Pompey the Great. RSC 17 / / Julius Caesar. RSC 12 (2 coins); RSC 13; RSC 14; RSC 49 (fourré) / / Brutus. RSC 6 / / Lepidus and Octavian. RSC 2 / / Mark Antony. RSC 39 / / Octavian. RSC 44; RSC 60; RSC 91; RSC 119 (repaired). Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 13 COÛTS in lot. ($750)

798. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.73 gm). Struck 19-18 BC. Caesaraugusta mint. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, head of Augustus left wearing oak-wreath / DIWSIVLIVS across field, comet of eight-rays. RIC137b; BMCRE 326; BN 1298; RSC 97. EF, lovely old cabinet toning. ($1500)


AV 796. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AV Aureus (7.72 gm). Struck 15 BC. Lugdunum mint. AVGVSTVS DIVI. F, bare head of Augustus right / Bull butting right; IMP. X in exeigue. RIC 1166a; BMCRE 450; BN 1372; Bahrfeldt 201; Cohen 136. VF. ($1500)

799. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.83 gm). P. Carisius, moneyer. Struck circa 25-23 BC. Emerita mint. IMP CAESAR AVGVSTV, bare head right / Ρ CARISIVS LEG PRO PR, circular shield between spear and machaira. RIC I—; BMCRE—; BN pl. XLII, c; RSC 400a. VF, small banker 's mark, struck from rusty reverse die. Rare. ($750)


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

804. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Struck circa 17 BC. Uncertain mint. CA-ES-AR, bare head right within oak wreath / AVG-VST, candelabrum ornamented with rams' heads, within wreath entwined with bucrania and paterae. RIC 1540; BMCRE 684; BN 1013; RSC 2. Toned VF, obverse banker's mark, light reverse encrustation. ($500)

Very Rare Augustus & Tiberius Denarius

800. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.78 gm). Struck 2 BC-4 AD. L u g d u n u m mint. CAESAR AVGVST[VS] DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head of A u g u s t u s right / AVGVSTI. F. COS. DESIG. PRINC. I W E N T , C. L. CAESARES in exergue, Caius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, shield and spears between them; simpulum and lituus above. RIC I 207; BMCRE 519; BN 1651; RSC 43. EF, very well struck, showing the faces of both Caius and Lucius. ($350)

801. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.76 gm). M. Sanquinius moneyer. Struck 17 BC. AVGVSTVS D M F, bare head of Augustus right / [M SAN]QVI-NTVS ΠΙ [VIR], laureate head of the deified Julius Caesar right, star above. RIC I 338; BMCRE 71; BN 278; RSC 1 (Julius Caesar and Augustus). Toned VF, old scratches behind Augustus' head. ($500)

802. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.52 gm). Struck circa 21 BC. North Peloponnesian mint(?). AVGVST[VS], bare head right / IOVIOLV across field, hexastyle temple of Olympian Jupiter with round shield in pediment and palmettes on top. RIC 1472; BMCRE 257; BN 914; RSC 182. VF, two small digs in obverse field. ($500)

805. AUGUSTUS and TIBERIUS. Struck 13-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.75 gm). Lugdunum mint. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVIF PATER PATRIAE, laureate head of Augustus right / IL CAESAR AVG F. T R POT. XV., bare head of Tiberius right. RIC1226; BMCRE 507; BN 1684; RSC 2. Toned, near EF, attractive style with lovely toning. Very Rare. ($3000)

806. DIVUS A U G U S T U S . Issued u n d e r Caligula, 37-41 AD. JE Dupondius (16.17 gm). D I W S . AVGVSTVS., S-C across field, radiate head of Augustus left / CONSENSV. SENAT. ET. EQ. ORDIN. P. Q. R., Augustus(?), laureate and togate, seated left on curule chair holding branch. RIC 156; BMCRE 88; BN 134; Cohen 87. Nice VF, attactive mahogany patina with smooth surfaces. ($500)

803. AUGUSTUS. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Struck 27 BC. Pergamum mint. CAESAR, bare head of Augustus right / AVGVSTVS, bull standing right RIC 1475; BMCRE 662; BN 941; RSC 28. Toned EF, obverse offcenter, flan crack, light obverse encrustation. ($500)

(Please Maityour 'BidSheet 'Eariij

807. DIVUS AUGUSTUS. Restitution issue struck by Titus, circa 8081 AD. JE As (10.49 gm). D I W S AVGVS-TVS PATER, radiate head of Augustus right / IMP. T. VESP. AVG. REST, S C in field, eagle standing facing on globe, head right. RIC Π199 (Titus); BMCRE—; Cohen 550. VF, glossy brown patina with red and green mottling. Rare. ($400) 1 00

Classical Numismatic

808. DIVUS AUGUSTUS and LIVIA. Struck under Tiberius, 14-37 AD. Romula in Spain. JE 34mm (26.11 gm). PERM DIVI AVG COL ROM, radiate head of Augustus right; star above, thunderbolt before / IVLIA AVGVJSTA GENETjRIX ORBIS, head of Livia upon globe left; crescent above. RPC 73; Villaronga 1060; Burgos 1587. Fine, brown patina, light encrustation. ($100)

Group, Inc.

812. LIVIA, wife of Augustus. JE Dupondius (14.90 gm). Struck under Tiberius, 22-23 AD. SALVS. AVGVSTA, draped bust of Livia right / Ή. CAESAR. DIVI. AVG. F. AVG. P. M. TR. POT. ΧΧΠΠ., legend around large SC. RIC147 (Tiberius); BMCRE 82 (Tiberius); BN 63; Cohen 5. Good VF, dark brown patina, a few corrosion pits, but overall attractive. ($500)

809. AGRIPPA and AUGUSTUS. Circa 9-3 BC. Nemausus in Gaul. JE As (12.83 gm). IMP/DIVIF, heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right, back to back, that of Agrippa wearing combined rostral crown and laurel wreath, that of Augustus laureate; P-P across field / COL-NEM to left and right of palm-shoot which is behind chained crocodile; to left of palm-shoot, wreatli with long ties. RIC 1161; RPC 525. Good VF, with a magnificent dark green patina. ($500)

813. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. JE As (11.19 gm). Struck under Caligula, circa 37 AD. M AGRIPPA. L. F. COS. m, head left, wearing rostral crown / SC across field, Neptune standing left, holding small dolphin and trident. RIC 158 (Gaius); BMCRE 161 (Tiberius); BN 77; Cohen 3 (Agrippa). Good VF, dark brown patina. Very nice. ($600) 810. LIVIA, wife of Augustus. JE Sestertius (27.45 gm). Struck under Tiberius, 22-23 AD. S»P«Q«R IVLIAE AVGVST, ornamented carpentum being drawn by two mules / ‫־‬Π. CAESAR. DIVI. AVG. F. AVGVST. P. M. TR. POT. ΧΧΠΠ., legend around large SC. RIC 151 (Tiberius); BMCRE 76 (Tiberius); BN 55; Cohen 6. EF, choice brown patina. Very nice. ($3000)

814. AGRIPPA. Died 12 BC. JE As (9.72 gm). Struck under Caligula, circa 37 AD. M AGRIPPA L F COS m, head of Agrippa left, wearing rostral crown / S-C across field, Neptune standing facing, head left, holding small dolphin and trident. RIC I 58 (Gaius); BMCRE 161 (Tiberius); BN 77 (Caligula); Cohen 3 (Agrippa). VF, mottled green patina. ($300)

811. LIVIA, wife of Augustus. JE Sestertius (26.09 gm). Stnick under Tiberius, 22-23 AD. S«P»Q«R IVLIAE AVGVST, ornamented carpentum being drawn by two mules / Tl. CAESAR. DIVI. AVG. F. AVGVST. P. M. TR. POT. ΧΧΠΠ., legend around large SC. RIC 151 (Tiberius); BMCRE 76 (Tiberius); BN 55; Cohen 6. Good VF, brown patina, moderate pitting. ($750) 1 00

Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. A Rare Tessera

815. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AV Aureus (7.76 gm). Lugdunum mint. Ή CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head of Tiberius right / PONTIF MAXIM, Livia as Pax seated right, holding branch and sceptre; plain legs to chair. RIC 125; BMCRE 30; BN 13; Cohen 15. Toned VF, reverse scratch. ($1250)

820. ANONYMOUS. Time of Tiberius. Circa 22-37 AD. JE Tessera (3.54 gm). Radiate head of Augustus left within linear border / 1 within beaded border surrounded by wreath. T.V. Buttrey, "The Spintriae as a Historical Source," NumChron (1973), 9; Cohen Vm pg.247,8. Good VF, brown patina. ($1200)

816. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius (3.87 gm). ΤΙ CAESAR DIVI [AVG] F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / TR POT XVII, IMP VU in exergue, Tiberius in slow quadriga right. RIC14; BMCRE 7; RSC 48. Near EF, attractive old cabinet toning. ($500)

821. DRUSUS, son of Tiberius. Died 23 AD. JE Sestertius (27.14 gm). Struck under Tiberius, 22-23 AD. Confronted heads of Drusus' children on crossed comuacopiae, with caduceus between / DRVSVS CAESAR Ή AVG F DIVI AVG Ν PONT TR POT Π around large S C. RIC 142; BMCRE 95; BN 72; Cohen 1 (Drusus). Fine, moderate overall porosity. ($350) 817. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Ή CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / PONTIF MAXIM, Livia, as Pax seated right holding olive branch and sceptre; legs of chair ornate, feet on footstool. RIC 130; BMCRE 48; BN 33; RSC 16a. Toned EF. ($500)

818. TIBERIUS. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). Ή CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / PONTIF MAXIM, Livia, as Pax seated right holding olive branch and spear; legs of chair ornate, feet on footstool. RIC 130; BMCRE 48; BN 33; RSC 16a. Toned, good VF. ($300)

819. ANONYMOUS. Time of Tiberius. Circa 22-37 AD. JE Tessera (3.39 gm). Laureate head of Augustus right within linear border / ΠΠ within beaded border surrounded by wreath. T.V. Buttrey, "The Spintriae as a Historical Source," NumChron (1973), 2; Cohen Vffl pg.248,22. Good VF, Tiber patina, surface corrosion. ($900)

822. GERMANICUS, father of Caligula. 39 AD. JE As (11.09 gm). GERMANICVS CAESAR Ή AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head left / C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG Ρ M TR POT ΠΙ Ρ Ρ around S C. RIC 143 (Gaius); BMCRE 60 (Caligula); BN 106 (Caligula); Cohen—. Good VF, dark brown patina. Attractive portrait. ($600)

823. GAIUS CALIGULA and AGRIPPINA. 37-41 AD. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Struck 37 AD. C. CAESAR. AVG. GERM. P. M. TR. POT., bare head right / AGRIPPINA MAT C CAES AVG GERM, draped bust of Agrippina right. RIC 18; BMCRE 8; BN 12; RSC 4. Toned, near EF, light porosity. Attractive portraits. ($1750)


Classical Numismatic

824. GAIUS CALIGULA and GERMANICUS. 37-41 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Struck 38-39 AD. C. CAESAR. AVG. GERM. P. M. TR. POT, laureate head of Caligula right / GERMANICVS. CAES. P. C. CAES. AVG. GERM., bare head of Germanicus right. RIC 118; BMCRE 19; BN 28; RSC 2. Toned, good VF, obverse scrapes below bust of Caligula. ($1500)

Group, Inc.

828. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AV Aureus (7.73 gm). Struck 51-52 AD. Ή CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M T R P X I I M P P P COV V, laureate head right / SPQR/P P / O B C S in three lines within oak-wreath. RIC 163; BMCRE 70; BN 72 (same reverse die); Cohen 95. VF. ($3000)

Pedigreed Claudius & Agrippina Jr. Aureus

AV 825. G A I U S CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. Ά Sestertius (22.98 gm). Struck 37-38 AD. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, laureate head left / AGRIPPINA DRVSILLAIVLIA, SC in exergue, Gaius‫ ׳‬three sisters standing facing; Agrippina on left as Securitas, holding comucopiae and resting on column; Drusilla in the middle as Concordia, holding patera and comucopiae; Julia on right as Fortuna, holding rudder and comucopiae. RIC 133; BMCRE 37; Cohen 4. VF, brown patina with lighter highlights, a few small spots of green encrustation on reverse. ($1000)

826. G A I U S CALIGULA. 3 7 4 1 AD. AL Sestertius (28.71 gm). Struck 37-38 AD. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS Ρ M TR POT, PŒTAS, in exergue, Pietas, veiled, seated left holding patera, left elbow resting on small facing statue / DIVO-AVG, S-C, Gaius sacrificing before hexastyle temple; one attendant leading bull to altar, the other holding a patera. RIC 136; BMCRE 41; BN 51; Cohen 9. VF, reddish brown patina. ($450)

829. CLAUDIUS and AGRIPPINA Junior. 50-54 AD. AV Aureus (7.74 gm). Ή CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM Ρ M TRIB POT Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust of Agrippina right. RIC 180; BMCRE 72; BN 76ff; Band XVI11/5 (this com); Von Kaenel 799 (R680/V699 - this com); Cohen 3. Good VF, reverse scratch. ($6000) Ex Coppens Collection (Bourgey, 6 December 1961), lot 22; Rollin <& Feuardent (20 April 1896), lot 150; Vitalini (9 March 1891), lot 31.

830. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm (10.69 gm). Pergamum mint. Ή CLAVD CAESAR AVG, bare head of Claudius left / Claudius standing facing, holding globe and sceptre, being crowned by female holding wreath and comucopiae, both within distyle temple; ROM ET AVG inscribed on entablature, COM-ASI across field. RIC 1120 (Ephesus); BMCRE 228; BN 304; RSC 3. Toned VF, banker's mark below d u n . ($500) Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin (July, 1965), A541.

Ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, July 1960, B609.

827. GAIUS CALIGULA. 37-41 AD. Ilium in Troas. / E 2 3 m m (7.61 gm). trAIOJC KAICAP [0EOC AYTOKPATWP CEBACTOI], facing heads of Caligula, laureate, and Augustus, radiate / [ΘΕΑ PWMH] ΙΕΡΑ CYNKJAHTOC ΙΛΙ], bust of Roma facing bust of Senate; statue of Athena between. RPC 2312 (same dies); SNG Copenhagen 387. Near VF, brown patina. Very Rare. ($400)

831. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Denarius (3.17 gm). Struck 46-47 AD. Lugdunum m i n t Ή. CLAVD. CAESAR AVG. P. M. T R P. VI. IMP. XI, laureate head right / CONSTANTIAE AVGVST1, Constantia seated left on curule chair, feet on stool, right hand raised. RIC 132; BMCRE 31; BN 4β ; RSC 8.T0ned VF. (S1000)


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Attractive Sestertius of Claudius

832. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. AR Denarius (3.17 gm). Struck 50-51 AD. Lugdunum mint. ‫־‬Π. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. P. M. TR. P. X. IMP. PP, laureate head right / PACIAVGVSTAE, Pax-Nemesis walking right holding caduceus over serpent. RIC 152; BMCRE 62; BN 66; RSC 65. Toned VF. ($1000) Ex CNA Auction VIII (September 27,1989), lot 411.

835. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Sestertius (27.46 gm). Struck 42-43 AD. Ή CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG Ρ M TR Ρ IMP Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / SPES AVGVSTA, SCiii exergue, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. RIC 1115; BMCRE 192; BN 217 (same reverse die); Von Kaenel pl.40,1808 (V415/R463); Cohen 85. Good VF, fields smoothed, fine Roman style. ($750)

833. CLAUDIUS and AGRIPPINA Junior. 50-54 AD. AR Denarius (3.66 gm). Ή CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM Ρ M TRIB POT Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTAE, diademed and draped bust of Agrippina right. RIC 181; BMCRE 75; BN 82; RSC 4. Near EF, touch of obverse porosity above head. ($4000) 836. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. Caesarea to Cilicia? JE 29mm (15.87 gm). TIBEPIOC KAAYAIOC KAICAP, bare head right / Zeus enthroned left, holding patera and sceptre; KAICAPEJON] to left, ETOYC Ε to upper left. RPC 4085 (see pg.599 for discussion of the mint attribution). Near EF, dark green patina. Rare. ($750) Ex Lockett Collection (Glendining's, 23 February 1961), lot 2992 (part oft.

Nero, As Caesar, Gold Aureus

834. CLAUDIUS. 41-54 AD. JE Sestertius (25.71 gm). Struck 4142 AD. Ή CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG Ρ M TR Ρ IMP, laureate head right / SPES AVGVSTA, S C m exergue, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. RIC 199; BMCRE 124; BN 165; Cohai 85. VF, dark green patina. ($500)

'Phase print or type your bidsheet clearly. 'We are not responsible/or any errors due to illegible hatidzmting!

837. NERO, as Caesar 50-54 AD. AV Aureus (7.63 gm). NERO CLAVD CAES DRVSVS GERM P R I N C I W E N T , bare-headed, draped bust of a young Nero left / SACERD. COOPT. IN. 0[MN. CONL. SVjPRA. NVM. EX. S. C., simpulum above tripod on left, lituus above patera on right. RIC I 76 (Claudius); BMCRE 84 (Tiberius); BN 91; Cohen 311. Good VF. ($3500)

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Classical Numismatic

838. N E R O and A G R I P P I N A I I . 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Struck 55 AD. NERO CLAVD DIVI F CAES AVG F Ρ M TR Ρ COS, jugate busts of Nero and Agrippina right / AGRIPP AVG DIVI CLAVD NERONIS CAES MATER, EX S C in field, Divus Claudius and Divus Augustus in quadriga of elephants left. RIC 17; BMCRE 8; BN 13; RSC 4. Toned, good VF, flan a little ragged around edges. Scarce. ($1000)

Group, Inc.

841. N E R O and DIVUS CLAUDIUS. Circa 63-64 AD. Caesarea in Cappadocia. AR Didrachm (6.94 gm). NERO CLAV[D DIVI CLA]VD F CAESAR AVG GERMA, laureate head of Nero right / DIVOS CLAVD AVGVST GERMANIC PATER AVG, laureate head of Claudius right. Cf. RIC 1620 (Nero); BMCRE 415 (Nero); RPC 3647; Sydenham 68; RSC l a (Claudius and Nero). Toned VF. ($300)

842. NERO and POPPAEA. 63-66 AD. Galatia. JE 26mm (16.65 gm). ΝΕΡΩΝ[ΟΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ], laureate head of Nero right / ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ, draped bust of Poppaea right. RPC 3562; SNG von Aulock 6118. Fine, brown patina. ($100)

A Notable Denarius of Clodius Macer

839. NERO. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (3.04 gm). Struck circa 64-65 AD. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / IVPPITER CVSTOS, Jupiter seated left on throne, holding thunderbolt and vertical sceptre. RIC I 53; BMCRE 74; BN 220; WCN 57; RSC 119. EF, very light porosity, light scrape above Jupiter's head. ($1000)

840. NERO. 54-68 AD. JE Sestertius (26.33 gm). NERO CLAVDIVS CAES AVG GERM Ρ M TR Ρ IMP Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / DECVRSIO in exergue, S-C across field; Nero, bare-headed, cuirassed and with cloak flowing free, on horseback prancing right, holding spear in right hand; before, foot soldier advancing right, looking back, holding vexillum; behind, soldier running behind horse. RIC I—; BMCRE—; WCN—; BN—; Cohen—. Unpublished variety. Near VF, green patina, light obverse porosity and reverse is doublestruck. ($1000) The obverse legend employed on this coin is unpublished for Nero. The style appears regular and unlike the imitative issues of the period, but it is possibly an issue of Perinthus in Thrace (see RPC I,pg. 318).

843. CLODIUS MACER. April-October 68 AD. AR Denarius (3.19 gm). Carthage mint(?). L CLODIMACRI, bust of Victory right with open wings, S C below / LEG ΠΙ across field, U-B above, AVG on right, legionary eagle between two standards. Cf. RIC 114; cf. BMCRE pg.286 note; cf. Gara pg.64, m and pl.1,4; cf. Hewitt 22. Toned VF. ($10000) Heiuitt only bieiu of eight examples of this type, four with open wings andfour with closed, all struckfrom 6 dies. Tins coin is struck from different dies than any of the known specimens.

1 00

Classical Numismatic

844. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG, laureate and draped bust right / VICTORIA P. R., Victory standing left on globe holding wreath and palm. RIC 124; BMCRE 49; RSC 328. Toned VF. ($5‫)ש‬

Group, Inc.

848. CIVIL WAR. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.39 gm). Struck in Spain. GENIO P. R., laureate bust of Genius right, wearing wreath of berries, cornucopiae over shoulder / MARTI VLTORI, Mars walking right, holding javelin and shield. RIC 118; BMCRE 2; Peter-Hugo Martin, Die anonymen Münzen des Jahres 68 nach Christus, 34; RSC 384b. Toned VF. Very Rare. ($750) Ex CNA Auction VIII (September27,1989), lot 429.

845. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Rome. IMP SER GALBA AVG, bare head right / SPQR O.B C S in three lines within oak-wreath. RIC 1167; BMCRE 34; RSC 287. Toned, near EF, old scratches on reverse ($1000) around legend. 849. CIVIL WAR. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Struck in Spam. LIBERTAS RESTITVTA, bust of Libertas right / Round shield inscribed SP QR within oak wreath, two four-pointed stars at top of wreath. RIC I 27; BMCRE 12; Peter-Hugo Martin, Die a n o n y m e n M ü n z e n des Jahres 68 nach Christus, 91; RSC 431. Near EF, a few insignificant obverse marks, choice flan. Very Rare. ($2000)

846. GALBA. 68-69 AD. AR Quinarius (1.62 gm). Lugdunum mint. SER. GALBA. IMP. CAESAR. AVG. P. M. T. P., laureate head right / VICTORIA GALBAE. AVG, Victory standing right on globe, holding wreath and palm. RIC 1132; BMCRE 244; RSC 317. Good VF, lightly porous. Scarce. ($3TO)

850. CIVIL WAR. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). Struck in Spam. Bare head of Augustus right / [AJVG-CAE across field, trophy on prow, anchor and rudder in saltire behind. RIC I—; BMCRE—; Peter-Hugo Martin, Die anonymen Münzen des Jahres 68 nach Christus,—; RSC—. Toned VF. obverse double struck. Unpublished and presently unique! ($1500)

847. GALBA. 68-69 AD. /E Sestertius (27.11 gm). IMP. SER. GALBA. CAE-SAR. AVG. TR. P., laureate head right / AVGVSTA in exergue, S-C across field, Livia seated left holding patera and sceptre. RIC 1338; BMCRE—; Kraay ACG 118 (dies A90/P30). VF, brown patina, several small pin pricks on both sides, old scuff on reverse. ($400)

851. OTHO. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). IMP M OTHO [CAES] AR AVG TR P, bare head right / [PAX] ORBIS [TER]RARVM, Pax standing left, holding branch and caduceus. RIC 14; BMCRE 3; RSC 3. EF. ($2500)


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc.

852. OTHO. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head right / SECV-RI-TAS Ρ R, Securitas standing left holding wreath and sceptre. RIC 18; BMCRE 17; RSC 17. Near EF, well centered and attractive. ($1800)

857. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). Struck 73 AD. IMP CAES VESP AVG CENS, laureate head right / PONTIF MAXIM, Vespasian seated right holding branch and vertical sceptre. RIC Π 65; BMCRE 98; RSC 387. Toned EF. ($350)

853. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.67 gm). Lugdunum mint. A VITELLIVS IMP GERMAN, laureate head right / CONSENSVS EXERCITWM, Mars walking left, holding spear and aquila with vexillum. RIC 12; BMCRE pg.391 note; RSC 28. Near EF. ($900)

858. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Struck 74 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / PON MAX TR Ρ COS V, winged caduceus. RIC Π 75; BMCRE 138; RSC 362 Good VF. ($200)

854. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. AR Denarius (3.23 gm). A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP, bare head right, with features of Otho / CONCOR-DIA Ρ R, Concordia seated left, holding patera and double comuacopiae. RIC 166; BMCRE 1 ; RSC 21. VF, lightly toned. Rare. ($500)

859. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.49 gm). Struck 74 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / PON MAX TR Ρ COS V, Vespasian seated right on curule chair, holding sceptre and olivebranch. RIC Π 77; BMCRE 136; RSC 364. Good VF. ($150)

855. VITELLIUS. 69 AD. JE As (7.99 gm). Spanish mint. A VITELLIVS IMP GERMAN, laureate head left / [VICTOJRIA AVGVSTI, S-C across field, Victory advancing left, holding shield inscribed S P / Q R in two lines. RIC 146; BMCRE 107; Cohen 103. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($600)

856. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). Struck 69-71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / IVDAEA in exergue, Jewess in attitude of mounting seated right before trophy. RIC Π15; BMCRE 35; Brin 16; RSC 226. Good VF. ($350)

860. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Struck 79 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / TR POT X COS Vim, capricorn left, globe below. RIC II 118; BMCRE 251; RSC 554. Attractively toned EF. ($500)

861. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Stnick 78-79 AD. CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head left / A N N O N A AVG, Annona seated left, holding gram-ears. RIC Π 131b; BMCRE 298; RSC 30. Lightly toned EF. ($350)

1 00

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Group, Inc.

866. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Struck 72-73 AD. Antioch mint. [IMP CAES VESP] AVG Ρ M COS ΠΗ, laureate head right / Jewess seated right beneath palm-tree; behind, Vespasian in military dress, foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium. RIC Π 363; BMCRE 511; Brin 32; RSC 645. Near VF. ($250)

862. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). Struck 69-70 AD. Uncertain mint in Asia Minor. IMP CAES VESPAS AVG, laureate head right / PACI ORB TERR AVG, towered female bust draped right, [Θ] below. RIC Π 317; BMCRE 437; RSC 291. Toned EF. ($1000)

Three Scarce Vespasian Denarii

867. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Quinarius (1.51 gm). Struck 75-79 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVGVST, Victory seated left, holding wreath and palm. RIC Π125; BMCRE pg.50, note 283; RSC 594. Toned VF.

863. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Struck 71 AD. Ephesus mint. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS ID TR Ρ Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia seated left on throne with ornate back, holding poppy and gram-ears in right hand and comucopiae in left; EPHE in exergue. RIC Π 329; BMCRE 453; RSC 67. EF. Scarce. ($600) 868. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Sestertius (27.00 gm). Shuck 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPAS AVG Ρ M TR Ρ Ρ Ρ COS ΠΙ, laureate head right / IVDAEA [CAPTA], SC in exergue, bound Jewish captive and mourning Judaea beneath palm. RIC Π 425; BMCRE 539 (same reverse die); Brin 43; Cohen 236. VF, brown patina. Choice portrait. ($900)

864. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.48 gm). Struck 71 AD. Ephesus mint. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS ΠΙ TR Ρ Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / [P]ACI AVGVSTAE, Victory advancing right, holding wreath and palm; EPHE in field. RIC 0 333; BMCRE 457; RSC 276. Good VF. Scarce. ($250)

869. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. JE Dupondius (11.21 gm). Struck 74 AD. IMP CAES VESP AVG Ρ Μ Τ Ρ COS V CENS, radiate head right / FELICITAS PVBLICA, S-C across field, Felicitas standing facing, head left, holding caduceus and comucopiae. RIC Π 555; BMCRE 696; Cohen 153. Good VF, brown patina. ($300)

865. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). Struck 74 AD. Ephesus mint(?). IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS V TR Ρ Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia seated left on throne with ornate back, holding poppy and grain-ears in right hand and comucopiae in left; star in exergue. RIC Π 336; BMCRE pg.99, t; RSC 68. EF. Scarce. ($700) RIC II, pg.3, suggests that the denarii with star in the exergue probably belong to the mint of Ephesus, but this is uncertain. 100

Classical Numismatic

874. TITUS, as Caesar. 72 AD. JE Sestertius (26.31 gm). Τ CAES VESPASIAN IMP PONT TR POT COS II, laureate head right / V1C-T-ORIA AVGVSTl, S-C across field, Victory inscribing shield set on palm tree. RIΠ 614 (Vespasian); BMCRE 638 (Vespasian); Brin 100; Cohen 385. VF, brown and tain patina with scattered patches of hard verdigris, choice portrait. Rare. ($1000)

870. VESPASIAN. 69-79 AD. Cyprus. AR Tetradrachm (13.09 gm). Year 9 = 77/88 AD. ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ VECflACIANOC KAICAP, laureate head left / ET[OYC ΝΕΟΥ] ΙΕΡΟΥ, Θ, Zeus Salaminios Standing facing, holding phiale and sceptre; eagle on left wrist. BMC Cyprus pg.79,26. Toned EF, rare this nice. ($1500)

871. DIVUS VESPASIAN. 80-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.55 gm). D I W S AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / EX S C across field, Victory standing left, erecting trophy, captive seated left below. RIC II 59a (Titus); BMCRE 119 (Titus); Brin 80; RSC 144. Good VF. ($250)


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872. TITUS, as Caesar. 74 AD. AV Aureus (7.24 gm). Τ CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head right / PONTIF TR POT, Fortuna standing left 011 garlanded cippus, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC II 177b (Vespasian); BMCRE 153 variety; Cohen 166. EF. ($50M)

When Vespasian zvas proclaimed emperor by the legions in the East in 69, he left his son Titus to quell the jeiuish uprising under the leadership of the zealots, lohn of Giscala and Simon ofGerasa. Titus accomplished the task in 70 AD, and in the folloivingyear, Vespasian, Titus and Domitian celebrated a splendid triumph in Rome. Several different reverse types were employed on the coinage by the Flavians to commemorate the triumph over the Jeiuish zealots. On the reverse of the coin offered here, the palm tree of seven fronds represents /udaea, while Victory inscribes on a shield what would have been the legend ΌΒ CIV S ER,' or ob cives servatos ("because of the citizens having been served "). In his study of the Iudaea Capta series, Brin states that the "title u‫׳‬as in recognition of the awarding of an oak-wreath to any atizen who had saved the lives of his fellow dtizens in circumstances requiring extretne valor. " Hefurther comments that the title wasfitting to Vespasian (and thereby Titus) for rescuing Roman citizens from the threat of the zealots by conquering ]udaea.

875. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denarius (329 gm). Struck 79 AD. IMP TTTVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG Ρ M, laureate head right / TR Ρ νΠΠ IMP XV COS VIIΡ Ρ, Venus, seen half from behind, standing right, leaning on cippus, holding helmet and spear. RIC Π 15a; BMCRE 26; RSC 284. Near EF. ($500)

876. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denarius (321 gm). Struck 80 AD. IMP TTTVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG Ρ M, laureate head right / TR ΡIX IMP XV COS Vm Ρ Ρ, elephant standing left. RIC Π 22a; BMCRE 43; RSC 303. EF. ($500)

873. TITUS, as Caesar. 72-73 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Antioch mint [T CAE]S IMP VESP PON TR POT, laureate and draped bust right, seen from behind / HEP RED, Neptune standing left, right foot on globe, holding acrostolium and sceptre. RIC II366 (Vespasian); BMCRE 516 (Vespasian); RSC 122. Toned EF. ($500)

877. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Struck 80 AD. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG Ρ M, laureate head left / TR ΡIX IMP XV COS v m Ρ Ρ, thunderbolt on draped chair. RIC Π 23b; BMCRE 56; RSC 314. Near EF. ($250)


Classical Numismatic

878. TITUS. 79-81 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Struck 80 AD. IMP TTTVS CAES VESPASIANVS AVG Ρ M, laureate head right / TR ΡIX IMP XV COS νΠΙ Ρ Ρ, throne with triangular back. RIC Π 24a variety; BMCRE 61; RSC 313a. NearEF. ($250)

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883. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. JE Semis (4.64 gm). Struck 85 AD. IMP DOMIT AVG GERM COS XI, laureate and draped bust of Apollo right / SC across field, snake coiled around tripod. RIC Π 274; BMCRE 319 (same obverse die as BMCRE 320, pl.72,4); Cohen 546. VF, heavy green patina. ($350)

879. JULIA TITI, daughter of Titus. 79-81 m AR Denarius (3.29 gm). IVLIA AVGVSTA ΤΠΊ AVGVSTIF, diademed and draped bust right / VENVS AVGVST, Venus standing right, leaning on cippus holding helmet and sceptre. RIC Π 56 (Titus); BMCRE 141 (Titus); RSC 14. VF. Scarce. ($1000)

884. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. Incomplete lead cast of an As from a forger's mold (9.87 gm). [...] DOMITIAN AVG GERM [...], laureate head right / [SALVTI AVGVSTI SC], rectangular altar. Type of BMCRE 291. Fine. ($350)

880. DOMITIAN, as Caesar. 76 AD. AV Aureus (6.95 gm). CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, laureate bust right / COS DO across field, filleted comucopiae. RIC Π 237; BMCRE 196; Cohen 46. Fine, ex jewelry. ($10TO)

881. DOMITIAN, as Caesar. 79 AD. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IWENTVTIS, clasped hands holding legionary eagle on prow. RIC Π 246 (Vespasian); BMCRE 269 (Vespasian); RSC 393. Near EF. ($200)

882. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (3.69 gm). Struck 93-94 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM Ρ M TR Ρ ΧΠΙ, laureate head right / IMP XXII COS XVI CENS Ρ Ρ Ρ, Minerva advancing right, hurling javelin and holding shield. RIC Π175; BMCRE 214; RSC 283b. F DC. ($750)

885. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. Flaviopolis in Cilicia. JE 31mm (10.81 gm). Year 17 = 89/90 AD. AOMETLANOC KAICAP, laureate head right; countermark: helmeted bust of Athena right within rectangular incuse / [Φ]ΛΑΥ10Π0ΛΕΙΤννΝ ETOYC IZ, confronted, draped busts of the Dioskouroi, star above each of their foreheads. SNG Levante 1529; SNG Paris 2171 /2172; Howgego 190 for countermark. EF, dark green patina. Rare this nice. ($300)

886. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. Tarsos in Cilicia. AR Tetradrachm (14.32 gm). ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΘΕ ΥΙΔΟΜΙ-ΉΑΝΟΣ ΣΕ FER laureate head right / ΜΗΤΡΟΓΙΟΛΕΩΣ, City-Tyche seated right on rocks, crowning TAP monogram with a palm-branch, river-god Kydnos swimming below her feet. SNG Levante 989; SNG Paris 1391. Good VF, light toning. ($500)


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Rare Denarius of Domitia

887. DOMITIA, wife of Domitian. AR Denarius (3.23 gm). Struck 81-84 AD. DOMITIA AVGVSTA IMP DOMIT, draped bust right, hair in long plait d o w n back of neck, with necklace / CONCORDIA AVGVS-T, peacock standing right. RIC II212 (Domitian); BMCRE 61; RSC 2. Toned, good VF, scratches behind head on obverse. Rare. ($2000)

And A Rare Aureus of Nerva

888. NERVA. 96-98 AD. AV Aureus (7.46 gm). 96 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG Ρ M TR Ρ COS II Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Liberias standing left, holding pileus and sceptre. RIC Π 7; BMCRE 16; Cohen 105. Good VF, light marks. Choice early portrait. Rare. ($75‫)ש‬



V - Î ^ /

889. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AV Aureus (7.07 gm). Struck 113 AD. IMP. TRAIANO AVG GER DAC Ρ M TR Ρ COS VI Ρ Ρ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / S Ρ Q R Ο Ρ Π Μ Ο PRINCIPI, legionary eagle between standard and vexillum. RIC Π 2%; BMCRE 456; Hill 574; Cohen 578. Good VF. ($30‫)ש‬

891. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). Struck 100 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRA-IAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / Ρ M TR Ρ COS ΠΙ Ρ Ρ, Victory seated right on low chair, holding patera and palm-branch. RIC Π 41; BMCRE 77; Hill 85; RSC 223. Toned EF. ($200)

892. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). Struck 107 AD. IMP TRAIANO GER DAC Ρ M TR Ρ, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / COS V Ρ Ρ S Ρ Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder before prow and comucopiae. RIC Π122; BMCRE 306; Hill 466; RSC 87. EF. ($150)

893. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AR Denarius (3.27 gm). Struck 107 AD. IMP TRAIANO GER DAC Ρ M TR Ρ, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / COS V Ρ Ρ S Ρ Q R OPTIMO PRINC, trophy on stump, consisting of tunic with helmet on top, round shield and oval shield as arms; at base, two swords, two javelins, and two shields. RIC Π147; BMCRE 358; Hill 470; RSC 98. Near EF. ($150)

890. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. AV Aureus (7.13 gm). Struck 115 AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OP-TIOMO AVG GER DAC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Ρ M TR Ρ COS VIΡ Ρ S Ρ Q R, SALVS AVG in exergue, Salus seated left on ornate throne; feeding, out of a patera, a snake arising from an altar. RIC Π 368; BMCRE (same dies); Hill 697; Cohen 331. VF, light scratches on reverse. ($1750)


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'Port of Trajan‫ ׳‬Sestertius

894. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Sestertius (25.52 gm). Struck 115 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC Ρ M TR [Ρ COS V Ρ Ρ], laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / PORTVM TRAIANI, S C in exergue, basin of Trajan's harbor at Porto, surrounded by warehouses and ships in center. RIC Π 471; BMCRE 770a; Hill 655; Cohen 305. Fine, brown and green patina, light porosity. Extremely rare. ($5000)

897. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Sestertius (28.27 gm). Struck 115 AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC Ρ M TR Ρ COS V I Ρ Ρ, laureate head right, wearing aegis / SINATVS(sic) POPVLVS-QVE ROMANVS, S-C across field, Felicitas standing facing, head left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC Π 673; BMCRE 1021; Hill 680; Cohen—. Choice VF, dark surfaces, reverse porosity. ($1000)

An Impressive Trajan D u p o n d i u s

Documentation in ancient sources is plentiful concerning the Port of Trajan (cf. Pliny, Ep. 6.31, letter to Cornelianus); however, the exact location of the port is uncertain. In Untersuchungen zur Römischen Reichsprägung des Zweiten Jahrhunderts, teill, Die Reichsprägung zur Zeit des Traian, pp .212-3, Strack claims that it is the harbour of Trajan at Ostia as opposed to that at Centumcellae. Mattingly, in the introduction to BMCRE, vol. II, pg.civ, questions Strack's conelusion. Perhaps future archaeologicalfieldzvork will determine the precise location of the port depicted on this issue.

895. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Sestertius (25.60 gm). Struck 105 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M T R P C O S V P P , laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / S Ρ Q R Ο Ρ Ή Μ Ο PRINCIPI, S-C across field, Roma standing left, holding Victory and spear. RIC Π 483; BMCRE 775; Hill 213; Cohen 383. Good VF, brown and green patina. ($750)

898. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Dupondius (12.03 gm). Struck 104 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC Ρ M TR Ρ COS V Ρ Ρ, radiate and draped bust right / S Ρ Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, S-C across field, trophy with shields at base. RIC Π 586; cf. BMCRE 905ff; Hill 184; Cohen 573. Choice EF, brown patina. ($1000) This issue was struck to commemorate Trajan's victories in the Dacian Wars.

A Distinctive Trajan Sestertius

896. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. JE Sestertius (28.74 gm). Struck 106 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC Ρ M TR Ρ COS V Ρ Ρ, laureate head left / S Ρ Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, S-C across field, Victory standing right, inscribing V I C / D A C in two lines on shield set on palm. RIC Π 530; BMCRE 816; Hill 252; Cohen 453. Good VF, green patina, reverse scrape. Possibly the finest known example of this type! ($3000)

899. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. Tarsos in Cilicia. AR Tetradrachm (14.65 gm). 5th Consulship (103-111 AD). AYTOKP ΚΑΙΣ NEP TPAIANOC CEB ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ, laureate head right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤ ΕΠΠ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ, City-Tyche seated right on rocks, crowning TAP monogram with a palmbranch, river-god Kydnos swimming below her feet. SNG Levante 992; SNG Paris 1392ff. Good VF, light toning. ($400)


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Rare Provincial Drachm of Trajan

900. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. Caesarea in Cappadocia? AR Drachm (3.83 gm). AYT ΚΑΙΣ NEP TPAIAN ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ, laureate head right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ YTIAT Γ, head of Zeus-Ammon right. Sydenham 176/177; Metcalf, The Silver Coinage of Cappadocia, Vespasian-Commodus, pg.155, indicates that due to recent hoard evidence this issue can no longer be attributed to Caesarea in Cappadocia and its exact mint attribution must remain uncertain at this time. Nice EF, few light scratches. Rare. ($500)

903. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. Alexandria in Egypt. /£ Drachm (25.67 gm). AVT TPAIAN CEB 1ERM ΔΑΚΙΚ, laureate and draped bust right / Trajan, holding an aquila and a laurel-branch, standing in an elephant-drawn quadriga to the right; LΙΔ in exergue. Köhl 552; Milne 620. Good VF, dark brown patina. ($500)

Denarii of Plotina & Marciana 901. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. Antioch in Syria. AR Tetradrachm (15.31 gm). Struck circa 110-111 AD. AYTOKP KA1C NEP TPAIANOC CEB [ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ], laureate head right; beneath neck, eagle standing right; club before / ΔΕΜΑ[ΡΧ ΕΞ IE Υ]Π AT Ε, laureate bust of Herakles right, lion's skin around neck. SNG Copenhagen 192; Wruck 159 variety. EF. ($350)

904. PLOTINA, wife of Trajan. AR Denarius (2.75 gm). Struck 112 AD. PLOTINA AVG IMP TRAIANI, diademed and draped bust right / CAES AVG GERMA DAC COS V I Ρ Ρ around, ARA PVDIC in exergue, altar on face of which is a figure of Pudicitia standing on curule chair. RIC II733 (Trajan); BMCRE 529 (Trajan); Hill—; RSC 7. Toned VF. Very Rare. ($3500) 902. TRAJAN. 98-117 AD. Bostra in Arabia Petraea. AR Tridrachm (10.62 gm). Struck 112-114 AD. AYTOKP KAIC NEP TPAIANOC CEB ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ, laureate head right / ΔΕΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΥΡΑ[Τ Ε], statue of Artemis of Perge standing within distyle temple on podium of four steps; eagle within pediment. Cf. Sydenham 190a; cf. SNG ANS 1160. EF. ($450)

905. DIVA MARCIANA, sister of Trajan. Died 112 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Struck 112 AD. DIVA AVGVSTA MARCIANA, diademed and draped bust right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right, head left. RIC Π 745 (Trajan); BMCRE—; Hill 561; RSC 8. VF, lightly toned, a few obverse scratches. ' (S2000) 100

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AV 906. MATIDIA, mother-in-law of Hadrian. AV Aureus (6.88 gm). Struck 112 AD. MATIDIA AVG DIVAE MARCIANAE F, diademed and draped bust right / PIETAS AVGVST, Pietas standing facing, head left, placing her hands on heads of Sabina and Matidia the Younger. RIC Π 759 (Trajan); BMCRE 659 (Trajan); Hill 573; Cohen 9. Fine. Very Rare. ($2000)

910. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Struck 123 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / Ρ M TR Ρ COS ΠΙ, Victory flying right, holding trophy. RIC Π101; BMCRE 212; HU1 237; RSC 1131. NearEF. ($150)

911. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.29 gm). Struck 137 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS ΠΙ Ρ Ρ, bare head right / MONE-TA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and comucopiae. RIC Π 256; BMCRE 677; Hill 834; RSC 963. Toned EF, small spot of corrosion on obverse behind ear. ($300)

907. H A D R I A N . 117-138 AD. AV Aureus (7.22 gm). Struck 128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / COS IÏÏ, Hadrian on horseback right, raising right hand. RIC Π 186; BMCRE 430; Hill 380; Cohen 406. Toned, good VF. ($5000) Ex Virgil Brand Collection, Part 1 (Sotheby's, 1‫ ־‬July 1982), lot 16; Dr. Jacob Hirsch Auktion XXXIII (17 November 1913), lot 1242. Interestingly, in CNG's office copy of the Hirsch catalogue, margin notations indicate this coin sold to a Dr. Led. (abbreviated)for 205 Marks, possibly tire distinguislwd numismatist Dr. Philip Lederer who died in Lugano in 1944. It is uncertain when the coin passed to Virgil Brand.

912. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Struck 136 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III Ρ Ρ, bare-headed and d r a p e d bust right / RESTITV-TORI GALLJIAE], Hadrian standing right, holding roll and extending right hand to raise u p Gallia kneeling left. Cf. RIC Π 324; cf. BMCRE 877; Hill 725; RSC 1247d. VF. ($150)

908. H A D R I A N . 117-138 AD. AV Aureus (7.23 gm). Struck 144 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS ΠΙ Ρ Ρ, bare-headed and draped bust left / AFRICA, Africa, wearing elephant-skin headdress, reclining left, placing right hand on neck of lion standing left, and resting left a n n on basket of fruits, behind which are two grain-ears. RIC II298; BMCRE 810 (same dies); Hill 628; Cohen 151. Toned, near EF. Wonderful reverse! ($7000) Ex Collection of a Deceased Nobleman (Sotheby's Zürich, 1986), lot 56.

909. H A D R I A N . 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Struck 125 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / Ρ M TR Ρ COS ΠΙ, Pax seated left, holding Victory on globe and branch. RIC Π 95; BMCRE197; RSC 1147b. Near EF. " ($200)

913. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. AR Denarius (3.42 gm). Struck 136 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS ΠΙ Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / RESTTTVTO-RI HISPANI-AE, Hadrian standing right, holding roll and extending right hand to raise up Hispania kneeling left. RIC II326; BMCRE 883; Hill 727; RSC 1270. VF. ($150)

914. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (27.65 gm). Struck 117 AD. IMP CAES DIVI TRAIAN AVG F TRAIAN HADRIAN OPT AVG GER, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA in exergue, DAC PARTHICO Ρ M TR Ρ COS Ρ Ρ, S-C across field, Concordia seated left, holding patera, resting left elbow on statuette of Spes set on base. RIC Π 535a; BMCRE 1102; Hill 17; Cohen 259. Good VF, green and brown patina, reverse fields smoothed. ($1000)


Classical Numismatic

915. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (22.82 gm). Struck 131 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELiaTATI AV-G, COS ΙΠΡΡίιι exergue, S-C across field, galley moving left with steersman and rowers, standard and vexillum at stem, marine god blowing trumpet at prow. RIC Π 706; cf. BMCRE 1385A ff; Hill 460; Cohen 663. NearEF, brown-green patina. ($1250)

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918. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE As (1238 gm). Struck 126 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / COS m, S C i n exergue, galley right. RIC Π 673; BMCRE 1342; Hill 307; Cohen 446. Near EF, brown patina. ($900)

Two Rare Hadrian Sestertii 919. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. Caesarea in Cappadocia. JE 20mm (4.51 gm). HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, radiate and draped bust right / COS ID, Mount Argaeus; on summit, figure holding globe and sceptre. Sydenham 290a. Good Fine, dark brown patina. Rare. ($200) The small issue of bronze coins with Latin legends minted at Caesarea were probably struckfor Hadrian s visit to Cappadocia in 124 or 130 AD.

916. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (24.24 gm). Struck 132 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS IIΡ Ρ, laureate and draped bust right / ADVENTVI AVG ARABIAE, SC in exergue, Hadrian standing right in toga, greeting Arabia who is standing left sacrificing at an altar; sacrificed bull behind altar. RIC II878; BMCRE 1636, pl.91,12 (same dies); Cohen 20. Near EF, green patina. ($10,000) 920. ANTINOÜS, favorite of Hadrian. Year 19 (134/135 AD). According to the Historia Augusta and an inscription from Gerasa, Hadrian vis- Alexandria in Egypt. JE Hemidrachm (14.30 gm). ANTINOOV HPWOC, ited Arabia (present day Jordan) in 130 AD just before travelling to Judaea where hedraped bust right, wearing hem-hem crown / Antinoiis as Hermes on horserefounded Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina and then to Egypt where Antinoiis drowned back right, he is wearing a chlamys and holding a caduceus; [L] IΘ in fields. Köln—; Dattari 2083; Mionnet VI, 1366; Blum, "Numismatique D'Antinoos" in the Nile. (JIAN1914, pp.53-56), no.10. VF, reddish-brown patina with patches of green. ($500)

Desirable Aelius Denarius

917. HADRIAN. 117-138 AD. JE Sestertius (24.58 gm). Struck 133 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS IH Ρ P, laureate and draped bust right / TELLVS STABIL, S C in exergue, Tellus reclining left, resting right hand on globe and leaning left arm on basket; vine-branch in left hand. RIC Π 791; BMCRE 1565; Hill 521; Cohen 1432. Near EF, green patina. ($25M)


921. AELIUS, Caesar. 137 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). L AELIVS CAESAR TR Ρ COS [Π], bare head right / PI-E-T-AS, Pietas standing facing with both arms outstretched, head turned left; altar at feet to left. RIC Π 429; BMCRE 967; Hill 769; RSC 34. EF. ($900)

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922. AELIUS, Caesar. 137 AD. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). [L AJEUVSCAESAR, bare head right / TR P-OT COS Π, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and comucopiae. RIC Π 430 (Hadrian); BMCRE 969 (Hadrian); Hill 792; RSC 50. VF. ($2‫)ש‬ 927. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.64 gm). Struck 157-158 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ TR Ρ XXI, laureate head right / TEMPLVM DIV AVG REST, COS ΠΠ in exergue, octastyle temple of Divus Augustus. RIC m 272a; BMCRE 916; RSC 802. EF. $250) ‫י‬ )

923. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.23 gm). Struck 140-143 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS Ρ Ρ TR Ρ COS ffl, laureate head right / ITA-LIA, Italy seated left on globe holding comucopiae and sceptre. RIC ΠΙ 73; BMCRE 214; RSC 463. Near EF. Popular type. ($150) 928. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Struck 159-160 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ TR Ρ ΧΧΙΠ, laureate head right / ROMA COS ΠΠ, Roma seated left on throne, holding Victory and sceptre. RIC ffl 303; BMCRE 985; RSC 696a. EF. ($150)

924. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). Struck 145-161 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ, laureate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder / COS ΠΠ, winged thunderbolt on draped throne. RIC ΙΠ 137; BMCRE 536; RSC 345. Good VF. ($200)

929. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (28.74 gm). Struck 140-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS Ρ Ρ TR Ρ COS ffl, laureate head right / SA-LVS AVG, S-C across field, Salus standing left holding sceptre in left hand and feeding serpent, coiled around altar, from patera. RIC III 635; BMCRE 1303; Cohen 711. Good VF, dark, brown patina, slightly grainy surfaces. __ ($400)

925. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.53 gm). Struck 148-149 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ TR Ρ ΧΠ, laureate head right / COS ΙΠΙ, Annona standing left holding corn ears over a modius in right hand, anchor in left hand. RIC m 175; BMCRE 284; RSC 657. EF. ($150)

926. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (3.49 gm). Struck 150-151 AD. IMP CAES Τ AEL ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / TR POT ΧΙΠΙ COS ΠΙΙ, TRANQ in exergue, Tranquilitas standing right holding rudder and gram ears. RIC ffl—; BMCRE 736 note; RSC 825c. EF. ($150)

930. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (24.20 gm). Struck 142 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ TR Ρ COS ΠΙ, laureate head right / [SA]LVS PVBICA, S-C across field, Salus standing right, holding a sceptre; feeding, out of a patera, a serpent arising from an altar. RIC ffl 639; BMCRE pg.209, note 1310; Hill 442; Cohen 737. / / Lot also includes an JE As of Marcus Aurelius, RIC III 1195, and an JE Sestertius of Commodus, RIC III 468d. The first near VF, the others Fine. 3 coins in lot. ($200)


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Choice Antoninus Pius Sestertius

934. A N T O N I N U S PIUS. 138-161 AD. Philippopolis in Thrace. JE 30mm (22.67 gm). AVT AI AAPLA ANTUNEINOC, laureate head right / ΗΓΕ ΓΑΡΓΙΛΙANTTKOV ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Tyche seated left, holding patera and sceptre. SNG Copenhagen—; SNG Tübingen—; Lindgren—; cf. BMC Thrace pg.162,6. Good VF, brown and green patina, light encrustation on obverse. ($250) The portrait andflan style indicate Roman manufacture for use at Philippopolis.

931. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (26.65 gm). Struck 148-149 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ TR Ρ ΧΠ, laureate head right / [TjEMPORVM FELICITAS, COS ffl[I] in exergue, S-C across field, crossed conruacopiae surmounted by busts of two young boys. RIC III 857; BMCRE1827; Cohen 813. EF, attractive green patina. ‫י‬ ($25‫)ש‬

935. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. Cibyra in Phrygia. JE 34mm (26.98 gm). AVT KAICAP ANTilNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed The reverse legend implicitly states the 'golden age' of the emperor Antoninus. In BM-bust right / KIBVPA-ΤΩΝ, Zeus enthroned left, holding phiale and sceptre; CRE, vol. IV, pg.lxvii, Mattingly notes that this golden age is "marked by abuneagle at his feet. SNG Copenhagen 288. Good VF, brown patina. ($1000) dant increase,"and that the children atop the cornuacopiaeare the newborn tzvins of Marcus Aurelius, Caesar and his wife Faustina /unior.

High Grade Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius

932. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE Sestertius (26.63 gm). Struck 157-158 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ IMP Π, laureate head right / TR POT XXI COS ΠΠ, S-C across field, Annona standing facing, head right, holding rudder on globe and modius with grain-ears; left foot resting on prow. RIC ΠΙ980; BMCRE 2037; Cohen—. Good VF, brown patina. ($4‫)ש‬

933. ANTONINUS PIUS. 138-161 AD. JE As (10.86 gm). Stnick 160161 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS Ρ Ρ, laureate head right / TR POT ΧΧΠΠ COS III1, S C in exergue, clasped hands holding a poppy and grain ears. RIC ΙΠ1055; BMCRE 2119; Cohen 1056. Near EF, green patina. ($4‫)ש‬


936. DIVUS ANTONINUS PIUS. Died 161 AD. Issued under Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (3.58 gm). D I W S ANTONINVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on altar, head left. RIC III 431 (Aurelius); BMCRE 48; RSC 155/6. Superb EF. (5250)

937. DIVUS ANTONINUS PIUS. Died 161 AD. Issued under Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (3.35 gm). D I W S ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVOPIO, altar. RIC ΙΠ 441 (Aurelius); BMCRE 71 ;RSC 357. EF. ($200)

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938. DIVUS A N T O N I N U S PIUS. Died 161 AD. Issued under Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). D I W S ANTONINVS, bare head right, slight drapery on left shoulder / DIVO PIO, altar. RIC ffl 441a (Aurelius); BMCRE 76; RSC 357a. Near EF. ($150)

943. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, wife of Antoninus Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / CONSECRATIO, peacock walking right, head left. RIC ΙΠ 384 (Antonmus Pius); BMCRE 473 (Antoninus Pius); RSC 175. Near EF. ($150)

939. DIVUS A N T O N I N U S PIUS. Died 161 AD. Issued under Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (3.43 gm). D I W S ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVO PIO, Pius seated left holding branch and sceptre. RIC III 442 (Aurelius); BMCRE 65; RSC 352. EF. ($150)

944. MARCUS AURELIUS, as Caesar. 145-147 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). AVRELIVS CAE-SAR AVG PII F, bare head right / COS Π, Honos standing facing, head left, holding branch and comucopiae. RIC III 429a (Pius); BMCRE 594 (Pius); RSC 110. EF. ($200)

945. MARCUS AURELIUS, as Caesar. 147-148 AD. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). AVRELIVS CAESA-R AVG ΡΠ F, bare head right / TR POT Π COS Π, Minerva standing right holding spear and shield. RIC ΠΙ 438b (Pius); BMCRE 636 (Pius); RSC 608. EF. ($200) 940. Lot of Two JE of Cyprus. Includes the following: Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar. JE 33 (2 coins). Both coins near VF with light porosity. 2 corns in lot. ($100)

941. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, wife of Antoninus Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.50 gm). DIVA FAV-ST1NA, draped bust right / AETE-RNITAS, Fortuna standing left holding globe and rudder. RIC ΠΙ 348 (Antoninus Pius); BMCRE 360 (Antoninus Pius); RSC 6. Near EF. ($150)

942. DIVA FAUSTINA Senior, wife of Antoninus Pius. Died 141 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). DIVA AVG FAVSTINA, draped bust right / CONCOR-DLAE, Pius and Faustina clasping hands, Pius holding roll, Faustina holding sceptre. RIC IU 381b (Antoninus Pius); BMCRE 298 (Antoninus Pius); RSC 159. Near EF. ($150)

946. MARCUS AURELIUS, as Caesar. 153-154 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). AVRELIVS CAES-AR AVG ΡΠ FIL, bare head right / TR POT VIA COS Π, Genius Exercitus standing left sacrificing with patera over altar, holding aquila in left arm. RIC m 461 (Pius); BMCRE 826 (Pius); RSC 673. EF. ($150)

947. MARCUS AURELIUS, as Caesar 145 AD. JE As (10.42 gm). AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG ΡΠ F COS U, bare head right / VOTA PVBLICA, S-C across field, Marcus Aurelius standing left and Faustina Π standing right, clasping hands; behind and between them, Concordia standing right. RIC ID 1269; BMCRE 1801; Cohen 1023. Near EF, green patina. ($400)


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Lustrous Marcus Aurelius Aureus

952. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.41 gm). Struck 167-168 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARIH MAX, laureate head right / TR Ρ XXI IMP ΠΠ COS m, Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC ΙΠ 178; BMCRE 453; RSC 892. Nice EF. ($200)

948. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AV Aureus (7.24 gm). Struck 165-166 AD. M ANTONTNVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICT AVG TR Ρ XX COS ΠΙ, Victory flying left holding open diadem in both hands. RIC ΙΠ 156; BMCRE 398 (same dies); Cohen 987. EF. ($40‫)ש‬ 953. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Struck 167-168 AD. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR Ρ XXI, laureate head right / PRUvfl/DECEN/NALES/COS/m, legend in five lines in wreath. RIC ΙΠ 245; BMCRE 548; RSC 493a. Good VF. Scarce type. ($200)

949. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). Struck 161-162 AD. IMP M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / PROV DEOR TR Ρ XVI COS ffl, Providentia standing facing, head left, holding globe and comucopiae. RIC m 51; BMCRE 191; RSC 518. Near EF. ($150)

950. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (352 gm). Struck 163-164 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG IMP Π, bare-headed and cuirassed bust right / TR Ρ XVIH COS ΙΠ, Felicitas seated right on cunile chair, holding long caduceus and comucopiae. RIC ffl 111; BMCRE 256; RSC 852b. Near EF. ($150)

951. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.68 gm). Struck 166 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PART MAX, laureate head right / TR Ρ X IMP ΙΠΙ COS ΙΠ, Victory standing right placing shield inscribed VIC PAR on palm tree. RIC ffl 16*3; BMCRE 406; RSC 878. Choice EF. ($250)

954. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.51 gm). Struck 168-169 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR Ρ ΧΧΙΠ, laureate head right / LIBERAL AVG V COS ΠΙ, Liberalitas standing left holding abacus and cornucopiae. RIC m 206; BMCRE 492; RSC 412. Nice EF. ($200)

955. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. AR Denarius (3.54 gm). Struck 170-171 AD. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR Ρ XXV, laureate head right / VOTA SOL DECENN, COS ΠΙ in exergue, Aurelius, veiled, standing left sacrificing at tripod, bull at his feet left. RIC ffl 248; BMCRE 551; RSC 1031. EF. ($150)

956. MARCUS AURELIUS. 161-180 AD. Caesarea in Cappadocia. AR Didrachm (6.62 gm). 161-166 AD. AYTOKP ANTWNEINOC CEB, laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / YriATOC Γ, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by Helios, holding a globe in his right hand and a sceptre in his left. Metcalf 129f (Hoard #‫׳‬s 587-603); Sydenham 325/326. Toned, good VF. (S200)

1 2 1

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961. FAUSTINA Junior, wife of Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust right / IVNONI REGTNAE, Juno seated left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock at feet. RIC III 698 (Marcus Aurelius); BMCRE 122 (Marcus Aurelius); RSC 145. EF. ($150)

957. M A R C U S AURELIUS a n d LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. Nicomedia in Bithyma. JE 30mm (15.65 gm). [M AV]P ANTQN[INOC] Λ AVP [OV]HPO[C], AVTOKfPA] /TOPEC in two lines below, confronted b u s t s of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus / N[EQ]KO [NIKOM], ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ below, Concordia seated left, holding patera and spear, within tetrastyle temple. SNG Copenhagen 561. Fine, green and brown patina, rough surfaces. ($100)

962. FAUSTINA Junior, wife of Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius (3.46 gm). FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right wearing Stephane / IVNONI REGINAE, Juno seated left holding patera and sceptre, peacock at her feet. RIC m 698 (Aurelius); BMCRE 122 (Aurelius); RSC 145. Near EF. ($150)

958. A N O N Y M O U S . Time of Marcus Aurelius. Circa 161-180 AD. JE Q u a d r a n s (3.06 gm). Draped bust of small boy representing autumn, crowned with reeds / S C within a wreath of olive branches. RIC Π 35; J. van Heesch, "Une représentation remarquable des quatre saisons sur semisses de l'époque antoninienne," no.2 (pl.xxv, 3), in SPNO I. Near EF, dark ($500) brown patina.

959. DIVUS MARCUS AURELIUS. Died 180 AD. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Issued by C o m m o d u s circa 180 AD. D I W S M AN-TONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on thunderbolt, head left. RIC ffl 269 (Commodus); BMCRE 22 (Commodus); RSC 83. Near EF. ($150)

960. FAUSTINA Junior, w i f e of Marcus Aurelius. AV Aureus (7.13 gm). FAVSTINA AVG ΡΠ AVG FIL, draped bust left / CONCORDIA, dove standing right. RIC 1U 503b (Pius); BMCRE 1090; Cohen 60. Good VF. ($2000)

Photo of Lot 961

963. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AV Aureus (7.10 gm). IMP CAES L AVREL VERVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIAE AVGVSTORV, Aurelius standing right, clasping hands with Verus standing left. Cf. RIC ffl 456; cf. BMCRE pg.390, * and note. VF. ($2000)

964. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.36 gm). Struck 161 AD. IMP L AVREL VERVS AVG, bare head right / PROV DEOR TR Ρ COS II, Providentia standing left holding globe and cornucopaie. RIC ΙΠ 463; BMCRE 35; RSC 144. EF. ($200)

965. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.40 gm). Struck 163165 AD. L. VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, bare head right / TR Ρ ΠΠ IMP U COS Π, Mars standing right holding spear and leaning on shield. RIC ΠΙ 515; BMCRE 282; RSC 229. EF. ($200)

966. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.44 gm). Struck 164165 AD. L. VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / TR Ρ V IMP Π COS Π, Mars standing right holding spear and leaning on shield. RIC ΙΠ 529; BMCRE 378; RSC 263. EF. ($200) 100

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967. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). Struck 166167 A D. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR Ρ VÜ IMP IIII COS III, Aequitas standing left holding scales and comucopiae. RIC m 576; BMCRE 447; RSC 297. Toned VF. ($75)

972. DIVUS LUCIUS VERUS. Died 169 AD. JE Sestertius (25.36 gm). D I W S VERUS, bare head of Verus right / CONSECRATE), S-C across field, garlanded funeral pyre adorned with statues, Sol in facing quadriga on top. RIC ffl 1511 (Aurelius); BMCRE 1363; Cohen 59. VF, brown patina. Scarce. ($350)

968. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Struck 168 AD. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR Ρ VIII IMP V COS m , Aequitas seated left holding scales and comucopiae. RIC ΠΙ 595; BMCRE 481; RSC 318. Superb EF. ($300)

973. COMMODUS, as Caesar. Struck 178 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). L. AVREL. COM-MODVS. AVG, laureate head right / TR P. m IMP Ü COS PP, Salus seated left holding branch over snake. RIC ΠΙ649 variety (Aurelius); BMCRE 777 note (Aurelius); RSC 762b. EF. ' ($250) 969. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. JE Sestertius (20.67 gm). Struck 165 AD. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR POT V IMP ΙΠ COS Π, S-C across field, Parthian seated right at base of trophy, with hands bound behind back; shield before, bow and arrow behind. RIC II 1432; BMCRE 1271; Cohen 193. Near VF, green and brown patina, surfaces grainy. Scarce type. ($300)

974. C O M M O D U S . 177-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.07 gm). Struck 181 AD. M COMMODVS A-NTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / LIB AVG Iffl TR Ρ VI. IMP ΠΠ COS III Ρ Ρ, Liberalitas standing left holding abacus and comucopiae. RIC m 22; BMCRE 53; RSC 307. Choice EF. ($250)

970. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. JE As (8.34 gm). Struck 163-164 AD. L VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, bare head right / TR Ρ Iffl IMP Π COS Π, ARMEN in exergue, S-C across field, Armenia seated left, left hand on shield; shield and standard before her, trophy and shields behind. RIC ffl 1364; BMCRE1135; Cohen 9. Near VF, dark brown patina. ($200)

975. COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.46 gm). Struck 186189 AD. M COMM. ANT Ρ FEL. AVG BRIT, laureate head right / OPT-IME ΜΑΧΙΜΕ, C V PP in exergue, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt and spear. RIC m 192; BMCRE 233; RSC 387. EF, scarce type. ($250)

971. LUCIUS VERUS. 161-169 AD. Caesarea in Cappadocia. AR Didrachm (6.73 gm). AYTOKP OYHPOC CEBACTOC, bare-headed and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / YI1ATOC B, Mt. Argaeus surmounted by Helios, holding a globe in his right hand and a sceptre in his left. Metcalf 131d (Hoard #‫׳‬s 726-735); Sydenham—; SNG FitzwiUiam 5457. Toned EF, few spots of verdigris. ($200)

976. COMMODUS. 177-192 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). Strack 191192 AD. [L] AEL AVREL COMM AVG Ρ FEL, Commodus as Hercules right, wearing lion's skin headdress / HE-RC/VU RO/MA-NO/AV-G, legend on either side of club; all within wreath. RIC ΠΙ252; BMCRE 342; RSC 191. Nice VF. Nice style portrait, large flan for this issue. ($200)


Classical Numismatic

977. PERTIN AX. January 1,193 AD - March 28,193 AD. AR Denarius (2.82 gm). IMP CAES Ρ HELV PERTIN AVG, laureate head right / SAECVLO FRVGIFERO, winged caduceus. RIC IV12; BMCRE 5; RSC 54. VF. Very Rare. ($1500)

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981. CLODIUS ALBINUS, as Caesar. 194 AD. AR Denarius (2.94 gm). D CLOD SEPT [AL]BIN CAES, bare head right / FELIC[-ITA-S] COS Π, Felicitas standing left holding caduceus and sceptre. RIC IV 4; BMCRE 91; Hill 108; RSC 15. EF. ($400)

Rare Hercules and Bacchus Aureus

978. D I D I U S JULIANUS. March 28,193 AD - June 2,193 AD. AR Denarius (2.72 gm). IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right / Ρ M TR Ρ COS, Fortuna standing left holding rudder on globe and contucopiae. RIC IV 2; BMCRE 6; RSC 10. Good VF, soft obverse strike. Rare. ($1500)

982. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AV Aureus (7.24 gm). Struck 194 AD. L SEPT SEV PE-RT AVG IMP m , laureate head right / DIS AVSPICIB [T]‫־‬R Ρ Π, COS Π Ρ Ρ in exergue, Hercules on left, standing right, holding club and lion skin, and Bacchus on right, standing left, holding oenochoe over panther and thyrsus. RIC IV 31; BMCRE 58 (same reverse die); Cohen 114. NearEF. Rare. ($5000) 979. DI DIA CLARA, daughter of Didius Julianus. /Ε Sestertius (16.24 gm). DIDIA CLA-RA AVG, draped bust right / [HILAR] TEM[POR], S-C across field, Hilaritas standing left, holding palm-branch and comucopiae. RIC IV 20; BMCRE 38; Cohen 4. Fine, green patina. Very Rare. ($1000)

Bacchus and Hercules were patron gods of Severus' home ofLeptis Magna and played prominent roles in Roman society wider the Severans, especially noticeable on the coinage.

Superb Albinus Denarius

983. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Struck 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG ΧΠΙ GEM M V, TR Ρ COS in exergue, legionary eagle between two standards. RIC IV14; BMCRE 19; RSC 272. EF. ($250)

980. CLODIUS ALBINUS, as Caesar. 194 AD. AR Denarius (3.60 gm). [D CL]OD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / FELICI-TA-S COS II, Felicitas standing left holding caduceus and sceptre. RIC IV 4; BMCRE 91; RSC 15. Superb EF. As sharp as they come! ($15‫)ש‬

Tfease Maitybur Bid Sheet 'Earkj

984. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). Struck 194.1 sept sev pe-rt avg imp iii, laureate head right / LIBERO PATRI, Liber standing half-left, holding oenochoe and thyrsus; on left, panther standing left, head turned back to catch drips from jug. RIC IV 32; BMCRE 64; Hill 84; RSC 301. FDC, very nice for an early issue. ($150)


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985. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.74 gm). Struck 194 AD. L SEPT SEV PE-RT AVG IMP ΙΠ, laureate head right / LIBERO PATRI, Liber standing half-left, holding oenochoe and thyrsus; on left, panther standing left, head turned back to catch drips from jug. RIC IV 32; BMCRE 64; RSC 307. Choice EF. ($150)

986. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.26 gm). Struck 204 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / COS m LVDOS SAECVL FEC, Liber standing half-right, naked except for leopard's skin, holding cup and thrysus; on left, leopard standing left, head turned back to catch drips from cup; facing him, Hercules, naked, standing half-left, holding club on ground and with lion's skin over arm. RIC IV 257; BMCRE 315; Hill 638; RSC 109. EF. ($4‫)ש‬

990. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. Smyrna in Ionia. JE 37mm (30.61 gm). AV Κ Λ CEI! CEOVHPOC Π, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠΙ CTPA ΚΑ ΡΟΥ-ΦΙΝΟΥ COOI, CMYPNAION in exergue, Cybele turreted and enthroned, holding patera and sceptre, left arm resting on tympanum; lion at feet. SNG Copenhagen 1377 (same dies); SNG von Aulock 2217 (same dies). Good VF, blue-green patina. Rare. (S1000)

987. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). Struck 204 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / INDVLGENTIA AVGG, IN CARTH in exergue, Dea Caelestis riding lion right, holding thunderbolt and sceptre; water gushing from rocks below. RIC IV 266; BMCRE 335; RSC 222. Choice EF. ($150) 991. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. Antioch in Syria. AR Tetradrachm (10.73 gm). Struck 202-207 AD. Β AVT KAI CEOVHPOC CE, laureate head right / ΔΕΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ VI1ATO Γ, eagle, head right, wreath in beak, standing on leg of sacrificial animal. Bellinger 3 and pl.1,4 (same obverse die). Toned EF. ($400)

988. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 193-211 AD. AR Denarius (2.87 gm). Struck 201 AD(?). Irregular issue. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / RESTTTVTOR VRBIS, Roma seated left on shield, holding palladium and reversed spear. RIC IV 288; BMCRE 361; Hill 506; RSC 606b. EF. ($200)

Tfease print or type your bidsheet clearfy. "We are not responsible for any errors due to illegible handzmting!

989. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS and CLODIUS ALBINUS, as Caesar. 193-195 AD. Pautalia in Thrace. JE 23mm (8.85 gm). AVT Κ Λ [CEVHPOC Π] AABEINOC Κ, confronted busts of Septimius Severus, laureate and draped, and Clodius Albinus, bare-headed and draped / [TI]AVTAAIAC OVA11IAC, eagle staiuling on heap of rocks facing, head left, holding serp«nt in beak. Cf. SNG Tübingen 898. VF, dark brown patina. Very Rare! ($750)

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Group, Inc. Rare "FECVNDITAS‫ ״‬Coinage of Julia Domna

Unique JE Medallion of Septimius Severus and Caracalla

993. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Septimius Severus. Died 217 AD. AR Denarius (2.95 gm). Struck 207 AD. IVLLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / FECVNDITAS, Fecunditas reclining left under tree, resting arm on basket of fruit and placing right hand on celestial orb; standing before her are four children representing the Four Seasons. RIC IV 549; BMCRE 21(Septimius and Caracalla); Hill 850; RSC 35. Toned, near EF. Rare reverse type. ($2000) The reverse type and legend allude to the fertility (and thus, prosperity) not only of the Roman empire under the Severans, but to Julia Domna as the mother of Caracalla and Geta. The depiction of the four children in association with Fecunditas or Tellus represents the passing ofseasons and the prosperity associated with the harvests.

992. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS & CARACALLA. 198-211 AD. Germe in Lydia. JE Medallion 46mm (45.87 gm). AV ΚΑΙ Λ CEllTI CEYHPOC Π KAI AY Κ M AY ANTQNEINOC ΕΥ, laureate and draped bust of Severus confronting similar bust of Caracalla / ΓΕΡΜΗΝΩΝ ΕΠΙ CTP ΓΛΑΥΚΩΝΟΚΓ Β, nude Herakles seated left on lion skin draped over rock, he holds a club resting on the ground and a kantharos, around him standing are: Apollo, nude but for cloak, holding plectron and lyre; Artemis in short chiton, grasping bow and drawing arrow from quiver; and a turreted Tyche, bearing cornucopiae and placing wreath on Herakles' head. An impressive and unpublished medallion, the magistrate recorded in BMC Lydia pg.85,27 for Geta as Caesar. Good VF, dark green patina. Extremely Rare. ($60‫)ש‬

994. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Septimius Severus. Died 217 AD. JE Dupondius (13.86 gm). Struck 207 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / FECVNDITAS, S C in exergue, Fecunditas reclining left under tree, resting arm on basket of fruit and placing right hand on celestial orb; standing before her are four children representing the Four Seasons. RIC IV 872; BMCRE 783 (Septimius and Caracalla); Hill 858; Cohen 37. EF, rich chocolate patina, light reverse porosity. Rare reverse type. ($2500)

This coin can be more closely dated by the magistrate's office. Glaukon appears as strategos for the first time earlier in the Severan period; he appears on a coin of Germe in the name ofPlautilla, hence between 202-205 AD. He must have accepted his second magistracy between 205-209 AD, since it is recorded on a coin of Geta as Caesar. ΤΙκ rather aowded reverse features deities that appear individually on numerous Germe coins in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, but not in this grouping, the significance of which is uncertain. We cannot sayfor sure if reference is being made to a JULIA DOMNA, wife of Septimius Severus. Died 217 AD. AR specific event, but the posture ofTyche presenting a wreath toa seatedfigure(orbe- 995. ing presented one herself) is often associated with the sponsoring of the agonistic Denarius (2.73 gm). Struck 193-196 AD. Emesa mint. IVLIA DO-MNA AVG, games, important athletic events and festivals proclaimed by the emperor and ea- draped bust right / [SAEjCVL FELIC1T, seven stars above crescent. RIC IV ($300) gerly sought by ambitious towns for the prestige (and income) that the city derived 629 (Septimius Severus); BMCRE 421; RSC 173. EF. from the affairs. On the other hand, the city fathers would be tapped for hefty contributions toward expenses, often leaving individual magistrates like Glaukon bankrupt! He at least got his name on the coin. Germe may have celebrated such a festival, which perhaps coincided luith the elevation of Severus' younger son Geta to the rank of Augustus.



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Extremely Rare Left Facing D o m n a D e n a r i u s

1000. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Struck 201 AD. Laodicea mint. ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Ρ MAX TR Ρ ΠΠ COS, Caracalla standing left, sacrifiring out of patera over lighted tripod and holding roll. RIC IV 344b; BMCRE 727 note; RSC 183. Choice EF. ($200)

996. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Septimius Severus. AR Denarius (2.57 gm). Laodicea mint. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust left / VENV-S FELIX, Venus standing left holding apple and sceptre. RIC—; BMCRE—; RSC—. Unpublished in any reference. VF. Exceedingly Rare. ($1000)

This is only the second auction appearance of a bust left Julia Domna denarius, thefirst being Ciessener Münzhandlung, Dieter Corny Sale 33, lot 442. One, possibly tioo, other pieces are traceable to a private collection, all with the same reverse type <this information courtesy of Curtis Clay of Harlan J. Berk, Ltd).

1001. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. JE Sestertius (26.40 gm). Struck 214 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, S-C across field, Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and holding sceptre. RIC IV 572a; BMCRE 271; Hill 1413; Cohen 537. Near EF, attractive green patina. ($2000) 997. JULIA DOMNA, wife of Septimius Severus. Died 217 AD. Tarsos in Cilicia. AR Drachm (4.96 gm). IOVLIA ΔΟΜΝΑ CEBACT, draped bust right / TAPCOV MHTPOPO, Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm-branch. SNG Levante 1030; SNG Paris—. Nice VF, good metal quality. Extremely Rare. ($750)

1002. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. Tarsos in Cilicia. AR Drachm (3.66 gm). AVT KM AVP ANTQNINoc, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IIAAAAC ΑΘΗΝΗ TAPQEON], Athena standing half-left, holding Nike in right hand, balancing a shield on the ground with her left. Cf. SNG Levante 1042 variety (Athena standing half-right) otherwise an apparently unpublished variety. Good VF, slightly rough surfaces. Extremely Rare. ($500) 998. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.02 gm). Struck 211 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / Ρ M TR Ρ XV COS Π Ρ Ρ, elephant walking right. RIC IV199; BMCRE 47; Hill 1312; RSC 208. VF. Scarce reverse type. ($200)

999. CARACALLA. 198-217 AD. AR Denarius (3.38 gm). Struck 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / VENVS VICTRIX, Venus standing half-left, holding Victory and sceptre, and leaning on shield set on helmet. RIC IV 311b; BMCRE 82; Hill 1534; RSC 606. EF, small flail crack. ($1W)

Lot 1000

1003. MACRINUS. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). IMPC M OPEL MACRINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR Ρ Π COS Ρ Ρ, Macrinus standing in slow quadriga left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre and being crowned by Victory standing behind him. RIC IV 36; BMCRE pg.503, *; RSC 88. Lightly toned, EF. ($2000) The dating and sequence of the eastern coinage of Macrinus has been subject to much discussion, engendered by a curious reversal in his titles. As Curtis Clay noted in "The Roman Coinage of Macrinus and Diadumenian ", Numismatische Zeitschrift 93, pp. 21-40, Macrinus' coins showing one (first) consulship follow the coins showing a second consulship. Apparently hisfirst consular acclamation was an honorary title frequently given to equestrian officials. When he became a true consul in January 218, he was titled consulfor the second time on his coinage until he apparently insisted on constitutional correctness. The honest emperor also did not press the claim of having won a victory over the Parthian king Artabanos; he was in fact repeatedly defeated by the invading Persian army, and only staved off disaster by agreeing to a substantial payment of some 15,000,000 drachms to cement a truce. The "Victoria Partium " and quadriga coin types, and imperial title I Parthicus were short lived phenomena, as ephemeral as his unfortunate reign.



Classical Numismatic

1004. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.33 gm). Struck 218219 AD. Antioch m i n t ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA around, MILIT in exergue, two Standards between two legionary eagles. RIC IV187; BMCRE 275; RSC 15. Near EF. ($2TO)

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1009. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AV Aureus (6.57 gm). Struck 226 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate and draped bust right / Ρ M TR Ρ V COS Π Ρ Ρ, Mars advancing right, carrying spear and trophy. RIC IV 52; BMCRE 352; Cohen 280. EF, light scuffs. Very Rare. ($4000)

1005. ELAGABALUS. 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (3.22 gm). Struck 218219 AD. Antioch mint. ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELICITAS around, TEMP in exergue, galley left. RIC IV188; BMCRE 277; RSC 27a. EF. ($3TO)

1010. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (3.82 gm). Struck 231-235 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / PROVtDE-NTIA AVG, Providentia standing left, holding grain-ears over modius and comucopiae. RIC TV 250; BMCRE 875; RSC 501b. FDC, superb! ($150) 1006. JULIA PAULA, wife of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (3.11 gm). IVLIA PAVLA AVG, draped bust right / CONCORDIA, Concordia seated left, holding patera; star in left field. RIC TV 211; BMCRE 172; RSC 6a. Lightly toned, EF. Reverse die clashed. ($400)

1011. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (2.95 gm). Struck 231-235 AD. IMP ALEXAN-DER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SPES P-VBLICA, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. RIC IV 254; BMCRE 897; RSC 546. Choice EF, some verdigris. ($125)

1007. AQUILIA SEVERA, wife of Elagabalus. AR Denarius (2.90 gm). IVLIA AQVILIA SEVERA AVG, d r a p e d bust right / CONCORDIA, Concordia standing left, sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar and holding double comuacopiae; star in right field. RIC TV 226 (Elagabalus); BMCRE 184 (Elagabalus); RSC 2. EF. ($6TO)

1008. JULIA S O A E M I A S , m o t h e r of Elagabalus. Died 222 AD. AR Denarius (3.31 gm). IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG, draped bust right / VENVS CAELESTIS, Venus seated left, holding apple and sceptre; in front, child standing right raising both hands. RIC TV 243 (Elagabalus); BMCRE 56 (Elagabalus); RSC 14. EF. ($150) Lot 1012

The reverse type of this coin pays homage to the goddess of Syria, Atargatis, as the Roman Venus Caelestis.



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1017. JULIA MAMAEA, mother of Severus Alexander. Died 235 AD. AR Denarius (3.47 gm). IVLIA MA-MAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust right / PŒTAS AVGVSTAE, Pietas standing left, dropping incense into lighted altar and holding box of perfume. RIC IV 346 (Severus Alexander); BMCRE 821 (Severus Alexander); RSC 48. FDC, superb. ($150)

1012. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. JE Sestertius (19.75 gm). Struck 230 AD. IMP SEV ALE-XANDER AVG, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / Ρ M TR Ρ V-ΠΠ COS ΙΠ Ρ Ρ, S C across field, Sol standing facing, head left, raising right hand and holding whip. RIC IV 500; BMCRE 625; Cohen 390. Nice EF, green patina. ($500)

1018. Lot of twenty-two Severan AR. Septimius Severus. Denarii (11 coins). / / Julia Domna. Antoninianus and Denarius. / / Caracalla. Denarii (3 coins). Plauhlla. Denarius. / / Elagabalus. Antoninianus and Denarius. / / Severus Alexander. Denarii (3 coins). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($400)

1013. SEVERUS ALEXANDER. 222-235 AD. JE As (10.55 gm). Struck 229 AD. IMP SEV ALE-XANDER AVG, laureate head right / Ρ M TR Ρ Vffl COS ΠΙ Ρ Ρ, S C in exergue, Alexander in quadriga right, holding eagletipped sceptre. RIC IV 498; BMCRE 581; Cohen 379. VF, green patina, light porosity. ($300)

1019. MAXIMINUS 1.235-238 AD. AR Denarius (3.34 gm). IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / P-ROVIDENTLA AVG, Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and cornucopiae. RIC IV13; BMCRE 86; Alram, MIR 27,11-3/B; RSC 77a. Nicely toned EF. ($150)

1014. ORBIANA, wife of Severus Alexander. AR Denarius (3.16 gm). SALL BARBIA ORBIANA AVG, diademed and draped bust right / CONCORDI-A AVGG, Concordia seated right, holding patera and double cornuacopiae. RIC IV 319 (Severus Alexander); RSC 1. Near EF. ($500)

1020. MAXIMUS, Caesar. 236-238 AD. JE Sestertius (20.30 gm). Struck 236-237 AD. MAXIMVS CAES GERM, bare-headed and draped bust right / PRINCIPIIWENTVTIS, S-C across field, Maximus standing left, holding baton and transverse spear, two standards behind. RIC IV13; BMCRE 213; Cohen 14. Good VF, attractive green patina. ($300)

Rare Gordian II Denarius 1015. JULIA MAMAEA, mother of Severus Alexander. Died 235 AD. AR Denarius (3.32 gm). IVLIA MA-MAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust right / FEUCIT-A-S PVBLICA, Felicitas standing facing, head left, legs crossed and leaning left elbow on column, holding caduceus. RIC IV 335 (Severus Alexander); BMCRE 483 (Severus Alexander); RSC 17. FDC, superb. ($150)

1016. JULIA MAMAEA, mother of Severus Alexander. Died 235 AD. AR Denarius (2.82 gm). IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, draped bust right / IVNO CON-S-ERVATRIX, Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock at feet. RIC IV 343 (Severus Alexander); BMCRE 43 (Severus Alexander); RSC 35. Choice EF. ($125)

1021. GOR DLAN Π. 238 AD. AR Denarius (2.73 gm). IMP M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVGG, Virtus standing left, right hand on shield, leaning on spear. RIC IV 3; BMCRE 30; Cohen 14. Choice EF, beautiful light toning. (S2500)



Classical Numismatic Another Gordian II Denarius

Group, Inc.

1026. Lot of fifty-nine AR Antoniniani of Gordian III. Includes the following (listed by RIC IV numbers): 1,2,3,4,6,16,17,18,19,20,34,35,36, 37,38,53,56,63,65,67,68,70,71,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,91,92,93,94,95,136, 140,142,143,144,145,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,156,185,187a, 209,210,212,213,214,216,223. Mostly VF, a few better. Several scarce varieties. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 59 coins in lot. ($1000)

1022. GOR DIAN Π. 238 AD. AR Denarius (2.98 gm). IMP M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVGG, Virtus standing left, right hand on shield, leaning on spear. RIC IV 3; BMCRE 30; Cohen 14. EF, attractive dark toning. ($25TO)

1023. PUPIENUS. 238 AD. JE Sestertius (20.66 gm). IMP CAES M CLOD PVPŒNVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / Ρ M TR Ρ COS II Ρ Ρ, S-C across field, Pupienus standing left holding branch and parazonium. RIC IV15; BMCRE 51 ; Cohen 30. VF, brown patina, porous (reverse more so than the obverse). ($300)

Attractive Gordian III Quinarius

1024. G O R D I A N III. 238-244 AD. AR Quinarius (1.23 gm). IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AETERΝΓΓΑΉ AVG, Sol, radiate, standing half-right, head turned left, raising right hand and holding globe. RIC IV 111; RSC 39. Attractively toned EF. Rare. ($25‫)ש‬

1025. G O R D I A N III. 238-244 AD. Odessos in Thrace. JE 5 Assaria (13.05 gm). ANTQNIOC TOPAIANOC AVT Κ M, facing busts of Gordian and Serapis / OAHCC-EITQN, Serapis standing facing, head left, raising right hand and holding transverse sceptre; Ε in left field. Lindgren Π 813; BMC Thrace pg.139,18. EF, green patina. ($175)

1027. Lot of forty-six AR Antoniniani of Gordian III. Reverse types inelude Aequitas, Concord, Fides, Fortuna, Hercules, Jupiter, Laetitia, Liberalitas, Mars, Pax, Sol, Victory, Virtus. A good variety of types. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 46 corns in lot. ($600)

1028. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.63 gin). 245 AD. M P M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, d r a p e d a n d cuirassed bust right / ADVENTVS AVGG, Philip on horseback left, raising right hand and holding reversed spear. RIC IV 26b; RSC 3. Superb EF, pleasant light toning. ($200) Upon Philip's accession early in 244 while on campaign with Gordian III in the East, he quickly declared a truce with the Sasanian king Shapur I, left the command of the East to his brother, Gaius Julius Priscus, and hurried to Rome to consolidate his hold on power. His arrival in Rome was accompanied by a largesse that was distributed to the citizenry, of which this coin is a splendid example. The reverse design depicting the arrival in Rome of the neiu emperor with hand raised in a triumphant gesture leaves little to the imagination of Philip's altruistic aspirationsfor a tranquil future. However, he goes further and breaks with tradition by employing the reverse legend 'AVGG' which had, until the time of Philip, only been used if there were two Augusti. The new use of the term thus stresses Philip's indication to the Roman people the establishment of a dynasty, which naturally would have been vieived as a return to a more stable time such as that under the Antonines. For a short article on this reverse type on Philip's coinage, see Fred Kleiner, "Equestrian Portraits of Philip the Arab" in Floregium Numismaticum: Studia in Honorem U. Westermark Edita (Stockholm, 1992), pp.197ff.

1029. PHILIP 1.244-249 AD. Synaos in Phrygia. JE Medallion of 40mm (39.37 gm). AVT Κ MIOVA Φ Ι Λ Ι Π Π Ο ^ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΕΠ ΙΟΥ XAPIAHMOV AVP VO ACIAPX A TO Β CVNAEΤΩΝ, Apollo Synaos standing right, tree before him. Unpublished and possibly unique! Good VF, green patina, light obverse scratch. ($1500)


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Apparently Unpublished /E From Syedra

1030. PHILIP I. 244-249 AD. Heliopolis in Coele-Syria. JE 29mm (16.78 gm). IMP CAES M IVL PHILIPPVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate and draped bust right / COL IVL AVG FEL, HEL in exergue, Tyche of Heliopolis standing facing, holding comucopiae and anchor, under canopy held by two female attendants; small figures of athletes standing on either side of her. Cf. Lindgren 12163; BMC 20. EF, dark gray-green patina. Choice condition. ($400) 1031. Lot of twenty-nine AR Antoniniani of Philip I. Includes the following (listed by RIC IV numbers): 1,2b, 3,4,5,26b, 27b, 28c, 31,32b, 33, 36b, 37b, 38b, 40b, 41,44b, 45,47,48b, 49b, 51,52,53,57,59,65,71 (2 corns). Mostly VF, a few better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 29 coins in lot. ($500)

1035. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. Syedra in Cilicia. JE 34mm (22.63 gm). AVT KA1C Γ MECC KV TPAIAN AEKIOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CYEAPEHN, oil basin with a single palm-branch, and two vases to the left; 1YMNACIAPXIA in exergue. Apparently an unpublished type with the two vases to the left of the basin but see SNG Paris 654 and BMC Cilicia pg.158,10 for a similar type with three vases above the oil basin and a palm-branch to either side. Choice EF, gray-green patina with touches of lighter green. Very Rare! ($2500)

1032. PACATIAN. Circa 248-249 AD. Antoninianus (4.17 gm). Viminacium mint. [IMP] Ή CL MAR PACATIANVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FORTVNA REDVX, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and comucopiae; wheel under seat. Cf. RIC IV 4; cf. Cohen 5. Near EF for type, with nearly complete legends and bold strike! Extremely rare. ($40M) Ex NFA Auction XX (9 March 1988), lot 358.

1036. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, as Caesar. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.69 gm). Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C, radiate and draped bust right / PIETAS AVGVSTORVM, sprinkler, simpulum, jug, patera and lituus. RIC IV143; RSC 14. EF, small amount of verdigris beneath bust. ($150) 1033. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AV Aureus (4.50 gm). Struck 249 AD(?). IMP TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm. RIC IV 7a; Cohen 108. Near EF, flan slightly wavy, a few obverse scratches and a d ig on cheek. ($1500)

1037. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, as Caesar. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.69 gm). Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C, radiate and draped bust right / PRINCIPIIWENTVTIS, Herennius standing left, holding wand and transverse spear. RIC IV 147c; RSC 26. EF, small amount of verdigris on devices. ($150) 1034. TRAJAN DECIUS. 249-251 AD. AV Aureus (3.84 gm). IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right / ABVNDANTIA AVG, Abundantia standing facing, emptying overflowing cornucopiae with both hands. RIC IV10; Cohen 1. FDC, lustrous. ($6000)



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1038. H E R E N N I U S ETRUSCUS and HOSTILIAN, as Caesars. Year 177 = 249/50 AD. Flaviopolis in Cilicia. JE 26mm (11.02 gm). Κ Ε E MECCI AEKIOC around, ΓΑ OY OC ME / ΚΥΠΜΤΟ/C in three lines below, confronted busts of Herennius Etruscus and Hostilian / ΦΛΑ0ν‫־‬Ι[0]Π0‫־‬ΛΕΓΓΩΝ, ET / Ξ Ο / Ρ in three lines in central field, the Dioskouroi standing to front, heads turned to face each other, each holding a spear. SNG Levante— ; SNG France—; SNG C o p e n h a g e n — ; SNG von Aulock—; BMC—. Apparently unpublished. Not in any of the major collections. VF, gray-green patina. ($500)

1043. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. JE Denarius (1.65 gm). GALLIENVS AVG, laureate head right / FORT RE[D], Fortuna seated left, rudder and comucopiae. Cf. RIC V pt.l, 351; cf. RSC 260. EF. ($800)

1044. GALLIENUS. 253-268 AD. JE Sestertius (17.80 gm). Struck 257258 AD. IMP GALLIENVS Ρ F AVG GERM, laureate and cuirassed bust right / RESTTTVTOR ORBIS, S C across field, Gallienus standing left, raising kneeling figure and holding sceptre. RIC V pt.l, 236; Cohen 913. VF, brown patina. Reverse double-struck. ($400) 1039. HOSTILIAN, Caesar. 250-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.46 gm). C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS Ν C, radiate and draped bust right / MARTI PRO-PVGNATORI, Mars advancing right, carrying spear and shield. RIC IV 177b; RSC 15. Lightly toned EF. ($4‫)ש‬

A Collection of Antoniniani of Postumus Postumus, the governor of Lower Germany, revolted from Gallienus in the autumn of 260 and created the Ga‫ש‬c empire, which was to survive as a separate state for fifteen years. The breakaway empire was initially composed of the three Gallic provinces, Lugdunensis, Aquitania and Narbonensis, plus Upper and Lower Germany. Eventually, Britain and Spam would join in the revolt. Postumus was extremely popular, and enjoyed outstanding success in defending and restoring the Rhine frontier from Frankish and Alemannic incuisions. However, by 268 his popularity had waned, and in February 269, the governor of Upper Germany, Laelianus, revolted. Laelianus' support seems to have rapidly withered however, and within just a few months, Postumus had defeated the usurper. Postumus' downfall came w h e n he was murdered by his soldiers for refusing to allow them to pillage the city of Moguntiacum (Mainz), the headquarters of Laelianus.

1040. H O S T I L I A N , as Caesar. 251 AD. JE Sestertius (20.92 gm). C VALENS HOSTIL [ME]S QVINTVS Ν C, bare-headed and draped bust right / PRINCIPIIWENTVT1S, S-C across field, Hostilian standing left, holding standard and spear. RIC IV 216a; Cohen 35. VF, brown patina. ($300)

The following collection consists of m a n y rare types and corns in exceptional condition for the type. The remainder of this collection will be sold in our Spetember Mail Bid Sale.

1041. AEMILIAN. 253 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.86 gm). IMP AEMILIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ROMAE AETERN, Venus standing left, holding phoenix on globe and transverse sceptre; shield resting against her. RIC IV 9; RSC 41. Near EF. ($300) 1045. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.18 gm). Struck 260 AD. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SALVS PROVINCIARVM, Rhine reclining left resting on urn, right hand on forepart of a boat; horns on head. RIC V pt.2, —•; Cunetio 2368; Elmer 117; RSC—. VF. Very rare obverse legend! ($300)

1042. AEMILIAN. 253 AD. JE D u p o n d i u s (9.74 gm). IMP CAES AEMILIANVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Ρ [M] TR Ρ I Ρ Ρ, S-C across field, Aemelian standing left sacrificing out of patera over tripod; standard behind tripod. RIC IV 47b; Cohen 37. Good VF, brown patina, overall light porosity. ($500)

If you zvouldlil^e to cfiec^ onyour bids, Trices realizedutillbe available the !Monday after the sale!



Classical Numismatic

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Very Rare "FORTVNA REDUX" Antoninianus

1049. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.40 gm). Struck 262 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HERC PACIFERO, Hercules standing left holding branch in right hand, club and lion's skin in left. RIC V pt.2,67; Cunetio 2395; Elmer 299; RSC 101a. EF. ($150)

1046. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.59 gm). Struck 263265 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FORTVN-A REDVX, Fortuna seated left in round distyle temple, holding rudder in right hand and comucopiae in left; wheel beneath seat. RIC V pt.2,62; Cunetio 2408 (same reverse die); Elmer 315; RSC 83. Near EF. Very Rare! ($1250)

1050. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.66 gm). Struck 260261 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA above, AVG below, galley right with four oarsmen and one pilot. RIC V pt.2,73; Cunetio 2385; Elmer 130; RSC 167. Near EF, small flan crack. ($450) 1047. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.66 gm). Struck 260261 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HERC DEVSONŒNSI, Hercules standing right holding club resting on ground in right hand, bow in left hand, lion's skin draped across left ami. RIC V pt.2,64; Cunetio 2383; Elmer 131; RSC 91a. EF. ($150)

Very Rare "RESTITVTOR G ALLI AR‫ ״‬Antoninianus

1048. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.22 gm). Struck 260261 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HERC DEVS-ONIENSI, Hercules standing left in tetrastyle temple, holding club resting on ground in right hand, lion's skin draped across left arm; three pellets in pediment. RIC V pt.2,66; Cunetio 2409; Elmer 316; RSC 98a. NearEF. ($150)

1051. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.13 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / RESTITVTOR GA-LLIAR, Postumus standing left in full military dress, right foot on captive, raising who kneels before him. RIC V pt.2,82; Cunetio 2452; Elmer 587; RSC 319 variety. EF, sharply struck on the reverse. Very Rare, only one piece in Cunetio! ($750)

Lot 1049

1052. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.34 gm). Struck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SAECVLO FRVGIFERO, winged caduceus. RIC V pt.2,84; Cunetio 2426; Elmer 381; RSC 333a. EF. (S150)



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1053. P O S T U M U S . 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.64 gm). Struck 260‫־‬ 261 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SALVS PROVEMCIARVM, Rhine reclining left resting on u m , right hand on forepart of a boat; horns on head. RIC V pt.2, 87; Cunetio 2372; Elmer 123; RSC 255b. Near EF, small flan crack. Scarce. ($150)

1057. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.57 gm). Struck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / DLANAE LV-CI-FERAE, Diana walking right holding long torch in both hands. RIC V pt.2,299; Cunetio 2430; Elmer 396; RSC 33. EF. ($150)

1054. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.30 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Ρ M TR Ρ νΠΠ COS ΠΠ Ρ Ρ, bow, club and quiver. RIC V pt.2,291; Cunetio 2447; Elmer 561 ; RSC 281. EF. ($450) 1058. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (2.82 gm). Stiuck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / DIANAE LV-CI-FERAE, Diana walking right holding long torch in both hands; stag before. RIC V pt.2,299; Cunetio 2431; Elmer 397; RSC 34. EF. ($150)

1055. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.19 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Ρ M TR Ρ X COS V Ρ Ρ, Victory standing right with left foot on globe, shield set on left knee inscribed VO/XX in two lines. RIC V pt.2,295; Cunetio 2469; Elmer 595; RSC 285 variety. EF, soft reverse strike. Rare. ($450) 1059. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.61 gm). Struck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / DIANAE REDV-CI, Diana walking right, head left, leading stag. RIC V pt.2, 300; Cunetio 2429; Elmer 398; RSC 35. EF, soft reverse strike. Very Rare. ($450)

Extremely Rare "CASTOR" Antoninianus

1060. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.44 gm). Struck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FIDES EXERCITVS, four military standards, hand on top of second, eagle on third. RIC V pt.2,303; Cunetio 2432; Elmer 417; RSC 65. Choice EF.

1056. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (6.09 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CASTOR, Postumus standing left holding spear in left arm and horse by the bridle in right hand. RIC V pt.2,297; Cunetio—; Elmer 589; RSC 8a. EF. Extremely Rare! ($1500)




Classical Numismatic

1061. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.00 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FORTVNA AVG, Fortuna seated left holding rudder in right hand, cornucopiae in left. RIC V pt.2, 304; Cunetio 2424; Elmer 384; RSC 81. EF. Rare, only 2 coins of this type in the Cunetio hoard versus 57 of the standing Fortuna type. ($300)

Group, Inc.

1065. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.14 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVJMVS Ρ F] AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IOVIV-I-CTO-RI, Jupiter leaning left, head right, hurling thunderbolt and holding sceptre; C A in fields. RIC V pt.2,311 note; Cunetio 2467; Elmer 570; RSC 163. EF, porous. Extremely Rare! Unpriced in RSC! (S750) A similar specimen appeared in Sternberg Sale 18, lot 630 and soldfor 1400 SF.

1062. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.13 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IOVI CONS-E-RVATORI, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt in right hand, sceptre in left; child at his feet. RIC V pt.2,308; Cunetio—; Elmer—; RSC 152. Near EF, minor flan striations. Rare. ($200)

1066. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.30 gm). Struck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MERCVRIO FELICI, Mercury standing facing, head right, holding purse in right hand, caduceus in left. RIC V pt.2,313; Cunetio 2419; Elmer 413; RSC 192. Near EF. ($150)

1063. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.85 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IOVI S-TATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head right, holding sceptre in right hand, thunderbolt in left. RIC V pt.2,309; Cunetio 2449; Elmer 563; RSC 159a. Choice EF. ($150)

1067. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.46 gm). Struck 263265 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONET-A AVG, Moneta standing facing, head left, holding scales in right hand, comucopiae in left. RIC V pt.2,315; Cunetio 2404; Elmer 366; RSC 199a. Choice EF. ($150)

1064. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.15 gm). Struck 268 AD. POSTVMVS AV-G, radiate bust of Postumus left, club over right shoulder, lion's skin over left shoulder / IOVI S-TATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head right, holding sceptre in right hand, thunderbolt in left. RIC V pt.2, 310 (plate 13,14 - same obverse die); Cunetio—; Elmer 562; RSC 160. EF, small flan crack. ($500)

1068. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (5.49 gm). Struck 263265 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONET-A AVG, Moneta standing facing, head left, holding scales ui right hand, comucopiae in left. RIC V pt.2,315; Cunetio 2404; Elmer 366; RSC 199a. Choice EF. Very heavy flan! ($150)



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1073. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.34 gm). Struck 268 AD. POSTVMVS AV-G, radiate bust of Postumus left, club over right shoulder, lion's skin over left shoulder / PA-X A-VG, Pax standing left, holding branch in right hand, sceptre in left. RIC V pt.2,319; Cunetio 2446; Elmer 564; RSC 218. EF, soft reverse strike. Very Rare. ($500)

1069. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.48 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ORI-ENS AVG, Sol walking left with right hand raised, holding whip in left hand. RIC V pt.2,316; Cunetio 2451; Elmer 569; RSC 213c. Choice EF. ($150)

1074. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.29 gm). Struck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PIETA-S AVG, Pietas standing left holding two children, two other children at her feet. RIC V pt.2,320; Cunetio—; Elmer 395; RSC 230a. Choice EF, soft reverse strike. ($150)

1070. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.77 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ORI-ENS AVG, Sol walking left with right hand raised, holding whip in left hand; Ρ in left field. RIC V pt.2,316 note; Cunetio 2454; Elmer 568; RSC 213d. Choice EF. ($150)

1071. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.30 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAC ATOR ORBIS, radiate, draped bust of Sol right. RIC V pt.2,317; Cunetio 2465; Elmer 599; RSC 214b. EF. ($600)

1075. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.99 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate and draped bust right / REST ORBIS, Postumus standing right in full military dress, holding sceptre, raising kneeling female (Gallia?) w h o kneels before him. RIC V pt.2,324; Cunetio—; Elmer 592; RSC 325. EF. ($300)

1072. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.38 gm). Struck 268 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PA-X A-VG, Pax standing left, holding branch in right hand, sceptre in left. RIC V pt.2,318; Cunetio 2450; Elmer 565; RSC 215b. Choice EF. ($150)

1076. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.59 gm). Struck 266 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SALV-S AVG, Aesculapius standing facing, head left, leaning on serpent entwined staff in right hand; globe at feet to right. RIC V pt.2,326; Cunetio 2435; Elmer 415; RSC 336a. EF. ($150)

Lot 1073



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Unpublished Tetricus I and II Antoninianus

1077. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.61 gm). Struck 267 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SERAPIC-ΟΜΓΠ AVG, Serapis standing facing, head left, right hand raised, left holding sceptre. RIC V pt.2,329; Cunetio 2437; Elmer 383; RSC 360a. EF, small flan crack. ($100)

1081. TETRICUS I and TETRICUS II. 270-273 AD. Antoninianus (2.98 gm). IMP TETRI[CVS Ρ F] AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust of Tetricus I and bare-headed and draped bust of Tetricus Π jugate right / FORTVNA AV[G], Fortuna standing left, sacrificing out of patera over altar and holding cornucopiae. RIC V pt.2,—. Unpublished. VF, brown patina. ($2000)

1078. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (4.17 gm). Struck 267 AD. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVTIAVGVSTI, Hercules standing right leaning on club. RIC V pt.2, 333 variety (no lion's skin); Cunetio 2442 (same reverse die); Elmer 390 variety; RSC 452 variety. Near EF. Rare. ($150) '

1082. CLAUDIUS Π. 268-270 AD. Antoninianus (4.26 gm). Antioch mint. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate and draped bust right / REGI ARTIS, Vulcan standing right, holding hammer and tongs; Z. RIC V pt.l, 215; Cohen 239. EF, silvered. Rare reverse type! ($400) This reverse type alludes to Vulcan's protection of Thessalonica during the massive Gothic onslaughts that occurred in 269. The local inhabitants believed they were saved by Vulcan and the Cabiri, the latter being their patron deities and the sons of Vulcan.

1079. POSTUMUS. 259-268 AD. Antoninianus (3.64 gm). Struck 267268 AD. Milan mint, coinage attributed to Aureolus. IMP C POSTVMVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, d r a p e d and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS EQVITVM, Hercules standing right leaning on club set on rock, lion's skin around left arm. RIC V pt.2,389; Cunetio 2497; Elmer 619; RSC 443 variety. EF. Rare. ($350)

1083. VABALATHUS. 271-272 AD. Antoninianus (2.84 gm). Antioch mint. IM C VHABALATHVS AVG, radiate and draped bust right / VIRT-VS AVG, Virtus standing right, holding spear and leaning on shield; star in right field. Cf. RIC V, pt.2,8 (Virtus left); cf. Cohen 8. Good VF for type, slight roughness on obverse. ($700)

1080. MARIUS. 269 AD. Antoninianus (2.79 gm). Cologne. IMP C M AVR MARIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTO-R-IA AVG, Victory running right, holding wreath and palm. RIC V pt.2,18; Gilljam pg.25,23. EF. ($300) After the deaths ofPostumus and laelianus in early 269, Marius employed two mints for the production of his coinage, one thought to have beat located at Trier (Treveri), and the second at Cologne (Colonia Agrippinensis). Control of the mint at Cologne had been gained by Laelianus during his revolt from Postumus, and it subsequently passed to Marius upon Laelianus' death. In an effort to speed production, Marius enqiloyed the reverse dies already pivsent at the mint for Iiis cum coinage. The reverse die of the coin presented here is a shared die of Laelianus.



1084. PROBUS. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus (3.50 gm). Ticinum m i n t VIRTVS PROBI AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield with galloping horseman motif / VIRTVS PRO-BI AVG, Probus on horseback galloping left over enemy; XXIS. Cf. RIC V pt.2,818; Cohen—. VF, a few small spots of obverse porosity. (S200)

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Choice Carus Aureus

1088. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (2.20 gm). RSRmint. IMP CARAVSIVS PFAfVG], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / [FEIIC]ITA AV-G, galley on waves; SRS. Cf. RIC V pt.2,560; cf. Ν. Shiel, The Episode of Carausius and Allectus, BAR 40 (1977), 47ff; cf. RSC 50. Near VF, porous. Rare. ($750)

1085. CARUS. 282-283 AD. AV Aureus (3.84 gm). Siscia mint. I M P C M AVR CA-RVS Ρ F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTO-RIA AVG, Victory standing left on globe, holding wreath and palmbranch. RIC V pt.2,95; Cohen 85. Choice EF. ($18000)

Unpublished Alexandrian Mint Carus Aureus 1089. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (3.19 gm). London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS Ρ F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / P[ AX] AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical sceptre; F O / M L . RIC V pt.2,103. EF, rare obverse type! ($1000)

1090. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (3.07 gm). London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LEG [ΠΠ] FLAVIA, centaur standing left, holding sceptre; [ML]XXI. Cf. RIC V pt.2,273 (for ‫ ׳‬C mint, not London). Fine. Rare. ($200) 1086. CARUS. 282-283 AD. AV Aureus (4.68 gm). Alexandria mint. IMP CAESAR M AVR CARVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / VICTO-R C-ARO, Victory walking right, holding wreath and palm. RIC V pt.2,—. Unpublished. EF. ($15,000) Upon the death ofProbus, Carus, the praetorian prefect, zvas proclaimed emperor by the army. He immediately conferred the rank of Caesar on his sons, Carinus and Numerian, then set out on a series of successful campaigns against the Persians. Before he could follow up on his successes however, he was struck by a bolt of lightening and died. At least this is the story according to the Historia Augusta, and it is hardly credible. It is much more likely that lie was murdered by either Aper, the praetorian prefect, or by Diocletian, the commander of the imperial bodyguard. All of Carus' gold coinage is rare and especially this provincial mint issuefrom Alexandria.

1087. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. AR Denarius (4.05 gm). RSR mint. IMP CARAVSIVS Ρ F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCOR[DIA] AVG, clasped hands; RSR. RIC V pt.2,545; N. Shiel, The Episode of Carausius and Allectus, BAR 40 (1977), 11; RSC 14. Toned, good VF. ($15TO)

1091. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (4.60 gm). Uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS Ρ F AVG, radiate bust left, wearing imperial mantle and holding eagle-tipped sceptre / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical sceptre. Cf. RIC V pt.2,720. Fine. Scarce obverse type. ($200)

1092. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AO. JE Antoninianus (3.44 gm). Uncertain mint. VIRTVS CA-RAVSI, radiate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / P[AX] AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical sceptre. RIC V pt.2,891. Fine, rare obverse type! ($200)



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1096. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. AV Aureus (4.91 gm). Struck 294 AD. Treveri mint. DIOCLET-LANVS Ρ F AVG, laureate head right / IOVI CONSERVAT, Jupiter seated on throne facing, holding thunderbolt and sceptre, eagle at feet; ΡΓ. RIC VI16 variety; cf. Depeyrot IB/4. EF. (S7000)

1093. CARAUSIUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (5.52 gm). London mint(?). IMP CARAVSIVS Ρ F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical seeptre; BRI. Cf. RIC V pt.2, 1087; N. Shiel, The Episode of Carausius and Allectus, BAR40 (197η, pg.179,3 and pl.T, 3. Near EF. Extremely rare! ($12‫)ש‬ The 'BRI' in the exergue is most likely a contraction for Britannia, although it has been debated whether the letters could be a contraction of the Roman tenon cfViriconium (=Briconium=Wroxeter), the site where thefirst example of this type was unearthed in 1925. The stylistic affinities to the unmarked issues and the regular London mint issues suggest that this coin was an early transitional issue of the London mint.

1097. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305. AR Argenteus (3.56 gm). Struck 295 AD. Ticinum mint. DIOCLETI-ANVS AVG, laureate head right / VICTORIA SARMAT, four tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod before camp-gate with six turrets. RIC VI 16a; Jelocnik 29; RSC 488d. FDC, superb. ($1000) 1094. CARAUSIUS, DIOCLETIAN and MAXIMIANUS. 287-293 AD. JE Antoninianus (3.38 gm). Camulodunum mint. CARAVSIVS ET FRATRES SVI, Jugate, radiate and cuirassed busts of Maximianus, Diocletian and Carausius left / PAX A-V-GGG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical sceptre; S P / C . RIC V pt.2,1; N. Shiel, "Carausius et Fratres Sui," BNJ 48 (1978), pg.8,9. Good Fine, green patina. Rare. ($15TO) According to Shiel, this issue portrays Carausius' propaganda policies within his own sphere of influence. It was important not so much tire way Ire was viewed by those outside of his domain, but ratlrer how he rvas perceived by his own subjects, and thus tire fraternal aspect of the obverse portraiture. Shiel notes only severrteerr published specintens, and therefore feels that the evidence is insufficient to arrive at any precise chronologyforthe issue. Hoiuever, Ire does preserrt tlreories tlrat would indicate an issue date sometime betiveen 290, a time when Carausius lrad establislred peace with tire central enrperors after their unsuccessful attempt to remove him in 289, and 293 1098. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. AV Aureus (5.20 gm). Struck circa wlren Constantius was elevated to the rank of Caesar. 298-299 AD. Rome mint. DIOCLETI-ANVS Ρ F AVG, laureate head right / VIRTVS MIUTVM, camp-gate with three forward turrets; behind, two small turrets between two towers; PR. RIC VI 7a; Depeyrot 12B/1; Cohen 519. NearEF. Rare. ' ($5000)

1095. ALLECTUS. 293-296 AD. Antoninianus (4.14 gm). Camulodunum mint. IMP C ALLECTVS Ρ F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDE-NTIA AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and comucopiae; S P / C . RIC V pt.2,105. EF, light reverse porosity. ($250) 1099. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. JE Denarius (2.64 gm). Struck 285 AD. Rome mint. IMP DIOCLE-TIANVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IOVI CO-NSER-VAT AVGG, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Cf. RIC V pt.2,187. VF, brown patina with earthen highlights. ($750)



Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Consular Maximianus Aureus

1100. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. AV Aureus (4.42 gm). Struck 286-287 AD. Cyzicus mint. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS Ρ F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IOVIC-ONSE-RVATORI, Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre. Cf. RIC V pt.2,295; Depeyrot 5/6. EF. ($6000)

1104. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. AV Aureus (5.17 gm). Struck 290 AD. Antioch mint. MAXIMIANVS AVG COS ΠΙ Ρ P, laureate bust left, wearing imperial mantle and holding eagle-tipped sceptre / HERCVLIVLTORI, Hercules standing left, holding club and lion's skin; Ξ/SMA. RIC V pt.2,— ; Depeyrot 5/2. EF. One of only two known, and by far the better example! ($15,000)

Very Rare Constantius I Quinarius

1101. DIOCLETIAN. 284-305 AD. AV Aureus (4.98 gm). Struck 284 AD. Antioch mint. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS Ρ F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORI-A AVG, Victory advancing right, holding wreath and palm; O / S M A . RIC V pt.2,320; Depeyrot 1 /22; Cohen 469. EF, a few small scratch marks before bust. ($4000)

Superb Maximianus Aureus

1105. CONSTANTIUS I, as Caesar Circa 293-295 AD. JE Quinarius (2.96 gm). Rome mint. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate, d r a p e d and cuirassed bust right / PRINCIP-IIV-VENTVT, Constantius standing right, holding spear and globe. RIC VI 57a variety. EF, brown patina. Very Rare. ($1000)

1102. M A X I M I A N U S . 286-305 AD. AV Aureus (6.62 gm). Struck 294 AD. Rome mint. MAXIMIA-NVS AVG, laureate head right / C-OMITATVS AV-GG, Diocletian and Maximianus both on horseback left, raising right hands, the nearer holding short sceptre; PR. RIC VI3; Depeyrot 11/3. Superb EF. ($17,000)

1106. SEVERUS II, as Caesar. 305-306 AD. JE Follis (9.93 gm). Heraclea mint. FL VAL SEVERVS NOB CAES, laureate head right / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; ΗΤΔ. RIC VI 26a. EF. ‫־־‬ss‫^־־«־־‬ (S 2 5 0 )

1103. MAXIMIANUS. 286-305 AD. AR Argenteus (3.25 gm). Struck 294295 AD. Siscia mint. MAXIMIA-NVS AVG, laureate head right / VIRTVS M1LITVM, four tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod before camp-gate with eight turrets. RIC VI 43b; Jelocnik 12a; RSC 625f. FDC, superb. ($1000)

1107. SEVERUS Π. 306-307 AD. JE Follis (9.96 gm). Heraclea mint. IMP C FLA VAL SEVERVS Ρ F AVG, laureate head right / GENIO POPV-L-IROMANI, Genius standing left, holding patera and comucopiae; HTB. RIC VI 30. EF. ($250)


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1111. CONSTANS. 337-350 AD. AR Argenteus (2.80 gm). Struck 337340 AD. Siscia mint. FL IVL CONS-TANS Ρ F AVG, laural and rosette diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONSTANS AVG, three palm branches, star above; SISu. RIC Vm 68; RSC lb. Toned EF. ($1000)

1108. DIVUS ROMULUS, son of Maxentius. Died 309 AD. JE Follis (6.52 gm). Struck 309-312 AD. Ostia mint. DIVO ROMVLO Ν V BIS CONS, bare head right / AETERNAE MEMORIAE, eagle with wings spread standing right on domed shrine; MÖSTS. RIC VI34. Near EF. ($350)

Desirable Follis of Alexander of Carthage

1112. CONSTANTIUS II, as Caesar. 324-325 AD. JE Follis (3.28 gm). London mint. FL IVL CONSTANTTVS NOB C, laureate and draped bust left / PROVTDEN-TIAE CAESS, camp-gate with two turrets; PLÖN. RIC VD 298. Good VF. Rare. ($125)

1113. CONSTANTIUS II. 337-361 AD. AR Siliqua (1.97 gm). Struck 351355 AD. Sirmium mint. D Ν CONSTAN-TFVS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VOTIS/XXX/MVLTIS/XXXX in four lines within wreath; SIRM. RIC Vm 15; RSC 342-3e. Near EF, lightly toned. ($150) 1109. ALEXANDER of CARTHAGE. 308-311 AD. JE Follis (4.69 gm). Carthage mint. IMP ALEXANDER Ρ F AVG, laureate head of Alexander right / GLORIA EXERCITVS KART, Alexander on horseback right, raising right hand; PK in exergue. RIC VI66. EF, dark brown patina. ($5000) L. Domitius Alexander led a short lived revolt against Maxentius front 308 to 311, holding Africa and Sardinia. There is little known about this usurpa, but there is euidence in an inscription (CIL viii, 22183) that he and Constantine allied themselves in opposition to Maxentius. P. Salama in "Recherches numismatiques sur l'usurpateurafricain L. Domitius Alexander," Proceedings, International Numismatic Congress 1973, pg.365, note 2, suggests that at the latest, the pact was entered into by autumn of310.

1114. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 AD. AV Solidus (4.43 gm). Struck 350351 AD. Trier mint. IM CAE MAGN-ENTWS AVG, bare-headed and draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG LIB ROMANOR, Victory on left, standing right, and Liberias on right, standing left and holding transverse sceptre, supporting between them trophy on shaft with hook. RIC VHI254; Bastien— . VF, slightly wavy flan, possibly ex jewelry. ($1250)

1110. LICINIUS 1.308-324 AD. JE Follis (3.78 gm). Stnick circa 313-315 AD. Siscia mint IMP UC UCINIVS Ρ F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / IOVICON-SERVATORIAVGG NN, Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre; eagle with wreath to left; B/SIS. Cf. RIC VI 233a and RIC VÏÏ 4. Fine, moderate encrustation. ($200) 1115. VETRANIO. 350 AD. JE Centenionalis (5.77 gm). Siscia mint. D Ν VETRA-NIO Ρ F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HOC SIG-NO VICTOR ERIS, Vetranio(?) standing facing, head turned left, holding standard with Chi-rho on banner, and spear; to right, Victory stands left crowning him with wreath and holding palm-branch; · ESIS*. RIC VIII283; LRBC1170. Choice EF, superb green patina. ($750)



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1119. JOVIAN. 363-364 AD. JE 1 (8.08 gm). Thessalonica mint. D Ν ΙΟVLANV-S Ρ Ρ AVG, laureate and rosette diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA ROMANORVM, Jovian standing facing, head right, holding standard inscribed with Chi-rho and Victory on globe; TESr. RIC VTII 234; LRBC1698. Near EF, green patina. Reverse weakly struck. ($300)

1116. JULIAN II. 360-363 AD. JE 1 (9.50 gm). Cyzicus mint. D Ν FL CL IVLI-ANVS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / SECVRITAS REIPVB, bull standing right, two stars above; CVZr. RIC V m 127; LRBC 2511. EF, b r o w n patina, just a hint of light obverse porosity. Excellent Cyzicene style. ($500) 1120. VALENS. 364-378 AD. AR Siliqua (2.47 gm). Struck 367-375 AD. Siscia mint. D Ν VALEN-S Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VOT/XV/MVLT/XX in four lines within laurel-wreath, at the top of which is a Chi-rho; SISCP. RIC IX 13a (Rarity 3); RSC 98a. Choice EF. Scarce. ($250)

Very Rare Festival of Isis JE

1121. VALENS. 364-378 AD. AR Siliqua (1.99 gm). Struck 367-375 AD. Antioch mint. D Ν VALENS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VOT/X/MVLT/XX in four lines within laurel-wreath; A N T · ·. RIC IX 33b.3; RSC 95Ae. EF, small flan crack. ($250)

Attractively Toned Gratian Miliarense

1117. FESTIVAL of ISIS. 360-363 AD. JE 14mm (0.79 gm). Rome mint. DEO SAR-APIDI, radiate and draped bust of Sol-Serapis left / VOTA PVBLICA, Anubis standing left, holding sistrum and caduceus. EF, dark brown patina. ($500) The Ptolemaic cult of Serapis and Isis enjoyed great popularity throughout Hellenistic and Roman times, and indeed the Romans, like the Creeks and Persians before than, were fascinated by the culture and monuments of ancient Egypt. The Ptolemies and the Roman emperors were not content zuithjust being theforeign rulers of thisfascimting land, but they zvanted to be viewed as Pharaohs and the legitimate succèssors of the Dynastic pharoahs. To this end, they portrayed tlzemselves as Pharoahs to the native population and even brought back certain aspects of the Egyptian culture and religion to tlzeir ozvn mtive countries and cities. The Egyptian concept of the Pharaoh as a god was appealing to the Roman emperors (the aging Julius Caesar zvas especially taken zuith this concept during his romance zvith Cleopatra). This particular little bronze was possibly issued during the time of Julian II in an attempt to revive the pagan religions and institutions as Christianity started to overshadow them in both importance and popularity. The Egyptian god of the undenvorld, Anubis, also the god who oversazu tlze mummification process, is depicted on the reverse of this coin which reflects on the Egyptian pre-occupation zvith death and the afterlife.

1118. Lot of one h u n d r e d - n i n e t y one Constantinian JE. Mostly Constantine I and his children as Caesars, from eastern mints. Uncleaned, uniform patina and earthen encrustation suggest this group comes from one deposit lost in the 340's, with nothing later than the Gloria Exerciti types. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 191 coins in lot. ($200)

1122. GRÄT1AN. 367-383 AD. AR Light Miliarense (4.43 gm). Struck 375-383 AD. Treveri mint. D Ν GRATIA-NVS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS EXERGTVS, Gratian standing facing, head left, holding standard and resting against shield; TRPS. RIC IX 42b.2 or 53a; RSC 52c. EF, attractive toning. ($1500)

Our mosaic is CHQ Auction 43, a mai[bidsafe, scheduled for September17,1997. Calleither of our offices for further details!



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1127. T H E O D O S I U S II. 408-450 AD. AV Tremissis (1.49 gm). Constantinople mint. D Ν THEODO-S1VS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORI-A AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing to front, head left, holding wreath and globus-cruciger; star in right field; CONOB. RIC X 278; DOC LR 325; MIRB 45. EF, scratch in reverse field, edge bruises. ($100) 1123. GRATIAN. 367-383 AD. AR Siliqua (2.07 gm). Struck 375-378 AD. Treveri mint. D Ν GRATIA-NVS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VRBS ROMA, Roma seated left on cuirass holding Victory on globe and reversed spear; TRPS·. RIC IX 46b.l; RSC 87a. EF, small flan crack. ($150)

1128. VALENTINIAN III. 425-155 AD. AVSolidus (4.47 gm). Stnick circa 430-455 AD. Mediolanum mint. D Ν PLA VENTI-NIANVS Ρ F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORI-A AVGGG, Valentinian standing facing, holding long cross and Victory on globe; he places his foot on human-headed coiled serpent; M D/COMOB. RIC X 2025; DOCLR 854. VF. (5900)

1124. ARCADIUS. 383408 AD. AV Solidus (4.45 gm). Struck 397402 AD. Constantinople mint. D Ν ARCADI-VS Ρ F AVG, helmeted and cuirassed three-quarter facing bust, holding spear over shoulder and shield with horseman motif / CONCORDI-A AVGG, Constantinopolis seated facing, holding sceptre and Victory on globe, resting right foot on prow; CONOBr. RIC X 7; DOCLR 210. EF, reverse scratch. ($5W)

1129. VALENTINIAN III. 425455 AD. AV Solidus (4.42 gm). Struck 426circa 430 AD. Ravenna mint D Ν PLA VALENTI-N1ANVS Ρ F AVG, rosette diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORI-A AVGGG, Valentinian standing facing, holding long cross and Victory on globe; he places his foot on human-headed coiled serpent; R V/CONOB. RIC X 2011; DOCLR 841. VF. ($900)

1125. HONORIUS. 393-423 AD. AV Tremissis (1.46 gm). Struck 402423 AD. Ravenna mint. D Ν HONORI-VS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing to front, holding wreath and globus-cruciger; R V/CON. RIC X1289; DOCLR 737. Near EF. Scarce. ($6M)

Licinia Eudoxia Tremissis . ->‫ ־׳'"׳־׳׳‬, ‫״‬-χ

Very Rare Thessalonica Mint Solidus

1130. LICINIA EUDOXIA, wife of Valentinian III. AV Tremissis (1.46 gm). Struck 439 or 442443 AD. Constantinople mint. AEL EVDO-XIA AVG, pearl-diademed and draped bust right, wearing necklace and earring / Cross within wreath; CONOB*. RIC X 336; DOCLR 873; MIRB 51. Good VF, small scratch before chin. Very Rare. ($1200)

1126. HONORIUS. 393-423 AD. AVSolidus (4.40 gm). Struck circa 403408 AD. Thessalonica mint. D Ν HONORI-VS Ρ F AVG, helmeted and cuirassed three-quarter facing bust, holding spear over shoulder and shield with horseman motif / CONCORDI-A AVGGG, Constantinopolis seated facing, holding sceptre and Victory on globe, resting right foot on prow; COMOB. RIC X 43; DOCLR 769; MIRB 53a. EF, very rare. A nice example of the late Roman Thessalonican style. ($1200)

1131. MARCIAN. 450-457 AD. AVTremissis(1.28gm). Constantinople mint. D Ν MARCIA-NVS Ρ F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing to front, head left, holding wreath and globus-cruciger; star in right field; CONOB. RIC X 520; DOCLR 487; MIRB 13. Near VF, wavy flan. ($100)



Classical Numismatic


1137. Lot of thirty-eight Roman JE. Includes the following: Octavian and Divus Julius Caesar. As / / Divus Augustus. Sestertius (restitution issue by Nerva); As (2 coins, both struck under Tiberius); As (restitution issue of Titus) / / Livia. Dupondius. Pietas; Justitia; Salus Augusta / / Agrippa and Augustus. Nemausus in Gaul. As / / Agrippa. As / / Tiberius. Sestertius (2 coins); As / / Julia. Sestertius / / Drusus. Sestertius; As / / Nero Claudius Drusus. Sestertius (2 coins) / / Antonia. Dupondius / / G e r m a n i c u s . As / / Agrippina Senior. Sestertius / / Nero and Drusus Caesars. Dupondius / / Caligula. Sestertius (3 coins); As (2 coins) / / Claudius. Sestertius; As / / Nero. Sestertius; Dupondius; As / / Galba. Sestertius; As / / Nerva. Sestertius; As. Plus two countermarked asses of Augustus. Average Fair to good Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 38 coins in lot. ($1000)

1132. AELIA PULCHERIA, sister of Theodosius Π and wife of Marcian. Died 453 AD. AV Tremissis (1.48 gm). Struck 450-453. Constantinople mint. AEL PVLCH-ERIA AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, wearing necklace and earring / Cross within wreath; CONOB*. RIC X 521; DOC LR 449; MIRB15. Good VF. Very Rare. ($1500)

1138. Lot of fifty-one Roman denarii. Includes the following: Augustus (2 coins - one is a fourré) / / Tiberius / / Claudius / / Claudius arid Agrippina Junior / / Agrippina and Nero (Fourré) / / Nero / / Galba / / Civil War / / Vitellius / / Vitellius and his Children / / Vitellius and his Father / / Vespasian / / Vespasian, Titus and Domitian (gold plating, mostly worn off) / / Titus / / Julia Titi / / Domitian / / Nerva (2 coins) / / Trajan / / Hadrian / / Sabina / / Aelius Caesar / / Antoninus Pius / / Diva Faustina Senior / / Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar (2 coins) / / Marcus Aurelius / / Faustina Junior / / Lucius Verus / / Lucilla / / Commodus / / Crispina / / Pesceimius Niger / / Clodius Albinus, as Caesar / / Septimius Severus / / Julia Domna (2 coins) / / Caracalla / / Plautilla / / Geta / / Macrinus / / Elagabalus / / Julia Paula / / Aquilia Severa / / Julia Soaemias / / Julia Maesa / / Severus Alexander / / Julia Mamaea / / Maximinus I / / Gallienus. Lot also includes a base denarius of Orbiana, /E Denarii of Aurelian and Severina, an Antoninianus of Gallienus and Siliquae of Julian Π and Valens. Average Fair to VF, several very rare coins in the group. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O ($750) RETURNS. 57 coins in lot.

1133. LEO 1.457474 AD. AV Solidus (4.45 gm). Struck circa 468471 AD. Constantinople mint. D Ν LEO PR-RPET AVG, helmeted and cuirassed three-quarter facing bust, holding spear over shoulder and shield with horseman motif / VICTORI-A AVGGG, Victory standing left, supporting long jewelled cross; star in right field; CONOBr. RIC X 630; DOCLR 518; MIRB 3b. Near EF, light graffiti. ($450)

1139. Lot of nineteen Roman of the Julio-CIaudians. Includes the following: Octavian and Divus Julius Caesar. Sestertius / / Augustus. Sestertius;/E 21 (Colonialissue) / / Agrippa. As / /Tiberius.Sestertius; As / / Drusus. As / / Germanicus. Dupondius; As / / Caligula. Sestertius; As; Quadrans / / Nero. Sestertius (2 coins); As; Semis (barbarous copy) / / Domitian. Sestertius; As; Quadrans. Plus lot includes three unattributed very low grade /E. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($400)

1134. BASILISCUS. 275-276 AD. AV Tremissis (1.47 gm). Struck September to late 476 AD. Mediolanum mint. D Ν BASILISCVS AVG, pearldiademed, d r a p e d and cuirassed bust right / Cross within wreath; COMOB. RIC X 3314 (same dies); DOCLR 873; Lacam 13. Good VF. Very Rare. ($1200)

1140. Lot of ten R o m a n Includes the following: A u g u s t u s and Agrippa. Gaul, Nemausus. JE As / / Divus Augustus. Sestertius. Restitution issue of Nerva (light tooling) / / Tiberius. As (2 coins) / / Drusus. As / / Germanicus. Dupondius / / Caligula. As / / Claudius. Sestertius. Restitution issue of Titus / / Antonia. Dupondius (harshly cleaned) / / Nerva. Sestertius. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($500) 1141. Lot of thirty-three R o m a n Denarii. Includes the following: Augustus / / Nero (2 coins) / / ViteWus / / Vespasian (4 coins, 1 of which is a IVDAEA reverse) / / Divus Vespasian (2 coins) / / Titus (2 coins) / / Nerva / / Trajan (2 coins) / / Hadrian (3 coins) / / Sabina / / Aelius Caesar / / Antoninus Pius (3 coins) / / Marcus Aurelius (3 corns) / / Lucius Verus / / Commodus (4 coins) / / Clodius Albinus, as Caesar / / Septimius Severus. Average Fine to near VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 33 corns in lot. ($400)

1135. Z E N O . 474-491 AD. AV Solidus (4.50 gm). Struck 476491 AD. Constantinople mint. D Ν ZENO PERP AVG, helmeted and cuirassed threequarter facing bust, holding spear over shoulder and shield with horseman motif / VICTORI-A AVGGG, Victory standing left, supporting long jewelled cross; star in right field; CONOBA. RIC X 911; DOCLR 632; MIRB 7. ($500) EF.

1142. Lot of eighteen AR Denarii. Augustus (2 coins). / / Tiberius. / / Titus, Caesar. / / Trajan (2 coins). / / Sabina. / / Antoninus Pius. / / Faustina Sr. / / Commodus. / / Septimius Severus. / / J u l i a Domna. / / Caracalla (2 corns). / / Elagabalus (2 corns). / / Julia Maesa (2 coins). Average Fair to Fine, some better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 18 coins in lot. ($250) 1143. Lot of twenty-four Roman /Έ. Asses and Dupondii of: Tiberius. / / Germanicus. / / Nero (2 coins). / / Trajan. / / Sestertii of: Domitian. / / Antoninus Pius (2 coins). / / Marcus Aurelius (4 corns). / / Commodus (6 coins). / / Severus Alexander (3 coins). / / Gordian ΠΙ. / / Philip I. / / Otacilia. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 24 coins in lot. ($250)

1136. R o m a n G e m s t o n e . Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. Oval camelian gemstone, 12x9mm. Carved intaglio of a hunter or shepherd with his dog, who has cornered his quarry in a tree. Set into a modem 22k gold ring, inner diameter 17mm. Gemstone is choice. ($500)



Classical Numismatic 1144. Lot of forty-nine Roman JE. Includes the following: Vitellius. As// Vespasian. Sestertius; As / / Titus. Sestertius; As / / Julia Titi. Dupondius / / Domitian. Sestertius; As (2 coins) / / Trajan. Sestertius; Dupondius / / Hadrian. Sestertius (3 coins); As / / Sabina. Sestertius (2 coins); As / / Aelius Caesar. Sestertius; As / / Antoninus Pius. Sestertius (2 coins); Dupondius / / Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. Dupondius / / Divus Antoninus Pius. Sestertius / / Diva Faustina Senior. Sestertius (2 coins); As// Marcus Aurelius. Sestertius (3 coins); As / / Faustina Junior. As / / Diva Faustina Junior. Sestertius / / Lucius Verus. Sestertius; Dupondius / / Lucilla. Sestertius; As / / Commodus. Sestertius; Dupondius / / Crispina. Sestertius (2 coins); Dupondius / / Pertinax. Dupondius / / Didia Clara. Dupondius / / Clodius Albinus. Sestertius (2 coins) / / Septimius Severus. Sestertius / / Julia Paula. As. Average Fair to EF, the Julia Titi is the worst coin in the lot and the Sabina As is the best. The Pertinax and Didia Clara both grade fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 49 coins in lot. ($1000)

Group, Inc.

1152. Lot of thirty-seven Roman JE. Includes the following: Septimius Severus. Sestertius; As / / J u l i a Domna. Sestertius / / Caracalla. Sestertius; As / / Plautilla. As / / Geta. Sestertius (2 coins) / / Macrinus. Sestertius; As / / Diadumenian.Sestertius(2coins); As / / Elagabalus.Sestertius / / J u l i a Paula. Sestertius / / AquiliaSevera. Sestertius / / J u l i a Soaemias. Sestertius / / Julia Maesa. Sestertius / / Severus Alexander. Sestertius (4 coins); As / / Orbiana.Sestertius / /Julia Mamaea.Sestertius(3coins); As / / Maximinus I. Sestertius (3 coins) / / Maximus Caesar. Sestertius (2 coins) / / Balbinus. Sestertius / / Pupienus. Sestertius / / Herennia Etruscilla. Sestertius / / Hostilian Caesar. Sestertius. Average Fair to VF, the Balbinus grades Fair and the Pupienus is Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 37 coins in lot. ($500)

1145. Lot of ten Roman AR and JE. Includes the following: Titus. AR Denarius / / Domitian. AR Denarius (2 coins, 1 of which is fourré) / / Nerva. AR Denarius / / Trajan. JE Sestertius / / A n t o n i n u s Pius. AR E)enarius; JE Sestertius / / Geta. JE Sestertius / / Herennia Etruscilla. JE Sestertius / / Valerian L AR Antoninianus. Average Fine to good VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($300)

1153. Lot of twenty Roman JE. Includes the following: Septimius Severus. Sestertius / / Julia Domna. As / / Caracalla. As / / Geta.Sestertius; As / / Severus Alexander. Sestertius (3 coins); As / /Julia Mamaea. Sestertius / / Maximinus I. Sestertius / / Diva Paulina. Sestertius / / Pupienus. Sestertius (2 coins) / / Gordian HI, as Caesar. Sestertius / / G o r d i a n III. Sestertius / / Philip I. Sestertius; As / / Philip Π, as Caesar. Sestertius / / Volusian. Sestertius. Average Fair to VF, the sestertii of Pupienus both grade Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($200) 1154. Lot of five AR of 3rd century Usurpers. Denarii: Macrinus. Short bearded portrait / Felicitas. RSC 15a. / / Long bearded portrait / Jupiter. RSC 55a. / / Maximinus. Pax. RSC 31b. / / Antoniniani. Macrianus. Indulgentia. RSC 6a. / / Quietus. Roma. RSC 11. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 5 coins in lot. ($300)

1146. Lot of six Roman AR and JE. AR Denarii. Vespasian / Vesta. RSC 563. / / Domitian,Caesar/ Vesta.RSC378. / /Trajan /Fortuna.RSC 154. / / Hadrian / Roma and emperor. RSC 80. / / Diva Faustina Sr./ Ceres. RSC 78b. / /JE Sestertius. D i w s Vespasian. RIC 144 (Titus). The denarii VF, the sestertius Fair and Rare. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 pieces in lot. ($250) 1147. Lot of sixteen 1st and 2nd century AR. Fourré Quinarius of Fulvia. / / D e n a r i i : Vespasian. //Trajan(2coins). / / H a d r i a n . //Sabina(2coins). / / Contemporary imitation of Sabina. / / Antoninus Pius (2 coins). / / Divus Antoninus Pius. / / Diva Faustina Sr. (2 coins). / / Commodus (2 coins). / / Lucilla. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($250)

1155. Lot of thirty-four Roman JE. Includes tine following: Diva Paulina. Sestertius / / Maximus, Caesar. As / / Gordian ΙΠ. Sestertius; As (2 coins) / / Philip I. Sestertius (5 coins) / / Otacilia Severa. Sestertius; As / / Philip Π, as Caesar. Sestertius (holed) / / Trajan Decius. Double Sestertius; Sestertius (2 coins) / / Herennia Etruscilla. Sestertius / / Herennius Etruscus, as Caesar. Sestertius / / Trebonianus Gallus. Sestertius (3 coins) / / Volusian. Sestertius / / Aemilian. Sestertius / / Valerian I. Sestertius / / Diva Mariniana. Sestertius (2coins) / / Gallienus.Sestertius //CorneliaSalonina.Sestertius / / Divus Valerian Π. As / / Postirmus. Sestertius (2 coins) / / Aurelian. As / / Aurelian and Severina. As / / Severina. As. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 34 coins in lot. ($500)

1148. Lot of twenty-nine Roman JE, mostly of the Antonines. Includes the following: Trajan. Sestertius; Dupondius (2 coins) / / Hadrian. Sestertius; IXipondius; As / / Aelius, Caesar. Sestertius / / Antoninus Pius. Sestertius (2 coins); Dupondius (2 coins); As / / Faustina Senior. Sestertius (2 coins); As / / Marcus Aurelius. Sestertius (2 coins); As / / Faustina Junior. As (3 coins) / / Lucilla. Sestertius / / Commodus. Dupondius (2 coins); As (2 coins) / / Clodius Albinus, as Caesar. Sestertius (2 coins) / / Trebonianus Gallus. Sestertius. Plus four Quadrans. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 33 coins in lot. ($300)

1156. Lot of seventeen Antoniniani. Gordian ΙΠ (3 coins). / / Philip I. / / Volusian. / / Gallienus (3 coins). / / Salonina. / / Postumus (3 coins). / / Tetricus I (2 coins). / / Probus (3 coins). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 17 coins in lot. ($200) 1157. Lot of seventy-five Roman Antoniniani. Includes the following: Trebonianus Gallus (2 coins) //Valerian I (5 coins) / / Gallienus (12 coins) / / Valerian Π, Caesar / / Salonina (2coins) / / Postumus / / Laelianus / / Marius / / Victorinus (4 coins) / / Tetricus I / / Tetricus Π, Caesar (2 coins) / / Barbarous Radiates of the Tetricii (4 coins) / / Claudius II (7 coins, one of which is double-struck) / / Divus Claudius Π / / Quintillus (4 coins) / / Aurelian (4 coins) / / Aurelian and Vabalathus / / Severina / / Tacitus (2 coins) / / Florian (2 coins) / / Probus (5 coins) / / Carus / / Carinus (2 coins) / / Numerian (2 coins) / / Diocletian (2 coins) / / Maximianus (2 coins) / / Carausius (3 coins). Plus a sestertius of Postumus. Average Poor to near VF, the Laelianus is one of the coins in better condition. A third of the lot grades Poor. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 76 coins in lot. ($400)

1149. Lot of seventy-two Roman AR, mostly Denarii and Antoniniani. Includes the following: Denarii: Hadrian / / Lucilla / / Septimius Severus (10 coins) / / Julia Domna (2 coins) / / Caracalla (7 coins) / / Geta, as Caesar (2 coins) / / Macrinus (base or /E) / / Elagabalus (2 coins) / / Julia Maesa / / Severus Alexander (4 coins) / / Julia Mamaea / / M a x i m m u s I / / Gordian ΙΠ (2 coins) / / Antoniniani: Caracalla / / Gordian ΙΠ / / Philip I (3 coins) / / Otacilia Severa / / Trajan Decius (3 coins) / / Herennius Etruscus / / Hostilian / / Valerian I (10 coins) / / Gallienus (6 coins) / / Valerian Π / / Salonina (3 coiiis) / / Quietus / / Miscellaneous AR: Diocletian. Argenteus / / Arcadius. Siliqua / / Honorius. Siliqua (2 corns, both imitations?) / / plus one unidentified clipped siliqua. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 72 coins in lot. ($500)

1158. Lot of one hundred forty-two Roman coins. Several late 3rd century Antoniniani, but most pieces are 4th century JE, from Constantine I through Arcadius and Honorius. Many pieces uncleaned. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 142 pieces in lot. ($300)

1150. Lot of twelve R o m a n AR and JE. AR Denarii: Hadrian. / / Caracalla. / / Julia Domna. / / Antoniniani: Probus. / / Carausius. / / JE Folles: Maximianus. / / Constantine I (2 coins). / / Constantine Π, Caesar (2 coins). / / Late /E: Constantius Π. / / Valens, Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 12 coins in lot. ($200)

1159. Lot of 28 late Roman JE. Includes the following: Diocletian (3 coins) / / Maximianus (4 coins) / / Galerius, as Caesar / / Galeria Valeria / / Constantius I, as Caesar (3 coins) / / Severus Π / / Domitius Domitianus / / Maximmus Π, as Caesar / / Constantine I, as Caesar / / Constantine I / / Maxentius (2 coins) / / Divus Romulus / / Magnentius / / Julian Π (3 coins) / / Jovian / / Valentinian Π (2 coins) / / Magnus Maximus. Average Fair to near VF, the Domitianus with 1 / 5 of flair missing. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 28 coins in lot. (S500)

1151. Lot of six miscellaneous Roman coins. Includes the following: Marcus Aurelius. AR Denarius. RSC 7 / / Septimius Sevems. AR Denarius. RSC 136 / / Geta, as Caesar. AR Denarius. RSC 38a / / Aurelian and Vabalathus. Antoninianus. Antioch. RIC V pt.l, 381 / / Probus. Siscia. RIC V pt.2,767; Cyzicus. RIC V pt.2,913. Average EF. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot. ($2W)



Classical Numismatic 1160. Lot of thirty-seven late R o m a n JE. Includes the following: Diocletian, as Senior Augustus / / Maximianus (2 coins) / / Maximianus, as Senior Augustus (2 coins) / / Constantius I, as Caesar / / Severus Π, as Caesar / / Galeria Valeria (2 coins) / / Maximinus Π (2 coins) / / Maxentius (5 coins) / / Licinius I (3 coins) / / Constantine I (3 coins) / / Crispus, Caesar (3 coins) / / Fausta (2 corns) I I Urbs Roma / / Constantine Π, as Caesar (4 coins) / / Constantius Π, as Caesar (2 coins) / / Delmatius, Caesar (2 coins) / / Aicadius. Lot also includes a bag of 48 low grade but identifiable late Roman JE, as well as a bag of 11 coins of the Tetrarchy grading VF, but all with bronze disease. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 95 coins in lot. ($350)

Group, Inc.

with the obverse completely intact but split from the core and reverse, also intact. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 19 corns in lot. ($250) 1169. Lot of eleven R o m a n and Byzantine JE. JE 23mm of Augustus and Rhoemetalkes of Bosporos. / / /E As of Gaius Caligula. / / JE As of Vespasian. / / / E D u p o n d i u s of Nerva. / / JE 28mm of Julian Π, Thessalonica and Cyzicus mints. II JE 28mm of Valentinian I, Nicomedia mint. /! JE Follis of Leo Vi. Il JE Folles of Leo VI and Alexander (3 corns - 1 holed). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($200)

1161. Lot of f i f t e e n late R o m a n JE. Maximianus. I I Galerius. / / Maximinus. I I Constantine I (2 coins). / / U r b s Roma. / / D i v o Constantine I I I Helena. / / Crispus. / / Constantine Π, Caesar (2 coins). / / Constans. / / Constantius Π (2 coins). / / Gratian. Several nice high grade folles. Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 15 corns in lot. ($150)

ROMAN PROVINCIAL LARGE LOTS 1170. Lot of sixty Provincial JE. Julio-Claudian period. Most imperial family members represented in the collection. Mints range from Spain to Alexandria in Egypt. An excellent way to become familiar with the contents of the first volume of Roman Provincial Coins! Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 60 corns in lot. ($750)

1162. Lot of one hundred-sixty late Roman JE. Constantine I through Arcadius and Honorius. Good variety of types. Some in high grade, many are as they come out of the ground. Lot includes a Hanniballianus, a laige bronze of Aelia Flacilla and a small bronze of Aelia Eudoxia. Average Fine to VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 160 coins in lot. ($2(‫ש‬

1171. Another lot of sixty Provincial JE. Julio-Claudian period. Most imperial family members represented in the collection. Mints range from Spam to Alexandria in Egypt. Ait excellent way to become familiar with the contents of the first volume of Roman Provincial Coins! Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 60 coins in lot. ($750)

1163. Lot of fifty-one late Roman JE. Includes the following: Constans (2 coins) / / Constantius Π (9 coins, one of which is imitative) / / Magnentius (2 coins, 1 of which is imitative) / / Decentius, Caesar (2 coins) I I Vetranio / / Constantius Gallus, Caesar (3 coins) / /Julian Π, as Caesar / / Julian Π / / Valentinian I / / Valens (2 coins) / / Procopius / / Valentinian Π (2 coins) / / Gratian (3 coins, 1 of which is imitative) / / Theodosius I (3 coins) / / Aelia Hacdlla (2 coins) / / Magnus Maximus (2 coins) / / Arcadius (5 coins) / / Aelia Eudoxia (2 coins) / / Johannes (2 coins) / / Theodosius Π / / Leo I (2 coins) / / Zeno (2 coins). Lot also includes a bag of 143 mostly 4th century coins that are generally known as floor sweepings. Average Fair to VF, several better corns in this group. The Vetranio and Procopius are both low grade, yet the Julian Π (/Ε 1) and one of the Johannes are Fine to VF for type, one of the Leo's is an JE 2 from Cherson and grades Good Fine. The floor sweepings are just that. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 194 coins in lot. ($500)

1172. Lot of seventeen Provincial JE. Includes the following: Gaul, Nemausus. Augustus and Agrippa (2 coins, one of which is a cut half) / / Gaul, Treveri. Augustus / / Macedon, Amphipolis. Augustus / / Macedon, Philippi. Augustus (2 coins) / / Macedon, Stobi. Julia Domna / / Macedon, Autonomous issue. Time of Severus Alexander to Gordian ΠΙ (5 corns) / / Attica, Athens. Anonymous issues (5 coins). Lot also includes two unattributed/Eof Roman Gaul. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 19 coins in lot. ($150) 1173. Lot of twenty-two Provincial AR. Crete. Caligula and Divvs Augustus Tridrachm. / / Cappadocia, Caesarea. Didrachms of: Nero and D i w s Claudius. / / Vespasian. / / Vespasian and Titus. / / Domitian. / / Nerva. / / Trajan. / / Hadrian. / / Antoninus Pius. / / Marcus Aurelius. / / Lucius Verus. / / Commodus(2coins). / / CaracaUa. / / Drachms of: Nero and D i w s Claudius. / / Septimius Severus. / / Julia Domna. / / Geta. / / Hemidrachms of Nero and Hadrian. / / Arabia, Bostra. Trajan. Tridrachm and Drachm. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($300)

1164. Lot of approximately seven h u n d r e d mostly late Roman JE. A few Seleukid and Byzantine in the mix. Fair, but slightly better than your average floor sweepings. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. ($400) 1165. Lot of sixty-four miscellaneous AR, Billon and JE. JE, Roman Republican Asses through 3rd century Sestertii (9 coins). / / AR Denarii (3 coins). / / Antoniniani. Gordian ΙΠ through Diocletian, including Saloninus, Quintiii us and D i w s Carus (38 coins). / / Folles of the Tetrarchy (13 coins). / / Billon Argenteus of Maximmus Π. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 64 coins in lot. ($500)

1174. Lot of thirty JE of Cilicia. From 1st Century BC to Gallienus. Anazarbos (20 coins). / / Anemourion (2 coins). / / Mopsos. / / NinikaClaudiopolis. / / Seleukeia (6 coins). N o duplication. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($300) 1175. Lot of thirty-four Provincial JE of Asia Minor. Includes the following: Crete, Knossos. Nero and Octavia / / Bithynia, Nikaia. Severus Alexander; Gordian ΠΙ; Valerian I (2 coins); Valerian I, Valerian II and Gallienus / / Mysia, Pergamon. C o m m o d u s / / Troas, Alexandria Troas. Anonymous (2 coins); Julia Mamaea / / Ionia, Smyrna. Nero / / Lydia, Daldis. Anonymous / / Lydia, Hermocapelia. Time of Hadrian / / Lydia, Magnesia ad Siphylum. Anonymous / / Lydia, Nysa. Nero / / Caria, Tabae. Nero / / Phrygia, Aezanis. Caligula / / Phrygia, Cadi. Tranquillina / / Phrygia, Cibyra. Aelius, Caesar / / Phrygia, Eumeneia. Anonymous; Nero / / Phrygia, Laodikea. Agrippina Junior / / Phrygia, Sebaste. Nero / / Pamphylia, Perga. Gallienus / / Pisidia, Cremna. Geta / / Pisidia, Selge. Antoninus Pius / / Lycaonia, Parlais. Julia Domna / / Cilicia, Anazarbos. Valerian I / / Cilicia, Karallia. Julia Domna //Cilicia, Hieropolis-Kastabala. Faustina Junior / / Cilicia, Seleuceia ad Calycadnum. Philip I / / Syria Commagene, Samosata. Philip I / / Coele-Syria, Chalkis. Octavian and Zenodoros / / Coele-Syria, Leukas. Claudius and Agrippina Junior. Plus seven unattributed JE. Average Fair to VF, several rare issues in this lot. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 41 coins in lot. ($500)

1166. Lot of three miscellaneous coins. Includes the following: Macedon. Alexander ΙΠ. AR Tetradrachm. Miletos mint. Price 2143 / /Julia Domna. AR Denarius. RSC 156 / / Constantius I, as Caesar. JE Follis. Rome mint. RIC VI 104a. Average EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 3 coins in lot. ($250) 1167. Lot of six miscellaneous AR. Includes the following: Arkadian League. AR Hemidrachm. SNG Copenhagen 192 / / Cn. Lucretius Trio. AR Denarius. Lucretia 1 / / Vespasian. AR Denarius. RSC 94h / / Hadrian. AR Denarius. RSC 1335 / / Valens. AR Siliqua. Constantinople mint. RSC 88d / / Austria. Tyrol. Ferdinand Π. 1626. AR 3 Kreuzer. Prague mint. KM 1370. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 corns in lot. ($100) 1168. Lot of seventeen miscellaneous Ancient AR and JE coins. Includes the following: Greek: Thessaly, The Oetaei / / Pontos, Amisos / / Egypt, Ptolemaic. Ptolemy IV / / Roman: Nero / / Septimius Severus / / Severus Alexander (3 coins) / / Philip I / / Philip Ü, as Caesar / / Gallienus / / Maximianus / / Crispus, Caesar / / Roman Provincial: Syria, Antioch. Elagabalus / / Egypt, Alexandria. Vespasian; Aelius, Caesar; Probus. Lot also includes an unattributed Provincial JE of Livia from Asia Minor, a very good fake Sestertius of Nerva, and two halves of what was described in a Superior auction (7 October 1977, lot 886) as a fourré AV Stater of Tarentum

1176. Lot of forty Provincial JE. Flavian and Antonine periods. A wideranging collection of types from many cities, including: Macedon, Stobi. / / Ionia, Ephesos. / / Smyrna. / / Lydia, Sala. / / Tralles. / / Phrygia, Cotiaeum. / / Pisidia, Ariassos. / / Galatia, Pessinos. / / Cilicia, Syedra. / / Cyprus, Paphos. / / Syria, Antioch. / / Chalkis. / / Cyrrhus. / / Hieropolis. / /



Classical Numistnatic Laodikeia. / / Seleukeia. / / Phoenicia, Sidon. / / Tripolis. / / Egypt, Alexandria. Average Fair to Fine. LOTSOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 40 coins in ·ot. ($500) 1177. Lot of twelve AR and JE. Moesia, Viminacium. JE of Philip I. / / Troas, Alexandria. JE 20mm. / / Ionia, Smyrna. JE of Claudius and Agrippina. / / Lydia, Sardeis. JE 21mm. / / Syria, Antioch. Tetradrachm of Trajan Decius. / / Phoenicia, Tyre. Tetradrachms of Trajan and Caracalla. / / Egypt, Alexandria. JE Diobol of Augustus. / / Tetradrachms of Nero, Trajan, Hadrian. II JE Drachm of Hadrian. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 12 coins in lot. ($250) 1178. Lot of thirty Roman Provincial JE from Moesia and Thrace. Includes the following: Moesia, Superior. Viminacium. Philip I (2 coins); Volusian (2 coins); Aemilian / / Moesia Inferior, Ehonysopolis. Gordian ffl (3 coins) / / Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis. Septimius Severus (2 coins); Caracalla; Macrinus (2 coins); Severus Alexander / / Moesia Inferior, Nicopolis ad Istrum. Commodus; Septimius Severus; Geta; Macrinus (2 coins) / / Moesia Inferior, Tomis. Elagabalus / / Thrace. Rhoemetalkes I / / Thrace, Anchialus. Septimius Severus; Gordian III and Tranquilliiia (2 coins) / / Thrace, Augusta Traiana. Geta, as Caesar / / Thrace, Deultum. Tranquillina; Otacilia Severa / / Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Caracalla / / Thrace, Mesembria. Philip I and Otacilia Severa / / Thrace, Odessos. Caracalla. Average Fair to VF, with two coins exhibiting evidence of bronze disease and therefore isolated. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($300) 1179. Lot of forty-three JE. Includes coins from: Pontos, Amaseia. / / Amisos. / / Komana. / / Paphlagonia, Sinope. / / Mysia, Pergamon. / / Troas, Antandaros. / / G a r g a r a . //Skepsis. / / Lesbos,Mytilene. / / Ionia, Ephesos. //Metropolis. / / S m y r n a . //Caria,Rhodes. //Pisidia, Comama. / / Phrygia, Apameia. / Lycia, Telmessos. Plus several small unidentified types. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 43 corns in lot. ($450) 1180. Lot of fifty-six JE, mostly from Cilicia. Includes coins from: Lydia, Sardeis. / / Phrygia, Akmoneia. / / Lycia, Phaselis. / / Pamphylia, Side. / / Pisidia, Etenna. / / Cilicia, Aigeai. / / Anazarbos. / / Elaiussa. / / HieropolisKastabala. / / Korykos. / / Seleukeia. / / Tarsos. / / Syria, Laodikeia. / / Phoenicia, Sidon. Plus several unidentified types. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 56 coins in lot. ' ($400)

Group, Inc.

1186. Lot of eight Provincial AR and JE. Includes the following: Cilicia, Tarsos. Caracalla. JE Medallion (holed) / / Cappadocia, Caesarea. Trajan. Didrachm / / Pontos, Amisos. Hadrian. Drachm / / Syria, Antioch. Trajan. Tetradrachm (2 coins) / / Syria, Zeugma. Philip I. JE 28 / / Judaea, Ascalon. Trajan. JE 17; Hadrian. /E 22 / / Plus lot includes two Judaean Bar Kochba Denarii and a 'Judaea Capta' Denarius of Vespasian. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($200) 1187. Lot of fifteen countermarked JE of Cilicia. Greek issues of Bosporos, Pergamon and Tarkondimotos of Cilicia. / / Ptolemies of Egypt (2 coins). / / Roman Provincial issues, from Amaseia and Side, but mostly of Cilicia. All different, several will need cleaning to identify countermarks Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 15 coins in lot. ($200) 1188. Lot of six countermarked JE. Cilicia, Tarsos. Radiate head c / m . / / Cappadocia, Caesarea. Radiate head, insect(?), flower(?) c / m s (3 coins). / / Syria, Antioch. Head right, PR c / m s (2 coins). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot ($100) 1189. Lot of forty-two Provincial JE. Includes the following: Pontos, Neocaesarea. Septimius Severus / / Cappadocia, Caesarea. Lucius Verus / / Syria, Antioch. Tiberius; Diadumenian; Elagabalus / / Syria, BalaneLeucas. Trajan / / Syria, Damascus. Philip Π, as Caesar / / Phoenicia, Arados. Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus / / Phoenicia, Berytos. Augustus; Claudius; Commodus; Caracalla; Elagabalus (2 coins) / / Phoenicia, Byblos. Elagabalus / / Phoenicia, Sidon. Elagabalus / / Phoenicia, Tripolis. Caracalla; Hadrian / / Judaea, Aelia Capitolina. Geta / / Judaea, Ascalon. Vespasian; Domitian; Trajan (2 coins); Hadrian (2 coins) / / Judaea, Caesarea. Diva Poppaea and Claudia; Hadrian; Herennius Etruscus / / Judaea, Dora. Anonymous;Hadrian //Judaea,Gaza. Hadrian //Judaea,Hippos. Marcus Aurelius / / Judaea, Sepphoris. Antoninus Pius / / Judaea Capta. Titus; Domitian / / Samaria, Caesarea. Marcus Aurelius / / Mesopotamia, Edessa. Caracalla; Severus Alexander; Gordian ΠΙ / / Mesopotamia, Nisibis. Severus Alexander / / Mesopotamia, Rhesaena. Caracalla; Trajan Decius. Lot also includes 6 unattributed JE of eastern provinces, as well as several AR, ineluding: Cappadocia, Caesarea. Tiberius and Drusus; Antoninus Pius / / Syria, Antioch. Augustus; Caracalla; Trajan Decius / / Arabia, Bostra.Trajan (2 coins). Average Fair to VF, the Diva Poppae and the Tiberius and Drusus both grade good Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 55 coins in lot.

1181. Lot of thirty large JE of Tarsos in Cilicia. From Crispina to 035^6111‫ש‬. Reverses includes Apollo Lykeios, Athena, Artemis, Sol, Dionysos, Hermes, Herakles, the Three Graces, Fortuna/Tyche, lion and bull, prize crowns and temples. No duplication. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($4M) 1182. Lot of thirty-four JE. Includes coins from: Pontos, Amaseia. / / Ionia, Ephesos. / / Lycia, Myra. / / Pamphylia, Side. / / Pisidia, Antioch. / / Baris. //Sagalassos. / / Lycaonia,Parlais. //Cilicia, Anemourion. / / Kastabala. / / Laertes. / / Seleukeia. / / Cappadocia, Caesarea. / / S y r i a , "Sistripia". / / Plus several unidentified cities. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 34 coins in lot. ($400) 1183. Lot of thirty-four JE. Includes coins from: Pontos, Amaseia. / / Troas, Alexandria. / /Pamphylia,Side. //Sillyum. //PLsidia, Antioch. / / Cremna. / / Cilicia, Flaviupolis. / / Olba. / / Seleukeia. / / Syedra. / / Cappadocia, Caesarea. / / Plus a number of unidentified types. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 34 coins in lot. ($400) 1184. Lot of twenty AR and Billon. Cappadocia, Caesarea. Didrachm of Trajan. / / Drachms of Tiberus and Trajan (the first holed). / / Hemidrachms of Nero, Vespasian, Titus, Hadrian (12 coins). / / Syria, Antioch. Tetradrachms of Augustus, Elagabalus, Trajan Decius. / / Mesopotamia, Carrhae. Caracalla. / / Egypt, Alexandria. Tetradrachm of Faustina Jr. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($300) 1185. Lot of fifty-five Provincial JE. Good variety of 2nd and 3rd century types from all regions of the eastern empire, ranging from Pontos to Mesopotamia. Mostly larger sizes (20mm or larger). Unsorted and unidentified, many remain undeaned. Average Fair to Fine, a few holed. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 55 coins in lot. ($400)


($500) 1190. Lot of forty-seven tetradrachms, mostly from Antioch in Syria. Includes the following: Mark Antony and Octavia / / Augustus (2 coins) / / Caligula and Agrippina Senior / / Claudius and Nero (2 coins) / / Nero I l Galba / / Vespasian (3coins) / / Domitia / / Nerva / / Trajan (2coins) / / Hadrian / / Caracalla (6 coins) / / Macrinus (3 coins) / / Elagabalus (7 coins) / / Gordian m / / Philip I (4 coins) / / Otadlia Severa / / Philip Π (2 coins) / / Trajan Decius / / Herennia Etruscilla / / Herennius Etruscus / / Hostilian / / Trebonianus Gallus (2 coins) / / Volusian. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 47 coins in lot. ($750) 1191. Lot of twelve JE of Antioch in Syria. Autonomous issue (brockage). / / Augustus. / /Tiberius. / / Claudius. / / Nero (2 coins, one with Π c/m). / / Vespasian. / / Domitian. / / Nerva. / / Trajan (2 coins). / / Antoninus Pius. Most with S C reverse. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 12 coins in lot. ($150) 1192. Lot of thirty JE. Syria. Mostly from Antioch (18 coins). / / Mesopotamia. Includes Carrhae, Edessa, Rhaesena, Nisibis (12 coins). Average Fine to VF. LOTSOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 30 coins. ($300) 1193. Lot of one-hundred fourteen miscellaneous Roman Imperial and Provincial JE and AR. Mostly 2nd-3rd centuries AD. Lot also includes two medieval European hammered coins, as well as two modem coins. Average Fair. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 118 coins in lot. ($200) 1194. Lot of forty Provincial JE. Autonomous types, without imperial portraits. We have instead representations of gods: Zeus, Athena, Dionysos, Helios, Men and Serapis. Heros such as Herakles and Alexander the Great. Personifications of Tyche, the Senate and Boulé. Mints range from Macedon to Cilicia. Many scarce and unusual types. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 40 coins in lot.' ($500)

Classical Numistnatic 1195. Lot of thirteen bronzes from Alexandria in Egypt. Includes the following: Augustus. Hemiobol? (15mm). Köhl 8. / / Livia. 80 Drachmae. Köln 36 & 38 (2 coins). Hemiobol? (15mm). Köln 60 var. / / Claudius. Obol. Köln 95. Diobol. Köln 105. / / Vespasian. Diobol. Köhl 294. / / Domitian. Dichalkon. BMC 344. Diobol. Köln 380. / / Hadrian. Obol. Köln 966. HerakleopolitesNome. Dichalkon. Köln 3398. Hemidrachm. BMC 718. / / Aelius Caesar. Drachm. Köln 1274. Average VF with nice patinas. Several rare types in this lot. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 13 coins in lot. ($400)

Group, Inc.

1203. Lot of nine potin tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt Includes the following: Tacitus. Year 1. Köhl 3111. / / Probus. Year 6. Köln 3150. / / Carus. Year 1. Köln 3161. / / Carinus. Year 3. Köln 3183. Legionary Issue. / / Numerian. Year 2. Köhl 3195. / / Diocletian. Year 7. Köln 3252. Year 8. BMC 2487. / / Maximianus. Year 6. Köln 3313. / / Constantius I, Caesar. Year 4. Dattari 6037. Average grade is VF. Nice lot. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins in lot. ($200)


1196. Lot of twelve billon tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt. Includes the following: Claudius. Year 6. Köhl 88. / / Nero. Year 11. Kohl 168. Year 13. Köln 177. / / Vespasian. Year 2. Köln273. Year8. Köhl 303. / / Titus. Year 3. Köln 325. / / Trajan. Year 19. Köhl 685. / / Hadrian. Year 2. Köln 746. Year 6. Köln 833. Year 10. Köln 895 variety. Year 13. Köhl 997. Year 14. Köln 1002. Average grade is VF. A nice group. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 12 coins in lot. ($400) 1197. Lot of forty-five mostly Potin Tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt. Includes the following: Claudius / / Trajan (2 coins) / / Hadrian (3 coins) / / C o m m o d u s (2 coins) / / Philip I (2 coins) / / Gallienus (2 coins) / / S a l o n i n a / / C l a u d i u s Π (2 coins) / / Q u i n t i l l u s / / Aurelian (3 coins) / / Aurelian and Vabalathus / / Probus (4 coins) / / Carus (2 coins) / / Carinus (4 coins) / / Numerian (4coins) / / Diocletian (8coins) / / Maximianus (3 coins). Lot also includes an imitation of a dichalkon of Hadrian. Average Fair to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 46 coins in lot. ($400)

1204. OSTROGOTHS. Athalaric. 526-534 AD. JE Decanummium (2.40 gm). INVIC TA ROMA, helmeted bust of Roma / DN ATHAL ARICVS S C, king standing, holding spear and shield. MIB177; MEC132. Near EF, smooth brown patina. Unusually nice for this crude issue. ($400)

1198. Lot of ninteen Billon Tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt. Includes the following: Claudius and Antonia / / Claudius and Messalina (3 coins) / / Nero (6 coins) / / Nero and Divus Augustus / / Nero and Tiberius (2 coins) / / Nero and Poppaea / / Galba / /Trajan / / Hadrian / / Antoninus Pius (2 coins). Lot also includes an AR Tetradrachm of Claudius and Agrippina from Antioch in Syria. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($250) 1199. Lot of eight billon and potin tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt Includes the following: M a r a i s Aurelius, as Caesar. Year 14. Dattari 3189. / / Lucius Verus. Year 5. Demetrio 2218. / / Elagabalus. Year 5. Köln 2342. / / Severus Alexander. Year 4. Rome mint. Köln 2424. Year 5. Köln 2426. / / Maximinus I. Year 3. Köhl 2574. / / Maximus Caesar. Year 4. Köhl 2594. / / Gordian m. Year 4. Dattari 4743. / / Plus an JE Diobol of Commodus. Year 23. Köln—; Dattari—. Average grade is VF. Nice lot. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins total in lot. ($300) 1200. Lot of twenty-two Potin Tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt Severus Alexander. / /Julia Maesa. / / Maximinus. / / Gordian ΠΙ. / / Philip 1.11 Trebonianus Gallus. / / Valerian. / / Gallienus. / / Salonina. / / Claudius Gothicus (2 coins). / / Aurelian. / / Severina. / / Aurelian and Vabalathus. / / Tacitus. / / P r o b u s . / / C a r i n u s . / / N u m e r i a n . //Diocletian //Maximianus (2 coins). / / Galerius, Caesar. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($400) 1201. Lot of eight potin tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt Includes the following: Philip I. Year 6. BMC 1974. / / Otacilia Severa. Year 3. BMC 2023. I I Philip Π, as Caesar. Year 3. BMC 2049. Year 4. Köln 2790. / / Trajan Decius. Year 1. Köln 2808. / / Herennia Etruscilla. Year 1. Köln 2823. / / Herennius Etruscus, Caesar. Year 2. Köln 2826. / / Trebonianus Gallus. Year 3. Köhl 2838. Average grade is VF, few with light porosity, the Gallus is fully silvered. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($300) 1202. Lot of ten potin tetradrachms from Alexandria in Egypt Includes the following: Valerian I. Year 4. Köln 2866. / / Gallienus. Year 11. Köln 2919. Year 15. Köhl 2949. / / Salonina. Year 7. BMC 2275. Year 11. Köln 2967. / / Claudius Π. Year 2. Köhl 3045. / / Quintillus. Year 1. Köln 3049. / / Aurelian & Vaballathus. Year 2 & 5. Köhl 3059. / / Aurelian. Year 5. Köhl 3083. / / Severina. Year 7. Köhl 3108. Average grade is VF. Nice lot. LOT SOLD AS 15, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($300)

Τ [ease



Eliberri mint. +SUINTTLA RE, facing bust / +PIVS ELIBERI, facing bust. Miles, HNSMD, 227c. EF. ($500)

1206. VISIGOTHS in Spain. Suinthila. 621-631. AV Tremissis (1.44 gm). Barbi m i n t +SUIHTHILA RE:, facing bust / +PIVS BARBI:, facing bust. Miles, HNSM Π, 224e. EF. ($500) Μ •


·‫־‬$‫ "'־'־‬i Β

I I 1207. VISIGOTHS in Spain. Circa 650 AD. JE 21mm (8.59 gm). Ispalis mint. Crude facing bust, consisting of a globe with prominent "nose" on shaft placed on crescent / 2 8 ‫ ( ף‬A ) ? flanking small cross. Cnisafont—. Good VF, olive green patina. Struck on a crudely cast flan. Rare and unpublished. ($750) A completely unknown Visigothic bronze, both in type and size. The generalform is similar to the Ispalis small bronzes with crude head and SP, but ΖΊ8( ) is unrecorded. Could it be an abbreviation for ISpalis in B(A)etica, giving both city and province? The weight proves considerably higher than any known Visigothic bronze, and if struck to a consistent standard, may represent a new 5 unit (nummi) coin. An important discovery coin in the Visigothic series and worthy of further research.



Classical Numistnatic BYZANTINE COINAGE

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1212. JUSTIN Π. 565-578 AD. AV SoUdus (4.47 gm). Constantinople. 565566 AD. DNIVSTINVS PP AVG, helmeted facing bust, holding Victory on globus; Justin is bearded / VICTORIA AVCCC, Constantinopolis enthroned, holding sceptre and globus cruciger; H/CONOB. SB 344; DOC 12; MIB Π 4. Good VF, weak strike along edge, slight flan bend. ($200)

1208. ANASTASIUS. 491-518 AD. AV SoUdus (4.46 gm). Constantinople. 492-507 AD. DN ANASTASIVS PP AVG, helmeted arid cuirassed bust, with spear and shield / VICTORI A AVGGG, Victory holding long voided cross; I/CONOB. SB 3; DOC 13i. EF, light graffiti. $300) 1213. JUSTIN II. Indictional Year 7 (571 /572 AD). AV Solidus (4.44 gm). Carthage. DN IVSTI NVS PP AV, helmeted facing bust, holding Victory on globus / VICTORI A AVCCC, Constantinopolis enthroned; Z / C O N O B . SB 391; DOC 1190e; Morrisson 18. Near EF, faint graffiti on reverse. ($350)

1209. ANASTASIUS. 491-518 AD. AV SoUdus (4.41 gm). Constantinople. 492-507 AD. DN ANASTASIVS PP AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust, with spear and shield / VICTORI A AVGGG, Victory holding long voided cross; I/CONOB. SB 3; DOC 13i. EF. ($4M)

1214. TIBERIUS II. 578-582 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Constantinople. ON Tib CONS TANT PP AVI, crowned and cuirassed bust, holding globus cruciger / VICTORI A AVGG, cross on steps; Θ/CONOB. SB 422; DOC I ($250) 4i. EF.

1210. JUSTIN I and JUSTINIAN I. April-August 527 AD. AV Solidus (4.37 gm). Constantinople. DN IVSTIN ET IVST1NIAN PP AV, Justin and Justinian enthroned on straight-backed throne with crossbar, cross between nimbate heads; CONOB / / VICTORI A AVCCC, angel standing facing, holding cross and globus cruciger; * A/CONOB. SB 118; W.E. Metcalf, ‫״‬Joint Reign Gold of Justin I and Justinian I", in Studies in Early Byzantine Gold Coinage, 37. VF. Rare. ($15W)

1215. MAURICE TIBERIUS. 582-602 AD. AV Solidus (4.50 gm). Constantinople. 0 N MAVRC Tib PP AV‫׳‬, helmeted facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Brockage of obverse. SB 478; DOC 15. EF, weak strike on Justin had been an illiterate peasantfromVtrace who had acquired the throne through plume of helmet, otherwise a sharp, full weight solidus brockage. ($600) his natural strengths and cunning, but he understood the value of education, especially for his relatives. His nepheiv Peter ivas sent to Constantinople, and when his uncle became emperor, the neivly re-named Justinian was his trusted advisor. What Justin's health began to fail in 527, Justinian was readily accepted as co-emperor and the transition of power ivas calm. The proclamation coinage of Justin and Justinian would only have been struckfor some 17 weeks, but the large number of known dies for thesolidiand the number of significant varkties amongst those dies testifies to the hurried production ofgreat quantities ofgold. That calm must have been purchased by thewidespread distribution of largess by the prospective emperor.

1216. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.41 gm). Constantinople. 632-635 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / VICTORIA AVGU, cross on steps; monogram, Δ/CONOB. SB 758; DOC Π 33. Good VF, clashed dies. (S200) 1211. JUSTINIAN I. AR Siliqua (1.04 gm). Carthage. 543-537 AD. DN IVSTIN1ANVS PP AC, diademed bust right / VOT MVLT HTI in wreath; CONOS. SB 253; DOC 1280. Good VF. ($200)


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1222. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. 639-641 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, CONOB. Offidnae Ε, H. SB 769; DOC Π 43d, g. Average VF, graffiti on one coin. 3 coins in lot. ($500)

1217. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. AV Solidus (4.36 gm). Constantinople. 639-641 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / VICTORIA AVGU, cross on steps; monogram, Γ/CONOB; by mintmark, a rectangular countermark (Arabic?). SB 769; DOC Π 43b. Good VF. A rare example of countermarked gold. ($350)

1218. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of four AV Solidi. Constantinople. Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine / Cross on steps; monogram, B/CONOB. SB 749; DOC Π 26b. / / Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, Θ/CONOB. SB 758; DOC 33f. / / Similar, monogram to left, Γ/CONOB. SB 769; DOC 43b. / / Similar, monogram and E, I/CONOB. SB 770; DOC 44g. Average VF. 4 coins in lot. ($600) 1219. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of four AV Solidi. Constantinople. 639-641 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, CONOB. Officinae S, X, H, I. SB 769; DOC Π 43e, f, g, (i). Average VF, graffiti on two coins. 4 coins in lot. ($750)

1223. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. 639-641 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, CONOB. Officinae E. SB 769; DOC Π 43d. Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($500)

1224. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, CONOB. Officinae Γ, Δ. SB 758; DOC Π 33. / / Similar type, with monogram and K. Officina E. SB 771; DOC Π 45a. Average VF, graffiti on two coins. 3 coins in lot. ($500)

1225. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. AV Solidus (4.46 gm). Constantinople. 661-663 AD. Crowned facing busts of Constans (long beard) and Constantine / Heraclius and Tiberius flanking cross on steps. SB 964ff. EF, flat strike. / / 1220. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. AR Hexagram (6.57 gm). Crowned facing bust / Cross on steps. SB 991. 639-641 AD. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, CONOB. Officinae Γ, Δ, E. SB 769; DOC Π 43b, c, d. Average Toned VF, ragged flan. / / Plus a Byzantine lead seal with portrait of unidentified bishop-saint and partially legible inscription. VF. 3 pieces in lot. VF. 3 coins in lot. ($5TO) ($300) 1226. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. Lot of four AV Solidi. Constantinople. 651-654 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding globus crudger / Cross on steps; CONOB. Officinae Γ, S, S, H. SB 956; DOC Π 19c, f, g, h. Average VF, one holed and plugged. 4 coins in lot. ($600)

1221. HERACLIUS. 610-641 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. 639-641 AD. Fleraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas / Cross on steps; monogram, CONOB. Officinae Γ, E. SB 769; DOC Π 43b, d. Average good VF, graffiti on one coin, another double struck. 3 coins in lot. ($500) 1227. CONSTANS Π. 641-668 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. 651-654 AD. Crowned facing bust, holding globus crudger / Cross on steps; CONOB. Officinae Γ, S. SB 956; DOC Π 19c, f. Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($500) AV Lot 1222 186

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1228. CONSTANS II. 641-668 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. Crowned facing bust with short beard, holding globus cruciger / Cross on steps; B/CONOBS. SB 940; DOC Π 3. / / Bust with long beard / E/CONOB. SB 956; DOC 19e. / / Heraclius and Constantine IV / X/CONOB. SB 959; DOC 25g. Average VF, all with graffiti. 3 coins in lot. ($500) 1233. C O N S T A N T I N E X. 1059-1067 AD. AV Tetarteron (4.02 gm). Constantinople. MHP 0V, facing bust of Mary orans / +KWN RACIA Ο AVK, crowned bust facing, holding globus cruciger and akakia. SB 1849; DOC ffl 3a. EF. ($750)

Rare Manuel I Gold Hyperpyron

1229. CONSTANSII. 641-668 AD. Lot of three AV Solidi. Constantinople. Crowned facing bust with long beard, holding globus cruciger / Cross on steps; I/CONOB+. SB 958; DOC II31. / / Heraclius and Constantine IV / H / C O N O B . SB 959; DOC 25h. / / Similar, I/CONOB+. SB 961; DOC 27. Average VF, all with graffiti. 3 coins in lot. ($500)

1230. C O N S T A N T I N E IV. 668-685 AD. AV Solidus (4.46 gm). Constantinople. 681-685 AD. Ρ CONST ANU2 PP A, helmeted bust facing slightly right, holding spear and shield / VICTORA AVGU, cross potent on steps; — / C O N O B . SB 1157; DOC Π12; MIB m 10. EF, some weakness. ($350) 1234. MANUEL I. 1143-1180 AD. AV H y p e r p y r o n (4.19 gm). Thessalonica. +KERO ΗΘΗ, facing bust of Christ / MA NW ΗΛ ÄEC ΠΟ TH TW 1 ΙΟ ΡΦ V PO Γ in columns, Manuel standing facing, holding labarum and globus cruager. SB 1971; Hendy pl.12,12 (same dies). Choice EF, scratch on border not affecting design. ($1500) The Tltessalonica hyperpyra of Manuel, the last gold coins struck at that provincial mint, can be distinguished from the issues of Constantinople by the use of a single barred aoss on the globus held by the emperor. 1231. JUSTINIAN II. Second Reign, 705-711 AD. AV Solidus (4.38 gm). Constantinople. 705-708 AD. d N IhS ChS REX REGNANTIUM, fating bust of Christ / DN IUSTINIAN US ET TIbERIUS PP A, crowned busts of Justinian and older Tiberius, holding cross potent on steps between them. SB 1415; DOC Π 2b; MIB ΠΙ 2b. Superb EF. ($1000) ·•Λ.

1235. CONSTANTINE XI. 1448-1453 AD. AR 1 / 8 Stavraton or 1 / 1 6 Hyperperon (0.65 gm). Constantinople-Im penal mint. Facing bust of Christ; • · / Κ Τ I N, facing bust of Constantine. SB-; Bendall, "The Coinage of Constantine XI", RN1991,115 (this com). Good VF. ($1500)

1232. IRENE. Sole Rule. 797-802 AD. JE Follis (3.96 gin). Constantinople. EIRI nH bAS', crowned facing bust, wearing loros and holding globus cruciger and sceptre / Large M; XXX N N N / A . SB 1600; DOC III 2. VF, dark brown patina, some porosity and striking weakness. Rare. ($1000)


Classical Numistnatic DARK AGES & BYZANTINE LARGE LOTS 1236. Lot of eight Gothic J E . Includes the following: Vandals: Hunneric. 12 N u m m i / / T h r a s a m u n d . 2 1 / 2 N u m m i / / A u t o n o m o u s coinage. 4 N u m m i / / Gelimir. 21 N u m m i / / Later Kings. 6th Century AD. 2 1 / 2 N u m m i / / Ostrogoths: Municipal coinage. Time of Odovacar. Follis / / Theodoric. Follis / / Athalaric. Nummus. Lot also includes an JE Follis of Justinian I from Rome mint and three Arab-Byzantine JE Fais. Average Poor to VF. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 12 coins in lot. ($150) 1237. Lot of eight Byzantine AV. Includes the following: Justinian I. SB 137; SB 144 / / Heraclius. SB 785; SB 786 / / Constans Π. SB 956 (previously m o u n t e d ) / / Philippicus. SB 1452 / / Romanus IV. SB 1862 (holed and plugged) / / John ΙΠ. SB 2073. Average Fine to near VF, the Philippicus is EF with some flattening in the legend. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($800) 1238. Lot of ten Byzantine AR. Includes the following: Heraclius. Hexagram / / Michael ΙΠ. Miliaresion / / Constantine VU and Romanus Π. Miliaresion / / John I. Miliaresion / / Basil Π and Constantine VIO. Miliaresion / / Constantine DC Miliaresion / / John VIII. Half Hyperpyron / / Trebizond: Manuel I. Asper / / Basil. Asper / / John IV. Lot also includes an EL Aspron Trachy of John Π and two of Manuel I. Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 13 corns in lot. ($750) 1239. Lot of forty-six Byzantine J E . Includes the following: Anastasius I (6 coins) / / Justin I and Justinian I / / J u s t i n i a n I (7 coins) / / J u s t i n II (8 coins) / / Tiberius II (3 coins) / / Maurice Tiberius (7 coins) / / Phocas (4 coins) / / Revolt of the Heraclii / / Heraclius (3 coins) / / Constans II (2 coins) / / Constantine IV / / Tiberius ΠΙ / / Constantine V (2 coins). Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 46 coins in lot. ($350) 1240. Lot of nine Byzantine JE Folles. Includes the following: Anastasius. Constantinople / / Justinian. Constantinople / / Maurice Tiberius. Antioch / / Constans Π. Constantinople / / Constantine V. Constantinople / / Basil I. Constantinople / / Leo VI. Constantinople / / Constantine VII and Romanus L Constantinople (overstruck on a follis of Leo VI) / / Anonymous. Class B. Lot also includes an unidentified JE Trachy. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($1(‫ש‬ 1241. Lot of fifty-one later Byzantine JE. Includes the following: Michael Π I I Theophilus (3 coins) / / Basil I / / Leo VI (4 coins) / / Constantine VH / / Constantine VII and Zoe / / Romanus I / / Nicephorus Π / / Anonymous Folles (18 coins) / / Constantine X / / Romanus IV / / Michael VÏÏ / / Alexius I (4 coins) / / John Π / / Manuel I (4 coins) / / Isaac Π (3 coins) / / Alexius HI (4 coins) / / Andronicus Π. Lot also includes JE of the Empire of Nicaea, Bulgaria and Latin Occupation of Constantinople (3 coins total), as well as two Arab-Byzantine J E , an Anonymous Folles with countermark, and a lead token. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 58 coins in lot. ($250)

1242. Byzantine. Circa 9th-10th AD. JE Medallion 42mm (40.02 gm). Two angels vis-a-vis, holding cross between them; ZWH - "Life!". Crude provincial style, reportedly found in Hungary. Good VF, green patina. ($5‫)ש‬


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Classical Numistnatic

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World Coinage (Including Islamic)

1243. ARMENIA. Levon Π. 1270-1289. AR Half Tram (1.40 gm). Levon on horseback; holds cruciform sceptre / Crowned lion facing right; paw raised, holds plain cross. Cf. AC 373 (tram); Bedoukian 1530. VF. / / Plus a Venetian AV Ducat (3.46 gm) of Andrea Gritti, 1523-1538. Scarfea 272. VF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)

1248. KINGS OF FRANCE. Charles VI. 1380-1422. AV Ecu d'or (3.57 gm). Crowned arms; pellet above initial cross / Ornate cross with star in center; pellet above initial cross. Duplessy 369A; Ciani 484ff. VF. ($400)

1244. BELGIUM. Lot of six massive Bronze medals marking the Nazi occupation of Belgium. 1940-1942.85mm diameter. L.O. Wenkebach, sculptor. Obverse bears a common type of rampant Belgian lion trampling a bioken swastika, reverses with different symbolic representations of Belgian suffering under the occupation. Impressive medals with powerful emotional theme. Cast, with dark treated patina. Une. 6 pieces in lot. ($200)

1249. Louis XII. 1498-1515. AV Ecu au Porc-épic (3.46 gm). Rouen mint. Struck 1507. +LVDOVICVS:DEI:GRACIA:FRANCORVM uREX, crowned arms flanked by porcupines; dot under 15th letter / Cross with L's and porcupines. Duplessy 655; Ciani 909. Good VF. ($750) 1245. DENMARK. Sven Estridsen. 1047-1075. AR Denier (0.92 gm). Lund mint. MAGNVS REX, Christ standing, arm raised in benediction; three pellets to left / +TOE Ο LVIOINCVN:, voided cross with cross-hatched center. Cf. Hauberg pl.IX, 28. EF. ($6‫)ש‬ The early coinage of Estridsen shows unmistakable Byzantine influence, and can be dated as early as 1044, when he rebelled against Magnus of Norway; his early issues retained the name ofMagnus. He ivas initially backed by Hamid Hardrada, who rose to prominence in the Varangian guard, bodyguardsfor the Byzantine emperor in Constantinople. Tradition recalls that Harold returned home with a vast treasure, which he used to support Estridsen and later to become king of Norway himself. 1250.

Charles IX. 1568. AV Ecu d'or au soleil (3.37 gm). Rouen mint. *CAROLVS νΠΠ D G FRANCORON REX, crowned arms / +CHRISTVS REGNAT VINCIT ET IMPE* 1568, ornate cross; Β in center. Duplessy 1057; Ciani 1343. VF. ($400)

Silver Denier of Charlemagne

1246. CAROLINGIAN KINGS OF FRANCE. Charlemagne. 768-814. AR Denier. Milan mint. Struck 793-812. +CARLVS REX FR, cross / +M· EDIOL, Carolus monogram. M&G 212 variety; CNIV pg.5,28. Toned VF. ($1200) 1251. FEUDAL ISSUES OF FRANCE, Dombes. Anna Marie Louise de Orleans. 1673A. AR Half Ecu (1352 gm). Bust right / Crowned arms; trefoil ($400) after DOMINVS. Cf. Poey d'Avant 5219. Near VF.

1247. Louis the Pious. 814-840. AR Denier (1.80 gm). Class 2, 819-822. Cambrai mint. +HLVDOWICVS IMP, cross / CAMA · RACVS. M&G 342; MEC 768. Toned, good VF. ($600) 186

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^ S L P W r


1256. Vasudeva I. Circa 292-312 AD. AV Dinar (8.06 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding trident / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull to left behind. Gobi 509. EF, exceptional sharp strike on a full flan. ($750)

1252. Lorraine. Antoine. 1508-1544. AR Plaque (3.17 gm). A N T h O N D G CALABR LOThOR ET BAR D, crowned arms / FECIT POTENCIAM IN BRAChIO SVO, arm in clouds holding sword. Cf. Boudeau 1505; DeSaulcy pl.XTV, 12. Choice toned EF. ($300)

AV 1253. Lorraine. Charles IIII. 1661-1675. AR 13x10mm Medalette. CAROL ΠΠ D G GAL LOTH G BAR G DVX, bust right with ruff / ISSPERE AVMB(?), armored arm with sword reaching out of cloud, crowned monogram. VF, integral loop. ($125)

1257. Vasudeva II. Circa 312-335 AD. AV Dinar (7.77 gm). Vasudeva standing left before lighted altar, holding trident, standard behind / God Siva standing facing with trident, bull to left behind. Gobi 688. Good VF. ($400)

1254. K U S H A N K I N G S OF INDIA. Wima Kadphises. Circa 166-230 AD. AV Quarter Dinar (1.99 gm). Head of king in window / Trident flanked by tamghas. Gobi 9. VF. Rare. ($750)

1258. INDIA, Western Gangas. Circa llth-12th Century. AV Pagoda (3.82 gm). Caparisoned elephant; uncertain object or letter between legs / Floral pattern. MNI702. / / Ghorids. M u h a m m a d bin Sam. 1171-1206. AV Dinar (4.19 gm). Gahadavala mint. MNI 512. / / Nayakas. Madakeri 1.1565-1602. AV Pagoda (3.34 gm). Durga seated / Legend. MNI 937. Average VF. 3 coins in lot. ($150)

1259. INDIA. Victoria. 1841. AR 2 Annas. Calcutta mint. Lot of forty-five coins from an original uncirculated roll. KM 460.2 ($15 in Une). BU. 45 coins in lot. ($500)

1260. INDIA. Victoria. 1862. AR 2 Annas. Calcutta mint. Lot of sixty coins from an original uncirculated roll. KM 469 ($15 in Une). BU. 60 coins in lot. ($500) AV 1255. Huvishka. Circa 260-292 AD. AV Dinar (7.95 gm). Bust of king left (in clouds?) / The goddess Ardoksho; tamgha. Gobi 154/2 (same dies); M A C W - . Choice EF. ($1000)

1261. INDIA. Victoria. 1862. AR 1 / 4 Rupee. Calcutta mint. Lot of fifty coins from an original uncirculated roll. KM 470 ($20 in Une). BU. 50 coins in lot. ($500)


Classical Numistnatic

1262. ITALY, Ferrara. Alfonso d'Este. 1505-1534. AV Scudo d'Oro (3.37 gm). ALFONSVS DVX FERRARI m , arms of Ferrara / +IN HOC SIGNO VINCES, Calvary cross. CNI X pg.444,13. VF. ($700)

1263. Ferrara. Hercules (Ercule) II d'Este. 1534-1559. AV Scudo d'Oro (3.25 gm). HERCVLES Π DVX FERRARIE ΠΠ, arms of Ferrara / +IN TE QVISPERAT N O N CONFVN, Mary Magdalen before Calvary cross. CNI X pg.459,38 (pl.XXXI, 11 same obverse die). VF. ($700)

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1267. Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon 1458-1494. AR Coronato (3.93 gm). CORONATVS QA LEGITIME CERIAV, crowned bust; A behind / +FERDINANDVS D G R SICIL 1ER VN, shaded cross; A below. Pannuti 15e; cf. CNIXIX pg.132,262ff. Good VF. ($150)

1268. Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon. 1458-1494. AR Coronato (3.93 gm). CORONATVS QA LEGITIME CERTAVI, crowned bust; C behind / +FERDINANDVS D G R SICIL 1ER V, shaded cross; C below. Pannuti 16b; cf. CNI XIX pg.132,339. Good VF. ($150)

1264. ITALY, Milan. Republic. 1250-1310. AR Ambrosino (2.94 gm). MEDIOLANV, cross with crescents / SCS AMBROSIV‫׳‬, St. Ambrose seated. CNI V pg.57,10; Biaggi 1425. Good VF, early collection number inked on reverse. ($300)

1269. Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon. 1458-1494. AR Coronato (3.96 gm). FERRANDVS D G R SICILIE 1ER V, crowned bust; Τ behind / IVSTA TVE NDA, St. Michael slaying dragon. Pannuti 17b; cf. CNI XIX pg.146,561. EF. ($200)

1265. ITALY, Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon. 1458-1494. AR Coronato (3.99 gm). CORONATVS Q LEGITIME CERTAV, coronation scene / +FERDINANDVS D G R SICI ŒR VNG, shaded cross; Gothic M below. Pannuti 12b; cf. CNI XIX pg.102,157. Good VF. ($150)

1270. Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon. 1458-1494. AR Coronato (3.90 gm). FERRANDVS ARAGO REX SI HIE, crowned bust; I behind / IVSTA TVENDA, St. Michael slaying dragon. Pannuti 18b; cf. CNI XIX pg.141,510. Good VF. ($150)

1266. Naples. Ferdinand 1 of Aragon. 1458-1494. AR Coronato (3.92 gm). CORONATVS QA LEGITIME CERTA, crowned bust / +FRDINANDVS D G R SICI 1ER VN, shaded cross. Pannuti 13; cf. CN1 XIX pg.130,413ff. Good VF. ($150)

1271. Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon. 1458-1494. AR Mezzo Carlino (Armellino) (1.82 gm). SERENA OMNIA, ermine left with banner marked DECORVM; Τ below / FERRANDVS D G R S, arms of Aragon. Pannuti 22d; cf.CNI XIX pg.170,776. Good VF. ($200)


Classical Numismatic

Group, Inc. Rare Silver Gros of Clement VII, Anti-Pope

1272. Naples. Alfonso II of Aragon. 1494-1495. AR Coronato (3.95 gm). CORONAVIT ET VNXIT ME MANVS Τ D, coronation scene / ALFONSVS Π D G R SICI 1ER V, St. Michael slaying dragon, T. Pannuti 3a; cf. CNI XIX pg.217,54. Good VF. ($250)

1276. ITALY, Papal States. Clement VII, Anti-Pope. 1378-1394. AR Gros (2.32 gm). Avignon mint. CLEMENS PP SETH'S, Clement enthroned / +keysSANCTUS keys:PETRUS:keys, crossed keys with Genévois arms. Muntoni IV pg.144,4; Poey d'Avant 4199; Berman 230. Good VF. ($500) The Great Schism, which saw two or more Popes claiming the throne of St. Peter, was prompted by French and Italian factions seeking influence over the church. As the breach widened and involved the other nations of Catholic Europe, the contending popes hurled proclamations of anathema (denunciation of false doctrine) and excommunication (banishmentfrom church sacraments) at each other's supporters, and declaring the other an anti-pope, or a pontiff set against the legitimate line of Peter. Robert de Conti del Genevois (Clement VII) was thefirst anti-pope of the Schism, opposing Bartolomeo Prigano (Urban VI).

1273. Naples. Frederick of Aragon. 1496-1501. AR Carlino (3.96 gm). +FEDERICVS DEI G REX SI HIERV, crowned bust right; Τ behind / +RECEDANT VETERA, flaming book (eight flames). Pannuti 5; cf. CNIXIX pg.247,35. Good VF, some encrustation. Rare. ($450)

1274. Naples. Philip II as King of Spain. 1556-1598. AR Mezzo Ducato (14.87 gm). PHILPP REX ARAGON VTRI SI, cuirassed bust; monogram of Giovanni Battista Ravaschiero (moneyer) / *SICIL ET HIERVSAL*, crowned arms. CNI XX pg.44,371ff; Pannuti 15. Good VF. ($400)

1275. ITALY, K i n g d o m of the Two Sicilies. Jaochim Murat. 1809. JE 37mm Medal. Formation of the Provincial Guard, March 26,1809. Head of Jaochim Murat (brother in law of Napoleon) left / Standards of the Guards, with crown. Brambilla 87 (in silver). EF. ($400) Jaochim Murat, son ofan innkeeper, rose to an exalted position in Napolean's empire, gainingfame as an audacious cavalry officer, becoming a marshal of the empire in 1804 and finally King of Naples in 1808. This medal marks theformation of Neapolitan units to reinforce his campaigns against Sicily, which despite his title remained in Bourbon hands. Murat repeatedly wavered in his allegiance to Napolean, coming ova to the Allies when the emperor's position was threatened. His shifting loyalties did not prevent his overthrow and execution after the battle of Waterloo. After his death his family fled to the United States, where two of his sons married American women, one a niece of George Washington. 1

1277. Papal States. Gregory XVI. 1836. JE 76mm Medal. H.Lorenz, sculptor. The aqueduct system at Monte Catillo. Entrance to the water tunnels / Water tunnels and waterfall. On both sides the river has been silvered to give the impression of flowing water. Mazio 623. A massive medal. VF, slight rub to high points. ($200)


Classical Numistnatic

Group, Inc.

1280. ITALY, Tuscany. Leopold Π. 1858. AR 10 Quattrini. Head right / Crowned arms. KM 67. / / First Provisional Government. 1859. AR Fiorino. Lion with banner / Lily of Florence. KM 79. Both choice UNC. 2 coins in lot. ($200) 1278. ITALY, Parma. Alexander Famese. 1586-1592 AR Half Scudo (15.52 gm). ALEXANDER FARN DVX m , cuirassed bust right; lis below / ISTTS DVCIBVS1574, the Three Graces, arms of Parma below. CNIIX pg.465,24; Pizzi-Lopez 103. Toned Fine. ($400) The reverse copies a half scudo ofAlexander's father, Ottavio, even dozrn to the date. Alexander rarely visited his Italian estates at Parma and Piacenza, being in the continual service of his uncle Philip II of Spain. He first saw service at the battle of Lepanto in 1571, and after 1577 was on campaign in the rebellious Lowlands. Alexander died in Spanish Flanders in 1592 and only returned to his homeland after death, being buried in Parma.

An Elusive Gold Augustale of Frederick II 1281. ITALY, Venice. Alvise Mocenigo IV. 1763-1778. AR Ducato (22.32 gm). Valerio Valier, mintmaster, 1775. *S*M*V*ALOY:MOCENICO‫״‬D·, Doge kneeling before St. Mark; 0 V » V O in exergue / DVCATVS* VENETVS*, lion of St. Mark; trCrCt in exergue. CN1 Via pg.496,97. NearEF. ($200)


W s ^ y * ^

1279. ITALY, Sicily. Frederick II. 1197-1250. AV Augustale (5.25 gm). Messina mint, struck after 1231. IMP ROM CESAR AVG, laureate and draped classical style bust right / +FRIDE RICVS, eagle standing, wings displayed, head turned right. Kowalski, "Augustalen, Realen und Tari", RBN 1971, Group A; Spahr 99; Grierson C9. Good VF, light toning. ($6000) 1282. LOWLANDS, Friesland. 1683. AR 28 Stuivers (16.68 gm). Crowned arms on floreate cross; c / m : HOL in rectangle / Half length bust of knight Frederick II Hohenstaufen, "Stupor Mundi" - "Wonder of the World", was the bearing sword. Countermarked for circulation in the province of Holland. most enlightened ruler of the medieval European world, and singlehandedly almost Delmonte 1100; KM 10. VF. ($200) ignited a renaissance a century before it took hold in western Europe. Besides encouraging the study of both the ancien t and natural worlds (he wrote an insightful treatise on falconry), Frederick was instrumental in improving relations with the Muslims, negotiatingfree access to Christian holy sites in the east, where all Crusading armies had come to grief. This despite the fact that lie was in frequen t conflict with the Catholic church. One of his most conaete innovations was the initiation ofa western gold minagefully œtnparable in style and quality to the gold of the ancient Caesars. Tlw clearly classiml motifi proclaimed his inheritance of the legacy of Rome, and theaugustale was issued concurrently with the publication of the Constitution of Melfi, his codifimtion of Norman law meant to follow thefamous Roman law codes. Theaugustale was struck until 1266, and the coinage (and policies) of his successors never again achieved the high standards of Frederick's reign. 1283. LOWLANDS, Holland. Charles V. 1506-1555. AV Phrlipus (3.28 gm). SE PHE INTERCEDE PRO NOBIS, St. Philip above arms / MONET NOVA ARCHID AVS DVX BG C HOL, floreate cross with rose in center. Delmonte 758; Friedberg 136. VF. ($400)


Classical Numistnatic

1284. LOWLANDS. N D (18th century). AR 37mm Medal. For Batavia, capital of Netherlands East Indies (modern Jakarta in Indonesia). Justifia holding scales and olive branch, seated before d t y view; in the harbor, ships and Neptune in chariot d r a w n by hippocampi, preceded by tritons / DELICLΈ C O M I T U M N U N C PATRUM Ο RACLA RECLUDENS H A G A ADYTIS BATAVI GLORIA PRIMA SOLI S C, panoramic city view, civic arms above. Proof-like AU. Wonderful detailed d t y view. ($100)

Group, Inc.

1287. M O N G O L S . Genghis Khan. A H 618 (1221/1222 AD). AV Dinar (4.31 gm). Ghazna mint. "The Khan of Khans, The Just, The Most Mighty, Genghis Khan - Struck at Ghazna in the year eight and ten and six h u n dred." Cf. Album 1964. VF, crude strike. Extremely Rare! ($1500) The extraordinarily rare gold dinars of Ghazna are the only gold coins struck in the name of Genghis Khan ivith the mint name and date indicated. The historical importance of these coins was only recognized in the past year, when thefirstfully legible specimens came to light. They were struck at the last citadel tofall to the Mongols in their conquest of Persia. Jalal al Din, the last Khwarizmshah, was driven into India in 1222, and these dinars were probably struckfrom captured Persian bullion to mark thefinal victory of the Mongol armies led by their greatest general, Genghis Khan.

1288. O M A N . AH 1367 (1947-8). AR 1 / 2 Dhofari Riyal. Lot of twenty coins from an original uncirculated roll. KM 29 ($25 in Une). / / Plus an AR 1 Riyal. KM 31. BU. 21 coins total in lot. ($300)

High Grade Gold Säo-vicente of Joâo III

1285. MEXICO. Charles ΙΙΠ. 1791. AR Proclamation Medal. Valladolid de Michioacan. Bust left / Three dassicaUy draped busts in crowned oval. KM Mexico R 42a. EF, proof-like fields, light scuffs at high points. ($250)

1289. PORTUGAL. Joâo III. 1521-1557. AV Sâo-vicente (7.60 gm). ΙΟ ANNES ΙΠ REX PORTV ET AL, crowned arms / VSQVE AD MORTEM ZELATOR FIDEI, St. Vincent holding model of ship; two stars. Vaz J3.27; Gomez 101.01. Choice EF, matte surfaces. ($3000) This splendid representation of St. Vincent, by Antonio and Francisco d'Holanda, depicts the saint with his attributes of palm and nau (ocean-going ship) in his role as patron of Lisbon and, by extension, protector of the far-flung Portuguese maritime empire.

1286. MEXICO. 1804. AV Medal (22.00 gm). N.S.D GUADALUPE DE MEXICO A1804, statue of the Madonna of Guadalupe / N O N FECIT TALITER OMNI NANTIONI, radiate cross. VF, gilt, loop removed. ($400)

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due 1290. SPAIN. PhilipΙΙΠ. 1630. A R 8 Reales (26.86gm). Segovia mint, assayer P. Crowned arms; vertical aquaduct and Ρ to left / Arms in poly lobe. C&C 5763; KM 132; Davenport 4408. EF. ($1000) 186

Classical Numistnatic


AV 12%. Armenia. Lot of ninety-one AR and JE. Levon I through PostRoupenid. AR double Trams, Trams, Half Trams and Takvorins (31 coins). / / JE Tanks, Kardez and Poghs (60 coins). Many pieces uncleaned, as they come from the ground. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 91 coins in lot. ($300)

1291. Charles III. 1761. AV Half Escudo (1.77 gm). Sevme mint, assayer JV. Laureate bust; U of CAROLUS over L / Crowned arms. KM 41.2. EF. ($150)

Rare Swedish Bracteate 1297. Armenia. Lot of ten AR. Includes the following: Levon I. Tram (7 coins) / / Hetoum I and Zabel. Tram / / Levon IV. Takvorin / / Gosdantin IV. Takvorin. Average Fine to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($75)

1298. Crusaders. Lot of twenty-seven coins. Includes the following: Athens. Guillaume I. Billon Denier / / Achaea. William of Villehardouin. Billon Denier; Philip of Savoy. Billon Denier (3 coins); Maud of Hainaut. Billon Denier (2 coins); John of Gravina. Billon Denier (3 coins); Robert d'Anjou. Billon Denier (2 coins) / / Antioch. Roger of Salerno. JE Follis; Bohemond ΙΠ. AR Denier (2 coins); Bohemond TV. AR Denier (2 coins) / / Tripolis. Bohemond VI. AR Gros; Bohemond VU. AR Gros; AR Demi-gros (2 coins) / / Jerusalem. Baldwin ΠΙ. AR Denier (2 coins) / / Cyprus. Henry I. Billon Denier; Hugh IV. AR Gros (3 coins). Lot also includes an JE Follaro of William Π of Sicily and an AR Denier of Lucca in Italy. Average Fair to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 29 coins in lot. ($500)

1292. SWEDEN. K n u t Eriksson. 1167-1196. AR Bracteate (0.31 gm). Sigtuna mint. Facing head, composed of dots, holding spear, all in border of dots. Lagerqvist 7d. Good VF. Rare. ($750)

1293. SYRIA. 1947. AR 25 Piastres. Lot of fifty coins from an original uncirculated roll. KM 79 ($20 in Une). BU, some with rust spots from storage. 50 coins in lot. ($500)

1294. SYRIA. 1947. AR 50 Piastres. Lot of forty coins from an original uncirculated roll. KM 80 ($22.50 in Une). BU, some with rust spots from storage. 40 coins in lot. ($500)

1299. Austria. Lot of thirty-nine AR. AR Pfennings of Vienna (7 coins). / / AR of Austrian kings, Ferdinand II through Charles VI. Groschen to 15 Kreuzer, one 1/4 Thaler of Charles VI (10 coins). / / AR strike of 1773 Galicia Ducat. / / AR Jetons of Leopold Π and Francis Π. / / Modern Austria, Maria Theresa through Republic, including 1879 Wedding Double Florin (8 coins). / / Salzburg. Small AR, Pfenning through 15 Kreutzer (7 coins). / / Tyrol. AR Kreutzer (3 coins). / / Austrian Netherlands. 1788.1/4 Thaler. Average condition, from Fine for medieval pieces to Une. for modern. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 39 coins in lot. ($300)

1300. Austria. Lot of forty-three AR. Breslau mint. Kreutzer. 1698(2). / / 3 Kreutzer. 1628,1667,1668,1669,1670(2), 1696,1703. / / 6 Kreutzer. 1673, 1713. / / Brieg. Kreutzer. 1697(2), 1698(4), 1699(2), 1700(2), 1701(2), 1702(2). / / 3 Kreutzer 1696. / / Graz. Pfenning. 1531,1532. / / Kreutzer. 1681,1691, 1698,1699. / / 3 Kreutzer. 1627,1674,1695,1699,1718. / / 6 Kreutzer. 1672, 1673,1687,1692. / / 1 5 Kreutzer. 1694. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 43 coins in lot. ($500)

Z M i ä i ^ i W s , .

1301. Austria. Lot of forty-five AR. Hall mint. Kreutzer. 1700. / / 3 Kreutzer. 1618,1626,1670,1680,1682,1694,1734. / / 6 Kreutzer. 1688,1724 / / Kuttenbuig.Kreutzer. 1703,1704(2). / /Prague.MaleyGroschen. 1579,1580, 1583,1593,1598. / / Kreutzer. 1701. / / 3 Kreutzer. 16%, 1697,1703. / / 1 / 4 Thaler. 1624. / / Oppeln. 3 Pfenning. 1690,1697(2), 1704. / / Kreutzer. 1698, 1699, 6//.(3)1700‫־‬Kreutzer.1679. / / Vienna. Kreutzer. 1697. / / 3 Kreutzer. 1554,1637,1665. / / 15 Kreutzer. 1661,1662 / / Uncertain mints and modern Austria (6). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 45 coins in lot. ($500)

1295. EUROPE. 19th Century. A small gray silk change purse, decorated with a star of sewn metal beads, its silver cover embossed with représentafions of "ancient" Greek coins, none of which can be easily tied to a genuine prototype. Inside of lid marked PAT.MARCH 25'90. Virtually as new. An interesting view of ancient coins as seen in the late 19th century. / / Plus two coins to go in it. Prussia. 1750. AR Half Thaler. KM 254. Fine. / / Turkey. AH 1223/24. AV Half Hayriya Altin. KM 637. EF. Three pieces in lot. ($250)

1302. Austria. Lot of five AR Thalers. Leopold I. Hall mint. / / Francis L 1760KB. / / F r a n d s H . 1818V.//Francisn. 1820M. / / F r a n z Joseph 1.1861V. The 1818 Poor with c / m Ν in field, the rest VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 5 coins in lot. ($300)

1303. Austria. Lot of eight AR Thalers of Maria Theresa. Günzburg mint. 1765 armored bust. / / Hall mint. 1757 armored bust, 1760 armored bust, 1764 draped bust, 1764 armored bust, 1765 armored bust, 1765AS armored bust. / / Vienna mint. 1771 veiled bust. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($500)


Classical Numistnatic 1304. Austria. Lot of seventy-three AR and JE. JE Kreuzers and fractions (12 coins). / / AR 10 Kreuzer. 1869,1870,1872(4). / / AR 20 Kreuzer. 1755, 1784,1787,1810,1830,1832,1868,1870. / / A R Florin. 1877(2), 1878,1879, 1884(2), 1885(2), 1886,1887,1891. / / 20 Heller. 1893. / / AR Corona. 1908(3), 1912(2), 1913,1914(6), 1915(11), 1916(8). / / AR2 Corona. 1912(2), 1913. / / A R 5 Corona. 1900. Most of the silver is EF to BU. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 73 coins in lot. ($5(‫ש‬ 1305. Austria. Lot of forty-five AR. 1/2 Schilling. 1925(2). / / 10 Schilling. 1964(2), 1972,1973(10). / / 25 Schilling. 1956,1957(2), 1958,1959(2), 1960, 1962. / / 50 Schilling. 1959,1974 Salzburg, 1974 Broadcasting(2). / / 100 Schilling. 1975 Strauss(3), 1976 Nestroy, 1977 Hall, 1978 Arlberg, 1978 Durnkrut, 1979 Neustadt. / / Plus 10 restrike Maria Theresa Thalers. Average Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 45 coins in lot. ($2TO) 1306. Austrian States. Lot of thirty AR. Olmutz. Kreutzer. 1651,1653. / / 3 Kreutzer. 1668,1670(3). / / 6 Kreutzer. 1674,1693,1715(2). / / 1 5 Kreutzer. 1694. / / Salzburg. Pfenning. 1688. / / 2 Kreutzer. 1674,1696,1709,1717. / / 15Kreutzer. 1688. / / 2 0 K r e u t z e r 1802. / /Thaler. 1638. //Schlick.3Kreutzer. 1636. / / Trautson. Groschen 1619(2). / / Tyrol. 3 Kreutzer. 1653,1659,1661, 1662,1663(2), 1665. / / 15 Kreutzer 1664. Average Fine to VF. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($450)

Group, Inc.

1312. Germany. Lot of forty-four AR and JE. States represented include: Aachen. / / Augsbeig. / / Baden. / / Brandenberg. / / Bavaria. / / Cologne. / / Lower Elbe. / / Goslar. / / Halle. / / Hannover. / / Hesse-Darmstadt. / / Hesse-Cassel. / / Hildesheim. Bracteate (broken). / / Julich-Berg. / / Magdeburg. / / Munster. / / Prussia. / / Regensburg. / / Saxe-CoburgGotha. //Saxe-Eisenach. / /Saxony. //Silesia. / / S t r a s s b u r g . / /Wismar. / / Plus issues of Bohemia. / / Freiburg. / / Milan. / / Wallachia. One 1603 Saxony Thaler (holed), the rest are minor denominations. Good starter collection of German coins. Average condition Fine to VF unless noted otherwise. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 44 coins in lot. ($500)

1313. Germany. Lot of forty-seven AR and 7E minors. States represented include: Augsburg. / / Bavaria (5 coins). / / Brandenburg-Ansbach (2 coins). / / Brandenburg-Bayreuth. / / Bremen (3 coins). / / BrunswickLuneburg-Calenburg. / / Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel (12 coins). / / Chur-Pfalz. / / Coesfeld. / / Cologne. / / Frankfurt. / / H a m b u r g (6 coins). / / HesseDarmstadt (6 coins). / / Julich-Berg (2 coins). / / Lübeck (3 coins). / / Mansfeld. Little duplication. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 47 coins in lot. ($500)

1307. Bulgaria. Ivan Alexander a n d Mikhail. 1337-1371. Lot of thirty AR Grosh. Standard type of Christ enthroned / Ivan and Mikhail, but each subtly different, with variations of monograms, field marks, etcetera. A good study collection. Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($4TO)

1314. Germany. Lot of forty-seven AR and 7E minors. States represented include: Mainz. / / Mecklenburg-Schwerin. / / Mecklenburg-Strelitz. / / Munster. / / N u r n b u r g . / / Osnabrück. / / Pfalz-Zweibrucken. / / Brandenburg-Prussia (8 coins). / / Saxe-Weimar. / / Saxony (8 coins). / / Silesia (5 coins). / / Teutonic Order. / / Trier (12 coins). / / Württemberg (2 coins). / / Wurttemberg-Oels (2 coins). / / Wurzburg. Little duplication. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 47 coins in lot. ($500)

1308. Bulgaria. Ivan Alexander and Mikhail. 1337-1371.Lotof twentyfive AR Grosh. Standard type of Christ enthroned / Ivan and Mikhail, with wide differences in size, strike and style. The products of different royal mints or contemporary imitations? A good study collection. Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 25 coins in lot. ($300)

1315. Germany. Lot of six AR Thalers. Anhalt-Bernburg. 1855A. KM 84. EF, two scratches on obverse. / / Bavaria. 1753. KM 224. VG. / / Bavaria. 1775. KM 234.1. Fine. / / Frankfurt. 1862. KM370. VF, mount removed on reverse. / / Lippe-Detmold. 1866. KM 267. VF, scratches on obverse. / / Saxony. 1611. Davenport 7566. VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot. ($300)

1309. Central Europe. Lot of fifty-four AR. Czechoslovakia. 10 Korun 1928. / / 25 Korun. 1954. / / 50 Korun. 1948. / / 100 Korun. 1948. Charles University. / / Austria-Hungary. Poltura. 1696PH, 1698PH, 1699PH(2). / / 3 Kreuzer. 1672 KB, 1694KB, 1695CF, 1699CSH. / / 6 Kreuzer. 1667KB(2), 1669KB(2), 1670KB(2), 1671KB(2), 1672KB(2). / / 15 Kreuzer. 1675KB, 1677KB(2). / / 20Krajczar. 1848(2). / / Korona. 1896(3), 1914(2), 1915(8). / / 2 Korona. 1912. / / Forint. 1879. / / 5 Korona. 1900. / / Hungary. Pengo. 1939. / / 5Pengo. 1938(2), 1939. / / Romania. 5 Lei. 1881. / / 500Lei. 1941(2), 1944. / / 25000 Lei. 1946. / / 1 ‫ ש‬0 ‫ ש‬Lei. 1946(2). Average Fine to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 54 coins in lot. ($3‫)ש‬

1310. France. Lot of sixty-one AR and JE. Includes the following: Royal: Louis the Pious / / Philippe Π (2 coins) / / Louis IX / / Philippe IV (3 coins) / / Philippe V / / Charles IV (2 coins) / / Jean Π / / Charles V (2 coins) / / Charles VI (4 coins) / / Charles VH / / Charles VUI (2 coins) / / Henri Π (4 coins) / / Charles IX (2 coins) / / Henri ΙΠ (3 coins) / / Louis XV / / Louis XVI (2 coins) / / Feudal: Aquitaine (2 coins) / / Auxerre / / Blois (3 coins) / / Brittany (2 coins) / / Burgundy / / Dombes / / Hainault / / Lausanne / / Lille / / Lorraine (2 coins) / / Maine / / Melgueil / / Metz / / Nantes / / Normandy (2coins) / / Poitou / / Provins / / Strasbourg (3coins) / / Tours / / Valence (2 coins). Lot also includes four Jetons, two patterns, eight 19th20th Century issues, and seven miscellaneous medieval issues including an AR Coronato of Ferdinand I of Naples and an AR Double Gros of John the Fearless of Flanders. Average Fair to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 82 coins in lot. ($750)

1311. France. Lot of forty AR and JE. JE Double Tournois of Chateau Renaud (5 coins). / / AR Francs of Henry ΠΙ (3 coins). / / AR 1 /12 and 1/10 Ecu of Louis XIV (3 coins). / / AR Ecu. 1740A, 1767L, 1768L, 1771M. //JE Centime. 1913. / / AR 20 Centime. 1851. / / AR 50 Centime. 1867BB, 1881 A, 1895A. / / AR Franc. 1915(3), 1916,1918,1919(3). / / A R 5 Franc. 1830L, 1836W, 1851A, 1870A, 1873A(2), 1874K, 1876A, 1960,1962,1964,1964. The earlier pieces average circulated, the 20th century pieces mostly Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 40 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬

1316. Germany. Lot of twenty-eight AR. Prussia. 2 Mark. 200 years. 1901(2). Napoleon. 1913. / / 3 Mark. Napoleon. 1913. / / 1 / 2 Mark. 1906J, 1914A, 1915D(2). / / Mark. 1914 D, 1915E. / / 2 Mark. 1938B, 1939A, 1951F. / / 5 Mark. Frankfurt. 1973G(9). Copernicus. 1973J. / / 1 0 M a r k . Olympics. 1972(5). Average Une. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 28 coins in lot. ($250) 1317. Germany. Lot of thirty modern AR. Includes the following: West Germany. 10 Deutschmarks. 1972. Olympic Commemoratives (8 coins, various types) / / Baden. Friedrich Π. 3 Marks. 1909G / / Bayern. Ludwig Π. 2 Marks. 1876D / / Prussia. Wilhelm I. Thaler. 1861. Coronation of Wilhelm and Augusta; Thaler. 1871 A. Victory of the Franco-Prussian War; 5 Marks. 1874A / / Prussia. Wilhelm Π. 5 Marks. 1903A; 3 Marks. 1910A. Berlin University Commemorative; 1912A; 1913. 100 Years Defeat of Napoleon Commemorative (2 coins); 1913A (2 coins); 2 Marks. 1913.100 Years Defeat of Napoleon (2 coins); 1913A / / Würtemberg. Wilhelm Π. 5 Marks. 1901F / / Saxony. 3 Marks. 1913E. Battle of Leipzig Centennial / / German Imperial. 1 Mark. 1914D (2 coins); 1915A / / Nazi Germany. 5 Marks. 1934; 1939 / / West Germany. 10 Deutschmarks. 1972. Olympic Commemoratives (8 coins, various types). Plus three Austrian coins. Average Fine to AU. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 33 coins in lot. ($350)

1318. Greece. Lot of four AR and JE. Revolution. 1831. JE 20 Lepta. KM 11. VF. / / Otto. 1833. AR 1 / 4 Drachma. KM 18. VF.//1849. JE 10 Lepta. Small crown. KM 29. Good VF. / / Geoige 1.1868. AR Drachma. KM 38. Une. / / Plus an AR Pegione of Milan. Bernabo Visconti. 1354-1385. Crippa 4. Good VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 5 coins total in lot. ($200) 1319. Hungary. Lot of n i n e t e e n AR and JE. Includes the following: Stephan I / / Peter I / / Andreas I / / Anonymous (2 coins) / / Bela ΙΠ / / Ludwig I (4 coins) / / Maria / / Sigismund I (2 coins) / / Ferdinand I (4 coins) / / Maximilian Π / / Leopold I "the Hogmouth." Lot also includes a Proof restrike of an 18921 Forint. Average Fine to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($200)


Classical Numistnatic 1320. Hungary. Lot of twenty-eight early dated "Madonna" AR Denars. Dates as follow: 1504,1505,1506(2), 1508,1523,1526,1537,1543,1546,1551(2), 1552(3), 1557,1559,1566,1567,1568,1570,1572,1579,1584(2), 1587,1591, 1612. Average VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 28 coins in lot. ($300) 1321. Italy. Lot of eighty-six mostly Medieval AR and J E . Includes the following: Ancona / / Aquilia / / Armata and Morea / / Catania / / Florence / / G e n o a (3 coins) / / Isole and Armata / / Lucca (3 coins) / / Mantua / / Messina / / Milan (7 coins) / / Naples (19 coins) / / Naples and Sicily (3 coins) / / Palermo / / Papal States (4 coins) / / Parma / / Ravenna / / Sardinia (2 coins) / / Sienna (2 coins) / / Sicily (9 coins) / / Venice (18 coins, 1 medal) / / Italy, Kingdom (4 coins). Average Fair to EF for the hammered issues, mostly Une for the few m o d e m issues. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 86 coins in lot. ($5‫)ש‬

1322. Italy. Lot of sixteen AR and JE. Bologna. Quattrino. 1630. / / Ferrara. JE l/2Baiacco. 1621. / / Lombardy. Centesimo. 1852. / / 5Centesimo. 1850, 1852. / / Mantua. Carlos I. JE Double Delason. 1637. / / Mantua. Charles Π. JE Soldo. 1661. / / Naples. Philip IV. AR Tari. 1622. / / Naples and Sicily. Charles Π. AR Carlino. 1685. / / Sardinia. Carlos Felix. AR 5 Lire. 1827. / / Kingdom of Napolean. AR 5 Soldi. 1813. / / AR5Lire. 1809. / / Republic AR 500 Lire. 1958,1961(2), 1965. Several scarce pieces in lot. Earlier pieces Fine to VF, later Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($250)

1323. Italy, Venice. Lot of nineteen AR Grossi. Includes the following: Giovanni Soranzo / / Francesco Dandolo / / Antonio Venier (17 coins). Average VF, the first two holed. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 19 coins in lot. ($4(‫ש‬ 1324. Italy. Lot of seven hammered AV. Includes the following: Venice. Antonio Venier. Ducat / / Venice. Girolamo Priuli. Zecchino / / Venice. Francis Morosini. 1 / 2 Zecchino (holed and plugged) / / Sicily. Roger Π. Tari d'Oro / / Sicily. William I. Tari d'Oro (3 coins). Lot also includes an AV Ducat of Christian IV of Denmark (bent and straightened, ex jewelry). Average Fine to VF, the 1 / 2 Ducat Very Rare. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($5(‫ש‬ 1325. Lowlands. Lot of ten AR Lion Daalders of the different provinces a n d cities. Friesland. 1607. / / Gelderland. 1652. / / Holland. 1576. / / Holland. 1589, with uncertain c / m . / / Overijssel. 1616. / / Kampen. 1686. / / Zwolle. 1653. / / Utrecht. 1616. / / Westfriesland. 1632. / / A n unusual coin, dated 582, city n a m e given as GAIPEN. Average Fine, some better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($5‫)ש‬

1326. Lowlands, Gelderland. Lot of nine AR Lion Daalders. Dates as follows: 1593,1599,1617,1639,1641,1642,1643,1647,1648. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 9 coins in lot. ($4(‫ש‬ 1327. Lowlands, Holland and Utrecht. Lot of ten AR Lion Daalders. Dates as follows: Holland. 157x, 1576(4), 1589. Utrecht. 1616,1617,1642, 1643. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬ 1328. Lowlands, Holland. Lot of seven AR Lion Daalders. Dates as follows: 1576(4), 1586,1589(2). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($3(‫ש‬ 1329. Lowlands, Kampen. Lot of eight AR Lion Daalders. Dates as follows: 1648(2), 1649,1650,1662,1676,1684,1687. The 1684 is of peculiar style and may be a contemporary counterfeit. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($3(‫ש‬ 1330. Lowlands, Overijssel and Zwolle. Lot of eight AR Lion Daalders. Dates as follows: Overijssel. 1585,1616(2), 1628,1633(2), 1676. Zwolle. 1641. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($3‫)ש‬ 1331. Lowlands, Westfriesland. Lot of seven AR Lion Daalders. Dates as follows: 1616,1617,1624,1626,1633,1647, ND. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($3‫)ש‬

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1332. Benelux Lot of thirty AR and J E . Austrian Netherlands. JE Liard. 1777. / / Belgium. 5 Francs. 1869,1871,1873(2), 1936. / / 20 Francs. 1951, 1953. / / 50 Francs. 1951. / Holland. 2 Stuivers. 1791. / / Luxembourg. 25 Centimes. 1930. / / Netherlands. JE ML Cent. 1886 (key dateKM=$110 in EF). J J JE Cent. 1907. / / JE 2 1 / 2 Cent. 1894. / / 5 Cent. 1862,1943. / / 10 Cent. 1905,1950. / / 25 Cent. 1913,1914,1928. / / Gulden. 1954,1957,1963. / / 2 1 / 2 Gulden. 1932,1961(2). / / 10 Gulden. 1973(2). / / West Friesland. 2 Stuivers. 1787. Average VF to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($300) 1333. Poland. Lot of forty-four AR. Kreuzer. 1527. / / Schilling. 1591, 15%, 1623,1626(2), 1753. / / 3Polker. 1621,1622(2), 1623,1625. / / 1/2 Groszy. 1507. / / Groszy. 1530,1532,1606,1608,1611,1624. / / 3Groszy. 1582,1586, 1592(2), 1594(2), 1599. / / 6 G r o s z y . 1624,1662,1666(2), 1667. / / O r t e . 1622, 1623,1624,1667. / / Danzig. Orte. 1624. / / Mecklenburg. 1 / 2 Groschen. 1622. / / Pomerania. Groschen. 1618,1619,1620,1623. / / Double Shilling. 1621. / / Modem Poland (2). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 44 coins in lot. ($450) 1334. Portugal. Lot of eighteen AR and J E . Early JE (3 coins). / / AR 200 Reis. 1768.1/ AR 1000 Reis. 1899(5-all Une). I I AR21 / 2 Escudo 1944. / / AR 5 Escudo 1960(2). I I AR 10 Escudo. 1954,1960. I I AR20 Escudo 1966(2). I I AR 50 Escudo. 1968,1969. Earlier pieces Fine, later U n e LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 18 coins in lot. ($300)

1335. Russia. Lot of eleven Wire Kopecks. Includes the following: Novogrod. Anonymous i s s u e / / I v a n I V ( 2 coins) / / Feodor I vanovich / / Mikhail Feodorovich (2 coins) / / Alexei Mikhailovich (2 coins) / / Peter I (3 coins). Lot also includes five modem Proof commemorative restrikes and six other related coins. Average Fair to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($100) 1336. Russia. Lot of thirty-three AR and J E . JE Denga. 1731. / / JE 5 Kopeks. 1764,1768. / / J E Kopeck. 1911. / / A R Kopeks. 1847,1855,1882. / / AR 10 Kopeks. 1877,1894,1913,1915(3), 1930. / / AR 15Kopeks. 1912, 1913,1914(3), 1916. / / AR20 Kopeks. 1913,1914,1915(3), 1916,1928,1930. / / AR Rouble. 1896,1913 (300th Anniversary), 1924(3). Average circulated, the 20th century pieces mostly Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 33 coins in lot. ($300) 1337. Lot ten JE 5 Kopecks of Catherine the Great of Russia. Includes the following: 1778EM; 1780EM; 1782EM; 1785EM; 1789EM; 1790EM; 1791EM; 1792EM; 1795EM; 1796EM. Lot also includes an JE 10 Kopecks of Siberia, 1770KM. Average VF to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($150) 1338. Scandinavia. Lot of thirty-five AR and minors. Finland. AR 25 Penni. 1916(2), 1917(2). / / AR50Penni. 1893,1916(2). / / AR Markka. 1915(6). / / 1 0 0 M a r k k a . 1956. / / Iceland. 10 Aurar. 1933. / / Norway.5Ore. 1917. / / 10 Ore. 1958. / / Krone. 1958. Key date in Une. (KM=$300). / / 10 Kroner. 1964(3-one proof-like specimen strike). / / Sweden. JE 2 Ore. 1748(2). / / A R 4 0 r e . 1671. I / J E Ö K . 1936. / / 1 0 Ore. 1949,1950. / / 25 Ore. 1949,1950. / / Krona. 1947,1953. / / 2 Kronor. 1950. / / 5 Kronor. 1955,1959,1966. Average EF to Une, the earlier pieces w o r n LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 35 coins in lot. ($400)

1339. Scandinavia. Lot of four AR fractions. Denmark. 1911.10 Ore. KM 807. EF. //1914.25 Ore. KM 815.1. EF. / / Norway. 1903.10 Ore. KM 350. BU. / /1914.25 Ore. KM 373. EF. Several key dates in series. 4 coins in lot. ($150) 1340. Scandinavia and the Baltic. Lot of thirty-six AR and JE. Denmark. 11 coins, including: Eric VII AR Sterling of Naestved. / / Christian IV. 1644.2 Marek. / / Christian V. 1693. AR 2 Skilling. / / Frederik IV. 1702 AR 8 Skilling. / / Frederik VI. 1808. AR 1 / 6 Rigsdaler. / / Iceland. / / Russian Finland (2 coins). / / Norway. Frederik ΠΙ. 1667. AR 2 Skilling. / / Sweden. 6 coins, ineluding: Frederik 1.1722.1 Ore. EF. / / 1884. AR 10 Ore. Une. / / Elbing. 1763. JE Solidus. / / Pommem-Wolgast 1615. AR 2 Shilling. / / Reval Johann III. AR Schilling. / / Teutonic Knights (2 coins). / / Visby. AR Ortug. / / Poland. Kingdom through Republic (8 coins). Average condition Fine to VF unless noted otherwise. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 36 coins in lot. ($300)


Classical Numistnatic 1341. Spain.Lotoftwenty-sixAR.18th and 19th century 2 Reales, Reales, Half Reales and other fractions from Spanish, Mexican and South American mints. Several pieces with holes or other damage. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 26 coins in lot. ($150) 1342. Spain. Lot of thirty-two AR 2 Reales. Cobs (3), 1711,1717Sg, 1718Sg, 1718Ca, 1721Sg(2), 1721S, 1722Sg, 1722S, 1723M, 1723Sg(2), 1724S(4), 1725S(3), 1728Sg, 1736S(2), 1754S, 1758S, 1760M, 1761S, 1826S, 1833M, 1850S. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 32 coins in lot. ($450) 1343. Spain. Lot of twenty-four AR and JE. JE Maravedi. 1747 (2). / / JE 2 Maravedi. 1776,1797. / / /E4Maravedi. 1604. //JE 6 Maravedi. 1711. / / JE 8 Maravedi. 1599,1618,1620(2). //JE 16 Maravedi. 1663(2), 1664(2). / / A R 1 / 2 Real. 1719C, 1736S, 1746M, 1774S. / / AR Real. Seville. 1721,1726,1728, 1738(3). Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 24 coins in lot. ($250) 1344. Spain. Lot of twenty AR and JE. Small 19th Century JE (6). / / 4 Reales. 1826S, 1861. / / 10 Reales. 1821B0. / / 40 Centimos. 1866M. / / 50 Centimos. 1904. / / Peseta. GobiernoProv. 1869. / / 5Pesetas. 1870 (2), 1877, 1892,1898(2). / / 100 Pesetas. 1967,1968. Average Fine to VF, the last two BU. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($2(‫ש‬ 1345. Spain and Portugal. Lot of nineteen miscellaneous AR and JE. Includes the following: Spain: Alfonso VIII (2 coins) / / Sancho IV / / Ferdinand IV / / Enrique Π / / Philip II / / P h i l i p V (4 coins) / / Charles ffl (2 coins) / / Ferdinand VU (2 coins) / / Portugal: Manuel / / John V / / Joseph I / / John VI / / Louis I. Lot also includes an JE 3 Quartos of Catalonia, an JE Dinero of Barcelona, an 1870 2 Peseta coin, a AR Jeton of Charles VI of Austria, and an unidentified AR Medal of Valencia. Average Fair to EF. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 24 coins in lot. ($125) 1346. Switzerland. Lot of twelve miscellaneous coins. Includes the following: Celtic. Potin 9 m m "Wheel" (2 coins) / / Basel. Johan Π. AR Bracteat / / Bern. 1770.1/2 Batzen / / Geneva. 1840. 5 Centimes / / Luzern. 1602. AR Groschen / / Thiergen. AR Bracteat / / Zofingen. AR Bracteat / / I Rappen. 1812; 1851A / / 2 Rappen. 1902B / / 5 Francs. 1963B. Average Fine to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 12 coins in lot. ($100) 1347. Switzerland. Lot of thirty-seven AR and JE. JE Rappen. 1936. / / AR 1 / 2 Franc. 1946,1951,1952,1953(2), 1956,1957,1959,1960,1962,1964, 1965,1967(2). / / A R Franc. 1952,1953,1957,1960(2), 1961(2), 1963,1964, 1965. / / AR 2 Franc. 1874,1878,1879,1957,1961. / / AR 5 Franc. 1954,1966, 1967,1969(4). The three early 2 Francs are Fine, the rest Une. LOT SOLD AS ($250) IS, N O RETURNS. 37 coins in lot. 1348. Lot of nineteen miscellaneous AR and JE. Lot includes: Ostrogoths. Athalaric. JE N u m m u s . / / Mongols. Genghis Khan. Billon Dirhem. / / Bavaria. 1774. Thaler. / / Eritrea. 1918. Tallero. / / Hungary. 1939.5 Pengo. Adm. Horthy. / / Latvia. 1931. 5 Lati. / / Luxembourg. 1963.250 Francs. Millenium. / / Pommern-Barth. Philip II. 1617. Groschen. / / Saxony. Augustus. 1572. Thaler. / / Plus other medieval and Islamic minors. Various grades, Fine to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 19 coins in lot. ($250) 1349. Lot of fifteen h a m m e r e d AR from Eastern Europe. Includes the following: Bulgaria. Ivan Alexander (2 coins); Ivan Shishman (6 coins); John Stracimir / / Lithuania. Sigismund A u g u s t u s (2 coins) / / Moldavia. Alexander I (2 coins) / / Serbia. Stefan VI Uros II; Stefan Dusan Kralj / / Slavonia. Bela IV. Lot also includes a 1904 50 Para from Serbia. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($200) 1350. Lot of sixteen AR and JE of northwestern Europe. Includes the following: Belgium. Brabant. Philip II./E 2 Mytes; Philip IV. JE 31mm Jeton. 1655 / / Belgium. Liege. JE 2 Liards. 1751; JE Liard. 1750; 1752 / / Belgium. Tournai. Albert and Isabel. AR Paulens Schilling. 1621 / / Belgium, Kingdom of. Leopold. AR 5 Francs. 1849 / / Low Countries. Hainaut. John of Avesnes. AR Sterling. Valenciennes mint / / Low Countries. Flanders. John the Fearless. AR Double Gros / / Netherlands. Campen. AR 1 / 2 Lion Daalder. 1647 / / Netherlands. Gelderland. JE Duit 1762 / / Netherlands. Overyssel. JE Duit. 1754 / / Netherlands. Utrecht. AR "Rider" Ducatoon. 1670; JE Duit 1757 / / Luxembourg. Wenceslaus Π. AR Gros / / Luxembourg. JE 1 / 8 Sol. 1775. Plus seven unattributed AR. Average Fair to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 23 coins in lot. ($300)

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1351. Lot of sixteen Sovereign-size European gold coins. Australia. 1921P Sovereign. EF. / / Belgium. 1875.20 Francs. Inverted edge lettering (A). Une. / / Finland. 1913.20Markkaa. Une. / / France. 1811A. 20Francs. Fine. / / France. 1907. 20 Francs. Une. / / Germany, Prussia. 1879.20 Mark. VF. / / Prussia. 1899.20 Mark. VF. / / Italy. 1862.20 Lire. VF. / / 1882.20 Lire. EF. / / Netherlands. 1912. lOGulden. / / 1985. Proof Ducat. / / Russia. 1841. 5 Roubles. VF. / / 1875. 5 Roubles. EF. / / 1899. 10 Roubles. VF. / / Switzerland. 1883. 20 Francs. VF. / / 1947. 20 Francs. Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($800) 1352. Lot of seven English and Commonwealth AR and JE. England. 1772. JE Halfpenny. KM 601. Good VF. / / Australia. 1917M. AR Shilling. KM 26. EF. / / Canada, New Brunswick. 1861. JE Half Cent. KM 5. EF. / / Ceylon. 1892. JE 5 Cents. KM 93. Good VF. / / H o n g Kong. 1866. AR 20 Cents. KM 7. EF. / / 1867. AR 5 Cents. KM 5. Une. / / Isle of Man. 1831. JE Halfpenny token of William Callister of Ramsey. KM Tn21. EF. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($300)

1353. Islamic. Lot of three hundred-fifteen AR drachms and dirhems. Sasanian and Arab-Sasanian. (9 coins). / / Ummayad. Dates from AH 87-130, mostly Wasit mint (96 coins). / / Abbasid. Dates from A H 132-327, variety of mints (210 coins). / / Later Islamic (9 coins). Virtually complete date run for the first century of Islamic dirhems. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 315 coins in lot. ($750) 1354. Islamic. Ummayads of Spain. Abd er Rahman Π. 912-961 AD. Lot of five AR Dirhems. al Andalus mint. Dates: A H 331,332,334,335,336. Average VF, some with encrustation. 5 coins in lot. ($100)

1355. Islamic. Lot of eighteen eastern AV. Abbasids. Dinar. A H 164. / / Abbadids of Seville, al Mutamid M u h a m m a d . AV Fractional Dinar. / / Ottoman Turks. Suleiman I. Altin. A H 926. Haleb mint. / / Ahmed m. AV Zeri Istanbul. A H 1115. / / M u h a m m a d V. 25 Piastres. A H 1327/4. / / Afghanistan. 1 / 2 Amani. SH 1299. / / India. Gahadavalas. Dinar. / / Vijayangar. Krishna Devaraya. 1 / 2 Pagoda. / / Hyderabad. 1 / 4 Ashrafi. AH 1319/35. / / Travancore. 1/2 Tulabharam Pagoda. / / Fanams of various states (8 coins). Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 18 coins in lot. ($300)

1356. Islamic. Lot of ten AR. Seljuqs, Crimean Tartars, Blue Horde Khans and other Turkish and Mongol dynasties of Central Asia. Interesting study collection. Average Fine, 2 holed. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($150)

1357. Islamic. Lot of forty JE, mostly figurai dirhems. Artuqids of Hisn Kayfa and Amid. S/S13. / / A r t u q i d s of Mardin.S/S 26 (2 coins). / / S / S 2 8 . / / S / S 30 (3 coins). / / S / S 33. / / S / S 34. / / S / S 35 (3 coins). / / S / S 36. / / S / S 38 (2 coins). / / S / S 39. / / S / S 40. / / S / S 43. / / S / S 48. / / Zengids of Mosul.S/S59(2coins).// S / S 6 2 . / / S / S 6 5 . / / S / S 6 7 ( 2 c o i n s ) . / / L u l u ' i d s . S / S 68 (2 coins). / / Zengids of Sinjar. S / S 79. / / S / S 81 (3 coins). / / Zengids of al Jazira. S / S 8 5 . / / P l u s other  of the Seljuqs, Ayyubids and Begteginids (8 coins). Average Fair to Fine, a few holed. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 40 coins in lot. ($150)

1358. Islamic. Lot of eighteen Turkoman figurai bronzes. Lot includes: Artuqids of Mardin. S / S 30. / / S / S 31.1 (3 coins). / / S / S 32.4. / / S / S 33.2. / / S / S 34 (2 coins). / / S / S 40. / / Zengids of Mosul. S/S60.1. / / S / S 60.5. / / S / S 68. / / S / S 72. / / Zengids of Sinjar. S / S 81.1. / / S / S 84. / / Ayyubids of Mayafarikin. MWI866. / / Ilkhanid copy of S / S 68. / / Ildegizids. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 18 coins in lot. ($300)

1359. Islamic. Lot of sixteen Turkoman figurai bronzes. Lot includes: Artuqids of Mardin. S/S25. / / S / S 30. / / S / S 32. / / S / S 35. / / S / S 36. / / S / S 38. / / S / S 4 0 . / / S / S 46. / / Z e n g i d s of Mosul. S/S61. / / S / S 66. / / S / S 68 (2 coins). / / Zengids of Sinjar. S / S 81. / / Ayyubids of Mayafarikin. MWI 866. / / Seljuqs of Rum. Suleiman. MWI 963. / / Bektiginids. Kukbun. MWI 1146. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($200)


Classical Numistnatic 1360. Islamic. Lot of eleven Turkoman figurai bronzes. Lot includes: Artuqids of Mardin. S / S 33.3. / / S / S 34. / / S / S 39. / / S / S 47.2 / / Zengids of Mosul. S / S 61.1. / / Zengids of Sinjar. AH 585. S / S 79 variety. / / S / S 79.6. / / S/S82.1. / / Zengidsof al Jazira.S/S85.2. / / S/S87.1. / / Bektiginids. Kukburi. Edhem 184. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($300) 1361. Lot of one hundred-thirteen Medieval AR and J E . Ottoman Turks. AR Atches (60 coins). / / Miscellaneous Islamic AR and J E . Ummayad through Ottoman (27 coins). / / European A R Medieval Deniers through 17th century kreuzers (26 coins). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 113 coins in lot. ($250) 1362. Islamic. Lot of seventy AR and J E . Ummayad and Abbasid. AR Dirhems (17 coins). / / JE Fais (5 coins). / / AR and JE of medieval dynasties from Morocco to Afghanistan, mostly Persian Dirhems and Shahis, including a billon dirhem of Genghis Khan (31 coins). / / Khwarezmshah base AV Dinar. / / M o d e m AR and JE from Morocco, Tunis, Ottoman Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iran (16 coins). Average condition, from Fine for medieval pieces to Une. for modern. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 70 coins in lot. ($750)

1363. Ottoman Turks. Lot of forty-two Billon and Minors. Ahmed Π (4 coins). / / Mustafa Π. / / A h m e d III. / / Mustafa m (3 coins). / / Abdul Hamid I (6 coins). / / Selim ΠΙ (3 coins). / / Mahmud Π (2 coins). / / Abdul Mejid (3 coins). / / Abdul Aziz. / / Abdul Hamid II (9 coins). / / Mehmed V (8 coins). / / Mehmed VI. Various denominations from Yuzluk to Paras. Average Fine to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 42 coins in lot. ($300) 1364. Islamic. Lot of forty-three m o d e m AR and J E . Egypt. AR 2 Qirsh. A H 1293, yr.33. / / AR 2 Piastres. 1937(2), 1942,1944. / / AR 5 Piastres. 1937, 1964(7). / / AR 10 Piastres. 1916,1917(2), 1960,1964(6). / / AR 25 Piastres. 1964(2). / / AR 50 Piastres. 1964(3). / / Iran. 5000 Dinars. AH 1332,1343. SH 1306(lion), 1306H, 1306L. / / 1/2 Rial. SH 1315. / / Rial. SH 1323. / / 5Rials. SH 1311. / / Ras al Khaima. AR Riyal. 1969. / / Tunisia. 2 /E. / / AR Franc. 1915(2). / / Yemen. 1 / 8 Riyal. A H 1374. / / Mukalla. JE Chomsih. AH 1276. Average VF to BU. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 43 coins in lot. ($300)

1365. Africa. Lot of fifteen miscellaneous coins. Includes the following: Axum (4 coins) / / Egypt (5 coins) / / Ethiopia (4 coins) / / Morocco (2 coins). Lot also includes an unattributed counterstamped JE. Average Fair to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 coins in lot. ($100)

1366. Africa. Lot of seventy AR and Minors. Liberia. 1 / 2 Cent. 1941./ / 10 Cents. 1961. / / ZAR 2 1 / 2 Shillings. 1896. / / South Africa. 3 Pence. 1952, 1958,1959(6). / / 5 Shillings. 1952. / / 1 / 2 Cent. 1964. / / Cent. 1964(2). / / 2 1 /2Cents. 1961(9), 1964(6). / / 5Cents. 1%2(3), 1963(2), 1964(9). / / 1 0 C e n t s . 1962,1963,1964(7). / / 20 Cents. 1963,1964(9). / / 50 Cents. 1961(2), 1963(2), 1964(3). ZAR VF, the rest Une. and Proof. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 70 coins in lot. ($200) 1367. Lot of fourteen South African coins. Includes the following: 5 Shillings. "Capetown Tricentennial." 1952 (3 coins) / / 2 Shillings. 1894; 1896 / / Florin. 1924 / / Shilling. 1894; 1938 / / 50 Cents. 1%1 (2 coins) / / 6 Pence. 1897; 1953 / / Penny. 1898 / / JE 32mm Medal. 1925. Royal Visit at Capetown (holed). Lot also includes a 1947 Penny of Southern Rhodesia. Average VF to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 15 coins in lot. ($75)

1368. Asia. Lot of thirty-one AR and 7E. Australia. 6 Pence. 1943D(2), 1966. / / Shilling. 1920,1944S. / / Horin. 1943S, 1944m, 1944S. / / 50Cents. 1966. / / Mauritius. Rupee. 1934,1938. / / New Zealand. Horin. 1936,1940. / / Halfcrown 1937. / / Philippines. JE Quarto. 1823(2). / / Countermarked 8 reales. Ferdinand 7 on Bolivia 1833 and Peru 1833. / / Isabella Π on Peru 1830,1834(2), 1835,1836. / / 50Centimos. 1885. / / 5Centavos. 1944. / / 1 0 Centavos. 1945. / / 20 Centavos 1944,1947 (2). / / Peso 1908,1947. The early Philippines Fine, the rest EF to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 31 coins in lot. ($400)

Group, Inc.

1369. Asia. Lot of fifty-three AR and /E. Ceylon. AR 5 Rupees. 1957.2500 year of Buddhism (4 coins), plus two minors. / / India. British. AR 2 Annas. 1916. / / AR 1 / 4 Rupee. 1835,1840,1936,1942. / / AR Rupee. 1840,1917, 1944. / / Princely States. AR of Assam, Hyderabad and Kutch (7 coins). / / Malaya. AR 5 Cents. 1945. / / AR 10 Cents. 1939(2), 1941,1943. / / Nepal. 50 Paisa. 1939. / / Rupee. 1932(2), 1935,1951,1964. / / 10 Rupee. 1968. / / Netherlands East Indies. 21/2Cent. 1945. / / l/10Gulden. 1942(12 coins). / / 1 / 4 Gulden. 1942(2). / / Tibet. AR Tangkas (4). / / AR 3 Srang 1946. Many Une. pieces in lot. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 53 coins in lot. ($300) 1370. India. Lot of seventy-five coins of the Indian Subcontinent Early punchmarked AR and JE (5 coins). / / Medieval states, Kushans and later, in lead, copper and silver (21 coins). / / Base AV Dinars, post-Kushan and Gahadavalas (3 coins). / / Indian Ocean, including AR "fish-hook" Larin, Romano-Ceylon imitations, and Ceylon (7 coins). / / Medieval dynasties, AR and JE of Jaunpur, Bengal, Delhi and the Mughals (14 coins). / / Princely States, AV Fanams, AR and ^E (13 coins). / / Colonial issues, Dutch, French, Portuguese and English, AR and JE (12 coins). Excellent Indian starter collechon. Average conditions, from Fine for medieval pieces to Une. for modern. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 75 coins in lot. ($600)

1371. Asia. Lot of seventy-three miscellaneous coins. Includes the following: Annam (3 coins) / / Brunei / / Burma (3 coins) / / Cambodia (3 coins) / / Chinese cash (39 coins, including several 20-100 Cash coins) / / China, modern. (7 coins) / / Japan (9 coins, 4 Clay Tokens) / / Surinam / / Thailand / / Tibet (2 coins). Plus an Alka Seltzer brass token. Average Fair to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 74 coins in lot. ($250)

1372. Lot of twenty-nine miscellaneous " O d d and Curious" Monies. China. Chou Knife money (3 pieces). / / "Bridge" money. / / S p a d e coins, Chou through Ming (5 coins). / / Pu Vi "ant nose" money (2 pieces). / / Cowrie shell and imitation cowrie in bone. / / Bone talley stick. / / Silver sycee in 1 tael and 5 tael weights. / / Flsein Feng. /E1000 Cash. / / Southeast Asia. Base silver lats-"tiger tongue" and "boat" types (3 pieces). / / Thailand. Porcelain gambling token. / / African brass bracelet and ring. / / Red glass trade bead. / / Celtic bronze ring. / / S u m e r i a n shell "ring money" (3 pieces). / / Spanish Civil War Postage currency. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 29 pieces in lot. ($300)

1373. Canada. Lot of fourteen coins and bank tokens. Includes the following: 5 Cents: 1864. Fine / / 1872H. VF / /1887. VF (scratched) / /1898. VF / / 1 9 0 2 . AU / / 1 9 1 3 . AU / / lOCents: 1858. VF / / 20 Cents: 1872H. VF / / 1894. VF / / Bas Canada. Penny. 1837. Fine / / Magdalen Island. 1815. Penny. Good / / Montreal. Halfpenny. 1844. VF / / New Brunswick. Penny. 1843. VG / / Prince Edward Island. 1971. JE 33mm Commemorative Medal. Proof. Lot also includes an 1835 Half Penny Token, Ships and Colonies. Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 15 pieces in lot. ($150) 1374. Bolivia. Lot of seventeen AR and J E . Real. 1773,1775. / / 2 Reales. 1776. / / 4Soles. 1830,1856(2). / / 8Soles. 1851,1855(2). / / Melgarejo. 1865. / / 50 Centavos. 1903,1937. / / Boliviano. 1867(2), 1872 (ES LA, assayer left), 1872 (HACE LA, assayer right). / / 10 Bolivianos. 1951. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 17 coins in lot. ($300)

1375. Bolivia. Lot of eleven AR Proclamation medals. 1849. Sol. General Belzu. / / 1 8 5 2 . Sol. Belzu. / / 1 8 5 4 . Sol. Belzu. / / 1857. Sol. La Paz mint. / / 1863.1/5 Boliviano. Cochabamba. / / 1865.1/5 Boliviano. Melgarejo. / / 1865. Melgarejo. / / 1 8 6 5 . 1 / 2 Melgarejo. / / 1 8 6 5 . 1 / 4 Melgarejo. / / 1 8 9 0 . 1 / 2 Boliviano. Dept of Public Vforks. / / 1 8 % . 1/2 Boliviano. Ayacucho / Medical Institute. Average EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 pieces in lot. ($300) 1376. Brazil. Lot of twenty-two AR and J E . JE 10 Reis. 1731. II JE 40 Reis (1809) c / m on 1778 20 Reis. II AR 960 Reis. 1812R, 1815B, 1816R, 1820B. / / AR200Reis. 1856,1868. / / AR 1000Reis. 1861,1913(2). I I AR2000 Reis. 1865,1913,1924(3), 1935(4). / / A R 5000 Reis. 1936(2). Earlier pieces VF to EF, later Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($300)


Classical Numistnatic 1377. Chile. Lot of eleven AR. Charles IV. 2 Reales. 1807. High and low busts. KM 59 (2 coins). / / Reals. 1794,1800,1802,1807. KM 58. / / Half Reals. 1803 (2 coins), 1805. KM 57. / / Republic. 2 Reales. 1846,1849. KM 100.2. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 pieces in lot. ($150)

1378. Haiti. Lot of five AR. 100 Centimes. A N 27 (1830) KM 23. EF. / / 50 centimes. A N 25 (1828). KM 20. EE / / 25 Centimes. A N XI (1814). KM 12.2. VF. / / 1 2 Centimes. A N XI (1814). KM 11. Good VF. / / A N 14 (1817). Small head. KM 14. Good VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 5 coins in lot. ($125) 1379. Mexico a n d o t h e r S p a n i s h m i n t s . Lot of eleven AR and J E . Includes the following: Carlos and Juana. JE 2 Maravedis / / Philip IV AR 4 Reales. Seville / / Philip V. AR 2 Reales. Mexico; AR 1 / 2 Real. Mexico / / Carlos IV. AR 8 Reales. Mexico. 1794FM; 1801FM; AR2 Reales. Lima. 1796IJ; AR 1 Real. Mexico. 1798FM; AR 1 / 2 Real. Mexico. 1807/6TH / / Ferdinand VE. AR 8 Reales. Mexico. 1818JJ; AR 2 Reales. Mexico. 1813JJ. The two Carlos 8 Reales VF-EF, the rest Fine or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($300) 1380. Mexico. Lot of forty-three AR a n d J E . "Cob" 4 Reales ND. / / 1610/09. Real. / / 8Reales. 1759 (holed), 1769,1772,1818. / / 4 R e a l e s . 1746, 1783. / / 1 / 2 R e a l . 1 8 1 8 0 3,‫ש‬./ / War of Independence. Chihuahua. 1812. AR 8 Reales. / / Oaxaca. 1813. JE 8 Reales (2 varieties). / / Republic. 2 Reales. 1850 Mo, 1852 Zs, 1859 Go, 1863 Zs. / / Real. 1826 Go, 1828/7 G (holed), 1831 Go, 1832 Mo, 1857Zs, 1862 Mo. / / 1 / 2 Real. 1826 Mo, 1827Mo, 1830 Mo, 1842 Go, 1843 Pi, 1857 Mo. / / 1 / 4 Real. 1842 SLPi, 1843 Mo. / / Peso 1900 Zs. / / 50 Centavos. 1869 Go, 1876 Go, 18/886 Pi. / / 25 Centavos. 1872/1 Go, 1874 Go, 1874 Ho, 1874 Zs, 1887 Cn. / / 1 0 Centavos. 1876 As. / / 5 Centavos. 1875 Go, 1892 Zs. Average condition Fine to VF unless noted otherwise. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 43 coins in lot. ($350)

1381. Mexico. Lot of fourteen AR and JE. AR 8 Reales. 1870 Ho PR / / AR 4 Reales. 1838 Go PJ. / / AR 1 / 2 Real. 1854 Mo GC. / / AR Pesos. 1870 CnE. / / 1870 M o C . / / 1 8 7 1 Do P. / / 1871/OGoS. / / 1 8 7 2 / 1 C H M . / / 1 8 7 3 Ga C. / / 1873/1873 Oa E. / / AR 10 Centavos. 1863 SLP (key date). / / AR 5 Centavos 1868/7 P. / / 1869 Ρ (key date). J J JE Centavo 1903 C. Several scarcer dates and mintmarks. The pesos VF or better, the minors from Fine to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 14 coins in lot. ($500)

Group, Inc.

1385. Central America and Carribean. Lot of sixty-three AR and Minors. Cuba. 10 Centavos. 1949. / / 20 Centavos. 1948,1949. / / 25 Centavos. 1953. / / 40 Centavos. 1915,1920,1952(2). (1915 VF) / / Peso. 1934,1953. (1934 VF) / / Netherlands Antilles, Curacao and Surinam. Cent. 1954. / / 1 0 Cents. 1942(2), 1943. / / 25 Cents. 1941,1943. / / 1 / 1 0 Gulden. 1960. / / 1/4 Gulden 1956. / / Gulden. 1952. / / 2 1 / 2 G u l d e n . 1944(6). / / Haiti. 5Centimos. 1905. / / Gourde. 1882. VF. / / 25 Gourdes 1973. / / Panama. 2 1 / 2 Centavos"PanamaPill". 1904(9). EF. / / 1 / 1 0 B a i b o a . 1953(2), 1962(2). / / 1/4Baiboa. 1953,1961,1962. / / 1 / 2 Baiboa. 1904(2), 1953(5), 1952. (1904 VF) / / Baiboa. 1947(3), 1967,1969,1971,1975. / / 5 Balbaos. 1970(3). / / Trinidad. Lattice c / m on 1778 2 Reales. Fine. Unless marked otherwise, all Une. and Proof. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 63 coins in lot. ($300)

1386. Lot of eight Central and South American AR. Bolivia. 1850.8 Soles. KM 109. / / 1854.4 Soles. KM 125. / / Brazil. 1837.1200 Reis. KM 454. / / Central American Republics. 1830. Real. KM 19.2. / / Ecuador. 1849.2 Reales. KM33. / / Guatemala. 1868.Peso. KM 186.1. / / Pesos. 1869,1870. KM 190.1. Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 pieces in lot. ($350) 1387. Lot of six countermarked 8 Reales. Brazil, Minas Gérais. C / m on Charles IV, Potosi mint. KM 242 / / Guatemala. Type I c / m on Peru 1830. KM 77.4. / / T y p e m c / m on Bolivia 1840. KM 112.1. / / P h i l i p p i n e s . Ferdinand VU c / m on Peru 1833. KM 83. / / Isabella Π c / m on Mexico 1833 Zs. KM 129. / / C / m on Peru 1836. KM 138.2. / / Plus a Mexico 2 Reales of Augustin, 1823. / / And a Mexico Peso, mounted, date unclear. Average Fine, the c / m generally not fully struck up. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins total in lot. ($250) 1388. Lot of eight gold coins. Austria. 1847E. Ducat. VF. / / 1895. 20 Corona. BU. / / Bahamas. 1975. Proof 100 Dollars. / / Belgium. 1865.20 Francs. Inverted edge lettering (A). VF. / / Canada, Newfoundland. 1870.2 Dollars. Good VF. / / Costa Rica. 1850.1/2 Escudo. VF, holed. / / France. 1813A. 20Francs. Fine. / / / / Netherlands. 1875. lOGulden. BU. LOTSOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($500)

1389. L o w l a n d s , G e l d e r l a n d . Charles v a n E g m o n d . 1492-1538. AV Gulden. Delmonte 620. Fine. / / Lot also includes: Armenia. AR Takvorin. / / Crusaders. Antioch. AR Deniers (2 coins). / / Achaea and Athens. AR Deniers (3 coins). / / Lorraine. AR Double Denier. / / Strassbuig. AR Denier. / / Spain. Philip IV./E l 6 Maravedis. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($150)

1382. Mexico. Lot of five Revolutionary AR. War of Independence. Zacatecas mint. Real. 1812. KM 82.1 / / Revolution of 1910. Guerrero. 1914. Peso. KM 641. / / 1 9 1 4 . 2 Pesos. KM 643. / / Taxco. 1915. Peso. KM 672. / / Oaxaca. 1915.2 Pesos. KM 744. / / Plus a Proclamation 2 Reales of Charles IV. 1790. KM Q57. The first Fine, the last VF, the rest EF, ususal weak strikes. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins total in lot. ($3‫)ש‬

1390. Lot of fourteen AR and 7E of the Black Sea region. Cast /E of Olbia (2 coins). / / Lead 16mm of Cherronesos (3 coins). / / JE 10mm of Cherronesos (2 coins). / / JE of Byzantine Cherson Justinian I. / / Romanus I. / / R o m a n u s II (cracked). / / Sasanian. AR Drachm of Khusru II. / / Georgia. JE of Queen Tamar. / / Shemakhi. AR Abbasi. / / Persia. AR Kran. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 14 coins in lot. ($150)

1383. Peru and Uruguay. Lot of twenty-six AR. Peru. Real. 1757. / / 2 Reales. 1790. / / 1 / 4 Real. 1855. / / 4 Reales. 1836B. / / 8 Reales. 1843(2), 1847. / / 1 / 2 D i n e r o . 1916. / / Sol. 1874,1881,1894,1931,1934(2), 1935. / / 20 Soles. 1965(4). / / 400 Soles. 1976. / / Uruguay. 20 Centavos. 1942. / / Peso. 1895,1917. / / 10 Pesos. 1966(3). Average Fine to VF, from the 1960‫׳‬s Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 26 coins in lot. ($250)

1391. Lot of seventy AR a n d J E . Byzantine J E , Justinian I through Anonymous issues. Mostly Folles, with some smaller denominations (44 coins). / / Armenian AR and JE (15 coins). / / Islamic AR and JE (4 coins). / / European AR, including two Spanish 4 Reales (7 coins). Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 70 coins in lot. ($300)

1384. Lot of seventy-five South American AR a n d base metal. Argentina. / / Bolivia (6 coins, including a holed and plugged 1832 AV Scudo). / / Brazil (2coins). / / Chile (6 coins). / / Colombia (6coins). / / Costa Rica. / / Cuba. / / E l Salvador (38 coins). / / Panama (4 coins, including 3 "Panama Pills"). / / Peru (6 coins, including 1831 MM 8 Reales in Good VF). / / Uruguay (3 coins). / / Venezuela, Caracas. 1818. JE 1 / 4 Real. Lot includes seven 8 reales or peso sized silver crowns. Average conditions from Fine for earlier types to Une. for modem pieces, several holed. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 75 coins in lot. ($2‫)ש‬


1392. Lot of twenty AR and J E . England. / / French Provincial. / / JE Jetons of France and Germany. / / Italy. Papal, Sicily, Venice. / / Islamic. Ayyubid, Artuqid, Seljuq, Ottoman. / / India. Medieval kingdoms, British. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($150) 1393. Lot of six eastern AR and J E . Crusaders. AR imitative Ayyubid Dirhem. Cf. Metcalf 219. / / Mughal India. Aurangzeb. AR Rupee of Multan. A H 1093/26. KM 300.62. / / Shemaki. Mustafa Khan. AR Abbasi. AH 1217. KM 31. / / Crimea. Shahin Giray. JE Kopeck. A H 1191. KM 136a. / / Japan. AR 10 Sen. Year 8 (1875). Two varieties, with connected and separate characters. KM 23 (2 coins). Average VF, the Japanese EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot. ($300)

Classical Numistnatic

Group, Inc.

1394. Lot of twenty-six World Crowns. Includes the following: Ajman. 7 1 / 2 Riyals. 1970. Death of Nassar. Proof / / Austria. Maria Theresa. Thaler. Various strikes. EF (9 coins) / / Canada. 1 Dollar. 1967. Une. (7 coins) / / France. 5 Francs. 1849A. Fine / / Great Britain. 25 New Pence. 1972. Royal Silver Wedding Anniversary. EF (2 coins) / / Haiti. 100 Gourdes. 1977. Begin and Sadat. Proof / / Iran. 5000 Dinars. 1306H AH. AU / / Japan. 1 Yen. Year 28 (1895). Chopmarked and scratched / / Kazakhstan. 5 Roubles. 1992 Proof / / Mexico. 8 Reales. 1868. Heavily chopmarked / / Pitcairn Islands. Dollar. 1988. Drafting of Constitution. Une / / Lot. also includes an AR 30mm Medal of Albrecht Dürer, 1971, and a silver round of India. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 28 coins in lot. ($200)

1395. Lot of forty-six miscellaneous World Minors. Includes the following: Barbados (2 coins) / / Congo / / Cyprus (2 coins) / / Danish West Indies / / Dutch East Indies / / Egypt / / France (2 coins) / / French IndoChina (3 coins) / / German States. Hannover / / Germany (4 coins) / / Greece (2 coins) / / Guernsey / / Haiti / / Ionian Islands / / Italian States. Gorizia; Roman Republic / / Madagascar / / Mauritius / / Mombasa / / Mozambique / / Netherlands (6 coins) / / Palestine / / Philippines / / Polynesia / / Ragusa / / Romania / / St. Helena / / Syria / / Timor / / Turkey / / Yemen / / Zanzibar. Plus eight unattributed medieval hammered AR, two unattributed hammered J E , and a 1 Penny Token from Tasmania. Average Fair to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 57 COINS IN LOT. ($150) 1396. Lot of twenty-two miscellaneous coin-like objects. Celtic JE Ring Money. / / Roman lead tessera (5 pieces). / / Byzantine lead seals (2 pieces, 1 split in half)• / / Medieval and later lead tokens and seals (5 pieces). / / Sicilian JE Trifollaro of William Π. / / Plus a group of lead tokens, imitating Roman and Medieval coins. 19th century? (8 pieces). Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 pieces in lot. ($150)


1401. 1793 Chain Cent AMERICA. AG, nice smooth surfaces, fresh bump on face. ($600) 1402. 1884 Indian le. PCGS MS64 RB. Also in lot another Indian le, 1905 PCGS MS64 RB. 2 coins in lot. ($150) 1403.

1862 3e Silver. PCGS PR62.



18753e Nickel. PCGS PR63.



1875-S 20e. PCGS MS60.



1807 Draped Bust 50e. Lightly toned VG.


1397. Lot of sixteen miscellaneous artifacts. Roman terracotta tesserae, with palmette and grapes (2 pieces). / / Roman lead tessera (holed). / / Byzantine lead seal. / / Byzantine and Islamic base silver and copper finger rings, two with glass stones (7 pieces). / / Pair of silver earrings. / / Spanish AR Real turned into pendant. / / German and French /EJetons (2 pieces). Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 16 pieces in lot. ($100) 1398. Lot of seven Medals. Includes the following: Austria. Elizabeth Christine. 1708/1711. AR 48 mm. Marriage/Coronation / / Austria. Charles VI. 1739. JE 44mm. ‫״‬Pax Avgvsti" / / France. Louis XIV. 1710. JE 41 mm. "Victoria Redux" / / France. Napoleon L17%. JE 40 mm. Battle of Montenotte / / France. Napoleon 1.1796. JE 43 mm. Battles of Millesimo and Dego / / France. Napoleon 1.1797. JE 43 mm. Capture of Trieste / / France. Napoleon 1.1801. JE 55 mm. Peace of Luneville. Lot also includes an JE 46 mm Medal of Handel, 1859, Centenary Commemoration, Crystal Palace. Average VF to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 pieces in lot. ($150)

1399. Lot of thirty World-wide Commemorative Medals, Tokens, Badges and Awards. Pieces from Austria, China, England, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, and Spain. Two 18th century medals for Martin Luther, but most are late 19th-20th century. Other famous persons depicted include Edward Vm, DeGaulle, Marshal Foch, Frederic the Great, Garibaldi, Mussolini, Shakespear, Richard Wagner, Wilhelm Π. Mostly bronze and white metal, a few in silver and gilt. Average condition. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 pieces in lot. ($200)

1400. Lot of thirty-four modem Commemorative Medals and Coins in Sterling or .999 Silver. Commemorative coins from China, Egypt and Poland. / / Commemorative medals, mainly early issues from the Franklin mint. / / Private issue .999 silver one ounce rounds, including "pornographic" pieces with nudes and obscene themes, and alleged portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Madonna. About 24 ounces of silver. Mature themes may offend some viewers. The bad art will offend others. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 34 pieces in lot. This lot is rated NC-17! ($150)


1407. 1795 Flowing Hair $1. Bolender 5. VF-20, lightly cleaned long ago, now retorting. Very light adjustment marks at ear and stars 1-5. Attractive. ($1250) ($300)


1799 Draped Bust $1. Fine.


1881-S Morgan $1. PCGS MS65.

I f you



to cfieciçjonyour


t f i e Monday


a f t e r the

bids, availaßie sale!

Classical Numistnatic

Group, Inc.

Partial 1903 U.S. Proof Set

1410. Partial 1903 Proof Set Includes the following: Morgan Dollar, Proof60 / / Barber Half, Proof-60 / / Barber Quarter, Proof-63 / / Barber Dime, Proof-60 / / Liberty Nickel, Proof-60. Despite the grades, this set is still very attractive with lots of eye appeal. The silver issues are all uniformly toned a dark gray with some red and blue iridescence. The nickel is toned to a subdued golden color with some obverse and reverse spotting. No major problems on any of the coins, just minor bumps and scuffs from improper storage and handling. 5 coins in lot. ($1750)


1839-D 9/8 $2.50 Classic Head. PCGSXF40.



1908 $2.50 Indian. XF40.


1911-D $2.50 Indian. PCGSXF40. The key to the series. ($750)


(Photos reduced) 1417. Columbian Exposition. 1892. WM 90mm Medal. Head of Columbia left / Landing of Columbus. EF, only the slightest rub on the high points and rim. Rare to find a white-metal medal of this size in such perfect condition. ($200)

AV 1414.

1874 $3 Gold. EF. Clashed dies.

1415. 1843-0 $10 Gold Liberty. NGC AU55. Light marks consistent with the grade. Rare date in this grade! ($2000)

1418. HAWAII. Kamehameha III. 1847. 7E Cent. Crosslet 4,15 berries. KMld. VF. Lot also includes an 1883 Kalakaua Umi Keneta (10 cents) love token, with the monogram NJL neatly engraved. 2 coins in lot. ($150) 1416. Lot of two 1837 Feuchtwanger Cents. Both German silver, struck from different dies. One near EF, the other VF. 2 coins in lot. ($150) 186

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Group, Inc.

1425. Lot of ten Nickels. Includes the following: 1866, VF / / 1867 no rays, VF / / 1868, VF soft strike / / 1869, VF / / 1883 Shield Nickel, EF, repunched date (Breen 2523) / / 1 9 3 0 (2), both EF-AU //1936, AU //1937, EF / / 1938-D, Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 10 coins in lot. ($75)


HAWAII. Kalakaua 1.1883. AR Hapalua (1/2 Dollar). KM 6. Une. ($200)

U.S. Large Lots 1420. Lot of twenty-seven various colonial issues. Includes the following: Rosa American Penny, 1723, Fine, heavy obverse porosity / / Wood's Hibemia Halfpenny, 1723, porous Fine / / Voce Populi Halfpenny, 1760, Ρ below bust, Fine / / French Colonies, 1763A, sou marque (Breen 424), VF / / French Colonies, 1740W billon half sou marque (Breen 683), near EF / / French Colonies, 1767bronze sou, RF countermark, VF / / 1783 Nova Constellatio copper, "CONSTELATIO", blunt rays, Fine / / 1788 Massachusetts cent, fair / / 1787Massachusetts Half Cent, near VF / / 1 7 8 5 Connecticut, mailed bust right, Fine / / 1787 Connecticut (2), both draped bust left, both Fine / / 1774 Machin's Mill imitation halfpenny, VG / /1787 New Jersey (2), one VG the other Fine / / 1787 Vermont, "BRITANNIA", VG / / North America Token, Fine, large planchet lamination on reverse / / Kentucky token, plain edge, V F / / 1 7 9 4 Talbot, Allum & Lee cent, with "NEW YORK", Fine / / 1787Fugio, Fine / / 1783 GeorgiusTriumpho token, VG / /1783 Washington & Independence token (3), two Fine, the third EF but corroded / / 1783 Washington "UNITY STATES" cent, Fine / / Washington, undated double head cent (2), one Fine the other VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 27 coins in lot. ($5‫)ש‬

1421. Lot of fourteen Half-Cents. Includes the following: 1795, C-i, Fair / /1797, C-l, VF, porous / /1804, C-10, near EF, cleaned, reverse scratches / / 1809, C-5, EF, fields marked //1828, C-2, VF //1829, C-l, VF, reverse scratches II1833, C-l, good VF / / 1 8 3 4 , C-l, VF, reverse encrustation / / 1835, C2, good VF, rim b u m p / / 1850, C-l, VF / / 1851, C-l, VF, encrustation / / 1853, C-l, VF / / 1855, C-l, VF / / 1856, C-l, Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 14 coins in lot. ($400)

1422. Lot of nineteen Large Cents. Includes the following: 1803, S-254, VF but porous / / 1807, S-273, Near VF, light porosity / / 1828, N-l, VF, light porosity / / 1 8 3 1 , N-8, Fine / / 1833, N-3, Fine / / 1837, N-7. VF, porous / / 1838,N-ll, VG //1839, N-10, Fine //1840, N-6, VF. cleaned //1843,N-6,VF / / 1845, N-?, Fine, dirty, scratched / / 1846, N-12, good VF / / 1848, Ν-?, VF, dirty / / 1 8 4 9 , Ν-?, Fine, heavüy nicked //1852, N-?, VF //1853, N-25, EF / / 1854, N-16, VF / / 1855, N-9, VF / / 1856, Ν-?, VF, very dirty. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 19 coins in lot. ($200)

1423. Lot of twenty-six Small Cents, including several key dates. Includes the following: 1857 Hying Eagle, AU. / /1859, VG / /1863, Fine / / 1906, VF / / 1908, AU / / 1909 VDB (5), all AU to Une but cleaned / / 1909 VDB, Fine / / 1909-S VDB, EF, probably cleaned / / 1911, AU / / 1912-S, AU / / 1913-S, Une. / / 1914-D, Fine //1917, AU, soft strike / / 1917-D, AU, soft strike / / 1 9 1 8 , Une., possibly cleaned / / 1921-S, AU / / 1922-no mint mark, VF / / 1924-D, AU, cleaned / / 1924-S, AU / / 1928-S, Une. / / 1931-D, Une. / /1932, AU. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 26 coins in lot. ($750) 1424. Lot of Two and Three Cent pieces. Includes the following: Two Cent pieces; 1864 Small Motto, VG / / 1864 Large Motto, AU cleaned / / Three Cent Silver pieces; 1851, VG / / 1852, VG //1853, Fine //1858, VF / / 1859 Fine / / Three Cent Nickel pieces; 1865, repunched date (Breen 2413)VF, cleaned / / 1865, VG / / 1866 (2), one VG th other VF / / 1867 (2) one VG the other Fine / / 1870 (2), one Fine the other choice AU / / 1871 (2), one Fine, the other VF / / 1872, VF / / 1873, closed 3, VF / /1881, EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($150) 186

1426. Lot of fifteen Dimes and two Half Dimes. Includes the following: Half Dimes; 1840 no drapery, EF / / 1854, AU / / Dimes; 1834 (2), one good and one VG //1835, VG //1836, Fine / / 1 8 5 5 , Fine / / 1 8 5 7 , Fine //1883, Fine //1884, Fine / / 1885, VF //1887, Fine / / 1888-S, VF / / 1889, Near VF / / 1890, VF / / 1891 (2), one good VF, one AU. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 17 coins in lot. ($200)

1427. Lot of nine Quarters, three Twenty Cent pieces and one Hawaiian Quarter. Includes the following; Twent cent pieces; 1875, good / / 1875-S (2), one Good, the other near EF / / Quarters; 1836, VF / /1853 (2), one Fine, the other V F / / 1 8 5 4 no rays, Fine//1858, near V F / / 1859, VF cleaned / / 1876, VF / / 1877, VF / / 1892 EF, possibly cleaned / / Hawaiian; 1883, VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 13 coins in lot. ($200)

1428. Lot of thirteen Half Dollars. Includes the following: 1826, VF / / 1828, Fine //1830, VG //1832, VF //1833, Fine //1834, VF, dark toning / / 1843, VF / / 1849, AU dipped / / 1853 arrows and rays (2), Good, Fine / / 1858-0, VG //1866, VG //1892, AU possibly dipped. LOTSOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 13 coins in lot. ($400)

1429. Lot of thirteen Silver Dollars. Includes the following: 1860-0, Toned EF, obverse scratch / / 1874-CC Trade Dollar, Near EF, cleaned / / 1877 Trade Dollar, Toned EF, possibly cleaned at one time / / 1878,7/8 TF, Une. //18788TF, Une. / / 1880-0, Une. / / 1 8 8 3 - 0 , Une. / / 1885, Une. / / 1887, Une //1897-0, AU, light reverse scratches / / 1900-0/CC, AU, dipped / / 1 9 0 4 - 0 , Une. / /1924, toned Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 13 coins in lot ($400) 1430. Lot of eighteen Morgan Dollars. Includes the following: 1880 VG / / 1880-S,Une. //1881-SUnc. / / 1882Une. / / 1882-CC,Unc. / / 1883-CC Une. / / 1884-0, Une. / / 1884-CC Une. / / 1885-0 Une. / / 1886 Une. / / 1891-SVF / / 1892 Fine / / 1898-0Une. / / 1 8 9 9 - 0 U n e . / / 1901-0Une. / / 1921 Une. / / 1921-S (2) both VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 18 coins in lot, housed in four velvet cases. ($200) 1431. Large lot of miscellaneous type coins. Includest the following: 4 Indian Cents (average Good) / / 48 Wheat cents (average Fine) / / 22 Liberty nickels (average good, some better including 3 Good VF "No Cents" nickels) / / 1 1 Buffalo Nickels (average VG) / / 2 7 Barber dimes (average Good) / / 33 Mercury Dimes (average Fine, including 1927,1928,1929,1930 and 1931 all in AU) / / 6 Silver Roosevelt dimes (average VF) / / 2 Barber Quarters (average Good) / / 2 dateless Standing Liberty Quarters / / 7 Silver Washington Quarters 1 / 3 Barber Halves (average VG) / / 14 Walking Liberty Halves (Including 1917 D and S obverse mint marks, both VG and a 1934, AU) / / 2 Franklin Halves / / 61964 Kennedy Halves and 11968 / / 5 Morgan Dollars (average VF / / 5 Peace Dollars (average EF). LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. ($100) 1432. Lot of thirty-five 19th Century Type coins. Includes the following: 6 Half Cents (1803,1804,1809,1833 (2), 1851, average Good) / / 3 Large Cents (1801,1818 and 1820, average AG) / / 1 8 5 7 Flying Eagle cent, Good / / 3 Two cent pieces (average Good) / / 7 Three Cent Nickels (average Fine, including an 1888 in VF) / / 1 0 Three Cent Silver pieces (average Fine) / / 4 Shield Nickels (average VG) / / 1875-S 20c piece, VG. LOT SOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 35 pieces in lot. ($1M) 1433. Lot of twenty-two Bust type coins. Includes the following: Half Dimes: 1829, VG //1830, VG (obverse rim cud) //1832, VG //1837, Fine / / Dimes: 1814, AG / / 1827, Good / / 1829, VG / / 1830, VG / / 1832, Fine, scratches / / 1833, VG / / 1834, VF / / 1835 (2), both VG / / 1836, VG / / 1837, Fine / / Quarters: 1806 Good / / 1831, VF / / 1837, VG / / Halves: 1806, Fine (edge bump) / / 1826, VF (two rim bumps) / / 1832, Good VF, choice / /1834, good VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 coins in lot. ($500)

Classical Numistnatic 1434. Lot of forty-seven Seated Liberty type coins. Includes the following: Half Dimes: 1847, Good / / 1 8 4 8 , VF scratches / / 1850, VF / / 1 8 5 2 , VG / / 1853 A r r o w s (2), one AG, o n e Good / / 1854 Arrows, Fine / / 1855 Arrows, VF / / 1857, VG / / 1858 (2), both Fine / / 1860, AG / / 1873, EFA U / / Dimes: 1837 Large date, VG / / 1 8 3 7 Small date, VG //1838,Good / / 1839, Fine / / 1 8 4 1 , Fine / / 1 8 4 2 , VG / / 1 8 4 3 , VG / / 1847, VG / / 1849, VG / / 1 8 5 0 - 0 , VG / / 1 8 5 1 , Good / / 1 8 5 3 Arrows (2), one VF one AG / / 1854 Arrows, VF / / 1 8 5 9 , VF / / 1 8 6 1 , Fine / / 1863-S, Fine / / 1 8 7 2 , AG / / 1 8 7 5 (2), both Good / / 1876, Good / / 1876-CC, Fine / / 1877, Good / / 1883, Fine / / 1884, Fine / / 1889, Good / / 1891, VF / / Quarters: 1858, EF / / Halves: 1844-0, VF / / 1853, Arrow and rays, Good / / 1854-0, Arrows, Good / / 1 8 5 8 - 0 , VG / / 1876-S, VG / / Dollars: 1843, near EF, obverse and reverse graffiti. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 47 coins in lot. ($250)

1435. Partial US Commemorative type set, housed in Dansco album. Includes the following: 1892 Columbian Exposition Une. / / 1 8 9 3 Columbian Exposition, AU / / 1893 Isabella Quarter, Une. / / 1 9 1 8 Illinois, AU / /1920 Maine, U n e / / 1 9 2 0 Pilgrim, U n e / / 1 9 2 2 Grant, AU / / 1923-S Monroe, AU / / 1 9 2 4 Huguenot-Walloon, AU / / 1 9 2 5 Lexington- Concord, Une. / / 1 9 2 5 Stone Mountain, Une. / / 1 9 2 6 Sesquicentennial, EF / / 1926-S Oregon Trail, Une. / / 1927 Vermont, AU / / 1 9 3 6 Texas, Une. / / 1 9 3 5 Daniel Boone, Une. / / 1 9 3 6 Arkansas, Une. / / 1 9 3 6 Cleveland, Une. / / 1 9 3 6 Lynchburg, toned AU, cleaned / / 1 9 3 6 Albany, Une. / / 1 9 4 6 Iowa, AU / / 1946-P. 1947-PDS, 1950-S and 1951-P Booker T. Washington, all Une. Lot also includes two duplicates; 1920 Maine, EF / / 1 9 2 2 Grant, EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 29 coins in lot. ($1250)

1436. Lot of four Commemorative Halves. Includes the following: 1920 Pilgrim, NGCMS63, brilliant / / 1926-S Oregon, PCGSMS63, light toning / / 1935 Arkansas, PCGS MS64 / / 1 9 3 6 Long Island, PCGS MS63, toned. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 4 coins in lot. ($250)

1437. Lot of O n e C o m m e m o r a t i v e $2.50 G o l d , 20 C o m m e m o r a t i v e Halves and O n e Commemorative Quarter. Includes the following: 1926 $2.50 Gold Sesquicentennial, EF, scuffy / / 1 8 9 3 Isabella Quarter, VF / / 1 8 9 2 Columbia Expostion (3), AU, EF and VF / /1893 Columbia Expositor!, VG / / 1918 Illinois, AU / / 1 9 2 0 Pilgrim, AU / / 1 9 2 2 Grant, no star, AU / / 1923-S Monroe, toned EF / / 1 9 2 5 Lexington-Concord, AU / / 1 9 2 5 Stone Mountain, EF / /1926 Sesquicentennial, EF / /1926 Oregon Trail, AU / /1927 Vermont, EF-AU / / 1934 Maryland, AU / / 1934 Texas, AU / / 1934 Daniel Boone, AU / /1935, Daniel Boone, AU / / 1 9 3 5 Connecticut, AU / / 1 9 3 5 San Diego, AU / / 1936 Arkansas, AU / / Lot also includes a 1925 Norse American Centenial Medal, thick planchet, AU. A nice lot. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 22 items in lot. ($1000)

Group, Inc.

1443. Lot of two US b a n k notes and one Cuba b a n k note. Includes the following: $5 Chief Onepapa, VG-F / / Jan. 1,1863. State of North Carolina Five Cents / / Cuba, 18831 Peso, El banco Espanol de la Habana, VG. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 3 notes in lot. ($100)

1444. Lot of eight Hard Times and Civil War Tokens. Includes the following: Roman Firmness, L51 (2) / / 1 8 3 7 Webster - Van Buren, L63 / / 1 8 3 7 Liberty / MAY TENTH, L40 / / 1837 Liberty / MINT DROP, L61 / / Plus three patriotic civil war tokens. Average Fine to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 items in lot. ($75)

1445. Lot of fifty-four United States Commemorative Medals, Tokens, Badges and Awards. Marvelous variety of 19th and 20th century material. Civil War tokens, including a "Monitor", several in high grade (15 pieces). / / Lincoln medals. / / Centennial medals. / / Brooklyn Bridge opening. / / Dedication of Statue of Liberty. / / Large silver medal for the 10th Anniversary of NBC, 1936. / / Golden Gate Exposition, 1939. / / Correctional facility tokens. / / "KKK" token. / / National Smoker's Association. / / Pearl Harbor. / / Horses, trains and planes. / / Advertising tokens. / / And a number of m o d e m commemoratives. Mixed metals, a few in silver. Lot should be examined. Average condition, some holed as made. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 54 pieces in lot. ($400)

BRITISH COINAGE (Celtic to Modern)

1446. Atrebates. Verica. Circa 10-40 AD. AR Unit (1.31 gm). Second Coinage, 20-25 AD. VERICA REX, bull butting right / COM MI F, diademed figure standing left, holding branch, behind him a spear topped by a bust facing left; uncertain object in exergue. Van Arsdell 506-1; Seaby 108B. EF. ($300)

1438. Lot of three California Gold pieces. Includes the following: 1853 50c, star below wreath, VF, damaged / / 1 8 6 9 25i, G below bust, VF, holed and plugged / / 1 8 7 1 Octagonal 50«, G below bust, near EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 3 coins in lot. ($100)

1439. Lot of three G o l d coins. Includes the following: 1851 $1, EF, obverse scuff / / 1 8 5 6 $ 1 , E F / /1908 $5, AU. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 3 coins in lot. ($3M)

1440. Lot of three $10 Gold Pieces. Includes the following: 1881, EF, scuffy / / 1 8 9 9 , EF / / 1 9 1 5 , EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 3 coins in lot. ($6TO)

1447. Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 10-43 AD. AR Unit (1.29 gm). Circa 20-43 AD. CVNOBEL LINVS, laureate head (Tiberius?) right / CAMV, griffin springing left; .·. above. Van Arsdell—; cf. Seaby 219C, where a similar coin is described with a Pegasos reverse. EF, die crack on obverse. ($400)

1441. Lot of US Proof and Mint Sets. Includes the following: Proof Sets: 1956,1960,1968,1969 (2), 1970,1991,1993 / / Mint Sets: 1967 SMS, 1968, 1969 (2), 1973,1974,1975. Lot also includes the 1971,1972 and 1974 40% Silver Eisenhower Dollars. 18 items in the lot. ($75) 1442. Lot of various Proof Sets and M o d e m Commemoratives. Includes the following: 1961,1962,1963,1964,1990, and 1991 proof sets (all in original holders) / / 1991-D Korean War 38th Anniversary $1, U n e / / 1992-W White House Bicentennial $1, Proof. 8 items in lot. ($50) 186

1448. Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 10-43 AD. AR Unit (1.27 gm). Circa 20-43 AD. CVNO, winged bust right / TASCIO, female sphinx seated left. Van Arsdell 2057-1; Seaby 222. EF, flan crack. ($300)

Classical Numistnatic

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A Beautiful Bronze of Cunobeline

1454. Eadmund. 939-946. AR Penny (1.44 gm). +EADMVND REX, small cross / * PVLFGA +++ RES MOT :1=. Seaby 1105; cf. SCBI34,457. Toned, nearEF. ($750) 1449. Trinovantes. Cunobeline. 1043 AD. R Unit (2.51 gm). Circa 2043 AD. C V N O BELIN, winged head left / TASCIO, metal worker seated right, working on kantharos. Van Arsdell 2097-1; Seaby 251. EF, smooth dark green patina. ($750)

1455. Cnut. 1016-1035. AR Penny (1.10 gm). York. +CNVT REX ANGLOR, bust left in quadrilobe / +ARNCETL M O EO:, voided cross on quadrilobe. Seaby 1157; Hildebrandt 460 variety. Toned VF. ($250)

1450. East Anglia. Circa 710-760 AD. AR Sceatta (Penny) (0.84 gm). Series Q(R). Crude bust right; runic ER / Fantastic animal right. Metcalf HI pg.498; Seaby 832B. Good VF. ($800) 1456. Cnut. 1016-1035. AR Penny (1.27 gm). York. +CNVT REX ANG .‫׳‬. LOR·, bust left in quadrilobe / +SPERTINC: Ο EO, voided cross on quadrilobe. Seaby 1157; Hildebrandt 797. Toned, good VF. ($350)

1451. N o r t h u m b r i a . Eadberht. 737-758 AD. AR Sceatta (Penny) (0.83 gm). Series Y, class B. EDTBERhTVT·, small cross / Fantastic animal left; cross above, triquetra below. Metcalf 460; Seaby 852. Toned EF, slight edge roughness. ($800)

1457. C n u t 1016-1035. AR Penny (1.08 gm). York +CNVT REX AN:, helmeted bust left with sceptre / +FRTOCOL Μ · Ο EOFR, voided cross with annulets. Seaby 1158; BMC 115/113. Good VF. ($250)

1452. Northumbria. Eanred. 810-854. Billon Sceatta (Penny) (1.20 gm). +EANRED REX, cross / +ALFHEARD, cross. Seaby 859; BMC 24ff. Good VF, rare in being visibly billon and not bronze. ($200)

Rare Penny of Cuthred

1458. C n u t 1016-1035. AR Penny (1.10 gm). London. + C N V · T R E C . \ , bust left with sceptre / +/ELFPIG ON LVND, voided cross. Seaby 1159; cf. BMC 426. EF. ($450)

1453. Kings of Kent. Cuthred. 798-807 AD. AR Penny (1.33 gm). +CUDRED REX CANT, diademed bust right / +EABA MONETA, cross pommée over cross pattée. Seaby 877; BMC 6. Good VF, light porosity. ($2000)

1459. Henry II. 1154-1189. AR Penny (1.40 gm). London. Class lc. Crowned bust / +PIERES»ON«LVND, short cross. Seaby 1345. Good VF on a large flan. ($150)


Classical Numistnatic

1460. Edward III. 1327-1377. AV Quarter Noble (1.92 gm). Transitional period. 1361. London. Arms in tressure; legends ends Ζ DNVS HY / Ornate cross in tressure with central E. Seaby 1501; Schneider 67. EF, minor rim bruise. Rare. ($450)

1461. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AV Noble (6.93 gm). London. Annulet issue. 1422-1427. Annulet by sword and in one spandrel on reverse. Seaby 1799; Schneider 274. Good VF. ($1000)

1462. Henry VI. 1422-1461. AR Halfpenny (0.42 gm). London. Annulet issue, 1422-1427. Annulets on reverse. Mm: pierced cross. Seaby 1848. / / Same issue from Calais. (0.49 gm). Additional annulets by bust. Seaby 1849. ($200) Both Good VF. 2 coins in lot.

1463. E d w a r d IV. 1461-1470. AV Ryal (7.74 gm). London mint. Light coinage, 1464-1470. King in ship, banner with E, rose on hull / Ornate cross with rose, TRANSIES in legend; trefoils in spandrels, mm: crown. Seaby 1951; Schneider 365. Good VF. ($750)

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1465. Henry VIII. 1509-1547. AV Angel (5.05 gm). 1509-1526. Archangel Michael slaying dragon / Sliip with shield and h rose; mm: castle. Seaby 2265; Schneider 557-558. Fine. ($350)

1466. H e n r y VIII. 1509-1547. AR Groat (2.78 gm). London. Second Coinage. 1526-1544. Crowned bust right / Cross and shield with arms; mm: ($200) arrow. Seaby 2337E. Good VF.

^ l l p ^


1467. James 1.1603-1625. AV Britain Crown (2.44 gm). Second coinage. 1606-1607. First bust / Arms; mm: escallop. Seaby 2624. VF. ($400)

^ t j j g g s g j ^


^ ‫ ׳‬M W m ^

1468. James 1.1603-1625. AV Laurel (8.78 gm). Third coinage. 1621-1623. Laureate bust left / Arms; mm: thistle. Seaby 2638A. Toned VF. ($600)

AV 1464. Edward IV. 1461-1470. AV Ryal (7.59 gm). York mint. Light coinage, 1464-1470. Ε (Eboracum) in waves below ship, quatrefoil in legend. Mm: lis; large fleurs in spandrels. Seaby 1957; Blunt-VVhitton type VII. VF, flan crack along prow of ship. ($500) 1

1469. Charles 1.1625-1649. AV Unite (8.81 gm). Tower mint. 1625-1626. Second bust left / Arms; mm: calvary cross. Brooker 31; Seaby 2690. Near VF. ($500) 8


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1470. Charles I. AR Halfcrown (14.88 gm). Tower mint. Briot's second issue. 1638-1639. King on horseback left / Crowned oval arms. Mm: £ B. Brooker 724 (same dies); Seaby 2858. VF. ($300) 1474. Newark Beseiged. 1646. AR Ninepenoe (4.22 gm). Crown with C R, IX below / OBS: NEWARK 1646. Brooker 1227 (same dies); Seaby 3144. Toned VF. ($750)

1471. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (14.82 gm). Tower mint under Parliament. 1645-1646. King on horseback left / Crowned oval arms; mm: sun. Brooker 362; Seaby 2840. Toned VF. ($200)

1475. Commonwealth. 1653. AR Halfcrown (15.10 gm). Mm: sun. Seaby 3215; ESC 431. Good VF, attractive toning. ($600)

1472. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR Groat (2.05 gm). Aberystwyth mint. 16381642. Small bust; mm: book. Brooker 765ff; Seaby 2893. Good VF, double struck. ($200)

An Attractive Oxford Pound

1476. Oliver Cromwell. 1658. AR Halfcrown. Laureate bust / Arms. +HAS NISI PHRITVRVS ΜΠ‫־‬Π ADIMAT NEMO on edge. Seaby 3227A; ESC 447. Toned EF, light mark in field by nose. ($750)

1477. Charles Π. ND. /E Pattern Halfpenny. CAROLVS A CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust left / QVATVOR MARIA VINDICO BRITANNIA, Britannia seated left. Peck 404. VF, broad flan. ($300)

1473. Charles 1.1643/2. AR Pound (118.10 gm). Oxford mint. King on horseback, "Shrewsbury Horseman" trampling arms and cannon; plume / Declaration. Mm: OX. Brooker 863A (same dies); Seaby 2940. Good VF, deep toning. ' ($2500) 186





T a r t y

Classical Numistnatic

1478. Charles Π. 1665. AR Pattern Farthing. CAROLVS A CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust left with short hair / QVATVOR MARIA VINDICO BRITANNIA, Britannia seated, loose drapery under arm. Plain edge. Peck 411. Good VF. ($300)

Group, Inc.

1483. James II. (1685). AR Coronation Medal. John Roettier, sculptor. MARIA.D.G.ANG. SCO.FR.ET. HI. REGINA, laureate bust of Mary of Modena right / O.DEO.CERTE, Mary in classical drapery, reclining against a rock. Hawkins, MI I pg.606,7. VF. ($150)

1484. William and Mary. 1693. AR Halfcrown. Second busts / Second shield. 3 of date over inverted 3. Seaby 3436; ESC 521. / / William m. 1698. Second bust / Modified large shields. Seaby 3494; ESC 554. Both VF. 2 coins in lot. ($200) 1479. Charles Π. 1665. AR Pattern Farthing. CAROLVS A CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust left with long hair / QVATVOR MARIA VINDICO BRITANNIA, Britannia seated, loose drapery under arm. Reeded "security" edge. Peck 431. Fine. ($150)

1480. Charles Π. 1663. JE Pattern Farthing. CAROLVS Π DEI GRATIA, laureate bust right / MAG BR FRA ET HI REX, rose, thistle, lis and harp in cruciform pattern. Reeded edge. Peck 488. Fine. ($150)

1481. Charles II. 1675. AR Pattern Farthing. CAROLVS A CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust left with long hair / QVATVOR MARIA VINDICO BRITANNIA, Britannia seated, loose drapery under arm. Plain edge. Peck ($250) suggests this is a medal rather than a pattern. Peck 491. VF.

1485. William and Mary. 1694. JE Pattern Halfpenny. GVLIELMVS· ET· MARIA ·, jugate busts right / BRITANNIA (no stop), Britannia seated left. Thick flan (12.36 gm). Peck 611. Fine. ($100)

1486. William and Mary. 1694. JE Pattern Halfpenny. GVUELMVS· ET· MARIA ·, jugate busts right / BRITANNIA (no stop), Britannia seated left. Thin flan (9.88 gm). Peck 612. Good Fine. ($150)

1487. William III. 1696. AR Crown. Third bust / First harp in cruciform arms. Seaby 3472; ESC 94. EF, weak strike. (AU 58 in NGC slab). ($350)

1482. Charles Π. 1676. AR Pattern Farthing. CAROLVS A CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust left with long hair / QVATVOR MARIA VINDICO BRITANNIA, Britannia seated, loose drapery under arm. Plain edge. Peck suggests this is a medal rather than a pattern. Peck 492. Good VF, lustrous surfaces. ($300)

1488. William III. 1700. AR Shilling. Fifth bust, no plumes. Seaby 3516; ESC 1121. EF. ($150)


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1489. William III. 1699. AR Proof Farthing. GVLŒLMVS· TERTTVS·, laureate bust right / BRITANNIA •1699, Britannia seated left. Peck 682; KM 483.2a. VF. ($300)

1494. Anne. 1713. AR Pattern Farthing. A N N A DEI GRATIA, bust left / BRITANNIA, Britannia seated left, linear border. Medium flan. Peck 733 note. VF, scratches. A later silver cast from a copper original. ($100)

1490. A n n e . (1702). AR Accession Medal. John Croker, sculptor. ANNA.D:G: MAG: BR: FR.ET. HIB: REGINA, crowned bust of Anne left / ENTIRELY ENGLISH, sprays of laurel and oak surrounding crowned heart, on base inscribed ATAVIS REGIBVS. Hawkins, MI Π pg.227,1. EF. ($150)

1495. George Π. 1727. AR Coronation Medal. John Croker, sculptor. CAROUNA.D:G. MAG. BR FRET. HIB: REGINA, diademed bust of Caroline left / HIC AMOR FLEC PATRIA, CORON XIOCTOB MDCCXXVÜ, Queen Caroline standing between Religion and Britannia. Hawkins, MI Π pg.480, 8. EF. ($150)

George II Gold 5 Guineas

1491. Anne. 1707. AR Crown. After Union with Scotland. Roses and plumes. A N N O REGNI SEXTO. Seaby 3578; ESC 102. Good VF. ($500)

1496. George H1753. AV 5 Guineas (41.79 gm). Old head left / Crowned arms. A N N O REGNIVICESIMO SEXTO. Seaby 3666. Good VF, minimum of abrasions on this large gold coin. ($2000)

Dassier 'Kings & Queens of England' Medal Set

1492. Anne. ND. JE Pattern Halfpenny. ANNA D G MAG BR FR ET HIB REX, bust left / Britannia seated left, holding olive branch and sceptre. Peck 731. Near EF, restrike from rusted dies of around 1740. ($150)

1493. Anne. 1713. JE Pattern Farthing. ANNA DEI GRATIA, bust left / BRHANNIA, Britannia seated left, toothed border. Medium flan. Peck 738. VF. ($200)

1497. Kings and Queens of England. Thirty-five bronze Medals by the Swiss sculptor Jean Dassier. After 1731.41mm portrait medals of English rulers from William I to George Π, including the 38mm medal for Oliver Cromwell (reduced in size because he was a ruler but not royalty). Reverse typically features a memorial monument with dates of reign and death. Two medals for George Π, one announcing the beginning of the series in 1731, the other upon his death in 1760. In original fitted wooden and green felt tray, top half of case missing. Medals EF, some with light carbon spots, a few struck from rusty dies. 35 medals in original case. ($600)


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1498. George III. 1777. AV Guinea. Fourth head / Garnished shield. Seaby 3728; KM 604. EF. ($250)

1 8 6

Classical Numistnatic

1499. George ΠΙ. 1791. AV Guinea. Fifth head / Spade shield. Seaby 3729; KM 609. EF. ($250)

Group, Inc.

1504. George III. 1790. JE Proof Pattern Farthing. Taylor restrike of Droz pattern. Laureate head / Britannia seated. Plain edge. Peck 1035. As Struck. ($150)

1500. George III. 1813. AV "Military" Guinea. Laureate head / Order of the Garter. Seaby 3730; KM 664. Near EF. ($500) 1505. George ΙΠ. 1795. JE Bronzed Proof Pattern Halfpenny. C.H. Küchler, sculptor. Laureate head right; legend incuse on raised border / Britannia seated left; legend incuse on raised border, date raised. Plain edge. Peck 1041. As Struck. ($200)

1501. George III. 1788. JE Gilt Proof Pattern Halfpenny. J. P. Droz, sculptor. Laureate head right; D F on truncation / Britannia seated left; rudder and palm in exergue. Guilloche edge. Later restrike from polished dies. Peck 962 (not listed as gilt). Fully reflective surfaces, light handling marks, wonderful "corona" of iridescent toning around bust of George. ($200)

1506. George III. 1797. JE Twopence. Peck 1077; Seaby 3776. EF, free of edge bumps. ($125) 1502. George III. 1790. JE Bronzed Proof Pattern Halfpenny.}. P. Droz, sculptor. Laureate head right; DROZ F on truncation / Britannia seated left; DR.F. • 1790 • in exergue. RENDER TO CESAR THE THINGS WHICH ARE CESARS on edge. Later restrike. Peck 971. EF. ($150)

1507. George III. 1797.7E Bronzed Proof Pattern Penny. C.H. Küchler, sculptor. Large laureate head right; legend incuse on raised border / Britannia seated left; legend incuse on raised border. Peck 1090. Near EF, bronzing worn. ($150) 1503. George ΠΙ. 1790. JE Brown Gilt Proof Pattern Halfpenny. J. P. Droz, sculptor. Laureate head right; DROZ F on truncation / Britannia seated left; DRF. •1790• in exergue. Guilloche edge. Peck 952. EF, edge bumps, gilding worn. ($150) 186

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1512. George III. 1799. JE Proof Farthing. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1274. As Struck, mottled patina. ($150)

1508. G e o r g e III. 1797. JE Bronzed Proof Penny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Peck 1118; Seaby 3777. As Struck. ($150)

%_ A• jsr 1513. George III. 1799. JE Bronzed Proof Farthing. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1276. As Struck. ($150)

1509. George III. 1797. JE Proof Penny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Peck 1119; Seaby 3777. As Struck, fully reflective surfaces with frosted relief. ($2W)

1514. George III. 1806. JE Gilt Proof Penny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1325. As Struck, light carbon spotting on obverse. ($300)

1510. George III. 1797. JE Proof Penny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Peck 1119; Seaby 3777. As Struck, fully reflective surfaces with frosted relief, light spotting in fields. ($200)

1515. George III. 1806. JE Bronzed Proof Penny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1326. As Struck. ($200)

1511. G e o r g e III. 1799. JE Gilt Proof Halfpenny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1233. As Struck, light marks in reveree field. ($250)

1516. George III. 1806. JE Proof Penny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1327. As Struck, iridescent toning. ($200) 1 7 5

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1517. George III. 1806. JE Bronzed Proof Halfpenny. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1361. As Struck. ($150)

1522. George ΙΠ. (1797). AR DoUar. Oval c / m of George ffl on Charles IV 8 Reales of Mexico City, 1794 FM. Seaby 3765A; ESC 129. Coin VF, c / m EF. ($250)

1518. George III. 1806. JE Bronzed Proof Farthing. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. Grained edge. Peck 1388. As Struck, area of toning on Britannia. ($150)

1523. George III. (1797). AR Half Dollar. Oval c / m of George ΠΙ on Charles ffl 4 Reales of Madrid, 1777 PJ. Seaby 3767; ESC 611. Coin VF, c / m EF, scarcer host coin. ($200)

1519. George III. 1807. JE Penny. Laureate bust / Britannia seated left. Peck 1344; Seaby 3780. Une, lustrous surfaces. ($150)

1524. George III. (1797). AR Half Dollar. Oval c / m of George ΠΙ on Charles IV 4 Reales of Madrid, 1794 MF. Seaby 3767; ESC 611. Coin and c / m VF. ($200) 1520. George III. 1807. JE Bronzed Proof Penny. Laureate bust / Britannia seated left. Peck 1345; Seaby 3780. As Struck, faint hairlines. ($250)

1525. George III. (1804). AR Dollar. Octagonal c / m of George ΙΠ on Charles IV 8 Reales of Mexico City, 1798 FM. Seaby 3766; ESC 138. Coin and c / m VF. ($300) 1521. George III. (1797). AR Dollar. Oval c / m of George ΠΙ on Charles IV 8 Reales of Mexico City, 1793 FM. Seaby 3765A; ESC 129. Coin and c / m VF. ($250)


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1526. George III. 1804. AR Bank Dollar. Stop after REX. Seaby 3768; ESC 144. Good VF. ($200)

1530. Countermarked Tokens. Set of four c / m AR. MSA in scroll countermarked on William ΙΠ Sixpence, William ΠΙ Shilling, George ΠΙ 1811 18 Pence token and George ΙΠ18113 Shillings token. Davis unlisted. First two coins Fair, the rest VF, c / m VF. 4 coins in lot. ($300)

1527. George III. 1804. AR Bank Dollar. No stop after REX. Undertype obliterated. Seaby 3768; ESC 164. Good VF. ($2‫)ש‬



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1531. George III. 1820. AV Sovereign. Laureate head / St. George and dragon. Coarse hair, legend type B. Seaby 3785C; KM 674. EF. ($300)






1532. George ΙΠ. 1817. AV Half Sovereign. Laureate head / Shield. Seaby 3786; KM 673. Une, reflective surfaces, frosted relief. ($400) 1528. George III. 1811. JE Pattern 5 Shilling - Sixpence Bank Token. Laureate bust right / Britannia seated left. ESC 195; Davis 31; KM PnD68. EF. ($450)

1529. George III. 1812. AR Pattern 9 Pence Bank Token. Laureate bust right / BANK TOKEN 9D1812 in wreath. Seaby 3773 (£900); ESC 1478; Davis 71. Toned AU. ($450)

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1533. George III. (1820). AR Pattern Crown. Webb and Mills, sculptors. GEORGIVS ΠΙ DEI GRATIA, laureate head right; /M D., TW.F. below / Cruciform shields wirh Order of Garter in center; rose, thistle, shamrock and horse in quarters; Mills Fecit at edge. ESC 221; KM PnB80. Toned AU. ($750)

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1534. George IV. 1820. AR Halfcrown. Seaby 3807; ESC 628. / / William ΠΙ. 1834. AR Halfcrown. Seaby 3834; ESC 662. Both toned EF. 2 coins in lot. ($200)




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1540. William IV. 1837. AV Sovereign. Second head / Shield. Seaby 3829B; KM 717. EF. (AU 58 in PCGS slab). ($500)

1535. George IV. 1826. JE Bronzed Proof Penny. Laureate head left / Britannia seated right. Peck 1428; Seaby 3823. / / 1826. JE Bronzed Proof Halfpenny. Peck 1434; Seaby 3824. Both As Struck, slightly dulled surfaces. 2 coins in lot. ($300)

1541. William IV. 1831. JE Bronzed Proof Penny. Head right / Britannia seated right. Medal orientation (Î). Peck 1456; Seaby 3845. As Struck, lustrous surfaces. ($300)

1536. George IV. 1826. JE Bronzed Proof Halfpenny. Laureate head left / Britannia seated right. Peck 1434; Seaby 3824. As Struck, reflective surfaces.

($200) 1542. William IV. 1831. JE Bronzed Proof Penny. Head right / Britannia seated right. Coin orientation (i). Peck 1457; Seaby 3845. As Struck. ($300)

1537. George IV. 1826. JE Bronzed Proof Halfpenny. Laureate head left / Britannia seated right. Peck 1434; Seaby 3824. EF, some surfaces marks. ($125)

1543. William IV. 1831. JE Bronzed Proof Halfpenny. Head right / Britannia seated right. Coin orientation (1). Peck 1463; Seaby 3847. As Struck. ($200)

1538. George IV. 1826. JE Bronzed Proof Farthing. Laureate head left / Britannia seated right Peck 1440; Seaby 3825. As Struck, reflective surfaces. ($150)

1544. William IV. 1831. JE Bronzed Proof Halfpenny. Head right / Britannia seated right. Coin orientation (i). Peck 1463; Seaby 3847. EF, surface marks. ($150)

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1539. William IV. 1831. AV Sovereign. First head / Shield. No stops at W W on truncation. Seaby 3829A (listed as "Extremely Rare"). EF, light scratch, minor hairlines. ($750)

1545. William IV. 1831. JE Bronzed Proof Farthing. Head right / Britannia seated right. Coin orientation (I). Peck 1468; Seaby 3848. As Struck. ($200)


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1555. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. London mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1556. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. London mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon Various dates in the 1870‫׳‬s and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1557. Victoria. Lot of eight AV Sovereigns. London mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon. Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 8 coins in lot. ($600)

1546. William IV. 1834. JE Penny. Head right / Britannia seated right. Peck 1459; Seaby 3845. Red Une. ($4M)

1558. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. Geoige and the dragon Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1547. William IV. 1835. JE Gilt Third Farthing. For use in Malta. Head right / Britannia seated right. Peck 1477; Seaby 3850. Une. ($2W)

1559. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. Geoige and the dragon. Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1560. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1548. Victoria. 1875M. AV Sovereign. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon. Seaby 3857; KM 7 (Australia). Une, light bag marks. ($400)

1561. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. Geoige and the dragon Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1562. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. Geoige and the dragon. Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot ($750)

1563. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. Sydney mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon Various dates in the 1870‫׳‬s and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750) 1549. Victoria. 1876M. AV Sovereign. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon. Seaby 3857; KM 7 (Australia). Une, light bag marks. ($400) 1550. Victoria. Lot of nine AV Sovereigns. London mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon. 1871,1872,1873,1874,1876,1878,1880,1884, 1885. Average VF to EF. 9 coins in lot. ($750)

1551. Victoria. Lot of thirteen AV Sovereigns. Melbourne mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon. 1873,1874,1875,1876,1877,1878,1879, 1880,1881,1882,1883,1884,1885. Average VF to EF. 13 coins in lot.

1564. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. Sydney mint. Young head / St. Geoige and the dragon Various dates in the 1870's and 1880's. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1565. Victoria. Lot of five AV Sovereigns. Melbourne and Sydney mints. Young head / St. George and the dragon. Various dates in the 1870's and 1880‫׳‬s. Average VF. 5 coins in lot. ($400)


1552. Victoria. Lot of eleven AV Sovereigns. Sydney mint. Young head / St. George and the dragon. 1873,1874,1875,1876,1880,1881,1882,1883, 1884,1886,1887. Average VF to EF. 11 coins in lot. ($1000) 1553. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. London mint. Young head / St. Geoige and the dragon Various dates in the 1870's and 1880‫׳‬s. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750) 1554. Victoria. Lot of ten AV Sovereigns. London mint. Young head / St. Geoige and the dragon. Various dates in the 1870‫׳‬s and 1880‫׳‬s. Average VF. 10 coins in lot. ($750)

1566. Victoria. 1847. AR Proof Gothic Crown. A N N O REGNIUNDECIMO. Seaby 3883; ESC 288. EF, light handling marks. ($600)


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1572. Edward VII. 1908. AR Maundy Set. 1,2,3,4 Pence. In original dated case. Seaby 3985; KM MDS165. Toned Une, case rather tattered. 4 coins. ($60)

1567. Victoria. 1847. AR Proof Gothic Crown. ANNO REGNI UNDECIMO. Seaby 3883; ESC 288. EF, light handling marks. ($6TO) 1573. George V. 1911. AV Proof 2 Pounds. Coronation issue. Head right / St. George and the dragon. Mintage 2,812. Seaby 3995; KM 821. Mint State. ($1000)

1568. Victoria. 1847. AR Proof Crown. Gothic bust / Cruciform arms. Plain edge. Seaby 3883; ESC 291. AU, hairlined fields. ($6M) 1569. Victoria. Lot of two AR Shillings. 1861,1862. Young head. Seaby 3904. Both Une. 2 coins in lot. ($350)

1574. George VI. 1937. Coronation Gold Proof Set. 5 Pounds, 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. In original red leatherette case of issue. Coins lightly toned, case is virtually pristine. Seaby PS 15; KM PS 22.4 coins in original case. ($1800)

1570. Victoria. 1839. JE Bronzed Proof Penny. Head left / Britannia seated right. Peck 1479; Seaby 3948. / / 1853. JE Proof Halfpenny. Peck 1541; Seaby 3949. Both As Struck, a few light hairlines on the halfpenny. 2 coins in lot. ($3‫)ש‬

1571. Edward VII. 1910C. AV Sovereign. Ottawa mint Seaby 3970; KM 14 (Canada). AU, bag marks. ($3‫)ש‬

1575. George VI. 1937. Coronation Gold Proof Set. 5 Pounds, 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. In original red leatherette case of issue. Coins hairlined, case showing wear. Seaby PS 15; KM PS 22.4 coins in original case. ($1500)


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1589. Elizabeth Π. 1988.3 piece Proof Set. AV 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 60; KM PS 57. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($450)

1590. Elizabeth II. 1988.4 piece Britannia Proof Set. AV £1M, £50, £25, £10. Seaby PS 61; KM PS 56. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($750)

1576. George VI. 1937. AV Proof Sovereign. Head left / St. George and the dragon. Mintage 5,501. Seaby 4076; KM 859. Mint State, cloudy toning. ($3‫)ש‬ 1577. Elizabeth II. 1979,1981. AV Proof Sovereigns (2 coins). Seaby 4204; KM 919. / / 1 9 8 5 . AV Half Sovereign. Seaby 4205; KM 922. Royal Mint cases and capsules. / / Plus a George ΠΙ1788 AV Guinea. Fine, removed from jewelry. 4 coins in lot. ($200)

1578. Elizabeth II. 1980. 4 piece Proof Set. AV 5 Pounds, 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 31 ; KM PS 37. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($750)

1579. Elizabeth II. 1980. 4 piece Proof Set. AV 5 Pounds, 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 31; KM PS 37. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($750)

1591. SCOTLAND. Francis and Mary. 1550. ARTestoon (5.90gm). FRAN ET MA D G RR FRANCO SCOTOR Q, crowned arms of France and Scotland flanked by cross and saltire / VICIT LEO DE TRIBVIVDA, crowned monogram flanked by crowned lis and thistle. Burns 13; Seaby 5418. Good VF. ($300)

1580. Elizabeth Π. 1980. AV Proof Sovereigns (2 coins). Seaby 4204; KM 919. / / AV Half Sovereigns (4 coins). Seaby 4205; KM 922. Royal Mint cases and capsules. 6 coins in lot. ($350)

1581. Elizabeth Π. 1981.9 piece Britannia Proof Set. Royal Wedding. AV 5 Pounds, AV Sovereign, AR Wedding Crown (now obsolete), 50p-l/2p. ($750) Seaby PS 32; KM PS 40. Royal Mint case and capsules.

1582. Elizabeth II. 1982. 4 piece Proof Set. AV 5 Pounds, 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 36; KM PS 42. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($750)

1592. SCOTLAND. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR 30 Shillings (14.62 gm). Mule of Briot's London and Scottish dies. King left on horseback; mm: Β flower / Crowned arms; mm: Β thistle head. Burns 6; Seaby 5553. Good VF. ($400)

1583. Elizabeth II. 1983.3 piece Proof Set. AV 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 39; KM PS 44. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($450)

1584. Elizabeth Π. 1984.3 piece Proof Set. AV 5 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 42; KM PS 46. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($450)

1585. Elizabeth II. 1985. 4 piece Proof Set. AV 5 Pounds, 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 46; KM PS 48. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($750)

1586. Elizabeth II. 1986.3 piece Proof Set. AV 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 50; KM PS 50. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($450)

1593. SCOTLAND. Charles 1.1625-1649. AR 30 Shillings (14.89 gm). Falconer's second issue. 1637-1642. King left on horseback; smooth ground and F below; mm: leaved thistle / Crowned arms; mm: leaved thistle. Bums 38; Seaby 5555. Toned EF, light adjustment marks. ($500)

1587. Elizabeth II. 1987.3 piece Proof Set. AV 2 Pounds, Sovereign and Half Sovereign. Seaby PS 54; KM PS 53. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($450) I f you 1588. Elizabeth II. 1987. 4 piece Britannia Proof Set. AV £100, £50, £25, £10. Seaby PS 55; KM PS 52. Royal Mint case and capsules. ($750)

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Classical Numistnatic

Group, Inc.

An Important Selection of Irish Coinage

1598. Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.11 gm). +SIHTRC RE+ DYFL, bust left; cross boutonée and pellet behind / +HIIHRiitllK Ο GVH (retrograde), voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6125; SCBI Ulster—.Toned, near EF. ($600)

1594. Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.13 gm). +SIHTRC RE+ DYFL, bust left; cross boutonée and pellet behind / +F/EREMN M O DYFL, voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6122; SCBI Copenhagen 58. Good VF. ($500)

1595. Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.12 gm). +ZINTRC RE DYF, bust left; cross boutonée behind / +F/ERIMEN IO DYFL, voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6122; SCBI Ulster II49. VF, warped flan, small edge chip. ($400)

1599. Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.10 gm). +NTIRC RE+ ΠΙΝΙ, bust left; cross boutonée behind / +FERNIN IO INIL, voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6125; SCBI Copenhagen 66ff. NearEF. ($600)

1600. Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.10 gm). +SC3IDN+Rm1N, bust left; X on neck, cross pattée behind / + AIRNN RN 3TIO ON, voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6125; cf. SCBI Ulster 54. Near EF. ($600)

Rare Phase II Hiberno-Norse Penny

1596. Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.25 gm). +SIHTRC RE+ DYFM, bust left; pellet behind / +IF/ERnEIIF MO IDIEI, voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6122; cf. SCBI BMC 63. VF, warped flan. ($400)

1601. Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.14 gm). +ZMTRC RE+ HI, bust left; three widely spaced pellets on neck, Λ behind / +IPIIETLI N O DNL, voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6125; cf. Roth, BNJ1909,54. Toned EF. Rare obverse field symbol, not recorded with blundered legends. ($750)

1597. IRELAND, Hiberno-Norse. Phase II. Circa 1015-1035. AR Penny (1.28 gm). +SIHTRC RE+ DYFLMI, bust left; cross pattée behind / +SIVLT M O DYFLI, voided cross with pellets in quarters. Seaby 6122; SCBI Copenhagen 62. Good VF. Scarce moneyer. ($750)

1602. Hiberno-Norse. Phase III. Circa 1035-1060. AR Penny (0.92 gm). +MITMIRIIDIDIEIA, bust left; cross of pellets on neck / +IN PIPI NI IDI, voided cross with one hand, S and two pellets. Seaby 6133; SCBI Ulster Π 278 (same dies). VF'. ($300)


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1607. IRELAND, Hibemo-Norse. Phase V. Circa 1065-1095. AR Penny (0.72 gm). Crude bust ("porcupine") left; bolder ΠΠ / Large, central cross pattée, surrounded by four groups of .‫׳‬.. Cf. Seaby 6160 (small cross); SCBI Ulster Π 339. Good VF for type. Extremely Rare, only a few examples known with a larger cross. ($1000) 1603. Hibemo-Norse. Phase IV. Circa 1060-1065. AR Penny (1.01 gm). Garbled legend, crude bust left; cross of dots on neck, two dots before, scattered dots behind / Garbled legend, voided cross with crude hand, groups of pellets and X in quarters. Seaby 6134; SCBI BMC 145. EF, sharp strike. Possibly the finest known example. ($1000)

1608. Hibemo-Norse. Phase V. Circa 1065-1095. AR Penny (0.72 gm). Crude bust ("porcupine") left; cross in front, border ΙΙΠ / Central pellet-inannulet, surrounded by four + and four groups of .‫־‬.. Seaby 6160; SCBI Ulster II342 (same obverse die?). Good VF for type. Extremely Rare, unrecorded combination of dies. ($1000) 1604. Hibemo-Norse. Phase V. Circa 1065-1095. AR Penny (0.85 gm). Garbled legend, crude bust right / Garbled legend, voided cross with group of .·. and hand in quarters. Seaby 6138ff; cf. Roth, BN] 1909,81 for similar reverse with additional pellets. Good VF. Only known specimen with this reverse type. ($12‫)ש‬

1609. Hibemo-Norse. Phase VI. Circa 1095-1110. AR Penny (0.61 gm). Crude bust left; sceptre on neck, crozier in front / Voided cross with sceptres, .·.and pellet in quarters. Seaby 6187; SCBI Ulster Π 376ff. Good VF, black patina. Exceptionally sharp strike for this crude issue. ($400) 1605. Hibemo-Norse. Imitating Edward the Confessor. Phase V. Circa 1065-1095. AR Penny (0.86 gm). Garbled legend, crude bust right; crozier in front, cross pattée behind / Garbled legend, small cross with two groups of .‫׳‬. (based on Edward's type - Seaby 1173). Seaby 6147; SCBI Copenhagen 258. Good VF. Rare. ($1500) Ex Pegg Collection (Spink's, October 1970), lot 746. 1610. John, as Lord. 1190-1199. AR Halfpenny (0.71 gm). Dublin. +IOHANNES DOM, "Moon" face / +TOMAS O N DVNE, voided cross potent, annulets in angles. Seaby 6205; D&F 39. Good VF. ($150)

Extremely Rare Phase V Penny

1611. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Penny (1.27 gm). Second coinage. 12791302. Dublin. ·E (round E) D W · R ‫ · ׳‬ANGL‫ ·׳‬D NShYB‫׳‬, crowned facing bust in triangle; single pellet under bust / CIVI TAS DVBLINIE, long cross with pellets. Seaby 6252; D&F 68. VF, neat small portrait on large flan. ($125)

1606. Hibemo-Norse. Imitating Edward the Confessor. Phase V. Circa 1065-1095. AR Penny (0.77 gm). +INOI+:NIOETVIMO, crude bust right; .‫׳‬.behind, cross and annulet in front / + .\II0ICICUI0ELVII0n, short cross with"horseshoes" in quarters (based on Edward's pyramid type - Seaby 1184). Seaby 6150; SCBI BMC pg.166, j (referencing a unique specimen from the Beal Boru excavations). Toned EF. Possibly the second known and the only specimen in private hands. ($2000)

1612. Edward 1.1272-1307. AR Halfpenny (0.65 gm). Second coinage. 1279-1302. Dublin. ·E (square E) DW R ANGL D NS hYB, crowned facing bust in triangle / CIVI TAS DVBL INIE, long cross with pellets. Seaby 6259; D&F—. VF. Rare variety without punctuation on obverse. (S200)

1 86

Classical Numistnatic

Group, Inc.

Extremely Rare Edward IV Dublin Groat

1616. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Groat (1.90 gm). Light Cross and Pellets coinage, 1473-1478. Trim. Crowned facing bust; pellets above crown / VILLA DE TRIM, long cross and pellets; extra pellets in two quarters. Seaby 6343; D&F—.VF, clipped. Raie. ($300)

1613. Edward IV. First reign, 1461-1470. AR Groat (2.30 gm). Dublin. Titled Crown coinage, 1463-1465. EDWARDVS DEI GRA DNS hYBERNIE, crown in tressure / POSVI, etc., CIVI TAS DVBLINIE, cross with pellets, extra annulets in first and fourth quarters. Seaby 6282; D&F 105. Near VF, flan crack and scratches. Extremely Rare. ($2750)

1617. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Penny (0.45 gm). Light Cross and Pellets coinage, 1473-1478. Limerick. Crowned facing bust; cinquefoils by neck / CIVI TA6 LIMIRICI, long cross; pellets in quarters. The reverse usually has cinquefoils in two quarters of the cross. This die has been re-cut to replace the cinquefoils with pellets. Seaby 6376; D&F—. Good VF, flan crack. Rare. Unrecorded reverse variety. ($800)

Ex CNG XXVIII (December 8,1993), lot 676; Spink NumCirc (May 1981), lot 4095. Richard, Duke of York, backed by his Irish supporters, led a revolt against Henry VI. Richard would die in battle, and Ins son became Edward IV. Irish minagefrom the beginning of the revolt in 1460 was struck with no royal name, with Edward'sfirst named coinage only appearing in 1463, when his accession was assured.

1618. Henry VII. 1405-1508. AR Groat (1.81 gm). Portrait coinage, 14961505. +hENRICVS DEI GRA REX AN1IEI, facing bust in tressure, saltires on tressure / POSI, etc., CIVITAS DVBLIN, long cross fourchée. Seaby 6460; D&F 198. VF, bent flan, still better than most of the recorded specimens. Rare. ($250)

1614. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Groat (2.40 gm). Heavy Cross and Pellets coinage, 1470-1473. Trim. Crowned facing bust; pellets above crown / VILLA DE TRIM, long cross and pellets. Seaby 6312; D&F—. VF, holed. Rare. ($200) 1619. Henry VII. 1405-1508. AR Halfgroat (0.94 gm). Portrait coinage, 1496-1505. (hEN)RICVS DEI GRACIA REX(...), facing bust in tressure, with arched ‫״‬wickerwork‫ ״‬crown / POSVI, etc., CIVITAS DVBLINE, long cross. Seaby 6465 (‫״‬Extremely rare‫ ;)״‬D&F—. VT, chipped flan. Possibly the third known example; one of the other two specimens, in the Ulster Museum and illustrated in Seaby and Dolley, is bent and cracked. ($600)

1615. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AR Groat (1.99 gm). Light Cross and Pellets coinage, 1473-1478. Limerick. +EDWAR.., crowned facing bust; quatrefoils by neck; L on breast / POSVI, etc., CIVI TAS* LIMI RICI, long cross; pellets and cinquefoils in quarters. Seaby 6340; D&F—. VF, strong portrait, short flan crack. ($250)


Our ne^çt sale is C9{Q Auction 43, a mailbidsaie, scheduled for September17,1997. Calleither of our offices for further details!

Classical Numistnatic


1623. Lot of twenty-four Celtic and Anglo-Saxon AR and /Έ. Annonça. Billon Staters (2 coins). / / Aedui. AR Quinarius. / / Trinovantes. Cunobeline. /E Unit (2 coins). / / Iceni. Anted. AR Unit (4 coins). / / Boudicca (2 coins). / / Anglo-Saxon. Frisian series. ARSceats (4 coins). / / Northumbria. Aethelred Π. Sceats (2 coins). / / Y o r k . Wigmund.Sceats(4coins). / / Mercia. Burgred. AR Penny. / / Edward the Confesssor. AR Penny. //Aethelred Π. AR Penny. Average Fine to VF, the last three pennies chipped. LOTSOLD AS IS, NO RETURNS. 24 coins in lot. ($600)

1624. Lot of twenty AR and /E. Armorica. Northumbria. Aethelred Π. Sceats (10 coins). / / H e n r y EH. AR Penny. / / Edward I AR Pennies (4 coins). / / Henry VI. AR Groat. / / Elizabeth I. AR Sixpence. / / James I. AR Halfcrown. / / William and Mary. AR Halfcrown. / / Birmingham Halfpenny token. Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 20 coins in lot. ($200) 1620. Elizabeth I. AR Shilling (5.76 gm). Third coinage, 1601-1602. Arms / Crowned harp; mm: uncertain. Cf. Seaby 6507; D&F 252. Near EF, exceptional for issue. ($800)

1625. Lot of seven AR Pennies. Aethelred Π. Moneyer Aethestan. Seaby 1144. / / Moneyer Leofrith. Seaby 1151. / / Moneyer Godric on Canterbury. Seaby 1154. / / Henry I. Moneyer Dereman. Seaby 1276. / / Henry II. Moneyer Willam on Carlisle. Seaby 1340 (2 coins). / / Moneyer Pieres. Seaby 1342. Average Fine to VF, the Saxon pennies with peck marks. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 7 coins in lot. ($400) 1626. Lot of one-hundred English Hammered and Milled AR and 7E. Includes the following: Henry I / / Henry Π (3 coins) / / John (6 coins) / / Henry ΠΙ (5 coins) / / Edward I (5 coins, one of which has been halved) / / Edwaid Π / / Edward ΠΙ / / Henry V / / Henry VI (2coins) / / Edward IV (2 coins) / / Henry VH (2 coins) / / Henry VIII (3coins) / / Edward VI / / Philip and Mary / / Elizabeth I (5 coins, one of which has been bent and straightened) / / Mary (2 coins) / / James I (3 coins) / / Charles 1(11 coins) / / Commonwealth / / Charles Π / / J a m e s Π / / William and Mary (3 coins) / / William ΠΙ / / Anne (2 coins) / / George I (2 coins) / / Geoige Π (9 coins) / / George III (13 coins) / / George IV (3 coins) / / Victoria (6 coins) / / Edward VII / / Geoige V / / George VI. Lot also includes two Anglo-Gallic coins, two 16th century lead tavern tokens, plus thirteen other related coins, medals and tokens. Average Fair to Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 117coinsinlot. ($750)


1621. The Great Rebellion. 1649. AR Fourré Crown (28.62 gm). "Ormonde" issue. In the name of Charles Π. Crowned C+R / S V; S with ornate curled serifs. Cf. Seaby 6544; D&F 291. Good VF, test cut and small area of broken plating. Rare contemporary imitation. ($500)

1627. Lot of twelve AR and 7E. Henry Π. AR Tealby Penny. / / Henry Π. AR Short Cross Penny of London. / / Edward I. AR Penny of London. / / Henry VI. AR Groat. Pinecone-mascle issue of London. / / Henry VI. AR Halfgroat. Annulets issue of Calais. / / Henry VII. AR Halfpenny. / / Henry Vm. AR Halfgroat of Canterbury. / / Elizabeth I. AR Penny. / / Charles I. AR Shilling. Tun mm. / / George 1.1718. /E Farthing. / / George IV. 1825. AR Shilling. / / Victoria. 1887. AR Gothic Florin. Several nice high grade coins in lot. Average Fine to Good VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 12 coins in lot. ($400)

1628. Lot of eighty English Hammered and Milled AR and TE. Includes the following: Edwaid Π (2 coins) / / Henry VHI / / Edwaid VI / / Charles I (2 coins) / / Commonwealth / / Charles Π (5 coins) / / James Π (3 coins) / / William and Mary / / William ffl (2 coins) / / Anne (2 coins) / / George Π / / George III (17 coins) / / George IV (9 coins) / / William IV (8 coins) / / Victoria (lOcoins) / / E d w a i d Vn (2 coins) / / G e o i g e V (13 coins) / / G e o i g e VI. Lot also includes a Hiberno-Norse penny (holed), a Penny of George ΠΙ fromIsleofMan,a Half-penny token of Victoria from New Brunswick, and a rare Half Dollar of Victoria from Hong Kong. Average Fine to EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 84 coins in lot. ($600) 1622. George III. 1804. AR Proof 6 Shilling Bank Token. Laureate bust / Hibemia seated left, resting against harp. Seaby 6615; D&F 616; KM Tnl. EF, small abrasion in field behind bust. ($500)

1629. Lot of forty AR and 7E. Hammered AR, Henry III through Commonwealth. Includes Groat and Penny of Henry VHI, Shilling of Edward VI, 1652 Commonwealth Shilling. (30 coins). / / Milled coinage, James Π through William IV. (9 coins). / / Ireland. Groat of Philip and Mary. Conditions range from Unidentifiable to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RÉTURNS. 40 coins in lot. ($250)

1 86

Classical Numistnatic 1630. Lot of three AR Halfcrowns. Edward VI. 1551. Seaby 2480. / / Elizabeth 1.1601. Seaby 2583. / / James I. (1624). Mm: trefoil. Seaby 2666. Average Fine. 3 coins in lot. ($500) 1631. Lot of six AR of Charles I. Shillings. Mm: harp. Brooker 474. / / Mm: portcullis. Brooker 481. / / Mm: Δ. Brooker 532. / / Mm: Δ in circle. Brooker 549. / / Sixpence. Mm: anchor. Brooker 634. / / Briot's issue. Mm: flower and B. Brooker 719. Average Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot. ($250) 1632. Lot of six AR. William ΠΙ. 1698. Halfcrown. Seaby 3494. VF. / / George Π.1746 LIMA. Halfcrown. Seaby 3695A. Good VF. / / George IV. 1822. Crown. Seaby 3805. VF. //Victoria. 1844. Crown. Seaby 3882. VF. / / Edward VU. 1902. Crown. Seaby 3978. EF. / / Geoige V. 1927. Proof Crown. Seaby 4306. EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 6 coins in lot. ($3(‫ש‬ 1633. Lot of forty-two AR and JE. AR Shillings of James I and William ΙΠ. / / AR Sixpences of Elizabeth I and James I. / / AR 18 Pence of Geoige ΠΙ. / / JE Halfpennies of Charles Π. / / William and Mary. / / George I (2 coins). //GeorgeΠ(5coins).GeorgeΙΠ(7coins). //GeorgeIV(2coins). / / I r e l a n d . Gun Money of James Π. Halfcrown and Shilling. / / Halfpennies of Charles Π (2 coins). / / William and Mary. / / George Π. / / George m . / / Isle of Man 1758 Halfpenny. / / British "evasion" Halfpennies (4 coins). / / 18th and 19th century Tokens and medals (7 pieces). Average Fair to Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 42 coins in lot. ($150) 1634. Lot of five gold coins. George IV. AV Sovereign. 1824. Seaby 3800. / / 1826. AV Sovereign. Seaby 3801. / / William IV. AV Sovereign. Seaby 3829B. / / Victoria. 1887. AV 2 Pounds. Seaby 3865. / / Edward VH. 1902. AV 2 Pounds. Seaby 3967. The Victoria is full weight gold, but is either harshIy cleaned or not original. The rest have been removed from jewelry. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 5 coins in lot. ($450) 1635. Lot of eleven AR Crowns and Halfcrowns. Crowns. Charles U. 1668,1676. / / WiUiam and Mary. 1691. / / William ffl. 1696. / / Anne. N o plumes. 1708. / / George ffl. 1818. / / George ffl. Bank of England Dollar. 1804. / / Bank of Ireland Dollar. 1804. (graffiti) / / Halfcrowns. William and Mary. 1689. / / George ffl. 1817. / / Victoria. 1887.18th century pieces are Fair, others VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 11 coins in lot. ($3TO) 1636. Lot of six AR Halfcrowns. Charles Π. 1672. Seaby 3366. / / J a m e s Π. 1685. Seaby 3408. / / George 1.1720. Seaby 3642. / / George Π. 1739. Seaby 3693. / / George II. 1746 LIMA. Seaby 3695A. / / George ffl. 1818. Seaby 3789. Average Fine to VF. 6 coins in lot. ($6(‫ש‬ 1637. Lot of thirty-two AR. ShiUings. William m . 1696(2), 1696Y. Anne. 1709,1711. George 1.1720,1723. George Π. 1741,1745,1758(2). George ffl. 1787(5-4 with and 1 without hearts). Geoige V. 1911,1917. / / Horins. Victoria. 1869,1881,19‫ש‬. Geoige V. 1918. / / Halfcrown. 1918. / / Crowns. Charles Π. 1671,1672. William ffl. 1696. Elizabeth Π. 1953. / / Ireland. Florin. 1937. Halfcrown. 1930.10 Shillings. 1966(3-1 Proof). Average Fair to VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 32 coins in lot. ($350) 1638. Lot of thirty-five AR 6 Pence. William ffl. 1696(3). / / Anne. 1711. / / George 1.1723SSC(2). / / Georgen. 1743,1745,1746(2), 1757(7), 1758(6). / / George ffl. 1787(8-5 with and 3 without hearts). / / Geoige V. 1914,1925. / / George VI. 1939,1941. Average Fine to VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 35 coins in lot. ($4(‫ש‬ 1639. Lot of thirty-nine AR 3 Pence and 4 Pence. 3 Pence. Charles Π. 1679,1683. William ffl. 1698,1701. Anne. 1704. George ffl. 1762(12), 1763(3). William IV. 1835. Victoria. 1889. / / George V. 1912,1921,1935. George VI. 1942. / / 4 Pence. Charles Π. 1679(6), 1680(2). James Π. 1686. William and Mary. 1689. Anne. 1706,1708. Victoria. 1846. Average Fine to VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 39 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬

1640. Lot of thirty-eight AR Pence. 1 Penny. George 1.1720(3), 1725. George Π. 1732,1740,1743,1754,1758(2), 1759(2). George ffl. 1776,1792(2), 1800(5). / / 11/2Pence. WilliamIV. 1837. Victoria. 1843. / / 2Pence.Charles Π. 1679(2), 1682. James Π. 1686,1687. Anne. 1709,1713. George 1.1721(2), 1726. George Π. 1731,1743,1746,1756(2). George ffl. 1786. Average VF or better. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 38 coins in lot. ($4‫)ש‬

Group, Inc.

1641. Lot of fifty-six Copper and Bronze. 1 / 3 Farthing. 1844. / /Farthing. 1672 (2), 1675,1731,1732,1733,1734,1735,1746,1754,1773(2), 1806,1826(2), 1831,1835,1839,1845,1879,1885(2), 1886. / / Halfpenny. 1694(2), 1699,1718, 1752,1753,1771,1772,1774,1775,1799(3), 1806,1807,1826,1837,1853(2), 1861. / / Penny. 1797(2), 1863. / / 2 Pence. 1797(8). / / Ireland. Halfpenny. 1682. Average Fair to VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 56 coins in lot. ($250) 1642. Lot of five Victoria AR. AR Halfcrown. 1874. Young head. Seaby 3889. / / A R Halfcrown 1893. Old head. Seaby 3938. / / A R Crowns. 1887, 1889(2). Jubilee bust. Seaby 3921. Average EF. 5 coins in lot. ($250) 1643. Lot of thirty English AR and JE of Victoria and Elizabeth II. Crowns. 1847,1892,1899. / / Double Florin. 1887. / / Halfcrown. 1897. / / Florins. 1897,1872. / / Shillings. 1884,1892,1900. / / Sixpence. 1865,1887, 1888,1898. / / Threepence. 1881,1899. / / JE Pennies. 1855,1891,1901. //JE Halfpennies. 1854,1888,1901. //JE Farthings. 1853,1856,1884,1895. Double Horin, Halfcrown and 1884 Shilling Une, 1847 Crown and 1872 Florin Fair, the rest VF to EF. / / Plus Elizabeth Π. 1984-1987. Silver Piefort Proof Set (4 coins in official case). LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 30 coins in lot. ($300) 1644. Lot of seven AR M a u n d y Sets. Anne. 1705. / / George Π. 1735. / / George IV. 1822. / / William IV. 1831. / / Victoria. Young head. 1846. / / Victoria. Old head. 1895. / / Geoige VI. 1937. The first two sets Fine to VF, the rest toned Une., the Victoria sets in contemporary cases. 28 coins in lot. ($350) 1645. Lot of miscellaneous proof and mint sets. England. Elizabeth Π. 1953. Coronation Proof Set. 10 coins, 5 Shillings to Farthing. In original burgundy leatherette case. Coins darkly toned. / /1983. AR Piefort Pound. / / 1985. AR Piefort Pound. In original cases. / / Guernsey. 1971.6 piece Proof Set. In original case. / / Vatican City. 1950.4 piece Mint Set (2 sets). In original cards. 26 coins in lot. ($100)

1646. Lot of miscellaneous tokens. George III. 1812. AR 3 Shillings Bank Token. Seaby 3769. EF. / / 1811. AR 18 Pence Token. Seaby 3771. Une. / / Devonshire. ND. AR Shilling. Eddystone lighthouse. Dalton 1. Good VF. / / Scotland. Thistle Bank of Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Countermarked Spanish 8 reales. Round c / m : THISTLE BANK 4 / 9 / Thistle on Spanish 1801 Mexico City 8 reales. Davis 80; KM CC49. VF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 4 coins in lot. ($300) 1647. Lot of eight AR Trade Dollars. All Bombay mint. 1898,1899(2), 1901,1902,1911(2), 1929. Average EF, 1901 and 1902 Une. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 8 coins in lot. ($300)

1648. Lot of four 17th Century Tokens. Norfolk, Norwich. John Osborn. Dickinson 178. //Worcestershire, Worcester. John Turberville. Dickinson 170. / / Uncertain. THE DILIGENT H A N D MAKETH RICH POS. / / Ireland, Co. Antrim. 1672. Ballymoney. John Hamill. Dickinson 61 A. / / Plus a Scottish 20 Pence of Charles Π. Seaby 5581ff. Average Fine. 5 pieces total in lot. ($150) 1649. Lot of eighteen mostly British Conder Tokens. Includes the following: England: Devonshire. D&H 10 / / Devonshire. D&H 6 / / Dorsetshire. D&H 6 / / Kent. D&H 40 / / Kent. D&H 42a / / Middlesex. D&H 177 / / Middlesex. D&H 415b / / Middlesex. D&H 1060 / / Middlesex. D&H 639 / / Warwickshire. D & H 45 / / Warwickshire. D&H 181 / / Warwickshire. D&H 231 / / Warwickshire. D&H 233 / / Warwickshire. D&H 242a / /Warwickshire. D&H 417a / / Ireland: Dublin. D&H 354a / / Wicklow. D&H 27 / / Scotland: Lanarkshire. D&H 29. Average VF to UNC. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 18 coins in lot. ($200)

1650. Lot of thirty-six Irish, Scottish, and Anglo-Gallic coins. Includes the following: Ireland. Hiberno Norse (3 coins) / / John (2 coins) / / Edward I / / Henry VU! / / James Π (3 coins) / / George H / / George ΠΙ (6 coins) / / Scotland. William the Lion (3 coins) / / Alexander IÏÏ (3 coins) / / J o h n Baliol / / David Π (2 coins) / / Robert Π (2 coins) / / Mary (2 coins) / / Charles I / / Anglo-Gallic. Henry Π / / Edward I (3 coins) / / Henry VI. Average Fine to near EF. LOT SOLD AS IS, N O RETURNS. 36 coins in lot. ($1250)

1 86

GREEK BIBLIOGRAPHY ACNAC AJC AJN Alram AMNG AMUGS Anokhin ANS NNM Asyut Babelon, Traité Babelon, Perses Babelon, Syria Balcer Baldwin, Chios Baldwin Basel Bérend Betlyon BMC Bodenstedt Boehringer Bopearachchi Boston Boston(C) Brunetti Burgos Burnett Cahn-Knidos Cahn-Naxos Cahn-Taras Calciati Calico Caltabiano Carridice CCCBM Clerk De Callatay De la Tour De Luynes Deppert-Lippitz Desneux Dewing Favorito FlorNum Furtwängler Gacbler Giesecke Gobi Gorini Greenwell Gulbenkian Gutman Head Heiss Hendin3 Herrmann Herzfelder Holloway

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Friedberg Gobi, Hunnen Gobi, Kushan Gomez Grierson Hauberg KM Lagerqvist MEC Metcalf LE M&G MNW Muntoni MWI Papadopoli Pannuti Paolucci PdA Pizzi-Lopez Probszt Prou Prou Scarfea Tomasini Van Gelder Vaz Youroukova

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